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Course Title: Data Structures Lab Course Code: 15IS305

Author: Ms. Manasa & Ms. Deepa Year: 2016-17


This lab requires the student to know C/C++ Programming Language and Data
Structures Theory. In this lab students will learn the fundamental of Data Structures and
its working with specific algorithms using Data Structures. This lab focuses on
developing programming skills about designing and implementation of Data Structures
and their applications.



1. Write a C program for the following operations on a stack of integers (use


a) Push
b) Pop
c) Display
The program should print appropriate messages for stack overflow and stack underflow.

2. Write a C program to convert and print a given valid parenthesized infix arithmetic
expression to postfix expression. The expression consists of single character operands and +,-
, *, / operators.

3.Write a C program to evaluate a valid suffix/postfix expression using stack. Assume that
suffix/postfix expression is read as a single line consisting of non negative single digit
operands and binary arithmetic operators. The arithmetic operators are +, -,/,*,^($).

4. Write a C program to check given a string is a palindrome or not using stack.

5. Write a C program to simulate the working of a queue of integers using arrays. Provide the
following operations
i) Insert
ii) Delete
iii) Display
Display appropriate messages on Queue overflow and Queue underflow conditions.

6. Write a C program to simulate the working of a queue of integers using structures. Provide
the following operations
iii) Insert
iv) Delete
iii) Display
Display appropriate messages on Queue overflow and Queue underflow conditions.

7. Write a C program to simulate the working of a circular queue of integers using array or
structure. Provide the following operations.
i) Insert ii) Delete iii) Display

8. Write a c program to design a priority queue. Provide the following operations:

i) Insert ii) Delete iii) Display

9. Write C program using dynamic variables and pointers to construct a Singly Linked List to
perform the operations on a stack of integers. (Push, Pop, Display)
10. Write C program using dynamic variables and pointers to construct a Singly Linked list
to perform the operations on a queue of integers.

11. Write a C program using dynamic variables and pointers to construct a Singly Linked
List consisting of the following information in each node: student id (integer), student name
(character string) and semester (integer). The operations to be supported are:
i) Insert rear
ii) Insert at front
iii) Insert at specified position
iv) Delete a student with a given id
v) Search for an id.
vi) Display the nodes in the list
12. Write a C program to support the following operations on a Doubly Linked List where
each node consists of integers.
i) Insert front ii) Delete rear iii) Display.

13. Write a C program to support the following operations on a Circular Doubly Linked
List where each node consists of integers.
i) Insert ii) Delete iii) Display.

14. Write a C program to implement a Binary Search Tree of integers and perform the
following traversal techniques: i)In-order traversal ii)Post-order traversal iii)Pre-order

1. Write a C program for the following operations on a stack of integers using
a) Push
b) Pop
c) Display
The program should print appropriate messages for stack overflow and stack underflow

void main()
// Use Switch statements to call the functions and display the menu.
// Call push function
//Call pop function
//Call display function
void push(struct stack *s,int a)
//Add elements to the stack

int pop(struct stack *s)

//Remove elements from the stack

void display(struct stack *s)

//Display the contents of stack
Test Cases:

1) Check for Underflow condition.

2) Check for Overflow condition.
3) Push 5 elements.
4) Pop 3 elements.

2. Write a C program to convert and print a given valid parenthesized infix arithmetic
expression to postfix expression. The expression consists of single character operands and +,-
, *, / operators.

void main()
// Read infix expression
//Call below mentioned functions to convert infix expression to postfix.
// Print postfix expression.

char stacktop(struct stack *s)

// Return top element

void push(struct stack *s,char c)

//Insert the elements

char pop(struct stack *s)

// Remove the elements

int empty(struct stack *s)

//Check for underflow condition

int prec(char stk,char in)

// Check the precedence.

Test Cases:
1. Check for A*(B+C)/D
2. Check for (E * (F + (G / H) ) )
3. Check for ((I + (J * K)) + L)
4. Check for M * N + O * P

3. Write a C program to evaluate a valid suffix/postfix expression using stack. Assume that
suffix/postfix expression is read as a single line consisting of non –negative single digit
operands and binary arithmetic operators. The arithmetic operators are The arithmetic
operators are +, -,/,*,^($)****************/

void main()
// Read the postfix expression
//Call below mentioned functions to evaluate the postfix expression.
// Print the result
void push(struct stack *s,float a)
//Inserts element into stack

float pop(struct stack *s)

//Removes element from stack
float oper(char c,float op1,float op2)
//Check for the precedence.

