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Acta Neurol Scand 2007: 115 (Suppl.

186): 715 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard

No claim to original US government works

Advances in the pathophysiology of status

Chen JWY, Naylor DE, Wasterlain CG. Advances in the J. W. Y. Chen, D. E. Naylor,
pathophysiology of status epilepticus. C. G. Wasterlain
Acta Neurol Scand 2007: 115 (Suppl. 186): 715. Department of Neurology and Brain Research Institute,
2007 Blackwell Munksgaard. No claim to original US government Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and VA Greater Los
works. Angeles Health Care System, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Status epilepticus (SE) describes an enduring epileptic state during All authors declare no conflict of interests
which seizures are unremitting and tend to be self-perpetuating. We
describe the clinical phases of generalized convulsive SE, impending
SE, established SE, and subtle SE. We discuss the physiological and
biochemical cascades which characterize self-sustaining SE (SSSE) in
animal models. At the transition from single seizures to SSSE, GABAA
(gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors move from the synaptic
membrane to the cytoplasm, where they are functionally inactive. This
reduces the number of GABAA receptors available for binding GABA
or GABAergic drugs, and may in part explain the development of time-
dependent pharmacoresistance to benzodiazepines and the tendency of
seizures to become self-sustaining. At the same time, spare subunits of
AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid)
and NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartic acid) receptors move from Claude G. Wasterlain, Department of Neurology, Geffen
subsynaptic sites to the synaptic membrane, causing further School of Medicine at UCLA, and VA Greater Los
Angeles Health Care System, West L.A. VA Medical
hyperexcitability and possibly explaining the preserved sensitivity to Center (127), 11301 Wilshire Boulevard, West Los
NMDA blockers late in the course of SE. Maladaptive changes in Angeles, CA 90073, USA
neuropeptide expression occur on a slower time course, with depletion Tel.: +1 310 268 3595
of the inhibitory peptides dynorphin, galanin, somatostatin and Fax: +1 310 268 4611
neuropeptide Y, and with an increased expression of the proconvulsant e-mail:
tachykinins, substance P and neurokinin B. Finally, SE-induced
neuronal injury and epileptogenesis are briey discussed. Accepted for publication 11 December, 2006

the natural course of SE in 38 patients and

recognized three distinct phases in its clinical
Status epilepticus (SE) describes a unique patho- evolution: an early phase of pseudo-status, fol-
logical state, an enduring epileptic condition lowed by two succeeding phases of convulsive and
during which seizures tend to become self-perpet- stuporous status. Recent experimental and clinical
uating. It is distinct from a series of severe seizures, evidence (58) supports that subdivision.
and this was already recognized by Trousseau (1): Unfortunately, we have seen only limited pro-
in the status epilepticus, something happens (in the gress in our understanding and treatment of
brain) which requires an explanation. Powerful SE. Recent population-based statistics in Virginia
inhibitory mechanisms quickly terminate even show that mortality rate is still 14% in young
severe seizures, but fail during SE. As a result, adults and 38% in the elderly (9). The VA
SE rarely terminates spontaneously before exhaus- Cooperative Study actually found a mortality
tion and brain damage sets in. rate of 55% in adults (6). In children, mortality
Status epilepticus was rst described in the rate was found to be only 3% in the Richmond
XXVXXVI tablets of the Sakikku cuneiform study (9), and both mortality and sequellae may
written during the 7th or 8th century bc (2), but have been reduced during the last 30 years
it was not until 1876 that SE was clinically dened (10, 11), but reports of SE-associated neuronal
by Bourneville (3), as more or less incessant injury (12) or of brain atrophy following SE are
seizures. In 1903, Clark and Prout (4) described still frequent (1320).

Chen et al.

