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z +sz

b)' 5-z 7-52

' z-S 5-z
d) None ofthese.

3a. fi lzl > lal , then z-1 l*\*equalto

a) ak,1t , o1
b) -ak,1t < o1
c) o-k,1t < o;
d) None ofthese.

35. lf lzl > 5, then z-1 f'l IS

a) $,{t>o)
b) -$, {r > o)
, c) sk,1t > o;
d) -5k, (t > o)


1-b 2-a 3-b 4-c 5-a 6-b 7-c 8-d

9-b 10-d 11-b 12-c 13-c 14-b 15-a 16-a
t7-c 18-c 19-a 20-c 2t-b 22-b 23-c 24-a
25-c 26-c 27-b 28-d 29-b 30-c 31-b 32-b
33-a 34-b 35-c

\,/ uNtr No 4 vEcroR DIFFERENTIATIoN

L. lf the two vectors A and B are inclined at an angle 0 then the dot product or scalar
product is

d 7.8 =17118 lsin o

b) 7.8 =2 E coss
__ n
c) A.B=A B nsin9
d) None of these

2. The cross product of the vectors 7 and E inclined at an angle 0 and n is the vector
perpendicular to the plane at V ana E is \
a) AxE=ABcos0
b) AxB=ABsin0
c) 7xE=ABsinOi \
d) None ofthese
3. Which of the following is scalar triple product of the vectors 7 ,E ana e
a) 7*(E xe>
b) 7.8.e
c) A.'(B x C)
d) None of these'

4. For the vectors 2 ,E and C tf''e vector triple produ ct A x 1A x C; is

a) (A.B\C -(A'B\B
b) (A'B\c-(A'clB
c) {A.C)B-(A'B\C
d) None of these
5. Which of the following is not correct for the unit vectors i ,j U E

a) ix7=0, x J- =o,ix[=a

b) i' i =0,i'k=O,k'i=0
c) i'i =0, i ' i =o, k'k=0
d) ixi=E,iri=i,iri=i
6. tf i =xi *yj *rE vector equation of the curve and 't' is the time variable,'dtthen {
a) Tangent vectpr
b) Velocity vector
c) Acceler.ationvector
d) None of these
7. lf the particle rnoves along the circle of radius r with constant angular speed

'u'thenthe equatio =- ,'i ,up,esents that

a) Acceleration directed towards centre
b) Acceleration is propot'tional to velocity
c) Accdleration is zero
d) None of these
8. tfi=xi*v i+riand i,ff = O

a) r ha,s constant magnitude
b) r has constant direction
c) I 1'atways variable \

d) None of these

9. tf i=xi+y 1-
+z-k andir#: o

a) i has constant magnitude

b) r has constant direction
c) r has constant direction & magnitude '
d) None of these
L0. An electron moves in a plane such that it's velocity is always perpendicularto it's radius
vector, then it's path is
a) Sphere b)Straight linec) Circle d) None of these

the straight line r=asec6 with constant angular velocity ro then

11. A partic.le describes
radical component of velocity is
a) a a; sec0 b) a a-l sec6tan0 cl 2a u2 secgtan0 d) None of these
L2. The position vectorof a particle attime't', r=cos(t-1) i+sinh(t-f1 J+mt3k is

perpendicular to, * then value of 'm' is

a) ) ot -) .)* d):
13, A particle moves along a curve x=2t2,Y=l?-4t,2=2t-5 then acceleration at t=L is

a) +i-21-+zi
b) +i+zj
c) +i +z 1- +zE
d) qi zj
straight line x=a with constant angularvelocity ar then
14. A particle describesthe
transverse component of acceleration is
a) 2u2secltan?
b) Zar.lzsec0tan0
au'sec e

15. Gradient of a scalar of point functiorl @ is defined as
a) v Q=iu*ri#.iy
b) v o=*.#.#
c) V'Q=i*1-*i
d) None of these
L6.lf O is a scalar point function and i =*i*y l- *rk th.,', V @ 'di is

