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Embodied Prediction

Andy Clark

Versions of the predictive brain hypothesis rank among the most promising and Author
the most conceptually challenging visions ever to emerge from computational and
cognitive neuroscience. In this paper, I briefly introduce (section 1) the most rad-
Andy Clark
ical and comprehensive of these visionsthe account of active inference, or ac -
tion-oriented predictive processing (Clark 2013a), developed by Karl Friston and
colleagues. In section 2, I isolate and discuss four of the frameworks most provoc- University of Edinburgh
ative claims: (i) that the core flow of information is top-down, not bottom-up, with Edinburgh, United Kingdom
the forward flow of sensory information replaced by the forward flow of prediction
error; (ii) that motor control is just more top-down sensory prediction; (iii) that ef- Commentator
ference copies, and distinct controllers, can be replaced by top-down predic-
tions; and (iv) that cost functions can fruitfully be replaced by predictions. Work- Michael Madary
ing together, these four claims offer a tantalizing glimpse of a new, integrated
framework for understanding perception, action, embodiment, and the nature of Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt
human experience. I end (section 3) by sketching what may be the most important Mainz, Germany
aspect of the emerging view: its ability to embed the use of fast and frugal solu -
tions (as highlighted by much work in robotics and embodied cognition) within an Editors
over-arching scheme that includes more structured, knowledge-intensive
strategies, combining these fluently and continuously as task and context dictate.
Thomas Metzinger
Active inference | Embodied cognition | Motor control | Prediction | Prediction er- Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt
ror Mainz, Germany

Jennifer M. Windt
Monash University
Melbourne, Australia

1 Mind turned upside down?

PP (Predictive processing; for this terminology, tinuities and other factors) gave way to detected
see Clark 2013a) turns a traditional picture of features such as blobs, edges, bars, zero-cross-
perception on its head. According to that once- ings, and lines, which in turn gave way to de-
standard picture (Marr 1982), perceptual pro- tected surface orientations leading ultimately
cessing is dominated by the forward flow of in- (though this step was always going to be prob-
formation transduced from various sensory re- lematic) to a three-dimensional model of the
ceptors. As information flows forward, a pro- visual scene. Early perception is here seen as
gressively richer picture of the real-world scene building towards a complex world model by a
is constructed. The process of construction feedforward process of evidence accumulation.
would involve the use of stored knowledge of Traditional perceptual neuroscience followed
various kinds, and the forward flow of informa- suit, with visual cortex (the most-studied ex-
tion was subject to modulation and nuancing by ample) being traditionally viewed as a hier-
top-down (mostly attentional) effects. But the archy of neural feature detectors, with neural
basic picture remained one in which perception population responses being driven by bottom-up
was fundamentally a process of bottom-up fea- stimulus features (Egner et al. 2010, p. 16601).
ture detection. In Marrs theory of vision, de- This was a view of the perceiving brain as pass-
tected intensities (arising from surface discon- ive and stimulus-driven, taking energetic inputs
Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.
In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 1 | 21

from the senses and turning them into a coher- cessing. Instead, the downward flow of predic-
ent percept by a kind of step-wise build-up tion now does most of the computational
moving from the simplest features to the more heavy-lifting, allowing moment-by-moment
complex: from simple intensities up to lines and processing to focus only on the newsworthy de-
edges and on to complex meaningful shapes, ac- partures signified by salient (that is, high-preci-
cumulating structure and complexity along the sionsee section 3) prediction errors. Such eco-
way in a kind of Lego-block fashion. nomy and preparedness is biologically attract-
Such views may be contrasted with the in- ive, and neatly sidesteps the many processing
creasingly active views that have been pursued bottlenecks associated with more passive models
over the past several decades of neuroscientific of the flow of information.
and computational research. These views (Bal- Action itself (more on this shortly) then
lard 1991; Churchland et al. 1994; Ballard et al. needs to be reconceived. Action is not so much
1997) stress the active search for task-relevant a response to an input as a neat and efficient
information just-in-time for use. In addition, way of selecting the next input, and thereby
huge industries of work on intrinsic neural driving a rolling cycle. These hyperactive sys-
activity, the resting state and the default tems are constantly predicting their own up-
mode (for a review, see Raichle & Snyder coming states, and actively moving so as to
2007) have drawn our attention to the ceaseless bring some of them into being. We thus act so
buzz of neural activity that takes place even in as to bring forth the evolving streams of sensory
the absence of ongoing task-specific stimulation, information that keep us viable (keeping us fed,
suggesting that much of the brains work and warm, and watered) and that serve our increas-
activity is in some way ongoing and endogen- ingly recondite ends. PP thus implements a
ously generated. comprehensive reversal of the traditional (bot-
Predictive processing plausibly represents tom-up, forward-flowing) schema. The largest
the last and most radical step in this retreat contributor to ongoing neural response, if PP is
from the passive, input-dominated view of the correct, is the ceaseless anticipatory buzz of
flow of neural processing. According to this downwards-flowing neural prediction that drives
emerging class of models, naturally intelligent both perception and action. Incoming sensory
systems (humans and other animals) do not information is just one further factor perturbing
passively await sensory stimulation. Instead, those restless pro-active seas. Within those seas,
they are constantly active, trying to predict the percepts and actions emerge via a recurrent cas-
streams of sensory stimulation before they ar- cade of sub-personal predictions forged (see be-
rive. Before an input arrives on the scene, low) from unconscious expectations spanning
these pro-active cognitive systems are already multiple spatial and temporal scales.
busy predicting its most probable shape and im- Conceptually, this implies a striking re-
plications. Systems like this are already (and al- versal, in that the driving sensory signal is
most constantly) poised to act, and all they really just providing corrective feedback on the
need to process are any sensed deviations from emerging top-down predictions.1 As ever-active
the predicted state. It is these calculated devi- prediction engines, these kinds of minds are not,
ations from predicted states (known as predic- fundamentally, in the business of solving puzzles
tion errors) that thus bear much of the informa- given to them as inputs. Rather, they are in the
tion-processing burden, informing us of what is business of keeping us one step ahead of the
salient and newsworthy within the dense sens- game, poised to act and actively eliciting the
ory barrage. The extensive use of top-down sensory flows that keep us viable and fulfilled. If
probabilistic prediction here provides an effect- this is on track, then just about every aspect of
ive means of avoiding the kinds of representa- the passive forward-flowing model is false. We
tional bottleneck feared by early opponents are not passive cognitive couch potatoes so
(e.g., Brooks 1991) of representation-heavy 1 For this observation, see Friston (2005), p. 825, and the discussion in
but feed-forward dominatedforms of pro- Hohwy (2013).

Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 2 | 21

much as proactive predictavores, forever trying to match input samples with successful predic-
to stay one step ahead of the incoming waves of tions. Instead, visual signals were processed via
sensory stimulation. a hierarchical system in which each level tried
(in the way just sketched) to predict activity at
2 Radical predictive processing the level below it using recurrent (feedback)
connections. If the feedback successfully pre-
Such models involve a number of quite radical dicted the lower-level activity, no further action
claims. In the present treatment, I propose fo- was required. Failures to predict enabled tuning
cusing upon just four: and revision of the model (initially, just a ran-
dom set of connection weights) generating the
1. The core flow of information is top-down, not predictions, thus slowly delivering knowledge of
bottom-up, and the forward flow of sensory in- the regularities governing the domain. In this
formation is replaced by the forward flow of architecture, forward connections between levels
prediction error. carried only the residual errors (Rao & Bal-
2. Motor control is just more top-down sensory lard 1999, p. 79) between top-down predictions
prediction. and actual lower level activity, while backward
3. Efference copies, and distinct controllers or recurrent connections carried the predictions
(inverse models) are replaced by top-down pre- themselves.
dictions. After training, the network developed a
4. Cost functions are absorbed into predictions. nested structure of units with simple-cell-like re-
ceptive fields and captured a variety of import-
One thing I shant try to do here is re- ant, empirically-observed effects. One such ef-
hearse the empirical evidence for the frame- fect was end-stopping. This is a non-classical
work. That evidence (which is substantial but receptive field effect in which a neuron re-
importantly incomplete) is rehearsed in Clark sponds strongly to a short line falling within its
(2013a) and Hohwy (2013, this collection). For classical receptive field but (surprisingly) shows
a recent attempt to specify a neural implement- diminishing response as the line gets longer.
ation, see Bastos et al. (2012). I now look at Such effects (and with them, a whole panoply of
each of these points in turn: context effects) emerge naturally from the use
of hierarchical predictive processing. The re-
2.1 The core flow of information is top- sponse tails off as the line gets longer, because
down, not bottom-up, and the forward longer lines and edges were the statistical norm
flow of sensory information is in the natural scenes to which the network was
replaced by the forward flow of exposed in training. After training, longer lines
prediction error are thus what is first predicted (and fed back,
as a hypothesis) by the level-two network. The
This is the heart and soul of the radical vision. strong firing of some level-one edge cells,
Incoming sensory information, if PP is correct, when they are driven by shorter lines, thus re-
is constantly met with a cascade of top-down flects not successful feature detection by those
prediction, whose job is to predict the incoming cells but rather error or mismatch, since the
signal across multiple temporal and spatial short segment was not initially predicted by the
scales. higher-level network. This example neatly illus-
To see how this works in practice, consider trates the dangers of thinking in terms of a
a seminal proof-of-concept by Rao & Ballard simple cumulative flow of feature-detection, and
(1999). In this work, prediction-based learning also shows the advantages of re-thinking the
targets image patches drawn from natural flow of processing as a mixture of top-down pre-
scenes using a multi-layer artificial neural net- diction and bottom-up error correction.2 In ad-
work. The network had no pre-set task apart 2 This does not mean that there are no cells in v1 or elsewhere whose
from that of using the downwards connections responses match the classical profile. PP claims that each neural area

Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 3 | 21

dition it highlights the way these learning meanings, and intentions. The structured world
routines latch on to the world in a manner spe- of human experience, if this is correct, comes
cified by the training data. End-stopped cells into view only when all manner of top-down
are simply a response to the structure of the predictions meet (and explain away) the in-
natural scenes used in training, and reflect the coming waves of sensory information. What
typical length of the lines and edges in these propagates forwards (through the brain, away
natural scenes. In a very different world (such from the sensory peripheries) is then only the
as the underwater world of some sea-creatures) mismatches, at every level, with predicted activ-
such cells would learn very different responses. ity.
These were early and relatively low-level This makes functional sense. Given that
results, but the predictive processing model it- the brain is ever-active, busily predicting its
self has proven rich and (as we shall see) widely own states at many levels, all that matters
applicable. It assumes only that the environ- (that is, all that is newsworthy, and thus ought
ment generates sensory signals by means of nes- to drive further processing) are the incoming
ted interacting causes and that the task of the surprises: unexpected deviations from what is
perceptual system is to invert this structure by predicted. Such deviations result in prediction
learning and applying a structured internal errors reflecting residual differences, at every
modelso as to predict the unfolding sensory level and stage of processing, between the ac-
stream. Routines of this kind have recently been tual current signal and the predicted one. These
successfully applied in many domains, including error signals are used to refine the prediction
speech perception, reading, and recognizing the until the sensory signal is best accommodated.
actions of oneself and of other agents (see Poep- Prediction error thus carries the news,
pel & Monahan 2011; Price & Devlin 2011; Fris- and is pretty much the hero (or anti-hero) of
ton et al. 2011). This is not surprising, since the this whole family of models. So much so, that it
underlying rationale is quite general. If you is sometimes said that:
want to predict the way some set of sensory sig-
nals will change and evolve over time, a good In predictive coding schemes, sensory data
thing to do is to learn how those sensory signals are replaced by prediction error, because
are determined by interacting external causes. that is the only sensory information that
And a good way to learn about those interact- has yet to be explained. (Feldman & Fris-
ing causes is to try to predict how the sensory ton 2010, p. 2)
signal will change and evolve over time.
Now try to imagine this this on a very We can now savor the radicalism. Where tradi-
grand scale. To predict the visually presented tional, feed-forward-based views see a progress-
scene, the system must learn about edges, ive (though top-down modulated) flow of com-
blobs, line segments, shapes, forms, and (ulti- plex feature-detection, the new view depicts a
mately) objects. To predict text, it must learn progressive, complex flow of feature prediction.
about interacting hidden causes in the lin- The top-down flow is not mere attentional mod-
guistic domain: causes such as sentences, words, ulation. It is the core flow of structured content
and letters. To predict all of our rich multi- itself. The forward-flowing signal, by contrast,
modal plays of sensory data, across many scales has now morphed into a stream of residual er-
of space and time, it must learn about interact- ror. I want to suggest, however, that we treat
ing hidden causes such as tables, chairs, cats, this apparently radical inversion with some cau-
faces, people, hurricanes, football games, goals, tion. There are two reasons for thisone con-
ceptual, and one empirical.
contains two kinds of cell, or at least supports two functionally dis-
tinct response profiles, such that one functionality encodes error and The first (conceptual) reason for caution is
the other current best-guess content. This means that there can in- that the error signal in a trained-up predict-
deed be (as single cell recordings amply demonstrate) recognition
cells in each area, along with the classical response profiles. For more
ive coding scheme is highly informative. Predic-
on this important topic, see Clark (2013a). tion error signals carry detailed information
Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.
In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 4 | 21

