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INTRODUCTION Many #eo#le are not aware that besides the 6reek manuscri#ts for the New &ovenant Scri#tures that we are familiar with there e1ists several Manuscri#ts in whole or in #art of the New &ovenant in $ebrew and Biblical7/ramaic '/ramaic8 sometimes called Syriac 7 is a close sister7language to $ebrew. Parts of 9:ra and ;aniel and at least one verse in <eremiah =)>8))? are written in /ramaic( that date from the earliest /;%&e centuries 7 some are even as old as our oldest 6reek manuscri#ts. Nor are all that many #eo#le aware that we have many "uotations from ancient historical accounts of what com#rised the 6ood7 News of the Nat:ratim or the 6ood7News of the $ebrews a )st &entury /;%&e $ebrew 6ood7News account of Matthew. Some of these have been known about for "uite some time@ for e1am#le8 the Peshitta which is in Biblical /ramaic is mentioned in footnotes of some modern 9nglish N0 translations. 0he Peshitta is the official version of the A&hurch of the 9astA today and their tradition states that this /ramaic version of the New &ovenant Scri#tures was delivered to them in the latter half of the )st &entury /;%&e by the 9missaries%'/#ostles( themselves and that their scribes have been faithful to co#y and #reserve the te1t ever since. -ith the e1ce#tion of Murdock's translation which is em#loyed in this MNV Study Bible8 what is sad is that the only translations we have of the Peshitta in 9nglish are one by a scholar who holds "uestionable 0heological beliefs 'many would say even heretical(@ and another translation that was done by a cultic #seudo7A&hristianA grou#. -hile Murdock's translation is e1cellent and he was sound in his doctrinal beliefs 7 the translation he released some )>> years ago was more geared for the scholars of his time and so was not widely #rinted and circulated and now it is very difficult to even obtain a co#y on loan from a few libraries rare book sections. 0he B9vangelion ;a7MePharreshe' 'sometimes8 3ld7Syriac or 3.Syr. C,>( of Matthew through <ohn is much older than our oldest Peshitta manuscri#t. 0hough it was discovered over )>> years ago it too was also only released in a limited #rinting that found it's way mainly into the hands of scholars 'and only on occasion do we see a footnote or two in modern 9nglish translations of the N0 from it(. 0hese books are almost im#ossible for the general #ublic to even locate much less own for themselves. ! believe that these ancient te1ts of the New &ovenant deserve more consideration than to sim#ly be sitting on the shelf of a select few scholars. 77 !t is my ho#e that to this end this MNV Study Bible will be instrumental in bringing you a Messianic Version of these te1ts.

PREFACE 0he Ding <ames version is a good translation in com#arison to some of the modern translations that have been #resented late in the twentieth century. 0here are however two other im#ortant manucri#t grou#s for Matthew8 the /ramaic and the early $ebrew%Mishnaic7$ebrew. LANGUAGES OF THE ORIGINAL TEXTS 0he followers of Messiah have generally come to believe the Scri#tures are an ins#ired te1t based on only 6reek te1ts. 0he fact that there are in e1istence other manuscri#t grou#s should not cause distress. 0he evidence suggests and it is "uite likely that Matthew wrote the 6ood News in $ebrew for the early <ewish &ongregations and later wrote 'or oversaw the writing( of a 6reek version for those more used to that language. -ould this be less im#ortant than the multitude of 9nglish versions todayE !'d suggest that it would be more im#ortant5 0he good news accounts of Mark 2uke and 4ochanan%<ohn likewise have another te1t base8 the early /ramaic manuscri#ts. 0he rest of the New &ovenant scri#tures have the 6reek manuscri#ts along with the /ramaic Peshitta 'which agrees somewhat closely with the 6reek(. 0he first half of /cts ')8) 7 )F8,G( and Revelation also show evidence of a $ebrew%/ramaic original. 0here also e1ists an ancient Syriac% /ramaic version of Revelation that is "uite a bit earlier than the Peshitta version and it is shown to be of su#erior "uality. More detail will be given on this in the !ntroduction to Part !!. INTRODUCTION TO MNV PART I (Matthew through Act !"#$%& 0he ancient historian Pa#ias writes8 ASo then Mattityahu%Matthew com#osed the oracles in the $ebrew language and each one inter#reted them as he could.A .rom the material we have this seems to have been the case. 7 Possibly Matthew ke#t a travel Hournal during his time with 4eshua%<esus in $ebrew and then from it very early on various #eo#le made com#ositions of the ABook of MatthewA from these notes. 0his has resulted in several $ebrew%/ramaic versions to which we have access today 'some being com#lete and several others being fragments(. 0hese bring us a wide variety of manuscri#ts for Matthew. 0hese show variations more often than other Books in the New &ovenant. ! feel also that the material from which the Book of Matthew was written #re7dated even Mark's writings. ! suggest therefore that even Mark made use of this travel Hournal of Matthew. THE PURPOSE OF VARIANT READINGS -ith this view in mind ! have tried to re#resent the ancient $ebrew% /ramaic version's( here. /t first a reader may be inclined to feel overwhelmed by the variation in the readings. 0here are two reasons we should not feel this way. .irstly we can find the 6reek reading #reserved in one or several of the /ramaic%$ebrew versions at one time or another. Secondly the very fact that the doctrines of the faith remain intact in these manuscri#ts should strengthen our faith. 0his is in s#ite of the fact that they have been translated from a Acommon documentA at various times and in various languages. !ndeed our looking at the same material from these different ancient sources should not diminish but rather 7 bolster our faith.

Since we have an ancient /ramaic source for the other good news accounts of Mark 2uke and <ohn variation occurs with them as well though to a lesser degree than with Matthew. .or the balance of the New &ovenant there is even less variation. 0he Book of Revelation has one older Syriac%/ramaic version. /side from this Revelation and the other remaining Books have mainly only the 6reek te1tual base and the Syriac Peshitta for alternate readings. 0he version of Matthew in the right hand column is from the Shem 0ov ben74it:chak !bn Sha#rut manuscri#ts. !t is his <udaic treatise8 0he 9ven Bohan. 0his was evidently co#ied from an ancient Mishnaic7$ebrew version of Matthew which originated #robably as early as mid )st cen7 tury /;%&e. -hile not com#letely without some occasional editing in later centuries it contains an ancient te1t of Matthew. 0his is fairly easy to see among the later $ebrew language forms and revi7 sions. Rather than a translation from the 6reek it is held to be an original $ebrew com#osition. MAR'ING OF VARIANT READINGS !t should be noted however that while the $ebrew may not have all the material that the 6reek contains the 6reek 'and $ebrew( may have in7 cluded material at a latter date from some other early te1t source. /lternate meanings su##orted or included in the $ebrew of S0 'Shem 0ov( are noted in IJ's. -ords and statements found in other early $ebrew%/ramaic versions are noted inside of =?'s. 7 Most such readings 'but not all( are included. /s in the A6os#el of the $ebrewsA for e1am#le it isn't certain where some of these variants were #laced. !n these cases ! have #laced some of those #assages in =?'s where ! feel they best fit. -ords not in the $ebrew but su##lied for clarity are inside '('s. &ertain words have alternate words following %'s. Sections #hrases or words missing in some of the other ancient manuscri#ts are sometimes noted and identified inside KL's. SHEM TOV NOTATION SUMMAR(# IJ /lternate meanings su##orted%included in $ebrew of the Shem 0ov. =? -ords%statements found in other early $ebrew%/ramaic versions. '( -ords not in the $ebrew@ but su##lied for clarity. % /lternate wording. KL Sections #hrases or words missing in certain ancient manuscri#ts. -here the S0 differs from the 6reek sometimes certain ancient $ebrew versions will agree with the 6reek rather than with the S0. -hen this occurs it is not always noted in this book. 0he version of Matthew in the left column is a literal reading of the 6reek New &ovenant based u#on the 0e1tus Rece#tus. -ords found in the MaHority%Minority M%or /le1andrian te1ts but not in the 0e1tus Rece#tus are su##lied in = ?'s. -ords in the Rece#tus but not in the MaHority%Minority M%or /le1andrian te1ts are noted inside KL's. /lternate meanings su##orted by the 6reek are noted inside of IJ's as are $ebrew and /ramaic e1#ression meanings which are noted when they occur. -ords not in the manuscri#ts but su##lied for clarity are in '('s and are used on occasion to align with the 6reek te1ts. &ertain words have alternate words following %'s. -here there is some ty#e of corru#tion in one of the te1t mainly starting in Mark through /cts Part ) NOJION are used. KL's are used to indicate words not #resent in the indicated te1t. = ?'s are used to show readings that are in addition to the base te1t or with8 7= ?'s indicating various alternate te1t readings. IJ' are used to give alternate or additional readings su##orted by the language te1t culture etc. and as8 I'(J if not directly su##orted but yet im#lied. Most #ortions in the ancient Syriac /ramaic Peshitta version titled A2essons .or Public -orshi#A are

noted by a P following the verse number where they occur 'on the $ebrew side of Matthew(. GREE' MATTHE) NOTATION SUMMAR(# =? -ords in the MaHority%Minority%/le1andrian but not the Rece#tus and showing readings that are in addition to the base te1t. KL -ords in the Rece#tus but not the MaHority%Minority%/le1andrian and words not #resent in the indicated te1t. IJ /lternate meanings su##orted by 6reek@ M $eb.%/ramaic meanings. I'(J /lternate meanings not directly su##orted by te1t yet im#lied. '( -ords not in the manuscri#ts but su##lied for clarity%alignment. NOJION !ndicating some ty#e of corru#tion in one of the te1ts. 7= ? !ndicating various alternate te1t readings. P A2essons .or Public -orshi#A 7 as found in the Peshitta. -hile it may be difficult at first to get used to this ty#e of nota7 tion once it becomes familiar it will be easy to follow. !n the te1t of Matthew certain 6reek and $ebrew words on occasion have their res#ective Strong's numbers given. =0he 91haustive &oncordance 3f 0he Bible 7 By <ames Strong@ Riverside Book and Bible $ouse. !owa .alls !owa F>)*G % &o#yrighted.? A**REVIATIONS OF VARIANT READINGS !dentity of various alternate manuscri#t readings are as follows8 / Q /le1andrian 6reek ',rd &entury /;%&e( ; Q ;u0illet 3ld $ebrew Manuscri#t 6 Q 9vangelion ;a7MePharreshe both 0e1ts '*nd%,rd century /;%&e( 6) Q 9vangelion ;a7MePharreshe Sinai Palim#sest 'a##ro1 late *nd to early ,rd &entury /;%&e( 7 in Biblical /ramaic 6* Q 9vangelion ;a7MePharreshe &uretionian 'a##ro1 late ,rd century /;%&e( 7 in Biblical /ramaic 61JQ Various ancient readings found in the Sinai Palim#sest section 'bottom of #ages( of ..&rawford Burkitt's 9van7 gelion ;a7MePharreshe 7 further identified in his 0able 3f /bbreviations Volume ) #ages 1viii71i18 6aJ /#hraates' $omilies '=R%7? Fth%Gth centuries /;%&e( 6dJ &iasca's /rabic ;iatessaron '*nd century /;%&e( 6eJ 9#hraim's commentary on the ;iatessaron 6fJ /S; &ureton's /ncient Syriac ;ocuments 6hJ S. 9#hraim by various editions 6iJ Phili#'s ;octrine of /ddai 6HJ <ac 'see Burkitt's notes( 6sJ &ureton's /ncient Syriac ;ocuments 6tJ 0he /cts of <udas 0homas 6uJ 0he Romance of <ulian as edited by $offmann 6vJ Various "uotes. .or details see Burkitt's notes 6r Q /s in the 6reek manuscri#ts < Q <udaikon <N0Q <ewish New 0estament by ;avid $. Stern M Q MaHority of the 6reek 0e1ts m Q Minority8 many several or some of the 6reek 0e1ts N Q 6ood News 3f 0he $ebrews%Nat:ratim 'P )st &ent. /;%&eKEL( N/SQ New /merican Standard Ne Q Nestor $ebrew 0e1t P Q Biblical /ramaic Syriac Peshitta 'Fth &ent /;%&e and earlier( R Q 0e1tus Rece#tus 6reek manuscri#ts 'M%or( s#ecific to the D<V S Q 0he /#ocaly#se 3f St <ohn !n / Syriac Version $itherto Snknown@ 9dited '.rom a manuscri#t in the library of the 9arl of &rawford and Balcarres( by <ohn 6wynn ;.;. ;.&.2. =Regius Professor of ;ivinity and sometimes .ellow of 0rinity &ollege in the Sniversity of ;ublin?. ;ublin8

$odges .iggis /nd &o. '2imited( 6rafton Street. 2ondon8 2ongmans 6reen /nd &o. Paternoster7row. )T+U. SyrQ Syriac '!n Part !!( refers to notes to the side of te1t from Murdock's 0ranslation V) Q Various corrections #ossible readings etc. from the notes in / 0ranslation of the .our 6os#els from the Syriac 3f 0he Sinaitic Palim#sest =)T+V%Macmillan and &o.? and in 0he 3ld Syriac 6os#els or 9vangelion ;a7Me#harreshe. 7 Both by /gnes Smith 2ewis V* Q Various alternate literal readings #ossible in /ramaic% $ebrew - Q 0ranslation 3f 0he New 0estament .rom 0he 3riginal 6reek by8 Rev. -.B. 6odbey /.M. 'based u#on the Sinaic 6reek Manuscri#t discovered by ;r 0ischendorf( O30$9R ancient good news readings will be found in the /##endi1 O /lso in the /##endi1 will be found a Messianic%Nat:ratim ver7 sion of the )st century based document 0he ;idache as well as various ancient sayings commentaries etc. TERMINOLOG( AND STRUCTURE <udaic names and other words are transliterated often directly from $ebrew. Should these be unfamiliar a com#arison with most Bibles should reveal their meaning. 0he D!ng <ames Version language form and sentence structure is familiar. !n the 6reek version in certain cases it has been retained when it agrees with the 6reek te1ts. ! have attem#ted to make the reading as accurate as #ossible. ! have however noted detail such as8 !sraeli monetary values 'e.g. )>7/gorot for ;enarii( and certain e1#ressions 'e.g. Shalom often translated from the 6reek as $ail5(. 0he7Name '$aShem( is of #articular interest. 4$V$ Ithe 23R;J 'Durios in 6reek( has often been used in certain #laces such as where it can be shown by conte1t for e1am#le when the New &ovenant "uotes from the 0anakh. Sometimes however !'ve used /donai 'though /donai can also mean8 my72ord@ and though not in this conte1t AsirA or AlordA(. !n doing this !'ve also noted the usage as in the ;arby translation 'as shown in ;arby's foreword( and in the New Ding <ames Version. !t is also used in the Shem 0ov Manuscri#ts with a shortened form8 '$ay74ud74ud( and in 3rthodo1 <udaism this would be s#oken as8 $aShem. !n the ;u0illet 0he7Name is re#resented by three A4ud'sA arranged in a triangle inside of a large letter looking similar to an 9nglish cursive ca#ital A2A. / more archaic 9nglish is retained for 0anakh readings here in the New &ovenant. 0his is to somewhat reflect on the situation of )st &entury Mishnaic7$ebrew 'or8 /ramaic%$ebrew dialect( s#eakers "uoting from the Scri#ture as !t was written in their earlier language form. COMMENTS 0o save on time and the cost of this book the $ebrew and 6reek te1ts have not been #rinted. -hile the $ebrew translation in Matthew is not "uite as literal as the 6reek translation it is not a #ara#hrase and is a "uite accurate reflection of the $ebrew te1t. .or further valu7 able information on this and other ancient $ebrew%/ramaic manuscri#ts the following is suggested reading material8 0he 6os#el of Matthew /ccording 0o / Primitive $ebrew 0e1t 7 by 6eorge $oward Mercer Sniversity Press 7 Macon 6eorgia ,)*>U !SBN >7TGFFV7*F>7,. TEXTS USED IN THE MNV TRANSLATION Mark through 4ochanan%<ohn 7 a Messianic version based u#on8 9vangelion

;a7MePharreshe 7 By .. &rawford Burkitt M./. &ambridge at the Sniversity Press )+>V '* Volume(. /cts 'Parts ) M *( through Revelation 7 a Messianic version based u#on8 0he Syriac New 0estament 7 Murdock's 0ranslation $.2. $astings M Sons )+)F. SOME +UDAIC,HE*RE) TERMS USED /haron Q /aron Noach Q Noah /maine Q /men Parokhet Q 0em#le &urtain B'rakhah Q Blessing Pesach Q Passover B'rit Q &ovenant P'rushim Q Pharisees Bar%Ben Q Son Ruach $aDodesh Q 0he $oly S#irit Bat Q ;aughter Sedar Q Passover meal Bat7kol Q Voice from $eaven Shalom /leichem Q Peace unto you &ohen%&ohanim Q Priest%Priests Sha'ul Q Saul%Paul 9lohim%9lohaenu Q 6od%our 6od Shavu'ot Q Pentecost 9ret: Q land ShimBon Defa Q Simon Peter 6an79den Q 6arden of 9den Shlomo Q Solomon 6et Q Bill of divorce Sh'khinah Q ;ivine Presence 6oyim Q Nations%gentiles%#agan Sukkot Q the .east of Booths $aMashiach Q 0he Messiah 0almidim Q ;isci#les Dadosh Q $oly 0anakh Q $ebrew Bible =3.0.? 2'vi Q 2evite%2evi 0orah Q 2aw Mattityahu Q Matthew 4aBakov Q <acob%<ames Mat:ah Q unleavened bread 4erushalayim Q <erusalem Menorah Q 2am# 4eshua Q <esus Mikveh Q Ritual immersion 4'hudah Q <udah Miryam Q Mary 4$V$%/donai%$aShem Q 23R; Mit:vot Q &ommandments 4it:chak Q !saac Moshe Q Moses 4ochanan Q <ohn Nat:ratim Q O<ewish Believers O'See Stern's &ommentary( SOURCE TEXTS MAR' 0he main te1t for Mark is from the Sinai Palim#set K/#ro1. late *nd% early ,rd cent. /;%&eL as the &uretionian's deficient from Matthew *,8*F to Mark )G8)U. 0he alternate reading where the Sinai Palim#set is deficient is su##lied from the Syriac /ramaic Peshitta. 3ther ancient $ebrew%/ramaic alternate readings are identified when they occur. LU'E 0he main te1t for 2uke starts with the Sinai Palim#set Ka##ro1 late *nd%early ,rd cent /;%&e 7 see belowL@ and later the &uretionian Ka##ro1 late ,rd cent /;%&eL 7 along with giving the alternate read7 ings from the Sinai Palim#set when it differs from the &uretionian. -here both te1ts are deficient the main reading is su##lied from the Syriac /ramaic Peshitta. 3ther ancient $ebrew%/ramaic alternate read7 ings are identified when they occur. +OHN 0he main te1t for 4ochanan%<ohn starts from the &uretionian Ka##ro1 late ,rd cent /;%&eL along with giving the alternate readings from the Sinai Palim#set Ka##ro1 late *nd%early ,rd cent /;%&e 7 see belowL when it differs from the &uretionian. -here the &uretionian is deficient 'most of the last half of 4ochanan( the main reading is from the Sinai Palim#set. -here both te1ts are deficient the main reading is su##lied from the Syriac /ramaic Peshitta. 3ther ancient $ebrew%/ramaic alternate readings are identified when they occur. ACTS - PART I 0he first half of the Scroll of /cts ')8) to )F8,G( shows evidence of having had an /ramaic M%or $ebrew original. -ith that in mind and since the only early version we have of /cts in Biblical /ramaic is the

ancient Syriac Peshitta the Peshitta 7 =P? will form the base te1t for the first half of the Book of /cts in MNV Part ). 0he alternate readings when there is significant difference between the /ramaic and the 6reek will be from the 0e1tus Rece#tus and other ancient 6reek readings and will be identified when they are given. INTRODUCTION TO MNV PART II .R3M /&0S )F8,U 0$R3S6$ R9V92/0!3N the only early Biblical7/ramaic 'a sister7language of $ebrew( versions we have are the ancient Syriac Peshitta te1ts. 0he e1ce#tion is one old /ramaic%Syriac version of Revelation. !n the Peshitta some Books8 * Peter and * <ohn through Revelation only a##ear in the later manuscri#ts. 0he reason given for this in the traditions of the A&hruch of the 9astA is that when they received their /ramaic version of the New &ovenant in the )st century /;%&e these Books had not yet been written. 0he base te1t then for this MNV Part !! is a Messianic version of 0he Peshitta =P? based u#on8 0he Syriac New 0estament 'Murdock's 0ranslation $.2. $astings M Sons )+)F. 0he alternate readings when there is significant difference between the /ramaic and the 6reek will be from the 0e1tus Rece#tus and other ancient 6reek readings and will be identified when they are given. 0here are fewer readings from the 0e1tus Rece#tus in Part !! than in Part ! of the MNV so !'d suggest you might find it of worth to do a com#arison with the D<V on your own. NOTATIONS FOR VARIANT READINGS !n Part !! '('s are used for two reasons. 3ne is to give e1tra words that hel# in the understanding of the /ramaic though not in the original te1ts themselves. 0he other used in only a few cases is to align with the 6reek reading for com#arative #ur#oses. Since the base te1t reading is from the Peshitta however it will already be somewhat close to the 6reek since the Peshitta is for the most #art aligned with the 6reek reading's(@ although for Matthew through <ohn the Peshitta often agrees with the 3ld7Syriac C,> 'see introduction Part !( ='(?'s are used to indicate = ?'s as used by <ames Murdock ;; in his translation. KL's are used to indicate words not #resent in the indicated te1t. = ?'s are used to show readings that are in addition to the base te1t or with = ?'s indicating various alternate te1t readings including those given by Murdock along with his more literal /ramaic 'Syriac( meanings and notes. IJ's are used to give alternate or additional readings su##orted by the language te1t culture etc. or at least #artially readable%visible in the manuscri#t%s and as I'(J not directly su##orted but yet an im#lied reading. N N's will indicate words%#hrases enclosed in '('s by Murdock. Most #ortions in the ancient Syriac /ramaic Peshitta version titled8 A2essons .or Public -orshi#A are noted by a P following the verse number where they occur. SUMMAR( OF NOTATION FOR MNV PART II# '( ='(? KL =? IJ I'(J NN P 91tra words not in the te1t to hel# in understanding the /ramaic@ also used on occasion to align with the 6reek te1ts. Ssed to indicate = ? as used by <ames Murdock in his translation. !ndicates words not #resent in the indicated te1t. Showing readings in addition to the base te1t@ or showing various alternate te1t readings 7 including those given by Murdock. /lternate%additional readings su##orted by the language etc.. Showing a reading not directly su##ored by the te1t@ yet im#lied. !ndicates words%#hrases enclosed in '( by Murdock. A2essons .or Public -orshi#A 7 as found in the Peshitta.

INFORMATION ON THE *OO' OF REVELATION -hile Revelation is not in the earliest Peshitta manuscri#ts@ scholars have noted for some time8 A0he 6reek of the /#ocaly#se above all other New 0estament writings has a Semitic cast A %'ASA #g.1viii 7 see !ntroduction to Part !(. /lternatively we could consider #erha#s that while 4ochanan wrote Revelation in 6reek he did so somewhat directly word for word from /ramaic or Mishnaic7$ebrew 'by te1t or thought(. 0his would result in almost an AinterlinearA style 6reek te1t more so than the other 6reek te1ts of the New &ovenant e1hibit. 7 Since they are as far as any 6reek co#ies of the Semitic te1ts are concerned translations@ e1ce#t in the other cases where they a##ear to be original 6reek com#ositions. 0here e1ists however another te1t that is older than the later Peshitta /ramaic of the Book of Revelation =ASA see !ntroduction to Part !? and a few alternate readings and notes will be given here from this book. INFORMATION ON THE COMMENTAR( Before this book was released ! decided to include some commentary and Rabbinic "uotations. 0hese were #artially from my handwritten notes and it is ho#ed that in this #rinting they are accurate and without error 'as !'m sure they are for the most #art(. ! ho#e these will be of some hel#. -hile there are do:ens more Rabbinic "uotations that could have been given and details that could have been commented on these few will give an understanding of the <udaic conte1t of the days when Messiah 4eshua walked the earth. 0hey should shed light on some other matters as well. Portions within KL's are from the Mishnah and have some relevance to the verse 'even if only about historical or translation considera7 tions(. 0hese details at first glance may not always be clear as to their relevance to our understanding of the New &ovenant. 0hese are from $ermann Strack's M Paul Billerbeck's Dommentar Wum Neuen 0estament /us 0almud Snd Midrashch. 0almudic "uotes unless stated otherwise as being from the 4eru7 shalayim 0almud 'Vth century /;%&e M earlier( are from the Babylonian 0almud 'Fth century /;%&e M earlier(. -hen "uotes are #rovided from the $aggadah they are sometimes taken from8 9n <acob /gada 3f 0he Babylonian 0almud by8 Rabbi <acob !bn &habib 'revised and translated into 9nglish by8 Rabbi S.$. 6lick Vol's. !7V New 4ork )+)G7 )+*)(. !n this case they will be identified by A9n<A before the volume and #age number on which they are found in that writing. /dded detail a7b7c will refer to the first middle or end of the #age. 0his is not to be confused with standard numbering for 0almudic "uotations. Some verse references from the 0anakh will differ a verse or two in location de#ending on what version you are using. Many of the "uotes given from the Wohar are only found in the /msterdam Version.

Messianic Literal Natzratim Version, From Greek, Of Matthew And Parallel Translation From The Ancient Mishnaic-He rew !hem To" #$ncl%din& other "ario%s ancient man%scri't readin&s( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) The Good-News Accordin& To MATTH*+ - MATT$T,AH))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Literal MNV From The Greek /Version from the He rew of !hem To" 0HAPT*1 2 -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 2 -He 3 2 !croll of &eneration of ,esh%a /234 5These are the &enerations of HaMashiach, 6en-7a"id, en-A"raham3/,esh%a, 6en-7a"id, en-A"raham3 / 58GP9 The scroll of the / &enealo&:;nati"it: of333< = A"raham e&at ,itzchak> and /=3 A"raham e&at ,itzchak, and ,itzchak e&at ,a?ako"> and ,a?ako"/,itzchak e&at ,a?ako"> and ,a?ako" e&at ,@h%dah and his rothers> / e&at ,@h%dah and his rothers> A And ,@h%dah e&at Peretz and /A3 ,@h%dah e&at Peretz and Berach Berach o%t of Tamar> and Peretz /from Tamar> Peretz e&at 0hetzron> e&at 0hetzron> and 0hetzron e&at /0hetzron e&at 1am> 1am> / C And 1am e&at Amminada"> and /C3 And 1am e&at Amminada"> and Amminada" e&at Nachshon> and /Amminada" e&at Nachshon> and Nachshon e&at !almon> /Nachshon e&at !almon> D And !almon e&at 6o?az o%t of /D3 !almon e&at 6o?az from 1acha" 1acha"> and 6o?az e&at O"ed o%t of/the harlot> 6o?az e&at O"ed from 1%t> and O"ed e&at ,ishai> /1%t> and O"ed e&at ,ishai> E And ,ishai e&at 7a"id the kin&>/E3 ,ishai e&at 7a"id> 7a"id e&at and 7a"id the kin& e&at !hlomo o%t/!hlomo from the wife of -ri:ah> of 8+9 her who was< the #wife(-8+< / of -ri:ah> / F And !hlomo e&at 1echa"?am> and /F3 !hlomo e&at 1echa"?am> 1echa"?am e&at A"i:ah> and A"i:ah/1echa"?am e&at A"i:ah> A"i:ah e&at Asa-8A9 Asa'h<> / e&at Asa> G And Asa-8Asa'h< e&at ,@hoshafat/G3 Asa e&at ,@hoshafat> and ,@hoshafat e&at ,oram> and /,@hoshafat e&at ,oram> ,oram e&at ,oram e&at -zi:ah%> /-zi:ah%> H And -zi:ah% e&at ,otam> and /H3 -zi:ah% e&at ,otam> ,otam ,otam e&at Achaz> and Achaz e&at / e&at Achaz> Achaz e&at 0hizki:ah%> /0hizki:ah%> 2I And 0hizki:ah% e&at M@nasheh> /2I3 0hizki:ah% e&at M@nasheh> and M@nasheh e&at Amon-8Amos<> and/M@nasheh e&at Amon> Amon e&at Amon-8A9 Amos< e&at ,oshi:ah%> /,oshi:ah%> 22 And ,oshi:ah% e&at ,@khan:ah% /223 ,oshi:ah% e&at ,@khan:ah% and his rothers, at the /and his rothers in &al%t;dias'ora de'ortation-8+9 ca'ti"it:< of /#of( 6a :lon3 6a :lon3 / 2= And after the de'ortation-8+9 /2=3 And after &al%t;dias'ora #in( ca'ti"it:< of 6a :lon, ,@khan:ah% /6a :lon, ,@khan:ah% e&at e&at !h@altiel> and !h@altiel /!h@altiel> !h@altiel e&at e&at B@r% a"el> /B@r% a"el> 2A And B@r% a"el e&at A"@ich%d> /2A3 B@r% a"el e&at A"@ich%d> and A"@ich%d e&at *l:akim> and /A"@ich%d e&at 879 A"@ner> A"@ner *l:akim e&at Az%r> / e&at< *l:akim> and *l:akim e&at /Az%r>

2C And Az%r e&at Tzadok> and /2C3 Az%r e&at Tzadok> Tzadok e&at Tzadok e&at ,akhin> and ,akhin /,akhin> and ,akhin e&at *l@ich%d> e&at *l@ich%d> / 2D And *l@ich%d e&at *l?azar> and/2D3 And *l@ich%d e&at *l?azar> and *l?azar e&at Mattan> and Mattan /*l?azar e&at Mattan> and Mattan e&at ,a?ako"> / e&at ,a?ako"> 2E And ,a?ako" e&at ,osef-The /2E3 And ,a?ako" e&at ,osef3 5This h%s and of Mir:am-o%t of whom was /,osef #was( h%s and #of( Mir:amorn ,esh%a-+ho is called the-J+K /mother of ,esh%a -who is called Messiah3 /Mashiach-LMessiah93 -----------------------------------. 58Ga9333and ,osef was called father to ,esh%a the Messiah<, 8G=9 ,osef, him to whom was etrothed Mir:am the Vir&in, she who are ,esh%a HaMashiach< #G29 "32E is corr%'t here3( -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2F !o all the &enerations from /2F3 And all the &enerations from A"raham to 7a"id were fo%rteen /A"raham %ntil 7a"id #were( fo%rteen &enerations> and from 7a"id %ntil /&enerations> and from 7a"id %ntil the 5de'ortation %nto 6a :lon were /&al%t;dias'ora #in( 6a :lon> fo%rteen &enerations> and from the /-fo%rteen &enerations> and from 5de'ortation to 6a :lon %nto /&al%t;dias'ora 6a :lon %ntil HaMashiach-8+9 Mashiach< were /,esh%a> -fo%rteen &enerations3 fo%rteen &enerations3 / 58+9 ca'ti"it: to 333< / 2G Now the irth of Jm9,esh%aK the/2G34 And the irth of ,esh%a was Messiah was th%sM For His mother /like thisM And it was that His Mir:am ein& etrothed to ,osef, /mother was etrothed to ,osef, efore #the( Noinin& of them, she /5#and( efore he knew her, she was was fo%nd 're&nant in wom : #the(/fo%nd 're&nant from 1%ach HaOodesh3 1%ach HaOodesh;Hol: !'irit3 / 58G=9333 efore the: e"er drew -----------------------------------. near one to the other, she was fo%nd with child of the 1%ach HaOodesh3< 8G2e9333 efore she was &i"en %nto a h%s and333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2H And her h%s and ,osef ein& /2H3 And ,osef was a tzaddik man and N%st, and not willin& to '% licl: /not wantin& to dwell with her, or eP'ose her, '%r'osed to '%t her /to eP'ose her : rin&in& her to awa: secretl:3 /shame or indin& her o"er to death3 -----------------------------------.6%t rather was wantin& to conceal her3 879333onl: it was in his heart to send her awa: secretl:3< 8G=9333meditated that Q%ietl: he sho%ld di"orce her3< 8Ge9333minded to '%t her awa: Q%ietl:3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=I And #as( he #was( meditatin& on/=I3 And while he tho%&ht on this these thin&s, ehold, an an&el of /thin& in his heart, Land9 ehold an Adonai was seen : him in a dream, /an&el a''eared %nto him in a dream sa:in&, ,osef son of 7a"id, fear /and saidM ,osef en-7a"id, do not not to take Mir:am #as( :o%r wife3 /fear to take :o%r wife 5Mir:am, for For That in her is fathered : /of; : 1%ach HaOodesh she is 1%ach HaOodesh;the Hol: !'irit3 /'re&nant3 -----------------------------------. 5879333Mir:am, for that which shall e orn of;8G9 from< her is of 1%ach HaOodesh> for : 1%ach HaOodesh she is with child3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=2 And she shall ear a !on, and /=23 And 879 ehold< she will ear a :o% shall call His Name ,*!H-AM for/!on, and :o% shall call His Name He shall sa"e His 'eo'le from their/,*!H-AM as-that He shall 5sa"e M: sins3 /'eo'le from 879 all< their sins3 / 58G=9333sa"e ali"e the world333< == Now all this ha''ened so that /==3 All this was to com'lete what mi&ht e filled;com'lete-LC2D29 /was written : the 5Pro'het from

that-8+9 the +ord< s'oken : Adonai/the mo%th of ,HVHM thro%&h the Pro'het, sa:in&, / 587G9Pro'het ,esha?:ah% from333< =A 6ehold, the "ir&in shall /=A3 6ehold, the almah;"ir&in shall concei"e in #her( wom and shall /concei"e and ear a !on and :o% ear a !on, and the: shall call His/shall call His Name $mman%@el -that Name $mman%@el, -which translated /is- *lohim with %s3 is- *lohim;God with %s3 / =C And ein& aro%sed from slee' /=C3 And ,osef awoke from his slee' ,osef did as the an&el of ,HVH;LThe/and did accordin& #to( all which LO179 commanded him and took his /commanded to him #the( an&el of wife 8+9 to himself<M /,HVH, 5and took 879 her as< his /wifeM / 58G=9333and he took Mir:am,333< =D And knew her not %ntil she ore/=D3 5And he did not know her %ntil her @First orn son-8A9 a son<@M and/she ore her First orn sonM and he he called His Name ,*!H-A3 /called His Name ,*!H-A3 / 58G=#Ge(9 And '%rel: was / dwellin& with her %ntil333< 0HAPT*1 = -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 = -He 3 2 Now when ,esh%a had een orn in/234And it was @that when-879after<@ 6eit-Lechem of ,@h%diah in the da:s/,esh%a was orn in 6eit-Lechem 879a of Herod the kin&, ehold, there /cit: of< ,@h%dah in the da:s of came Ma&i from #the( *ast to /Herod the kin&, and ehold, Ma&i ,er%shala:im, /came from the *ast %nto /,er%shala:im, = !a:in&, +here is He orn Oin& of/=3 5!a:in&, +here is the Oin& of the RewsS For we ha"e seen His star/the Rews who has een ornS +e ha"e in the *ast, and are come to ow-in/seen His star in;8G29from< the *ast -homa&e %nto Him3 /and ha"e come with im'ortant &ifts /to do-homa&e %nto Him3 / 58G9 And the: sa:,333< A +hen Herod the kin& had heard /A3 And hearin&, Herod the kin& was #these thin&s( he was tro% led, and/tro% led, and all the dwellers of all ,er%shala:im with him3 /,er%shala:im with him3 C And when he had &athered all the/C3 And he &athered all his head-0ohanim and !cri es J+9 of the/im'ortant-men and @inQ%ired-879 'eo'leK to&ether, he inQ%ired of /demanded<@ from them if the: knew them where the Messiah sho%ld e /where HaMashiach wo%ld e orn3 orn3 / D And the: said %nto him, $n 6eit-/D3 And the: answered him, in 6eitLechem ,@h%diahM for th%s it is /Lechem ,@h%dah, as it is @writtenwritten : the Pro'hetM /879 s'oken<@ from the mo%th of the /Pro'hetM E And tho% 6eit-Lechem land of /E3 And tho%, 6eit-Lechem ,@h%dah, ,@h%dah, art in no wa: the least /*'hrathah, land-,@h%dah,5 ehold :o% amon& the &o"ernors of ,@h%dahM for/#are( insi&nificant in the clans o%t of thee shall come a Go"ernor /of ,@h%dah> 5#:et( from :o% there who shall !he'herd M: 'eo'le /shall come forth to Me, 5One to e $srael3 /1%ler in $srael3 -----------------------------------. 5879333which are little to e amon& the tri es of333< 58P9 #clan ) kin&s(> 333for a Oin& shall come forth from thee who shall r%le M: 'eo'le $srael3< 58G9333the Oin& that shall tend M: 'eo'le $srael3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------F Then Herod, when he had secretl:/F3 Then called the kin& Herod the called the Ma&i, inQ%ired of them /Ma&i in secret and Q%estioned them ePactl: what time the star /well concernin& the time the star a''eared3 /a''eared to them3 G And he sent them to 6eit-Lechem,/G3 And he sent them to 6eit-Lechem and said, Goin&, inQ%ire ePactl: /and said %nto themM Go and inQ%ire for the child> and when :o% ha"e /well concernin& the o: and when fo%nd him, rin& me word a&ain, /:o% find him inform me, and $ also

that $ ma: come and ow- efore him also3 H +hen the: had heard the kin&, the: de'arted> and, eholdT The star, which the: saw in the *ast went efore them, till it came and stood o"er where the child was3

/will &o to him to do-homa&e3 / /H3 5And the: listened to the kin& /and went and ehold the star which /the: saw in the *ast 5was &oin& / efore them %ntil the: came to the /'lace3 +hen the: entered 6eit/Lechem it stood efore the 'lace /where the child was3 -----------------------------------. 528V2;#G2(96%t the:, when the: had recei"ed the commandment of the kin&, de'arted 333< 5=879333went efore their e:es, %ntil it came and stood still a o"e, o"er a&ainst where the o: was3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2I +hen the: saw the star, the: /2I3 And when the: saw the star the: reNoiced with ePceedin& &reat No:3 /reNoiced with ePceedin& &reat No:3 22 And when the: were come into /223 And the: came into the ho%se the ho%se, the: saw the child with /and fo%nd Him and His mother Mir:am His mother, and fallin& down/Mir:am, #and( knelt efore Him, the: did-re"erence %nto HimM and /did-re"erence-to Him, o'ened their when the: had o'ened their /sacks, and 5 ro%&ht to Him &ifts of treas%res, the: 'resented %nto Him /&old, frankincense, and m:rrh3 &ifts> &old, and frankincense and / 58V2#idem,'3FH,$$3A,C(9333 m:rrh3 / 'resented %nto Him an / offerin& 333< 2= And ein& warned : a dream /2=3 5And then the: were commanded that the: sho%ld not ret%rn to /in a dream from the an&el, who said Herod> the: de'arted into their own/to them not to ret%rn to Herod> so co%ntr: : another wa:3 /the: ret%rned to their land : /another wa:3 -----------------------------------. 5879 And it came to 'ass, when the: were fast aslee', ehold, the an&el a''eared %nto them sa:in&M 6eware of ret%rnin& to ,er%shala:im to Herod, so the:333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2A And when the: were de'arted, /2A34As the: were &oin&, ehold #an( ehold, an an&el of ,HVH;LThe LO179/an&el of ,HVH a''eared to ,osef a''eared to ,osef : a dream /sa:in&M Arise, take the o: and His sa:in&, AriseT Take with #:o%( the /mother and flee to *&:'t and sta: child and His mother, and flee into/there %ntil $ s'eak to :o%3 6eca%se *&:'t, and e :o% there %ntil $ /Herod will seek the o: to kill shall tell :o%M for Herod is a o%t /him3 to seek the child to destro: Him3 / 2C And risin& %', he took alon& /2C3 879And he-8P9 ,osef< arose, and the child and His mother : ni&ht, /did as the an&el had said %nto him< and de'arted into *&:'t3 /!o he took the o: and His mother3 /87P9 : ni&ht and de'arted-8P9fled< /into *&:'t3< 2D And he was there %ntil the end /2D3 And was there %ntil Herod died, of HerodM that it-8+9 the +ord< /to com'lete what was s'oken from mi&ht e filled;com'lete which was /the mo%th of 8G29 ,esha?:ah%< the s'oken of Adonai thro%&h the /Pro'hetM O%t of *&:'t $ called M: Pro'het, sa:in&M O%t of *&:'t ha"e /!on3 $ called M: !on3 / 2E Then Herod, when he saw that he/2E3 Then saw Herod that the Ma&i was mocked of the Ma&i, was &reatl:/had mocked him and was &reatl: enra&ed, and ha"in& sent, he killed/an&ered3 6ein& &rie"ed at heart, all the o:s in 6eit-Lechem, and in/he commanded that word e sent to all the districts thereof, from two/all his 'rinces to kill all the :ears old and %nder,-accordin& to /male-children who were in 6eitthe time which he #had( ePactl: /Lechem and its orders who had een inQ%ired of the Ma&i3 / orn from the time when the Ma&i /s'oke to him a o%t the irth of the

/ o:3 /2F3 Then was com'leted the word, /what ,irme:ah% the Pro'het, 879 /L%'on whom e shalomL<, s'okeM /2G3 A "oice in 1amah was heard, /lamentation and itter cr:in&, /1achel cr:in& for her children, /etc33 J333K 87.9 she ref%ses to e /comforted for her children, eca%se /the: are no more3< 2H 6%t when Herod was dead, /2H34 And it was that Herod the kin& ehold, an an&el of ,HVH;LThe LO179/died, and #an( an&el of ,HVH a''ears : a dream to ,osef in /a''eared in a dream to ,osef in *&:'t, /*&:'t, =I !a:in&M Arise, take alon& the /=I3 !a:in&M Arise, take the o: and child and His mother, and 'ass o"er/His mother, and &o to *retz-$sraelM into *retz-$sraelM for the: ha"e /for those died who were seekin& the eP'ired which so%&ht the so%l of / o: to kill Him3 the child3 / =2 And he risin& %', took alon& /=23 And he-8P9 ,osef< arose, and the child and His mother, and came /took the o: and His mother, and into *retz-$srael3 /the: ret%rned to *retz-$srael3 == 6%t when he heard that /==3 And he heard that Archela%s Archela%s did rei&n o"er ,@h%diah /rei&ned in ,@h%dah in the 'lace of in 'lace of his father Herod, he /Herod his father, and he feared to feared to &o there3 And ein& /&o there3 #!o( the an&el %r&ed him warned : a dream, he de'arted into/in a dream that he sho%ld t%rn %nto the 'arts of the Galil3 /eretz-haGil&al-87G9 eretz-haGalil<3 =A And he ha"in& come dwelt in a /=A3 And he came and dwelt in a cit: cit: called Natzeret> th%s to fill /called Natzeret in order to ;com'lete @what was;8+9 the words<@/com'lete what the Pro'het saidM He s'oken thro%&h the Pro'het, He /shall e called Natzrati-L ranch93 shall e called a @Natzrati-L8He 3;/ tar&%m< ranch9-8m9 #netser(<@3 / 0HAPT*1 A -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 A -He 3 2 Now in those da:s came ,ochanan /234 $n those da:s came ,ochanan hathe $mmerser, 'roclaimin& in the /Mat il 'roclaimin& in the desert of wilderness of ,@h%diah, /,@h%dah3 -----------------------------------. 879333$n those da:s ,ochanan the $mmerser was called> and he cried in the desert of ,@h%dah sa:in&M< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------= And sa:in&, 1e'entT For the /=3 And he saidM T%rn in re'entance, Oin&dom of the Hea"ens has drawn /for the Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens is near3 /a o%t to come, / 8791e'ent :o% of :o%r li"es,333< A For this is he s'oken of : the /A3 To com'lete what was said : Pro'het ,esha?:ah%, sa:in&, A "oice/,esha?:ah% the Pro'hetM A "oice of of #one( 5cr:in& in the wilderness,/one cr:in& in the desert, 're'are Pre'are the wa: of ,HVH;L,HVH9, /the wa: of ,HVH, 5make strai&ht in make His 'aths strai&ht3 /the wilderness a 'ath for o%r God3 58+9 roarin& in333< / 58G=9333U direct the 'aths of333< C Now ,ochanan himself had his /C3 And ehold, ,ochanan was clothed raiment from hairs of a camel and a/with the 5hair of camels and 5 lack leather elt aro%nd his loins> and /leather aro%nd his loins> and his his food was loc%sts and wild /food was loc%sts and the hone: of hone:3 /the @forest-8G29 hills<@3 / 58G9333camels soft %nder-hair333< / 5879 333 elt a o%t his waist>333< D Then went o%t to him /D3 Then the: came o%t to him from ,er%shala:im, and all ,@h%diah, and/,er%shala:im, and from all ,@h%dah all the nei&h orhood of the ,arden,/and from all the @5kin&dom ro%nd 2F Then was filled;com'lete that s'oken : ,irme:ah% the Pro'het, sa:in&M 2G A "oice was heard $n 1amah, lamentation, and wee'in&, and m%ch mo%rnin&, 1achel wee'in& for her children, and wo%ld not e comforted, eca%se the: were not3

-----------------------------------.a o%t-879 district of<@ ha,arden, 58Rose'h9 kin&dom :333< 8MsOr1omeVDA;=F U Nizzahon Vet%s V2EI9 Oin&dom %nto333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------E And were immersed : him in the /E3 And at that time were confessin& ,arden, confessin& their sins3 /their sin and were immersin& in /#the( ,arden, eca%se of his word3 F And seein& man: of the P@r%shim /F3 And he saw that man: from the and Tz@d%kim comin& to his /P@r%shim and Tz@d%kim came to his immersion, he said %nto them, /immersion, and he said to them, Offs'rin& of ser'ents, who warned /Offs'rin& of ser'ents, who ta%&ht :o% to flee from the wrath to comeS/:o% to flee from the wrath to come /from *lohim-LGod9S G Prod%ce therefore fr%its worth: /G3 Prod%ce the fr%it of re'entance3 of re'entance3 / 879 6rin& forth therefore333< H And think not to sa: within /H3 And @do not-8UG9<@ sa: in :o%r :o%rsel"es, +e ha"e a father, /heart, O%r father #is( A"raham3 A"raham3 For $ sa: %nto :o%, that /Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o% that *lohim *lohim;God is a le o%t of these /is a le to raise %' 5His son stones to raise %' children %nto /A"raham from these stones3 A"raham3 / 5879333children of A"raham333< 2I And alread: the aPe is e"en /2I38!T9 U Lk3AM2I-2D< And alread: laid at the root of the treesM /the aPe has reached the root of the therefore an: tree not 'rod%cin& /tree3 Those not 'rod%cin& &ood &ood fr%it is hewn off, and cast /fr%it will e c%t down and %rned into fire3 /in the fire3 The m%ltit%des asked -----------------------------------.him, $f so, what shall we doS ,ochanan answered them, He who has two shirts let him &i"e one to him who has none3 And so the: came to e immersed3 And man: asked him, +hat shall we doS And he answered them, 6e anPio%s for no man and do not '%nish them, and e satisfied with :o%r lot3 And all the 'eo'le were thinkin& and reasonin& in their circ%mcised heart, -,ochanan he #is( ,esh%a3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------22 $ indeed immerse :o% @in;L :; /2238!T9 U Lk3AM2E< And ,ochanan with9@ %nto re'entanceM %t He /answered all of them, 6ehold in comin& after me is stron&er than $,/tr%th $ immerse :o% in the da:s of whose sandals $ am not worth: to /re'entance, and another comes after earM He shall immerse :o% in #the(/me, stron&er than $, the thon& of 1%ach HaOodesh;Hol: !'irit, JM9and /whose sandal $ am not worth: to fireK> /%nfasten3 And He shall immerse :o% /in #the( fire #of( 1%ach HaOodesh3 2= +hose fan #is( in His hand, and/2=3 +ho in His hand has a winnowin& He will thoro%&hl:-'%r&e His floor,/-fork, to fan His threshin& floor, and &ather to&ether His wheat into /and He will &ather the &rain into the arn> %t He will %rn %' the /His arn, and the straw He will chaff with %nQ%encha le fire3 / %rn with fire which is not /Q%enched3 2A Then arri"ed ,esh%a from the /2A3 Then came ,esh%a from haGalil Galil to the ,arden %nto ,ochanan /#to( ha,arden to e immersed from to e immersed : him3 /,ochanan3 2C 6%t ,ochanan restrained Him, /2C3 And ,ochanan was do% tf%l a o%t sa:in&M $ ha"e need to e immersed /immersin& Him and saidM $ sho%ld e : ,o%, and ,o% come to meS /immersed from ,o%, and ,o% come to /meS 2D 6%t ,esh%a answerin& said %nto /2D3 And ,esh%a answered, and said him, Allow #it to e so( nowM for /%nto him, Allow itM for we are th%s it is fittin& to %s to fill /reQ%ired to com'lete all ri&hteo%s;com'lete all ri&hteo%sness3 Then /ness3 Then ,ochanan immersed Him3 he allowed Him3 / 2E And ,esh%a, ein& immersed, /2E3 And immediatel: when He came %' went %' at once from the waterM /from the water, were o'ened to Him

and, ehold, the Hea"ens were o'ened Jm+9 %nto HimK, and He saw the 1%ach;!'irit of *lohim;God descendin& as a do"e, and @8+9 comin&<Wali&htin&@ %'on HimM

/the Hea"ens and @He saw #the( 1%ach /#of( *lohim descendin&-8N9 the /entire fo%ntain of 1%ach HaOodesh /descended<@ 5as a do"e, and $t /8N9 rested<-dwelt-8G9 a ode< %'on /Him3 8N.9 And said to HimM< / 587G9in the likeness of a do"e,< 2F And eholdT A "oice o%t of the/2F3 And ehold a # at(-kol;"oice Hea"ens, sa:in&M This is M: !on the/from the Hea"ens was sa:in&M 6elo"ed, in whom $ J+9 ha"e fo%ndK /This is M: !on, M: 6elo"ed, He is deli&ht3 /lo"ed "er: "er: m%ch, and M: /'leas%re is in Him3 0HAPT*1 C -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 C -He 3 2 Then was ,esh%a led %' : the /234 Then ,esh%a was taken : @1%ach !'irit into the wilderness to e /HaOodesh;the Hol: !'irit@ into the tested;tem'ted : the Acc%ser /desert 87.9 of ,@h%dah< to e -LTrad%cer93 /tested;tem'ted from ha!atan3 / 8Nizzahon Vet%sV2E=9 ,esh%a / was led into the wilderness / that !atan mi&ht tem't Him3< = And ha"in& fasted fort: da:s and/=3 And He fasted fort: da:s and fort: ni&hts, He was afterward /fort: ni&hts and afterwards was h%n&r:3 /h%n&r:3 A And the Tem'ter comin& near Him,/A3 The Tem'ter drew near and said said, $f ,o% are !on of *lohim;God,/to Him, $f :o% are 6en-*lohim sa: sa: that these stones ma: ecome /that these stones sho%ld t%rn into loa"es3 / read3 C 6%t He answerin& said, $t has /C3 And ,esh%a answered and said to een written, Man shall not li"e on/him, $t is written, Not : read read alone, %t on e"er: word /alone, etc33 J333K 87.9 shall man 'roceedin& thro%&h #the( mo%th of /li"e, %t : e"er:thin& that *lohim;God3 /'roceeds from the mo%th of ,HVH /shall man li"e3< D Then the Acc%ser-LTrad%cer9 /D3 Then ha!atan took Him @into the takes Him into the hol: cit:, and /hol: cit:-8N9 into ,er%shala:im<@, set Him on the win& of the Tem'le, /and 'laced Him on the hi&hest 'oint /in all the Tem'le, E And sa:s to HimM $f ,o% are the /E3 And said to HimM $f ,o% are !on of *lohim;God, cast ,o%rself /*lohim, N%m' down, - for it is downM for it has een written, He /written, He has commanded His shall &i"e His an&els char&e /an&els in re&ard to Thee to kee' concernin& TheeM and on #their( /Thee in all Th: wa:s3 etc33 J333K hands the: shall ear Thee, lest /87.9 -'on the 'alms of their hands Tho% 8+9 ma:est< strike Th: foot /the: shall ear Thee %', lest Tho% a&ainst a stone3 /dash Th: foot a&ainst a stone3< F ,esh%a said %nto him, $t is /F3 And ,esh%a answered him a&ain, written a&ain, Tho% shalt not tem't/Tho% shalt not tem't ,HVH th: God3 ,HVH;LThe LO179 th: God3 / G A&ain, the Acc%ser-LTrad%cer9 /G3 And ha!atan took Him to 8G29 and takes Him to an ePceedin& hi&h /made Him stand %'on< a "er: hi&h mo%ntain, and shows Him all the /mo%ntain, and showed Him all the kin&doms of the world-Lland9 and /kin&doms of the earth-Lland9 and the &lor: of them> /their &lor:> H And sa:s to HimM All these /H3 And said to HimM 8G29 These thin&s will $ &i"e to ,o%, if ,o% /kin&doms and their &lor: 5hast Tho% will, fallin& down, worshi' me3 /seenS< All these thin&s $ will &i"e /to ,o%, if :o% are ,o%r head to /me3 / 58V29333 Tho% hast seen3 333< 2I Then sa:s ,esh%a %nto himM @Go /2I3 Then ,esh%a answered himM Go -8M9Get ehind Me<@ !atanM for it /ha!atan, - for it is written, $ has een written, Tho% shalt /shall 'ra: to ,HVH, and Him onl:

worshi' ,HVH;LThe LO179 th: God, /tho% shalt ser"e3 and Him onl: shalt tho% ser"e3 / 22 Then the Acc%ser-LTrad%cer9 /223 Then ha!atan left Him 8G9 for left Him, and eholdT An&els came /a time<, and eholdT An&els came near and 8+9 contin%ed to< /near to Him and ministered %nto ministerJed L+K %nto Him3 /@Him-8G9 ,esh%a<@3 2= 6%t ,esh%a hearin& that /2=34And it was in those da:s ,esh%a ,ochanan was deli"ered %' 8+9 into,/heard that ,ochanan had een 'rison<, He withdrew-8+9 de'arted< /deli"ered %' into 'rison, so He into the Galil3 /went into haGalil3 2A And lea"in& Natzeret, He came /2A3 And He 'assed : Nazer@el and and li"ed in O@far-Nach%m, eside /dwelt in O@far-Nach%m-1aithah, on the sea, in the districts of /the o%tskirts of eretz-B@"%l%n B@"%l%n and NaftaliM /87.9 #and Naftali(< 87.9 #this is a /cit: : the sea(<M 2C #!o( that 8+9 the +ord< mi&ht /2C3 $n order to com'lete what 879 e filled;com'lete that s'oken /what was s'oken : the mo%th of< : ,esha?:ah% the Pro'het, sa:in&M /,esha?:ah% the Pro'het 879 who< /said, 2D Land of B@"%l%n, and land of /2D3 *retz-B@"%l%n and eretz-Naftali Naftali, # :( wa: of #the( sea, /the wa: of the !ea, @ e:ond-8P9 the e:ond the ,arden, Galil of the /ford of<@ the ha,arden Galil Go:im-L8He 3< nations;&entiles9> /ha-&o:im> 2E The 'eo'le ha"in&-sat in /2E3 The 'eo'le who walked in darkness saw a &reat Li&ht> and to /darkness saw a &reat Li&ht, those those ha"in&-sat in a re&ion and /who sat 8G29 sorrowin& and< in the shadow of death, Li&ht did s'rin& /land of dee' darkness, a Li&ht has %' to them3 /shined %'on them3 2F From that time ,esh%a e&an to /2F3 From that time ,esh%a e&an to 'roclaim, and to sa:, 1e'entT For /'roclaim and to sa:, 1e'entT 879#.( the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens has come/1e'ent-LT%rn :o%T9< For #the( near3 /Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens is near3 2G And ,esh%a-8+9 He<, walkin& /2G3 And ,esh%a went alon& the eside the sea of the Galil, saw /shore-8UG29< of the sea #of( two rothers, !him?on 8+9 who is< /haGalil, and saw two rothers, called Oefa, and Andrew his /!him?on called Oefa, and Andrew rother, castin& a net into the /his rother castin& their nets seaM for the: were fishers3 /into the sea> eca%se the: were /fishermen3 2H And He sa:s %nto them, 0ome /2H3 And He said %nto them, 0ome after Me, and $ will make :o% /after Me, and $ will make :o% fish fishers of men3 /for men3 =I And lea"in& the nets, the: at /=I3 And the: left their nets in once followed Him3 /that 8UG9<-ho%r and went after Him3 =2 And &oin& on from there, He saw/=23 And He t%rned from there, and other two rothers, ,a?ako" the /saw two other rothers, ,a?ako" and # en;son(-of-Ba"dai, and ,ochanan /,ochanan, rothers who were sons of his rother in the oat with Ba"dai/Ba"dai, and their father in a oat their father, mendin& their nets> /settin& %' their nets, and He and He called them3 /called them3 == And the: at once lea"in& the /==3 And the: Q%ickl: left their oat and their father, followed /nets and their father, and followed Him3 /after Him3 =A And ,esh%a-8m9 He< went a o%t /=A3 Then went ,esh%a aro%nd eretz all the Galil, teachin& in their /haGalil to teach their assem lies s:na&o&%es and 'roclaimin& the Good/and was 'roclaimin& to them the News of the Oin&dom, and healin& /Good Gift from #the( Oin&dom of e"er: sickness and e"er: disease /#the( Hea"ens, and was healin& all amon& the 'eo'le3 /the sick and e"er: disease amon& /the 'eo'le3 / 879333'roclaimin& the Oin&dom3< / 87G9333and e"er: 'ain amon&333<

=C And the re'ort of Him went into/=C3 And a re'ort a o%t Him went all !:riaM and the: ro%&ht %nto /5into all the land of !:riaM and Him all those ha"in& illness, /the: ro%&ht %nto Him all those who s%fferin& "ario%s diseases and /were sick from "ario%s kinds of torments, and #those( demon/diseases, those 'ossessed : 'ossessed, and l%natics, and /demons, those who were terrified : 'aral:tics> and He healed them3 /an e"il s'irit, and those who /shook> and He healed them3 / 5JG29 into the land of !:riaK / 5879 o%t to all the 'eo'leM333< =D And followed Him man: crowds /=D3 And man: followed Him from from the Galil, and the Ten-Towns, /Oa'oli, and haGalil, from and ,er%shala:im, and ,@h%diah, and/,er%shala:im, and ,@h%dah, and e:ond the ,arden3 /across ha,arden3 0HAPT*1 D -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 D -He 3 2 And seein& the crowds, He went /234 And it was after this, when He #%'( into the mo%ntainM and sittin&/saw the crowds, that He went %'on down Himself, His Talmidim came /the mo%ntain and sat3 Then His near %nto HimM /Talmidim came %nto Him3 / 587P9333when ,esh%a saw333< = And He o'enin& His mo%th, ta%&ht/=3 And He o'ened His mo%th and them, sa:in&M /5s'oke to them sa:in&M / 58G29333 e&an to sa: to themM< / ;8UV29 #H3-H3,*'h30omm3'3G2,$3 / 2E< A 6lessed, the 'oor in s'iritM for/A3 Ha'': are the 5h%m le of s'iritM theirs is the Oin&dom of the /for theirs is the Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens3 /Hea"ens3 / 58G29333 'oor333<;8V29333'oor / in their s'irit<-#H3-H3,*'h3 / 0omm33'3GA,$$32E,2F< C 6lessed, the #ones( mo%rnin&M /C3 Ha'': @are those who waitM-8G=P9 for the: shall e comforted3 /it is for the mo%rnersM that<@ the: #+9order of "s3C U D re"ersed(/shall e comforted3 D 6lessed, the meekM for the: /D3 Ha'': are the meekM for the: shall inherit the @earth-Lland9@3 /shall inherit #the( @land-Learth9@3 E 6lessed, the: which do h%n&er /E3 J-K 87GP9 Ha'': are the: which and thirst after ri&hteo%snessM for/do h%n&er and thirst for the: shall e filled3 /ri&hteo%snessM for the: shall e /filled3< F 6lessed, the mercif%lM for the: /F3 J-K 87GP9Ha'': are the mercif%lM shall recei"e merc:3 /for 5the: shall o tain merc:3< / 58P9%'on them shall e mercies3< G 6lessed, the '%re in heartM for /G3 Ha'': are the 5innocent of the: shall see *lohim;God3 /heartM for the: shall see *lohim3 / 58P9 clean in heartM333< H 6lessed, the 'eacemakersM for /H3 Ha'': are 5those who '%rs%e the: shall e called sons of *lohim/shalomM for the: shall e called ;God3 /@sons-879 children<@ of *lohim3 / 58P9the c%lti"ators of shalomM< 2I 6lessed, those ein& 'ersec%ted/2I3 Ha'': are those who are eca%se of ri&hteo%sness-#@ sake(M /'ersec%ted for ri&hteo%snessM for for theirs is the Oin&dom of the /theirs is the Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens3 /Hea"ens3 22 6lessed are :o% when the: shall/223 Ha'': are :o% when the: re'roach-8+9 des'ise< :o% and /'ersec%te and re"ile :o% and sa: 'ersec%te #:o%(, and shall sa: /a&ainst :o% all kinds of e"il for e"er: e"il word a&ainst :o% /M: sake, %t the: s'eak falsel:3 falsel:, for M: sake3 / 2= 1eNoice, and @N%m' for No:-L e /2=3 1eNoice and e &lad 58G9in that ePceedin& &lad9@M for &reat #is( /da:<M for :o%r reward is "er: :o%r reward in the Hea"ensM for so /&reat in the Hea"ensM for so the:

'ersec%ted the: the Pro'hets which /'ersec%ted the Pro'hets3 were efore :o%3 / 58P9 at that timeM< 2A ,o% are the salt of the earthM /2A3 At that time ,esh%a said %nto %t if the salt 5 e tasteless, : /His Talmidim, ,o% are salt in the what shall it e saltedS 5For /worldM $f the salt @is n%llified in nothin& has it stren&th an:more, /re&ards to its taste-8P9 ecome %t to e cast o%t, and to e /insi'id<@, 8G=9and ecome foolish<, trodden %nder : men3 /5in what shall it e saltedS $t is 58+9 ma: loose its sa"or,333< /fit for nothin& %t to e cast o%t58+9 $t is :et witho%t "al%e, /side, 5to e tram'led %nder feet3 ePce't ha"in& een cast o%t,333</ 58Ga9333, the world wo%ld -----------------------------------. Q%ickl: e '%trefied and corr%'ted3333<-8Ga9333, salt when it loses its sa"o%r is cast awa:3333< 587G9333 e tram'led : men3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2C ,o% are the li&ht of the world3/2C3 ,o% are li&ht in the world3 A A cit: sit%ated on a mo%nt cannot /cit: %ilt on the mo%ntain cannot e hid3 / e hidden3 2D Neither do the: li&ht a lam', /2D3 The: do not @li&ht-879 o tain<@ and '%t it %nder the &rain-meas%re,/a lam' to 'lace it in a hidden %t on the lam'stand> and it &i"es /'lace where it cannot shine, %t li&ht #%nto( all that are in the /the: 'lace it %'on the menorah> so ho%se3 /that it mi&ht shine %nto all L#M:( /friends-#@n (9-#in;of(-the ho%se3 2E Let :o%r li&ht so shine efore /2E3 ,ea, let :o%r li&ht shine men, that the: ma: see :o%r &ood / efore @e"er: man-879 the children works, and ma: &lorif: :o%r Father /of men<@, to show them :o%r &ood in the Hea"ens3 /works, which are 'raised and /&lorified efore :o%r Father who is /in the Hea"ens3 2F Think not that $ am come to /2F3 At that time ,esh%a said %nto ann%l the Torah, or the Pro'hetsM $/His Talmidim, 57o not think that $ am not come to ann%l, %t to fill; /came to ann%l;cancel the Torah, %t com'lete3 /to com'lete it3 8!T NOT*!M9 #U( $n -----------------------------------.all these words not to add a word to the words of the Torah, nor to s% tract an:<3 58N*!TO1M9 $ ha"e not not come to cancel or to s% tract from the Torah of Moshe and the Pro'hets, %t onl: $ ha"e come to com'lete : the +ords of tr%th3< 8M!3Or 1omeVDA97o not think that $ ha"e come to a olish the Torah and the Pro'hets> $ ha"e not come ePce't to com'lete tr%th3 $ sa: %nto :o%333< 8Nizzahon Vet%sV2DF9 $ ha"e not come to diminish the Torah of Moshe< 8Nizzahon Vet%s VF29$ ha"e not come to a olish the Torah of Moshe or the words of the Pro'hets %t to com'lete them< 8Nizzahon Vet%sV==2 $ ha"e not come to remo"e the Torah of Moshe or the words of the Pro'hets< 8797o not think that $ ha"e come to a olish the Torah or the Pro'hets> $ ha"e not come to a olish %t to com'lete3 Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%333< 8G9333not come to remit the Torah,333 %t to com'lete< 8P9333not to s% "ert, %t to com'lete3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2G For tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, -ntil/2G3 $n tr%th $ sa: %nto :o%, that the hea"ens and the earth 'ass /%ntil #the( hea"ens and the earth awa:, one :%d or one mark shall in /de'art, not one letter-879 :%d< or no wa: 'ass awa: from the Torah, /dot-879 one hook<-8G9 corner< shall till @the whole-Lall9@ @comes into / e a olished from the Torah or the ein&-L e wro%&ht;comes to 'ass; e /Pro'hets, eca%se all will e ke't; e accom'lished9@3 /com'leted3 2H +hoe"er therefore @shall reak /2H3 And whoe"er shall @trans&ress-LrelaPes9@ one of these least /879ann%l;cancel<@ one word of these commandments, and shall teach men /879least< commandments;mitz"ot, and so, he shall e called the least in/shall teach @others-879the children

the Oin&dom of the Hea"ensM %t /of men<@ #so(, shall e called a whoe"er shall do and teach #them(, /"ain 'erson #in; : the( Oin&dom of the same shall e called &reat in /#the( Hea"ensM %t whoe"er %'holds the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens3 /and teaches #them(, shall e called -----------------------------------.&reat in the Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens3 58P9 Therefore, whoe"er shall reak one of these small mitz"ot, and shall so inc%lcate on the children of men, shall e called little in the Oin&dom of Hea"en> %t e"er: one that shall do and teach #them(,333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=I For $ sa: %nto :o%, That ePce't /=I34 At that time ,esh%a said %nto :o%r ri&hteo%sness shall ePceed /His TalmidimM $n tr%th $ sa: %nto #that( of the !cri es and P@r%shim,/:o%, if :o%r ri&hteo%sness is not :o% shall in no wa: &o into the /&reater than the P@r%shim and the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens3 /@!a&es-879 !cri es<@, :o% shall not /enter into the Oin&dom Jof #the( /Hea"ens LV2#G2(K3 =2 ,o% ha"e heard that it was said/=23 Ha"e :o% not heard what was to the ancients, Tho% shalt not /said to those of oldS -Tho% shalt m%rder> and whosoe"er shall m%rder /not m%rder, and whoe"er m%rders is shall e lia le to the R%d&mentM /&%ilt: of a N%d&ement of death3 == 6%t $ sa: %nto :o%, That /==3 And $ sa: to :o%, 5he who whoe"er is an&r: with his rother /an&ers his friend is &%ilt: of JA9witho%t a ca%seK shall e lia le/N%d&ementM and whoe"er calls his to the R%d&mentM and whoe"er shall / rother inferior shall e &%ilt: of sa: to his rother, @1aca /N%d&ment efore the 0on&re&ationM -L8Aramaic< worthless one9@, shall /and whoe"er calls him a 5fool, is e lia le to the !anhedrinM and /&%ilt: of the fire of Ge:-HinnomT whoe"er shall sa:, FoolT shall e / 879333shall e enra&ed a&ainst lia le #to e cast( into the fire / his rother333sa:s to his of Ge:-HinnomT / rotherM ,o% e"il one, the same -----------------------------------. shall e condemned %nto the co%ncil of the s:na&o&%e3 333< 8N9 #Also, it is 'laced amon& the &reatest of sins(M $f a man has &rie"ed the s'irit of his rother3< 58P9333e"er:one who is an&r: with his rother rashl:,333< 58P9333effeminate333-LAramaic forM r%tish a normal9< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=A Therefore if :o% offer-8+9 /=A3 And if :o% sho%ld offer :o%r rin&< :o%r &ift on-8+9 to< the /&ift at the altar, and remem er altar, and there remem er that :o%r/5that :o% ha"e an ar&%ment with rother has somethin& a&ainst :o%> /:o%r friend, and he is com'lainin& /a o%t :o% eca%se of this thin&> / 8Ge9333that a&ainst th: rother / :o% ha"e a%&ht of enmit:333< =C Lea"e there :o%r &ift efore /=C3 Lea"e :o%r &ifts there efore the altar, and &o> first e /the altar, and &o atone to him reconciled to :o%r rother, and /first, and afterwards offer :o%r then come and offer :o%r &ift3 /&ifts3 =D 6e well-minded;8+9 reconciled< /=D3 Then said ,esh%a to His with :o%r o''onent Q%ickl:, while /TalmidimM !ee that :o% Q%ickl: :o% are in the wa: with him> lest /atone to :o%r enem: while :o% are the o''onent deli"er :o% to the /walkin& with him in the wa:> lest N%d&e, and the N%d&e Jm9 deli"er /he deli"er :o% to the N%d&e, and :o%K to the officer, and :o% e /this N%d&e deli"ers :o% to the cast into 'rison3 /ser"ant to '%t :o% into the 'rison3 =E Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, ,o% shall/=E3 @$n tr%th-8G9 And amaine<@ $ : no means ePit from there, till /sa: %nto :o%, ,o% will not come o%t :o% ha"e 'aid the last mite;a&ora /from there, %ntil the last 'iece of -Lkodrantes93 /mone: is &i"en3 =F ,o% ha"e heard that it was said/=F3 A&ain He said %nto themM ,o% JAM+9 to the ancientsK, Tho% shalt /ha"e heard what was said to those

not commit ad%lter:M

/of lon& a&o, Tho% shalt not commit /ad%lter:M =G 6%t $ sa: %nto :o%, That /=G3 And $ sa: %nto :o%, that e"er:whoe"er looks at a woman 8+9 in /one who sees a woman and co"ets her order< to l%st after her has /@has alread:-8P9at once<@ committed committed ad%lter: with her alread:/ad%lter: with her in his heart3 in his heart3 / =H 6%t if :o%r ri&ht e:e @offend /=H3 And if :o%r ri&ht e:e sed%ces -Lentra'9@ :o%, 'l%ck it o%t, and /:o%, 5'%t it o%t, and cast it from cast #it( from :o%M for it is /:o%3 87.9 For it is etter for :o% 'rofita le for :o% that one of :o%r/that one of :o% mem ers sho%ld mem ers sho%ld 'erish, and not /'erish, than that :o%r whole od: #that( :o%r whole od: sho%ld e /sho%ld e cast into Ge:-Hinnom3< cast into Ge:-Hinnom3 / 58P9333'%t it o%t, #etc333, is / Aramaic idiom for(Msto' en":in&< AI And if :o%r ri&ht hand ca%ses /AI3 And so, if :o%r hand th%s :o% @to offend-L# e( entra''ed9@, /sed%ces :o%, 5c%t it off3 $t is c%t it off, and cast #it( from :o%M/ etter for :o% to s%ffer the loss for it is 'rofita le for :o% that /of one of :o%r lim s, than all :o%r one of :o%r mem ers sho%ld 'erish, / od: in Ge:-Hinnom3 and not #that( :o%r whole od: / 58P9333c%t it off, #etc38Greek<, sho%ld e cast into Ge:-Hinnom3 / is Aramaic idiom for(M sto' #+9 J-K "erse AI( / stealin&< / 5#V29 this "erse is in the / 7iatessaron /Moes3,'3EE/, :et / is omitted in G2< A2 And it has een said, +hosoe"er/A23 A&ain ,esh%a said %nto His shall '%t awa: his wife, let him /TalmidimM ,o% ha"e heard what was &i"e her a &et; ill of di"orcementM/said to those lon& a&o, That -----------------------------------.e"er:one who lea"es his wife and di"orces her, is to &i"e her a &et; ill of di"orceM 879#.(and send her awa: from his ho%se3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A= 6%t $ sa: %nto :o%, That /A=3 And $ sa: to :o%, 5To e"er:one whoe"er shall '%t awa: his wife, /that lea"es his wife, is to &i"e a'art from a matter of @seP%al /her a &et; ill of di"orce3 6%t immoralit:-Lharlotr:9@, makes her /concernin& ad%lter:, he is the one commit ad%lter:M and whoe"er shall /who commits ad%lter:M 87.9 *Pce't marr: 5the one '%t awa: commits /for the ca%se of fornication< and ad%lter:3 /he who takes her commits ad%lter:3 58+9 her who has een cast off / 8G9333He that dismisseth his commits ad%lter:3< / wife concernin& whom there hath / not een alle&ed ad%lter:,333</ 8. V=9 #and marries another,( / commits ad%lter: with her3 AA A&ain, :o% ha"e heard that it /AA3 A&ain, :o% ha"e heard what was has een said to the ancients, Tho%/said to those of lon& a&o, Tho% shalt not swear falsel:, %t shalt /shalt not swear : M: Name falsel:, deli"er %nto ,HVH;LThe LO179 thine / %t :o% shall ret%rn %nto ,HVH oathsM /thine oath3 AC 6%t $ sa: %nto :o%, !wear not /AC3 And $ sa: %nto :o%, not to #at( all> neither : Hea"en> for it/swear @in "ain in an: matter-879 : is God@s throneM /a confirmin& word<>@ not : the /Hea"ens> eca%se it is the throne /of *lohim;GodM AD Nor : the earth> for it is the/AD3 And not : earth> for it is the footstool of His feetM neither to /footstool of His feetM and not : ,er%shala:im> for it is the cit: of/the 0it:-879,er%shala:im< of *lohim the &reat Oin&3 /;God in the Hea"ens3 AE Neither shall :o% swear : :o%r/AE3 And not : :o%r head, for :o% head, eca%se :o% can not make one /are not a le to make one @8G9sin&le hair white or lack3 /lock<-hair@ white or lack3

AF 6%t Jm9letK :o%r word 8m9shall</AF3 6%t let :o%r words e, ,ea, e, ,ea, :ea> Na:, na:M And @the-L/,ea> and also, Na:, Na:M All in #whatsoe"er is in(9@ ePcess of /addition concernin& this is @e"il these is o%t of @e"il-Lthe *"il /-Lof he #who is( e"il9@3 One9@3 / AG ,o% ha"e heard that it was /AG3 And a&ain, :o% ha"e heard what said, An e:e for an e:e, and a /is said in the TorahM An e:e for an tooth for a toothM /e:e, a tooth for a toothM AH 6%t $ sa: %nto :o%, 7o not /AH3 And $ sa: %nto :o%, 5do not resist 5the e"ilM %t whoe"er shall/re'a: e"il for e"ilM 5 %t he who smite :o% on :o%r ri&ht cheek, t%rn/smites :o%r ri&ht cheek, 'ro"ide to him the other also3 /for him the left3 58+9 him that is e"ilM333< / 58G9333,e shall not stand %' -----------------------------------.a&ainst the *"il One,333< 58Ne9$f a man sho%ld strike :o% on the ri&ht side, 'ermit him to strike :o%r left< 86en 1e% en9 $f a man sho%ld strike :o% on :o%r cheek, t%rn to him the other cheek< 8Nizzahon Vet%sV=A=9 $f a Rew sho%ld strike :o% on the cheek, t%rn to him the other cheek<-8P9333t%rn :o%r cheek, #is an Aramaic idiom meanin&(M 7on@t start a fi&ht or a Q%arrel3<;8#G2(;V2#H3-H3, *'h3,0omm3,'3GC,$$32H,=I(9333M he that smiteth th: cheek, offer to him the other side also3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------CI And to him wishin& to 5s%e :o%,/CI3 And whoe"er wants to o''ose :o% and take awa: :o%r t%nic, let him /in N%d&ement and to ro :o%r shirt, ha"e #:o%r( coat also3 /lea"e to him :o%r &arment3 58+9 'rosec%te :o% at law,333</ C2 And whoe"er shall com'el :o% to/C23 And whoe"er asks :o% to &o with &o one mile, &o with him two3 /him a tho%sand ste's, &o with him /two tho%sand3 C= Gi"e to him that asks :o% to /C=3 To him who asks from :o% &i"e, &i"e, and from him that wo%ld /and from him who wishes to orrow orrow from :o%, do not t%rn awa:3 /from :o%, do not hold ack3 CA ,o% ha"e heard that it has een/CA3 A&ain said ,esh%a to His said, Tho% shalt lo"e th: nei&h o%r/TalmidimM ,o% ha"e heard what was and hate thine enem:3 /said to those of lon& a&o that, ,o% /shalt lo"e the one who lo"es :o%, /and hate the one who hates :o%3 CC 6%t $ sa: %nto :o%, Lo"e :o%r /CC3 And $ sa: %nto :o%, Lo"e :o%r enemies, 8+9 with a di"ine lo"e< /enemies, and do &ood to the one who JA9 less them that c%rse :o%, do /hates :o% and "ePes :o%, and 'ra: well to them that hate :o%K, and /for those who 'ersec%te :o% and 'ra: for them which JA9 a %se, andK/5o''ress :o%> 'ersec%te :o%> / 58P9333lead :o% in onds>< CD !o that :o% ma: e sons of :o%r/CD3 $n order that :o% mi&ht e sons Father 8+9 who is< in the Hea"ensM /of :o%r Father who is in #the( for He makes His s%n to rise on the/Hea"ensM who ca%ses His s%n to e"il and on the &ood, and sends /shine on the &ood and e"il, and rain on #the( N%st and %nN%st3 /ca%ses it to rain on the ad and /N%st3 CE For if :o% lo"e them which lo"e/CE3 $f :o% lo"e those who lo"e :o%, :o%, what reward ha"e :o%S do not /5what is :o%r rewardS 7o not the e"en the taP-collectors the same /@insolent-879 trans&ressors<@ lo"e 'racticeS /those who lo"e themS / 58Ge9333e"en the 'a&ans so do / -him that is lo"in& to them / the: lo"e3< CF And if :o% &reet :o%r rothers /CF3 J-K 879And if :o% ask after the -8M9 friends< onl:, what do :o% /shalom of :o%r rothers onl:, what #an:thin&( s'ecialS 7o not e"en the/do :o% ePceedS 7o not e"en the taP-collectors-8A9 &entiles< do soS/&o:im-8G9'a&ans also< do thisS 8N9 /And He said, #:et( ne"er, e :e /No:f%l, ePce't when :o% ehold :o%r

