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A Versatile Post-Top l-uminaire...

. ....:

Featuring the original square

beam opt ca system as
des gned and patented by
KmLighting n1975
U S. Pateni 4 041,306

Kim Products
Street and Area Light ng
F oodllghting-
Environrnental Lightlng
Landscape L ghting
Fountain L ghting
Catalog Organization
lVechanica Deslgn
Optlcai Design
Parklng Lot Applications
Roadway Applications
mportant Features
Custom Archltectural Founta ns Retroflt
Ktff Fountain Components Cornputer Layouts 9
16555 E. Gale Avenue Detalls & Specllications 10-11

Post Offlce Box 1275 Ordering lnformatjon 1214

lndustry, Calif.91749
818/968 5666 TeLex 67-0491 o 1983 Klm Lightlng
FAX 818/330 3861 This vers on o 1987
Affirmed by Recorded Success.

l,,i i r

Innovative Design:
Sealed Optical Chamber with Air Cooled Components
Smpy stated. the CSB
revoiutionary Ten years of
s o
sirccessfu ly prodLrc ng
sea ed opt ca chambers has
been ref ned to the Lr t mate
The most met cu ous y sea ed
optica charnber we have ever
produced s now a lowed to
ioat w th n a ore piece
ng that fducesan nterna aT
f ow. Sens t ve e ectr ca coral
pofefts are fternaly coo ed
subslant a y be ow a owab e
eve s prornot ng rnax rnum ol
gev ty. As a r flows natura y
aroLrnd the fixiure a low pres
sL[e area s created on the
eading edge Th s draws heat
from ihe hous ng nter or and
starts af a r c rcu at of that
cont fuous y coo s the e ectr
ca componenis The opt ca
chamber s kept alrt ght
because the one p ece frydro
lormed ref ector s tota ly
sea ed around every surface

A roLrnC shape s af aero

dynam c shape and
resL ts i.r two major ltene-
f is it promotes the natura
coo ng ellecl and a ows
srna er po es to be ,rsed whi e
sat sfy ng wind oad reqLrlre
ments Extens ve testlng at K tn
has shown that a mere 5 rn p h
b.eeze prod!ces terar pe.
at,r.e drops on cr tica elec
trica components of 40"F to
50'F Even n abso ute sii I air.
fterna tem peratures on a
components are be ow the
raran Lrlact! re rs recornrnenda-
tions and U L standards The
cy indr ca hous ng has a coef
fcent ol drag that s 70% ess
thar a sqLrare housifg Th s
has enab ed K m eng r-reers to
reduce pole sizes wh le st
sat sly r-rq w nd oad requ re
ments A of ihese eng neering
factors po nt to the CSB as th-.
mosl advafced h gh perform
afce lLim na re ava ab e
AB2 KmLqhtincl
lmproved Optics:
Up to 787" Efficiency with Sharp Cutoff
Start fg with our proven
optical systems, Kim
has made s ght
adjustments n amp ref ector
lens geometry that has sub-
stant a ly ncreased ght
effic ency wh e rnaintair ng
our discip ne of sharp cutoff.
These mprovements in ght
output are at the h gher ang es
where they increase po e
spacing and overall nstal atlon
efl c ency and economy. All
th s has been accompl shed
w thout sacrific ng cltoff As n
a K m h gh performance
um naires, the CSB maintains
a h gh degree ol g are coftro
wh ch trans ates nto good v si-
bi ty and seelng comfort Two
I gfrt d str but ons are avai ab e
lor maximum appl cat on
f ex b lty.

Square Distrbution, Asymmetric Distribution

Km deve oped the square llght To give the CSB total app ca
pattern spec l cally for h gh effl t b ity the asyrnmetric
on 1 ex
c ency and economy n operl ght pattern al ows aiea ight
area I uminatron Max mum ing from the perimeter or prop
po e spac ng s ach eved in erty ne Thrs d str but on s
park ng ots and plazas w th vir a so superb Ior ght ngstreets
tua y ur lorm ght eve s at the drives or pathways lrom a curb
cr t cal m dpo nts The square ife locat on At the property
ight pattern s a so dea for ne a houseside sh e d option
retrolit projects or roadway is ava ab e io contro backilght
ght rg from a medlan strip nto ne ghbor ng property
U.S Patent 4 04T 306 U S Patenl 3 786 248

Klrn Liqht ng AB-3

Parking Lot Applications

Main Lol Areas.

