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Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology , 1990, 77:295-308 295

Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd.

EVOPOT 89042

Cross-correlation and latency compensation analysis of click-evoked

and frequency-following brain-stem responses in man
Gary C. Galbraith and Warren S. Brown
University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine, Mental Retardation Research Group at Lanterman Developmental Center,
Pomona, CA 91769 (U.S.A.), and Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA 91182 (U. S.A.)

(Accepted for publication: 28 September 1989)

Sununary Cross-correlation (CC) and latency compensation (LC) analyses were applied to the human click-evoked brain-stem
auditory evoked response (BAER) and the brain-stem frequency-following response (FFR). FFRs were elicited by pure tone stimuli
(230 Hz and 460 Hz) or by complex tones derived from the sum of 3rd (920 Hz), 4th (1150 Hz), and 5th (1380 Hz) harmonics of the
missing 230 Hz fundamental. The lower and upper harmonics always began in sine phase, while the middle harmonic varied in
starting phase, resulting in harmonically complex stimuli with differing amplitude and phase patterns.
Cross-correlations were computed between individual trials and a wave form template (smoothed wave V for BAER, pure tone
stimulus sinusoids for FFR). Trials were included in the analysis only if values of r 2 exceeded 0.5 (negative values of r were thus
included, whiah controlled for the chance occurrence of positive correlations). Although brain-stem recordings are noisy, requiring as
many as 1000 stimuli/average, correlation analysis consistently identified more positive than negative trials (approximately 2:1 ratio).
Trials were also deleted if the lag associated with the selected r 2 was at the maximum shift position ('extreme lag').
Averaging trials that satisfied the correlation and lag criteria led to sizeable enhancement of BAER (mean = 114%) and FFR
(mean ~ 68% for 230 Hz stimulus) amplitudes. LC analysis resulted in additional, albeit smaller, increases in amplitude (approxi-
mately 10%). FFRs to harmonically complex stimuli were characterized by a clear periodicity at the missing fundamental frequency
(230 Hz). However, amplitudes varied according to the modulation depth of the stimulus and, in certain cases, actually exceeded that
of the FFR response to a 230 Hz pure tone.
The results demonstrate the effectiveness of cross-correlation and, to a lesser degree, latency compensation analysis, applied to
two classes of brain-stem potentials. It is anticipated that such techniques will prove useful in the study of auditory signal processing
at the level of the brain-stem.

Key words: Brain-stem auditory evoked response; Frequency-following responses; Cross-correlation; Latency compensation;

A number of investigators have employed some approximation to the known signal (gener-
cross-correlation (CC) techniques to detect and ally the average wave form). Woody (1967) pro-
enhance long-latency evoked response compo- posed a latency compensation (LC) algorithm in
nents (Palmer et al. 1966; Derbyshire et al. 1967; which the initial evoked response template is mod-
Woody 1967; Weinberg and Cooper 1972a, b; ified in successive iterations as the effects of tem-
PfurtscheUer and Cooper 1975). Such techniques poral jitter are systematically removed. However,
typically utilize a correlation template, usually such iterative procedures have been criticized
(WasteU 1977; Aunon and Sencaj 1978); and
powerful new techniques are being proposed to
Correspondence to: G.C. Galbraith, Lanterman Develop- deal with the general problem of latency jitter
mental Center, University of California, Los Angeles, School (e.g., MScks et al. 1988).
of Medicine, P.O. Box 100-R, Pomona, CA 91769 (U.S.A.). In contrast to the substantial body of research

0168-5597/90/$03.50 1990 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd.


applying CC and LC techniques to long-latency fundamental paradigm thereby provides a useful

