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My Journey to Creative Leadership

Brenna Kelly
Creative Leadership- SD6750
December 15, 2017
My Journey to Creative Leadership
A 3.3 Learning from Brenna Kelly / December 15, 2017 / Version 2
A 12.1 Socratic inquiry- Truth in discussion
leadership in nature

A 4.1 Planning the process and making ideas

A 11.4 Stepping outside of my comfort zone

A 7.3 Accepting and

expecting failure

A 14.3 Ready to blossom

A 8.3 Finding courage to step up

A 13.2 The future awaits- Continue ahead!
A 2.3 Learning from historical leadership

A 15.2 Chasing stars

South Africa
A 10.2 Reflecting on my past- Shaping my future

A 1.3 The beginning of it all

Travel log visits Confident path

Places to avoid Uncomfortable path

Places I would like to visit Unknown path

Creative leadership
Frequented path Alaska
Creative leadership ideal ideal
The Dashboard
Monthly Fulfillment Meter Drive-ometer Understanding Indicators

60 80
40 100

Being understanding to the different

qualities among a group- the different
20 120
communication styles, the different
work ethics and personality traits is
0 140
possibly one of the most important
metrics I could possess as a
leader. When you understand people,
No happiness/Empty Total happiness/Full Without being driven, a leader will surely fail. A persons drive is and actually put the effort in to really
what makes them stand out or fall behind. It is the push within work with them and show them respect
I think one of the most important traits or characteristics them that makes things happen. It is the force behind good work for their different qualities, you get a
for a leader is the ability to stay true to themselves. People ethic and the ability to collaborate. However, too much drive can level of respect and response that might
are influential beings, and even more so, capable of being burn you out. There has to be a comfortable medium between otherwise get missed. Measured using
influenced. I think the ability to truly find happiness within being the best leader you can be for others and being the best self-assessment and team feedback
you is necessary to try and lead others to be leader you can be for you. Measuring your drive is a daily self- your understanding indicators
better. Measuring this trait can be done by keeping track assessment in which you determine your present place in relation illuminate to display results- Pink
of how many days that you go to bed at night feeling happy to putting your best effort in as a leader without entering the illuminated light indicates positive
and fulfilled. By using a journal to track your daily results, danger zone of too much effort that it begins to run you too hard. understanding and action and a green
after a month you combine them all into a meter that Drive is measured on a scale of 0-140, with 0-100 being the illuminated light indicates you are
displays your results. comfort zone and 100+ being the danger zone. lacking understanding.

Flexibility Lights
Inspiration Gauge
One of the most important behaviors as a leader is the
Inspiration is key in leadership. One must be
capable of being inspired by ideas, both their
ability to be flexible. You have to avail yourself in a way START
that works best for the group as a whole.
own and those of others, as well as being
Measuring flexibility is done by receiving feedback from
capable AND successful at inspiring others.
teammates. Tracking the success of this is done by
When teams are able to inspire others, their
work performance and satisfaction greatly
sending out a monthly email to team members using the STOP
method of START, STOP, CONTINUE- suggestions for what
improves. Measuring inspiration is done
I should start doing, things they believe I should stop
using a gauge that displays results of monthly
doing, and things they like that I should continue
performance. Based on feedback from team
members and self-reflection, the gauge
doing. This allows open feedback from teammates in a CONTINUE
measurable way. Then categorizing this feedback by
0% reflects the percentage of time you were
considered inspiring.
start, stop or continue. If I am being flexible as I hope to
be, my stop category should be minimal. Start/Stop/Continue
Leadership Scenario #1
This scenario represents me at my absolute worst as a leader. I envision myself in a role that is working towards something I am not passionate about. My team is composed of
various members who all work very differently and who all are very quiet and reserved about communicating their needs and wants from me as a leader. They are not receptive
to any requests for feedback I send out and leave me feeling drained and that I am failing. I hate going into work every day and have to dig deep to find the energy to even
perform my basic job functions. Below is what my dashboard would display for this scenario. My inspiration gauge would be minimal because I am not in an environment
where inspiration is shared. My flexibility lights would not be illuminated because I receive no feedback from my team. My monthly fulfillment meter would be close to empty
because I go home every night feeling down and unfulfilled. My drive-ometer would be close to zero as I lack any interest in being a part of a team that funct ions so
independently and closed off. My understanding indicators would be illuminated green because I am clearly lacking the unders tanding of how to work on this type of team.