The square ight pattern oflers
exce lent po e spac ng and
unlformlty, with cons derable
f exibllity n adapting to park ng
ot geometry Po e height and
fixture wattage can be
adjusted to produce almost
any desired I ght eve w th
poles located on the des red
park ng rows.

Perimeters. Light Trespass.

At the property line or a ong lvlany cornmercial, nstitutiona
dr ves the CSB s of fered with or corpoTation developments
an asymmetrlc distributlon to are ocated next to residential
eff c ently ght areas on one property or ln c tjes that have
side of the po e ocation. This light trespass aws. The CSB,
a lows a the lumlna res on a with asymmetric d stribution, is
given project to have the same ava lable with an optional
appearance while adapt ng houseside shie d to restrict
light patterns to area geometry ght lrom neighboring property
when f xtrrres must be located
at the property line.

A8-4 Kim Lighting

Roadway Applications

From the Curb.

The carefully des gned
asymmetric ght pattern gives
un form coverage from near
curb to oppos te c Lr rb, w th
good sidewalk iioht no in back
of the lumlf a re Light throw is
wide enough to I ght most
roadways from one s de of y.
lnsta ng fixtures on both s des
s requ red on y for very wide
streets or where h gher light
eve s are desired.

From the Median. Light Trespass.

For this app icat on, the square As lots get smaller, residences
distr but on can prov de exce - are ocated closer to the street
lent lghting across the entire Street llghting can becorne an
roadway with the economy of anfoying nvas on of pr vacy.
only one lumina re per pole With our opt onal houses de
For narrower s de streets the sh e d ng for the asyrnmetric
asymrnetric ight pattern can light pattern, this problern has
be used from one side only, been virtua ly e im nated wh e
retaining the same luminalre stil retaining enough light lor
appearance for the entire sidewalks. See cata og Ag lor
project. photometrics

K m Llghting
lmportant Features

As w th a Klm high perlorm
ance products, s rnp e and
rap d instal ation was a raralor
des gn parameter. S nce a I

CSB compofents are modu at

the I xtLrre s eas y attached to
the po e with the ba ast and
ref ector rrodule retaroved A
s ng e concea ed mount ng
bo t and patented expanslon
devlce are used to preserve
clean exterior deta ng. Field
w res are pul ed through the
po e to the f xture tenon, and
the ba last and ref eclor mod
ules are snapped nto place.
Ouick-d sconnect p ugs are
nected and stored n the llxture
tenon, and the um naire is
operatiora. Th s entlre proce
dLrre isfast, simp e and results
n corsiderable labor sav ngs
to the contractor.
U.S. Patent 4,064,432

S nce pole mounted Ilxtures
require llft ur ts lor serv c rg
t me ls cr tica . W th the CSB
rap d lfsta al on features also
becorne rapid serv ce features 1

For re amplng the hous ng is

quick y opered with capt ve
quarter turn atches and s )
he d by a se f ocking support
arm For balast access the
rel ector a so h nges open
uslng quarter-turn latches
A though the ref ector modu e
can be snapped out lt s not
necessary as adequate room
s prov ded lor ltaLlast remova
A spare ba ast s snapPed into
p ace lor mif rnurn ft truck
time, wh le the o d modu e rs
returned to the shop for repa r.
This syslem has been
extrernely successtul in other
Kim um na res for more than
ten years
Superior Optics.
K nr of-.t cai systems caf be sLr.f.rar zed very d rect y ihey out-
perform arl",other s_vstel-rs ava lab e There are two c si nct fea
sol]s why tl- s s true F rst K r'r'r rel ecto's are ol sLrper or deslgrl
backeal by a r q d q!al ty contro program lr manLrlactLrrifg On y
cne p ece lrydroformed ref ectors arc Lrscd h gh y po she(l aral
f)'o-ected fr.rrf srrrfilce deler oraL or by tlre exc Lrs ve A zak'
process Second the,v are met cLr ous ! sea ed arollrd every sL]l
lace tc ensure a h gh eve of 'na l]ta ned iqht orrlp!t of the loo
Wh e other optica s]-sLems raLr d y accLrrrr! atc o rt, bLr!l:l
smoq ancl rro slJre K rf s sta),' clean lear alter ycar ma fta n n.,l
a lr gh percellaqe oi frt a glrt ourpLt

Adaptability to Future Technology.

