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In this test we will test the ability of the person to learning of repetition
and focus , and we will use his way to find out the ability of the person to
distribution of cards character alphabet on the boards of the distribution
of a given for this characters.

Small extracts are produced with the letters A to I and large sheets are
distributed with different numbers and the number of leaves is 3 . the time
is calculated using the timer and calculated for each number of 16
repetitions the learning curve.


Table 1 mind perceives, stores and saves information and figures

Trail no Task no Time (second)
1 1 16.73
2 13.65
3 13.31
Total 43.69
2 1 12.96
2 12.18
3 11.94
Total 37.08
3 1 10.87
2 7.80
3 7.69
Total 26.36
4 1 8.54
2 8.96
3 7.44
Total 24.94
5 1 8.21
2 8.04
3 8.50
Total 24.74
6 1 9.47
2 9.14
3 9.10
Total 27.71
7 1 9.65
2 9.70
3 8.95
Total 28.3
8 1 9.87
2 9.37
3 8.65
Total 27.89
9 1 8.50
2 8.43
3 8.13
Total 25.06
10 1 7.54
2 7.38
3 6.53
Total 21.45
11 1 8.56
2 8.06
3 7.24
Total 23.86
12 1 7.86
2 7.60
3 7.82
Total 23.28
13 1 7.90
2 7.70
3 7.82
Total 23.42
14 1 7.47
2 7.24
3 7.84
Total 22.55
15 1 7.90
2 7.48
3 7.36
Total 22.74
16 1 6.91

2 6.01
3 6.15
Total 19.07

Table 2 logarithm and linear curve equation

Trail no Total time Logarithm to ( Logarithm to Y=kxn
(second) Trail no) (total time)
1 43.69 0 1.64 4.90
2 37.08 .30 1.56 4.20
3 26.36 .47 1.42 3.84
4 24.94 .60 1.39 3.61
5 24.74 .69 1.398 3.43
6 27.71 .77 1.44 3.30
7 28.3 .84 1.45 3.19
8 27.89 .90 1.445 3.10
9 25.06 .95 1.398 3.20
10 21.45 1 1.33 2.95
11 23.86 1.041 1.37 2.89
12 23.28 1.079 1.366 2.83
13 23.42 1.113 1.369 2.78
14 22.25 1.146 1.347 2.74
15 22.74 1.176 1.35 2.70
16 19.07 1.20 1.28 2.66
Fig 1 linear regression curve

Table 3 Regression statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and coefficients


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.886825031
R Square 0.786458636
Adjusted R Square 0.771205681
Standard Error 0.042062819
Observations 16

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 0.091226007 0.091226007 51.56107 4.70488E-06
Residual 14 0.024769931 0.001769281
Total 15 0.115995938

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 1.598088032 0.028282436 56.5046108 6.34E-18 1.53742824 1.658747824 1.53742824 1.658747824
X Variable 1 -0.227224747 0.03164424 -7.180603631 4.7E-06 -0.295094892 -0.1593546 -0.2950949 -0.159354602
The learning curve equation
Y = kXn
Where X = the cumulative practice time or cumulative number trials .

Y = Performance measure (time or errors) associated with the Xth unit.

K = Performance measure associated with the first Xth unit.

n = a negative numerical value which determines the percentage by which Y

decreases each time X is doubled.

Table 4 Linear curve equation : (k=e^1.59 =4.90 , n= -.2227)

Trail no (X) Y = K* Xn
1 4.90
2 4.20
3 3.84
4 3.61
5 3.43
6 3.30
7 3.19
8 3.10
9 3.20
10 2.95
11 2.89
12 2.83
13 2.78
14 2.74
15 2.70
16 2.66

Let X = 17 ,so Y = 4.90*(17)-.22 = 2.62


The relationship between x and y linear inverse relationship and by

calculating R2 it turn out that there is a strong correlation between
number of trails and the item

We conclude that the greater the number of repetition increased, the less
time to accomplish the task

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