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Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean Thomas a'Becket





1. O Co - lum - bia, the gem of the o - cean, The home of the brave and the
2. When war winged its wide des - o - la - tion, And threat - ened the land to de -

3. The wine cup, the wine cup bring hi - ther, And fill you it true to the


free, The shrine of each pa - triot's de - vo - tion, A
form, The ark then of free - dom's foun - da - tion, Co -

brim. May the wreaths they have won ne - ver wi - ther, Nor the


world of - fers hom - age to thee. Thy man - dates make he - roes as -
lum - bia rode safe thro' the storm: With the gar - lands of vic - t'ry a -

star of their glo - ry grow dim. May the ser - vice u - nit - ed, ne'er


sem - ble, When Lib - er - ty's form stands in view; Thy
round her, When so proud - ly she bore her brave crew, With her

se - ver, But they to their co - lours prove true, The


ban - ners make tyr - an - ny trem - ble, When borne by the red, white and
flag proud - ly float - ing be - fore her, The boast of the red, white and

Ar - my and Na - vy for ev - er, Three cheers for the red, white and


blue; When borne by the red, white and blue, When
blue; The boast of the red, white and blue, The

blue; Three cheers for the red, white and blue, Three


borne by the red, white and blue; Thy ban - ners make tyr - an - ny
boast of the red, white and blue; With her flag proud - ly float - ing be -

cheers for the red, white and blue; The Ar - my and Na - vy for


trem - ble When borne by the red, white and blue.
fore her, The boast of the red, white and blue.

ev - er, Three cheers for the red, white and blue.

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