Energy cciser,Jat on s a llat orra oomm lilefi. and increas ng
cnergy costs cha cnge tl-e deve oprarefl 01 new amp afd ba ast
tcchno ogy Recogn z ng lhai anrp milf !lactLrrels are corstant V
deve op f g i9lr1 sourc-os thal are more -.nergy elf clent, the CSB
has beef erg neered to accepi tfese soL|ces as they evo ve
The key to th s adaptab tV es n nrod! aT lxt!re deslgn wherc
al componelrts thal nray req! re tLrture mod lcat on or replace
ment are accessed easi_v in og ca groLrps Conscqucnt y th-d
CSB has been dlv ded nto frve rarodu es hoLrs llg. lens frarn-o
rcfcctor. soc{eia!c Llal asi No CSB feed ev-ar become obso ete
or lncff c erl 1 s lrrr ! a l-^1 rre investment backed by the manu
faciurinq and f farcia strefqth ol K nr L qht nq


KmLghtng A87
CSB Retrofit

The refurbishment of o d arch

tecture has become an attrac
tive and economica alternat ve
to new construct on. Plann ng
1or a remodei must go beyond
the bu lding, because most
older projects stili have energy
wasteful outdoor I ght ng that
uti izes ineffic ent mercury
vapor or lncandescent amps.
ln addition, these older
luminaires probably have no
aesthetic re ationsh p to the
refurbished archltecture. They
w ll becorne an energy-wastinO
eyesore if a lowed to rema n.
Retrofitting with Kim high per
formance um na res is a ogi-
cal, cost- justif able a ternative,
providing energy savlngs wh e
mprovlnq overall appearance

N,4ountng the CSB to exlst ng

po es is sirr]p y a matter of
determ ning the most econo-
mica method that wr satlsfy
aesthetlc requ rements.
Standard CSB rfountlngs w I

adapt to many po e d ameters,
and cuslom rnount ngs can be
rnade for almost any po e
Where post top bracketry
exists po es can be cut to
prov de a clean mount ng.

The CSB lum naires are ideal

for retrofit projects. W th the r
high performance, g are con
trol and single f xture mount-
ing, the CSB eas ly adapts to
existing systems with mmedi-
ate energy sav rgs improved
visibility and aesthet c har
mony ln most lnstances, no
pole strength problems are
created when the f xture ls
rnounted to existing po es.
Loca K rn representatives can
assist with retrofit inquiries.
Bequired project nformat on
includes detai s on e ectrical
distribution a ong with d men
sionaL and specif cation data
on exist ng po es. Responsjbil
ty for structural ntegrity o1
exist ng poles with Klm f xtures
must le with others. Upon
request Klmwl supplyacom
puter analysls of the new I ght-
inq scheme.

AB I Klm L qht nq
Kim Computer Layout
and Diskette Service

The computer has provided the lighting industry with an opportu At Kim, we employ des gn personnel fami|ar wlth a aspects o1 out-
nity to make more extens ve and mean ngful use of application door llght ng application. When cal ed upon we can prov de des gn
data. ln the past, po nt-by-po nt calculations were so labo|ous professiona s w th suggested ayouts and point by point computer
that, by defau t, average illum nation leve s were the un versa printouts to complement your prolect's techn cal presentation
standard. But an average ilumination level n outdoor app ication requrrements. Cornp iance w th I E S recommended pract ce ls
is not enough when considering secur ty and liability. At K m we eas ly determ ned from summary data on each pr ntout.
uti ize the most soph sticated programs to provide meanlngiu
and accurate application nformat on Response turn around time For spec fiers who have PO NTo or LUt\.4EN-PO NTaroutdoor ight ng
prograrns, K m can supply a set of d skettes containlfg data for a
is contro led through the use of in house, high capacity computer
equ pment.
products n the "A" section of the K m binder plus the BB Arch itec
tura Flood ights Contact your ocal Kim representat ve for computer
layout or diskette service.

One of the great features of our

computer program is the abi ty
to prov de pornt by-po nt light
evei printouts, TO SCALE, on
translucent vellum. When th s
overlay s placed on your p ot
plan, you can instantly see the
exact ight eve s over the
ent re des gn. lf problem areas
exist, it ls easy to v sualize
where adjustments can be
made rn order to produce the
desired results. All ol our
scaled computer printouts are
in l\y'AINTAINED illumination
which accounts for estimated ,:;1, .:r
lamp and lurninaire deprecia-
tion between maintenance
cycles. All Kim printouts are
based on data entered into our
computer direct y from nde-
pendent testing laboratory
reporls for each fixture/lamp

.,T----J :

Km Llghtinq AB I
Fixture and Mounting Details


Balast l\.4odu e

Optica Chamber
- Square D str but on
- Asymmetric Distr bution

25"Da 150 400 Watt

29" Dia lo00 Watt
Optiona Photoce I


Lens Fraane Asserarbly

!Fa' (25" Dii )

Opt ona Lexan

Shied npaceol
gass 25"da.ony
250 Walts Max.

