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Shaykamaxum Atlan-Amexem Empire (Al Moroc)

500 Cedar Delaware Village

Shaykamaxum Province, Al Morco Atlan Amexem, NW
Mailing Address see below
1211-13 Vine Street, Consulate Suite No. 213
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Republic
Phone # 702-987-5853, Fax # 855-886-3404
Justice/Foreign Minister,
Email Address:

21 November 2015

Ivan Simonovic
Assistant Secretary General
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
New York Office, United Nations Headquarters,
Room S1311, New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: +1-212-963-3065
Fax: +1-212-963-4097

Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-

Military Means]
As a State Responsibility under the United Nations Human Rights
Enforcement Regime

This Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military

Means]; and

Therefore, as a State Responsibility under the United Nations Human Rights

Enforcement Regime is addressing the need for both Genocide and Ethnic
Cleansing by subversive means that destroy and or impair the physical natural
environment ecosystem or the life support institutional eco-system of a
community, society, tribe or nation such that massive death or other similar
harm comes to a People to be State Human Rights Enforcement Responsibilities
under the United Nations Human Rights Enforcement Regime Protocols!

Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means]

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Some Definitions

Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system is the life and culture supporting

institutional infrastructure of a society that includes - agriculture and
manufacturing organizations manufacturing includes resource recovery and
recycling; education and culture organizations; health and wellness support
organizations; energy and water supply utility organizations; banking and
finance organizations; adjudication and law enforcement support
organizations; and


identify organizations chartered to be vehicles for the advancement of
economic and social justice by expanding human capacity and ownership
participation in daily life transaction commerce] IG NETWORKS IN OUR
(1) basic literacy by doing (language and mathematics
instruction via computer assisted instruction and
administration in an Internet Distance Learning Framework
operated in an assessment with instruction therapy modality;
(2) positive image education - spiritual literacy by doing;
(3) computer-technology literacy by doing and apprenticeship
programs - SUCH AS THE Data Spectrum The-Job-Market System;
(4) health-literacy through nutritional and holistic health by doing
organic farming - ;
(5) financial-literacy by-doing - MASS PUBLIC BANK
Agreement (IDATA) funding process - http://god- ;
(6) spiritual literacy by doing - CHURCH FRATERNAL GROUP
(7) transition from fossil fuels to green-sustainable-clean-
hydrogen based energy utilities - SUCH AS River-City-to-Hydrogen
TECHNOLOGIES Type Projects - .

Statement on operational types of Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system

have De Facto School-to-Work Public School Systems, Local Small Business
Living Wage Employment Creation, Easy Access to Capital Credit, Relatively low
cost energy and water utility systems, Free Open Access to nature based
health and wellness support organizations and relatively pollution free
physical natural environment;

LSIEs that have been SUBVERTED that do NOT operate in an

INSTITUTIONAL-GUARDIAN FRAMEWORK and are characterized as having
De Facto School-to-Prison Public School Systems, Little or No Local Small
Business Living Wage Employment Creation, Limited Access to Capital Credit,

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Relatively high cost fossil fuel based energy and water utility systems, De Facto
School-to-Debt-Slave outcomes, Restricted Access to nature based health and
wellness support organizations thus have a generally unhealthy citizenry
and relatively polluted physical natural environments; and

The American Jurisprudence System has its roots in two systems of law. The
two systems are the British Common Law System and the American Federal
Democratic Republic Law System; and

The British Common Law System element of the American Jurisprudence

System has a nexus to the European Law Guild Roman Law System where you
are assumed guilty until you prove yourself innocent in the adjudication-
process, which is biased toward the higher-power-social-status litigant. This
element of the American Jurisprudence System has once again come to fore in
litigation in the Drug Offence Litigation Process. The Drug Offence Litigation
Process is an element of the New Jim Crow School-to-Prison American Slavery
System. The New Jim Crow School-to-Prison American Slavery System has as
its underpinning the European-Economic-Social-System depicted by the
following diagram; and

Our Case Citation for the application of the European Law Guild Roman Law
System form of American Jurisprudence System is Commonwealth Court Case
No. 96 M.D. 2013, Argued: October 8, 2013, where this the 7000 Villager
Organization School District of Philadelphia [SDP] special needs litigant case
was NOT Dismissed NOR was the relief request granted. In effect performance

Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means]

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of enumerated constitutional rights was denied to the citizens plaintiffs of the
case in true European Law Guild Roman Law System Fashion!

The American Federal Democratic Republic Law System element of the

American Jurisprudence System has a nexus to the Iroquois-System a
thousands of year old indigenous to America sovereign citizen democracy
government system. The fusion of the Iroquois-System with the customs of
the founding fathers of America who opted for a free society legal system in
the formation of the new American government free of Imperial British Rule
which outlawed the European Law Guild Roman Law System that constitutes
the American ideal legal way is depicted by the following; and

Our Case Citation for the application of the American Federal Democratic
Republic Law System form of American Jurisprudence System is Robinson
Township v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 63 MAP 2012, Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania Middle District (Harrisburg) . The ruling cited the following that
Act 13, signed by Governor Tom Corbett in 2012, unconstitutionally restricted
the power of municipalities to govern gas drilling in their jurisdictions.
Pennsylvanias Constitution guarantees citizens rights to clean air and pure
water, and to the preservation of natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of
the environment, the court concluded. The FRACKING-regulation statute would
empower state officials to act contrary to this right, the courts majority said.
NOTE - Article 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution which the PA Supreme
Court cites in their ruling also includes Pennsylvania's public natural
resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet
to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and
maintain them for the benefit of all the people. Had this legal requirement
been followed the People of Pennsylvania Treasury Expenditures that were
required to be made by the Executive Branch of the Commonwealth of

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Pennsylvania Government would NOT have been made to allow FRACKING in
Pennsylvania. As FRACKING converted areas of Pennsylvania that were
temperate climate rain-forest paradises into industrial-waste-lands that are
NOT suitable for human habitat. This result can be considered a net negative
benefit to the people of Pennsylvania in violation of their State Constitutional
Rights and also a form of Genocide by Ecocide. See the citations herein related
to FRACKING in Pennsylvania for confirmation of this assertion;

Some Citations

STATUTES; and United States Constitution as amended particularly the 13th,

14th and 15th Amendments; Equal Protection Clause of the United States
Constitution; and violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 plus its
implementing regulation; and.

The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 (ch. 22, 17 Stat. 13 [codified as amended at 18
U.S.C.A. 241, 42 U.S.C.A. 1983, 1985(3), and 1988]), also called the Civil
Rights Act of 1871 or the Force Act of 187 Civil Rights Act of 1875 Indian
Citizenship Act of 1924, also known as the Snyder Act by act of June 2, 1924
(43 Stat. 253 Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 [Indian Self Determination Act]
RICO ACT, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania Constitution Particularly Article I - DECLARATION OF RIGHTS-
Natural Resources and the Public Estate Section 27; and

Whereas, the people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the
preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the
environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common
property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of
these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the
benefit of all the people; and

Whereas, Pennsylvania Education Code Privacy Act as per the Dodd-Frank

Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Act), Public Law No. 111-
203, Title X, and the Privacy Act (PA) of 1974, a Federal law that is set forth in
Title 5, Section 552a, of the United States Code (5 U.S.C) Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1980 (Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812, codified at 44 U.S.C. 3501
3521); and


Whereas, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966, and its
two Protocols, 1966 and 1989 International Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Racial Discrimination - Adopted and opened for signature and
ratification by General Assembly resolution 2106 (XX) of 21 December 1965
entry into force 4 January 1969, in accordance with Article 19, of The
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs
of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms (The Declaration on Human Rights Defenders), 1998
Universal of Indigenous- Original Rights United Nations Res 61/295 RES.

