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Battle of the Systems

Revisited: The Role of
ltemating current emerged victorious retrospect it may seem to have been inevitable.
over direct current in a battle of the Yet there remain some unanswered questions,
systems that occurred in the early days and at least one misconception, regarding the
of the electric utility industry. Historians have economic advantages that propelled the alternat-
attributed that victory to certain technological ing current system to victory.
and economic advantages inherent in the alter- Edisons direct current system was well
nating current system. But analysis of data from suited to supplying electricity for lights and
1897-1898, midway through the transition from motors in densely populated urban areas, where
direct to alternating current domination, indi- it was first placed in service. Louis A. Ferguson,
cates that the economic advantages of the alter- a contemporary engineer associated with the
nating current system have not been completely Chicago Edison Company, described the
understood. In particular, alternating current development of the direct current system in
provided little or no capital cost saving due to larger cities as follows:
the conservation of copper implied by high-volt- has been customary in the development
age transmission. of the lighting and power business of a large city,
to erect the original central station in the heart of
Backgroundto the Battle the business district, laying an Edison under-
ground net work in that section and supplying it
Between 1887 and 1892 an intense technical by feeders from the station. With the successful
and commercial battle occurred in the young lighting of the business district a demand is
electric utility industry. On one side stood the created for the electric light in the residence
popular and successful inventor, Thomas portion of the city, and to supply this the same
Edison, and the business interests committed to method is followed as has been employed in the
his direct current generation and transmission down town district. Another steam plant must be
technology. On the other side were the Westin- erected at a central point and the territory
ghouse and Thomson-Houston electric interests, covered in the same way until three, four and
proponents of the upstart, alternating current sometimes five steam stations are generating and
system. The battle of the systems (or battle of supplying electricity to the several portions of
the currents) is an episode well known to his- the city; in some cases, each supplying its own
torians of technology and to historians of the respective district, and in others, all stations
electric utility industry [ 11. The victory of alter- delivering energy into one general net work of
nating current eventually was decisive, and in conductors, covering the whole territory [2].
The major problem with this system was an
W.J. Hausman is with the Department of inability to transmit electricity (at a reasonable
Economics at the College of William and Mary, cost) over distances more than a mile or so from
Williamsburg, VA 23187. J. L. Neufeld is with the the central station [3]. Alternating current solved
Department of Economics at the University of this problem with high-voltage transmission,
North Carolina at Greensboro. made possible by the invention of an effective
0278-0097/92/S03.00019921EEE IEEETechnoIogyand Society Magazine, Fall 1992
1898 @ O F F 1912_ _1917
_ _ ~- 19221
~ ~

Electric Light and PEwxr Stations 0.51 0 61 0.821 0 91 , 0.95 ~ ,

Electric Light and ?ower Stations - 0 . 4 4 0 6 8 084 092
plus Electric Railways I p I ___

alternating current transformer, which allowed cluding particular types of stationary motors,
voltage to be stepped up and stepped down easily street railways, and series arc lighting. Many of
[4]. The first full-fledged, commercial AC light- the original Edison companies, while recogniz-
ing system was installed by the Westinghouse ing the advantages of AC transmission,
Electric Company in Buffalo, New York, in remained committed to DC distribution. As late
1886. Three technical developments in 1887- as 1899 John W. Lieb of the New York Edison
1888 considerably enhanced the attractiveness Company refused to concede defeat at the hands
of the AC system: the invention of an AC of alternating current:
polyphase motor allowed the system to expand ...I think the people who have been the
beyond lighting; the invention of the rotary con- champions of the alternating current side of the
verter allowed alternating current to be con- argument have but little basis for taking the
verted into direct current for end use; and the position that their side of the controversy is
development of an effective meter allowed the achieving a triumph. It is remarkable, and almost
measurement of alternating current, an essential inexplicable, that it has taken the alternating
element in the pricing and billing process. current in its distributing features, certainly, all
Edisons dominant commercial position was this time to bring forward certain advantages
seriously threatened by these events, and he which certainly should have accrued by a careful
embarked on a vigorous campaign to convince
the public of his systems superiority. A key
component of the campaign was a claim that
because of the increased voltage the alternating
current system was inherently unsafe [ 5 ] .In the
end Edison was unsuccessful in stopping the
adoption of AC systems, and he effectively
withdrew from the electric power business by
1890. Even his name was removed from the
company he founded when Edison General
Electric merged with Thomson-Houston in 1892
to form the General Electric Company [6]. The
selection of an AC system for the Chicago
Worlds Fair in 1893 and for the huge
hydroelectric installation at Niagara Falls the
same year confirmed the ascendancy of AC.
After 1893 the production and marketing efforts
of both General Electric and Westinghouse were
primarily devoted to AC electrical generation
and transmission.
In spite of these developments, the use of
direct current did not disappear overnight. As
Thomas P. Hughes noted, it ended without the Thomas Edison pushed for direct current generation
and transmission in the intense technical and commer-
dramatic vanquishing of one system by the cial battle known as the battleof the systems, which
other, or a revolutionary transition from one occurred in the young electric utility industry between

