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Iran was one of the states from the Middle East that used nationalism to keep independent from

imperial rule, but in doing so still westernized and was ruled by Shahs throughout it's history. This
westernization got away from some Islamic fundamentals that stayed within the working class and was
suppressed for years (Gelvin, 2011). By the oil revolution of the 1970's, oil-producing countries like Iran
was enjoying the spoils of this resource (Iranian Revolution, 1979). The Shah of Iran and the ruling class
was benefitting from oil and their alliance with the US (Iranian Revolution, 1979). Not everyone was
enjoying the success the government was enjoying and the working class began to show their
disapproval of the Shah and the elite in Iran (Iranian Revolution, 1979).
The Shah was loosing his grip on the country and with the aid of an Iranian youth movement in their
university, protesters began to demand change in the Iranian government and bring the Islamic
fundamentals back to the front of Iranian life (Iranian Revolution, 1979). The protesters chanted "death
to the Shah" and it was apparent that his rule was in jeperdy (Iranian Revolution, 1979). The Shah still
had the support of the US and was encouraged to stay in power (Iranian Revolution, 1979). One mistake
that the US made was to advise the Shah to not take military action, this tacttic would prove to be costly
in the end and finally the Shah got out of the country to end the Shah's rule since the beginning of the
20th century (Iranian Revolution, 1979).
As the Shah left, the Ayatollah Khomeini would assume power after being in exile for 15 years
(Iranian Revolution, 1979). Khomeini was treated like a holy man and the Iranian people hung on his
every word and deed (Iranian Revolution, 1979). One big difference that Khomeini brought to Iran was
his hatred for the US and ordered all Americans out of the country (Iranian Revolution, 1979). Khomeini
delivered a seris of lectures in 1970 where he denounces the enemies of Islam and says that they have
implanted falsehoods in the minds of the people of Iran and have ousted the Islam religion and justice
from the people in Iran (Gelvin, p.333, 2011). He was making reference to Americans and how the rule of
the Shahs have taken away the need for a prohet, which he would be made out to be in the revolution
(Gelvin, 2011).
In the end, all this hatred cuminated with the taking of American hostages and the rise of Islamic
extremist that would bring terrorism against the US in the late 70's and later throughout our history
since that time (Gelvin, 2011). Lookking back at the whole crisis in Iran, it would appear that maybe the
reason the US avised the Shah not to take military action was that our government realized that he was
on the way out and end the end we were going to have to deal in oil with the new regime and that is just
another reason oil and money will make you warm up to anybody when it comes to the Middle East
(Iranian Revolution, 1979).

The Iranian Revolution (1979). Crisis in Iran: History Channel.

Gelvin, James L. (2011). The Modern Middle East: A History (3rd ed.). Oxford, New York: Oxford
University Press, Inc.

The action of U. S. in handling the Shahs is debatable. Support to Shah was provided as he was an ally
and helped Americans in preserving control over oil. The Americanization of Iran was resented by
fundamentalists and Ayatollah Khomeini got a chance to incite people and made them realize their
mistake. According to him, it was Americans influence drove youth away from traditions of Islam and hr
could sway the opinions of locals in his favor. The U.S. remained a silent and helpless spectator in the
entire episode.

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