/ rother with lo"e3< CG 56e :o% therefore 'erfect, e"en/CG3 6e :o% 5'erfect, as :o%r Father as :o%r Father in the Hea"ens is /879 which is in the Hea"ens, +ho< 'erfect3 /is 5'erfect3 58+9 Therefore :o% shall e / 8V=9 incl%din& e"er:one< 'erfect,333< / 0HAPT*1 E -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 E -He 3 2 Take care that :o% do not :o%r /2346eware lest :o% do :o%r tzedakah alms;tzedakah efore men, in order /;#works of(-ri&hteo%sness efore to e seen of themM otherwise :o% /men, that the: mi&ht 'raise :o%M if ha"e no reward of :o%r Father in /:o% do, :o% will not ha"e a reward the Hea"ens3 /from :o%r Father who is in the /Hea"ens3 = Therefore when :o% do alms; /=3 A&ain ,esh%a said %nto themM tzedakah, do not tr%m'et efore /+hen :o% do tzedakah, do not wish :o%, as the h:'ocrites do in the /to make a 'roclamation or so%nd s:na&o&%es and in the streets, so /tr%m'ets efore :o% as the that the: ma: ha"e &lor: : men3 /@5h:'ocrites-8G9 res'ecters of Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, the: ha"e;8+9/'ersons<@, who do their tzedakah in ePha%st< their reward3 /the @streets-8G29 lanes<@ and in -----------------------------------.the market 'laces in order that men mi&ht see them3 Tr%l:-8G9 Amaine< $ sa: %nto :o%, the: ha"e recei"ed their reward alread:3 58G9res'ecters of 'ersonsM #in "erse D, JG=,"s3FK U 2E also(<3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A 6%t :o% doin& alms;tzedakah, let/A3 And when :o% do tzedakah, let not :o%r left #hand( know what :o%r/not :o%r left hand know what :o%r ri&ht #hand( doesM /ri&ht hand is doin&, C !o that :o%r alms;tzedakah ma: /C3 $n order that :o%r &ift mi&ht e e in secretM and :o%r Father /in secret, and :o%r Father, the One seein& in secret Him#self( shall /seein& hidden thin&s, shall reward re'a: :o% o'enl:3 /%nto :o%3 D And when :o% 'ra:, :o% shall not/D3 At that time, said ,esh%a to His e as the h:'ocritesM for the: lo"e/TalmidimM +hen :o% 'ra:, do not to 'ra: standin& in the s:na&o&%es /raise :o%r "oice and do not e like and in the corners of the o'en /the sad 5h:'ocritesM who lo"e to streets, that the: ma: e seen of /'ra: in the s:na&o&%es and in the men3 Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, The: /corners of the co%rt:ards and 'ra: ha"e;8+9 ePha%st< their reward3 /with arro&ant s'eech that men mi&ht /hear and 'raise them3 Tr%th $ sa: /%nto :o%, the: ha"e recei"ed their /reward alread:3 E 6%t :o%, when :o% 'ra:, enter /E3 And :o% when :o% 'ra:, come to into :o%r room, and when :o% ha"e /:o%r co%ch, and close :o%r doors sh%t :o%r door, 'ra: to :o%r Father/5%'on :o%, and 'ra: to :o%r Father in secret> and :o%r Father which /in secret> and :o%r Father the One sees in secret shall re'a: :o% /5seein& in secret shall reward %nto o'enl:3 /:o%3 -----------------------------------. 528Ga9333and what is the door 333 %t th: mo%thS333< 5=8V=9 seein& what is hidden 333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------F 6%t when :o% 'ra:, %se not "ain /F3 And :o% when :o% 'ra:, make not re'etitions, as the &o:im-L&entiles/man: words, 5as the hereticsM who 8lit3He 3< nations9M for the: think/think that : the m%ltit%de of that the: shall e heard in their /words the: will make them heard3 m%ch s'eakin&3 / 58G29333N%st as the 'a&ansM333< G 6e not :o% therefore like %nto /G3 And don@t :o% see that :o%r themM for 8m9 God< :o%r Father /Father who is in the Hea"ens, knows knows what thin&s :o% ha"e need of,/:o%r words efore :o% ask HimS efore :o% ask Him3 / H !o therefore 'ra: :o%M O%r /H3 And so, :o% shall 'ra:M O%r Father #which art( in the Hea"ens, /Father, ma: ,o%r Name e Hol:;

let e sanctified Th: Name> /sanctified> 2I Let Th: Oin&dom come> Let Th: /2I3 And ma: ,o%r Oin&dom e will e done also on the earth, as / lessed> ma: ,o%r will e done in #it is( in Hea"en> /the Hea"ens, and in the earth> 22 Gi"e %s this da: o%r dail: /223 Gi"e o%r read contin%all:3 read> /8N9O%r read of the morrow, &i"e %s -----------------------------------.this da:> that isM the read which Tho% wilt &i"e %s in Th: Oin&dom, &i"e %s this da:3< 879 Gi"e %s toda: o%r contin%al read3< 8G=9 And o%r contin%al read of the da: &i"e %s3< 8Gt9 And &i"e %s the contin%al read of the da:3< 8P9 Gi"e %s o%r needf%l read, this da:3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2= And for&i"e %s o%r de ts, as we/2=3 And for&i"e %s o%r sins, as we also for&i"e o%r de tors> /for&i"e those who sin a&ainst %s> -----------------------------------. 8G9 And for&i"e %s o%r de ts 8Gt9 #.( and o%r sins<, @so that we ma: also-8Ga9 and we shall<@ for&i"e o%r de tors3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2A And lead %s not into /2A3 And 5do not @lead-87G=P9 rin&<@ tem'tation, %t deli"er %s from the/%s into the 'ower of tem'tation, e"il #one(M JA9 For Thine is the / %t kee' %s from all e"ilM 87GP.9 Oin&dom, and the 'ower, and the /For Thine is the so"erei&nt:, and &lor:, to the a&es, Amaine3K /the 'ower, and the &lor:, fore"er /and fore"er and e"er, Amaine3< / 58GN9 make %s not enter333</ 8P9 Ldo not let %s enter3339< 2C For if :o% 8+9 ma: not< for&i"e/2C3 $f :o% for&i"e men their sins, men their offenses, :o%r Hea"enl: /:o%r Father who is in the Hea"ens, Father will also;8+9 not< for&i"e /will for&i"e :o%r sinsM :o%M / 2D 6%t if :o% for&i"e not men /2D3 And if :o% don@t for&i"e them, J+9 their offensesK, neither will /He won@t for&i"e :o% :o%r sins3 :o%r Father for&i"e :o%r offenses3 / 2E And when :o% fast, e not as /2E34 A&ain #He( said %nto themM And the h:'ocrites, the mo%rnf%l #of( /when :o% fast, e not as the sad faceM for the: disfi&%re their /5h:'ocrites, who make themsel"es faces, that the: ma: a''ear %nto /a''ear sad, and who chan&e their men to fast3 Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, /faces to show their fastin&s efore The: ha"e;8+9 ePha%st< their /men3 Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, the: reward3 /ha"e recei"ed their reward alread:3 2F 6%t :o%, #when :o%( fast, /2F3 And when :o% fast, wash :o%r anoint :o%r head, and wash :o%r /heads-879 face<, 87.9 and anoint face> /:o%r head<> 2G That :o% a''ear not %nto men to/2G3 That :o% mi&ht not a''ear to fast, %t %nto :o%r Father in /men to e fastin&, %t to :o%r secretM and :o%r Father, seein& in /Father He-who is in secretM and secret, shall re'a: :o% JAM9 in the/:o%r Father, He-who 5is in secret, o'enK3 /shall reward %nto :o%3 / 8V=9 sees what is hidden333< / 2H Treas%re not %' for :o%rsel"es /2H3 A&ain #He( said %nto themM treas%res %'on earth, where moth /7on@t kee' on hea'in& %' treas%res and r%st does cons%me, and where /on earth, so that deca:thie"es di& thro%&h and stealM /879 cater'illar< and the &r% /879 moth< de"o%r it, or thie"es di& /thro%&h and steal them3 =I 6%t treas%re %' for :o%rsel"es/=I3 Make to;for :o%rsel"es treas%res in Hea"en, where neither /treas%res in the Hea"ens, where the moth nor r%st does cons%me, and /worm-879 cater'illar< and the &r% where thie"es do not di& thro%&h /879 moth< do not de"o%r them, and nor stealM /where thie"es do not di& thro%&h

/and stealM /=23 $n the 'lace where :o%r /treas%re is, there will :o%r heart / e3 == The li&ht of the od: is the /==3 And the lam' of :o%r od: is e:eM if therefore :o%r @e:e e /:o%r e:es3 $f :o%r e:es look so%nd-L8Aram3He 3idiom< &enero%s9@,/strai&ht ahead, :o%r od: won@t e :o%r whole od: is li&ht3 /dark3 =A 6%t if :o%r @e:e e e"il /=A3 And if :o%r e:es &row dim, :o%r -L8Aram3He 3idiom< stin&:9@, :o%r /whole od: will ecome dark> and if whole od: is dark3 $f therefore /the li&ht which is in :o% ecomes the li&ht that is in :o% e /dark, all :o%r wa:s will e dark3 darkness, how &reat #is( the / darknessT / =C No man is a le to ser"e two /=C3 At that time said ,esh%a to His mastersM for either he will hate /TalmidimM Not an: man is a le to the one, and lo"e the other> or /ser"e %nto two lords, %t onl: else he will hold to the one, and /the one he hates, and the other des'ise the other3 ,o% cannot ser"e/#he( lo"es> or %nto one he honors, *lohim;God and @riches-LAramaicM /and %nto #the other( one he mammon9@3 /des'ises3 ,o% cannot ser"e God;Ha*l /and the world3 =D Therefore $ sa: %nto :o%, 6e /=D34 Therefore $ sa: %nto :o%, 7o not anPio%s for :o%r so%l, what :o%/not e anPio%s for the food for eat and what :o% drink> nor for /:o%r so%ls, and not for the :o%r od:, what :o% '%t on3 $s not /clothin& for :o%r od:> eca%se the the so%l more than the food, and /so%l-8G9life< is more 'recio%s than the od: than the raimentS /food, and the od: than clothin&3 =E 6ehold the fowls of the hea"enM/=E356ehold the irds of the hea"ens that the: sow not, neither do the: /which don@t sow and don@t rea', and rea', nor &ather into arns> :et /don@t &ather into arns, %t @:o%r :o%r hea"enl: Father feeds them3 7o/ePalted Father-8Gt9God<@ 87G9who is :o% not rather s%r'ass themS /in Hea"en< feeds them3 Are :o% not -----------------------------------.more 'recio%s than the:S 58Gt9 Look at the ra"ens and consider the fowl of the hea"en,333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=F 6%t which of :o% # :( ein& /=F3 +ho amon& :o%, @of those who anPio%s can add one 5c% it onto his/are anPio%s-879 : takin& tho%&ht<@, stat%reS /is a le to add to his hei&ht one 58+9 moment to his ePistenceS< /c% itS-Lc% it)a'roP32GX9 =G And wh: are :o% anPio%s for /=G3 $f this is the case, wh: are raimentS 0onsider the lilies of the/:o% anPio%s for clothesS 6ehold the field, how the: &row> the: toil /lilies of @ha!haron-8P9 the not, neither do the: s'inM /desert<,@ in &rowin& the: neither /s'in nor wea"e3 =H And :et $ sa: %nto :o%, That /=H3 And $ sa: %nto :o%, That Oin& e"en !hlomo in all his &lor: was /!hlomo in all his &lor: was not not arra:ed like one of these3 /clothed like these3 AI +herefore, if *lohim;God so /AI3 And if God;Ha*l clothes the clothe the &rass of the field, /straw which is left in the standin& which toda: is, and tomorrow is /&rain, which is fresh toda: and cast into an o"en, #shall He( not /tomorrow is dried %' and is 'laced m%ch more #clothe( :o%, little /into the o"en, so m%ch the more -faithsS /will He 5clothe :o%, who are little /of faith3 / 58G9333 e caref%l o"er :o%,333< A2 Then e not anPio%s, sa:in&, /A23 $f God;Ha*l so thinks of :o%, +hat ma: we eatS or, +hat ma: we /don@t e anPio%s to sa:, +hat shall drinkS or, +hat ma: clothe %sS /we eatS and, +hat shall we drinkS A= For #after( all these thin&s /A=3 6eca%se all these thin&s the #do( the &o:im-L&entiles 8lit3He 3</5 odies seek3 And :o%r Father knows nations9 seekM for :o%r hea"enl: /that :o% need all these thin&s3 =2 For where :o%r treas%re is, there will :o%r heart e also3

Father knows that :o% ha"e need of / 58GP9333'eo'le of the earth333< all these thin&s3 / AA 6%t seek first the Oin&dom Jm9 /AA3 !eek first the Oin&dom of of *lohim;GodK, and His /*lohim, and 879 all< His ri&hteo%sness> and all these thin&s/ri&hteo%sness> and all these thin&s shall e added %nto :o%3 /shall e &i"en %nto :o%3 -----------------------------------. 8Ga9 Let %s seek His Oin&dom and His ri&hteo%sness, that we ma: recei"e on earth the increase3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AC Therefore do not e anPio%s for/AC3 7on@t e anPio%s for tomorrowM the morrowM for the morrow shall e/5 eca%se tomorrow shall e anPio%s anPio%s of itself3 @!%fficient %nto/for itself3 !%fficient for itself the da: #is( the tro% le of it3 /is toda: with its tro% le3 -Ltoda: has eno%&h tro% le alread: / 58G9333 eca%se tomorrow for its : itself9@3 / own is anPio%s3333< / 58P9333for the morrow hath its / own anPieties3333< 0HAPT*1 F -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 F -He 3 2 R%d&e;8+9 0riticise< not, that /2347on@t N%d&e, lest :o% e N%d&ed3 :o% e not N%d&ed;8+9 criticised<3 /879#.( condemn not, and :o% shall /not e condemned3< = For with what 5N%d&ment :o% /=3 +ith what N%d&ement :o% N%d&e, 5N%d&e, :o% shall e 5N%d&edM and /and with what meas%re :o% meas%re, with what meas%re :o% meas%re, it /it shall e meas%red to :o%3 shall e meas%red to :o% #a&ain(3 / 5#+9 criticise - as in "er32( / A 6%t wh: ehold :o% the twi& that/A3 And wh: do :o% see the straw in is in :o%r rother@s e:e, %t /the e:e of :o%r fellowman, and :et consider not the lo& that is in /:o% don@t see the eam in :o%r own :o%r own e:eS /e:esS C Or how will :o% sa: to :o%r /C3 And how is it that :o% sa: to rother, Let me take o%t the twi& /:o%r fellowman, @+ait for me a o%t of :o%r e:e> and, ehold, the /while-879 allow it now rother<@ lo& #is( in :o%r #own( e:eT /and $ will cast the straw o%t of /:o%r e:es> and ehold, the eam is /in :o%r own e:esT D H:'ocriteT first take o%t the /D3 H:'ocriteT first cast the eam lo& o%t of :o%r own e:e> and then /o%t of :o%r e:es> and afterwards shall :o% see clearl: to take o%t /:o% will cast the straw o%t of the the twi& o%t of :o%r rother@s e:e3/e:e of :o%r fellowman3 8N9 #And -----------------------------------.also( the Master said, $f :o% e with Me &athered to&ether in M: osom, and do not the will of M: Father who is in the Hea"ens, #which are( M: commandments;mitz"ot> $ shall cast :o% awa: o%t of M: osom, and sa: %nto :o%, 7e'art from Me, $ know not whence :o% are, :o% workers of wickedness3< 8G=9 Tho% res'ecter of 'ersonsT '%t forth first the eam from thine e:e, and then it shall e a''ro"ed for thee to '%t forth the mote from th: rother@s e:e3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------E Gi"e not that which is hol: %nto/E3 A&ain He said %nto themM 7on@t the do&s, neither cast :o%r 'earls /&i"e hol: flesh %nto do&s, and efore swine> lest the: tram'le /don@t 'lace :o%r 'earls efore them with their feet, and t%rnin& /swine> lest the: chew them efore the: rend :o%3 /:o%, and 879 the do&s< t%rn to rend -----------------------------------.:o%3 8Gf9 $t is written for %s that we sho%ld not &i"e a hol: thin& %nto do&s, and not cast 'earls efore swine3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------F Ask, and it shall e &i"en :o%> /F3 Ask from God;Ha*l, and it shall seek, and :o% shall find> knock, / e &i"en %nto :o%> seek, and :o% and it shall e o'ened %nto :o%M /shall find> knock, and it shall e /o'ened %nto :o%M

G For e"er: one that asks /G3 *"er:one who asks will recei"e> recei"es> and he that seeks finds> /and to the one who seeks it shall and to the #one( that knocks it / e fo%nd> and to the one who calls shall e o'ened3 /it shall e o'ened3 8N9He shall not -----------------------------------.cease from seekin& %ntil he find, and ha"in& fo%nd he shall e amazed, and ha"in& een amazed he shall rei&n, and ha"in& rei&ned #he( shall rest3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------H Or what man is there of :o%, /H3 +ho is there amon& :o%, whose whom if his son ask a loaf #of /son asks him for a 'iece of read, read(, will he &i"e him a stoneS /and he &i"es him a stoneS 2I Or if he ask a fish, will he /2I3 Or if he sho%ld ask for a fish, &i"e him a snakeS /and he &i"es him a snakeS 22 $f :o% then, ein& e"il, know /223 And if :o% ein& e"il come to to &i"e &ood &ifts %nto :o%r /'lace &ood &ifts efore :o%, so children, how m%ch more shall :o%r /m%ch the more :o%r Father who is in Father #+ho is( in the Hea"ens &i"e/the Hea"ens shall &i"e the Good &ood thin&s to them that ask HimS /!'irit;1%ach of Him, to those that Him3 5!e"eral "ariants occ%r here inM 239 +estern-tePt, Good &ift3 =39 PCDL'ca%r"&, Good !'irit3 A39 !:@arm, Good thin&s3 C39 L%ke;Greek, Hol: !'irit3 D39 7%tillet, Good &ifts3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2= Therefore all thin&s whatsoe"er/2=3 And all what :o% want that men :o% wo%ld that men sho%ld do %nto /sho%ld do %nto :o%, do %nto themM :o%, do :o% e"en so %nto themM for /this is the Torah and the words of this is the Torah and the Pro'hets3/the Pro'hets3 2A *nter :o% in at the narrow /2A34 At that time, ,esh%a said %nto &ateM for wide Jm9 #is( the &ateK, /His TalmidimM *nter in the @narrowand road #is( the wa:, that leads /8P9 strait<@ &ate, eca%se the &ate into destr%ction, and man: are the /of destr%ction is wide and dee', ones who &o in thro%&h itM /and man: are &oin& thro%&h it3 2C 6eca%se-8AM9 How< narrow #is( /2C3 5How narrow is the &ate, and the &ate, and costricted #is( the /&rie"o%s the wa: that leads wa:, which leads into life, and few/strai&ht to life, and few are those are those findin& it3 /who find it3 -----------------------------------. 58P9 How small the &ate, and straitened the wa:333< 8Ga9 He is the wa: that is narrow and strait<, 8Ga9 Let %s 're'are 'ro"ender for o%r sto''in&-'lace, for the wa: that is narrow and strait<, 8Gi9 The &ate of life is narrow and the wa: of tr%th is strait<, 8Ga9 The: #the meek(, No%rne: and walk in the wa: that is narrow and strait, and enter : the strait &ate of the Oin&dom3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2D 6%t eware of the false /2D3 A&ain He said %nto themM 6eware 'ro'hets, who come to :o% in /of false 'ro'hets, who come to :o% shee'@s clothin&, %t within the: /in wool clothin& like shee', %t are 'l%nderin& wol"es3 /inside are 879#.(f%ll of deceit as< /tearin& wol"es3 2E ,o% shall know them from their /2E3 And : their deeds :o% will fr%its3 #As( neither do the: &ather/know them3 7oes a man &ather &ra'es &ra'es of thorns, or fi&s of /from thorns, or fi&s from thistlesS thistles3 / 2F !o e"er: &ood tree rin&s forth/2F3 *"er: &ood tree makes &ood &ood fr%its> %t a corr%'t tree /fr%it, and e"er: ad tree makes ad rin&s forth e"il fr%its3 /fr%it3 8Ga9 6eca%se from its fr%it /is the tree known3<-LMatt32=MAA9 2G A &ood tree cannot rin& forth /2G3 And the &ood tree doesn@t make e"il fr%its, neither #can( a / ad fr%it, and the ad tree doesn@t corr%'t tree rin& forth &ood /make &ood fr%it3 fr%its3 /

2H *"er: tree that rin&s not /2H3 And e"er: tree which doesn@t forth &ood;8+9 ea%tif%l< fr%its is/make &ood fr%it, is %rned in fire3 hewn o%t, and cast into fire3 / =I !%rel: from their fr%its :o% /=I3 Therefore it is accordin& to shall know them 8+9 'erfectl:<3 /fr%its, that is, : their deeds, /:o% will know them3 =2 Not e"er:one that sa:s %nto Me,/=23 6eca%se not e"er:one who sa:s Lord, Lord, shall enter into the /%nto Me, Adonai;Lord, will enter Oin&dom of the Hea"ens> %t those /the Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens> %t that do the will of M: Father in /the one who does the will of M: the Hea"ens3 /Father who is in the Hea"ens, 879 /the same< will enter 879 with Me /into< the Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens3 == Man: will sa: to Me in that /==3 Man: will sa: to Me in that da:, Lord, Lord, ha"e we not /da:, Adonai, Adonai, did we not 'ro'hesied in ,o%r NameS and in /8G9 in Th: Name eat and drink, and< ,o%r Name ha"e cast o%t demonsS and/'ro'hec: in ,o%r Name, and in ,o%r in ,o%r Name we 'erformed man: /Name cast o%t demons, and do man: @mirac%lo%s-Lwonderf%l;'owerf%l9@ /si&ns in ,o%r NameS worksS / =A And then will $ 'rofess %nto /=A3 Then $ will sa: %nto them, $ them, $ ne"er knew :o%M de'art from/ne"er knew :o%3 7e'art from Me all Me, :o% that work @"iolation of the/:o% workers of e"il3 Torah-LCDG;Law-#Torah(-lessness9@3 / =C Therefore whoe"er hears these /=C3 A&ain He said %nto themM All words from Me, and does them, $ /who hear these words, and does will com'are him %nto a wise man, /them, is like a wise man, who who %ilt his ho%se %'on the rockM / %ilt his ho%se %'on a rockM =D And the rain descended, and the/=D3 And the rain came down a&ainst ri"ers came %', and the winds lew,/it, and the winds eat it> and it and r%shed a&ainst that ho%se> :et /didn@t fallM for its fo%ndation was it fell notM for it was fo%nded /a rock3 %'on the rock3 / =E And e"er:one that hears these /=E3 And all who hear these M: words of Mine, and does them not, /words, and don@t do them, are like shall e com'ared %nto a foolish /a foolish man who %ilt his ho%se man, which %ilt his ho%se %'on the/%'on the sandM sandM / =F And the rain descended, and the/=F3 And the rains came down, and ri"ers came %', and the winds lew,/the floods came and fell a&ainst and eat a&ainst that ho%se> and it/it> and it fellM with a &reat fall3 fellM and &reat was the fall of it3/ =G And it came to 'ass, when /=G3 And while ,esh%a was s'eakin& ,esh%a had ended these sa:in&s, the/these words, all the 'eo'le were crowds were astonished at His /&reatl: astonished at His teachin&M /leadershi'- eha"iorM =H For He ta%&ht them as #one( /=H3 6eca%se He was 'roclaimin& to ha"in& a%thorit:, and not as the /them with &reat 'ower, not as the !cri es3 /rest of the 5!a&es3 -----------------------------------. 587GP9#.( and P@r%shim3< 879333as one ha"in& a ilit: of His own, and not from the mo%th of the !cri es and P@r%shim3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------0HAPT*1 G -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 G -He 3 2 +hen He was come down from the /234 And it was that when ,esh%a mo%ntain, &reat m%ltit%des followed/came down from the mo%ntain, that a Him3 /&reat m%ltit%de 5followed after /Him3 / 58P9333&athered aro%nd Him3< = And ehold, there came a le'er /=3 And ehold, one le'er came and and owed-%nto Him, sa:in&, Master,/ owed-%nto Him sa:in&, Master, are if ,o% will, ,o% are a le to make /:o% a le to heal meS

me clean3 / A And ,esh%a '%t forth #His( hand,/A3 !tretched forth @,esh%a;8G29 o%r and to%ched him, sa:in&, $ will> e/Lord<@ His hand and to%ched him :o% clean3 And immediatel: his /sa:in&, $ want that :o% e le'ros: was cleansed3 /cleansed3 - And in that ho%r the -----------------------------------.le'er was cleansed from his;8G9the< le'ros:3 8V2#Trans3Armenian Version 8ed31o inson<, *%thaliana, TePts and !t%dies, "ol3iii,no3A,'3FH(9333 le'ros: was cleansed from him3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------C And ,esh%a said %nto him, !ee /C3 And then @,esh%a;8G29o%r Lord<@ :o% tell no one> %t &o, show /said %nto him, 6e caref%l lest :o% :o%rself to the 0ohen;Priest, and /tell to an: man> and &o to the offer the &ift that Moshe commanded/0ohen to offer :o%r &ifts, @as for a testimon: %nto them3 /Moshe commanded :o% in :o%r Torah3-----------------------------------. 8Ne9 as ,HVH commanded Moshe<879 as Moshe commanded them for a witness<-8Rose'h, MsOr1omeVDA, Nizzahon Vet%s V2EE9 as Moshe commanded in his Torah3<@ 58V2#G2(9333 as Moshe commanded, that it ma: e a testimon: %nto them3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------D And when ,esh%a was entered into/D3 And it was when He entered into O@far-Nach%m, there came %nto Him a/O@far-Nach%m-hamartha, that a cent%rion, e&&in& Him, /5ca'tain of h%ndreds came %nto Him -----------------------------------.and im'lored Him, 58G29333a 0hiliarch-LU in "s3G U 2A9 333#G"9 for %nto this di&nit: amon& the 1omans he had attained(M a kin&@s sla"e<333 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------E And sa:in&, !ir, m: child /E3 !a:in&, !ir, m: @son-8G9 sla"e<@ -Lser"ant9 has een laid in the /lies in m: ho%se with the sickness home, a 'aral:tic, ein& &rie"o%sl:/of contraction, and he is weak with tormented3 /the illness3 F And ,esh%a said %nto him, $ will/F3 And ,esh%a said %nto him, $ will come and heal him3 /&o and heal him3 G The cent%rion answered and saidM/G3 And the 5ca'tain of h%ndreds !ir, $ am not worth: that ,o% /answered and saidM !ir, $ am not sho%ld enter %nder m: roof, - %t /worth: that :o% sho%ld come %nder s'eak a word onl:, and m: child /m: roof, - onl: make the decision -Lser"ant9 shall e healed3 /that @he-8G9 m: lad<@ mi&ht e /healed3 8Ga9 And o%r Lord wondered /at his faith3< H For $ am a man 8m9 set< %nder /H3 And $ am a sinf%l man, and $ a%thorit:, ha"in& soldiers %nder /5ha"e a%thorit: %nder the P@r%shim, meM and $ sa: to this #man(, Go, /and $ ha"e horses and ridersM and $ and he &oes> and to another, 0ome, /sa: to one of them, Go, and he and he comes> and to m: ser"ant, 7o/&oes, 0ome, and he comes, and to m: this, and he does #it(3 /ser"ants, 7o this, and the: do it3 / 8V=9333 a''oint soldiers %nder / m: a%thorit:M 333< 2I And ,esh%a hearin& mar"elled, /2I3 And @,esh%a-85G29 o%r Lord<@ and said to them that followedM /heard, and was amazed and said %nto Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, $ ha"e not /those who were followin& HimM fo%nd s%ch 8+9 &reat< faith, J+9 /Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, and $ ha"e not e"enK in $srael3 /not fo%nd a &reat faith in $srael 8m9333with no man in $srael /#like this(3 ha"e $ fo%nd so &reat faith< / 5#,esh%a ) Xo%r LordX, fo%nd in / "ario%s "erses followin& in the / G2> $@"e not alwa:s noted it3( 22 And $ sa: %nto :o%, That man: /223 $ sa: %nto :o%, That man: shall shall come from east and west, and /come from the *ast and from the shall @recline-Lsit9@ with A"raham,/+est, and shall rest with A"raham,

and ,itzchak, and ,a?ako", in the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens3

/and with ,itzchak, and with /,a?ako", in the Oin&dom of #the( /Hea"ens3 2= 6%t the sons of the Oin&dom /2=3 And the sons of the Oin&dom shall e cast into the o%ter /shall e cast into the darkness of darknessM there shall e the /Ge:-HinnomM there will e wee'in& wee'in& and the &nashin& of the /and &nashin& of teeth3 teeth3 / 2A And ,esh%a said %nto the /2A3 And then ,esh%a said %nto the cent%rion, Go> and as :o% ha"e /5ca'tain of h%ndreds, Go> as :o% elie"ed, #so( let it e %nto :o%3 /ha"e elie"ed, it will e done %nto And his child-Lser"ant9 was healed /:o%3 And so the :o%n&- o: was in the same ho%r3 /@healed-8G29 made whole<@ at that /time3 2C And when ,esh%a was come into /2C34 At that time, came ,esh%a into the ho%se of Oefa, He saw his /the ho%se of 8G.9!him?on< Oefa, and wife@s mother laid o%t and sick of / ehold, his mother-in-law was l:in& a fe"er3 /sick with a 879 contin%al %rnin&< /fe"er3 2D And He to%ched her hand, and /2D3 And He to%ched her hand, and the fe"er left herM and she arose, /the 879 %rnin&< fe"er left her3 and 8+9 e&an to< ministerJed L+K /Then she arose and ministered %nto %nto 8+<-them-8AM9 Him<3 /Him-87GP9 them<3 2E +hen the e"en was come, the: /2E3 And at the time of e"enin&, ro%&ht %nto Him man: 'ossessed : /the: ro%&ht %nto Him those seized demonsM and He cast o%t the s'irits/ : demons, 5and He healed them : : a-8+9 His< word, and He healed /His word alone, and He healed all all those ha"in& illness> /sickness> -----------------------------------. 5879333, and He : His word alone, cast o%t from them the s'irits, and healed them that were in an e"il state3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2F !o that it mi&ht e filled /2F3 To com'lete what was said : ;com'lete which was s'oken thro%&h /,esha?:ah% the Pro'het of lessed ,esha?:ah% the Pro'het, sa:in&M He /memor:M !%rel: o%r sicknesses He took #%'on Himself( o%r weaknesses,/ ore, and o%r 'ains He s%ffered3 and He ore #o%r( sicknesses3 / 2G And when ,esh%a saw &reat /2G3 And it was after this ,esh%a m%ltit%des a o%t Him, He &a"e /saw man: m%ltit%des aro%nd Him, and orders to de'art %nto the other /He 5commanded to &o across the sea3 side3 / 587G=9commanded His Talmidim to< 2H And one !cri e came near, and /2H3 Then there came to Him a !a&e, said %nto Him, Teacher, $ will /and he said to Him, Master-87G2P9 follow ,o% where"er ,o% &o3 /1a i<, $ will follow ,o% where"er /,o% &o3 =I And ,esh%a said %nto him, The /=I3 And ,esh%a answered %nto him, foPes ha"e holes, and the irds of /-nto foPes holes, and %nto irds the hea"en #ha"e( nests> %t the /nests> and %nto the !on of man, the !on of man has not where to la: /!on of the "ir&in-L et%lah9, -not a #His( head3 /@'lace to enter-879 floor to la:<@ /His head3 =2 And another of His Talmidim /=23 Then one of the;8G9 His< said %nto Him, Master, allow me /Talmidim said %nto Him, 8G9M: Lord< first to &o awa: and %r: m: /Allow me 8G9 first< to &o and 5 %r: father3 /m: father3 8G9, and $ shall come3< / 58P9333 %r: m: father3 #Aramaic / idiom for(M take care of m: / father3< == 6%t ,esh%a said %nto him, /==3 And ,esh%a said %nto him, 0ome Follow Me> and allow the dead to /after Me> and let 8G%9 sons of< the %r: their own dead3 /dead %r: their dead3 =A And when He was entered into a /=A34 And it was when ,esh%a entered

/a oat, and His Talmidim followed /Him, =C And, ehold, there arose a /=C3 And it was then, there came a &reat tem'est in the sea, insom%ch /lar&e storm in the sea, 5and the that the oat was co"ered with the /wa"es were comin& on &reatl:, and wa"esM %t He was aslee'3 /the oat was tho%&ht to e reakin& -----------------------------------.%'3 58G29, and the oat was near to e co"ered : the wa"es3 Now He was aslee'>< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=D And His Talmidim came near to /=D3 And then came %nto Him, His #Him(, and awoke Him, sa:in&, /Talmidim, and e&&ed Him sa:in&, O Master, sa"e %sM we 'erish3 /o%r Master, sa"e %s lest we 'erish3 =E And He said %nto them, +h: are /=E3 And 5He said %nto them, @For :o% fearf%l, little-faithsS Then He/what-Lwh:9@ do :o% look at one arose, and re %ked the winds and /anotherS, O :o% little of faith3 the sea> and there was a &reat /Then He arose and commanded the sea calm3 /and the winds that the: sho%ld e /Q%iet> and immediatel: the: ecame /Q%iet3 / 587P;V2#G2(9 ,esh%a< =F And the men mar"elled, sa:in&, /=F3 And the men who were there, +hat manner of man is this, that /the: seein&, mar"eled and said, +ho e"en the winds and the sea o e: /is HeT -this One that the winds and HimT /the sea do His will3 =G And when He was come to the /=G3 And it was when 5He was on the other side into the co%ntr: of the /other-side of the sea, and the Gadarenes, there met Him two /o%tskirts e:ond the sea, in the 'ossessed : demons, comin& o%t of /Oin&dom of the Gadarenes, there met the tom s, ePceedin& fierce, so /Him two demon-'ossessed men, comin& that no one was a le to 'ass /o%t of the tom s, ra&in& %ntil when thro%&h that wa:3 /no man co%ld 'ass : that wa:3 / 587P9 ,esh%a< =H And, ehold, the: cried o%t, /=H38!T9 U Mk3DMG;Lk3GM=H< And the: sa:in&, +hat #is( to %s and to ,o%,/cried o%t to Him sa:in&, +hat is ,esh%a-J+K, !on of GodS are ,o% / etween ,o% and %s, ,esh%a, @6en; come here to torment %s efore /!on-*lohim;God@3 879 +h:< Ha"e :o% #the;it-is( timeS /come efore the time to &rie"e %s -----------------------------------.and also to destro: %sS And ,esh%a said to them, 0ome o%t from there e"il host3 8V2#G2(9 Are ,o% come here to make %s ashamedS And a herd was feedin& to&ether e:ond them3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AI And there was a &ood wa: off /AI3 And there near them were herds from them an herd of man: swine /of man: swine feedin&3 feedin&3 / A2 And the demons e&&ed Him, /A23 And so the demons entreated sa:in&, $f ,o% cast %s o%t, @allow /Him, !ince we ha"e to &o o%t from %s to &o awa:-8A9 send %s<@ into /here, &rant %s a%thorit: to &o into the herd of swine3 /these swine3 A= And He said %nto them, GoT And /A=3 And then He said %nto them, GoT when the: were come o%t, the: went /And the demons went o%t from the into the herd of swineM and, /men, and entered the swine, and all ehold, the whole herd of swine /the herd went in s%dden haste, r%shed down the cliff into the sea,/sli''ed off into the sea, and died and 'erished in the waters3 /in the water3 -----------------------------------. 58P9 And ,esh%a said %nto them, Go :eT And immediatel: the: came o%t, and entered into the swine> and that whole herd ran strai&ht to a 'reci'ice, and 'l%n&ed into the sea, and died in the waters3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AA 6%t the: that fed them fled, /AA3 And those who were feedin& them

oat, his Talmidim followed Him3

and ha"in& &one into the cit:, told/feared, and fled and told e"er:thin&, and the #thin&s /e"er:thin& in the cit:3 And so all concernin&( the #ones( 'ossessed :/the cit: was fri&htened3 demons3 / AC And, ehold, the whole cit: /AC3 And then the: went o%t to meet went o%t to meet with ,esh%aM and /,esh%a3 And the: saw them, and when the: saw Him, the: e&&ed that/entreated Him not to 'ass o"er into He mo"e #alon&( o%t of their /their order3 orders3 / 0HAPT*1 H -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 H -He 3 2 And He entered into the oat, /23 And then ,esh%a entered a oat, and 'assed o"er, and came into /and the: set sail 879 and de'arted #His( own cit:3 /from the other side of the sea<, /and ret%rned to His cit:3 = And, ehold, the: ro%&ht to Him/=3 5And the: ro%&ht to Him one who a 'aral:tic, l:in& on a cotM and /was sick with contractions, l:in& ,esh%a seein& their faith said %nto/%'on his ed3 ,esh%a saw their the 'aral:tic> 0hild, e comforted>/faith and said %nto the sick man> :o%r sins ha"e een for&i"en :o%3 /Ha"e co%ra&e-879tr%st< m: son3 $t : the faith of God;Ha*l that :o%r sins ha"e een for&i"en3 58V2#G2(9 And the: came to Him and ro%&ht near a 'aral:tic l:in& on a ed3 And when o%r Lord saw their faith He said to that 'aral:ticM Fear not, M: son, :o%r sins are for&i"en :o%3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A And, ehold, certain of the /A3 And some of the !a&es were !cri es said within themsel"es, /sa:in& JV2#G2(9 in their @heart-8P9 This #man( las'hemes3 /minds<@K This is las'hem:3 C And ,esh%a seein&-8A9 knowin&< /C3 And ,esh%a 8G2<-saw-8P9 knew< their tho%&hts said, +h: do :o% /their tho%&hts and said to themM think e"il in :o%r heartsS /+h: do :o% think e"il in :o%r /heartsS D For what is easier to sa:M /D3 5$s this easier to sa:M ,o%r #,o%r( sins ha"e een for&i"en :o%>/sins are for&i"en> or, Arise walkS or J+9 to sa:K, Arise and walk / 58V2#G2(9 +hether is it 333< 8+9 a o%t<S / E 6%t that :o% ma: know that the /E3 6%t to inform :o% that the !on !on of man has a%thorit: on the /of man is a le to for&i"e sins in earth to for&i"e sins, -then sa:s /the earth, -then said He to the he to the 'aral:ticM Arisin&, take /sick man, Arise, and take :o%r ed %' :o%r cot, and &o to :o%r ho%se3 /and walk3 F And he arisin&, de'arted to his /F3 And he arose, and went to his 8+9 own< ho%se3 /ho%se3 G And the m%ltit%de seein& /G3 And the crowds saw, and feared @mar"elled-8A9 were afraid<@, and /&reatl:, and 'raised to God;*l, who &lorified *lohim;God, the #One( /had &i"en 'ower %nto @men-879 the &i"in& s%ch a%thorit: %nto men3 /!on of Man<@ to do s%ch thin&s3 H And #as( ,esh%a 'assed forth /H34And it was when ,esh%a 'assed on from there, He saw a man, named /from there, and He saw one man Mattit:ah%, sittin& at the taP /sittin& at the ta le of ePchan&e, -officeM and He said %nto him, /Mattit:ah% was his nameM And He Follow Me3 And he arisin&, followed/said %nto him, @Follow-L&o after9@ Him3 /Me3 And he arose and followed /Lafter9 Him3 2I And it came to 'ass, as He /2I3 And then he ro%&ht him to his reclined-Lsat #at a meal(9 in the /ho%se to eat3 And it was, while He ho%se, ehold, man: taP-collectors /was eatin&, that ehold, man: and sinners came and were reclinin&/"iolent and e"il men were at the -Lsittin&9 with ,esh%a and His /ta le, and ehold, the: were dinin& Talmidim;disci'les3 /with ,esh%a and His Talmidim3 / 8V2#G2(9333and while the: ate,

/ the: sat /at meat/ eside o%r / Lord and eside His Talmidim3< 22 And the P@r%shim seein&, said /223 And the P@r%shim saw this, and to His Talmidim, +h: eats :o%r /said to His Talmidim, 5@For whatTeacher with the taP-collectors and/L+h:9@ does :o%r 1a";Teacher sit sinnersS /and eat with "iolent and e"il menS / 58G29333, +herefore with taP/ collectors and sinners are :o% / eatin& and drinkin&S< 2= 6%t ,esh%a hearin&, He said /2=3 And ,esh%a heard it and said, %nto them, The: that e stron& need/The health: ha"e no need of not a 'h:sician, %t the: that ha"e/healin&, %t 5the sick3 sickness3 / 58P9 the: that are "er: sick3< 2A 6%t &oin& learn what #this( isM/2A3 Go and learn the +ritin&, $ desire merc:, and not sacrifice> /sinceM $ desire kindness and not for $ am not come to call ri&hteo%s/sacrifice> and $ came not to #ones(, %t sinners JA9 to /restore the ri&hteo%s, %t Lif9 re'entanceK3 /onl: the wicked3 8Ge9 eca%se there /was no need to the whole ones of a /'h:sician3< 2C Then came near to Him the /2C3 Then came to Him the Talmidim Talmidim of ,ochanan, sa:in&, +h: /of ,ochanan and said %nto Him, +h: do we and the P@r%shim fast @often /do we and the P@r%shim fast @often -8A+9#(<@, %t ,o%r Talmidim fast /-8G29 ea&erl:<@, %t ,o%r Talmidim notS /do not fastS 2D And ,esh%a said %nto them, 0an /2D3 And ,esh%a answered %nto them the sons of the ridecham er mo%rn,/and said, The friends of the as lon& as the ride&room is with / ride&room cannot wee' and fast themS 6%t the da:s will come, when /while he is with them3 +ill come the 6ride&room 5shall ha"e een /the da:s when the 6ride&room will taken from them, and then shall / e taken 8G29 %'< from them, then the: fast3 /the: shall fast3 58+9 m%st e taken from333< / 2E 6%t no one '%tteth a 'iece of /2E3 No man wastes a 'iece of new %nshr%nk cloth %nto an old &arment,/&arment on an old &arment, for the for the shrinkin& of it teareth /force of the 'iece '%lls the worn awa: from the &arment, and a worse /o%t &arment, and it tears more3 tear occ%rs3 / 879333'atch of worthless cloth / %'on an old ro e, for he takes / awa: its com'leteness of the / ro e,333< 2F Neither do the: '%t new wine /2F3 And nor do the: '%t new wine into old wineskinsM else the /into old "esselsM lest the "essels wineskins %rst, and the wine 'o%rs/ reak and the wine s'ills o%t, and o%t, and the wineskins 'erishM %t /the "essels 'erishM %t the new the: '%t newl: made wine into fresh/is for new "essels, and oth of wineskins, and oth are 'reser"ed /them are 'reser"ed3 to&ether3 / 2G +hile He s'oke these thin&s /2G34And it was, while He s'oke %nto %nto them, ehold, there came a /them, one r%ler;8G9 head< 8G29 of certain r%ler, and owed-%nto Him, /their !:na&o&%e< a''roached and sa:in&, M: da%&hter has N%st now / owed-%nto Him sa:in&, Master, m: diedM 6%t come and la: ,o%r hand /da%&hter has N%st diedM Please come %'on her, and she shall li"e3 /and 'lace ,o%r hand %'on her, and /restore her to life3 2H And ,esh%a arose, and followed /2H3 And ,esh%a arose and went, He him, and #so did( His Talmidim3 /and His Talmidim with Him3 =I And ehold, a woman, which had /=I3 And ehold, a woman with a flow a flow of lood twel"e :ears, came /of lood for @twel"e-8P9 fo%rteen<@ near ehind #Him(, and to%ched the /:ears, came ehind Him, and to%ched tzitzit of His &armentM /the tzitzit of His &arment3 =2 For she said within herself, $f/=23 And she said in her heart, $f

$ shall %t to%ch His &arment, $ /onl: $ to%ch His &arment, $ shall will e c%red3 /immediatel: e healed3 == 6%t ,esh%a t%rnin& and seein& /==3 And He t%rned and said to her, her said, 7a%&hter, e comforted> /8V2#G2(9 Fear not<W0o%ra&e;879Ha"e :o%r faith has made :o% whole3 5And/tr%st< M: da%&hter3 5Ma: :o% ha"e a the woman was healed from that /lon& life> :o%r healin& is eca%se ho%r3 /of :o%r faith3 $n that "er: ho%r #+9this statement 2st in "er3==(/she was healed3 -----------------------------------. 58G29 Th: faith hath sa"ed thee ali"e3333<-8P9 Th: faith hath &i"en thee life3333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=A And #when( ,esh%a came into the/=A3 And it was when He came into r%ler@s ho%se, and saw the fl%te /the ho%se of the r%ler 8G29 of the -'la:ers and the crowd makin& an /!:na&o&%e< and saw man: 'eo'le %'roar, /cr:in&, =C #He( said %nto them, Go ackM /=C3 And He said to them, Go o%tside for the &irl is not dead, %t she /all of :o%, and sto' wee'in&M for slee's3 And the: la%&hed at Him3 /the &irl is aslee' and not dead3 /6%t in their e:es, He was as one /who Nests3 And the: were sa:in&, /Ha"e we not seen that she is deadS =D 6%t when the crowd was '%t /=D3 And when He had '%t them forth, He went in, took hold of her/o%tside, ,esh%a came %nto her, and hand, and the &irl arose3 /to%ched her hand 879#.( and saidM /Arise, arise<, and the &irl arose3 =E And the re'ort hereof went /=E3 And this re'ort went o%t in all a road into all that land3 /the land3 =F And #as( ,esh%a #was( 'assin& /=F34And ,esh%a 'assed on from there on from there, two lind ones /and ehold, two lind men 5were followed Him, cr:in&, and sa:in&M /r%nnin& after Him, and cr:in& o%t !on of 7a"id, ha"e merc:;'it: on /to HimM Ha"e merc: on %s, !on of %s3 /7a"id3 / 58G29333cla"e %nto Him, and333< =G And comin& into the ho%se, the /=G3 And then He came to the ho%se, lind ones came near to HimM and /and the lind men drew near to Him3 ,esh%a said %nto them, 7o :o% /And He said, 87.9 to them, 6elie"e elie"e that $ am a le to do thisS /:o% that $ am a le to do this for The: said %nto Him, ,ea, Lord3 /:o%S And the: said %nto Him, ,ea, -----------------------------------.of a tr%th Lord3< 8G29,we elie"e3< 8Ga9 And when the lind man drew near %nto Him, He saith %nto himM 6elie"est tho% that $ can heal theeS That lind man saith %nto HimM ,ea, m: Lord, $ elie"e3 And his faith o'ened his e:es3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=H Then He to%ched their e:es, /=H3 87.9 Then He to%ched their e:es sa:in&, Accordin& to :o%r faith let/sa:in&,< @,o%r faith will heal :o%3 it e to :o%3 /-87.95accordin& to :o%r faith e it /done %nto :o%3<@ / 58G2P9 as :o% ha"e elie"ed333< AI And their e:es were o'ened3 And/AI3 And the e:es of the two men ,esh%a strictl: ordered them, /were immediatel: o'ened and the: sa:in&, !ee #that( no one #:o%( let/saw3 And He commanded them sa:in&, know #it(3 /6e caref%l lest this thin& e /known3 A2 6%t the:, &oin& o%t, declared /A23 And #:et as for( them, the: #of( Him in all that land3 /went o%t and made Him known in all /that land3 A= And #as( the: went o%t, ehold,/A=3 And ,esh%a went o%t from there, the: ro%&ht to Him a m%te man, /and the: ro%&ht efore Him a 8G29 'ossessed : a demon3 /deaf #U(< m%te man, who was demon /'ossessed3 AA And when the demon was cast /AA3 And He cast o%t the demon, so o%t, the m%te s'ake3 And the /that the 8G2.9deaf< m%te man s'oke3

m%ltit%des mar"elled, sa:in&M $t was ne"er th%s seen in $srael3

/And the crowds were amazed and /saidM +e ha"e not seen it like this /in $srael3 AC 6%t the P@r%shim 5said, He /AC3 JG29#-(K And the P@r%shim said, casts o%t the demons : the 'rince /$n tr%th, in the name of demons, he of the demons3 /casts o%t the demons3 58+9 contin%ed to sa:, 333< / AD And ,esh%a went a o%t all the /AD3 And He went aro%nd all the cities and the "illa&es, teachin& /cities and all the towers teachin& in their s:na&o&%es, and /in the s:na&o&%es, and 'roclaimin& 'roclaimin& the Good News of the /the Good Tidin&s, and healin& all Oin&dom, and healin& e"er: sickness/illness, and all @sicknessand e"er: weakness JA+9 in the /8P9 'ains<3@ 'eo'leK3 / AE And seein& the m%ltit%des, He /AE34 And ,esh%a saw the m%ltit%des, was mo"ed with com'assion for them,/and had com'assion on them, eca%se eca%se the: were tired/the: were wear: and l:in& down as 8AM9 harassed,< and scattered, as /shee' ha"in&-not %nto them a shee' ha"in& no she'herd3 /she'herd3 AF Then sa:s He %nto His Talmidim,/AF3 Then He said to His Talmidim, The har"est tr%l: #is( &reat, %t /The standin& &rain is m%ch, and the the la o%rers #are( few> /rea'ers are few> AG Pra: then #of( the Lord J+9 of /AG3 Pra: now the Owner of the the har"estK, that He ma: send /standin& &rain, that He ma: send la o%rers into His har"est3 /man: rea'ers to har"est His &rain3 0HAPT*1 2I -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 2I -He 3 2 And ha"in& called near His /23 Then called ,esh%a His twel"e twel"e Talmidim, He &a"e them /Talmidim, and &a"e to them 'ower a%thorit: o"er %nclean s'irits, so /o"er e"er: %nclean s'irit, to cast as to cast them o%t, and to heal /them o%t from man, and to heal all all weaknesses and all diseases3 /sickness and all 'la&%es-8P9 'ain<3 = And the names of the twel"e /=3 And these are the names of the emissaries-La'ostles9 are theseM /5twel"e emissariesM !him?on, called The first, !him?on, who is called /Oefa, and Andrew his rother> Oefa, and Andrew his rother> / 8V=9333 first twel"e 333< ,a?ako" #ha- en;the son( of Ba"dai,/ and ,ochanan his rother> / A Phili' and 6ar-Talmai> T@oma, /A3 Phili' and 6ar-Talmai> and and Mattit:ah% the taP-collector> /,a?ako", and ,ochanan his rother, ,a?ako" #ha- en;the son( of 0halfai/sons of Ba"dai> T@oma and ;Al'hae%s, and JA9 Le e%s, whose /5Mattit:ah% -he : re'%tation was a s%rname wasK Taddai> /lender of mone: for interest> -----------------------------------.,a?ako"-86ar<-0halfai and 5Taddai> 5879333Mattit:ah%, who was a trans&ressor>333< 58G29 XJ-KTaddaiX> #U insertM X,@h%dah en-,a?ako"X in "s3C after X!him?on-0anaanaeanX eforeM X,@h%dah-O@riotX(< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------C !him?on the 0anaanite-8A9 Bealot/C3 !him?on the 0anaanite -that is ;0anaanaean<> and ,@h%dah from /!him?on-0anaanaean> and ,@h%dahO@riot, who also etra:ed Him3 /O@riot, who after this etra:ed -----------------------------------.Him3 879 !him?on the merchant, and ,@h%dah from O@riot, who deli"ered Him %' %nto death3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------D These twel"e ,esh%a sent forth, /D3 These twel"e ,esh%a sent, He ha"in& char&ed them, sa:in&M Go not/commanded them sa:in&M $n the lands into the wa: of the &o:im;&entiles /of the &o:im don@t &o, and in the ;nations, and into a cit: of #the( /cities of Ha!homron don@t enter> !homron;!amaritans enter :o% not> / E 6%t &o rather to the lost shee' /E3 Go to the shee' who ha"e stra:ed of the ho%se of $srael3 /from the ho%se of $srael3 F And &oin& on, 'roclaim, sa:in&, /F3 And 'roclaim to them that #the(

The Oin&dom of the Hea"ens has /Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens shall e drawn near3 /com'leted3 -----------------------------------. 879Go, and cr: sa:in&M #re(t%rn :o%, #re(t%rn :o%, for the Oin&dom of Hea"en #is( near at hand3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------G Heal the sick, cleanse the /G3 Heal the sick, and restore life le'ers, JM9 raise the deadK, cast /to the dead, and cleanse the le'ers o%t demonsM freel: :o% recei"ed, /and cast o%t the demons from man freel: &i"e3 /kind3 And don@t take wa&es3 Freel: 58A9333raise the dead, cleanse/:o% recei"ed, and freel: :o% shall the le'ers,333< /&i"e3 H Pro"ide not &old, nor sil"er, /H3 7on@t hea' %' sil"er and &old, nor co''er in :o%r elts, /and don@t ha"e wealth in :o%r /'%rse, 2I Nor a a& for #the( wa:, /2I3 And no chan&e of clothes, and neither two t%nics, neither /no sandals and no staff in :o%r sandals, nor sta"esM for the /handM The workman is worth: to workman is worth: of his food3 /recei"e eno%&h for his food3 22 And into whate"er cit: or /223 And in e"er: cit:, and in e"er: "illa&e :o% enter, inQ%ire who in /tower that :o% enter, ask who is it is worth:> and there a ide %ntil/the &ood man amon& them> and there :o% &o o%t3 /remain %ntil :o% &o o%t3 2= 6%t #when :o%( come into the /2=3 And when :o% enter into the ho%se, &reet it3 /ho%se, @&i"e %nto them a-879 ask /after its<@ shalom sa:in&, !halom /%nto this ho%se, shalom %nto all /who dwell in it3 2A And if tr%l: the ho%se e /2A3 And if that ho%se sho%ld e worth:, let :o%r shalom come %'on /worth:, :o%r shalom shall come %'on itM %t if it e not worth:, let /itM %t if it is not worth:, :o%r :o%r shalom ret%rn to :o%3 /shalom shall ret%rn %nto :o%3 -----------------------------------. 879 And if this ho%se e honora le, it shall ret%rn %nto :o% :o%r @shalom@3< 8V29 #U "erse 2=(M &i"e 'eace to it, 333 :o%r 'eace 3333 $n the Greek tePt Xsal%teX has no "er al relation to X'eaceX3 +e therefore concl%de that ,esh%a &a"e this direction in a !emitic ton&%e, and %sed either the He rew - shalom, or the Aramaic shalma3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2C And whoe"er shall not recei"e /2C3 And #to( who doesn@t recei"e :o%, nor hear :o%r words, when :o% /:o%, and #to( who doesn@t listen to de'art o%t of that ho%se or cit:, /:o%, :o% shall &o o%t from that shake off the d%st of :o%r feet3 /ho%se and shake off :o%r feet from /the d%st3 2D Tr%l:-L, amaine>9 $ sa: %nto /2D3 Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, $t :o%, $t shall e more tolera le to /shall e etter %nto !@dom and %nto the land of !@dom and ?Amora in /?Amora in that 7a:, than for that #the( 7a: of R%d&ment, than for /cit:3 that cit:3 / 2E 6ehold, $ send :o% forth as /2E34 6ehold, $ send :o% as shee' in shee' in #the( midst of wol"esM e /the midst of wol"esM e JN9 asK :o% therefore wise as ser'ents, and/craft: @as-8N9more than<@ ser'ents, harmless as do"es3 /5and h%m le as do"es3 / 587G9333and sim'le as do"es3< 2F And eware of menM for the: /2F3 6eware of mankind3 The: won@t will etra: :o% to #local( /deli"er :o% %' in their sanhedrins, and the: will sco%r&e /con&re&ations, and in ho%ses of :o% in their s:na&o&%es> /assem l:> 2G And :o% shall also e ro%&ht /2G3 @And #:et the: will(; %t@ %nto efore &o"ernors and kin&s for M: /&o"ernors and %nto kin&s3 ,o% shall sake, for a testimon: to them and / e a le to ear witness on M: to the &o:im-L&entiles 8lit3He < / ehalf %nto them and %nto the

nations93 /&o:im3 2H 6%t when the: deli"er :o% %', /2H3 +hen the: seize :o%, do not e not anPio%s how or what :o% /consider what :o% will sa:M for in sho%ld s'eakM for it is &i"en to /the ho%r that :o% are in need, an :o% in that ho%r what :o% sho%ld /answer will @come %nto :o%-879 e s'eak3 /'%t into :o%r mo%ths<3@ =I For it is not :o% that s'eak, /=I3 $t isn@t :o%, -the ones %t the 1%ach;!'irit of :o%r Father/s'eakin&, %t @1%ach Oodesh;Hol: +ho s'eaks in :o%3 /!'irit@ of M: Father, -He@s the One /s'eakin& in :o%3 =2 6%t rother shall deli"er %' /=23 6rother shall deli"er %' rother to death, and #the( father / rother to death, and the father #his( childM and children shall /to #death( his sonM and shall rise rise %' a&ainst 'arents, and '%t /%' the sons a&ainst the fathers of them to death3 /them, and lead them %nto death3 == And :o% shall e hated : all /==3 ,o% shall ecome a derision and eca%se of M: name3 -6%t he that /a fri&ht to all the nations, end%res to #the( end, this #one( / eca%se of M: Name3 -+hoe"er shall e sa"ed3 /end%res, howe"er, %ntil the time of /the end, @shall e sa"ed-8G29 he /shall li"e<-8P9 shall ha"e life<@3 =A 6%t when the: 'ersec%te :o% in /=A3 A&ain said ,esh%a to His this cit:, flee to anotherM for /Talmidim, +hen the: '%rs%e :o% in tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, ,o% shall in /this cit:, flee to anotherM Amaine> no wa: #ha"e( finished the cities /$ sa: %nto :o%, :o% won@t ha"e of $srael, %ntil the !on of man /com'leted for :o%rsel"es all the comes3 /cities of 8G29the Ho%se of< $srael, -----------------------------------. efore the !on of man comes3 8Ge9 $nto whatsoe"er cit: :e enter, and the: recei"e :o% not #Lk 2IM2I(, remo"e from thence into another cit:, and if from that the: 'ersec%te :o% flee into another cit:M Amaine, $ sa: %nto :o%, :e shall not e a le to finish all the cities, %ntil $ come to :o%3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=C A Talmid;disci'le is not a o"e /=C3 No Talmid is &reater than his the teacher, nor a sla"e a o"e his /1a";teacher, and nor #is( a ser"ant master3 /&reater than his master3 =D #$t is( eno%&h for the Talmid /=D3 $t is eno%&h for the Talmid to ;disci'le #to( ecome as his / e like his 1a";teacher, and for a teacher, and the sla"e as his /ser"ant to e like his master3 $f master3 $f the: ha"e called the /the: call the Master;Owner of the Master of the ho%se 6a?al-B@"%" /ho%se 6a?al-B@"%", 5@so m%ch the -8AM9 6a?al-Bi %l<, how m%ch more /more the sons of His ho%se3-8G29, those of His ho%seholdS /His ho%sehold, how shall the: call /#them(S<@ / 58P9 how m%ch more the children / of his famil:S< =E ,o% sho%ld not fear them /=E3 7on@t :o% fear eca%se of themM thereforeM for #there( is nothin& /for there is no thin& that shall co"ered, that shall not e /not e seen> and nothin& hidden, %nco"ered> and hid, that shall not /which shall not e made known3 e made known3 / =F +hat $ tell :o% in the /=F3 That which $ sa: to :o% in dark#ness(, s'eak :o% in the li&htM/darkness, s'eak :o% it in the and what :o% hear in the ear, /8Ga9 da:<li&htM that which :o% hear 'roclaim %'on the ho%seto's3 / : the ear, tell it in the &ate3 =G And :o% sho%ld not fear the /=G3 And don@t fear those who kill #ones( which kill the od:, %t not/ odies, who ha"e no 'ower to kill ein& a le to kill the so%lM %t /so%lsM %t fear the One who has rather fear the #One( ein& a le to/'ower to destro: the so%l and the destro: oth the so%l and the od: / od: in Ge:-Hinnom3 in Ge:-Hinnom-LHell93 /

=H Are not two s'arrows sold for an assarionS and one of them shall not fall on the earth-L&ro%nd9 witho%t :o%r Father3

/=H3 Aren@t two s'arrows sold for a /small coinS and not one of them /falls on the &ro%nd,- %t onl: Lif9 /in the will of :o%r Father who is /in the Hea"ens3 AI 6%t e"en the hairs of :o%r head/AI3 Aren@t all the 5hairs of :o%r are all n%m ered3 /heads n%m eredS -----------------------------------. 58G9333locks of :o%r hair333< 8V29 #the word for XhairsX is mene, U the word for Xn%m erX is mna, oth 'ro a l: from the same root word in Aramaic3(< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A2 Fear not therefore, :o% ePcel /A23 7on@t :o% fear, eca%se :o%;man -Lare of more "al%e than9 man: /are etter than man: s'arrows3 s'arrows3 / A= +hoe"er therefore shall confess/A=3 He who 'raises Me efore man, $ Me efore men, him will $ confess /will 'raise him efore M: Father also efore M: Father 8+9who is< in/who is in the Hea"ens3 8+9 the< Hea"ens3 / AA 6%t whoe"er shall den: Me /AA3 J-K 879 6%t whoe"er shall den: efore men, him will $ also den: /Me efore men, him will $ also den: efore M: Father who #is( in 8+9 / efore M: Father which is in the the< Hea"en8s L+<3 /Hea"ens3< 8G=9, and efore His /an&els3< AC Think not that $ came to cast /AC34 $n that ho%r, said ,esh%a to 'eace on the earthM #$( came not to/His TalmidimM 7on@t think :o% that cast 'eace, %t a sword3 /$ ha"e come to '%t shalom in the -----------------------------------.earthM %t a sword3 8G2#=(9 !%''ose not that $ ha"e come to la: tranQ%illit: in the earthM $ ha"e not come to la: tranQ%illit:, %t 8G=9 di"ision of minds and< a sword3< 8P9 Think not that $ ha"e come to sow;cast;disseminate Q%ietness on the earthM $ ha"e not come to sow;cast;disseminate Q%ietness, %t a sword-Lconflict93< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AD For $ came to se"er a man from /AD3 $ ha"e come to se'arate the his father, and a da%&hter from her/mankind, the son from his father, mother, and 5a ride from her /and the da%&hter from her mother3 mother-in-law3 /87GP9, and a @da%&hter-in-law58+9 the da%&hter-in-law from /8G9 ride<@ a&ainst her mother-inher 333< /law3< AE And a man@s enemies #shall e( /AE3 The enem: to e are lo"ed ones3 the: of his #own( ho%se3 / AF He that lo"es father or mother /AF3 The one lo"in& his father and a o"e-Lmore than9 Me is not worth: /his mother more than Me, $ am not of MeM and he that lo"es son or /s%ita le %nto him3 da%&hter a o"e-Lmore than9 Me is / 879333more than Me is not not worth: of Me3 / worth: to e with Me in the / Oin&dom of Hea"en3< AG And he that takes not %' his /AG3 J-K 879 And whoe"er takes not @ePec%tion-stake-Lcross9@, and /his &allows-#ePec%tion-stake(, and follow after Me, is not worth: of /follows Me, the same is not worth: Me3 /of Me3< AH He that finds his so%l-LDDHI; /AH3 The one 5lo"in& his so%l-LDA2D; 's%che9 shall lose itM and he that /ne'hesh9 shall lose itM the one loses his so%l-LDDHI9 for M: sake /losin& it for M: sake shall find shall find it3 /it3 / 58GP9 finds his so%l3338Aramaic< / find-in& ) L'reser"e-in&9< CI He that recei"es :o% 5recei"es /CI3 The one 5recei"in& :o% recei"es Me, and he that recei"es Me /Me, and the one recei"in& Me 5recei"es the #One( that sent Me3 /recei"es the One who sent Me3 58+9 will recei"e< / 58GP9 8Aramaic< recei"es-in&)

/ Lentertains;in&< /C23 The one recei"in& a Pro'het in /the name of a Pro'het shall recei"e /a reward of the Pro'het> and the /one recei"in& a @ri&hteo%s-one/Ltzaddik9@ in the name of a tzaddik /shall recei"e a reward of the /tzaddik3 C= And whoe"er &i"es #a( drink /C=3 And the one &i"in& a "essel of %nto one of these little ones, a /cold water %nto one of the little c%' of cold #water( onl:, in #the( /Talmidim;disci'les of Me, in the name of a Talmid;disci'le, tr%l: $ /name of a Talmid of Me, Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, he 5shall in no wa: /sa: %nto :o%, that one shall not lose his reward3 /lose their reward3 58+9 can not lose his 333< / 0HAPT*1 22 -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 22 -He 3 2 And it came to 'ass, when ,esh%a/234 And it was when ,esh%a finished had made an end of commandin& His /commandin& His twel"e Talmidim, and twel"e Talmidim;disci'les, He /He had 'assed on from there, and de'arted from there to teach and to/commanded them to teach and to 'roclaim in their cities3 /re'ro"e in their own cities3 = 6%t when ,ochanan;Rohn had heard/=3 And ,ochanan heard, when he was in the 'rison the works of Messiah,/in ca'ti"it:, of ,esh%a@s work, and sendin& @two of-8A9 :<@ his /sent JGP9 two ofK his Talmidim, Talmidim;disci'les, / A !aid %nto Him, Are ,o% the #One(/A3 To sa: %nto Him, Are ,o% He who comin&, or ma: we eP'ect anotherS /is to come, or sho%ld we eP'ect /anotherS C And ,esh%a answered and said /C3 And 5,esh%a answered %nto them, %nto them, Goin& relate to ,ochanan/5Go and tell %nto ,ochanan that what :o% hear and seeM /which :o% ha"e seen, and that which -----------------------------------.:o% ha"e heardM 528V2#G2(9 o%r Lord answered 333< 5=8Ge9 Go and tell ,ochanan not what :o% ha"e heard %t what :o% ha"e seenM< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------D 6lind ones 5recei"e si&ht, and /D3 The lind -the: see, and the lame ones walk a o%t, le'ers are /lame -the: walk, and the le'ers cleansed, and deaf ones hear, dead /-the: are cleansed, and the deaf ones are raised, and 'oor ones are /-the: hear, and the dead -the: &i"en the Good News3 /#now( are the li"in&, and the 'oor 58+9 are lookin& %', and 333< /-the: are @acQ%itted-Lmade rich9/879 ha'':<@3 E And lessed is he, whoe"er shall/E3 And ha'': are those-that aren@t not e offended in Me3 /@em arrassed-L'er'lePed;conf%sed9/8P9 st%m led<@ in Me3 F 6%t #as( these de'arted, ,esh%a /F3 And it was as the: were &oin&, e&an to sa: %nto the m%ltit%des /that ,esh%a e&an to s'eak %nto the concernin& ,ochananM +hat went :o% /m%ltit%des concernin& ,ochananM o%t into the wilderness to "iewS A /,o% went o%t into the wilderness to reed ein& shaken : windS /see whatS A reed cast a o%t in the /windS G 6%t what went :o% o%t for to /G3 Or what did :o% &o o%t to seeS seeS A man clothed in soft raimentS/7o :o% think that ,ochanan was a 6ehold, the: that wear soft /man clothed in no le &armentsS #clothin&( are in kin&s@ ho%ses3 /6ehold, those who wear no le /&arments are in the ho%se of kin&s3 H 6%t what went :o% o%t for to /H3 $f so, what did :o% &o o%t to seeS A Pro'hetS :ea, $ sa: %nto /seeS A Pro'hetS $n tr%th $ sa: %nto :o%, and #one( more ePcellent than /:o%, that this one is &reater than a Pro'het3 /@a Pro'het-8GaG=9 the Pro'hets<@3 2I For this is #he(, of whom it /2I3 This is he, a o%t whom it is C2 He that recei"es a Pro'het in #the( name of a Pro'het shall recei"e a Pro'het@s reward> and he that recei"es a N%st #one( in the name of a N%st #one( shall recei"e a N%st #one@s( reward3

has een writtenM 6ehold, $ send /writtenM 6ehold, $ am sendin& M: forth M: messen&er efore Th: face,/messen&er, and he shall make the who shall 're'are Th: wa: efore /wa: clear efore Me3 Thee3 / 22 Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, Amon& /223 A&ain said ,esh%a %nto His them that are orn of a woman there/Talmidim, $n tr%th $ sa: %nto :o%, has not arisen a &reater than /in all those orn of women, none ,ochanan HaMat il-Lthe $mmerser9M /has arisen &reater than ,ochanan %t the lesser;least in the Oin&dom/HaMat il3 87G9Ne"ertheless, he that of the Hea"ens is &reater #than( /is least-8GP9little< in the Oin&dom he3 /of the Hea"ens is &reater than he3< 2= And from the da:s of ,ochanan /2=3 From his da:s %ntil now, the HaMat il %ntil now, the Oin&dom of /Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens has een the Hea"ens s%ffers "iolence, and /@o''ressed-L'l%ndered;ra"ished9the "iolent seize it3 /879 constricted<@, and senseless -----------------------------------.'ersons ha"e een rendin& it3 58G#2(=9 6%t from the da:s of ,ochanan HaMat il e"en %ntil now, the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens is o''ressed, and the: that o''ress it snatch it awa:3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2A For all the Pro'hets and the /2A3 For all the Pro'hets and the Torah 'ro'hesied %ntil ,ochanan3 /Torah s'oke concernin& ,ochanan /8Ga9 the $mmerser<3 2C And if :o% are willin& to /2C3 And if :o% want to recei"e it, recei"e #it(, he is *li:ah%;*liNah,/5he is *li:ah%, who is &oin& to the #one( a o%t to come3 /come3 / 58P9And if :o% are willin&, / recei"e :e, that this is he / who was to come3< 2D He that has ears Jm9 to hearK, /2D3 -nto whoe"er has ears JG29 to let him hear3 /hearK, let them hear3 2E 6%t where%nto shall $ liken /2E34A&ain said ,esh%a, $ will liken this &enerationS $t is like little /this &eneration to lads, who sit in children sittin& in #the( markets, /the market 'lace, callin& %nto one and callin& %nto their mates, /another, 2F And sa:in&, +e 'i'ed %nto :o%, /2F3 And the: sa:in&, +e @8P9<-san&and :o% ha"e not danced> we mo%rned/879 'la:ed ha''il:<@ %nto :o%, and %nto :o%, and :o% ha"e not wailed3 /:o% didn@t dance> we wailed-879 /'la:ed sadl:< %nto :o%, and :o% /didn@t wee'3 2G For ,ochanan came neither /2G3 For ,ochanan came neither eatin& nor drinkin&, and the: sa:, /eatin& or drinkin&, and the: sa: he has a demon3 /a o%t him, he is 'ossessed of /demons3 2H The !on of man came eatin& and /2H3 And the !on of man came eatin& drinkin&, and the: sa:, 6ehold a /and drinkin&, and one sa:s a o%t man &l%ttono%s, and a wine-drinker,/Him, He is a &l%tton, a dr%nkard, a friend of taP-collectors and of /and a friend to "iolent men and sinners3 And wisdom @was;8+9 is /sinners3 !o foolish men, the: N%d&e tr%l:<@ N%stified : her @children;/as;concernin& Lthe9 wise men3 8A9 works<@3 / =I Then e&an He to re'roach the /=I3 Then e&an ,esh%a to c%rse the cities wherein most of His mi&ht: /cities in which His si&ns were done #acts( had occ%rred, eca%se the: /for the: didn@t t%rn in re'entanceM re'ented notM / =2 +oe %nto :o%, OorazinT woe %nto/=23 +oe %nto :o%, OorazinT and woe :o%, 6eit-TzaidahT for if the /%nto :o% 6eit-TzaidahT for if in mi&ht: #acts( which were done in /Tzor and !@domah the si&ns had een :o%, had een done in Tzor and /done which were done in :o%, the: Tzidon, the: wo%ld ha"e re'ented /wo%ld ha"e t%rned in re'entance at lon& a&o in sackcloth and ashes3 /that time in sack cloth and ashes3 == 6%t $ sa: %nto :o%, $t shall e/==3 Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, $t

more tolera le for Tzor and Tzidon /shall e easier for Tzor and in #the( 7a: of R%d&ment, than for /L!@domah9 than for :o%3 :o%3 / =A And :o%, O@far-Nach%m, 5@who /=A3 5And :o%, O@far-Nach%m, if %nto ha"e een-8A9 will :o% e<@ ePalted/the Hea"ens :o% ascend, from there %nto the hea"en @,-8A9S<@ @shalt- /:o% shall e ro%&ht down3 For if 8A9 No, :o% shall<@ e ro%&ht down/in !@dom the si&ns which were done to !h@ol;HellM for if the mi&ht: /in :o% had een done, 'erha's she #acts(, which ha"e een done in /wo%ld ha"e remained3 -nto !h@ol :o% :o%, had occ%rred in !@dom, it /will e ro%&ht down3 wo%ld ha"e remained %ntil this da:3/ 58V2#G2(9 And :o%, O@far58+9 are :o% not ePalted333< / Nach%m, which are ePalted to -----------------------------------. Hea"en, shall &o down %nto !h@ol> for if in !@dom the mi&ht: works had een seen that ha"e een seen in :o%, it wo%ld ha"e een standin& %ntil this da:3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=C 6%t $ sa: %nto :o%, That it /=C3 Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, That it shall e more tolera le for the /shall e easier for the land of land of !@dom in #the( 7a: of /!@dom in the 7a: of R%d&ement, than R%d&ment, than for :o%3 /for :o%3 =D At that time ,esh%a answerin& /=D34 At that time ,esh%a raised saidM $ 'raise Thee Father, Lord of/Himself %' and saidM @6e 'raised M: the Hea"en and of the earth, /Father-87GR9 $ &i"e Thee thanks<@, eca%se ,o% hid these thin&s from /0reator of #the( Hea"ens and the #the( c%nnin& and so'histicated, /earth, eca%se ,o% ha"e hidden and re"ealed them %nto a es3 /these words;thin&s from the wise /ones and the 'r%dent ones, and ha"e /re"ealed them %nto the h%m le ones3 =E ,ea, FatherM for 5so it was /=E3 Tr%l: this is eca%se it was well-'leasin& efore ,o%3 /%'ri&ht efore ,o%, M: Father3 58+9 it was so well-'leasin&333</ 879 ,es, O Father, for s%ch was -----------------------------------. ,o%r will efore ,o%3< 8G9 ,ea, M: Father, that so was the will efore Thee3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=F All thin&s were :ielded %' %nto/=F3 All has een &i"en %nto Me from Me : M: FatherM and no one 5knows /M: Father3 And there is none who the !on, ePce't the Father> neither/knows the !on %t the Father alone> 5knows an: one the Father, ePce't /and a o%t the Father none knows, the !on, and #he( to whome"er the / %t the !on, and to whome"er the !on wills to re"eal #Him(3 /!on wants to re"eal Him3 8+9 'erfectl: knows 333< / =G 0ome %nto Me, all #:o%( that /=G3 0ome %nto Me, all the ones la o%r and are hea"il:- %rdened, /wear: and who are end%rin& la or, U and $ will &i"e :o% rest3 /$ will @hel' :o% to ear :o%r :oke /-879 satisf: :o%<-8GP9 ease :o%<3@ =H Take M: :oke %'on :o%, and /=H3 Take M: :oke as :o%r :oke, and learn from Me> for $ am meek and /learn 5of Me> and know that $ am lowl: in heartM and :o% shall find /5h%m le and &ood and '%re of heartM rest %nto :o%r so%ls3 /and :o% shall find rest for :o%r 5879333of Me, for $ am dri"en o%t and downcast in s'irit,333< 58G9333eas: and meek in M: heart, and :o% shall find ease for :o%r so%ls3< 58P9333&entle and s% d%ed in m: heart333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AI For M: :oke #is( 'leasant /AI3 6eca%se M: :oke is @soft-8G9 -Leas:9, and M: %rden is li&ht3 /&entle<,@ and M: %rden li&ht3 0HAPT*1 2= -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 2= -He 3 2 At that time ,esh%a went on the /2385!T9U LkEM2< At that time ,esh%a !ha at thro%&h the &rainfields> /'assed thro%&h the standin& &rain and His Talmidim;disci'les were /in the da: of the !ha at> and His h%n&r:, and e&an to 'l%ck ears and/Talmidim, the: ein& h%n&r:, e&an to eat3 /to 'l%ck the ears and to cr%sh them