potentials, very little has been done to apply these context within which to examine temporal vari-
techniques to short-latency potentials. The prob- ability of FFR signals.
lem is complicated by reduced signal-to-noise
ratios, often requiring a thousand or more stimuli
to define an average. Additionally, it might seem Methods and materials
that LC analysis is not necessary with short-latency
potentials since they are intrinsically more stable. Subjects
Thus, components of the brain-stem auditory Five male and 6 female subjects (Ss) par-
evoked response (BAER) are thought to depend ticipated in the study. There was a heterogeneous
upon synaptically 'secure' neurons which dis- age range (8-43 years, mean = 14.3). Hearing was
charge with brief and stable firing latencies within normal limits (assessed with Beltone Model
(Buchwald 1983). In spite of such presumed tem- 9D audiometer) and there were no known neuro-
poral stability, however, significant enhancement logical disorders; all children were at age-ap-
of BAER components by LC analysis has been propriate grade levels in school.
demonstrated (Galbraith 1984). Dobie and col-
leagues (Dobie and Clopton 1980; Dobie and Wil- Stimulation and recording
son 1984; Wilson and Dobie 1987) have obtained BAERs were elicited by 80 dB (SPL) rarefac-
short-latency auditory responses by cross-cor- tion clicks, 100 #sec in duration. Tone stimuli for
relation using continuous (but periodic) broad- eliciting FFRs (Fig. 1) were digitally synthesized
spectrum, pseudorandom, noise stimuli. However, and presented via digital-to-analog converter at a
they did not address the issue of possible single rate of 27,500 samples/sec. Stimulus duration was
trial temporal variability in their data. 17.4 msec, intensity was 72 dB. Stimuli were
In most correlational analyses there is no a damped sine waves consisting of (a) 230 Hz pure
priori or independent template, other than some tone (4 complete cycles; first and last half cycle
representation of the response itself. Certainly in attenuated by linear ramp function), (b) 460 Hz
the case of click-evoked responses the stimulus pure tone (8 complete cycles; first and last full
wave form is unrelated to evoked response mor- cycle attenuated), or (c) complex tones derived
phology. The frequency-following response (FFR), from the sum of 3rd (920 Hz), 4th (1150 Hz), and
however, exhibits more favorable properties in this 5th (1380 Hz) harmonics of the 230 Hz fundamen-
regard. Thus, while the scalp-recorded FFR is tal (such stimuli produce a sensation of pitch
delayed (according to the site of origin within the equal in frequency to the missing fundamental;
auditory pathway, presumably the inferior col- Greenberg 1980; Greenberg et al. 1987). The lower
liculi) and persists beyond the stimulus by an and upper harmonics always began in sine phase.
equivalent duration, the response closely repro- The middle harmonic, however, varied in starting
duces the stimulus wave form morphology (Smith phase from 0 to 180 , in 45 increments. This
et al. 1975, 1978; Greenberg et al. 1987). Such produced 5 harmonically complex stimuli with
FFR properties are thus well suited to correla- differing amplitude and phase patterns (cf.,
tional analysis since the stimulus wave form con- Greenberg et al. 1987). Tones or clicks were pre-
stitutes the appropriate template. sented at a rate of approximately 15/sec in blocks
In the present paper we use CC and LC meth- of 1000. Order of stimulus presentation was coun-
ods to study both the scalp-recorded human BAER terbalanced across Ss.
and FFR. We chose to replicate the 'missing Monaural stimuli were presented to the right
fundamental' FFR paradigm of Greenberg et al. ear by means of a TDH-39 headphone shielded in
(1987). This paradigm was selected because the a mu-metal enclosure which significantly reduced
use of complex higher harmonic stimuli requires stimulus artifacts. Stimulus intensity and head-
greater neural integration and can thus test the phone response properties were calibrated by
integrity and efficiency of the system. The missing means of a Briiel and Kjaer type 2801 condenser

was amplified by a factor of 200,000, with an

230Hz analog bandpass of 30-3000 Hz + 3 dB.
Coherence between stimulus and response was
assured by a fast assembly language program that
460Hz alternated between digital-to-analog output of
stimulus wave form points and the time-correlated
analog-to-digital input of E E G data values. In the
case of FFRs, however, the initial 3 msec of E E G
input was discarded in favor of an additional 3
msec sample at the end of the response. No useful
450 F F R data was lost as a result of this maneuver
since the lower stimulus rise-times resulted in re-
sponse latencies even longer than the wave V
900 latency to click stimuli. An on-line artifact rejec-
tion routine repeated any stimulus for which ex-
treme E E G amplitudes (e.g., blocked amplifier,
135 movement) were sampled. Acceptable single trial
samples for each stimulus condition were stored
(1000 trials x 640 data points/trial) for subse-
180 ~ ' quent off-line processing.

Fig. 1. Digitally synthesized wave forms for pure tone (230 and Analysis
460 Hz) and harmonically complex stimuli. Complex stimuli In the analysis of BAERs, evoked either by
are the sum of 3rd (920 Hz), 4th (1150 Hz), and 5th (1380 Hz) click or as the initial response to tone stimuli, the
harmonics of a 230 Hz fundamental. Third and 5th harmonics
always begin in sine phase, however, 4th harmonic varies from correlation template consisted of smoothed data
0 to 180 in 45 steps. Circles and dashed line superim- points of the BAER itself, centered on the peak of
posed on the complex stimuli approximate the variable onset wave V (cf., Galbraith 1984). For the FFR, how-
latencies of the largest initial stimulus component created by ever, the template consisted of the actual sine
phase shifting the middle harmonic. Stimulus duration is 17.4 wave stimulus for pure tones, and the 230 Hz
msec (initial and final 2.18 msec attenuated by a linear ramp
function). Horizontal calibration is 5 msec. wave form for harmonically complex stimuli. Since
in the F F R analysis it was necessary to avoid the
initial BAER to sinusoidal stimuli, the template
was positioned beyond the B A E R and aligned
microphone (2 ml coupler) and Hewlett-Packard only with F F R waves. The center, or zero, lag
8052A impulse sound level meter. In the case of position to be used in LC was determined by
complex stimuli the individual component fre- computing a lagged cross-correlation function be-
quencies were calibrated separately. The final sig- tween template and average FFR. Zero-lag align-
nal amplitude was controlled by a Hewlett-Packard ment was achieved by shifting the template to the
350D decibel attenuator. A control condition free position yielding the largest positive inter-correla-
of audible stimulation was achieved by a 90 dB tion between template and F F R (see Fig. 6).
attenuation of the signal. All 1000 individual trials of an average re-
Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals were re- sponse were evaluated. For click-evoked BAERs
corded from an active electrode (10 m m gold disk) only wave V was analyzed. For FFRs, however,
placed on the vertex (Cz), referenced to the con- separate analyses were performed for the initial
tralateral (left) mastoid. The forehead served as BAER, the entire FFR, as well as individual F F R
ground. Electrodes were applied with the aid of waves (3 waves for 230 Hz, 5 waves for 460 Hz).
skin prep paste, which typically resulted in inter- Templates were incrementally shifted to lead and
electrode impedances below 2000 I2. The E E G lag the component being analyzed (36.4 #sec/lag;

