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Ralph Santos

Writing 39C



Anteater Mentality

The current mentality I have when producing writing pieces stems from my freshman

year in high school. Reading was something I did not enjoy when I was young. However, when

I took my freshman year English class with Mr. Connelly in high school, thats when I started to

develop the strategies I use to enjoy reading and generate interesting essays. That class taught me

to connect the literature I read to my life experiences and to be open minded to expand and

improve my writing pieces. As a whole, the strategies I learned during my freshman year in high

school laid a foundation on how I planned and created work for my English classes throughout

high school.

The first step in my writing process involves understanding the prompt and creating a

structure for my writing piece. This is the time where I write on loose paper how I want my essay

to be structured per paragraph. After this step, I find concrete evidence that supports my essay,

and incorporate each evidence I find to the structure I made in step one. Most of the time, this is

the step where I restructure the essay accordingly until I find the perfect structure that suits the

prompt and my purpose. The final step involves the writing and revision process. I value peer

editing and feedback I get from my instructors, and this step involves a lot of interaction between

myself and my peers to help create the final draft of my pieces. - this link highlights

my process in creating a paper for Writing 39B. Notice the fact that I have several drafts that

highlights the revisions I took based on the comments I received from my professor at the time.
As I entered writing and collegiate level writing, I followed my process that I have been

using since high school. I really enjoyed the novel we read and the products we had to create for

Writing 39B. The fact that we created not just a writing piece, but a product of our choosing for

the class helped me become more creative, and gave visuals to my ideas about our novel and

rhetorical strategies. - this was my Rhetoric in Practice project for Writing 39B. I

enjoyed creating this website that provided a visual about my thought process about rhetorical

thinking and the novel in that class.

Since Writing 39C involves non-fiction and is based on heavy research, I expect my

known strategies to work well in this class. I expect to have an open-mind about the topics we

are about to cover, and hopefully come up with great ideas for the pieces we will produce this


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