Very few placebo-controlled trials of the treat- more than 5 min. Previous authors have used a
ment of SE have been carried out (6, 21, 22). Most similar concept, e.g. early heralds of status (4) or
new antiepileptic drugs are not available in intra- early SE (35). Established status epilepticus is
venous form for treating SE, and no drug has ever dened as clinical or electrographic seizures lasting
been accepted for the treatment of SE based on more than 30 min without full recovery of con-
type I evidence of efcacy and safety. This deplor- sciousness between seizures. The transformation
able state of affairs makes it all the more imper- from impending SE to established SE is probably a
ative that we try to understand SE and its continuum, and at best could only be approximated
consequences, in order to develop more effective by time parameters. But there is good support in
treatments. In this review, we try to dene SE and the clinical and experimental literature for a cut-off
to summarize recent progress in the pathophysio- at 30 min: this is the time constant of transformation
logical mechanisms that initiate and maintain it. from prolonged seizure to SE in the Richmond data
(7, 8), and the time when SE has become self-
sustaining in experimental animals (5), when
The definition of SE
SE-induced damage becomes evident (31), and
Earlier clinical descriptions were restricted to gen- when pharmacoresistance to anticonvulsant has
eralized tonicclonic SE. In the rst international developed (6, 33, 36). The term subtle status
meeting on SE, the Xth Marseilles Colloquium in epilepticus was coined by Treiman (6) to describe
1962, Gastaut (23) stated that there are as many the late, burned-out stage of SE during which both
types of status as there are types of epileptic the motor and electroencephalographic (EEG)
seizures and dened SE as a term used whenever a expression of seizures becomes less orid. This
seizure persists for a sufcient length of time or is stage is similar to the stuporous stage described
repeated frequently enough to produce a xed or by Clark and Prout (4).
enduring epileptic condition (24). He suggested
that the diagnosis of SE requires 3060 min of
enduring epileptic condition, but did not formally Basic mechanisms: current concepts
include time parameters in his denition. In spite of
Self-sustaining SE
its qualities, the difculty of applying Gastauts
denition in clinical settings and clinical trials One of the distinguishing feature of SE is the self-
quickly became evident. To solve this dilemma, sustaining, or in Gastauts words, enduring epi-
time-dependent denitions of SE became widely leptic condition. Models of self-sustaining SE
accepted. The duration of what is accepted as SE (SSSE) were developed by a number of investiga-
shortened from 30 min in the guidelines of the tors (5, 3745). In most electrical and chemical
Epilepsy Foundation of Americas Working Group models of SE initiated in conscious, unanesthetized
on Status Epilepticus (25) to 20 min (26) to 10 min animals, seizures rapidly become self-sustaining
in the VA Cooperative Trial (6), and recently in the despite the withdrawal of the epileptogenic stimu-
operational denition of SE to 5 min (2729). This lus. Human data are far less clear, but show that
trend reects the need to nd a denition of SE that seizures which last more than 30 min rarely stop
does not delay therapeutic intervention, even if not spontaneously (8). Fig. 1 demonstrates that, after
all such patients are in a true enduring epileptic 30 min of intermittent stimulation of an excitatory
condition. Early therapeutic intervention mitigates glutamatergic pathway (gray bar) in the rat,
the risk of SE-induced neuronal injury (5, 30, 31) stopping the stimulation no longer stops electro-
and of the time-dependent development of phar- graphic (Fig. 1A,C) or behavioral (Fig. 1B) sei-
macoresistance (32, 33). zures, which self-perpetuate for many hours and
eventually become subtle (Fig. 1C; 12 h). Vice-
domini and Nadler showed that these properties
The sequential phases of SE: impending SE, established SE, and
are shared by many excitatory pathways (46).
subtle SE
Our current understanding of the basic mechanisms
Time-dependent pharmacoresistance
of SE in animal models and in clinical situations ts
the Clark and Prout description of three sequential Another unique feature of SSSE is the progressive,
phases of SE (4), which we call impending SE, time-dependent development of pharmacoresis-
established SE, and subtle SE (7, 34). tance: the potency of benzodiazepines may
Impending status epilepticus is dened as con- decrease 20-fold in 30 min of SSSE (32); phenytoin
tinuous seizures or intermittent seizures without full also loses potency, but more slowly (32). By
recovery of consciousness between seizures lasting contrast, even late in its course, NMDA blockers

