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2017/2018 ES FINAL VOCAB
space unit only
by sk1pp3r


VOCAB (lessons 1-2)

geocentric model: in a geocentric model , earth is the center of the revolving planets and

Ptolemy's model: Earth is the center of the universe however the planets move in small
circles within big circles

heliocentric model: earth and all of the other planets revolve around the sun

Galileo's evidence: proved that the heliocentric model was real. he used a telescope to
find 4 moons around jupiter. this proved that not everything in the sky revolves around
the earth.

solar system: our solar system consists of the sun, the planets, their moons, and a
variety of smaller objects. the sun is at the center of our solar system, with the other
objects orbiting around it.

astronomical unit (au): the solar system is too big to measure with mi/km so scientists
made a new unit called the astronomical unit. 1AU is equal to about 150,000,000 km
(93205678 mi). The length from the earth to the sun is about 100,000AU from the sun.

planet: a planet must be round, orbit the sun, and have cleared out the region of the
solar system along its orbit.

dwarf planet: a dwarf planet is an object that orbits the sun and has enough gravity to be
spherical but has not cleared the area of it's orbit.

satellites: except for mercury and venus every planet in the solar system has at least one
natural satellite, or moon.

smaller objects: the solar system also includes many smaller objects that might orbit the
sun. some of these are asteroids and comets


VOCAB (lesson 3)


core: the central region of the sun

nuclear fusion: hydrogen atoms form together to form helium. This requires extremely high
temperatures and pressure both of which are found in the CORE

the radiation zone: the radiation zone is a region of very tightly packed gas where energy
moves mainly in the form of electromagnetic radiation. energy in the suns core moves in
and out of the radiation zone

the convection zone: the outermost layer of the sun's interior. Hot gasses rise from the
bottom of the convection zone and gradually cool as they approach the top. Cooler gasses
sink, forming loops of gas that move energy toward the sun's surface.
the photosphere: the inner layer of the suns atmosphere. the sun does not have a solid
surface but the gasses of the photosphere are thick enough to be visible. when you look at
a picture of the sun, you're looking at a picture of the photosphere

the chromosphere (meaning color sphere): At the start/end of a total eclipse, a reddish
glow is visible from just around the photosphere this glow comes from the middle layer of
the suns atmosphere, the chromosphere.

the corona: the outer layer that looks like a white halo around the sun. this extends in
to space for millions of kilometers.

solar wind: the corona streaming particles of electricity into space


sunspots: areas of gas on the suns surface that are cooler than the gasses around them.
cooler gasses dont give off as much light as hotter gases which is why the sunspots look

prominences: a large group of sunspots

solar flare: eruptions on the sun


VOCAB (lesson 4)

terrestrial planets: the tereristial planets have really high densities. they are rich in
rocky and metalic materials including iron and silicon. each has a solid surface. all but
mercury have atmospheres.

greenhouse effect: the carbon dioxide in venus's atmosphere traps gas. the trapping of
heat by the atmosphere is the greenhouse effect.


VOCAB (lesson 5-6)

gas giants: Jupiterm, saturn, uranus, neptune so large they are called gas giants

ring: a thin disk made up of small particles of ice and rock

asteroid belt: a region of the solar system between mars and jupiter.

kuiper belt: which extends 100 times earth's distance from the sun

oort cloud: streches out over 1000 times the size of the sun and neptune

comets: loose collections of ice, dust, and small particles whose orbits can be very long
narrow eclipses.

meteorids: chunks of rock or dust smaller then asteroids are called meteoroids
geocentric in a geocentric model , earth
is the center of the revolving
model planets and stars

Ptolemy's Earth is the center of the

universe however the planets
move in small circles within
model big circles

heliocentric earth and all of the

other planets revolve
model around the sun

Galileo's proved that the heliocentric model was

real. he used a telescope to find 4
moons around jupiter. this proved that
evidence not everything in the sky revolves
around the earth.

our solar system consists of the sun,

the planets, their moons, and a variety
solar system of smaller objects. the sun is at the
center of our solar system, with the
other objects orbiting around it.

astronomical the solar system is too big to measure with

mi/km so scientists made a new unit called
the astronomical unit. 1AU is equal to about

unit 150,000,000 km (93205678 mi). The length

from the earth to the sun is about
a planet must be round, orbit

planet the sun, and have cleared out

the region of the solar system
along its orbit.

a dwarf planet is an object that

dwarf planet orbits the sun and has enough

gravity to be spherical but has not
cleared the area of it's orbit.

except for mercury and venus

satellites every planet in the solar

system has at least one
natural satellite, or moon.

includes many smaller

smaller objects objects that might orbit the
sun. some of these are
the solar system asteroids and comets
core the central
region of the sun

hydrogen atoms form together to form

nuclear fusion helium. This requires extremely high

temperatures and pressure both of
which are found in the CORE

the radiation the radiation zone is a region of very tightly

packed gas where energy moves mainly in
the form of electromagnetic radiation. energy

zone in the suns core moves in and out of the

radiation zone

the outermost layer of the sun's interior. Hot

the convection gasses rise from the bottom of the
convection zone and gradually cool as they
approach the top. Cooler gasses sink,
zone forming loops of gas that move energy
toward the sun's surface.

the the inner layer of the suns atmosphere. the

sun does not have a solid surface but the
gasses of the photosphere are thick enough
to be visible. when you look at a picture of
photosphere the sun, you're looking at a picture of the

the chromosphere At the start/end of a total eclipse, a

reddish glow is visible from just
(meaning color around the photosphere this glow
comes from the middle layer of the
sphere) suns atmosphere, the chromosphere.
the outer layer that looks like

the corona a white halo around the sun.

this extends in to space for
millions of kilometers.

the corona streaming

solar wind particles of electricity
into space

areas of gas on the suns surface that

sunspots are cooler than the gasses around

them. cooler gasses dont give off as
much light as hotter gases which is
why the sunspots look dark.

a large group
prominences of sunspots

eruptions on
solar flare the sun
terrestrial the tereristial planets have really high
densities. they are rich in rocky and
metalic materials including iron and
planets silicon. each has a solid surface. all
but mercury have atmospheres.

greenhouse the carbon dioxide in venus's

atmosphere traps gas. the trapping of
heat by the atmosphere is the
effect greenhouse effect.

Jupiterm, saturn, uranus,

gas giants neptune so large they are
called gas giants

a thin disk made up

ring of small particles of
ice and rock

a region of the solar

asteroid belt system between
mars and jupiter.

which extends 100

kuiper belt times earth's
distance from the sun
streches out over 1000
oort cloud times the size of the
sun and neptune

loose collections of ice, dust,

comets and small particles whose

orbits can be very long
narrow eclipses.

chunks of rock or dust

meteorids smaller then asteroids
are called meteoroids

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