Standard Flush lvlount ls automat cally supp ied with al Kim alu T Tenon lvlount is availab e for
minum or steeL poles listed on page 14. Patented wedge gr p wth mount ng to other poles having
concealed center bolt eliminates a I exposed lasteners a 2" pipe tenon (2s/a" a D. x
U.S. Patent 4,064,432. 4314" minimum length).

Ag 10 Kim Lighting
Specif ications:
Standard Equipment Optional Equipment
Fixture sha be Und erwrlters Laborator es sted for wet locations. Lexan Shield sha be one
p ece vacuum formed c eaT
Housing shall be one p ece heavy galge alurn num sp nnlrg S des po ycarbonate to rep ace the
shall be straight and smooth with a maxlmum 1'ol taper and sha standard qlass lens as an nte
be of consistent thlckness around the perimeter Top sha have a gra and fu V ctaskeled part of
sharp radius trans tion lnto the s de wa Al nternal mountlng brack, the ens frame.250 Watt max -
ets sha be extruded alum nuTn sections, and a cast aluminum plate murn in 25" f xtutes only.
shal be prov ded for rr]ounting the door frame h nges CAUTION: Use only when van
Lens Frame Assembly sha cons st of a ofe piece permanent
da sm s antic pated to be high.

Useful lle s im ted by d sco or-
modaumnumcaslng and3/16 thick 1oal-tempered c ear qlass
at on caused by UV from sun
ens enc osed by a one piece gasket that is extruded and heat vu
light, mercury vapor afd
canized nto one p ece Lens and gasket shal be retaired in the rnetallc ha de amps
frame cast ng by z nc p ated stee c ps spaced no greater than
every B" of perimeter Lens frame assem b y sha I be attached to the Houseside Shielding sha I
hous ng using zinc plated co d rolled stee hlnges w th stair ess cons st of two components per
steel plns. A zifc piated se f- ock ng stop arm shall be prov ded to manent y nsta led at the K nl
ho d the hous ng r g dly open. Lens frarne sha t ghtly seal aga nst lactory. One component sha
the reflector f ange uslng four se f retained quarter turn atches and reduce light direct y from the
provlde a mlfimum of 118" a r gap for internal cooling of the eiectr cal arnp, and the other shall reduce
components Four (4)formed tubu ar a uminum arms shal be ref ected qht. For asymmetr c
weldedtothe ens frame and a rr]ounting tenor N4ountngtenon d str but on on y Not avaiab e
shalhaveasingelnteTna mountng bolt wh ch actlvatesan expan- for phosphor coated arnps or
s on device for rfountinq lo the po e No fasteners sha be v s ble at 1000 Watt H gh Pressure
the po e top. Mlount ng tenon sha conta n a w re splice compar! Sodlum See cata og Ag for
ment for connect ng f ejd wlres to the faclory prewired ensframe photon"retr cs
assemby Lens frarre assem b y sha befnished naratura alum
num TG C Powder Coat Paint to blend w th the ref ector f ange
Photocell Receptacle shall be lactory nstailed top center afd
Optical Chamber sha cons st of a one p ece hyd roJormed reflector shall accept NEMA base photocels (by others)
produclng either a square or asyrnmetric ght pattern depend ng on
urnina re ordered Reflector shall be h qh V po shed to a specu ar T, Tenon Mount shal consist of an extefded f xtu re mouft ng tenof
fnish and protected by the A zak@ process. A mogLr basesocket for mountlng to poies hav ng a 2" p pe tenon (2%" O D x 4%" m n
sha bemounted n a one plece castlng wh ch sfu ygasketedat mum lenoth) Teron r.rouft sha lbe provided wlth elqht (B) sta n ess
the Tef ector surface. A lw res to the sockel sha begasketedatthe stee a en head cLrp'poirt set screws.
point of entry nto the opt ca charnber. Reflector sha be des gred
to keep reflected energy to the lamp be ow larnp manufacturers lim Optional Finishsha lleArchtectura Cass anodze btackor
its for max mun.r amp fe. A snubber shall be prov ded to support all dark bronT-o
appropriate lamps gasketed atthe ref ector surface. A HPSfx
tures shall be suppi ed w th the appropr ate 4KV or sKV pu se rated
mogu base socket. Opt ca chamb'er shal be tota y sea ed around
a surfaces and sha I be suspended w thin the hous ng to allow
nterfa a r f ow between the opt ca chaaaberand hoLtsng nteror
for coo ng of electrica components Bef ector sha snap lfto ard
out of hous ng by no tool spr ng h nges, ard sha I be secured in
p ace by two quarter turn atches.