paradigm to another [7]. Direct current

remained well-suited for certain end uses, in-
1887 and 1892. The alternating current system even-
tuully w o n a decisive victory.
IEEETethnology and Society Magazine, Foll1992
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~

Table II
_ _ _ _ -~- p -~ ---
- - _
~ _
- ~

Characteristics of Electric Utilities in 1898 Grouped by Alternating Currents Share of Total

Generating Capacity - Means (Standard Deviations) _____--


% Generating Capacity , Number of G % o f x T o t a l Generating Age of Utility - Average Dynamo

which was AC Utilities Total Capacity- kW
~ years Capacity - kW
~~ ~ _ , Utilities
_ ~, _ -__
_ - ~ ~ ~~~

_-______ _
153 16.1 I
137(484) ~
5.8 (3.1)
I 62 (65) _ ~ ,

70-99% 180 301 (1016) 50 (33)

30-69% ~

1-%% -

0% -
All Firms
application of rational methods of distribution d.c. distribution system required a heavy copper
years ago 181. investment [ 121. According to Paul David, the
Table I shows the transition from DC to AC beauty of the thing was that transformers could
generation in central stations. In 1890 alternat- be used essentially without loss of power to
ing current generators constituted around 10% substitute voltage for amperage in order to
of total generating capacity. By 1898 AC reduce the need for the high conductivity. heavy
generating capacity had reached parity with DC gauge copper-wire transmission lines that were
in electric light and power stations, and by 1922 associated with d.c. lighting systems (thereby
AC constituted 98% of total generating capacity saving greatly on fixed capital costs) ... 1131.
in central stations. The persistence of the DC The amount of copper needed for DC transmis-
traction load in the early years of the twentieth sion and its economic importance was also em-
century delayed somewhat the complete phasized by Terry S. Reynolds and Theodore
dominance of alternating current, but by 1922 Bernstein: The higher voltage of ac meant that,
this too ceased to be an important factor. In terms for agiven amount of power, much smaller wires
of end-use capacity, however, Paul David has could be used in the transmission circuits. This
pointed out that DC persisted somewhat longer. was crucial as copper costs represented a major
Its share remained around 25% of the total as late portion of the capital needs for establishing a
as 1917 191. central power station 1141. Reynolds and
Alternating current eventually became the Bernstein particularly emphasized an incident in
standard current for generation, transmission, the winter of 1887- 1888 in which a French syn-
and end use, presumably because the AC system dicate attempted to corner the market in copper,
embodied certain technical and economic ad- thus nearly doubling its price at a critical junc-
vantages over the DC system. Some of these ture early in the battle [15]. Finally, Charles R.
advantages may have been realized at critical Wright has argued that the copper required in
periods during the battle of the systems and the transmission circuits represented a huge
possibly gave the AC system the technological chunk of the funds needed to start a power sys-
momentum that propelled it to dominance tem and that the smaller conductors of the AC
[IO]. Several potential economic advantages system meant a tremendous savings that al-
have been identified in the historical literature lowed for a bigger distribution area 1161. Al-
on the subject. One clear advantage of AC was though this proposition seems a logical
that since it could be transmitted over longer consequence of the tradeoff between copper and
distances, a large central station could replace voltage given by 12R transmission losses, its
the more numerous, smaller stations of a DC acceptance requires empirical verification. We
system. Larger generating plants tended to have present here the first test of this proposition using
lower costs per kilowatt of capacity and data collected in 1897-1898.
economical transmission enabled them to be lo-
cated on the outskirts of town, where land prices
were much lower than the central city sites used
The industry in 1898
by DC plants. From the earliest days of its existence the
A number of historians have hypothesized electric utility industry was politically contro-
that a major economic advantage of AC systems versial. Once the benefits of electric lighting had
was that high-voltage transmission significantly been demonstrated, the citizens of virtually
reduced expenditures on copper [ 11I. Harold C. every city and town sought electric service, if
Passer argued that the reason Edison could not only to light a few streets. Edison and his com-
afford to ignore the commercial potential of the petitors did not respond in all cases: many
Westinghouse AC system was that the Edison localities took matters into their own hands by

