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Division Memorandum No. #20 series 2017 To: From: Assislan! Senoo's Divishon Sues tend Chief. Cumeulum and instruction Di Chief School Governance and Operations lvision Education Program Supervisors Public Schoo! District Supervisors School Heads, Public/Prvale Elementary and Secondary Schools School Paper Advisers in English and Flipino, Public/Private Blemeniany ‘and Secondary Schoo Ollices, Astociniion of lsmentery & Seconcary Scheel Papmr Advisors Campus journals, Public/Private Tlementary and Secandary Scheots All Others Concerfed Subject: 2017 DIVISION SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE Date: 1 2 Pursuant to the provisions of RA. 70/9, otherwise known as the "Campus Journalism A- of 1991" the Deparment of L¢ucation, Dagupan City announes the conduct af 2017 Rivsion Schools Press Conference (DSPCjon November 16-18. 2017 with the theme, “Embracing ASEAN Integration: Campus Joumalists’ Role In Advancing Inclusive Education” at lyceum-Northwestern University. The conference aims to enable the patlicipants to: 2. demonstrate understanding of the importance of Journaiisen ty expressing it through Gifferent journaiistic endeavors anid approacties’ b, sustain advocacy on social consciousness: jing expesicnce for students interest in pursuing, ©. provide a venue tor an enriching lear journalism as a career, d, promote responsibie journals une tair ethical use of saciat media: and 2. enhance jouNnailstic, competence though heallhy and flendly competi Tho conference octivities shall include the following a. Individual Contests Radio Scripiwiting and broadcasting Contes: Collaborative Desktop Publishing CPD} Contest: IV Script Writing and Brocdcusting Contests (for Secondary Level) @. Concurrent Sessions with Workshops: and f Awarcing of the Wines and Outstanding School Papen Advisers (SPAsj and Campus Joumatsts (Cus), among ethers oo Reyisiulion tee 1s Php 300.00 fer Schoo! Paper Advisers both Eiemenlary & Scuondkny and Php. 300.00 for Camous Joumnaliis Elementary Level, Php. 450.00 lor Campus Journalists Secondary (evel and Php 300.00 for Schoo! Publication. Raghtralion lees shal caver honcraria of resource speckers(individual) honoraria ot Judges (group contests/school publication) printing of cerfificales, reproduction of materials, contest materials and other incickental expenses to be incumed curing the conduct of the Division Schools Press Conterencee All schools are enjoined to issue schoo! publications in English and/or Fillpino. The Division, Office strictly implements the policy of NO PAPER NO CONTEST. Deadline for the submission of schoo! papers (English/Fillpinc) is on Nevember 27. Piease submit to EPS Agnes P. Bacugan - Cnglish and EPS Gemma M. Erfelo - Filipino 6. November 14 is the deadline for the submission of names ot contestants (individuaV/group contests). the names of parlicipanis must be yrinled. The top 5 winners in the inaividuat contests while the champion in the group centests will be awarded as agreed upon during the SPC 201/ consultative conference. Thare will be no contests in Molher-longue culeory. November 15 is Ihe teais!:alion/paymenl gf fees. Coordinalers shall receive the payment and release official receipt. All school paper advisers in The public elementary and secondary schools must ragster their corpus journalists from 8 am-12 noon, Divisiats Training Center, (On the other hand, schoo! paper advisers in the private elementary und secondary schools must register their campus loumnaiiss from 1 pm- Spm, Division Training Center. 7. Applicants for the search for Outstanding School Paper Adviser and Campus Journalist must submit their documents on November 15 to CPS Bacugan /EPS ffelo. Interview of SPA and on the seme date from 8am to 5 pm, Teachers’ Hall. Accomplishments ot SPA and CJ for the last thas years (SY 2014-2018, $¥ rsS¥ 2016 and $¥ 2016-2017} wil be crectted. 8. For further details regarding the revised guidelines in the conduat of the individual ana Group Contest, is MANDATORY for om participating scneols to download and refer to DEFED MEMORANDUM 216 S. 2016 dated December 8, 2016 cand the enclosure to this memorandum in order to be guided accordingly. 9. Meeting of Association of Elementary School Paper Advisers ct Dagupan City |AESPAD) and Associalion ol Secondary Scho! Paper Advisers of Dagupan Cily (ASSPAD) otticers and contest administraters is on Nevember 7, 2017 at 1pm, Teachers’ Hall 10, Compliance of this Memorandum i dlested,

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