Pathophysiology of status epilepticus

Figure 1. Features of SSSE induced by 30 min perforant path stimulation (PPS). (A) Representative course of spikes. (B) 24 h
distribution of seizures (black bars). PPS is indicated by the gray bar on top. Each line represents 2 h of monitoring. (C) Electro-
graphic activity in the dentate gyrus during SSSE [modied from Mazarati et al. (5)]. (DF) The effects of an NMDA receptor
blocker (F) and an AMPA/kainate antagonist (E), administered 10 min after the end of PPS, on SSSE induced by 30 min PPS. Each
graph shows the number of spikes per 30 min epoch, plotted against time during the course of SSSE. PPS is indicated by gray bars.
Notice that ketamine (10 mg/kg i.p.) irreversibly aborted SSSE. CNQX (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2, 3-dione) (10 nmol into the
hilus) induced only transient suppression of seizures, which reappeared within 24 h [modied from Mazarati and Wasterlain (47)].
(G) Time-dependent development of pharmacoresistance in SSSE induced by 60 min PPS. Bar graphs on the left: When administered
before PPS, both diazepam (DZP) and phenytoin (PHT) very eectively blocked the development of SSSE. On the right: When
injected 10 min after the end of PPS, neither drug aborted SSSE, although they slightly shortened its duration. *P < 0.05 vs control
(CON). #P < 0.05 vs DZP and PHT pretreatment. Open bars show cumulative seizure time (in minutes), and black bars show the
duration of SSSE (in minutes) (time of occurrence of the last seizure during SSSE) [modied from Mazarati et al. (32)].

continue to be effective in stopping SSSE (47). This injection of a blocker of AMPA/kainate synapses
phenomenon is not present during the rst into the stimulated hippocampus blocks spikes
1015 min of seizures. Pharmacological studies in (and seizures) for hours, but when the drug is
animals suggest two distinct phases of SSSE: the eliminated, the underlying increase in excitability
initiation phase and the maintenance phase, which expresses itself and seizures recur. The same dose
later can become subtle. The initiation of SSSE of benzodiazepine which easily blocks SE when
can be easily blocked by many pharmacological given early is far less effective when given late
agents which enhance inhibition or reduce excita- (Fig. 1G). However, ketamine easily terminates
tion (47, 48). However, once SSSE is established, it established SE (Fig. 1F).
is maintained by underlying changes which do not
depend on continuous seizure activity (47) and it is
Pathophysiological and biochemical cascades of SSSE
effectively terminated by only a few agents, most of
which inhibit glutamatergic neurotransmission (47, Repeated seizures produce broad and complex
49). Fig. 1E shows that, after SSSE is established, cascades of pathophysiological and biochemical

Chen et al.

Figure 2. Intracellular distribution of GABAA subunits in hippocampal neurons from SE and control rats. Top row: Double-label
immunocytochemistry in dentate and CA3c of control and SE animals using antibodies to GABAA b2/b3 subunits (red) and
synaptophysin (green). Note the co-localization (yellow) of receptor subunits with presynaptic sites in controls (left) and greater
internalization of receptor subunits during SE (right). Second row: Similar confocal image of granule cells using antibodies to
GABAA c2 subunits (red) and synaptophysin (green). Internalization is seen in soma and proximal dendrites of animal in SE. Third
row: EEGs recorded from dorsal hippocampus 1 h after PPS or sham stimulation. Fourth row: mIPSC mean traces from a typical
granule cell from a control and an SE animal, demonstrating smaller amplitude and prolonged decay in the latter [modied from
Naylor et al. (75)].

changes in the brain. The rst milliseconds to synaptic membrane (Fig. 2). This process drastic-
seconds are dominated by the release of neuro- ally enhances excitability by decreasing the number
transmitters and modulators, the activation and of inhibitory receptors and increasing the number
inactivation of ion channels, and receptor phos- of excitatory receptors in the synaptic cleft (Fig. 3)
phorylation and desensitization. In a framework of (49, 50). In the minutes to hours time range,
seconds to minutes, receptor tracking, mainly of neuropeptide modulators often increase the expres-
the GABA and glutamate receptors, is responsible sion of proconvulsive neuropeptides and decrease
for the key adaptations. The existing receptors can the availability of inhibitory neuropeptides
move from the synaptic membrane into endo- (5055), and this maintains enhanced excitability.
somes, or be mobilized from storage sites to the Finally, in the hours to perhaps days to weeks

