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Mechanisms of continental growth in extensional arcs: An example from the

Andean plate-boundary zone
John Grocott, Michael Brown, R.David Dallmeyer, Graeme K. Taylor and Peter J. Treloar

Geology 1994;22;391-394
doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1994)022<0391:MOCGIE>2.3.CO;2

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Geological Society of America

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Mechanisms of continental growth in

extensional arcs: An example from the Andean
plate-boundary zone
John Grocott
School of Geological Sciences, Kingston University, Kingston-upon-Thames KT1 2EE, United Kingdom
Michael Brown
Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742
R. David Dallmeyer
Department of Geology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602
Graeme K. Taylor
Department of Geology, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, United Kingdom
Peter J. Treloar

School of Geological Sciences, Kingston University, Kingston-upon-Thames KT1 2EE, United Kingdom

During the Late Triassic, Jurassic, and Early Cretaceous, an extensional magmatic arc
was formed in the Andean margin of northern Chile. Plutons emplaced at ramps within a
hinterland-propagating extensional duplex were fed by dikes that transferred magma through
the lower crust from a reservoir in the mantle. Phases of volcanism separated phases of plu-
tonism, and our model demonstrates that plutonism was favored only when upper-plate ex-
tensional fault systems were active. When they were not, dikes cut across inactive faults, and
magma rose directly to the surface during volcanic phases of arc growth.

INTRODUCTION We have studied magmatism associated with a retreating sub-

The structure of convergent plate boundaries depends to a large duction boundary in the Andean margin of northern Chile. We dem-
extent on relative rates of subduction and convergence (Royden, onstrate (1) the controls exerted on arc evolution and continental
1993). For a contractional arc, convergence rate exceeds subduction growth by extensional fault systems, (2) the extent to which the
rate, the subduction boundary advances, and contractional defor- respective timings of pluton emplacement and volcanism were a
mation occurs in the upper plate. For an extensional arc, subduction function of extensional fault-system activity, and (3) that changes
rate exceeds convergence rate, the subduction boundary retreats, from plutonic to volcanic activity can be related to changes in the
and, apart from a fore-arc sliver, the upper plate is characterized by rate of subduction and/or convergence.
extension. A direct link should exist between the structural geom-
etry of the upper plate and the emplacement of plutonic complexes, GEOLOGIC BACKGROUND
such that space needs to be created in active fault systems to ac- In the El Salado district of northern Chile (Fig. 1), upper Pa-
commodate pluton emplacement (e.g., Hutton et al., 1990; D'Lemos leozoic metasedimentary rocks, intruded by granites of a broad Per-
et al., 1992; Hutton and Reavy, 1992; Hutton and Ingram, 1992; mian-Triassic magmatic arc, formed the crust into which Early Ju-
Tikoff and Teyssier, 1992). Despite progress in understanding plu- rassic, Late Jurassic, and Early Cretaceous arc plutons were
ton-emplacement mechanisms, limited insight has so far been gained emplaced (Brown, 1988). The Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
into (1) how structural and magmatic processes interact during con- plutons are elongate parallel to the continental margin and define a
struction of magmatic arcs or (2) what controls whether arc magmas magmatic arc that includes Jurassic and Early Cretaceous volcanic
lodge in the crust to form plutons or reach the surface, thus permit- sequences. These rocks are cut by belts of ductile and brittle defor-
ting continental growth by volcanism. mation that define the arc-parallel Atacama fault system (Colley et
Glazner (1991) argued that whether plutonism or volcanism is al., 1990; Brown et al., 1993). In the north of the area, plutonic rocks
operative is a function of the convergence vector. Plutonism is per- intrude sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Lower Jurassic shallow-
mitted in the overriding plate only when convergence is oblique and water limestone of the Pan de Azcar Formation (Naranjo, 1978) is
space is created in arc-parallel, strike-slip fault systems. When con- overlain by coarse conglomerate of the Posada de los Hidalgo For-
vergence is perpendicular to the arc, space cannot be created to mation (Naranjo and Puig, 1984) and thick sequences of lava and
accommodate the intrusions, and continental growth occurs by vol- volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks of the La Negra Formation (Gar-
canism. Although Glazner's analysis may be valid for contractional cia, 1967). Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks of the Bandurrias For-
arcs, in extensional arcs, space to accommodate plutons is created mation (Segerstrom, 1960; Naranjo, 1978) are exposed east of the La
by extensional displacements across ramp-flat geometries in normal Negra Formation.
fault systems, or by dilational jogs in transtensional fault systems, The plutonic rocks display characteristicssuch as contact au-
regardless of the orientation of the convergence vector. This differ- reoles, chilled margins, and oscillatory zoning in plagioclasethat
ence implies that extension should favor plutonism over volcanism reflect shallow-crustal levels of magma emplacement and rapid post-
as the primary mechanism of continental growth in extensional arcs, magmatic cooling. Al-in-hornblende barometry has yielded inferred
yet volcanism is clearly not restricted to contractional arcs. depths of emplacement of ~7 km (our unpublished data). The Mes-