60 80

40 100

20 120

No happiness/Empty Total happiness/Full
Leadership Scenario #2
This scenario represents me if I were to step into a leadership role with a solid team but strict rules laid out for methods of leadership. I am to play the typical boss role where I
oversee performance and attendance, hold my team responsible for deadlines and projects, but lacking any real involvement wit h them on a personal level. My performance is
closely watched and I am expected to stay within some pretty narrow lines. I enjoy the job and the projects we are working on, but hate that my role is so black and white. My
dashboard for this scenario is represented below. My inspiration gauge would be a little over 50%. I am inspired to do some cool things but I am restricted by my strict role . My
flexibility lights would show minimal feedback as I am not encouraged to work so closely with my team. My monthly fulfillment meter would be a little over halfway full- I enjoy my
job for the most part, and lead a great team, Im just lacking the collaborative environment I strive to be a part of. My drive-ometer would be approaching optimal drive. I am
motivated and want to do amazing things, Im just limited with my strict role. My understanding indicators would be illuminated green as I am no t encouraged to deviated from the
companies view of a leader


60 80

40 100

20 120

No happiness/Empty Total happiness/Full
Leadership Scenario #3
This scenario represents me if I were in my ideal leadership role. I work for a company that I love and that promotes and shares the same values as mine. I am the leader of an
amazing team that works openly and effectively with one another. I have the ability and am encouraged to w ork parallel to them and not play the stereotypical boss role. The
team is fabulous about communicating despite many different personality and work styles. My dashboard for the ideal leadership scenario is below. My inspiration gauge would be
close to 100%. I am inspired by my teammates and I feel that I inspire them as well. My flexibility lights would be illumin ated showing the open communication and feedback present
on my team. My monthly fulfillment meter would be full. I work at a job I love with people I enjoy and work well with, my nightly journals tracking this reflect happiness and
fulfillment. My drive-ometer is right around 100. I love working hard in my current role however I am not pushed to the max. My understanding indicators would be illuminated pink
because I feel that I am in a role where I am able to effectively lead my team with respect and receive respect in return. I understand their needs and they understand mine. As far as
the ideal team to work on, I found it.


60 80

40 100

20 120

No happiness/Empty Total happiness/Full
Travel Log
Lesson 1.3B/Travel Log/September 3, 2017
The past year of my life has without a doubt been the hardest year yet. I have dealt with constant change in my workplace, family health issues and gone through a divorce. I am ready to get
my life back and chase my dreams. I think my resilience to life is admirable. There have been so many things that could have kept me down, but I failed to let them. I am thankful for
everyone that has encouraged me and has stood by my side supporting me throughout.

I am a naturally quiet person. I tend to keep to myself and observe what is going on around me. I have many opinions, but keep them to myself unless they can be helpful or beneficial to
others. I try not to be judgmental and pride myself on being inclusive of pretty much anyone. With that being said, I definitely need to work on feeling confident in my choices and my
capabilities. I need to learn all that I can, including being open and willing to learn from others. I need to put myself out there and keep an open mind to all the possibilities that I am
presented with. Accepting others differences will only make me a stronger leader. Being driven and eager to succeed is in my heart. I am excited to learn about creative leadership for this

This is a huge time in my life. Professionally, I am preparing to leave the only career I have ever known. I have built some amazing relationships with people that have helped shaped the
person I am. I have grown into a confident leader that is trusted by my peers and colleagues. But it is time for me to step outside my comfort zone and begin to live the life I have always
dreamed of. I am so ready for change and to take control of my destiny. I am fully prepared to hit obstacles and road blocks, but if there is anything I have learned in my life, its that I can
overcome absolutely anything. There is literally nothing standing in my way and Im going for it.

