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%% Body panel definitions - symmetric NACA aerofoils only

function [x,z,x_c,z_c,n_hat,t_hat,sin_theta,cos_theta,X2] = ...


%In angular terms,

delta_beta = pi/(Npanel);
beta = 0:delta_beta:2*pi;
%2*pi implies that top and bottom are being simulated.

%Corresponding x-coordinates:
x = c/2*(1 - cos(beta));

%Top part:
x_t = x(1:Npanel+1);

if m == 0 && p == 0

x_b = x(Npanel+1:2*Npanel);

%x_t is for the top side and goes from the leading edge to the trailing
%edge. x_b is for the bottom and goes from the trailing edge to the
%leading edge. This is because of the setup of the matrices defined at
%the bottom of page 282 in the Katz and Plotkin book which incorporate
%the Kutta condition into the simulation.

%Calculate the z-coordinates (top half only initially):

z_t = 5*t*(0.2969*sqrt(x_t/c) + (-0.1260)*(x_t/c) + ...
(-0.3516)*(x_t/c).^2 + 0.2843*(x_t/c).^3 + ...

z_b = -(z_t(end:-1:2));

%Panel corner coordinates:

x = horzcat(x_b,x_t);
z = horzcat(z_b,z_t);
z(1) = 0;
z(end) = 0;


%Divide into two parts: that where x is less than p*c and that where is
%equal to or greater than p*c. First step is determining transition:
[~,x_transition] = min(abs(x_t - p*c));

%This part is the same...

z_t = 5*t*(0.2969*sqrt(x_t/c) + (-0.1260)*(x_t/c) + ...
(-0.3516)*(x_t/c).^2 + 0.2843*(x_t/c).^3 + ...

z_camb1 = m*x_t(1:x_transition-1)/p^2.*(2*p - ...

grad = 2*m/(p^2)*(p - x_t(1:x_transition-1)/c);
kappa1 = atan(grad);

z_camb2 = m*(c - x_t(x_transition:end))/((1 - p)^2).*(1 + ...

x_t(x_transition:end)/c - 2*p);
grad = 2*m/((1 - p)^2)*(p - x_t(x_transition:end)/c);
kappa2 = atan(grad);
kappa = horzcat(kappa1,kappa2);
z_camb = horzcat(z_camb1,z_camb2);

x_u = x_t - z_t.*sin(kappa);

x_l = fliplr(x_t + z_t.*sin(kappa));

z_u = z_camb + z_t.*cos(kappa);

z_l = fliplr(z_camb - z_t.*cos(kappa));

z = horzcat(z_l(1:end-1),z_u);
x = horzcat(x_l(1:end-1),x_u);


%Show the aerofoil:


%Calculate theta_i:
dz = diff(z);
dx = diff(x);
theta = atan2(dz,dx);

sin_theta = -sin(theta);
cos_theta = cos(theta);
%Definition of atan2 means angles have the wrong sign, hence the fix

%An alternative method would be to use the formulation provided by page

%265 of Katz and Plotkin. However, it is easy to get signs of angles
%wrong with this method.

%Note - those referring to the code in the back will find sin(alpha) is
%missing a sign. Because of this, the matrices used for the
%transformations to and from the panel coordinate system are slightly
%different to those defined by equations 11.23 and 11.23a. Again, it's
%to do with the definition of atan2.

%Collocation points (loocated halfway between panel corners):

x_c = dx/2 + x(1:end-1);
z_c = dz/2 + z(1:end-1);

%Check the normal vector is correctly calculated:

hold on

%By equation 11.3, the normal unit vector is defined as follows:

n_hat = [sin_theta;cos_theta];
%By equation 11.3a, the tangential unit vector is defined as follows:
t_hat = [cos_theta;-sin_theta];

%Rather than calculate X2 time and time again, it is in fact possible to

%calculate X2 simply by
X2 = sqrt(dx.^2 + dz.^2);
%This is because X2 is in the panel coordinate system.

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