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2-3 Exclusive features
4 Prima[yconsiderations
for selection
5 Prima ry uses
6 11Direct burial lights
12 Accessories for direct burial lights
13-16 Well lights
17 Lamp data, tree llghting

P. O. Box 1275, 16555 E. Gale Avenue
City of lndustry, Californla 91749
Telephone (21 3) 968-5666
Telex 67 0491

'1974 by Kim Lighting, lnc.

This Version I 1981

Kim Products
Street and Area Lioht no

O il;:$:ti;:T"i
Founta n Lighting
Custom Archltectural Founta ns
Fountain Components
Exclusive Features
1. Anti-siphon barriers plus double wall insulation
All underground conduit systems contain moisture. If this
moisture passes into the ballast or Jamp compartments, the
fixiure wrll fail. By isolating each fixture compartment with
a double wall, terminating each wire in an anti siphon
barrier, and sealing the entire space, thls hazard has been
completely eliminated. Even if conduit entrances are not
sealed in the splice compartment, moisture cannot pass into
the other compartments of the fixture.
Alter operation, compartment pressure decreases whjle
ballast is cooling. lvloisture cannot be drawn in through
wires because of the anti-siphon barriers.
lsolation compartment consists of a sealed chamber
containing all wires, cord seals, and anti-siphon barriers.
Under normal conditions ihe lamp compariment will
accumulate a srnall amount of condensation. As the lamp
heats up, pressure can force this condensaiion through
wires into the ballast compartment. The Kim anti-siphon
barrirers prevent this from happening. As lamp cools and
compartment is de-pressurized, moisture cannot be drawn
in from the splice compartment because of anti slphon
barriers and a totally sealed space between each

2. Pressure testing at factory

To insure against porous castlngs, leaky gaskets, improper
welds, or siphoning wires, every direct burial fixture is
pressurjzed to 10 p.s.j. and totally submerged in water. Each
flxture is labeled and certified to be watertight, insuring our
customers that they have purchased the finest in quality
and reliability.
No other direct burial Jixture on the markei can make this
guarantee because their construction rel es on the installer,
not the factory, to insure a watertight fixture. The Kim 5000
series is truly the ultimate ln direct burial flxture design.

3. lntegral ballast box

Unitized construction rs another K rn f rst in direct burial
fixture design. lt not only means greatly increased sirength,
but insures a watertight flxture through factory controlled
sealing and testing.
All other direct burial fixtures on the market use a separate
ballast box which the installer rnust connect to the main
fixiure with a pipe nipple uslng thread seal as the only
insurance against waier entry. With the Kim lntegral ballast
box, the installer's work is done at the factory where sealing
is guaranteed.

C1 2 Kim Liqhtjng.

4. Distinctive styling
lvlany times fixtures musl be located in areas where they will
be visible by pedestrian traffic. Therefore, a primary design
consideration for ihe Kim 5000 series was to have a simple
elegant shape that would enhance today's architecture. The
reciangular shape is another Kim first in direct burial
fixture design.

5. Special refleclor for vertical surfaces

Vertical surfaces cannot be uniforrnly illu m inated with R or
PAR type lamps unless they are spaced extremely close
together. Recog n izlng the need for a concealed below-grade
flood light, Kim designers utilized an inverted Asymetron
Reflector (patented) to accom plish v,/hat no one else has done:
uniformly illu m inate a vertical surJace from a concealed direct
bu rial fixture with econom ical center-to-center spacings.

6. All unils pre-wired at factory

To help offset hiqh labor costs, all Kim direct burial fixtures
are pre-wired at the factory. All the installer must do is make
his conduit and field wire connections in the splice
compartment, install the Iamp, and the fixture is operational.
This represents a considerable labor saving feature over any
other direct burial fixture on the market.
lamps by others

7. Functional accessories
Recognizing lhe tremendous range of applications for the Kim
5000 series, a complete line of accessories has been
designed for glare control, vandal protection, and installation
ease. Each accessory has been designed to solve the most
common application problems that we have encountered
during 40 years of building direct burial lighting fixtures;
another reason why Concept 5000 is ihe on ly logical choice.
See page 12 for details.

Kim Lightinq, lnc. C1-3

Primary Gonsiderations for Selection

Direct burial lights Well lights

'1. Can be flush mounted in ground ,concrete, brick, rock, 1. Use where height adjustmeni is desirable for hio h
or any other paving material. growing g ro und covers.


typlcal jnstallation in lawn typical installatjon in co nc reie

2. Use to illuminate vertical surfaces or landscape such

as trees, walls, shrubbery. signs. columns, etc.

2. Use on ly for vertical objects such as trees, colu mns, etc.

A special reflecio r ls
available for vertical surfaces.
See paqe B and I

3.20" lamp tilt possible without appreclable loss of light.


() 3. 15' lamp tilt possible with some loss of light due to
louvers. Louvers provide good shielding of the source
and help prevent accumulatlon of leaves and trash in
well. Well can be tilted to regain light efficiency.

4, One-piece look is desirable in areas where fixture will t5'l5'

be visible to pedestrian traffic.


C1 4 Kim Llghiing, lnc.

Primary Uses

Landscape and Area Lighting

Landscape lighiing can be both aesthetic and
functional. Aside from extending the beauty of
nature into nighttime hours. lndirect illumination
from weTI liqhied trees aan provide a soft area
illumination for courtyards, plazas. malls, or
any places where an emphasls on harmony
with nature is des red

ldentif ication and Security

The identification of a commercial
establishment is an essentlal part of nighttime
merchandising. Now these vertlcal sign and
wallsurfaces can be efficiently lightecl from a
concealed direct burlal i xture because of an
exclusive reflector spec ally designed for this
purpose. ln addition to provlding identification,
securiiy is greaily enhanced by silhouetiing
any movement agalnst this illumlnated
background. See page 8 and I for details.