_ 12 lags for wave V and 230 Hz, 5:6 lags for 460 Mean differences in peak-to-peak amplitudes
Hz). The maximum shift in each direction was between successive stages of the analysis were
equivalent to 10% of the template period. Cross- evaluated by t test for correlated data (Guilford
correlations were computed at each shift. Thus, 1965). Significant departure of regression slopes
for each single trial the largest correlation-squared from a slope of 1.0 (indicating no change in ampli-
and associated lag were determined. Any trial tude between stages of analysis) was also evaluated
component was excluded from further analysis if by means of t test (Cohen and Cohen 1983). Since
the selected lag was in an extreme position (i.e., multiple t tests were computed, the Bonferroni
first or last lag position). Such extremes are am- correction ( P / N ) was applied; in the present case
biguous since the correlation function may still be the significance level is P < 0.01/6 = 0.0017.
increasing. This may be considered a form of
off-line artifact rejection, since low correlation
values and extreme lags are more frequent in noise
trials (Galbraith 1984). Fig. 2 illustrates the effects of selecting single
Revised components were obtained by (a) sim- trial data that range in correlatio~a with the tem-
ply reaveraging only single trial responses free of plate. The results show increasing amplitudes and
extreme lags in which r 2 exceeded 0.5 (CC only), improved definition of components with increas-
and (b) reaveraging these same responses after ing correlation (Fig. 2A-D). Fig. 3 graphically
adjusting for lag differences, i.e., realigning not on illustrates, for the BAER and a single F F R com-
the stimulus but on the lag associated with the ponent, the additional effects of latency com-
largest value of r 2 ( L C ) . It should be noted that pensation adjustment beyond the signal enhancing
use of largest r 2, rather than r, is a conservative properties of cross-correlation analysis. The re-
approach that may select negatively correlated suits following LC show improved clustering of
trials. Such trials are presumably a result of E E G the evoked signals, i.e., for both the BAER and
background activity, or noise. Inclusion of nega- F F R there is a more homogeneous overlapping of
tively correlated trials controls against the selec- individual responses. Compared with the CC anal-
tion of only positively correlated trials, some of ysis this will lead to an additional, albeit propor-
which may also result from ongoing E E G noise tionally smaller, gain in average amplitude.
(summing only positively correlated trials would Fig. 4 illustrates responses to the 3 different
guarantee larger amplitudes). Yet, when a BAER types of auditory stimulus: clicks, fundamental
or F F R signal is present there are in fact more sinusoids, and complex sinusoids. The click-evoked
positive than negative trials, resulting in an ap- BAER (Fig. 4A) shows a sequence of waves which
propriate amplitude increase. Moreover, by limit- appear normal both as to morphology and latency.
ing lag shifts to + 10% of the wave period, centered In response to sinusoid stimulation the initial
on the zero lag, the data should not shift out of components resemble those of the click-evoked
phase with the template, resulting in a spurious BAER. Thus, waves III and V can be clearly
negative correlation. identified in Fig. 4B, and wave V is present in Fig.

Fig. 2. Superimposedsingle trial displays of individual wave components (left panel) and averageresponse (right panel) according to
magnitude of correlation with wave form template (smoothed wave V for BAER, sine wave cycle for each FFR wave). Correlations
are based on individual wave components rather than entire sweep following stimulus. Components are selected according to the
indicated ranges of r 2 values, but are graphed (left panel) separately for negative (NEG) and positive (POS) values of r. Phase
reversals between NEG and POS components are apparent; these greatly influencethe overall average. Generally darker densities for
POS components reflect a preponderance of positively correlated data (in this sample more BAER than FFR trials were selected,and
no negativelycorrelated BAER components were observed for the highest NEG r values; D, left). The FFR(1), FFR(2), and FFR(3)
labels associated with the average response (D, right) indicate successive waves of the FFR, each derived from a unique subset of
trials. Calibrations are 5 msec and 5/zV (right column; this same calibration is 10/~Vfor left column).

N~0 ml
.~.",~.., A.



',~, e'~,~,,~: , ~,
l.C ., " ,,

i i, ~i I

Fig. 3. Illustration of wave V BAER (left) and first wave of the

FFR (right) selected by cross-correlation (CC) criteria, and the
same data following latency compensation (LC) adjustment.