Test Cases:

1. Check for 20 30 +
2. Check for 10 12 + 3 4 – +
3. Check for 5 1 2 + 4 * + 3 -
4. Check for 1 2 * 3 +

4. Write a C program to check given a string is a palindrome or not using stack.

int main()
//Enter a string.
//Push the elements to stack
//Pop the elements from the stack
//Check if they are equal.
//Print the result.
void push(STACK *p, int element)
//Insert elements to the stack
int pop(STACK *p)
//Remove the elements from stack
void display(STACK s)
//Display the contents.
int isoverflow(int top)
//check stack overflow condition
int isempty(int top)
//check stack empty condition
Test Cases:
1. Check for malayalam
2. Check for box
3. Check for NMAMIT
4. Check for madam
5. Write a C program to simulate the working of a queue of integers using array. Provide the
following operations
v) Insert
vi) Delete
iii) Display
Display appropriate messages on Queue over flow and Queue under flow conditions.

void main()
Use Switch statements to call the functions and display the menu.
// Call insert function
//Call delete function
//Call display function
void insert()
//Inserts an element into queue
void del()
//Delete an elemnt from the queue
void display()
//Display the contents of queue

Test Cases:

1) Check for Underflow condition.

2) Check for Overflow condition.
3) Insert 4 elements.
4) Delete 2 elements.

6. Write a C program to simulate the working of a queue of integers using structure. Provide
the following operations
vii) Insert
viii) Delete
iii) Display
Display appropriate messages on Queue over flow and Queue under flow conditions.

void main()
{ //Call qinsert function.
//Call qdelete function.
//Call display function.
void qinsert(struct queue *q,int n)
//Insert an element into queue

void qdelete(struct queue *q)

//Delete an element from queue

void qdisplay(struct queue *q)

//Display the contents

Test Cases:

1) Check for Underflow condition.

2) Check for Overflow condition.
3) Insert 4 elements.
4) Delete 2 elements.

7. Write a C program to simulate the working of a circular queue of integers using array or
structure. Provide the following operations
i) Insert ii) Delete iii) Display

void main()
//Call cqinsert function
//Call cqdelete function
//Call cqdisplay function
void cqinsert(struct cqueue *cq,int x)
//Insert an item into circular queue

void cqdelete(struct cqueue *cq)

//Delete an item from circular queue
void cqdisplay(struct cqueue *cq)
//Display the elements of circular queue

Test Cases:

1. Check for QUEUE full condition.

2. Check for QUEUE Empty condition.
3. Insert the values 6, 40, and 28 into QUEUE
4. Check for deletion error.

8. Write a c program to design a priority queue. Provide the following operations:

i) Insert ii) Delete iii) Display

void insert(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int value, int priority)
//Insert an element into circular queue
void delete(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int *value, int *priority)
//Delete an element from priority queue

void main()
//Call insert function.
//Call delete function
Test Cases:

1. Try deleting an element which is not present.

2. Check for queue empty condition.
3. Try inserting same element with the same priority.
4. Try inserting different elements with the same priority.

9. Write C program using dynamic variables and pointers to construct a singly Linked list to
perform the operations of a stack of integers. (Push, Pop, Display)


void main()
//Call push function
//Call pop function
//Call display function

void push(NODEPTR *list,int x)

//Insert an element into list
void pop(NODEPTR *list)
//Delete an element from list

int empty(NODEPTR *list)

//Ckeck for list empty

NODEPTR getnode()
//Create a node

void freenode(NODEPTR p)
//Free the node

void display(NODEPTR *list)

//Display the contents
Test Cases:

1. Check for character inputs.

2. Push 6 elements.
3. Display the Stack.
4. Pop 3 elements.

10. Write C program using dynamic variables and pointers to construct a singly Linked list to
perform the operations of a queue of integers.


void main()
//Call insert function
//Call rem function
//Call display function

void insert( struct queue *q,int x)

//Insert an element into the linked list

void rem(struct queue *q)

//Delete an elemnt from the linked list

NODEPTR getnode( )
//Create a node
void freenode(NODEPTR p)
//Free the node
void display(struct queue *q)
//Display the contents

Test Cases:

1. Check for character inputs.

2. Insert 2 elements.
3. Display the Queue.
4. Delete 2 elements.

11. Write a C program using dynamic variables and pointers to construct a singly linked list
consisting of the following information in each node: student id (integer), student name
(character string) and semester (integer). The operations to be supported are:
i) Insert rear
ii) Insert at front
iii) Insert at specified position
iv) Delete a student with a given id
v) Search for an id.
vi) Display the nodes in the list


void main()
//Call insfront function
//Call insend function
//Call search function
//Call del function
//Call deleteafter function
//Call insafter function
//Call display function

void insfront(NODEPTR *list,int x,char *y,int z)

//Insert an element in the beginining

void insend(NODEPTR *list,int x,char *y,int z)