GEOLOGY, v. 22, p. 391-394, May 1994 391

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La Negra Bandurrias
Volcanic formations
(stratigraphie range)

Ductile shear zone

O (muscovita)

Ductile shear zones


Aureole schists

(2) (whole rock)
D 1 I

D 2|>D
Plutonic complexes

Plutonic complexes
Q (zircon)

iir~ i i i i r ~
200 180 160 140 120 100
Age (Ma)
Figure 2. Summary of age range for ductile shear zones, plutonic com-
plexes, aureole schists, dikes, and volcanic formations, Coastal Range,
northern Chile. Data from Berg and Breltkreuz (1983; four zircon ages on
plutonic rocks shown at bottom of figure) and Dallmeyer et al. (unpub-
lished ao Ar/ 39 Ar ages). Parentheses enclose number, if >1, of individual
age determinations represented by box. Age ranges shown for volcanic
formations are based upon paleontologlcal determinations from Interca-
lated sedimentary rocks close to base and top of each formation.

ozoic arc plutons all have remarkably similar geochemical signa-

tures, implying that the magmas had a similar, possibly a common,
mantle source (Brown, 1991). Geochronologic information for this
region has been reported from a number of laboratories (Berg and
Breitkreuz, 1983; Brook et al., 1986; and references therein). To
avoid scatter resulting from poor precision and/or potential rejuve-
nation, we used only U-Pb isotopic analyses on sized zircons of Berg
and Breitkreuz (1983) and our high-precision ^Ar/^Ar isotopic anal-
yses on magmatic hornblende, aureole muscovite, shear-zone horn-
blende and muscovite, and whole-rock dike samples (Dallmeyer et
al., unpublished). We conclude from Figure 2, which summarizes
these data and incorporates the biostratigraphic age range of sedi-
mentary horizons within the volcanic sequences (Naranjo, 1978),
that (1) both plutonic complexes and volcanic rocks systematically
young from west to east, thus defining an important element of arc
asymmetry, (2) the concordance between the U-Pb zircon ages and
our ^Ar/^Ar hornblende isotope-correlation ages is consistent with
rapid, postmagmatic cooling, and (3) there is only limited overlap
between the times of volcanism and plutonism.

