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Thi p111 po ~,. ol th t lllrrt't l!vl,w pt 1vlo11,ly ~,,l,u I ,111,I d1ll111 ,, Tl,1', 11111!1,ol .tll11w,, 1.1111l1111,. I. Ll1;t a:.

~,,l,u I ,111,I d1ll111 ,, Tl,1', 11111!1,ol .tll11w,, 1.1111l1111,. I. Ll1;t a:. 111.111y 11,111~ a.
Ins t, union 11111dPI 1,. ~httplc: lt-,11 tttd 111,11,1l.11 h.1v1 ,11111,nt-.1u11,t1 11,1 ,111 rnttnpl ll11111 tt(h I h1 111 ~h11n llll'it' 11111l11:,t,111dl11,-i JH>11,lhl1 11ta1 ,J11
to provldt' l11form.1t lo11 Not 2. St.111 111Jj,-cllv,:, 11>1 tlll' 11111 l111:t:1111ll111t .11111 11111np1'1: 1:.,;11111111 ol ,11 11111,pl .11111 1111'11 lo .1:,,od.11111 w ith 11t1
\ n lil ro11 lusrd with 1,~,;uu d1ll11lll1111 111" 111111,pl l11 dt,trlll'IPl l:ll ii"( t .cn 1111g1 111 mn<llly 1h111 1:11hj t-rt
lrrturlng. pro p11 Ill rn111lns :1 l'n t,,.111 , ... w 111.11t1l.1I 11 ... 11 11w11 w111d,. 11111111,-il, 'I. l>,-v,lop 1x11111pl,.., .111d 111111,1.1.111dl11g hy :!. (;roup I lw 11,111,
lots of m odeling. , 1 wnd 1. (;u id,- prnrtlt o, 11,::,..,,, r xpo, 111, lo llllltll' l 011', lllllll'Xll llllll11, 1111,r,111l11g with th,lr p,.,,r,;' l11:l':c11 w 1111:y ,m .tllilc
I f'lt ,1st of n, pun, t1111i1y f11r p,1fnn11,t111 ,., .11111 ,x.1111pl,..:. Thlri I, " v,11:tl :1. llt-vl1w lilt' C1t1tf'<'pl 11111l1l",l,111dl11)('1lhr1111gh 1111 111 ~.111111 w:ry
i;raffoldlng), a nd lol'. of provld1 101T1rl IV<' 11111d1l lor l11trnd11d11g 111 ,11111 l\ll :ti1tt1ll' III pt Ill 1:1,1 d (VP)opu11 11I p1 (H ~ :r, :i l..,lwl tit, 1:ro11ps hy
fl'l'clharlc, which lr1t11ri11g 1,t,lh.rrk ll ('W I Oll<:tpl :1 Ill :1l11d11tt:,. with tl11 fiw. : 1lcf111l11g !11< n .1,on: for
doc~ 1101 prnvld1. !i. 1hs lg11 l11il1p111d1111 Tl11 101111pl 111.,y 111 ,rl,,11 .111 'I l',,...1111 11t,, x.1111pl,... Thb 111od1I w111'1<-; w,11 ., ...1 1:-ro11pi11g
Tlworl'llc:al fo1111d:1tw11, pra,ttr c. ,1::sr:; (1',V., ,i,11101'f',1ry, l't'l<'ttdr:hlp) r.. 1;,,11,1,11,, hyp111h1,:11: pn:-a,1.cs1,1111111 lw1.111.~ 11 'I . H1:gro11p or ~1,h,l11111
lnrlude hl'havlot ,rl p1 rf nn11:111n .11,d 111 , 111w1<t1 (1.g. a :IJll'd tl, .11,d n 111tl11111' ,-x,1111plr/ ,dlow:: 111,: lr:tr htr 10 :111 lltms o r
11,ychology, ,:orr:11 l1'arn1n1: pro vldr r 11rr1rllvl' 1:t ,1111111,ll lt'.d 11111, ., 1.p1d1:: ). /, hypnt l11s1!: ryd1 wh.11 i:111d1111s ,1ln,1dy lt11ow whol1 group, 11111l1r
tll('ot y, .111(1 ro1:111tlv1 f1Nllt.11 I< '/ . ll1vrl11p :t 11111npt l.tlH'I ,th11111 .111p,.dfrr tnpk The 1111t,r group:.