Signs and Accents

Often the design, cost, or vandal problems
make an internally I ghted sign impractical.
External lighting of a sign js ideally
accompllshed with Concept 5000 because of its
concealed mounting and wide range of lamps
and beam patterns available. For objects of
considerable height, highly eff cient 12 volt
"pencil beam" lamps are avajlable in fixtures
wlth integral transformers. Concept 5000 is
also ideal for accenting partlcular parts of a
structure for d ramatic effect.

nri,l:r.!:lr!J n O r..aux
Direct Burial Light 150-3OO Watt lncandescent
25O Watt Quartz
25O Watt Krypton lncandescent
Housing / One-piece casi aluminum alloy 356 for aluminum models, one-piece
cast bronze ASTIVI-8145 composition 5A for bronze models. Splice
compartment and lamp compartment is separated by a double wall. Volume of
splice compartment is 40 cubic inches.
Lamp Well / Cast aluminum alloy 356 for aluminum models, cast bronze
ASTI\I-8145 composition 5A for bronze models. Lamp well coniinuously
welded to housing.
Fixture Coatings / All below grade portions of aluminum models are protected
with bituminous paint. lnterior of aluminum lamp well is flnished with an
antl glare flat back. Bronze models are as casi.
Lens / Flat !ens ls heat resistant iempered zjnc boros licate glass %" thick
with stepped edge for flush-with trim mounting. Roundel lens is heat resistant
tempered zinc borosilicate glass 7/32" thick.
Covers / Splice compartment cover and lens reiainer are cast aluminum alloy
356 for aluminum models, cast bronze ASTI\,4-8145 composition 54 for
bronze models.
Gaskels / Lens gasket is sllicone. Splice compartment cover gasket and lens
retainer screw-protection-gasket is neoprene.
Fasleners / Siainless steel flat head screws for alumlnum models, silicone
bronze flat head screws for bronze models.
Wire Seals / Each wire passes ihrough a neoprene grommet ln the walls of
the splice and Iamp compartments. Each wire is terminated in an anti-siphon
barrier whlch prevenis wicking of water or condensation through the wires.
lsolation chamber is filled with a flexible high lemperature sealing compound
for toial sealinq of the wiring system.
Socket / Porcelain rnedium base.
Lamp Adjustment / 20' each side of veriical, 326" horizontal rotation. Positive
screw locks on all adjUsting brackets hold precise lamp aiming posltlon.
Factory testing / 10 p.s.i. internal air pressure in all flxture compartments
while totally subrnerged in water.
Prewiring / All electrical components prewired with high temperature wire to
the sp lice co mpartment.
Grounding I 1A -20 green hex head screw jn spl ce compartment.
Conduit Taps / Standard tapping is two (2) %" N.P.T. in bottom of splice
Detail Isolation Chamber compartment. lvlaximum optional tappings are two (2) 1" N.P.T. in bottom, and
- two (2) 1" N.P.T. in sides of splice compartrnent.
Fixture / Underwriter's Laboratories lnc. listed.

Detail Flat Lens Ordering lnformation
- Lamp and maximum wattage
Cat. See page 17 tor details Conslruction Lens
5000 R-40. 150-300 watt incandescent alurninum roundel
PAR-38, 250 watt quartz
KR 38, 250 walt krypton
Detail- Roundel Lens
5001 sarne as above aluminum flat
5100 same as above bronze roundel
5101 same as above bronze flat
Iamps by others

Caution: Fixtures are not approved lor

walkover aleas due to high-temperalure
Ienses which can burn leet, hands, elc. ACCeSSOf ieS / see page 12 f or details and limitations
Cast bronze units are recommended for Cat- No. Description Consbuction
soil or concrete with alkaline content, 5081HS Half Sh eld for direational glare control aluminum
or any excessive corrosive condition. 5181HS sam-o as above b ronze
Kim Lighting recommends sealing the 5083FL Full Louver for glare control and lens guard aluminum
conduil entries with RTV to maintain a 5183FL same as above b ronze
clean, dry splice compartment.
5085DL Direci onal Louver for dilectional glare conirol aluminum
Warning: This fixture must be grounded 5185DL same as above b ronze
in accordance with local codes or the 5087RG Rock Guard for roundel lens alumrnum
National Electric Code. Failure to do so 5187HG sam-o as above 6tonze
may resulr in serious persola inJUry. 5200GM Grout IVlask and fixture support for concrete qalv. steel
To order an accessory add catalog number to basic fixture number.
Example: 5000/5081HS. Accessories are supplied assembled to fixture
except for grout mask.

C1-6 Kim Lightinq,

Direct Burial Light 3OO Watt lncandescent
5OO Watt Quartz

Housing/ One-piece cast alumlnum alloy 356 fcr aluminum rnodels, one-piece
cast bronze ASTM 8145 composiiion 5A for bronze models. SpLice
compartment and lamp compartment ls separated 5y a double wall.
Volume of splice aornpartment s 40 cub c nches.
Lamp Well / Cast aluminum alloy 356 ior alurninum models, cast bronze
ASTI\I 8145 composition 5A for bronze rnodels. Larlp well continuously
welded to housing.
Fixture Coalings / All below grade portions of alum num models are
protected with bituminous paint. lnter or of alumlnum lamp well is f in shed
+ with an anti-glare flat back. Bronze mode s are as cast.
Lens / Flat lens js heat reslstant tempered zinc borosil aate glass 3,/0 " lhick
I w th stepped edge for flush with trim mounting. Roundel lens ls heat
res stant tempered z nc borosilicate glass %" th ck.
Covers / Splice compartment cover and lens retainer are casi aluminum
I alloy 356 for alum num rnodels, cast bronze ASTNI-8145 compos i on 5A
for bronze models.
Gaskels / Lens gasket is silicone. Splice compartment cover gasket and lens
reta ner screw protection gasket is neoprene.
Fasteners / Stainless steel flat head screws for alum num models. silicone
bronze flat head screws for bronze models.
Wire Seals / Each wire passes through a neoprene grommet in the walTs of ihe
splice and lamp compartments. Each wire is terminated ln an anti-s phon
barr er which prevents wicking of water or condensat on through the wires.
lsolation chamber js filled with a flexible high temperature sealing compound
for total sealing oi the wiring system.
Socket / [,4ogul PAR connector.
Lamp Adiustment / 20' each side of vertical,326 horizontal rotation.
Positive screw locks on all adjusting brackets hold precise lamp a ming
pos itlo n.
Factory testing / 10 p.s.i. internal air pressure in all fixture compartments
while totally submerged in water.
Prewiring / All electrlcal components prewired with hig h temperatu re wire
to the spl ce compartment.
Grounding / 1/a -20 green hex head screw n spLice compartment.
Deta il lsolation Chamber conduit Taps / Standard tapp ng is two (2) 3/.r " N.P.T. in bottorn of spllce
compartment. lvlax mum opt onal tappings are two (2) l" N.P.T. in bottom, and
two (2) l" N.P.T. in sides of spl ce compartment.
Fixture / Underwrlter's Laboratories lnc. listed.
!L'- lv
Dela l- Flai Lens
Ordering lnlormation
Lamp and maximum watlage
Cat. No. See paqe 17 for details Construction Lens
5004 PAR 56.300 watt incandescent alu m num roundel
Deiail- Rou ndel Lens PAR-56. 500 watt quartz
5005 same as above aluminum flat
5104 same as above bronze roundel
5105 sarne as above bronze flat
la mps by others