The Mesozoic arc plutons show weak, magmatic and/or ciystal-
plastic fabrics near their margins but are substantially unfoliated.
The Flamenco pluton (Fig. 1) was emplaced into Paleozoic metased-
imentary rocks and has an envelope of mylonitic schist. Mylonitic
rocks structurally overlie the pluton and define a system of east-
Figure 1. Geologic map of Mesozoic magmatlc arc, El Salado district,
(26S-27S), northern Chile. Atacama fault system Is north-trending sys-
dipping extensional shear zones with east-plunging stretching line-
tem of strike-slip faults In eastern part of map. 1 Upper Paleozoic ac- ations and east-side-down shear sense. Wall rocks on the western
cretlonary complex; 2Late Trlasslc plutonlc complexes; 3Early Ju- side of the Las Animas and Las Tazas plutons are deformed by
rassic plutonic complexes; 4Pan de Azcar, Posada de los Hidalgo, and steeply dipping, ductile, mylonitic shear zones that contain down-
La Negra Formations (Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks); 5Late
Jurassic plutonic complexes; 6 Bandurrias Formation (lower Lower
dip stretching lineations and east-side-down S-C fabrics and por-
Cretaceous volcanic rocks); 7early Early Cretaceous plutonic com- phyroclast systems. Field relations, including melt-filled shear bands
plexes; 8Early Cretaceous plutonic complexes; 9later Early Creta- within the mylonites, and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology (Fig. 2; Dall-
ceous plutonic complexes. meyer et al., unpublished) show the deformation to be contempo-

392 GEOLOGY, May 1994

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raneous with emplacement. For the Las Tazas pluton, mylonitic


S .2 X
host rock yields a 40Ar/39Ar hornblende isotope-correlation age of
130 Ma, similar to that of the undeformed pluton. As the plutons I 2*1
were emplaced above the ductile-brittle transition, the heat for duc- E "
tile deformation of the wall rocks at amphibolite-facies temperatures o .3 5
E c I
must have been provided by the magmatic system. Melt-filled con-
jugate shear bands within mylonitic host rocks of the Las Tazas and ac S >UJ a | S
S tn =T- "SO.2 ? o
Las Animas plutons show that a late flattening strain, related to the
emplacement of the adjacent pluton, caused reworking and steep- o l i
ening of the original, extensional mylonitic foliation.
The arc plutons are cut by conjugate sets of basaltic-andesite > g 5 a g S
dikes that occupy dilatant shear fractures and are oriented to imply JI E I S
east-west extension. The pattern of 40Ar/39Ar whole-rock ages from 8 3 l i s
the dikes shows that, like the plutons, they progressively young from i n s i l i
S "tt mt E 1
west to east. In addition, a phase of dike intrusion immediately pre- S 2 fi 2 LSi
cedes, and overlaps with, emplacement of each Late Jurassic and ' I I I ! I * i $=
! I s I 5
Early Cretaceous plutonic complex. Intrusion of swarms of conju-
gate dikes is an indication that horizontal extension occurred in the
arc immediately prior to, and during, pluton emplacement.
The east-side-down, dip-slip ductile shear zones exposed in the '31.
country rocks of the arc plutons were contemporaneous with both
pluton and dike emplacement, and it is probable that they continue
to depth as extensional shear zones. Reconnaisance Al-in-horn-
blende barometiy reveals no evidence for changes in structural level
across the arc, but large vertical displacements are not required if the
shear zones reach a shallow, low-angle detachment beneath the plu- w
tons. A ramp-flat trajectory is thus inferred for the ductile shear
zones in the early Mesozoic arc. We note that late Mesozoic, low-
angle normal faults with a ramp-flat trajectory have also been rec-
ognized in the back-arc to the east of the Atacama fault system
(Mpodozis and Allmendinger, 1993). The sedimentary and volcanic
rocks of the Pan de Azcar and La Negra Formations, and the Late
Jurassic plutonic complexes, are all cut by east-dipping, brittle, lis-
tric-normal faults (Fig. 1). That the Late Jurassic plutons intrude the
La Negra Formation implies that the ductile extensional faults as-
sociated with their emplacement and the brittle extensional faults
that cut the La Negra and Pan de Azcar Formations belong to the
same (linked) fault system.