All Electrical Components sha beUL stedandmounted nsde

the f xture housing Bal ast and related components sha be nte
grated onto a single mount ng lrame as a se tcontained rfodu e. A
components sha be prewired w th qu ck d scornect p ugs and the
entire modu e shal mount to the hous ng w th key s ots Ba astssha
be component type capab e of prov ding arnpstartngdowf to
-20'F with power factor ol 90% or better (lliqh Power Factor)
Standard Finish on f xture sha be TG C Therlnoset Po yeste r
Powder-Coat Pa nt app ied over a conveTslon coat ng in b ack dark
bronzeornatural a umrnum co or as specii ed Lens frame asseaat
by sawaysnatura a umrnu rn TG lC Thermoset Po yester Powder
Coat Pa nt
Leian s a lrademark olGe|era Eeclrc
zak s a lrader:ark olA.oa

WARNING: F xtures must be grounded naccordancewth ocal

codes or the Nat ona E ectrjca Code. Fa luri: to do so rnay result n
serious persona njury.
KmLqhtfq A8 11
Ordering lnformation

Ordering Guide
5 6

Exampre: CS8525l 4OOHPS277/NA-E/LS/HSiA-25/PBSB25'5188/NA-E

Cata og number nc udes com
p ete f xture and opt ca system
with standard TGIC Thermoset
Po yester Powder-Coat Paint
Fin sh. Less Ba ast l\.4odule and
amp All lamps by others. Fush+ Cat. No. CSB525 T Tef on ------+- Cat. No. CSB525T
N,4ount I 150 Watt to 400 Watt Mount lor 150 Watt to 400 Watt
Square 23/a" O D. x Square
Dlstrlbut on 43/4" oatg FJistribut on
po e tenon

FUSh..............* Cat. No. CSB325 T Tenon+ Cal No CSB325T

N,4oLrnt 150 Watt to 400 Watt
,.,A Asymmetr c
MoLrnt lor
23ls" O.D x
L 150 Watt to 400 Watt
,-A\ Asymmetric
[=, D stributLon 43/4" larg [:-r, Drstr bution
po e tenon

F u s h ---------------+- cat. No. csB529 T Tenon Cat No CSB529T

MloLr nt I000 Watt Mount for-; 1000 Watt
23/a" O D. x
43A" ang
Distr butlor
po e tenon

T Tenon
Flush+ Cat. No CSB329 lor+
l\,4ount Cat No CSB329T
lvlor r nl 1000 Watt 23/s" a.D
x I000 Watt
/7,A Asy.nmetric 4r4" long I ZS\ Asym.neir c
ll]--r, Distrlbutlon po e tenon It:] I n qlrlh{rl on

A8-12 Klm Lightlng

Balast N/odule Cata og
Number and Availab ity per
F xture Size,
NA= Not Availab e

25" cseszs 29" cssszg

Line csB325 058329 Line Operating Start ng
Lan'rp (by Others) Vo ts csR325T CSR329T Watts Amps Amps

124 150HPS120 174 1.50 2.20

208 150HPS208 1BB 095 1 15
T50W High Pressure Sod un'r
240 150HPS240 NA 1BB 0B3 100
C ear, E'23'l,, 55 Vot
277 150HPS277 1BB 472 085
lvoqu Base 480 150HPS480 188 0.45 0.50

120 250HPS120 300 275 0.80

250W. High Pressure SodiLr.l-l 2AB 250HPS208 300 160 4.45
Clear E 18 l\/ogulBase 244 250HPS240 NA 300 1.38 040
277 250HP5277 300 1 .20 035
480 250HPS480 300 069 o2a
120 400HPS120 465 4.30 282
400W. High Pressure Sodium 248 400HPS208 465 2.48 156
Ciear E-18 N/ogulBase 240 400HPS240 NA 465 2.15 136
277 400HPS277 465 1.86 1 1B
480 400HPS480 465 107 075
12A 1000HPs120 T090 L20 B 10
1000W Hlgh Pressure Sodium 204 1000HPs208 1090 530 474
Cear T TB |\,4ogulBase 244 NA 1000HPS240 1090 460 414
277 1000HPs277 1090 400 350
480 1000HPs480 1090 230 2AA