Pathophysiology of status epilepticus

Figure 3. Model of the role of receptor trafcking in the transition from single seizures to SE. After repeated seizures, the synaptic
membrane of GABAA receptors forms clathrin-coated pits (Cl), which internalize. This inactivates the receptors, which are no longer
within the reach of the neurotransmitter. These vesicles evolve into endosomes (E), and reach a phosphorylation-dependent decision
point where they are transported toward the soma to lysosomes (L) where the receptors are destroyed, or to the Golgi apparatus (G)
from where they are recycled to the membrane. By contrast, in NMDA synapses, subunits are mobilized to the synaptic membrane
and assemble into additional receptors. As a result of this trafcking, the number of functional NMDA receptors per synapse
increases while the number of functional GABAA receptors decreases [reproduced from Chen and Wasterlain (7) and Wasterlain and
Treiman (76)].

following seizures, long-term changes in gene released into the synaptic cleft, show a 27%
expression occur. The changes in gene expression decrease (Fig. 2). This may underestimate the
are the combined effects of repeated seizures, of change that takes place during SE, as some
seizure-induced neuronal death, and of the subse- recovery might occur during the 90 min that it
quent neuronal reorganization. Some of the gene takes to prepare the slice in vitro. Based on a seven-
expression represents plastic adaptation to seizure state model of the GABAA receptor, we can
activity. Many of the early changes in gene calculate the change in the number of receptors
expression (during active SE) are not consolidated per synapse for the cell population studied. The
at the translational level because SE profoundly number of GABAA receptors per dentate granule
inhibits brain protein synthesis (56). cell synapse is 18  4 in rats in lithium-pilocarpine
SE for 1 h, compared with 36  11 in controls
(Fig. 3) (49). Immunocytochemical/confocal micr-
Mechanisms involved in the transformation from isolated
oscopy studies of the c2 and b2)3 subunits on the
seizures to SE
GABAA receptors show a decrease in the number
Trafficking of GABA and glutamate receptors of subunits on the synaptic membrane, and an
increased number of subunits in the interior of the
There are several lines of evidence suggesting that
cell (49, 57). Endocytosis and the decrease of
endocytosis of hippocampal GABAA receptors
functional GABAA receptors in the synaptic cleft
takes place during the transition from single
may in part explain the failure of GABAA inhibi-
seizures to self-sustaining SE. Miniature inhibitory
tion and the progressive, time-dependent pharma-
post-synaptic currents (mIPSCs), which reect the
coresistance to benzodiazepines (32, 33), which
post-synaptic response to a packet of GABA

Chen et al.

develop during SE. Interestingly, extrasynaptic ocytochemical studies show that the NR1 subunits
GABAA receptors do not endocytose, raising the of NMDA receptors move from subsynaptic sites
possibility that stimulation of those extrasynaptic to the synaptic surface, and physiological investi-
receptors with neurosteroids might be useful in the gations show an increase in the number of func-
treatment of SE. tional NMDA receptors per dentate granule cell
At the same time, AMPA and NMDA receptor synapse from 52  12 receptors per synapse in
subunits are recruited to the synaptic membrane controls to 7.8  1.2 after 1 h of SE (Fig. 3).
where they form additional excitatory receptors Changes in function of synaptic enzymes may
(Fig. 3) (58). This change is also maladaptive and also enhance excitability. The autophosphorylation
proconvulsant, because it further enhances excita- of calmodulin kinase II, for example, makes the
bility in the midst of uninhibited seizures. Immun- enzyme calcium-independent and may increase