/ etween their hands and to eat /them3 -----------------------------------. 5This readin& a&rees with the Ara ic 7iatessaron, *'hraem@s Armenian commentar: on the 7iatessaron, G= and G2-#in 'art(, and Tatian@s harmon: in 'art3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------= 6%t when the P@r%shim saw #it(, /=3 And the P@r%shim saw it, and said %nto HimM 6ehold, ,o%r /said %nto HimM 6ehold :o%r Talmidim Talmidim are doin& that which is /are doin& a thin& which is not not lawf%l to do %'on !ha at3 /'ro'er to do accordin& to the /!ha at Lin the9 da:3 A 6%t He said %nto them, Ha"e :o% /A3 And answered %nto them ,esh%a, not read what 7a"id did, when he /And ha"e :o% not read what 7a"id was h%n&r:, and the: that were with/did when he was h%n&r: and his men> him> / C How he entered into the Ho%se of/C3 $n the ho%se of *lohim when the: *lohim;God, and Jm+9 the:K did eat /ate from the 6read of the Presence, the 6read of the Presence, which /which is not to e eaten, ePce't : was not lawf%l for him to eat, /the 0ohanim aloneS neither for them which were with / 58P93336read of the Lord@s him, %t onl: for the 0ohanim; / ta le, which333< PriestsS / D Or ha"e :o% not read in the /D3 And also in Torah ha"e :o% not Torah, how that on the !ha ats the/read that the 0ohanim in the Tem'le 0ohanim in the Tem'le 'rofane the /sometimes 'rofane the !ha atot and !ha at, and are &%iltlessS /are witho%t sinS E 6%t $ sa: %nto :o%, #One( /E3 Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, that the &reater than the Tem'le is here3 /Tem'le is &reater than this-Lit93 F 6%t if :o% had known what #this(/F3 $f :o% had known what this is, $ is, $ desire merc:, and not /desire kindness and not sacrifice, sacrifice, :o% wo%ld not ha"e /:o% wo%ldn@t ha"e con"icted the condemned the &%iltless3 /innocent3 G For the !on of man is JAM+9alsoK/G3 For the !on of man is Adon;Lord Lord of the !ha at3 /879 e"en< of the !ha at3 H And de'artin& from there, He /H34 And it was : the end of the came into their !:na&o&%eM /da:s, that ,esh%a 'assed on from /there, and came into their /!:na&o&%esM 2I And, ehold, there was a man /2I3 And was there a man with a which had #his( hand withered3 And /withered hand3 8N9 #And he said(, $ the: Q%estioned Him, sa:in&, $s it /was a mason, seekin& m: li"elihood lawf%l to heal on the !ha atsS /with m: hands, $ 'ra: Thee ,esh%a -that the: mi&ht acc%se Him3 /to restore me m: health, that $ not -----------------------------------. e& meanl: for m: food3< And #the:( asked of Him to sa: if it is 'ermissi le to heal in the !ha at3 879#.( 333And all this was that the: mi&ht acc%se Him efore the 6eit 7in3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------22 6%t He said %nto them, +hat man/223 And He said %nto them, +ho shall e amon& :o%, who shall ha"e /amon& :o% has a shee' %nto him that one shee', and if this #one( fall /falls into a 'it in the da: of into a 'it on the !ha ats, will he/!ha at, and does not raise it %'S not la: hold on it, and raise #it / o%t(S / 2= How m%ch #more( then #does( a /2=3 !o m%ch the more is man etter man ePcel a shee'S +herefore,-that /than that3 Therefore, it is it is lawf%l to do well-8+9&ood< on/'ermissi le and necessar: %nto man the !ha ats3 /to do etter in the !ha at3 -----------------------------------. 58P9 Now, how m%ch etter is @a h%man- ein&-8lit3Aramaic<-La son of man9@ than a shee'ST +herefore it is lawf%l to do what is &ood, on the !ha at3< -----------------------------------.-----------------------------------

2A Then said He to the man, !tretch forth :o%r hand3 And he stretched #it( forth> and it was restored J+9 so%nd, as the otherK3 2C 6%t the P@r%shim ha"in& went o%t, took #%'( a co%ncil a&ainst Him, how the: mi&ht destro: Him3 2D 6%t ,esh%a knowin&, withdrew from thereM and man: @m%ltit%des-8A9#(<@ followed Him, and He healed them all>

/2A3 Then He said %nto the man, /stretch forth :o%r hand3 And He /stretched forth his hand> and it /ret%rned as the other3 /2C3 Then the P@r%shim took co%nsel /and 'lotted to '%t Him to death3 / /2D3 And #so( it was after this, /#since( ,esh%a knew it, that He /t%rned aside from there3 And /followed after Him man: sick, and /He healed all of them> 2E And warned them 8+9 m%ch< that /2E3 And He commanded them sa:in& the: sho%ld not make Him manifestM /not to re"eal HimM 2F !o that mi&ht e filled; /2F3 $n order to esta lish what was com'lete that s'oken thro%&h /s'oken : 8G=9 the mo%th of< ,esha?:ah% the Pro'het, sa:in&, /,esha?:ah%, 2G 6ehold M: child-8+9 ser"ant<, /2G3 56ehold M: ser"ant, who $ ha"e whom $ ha"e chosen> M: 6elo"ed, in /selected> M: chosen One with whom whom M: so%l has deli&htedM $ will /M: so%l is 'leasedM 5$ will '%t M: '%t M: !'irit;1%ach %'on Him, and /1%ach %'on Him, and He shall He shall declare N%d&ement to the /declare N%stice to the &o:im3 &o:im-L&entiles 8lit3He < nations93/ 58GP9 Lo, M: sla"e in whom $ -----------------------------------. ha"e een 'leased, and M: 6elo"ed, in whom M: so%l hath deli&htedM333< 5879333M $ ha"e '%t M: 1%ach %'on Him, and He shall make the ri&ht to &o o%t %nto HaGo:im3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2H He shall not stri"e, nor cr: /2H3 And He won@t fear, and neither o%t> neither shall an: hear His /shall He r%n> and neither shall one "oice in the streets3 /hear His "oice in the streets3 =I A r%ised reed shall He not /=I3 A cr%shed reed JG9 HeK won@t reak, and smokin& flaP shall He / reak, and a dim 879 -l: %rnin&< not Q%ench, till He 5 rin& forth /wick JG9HeK won@t 5Q%ench, %ntil He N%d&ment %nto "ictor:3 /esta lishes %nto eternit:, N%stice3 58+9 ma: send forth333< / 879333Q%ench, He shall make / the ri&ht &o o%t accordin& to / the tr%th3< =2 And in His Name shall the Go:im/=23 And in His Name the Go:im ho'e3 -LGentiles 8lit3He 3< Nations9 / 879 He shall not fail nor e ho'e3 / disco%ra&ed, %ntil He has set / ri&ht in the earth> and the / isles will wait for His Torah3< == Then was ro%&ht %nto Him one /==34 Then was ro%&ht %nto Him one demon-'ossessed, lind, and d%m M /man 5 lind, and d%m , and demonand He healed him, insom%ch that /'ossessedM 5and He healed him3 And the JA9 lind andK d%m one co%ld /the crowds saw, oth s'eak and see3 / 58Ge#G(9 deaf and d%m and -----------------------------------. lind 333 5He healed him and ca%sed him to hear, to s'eak and see3< 8V2#G2(9333 in whom was a lind and deaf demon, 333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=A And all the crowds were amazed,/=A3 And mar"eled and saidM $s not and saidM $s not this the !on of /this 6en-7a"idST 7a"idST / =C 6%t when the P@r%shim heard /=C3 And the P@r%shim were Q%ick to #it(, the: said, This #one( does /hear this, and said, This one not cast o%t demons, ePce't : /doesn@t cast o%t demons, ePce't in 6a?al-B@"%"-8AM9 6a?al-Bi %l<, /6a?al-B@"%", master of the demons3 r%ler of the demons3 / =D 6%t ,esh%a knowin&;8m9 seein&< /=D3 And knew ,esh%a their tho%&hts, their tho%&hts, He;8m9 ,esh%a< said/and said to them in a 'ara le,

%nto them, *"er: kin&dom di"ided a&ainst itself is ro%&ht to r%in> and e"er: cit: or ho%se di"ided a&ainst itself shall not standM

/*"er: kin&dom amon& :o% di"ided /shall e made desolate> and so /e"er: cit: and ho%se in which /di"ision shall fall, shall not /standM =E And if !atan casts o%t !atan, /=E3 And if ha!atan casts o%t he was di"ided a&ainst himself> how/another satan, there shall e shall then his kin&dom standS /di"ision amon& them> how shall his /kin&dom standS =F And if $ : 6a?al-B@"%" cast /=F3 And if $ cast o%t the demons in o%t the demons, : whom do :o%r /6a?al-B@"%" elon&in& to :o%r sons, sons cast them o%tS therefore the: /wh: don@t the: cast them o%tS And shall e :o%r N%d&es3 /so %nto this the: shall e :o%r -----------------------------------.N%d&es3 58G9 And if $ : 6a?al-B@"%" cast o%t demons from :o%r sons, :o%r sons -- : what do the: cast them o%tS333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=G 6%t if $ cast o%t the demons :/=G3 And @if-879 eca%se<@ $ cast o%t the !'irit of *lohim;God, then the /the demons in the 1%ach;!'irit of Oin&dom of *lohim;God has come /*lohim, in tr%th the end of his%'on;8+9 ni&h %nto< :o%3 /L#!atan@s(9 kin&dom has come3 =H Or how can one enter into the /=H3 And how shall a man e a le to stron& one@s ho%se, and 'l%nder his/come into the ho%se of the stron& "essels;&oods, ePce't he first ind/one to take his &oods, if he the stron& oneS and then he will /doesn@t ind him firstS And then 'l%nder his ho%se3 /he shall 'l%nder in his ho%se3 AI He that is not with Me is /AI3 +hoe"er is not with Me is a&ainst Me> and he that &athers not/a&ainst Me> whoe"er doesn@t Noin with Me scatters3 /himself to Me denies Me3 A2 6eca%se of this $ sa: %nto :o%,/A23 ,ea, $ sa: %nto :o%, that all *"er: sin and las'hem: shall e /sin and las'hem: shall e for&i"en for&i"en %nto Jm9 :o%K menM %t the/the sons of menM %t las'hem: of las'hem: concernin& the #Hol:( /the 1%ach shall not e for&i"en3 !'irit;1%ach shall not e for&i"en /LAnd e"er:one who las'hemes the %nto men3 /Father and the !on shall e /for&i"en, if he re'ents39 A= And whoe"er s'eaketh a word /A=3 And all who sa: a word a&ainst a&ainst the !on of man, it shall e/the !on of man, it shall e for&i"en himM %t whoe"er s'eaks /for&i"en %nto himM and all who a&ainst @1%ach HaOodesh;the Hol: /s'eak a word a&ainst 1%ach !'irit@, it shall not e for&i"en /HaOodesh, it shall not e for&i"en him, neither in this a&e, neither /%nto him, not in this world, and in the #one( to come3 /not in the world to come3 -----------------------------------. 5Alt3 "3A= ancient readin&sM 8Rose'h9 He who sins a&ainst the Father and the !on has for&i"eness333< 8Nestor9 +ho has c%rsed the Father and the !on and the Hol: !'irit333he who c%rses the !on and re'ents, the Father will make atonement for him3< 8MsOr1omeVDA9 +hoe"er sins a&ainst the Father has for&i"eness if he re'ents333+hoe"er sins a&ainst the !on has for&i"eness3333< 813!hem To"@s comments after 2=MAH9 6ehold, the Father and the !on will for&i"e him, %t the !'irit will not for&i"e him<-#showin& 'ossi l: the readin& efore an: re"ision(3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AA *ither make the tree &ood, and /AA3 Make a tree &ood, accordin& to its fr%it &ood> or make the tree /&ood fr%it> or a tree ad, corr%'t, and its fr%it corr%'tM for/accordin& to ad fr%itM since the the tree is known of; : the fr%it3 /tr%th is, from the fr%it is known /the tree3 AC Offs'rin& of "i'ersT How can /AC3 Famil: of "i'ersT How can :o% :o%, ein& e"il, s'eak &ood thin&sS/s'eak %nto a &ood thin&;word, when for o%t of the a %ndance of the /:o% are e"ilS And s%rel: the mo%th

heart the mo%th s'eaks3 /awakens, the heart s'eaks3 AD The &ood man o%t of the &ood /AD3 A &ood man from the treas%re of treas%re JAM9 of the heartK rin&s /a &ood heart rin&s forth &oodM and forth &ood thin&sM and the e"il man/an e"il man from the 5treas%re of o%t of the e"il treas%re rin&s /an e"il heart rin&s forth e"il3 forth e"il thin&s3 / 58G9333e"il treas%re in his / heart e"il thin&s doth s'eak3< AE 6%t $ sa: %nto :o%, That e"er: /AE3 $ sa: %nto :o%, that for all idle word whate"er men ma: s'eak, /the words which man shall s'eak, he the: shall &i"e acco%nt concernin& /shall e reQ%ired to &i"e an it in #the( 7a: of R%d&ment3 /acco%nt :;for-Lon9 the 7a: of /R%d&ement3 AF For : :o%r words :o% shall e /AF3 Accordin& to :o%r words :o% N%stified, and : :o%r words :o% /shall e N%d&ed, and accordin& to shall e condemned3 /:o%r deeds :o% shall e con"icted3 AG Then some of the !cri es and of/AG34 At that time there came to the P@r%shim answered, sa:in&M /,esh%a a few P@r%shim and !a&es Teacher, we wish to see a si&n from/sa:in&M 879 1a en%< +e want to see :o%3 /a si&n from the Hea"ens : :o%3 AH 6%t He answered and said %nto /AH3 And He said %nto them, An e"il them, An e"il and ad%ltero%s /wicked &eneration seeks a si&n> %t &eneration seeks a si&n> and a si&n/no si&n shall e &i"en %nto it shall not e &i"en to it, ePce't /ePce't the si&n of ,onahM the si&n of the Pro'het ,onahM / CI For as ,onah was three da:s and/CI3 For as 5he was in the owels of three ni&hts in the h%&e-fish@s /the fish three da:s and three ell:> so shall the !on of man e /ni&hts> th%s shall the !on of man three da:s and three ni&hts in the / e in the ell: of the earth, for heart of the earth3 /three da:s and three ni&hts3 / 58G29333,onah the Pro'het333< C2 Men, Nine"eh-ites shall stand /C23 The men of Nine"eh shall rise %' in N%d&ment with this /%' in N%d&ement a o%t this &eneration, and shall condemn itM /&eneration, and shall condemn itM eca%se the: re'ented at the / eca%se the: t%rned in re'entance 'reachin& of ,onah> and, ehold, a /accordin& to the words of ,onah> Greater-than-,onah #is( here3 /and $ am &reater than ,onah3 C= The Q%een of the so%th shall e/C=3 The Q%een of !he a shall rise raised in the R%d&ment with this /%' %nto N%d&ement with this &eneration, and shall condemn itM /&eneration, and shall condemn itM for she came from the o%termost /for she came from the ends of the 'arts of the earth to hear the /earth to hear the wisdom of !hlomo> wisdom of !hlomo> and ehold, a /and ehold, $ am &reater than Greater-than-!hlomo #is( here3 /!hlomo3 CA Now when the %nclean s'irit is /CA3 And when an %nclean s'irit from &one o%t from a man, he &oes /the man &oes o%t, he &oes thro%&h thro%&h dr: 'laces, seekin& rest, /waterless 'laces, seekin& rest, and and does not find #it(3 /doesn@t find it3 CC Then he sa:s, $ will ret%rn /CC3 Then he sa:s, $ will ret%rn %nto m: ho%se from where $ came> /%nto m: ho%se that $ came o%t of> and comin&, he findeth #it( /and comin&, and findin& it em't:, standin& em't:, swe't, and /@safe, and read:-879 and cleaned decorated3 /o%t with sho"els and adorned<@, CD Then he &oes, and takes with /CD3 Then he takes se"en s'irits himself se"en other s'irits more /more e"il than himself from there, e"il than himself, and enterin& /and the: come to&ether with him, dwells thereM and the last thin&s /and dwell thereM and ecomes the of that man ecome worse than the /latter-end of the man worse than first3 !o shall it e also %nto /his first3 ,ea, it shall e so %nto this e"il &eneration3 /this e"il &eneration3 CE 6%t while He :et talked to the /CE3 +hile He was s'eakin& to all crowds, ehold, His mother and /the crowds, Land9 ehold His mother rothers stood o%tside, seekin& to /and His rothers were standin&

s'eak %nto Him3

/o%tside, seekin& for Him, to s'eak /with Him3 CF JA9 Then one said %nto Him, /CF3 JG9#-(K And one man said %nto 6ehold, ,o%r mother and ,o%r /Him, 6ehold, ,o%r mother and ,o%r rothers stand o%tside, seekin& to / rothers are seekin& to see ,o%3 s'eak %nto ,o%3K / CG 6%t He answered #and( said %nto/CG3 And He answered %nto the one the #one( s'eakin& %nto Him, +ho is/who s'oke, +ho is M: rother, and M: motherS and who are M: rothersS/who is M: motherS CH And stretchin& o%t His hand on /CH3 And He stretched o%t His hands -Ltoward9 His Talmidim;disci'les, /toward-Lon9 His Talmidim, and said, He said, 6ehold M: mother and M: /These, the: are M: mother and M: rothersT / rotherT DI For whoe"er does the will of M:/DI3 All who do the will of M: Father 8+9 who is< in the Hea"ens, /Father who is in the Hea"ens, he is that one is M: rother, and sister,/M: rother, and M: sisters, and M: and mother3 /mother3 0HAPT*1 2A -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 2A -He 3 2 And in that da: went ,esh%a o%t /234 $n that da:, ,esh%a went o%t of the ho%se, and He sat down : /from the ho%se, and sat on the sea the sea3 /shore3 = And &reat m%ltit%des were /=3 And m%ltit%des Noined themsel"es &athered %nto Him, so that He went /%ntil when He needed to come into into the oat, and sat down> and /a oat, and all the m%ltit%de was the whole m%ltit%de stood on the /standin& on the shore 8P9 of the shore3 /sea<3 A And He s'oke man: thin&s %nto /A3 And He s'oke %nto them man: them in 'ara les, sa:in&M 6ehold, /thin&s in 'ara les, and said %nto the sower went forth to sow> /themM A man went forth from his /ho%se in the mornin& to sow his /seed> C And in his sowin&, some #seeds( /C3 And in his sowin&, from it some tr%l: fell : the wa:side, and the /fell 5in the road, and @the irdsirds came and de"o%red themM /8P9 a ird<@ 87G=9 of the hea"ens< /ate itM / 8V=9333 on the road 333< D !ome fell %'on the ston: 'laces,/D3 And from it some fell in the where the: had not m%ch earthM and /rock, where there was no de'th of immediatel: it s'ran& %', eca%se /soilM and in its s'rin&in& %' it #of it( ha"in& not de'th of earthM /withered, eca%se there was not /m%ch soil thereM E And #the( s%n risin&, it was /E3 And when the s%n a o"e it ecame scorched> -and eca%se of #it( /warm, it was %rned and dried %'> ha"in& not root, was dried #%'(3 / eca%se #there was( no root to it3 F And other fell %'on the thorns> /F3 And from it some fell amon& the and the thorns &rew %', and choked /thorns> and the thorns &rew and themM /darkened itM G And other fell %'on the &ood /G3 And from it some fell in &ood &ro%nd, and ro%&ht forth fr%it, /&ro%nd, and it made fr%it, and the indeed one a h%ndred#fold(, and one/first ro%&ht forth a h%ndred, and siPt:, and one thirt:3 /the second siPt:, and the third /thirt:3 H The one who has ears JA9 to /H3 To those who ha"e ears JG29 to hearK, let him hear3 /hearK, let him hear3 2I And the Talmidim;disci'les /2I3 And then His Talmidim drew near came, #and( said %nto HimM +h: /to Him, and His Talmidim said %nto s'eak ,o% %nto them in 'ara lesS /HimM +h: do ,o% s'eak in 'ara lesS 22 He answered and said %nto them,/223 And He said, -nto :o% its &i"en 6eca%se it has een &i"en %nto :o% /the Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens to to know the m:steries of the /know, and not to them3 Oin&dom of the Hea"ens, %t to / those it has not een &i"en3 /

2= For whoe"er has, to him shall /2=3 -nto whoe"er has, a&ain %nto e &i"en, and he shall ha"e /him shall e &i"enM and %nto a %ndanceM %t whoe"er has not, /whoe"er has not, that what he from him shall e taken e"en what /thinks he has, shall e taken from he has3 /him3 2A Therefore s'eak $ to them in /2A3 5A o%t this $ s'eak 879 to :o%< 'ara lesM eca%se the: seein& see /in 'ara lesM 5 eca%se the: see, not> and hearin& the: hear not, /and #:et( the: don@t see> the: neither %nderstand3 /hear, and #:et( the: don@t hear, -----------------------------------. 528G9 Therefore in 'ara les do $ s'eak with them, that what the: see the: ma: not see, and what the: hear the: ma: not hear and ma: not %nderstand, that ne"er the: sho%ld t%rn aro%nd3< 5=8V=9333M who see indeed, %t do not 'ercei"e> and hear indeed, %t do not %nderstand3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2C And %'on them is com'leted the /2C3 To com'lete what was said 'ro'hec: of ,esha?:ah%, which saidM/thro%&h ,esha?:ah% the Pro'hetM Go $n hearin& :e shall hear, and in no/and sa: %nto this 'eo'le, 5,o%r wa: know;%nderstand> and seein& :e /hearin& -hear, and the: don@t know> shall see, and in no wa: 'ercei"eM /:o%r seein& -see, and the: don@t -----------------------------------.%nderstand> 58G9333A 8G29 r%mo%r< :e shall hear 8G=9 indeed< and shall not %nderstand, 8G=9 a "ision< :e shall see JG=9 indeedK and shall not see>< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2D For this 'eo'le@s heart has /2D3 Make the heart of this 'eo'le &rown fat, and with the ears /fat, and make their ears hea":, and hea"il: the: hear, and their e:es / lind their e:es> lest the: sho%ld the: ha"e closed> lest the: see /see with their e:es3 87.9 and hear with the e:es and the: hear with /with their ears, and %nderstand the ears, and %nderstand with the /with their heart, and ret%rn and e heart, and come ack #%nto Me(, and/healed3< $ 8AM9 wo%ld< heal them3 / 58G9333and their ears the: ha"e / made hea": that the: sho%ld not / hear, and their e:es the: ha"e / closed333< 2E 6%t lessed;8+9 ha'':< #are( /2E3 And ha'': are :o%r e:es that :o%r e:es, for the: seeM and :o%r /seeM and :o%r ears that hear3 ears, for the: hear3 / 2F For tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, That /2F3 Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, that man: Pro'hets and ri&hteo%s #ones( /man: Pro'hets and @tzaddikim; desired to see what :o% see, and /ri&hteo%s ones@ desired to see what did not see> and to hear what :o% /:o% see, and the: didn@t see, and hear, and did not hear3 /to hear what :o% hear, and the: /didn@t hear3 2G Hear :o% therefore the 'ara le /2G3 6%t :o% hear the 'ara le of the of the sowerM /@sower-879 seed<@M 2H *"er:one who hears the +ord of /2H3 The !owerS -He is the !on of the Oin&dom, and %nderstands #it( /man3 And the seed which fell in the not, #then( comes the e"il one, and/roadS -all those who hear the catches awa: that which was sown /Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens, and in his heart3 This is the #seed( /don@t %nderstand it3 ha!atan comes sown : the wa: side3 /and snatches awa: from his heart /@all what was sown in it-8G9 the /seed<-8P9 the seed sowed<@3 =I And the #seed( sown %'on the /=I3 And that which fell on the ston: 'laces is thisM the #one( /rockS -he is the one who hears the that hears the +ord, and at once /+ord of God;Ha*l, and he recei"es with No: recei"es it> /it immediatel: in No:> =2 6%t has no root in himself, %t/=23 And #:et( he is witho%t root is tem'orar:- %t tri %lation or /and in conf%sion- and when comes a

'ersec%tion occ%rrin& @ eca%se of /little tro% le and distress %nto -Lthro%&h9@ the +ord, at once he is/them, ha!atan ca%ses them to for&et offended> /from their heart> -----------------------------------. 8G29 6eca%se it hath no root in him, a little while he standeth in it, %t what #time( there is distress or 'ersec%tion eca%se of the word Q%ickl: he @is offended-8P9 st%m leth<@3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------== And that sown in the thorns is /==3 And that which fell in the thisM the #one( that hears the /thornsS -this is the one who hears +ord> and the anPiet: of this a&e, /the +ord 879#.( of God<> 8P9 and and the deceit of riches, choke 8+9/care for this world<, and in his o%t< the +ord, and it ecometh /desire to &ather wealth, ha!atan %nfr%itf%l> /ca%ses him to for&et the +ord of /God;Ha*l, and he doesn@t make #an:( /fr%it> =A 6%t that sown %'on the &ood /=A3 And that which fell in the &ood &ro%nd is thisM the #one( that /&ro%ndS -he is the one who hears hears the +ord, and %nderstands /@the-8P9M:<@ +ord and 5%nderstands #it(> who indeed ears fr%it, and /it> and makes fr%it, that is, from rin&s forth -one tr%l: a /&ood works3 And he rin&s forth h%ndred#fold(, and one siPt:, and /from the first a h%ndred, U from one thirt:3 /the second siPt:, U from the third -----------------------------------.thirt:3 As for the h%ndred -this is the one '%rified of heart and sanctified of od:3 As from the siPt: -this is the one se'erated from women3 And from the thirt: -this is the one sanctified in matrimon:, in od:, and in heart3 58G9333attendeth to it>333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=C Another 'ara le '%t He efore /=C34 And He 8G29 added and< 'laced them, sa:in&, The Oin&dom of the / efore them another 'ara le3 The Hea"ens is likened %nto a man /Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens is likened sowin& &ood seed in his fieldsM /%nto a man who sows &ood seed in /his fieldM =D 6%t while the men sle't, his /=D3 And it was that as the men were enem: came and sowed darnel-Ltares9/slee'in&, his enem: came and sowed amon& the wheat, and went awa:3 /tares o"er the wheat, and he left3 =E And when the lade s'ro%ted, /=E3 And it was when the her &rew and ro%&ht forth fr%it, then /%' to make fr%it, and he saw the a''eared the darnel also3 /tares3 =F And the sla"es of the /=F3 And drew near the ser"ants of ho%semaster came near and said %nto/the master of the field to him and him, !ir, did not :o% sow &ood seed/said to him, O%r master, didn@t :o% in :o%r fieldS #from( where then /sow &ood seedS And #so( from where has it the darnelS / ecame the tares3 =G And he said %nto them, A 5man, /=G3 And he said %nto them, M: enem: an enem: has done this3 And the /he did this3 And the:, his sla"es said %nto him, 7esire :o% /ser"ants, said %nto him, 8G9 $f then, #that( we &oin& o%t, ma: /tho% wilt< +e@ll %'root the tares3 &ather themS / 8+9 hostile man did this3 333< / =H 6%t he said, Na:> lest /=H3 And he said %nto them, No, lest &atherin& the darnel, :o% ma: root /:o% %'root the wheat3 %' the wheat with them3 / AI Allow oth to &row to&ether /AI3 6%t let them remain to&ether %ntil the har"estM and in the time /and &row %' %ntil the har"estM and of the har"est $ will sa: to the /in the time of the har"est, $@ll rea'ers, Gather first the darnel /sa: %nto the rea'ers to c%t-off; -Ltares9, and ind them into /&ather the tares first and ind %ndles in order to %rn themM %t /them into indi"id%al %ndles for assem le the wheat into m: &ranar:3/ %rnin&M and the wheat '%t in the /@&ranar:-879 floor<@3

A2 Another 'ara le He 'resented /A23 And He 'laced %nto them another %nto them, sa:in&M The Oin&dom of /'ara leM The Oin&dom of #the( the Hea"ens is like to a &rain of /Hea"ens is like %nto a &rain of m%stard 8+9 seed<, which a man /m%stard, which a man takes and sows took, #and( sowed in his fieldM /in the field3 A= +hich indeed is less than all /A=3 And it is smaller than all the seeds> %t when it is &rown, is/&arden her s> and in its &rowin& &reater than the 'lants, and /%', it is lar&er than all the ecomes a tree, so that the irds /her s, and is made into a lar&e of the hea"en come and roost in the/tree, %ntil irds of the hea"ens, ranches thereof3 /-the: withdraw into its ranches3 AA Another 'ara le s'oke He %nto /AA3 And He s'oke to them another them> The Oin&dom of the Hea"ens is/'ara le3 The Oin&dom of #the( like %nto lea"en, which a woman /Hea"ens is like %nto lea"en which a took, #and( hid in three seahs of /8G=9 wise< woman '%ts in three meal, %ntil the whole was lea"ened3/meas%res of flo%r, and it lea"ens /all of it3 AC All these thin&s s'oke ,esh%a /AC3 All these 'ara les ,esh%a s'oke %nto the m%ltit%de in 'ara les> and/%nto the m%ltit%des> and witho%t a witho%t a 'ara le s'oke He not %nto/'ara le he didn@t s'eak to themM themM / AD !o that was filled;com'lete /AD3 To com'lete what was s'oken that s'oken thro%&h the Pro'het, /accordin& to the Pro'hetM $ will sa:in&M $ will o'en M: mo%th in /o'en in 'ara les M: mo%th> 5$ will 'ara les> $ will %tter thin&s /%tter riddles 5from-879 concernin&< hidden from #the( fo%ndation Jm+9of/ancient times3 #the( worldK3 / 58G9333> and $ shall s'eak / thin&s secret from of old3< / 58P9333from efore the / fo%ndation of the world3< AE Then 5,esh%a sendin& the /AE3 Then was 'arted ,esh%a from the m%ltit%de awa:, came into the /m%ltit%des, and came to the ho%seM ho%seM and His Talmidim came %nto /and %nto Him came His Talmidim, and Him, sa:in&, *P'lain %nto %s the /asked Him %nto the inter'retation 'ara le of the darnel of the field3/for them, of the 'ara le of the 58+9 lea"in& the m%ltit%des, He /tares3 came into the ho%seM 333< / AF He answered and said %nto them,/AF3 And He answered and said %nto The #One( that sows the &ood seed /them, The One sowin& &ood seed, -He is the !on of man> /is the @Man-8P9 *lohim;God<@3 AG And the field is the world> and/AG3 And the fieldS -its this world> the &ood seed these are the sons of/And the &ood fr%itS -the:@re the the Oin&dom> %t the darnel-Ltares9/ri&hteo%s ones> And the taresS are the sons of the *"il One> /-the:@re the @e"il ones-879children /of 6@li:a@al<@> AH The enem: who sowed them is the/AH3 And the enem: who sowed itS -he Acc%ser-LTrad%cer9> and the har"est/5is ha!atan> And the standin& is #the( com'letion of the a&e> and/&rainS -its the latter end, namel:, the rea'ers are #the( an&els, /the world to come> And the rea'ersS /-the:@re the an&els, / 58G9333is the *"il One>333< CI As therefore the darnel-Ltares9/CI3 And as;when the: &ather the is collected and cons%med in the /tares to %rn> :ea it shall e in fire> so shall it e in the /the end of the da:s3com'letion of this a&e3 / C2 The !on of man shall send forth/C23 The !on of man, shall send from His an&els, and the: shall &ather /His an&els to %'root from 8G;Ge9the o%t of His Oin&dom all the /ho%se of< His Oin&dom all 5e"il and offenses, and those who 'ractice /all those who do iniQ%it:3 @"iolation of the Torah-LCDG9>@ / 58P9333the st%m lin& locks333< C= And shall cast them into the /C=3 And the: shall cast them into f%rnace of the fireM there shall e/the ':re of fireM and there shall

the wee'in& and the &nashin& of the/ e wee'in& and &nashin& of teeth3 teeth3 / CA Then shall the ri&hteo%s shine /CA3 Then shall shine the @ri&hteo%s forth as the s%n in the Oin&dom of /ones;tzaddikim@ as the s%n in the their Father3 The #one( who has /Oin&dom of their Father3 -nto ears JA9 to hearK, let him hear3 /whoe"er has ears @to-8G29 that he /sho%ld<@ hear, let him hear3 CC A&ain, the Oin&dom of the /CC3 A&ain answered ,esh%a %nto His Hea"ens is like %nto treas%re hid /Talmidim, The Oin&dom of #the( in the field> which when a man had /Hea"ens it is like %nto a man, the fo%nd, he hid, and from the No: of /one #who( finds treas%re which had it he &oes and sells all thin&s / een hidden> and in No: from the whate"er he hath, and %:s that /"al%e, he sells all which is %nto field3 /him and %:s the field for himself3 CD A&ain, the Oin&dom of the /CD3 And a&ain, the Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens is like %nto a merchant, a /Hea"ens is like %nto a man, a man seekin& ePcellent 'earlsM /merchant, the one seekin& 'recio%s /stonesM CE +ho, findin& one 'earl -"er: /CE3 And when he finds a &ood one, 'recio%s, &oin& awa: has sold all /he sells all that is %nto him, and thin&s that he had, and o%&ht it3 / %:s it3 CF A&ain, the Oin&dom of the /CF3 The Oin&dom of #the( Hea"ens Hea"ens is like %nto a net, cast /is like %nto a net in the midst of into the sea, and &athered to&ether/the sea, eca%se all kinds of fish of e"er: kindM /the: &ather in itM CG +hich, when it was f%ll, #the:(/CG3 And when it is f%ll, the: draw drew %' onto the shore, and sittin&/it o%t, and the fishermen &o forth down, collected the &ood into /and the: choose 5the &ood ones for "essels, and the: cast the corr%'t /their "essels, and the ad the: o%t3 /cast o%t3 / 58GeG9333o%t the fishes - the / &ood #as( &ood,333< CH !o shall it e in the /CH3 Th%s it shall e in the end of com'letion of the a&eM the an&els /the da:sM The an&els shall &o forth shall &o forth, and shall se'arate /and the: shall se'arate the e"il the e"il from #the( midst of the /from the midst of @the ri&hteo%s; ri&hteo%s, /tzaddikim@, DI And shall cast them into the /DI3 And then the: shall cast them f%rnace of the fireM there shall e/into the ':re of fireM there shall the wee'in& and the &nashin& of the/ e wee'in& and &nashin& of their teeth3 /teeth3 D2 JA9 ,esh%a said %nto themK, 7id/D23 And He said %nto them, #7o( :o% :o% discern all these thin&sS The: /%nderstand thisS And the: said, said %nto Him, ,ea, JA9 MasterK3 /,ea3 8N9 And He said, $ choose for -----------------------------------.M:self them that are well 'leasin&M the well 'leasin& are the: whom M: Father who is in the Hea"ens @&i"eth;hath &i"en@ Me3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------D= And said He %nto them, 6eca%se /D=3 Accordin& to this, e"er: wise of this e"er: !cri e schooled into /man is com'ared in the Oin&dom of the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens is like /#the( Hea"ens %nto a man -a father %nto a man #that is( a master of a /of small children, who rin&s forth ho%se, who rin&s-L'%ts9 forth o%t /from his treas%re thin&s new, #and( of his treas%re #thin&s( new U old3/also #thin&s( old3 DA And it came to 'ass, #that( /DA34 And it was after this, when when ,esh%a had finished these /,esh%a finished these words, He 'ara les, He de'arted from there3 /'assed on from there, DC And when He was come into His /DC3 And came into his own 5co%ntr:, own co%ntr:, He ta%&ht them in /and was teachin& to the 'eo'le in their s:na&o&%e, insom%ch #that( /the s:na&o&%es3 And the P@r%shim the: were astonished, e"en to sa:, /the: were amazed, and the: said +here has-Lto9 this one this /in their hearts, From where came

wisdom, and the 'owerf%l worksS

/to this one the wisdom and 'ower /to do these deedsS / 58GP9 cit:,< DD $s not this the car'enter@s /DD3 5$sn@t #this( son of the smith sonS #is( not his mother called /and Mir:amS 7o :o% not know all Mir:amS and his rothers, ,a?ako", /theseM his mother Mir:am, and his and ,osi-8A9 ,osef<, and !him?on, /JG9threeK rothers, 8G9,a?ako" and< and ,@h%dahS /,osef-8P9 ,osi<, and !him?on, and -----------------------------------. ,@h%dahS, 58G9 $sn@t this ,osef@s son, the car'enterS And the name of his mother, Mir:amS333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------DE And his sisters, are the: not /DE3 And his sistersS 7o :o% not all with %sS From where then has /know all these who are with %sS And -Lto9 this #one( all these thin&sS /from where came to this one all /these #thin&s(S DF And the: were offended in Him3 /DF3 And so the: were conf%sed 6%t ,esh%a said %nto themM A /a o%t;in Him3 And ,esh%a answered Pro'het is not witho%t hono%r, /%nto themM5Not is a Pro'het witho%t ePce't in his #own( homeland, and /honor %nto him, ePce't in his own in his own ho%se3 /land, and his cit:, and his ho%se3 -----------------------------------. 58Ne9333M No Pro'het is c%rsed ePce't in his own cit:;land< 8Nizzahon Vet%sV=IF9MA Pro'het is not held in contem't or a %sed sa"e in his own cit:;land and in a 'lace where he he is not reco&nized3< 8GP9 There is not a Pro'het who is @ins%lted-8P9 little<@, sa"e-8G=9 %t< in his cit: and in his ho%se3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------DG And He did not man: 'ower-works/DG3 And He didn@t want to do there there eca%se of their %n elief3 /an: si&n eca%se of 5their @little /faith-879 st% ornness<@3 / 58G9333their lack of faith3< 0HAPT*1 2C -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 2C -He 3 2 At that time Herod the re&ional /23 At that time heard Herod the &o"ernor-Ltetrarch9 heard the fame /Tetrarch heard re'orts a o%t of ,esh%a, /,esh%a3 = And said %nto his ser"ants, This/=3 And he said %nto his @ser"antsis ,ochanan HaMat il-Lthe /879 :o%n& men<,@ 6ehold, $ elie"e $mmerser9> he is risen from the /that ,ochanan HaMat il 87GP.9 risen dead> and therefore the 'ower-works/from the 8P9ho%se of the< dead< 5is o'erate in him3 /doin& these miracles3 -----------------------------------. 587#P(9333 therefore the 'owerLs9 are workin& in;8V=9thro%&h< him<-8G9Therefore &reat is his 'ower3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A For Herod had seized ,ochanan, /A3 This was 'ertainin& to Herod o%nd him, and '%t #him( in 'rison /ha"in& seized ,ochanan in those eca%se of Herodias, his rother /da:s, and ha"in& o%nd him in Phili'@s wife3 /'rison3 This was eca%se he was /re'ro"in& him that he sho%ld not /take Herodias for a wife, eca%se /she was the wife of his rother3 C For ,ochanan said %nto him, $t /C3 5And ,ochanan was sa:in& %nto is not lawf%l for :o% to ha"e her3 /him,5!he isn@t a''ro'riate for :o%3 -----------------------------------. 5879 For she said %nto himM ,ochanan is not worth: to e with :o%3< 58G9,333$t is not lawf%l for thee @that she sho%ld e a wife of thine-8G29 to take her@<3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------D And #while( wishin& to kill him>/D3 And ehold, Herod ecame wantin& he feared the m%ltit%de, eca%se /to kill him> ePce't for fear of the the: held him as a Pro'het3 /'eo'le who elie"ed he was a

/Pro'het amon& them3 E 6%t Herod@s irthda: ein& held,/E3 And in the feast of Herod@s the da%&hter of Herodias danced in / irthda:, he called %nto his the midst #of them(, and 'leased /im'ortant ones of the kin&dom to Herod3 /eat with him3 And while the: were /eatin&, his da%&hter danced amon& /them, and it was &ood accordin& to /Herod, F +here%'on he 'romised with an /F3 And he swore to her to &i"e to oath to &i"e her whate"er she /her all that she asked from him3 sho%ld ask3 / G !o she, ein& %r&ed on : her /G3 And the &irl, ein& instr%cted mother, she sa:s, Gi"e me here /from her mother, asked for the head ,ochanan the $mmerser@s head on a /of ,ochanan @HaMat il;the $mmerser@ 'latter3 /in a owl3 H And the kin& was &rie"edM %t /H3 And the kin& was "er: sad, eca%se of the oath@s, and them who/ eca%se of the oath which he had reclined-Lsat9 with #him(, he /made efore those in"ited3 6%t, he ordered #it to( e &i"en #her(3 /commanded to do so, 2I And he sendin&, eheaded /2I3 And sent to kill ,ochanan in ,ochanan in the 'rison3 /the 'rison3 22 And his head was ro%&ht on a /223 And the: ro%&ht the head of 'latter, and was &i"en to the &irlM/,ochanan in a owl, and the: &a"e and she ro%&ht #it( to her mother3/it %nto the &irl, and the &irl &a"e /it %nto her mother3 2= And his Talmidim ha"in& come, /2=3 And then came Talmidim of took the od: and %ried it> and /,ochanan, and the: took the od:, comin& told #of it( %nto ,esh%a3 /and the: %ried it> and the /Talmidim told these thin&s %nto /,esh%a3 2A And ,esh%a hearin&, de'arted /2A3 And when ,esh%a heard it, He from there in a oat into a desert /de'arted from there JGP9 in a oatK 'lace a'artM and #when( the crowds /and went 8G2P9 himself alone< into had heard #the:( followed Him on /the desert of ,@h%dahM and when the foot from the cities3 /crowds heard, the: followed after /Him 8P9 : dr: land< 8G9 on foot< /from all the cities 8G9U "illa&es<3 2C And ,esh%a &oin& o%t, saw a /2C34 And when the: came o%t, He saw &reat m%ltit%de, and was filled /followin& Him man: 'eo'le, and He with com'assion toward them, and He/ePtended kindness to them, and healed their infirm #ones(3 /healed all of the diseases of them3 2D And e"enin& comin&, His /2D3 And in the e"enin& His Talmidim Talmidim came near to Him, sa:in&, /came near to Him, and the: said The 'lace is desert, and the ho%r /%nto Him, This 'lace is limited, is alread: &one> dismiss the /and the time ad"ancin&3 Let the m%ltit%de, that the: ma: &o awa: /m%ltit%de &o into the towers, and into the "illa&es, #and( ma: %: /so the: ma: take the necessities for themsel"es foods3 /to themsel"es3 2E 6%t ,esh%a said %nto them, The:/2E3 And answered %nto them ,esh%a, ha"e no need to de'art> :o% &i"e /The: ha"e no need to &o> :o% &i"e them #food( to eat3 /%nto them to eat3 2F 6%t the: said %nto Him, +e ha"e/2F3 And the: answered, Nothin& is nothin& here %t fi"e loa"es, and /%nto %s here %t onl: fi"e loa"es two fish3 /#and( two fish3 2G And He said, 6rin& them here to/2G3 And @He-8P9 ,esh%a<@ said %nto Me3 /them, 6rin& them to Me3 2H And commandin& the m%ltit%de to/2H3 And then He commanded, the recline-Lsit9 on the &rass, and /'eo'le, that the: sit on the &rass takin& the fi"e loa"es, and the two/879#.(in the field<3 And when the: fish, lookin& %' to the Hea"en, He /sat, He took the fi"e loa"es, and lessed, and reakin&, He &a"e the /the two fish, and while He was loa"es to the Talmidim-Ldisci'les9,/lookin& towards the Hea"ens,

and the Talmidim to the m%ltit%de3 /6lessed them, and di"ided them, and /&a"e them %nto His Talmidim, and /the Talmidim, -the: distri %ted /them %nto the &ro%'s3 =I And all ate, and were /=I3 And the: all ate, and the: were satisfiedM and the: took %' of the /satisfied3 And likewise from the ePcess fra&ments, twel"e /fish the: ate accordin& to what hand askets f%ll3 /the: wanted3 And after the: had -----------------------------------.eaten, the: took the fra&ments 5that remained, and filled from them twel"e @seahs3-Lseah ) 2C Q%arts9@3 58V2#G2(9333 from efore them twel"e askets f%ll3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=2 And the #ones( that had eaten /=23 And it was that the n%m er of were a o%t fi"e tho%sand men, /those eatin& @were-8.inM7;M%nster<@ esides women and children3 /fi"e tho%sand men, esides the /women and the children3 == And immediatel: ,esh%a /==3 And after this, He commanded constrained His Talmidim to enter /%nto His Talmidim to &ather in a into the oat, and to &o efore Him/ oat, that the: mi&ht &o efore Him %nto the other side, %ntil He /5into that cit: which the sho%ld dismiss the m%ltit%des3 /m%ltit%des were &oin&3 / 58V2#G2(9333 to the other side / of the lake, %ntil He sho%ld / dismiss those m%ltit%des3< =A And when He had sent the /=A3 And after He let the m%ltit%des m%ltit%des awa:, He went into the /&o, He went %nto a mo%ntain and mo%ntain alone to 'ra:M and #when /'ra:ed aloneM -and #it( was at the the( e"enin& was come, He was there/time of e"enin&, and He was alone3 /standin& alone3 =C And the oat was now @in the /=C34 And the oat was @in the midst midst of the sea-8A9 man: f%rlon&s /of the sea-8GP9 distant from the awa: from the land<@, tossed : the/land man: stadia-L4EII@9<@, and wa"esM for the wind was contrar:3 /5the wa"es of the sea were dri"in&, for the wind was 5contrar:3 528G29333 @Lthe lake was a&itated a&ainst them9; it-#the oat( was a&itated : the wa"es of the lake@ ,333< 5=87G9333contrar: to them3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=D 6%t in the fo%rth watch of the /=D3 6:-Ltowards;a o%t9 the fo%rth ni&ht ,esh%a went toward them, /watch of the ni&ht ,esh%a came walkin& on the sea3 /towards them, walkin& on the sea; /8V2#G2(9 water<3 =E And the Talmidim seein& Him /=E3 And when the Talmidim saw Him walkin& on the sea, the: were /walkin& on 8G9 the wa"es of< the tro% led, sa:in&, $t is a 'hantom> /sea, the: were alarmed, thinkin& He and the: cried o%t of fear3 /was a demon> and from their &reat /fear the: were cr:in& o%t3 =F 6%t immediatel: ,esh%a s'ake /=F3 And then answered %nto them %nto them, sa:in&, 6e comforted> 5$/,esh%a, and said %nto them, Let AMT 7o not fear3 /there e faith in;amon&st :o%> For 58+9 $ am here> fear not3< /$ am HeT and don@t :o% fear3 =G And Oefa answered Him and said,/=G3 And 8G9 !him?on< Oefa answered Lord, @if it is ,o%-L8lit3Greek< if/Him and said, Master-LAdon@9, if 5,o% are9@, command me to come %nto/,o% are He, command me to come to ,o% on the waters3 /,o% on the water3 58+9 ,o% are there, command333</ =H And He said, 0ome3 And #when( /=H3 And ,esh%a answered %nto him, Oefa was come down from the oat, /0ome3 And 8G9 !him?on< Oefa #he( walked on the waters, @to &o- /descended from the oat, and walked 8m+9 and came<@ to ,esh%a3 /on the sea, and came towards /,esh%a3

AI 6%t when he saw @that-8A9#(<@ /AI3 And eca%se of him seein& the the wind #was( @stron&-8A9#(<@, he /stren&th of the wind, he feared was afraid> and e&innin& to sink, /m%ch, and while he e&an to sink, he cried o%t, sa:in&, Lord, sa"e /he cried o%t and said, Master meT /-LAdon@9, sa"e me3 A2 And immediatel: ,esh%a /A23 And immediatel: ,esh%a stretched forth the hand, took hold/stretched forth His hand, and took of him, and said %nto him, Little /him, and said %nto him, Man of -faith, wh: did :o% do% tS /little faith, a o%t what did :o% /do% tS A= And the: &oin& into the oat, /A=3 And when the: went %' into the the wind ceased3 / oat, 879 immediatel:< the wind /rested3 AA Then the: that were in the oat/AA3 And those in the oat the: &a"e JA9 came UK owed-in-re"erence-%nto/-re"erence %nto Him, and the: said, Him, sa:in&, Of a tr%th ,o% are the/$n tr%th ,o% are He- 6en-*lohim !on of God3 /-Lthe !on of God93 AC And 'assin& o"er, the: came /AC3 J-K 879 And the: de'arted from @into-8A9 to land at<@ the land of /o"er the sea, and came to the land Ginosar3 /of Ge:-N@sar3< AD And when the men of that 'lace /AD3 And when the 'eo'le of the reco&nized Him, the: sent into all /'lace reco&nized Him, the: sent that nei&h orhood, and ro%&ht %nto/into all 5that kin&dom, and the: Him all those that had illness> / ro%&ht %nto Him all the ones @sick /from all kinds of diseases-879 that /were in an e"il state<@> / 58P9333"illa&es aro%nd them,333< AE And e&&ed Him that the: mi&ht /AE3 And the: e&&ed Him that He onl: to%ch the tzitzit of His ro eM/mi&ht e 'leased to allow them to and as man: as to%ched were made /to%ch : the corner;frin&e of His 'erfectl: whole3 /&armentM and all who to%ched were /@healed-879 deli"ered<@3 0HAPT*1 2D -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 2D -He 3 2 Then came to ,esh%a !cri es and /234 Then came to ,esh%a the !a&es P@r%shim, the #ones( from /and the P@r%shim, and the: said ,er%shala:im, sa:in&, /%nto Him, = +h: do :o%r Talmidim trans&ress /=3 For what do :o%r Talmidim the tradition of the *ldersS for /trans&ress the re&%lations of the: wash not their hands when the:/antiQ%it:, in that the: don@t wash eat read3 /their hands efore the: eatS A 6%t He answered and said %nto /A3 And ,esh%a said %nto them, and them, +h: do :o% also trans&ress /for what do :o% trans&ress from the the commandment of God on acco%nt /!a:in& of God;Ha*l for the sake of of :o%r traditionS /:o%r re&%lationsS, C For God commanded, sa:in&M /C3 56eca%se God;Ha*l saidM Honor Hono%r th: father and mother> and, /:o%r father and :o%r mother> and he the #one( s'eakin& e"il of father /who strikes his father and his or mother, let him die-Lend9 : /mother, : death he shall die3 death3 / 5879 $s it not written in :o%r / Torah from the mo%th of GodM333< D 6%t :o% sa:, +hoe"er shall sa: /D3 And :o%, :o% sa: that whate"er to the father or the mother, #$t /word shall sa: the man %nto his is( a &ift, whate"er :o% wo%ld &ain/father and %nto his mother, in :;from me> /re&ards to an: donation that he /mi&ht &i"e for the sake of him as a /sinner, that iniQ%it: %nto him, is /for&i"en him> E And he hono%rs in no wa: his /E3 And #:et( he doesn@t honor his father JAm9or his motherK, And :o% /father 5and his mother, and #so( ann%lled the @commandment-8A9+ord<-/:o% des'ise the !a:in& of God;*l in 8m9Torah<@ of God on acco%nt of /:o%r re&%lations3 :o%r tradition3 /5JG=#-(U his mother> %t is in G2TK

F H:'ocritesT well ,esha?:ah% /F3 +oe, h:'ocritesT 6ehold, 8#7(GP9 'ro'hesied concernin& :o%, sa:in&, /well did the Pro'het< ,esha?:ah% /'ro'hesied of :o% and said, G This 'eo'le JA9draweth ni&h %nto/G3 Th%s said ,HVH, 6eca%se JGP9ha"e Me with their mo%th, andK honor Me /come nearK this 'eo'le JGP9in their with #their( li's> %t their heart /mo%th, andK : their li's the: ha"e is far awa: from Me, /honored Me> and #:et( their heart /is far from Me, H 6%t in "ain the: adore;worshi' /H3 And the re"erence of them to Me, Me, teachin& #as( teachin&s; /are commandments of men, from doctrines #the( ordinances of men3 /#them( ha"in& een ta%&ht3 2I And He called the m%ltit%de /2I3 And ,esh%a called %nto the near, and said %nto themM Hear, and/m%ltit%des, and said %nto themM %nderstandM /Hear and lookM 22 Not the #thin&( which &oeth /223 That enterin& thro%&h the mo%th into the mo%th defiles the man> %t/doesn@t soil the man> %t that the #thin&( which comes o%t of the /which &oes o%t from the mo%th, mo%th, this defiles the man3 /-soils the man3 2= Then came His Talmidim, #and( /2=3 Then came near His Talmidim to the: said %nto HimM Onow ,o% that /Him and the: said %nto HimM Onow the P@r%shim were offended, hearin&/that the P@r%shim the: were the sa:in&S /'er'lePed-Lem arrassed9 eca%se of /this word3 2A 6%t He answerin& said, *"er: /2A3 And answered %nto them ,esh%a, 'lant, which M: Hea"enl: Father /*"er: 'lant which wasn@t 'lanted hath not 'lanted, shall e rooted /#of( M: Father who is in the %'3 /Hea"ens, shall e destro:ed3 2C Lea"e them #alone(M the: are /2C3 Lea"e them aloneM since the lind leaders Jm9 of the lindK3 / lind are leadin& for lind ones3 And if the lind lead the lind, /And if a lind man leads another oth shall fall into a 'it3 / lind man ehind, oth of them /shall fall into a 'it3 2D And answerin& Oefa said %nto /2D3 And answered Oefa %nto Him, Him, *P'lain %nto %s this 'ara le3 /Master, 'aeroosh-Linter'ret9 %nto /%s this riddle3 2E 6%t ,esh%a said, Are :o% also /2E3 And answered %nto them ,esh%a, :et @witho%t %nderstandin& /Are :o% still witho%t knowled&eS -L%nintelli&ent9S / 2F #7o( not :o% :et 'ercei"e, that/2F3 7on@t :o% %nderstand that all e"er:thin& enterin& into the mo%th /enterin& thro%&h the mo%th &oes &oes into the stomach, and is cast /%nto the stomach, and 5it all &oes o%t into @#the( waste owl;8+9 /thro%&h the nat%ral 'laceS ePcrement<@S / 58GGa9333from thence in the / cleansin& are thrown awa:S< 2G 6%t the #thin&s( which 'roceed /2G3 And that which &oes o%t thro%&h o%t of the mo%th come forth from /the mo%th is mo"ed from the heart> the heart> U these defile the man3 /and this is what soils the man, 2H For from the heart come forth /2H3 Accordin& to which the soiled e"il tho%&hts, m%rders, ad%lteries,/heart rin&s forth the deceitf%lfornications, thefts, false /ness, and the m%rder, and the witnessin&, las'hemiesM /ad%lteries, and the ro eries, and /witness of liars, and the c%rsesM =I These thin&s are the #thin&s( /=I3 And all these thin&s, the: are which defile the manM %t to eat /what soil the manM $ndeed, the with %nwashed hands defiles not the/eatin& witho%t washin& hands man3 /doesn@t soil the man3 =2 And ,esh%a &oin& o%t from /=234And after ,esh%a had said this, there, withdrew into the 'arts of /He went into re&ions of Tzor and Tzor and Tzidon3 /Tzidon3 == And, ehold, a woman of 0ana?an/==3 And there came efore Him a comin& o%t of those same orders, /0ana?aneet-879 merchant< woman, cried o%t %nto Him, sa:in&, Ha"e /comin& from lands *ast, cr:in& o%t

merc: on me, Lord, !on of 7a"id> m:/%nto Him, Lord-LAdonai9, L!on9-6en da%&hter is &rie"o%sl: demon /-7a"id, @fa"or;merc: on@ me> -'ossessed3 / eca%se m: da%&hter is 'ossessed : /the demons3 =A 6%t He answered her not a word3/=A3 And ,esh%a didn@t answer a And His Talmidim;disci'les came /word3 And His Talmidim came near to near and asked Him, sa:in&, !end /Him and said %nto Him, O%r Master, her awa:> for she cries o%t after /for what do ,o% lea"e the woman %s3 /alone who is cr:in& o%t after %sS =C 6%t He answerin& said, $ am not/=C3 And answered ,esh%a %nto them, sent ePce't %nto the lost shee' of /The: didn@t send Me ePce't %nto the #the( ho%se of $srael3 /shee', lost ones from the ho%se of /$srael3 =D 6%t she came and owed-in /=D3 And the woman did re"erence -homa&e-%nto Him, sa:in&, Master, /%nto Him, and she said, Master hel' meT /-LAdonai9, hel'-879 deli"er< meT =E 6%t He answerin& said, $t is /=E3 And ,esh%a said %nto her, $t not &ood to take the children@s /isn@t &ood that the man sho%ld take read, and to cast #it( to the /the read from his children, and 8+9 little< do&s3 /&i"e it %nto do&s3 =F And she said, ,ea, MasterM for /=F3 And the woman answered, Often e"en the 8+9 little< do&s eat of /the do&s eat JGeG29 the 'ieces of the cr%m s which fall from their / read that fallK from the ta le of master@s ta le3 /their master 8GP9 and li"e<3 =G Then ,esh%a answerin& said %nto/=G3 And ,esh%a answered %nto her, her, O woman, &reat #is( :o%r /+oman, &reat is :o%r faithM 5let it faithM let it e %nto :o% as :o% / e done %nto :o% as-when :o% asked3 desire3 And her da%&hter was made /And from that time on her da%&hter whole from that ho%r3 /was healed3 / 5879333 e it %nto :o% e"en as / it is in :o%r heart3333< =H And ,esh%a mo"in& from there, /=H3 And when 'roceeded ,esh%a from came eside the !ea of the Galil> /there, contin%in& across HaGalil, and &oin& %' into the mo%ntain, He /%nto a mo%ntain> while He stood sat there3 /there, AI And &reat m%ltit%des came %nto /AI3 He saw man: 'eo'le from whom Him, ha"in& with them #those that /were man: lame ones, and le'ro%s were( lame, lind, d%m , maimed, /ones, and those who lim'ed, and and man: others, and the: cast; /man: others> and the: fell a o%t fl%n& them at ,esh%a@s feet> and He/His feet> and He healed themM healed themM / 87P9333and laid them down at / His-8P9 ,esh%a@s< feet,333< A2 !o that the m%ltit%des /A23 And the 'eo'le were amazed at mar"eled, seein& d%m ones /how the d%m ones were s'eakin&, s'eakin&, maimed ones so%nd, lame /and the lame ones -the: walk, and ones walkin&, and lind ones /the lind ones -the: see> and all seein&M and the: &lorified the God /of them eca%se of it -'raised to of $srael3 /God;*l 8G7P9 of $srael<3 A= And ,esh%a ha"in& called near /A=34 Then said ,esh%a %nto His His disci'les, said, $ am filled /Talmidim, $ ha"e com'assion eca%se with com'assion %'on the m%ltit%de,/of them eca%se 5the: ha"e remained eca%se the: contin%e with Me now /with Me these two da:s since the: three da:s, and ha"e nothin& the: /crossed o"er, and nothin& is there ma: eatM and $ desire not to send /%nto them, which the: ma: eatM and them awa: fastin&, lest the: @ e /$ don@t want to lead them in their wear:;faint@ in the wa:3 /fastin&, lest the: &row faint in /the wa:3 / 587GP9 three da:s that the: dwell / with Me 879in the wilderness<333< AA And His Talmidim sa: %nto Him, /AA3 And answered %nto Him His From where #wo%ld come( to %s so /Talmidim, And from where sho%ld we, man: loa"es in a desert, as to /accordin& to comin& %'on read, in

satisf: so &reat a m%ltit%deS

/this desert, in order to satisf:, /for the 'eo'leS AC And ,esh%a said %nto them, How /AC3 And answered ,esh%a and said man: loa"es ha"e :o%S And the: /%nto them, How man: loa"es of read said, !e"en, and a few little fish3/are %nto :o%S And the: answered, /!e"en, and a few fish3 AD And He ordered the m%ltit%de to/AD3 And so ,esh%a commanded %nto recline-Lsit down9 on the &ro%nd3 /the 'eo'le to sit on the &rass3 AE And He takin& the se"en loa"es /AE3 And He took the se"en loa"es and the fish, &i"in& thanks, roke /87G29 of read< and roke them, and #them(, and &a"e to His Talmidim; /&a"e them %nto His Talmidim, and disci'les, and the Talmidim to the /the: &a"e %nto the 'eo'le3 m%ltit%de3 / AF And all ate, and were filledM /AF3 And all of them ate and the: and the: took %' the ePcess of the /were satisfiedM and from that what fra&ments se"en l%nch- askets f%ll3/remained, the: filled se"en seahs3 AG And the #ones( that did eat /AG3 And those who were eatin& were were fo%r tho%sand men, eside /in n%m er fo%r tho%sand men eside women and children3 /the women and the children3 AH And He sendin& awa: the /AH3 After this, entered ,esh%a into m%ltit%de, went into the oat, and /a oat, and came %nto the land of came into the orders of Ma&dala /Macedonia-87P9Ma&dala<-8G=9Ma&edon< -8A9 Ma&adan<3 /-8G29 Ma&edan<3 0HAPT*1 2E -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 2E -He 3 2 And the P@r%shim and Tz@d%kim /23 And there came to Him the !a&es came, #and( tem'tin&, -asked Him to/and the P@r%shim @ eca%se of-Lm@9@ show them a si&n from Hea"en3 /@the miracles-Lor( to tem'tM naesim /;nisaim9@ #of( Him, and to teach /them an: si&n-L'roof9 from the /Hea"ens3 = 6%t He answered and said %nto /=3JGNP98-<K And answered %nto them them, *"enin& comin& on, :o% sa:M /,esh%a, JP9 H:'ocritesTK :o% sa: at #$t will e( clear sk:> for the /e"enin&M Tomorrow it shall e a hea"en is red3 /clear da:> accordin&l: - eca%se /the hea"ens the: are red3 A And at mornin&M A storm toda:> /A3JGNP98-<K And in the mornin& :o% for the sk: is red ein& o"ercast3 /sa:M Toda: it shall rain> -for the 819 O #:o%(< JA9 H:'ocritesK, :o% /hea"ens the: are dark3 @$f so-8P9 indeed know #how( to discern the /,o% h:'ocrites<@,:o% know N%d&ement face of the hea"en> %t :o% cannot /from the looks #of( the hea"ens> #discern( the si&ns of the timesT /and #:et( :o% don@t know N%d&ement /#of( the times3 C An e"il and ad%ltero%s /C3 A seed from e"il-ones asks;wish &eneration seeks a si&n> and a /a si&n> and a si&n won@t e &i"en si&n shall not e &i"en %nto it, /%nto them, ePce't a si&n of ,onah ePce't the si&n of JA9 the Pro'hetK/the Pro'het3 And then He se'arated ,onah3 And he left them, and /#from them( and walked awa:3 de'arted3 / D And His Talmidim;disci'les /D3 And when ,esh%a was at the shore comin& to the other side, the: had /of the sea, He said %nto His for&otten to take loa"es3 /Talmidim to 're'are read3 And He /entered into the oat with His /Talmidim, and His Talmidim for&ot /and the: didn@t take an: read3 E Then ,esh%a said %nto them, Take/E3 J-K 87P#G(9 And He said %nto heedT, and eware of the lea"en of /them, !ee and eware of the lea"en the P@r%shim and the Tz@d%kim3 /of the P@r%shim and Tz@d%kim3< F 6%t the: reasoned amon& /F3 J-K 87GP9And the: reasoned amon& themsel"es, sa:in&, #$t is( eca%se/themsel"es sa:in&, $s it eca%se we we ha"e taken no loa"es3 /ha"e taken no readS< G And ,esh%a knowin&, said %nto /G 3 And ,esh%a said %nto them, ,o% them, Little-faiths, wh: reason :o%/ha"e little wisdom;%nderstandin&,

amon& :o%rsel"es, eca%se :o% took /who think there is no read %nto no loa"esS /:o%3 H #7o( :o% not 'ercei"e, neither /H3 And don@t :o% remem er eca%se remem er the fi"e loa"es of the /of the fi"e loa"es and the 5fo%r fi"e tho%sand, and how man: askets/tho%sand men, and how man: seahs :o% took #%'(S /were left o"erS / 58V2#G2(9333 fi"e tho%sand who / ate of them, 333< 2I Neither the se"en loa"es of the/2I3 J-K 879 Neither the se"en fo%r tho%sand, and how man: l%nch /loa"es to the fo%r tho%sand men, - askets :o% took #%'(S /and how man: askets :o% took /@%'-8G29 from efore them<S@ 22 How #do :o%( not 'ercei"e that /223 And therefore :o% sho%ld $ s'oke not to :o% concernin& /%nderstand that $ am not s'eakin& loa"es, -to take heed from the /of nat%ral loa"es, %t $ am sa:in& lea"en of the P@r%shim and /%nto :o% that :o% sho%ld eware of Tz@d%kimS /the eha"io%r of the P@r%shim and /the Tz@d%kim3 2= Then the: %nderstood that He /2=3 J-K 87#G(P9 Then the: heard and did not sa: to take heed from the /%nderstood that He said not to lea"en of read, %t from the / eware of the 5lea"en of read, %t teachin& of the P@r%shim and /of the doctrine of the P@r%shim and Tz@d%kim3 /Tz@d%kim3< -----------------------------------. 58G9 lea"en of the P@r%shim and of the Tz@d%kim, %t of the teachin& of the P@r%shim and333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2A And ,esh%a comin& into the /2A34 And ,esh%a went o%t to *retz'arts of 0aesarea of Phili''i, He /0aesarea and eretz-Phili''i, and Q%estioned His Talmidim, sa:in&, /asked of His Talmidim, sa:in&,5+hat +hom do men sa: @Me to e, the !on /are the:, @sons of man-LHe 3 lit3M of man#S or 3(-8A9 that the !on of /mankind9@ sa:in& concernin& 5@Meman isS<@ /879 the !on of man<S@ -----------------------------------. 58Ge9 +hat do men sa: of Me that the !on of Man isS< 58G9333Me 8G=9 that $ am< +ho is this !on of ManS< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2C And the: said, !ome #sa:( /2C3 And the: said to Him, From them ,ochanan the $mmerserM and others, /some sa: that He is ,ochanan *li:ah%> and others, ,irme:ah%, or /@HaMat il;the $mmerser@M And from one of the Pro'hets3 /them some sa: that He is *li:ah%> /and #some( of them, -,irme:ah%, or /one of the Pro'hets3 2D He said %nto them, 6%t :o%, /2D3 And ,esh%a said %nto them, And whom do :o% sa: Me to eS /:o%, what are :o% sa:in& concernin& /MeS 2E And !him?on Oefa answered and /2E3 And answered !him?on called said, ,o% are @HaMashiach;the /Oefa and said, ,o% are Mashiach, Messiah@, the !on of the li"in& /6en-*lohim-0hai@m-L!on of the God3 /Li"in& God9, who has come into /this the-world;ha-?olam3 2F And ,esh%a answered and said /2F3 And ,esh%a said-8U G=9< to him, %nto him, 6lessed are :o%, !him?on /Ha'': are :o% !him?on @ ar-8U7GP9<ar-@,onah-8A9,ochanan<@M for flesh/,onah-8N9 en-,ochanan<@M 5 eca%se and lood has not re"ealed #it( /flesh and lood didn@t re"eal it %nto :o%, %t M: Father in the /%nto :o%, %t onl: M: Father who is Hea"ens3 /in the Hea"ens3 -----------------------------------. 5879333for this was not re"ealed %nto flesh and lood %t %nto :o%, when it was re"ealed %nto :o% : M: Father who is in Hea"en3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2G And $ sa: also %nto :o%, #That(/2G3 And $ sa: %nto :o%, that :o%@re :o% are Oefa, and %'on this rock $ /a stone, and $@ll %ild o"erhead

will %ild M: 0on&re&ation> and the/:o% M: ho%se of 'ra:er3 And the &ates of !h@ol shall not 're"ail /&ates of @Ge:-Hinnom-879 the nether a&ainst her3 /world<-8P9 death;the-&ra"e<-8G9 /!h@ol<@ won@t 're"ail a&ainst :o%, 2H And $ will &i"e %nto :o% the /2H3 Accordin&l: - eca%se $@ll &i"e ke:s of the Oin&dom of the Hea"ensM/%nto :o%5ke:s #of the( Oin&dom #of( and whate"er :o% ind on the earth /the Hea"ens3 And all that :o% 5 ind shall e-Locc%r9, ha"in& een /in the earth shall ha"e een 5 o%nd #alread:( o%nd in the Hea"ensM and/in the Hea"ensM and all that :o% whate"er :o% loose on the earth /5loose in the earth shall ha"e een shall e-Locc%r9, ha"in& #alread:( /since-5loosed in the Hea"ens3 een loosed in the Hea"ens3 / 58G9333ke:s of the doors of333< / 58G9333 ind 333 remit333< / 5879333'rohi it 333 'ermit333< / 58P9333 ind 333 %n ind333< =I Then He warned His Talmidim /=I3 Then He commanded %nto His that the: sho%ld tell no one that /Talmidim to not tell that He is He is JA+9 ,esh%aK the Messiah; /Mashiach3 HaMashiach3 / 879333that He, ,esh%a, was / HaMashiach3< / 8Ge9333tell no man of Me, / that $ am the Messiah3< =2 From that time e&an ,esh%a /=234 Henceforth e&an ,esh%a to 8m9 Messiah< to show %nto His /re"eal %nto His Talmidim that He Talmidim;disci'les, how that He /had to &o %nto ,er%shala:im and to m%st &o awa: %nto ,er%shala:im, and/s%ffer inN%stice from man: of the to s%ffer man: thin&s from the /0ohanim and *lders of the 'eo'le, *lders and head 0ohanim and /%ntil eca%se #of it( the: kill !cri es, and to e killed, and to /Him> and on the third da: He shall e raised on the third da:3 /arise3 / 879333and to s%ffer there man: / sco%r&in&s, and man: mockin&s / of the *lders333< == And Oefa takin& Him near, e&an/==3 And 8G9 !him?on< Oefa took Him to re %ke Him, sa:in&, 5#God e( /aside 'ri"atel: and e&an to re %ke &racio%s to ,o%, MasterM this shall/#and( to sa:, 5God for id %nto ,o%, ne"er e %nto ,o%3 /5accordin& to a realit: %nto ,o% 58+9 6e it far from ,o%, Lord> /#as( th%s, Master;Adon@3 eca%se this shall not e %nto / 587GP9, Far e it from ,o%,333< ,o%3< / 58#G(9, ma: this not e333< =A 6%t He t%rned, #and( said %nto /=A3 And ,esh%a t%rned and 5looked Oefa, Go ehind Me, !atanT :o% are /at-Lnear9 him and said %nto him, Go an offence %nto MeM for :o% think /ha!atan, don@t diso e: MeM since not the thin&s of *lohim;God, %t /:o% @aren@t a friend of-Ldon@t the thin&s of men3 /re&ard9@ a +ord of God;Ha*l, %t /onl: words of the man3 / 58G9333re %ked him, #e"en( / !him?on, and said %nto him333< =C Then said ,esh%a %nto His /=C3 Then s'oke ,esh%a %nto His Talmidim, $f an: one desires to /Talmidim, +hoe"er that wants to come after Me, let him den: /come after Me, let him disdain; himself, and let him ear his /des'ise himself and take the @ePec%tion-stake-Lcross9@, and let /ePec%tion-stake-Lcross9, that is, him follow Me3 /offer himself %nto death and follow /after Me3 =D For whoe"er ma: desire to sa"e /=D3 *"er:one wantin& to sa"e his his so%l-LDDHI9, he shall lose itM /so%l-LDA2D9 shall lose it for the and whoe"er ma: lose his so%l-LDDHI/sake of Me, and the one losin& his ;'s%che9 for M: sake, he shall find/life-L=C2E9 in this world -in M: it3 /'ath- shall sa"e his so%l-LDA2D; /ne'hesh9 for the life-L=C2E;chai9 /of the world to come3

=E For what shall a man e /=E3 +hat 'rofit is %nto a man, if enefited, if he sho%ld &ain the /he sho%ld &ain 5all the world, if whole world, %t forfeits his so%lS/his so%l he loses fore"erS and what or what shall a man &i"e #as( an /&ood ePchan&e 'erforms the man -if ePchan&e for his so%lS / eca%se of 'resent thin&s that are -----------------------------------.s'oiled, he sho%ld &i"e his so%l %nto the N%d&ement of Ge:-HinnomS 5879333the whole world, and in his own so%l recei"e inN%r:S333< 58G9333&et the whole world and lack his so%l;lifeS333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=F For the !on of man is a o%t to /=F3 6eca%se the !on of God;Ha*l come in the &lor: of His Father /shall come in the &lor: of His with His an&els> and then He shall /Father who is in the Hea"ens, with #&i"e( reward to each accordin& to /His an&els to reward %nto all men his works3 /accordin& to his work3 =G @Tr%l:,-LAmaine>9@ $ sa: %nto /=G34 Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, there :o%, There e some standin& here, /are some from those standin& here, who shall not at all taste of /who won@t taste death %ntil that death, %ntil the: see the !on of /the: see 56en-*lohim;God comin& in man comin& in His Oin&dom3 /His Oin&dom 8G9 and in His &lor:<3 / 5879333the !on of Man@s Oin&dom / that;which comes3< 0HAPT*1 2F -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 2F -He 3 2 And after siP da:s ,esh%a took /2382-DM !T9 U Lk3HM=G-AD< After siP Oefa, ,a?ako", and ,ochanan his /da:s ,esh%a took 8G9 !him?on< Oefa rother, and led them %' into an /and also ,a?ako" and ,ochanan his hi&h mo%ntain 'ri"atel:, / rother, and ro%&ht them to a hi&h /mo%ntain, in order for Him to 'ra: /from there3 = And was transfi&%red efore /=3 And while He was 'ra:in& @HethemM and His face did shine as the/87G9 the a''earance of His face<@ s%n, and His &arments ecame white /was chan&ed efore themM and the as the li&ht3 /skin of His face shone like the /s%n, and His &arments ecame white /as snow3 A And, ehold, #there( a''eared /A3 Then to them Moshe and *li:ah% %nto them Moshe and *li:ah% talkin&/were re"ealed s'eakin& with Him, with Him3 /and the: told %nto ,esh%a all what -----------------------------------.wo%ld ha''en to Him in ,er%shala:im3 And Oefa and his com'anions were aslee'3 Aslee' and not aslee' - awake and not awake3 #As( the: saw His od: and the two men with Him3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------C And answerin&, Oefa said %nto /C3 And when the: went awa:, then ,esh%a, Lord, it is &ood for %s to /said 8G9 !him?on< Oefa %nto ,esh%a, e hereM if ,o% desire, @let %s-8A9/$t@s &ood for %s to e : hereM and $ will<@ make here three tents /#so( make here three s%kkanot;ta ernacles> one for ,o%, and one /Lta ernacles9> %nto ,o% one, and for Moshe, and one for *li:ah%3 /%nto Moshe one, and %nto *li:ah% /one3 -6eca%se He didn@t ha''en to /know what he was sa:in&3 D +hile he #was( s'eakin&, ehold,/D3 +hile he was still s'eakin&, a radiant;8+9 white< clo%d /Land9 eholdT a clo%d which co"ered o"ershadowed themM and ehold, @a /them, and the: were "er: alarmed3 "oice-L at kol(9@ o%t of the clo%d /And while the: were %nder the clo%d sa:in&, This is M: !on, the /the: heard from amidst the clo%d @a 6elo"ed, in whom $ deli&ht> hear /"oice-L# at kol(9@ s'eakin& and Him3 /sa:in&M 6ehold, this is M: !on, M: -----------------------------------. elo"ed, and M: deli&ht is in Him3 To-L :9 Him :o% shall o e:3 58G#P(9 333 a clo%d of li&ht o"ershadowed 333 in whom $ am 'leased333<

-----------------------------------.----------------------------------E And the Talmidim hearin&, fell /E3 And the Talmidim heard, and fell on their face, and were &reatl: /on their faces to the &ro%nd, and terrified3 /the: feared &reatl:3 F And ,esh%a came near and to%ched/F3 And when the "oice ceased, them, and said, Arise, and fear /,esh%a said %nto them, Arise, don@t not3 /fear3 / 8G9333raised them %', and said / %nto them, 6e not afraid3< G And liftin& %' their e:es, the: /G3 And the: lifted their e:es, and saw no one, ePce't ,esh%a alone3 /the: saw no one, %t onl: ,esh%a /alone3 H And #as( the: came down from the/H3 And ,esh%a came down from the mo%ntain, ,esh%a enNoined them, /mo%ntain, and commanded %nto them, sa:in&, Tell the "ision to no one, /sa:in&, not to tell %nto men the %ntil the !on of man is raised from/"ision which :o% ha"e seen %ntil the dead3 /has risen the !on of man from the /dead3 2I And His Talmidim asked Him, /2I3 And His Talmidim %nto Him asked sa:in&, +h: then sa: the !cri es /sa:in&, +h: sa: #the( !a&es that that *li:ah% m%st first comeS /*li:ah% #shall( come firstS 22 And ,esh%a answerin& said %nto /223 And He answered to them U said, them, *li:ah% indeed comes /5$ndeed *li:ah% shall 8P9 first< JA+9 firstK, and shall restore all /come 5and shall @sa"e-879 restore<@ thin&s3 /all @the world-879 thin&s<@3 / 58G9333*li:ah% 8G29 also< cometh / that he ma: 're'are e"er:thin&3< / 58P9333to com'lete e"er: thin&3< 2= 6%t $ tell :o%, that *li:ah% /2=3 $ sa: %nto :o% that alread: he has come alread:, and the: knew him/has come, and the: didn@t know him, not, %t ha"e done %nto him /and the: did a&ainst him accordin& whate"er the: wished3 Likewise also/to their desires3 5#$n s%ch( form the !on of man is a o%t to s%ffer /the: shall do likewise to the !on : them3 /of man3 / 5879333Likewise shall the !on / of Man recei"e and ear / sco%r&in&s from them3< 2A Then the Talmidim %nderstood /2A3 Then the: the Talmidim that He s'oke %nto them concernin& /%nderstood that concernin& ,ochanan ,ochanan the $mmerser3 /HaMat il He was sa:in& this3 2C And the: ha"in& come toward the/2C34 And it was as He came to the m%ltit%de, there came near to Him a/crowds, Land9 there came %nto Him a man, kneelin& down to Him, and /man, kneelin& on his knees3 sa:in&, / 2D Master, ha"e merc: on m: sonM /2D3 And he said, Master-LAdonai9, for he is moonstr%ck, and s%ffers /a sol"e-Lfa"or9 me, and ha"e 'it: @illness-Lmisera l:9@M for often he/on m: sonM eca%se he is terrified falls into the fire, and often into/from;of an e"il s'irit and is "er: the water3 /sick3 And he &rinds his teeth, and -----------------------------------.foams in his mo%th and falls from his 'lace to the &ro%nd, and falls sometimes in fire and sometimes in water3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2E And $ ro%&ht him to ,o%r /2E3 And $ ro%&ht him %nto ,o%r Talmidim;disci'les, and the: were /Talmid-87GP9 Talmidim<, and the: not a le to heal him3 /weren@t a le to heal him3 2F And ,esh%a answerin& said, O /2F3 And answered ,esh%a and said, faithless and 'er"erted &eneration,/A &eneration e"il, -woe %nto them, how lon& shall $ e with :o%S how /-:o%T -the den:in& ones3 @How lon& lon& shall $ end%re :o%S rin& him /-L%ntil M: death9@ shall $ e with here to Me3 /:o%@S-L39@ and @how lon&-L%ntil M: /death9@ shall $ ear :o%r tro% le@S

