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The European Union as an institution and the unity of the assorted nations in general could be

said to have several affects and ramifications. The Union allowed for the implementation of the
Euro, which is a standardized currency that has a value recognized in every nation. This did
away with the need to change from the British pound to the Franc, to the Deutschmark as one
went from Great Britain to France to Germany. European Unity allowed for previous Soviet Bloc
countries to become Westernized and more friendly to the rest of Europe. This was not without
its own problems however. Turkey presented some problems for other countries because of its
predominantly Muslim population, and it called into question whether or not Turkey qualified as
a European country.

The unification of Europe has not been without its problems however. The European Union did
contribute to the economic collapse of Greece, Ireland, and Portugal as well as the threatening of
Spain and Italy's economies and governments. Germany's economy remaining stable and strong
could be said to contribute the stabilization of the Euro and the economy of countries in the
Union, though that has had its own ramifications with the housing crisis in Germany.

The collapse of communism could be said to have both a positive and negative impact on Europe
in the 20th Century. With the collapse of communism, previous Soviet Bloc countries could
consider the option to join the Union and become allies of NATO. However, and this became
apparent with Crimea, Russia has and will feel threatened if they lose their satellite nations and
countries that are 'friendly' to them. While the Cold War may be over, the political situation and
reason for the divide is still there.

The unity of assorted nations in the European continent had several effects on the economy and
political climate of the people living therein. The biggest advantage was the acceptance of euro as a
common currency. It also helped the previous Soviet Bloc countries, who were influenced by communist
ideology to become westernized. Some countries did pose problems due to the religion they were
following. Furthermore, it had severe implications to the economies of some of the countries such as
Spain, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Portugal. Germany was the only nation whose economy remained
stable. The cold war is over, but its aftermath is still persisting in terms of ethnic violence, stagnation of
economies etc

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