about the mismatched content itself. Prediction ward-flowing predictions themselves. Prediction
errors are thus as structured and nuanced in error signals are thus richly informative, and as
their implications as the model-based predic- such (I would argue) not radically different to
tions relative to which they are computed. This sensory information itself. This is unsurprising,
means that, in a very real sense, the prediction since mathematically (as Karl Friston has poin-
error signal is not a mere proxy for incoming ted out4) sensory information and prediction er-
sensory information it is sensory information. ror are informationally identical, except that
Thus, suppose you and I play a game in which I the latter are centred on the predictions. To see
(the higher, predicting level) try to describe this, reflect on the fact that prediction error is
to you (the lower level) the scene in front of just the original information minus the predic-
your eyes. I cant see the scene directly, but you tion. It follows that the original information is
can. I do, however, believe that you are in some given by the prediction error plus the predic-
specific room (the living room in my house, say) tion. Prediction error is simply error relative to
that I have seen in the past. Recalling that some specific prediction and as such it flags the
room as best I can, I say to you theres a vase sensory information that is as yet unexplained.
of yellow flowers on a table in front of you. The The forward flow of prediction error thus consti-
game then continues like this. If you are silent, I tutes a forward flow of sensory information rel-
take that as your agreeing to my description. ative to specific predictions.
But if I get anything that matters wrong, you There is more to the story at this point,
must tell me what I got wrong. You might say since the (complex, non-linear) ways in which
the flowers are yellow. You thus provide an er- downward-flowing predictions interact are im-
ror signal that invites me to try again in a portantly different to the (simple, linear) effects
rather specific fashionthat is, to try again of upward-flowing error signals. Non-linearities
with respect to the colour of the flowers in the characterize the multi-level construction of the
vase. The next most probable colour, I conjec- predictions, which do the heavy lifting, while
ture, is red. I now describe the scene in the the prediction error signals are free to behave
same way but with red flowers. Silence. We additively (since all the complex webs of linkage
have settled into a mutually agreeable descrip- are already in place). But the bottom line is
tion.3 that prediction error does not replace sensory
The point to note is that your error sig- information in any mysterious or conceptually
nal carried some quite specific information. In challenging fashion, since prediction error is
the pragmatic context of your silence regarding nothing other than that sensory information
all other matters, the content might be glossed that has yet to be explained.
as there is indeed a vase of flowers on the table The second (empirical) reason for caution
in front of me but they are not yellow. This is is that it is, in any case, only one specific imple-
a pretty rich message. Indeed, it does not (con- mentation of the predictive brain story depicts
tent-wise) seem different in kind to the down- the forward-flow as consisting solely of predic-
tion error. An alternative implementation (due
3 To complete the image using this parlour game, wed need to add a little
more structure to reflect the hierarchical nature of the message-passing to Spratling 2008 and 2010and see discussion
scheme. We might thus imagine many even-higher-level prediction in Spratling 2013) implements the same key
agents working together to predict which room (house, world, etc.) the
layers below are currently responding to. Should sufficient prediction er-
principles using a different flow of prediction
ror signals accrue, this ensemble might abandon the hypothesis that sig- and error, and described by a variant mathem-
nals are coming in from the living room, suggesting instead that they are atical framework. This illustrates the urgent
from the boudoir, or the attic. In this grander version (which recalls the
mixtures of experts model in machine learningsee Jordan & Jacobs need to explore multiple variant architectures
1994)there are teams (and teams of teams) of specialist prediction for prediction error minimization. In fact, the
agents, all trying (guided top-down by the other prediction agents, and
bottom-up by prediction errors from the level below) to decide which PP schema occupies just one point in a large
specialists should handle the current sensory barrage. Each higher-level and complex space of probabilistic generative-
prediction agent, in this multi-level version, treats activity at the level
below as sensory information, to be explained by the discovery of apt
top-down predictions. 4 Personal communication.

Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 5 | 21

model-based approaches, and there are many Such a structure allows complex behaviors to be
possible architectures and possible ways of com- specified, at higher levels, in compact ways, the
bining top-down predictions and bottom-up implications of which can be progressively un-
sensory information in this general vicinity. packed at the lower levels. The traditional way
These include foundational work by Hinton and of conceptualizing the difference, however, is
colleagues on deep belief networks (Hinton & that in the case of motor control we imagine a
Salakhutdinov 2006; Hinton et al. 2006), work downwards flow of information, whereas in the
that shares a core emphasis on the use of pre- case of the visual cortex we imagine an upwards
diction and probabilistic multi-level generative flow. Descending pathways in the motor cortex,
models, as well as recent work combining con- this traditional picture suggests, should corres-
nectionist principles with Bayesian angles (see pond functionally to ascending pathways in the
McClelland 2013 and Zorzi et al. 2013). Mean- visual cortex. This is not, however, the case.
while, roboticists such as Tani (2007), Saegusa Within the motor cortex the downwards con-
et al. (2008), Park et al. (2012), Pezzulo (2008), nections (descending projections) are anatom-
and Mohan et al. (2010) explore the use of a ically and physiologically more like backwards
variety of prediction-based learning routines as connections in the visual cortex than the corres-
a means of grounding higher cognitive functions ponding forward connections (Adams et al.
in the solid bedrock of sensorimotor engage- 2013, p. 1).
ments with the world. Only by considering the This is suggestive. Where we might have
full space of possible prediction-and-generative- imagined the functional anatomy of a hierarch-
model-based architectures and strategies can we ical motor system to be some kind of inverted
start to ask truly pointed experimental ques- image of that of the perceptual system, instead
tions about the brain and about biological or- the two seem fundamentally alike.7 The explan-
ganisms; questions that might one day favor one ation, PP suggests, is that the downwards con-
of these models (or, more likely, one coherent nections, in both cases, take care of essentially
sub-set of models5) over the rest, or else may re- the same kind of businessnamely the business
veal deep faults and failings among their sub- of predicting sensory stimulation. Predictive
stantial common foundations. processing models subvert, we saw, the tradi-
tional picture with respect to perception. In PP,
2.2 Motor control is just more top-down compact higher-level encodings are part of an
sensory prediction apparatus that tries to predict the play of en-
ergy across the sensory surfaces. The same story
I shall, however, continue to concentrate upon applies, recent extensions (see below) of PP sug-
the specific explanatory schema implied by PP, gest, to the motor case. The difference is that
as this represents (it seems to me) the most motor control is, in a certain sense, subjunctive.
comprehensive and neuroscientifically well- It involves predicting the non-actual sensory
grounded vision of the predictive mind currently trajectories that would ensue were we perform-
available. What makes PP especially interesting ing some desired action. Reducing prediction er-
and conceptually challengingis the seamless archy is fluid in that the information-flows it supports are recon -
integration of perception and action achieved figurable moment-by-moment (by, for example, changing be and
under the rubric of active inference. theta band oscillations see Bastos et al. 2015). In addition, PP
dispenses entirely with the traditional idea (nicely reviewed, and
To understand this, consider the motor roundly rejected, in Churchland et al. 1994) that earlier levels
system. The motor system (like the visual cor- must complete their tasks before passing information up the
hierarchy. The upshot is that the PP models are much closer to
tex) displays a complex hierarchical structure.6 dynamical systems accounts than to traditional, feed forward,
hierarchical ones.
5 One such subset is, of course, the set of hierarchical dynamic models 7 For the full story, see Adams et al. (2013). In short: [t]he descending
(see Friston 2008). projections from motor cortex share many features with top-down or
6 The appeal to hierarchical structure in PP, it should be noted, is backward connections in visual cortex; for example, corticospinal
substantially different to that familiar from treatments such as projections originate in infragranular layers, are highly divergent and
Felleman & Van Essen (1991). Although I cannot argue for this (along with descending cortico-cortical projections) target cells ex-
here (for more on this see Clark 2013b; in press) the PP hier- pressing NMDA receptors (Adams et al. 2013, p. 1).

Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 6 | 21

rors calculated against these non-actual states predictions of the proprioceptive patterns 8 that
then serves (in ways we are about to explore) to would ensue were the action to be performed
make them actual. We predict the sensory con- (see Friston et al. 2010). To make an action
sequences of our own action and this brings the come about, the motor plant responds so as to
actions about. cancel out proprioceptive prediction errors. In
The upshot is that the downwards connec- this way, predictions of the unfolding proprio-
tions, in both the motor and the sensory cortex, ceptive patterns that would be associated with
carry complex predictions, and the upwards the performance of some action serve to bring
connections carry prediction errors. This ex- that action about. Proprioceptive predictions
plains the otherwise paradoxical (Shipp et al. directly elicit motor actions (so traditional mo-
2013, p. 1) fact that the functional circuitry of tor commands are simply replaced by those
the motor cortex does not seem to be inverted proprioceptive predictions).
with respect to that of the sensory cortex. In- This erases any fundamental computa-
stead, the very distinction between the motor tional line between perception and the control
and the sensory cortex is now erodedboth are of action. There remains, to be sure, an obvious
in the business of top-down prediction, though (and important) difference in direction of fit.
the kind of thing they predict is (of course) dif- Perception here matches neural hypotheses to
ferent. The motor cortex here emerges, ulti- sensory inputs, and involves predicting the
mately, as a multimodal sensorimotor area issu- present; while action brings unfolding proprio-
ing predictions in both proprioceptive and other ceptive inputs into line with neural predictions.
modalities. The difference, as Elizabeth Anscombe (1957)
In this way, PP models have been exten- famously remarked,9 is akin to that between
ded (under the umbrella of active inference consulting a shopping list to select which items
see Friston 2009; Friston et al. 2011) to include to purchase (thus letting the list determine the
the control of action. This is accomplished by contents of the shopping basket) and listing
predicting the flow of sensation (especially that some actually purchased items (thus letting the
of proprioception) that would occur were some contents of the shopping basket determine the
target action to be performed. The resulting list). But despite this difference in direction of
cascade of prediction error is then quashed by fit, the underlying form of the neural computa-
moving the bodily plant so as to bring the ac- tions is now revealed to be the same. Indeed,
tion about. Action thus results from our own the main difference between the motor and the
predictions concerning the flow of sensationa visual cortex, on this account, lies more in what
version of the ideomotor theory of James kind of thing (for example, the proprioceptive
(1890) and Lotze (1852), according to which the consequences of a trajectory of motion) is pre-
very idea of moving, when unimpeded by other dicted, rather than in how it is predicted. The
factors, is what brings the moving about. The upshot is that:
resulting schema is one in which:
The primary motor cortex is no more or
The perceptual and motor systems should less a motor cortical area than striate
not be regarded as separate but instead as (visual) cortex. The only difference
a single active inference machine that tries 8 Proprioception is the inner sense that informs us about the relative
to predict its sensory input in all domains: locations of our bodily parts and the forces and efforts that are being
visual, auditory, somatosensory, intero- applied. It is to be distinguished from exteroceptive (i.e., standard
perceptual) channels such as vision and audition, and from intero-
ceptive and, in the case of the motor sys- ceptive channels informing us of hunger, thirst, and states of the vis-
tem, proprioceptive. (Adams et al. 2013, p. cera. Predictions concerning the latter may (see Seth 2013 and
Pezzulo 2014) play a large role in the construction of feelings and
4) emotions.
9 Anscombes target was the distinction between desire and belief, but
In the case of motor behaviors, the key driving her observations about direction of fit generalize (as Shea 2013
notes) to the case of actions, here conceived as the motoric outcomes
predictions, Friston and colleagues suggest, are of certain forms of desire.

Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 7 | 21

between the motor cortex and visual cor- task is, however, generally much more demand-
tex is that one predicts retinotopic input ing than learning the forward model, and re-
while the other predicts proprioceptive in- quires solving a complex mapping problem
put from the motor plant. (Friston et al. (linking the desired end-state to a nested cas-
2011, p. 138) cade of non-linearly interacting motor com-
mands) while effecting transformations between
Perception and action here follow the same ba- varying co-ordinate schemes (e.g., visual to
sic logic and are implemented using the same muscular or proprioceptivesee e.g., Wolpert et
computational strategy. In each case, the sys- al. 2003, pp. 594596).
temic imperative remains the same: the reduc- PP (the full action-inclusive version just
tion of ongoing prediction error. This view has described) shares many key insights with this
two rather radical consequences, to which we work. They have common a core emphasis on
shall now turn. the prediction-based learning of a forward (gen-
erative) model, which is able to anticipate the
2.3 Efference copies and distinct sensory consequences of action. But active infer-
controllers are replaced by top- ence, as defended by Friston and otherssee
down predictions e.g., Friston (2011); Friston et al. (2012)dis-
penses with the inverse model or controller, and
A long tradition in the study of motor control along with it the need for efference copy of the
invokes a forward model of the likely sensory motor command. To see how this works, con-
consequences of our own motor commands. In sider that action is here reconceived as a direct
this work, a copy of the motor command consequence of predictions (spanning multiple
(known as the efference copy; Von Holst temporal and spatial scales) about trajectories
1954) is processed using the forward model. of motion. Of special importance here are pre-
This model captures (or emulatessee Grush dictions about proprioceptive consequences that
2004) the relevant biodynamics of the motor implicitly minimize various energetic costs. Sub-
plant, enabling (for example) a rapid prediction ject to the full cascade of hierarchical top-down
of the likely feedback from the sensory peripher- processing, a simple motor command now un-
ies. It does this by encoding the relationship folds into a complex set of predictions concern-
between motor commands and predicted sens- ing both proprioceptive and exteroceptive ef-
ory outcomes. The motor command is thus cap- fects. The proprioceptive predictions then drive
tured using the efference copy which, fed to the behavior, causing us to sample the world in the
forward model, yields a prediction of the sens- ways that the current winning hypothesis dic-
ory outcome (this is sometimes called the co- tates.10
rollary discharge). Comparisons between the Such predictions can be couched, at the
actual and the predicted sensory input are thus higher levels, in terms of desired states or traject-
enabled. ories specified using extrinsic (world-centered,
But motor control, in the leading versions limb-centered) co-ordinates. This is possible be-
of this kind of account, requires in addition the cause the required translation into intrinsic
development and use of a so-called inverse (muscle-based) co-ordinates is then devolved to
model (see e.g., Kawato 1999; Franklin & what are essentially classical reflex arcs set up to
Wolpert 2011). Where the forward model maps quash priorioceptive prediction errors. Thus:
current motor commands in order to predicted
sensory effects, the inverse model (also known if motor neurons are wired to suppress
as a controller) performs the opposite trans- proprioceptive prediction errors in the
formation [] determining the motor command dorsal horn of the spinal cord, they effect-
required to achieve some desired outcome
(Wolpert et al. 2003, p. 595). Learning and de- 10 For a simulation-based demonstration of the overall shape of the PP account, see
Friston et al. (2012). These simulations, as the authors note, turn out to imple-
ploying an inverse model appropriate to some ment the kind of active vision account put forward in Wurtz et al. (2011).

Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 8 | 21

ively implement an inverse model, map- mention of efference copy as such, but makes
ping from desired sensory consequences to widespread use of the more general concept of
causes in intrinsic (muscle-based) coordin- corollary dischargethough as those authors
ates. In this simplification of conventional note, the two terms are often used interchange-
schemes, descending motor commands be- ably in the literature. A more recent paper,
come topdown predictions of propriocept- Wurtz et al. (2011), mentions efference copy
ive sensations conveyed by primary and only once, and does so only to merge it with
secondary sensory afferents. (Friston 2011, discussions of corollary discharge (which then
p. 491) occur 114 times in the text). Similarly, there is
ample reason to believe that the cerebellum
The need (prominent in approaches such as plays a special role here, and that that role in-
Kawato 1999; Wolpert et al. 2003; and Franklin volves making or optimizing perceptual predic-
& Wolpert 2011) for a distinct inverse tions about upcoming sensory events (Bastian
model/optimal control calculation has now dis- 2006; Roth et al. 2013). But such a role is, of
appeared. In its place we find a more complex course, entirely consistent with the PP picture.
forward model mapping prior beliefs about de- This shows, I suggest, that it is the general
sired trajectories to sensory consequences, some concept of forward models (as used by e.g., Mi-
of which (the bottom level prorioceptive ones) all & Wolpert 1996) and corollary discharge,
are automatically fulfilled. rather than the more specific concept of effer-
The need for efference copy has also disap- ence copy as we defined it above, that enjoys
peared. This is because descending signals are the clearest support from both experimental
already (just as in the perceptual case) in the and cognitive neuroscience.
business of predicting sensory (both proprio- Efference copy figures prominently, of
ceptive and exteroceptive) consequences. By course, in one particular set of computational
contrast, so-called corollary discharge (encod- proposals. These proposals concern (in essence)
ing predicted sensory outcomes) is now endemic the positioning of forward models and corollary
and pervades the downwards cascade, since: discharges within a putative larger cognitive ar-
chitecture involving multiple paired forward and
[] every backward connection in the brain inverse models. In these paired forward inverse
(that conveys topdown predictions) can be model architectures (see e.g., Wolpert &
regarded as corollary discharge, reporting Kawato 1998; Haruno et al. 2003) motor com-
the predictions of some sensorimotor con- mands are copied to a stack of separate forward
struct. (Friston 2011, p. 492) models that are used to predict the sensory con-
sequences of actions. But acquiring and deploy-
This proposal may, on first encounter, strike the ing such an architecture, as even its strongest
reader as quite implausible and indeed too rad- advocates concede, poses a variety of extremely
ical. Isnt an account of the functional signific- hard computational challenges (see Franklin &
ance and neurophysiological reality of efference Wolpert 2011). The PP alternative neatly
copy one of the major success stories of contem- sidesteps many of these problemsas we shall
porary cognitive and computational neurso- see in section 2.4. The heavy lifting that is usu-
cience? In fact, most (perhaps all) of the evid- ally done by traditional efference copy, inverse
ence often assumed to favour that account is, on models, and optimal controllers is now shifted
closer examination, simply evidence of the per- to the acquisition and use of the predictive
vasive and crucial role of forward models and (generative) modeli.e., the right set of prior
corollary dischargeit is evidence, that is to probabilistic beliefs. This is potentially ad-
say, for just those parts of the traditional story vantageous if (but only if) we can reasonably
that are preserved (and made even more cent- assume that these beliefs emerge naturally as
ral) by PP. For example, Sommer & (Wurtzs top-down or empirical priors during hierarchical
influential (2008) review paper makes very little perceptual inference (Friston 2011, p. 492).
Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.
In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 9 | 21

The deeper reason that efference copy may Such cost functions (as Friston 2011, p. 496 ob-
be said to have disappeared in PP is thus that serves) resolve the many-one mapping problem
the whole (problematic) structure of paired for- that afflicts classical approaches to motor con-
ward and inverse models is absent. It is not trol. There are many ways of using ones body
needed, because some of the predicted sensory to achieve a certain goal, but the action system
consequences (the predicted proprioceptive tra- has to choose one way from the many available.
jectories) act as motor commands already. As a Such devices are not, however, needed within
result, there are no distinct motor commands to the framework on offer, since:
copy, and (obviously) no efference copies as
such. But one could equally well describe the In active inference, these problems are re-
forward-model-based predictions of propriocept- solved by prior beliefs about the trajectory
ive trajectories as minimal motor commands: (that may include minimal jerk) that
motor commands that operate (in essence) by uniquely determine the (intrinsic) con-
specifying results rather than by exerting fine- sequences of (extrinsic) movements. (Fris-
grained limb and joint control. These minimal ton 2011, p. 496)
motor commands (proprioceptive predictions)
clearly influence the even wider range of predic- Simple cost functions are thus folded into the
tions concerning the exteroceptive sensory con- expectations that determine trajectories of mo-
sequences of upcoming actions. The core func- tion. But the story does not stop there. For the
tionality that is normally attributed to the ac- very same strategy applies to the notion of de-
tion of efference copy is thus preserved in PP, as sired consequences and rewards at all levels.
is the forward-model-based explanation of core Thus we read that:
phenomena, such as the finessing of time-delays
(Bastian 2006) and the stability of the visual Crucially, active inference does not invoke
world despite eye-movements (Sommer & Wurtz any desired consequences. It rests only
2006; 2008). on experience-dependent learning and in-
ference: experience induces prior expecta-
2.4 Cost functions are absorbed by tions, which guide perceptual inference
predictions. and action. (Friston et al. 2011, p. 157)

Active inference also sidesteps the need for ex- Notice that there is no overall computational
plicit cost or value functions as a means of se- advantage to be gained by this reallocation of
lecting and sculpting motor response. It does duties. Indeed, Friston himself is clear that:
this (Friston 2011; Friston et al. 2012) by, in es-
sence, building these in to the generative model [] there is no free lunch when replacing
whose probabilistic predictions combine with cost functions with prior beliefs [since] it is
sensory inputs in order to yield behaviors. well-known [Littman et al. (2001)] that the
Simple examples of cost or value functions (that computational complexity of a problem is
might be applied to sculpt and select motor be- not reduced when formulating it as an in-
haviors) include minimizing jerk (the rate of ference problem. (2011, p. 492)
change of acceleration of a limb during some be-
havior) and minimizing rate of change of torque Nonetheless, it may well be that this realloca-
(for these examples see Flash & Hogan 1985 tion (in which cost functions are treated as pri-
and Uno et al. 1989 respectively). Recent work ors) has conceptually and strategically import-
on optimal feedback control minimizes more ant consequences. It is easy, for example, to spe-
complex mixed cost functions that address cify whole paths or trajectories using prior be-
not just bodily dynamics but also systemic liefs about (you guessed it) paths and trajector-
noise and the required accuracy of outcomes ies! Scalar reward functions, by contrast, specify
(see Todorov 2004; Todorov & Jordan 2002). points or peaks. The upshot is that everything
Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.
In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 10 | 21

