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5: (100-92) 4: (91-84) 3: (83-77) 2: (76-71) 1 ( 70-65)

Content/ Writing shows an ability to Writing shows an ability to Writing shows an ability to A simple attempt to express Writing shows inability to
Ideas describe and reflect upon express clear ideas and supply express intelligibly clear ideas. clear ideas. Arguments are express clear ideas. Most of
experience, and analyze with some detail, explanation and Arguments are expressed with expressed very simply and the work is too inaccurate to
occasional success. Some exemplification for the benefit variable relevance, logic and briefly. make sense.
arguments are well developed of the reader. Arguments are development.
although the explanation may expressed in a competent,
not always be consistent. relevant points with a clear
attempt to develop them.

Structure Facts, ideas and opinions are A clear attempt is made to Facts, ideas and opinions are Facts, ideas and opinions may An absence of overall structure
often well ordered so the present facts, ideas and presented in paragraphs which appear in partially formed and paragraphing leads to
construction of the writing is opinions in an orderly way, may be inconsistent. The paragraphs of inappropriate confusion.
clear. Sentences/ paragraphs although there may be some overall structure is unsound in length and some attempt is
are mostly well sequenced, overall flaws. places. made to provide a beginning
although some may finish less and an end.
effectively than they begin.

Thesis The thesis statement is clear. The thesis statement is clear. The thesis statement is evident. There is an attempt at a thesis The thesis statement is unclear.
statement + Essay stays focused on the Essay is mostly focused on the Essay is sometimes focused on statement but it may be Essay is not focused and is off
Focus prompt from start to finish. prompt and is rarely off topic. the prompt and is occasionally misplaced. Essay is somewhat topic.
off topic. focused but mainly off topic.

Grammar+ Shows signs of understanding Uses punctuation and grammar Shows knowledge of simple Occasionally use appropriate The grammatical mistakes
Mechanics how punctuation and competently although the punctuation and grammar, but punctuation and can spell hinder the message and content
grammatical structures can be range is not strong. There may the amount of error. Sentence simple words, but the reader is of the essay.
used in communication.. Errors be a number of minor errors separation is often poor, but not convinced that their
of spelling, punctuation and especially at the bottom of this error does not prevent the understanding, especially of
grammar are minor, and rare at score and even occasional reader from understanding grammar, is adequate.
the top of this score. errors of sentence separation. what is written.

Quotes Quotes are incorporated Quotes are incorporated, cited Quotes are weakly Quotes are inadequate and Does not have quotes or
fluently, cited correctly, and correctly, and appropriately incorporated, cited incorrectly, may not be cited or support citations.
appropriately supports topic. supports the topic. and weakly support the topic. the topic.

Language Writes appropriately for Mostly successful in writing Slightly successful in writing Several occurrences of Major flaws and use of
audience audience and context. appropriately for audience and appropriately for audience and informal language. non-academic language
context. context. throughout the essay.

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