/-L39 6rin& @him-8G9th: son<@ to Me3 2G And ,esh%a re %ked the demon> /J2G3K-8!T9 Mark HM=I-=G<3 And the: and it came o%t from himM and the / ro%&ht him to Him> and immediatel: o: was healed from that ho%r3 /when ,esh%a saw him, ha-satan -----------------------------------.s% mitted him, and cast him to the &ro%nd, and he e&an rollin& in the d%st and foamin&3 And ,esh%a asked %nto the father of the o:, How lon& since ha-satan took himS And the father answered Him, !ince a certain time and thereafter3 And man: times he casts him into fire and into water, in re&ards to ca%sin& his com'lete destr%ction3 And if ,o% !irLAdon@9, in some wa:, #in this( matter are a le to hel' him, hel' him3 And then the man fo%nd &race;fa"or in His e:es, and He was filled with com'assion towards him3 And He said %nto him, $f :o% are a le to elie"e, all thin&s :o% will e a le to accom'lish> eca%se to the one who elie"es, all thin&s are eas:3 And immediatel: cried in a sho%t the father of the o: and said, Master-LAdon@9 $ elie"e, indeed hel' me accordin& to m: faithT And when ,esh%a saw that the 'eo'le were &atherin& to&ether, He commanded the demon and said %nto him, Hard and d%m satan, ehold, $ command :o% to come o%t from there, and hereafter, do not ret%rn here a&ain3 And ha-satan came o%t screamin& and inflictin& 'ain, and the o: was left as dead, -#the:( re&ardin& that man: were sa:in& that he is dead3 And ,esh%a took him : the hand, and stood him %', and he arose3 And when ,esh%a entered into the ho%se, -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2H Then comin& %' the Talmidim; /2H3 Then drew near the Talmidim disci'les to ,esh%a 'ri"atel:, /%nto ,esh%a in secret and the: said said, +h: were we not a le to cast /%nto Him, +h: were we not a le to him o%tS /@cast it o%t-8P9 heal him<@S =I And ,esh%a said %nto them, /=I3 And He said %nto them, @6eca%se of-Lthro%&h9@ :o%r /5accordin& to the 5relia ilit: of @%n elief-8A9 little faith<@M for /:o%r faithM Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, $f :o% ha"e /5if there ecome in :o%, some of faith as a &rain of m%stard, :o% /the faith, as a &rain of m%stard, shall sa: %nto this mo%ntain, Mo"e /if :o% elie"e, to this mo%ntain from here to there> and it shall /:o% shall sa:, 7e'art> and it shall mo"e> and nothin& shall e /de'art> and @nothin& shall-879 the im'ossi le %nto :o%3 /thin& shall not<@ e withheld from -----------------------------------.:o%3 58G29 eca%se :o% ha"e no faithM< 58G=9littleness of :o%r faithM< 58G9333$f so e that there e in :o% faith as a &rain of m%stard, :e shall sa: to this hill that is sho%ld remo"e from hence and it will remo"e 8G29 from efore :o%<, and nothin& shall o"er'ower :o%3< 58Ga9333$f there was in :o% faith, e"en a hill wo%ld remo"e from efore :o%3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=2 JM+9 6%t this kind does not &o /=23 8G9#-(< And this kind amon& the o%t ePce't : 'ra:er and fastin&3K /demons doesn@t come o%t ePce't : /'ra:er and fastin&3 == And while the: were sta:in&/==34 The: were in the Galil, and 8A9&atherin& to&ether< in the Galil/,esh%a said, The !on of man shall ,esh%a said %nto them, The !on of / e deli"ered %nto the hand of man is a o%t to e deli"ered;8+9 /mankind-Llit3He 3 the sons of man9M etra:ed< into #the( hands of menM / =A And the: shall kill Him, and /=A3 And the: shall kill Him, and in the third da: He shall e raised3 /5the third da: He shall arise3 And the: &rie"ed ePceedin&l:3 / 58G29333after three da:s333< =C And the: comin& into O@far-Na%m/=C3 And the: came to O@far-Na%m -8A9 O@far-Nach%m<, those that /-Martah, and the taP-collectors recei"e the didrachmas came %' to /drew near %nto Oefa, and the: said Oefa and said, 7oes not-J+K :o%r /to them, ,o%r 1a" -he does not the

Teacher 'a: the didrachmasS

/'roced%re and &i"e @taP;le":-87GP9 /8GP9 two< drachma<-8P.9 of /ca'itation mone:<@S =D He said, ,es3 And when he /=D3 And the: said :es3 And 5he entered into the ho%se, ,esh%a /went into the-8G29 his< ho%se, and antici'ated him, sa:in&, +hat think/'receded ,esh%a in order to s'eak :o%, !him?onS from whom do the /to him> 5How #does( it seem to :o% kin&s of the earth recei"e c%stom /OefaS -Oin&s of earth, #take( from or 'oll-taPS From their sons, or /whom> accordin& to them takin& from the stran&ersS /taPes, -from their children or from -----------------------------------.the forei&nersS 5879333as he came %nto the ho%se ,esh%a 're"ented him, sa:in&333< 58G29333+hat doth it 'lease thee333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=E Oefa said %nto him, From the /=E3 And he answered to Him, From stran&ers3 ,esh%a said %nto him, /the forei&ners3 And ,esh%a said Then indeed the sons are free3 /%nto him, $f so, the sons the: are -----------------------------------.free3 @And He said, 7on@t e disma:ed eca%se of this #then(-8Gd9 !him?on said %nto Him, ,ea3 ,esh%a said %nto him, Gi"e %nto them tho% also like the stran&er3< -8Ge9 Go and &i"e tho% also as one of the stran&ers3<@ -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=F 6%t that we ma: not offend /=F3 And He said %nto Oefa, Go to them, &oin& to the sea, cast a /the 5sea, and cast a fishin&-hook hook, and take the first fish /and with it fish, eca%se in the comin& %'> and o'enin& its mo%th, /mo%th of the first one :o% catch :o% shall find a staterM that /:o% shall find a sil"er coinM and takin& &i"e #%nto( them for :o% and/that :o% shall &i"e for %s3 Me3 / 5879333sea, and cast the aited / net,333< 0HAPT*1 2G -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 2G -He 3 2 $n that ho%r came %' the /234 $n that time drew near the Talmidim;disci'les %nto ,esh%a, /Talmidim to ,esh%a and said to Him, sa:in&, +ho then is &reater in the /5+ho do ,o% re&ard, eca%se he is Oin&dom of the Hea"ensS /&reat, in the Oin&dom of the /Hea"ensS / 587G9333+ho 8G9 then< shall e / &reatest,333< = And ,esh%a callin& forward a /=3 And He called a small o: and child, He set him in the midst of /'laced him in their midst3 them, / A And said, tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, /A3 And He said, $f :o% don@t t%rn *Pce't :o% t%rn aro%nd, and ecome /to ecome like this lad, :o% shall as the children, :o% cannot enter /not enter into the Oin&dom of the into the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens3 /Hea"ens3 C +hoe"er therefore shall h%m le /C3 J-K 879 And whoe"er therefore himself as this child, this #one( /shall h%m le himself as this o:, is the &reater in the Oin&dom of /the same shall e &reatest in the the Hea"ens3 /Oin&dom of the Hea"ens3< D And whoe"er recei"es one s%ch /D3 And he who recei"es a lad like child on M: Name recei"es Me3 /this on ehalf of M: Name recei"es /Me3 E 6%t whoe"er ca%ses to offend one/E3 And whoe"er ca%ses to st%m le of these little #ones( elie"in& in/one from the little lads -the ones Me, it is &ain for him that a / elie"in& on Me, it wo%ld e &ood millstone of an ass e h%n& a o%t /for him to tie a 879 %''er< his neck, and #that( he e s%nk in /millstone %'on his neck and e cast the de'th of the sea3 /into the de'th of the sea3 -----------------------------------. 8Ga9 *"er: one that offendeth one of these little ones falleth into the sea ha"in& an ass@s millstone a o%t his neck3< -----------------------------------.-----------------------------------

F +oe %nto the world from #its( /F3 +oe %nto the inha itants of the offencesT for it #is a( necessit: /world eca%se of conf%sion, eca%se #for( the offences to come> :et woe/of the reQ%ired conf%sion to come3 to that man thro%&h whom the /And He said, +oe %nto the man @who offence comesT /comes for the sake of it-8G9 : -----------------------------------.whose hand the offences come<@T 8Ga9 For it is written th%sM Good is a o%t to e, and ha'': it is for him : whose hand it shall come> and e"il is a o%t to e, %t woe to him : whose hand it shall come3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------G And if :o%r hand or :o%r foot /G3 And if :o%r hand and :o%r 5foot offends :o%, c%t it off, and cast /ca%ses :o% to st%m le, c%t it off, #it( from :o%M &ood it is for :o% /and 5cast it from :o%M etter for to enter into life lame or maimed, /:o% to come into life L8 lind<9 or than ha"in& two hands or two feet /lame, than ha"in& %nto :o% hands to e cast into the e"erlastin& /and feet for :o% to e &i"en into fire3 /fire e"erlastin&3 / 58P9333foot offends333cast it / from :o%333#Aramaic idioms for(M / 33sto' tres'assin&333sto' it333< H And if :o%r e:e offends :o%, /H3 And if :o%r e:e sho%ld ca%se :o% 'l%ck it o%t, and cast #it( from /to st%m le, 'ick it o%t and cast it :o%M it is &ood for :o% to enter /from :o%M etter for :o% to come into life one-e:ed, than ha"in& two/into life with one e:e, than ha"in& e:es to e cast into Ge:-Hinnom of /%nto :o% #two( e:es and for :o% to fire3 / e &i"en into Ge:-Hinnom 87GP9 of /fire<3 2I !ee #that( :o% des'ise not one /2I3 And :o% are warned, in order of these little #ones(> for $ sa: /for :o% not to N%d&e one of the %nto :o%, That in Hea"ens their /lads, -the little ones3 $ sa: %nto an&els alwa:s ehold the face of M:/:o% a o%t their an&els, the: alwa:s Father in the Hea"ens3 /see the sons, of M: Father who is /in the Hea"ens3 22 JAM+9 For the !on of man is /2235JG29#-(K And the !on of man has come to sa"e that which was lost3K /ceased accordin& to sa"in& the -----------------------------------.enemies3 58in 7G=9 #as in the Greek> %t for Xsa"eX readM sa"e.#ali"e( ;&i"e-life in !:riac G=;P(3<-8P9 For the !on of man, hath come to &i"e life3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2= +hat to :o% #does this( seemS /2=3 How does it seem %nto :o%S $f $f there e to an: man a h%ndred /there e %nto a man a h%ndred shee' shee', and one of them stra:s /and one from them r%ns off, shall #awa:(, shall he not lea"e the /he not lea"e the ninet:-nine in the ninet:-nine on the mo%ntains> #and(/@mo%ntains-879 wilderness<@, and &o he &oin& seek the stra:in& #one(S /to seek the one led astra:S 2A And if he ha''ens to find it, /2A3 And if he ha''ens to find it, tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, that he /Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, that he reNoices more o"er it, than o"er /shall reNoice o"er it more than the the ninet:-nine #which( went not /ninet:-nine which didn@t &o astra:3 astra:3 / 2C !o it is not the will efore /2C3 Th%s, it@s not the will of M: :o%r Father in the Hea"ens, that /Father who is in the Hea"ens, that one of these little #ones( sho%ld /#there( e an: lost from the lads3 'erish3 / 2D 6%t if :o%r rother sins /2D34 $n that time said ,esh%a %nto Jm9a&ainst :o%K, &o and re'ro"e him/!him?on, called Oefa, $f :o%r etween :o% and him aloneM if he / rother sins a&ainst :o%, re'ro"e hears :o%, :o% ha"e &ained :o%r /him 'ri"atel:3 @$f he listens to rother3 /:o%, :o% ha"e &ained :o%r rother /-8Ga9 And if he re'ents, for&i"e /him3<@

2E 6%t if he #does( not hear #:o%,/2E3 And if he doesn@t listen to then( take alon& with :o% one or /:o%, re'ro"e him in front of two more, that on #the( mo%th of /another> and if : e"er: oath he two or three witnesses e"er:;8+9 /doesn@t listen to :o%, add still the< word ma: stand3 /one or two 879 witness#es(<, in -----------------------------------.order that :o%r words mi&ht e efore two or three witnesses, eca%se : two or three witnesses shall e esta lished a matter;word-Lda"ar93 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2F 6%t if he fails to hear them, /2F3 And if in e"er: oath he doesn@t tell #it( %nto the con&re&ationM /listen, tell him in the 5assem l:> and if he fails to hear e"en the /and if he doesn@t listen in the con&re&ation, let him e %nto :o% /5assem l:, consider him as as the &o:im-L&entiles 8lit3He 3 /5ostracized and an enem: and cr%el3 -nations<9 and the taP-collector3 / 58G29 !:na&o&%e< / 5879333a &o: or a trans&ressor3< / 58P9333taP-collector and a / heathen3< 2G Tr%l:-L, Amaine39 $ sa: %nto /2G3 Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o% that :o%, +hate"er :o% ind on the earth/e"er: oath which :o% shall 5 ind in shall occ%r, ein& #alread:( o%nd /the earth,is 5 o%nd in the Hea"ensM in Hea"enM and whate"er :o% loose /And all which :o% shall 5loose in on the earth shall occ%r, ein& /the earth, shall ha"e een 5loosed #alread:( loosed in Hea"en3 /in the Hea"ens3 / 5879333'rohi it 333 'ermit333< / 58G9333 ind 333 remit333< / 58P9333 ind 333 %n ind333< 2H A&ain 8AM9 ass%redl:< $ sa: /2H3 And also 8G9 amaine< $ sa: %nto %nto :o%, That if two of :o% ma: /:o%, if two from-:o% will accordin& a&ree on the earth concernin& e"er:/-to makin& shalom in the earth, all matter, whate"er the: ma: ask, it /which :o% ask shall e %nto :o%, shall occ%r to them from M: Father /from M: Father who is in the 8+9 who is< in the Hea"ens3 /Hea"ens3 -----------------------------------. 8V2#G2(9333, if two of :o% shall a&ree %'on earth a o%t e"er:thin&, what the: shall ask shall e theirs from M: Father which is in Hea"en3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=I For where two or three are /=I3 And in e"er: 'lace where are &athered to&ether in M: Name, there/Noined to&ether two or three am $ in the midst of them3 /concernin& M: Name, there $ am in -----------------------------------.:o%r midst3 8G2#U 0odeP 6ezae(9 For there are not two or three &athered to&ether in M: Name, that $ am not in the midst of3< 8Ge9 +here one is, there $ also am> and where two are, there shall $ also e3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=2 Then came %' Oefa to Him, and /=23 Then drew near 8G9!him?on< Oefa said, Master, how often shall m: /to Him to sa:, Master-LAdonai9, if rother sin a&ainst me, and $ /m: rother sins towards me, -%' to for&i"e himS %ntil se"en timesS /se"en times shall $ for&i"e towards /himS == ,esh%a said %nto him, $ sa: not/==3 And ,esh%a said %nto him, $ %nto :o%, -ntil se"en timesM %t, /don@t sa: %nto :o% %' to se"enM -ntil se"ent: times se"en3 / %t onl: %' to se"ent: and se"en, -----------------------------------.8N9 For in the Pro'hets also, after the: were anointed : the 1%ach HaOodesh, somethin& of sin was fo%nd3< 8Ga9 $f for se"ent: times m%lti'l:in& : se"ens a tres'asser shall tres'ass a&ainst thee, for&i"e him in one da:3 For who is the man3333 that in one da: CHI times shall tres'ass a&ainst his comradeS< 58G2#V2(9333 %ntil se"ent: se"en se"en,<-#%ntil an %nlimited

n%m er of times, more than :o% can co%nt LS9( -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=A For this reason the Oin&dom of /=A34 $n that time said ,esh%a %nto the Hea"ens was com'ared to a man, /His Talmidim, #The( Oin&dom of the a kin&, who decided to take acco%nt/Hea"ens, it is like %nto a man -a with his sla"es3 /kin&, who sat to make an acco%ntin& /with his sla"es and his ser"ants3 =C And when he e&an to reckon, /=C3 And when he e&an to reckon, one was ro%&ht near %nto him, #a( /one came eca%se he owed a o%t ten de tor of ten tho%sand talents3 /tho%sand 'ieces of &old3 =D And he had not #an:( to re'a:> /=D3 And he had %nto him nothin& his master commanded him to e /whate"er to 'a:;&i"e> and his sold, and his wife, and the /master commanded to sell him, and children, and all, as m%ch as he /his children, and all which was had, and #so( to 'a: ack3 /%nto him, to re'a: the "al%e3 =E The sla"e then fell down, owed/=E3 And fell the sla"e efore his -the-knee-to him, sa:in&, Master, /master, and im'lored %nto him to ha"e 'atience o"er me, and $ will /ha"e 'it: on him, and to e 'atient re'a: %nto :o% all3 /%nto him, eca%se he wo%ld re'a: /e"er:thin&3 =F And the master of that sla"e /=F3 And his master had 'it: on him, #was( filled with com'assion, #and(/and for&a"e %nto him e"er:thin&3 released him, and for&a"e him the / loan3 / =G 6%t that sla"e &oin& o%t, fo%nd/=G3 And that ser"ant went o%t and one of his fellow-sla"es, who owed /fo%nd one from his com'anions, him a h%ndred @2I-A&orot/ eca%se he owed %nto him a h%ndred Ldenarii9@> and seizin& him, he /'ieces of mone:> and he &ras'ed him #took him( : the throat, sa:in&M /and @str%ck him-879 held him fast<@ Pa: ack to me whate"er :o% owe3 /sa:in&M J!T-333K 879#.( Pa: me what /:o% are d%e to render me3< =H Then his fellow-sla"e fallin& /=H3J333-!T#-(K 879Then that ser"ant down JA9 at his feetK, e&&ed him, /fell down 8P9 at his feet< and him sa:in&, Ha"e 'atience o"er me, and / eseeched him sa:in&< tr%st on $ will re'a: %nto :o% JAM9 allK3 / ehalf of me, and e 'atient with /me, and e"er:thin& accordin& to m: /#de t( $@ll re'a:3 AI 6%t he wo%ld notM %t &oin& /AI3 And he wasn@t willin& to listen awa: cast him into 'rison, %ntil he/to himM and ro%&ht him to the sho%ld 'a: ack the #amo%nt( owin&3/'rison %ntil he re'aid %nto him /e"er:thin&3 A2 And his fellow-sla"es seein& /A23 And the sla"es of the kin& the: this ha''enin&, the: were &reatl: /saw that which he did, and the &rie"ed, and #so( comin& re'orted /an&er of them was &reat, and the: %nto their master all the #e"ents( /went and the: told it %nto their occ%rrin&3 /master3 A= Then his master, callin& him /A=3 Then his master called him, and near, said %nto him, +icked sla"eT /said %nto him, @0%rsed sla"e-879 $ for&a"e :o% all that de t, since /!er"ant of 6@li:a?al<@, didn@t $ :o% e&&ed meM /for&i"e %nto :o% all :o%r de t when /:o% a''eased meS AA O%&ht :o% not also to fa"or /AA3 And wh: didn@t :o% for&i"e :o%r fellow-sla"e, as also $ /accordin&l: to :o%r sla"e in his fa"ored :o%S /s%''lication to :o%, as $ for&a"e /:o%S AC And his master ein& an&r:, /AC3 And his master was an&r: with deli"ered him to the tormentors, /him, and 5commanded to afflict him, %ntil he 'a: ack all that de t /%ntil he sho%ld 'a: %nto him all %nto him3 /the de t3 -----------------------------------. 5879333and he deli"ered him %nto the 'rison, %ntil he333< 58Ga9 He was deli"ered %' to the &%ards that the: sho%ld sco%r&e him %ntil he sho%ld &i"e what he

owed3 #"3AD( And He said %nto themM< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AD !o also shall M: Hea"enl: /AD3 Th%s shall do %nto :o% M: Father do %nto :o%, %nless each of /Father who is in the Hea"ens, if :o% from :o%r hearts for&i"e his /:o% don@t for&i"e each man his rother JA9 their offensesK3 / rother in a heart #that@s( /'erfect 8P9 his offence<3 0HAPT*1 2H -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 2H -He 3 2 And it came to 'ass, #that( when/234 And it was when ,esh%a finished ,esh%a had finished these words, He/these words, he 'assed on from hamo"ed from the Galil, and came into/Galil, and came %nto the o%tskirts the orders of ,@h%diah e:ond the /#of( eretz-,@h%dah across ha,arden> ,arden> / = And &reat m%ltit%des followed /=3 And there followed after Him Him> and He healed them there3 /&reat m%ltit%des, and He healed all /of them3 A JA9TheK P@r%shim a''roached Him,/A3 And then came to Him the tem'tin& Him, and sa:in& %nto Him, /P@r%shim to tem't Him3 And the: $s it lawf%l for a man to '%t awa: /asked Him to sa: if #it@s an( his wife for e"er:;8+9 an:< reasonS/ad"anta&e for one to lea"e his wife /for an: matter, and to &i"e %nto /her a @&et-L ill of di"orce9@3 C And He answerin& said %nto them,/C3 And He answered %nto them, 5Ha"e 7id :o% not read, that He #who( /:o% not read 5a o%t He who made 8+<-made-8A9 created< #them( from /them of old, male and female #the( e&innin& made them male and /created themS femaleS / 528G9333, Ha"e :o% not read that -----------------------------------. He that made the male from the e&innin& the female also madeS< 5=8V=9333 $n the e&innin& the 0reator made them male and female3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------D And He said, For this reason /D3 And He said, Therefore, a man shall a man lea"e father and /shall lea"e his father and his mother, and shall e Noined to his /mother, and Noined to his wife the: wifeM and the two shall ecome one /ha"e ecome, accordin& to the flesh3 /flesh, one3 E !o that the: are no lon&er two, /E3 $f so, the: are not two #flesh(, %t one flesh3 +hat therefore / %t onl: one flesh3 And what the *lohim;God #has( @:oked-LNoined9@ /0reator has Noined to&ether, man is to&ether, let not man se'arate3 /not a le to se'arate3 F The: said %nto Him, +h: then did/F3 And the: said %nto Him, $f so, Moshe command to &i"e a &et; ill of/wh: commanded Moshe to &i"e her a di"orce, and to '%t;8+9 send< her /&et, and to send her awa: from his awa:S /ho%seS 879#.( if she was not /'leasin& in his si&ht< G He said %nto them, Moshe in "iew/G3 And He said %nto them, Moshe of the hard-heartedness of :o% /accordin& to the hardness of :o%r allowed :o% to '%t;8+9 send< awa: /heart s'oke of :o% as-to lea"in& awa: :o%r wi"esM %t from the /:o%r wi"es3 And #:et( from eternit: e&innin& it was not so3 /-8G29the e&innin& of the creation< /this was not so3 H And $ sa: %nto :o%, that whoe"er/H3 $ sa: %nto :o%, that e"er:one '%ts;8+9 sends< awa: his wife, @if /who 5@lea"es-879 has '%t awa:, or not-LePce't9@ for @seP%al /shall '%t awa:<@ his wife and takes immoralit:-Lharlotr:9@, and shall /another, @when-Lif;in cases9@ not marr: another, commits ad%lter:M / eca%se of ad%lter:, he commits Jm+9 and the #one( marr:in& her /ad%lter:M and he who takes her who #who was( '%t awa: commits /has een di"orced commits ad%lter:3 ad%lter:3K / 58P9333lea"es his wife not 8m9333sa"in& for the ca%se of / ein& an ad%lteress333< fornication, maketh her an / ad%lteress>< /

2I His;8m9 The< Talmidim said %nto/2I3 Then His Talmidim the: said to Him, $f the case of the man is th%s/Him, $f this is the case #of( a man with #his( wife, it is not &ain to /with his wife, it isn@t &ood to marr:3 /take her3 22 6%t He said %nto them, Not all /223 And He said %nto them, This @make room for-Lrecei"e9@ this /matter is not for e"er:one, %t to word, onl: to whom it is &i"en3 /those to whom that has een &i"en /%nto them 8G=9 from *lohim<3 2= For there are e%n%chs, who were/2=3 6eca%se there are e%n%chs from so orn from a mother@s wom M and /their irth, these are the: which there are e%n%chs, who were made /ha"en@t sinned3 And there are e%n%chs : menM and there are /e%n%chs made : menM and there are e%n%chs, who made themsel"es /self-made e%n%chs, who s% d%e their e%n%chs for the Oin&dom of the /desire for the sake of the Oin&dom Hea"ens@ sake3 The #one( a le to /of the Hea"ens> these are those recei"e, let him recei"e #it(3 /enterin& into &reat ad"anta&e3 5+ho -----------------------------------.-e"er is a le to %nderstand, let him %nderstand3 58G9 6%t he that is ca'a le in 'ower to end%re, let him end%re3< -58P9 He that can e contented let him e contented3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2A Then were ro%&ht %nto Him /2A3 Then the: ro%&ht to Him children, that He mi&ht la: hands /children, in order #for Him( to la: on them and 'ra:3 6%t the Talmidim /His hands on them and to 'ra: o"er ;disci'les re %ked them3 /them> and His Talmidim were dri"in& /them awa:3 2C 6%t ,esh%a said, Allow the /2C3 And He said to them, Allow the children, and do not 're"ent them /:o%n&-ones to come to Me, and don@t to come %nto MeM for of s%ch is the/'re"ent themM for of them is the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens3 /Oin&dom of the Hea"ens3 $n tr%th $ /sa: %nto :o%, that one won@t enter /into the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens, if /#the:@re( not like these #:o%th(3 2D And la:in& hands on them, He /2D3 And He laid His hands on them, went awa: from there3 /and #then He( went awa: from there3 2E And, ehold, one comin& near /2E34 And a :o%n& man came to Him said %nto Him, JAK-Good-8+< /showin&-re"erence towards Him, and Teacher, what &ood #thin&( shall $ /said to Him, 87GGeP9 Good< 1a i, do, that $ ma: ha"e eternal lifeS /what &ood thin& shall $ do to /acQ%ire life #in( the world to /comeS 2F And He said %nto him, +h: @call/2F3 And He answered to him, +h: do :o% Me &ood-8A9 do :o% ask Me a o%t/:o% ask of &ood> 5no man is &ood> 5what is &ood<@S @No one #is( &ood/ %t onl: God;Ha*l alone is &oodM ePce't One, #that is(, God-8A9There/And if :o% want to come into life, is One who is &ood<@M %t if :o% /&%ard-Lkee'9 the Mitz"ot;0ommanddesire to enter into life, &%ard- /ments3 Lkee';o ser"e9 the Mitz"ot; / 5879333There is none &ood, %t 0ommandments3 / One there is &ood, and that 58+9 the Good OneS One is333< / is God 8Ge9#.( the Father / which is in Hea"en<3333< / 58V=9333 One is the-&ood3 And< 2G He said %nto Him, +hichS And /2G3 And he said to Him, what are ,esh%a said, Tho% shalt not m%rder>/the:S And ,esh%a said %nto him, do not commit ad%lter:> do not /7on@t m%rder> don@t steal> don@t steal> do not ear false witness> / ear false witness a&ainst :o%r /nei&h or> 2H Hono%r th: father and #th:( /2H3 Honor th: father and th: mother> and, Tho% shalt lo"e th: /mother> 5and lo"e th: nei&h or as nei&h o%r as th:self3 /th:self3 / 58Ga9333> that which is to thee / is hatef%l, to th: comrade tho%

/ shalt not do3< =I The :o%n& man said %nto Him, /=I3 8N9 6%t the rich man e&an to All these thin&s ha"e $ ke't JA9 /scratch his head, and it 'leased from m: :o%thKM what :et do $ lackS/him not,< and the :o%n& man said -----------------------------------.%nto Him, All these $ ha"e ke't, U #so( what lack is %nto me in additionS 8N9And the Lord said %nto him, How sa:est tho%, $ ha"e ke't the Torah and the Pro'hetsS For it is written in the Torah, Tho% shalt lo"e th: nei&h or as th:self, and ehold, man: of th: rethren, sons of A"raham, are clad in filth, d:in& of h%n&er, and th: ho%se is f%ll of man: &ood thin&s, and nothin& at all &oes o%t of it %nto them3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=2 ,esh%a said %nto him, $f :o% /=23 And ,esh%a said to him, $f :o% desire to e 'erfect, &o sell :o%r /want to e 'erfect, &o and sell all 'ro'ert:, and &i"e to #the( 'oor, /that is %nto :o%, and &i"e it to and :o% shall ha"e treas%re in /the 'oor, and :o% shall ha"e %nto Hea"enM and come, follow Me3 /:o% treas%re in the Hea"ensM and /8G=Ga9take 8Ga9 %'< th: 'ersec%tion /-stake and< come, follow Me3 == 6%t the :o%n& man hearin& the /==3 And it was when the :o%n& man word, went awa: &rie"in&M for he /heard it, he went awa: an&r:M 5@for had man: 'ossessions3 /he didn@t ha"e-87G=9 since he had<@ /%nto him man: 'ro'erties3 / 58G2Ga9 eca%se he was rich in / wealth ePceedin&l:3< =A And ,esh%a said %nto His /=A3 And said ,esh%a %nto His Talmidim, Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, /Talmidim, Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, That a rich man shall with #&reat( /that it is hard for a rich one to diffic%lt: enter into the Oin&dom /come into the Oin&dom #of the( of the Hea"ens3 /Hea"ens3 =C And a&ain $ tell :o%, $t is /=C3 @And a&ain $ sa: %nto :o%, that easier for a @camel-L8Aramaic< /-8N9 And He t%rned and said %nto #U;or( ro'e9@ to 'ass thro%&h #the(/!him?on His Talmid that was sittin& e:e of a needle, than #for( a rich / : Him, !him?on 6en-,oanna,<@ it is man to enter into the Oin&dom of /easier for the @camel-8Aramaic9 *lohim;God3 /#U;or ro'e(<@ to come into the e:e /of the needle, than 879 to rin&< /the rich one into the Oin&dom of /the 87G9<-Hea"ens-8GaP9 God<3 =D And His Talmidim hearin& /=D3 And the Talmidim the: heard it #this(, were ePceedin&l: /and were amazed &reatl:, and the: astonished, sa:in&, +ho then is /said to ,esh%a, $f so, who is a le a le to e sa"edS /to @L8 e<9 sa"e-L8d<9 -8G9 li"e</8P9 o tain to life<@S =E 6%t ,esh%a eholdin& #them(, /=E3 And He t%rned to them and said, said %nto them, +ith men this is /+ith man-kind the matter is im'ossi le> %t with *lohim;God all/diffic%lt> and with *lohim e"er: thin&s are 'ossi le3 /879s%ch< matter is eas:3 =F Then answerin& Oefa said %nto /=F34 And answered 8G9 !him?on< Oefa Him, 6ehold, we left all thin&s, /and said %nto Him, 6ehold, we ha"e and followed ,o%> what then shall /left all to walk after-followin& e to %sS /,o%> what shall e %nto %sS =G And ,esh%a said %nto them, /=G3 And ,esh%a said, Amaine> $ sa: Tr%l: $ tell :o%, That :o%, the /%nto :o%, that :o% the ones #ones( ha"in& followed Me> in the /followin& after Me> @that in the 1e&eneration, when the !on of man /7a: of the R%d&ement-87G#P(9 in the sits on #the( Throne of His Glor:, /second;new @ irth-8P9 world<@<@, :o% also shall sit %'on twel"e /when sits The Man %'on the Throne thrones, N%d&in& the twel"e tri es /of His Glor:, also :o% shall sit of $srael3 /%'on the Twel"e Thrones of the /Twel"e Tri es of 8G9 the Ho%se of< /$srael3

=H And e"er:one who left ho%ses, /=H3 And e"er:one who lea"es his or rothers, or sisters, or father,/ho%se, and his rothers, also his or mother, JA9or wifeK, or children/sisters, and @his father@-JG2K, and or lands, for M: Name@s sake, shall/his mother, JG29 and his wifeK, and recei"e a h%ndredfold-8m9manifold<,/his children eca%se of M: Name, and shall inherit eternal life3 /shall recei"e a h%ndred like them, -----------------------------------.5and the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens inherit3 52879333and shall inherit the s% lime life3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AI 6%t man: #that are( first shall/AI3 Man: of the first ones, the: e last> and last #ones( first3 /shall e last> and man: of the last /ones, the: shall e first3 0HAPT*1 =I -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 =I -He 3 2 For the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens /234 After this ,esh%a said %nto His is like a man, a ho%semaster, who /Talmidim, #The( Oin&dom of the went o%t when #it was( earl: to /Hea"ens is liked %nto a man who was hire la o%rers into his "ine:ard3 /a master in his ho%se, who arose /earl: in the mornin& to hire /la orers for his "ine:ard3 = And a&reein& with the la o%rers /=3 And he hired them for one dinar for a ten-a&orot-Ldenari%s9 #for( /8G9 to-#'er( one la o%rer< for the the da:, he sent them into his /da:, and sent them to his "ine:ard3 "ine:ard3 / A And he &oin& o%t a o%t the third/A3 And he went o%t in the third ho%r, saw others standin& idle in /ho%r of the da:, and saw others the market, /standin& idle in the @market 'lace /-8G9 street<@, C And said %nto them> Go :o% also /C3 And he said %nto them> Go also into the "ine:ard, and whate"er is /:o% %nto m: "ine:ard, and that N%st $ will &i"e :o%3 And the: /which is N%st $ shall &i"e %nto went3 /:o%3 And the: went3 D A&ain &oin& o%t a o%t #the( /D3 And he went o%t a&ain at noon, siPth and ninth ho%r, he did /and also in the ninth ho%r, and did likewise3 /th%s #a&ain(3 E And a o%t the ele"enth ho%r he /E3 And in the ele"enth ho%r he went &oin& o%t, fo%nd others standin& /also and fo%nd others standin&, and JA9 idleK, and said %nto them, +h: /he said %nto them, +h: do :o% stand do :o% stand here all the da: idleS/idle all the da:S F The: said %nto him, 6eca%se no /F3 And the: answered %nto him, one has hired %s3 He said %nto /6eca%se no man has hired %s3 And he them, Go :o% also into the /said to them, Go also :o% to m: "ine:ard> JA+9 and whate"er is N%st/"ine:ard 8G=9 and what is ri&ht $ :o% shall recei"eK3 /shall &i"e :o%<3 G 6%t e"enin& comin&, the master /G3 And it was towards e"enin&, and of the "ine:ard said %nto his /said the master of the "ine:ard to mana&er, 0all the la o%rers, and /the officer o"er the la orers, 0all 'a: them the wa&e, e&innin& from /them and $@ll &i"e %nto them their the last %nto the first3 /wa&es 8G9and @ e&in-8G29 he e&an<@ /from the last %ntil the first3< H And #so( those comin& a o%t the /H3 And the last ones, the: recei"ed ele"enth ho%r, recei"ed each a ten /one dinar3 -a&orot-Ldenari%s93 / 2I And the first, comin& s%''osed /2I3 And the first ones, the: that the: will &et more> and the: /tho%&ht a o%t them recei"in& more> also themsel"es &ot each a ten/and he onl: &a"e to each of them, a&orot-Ldenari%s93 / %t onl: a dinar3 22 And the: recei"in&, m%rm%red /223 And then the first ones a&ainst the ho%semaster, /m%rm%red a&ainst the master of the /"ine:ard, 2= !a:in&, These last 'erformed /2=3 6: sa:in&, These -the last one ho%r, and :o% ha"e made them /ones, the: worked one ho%r, and :o%

eQ%al %nto %s, who ha"e orne the /ha"e made them like %s 5who ha"e %rden and the heat of the da:3 /5worked all the da: and in the -----------------------------------.heat3 528Gt9, them that ha"e orne the wei&ht of the whole da: at noon3< 5=8G29333 orne the %rden of the da: in the heat3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2A 6%t he answerin& one of them, /2A3 And he answered %nto one of said, Friend, $ am not %nN%st to /them and said %nto him, M: friend, :o%M did not :o% a&ree with me for /5$ ha"e done %nto :o% no inN%stice3 a ten-a&orot-Ldenari%s9S /57id $ not for one dinar hire :o%S / 528G29$ am not inN%rin& :o%3333< / 5=8G;V29 7id $ not a&ree with / :o% for a dinarS< 2C Take :o%rs, and &oM 6%t $ /2C3 Take it and &oM 8G=9 And< @$f $ desire to &i"e %nto this last as /want-8U G9<@ to &i"e %nto this last also %nto :o%3 /one like :o%, 2D Or is it not lawf%l for me to /2D3 @Ma: $ not-87G9 Ha"e $ no ri&ht do what $ desire in m: thin&sS Or /-8G9 a%thorit:< to<@ 5do accordin& is :o%r @e:e e"il-L8Aram3He 3idiom</to m: @desire-8G9 will<S $s there@ stin&:9@, eca%se $ am &oodS /@e"il in :o%r e:es-LAramaic;He rew /idiomM stin&iness9@ when $ am &oodS / 58G9333do with m: own333< / 58Ge9333do in m: own ho%se333< 2E !o the last shall e first, and/2E3 ,ea;th%s, shall e the last the first lastM JA+9 for man: are /ones first, and the first ones called, %t few chosenK3 /lastM@Man: are the called ones, and /few are the chosen ones-8#.(7GP9<3@ 2F And ,esh%a &oin& %' to /2F34 And ,esh%a drew near to ,er%shala:im, took the twel"e /,er%shala:im, and took His twel"e Talmidim;disci'les aside;'ri"atel: /Talmidim in @secret-8G9 the wa:<@ in the wa:, and said %nto them, /and said to them 8G9 etween /themsel"es and him<, 2G 6ehold, we are &oin& %' to /2G3 6ehold, we are &oin& %' %nto ,er%shala:im> and the !on of man /,er%shala:im, and the !on of man shall e deli"ered %' %nto the head/shall e deli"ered o"er %nto the 0ohanim and !cri es, and the: shall/head !a&es and the 0ohanim, and condemn Him to death, /the: shall condemn Him to death3 2H And the: shall deli"er Him %' /2H3 And also the: shall deli"er Him to the &o:im-L&entiles 8lit3He 3<> /%nto the &o:im> to smite and to nations9 to mock, and to sco%r&e, /destro: HimM and in the third da: and to ePec%te on a stakeM and the /He shall arise3 third da: He shall rise a&ain3 / =I Then came near to Him the /=I3 Then came the wife of Ba"dai@el mother of the sons of Ba"dai, with /with her sons, owin&-down, and her sons, owin&-in-res'ect, and /seekin& a reQ%est from Him3 askin& somethin& from Him3 / 87#GP(9333the mother of Ba"dai@s / children, with her sons,333< =2 And He said %nto her, +hat #do(/=23 And He said %nto her, +hat do :o% desireS !he said %nto Him, !a: /:o% wantS And she said, That ,o% that these, m: two sons ma: sit, /command to sit -these m: two sons, one on ,o%r ri&ht and one on the /the one : ,o%r ri&ht, and the left, in ,o%r Oin&dom3 /second : ,o%r left in ,o%r /Oin&dom 8G=9 and in Th: &lor:<3 == 6%t ,esh%a answerin& said, ,o% /==3 And answered %nto them ,esh%a, know not what :o% ask3 @0an :o%/,o% know not what :o% are askin&3 Lare :o% a le9@ to drink the c%' /Are :o% a le to 5end%re the which $ am a o%t to drink, JA+9 and/s%fferin& and the death that $ am the mik"eh-Limmersion9, #in;with( /&oin& to end%reS And the: said, +e which $ am immersed, #also( to e /are a le3 immersedKS The: said %nto Him, +e / 58G9333drink this c%' that $ am @can-Lare a le9@3 / a o%t to drinkS The: sa:M +e are / are a le3<

/ 58P9#.(333immersion333#as Greek(< =A And He said %nto them, ,o% /=A3 And He-8G9,esh%a< said to them, shall drink indeed of M: c%', JA+9 /L,o%@ll9 drink M: c%'M and as for and :o% will e immersed, #in;with(/:o% sittin& : M: left or also : the mik"eh-Limmersion9, which $ am /M: ri&ht, it is not for Me to &rant immersed #with(KM %t to sit off M:/%nto :o%> %t 5onl: %nto that one ri&ht #hand(, and off M: left, is /who is 're'ared efore M: Father3 not Mine to &i"e> %t for whom it / 58G29333for whom M: Father was 're'ared : M: Father3 / maketh it read:3< =C And the ten ha"in& heard /=C3 And the ten the: heard this and #this(, were indi&nant a o%t the /it was a thin& of an&er in their two rothers3 /e:es, in re&ard #to the( two / rothers3 =D 6%t ,esh%a ha"in& called them /=D3 And ,esh%a ro%&ht them near to near, said, ,o% know that the /Him, and said %nto them, ,o% know r%lers of the &o:im;nations /that the 'rinces of the &o:im ePercise lordshi' o"er them, and /ha"e dominion o"er them, and their the &reat ones ePercise a%thorit: /&reat ones, the: seek to s% d%e o"er them3 /them3 =E 6%t it shall not e so amon& /=E3 Not th%s shall it e amon& :o%M :o%M %t whoe"er desires #to( / eca%se he who wants to e &reat ecome &reat amon& :o%, let him e /amon& :o%, will ser"e :o%> :o%r ser"ant> / =F And whoe"er desires #to( e /=F3 And whoe"er wants to e first, first amon& :o%, let him e :o%r /shall e %nto :o% a sla"eM sla"eM / =G *"en as the !on of man did not /=G3 R%st as #the( !on of man didn@t come to e ser"ed, %t to ser"e, /come that the: mi&ht ser"e Him, %t and to &i"e His so%l-L's%che;life9 /onl: that He mi&ht ser"e, and to a ransom for man:3 /&i"e His ne'hesh-Lso%l;life9 as a -----------------------------------.ransom for man:3 8G=9 6%t :o%, seek :o% that from littleness :o% ma: increase, and not from &reatness ecome little3 +hat #time( :o% are idden to a s%''er-'art: e not sittin& down #to meat( in an honora le 'lace, that there ma: not come one more honora le that tho%, and the master of the s%''er sa: to :o%M 6rin& th:self down, -and :o% e confo%nded in the e:es of the &%ests3 6%t if :o% sit down #to meat( in a lesser 'lace, and there come one less than :o%, and the master of the s%''er sa: to :o%M 6rin& th:self and come %' and sit down #to meat(, -then :o% shall ha"e more &lor: in the e:es of the &%ests3< JNOT*M L%ke 2CMG-2I(K -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=H And #as( the: #were( &oin& o%t /=H34 The: entered into ,ericho, and from ,ericho, a &reat m%ltit%de /a crowd followed after Him3 followed Him3 / AI And, ehold, two lind ones /AI3 And ehold, two lind men came sittin& eside the wa:, hearin& /o%t eside the road3 And the: heard that ,esh%a is 'assin& :, cried /the noise of the m%ltit%de, and o%t, sa:in&, Ha"e merc: on %s, /the: asked what #is all( this3 And Lord, @!on of 7a"id-L6en-7a"id9@3 /Lone9 said %nto them, The Pro'het -----------------------------------.,esh%a from Natzeret comes3 Then the: cried o%t to sa:, @The Master-LHaAdon9, 6en-7a"id, ha"e merc: on %sT -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A2 6%t the m%ltit%de re %ked them,/A23 And the crowd re %ked a&ainst that the: #sho%ld( e silent;Q%ietM/them sa:in&, 6e silentM still the: %t the: cried o%t more, sa:in&, /were cr:in& o%t and sa:in&, Master, Ha"e merc: on %s, Lord, !on of /6en-7a"id, ha"e merc: on %sT 7a"id3 / A= And ,esh%a 5sto''in&, called /A=3 And ,esh%a sto''ed, and called them, and said, +hat do :o% desire /them and said, +hat do :o% want Me #that( $ do %nto :o%S /to do for :o%S

58+9 standin&, 333< / AA The: sa: %nto Him, Lord, that /AA3 And the: said, Master, that o%r o%r e:es ma: e o'ened3 /e:es mi&ht e @o'ened-879 restored si&ht<@ 58G9and we ma: see Thee<3 5#V29 This 'hrase also a''ears in the Ara ic 7iatessaron in a 'assa&e from Mark 2IMD2 N%st efore Matt3=IMAC< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AC And ,esh%a, mo"ed with /AC3 And ,esh%a had com'assion on com'assion, to%ched their e:esM and/them, and to%ched at their e:es and instantl: 5their e:es recei"ed /said %nto them, ,o%r faith has si&ht, and the: followed Him3 /healed :o%3 And immediatel: the: 58+9 the: looked %', and 333< /saw, and 'raised %nto God;Ha*l, and -----------------------------------.the: followed after Him3 And all the 'eo'le 'raised %nto God;Ha*l concernin& this3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------0HAPT*1 =2 -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 =2 -He 3 2 And when the: drew near %nto /234 And the: drew near to ,er%shala:im, and came into 6eit- /,er%shala:im, and the: came %nto Pa&e:, toward the Mo%nt of the /6eit-Pa&e:, %nto the Mo%nt of Oli"es, then sent ,esh%a two /Oli"es, and sent ,esh%a two from Talmidim;disci'les, /His Talmidim, = Tellin& them, Go into the /=3 And said to them, Go to the "illa&e that #is( o''osite :o%, and/fortress which is o''osite :o%, and immediatel: :o% shall find an ass /immediatel: :o% shall find an ass tied, and a colt with herM loosen /and her colt with her3 And %ntie #them(, #and( lead #them( %nto Me3 /them and rin& them to Me3 A And if an: #one( sa:s an:thin& /A3 And if an:one sa:s somethin& %nto :o%, :o% shall sa:, The Lord /%nto :o%, sa: %nto him, that The has need of them> and at once he /Master-LHaAdon9 has need of them> will send them 8+9 awa:<3 /and immediatel: he@ll let them &o3 C 6%t JA9 allK this came to 'ass, /C3 JG9 AllK this #was( in order to that #it( mi&ht e filled;com'lete,/com'lete the word of the Pro'het, that s'oken : the Pro'het, sa:in&,/ : Lhim9 sa:in&, D Tell the da%&hter of Tzi:on; /D3 !a: %nto the da%&hter of Tzi:on, Bion, 6ehold, th: Oin& comes %nto /6ehold, th: Oin& comes %nto :o%, thee, meek, and mo%nted %'on an /N%st and "ictorio%s is He, h%m le ass, e"en a colt #the( @son@ of 5an/and ridin& %'on an ass, and %'on a ass3 /@colt-879 fo%l<@, #the( @son-8G9 58+9 the work east3< /fo%l<-879 offs'rin&<@ of an ass3 E And the Talmidim ha"in& &one, /E3 And the: went, and the: did all and ha"in& done as ,esh%a ordered /that ,esh%a commanded them3 them, / F The: led the ass, and the colt, /F3 And the: ro%&ht the ass and the and '%t on them their &arments, and/colt, and ,esh%a rode %'on it, and @8A9 He sat<-Lthe: set #Him(9@ on /the others 'laced on them their them3 /&arments and their clothes3 And /5then the: made the assent3 / 58G9333,esh%a road %'on them3< G 5And most of #the( crowd s'read /G3 And man: from the m%ltit%de their &arments on the road> and /s'read o%t of their &arments in the others were c%ttin& ranches from /road, and others c%t ranches from the trees and were s'readin& #them(/the trees, and cast them efore Him on the road3 /and ehind Him, 58+9 A &reat m%ltit%de 333< / H And the m%ltit%des, the #ones( /H3 5#+hile( the: called o%t : &oin& efore and the #ones( /sa:in&, Hoshanna 7eli"erer;!a"ior followin&, were cr:in& o%t, sa:in&,/of the world, 6ar%ch ha a @!hem @Hoshanna-L!a"e nowT9@ to the !on /Adonai-L,HVH9> 5Hoshanna o%r of 7a"idM @6lessed #is( He that /7eli"erer;!a"ior, ma: ,o% e cometh in the Name of The-LO17 /&lorified in the Hea"ens and in the -L6ar%ch ha a @!hem Adonai;,HVH9@>/the earthT 8G9 And man: went forth

@Hoshanna-L!a"e nowT9@ in the /to meet Him, U the: were reNoicin& hi&hest3 /and &lorif:in& *lohim for all that -----------------------------------.the: saw3< 528G9 And those m%ltit%des tha/ were &oin& efore Him and with Him were cr:in& o%t and sa:in&M333/ 5=8V=9333> Hoshanna Ha6en 7a"i/T 333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2I And #as( He #was( enterin& into/2I3 And it was afterwards, ,esh%a ,er%shala:im, all the cit: was /comin& into ,er%shala:im, all the shaken, sa:in&, +ho is this;8+9He<S/cit: #was( shaken : sa:in&, +ho is /thisS 22 And the m%ltit%des said, This /223 And the 'eo'le the: said to one is ,esh%a, the Pro'het, the #One( /anotherM ,esh%a the Pro'het from from Natzeret #of;in( the Galil3 /Natzeret, which is in the Galil3 2= And ,esh%a went into the Tem'le/2=3 And ,esh%a came into the Ho%se JA9of *lohim;GodK, and cast o%t all/of @,HVH-87GP9*lohim<@, 5and fo%nd those sellin& and %:in& in the /there the ones who %: and sell3 Tem'le3 And He o"erthrew the ta les/And He o"ert%rned the ta les of the of the mone:-chan&ers, and the /mone:-chan&ers and the seats of seats of the #ones( sellin& the /those who were sellin& the do"es3 do"es, / 58G9333, and '%t forth from the / Tem'le of *lohim all the333< 2A And He said %nto them, $t has /2A3 And He said to them, it is een written, M: ho%se shall e /written thatM M: Ho%se a Ho%se of called a ho%se of 'ra:er> %t :o% /'ra:er shall e called :;to all ha"e made it a den of ro ers3 /the Nations> and :o% ha"e made it a"e of "iolent menT 8"32=,N9 #And( the: were terrified and '%t to/fli&ht, for a certain fier: and starr: li&ht radiated;shown fr/m His e:es and the maNest: of @L*lohim-*chad9-the God-head@ &leamed in His face3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2C And lind and lame #ones( came /2C3 And came near to Him, the lind near to Him in the Tem'le L#&ate or/ones and the lame ones in the co%rt(9> and He healed them3 /Tem'le> and He healed them3 2D 6%t the head 0ohanim and the /2D3 And came to Him head !a&es and !cri es seein& the wonders which He/0ohanim to see the wonders that He did, and the children cr:in& o%t in/did3 And the :o%n& o:s;ones were the Tem'le, and sa:in&, @Hoshanna /callin& o%t in the Tem'le and the: -L!a"e now9@ to the !on of 7a"id> /were sa:in&, Let e 'raised @6en-*l the: were incensed, /;The !on of God@3 And the !a&es /mocked, 2E And said %nto Him, 7o :o% hear /2E3 And said %nto Him, Ha"e :o% not what these sa:S And ,esh%a said /heard what these are sa:in&S And He %nto them, ,ea> did :o% ne"er readM/answered %nto them and said, $ O%t of #the( mo%th of a es and /heard them> Ha"e :o% not readM From s%cklin&s ,o% ha"e @'erfected /the mo%th of children and a es 'raise-L#as in !e't%a&int3LYY(9@S /5,o% ha"e @esta lished stren&th/L#as in the He rew Tanakh(9@S / 58G9333$ shall make 'raiseS< 2F And He lea"in& them, went o%t /2F34 And He left and went o%t to of the cit: to 6eit-An:ah> and /6eit-An:ah> and s'ent the ni&ht lod&ed;8+9 s'end the ni&ht< there3 /there, and there He was eP'lainin& /%nto them of the Oin&dom of God; /Ha*l3 2G And ret%rnin& earl:;8+9 in the /2G3 And it was in the mornin&, and mornin&< to the cit:, He h%n&ered3 /He ret%rned %nto the cit: h%n&r:3 2H And seein& one fi&-tree : the /2H3 And He saw a fi&-tree near the road, He went %' #to( it, and fo%nd/road, and drew near to it, and nothin& in it ePce't lea"es onl:, /didn@t find an:thin& in it ePce't and He sa:s %nto it, No lon&er ma: /lea"es3 And He said to it, Let-not #there( e fr%it of :o%,-@to the /come forth from it-L:o%9 fr%it %nto a&e-Lfore"er93@ And instantl: the /@fore"er;the a&e@3 And immediatel:

fi& tree was dried %'3 /the fi&-tree dried %'3 =I And the Talmidim;disci'les /=I3 And the Talmidim the: saw and seein&, mar"eled, sa:in&, How /were amazed, and the: said, How is instantl: the fi& tree was dried /it the fi&-tree dried %' %'T /immediatel:S =2 And ,esh%a answerin& said %nto /=23 And answered ,esh%a and said them, Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, $f :o% /%nto them, $f there e in :o% faith ha"e faith, and do% t not, :o% /witho%t do% t, not %nto the fi&shall do not onl: do that #miracle(/tree onl: shall :o% do #this(, %t of the fi& tree, %t also if :o% /if :o% shall onl: sa: %nto this sa: %nto this mo%ntain, 6e taken /mo%ntain, that it sho%ld de'art and and cast into the sea> it shall e /&o into the sea> it shall e done #so(3 /8G9 to-Lfor9 :o% th%s3< == And all thin&s, whate"er :o% /==3 And all which :o% shall ask ask in 'ra:er, elie"in&, :o% shall/8Ge9 of God< in 'ra:er, and while recei"e3 / elie"in&, :o% shall recei"e3 -----------------------------------. 8Ga9 He said, There is nothin& that :o% shall ask God in :o%r 'ra:er that He will not &i"e %nto :o%3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=A And He comin& into the Tem'le, /=A3 And He came to the Tem'le to the head 0ohanim and the *lders of /teach, and there came to Him the the 'eo'le a''roached Him #as He /!a&es, and the 0ohanim, and the was( teachin&, sa:in&, 6: what /r%lers of the 'eo'le in order to a%thorit: do :o% these thin&s, and /sa:, 6: what 'ower do :o% do this, who &a"e :o% this a%thorit:S /and who &a"e :o% this stren&thS =C And ,esh%a answerin& said %nto /=C3 And answered %nto them ,esh%a them, $ also will Q%estion :o% one /and said %nto them, $ also ask from word-Lthin&9, which if :o% tell Me,/:o% one Q%estion, and if :o% tell $ also will tell :o% : what /it %nto Me, $ also shall tell :o% a%thorit: $ do these #thin&s(M / : what 'ower $ do thisM =D The mik"eh;immersion of /=D3 The immersion of ,ochanan, from ,ochanan, where was it #from(S from/where was it, from the Hea"ens, or Hea"en, or from menS And the: /from Lthe9 menS And the: &rie"ed reasoned :;amon& themsel"es, /amon& themsel"es : sa:in&, +hat sa:in&, $f we sa:, From Hea"en> he /shall we sa:S $f we shall sa: from will sa: %nto %s, +h: then did :o% /the Hea"ens> he shall sa: %nto %s, not elie"e himS /+h: didn@t :o% elie"e 8GP9<-in /himS =E 6%t if we sa:, From men> we /=E3 And if we shall sa: from Lthe9 fear the crowdM for all hold /men> we fear eca%se-of the crowdM ,ochanan as a Pro'het3 /since all of them elie"e that /,ochanan was a Pro'het3 / 879333was in the e:es of all / as a Pro'het3< =F And the: answerin& ,esh%a, /=F3 And the: said, +e don@t know3 said, +e do not know3 And He said /And He said, Also $ won@t tell %nto %nto them, Neither #will( $ tell /:o% : what 'ower $ do this3 :o% : what a%thorit: $ do these / thin&s3 / -----------------------------------.----------------------------------5NOT*M9#*%se i%s records Pa'ias as findin& the stor: of the woman taken in ad%lter: as ein& in the Good News Accordin& To The He rews3 The followin& is from Li&htfoot 86aker< '&3 =EE ;The Fra&ments of Pa'ias3 8,ochanan;Rohn GM2-22<(L 8And the: went e"er: man %nto his own ho%se> %t ,esh%a went %nto the mo%nt of Oli"es3 And earl: in the mornin& He came a&ain %nto the Tem'le, ;and all the 'eo'le came %nto Him, and He sat down and ta%&ht them3W And the !cri es and the P@r%shim ro%&ht a woman taken in ad%lter:> and ha"in& set her in the midst, the: said %nto Him, Master, this woman hath een taken in ad%lter:, in the "er: act3 Now in the Torah Moshe commanded ;%sW to stone s%chM what then sa:est Tho%S ;And

this the: said tem'tin& Him, that the: mi&ht ha"e #whereof( to acc%se Him3W 6%t ,esh%a stoo'ed down and with His fin&er wrote on the &ro%nd3 6%t when the: contin%ed askin& ;HimW, He lifted %' Himself, and said ;%nto themW, He that is witho%t sin amon& :o%, let him first cast a stone at her3 And a&ain He stoo'ed down and wrote on the &ro%nd3 And the:, when the: heard it, went o%t one : one, e&innin& from the eldestM and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the midst3 And ,esh%a lifted %' Himself, and said %nto her, +oman, where are the:S 7id no man condemn theeS And she said, No man !ir3 And ,esh%a said, Neither do $ condemn theeM &o th: wa:> from henceforth sin no more3< #P*1$0OP* A7-LT*1A*> see +estcott and Hort @The New Testament in the Ori&inal Greek@ $3'3=C2, $$3''3G= sQ, H2> Li&htfoot @*ssa:s on !%'ernat%ral 1eli&ion@ '3=IA sQ3( -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=G 6%t what seems it;#this( to /=G34 $n that e"enin& ,esh%a said :o%S -A man had two children> and /%nto His Talmidim, How does it seem he ha"in& come to the first, said, /to :o%S -A certain man had %nto him 0hild, &o work toda: in m: /two sons> and he a''roached the one "ine:ard3 /and said %nto him, Go m: son toda: /to work in m: "ine:ard3 =H And he answerin& said, $ will /=H3 And he said %nto him, $ don@t notM %t afterward he, feelin& /want toM and afterwards he was sorr:, went3 /sorr:-Lre'ented9, and went3 AI And he ha"in& come to the /AI3 And he said %nto the other second, said likewise3 And he /likewise> and he answered to him, answerin& said, $ #&o(, sirM and; /Here $ am sirM And didn@t &o3 # %t( did not lea"e3 / A2 +ho, of the two, did the will /A235+hich from the two did the will of the fatherS The: sa: %nto Him, /of the fatherS And the: said %nto The first3 ,esh%a sa:s %nto them, /Him, 5The first3 And ,esh%a said Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, That the taP /%nto @them-#the others(@, Amaine> $ -collectors and the harlots &o into/sa: %nto :o%, that the "iolent men the Oin&dom of *lohim;God efore /and the harlots the: shall 'recede :o%T /:o% into the Oin&dom #of the( -----------------------------------.Hea"ensT 528Ge9 +hich of them did the will of his fatherS 333< 5=8G29The last3<-8Ge9 The second3<-#V29 the diffic%lt: here disa''ears when we see the Ferrar &ro%' of Greek c%rsi"e M!!3, which has een ado'ted : 7r3 Nestle in the 6i le !ociet:@s Greek tePt3 333this arran&ement333( -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A= For ,ochanan came %nto :o% in /A=3 6eca%se ,ochanan came to :o% #the( wa: of ri&hteo%sness, and :o%/#in the( 'ath;wa: of ri&hteo%sness did not elie"e himM %t the taP- /and :o% didn@t elie"e 8G29in< him collectors and the harlots elie"ed/ %t the "iolent men and the harlots him> and :o% seein& #it(, re'ented-/ elie"ed 8G9<-in him> 5and :o% saw Lfelt sorr:9 not afterwards, to /it and didn@t t%rn in re'entance3 elie"e him3 /Also afterwards, :o% didn@t re'ent -----------------------------------.8G9 lastl:< to elie"e in him3 -nto whoe"er has ears to hear, let him hear in dis&race3 879#Uin "3A2( @"iolent men@ ) trans&ressors< 58G29333> %t :o% - when :o% saw #it( - at the last ha"e :o% chan&ed :o%r mind that :o% sho%ld elie"e in himS< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AA Hear another 'ara leM A certain/AA3@8-<-At that time said ,esh%a to man was a ho%se-master, who 'lanted/His Talmidim and %nto a com'an: of a "ine:ard, and a hed&e '%t ro%nd /the ,@h%dim,@ Hear now the 'ara le a o%t it, and d%& a wine'ress in /of the sowerM One honora le man it, and %ilt a tower, and rented /'lanted a "ine:ard and fenced it it to "inedressers, and went/from-all-aro%nd, and %ilt a tower a roadM /in its midst, and also a "at in it, /and entr%sted it to sla"es 87P9 to

/c%lti"ate it<, and went on his wa:3 AC And when the time of the fr%its/AC3 And it was towards the time of drew near, he sent his sla"es to /the &atherin& of the 'rod%ce, he the "inedressers, to recei"e the /sent awa: : his sla"es to the fr%its of it3 /workers, to recei"e his 'rofit3 AD And the "inedressers takin& his/AD3 And the workers the: took his sla"es, the: eat this one, and /sla"es, and smote the #first( one, the: killed one, and the: stoned /and the: killed the second, and the one3 /third the: stoned with stones3 AE A&ain, he sent other sla"es, /AE3 And he sent a&ain man: sla"es, more than the firstM and the: did /more than the first onesM and the: %nto them likewise3 /did %nto them likewise3 AF 6%t last-Llater9 he sent %nto /AF3 Finall:, he sent %nto them his them his son, sa:in&, The: will /son, sa:in&, Perha's the: shall res'ect m: son3 /honor m: son3 AG 6%t the "inedressers seein& the/AG3 And the workers the: saw his son, said amon& themsel"es, This is/son, and the: said to one another, the heir> come, let %s kill him, /This is the heir 8Ge9 of the "ineand let %s seize hold of his /:ard<> Let@s &o and kill him, and inheritance3 /@we shall inherit his estate-87G9 /and his inheritance will e o%rs<@3 AH And the: takin& him, cast #him(/AH3 And the: took him, and the: o%t of the "ine:ard, and killed /cast him o%t from the "ine:ard, and #him(3 /the: killed him3 CI +hen the master therefore of /CI3 And now when comes the master the "ine:ard comes, what will he do/of the "ine:ard, what shall he do %nto those "inedressersS /%nto themS C2 The: sa: %nto him, 6ad menT He /C23 And the: answered %nto him : will misera l: destro: them, and /sa:in&, 5The e"il ones he shall will rent o%t the "ine:ard to other/destro: in miser:, and his "ine:ard "inedressers, who shall ret%rn /he@ll &i"e %nto other workers, who %nto him the fr%its in their /shall immediatel: &i"e %nto him the seasons3 /'ortion of his 'rofit3 -----------------------------------. 5879333He shall destro: the wicked "inedressers in their wickedness,333< 58G29333Misera l: he shall destro: those misera le men,333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------C= ,esh%a sa:s %nto them, 7id :o% /C=3 And ,esh%a said %nto them, Ha"e ne"er read in the +ritin&sS -A /:o% not read the +ritin&sS -A !tone !tone which the %ilders reNected, /the %ilders reNected, it has this #One( ecame head of #the( / ecome for the head of the cornerM cornerM this 5from ,HVH;LThe LO179 /From ,HVH this has ecome #so(, it ha''ened, and it is a wonder in o%r/is a mar"el in o%r e:es3 e:es3 / 58+9 was with the Lord, and333</ CA 6eca%se of this, $ tell :o%, /CA3 Therefore $ sa: %nto :o%, that That the Oin&dom of *lohim;God /shall e torn #the( Oin&dom of the shall e taken from :o%, and will /Hea"ens from a o%t :o%, and &i"en e &i"en to a nation 'rod%cin& the /%nto @a nation-879nations-L&o:im9<@ fr%its of it3 /@'rod%cin&-8G29that &i"eth<@ fr%it3 CC Jm9And the #one( fallin& on this/CC3 JG29#-(K And the one fallin& !tone shall e roken %'M %t %'on /%'on this !tone shall e cast downM whome"er it falls, it will #cr%sh( /5and whoe"er falls %'on it, shall him to 'owder3K / e roken a'art3 -----------------------------------. 58G=#Ge(9333And e"er: one whom it shall fall %'on, it shall cr%sh 8Ge9 and &rind< him 8P9 #.( to atoms<;8Ge9 #.( to 'owder<3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------CD And the head 0ohanim and the /CD3 And heard the chief 0ohanim and P@r%shim hearin& His 'ara les, the:/the P@r%shim His 'ara les, and the: knew that He s'oke a o%t them3 /%nderstood that He was s'eakin& of /them3

CE And the: seekin& to 5seize Him,/CE3 And the: so%&ht to kill Him, feared the crowds, eca%se the: /and;# %t( the: feared eca%se of held Him as a Pro'het3 /the crowds, 5since as a Pro'het He 58+9 arrest Him, 333< /was to them3 / 5879333since He was in their / e:es a Pro'het3< 0HAPT*1 == -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 == -He 3 2 And ,esh%a answerin& s'oke %nto /234 And answered ,esh%a and s'oke them a&ain in 'ara les, sa:in&, /%nto them a&ain in the words of a /'ara le, = The Oin&dom of the Hea"ens is /=3 #The( Oin&dom #of the( Hea"ens like %nto a man, a kin&, who made a/@is-8G9 has ecome<@ like %nto a weddin& feast to his son, /kin& who made a weddin& ceremon:3 A And sent his sla"es to call the /A3 And he sent his sla"es after the #ones( #that were( ein& called to /ones in"ited %nto the weddin& the weddin&M and the: desired not /ceremon:, and the: didn@t want to to come3 /come3 C A&ain, he sent other sla"es, /C3 And he sent a&ain other sla"es sa:in&, Tell the #ones( called, /to sa:, !a: %nto those who are 6ehold, $ ha"e readied m: s%''er> /in"ited, 6ehold, $ ha"e 're'ared m: oPen and the fatlin&s are /the feast> and $ ha"e killed oPen killed, and all thin&s read:M 0ome /and fowl, and all is read:M 0ome to %nto the 5weddin& feast3 /the weddin& feast3 58+9 marria&e3< / D 6%t the: not carin&, went off, /D3 And the: scorned and the: went one to #his( own field, and one to /awa:, some into the cit:, and some his tradin&M /into their %sinessesM E And the rest seizin& his sla"es,/E3 And @others-8G9 the ones that ins%lted and killed #them(3 /were left ehind<,@ the: took his /sla"es and a %sed them, and killed /them3 F 6%t the kin& hearin&, ecame /F3 And heard the kin& this, and was an&r:M and sendin& his armies, /an&r:> and sent those m%rderers destro:ed those m%rderers, and /awa:, and their ho%se %rnt : %rned their cit:3 /fire3 G Then said he to his sla"es, The /G3 Then he said %nto his sla"es, weddin& is indeed read:, %t those /The weddin& ceremon: it is read:, called were not worth:3 / %t those in"ited, the: were not /worth: 8G9 of it<3 H Go :o% therefore onto the ePits /H3 And now &o to the roads, and all of the roads, and as man: as :o% /whom :o% shall find, in"ite them find, call to the weddin& feast3 /%nto the weddin& ceremon:3 2I And those sla"es &oin& forth /2I3 And went o%t his sla"es to the into the roads, &athered all, as /roads, and the: assem led all the man: as the: fo%nd, oth e"il and /ones who were fo%nd, &ood and adM &oodM and the weddin& was filled /and so the weddin& ceremon: 5was with 5@recliners-Lthose that sat to/filled with those 5who were eatin&3 eat9@3 / 58GP9333was filled with &%ests3< 58+9 &%ests3< / 5879333that sat at the ta le3< 22 And the kin& comin& in to "iew /223 And came in the kin& to see the those reclinin&-Lsittin&9, he saw /ones who were eatin&, and saw there there a man not ein& dressed in a /a man which was not clothed in the weddin& &armentM /weddin& &armentM 2= And he said %nto him, Friend, /2=3 And he said %nto him, M: friend how did :o% enter here, not ha"in& /how did :o% come in here witho%t a weddin& &armentS 6%t he was /a weddin& &armentS And he was silent3 /silent3 2A Then said the kin& to the /2A3 Then said the kin& %nto his ser"ants, 6indin& his hands and /ser"ants, 5 ind his hands and feet, feet, JA9 take him awa:, andK cast /and cast him into the lowest !h@ol #him( o%t into the o%ter darkness> /-Lhell9> and there shall e cr:in& there shall e the wee'in& and the /and &nashin& of teeth3

&nashin& of the teeth3 / 58Gt9 To the weddin& $ ha"e -----------------------------------. een idden, and with white &arments $ ha"e een clothed> ma: $ e worth: of it, and ma: the: not fasten m: hands and m: feet and to the o%ter darkness ma: $ not &o forthM333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2C For man: are called, %t few /2C3 The called ones -the: were chosen3 /man:, and #:et( the chosen ones /-the: were few3 2D Then &oin& the P@r%shim took /2D34Then came the P@r%shim and took co%nsel, so as the: mi&ht tra' Him /co%nsel 5to take Him in s'eech3 in disco%rse3 / 5879333to&ether a o%t this / sa:in&3< 2E And the: sent forth %nto Him /2E3 And the: sent to Him from their their Talmidim with the Herodians, /Talmidim with "iolent men from sa:in&, Teacher, we know that :o% /Herod to sa:, 1a i, we know that are tr%thf%l, and teach the wa: of /:o% are faithf%l, and :o% st%d: : *lohim;God in tr%th, and it /faithf%lness the wa: #of( *lohim, concerns :o% not a o%t an:oneM for /and :o% fear nothin&, and don@t :o% look not 8+9 in<to the face of /@ar&%e #from( a''earances-Lnosae men3 /'ahneem;faces93@ 2F Tell %s therefore what 5:o% /2F3 !a: how this seems %nto :o%, think, $s it lawf%l to &i"e tri %te/$s it ri&ht to &i"e tri %te %nto to 0aesar, or notS /0aesar or notS 58+9 seems &ood to :o%, $s333</ 2G 6%t ,esh%a knowin& their /2G3 5And ,esh%a reco&nized their wickedness, said, +h: #do( :o% /deceit and said, +h: do :o% entice tem't MeS 8+9 O :o%< H:'ocritesT /MeS H:'ocritesT / 5879 6%t ,esh%a knew the e"il / in their hearts333< 2H !how Me the tri %te coin3 And /2H3 !how %nto Me a taP coin3 And the: ro%&ht %nto Him a denari%s3 /the: ro%&ht a common one to Him3 =I And He sa:s %nto them, Of whom /=I3 And He said to them, -nto whom #is( this ima&e and s%'erscri'tionS/is this form and the im'ression3 =2 The: sa: %nto Him, 0aesar@s3 /=23 And the: said, To 0aesar3 Then Then He sa:s %nto them, 1ender then/,esh%a said %nto them, 1et%rn %nto %nto 0aesar the thin&s of 0aesar> /0aesar that which is 0aesar@s, and and %nto *lohim;God the thin&s of /that which is *lohim@s %nto *lohim3 *lohim;God3 / == And the: hearin&, mar"elled, /==3 And the: heard and were amazed, and lea"in& Him, the: went awa:3 /and the: left Him, and went awa:3 =A On that da:, a''roached to Him /=A3 7%rin& that da: a''roachedTz@d%kim, who sa: #there is( not to/Lcalled9 to Him the Tz@d%kim Land9 e a res%rrection, and the: /5the-ones-den:in& the res%rrection Q%estioned Him, /of the dead3 And the: asked Him, / 58G2Ge#G=(P9,333the: sa: to Him / that there is no comin& to life / of the dead3< =C !a:in&M Teacher, Moshe said, $f/=C3 6: sa:in&M 1a i, s'eakin& %nto an: #man( die, not ha"in& children,/%s Moshe said, +hen rothers dwell his rother shall marr: his wife, /to&ether, and one of them dies and and shall raise %' seed %nto his /has no son %nto him, that his rother3 / rother sho%ld take his wife to /raise %' seed of his rother3 =D And were with %s se"en /=D34 And ehold, se"en rothers rethrenM and the first ha"in& /there were in o%r midstM and took married, eP'ired, and not ha"in& /the first one a wife and died seed, left his wife %nto his /witho%t seed, and his rother rotherM /married his wifeM =E Likewise the second also, and /=E3 And likewise the second and the the third, %ntil the se"en3 /third %' to the se"enth3 =F And last of all the woman died /=F3 And after them the wife died3

also3 =G Then in the 1es%rrection of which of the se"en shall she e wife, for all had herS

/ /=G3 !ince alread: she was %nto all /of them, to which from the se"en /shall she e the wife 87#.(9 in the /1es%rrection< 8Ge#.(9 of the dead /therefore<S =H And ,esh%a answerin& said %nto /=H3 And answered ,esh%a and said to them, ,o% err, not knowin& the /them, ,o% err and don@t %nderstand +ritin&s, nor the 'ower of *lohim; /the !crolls and;nor the 'ower of God3 /*lohim3 AI For in the 1es%rrection the: /AI3 $n the 7a: of the 1es%rrection neither marr:, nor are &i"en in /the men will not take women, and marria&e, %t the: are as the /neither the women men, onl: the: an&els JA9 of GodK in Hea"en3 /shall e as the an&els JG9 of -----------------------------------.*lohim;GodK-8V2#G2(< in the Hea"ens3 879333marr: not, neither are the: etrothed,333< 8V2#G2(9 For amon& the dead,< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A2 6%t concernin& the res%rrection/A23 Ha"e :o% not read concernin& of the dead, ha"e :o% not read that/the res%rrection of the deadS -That s'oken %nto :o% : *lohim;God, /5s'oken # :( ,HVH %nto :o%, +ho sa:in&, /said, / 58Ga9 *lohim said %nto Moshe / from the 6%sh,< A= $ am the God of A"raham, and /A=3 $ ,HVH-#Am( *lohim of A"raham, the God of ,itzchak, and the God of/*lohim of ,itzchak, and *lohim of ,a?ako"S *lohim;God is not the God /,a?ako"3 And if so, He isn@t of the dead, %t of #the( li"in&T /isn@t *lohim of the dead, %t /*lohim of the li"in&T AA And the crowds hearin&, were /AA3 And the crowds heard, and the: 5asto%nded at His teachin&3 /were amazed eca%se of His wisdom3 58+9 deli&hted with His 333< / AC 6%t the P@r%shim hearin& that /AC34 And when the P@r%shim saw that He #had( silenced the Tz@d%kim, /there #was( no answer : the #the:( were assem led to&ether3 /Tz@d%kim, the: 5Noined his /ser"ants3 / 58G9 &athered to&ether %nto Him3< AD And one of them, a Torah/AD3 And then a 5!a&e asked Him to eP'ert, Q%estioned #Him(, testin& /tem't Him, -Ltem'tin&9 Him, and sa:in&, / 5879333doctor of the Torah333< AE Teacher, which #is the( &reat /AE3 1a i, tell %s which is #the( mitz"ah;commandment in the TorahS /&reat 8G=#Ge(9 and first< mitz"ah /that is in the TorahS AF And ,esh%a-8+9 He< said %nto /AF3 He said %nto him, And tho% him, Tho% shalt lo"e ,HVH;LThe/shalt lo"e ,HVH th: God with all LO179 th: God with all th: heart, /th: heart, and with all th: so%l, and with all th: so%l, and with all/and with all th: stren&th3 th: mind3 / AG This is the first and &reat /AG3 This is the first 879.#and( the mitz"ah;commandment3 /&reatest mitz"ah in the whole /Torah3< AH And #the( second #is( like %nto/AH3 The second is like it, And tho% it, Tho% shalt lo"e th: nei&h o%r /shalt lo"e th: nei&h or as th:self3 as th:self3 / CI $n these two mitz"ot; /CI3 And %'on these two mitz"ot the commandments han& all the Torah and/whole Torah han&s, and the the Pro'hets3 /Pro'hets3 C2 6%t the P@r%shim ha"in& een /C23 And the P@r%shim assem led and assem led, ,esh%a Q%estioned them, /,esh%a asked them, C= !a:in&M +hat seems #it( to :o% /C=3 6: sa:in&M How seems it %nto a o%t @HaMashiach;the Messiah@S /:o% concernin& HaMashiach, and