The structure of the plutonic arc is interpreted here as the result
of episodic emplacement of magmas at fault ramps in an east-dip-
ping, low-angle, extensional fault system (Fig. 3). In each cycle of
deformation and pluton emplacement, normal-slip ductile deforma-
tion began prior to the arrival of the first magmas. The 190 Ma
plutons were located where a ramp in the active fault system inter-
sected dikes that conveyed magma through the lower crust
(Fig. 3A). At higher structural levels, sedimentary, and possibly vol-
canic, rocks occupy half-grabens. A single feeder dike can fill a
pluton-sized cavity within a matter of -350 yr (Petford et al., 1993),
which implies that fault-displacement rate was the main control on
pluton expansion.
In the next stage, the extensional fault system was breached by
dikes that supplied a subsiding volcanic and sedimentary basin I g
(Fig. 3B). As we have found no evidence of growth faulting in the La a
Negra or the Bandurrias Formations, we conclude that the exten-
sional fault system was dormant when the arc-volcanic rocks accu-
mulated, although some extension must have been accommodated
* m
oI CI1
by emplacement of feeder dikes for the volcanic rocks. Under these
circumstances, magma feeding the volcanic rocks via dikes would
have risen directly to the surface, rather than interacting with shear
zones en route, accounting for extrusion of the volcanic rocks to the
east of plutons emplaced during the preceding phase of active ex-

392 GEOLOGY, May 1994

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tension. Reactivation of the extensional fault system at 150 Ma REFERENCES CITED

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The youngest plutonic and volcanic rocks of the arc are cut by petrogenesis: Tectonics, v. 11, p. 960-967.
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schist to amphibolite facies conditions. Mylonitic and undeformed taceous Andes, northern Chile (27S): Geological Society of America
rocks within the Remolino pluton have identical (within error)40Ar/ Bulletin, v. 105, p. 1462-1477.
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2600'S y 2620'S: Santiago, Instituto de Investigaciones Geolgicas,
similar to that to the west, where the heat source for ductile defor- Carta Geolgica de Chile, no. 34, escala 1:100,000.
mation is provided by the intrusion. However, no evidence exists Naranjo, J.A., and Puig, A., 1984, compilers, Carta Geolgica de Chile,
that ductile strike-slip deformation has affected the pre-130 Ma in- Hojas Taltal y Chaaral: Servicio Nacional de Geologa y Minera, no.
trusions, and we infer that a change from pluton emplacement within 62-63, escala 1:250,000.
Petford, N., Kerr, R.C., and Lister, J.R., 1993, Dike transport model of
a dip-slip extensional system to emplacement within a strike-slip granitoid magmas: Geology, v. 21, p. 845-848.
system occurred at 130 Ma. Royden, L.H., 1993, The tectonic expression of slab pull at continental con-
vergent boundaries: Tectonics, v. 12, p. 303-325.
CONCLUSIONS Segerstrom, K., 1960, Cuadrangulo Quebrada Paipote: Santiago, Instituto
de Investigaciones Geolgicas, Carta Geolgica de Chile, v. 2, no. 1,
The relation described here between the localization of plu- p. 35.
tonism and volcanism in the Andean plate-boundary zone permits Tikoff, B., and Teyssier, C., 1992, Crustal-scale, en echelon "P-shear" ten-
the following general statements about magmatism in an extensional sion bridges: A possible solution to the batholithic room problem: Ge-
arc setting. (1) The crustal structure of extensional arcs is charac- ology, v. 20, p. 927-930.
terized by hinterland-dipping extensional duplexes that are inter-
Manuscript received October 21, 1993
sected by dikes during extension and permit magma to accumulate Revised manuscript received February 4, 1994
as plutons at dilational jogs. (2) In an extensional arc, changes from Manuscript accepted February 15, 1994
plutonism to volcanism depend on whether displacement on exten-
sional detachments is taking place in the overriding plate. Plutonism
occurs when extensional fault systems are active; volcanism occurs
when they are dormant. (3) Fault activity may depend on relative
changes in subduction and/or convergence rate.
Supported by the Royal Society of London, the National Geographic
Society, Natural Environment Research Council grant GR9/476, and the
Servicio Nacional de Geologa y Minera, Chile. This paper is a contribution
to International Geological Correlation Programme project 345, "Litho-
spheric evolution of the Andean continental margin."

394 Printed in U.S.A. GEOLOGY, May 1994

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