Caution: Fixtures are not approved lor

walkover areas due to high-temperature
lenses which can burn leet, hands, etc. Accessories / see page 12 for cletails and llmitations
Cast bronze unlts are recommended Cat. No. Description Conslruction
for so I or concrete with alkal ne 5082HS Half Shield for dlrectional glare control aluminum
content, or any excess ve corrosive 5l82HS same as above b ronze
cond tion. Kim L ghting [ecommends 5084FL Full Louver for glare control and lens guard aluminum
sealing the conduit entries with RTV 5'l84FL same as above bronze
to ma nta n a clean, dry splice 5086DL D rectiona Louver lor directlonal glare control aluminum
co mpa rtment. 5186DL same as above bronze
Warning: This fixture must be grounded 5088RG Rock Guard for roundel lens aluminum
in accordance with loca codes or the
5188RG same as above bronze
Natrona Electric Code. Failure to do so 5201GM Grout N,4ask and f xture suppcrt for concrete galv. steel
may result in serious personal injury. To order an accessory add catalog number to basic fixture number.
Example:5104/51BBRG. Acoessories are supplied assembled to f xture
except for grout mask.
Kim Lighting, lnc. C1-7
Direct Burial Light For Vertical Surfaces
25O Watt Quartz
75 Watt Mercury Vapor
Specif ications
Housing / one piece cast alu mlnu m alloy 356 {or aluminum models, one-piece
cast bronze ASTlvl-B145 composition 5A for bronze models. All compartments
are separated by a double wa!1. Volu me of splice cornpartment is 40 cu bic inches.
Lamp well / Cast alu minu m alloy 356 ior al!minum models, cast bronze
ASTN,4-81 45 com position 5A for bronze mod els. Lamp well contin uously
welded to housing.
Reflector/ One piece hydroformed alumlnum with Alzaklirfinish. Retainers
141.," lock reflector in any position within a 326' horizontal rotaiion. (Patented)
Fixture Coating / All below grade portions of aluminum models are
protected with bituminous palnt. Bronze models are as cast.
Lens / Heat resistant tempered zin c borosilicate glass, ya"thick roundel.
Covers / Ballast compartment cover, spllce compartment cover, and
lens retainer are cast alu min u m alloy 356 for alu m jnu rn models; cast b ronze
ASTII 8145 composit on 5A for bronze models.
Gaskets / Lens gasket ls sll cone. Ballast compartment cover gasket, splice
compartment cover gasket. and lens retainer screw-protection gasket
are neop rene.
Quartz Model Fasteners. Stainless steel flat head screws for aluminum rnodels, silicone
bronze flat head screws for bronze models.
Wire Seals / Each wire passes th roug h a neoprene gronrmet in the walls
. of the ballast, splice, and lamp compartments. Each wire is terminated
l. in an anti-slphon barr er wh ich prevents wic king of water or condensation
through the wires. lsolation chamber is f illed with a f lexible hlg h
tem peratu re sealing com pou nd ior total seallng of the wiring system.
t0r;- Ballast / 75 watt autostabilized (CWA) high poweriactor 20"F. startjng,
' regulating lamp watts to ::t5% with i107o change in llne voltage.
(l\y'ercury Vapor rnodels only)
Socket / Quartz nrodel-high-temperature mini-can type SH with cast
, alumlnum safety shroud. L4ercury vapor rnodel-porcelain rnedium base.
Factory testing / 10 p.s.i. internal air pressure ln all fixture cornpartments
221i" while totally subrnerged in water.
Prewiring / Allelectrical components prewired with high temperature wire
' to the splice compartrnent.
Grounding / l/a 20 gteen hex head screw in splice compartment.
Conduit Taps / Standard tapping ls two (2) 3/4/' N.P.T. in bottom of spice
81,- compartrnent. l\laximum optional tappings are two (2) 1" N.P.T. in bottom, and
lwo t2J l" N.P.T. in.idec o'splrce conpa'lrrp'lt.
Fixture / UnderWriter's Laboratories lnc. listed.
' Ordering lnf ormation Quartz Models
Mercury Vapor Model Lamp and watlage -
Cat. No. (All mini-can screw base rated 2000 hrs.) Construction Lens
5006 T-4, 250 watt quartz (frosted) aluminum rou n del
5106 same as above bronze rou ndel
Ordering lnformation lamps by others
Vapor Models Ballasl Regulalion Start-
-Mercury Lamp and waltage Line Line Lamp Line Operating ing
Cat. No. Volts Construclion Lens Volts Watts Walts Amps Amps
5007MV.120 E-17, 75 watt, 16,000 hr. 120 aluminum rou ndel t10.k !5"k 93 .82 .80
mercu ry vapor, G.E. only
5007MV208 same as above 204 aluminum rou ndel 93 .48 .46
5007MV240 same as above 240 aluminum rou ndel !10"k ) 5.k 93 .41 .40

5OO7MV277 sarne as above 277 aluminum rolr ndel j10% !5'k 93 .36 .35

lam ps by others Caution: Some interpretations ofthe National Electric Code rnay allow 120 volt fixtures
only. lf 208, 24A, ot 277 vo t fixtures are desjred, check with ocal code authority
before specifying.
Warning: This fixture must be grounded
in accordance with loca codes or the
National Electric Code. Failure to do so Accgssorigs/ see paqe 12 for details
rnay result ln serious personal injury. Cat. No. Description Construction
Caution: Fixtures are nol approved for 5082HS Half Shield for directional glare control aluminum
walkover areas due to high-temperature 5182HS same as above b ronze

lenses which can burn feet, hands, etc. 520lGM Grout N,4ask and fixture support ior concrete. galv. steel
Cast bronze units are recommended Quartz model on ly.
5202GM G rout l\,4ask and fixtu re su ppo rt for concreie, galv. steel
for so I or concrete with alkallne
l\lercury Vapor model on lY.
conteni, or any excessive corroslve
condition. Kim Lighting recommends To order an accessory add cata og number to basic fixlure number.
Examp e:5006/5082HS
sealing the conduit entries with RTV FLrlL6uver. Directlonal Louver, and Rock Guard should not be used
to rnaintain a clean. dry splice with lhe above i xtures as they wil severely resirict light distribution
com partment. and cast shadows on the slrrface beinq il uminated

