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560 Journal of C~ystal Growth 13114 (1972) 560-565 Nott~,ilt[alla~mlPublisMn~ Co.



IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, 8803 Riischlikon, Switzerland

The role of diffusion and convection in conventional flux growth is compared with the str~ag stirring Tect
of the accelerated crucible rotation technique (ACRT). ACRT allows fast solutio~ t~o~vrate~ at the gr~ ,'ing
crystal faces, By this and by homogenization of the solution many problems irl flax ~xrth are st ved.
Control of nucleation in a closed crucible is achieved by combination of ACRq' with lalized cot ~ing.
Large inclusion-free crystals with applications in solid state physics and technolow, la~ve I~en grown.

1. Introduction to temperature and concentrations. Therefore further

nucleation after the first nueleati~la or after insertion
This paper describes a new technique of stirring and o f a seed crystal can be minimize4: or prevented ~lt0.
its application to c~stal growth from high-temperature gether.
solufionst). For these reasons stirring is ~mplo~ed in crystal
In crystal growth from melts and from solutions, growth wherever possible. But in ~igb-temperature so-
stirring and. to a lesser extent, convection, reduce the lution growth stirring by seed crygtatls is extremely dif-
thickness of the boundary layer in front of the growing ficult because generally volatile sol~.e~ts lik:e PbO, Pb F2,
cr3.'stal-'-7). In a well-stirred system, surface diffusion Bi203, or mixtures of these with IB~ a are used. Rotat-
and particle integration (including the desolvation pro- ing seed crystals were applied only-in a few exceptional
ces.~es) dominate as rate-limiting growth process,zs over cases which are listed, with the obtaived maxin~um
volume diffusion through the unstirred layer if super- stable growth rates in table I.
,aturation is high enough. Also fast motion of melt "~r In the following it will be that an adeqaatc
~olut~on relative to the growing crystal surface prevents stirring effect and growth rates as, li~sted i,n table I ~:an
the adverse effect of constitutional supercooling on the be achieved in a closed crucible b~ accelerated cry ible
interface stability s-~ o). rotation.
By stirring, the solution ts homogenized with respect Compared to diffusion and c~laveetion whicl are

Maximum stable grox~th rates in high-temperature solution growth (from experimon~t~)
Crystal Solvent Linear Remarks R~Fcmr~ce
growth rate
GdA103 PbO-Pb F ,.- B , 0 ~ --~200 AC RT l~his x~,~rk
N i Fe,O, No2 FezO.~ 200 Pulling from solution 11
NiFe20,L BoO- B:O3 ,,~ 500 Pulling from solution 12
Ni Fez O.~ PbO -PbF2 ,,, 260 Seeded growth from solution I.~
YIG BaO-B2Os 120 Seed crystal on stirrer 14-
YIG BaO-BzO3 150 Pulling from solution 1.~
YIG BaO-B~O~ 260 Garnet film growth in a Ib
temperature gradient
YIG BaO B2C'., ~ 150 Pulling from solution 17"
BazZn..Fe,zO.z BaO-BzO~ 200 Pulling from solution lg