124 175MH120 215 1.80 090

T75W. lveta lc Ha ide Clear 2aB 175MH208 215 1.04 053
BT-28 Mogu Base Socket 244 175MH240 NA 215 0.90 046
provided tor curved arc amp 277 175MH277 215 0.78 040
480 175MH480 215 045 023
120 250MH120 295 2.60 140
250W Nleta lc Ha ide Clear 2A8 250MH208 295 r.50 081
BT-28 Mogu Base Socket 244 250MH240 NA 295 1.30 071
provided ior curved arc amp 277 250MH277 295 1.12 060
480 250MH280 310 0.65 035

400W. Nleta lc Halde. Clear 120 400MH120 455 4.00 150

BT 37. [,4ogu Base Socket 2A8 400MH208 455 2.30 087
provided for cLrved arc lamp 244 400MH240 NA 455 2.40 075
277 400MH277 455 1.75 065
480 400MH480 455 1.00 038
124 1000MH120 1080 920 4.00
1000W lvleta ic Ha ide Clear 208 1000MH208 1080 530 2.44
BT 56 Mogul Base 244 NA 1000MH240 1080 460 2.00
277 1000MH277 1080 400 1.74
480 1000MH480 1080 234 1.00

124 250MV120 285 254 2.44

250W. l\lercury Vapor, De uxe 204 250MV208 285 145 1.40
White, E'28 lvloqul Base 244 240MV240 NA 285 125 1.24
277 250MV277 1 10 1.10
480 250MV480 285 062 060
120 400Mv120 454 390 3.24
400W IVercury Vapor, De uxe 248 400Mv208 454 220 2.04
White, E-37 N/ogulBase 240 400Mv240 NA 454 195 1.74
277 400Mv277 454 170 1.50
480 400Mv480 454 098 095
120 1000Mvl20 1075 9.20 4.30
1000W Ny'ercury Vapor Deluxe 2AB 1000Mv208 1075 5.30 2.50
Wh te, BT 56 N,4ogu Base 244 NA 1000Mv240 1075 4.60 2.2A
217 1000Mv277 1080 4.00 1.90
480 1000MV480 1080 2.30 1.30

Kim Lighting AB-13

,' Fixture Finish Standard TGIC Thermoset Optiona Architectural Class 1
\) Polyester Powder-Coat Paint. anodized finlshes at extra cost.
Standard fin sh is TGIC Cat. No. Cat. No.
Thermoset Polyester Powder BL-E B ack BL-A B ack anodize
Coat Paint. Optional anodized DB-E Dark Bronze (resembles DB-A Dark Bronze anod ze
fln shes ar-o ava lable.
313 Duranod c@ in co or)
Fora lfin shes, ens frame NA-E Natural Aluminum
assembly s natura a urninum
TGIC Power-Coat to blend with
rellector fiange. "Duranodic s a tradernark ol Alcoa.

Optional Lexan Shield E
Optional Houseside
Cat. No. LS Cat. No. HS
Optiona Lexan Shield furnished
Houseside Shield consists of
ln place of standard glass lens Streetside
two components permanently
at extra cost. 250 Watts max.
CAUTION: Use only when
lnstalled at the Kim factory. For t
vandalsm s anticipated to be
asymmetr c d stribution only. t
Not available for phosphor- Holrseside
hloh. Useful life is limited by
dlscoloration caused by UV
coated lamps or 1000 Watt
High Pressure Sodium. See
from sun ight, mercury vapor,
catalog A9 for photometrics.
and metallic halide lamps.

A Optional Photocell
v Recepiacle
Cat. No. A-25
Photoceil Receptacle ls factory
insta led top center, and
accepts NEI\,4A base photo-
cells (by others). Good for all
amps 150 Watt to 1000 Watt.

See specification sheets
marked as availab e for CSB .Available with
fixtures on y. ffi
exclusive Kim
Hinged Base
in heights up
to 14 feet.
U.S. Patent ffii; to
30' 4,079,559.
s0' 50'

tb __|
Pole type and Non-tapered Tape red Tapered
material; Rou nd Round Rou nd
Aluminum Aluminum Steel


Spec Sheet:

Kim Lighting 48-14



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