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Culture is the programation mental of a

community in a specific environment that covers
CULTURE a group of people conditioned by the same
educational experiences and terms of life. The
culture refers to the set of values, beliefs,
convictions and ideas that a group has acquired
over their experiences and form part of his life.

Activity economic organized for the production,

transformation, marketing, administration or
custody of godos or for assistance of services.
COMPANY Has as purpose crate custome, in that sense
the Company trading has two crucial functions:
marketing and innovation.

Application of new technologies or production

processes. Introduction of new products,
INNOVATION processes or services on the market what open
up the possibility of producing the same goods
using fewer resources, new or better quality
goods , constituting an important element for
economic growth.

Capacity for do front to the obligations economic

in the date from his expiration; is can do by
LIQUIDEZ conversion of a active in money cash or

It is a formal document, elaborated in writing,

clearly defining the objectives of a business and
BUSINESS PLAN describes the methods to be used to achieve
them. The Business Plan helps you allocate
resources properly, complications of unexpected
, and make good decisions.

Name what framing the roles and responsibilities

ROLE under the good performance of a position or office
inside of a Company.

Benefits obtained by a company in connection with

PROFITABILITY its sales revenue or capital employed.

Process of experimentation with real industry

through the Nations united equipment
DESIGN BUSSINES entrepreneur design the plan from business from
his Company.

BRAND Sign used to distinguish products and services of

a company of the of other.

Activity through which is confronted the

aspects technical and market identified in the
investigation and the cohesion of the equipment
VALIDACIN entrepreneur with information submitted by they
at form for project selection. As result final, the
manager business gets the arguments is will
present before the committee evaluation and

Process of interaction with competitors,

COMMERCIAL customers and suppliers to validate and provide
VALIDATION feedback on the formulated business strategies.

Condition in which there are chances that

something untoward occurs that does not allow
RISK the positive result is expected. It is anticipated
conjugate calculation and possible losses of
threats and weaknesses

PUBLIC Set of people which are directed activities and

OBJECTIVE programs of generation of culture enterprising
Benefits gets a company in relation to its sales
PROFITABILITY revenue or capital employed.

INVESTIGATION Search risky but methodological of supplies for the

processes innovation . The investigation It is a way
of life for the entrepreneur of the time.

Action from carry to cape a process complex, what

MANAGEMENT involves factors as the creativity, the innovation Y what
assumes a focus proactive.

Increase from the expansion and deepening of

GLOBALIZATION different relations social, economic and political ,
the growing interdependence of all societies together
, promoted by increased economic flows , financial
and communicational.

Concept that combines aspects involved in generating

companies: laws , systems, micro and macro
ENTREPRENEURSHIP environment , markets , education system . It is
conceived more as an action as a result. continuous
attitude of a group of individuals or society in general.
It is represented in a culture in need of constant

Mechanisms that allow a company to have the

SOURCES OF FINANCING necessary financial resources for the fulfillment
of the objectives of creation, development,
positioning and consolidation.

INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Possession of knowledge, experience applied,

technology organizational, relations with
customers and skills that give companies a
competitive edge in the markets. Composed of
all those intangible assets that generate future
value for companies

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