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Fall 1992

Table 111
Usage of Copper by Utilities in 1898 Grouped by Alternating Currents Share of 1
Total Generating Capacity - Means- (Standard Deviations)
~- ~-

Yoof Generating Capacity

which was AC of Mains 81 Feeders
100% 547 (356)-
~ ~

_ _ 70% - 99% 597 (495)

30% - 69% I
t -
602(383_) 1
5 2 (5.4)
1Yo - 29% ~- - I 979(754) , 5 9 (6.4
0Yo 771 (650)

- - All Firms (n=944) ~ 657(517) . ,

Note The mean amount of comer used bv all

of $5896 (20 806).
~ -.A

establishing municipal electric utilities. In 1896 shows the number and proportion of utilities in
the United States Commissioner of Labor was each category and includes additional informa-
asked to study the issue of municipal versus tion on total generating capacity, age of utility,
private ownership of public utilities. The results and average generator size. In 1898, five years
of the investigation (conducted in 1897-1898) after the conclusion of the battle of the sys-
were published as the Commissioners report for tems, barely 16% of the electric utilities con-
1899 [ 171. The report contained detailed infor- tained in the report were committed entirely to
mation on the technical and economic charac- alternating current generation (100% AC), while
teristics of 952 electric utilities, about a quarter nearly a quarter of the utilities remained entirely
of the total number in existence and representing committed to direct current generation (0%AC).
approximately half of the total capital invested A relatively small number of utilities (6.4% of
in electric light and power plants in the United the total) had between 1% and 29% AC genera-
States at the time. These data provide a fascinat- tion. These utilities, however, appear to be of
ing view of the industry midway through the particular interest. They were on average sub-
transition from DC to AC generation. stantially larger and older than utilities in the
The report identifies three basic types of gen- other categories, indicating that they probably
erators in use at the time: direct current constant were located in the larger cities and towns of the
voltage, direct current constant amperage, and United States and most likely included a sub-
alternating current [ 181. The number and total stantial portion of the original Edison stations.
capacity of each of the three types of generators In light of the technical ability of AC systems
are included in the report. We calculated the to take better advantage than DC of large-scale
proportion of AC generating capacity of each generation, we would have expected the utilities
electric utility by dividing AC generating heavily committed to AC to use larger gener-
capacity by total generating capacity of all types ators on average. The firms relying entirely on
and placed each electric utility into one of five AC were the smallest (in terms of total generat-
categories based on this proportion. Table I1 ing capacity) and youngest of those included in

Table IV
Investment Categories as Share of Total Investment by Utilities in 1898 Grouped
by Alternating Currents Share of Total Generating Capacity
- Means (Standard Deviations)

Buildings I
Yo Generating Capacity Land Prime Generators Distribution
I which was AC __ Movers
70% - 99%
30% - 69%
1 4 (4)
4 (4)
9 (5)
9 (6)
22 (8)

! 22 (10)
25 (10) I
41 (13)
39 (13)
38 (13)
1Yo - 29% 5(4) 10(6) 20 (8) 25 (9) 1 40(12)
0% 4(4) 10(8) , 23(9) 24 (9) 38 (13)