Xll - 2

sl ~v material transport mechanisms in conventional high supersaturations are probably formed locally and
fl ~-growth experiments, the Accelerated Crucible Ro- cause nucleation of many crystals instead of one or two
t~ on Technique (ACRT) reduces the thickness of the which then may grow to large sizes. Localized cooling
st mant boundary layer and therefore allows faster and convection generated by asymmetric temperature
st ~le growth rates, In addition, homogenization o f the distribution increased only slightly the size and quality
s, ,tion by A C R T combined with localized cooling of the flux-grown crystals. In their crystal-growth ex-
p :nits control o f nucleation. These statements are periments with a 2 gallon crucible, Van Uitert et al. 2)
s~ ported by estimates o f the boundary-layer thickness combined crucible rotation with localized cooling at
a~ ~ the maximum stable growth rate, by simulation the bottom. Despite the expected improvement in con-
e:, eriments, and by successful crystal-growth experi- vection the authors reported multinucleation. The re-
m. ~lts, sulting Y I G and YAG crystals were very large when
compared to crystals obtained from smaller crucibles,
2. Fhe role of convection in high-temperature solution while the ratio of crystal-to-crucible size seems to have
growth been comparable for large and small crucibles.
In the conventional flux-growth practice by the slow-
cooling technique one relies exclusively on natural con- 3. The accelerated crucible rotation technique (ACRT)
vection as the mechanism for material transport and in high-temperature-solution growth
homogenization, By comparison, heat conductivity and Convection alone or in combination with uniform
diffusion are sign,~ficant processes only if there are ap- rotation is far from optimum as a material transport
preciable temperature or concentration gradients. Thus mechanism. In high-temperature solution growth a
they contribute to heat and material transport at bound- mechanism is required which agitates the solution in
ary layers, but only very little within the bulk of the much the same way as conventional mechanical stirring
solution where, by the crystallization process, by in- in crystal growth from aqueous solutions. Accelerated
homogeneous heating and by flux evaporation, rela- and decelerated crucible rotation is proposed to achieve
tively small concentration and temperature gradients such a stirring effect in flux growth. Consider a crucible
are constantly generated. Therefore convection is gen- which is initially at rest. Then constantly accelerate tim
erally present in crystal-growth experiments*. crucible to rotation about its vertical axis. The outer
The flow velocity of thermal convection is low and region of the solution follows the change in crucible
amounts to the order of I to 5 x l O -z c m s e c -t For motion with little delay. The center of the melt. how-
typical flux-growth conditions t 9). Even for a low viscos- ever, continues to remain at rest due to inertia. Thus
ity liquid of 1 centipoise and the high thermal expan- a shearing of solution rings is produced. Slowly the
sion; coefficient of 1 0 - a p c - t , the flow velocity will center of the solution begins to move, too, until, after
re:, h only l0 - t c m sec -t for a temperature difference a considerable time, it rotates at the same rate as the
A7 = 10 C. The width of the metastable Ostwald- crucible.
M "s region imposes ,t limit on the permitted temper- By the laminar slip of the solution around the rota-
at ~ difference of roughly this order of magnitude. tion axis a spiral is formed which, for typical flux-
F, ~heseflow velocities the stable crystal growth rate growth conditions and acceleration to 60 rpm, has ~he
is aited by volume diffusion through the relatively order of a thousand arms. Therefore an.,,' local vari~-
th boundary layer of approximately 5 x 10- 2 cm and tion ill solute concentration or in temperature is distri-
lie n the order of 50 A sec -1. Because of constitu- buted along this spiral. Since the spiral arms have a
th ,I supercooling only small inclusion-free crystals radial distance of less than a tenth of a millimeter, the
ha been obtained so far. concentration and temperature differences disappear by
the presence oF convection cells, pockets with diffusion and heat conduction in a time of less than a
second. The hydrodynamics of convection and of
*( ~vection flow rates due to thermal and concentration dil: ACRT will be presented in the paper by Schulz-
let, :es are believed to be o r the same order o f magnitude DuBois2t).
gel, ally, depending o n the material parameters and the growth
con ,dons. Alternating accelerated and decelerated crucible ro-

Xll - 2
562 H . J . SCHEEL

Comparison of the influence o f diffusion, convection, a n d A C R T o n thickness o f b o u n d a r y layer a n d on m a x i m u m linear g: ,wth
rate for volume-diffusion-limited growth

M e a n velocity o f Thickness of boundary M a x i m u m linear

s o l u t i o n (or particles) la},eP g r o w t h rate
at t h e crystal surface (era) ( & see~')
(era sec- t)

Diffusion (5 x 10- s) (1.7) (0.5-3)

Convection b 4 x 10- 2 c ~ 6x 10- 2 20-80
ACRT 1 1.2 l0 -2 100-500
ACRT 10 4 10 -3 (300-1500) a
ACRT 100 1.2 10- 3 (1000_5000)a

Calculated from formulas o f Carlson 'L) a n d o f Bennerna6).