Figure 4. Role of neuropeptides in status epilepticus. Galanin-like immunoreactivity in the hippocampus of a control rat (A) and of
an animal killed 3 h after the end of 30 min PPS, during SSSE (B). Notice a dense, ne network of galanin-immunoreactive bers in
the control rat, and their disappearance in the animal in SSSE. Scale bar 200 lm. (CE) Eects of galanin receptor ligands on
SSSE. Galanin is a non-selective GALR1 and GALR2 receptor agonist. 2-Ala-galanin is a selective GALR2 receptor agonist. M15
and M40 are peptides that preferentially block GALR2, and M35 is a preferential blocker of GALR1. (C) Eects of peptides injected
prior to 30 min PPS. (D) Eects of peptides injected after the end of PPS. Galanin, but not 2-Ala-galanin, stopped established SSSE.
These eects were abolished by all three galanin receptor antagonists. (E) Eects of galanin receptor antagonists injected prior to
7 min PPS. M35, but not the two other galanin receptor antagonists, facilitated the establishment of SSSE when given prior to 7 min
PPS. Bars indicate mean  SD of the ratio of SSSE durations in the peptide-treated to control animals. SSSE duration in controls is
indicated by the dashed line. Absolute values (mean  SD, in min) of SSSE duration in control rats are indicated above the dashed
line. *P < 0.05 vs control [modied from Mazarati et al. (54)]. (F) Galanin transgenic mice show altered ability to establish SSSE.
Left: EEG in the dentate gyrus 30 min after the end of PPS. Right: Time in seizures after PPS (mean  SEM). PPS for 30 min was
insucient to induce SSSE in wild-type mice (WT), but induced SSSE in galanin knockouts (GalKO). PPS for 60 min induced SSSE
in WT controls, but had no eect in galanin-overexpressing animals (GalOE). *P < 0.05 vs respective WT control [reproduced from
Mazarati et al. (77)]. (G, H) In situ hybridization of preprotachykinin mRNA in a control animal (G) and an animal killed during
SSSE, 6 h after 30 min PPS (H). (J) The SP antagonist Spantide II (50 nmol into the hilus 10 min after the end of 30 min PPS)
aborted SSSE. Substance P (SP, 10 pmol) injected into the hilus prior to 7 min PPS facilitated the establishment of SSSE. Asterisks
indicate a signicant dierence compared with control (P < 0.05) [reproduced from Liu et al. (50)].

Pathophysiology of status epilepticus

glutamate release (59). Other changes are adaptive, found cerebral edema acutely and atrophy chron-
and try to restore homeostasis. For example, traf- ically after SE (15, 16, 71, 72), although there are
cking of tachykinin receptors decreases the number exceptions (73). The presence of focal atrophy in
of receptors, which would be expected to maintain areas of intensive seizure activity (14, 17, 18)
homeostasis and decrease hyperexcitability (60). supports a causal link between seizures and cell
loss. Patients who had a normal brain MRI before
SE, showed atrophy by MRI after SE and neur-
Maladaptive changes in neuropeptide expression
onal loss at autopsy (19). SE induced by domoic
Self-sustaining SE is associated with a depletion of acid poisoning showed neuronal loss at autopsy
the predominantly inhibitory hippocampal (74).
peptides dynorphin (55), galanin (54), somatostatin
(52, 53) and neuropeptide Y (53), and with
SE-induced epileptogenesis
increased expression of the proconvulsant tachy-
kinins, substance P and neurokinin B (50). These Status epilepticus-induced epileptogenesis is a
changes abate as SSSE subsides, and may play a widespread phenomenon across many types of
role in maintaining self-sustaining seizures over SE, many animal species and many ages. Human
many hours. The rich network of galanin-IR evidence is remarkably sparse, and subject to
hippocampal bers is depleted within 3 h of SE diverging interpretations. Although it may be one
(Fig. 4A,B). Galanin and its agonists are remark- of the most important problems associated with
ably effective blockers of SSSE (Fig. 4C), acting SE, a discussion of its pathophysiology is beyond
through the GalR1 and GalR2 receptors (Fig. 4D), the scope of this review.
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