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If youre not outraged, youre not paying attention to the First School Lab in Ljubljana

(on tricentenary of birth of Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg)


Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erbergs life story ended simultaneously with the suppression of
Jesuit order which seems to be the major Papal turn to the left just like Trumps firing of
Steve Bannon after Charlottesville disaster of mid-August 2017. Steve might have his merits,
but somebody had to be sacrificed on the Banner of Trumps sudden left turn where Bannon
seems to be the appealing victim. The Pope in the same kind of situation pushed by Iberians
and leftist French sacrificed his most obedient Jesuit order. Many disillusioned former Jesuits
became freemasons and Pope nearly lost France to Robespierres supreme being (Culte de
l'tre suprme) of 1794 summertime without the Jesuits to guide the Papal politics. The
similar output might be predicted for Trumps firing of his top strategist Steve although Steve
is far from being a Jesuit.

The firing of Steve or Jesuits could be a dangerous move which we will examine in the case
of the top Jesuit Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg who passed away just on the eve of Papal
suppression of Erbergs Jesuits. A quarter of millennia ago, the local Jesuit Bernardin
Ferdinand baron Erberg established the very first school experimental lab in Ljubljana. He
bought the instruments and books needed to fulfil his task and patronized the republication of
Musschenbroeks magnetic research produced in Protestant Leyden which indicated how the
border between the Catholic and Protestant scientific pursuits were almost totally removed
except for the ban on Copernicans which was removed only a dozen years later. To enable
those works, Bernardin was trained as a student of applied mathematics, prefect, and librarian
in the most advanced Habsburg centres of learning in Graz, Trnava, Viennese University and
the Viennese Theresianum where the labs like that already operated. Especially in his five
years term as librarian in the newly established most elitist college for the sons of old nobility
named Theresianum during the frequent visits of Ruger Bokovi, Bernardin Ferdinand baron
Erberg learned first-hand how to deal with advanced experiments of then popular optics,
hydraulics, and geodesy of Bokovi, as well as with electromagnetic and caloric experiments
of his other colleagues. Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg published his own geodesic-
cartographic work of Bohemia, while he left unfinished his similar description of his native
Carniola in more literary sense to his first cousin twice removed Joef Kalasanc Erberg who
happened to be next to last great mind of that family name. Two years later, Bernardin wrote
a great glorifying foreword to his deceased teachers history of empress family to prove the
shift from physics-mathematical to the geographical-historical sciences of Bernardin as the
librarian assistant of the gear newly established library of Theresianum college. The move
which is hardly understandable from the point of view of modern specializations was
completely in the agenda of the Jesuit unprofessional approach to the several different
branches of sciences in the same time based on the holistic model of the best Jesuit being at
home in all sorts of knowledge resembling the last man who knew everything, the Roman
Jesuit A. Kircher. The newly developed Jesuit sciences of numismatic, architecture, or Ruger
Bokovi applied mathematics represented a different type of Jesuits whose primary goals
were the narrower parts of mathematical sciences, which more resembled the mainstreams of
Paris or London.
Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erbergs closest family members were equally successful Jesuit
experts for applied mathematics which smoothed his networks worldwide. Bernardins first
cousin and his nephew were among the most eminent missionaries in America and Beijing
which the Jesuits ever produced. But their best time were over after the suppression of Jesuits
soon after Bernardins death. Reasons behind the funny papal attack on his own most devoted
order were the same as all absolute leaders like Stalin, Tito, Fidel Castro (1926-2016) or
similar trumps love to use in their frequent alternations from left to right politics which make
the former stuffers obsolete like Steve Bannon (* 1953) whose name indicated that he will be
banned. There are some limits to those banning practice as Fidel basically never finally
banned his own brother Raul Castro (* 1931) and Trump doesnt seem to contradict much
with his own first daughter. Stalin and Tito did not endorse such nepotisms which was always
very usual in papal curia with all sorts of nephews (nipotes) in charges.

Keywords: Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg, Bokovi, Peter van Musschenbroek. Leyden,
Ljubljana, Theresianum of Vienna, History of Experimental Physics Optics, Magnetism
Vacuum Pumps Chemistry Biology Mapmaking, History of History, Jesuits, Trump, Antifa,
Steve Bannon, Heather Heyer.


Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg was highly important guy because he lived and passed
away with his bellowed Jesuit society in the middle of the alt rightist-leftist duel not far to the
one we witness today. Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erbergs folks used horses instead of cars
and pens instead of web, but otherwise their whereabouts were just the same as the one
around Trumps. That makes Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg highly modern and we could
learn from his victories and failures our own modern destiny in which Trumps will beat
Antifa or vice versa.

Previous Research on Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg

Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg was highly important guy because Joa Glonar published a
short notice on B.F. Erberg in Slovenian pre-war Biographical lexicon. Miha Preinfalk
recently added some details in his researches of local nobility families. The recent research
might be mostly mine.1

1. 1
Juni. 2012. Ljubljanski kemijski uni pripomoki Lavoisierjevih dni (ob 240-letnici smrti prvega vodje
ljubljanskega eksperimentalnega kabineta, barona Bernarda Ferdinanda Erberg). Acta Chimica
Slovenica. 59/2: (Supplement) s68-s77.

1. ; Juni. 2012. Ljubljanski uni pripomoki ob ukinitvi jezuitske drube (Ob 240letnici smrti prvega vodje
ljubljanskega Physicslno-matematinega kabineta, barona Bernarda Ferdinanda Erberg). Vakuumist 32/3: 25-33.
Childhood Between Ljubljana and Sava River
Figure 1: B.F. Erbergs DNA ancestors related to the families of barons Apfaltrer, counts-
popes Barbo, Kacijanar, second cousin twice removed Jesuit Ljubljana rector Sigismund
count Lichtenberg (* 1688 Ortnek), Peer, Praunsperger, Semani, Auersperg, Rasp, Gall,
Wernehh (Bernik), Hofstetter, and Edling.

Figure 2: Dol Erberg Castle in 2012.

Figure 3: B.F. Erbergs uncle Janez Daniel Erbergs coat of arms for Disma brotherhood in
Figure 4: B.F. Erbergs uncle (Janez) Mathia Erbergs (1657 Koevje-abt. 1720 Nurnberg)
Protestant Nurnberg book Scherzi Historici of 1703. Mathia matriculated in Graz logic in 71st
place in 1675 (Andiritsch, 46), became a Capuchin with his new mass in Koevje on 25.
April 1683, but later converted to Protestantism.
Figure 5: Connaissance des temps of 1728, Friderik Peinters Geometry, Gaston Pardies,
Newtons Principia, Manfredis astronomy, Thomas Renner circle squaring of Vienna in
1674, Nicolas de Martino algebra of Napoli, Wolff of 1718, and Mako in Erbergs library.
B.F. Erbergs uncle Janez Daniel matriculated in logic in Graz as the eleventh student in 1665
(Andritsch, 9). Janez (Daniel) Erberg was promoted under the dean Chris Stettinger by
Stephan Sztaikovich in his first grade (baccalaureate) of liberal arts and philosophy in Graz
on 6. 5. 1666 (Andritsch, 217) and by the same Stephan as a baccalaureate Janez (Daniel)
Erberg was promoted to the magister of philosophy on 17. 8. 1667 as a 6th guy in the row
(Andritsch, 223). His classmate was all the time Gotthard von Juankovi (Jankovi) from
Novo Mesto who lodged in archdukes convict.

B.F. Erbergs father Janez Adam Erberg (1664? Koevje-3rd March 1723 Dol) matriculated in
the Graz university studies of logic in 1685 as 48th student, while Janez Stefan Florjani (*
1663 Ljubljana; 1709 Ljubljana) already studied physics a year ahead of him (Andritsch,
Matrikeln, 1663-1710, 1977, pp. 91-91). Janez Stefan Florjanis classmate was Anton
Stieff (* 1660 Linz) whose relative Sigmund Stieff from Klagenfurt matriculated in Graz in
1684/3 Klagenfurt, while Franz Karol Stieff nobilis from Linz matriculated as Logici in
1686/23 (Andritsch p. 96). Among Florjanis classmates was a Hungarian Paulus
Szamalovich (Somalovich, Samalovich, Szomalovich, Paulus Zamalouich, * 1664 Ungarus
Rohontiensis) who matriculated in syntax Graz as student no 149 in 1679. Rudolf Lewenberg
(1651 Graz-1715 Sibiu in Romania) taught philosophy in Graz in 1684-1688 and promoted
folks with semi-astrological booklets like Philosophia Laurea, Solis in Leone triumphus, seu
Palais Graecensis in Trijugo Illustrissimorum Clientum Leone gratiosior for the emperor in in
1688 with altogether three books authored (Sommervogel, IV, 1767; Stger, 206). From 1681
to 1683, Janez Stefan Florjani was a Jesuit, but he eventually left the Jesuit Society after he
ended his Ljubljana noviciate in 1682-1683. To be a Jesuit was sometimes a nice feature but
not always a call for ones whole life.

In Graz in 1685-1687, Janez Adam Erbergs classmates were the Jesuits Franciscus Hlbling
(Holbling, Haelbling, * 1665 Linz) who taught in Graz as Jesuit magister in 1689 and
Andreas Robustell (* 1665 Chambi in Palatinate) who taught in Graz as Jesuit magister in

In 1684/85, Janez Adam Erbergs professor of mathematics was Janez Krstnik Rsing
(Roesingh. Rossing, 1652 Vienna-Vienna) who specialized applied mathematics with Paul
Hansiz after Rsing was a student of math of Krimer. Rsing published his exam theses in
1687-1689, among them some bind with Planisphera austriacum Vienna 1688; Philosophia
elementaris 1689=1689 Assertationes Elementares ex universa philosophi with exam theses
and pictures of battled cities of Buda, Beograd abd others in altogether four published books.
In 1688, he published Laurea Leopoldi, in 1689 in Turkish wars, and in 1705 on the emperor
Leopolds funeral Vitas viirorum Provincia mors 4 books, altogether 8 books (Stger, 185,
304). In 1685/96, Paul Hansiz taught math in Graz, and in 1683/84 Kristof Luz (Lux, Lutz)
taught mat. Thomas Sigrai (Sigray) taught philosophy 1683-1685. The famous Gabriel
Hevenesi (Hevenyessi) might taught physic in Graz for a while in Janez Adam Erbergs class
in 1685/86.

Janez Adam Erberg finished his Graz studies with his published exam theses Conclusiones ex
universa philosophia in Graz in 1687 (Valvasor VI, 367) probably as he was promoted by
Rsing. In 1698, Janez Adam Erberg became a head customs official
(Oberaufschlageinnehmer). In 16. 6. 1714, four years before B.F. Erbergs birth, Janez Adam
Erberg got his baron title together with his older brother Danijel.
B.F. Erbergs first cousin Franc Mihael Erberg (27 September 1679 Dol-1780 Dol)
matriculated in Graz logic under the dean of linguistic Ernst Vols as the student number 32 in
1696 (Andritsch, 140). Franc Mihael Erberg joined the Jesuit order on 6. 10. 1696 in Graz,
became a novice in Graz and finished his studied of philosophy iv Vienna, but he left Jesuits
as the student of theology in Graz on 9. 1. 1706 to became assessor, He helped to manage his
underaged younger brothers Dol manor and married on 2. 2. 1709 with Maria Renata Gall
von Gallenstein (1684-1729) by the wish of his father Janez Daniel who lived for another

B.F. Erbergs older stepbrother Volbenk Adam Erberg (1693 Koevje-1754 Novo Mesto)
was already able to finish his higher studies in Ljubljana philosophical faculty established in
1704/1705. In 1709, Volbenk Adam Erberg published his final graduate work in Ljubljana
under the title Conclusiones proemiales de natura et objecto logicae quas in archi-ducali
Societatis Jesu gymnasio Labaci Anno M.DCCIX. Mense februario Die 9. Publice
propugnabit perillustris d. Wolfgangus Adamus ab Erberg. Praeside R.P. Joanne Baptista
Resner (Reusner 1671 Graz-1720 Eger) e Societate Jesu philosophiae professore ordinario.
Labaci. Black printing on yellow silk. AS 730, Dol archive, fasc. 65: 673-674. In 1694-1698,
Reusner was a Viennese student of philosophy and mathematics of Jo. Scalettari (1658
Gorizia-1712 maver by Soa river) who collaborated with Paul Hansiz. Volbenk Adam
Erberg finished his studies in Salzburg and became the very first Kreis Hauptman in Novo
Mesto in 1748, the post which inherited his brother Maks Gotfrid Erberg (12. 10. 1719-1. 4.
1760. Volbenk Adam Erberg married Marija Ana countess Engelshaus (24 July 1706
Ljubljana-1770) had 353 books in Ljubljana upon his death. Volbenk Adam Erbergs brother
Anton Gothard Erberg (5 May 1700 Ljubljana- 25 May 1755 Novo Mesto) finished his
theological studies in Rome to became a priest in Krko. On 6. 2. 1729 Anton Gothard Erberg
became a canon in Ljubljana, and on 5. 8. 1741 he was confirmed as a provost in Novo
Mesto. B.F. Erbergs first cousin once removed Volbenk Danijel Erberg (27. 8. 1714
Ljubljana-7. 8. 1783 Dol) was the assessor and asked in Rome for the permit to read the
forbidden books while he inherited Dol manor from his uncle without the offspring of his
own Janez Benjamin Erberg in 1759.
Figure: Bookplate of Ljubljana Franciscans of Anton Erbergs notes on marriages Tractatus
de Poenitentia Extrema Unctione Ordine & Matrimonio of 1738/39
Figure: Title page of Anton Erbergs notes on marriages Poenitentia Extrema Unctione
Ordine Matrimonio of 1738/39
Figure: Anton Erbergs last 99th page on marriages Tractatus de Poenitentia Extrema
Unctione Ordine & Matrimonio of 1738/39.

Table 1: Published and manuscript works of the guys from Erberg family

Name of Erberg Year Place Title Field

Janez Danijel 1671 Vienna Disputatio juridica de Officio Iudicis Law

Janez Adam 1687 Graz Conclusiones ex Universa Philosophy,
Philosophia Physics
(Janez) Matija 1699 Nurnberg Christliche Labung oder frisches Theology
Trostwasser gezogen aus den
Brunnen der Augsburgischen
Confession (Uri, 1975, 79)
(Janez) Matija 1703 Nurnberg Scherzi Historici (Kurzweilige Theology
Historien zum Exponieren) (Uri,
1975, 80)
(Janez) Matija 1703 Nurnberg Corriere tornato dal Parnasso: in Poetry
rame, & rime (zuruckgekommene
Courrier vom Berg Parnasso) (Uri,
1975, 80)
(Janez) Matija 1702 Nurnberg Monatlicher Italinisch teutscher Economy
com(m)issions und Factur Spiegel
(Uri, 1975, 61)
(Janez) Matija 1702, Nurnberg: Le Grand Dictionaire universel et Volcabulary
1710 Endter parfait divis en trois langues, savoir
Italien, Franois, Allemand (Il Gran
Dizzionario Universale & Perfetto
(Uri, 1975, 61)
(Janez) Matija 1703 Nurnberg Grammatica a la moda Tedesco- Grammar
Italiana a pr dei principianti (Uri,
1975, 80)
(Janez) Matija 1704 Nurnberg Guldener Bibel-und Jesus- Theology
Schatz/Der Auserwehlten Kinder
(Janez) Matija 1705 Nurnberg Neu-erffnetes Handels-Contor und Economy
Neu-aufgeschlossenes Handels-
Bewlb: in deren Erstem Allerhand
Janez Ernest 1709 Ljubljana Exercitium Mathematicum, Sive Physics-optics
Paradigma Catoptrico- (exam)
Volbenk Adam 1709 Ljubljana Conclusiones proemiales de natura Logics (exam)
et objecto logicae
(Janez) Matija 1712 Nurnberg La Sacro-Santa Biblia in lingua Theology
italiana (Uri, 1975, 80, 181)
Jurij 1713 Linz Assertiones ex tractatus de legibus Law (exam)
Jurij 1713 Linz Fasciculus rubricarum utriusque Law
Janez Benjamin 1716 Ljubljana Anathema Astronomico-Sciathericum Physics-
Innocent 1727/28 Paraguay Zemljevid Geography
Anton 1728 Graz Topografia ducatum Styriae (Uri, Geography
1975, 148)
Anton 1728 Graz Topografia ducatum Carinthiae et Geography
Anton 1730-31 Vienna Discussio peripatetica, in qua Philosophy
Principia philosophiae Cartesianae
principia per singula fere capita
Anton 1730 Vienna Annus salutis Promotore P. Ant.
Anton 1731 Vienna Metamorphosis poesis Promotore Poetry
P. Ant. Erber
Anton 1734 Vienna Panegyricus D. Catharinae Virgini et Theology
Martyri dicatus (exam)
Anton 1736 Graz Dissertationis Phediopicae de
Cancolius oecumenacis
Anton 1739 Graz Epitome contraversiarum religionem Theology
Anton 1738/39 Graz Tractatus de Poenitentia Extrema Marriage
Unctione Ordine & Matrimonio
Bernardin Around Vienna? Physica Physics,
Ferdinand or 1738/39 Physiology
Joef Kalasanc or in late (student of
1790s physics
Anton 1747-1748 Vienna Theologiae speculativa tractatus Theology
Anton 174? Dissertationes Theologico historico Theology
Criticae (Uri, 1975, 112)
Anton 1750 Vienna Institutiones Dialecticae (reprints in Philosophy
Trnava 1752, 1761)
Anton 1750, Vienna Cursus Philosophicus Physics,
1751 Philosophy
Bernardin 1754 Ljubljana Assertionibus ex universa Physics in
Ferdinand philosophia Philosophy
Anton Vienna? Jus naturae in Jus canonicum Law
Bernardin 1760 Vienna Notitia illustris regni Bohemiae Geography
Ferdinand scriptorum geographica et
chorographica (he did not finish his
similar work focused on Carniola
which later finished his relative Joef
Kalasanc Erberg)
Bernardin 1762 Vienna? Epoch. Habsburg History
Bernardin 1764? Vienna Res gestae ac scripta virorum S. J. History
Ferdinand Prov. Austr Ab a. 1551 ad 1764
(Viennaska nacionalna knjinica,
manuscript 975).
Joef Kalasanc 1806/07 Vienna Paper on horse chestnuts (Kidri, Farming in
1925, 165) Dol Manor
Joef Kalasanc 1825 Dol Versuch eines Entwurfes zu einer History
Literar-Geschichte fr Krain
(Manuscript, published in 1980s)

The lion's share of the Erberg's writings was created under the guise pens of the cousin of the
Jesuits Anton and Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg (* 10. 5. 1718 Ljubljana; June-August
1773 Krems), namely by their uncle the Capuchin turned Protestant Matija Erberg. These
prominent figures were just the top of a literally extremely efficient generation, which gave to
Carniola the great range of enviable scholars. Knowledge became a hobby and, at the same
time, a profession of the barons Erbergs, to the extent that their whole country was covered
with their scientific enterprise. Erberg's writings dominate the exact sciences and law. With
their almost singular exception of the Protestant Matija, they published a bit of theology, and
almost nothing in medicine with the only exception of Erberg's student manuscript on
physiology. Just Matija published economic or even agricultural files among Erbergs, whose
physicists had been very famous in their days. The successful rearrangement of gardens at
Dol manor of Joseph Kalasanc Erberg enabled his discussion of the management of Dol horse
chestnut, which was communicated in the Vienna magazine.