4C a n d D. These B A E R c o m p o n e n t s occur several

m i l l i s e c o n d s later a n d are g e n e r a l l y less well de=
fined t h a n click-evoked c o m p o n e n t s due to the
m o r e g r a d u a l rise-time o f the d a m p e d sinusoid
stimulus. F o l l o w i n g the initial B A E R o n e observes
F F R waves that a r e d e l a y e d a p p r o x i m a t e l y 6 msec
relative to the stimulus a n d w h i c h persist a s i m i l a r
a m o u n t b e y o n d stimulus t e r m i n a t i o n (this con-
stitutes strong evidence that the F F R is n o t an
artifact). F o l l o w i n g at the f r e q u e n c y o f the stimu- D
lus results f r o m 230 H z a n d 460 H z p u r e t o n e
s t i m u l a t i o n (Fig. 4B a n d C), a n d a d o m i n a n t 230
H z r e s p o n s e results f r o m c o m p l e x s t i m u l a t i o n (Fig. I
4D). Fig. 4. Sample average responses from subject DA. A: click-
Fig. 5 p r e s e n t s a g r o u p - a v e r a g e d c l i c k - e v o k e d evoked BAER showing expected sequence of components (wave
B A E R a n d a n o - s t i m u l u s c o n d i t i o n . Fig. 5 A shows V latency = 5.8 msec). B: 230 Hz pure tone stimulus and FFR
response showing initial BAER components (wave V latency =
the original B A E R ( i n d i v i d u a l w a v e f o r m a n d
9.02 msec). Dashed line at left of response indicates that data
l a t e n c y differences slightly d i s t o r t the g r o u p - a v e r - sampling begins 3 msec after stimulus onset to allow additional
a g e d wave V m o r p h o l o g y ) . Fig. 5B shows results sampling of the end of response. Dots above individual waves
o f the c o r r e l a t i o n analysis a p p l i e d to the wave V illustrate delayed correspondence between peaks of stimulus
c o m p o n e n t . T h e C C stage o f analysis shows a and response. C: 460 Hz pure tone stimulus and response
(wave V latency = 8.11 msec). D: complex stimulus with 4th
p r o n o u n c e d a m p l i t u d e increase ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y
harmonic in sine phase (0 ) and response (wave V latency =
100%; Fig. 5B, d a s h e d line). T h e average n u m b e r 7.38 msec) showing dominant 230 Hz FFR. Vertical calibra-
of trials selected in the p r e s e n t analysis shows a tion is 0.25 gV, horizontal calibration is 5 msec.

and LC plots. Moreover, the numbers of positive

A and negative trials are approximately equal (46 vs.
52), and within the range of the observed number
of negatively correlated trials when a signal is
+,/_ present.
Fig. 6 illustrates the process by which the
B 133/66 sinusoidal stimulus template (Fig. 6B) is aligned
with FFR components of the original response
(Fig. 6C). A cross-correlation function (Fig. 6A) is
computed by systematically shifting the template
relative to the average FFR. The particular lag
C yielding the largest positive correlation (maximum
alignment of template and FFR) defines zero lag
in the LC analysis. Fig. 6D shows individual F F R
components for the CC and LC analysis. As in the

D 46/52
Fig. 5. A: group-averaged ( N = l l ) BAER elicited by click
stimulus. B: group-averaged subset of data selected by cross-
correlation of wave V (dashed line) and following latency A o.o
-0 5
compensation (solid line) analysis. Average numbers of posi-
o -11o I
tively ( + ) and negatively ( - ) correlated trials are shown. C:
group-averaged (N = 4) wave form of 'noise' trials in which I
auditory stimulus is omitted. D: cross-correlation (dashed line)
and latency compensation (solid line) analysis of omitted
stimulus trials using wave V template when stimulus was I
present (same template as in B). Average numbers of positiv,,iy
and negatively correlated trials are shown. All plots graphed on I
same scale. I
3ms 8ms t
2 : 1 advantage (133 vs. 66) in favor of positively
correlated trials. Temporal realignment of the same
trials by LC (Fig. 5B, solid line) resulted in an
additional, but smaller, amplitude gain (approxi-
Fig. 6. Illustration of cross-correlation and latency compensa-
mately 5%). tion analysis for 230 Hz FFR. A: lagged correlation function
Fig. 5C shows a group-averaged 'response' between 3 cycle sine wave template (Fig. 6B) and average FFR
when no stimulus was present (noise trials). As response registered after the initial BAER (Fig. 6C). Vertical
expected, there is no demonstrable evoked activ- dashed time line at maximum positive inter-correlation defines
ity. In order to carry out an analysis, since the zero lag alignment in subsequent latency analysis. B: aligned
230 Hz template (initial cycle that elicits BAER not included).
noise data do not yield a meaningful template, the C: original FFR based on 1000 trials (BAER seen at the left of
correlation template consisted of the subject's own the dashed line is analyzed separately). D: average of selected
click-evoked BAER wave V. Obviously, some noise FFR trials in which extreme lags are deleted and individual
trials will correlate with such a template by chance component correlations (r 2) exceed 0.5 (dashed line), and
alone. However, positive and negative correlations following latency compensation (solid line). Visible discontinu-
ities between successive waves emphasize that each wave is
should be equally distributed and thus effectively analyzed separately and is based upon a different subset of
cancel. This is evident in the results of Fig. 5D, trials, Horizontal calibration is 5 msec (initial 3 msec of
which shows very little coherent activity in the CC response not sampled), vertical calibration is 0.25/~V.

