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ACI 350.3-06 Alww Pert Ag Ge /2oLo Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and Commentary (ACI 350.3-06) An ACI Standard Reported by ACI Committee 350 Ei American Concrete Institute® First Printing November 2006 ‘American Concrete institute” Adunctin concrete Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and Commentary Copyright by the American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Ml. All rights reserved. This material may net be reproduced or copied, in whole or part, in any printed, mechanical, electronic, film, or other distribution and storage media, without the written consent of ACL The technical committees responsible for ACI committee reports and standards strive to avoid ambiguities, omissions, and errors in these documents, In spite of these efforts, the users of ACI documents occa- sionally find information or requirements that may be subject to more than one interpretation or may be incomplete or incorrect. Users who have suggestions for the improvement of ACI documents are requested to contact ACI ACI committee documents are intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibilly for the application of the material it contains. Individuals who use this publication in any way assume all risk and accept total responsiblity for the appiication and use of this information ‘All information in this publication is provided “as is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, filness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. ACI and its members disclaim liability for damages of any kind, including any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, which may result from the use of this publication, !is the responsibilty of the user of this document to establish health and safety practices appropriate to the specific circumstances involyed with its use. ACI does not make any representations with regard to health and safety issues and the-use of this document. The user must determine the applicability of all regulatory limitations before applying the document and must comply with all dpplicable laws and regula- tions, including but not limited to, United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) health and safely standards, Order information: ACI documents are available in print, by download, on CD-RQM, through electronic subscription, or reprint and may be obtained by contacting ACI. Mast ACI standards and committee reports are gathered together in the annually revised ACI Manual of Concrete Practice (MCP), American Concrete Institute 38800 Country Club Drive Farmington Hills, Mi 48331 USA, Phone: 248-848-3700 a Fax: 248-848-3701 ISBN 0-067081-220-7 \ Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and Commentary (ACI 350.3-06) AN ACI STANDARD REPORTED BY ACI COMMITTEE 350 Environmental Engineeting Concrete Structures, Jon B. Ardaht ‘Vie Chair Walter N. Bennet Lucian L Bogdan Steven R. Close Pairick J. Croegan ‘Ashole K. Dhingra Robert E. Doyle Anthony L. Felder Salish K, Sachdev chair Carl A. Gentry Gaulam Ghosh Charles 8, Hanskat keith W. Jacobson Dov Kaminetzky M. Reza Kianousht Dovid 6. Kiridge Baker ry "Set ‘Andeow R, Philip Narayan M. Prachand Risto Prot ‘Willian G. Sherman Lairence M. Tabat Lawrence J. Valentine Denis C. Koht Nigvolas A. Legalos Ramon €: Lugoro Andrew R. Minogue Lawrence G. Mrazek Javed A. Munshi Jerry Parnes SEISMIC DESIGN OF LIQUID-CONTAINING CONCRETE STRUCTURES 350.34 Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and Commentary (ACI 350.3-06) REPORTED BY ACI COMMITTEE 350 ‘This standard prescribes procedures for the seismic analysis and design of lquid-containing concrete structures. These procedures address the loading side of seismic desig and are intended to complement ACK 350-06, Sect id Chapter 21, Keyword: ciclar aos; cuserete tanks; convective coxnponcal enh liyuid-containing suuctures; rectaayulur tanks, sebsnie resistance; stoning soak, INTRODUCTION : The following paragraphs higblighi the development of this sandant and its evolution to the present formal: From the time it embarked on the task of developing, an ACL 318-dependent code, ACI Committee 350 decided to ‘expand on and supplement Chapter 21, “Special Provisions for Seismic Design,” to provide a set of thorough and ‘comprebensive procedures forthe seismic analysis unl design of all ypes of liquid. containing environmental coneree structures, The commitice’s decision was influenced by the fecognition that liquid-containing. structures are unique structures