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Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Res. 60/147 Human Rights Laws,
Hague Convention, & TITLE 28 United States Statue for USCA Section 1746
Inter-American Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples C169
Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 - The General Conference of
the International Labor Organization; and

Therefore, note, The Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous peoples requires

that governments get Indigenous Peoples free, prior, and informed consent
before embarking on any development project or other action that would affect
the Indigenous Peoples territory. The White House statement says that, the
United States understands [the importance of a] call for a process of meaningful
consultation with tribal leaders, but not necessarily the agreement of those
leaders, before the actions addressed in those consultations are taken.United
Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International
Contracts Treaty; and

Modern History Sourcebook: The Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy

Morris K. Udall A Lifetime of Service to Arizona and the United States
Selected Speeches "The American Indians and Civil Rights," at American
University, October 4, 1965. See URL:

Jun 27, 2014 - regarding the closing and illegal sale of William. Penn High ...
State Rep. W. Curtis. Thomas: Sale of. William Penn is Illegal;

Can Philadelphia become energy self-sufficient through this Hydrogen Plan? -

Philadelphia Center City Weekly Press Jasper Jones;

Audit slams Pa. Education Dept. as inept, lumbering;

Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Releases Landmark State Recidivism

Study; and
NOTE Approximately 6 in 10 released inmates recidivate, meaning they are
either rearrested or reincarcerated within three years of release from prison.

Published on Monday, August 04, 2014 by Common Dreams 'Agri-Terrorism'?

Town's Seed Library Shut Down Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture tells
Mechanicsburg library its seed library is a violation; and

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YOUTUBE VIDEO - The Woodlands by Rich Waters from Butler County,

Pennsylvania [authors note From Temperate Climate Rainforest Paradise to
Industrial Wasteland]; and

WARNING Fracking An Inconvenient Truth Watch Learn about Fracking Shale

Gas what they do not say; and

Fracking Boom in North Dakota Has Heavy Impact on Native Americans

EcoWatch | December 6, 2012 12:12 pm

YOUTUBE VIDEO Gasland 2010 a Josh Fox Documentary - The Real Truth
About FRACKING in the USA - Learn About Hydraulic Fracturing

IN Pennsylvania FRACKING WELLS NUMBER OVER 9,000 wells drilled, and

more are on the way--as of last October, over 16,000 permits have been issued
for high-impact gas wells, and the gas industry projects a whopping 60,000
wells by 2030;

Philadelphia Earns Millions by Seizing Cash And Homes From People Never
Charged With A Crime;

Philadelphia is Closing 23 Schools While Building A $400 Million Prison;

Walter J. Burien, Jr. Tax Retirement Fund Plan Protocol implementation needed
to replace fines and tax levy citizen-asset-forfeiture-system of corrupt
collective government; and

The Paul Vallas Hoax on Chicago that came to School District of Philadelphia;

With the Economy in Shambles, More Americans Turn to Squatting: Willing to

Take the Risk - Mac Slavo - November 12th, 2015; and

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Therefore, this Petition Made in Accordance to Nunc Pro Tunc the UCC-9-311
under the Laws of the American Moroccan Indians (Indigenous) Treaties and
constitutions. The United States of America Constitution 1776-1871, and The
Universal of Indigenous- Original Rights United Nations Res 61/295 RES.
Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Res. 60/147 Human Rights Laws,
Hague Convention, & TITLE 28 United States Statue for USCA Section 1746, and
Article within The Prophets and the Apostolus Apostles Treatises/Creed; and

It is Further; mentioned, and Documented that the evidence to the Lawful

effect of North America(Amexem Al Moroc Continent) belonging to the Muur
King Iuba II, Hanno Bai and their Muur Descendant, Sultan Seyyidi Ibn
AbdAllah Mohammed XVII and his Heirs, may be evincely seen in Document
no. 66 Foreign Relations3rd Congress 1st Session December 16th, 1793 C.E.,
appropriated by the Senate of the United States for Recognition of the 1786
Treaty of Amity,1787 Treaty of Peace & Friendship, and other related Acts and
treaties. The Muur/Indigenous/Original Dominion in the Americas whose
true name is Amexem Al-Moroc NW, Subscribed and Affirmed before me } this
day of; In Anna Vatarum Sanctarum Nostrarum effective as of 09/ 19/2012;

Whereas, for this Nation United Nation Member Nations and others, we are
looking forward to move Commerce, Buy, Exchange, Purchase, Barter, and
Education Training, Mental Health counseling Consulting, Transferring
investigation and Contracting, Multi-Media, Civic, Security, Human Activity,
Management, Arts of all kinds and crafts, of all kinds, financial assistances,
Construction Housing, Energy Stability, Development of Land, Transportation
Imports and Exports, and the growing of organic Food. We hereby certify and
commission this important and useful document as a true copy article of, The
Divine Constitution for the Shaykamaxum Atlan /Amexem Empire, and all
of its Provinces Territories, and the Revised Constitution to all World
Governments planning programs of economic developmental activities and
purposes to support the global initiative; and

The Original Indigenous Continent, Atlan/Amexem Al Moroc NW, with its

Combined Roads, Railways, Communications, Electrical Power, Solar Energy,
Hydrogen and other renewable energy projects, Water Supply, Housing,
Transportation, Education, Training, Environmental, Health Care and
Agricultural Technological Infrastructures rehabilitation of abandoned
properties in some of the major cities, these Development Projects estimated
to be for the next 20- 30 Years. To Eradicate abject poverty plaguing the whole
worlds human families; Create new job opportunities for 350 million
autochthonous and others in the rest of the world. Provide efficient, reliable,
and dependable communications systems, energy, agriculture, financial system
support for underdeveloped countries to become self-sustaining; and to
Promote, peace, atonement, reconciliation and forgiveness in the affairs of the
human families, in the global village; to end all wars worldwide, and to spread
peace and love to all humanity; and

Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means]

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The Shaykamaxum Republic Government asserts that the on-going operation

of a system of Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military
Means] in our land is causing excess deaths or other similar harm such as
unjust imprisonment to our People and other People in our land!

The Shaykamaxum Republic Government asserts further that as noted during a

presentation on American Indians and Civil Rights, Morris K. Udall quoted
Franklin Delano Roosevelts talk on war on poverty noting that FDR said:

We have come to a clear realization that true individual freedom cannot exist
without economic security and independence. We have accepted, so to speak, a
second Bill of Rights. Among these are:

1. "The right to a useful and remunerative job...

2. "The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and
3. "The right of every family to a decent home;
4. "The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and
enjoy good health;
5. "The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age,
sickness, accident and unemployment;
6. "The right to a good education."

Udall went on to say [all of these rights we still hold to be self-evident. But
many of them are still beyond the grasp of most Indians as well as many other

The lack of the actualization of these human rights by American-Indians and

many other Americans is due to the on-going operation of a system of
Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means] in our land!

In the past, American Indian Tribal People have experienced Genocide by

Ecocide with the extermination of the Buffalo that resulted in the Genocide of
the Plains Indian Tribes and later to Ecocide of the Great Plains Areas as hall
marked by the Dust Bowl Era

Factual Manifestations of the Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by

Non-Military Means] System include:

It is known; that for peace and prosperity a community must have

- a non-polluting agriculture and manufacturing production system;
- an effective public mass education system;
- cheap-green-sustainable-clean-elastic energy and water production
- mass citizen access to fair priced capital credit by a public banking

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- a fair and just tax system.

The above infrastructure must be supported by a competent, reasonably

corruption-free local government apparatus.

Yet in areas of our land such as the once great free City-State of Philadelphia, the
only World Heritage Designated City in the United States, we see what amounts
to an on-going Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military
Means] System that features:
- A De Facto School-to-Prison Public School System;
- A local government operating a De Facto asset forfeiture system by
unjust fines and tax levies;
- A local establishment that ended the operation of its local fair priced
capital credit public banking institution [i.e. PSFS];
- An energy conservation operational policy of the continued usage of
polluting fossil fuels in the face of the following factual items:

Yes, both Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing by subversive means that is destroying
and or impairing the physical natural environment ecosystem and the life
support institutional eco-system of the People of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is
occurring right now in violation of the Peoples of Philadelphia constitutional
rights under the Pennsylvania and Untied States Constitutions as well as their
Internationally Declared and Recognized Human Rights!