Jesuit Call
Figure 6: B.F. Erbergs first cousin Janez Ernest Erbergs (7 March 1692-1717) exam theses
with professor of mathematics J. Thullner of 1709. Janez Ernest Erberg sadly passed away in
his 25th year.
Figure 7: B.F. Erbergs youngest first cousin Janez Benjamin Erbergs (3 November 1699 -
1759) theses with professor Steiner in Ljubljana of 1714. Janez Benjamin Erberg became the
Jesuit in Ljubljana several weeks after his fathers funeral on 27. 10. 1716 and had his
noviciate in Ljubljana. Janez Benjamin Erberg finished his philosophical studies in Vienna in
1719 and 1720, but left the Jesuit society as the student of theology in 1725 when he come of
age as the Carniolan law counsellor to get the manor Dol from his regents which he inherited
already upon his fathers death on 11 May 1716.
With all those successful Jesuits relatives around him, it was no wander that B.F. Erberg also
wished to join the Jesuits. His mathematical talents were oblivious and the missions were
appealing. But his superiors needed him at home for cartographic, physics and organizational
works. Somebody must stay home, they told him to calm down his ambitions: If well
send everybody to those Indians and Chinese missions, who will stay in good old Europe to
educate our new Jesuits?

B.F. Erberg was furious for a while, but there was nothing further he could do. So, he
accepted his inevitable destiny to teach and form others who will get that funny glory of
being the missionary in faraway places abroad.

Viennese Mathematical Sciences

1738-1740 prof. fil.; fizika 1739 baron Ernest (Franciscus) Apfaltrer could be the teacher of
Franz or Franz-Luka Jelai, born in 1720 in Vienna, died in Moscow after 1776. and of
Ludwig Werner, Antonius Muszka, Ferdinand Warkirsh (Warkiz, Warkitz) as Bidellius in
1738-1740, Franciscus Andrsi, Franciuscus Isinger, Franciscus Triffatter, Franciscus
Waillandt, Ignatius Radostics (Radii), Joannes Krammer, Ignatius Klaus, and B.F. Erberg
as sub-manuductio in 1738 in logic, the function which was held just for the logic student
while manuductio junior was a student of physics in 1737 but not in 1736; with Anton
Bosisio and Joseph Liesganig studying one year before them. Their teacher of mathematics
was Josephus Franz (Frantz, 1704-1776) who additionally took over the astronomical
observatory in 1738/39. The dean= rector Franciscus Molindes took over his post on 27. 7,
1738 while Wolfgang Valvasor headed the seminary in 1739-1740. In 1739/40 Josephus
Francz did not teach mathematics anymore and he was just the prefect of astronomical
observatory and Peter Halloy took over his lectures of mathematics. Erasmus Frlich was the
prefect of mathematical lab and taught the applied mathematical specialization in -1738-
1740-, in 1740 Anton Paugartner, Karl Scherffer in Josephus Pevere, and Leopold Wimer
were in his class, in 1740 the former rector named on 12. 10 1734 Johannes Thullner taught
casuistic, future rector appointed on 8. 8. 1741 Augustin Hingerle taught theology, Carl
Dollenz was a professor of physics, and Karl Granelli was the confessor of the archduchess in
1739 (Catalogus 1739: 28-29; Catalogus 1740: 28-29.

Graz and Viennese Applied Mathematics

After his master in philosophy B. F Erberg taught grammar in Ljubljana in 1740/41. Ot was
great to be home again and to meet all those old good friend and relatives.

In 1741/42 in Graz B.F. Erberg, Anton Bosizio, Franz Xaver Haller, Ignaz Rasp, Joseph
Liesganig as their bidellus and Michael Klaus specialized their first year of applied
mathematics with Erasmus Frlich. The professor of physic was Halloy, Joseph Zanchi
taught mathematics, Joseph Erberg studied his 4th last year of theology, Anton Erberg was
professor and dean of Theology, Ernst baron Apfaltrer was a dean of linguistic (Andritsch,
Matrikeln 1711-1765. 181) Karl Dollenz taught logic, Karl Andrian was professor of history
dean of philosophical faculty and writer of the local history of Graz college, while the rector
Willibald Krieger was appointed on 11. 5. 1740 (Catalogus 1742: 10-11). On the
specialization of mathematics called the repetition B.F. Erberg obliviously also attended
Andrians lectures of history as he recalled and noted later in 1762.

In 1742/43 in Viennese university the same class of students including B.F. Erberg, Anton
Bosizio, Franz Xaver Haller, Ignaz Rasp as their bidellus, Joseph Liesganig and Michael
Klaus specialized their second year of applied mathematics with Erasmus Frlich who was
additionally also prefect of mathematical museum and the first confessor. In Catalogus (1743:
28-29) they were noted as usual as Repetentes Matheseos with no indication that they did that
for their second year. Differently, as it was in Graz in the previous year when B.F. Erberg
also listened to the lectures of History, Viennese university in 1742/43 has a special class of
three Repetentes Historiae where were Ignaz Wagenseil, Josephus Wibmer as their
manductio of participating in the celebration of the Eucharist and Mathias Kberer. The
professor of mathematics and operarius was Paul Wimmer, Hingerle from Ljubljana was still
rector, Anton Hallerstein from Carinthia branch still taught controversial theology, Jacob
Focky taught physics, Joseph Franz was professor of observational astronomy, while
Sigismund Calles was professor pf history and home confessor, probably also the head of
historical specializations of his three students.

Graz for Ph.D.

B.F. Erberg practice between mahis masters in philosophy and beginning of his Ph.D. Studies
in theology was unusually long as it lasted for five years while most of other guys made that
stuff in just two years. After he finished his specialization, B.F. Erberg has additionally to
teach the syntax as the highest class of grammar in Graz 1743/44 (Catalogus 1744: 10). In
Graz in 1743/44, B. F. Erbergs colleagues were professor of mathematics Halloy, the
lecturer of principles Mathias Rieberer (1730 Murau of Upper Styria-1794 Regensburg) who
taught physics in Ljubljana and published his exam theses of physics in 1758 noted in
Historia Annua pp. 312-313 as Tentamen ex physica, logico-metaphysica et mathematica ad
praescriptum regiorum dectretum tenorem habita (Sommervogel, VI, 18381939; Stger,
301); Gramatica Hebreica Graz 1755; Manuscripta diplomatica, Vienna; Novisima Europeaee
1794; Nadaljuje delo Marka Hansizia, the lecturer-professor of poetry Andrej Friz (1711
Barcelona-1790 Gorizia who later promoted books of Gaston Pardies and spent his last two
decades as the ex-Jesuit professor of mathematics in Gorizia (1741 translated from French:
Dissertatione de cognitione bruturum of Gaston Pardies SJ = Koller Cognitionem brutorum.
The same item was promoted by Friz and Grubanovicz in Graz in 1741, and by Koller in
Vienna), Karl Dillheer (Dillher) as the professor of logic, Anton Vorster of physics, Karl
Dollenz of metaphysics, B.F. Erbergs first cousin Anton Erberg as university canceller
librarian reviser-dean of literature-linguistic and prefect of law exams while the rector was
Udalrik Bombardi appointed before. Five B.F. Erbergs students of syntax in Graz (Andritsch
1711-1765, pp. 192, 194) were Joannes von Arbesser (* Hadersfeld northwest of Vienna in
Austria), Anton Bredlin burger from Gezen in Tyrol, Franciscus von Egger from Graz,
Joseph Haubenwaler burger from Vorau (Voraviensis) in Upper Styria and plebs Johannes
Baptist Regale from Sarnthal (Sarentino) in South now Italian Tyrol. No student to talk with
him in Slovenian language as B.F. Erberg was sorry to find out.

After Graz, B.F. Erberg taught poetry inside the studies of humanities in Gorizia in 1744/45
(Catalogus 1745: 9). His rector was Joseph Tedeschi newly appointed on 21. 1. 1744, Anton
Terzi and Joseph Zanchi of Rijeka taught casuistic, Franciscus Conti taught physics and
metaphysics, Franciscus Vittinich taught logic, Joseph Carina was professor of the rhetoric
and the future leading Viennese architect of Italian origin Anton Batista Izzo (1721 Koice-
1793 Vienna) taught grammar. Izza and B.F. Erberg were later again colleague in
Theresianum where Izzo taught in the newly established chair of architecture and published
1764-1769 Tractatus de Pyrotechnica Balistica Viennae 1766; Elementa architecturae Civilis
et Militaris Viennae 1764-1765 ponatisi do 1777; French translation of the Pater Bossicart
(Bossicar, Nicolaus * 1739) SJ the professor of French language in Viennese Theresianum
1772; Elementa Geographiae Viennae 1769.

In 1745/46 (Catalogus 1746: 10) among B.F. Erbergs Classmates in Graz during his first
year of theological studies were Carniolan future professor of physics Maximilian
Morautscher (1721-1806) as the son of the Auespergs manager from the castle-manor Mala
vas as a part of Kneja vas in modern mayordom of Trebnje of Lower Carniola, later Zagreb
physicist Franc Dabrovi (1720 Poega-1767), Anton Angerer (1720-1802 Linz) as the
prefect of philosophy-Humanistic-controversial studies. Udalric Bombardi was still the rector
appointed on 24. 11. 1743. Karl Dillherr taught metaphysics, Anton Gallyuff canons,
Franciscus Grafflinden taught theology, Joseph Maister taught mathematics, Joseph Kssler
taught physics, Ignaz Schreiner taught casuistic, Leopold Morelli taught sacred scripts,
Joannes Priletzki taught controversy, Halloy was a prefect of astronomical observatory
(Spec.) and mathematical museum, the former Ljubljana professor Sebastian Stainer
monitored the exams.
Figure 8: Anton Erbergs physics of 1750.

Judenburg Probation

In 1749/50, B.F. Erberg in his 31th year entered the final stage of his Jesuit education with his
third final probation year in upper Styrian Judenburg. He gave his feast of wows including
the eternal mobility which he never endorsed as he officially never left the border of the areas
of Austrian Jesuit province.

In Judenburg, B.F. Erbergs classmates of the paters of the Third Probation included his old
friends later Ljubljana professor of physics the Rijeka native Franc Tricarico, Biwalds
theacher oif mathematics Joseph Apponyi (1718-1757) as their leading Manductio,2 Anton
Bosizio, Franc Dabrovi, astronomer Franc Weiss, and Ignaz count Rasp. Their Judenburg
rector was Paul Zetlacher appointed on 27. 12. 1746 with his minister B.F. Erbergs Ljubljana
compatriot Daniel Valvasor.

There was no teaching in good old Judenburg, just prayers and subterranean fights for future
great jobs and positions. B.F. Erberg was finally in his goal except for his dreamed missions.
He was chosen to reform the exact part of Ljubljana studies in accordance to his late first
cousin Anton Erbergs textbook modified by G. van Swieten new Theresian reforms.

Ljubljana lab

Joseph Apponyi. 1753. Dissertatio physica de Corpore generatim deque opposito eidem vacuo Trnava 1752-
tudi Jo. Jo.Apponyi in Mitterpacher de Mitternburg in Kery =Keri Sommervogel 1: 479, primary the work of
Salamanca professor Losada
1449 Ljubljana Jesuits with 341 preserved writtings distribut
decades of births of their authors

40 Kappus Innocent
Anton Hallerstein
Kapus Cierheimb






Technical Sciences Astronomy All Mathematics Physics of a

Figure 9: B.F. Erbergs magnetism of Musschenbroek promotion in Slovenian frame.

Number of Technical Publications of Jesuits from Austrian

Bohemian Provinces
900 Magnet








Mathematics Exam Theses: Number of Preserved Items

Physics: integrated All published items valued distributed on dates of publications
Physics: integrated All optics items valued
Physics: integrated All electricity and magnetism items valued
Physics: integrated All heat-related items valued
Physics: integrated All mehanics, statics, dynamics, acoustivs & hydrodnamics items valued
Mathematical Astronomy: Number of Preserved Items
Trigonometry: Number of Preserved Items
Spodnjetajerski jezuitski pisci med profesorji fizike in matematike s skupno 44 ohranjenimi deli z osnovnega pod
Figure 10: B.F. Erbergs magnetism of Musschenbroek promotion in Austrian and Bohemian
Jesuit provinces frame.

In Ljubljana in 1757/58 (Catalogus 1758: 15-16) B.F. Erberg taught mathematics and wrote
the diary of the college while Franciscus Tricarico taught physics, Ernst baron Apfaltrer
headed the seminary, Kart Dillherr was the prefect of higher school as lecturer on casuistic,
Anton Maisterr was prefect of Lower School, Joseph Erberg taught casuistic, Mathias
Riebertd taught logic and metaphysics, Morauer was procurator and old rector Sigismund
Lichtenberg was the first confessor, the future Graz physicist Leopold Biwald taught rhetoric,
Anton count Hohenwart lectured on poetry Francis Weneg taught syntax, and Joseph Carl
was rector appointed in 26 4. 1745.
Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg reforms the physics lecturing in Ljubljana

5.1. Organization of the Ljubljana Physics-Mathematical Cabinet

Erbergs helped Empress Maria Theresa in modernizing Ljubljana's higher studies. A week
before the birth of Jurij Vega are on 16. 3. 1754 for the purchase of instruments earmarked
the sum of 500 fl, almost half of the annual income of Dol manor (Historia annua, 1754, 284;
Smole 1982, 135).he census of fifty-one (in fact fifty-five) unnumbered devices physics-
mathematical experiments Ljubljana Jesuit philosophical studies compiled professor of
mathematics and physics Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg of 17. 9. 1755 (Mllner, 171-172;
Schmidt, 1963, 1: 303; AS chamber and Teams, Fasc. 40, 17 September 1755). With the
annual grant of the physics cabinet 25 fl is B.F. Erberg can buy two or three new instruments
every year if gold coins were not used to maintain old devices. In 1767, the new bell tower
manufacture of Jakob Samassa took care of the repair in the physics cabinet of the Jesuit
college in Ljubljana, after B.F. Erberg's departure when Samassa's friend Gruber came to

Table 2: Devices on the Jesuit College in Ljubljana according to Erberg's census on 17

September 1755

Branch of Science Number of devices

Mathematics 2
Mechanics: 24
Solid state permeability & cohesion 6+2
Tools for measurements 2
Fluids 4
Acoustics 1
Geodesy 3+1
Vacuum, overpressure, gases 8
Optics 13
Astronomy 7
Heat & Meteorology 2
Electricity 1
Magnetism 1

Total 51 (54)

Erberg listed the instruments by the sectors in which they were supposed to serve. He
considered the individual parts of mechanics as separate units. The census started with
gadgets for astronomy, followed by mathematical instruments, a collection of tools for
measurement, tools to show magnetism, geodesy, acoustics, gases, heat, mechanics, optics
and electricity. Only a few devices were listed outside of this order, which did not exactly
follow the sequence of physics lectures in higher studies.

FIGURE 12: List of B.F. Erberg's purchases of physics-mathematical devices (Mllner, 1901,
171) which accidentally overlooked three instruments, namely those used for surveying,
porosity, and cohesion.

If mechanical instruments also include acoustics, B.F. Erbergs list included twenty-four, that
is, almost half of the teaching materials for mechanics. Many facilities for the exploration of
light indicate that the Newtons work from the years 1672 and 1704 and his optics became
the most important experimental science. In addition to devices for displaying the laws of
geometric optics, they acquired four microscopes, prisms and cones. Many microscopes are
certainly proved by B.F. Erberg's interest in biology, also indicated by his allegedly
manuscript that compares the operation of the eye and the camera (Erberg, about 1740, 58).