whose seismic design is not adequately covered by the teading national codes and standafds. A seismic design subcommittee was appointed with the charge lo implement the committee's decision, The seismic subconmittee’s work was guided by wo. tnain objectives: 1. To produce a self-contained setof procedures that ‘would enable practicing engineer to perfor a full seismic analysis and design of a liquid-containing structure. This meant thal these procedures should cover both aspects of seismic design: the “loading side” (aumely the determination of the seismic loads based on the mapped maximo considered earthquake spectral response accelerations at short periods (8)) and 1 second (5}) obtained fram the Seismic Ground Motion maps [Fig 22-1 through 22-14 of A’ Chapter 22] and the geometry of the stcucture); and the “resistance side” (the detailed design oF the structure in accordance with the provisions of ACI 350, so as to resist those loads safely); and 2. To establish the scope of the new procedures consistent with the overall scope of ACI 350, Thisrequired the inclusion of | all types of uks—rectangular, as well as circular; and reinforced concrete, as well as prestressed, (Note: While there are curently at least wo national stands that provide detailed procedures forthe seismic analysis and design of liquid-containing structures (ANSUAWWA, 1995u,b), these are limited to circular, prestressed concrete tanks only), ‘Aste olin sie of seismic desig is vali the scope of ‘ACUI, Chapter 2, wa ddd o usin us pion in ACL38D aswell. Accontngy he bse sap, fas an tanta language of Caper of ACL wet en vial eaoyg teva oath chapte ts evnmncaa Sginsoringsrytre:hovison tar a Sesion hk OFACL 1B are included in ACD 50. This approach ocr toa! wo advange 1 ttallows ACL350 to maint ACT 318s practice of iting its ean detiga proysins the relaune de aly and 2: hmastet update ea provoan 880 keep uni ie nga chnges an Improvements fate Bel of seismic hazy anaysl and even, ACL Cunmies Reports, Gods, Stott Conmnirg cine for guint pling, essing execu. an sping costa, This Commer sine the ate finds ho ar cen ‘ete be spice ad ats off enn! wl econ uc wow et espana fr the apton of the tri gota The Aerica Concrde Isis dcr any sith en Lor sd pails. The lai shal abe ae foray leno nage aig lee. Reference) this commey shall wot bee eat da mens ies Fun his Catone ae deeb the Aiea Ye bea pa of he cmiset docu, ey sal be eed i nanny Sango fer ncn y the Ait \ ACT 3505.06 supersede 805501 a Bec fetiv a uy 205, ‘Copyright © 2006; Ancic Coneret Fite ‘AIL reserve inching ght af repretion and we in ay foxnror by any cas, nai te making of pies by ey pata res, by any elecrieormccusia devise, pit rien (roel recog for sounl rvs escton or or aan Jowlsgeorrevevlysem ar device, anlesspemsion in wi ‘i cbaiood tia the copyigh propos 350.3-2 ‘ACI STANDARD/COMMENTARY. “Tid stismic force loves fd R-factts included inthis standard Fiovide tesulls at'srenptls levels such as those included for seismic design inthe 2003 International Building Code (BC), particularly the applicable conncetion provisions of 2003 IDC, asroferenced in ASCE 7-02. When comparing these provisions with other documents defining seismic forves al allowable stuess levels (for example, the 1994 Uniform Building Code {UBC} oF ACT 350.3401), tho soiamvc Forces in this standard should be reduced by the applicable factors to derive comparable forces at allowable stress levels “The user should note the following general design methods hb represent some of the key used in this standard, wt ive to traditional mithodotogies, such as 984): lank for which the aceleration is equal to the ground acceleration at all locations, this standard sissies simplification of response due to nalural Feequenéy of the tank; 2. This sandal includes the response modification factor, 4. Ratherthan combining impulsive and convective modes by algebraic. suin, this standard combines these modes by ‘square-root sum-of the-squares; 4, This alandaed includes the effects of vertical accelerat and 15. This staid ides an efétive’inass efficient, applicable to th’ niass of the wills. SEISMIC DESIGN OF LIQUID-CONTAINING CONCRETE STRUCTURES CONTENTS CHAPTER 1—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, 1a Scope 12-Notation CHAPTER 2—TYPES OF LIQUID-CONTAINING STRUCTURES ... 2—Ground-supponea sruciures 2.2—Pedestalmounled siruclares CHAPTER 3—GENERAL CRITERIA FOR ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 99 —~Dynarre ererocterntics 32—Dasiga loads 3.3~Design requirements CHAPTER 4—EARTHQUAKE DESIGN LOADS... 