FACT: Two (2) of the world's three (3) largest oil fields went into permanent
decline several years ago.
. FACT: Saudi Arabias production, the world's largest, has declined by 700,000
barrels per day!
. FACT: The 2006-2007 North American winters withdrew more than 2 trillion
cubic feet (TCF) of natural gas out of storage - but only 1.7 TCF of gas went
INTO storage in 2006!
. FACT: The long rumored saviors, new pipelines from Alaska or Northern
Canada, are mired in red-tape and multi-billion dollar cost overruns and may
NEVER be built!.
. FACT: The world needs up to 20 million barrels per day of NEW oil production
just to cover current declines and growing demand.
. FACT: There is NO existing source for that much new oil - it does not exist.
demand effects on prices of the commodity. Further, UNDER THE
Citizens GAS-ENERGY!

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The need for a green sustainable electrical power generation infrastructure is to
be further caused by the coming of Peak Uranium Production in that the
Philadelphia Region relies upon nuclear power for about 97% of its electrical
power. The most worrying problem is the misconception that uranium is
plentiful. The worlds nuclear plants today eat through some 65,000 tons of
uranium each year. Of this, the mining industry supplies about 40,000 tons.
The rest comes from secondary sources such as civilian and military stockpiles,
reprocessed fuel and re-enriched uranium. But without access to the military
stocks, the civilian western uranium stocks will be exhausted by 2013,
concludes Dittmar.

Its not clear how the shortfall can be made up since nobody seems to know
where the mining industry can look for more.

That means countries that rely on uranium imports such as Japan and many
western countries will face uranium shortages, possibly as soon as 2013. Far
from being the secure source of energy that many governments are basing
their future energy needs on, nuclear power looks decidedly rickety.

But what of new technologies such as fission breeder reactors which generate
fuel and nuclear fusion? Dittmar is pessimistic about fission breeders. Their
huge construction costs, their poor safety records and their inefficient
performance give little reason to believe that they will ever become
commercially significant, he says.

Further, Japans Catastrophic Earth Quake and other LESS DRAMATIC

NEGATIVE environmental events are daily reducing the time geometrically that
is available to put the Philadelphia-to-Hydrogen - Beloved City Saving
Measures in place.

Japans Catastrophic Earth Quake has created a Chernobyl Like Cancer and life
killing situation in large areas of Japan this means that the usage of nuclear
power by Japan was unwise as the Country will be largely uninhabitable for
many life-times of the current Surviving Japanese People. Japans Catastrophic
Earth Quake radiation is a continuing threat since the reactors are continuing
to emit. The problem is that until they are under control, it is blowing over and
descending upon the USA day after day.

The food growing areas of the USA and Canada are being contaminated. The
milk, water and other foods are being contaminated and that contamination
could go on for a long, long time even after the fallout stops because of the
concept of "half-life".

The background radiation is currently low in numbers but one molecule of

plutonium is all that is necessary to guarantee cancer if it is ingested or
breathed and it lodges in the body.

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Japans Catastrophic Earth Quake consequences have a lesson for Philadelphia
in that our Electric and Gas Energy Utility Company [PECO] Organization has
been involved with nuclear based electrical production such that about 97% of
our local electric-energy comes from this source. We therefore need to develop
a plan to migrate from nuclear-power to safe green renewable hydrogen power.
The Philadelphia-to-Hydrogen Program is such a transition plan. Thus
Philadelphia-to-Hydrogen needs to begin now as Philadelphia like Japan is
seated upon an earthquake-fault-line as well.

A further note, nuclear reactors can be said to be nuclear bombs that have been
designed to not to blow-up in one big bang but a little bit at a time. Thus
allowing the heat energy being produced to be tapped and converted to
mechanical energy that is then converted to electricity. However, it the
controls are disrupted (like when an earthquake hits)that allow the nuclear
reactor aka controlled nuclear explosion device (i.e. nuclear bomb) are
disrupted by sometime like an earthquake you get a little or big dirty nuclear
bomb explosion. A dirty nuclear bomb explosion is one that produces mostly
radiation particles being scattered and not a lot of heat! In conclusion as
Japans and the Chernobyl calamities have demonstrated other alternatives to
nuclear-power need to be pursued as the outcomes of a major nuclear accident
are not easily recoverable from to say the least!

Nuclear reactors may seem safe, but only until some form of "disaster" strikes
such as took place at Chernobyl and more recently Fukushima. While these are
"high profile" cases, many others have been suppressed, so we may never
know the truth.
The most abundant form of Uranium used in nuclear reactors is "Uranium 238"
which has a decay half-life of nearly 4.5 billion years. It is clear therefore that is
a significant cataclysm struck Earth, or a region of Earth where there is a high
concentration of nuclear reactors, e.g. the East Coast of America, there is a
potential to contaminate the whole planet to the level where life cannot be
sustained for billions of years.

One such "nuclear disaster" could easily therefore end life on Earth as we know
it, and life on Earth would take billions of years to recover, and when it did so,
assuming climatic conditions are life-supporting, such life would be

So nuclear based electricity generation is clearly not a wise way forward, and
indeed many countries are now cancelling their "nuclear programs" in
recognition of this.
It will also be clear to Readers of this that "fossil fuels" have no future.

Aside from the extreme and unsustainable pollution and environmental

devastation arising from the extraction and use of all fossil fuels, reserves of
uranium, oil and gas are rapidly being exhausted, and based on current
consumption, will be insufficient soon.


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The Marcellus Shale hydraulic fracturing drilling (FRACKING) economic and
environmental impacts hearing testifiers only revealed the leading edge of the
tsunami of negative blowback events that are happening and/or pending due to
the continued extraction from the earth and usage of fossil fuels beyond their
peak of relatively easy production capacity. The hearing testifiers revealed
many horrific items specific to FRACKING in the Marcellus Shale region of
Western Pennsylvania for methane gas. Some of the horrific items testified as
happening or going to happen include:

FRACKING water usage has left seven Western Pennsylvania Counties with no
clean water;
The cost of providing safe clean drinking water in one area where the water
was poisoned by FRACKING activity is to be about 10 million dollars;

PA water table poisoned by FRACKING may not recover for ten thousand years;

The ocean salt-water brine line is up to Chester, PA;

Consequently, if FRACKING is allowed to expand there may not be enough

fresh water available to contain the salt-water brine line to Chester, PA;

The jobs being generated by FRACKING activities are not providing

employment for Pennsylvanians;

The gas being generated by FRACKING activities are not providing gas to
Philadelphia, Pennsylvanians;

In order for FRACKING activity to occur Pennsylvania Taxpayers must

subsidize the construction of supporting infrastructure;

FRACKING production is not a renewable/sustainable energy generation

process once the gas is FRACKED and taken out of the ground site remediation
must begin (i.e. its a one shot deal);

The fact that the FRACKING activity is creating a net negative asset situation
for the citizens of Pennsylvania makes it a special case of the current culture-
of-corruption Machine Cash Cow White Elephant Spending Spree under the
pretext of jobs creation and economic development advancement as
specifically exemplified by the project list of the Philadelphia Office of

An additional warning note on the potential consequences of FRACKING to our

life in Pennsylvania is that FRACKING if allowed to go to its logical conclusion in
Pennsylvania can result in there being NO water that has not been poisoned by
the FRACKING PROCESS, per the results of an independent engineering study of
the FRACKING PROCESS in Pennsylvania. Attention should also be paid to the

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Atlantic Ocean Salt Brine reaching Chester, Pennsylvania. The FRACKING
PROCESS diverts such large quantities of fresh Pennsylvania water from
flowing into the Delaware River that the current pressure flow could possibly
be diminished to the point that the Atlantic Ocean Salt Brine Current could
break through and intermix with Pennsylvanias fresh water current flows.
Need to limit FRACKING in Pennsylvania to limit the lowering of the water
pressure to halt the inward progress of Atlantic Ocean Salt Brine Current!

