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2h CComnonweatr oF Penwavevania OFFice oF The Goverwor Hannisaunc September 27, 2017 “The Honorable Matthew Carewright United States House of Representatives 1034 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20815 Dear Congressman Cartwright | am writing in support of Section $38 of Senate Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations Act for FY2018 (S. 1662). This language prohibits the United States Department of Justice from using federal funds to prosecute individuals who are in compliance with their state's ‘medical marijuana laws or interfere with the implementation of state laws. I request that this section be included in the final FY2018 Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill or any final FY2018 omnibus appropriations bil, Last year I was proud to sign bipartisan legislation that made medical marijuana legal in Pennsylvania, I met with advocates from aeross the commonwealth who worked passionately and tirelessly to help deliver this law and bring long overdue relief to patients and families Medial mavjuana is lean 29 states, signed int law by Govermrs from bth poical partis. The Section $38 language hasbeen inched in pat appropriation il with bipartisan por inboth he United Sates House of Represeniatives and the United Sates Seat; stongly courage ts continid inlusion for FY2018, Thank you for your atention to this mater Sincerely, Aa, MD mM WOLE Governor

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