4. —Earthquake pressures above base 4.2—Application of site-spectc rasponse spectra CHAPTER 5—EARTHQUAKE LOAD DISTRIBUTION. 8) —Generah 5.2--Shaar transter .3—Dynamic force distibutien above base CHAPTER 6—STRESSES...... 6.1—Reclangular tanks 6.2—Circutar tanks CHAPTER 7—FREEBOARD Avene exciton eau: CHAPTER 8—-EARTHQUAKE-INDUCED EARTH PRESSURES 8.1—Ganoral &2-Limitations 8.3~Alternative methods eat CHAPTER 9—DYNAMIC MODEL... 9.1—General 9.2—Rectangular tanks (Type 1) 9.3Circular tanks (Type 2) ‘94—Seismic response cosffcients C), Ce, and Cy, 9.5—Sile-specifc selsmic response coefficients C), Ce, anc! Cy 8.6—Effectve mass coefficient © 9.7-—Pedestal mounted lanks CHAPTER 10—COMMENTARY REFERENCES 1 53 360.34 3503-4 ACI STANDARDIGOMMENTARY APPENDIX A—DESIGN METHOD... A.5—General outing of design method APPENDIX B—ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF ANALYSIS BASED ON 1997 Uniform Building Code..... A Intendacion '8.2—Notation (nol included in Section 1.2 of ths standard) 1.3—Loading side, ganerat methodology BA—Site-specific spectra (Section 1631.2(2)) B.5-—Resistance side 8.6—Frecboars SEISMIC DESIGN OF LIQUID-CONTAINING CONCRETE STRUCTURES CHAPTER 1—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS STANDARD 14—Scope This standard describes procedures for the design of lquid-containing concrete slructures subjected to seismic toads, These procedures shall be used in accordance wilh Chapter 21 of ACI 360-06, 1.2—Notation a a cross-sectional area of base cable, strand, ff conventional reinforcement, in.* (min?) ralio of vertical to horizontal design accot- eration inside dimension (longth or width) of rectan- ‘Qular lank, perpendicular tothe direction of the ‘ground motion being investigated, f(r) paticd-dapandent sais Ciants defined in 9.4 and 95. Ccoetfients for determining Mie tundamenta frequency of the tank-liquid system’ (reter fo Eq. (9-24) and Fig. 9.3.4(b)) period-dependent seismic coefficient freeboard (sloshing height) measured from the liquid surface al rest, (im) inside diameter of circular tank, ft (on) ‘excluding base pressure (alum line just ‘above the base of the tank wall) modulus of elasticiy of concrete, Ibn? (MPa) modulus of elasticily of cable, wire, strand, or conventional reinforcement, infin (MPa) short-period site coéfficient (at 0.2 second period) from ASCE 7-05, Table 11,4-1 fong-period site coefficient (at. 1.0 second period) from ASCE 7-08, Table 114-2 shear modulus of elastomeric bearing pad, tovin.? (MPa) acceleration due lo gravity [32.17 fs? (8.607 mis*), pon COMMENTARY R11—Scope ‘This standurd is w companion standart to Chapter 21 of th ‘American Concrete Insite, “Code Requitenents for Environ ‘mental Engineering. Concrete Structures and Commentaty (ACL 350-06)" (ACI Comrniuee 350 2066. ‘his standard provides directions to the designer of tiquid- containing concrete slructures far coniputng seismis: forces that are to-be applied to the particular swwucture. The Uesigner should also consider the effects of seismic Forces fon components outside the scope of this standard, such as piping, equipment (for example, clarifier mechanizins), ab connecting walkways where vertical or horizontal movernents| between adjoining stuclures or surrounding tackbll could adversely influence the ability of the structure to function properly (Natfonal Science Foundation 1981). Moreover, seismic frwes applied at the interface of piping or walkways withthe structure may also introduce appreciable Mexural or shear stresses a these connections. R12—Notation For C,> refer {0 “International Building Code (1BC) (International Code Council 2003), Seetion 1617.4 [ERP refers tothe hydrodynatii design in which itis necessary o compute the overturning of the wall with respect 10 the lank dor, excluding base pressure (Ihat is, excluding the pressure ow the floor ijself). EBP hydrodynamic design is used to determine the aeed for hold-dowas in nanfixed base lanks. FBP is also used in determining the design pressure acting an walls. (For explahation, reler to Housner {1963],) 50.3.6 bos 7 ACI STANDARD/COMMENTARY. STANDARD height above the base of the wall to the cenler of gravity of the convective lateral foree for the case excluding base pressure {EBP), ft (m) height above the base of the wall to the center of gravily of the convective lateral force for the case including base pressure (BP), fL(m) height above the base of the wall to the center of gravity of the impulsive lateral force for he case excluding base pressure (€BP), 1 (m) height above the base of the wall fo the