(1) Atlantic Ocean Salt Brine Current Hydrology

Saltwater intrusion happens when saltwater is drawn-in (from the sea) into
freshwater aquifers. This behavior is caused because sea water has a higher
density (which is because it carries more solutes) than freshwater. This
difference in density causes the pressure under a column of saltwater to be
greater than the pressure under a column of the same height of freshwater. If
these two columns are connected at the bottom, then the pressure difference
would cause a flow of saltwater column to the freshwater column until the
pressure equalizes.

The flow of saltwater inland is limited to coastal areas. Further inland, the
freshwater column is higher due to the increasing altitude of the land and is
able to equalize the pressure from the salt water, stopping the saltwater
intrusion. The higher water levels inland have another effect: the freshwater
flows seaward. This completes the picture: at the sea-land boundary, at the high
part of the aquifer freshwater flows out and in the lower part, saltwater flows
in. The saltwater intrusion forms a wedge.

Pumping of fresh water from an aquifer reduces the water pressure and
intensifies the effect, drawing salt water into new areas. When freshwater
levels drop, saltwater intrusion can proceed inland, reaching the pumped well.
Then saltwater, unfit for drinking or irrigation, is produced by the pump. To
prevent this, more and more countries adopt extensive monitoring schemes
and numerical models to assess how much water can be pumped without
causing such effects. Note ocean salt water is not drinkable!

We have given a Detail Bill of Particulars on Fossil Fuels and FRACCKING in

particular in the context of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in that FRACKING is
being hyped as an energy production regime that relates to the School District
of Philadelphia [SDP] functioning effectively with a prosperous local energy
hub economy and as providing a sustainability capacity to what is in fact a
SUBVERTED Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system.


Our Philadelphia County exemplar case is about a SUBVERTED Life-Support-

Institutional-Eco-system that is both an International Human Rights
Violation and United States Federal Agency Multi-jurisdictional as federal
monies under the over-sight of various federal agencies are being utilized to
create the exemplar human rights and constitutional law violation situation
that we are herein documenting and petitioning to be resolved.

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All programs federally funded being operated by the Commonwealth and City
of Philadelphia Administration and especially the creation of the Philadelphia
School Reform Commission and the conduct of School District of Philadelphia
(SDP) operations in a manner that is different from the conduct of School
Districts in the rest of the Commonwealth that operate under parental
governance. Parental governance that allows for the effective management of
school infrastructure and curriculum that benefits the parents and their
children per Pennsylvania Education Code.

Failure of the SDP to implement an approved education program under

federal agency impact assessment requirements for new education programs
being implemented with federal monies in the SDP. (See letter from SDP
addressed to Jasper Jones)

Whereas, the SDP operates effectively as a minimum security prison network

in our predominately non-white community with the School Principals acting
as de facto wardens and School Teachers serving as de facto prison guards as
represented by the results documented in the No Child Left Behind Law

SDP school construction orders and plans that implements an apprenticeship

training agreement with predominately White Construction Trades Unions,
most of whose members do not reside in Philadelphia, that supplants the
usage of Section 3 Type Manning Table Task Plans with Construction
Skill/Phase Hiring - Training-to-Work Program Support for Local Community
Neighborhood Residents that conform to the best practice local neighborhood
participation goals of projects funded by federal monies in distressed
communities, such as the SDP.

School Construction and Other Government Funded Agency Orders and Plans
that do not include a Section 3 Type Manning Table Task Plans with
Construction Skill/Phase Hiring - Training-to-Work Program Support for
Local Community Residents, examples are West Philadelphia High School,
Kensington High School, etc...

Closing without adequate due process of Wanamaker Middle School and its
magic redemption/restoration as a Hurricane Katrina Refugee Housing Site
verses the usage of Womans Medical College Hospital as a Hurricane Katrina
Refugee Housing Site!

Closing and sale without adequate due process of 21st and Parkway SDP
Administration Building and its planned reuse as upscale apartments
primarily for the rich and White is offensive to most Native Philadelphians as
we are a town that holds its public historic buildings in high regard and
proper Philadelphia Citizen due process permission was not obtained in this

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The closing and sale without adequate due process of Broad and Spring
Garden Streets State Administration Building and its probable planned reuse
as upscale apartments primarily for the rich and White is offensive to most
Native Philadelphians because it will function, with the on-going calls for
Marshall Law in Philadelphia, to assist in transforming Downtown
Philadelphia from a De Facto County Seat to an Apartheid American Style
Sundown Town!

The passage of comprehensive eminent domain development reform by the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Government that excludes/exempts the
City of Philadelphia, thus allowing for the continuation of the unsustainable
Real Estate Speculation Economy to continue temporarily aided and abetted
by the real estate related actions of the School District of Philadelphia.

Philadelphia County Voting Procedures that recently had, what we shall code
name, the Philadelphia Money Party Gang arranging for numerous polling
place to have voting machine failures which resulted in a systemic failure of
electronic voting machines to produce hard-copy voting reports that has
created the potential for electronic recording alteration/election thief,
the voting machines failure to produce hard-copy voting reports has the
effect of nullifying Neighborhood Election Board Oversight of the
Election. This Nullification of Neighborhood Election Board Oversight of the
Election Process is believed to be a strategy to place Philadelphia Money Party
Gang candidates in office in the Fall General Election no matter what the
actual voter decision is.

Statement of some of the on-going low and moderate income resident of

Philadelphia issues and concerns:

Utility bills too high to pay, answer from local government; Philadelphia Gas
Works (PGW) raise rates instead of restructuring of PGW to include training
and usage of green energy technology;

Local Public Transportation Company going broke, fare too high for low
income residents to pay, answer from local government: SEPTA raise fares to
highest in the Country instead of restructuring of SEPTA to include training
and usage of green energy technology to lower fares;

School District of Philadelphia (SDP)operating as a network of minimum

security prisons rather than a network of family job life instruction centers
that provide needed computer age family - human development support
services. Instead, the SDP operating as a network of minimum security prisons
provides forty percent of the people in jail in our State. This costly recidivism
process is threatening to bankrupt our City, etc...

In Philadelphia the Establishment (AKA Philadelphia Money Party Gang)

routinely convenes kangaroo forums that are noted in communications to
the State and Federal Government as representing genuine citizen input on
the policy that citizens favor to address the collapse of our local school

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system, economy and environmental conditions. The kangaroo forums are
one more element of the systematic due process rights violation lock-outs of
true Philadelphia Citizen Participation in the management of federal
government resources in the City. The lock-out of true Philadelphia Citizen
participation is a part of the promotion of the unconstitutional population
replacement plan of the City Administration.

Further, the effective result of this lock out of real citizen input has created a
process that is effectively ethnic cleansing by economic and social means, that
is especially hard on ethnic groups of color, yet includes all low and moderate
income people in Philadelphia for wipe out. The (ordinary Philadelphia citizen
resident) people desire to stay in their old housing stock neighborhoods, with
architectural preservation and that green (i.e. low cost solar/hydrogen
energy-based) industry be fostered in their urban community to provide
neighborhood employment opportunities in a framework of economic,
education, environmental and social justice, per our constitution. And the
ordinary citizens of Philadelphia are getting instead unbalanced gated
community suburban style track housing development that is destroying the
architectural history of Philadelphia, under a policy that is in effect
population replacement for local tax revenue enhancement that is being
fueled in part by the Actions of the School District of Philadelphia (SDP)
implemented through the conduct of the operations of the SDP as a banned
and unconstitutional European Style Law Guild.

The numerous complaints herein and pending receipt document some of the
corrupt actions of the School District of Philadelphia (SDP). The SDP
Administration is operating an ENRON type scam in its operation of the
School System with 82 Percent of Black and Brown Students not performing
per No Child Left Behind Reporting Requirements and 68 Percent of the White
Students not performing per No Child Left Behind Reporting Requirements -
Note that majority of all students are failing to be educated by the SDP, but
that White Students are doing about 100 percent better than SDPs Black and
Brown Students establishing prima facie evidence of disparate treatment
based upon race in the operations of the SDP.