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Fall 1992

the report. The firms with no AC generators were proportion varies only slightly by commitment
also among the smaller ones in the report. Com- to AC generation. Dramatic savings on capital
paring just these two groups, the expected costs due to copper conservation does not appear
relationship holds: utilities with a total commit- to have been a major factor in the advantage of
ment to AC had generators that were on average AC over DC.
about 80% larger than firms that remained total- Examination of Table V offers additional in-
ly committed to DC. Yet the larger and older sight into the relationship between the copper
firms with a minority commitment to AC market and the early electric power industry.
generation ( 1-29%) had generators that were on Copper production in the U.S. expanded rapidly
average larger than firms with a total commit- during the last quarter of the nineteenth century,
ment to AC generation. These results fail to fully and although electrification may have been a
confirm the relationship expected from ACs welcome source of new demand, it was hardly
hypothesized advantage over DC in the ability the major market for copper. In 1898 there were
to take advantage of scale economies.
Table V
The Role of Copper
Since the Commissioners report includes in-
formation on the amount of copper in the trans-
mission and distribution lines, it is possible to
evaluate the assertion that AC systems resulted
in lower expenditures on copper. There were
trade-offs, of course, in the use of copper [19].
A system relatively committed to AC generation
may have purchased more copper than a system
relatively committed to DC generation because
it distributed electricity over a wider area or
located its generating plant in an outlying area
further from its major load, which in this era
would have been in the center of town. We
attempt to account for this by focusing on the
amount of copper per mile of mains and feeders.
The value of copper in the transmission system
was not reported, but was estimated by using the
unweighted mean of average annual copper
prices from 1890-1898 (which can be found in
Table V) expressed as a percent of the utilitys
total investment. These results are shown in
Table 111.
The average electric utility in 1898 had over
52 000 lbs of copper, or 657 lbs per mile, in its 0.158
transmission system. The value of this copper
was estimated to be nearly $6000 on average, but 0.131
represented a rather modest 5.6% of total invest- 1892 0.1 15 0.15
ment. What is striking is the lack of evidence that
AC systems had any substantial advantage over 1893 0.109 0.14
DC systems in their ability to economize on 1894 354 1 0.095 0.135
copper. As expected, the 100% AC systems had
an advantage of 224 lbs per mile (29%) on
average over the 100% DC systems. The larger
and older firms in the 1%-29% AC category
were at the greatest disadvantage. The figures
indicating the value of copper as a share of total
investment, however, show only slight variation
(1.5%) across all types of electric utilities, with
no difference between those utilities depending
entirely on AC and those depending entirely on
DC. Table IV contains additional information on
the components of total investment cost. Dis-
tribution costs comprised the largest single com-
ponent of total investment, but again the

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Fall 1992 1

526 million Ibs of copper produced in the U.S. lighting use peaked in the evening. The total
The firms in the Commissioners report had a generating capacity attached to the network
total of 49 million Ibs of copper in their trans- needed to be sufficient to serve the larger of
mission lines. If this figure is doubled to com- these non-coincident peaks. In the early days
pensate for firms not included in the report, the of the industry, residential lighting generally had
cumulative total copper use for the entire history the larger peak, and it occurred when industrial
of the industry (1882-1898) would amount to use tended to be low. The entire industrial load
less than 20% of copper production in 1898 in most cases required little generating capacity
alone. The 1887-1888 price spike can also be in addition to that already provided for residen-
seen in the data, but in light of normal price tial use. Thus the total generating capacity of the
fluctuations the incident does not seem dramatic system could be smaller than the total consum-
enough to warrant the emphasis given it by ing capacity of all the electricity-using devices
Reynolds and Bernstein. As Edison was con- connected to the system. By contrast, a DC sys-
ceiving his system in the late I 870s, copper was tem, unable to supply both uses from a large
selling for around 20 cents a pound. Shortly after network, would have required separate generat-
the opening of the Pearl Street station in Septem- ing facilities whose combined capacity would
ber 1882, the price of copper dropped substan- have had to equal the sum of both peaks.
tially. The greater stability shown by the real The network advantages conferred by AC are
price of copper indicates that much of coppers confirmed by the data shown in Table VI. When
apparent price instability was associated with the amount of copper in the mains and feeders is
fluctuations in the general price level. It is hard divided by total kilowatts of lights and motors
to see how developments in the copper market attached to the system, there is a clear inverse
could have played an important a role in usher- relationship between commitment to AC
ing in the era of AC technology. generation and the amount of copper per
The advantage of the AC system over the DC kilowatt connected. By this measure the 100%
system was not due simply to the amount of AC system had a 40% advantage over the 100%
copper conserved in transmission, nor simply to DC system. This results from the fact that the
the larger average size of AC generators, but greater the commitment to AC generation the
perhaps was more subtle. By the turn of the higher was the ratio of connected load to total
century, a large, efficient AC generator in an AC generating capacity. The 100% AC systems
system could supply virtually all uses of were the only ones with more kilowatts attached
electricity: arc lighting, incandescent lighting, to the system than total generating capacity, and
and (with the assistance of rotary converters) the 100% DC systems had the lowest ratio.
motors of all kinds. Improved transmission These figures may reflect the true advantage of
enabled utilities to serve entire urban areas, the AC system - it allowed utilities to benefit
creating networks that stretched from the central from the diversity inherent i n providing
business district to outlying suburbs. These net- electricity by means of integrated networks to
works allowed diverse consumers of electricity larger geographic areas.
to be supplied from a number of interconnected
generating stations. An important advantage was
created when electricity usage in different parts
Conservation of Copper
of the network peaked at different times. Peak
a Minor Factor
electricity demand in industrial areas, for ex- Early in its history the electric utility industry
ample, occurred during the day, while residential was involved in a well-known battle over