Among the first astronomical devices in the Jesuit college in Ljubljana, they acquired an
annular sphere in 1706. Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg supplemented the collection with two
globes and a stellar atlas. The Ptolemaic model has already been completely abandoned, since
Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg acquired the model of the universe only by Tycho and
Copernicus's system. In doing so, he hoped to hurry a bit, as he bought them two years before
the Catholics were officially allowed to teach Copernicus's presumption. So, it's really a little
peanut before dawn, but with enough cautious because Ljubljana was far enough for Roman

In college they probably purchased a telescope before the year 1761, when J. Schttl in
Ljubljana observed the transit of Venus across the face of the sun with his sixteen feet long
binocular. The measurements of the Jesuit surveyors were encouraged by B.F. Erberg with
his acquisition of earthworks in Ljubljana in 1755. Calculation of the length of the meridian
has become a kind of parade horse of Jesuit scientists. In the Slovenian part of Styria, the
meridian was measured by the Jesuit Liesganig, who also taught Gabriel Gruber. Of course,
B.F. Erberg knew the triangulation, with which his first cousin Innocent Erberg and
Innocents nephew A. Hallerstein helped to draw down the map of South America and of the
Far East. In the beginning of April 1757 and again on 9 March 1758, Bokovi himself
visited Ljubljana just before B.F. Erbergs went to Theresianum, Bokovi explained to
Carniolan folks the new principles of experimental teaching and geodetic measurements
territories of the Papal States, which became famous during the years 1750-1756 (Markovi,
1968, 320-321). The electricity and magnetism were at the time of B.F. Erberg's purchases of
experimental experiments in Ljubljana still the marginal branches of physics, more suitable
for the appealing popular display of exceptional phenomena, as for the useful physics way of
thinking. In 1755, the special devices for the study of magnetism and heat in Erberg's
collection did not yet exist, except insofar as they were needed for geodetic and
meteorological research. Magnetism played a peripheral role until the magnetic force was
measured at the end of the 18th century. In Erbergs census from 1755 are missing model
steam engine, particularly economical pot under high pressure, in which the Frenchman
Denis Papin cook a festive lunch the King of England in 1680. In 1755 Erberg in Ljubljana
brought the whole facility to demonstrate the resistance of the air, falling and laws
Hydrostatics. He devoted eight tools to research vacuum, pressure and air resistance, as these
questions obviously inspired his curiosity. He pumped out the air with the air pump of
probable Musschenbroeks Leyden manufacture type and convinced the students that sound
could not pass through an empty space, but the heat radiation and light could. Robert Boyle
proved that fact a century ago; Erbergs in Dol manor already knew that, as the experiments of
Boyle were already presented to them, since they could borrow a full collection of Boyle's
books from the library of their friend Valvasor from Bogenperk. B.F. Erberg also bought the
Magdeburg hemispheres of Boyle's friend and rival Otto Guericke for the Jesuit lessons in
Ljubljana, along with a device to illustrate Galilean's assumptions about movement in an
empty space. Both century old experiments were a real grazing for the eyes of the pupils. Of
course, Erberg only showed the experiments to his student boys ex cathedra, as he did not
have enough tools for the pupils to independently work on experiments. In 1755, B.F. Erberg
began to use three scales in the Jesuit College of Ljubljana, among them 'sGravesandes and
hydraulic. Precise weighing in the Lavoisier Parisian Laboratory shortly after Erberg's death
enabled the advancement of chemistry. Similar devices were purchased by the Jesuit Orlando
(1723-1784) in Trieste gradually from 1753 until the ban of the Jesuits two decades later.
Orlando studied philosophy in Graz when B.F. Erberg taught grammar there, so they knew
eavh other very well and exchanged their experiences of experimenting and pedagogy.

5.2. Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg updates the school library

B.F. Erberg arranged his Ljubljana Physics Cabinet primarily in Paris and Leiden patterns.
He was aware that the new experimental devices would not be enough. The devices needed
instructions for their use. In 1754, just prior to the acquisition of instruments, B.F. Erberg has
bought by far the most mathematical and physics works, including Ozanams instructions for
entertaining experiments (1723), Musschenbroeks research with the addition of pneumatic
devices (version of 1739), the first part of Dsaguliers experimental physics (version 1751)
and Five volumes of German translations of the Paris Academican publications from 1692-
1715 printed in Wroclaw in 1748-1750. In the latter reading, B.F. Erberg checked the
findings of astronomers Cassini, Philippe de la Hire (* 1640; 1718), Ren-Antoine
Ferchault de Raumur (* 1683; 1757), Amontons, and Swiss Johann Bernoulli (* 1667;
1748). Their works were classified according to the observed substance in Parisian academic
journal. In the same year, B.F. Erberg bought at least two other Musschenbroeks latin books
and even reprinted-promoted Musschenbroek discussion on magnetism in Latin translation in
Ljubljana. B.F. Erberg wrote all his other works in Latin, with the only exception of the
German student manuscript on physiology from the lectures of his paternal first cousin Anton
Erberg in Vienna in 1738/39 if that were not the later Joef Kalasanc Erbergs notes (AS,
Rokopisi, 89 r, (178 r), 242 r).

Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg, when complementing the Jesuit library, was inspired by the
richly-equipped libraries of his relatives Erbergs, who subsequently merged their libraries in
the Dol Manor. Despite the modernization of Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg, in the library of
the Ljubljana college still dominated mathematical works of Jesuit writers like Dechales,
Tacquet, Schott, Gooden, Steinmeyer, Sanuitali Hell, Wiedeburg, Bettini, Frlich and Roman
professors Clavius, Kircher and Bokovi. They still insisted on geometric derivations,
although a more modern infinitesimal account was increasingly expected. The Jesuits of
Ljubljana acquired five books with dated exiles at the beginning of the lesson of mathematics
at a higher level between 1706 and 1709. Most of them were purchased by Bernardin
Ferdinand Erberg during his course of reforms in mathematics classes between 1750 and
1758 when he taught mathematics and physics in Ljubljana. Initially, the Jesuits procured
only Latin books until Erberg began purchasing newer works written in the living vernacular
languages. At seven mathematical-physics and astronomical books, B.F. Erberg in bookplate
explicitly stated the year of purchase (Wolff 1733 Ozanam 1723, Wiedeburg 1726, Bokovi
1755, Hire 1725 Manfredi 1750 Marinoni, 1745), while in the other thirteen mathematical
and astronomical books he did not (Wolff 1756 Genovesi, Gooden, Musschenbroek,
Magalotti, Ritter, Clavius, Lana, Brixianus, Sanuitali, Copernicus, Reinhold and
Commandino bind with Kepler). In the middle of the 18th century, B.F. Erberg acquired
altogether forty-two books on the exact sciences, but he was not their only user, since the
name of I. Redlhamer (1719 Erlauf-1794), who was lecturing on physics in Ljubljana in
1755/56, was written on the cover of Vaters Experimental Physics. At the end of the
lectures, Redlhamer conducted a public examination of candidates with an experimental
presentation of 160 different physics and mathematical disciplines. The event was a real treat
for the eyes, as among the educated listeners the Jesuit scribe counted thirty counts and
barons, among them certainly also the folks from Dol castle. The performance ended with a
symphonic concert and a theater, and the examination papers were printed in Trieste (Historia
Annua, 300-301). The book of Christian Vater (1651-1732), Physica experimentalis
systematica in usum studiosae iuventutis, Witebergae, 1734 (Wilde's catalogue no. 1465;
NUK-8306; 1775 inventory no 21) got a bookplate: Ex.Liberalitrales P.Ignat.Redlhamer
Inscriptus Bibl.Phil.Coll.Labac S.J. 1755. The Wittenberg physician and university professor
Christian Vater was a father of anatomist-botanic Abraham Vater (1684 Wittenberg-1751

Erberg donated many learned books in parchment covers to his Ljubljana college. Thus, the
label signed Ozanams work beyond the headlines read that Councilor court chamber in
Vienna from Ljubljana Franc Henrik (Joseph) baron Raigersfeld (* 1697, 1760), a book of
9. 6. 1743 donated Viennese mathematics student, B.F. Erberg. Donor F.H. Raigersfeld was
closely connected both with the Erbergs and the Jesuits. On 10 June 1726, he married Maria
Anne Elizabeth Erberg (* 1710; 1752); The bride was the daughter of B.F. Erberg's cousin,
Baron Franck Michael Erberg (* 1679; 1760), a member of the Provincial Court of
Carniola. Maria Anne's fourth son, the Jesuit Franc Borgia Karel (* 1736; SJ 1752; 1800),
was professor of history at the Theresianum between 1767-1773, initially under the new
prefect of B.F. Erberg. Maria Anne's youngest son, Michael Raigersfeld, was right then
considered the most talented student at the Theresienim of Vienna.

Table 3: B.F. Erbergs purchases which are today preserved the physics, mathematical and
astronomical books dated equity entries in the former Jesuit library today NUK (writers of
mathematical and astronomical books are written diagonally, writers of Erbergs own seven
manuals are bold. The brackets are abbreviations used in the place of residence, if Different
from the end of the print: Ne-Naples, Pe-Petersburg, Ri-Rome, Fi-Florence, Lo-London, Lz-
Linz. Pe-Pesaro, Pr-Prague, Du-Vienna, Gr-Graz, Tr-Trnava, L-Ljubljana, Je-Jena, N-
Nurnberg, Tbingen, Wi-Wittenberg, Leipzig, G-Gottingen FR-Frankfurt, Ha-Halle, Ma-
Magdeburg, WR-Wroclaw (Breslau), Ly-Leiden, Li-English Jesuit College in the Belgian
Lige, early-Geneva, Ba-Basel; UG-textbook geography, UF-physics textbook ; UM -
mathematics teacher, UA-textbook of astronomy, UP-textbooks and other instruction
manuals, IT-exams in physics, OP-optical by Experiments with microscopes, AT-
astronomical tables, devices and atlases, EP-electric experiments, GM-geodetic
measurements, MM-meteorological measurements; PG-against Galileo, Copernicus, together
with the Wittenberg-based agnostic interpretation of the Earth's motion, ZG-For Galileo, PF-
against Franklin, ZW-for Wolff and other post-Cartesian directions, the UN-for Newton; ZM-
for Musschenbroek, ZH-for Hooke, ZK-for Copernicus and Kepler, - unknown direction.
Year of publication and signature of NUK.

Undated 1751 1752 1754 (18) 1755 1756 1757 (2) 1758 (5)
(5) (2) (1) (4) (5)

Manfredi Nollet Tertio Della Torre UF- Dsagu Wolff Clavius- Mairan MM-
AT-Bo- UP- de Be(Ne)-??, liers (UM Evklid Ly(Pa)-ZM,
??, Wolff Be Lana- Khell von Khellburg UP- &) UMJ- Bokovi
1733 (Pa)- UP- UF-Du-??, P(Lo)- OP- Fr(Ri)- GM-Ri-ZN,
UM&UF- PF, Br&P Sturm&Wolff UF-N- ZN, Ha& PG, Klaus UF-
e-ZW, Brixia m-PG ZW, Corsini UF-Be- Kraft Ma Comman Du&Pr- ZN,
Marinoni nus ZN, UF-T ZW, dino- Sanvitali
UA-Du- UM- Der Knigl. Akademie (Pe)- Regna Euclidus UMJ-Br-??,
ZN, Hire Br- der Wissenschaften in ZM, ult & Kepler Gooden
AT- ZN Paris physische Vater UF- &Rhetic UMJ-Li-??
N(Pa)- Abhandlungen UP- UP-Wi- Gr us
ZK, Wr(Pa)-ZN??, ZW, (Ri)- UM,UA-
Wiedebur Ozanam UP-Pa-ZK, Winkle ZW, Pe&Fr(L
g UMJ-Je- Genovesi UF-Be(Ne)- r EP- Varen z)
?? ZG, Le-ZN UG-
Keri&Majlth IT-Tr- Je(Ly)
ZN, -ZN,
Kolhans&Schraderius Reinh
OP-Le&G-ZH, old
Magalotti UP-Be(Fi)- UA-
ZG, T&
Keri&Mitterpacher Wi-
IT-Tr-ZN, Dsaguliers ZK,
UP-Pa(Lo)-ZN, Ritter
Musschenbroek (4) AT-
UP-Ly/L-ZM, N-??
Copernicus UA-Ba-
ZK, Doppelmayr AT-

Table 4: Scientific orientation of Erbergs Jesuit book purchased in 1750s

Undecided PG- against ZW-for ZK- to ZM-for ZN-for

Galileo, Wolff and Copernicus, Musschenbroek Newtons
Copernicus, other post- Kepler, ZG- , ZH-for mainstream
PF- against cartesian for Galileos Hookes fans
Franklins streams already mainstream
mainstream obsolete base fans

10 4 5 5 7 10

Manfredi, Nollet, Tertio Wolff, Hire, Kolhans&Schra Brixianus,

Wiedeburg, de Lana, Sturm&Wol Ozanam, derius, Marinoni,
Della Torre, Reinhold, ff, Wolff, Genovesi, Musschenbroek Corsini,
Khell von Clavius Regnault, Magalotti, (4), Kraft, Keri&Majlth
Khellburg, Der Knigl. Copernicus, Mairan ,
Ritter, Akademie, Commandino Keri&Mitterp
Sanvitali, Vater &Kepler acher,
Gooden Dsaguliers
(2), Winkler,

Table 5: Sorts of books among Erbergs acquirements of Jesuit books in 1750s

Textbooks Textbooks Exam Experimental Astronomical Optic, electric,

of physics mathematics theses in textbooks tables, atlases geodetic, and
and physics and textbooks meteorological
geography measurements

8 7 2 12 8 5

Della Torre, Wolff, Keri& Nollet. Tertio de Marinoni, Kolhans&Schraderius,

Khell, Wiedeburg, Majlth, Lana, Der Knigl. Manfredi, Winkler, Wolff,
Klaus, Brixianus, Keri& Akademie, Hire, Mairan, Bokovi
Sturm&Wol Genovesi, Mitterpa Ozanam, Doppelmayr,
ff, Corsini, Clavius, cher Magalotti, Copernicus,
Kraft, Sanvitali, Dsaguliers (2), Reinhold,
Regnault, Gooden Musschenbroek Ritter,
Varen (4), Vater Commandino &

Table 6: The places of publications of the books which B.F. Erberg acquired for his higher
Jesuit studies in 1750s (number before the placemark shows the last digit of the year of
publication; in brackets are the places of residence of writers, if they differ from the places of
printing books)
Habsburg Netherlands France and Veneti Other cities in Nurnber Other cities in
monarchy with later Switzerland a later state of Italy g later state of
Belgium Germany

7 (1) 5 5 (4) 5 5,5 (3) 4 11,5

0Du, 4Du, 4*3Ly, (6Ly), 0e, (0Pa), 1, 4, 4, 0Bo, 1Br, 0N, 0Je, 4Wr,
4Tr, 4Tr, 8Ly, 8Li (2Pa), 4Pa, 4, 4 2Br&Pm, (4Ne), 4N, 4Le&G, 5T,
4L, 6Gr, (4Pa), 4Pa, (6Ri), (7Ri), 4N, 5Wi, 5Le, 6T,
(7Lz), 4Ba, 5Pa, 7/Fr&Pe, 8Ri, 6N 6Je, 6Ha&Ma,
8Du&Pr (8Pa) 8Br 7Fr, 7/Fr&Pe

Table 7: Languages of Erbergs new Jesuit books in 1750s

Latin German French Italian

30 5 4 3

Khell, Sturm&Wolff, Corsini, Bokovi, Tertio de Mairan, Ozanam, Della

Lana, Genovesi, Keri& Majlth, Keri& Mitterpacher, Wolff 1740, Musschenbroek Torre,
Kolhans& Schraderius, Regnault, Varen& Newton, Winkler, 1739, Magalotti,
Musschenbroek (3), Vater, Krafft, Klaus, Clavius, Wiedeburg, Dsaguliers (2) Nollet
Wolff, Brixianus, Sanvitali, Bokovi, Gooden, Der Knigl.
Commandino& Kepler, Hire, Reinhold, Marinoni, Akademie
Copernicus, Ritter, Doppelmayr

Probably B.F. Erberg mastered French, but he did not read Dutch or English, which were also
represented among the books of the Jesuit library in Ljubljana. He also bought a scribbled
letter from Florentine Academic Secretary Magalotti, Della Torre and Nollet, so he must have
read Italian. In the 1750s, B.F. Erberg gave nearly half of the Jesuit exquisite marks on the
cover of books written in the later dominant Newtonian and Musschenbroeks orientations,
which he also obtained from Musschenbroek's (Protestant) Leiden. He wanted to find new
astronomical literature in Nuremberg, but he bought a lot of things in nearby Venice and in
the city of Brescia. He acquired a relatively little amount of money in Rome, which until then
was the main provider of textbooks for Jesuit schools. Most of Erberg's books went beyond
the textbook level, as they focused on specific issues and were equipped with modern
measurements and experiments. The Osman's manual, which Raigersfeld donated to Erberg,
draws from the typical Parisian tradition of fun mathematics and physics developed just
before the ideas of Ozanams coeval Newton prevailed in France. Ozanam published four
parts; Raigersfeld did a fair deal and wrote down dedications for B.F. Erberg in all four of
them. The text contained a total of 1,672 pages of full instructions for experiments, which the
professor should indicate to students. The first part of the book dealt with arithmetic,
geometry, music and optics, the other with sunshine, cosmography and mechanics, the third
with pyrotechnics and physics, and the last with natural and artificial luminaires, permanent
lamps and various attractions. Especially extensive were the instructions for the preparation
of luminophores, which gave young people the enthusiasm for many interesting experiments.
Ozanam visited London and Oxford for several months in May 1701, so he met Newton's
first-hand achievements. He was not a first-class mathematician, but mostly a popularizer,
although in 1711 he became an associate member of the Paris Academy of Mechanics; Since
1678, a member of the Paris Academy has also been Philippe de la Hire of Paris (* 1640;
1718), whose Astronomical tables B.F. Erberg also bought for the Jesuit library. Ozanam's
Mathematical Recreations have been printed in the editions for a whole century. N.F.
Erbergs collaborator Franjo Orlando bought several Ozanam works in Trieste. Later in the
19th century Ozanams relatives of Jewish origin joined French Catholic associations
together with Cauchy in vain effort to restore the dominance of the Jesuits in the school

After the Peace of Utrecht in 1713, the Habsburg monarchy occupied the areas of modern
Belgium with the city of Lige included under the name of the Habsburg Netherlands. So, the
Slovenes were with Brussels for some time in a common country. The Dutch Jansenists van
Swieten who used to be Boerhaave and Musschenbroeks student in Leiden, was in 1760
appointed as one of the leaders of the Imperial study committee in Vienna, to be reformed
mainly Jesuit school (Schmidt 1963, 141). Thus, he almost approved the purchase of six
Musschenbroek works from the years 1739-1768. In 1754, B.F. Erberg issued one and bought
three Musschenbroek books. Of course, the Jesuit B.F. Erberg could not quite follow Van
Swieten's more liberal worldview. However, in his lectures, he undoubtedly defended the
physics ideas of van Swieten's Leiden teachers. We only recognize part of the books that B.F.
Erberg used in physics lectures at the Jesuit college in Ljubljana since several failed upon the
fire of 6. 6. 1774. After Erbergs departure to Vienna (1759) in the Jesuit books the librarians
did not bookplate the years of purchase anymore, but only the name of their library. After
1754, the head of the Jesuit library in Ljubljana was the rector, and his assistant was a
lecturer of lower studies.