that can be specified by a cost function can be extrinsic (task-centered) to intrinsic (e.g.,
specified by some prior over trajectories, but muscle-centered) co-ordinates: an inverse prob-
not vice versa. lem that is said to be both complex and ill-
Related concerns have led many working posed (Feldman 2009; Adams et al. 2013, p. 8).
roboticists to argue that explicit cost-function- In active inference the prior beliefs that guide
based solutions are inflexible and biologically motor action already map predictions couched
unrealistic, and should be replaced by ap- (at high levels) in extrinsic frames of reference
proaches that entrain actions in ways that im- onto proprioceptive effects defined over muscles
plicitly exploit the complex attractor dynamics and effectors, simply as part and parcel of or-
of embodied agents (see e.g., Thelen & Smith dinary online control.
1994; Mohan & Morasso 2011; Feldman 2009). By re-conceiving cost functions as implicit
One way to imagine this broad class of solutions in bodies of expectations concerning trajectories
(for a longer discussion, see Clark 2008, Ch. 1) of motion, PP-style solutions sidestep the need
is by thinking of the way you might control a to solve difficult (often intractable) optimality
wooden marionette simply by moving the equations during online processing (see Friston
strings attached to specific body parts. In such 2011; Mohan & Morasso 2011) andcourtesy of
cases: the complex generative modelfluidly accom-
modate signaling delays, sensory noise, and the
The distribution of motion among the many-one mapping between goals and motor
joints is the passive consequence of the programs. Alternatives requiring the distinct
[] forces applied to the end-effectors and and explicit computation of costs and values
the compliance of different joints. (Mo- thus arguably make unrealistic demands on on-
han & Morasso 2011, p. 5) line processing, fail to exploit the helpful char-
acteristics of the physical system, and lack bio-
Solutions such as these, which make maximal logically plausible means of implementation.
use of learnt or inbuilt synergies and the com- These various advantages come, however,
plex bio-mechanics of the bodily plant, can be at a price. For the full PP story now shifts
very fluently implemented (see Friston 2011; much of the burden onto the acquisition of
Yamashita & Tani 2008) using the resources of those prior beliefsthe multi-level, multi-
active inference and (attractor-based) generat- modal webs of probabilistic expectation that to-
ive models. For example, Namikawa et al. gether drive perception and action. This may
(2011) show how a generative model with multi- turn out to be a better trade than it at first ap-
timescale dynamics enables a fluent and decom- pears, since (see Clark in in press) PP describes
posable (see also Namikawa & Tani 2010) set of a biologically plausible architecture that is just
motor behaviors. In these simulations: about maximally well-suited to installing the re-
quisite suites of prediction, through embodied
Action per se, was a result of movements interactions with the training environments that
that conformed to the proprioceptive pre- we encounter, perturb, andat several slower
dictions of [] joint angles [and] perception timescalesactively construct.
and action were both trying to minimize
prediction errors throughout the hierarchy, 3 Putting predictive processing, body,
where movement minimized the prediction and world together again
errors at the level of proprioceptive sensa-
tions. (Namikawa et al. 2011, p. 4) An important feature of the full PP account
(see Friston 2009; Hohwy 2013; Clark in press)
Another example (which we briefly encountered is that the impact of specific prediction error
in the previous section) is the use of downward- signals can be systematically varied according
flowing prediction to side-step the need to to their estimated certainty or precision.
transform desired movement trajectories from The precision of a specific prediction error is
Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.
In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 11 | 21

its inverse variancethe size (if you like) of 3.1 Nesting simplicity within complexity
its error bars. Precision estimation thus has a
kind of meta-representational feel, since we Consider the well-known outfielders problem:
are, in effect, estimating the uncertainty of running to catch a fly ball in baseball. Giving
our own representations of the world. These perception its standard role, we might assume
ongoing (task and context-varying) estimates that the job of the visual system is to transduce
alter the weighting (the gain or volume, to use information about the current position of the
the standard auditory analogy) on select pre- ball so as to allow a distinct reasoning system
diction error units, so as to increase the im- to project its future trajectory. Nature, however,
pact of task-relevant, reliable information. seems to have found a more elegant and effi-
One key effect of this is to allow the brain to cient solution. The solution, a version of which
vary the balance between sensory inputs and was first proposed in Chapman (1968), involves
prior expectations at different levels (see Fris- running in a way that seems to keep the ball
ton 2009, p. 299) in ways sensitive to task and moving at a constant speed through the visual
context.11 High-precision prediction errors field. As long as the fielders own movements
have greater gain, and thus play a larger role cancel any apparent changes in the balls optical
in driving processing and response. More gen- acceleration, she will end up in the location
erally, variable precision-weighting may be where the ball hits the ground. This solution,
seen as the PP mechanism for implementing a OAC (Optical Acceleration Cancellation), ex-
wide range of attentional effects (see Feldman plains why fielders, when asked to stand still
& Friston 2010). and simply predict where the ball will land,
Subtle applications of this strategy, as we typically do rather badly. They are unable to
shall shortly see, allow PP to nest simple predict the landing spot because OAC is a
(quick and dirty) solutions within the larger strategy that works by means of moment-by-
context of a fluid, re-configurable inner eco- moment self-corrections that, crucially, involve
nomy; an economy in which rich, knowledge- the agents own movements. The suggestion
based strategies and fast, frugal solutions are that we rely on such a strategy is also con-
now merely different expressions of a unified un- firmed by some interesting virtual reality exper-
derlying web of processing. Within that web, iments in which the balls trajectory is suddenly
changing ensembles of inner resources are re- altered in flight, in ways that could not happen
peatedly recruited, forming and dissolving in in the real worldsee Fink et al. 2009). OAC is
ways determined by external context, current a succinct case of fast, economical problem-solv-
needs, and (importantly) by flexible precision- ing. The canny use of data available in the optic
weighting reflecting ongoing estimations of our flow enables the catcher to sidestep the need to
own uncertainty. This process of inner recruit- deploy a rich inner model to calculate the for-
ment is itself constantly modulated, courtesy of ward trajectory of the ball.12
the complex circular causal dance of sensorimo- Such strategies are suggestive (see also
tor engagement, by the evolving state of the ex- Maturana & Varela 1980) of a very different
ternal environment. In this way (as I shall now role of the perceptual coupling itself. Instead of
argue) many key insights from work on embodi- using sensing to get enough information inside,
ment and situated, world-exploiting action may past the visual bottleneck, so as to allow the
be comfortably accommodated within the emer- reasoning system to throw away the world
ging PP framework. and solve the problem wholly internally, such
11 Malfunctions of this precision-weighting apparatus have recently strategies use the sensor as an open conduit al-
been implicated in a number of fascinating proposals concerning the lowing environmental magnitudes to exert a
origins and persistence of various forms of mental disturbance, in-
cluding the emergence of delusions and hallucinations in schizo- constant influence on behavior. Sensing is here
phrenia, functional motor and sensory symptoms, Parkinsons dis-
ease, and autismsee Fletcher & Frith (2009), Frith & Friston 12 There are related accounts of how dogs catch Frisbeesa rather
(2012), Adams et al. (2012), Brown et al. (2013), Edwards et al. more demanding task due to occasional dramatic fluctuations in the
(2012), and Pellicano & Burr (2012). flight path (see Shaffer et al. 2004).

Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 12 | 21

depicted as the opening of a channel, with suc- This means giving high weighting to the predic-
cessful whole-system behavior emerging when tion errors associated with cancelling the ver-
activity in this channel is kept within a certain tical acceleration of the balls optical projection,
range. In such cases: and (to put it bluntly) not caring very much
about anything else. Apt precision weightings
[T]he focus shifts from accurately repres- here function to select what to predict at any
enting an environment to continuously en- given moment. They may thus select a pre-
gaging that environment with a body so as learnt, fast, low-cost strategy for solving a prob-
to stabilize appropriate co-ordinated pat- lem, as task and context dictate. Contextually-
terns of behaviour. (Beer 2000, p. 97) recruited patterns of precision weighting thus
accomplish a form of set-selection or strategy
These focal shifts may be fluidly accommodated switchingan effect already demonstrated in
within the PP framework. To see how, recall some simple simulations of cued reaching under
that precision weighting alters the gain on the influence of changing tonic levels of dopam-
specific prediction error units, and thus provides ine firingsee Friston et al. (2012).
a means of systematically varying the relative Fast, efficient solutions have also been pro-
influence of different neural populations. The posed in the context of reasoning and choice. In
most familiar role of such manipulations is to an extensive literature concerning choice and
vary the balance of influence between bottom- decision-making, it has been common to distin-
up sensory information and top-down model- guish between model-based and model-free
based expectation. But another important role approaches (see e.g., Dayan & Daw 2008; Dayan
is the implementation of fluid and flexible forms 2012; Wolpert et al. 2003). Model-based
of large-scale gating among neural popula- strategies rely, as their name suggests, on a
tions. This works because very low-precision model of the domain that includes information
prediction errors will have little or no influence about how various states (worldly situations)
upon ongoing processing, and will fail to recruit are connected, thus allowing a kind of prin-
or nuance higher-level representations. Altering cipled estimation (given some cost function) of
the distribution of precision weightings thus the value of a putative action. Such approaches
amounts, as we saw above, to altering the involve the acquisition and the (computationally
simplest circuit diagram (Aertsen & Preil challenging) deployment of fairly rich bodies of
1991) for current processing. When combined information concerning the structure of the
with the complex, cascading forms of influence task-domain. Model-free strategies, by contrast,
made available by the apparatus of top-down are said to learn action values directly, by trial
prediction, the result is an inner processing eco- and error, without building an explicit model of
nomy that is (see Clark in press) maximally the environment, and thus retain no explicit es-
context-sensitive. timate of the probabilities that govern state
This suggests a new angle upon the out- transitions (Glscher et al. 2010, p. 585). Such
fielders problem. Here too, already-active approaches implement policies that typically
neural predictions and simple, rapidly-processed exploit simple cues and regularities while non-
perceptual cues must work together (if PP is etheless delivering fluent, often rapid, response.
correct) to determine a pattern of precision- The model-based/model-free distinction is
weightings for different prediction-error signals. intuitive, and resonates with old (but increas-
This creates a pattern of effective connectivity ingly discredited) dichotomies between reason
(a temporary distributed circuit) and, within and habit, and between analytic evaluation and
that circuit, it sets the balance between top- emotion. But it seems likely that the image of
down and bottom-up modes of influence. In the parallel, functionally independent, neural sub-
case at hand, however, efficiency demands se- systems will not stand the test of time. For ex-
lecting a circuit in which visual sensing is used ample, a recent functional Magnetic Resonance
to cancel the optical acceleration of the fly ball. Imaging (fMRI) study (Daw et al. 2011) sug-
Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.
In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 13 | 21

gests that rather than thinking in terms of dis- neural models that benefit from repeated calls
tinct (functionally isolated) model-based and to world-altering action (as when we use a few
model-free learning systems, we may need to taps of the smartphone to carry out a complex
posit a single more integrated computational calculation).
architecture Daw et al. 2011, p. 1204), in Nor, finally, is there any fixed limit to the
which the different brain areas most commonly complexities of the possible strategic embed-
associated with model-based and model-free dings that might occur even within a single
learning (pre-frontal cortex and dorsolateral more integrated system. We might, for example,
striatum, respectively) each trade in both use some quick-and-dirty heuristic strategy to
model-free and model-based modes of evalu- identify a context in which to use a richer one,
ations and do so in proportions matching those or use intensive model-exploring strategies to
that determine choice behavior (Daw et al. identify a context in which a simpler one will
2011, p. 1209). Top-down information, Daw et do. From this emerging vantage point the very
al. (2011) suggest, might then control the way distinction between model-based and model-free
different strategies are combined in differing response (and indeed between System 1 and
contexts for action and choice. Within the PP System 2) looks increasingly shallow. These are
framework, this would follow from the embed- now just convenient labels for different admix-
ding of shallow model-free responses within a tures of resource and influence, each of which is
deeper hierarchical generative model. By thus recruited in the same general way as circum-
combining the two modes within an overarching stances dictate.13
model-based economy, inferential machinery
can, by and large, identify the appropriate con- 3.2 Being human
texts in which to deploy the model-free (ha-
bitual) schemes. Model-based and model- There is nothing specifically human, however,
free modes of valuation and response, if this is about the suite of mechanisms explored above.
correct, name extremes along a single con- The basic elements of the predictive processing
tinuum, and may appear in many mixtures and story, as Roepstorff (2013, p. 45) correctly
combinations determined by the task at hand. notes, may be found in many types of organism
This suggests a possible reworking of the and model-system. The neocortex (the layered
popular suggestion (Kahneman 2011) that hu- structure housing cortical columns that provides
man reasoning involves the operation of two the most compelling neural implementation for
functionally distinct systems: one for fast, auto- predictive processing machinery) displays some
matic, habitual response, and the other dedic- dramatic variations in size but is common to all
ated to slow, effortful, deliberative reasoning. mammals. What, then, makes us (superficially
Instead of a truly dichotomous inner organiza- at least) so very different? What is it that al-
tion, we may benefit from a richer form of or- lows usunlike dogs, chimps, or dolphinsto
ganization in which fast, habitual, or heuristic- latch on to distal hidden causes that include not
ally-based modes of response are often the de- just food, mates, and relative social rankings,
fault, but within which a large variety of pos- but also neurons, predictive processing, Higgs
sible strategies may be available. Humans and bosons, and black holes?
other animals would thus deploy multiplerich, One possibility (Conway & Christiansen
frugal and all points in betweenstrategies 2001) is that adaptations of the human neural
defined across a fundamentally unified web of apparatus have somehow conspired to create, in
neural resources (for some preliminary explora- us, an even more complex and context-flexible
tion of this kind of more integrated space, see
13 Current thinking about switching between model-free and model-
Pezzulo et al. 2013). Some of those strategies based strategies places them squarely in the context of hierarchical
will involve the canny use of environmental inference, through the use of Bayesian parameter averaging. This
structure efficient embodied prediction ma- essentially associates model-free schemes with simpler (less complex)
lower levels of the hierarchy that may, at times, need to be contextu-
chines, that is to say, will often deploy minimal alized by (more complex) higher levels.

Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 14 | 21

hierarchical learning system than is found in posed in the course of embodied action to novel
other animals. Insofar as the predictive pro- patterns of sensory stimulation, may thus acquire
cessing framework allows for rampant context- forms of knowledge that were genuinely out-of-
dependent influence within the distributed hier- reach prior to such physical-manipulation-based
archy, the same basic operating principles might re-tuning of the generative model. Action and
(given a few new opportunities for routing and perception thus work together to reduce predic-
influence) result in the emergence of qualitat- tion error against the more slowly evolving back-
ively novel forms of behavior and control. Such drop of a culturally distributed process that
changes might explain why human agents dis- spawns a succession of designed environments
play what Spivey (2007, p. 169) describes as an whose impact on the development (e.g., Smith &
exceptional sensitivity to hierarchical structure Gasser 2005) and unfolding (Hutchins 2014) of
in any time-dependent signal. human thought and reason can hardly be overes-
Another (possibly linked, and certainly timated.
highly complementary) possibility involves a po- To further appreciate the power and scope
tent complex of features of human life, in par- of such re-shaping, recall that the predictive
ticular our ability to engage in temporally co- brain is not doomed to deploy high-cost, model-
coordinated social interaction (see Roepstorff et rich strategies moment-by-moment in a de-
al. 2010) and our ability to construct artifacts manding and time-pressured world. Instead,
and design environments. Some of these ingredi- that very same apparatus supports the learning
ents have emerged in other species too. But in and contextually-determined deployment of low-
the human case the whole mosaic comes to- cost strategies that make the most of body,
gether under the influence of flexible and struc- world, and action. A maximally simple example
tured symbolic language (this was the target of is painting white lines along the edges of a
the Conway and Christiansen paper mentioned winding cliff-top road. Such environmental al-
above) and an almost obsessive drive (To- terations allow the driver to solve the complex
masello et al. 2005) to engage in shared cultural problem of keeping the car on the road by (in
practices. We are thus able to redeploy our core part) predicting the ebb and flow of various
cognitive skills in the transformative context of simpler optical features and cues (see e.g., Land
exposure to what Roepstorff et al. (2010) call 2001). In such cases, we are building a better
patterned sociocultural practices. These in- world in which to predict, while simultaneously
clude the use of symbolic codes (encountered as structuring the world to cue the low-cost
material symbols (Clark 2006) and complex strategy at the right time.
social routines (Hutchins 1995, 2014)and
more general, all the various ploys and 3.3 Extending the predictive mind
strategies known as cognitive niche construc-
tion (see Clark 2008). All this suggests a very natural model of ex-
A simple example is the way that learning tended cognition (Clark & Chalmers 1998;
to perform mental arithmetic has been scaffolded, Clark 2008), where this is simply the idea that
in some cultures, by the deliberate use of an aba- bio-external structures and operations may
cus. Experience with patterns thus made available sometimes form integral parts of an agents cog-
helps to install appreciation of many complex nitive routines. Nothing in the PP framework
arithmetical operations and relations (for discus- materially alters, as far as I can tell, the argu-
sion of this, see Stigler 1984). The specific ex- ments previously presented, both pro and con,
ample does not matter very much, to be sure, but regarding the possibility and actuality of genu-
the general strategy does. In such cases, we struc- inely extended cognitive systems.14 What PP
ture (and repeatedly re-strutcture) our physical 14 For a thorough rehearsal of the positive arguments, see Clark
and social environments in ways that make avail- (2008). For critiques, see Rupert (2004, 2009), Adams & Aizawa
able new knowledge and skillssee Landy & (2001), and Adams & Aizawa (2008). For a rich sampling of the
ongoing debate, see the essays in Menary (2010) and Estany &
Goldstone (2005). Prediction-hungry brains, ex- Sturm (2014).

Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 15 | 21

does offer, however, is a specific and highly ex- kind of meta-Bayesian model-based resolu-
tension-friendly proposal concerning the shape tion.
of the specifically neural contribution to cognit- Seen from this perspective, the selection of
ive success. To see this, reflect on the fact that task-specific inner neural coalitions within an
known external (e.g., environmental) operations interaction-dominated PP economy is entirely
provideby partly constitutingadditional on a par with the selection of task-specific
strategies apt for the kind of meta-model- neuralbodilyworldly ensembles. The recruit-
based selection described above. This is be- ment and use of extended (brainbodyworld)
cause actions that engage and exploit specific problem-solving ensembles now turns out to
external resources will now be selected in just obey many of the same basic rules, and reflects
the same manner as the inner coalitions of many of the same basic normative principles
neural resources themselves. Minimal internal (balancing efficacy and efficiency, and reflecting
models that involve calls to world-recruiting ac- complex precision estimations) as does the re-
tions may thus be selected in the same way as a cruitment of temporary inner coalitions bound
purely internal model. The availability of such by effective connectivity. In each case, what is
strategies (of trading inner complexity against selected is a temporary problem-solving en-
real-world action) is the hallmark of embodied semble (a temporary task-specific devicesee
prediction machines. Anderson et al. 2012) recruited as a function of
As a simple illustration, consider the work context-varying estimations of uncertainty.
undertaken by Pezzulo et al. (2013). Here, a so-
called Mixed Instrumental Controller determ- 4 Conclusion: Towards a mature science
ines whether to choose an action based upon a of the embodied mind
set of simple, pre-computed (cached) values,
or by running a mental simulation enabling a By self-organizing around prediction error, and
more flexible, model-based assessment of the de- by learning a generative rather than a merely
sirability, or otherwise, of actually performing discriminative (i.e., pattern-classifying) model,
the action. The mixed controller computes the these approaches realize many of the goals of
value of information, selecting the more in- previous work in artificial neural networks, ro-
formative (but costly) model-based option only botics, dynamical systems theory, and classical
when that value is sufficiently high. Mental sim- cognitive science. They self-organize around pre-
ulation, in such cases, then produces new re- diction error signals, perform unsupervised
ward expectancies that can determine current learning using a multi-level architecture, and ac-
action by updating the values used to determine quire a satisfying gripcourtesy of the problem
choice. We can think of this as a mechanism decompositions enabled by their hierarchical
that, moment-by-moment, determines (as dis- formupon structural relations within a do-
cussed in previous sections) whether to exploit main. They do this, moreover, in ways that are
simple, already-cached routines or to explore a firmly grounded in the patterns of sensorimotor
richer set of possibilities using some form of experience that structure learning, using con-
mental simulation. It is easy to imagine a ver- tinuous, non-linguaform, inner encodings (prob-
sion of the mixed controller that determines (on ability density functions and probabilistic infer-
the basis of past experience) the value of the in- ence). Precision-based restructuring of patterns
formation that it believes would be made avail- of effective connectivity then allow us to nest
able by some kind of cognitive extension, such simplicity within complexity, and to make as
as the manipulation of an abacus, an iPhone, or much (or as little) use of body and world as
a physical model. Deciding when to rest, con- task and context dictate.
tent with a simple cached strategy, when to de- This is encouraging. It might even be that
ploy a more costly mental simulation, and when models in this broad ballpark offer us a first
to exploit the environment itself as a cognitive glimpse of the shape of a fundamental and uni-
resource are thus all options apt for the same fied science of the embodied mind.
Clark, A. (2015). Embodied Prediction.
In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 7(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570115 16 | 21

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