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Music Technology, Audio Technology and Sound

Production template
Harry Potter
BA(Hons) Music Technology
5MU019 Audio Post-Production 2016/17
For attention of: Severus Snape and Dolores Umbridge

In this paper we describe the formatting guidelines for written work on the BA(Hons) Music Technology,
BA(Hons) Sound Production and MSc Audio Technology courses at the University of Wolverhampton.
The template is based on the ACM paper template with some changes which are intended to improve legibility
given that the screen, rather than paper, is the intended final format. We ask you to make your submitted work
look exactly like this document. The easiest way to do this is simply to make a copy of this document in Google
Drive and replace the content with your own material. Word and Open/LibreOffice users can download a .docx
or .odt copy of this document (File > Download as).

Page size
The page size should be A4, with margins of 2.54mm on all four sides.

Normal or Body Text

Please use a 10-point Times Roman font, or other Roman font with serifs, as close as possible in appearance to
Times Roman in which these guidelines have been set. The goal is to have a 10-point text, as you see here.
Please use sans-serif or non-proportional fonts only for headings or other special purposes, such as
distinguishing source code text. Right margins should be justified, not ragged.

Title and Authors

The title (Helvetica Neue 18-point bold), authors' name (Times New Roman 12-point bold) and module
information (Times New Roman 11-point) run across the full width of the page one column wide. Footnotes
should be Times New Roman 10-point, and justified to the full width of the column 1.

Quotations that are embedded in a sentence should make use of single quotation marks. Longer quotations
should be typeset using the Normal text style. Longer quotations should be indented using the
increase/decrease indent controls (Command-[ and ]). They are presented as a separate paragraph without
quotation marks. A colon should be used to introduce a quotation that is independent from the structure of the
main sentence, such as this example from Marc Raibert (1985):
My formula for good writing is simple: once you decide that you want to produce good writing and that
you can produce good writing, then all that remains is to write bad stuff, and to revise the bad stuff
until it is good.
The indentation should move back to the leftmost edge after the quotation.

Here is an example footnote.

The use of styles in Google Drive
This template uses styles to simplify formatting. Table 1 shows the use of paragraph styles and the
corresponding shortcuts. The Mac modifiers are Command+Option and the Windows and Linux modifiers are
Control+Alt. Styles can also be used in Word or Open/LibreOffice.

Table 1: Heading styles and shortcuts in Google Drive (this caption makes use of Heading 3)
Main body font Normal text Modifiers-0

Main title at the top of the document Title No shortcut - select from menu

Author name Subtitle No shortcut - select from menu

Headings and subheadings. Headings are all caps, Heading 1 Modifiers-1

subheadings have initial letters capitalized.

Sub Subheadings Heading 2 Modifiers-2

Table caption (above the table) Heading 3 Modifiers-3

Image caption (below the image) Heading 4 Modifiers-4

Reference list text Heading 5 Modifiers-5

Module information at the start of the document Heading 6 Modifiers-6

Add a page break Insert > Page Command-return (Mac), Control-

break return (Windows)

Use the Harvard referencing format as explained on the University of Wolverhampton website (2014).
Hyperlinks are acceptable in submitted work but should be used appropriately (i.e. not as replacements for
proper referencing). The references are also in 10pt., but that section (see example below) is ragged right.
References should be published materials accessible to the public. Internal technical reports may be cited only if
they are easily accessible (i.e. you can give the address to obtain the report within your citation) and may be
obtained by any reader. Proprietary information may not be cited. Private communications should be
acknowledged, not referenced (e.g., [Robertson, personal communication]).

Page Numbering, Headers and Footers

The page number and page count should be in the lower right corner of each page. Do not include any other
material in headers and footers in your submission.

Place Tables/Figures/Images in text as close to the reference as possible (see example table above). Captions
should be Times New Roman 10-point bold: this template uses the Heading 3 style for table captions and
Heading 4 for image captions. They should be numbered (e.g., Table 1 or Figure 2): please note that Table
and Figure are spelled out. Figures should be centred with their captions centered beneath the image or picture.
Tables should also be centred with their captions centered above the table body. Take care to ensure that
captions are not on different pages to the relevant table or image.

Figure 1: Figure captions should be placed below the table (using Heading 4)

Computer code should be presented in a single-cell table. You should use a 9-point monospaced font. If you
write in Google Drive you may wish to use the Code Pretty plug-in, which automatically formats and syntax
highlights the code. The table caption should be above the table and should use Heading 3, as shown below.

Table 2: Code example showing code in a single-cell table and a caption above the table using Heading 3
// Send a clean signal to ~cleanBus
a = {
~cleanBus,, 0, 0.05, 0.1)) ! 2)
}.play(target: ~clean);

The heading of a section should be in Helvetica Neue 10-point bold in all-capitals flush left. Sections and
subsequent subsections should be flush left. Use the Heading 1 style.

The heading of subsections should be in Helvetica Neue 10-point bold with only the initial letters capitalized.
(Note: For subsections and subsubsections, a word like the or a is not capitalized unless it is the first word of
the header.) Use the Heading 1 style.

The heading for subsubsections should be in Helvetica Neue 10-point italic with initial letters capitalized and 6-
points of white space above the subsubsection head. Use the Heading 2 style.

Formatting of the reference list

The reference list below is formatted using Heading 1 for the section heading and Heading 5 for the main text.

Should you need to use them, appendices are to be placed after the reference list. Each appendix should begin on
a new page (i.e. using a page break) and be clearly named.

Learning & Information Services (2014) Harvard Referencing, University of Wolverhampton, [online]
Available from: (Accessed 11 January 2016).
Raibert, M. H. (1985) Raibert Writing Advice, Carnegie Mellon University, [online] Available from: (Accessed 24 April 2015).


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