Neighborhood Transformation Initiative (NTI) Ordinance Process that

without due process of neighborhood residence input is destroying much of
the Architectural History of Philadelphia, which can be viewed as a crime
against humanity in that Philadelphia as the birthplace of our world model of
a free and democratic republic, with the people as the sovereign belongs in a
sense to the entire world! The Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA)
Development Programs with its on-going petitions for waivers for compliance
with Federal laws and standards in the management and operations of its
housing programs, that in concert with NTI are in general noncompliance with
education and home ownership advancement requirements of HOPE VI that
feature internal deportation for its residents without return for many of the
residents of PHA developments that are under rehabilitation.

All cases that have been adjudicated or are pending adjudication of the
impacted class.

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Note: The Government of the City of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia
Common Pleas, Municipal, Superior Courts and Commonwealth Courts are
also participants in the above open and willful violations of Philadelphia
Citizen constitutional and human rights. A recent example of Courts
Corruption is the decision of the Commonwealth Court in the matter of a law
suit decision filed by the 7000 Villagers Organization! The 7000 Villagers
Organization case has the following major salient legal features:

Pennsylvania Constitution -Public School System - Section 14.

The General Assembly shall provide for the maintenance and support of a
thorough and efficient system of public education to serve the needs of the

Public School Money Not Available to Sectarian Schools - Section 15;

No money raised for the support of the public schools of the Commonwealth
shall be appropriated to or used for the support of any sectarian school;



7000 VILLAGER School District of Philadelphia [SDP] CASE IS ABOUT OUR

and efficient system of public education to serve OUR NEEDS AS
Commonwealth CITIIZENS! The amount of money being spent every year is
over three billion dollars. The three billion dollar education expenditure in
the SDP is achieving the unacceptable result of only four percent of students
testing proficient in reading, writing and computational skills in 2014.

SINCE 1987 THE School District of, Philadelphia [SDP] has operated within
proper financial controls;

SINCE 1996 THE School District of Philadelphia [SDP] has operated without


Philadelphia has committed per se violations of federal law;

In prior cases to ours because the matter with special needs students is a per
se violation of law the relief requested has been granted by the Pennsylvania
Courts however 7000 Villager Case was the first to ask for a forensic audit of
the SDP as relief; and

The 7000 Villager SDP special needs case was NOT Dismissed NOR was the
relief request granted. In effect performance of enumerated constitutional
rights was denied to the citizens plaintiffs of the case; and

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Thus the Commonwealth Court Order in the 7000 Villager SDP special needs
case matter hearkens back to social conditions created by the "Dread Scott
Decision" circa 1857; and


Whereas, the overarching question of the situation is has the Plaintiffs Class
constitutional rights to timely, fair and due process participation in the
federally funded programs been violated?
THE ANSWER: Is YES, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) School
Reform Commission, The City Administration and the Current Commonwealth
Administration have implemented biased, capricious and arbitrary actions
and decisions in their federally funded program participation matters without
the due process participation of the Citizens of Philadelphia and in particular
Philadelphias Citizens of Color; and

Whereas, Are there members of a litigant class group located in Philadelphia

County who have suffered the same biased, capricious and arbitrary action
and decision making in regards to their program participation matters in the
federally funded programs as that the Lead Plaintiffs have experienced, who
have the same immutable ethnic and racial characteristics as the Lead
Plaintiffs; and

THE ANSWER: Is YES, the same type of biased, capricious and arbitrary
actions and decisions in the matters of others who have the same immutable
ethnic and racial characteristics as the Lead Plaintiffs! See attached
documents; and

Therefore, our story as low, moderate income and/or Citizens of Color

residing in Philadelphia with regards to the School District of Philadelphia
(SDP) and the monopoly medias manufacture of a disparate reality for
Philadelphias White Citizens that causes the White Citizens to support
political, economic education system and social actions that create disparate
results for Philadelphias Citizens of Color. A process that operates through
Philadelphias Citizens of Color being denied their Constitutional Due Process
Rights by a group that we shall call the Philadelphia Money Party Gang
Machine that uses the economic and social distress conditions of the County to
unjustly enrich themselves by misappropriation of taxpayer resources for
bogus education, economic and social programs under the cover of the social
confusion created by issues of class, race and color that promulgate
gentrification and globalization. Philadelphias Citizens of Color being denied
their Constitutional Due Process Rights is characterized by its agencies and
regulatory boards operating as banned and unconstitutional European Style
Law Guilds under the auspices of the Philadelphia Money Party Gang Machine;

Whereas, the Philadelphia Money Party Gang Machine works through the
monopoly medias manufacture of a disparate reality for Philadelphias White

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Citizens that is exemplified by the creation of the Committee of Seventy Plan
for our SDP School System which was the importation of the Chicago School
System Model to Philadelphia which has turned out in the past to include the
importation of Mr. Paul Vallas an adjudicated-racist as a chief executive officer
of the SDP; and

Whereas, the Chicago School System Model portrayed by the White Majority
Controlled Philadelphia Committee of Seventy did not portray the reality that
is delineated in the Vallas Hoax and the Paul Vallas I Know Commentary
Editorials from Chicagos Community of Colorado; and.

Whereas, the Vallas Hoax on Chicago was repeated as the Vallas Hoax on
Philadelphias Community of Color with Mr. Vallas being implicated in all
manner of wrong-doing that is never reported in the mainstream monopoly
media. See Rosalyn Jones testimony before the School Reform Commission
document and Public School Notebook Story Series; and

Whereas, the basic program over-arching actions questions that emerge are
by manipulation of the media and the institutionalization of processes that
systematically deny Philadelphia Citizens program inputs on usage of Federal
monies for SDP and Philadelphia County programs managed with oversight by
the Federal Departments of Education, Housing and Urban Development,
Environmental Protection Agency, Health and Human Services, Department of
Transportation and Commerce Department has the City, State and SDP
Administrations stepped over the line in violation of the 13th, 14th and 15th
Amendment Rights of Philadelphias Citizens?; and

THE ANSWER: Is YES, Examples of some basic program actions pending in

Philadelphia are the (1) the Gambling Slots Parlors Construction, (2) the SDP
Public School Construction Program and (3) what is going to replace the
illegally closed low and moderate income residents community healthcare
hospital service system whose crown jewel was the hospital formerly known
as Womans Medical College Hospital of Pennsylvania. All of these
unconstitutionally structured programs and actions are promulgating
gentrification and globalization in Philadelphia County!

Whereas, the Gambling Slots Parlors Construction property tax reduction

scam has birthed a No-casino Movement in Philadelphia County. The Citizens
of Philadelphia were not asked do they want Casinos in their neighborhoods
and they do not want them! The Trump Casino Proposal related to public
education services delivery by the Trump Teams proposed casino operation
seeking to tear down and rebuilds a public school as a part of its casino plans
and through the Trumps Team promise of subsidies to neighborhood public
schools near its casino. (Request documents on casino related political and
other moves; and

Whereas, the SDP Public School Construction Program was started by Paul
Vallas continued by his Hoax Act Successor School Superintendents
Ackerman and Hite and the Citizens of Philadelphia were not asked did they

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want the financial burden of a billion and half dollar new school construction
project following any survey communication action steps, hearings, etc..
resembling a due process procedure plan. (See Public School Notebook Series
on this Matter; and

Whereas, the crown jewel of hospital based health services for Philadelphias
low and moderate income citizens formerly known as Womans Medical
College Hospital of Pennsylvania (WMCHPa) was closed without any of the
steps being followed under the due process procedure plan required by
Commonwealth Law for Hospital shutdowns. Note: WMCHPa is the first
Medical College Training Facility devoted to training females to be doctors in
the United States and the Western World of Today!(See Court Case on
reopening WMCHPa); and