For T = 1400 "K, AT----- 10~C, I = 5 c m , r/ = 2 c p , p = 7.5 g e m -3, cp = 0.15 cal g -~ dog - t , fl = 8 x 10-'~ dog - j , K = 0.i,2 cal
cm - ~ sec - t d o g - ~.
" After C o b b a n d Wallis~9), we get the s a m e value for o u r conditions.
d Surface reactions are rate-limiting processes.

tation acts much the same way as a stirrer acting in the

laminar regime. In addition to this rotational stirring
1,5 rain.
effect, mixing in vertical and radial directions is provid.
ed by the Ekman flow and by the deformation of the
$ liquid due to centrifugal forces, which is demonstrated
by the parabolic surface at high rotation rates and the
nearly flat surface o f the liquid at rest. And, of course,
there will be the relatively small mixing effect of the
l~r~ , i i
superimposed natural convection.
4 rain. If the ACRT stirring technique is combined with
localized cooling, control of nucleation is possible and
only one or two nuclei are formed. Similarly, if a seed
crystal is arranged in the crucible and all conditions are
properly controlled, there is no additional sponta,eous
A forced flow of solution is produced along the ,:rys-
iii t j 15 rain.
tal surface. The flow rate is determined by the p~ ~per-
ties of the solute-solvent system, by the crucibl~ land
crystal) geometry and dimensions, and by accele ti0n
and rotation rates. Flow velocities of I or zven
100 cm sec -1 relative to the crystal are not diffi, It to

I < iJll 6 6 rain.

Contmuous AC R T Stationary
(at (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Direction o f radial and vertical flow during a dora.
Fig. I. Simulation experiment d e m o n s t r a t i n g the strong mix:'ng tion due to centrifugal forces (Ekman flow). (b) T r a p of ystal-
efl.~ct of ACRT. lites during deceleration.

Xli - 2



(a) (b) re)
Fig. 3. (a) ACRT with localized cooling for nucleation control (slow cooling technique). (b) ACRT with a seed crystal under
iothermal conditions (slow cooling technique), fc) ARCT with -- seed crystal in constant temperature gradient.

realize. These reduce the thickness of the stationary where they float due to surface tension. The left beaker
boundary layer4'6) surrounding the crystal to the order is continuously rotated, the right one remains at rest,
of 10-2 to 10 -a cm, which, in turn, permits greater while the center one is subjected to accelerated and
stable growth rates. In table 2 a comparison of the decelerated rotation by a motor which is switched on
boundary layer thicknesses and the corresponding sta- and off for about a minute at a time. Fig. i shows the
ble growth rates calculated for volume-diffusion-con- situation at times of 1.5, 4, 15, and 66 min, respectively,
trolled growth are shown for the flow rates of convec- after the beginning of the experiment. In the center
tion and of ACRT, respectively. The data for pure dif- beaker the KMnO4, as far as it is dissolved, is distri-
fusion are also shown and are somewhat hypothetical buted homogeneously over the entire beaker volume in
since one would expect convection to be present gener- a time of one or two cycles of acceleration. After
ally in flux-growth experiments. Crystal growth by con- 15 rain all the K M n O , is completely dissolved and a
vection requires an extremely low cooling rate in order homogeneous solution is obtained.
to maintain a stable crystal growth rate of approxi- In the uniformly rotated beaker there are stable un-
rn~ ~.'ly 50 A sec -~ only. In ACRT a flow rate of mixed regions with no coloration at all. This agrees
1 ~sec -~ is adequate for a stable growth rate of 100 with the observations by Carruthers and Nassau'S2).
to ~0 A sec-'. From table ! it appears that no growth Due to Taylor-Proudman cells in the uniformly rotated
rat higher than this order of magnitude have ever beaker there seems to be even less mixing than in the
be, observed experimentally. This evidence suggests stationary one.
th~ by application of A C R T the diffusion through the In fig. 2 the directions of Ekman flow and the defor-
be. ,dary layer is no longer the main growth-rate limit- mation of the liquid body due to centrifugal force are
in~ rocess. shown. The most simple experiment for demonstration
of the Ekman flow is a cup of tea containing tea leaves.
4. muiation experiments and crystal-growth results These tea leaves float to the circumference, when the
e ACRT stirring effect can be easily demonstrated tea is stirred, and back to the center when the stirring
b) simulation experiment. Three glass beakers con- action is stopped.
tai ,ag a liquid of a viscosity of 2 centipoise ( H , O + Figs. 3a-3c show examples of experimental arrange-
H: )4) are heated from below in order to establish ments for flux growth by ACRT To date, the greater
cot ection. Equal amounts of KMnO4 as a coloring part of our experience is with the method of fig. 3a.
agt t are placed at the center of the liquid surface The 500 c m 3 platinum crucible with its special mechan-