Table VI
1898 Usage of Copper and Load Connected as a Proportion of Generating Capacity
of Utilities Grouped by Alternating Currents Share of Total Generating Capacity -
Means (Standard Deviations)

which was AC

% of Generating Capacity
Lbs of Copper per KW of
_ _ _ _ Load Connected
KW Connected as % of


1Yo - 29%
1 83(37L - -

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Fall 1992

[3] One problem with transmitting electricity over long distances
whether the current supplied by the industry stems from the power loss that occurs during transmission. It was of
would be AC or DC. Although DC systems were concem to Edison and was discussed by contemporaries, who were
developed first, AC quickly gained some well- well award of Ohms Law: voltage (V) =current (I) x resistance (R)
and were familiar with the equation for electrical power: P (measured
known technological advantages (the crucial in watts) = IV. Power loss in transmission was defined as IV = 12R.
one being the relative ease with which voltage For a given distance, power loss can be reduced if voltage is increased
could be transformed). These technological ad- (allowingcurrent to he decreased) or resistancedecreased (by increas-
ing the sizeoftheconductor). The txhnology toincreaseanddecrease
vantages presumably created economic ad- voltage did not exist in the earliest days of the industry, so Edison had
vantages that compelled the industry to switch to transmit using a relatively high current. Cost constrained the size
from DC to AC technology. The battle of the of the conductor (copper), thus limiting the area that could he served
by a single central station. Shortly after his Pearl Street station
systems was effectively over by 1893; AC had commenced operating, Edison invented a three-wire system of
demonstrated its superiority, and all that distribution (developed almost simultaneously by John Hopkinson in
Britain). The sole advantage of the system was that it reduced the
remained was for the victor to clear the van- amount of copper in the distribution system by roughly two-thirds (by
quished from the field. Yet, a unique summary reducing the voltage drop in the circuits for the same number of lamps
of the industry taken at the end of the century connected). These issues are discussed tn Francis B. Crocker, Electric
Lighring, vol. 11. New York: Van Nostrand. 1901, pp. 10, 70-74, and
shows that AC generators had achieved only Hughes, Networks of Power, pp. 83-84.
rough parity with DC generators in terms of [4] For DC transmission, power loss is proportional to IR. The use
of AC introduces a number of complicating factors, hut this relation-
installed generating capacity. A quarter of the ship is still approximately correct for the time period in question. The
electric utilities included in the Commissioner of frequency of alternating current was 60 Hz at most, and lower
Labors report remained totally committed to frequencies were common. Since incandescent lighting was over-
whelmingly the dominant use for both AC and DC, power factor
DC, and among the largest electric utilities in issues arising frominductiveloads weregenerally not important. With
operation DC technology appears to have per- the voltages then attainable (both AC and DC), corona effects did not
sisted. It took another quarter of a century for the contribute to power loss. If the length of a transmission line, the
amount of power, and the level of power losses are held constant, then
AC system to dominate completely. the quantity of copper needed in the line is inversely proportional to
One advantage of alternating over direct cur- the square of the voltage. Other factors reduce this inverse square
rent that has commonly been claimed by those benefit from increased voltage. Reducing the weight of transmission
lines permits the use of less costly transmission towers. hut the cost
interested in the issue is the conservation of savings are not proportionally as great as the conductor savings. In
copper implied in high-voltage transmission. addition, the transformers require some copper. The engineering
issues associated with power transmission can he found in a variety
Some have argued that this represented a sub- of sources including Donald G. Fink and John M. Carroll, Eds.,
stantial reduction in the capital cost of electric Standard Handbook f o r Electrical Engineers, 10th ed. New York:
utilities. Whatever the other advantages of alter- McGraw Hill. 1968, particularly V. J. Cissna, AC power transmis-