Whereas, the actions listed above have the common thread of being
implemented through the operational implementation through banned
unconstitutional law guild type organization actions by SDP, City and
Commonwealth Agencies nullifying the constitutional rights of the Citizens of
Philadelphia, County. (Request additional documents for examples of this on-
going process); and


Therefore, Unconstitutionally structured programs SUBVERT THE Life-

Support-Institutional-Eco-system that are advancing Ethnic Cleansing by
Non-Military Means] AKA gentrification and globalization in Philadelphia
County; under an umbrella of Federal Agency Multi-jurisdictional funded,
Culture of Corruption, Vested Interest, Criminal Money Politics using public
assets for private gain that are transforming Downtown Philadelphia from a
De Facto County Seat to an Apartheid American Style Sundown Town;
promulgating the nullification of the constitutional rights of the Citizens of
Philadelphia that is the state of the Philadelphia City State SDP; allowing our
federal and local tax dollars to be spent without Philadelphias Citizens
receiving effective education services with job and business development for
their tax dollars being spent; and producing disparate results for
Philadelphias Citizens of Color; and

The continued operation of the SDP as a deliberately dysfunctional and

Structurally Racist Jim Crow Institution with no meaningful governance and
operational control from Parent Citizens of Color and local small business,
who constitute the majority of parent, student and alumni constituents, in the
District, in violation of Pennsylvania Education Code and as documented in
numerous lawsuits against the Central Administration of the District; and

Therefore, the School District Central Administration in the past embarked

on a media campaign dubbed no excuses, while at the same time imposing a
set of draconian student and parent conduct regulations without the consent
or input of the minority citizen parents being subjected to what amounts to
transformation of the education process to a more formalized criminal

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process with Principals of Schools serving more as prison wardens than
mangers of training-to-work institutions and teachers as prison guards; and

The gentrification and globalization advancing Real Estate Speculation

policies and practices of the SDP aiding and abetting the destruction of the
Architectural Heritage of the City of Philadelphia rather than serving as the
education institutional guardian of our historic Free Republic Political
Jurisdiction Architectural Heritage here in Philadelphia. The SDP is not
fulfilling its implied charter institutional guardian obligation to instruct the
residents and the world on the historical significance of the buildings and
structures in Philadelphia; and

SDPs gentrification and globalization ethnic cleansing by subversion

operational paradigm can be termed the Vallas Hoax with encore
Hoax Acts by Vallas Successor School Superintendents Ackerman and
Hite; and

Therefore, a state of Government Corruption which is the state of all once

great City States before they collapse unless there is a rebirth from
within. Rebirth of greatness of community life is the purpose of the
Shaykamaxum Republic Government filing this comprehensive lawful/legal
action to put into action a legal cause action declarations that will give rise
to legal actions to restore the Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system [LSIE]
of Philadelphia County and other similarly situated communities of Our Land
such that the LSIEs resume operation in an INSTUTIONAL-GUARDIAN
FRAMEWORK with De Facto School-to-Work Public School Systems, Local
Small Business Living Wage Employment Creation, Easy Access to Capital
Credit, Relatively low cost energy and water utility systems, Free Open Access
to nature based health and wellness support organizations and relatively
pollution free physical natural environments. The legal remedy cause action
declarations that the Shaykamaxum Republic Government is seeking to put in
effect is to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military
Means] As a State Responsibility under the United Nations Human Rights
Enforcement Regime; and

Whereas, the addition of Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-

Military Means] As a State Responsibility under the United Nations Human
Rights Enforcement Regime will facilitate filling relief actions in unbiased
international legal venues for relief by victims of the type of human rights
abuses herein delineated; and

Whereas, the Shaykamaxum Republic Government NOTES that prior to the

rise of the Imperial Government starting circa 1492 in our land that there was
NO prisons, pollution, homeless people, or poverty or taxes and the medicine
man was free; and

Whereas, what we are dealing with can be said to be warfare civil and
military between humans is the issue and FIVE STAR GENERAL DOUGLAS

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Whereas, efforts have been made to distort my position, It has been said, in
effect, that I was a warmonger. Nothing could be further from the truth, I
know war as few other men now living know it, and nothing to me is more
revolting, I have long advocated its complete abolition, as its very
destructiveness on both friend and foe has rendered it useless as a means of
settling international disputes. Indeed, on the second day of September,
nineteen hundred and forty-five, just following the surrender of the Japanese
nation on the Battleship Missouri, I formally cautioned as follows; and

Whereas, men since the beginning of time have sought peace. Various
methods through the ages have been attempted to devise an international
process to prevent or settle disputes between nations. From the very start
workable methods were found in so far as individual citizens were concerned,
but the mechanics of an instrumentality of larger international scope have
never been successful. Military alliances, balances of power, Leagues of
Nations, all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of
war. The utter destructiveness of war now blocks out this alternative. We
have had our last chance. If we will not devise some greater and more
equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door. The problem basically is
theological [my elaboration - whether or not we shall follow Gods - Basic
Instructions Before Leaving Earth (B.I.B.L.E.) and by doing so receive the
Peace of God by walking in Gods Ways of Unconditional Love and Grace
following the Jesus Life Model] and involves a spiritual recrudescence and
improvement of human character that will synchronize with our almost
matchless advances in science, art, literature, and all material and cultural
developments of the past 2000 years. It must be of the spirit if we are to save
the flesh, but once war is forced upon us, there is no other alternative than to
apply every available means to bring it to a swift end, War's very object is
victory, not prolonged indecision.; and


spiritual recrudescence (i.e. revival) MODALITY OF OPERATION

Therefore, ironically the societal system from which Five Star General
MacArthur arose has in its roots the very theological spiritual recrudescence
was calling for being implemented to save humanity from its own
Armageddon war self-extinction, the societal system from which Five Star
General MacArthur arose is derived from the Indigenous Iroquois Society
Confederation political ethos which features the Great Law of Peace; and


Article 24*
Whereas, The chiefs of the League of Five Nations shall be mentors of the
people for all time. The thickness of their skin shall be seven spans, which is to
say that they shall be proof against anger, offensive action, and criticism. Their
hearts shall be full of peace and good will, and their minds filled with a
yearning for the welfare of the people of the League. With endless patience,

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they shall carry out their duty. Their firmness shall be tempered with a
tenderness for their people. Neither anger nor fury shall find lodging in their
minds and all their words and actions shall be marked by calm deliberation;

Whereas, we must remember that the Constitution of the United States of

America is modeled after the Protocols of the Indigenous Iroquois Society
Confederation. Further it can accurately be said that the United States of
America Constitution is a translation into English of the Protocols of the
Indigenous Iroquois Society Confederation by Benjamin Franklin and other
founding fathers. In addition because of the greater role of Benjamin Franklin
in the drafting of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Constitution we find the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Constitution to be a
truer translation of the Protocols of the Indigenous Iroquois Society
Confederation than the United States of America Constitution; and

Whereas, we note that in the opening statement to the United States of

America Constitution We the People of the United States, in Order to form a
more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for
the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings
of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America. The a more perfect Union
statement is alluding to the Indigenous Iroquois Society Confederation union;

Whereas, we note further that the European American Settlers societal

protocols were of a feudal slavery nature and not a free democracy, as
democracy was exported back to Europe from America. The United States of
America Constitution and the development of a free democratic society by
European Americans following the Protocols of the Indigenous Iroquois
Society Confederation was emulated by the French in their revolution and the
French People thanked America by gifting America the Statue of Liberty; and

Whereas, The significance of the Protocols of the Indigenous Iroquois Society

Confederation being the source of the United States of America Constitution
and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Constitution and their nexus to
serving as the basis for a potential theological spiritual recrudescence (i.e.
revival) MODALITY OF OPERATION for our society is found in the facts that
when the Crown European Settler Population arrived in the Americas there
was no prisons, pollution, homeless people, or poverty or taxes and the
medicine man was free; and
Therefore, in America, (Amexem Al- Moroc, Northwest in its original
identification, we now have an abundance of prisons, pollution, homeless
people, taxes and poverty and the medicine system is so expensive that
prepayment by insurance is necessary to use it, we did not have these evils in
on our Land, when our society was operated under the Protocols of the
Ancient Original Indigenous Heirs to this land, such as the Iroquois Society
Confederation, and thousands of years before that, which was guided by THE

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Whereas, the leaders of our society although our constitution is a variation of
the Protocols of the Indigenous Iroquois Society Confederation do not follow
yielded for our society the above evils. The above evils are the evidence of an
on-going spiritual war where the Devils Demonic Minions seek to capture the
flesh vessel of the holy-spirit (i.e. our bodies) and use them for their evil
demonic purposes. People tend to not become Demonic Minions unless they
have been subjected to such evils as imprisonment, poisoning by pollution,
homelessness, and poverty; and

Whereas, the answer is the Redmans Gospel Way of Life text is attached as
the theological spiritual recrudescence and improvement of human character
guidance vehicle to address the needed transformation of world society to one
that operates providing educational, environmental, economic and social
justice to all its Peoples!


