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TF CHAPTER 16, 17, 18

6) For sales, the completeness transaction-related audit objective affects the existence balance-
related audit objective.
B) False
7) Recording a sale that did not occur violates the occurrence transaction-related audit objective
and the existence balance-related audit objective.
A) True
8) The accounts receivable balance-related audit objective net realizable value is not affected by
assessed control risk for sales or cash receipts.
A) True
9) The results of the tests of controls determine whether assessed control risk for sales and cash
receipts needs to be revised.
A) True
10) Auditors use the results of the substantive tests of transactions of sales and the collection
cycle to determine the extent to which inherent risk is satisfied for each accounts receivable
balance-related audit objective.
B) False
7) Favorable results from analytical procedures may reduce the extent to which the auditor needs
to test details of balances.
A) True
8) When analytical procedures in the sales and collection cycle uncover unusual fluctuations, the
auditor should make additional inquiries of management.
A) True
9) A high inherent risk increases planned detection risk and decreases planned substantive tests.
B) False
38) Tests of detail tie-in are normally conducted last in the audit of the sales and collections
B) False
39) The criterion used by most merchandising and manufacturing clients for determining when
revenue recognition takes place is whether title to the goods has passed.
B) False
40) The balance-related audit objectives of realizable value and rights are not affected by
assessed control risk.
A) True
41) Tests of the presentation and disclosure-related objectives are generally done as part of the
completion phase of the audit.
A) True
42) Confirmation is the most common test of details of balances for the accuracy of accounts
A) True
43) Tests of the realizable value balance-related audit objective are for the purpose of evaluating
the allowance for doubtful accounts.
A) True
44) For most audits, a proper cash receipts cutoff is less important than either the sales or the
sales returns and allowances cutoff since cash only affects the balance sheet, and not earnings.
A) True
15) Confirmation of accounts receivable provide evidence related to the existence, accuracy and
cutoff objectives.
A) True
24) A confirmation is a type of audit evidence.
A) True
25) Tests of details of balances focus on testing the year-end balances of balance sheet accounts.
A) True
26) Both U.S. and international auditing standards require the use of confirmations for accounts
B) False
27) Blank confirmations are considered less reliable than standard positive confirmations.
B) False
28) Negative confirmations are less expensive, and less reliable, than positive confirmations.
A) True
29) It is common to use a combination of positive and negative confirmations by sending the
latter to accounts with large balances and the former to those with small balances.
B) False
30) If auditors consider confirmations of accounts receivable to be ineffective evidence because
response rates will be very low, they need not confirm accounts receivable.
A) True
31) Negative confirmations normally require a larger sample size than positive confirmations.
A) True
32) When sending confirmations during most audits of accounts receivable, the emphasis is often
on confirming larger and older accounts.
A) True
33) When a customer disagrees with the amount shown on an account receivable confirmation,
the auditor should not ask the client to reconcile the difference.
B) False
34) Auditors must maintain control of confirmations until they are returned from the customer.
A) True
35) When a customer does not return an accounts receivable confirmation, it is acceptable,
without performing alternative procedures, to assume the amount is 100% overstated when
generalizing from the sample to the population.
A) True
36) Stratification of accounts receivable is desirable when using confirmations.
A) True
37) Each client misstatement in accounts receivable must be analyzed to determine whether it
was consistent with the original assessed level of control risk.
A) True
38) For stratified sampling, the auditor selects samples independently from each stratum.
A) True
39) The larger the sample size, the more confident the auditor can be that the point estimate is
close to the true population value.
A) True
40) Acceptable risk of incorrect acceptance is directly affected by acceptable audit risk.
A) True
41) Tolerable misstatement is inversely related to sample size.
A) True
42) Acceptable risk of incorrect acceptance (ARIA) and sample size are inversely related; that is,
as ARIA increases, sample size decreases.
A) True
43) Estimated misstatement in the population and sample size are inversely related; that is, as
estimated misstatement increases, sample size decreases.
B) False
44) The purpose of stratification is to permit auditors to emphasize certain aspects of a
population and deemphasize others.
A) True
45) An auditor using nonstatistical sampling cannot formally measure sampling error.
A) True
46) If the misstatement in a population is larger then tolerable misstatement without considering
sampling error, the population will be considered unacceptable.
B) False
47) When using nonstatistical sampling, the larger the sample size, the greater the auditor's
confidence that the point estimate is close to the true population value.
A) True
48) Required sample size increases as the auditor's tolerable misstatement for an account balance
or class of transactions decreases.
A) True
49) The primary factor affecting the auditor's decision about acceptable risk of incorrect
acceptance (ARIA) is assessed inherent risk.
B) False
50) The purpose of stratified sampling is to achieve a greater confidence level (lower risk of
incorrect acceptance) for a given sample size.
B) False
51) ARIA measures the auditor's desired assurance for an account balance.
A) True
52) Acceptable audit risk and acceptable risk of incorrect acceptance are inversely related; that
is, as AAR increases, ARIA decreases.
B) False
53) An increased sample size will always cause the population to be accepted.
B) False
54) Sampling used for tests of details of balances provides results in terms of exception rates.
B) False
27) To determine the sampling interval, the population is divided by the confidence factor.
B) False
28) MUS has the statistical simplicity of attributes sampling, yet provides a statistical result
expressed as a percentage.
B) False
29) In monetary unit sampling, the likelihood of high dollar items from the population being
included in the sample is lower than the likelihood for small dollar items.
B) False
30) When auditors apply MUS to a sample, the sample is selected using random sampling
B) False
31) The use of monetary unit sampling is most appropriate when the auditor expects to find
many errors and when a monetary result is desired.
B) False
32) When using MUS, the projected misstatement is the percentage misstatement times the
sampling interval.
A) True
33) Accounts with zero or negative year-end balances have no chance of being included in a
standard probability proportional to size (PPS) sample.
A) True
34) If the misstatement bound exceeds tolerable misstatement, the population is considered
B) False
16) Acceptable risk of incorrect rejection is the statistical risk that the auditor has concluded that
a population is materially misstated when it is not.
A) True
17) Difference estimation frequently results in smaller sample sizes than any other variables
sampling method.
A) True
3) When using difference estimation, the precision interval is calculated by a statistical formula.
A) True
4) The sample size is inversely related to the computed precision interval in difference
estimation; that is, as sample size increases, the computed precision interval decreases.
A) True
5) In difference estimation sampling, the confidence limits are calculated by combining the point
estimate of the total misstatements and the computed precision interval at the desired confidence
A) True
6) The population standard deviation has a significant effect on the computed precision interval.
B) False

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