Procurement of the devices and books was a testimony of B.F. Erberg's interest in the
research of solid matter, heat, and magnetism. He was especially close to Musschenbroek,
whose measure of water density was also quoted by Mairan (Mairan, 1752, 12). In his
introduction to the second book, Dsaguliers (1751) quoted Musschenbroek as his friend and
adviser. In 1756, B.F. Erberg wrote down the proprietary bookplate of the Jesuit College of
Ljubljana in the oldest known work of Newton, a 63-year-old Newtonian edition of Bernard
Varen's (1622 Hitzacker, Lower Saxony-1650) General Geography to express B.F. Erbergs
later fascination with mapmaking geography.3 Ljubljana copy of Newton's adaptation of
Varen was originally owned by the Styrian guy Joef Kraus (* 11. 9. 1678 Neumarkt (Styria
along the upper Mura River); SJ 6 10 1696 Judenburg; 16. 11. 1718, Osijek) who worked as
Ljubljana professor of mathematics and physics. In 1717, Kraus published a book on
geography, physics and mathematics in Ljubljana, but only in the following year he wrote his
bookplate on the inner cover of Newton's adaptation of Varen's book. So, he did not quote
Newton in his work, certainly because of the problems he could have accumulated through
public support for the Protestant Newton. In the next year, the problem was no longer acute in
1756 when B.F. Erbergs book joined the Jesuit library, as the Catholic Congregation

Varen, Bernhard. 1650. Bernhardi Vareni med. d. Geographia generalis. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Newtonova
priredba: 1693. Jena: Croker. Ruski prevod. 1712. Moskva.

abolished the ban on books on the true Earth movement, advocated by Newton. The advanced
Erbergs peaned a little before dawn in the first rows of Carniolan scientists. Newton arranged
Varen's book for his lectures at Cambridge to carefully replace the Cartesian description of
the Earth with his own; In fact, he did not make a lot of changes since he retained all the
chapters from Varen's original print (1650) in the fourth edition in Jena. Newton only slightly
increased the Jena format in hisedition and printed 864 pages instead of the original 786;
Newton added just over 10 percent of his own findings. He corrected some errors by using
the new Snellius measurement of the Earth's range: he corrected Varen's distance of forty
Earth's radii between the Moon and the Earth to 52. Newton improved and supplemented the
values for the geographical coordinates of individual important sites, as the patient Varen did
not manage to write the Longitude of thirty-one site. Jurin added numerous quotes from
English Newtonians, as well as French academics Huygens and Cassini, to the later
publication of Newton's improvements to Varen's work. He retained 32 original Newton's
illustrations, adding thirteen new diagrams. He also included Halley's plan of the so-called
trade winds that helped sail European entrepreneurs, and geographical coordinates for 152
places; Despite Cotes, this proposal did not follow the plan of Halley natural magnetism
(Warnz 1989, 181, 185-186, 188). Newtons version of Varen had mathematical and physics
introduction, the chapters have been devoted to the manufacture of ships and navigation.
Navigation was of particular interest for Dol Erbergs and their relatives Raigersfeld, since the
husband of Mary Ann Elizabeth Baroness Erberg, Carniola shipping Franc Henrik
Raigersfeld successfully dealt with overseas trade. Raigersfeld became president of the
commercial conscience and chamber councilor (Umek, 1986, 249, 250). He traded with the
Portuguese as an associate of the French company d'Orlando and a member of the newly
formed Oriental Society between 1721-1724. With his connections in Portugal, he also
helped the wife's relative Hallerstein, when he was waiting in Lisbon for a boat for the Far
East. As a member of the new Carniola nobility, he supported Gruber's voyage and towing of
ships along the Sava River, especially with Zidani most (Vrhovec, 1991, 94). Joef Kalasanc
Erberg included F.H. Raigersfeld's legacy, family correspondence of Raigersfeld and letter of
F.H. Raigersfelds son Charles Franca Borgia Raigersfeld (* 1736, SJ; 1800) (Kidri 1925,
164), who has professor of history at the Theresianum academy been between 1767-1773.

Ljubljana Jesuits first issue of Varens work was obtained from their confreres from Rijeka,
Today, even in the NUK, we find the Russian translation of Varen, made according to the
order of Peter the Great. Peter sought to improve the Russian navy and had to link the
original pocket Varen's edition to a large format. Unfortunately, the stylized initials of the
original Carniolan owner of the Russian translation today do not tell us who it was. Erbergs
also had Newton's Principles in their Dol Library in the third Latin edition, the first print
outside England, published in Amsterdam in 1723; They were estimated at 1 fl (AS 730,
GrA, I manor Dol, fasc. 71). Even Newton's Optics was bought in Amsterdam, but in French.
Thus, Erbergs were connected with the oldest examples of Newton's works on Carniolan soil
and we have them right for the first Newtonian in the central part of modern Slovenia. Their
friend, Zois, had a sGravesand Venetian adaptation of Newton's philosophy (1749); Erberg
acquired it in the first Leiden Latin edition of 1725. Erbergs also had Eusebio Squari's (1738)
Venetian explanation of the northern light according to Newton's principles. Valvasor had
indeed bought nearly all the books of Newton's role model Boyle and Newton's teacher
Barrow. But he did not buy Newton's works, as it was probably too early to properly evaluate
Newton at the time of Valvasors British journey despite of Valvasors friendship with
Newtons friend E. Halley. On 1678 in Ljubljana, the bookseller Mayr has not yet been able
to sell the books of Newton, so Mayr offered Newtons opposition including the works of the
English Cartesians as was Antoine Le Grand (* 1629, 1699) with a completely new history
of science experiments. Of course, Carniolan folks could have read Newton's early works
published in London's Philosophical Transactions which Valvasor bought and Mayr offered
in his Ljubljana store. Anyway, the Manor Dol used to be the center of Carniolan defenders
Newton's doctrine for several decades before they began to take root in Bokovis ideas.

Figure 13: Newton's Principia in Erbergs library, cataloged as the fifth book counting from
above (Erberg, 1798, 106)

Figure 14: Newton Optics in Erbergs library third from above (Erberg, 1798, p. 99).

Figure 16: Erbergs seal face and Greek inscription in the middle of the list of his physics
books (Erberg, 1798, 100).
FIGURE 16: A different Erbergs Baron Seal with a crown was designated Erberg's books.
Here we see this seal under the experiment of the Carniola literary history of Joef Kalasanc;
This work was written on the winter afternoons in 1825 (kept in the National Museum of

Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg's Edition of Musschenbroek's work about Magnets

Figure 17: Dissertationes physicae experimentales de tubis capillaribus et attractione
speculorum planorum, quas cum assertionibus ex universa philosophia palam propugnatis ...
Carolus Frere ... praeside ... Bernardino Erber ... in aula academica ... inscripsit. Ljubljana;
A.F. Reichhardt, 1754

The Ljubljana Jesuits tried to follow the development of physics worldwide. An experimental
manual of distinguished Dutch physicist Peter van Musschenbroek witnesses these efforts. In
1754, the Latin translation of the manual was printed in the same time in Vienna and with the
professor B.F. Erberg's exam thesis of Ljubljana. Unlike the Ljubljana edition, the Viennese
edition did not include any exams. The Ljubljana edition of 1754 has been signed with
Ljubljana as the place od editing-printing. The printer was not specifically mentioned,
although printers were usually referred to in examinations thesis. In the same year in 1754,
B.F. Erberg purchased at least three Musschenbroek books for his College of Ljubljana.
Among them was the Essay on Physics, where Musschenbroek dedicated to the questions of
vacuum the third chapter of the first volume on pages 60-74. In contrast to the Cartesians, he
claimed that there was more empty space than full spaces worldwide. He considered that
water was cooling faster in an empty space than in the air, as evidenced by the impossibility
of the burning in an empty space (Musschenbroek, 1754, pp. 60, 472). He disagreed with the
ignorance of the role of oxygen in combustion, which was successfully investigated only later
by Priestley, Scheele and, above all, by Lavoisier. In 1731, Musschenbroek devised a special
device for the study of the solid-state distribution of heat called the pyrometer. During
heating, the tube of the pyrometer was longer and the toothed wheel rotated on the indicator.
The device could be used as a relatively unreliable thermometer that did not provide useful

On 11 October 1745 Kleist of Pomerania described the discovery of an electric capacitor in

the newspaper. In the next issue of the same magazine, Musschenbroek immediately
announced that he had already put the same device on work in front of Kleist. Since
Musschenbroek published a popular textbook, they called the device a Leiden jar after his
birthplace where he lectured at the university.

The Leiden jar is certainly the most important Musschenbroek discovery, on which his
reputation is based. The son of B.F. Erberg's first cousin, A. Hallerstein, tested the Leiden jar
in Beijing and paved his way toward the Voltaic electrophorus and pile. Bernardin Ferdinand
Erberg, as the last among his purchased devices, listed "Machina electrica" in 1755. That
could be a Leiden jar or a spindle for friction electricity. Musschenbroeck published his
results on 283 Latin pages with ten copper plates in many tables. Eight years after the
publication of his Leiden jar Discovery, in September 1754, B.F. Erberg published a
translation of Musschenbroek's magnetic research for the Society of Jesus in Ljubljana. The
Ljubljana edition had two cover pages and eleven pages with sixty-five examination theses.
The theses were followed by Musschenbroeks experiments with magnets, which
Musschenbroek ultimately illustrated with ten full-length sketches.

6. Librarians Erberg

The Dol manor based Erbergs as book lovers have also proved themselves as the librarians of
various Jesuit institutions. The later missionary, magister Innocent Erberg, was an assistant
librarian between 1718 and 1719, while at the same time he taught grammar and syntax at the
Lower Lower School (Diarium, 1011v; Diar, 1045v). The last Jesuit librarian Jesuit librarian
was Innocent's nephew, Janez Joef Lucius Erberg (* 11 February 1712 Ljubljana; SJ 18
October 1732 Vienna; 29 June 1787 Dol). In 1730, he was praised for the best knowledge of
Latin at Ljubljana's lower studies (Historia Annua, 480-481, 495), just like his uncle
Innocence before him. Eight years later, Janez Joef Lucius taught in the lower grades of the
Ljubljana grammar school. Between 1746 and 1750, he taught ethics, theology and
philosophy at the college in Klagenfurt. From 1752 to 1754 he was a professor of theology
and confessor in Gorizia. Between 1755-1773 he was a professor of theology, prefect,
librarian and confessor in Ljubljana in collaboration with B.F. Erberg. In their reports, the
Jesuits of Ljubljana continuously enrolled Janez Joef Lucius Erberg in the second place
immediately after the rector, which in itself witnessed his exceptional importance. In
Ljubljana, he was associating with Francis Xavier Wulfen, who in 1763 taught physics
according to Newton's science in Ljubljana. They often surveyed the plants of the Kamnik
Alps accompanied by the count Jurij II Sigmund Hohenwart (* 1713) and his son, the Jesuit
pupil count Sigmund Hohenwart (* 7. 6. 1745 Celje; 1825 Linz (Smole, 1982, 226, 345;
Schiviz, 1905, 404, 409; Historia Annua, 480-481)). During the school year they searched for
the plants in vicinity of Ljubljana, and during the holidays they enjoyed longer tours to the
Alps. The son of the cousin Sigmund Hohenwart, the count Franc Joef Hanibal Hohenwart
(* 24th of May 1771 Ljubljana; 1844 Kolovec), was married to the Baroness Margareta
Felicita Henrieta Erberg (* 1764 Ljubljana; 1851 Ljubljana), the younger sister of Joef
Kalasanc Erberg. After the ban of the Jesuits, Janez Joef Lucius Erberg officially replaced
the rector Rieger, who immediately left Ljubljana after gearing the evil reading of the letter of
ban on Jesuits. Two months later, on 29 November 1773, the former Jesuit librarian Janez
Joef Lucius showed to the commission for the inventory of the property of the former Jesuits
twenty-four written ternions of the library catalog that were later lost. The ternion counts four
lists or eight pages, so the catalog was by no means small. The Commission noted with
surprise that the former Jesuit library was unregulated. So, they could not verify that Erbergs
catalog matches the actual state of the books. The Librarian J.J.L. Erberg did not specifically
explain the disorder. In any case, the Emperor Joseph II warned against the abuses if the
publication of the ban on the Jesuits would delay. In fact, the disappearance of catalogue of
Ljubljana Jesuits books was one of such abuses although it is today not clear who hided the
catalogue and stole the valuable books, the Jesuits or the greedy folks who administrated their
former property, or both in cooperation. The unsurpassable supposed disorder of the Jesuit
Library of Ljubljana is certainly very surprising and may have been the result of exceptional
circumstances related to the ban of the Jesuits in Ljubljana and the fire of 1774. According to
other sources, twenty-four ternions of the catalog should have been compiled by Wangg and
Dolhopff. On 22 January 1774, their catalog was sent to the provincial headquarters, which
sent the file to Vienna two days later. The provincial councilor baron Michael Raigersfeld,
the son of baroness Marie Anne Elizabeth Erberg, mentioned in his report to the court
chamber only sixteen ternions. In any case, we do not know of any of them today. On the
initiative of M. Raigersfeld, the former Jesuit librarian from Steyer Wang, and Dolhopff of
Vienna, who started immediately after the new year of 1774, began cataloging the previous
Jesuit books. On 28 June 1774, a fire broke out iand damaged the books worth 12,000 fl, but
mostly mathematical and philosophical works were solved (Dolar, 1974, 9-13; AS, Lit J,
num. 23, vol. 1, 1774). When the first public scientific library was founded in Ljubljana in
1774, the library of the Agricultural Society and the library treasures of the dismantled
monasteries were set up in Ljubljana. The Baron Janez Joef Lucius Erberg left the
management of the new library to his former Jesuit colleague Innocent baron Taufferer (* 1.
1. 1722 Turn by Vinja Gora (Mount) SJ 28. 10. 1738 Vienna; 14. 1. 1794 Ljubljana). Both
were Carniolan barons, so they easily agreed. The transfiguration was facilitated by a sibling
bond, since Uncle Erberg was an uncle of Anton Kritof Dinzl von Angerburg ( 1727),
married to the aunt of Innocent Taufferer. In 1760, Innocent Taufferer taught physics at the
College of Ljubljana.

The librarians of baron Erbergs family have also established themselves outside Ljubljana.
Erberg's younger brother Innocent (Franc Ksaver) Anton Erberg served at the College of
Ljubljana until 1719, and then, during his studies in theology, for four years he was a
librarian in Graz. In December 1744, he became the Rector of Ljubljana. Antons cousin
Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg was after the departure from Ljubljana between 1759 and 1763
Librarian at the elite school Theresianum for noble sons, and in 1767 the Viennese Jesuit
librarian of the college. Because of his rich experience in the Jesuit libraries, the barons
Erberg of course, hired librarians to regulate their private collection of books in Dol. Joef
Kalasanc Erberg collaborated with the Librarian of the Therese Academy, the Jesuit
Francesco Herbitz. They shared common interests in plants and Carniola. Between 1808 and
1810, Janez Anton Suppanschitsch took care of Erberg's books until he sold two valuables
under his hand and Joef Kalasanc quickly got rid of him. In December 1821, Joef Kalasanc
employed the librarian Anton Roi (* 27th November 1791 Lower Tutajn; 23rd March
1837 Lower Tutajn). In less than two years, he dismissed him with a retribution without a
certificate in June or July 1823, regardless of Roi's book Krain bis zum Jahre 1823 (Uri,
1975, 10-11, 207; Kidri, 1925, 163), which Roi completed in the year 1824. From Trieste,
Roi sent the item to the baron J.K. Erberg, but the work was not welcomed. Roi was
from the Morave parish above Dol, but did not finish his philosophical studies in Ljubljana
despite Rois studies of poetry in lower school of Ljubljana in 1806 (Uri, 1965, 73,
Ljubljanki Klasiki pp. 345, 454). Since he was looking in vain for various jobs in Vienna, he
was sent home in exile and in 1821 he knocked on Erberg's door (Uri, 1965, 75). Later, he
was expelled to his home again where he died.