230 Hz ~ 112/57 ."x,.,~-r~'%. , 218/17a

460 Hz 1,,//,o3 ._ P , : - ,, , .... , /188


13,)/83 -f/'-~, >,-~,.....,.._"~. (~....,-..~ 198/182


119171 .'/"'-,,,: -", ~."
~ ~. -""-.., 21o/168

No 5tim 17//21 ~ ~ .-~..,,..~..,.~,,..,.~.,.... " ~ , . . o . . . . , ~ . ' . , - . . , . , . . ~ . 144//143

Fig. 7. Group-averaged wave forms (I'4= 11, except for the no-stimulus condition in which N = 4). Left panel presents the original
FF1Ls based on 1000 stimuli aligned on the stimulus. Right panel presents the cross-correlation (dashed line) and latency
compensation (solid line) results. In this example BAERs are back-averaged from the first FFR component to maintain temporal
relationships between BAER and FFR. Vertical dashed line connects BAER wave V for harmonically complex stimulk Average
number of positively (+) and negatively ( - ) correlated trials that make up the respective wave forms are shown: left column of
entries refers to the BAER; right column refers to the FFR (averaged across subjects and FFR waves).

case of the click-evoked B A E R (Fig. 5), sizable represents a no-stimulus control condition which,
amplitude gains result in the CC stage, with ad- as expected, is essentially flat.
ditional gains following LC. Fig. 7 (right panel) shows the effects of re-
Correlation analysis of the entire F F R wave processing the data: CC amplitudes show large
form yielded very few trials which exceeded the increases over the original F F R , with LC showing
selection criteria. Of course, the increased n u m b e r additional but smaller increases. The vertical
of data points included in each correlation (N = dashed line seen in the right panel connects initial
300 for the 460 Hz condition, N = 360 for all B A E R wave V peaks for the harmonically com-
other conditions) makes r 2 > 0.5 statistically less plex stimuli (initial 3 msec of response not shown).
likely. Indeed, in the whole wave analysis only 6 This pattern of latency shifts (longer for 0 and
subjects yielded acceptable data, half of these in 45 o than for 135 and 180 o ) is virtually identical
only one stimulus condition. Due to relatively to the pattern of initial stimulus maxima (see Fig.
incomplete whole wave data, only the individual 1). The pairs of numbers in the right panel indi-
wave results will be considered further. cate the average n u m b e r of positively/negatively
Fig. 7 (left panel) shows original group-aver- correlated trials. The left-hand column of num-
aged F F R s for all sinusoid stimuli. Average F F R s bers, referring to the initial BAER, are similar in
to the pure tone stimuli (top 2 traces) show well magnitude to the positive/negative ratio for the
defined following at the stimulus frequency. F F R s click-evoked B A E R (Fig. 5). The number of trials
to complex stimuli show a dominant 230 Hz peri- selected for waves of the F F R (right column) are
odicity, with a visible trend towards reduced am- consistently larger than for the B A E R component.
plitudes for the 90 o stimulus. The b o t t o m trace Moreover, without exception there is a relative

1.750 1.750
A. Wove V ,," / D. Wove V -"
1.500 ~' D~"/

1.250. ,' /
0.750. (t=9.25) Md=,O8
1.000. (t=2.42)
// b=l O0 b=1.25"*
/ (t=~l) (t=5.32)
0.250 t t 0.750 r I t
0.250 0.750 1.250 1.750 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750

> 0.800 B. 230 Hze,,,'" / 0.900 E. 2.30 Hz -_,~/

/,/ / 0.650- "O

0.550 O','","~MM
(3. =.17"* %_
E 0.400- ei / Mj=.08""
.< o.500 ;-./ !,=52!I. E '~ (t=4.85)
C) C) b=0.96
0 (t=5.52) _J ,, (t= 1.29)
0.050 i t 0.150 i
0.050 0.,300 0.5,50 0.800 0.050 0.500 0.550 0.800

C. 460 Hz ,,"/
0.800- ,,""
0.550800"F. 4 6 0 Z ~ , , H z=. ,,,e'"
0.550- ; ~
0.500- .,~/ (t~1.98) 0.300 . ~ (t=1.19)
""7 b=1.11 -- ,~ b = 1.18"*
/ (t=0.67) 0.050 "~'/ t t(t=8"67) i
0.05C I i
0.050 0.300 0.550 0.800 0.050 0.,300 0.550 0.800
Initial A m p l i t u d e (IJV) CC Amplitude (pV)
Fig. 8. Scatter diagrams showing amplitude increases (in #V) from initial response to that following cross-correlation (CC) analysis
(left panel: A-C), and from CC to that following latency compensation (LC) analysis (right panel: D-F). Each plot shows a
unity-gain diagonal (solid line) wherein any data point above the diagonal indicates increased amplitude in the next stage of analysis;
a least-squares regression function (broken line) is fit to the data points. Summary statistics presented in each graph include the mean
amplitude difference (M d, in/W) and associated t test, and the regression slope (b) and associated t test of a departure from a slope
of 1.0 (Cohen and Cohen 1983). Since the Bonferroni correction is applied the significance level (* *) is P < 0.01/6 = 0.0017. BAER
measurement of wave V (A and D) is the average voltage of the rising (trough following wave III to peak) and failing (peak to
following trough) components. (One BAER subject is deleted due to unreliable data in which only 9 positively correlated trials passed
the cross-correlation criteria.) Measurement of the 230 Hz response (B and E) is the average peak-to-trough amplitude of 3 successive
waves; for the 460 Hz response (C and F) it is based on the average of 5 successive waves.

