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Always seeking, seeing and serving the Creator in all.

"Always seeking, seeing and serving the Creator in all."
"Always seeking, seeing and serving the Creator in all."


"Opening my mind, my body, my spirit, my heart, my soul and my entire being to the
infinite love, light and healing energy of the one Creator."


"Feeling the infinite love, light and healing energy of the one Creator moving through
me, moving to Mother Earth, to heal Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in
fourth density."


"May every soul in pain on Earth tonight feel infinite love, light and healing energy."


"May there be peace and love in the hearts of the men and women on Earth tonight."


Cutnd ntotdeauna, vznd i servind pe Creator n toate. "

"ntotdeauna cutnd, vznd i servind pe Creator n toate".
"ntotdeauna cutnd, vznd i servind pe Creator n toate".


"Deschiderea minii mele, a corpului meu, a spiritului meu, a inimii mele, a sufletului meu i a ntregii mele
fiine pentru iubirea, lumina i energia infinit a singurului Creator".


"Simind iubirea infinit, energia luminoas i vindectoare a singurului Creator care se mic prin mine, se
mic la Mama Pmnt, pentru a vindeca Mama Pmnt cnd ea aduce un nou Pmnt n cea de-a patra


"Fie ca fiecare suflet n durere pe Pmnt s simt n seara asta dragostea, lumina i energia vindectoare


"Fie ca n seara asta s fie pace i iubire n inimile brbailor i femeilor de pe Pmnt".


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