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Nama Kelompok

1. Khotibul Imam
2. M. Rizal Romadhoni
3. M. Fahrizal
4. Presnanda Bijak S.
5. Rafika Nuri S.
6. Ratna Safira
7. Rhama Mahendra
8. Rudi Firmansyah

One sunny morning in the canteen, seen a group of student was joking together
C : Rats what his leg two?
D : The rats to carry shopping bags in the market wkwk.
E. What what?
C : mickey mouse
Everyone be quiet while thinking about laughing together.
F : duck, duck, what's his foot two?
G : donald duck
H : duck go to the office.
F : wait what which it all the duck legs of the two.

Get Everyone be quiet and laughing wkwkwk.

Seen two student was walk to the canteen too
A : Hai ratnaa
B : Hallo raf what happened?
A : I want to share this info for you
B : what is it?
A : is the data of the unemployment rate
B : its great incidentally I confused about what is unemployment
A : (look around) oh lets we ask our friend there
B : Hai guys sorry to distrube you, we want to ask about unemployment
C : What makes you confused?
B : What is the meaning of unemployment? Why they are can be unemployment?
C : Unemployment is term for people who do not work at all, looking for work, working less
than two days a week, or someone trying to get a decent job.
D : And than unemployment is generally due to the workforce or job seekers are not
proportional to the number of jobs that there are able to absorb it
A : Any kind of employment or just people who like description the meaning of employment
we say unemployment?
E :No, there are three main types of unemployment there are frictional, structural, and
cyclical. Frictional is when some workers are in between jobs. Examples are new graduates
looking for their first job. Others are workers who move to a new town without lining up
another job.
F : Some people quit abruptly, knowing they'll get a better job shortly. Still others might
decide to leave the workforce for personal reasons such as retirement, pregnancy or sickness.
They drop out of the labor force. When they return and start looking again, they're counted as
G : And than structural is as the economy evolves, there is an unavoidable mismatch between
workers' job skills and employers' needs. This happens when workers are displaced by
technology, as when robots take over manufacturing jobs.
H : Than cyclical unemployment is when workers lose their jobs because of downturns in the
business cycle. You can tell when the economy contracts by measuring gross domestic
product. Cyclical unemployment is temporary.
B : How the condition of unemployment in indonesia?
D : From the data of BPS as of August 2017, 121.02 million of the working population and as
many as 7.04 million people were unemployed
A : And this is The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) is an indicator that can be used to
measure labor supply levels that are not used or not absorbed by the labor market. TPT in
August 2016 was 5.61 percent, down to 5.50 percent in August 2017. Viewed from the area
where he lived, TPT in urban areas recorded higher than in rural areas.
C : Most of the working population is about 87.20 million people (72.05%) are full-time
workers with the majority of primary school educated workers or down.
B : Ohh I remember I ever read in BPS too that the number of people working in each sector
shows the ability of the sector in employment. Based on the main employment field in
August 2017, Indonesia's population is mostly employed in the agricultural sector
E : Than how to resolve of unemployment?
A : The government can conduct job training to fill vacant vacancy vacancies, immediately
establish labor-intensive industries in unemployed areas, promote the development of the
informal sector, such as home industry
B : Also promote transmigration programs to absorb labor in the agrarian and other formal
sectors directing people's demand for goods and services and Increase people's purchasing
F : Therefore we must to have hard skill and soft skill to add ability to be ready to face work
G : Dont be lazy guys we can if we try
H : Its true this make me want to opening up jobs to help others who need work
A : Great, you can do it
B : Oh no we must go to class now raf, we are to late
A : Why I foget it, thanks for your information guys
B : See you
All : See you

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