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Leonardo da Vinci: Connecting the Past and Present


This proposed project will allow for cross-curricular learning between grade 8 Science and
Social Studies. This project could be implemented at any time during the Cells and Systems unit,
most sensibly at the transition between covering cells and covering systems. This way, students
can be exposed to the important work of da Vinci as an introduction to how the systems of the
body work. In terms of social studies, this project should be introduced after students have
contemplated the roles of science and religion in pre-renaissance times, the structures of
society at that time, and have an understanding of worldview. To support student learning and
encourage a spirit of collaboration and inquiry, students will conduct independent research,
collaborate with peers to consolidate that research, and then combine their understandings to
make a final product. This final product, in our case, was a poster, but that could be adapted to
include other modalities that may better suit the needs and interests of a variety of learners.

Curricular Connections:

Science: Unit B: Cells and Systems

1. Investigate living things; and identify and apply scientific ideas used to interpret their general
structure, function and organization

1.2: Apply the concept of system in describing familiar organisms and analyzing their
general structure and function.

4. Describe areas of scientific investigation leading to new knowledge about body systems and
to new medical applications.

4.2: Describe ways in which research about cells, organs and systems has brought
about improvements in human health and nutrition.

Social Studies: Exploring the Origins of a Western Worldview

- Students will explore the factors that shaped the European worldview by examining:
o How did the Renaissance spark the growth and exchange of ideas and knowledge
across Europe?
- Students will recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time, geographic location,
and societal context.
Potential Timeline:

Preparations Before starting this project, students will need to have an understanding of
societal norms during the pre-Renaissance era.

Day 1 & 2 Research:

Students will create their poster in pairs (groups of 3 at most). Though that
aspect of the project will be collaborative, the research will be mainly

Day 3 Draft Work and Peer Review:

Students will consolidate their research with a partner, create a draft of a

poster, and share the draft with another group for peer-evaluation.

Day 4/5 Create Poster:

Within these two classes, students will create their final product. They will
incorporate pictures, text, and colour to create a finished product. These
can then be hung in the hall or classroom to showcase student work.

Day 6 Gallery Walk, Class Discussion, and Reflection:

During this class, students will have the ability to share their learning with
their peers. This can be done through a less formal gallery walk, or with
students delivering presentations to the class. Class discussions and a
reflective piece will provide consolidation of learning and important
feedback to the teacher on what students have gained from this project.

Potential To build on this knowledge and experience, an extension activity can be

Supplementary done to include Language Arts objectives as well. Students can be asked to
Opportunity write a journal entry through the perspective of someone living in the
Renaissance time period. They can be encouraged to be creative, but must
also include facts that make their writing seem as though it did take place
in the Renaissance.

To complete this project, students will research da Vincis contributions to four categories: art,
inventions, medicine, and society. This portion of the project should be done individually. We
found that providing specified chunks of time for the research was a useful idea. Rather than
telling them the four areas to research and giving them the time to do so, we introduced the
first topic, gave them 20 minutes to research, and then brought the class back together. After
this chunk of time, have the students share their findings with their partner. Discussing what
they found will contribute to a wider view of da Vincis achievements with respect to that topic.

After the research has been thoroughly conducted, have students make a rough draft of their
poster on a smaller piece of paper. This will serve two purposes. First, they will put thought into
the layout of their poster and the information that they intend to present. Second, it will
provide for an opportunity for peer-evaluation. Once the drafts are completed, have two
groups get together and suggest edits to the drafts.

Only after the drafting and reviewing process is complete will students receive their poster
paper and begin to create the final product. After completing the poster, have students share
their findings. This can be done in a variety of ways, but we chose to do a gallery walk. This
allows students to see a variety of posters, without putting pressure of a full presentation onto
the class. As a final culmination activity, have students write a reflective piece. This could be
anything you feel encapsulates the intentions of the project, for example Explain ways in
which science and social are inter-related or What other ways have historical figures
impacted your life/society today?

Useful Resources:

The following books can provide additional context and supplementary information if they are
available in a library near you:

1) Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo da Vinci by Gene Barretta

2) Leonardo da Vinci by Kathleen Krull
3) The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci (republished by many editors)

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