+hose son is HeS The: sa: %nto Him,/whose !on shall He eS And the: Of 7a"id3 /said %nto Him, 6en-7a"id3 CA He sa:s %nto them, How then /CA3 And He said %nto them, How is does 7a"id : #the( 1%ach;!'irit /it 7a"id called Him JG29 in the call Him @Adonai;Lord@, sa:in&, /1%ach HaOodeshK, : sa:in&, @Adon/8G=9 Adonai<-8G29 #ille&i le(<@3 CC ,HVH;LThe-LO179 said %nto m:- /CC3 As it is written, Addressed Lord, !it on M: 1i&ht Hand, %ntil /,HVH %nto Adonai, !it : M: 1i&ht $ '%t ,o%r enemies #as( a footstool/Hand %ntil $ make ,o%r enemies 5the of ,o%r feetS /footstool for ,o%r feet3 / 58V2#G2(9333 eneath Th: feet3< CD $f 7a"id then calls Him Adonai,/CD3 $f 7a"id called Him @Adon-8G=9 how is He his sonS /Adonai<-8G29LThe LO179;,HVH<@ shall /He e his sonS CE And no one was a le to answer /CE3 And the: weren@t a le to answer Him a word, nor dared an:one from /Him a word, #and( from then on the: that da: to Q%estion Him an: /feared to ask Him an:thin&3 lon&er3 / 0HAPT*1 =A -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 =A -He 3 2 Then s'ake ,esh%a to the /23 Then s'oke ,esh%a to the 'eo'le m%ltit%de, and to His Talmidim, /and to His Talmidim, = !a:in&M The !cri es and the /=3 6: sa:in&M -'on the seat of P@r%shim sat down on the seat of /Moshe sit the P@r%shim and the MosheM /!a&esM A All thin&s then, whate"er the: /A3 And now all that the: sa: %nto tell :o% to kee', kee' and do> 6%t /:o% 5kee';o ser"e;&%ard and do> And do not accordin&-to their worksM /#:et( accordin& to their standards for the: sa:, and do not3 /and deeds, don@t do themM !ince /the: sa:, and #:et( the: don@t do3 / 58G9 e JG29hearin& andK doin&>< C For the: ind hea": %rdens Jm9 /C3 And the: demand and set forth and hard to earK, and la: #them( /&reat %rdens that the sho%lders on the sho%lders of men> %t the: /of men aren@t a le to ear> and wish not to mo"e them with their /#:et( the: themsel"es, J7G29e"en : fin&er3 /their fin&erK, the: aren@t willin& mo"e3 879 For the: ind %' hea": and %n'orta le %rdens, and '%t them %'on men@s sho%lders, %t the: will not sta&&er aro%nd with them themsel"es3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------D 6%t all their works the: do in /D3 And all their deeds the: do @for order to e seen : men3 And the: /the "iew of faces-La''earances9@3 roaden their t@fillin, and enlar&e/And the: 5wear eP'ensi"e &arments the tzitzi:ot of their &arments, /and lar&e tzitzi:ot3 / 58G9 widen the thon&s of their / t@fillin, and len&then the / tzitzi:ot of their cloaks,< E And the: lo"e the first co%ch in/E3 5The: lo"e to recline first in the s%''ers, and the first seats in/the anQ%et halls, and to e seated the s:na&o&%es, /at the s:na&o&%es first, -----------------------------------. 58G2#G=(9 @and-8Ga9 +oe %nto :o% that :o%<@ lo"e the chief entertainments at s%''ers and the @honora le-8G=9 first<@ seats in the s:na&o&%es,< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------F And the &reetin&s in the /F3 And to 'rostrate themsel"es in markets, and to e called : men, /the streets, and for them to e 1a i, 1a i3 /called 1a i3 -----------------------------------. 58G9 And &reetin&s in the streets, and @the: wish-8Ga9 :o% lo"e<@ that men sho%ld e callin& @them-8Ga9 :o%<@, 1a i, 1a i3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------G 6%t e not :o% called 1a iM for/G3 And :o%, don@t :o% desire to e

One is :o%r Leader, JA9HaMashiachK>/called 1a i-87G9<M One -He is :o%r and all :o% are rothers3 /:o%r @879<-1a i-8G29Teacher<@, /@879U that is HaMashiach<-8G29#-(<@ /and all of :o% are rothers3 H And call no one father %'on the /H3 And don@t :o% call, of man on earthM for One is :o%r Father, the /the earth, fatherM One -He is :o%r #One( in the Hea"ens3 /Father who is in the Hea"ens3 -----------------------------------. 8Ga9 A father let %s not call #an: one( for o%rsel"es on earth, that we ma: e sons to the Father in Hea"en3<-8Gh9 A 1a i call not #men( on earth<-8P9 And :o% shall not call :o%rsel"es father on earth333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2I Neither e called leadersM for /2I3 And don@t :o% e called @1a iOne is :o%r Leader, @the Messiah /87G9 Teacher<M@ since One is :o%r ;HaMashiach@3 /@1a i-87#G(9 Teacher@, U that is<@ /HaMashiach3 22 And the &reater of :o% shall e/223 The &reatest in :o%r midst :o%r ser"ant3 /shall ser"e :o%3 2= And whoe"er will ePalt himself /2=3 And whoe"er ePalts himself shall e h%m led> and whoe"er will /shall e h%m led> and whoe"er is h%m le himself shall e ePalted3 /h%m leLd9 shall e ePalted3 2A 6%t woe %nto :o%, !cri es and /2A34O:-Lwoe9 %nto :o%, the P@r%shim P@r%shim, h:'ocritesT for :o% sh%t /and the !a&es, h:'ocritesT 5 eca%se %' the Oin&dom of the Hea"ens /:o% close the &ate of the Oin&dom efore menM for :o% do not enter, /of the Hea"ens efore @the sons of nor to :o% allow the #ones( /man-Lmankind9@, and :o% :o%rsel"es enterin& to enter3 /don@t enter> and the ones wantin& enter, :o% don@t 'ermit them to enter3 58G29 ,o% hold the ke: of the Oin&dom of Hea"en333<-#in !:riac Aramaic, the same word for @to sh%t@ U @to hold@(-8Ga9 ,o% are the holders of the ke:s333<-8Ga9 The ke: is deli"ered %' to :o% and the door :o% ha"e sh%t> :o% ha"e not entered, and them that come to enter, :o% s%fferest not3< 5#V2;G29 A'hraates has e"identl: Q%oted directl: from the tePt of o%r 'alim'sest, and has een infl%enced : its readin& of Matt32EM2H, to %se the word XdoorsX3( -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2C JAm+9 +oe %nto :o%, !cri es and/2C3 JG29#-(K O:-Lwoe9 %nto :o%, the P@r%shim, h:'ocritesT for :o% /P@r%shim and the !a&es, h:'ocritesT de"o%r the widows@ ho%ses, and as a/ eca%se :o% are those who de"o%r 'retePt #are( lon& 'ra:in&M 6eca%se/and di"ide the wealth of certain of this :o% shall recei"e more /widows 5 : len&th: darasha %ndant N%d&ement3K /Ldisco%rse9M and eca%se of this, /:o% shall s%ffer a lon& '%nishment3 / 58G=9$n the 'retePt that :o% are / len&thenin& :o%r 'ra:ersTM333< 2D +oe %nto :o%, !cri es and /2D3 ,o% encom'ass the sea and the P@r%shim, h:'ocritesT for :o% &o /land to ind the heart of one man a o%t the sea and the dr: #land( to/in :o%r faith, and when he ecomes make one 'rosel:te, and when he / o%nd, he ecomes do% l: worse than ecomes #so(, :o% make him twofold / efore3 more a son of Ge:-Hinnom-Lhell9 / than :o%rsel"es3 / 2E +oe %nto :o%, #:o%( lind /2E3 O:-Lwoe9 %nto :o%, seat of the @leaders-L&%ides9@, the #ones( / lind, who sa: that he who swears sa:in&, +hoe"er swears : the / : the Tem'le is not o li&ated, and Tem'le, it is nothin&> %t whoe"er /#:et( he who "ows : an:thin& which swears : the &old of the Tem'le is/is consecrated to the str%ct%re of a de torT /the Tem'le is @o li&ated to 'a:/87G9 condemned;sins<@T 2F Fools and lindM for what is /2F3 Mad and lind onesM which is

&reater, the &old, or the Tem'le that @sanctifies-8A9 sanctified<@ the &oldS 2G And #:o% sa:(, +hoe"er swears : the altar, it is nothin&> %t whoe"er swears : the &ift %'on it is a de tor3

/&reater, the Tem'le, or the thin& /consecrated to the Tem'leS / /2G3 And #:o% sa:( whoe"er swears : /the altar is not o li&ated> and /#:et( he who 5swears that he shall /make an offerin& is o li&ated to /&i"e it3 / 5879333swears : the &ift that / is %'on it, is condemned3< 2H Fools and lindT For what is /2H3 O:-Lwoe9 lind one, which is &reater, the &ift, or the altar /more, the &ift or the altar, the that sanctifies the &iftS /Tem'le or the &iftS =I Then the #one( swearin& : the /=I3 +hoe"er swears : the altar altar, swears : it, and : all the/swears : it, and : e"er:thin&, thin&s %'on it3 /whate"er that is in it3 =2 And the #one( swearin& : the /=23 J-K 87G9 And he who swears : Tem'le, swears : it, and : the /the Tem'le, swears : it, and : #One( @dwellin&-8M+9 #that( dwelt<@/@the One who-Lthat which9-8G9 Him in it3 /that<@ a ides therein3< == And the #one( swearin& : /==3 And whoe"er swears : the Hea"en, swears : the throne of /throne of *lohim;God, swears : it, *lohim;God, and : the #One( /and : the One who sits %'on it3 sittin& %'on it3 / =A +oe %nto :o%, !cri es and /=A3 O:-Lwoe9 %nto them, the !a&es P@r%shim, h:'ocritesT for :o% tithe/and the P@r%shimT the ones who the mint and the dill and the /tithe the mint, and the dill, and c%mmin> and :o% ha"e left #off( /the 'ome&ranate> and #:et are( the wei&htier #matters( of the /those who commit ro er:, and lea"e TorahM N%d&ment, and merc:, and /%ndone that which is wei&htier, faithM @These thin&s one needs to /that is, N%d&ements of the TorahM U do, and 5#:et( not to lea"e those /these are, the kindness, and the #others(3-L$t was ri&ht to do /tr%th, and the faithf%lnessM 5These these> and not to ha"e left those /are commandments worth: of doin&> aside39@ /one sho%ld not for&et them3 58+9 not to ne&lect those3< / 58G9 Now these :e ha"e done, / %t these ha"e :e not leftS< =C 6lind @leaders-L&%ides9@T the /=C3 Offs'rin& of lind leadersT #ones( strainin& o%t the &nat, %t /5who are strict in the matter of swallowin& the camelT /the &nat, U who swallow the camelT / 58G9333in that :o% strain clear / of &nats,333< =D +oe %nto :o%, !cri es and /=D3 O:-Lwoe9 %nto :o%, the P@r%shim P@r%shim, h:'ocritesT for :o% /and the !a&es, eca%se :o% clean cleanse the o%tside of the c%' and /the c%'s and the 'latters from the the dish, %t within the: are f%ll /o%tside, and #:et( inside them is of ro er: and @ePcess/f%ll of wickedness and 8M9 %nri&hteo%sness<@3 /%ncleanness3 =E 6lind Par%shT 0leanse first the/=E3 H:'ocriteT First cleanse that inside of the c%' J+9 and of the /which is inside> in order that dishK> that the o%tside of them;8+9/mi&ht ecome '%re that which is of it< ma: ecome clean also3 /the o%tside3 =F +oe %nto :o%, !cri es and /=F3 O:-Lwoe9 %nto :o%, the !a&es P@r%shim, h:'ocritesT for :o% are /and the P@r%shim, h:'ocritesT the like %nto whitewashed &ra"es, who /ones like %nto whitened se'%lchres, indeed a''ear ea%tif%l o%twardl:, /which a''ear from the o%tside to %t are within f%ll of ones of / e ea%tif%l %nto @the sons of man #the( dead, and of all %ncleanness3/-Lmankind9@, and #:et( in the /inside are f%ll of the ones of the /dead and the filth:3 =G !o :o% also indeed o%twardl: /=G3 Th%s, :o% seem from the o%tside a''ear ri&hteo%s %nto men, %t /as tzaddikim-Lri&hteo%s ones9 %nto

within are f%ll of h:'ocris: and @"iolation of the Torah3-LCDG9@

/the @sons of man-Lmankind9@, and /#:et( within :o% are f%ll of /h:'ocris: and wickedness3 =H +oe %nto :o%, !cri es and /=H34 O:-Lwoe9 %nto :o% the P@r%shim, h:'ocritesT eca%se :o% /h:'ocrites, and the P@r%shim and %ild the &ra"es of the Pro'hets, /the !a&esT eca%se :o% %ild tom s and decorate the mon%ments of the /of the Pro'hets and &lorif: ri&hteo%s, /mon%ments of the tzaddikim, AI And sa:, $f we had een in the /AI3 And :o% sa:, $f we had een in da:s of o%r fathers, we wo%ld not /the da:s of o%r fathers, we wo%ld ha"e een sharers of them in the /not ha"e 'ermitted #them( to '%t lood of the Pro'hets3 /the Pro'hets to death3 A2 !o :o% witnesses %nto /A23 $n this :o% witness concernin& :o%rsel"es, that :o% are sons of /:o%rsel"es, that sons :o% are of those m%rderin& the Pro'hets3 /those who killed the Pro'hets3 A= And :o% fill :o% %' the meas%re/A=3 And :o% eha"e accordin& to the of :o%r fathers3 /actions of :o%r fathers3 AA !er'entsT Offs'rin& of "i'ersT /AA3 !er'entsT @seed-879&eneration<@ How ma: :o% esca'e from the /of "i'ersT How shall :o% esca'e N%d&ement of the Ge:-HinnomS /from the N%d&ement of Ge:-Hinnom if /:o% don@t t%rn in re'entanceS AC Therefore, ehold, $ send %nto /AC3@8-<-$n that time said ,esh%a to :o% Pro'hets, and wise ones, and /the crowd of ,@h%dim,@ Therefore, !cri esM And of them :o% shall kill/ ehold, $ am sendin& %nto :o% and ePec%te on stakes, and of them /Pro'hets and the !a&es and the shall :o% flo& in :o%r s:na&o&%es, /!cri esM And some from them :o% and shall '%rs%e from cit: to cit:M/shall kill, and some from them :o% -----------------------------------.shall afflict in :o%r s:na&o&%es, and :o% shall @'%rs%e-8G9 'ersec%te<@ them from cit: to cit:3 879333sco%r&e with whi's in :o%r s:na&o&%es, and 'ersec%te from cit: to cit:3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AD !o, %'on :o% comes all #the( /AD3 !o as to 'lace %'on :o% the ri&hteo%s lood 'o%red o%t %'on the/ lood of e"er: tzaddik-Lri&hteo%s earth, from the lood of the /one9 which has een 'o%red o%t on ri&hteo%s He"el %nto the lood of /the earth, from the lood of He"el B@khar:ah en-6erekh:ah, whom :o% /the tzaddik %nto the lood of m%rdered etween the Tem'le and the/B@khar:ah en-6erekh:ah, whom :o% altar3 /m%rdered etween the Tem'le and the /altar3 AE Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, All these/AE3 $n tr%th $ sa: %nto :o%, that thin&s shall come %'on this /shall come all these thin&s %'on &eneration3 /this &eneration, AF ,er%shala:im, ,er%shala:im, the/AF3 And %'on ,er%shala:im, the one #one( sla:in& the Pro'hets, and /killin& the Pro'hets and remo"in& stonin& the #ones( sent %nto her3 /the ones sent3 How man: times $ How often $ desired to assem le /wanted to &ather :o%r children, as :o%r children to&ether in the wa: a/a hen &athers her chicks %nder her ird assem les to&ether her :o%n& /win&s, and :o% didn@t want;desire %nder the win&s, and :o% desired /it3 #it( notT / AG 6ehold, :o%r ho%se is left %nto/AG3 5Therefore, :o% will lea"e :o%r :o% Jm9 desolateK3 /ho%ses desolate3 -----------------------------------. 8G9 Lo, :o%r ho%se 5is left3-L#as in(M $ will lea"e :o%r ho%se#S(9< 58V=9 333 is to e deserted : :o%3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AH For $ sa: %nto :o%, ,o% shall /AH3 $n tr%th $ sa: %nto :o%, :o% not at all see Me from now #on( /won@t see Me from hereafter, %ntil %ntil :o% sa:, 6lessed #is( @the /that #time( :o% sa:, 6lessed is #One( comin&-LHe who comes9@ in /@o%r 7eli"erer;!a"ior3-879 He that #the( Name of The-LO173 /comes in the Name of ,HVH-

-L8He 3< 6ar%ch ha a @!hem /LAdonai9<3@ @Adonai;,HVH@9 / 0HAPT*1 =C -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 =C -He 3 2 And ,esh%a &oin& forth went awa:/234 And it was when ,esh%a went from the Tem'leM and His Talmidim /forth from the Tem'leM and as He came %' to show Him the %ildin&s /was &oin&, His Talmidim drew near of the Tem'le3 /@to-8G9 #and( the:< show Him the /@ %ildin&s-8P9 str%ct%re<@ of the /Tem'le3 = And 5,esh%a said %nto them, !ee /=3 And He said, ,o% see all theseS :o% not all these thin&sS Tr%l: $ /Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, that all sa: %nto :o%, there shall not at /shall e destro:ed, and there won@t all e left here stone %'on stone, / e left there stone %'on stone3 which in no wa: shall not e thrown/ 8V2#G2(9 there shall not e down3 / left here a stone %'on a 58+9 res'ondin&, He said 333< / stone, that shall not e / destro:ed3< A And #as( He #was( sittin& %'on /A3 And as He sat on the Mo%nt of the Mo%nt of the Oli"es, the /Oli"es o''osite the Tem'le, asked Talmidim;disci'les came %' %nto Him/%nto Him, Oefa, ,ochanan and Andrew 'ri"atel:, sa:in&, Tell %s, when /in secret, +hen shall e all these shall these thin&s eS and what /thin&sS and what is the si&n that #is( the si&n of 5,o%r 'resence, /shall e when these matters shall and of the termination of the a&eS /take 'lace, or when shall the: 58+9 ,o%r comin&, and 333< / e&in, and when shall e the end of /the world, and ,o%r comin&S C And ,esh%a answerin& said %nto /C3 And ,esh%a answered %nto them, them, !ee that not an: 5misleads /6eware lest an:one sho%ld lead :o% :o%, /astra:, 58+9 decei"e :o%,< / D For man: shall come in M: name /D3 6eca%se man: shall come in; : M: sa:in& $ am the Messiah> and #the:(/Name to sa:, $ #am( He the Messiah> shall ca%se man: to err3 /and the: shall @lead :o% astra:-879 /decei"e man:<@ E 6%t :o% shall hereafter hear of /E3 And #:et( :o%, when :o% hear of wars and r%mors of warsM see, #:o%(/the wars and a com'an: of hostsM do not e %'setM for it is / eware lest :o% ecome foolishM for necessar: for JA9 allK thin&s to /all of this @#in the( f%t%re-L#and; ha''en, %t the end is not :et3 /or( is a o%t read:9@ to comeM %t /the end shall not e :et3 F For nation shall e raised /F3 And shall rise %' nation a&ainst a&ainst nation, and kin&dom a&ainst/nation, and kin&dom a&ainst kin&domM and there shall e /kin&domM and there shall e man:; famines, JA+9 and 'la&%esK, and /lar&e t%m%lts, and &rie"o%s famine, earthQ%akes, a&ainst #man:( 'laces3/and earthQ%ake in 5#man:( 'laces3 / 58G9333"ario%s co%ntries3< G 6%t all these thin&s #are( a /G3 All of these are the e&innin& e&innin& of throes;tra"ails3 /of @the s%fferin&-8G9 tra"ail<@3 H Then shall the: deli"er :o% %' /H3 Then the: shall ind :o% to to affliction, and shall kill :o%M /affliction-Lthe enemies9 and shall and :o% shall e hated : all the /kill :o%, and 5:o% shall ecome as @&o:im-L&entiles;nations9@ for M: /a re'roach to all the nations;&o:im name#@s( #sake(3 /-Lm%ltit%des9 @for-L eca%se of9 M: /Name3 / 58G9333e"er: man shall e / hatin& :o% for M: Name@s sake3< 2I And then shall man: e /2I3 And then shall e man: an&r:, offended, and shall 5deli"er %' one/5and the: shall deal treachero%sl: another, and the: shall hate one /with each other, and shall e another3 /enra&ed in;amon& themsel"es3 58+9 etra: one another, 333< / 5879333and a man shall etra: / his nei&h or, :es, a man shall

/ hate his rother3< 22 And man: false 'ro'hets shall /223 And shall arise @the-8G9 man:<@ e raised %', and 5shall ca%se man:/false 'ro'hets, and lead astra: to err3 /man:3 58+9 decei"e man:3< / 2= And eca%se @"iolation of the /2=3 5And when ecomes m%lti'lied Torah-LCDG9@ shall ha"e een /the wickedness, #then( shall &row m%lti'lied, the 8+9 di"ine< lo"e of/faint the lo"e of man:3 the man: shall &row cold3 / 5879And eca%se a'ostas: shall / a o%nd,333< 2A 6%t the #one( end%rin& %nto /2A3 And whoe"er waits %ntil the end #the( end, this one shall e sa"ed3/shall @ e sa"ed-8G9 li"e<-8P9 ha"e /life<@3 2C And this Good News of the /2C3 And this @7rash-LePe&esis; Oin&dom shall e 'roclaimed in all /midrashic t:'e eP'osition9@ shall the inha ited earth for a testimon:/ e 'roclaimed in all the earth for %nto all the &o:im-L&entiles; /a testimon: concernin& Me @to;%'on; nations9> and then shall the end /a&ainst;for-Lsee also "3H9@ all come3 /HaGo:im> and then the @end/8G9 concl%sion<@ shall come3 2D +hen :o% therefore see the /2D3 #!o( this is the anti-Messiah, a omination of desolation, s'oken /5and this is the a omination which of : 7aniel the Pro'het, standin& /desolates, which was s'oken of : in #the( Hol: Place, 9the #one( /7aniel as standin& in the Hol: readin&, let him %nderstandML /Place3 9And let the one readin& -----------------------------------.%nderstandML 58G9 Now what #time( :o% ha"e seen the si&n of the a omination of desolation333<-8Gh9333the %nclean si&n333<-8Ge9333the si&n of the terror of its desolation333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2E Then let those in ,@h%diah flee/2E3 Then whoe"er is in ,@h%dah, let %'on the mo%ntains-Lmo%nts9M /them flee %nto the mo%ntains-8G9 /hill-#co%ntr:(<M 2F The #one( on the ho%seto', let /2F3 And whoe"er is %'on the ho%se, him not descend to take an:thin& /don@t come down to take an:thin& from his ho%seM /o%t of his ho%seM 2G And the #one( in the field, let/2G3 And whoe"er is in the field, him not ret%rn ack to take his /let him not 5t%rn ack to take his &arment3 /&arment3 / 5879ret%rn to take his clothes< / 58G9t%rn aro%nd ehind to take / his cloak3< 2H And woe %nto those ha"in& child/2H3 5+oe %nto the 're&nant ones, in wom , and to those s%cklin& in /and %nto those who n%rse children those da:sT /in those da:sT / 5879 6%t woe %nto them that are / with child, and %nto them that / are a o%t to ear, and %nto333< =I And 'ra: that :o%r fli&ht will /=I3 Pra: %nto God;*l that :o%r not occ%r in winter, nor on a;8+9 /5esca'e won@t e in the a%t%mn, the< !ha atM /also #not( d%rin& the !ha atM / 58GP9333fli&ht ma: not e in / the winter @nor-8Ga9 and<@ on / the !ha atM< =2 For then shall e &reat /=23 6eca%se JG9 thenK there shall affliction;tri %lation, s%ch as has/ e &reat tro% le, which hasn@t een not occ%rred from #the( ori&in of /from the 5creation of the world #the( world %ntil now, no, nor e"er/%ntil now, and as shall ne"er e3 ma:;shall occ%r3 / 58G9 #first( ha itation of333< == And ePce't those da:s were c%t /==3 And ePce't #for( those da:s short, #there( wo%ld not an: flesh / ein& lessened, no flesh #at( all e sa"edM %t eca%se of the chosen/wo%ld 5 e sa"edM # %t( onl: for the

-Lelect9 those da:s shall short3

/sake of the chosen ones those da:s /shall e decreased-8G9 shortened<3 / 58G9333li"eM<-8P9 remain ali"e< =A Then if an:one sa:s %nto :o%, /=A3 And at that time if a man sa:s 6ehold, here #is( the Messiah, or, /%nto :o%, 6ehold, the Messiah is Hear;8+9 there<T elie"e #it(;8+9 /here or there, don@t elie"e it3 him< not3 / =C For will arise false @anointed /=C3 6eca%se shall arise @messiahs -ones-Lmessiahs9@, and false /-Lanointed ones9@ that are 5false, 'ro'hets, and #the:( will &i"e /and 5false 'ro'hets, and the: shall &reat si&ns and wonders> so as to /&i"e si&ns and &reat wonders 5ca%se to err, if 'ossi le, e"en /-L'roofs9> so that if it can e, the chosen-Lelect93 /the: shall come to lead the chosen 58+9 decei"e< /astra:3 / 58G9 l:in&< =D 6ehold, $ tell :o% eforehand3 /=D3J=EK And Lthen9 if the: sa: %nto -----------------------------------.:o%, 6ehold, He is in the wilderness> don@t &o o%t, andM 6ehold, He is in cham ers-Linner 'laces9> don@t elie"e it3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=E Then if the: sa: %nto :o%, /=E3J=DK 6ehold, $ tell it %nto :o% 6ehold, He is in the desert> &o not/ efore it ha''ens3 forthM #And( ehold, #He is( in the/ 'ri"ate-Linner;secret9 rooms> / elie"e #it(;8+9 them< not3 / =F For as the li&htnin& comes /=F3 A&ain said %nto them ,esh%a, forth from #the( east, and shines /%nto His TalmidimM 6eca%se as the as far as #the( west> so shall also/li&htnin& 5comes forth in the east, the comin& of the !on of man e3 /and it is seen in the west> th%s -----------------------------------.shall e the comin& of the !on of man3 5879333&oes o%t from the east, and a''ears e"en %nto the west333<-8G9333li&hteneth-8GeGf9 that< from the east and is seen %nto the west,333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=G For where"er the carcase ma: /=G3 +here"er the od: is, there e, there shall the ea&les/will e &athered the @8G9<-"%lt%res L"%lt%res9 e &athered to&ether3 /-87P9 ea&les<@3 =H And immediatel: after the /=H3 And in that time after the affliction;tri %lation of those /tri %lation of those da:s the s%n da:s shall the s%n e darkened, and/shall e darkened, and the moon the moon shall not &i"e her li&ht, /shall not &i"e forth its li&ht, and and the stars shall fall from the /the stars shall fall from the hea"en, and the 'owers of the /hea"ens, and the hosts of the hea"ens shall e shakenM /hea"ens shall @ e shaken/8G9 trem le<@M AI And then shall a''ear the si&n /AI3 And then shall a''ear the si&n of the !on of man in the hea"enM /of the !on of man in the hea"ensM and then shall all the clans/and shall cr: all the families of Ltri es9 of the earth-Lland9 wail- /the earth, and-879 when< the: shall Lmo%rn9, and the: shall see the !on/see the !on of man in the clo%ds of of man comin& on;8+9 in< the clo%ds/of the hea"ens :-L eside9 man: of hea"en with 'ower and m%ch /warriors and a fortification "er: &lor:3 /&reat3 -----------------------------------. 8G9 And then shall e seen the si&nal of the !on of man in hea"en, and :o% shall see the !on of man comin& on the clo%ds of hea"en with &reat 'ower and &lor:3<8alsoMP9333Xsi&nalX of the !on of333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A2 And He shall send His an&els /A23 And He shall send forth His 5amid #the( Great !hofar-Ltr%m'et9 /an&els @ :-8G9 with<@ a 8G9 Great< so%ndin&, and the: shall assem le /!hofar, and d%rin& the @kol &adol-

e c%t

to&ether His chosen-Lelect9 o%t of the fo%r winds, from the ends of #the( hea"ens to their ends3 58m9333with a Great !hofar, and the: shall333<

/L&reat so%nd;"oice9@ to assem le/to&ether His chosen from 5the fo%r /winds of the hea"ens, from the /@end-879 hei&hts<@ #of( the /hea"ens %' to their @end-879 /ePtremities<3@ / 58G9333across the hea"en %nto / the other side3< A= And learn the 'ara le from the /A=3 From the fi& tree learn the fi& tree> Now when its ranch /'ara le> when :o% see its ranches ecomes tender, and it '%ts o%t the/and lea"es s'ro%tin&, know that @He lea"es, :o% know that the s%mmer /is near-879 the s%mmer fr%it is #is( nearM /near<M@ AA !o also :o%, when :o% see all /AA3 879#.(!o likewise :o%, when :o% these thin&s, know that it is J+9 /shall see all these thin&s, know near, #e"en(K on-Lat9 the doors3 /that @it-8P9 He<@ is near,< @8G9</%nto-879 at<@ the @&ates-87G9 /doors<3@ AC Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, This /AC3 Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, This 5&eneration #will( in no wa: 'ass /&eneration shall not 'ass awa: awa:, %ntil all these thin&s come /5%ntil all these thin&s @shall ha"e into ein&3 / een done-8G9 e<@3 58+9 race< / 5879333%ntil the whole is / accom'lished3< AD The hea"ens and earth shall /AD3 And the hea"ens and the earth 'ass awa:, %t M: words shall in no/shall 'ass awa:3 87G9 %t-8G9 and< wa: 'ass awa:3 /M: +ords shall not 'ass awa:3< AE 6%t as to that da: and the /AE34 And of that da: and that ho%r, ho%r, knows no one, neither the /there is none who knows, and an&els of the Hea"ens, 8Am+9nor the/neither the an&els of the Hea"ens, !on<, ePce't M: Father onl:3 /ePce't the Father onl:3 -----------------------------------. 879 -ntil that da:, and concernin& that ho%r there shall e no man that knows, not e"en the an&els in Hea"en, %t M: Father onl:3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AF 6%t as the da:s of Noach, so /AF3 A&ain said ,esh%a %nto His shall also the comin& of the !on of/Talmidim, As in the da:s of Noach, man e, /th%s shall it e 5in the da:s of /the !on of man, / 5879333at the comin& of the / !on of man3< AG For as in the da:s efore the /AG3 +hen efore the flood, the: flood the: were eatin& and /were eatin& and drinkin&, and drinkin&, marr:in& and &i"in& in /5 ein& fr%itf%l and m%lti'l:in& marria&e, %ntil the da: Noach /%ntil #the( da: that Noach came entered into the ark, /into the ark, / 58G9333 etrothin& and ein& / etrothed %ntil333< AH And did not know %ntil the /AH3 And the: didn@t know %ntil that flood came, and took #them( all /came -the flood o"er them, and it #awa:(> so shall #also( the comin& /destro:ed them> th%s shall e the of the !on of man e3/comin& of the !on of man3CI -Then, shall two 8+9 men< e in/CI3 -Then JG9if thereK shall e two the field> the one is taken @awa:- /5'lowin& in the one field, the one J+K@, and the one is left3/@a tzaddik-Lri&hteo%s one9@, U the /#other( one e"il, the one shall e /taken, and the #other( one left3 / 58G9333#men( in the hill,333< C2 -Two 8+9 women< &rindin& in;8+9/C23 Two women shall e &rindin& in at< the mill> one is taken awa:, /one mill> the one shall e taken, and one is left3 /and the #other( one left53 And this -----------------------------------.shall e since the an&els d%rin&

the end of the world shall remo"e the st%m lin& locks from the world and shall se'arate the &ood from the e"il3 58Lk32FMAC, 79#.(333two shall e in one ed, one shall e taken, and one shall e left3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------C= +atch thereforeM for :o% know /C=3 Then said ,esh%a %nto His not on what @ho%r-8A+9 da:<@ :o%r /Talmidim, 5Accordin& to this &%ard; Lord is comin&3 /watch with MeM 6eca%se :o% don@t /know at what ho%r :o%r Lord;Adonai /comes3 / 5879 6e :o% alert thereforeM333< CA And know this, that if the /CA3 This :o% know, if one knows at ho%semaster knew in what watch the /what ho%r the thief comes, he shall thief is comin&, he wo%ld ha"e /@watch-8P9 remain awake<@ and not watched, and if-'ossi le not 'ermit/allow 5him to di& into his ho%se3 his ho%se to e d%& thro%&h3 / 58G9333that his ho%se sho%ld / e roken thro%&h3< CC Therefore e :o% also read:M /CC3 Th%s :o% sho%ld e 're'aredM for #in( that ho%r :o% think not / eca%se :o% don@t know at what ho%r the !on of man comes3 /#the( !on of man is &oin& to come3 CD +ho then is the faithf%l and /CD34 +hat #do( :o% think of the 'r%dent ser"ant, whom his lord /5ser"ant, the faithf%l and the wise a''ointed r%ler o"er his ser"ice, /one, since his lord 'laces him o"er to &i"e to them the food in seasonS/his @children-879 ho%sehold<-8G9 -----------------------------------.fellow-ser"ants<@, to &i"e them @food-8G9 the ration #of food(<@ in its timeS 58Ge9333o"erseer, the faithf%l ser"ant, &ood and wise3333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------CE 6lessed;8+9 Ha'':< #is( that /CE3 Ha'': is that ser"ant, eca%se ser"ant, whom his lord comin& /his lord at his comin& 879to his, # ack( shall find so doin&3 /ho%se<, finds him doin& th%s3 CF Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, That he /CF3 Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, That he shall a''oint him o"er all his /shall 5'lace him o"er his children3 &oods3 / 58G9333&i"e him a%thorit: o"er / all that he hath3< CG 6%t and if that wicked ser"ant /CG3 And if that ser"ant shall e sa:s in his heart, M: lord dela:s /e"il, and sa:s in his heart, M: JA+9 to comeK> /lord is late-Lr9 #to( come> CH And sho%ld e&in to eat #his( /CH3 And e&ins to eat the ser"ants fellow-ser"ants, and to eat and to /of his lord, and eat and drink with drink with the dr%nkards> /&l%ttons> DI The lord of that ser"ant /DI3 And #then shall( come the lord #shall( come on a da: which he /in a da: which he didn@t wait, and eP'ects not, and in an ho%r which /in a time which he didn@t know, 879 he knows not, /and shall s%r'rise him s%ddenl:<, D2 And shall c%t him 5in two, and /D23 J7G9 And he shall di"ide himK, shall '%t his 'ortion with the /and @'lace-879a''oint<@ his 'ortion h:'ocritesM there shall e the /with the h:'ocritesM there shall e wee'in& and the &nashin& of the /cr:in& 8Ge9 of e:es< and &nashin& teeth3 /of teeth3 58+9 off, and 333< / 0HAPT*1 =D -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 =D -He 3 2 Then shall the Oin&dom of the /234 A&ain said ,esh%a %nto His Hea"ens e com'ared %nto ten /Talmidim, #The( Oin&dom #of the( "ir&ins, who takin& their lam's, /Hea"ens 5is like %nto ten 5"ir&ins, and went o%t to a meetin& of the /who took their lam's and went forth ride&room3 /to meet a ride&room and a ride3 / 5879 almah, !T9 et%lah< / 58P9333ma: e shadowed forth / : ten "ir&ins, who took333< = 5And fi"e of them were 'r%dent, /=3 Fi"e of them were laz: fools, 5and fi"e fools3 /and fi"e of them were alert and

5#+9 order re"ersed( /wise3 A Those # ein&( fools ha"in& taken/A3 The fi"e foolish ro%&ht their their lam's, did not take oil with /lam's, and didn@t rin& oil with themM /them3 C 6%t the 'r%dent took oil in /C3 And the wise ro%&ht oil in their "essels with their lam's3 /their "essels with their lam's3 D 6%t the ride&room dela:in&, /D3 And the ride&room was late, and #the:( all nodded and sle't3 / ehold, all of them tarried and /sle't3 E And #at( midni&ht a cr: /E3 And it was at midni&ht, and occ%rredM 6ehold, the ride&room / ehold, a "oice was heardM 6ehold, JA9 comesK> &o forth to meet him3 /the ride&room comes, come to meet /him3 F Then all those "ir&ins arose, /F3 Then came all those "ir&ins, and and 're'ared;8+9 trimmed< their /the: trimmed their lam's3 lam's3 / G And the fools said %nto the /G3 And said the foolish "ir&ins 'r%dent, Gi"e %s of :o%r oil> for /%nto the wise, Gi"e %s some of :o%r o%r lam's are &oin& o%t3 /oil> since o%r lam's ha"e &one o%t3 H 6%t the 'r%dent answered, /H3 And answered the wise : sa:in&, sa:in&, #No(> lest there e not /Go now to ones who sell, and %: eno%&h %nto %s and to :o%M %t &o /for :o%rsel"es> eca%se there isn@t rather to the #ones( sellin&, and /eno%&h oil for %s and for :o%3 +e %: for :o%rsel"es3 /fear since it wo%ld e lackin& %nto /%s3 2I And #so( the: &oin& awa: to /2I3 And it was when the: went to %:, #then( the ride&room came> / %:, the ride&room came> and the and the #ones( read: went in with /ones who were read: went with him him to the 5weddin& feastM and the /%nto the 5weddin& ceremon:M and the door was sh%t3 /&ate was sh%t3 58+9 marria&eM and 333< / 58P9333ho%se of the n%'tialsM< 22 And later, came also the other /223 And afterwards came the foolish "ir&ins, sa:in&, Lord, lord, o'en /"ir&ins and called a o%t the &ate to %s3 / : sa:in&, O%r lord, 8V2#G2(9 o%r /Lord< o'en %nto %s3 2= 6%t he answerin& said, Tr%l: $ /2=3 And he answered %nto them, @$n sa: %nto :o%, $ know :o% not3 /tr%th-8G9 Amaine<@ $ sa: %nto :o%, /$ don@t know who :o% #are(3 2A +atch therefore, for :o% know /2A3 And therefore :o% e on &%ard, not the da: nor the ho%r JA+9 in /6eca%se :o% don@t know the da: and which the !on of man comesK3 /the ho%r JGP9 #in( which comes the / ride&room3K 2C For #it is( as if a man &oin& /2C34 A&ain told ,esh%a %nto His a road, called #his( own sla"es, /Talmidim another ePam'le, #The( and deli"ered %nto them his &oods3 /Oin&dom #of the( Hea"ens is like -----------------------------------.%nto a man &oin& on a far No%rne:, 879 seafarin&<> And he called his sla"es and dis'ersed %nto them his mone:3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2D And %nto one indeed he &a"e /2D3 -nto one he &a"e fi"e coins of fi"e talents, to another two, and /&old, %nto the second he &a"e two to another one> to each accordin& /&old coins and %nto the third one #to his( own a ilit:> and /-one> %nto each one accordin&l:, as immediatel: #he then( went a road3 /he was worth:, he &a"e %nto them3 /And he went a o%t his No%rne:3 2E Then the #one( that had /2E3 And the one who recei"ed the recei"ed the fi"e talents &oin&, /fi"e &old coins went and &ained worked with them, and made another /fi"e others3 fi"e talents3 / 2F Likewise also the #one with( /2F3 And likewise th%s the one who the two, he also &ained another /recei"ed two went, o%&ht and sold two3 /and &ained fi"e others3

2G 6%t the #one( who recei"ed the /2G3 And the one who recei"ed the one, &oin& awa: d%& in the earth, /one went and d%& in the earth, and and hid his master@s sil"er3 /hid the mone: of his master3 2H And after m%ch time the master /2H3 And after man: da:s came the of those sla"es came, and took /master of those sla"es, and so%&ht acco%nt with them3 /from them acco%ntin& of the mone:3 =I And the #one who( recei"ed fi"e/=I3 And came near the one who had talents comin& %' ro%&ht near /recei"ed the fi"e &old coins sa:in& another fi"e talents, sa:in&, /%nto him, M: master, fi"e &old Master, :o% deli"ered %nto me fi"e /coins :o% &a"e %nto me, and ehold, talentsM ehold, $ &ained another /%nto :o% fi"e others which $ ha"e fi"e talents o"er-U-a o"e them3 /&ained 8P9 : tradin&<3 =2 And his master said %nto him, /=23 And his master said %nto him, +ell #done(, &ood and faithf%l /$ndeed, a &ood sla"e and a faithf%l sla"eM :o% were faithf%l o"er a few/one3 And eca%se :o% ha"e een thin&s, $ will set :o% o"er man:M /faithf%l in the few, $ shall enter into the No: of :o%r master3 /a''oint :o% o"er the man:> come /into the No: of :o%r master3 == And the #one( also who recei"ed/==3 And also the one recei"in& two two talents comin& %' said, Master,/&old coins drew near and said, M: :o% deli"ered %nto me two talentsM /master, two &old coins :o% &a"e ehold, $ &ained two other talents /%nto me, and ehold, two others o"er-U-a o"e them3 /that $ ha"e &ained 8P9 : tradin&<3 =A His master said %nto him, +ell /=A3 And said %nto him his master, #done(, &ood and faithf%l sla"e> /$ndeed, a sla"e &ood and faithf%l ,o% were faithf%l o"er a few /are :o%> And since :o% were thin&s, $ will set :o% o"er man:M /faithf%l in the few, $ shall enter into the No: of :o%r master3 /a''oint :o% o"er the man:> come /into the No: of :o%r master3 =C And the #one( also who recei"ed/=C3 And drew near the one who the one talent comin& %' said, /recei"ed the one and said, M: Master, $ knew :o% that :o% are a /master, $ know that :o% are firm hard man, rea'in& where :o% #ha"e( /and hard, and :o% rea' that which not sown, and &atherin& from where /:o% didn@t sow, and &ather that :o% #ha"e( not scatteredM /which :o% didn@t scatterM =D And $ ein& afraid, &oin& awa: /=D3 And from fear of :o% $ went and hid :o%r talent in the earthM /hid the &old coin of :o%rsM and ehold, :o% ha"e # ack what is( / ehold, @%nto :o% is that which is :o%rs3 /:o%rs-8G9 acce't thine own<@3 =E And his master answerin& said /=E3 And answered his master and %nto him, *"il and slothf%l sla"e, /said, !la"e wicked and laz:, since :o% knew that $ rea' where $ sowed /:o% know $ rea' that which $ didn@t not, and $ &ather where $ #ha"e( /sow, and &ather that which $ didn@t not scatteredM /scatterM =F Then :o% o%&ht to ha"e '%t m: /=F3 For this #reason( :o% sho%ld sil"er to the ankers, and comin& $/ha"e &i"en m: wealth %nto m: mone: wo%ld ha"e recei"ed a&ain m: own /-chan&ers, and #then( in m: comin& with interest3 /$ sho%ld ha"e recei"ed that which /is mine with 'rofit3 =G Take therefore the talent from /=G3 For this #reason(, take from him, and &i"e #it( %nto him ha"in& /him the the &old and &i"e it %nto the ten talents3 /the one who &ained the fi"e &old /coins3 =H For %nto each one who has shall/=H3 -nto whoe"er has, %nto him it e &i"en, and he shall a o%ndM %t /shall e &i"en %nto him, and %nto from the #one( ha"in& not, shall e/whoe"er doesn@t ha"e, that which taken from him e"en what he has3 /@was intended for him-879 e"en he /seems to ha"e<@ shall e taken from /him3 AI And cast the worthless sla"e /AI3 And the laz: sla"eS -cast him into the o%ter darknessM there /into the darkness of the lowest shall e the wee'in& and the /'lacesM and there shall e %nto him

&nashin& of the teeth3 /cr:in& and the &nashin& of teeth3 -----------------------------------.8An earl: He rew Matthew "ersion, has the stor: of the talents as ein&M the first ser"ant who de"o%red his master@s s% stance on harlots and fl%te-&irls> the second who m%lti'lied it : tradin&> and the third who hid it3 The second ser"ant is acce'ted> the third ser"ant is re %ked> and the first ser"ant is sh%t %' in 'rison3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A2 And when the !on of man comes /A234 A&ain said ,esh%a %nto His in His &lor:, and all the JA9 hol:K/Talmidim, And in the comin& #of( an&els with Him, then shall He sit /the !on of man at His a''earin& %'on a;8+9the< throne of His &lor:M/with His an&els, then He shall sit -----------------------------------.%'on #the( throne of His &lor:3 58Ga9 333He is the R%d&e of the dead and of the li"in&, that sitteth on the Throne and N%d&es the Tri es, and He it is that &i"es inheritance in the Oin&dom and sends to tormentM< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------A= And efore Him shall e /A=3 And shall e &athered %nto Him &athered all the &o:im-L&entiles; /all HaGo:imM and He shall se'arate nations9M and He shall se'arate / etween them, as-when se'arates the them one from another, as the /she'herd,@amon& the shee' and amon& she'herd di"ides the shee' from the/the &oats-879lam s from the kids<@3 &oatsM / AA And indeed #He( shall set the /AA3 And He shall 'lace the 5shee' shee' off His ri&ht #hand(, %t the/ : His ri&ht hand, and the 5&oats &oats off #the( left3 / : His left 879 hand<3 / 5879333lam s333&oats333< AC Then shall the Oin& sa: %nto /AC3 Then shall He s'eak %nto those those off His ri&ht #hand(, 0ome, / : His ri&ht #hand(, 0ome lessed the lessed of M: Father, inherit /ones, lessed of M: Father, and the Oin&dom 're'ared for :o% from /inherit %nto :o% #the( Oin&dom of #the( fo%ndation of #the( worldM /the Hea"ens, the one 're'ared for /:o% from the @creation of the world /%ntil now-8Ga9 e&innin&<@3 AD For $ h%n&ered, and :o% &a"e Me/AD3 6eca%se $ was h%n&r:, and :o% to eatM $ thirsted, and :o% &a"e Me/&a"e %nto Me to eatM $ was thirst:, drinkM $ was a stran&er, and :o% /and :o% &a"e %nto Me to drinkM $ took Me inM /was a "isitor, and :o% @took Me in/8GGa9 &athered Me3<-8P9 took Me /home<@M AE Naked, and :o% clothed MeM $ /AE3 Naked, and :o% clothed MeM was sick, and :o% "isited MeM $ was/sick, and :o% "isited MeM $ was in in 'rison, and :o% came %nto Me3 /'rison, and :o% came to Me3 AF Then shall the ri&hteo%s answer/AF3 Then shall answer the tzaddikim Him, sa:in&, Lord, when saw we ,o% /-Lri&hteo%s ones9, O%r Adonai;Lord, h%n&r:, and fed #,o%(S or thirst:, /when did we see ,o% h%n&r: and and &a"e #,o%( drinkS /satisfied ,o%, thirst: and &a"e ,o% /drinkS AG And when did we see ,o% #as( a /AG3 #Or( naked and clothed ,o%S stran&er, and took #,o%( inS or /879 And when saw we ,o% a stran&er, naked, and clothed #,o%(S /and @entertained ,o%-8G9 &athered /,o%<@S< AH And when did we see :o% sick, /AH3 #Or( sick and "isited ,o%M in or in 'rison, and came %nto ,o%S /'rison and came to ,o%S CI And the Oin& answerin& shall /CI3 And shall answer the Oin& and sa: %nto them, Tr%l: $ sa: %nto /sa: %nto them, Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, $nasm%ch as :o% did #it( %nto /:o%, That d%rin& all the times when one of the least of these M: /:o% did it %nto one #of the( need: rothers, :o% did #it( %nto Me3 /of these 5M: rothers, from one #of -----------------------------------.:o%( to @the-8G9 M:<@ little ones like these, :o% did it %nto Me3 5879333which are to Me as :o%n&er rothers,333<-8P9 M: little

rothers,333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------C2 Then He sa:s also %nto those /C23 And also He shall s'eak %nto off #the( left, 7e'art from Me, /those : His left, 7e'art from Me c%rsed ones, into the e"erlastin& /5c%rsed ones, and arri"e into the fire, ha"in& een 're'ared for the /fire eternal, 5-#.( into the 'lace Acc%ser-LTrad%cer9 and his an&elsM /'re'ared for :o%, with @ha!atan/8Ga9the *"il One<@ and his an&elsM / 58Ge9:o% c%rsed of M: Father333< / 58Ge.9 eca%se $ know :o% not333< C= For $ h%n&ered, and :o% &a"e Me/C=3 6eca%se $ was h%n&r:, and :o% nothin& to eatM $ thirsted, and :o%/didn@t &i"e %nto Me to eatM $ was &a"e Me nothin& to drinkM /thirst:, and :o% didn@t &i"e drink /%nto MeM CA $ was a stran&er, and :o% took /CA3 $ was a "isitor, and :o% didn@t Me not inM naked, and :o% clothed /take Me 5inM naked, and :o% didn@t Me notM sick, and in 'rison, and /clothe MeM sick and in 'rison, and :o% "isited Me not3 /:o% didn@t "isit Me3 / 58P9333homeM333< CC Then shall the: also answer /CC3 Then shall answer them also, JA9 HimK, sa:in&, Lord, when did we/and sa: to Him, +hen did we see see :o% h%n&r:, or thirst:, or a /,o%, o%r Adonai;Lord, h%n&r: and stran&er, or naked, or sick, or in /thirst:, or a "isitor, and naked, 'rison, and did not minister %nto /and sick, or in 'rison, and were ,o%S /not with ,o% ser"in& ,o%3 CD Then shall He answer them, /CD3 And He shall answer to them and sa:in&, Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, /sa:, $ sa: %nto :o%, That all the $nasm%ch as :o% did #it( not to one/times which :o% didn@t do this %nto of the least #of( these, neither /those need:, one from these, -the did :o% #do it( to Me3 /little ones like these, :o% didn@t /do it to Me3 CE And these shall &o awa: into /CE3 And then shall &o these %nto eternal '%nishmentM %t the /5dis&race eternal, and ha-tzaddikim ri&hteo%s into life eternal3 /-Lthe-ri&hteo%s ones9 %nto life -----------------------------------.eternal3 58G9333torment;tort%re eternal,333< 8Ga9 And the ri&hteo%s that ser"ed the Messiah in the need: ones went to life eternal, and the wicked went to fire and darkness3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------0HAPT*1 =E -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 =E -He 3 2 And it ha''ened, when ,esh%a /234 And it was when finished ,esh%a finished all these sa:in&s, He said/as-to s'eakin& all these thin&s, He %nto His Talmidim, /said %nto His Talmidim, = ,o% know that after two da:s the/=3 7on@t :o% know that after two Pesach-LPasso"er9 comes, and the /da:s shall e the Pesach, and the !on of man is etra:ed;8+9 /!on of man shall e etra:ed @into deli"ered< to e ePec%ted on a /the hand #of( the ,@h%dim-879 and stake3 / o%nd<@ for the cr%cifiPionS A Then were assem led the head /A3 Then the r%lers of the 0ohanim 0ohanim, JA9 and the !cri esK, and /8GP9 and the !cri es< and the &reat the *lders of the 'eo'le, %nto the /ones of the 'eo'le were &athered co%rt of the 0ohen haGadol, the /to&ether in the co%rt of the leader #one( named Oa:afa, /of the 0ohanim JG9 whose name was /Oa:afa3K / 58V2#G2(9 to the 'alace of / Oa:afa the 0ohen haGadol3< C And 5cons%lted to&ether that /C3 And the: took co%nsel to seize the: mi&ht seize ,esh%a : &%ile, /,esh%a in craftiness and to kill and kill #Him(3 /Him3 58+9 the: immediatel: 'assed / the "erdict that the: wo%ld /

take ,esh%a : 333< / D 6%t the: said, Not on the feast,/D3 And the: said 5it sho%ldn@t e lest there occ%r an %'roar amon& /d%rin& the feast, lest a t%m%lt the 'eo'le3 /there e eca%se of the 'eo'le3 / 58V2#G2(9333 not on a feast / L#da:(9 and not on the / Pesach, lest 333< E And ,esh%a ein& in 6eit-An:ah, /E3 And it was when ,esh%a was in in #the( ho%se of !him?on the /0e'har-0han:ah, in the ho%se #of( le'er, /!him?on the 5le'er, / 58V=9 seller of Nars3< F #There( came %' %nto Him a woman/F3 There drew near to Him one woman ha"in& an ala aster "ial of "er: /with a flask of costl: ointment, 'recio%s ointment;8+9 m:rrh<, and /and she 'o%red it %'on His head, 'o%red #it( on His head, #as He( /and #this as( He #was( reclinin& at reclined-Lsat9 #at a meal(3 /ta le3 G And His Talmidim;disci'les /G3 And this waste was "er: seein& #it(, were indi&nant, /dis'leasin& %nto them3 879 And the: sa:in&, To what #'%r'ose is( this /@#were thinkin&(-879said<@, To what wasteS /'%r'ose is this wasteS< H For this ointment co%ld ha"e /H3 For it wo%ld ha"e een 'ossi le een sold for m%ch, and e &i"en to/to ha"e sold it for a &reat 'rice, #the( 'oor3 /and to ha"e &i"en it %nto the 'oor3 2I And ,esh%a knowin&, said %nto /2I3 And ,esh%a who knows e"er:thin& them, +h: do :o% ca%se tro% le to /in re&ard to an: matter done, said the womanS for she worked a &ood /%nto them, Are :o% makin& work toward;8+9 in< Me3 /acc%sation a&ainst this woman3 -$n /tr%th she has 'erformed a &ood and /wonderf%l;8V2#G2(9 ea%tif%l< deed /toward Me3 22 For :o% ha"e the 'oor alwa:s /223 For the 'oor shall e with :o% with :o%> %t Me :o% ha"e not /alwa:s, and $ shall not e with :o% alwa:s3 /alwa:s3 2= For she #in( '%ttin& this /2=3 And her 'lacin& this on M: od: ointment;8+9 m:rrh< on M: od:, she/refers to M: %rial3 did #it( in order to 5 %r: Me3 / 58+9 M: %rial3< / 2A Tr%l:-L, Amaine>9 $ sa: %nto /2A3 Amaine> $ sa: %nto :o%, in :o%, +here"er this Good-News is /e"er: 'lace when is 'roclaimed this 'roclaimed in all the world, shall /8GP9M:< Good-News in all the world, also what she did, e s'oken for a /it shall e told #of( that-which memorial of her3 /this one has done @in memor: of /Me-87P9 for her name and her /memorial<-8G9 for her memor:<@3 2C Then one of the twel"e, the /2C3 Then went one from the twel"e #one( named ,@h%dah from O@riot, /which was named ,@h%dah $shO@riot &oin& %nto the head 0ohanim, /%nto the chief 0ohanim, 2D !aid, +hat will :o% &i"e to me,/2D3 And he said, +hat shall :o% and $ will deli"er Him %' to :o%S /&i"e to me and $ shall deli"er And the: 5wei&hed him thirt: 'ieces/,esh%a %nto :o%3 And the: 5decided #of( sil"er3 /with him for thirt: #'ieces of( 58+9 offered him 333< /sil"er3 / 58P9333'romised him thirt:333< 2E And from then he so%&ht /2E3 And from then on he so%&ht a o''ort%nit: that he mi&ht deli"er; /sit%ation to hand-o"er; etra: Him3 8+9 etra:< Him #%'(3 / 2F And on the first #da:( of the /2F34 5And in the first da: of 0ha& #0ha&( HaMatzot-L%nlea"ened /HaMatzot came near @the Talmidim# read(9 the Talmidim;disci'les /8N9 !him?on en-,ochanan<@ %nto came to ,esh%a, sa:in& %nto Him, /,esh%a to sa:, +here shall we +here desire ,o% we sho%ld 're'are /'re'are for ,o% to eat the PesachS for ,o% to eat the Pesach/ 5879 And on the da: efore 0ha&

LPasso"er9S / HaMatzot333< 2G And He said, Go into the cit: /2G3 And He said %nto them, &o to to a certain one, and sa: %nto him,/the cit: %nto a certain man, who The Teacher sa:s, M: time is near> /shall e a "ol%nteer for the task, $ will make the Pesach-LPasso"er9 /and sa: %nto him, 5Th%s sa:s the &oin&-%nto-:o% with M: Talmidim3 /1a", M: time is near> with :o% /$ shall make Pesach with M: /Talmidim3 / 58GP9333, O%r 1a i sa:s,333< 2H And the Talmidim did as ,esh%a /2H3 J-K 879 And the Talmidim did as ordered them> and 're'ared the /,esh%a commanded them> and 're'ared Pesach-LPasso"er93 /the Pesach3< =I And e"enin& comin&, He reclined/=I3 And it was at the time of -Lsat9 #m9 at meat( with the twel"e/e"enin&, and He was sittin& at 8m9 Talmidim<3 /ta le with His twel"e Talmidim3 8+9 And it ein& e"enin&, He / sat down at the ta le with333</ =2 And #as( the: #were( eatin&, He/=23 As the: were eatin&, He said said, Tr%l: $ sa: %nto :o%, that /%nto them, 8G9 Amaine< $ sa: %nto one of :o% shall etra: Me3 /:o% that one from :o% shall etra: /Me3 == And ePceedin&l: &rie"in&, the: /==3 5And the: were "er: sad, and e&an, each of them, to sa: %nto /the: s'oke %nto Him each one : Him, Master, @not $ am #the one(S- /sa:in&, 5Master;Adonai, am $ this L$ am not #the one(39@ /oneS / 5879And their an&er was kindled / ePceedin&l:,333< / 58G93330an it e $, m: LordS< =A 6%t He answerin& said, The /=A3 And He answered %nto them, The #one( di''in& the hand with Me in /one who di's his hand with Me in the dish, will etra: Me3 /the dish, he shall sell; etra: Me3 -----------------------------------.And all of them were eatin& in one dish3 Therefore, the: didn@t reco&nize him> eca%se if the: had reco&nized him, the: wo%ld ha"e destro:ed him3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=C $ndeed the !on of man &oes as /=C3 And said %nto them ,esh%a, it has een written a o%t HimM %t /Tr%l:, since the !on of man &oes as woe %nto that man : whom the !on /it is written concernin& HimM O:; of man is etra:ed, &ood were it /+oe %nto that man, @ eca%se of whom for him, if that man was ne"er/-87G9 : whose hand<@ the !on of man Lnot9 ornT /is etra:ed3 Good %nto him #wo%ld /it ha"e een( for this man ne"er to /ha"e een orn3 =D And ,@h%dah, who was etra:in& /=D3 And answered ,@h%dah who Him, answerin& said, 1a i, @not $ / etra:ed Him, and said %nto Him, am #he(S-L$ am not #he(39@ He said /1a i, 5am $ this oneS And He said, %nto him, ,o% said #it(3 /,o% ha"e s'oken3 / 58G9333, 0an it e $, 1a iS333< =E And #as( the: #were( eatin&, /=E3 The: were eatin&, and ,esh%a ,esh%a takin& the matzah/took read5, and lessed 8G9 #God( L#%nlea"ened( read9, and @ lessin&/o"er< it, and roke it, and &a"e it -8M9&i"in& thanks for #it(<@, roke/%nto the Talmidim, and said5, 5Take #it(, and &a"e to the Talmidim; /and eat> this -it is M: od:3 disci'les, and said, Take, eat> / 58Ga adds9333, after R%das this is M: od:3 / went forth from them,333< / 58Ga adds9333%nto them,333< / 58Ga9333This is M: od:> take, / eat of it all of :o%3< =F And He takin& the-8Am9 a< c%', /=F3 5And He took the c%' and &a"e and &i"in& thanks, &a"e #it( to /'raises %nto His Father, and &a"e them, sa:in&, 7rink all #:o%( from /it %nto them and said, 7rink from it> /this all of :o%>

/ 58Ga9 And also o"er the wine / th%s He lessed #God( and said / %nto them333< =G For this is M: lood 5of the /=G3 This is M: lood JG9ofK the New JAm9 NewK 0o"enant, which is ein& /0o"enant, which shall e 'o%red o%t 'o%red o%t, concernin& man:, for /for the sake of the man:, for;%nto for&i"eness of sins3 /the atonement of sins-879 sinners< 58+9 which elon&s to the New /8Ga93 !o, Q%oth He, e :e doin& 0o"enant, 333< /for M: memor: whene"er :o% e /&athered to&ether3< =H And $ sa: %nto :o%, $ will /=H3 $ sa: %nto :o%, $ won@t drink ne"er drink from now #on( of this /@from here-Lmore than in this @fr%it of the "ine-L'ree ha&afen9@,/case9@ and hereafter from this the %ntil that da: when $ drink it new /@'ree ha&afen-Lfr%it of the "ine9@ with :o% in the Oin&dom of M: /%ntil that da: when $ drink it new Father3 /with :o% in the 5Oin&dom of @#the( /Hea"ens-8P9 *lohim;God<@3 / 5879333Oin&dom of M: Father / who is in Hea"en3< AI And ha"in& s%n& @the Hallel-La /AI3 5And the: ret%rned and went o%t h:mn;#a 'salm(9@, the: went into /%nto the Mo%nt of the Oli"es3 the Mo%nt of the Oli"es3 / 58G9 And when the: had &lorified / #God( the:333< A2 Then sa:s ,esh%a %nto them, All/A234 Then said ,esh%a %nto His :o% shall e offended in Me d%rin& /Talmidim, 0ome all of :o%, e in this ni&htM for it has een /&rief eca%se of Me this ni&htM written, $ will smite the !he'herd,/ eca%se th%s it is written, !mite and the shee' of the flock shall e/the !he'herd, and shall e scattered3 /scattered the shee'3 A= 6%t after M: risin&, $ will &o /A=3 And after M: arisin& from death efore :o% to the Galil3 /$ shall e re"ealed %nto :o% in the /Galil3 AA And Oefa answerin& said %nto /AA3 And answered 58G9 !him?on< Oefa Him, e"en if all e offended in /and said %nto Him, $f all of them ,o%, $ will ne"er e offendedT /are &rie"ed eca%se of ,o%, #:et( /$ won@t e &rie"ed %nto eternit:T / 58G9#almost alwa:s, XGX incl%des / X!him?onX with Oefa3(< AC ,esh%a said %nto him, Tr%l: $ /AC3 And said ,esh%a, Amaine> $ sa: sa: %nto :o%, That in this ni&ht, /%nto :o%, that in this ni&ht, efore #the( cock crows, :o% shall / efore the cock-crow, :o% shall den: Me thrice3 /den: Me three times3 AD Oefa sa:s %nto him, e"en if $ /AD3 And said %nto Him kefa, $f it@s need to die with ,o%, will $ in no /'ossi le for me to die with ,o%, $ wa: den: ,o%T Likewise also said /won@t den: ,o%T And likewise said all the Talmidim3 /%nto Him all the Talmidim3 AE Then came ,esh%a with them %nto/AE3 Then came ,esh%a with them %nto a 'lace called Gat-!h@manim, and /the "illa&e 5Ge:-!h@manim and said, sa:s %nto the Talmidim;disci'les, /!it now %ntil $ &o towards there !it here, %ntil $, &oin& awa:, /and 'ra:3 shall 'ra: there3 / 5LGe:-!h@manim,lit3M oli"e 'ress9 AF And He takin& alon& Oefa and /AF3 And He took Oefa-8G9 !him?on< the two sons of Ba"dai, e&an to /and the two sons of Ba"dai, and &rie"e and e distressed;8+9 / e&an to e 5sad and to e &rie"ed3 deNected<3 / 58G9333&loom: and to e anPio%s3< AG Then He sa:s %nto them, M: so%l/AG3 Then He said %nto them, @M: is dee'l: &rie"ed, #e"en( %nto /so%l-Lne'heshi9@ is more than deathM remain here, and 5watch with/&rie"in& %nto deathM 5s%''ort Me Me3 /watch with Me3 58+9 'ra: with 333< / 58P9333M wait for Me here> and / watch with Me3< AH And He &oin& forward a little /AH3 And He went slowl: forward and

farther, fell on His face, 'ra:in& and sa:in&, M: Father, if it is 'ossi le, let this c%' 'ass from MeM :et not as $ will, %t as ,o% #will(3

/fell on His face, and 'ra:ed and /said, M: Father, if it is 'ossi le /remo"e 'lease from Me this c%'M /#:et( indeed, not as $ will ma: it / e, %t onl: accordin& to ,o%r /will3 CI And He came %nto the Talmidim, /CI3 And He came to the Talmidim and and finds them slee'in&, and sa:s /fo%nd them slee'in&3 And He said %nto Oefa, !oT +ere :o% not a le to/%nto Oefa-8G9 !him?on<, !oT ,o% watch with Me one ho%rS /weren@t a le to watch with Me one /ho%rS C2 +atch and 'ra:, that :o% enter /C23 5+atch and 'ra: lest :o% come not into tem'tationM the s'irit /into tem'tationM for the tr%th is indeed #is( ea&er-Lwillin&9, %t /that the s'irit 5is read: to &o the flesh #is( weak3 /L8to its 0reator, %t<9 the flesh @weak and sick-8GP9 infirm<@3 528V=9 Awake and 'ra: #so as( not to fail in the testT< 5=879333indeed is watchf%l333< 8Ge9333is willin& and read:333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------C= He &oin& awa: a&ain for a /C=3 And He went a&ain to 'ra: : second #time(, 'ra:ed, sa:in&, M: /sa:in&, $f ,o% are not a le to Father, if 5this JA9 c%'K can not /remo"e this c%' ePce't that $ drink 'ass awa: JA9 from MeK, %nless $ /it, ma: it e done accordin& to drink it, let ,o%r will e done3 /,o%r will3 58+9 it is 'ossi le that this / c%' 'ass from Me, if $ shall / not drink it, let ,o%r 333< / CA And He comin& finds them /CA3 And He ret%rned afterwards and slee'in& a&ainM for their e:es were/fo%nd them slee'in&M eca%se their hea":3 /e:es 8G9 with slee'< were hea":3 CC And He lea"in& them, &oin& awa:/CC3 And He left them, and went to a&ain, 'ra:ed a third #time(, /'ra: a third time, accordin& to the sa:in& the same word#s(3 /words of the first #'ra:er(3 CD Then He comes to His Talmidim, /CD3 Then came ,esh%a %nto where and sa:s %nto them, !lee' what /the Talmidim were and said %nto #time( remains and restM ehold, /them,5!lee' and e at restM ehold, the ho%r draws near, and the !on of/a''roaches the time, and the !on of man is etra:ed into hands of /man is deli"ered into the hand of sinners3 /sinners3 / 5879333,o% ha"e sle't now, and / taken :o%r restM333< CE 1ise %', let %s e &oin&M /CE3 Arise and let %s &o, for he ehold, the #one( etra:in& Me /@draws near-8GP9 has arri"ed<@, the draws near3 /one who is etra:in& @%s-LHim, /Me9@3 CF And while He was s'eakin&, /CF3 +hile He was s'eakin& Land9, ehold, ,@h%dah, one of the Twel"e,/ ehold, ,@h%dah $sO@riot, one from came, and with him a n%mero%s /the twel"e Talmidim came> and with m%ltit%de with swords and cl% s, /him a lar&e crowd with swords and from the head 0ohanim and *lders of/whi's-879 s'ears<, sent from the the 'eo'le3 /chief 0ohanim and the 'rinces of /the 'eo'le3 CG And the #one( etra:in& Him /CG3 And @he-87GP9 ,@h%dah;R%das<@ &a"e to them a si&n, sa:in&, /who etra:ed Him had &i"e %nto +home"er $ ma: kiss, it is HeM /@them-879 those who came with him<@ seize Him3 /a si&nM the man who $ kiss, He is /the one who :o% are to arrest3 CH And at once, he comin& %' to /CH3 And at once he drew near to ,esh%a, said, !halom, 1a i> and /,esh%a and said %nto Him, !halom #he( ardentl: kissed Him3 /%'on :o% 1a i> and he kissed Him3 DI 6%t ,esh%a said %nto him, /DI3 And ,esh%a said %nto him, M: Friend, 5wh: are :o% hereS Then /friend, what ha"e :o% doneS And

comin& %' the: laid hands on /then the: came and stretched o%t ,esh%a, and 5seized;8+9 o%nd< Him3/their hands a&ainst Him, and 58+9 %nto what do :o% comeS 333</arrested Him3 / 58GdP9333$t is for this :o% / ha"e come, M: friendS333< D2 And, ehold, one of those with /D23 And ehold, one who was with ,esh%a stretchin& #o%t( the hand, /,esh%a stretched o%t his hand, and drew his sword, and strikin& the /drew his sword, and str%ck one from sla"e of the 0ohen haGadol, took /the ser"ants of the 0ohanim, and off his ear3 /c%t off his ear3 D= Then sa:s ,esh%a %nto him, P%t /D=3 And ,esh%a said to him, 1et%rn ack :o%r sword to its 'laceM for /:o%r sword to its sheathM for the all those takin& #the( sword shall /ones who draw the sword, : the 'erish : a;8+9 the< sword3 /the sword shall fall3 / 58Gt9 For o%r Lord said %nto / !him?on the emissar:, '%t ack / th: sword ehind333< DA Or :o% think that $ cannot now /DA3 57on@t :o% %nderstand that $ am call %'on M: Father, and He shall /a le to meet M: enemies, and indeed 'lace near Me more than twel"e /for Me there shall e more than &ro%'s-of-tho%sands of an&elsS /twel"e of troo's of an&elsS -----------------------------------. 58Gt9 $f $ will to ask an arm: of M: Father, He wo%ld &i"e Me more than twel"e333<-8Ga9 He said to !him?on his TalmidM 7ost tho% s%''ose that if $ eseech M: Father for an arm: of an&els of Hea"en He wo%ld not &i"e %nto MeS< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------DC How then sho%ld the +ritin&s e/DC3 And how shall e com'leted the filled;com'lete, that th%s it m%st /+ritin&sS 6eca%se th%s it is eS /intended to e done3 DD $n that ho%r said ,esh%a to the/DD3 Afterwards said ,esh%a %nto the m%ltit%des, ,o% came as a&ainst a /m%ltit%de, As if we were thie"es ro er to&ether with swords and /come :o% to take Me with swords and cl% s to take MeS -$ sat dail: with/@whi's-879 s'ears<@S And was $ not :o% teachin& in the Tem'le, and :o%/d%rin& e"er: da: ein& with :o% in 5seized Me not3 /the Tem'le teachin& :o%, and 58+9 did not arrest Me3< /witho%t :o% hinderin& MeS DE 6%t all this has ha''ened, that/DE3 $ndeed, all this was done since the +ritin&s of the Pro'hets ma: e/was ein& com'leted the +ritin&s of filled;com'lete3 Then all the /the Pro'hets3 Then all the Talmidim Talmidim;disci'les lea"in& Him, /left Him and the: fled3 fled3 / DF 6%t the #ones( seizin& ,esh%a /DF3 And the: led a o%t ,esh%a %nto led #him( awa: to Oa:afa the 0ohen /the ho%se of Oa:afa the 0ohen haGadol, where the !cri es and the /haGadol3 And then all the @!cri es *lders were assem led3 /-L!ofarim9@ and the P@r%shim 8G9 of /the 'eo'le< were &athered to&ether3 DG And Oefa followed Him from /DG3 And Oefa was followin&-after afar, %';8+9in< to the co%rt of the/Him from a distance %nto #the( 0ohen haGadol, and enterin& within,/5ho%se #of( the 0ohen haGadol3 And sat with the %nder-officers, to see/he entered 5 : the ho%se and sat : the end3 /himself near the craftsmen %ntil he -----------------------------------.sho%ld see the end3 5879333co%rt of the chief 0ohen, and entered into the 6eit #7in(, and sat with the menials, to see what wo%ld e the end3< 58G9333into the midst and was sittin& with the attendants333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------DH And the head 0ohanim JA9and the/DH3 And 5the 0ohen haGadol and the *ldersK, and the whole !anhedrin, /@P@r%shim-879 whole co%ncil<so%&ht false testimon:-Lwitness9 /8G9s:na&o&%e<@, the: wanted to find a&ainst ,esh%a, so that the: mi&ht /false witnesses 8V2#G2(9Him, '%t Him to death3 /Le"en9 a&ainst< ,esh%a, in order to /'%t Him to death3

EI And did not find #an:(M and /EI3 And the: didn@t find e"en oneM #tho%&h( man: false witnesses /5altho%&h the: 'ro"ided man: false #were( comin& forward, JA9 #the:( /witnesses a&ainst ,esh%a3 Finall: did not find #an:(K3 6%t at last /came two false witnesses forward, comin& %' two JA9 false witnessesK,/ 58G9333 And there came man: -----------------------------------. witnesses of falsehood, and the: didn@t find #how( to3333 333, #!ee Notes,"ol3ii> : 6%rkitt3(< 8V2#G2(9 And man: false witnesses came, and the: were not a le to s'eak the tr%th3 333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------E2 !aid, This #one( said, $ am /E23 And the: said, This #one( said a le to destro: the Tem'le of /$ ha"e %nto Me the 'ower to destro: *lohim;God, and to %ild it "ia /the Tem'le of God;Ha*l, 5and @after three da:s3 /-8GP9 in<@ three da:s to re'air it3 / 5879333and efore three da:s $ / can %ild it3< E= And the 0ohen haGadol standin& /E=3 And the 0ohen haGadol arose and %', said to Him, 7o :o% answer /said %nto Him, 7on@t :o% answer a nothin&S Of-what do these witness /word;thin& a&ainst the testimon: a&ainst :o%S /that these are earin& a&ainst :o%S EA 6%t ,esh%a ke't silent3 And the/EA3 And ,esh%a didn@t answer a 0ohen haGadol answerin& said to /word3 And the 0ohen haGadol said Him, $ adN%re :o% : the li"in& /%nto Him, $ adN%re : the li"in& God, that :o% tell %s if :o% are /God;*l that :o% sa: %nto %s if :o% the Messiah the !on of *lohim;God3 /are #Ha(Mashiach Lthe9 6en-*l;L!on /-#of(-God93 EC ,esh%a sa:s %nto him, ,o% said /EC3 And answered %nto him ,esh%a, #it(M moreo"er $ tell :o%, from /,o% said itM and a&ain $ sa: %nto this time shall :o% see the !on of /:o%, 5:o% ha"e :et to see Lthe9 6en man sittin& off #the( ri&ht #hand( /-*l;L!on-#of(-God9 sittin& : the of the Power, and comin& %'on the /ri&ht #hand( of the Power of God;*l clo%ds of the hea"en3 /comin& in the clo%ds of the sk:3 -----------------------------------. 58Ge9 Hereafter shall :e see the !on of man comin& with ri&ht clo%ds with the an&els of Hea"en3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------ED Then the 0ohen haGadol rent; /ED3 Then the 0ohen haGadol tore tore his &arments, sa:in&, He /his &arments and said, This one las'hemedT +h: :et ha"e we need of/has c%rsed *lohim;GodT And what witnessesS 6ehold, now :o% heard /need do we ha"e for other his las'hem:3 /witnessesS And ehold, all of :o% /who heard 8G9 from his mo%th< how /he c%rsed God;Ha*l3 EE +hat to :o% seems itS And the: /EE3 5How does it seem %nto :o% as answerin& said, He is lia le;8+9 /a o%t what can e doneS And the: worth:< of death3 /answered, He is &%ilt: of death3 / 58G29 6%t what will :eS333< / 8V2#G2(9 +hat will :o% more / /lit3:et/S< EF Then the: s'it in His face, and/EF3 And then the: 8G29 recei"ed him eat Him with the fist> J+9 and /and< s'it in His face, and str%ck some - the:K sla''ed #Him(, /Him on the ack> and others sla''ed /Him in the face, EG !a:in&, Pro'hes: to %s J+9 /EG3 !a:in&, !a: %nto %s HaMashiach, MessiahK, +ho is it, the #one( /+ho str%ck :o%S ha"in& str%ck :o%S / EH Now Oefa sat o%tside in the /EH3 And Oefa was standin& : the co%rtM and one maiden came near to /entrance of the co%rt:ardM and him, sa:in&, And :o% were with /there came near to him one maiden ,esh%a the Galilean3 /and she said %nto him, And were :o% /not standin& with ,esh%a 5of the /GalilS / 58P9333the Natzrati3<