Xil - 2
564 n . J . SCHVEL

iIf-" V-"
\ . . /\ / (~)

Fig. 4. Examplesof cycles of accelerated crucible rotation.

icai stable shape is sealed by argon-arc welding, and

is supported by a suitably shaped ceramic disk which
in turn is placed on a ceramic tube. The latter is rotated
about its vertical axis with periodically alternating ac-
celeration and deceleration. Several useful cycles are
illustrated in fig. 4. For flux growth, cycles A, B, C are
appropriate. Cycle D may be useful in the Czochraiski
technique, when corresponding accelerated counter ro-
tation of the c~,stal is used additionally. Fig. 5. Gadolinium aluminate crystal of 210 g weight showing
Initial experience with the A C R T was gained by internal light reflection through clear portion.
growing gadolinium aluminate, GdAIO~, an ertho-
ihombic perovskite-type compound, from PbO-PbF2- thickness are optically clear and free of inclusions. In
B.,O~ solution. Many experiments without A C R T in crystal growth from aqueous solutions dendritic growth
crucibles of 30 to 1000 cm 3 yielded crystals of GdAIO3 can be prevented by use of seed crystals. First experi.
up to 20 g weight with flux inclusions and inclusion- ments with seed crystals and ACRT in crystal growth
free crystals up to 8 mm in size (approx. 4 g). For from high-temperature solutions are promising. Other
ACRT experiments the mixture of the starting mate- work is directed to magnetic materials, and large inclu-
ria!~ of highest purity was premelted in the 500 cm ~ sion-free garnets have been grown.
pkmnum crucible, which was sealed and heated to Subsequent to our preliminary description of ACRT
t300 C for 15hr. Then it was cooled to 900"C at a at national crystal growth conferences23), other I:tb0r.
rate ~hich increased from 0.3 to 0.5 ~C hr -~. Faster atories had similar success with crystal growth of nag-
co~ling rates than these caused interface instability netic garnets and of manganese telluride by ACE r-'*).
~flu~ inclusions) by stronger constitutional supercool-
ing ~large faces, higher viscosities, decreasing diffusion 5. Conclusions
coefficients). At the end of the run the crucible with The accelerated crucible rotation technique (a Rl)
the one or two crystals formed was allowed to cool has been demonstrated to have a strong stirrinp fled
slowly to room temperature. in crystal growth from high-temperatttre soluti, . by
The first two runs yielded just one crystal of GdAIO3 successful crystal-growth runs and by simulati ex-
each. of 210 g and 104 g weight, respectively. Another periments. Specifically, ACRT accomplishes coy ,I t~l'
run ~n a small 140 c m 3 crucible yielded just two crystals nucleation, it suppresses the adverse effects of c, :itu-
~ith a total weight of 44 g. Fig. 5 shows the above- tional supercooling and convection, and it pern the
mentioned crystal of 210g weight in the interior of realization of stable crystal-growth velocities the
~hich the light from behind is reflected. The overall range of several hundred A sec - t . q he methoc be-
dimensions of the crystal are 3.5 x 3 v 2.5 cm 3. Like lieved to be especially useful in the growth o trge
other spontaneously nucleated (rystals, this crystal crystals tbr the magnetic bubble domain techr ogy.
~l-ow~ a central region of dendritic gre.wth. However for laser rods, and for electrooptic or nonlinear, ,tical
t h e outer portic, n~ of these crystals ol ~ about lore materials. Simulation and preliminary crystal-; 0wth