J.K. Erberg valued Schnleben above the Valvasors brag guide and Vega was noted with
two sons and a daughter (Uri, 1965, 91-93, 119), Also, Hacquet, F. Hladnik (Uri, 1965,
112) and Scopoli (Uri, 1965, 81, 93), Anton Erberg's moral philosophy (Uri, 1965, 120)
with dogmatic, and emrl were nice (Uri, 1965, 82). J.K. Erberg did not mention Gruber,
although he described the deepening of the canal between 1823-1829 (Uri, 1965, 109). He
specifically mentioned the rebellion against Napoleon in the Duchy of Koevje and Novo
mesto (Uri, 1965, 116-117) and Nugent (Uri, 1965, 118). J.K. Erberg0s local history
Carniola concluded with a description of the war events in Europe and this many a professed
enlightened thought (Uri, 1965, 133). The custodians of J.K. Erbergs library were working
in the southern of the two newly constructed pavilions. Erbergs led one of the first public
libraries of Carniola in 1831-1880. Joef Kalasanc liked the highly capable curator of his
museum and library, Joef Vodet (Ude), to whom he left many goods in his last will.
Unfortunately, there was no record of borrowing books on record. The Erberg library
catalogue resembled the catalogue that Filip Terpin left us in the Upper Castle (Gornji Grad)
Ljubljana Diocese Library where Terpin half of a century earlier borrowed the books to
Schnleben and others by deleting the titles of returned books. The Erbergs knew the Upper-
Casle (Gornji Grad) library well, since the uncle of Joef Kalasanc, the Dol baron Ferdinand
Benedict Gabrijel Erberg (1722-1796), was the headmaster in the Upper Castle between
1746-1751. The priest Ferdinand Benedict Gabriel then grazed his sheep in Morave parish
close to his home of Dol manor until 1760 when he became the dean in Ljubljana. The
modern Dol library named by Jurij Vega which works in the school was opened in 1854. It is
the heir to one of the oldest public libraries in the Slovenian territory.

The north part of Erbergs pavilion as "art cabinet" became the first museum in the country
later called Slovenia (Uri 1975, 207; Jemec 2008, 385, 386; Kidri 1925, 161, 165). Joef
Kalasanc Erberg was also interested in the history of Carniola Libraries before he opened his
own library to the readers in the newly built Upper Pavilion. His own research was dedicated
to the eleventh issue of its attempts in the form of "Where and when were gathered in
Carniola excellent library?" He did not just highlight his own Erbergs libraries, but also the
libraries of Auersperg, Valvasor, a Jesuit library turned into Lyceum library, and the first
public library of the Academy Operosorum (Uri 1975, 133-134).

Theresianum Library and Prefecture

Anton Erberg republished patronized Karl Granelli geographical-topographical, mostly the

part dealing with Carniola and other parts of Inner Austria in 1728. Anton paternal first
cousin B.F. Erberg decided to update Antons work, but his superiors wanted him to make the
similar research on Bohemia first as B.F. Erberg had all the best opportunities as the assistant
librarian of Khel in Theresianum.

As the obedient Jesuit, B.F. Erberg worked hard and produced Notitia illustris regni
Bohemiae scriptorum geographica et chorographica Vienna: Joseph Kurtzbck, 1760. In-
folio, demi-veau, dos nerfs orn, tranches rouges - Premire dition illustre d'un
frontispice grav dpliant, de 13 cartes graves dpliantes et d'une planche grave dpliante,
hors texte. B.F. Erberg did not finish his similar work focused on Carniola which later
updated his relative Joef Kalasanc Erberg in literary areas. Based on Johann Christoph
Mller (1673-1721). 1720. Mappa Geographica Regni Bohemiae. in duodecim circulos
divisae cum Comitatu Glacensi et Districtu Egerano adiunctis circumiacentium regionum
partibus conterminis ex accurata totius Regni perlustratione et geometrica dimensione
omnibus, ut par est, numeris absoluta et ad usum commodum nec non omnia singula
distinctis cognoscenda XXV. sectionibus exhibita / Joh. Christoph Mller, S.C.M. Capitan
et Ingen. ; Michael Kauffer (1673-1756) sculpsit Mappam; Wenceslaus Laurentius Reinner
(Reiner, Vclav Vavinec, 1689-1743) inventor et delineavit ; Iohann Daniel Hertz (1693-
1754) sculpsit Sectio I.-XXV.

Johann Christoph Mllers elder brother married the daughter of Mllers teacher astronomer
Georg Christoph Eimmart (*1638 1705)
Figure 18: B.F. Erbergs map of Litomerice in Bohemia published in 1760
( Mollova mapov
Figure 19: B.F. Erbergs map of Provincia Bechinensis (Bechyn of South Czech Republic)
in Bohemia published in 1760.
Figure 20: B.F. Erbergs map of Prague province of Bohemia published in 1760.

After his successful mapmaking, B.F. Erberg turned to the historical studies. In 1762, he
republished the woek of his deceased professor of history Andrian entitled Caroli Andriani,
... Epochae Habsburgo-Austriacae, Mariae Theresiae Augustae honoribus dicatae a
Theodoro L.B. de Pelichy et Turksweert (1741-1811, conseiller au Conseil de Flandre
Gand, great-grandson of Amsterdam-Seville merchant Jean Pelichy who died in 1698, dum idem sub augustissimis auspiciis in regio
Theresiano nobilium collegio-tentamen publicum ex jurisprudentia publica universali,
gentium er particulari sacri imperii Romano-Germanica subibat Praeside perillustri, ac
juriscontultissomo viro domino Paulo Josepho Riegger (1705 Freiburg im Breisgau-1775
Vienna, Josephine laws and canon professor in Innsbruck 1733-, 1755- in Viennese
University and Theresianum, Ritter (knight) on 8. 1. 1762), Sac. Caes. Reg. Majest. A
Consiliis Aulicis & Canonum Professore P. & O. Societatis Liter. Roboretauae (Rovereto in
Tyrol=Trentino) Socio (Lectori Bernardinus Erber S.J. Autoris olim in historicis discipulus =
Edidit R.P. Bernardinus Erber.). Viennae Austriae : Typis J. Kurtzbock, 1762. The work was
paid by the student Paul Josef von Riegger. After Rieggers dedications to the empress and
B.F. Erbergs introduction it had 261 pagers with the addition of index (http://reader.digitale-

On the title of the first page of Karl Andirans book which he promoted, B.F. Erberg stated
that Andrian has been his ancient professor of history. B.F. Erberg specialized mathematic in
the class of Erasmus Frlich in Graz in 1741/42 and taught grammar there in 1743/44 in the
time when Andrian taught history and sacred scripture as the dean of the philosophical
faculty, confessor and leader of congregations of Graz in 1727/28 -7. 2. 1745. In 1761/62
(Catalogus, 1762: 37-38) the rector of Theresianum was Henricus Kerens appointed on 16. 5.
1760. Theodor Cronstein was his minister prefect of high school and professor of
experimental physics. The relative of the deceased Karl Andrian, Anton Andrian (1731
Gorizia-1761 Vienna) was prefect of law as professor of Italian Language. Karl Taupe was
prefect of law (Jur.) and Franciscus Grding taught general and also more Aristotelian
approach which was still called as the particularly noted part of general physics (sic!). Izzo
taught descriptive (Delin.) architecture as prefect Jur,. Johan Schttl taught logic and
metaphysics, Johan Bapt Fischer taught mathematics, and Sigismund count Hohenwart was a

Bernardin Erberg was a socius-librarian, a kind of assistant of the pater Joseph Khell von
Khellburg (1713 Linz-1772 Vienna) who served as the prefect of the library of Garell
(Garelli) and the first confessor. Joseph Khell was a prefect of library, but also a professor of
history and numismatics, teacher of the Greek Language, confessor in the Jesuit house and
the second confessor. Khell studied philosophy with Anton Kappler who studied philosophy-
physics in Graz with Franc Dannhauser and mathematics with Jakob Urient who was a
student of Ernst Vols. Khell was promoted by Erasmus Frlich and criticized Zanchi. In
1751, Khell published his widely used textbook for physics which B.D. Erberrg acquired for
his lab in Ljubljana entitled Physica ex recentioris observationis accomodata usibus
academicis in Vienna. Khells textbook was praised even in Nova Acta Eruditorum in
Leipzig in 1753 on pp. 360-362. It was reprinted in Vienna in 1754 and 1755.

By using the great Gareli library and with the help of the Jesuit Joseph Hilarius von Eckhel
(13. January 1737 Enzesfeld bei Baden in Austria unter der Enns-16. May 1798). Khell von
Khellburg and his student Frlich advanced the numismatic into an academic discipline and
published Numismatica in 1755; Erasmi Frlichi numismata 1751; Epicrisis
observationum Cl. Bellay Academie Paris in nummum (Numizmatic). Khell was a member of
Academy Corton in Vienna. In 1767, he published Ballay Differentes pensees d'ornements

Pius Nikolaus von Garelli (10th September 1675 Bologna- 21st July 1739 Vienna) was the
Viennese imperial physician and the husband of Maria Barbara Ccilia von Schickh, the
daughter of Georg Friedrich Ritter von Schickh who took care of Pragmatic Sanction. Garelli
studied in Bologna and got his Ph.D. in medicine on 26. March 1695, Next year he came to
Vienna. In 1703, he became one of the personal physicians of the future emperor Karl VI,
Garelli became dean of Faculty of Medicine in 1703, and prefect of court library in 1723. In
1728 Garelli accompanied Karl VI to Trieste and examined newly exhibited Roman graves
monuments in Styria and Carinthia to bring them to the Viennese court library. In 1732,
Garelli became the first imperial physician of the emperor Karl VI, but he was not so
innovative as his descendant Gerhard van Swieten. Garelli collected valuable and expensive
books and gave them with his testament to the court library, altogether 1932 works. B.F.
Erberg certainly loved them all.

As the assistant librarian of Khell, B.F. Erberg had every reason to republish Andrians work,
especially as the glorification if the heritage of the empress Marija Therese. In his preface to
the reprint of Andrians masterpiece on pages I-X, B.F. Erberg described the merits of Karl
Andrian and his published works (VII-XIII) including Corollaria Curiosa ex
Catiptiuco.Dioptrica Principa collecta & pro Academico Mathematico exercitipo propposita.
Klagenfurt: Matthia Klerinmayr 1714 reprinted by Jos. Kssler a Mertaph. In Vienna by
Kaliwoda in 1750, but also it was just like Seb. Stainers exams in Ljubljana in 1714.
Andrian. Novissijma Carinthia Tabula Chorographica, Epocha Habsburgi-Austriaca... Ignaz
count Atthemis (Ignaz Maria Maximilian Dismas Joseph Leander Attems (26. 2. 1714 Graz
17. 6. 1762 Vuienna) who married Maria Josepha countess Khuen von Belasi zu Auer und
Lichtenberg (* 4. 8. 1721 Hall bei Innsbruck-1. 4. 1784 Vienna) in Vienna on 29. 10. 1739),
Graz: Widmansatet, 1730, reprint in Vienna: Trattner 1750; Andran, Corollaria Curiosa by
Kleinmayer 1714, reprint of Jos. Kssler issued by Kaliwoda.

In 1762 reprint on pages XIV-XVIII B.F. Erberg added Index and a separate double page
with the Habsburg Genealogy with additions of Maria Theresia offspring born or died after
Andrian passed away as Theresia Elisabetha (* 2. 3. 1762) which indicated that B.F. Erberg
prepared the work late in 1762. After that, Andrians own historical work was printed up to
page 281. Index of persons on the end provided just Habsburgs, and not for example, the
emperor Sigmund of Luxemburg or his wife Barbara.

Trnava Ministry and Prefecture

In between his two terms in Theresianum, B.F. Erberg left for the Hungarian part of
Habsburg monarchy to serve as minister, prefect of temple and confessor in Slovakian Trnava
in 1765-1766. The clouds already gathered over the Iberian and French Jesuits of those times
when even the Roman Jesuits were far from popular. Despite of those failures, the positions
of Jesuits in Habsburg areas still looked lie fine and nobody really expected the final
Viennese blow.

B.F. Erbergs rector in Trnava was Nicolaus Schmitth appointed on 15. 10. 1764. In 1763-
1765 in Trnava, the professor of mathematics was the Hungarian catechist Anton Jarnyi
(Jarnui, 1725 Pcs -1797 Pcs), and Johannes Baptist Schwelmer (1728 Banska Bystrica-
1775) replaced him in 1766-1767. In 1765 the Slovakian Anton Muszka (1719-1790) headed
the local library after he published his Heroes Daciae in 1744 and taught some physics in
Koice. Johannes Gottgeisl taught physics while Johannes Mlnar taught logic and
metaphysics and Josef Fhrer headed the specialization in applied mathematics. Michael
Horvth was an adjunct to the prefect of astronomical observatory Franz Weiss (Catalogus,
1765: 29-30). In 1765/66 Janos de Tordas Kaloz Sajnovics (Sainiovics, 1733 Tordas-1784
Pest) became new Weiss assistant and accompanied their friend Maximilian Hel to Lapland
Venuss transition journey where Sajnovics under prevailing Venus influences which are
always dangerous for the priests suddenly turned into a kind of compared linguistic in the
Jesuit traditional manner of a polyglot.

Weiss astronomical measurements and his stuffers were among the best worldwide, but B.F.
Erberg was never very impressed with astronomy like his once removed first cousin Augustin
Hallerstein in Beijing.

Ljubljana Returns

In 1771/72, B.F. Erberg returned to Ljubljana college for his very last time. His family was
glad to offer to him a devoted book of Liborio Siniscalchi (1674-1743) La scienza della
salute sterna: ovvero Esercizj spirituali di S. Ignazio. Venezia: Appresso Tommaso
Bettinelli, MDCCLV [1755]. Leather-bound; red stained edges; gold tooling on front and
back covers and spine, including the arms of the Barons of Erberg on the front and back
covers with the motto "Non est mortale quod opto"; black book stamp of the Barons of
Erberg on title page.

In Ljubljana, B.F. Erberg was minister of his old friend the rector physicist Karl Dillherr
(1710 Vienna-1778 Stein by Krems) appointed on 26. 4. 1768, prefect of church and temple,
as well as the confessor. Liker B.F. Erberg, Dillherr promoted many books but more
vehemently concentrated on somewhat obsolete Kircher-Linus filled vacuum and Tychos
astronomy. On confessions, B.F. Erberg discovered the great talents of otherwise poor
farmers son Jurij Vega and told his professors Bernardin count Hohenwart on the chair of
logic-metaphysic, heads of seminary Morauer, G. Gruber, Michael Schmid and after him
Maffei on mathematics, prefects of lower and higher schools Innocent baron Taufferer and
Ignaz Rasp, professor of moral theology former mathematician Ignaz Rosenbeger, G. Schttl,
and his own first cousin once removed the librarian Joseph Erberg (Catalogus 1772: 16): We
have an extraordinary guy here! His mathematics is more than excellent. Please, take care for
him, not just because he was born near our castle of Dol, but also because he is a real

Last Stops in Krems by Danube

B.F. Erberg headed the seminary as the prefect of musical college chorus in Krems in 1768-
1771. He liked the nice small peaceful city and returned there in 1773 to pass his last days
just like his friend Dillherr did few years later in somewhat strengthened circumstances with
their Jesuit order no longer in power. In 1768 in Krems, B.F. Erbergs rector was Johan
Nepomuk Bottoni (1707-1790 Krems) appointed on 23. 2. 1766 (Catalogus 1768: 8). Bottoni
used to teach physics in Ljubljana in 1744/46, therefore he and B.F. Erberg shared many
friends and memories. There were no mathematical and physics lectures in Krems, but the
folks had fun anyway. The lyric Jesuit poet Lorenz Leopold Haschka (Haska, 1749 Vienna-
1827 Vienna) studied in Krems with B.F. Erberg and became a Jesuit in 1764. Haschka
specialized languages and applied mathematics in Graz and returned to Krems as the lecturer
of grammar to help his teacher B.F. Erberg in his last days.
Four months B.F. Erbergs younger Martin Johann Schmidt (Kremser Schmidt, 25 September
1718 Grafenwrth of Lower Austria east of Krems on the way to Vienna-1801 Stein-sur-
Danube) became the very leading Habsburg painter draughtsman, etcher and engraver of late
Baroque and late Rococo. Kremser Schmidt worked in Ljubljana for G. Gruber. In 1756,
Kremser Schmidt settled in the centre of the local white wine production called Krems joined
by Stein east of Vienna and worked there sometimes in B.F. Erbergs company in the Jesuit
college established in 1616 until his very end. The Capuchins established their monastery
nicknamed Und between Stein and Krems six years before the Jesuits in 1612.

Figure 21: Jesuit church of Krems, now a Piarists worship place.

Figure 22: Jesuit college of Krems, now a Piarist school.