a) d4, b\X d# d)vQ .ctx

17. The gradient of a scaiar point function @ =vy2ayz3 at (1,-L,1) is

a) i +j +zi q ii ai gf i+i -zi al -i -j +z t<

18. For the curve i =e-ti+log(t2+r)j -rrnli ,the velocity at t=0 is

a) -i-i d-j-k e-i-2j+k d\-i"k
19.|f r=acosnt+&sinntand v isvelocitythen r'v is
a) 4nsin2nt b) -4nsin2nt . c) 2nsin2nt d) -2nsin2nt
20. lf 0 [s a scalar point function then lV@ | represents
a) Maximum value of directional derivative
b) Minirnum value of directional der:ivative
c) Maxirnum value or Minimum value of directional derivatives
d) None of these
21.|f S$,y,z)=c is the level surface, then Vf, represents
a) Tangent to the surface @=6
b) Velocity vector at the point
c) Normal to the surface @=6
d) None of these
22. The directional derivatives of a scalar point function @(x,y,z)=c at point P along the
vector a is

a) vQ .; b)g d Y. d) None of these

a lal
8.ff7=(t-tj+(2t+1)i and tr=(zt-s) i*j E trenfi(7.8)att=1 is

a) 3 b)-3 c)4 d)-4

24. A particle moves along a .rru. i (t)= t'i 't3 1- +tai,then magnitude of tangential
component a1 is
70 .7o
a), Jn ,.7o
zs c)
i d)3
, .t27

25. A particle moves describes the curve r=a(1+eos0)with constant angular velocity ra then
radical velocity is
a) Aa-rsing \ b) aazsinl c)- aalsing d) - aarzsing

26. ff;=*i*yJ+2ft then V/(r)is equalto

a) f'(r) b)P rc)+9 d)f'(r) r

27. The normalvector to the surface x2+y2+22=9 at (1,2,2) is
a) i+j+k
b) i+z'j +zi
c) z}+zj +2i
d) z'i++j ++i
28. The maximum r:nagnitude of directional derivative of E:*ttrt at (2,1,-1) is
a) 11/3 b) 3V1I Q a^11.L d) Vi1
29. lf (Vd)(r,-r,r1= ij -li for Q=vy2ayz3 then the directional derivative along the vector l+2

.J+2K ts

a) =; b) -; .)i d) ;
30. lf ;=*i*yJ+zI then V' r =,........ is
a) 0 b)r c)3 d)1

31. lf' r=xi+yy' +z-.k lhenV x r is

a) 0 b)'r c)3 d)1

32.|f a=ai+a2 j +a3ft is constant vectorthen V'a is equalto

a) 3 b)0 c)a d) None ofthese
33. The vector field F =Fi+Fz1- +1i is irrotational if
a) V'F=0
b) V xF=O
c) Vxtr+0
d) None of these
34. The vector field F =1x2-yz)l+(y'-r*)j +(22-xy)fr is
a) Solenoidal
b) lrrotational
c) Orthogonal
' d) None of these

3s, tf F=(6xy+23) i+1a*'-r; J+(axz2-yt E ir F :ygis
a) A=3x2 y-z'x+yz+c
t o) a=1*'y+z3x-yz+c
g) A=6xy+3 x'-y+c'
d) None of these
36. rf '(f Oli) = o then f(r) is
" il*
a) i d)Noneofthese

37. ff F=r', then v x F is equal to

a) i bti .); d)o

38. lf F=(2.2-xy) ;+1yz-xz) ft then V x F at the point (0,1,2)is

o1z-i++i c1i-zj d)o
39. lf 4 and E, are irrotational then 4 x li, it
ai lrrotational
b) Solenoidal
c) Orthogonal
d) None ofthese
40. lf the vector fl =(x+2y+az) l+(bx-3y-z) J +(ax+cy +22) i is irrotational then values of a,b,c
a) a-4,b-2,c--t a=4,b=2,c=1, c) a=-4,b=2,c=1 d) None of these

41,.|t F =1i.i) a i, irrotationalthen correspondingscalarpotentialwith F =V A

a) G";)' + ca) &rt + c c1 1a' r 1+c ' d) None of these

42. fi F
=; .;2 is irrotational then corresponding scalar point function 0 with
F =V Ait
a) i- S b),4 +cc) logr *c d) - logr * c