Xll - 2

e,, eriments indicate that ACRT is a valuable aid also 9) H. J. Scheel and D. Elwell, J. Crystal Growth 12(1972) 153.
101 S. O'Hara, L. A. Tarshis, W. A. Tiller and J. P. Hunt,
ff crystal growth from melts, from the vapor phase,
J. Crystal Growth 3, 4 ( 19681 555.
a,~ from hydrothermal solutions. I ;) W. Kunnmann, A. Ferretti and A. Wold, J. Appl. Phys. 34
0963) 1264.
A nowledgement 12) S. H. Smith and D. Elwell, J. Crystal Growth 3, 4 (19681 471.
13) J. Kvapil, V. Jon and M. Vichr, in: Growth of CrystaLs',
he author thanks Dr. D. Elwell, Dr. E. O. Schulz- Vol. 7, Ed. N. N. Sheftal, (Consultants Bureau, New York,
L~ ~]ois, Dr. W. V. Smith, Prof. W. A. Tiller and Dr. 19691 p. 233.
14) R. A. Laudise, R. C. Linares and E. F. Dearborn, J. Appl.
E ~,. D. White for valuable discussions. Phys. 33 (19621 1362.
15) R. C. Linares, J. Appl. Phys. 35 (19641 433.
161 R. C. Linares, R. B. McGraw and ..1. B. Schroeder, J. Appl.
Phys. 36 (19651 2884.
R. erences 17) M. Kestigian, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 50 (19671 165.
I H. J. Scheel and E. O. Schulz-DuBois, J. Crystal Growth 8 181 T. R. AuCoin, R. O. Savage and A. Tauber, J. Appl. Phys.
~1971) 304. 37 (1966) 2908.
2, W. K. Burton, N. Cabrera and F. C. Frank, Phil. Trans. 19) C. M. Cobb and E. B. Wallis, Report AD 655388 (1967).
Roy. Soc. London A 243 (1951) 299. 20) W. H. Grodkiewicz, E. F. Dearborn and L. G. Van Uitert.
31 J. A. Burton, R. C. Prim and W. P. Slichter, J. Chem. Phys. in: Crystal Growth, Ed. H. S. Peiser ~Pergamon, Oxford,
2l 0953) 1987. 1967) p. 441.
4) A. Carlson, in : Growth and Perfection of Crystals, Eds. R. H. 21) E. O. Schulz-DuBois, J. Crystal Growth 12 (19721 81.
Doremus, B. W. Roberts and D. Turnbull (Wiley, New 22) J. R. Carruthers and K. Nassau, J. Appl. Phys. 39 ( 19681 5205.
York, 1958) p. 421. 23) Talks at National Conferences on Crystal Growth at Bristol.
5) J. C. Brice, J. Crystal Growth I (1967) 161. U.K. (Sept. II, 19701, Zurich (Sept. 22, 19701 and Munich
61 P. Bennema, J. Crystal Growth 5 (19691 29. (Oct. 16, 19701.
71 W. A. Tiller, J. Crystal Growth 2~1968) 69. 24) Dr. W. Tolksdorf (Philips Zentrallaboratorium, Hamburg).
81 W. A. Tiller, K. A. Jackson, J. W. Rutter and B. Chalmers, private communication: see also the papers of W. Tolksdorf
Acta Met. 1 (19531 428. and D. Maleika at this Conference.

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