Therefore, our demand for Remedy Action is being given in the

Historic Philadelphia Culture Context Disclosure on the impact of contact
with Native Aboriginal Culture known as the Iroquois-System had on the
United States for America, as a Dual Imperial and Indigenous Culture Nation
that resonates from association with the Iroquois-System are embodied in the
statements in the Preamble of the United States Constitution We the People
of the United States, meaning ten square miles called the district of Columbia
in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
Tranquility, provide for the common defense, [note promote the general
Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do
ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The
more perfect Union refers to the Iroquois system which was a union of six
nations. Benjamin Franklin was a prime architect of all legal instruments
calling for the Crown Colonies to form a democratic union equivalent to the
Iroquois Six Nation System, The names of the legal instruments calling for
the Crown Colonies to form a democratic union equivalent to the Iroquois
Six Nation System are Franklins Albany Plan of Union and the Articles of
Confederacy, however true de facto decolonization was began in 1960 based
on the United Nations Charter that has not been truly completed as of yet; and

Therefore, as nothing in the feudal societies and empires of the Old World
resembled the democratic Constitution of the Six Nations. Freedom of speech,
not a strong point of European monarchy, was vital to Iroquois participatory
government. Freedom of religionunknown across the Atlantic, where
genocidal religious wars ragedwas guaranteed by the Great Law. Initiative,
referendum, recall, and political participation by women, free public
education for all American-Indian-Clan apprenticeship system, inconceivable
in the kingdoms of Europe, were essential to the Iroquois system an upside
down pyramid structured society; and

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Therefore, Tribal nations are the original Muur People, Native to this land
who exercised their rights to self-determination thousands of years ago, when
their grand-fathers and grandmothers created self-governing, self-sustaining
societies. Before the United States, Indigenous tribes were independent
nations; and

Whereas, Note the United States Constitution legally is a novation of the

Articles of Confederacy as the Articles of Confederacy where never abolished
and thus are still in effect The Articles of Confederacy recognized and
required respect for the sovereign rights and status of Indian nations, and

Whereas, in 1789, the same year the Constitution was ratified, President
George Washington signed the 1789 Northwest Ordinance into law, which
recognized and pledged to protect the original, inherent rights of Indian
nations to American Indian lands, liberty and property: The utmost good
faith shall always be observed towards the Indians; their lands and property
shall never be taken from them without their consent; and, in their property,
rights, and liberty, they shall never be invaded or disturbed, unless in just and
lawful wars authorized by Congress; but laws founded in justice and humanity,
shall from time to time be made for preventing wrongs being done to them,
and for preserving peace and friendship with them; and

Whereas, in 1803, in the Louisiana Purchase Treaty, President Thomas

Jefferson acknowledged that the United States acquired Louisiana Territory
subject to the existing rights and lands owned by Indian nations and pledged
to respect existing International treaties with Indian nations, until the United
States entered its own treaties with Indian nations based upon mutual
consent; and

Whereas, in America, a Nation founded upon democracy, rule by the will of

the people, and equality, the Constitutions framers never claimed a right to
impose upon Native peoples. Rather, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and
other framers knew that the same principles that animated the Constitution
required respect for the sovereign rights and status of Indian nations; and

Whereas, after 90 years of treaty-making and more than 370 Indian treaties,
the 14th Amendment repeats the Constitutions original recognition of
Indians not taxed and acknowledges the jurisdiction of Indian nations over
tribal citizens; and

Whereas, the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, also known as the Snyder Act
makes American Indians dual citizens with this stipulation:

Whereas, it will be observed that the Act provides that the granting of such
citizenship shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of any
Indian to tribal or other property. Therefore, the restrictions upon the trust
propertyreal or personalof Indians are not removed by the passage of
this Act. Questions relative to the control or management of trust property are,

Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means]

As a State Responsibility under the United Nations Human Rights Enforcement Regime Copyright 2015
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therefore, not changed by the Act but are to be handled on their own merits as
heretofore; and

Whereas, accordingly, the Shaykamaxum Republic Government Remedy

Petitions primary key legal area of nexus includes that we are seeking a law
enforcement tool for the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous requirement
that governments get Indigenous Peoples free, prior, and informed consent
before embarking on any development project or other action that would
affect the Indigenous Peoples life and territory. The Shaykamaxum Republic
Governments People have NOT been given free, prior, and informed
consent on the restructuring of the banking and financial system that United
States Society is operating under the current regime. Thus that is one of the
key areas of Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system Subversion that we are
seeking relief under by the formation of a Shaykamaxum Republic
Government National Cooperative Bank that would be securitized and
collateralized by the monetized debt instruments that have been placed into
circulation in the individual names of the People of the Shaykamaxum
Republic Government by the current International Imperial Regime; and

Whereas, the formation and operation of the Shaykamaxum Republic

Government National Cooperative Bank would facilitate the creation of
specialized Indigenous Peoples Individual Development Account Trust
Agreement (IDATA) funding process - chartered
to provide a rebirth of finance of the operation of an INSTITUTIONAL-
GUARDIAN FRAMEWORK Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system that has
De Facto School-to-Work Public School Systems, Local Small Business Living
Wage Employment Creation, Easy Access to Capital Credit, Relatively low cost
energy and water utility systems, Free Open Access to nature based health
and wellness support organizations and a relatively pollution free physical
natural environment for the People of the Shaykamaxum Republic
Government; and

Whereas, the SUBVERTED Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system that our

People are being subjected in locals such as the once great free City State of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania can be described as giving us Crown Robber Baron
also known as [AKA] BANKSTERS in collaboration with COLLECTIVE
GOVERNMENT AKA as a Local Government Political-Machine driven Debtor
Prison Police State Asset Forfeiture Tyranny -Crown Robber Baron Police State
Tyranny - where the Police act as the new diverse Ku Klux Klan with gun sight
lynching s as illustrated by the Michael Brown Ferguson, Missouri Incident. In
Philadelphia this tyranny has moved from Police Stop and Steal Asset
City of Philadelphia Gas Works [PGW] and School District of Philadelphia [SDP]
Neighborhood School Buildings to HOMEOWNERS GETTING WATER AND GAS
BE TAKEN FROM THEM. It should be noted that prior to the rise of the

Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means]

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BANKSTERS in Pennsylvania if you defaulted on your home mortgage following
an investigation by Bankers that determined no fraud was being committed,
your mortgage was put into abeyance and you stayed in your home - CAN YOU

Whereas, the Philadelphia City Government and School District are CASH-
reporting on the EXECUTIVES of the city government and school district most
of the time. This positive reporting on the EXECUTIVES of the city government
and school district by the MAINSTREAM-MEDIA occurs in spite of the on-going
crisis after crisis that the city government and school district have on-going.
Consequently, most of the general public is NOT aware that their ASSETS the
city government and school district Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system
APPARATUS are being willfully and un-lawfully MIS-MANAGED by the
EXECUTIVES of the city government and school district MOST OF THE TIME;

