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Cronologa de los eventos

El ao 1808 vio la invasin francesa de Espaa. Lo creas o no, los acontecimientos internos
en Espaa fueron los principales factores que llevaron a la Revolucin Mexicana. Napolen
Bonaparte, el famoso general francs, invadi Portugal y Espaa, paralizando los poderes de
la Pennsula Ibrica. En ese momento, Mxico era el centro de la Nueva Espaa , una gran
colonia que se extenda por todo Mxico, Mesoamrica y el Caribe. La nueva Espaa
aprovech la precaria posicin de Espaa durante las guerras napolenicas, dando pasos
decisivos hacia la independencia.
El 16 de septiembre de 1810, un sacerdote catlico, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla , dirigi un
llamado a la revolucin desde la ciudad de Dolores, iniciando oficialmente la Revolucin
Mexicana. Hoy, 16 de septiembre se celebra como Da de la Independencia de Mxico. Las
palabras exactas del discurso de Hidalgo son disputadas, pero apel a las ideas de
independencia, el temor de Napolen y las races indgenas de Mxico contra los opresores
Hidalgo encabez una serie de revueltas exitosas, matando a los espaoles en todo Mxico y
casi reclamando la victoria en el ao anterior, antes de ser rechazado, derrotado y ejecutado
en 1811. Sus restos fueron exhibidos pblicamente para disminuir cualquier nueva revolucin,
pero esto slo ayud a alimentar la continuacin del movimiento. La guerra de guerrillas
continu en todo Mxico durante casi una dcada contra las fuerzas realistas.
En Mxico, 21 de febrero de 1821, es el da atribuido al Ejrcito de las Tres Garantas. La
revolucin mexicana tom un giro decisivo a favor de los rebeldes mexicanos en 1821, cuando
el general espaol Agustn de Iturbide desert y se uni a los rebeldes. El ejrcito resultante
se conoci como el Ejrcito de las Tres Garantas, que barri a travs de Mxico en los
prximos meses. La batalla de Azcapotzalco fue la ltima gran batalla de la Revolucin
Mexicana, que llev a la firma del Tratado de Crdoba, declarando la independencia del
imperio mexicano. Sin embargo, la corona espaola se neg a reconocer el tratado, y la lucha

January 17, 1811: The Battle of Calderon Bridge

On January 17, 1811, a rebellious army of peasants and workers led by Father
Miguel Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende fought a smaller but better equipped
and trained Spanish force at Calderon Bridge, outside of Guadalajara. The
stunning rebel defeat helped drag out Mexico's War of Independence for
years and led to the capture and execution of Allende and Hidalgo

Timeline of Events
The year 1808 saw the French Invasion of Spain. Believe it or not, internal events within Spain
were the main factors leading to the Mexican Revolution. Napolean Bonaparte, the famous
French general, invaded Portugal and Spain, crippling the powers of the Iberian Peninsula. At
the time, Mexico was the center of New Spain, a large colony that extended throughout
Mexico, Mesoamerica, and the Caribbean. New Spain took advantage of Spain's precarious
position during the Napoleonic Wars, making decisive moves toward independence.
On September 16, 1810, a Catholic priest, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, led a call for revolution
from the town of Dolores, officially starting the Mexican Revolution. Today, September 16th is
celebrated as Mexican Independence Day. The exact words of Hidalgo's speech are
contested, but he appealed to ideas of independence, fear of Napoleon, and to Mexico's
indigenous roots against Spanish oppressors.
Hidalgo led a series of successful revolts, killing Spaniards throughout Mexico and nearly
claiming victory within the year before being pushed back, defeated, and executed in 1811. His
remains were publicly displayed to detract against any further revolution, but this only helped to
fuel the continuation of the movement. Guerrilla warfare continued throughout Mexico for
nearly a decade against royalist forces.
In Mexico, February 21, 1821, is the day attributed to the Army of the Three Guarantees. The
Mexican Revolution took a decisive turn in favor of the Mexican rebels in 1821, when the
Spanish General Agustin de Iturbide defected and joined forces with the rebels. The resultant
army became known as the Army of the Three Guarantees, who swept across Mexico in the
coming months. The Battle of Azcapotzalco was the last major battle of the Mexican
Revolution, which led to the signing of the Treaty of Cordoba, declaring the independence of
the Mexican empire. However, the Spanish crown refused to recognize the treaty, and the
fighting continued.

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