//Insert an element at the end

NODEPTR getnode()
//Create a node

void freenode(NODEPTR p)
//Free the node

NODEPTR search(NODEPTR *list,int x)

//Search an item

void del(NODEPTR *list,int x)

//Delete an item

void deleteafter(NODEPTR p,int *px)

//Delete an item after a specified item

void display(NODEPTR li)

//Display the contents.

void insafter(NODEPTR p,int x,char *y,int z)

//Insert an item after a specified item

void ins(NODEPTR *list,int pos,int x,char *y,int z)

//Insert an item to a specific position

Test Cases:

1. Insert a student record with ID 10

2. Search for a student record with ID 3
3. Delete a student record
4. Display the records.

12. Write a C program to support the following operations on a doubly linked list where each
node consists of integers.
i) insert right ii) Insert before any element iii) Delete an element and iv) Display


void main()
//Call insert function
//Call insleft
//Call deleft
//Call display

void insert(NODEPTR *list,int x)

//Insert an element

void insleft(NODEPTR *list,int x)

// Left insertion

void deleft(NODEPTR *list,int ele)

//Left deletion

void display(NODEPTR *list)

//Display the contents.
NODEPTR getnode()
//Create a node
void freenode(NODEPTR p)
//Free the node
Test Cases:
1. Insert 20
2. Insert 19 before 20
3. Delete 19
4. Display

13. Write a C program to support the following operations on a Circular Doubly Linked List
where each node consists of integers.
i) Insert ii) Delete iii) Display.


struct node* createNode(int data) {

//Create a node

void insertNode(int data) {

//insert into a circular linked list

void deleteNode(int data) {

//delete from a circular linked list

void display() {

//Display the contents

int main() {

//Call insert function

//Call delete function
//Call display function

Test Cases:

1. Insert 68
2. Delete 2
3. Display List
4. Try inserting 1.2
14. Write a C program to implement a binary search tree of integers and perform the
following traversal techniques: i) In-order traversal ii)Post-order traversal iii)Pre-order

void main()

//Call maketree function

//Call inorder function
//Call preorder function
//Call postorder function

NODEPTR maketree(int x)
//create a tree

void setleft(NODEPTR p,int x)

//insert element into left subtree

void setright(NODEPTR p,int x)

//insert element into right subtree

void inorder(NODEPTR p)
//inorder traversal

void postorder(NODEPTR p)
//postorder traversal

void preorder(NODEPTR p)
//Preorder traversal

NODEPTR getnode()
//Create a node

Test Cases:

1. Insert 1, 5, 6, 8, 3, 9
2. Traverse the given input in Inorder
3. Traverse the given input in Preorder
4. Traverse the given input in Postorder


1) What is Stack?
2) Explain various operations on stack.
3) Explain exception conditions in stack.
4) What is infix expression?
5) What is postfix expression?
6) Explain the algorithm which converts infix expression to postfix expression.
7) What is postfix expression.
8) Explain the precedence rules.
9) Explain the algorithm which evaluates postfix expression.
10) What is a palindrome?Explain the logic to reverse a string
11) How this logic is implemented using stacks?
12)What is Queue?
13) Explain various operations on queue.
14) Explain exception conditions in queue.
15) Check for QUEUE full condition.
16) Check for QUEUE Empty condition.
17) Insert the values 6, 40, and 28 into QUEUE
18) Check for deletion error.
19) What is Priority Queue?
20) How PQ is different from ordinary queue?
21) Explain the logic of Priority Queue.1. What is a linked list?
22) What is dynamic memory allocation?
23) What is singly linked list?
24) What is a linked list?
25) Explain qempty condition.
26) Explain how do you insert an item into the list
27) How to search an item?
28) How to insert an item after a specified item?
29) How to insert an item to a specific position.
30) What is a doubly linked list?
31) How to delete an item from the left?
32) How to insert an item to left?
33) What is circular doubly linked list?
34) How is circular doubly linked list different from doubly linked list?
35) Explain the logic of inserting a node
36) What is a binary tree?
37) What is inorder traversal?
38) What is postorder traversal?



Work done in each lab 10 Marks

Viva 10 Marks
Total 20 marks

6.2 MSE: 30 MARKS

Excluding Challenging Challenging Programs

Write up 05 Marks 05 Marks
Part A 05 Marks 05 Marks
Part B 10 Marks 15 Marks
Viva 05 Marks 05 Marks
Total 25 Marks 30 Marks

6.3 SEE: 50 MARKS

Excluding Challenging Challenging Programs

Write up 05 Marks 05 Marks
Part A 10 Marks 10 Marks
Part B 15 Marks 25 Marks
Viva 10 Marks 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks 50 Marks

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