Whereas, the seemingly widespread general acceptance of the Philadelphia

general public of the MIS-MANAGEMENT by the EXECUTIVES of the city
government and school district Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system ASSETS
has caused the same EXECUTIVES to believe that even FLASE FLAG FIRE-SALE
DISPOSAL ACTIONS of city government and school district ASSETS will be
accepted by the general public; and

Whereas, Consequently, in Philadelphia we are getting a FALSE FLAG FIRE-

SALE DISPOSAL ACTIONS of the city government Philadelphia Gas Works
[PGW] and School District of Philadelphia [SDP] Buildings. These actions
undertaken by the Philadelphia Money Party Gang Machine can also be
BE, Robber Baron AKA Bankster- Crown-Corporation Subverted Collective
Government Alliance - Education which is School-to-Prison Education - Since
Crime-In-The-Streets cannot be STOPPED until its driving force Crime-In-
The-Suites of Private Corporations with their Alliance Partner Collective
Government Partners is ENDED - FORENSIC AUDITS are required to
determine the public private Actors responsible for LOCAL COMMUNITY
School-to-Prison Type Crimes Against Humanity to be indicted. After
indictment the Actors are to be given a fair trial and upon conviction for their
crimes to promptly have their sentences executed; and

Whereas, Robber Baron AKA Bankster- Crown-Corporation Subverted

Collective Government Law Enforcement THAT FEATURES - LOCAL
ended by modalities such as the Tax Retirement Fund

Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means]

As a State Responsibility under the United Nations Human Rights Enforcement Regime Copyright 2015
Jasper Jones for the Shaykamaxum Republic Government - Page 28 of 31. - Stop Taxing Our Properties [STOP] National
Lottery to End the National Debt ,
debt-and-fund-citizen-needs-grant-act Robber Baron AKA Bankster- Crown-
Corporation Subverted Collective Government Alliance - Health care which is
Death by Drugs that are oil based; and

Whereas, Robber Baron AKA Bankster- Crown-Corporation Subverted

Collective Government Alliance Energy Utility System that is death by fossil
fuels; and

Whereas, Robber Baron AKA Bankster- Crown-Corporation Subverted

Collective Government Alliance - Media which gives us mainstream media lies,
and fiction versions of major events; and

Whereas, Robber Baron AKA Bankster - Crown-Corporation Subverted

Collective Government Alliance - Agriculture death by Genetically Modified
Organism's; [GMOs] [i.e. have been linked to the mass Honey-Bee Death and
leaky gut in humans disease syndromes; and

Whereas, Robber Baron AKA Bankster- Crown-Corporation Subverted

Collective Government Alliance - Banks that do not lend to small and medium

Whereas, ALL WARS ARE AND HAVE BEEN Robber Baron AKA Bankster-
Crown-Corporation Subverted Collective Government Alliance WARS; and


The addition of Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military

Means- Human Civil War of Subversion ] As a State Responsibility under the
United Nations Human Rights Enforcement Regime will facilitate filling legal
relief actions in unbiased international legal venues for relief by victims of the
type of human rights abuses that have been herein delineated. Our exemplar
location Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Community whose subverted Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system has
yielded the result of in 2008 being the highest per capital political jurisdiction
in the world for incarceration of its majority non-white citizenry has its genesis
in its subverted Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system; and

Whereas, Philadelphias subverted Life-Support-Institutional-Eco-system

functions as a De Facto School-to-Prison Public School System, has Little or No
Local Small Business Living Wage Employment Creation, Limited Access to
Capital Credit, Relatively high cost fossil fuel based energy and water utility
systems, De Facto School-to-Debt-Slave outcomes, Restricted Access to nature
based health and wellness support organizations and thus has a generally
unhealthy low and moderate income citizenry and relatively polluted physical
natural environment; and

Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means]

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Whereas, NOTE Present day FRACKING in Western-Pennsylvania has
resulted in the creation of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Eco-system
Destruction Internal Refugees! These Eco-system Destruction Internal
Refugees of Pennsylvania can be said to be victims of Genocide by Ecocide that
is in violation of their Pennsylvania Constitutional Rights and their Human
Rights! The People of Butler County [see Woodlands YouTube Video
Testimony] in particular are in need of an International Venue to seek
enforcement of their Pennsylvania Constitutional Rights and their Human
Rights as it is Pennsylvania Executive Branch Officials of the State Government
who authorized FRACKING in Pennsylvania to occur in violation of their State
and Human Rights. This assertion is made based on the fact that FRACKING
cannot be done without making the areas water un-pure, and the air unclean
a per se violation of Pennsylvania Citizen Constitutional Rights. Since
environmental destruction and loss of human life and health has occurred that
has a nexus to the State Officials Decision to Authorize FRACKING in
Pennsylvania with funding for infrastructure construction from the People of
Pennsylvanias Treasury, the authorizing officials are the RESPONSIBLE-
PARTY-ACTORS for the environmental destruction and loss of human life and
health that has occurred. As RESPONSIBLE-PARTY-ACTORS the State
Officials for justice in this situation should be given a fair trial and upon
conviction for their crimes to promptly have their sentences executed;
however without the addition of Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing
by Non-Military Means] As a State Responsibility under the United Nations
Human Rights Enforcement Regime there is no clearly appropriate
International Venue to present these matters for adjudication; and

Whereas, in addition the conduct of FRACKING in Pennsylvania is providing a

barrier to the needed conversion of Philadelphia to Hydrogen in order to
restore the City of Philadelphia to manufacturing and agriculture industry
based economic prosperity; and

Whereas, The past Genocide by Ecocide of the Plains Indians was done by the
extermination of the buffalo, for the Indians who lived on the Plains, life
depended on the buffalo. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, there
were an estimated forty million buffalo, but between 1830 and 1888 there
was a rapid, systematic extermination culminating in the sudden slaughter of
the only two remaining Plain herds. By around 1895, the formerly vast buffalo
populations were practically extinct. The end result was wide-scale death by
starvation and the social and cultural disintegration of many Plains-Tribes [i.e.
the genocide of many Plains-Tribes]. The extermination of the buffalo a key
element of the Great Plains Paradise Exo-system also later resulted in the Dust

Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means]

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Bowl Era of the Great Plains [i.e. a marker of the Plains Eco-systems Ecocide];

Whereas, Closing, it is for those who have fallen under unchecked Genocide
by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means] alluded to herein
and to prevent others in the present and the future from being victimized by
these modalities of low impact human civil warfare that we are petitioning for
the Addition of Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military
Means] As a State Responsibility under the United Nations Human Rights
Enforcement Regime; and

Therefore, Jasper Jones, Pro Se Attorney, Recognized Cherokee American

Indian, Ambassador Of The Shaykamaxum Republic Government - Jasper
Jones Bey-Dr.M S S - Minister Of Energy/ Education /Community Affairs/ -
Executive Director, United Block Captains Association [UBCA] - Community
Trust (for family life improvement) Inc. ; Vice President 7000 Villagers -
Pro Se, Attorney Qui Tam - False Claims Action hallmarked by disparate
treatment of Citizens of Color in the School District of Philadelphia [SDP];
UBCA the River-City-to-Hydrogen (RCtH) Dream-Team-Clean Development
Mechanism [CDM] Promotion Project Developer Organization,; Data Spectrum
Senior Consultant Engineer and Project Configuration Management Engineer.

Respectfully Submitted By; Jasper Jones Bey, Dr. M .S .S.

This document is authorized by:

His Royal Imperial Majesty

Emperor/King, :IIudah Abrahim Bey Israel I:
Her Royal Imperial Highness
Empress/Aailyah Jaffa Bey IsraEl
For the Shaykamaxum Republic, Atlantis Amexem Empire
On behalf of the People

Seal Seal

Petition to Add Genocide by Ecocide [AKA Ethnic Cleansing by Non-Military Means]

As a State Responsibility under the United Nations Human Rights Enforcement Regime Copyright 2015
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