C1-8 Kim Lighting, lnc.


o Ouartz Model
Isolux lines ol verlical tootca

Lampr Q250MC rated 4,700 lLmens.

n d les, initial

lT.L. lest no. 17430

Quick relerence chart
Curves are symmeir cal abo!t this 0 -l Spac nO between iixlures lleel)
u*f X
::" ';::
4 ' li;:!r,iri:r"" 25

I l^:r.-'*' 2a 35',

10 25
6 5
l 9)

.:I 510 15 20 25 30

E l" secrion
Av.rage ma nla ned I !m nalion

] ,"t I

I ::l F_

Dislance along wall in mulliples of x -l


Mercury Vapor Model

lsolux lines of vertical loolcandles. initial

Lahp: H43AV-75DX rared2800 lumens LTL lestno 18150

Ouick relerence chart
c!rves are syrnmeirica aboutlhis o _* Spac ng betwen iixlures (leel)
3', 3.5', 1;1i,[irri:" 20

*',"'*' 15'
I 1 2 5 10 15 20
) Average mainla ned l!minalion

E c l" section
E J^
i 1x

lox l+-F_


Dislance along wall in mulliples ot X I*i-


r.E.s. Recommended Vertical Footcandles for Vertical Surfaces

Recommended Average mainlained
Rellection Vertical foolcandles
Surlace laclor o/" ABC
White terra cotta, Cream terra cotta, Light marble, White plaster 70-85 15 10 5

Light gray limestone, BedJord limestone, Buff limestone, 45-70 20 15 10

Smooth buJf face brick. Concrete
Briar Hillsandstone, Smooth gray brick, Medium gray limestone, 20-45 30 20 15
Common tan brick, Dark field gray brick
Common red brick, Brownstone, Stained wood shingle 10-20 50 35 20

A-Buildings in areas of intensive street lighting, or streets with many conflicting signs and lig ht sources.
B-Buildings located on secondary streets with few conflicting signs.
C-Buildings in areas of little conflicting light such as college campuses, residential streets, parks, etc.
Kim Lighting, lnc. C1-9
Direct Burial Light 1OO/175 Watt Mercury Vapor
24O Watt 12 Volt lncandescent

' Specilications
Housing / One-plece cast aluminum alloy 356 for aluminum rnodels,
one pjece cast bronze ASTl,,4-8145 compostion 5A for bronze models.
10,,-r" Ballast, lamp, and splice compartmenis are separated by a double wall.
Volume of splice compartment is 40 cubic inches.
Lamp Well / Cast alurninum alloy 356 for alu m inum models, cast bronze
AST[,4 8145 composition 5A for bronze rnodels. Lamp well continuously
' w-olcl-od to horrsino
Fixture Coatings 7 All below qrade portjons of aluminum models are
protected with biluminous paint. lnterior of alum num larnp well is finlshed
wiln ar a1t -q'drp'lat oac\. BroT.lp mod-ls d.e as casl.
Lens / Flat lens is heat resistant tempered zinc borosrllcate glass %,, thick
with stepped edge for flush-with-trim mounting. Rounclel lens is heat
i1r!- resistant tempered zinc borosilicate glass /a" thick.
Covers / Ballast compariment cover, splice compartment cover, and
lens retainer are cast aluminum alloy 356 for alumlnum moclels: cast bronze
ASTV B I45 comoosilior 5A fo. oron,,e models.
l\,4e rcu ry Vapor l\,4odel ,l Gaskets / Lens gasket is s licone. Ballast compartrnent cover gasket, spllce
compartment cover gasket, and lens reta ner screw-protection-gasket
rs neoprene.
Fasteners / Stainless steel fiat head screws for alum num moclels, silicone
bronze flat head screws for bronze models.
Wire Seals / Each wire passes through a neoprene grommet in the walls
8ti of the bailast, splice, and lamp compartments. Each wire is term naied
in an anti-siphon barr er which prevents wicking of water or condensation
through the wires. lsolatlon chamber is f llecl w th a flexible high
ternperature sealing compound for total seal ng of the wirjng system.
Baflast-Transformer I Mercury vapor ballasts are 100 watt or ]75 wait
autostabrllzed (CWA) h gh power factor 20 F. starting. regulat ng lamp watts
to ::r5% with change in line voltage. 12 volt models have a 250VA
core and coil -107"
step down energy limiting solating transformer.
Socket / Mercury vapor models are porcelaln medium base.
12 volt models suppl ed with forked wire leads for screw-term nal larnps.
Lamp Adjustmenl / 20 each side of vertical.326 horizontal rotatio|.
Positive screw locks on all acllusting brackets hold precjse lamp aimlng
pos itio n.
Detail lsolation Chamber Faclory Testing / 10 p.s.i. internal air pressure in all fixture cornpariments
- wh Ie totally submerged in water.
Prewiring / All electrical componenis prewired w th h gh temperature wire
SE:= JF io the splice co mpartment.
Grounding / 1,/a-20 green hex head screw n spljce compartment.
Deta il Flat Lens Conduit Taps / Standard tapping s Iwo (2) 3/4" N.p.T. in bottorn of spt ae
- compartment. lvlaximum optional tappinqs are two (2) 1,,N.p.T. in bottom. and
two {2, ' N.P.l. n sioes o' spl c6 cornpdrtmFr I
Fixture / Underwriter's Laboratories lnc. isted, except Low Voltage units.