dominance of positively correlated trials, although selected than when a stimulus is present, and
the differential between positive and negative tri- virtual equality between the number of positive
Ms varies somewhat depending upon stimulus con- and negative trials (144 vs. 143).
ditions (greatest for 460 Hz pure tone, least for Bivariate scatter plots of the data are presented
90 complex). The no-stimulus response shows in Fig. 8. The left panel compares initial ampli-
low amplitude random waves, with fewer trials tudes (x-axis) of click-evoked BAER (Fig. 8A) or

pure tone average F F I s (Figs. 8B, C) with ampli-

tudes derived from t~: CC stage of the analysis
(y-axis). The effect of this comparison is to quan-

tify the generally consistent improvement in signal 1200 1
definition when extreme-lag and poorly correlated
trials are removed. The greatest overall amplitude
increase (0.61 ffV) occurs for the BAER (Fig. 8A).
This represents a 114% increase ( r a n g e = 3 2 -
177%). Thus the data clearly manifest improved
wave V definition following removal of unaccept-
able trials. CC amplitudes to the 230 Hz stimulus
are also significantly greater (0.17/~V) than origi-
nal average F F R waves (Fig. 8B). This represents 30011
a 68% increase (range = 26-135%). Moreover, the
regression slope (dashed line) is significantly c:
greater than 1.0, indicating that larger amplitudes
B. 4 6 0 Hz SPECTRUM
in the initial F F R yield proportionally larger am- o
plitudes in the CC stage of analysis. Mean and .m 90O
slope differences are non-significant for the 460
Hz condition (Fig. 8C) due to greater variability in
the data (mean increase = 30%, range = - 5 0 to 600
96%). r"
The right panel of Fig. 8 compares amplitudes
from the CC (x-axis) and LC (y-axis) stages of rl
bo 300
analysis. The BAER (Fig. 8D) shows a pattern in
which the regression slope is significantly greater
than 1.0, but the overall difference in means (CC
vs. LC) is non-significant (mean increase = 6%,
4 hdadh
range = - 5 to 22%). The interpretation of such a <
920+1150+1380 Hz SPECTRA
slope function, however, suggests a pattern in 1200 1 C.
which Ss with larger CC amplitudes do yield sig- FFR
nificantly larger LC amplitudes. For the 230 Hz CC
900 -}- LC
response (Fig. 8E) the pattern is reversed. Thus,
the slope does not differ from 1.0, but the mean
increase (0.08 #V) in LC amplitudes is statistically 600
significant (note the more restricted data range in
Fig. 8E as compared with 8D, which partially
explains why the same mean difference is signifi- 300
cant for the F F R but not the BAER). This repre-
sents a 23% increase (range = - 1 0 to 67%). The
460 Hz response (Fig. 8F) shows a pattern similar
230 460 0 45 90 't35 180
to that in Fig. 8D, viz., non-significant mean dif-
Pure Complex
ference but a significant slope (mean increase =
5%, range = - 2 3 to 30%). Fig. 9. Spectral magnitudes in the 230 (A), 460 (B), and
Fig. 9 summarizes a spectral analysis of group- 920 + 1150 + 1380 (C) Hz bands. Group-averaged (N = 11) data
showing relative spectral intensities of original FFR as well as
averaged FFR, CC, and LC data for all stimulus following CC and LC analyses. Ordinate is in arbitrary units
conditions. Results are presented for narrow spec- proportional to voltage 2. Abscissa represents the various pure
tral bands centered at the 230 Hz (Fig. 9A) and tone and complex stimulus conditions.

460 Hz (Fig. 9B) pure tone frequencies, as well as ads are temporally realigned on the lag associated
the sum of spectral activity centered in the 3 with the largest value of r 2 (latency compensation
harmonic frequency bands that combine to form (LC) stage of analysis).
the complex stimuli (Fig. 9C). Such an analysis Brain-stem-evoked potentials suffer from re-
quantifies the auditory frequency response to the duced signal-to-noise, typically requiring a mini-
various stimuli. Fig. 9A shows spectral power in mum of 1000 stimuli (cortical evoked potentials,
the 230 Hz band. As expected, there is substantial by comparison, can be defined with fewer than
activity in this band to the 230 Hz stimulus, and 100 stimuli). The present results demonstrate,
minimal activity to the 460 Hz stimulus. Interest- however, that reliable and improved definition of
ingly, 230 Hz power elicited by the complex stimuli brain-stem responses can be obtained by using a
equals or exceeds that resulting from the 230 Hz subset of approximately 20% of the individual trial
pure tone in every case except for the 90 o stimu- data. Moreover, there is internal validation of the
lus. Fig. 9B shows spectral power in the 460 Hz subset because of the 2:1 predominance of trials
band. There is dominant 460 Hz activity to the that positively correlate with the template when-
460 Hz stimulus, but relatively little 460 Hz activ- ever a stimulus is present. Such analysis tech-
ity to any other stimulus. Fig. 9C, which presents niques may prove useful in the study of difficult
the combined spectral power in the bands of the subject populations, such as severely and pro-
complex stimuli, shows that there is little or no foundly retarded persons.
activity in the actual frequency range of the The CC phase of the analysis yielded BAER
harmonics contributing to the complex stimuli. wave V amplitudes more than double that of the
The utility of CC and LC analysis is illustrated original response, as well hs markedly increased
by an interesting comparison seen in Fig. 9A. FFR amplitudes. Further processing by LC re-
Spectral intensities of the original FFRs to the 460 suited in additional, but smaller, gains. There were,
Hz pure tone and the 90 complex stimuli are in all measures, noticeable individual differences.
virtually identical. Subsequent CC and LC Even small LC differences may, however, reflect
analyses of the 460 Hz data show no change, subtle but functionally important variations in the
confirming the absence of 230 Hz activity. Analy- temporal stability of information processing in
sis of the complex data, on the other hand, shows auditory brain-stem pathways. A model of LC
a sizable increase in 230 Hz activity. These results effects in the FFR was tested by using sine wave
confirm that significant signal enhancement oc- calibration signals with fixed amplitude and vari-
curs when actual signals are present, even though able onset latencies. The average amplitude of
the original responses may be very poorly defined. such temporally 'smeared' trials is reduced, but
perhaps less than one might expect (LC analysis
of course restores the correct amplitude). Thus,
Discussion variance as large as 32% of the sinusoid period
resulted in only a 10% amplitude reduction. Such
The present results demonstrate that click- results suggest that FFR amplitude is robust in
evoked BAERs and FFRs to pure tone and spite of considerable temporal variability in the
harmonically complex sinusoids can be signifi- data. Thus, even small LC amplitude enhance-
cantly enhanced by means of data selection and ments might reflect important signal variabilities
latency compensation algorithms. The largest gains which, in turn, could result in significant percep-
result when a subset of trials is selected that is tual/cognitive errors. There is suggestive evidence
devoid of (1) extreme lags (the largest correlation that temporal variability of brain-stem responses
occurs in the first or last position of the lagged may be altered in certain forms of mental retarda-
correlation function), and (2) waves that correlate tion. Thus, Down syndrome individuals differ from
poorly (r 2 < 0.5) with the template (cross-correla- controls in their patterns of BAER variability
tion (CC) stage of analysis). Additional significant (Galbraith 1984).
gains may result when the selected individual tri- The frequency-specific portion of the FFR is