43.|f a=ai+a2j+a3k isconstantvectorand r=xi+y j +zt thsnVx (axr)isequalto

a) 3 b)-3 d; 'd)zi
44. fi A and q satisfies laplace equation ,then which of the following is correct?
a) Vfr=O, VQ=O
b) v2fr=0, V'q=a
c) v4A=0, Vog)o
d) None of these
45. $ ; =*l *v i +z ft thgrl V2r is equal to
a) * b)1 .l-i d\';
46.$F =xyz+(2x22-xy1j **r'i then V'F at (0,1,-1)is
a) 1 b) -1 c)0 d)- 2
47 . ff ; = xi *yj *. f .n6 V2f111=6 then f(r) is equal to
a) o*: u1 n ic) j d\ -*
48. lf F= (y+z) i +(z+x)7+(x+y)ft then V'F at (1,2,1)is
a) -1 b) 1 c)Z d)-0
49.1f Eis solenoidal'then V x (V xE) is equal to
a) v2E b) -v2 E eYaE d)o
50. lf ;=x'i+ZyzJ-+$+22)ft th"nVxv at(0,1,'-L) isequalto

a) i* J- b) 2; e -2i d\ i-zi
51. lf F- x3yzi+zxy 1-+z3k thsn V xF a! (1,2,-I\isequalto
a) 2i+3 j U1
2i -S i c1i+Zi d1
None of these

sz. ff ;= *i*yJ+zk thgn v'(e'lis equal to

a) ? e' b\ -lr, c) g+?y er d) None of these

53. lf ; = *t +yj +z k,then V2f(r) is equal to

a) f"(r\
b) /"[r) *Zf't)
d) f " (r) +f '(r)
54. lf O(x,y,z) is a scalar point function then V x VO is equal to
a) vzT b)o c)-1 d) None of these
55. lf F =Fi+Fzj+F3E ths6 V. (V xF1 is equal to
a) o b)v'F c)VxF d)3

56. tt i =xi.+y 1- +zE thgn V .(r" i 1

is gqu6116

a)*(n+S) r" b)O c) (n-3) r" d) nr"-1 r '=*l*y 1-+zE then V x (r-3i1is.cualto

a) ar4; b)3 ,)i d)o

58. tf ; =*i tvj +zEand , =7=Jx?T yTTF then V2( | ) ls eouat to
a) ; b) -; c)o ,o)i
59. lf @(x,y,z)isascalarpointfunctionand F=Fri+F2j +F3frthenVx(0F)isequalto
a) o(v xF 1+1vo; x r
b) a(n 'i )+v0" F
c) Agxrl+V'A d) None of these
60. lt ; =*i *y J- +z ft then v xr2i is equal to
a) * b.)- 2137 c)0 d)- F
61. lf the vector p =1y2cosx+22)i+2ysinx j +ZxzE is irrotational then scalar point function @

with F =y@ is
a) v'cosx+
t ---'
a +c

b) y2ziosx+c
c) y2sinx+xz2+c
d) None of these
62,lf p = 1x2-Zx)i +(yzz+2y) 1- -(yzl+zxz)k th.n V .F is equalto
a) 2x+y b) 2x-y cllx-z d)0
63. The vector field F = i r'' is
a) only solenoidal
b) only irrotational
c) both solenoidal & irrotational
d) None of the above F =(A.; )a, where i= and r= ri*yJ+zE then v xFis equalto
a) r b1(a.r) c) a d)O

65. lf 0=div(xs i +ysJ +zt?) then V0 at (1,1,1) is equal to

a) si +s t- +si
b) i*1-*i
c) zoi +zoj +zqi
d) None of these
66.|f @=ez'-v-z andV@ at(L,L,'J,) is 2i-J-f tn"n directionalderivatives of 0 alongthe
vector -'i *zj + Z is equal to
.5 b)-I c)* d)-:
a)- tt ' 6 '16 ,,16

67. The directional derivatives of @=xyl+yz' lwith V0 at the point (2,-1,1) is I -3 i -3 fr ) along

the vector i +Z 1- +2ft is equal to

a)i b)+ .):r d)*


1-b 2-c 3-c 4-c 5-c 6-b 7-a B-a 9-b 10-c
1 1-b 12-c 13-b 14-b 15-b 16-a 17 -b 1B-d 19-a 20-a
21-c 22-c 23-b 24-a 25-c 26-b 27-d 28-c 29-d 30-c
31-a 32-b 33-b 34-b 35-d 36-c 37-d 38-b 39-r, 40-a
41-b 42-c 43-d 4.4-b 45-d 46-b 47-a 4B-d 49-b 50-c
51- 52-c 53-b 54-b 55-a 56-a 57-d 58-d li9-c 60-a
61-c 62-c 63-d 64-c 65-d 66-c 67-c 6B-b


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