Detail- Ro undel Len s

ACCeSSOf ieS / see page 12 for detai s and timitations

Caution: Fixtures are nol approved for

Cat. No. Description Construclion
walkover areas due io high-lemperature sogoeN g
lenses which can burn feet, hands, etc. 5082HS t,ot'SrretA'orO,."ffi
Cast bronze units are recommended for 5182HS same as above b[onze
soil or concrete with alkaline content, glare jens
or any excessive corrosive condition. !g81lL Full Louver
5184FL same as above
lor controt and guard alumlnum
K rn Ligl'rirq re( om-nends sealinq lhe
condJ t enr.,ps wirh R lV to mainlain a 5086DL DireCtional LoUVer for d rectional olare control alllm nLrm
clean, dry spilce corn partment. 5186DL same as above bronze
5088RG Rock Guard for roundel lens aluminunr
Warning: This fixture must be grounded 5188RG same as above bronze
in accordance with ocal codes or the 5202GM Grout and fixture po rt for concreie v. sieel
National E ectric Code. Failure to do so o order accessories add cataloq number to bas c f xture number.
Tay esull In seriouc pe.sondl rrlu'y. Example: 50241\,4V1 20l50B0BN/5082HS Accessories are supplied assembled
to fixture except for grout mask.
C1-10 Kim Llghting, Inc.
Ordering lnformalion Mercury Vapor
- Ballast Requlation
wallage Line Lamp Operaling starting
volts Watts .!-i19
Lamp and
Cat. No. See'page 17 lor-details Volts Construction Lens W31ls AmPs ATqs
soZOwlvfZO n-+0, tOo watt 120 aluminum roundel !1aok !5L 120 1.10 1 05
mercu ry vapo r
5020MV208 same as above 208 aluminum roundel ).10ok !5'k 0.60 0.59
5020MV240 same as above 240 aluminum roundel !1OY. lsla 126 0.5s 0.53
502OMV277 same as above 277 aluminum roundel -!.10ok t-sok
-Line 120 0.47 0.45
5021MV120 same as above 120 aluminum flat ,L10yo !5.k 120 a10 1-05
5021MV208 same as above 208 aluminum Ilat )-10.k )-5V" 126 0.60
5021MV240 same as above 240 aluminum flat -!.1,0Yo t:s'k 126 0.55 0.53
5021MV277 same as above 277 aluminum flat -!.100k t-s"k 120 0.47 0.45
5120MV120 same as above 120 bronze roundel !1ook t 5Y" 120 1 .10 1n5
5120MV208 same as above 2OB bronze roundel i.10ya !5'k 126 0.60 0.59
5120MV240 same as above 240 bronze roundel ):10a/a !5Y" 126 0.55 0.53
512OMV277 same as above 277 bronze roundel t10Yo !5Y. 12a 0.47 0.45
5121MV.120 same as above 12o btonte flat '10". 12O .10 '1
5121MV208 same as above 208 bronze flat !100k -5o"
!5"k 126 0.60 0.59
s121MV240 same as above 240 bronze flat ) 101a !5Y. 126 0.55 0.53
5121MV277 same as above 277 b(onze Jlat !1 jYa !5'k 20 a.47
1 0.45
5024MV120 R-40, 175 watt 120 aluminum roundel t-10ya !5"/. 205 1.90 1 .80
ry vapor
me rcu
5024MV208 same as above 208 alu min u m roundel r10% !5o/o 245 '1
.10 1.00
5024MV240 same as above 240 aluminum roundel -10Ya lsok 205 0.95 0.90
5024MV277 same as above 277 alumin u m roundel !100k r-50/o 210 080 0.7 5

50251viv120 same as above 120 aluminum flat t 100k !5"k 205 '1.90 1.80
5025MV208 same as above 208 aluminum flat !1OYo !5o/a 2A5 1.10 1.00
5025MV240 same as above 240 aluminum flat !100k )-5.k 205 0.95 0.90
5025MV277 same as above 277 aluminum flat t-10ak !5o/" 210 0.80 0.75
5124MV120 same as above 120 bronze roundel !10ok !5"k 205 1.90 1.80
5124MV208 same as above 208 bronze rou ndel !1ook !5"/" 205 1.10 1.00
5124MV240 same as above 240 bronze roundel -!.1Ook lsok 205 0.95 0.90
5'124MV277 same as above 277 bronze roundel !1Ook ts"k 210 0.80 075
5125MV120 same as above 120 bronze flat t 10ok !5Y" 205 1.90 1.80
5125MV208 same as above 208 bronze flat !1AYo !5Y. 205 1 .10 1.00
5125MV240 same as above 240 b ronze flat ::r-10% t-So/o 205 0.95 0.90
5125MV277 same as above 277 bronze flai )_100k t 5"k 210 0.80 0.75
lamps by others Caution: Some interpretations otthe Nationa E lectric Code may allow 120 vo lt iixtu res
only. lf 2OB, 240, or 277 voll lixlures are desired, check with local code authority
before specifying.
Ordering lnformation Low Voltage
Lamp and wattage Line Line
Cat. No. See page 17 for details Volts Construclion Lens Amps

5031LV same as above 12O aluminum flat drive lamp with greater
than l20 line volis or
lamp Iife will be

Kim Lighting, lnc. C1-ll
Accessories for Direct Burial Lights

and 3i'iiil?l3o'"
Cai. No. Construclion on page Detail
Beam Narrowing
Reflecto r for R 40
merc u ry vapor
lamps on ly.
Collects lost 50808N A lza k.''l 10, 1l
high-angle lig ht aluminum
and re-d istributes
it at useful angles.
Clips d irectly to
R-40 lamp.

Half Sh ield lens s081HS cast 6

ring for d irectional aluminum
lig ht cut off and 5181HS casi 6
glare control. For bronze
use with roundel 5082HS cast 7, A, 10, 11
lenses only. See aluminum
cauiion below- 5182HS cast 7, 8, 10, 11

Full Louver lens 5083FL cast 6

ring for 360" g lare alumrnum
control and Iens 5.l83FL cast 6
proteciion. For use branze
with flat lenses 5084FL cast 7, 10, 11 ^-.jLLNI IfI-
only. See caution
below. 5184FL
alumin um
cast 7, 10, 11

Directional Louver
lens rinq allows 5085DL ast
c 6
maximum lig hi aluminum
effic iency in 5185DL cast
d irection of lamp { r/ta"
t jlt wh ile controlling
glare in o pposite s086DL
7, 10, 11 iur-r\'.,
directions. For use 5186DL cast 7, 10, 11
with flat lenses bronze
on ly. See Caution

Rock Guard Iens 5087RG cast

ring for vandal alum inum 17h;' .ti::',,
protection of 5187RG cast 6 11/2' )tliit::
roundel lenses bronze I
only. See caution 5088RG cast 7, 10, 11
below. aluminum !7- \Yf
5t88RG cast 7, 10, 11