typically preceded by BAER wave V, with earlier responses are most often associated with noisy
BAER waves often visible as well (Figs. 2 and 4). trials (Galbraith 1984), and low correlation values
The current methodology successfully separates represent trial wave forms that differ from the
initial BAER and later F F R waves of the re- analysis template (i.e., the expected wave form).
sponses to pure tones and harmonically complex Thus, although based on typically no more than
stimuli. Prior to this report the BAER occurring 10-25% of the original trials, CC averages
with the F F R was not differentially treated. The dramatically enhance the signal definition. This
fact that wave V latencies in the F F R are longer was most evident for the BAER (Fig. 8A), but was
than for click-evoked BAERs by several millisec- also pronounced for the 230 Hz fundamental (Figs.
onds is due to properties of the sinusoid stimuli 8B, and 9A) and complex sinusoidal stimuli (Fig.
such as relatively slow rise time and variable wave 9A). It is possible, of course, that too few trials
form envelope. Indeed, the pattern of wave V exceed the r 2 criterion to yield a reliable average
latencies elicited by the complex stimuli (dashed (this was the case for one subject in the BAER
line in Fig. 7) is virtually identical to the pattern analysis and was typical of whole wave LC analy-
defined by the latency of the initial large ampli- sis with F F R signals). However, in most instances
tude component of the complex stimuli (dashed it appears that this form of signal processing re-
line in Fig. 1). sults in a significant improvement in signal defini-
The presence of characteristic BAER waves, the tion.
range of F F R onset latencies, and the duration of It should again be stressed that a conservative
the F F R response beyond termination of the approach was used to control for inflated ampli-
stimulus, all support the hypothesis that the F F R tudes, viz., all negatively correlated trials were
has an upper brain-stem origin. However, the ob- summed if the r 2 value of that correlation (which
served morphological and temporal differences be- ignores sign) was the maximum and exceeded 0.5
tween BAER and F F R indicate that these two on a given trial. This practice guards against the
responses are functionally (and perhaps anatomi- spurious enhancement of amplitudes based on
cally) distinct. For example, there is a shifting of random occurrences of correlated noise if only
BAER wave V latency to the complex stimuli positive trials are summed. With exception of the
relative to subsequent waves of the F F R (Fig. 7, no-stimulus condition there were considerably
right panel). Thus, successive waves of the F F R more positive than negative trials, suggesting a
do not appear to be repeated bursts of BAER demonstrable signal-to-noise ratio. However, even
wave V. Moiler and Jannetta (1982) and Moiler a few large amplitude negative trials can be dis-
and Burgess (1986) implicate the lateral lemniscus ruptive. This may account for some CC ampli-
as the likely source of BAER wave V, rather than tudes being smaller than the original response
inferior colliculus. This could also be a factor in (e.g., some data points fall below the unity gain
the FFR, but the evidence favors a collicular diagonal in Fig. 8).
origin (Smith et al. 1975). However, even if the The F F R wave form is unique in that it closely
BAER and F F R share a common upper brain-stem matches frequency and wave form characteristics
site of origin, it is probable that different popula- of the stimulus. Even in the case of complex
tions of neurons are involved. At least at the level stimuli, based on the sum of 3rd, 4th (with vari-
of the cochlear nucleus, phase locking auditory able phase) and 5th harmonics, the F F R closely
neural units are found primarily in the ante- approximates the wave form of the 'missing
roventral division, terminating in unique and par- fundamental' frequency. Thus, the actual cross-
ticularly secure synaptic endings known as the correlation template is known a priori, and it is
Calyces of Held (Rose 1980). not necessary to perform successive iterations in
The most obvious finding in the present study which the template is modified as a result of
is the consistent increase in amplitude when indi- preceding analyses (termed 'adaptive filtering';
vidual responses are deleted which show extreme Woody 1967). Wastell (1977) and MiScks et al.
lags or low values of r 2. Extreme lags in brain-stem (1988) have criticized the iterative procedure, but