Lesson 2.3/Travel log/September 9, 2017

Watching all of the videos this week has really opened my eyes to the different views and styles of leaders. It is surprising to see the changes historically. I have to say that I am not a fan of
the leaders that take advantage of a group of people. I don't want to say vulnerable people, but maybe those that aren't as educated or those that need the lead er (whether for financial
support or protection). In my opinion, those type of people aren't leaders, but bullies. They take advantage of their position and although they may accomplish their goals, they do so

I am really drawn to the quality of leaders that are really trying to accomplish something great for people. They are kind and have good intentions. They may have to overcome challenges,
but they don't walk all over others to do that. They are peaceful about their journey and stay focused and determined.

This week has also made me realize the leadership role I have played. I'm currently the most senior employee in my office. I have been responsible for training everyone that is there and
now see how important my role really is. I pride myself on the fact that I have formed some amazing relationships with the people I work with. I always try to be someone that is easy to
approach and effective at constructively criticizing. I am excited to relate what I have learned this week into my professional and personal life.

Lesson 3.3/Travel log/September 17, 2017

This week has been very interesting learning about leadership systems in nature and thinking about ways humans could learn fr om them. It's amazing to me to think about how some natural
systems organize themselves so successfully and humans struggle so much. Schools of thousands of tiny fish have figured out how to move in such a graceful way as one single object. Prides
of lions have discovered, that although they may end up sharing with more mouths, sticking together in a group allows for them to take down larger prey and have a better meal. Flocks of
geese have realized that by flying in a V formation, rotating leadership at the front, they can save energy and cover more ground. Animals and elements in nature have it figured out. They
can adapt and change when necessary. They can collaborate and work together because they have experienced what happens when they don't. I'm a little discouraged why people can't get
on the same page. Why is it that we bring each other down? Why do we feel it necessary to compete with our neighbors? With our friends? I think the biggest realization I had this week
was that it's possible. It's possible for people to work together, with a leader or without. In certain instances it is beneficial to have a single leader, in some it isn't. A leader doesn't have to
be a dictator. They don't have to be someone that rules and reigns over others. They should be someone that joins people that are all working towards the same goal and inspire them to
continue on.
Lesson 4.1/Travel log/September 22, 2017
This week seemed to hit close to home. I am a dreamer. I have always been a dreamer and have always been someone who thinks up a million ideas of projects to do, starts most of them,
and fails to complete all but a couple. I am most definitely an impulsive person. I come up with something that I think is a great idea and Im so excited about it I skip the whole planning
stage and implement something that doesnt end up amounting to much. Its embarrassing to admit, but I am very unorganized. I have a lot going on in my life. Im a single mom of two kids
that works full time and goes to school. Planning ahead hasnt been a part of my life for quite some time. After reading through sections of Making Ideas Happen and watching the videos, I
see now just how important planning and the entire process of an idea- from birth to execution to finalization- really is.

I consider myself an introvert. Growing up I was always the kid in class that knew the answers to questions or had a great discussion topic, but was too timi d to raise my hand to
participate. Something about the fear of being wrong or sounding silly deterred me from sharing myself with others. As Ive matured and grown up, I have come out of my shell but still hold
onto a little bit of fear in the back of my mind.

I think if I were able to better plan out my ideas and a course of action to execute them I would feel more confident in them. Professionally I have grown into a wonderful leader, but my
current position in the legal field doesnt allow for much creativity. My ideas are often guided by requests for action or change and with that I come up with a plan. I am excited to learn
better skills to plan out execution of my own ideas and thoughts.