Grout l\,4ask and

fixture su pport for
installations in con-
crete. lvlask is tied to
re info rcing bars and 5200GM galv. steel 6
supports fixture 5201GM galv. steel 7.8
during concrete pour.
Conc rete is kept
5202GM galv. sieel 10, 11
away from fixture
allowing 2" g rout
snaap'^r {in:l I/im
Alzakad is a trademark of Alcoa.
CAUTION: Half Shield, Full Louver, Directional Louver, and Rock
Guard should not be used in areas where a rapid collection of leaves
or trash is anliclpated. Dried leaves and paper can burn ii allowed
to stand on high iemperature lenses. A regularly scheduled main-
tenance program must be established to keep fixtures clean.
C1-12 Kjm Lighting, lnc.
Well Light 150 Watt lncandescent
1OO/175 Watt Mercury Vapor
lncandescent Model Specif ications
Fixture / Cast bronze ASTIVI-8145 Composition 5A. Roundel lens is heat
resistant tempered zlnc borosilicate glass. Lens gasket is siTicon rubber.
Pre-wired cord enters flxture through a brass seal and each w re is

;El 17"
termlnated in an anti-siphon barrier encapsulated in a h gh temperature
sealing compound. Socket is porcelain medium base.
Well / Heavy Transite tile with anti-glare flat black lnterior.
Louver / Cast alurninum alloy 356 secured io well wlth three (3) tamper

resistant stainless steel socket head set screws. Louver prov des 42 light
cut-off and is black with polished highlights.
Fixture Adiustment / Fixiure can be rotated 360. and is suspended from louver
by stainless steel wire hangers that allow 15. tllt from vertical. Fixture
is firmly locked in aiming position with positive screw locks.
Junction Box / Casi aluminum alloy 356 with bituminous paint on below
grade portions. Cover gasket 1s neoprene. Supplied with y2,'rigicl galvanized
16' conduit with brass seal for fixture cord. Furnished with two (2) 3/+ - N.P.T.
condult tappings in bottom. Maximum optional tappings are two (2) 1,, N.p.T.
in bottom, side, and ends. 1/a 20 green hex head ground screw is provided.
Volume is 40 cubic inches.
Ballast Box (l\lv models onty) ,/ One-p ece cast alumtnum alloy 356 with
bituminous paint on below grade portions. Ballast and spl ce compartments
are separated by a double wall. Cover gaskets are neoprene. Box is pre-wired
Drainage Required with each wire terminated in an anti-siphon barrier whjch prevents wicking
(see specifications) ot water or condensation through the wires. lsolation chamber is filled w th
a high temperature sealing compound. Furnished with two (2) %,, N.p.T.
conduit tapp ngs in bottom. [,4axlmum optional tapplngs are two (2) 1,, N.p.T.
in bottom and sides. Supplied with 1/2" rigid galvanized condult and brass
Mercury Vapor Model
seal for iixture catd. 1/a-20 green hex head qround screw is provided.
Factory tested with 10 p.s.i. internal air pressure while toially submerged
in water. Volume of spllce compartment ls 30 cubic inches. (Patent Pending)
Ballast (NlV models only) / 100 watt or'175 watt autostabiTized (CWA) high

power factor 20'F. start ng, regulat ng lamp watts to :r 5% w th i10%
change in line vo ltage.
Relamping / Louvers are removed by loosenjng screws and entire fixture is
lifted irom well for easy relamping and cleanjng above ground. Angular
F 2s" 1 fixture adjustment is not affected by relamping.
Well Drainage / Fixture is capable of withstanding total submerslon cluring
limited periods of extreme flooding. Dralnage must be providecl dur nq
installation (by others) to prevent constant flooding.
Fixture/ Underwriter's Laboratories lnc. listed.

Ordering lnformation
Cal. No. Lamp and maximum watrage. See page 17 tor deraits Fixture Construction
'5u PAF-38. T50 $ratt ncandescent
Lamp and watlage Line Fixture Line Operating Slading
Cal. No. See page 17 for delails Conslruction Walts Amps Amps
5152MV120 R-40 I00 walt merc!ry vapor 120 casl bronze 120 I l0 1.05
5152MV208 same as above 208 cast bronze T26 0.60 0.59
5152MV240 same as above 2,10 cast bronze 126 0.55 053
Drainage Req u ired 5152MV277 same as above 27T caslbtarze 124 0.47 0.45
(see specifications) sls4MV120 R 40, 175 wall mercury vapor 120 casl bronze 205 ] 90 1.80
51541\,'1V208 same as above 208 casl bronze 205 l.l0 1.00
5154MV240 same as above 240 cast bronze 205 0 95 0.90
5154MY277 same as above 277 casl bronze 210 0 80 075
lll o"rld.. a.. o ,rd, I rorror.
'r l0oo i - .o reo-'"^d.tdgd
o- "-d oo .Tp
regulat on. ^d.r

Caution: Some interpretations ofthe National Electric Code may allow 120 volt fixtures
Caution: Fixtures are not approved lor only. lf 208, 240, ot 277 volt fixtures are desired, check with local code authority
walkover areas where shoe heels before specifyinq.
might lodge in louver openings.
Kim Lighting recommends sealing Option
ihe conduii entries with RTV to Cal. No. Descriplion
maintain a clean, dry ' Dlrecl onal Louv
splice compartment. Ight eff c ency n d reclion of
amp lilt !!hile contro lng gtare
Warning: This fixture must be grounded n opposit dtrect ons
in accordance with local codes or the
National Electric Code. Failure to do so
)tion add catalog nurnber io bas c fixiure nurnber.
may resu't i'r serious personal iniury. Example: 150/5090D1. Direciional Louver s supplied in place oi stanclard fuI touver.

C1-14 Kim Lightinq, lnc.

Well Light 3OO Watt lncandescent
24O Watt 12 Volt lncandescent
lncandescent Model Specif ications
Fixlure / Cast bronze ASTII-8145 composition 5A. Roundel lens is heat
resistant tempered zinc borosilicate glass. Lens gaskei is silicon rubber'
Pre-wired cord enters fixture through a brass seal and each wire is terminated
1 in a anti siphon barrier encapsulated in a high temperature sealing compound
Socket is a mogul PAR connector. 12 volt model supplied with
forked wire leads for screw-terminal lamps.
Well / HeavyTransite tile with anti-glare flat black interior.
1 Louver / Cast aluminum alloy 356 secured to well with four (4) tamper
2i1i4" 1 resistant stainless steel socket head set screws. Louver provides 35"
lig ht cut-off and is black with polished highlights.

