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World History Project Reflection

After completing the unit one project about our own choice of topic, which we choose
The American Revolution. There were some obstacles during the time we work on this project
since this is a very new topic to us, weve never learned about the American Revolution before,
so we had to do a deep research about it. At first, we were going to make a comic book because
we thought it was a fun way to educate about the American revolution, but we couldnt come
up with a visualize plan. So, we decided to create a newspaper that will provide a deeper
information about the topic. It wasnt difficult to layout the newspaper, but it is time-consuming
since we had to edit many things to finalize the project including paraphrasing the information
and coordinate fonts with the theme. We did not know how should we print at first, but we
came up with a solution by taping the A3 together making them resemble the real newspaper.
It took us days to finish but the result was a stunning newspaper. This is definitely the proudest
project weve ever done this year.

From what weve learned from researching the information for the newspaper, we could
visualize how it is connected to what weve learned during the Unit 1 in class. John Locke, an
English philosopher who rejected the idea that king had a divine right to rule by arguing with
his theory that people are the source of power. He also stated that people are born with natural
rights which are life, liberty, and property and that everyone is equal. People formed a
government to defend their rights by agreeing to obey to the government who has the duty to
protect the rights of the people in return through a social contract. Moreover, Locke influenced
the Founding Father by arguing that in some circumstances, revolution is not only a right but
an obligation. However, Thomas Hobbes is also another principle influence on the founding
documents with his similar perspective to John Locke including social contracts, equality, and
natural rights. These ideas have a contribution on the U.S. Constitution which is based on the
idea of democracy. Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence is deeply
inspired by Lockes democratic idea through his book Second Treatise on Government which
he read last three times, and Hobbes tendency towards self-preservation which determines the
phrase Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. As can we see, both John Locke and
Thomas Hobbes were the major influence that helped shape the United States.

As for the short summaries of other groups presentation on their revolution, The France
Revolution, is as known as The revolution of 1799 was a time period in which radicalism was
seen in France. People would protest and revolt in many different ways. In another word,
France was the Reign of Terror, where thousands of people were prosecuted and killed for
being enemies of the revolutionary republic by using Guillotine and The Glorious Revolution
or The Bloodless Revolution was not a war. No soldiers went into battle, and no shots were
fired, but it was the overthrown of King James II of England by a union of English
Parliamentarians with the Dutch stadtholder William III, Prince of Orange.

Jamie Jidapa Wachiradejkul 1106

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