I plan to start in my personal life. I feel like that is the biggest area where I can make changes, and with those changes, will come the confidence and skills to implement them into my
professional life. I would like to start with the notebook idea. At the start of the day I will write out all the things I would like to see happen- both sooner and later- and prioritize them by
importance. Everything from grocery shopping and cleaning to jewelry making and painting. I think this will make a huge difference in my life. When I have ten minutes to myself where my
mind is racing and I waste the time trying to think of what I should do, I can open up my notebook and pick an action ite m. I also think writing down these ideas and such will allow me to
control the chaos in my life. The saying there arent enough hours in the day could not hold more true. I am looking forward to better organizing the things I want to get done and effectively
using my energy to turn those ideas into actions. Once I have mastered the whole keeping track and planning out my ideas, I will be more confident finding the community to rea lly get some
great ideas accomplished.

Lesson 7.3/Travel log/October 14, 2017

There are many important factors in being a successful creative leader. I read a blog post this week that talked about the success of creative individuals being driven by their ability to fail and
accept failure. When people fear failure, they don't take risks. Risks are necessary to be creative. I may have ten ideas, all ten ideas are worth exploring, and all ten could end up failing. But
without risking the chance of failure, I will never know. I think being open to failure and being able to be influenced by that failure is imperative to success as a creative leader. I don't see
grand ideas coming about without risk. I don't see some of the most successful creative businesses creating their masterpieces without first creating duds. Success in my role as a creative
leader depends on my ability to accept this, and more importantly, expect this.

I also appreciate my ability to collaborate and my ability to be influenced. Closed-minded individuals have no place in a creative leadership role. The most amazing ideas are formed by
working with a team of other creative individuals and collaborating with internal and external work partners. I enjoy being social and that has helped shape my desire to work as a team and
my ability to collaborate well with others as well as being influenced by others. Sometimes people have ideas that aren't exactly what you were thinking, but allowing their ideas in can create
a far better outcome than a single idea alone.

Being inspired is also important to my creative leadership success. A lot of my inspiration comes from searching within myself. I am an introvert, and although I work well with others, I enjoy
my time alone. In order to be a successful leader for others, I must first be the best version of me I can be. I'm not unrealistic, and I am well aware this is a life-long process, but at any given
moment, I would like to be in a good place so I can be the best leader I can be.

Lesson 8.3/Travel log/October 22, 2017

Today was a perfect fall day to be outside taking in my surroundings. The air was crisp, the wind was strong and the leaves on the trees were the most vibrant shades of red, orange and
yellow. This was a much needed break for me. To just sit in silence and allow myself to reflect was a beautiful thing. For some reason fall weather always makes me think of crisp and fresh. I
think of what nature is going through, preparing for the long winter ahead, and anticipating a cold and bleak world. It is so amazing to me that plants and animals are capable of reading their
environment and adapting in a way which they can survive through such drastic climate changes. There are so many instances in life where people could learn from nature- when to retreat,
when to flourish.

I also reflected on some of the leadership qualities we have been looking at. I am trying really hard to put myself out there and accept and expect failure- which is way out of my comfort
zone. Maybe this session was a bit of a mental pep-talk to myself, but I really tried to reach deep and bring out the courage to just be me and have the confidence that I am capable. It's all a

Lesson 10.2/Travel log/November 4, 2017

Dearest Brenna,

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It is critical to remember that success in any aspect of life doesnt come without failure. Recognizing that you are putting your
heart into your work and searching for the best absolute version of yourself is just the beginning. You arent going to be everyones cup of tea. Thats OK.

It is apparent that the person you are becoming and the leader you hope to one day be has been shaped by your past. Some of the most valuable lessons we learn in life are taught by our
experiences. We also have to ability to influence others on their journey. Remember this when you are welcomed into someone elses life. People are mold-able beings. Our surroundings
and those close to us are some of the biggest influences we will encounter along our way.

