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University of El Salvador

Western Multidisciplinary Campus

Foreign Languages Extension Program

Diagnostic Survey

Objective: To get information about the study habits outside the classroom of the students from
level 15 and 16 of the foreign languages extension program.

Directions: Answer the following questions as most sincerely possible as you can.

1. Do you practice English outside the classroom?

Yes No

2. If your answer to the previous question was yes, how many hours do you use to practice
to improve your English outside the classroom?

3. What do you do in order to improv your English outside the classroom?

4. If your answer to the first question was no, which are the reasons because you dont
pracitce outside the classroom?


Have you ever learned something new (talking about English) through movies, series, songs, or

If your answer to the previous questions was yes, what have you learned?



Idiomatic expressions

Do you consider that the time you spend practicing English outside the classroom has been
enough so far to improve significally your Enflish skills?

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