sion, sect. 13; P.G. Engstrom, Direct-current power transmission,
nating current, a reduction in capital cost due to sect. 14; and Leonard M. Olmsted and Julius Bleiweis, Power
the conservation of copper seems to have played distribution, sect. 16.
a relatively minor role in achieving an overall [5] An especially interesting account of this campaign can he found
in Thomas P. Hughes, Harold P. Brown and the executioners
cost advantage. In 1898 copper represented only current: An incident in the AC-DC controversy, Bus. Hist. Rev., vol.
about 6% of the total investment cost of an electric 32, Summer 1958, pp. 143-165. It also is discussed in Andre Millard,
Edison and the Business of Innovation. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hop-
utility, and this percentage varied only slightly with kins Univ. Press, 1990. pp. 100-1 IO.
the proportion of a f m s generating capacity that [6] Harold C. Passer, The ElectricalManufacturers.Cambridge, MA:
was AC. We believe that the advantages of the Harvard Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 321-329. Millard, Edison and the
Business oflnnovation, p. 131, points out that Edisona West Orange
alternating current system, which permitted laboratory continued to carry out a substantial amount of research for
economical transmission over a wider area, may General Electric, including work on alternating current systems.
actually have resided in an increased ability to [7] Hughes, Networks GfPower, pp. 120-21.
[XI John W. Lieb, Discussion, Min. Fifreenrh Ann. Meet. Assoc.
manage the system load. There certainly is room Edison Illuminating Cos., 1899. Newark, NJ: Assoc. Edison II-
for additional research in order to achieve a luminating Cos., 1900, p.127.
fuller understanding of the precise economic [9] Paul A. David, The hero and the herd in technological history:
Reflections on Thomas Edison and the Battle of the Systems,
advantages of alternating current. CenterforEconomicPolicy Research, StanfordUniv., Disc.pap. 100.
July 1987, p. 57.
[IO] Hughes, NetworksofPoower, pp. 140-141.
[ 1 I ] Contemporaries also discussed the potentially tremendous
References savings in copper offered by high-voltage transmission. In 1888 one
engineerengaged in the debate reiterated the well-known relationship:
[ I ] See, for example, Thomas P. Hughes, Networks of Power: The cost of the conductors transmitting a given amount of energy at
Electrification in Western Sociery, 1880-1930.Baltimore, MD: Johns a given loss for a given distance varies, generally speaking, inversely
Hopkins Univ. Press, 1983, ch. V; Paul A. David and Julie Ann Bunn, as the square of the initial electromotive force employed. For instance,
The economics of gateway technologies and network evolution: if the e m f . of one system be 1.000 volts, and that of another he 1 I O
Lessons from electricity supply history, Information Economics and volts, the cost of conductors for the latter under similar conditions
Policy, 1988, pp. 165-202; W. Bernard Carlson and A.J. Millard, would he to the cost of the former as 1.000,000 (1,0002):12,100
Defining risk within a business context: Thomas A. Edison, Elihu ( I IO2): i.e., as 82: 1 . He noted that the ratio would he only 27.5: 1 for
Thomson, and thea.c.-d.c. controversy, 1885-1900,in B.B. Johnson the three-wire system, which still represented a considerable potential
and V.T. Covello, Eds., The SocialandCultural Construction ofRisk. savings. H. Ward Leonard, The comparative value of the continuous
Reidel, 1987, pp. 275-93; Teny S. Reynolds and Theodore Bernstein, and the alternating current systems for the commercial distribution of
The damnable alternating current,Proc. IEEE, vol. 64,Sept. 1976, electricity, The Electrical Engineer, vol. 7. Apr. 1888, p. 166.
pp. 1339-1343; and Charles R. Wright, The great ac/dc war, IEEE [ 121 Passer, The EIectricalManufacrurers, p. 164.
Potentials. vol. 7, May 1988, pp. 31-34. [I31 David, Hero and herd, p. 15.
[2l Louis A. Ferguson, Economy in distribution of electrical [ 141 Reynolds and Bernstein, Damnable alternating current, p. 1339.
energy, Minutes Thirteenth Ann. Meet. Assoc. Edison Illuminat- [ I51 Ibid.,p. 1340. For a fuller description of the incident, see Orris
ing Cos., 1897. Brooklyn, NY: Assoc. Edison Illuminating Cos., C. Herfindahl, Copper CostsandPrices: 1870-1957.Baltimore, MD:
1897, p. 26. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1959, pp. 73-77.