FI 6%t he denied efore all, /FI3 And Oefa denied %nto her efore sa:in&, $ know not what :o% sa:3 /all, and said %nto her, +oman, 5$ -----------------------------------.don@t know what :o% are sa:in& 8G9, neither am $ acQ%ainted3< 58V=9333, $ don@t know him of whom :o% are s'eakin&3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------F2 And he &oin& o%t into the /F23 And when he went-thro%&h the 'orch, another 8+9 maidser"ant< saw/&ate, another maiden saw him and him, and sa:s to those there, And /said %nto those who were standin& And this one was with ,esh%a the /there, This man was standin& with Natzrati3 /,esh%a in Natzeret3 F= And a&ain he denied with an /F=3 And a&ain he denied ,esh%a : oath, $ do not know the man3 /an oath, that he didn@t know Him3 FA And after a little, comin& /FA3 And a little time afterwards near, those standin& # :(, said to /the ones standin& in the co%rt:ard Oefa, Tr%l: :o% also are of them> /drew near to Oefa and said %nto J+9 for e"en :o%r s'eech makes :o% /him, ,o% are him, #one( from this manifestK3 /Pro'het@s &ro%'> for 5from :o%r /s'eech it is clear that :o% are /from them3 / 58G9th: s'eech also is like3< FC Then he e&an to 5c%rse and to /FC3 Then he e&an to den: and to 5swear, 5$ know not the man3 And /swear 8N9 and c%rse< that at no immediatel: a cock crowed3 /time had he known Him3 And at once 528+9anathematize<-#+ notesM /the cock crowed3 an im'recation on himself3< .----------------------------------5=#+9 notesM an oath of affirmation3( 5A#+9 notesM Third denial, to the co%sin of Malch%s3( -----------------------------------.----------------------------------FD And Oefa remem ered the word of/FD3 And Oefa remem ered that which ,esh%a, sa:in& %nto him, -6efore a /,esh%a had said %nto him, -that cock crows, :o% shall den: Me three/ efore the crowin& of the cock, he -times3 And he, &oin& forth /wo%ld den: Him three times3 And o%tside, we't itterl:3 /then he went o%tside and cried in / itterness of so%l3 0HAPT*1 =F -Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 =F -He 3 2 And earl: mornin& occ%rrin&, all/234 And it was in the mornin& all the head 0ohanim and the *lders of /the chief !a&es and the *lders took the 'eo'le took co%nsel to&ether /co%nsel a&ainst ,esh%a, eca%se of a&ainst ,esh%a so as to '%t Him to /which the: all wo%ld '%t Him to deathM /death3 = And ha"in& o%nd Him, the: led /=3 And the: led Him o%nd %nto the #Him( awa:, and deli"ered Him to /ho%se of JGP9 Ponti%sK Pilate who JAK-Ponti%s Pilate the &o"ernor3 /was &o"ernor3 A Then ,@h%dah, the #one( /A3 And then when saw ,@h%dah etra:in& Him, seein& that He was /$sO@riot that he was N%d&ed, he condemned, sorrowin& #he( ret%rned /5 e&an to t%rn in re'entance3 And the thirt: 'ieces of sil"er to the /he ret%rned the thirt: dinarim %nto head 0ohanim and the *lders, /the chief 0ohanim and %nto the /*lders of the 'eo'le, / 58G9333chan&ed his mind and / ret%rned those thirt:333< C !a:in&, $ sinned, etra:in& /C3 !a:in&, $ ha"e sinned eca%se 5$ innocent-8m9 ri&hteo%s< lood3 6%t /ha"e shed innocent-87Ge9 ri&hteo%s< the: said, +hat #is that( to %sS / lood3 And the: said %nto him, what -:o% see #to it(3 /is that %nto %sS 5-:o% see to it3 -----------------------------------. 58G9333$ etra:ed the lood of the ri&hteo%s3< 58Ge9333$ etra:ed ri&hteo%s lood3< 58G9S333 -Tho% wilt know3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------D And he, tossin& the 'ieces of /D3 And he threw the coins into the sil"er into the Tem'le, de'arted, /Tem'le, and went and took for

and &oin& awa: #he( han&ed himself3/himself a ro'e and han&ed himself /8G9and @was stran&led-8Ge9 died<@<3 E 6%t the head 0ohanim takin& the /E3 And the chief 0ohanim when the: sil"er 'ieces, said, $t is not /for themsel"es had recei"ed the lawf%l to '%t them into the /coins the: said, $t is not 'ossi le treas%r:, since it is #the( 'rice /for %s to 'lace these coins in the of lood3 /Tem'le, since the: are the fr%it of -----------------------------------. lood, since the: were &i"en for the lood of ,esh%a3 58V2#Aramaic(9 dma:a ennon da dma - Xthe 'rice of lood3(< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------F And takin& co%nsel, the: o%&ht /F3 And so the: took co%nsel and of them the 'otter@s field, for /5&a"e them for a field of a certain %rial for the stran&ers3 /'otter of cla:, that the: mi&ht -----------------------------------. %r: there the stran&ers3 58G9 o%&ht of it the Potter@s Field, #the field( of the tom s of the stran&ers3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------G !o that field was called, Field /G3 And therefore is called that Of 6lood, %ntil toda:3 /field, 5Tent #Of( 6lood, %ntil this /da:3 / 58793330hakel 7amah,333< H Then was filled;com'lete that /H3 Then was com'leted from the s'oken thro%&h ,irme:ah% the /sa:in& 5of B@khar:ah the Pro'hetM Pro'het, sa:in&, And $ took the /And $ said %nto them, $f it is &ood thirt: 'ieces of sil"er, the 'rice /in :o%r e:es m%lti'l: m: wa&es, and of @Him-Lthe #One(9@ #who was( /if not -for ear3 And the: wei&hed 'riced, #on( whom the: from the /for m: wa&es thirt: 'ieces of sons of $srael set-a-'rice;8+9 did /sil"er3 And then said ,HVH %nto meM "al%e<> /0ast it to the 'otter3 And this is -----------------------------------.from the man who forms cla:, 58G9333 : the Pro'het, who had saidM $ took the thirt: #'ieces( of sil"er, the 'rice of the dear One that $ held more dear than the sons of $srael>< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2I And 8A9 the:<-8m9 $< &a"e them /2I3 @+hich Adonai commanded-8G9 and for the 'otter@s field, as ,HVH; /$ &a"e them for the Potter@s Field, LThe LO179 directed;8+9 a''ointed< /as ,HVH commanded me3<@ me3 / 22 And ,esh%a stood efore the /223 And ,esh%a was standin& efore &o"ernorM and the &o"ernor /Pilate -and he asked of Him, Are Q%estioned Him, sa:in&, Are :o% the/:o% Oin& of the RewsS And ,esh%a Oin& of the RewsS And ,esh%a said /said, ,o% sa: it3 %nto him ,o% sa: #it(3 / 2= And when He was acc%sed : the /2=3 And when ,esh%a was 'ersec%ted head 0ohanim and the *lders, He /thro%&h the chief 0ohanim and answered nothin&3 /*lders of the 'eo'le in re&ard to a /word which the: s'oke a&ainst Him, /nothin& was His re'l:3 2A Then sa:s Pilate to Him, 7o :o%/2A3 And Pilate said %nto Him, 7on@t not hear how man: thin&s the: /:o% see how m%ch testimon: there is witness a&ainst :o%S /a&ainst :o%S 2C And He did not answer him, to /2C3 And ,esh%a didn@t answer to him not e"en one word> so that the /a word> and Pilate : this was &o"ernor mar"elled &reatl:3 /amazed m%ch3 2D And at #that(;a feast the /2D3 And in the da: of the honored &o"ernor c%stomaril: released to /feast of Pesach;Passo"er it was the crowd one 'risoner, whom the: /their c%stom for the commander of wished3 /the cit: to &i"e %nto the 'eo'le /one 'risoner from the 'risoners, /whome"er the: wanted3 2E And the: had then a nota le /2E3 5And Pilate had a 'risoner who

'risoner, called 8A9 ,esh%a<-J+K /was almost craz:, his name was 6ar-A a3 /8G9 ,esh%a< @6ar-A a-87N9 6ar-----------------------------------.1a ah;1a an<@3 And #he was( taken in a case of m%rder, and he had 'laced him in the d%n&eon3 5879And the: had then in c%stod: a certain 'risoner, a andit, whose name was called 6ar-1a ah39#U 6ar-1a ah in "s3=I,=2,=E(< 58G9 And there had een im'risoned : them, one well-known man, whose name was ,esh%a 6ar A a> he was l:in& in 'rison eca%se of e"il #deeds( that he had done, and he had committed m%rder3< 58V2;#"erses 2E,2F(M 6ar !ali i /Loft%s@transl3/ 't3ii, '32A9 ,esh%a was his name, who is here called 6ara a> for so it is written in The Good-News Of The !e'erated3< 5#V29 X,esh%a 6ar A a,X a''ears to Prof3 6%rkitt to e the ori&inal one3 333*"an&elion da-Me'harreshe, "ol3ii3, ''3=FF, =FG3( -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2F Then the: ha"in& assem led, /2F3 And when the: were &athered Pilate said to them, +hom wish :o% /to&ether, said %nto them Pilate, $ ma: release to :o%S 6ar-A a, or /+hich from these do :o% want that $ ,esh%a called MessiahS /sho%ld releaseS 8G9 ,esh%a< 6ar/A a, or ,esh%a who is called 8G9 /The< MashiachS 2G For he knew that thro%&h en": /2G3 And this was eca%se Pilate the: had deli"ared Him3 /knew that eca%se of hatred witho%t /ca%se He had een taken3 2H And he sittin& on the @tri %nal/2H3 And while he was sittin& at the -LN%d&ment seat9@, his wife sent to/throne, his wife sent %nto him a him, sa:in&, #Let( nothin& # e( to /messen&er to sa:, $ im'lore :o% :o% and %nto that R%st OneM for $ /that in no matter sho%ld :o% s'eak s%ffered man: thin&s toda: : a /a word a&ainst this 1i&hteo%s ManM dream :-reason-of Him3 / eca%se in this ni&ht $ ha"e /s%ffered man: thin&s in a "ision / eca%se of Him3 =I 6%t the chief 0ohanim and the /=I3 And the chief 0ohanim and the *lders 'ers%aded the m%ltit%de that/*lders of the Torah the: assem led the: sho%ld ask #for( 6ar-A a, and/a o%t the 'eo'le that the: mi&ht to destro: ,esh%a3 /ask for 6ar-A a, and that ,esh%a /mi&ht die3 =2 And the &o"ernor answerin& said/=23 And answered %nto them Pilate, to them, +hich from the two do :o% /+hich from them do :o% want that we wish $ ma: release to :o%S And the:/sho%ld releaseS And the: said, 6arsaid, 6ar-A a3 /A a3 == Pilate sa:s to them, +hat /==3 And said %nto them Pilate, $f sho%ld $ do then #to( ,esh%a 8+9 /so, what shall $ do with ,esh%a who is< called MessiahS The: all /the one called MashiachS And all of sa: to him, Let him e ePec%ted on /them answered that He sho%ld e a stake3 /h%n&;s%s'ended3 =A 6%t the &o"ernor said, For what/=A3 And Pilate said %nto them, +hat wron& did he doS 6%t the: cried o%t/e"il has he doneS And the: in the more, sa:in&, Let him e /intensit: cried o%t, let them han&ePec%ted on a stake3 /Ls%s'end9 him, let them han& him, /let them han& himT =C And Pilate seein& that nothin& /=C3 And Pilate in seein& that there #is( &ained, %t rather an %'roar /was to him no 'ower of resistance, occ%rs, he takin& water, washed /and wasn@t a le to make 'eace with #his( hands efore the m%ltit%de, /them, efore a &reat dis'%te amon& sa:in&, $ am innocent;8+9 free< /the 'eo'le mi&ht arise eca%se of @from the lood of this JA9 N%stK /this, took water and washed his one-8m9 ofM this lood<@ :o% shall /hands efore the 'eo'le and said, see #to it(3 /5$@m innocent @from them-L8of the -----------------------------------. lood<-879 #.( of this ri&hteo%s

man<9@M G%ard-L e caref%l9 for :o%rsel"es what :o% do3 58G9 $ am innocent of this lood> :e know #it(3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=D And answerin& all the 'eo'le /=D3 And answered all the 'eo'le and 8+9 res'ondin&< said, His lood /said, His lood shall e %'on %s # e( on %s, and on o%r children3 /and %'on o%r seed3 =E Then he released 6ar-A a to /=E34 And then he released %nto them themM %t ha"in& whi''ed ,esh%a, he/6ar-A a, 5and deli"ered %nto them deli"ered #Him( %' that He mi&ht e/,esh%a 5for eatin& and affliction ePec%ted on a stake3 /#and( that the: mi&ht han&;s%s'end -----------------------------------.Him3 58G9333, and sco%r&ed with a whi' ,esh%a, and deli"ered Him %' to them that He sho%ld e ePec%ted on a stake3< 5879333to e sco%r&ed with whi's333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=F Then the soldiers of the /=F3 The the horsemen of the co%rt &o"ernor ha"in& taken ,esh%a into /took ,esh%a 5%nder &%ard and came the Praetori%m, &athered a&ainst /to&ether efore a &atherin& #of( Him all the cohort3 /man: 'eo'le3 -----------------------------------. 5879333and deli"ered Him %nto them in the 6eit 7in,333<-58G9333to the Praetori%m, and the: &athered a&ainst Him @a m%ltit%de-8P9 the whole re&iment<@3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=G And @stri''in&-8m9 clothed<@ /=G3 And the: clothed a o%t ,esh%a Him, and '%t aro%nd Him a scarlet /in 5&arments of 5silk, and co"ered cloak3 /Him with a &reenish silk ro e3 / 58P9333a scarlet militar: cloak3< / 58G9333scarlet and of '%r'le3< =H And ha"in& 'laited a crown of /=H3 And the: made a crown from thorns, the: 'laced #it( on His /thorns and 'laced it %'on His head, head, and a reed in His ri&ht /and @'%t-8G9 made Him hold<@ in his #hand(M and the: owin& the knee /ri&ht hand a reed, and the: were in front of Him, mocked at Him, / owin& down eca%se of mockin& Him sa:in&M Hail, Oin& of the RewsT /#sa:in&(M !halom e %'on :o%, Oin& /of the RewsT AI And s'ittin& at Him, #the:( /AI3 And the: s'it towards Him, in took the reed, and str%ck at His /His face, and the: took the reed head 8+9 re'eatedl:<3 /and str%ck a&ainst His head3 A2 And when the: had mocked Him, /A23 And when the: had mocked Him the: stri''ed the cloak off Him, /m%ch, the: stri''ed from Him the and '%t His &arments on Him, and /ro e and the: dressed Him in His led Him awa: to # e( ePec%ted on a /own clothes, and &a"e orders to stake3 /han&;s%s'end Him3 A= And the: &oin& o%t, fo%nd a man/A=3 And as the: were &oin& o%t from of 0:rene, !him?on : nameM this /the cit: the: met a man whose name one the: com'elled that he ear His/was !him?on 5ha0ana?ani-Lthe 0anaan @ePec%tion-stake-Lcross9@3 /-ite9M And the: com'elled him to -----------------------------------.carr: the &allows, -that is, the ePec%tion-stake-Lcross93 58V=9333 a farmer comin& from the fieldM 333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AA And comin& %nto a 'lace called /AA3 And the: came %nto a 'lace G%l&olta, which is called, Place of/called G%l&olta JG9 -that is- Har a !k%ll, /0al"ar:K, AC The: &a"e Him "ine&ar to drink /AC3 And &a"e %nto Him wine miPed in min&led with &allM And ha"in& /&allM And when He e&an to drink it tasted, He wo%ld not drink3 /He 'ercei"ed #what it was( and #so( /didn@t want to drink it3 #U didn@t( AD And the: ha"in& nailed Him on /AD3 And after, when the: 'laced Him the stake, di"ided His &arments, /on the &allows-LePec%tion-stake9, castin& a lotM JAM+9/9that mi&ht e/8N9,esh%a saidM Father for&i"e them filled;com'lete that s'oken : the /for the: do not know what the: do3

Pro'het 8m9 7a"id<, The: di"ided M:/And eca%se of this word of the &arments #amon&( themsel"es, U %'on/Lord, man: tho%sands of Rews #and M: clothin& the: cast a lotL/K3 /;someW of those( that stood ro%nd -----------------------------------.a o%t the cross elie"ed3 #9NOT*M L%ke =AMACL(< #And then( the: di"ided His &arments : lotM 879 to com'lete that which was s'oken : the mo%th of the Pro'het, who said, The: 'art M: &arments amon& them, and %'on M: clothin& the: cast lots3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AE And sittin& down the: &%arded /AE3 J-K 879 And the: sat down and Him there> /&%arded Him>< AF And 'laced a o"e His head His /AF3 And afterwards the: set : Him, char&e, #it( ha"in& een writtenM /o"er His head, one writin&, eca%se TH$! $! ,*!H-A TH* O$NG OF TH* /it was saidM TH$! $! ,*!H-A #OF( R*+!3 /NATB*1*T, O$NG #OF( $!1A*L3 -----------------------------------. 8G9 And while the: were sittin& the: wrote the tres'ass #and( set #it( o"er His headM @,*!H-A, TH* O$NG OF TH* R*+!-8Ge9 TH$! $! HA-MA!H$A0H, TH* O$NG OF TH* R*+!<3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------AG Then were two ro ers 'laced on/AG34 Then were h%n&;s%s'ended with stakes with Him, one off #the( /Him two 5thie"es, the one : His ri&ht #hand(, and one off #the( /ri&ht, and the #other( one : His left3 /left3 / 58G9333e"il-doers,333< AH And those 'assin& : las'hemed/AH3 And the ones 'assin& : mocked Him, shakin& their heads, /concernin& Him, and shook their /heads, CI And sa:in&, The #one( /CI3 And the: said, !ee how :o% destro:in& the Tem'le, and %ildin&/wo%ld la: waste the Tem'le of God; #it( in three da:s3 !a"e :o%rself, /*l, and in :et three da:s %ild it3 if :o% are !on of *lohim;God, come /!a"e :o%rself> and if :o% are 6en; down from the @ePec%tion-stake/!on-Ha*l;God, come down from the Lcross9@3 /@&allows-LePec%tion-stake9@3 C2 And likewise also the head /C23 And the chief 0ohanim 5and the 0ohanim mockin&, with the !cri es, /*lders of the 'eo'le the: mocked 8M9 the P@r%shim< and *lders, said,/concernin& Him and the: said, / 58G9333also, like the !cri es / and the P@r%shim, were333< C= He sa"ed others> himself he is /C=3 The other ones he sa"ed> and not a le to sa"e3 JA9$fK he is Oin&/himself he is not a le to sa"eS $f of $srael, let him now come down /he is Oin& of $srael, let himself from the @ePec%tion-stake-Lcross9@,/come down from the tree, @and we and we will elie"e 8AM9in<;8+9 on</shall-8#P(9 that we ma: see and<@ him3 / elie"e 8GP9 in him<3 CA He tr%sted on God -let Him /CA3 !ince he tr%sted in God;*l -let resc%e him now, if He desires himM /Him sa"e him now if He @wills-879M for he said, $ am 8+9 the< !on of /deli&ht #in Him(<@M For he said *lohim;God3 /that he is The !on;6en-*lohim3 -----------------------------------. 58G2;V29 He tr%sted in *lohim> let Him, if He desires himM For he said, $ am the !on of *lohim; God3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------CC And the ro ers also, nailed %'/CC3 And the 5thie"es who were h%n& with Him, re"iled Him, #sa:in&( the/with Him said %nto Him these "er: same3 /same words3 / 58G9 333e"il doers333< CD And from #the( siPth ho%r /CD34 And : the siPth ho%r came occ%rred darkness o"er all the land/darkness in all the @world-L?olam9%nto #the( ninth ho%r3 /87G9 land<@ and it remained %ntil /the ninth ho%r3 CE And a o%t the ninth ho%r ,esh%a/CE3 5,esh%a cried o%t in a mi&ht: cried o%t with a lo%d "oice, /"oice sa:in& in the hol: lan&%a&e,

sa:in&, *li, *li, L@mah sh@"aktaniS/*li, *li, L@mah a@za"@taniS -#M: -this is- M: God, M: God, wh: did /God, M: God, 5wh: did ,o% forsake ,o% forsake MeS /MeS( -----------------------------------. 58G9 And at the ninth ho%r333< 58G9 wherefore ha"e ,o% left MeS<-879 wh: ha"e :o% for&otten MeS<8P9 for this $ was s'aredT-Lthis was M: destin:93< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------CF And some of those standin& /CF3 And one from the ones standin& there, hearin& said, This one calls/there said, This one calls %nto *li:ah%3 /*li:ah%3 CG And at once one of them /CG3 And at once he took s'on&: r%nnin&, and takin& a s'on&e, and / read, and filled it with "ine&ar fillin& #it( with "ine&ar, '%t #it(/and &a"e it %nto Him to drink3 on a reed, and &a"e Him to drink3 / CH 6%t the rest said, Lea"e # e(T /CH3 And other ones, the: were let %s see if *li:ah% comes to sa"e/sa:in&, +e shall see if shall come him3 /*li:ah% and sa"e him3 DI And ,esh%a, cr:in& a&ain with a/DI3 And ,esh%a cried JG9o%t another lo%d "oice, released #His(;the /timeK in a mi&ht: "oice, and 5sent !'irit-L'ne%ma;C2D293 8m9 And /His !'irit-Lneshamah;DAHF9 %nto His another took a s'ear and 'ierced /Father3 'ierced His side, and there came / 58GGf9333His !'irit went %'3< o%t water and lood3<-#cf3Rn32HMAC(/ D2 And, ehold, the 'arokhet/D23 And at once was torn #the( L"eil9 of the Tem'le was torn into /'arokhet-L"eil9 #of( the 5Tem'le two from a o"e %nto elow> and the /into two 'ieces, from the to' downearth was shaken, and the rocks /wards> and the earth shook, and the were torn> /rocks were roken, 8N9 #U( a lintel /of the Tem'le of immense size was / roken and di"ided, 8.<-and fell<> / 58G9333!anct%ar:333< D= And the tom s were o'ened> and /D=3 And the &ra"es were o'ened> and man: odies of the sanctified-ones /man: 8G9 odies of the ri&hteo%s< #who( had fallen aslee' were /from those aslee' in the d%st raised, /arose3 DA And comin& forth o%t of the /DA3 And the: came o%t from their tom s after His res%rrection, /&ra"es, and after @that-8G9 His #the:( entered into the Hol: 0it:, /res%rrection<@ the: came into the and were manifested %nto man:3 /Hol: 0it:, and the: were re"ealed /%nto man:3 DC And the cent%rion and those /DC3 And the commander of the with him &%ardin& ,esh%a, seein& /h%ndred and the ones standin& with the earthQ%ake and the ha''enin&s, /him to &%ard ,esh%a, saw the feared ePceedin&l:, sa:in&, Tr%l: /shakin& of the land and the thin&s this one was #a(;8+19the< !on-Lson9/which were done and the: were "er: of God3 /afraid and said, $n tr%th this was /The 6en;!on-#of(-*lohim;God3 DD And man: women were there /DD3 And there were man: women which watchin& from afar, who followed /were standin& from a distance, from ,esh%a from the Galil, ministerin& /amon& those who ser"ed : ,esh%a %nto HimM /from haGalil #%'( %ntil now3 / 58Ge9 #the s'ear-'iercin& is / mentioned in this tePt here3(< DE Amon& which wasM Mir:am from /DE3 And amon& all of them there Ma&dala, and Mir:am the mother of /wasM Mir:am from Ma&dala, and ,a?ako" and @,osi-8A9 ,osef<@, and /5Mir:am @mother of-87G9 # at(; at<@ the mother of the sons of Ba"dai3 /-,a?ako" and 87G9 the mother of< -----------------------------------.,osef, and the mother of J79 the sons ofK Ba"dai3 5#V29 XMir:am the da%&hter of ,a?ako",X is in a&reement with Mark 2DMCF,2EM23 $, of the Palestinian !:riac Lectionar:3( -----------------------------------.-----------------------------------

DF And e"enin& ha"in& come, came a/DF34And at e"enin& time came a rich rich man from 1amata:im, : name /man who was from 5Oarnasiah3 His ,osef, who also himself was /name, ,osef, and he @was-Lwas ecomin&-a-Talmid;disci'le to / ecomin&9@ a Talmid of ,esh%aM ,esh%aM / 58P9 1amtha<-8#P(9 1amata:im< DG This one comin& %' to Pilate, /DG3 And he came %nto Pilate, and asked the od: of ,esh%a3 Then /asked of him the od: of ,esh%a3 Pilate commanded the od: to e /And Pilate commanded that the: &i"en3 /sho%ld &i"e @it-879 the od: of /,esh%a<@ %nto him3 DH And ,osef takin& the od:, /DH3 And ,osef took @it-87#G(9 the wra''ed it in clean linen, / od: of ,esh%a<@, and wra''ed it in /a @"er: fine silk &arment-8G9 new /linen cloth<@, EI And laid it in his #own( new /EI3 And 'laced Him in his own tom , tom , which he had c%t o%t in the /that was freshl: hewn @8G9 for him rockM and ha"in& rolled a &reat /in<-from@ #the( stoneM and 'laced stone to the door of the tom , #he(/a lar&e stone o"er the entrance of de'arted3 /the tom 8G9 and went awa:<3 E2 And there was Mir:am of /E23 J-K 879 And there was there, Ma&dala, and the other Mir:am, /Mir:am of Ma&dala, and the other sittin& across from the &ra"e3 /Mir:ams, sittin& o"er a&ainst the /se'%lchre3< E= And on the morrow, which is /E=34 5And of the morrow #of( the after the @Pre'aration-L*re" /Pesach, the chief 0ohanim and the !ha at9@, the head 0ohanim and the/P@r%shim came %nto Pilate, P@r%shim were assem led to Pilate,/ 5879 Now on the nePt da:, which -----------------------------------. was followin& the search for lea"en,333< 58GP9 Now the nePt da: after the ere"-!ha at-Lfrida:9,333< 58V=9 On the morrow, that #time( after s%nset, the 333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------EA !a:in&, !ir, we ha"e recalled /EA3 And the: said %nto him, !ir, we that that decei"er said, #while( /remem er that this liar was sa:in& :et li"in&, After three da:s $ /while :et in life, 5that in the end #will( arise3 /of three da:s he wo%ld arise and /come to life3 / 5879333 efore three da:s after / M: death, $ shall rise a&ain3< EC 0ommand therefore the &ra"e to /EC3 And therefore command to e e made sec%re %ntil the third da:,/&%arded his tom %ntil the third lest his Talmidim comin& JA9 : /da:, 5 eca%se 'erha's one from his ni&htK, ma: steal him, and ma: sa: /Talmidim ma: come and steal him3 to the 'eo'le, He is raised from /And afterwards the: ma: sa: %nto the deadM and the last deceit shall/the 'eo'le, that He rose from the e worse than the first3 /death3 And if the: sho%ld do this, -----------------------------------.&reater shall e the last 'er"ersion than the first3 58G#P(9333, that his Talmidim ma: not come in the ni&ht333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------ED Pilate said to them, ,o% ha"e a/ED3 And Pilate said %nto them, &%ardM &o, make #it as( sec%re as /!earch o%t &%ards #to( &%ard it, :o% know #how(3 / etter than :o% are a le3 8N9And he /deli"ered %nto them armed men, that /the: mi&ht sit o"er a&ainst the /ca"e and kee' it ni&ht and da:3< EE And the: &oin&, made the &ra"e /EE3 And the: com'leted accordin& to sec%re, # :( sealin& the stone, /the str%ct%re of the tom , 5and #and( with the &%ard3 /sealed it, and there 'laced &%ards3 / 58G9333, and the: sealed that / stone with the &%ard3< 0HAPT*1 =G-Gr3 / 0HAPT*1 =G -He 3

2 6%t late in the !ha at, at the /234And in the first da: of the week dawnin& into the first of #the( /earl: in the mornin&, came Mir:am week, came Mir:am of Ma&dala and /of Ma&dala and the other Mir:am to the other Mir:am to see the &ra"e3 /see the tom 3 -----------------------------------. 879 Now on the e"enin& of the !ha at, as it dawned toward the first da: of the week,333<-8G9 Now in the e"enin& on the !ha at that #was( dawnin& into the first #da:( of the week,333<-8P9 And in the close of the !ha at, as the first #da:( of the week e&an to dawn,333<-8V=9 And after the !ha at, and efore the dawn#li&ht( of the first da: of the week,333<-8+9 And late on the !ha at-da:, on the dawn toward the first of the !ha ats, 333< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------= And, eholdT occ%rred a &reat /=3 5And then the earth shookT earthQ%akeT for an an&el of ,HVH; / eca%se an an&el #of( ,HVH LThe LO179 descendin& from Hea"en, /descended from the Hea"ens %nto the and comin& %' rolled awa: the stone/tom , and o"ert%rned the stone 87P9 JA9 from the doorK, and #was( /from the door<, and stood %'-#still sittin& %'on it3 /;there(3 / 5879And ehold, there had een / a &reat earthQ%ake,333< A And his &aze;face #was( as /A3 And his a''earance-Lsi&ht9 was li&htnin&, and his a''arel;ro e /as the s%n, and his clothes like white as snowM /snow3 C And from the fear of him, those /C3 And from the fear of him, the &%ardin& were shaken, and the: /&%ards were fri&htened, and the: ecame as dead #men(3 /stood as dead men3 D And the an&el answerin& said /D3 And answered the an&el and said %nto the women, ,o%,-do not fearM /%nto the women, 7on@t fear, for $ for $ know that :o% seek ,esh%a, /know that :o% seek for ,esh%a who -The #One( ha"in& een cr%cified- /was h%n&;s%s'ended3 L'ierced U lifted-%'> on-the-'ole; / tree39 / E He is not hereM for He was /E3 And He is not hereM for He is raised, e"en as He said3 0ome, see /alread: ali"e, eca%se;which He the 'lace where @the Lord-8m9 He<@ /said 8G9 %nto :o%<3 And therefore, la:3 /come and see the 'lace, @where rose /#from( there the Lord-8G9 that He /was laid in<T@ F And &oin& Q%ickl:, tell %nto His/F3 And &o at once and tell His Talmidim that He was raised from /Talmidim that the Lord has alread: the dead> And, ehold, He &oes /arisen there> And He shall e efore :o% into the Galil> there / efore :o%> and there :o% shall shall :o% see HimM 6ehold, $ told /see Him, as He said %nto :o%3 :o%3 / G And the: &oin& awa: Q%ickl: from/G3 And went o%t the women in fear the tom with fear and &reat No:> /from the tom eca%se the: had seen ran to anno%nce #it( to His /the an&el, and in m%ch No: Talmidim3 /accordin& to that the Lord had /risen to life3 And the: ran to tell /it %nto His Talmidim3 H 6%t JA+9 as the: were &oin& to /H3 JP9 And the: were &oin&K, and tell #it( to His TalmidimK, ehold,/,esh%a 'assed efore them sa:in&, ,esh%a also met them, sa:in&, /5Ma: The-Name-Llit3He 3hereMHa!hem9 !halom3 And the: comin& near, held-/deli"er :o%3 And the: came near to fast His feet, and did-re"erence- /Him, and owed down %nto Him, and %nto Him3 /did-re"erence %nto Him3 / 5879333!halom e with :o%333< 2I Then sa:s ,esh%a %nto them, 7o /2I3 Then said %nto them ,esh%a, not fearM &o, anno%nce to M: /7on@t e afraidM !a: %nto M: rothers that the: ma: &o into the / rothers that the: sho%ld &o %nto Galil, and there shall the: see Me3/the Galil, and there the: shall see

/Me3 22 And #as( the: #were( &oin&, /223 And while the: were &oin&, some ehold, some of the &%ard comin& /from the &%ards came to the cit: into the cit:, anno%nced to the /and declared %nto the chief 0ohanim head 0ohanim all thin&s that /all that had ha''ened3 occ%rred3 / 2= And ein& assem led with the /2=3 And the: came to&ether for *lders, and takin& co%nsel, #the:( /co%nsel with the *lders of the &a"e eno%&h;8+9 m%ch< sil"er to the/'eo'le3 And then the: &a"e m%ch soldiers, /mone: %nto the horsemen-8P9&%ards<, 2A !a:in&, !a: that His Talmidim /2A3 And said %nto them, ,o% shall comin& : ni&ht,-stole him,-we /sa: that came His Talmidim : ni&ht ein& aslee'3 /and stole him, while :o% were /aslee'3 2C And if this is heard efore the/2C3 And if this sho%ld come %nto &o"ernor, we will 'ers%ade him, and/the ears of Pilate, we shall s'eak we will make :o% @free from /with him, re&ardin& lea"in& :o% anPiet:;8+9 sec%re<@3 /alone3 2D And the: takin& the sil"er, did/2D3 And the: took the mone:, and as the: were ta%&htM and this /said th%s, as the: were ta%&htM And sa:in& 5was s'read : #the( R%deans/this 5is the word #known( in secret %ntil toda:3 /amon& the ,@h%dim-LR%deans9 %ntil 58+9 is c%rrent amon& the 333</this da:3 / 58P9333stor: is c%rrent amon& / the R%deans %ntil this da:3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------The Good News Accordin& To The He rews, addsM 8Now the Lord when He had &i"en the linen cloth %nto the ser"ant of the 0ohen, went %nto ,a?ako" and a''eared to him> For ,a?ako" had sworn that he wo%ld not eat read from that ho%r wherein he had drank the Lord@s c%' %ntil he sho%ld see Him risen a&ain from amon& them that slee'> And a&ain after a littleM 6rin& :o%, said the Lord, a ta le and read3 He took read and lessed and rake, and &a"e it %nto ,a?ako" the Tzaddik-LR%st9 and said %nto him, M: rother, eat :o%r read, for the !on of man is risen from amon& them that slee'3< J!eeM20or32DMFK -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2E And the ele"en Talmidim went to/2E3 And after this when His twel"ethe Galil, 8+9 in<to the mo%nt /879 ele"en< Talmidim tra"eled %nto where ,esh%a a''ointed them3 /the Galil, He a''eared %nto them in /the mo%ntain where the: had 'ra:ed3 2F And seein& Him, the: owed-in- /2F3 And when the: saw Him, the: re"erence-%nto HimM %t the:;8+9 /did-re"erence %nto HimM 5and #:et( some< do% ted3 /there were from them some who ted in re&ard to Him3 58V=9333M - #and this( e"en while #the: were( do% tin& their senses3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2G And ,esh%a comin& %' talked /2G3 And ,esh%a drew near to them with them, sa:in&, All a%thorit: /and said %nto them, 8N96ehold, feel was &i"en %nto Me in Hea"en and /Me and see that $ am not a odiless %'on earth3 /s'irit3 And forthwith the: to%ched -----------------------------------.Him and elie"ed3 9For $ know, and $ elie"e that He is in the flesh, e"en after His res%rrection3L #And He also said,(< %nto Me has een &i"en all the 'ower, in the Hea"ens, and in the earth3 8P9 And as M: Father has sent Me, $ also send :o%3 #!ee ,ochanan;Rohn =IM=2(3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------2H #And( ha"in& &one, JM9 thenK, /2H3 Go :o%, 879therefore, and teach teach all the-J+K Go:im-Lnations9, /all the Go:im, and immerse them in immersin& them into the Name of the/the Name of the Father, and the Father, and of the !on, and of /!on, and 1%ach HaOodeshM< @1%ach HaOodesh;The Hol: !'irit@M / 8Ga9 Go forth #and( @make

-----------------------------------. Talmidim of-8Ga9 'roclaim to<@ all the Go:im-LNations;Peo'les9, and the: shall elie"e in Me3< 587octrine of Addai =I9 Th%s we were commanded : Him, that we sho%ld $mmerse and a sol"e them that elie"e in the Name of the Father and the !on and 1%ach HaOodesh;The Hol: !'irit3< -----------------------------------.----------------------------------=I Teachin& them to o ser"e all /=I3 And &%ard and teach them to thin&s whate"er $ commanded :o%M /carr: o%t all the thin&s which $ and, ehold, $ am with :o% all the /ha"e commanded :o% 879#.( and here da:s, #e"en( %ntil the com'letion /am $ with :o% all the da:s< @%ntil of the a&e3 JA9 AmaineK3 /eternit:-87Ga9 to the end of the /world3<-8Ga9 %ntil the world is /finished<3@ 8P9 Amaine<3 -----------------------------------.----------------------------------8P9 0om'letion of the Hol: Good-News as '% lished : Mattit:ah%> which he '% lished in He rew, in L*retz-$srael93<

Messianic Natzratim Version, From *"an&elion 7a-MePharreshe, Of Mark And alternate readin& from the ancient !:riac Aramaic Peshitta #$ncl%din& other "ario%s ancient man%scri't readin&s( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) The Good-News Accordin& To MA1O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) CHAPTER 1 1:1@ [P> The beginning of the Good-News of Yeshua the essiah! "#> the $on of E%ohi#&God'( 1:) -As it is w*itten in [A+-Yesha,-ahu-"R' the P*o.het: /eho%d 0 send - #essenge* befo*e Th- fa1e! who sha%% .*e.a*e Th- wa-( 1:2 The 3oi1e of one 1*-ing&[4> *oa*ing+ in the wi%de*ness: P*e.a*e -e the wa- of 5The>67R8&YH9H: #a;e s#ooth His .aths( 1:< Yo1hanan i##e*sed in the wi%de*ness! and .*o1%ai#ed the i;3eh& 0##e*sion of Re.entan1e fo* the *e#ission of sins( 1:= And the*e went out unto hi# a%% the *egions of Y>hudah! and a%% the .eo.%e of Ye*usha%a-i#: and he i##e*sed the# in the *i3e* Ya*den! whi%e the- 1onfessed thei* sins( 1:? And this Yo1hanan was 1%ad in *ai#ent of 1a#e%>s hai*: and was gi*ded with a 1in1tu*e of s;in about his %oins: and his food was %o1usts and wi%d hone-( 1:@ And he .*o1%ai#ed! and said: /eho%d! afte* #e 1o#es one #o*e .owe*fu% than 0! of who# 0 a# not wo*th- to stoo. and untie the fastenings of His sanda%s( 1:A 0 ha3e i##e*sed -ou with&5with&b-> wate*: but He wi%% i##e*se -ou with&5in&b-> >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>( 1:C And it o11u**ed! in those da-s! that Yeshua 1a#e f*o# NatDe*et in haGa%i%! and was i##e*sed in EtheF Ya*den b- Yo1hanan( 1:1G And i##ediate%- on His 1o#ing Eu.F f*o# the wate*! He saw the Hea3ens 1%eft Eo.enF! and the Rua1h&$.i*it des1ending %i;e a do3e u.on Hi#( 1:11 And the*e was a 3oi1e f*o# the Hea3ens: You a*e - be%o3ed $on! in who# 0 de%ight 5P+ 1:1) [P> And di*e1t%-+ [5P+[G1> The $.i*it sent Hi# fo*th into the wi%de*ness: 1:12 And He was fo*t- da-s Ethe*e! beingF te#.ted b- ha$atan! and He was with the beasts! and the ange%s we*e se*3ing Hi#( 1:1<@ And afte* Yo1hanan was >de%i3e*ed u.&[4> 1ast into .*ison+>! Yeshua 1a#e to haGa%i%! and He was .*o1%ai#ing the Good-News of "A'-

[PR> the Bingdo# of+ E%ohi#&God! 1:1= E$a-ingF: The ti#e is a11o#.%ished and the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God >has a**i3ed&[P> is nea*+>: *e.ent -ou! and be%ie3e >in His&[4> the+> Good-News( 1:1? And whi%e He was wa%;ing b- the side of the %a;e of haGa%i%! He saw $hi#,on and And*ew his b*othe* 1asting thei* nets into the sea! be1ause the- we*e fishe*>s-E#enF>( 1:1@ And Yeshua said unto the#: Co#e afte* e! and 0 wi%% #a;e -ou fishe*s of #en: 1:1A And >in the sa#e hou*&[a%t(>i##ediate%-+> the- %eft thei* nets and went afte* Hi#( 1:1C And when He wa%;ed on again a %itt%e He saw Ya,a;o3 /a*Ha3dai and Yo1hanan his b*othe* a%so sitting in the boat and #ending thei* nets: 1:)G And >in the sa#e hou*&[a%t(>i##ediate%-+> He 1a%%ed the#! and the%eft Ha3dai thei* fathe* with the hi*ed #en in the boat and went afte* Hi#( 1:)1 >[P> And when the- ente*ed B>fa*-Na1hu#! He i##ediate%-+&And He> was tea1hing on the $habbat in the s-nagogue! 1:)) And the- we*e astonished at His tea1hing! fo* as one autho*iDed He was tea1hing! and not as thei* To*ah-tea1he*s( 1:)2 And the*e was in that sa#e s-nagogue of thei*s a #an in who# the*e was an un1%ean s.i*it! and he was 1*-ing out! 1:)< And sa-ing: 4hat ha3e we to do with You! Yeshua haNaD*atiI Ha3e -ou 1o#e to dest*o- usI 0 ;now You who You a*e! that You a*e the Ho%7ne of E%ohi#&GodJ 1:)= And Yeshua *ebu;ed hi# and said to hi#: $hut -ou* #outh and go fo*th f*o# hi#( 1:)? And that un1%ean s.i*it >th*ew hi# down&[4> 1on3u%sing hi#+>! and when it EhadF 1*ied out with a #ight- 3oi1e it went fo*th f*o# hi#( 1:)@ And astonish#ent was ta;ing ho%d of the# a%%! and the- we*e sa-ing one to anothe*: K4hat is this new tea1hing! that He has autho*itand 1o##ands the un1%ean s.i*its and the- obe- Hi#I K[A> 4hat is thisI A new do1t*ine with autho*it-( He(((+ 1:)A And the ta%e of Hi# was going fo*th inEtoF a%% the *egions of haGa%i%! and #an- we*e going afte* Efo%%owingF Hi#( 1:)C And He went fo*th f*o# the s-nagogue and the--[#> He+ 1a#e to the house of $hi#,on Befa and of And*ew! and Ya,a;o3 and Yo1hanan we*e with Hi#( 1:2G And the #othe*-in-%aw of $hi#,on was infi*# with fe3e*! and thesaid EthisF to Hi# about he*: 1:21 And He d*ew nea* and too; ho%d of he* and *aised he* u.! and

>in the sa#e hou*-&5i##ediate%->>-"#' the fe3e* %eft he*! and she a*ose and was se*3ing the#( 1:2) Now [P> in the e3ening+ at the setting of the sun the- we*e b*inging a%% the# that we*e i%% >with ha*d infi*#ities-&[P> and de#onia1s+>! 1:22 And the 1it- was a%% gathe*ed togethe* at His doo*! 1:2< And He had hea%ed #an- [P> who %abo*ed unde* 3a*ious diseases+! and was 1asting out #an- de#ons and was not a%%owing the#-Ethe de#onsF to s.ea;! be1ause the- ;new Hi#&[A> who He was+ [#> to be essiah+( 1:2=@ And Kat the ea*%- dawn [P> He *ose #u1h befo*e EtheF othe*s EandF+ He 1a#e fo*th EandF went to a dese*t .%a1e! and the*e He was .*a-ing( K[4> in the #o*ning! eL1eeding%- ea*%-! whi%e it was -et night! (((+ 1:2? And E%ate*F $hi#,on and those with hi# >we*e see;ing& [4>fo%%owed+> Hi#! 1:2@ And when the- found Hi# the- sa- unto Hi#: an- fo%; we*e see;ing You( 1:2A He sa-s unto the#: "P> Co#e awa-! [R+->%et us>' go to the 3i%%ages and to the 1ities that a*e nea*! and the*e a%so wi%% 0 .*o1%ai#! fo* it is to this EendF 0 ha3e 1o#e( 1:2C And He was .*o1%ai#ing in a%% the s-nagogues in haGa%i% and was 1asting out de#ons( 1:<G And the*e 1a#e unto Hi# a 1e*tain %e.e* and he was besee1hing Hi#! "#> and he fe%% at His feet' and said unto Hi#: 0f You wi%%! You 1an 1%eanse #e( 1:<1 Now Yeshua had 1o#.assion on hi# and st*et1hed fo*th His hand and tou1hed hi#! and said unto hi#: 0 wi%%! be -ou 1%eansed( 1:<) And Kin the sa#e hou* [P> his %e.*os- de.a*ted f*o# hi# and+ he was 1%eansed( K[4> And He s.ea;ing! i##ediate%- the %e.*os- de.a*ted f*o# hi# and he (((+ 1:<2 And He 1ha*ged hi# [P> and sent hi# awa-+! 1:<< And said: $ee >%est 5G1+[P> that -ou te%% no .e*son+> [P> but do show -ou*se%f to the Cohani#! and offe* an ob%ation on a11ount of -ou* .u*ifi1ation! as oshe 1o##anded! fo* a testi#on- to the#( 1:<= And he! as he went out! began to .*o1%ai# EitF #u1h! and to di3u%ge the #atte*: so that Yeshua 1ou%d not o.en%- go into the 1it-! but was without in dese*t .%a1es: and the- 1a#e unto Hi# f*o# e3e*Mua*te*( 5P+ CHAPTER ) ):1@ [P> And Yeshua again ente*ed B>fa*-Na1hu#! afte* so#e da-s( And

when the- hea*d that He was in the house! ):) [R> 0##ediate%-+ an- we*e asse#b%ed! so that Ethe houseF 1ou%d not 1ontain the#! not e3en befo*e the doo*( And He he%d&s.a;e dis1ou*se with the#( ):2 And the- 1a#e unto Hi#! and b*ought unto Hi# a .a*a%-ti1! bo*ne between fou* .e*sons( ):< And as the- 1ou%d not K1o#e nea* Hi# on a11ount of the 1*owd! theas1ended on the *oof! and *e#o3ed the 1o3e*ing of the .%a1e whe*e Yeshua was! and %et down the bed on whi1h the .a*a%-ti1 %a-( K[R> 1o#e nea* to Hi#+&[#> b*ing hi#++N[#> 1o#e to Hi#+ ):= And when Yeshua saw thei* faith! He said unto the .a*a%-ti1: son! -ou* sins a*e fo*gi3en -ou( ):? And the*e we*e so#e $1*ibes "4> and P>*ushi#' the*e! who sat and *easoned in thei* hea*ts: ):@ 4ho is this s.ea;ing b%as.he#-I 4ho 1an fo*gi3e sins! eL1e.t E%ohi#&God on%-I ):A And Yeshua ;new! in His $.i*it! that the- *easoned EthusF in the#se%3es: and He said unto the#: 4h- *eason -ou thus&thesethings in -ou* hea*tsI ):C 4hi1h is the easie*! to sa- to a .a*a%-ti1! You* sins a*e fo*gi3en -ouI -o* to sa-! A*ise! ta;e u. -ou* bed! and wa%;I ):1G /ut that -ou #a- ;now that Kthe $on of #an has .owe* on ea*th to fo*gi3e sins! -He said unto the .a*a%-ti1: KE.owe*&autho*it-F&[R > the $on of #an has autho*it- on ea*th to fo*gi3e sins+&[#> the autho*it- the $on of #an has to fo*gi3e sins on ea*th+N[#> the autho*it- the $on of #an has to fo*gi3e on ea*th sins+ ):11 0 sa- unto -ou! A*ise! ta;e -ou* bed! and go to -ou* house( ):1) And he a*ose >in that hou*-&5i##ediate%->>! too; u. his bed! and de.a*ted in .*esen1e-5the e-es> of the# a%%: -so that the- we*e a%% a#aDed! and .*aised E%ohi#&God sa-ing: 4e ne3e* saw the %i;e( ):12 And He went again to the sea: and a%% the #u%titude 1a#e unto Hi#! and He taught the#( ):1<@ And as He .assed a%ong KHe saw 6>3i /en-Cha%fai sitting a#ong the taL-1o%%e1to*s( And He said unto hi#: Co#e afte* e( And he a*ose and went afte* Hi#( K[Ge> He 1hose Ya,a;o3 the taL-1o%%e1to*(((+ ):1= And it was so! that as He *e1%ined Eto #ea%F in >his-E6>3i>sF> house! #an- taL-1o%%e1to*s and sinne*s *e1%ined Eto #ea%F with Yeshua and with His Ta%#idi#: fo* the- we*e #an-! and the- fo%%owed Hi#( ):1? And when the $1*ibes and-[A#> of the+ P>*ushi# saw that He ate with taL-1o%%e1to*s and with sinne*s! the- said to His Ta%#idi#: 4h-

does He&[#> -ou* Ta%#idi#+ eat "#> and d*in;' with taL1o%%e1to*s and sinne*sI ):1@ 4hen Yeshua hea*d EitF! He said unto the#: The hea%th- need not a .h-si1ian! but those %abo*ing unde* disease: 0 1a#e not to 1a%% the *ighteous! but sinne*s [R&4> to *e.entan1e+( ):1A And the Ta%#idi# of Yo1hanan and of the P>*ushi# we*e faste*s&[4> fasting+: and the- 1a#e and said unto Hi#: 4h- a*e the Ta%#idi# of Yo1hanan and of the P>*ushi# faste*s! and You* Ta%#idi# fast notI ):1C Yeshua said unto the#: Can the guests&1hi%d*en of the nu.tia% -5b*ida%> 1ha#be* fast so %ong as the /*ideg*oo# is with the#I -No( ):)G /ut the da-s wi%% 1o#e! when the /*ideg*oo# wi%%&[4> #ust+ be ta;en f*o# the#! and then the- wi%% fast! in that da-( 5P+ ):)1 [P> No one ta;es of 1%oth and sews+[G1> a new .at1h on a wo*n out thing! e%se the fu%ness of the new .u%%s awa- the wea;ness of the wo*n out E.a*tF! and the *ent be1o#es wo*se than the fo*#e* one( ):)) And no #an does .ut new wine into wo*n out wine-s;ins! e%se the wine tea*s the wine-s;ins! and the wine is s.%it and the wine-s;ins .e*ish( K/ut the- .ut new wine in new wine-s;ins( K[R> /ut new wine #ust be .ut into new wine-s;ins+&[#> but new wine into f*esh wine-s;ins+&[#> but new wine into f*esh wines;ins is .ut+ ):)2 And it 1a#e to .ass on the $habbat-da- He was wa%;ing a#ong the g*ainfie%ds! and His Ta%#idi# K>[P> wa%;ed and .%u1;ed the+&-we*e eating the> ea*s Eof g*ainF( K[4> began to #a;e the Oou*ne- .%u1;ing the ea*s(+ ):)< The P>*ushi# sa- to Hi#: K>4he*efo*e do -ou* Ta%#idi#-&[P> $ee how the- do+> on the $habbat that whi1h is not 6awfu%I K[4> /eho%d what the- a*e doing on the $habbat! whi1h is not %awfu%(+ ):)= He sa-s unto the#: Ha3e -ou ne3e* *ead what 58a3id> did [P> when he had need and was hung*-! he and his attendants&those-withhi#+I ):)? How he ente*ed the House of E%ohi#&God [P&#> when A3-ata* was Cohen haGado%+! and the b*ead [P> of 5The 67R8>s>&YH9H>s tab%e+ "P>that was set Ebefo*eF E%ohi#&God' he ate! -that whi1h was not 6awfu% to eat eL1e.t fo* the Cohani#! and he ga3e unto the# a%so that we*e with hi#I ):)@ And He was sa-ing unto the#: The $habbat be1ause of >#an[P> #an>s a11ount+> was 1*eated-[Ge> #ade+ [P> and not #an fo* the sa;e of the $habbat+( ):)A The*efo*e&[4> $o+ the K56>o*d of the $habbat is [P4> a%so+ the K5$>on of #an(

E4> o*de* of both .a*ts *e3e*sed in 3e*()AF CHAPTER 2 2:1 And He ente*ed again into the s-nagogue! and the*e was the*e a #an whose hand was withe*ed: 2:) And the- we*e wat1hing Hi#! whethe* He wou%d hea% hi# on the $habbat! EsoF that the- #ight a11use Hi#( 2:2 He sa-s unto that #an whose hand EwasF withe*ed: $tand u. in the #idst( 2:< Now He sa-s unto the# a%so: [P> 0s it 6awfu% to do good on the $habbat! o* to do e3i%I To gi3e+ [P>+-%ife [P> to a .e*son+E(&IF+ - to sa3e! [P> o* to dest*o-I /ut the- we*e si%ent(+ 2:= [P> And He %oo;ed on the# with indignation! being+ g*ie3ed at the deadness-[P> ha*dness+ of thei* hea*t( And He said to that #an: $t*et1h fo*th -ou* hand: and he st*et1hed EitF fo*th and it was *esto*ed "A> %i;e its fe%%owEhandF'( 2:? And st*aightwa- the P>*ushi# with the #e#be*s-of-He*od>s.a*t- went fo*th and too; 1ounse% [P> against Hi#! how+ that the- #ight dest*oHi#( 2:@ And Yeshua went awa- with His Ta%#idi# to the sea-5%a;e>! and >[P> #an- .eo.%e Ooined Hi#+-&and g*eat #u%titudes> f*o#: haGa%i%! and f*o# Y>hudah! 2:A And f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#! [P> and f*o# 0du#aea+! and f*o# the othe* side of haYa*den! and f*o# TDo* and f*o# TDidon: -g*eat #u%titudes! that we*e hea*ing e3e*-thing that He did! 1a#e unto Hi#( 2:C And He had said unto His Ta%#idi# that the- shou%d b*ing nea* to Hi# a boat be1ause of the #u%titudes! EsoF that the- shou%d not .*ess u.on Hi#( 2:1G Po* #an- was He hea%ing! and #an- we*e .*essed togethe* [P> u.on Hi#+ 5EsoF that the- #ight tou1h> Hi#( 2:11 And those on who# we*e .%agues of un1%ean s.i*its we*e fa%%ing befo*e Hi# and we*e 1*-ing out and sa-ing: You a*e >Ha/enE%ohi#&-5The $on of God>J> 2:1) And #u1h was He *ebu;ing the# [P> #u1h+ Esa-ingF that the- shou%d not >a1;now%edge-5*e1ogniDe>> Hi#( 2:12@ And He went u. into the hi%%! and He had Ef*o# the*eF 1a%%ed who He wou%d! and the- went unto Hi#( 2:1< And He 1hose f*o# the# Twe%3e [A#> who# He a%so na#ed e#issa*ies+ to be b-&with Hi#! EsoF that He #ight be sending the# .*o1%ai#ing! 2:1= And >EsoF that the- #ight be autho*iDed&-[P>who wou%d ha3e .owe*+> to "A> hea% the infi*# and' 1ast out de#ons( 2:1? [A> And He a..ointed the Twe%3e+ And He K>1a%%ed-[P> ga3e to+> $hi#,on [P> the na#e of+ Befa:

K[4> .%a1ed the na#e Befa on $hi#,on:+ 2:1@ And Ya,a;o3 /en-Ha3dai and Yo1hanan his b*othe*! the# He K1a%%ed! [Gg> /ane*eges+-/>nei->Ragsh-5Regesh>> [P> that is Qsons of thunde*Q+: K[4> .%a1ed the na#es (((+ 2:1A And EHe 1hose a%soF And*ew! and Phi%i.! and /a*-Ta%#ai! and attit-ahu! and T>o#a! and Ya,a;o3 /en-Cha%fai! and Taddai! and $hi#,on haCananaean! 2:1C And Y>hudah f*o#-B>*iot >the bet*a-e*&-[P> who bet*a-ed Hi#+>( And He-[P> the-+ had 1o#e to the house! 2:)G And the #u%titude 1a#e again "P> unto Hi#'! so that not e3en b*ead 1ou%d the- eat( 2:)1 And when His b*othe*s hea*d! the- had gone fo*th to ta;e ho%d of Hi#! fo* the- we*e sa-ing: He has gone out of his #ind( 2:)) And the $1*ibes whi1h 5f*o#> Ye*usha%a-i# 1a#e down we*e sa-ing: /a,a%-Dibbu% is in hi#! and b- the 1hief of de#ons does 5this Efe%%owF 1ast out> de#ons [91EG1F> and 1a%%s the#+( 2:)2 And 5Yeshua> [P> 1a%%ed the# and+ s.o;e 5with the#> in .a*ab%es& si#i%itudes "P> and said': >ha$atan 1annot 1ast out ha$atan&-[P> How 1an ha$atan 1ast out ha$atanI+>( 2:)< And-[P> Po*+ if a ;ingdo# against itse%f be di3ided! that ;ingdo# 1annot stand: 2:)= And if a house against itse%f be di3ided! that house 1annot stand( 2:)? And if ha$atan against hi#se%f [P> *ise u. and+ has been di3ided! he 1annot stand! but it is the 1on1%usion of hi#( 2:)@ No one 1an ente* the house of the st*ong #an and KseiDe his things! eL1e.t fi*st he bind the st*ong #an! and then 5he wi%% K>seiDe> his things-[P> *ob his house+>( K[4> s.oi% his goods! (((+ K[4> s.oi% his house(+ 2:)A K5A#aine!> a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! A%% sins that theb%as.he#e sha%% be fo*gi3en to #en! K[P> A#aine 0 sa- unto -ou! a%% sins! and the b%as.he#e the #an #a- utte*! #a- be fo*gi3en the#!+ 2:)C 5/ut> e3e*- one that b%as.he#es 5against> >Rua1h HaBodesh&-5The Ho%- $.i*it>> K5sha%%> not 5be fo*gi3en (((> EbutF E(((F sins fo*e3e*( K[P> (((to hi# fo*e3e* the*e is no fo*gi3eness: but he is obnoLious-5a debto*> unto ete*na% Oudg#ent(+ K[4> hath ne3e* fo*gi3eness! but is subOe1t of ete*na% 1onde#nation(+ K[G1>(((5not be fo*gi3en fo*e3e*! but is gui%t- of sins fo*e3e*(>+ K[Ge> (((sha%% be gui%t- of the ete*na% sin(+ 2:2G KPo* that the- we*e sa-ing: An un1%ean s.i*it is in Hi#( K[P> EHe was sa-ing thisF be1ause the- had said:(((+ 2:21@ 5And when> His #othe* 5and His b*othe*s 1a#e> standing 5outside>

the- sent [P> to 1a%% Hi# unto the#(+ K[91EG1F> And when His b*othe*s and His #othe* 1a#e! thewe*e standing without! and the- sent to Hi# to 1a%% Hi#: the 1*owd was sitting a*ound Hi#(+ 2:2) >He was sitting&-[P> And the #u%titude we*e sitting a*ound Hi#+: And when the- sa- [P> to Hi#+: /eho%d! You* #othe* and You* b*othe*s [#> and You* siste*s+ 5a*e standing> outside and see;ing fo* You! 2:22 He [P> *e.%ied and+ sa-s unto the#: 4ho is - #othe*! o* b*othe*sI 2:2< And He %oo;ed u.on the# that Ewe*eF sitting Kb- Hi#! and said: /eho%d! - #othe*J and beho%d! - b*othe*sJ K[4> about Hi# in a 1i*1%e! He sa-s: /eho%d! (((+ 2:2= Po* e3e*-one that does the wi%% of E%ohi#&God! he is b*othe* and - siste* and - #othe*( CHAPTER < <:1 Again He had begun tea1hing b- the [P> side of the+ %a;e5sea>! and the*e had gathe*ed togethe* unto Hi# a g*eat #u%titude: and He 5went u. EandF> sat in the boat in the %a;e! and a%% the #u%titude was standing [P> on the %and+ b- [P> the side of+ the %a;e! <:) And He was tea1hing the# #u1h in si#i%itudes&.a*ab%es( And whi%e He was tea1hing the# 5He said>: <:2 Hea* -ou: beho%d! the sowe* went fo*th to sow( <:< And when he sowed! so#e EseedF fe%% b- the wa-&*oad-side and >the bi*ds&-[P> a bi*d+> [R> of the ai*+ 1a#e and ate it( <:= And so#e EseedF fe%% on a&the *o1;! [P> so that it had not #u1h ea*th:+ and it [P> soon+ s.*ang u.: be1ause the*e was no of %and "P> unde* thei* *oots'( <:? [P> /ut EthenF when was u.+ the sun that was u.on the#! and [P> be1ause it had no *oot+ it withe*ed( [91EG1F> and be1ause the*e was no of ea*th be%ow its *oot! and it s.*outed in the sun that was on it! and it withe*ed(+ <:@ And so#e EseedF fe%% a#ong tho*ns! and the tho*ns 1a#e u. with it and 1ho1;ed it! and f*uit it did not gi3e( <:A And so#e EseedF fe%% on good %and [P> ERF 1a#e u.+ 5and g*ew> and ga3e f*uit [9)> in 1onstant in1*ease+: and Eso#eF ga3e thi*t--fo%d! and Eso#eF siLt--fo%d! and Eso#eF an hund*ed-fo%d( <:C And He was sa-ing [R> unto the#+: He that has ea*s to hea*! %et hi# hea*( <:1G And when >He was&-[P> the- we*e+> 5a%one>! >His Ta%#idi#&[P>those with Hi#! togethe* with the Twe%3e+> as;ed Hi# about those si#i%itudes& .a*ab%es( <:11 And He-[P> Yeshua+ was sa-ing unto the#: Snto -ou is gi3en [P> to

;now+ the #-ste*- of the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! but to those outside e3e*-thing [P> is+ in si#i%itudes&.a*ab%es "P> 1o#es to .ass'! <:1) KThat though seeing -the- #a- not see! and though hea*ing -the#a- EbeF hea*ing ER -etF not unde*stand! %est the- *e.ent and thei* sins be fo*gi3en the#( K[P> That when the- see! the- #a- see and not see! and when thehea*! the- #a- hea* and not unde*stand: %est the- shou%d 1hangedi*e1tion! and thei* sins be fo*gi3en the#(+ K[9)> 4ho see indeed! but do not .e*1ei3e: and hea* indeed! but do not unde*stand!(((+ <:12 And He sa-s unto the#: You ;now it not! -this si#i%itude&.a*ab%eI And how Ewi%% it be then withF a%% the si#i%itudes&.a*ab%es that -ou wi%% ;nowI <:1< The sowe* [P> that sowed+! - the 4o*d he sows( <:1= Now those b- the wa-&*oad-side! those a*e the- >that hea*&[P> in who# is sown+> the 4o*d: and what Eti#eF the- ha3e hea*d! ha$atan 1o#es and ta;es awa- the 4o*d that is sown in thei* hea*t( <:1? And those EsownF on the *o1;! those a*e the- that what Eti#eF thehea* the 4o*d [P> i##ediate%-+ with Oo- *e1ei3e it! <:1@ And the- ha3e in it no *oot! but a*e fo* a E%i#itedF ti#e! and what Eti#eF the*e is dist*ess&aff%i1tion o* .e*se1ution >fo*-[P> on a11ount of+> the 4o*d [P> the- a*e Mui1;%- stu#b%ed+( <:1A [P> And those sown a#ong tho*ns! a*e the- that hea* the 4o*d! <:1C And the 1a*es of this wo*%d! and the de1eitfu%ness of *i1hes! and the *esidue of othe* %usts ente* in! and 1ho;e the 4o*d: and >it-Ethe .%antF> is without f*uits( <:)G And those sown on good g*ound a*e the- that hea* the 4o*d! and *e1ei3e it! and bea* f*uits! b- thi*ties! and b- siLties! and bhund*eds( <:)1 And He said unto the#: 0s a %a#. b*ought-5does 1o#e> to be .%a1ed unde* a bushe%! o* unde* a bedI is it not to be .%a1ed on a %ightstandI <:)) Po* the*e is nothing hid! whi1h wi%% not be eL.osed: and nothing 1on1ea%ed! whi1h wi%% not be #ade #anifest( <:)2 0f an- one ha3e ea*s to hea*! %et hi# hea*( <:)<@ And He said unto the#: Ta;e heed what -ou hea*: with what #easu*e -ou #easu*e! it sha%% be #easu*ed unto -ou: and the*e sha%% #o*e be gi3en unto -ou who hea*( <:)= Po* unto hi# that has! wi%% #o*e be gi3en: and f*o# hi# that has not! e3en what he has! wi%% be ta;en f*o# hi#( <:)? And He said: $o is the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! as if a #an shou%d 1ast seed into the g*ound! <:)@ And shou%d s%ee. and *ise! b- night and b- da-! and the seed shou%d g*ow and shoot u.! E-et&butF he ;nows not how(

<:)A Po* the ea*th b*ings fo*th the f*uit Eb- itse%fF&[4> s.ontaneous%-+: fi*st the .%ant! and subseMuent%- the ea*! and at %ast the 1o#.%ete wheat in the ea*( <:)C And when the f*uit is *i.e-5fat>! i##ediate%- 1o#es the si1;%e! be1ause the ha*3est has a**i3ed( <:2G And He said: To what sha%% we %i;en the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&GodI -and with what si#i%itude&.a*ab%e sha%% we 1o#.a*e itI <:21 0t is %i;e a g*ain of #usta*d seed whi1h! when it is sown in the ea*th! is the %east of a%% seeds sown on the ea*th: <:2) And when it is sown it s.*ings u.! and be1o#es g*eate* than a%% he*bs! and .*odu1es g*eat b*an1hes! so that bi*ds 1an %odge unde* its shadow( <:22 And b- #an- su1h si#i%itudes! -si#i%itudes&.a*ab%es su1h as the1ou%d hea*! -Yeshua dis1ou*sed with the .eo.%e( <:2< And without si#i%itudes&.a*ab%es He did not 1on3e*se with the#: but unto His Ta%#idi# Ewhen the- we*e a%oneF! between Hi#se%f and the#! He eL.%ained e3e*- thing( <:2=@ And He said unto the#! the sa#e da- at e3ening: 6et us .ass o3e* to the othe* side( <:2? And the- sent awa- the #u%titudes: and the- 1ondu1ted Hi# in the shi. as He was Esa-ing&sti%% the*eF( And the*e we*e a%so with Hi# othe* %itt%e shi.s( <:2@ And the*e was a g*eat te#.est and wind: and the wa3es beat u.on the shi.! and&[4> so that+ it was >nea* being&[4> a%*ead-+> fi%%ed( <:2A And Yeshua was as%ee. on a .i%%ow in the ba1; .a*t of the shi.( And the- 1a#e and awo;e Hi#! and said unto Hi#: 7u* Rabbi! 1a*e -ou not that we .e*ishI <:2C And He a*ose! and *ebu;ed the wind! and said unto the sea: Cease: be sti%%( And the wind 1eased! and the*e was a g*eat 1a%#( <:<G And He said unto the#: 4h- we*e -ou so fea*fu%I >And whha3e -ou not faith&-[A> Ha3e -ou sti%% no faith+>I <:<1 And the- fea*ed with g*eat fea*: and the- said! one to anothe*: 4ho is this! that e3en the winds and the sea 5P+ >[P+-obe- Hi#>JI CHAPTER = =:1@ And He-[R> the-+ 1a#e to the othe* side of the sea to the %and of the Ge*asenes-[R> Gada*enes+( =:) And when He 1a#e u. f*o# the boat the*e #et Hi# [P> f*o# the .%a1e of se.u%1h*es+ a 1e*tain #an in who# was an un1%ean s.i*it! =:2 That was dwe%%ing in the [P> .%a1e of EtheF+ to#bs! and no #an was ab%e [A> an-#o*e+ Ee3enF with 1hains to bind hi#! =:< /e1ause often the fette*s and 1hains he used to b*ea; and go fo*th! and no #an was ab%e to 1hastise-[P> subdue+ hi#(

=:= And at a%% ti#es b- night and da- in the [P> .%a1e of EtheF+ to#bs [R> and in the hi%%s+-"P' he was 1*-ing out and was wounding hi#se%f with stones( =:? And when he saw Yeshua f*o# afa* he *an EandF bowed-downto Hi#! =:@ KAnd 1*ied out with a #ight- 3oi1e and said: 4hat ha3e 0 to do with You! Yeshua! $on of >the ost High&-5HaE%-on>> GodIJ 0 adOu*e You KbGod that You to*tu*e #e not( K1[$T&E t(A:)C&6;(A:)CF> And the- 1*ied out to Hi# sa-ing! 4hat is between You and us! Yeshua! >/en&$on-E%ohi#&God>(+ K)[4> in the Na#e of God! that -ou #a- not to*#ent #e(+ =:A Po* He was sa-ing to hi#: Go fo*th! E-ouF un1%ean s.i*it! f*o# the #an( =:C And He >was as;ing&-[P> de#anded of+> hi#: 4hat is -ou* na#eI And he said to Hi#: 6egion-E2GGG to ?GGG in nu#be*F is ou* na#e! be1ause we a*e #an-( =:1G And >those de#ons&-[R> he+> we*e besee1hing Hi# that He wou%d not >sent the# fo*th out of the 1ount*-&-[Ge>d*i3e the# out of that .%a1e+>( =:11 Now the*e was the*e >b- the hi%%s&[4> in the #ountain+> a g*eat he*d of swine that was feeding! =:1) And those de#ons we*e besee1hing Hi#: $end us into-[P> u.on+ those swine and we wi%% ente* into the#( =:12 And [R> at on1e+ He .e*#itted the#: and when those un1%ean s.i*its went fo*th! the- ente*ed into the swine! and the he*d *an [P> to a .*e1i.i1e+ and fe%% into the #idst of the sea! about two thousand! and we*e 1ho;ed in the sea-[P> wate*s+( =:1< And the- that we*e tending the# f%ed and said Ethe newsF in the 1ities and in the 3i%%ages a%so! and the- went fo*th to see what was 1o#e to .ass( =:1= And the- 1a#e unto Yeshua! and saw hi# f*o# who# He had 1ast out the de#on[s 5P+! [P&R> hi# in who# had been the %egion+ 5sitting> and 1%othed >#odest-[R> and in his *ight #ind+>! and the- we*e af*aid( =:1? And those that saw de1%a*ed to the# how it befe% hi# 5in who# was the >de#on>-[de#ons 5P+> and a%so about the swine( =:1@ And the- had begun besee1hing Hi# that He wou%d go awaf*o# thei* bo*de*( =:1A 5And when> His Ta%#idi# 5went u.> into the boat the #an with the de#on was besee1hing Hi# that he #ight be E*e#ainingF with Hi#! [91EG1F> And when He had gone u.! He sat in the boat: the #an in who# the de#on 5had been> T%it( he of the de#onT besought

Hi# that he #ight be with Hi#(+ =:1C And He a%%owed hi# not! but said unto hi#: Go to -ou* house unto -ou* *e%ati3es! and show the# that whi1h Adonai&5YH9H> has done fo* -ou and EhowF He has had 1o#.assion u.on -ou( =:)G And he went and began to .*o1%ai# in the Ten-Cities what Yeshua did fo* hi#! and a%% we*e astonished( =:)1@ And when Yeshua 1*ossed o3e* [ PR> b--[in the 5 + shi.+ to that othe* side a g*eat #u%titude [P> again+ gathe*ed togethe* unto Hi# [R> and He was+ b- the side&sho*e of the sea( =:)) And the*e 1a#e one of the *u%e*s of the s-nagogue whose na#e was Ya>i*! EandF when he saw Hi# he fe%% at His feet! =:)2 And was besee1hing Hi# [R&P> #u1h+! and sa-s unto Hi#: daughte* >is 3e*- i%%&-[R> %ies at the .oint of death+>: [P> but+ 1o#e %a- on he* You* hand! [PRE4F> and she wi%% be 1u*ed+ and she sha%% %i3e( =:)< And He-[PR&> Yeshua+ went with hi#: and the*e was 1o#ing afte* Hi# a g*eat #u%titude! and the- we*e .*essing u.on Hi#( =:)= And a 1e*tain wo#an the*e was! whose b%ood was issuing twe%3e -ea*s! =:)? And #u1h she suffe*ed f*o# #an- .h-si1ians! and s.ent e3e*-thing that she had and 5was no>thing [P> .*ofited! but was e3en the #o*e aff%i1ted:+ =:)@ [P> 4hen she hea*d of Yeshua! 1a#e behind Hi# in the .*ess of the 1*owd! and tou1hed His ga*#ent( =:)A Po* she said: 0f 0 but tou1h His ga*#ent! 0 sha%% %i3e-[R> be #ade we%%+( =:)C And i##ediate%- the fountain of he* b%ood d*ied u.: and she fe%t in he* bod- that she was hea%ed of he* .%ague( =:2G And Yeshua at on1e ;new in Hi#se%f! that 3i*tue&[4EG*(F> d-na#ite+ had issued f*o# Hi#: and He tu*ned >to-[R> a*ound in+> the th*ong! and said: 4ho tou1hed - 1%othesI =:21 And His Ta%#idi# said unto Hi#: You see the th*ongs that .*ess u.on You: and You sa-! -4ho tou1hed eI =:2) And He %oo;ed a*ound to see [R> he*+ who had done this( =:22 And the wo#an! fea*ing and t*e#b%ing! fo* she ;new what had ta;en .%a1e in he*! 1a#e and fe%% down befo*e Hi#! and to%d Hi# a%% the t*uth( =:2< And He said unto he*: "R> -' daughte*! -ou* faith has #ade -ou %i3e: go in sha%o#&.ea1e: and be -ou hea%ed of -ou* .%ague(=:2= And whi%e He was s.ea;ing! so#e "R> se*3ants' of the [4> 1hief+ *u%e* of the s-nagogue 1a#e! and said: You* daughte* is dead: whthe*efo*e t*oub%e -ou the Tea1he* [R> an- fu*the*+(