center -ol.gavily ofthe impulsive lateral force forthe caseaxchudingibase pressure (IBP), ft (m) eight fram the base of the wall to the center of gravity of the tank roof, f(r) height from the base of the wall to the center of gravily ofthe tank shel, f(r) design deplh of stored liquid, (rm) weal ) Rm) importance factor, from Table 4.1.1(a) including base pressure (datum tine at the base of the tank including the effects ofthe {ank bottom and supporting structure) flexural sifiness of a unit width ofa rectiinear tank wall, Hb per foot of wall width (Nim per meter of wall width) Spring constant of the tank wall support system, tb? per foot of wall width (Nim per meter of wall width) fetive coeficiont of tateral earth prossure Cooficiant of lateral earth pressure at rest inside dimension of a rectangular tank, parallel lo the direction of the ground. motion being investigated, ft (m) effective length of base cable or strand taken as the sleeve length plus 36 limes the strand diameter, in. (mm) length of individual elastaineric. bearing pads, in. (mm) lola! mass per unit widlh of a rectangular wall = my + iy, Ib-s2/M per foot of wall ‘width (kg per meter of wall width) impulsive mass of contained tiqid per unit: width of a rectangular tank wal, 1b-52M per {ool of wal wih (kg per meter of wall width) mass per unit width of a rectangular tank wall, 1b-s2M par foot of wall widlh (kg per meer of wall widih) ; bending moment’on the entire tank cross section just above the base of the tank wall Te (kN-m) bending moment of the entire tank cross seclion just above the base of the tank wal (EBP) due to the convective force Pe, flb (kN-m) COMMENTARY hy = as defined in Seetion R924, 1 (m) SDP refers tothe hydrodynamic design in which its necessary to investigate the overtuming of the etife stevcture with respect to the foundation, IBP hydrodynamic design fs used to determine the design pressure acting on the tank floor and the underlying foundation. This pressure is transferred directly either to the subgrade or to other supporting structural elements. IBP accounts for moment effects due to dynamic Mvid pressures on. the bottom of the tank by increasing the effective vertical moment arm to the applied forces, (For explanation, refer to Housner [1963].) Py SEISMIC DESIGN OF LIQUID-CONTAINING CONCRETE STRUCTURES STANDARD overturning momant atthe base of the tank, including the tank bottom’ and supporting structure (IBP), due to the convective force Pe, fll (kN-m) bending moment of the entire tank crass section just above the base of tank wal (EBP) {48 o he impulsive force P,, 10 (kN-m) fverturaing moment al the base of the tank, including the tank bollom and supporting siruclure (IBP), due lo the impulsive force P,.fLb (KN) Overturning moment al the base of the tank, including the tank botlom and supporting siructure (IBP), fib (kN-m) bending moment of the entira lank cross section just above the base of the tank wall (EBP) due to the root inertia force P,, ft (kN) bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the lank wall (EBP) due to the wall inertia force Py, fb (ktm) in circular tanks, hoop force al quid lovely, due to the convective ‘component of the accelerating liquid, Ib per foot of wall height (kNim) in circular tanks, hydrodynamic hoop force al liquid level y. due to the effect of vertical acceleration, Ib poe foot of wall height (kN/n) in citcular tanks, hoop force at iquid level y due [0 the impulsive component of the accelerating liquid, Ib per fool of wall height (tim) , in citcular tanks, hoop force al liquid level y, due {o the inerlia force of the accelerating wall mass, Ib per foot of wall hight (kNien) in eicular tanks, foal effective hoop foree al liquid level yb per foot of wal height (kN) Unit equivatent hydrodynamic pressure due to the effect of vertical acceleration, aliquid level y, above the base of the tank (yy * Gp), th? (KPa) lolal lateral convective force associated with We (KN) taleral Convective force due to W, peril height of the tank wall, occurring at liquid level yb par foot of wail height (kNm) faleral force on the buried portion of @ tank wall due to the dynamic earth and ground- waler pressures, Ib (KN) Poy iy = Po 360.3-7 COMMENTARY unit lateral dynamic convective pressure distributed Dorizontally a Liguil evel, IM? (KPa) ‘unit fteral dynamic impulsive pressure distributed horizoatily at liquid evel, Ho? (kPa) ‘unit lateral inertia force due fo wall dead weight, distributed borizontlly at iqud level y, bt (kPa)

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