I Fixture Adjustment / Fixture can be rotated 360' and is suspended from louver
by stainless steel wire hangers that allow 15' tilt from vertical. Fixture
is firmly locked in aiming position with posiiive screw locks.
Junction Box / Cast aluminum alloy 356 with bituminous paini on below
rfl' grade portions. Cover gasket is neoprene. Supplied with 1/2" rigtd galvantzed
conduit with brass seal Jor f ixture cord. Furnlshed with two (2) %" N.P.T.
conduit tappings in bottom. l\,4aximum optional tappjngs are two (2) 1" N.P.T.
in botlom, s de, and ends. l/a 20 green hex head ground screw is provided.
I Volume is 40 cubic inches.
Translormer Box (LV rnodel only) / One-piece cast aluminum alloy 356
Dra nage Requ red with bituminous paint on below qrade portions. Transformer and splice
(see speciilcations) compartment separated by a double wall. Neoprene cover gaskets. Box is
pre-wired with each wire terminated in an anli-siphon barrier whlch prevents
wlcking of water or condensation through the wires. Isolation chamber is
l2 Volt Model filled with a high iemperature sealing compound. Furnlshed with two (2)
3/a - N.P.T. conduii iappings in bottom. l\,4aximum optional tappings are two (2)

1" N.P.T. in bottom and sides. Supplied with 72" rigid galvanized conduit
and brass seal for fixture cord. 1/a -20 green hex head ground screw is
provided. Factory tested wiih 10 p.s.i. internal alr pressure while totally
submerged ln water. Volume of splice compartment is 30 cubic inches.
Transformer (LV model anly) / 12 volt 250VA core and coil step-down
energy Iimlting isolating iransformer.
t Relamping / Louvers are removed by loosening screws and entire fixture is
Iifted from well for easy relamping and cleanlng above ground. Angular
fixture adjustment is not affected by relarnping.
Well Drainage / Fixture is capable of wlthsianding total submersion durlng
limited periods of extreme flooding. Drainage must be provided during
lnstallation (by oihers) to prevent constant flooding.
Fixture / Underwriter's Laboratories lnc. listed, except Low Vo tage units

Ordeting lnformalion
Lamp and maximum watlage Fixture
Drainage Requ ired Cat. No. See page 17 tor details Conslruction
(see speaifications) 5160 PAR 56. 300 watt incandescent cast bronze

Lamp and wattage Line Line Fixture

Cat. No. See page 17lor details Volts Amps Construction
5161LV PAR56,240watt,l2voltincandescent 120 3.0 castbronze
Lamps by others. Caution: Do not over drive 12 volt lamps with greater than
Cauiion: Fixtures are not approved lor 1 20 line volts or lamp lif e will be sho rtened.
walkover areas where shoe heels
might lodge in louver openings-
Kim Lig hting recommends sealing
the conduii entries with RTV to Option
maintain a clean, dry Cat. No. Description Construclion
splice co mpartment. '
s091DL Directional Louve r: allows cast alu minu m
Warning: This fixture must be grpunded maximum lig hi eff iciency ln
in accordance wlth ocal codes or the r:" direct on oi lamp tilt while
"q controlling glare
Nationai Electric Code. Failure to do so
rnav result in serious personal injury. in opposite directions.
To order option add catalog number to basic tixture number.
Example:51611V/5091D1. Directional Louver is supplied in place of standard
full louver.
Kim Liqhting, lnc. C1-15
Well Light 150 Watt lncandescent
1OO Watt Mercury Vapor

lncandescent Model Specifications

Fixture / Cast bronze wlth spun copper body. Rounde! lens is heal
res stant tempered zinc boros I cate glass. Lens gaskei ls silicon rubber.
Pre-wired cord enlers i xture ihrough a brass seal. Socket is porceTain
s,"sq medium base. PAR-38 mercury vapor models have admediurn base.
E Well / Heavy Transite tile.
Louver / Cast aluminum alloy 356 secured to well with three (3) tamper
resistant stainless steel socket head set screws. Louver provldes 42' light
culoff and is black with polished highlights.
Junction Box / Cast iron hot dipped galvanized. Neoprene cover gasket.
72" rigid galvan zed condult and brass seal for fixture cord. Furnished wlth
I\'!o (2) 1/2" N.P.T. conduit entries in sides. B-32 brass ground screw ls
provided. Volume is 97, cubic inches.
Ballasl Box (1,,4V models only) / One piece cast alumlnum alloy 356 with
bliuminous paint on below grade portions. Bal ast and spl ce compartments
are separated by a double wall. Cover gaskets are neoprene. Box is pre-wired
with each wire term nated n an anti-siphon barr er which prevents \oicking
of water or condensation throuqh the wires. lsolation chamber is filled with
a high ternperature sealing compound. Furnished with two (2) %" N.P.T.
conduit tapp ngs ln bottom. l\laximum optional tappinqs are two (2) 1" N.P.T.
I in bottom and sides. Suppl ed with f2" rigid galvanjzed conduil and brass
seal for fixture card. 1/a -2O green hex head ground screw s provided.
Dra nage Req u ired Factory tested with 10 p.s.i. internaJ air pressure while totally submerged
(see spec f caiions) in water. Volume of spllce compartrnent ls 30 cubic inches.
Ballast ([,4V models only) ,/ High power factor (HPF) constant
wattage autotransformers w th ::r10% line volt regulat on and -57" lamp watt
Mercury Vapor Model reg u laiion.
Relamping / Louvers are removed by loosening screws and entire flxture
ls lfted from welJ ior easy relamping and cleaning above ground.
Well Drainage / Fixture s not subrnersible and adequate well drainage
must be provlded during instal ation (by others) to prevent flooding.
Fixture / Underwr ter's Laboratories lnc. isted.
Ordering lnformation
_t No.
Cal. Lamp and maximum wallaqe See page 17lor details Fixture Consrruction
C-54 B-40, 150 lvalt incandescent copper and bronze
PAR 38 T s0 watl ncandesccnt