=:2? /ut Yeshua hea*d the wo*d the- s.o;e! and said unto the [4> 1hief+ *u%e* of the s-nagogue: Pea* not: on%- be%ie3e( =:2@ And He a%%owed no one to go with Hi#! eL1e.t $hi#,on Befa! and Ya,a;o3! and Yo1hanan the b*othe* of Ya,a;o3( =:2A And the- 1a#e to the house of the [4> 1hief+ *u%e* of the s-nagogue: and He saw that the- we*e in a tu#u%t! and! and how%ing( =:2C And He ente*ed in and said to the#: 4h- a*e -ou in a tu#u%t! and wee.EingFI The #aid is not dead! but is as%ee.( =:<G And the- %aughed at Hi# [R> to s1o*n+( /ut Yeshua .ut the# a%% out( And He too; the #aid>s fathe*! and he* #othe*! and those that a11o#.anied Hi#! and ente*ed into whe*e the #aid %a-( =:<1 And He too; the #aid>s hand! and said unto he*: aiden a*ise5Ta%ita! ;u#i>J =:<) And i##ediate%- the #aid a*ose! and wa%;ed: fo* she was twe%3e -ea*s o%d( And the- we*e astonished&[4> i##ediate%- de%ighted+ with a g*eat astonish#ent&[4> de%ight+( =:<2 And He enOoined it u.on the# #u1h! that no one shou%d ;now of it( And He di*e1ted! that the- shou%d gi3e he* Eso#ethingF to eat( 5P+ CHAPTER ? ?:1@ [P> And Yeshua-[R> He+ de.a*ted f*o# the*e and 1a#e to His own 1it-! and His Ta%#idi# attended-[R> fo%%owed+ Hi#( ?:) And when the $habbat 1a#e! He began to tea1h in the s-nagogue( And [#> the+ #an- who hea*d EHi#F we*e astonished! and said: 4he*e has He obtained these thingsI And! what wisdo# is this! whi1h is gi3en unto Hi#J -and - that su1h #ight- wo*;s a*e done b- His handsJ ?:2 0s this not the K1a*.ente*! the son of i*-a#! and the b*othe* of Ya,a;o3 and of Yosi and of Y>hudah and of $hi#,onI A*e not his siste*s he*e with usI And the- we*e stu#b%ed-[R> offended+ in Hi#( K[#>((( son of the 1a*.ente*! >the son of>-[#> and+ i*-a#! (((+ ?:< And Yeshua said unto the#: The*e is no P*o.het who is %itt%e! eL1e.t in his own 1it-! and a#ong his ;ind*ed! and >at ho#e-5in his house>>( 5P+ ?:= [P> And He 1ou%d not do+ the*e one of the #ight- wo*;s! but on a few infi*# Efo%;F He %aid His hands and the- we*e hea%ed( ?:? And He was wonde*ing Kat the %a1;-[P> defe1t+ of thei* faith( And He was going about in the 3i%%ages and tea1hing( K[R> (((be1ause of thei* unbe%ief( (((+ ?:@@ And He had 1a%%ed His Twe%3e "R> Ta%#idi#'! and sent the# two btwo! and had gi3en the# autho*it--[R> .owe*+ o3e* the un1%ean s.i*its! [P> to 1ast the# out+-"R'( ?:A And He had 1o##anded the# that the- shou%d ta;e nothing fo* the

wa- >but a sti1;-[P&R> staff+ on%--[Gde> no staff+>! - No wa%%et and no b*ead and no 1o..e* in -ou* .u*ses! ?:C And sanda%s be -ou shod with! -and EthatF the- shou%d not be 1%othed with two 1oats( ?:1G [P> And He said unto the#+: 4hate3e* house -ou ente* into! the*e be unti% -ou go fo*th f*o# the*e: ?:11 And e3e*-one-[A> whate3e* .%a1e+ that sha%% not *e1ei3e -ou no* hea* -ou - what Eti#eF -ou go fo*th f*o# the*e! sha;e off the dust of -ou* feet fo* a testi#on- of-[P> to+-[R> against+ the#( [P&R> A#aine 0 sa- unto -ou! The*e wi%% be E#o*eF 1o#fo*t fo* $>do# and ,A#o*a in the 8a- of Uudge#ent! *athe* than fo* that 1it-(+-"A' ?:1) And the- had gone fo*th .*o1%ai#ing that E#enF shou%d *e.ent! ?:12 And #an- de#ons we*e the- 1asting out! and we*e anointing with oi% #an- [P&R> of the infi*#+ and we*e hea%ing >the infi*#-[P> the#+>( ?:1<@ And He*od the ;ing hea*d [P> of Yeshua+! fo* His fa#e had be1o#e ;nown to hi# we%%! and he-[#> the-+ said: 0t is Yo1hanan ha atbi%&the0##e*se*: he has *isen f*o# a#ong the dead! the*efo*e >g*eat is his .owe*N[P> it is #ight- deeds a*e done b- hi#+&[9)> the wonde*s a*e w*ought th*ough hi#+>( ?:1= /ut othe*s said: 0t is E%i-ahu: but othe*s sa-: 0t is a-[R> the+ P*o.het! [R> o*+-"A& ' %i;e one of the P*o.hets( ?:1? /ut when He*od hea*d Eof Hi#F! he said: This EisF Yo1hanan! he whose head 0 1ut off! EheF has *isen [R> f*o# the dead+( ?:1@ Po* He*od sent EandF %aid ho%d of Yo1hanan and bound hi# in .*ison be1ause of He*odia the wife of Phi%i. his b*othe*! in that he had ta;en-[R> #a**ied+ he*( ?:1A Po* Yo1hanan was sa-ing to He*od: 0t is not 6awfu% fo* -ou to ta;e -ou* b*othe*>s wife( ?:1C Then He*odia Kwas >th*eatening-[P> he*se%f an ene#- to+> hi# and was wishing to ;i%% hi#! and 1ou%d not( K[4> hated hi#! and wished to (((+ ?:)G Po* He*od was af*aid of that sa#e Yo1hanan! fo* he ;new Ehi#F fo* a tDaddi;-5*ighteous> #an and a ho%- E.e*sonF! and Kwas >[R+.*ote1ting-[P> obse*3ing+> hi#! and K#an- things that he used to hea* f*o# hi# he did! and g%ad%- EheF used to hea* hi#( K1[4> he 1ontinued to ho%d hi# in .*ison: and hea*ing hi#! he 1ontinued to do #an- things! and he was hea*ing hi# g%ad%-(+ K)[A> (((when he hea*d hi#! he was #u1h .e*.%eLed: and g%ad%-(((+ ?:)1 KAnd it 1han1ed on the da- of He*od>s bi*thda- EthatF he had #ade a su..e* fo* his nob%es and fo* his 1hi%ia*1hs and fo* the 1hiefs of haGa%i%! K[P> And the*e was a noted da-! when He*od #ade a su..e* in the

house of his nati3it-! fo* his nob%es and the 1hi%ia*1hs and&[91 EG1F> to+ the 1hiefs of haGa%i%(+ ?:)) And >the daughte* of-[Ge+>-[#> his daughte*+ He*odia 1a#e in and dan1ed! and she .%eased He*od and those sitting Eat #ea%F with hi#( And the ;ing said to the gi*%: As; of #e! and 0 wi%% gi3e to -ou!?:)2 -Snto the ha%f of #- ;ingdo#: and Khe swa*e to he* EthisF with an oath( K1[R > And he swa*e to he*! 4hatsoe3e* -ou sha%% as; of #e! 0 wi%% gi3e EitF -ou! unto the ha%f of #- ;ingdo#(+ [#> with #an- E3owsF he swo*e to he*!+ ?:)< And the gi*% went out! EandF too; 1ounse% with he* #othe*! Esa-ingF: 4hat sha%% 0 as;I $he sa-s to he*: The head of Yo1hanan ha atbi%&the 0##e*se*( ?:)= And she 1a#e in at on1e to the ;ing! and sa-s to hi#: 0 wi%% that -ou gi3e #e this 3e*- hou* the head of Yo1hanan ha atbi%&the0##e*se* in a dish( ?:)? And it #u1h g*ie3ed the ;ing! and E-etF fo* the oath>s sa;e and fo* the sa;e of the# that sat Eat #ea%F he K1ou%d not >tu*n ba1;-[P> den-&def*aud he*+>( K[R> (((did not want to *efuse he*(+ ?:)@ And he sent a so%die* of his gua*d to 1ut off EandF b*ing >his head-[P> the head of Yo1hanan+>( And he went EandF 1ut off his head in the .*ison! ?:)A And b*ought it in a dish! and he ga3e it to the gi*%: and the gi*% 1a**ied it awa- to he* #othe*( ?:)C And when his Ta%#idi# hea*d! the- 1a#e EandF too; u. his 1o*.se! and %aid it in a to#b( ?:2G@ And the e#issa*ies 1a#e unto Yeshua and de1%a*ed unto Hi# a%% that >TK>he5KT-[P&R> the-+> did and [P&R> a%% the- had+ taught( ?:21 And He said unto the#: Co#e! %et us go to the wi%de*ness ou*se%3es a%one! and ta;e -ou* ease a %itt%e( EPo*F #an- we*e going and 1o#ing unto Hi#! and the- had no .%a1e-[P&R> o..o*tunit-+ e3en b*ead to eat( ?:2) And the- went to a dese*t .%a1e in the boat the#se%3es a%one( ?:22 KAnd [A> the-+-#an- saw the# [P> as the- de.a*ted+ and *e1ogniDed the#! and >went b- %and afte*-[P> *an the*e b- %and befo*e+> Hi# f*o# >a%% the&[4> #an-+> 1ities( K[BU9> And the .eo.%e saw the# de.a*ting! and #an- ;new Hi#! and *an afoot thithe* out of a%% 1ities! and outwent the#! and 1a#e togethe* unto Hi#(+ ?:2< And when the- 1a#e and He saw a g*eat #u%titude He had 1o#.assion u.on the# in that the- we*e %i;e unto shee. whi1h ha3e no she.he*d! and He had begun Ethe*eF to tea1h the# [R> #an- things+( ?:2= And when >it began to be e3ening-[P> the ti#e was ad3an1ed+> His Ta%#idi# d*ew nea* and sa- unto Hi#: The .%a1e is dese*t and the ti#e

is .ast-[P&R> ad3an1ed+: ?:2? K8is#iss those fo%; EthatF the- #a- go to these 3i%%ages that a*e *ound us and bu- fo* the#se%3es >so#ewhat to eat-[as in 5A+>( K[P> 8is#iss the#! that the- #a- go into the fie%ds a*ound us and into the 3i%%ages! and #a- bu- the#se%3es >b*ead: fo* the- ha3e nothing to eat-[as in 5R+>(+ ?:2@ He sa-s unto the#: You gi3e the# to eat( The- sa- unto Hi#: $ha%% we go EandF bu- fo* a hund*ed dena*ii b*ead! EandF b*ing to the# as the- eatI ?:2A He sa-s unto the#: Go! see how #an- .ie1es of b*ead the*e a*e with -ou( [P&R> And when the- had seen+! the- sa- to Hi#: Pi3e .ie1es of b*ead and two fish( ?:2C And He 1o##anded the# that the- shou%d a%% sit Eto eatF on the g*een g*ass [P&R> b- 1o#.anies+( ?:<G And the- sat down Eto eatF 1o#.anies b- 1o#.anies of hund*eds and Eb-F fift-: ?:<1 And He too; those fi3e .ie1es of b*ead and the two fish( And He %oo;ed u. to Hea3en and E#ade aF b>*a;hah&b%essing and b*a;e the b*ead! and ga3e EitF to His Ta%#idi# that the- shou%d set EitF fo* the#! and Ea%soF those two fish the- di3ided to a%%( ?:<) And the- a%% ate and we*e satisfied! ?:<2 And the- too; u. f*o# befo*e the# the f*ag#ents! twe%3e bas;ets fu%% of the su.e*abundan1e of >these fi3e %oa3es-[P&R> the f*ag#ents+> and of those two fish( ?:<< Now those that ate >of the#&-[PR#> the-"P' b*ead+> we*e [R> about+ -"A ' fi3e thousand #en( ?:<= And i##ediate%- He 1o##anded His Ta%#idi# that theshou%d go u. into the boat! EandF that the- shou%d go befo*e Hi# [P&R> to the othe* side+! to /eit-TDaidah! whi%e EasF -et He was dis#issing that #u%titude( ?:<? And when He dis#issed the#! He had gone to the hi%% to .*a-( ?:<@@ Now when it was e3ening and the boat was in the #idst of the %a;e-5sea> and He a%one was on the %and! ?:<A KAnd when He saw the# to*#ented f*o# fea* of the wa3es be1ause the wind was against the#! He 1a#e unto the# wa%;ing on the wate* and was wishing that He shou%d .ass the#( K[P> And He saw the# st*aining&to*tu*ing the#se%3es in *owing: fo* the wind was against the#( And in the fou*th wat1h of the night! Yeshua 1a#e unto the# wa%;ing on the wate*s: and He was dis.osed to .ass b- the#(+ ?:<C 4hen the- saw Hi# on the wate* EandF wa%;ing thesu..osed it was

a [Gh+-s.e1t*e&de#on! and when the- a%% saw Hi# the- ga3e EoutF a 1*-( ?:=G [P> Po* the- a%% saw Hi#! and we*e af*aid(+ And in the sa#e hou* He s.a;e with the#! and said unto the#: /e Kassu*ed! it is 0! be not af*aid( K[4> of good 1hea*: 0 a# He: be not af*aid(+ ?:=1 And He went u. unto the# to the boat! and the wind 1eased( And the- we*e [P> g*eat%-+ wonde*ing [R> be-ond #easu*e+ [P> and astonished+ a#ong the#se%3es! ?:=) Po* the- had not .e*1ei3ed-[P> %ea*ned+ f*o# the b*ead! be1ause thei* hea*t was b%ind-[P>;+-[R> ha*dened+( ?:=2 And when the- 1*ossed o3e* [P> to the othe* sho*e+ thewent u. to the %and of Ginosa* [R> and an1ho*ed the*e+( ?:=< And when He-[P> the-+ went u. f*o# the boat! in that sa#e hou* that the- .e*1ei3ed Hi#! ?:== The- sent to a%% the dist*i1t! and b*ought those that we*e i%%! 1a**-ing the# in beds [P&R> to whe*e the- hea*d He was+( ?:=? And whe*e3e* Yeshua-[P> He+ was ente*ing! into 1ities o* 3i%%ages o* fa*#steads! in the st*eets the- we*e %a-ing the "P> beds of the' infi*#! and the- we*e besee1hing Hi# e3en if the he#-5tDitDit> of His 1%oa; the- #ight tou1h: and a%% that we*e tou1hing >%i3ed-[P&R> Hi# we*e hea%ed+>( CHAPTER @ @:1@ And the*e we*e gathe*ed togethe* unto Hi# P>*ushi# and [R> so#e of the+ $1*ibes that 1a#e f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#! @:) And [R> when+-"A' the- saw [P&R> so#e of+ His Ta%#idi# eating b*ead with unwashed [R> defi%ed+ hands: [P>and the- 1ensu*ed it+-[R> ERF thefound fau%t+-"A'( @:2 /e1ause a%% the Y>hudi# and the P>*ushi# eL1e.t the>[P>1a*efu%%-+ -[R> in a s.e1ia% wa--5with the fist>+> wash thei* hands! do not eat "P> b*ead'! EthoseF >who ho%d-[P> be1ause the- ho%d fast+> the T*adition! En>ti%at--ada-i#F! of the E%de*s: @:< And [Gd;> what has been "G;>bought'+ f*o# the st*eet! eL1e.t thei##e*se 5it&Ethei*-handsFEIF> the#se%3es! the- eat not: and #anthings whi1h the- *e1ei3ed the- used to ;ee.! and i##e*sions of 1u.s and .ots [P&R> and of b*onDe 3esse%s! "#> and of 1ou1hes'+( @:= And "P&R> afte* these things' the $1*ibes and P>*ushi# as;ed Hi#! and sa- to Hi#: 4he*efo*e do -ou* Ta%#idi# not ;ee.-[P> wa%;afte*+ the inOun1tion-[P> T*adition+ of ou* an1ients-[P> E%de*s+I - fo* thewash not thei* hands E*itua%%-F and E-etF eat b*ead( @:? Yeshua sa-s to the#: 4e%% did Yesha,-ahu the P*o.het .*o.hes- of -ou! [P&R> -ou h-.o1*ites+: as it is 4*itten that he had said: This .eo.%e with its %i.s honou* e! but in its-Ethei*F hea*t it is [P>3e*-+

fa* f*o# e: @:@ /ut in 3ain do the- fea*-[P> *e3e*en1e+ e! EthoseF that tea1h a tea1hing of .*e1e.ts-51o##and#ents> of #en( @:A [P> Po* -ou ha3e fo*sa;en the #itD3ah&1o##and#ent of E%ohi#&God! and ho%d fast the t*adition of #en! "A> the i##e*sion of 1u.s! and of .ots! and #an- things %i;e these [R> -ou do+'( @:C [P> He said Ea%soF unto the#+: [P> Pu%%+ we%% do -ou [P> s.u*n+! "P>in that -ou %ea3e' the 1o##and#ents&#itD3ot of E%ohi#&God! that -ou #a- >set u.&-[R> ;ee.+> -ou* EownF >[P> t*adition+&51o##and#ents>-N Efa%seF-ha%a1hah>J @:1G -Po* oshe said: Honou* -ou* fathe* and -ou* #othe*! and he that 1u*ses his fathe* and his #othe* sha%% indeed die( [91> the A*a#ai1 a%%ite*ation #e#ath ta#oth 1an be *e.*odu1ed in an Eng%ish idio# Qdie the deathQ! though it is absent f*o# the G*ee;(+ @:11 /ut -ou sa-! that if he sha%% sa- to his fathe* and his #othe*: KE0t isF an offe*ing! E;o*banF! what -ou sha%% be .*ofited f*o# #e!K[P> /e it #- ob%ation! E.*o#ised as ;o*ban - that is a gift to GodF! whate3e* -ou #a- gain f*o# #e!-+ K[R> /ut -ou sa-! 0f a #an sa-s to his fathe* o* #othe*! 4hate3e* .*ofit -ou #ight ha3e *e1ei3ed f*o# #e EisF ;o*ban TK>that is dedi1ated Eto the Te#.%eF5KT+( @:1) And -ou a%%ow hi# not to >honou*-[P&R>do an-thing fo*+> his fathe* o* his #othe*J @:12 And >-ou *eOe1t-[R> #a;ing of no effe1t+> the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God be1ause of -ou* >.*e1e.ts-[P&R> t*adition whi1h -ou handed down+>J And #an- things %i;e these -ou do( @:1< And He-[P> Yeshua+ 1a%%ed [P> a%%+ the #u%titude and said unto the#: Hea* a%% of -ou and >be .e*suaded&-[P&R> unde*stand+>J @:1= The*e is nothing whi1h EbeingF outside a #an and ente*ing into hi# 1an defi%e hi#! but that whi1h goes fo*th f*o# a #an! that it is Ewhi1hF defi%es the #an( @:1? " > >He that&-[R> 0f an-one+> has ea*s to hea*! %et hi# hea*'( @:1@ And when >He-[P> Yeshua+> was ente*ing the house! [P&R>a.a*t+ f*o# the #u%titude! His Ta%#idi# had as;ed Hi# about the si#i%itude&.a*ab%e( @:1A /ut He said unto the#: $o! e3en -ou a*e stubbo*n[P>undis1e*ning+I 8o -ou not .e*1ei3e at a%%! that not an-thing [R> f*o# outside+ that ente*s the #an defi%es hi#I @:1C /e1ause not EintoF the hea*t does it ente*! but the be%%-! and it is th*own >awa- and 1%eansed -& TK>Ee3enF a%% #eat5KT N-[P> into the digesti3e .*o1ess! whi1h 1a**ies off a%% that is eaten+>( @:)G [R> And He said+: /ut that whi1h 1o#es EoutF f*o# a #an! that it is Ewhi1hF defi%es the #an( @:)1 Po* f*o# [P&R> within! f*o#+ the hea*t! 1o#e fo*th the e3i%

thoughts of #en: adu%te*-! fo*ni1ation-[P> who*edo#+! #u*de*! @:)) Theft! 1o3etousness! i%%-wi%%! gui%e! %as1i3iousness! an e3i%-e-e5being sting->! b%as.he#-! .*ide! fo%%-!@:)2 -A%% of the# Ea*eF e3i% - EandF f*o# within 1o#e fo*th! and defi%e the #an( @:)<@ And He-[P> Yeshua+ a*ose and went awa- to the bo*de* of TDo* [PR> and TDidon+-"A'( And when He ente*ed a house He was not wishing that an- one shou%d ;now of Hi#! and E-etF He 1ou%d not be 1on1ea%ed( @:)= >And when&-[P> Po* i##ediate%-+> a wo#an whose daughte* had an un1%ea* s.i*it hea*d [R> about Hi#! and+ she 1a#e EandF fe%% down befo*e Hi#-[P&R> His feet+( @:)? The wo#an was a TK>widow5KT-[P&EG1F>Genti%e+ f*o# "P&R>the bo*de* of TDo* of' Phoeni1ia [P&R> of $-*ia+ [R>b- bi*th+! and she was besee1hing Hi# that He wou%d 1ast out the de#on&s.i*it f*o# he* daughte*( @:)@ Yeshua sa-s unto he*: A%%ow fi*st the sons-[P> 1hi%d*en+ to be satisfied( 0t is not we%% to ta;e the [P> 1hi%d*ens+-sons> b*ead and to 1ast EitF to the [R4> %itt%e+ dogs( @:)A The wo#an sa-s to Hi#: [4#> Yea+ #- aste*! [4> fo*+ e3en the [4> %itt%e+ dogs Keat of the #o*se%s that d*o. down f*o# the [P> 1hi%d*en>s+-sons> tab%es( K[GEeFh>(((That You #a- satisf- the# f*o# #o*se%s that f*o# the sons> tab%e we*e fa%%ing(+ @:)C He sa-s to he*: /e1ause of this sa-ing! go: beho%d! the de#on has [4> a%*ead-+ gone fo*th f*o# -ou* daughte*J @:2G And when she went to he* house she found he* daughte*! and the de#on was gone fo*th f*o# he*! and she was %-ing in the bed( @:21 And again 5when> He-[P> Yeshua+ went fo*th f*o# the bo*de* of TDo* 5and> TDidon He 1a#e to the %a;e-5sea> of haGa%i% >between the bo*de*[R> th*ough the #idst of the *egion+> of the Ten-Cities( @:2) And the- b*ought unto Hi# a K1e*tain ina*ti1u%ate deaf-#ute! and the- we*e besee1hing Hi# that He wou%d %a- on hi# His hand( K[4> deaf #an s.ea;ing with diffi1u%t-! and (((+ @:22 And He d*ew hi# f*o# the #u%titude [4> .*i3ate%-+! and He .ut His finge*s [P>into his ea*s+ and "R> TK>in his ea*s5KT' and tou1hed his tongue! K[GdEhF> He Eit saithF on His finge*s! and .ut EitF in the ea*s of that deaf-#ute(+ @:2< And %oo;ed u. to Hea3en and g*oaned&sighed and said unto Hi#: Hi..ata1hJ -EThat is: /e o.enedJF @:2= And "#'->in the sa#e hou*&-5i##ediate%->>-[PR#+ his ea*s we*e o.ened and the bond of his tongue was %oosed and he had s.o;en EthenF easi%--[P> .%ain%-+( @:2? And He 1o##anded the# that to no one the- shou%d sa- EitF: and the

#o*e that He was 1o##anding the#! the- the E#o*eF *athe* we*e .*o1%ai#ing Hi#-[P> it+( @:2@ And Ka%% the #o*e we*e the- wonde*ing and sa-ing: E3e*-thing He does we%%! Kand the deaf-#utes He #a;es that the- hea* and s.ea;J K1[P&R> (((the- ad#i*ed eL1eeding%-! and said: He does e3e* thing eL1e%%ent%-: He #a;es the deaf to hea*! and the s.ee1h%ess to ta%;J+ K)[4> He #a;es the deaf to hea*! and the du#b to s.ea;(+ CHAPTER A A:1@ Now in those sa#e da-s! again when the*e was a g*eat #u%titude and the- had not what the- shou%d eat! He 1a%%ed His Ta%#idi# and said unto the#: A:) 0 ha3e 1o#.assion on this #u%titude! fo* beho%d! th*ee da-s theha3e *e#ained b- e and the*e is not Ean-thingF what the- #aeat! A:2 And if so be that 0 shou%d dis#iss Ethe#F fasting to thei* houses the- wou%d be fainting on the wa-: and&[4> indeed+ so#e of the# f*o# fa* ha3e 1o#e( A:< His Ta%#idi# sa- unto Hi#: 4he*e 1an You Khe*e satisf- the# with b*ead in the dese*tI K[91EEutha%iana!Ted(RobinsonT!TeLts and $tudies!3o%(iii!.(@C!0()G> ((( 4hen1e 1an You satisf- these #enI+ A:= And He as;ed the# and sa-s unto the#: How #an- .ie1es of b*ead ha3e -ouI The- sa- unto Hi#: $e3en( A:? And He 1o##anded the #u%titude that the- shou%d sit down Eto eatF on the g*ound( And He too; those se3en .ie1es of b*ead and b%essed Ewith a b>*a;hahF and b*a;e and ga3e unto His Ta%#idi# that theshou%d set befo*e the#! and the- set Ethe#F befo*e the #u%titude( A:@ And the*e we*e a few fish: and u.on the# a%so ha3ing b%essed Ewith a b>*a;hahF! He said that the- shou%d set Ethe#F befo*e the#( A:A And the- ate and we*e satisfied! and the- too; u. the su.e*abundan1e of the f*ag#ents se3en [R> %a*ge+ .annie*s-[P> bas;ets+( A:C The fo%;-[P> #en+ that ate we*e about fou* thousand: and He dis#issed the#( A:1G And [P> i##ediate%-+ He went u. EandF sat in the boat with His Ta%#idi#! and the- 1a#e to the hi%%-[P> .%a1e+ of 8a%#anuta( A:11@ And the P>*ushi# 1a#e fo*th and began >besee1hing-[P&R> to dis.ute with+> Hi# and >as;ing Hi# fo*-[P> de#anding of Hi#+> a sign f*o# Hea3en! te#.ting Hi#( A:1) He >was eL1ited in $.i*it-[R> sighed dee.%- in His $.i*it+-[P> sighed with His b*eath+-[91EG1F> t*oub%ed+> and said: K4h- does this gene*ation see; a signI A#aine! 0 sa- to -ou that a sign sha%% not be

gi3en unto this gene*ation( K[4> 4hat sign does this (((+ A:12 And He %eft the# again and sat in the boat! and went to the othe* >side "R> of the %a;e-[P> sho*e+'>( A:1< And [A& +-the--[R> the Ta%#idi#+ fo*got to ta;e with the# Ean-F b*ead! >fo* not-[P&R> and but Eon%-F+> one %oaf was the*e with the# in the boat( A:1= And He 1o##anded the# and said unto the#: /ewa*e of the %ea3en& 1ha#etD of the P>*ushi# and the %ea3en&1ha#etD of He*od&[#> He*odians+( A:1? And the- >we*e thin;ing-[P> *easoning+> one with anothe* and sa-ing: >The*e is&-[P&R> it is be1ause we ha3e+> no b*ead( A:1@ Now Yeshua ;new EthisF and said unto the#: 4h- >thin; -ou that-[P> *eason -ou be1ause+> -ou ha3e no b*eadI Not Ee3enF unti% now do -ou ;now no* unde*standI >"A> Snti% now' is -ou* hea*t b%inded-[P> How %ong wi%% -ou* hea*t be ha*d+>! A:1A KAnd e-es ha3e -ou and E-etF see not! and ea*s ha3e -ou and E-etF hea* not! and do -ou not *e1o%%e1tIK[Gt> Po* ou* 6o*d said to those #u%titudes that we*e 1o#ing unto Hi#! Ea*s ha3e -ou! and hea* not: and e-es ha3e -ou and see notI+ A:1C [P> 4hen 0 b*o;e+ those fi3e .ie1es of b*ead that fi3e thousand ate of! and EthenF how #an- bas;ets of f*ag#ents fu%% 5too; -ou u.>I The- sa- unto Hi#: Twe%3e( A:)G He sa-s unto the#: And when Ethe*e we*eF se3en fo* fou* thousand! how #an- .annie*s-[P> bas;etEfu%sF+ of f*ag#ents too; -ou u.I The- sa5unto Hi#>: $e3en( A:)1 He sa-s unto the#: [P> 4h- is it that+! Ee3enF unti% now! -ou do not unde*standI A:)) And He 1a#e to /eit-TDaidah: and the- b*ought to Hi# a b%ind #an! and the- we*e besee1hing Hi# that He wou%d tou1h hi#( A:)2 And He too; TK>ho%d5KT of the hand of the b%ind #an and b*ought hi# fo*th out of the 3i%%age! and He in his e-es and %aid [P> on+ His hand and as;ed hi# K>and sa-s unto hi#: 4hat TK>wi%%5KT -ou see[P> what he saw+>I K[4> if he sees an-thing(+ A:)< 5And [P> gaDed! and+&[4> %oo;ing u.+ he sa-s>: 0 ha3e 5EOustF seen> #en as t*ees wa%;ing( A:)= And again He %aid His hand on his e-es [R> and #ade hi# %oo; u.+! >[G1g;3+-5and he saw>>-5G1>-5of the b%ind #an>+ and was *esto*ed and was seeing e3e*-thing-[R> e3e*-one+ 1%ea*%-(

A:)? And He sent hi# to his house and said unto hi#: >Not-[A> 8o not go+> e3en into the 3i%%age "A> sha%% -ou ente*' [P&R> no* te%% an.e*son in the 3i%%age+( A:)@ And Yeshua went fo*th! and His Ta%#idi#! to the 3i%%age[s 5P&R+ of Caesa*ea of-Phi%i.&Phi%i..i! and He was as;ing His Ta%#idi# in the wa-! and sa-s unto the#: 4hat sa- .eo.%e of e! that 0 a#I A:)A The- sa- unto Hi#: The*e a*e EthoseF that sa-! 0t is Yo1hanan ha atbi%&the-0##e*se*: and othe*s sa-! E%i-ahu: and Esti%%F othe*s! 7ne of the P*o.hets( A:)C He-[P> Yeshua+ sa-s unto the#: And -ou! what-[P> who+ sa-ou [P> about e+! that 0 a#I Befa-[P> $hi#,on+ sa-s unto Hi#: You a*e Ha ashia1h&The- essiah! [P> the $on of the %i3ing God+-"R4'( A:2G And He 1ha*ged the#! that Kto no #an shou%d the- sa-5E*e3ea%F> EthisF of Hi#( K[4> the- shou%d s.ea; to no one 1on1e*ning Hi#(+ A:21 And He had begun to tea1h the#! Esa-ingF: The $on of #an is about to suffe* #u1h! and be *eOe1ted b- the E%de*s and b- the head Cohani# and b- the $1*ibes! and the- wi%% ;i%% Hi#! and the thi*d da- He wi%% *ise "P&R> and o.en%- s.ea; the 4o*d'-[Gd> wi%% *ise and sa- a sa-ing o.en%-(+ KE91> 8*( /u*;itt has d*awn attention to a *e#a*;ab%e 3a*iant in this 3e*se! QAnd the- wi%% ;i%% Hi#! and the thi*d da- He wi%% *ise! and o.en%- s.ea; the 4o*d(Q 0t is su..o*ted b- a si#i%a* *eading in CodeL /obbiensis E;F! Qet o11idi! et .ost te*tiu# die# *esu*ge*e! et 1u# fidu1ia se*#one# %oMui!Q and a%so in the A*abi1 3e*sion of the 8iatessa*on "(((' E3( da e.ha**eshe! 3o%(ii!.()<GF A:2) KNow $hi#,on Befa! as if .it-ing-[Gd> suffe*ing fo*+ Hi# said to Hi#: /e it fa* f*o# YouJ K[P&R> And He s.o;e out the thing-5wo*d> distin1t%- Enote 3(21bF( And Befa too; Hi# [R> aside+! and began to *ebu;e Hi#(+ A:22 And when He EhadF tu*ned Hi#se%f He %oo;ed on His Ta%#idi#! and *ebu;ed [R+-Befa-[P> $hi#,on+ and said: Get -ou behind e! ha$atan! fo* that -ou do not gi3e thought to the EthingsF of E%ohi#&God! but of #en( A:2<@ And He-[P> Yeshua+ 1a%%ed the #u%titude [P> togethe*+ with His Ta%#idi# and said unto the#: He that wi%%s to 1o#e afte* e! %et hi# den- hi#se%f! and ta;e u. his .e*se1ution-sta;e-51*oss>! and [R> fo%%ow e+-1o#e [P> afte* e+( A:2= Po* e3e*- one that wi%%s to sa3e-[P> .*ese*3e+ his %ife sha%% %ose it: and e3e*- one that sha%% %ose his %ife be1ause of - [R4> sa;e! and Ethe sa;e ofF the+ Good-News sha%% sa3e-[P> .*ese*3e+ it( A:2? Po* what sha%% a #an be .*ofited! if so be that he shou%d

>inhe*it -[P> gain+> the who%e wo*%d and E-etF %a1;-[P&R> %ose+ his %ife[R>own sou%+I A:2@ And-[P&R> 7*+ what sha%% a #an gi3e in eL1hange fo* his %ife[R> sou%+I A:2A Po* e3e*- one that sha%% be asha#ed of e and Kof - >4o*ds[P> 5tea1hings>+> >a#ong the sons of-[P&R> in+> this adu%te*ous and sinfu% gene*ation! the $on of #an a%so sha%% be asha#ed of hi# what Eti#eF He 1o#es in the G%o*- of His Pathe*! >and [#> of+ the ho%- ange%s Ewith Hi#F>-[PE4F> with His-[4> the+ ho%- ange%s+( K[#>((( #ine ETa%#idi#F (((+ CHAPTER C C:1@ EAndF He had said unto the#: A#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou that the*e a*e he*e so#e of these that >stand Ehe*eF-5eList EnowF>-&[Gde>that now stand he*e he*e with e+>! that sha%% not taste death unti% the- see the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God >that 1o#es&-[R> ha3ing 1o#e+> in Powe*( C:) And afte* siL da-s Yeshua too; Befa and Ya,a;o3 and Yo1hanan and b*ought the# u. to a high hi%% a%one! and He was t*ansfigu*ed befo*e the#-[P> thei* e-es+! "R> and He be1a#e g%ea#ing'! C:2 And His 1%othes [P> shown! and+ be1a#e [P> 3e*-+ white as the snow! [P&R> so as #en-[R> no %aunde*e*+ on ea*th 1an ne3e* whiten+( C:< And the*e a..ea*ed unto the# oshe and E%i-ahu s.ea;ing with Hi#[P&R> Yeshua+( C:= Befa answe*ed and said unto Yeshua: Rabbi! it >was we%% that we shou%d-[P> is de%ightfu% fo* us to+> shou%d be he*e: and we wi%% #a;e th*ee su;;anot-5booths&tabe*na1%es>! fo* You one! and fo* oshe one! and fo* E%i-ahu one( C:? And he ;new not what he was sa-ing! be1ause fea* had fa%%en u.on hi#-[P&R> the#+( C:@ And a 1%oud was o3e*shadowing Hi#-[P&R> the#+! and a 3oi1e 1a#e f*o# the 1%oud! [P> whi1h said+: This is - $on! E -F be%o3ed: hea* -ou Hi#J C:A And sudden%- again when His Ta%#idi# saw! no one a..ea*ed to the# eL1e.t Yeshua a%one( C:C 4hi%e the- Ewe*eF 1o#ing down f*o# the hi%% He was 1o##anding the#! that to no one the- shou%d sa- EaboutF an-thing that the- had seen! eL1e.t Efo*F what Eti#eF the $on of #an has *isen f*o# a#ong the dead( C:1G And the-EthisF wo*d the- too; ho%d of! as with the#se%3es thewe*e #editating! and sa-ing: 4hat is then this wo*d that He sa-s! 4hat Eti#eF He has *isen f*o# a#ong the deadI

K[P> And the- ;e.t that sa-ing in thei* #ind: and inMui*ed! 4hat does this #ean -4hen He sha%% be *isen f*o# the deadIJ+ C:11 And the- we*e as;ing Hi# and sa-ing: [P&R> 4he- then do+ the $1*ibes&To*ah-tea1he*s sa- that E%i-ahu 1o#es fi*st(&I C:1) He answe*ed and said unto the#: E%i-ahu 1o#es fi*st that he #a[R+-*esto*e-[P> .*e.a*e+ e3e*-thing( And "P> >how is-[R+>' it [P> is+ 4*itten of the $on of #anI&( "P&R> -is it not' that He shou%d suffe* #u1h and be >eLe1uted-on-the-.o%e&-51*u1ified>-N[P> *eOe1ted+&[R>t*eated with 1onte#.t+>I&( C:12 /ut 0 sa- unto -ou that E%i-ahu has 1o#e! and the- did with hi# a%% that the- wou%d! as it is 4*itten of hi#( C:1<@ 4hen He 1a#e unto His Ta%#idi# the- saw b- the# a g*eat #u%titude and $1*ibes >see;ing Ea dis.uteF&-[P&R> dis.uting+> with the#( C:1= KAnd in the sa#e hou* when the- saw Hi# the- we*e a#aDed& su*.*isedN[9)> #u1h eL1ited+! and *an EandF g*eeted Hi#( K[Gd> And the fo%; when the- saw Yeshua we*e a#aDed! and in the #idst of thei* Oo- *an and g*eeted Hi#(+ C:1? And He was as;ing the#-[P&R> the $1*ibes+: 4hat see;[P&R>dis.ute+ -ou with the#I C:1@ And one of the #u%titude answe*ed and said: Tea1he*! 0 ha3e b*ought unto You #- son! who has a Ee3i%Fs.i*it [P> that wi%% not s.ea;+! C:1A And whe*e3e* it o3e*ta;es hi# it 1asts 5hi#> down and >he foa#s[P> tea*s hi#+> and gnashes his teeth and >.ines&wastes awa-[R>be1o#es *igid+>: and 0 said unto You Ta%#idi# that the- shou%d 1ast it out! and the- 1ou%d not( C:1C Yeshua-[R> He+ answe*ed and said unto the#: Ah&7-! faith%ess gene*ationJ -unti% when sha%% 0 be with -ou! and Eha3e toF endu*e -ouJ /*ing e -ou* son( C:)G KAnd he b*ought hi# unto Hi#! and when he saw Hi# the Ee3i%Fs.i*it >1ast hi# down&-[R> 1on3u%sed hi#+>! >in the sa#e hou*&5i##ediate%->>! and he fe%% on the ea*th&g*ound! and wa%%owed! foa#ing [R> at the #outh+( K[$T&@E t(1@:1AF> And the- b*ought hi# to Hi#: and i##ediate%when Yeshua saw hi#! ha-satan sub#itted hi#! and 1ast hi# to the g*ound! and he began *o%%ing in the dust and foa#ing(+ C:)1 KAnd Yeshua had as;ed his fathe*: How %ong a ti#e Ewas itF -beho%d! sin1e thus he wasI He sa-s unto Hi#: /eho%d! f*o# his bo-& 1hi%d-hood! K[$T&@E t(1@:1AF> And Yeshua as;ed unto the fathe* of the bo-! How %ong sin1e ha-satan too; hi#I And the fathe* answe*ed Hi#! $in1e a 1e*tain ti#e and the*e-afte*(+

C:)) KAnd often in the fi*e it has 1ast hi#! and in the wate*! that it #ight dest*o- hi#: but as #u1h as You 1an! "P> #- aste*'! he%. #e-[R4> us+ and ha3e 1o#.assion u.on #e-[R4> us+J K[$T&@E t(1@:1AF> And #an- ti#es he 1asts hi# into fi*e and into wate*! in *ega*ds to 1ausing his 1o#.%ete dest*u1tion( And if You $i*-5Adon>>! in so#e wa-! Ein thisF #atte* a*e ab%e to he%. hi#! he%. hi#(+ C:)2 KYeshua sa-s unto hi#: 0f -ou [P> 1an+ be%ie3e: e3e*- thing 1an 1o#e to .ass! unto >-ou-[P&R> hi# that be%ie3es+>( K[Ga> To hi# whose son was infi*# He said: /e%ie3e! and -ou* son wi%% %i3e(+ K[$T&@E t(1@:1AF> And then the #an found g*a1e&fa3o* in His e-es! and He was fi%%ed with 1o#.assion towa*ds hi#( And He said unto hi#! 0f -ou a*e ab%e to be%ie3e! a%% things -ou wi%% be ab%e to a11o#.%ish: be1ause to the one who be%ie3es! a%% things a*e eas-(+ C:)< KAnd in the sa#e hou* the fathe* of the %ad 1*ied out K[P> whi%e he we.t+&[#ERF> with tea*s+ and said: 0 be%ie3e! "P> #-aste*&6o*d& Adonai-[R+': he%. >#- %a1;-[P> Thou the defe1t of #- faithJ+> KEin R! state#ent fo%%ows Qand said:Q in G*ee; t*ans%ations: # *eading as abo3e and a%so fo%%owing -Esee A$9&R$9 a%t( *eading(F K[Ga> He sa-s unto Hi#: 0 be%ie3e! #- aste*: he%. #- %itt%e faithJ And b- his faith his bo- was #ade who%e( [Ge> Ea%soF He sa-s to the #an: He that be%ie3es - a%% things a*e .ossib%e to hi#( And He sa-s unto the# Ethe Ta%#idi#F: /e1ause of -ou* %itt%e faith(((+ K[$T&@E t(1@:1AF> And i##ediate%- 1*ied in a shout the fathe* of the bo- and said! aste*-5Adon>> 0 be%ie3e! indeed he%. #e a11o*ding to #- faithJ+ C:)= K4hen Yeshua saw that so#e we*e *unning that we*e 1o#ing Enea*F! He *ebu;ed that [P>un1%ean+ s.i*it and said to it: KYou 0 1o##and! deaf s.i*it that s.ea;s not! go fo*th f*o# hi# and no #o*e ente* into hi#( K[Ge> 0 sa- to -ou! un1%ean s.i*it! deaf and du#b! go out EandF de.a*t f*o# hi#! and ente* no #o*e into hi#(+ K[$T&@E t(1@:1AF> And when Yeshua saw that the .eo.%e we*e gathe*ing togethe*! He 1o##anded the de#on and said unto hi#! Ha*d and du#b satan! beho%d! 0 1o##and -ou to 1o#e out f*o# the*e! and he*eafte*! do not *etu*n he*e again(+ C:)? KAnd he-[P> the de#on+ 1*ied out [P> g*eat%-+ and EitF 1on3u%sed hi# #u1h! and went fo*th f*o# hi#! and he be1a#e as one dead: and #ansu..osed that he had died( K[$T&@E t(1@:1AF> And ha-satan 1a#e out s1*ea#ing and inf%i1ting .ain! and the bo- was %eft as dead! -Ethe-F *ega*ding that #an-

we*e sa-ing that he is dead(+ C:)@ K/ut Yeshua too; hi# b- his hand and *aised hi# u. >"P> and de%i3e*ed hi# to his fathe*'-&[R> and he a*ose+>( K[$T&@E t(1@:1AF> And Yeshua too; hi# b- the hand! and stood hi# u.! and he a*ose(+ C:)A KAnd when [R+-He-[P> Yeshua+ ente*ed the&[91> His+ house His Ta%#idi# as;ed Hi# between the#se%3es and Hi#: 4he*efo*e 1ou%d not we 1ast it outI K[$T&@E t(1@:1AF> And when Yeshua ente*ed into the house!(((+ C:)C He sa-s unto the#: This ;ind b- nothing goes fo*th KeL1e.t b"A#4> fasting and' .*a-e*( K[9)>((( not e3en b- .*a-e*(+ C:2G And when the- went fo*th f*o# the*e the- we*e Oou*ne-ing th*ough haGa%i%! and He was not wi%%ing that an- one shou%d be awa*e of Hi#5itF>( C:21 And He was tea1hing His Ta%#idi# and sa-ing unto the#: The $on of #an is de%i3e*ed into the hands of #en! and the- wi%% ;i%% Hi#: and what Eti#eF the- ha3e ;i%%ed Hi#! on the thi*d da- He wi%% *ise( C:2) And the- we*e not *e1ogniDing an-thing that He said unto the# and we*e af*aid to as; Hi#( C:22@ And He-[P> the-+ 1a#e to B>fa*-Na1hu#! and when He ente*ed His[P> the+ house He was as;ing the#: 4hat we*e -ou s.ea;ing with one anothe* in the wa-&*oadI C:2< And the- we*e si%ent: Kfo* these E#enF we*e thin;ing who shou%d be g*eatest Eof the#F( K[P>(((: fo* b- the wa-&.ath the- had 1ontended with one anothe*! whi1h shou%d be the g*eat EoneF a#ong the#(+ C:2= And He-[P> Yeshua+ sat and 1a%%ed His Twe%3e! and said unto the#: He that wi%%s to be fi*st sha%%-[P>%et hi#+ be %ast of e3e*- one! [PR4> and se*3ant unto a%%+( C:2? KAnd he had ta;en a 1e*tain %ad and had hi# stand a#ong the#! and He %oo;ed at hi# and said unto the#: K[P&R> And He too; a [R> %itt%e+ 1hi%d! and set hi# in the #idst! and [R> when He had+ too; hi# in His a*#s! and said unto the#:+ C:2@ E3e*- one that sha%% *e1ei3e EoneF %i;e this 1hi%d in - Na#e! e it is he *e1ei3es TK>[+K>T-[P&R>and He that *e1ei3es e+ not [P>Eon%-F+ e he *e1ei3es! but Hi# that sent e( C:2A Yo1hanan answe*ed and said unto Hi#: Rabban! we saw one 1asting out de#ons in You* Na#e! and we fo*bad hi# on Ethe g*oundF that he >1o#es not afte*&-[P> adhe*ed no* to+> us( C:2C /ut He-[R> Yeshua+ sa-s unto the#: Po*bid hi# not! fo* the*e is no

one that does an-thing-[P> #ight- wo*;s+ in - Na#e and 1an [P>*eadi%-+ -[R> soon afte*wa*d+ sa- against e what EisF e3i%: C:<G Po* he [P> the*efo*e+ that is not against [R+-us-[P> -ou+ is >with us&-[P> fo* -ou+-N[R> on ou* side+>( C:<1 Po* e3e*- one that sha%% gi3e -ou to d*in; a 1u. of wate* Kin the Na#e that -ou a*e -Ha ashia1h&The- essiah>s - A#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou that he >has not %ost&-[P&R>sha%% not-[R>b- no #eans+ %ose+> his *ewa*d( K[P> (((on%-! on the g*ound that -ou a*e essiah>s Efo%%owe*sF(((+ K[R> (((in - Na#e! be1ause -ou be%ong to essiah(((+ C:<) And e3e*- one that sha%% >offend-[P> 1ause to stu#b%e+> one of these %itt%e ones that be%ie3e "#> in e'! it we*e .*ofitab%e fo* hi# if an ass>s #i%%stone we*e to be %aid about his ne1; and he we*e >sun;[P&R> 1ast+> into the sea( C:<2 And if -ou* hand the*efo*e offend -ou! 1ut it off f*o# -ou: fo* it is .*ofitab%e fo* -ou that ha3ing one hand -ou shou%d ente* %ife! and not ha3ing two hands go to >[R+-the fi*e that is not Muen1hed-[P> Ge-Hinno#+-[R+>( C:<< [P&R> 4he*e thei* wo*# dies not! and thei* fi*e is not Muen1hed& eLtinguished+-"#' C:<= And if -ou* foot offend -ou! 1ut EitF off EandF th*ow it f*o# -ou: fo* it is .*ofitab%e fo* -ou that being ha%t -ou shou%d ente* %ife! and not Ewhi%eF ha3ing two feet go to Ge--Hinno# [R> into the fi*e that sha%% ne3e* be Muen1hed+( C:<? [P&R> 4he*e thei* wo*# dies not! and thei* fi*e is not Muen1hed& eLtinguished+-"#' C:<@ 0f -ou* e-e offend -ou .%u1; it out f*o# -ou: fo* it is .*ofitab%e fo* -ou that ha3ing one e-e -ou shou%d ente* the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! and not Ewhi%eF ha3ing two e-es go-[P> to fa%%+ to EtheF Ge--Hinno# [P&R> of fi*e+: C:<A 4he*e neithe* thei* wo*# dies! no* is thei* fi*e Muen1hed( C:<C Po* Ke3e*- [R+-one-[P> thing+ with fi*e sha%% be sa%ted: [P&R&#> and e3e*- sa1*ifi1e wi%% be sa%ted with sa%t+-"4'( K[9)>((( an-thing s.oi%ing is sa%ted: (((+ C:=G EL1e%%ent is sa%t: but if the sa%t >be not *ight-[R> %oses its f%a3o*+! whe*ewith sha%% we season&sa%t itI Ha3e fo*-[P&R> in+ -ou*se%3es sa%t! and Kbe at sha%o#&.ea1e! one with anothe*( K[9)>((( hand it on one to anothe*(+ CHAPTER 1G 1G:1@ And He a*ose f*o# the*e! and 1a#e to the bo*de* of Y>hudah to the othe* side of haYa*den! and the*e went again unto Hi# a #u%titude! and as He was a11usto#ed He was "P&R> hea%ing and' tea1hing the#( 1G:) And the- we*e as;ing Hi#! te#.ting Hi#! if it be 6awfu% fo* a #an that he shou%d %ea3e-[P&R> di3o*1e+ his wifeI K[4> And the P>*ushi# ha3ing 1o#e fo*wa*d as;ed Hi#! 0f it is %awfu% fo* a #an to send awa- his wifeI te#.ting Hi#(+ 1G:2 And He answe*ed and said unto the#: oshe -what has he 1o##anded

-ouI 1G:< The- sa- unto Hi#: oshe .e*#itted us that we shou%d w*ite a bi%% of *e#ission and gi3e EitF he* and >dis#iss he*&-[P4> send he* awa-+>( 1G:= Yeshua "4> answe*ed and' said unto the#: K oshe be1ause of the ha*dness of -ou* hea*t .e*#itted-[P&R> w*ote+ -ou this #itD3ot& 1o##and#ent! K[4> 7n a11ount of the ha*dness of -ou* hea*t he w*ote this 1o##and#ent to -ou(+ 1G:? /ut f*o# the beginning [R> of the 1*eation+&[9)> the C*eato*+ #a%e and fe#a%e "9)'-E%ohi#&God #ade the#( 1G:@ The*efo*e sha%% a #an %ea3e his fathe* and #othe* "#'-[P&R> and adhe*e&1%ing&be-Ooined unto his wife+! 1G:A And the two of the# sha%% be1o#e one-f%esh&basa*-e1had( Then theha3e be1o#e not Ean- %onge*F two! but a*e one f%esh( 1G:C That whi1h E%ohi#&God the*efo*e has 1ou.%ed %et not #an se.a*ate( 1G:1G 4hen He ente*ed the house! again His Ta%#idi# as;ed Hi# about this [P> #atte*+( K[4> And His Ta%#idi# again a*ound Hi# in the house as;ed Hi#(+ 1G:11 He sa-s unto the#: That wo#an whi1h %ea3esN5Eis sent awa- f*o#F>& [9)> is di3o*1ed b-+ he* husband and be1o#es Ethe wifeF of anothe* does indeed 1o##it adu%te*-! K[4E3(1)F> 4hosoe3e* #a- send awa- his wife! and #a**anothe*! 1o##its adu%te*- unto he*(+ 1G:1) And that #an whi1h K%ea3es&5Esends awa-F> his wife and ta;es anothe* does indeed 1o##it adu%te*-( K1[4E3(11F> And if she ha3ing sent awa- he* husband! #a#a**anothe*! she 1o##its adu%te*-(+ K)[9)>((( di3o*1es his wife on an- othe* g*ound than that of fo*ni1ation! 5and #a**ies anothe*!> 1o##its adu%te*- with he*(+ 1G:12 And the- b*ought nea* unto Hi# [P&R> %itt%e+ 1hi%d*en! that He shou%d %a- His hand u.on the#: and His Ta%#idi# *ebu;ed those that we*e b*inging the# nea*( 1G:1< 4hen Yeshua saw! it dis.%eased Hi#! and He *ebu;ed the# and said unto the#: A%%ow the 1hi%d*en to 1o#e unto e! and fo*bid the# not: fo* the- that a*e Esu1hF as these! thei*s is the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( 1G:1= A#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! E3e*- one that sha%% not *e1ei3e the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God as&%i;e a [R> %itt%e+ 1hi%d! sha%% not [R> bEan-F #eans+ ente* it( 1G:1? And He >1a%%ed the#&-[PRE4F> too; the# in His a*#s+> and %aid His hands u.on the#! and was b%essing the# [4> 1o.ious%-+( 1G:1@@ 4hi%e [P> He EwasF+ Oou*ne-ing in the wa-&*oad! a 1e*tain one

*an EandF fe%% on his ;nees [R> befo*e Hi#+ and said unto Hi#: Good Tea1he*! what sha%% 0 do that 0 #a- inhe*it %ife ete*na%I 1G:1A Yeshua-[Ga> 7u* 6o*d+ sa-s unto hi#: K4h- 1a%% -ou e GoodI The*e is no one good eL1e.t 7ne! - E%ohi#&God( K[9)> 4h- do -ou as; e about the good thingI The Good is 7ne(+ 1G:1C Now the #itD3ot&1o##and#ents -ou ;now - KThou sha%t not ;i%%: Thou sha%t not 1o##it adu%te*-: Thou sha%t not thie3e: Thou sha%t not bea* fa%se witness: [P4> Thou sha%t not def*aud+: Honou* thfathe* and th- #othe*( K[Ga>(((Thou sha%t not 1o##it adu%te*-: and Thou sha%t not thie3e: and Honou* th- fathe* and th- #othe* and %o3e th- neighbo* as th-se%f(+ 1G:)G KHe answe*ed and said unto hi#: Tea1he*! these -0 ha3e done the#! beho%d! f*o# when 0 was a 1hi%d( K[Ga> That #an sa-s to Hi#: These -0 ha3e done the#! beho%d! f*o# when 0 was a 1hi%d! but what do 0 %a1;I+ 1G:)1 K5And Yeshua> %oo;ed u.on hi# [Gae+-%o3ing%--[P&R>and %o3ed hi#+ and said unto hi#: 7ne thing is %a1;ing unto -ou: go! se%% e3e*-thing that -ou ha3e and gi3e to the .oo*! and -ou sha%% ha3e t*easu*e in Hea3en! "#> and ta;e u. -ou* .e*se1ution-sta;e' and 1o#e afte* e( K[Ga> Then Yeshua %oo;ed u.on hi# %o3ing%-! and said unto hi#: 7ne thing is %a1;ing to -ou: if -ou do wish to be1o#e a .e*fe1t #an! go! se%% e3e*-thing that -ou ha3e and gi3e to the .oo*! and ta;e u. -ou* .e*se1ution-sta;e-51*oss> and 1o#e afte* e(+ 1G:)) KAnd it .ained hi# at this wo*d and he went awa- g*ie3ed! be1ause he had #u1h wea%th( K[Ga> And that #an! when he hea*d! it g*ie3ed hi# #u1h! and he went to his house so**-! be1ause he was *i1h in wea%th eL1eeding%-(+ 1G:)2 KAnd Yeshua %oo;ed u.on His Ta%#idi# and said: How diffi1u%t fo* the# whi1h >t*ust in thei*&-[PR> .ossess+> wea%th to ente* [P> into+ the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&GodJ K[Ga> And Yeshua said! $ee! how diffi1u%t fo* the# whi1h t*ust in thei* wea%th to ente* the Bingdo# of Hea3enJ+ K[4> And Yeshua %oo;ing a*ound! sa-s to His Ta%#idi#: How ha*d%sha%% those ha3ing *i1hes ente* into (((+ 1G:)< KAnd His Ta%#idi# we*e wonde*ing at His wo*ds( Again Yeshua answe*ed and said unto the#: --sons&[A> 1hi%d*en+! how diffi1u%t "#4> fo* the# whi1h t*ust in thei* wea%th'! to ente* the Bingdo# of E%ohi#& GodJ

K[Ga> And again He said:+ 1G:)= KPo* it is easie* fo* a 51a#e%>-[A*a#ai1+-5%a*ge-*o.e> to ente* th*ough the e-e of a need%e than a *i1h #an into the Bingdo# of >Hea3en -[R> E%ohi#&God+>( K[Ga> Easie* "Ga3> Mui1;%-' fo* a she-1a#e%[Ga3>1a#e%&*o.e+ to ente* th*ough the e-e of a need%e! than a *i1h #an into the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God(+ 1G:)? Now the- we*e the #o*e wonde*ing in-[P&#> a#ong+ the#se%3es Esa-ingF: 4ho then 1an >[P> obtain %ife+N-%i3e-&[R> be sa3ed+>I 1G:)@ Yeshua %oo;ed u.on the#! and said unto the#: This with #en is not .ossib%e eL1e.t Eit beF f*o# E%ohi#&God: but with E%ohi#&God e3e*thing is .ossib%e( 1G:)A@ Befa sa-s unto Hi#: /eho%d! we ha3e %eft e3e*- thing! and ha3e >[R+-1o#e afte*-[P> 1%ea3ed unto+> You( 1G:)C Yeshua answe*ed and said: A#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! E3e*#an that sha%% %ea3e house o* b*othe*s o* siste*s o* #othe* o* fathe* o* >sons[P&R> wife o* 1hi%d*en+> "P> o* fie%ds' fo* - sa;e and fo* [P> the sa;e of+ - Good-News>1G:2G -EYeaF! but he sha%% *e1ei3e an hund*edfo%d in this ti#e! houses and b*othe*s and siste*s and #othe* and >sons and fie%ds-[P&R> 1hi%d*en and %ands+>! with .e*se1ution! -and in the wo*%d-5age> to 1o#e "R> he sha%% inhe*it' %ife ete*na%( 1G:21 Po* the*e a*e #an- fi*st that sha%% be %ast! and %ast that sha%% be fi*st( 1G:2) And whi%e the- we*e going u. in the wa-&.ath to Ye*usha%a-i#! and Yeshua Hi#se%f was going befo*e the#: the- that we*e with Hi# we*e wonde*ing! being af*aid( And He too; the Twe%3e and had begun to saunto the# that whi1h was about to Ebefa%F Hi#! Esa-ingF: 1G:22 /eho%d! we go u. to Ye*usha%a-i#! and the $on of #an is to be de%i3e*ed u. to the head Cohani# and to the $1*ibes! [P&R>and the- wi%% 1onde#n Hi# to die! and wi%% de%i3e* Hi# o3e* to the go-i#&nations+( 1G:2< And the- wi%% #a;e s.o*t of Hi# and s1ou*ge Hi# and >in His fa1e-&[R> on Hi#+>! and ;i%% Hi#: and on the thi*d da- He wi%% a*ise( 1G:2=@ And the*e d*ew nea* unto Hi# Ya,a;o3 and Yo1hanan and the sons of Ha3dai! and the- sa- unto Hi#: Rabbi-[P> Tea1he*+! we wou%d that a%% that we sha%% as; You! You wi%% do fo* us( 1G:2? KHe sa-s unto the#: 4hat wou%d -ou that 0 shou%d do fo* -ouI K[Ge> He sa-s unto the#: 0 wi%% do EitF fo* -ou(+ 1G:2@ The- sa- unto Hi#: Gi3e us to sit on You* Right and on You* 6eft in You* G%o*-(

1G:2A Yeshua answe*ed and said unto the#: You ;now not what -ou a*e as;ing( A*e -ou ab%e to d*in; the 1u. that 0 d*in;! o* with the #i;3eh &i##e*sion [P> that 0 a# i##e*sed with+ a*e -ou [P> Eab%eF to be+ i##e*sedI 1G:2C The- sa- unto Hi#: 4e a*e ab%e( Yeshua sa-s unto the#: That -ou shou%d d*in; the 1u. that 0 d*in; -ou >a*e ab%eN-[P&R> wi%% d*in;+>! and that -ou shou%d be i##e*sed with the #i;3eh&i##e*sion whe*ewith 0 a# i##e*sed! -ou >a*e ab%eN-[P&R> wi%% be+>: 1G:<G /ut that -ou shou%d sit on - Right [R> hand+ of on - 6eft! this is not ine to gi3e! but fo* [91> anothe*+NTK>othe*s5KT&[PR4> those who#+ it is #ade *ead-( 1G:<1 And when the Ten hea*d! the- began #u*#u*ing against Ya,a;o3 and against Yo1hanan( 1G:<) And He-[P> Yeshua+ 1a%%ed the# and said unto the#: You ;now that Kthe [P&R> ones a11ounted EasF+ heads&*u%e*s of the nations&go-i# a*e thei* %o*ds! [PR4> and thei* g*eat #en ha3e autho*it- o3e* the#+( K[4> those see#ing 1o#.etent to *u%e the Genti%es do#inee* o3e* the#: (((+ 1G:<2 Not so sha%% it be a#ong -ou( /ut he that wou%d with -ou be the g*eat one! sha%% be unto -ou a se*3ant! 1G:<< And he of -ou whi1h wou%d be fi*st! sha%%-[P> #ust+ be the s%a3e of e3e*- one: 1G:<= E3en as the $on of #an 1a#e not to be se*3ed but to se*3e! and to gi3e His %ife Eto beF a *ede#.tion&*anso# fo* #an-( 1G:<? And He-[P> the-+ 1a#e to Ye*i1ho( And when [R+-He-[P> Yeshua+ went fo*th f*o# Ye*i1ho! He and His Ta%#idi# and a g*eat #u%titude! K[R> /a*+-T>o#a /a*-T>o#a! the b%ind #an! was sitting b- the wa-&*oad [P> side+ and begging( K[Ge> /a*-To#a! the son of To#a+-[Ge3> To#a the son of /a*To#a+ 1G:<@ And when he hea*d that it was Yeshua haNatD*ati! he began to 1*out and to sa-: [P> You+-[R> Yeshua+ /en-8a3id&$on-of-8a3id! ha3e 1o#.assion&#e*1- on #eJ 1G:<A And #an- *ebu;ed hi# that he shou%d be si%ent! and again he went on 1*-ing out: [P>You+-"R'! $on of 8a3id! ha3e 1o#.assion&#e*1on #eJ 1G:<C And Yeshua stood [P&R> sti%%+ and said that the- shou%d b*ing hi# nea*: and He-[P&R> the-+ 1a%%ed the b%ind #an( And the- sa- unto hi#: >Pea* not-[R> /e of good 1hee*+>: stand u.! He 1a%%s -ou( 1G:=G And [R+-he-[P> the b%ind #an+ stood EandF K>too; u. his things-

[P&R&Ge> 1ast off his ga*#ent+>! and 1a#e unto Yeshua( KE91>"(((' Qtoo; u. his ga*#ent!"(((' 8*( /u*;itt has found "this' in the Ethio.i1 3e*sion and in the G*ee; #inus1u%e =?= TE3( dae.ha**eshe!3o%(ii(!.()=GT "((('F 1G:=1 Yeshua answe*ed and said unto hi#: 4hat wou%d -ou 0 shou%d do fo* -ouI The b%ind #an sa-s unto Hi#: [R+-Rabbu%i&[P> Rabbi+N[4> G*eat aste*+! that 0 #a- see&[4> %oo; u.+( 1G:=) He-[P> And Yeshua+ sa-s unto hi#: Go [R> -ou* wa-+: -ou* faith has sa3ed-[P> .*o1u*ed+ -ou a%i3e( And >in the sa#e hou*&i##ediate%-> Khis e-es we*e o.ened! and he was 1o#ing afte* Efo%%owingF Hi# [R+-"P> in the wa-&*oad'( K[4> he %oo;ed u.! and fo%%owed Yeshua in the wa-(+ CHAPTER 11 11:1@ And when the- d*ew nea* to Ye*usha%a-i#! to /eit-Page- to /eitAn-ah b- the ount of 7%i3es! He sent two of His Ta%#idi#! 11:) And said [P> unto the#+: Go to that 3i%%age o3e* against [R+-ou[P> us+! and in the sa#e hou* what Eti#eF -ou a*e ente*ing it -ou wi%% find a 1o%t tied that no hu#an being has *idden u.on: %oose EitF and b*ing it Ehe*eF( 11:2 And if an-one Eshou%dF sa- to -ou >an-thing-[P&R> 4h- do -ou do this+>! sa- to hi#! that fo* [R> The+-its-[P> ou*+ 6o*d it is *eMui*ed! and i##ediate%- he wi%% send it he*e( 11:< And the- went and the- found the-[A& > a+ 1o%t tied at the doo* of the 1ou*t in the st*eet( And whi%e %oosing it! 11:= $o#e of the fo%; standing the*e sa- [P> to the#+: 4hat a*e -ou doing 5and>! %oosing the 1o%tI 11:? And those ETa%#idi#F said to the# as Yeshua EhadF said-[P&R> 1o##anded+ unto the# [P> and the- .e*#itted the#+-[R> %et the# go+( 11:@ And the- b*ought the 1o%t unto Yeshua and the- 1ast Eon itF thei* 1%oa;s and >He *ode-[R> sat+ u.on it-[P> set Yeshua u.on it+>( 11:A And #an- we*e s.*eading thei* 1%oa;s in the wa-&.ath [P&R> and othe*s 1ut [R> down %eaf- E.a%#F+ b*an1hes f*o# the t*ees! and st*ewed the# in the wa-&.ath+( 11:C And the- that we*e going befo*e Hi# and that we*e 1o#ing afte* Hi# we*e 1*-ing out! and sa-ing: HoshanaJ-5P%easeJ 8e%i3e* usJ> >/%essed is He that 1o#es in the Na#e of The-67R8&YH9H-5/a*u1h Ha/a />$hae# Adonai&YH9H>>: 11:1G /%essed is the Bingdo# that 1o#es-[P> ad3an1es+! Ethe Bingdo#F of ou* fathe* 8a3id [R> in the Na#e of The-67R8&YH9HJ+-"A' $ha%o#-[PR4> Hoshana+ in the highest EHea3ensFJ 11:11 And >the- ente*ed-[R> Yeshua went u. into+> Ye*usha%a-i#: and He ente*ed the Te#.%e E1ou*tF Kand saw&Eobse*3edF e3e*-thing! Kbut

when it was e3ening He had gone fo*th to /eit-An-ah with the Twe%3e( K[R> $o when ((( Kas the hou* was a%*ead- %ate(((+ 11:1) And the neLt da-! when He went fo*th f*o# /eit-An-ah! He hunge*ed( 11:12 And He saw a fig-t*ee f*o# afa* ha3ing on it %ea3es! and He 1a#e unto it! if ha..i%- He #ight find on it so#ething! and He 1a#e and found not Ean-thingF eL1e.t %ea3es: Efo*F it had not been the ti#e of figs( 11:1< He in-*es.onse 5and> said to it: Hen1efo*th and fo* e3e* on one of -ou* f*uits sha%% eatJ And His Ta%#idi# had hea*d EthisF( 11:1= And >when He-[P&R> the-+> 1a#e to Ye*usha%a-i#! and [R> Yeshua+ had ente*ed the Te#.%e E1ou*tF "R>of E%ohi#&God'! He began to .ut fo*th the# that bu- and se%% in the Te#.%e E1ou*tF! and [P&R> He o3e*tu*ned+ the tab%es of the #one-1hange*s and the tab%es-[P&R>seats+ of the# that se%% do3es: 11:1? And He was not a%%owing an- one to 1ause 3esse%s-[R> wa*es+ to .ass th*ough within the Te#.%e E1ou*tF! 11:1@ And EHe wasF tea1hing and sa-ing: 0s it not 4*itten! House a House of P*a-e* is 1a%%ed fo* a%% the go-i#&nations: but -ou ha3e #ade it a den of thie3es&*obbe*sJ 11:1A And the head Cohani# and $1*ibes had hea*d EHi#F! and the- we*e see;ing how the- #ight dest*o- Hi#: fo* the- we*e af*aid of Hi#! fo* a%% the .eo.%e we*e >[R+-astonished-at&-[P> ad#i*ed+> His tea1hing( 11:1C@ And what Eti#eF it had be1o#e e3ening [R+-He-[P&#> the-+ had gone fo*th out of the Cit-: 11:)G And when the- we*e >1*ossing o3e*&-[P&R> .assing b-+> in the #o*ning the- saw that fig-t*ee withe*ed f*o# its *oot! 11:)1 And when Befa-[P> $hi#,on+ *e#e#be*ed he said unto Hi#: Rabbi! that fig-t*ee whi1h You 1u*sed has withe*edJ 11:)) Yeshua answe*ed and said unto the#: K>0f the*e be in -ou[P&R> Ha3e+> faith TK>in5KT E%ohi#&God! K[4> Ha3e God>s faith(+ 11:)2 A#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou that if -ou sha%% sa- to this hi%%! /e ta;en u. and fa%% into the sea! -and EifF he sha%% not doubt in his #ind-[PR4> hea*t+! but sha%% be%ie3e that that whi1h he has said 1o#es to .ass TK>EF5KT >wi%% 1o#e to .ass-[P&ERF> to hi# wi%% be the thing he s.o;e+>! 11:)< -The*efo*e 0 sa- unto -ou! KE3e*-thing that -ou .*a- [P> and as; fo*+! and be%ie3e that >-ou wi%% K*e1ei3e-[P> it wi%% be+>! it sha%% be unto -ou( K1[R> (((4hate3e* things -ou as; when -ou .*a-! be%ie3e that -ou *e1ei3e Ethe#F! and -ou wi%% ha3e Ethe#F(+

K)E4EG*(FI N7TE: e%ebete! #eans instantaneous and 1o#.%ete(F 11:)= And what Eti#eF -ou Kstand and-[P> u. to+-"R' .*a-! be fo*gi3ing >that whi1h-[R> if an-thing+> -ou ha3e against an-EoneF! EsoF that a%so -ou* Pathe* [4> who is+ in Hea3en[s 54+ #a- fo*gi3e -ou -ou* sins& offen1es( K5(((stand [u. to+ E.*a- the 8ai%- A#idah&$he#oneh Es*ehF(((> 11:)? [P&R&#> Po* if -ou fo*gi3e not! -ou* Pathe* a%so 4ho is in Hea3en wi%% not fo*gi3e -ou -ou* offen1es(+-"#' 11:)@ And the- had 1o#e again to Ye*usha%a-i#! and He was wa%;ing in the Te#.%e E1ou*tF! and the*e 1a#e unto Hi# the head Cohani# and $1*ibes and E%de*s! 11:)A And the- sa- unto Hi#: /- what autho*it- do -ou these thingsI And who ga3e -ou this autho*it- [P> to do these things+I 11:)C Yeshua answe*ed and said unto the#: 0 a%so wi%% as; -ou one wo*d! that EifF -ou sha%% sa- EitF to e! and 0 wi%% EthenF sa- unto -ou bwhat autho*it- 0 do these things: 11:2G The #i;3eh&i##e*sion of Yo1hanan! f*o# Hea3en is it! o* f*o# #enI -$a- to e [P> Ef*o#F whe*e+-"R'( 11:21 And the- 1onside*ed and said: 0f we sa-! P*o# Hea3en! He wi%% sa- unto us! How is it -ou did not be%ie3e hi#I 11:2) And if we sa- that it is f*o# #en! - the- we*e af*aid of the .eo.%e! fo* a%% Kof the# we*e ho%ding to Yo1hanan >be1ause he was[P&R> to be t*u%-+> a P*o.het( K[R> (((1ounted Yo1hanan to ha3e been a P*o.het indeed(+ 11:22 The- [P&R> the- answe*ed and+ sa- to Hi#-[P&R> Yeshua+: 4e do not ;now( [R+-Yeshua-[P> He+ answe*ed and said to the#: Neithe* do 0 saunto -ou b- what autho*it- 0 do these things( CHAPTER 1) 1):1 And He had begun to s.ea;-[P> dis1ou*se with the#+ in si#i%itudes& .a*ab%es: A [P> 1e*tain+ #an .%anted a 3ine-a*d and su**ounded it with a hedge! and digged in it a wine-.*ess! and bui%t in it a towe*! and %ent it out to husband#en! and de.a*ted [P> to a distan1e Eawa-F+[R> to a fa* 1ount*-+( 1):) And he sent in the [P&R> .*o.e*+ ti#e "P&R> of f*uits' unto the husband#en his s%a3e! that the--[R> the 3ined*esse*s+ #ight send hi# of the f*uits of his 3ine-a*d( 1):2 And the- too; ho%d of hi# and beat hi# and sent hi# awae#.t-( 1):< [P&R> And again he sent unto the# anothe* se*3ant: and hi# a%so "A> the- stoned! and' wounded [R>Ehi#F in the head+! and sent hi# awaunde* indignities(+ 1):= And again he sent unto the# anothe* s%a3e! and hi# a%so the-

;i%%ed! and [P> he sent+-"R' #an- othe*s [P> se*3ants+-"R' - so#e of the# the- beat! and so#e of the# the- ;i%%ed( 1):? [P> At %ast+ "R'-7ne-[P>an on%-+ be%o3ed son had he: he sent Ehi#F unto the# [R> %ast+! and said: "R4> Pe*ha.s' the- wi%% ha3e *e3e*en1e fo* #- son( 1):@ /ut those husband#en said in the#se%3es: This is "PR>his son'! his hei*: 1o#e! %et us ;i%% hi#! and the inhe*itan1e wi%% be ou*s( 1):A And the- too; ho%d EandF ;i%%ed hi#! and .ut hi# fo*th out of the 3ine-a*d( 1):C ENowF! what Eti#eF the %o*d of the 3ine-a*d 1o#es Ethe*eF! what wi%% he doI He wi%% dest*o- the husband#en and wi%% gi3e the 3ine-a*d to othe*s( 1):1G And not e3en this $1*i.tu*e ha3e -ou *ead: The $tone that the bui%de*s *eOe1ted! 0t has be1o#e the Head of the 1o*ne*: 1):11 P*o# The-67R8&YH9H this 1a#e to .ass! and a wonde* it is in ou* e-es( 1):1) And the- we*e see;ing to ta;e ho%d of Hi#! and E-etF thewe*e af*aid of the .eo.%e: fo* the- had .e*1ei3ed that against the# He EhadF said this si#i%itude&.a*ab%e: and the- %eft Hi# and went awa-( 1):12 Then the- sent Hi# Eso#eF fo%; f*o# the P>*ushi# and the #e#be*sof-He*od>s-.a*t- that the- #ight >ta;e ho%d of Hi# with a wo*d-[P> dis1ou*se+&-[R> 1at1h Hi# in His wo*ds+>( 1):1< And the- began to sa- to Hi# "P> with gui%e': Tea1he*! we ;now that -ou a*e t*ue! and K1a*e not fo* an- one! fo* -ou ha3e no *es.e1t of .e*sons fo* an- one! but the wa- of E%ohi#&God in t*uth -ou tea1h! 0s it 6awfu% to gi3e #one- fo* >EaF heads EtaLF>-[P> 1a.itation+ to Caesa*! K[P>(((ha3e no fea* of #an: fo* -ou *ega*d not the fa1e of #en(((+ 1):1= [P> $ha%% we gi3e+ >o* sha%% we not gi3e&-[P&R> o* not+>( And He! He had ;now thei* gui%e! EandF sa-s unto the#: 4h- te#.t -ou eI /*ing e a dena*ius EthatF 0 #a- see it( 1):1? And the- b*ought EoneF to Hi#( He EthenF sa-s unto the#: 4hose is this i#age! and the ins1*i.tionI The- sa- to Hi#: Caesa*>s( 1):1@ Yeshua answe*ed and said unto the#: Gi3e what EisF Caesa*>s to Caesa*! and Ewhat isF E%ohi#>s&God>s to E%ohi#&God( And EthenF thehad been astonished at Hi#( 1):1A@ And the*e 1a#e to Hi# TD>du;i#! the- that we*e sa-ing that the*e is no *esu**e1tion! and the- we*e as;ing Hi# and sa-ing: 1):1C Tea1he*! oshe w*ote fo* us that EatF what Eti#eF a #an>s b*othe* has died! and >he has a wife and&-[P> %ea3es a widow! but+> has not

%eft [P> 1hi%d*en+&[91EG1F> seed+ he-[P> his b*othe*+ sha%% ta;e 5his >b*othe*>s wife&-[P> widow+>> that he #a- *aise u. seed-[R> offs.*ing+ to his b*othe*( 1):)G $e3en b*othe*s the*e we*e! and the fi*st too; a wife and died and %eft no [P> seed+-[offs.*ing 5R+( 1):)1 [P> And the se1ond too; he*! and died! and he a%so %eft no >seed -[R> offs.*ing+> and the thi*d in %i;e #anne*(+ 1):)) >[P&R> And the se3en too; he*+-&and she be1a#e EwifeF of the se3en of the#>! and the- %eft no seed-[R> offs.*ing+( 6ast of a%% died that wo#an a%so( 1):)2 0n the Resu**e1tion! the*efo*e! [R+-"P#>EatF what Eti#eF theha3e *isen'! whose of the# sha%% the wo#an be [P&R>the wife+I Po* >beho%d-[P&R> a%%+> the se3en of the# too; he* [R> as wife+( 1):)< Yeshua answe*ed and said unto the#: K/e1ause of this it is -ou e** - EinF that -ou ;now not the $1*i.tu*es no* the .owe* of E%ohi#& God( K[4> The*efo*e do -ou not e**! not ;nowing the $1*i.tu*es no* the .owe* of E%ohi#&GodI+-E.h*ased as a Muestion - answe*ed in 3e*()@F 1):)= Po* what Eti#eF the- ha3e *isen f*o# a#ong the dead thewi%% not Kta;e wo#en-[P> wi3es+! no* >do wo#en be1o#e Ewi3esF of #en[P> a*e wi3es gi3en to husbands+>! but as&%i;e the ange%s in Hea3en thea*e( K[R>(((#a**-! no* a*e gi3en in #a**iage! but(((+ 1):)? Now 1on1e*ning the dead that the- *ise! ha3e -ou not *ead 5in the $1*o%% of K oshe! how> E%ohi#&God said [P&R> to hi#+ 5f*o# the bush>: 0 A# the God of A3*aha#! and the God of YitD1ha;! and the God of Ya,a;o3I K[4> oshe at the /ush! how E%ohi#&God s.o;e to hi# sa-ing: 0 (((+ 1):)@ "R4> And beho%d'! [R> He is+ the God not of the dead! but of the %i3ing( "4> /ut -ou [P&R> the*efo*e+' - K#u1h do -ou e**( KE4> Answe* to Muestion in 3e*se )<F K[91EG1F>(((! God is not the God of the dead (((+ 1):)A@ And when one of the To*ah-tea1he*s&$1*ibes hea*d [P&R> the# as the- dis1ussed! and he [A+-saw-[R>.e*1ei3ed++ that we%% He *etu*ned answe* [R> to the#+! "P&R> to those that we*e see;ing Ea dis.uteF with Hi#'! he as;ed Hi#: 4hi1h is the fi*st [P&R> of a%% the+ #itD3ah& 1o##and#entEsFI 1):)C Yeshua answe*ed and said: Pi*st of a%% of the#-[R> a%% the #itD3ot&1o##and#ents+ EisF: Hea*! 7 0s*ae%! The-67R8&YH9H ou* God is 7ne&E1had [P&Ge&R> YH9H&67R8+: -5$h>#a 0s*ae%! Adonai E%ohaenu Adonai E1had>-