Be inspired. Inspire others. When you fall, get back up. Know what you are going after but remember that it is ok wander off course. You cannot plan everything. Most importantly, be the
best you can be and allow others to see your transparency and your heart. I believe all true leaders put themselves on the line for the good of the cause. Risk it all.
Along the way, take what others give you. Work with them. Learn from them. Teach them. Work for them, but most importantly, work with them. A leader doesnt have to be someone
wiser, better or smarter than others. A leader is someone that has the courage to stand for others. To fight for the pack.

Youve come a long way already. Youve become aware of what it is you believe a leader to be, and what it is you want to see in yourself as a leader. Dont lose sight of where youve come
from. Remember to always stay humble and always stay true to you. Be determined to succeed. There are no limits other than the ones you set for yourself. People will be drawn to your
inspiration and heart, so dont forget someone is always watching you. Bring people together. Be the reason someone has the courage to stand up.

Most importantly, follow your dreams.

Truly yours,

Lesson 11.4/Travel log/November 11, 2017

It was interesting this week to see first-hand how people perceive certain labels and attitudes that you portray. It definitely made me more aware of how much my individual traits and
qualities can affect a group. My behavior and my personality traits or labels directly affect how someone reacts to me and my actions. I was never aware just how noticeable certain things
are to others, and how much changing them can alter their behavior. It was so interesting to step outside my norm and definitely made others do the same. I feel like we get in a routine with
others, and when some different label is thrown in the mix, it really stirs things up. I think being aware of this and the control you can have over a situation solely based on your actions is
very important. When being a leader, it is important that we are able to connect to a variety of personality types. Altering our labels to connect with them is sometimes necessary.
Lesson 12.1/Travel log/November 18, 2017
What an experience! I held my Socratic Session at a local coffee shop with friends and co-workers. I wanted to mix up the people that were there a bit because my work people are very
different from my personal ones. There were ten of us there, and our ages ranged from early twenties to late forties. There was an equal mix of genders present as well as a variety of

The coffee shop we met at was quiet and intimate. There was soft music playing, comfortable couches and the strong aroma of freshly ground beans. This environment allowed us to feel as
though we were the only ones there. That it was our space- despite the numerous patrons passing in and out.

The question I chose to start with was What is the perfect job? Seeing as we are all on different career paths, I was hoping this question would look much deeper into a job than just the
title. It was amazing the discussion that followed.

Never once did anyone mention a specific job- being a doctor or a dentist or a creative director- but instead all the questions and dialogue that occurred focused on the qualities of a job, the
benefits of a company, the happiness and fulfillment you feel, the acknowledgement received and the self-discovery and completeness felt.

I was amazed by this experience. What an amazing way to have an honest and meaningful discussion. There were a few times when it seemed like we got caught up on one particular topic,
debating the real importance of it to us individually, but these moments only added to the experience. I went into this experience expecting particular people to be super involved and
opinionated but was pleasantly surprised. Everyone was excited to participate and I think felt comfortable talking. It was interesting how this method works to reveal discussion without
introducing fear or judgment. Facilitating a discussion in this manner creates an atmosphere where even quiet people feel comfortable participating. I am anxious to use the Socratic Method

Lesson 13.2/Travel log/December 1, 2017

This lesson included the following visualization:

It is 3 years from today. Youre in bed and its almost dawn. You are just beginning to hear the birds starting to sing, and it makes you smile. Youre incredibly comfortable lying there, but you
are also very excited about the day ahead and decide pop up before the alarm goes off. You are thinking about how much has happened since you finished your SD O program and (or) took
that Creative Leadership course so much more than you ever imagined would have happened. You are particularly pleased because you know, deep inside, that all this has happened
because of your unique and devoted creative leadership efforts. Youre excited today because youve been waiting eagerly for an announcement that you know is going to come in your email
today. So, even before you make coffee, you scamper over to your laptop, open your email, and there it is the announcement youve been waiting for. What does it say?