this is not a factor in the present analysis. with those of Greenberg et al. (1987).
Mtcks et al. (1988) have proposed an elegant The complex harmonic stimuli were chosen in
method for estimating the latency shift of single part because they provide an extra challenge to
potentials (iterative Fisher scoring) which per- the signal extraction of responses having a brain-
forms significantly better than the Woody al- stem origin. Our results, however, do not bear
gorithm. The standard Woody algorithm over- upon the issue of whether frequency coherent ac-
estimated potential amplitudes, especially when tivity in the lower auditory system mediates per-
signal-to-noise ratios were low, since some back- ception of the missing fundamental pitch. The
ground noise always correlates positively with the overall loudness of the stimuli (80 dB), as well as
wave form template. McGiUem and Aunon (1977) the equal loudness of the various harmonics, means
utilized a technique which aligns individual com- that the FFR was determined by the shape of the
ponents of the signal, which may vary separately; wave form envelope, driving units from broad
and Aunon and Sencaj (1978) found this approach areas of the cochlear membrane rather than exclu-
to be more effective than a more global analysis sively those whose center frequency is in the area
by means of the Woody algorithm. Clearly, these of the fundamental (Greenberg 1980; Greenberg
techniques represent substantive contributions to et al. 1987). This relationship is easily seen com-
the quantitative study of single trial variability paring complex stimulus wave form envelopes (Fig.
and could profitably be applied to the study of the 1) with the evoked FFRs (Fig. 7) or FFR spectra
FFR. Although we have not used the techniques (Fig. 9A).
proposed by McGillem and Aunon (1977) and FFRs to broad-spectrum, pseudorandom noise
MiScks et al. (1988), we have nevertheless studied stimuli (consisting of as many as 127 harmonic
individual FFR waves and have benefited from components, all with random phase) have been
the a priori knowledge of FFR wave form char- effectively analyzed by means of cross-correlation
acteristics. (Dobie and Clopton 1980; Dobie and Wilson 1984;
Greenberg (1980) and Greenberg et al. (1987) Wilson and Dobie 1987). The response in this case
have shown that the FFR to the 90 o phase-shifted is essentially an FFR to many pure tones pre-
stimulus is equal to the phase-coherent (0 ) sented simultaneously. Cross-correlating stimulus
stimulus when the signal is near FFR threshold. and response wave forms clearly differentiated
Thus, at relatively low intensity levels the FFR is artifact, cochlear microphonic, and neural compo-
not based on the envelope modulation pattern of nents at successively longer response latencies.
the acoustic wave form. At higher intensities (10 Moreover, it was possible to anal3/ze frequency
dB or more above threshold), however, the FFR response characteristics by cross-correlating raw
does follow the wave form envelope of the stimu- responses obtained using broad-band stimuli with
lus. The present stimuli were well above threshold, band-limited stimulus subsets derived from the
which accounts for the observed amplitude varia- 'parent' stimulus. It should be noted, however,
tions due to stimulus phase. Indeed, FFR re- that this is not analogous to the technique used in
sponses to harmonically complex stimuli (Figs. 7 the present study in which the missing fundamen-
and 9A) show a consistent amplitude pattern that tal wave form is cross-correlated with the FFR
covaries with the depth of stimulus envelope mod- evoked by complex stimuli (the missing funda-
ulation, with the 90 amplitude at a minimum, mental is not a subset of the parent stimulus).
45 and 135 amplitudes intermediate, and 0 Also, Dobie and colleagues analyzed only the
and 180 o at a maximum. The similarity of FFR averaged FFR wave form, rather than possible
amplitudes to symmetrically phased stimuli trial-to-trial temporal variability in individual re-
(0 /180 o, 45 /135 o ) also argues for the intrinsic sponses.
reliability of the present data. Finally, it should be It appears that cross-correlation methods sig-
noted that response amplitudes to the 0 and nificantly clarify and enhance the definition of
180 stimuli exceed that seen in response to the short latency potentials known to be of brain-stem
230 Hz pure tone. These findings are in agreement origin. It is felt that such improved signal defini-

t i o n will b e u s e f u l in c l i n i c a l a s s e s s m e n t s , e s p e - McGillem, C.D. and Aunon, J.I. Measurement of signal com-

c i a l l y in d i f f i c u l t r e c o r d i n g s i t u a t i o n s . ponents in single visually evoked brain potentials. IEEE
Trans. Biomed. Eng., 1977, 24: 232-241.
MOcks, J., KShler, W., Gasser, T. and Pham, D.T. Novel
We express appreciation to Dr. James Smith and Vickie
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McWain for technical assistance and to Dr. James Marsh for
ology, 1988, 25: 217-226.
helpful suggestions in preparation of the manuscript.
Moller, A.R. and Burgess, J. Neural generators of the brain-
stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) in the rhesus
monkey. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1986, 65: 361-
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