Erbergs influence on Jurij Vega and his other talented neighbors born near Dol manor

The barons Erberg were closely associated with the Jesuit College of Ljubljana. Everybody
studied there and many were teaching. Volbenk Daniel (* 1713; 1783), son of a cousin B.F.
At the time of the Veg study, Erberg was the owner of Dol and the library, which until 1810
was in his Ljubljana Baroque palace on Mestni trg no. 17 (then Ljubljana No. 237); The
building was renovated in 1748 and 1758 (Kidri, 1925, 163; Prelovek, 1984, 184-185).
With the recommendation of his school confessor B.F. Erberg of Jurij Vega could use the
local library of his lord Volbenko Danijela, where he listened primarily to Schooten's table of
angular functions and Wolff's logarithm. Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg had a strong influence
on the young Vega. He certainly also gave him a kind of support suitable for the poor people.

Student baron Janez Kalasanc Erberg (1784-1793) met as the 17-year-old the captain and
professor Vega in high circles when Vega returned in 1793 for a short time to his teaching of
mathematics in Vienna. Of course, this was no longer a meeting of a superior landowner
baron Erberg with a fervent crowd, as Vega soon climbed up to baron's title too. In his
Experiment of Carniolan Literary History, Janez Kalasanc Erberrg mentioned four times Jurij
Vega and classified his mathematical works as a classic. Twice he emphasized that Vega was
born in Zagorica above the Sava river. In the Vega age, before the independence of the Dol,
at the end of the 18th century, they were not part of the parish Dol but of Morave parish
(Uri, 1975, 80, 96, 121, 252; Jemec, 2008, 383).

Vega was not the only successful Erbergs student from the immediate vicinity of their Dol
manor. In 1749, Franc Anton Zavrnik (Saverschnigg) from Morave bounded Klauber's
image of St. Norbert and dedicated her to Wildenstein, the Count of Ljubljana, from the
German Knight Order. For six years, France completed his studies in Ljubljana by his
neighbor, Martin Dettel, from a well-known Moravian farm. On completion of the exam
questions, he had bind Salomon's mourning, drawn by Philip Andreas Killian on the proposal
by Gerard Lairesse. He painted the painting or examination thesis of the uncle of Joef
Kalasanc, then the then parish priest Ferdinand Benedict Gabrijel Erberg (Uri, 1975, 148;
Kidri, 1925, 161), who quickly deducted the necessary coins for printing. Joef Kalasanc
obtained a collection of the examinations of the two Moravians from his uncle's legacy, as
they were usually shared with the audience at the public examinations in Ljubljana. Joef
Kalasanc Erberg nourishes copies of both examination theses of his Moravian neighbors in
his Dol library. Joef Kalasanc Erberg specifically mentioned them in his experiment in
Carniolan literary history.

Figure: Joef Kalasanc Erberg

Erberg's manuscript of physics (physiology)

In Archive od Republic Slovenia under the signature AS 1073 (manuscript 242 r), 129 leaves
with bound sides of half A4 format are stored as a continuation of the first 15 notes of 178r.
Every other page of the text is paginated. Therefore, we will mark the left side with "a", and
the right with "b". The title page is the later "Erberg: Physics". The text is German in Gothic.
Therefore, it is assumed that he did not come to the college in Ljubljana, where the Germans
barely dislodged Latin in the mid-eighties. In Vienna and Graz, the German language has
already become established in science. The manuscript has a seal of Erberg's library. In the
index and on the cover, Erberg is listed as the author. Manuscript is not dated. The next
manuscript in the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia AS 1073 (143 r = 243r) has a year of
1744. Around this year, the author of the manuscript could have been Bernardin Ferdinand
Erberg, who could write it during his studies in Vienna from 1739/40 until 1740/41and later
took the item with him to the college in Ljubljana. The author can also be his older first
cousin, Anton, or Joef Kalasanc Erberg much later.

In his student manuscript of physics, Erberg described the physiology of man. He discussed
in parallel the physics issues of heat in the body and the light in the eye. Therefore, the later
title "Physics" from the modern point of view is incorrect, the more appropriate would be:
"Physiology". He added a lot of physics and chemistry to the treatment of air pressure (1, 48),
vacuum (2a), vacuum pumps (15a), phlogiston theory (8b-11b) with Adair Crawford (1748 -
July 29, 1795) = Craford = Crawford (44b), an obscura camera (58), an eye (60a), a short-
sightedness (63b), an acoustics (13b, 17b, 19a), planets (21b), arteries and veins (27a) and
concave lens optics (64). According to Crawford's account, probably in the German
translation of 1785 or 1789, the item may have been used for the student notes of Joef
Kalasanc Erberg (* 1771) from 1789 or 1790. J.K. Erberg completed his third year of
gymnasium in Vienna in 1784, completed his studies in logic in 1788. In 1789, he attended
the lectures of mathematics of the professor Metzburg. A year later, J.K. Erberg studied
philosophy, perhaps with Ambschell. In 1791, J.K. Erberg studied the National law, and in
1792 the Civil and German State Law. Such notes may have been illustrated by Ambschell's

The text was subsequently numbered on every second page. The first fourteen sections of the
manuscript were not preserved. Thus, the manuscript is now starting with the fifteenth
paragraph on air and air pressure. He then considered the vacuum and the problem of fear of
vacuum nicknamed horror vacui. These questions were very popular one hundred years ago
when Torricelli discovered the barometer and explained its operation with air pressure. In
Erberg's time, the air pressure already completely displaced older Aristotle's ideas.

The text continued with the description of arteries, out, lungs, and air circulation in the blood.
Burning air in veins, blood and lungs4 was described by the theory of phlogiston and its
elimination from the air.5

The phlogiston theory was developed at the beginning of the century by the German chemist
and physician Georg Ernst Stahl. They were used to Lavoisier's burning experiments and
calorie theory in the 1770s. The Zagreb professor Josip Franjo Domin argued for the
phlogiston theory in 1784,6 Kant in 1787,7 J. Priestley and others even later.

Erberg, 1740, 9.
Deflogistonische Luft (Erberg, 1740, 8-11).
Dadi, 1982, 1: 356.
Rouseau, 1955, 337.
In the following, Erberg wrote about sounds, musical instruments and tone modulation. He
switched from acoustics to physiology and discussed emotions, odor, hearing, and elasticity
of the air and other bodies.8 He dealt with light and vision in detail. He illustrated his eye
with the camera obscura, which Erberg later acquired in 1755 for the new cabinet of the
Ljubljana College. In a modern way he described short-sightedness, other eye defects and
types of lenses. He wrote some interesting physics, especially concerning the theory of

9. Dol manor for the Crazy Emperor

The greatest glories were experienced by the Dol manor as their swansongs, when they were
managed by Joef Kalasanc Erberg. His namesake the emperor Joseph II abolished
Ljubljana's higher studies for three years. Therefore, the young man Joef Kalasanc had to
study in Vienna shortly after his father's death. Of course, he did not leave his abdomen
outside Vienna according to the funny proverb, as his scent was full. In 1789, he studied
mathematical sciences in Vienna with the former Jesuit, the Ljubljana rector Anton
Ambschell and the Baron Georg Ingatz Metzburg (Mezburg, * 24. 6. 1735 Graz; SJ 17. 10.
1751 Vienna; 3. 3. 1798 Vienna). On July 7, 1790, J. K. Erberg wrote to Ambschell about
Metzburg on the order of his relative of the family Raigersfeld (AS, Dol Arhiv, fasc. 41).

J.K. Erberg had a lot of friends among the former Jesuits in Ljubljana, mainly with colleagues
of Gabriel Gruber including Gabriels younger brother Anton, Karl Rozman ( 5. 5. 1824)
and former physics professors from Ljubljana (1760/61) Maksimilian Moraver
(Morautscher, * 10. 4. 1721 Turjak Mala vas village in Dolenjska; SJ 18. 10. 1738 Trenn in
Slovakia; 15. 9. 1806 Ljubljana (Kidri, 1925, 163)).

The Dol castle of Joef Kalasanc was surely most excited by botany and history, although
Joef chose legal studies for his profession. While serving as councilor of provincial
denominations (1795-1804), the Archduchess Maria Leopoldina visited the manor of Dol
with all her splendor in July 1800 to celebrate the birth of Joefs daughter adorned with her
name. Unfortunately, the girl has not reached the age of two years when she has already
moved from this tearful valley to the other world (Uri, 1975, 195, 196). In 1819, the Crown
Prince Ferdinand visited his former teacher, Joef in Dol. His visit was full of glamor with
the ceremonial sailing around the waters of Ljubljanica River. Even more so, the Dol manor
gained the cosmopolitanism during the Congress of Ljubljana, which, of course, lasted only
from the beginning of January 1821 to the official conclusion of 26. 2. 1821. However, the
meetings at the highest level ranged until May 14, 1821, The Italian, Hapsburg and French
diplomats left the city early. The English minister departed from Ljubljana on 18 May 1821
and the Austrian Emperor and Empress only on 21 May 1821. Thus, Ljubljana as the center
of the then Europe can be compared with the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union in
the first half of 2008, when the Ljubljana as a capital capsized the old continent for half of a
year. In the afternoon of 16. 5. 1821 the Emperor Franc and the Empress Maria Ludovica
drove in their carriage for two hours from Ljubljana to Dol to visit the baron Joef Kalasanc
Erberg, who was between 1809 and 1816 the "ajo" of Francs defected son-emperor

Schmidt, 1963, 148.
Ferdinand. At that time, the weather was still in order, and on the last day on afternoon, it
rained with twelve degrees of Centigrade. Upon a visit to the Imperial couple, a beautiful
spring day appeared with 16 degrees (Holz, Kosta, 1997, 70). The lutes, trumpets and
cymbals glorified the visitors outdoors. Just before that, on 5. 5. 1821 on the island of St.
Helen Napoleon passed away. Joef Kalasanc surely gave him a special drink, as he was
considered the sworn enemy of the French revolutionaries. The congress of Ljubljana was
also attended by the son of Joef Kalasanc, Joef Ferdinand Erberg (* 1795; 1853), under
the domestic nickname Pepi. A promising young man inherited his generous title "hereditary
silver chamber in Carniola", which Joef Kalasanc received in 1804 (Uri, 1975, 196).
During the Congress, Pepi was a Habsburg Commissioner at the German Federal Parliament
in Frankfurt (Holz, Costa, 1997, 9). He lived in the house of his relatives of Hallerstein and
Erbergs family in Novi trg no. 171, where also a heir to the throne settled until 14 February
1821. After the congress, the "Excellency" Joef Kalasanc in Dol has begun to do his work
with all the troubles of his mentally ill loved ones. During his "winter afternoon" he wrote his
Testimony of Carniolan Literary History (1825), designed a collection of antiques, built both
pavilions (1827-1831) and placed a later transferred monument which commemorates a visit
to the imperial couple on the edge of his estate. In the experiment of Carniolan literary
history, a good part of the praise was dedicated to the writers of Erberg genus who founded
the Carniolan science. J.K. Erberg was particularly interested in Protestant writings and
Mandel's printing works. In his design, he attempted to answer the twelve fundamental
questions of domestic literary and even artistic history. He added several important additions.
Joef Kalasanc Erberg inherited a famous botanical garden along the Dol manor house after
his father, but during the period of Joseph's ministration, the plants were partly looked over
under the authority of the ombudsman, the count from Turjak Pavle Auersperg (* 1729;
1810) between the years 1783-1789 (Preinfalk, 2005, 119, 496). The botanist Janez Joef
Lucius Erberg returned to Dol in his old years, to bring his nephew Joseph Kalasanc to the
world of plants. A friend of J.K. Erberg Anton Gruber (* March 26, 1750 Vienna, SJ 18. 10.
1765 Vienna, 1819), a professor of mathematics at the Ljubljana faculty between April 24,
1788 and September 11, 1802, sent to Joef Kalasanc to Dol, "Eastern" pelagony, "useful"
cactus, "Indian" chrysanthemum, geranium, verbena, "bee" legumes, glycini and other
ornamental shrubs with flowers (Gruber's letters to Erberg on August 22, 1796, September 8,
1792, 7. 10. 1811, 22. 2. 1811, AS 730, Manor (Gospostvo) Dol, fasc. 43, 1356-1357, 1358-
1359, 1384-1385, 1386, 1401-1402, 1405, 1426). Anton was the younger brother of Gabriel
Gruber, the designer of the Ljubljana Canal and Jesuit Genral. When Anton moved to Graz in
fear of Napoleon's bayonets, iga Zois helped with the supply of dolphins. On October 5,
1817, he offered to Joef Kalasanc Erberg the exotic trees and shrubs from his Ljubljana
avenue (Uri, 1975, 11, 195). J.K. Erberg returned to the Dol home after the service of the
throne. He became a patron, cultural historian and the most important collector of the
Carniolan historical heritage. Unfortunately, his descendants did not completely keep his Dol
Manor collections in the country, and the Dol Castle Botanical Garden was later neglected.
We can still be repair it with good will and a patch of patience.
FIGURE 23: The title page of the history of Joseph Kalasanc Erberg

Conclusions as Epilogue

The Barons Erberg were the founders of the experimental mathematics and natural sciences
in Ljubljana. Among them we find the first Carniolan writer-promoter of the physics book
and the founder of the Ljubljana Physics and Mathematical Cabinet. Missionaries from the
Erberg family celebrated their family manor Dol all over the world. Love for science did not
end in the next generations of the Erbergs, but it was witnessed primarily by the former
beauty of the Dol manor. The garden comforted Joseph Kalasanc Erbergs dedications to
plants. The excellence of the former sciences in Carniola was, in many ways, the fruit of the
efforts of the many generations of the Dol barons of Erberg family. Let us beautify their
former home!

The Erbergs best times were over after the suppression of Jesuits soon after Bernardins
death. Reasons behind the funny papal attack on his own most devoted order were the same
as all absolute leaders like Stalin, Tito, Fidel Castro (1926-2016) or similar trumps love to
use in their frequent alternations from left to right politics which make the former stuffers
obsolete like Steve Bannon (* 1953) whose name indicated that he will be banned by
Murdoch Fox moguls. The Nazi freaks just cannot coexist with Trumps son-in-law
Holocaust heritages. There are some limits to those banning practice as Fidel basically never
finally banned his own brother Raul Castro (* 1931) and Trump doesnt seem to contradict
much with his own first daughter. Stalin and Tito did not endorse such nepotisms which was
always very usual in papal curia with all sorts of nephews (nipotes) empowered.

There were mistakes on both sided, the Papal-Iberian and the Jesuits side. The Jesuits lost the
battle in 1773 and won another one with their own guy Francis in Papal throne in 2010s. is
was and still is a great war. Trump outraged everybodys attention with his blaming of both
extreme sides for Charlottesville killings of all Heather Heyers. He might be more right that
he imagined, therefore he fired alt-right outraged Steve, who was not paying attention.
Europeans know much better than the other folks what it looks like to have the extreme
fascists on power in Italy, Germany or Francisco Francos (1892-1975) Spain. I personally
examined eye-to-eye his Guardia Civil with their funny hats. Most of other continents do not
know by the first-hand what might Fascist government look like. I hope it is going to stay in
that way. In the other side of the spectrum, nobody really know what might far-left
anarchistic society look like. Theyve ben some of those anarchist freaks on power in Ukraine
or Russia in 1910s, or in Catalonia in 1930s, but they were destroyed all too soon to show
clear what are their possibilities. So, Trump might be right. Both violent sides might be
fearful, Nazis because we all know what kind of garbage they are offering, and their far-left
counterparts because nobody know what benefits to expect from their victories including
Antifa themselves because they were never victorious enough in any part of history up to
The US Nazis are funny freaks except for those of them who are ethnic Germans. The
German-Austrian far-right is the real danger because they have their traditions, discipline and
exact visions of what they are up to. If they do not outrage you, youre not paying attention.

There are different funny levels of politics. The Hollywood one is shown in the news. The
business one is usually hidden, but with Trump the businessmen stepped out of their common
shadows to play the roles usually reserved for professional politics, probably because of
Trumps obsession with media. There are spiritual levels of politics which were dominated by
the Jesuits who had their confessors on all relevant courts before 1773. Finally, there is mafia
level of killers who decide the polls and aftermath in their own underground ways. The folks
of other three levels hire them because they cannot win nor rule without the gunmen, spies,
and counter spies.