IEEETechnology and Society Magazine, Fall 1992

[ 161 Wright, Great ac/dc war, p. 32. tables and mathematical formulae, including an equation for cal-
I171 US.Commissioner of Labor, Fourteenth Annual Report, 1899. culating the area of a conductor in circular mills (proportional to
Washington, DC: GPO, 1900. distance, watts delivered, and a constant based on type of current
[ 181 Crocker, ElectricLighting, pp. 17-18, lists ten systems of electri- and power factor, and inversely related to line loss as a proportion
cal distribution in general use at the time: direct current constant of power delivered, and voltage (squared) between main conduc-
current (for series arc lighting), direct current constant potential tors at the receiving end of the circuit) (pp. 226-236). At one point
(two-wire, three-wire, and five-wire systems forparallel incandescent he argues that it is not wise to invest a false confidence in every
and arc lighting and a two-wire system with motor converters in such calculation, since it may be totally at variance with real
parallel), single phase alternating current (for high-tension incandes- commercial economy (p. 12). In terms of actual practice he notes
cent andarclighting with transformersandavery high-tensionsystem that the networks in few American towns and cities were carefully
with step-up and step-down transformers), and polyphase alternating designed, rather that there existed a few standard sizes of mains,
current (two-phase, three-phase, and monocyclic). one of which was chosen based on very general principles and
[ 191Crockers NectricLighting text contains an extensive discussion conditions. Heobserves that the justification of this apparently crude
of the issues involved in the design of conductors. He discusses practice is, first, the simplicity of laying and maintaining a network
Kelvins Law (The most economical sire of conductor is that for composed of only two or three standard sizes of mains, larger or
which the annual interest on capital outlay equals the annual cost of smaller sizes being either too clumsy or too weak mechanically;
energy wasted.) and various modifications of the law, including that second, it is practically impossible to predetermine the current that a
of George Forbes (The most economical area of conductor is that for main will carry, the demand upon it being often much greater or
which the annual cost of energy wasted is equal to the annual interest less than was expected; third, an excess of copper in one portion
on that portion of the capital outlay which is proportional to the area of a network tends to help other portions that are more heavily
or weight of metal used.) (pp 10.12). He discusses the relative loaded, and conversely a small section of main acts a s a weak link
weights of copper required for different systems and presents various in the chain (p. 107). T&S

IEEE Leads National Engineers Week 1993

As the world becomes increasingly techno- awareness of the profession. Sloan is calling on
logically sophisticated, the nations fate will lie IEEE members to take the lead in educating local
even more in the minds and hands of engineers, officials about engineering, displaying
says Dr. Martha Sloan, president-elect of the engineers achievements at public locations, and
IEEE. We need to highlight our contributions providing facility tours.
to society during National Engineers Week The E in the 1993 Discover E education-
(NEW), she adds. IEEE is leading NEW, al outreach theme represents energy. Over 30
February 14-20, 1993, with Dr. Sloan serving as 000 engineers are expected to participate in the
Chair of the event, and Kenneth T. Derr, head of program by presenting lessons to three million
Chevron Corporation, serving as Honorary students on how engineers find, generate, and
Chair. distribute energy.
NEW 93 is co-sponsored by 18 engineering IEEE members interested in participating in
and educational societies and 50 additional par- local NEW events should contact IEEE section
ticipating societies. Throughout the week, en- leaders. Information on national events is avail-
gineers in the United States and Canada will able from Jeanne Quick at the IEEE-USA office
participate in activities that increase public in Washington, DC, 202-785-0017. T&S

Technology and Society!

First Place
Editorial or Column
1992 Excel Awards
from the
Society of National Association Publications

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Fall 1992

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