It is difficult for me to say exactly what it is I want to do let alone where I see my self in three years. However, when I sat and contemplated the dialogue of this exercise, I envisioned myself as
a sustainability consultant striving to make a difference in the world around me. I thought of the first deal I would get, the first company willing to take a chance on me, the first chance for
me to show people what I am capable of; and imagined receiving that news below.


I cant express how excited we would be to work with you. I appreciate all of your suggestions and honest critique of our business. Before our discussion, we knew we had to make some
changes, but had no idea how to go about doing so. I was really impressed with your knowledge and enthusiasm of sustainability. I think the future of our business will be brighter because of
your additions. I look forward to going on this journey with you and cant wait to see the changes in action.
Lesson 14.3/Travel log/December 13, 2017
This has been an amazing journey. As I sit outside in the cold, crisp air, I cant help but think about where I was just a few short months ago. I think about the seasons and how every winter
the world around me appears on hold. Animals disappear, the leaves fall; the grass becomes covered in snow- everything is in recharge mode. I feel like this course has recharged me. I feel
like it has been my winter. My time to reflect on myself, on my past and contemplate how it is I want to spend my future.

I have gathered the necessary tools now to continue on. I am ready for spring. I am ready for life. I am ready for change. I am ready to blossom. Like the seasons, we are given a new
opportunity every single sunrise. You had a bad day? Learn from it, leave it behind you and prepare for tomorrow. Nature has this whole thing figured out. When grass gets walked upon,
pressed deep into the soil, it doesnt die. Instead it has figured out how to rebound and stand tall once again. Birds have determined how much more efficient it is to fly in a flock- trading
leadership roles and taking care of one another. Im ready to take all the valuable lessons I have learned thus far and put them into action. I am ready to continue on my journey into the

Lesson 15.2/Travel log/December 15, 2017

This is the end, which is really the beginning. I keep going back to a quote from the materials this week-

Ralph Waldo Emerson once asked what we would do if the stars only came out once every thousand years. No one would sleep that night, of course. The world would become religious
overnight. We would be ecstatic, delirious, made rapturous by the glory of God. Instead the stars come out every night, and we watch television.

Ive tried to remember lately that we have one shot at this. One shot at this life. One shot at this planet. Why not make every single moment count? I have learned a lot this semester. I
went back to my beginning posts where I promised myself I would move forward and step outside of my co mfort zone, and Im happy to say I feel that I have succeeded. I put my all into
this. I put myself out there and really tried to dig deep and take an honest look at myself. Like I said earlier in the semester, I truly believe that to be a successful leader, you have to be able
to give people the absolute best version of you. Im worthless to others if I cant help myself. If I dont have the courage to chase my own dreams, how can I help someone else chase

The future/Travel log/December 15, 2017

There are many places I would like to visit in the future, but three really stand out on my bucket list. The first is Alaska. Ive always envisioned Alaska as this pure, fresh, amazingly beautiful place. I think it
would be valuable to visit at a time I feel like I need to reconnect to myself. Something about being in nature and out of the chaos of city life always screams rejuvenate. Its also by the ocean, and that
always feels like home to me.

The second is Bali. To me Bali represents a soul searching, go all by yourself, get outta here kind of place. I think spirituality and reflection. Plus, I have heard it is amazingly beautiful and serene, which is
always welcome in my life.

The third is South Africa. I think it is the history of South Africa that draws me to it. I would love to be submerged in the culture and experience learning about the important history the country has to

My Creative Leadership Ideal/Travel log/December 15, 2017

My creative leadership ideal is a role in which I am part of something I am passionate about. I want to work around people t hat bring out the best in me and vice versa. I want open communication and
driven and hardworking teammates, but ones that also balance fun into their lives. I want to feel like I am appreciated by both those above and below me. I want the people I work with to know that I
appreciate them. I want to practice alternative methods of communicating and leadership- for example- implementing Socratic sessions within my group. I want to take all I have learned about myself as
a person and all I have learned about myself as a leader, and put my heart into something that matters to me; and I couldnt be more excited to do it!

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