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Extreme tension, anxiety, aggression,

Emotional instability
Conflict-filled indecisiveness and restlessness, dissatisfaction with self
Suspiciousness, hypersensitivity to social opinion,
Acting out
Impulsivity immaturity, lack capacity to deal rationally with and coordinate impulses with adaptive
Need for physical power, insecurity, aggression, acting out, excessive defensiveness
Evasive interpersonal approach, guilt feelings
Breast fixation, voyeuristic tendency

Feeling of great frustration by a restricting environment, over compensatory or fantasy defenses,
hostility and aggressive tendencies, feelings of great tension and irritability
Need for motor activity
Has oral needs
Shows watchfulness
Phallic concerns
Pressured from the past
Influenced by outside forces, show loss of control

TREE emotions
Possible aggressive tendencies
Oral dependency
Environment is constricting and wants to break out from this condition
Precarious adjusting due to inability to satisfy basic needs
Weak grasp of reality
Over striving

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