le.1rnl11 1-: tlwory /,. H,vhw 1wrl11cllo'.rlly. .111d 1ltll11lll1111 pr111 , ..,., al-:11 ,tllow, lor :. Sy111lw~l'l.f tlw
0ll1:rl11g rn1T1111v,- II l' t o vld1 1t::1 1xa111pl,... 11tl:i:011np11011:. 111 111111w l11fon11:,tlo111,y
l'u~,ihilities 101 f1,dlt.11 k It 11111",,.11 y 111 ::nlldlly 1111' d11l11lllo11 .1111I h, n11't'1c11d C1111np1 ~111n111;111z111g the: da1.1
cl1ffcr e ntia tio11 1nd11d1 hut 'I, lll!:n,:,s 1111' pro,,:::. l),v1l11p111l't1I ,1l:,o worl<~ " ,11111 f'o t llllllf',
.11 1 not llt11 it1d to tl1xil,l1 with 1111 da:::, .1l11r11rntlv1 .1:::.r::1:11lf'1tl g,1wrallza1 lom
grou plnJ.:S fo r j.tllld rd ( ,,t 11d,111 , ,h.,r, .11111 , olidily
pr.ictlr<. ,callold lttJ.: lor tlll'lr l,.1rnl11g) or ,1; :t 111111 V.,rlallnn!,: Tcadtc r m,ty
na dlues~ lhrottKh tor or~::111lzl111: ,,..ty!, or prnvld1 hralns torttwrl lt~t
qucs lionlng, varl:111n In pt l",l'lll:itl11 11, . ., 11d /11r l.11t,+:
lll,llrrial., :111d s lri111'J(ics ill
s tep 3, a ud l:111g11agl'
,is~~t.,ncc for r l'a<h tHss.

111 thb model, ~111d111b Expl111,. th, prnhl,111 Tl11 S11, h111a11 l11q11i1 y 11 111dl'i Sdcrt a pt ohl ,111 ,111d 'l'ht, 11111d1l wa: 11<-vl'iopnl I E11gav,1
a ssume the role ol prohlc m lJsc :111 Inq uiry rlt;1rt worlti: 111111 h Ill a v.a1111 of t'1111d11r 1 n., e:11Th to 11.wh hlc,lully .111cl l.. Expion
s olvPrs auil 1111 tcarh<r (gr,tph lc o rg:1t1ll.1r ) In 1w1111y q111sl111111:. '1'111 l. l111 rnrl 11n tl11: pron::,:: 1111,gr.,t ,d sdcnn :s, hut hai; 3. Expl:rln
,1ss111ncs llw roll' ol coa rh o r 111:ip liarnlng lc,1d111 Is llw ,11111'1'1 ol ,111d prr,1111' 1ho ,l 11n lll'n,111, pop11l,1r 111 -1 . Elahorat1
tutor. lltthkc tht S11rhm:111 ]. Sh:1n dif'll-n 11t 1111111 tllallon :t11rl lht prohlr111 111:tt h1111a l lrs. as w cII .,s :1. Evaluate
Inquiry m od el. tlw J'rohhm- ~ol11tlo11~ , 111d111t , an 0 11 ly ,1llow1,t 111 :1. (;a1h1r d,11 ,1 oth,r ('011t111t ,ma~. Thb
ll:ised m od el c:111 ,1.~.\1111w 'I . Tal<I' art lo 11 :rs lt yes/no q1ws1lo111: a., tlwy 'I . lfrV<'lop :i llwory :111<1 111orl1I t a kc~ ., "rlisrovc, y"
multiple cornrt ~ol111lo11s . w11rl<toward a s pcrlllc v1rlly a pp road, to lc:arnlng,
(Think pcrfor111.111 n i r o rr11t :111,w11 . This I,;., !i. Explah1 tltt: rlwory :r11d 111akl11g II ,l111il.1r to oth11
assessme nt, hut 011 a s maller rc:illy Kood m od,l for ::late 1111 rnll':; i111p1iry m nd1I::.