All four levels of politicians, Hollywood like faces, businessmen, priests, and mafioso, all of
them think about themselves that they are the real rulers and the other three branches of
political power are just their satellites replaceable in any moment. Sometimes the carts are
dealt wrong and Trumps businessmen or Hitlers gunmen transform into professional
politicians of Hollywood starring manner. Those occasions are dangerously unpredictable
side-products of democracy and could be a real disaster like in German-Austrian Nazi case.
The businessmen and especially the businesswomen entrance into the politics is equally
strange and unpredictable, but might not be such a disaster if the Germans will not be
involved as Trump is the naturalized New Yorker grandson of a German and his and his
Blood & Soil DNA heritage might be covered by his mothers Scottish stock. Trump might
be funny, but he is not a dangerous guy. A lot of his mafioso gunmen Nazi supporters are
much greater challenge if theyll feel abandoned after Steve Bannon was fired.
Charlottesville was just their training of initiation, they are capable of much harder horrors
despite of their Boston Free Speech failure and their Emily Rose Nauerts Berkeley Antifa
alter-ego Trumps fans. They are sure that the teal power is in their hands and they are not far
from the truth except that most of them have no real talent for governing as they have always
felt intellectually inferior to all other three governing parties: they are no not so nice looking
as professional politicians, they do not have so much money as the businessmen, and they are
not so cleverly educated as priests and especially the Jesuits. Therefore, most od gunmen who
play their decisive roles in politics prefer their ruling from the shadows without making any
frontlines in the news, just like the gunman Ivan Matija Maek who saved Titos life in
Hitlers descent on Bosnian Drvar to became a state in state in closed areas where Maek
tortured his political victims for Nagode and Dachau processes as well as hundred thousand
others who were never sentenced. That kind if entrance of gunmen parts of political
establishment into governments is the real danger, because Maeks sandlot on the south
border of former Holy Roman Empire survived Maeks death like indestructible cancer
which recently moved Maeks barbed wires even further than Maek himself ever dared, all
the way to the banks of Kolpa river. Maek and his fans destroyed the local economy to push
the residents in migrations. After they deprived the locals of any good employment, they
declared that the locals do not live in their homes any more to sill their property and out it
into their barbed wires. As always, the descendants of gunmen turned politicians tend to be
more Papal tan their own Pope. In complot with the drug-dealers the modern Maeks
descendants destroyed all economy of the region formerly based on the secret trained spying
UDBA groups. Maek fans of the former German settlements of Gottschee (Koevje) go that
far to steal homes of locals in Fara where they had lived a good part of century and their
ancestors lived in the same homes for another four hundred years just as the continuation of
Maeks crimes. There is no way to get rid of gunmen part of politics, but their entrance into
formal decision marking is the greatest disaster of them all, even greater than Trumps
businessmen turned politicians could ever endorse. Maeks monument in Base 20 of
Gottschee has a similar symbolic meaning as Lees Charlottesville monument except that
Maek is not in saddle as he could probably wish to be. Both monumented freaks were the
great racist butchers of their own nations. Both retained some supporters in that part of
nations which descendent from the butchers associates. The only right way would be to help
those descendants to forget their ancestry by teaching them about those racist butcheries with
proper names included. They must regret the crimes of their ancestors. The monuments of
racist butchers like Lee, Maek, Goebbels or Hitler are not history, they are politics, certainly
the wrong politics. Robert Edward Lee or Goebbels are the same sorts of guys and
Charlottesville park monument of Goebbels would be much more appropriate because of our
American obsessions with media as a heritage of Goebbels media manipulations. The death
monuments tend to produce their unlimited living spiritual offspring like USA Supremacists
or Gottscheer administrative unit of post-communist bureaucracy of barbed wires bribed by
the local drug dealers extended by insurance freak Drugin Lavri, Romantic Gottschee
administrator Kladoshek, Alenka Sightman of the Gottschee centre for social work, or Mone
Nagli with his recently gained stepfather hashish dealer Primo.

The monuments of leaders tend to become the worship places of their fans. If the leaders are
criminals, their worshipers became the greater criminals. Most of secret the leaders like
Jesuits do not have material monuments, but everybody understands their merits anyway.
George Washington respected Jesuits and their Georgetown school and Lee seems to be a
devoted Episcopalian while the Jesuits were already weakened in their lifetimes. Bernardin
Ferdinand baron Erbergs life story ended almost simultaneously with the suppression of
Jesuit order which seems to be the major Papal turn to the left just like Trumps firing of
Steve Bannon after Charlottesville disaster of mid-August 2017. Steve might have his merits,
but somebody had to be sacrificed on the Banner of Trumps sudden left turn where Bannon
seems to be the appealing victim. The Pope in the same kind of situation pushed by Iberians
and leftist French sacrificed his most obedient Jesuit order. Many disillusioned former Jesuits
became freemasons and Pope nearly lost France to Robespierres supreme being (Culte de
l'tre suprme) of 1794 summertime, without the clever Jesuits to guide the Papal politics.
The similar output might be predicted for Trumps firing of his top strategist Steve, although
the proponent of Western Christianity perpetual wars Steve is far from being a Jesuit. The
firing of Steve or the ancient firing of the Jesuits could be a dangerous move which we
examined in the case of the top Jesuit Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg who passed away
just on the eve of Papal suppression of Erbergs Jesuits. Trump even skipped the annual
Kennedy Center Honors of December 2017 which could have been the greatest opportunity
for his third Lady the Slovenian Melania as the relative of B.F. Erberg to show up her new
dress. The Dems and Antifa are pushing trumps to strong into the corner which forces trumps
to make Nixon-like mistakes instead of performing some good presidency. Equally, Trumps
alter ego, the Pope of 1773, blew up his luck after he suppressed B.F. Erbergs Jesuits under
the Iberian-French dictate. Its hard to imagine any deal between Antifa and Nazis, Dems and
Trump, or Pope and the Jesuits of 1773. But no-deal means global confrontation on Merkels
supposed re-election of September 2017 in the Berliner cradle of Nazism with no Antifa
strong enough to beat Nazis in their fatherland. Do you still wish to be there in that fighting
mass of people who never learned how to talk to each other?

++++ Slovenian Translation

Tristoletnica rojstva ustanovitelja prvega sodobnega fizikalno-kemijskega laboratorija na
ozemlju sodobne Slovenije


Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg (* 10. 5. 1718 Ljubljana; Junij-Avgust 1773 Krems) je
ustanovil prvi fizikalno-kemijski laboratorij na ozemljih dananje Slovenije. Levji dele
naprav, ki jih je on tem nabavil, je bil namenjen uporabam vakuumskih tehnik. Da bi se
dodobra izuril za zahtevna predavanja nadarjenim zahtevnim tudentom kot je bil Jurij Vega,
je nakupil celo vrsto eksperimentalnih prironikov predvsem parikih in leydenskih
strokovnjakov za uporabo vakuumskih tehnik. eravno je uporabljal razmeroma masivne
lesene-kovinske naprave, zaradi zanemarjenosti novejih generacij danes teko najdemo in
potrdimo v naravi te znamenite spomenike ljubljanske tehnike dediine.

Kljune besede: Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg, Ljubljana, Early labs for physics-
chemistry, early vacuum techniques.


Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg (* 10. 5. 1718 Ljubljana; June-August 1773 Krems)
founded the first physico-chemical laboratory in the territories of today's Slovenia. The lion's
share of the devices he supplied was intended for use by vacuum techniques. To learn enough
about challenging lectures for gifted students such as Jurij Vega, he has accumulated many
experimental handbooks of mainly Parisian and Leyden experts in the use of vacuum
techniques. Even though he used relatively massive wooden-metal devices, due to the neglect
of newer generations, it is difficult to find and confirm these famous monuments of the
Ljubljana technical heritage nowadays.

B.F. Erberg established the very first professional lab for physics-chemistry in Ljubljana in
1755. He served there as the professor of physics and mathematics from 1750/51 until
1757/58. Those fill eight years in his domestic neighborhood enabled him to establish lab, get
folks of his neighboring Samassas newly established iron enterprises to regularly repair the
damaged experimental tools as well as to provide the younger Jesuits who should continue to
supervise B.F. Erbergs lab.

B.F. Erberg acquired fifty-four new tools with eight of them serving for the experiments with
vacuum techniques, overpressure, or gases. The eight tools for research vacuum, pressure and
air resistance raised the scientific questions which obviously inspired the curiosity of B.F.
Erberg, his colleagues and students. He pumped out the air with the air pump of probable
Musschenbroeks Leyden manufacture type and convinced the students that sound could not
pass through an empty space, but the heat radiation and light could. Robert Boyle proved that
fact a century ago; Erbergs in Dol manor already knew that, as the experiments of Boyle were
already presented to them, since they could borrow a full collection of Boyle's books from the
library of their friend Valvasor from Bogenperk. B.F. Erberg also bought the Magdeburg
hemispheres of Boyle's friend and rival Otto Guericke for the Jesuit lessons in Ljubljana,
along with a device to illustrate Galilean's assumptions about movement in an empty space.
Both century old experiments were a real grazing for the eyes of the pupils. B.F. Erberg
published-promoted the book of Magnets of the son and nephew of leading Leyden vacuum
experimental tools makers, the professor Pieter van Musschenbroek. That gay happened to be
the chef B.F. Erbergs reference as he acquired his many other books designed as the
references for Ljubljana experimentation with early vacuum techniques.

Keywords: Bernardin Ferdinand baron Erberg (* 10. 5. 1718 Ljubljana; June-August 1773
Krems), Ljubljana, Early labs for physics-chemistry, early vacuum techniques.


1. Jezuit Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg je znan bralcem Vakuumista e po lanku iz oktobra 2012.
Ljubljanski uni pripomoki ob ukinitvi jezuitske drube (Ob 240letnici smrti prvega vodje
ljubljanskega fizikalno-matematinega kabineta, barona Bernarda Ferdinanda Erberga).
Vakuumist 32/3: 25-33. Prav on je dal vpisati lastniki zaznamek v prvo Newtonovo delo na
Kranjskem, ki je resda pokrivalo bolj geografske vsebine na rova pozneje B.F. Erbergove

Laboratorij s katerim he Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg reformiral ljubljanski pouk fizike in


Organizacija ljubljanskega fizikalno matematinega kabineta

Erbergi so pomagali cesarici Mariji Tereziji pri posodabljanju ljubljanskih vijih tudijev.
Teden dni pred rojstvom Jurija Vege so dne 16. 3. 1754 za nabavo instrumentov namenili
vsoto 500 fl, skoraj polovico letnih dohodkov dolske graine (Historia Annua, 1754, 284;
Smole, 1982, 135). Popis tiriinpetdesetih neotevilenih naprav za fizikalno-matematine
poskuse na ljubljanskih jezuitskih filozofskih tudijah je sestavil profesor matematike in
fizike Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg dne 17. 9. 1755 (Mllner, 171-172; Schmidt, 1963, 1: 303;
AS, komora in reprezentanca, fasc. 40, 17. 9. 1755). Z letno dotacijo fizikalnega kabineta 25
fl je B.F. Erberg lahko vsako leto kupil po dva ali tri nove instrumente, v kolikor zlatnikov ni
porabil za vzdrevanje starih naprav. Nova zvonarna Jakoba Samasse je leta 1767 prevzela
skrb za popravila v fizikalnem kabinetu jezuitskega kolegija v Ljubljani e po B.F.
Erbergovem odhodu, ko je v Ljubljano priel Samassov prijatelj Gruber.
Preglednica 1: Naprave na jezuitskem kolegiju v Ljubljani po Erbergovem popisu z dne 17. 9.

Panoga znanosti tevilo naprav

Matematika 2
Mehanika: 24
Merilci, kohezija, permeabilnost, trdnine 8
Kapljevine 4
Akustika 3
Geodezija 4
Vakuum, nadtlak, plini 8
Optika 13
Astronomija 7
Toplota 1
Meteorologija 2
Elektrika 1
Magnetizem 1

Skupaj 54

Erberg je instrumente popisal po panogah, ki naj bi jim sluili; posamezne dele mehanike pa
je obravnaval kot samostojne enote. Popis je zael s pripomoki za astronomijo, sledili so
matematini instrumenti, zbirka meril, orodja za prikaz magnetizma, geodezije, akustike,
plinov, toplote, mehanike, optike in elektrike. Le redke naprave je natel zunaj taknega
vrstnega reda, ki pa ni sledil zapovrstnosti fizikalnih predavanj na vijih tudijah.
SLIKA 1: Erbergov peat za lastnike vpise v knjigah.

e k mehanskim napravam tejemo e merila in akustiko, je B.F. Erbergov popis vseboval

kar tiriindvajset, torej skoraj polovico pripomokov za pouk mehanike. tevilne naprave za
raziskovanje svetlobe kaejo, da je po Newtonovem delu iz let 1672 in 1704 optika tudi v
Ljubljani postala najpomembneja eksperimentalna veda. Ob napravah za prikaz zakonov
geometrijske optike so nabavili e tiri mikroskope, prizme in stoce. tevilni mikroskopi
gotovo dokazujejo B.F. Erbergovo zanimanje za biologijo, ki ga kae tudi domnevno njegov
nedatirani rokopis, ki primerja delovanje oesa in kamere (Erberg, okoli 1740, 58).

Med prvimi astronomskimi napravami so na jezuitskem kolegiju v Ljubljani e leta 1706

nabavili obroasto kroglo. B.F. Erberg je zbirko dopolnil e z dvema globusoma in zvezdnim
atlasom. Ptolemajev model je e povsem opustil, saj je nabavil modela vesolja le po
Tychovem in Kopernikovem sistemu; pri tem si je upal celo malo pohiteti, saj ju je kupil dve
leti preden so katolikom uradno dovolili pouevati Kopernikovo domnevo. Tako je resda
kikirikal malo pred zoro, vendar dovolj previdno.

Pri kolegiju so gotovo nabavili teleskop pred letom 1761, ko je J. Schttl v Ljubljani
opazoval prehod Venere ez ploskev Sonca s estnajst evljem dolgim daljnogledom na lee.
Meritve jezuitskih geodetov so spodbudile B.F. Erberga k nabavi zemljemerskih naprav v
Ljubljani leta 1755. Raunanje doline poldnevnika je postalo kar neke vrste paradni konj
jezuitskih znanstvenikov; na slovenskem tajerskem je poldnevnik meril jezuit Liesganig, ki
je uil tudi Gabrijela Gruberja. B.F. Erberg je seveda dobro poznal triangulacijo, s katero sta
si njegov bratranec Inocenc Erberg in sestrinin sin Hallerstein pomagala pri risanju
zemljevide June Amerike in Daljnega Vzhoda. Sam Bokovi je v zaetku aprila 1757 in
znova dne 9. 3. 1758 obiskal Ljubljano tudi zato, da bi tik pred B.F. Erbergovim odhodom na
Terezijanie Kranjcem pojasnil nova naela eksperimentalnega pouka in geodetske meritve
ozemelj papeke drave, s katerimi je zaslovel med letoma 1750-1756 (Markovi, 1968, 320-

Elektrika in magnetizem sta bila v asu B.F. Erbergovih nakupov ljubljanskih

eksperimentalnih pripomokov e obrobni panogi fizike, bolj primerni za privlano poljudno
razkazovanje izjemnih pojavov, kot za uporabna fizikalna razmiljanja. Posebnih naprav za
preuevanje magnetizma in toplote v Erbergovi ljubljanski zbirki leta 1755 tako e ni bilo,
razen v kolikor so bile potrebne za geodetske in meteoroloke raziskave. Magnetizem je igral
obrobno vlogo vse do meritev magnetne sile konec 18. stoletja. V Erbergovem popisu iz leta
1755 pogreamo model parnega stroja, predvsem pa ekonomini lonec pod visokim tlakom, v
katerem je Francoz Denis Papin skuhal slavnostno kosilo anglekemu kralju leta 1680.

Leta 1755 je Erberg v Ljubljano pripeljal celo naprave za demonstracijo upora zraka, padanja
in zakonov hidrostatike. Kar osem pripomokov je namenil raziskovanju vakuuma, tlaka in
upora zraka, saj so ta vpraanja oitno navdihovala njegovo radovednost. S rpalko je izsesal
zrak in zvedave tudente preprieval, da zvok ne more skozi prazen prostor, toplotno arenje
pa lahko. Robert Boyle je to dokazal stoletje poprej; dolskim Erbergom je bil poskus e dogo
znan, saj so si domala popolno zbirko Boylovih knjig lahko sposodili pri prijatelju Valvasorju
z Bogenperka.

B.F. Erberg je za ljubljanski jezuitski pouk kupil predvsem magdeburki polkrogli Boylovega
prijatelja in tekmeca Otta Guericka, ob njiju pa e napravo za ponazoritev Galilejevih
domnev o gibanju v praznem prostoru. Oba stoletje stara poskusa sta bila prava paa za oi
nadobudnih dijakov. Seveda je Erberg poskuse tudentom le kazal, ni pa imel dovolj
pripomokov za samostojno delo uencev.

Leta 1755 je B.F. Erberg zael na ljubljanskem jezuitskem kolegiju uporabljati kar tri
tehtnice, med njimi 'sGravesandovo in hidrostatino. Prav natanno tehtanje v Lavoisierevem
parikem laboratoriju je kmalu po Erbergovi smrti omogoilo napredek kemije. Podobne
naprave je jezuit Orlando v Trstu kupoval postopoma od leta 1753 do prepovedi jezuitov dve
desetletji pozneje.