Lamp and wailage

See page 17 Line Fixture Line Operatins Srarling
Cat- No. lor detaits 'Ballasl Volts Construction Wafis Amps Amps
5162MV208 208 copper & bronTe T26 0.60 0.59
16" s162MV240 240 copper & bronze 126 0.55 0.53
5162Mv277 lHPF) 277 copper & bronze 120 A.47 0.45
5164MV120 PAR 38 100 watl (HPF) 120 copper & bronzc 120 l.l0 1.05
rn,crc ! ry vapor
5164MV208 samc as above (HPF) 208 copper & bronze 126 0 60 0 59
5164MV240 same as above (HPF) 240 copper & brorze 126 0.55 0 s3
5164MV277 sam. as above (HPF) 277 cappet & brofze 120 0.47
I | -p o. or'- H" .,S, t i- rc' o rr' F o-l -lr r' . '
0 45

a10% I ne loltage regulaiion and +5% amp 'watl regu at on. ^r"q- "
Drainage Requ ired Caution: Some interpretations ol the National Electric Code may allow 120 volt fixtures
(see specificatlons)
only. lf 208, 240, ot 277 volt fixtures are desrred, check with local code authority
before specitying.
Cat. No.
D.ecllona Lo(]!er . lows
Caution: Fixlures are not approved for max mum lghl eff cl-oncy ln .1 reciion
walkover areas where shoe heels .-'e of lampiitrh e ront o I ng glare
n opposrlF d
might lodge in louver openings.
Kim Lighting reco mrnends sealing
To ordcr opl ons add calalog numbers to bas c f xtur-D nLrmber Example:C 54/5090D1
the conduit entries with RTV to
mainta jn a clean. dry
splice co mpartment.
Warning: This fixture must be grounded
in accordance with local codes or the
National Electric Code. Failure to do so
'FaV resu't i1 serious persondl i.tlLry.

C1-16 Kim Lighting, lnc.

Lamp Data
Lamps By Others
Approximate Candlepower Dislribulion

Beam 'Beam
Type Description Spread 10 20' 30' 40' 50' 60' 70' 80" 90"

Inca'rdescent 150 2,000 hrs. Spot ,19 5.900 3.100 800 ,100 300 200
.) n.andesc-6nt 150
|,,".d. . .00 2.000 hrs.
830 650 490
1 750 t.000 900
300 I20
75 50

:: -: n -..e enl ,00 000 hr: F ood 123 1,950 1,850 1 600 T,250 950 600 300 150
M. ,delr" \n er 100 -j.000 h ) ,^ oe r ooo 214 605 580 s65 545 515 470 110 290 170 125
' '. ' " \ '' ao. '.'0o08\ 120 970 865 885 905 750 1AD 220 100
N4V {delux \,rh te) 175 24,000 hrs. Widc F ood 240 1.300 1.300 r,280 r,180 1.090 950 7,10 540 390 250
r Na .i nd FPr -a.l:i 5D30AN) I 9.11 T.740 1.775 1.8r0 r 500 T70

aomedium YI eErl. 100 16 000 hrs. Spol 55 15,000 5 000 2 500 1.200 500
vv ic
l. e.r) .
hrs 3100 3.000 2,400 1.000 500 300 200 100
r*l Base T00 16 000 F ood 100

pAR-38 ncandes.ent r50 2.000 hrs. Spol 30 r3.000 4 500 1.000 800
Medrum ncan.jesc.nt 150 2.000 hrs. Flood 63 300 3.300
4 1 400 400 250 175
Base Ou.rtz 250 4.000 hrs Spot 24 40.000 5 r00
O!.irlz 250 4 000 hrs. F- ood 60 6 850 5 200 2.600 800

1\/ ,,',
KR 38
Krypton IKB
6r,pron thB
250 4.000
F ood
r 3 600
6.,100 s
7 500
2,800 r
s00 500 250
600 550 250

ncand,ascent 300 2 000 hrs. Narrorr Spot 1,1 x 20 80 000 r0.000

pAR_s6 ln.rndes' enl 300 2 000 hrs. Med. F ood l9 x34 30 000 18.000
Modut Our rncand.<cpnl 300 2 000 hrs. W de Flood 2i t52 11 800 10.500 ,1500
Eno"prono tz 500 ,1.000 hrs. Narrow Spot l5 x32 99 000 30.000
" 'Quarlz 500 4 000 hrs. Med Food 2A x12 52.000 37.000 7 500
OLrariT 500 4 000 hrs. vt de Flood 34 x66 18 500 r6.800 000 |

PAR-56 I2 volt 240 2.000 hrs. very 6 xg 140 000

Nafiow Spot
Screw 244 2.000 hrs. Mcd. Flood 8 x 19 45 000 20.000
rerminar l; v;ii 240 2 000 hrs W de F ood 13 000 r r.500 4 300

on lf informat on is crit cal check,.^r th lamp manufacturer ior most recent d:ta
Note: Lamp dala is cullent ai time ol calalog pubL cat
'Beamspread sthetotatangle measuredirdegrees.beh^/ccnpointsonacandepowerdslrbutoncurvethaiareT09;oflhemaximumcandlepower
''C ear rnerc!ry lamps have a large quantity of ght nthcbuegreenspeclrumwhchcanfaitersomeevergreensandoiherfoiageofthesecolors.
These amps ere commonLy refeircd to n anrp man!facturer s catalogs as Black lghl which is a mlsnomer'

Tree Lighting The lo lowifq chan vr I a d in esl -
nralina the Frope. amp lo l!m n.le
L aht nO lrees s rs m!.h art as t s scien.c Fo. th s leasr. an obie.t or si!cn hc !hl a.d wldth.
it s mpossib c lo I !e del n live gu dc nes as to qlant ly oi cand cpovJer at a q ven anq e can be
l!m nat on or era.t pLacement ol I xt!rcs Desired eitecls oblalned lrom the abo!e .h.rt or
.ai rerl! re Iretween 5 .nn 50 roolcand es depen.l ns on lrom more .lelal ed c!rves prov .led
.les qn obre.l !es .o or ot fo i.!'. .. or.1 bark. s!rround n! by the lamp man!fa.1!rer.
qht lev. s. c1.. F a..mcnt of 1xl!res s deDen.lenl on type
ol lrec lcverCreen or decid!o!sl defs ty ol lollase. !rowth Foolcand es ca. be determ ned irom
.hara.ter sli.s. ! ew .! an!l es elc lrre l.rm! a Fc CF
Trees w th ope. iol age can bc ill!minated irom dlrecl y .o
underneath Trees w lh defse ro .q. sho!ld be iL Lmlnated CP Ca.l epower (rrom amp dala) o
O D stance rrom lamF ro obie.t o
o 50 50


W=width ol object trom aiming line

Kim Lighting, lnc. C1-17

f \.
- ,:-g

"'g B*-;*" ",,:


a*.*.. :


Subsidiary of Kidde, lnc
Becau se of a contin
prod uct improvement
u in g

program, Kim Lig htin g, In c.,

reserves the rig ht to ch an ge
Printed in U.S.A.

KIDDE specif ications without notice.

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