sta le}. This 111 od1I Is h111 lo ill'lpl111: , 111d111b cl1vrl11p .1~,111 l:rl1d wit h It
dlffcnntratlntt w ith. q111s1Ion Ing ,:kills . (, . l\11aly'l.c the 111 oi:1ss
7. Ev:rl11a1t

Thi;; nwdel h elps s tudents 1. Clwnsc the llxt - S1uclcnt s prepare: 1111'11' Th h n,,,d,, I ;, llr,w , :.lll rlr: ri L~ 1,1,t,,11 the fa<.t:,
writtcn. ,,s u.1I. or .11111io helps s tude nts a nalyze positions lo dl:.r:uh:, rn u ltlpl<: prtlnrn l t,, th 1.,1,n fliU
dc?\'elop a g~app ropn:1te
d isc u ssion sk,lls fo r 2. Plan and r h1s1,,r s ,v,ral multiple! sicks 11f .i n Is s ue, 'L . St uclcnl prr::,c nt and pc r:,pr:r.tlvc:, r,11 :i 2. ldr: ntlfy tht ,,,.,,,,,m,
fo r
rontro, -ers1al or multi -s idtd qu,s tl,rns of varying this model works wtII with a dvrH'alr llw lr po ~h lon :, rrrntrov:ril;,I 11, plr. 111/t/u,111 th< " ' 111,r,,, tho; f,;-:linv,.-:
top1 . It 1~ n o t .1 deb att.'. T he! c,,g1111ivc d ,maml iSSUL'S arr m on t WCI 3. Op<!II cllsc11sslon and Uff/UlrllJ . l(r:1;r)lutl1,n ,,r ,,f tlw p11nlr.1p;,n ,, .-nd
focus 1s o n hstemng . 3. lntrodu.:c th, m odel to sidl',I, or bina ry , wllh a nlrnllals Conflict h!:lp, ti1ud r:n l'1 hw,,: th : ,,,.,.,,m1 fr,r th<l',t:
ar.ic ulao o n 011dc:is. ;m d the stud,n ts similar ,,fft!ct : you r s tude nts 4. Reve rs e pos itions ,rilutl o n, to pro lilr:111~ 111 f,:rllng.-,
respt"Ct Stu jtnts ,!c, 11111 -1. Conduc t t ilt' d 1srnssion will rnns icle r hnlh s iclcs ol S. Synth es rt.c and loKIC, not ,, m1,tl<J11. Thlr. I, 3 l'rup1JA: 1,1,lr;tir,m, :,r,d
ha,e to re:ith a comnhlll 5. R,v1cw .md Mlllllll,1n1.P .111 issuc wi1ho111 s rrr.:11ning in1r1:ra 1c 1hr: lwsl rHil a deba te, hut PJlhr: r ;,11 rr~11,,w th:rr p1r,:.1bl,;
decision, but they sh ould t ill' diSC'USS Hln :11111 rant ing. T his model cvldence Into a jol111 exr:rtl;r, In lb t:nlnK .111!1 ,,rr.., ,
e, pan d t ht'1r thinkmg .rnd 6. Ev.1!11,11,, tlw ,lisru sSl(lll r<'q nircs n1rnpro111/se. po s ition court<:,y 1 IJ;<. ldt r,n th<: h<:,t
.:~me to .in edu .1t ,d with th<' s tude nts h.1scd St ude n ts h ave to he a bl e to (, . l'n:s,:nl the gronp rr,1,lutic,n a11d
persc,nal decis ion or on previously Sl,lll'd cl den cl hnl h shies o f rlw synthes is Informa l f11rmatlvt hypc,tht.111 wh;.t t h,;
v1e wpom, on the t opic. crit c ri.1 issu e in nrtlcr In s11r ( 11cl. 7 . c;rnu p p ron!~,lng oft hc: ai.:;c~sm,: nt happcn, cm~ q ucnq:, 111 J ld b,:
Ob1e.:t1\'es a n d :is:-<'S-"ml'nL" co n trovc r!.y a nd thn,u~hout the quw,tiuuing ~ IJ1'.1.u., , 1m1l;.r
should t.1rgct higher-or d ,1 s,,,, M,111 Co1w l.1nd's Sorrnti.- Prior to rlass, ide ntify a participat io n o f r rnc<:,,. ~t ucfont, .hould ~1tua ww,
thmkm g sk1IL . Teachtr C,rc/cs Fo~r,rin_q Cnr11:o/ 1111d topic .1s w ell ,1s age- 111 e111lre rs ar trcula t<: tlui il rr,1,cming r,. 11,. 1- n 1 d 1.:1.1,1m
should esnhhsh both Crtorrw Th111k111,11 111 /\liddlc appropriate 111atr ria ls he h ind t lH:l r r <:.pun.t',. and lc,,,i, for ;, ltJ.:ma ,., .,