B.F. Erberg posodobi olsko knjinico

Preglednica 2: Objave in pomembneji rokopisi Erbergov z Dola

Ime Erberga Leto Kraj Naslov Podroje

Janez Danijel 1671 Dunaj Disputatio juridica de Officio Iudicis Pravo

Janez Adam 1687 Gradec Conclusiones ex Universa Philosophia Filozofija,
(Janez) Matija 1699 NrnbergChristliche Labung oder frisches Bogoslovje
Trostwasser gezogen aus den Brunnen
der Augsburgischen Confession (Uri,
1975, 79)
(Janez) Matija 1703 Nrnberg Scherzi Historici (Kurzweilige Historien Bogoslovje
zum Exponieren) (Uri, 1975, 80)
(Janez) Matija 1703 Nrnberg Corriere tornato dal Parnasso: in rame, Poezija
& rime (zuruckgekommene Courrier
vom Berg Parnasso) (Uri, 1975, 80)
(Janez) Matija 1702 Nrnberg Monatlicher Italinisch teutscher Gospodarstvo
com(m)issions und Factur Spiegel
(Uri, 1975, 61)
(Janez) Matija 1702, 1710 Nrnberg: Le Grand Dictionaire universel et Slovar
Endter parfait divis en trois langues, savoir
Italien, Franois, Allemand (Il Gran
Dizzionario Universale & Perfetto
(Uri, 1975, 61)
(Janez) Matija 1703 Nrnberg Grammatica a la moda Tedesco- Slovnica
Italiana a pr dei principianti (Uri,
1975, 80)
(Janez) Matija 1704 Nrnberg Guldener Bibel-und Jesus-Schatz/Der Bogoslovje
Auserwehlten Kinder Gottes
(Janez) Matija 1705 Nrnberg Neu-erffnetes Handels-Contor und Gospodarstvo
Neu-aufgeschlossenes Handels-Bewlb:
in deren Erstem Allerhand Kauffmans-
Janez Ernest 1709 Ljubljana Exercitium Mathematicum, Sive Fizika-optika
Paradigma Catoptrico- (izpit)
Volbenk Adam 1709 Ljubljana Conclusiones proemiales de natura et Logika (izpit)
objecto logicae
(Janez) Matija 1712 Nrnberg La Sacro-Santa Biblia in lingua italiana Bogoslovje
(Uri, 1975, 80, 181)
Jurij 1713 Linz Assertiones ex tractatus de legibus Pravo (izpit)
Jurij 1713 Linz Fasciculus rubricarum utriusque iuris Pravo
Janez Benjamin 1716 Ljubljana Anathema Astronomico-Sciathericum Fizika-optika,
Inocenc 1727/28 Paragvaj Zemljevid Geografija
Anton 1728 Gradec Topografia ducatum Styriae (Uri, Geografija
1975, 148)
Anton 1728 Gradec Topografia ducatum Carinthiae et Geografija
Anton 1730-31 Dunaj Discussio peripatetica, in qua Principia Filozofija
philosophiae Cartesianae principia per
singula fere capita
Anton 1730 Dunaj Annus salutis Promotore P. Ant.
Anton 1731 Dunaj Metamorphosis poesis Promotore P. Poezija
Ant. Erber
Anton 1734 Dunaj Panegyricus D. Catharinae Virgini et Bogoslovje
Martyri dicatus (izpit)
Anton 1736 Gradec Dissertationis Phediopicae de
Cancolius oecumenacis
Anton 1739 Gradec Epitome contraversiarum religionem Bogoslovje
1740-1796 Dunaj? Physica Fizika,
Anton 1747-1748 Dunaj Theologiae speculativa tractatus Bogoslovje
Anton 174? Dissertationes Theologico historico Bogoslovje
Criticae (Uri, 1975, 112)
Anton 1750 Dunaj Institutiones Dialecticae (ponatisa v Filozofija
Trnavi 1752, 1761)
Anton 1750, 1751 Dunaj Cursus Philosophicus Fizika,
Bernardin 1754 Ljubljana Assertionibus ex universa philosophia Fizika in
Ferdinand filozofija
Anton Dunaj? Jus naturae in Jus canonicum Pravo
Bernardin 1760 Dunaj Notitia illustris regni Bohemiae Geografija
Ferdinand scriptorum geographica et
chorographica (podobnega dela o
Kranjski ni konal)
Bernardin 1762 Dunaj Habsburg Zgodovina
Bernardin 1764? Dunaj Res gestae ac scripta virorum S. J. Prov. Zgodovina
Ferdinand Austr Ab a. 1551 ad 1764 (Dunajska
nacionalna knjinica, rokopis 975).
Joef Kalasanc 1806/07 Dunaj Razprava o divjem kostanju (Kidri, Kmetijstvo v
1925, 165) Dolu
Joef Kalasanc 1825 Dol Versuch eines Entwurfes zu einer Zgodovina
Literar-Geschichte fr Krain (Rokopis)

Levji dele spisov Erbergov je nastal pod gosjimi peresi bratrancev jezuitov Antona in
Bernarda Ferdinanda oziroma njunega strica, protestanta Matije. Ti veljaki pa so bili le vrh
literarno izredno uinkovitega rodu, ki je dal Kranjski celo paleto zavidanja vrednih
uenjakov. Znanje je postalo konjiek in obenem poklic dolskih Erbergov do te mere, da se je
z njihovo znanstveno podjetnostjo oplajala celotna deela. Med spisi Erbergov prevladujejo
eksaktne vede in pravo. Z izjemo protestanta Matije so objavljali malo bogoslovja, medicine
pa skoraj ni, z edino izjemo Erbergovega tudentskega rokopisa o fiziki-fiziologiji. Le
Matija je med Erbergi objavljal gospodarske ali celo kmetijske spise, ki so jih fiziokrati njega
dni mono priljubili bralcem; kljub uspenemu urejevanju vrtov ob dolski graini se je Joef
Kalasanc Erberg o tem razpisal le v razpravi o gospodarjenju z dolskim divjim kostanjem, ki
jo je priobil v dunajski reviji.

B.F. Erberg je svoj ljubljanski fizikalni kabinet uredil predvsem po parikih in leidenskih
vzorih. Zavedal se je, da nove poskusne naprave ne bodo dovolj; pripomokom je moral
dodati e navodila za njihovo uporabo. Leta 1754, tik pred nabavo instrumentov, je kupil
dale najve matematino-fizikalnih del, med njimi Ozanamova navodila za zabavne poskuse
(1723), Musschenbroekove raziskave z dodatkom o pnevmatskih napravah (prevod 1739),
prvi del Dsaguliersove eksperimentalne fizike (prevod 1751) in pet zvezkov nemkih
prevodov del parike akademije iz let 1692-1715, natisnjenih v Wroclawu (1748-1750). V
slednjih je prebiral dognanja astronomov Cassinija, Philippa de la Hira (* 1640; 1718),
Renja-Antoina Ferchaulta de Raumurja (* 1683; 1757), Amontonsa in vicarja Johanna
Bernoullija (* 1667; 1748); razvrena so bila po opazovani snovi. Istega leta je kupil vsaj
e dve drugi Musschenbroekovi latinski knjigi in v Ljubljani celo natisnil Musschenbroekovo
razpravo o magnetizmu v latinskem prevodu. B.F. Erberg je domala vsa svoja dela spisal v

Bernardin Ferdinand Erberg se je pri dopolnjevanju jezuitske knjinice zgledoval po bogato

opremljenih knjinicah svojih sorodnikov Erbergov, ki so bile pozneje zdruene na graini
Dol. Kljub posodobitvam Bernarda Ferdinanda so v knjinici ljubljanskega kolegija e vedno
prevladovala dela jezuitskih piscev (Dechales, Tacquet, Schott, Gooden, Steinmeyer,
Sanuitali, Hell, Wiedeburg, Bettini, Frlich in rimski profesorji vakuumisti Clavius, Kircher
ter Bokovi); le-ti so e vztrajali pri geometrijskih izpeljavah, eravno je sodobneji
infinitezimalni raun vedno ve obetal.
tevilo ohranjenih del izpod peres poldrugih tiso profesor
matematike iz avstrijske in eke province razporejenih po
B.F. Erbergov






Fizika Astronomija Matemat

Slika 2: B.F. Erbergova veljava in zasluge znotraj drugih srednjeevropskih dosekov

Ljubljanski jezuiti so nabavili pet knjig z datiranimi lastnikimi vpisi ob zaetku pouka
fizike-matematike na viji stopnji med letoma 1706 in 1709; veino pa jih je kupil Bernardin
Ferdinand Erberg v asu reform pouka matematinih predmetov med letoma 1750 in 1758,
ko je poueval matematiko in filozofijo s fiziko v Ljubljani. Sprva so jezuiti nabavljali samo
latinske knjige, dokler se Erberg ni lotil nabav novejih del napisanih v ivih jezikih. Pri
sedmih matematino-fizikalnih in astronomskih knjigah je bil B.F. Erberg v ekslibrisu
izrecno naveden (Wolff 1733, Ozanam 1723, Wiedeburg 1726, Bokovi 1755, Hire 1725,
Manfredi 1750, Marinoni, 1745), pri drugih trinajstih matematino-astronomskih knjigah pa
ne (Wolff 1756, Genovesi, Gooden, Musschenbroek, Magalotti, Ritter, Clavius, Lana,
Brixianus, Sanuitali, Kopernik, Reinhold in Commandino s privezanim Keplerjem).
B.F. Erberg je v sredi 18. stoletja skupno nabavil dvaintirideset knjig o eksaktnih vedah,
vendar ni bil njihov edini uporabnik, saj je bil ob naslovnici Vaterjeve Eksperimentalne fizike
zapisan I. Redlhamer, ki je leta 1755/56 predaval fiziko v Ljubljani. Redlhamer je ob
zakljuku predavanj vodil javni izpit kandidatov z eksperimentalno predstavitvijo 160
razlinih unih fizikalno-matematinih disciplin. Dogodek je bil prava poslastica za oi, saj
so med tiridesetimi uenimi poslualci nateli kar trideset grofov in baronov, med njimi
gotovo tudi dolske graake. Predstava se je konala s simfoninim koncertom in teatrom,
izpitne teze pa so natisnili v Trstu (Historia Annua, 300-301). Knjiga, ki jo je objavil
Christian Vater (1651-1732) pod naslovom Physica experimentalis systematica in usum
studiosae iuventutis, Witebergae, 1734 (Wildejev katalog 1465; NUK-8306; jezuitski katalog
t. 21) je imela lastniki vpis: Ex.Liberalitrales P.Ignat.Redlhamer Inscriptus
Bibl.Phil.Coll.Labac S.J. 1755.

Radodarni B.F. Erberg je marsikatero ueno lepotico v pergamentnih platnicah osebno

daroval svojemu ljubljanskemu kolegiju. Tako na podpisani nalepki onstran naslovnice
Ozanamovega eksperimentalnega dela preberemo, da je svetnik dvorne komore na Dunaju,
Ljubljanan Franc Henrik (Joseph) baron Raigersfeld (* 1697; 1760), knjigo dne 9. 6. 1743
podaril dunajskemu tudentu (uporabne) matematike B.F. Erbergu. B.F. Erbergov tamkajnji
profesor je bil sloviti Erasmus Frlich. Darovalec F.H. Raigersfeld je bil tesno povezan tako z
Erbergi kot z jezuiti. Dne 10. 6. 1726 je poroil dolsko baronico Marijo Ano Elizabeto Erberg
(* 1710; 1752); nevesta je bila hi B.F. Erbergovega bratranca, barona Franca Mihaela
Erberga (* 1679; 1760), prisednika deelnega in dvornega sodia. Marijin etrti sin, jezuit
Franc Borgia Karel (* 1736; SJ 1752; 1800), je bil med letoma 1767-1773 profesor
zgodovine na terezijaniu, sprva pod tamkajnjim novim prefektom B.F. Erbergom. Marijin
najmlaji sin, Mihael Raigersfeld, je prav tedaj veljal za najbolj nadarjenega tudenta na
dunajskem Terezijaniu.
Slika 3: Popis knjig znamenitih vakuumistov Francozov Pascala in Nolleta, Nizozemca P.
van Musschenbroeka, ob njih pa e Newtona v Erbergovi knjinici v Dolu ob Savi.

Preglednica 3: B.F. Erbergove nabave danes ohranjenih fizikalnih, matematinih in

astronomskih knjig z datiranimi lastnikimi vpisi v nekdanji jezuitski knjinici, dananjem
NUKu (Pisci matematinih in astronomskih knjig so zapisani poevno, pisci Erbergovih
lastnih sedmih prironikov pa odebeljeno. V oklepajih so uporabljene okrajave za kraj
bivanja, e je drugaen od kraja natisa knjige: Ne-Neapelj, Pe-Peterburg, Ri-Rim, Fi-Firence,
Lo-London, Lz-Linz. Kraj natisa: Pa-Pariz, Br-Brescia, Pm-Parma, Be-Benetke, Ne-Neapelj,
Pe-Pesaro, Pr-Praga, Du-Dunaj, Gr-Gradec, Tr-Trnava, L-Ljubljana, Je-Jena, N-Nrnberg,
T-Tbingen, Wi-Wittenberg, Le-Leipzig, G-Gttingen, Fr-Frankfurt, Ha-Halle, Ma-
Magdeburg, Wr-Wroclaw (Breslau), Ly-Leiden, Li-angleki jezuitski kolegij v belgijskem
Ligeu, e-eneva, Ba-Basel; UG-ubenik geografije, UF-ubenik fizike; UM -ubenik
matematike, UA-ubenik astronomije, UP-ubeniki in drugi spisi z navodili za poskuse, IT-
izpitne teze iz fizike, OP-optini poskusi z mikroskopi, AT-astronomske tabele, pripomoki
in atlasi, EP-elektrini poskusi, GM-geodetske meritve, MM-meteoroloke meritve; PG-
proti Galileju, Koperniku skupaj z wittenberko agnostino interpretacijo gibanja Zemlje,
ZG-Za Galileja, PF-proti Franklinu, ZW-za Wolffa in druge post-kartezijanske smeri, ZN-za
Newtona; ZM-za Musschenbroeka, ZH-za Hooka, ZK-za Kopernika in Keplerja, ??-neznana
usmeritev. Leta izdaje in signature NUKa: Manfredi 1750 (7910), Wolff 1733 (4049),
Marinoni 1745 (4220), Hire 1725-2 (4086), Wiedeburg 1726 (4133); Nollet 1746 (8241),
Brixianus 1738 (12070), graditelj vakuumskega balona Tertio de Lana 1684, 1686, 1692
(8461); Della Torre 1750 (8333), B.F. Erbergov predstojnik na dunajskem Terezijaniu
Khell von Khellburg 1751 (8206), Sturm 1697&Wolff 1722 (8477), Corsini 1743 (5276), Der
Knigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Paris physische Abhandlungen 1749-2 (8361),
Ozanam 1723 (4384), Genovesi 1753 (5131), Majlth 1754 (8440), Kolhans& Schraderius
1663-1681 (8271), Magalotti 1740 (2303), Keri 1753 (8257), Dsaguliers 1754/55 (8457),
Musschenbroek 1729 (8458), 1731 (4283), 1739 (8463), 1754 (8350), Kopernik 1566 (7922),
Doppelmayr 1742 (10575); Kraft 1750, 1751, 1754 (8236), Vater 1734 (8306), Winkler 1754
(8235); Wolff 1750-2 (4136), Regnault 1755 (8480), Varen 1693 (2451), Reinhold 1562
(4197), Ritter 1613 (4164); Clavius-Evklid 1607 (624), Commandino-Evklid- Kepler-
Rheticus 1621-23 (4026); Mairan 1752 (8535), Bokovi 1755 (4243), Klaus 1756 (8200),
Sanvitali 1750 (4140), Gooden 1704 (4185).

Nedatiran 1751 1752 1754 (18) 1755 1756 1757 (2) 1758 (5)
o (5) (2) (1) (4) (5)

Manfredi Nollet Tertio Della Torre UF- Dsagu Wolff Clavius- Mairan MM-
AT-Bo- UP- de Be(Ne)-??, liers (UM Evklid Ly(Pa)-ZM,
??, Wolff Be Lana- Khell von Khellburg UP- &) UMJ- Bokovi
1733 (Pa)- UP- UF-Du-??, P(Lo)- OP- Fr(Ri)- GM-Ri-ZN,
UM&UF- PF, Br&P Sturm&Wolff UF-N- ZN, Ha& PG, Klaus UF-
e-ZW, Brixia m-PG ZW, Corsini UF-Be- Kraft Ma Comman Du&Pr- ZN,
Marinoni nus ZN, UF-T ZW, dino- Sanvitali
UA-Du- UM- Der Knigl. Akademie (Pe)- Regna Evklid& UMJ-Br-??,
ZN, Hire Br- der Wissenschaften in ZM, ult Kepler& Gooden
AT- ZN Paris physische Vater UF- Rheticus UMJ-Li-??
N(Pa)- Abhandlungen UP- UP-Wi- Gr UM,UA-
ZK, Wr(Pa)-ZN??, ZW, (Ri)- Pe&Fr(L
Wiedebur Ozanam UP-Pa-ZK, Winkle ZW, z)
g UMJ-Je- Genovesi UF-Be(Ne)- r EP- Varen
?? ZG, Le-ZN UG-
Keri&Majlth IT-Tr- Je(Ly)
ZN, -ZN,
Kolhans&Schraderius Reinh
OP-Le&G-ZH, old
Magalotti UP-Be(Fi)- UA-
ZG, T&
Keri&Mitterpacher Wi-
IT-Tr-ZN, Dsaguliers ZK,
UP-Pa(Lo)-ZN, Ritter
Musschenbroek (4) AT-
UP-Ly/L-ZM, N-??
Kopernik UA-Ba-ZK,
Doppelmayr AT-N-

Iz malega raste veliko. B.F. Erbergov laboratorij je kmalu dobil mlade v Ljubljani in drugod
po deeli, ki jo tedaj e niso smeli imenovati Slovenija. Vsak zaetek je po svoje teak in tudi
B.F. Erbergu sprva ni bilo lahko, eravno je bil med njegovimi ljubljanskimi tudenti tudi
taken as, kot je bil Jurij Vega, sicer rojen nedale nad Erbergovo graino Dol ob Savi on
jedrskemu reaktorju v Prigorici-Brinje.
Plemii, misijonarji, "Slovenci in Hrvatje" med 144





5 Anton

Plemii po letih rojstva od skupno 129 Misijonarji v tujih deelah po letih rojstva od skupno 47

53 na hrvakem rojenih jezuitov med 1452 ljubljanskimi jezuiti razporejenimi po letih rojstva 33 Spodnjih tajercev med 1449 ljubljanskimi jezuiti razporejenimi po letih rojstva
Slika 4: B.F. Erberg med drugimi znamenitimi plemikimi ljubljanskimi fiziki, veinoma
njegovimi sorodniki.


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