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Lo que la Iglesia cree de Cristo, hunde sus races en el modo que tuvo Jess de creer
en Dios. Pero, a la vez, la fe de la Iglesia permite inferir cmo ha podido ser la
experiencia espiritual de Jess. Esta referencia recproca entre Cristo y la Iglesia invita
a indagar en los en los fundamentos antropolgicos y teolgicos de la fe "de" Jess, en
las dificultades y posibilidades que Jess ha podido tener para creer en su Padre,
puesto que as l ensea por qu y cmo han de creer tambin los hombres. Por esta
va descubrimos que el Padre, al resucitar a Jess, triunfa sobre el Mysterium
iniquitatis y, contra toda sospecha de indiferencia ante el sufrimiento humano que
pudiera recaer sobre l mismo, da pruebas de ser un Dios que merece fe. El Padre
merece fe, pero no la merecera si l no "creyera" tambin en la humanidad como
"crey" en su Hijo Jess. Es el amor del Padre que en ltima instancia produce
confianza en l y entre los hombres.

Palabras clave: Fe de Jess, cristologa, fe.


What the Church believes of Christ finds its roots in Jesus' manner of believing in God.
However, at the same time, the faith of the Church allows one to infer how the
spiritual experience of Jesus came about. This reciprocal reference between Christ and
the Church invites one to investigate the anthropological and theological tenets of the
faith "of" Jesus, in the difficulties and possibilities that Jesus could have had in order to
believe in his Father, given that he teaches us accordingly why and how to believe as
well. In this way we discover that the Father, upon raising up Jesus, triumphs over
the Mysterium iniquitatis and, against every suspicion of a possible indifference on the
God's part in the face of human suffering, gives proof of being a God who deserves
faith. The Father deserves faith, but he wouldn't if He did not also "believe" in
humanity, just as He "believed" in his Son, Jesus. It is the love of the Father that, in
the final analysis, brings about trust in Him and among people.

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