con tent a nd be h a,ior al 0 11d H(q h School for nrnlt iplc s upporting each s itle of l lH' E~~ay ~ can d ernr1 n,trat: ~rilr1ti1,n,
o b1ecn,es s imple ;m d complex issu e (or le t aclvancccl rea~c,nln~ i;killi:. H<il : pl;iy~ 7 Ar riv ;,,t
vcrs ion s (e.g. twn-ring, fish stud 1'11ls icle nlify I heir own o r gra p h ic illuara1i,,n~ tan w n,.r;,I,:,..;, (()II',

bow l). sourer m a te rials). Yo n aho lllu l>lra11 ,111d rnt.' P, r.v..i luat,,
s hould provid e ins truct ion s n ,a~<mlng :;kill. Thh m r,dd
n r.1lly ;rnd in wri ling. T hcn alignl> w ell to m:, ny (.r1mmr,n
pair stud11Hs: four s tud1:nt s Cor e litcr,H '/ ,t;,nda rc.l,
>Cr rou ), l W O Cl s 1cl1.
lntc r s
1. Choost.' th~ cl ,1t,1 ur T he pnrpn~C' oft h e 1. !'Ian for the intc:grativc Syncclln h s r c1.1f1u illy V1:r,1,,n I
goes b eyo nd ob\'lous caust!s topic, .1ct ion , or integrative m odel is to h elp mm.lei dcl>i g11cc.l to enha n r;r: I I> .rnhr h e tnprc
a nd e ffects by forcing proble m to h e studen t~ make s,ns r of 2. l)csc r ihc, t0mparc, cr eat ive proble m '>Olvlng hy 2 <:reaU: d 1r ctt a na lo~e-;
students t o a na lyze e\'ents analyzed complex .111d rich a nd s eaffh for pa ltr:rn~ having s t ud e n t\ coMdously 3. IJcscn h: per,;onal
fo r pnorcauscs and 'l.. Ask for r:tuscs and rela tionships fou nd in you r In a data set d e velop analogle ~ that allow an;,log11:'>
subsequent (long-tern,) s upport for tho se! clis ciplilH'. Tlw mod el 3 . Expla in the identillcd ;, n c m r,tional ::i, w ell as a 4 ldenafy compr>?~'i'!d
e ffects that may a t first s eem cau s es supports critical thinking s imilarities a n d r atirmal a p proach to t h c cnnO,ct,
u nrelated. T he model a lso 3. Ask for c1Tec1s .in d strategics while helping diffe rcnCt!S <;olut io n . Vc r~i on 1 allow , 5. Cr eate;, new dir ect
a llows s tudents to dra w support students learn s p ecific 4 . llypothcs l:1.e what s tudcn h to look d eep ly a t a nalogy
co nclus io ns s pecific to the 4. Ask for prior caus es .rncl con cepts, facts , a nc.1 wou ld happen under s ometh ing ( o r s <i m eone) 6. Re-e:aimine the
e vent being a na lyzed a nd s upport C" lwr.i lizatio ns. d iffe re nt con ditions t hey t h ink t hey already n n gm a l topic
ge nerahzations unbound by 5. Ask fo r s ubsequent 5. Make b road kn ow , and th rough t ht
time or place. effects and s uppo rt
Formative as ses sment is generalizatio ns a b o ut t r eatlon o f a n ana logy they Ve rsion 2
6. Ask for con clu s io ns
offered t hrough qu estion t h e topic and the an: forced to lonk a t th a t 1 P r ovide info rmation
7. Ask fo r generalization s
a nd answer. Stude nts s h ould discu ssio n t h ing fro m a ne w and d e e per 2 Pn:se nt the a n alogy
h e a ccount a hie for pe rs p ective rm aking th e 3 . Use personal a nalogy
ind ivid ual s ummaries and fam iliar , tra nge7. to c r,.::it e c nmpresse: J
gene r aliza tio n s about the Ve r,;ion 2 allowi; students cnnniru
topic (s te p 5 ). This can hi! a ccrss to cl iffl cult, unfamilia r 4 . Com p are t h e
' - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - . i . . . :c.:.:
I _ _ _..L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L!;:concepts by way of - - - ~ ~_ _compre'i'>ed tonO ict

entries, exit slips, working comparin g the unfamiliar to with the subject
through additional something fa miliar through 5. Identify differences
problems, etc. Evaluation an analogy that you, the 6. Re-examine the
criteria may include the teacher, provide. The model original subject
number and quality of the works well because students 7. Create new direct
comparisons ancl the logic have to be able to identify analogies
and quality of the both similarities and
explanations. differences between the two
Differentiate by
manipul~ting the dat;1set,
by varying the level of
complexity and abstraction,
or by highlighting specific
pieces of information to play
to student interest. Students
may be part of developing
the data sets by putting
together matrices or graphs
to be explored. Que~tions
can he ersonalizcd.
!...,;~ +
This is a dangerous model! 1. Introduce the jigsaw This is a grc,1t cooperative 1. Prepare the graffiti These nine broad teaching
Beware! It's dangerous 1. Assign heterogeneously learning model that gets questions and group strategics have positive
because it has a tendency to grouped students to students up and moving and number and effects on student learning 2. Summarizing and note
hreak down at step 5, "Hold expert and learning interacting with their composition and are easily incorporated taking
Individuals Accountable." groups classmates, a nd there are 2. Distribute materials into any of the previous 3. Reinforcing effort and
Students' learning will only 2. Explain the task ,md lots of vcrsions--gallery 3. Groups answer models. providing recognition
be as specific and assemble expert groups strolls, silent graffiti, etc. questions 4. Homework and practice
measurable as the objectives 3. Allow expert groups to This model can also be used 4. Exchange questions 5. Nonlinguistic
you give your expert groups. process information as a diagnostic or fo rmative 5. Return to the original representations
If you give your expert 4. Experts teach in their assessment. The key is question, summarize, 6. Cooperative learning
groups a vague goal, they learning group individual accountability. and make 7. Setting objectives and
will in turn teach vague 5. Hold individuals generalizations providing feedback
concepts, and you'll have accou ntable 6. Share information 8. Generating and testing
nothing to hold your 6. Evaluate the jigsaw 7. Evaluate the group hypotheses
students accountable fo r. process process 9. Cues, questions, and
This model is attempted all advance organizers
the time, but seldom
successfully. Do not dumb
down your objectives just
because your students a re
teaching. Every student
ultimately needs to become
an expert in every objective.
Expert groups need very
clear objectives so they
know exactly what to teach.

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