1):2G And thou sha%t %o3e The-67R8&YH9H f*o# a%% th- hea*t and f*o# a%% th- sou% and f*o# a%% th- unde*standing&[4> #ind+ and f*o# a%% th#ight&.owe*N[4> st*ength+( "A> This is the fi*st #itD3ah&1o##and#ent'( 1):21 And a se1ond that is %i;e unto it EisF: Thou sha%t be %o3ing to th- neighbo* as th-se%f( Anothe* #itD3ah&1o##and#ent g*eate* than these the*e is not( 1):2) That To*ah-tea1he*&$1*ibe said unto Hi#: Rabbi! >we%%-[R> EL1e%%ent%-J+> in t*uth ha3e -ou said! - that E%ohi#&God is 7ne&E1had! and the*e is no othe* >a.a*t f*o#N-[P&R> beside+> Hi#: 1):22 EAndF >that a #an shou%d&-[R> to+> %o3e Hi# f*o# a%% his-[R> the+ hea*t "A> and f*o# a%% his-[R> the+ sou%&[4> #ind+' and f*o# a%% his[R> the+ #ight&.owe*N[4> st*ength+: and >that he shou%d&-[R> to+> %o3e his-[R> one>s+ neighbo* as hi#se%f! is bette* than a%% bu*nt-offe*ings and sa1*ifi1es( 1):2< Yeshua! when He saw that we%% he *etu*ned answe*! answe*ed and said unto hi#: You a*e not fa* f*o# the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( And no one again da*ed as;-[P&R> to Muestion+ Hi# Ean-thingF( 1):2= EThenF sa-s Yeshua whi%e tea1hing in the Te#.%e E1ou*tF [P> answe*ed and said+: How sa- the $1*ibes that Ha ashia1h&Theessiah is the son of 8a3idI 1):2? And E-etF 8a3id hi#se%f has said in >the Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%$.i*it>: The 67R8&YH9H said unto #- 6o*d&Adonai! $it on - Right Hand! unti% 0 set-[R>#a;e+ Thine ene#ies >unde* Th- feet&-[R> You* footstoo%+>( 1):2@ And if 8a3id 1a%% Hi#! [P> - 6o*d+-ou*-6o*d&Adonai-[R> 6o*d+! how was He his sonI And >a%% [4> g*eat+ the #u%titude&[R> 1o##on .eo.%e+> g%ad%- was hea*ing Hi#( 1):2A And He was sa-ing [P> to the#+ whi%e tea1hing: Bee. -ou*se%3es f*o# the $1*ibes that wish to wa%; in .o*1hes-[P&R> %ong *obes+! and %o3e g*eeting in the st*eets-[R> #a*;et.%a1es+! 1):2C And the 1hief-[R> best+ seats in the s-nagogues! and the 1hief >[P> 1ou1hes+-ente*tain#ents> at su..e*s-[P> feasts+: 1):<G And eat-u.-5de3ou*> the houses of widows Kin the .*eteLt that the- a*e %engthening&.*o%onging thei* .*a-e*s - and thethe#se%3es sha%% *e1ei3e the #o*e&g*eate* Oudge#ent&1onde#nation( K[R>(((! and fo* a .*etense #a;e %ong .*a-e*s((((+ 1):<1@ And when Yeshua >was standing&-[R> sat+> o3e* against the ETe#.%eF T*easu*-! He was seeing the #an- that Ewe*eF 1asting in #oneinto the T*easu*-! and #an- of the *i1h EonesF that we*e 1asting in #u1h( 1):<) And a 1e*tain .oo* widow 1a#e EandF 1ast in Ktwo #ites! whi1h a*e

a K[P> b*onDe+ ERo#anF Muad*ans( K[P> two .ounds whi1h a*e a fa*thing [Gh> fo* whi1h the .ound and the fa*thing of the widow He in1*eased++ 1):<2 Yeshua 1a%%ed His Ta%#idi# and said unto the#: Yea! 0 saunto -ou! that this .oo* widow has 1ast in #o*e than >an- one&-[P&R> a%% the- that >1ast-[R> ha3e gi3en+>+> into the T*easu*-: 1):<< Po* e3e*- one of that whi1h was abundant to hi# has 1ast in: but this Ewo#anF-[P&R> she! of he* .o3e*t-+! - e3e*-thing that she was .ossessing 1ast in! [P> the who%e of he* .*o.e*t-+-[R> he* who%e %i3e%ihood+( CHAPTER 12 12:1 And when Yeshua&[4> He+ was going fo*th f*o# the Te#.%e E1ou*tF one of His Ta%#idi# sa-s unto Hi#: Rabbi! beho%d! see theEseF-[R> what #anne* of+ stones and >the g*eat bui%ding-[R> what bui%dings Ea*e he*eF+>J 12:) Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: K>$ee this-[P> Ad#i*e -ou these g*eat+> bui%ding[P>s I+ - The*e wi%% not be %eft he*e a stone on a stone! >that wi%% not be th*own down-[P> Ethat wi%% beF not de#o%ished+>( K[R> 8o -ou see these g*eat bui%dingsI ((( th*own down(+ 12:2 And when He sat on the ount of 7%i3es o3e* against the Te#.%e! Befa and Ya,a;o3 and Yo1hanan and And*ew! the#se%3es EbeingF a%one! as;ed Hi#: 12:< $a- unto us when these things sha%% be! and what EisF the sign whi1h EshowsF these things >[R+-a*e a11o#.%ished&-[P> a..*oa1h thei* 1onsu##ation+>I 12:= Yeshua sa-s unto the#: >$ee&%oo;EoutF-[P> /ewa*e+ %est an%ead -ou ast*a--&[R> Ta;e heed that no one de1ei3e -ou+>: 12:? Po* #an- wi%% 1o#e in - Na#e! and wi%% sa-! - 0 a# "R> He'[4+! and #an- wi%% >the- %ead ast*a--[R> de1ei3e+>( 12:@ Now what Eti#eF -ou ha3e hea*d of batt%es and ta%es[P&R>*u#o*+ of batt%es! be not af*aid: fo* >that is about to&-[P&R> this #ust+> be! but not as -et EisF the %ast&end( 12:A Po* nation wi%% *ise against nation! and ;ingdo# against ;ingdo#! and the*e wi%% be ea*thMua;es in 3a*ious .%a1es: [P&R> And the*e wi%% be+ fa#ines and >"A'-tu#u%ts-[P&R> insu**e1tions-[R> t*oub%es+( These+> a*e the beginning of t*a3ai%-[P&R> so**ows+(12:C >[P> And ta;e heed to -ou*se%3es: fo*+-And> the- wi%% de%i3e* -ou u. to the Knations-5go-i#> and to the s-nagogues! and befo*e ;ings -ou sha%% [A +-stand-[R> be b*ought+! and -ou sha%% be s1ou*ged befo*e go3e*no*s fo* - sa;e! fo* a witness to the# "P&R> and to a%% the nations-5go-i#>': K[P> (((t*ibuna%s-5%o1a%-sanhed*ins&beit-din>: and -ou wi%% be beaten in the s-nagogues! and -ou wi%% stand befo*e ;ings and go3e*no*s(((+ K[R> (((1oun1i%s! and -ou wi%% be beaten in the s-nagogues( And

-ou wi%% be b*ought befo*e *u%e*s and ;ings(((+ 12:1G KPo* fi*st%- >[P>a#ong a%% the go-i#&nations -+&-this> GoodNews sha%%-[P> #ust+ be .*o1%ai#ed( K[R> And the Good-News #ust fi*st be .*o1%ai#ed to a%% the nations &go-i#(+ 12:11 Now what Eti#eF the- b*ing -ou u. that the- #a- de%i3e* -ou o3e*! do not [P&R> be anLious befo*ehand! neithe*+ >"A> gi3e thought to'-& [Ga> 1ogitate befo*e the ti#e+> what -ou sha%% sa-: but that whi1h is[P> sha%% be+ gi3en to -ou in that hou* - that s.ea; -ou: fo* not -ou a*e [4> those+ s.ea;ing but The Ho%- $.i*it( 12:1) Po* the b*othe* wi%% de%i3e* u. his b*othe* to death! and the fathe* his son-[R> 1hi%d+! and the sons-[P&R> 1hi%d*en+ wi%% *ise u. against the fathe*s-[P&R> .a*ents+! and wi%% >[R> 1ause the# to be .ut+ -&.ut the# to> death! 12:12 And e3e*- #an wi%% be hating -ou fo* - Na#e>s sa;e( E3e*one that sha%% endu*e unto the %ast&end! he sha%% %i3e-[R> be sa3ed+( 12:1< 4hat Eti#eF -ou ha3e seen the sign of -abo#ination of deso%ation[R> s.o;en of b- the P*o.het 8ani>e%+-"A&G&P' standing whe*e it >is not ne1essa*-N-[P&R> ought not+> -he that *eads EthisF! %et hi# unde*standthen the- that Ea*eF in Y>hudah %et the# f%ee&[4> f%-+ to the >hi%%E1ount*-F&-[P&ERF> #ountainEsF+>! 12:1= And he that is on the *oof %et hi# not go down into the house no* ente* Eit soF that he #a- ta;e awa- an-thing f*o# his house! 12:1? And he that is in the fie%d! %et hi# not tu*n behind that he #ata;e awa- his 1%othing( 12:1@ Now woe to the# with-1hi%d&.*egnant! and to the# that a*e gi3ing nu*se [P&R> to 1hi%d*en&babies+ in those da-sJ 12:1A /ut .*a- [P> -ou+ that >it #a--[PR4> -ou* f%ight+> not be in the winte*( 12:1C Po* the*e wi%% be t*ibu%ation&dist*ess&aff%i1tion in those da-s! the %i;e of whi1h hasn>t been f*o# the Kda- that E%ohi#&God 1*eated-[R+ the wo*%d! e3en unto to-da--[R> this ti#e+! neithe* "P'-again-[R> e3e*+ sha%% be( K[PERF> (((beginning of the 1*eation that E%ohi#&God #ade!(((+ 12:)G KAnd if those da-s had not been sho*t! no f%esh wou%d %i3e! but be1ause of the Chosen 7nes who He has 1hosen! Kthe da-s a*e E#adeF sho*t( K1[PEGeF&R> And! un%ess E%ohi#&God-&[G*(> Adonai&YH9H+ shou%d sho*ten those da-s! no f%esh wou%d %i3e( /ut! on a11ount of the E%e1t who# He has 1hosen! He "R> has' sho*tened those[R>the+ da-s(+ K)[4> He sho*tened the da-s(+

12:)1 And then if an- one sha%% sa- to -ou: /eho%d! he*e is the essiah! Eo*F! /eho%d! the*e! - do not be%ie3e "4'-hi#-[R> it+: 12:)) /e1ause the*e wi%% a*ise %-ing-[PR4> fa%se+ #essiahs! and [P> %-ing+-[R4> fa%se+ .*o.hets "P&R> of unt*uth'! and the- wi%% gi3e signs and wonde*s! so that if .ossib%e the- wi%% >%ead ast*a-&[P&R> de1ei3e+> e3en the Chosen 7nes( 12:)2 >Now -ou*se%3es&[R> /ut ta;e heed+N[4> /ut -ou+>! see! /eho%d! 0 Kbefo*ehand ha3e said unto -ou e3e*-thing( K[4> ha3e fo*eto%d -ou a%% things(+ 12:)< /ut in those da-s! afte* that t*ibu%ation&dist*ess&aff%i1tion! the sun wi%% be da*;ened: and the #oon he* %ight wi%% not show&gi3e: 12:)= And the sta*s wi%% fa%% f*o# hea3en: and the .owe*s [4> whi1h a*e+ of-[R4> in+ [4> the+ hea3en[s 54+ wi%% t*e#b%e&be-sha;en( 12:)? And then the- wi%% see the $on of #an 1o#ing on-[P&R> in+ the 1%ouds with g*eat .owe* and with-"4' g%o*-( 12:)@ And then He wi%% send fo*th His ange%s and wi%% gathe* togethe* His >Chosen 7nes&[4> e%e1t+> f*o# the fou* winds! f*o# the utte*#ost .a*t of the ea*th! unto the utte*#ost .a*t of the 5H>ea3en( 12:)A Now! f*o# the fig-t*ee %ea*n a .a*ab%e! that what Eti#eF its b*an1hes ha3e be1o#e tende* and its %ea3es >a*e .ut fo*th&-[Ge> s.*ings fo*th and buds+>! -ou ;now that the su##e* EisF nea*: 12:)C $o -ou a%so! what Eti#eF -ou ha3e seen these things "R> that a*e' >1o#ing to .ass&[4> ta;e .%a1e+>! ;now -ou that K>it-[R> 5He>+> has d*awn nigh! >to-[P&R> at+> the [R> 3e*-+ doo*EsF( K[4> it is a%*ead- at the doo*s(+ 12:2G A#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! that this Kgene*ation wi%% not-[R> bno #eans+ .ass awa-! unti% a%% these things >be-[P> o11u*+-[R> ta;e .%a1e+>( K[4> *a1e+ 12:21 Hea3en and ea*th wi%% .ass awa-! and-[P&R> but+ - 4o*ds wi%% not-[R> b- no #eans+ .ass awa-( 12:2) Now of that da- and of that hou*! no one ;nows! not e3en the ange%s in Hea3en! no* the $on! but Eon%-F the Pathe*( 12:22 [4> /ewa*e+&NowN[P&R> Ta;e heed+! Kbe wat1hfu%! "#> and .*a-ing'! fo* -ou ;now not [PR4> when is+ the ti#e( K[Ge&91>(((! wat1h and .*a-: fo* -ou ;now not the ti#e(+ 12:2< Po* Oust as a #an Kthat de.a*ted-[P> too; a Oou*ne-+ and %eft his house! and ga3e to his s%a3es >his .*o.e*t--[P&R> autho*it-+>! to ea1h #an his wo*;! and 1o##anded the doo*-;ee.e* that he shou%d be wat1hfu%( K[R>(((going to a fa* 1ount*-(((+ 12:2= -/e -ou the*efo*e wat1hfu%: fo* -ou ;now not when the aste* of the house 1o#es Eba1;F! Knot if Eit beF in the e3ening-ti#e! no* if in the #id-night! no* if in the twi%ight-[P&R> 1o1;-1*owing+! no* if in the dawn-[R> #o*ning+:

K[4> %ate! o* at #idnight! o* at the 1*owing of the 1o1;! o* in the #o*ning:+ 12:2? - >And sha%%&-[P&R> 6est+> He 1o#e sudden%- EandF find -ou I&( 12:2@ And that&[4> the things+ whi1h unto -ou 0 sa-! 0 sa- to a%% "R> of -ou': be wat1hfu%J CHAPTER 1< 1<:1@ Two da-s befo*e it was >Sn%ea3en /*ead&-5EChagF Ha atDot>> of Pesa1h the head Cohani# and $1*ibes we*e see;ing how with gui%e theshou%d ta;e ho%d of Hi# and ;i%% Hi#( 1<:) Po* the- we*e sa-ing: Not on the Peast! that the*e be not an u.*oa* of the .eo.%e( 1<:2 And when He was in /eit-An-ah in the house of $hi#,on the %e.e*& [9)> Oa*-#e*1hant+! whi%e sitting&*e1%ined [R> at the tab%e+ Eat #ea%F the*e 1a#e a 1e*tain wo#an 1a**-ing a >[PR4> a%abaste* boL-[R> f%as;+ of .*e1ious-[R>1ost%-+ oint#ent&[4> #-**h+ of s.i;ena*d+-N3ase of .e*fu#e! na*d of good .isti1>! the .*i1e of whi1h was g*eat! and she [R+-b*a;e-[P> o.ened+ [4> a%abasta* boL+ it and .ou*ed it u.on [R+-HisN [P> the+ head [P>of Yeshua+-"R'( 1<:< And the*e we*e so#e [P>of the Ta%#idi#+-"R' who# it dis.%eased >in thei* sou%-[P&R> a#ong the#se%3es+> and the- sa-: 4he*efo*e EisF this 5waste> [P&R> of the [R> f*ag*ant+ [4> #-**h+-oint#ent+I 1<:= Po* it&[4> this #-**h+ 1ou%d ha3e been so%d fo* [P> #o*e than+ th*ee hund*ed dena*ii - Ea -ea*s wagesF! and be gi3en to the .oo*( KAnd the- we*e >#u*#u*ing a#ong the#se%3es&-[P> indignant+> against he*( K[R> (((( And the- 1*iti1iDed he* sha*.%-(+ 1<:? Now Yeshua said unto the#: >A%%ow he*&-[P&R> 6et he* a%one+>: whinOu*e-[P&R>t*oub%e+ -ou he*I Po* a eL1e%%ent deed has she done towa*ds &[4> in+ e( 1<:@ Po* at a%% ti#es the .oo* a*e b- -ou! and whensoe3e* -ou wi%%! -ou 1an do fo* the# [P> ;ind a1ts+-[R> good+: but >0 a# not a%wa-s b-E*e#aining he*e&withF -ou-N[R> e -ou do not ha3e a%wa-s(>( 1<:A KPo* this whi1h she has done! as if fo* - bu*ia%! beho%d! she has done EitF and befo*ehand has .e*fu#ed - bodi%- f*a#e( K[P> 4hat was in he* .owe*! she has done: and b- anti1i.ation! has .e*fu#ed - bod-! as if fo* bu*ia%(+ K[R> $he has done what she 1ou%d( $he has 1o#e befo*ehand to anoint - bod- fo* bu*ia%(+ 1<:C A#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! 4he*e3e* [P&R> this+ "R> -' GoodNews sha%% be announ1ed! in a%% the wo*%d! the*e wi%% be [R> s.o;en+ fo* he* the #e#o*- of this whi1h she has done( 1<:1G And Y>hudah f*o#-B>*iot! one of the Twe%3e! went unto the

head Cohani# so that he #ight >de%i3e* Hi# u.N-[P&R> bet*a- Yeshua[R> Hi#+ to the#+>( 1<:11 And the-! when the- hea*d Ehi#F! *eOoi1ed and .*o#ised that thewou%d gi3e hi# si%3e*( And he was see;ing an o..o*tunit- so that he #ight >de%i3e* Hi# u.N-[P&R> [R> 1on3enient%-+ bet*a- Hi#+>( 1<:1) 7n the fi*st da- of >Sn%ea3en /*eadN-5EChagF Ha atDot>>! when Kthe Passo3e*&Pesa1h E%a#bF was s%ain [P> Eb- theF Y>hudi#+: His Ta%#idi# said unto Hi#: 4he*e wi%% You that we go EandF #a;e *ead-! that You E#a-F eat the Passo3e*&Pesa1h E$ede*FI K[4> the- we*e a11usto#ed to s%a- the Passo3e*! (((+ 1<:12 [P&R> And He sent two of His Ta%#idi#! and said unto the#+: Go to the town: beho%d! the*e wi%% #eet -ou a 1e*tain #an 1a**-ing a 3esse% of wate*( Go afte* hi#!1<:1< -To whe*e3e* he ente*s! and sa- to the #aste* of the house: 57u*> -[R> The+ Rabbi sa-s! >"R4> - ti#e has a**i3ed': whe*e is [R+-guest -1ha#be*-[P> the .%a1e of *ef*esh#ent+> whe*e 0 #a- eat the Passo3e*& Pesa1h E$ede*&#ea%F with - Ta%#idi#I 1<:1= And beho%d! he wi%% show -ou a 1e*tain %a*ge u..e*-*oo# fu*nished and #ade *ead-: the*e .*e.a*e fo* us( 1<:1? His Ta%#idi# went "R> as 5He said> unto the#' and 1a#e to town and found as He EhadF said unto the#: and the- #ade *ead- the Passo3e*& Pesa1h E$ede*&#ea%F( 1<:1@ And when it was e3ening Ea..*oa1hing sunsetF He 1a#e with His&[4> the+ Twe%3e! 1<:1A And whi%e the- we*e sitting&*e1%ining Eat the $ede*F and eating! Yeshua said unto the#: A#aine! "P&R> a#aine'! 0 sa- unto -ou! one of -ou that eats with e! he wi%% bet*a- e( 1<:1C Now the- began >to be g*ie3edN-5that is shou%d g*ie3e the#>> and we*e sa-ing unto Hi#! >ea1h one of the#-[P&R> one b- one+>: 0s it 0I [R> And anothe* EsaidF! 0s it 0I+-"R' 1<:)G /ut He [R> answe*ed and+ said unto the#: 7ne of the Twe%3e! >that has .ut fo*th his hand&-[R> who di.s+> with e in the bow%( 1<:)1 And the $on of #an goes as is 4*itten of Hi#! but woe to that #an b- >whose hand&-[R> who#+> the $on of #an is bet*a-ed: it we*e >[R> good+-.*ofitab%e> fo* hi#-[P&R> that #an+ if he had not been bo*nJ 1<:)) And whi%e the- we*e eating [P&R> Yeshua too;+ #atDah! He[P> and+ b%essed Ewith the b>*a;hahF! and b*a;e EitF! and ga3e unto >His Ta%#idi#N-[P&R> the#+>! and said unto the#: Ta;e [R> eat+-"A': this

EisF - bod-( 1<:)2 KAnd He too; a 1u.! [P> and ga3e than;s+! and b%essed Ewith the b>*a;hahF! and ga3e unto the#( And the- [P&R> a%%+ d*an; f*o#&of it( K[R> Then He too; the 1u.! and when He had gi3en than;s! He ga3e EitF to the#((((+ 1<:)< And He said to the#: This EisF - b%ood of&[4> whi1h be%ongs to+ [#+-"A> /*it' HaChadashah-5The "A> New' Co3enant>! that fo*[P> in beha%f of+ #an- is shed&[4> .ou*ed out+( 1<:)= A#aine! 0 sa- to -ou! that no #o*e sha%% 0 d*in; of the [R>f*uit+ -offs.*ing-[Ge+ of the 3ine! unti% that da- in whi1h 0 sha%% d*in; of it "P> with -ou' new%--[R> new+ in the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( 1<:)? And the- >had g%o*ifiedN-[P&R>sang Ha%%e%-5.*aise>+> "P&R>EE%ohi# &GodF' and went out to the ount of 7%i3es( 1<:)@@ Yeshua sa-s to the#: A%% of -ou wi%% "AF-[P> this night+ be offended&stu#b%ed "A4> in-[R> be1ause of+ e'! fo* it is 4*itten: 0 wi%% s#ite the $he.he*d and >the-[P> His+> %a#bs&shee. wi%% be s1atte*ed( 1<:)A And what Eti#eF 0 ha3e a*isen! 0 [R> wi%%+ go befo*e -ou into haGa%i%( 1<:)C Befa answe*ed and said unto Hi#: K0f a%% of the# sha%% be stu#b%ed&offended! [4> -et+ 0 Esha%%F not( K[R>(((E3en if a%% a*e #ade to stu#b%e! -et 0 Ewi%%F not EbeF(+ 1<:2G Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: A#aine! "P&R> a#aine'! 0 sa- unto -ou! You to-da-! in this night! befo*e e3e* the 1o1; 1*ow twi1e! th*ee ti#es -ou wi%% den- e( 1<:21 And $hi#,on a%% the #o*e said: 0f it sha%% be fo* #e that 0 shou%d-[R> ha3e to+ die with You! 0 wi%% not den- You [P> #- 6o*d+"R'( And so a%% of the# a%so said( 1<:2) And the- 1a#e to the .%a1e whi1h is 1a%%ed Gat-$h>#ani#: and He said unto His Ta%#idi#: $it he*e! whi%e 0 .*a-( 1<:22 And He too; Befa and Ya,a;o3 and Yo1hanan [R> with Hi#+! and He began to >be g%oo#-&[4> g*ie3e+> and to be "4'-in [R> dee.+ >dist*ess& [4> deOe1ted+>( 1<:2< And He said unto the#: >0t does g*ie3eN-[R> eL1eeding%so**owfu% is+> - sou%! e3en unto death( [PR> 4ait fo* e he*e and be wat1hfu%+( 1<:2= And He de.a*ted a %itt%e! and He fe%% "PR4> on His fa1e' on the ea*th&g*ound! and was .*a-ing if it 1ou%d be [P&R> .ossib%e+ that the hou* shou%d .ass f*o# Hi#( 1<:2? And He said: >[P4> Pathe*!+ "Ge'- - Pathe*-&[R> Abba! Pathe*+>! >Ke3e*-thing is in You* .owe*-&[P> You 1an do a%% things+>: 1ause this 1u. to .ass f*o# e - but not > - wi%%! #ine be EdoneF-&[P> .%easu*e+>!

but You*sJ K[R> (((a%% things Ea*eF .ossib%e fo* You( Ta;e this 1u. awaf*o# e: ne3e*the%ess! not what 0 wi%%! but what You Ewi%%F(+ 1<:2@ And He 1a#e and found the#! and He said unto Befa: $hi#,on! -ou ha3e s%e.t(&I: ha3e -ou not been ab%e one hou* to wat1hI 1<:2A K4at1h and .*a- that -ou ente* not into te#.tation: the s.i*it is "R> wi%%ing' [P&Ge> and >*ead--[R+>+! but the bod- is infi*#&wea;( K[9)> Awa;e! and .*a- not to fai% in the testJ: (((+ 1<:2C And he went again EandF .*a-ed! and the sa#e wo*dEsF He said( 1<:<G And He 1a#e and found the# again as%ee.! fo* thei* e-es we*e %aden with s%ee.! and the- ;new not what the- shou%d sa- unto Hi#( 1<:<1 And He 1a#e fo* the thi*d ti#e and said unto the#: K$%ee. and ta;e -ou* *est: the hou* has 1o#e! the end >has a**i3ed-[P> is nea*+> -beho%d! [R> being+ bet*a-ed is the $on of #an into the hands of the sinne*sJ K[R>(((A*e -ou sti%% and *estingI 0t is enoughJ The hou* has 1o#e! -beho%d!(((+ 1<:<) A*ise! %et us go: beho%d! he that bet*a-s e has d*awn nea*( 1<:<2 And whi%e -et He Ewas sti%%F s.ea;ing Y>hudah [P>f*o#B>*iot+-"R' one of the Twe%3e! 1a#e! and with hi# a g*eat #u%titude 1a**-ing swo*ds and sta3es&1%ubs! [R+-f*o# [P> befo*e+ the head Cohani# and $1*ibes and E%de*s( 1<:<< KAnd he ga3e the# a sign! he-[P>the t*aito*+ whi1h EwasF bet*a-ing Hi#! in that he said to the#: He whi1h 0 ;iss! he it is: ta;e ho%d of Hi# wa*i%--[P> .*o#.t%-+ and 1a**- Hi# a%ong( K[R> Now His bet*a-e* had gi3en the# a signa%! sa-ing! 4ho#e3e* 0 ;iss! he is the 7ne: ta;e hi# and %ead Ehi#F awa- safe%-(+ 1<:<= And [R> as soon as He had 1o#e+! i##ediate%- he 1a#e unto Hi# and said to Hi#: RabbiJ [P&R> Rabbi:+ and ;issed Hi# [4> 1o.ious%-+( 1<:<? And the- %aid [R> thei*+ hands u.on Hi#! and too; "P&R> ho%d of' Hi#( 1<:<@ And one of those standing Eb-F d*ew a-[R> his+ swo*d and s#ote the head Cohani#>s s%a3e! and too;&1ut EoffF his ea*( 1<:<A Yeshua answe*ed and said to the#: As against a *obbe* ha3e -ou 1o#e fo*th with swo*ds and with sta3es&1%ubs that -ou #ight ta;e ho%d of eJ 1<:<C 8ai%- with -ou EwasF 0 in the Te#.%e E1ou*tF whi%e tea1hing "P&R> -ou' [P&R> and -ou+ we*e not %a-ing ho%d of e( /ut K"R>be1ause' the $1*i.tu*es shou%d-[R> #ust+ be a11o#.%ished [P> this o11u*s+"R'( K[4> but in o*de* that the $1*i.tu*es #a- be fu%fi%%ed(+ 1<:=G And "P> a%%' His Ta%#idi# had %eft Hi# and f%ed(

K[R> Then the- a%% fo*soo; Hi# and f%ed(+ 1<:=1 And a 1e*tain -outh was 1o#ing afte* Hi#! and he was d*essed in a [P&R> %inen+ 1%oth [P&R> on EhisF na;ed Ebod-F+: and >the*e we*e #anfo%; that-&[R> the -oung #en+> too; ho%d of hi#: 1<:=) And he %eft the ga*#ent-[P&R> %inen 1%oth+ "P&R> in thei* hands'! and f%ed "P> f*o# the#'-[R+ na;ed( 1<:=2 KAnd the- 1a**ied Yeshua a%ong unto the head Cohani#! and Kthewe*e b*inging with Hi# a%% the head Cohani# and E%de*s and $1*ibes( K1[P&R> And the- %ed awa- Yeshua to "R> Ba-afa' the Cohen haGado%( And with hi# we*e asse#b%ed a%% the head Cohani# and the $1*ibes and the E%de*s(+ K)[4> a%% the 1hief Cohani# and E%de*s and $1*ibes 1a#e togethe* to Hi#(+ 1<:=< And Befa was 1o#ing f*o# afa* afte* Hi#! >as fa* as the house of& -[P&R> into the ha%%-51ou*t-a*d> of+> the Cohen haGado%! and was sitting b- the gua*ds-[P&R>se*3ants+ and was wa*#ing hi#se%f [P&R>bthe fi*e+( 1<:== Now the head Cohani# and a%% the #u%titude&[P> asse#b%-+N [R> 1oun1i%+&[4> $anhed*i#+ we*e see;ing against Yeshua&[4> Hi#+ witness EsoF that the- #ight >;i%% Hi#&-[R> .ut Hi# to death+>! and we*e not finding Ean-F: 1<:=? And #an- we*e witnessing against Hi# EaF %-ing witness! and thei* witness >did not ag*ee&-[P> 5we*e not eMua%>+>( 1<:=@ Now so#e K[P> fa%se witnesses+ *ose u. against Hi# and sa-: K[R>(((*ose u. and bo*e fa%se witness against(((+ 1<:=A 4e ou*se%3es ha3e hea*d hi# that he said! 0 wi%% .u%%-down[P&R> dest*o-+ the Te#.%e #ade with hands! and in th*ee da-s 0 Ewi%%F #a;e anothe* EoneF not #ade with hands( 1<:=C And Knot e3en so did thei* witness ag*ee-[P> EbeF eMua%+( K[4> thus thei* testi#on- was not eMua%(+ 1<:?G And the Cohen haGado% *ose in the #idst and as;ed Yeshua! and said to Hi#: 8o -ou offe* no answe*I 4hat a*e these bea*ing witness against -ouI 1<:?1 Now >He Hi#se%f&-[P> Yeshua+> was si%ent! and not anEanswe*F did He *etu*n( And again the Cohen haGado% as;ed Hi# "P&R>the se1ond ti#e' and said to Hi#: A*e -ou Ha ashia1h&The- essiah! >the $on of the /%essed-&[/en-Ha >3o*a;h+>I 1<:?) Yeshua "4> answe*ed and' said "4> unto Hi#': 0 A#( And "P&R> he*eafte*' -ou wi%% see the $on of #an sitting at&on the Right EHandF

of >Powe*-5HaG>3u*ah>> and >1o#ing-[P> He wi%% 1o#e+> [R> with+&u.onN [4> in+ the 1%ouds of 5H>ea3en( 1<:?2 And the Cohen haGado% then *ent his 1%othing and said: 4hhe*eafte* is the*e *eMui*ed fo* -ou ou* witnessesI 1<:?< "R> Po* beho%d'! a%% of -ou ha3e hea*d his&[4> the+ b%as.he#-( 4hat see#s it to -ouI And a%% of the# Kwe*e Oudging Hi# gui%t-[R> dese*3ing+ of death( K[4> answe*ed! He is wo*th- of death(+ 1<:?= And so#e of the# began to at-[R> on+ Hi# and to buffet-[R> b%indfo%d+ EHi#F! [R> and to beat Hi#+ and EtoF sa- [R> to Hi#+: P*o.hes- >"R> to us now-[P> -ou+'>( KAnd the gua*ds-[P> se*3ants+ we*e s#iting Hi# on His-[P> the+ 1hee;s( K[R>(((And the offi1e*s st*u1; Hi# with the .a%#s of thei* hands(+ K[A>(((And the offi1e*s *e1ei3ed Hi# with s%a.s(+ 1<:?? And when Befa 5was> [P> be%ow+ in the 1ou*tE-a*dF "P&R> of the Cohen haGado%'! A 1e*tain #aid of the Cohen haGado% [P&R> 1a#e+! 1<:?@ EAndF saw hi# wa*#ing hi#se%f: and she [P> %oo;ed u.on hi# and+ sa-s to hi#: And -ou a%so we*e with Yeshua haNatD*ati( 1<:?A /ut he denied and said: K0 ;now Ehi#F not! and 0 a# not a1Muainted with what -ou sa-( And he went fo*th K>to the oute* 1ou*t[PR> into the .o*1h: and the 1o1; 1*owed+-"#'>! K1[R>(((0 neithe* ;now no* unde*stand what -ou a*e sa-ing( (((+ K1[9)> 0># neithe* a 1o#.anion of! no* do 0 ;now at a%% Hi# of who# -ou s.ea;( (((+ K)E91> The wo*ds Qto the oute* 1ou*t!Q a*e #o*e a..*o.*iate to the 1onst*u1tion of an Easte*n house than the Peshitta *eading! Qout to the 3estibu%eQ(F 1<:?C And again the #aid-[R> se*3ant gi*%+ saw hi#! and she began to sa- to those standing Eb-F: And this EoneF a%so is of the#( 1<:@G /ut he again denied EitF( And again afte* a %itt%e! those standing Ethe*eF said to Befa: T*u%- -ou a*e of the#! be1ause -ou a*e a Ga%i%ean! [P> and -ou* s.ee1h answe*s to it+-"A4'( 1<:@1 And he >was Kasse3e*ating-[R> began to 1u*se+> and Kswa*e! 0 ;now hi# not! this #an Kthat -ou s.ea; EaboutF( K1[4> anathe#atiDe+-E4-N7TE: An i#.*e1ation on hi#se%fF K)E4-N7TE: An oath of affi*#ationF K2E4-N7TE: Thi*d denia%! to the 1ousin of a%1husF 1<:@) And [P> i##ediate%-+-"R' the 1o1; 1*ew the se1ond ti#e! and Befa *e1o%%e1ted the wo*d that Yeshua had said unto hi#! 5/efo*e> e3e* the 1o1; 1*ow twi1e! th*ee ti#es -ou wi%% den- e( KAnd EthenF he had begun to wee.( K[R>(((And when he thought about it! he we.t(+ K[4> And ha3ing gone out! he 1ontinued to wee.(+ CHAPTER 1=

1=:1@ And [P&R> i##ediate%-+ [4> ea*%-+ in the #o*ning the head Cohani# and E%de*s and $1*ibes and a%% the >[R> 1oun1i%+&.eo.%eN[P> E.a*tia%F $anhed*in+&[4> $andhed*i#+> too; 1ounse%: and the- bound Yeshua and 1a**ied Hi# a%ong and de%i3e*ed Hi# u. to Pi%ate [P>the Go3e*no*+"R4'( 1=:) And Pi%ate as;ed Hi#: A*e -ou the Bing of the UewsI He answe*ed and said unto hi#: >You ha3e said EitF&-[R> E0t is asF -ou sa-+>( 1=:2 And the head Cohani# we*e a11using Hi# #u1h-[R> of #anthings+! "P> and He no answe* was gi3ing the#'( 1=:< And again Pi%ate sa-s to Hi#: 8o -ou *etu*n the# no answe*I K$ee >-ou not how #an- a*e bea*ing&-[P&R>how #u1h-[R> #an- things+ the-+> witness against -ouJ&I K[A> ((($ee how #an- things of whi1h the- a11use -ouI+ 1=:= 5Now Yeshua> ga3e not an- answe*! 5so that> Pi%ate was 5wonde*ing> &[R> #a*3e%ed+( 1=:? 5Now at e3e*- Peast> he-[P&R> his 1usto#+ was *e%easing to the# one .*isone*! whi1he3e* EoneF the- 5we*e> as;ing 5of hi#> [91EG1F> at the feast+: 1=:@ KAnd the*e was i#.*isoned a #an! an e3i%-doe* 1a%%ed /a*Abba! and he had been a #an that did e3i% deeds and 1o##itted #u*de*s( K[P&R> And the*e was one na#ed /a*-Abas! who was 1onfined with the-[R> his fe%%ow+ #o3e*s of sedition! who 1o##itted #u*de* in the insu**e1tion(+ 1=:A And the .eo.%e >eL1%ai#ed and&-[A> going u.+> began to as;[P> de#and+ that he shou%d do [PERF> as he was a11usto#ed+ fo* the#( 1=:C Pi%ate answe*ed and said to the#: 8o -ou wish that 0 *e%ease to -ou the Bing of the UewsI 1=:1G Po* Pi%ate-[R> he+ ;new that f*o# en3- the--[P&R>the head Cohani# had+ de%i3e*ed Hi# u.( 1=:11 And the- head Cohani# [P> fu*the*+-"R' .e*suaded the .eo.%e that fo* /a*-Abba the- shou%d as;! that he shou%d *e%ease Ehi#F to the#( 1=:1) Pi%ate answe*ed again and said to the#: 4hat the*efo*e do -ou wish 5that 0 do to [P&R> "R> hi#' who -ou 1a%%+ the Bing of the UewsI 1=:12 And the- again we*e 1*-ing out: ELe1ute-on-the-sta;e51*u1if-> hi#>J K[91EG1F> /ut those 5.eo.%e> 1*ied out: ELe1ute-on-the-sta;e hi#J ELe1ute-on-the-sta;e hi#J+ 1=:1< Now Pi%ate said 5to the#: 4h-! Po* what e3i% has been done bhi#I> And the- the #o*e we*e 1*-ing out: ELe1ute-on-the-sta;e&-

51*u1if-> hi#J 1=:1= Now Pi%ate was wishing to >do the wi%% of&-[R> g*atif-+> the #u%titude! and he *e%eased to the# /a*-Abba: and de%i3e*ed u. to the# Yeshua when s1ou*ged! that He #ight be eLe1uted-on-the-sta;e51*u1ified>( 1=:1? And the ERo#anF so%die*s 1a**ied Hi# a%ong within&into the 1ou*t[R> ha%%+! whi1h is the P*aeto*iu#&[4> Oudge#ent ha%%+! and 1a%%ed Etogethe*F a%% the 1oho*t-[P&R> *egi#ent+: 1=:1@ And the- 1%othed Hi# in [4> a+ .u*.%e [4> *obe+! and b*aided a 1*own of tho*ns and set EitF u.on Hi#! 1=:1A And began to g*eet Hi#! Esa-ingF: Hai%! Bing of the UewsJ 1=:1C And the- we*e s#iting Hi# u.on His head with a *eed and we*e s.itting >in His fa1e&-[R> on Hi#+>! and the- fe%% on thei* ;nees and we*e E#o1;Fwo* Hi#( 1=:)G And when the- EhadF #o1;ed EHi#F! the- st*i..ed Hi# of His[PR4> the+ .u*.%e [4> *obe+! and 1%othed Hi# in His own ga*#ents! and b*ought Hi# fo*th that the- #ight eLe1ute-on-the-sta;e&-51*u1if-> Hi#( 1=:)1@ And the- 1o#.e%%ed [P> a .asse*-b-+! $hi#,on EtheF&a C-*enian& [9)> fa*#e*+! who was 1o#ing f*o# the fie%dEsF! the fathe* of A%eLande* and of Rufus! that he shou%d&[4> #ust+ ta;e u. His eLe1utionsta;e&51*oss>( 1=:)) And the- b*ought Hi# to the .%a1e 1a%%ed Gu%go%ta! whi1h is inte*.*eted [R> .%a1e of a+ s;u%%: 1=:)2 And the- ga3e Hi# wine >.e*fu#ed with .e*fu#e>N-[P&R> in whi1h #-**h Ea sedati3eF was #iLed+! and He too; EitF not( 1=:)< And [P> when the- had+-the- >nai%ed Hi# to the eLe1utionsta;eN -51*u1ified Hi#>>! and-[P&R> the-+ di3ided His ga*#ents "R>a#ong the#'! and 1ast %ots fo* the# [P&R> Eto seeF what ea1h E#anF shou%d ta;e+( 1=:)= Now it was >the thi*d hou*-5C A >>! and the- >nai%ed Hi# to the sta;eN-51*u1ified Hi#>>: 1=:)? And His [R> 1*i#e+-t*es.ass-[P> 1ause of death+ was w*itten [P&R> in the ins1*i.tion+ [4> o3e* Hi#+: "R> TH0$ 0$' THE B0NG 7P THE UE4$( 1=:)@ And the*e we*e hung-on-eLe1ution-sta;esN-51*u1ified> with Hi# two *obbe*s! one on His *ight and one on His %eft( 1=:)A [PR#> And the $1*i.tu*e was 1o#.%eted whi1h sa-s: He was a11ounted a#ong the wi1;ed(+-"#' 1=:)C@ And the- [P&R> a%so that .assed b-+ we*e [R+b%as.he#ing-[P> *e3i%ing+ against Hi# and wagging thei* heads and sa-ing: AhaJ 8est*o-e* of the Te#.%e and bui%de* of it in th*ee da-s! 1=:2G $a3e -ou*se%f a%i3e! and 1o#e down f*o# the eLe1utionsta;e51*oss>J 1=:21 And again the head Cohani# a%so! K%aughing one with

anothe*! >with-[P> and+> the $1*ibes sa-: K7the* he sa3ed a%i3e! hi#se%f he 1ou%d not sa3e a%i3e: K[R> (((togethe* with the $1*ibes! #o1;ed and said a#ong the#se%3es(((+ K[P>(((He ga3e %ife to othe*s! his own %ife he 1annot sa3e:+ 1=:2) The- essiah&Ha ashia1h! the Bing of 0s*ae% - %et hi# 1o#e down f*o# the eLe1ution-sta;eN-51*oss>! and that we #a- see and be%ie3e [ > Hi#+J And those a%so that we*e eLe1uted-on-sta;es with Hi# we*e *e.*oa1hing Hi#( 1=:22@ And when it was >the siLth hou*N-5noon>>! the*e was da*;ness [P> o3e* a%% the %and-5ea*th>+ unto >the ninth hou*N-52 P >>! 1=:2< And at the ninth-hou*N-52 P > He&[4> Yeshua+ 1a%%ed with a #ight3oi1e: K> - God! - God! whe*efo*e ha3e You %eft-[P> fo*sa;en+ e-& 5E%ohiJ E%ohiJ 6>#ah sh>3a;tani>>I K[R> ((( sh>3a;taniIJ 4hi1h is t*ans%ated: - God! (((+ 1=:2= And so#e fo%; of those standing Eb-F hea*d and sa-: [R> %oo;+! fo* E%i-ahu He has 1a%%edJ 1=:2? And one *an EandF fi%%ed a s.onge with 3inega* and set-[P> tied+ EitF on a *eed >and ga3eN-[P&R> to offe*+> Hi# to d*in;( And thesa-: 6et be: we sha%% see if E%i-ahu 1o#es EandF ta;es hi# down( 1=:2@ And He! Yeshua! 1*-ing out with a #ight- 3oi1e! eL.i*ed-[R> and b*eathed His %ast+( 1=:2A And the .a*o;het-53ei%> [P> of the doo*+-"R' of the Te#.%e was *ent in two! f*o# the to. [4> e3en+ unto the botto#( 1=:2C Now when the Centu*ion who was standing b--[R> o..osite+ Hi# saw! 5and> EthatF K1*-ing out EsoF He EhadF eL.i*ed! he said: This t*u%- [R> this #an+ was&is the&[#> 5EaF>+ $on of GodJ K[A> (((He thus b*eathed His %ast!(((+ 1=:<G And the*e we*e wo#en "R> standing' f*o# afa* that Ewe*eF seeing i*-a# f*o#- agda%a! and i*-a# daughte*-[PR4> #othe*+ of Ya,a;o3 the 6itt%e-[PR4> 6ess and+ the #othe* of Yosef! and $h%o#it! 1=:<1 Those that 1a#e with Hi# f*o# haGa%i%! and #an- othe*s that we*e se*3ing Hi#! that had 1o#e u. with Hi# to Ye*usha%a-i#( K[R> 4ho a%so fo%%owed Hi# and #iniste*ed unto Hi# when He was in haGa%i%: and #an- othe* wo#en who 1a#e u. with Hi# to Ye*usha%a-i# Efo* the Pesa1h&Passo3e*F(+ 1=:<)@ And it was on-[P> the 5E3e of .*e.a*ation>E*e3E$habbatF! whi1h .*o1eeds+ the $habbat( K[R> Now when e3ening had 1o#e! be1ause it was the P*e.a*ation 8a-5EE*e3-$habbatF>! that is! the da- befo*e the $habbat!+ K[4> And it a%*ead- being e3ening! sin1e it was the (((+ 1=:<2 And the*e had 1o#e Yosef f*o#-Ra#ata-i#! and hono*ab%e "4>#an! a'

1ounse%%o* 5Eof the $anhed*inF>! and he a%so was %oo;ing fo* the Bingdo# of Hea3en-[P&R> E%ohi#&God+: and he [R> 1o#ing+ da*ed[P&R> assu#ed 1ou*age+ and went in unto Pi%ate! and >[R+-as;ed-fo*>N-[P> begged+ the bod- of Yeshua( 1=:<< And Pi%ate was astonished that He was dead a%*ead-! and he sent EandF 1a%%ed the Centu*ion and as;ed hi# if He >we*e [#> a%*ead-+N[P&R> had been an- ti#e+> dead( 1=:<= And when he %ea*ned EitF "P> f*o# the Centu*ion'! he >ga3e His[R> g*anted the+> bod- to Yosef( 1=:<? And he bought >a 1%oth-[P&R>fine %inen+>! and >b*ought-[P&R> too; it-[R> Hi#+ down+> EandF w*a..ed it-[R> Hi#+ in the 1%oth-[P&R> %inen+ and %aid it in a to#b! that was hewn "P&R> fo* hi#' in the *o1;! and he *o%%ed a stone EandF .ut EitF against the doo* of the to#b( 1=:<@ Now i*-a# f*o#- agda%a! and i*-a# the >daughte*[P&R>E#othe*F+> of Ya,a;o3-[PR4> Yosi+ had seen whe*e He was %aid( CHAPTER 1? 1?:1@ And Kwhen the $habbat was .ast the- bought >"R>oi% and' s.i1es[P> a*o#ati1s+> - i*-a# f*o#- agda%a! and i*-a# the >daughte*[PR4> E#othe*F+> of Ya,a;o3! and $a%o#e - that the- #ight 1o#e EandF anoint Hi#( K[4> the $habbat .assing awa- (((+ 1?:) And >at the dawnN-[P&R> [R>3e*- ea*%- in+ the #o*ning+> of"4' the fi*st Eda-F of the wee;&[4> $habbaths+! the- 1a#e-[G13> 1o#e+ to the to#b >when the sun was u.N-[P> as the sun *ose+-&[R> when the sun had *isen+&[4> the sun a..*oa1hing the ho*iDon+>( 1?:2 And the- we*e sa-ing a#ong the#se%3es: Now who >has *o%%ed&-[P&R> wi%% *o%%+> Eawa-F fo* us the stone of the to#bI1?:< K-/e1ause it was g*eat eL1eeding%-( And [R> when+ the- "R> 1a#e[G13> went+! and' the- saw that the stone was *o%%ed Eawa-F! K[PR4> Esenten1es *e3e*sedF+ KE91> The t*ans.osition of Qfo* it was 3e*- g*eat!Q to its .*o.e* .%a1e at the end of 3e*se 2! has been noti1ed in the $i#i%ia( The A*abi1 8iatessa*on has the .h*ase at the end of 3e*se 2! a%though the fa1t is obs1u*ed b- Ca*dina% Cias1a ha3ing nu#be*ed it w*ong%as <b(F 1?:= And the- ente*ed the to#b and saw a -oung-#an sitting on thei*[PR4> the+ *ight Ehand&sideF and d*essed in a [R> %ong+ white *obe! and the- we*e af*aid( 1?:? And he sa-s unto the#: Pea* not: Yeshua haNatD*ati -ou see;! Hi# that was eLe1uted-on-the-.o%e&t*ee-51*u1ified>( He has *isen and is

not he*e: beho%d! His-[P> The+ .%a1e whe*e >He had been %aidN-[R> the%aid Hi#+>J 1?:@ /ut go! sa- to His Ta%#idi# and to-"4' Befa! /eho%d-[R> That+! He goes befo*e -ou into haGa%i%: the*e sha%% [R+--ou-[G13> the-+ see Hi#! as He said to -ou( 1?:A KAnd when the- hea*d the- 1a#e fo*th! and the- went awaand to no one an-thing said the-! be1ause the- >had beenN-[G13>we*e+> af*aidI 5G1+[#EVF> And the- .*o#.t%- *e.o*ted a%% these inst*u1tions to Befa and his 1o#.anions( And afte* that! Yeshua Hi#se%f sent out th*ough the# f*o# east to west the sa1*ed and i#.e*ishab%e .*o1%a#ation of ete*na% $a%3ation(+ K[P&R> And "R>when the- hea*d'! [R> Mui1;%-+-"A& ' the- f%ed and %eft the se.u%1h*e: fo* astonish#ent and t*e#b%ing had seiDed the#: and the- said nothing to an- one! fo* the- we*e in fea*(+ 1?:C "#4 Eth*u 1?:)GF'-[P&R> And >in the #o*ning of-[R>ea*%- on+> the fi*st da- of the wee;! [R> when+ He a*ose: 5and> He a..ea*ed fi*st to i*-a# f*o#- agda%a! f*o# who# He had 1ast out se3en de#ons( 1?:1G And she went and to%d the# that had been with Hi#! whi%e thewe*e #ou*ning and 1?:11 And the-! when the- hea*d Ethe wo#enF sa- that He was a%i3e! and that He had a..ea*ed unto the#-[R> he*+! -did not be%ie3e "R> the#'( 1?:1) Afte* this He a..ea*ed! unde* anothe* as.e1t! unto two of the# as the- wa%;ed and went into the 1ount*-( 1?:12 And these went and to%d the *est: but the- wou%d not be%ie3e the# [R> eithe*+( 1?:1<@ And at %ast! He a..ea*ed to the e%e3en as the- *e1%ined at tab%e: and He *e.*o3ed >the s%ende*ness of thei* faith-N[R> thei* unbe%ief+>! and the ha*dness of thei* hea*t: be1ause the- be%ie3ed not those who had seen Hi# a1tua%%--[R> afte* He had+ *isen( 1?:1= And He said unto the#: Go -ou into a%% the wo*%d! and .*o1%ai# Good-News >in the who%e 1*eationN-[R> to e3e*- 1*eatu*e+>( K[G addaiA> 4e ha3e been 1o##anded to .*o1%ai# His GoodNews in a%% the 1*eation(+ 1?:1? He that be%ie3es and is i##e*sed %i3es-[R> wi%% be sa3ed+: but he that be%ie3es not! is 1onde#ned( 5P&R+ K[Ga> And when again ou* 6o*d ga3e the #-ste*- of 0##e*sion5E i;3ehF> to His e#issa*ies! thus He said unto the#: He that be%ie3es and is i##e*sed sha%% %i3e! and he that be%ie3es not is Oudged(+ 1?:1@ [P&R> And these signs sha%% attend-[R>fo%%ow+ the#+ [G)&P&R> that be%ie3e "P&R> in e': these in - Na#e de#ons sha%% 1ast out! with EaF

"#> new' [G+-tongueEsF-[R>E.%u*a%F+ the- sha%% s.ea;! K[Ga> This sha%% be the sign fo* the# whi1h be%ie3e - that with new tongues the- sha%% s.ea;! and de#ons the- sha%% be 1asting out!+ 1?:1A EAndF $e*.ents the- sha%% ta;e u. "P> in thei* hands'-[A+: and if an- >.oison of death>N-[R> dead%- thing+ the- sha%% d*in;! it sha%% not N[R> b- no #eans+ hu*t the#: on the infi*# the- sha%% %a- thei* hands! and the- sha%% be >#ade who%e&[P> hea%ed+N[R> *e1o3e*+> K[Ga> And thei* hands the- sha%% be %a-ing on the infi*#! and thea*e #ade who%e(+ 1?:1C Now ou* 6o*d Yeshua! afte* He >1o##anded His Ta%#idi#>N[P&R> 1on3e*sed with the#+! >was [R> *e1ei3ed+-&ta;en u.N-[P> as1ended+> EinFto Hea3en! and He sat on the Right EHandF of E%ohi#&God( K[Ga> And Yeshua-[Ga3> ou* $a3iou*+ went u. "Ga3> to Hea3en'! and sat on the Right EhandF of His Pathe*(+ 1?:)G /ut-[P&R> And+ the- went fo*th and .*o1%ai#ed in e3e*.%a1e! K>Adonai&YH9H&The-67R8 being with the# in a%%>N-[P> And ou* 6o*d aided the#+! and thei* wo*d He was 1onfi*#ing b- signs that the- we*e doing( 5G)&P&R+ K[R(((the 6o*d wo*;ing with Ethe#F and 1onfi*#ing the 4o*d th*ough the signs(+ [#EVF> And the- .*o#.t%- *e.o*ted a%% these inst*u1tions to Befa and his 1o#.anions( And afte* that! Yeshua Hi#se%f sent out th*ough the# f*o# east to west the sa1*ed and i#.e*ishab%e .*o1%a#ation of ete*na% $a%3ation(+-EThis .a*ag*a.h whi1h a few #anus1*i.ts .%a1e afte* ;(1?:A a few #anus1*i.ts .%a1e he*e(F [R> A#aine(+ [G1&G)> He*e ends the Good-News of a*;+

Messianic Nat:ratim Version .rom 9vangelion ;a7MePharreshe 3f 2uke /nd alternate reading from the ancient Syriac /ramaic Peshitta '!ncluding other various ancient manuscri#t readings( QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 0he 6ood7News /ccording 0o 2SD9 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ K[G1> /e1ause #an- ha3e wished to w*ite and to de1%a*e 1on1e*ning those #atte*s whi1h a#ong us ha3e been 1o#.%eted! K[R> $eeing that #an- did ta;e in hand to set in o*de* a na**ation of the #atte*s that ha3e been fu%%- assu*ed a#ong us!+ K[P> $in1e #an- ha3e been dis.osed to w*ite na**ati3es of those e3ents! of whi1h we ha3e fu%% assu*an1e!+ 1:) As the- who f*o# >of o%d&[PR> the fi*st+> we*e e-ewitnesses and se*3ants of the 4o*d ha3e de%i3e*ed to us! 1:2 0 has see#ed EgoodF to #e! e3en #e! who ha3e in3estigated the# a%% f*o# the beginning! 1a*efu%%- one b- one to w*ite Ethe#F to -ou! i%%ust*ious Theo.hi%os! K[R> 0t see#ed good a%so to #e! ha3ing fo%%owed f*o# the fi*st afte* a%% things eLa1t%-! to w*ite to -ou in o*de*! #ost nob%e Theo.hi%os!+ K[P> 0t see#ed .*o.e* fo* #e a%so! as 0 had eLa#ined the# a%% a11u*ate%-! to w*ite out the who%e! #ethodi1a%%-! fo* -ou! eL1e%%ent Theo.hi%os:+ 1:< That -ou #a- ;now the t*uth&[P> 1e*taint-+ of the wo*ds&things whi1h -ou ha3e been taught( 1:= The*e was in the da-s of He*od the ;ing of Y>hudah! a 1e*tain Cohen whose na#e was H>;ha*-ah of the [P> #inist*ation+&di3isionN[R> 1ou*se+ of >"R'-/eit>-A3i-ah! and his wife was-"R' of the daughte*s of Aha*on [R> and+ he* na#e was-"R' E%ishe3a( 1:? Now both of the# we*e [P> u.*ight+&*ighteous befo*e E%ohi#&God! "R> and we*e' wa%;ing in a%% His&[R> the+ #itD3ot&1o##and#ents! and in-"R' the [P> *ighteousness+&u.*ightnessN[R4> o*dinan1es+ of Adonai& YH9H&The-67R8! Kand [Ge> the-+ we*e b%a#e%ess in a%% thei* >waof %ife&[5G1>Ge> habitation+>( K[R>(((! b%a#e%ess(+ K[P>(((! without *e.*oa1h(+ 1:@ /ut no son&[PR> 1hi%d+ had the-! be1ause E%ishe3a was ba**en! and both of the# we*e [R> we%%+ >ad3an1ed in&[P> #an- in thei*+> [R> thei*+ da-s( 1:A KNow it had 1o#e to .ass when he was se*3ing in the o*de* of the

Cohani# befo*e E%ohi#&God! K[PR> And it o11u**ed! that as he .e*fo*#ed the&[R> as+ Cohani# "R'-duties in the o*de* of his #inist*ation&[R> 1ou*se+ befo*e The-6o*d&[R> E%ohi#&God+! 1:C KEThatF in the 1usto# of the se*3i1e of Cohani# >it had a**i3ed to hi#&[R> his %ot was+> to >b*ing in&[R> #a;e+> in1ense: >and when he ente*ed&[P> ha3ing gone into+> the Te#.%e [R> of The 6o*d+! K[P> A11o*ding to the usage of the Cohani#! it fe%% to hi# to offe* the in1ense( And he went into the Te#.%e of The 6o*d!+ 1:1G KA nu#be* of the .eo.%e we*e standing and .*a-ing at the season of the in1ense( K[PR> And the who%e #u%titude of the .eo.%e we*e .*a-ing without! at the ti#e&[R> hou*+ of the in1ense(+ 1:11 And the*e a..ea*ed unto hi#! Ee3enF H>;ha*-ah! an ange% of YH9H& The-67R8&Adonai standing on the *ight [PR> side+&EhandF of the a%ta* of [R> the+ in1ense: 1:1) And he&[PR> H>;ha*-ah+ [R> ha3ing seen+ was 5agitated>&t*oub%ed "PR> and t*e#b%ed' "R> when he saw' >the ange%&[P> hi#+-"R'>! and fea* fe%% u.on hi#( 1:12 The ange% sa-s unto hi#: Pea* not! H>;ha*-ah: fo* "PR> beho%d! KE%ohi#&God has hea*;ened unto the 3oi1e of' -ou* .*a-e* [PERF> is hea*d+! and -ou* wife E%ishe3a sha%% bea* -ou a son! and -ou sha%% 1a%% his na#e Yo1hanan( K[Gae> !((( -ou* .*a-e* has been hea*d befo*e E%ohi#&God!(((+ 1:1< And -ou sha%% ha3e Oo- and boasting&[GePR> g%adness+! and #ansha%% *eOoi1e [PR> at+&in his bi*th: 1:1= /e1ause he sha%% be g*eat befo*e Adonai&The-67R8&YH9H! and wine and&[P> no*+ st*ong d*in; he sha%% not d*in;! and with >Rua1h HaBodesh& The Ho%- $.i*it> he sha%% be fi%%ed >whi%e -et he is in&[PR>e3en f*o#+> the wo#b of his #othe*! 1:1? And #an- of 5G1+[P> the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae% sha%% he tu*n to Adonai &YH9H thei* God(+ 1:1@ [PERF> And he sha%% go&[#> 1o#e nigh+ befo*e Hi#&[A#> His fa1e+ in the s.i*it and .owe* of E%i-ahu the P*o.het! and wi%%-"R' tu*n the hea*t[s 5R+ of the-"R' fathe*s unto the-"R' 1hi%d*en! and the# that a*e disobedient to the ;now%edge&[R> wisdo#+ of the *ighteous! Kand wi%% .*e.a*e a .e*fe1t .eo.%e fo* Adonai&YH9H( K[R>(((! to #a;e *ead- fo* Adonai&YH9H! a .eo.%e .*e.a*ed(+ 1:1A And H>;ha*-ah said to the ange%: How sha%% 0 ;now thisI Po* 0 a# o%d! and #- wife is ad3an1ed in he* da-s( 1:1C The ange% answe*ed! and said to hi#: 0 a# Ga3*i>e%! who standEsF [R> nea*+ befo*e E%ohi#&God: and 0 a# sent to 1on3e*se with -ou! and to

te%%&[R> .*o1%ai# to+ -ou these things&[R> good news+( 1:)G Hen1efo*th&[R> And beho%d+ -ou wi%% be #ute! and unab%e to s.ea;! unti% the da- when these things ta;e .%a1e -be1ause -ou be%ie3ed not #wo*ds! that sha%% be 1o#.%eted in thei* ti#e&[R> season+( 1:)1 And the .eo.%e "R> we*e standing' and waiting fo* H>;ha*-ah: and "R> the- and the-' wonde*ed at his ta**-ing "R> so %ong' in the Te#.%e( 1:)) And >when H>;ha*-ah&[R> ha3ing+> 1a#e fo*th! he 1ou%d not s.ea; with the#! and the- unde*stood&[R> .e*1ei3ed+ that he had seen a 3ision in the Te#.%e -and he >#ade #an- signs&5nodded to to nod>> to the#! and *e#ained s.ee1h%ess( 1:)2 And [R> it 1a#e to .ass+ when the da-s of his #inist*ation we*e a11o#.%ished! he 1a#e to his house( 1:)< And "R> it was' afte* those da-s! "R'-that E%ishe3a his wife 1on1ei3ed( And she se1%uded he*se%f fi3e #onths: and she said: 1:)= >These things>&-[R> Thus+ has Adonai&YH9H done fo*&[R> to+ #e! in the da-s when He >%oo;ed u.on #e>&-[4> 1ondes1ended+! to ta;e awa- #*e.*oa1h a#ong #en( 1:)?@ And in the siLth #onth! the ange% Gab*ie% was sent bE%ohi#&God into haGa%i%! to a 1it- na#ed NatDe*et! 1:)@ To a 3i*gin bet*othed&5es.oused> to a #an whose na#e was Yosef! of the house of 8a3id: and the 3i*gin>s na#e was&[R>EF+ i*-a#( 1:)A KAnd the ange% ente*ed the house and said to he*: $ha%o# to -ou! --ou fu%% of g*a1eJ Adonai&YH9H is with -ou! and b%essed a*e -ou a#ong wo#en( K[R> And the ange%&#essenge* ha3ing 1o#e in unto he*! said: $ha%o#! fa3o*ed one! the 6o*d EisF with -ou: "A> b%essed Ea*eF -ou a#ong wo#en'(+ K[GaEeF> Po* when Ga3*i>e% announ1ed unto he* Ethe good tidingsF ((( he said unto he*: $ha%o#-5hai%> to -ou! b%essed a#ong wo#enJ+ ENo t*a1e of the othe* 1%auses in the abo3e teLts "Ga&e'F( 1:)C And "A> when she saw Ehi#F'! she was t*oub%ed&5agitated> b- his s.ee1h&[R> wo*d+: and >she .onde*ed&[R> was *easoning+>! [R> of+ what [R> ;ind+ this sa%utation 1ou%d #ean&[R> be+( 1:2G KAnd the ange% said to he*: Pea* not! i*-a#: fo* -ou ha3e found fa3o* with E%ohi#&God( K[Ga> /eho%d! -ou ha3e found g*a1e befo*e E%ohi#&God(+ 1:21 Po* beho%d! -ou wi%% 1on1ei3e in -ou*&[R> the+ wo#b! and wi%% bea* &[R> b*ing fo*th+ a $on! and wi%%-"R' 1a%% His Na#e Yeshua( 1:2) He sha%% be g*eat! and sha%% be 1a%%ed the $on of HaE%-on&5The ost High>! and Adonai&YH9H E%ohi#&God sha%% gi3e Hi# the

th*one of His fathe* 8a3id( 1:22 And He sha%% *eign o3e* the house of Ya,a;o3 >fo* e3e*&[R> to the ages+>: and of His *eign the*e sha%% be no end( 1:2< And i*-a# said to the ange%: How 1an&[R> sha%%+ this be! Kas 0 ha3e not ;nown a #anI K[R>(((! seeing a husband 0 do not ;nowI+ 1:2= The ange% *e.%ied! and said to he*: The >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%$.i*it> wi%% 1o#e [R> u.on -ou+! and the Powe* of HaE%-on&5The ost High> sha%% o3e*shadow -ou: the*efo*e KHe that is bo*n of -ou is ho%-! and wi%% be 1a%%ed >Ha/en E%ohi#&The $on of God>( K[R>((( a%so that ho%- begotten-being&51GAG> "A> of -ou'! sha%% be 1a%%ed /en-E%ohi#&5$on of God>(+ K[4> that ho%- thing that is begotten sha%% be 1a%%ed the $on (((+ 1:2? And beho%d! E%ishe3a -ou* *e%ati3e! e3en she too has 1on1ei3ed a son in he* o%d age: and this is the siLth #onth with he* who is 1a%%ed ba**en( 1:2@ /e1ause >nothing is diffi1u%t fo*&[R> not an- thing wi%% be i#.ossib%e with+N[4> no wo*d sha%% be i#.ossib%e with+> E%ohi#&God( 1:2A [P> [R> And+ i*-a# said: /eho%d! 0 a# the hand#aid of The 6o*d: be it to #e! a11o*ding to -ou* wo*d( And EthenF de.a*ted 5P+[G1> the ange% f*o# he*( 1:2C@ [G1> And i*-a# a*ose in those "P'-sa#e da-s and went u. >with 1a*e&[PERF> hasti%-+> to the [R> hi%% 1ount*-+Nhi%%E1ount*-F&[P> #ountain Edist*i1tF+ to a town of Y>hudah( 1:<G And "PR'-she [R> into+ ente*ed the house of H>;ha*-ah! and g*eeted E%ishe3a! 1:<1 And it >1a#e to .ass&[P> was so that+> when E%ishe3a hea*d the g*eeting of i*-a#! the [P> 1hi%d+&bab- %ea.t in he* wo#b! and [P> she+ &E%ishe3a was fi%%ed with >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>( 1:<) And with a %oud 3oi1e she 1*ied out and said "R> unto i*-a#': You a*e b%essed a#ong wo#en! and b%essed is the f*uit of -ou* wo#bJ 1:<2 K4hat is it EthatF has done #e this! -that the #othe* of #6o*d shou%d 1o#e unto #eI K[PR> And Ef*o#F whe*e is this to #e! -(((+ 1:<< Po* beho%d! [P> as+&when the 3oi1e of -ou[* 5P+ g*eeting fe%%& [R> 1a#e+ [P> u.on+&inN[R> to+ #- ea*s! with g*eat-"R' Oo- %ea.ed the [P> 1hi%d+&bab- in #- wo#bJ 1:<= KAnd ha..- is "R> it fo*' he*&[R> she+ who sha%%&[R> did+ be%ie3e! that&[R> fo*+ the*e >1o#es to .ass&[R> sha%% be+> a 1o#.%etion >fo* those&[R> to the+> things "R> that we*e' >s.o;en [R> to+-with&[P> to%d+> he* f*o# YH9H&The-67R8&Adonai( K[P> And ha..- is she that be%ie3ed: fo* the*e wi%% be a 1o#.%etion of those things(((+

1:<? K[PR> And+ i*-a# sa-s: - sou% does #agnif- YH9H&The67R8&Adonai! K[Ga> And she g%o*ified! and #agnified! and than;ed YH9H&The67R8! E1ontinues with [Ga+ 3e*se 1:<AF+ 1:<@ And #- s.i*it K>has *eOoi1ed&[P> *eOoi1es+> in E%ohi#&God the >6ife-gi3e*&[P> autho* of #- %ife+>! K[R>((( was g%ad on E%ohi#&God #- $a3iou*(+ 1:<A K>0n that&[PR> Po*+> He has %oo;ed u.on the [P> hu#b%e 1ondition+& %ow%iness of His bond-se*3ant: fo*&[PERF> and! beho%d+ f*o# now a%% gene*ations "4'-wi%% >be 1a%%ing #e ha..-&[P> as1*ibe-5gi3e> b%essedness to #e+N[4> 1a%% #e b%essed+>! K[Ga> E1ontinued f*o# 1:<?F 0n that He was .%eased with the %ow%iness of His hand-#aiden(+ 1:<C K>[R> Po*+N0n that&[P> And+> He [P> that is ight-+ has done >[P> fo*+&unto> #e g*eat things - KHe! whose Na#e of e*1- is G%o*ified and Ho%- Kunto the age! K1[PR>((( -and Ho%- is His Na#e(+ K)[G> Eo*F 5unto ages and fo* gene*ations to the# that fea* Hi#(>+ -Eand so a%igning with 6;( 1:=G P&R(F 1:=G KAnd [P> His #e*1- is+ u.on the sto1; of the# that fea* Hi#! [P> fo* gene*ations and .oste*ities(+ K[R> And His ;indness EisF to gene*ations of gene*ations! to those fea*ing Hi#! K[Po* 5G>! see 3e*se 1:=Gb! and note K)(+ 1:=1 And-"R' He has-"R' >[R> did .owe*fu%%-+N#ade a do#inion& [P> w*ought 3i1to*-+> with His [4> own+ A*#: and&[R> He+ [P> has+ s1atte*ed [R> ab*oad+ the "PR> unde*standing of the hea*ts of the' .*oud [PR> in the i#agination&[R4> thought+ of thei* hea*t+! 1:=) And-"P' He "R'-has [P> 1ast+&b*ought down the #ight- f*o# thei*-"R' th*ones! and >%ifted u.&[PERF> [R> He+-has eLa%ted+> the %ow%-&[4> hu#b%e+! 1:=2 KAnd He has fi%%ed the .oo* f*o# His goodness and >T K>des.ised5KT5Esent awa-F>> the *i1h e#.t-( K[PKER4F> The hung*- He >has satisfied&[R4> did fi%%+> with good [4+-things-"R'! and the *i1h He [4+-has-"R' sent awa- e#.t-(+ 1:=< "PR'-And He has-"R' >[R> *e1ei3ed again+N[P> aided+&1a*ed fo*> 0s*ae% His [PR>se*3ant+&son! >and "P'-has *e#e#be*ed His #e*1-& [R> to *e#e#be* ;indness+>: K[4> He de%i3e*ed His son 0s*ae%! to *e#e#be* #e*1-(+ 1:== As He s.o;e with&[R4> unto+ [P> the+&ou* fathe*s! with&[R4> to+ A3*aha# and "P4'-with&[R> to+ his seed! >fo* e3e*&[R> to the age& 5fo*e3e*>+>( 1:=? Now&[PR> And+ i*-a# *e#ained [PR> with+&b- E%ishe3a&[R> he*+ about th*ee #onths! and >EthenF *etu*ned&[R> tu*ned ba1;+> to he* ho#e&house( 1:=@@ KAnd when the ti#e of E%ishe3a>s 1hi%d-bea*ing was

a11o#.%ished she bo*e a son! K[PERF> And E%ishe3a>s ti#e of b*inging fo*th a**i3ed and she(((+ 1:=A And he*&[R> the+ neighbo*s and >the #e#be*s of he* fa#i%-& [PE%itFERF> "R> 1hi%d*en of' he* ;ind*ed+> hea*d that >YH9H&The67R8& Adonai> KEhadF [P> #agnified+&#u%ti.%ied His #e*1- unto he*! and thewe*e *eOoi1ing [PR> with+&fo* he*( K[R>((( was #a;ing His ;indness g*eat with he*! (((+ 1:=C And it [R> 1a#e to .ass! on+Nwas&[P> it o11u**ed that on+ the eighth da- EwhenF the- 1a#e to 1i*1u#1ise&/>*it- i%ah the [4> %itt%e+ >[PR> 1hi%d+&%ad>! and the- we*e 1a%%ing hi# b- the na#e of his fathe*! - H>;ha*-ah( 1:?G And his #othe* [PERF> answe*ed and+ said: >Not so&[R> No+>! but he sha%% be 1a%%ed Yo1hanan( 1:?1 And the- sa- unto he*: The*e is no one >in -ou* sto1;&[PR> a#ong -ou* ;ind*ed+> "P> that is' 1a%%ed b- [P> that+&this na#e "PR> Yo1hanan'( 1:?) And the- >had said&[PERF> #ade signs+> unto his fathe* "PR'a%so how&[R> what+ he [ERF+->wished that he shou%d be 1a%%ed&[P> wou%d ha3e hi# na#ed+>: 1:?2 And he-"R' as;ed&[R> ha3ing as;ed+ fo* a w*iting-tab%et and& [R> he+ w*ote >on it&[PERF> and said+> - Yo1hanan is his na#e [P> and e3e*-one was su*.*ised+&[R> and the- did a%% wonde*+( 1:?< And >in the sa#e hou*&[EGFPERF> i##ediate%-+> >was un%oosed the band of his tongue&[PR> his #outh was o.ened! and his tongue:+> and he [PERF> s.o;e and .*aised+&b%essed E%ohi#&God! 1:E?2F&?= "PR> And a%% of the# we*e astonished'( And fea* 5was>&1a#e 5u.>on a%% >thei* neighbo*s&[R> those dwe%%ing a*ound the#+>! and in a%% the >[P> #ountain Edist*i1tF+&hi%%E1ount*-F> of Y>hudah these things&[R> sa-ings+ we*e >being-"R' s.o;en [R> of+&[P> ta%;ed about+>! 1:?? KAnd the-&[R> a%% who hea*d+ we*e %a-ing Ethe#F u. in thei* hea*t[s 5R+ "R> and we*e' sa-ing: K4hat [R> then+ sha%% this %ad& [R> 1hi%d+ be"1o#e 5R'! who#&[R> and+ the hand of YH9H&The67R8&Adonai is&[R> was+ with [R> hi#+I K1[P> And a%% who hea*d! .onde*ed the# in thei* hea*t! and said: 4hat wi%% this 1hi%d beI And the hand of The 6o*d was with hi#(+ K)[9)> 4hat wi%% be1o#e of this 1hi%dI Po* the hand of the 6o*d is with hi#(+ 1:?@ And H>;ha*-ah his fathe* was fi%%ed with >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%$.i*it>! and "P'-he&[R> did+ .*o.hesied&[R> .*o.he1-+ >and said& [R> sa-ing+>: 1:?A /%essed [R>EF+-is&[P> be+ The [PR> Adonai&YH9H+ [R> the+ God of

0s*ae%! >who has 3isited His .eo.%e&[R> be1ause He did %oo; u.on+>! and [PR> w*ought+&#ade fo* [R> His .eo.%e+Nit&the# *ede#.tion! 1:?C And *aised u.-"R' fo*&[R> to+ us a ho*n of [P> *ede#.tion+&%ifeN [R> $a%3ation+ in the house of 8a3id His EbondFs%a3e! 1:@G As He said b- the #outh of His ho%- P*o.hets! >f*o# ete*nit-& [PERF> who we*e-[R> ha3e been+ of-o%d&-[R> f*o# the age++N[4> f*o# the beginning+>: 1:@1 KAnd He has snat1hed us awa- unto %ife! f*o# the hand of ou* ene#ies and of a%% that hate us! K[PERF> >That He wou%d *edee# us&[R> $a%3ation+> f*o# ou* ene#ies! and f*o#-[R> out of+ the hand of a%% >that hate&[R> hating+> us(+ 1:@) K>That He #ight do #e*1-&[R> To do ;indness+> with ou* fathe*s( And "P'->He has *e#e#be*ed&[R> to be #indfu% of+> His Ho%Co3enant"s 5R'! K[P> And He has eLe*1ised His #e*1- to ou* fathe*s! (((+ 1:@2 >[P> And+ the&[R> An+> oath"s 5PR' that He swa*e unto A3*aha# ou* fathe*! 1:@< K>That He wou%d&[R> To+> [P> g*ant+&gi3e unto us! "R'-that without fea* Kwe shou%d [P> wo*shi. befo*e Hi# and to+ be *edee#ed f*o# the hand of ou* ene#ies! K1[4> To g*ant unto us! ha3ing been de%i3e*ed out of the hand of ou* ene#ies! to se*3e Hi# without fea*!+ K)[R>((( out of the hand of ou* ene#ies ha3ing been de%i3e*ed(+ 1:@= K>That we #ight&[R> To+> se*3e befo*e Hi# in u.*ightness&[R> ho%iness+ and in-"R' *ighteousness a%% the da-s of ou* %ife( K[P> A%% ou* da-s! in *e1titude and u.*ightness(+ K[4> 0n ho%iness and *ighteousness befo*e Hi# a%% the da-s of ou* %ife(+ 1:@? And -ou! [4> %itt%e+ [P> 1hi%d+&%ad! [PR> EaF+&the P*o.het of >The -Highest&[P> HaE%-on&5The ost High>+> sha%% -ou be 1a%%ed: [PR> fo*+ -ou sha%% go befo*e the 1ountenan1e&fa1e of YH9H&The67R8&Adonai! to >#a;e *ead-&[PR> .*e.a*e+> His wa-"s 5P'! 1:@@ >That He #a-&[R> To+> gi3e the-"R' ;now%edge of %ife&[R> $a%3ation+ unto His .eo.%e! >b- the&[P> and+N[R> in+> fo*gi3eness& [R> *e#ission+ of thei* sins! 1:@A >/e1ause-of-[R> Th*ough+ the [R> tende* #e*1ies+-#e*1- of "R'-the 1o#.assion&[P> Th*ough the 1o#.assion of the #e*1-+N[4> bowe%s of #e*1-+> of ou* God: Kwhe*ewith He >wi%% 3isit>-[A+ us EasF the sun*ise& [Ge)G> sun+ f*o# on High: K[R>(((: in whi1h the *ising f*o# on High >did %oo;&5has 3isited>> 5u.on> us(+ K[P>(((: whe*eb- the da--s.*ing f*o# on High wi%% 3isit us(+ 1:@C >0t&5You> sha%% shine&[PR> To gi3e %ight+> unto the# "R'-that in da*;ness and in "R> the shadow"s 5P' of' death [R> shades+

a*e-"R' sitting! >that we&5He> #a- di*e1t&[PR> "R'-and to guide+> ou* feet in& [R> to+ the&[R> a+ wa-&.ath of sha%o#&.ea1e( 1:AG KNow the %ad was g*owing u. and waLing st*ong "4>was st*engthened' in s.i*it! and [R> was+ in the wi%de*ness "R> he was' unti% the daof >the showing of hi#&[P> his #anifestation+> unto 0s*ae%( K[PR> And the 1hi%d g*ew! and was st*engthened in s.i*it& 5#ind>!(((+ [91EG1F> and he f%ed into the dese*t unti% the da- of his shewing unto 0s*ae%(+ CHAPTER ) ):1@ KAnd it 1a#e to .ass! in those da-s! Augustus Caesa* had 1o##anded a%% the ea*th that the- shou%d be en*o%%ed( K[PERF> And in those da-s it o11u**ed-[R> 1a#e to .ass+! that a de1*ee went fo*th f*o# Agustus Caesa*! that a%% the >.eo.%e in his do#inion>&-[R> wo*%d+ shou%d be en*o%%ed&5taLed>(+ ):) KNow this was the fi*st en*o%%#ent in the -ea*s of Wui*inus! Go3e*no* of $-*ia( K[R> This *egist*ation fi*st was Edu*ing theF go3e*ning of $-*ia Eb-F C-*enius(+ K[P> And this en*o%%#ent was fi*st #ade unde* the .*esiden1of Wui*inus in $-*ia(+ ):2 KNow e3e*- one 5was going> to be 5en*o%%ed>! e3en f*o# 5his> 1itwas Eea1h oneF going to his .%a1e! that the*e he #ight be en*o%%ed( K[PERF> And e3e*- one went to his own&[R> .*o.e*+ 1it- to be en*o%%ed(+ ):<EaF And Yosef a%so >had gone&[P> went+> u. f*o#&[R> out of+ NatDe*et! "P> a 1it-' of&[R> f*o#+ haGa%i%! to Y>hudah! to the 1itof 8a3id! that is 1a%%ed /eit-6e1he#!K KERead R neLt in ):<b be%owF KE91> 8*( Rende% Ha**is has 1a%%ed attention to the fo%%owing .assage in the Histo*- of the 9ene*ab%e /ede!.()A@: Q8e ut*oMue .otest inte%%igi! Muod di1itu* de do#o 8a3id(Q TE.h*e# on the Gos.e%!.(CAT(F ):= KHe and i*-a# his wife Ewho wasF g*eat with Chi%d! K[R> To en*o% hi#se%f with i*-a# his bet*othed "A'-wife! being with Chi%d(+ K[P> 4ith i*-a# his bet*othed&5es.oused>! Ewho wasF then .*egnant!+ K[4> To en*o%% hi#se%f a%ong with i*-a#! the wife ha3ing been bet*othed to hi#! being in an ad3an1ed state of .*egnan1-(+ KE91> The $inai $( su*e%- 1o#es nea*e* to the t*uth than the Peshitta o* the standa*d G*ee; teLt when it states that i*-a# t*a3e%%ed to /eth%ehe# as the wife of Yosef( Those who a*e we%% a1Muainted with 7*ienta% 1usto#s wi%% 1o**obo*ate #e in sa-ing that the idea of a bet*othed 1ou.%e #a;ing a Oou*ne- togethe* wou%d be 1ont*a*- to a%% thei* notions of .*o.*iet-( i*-a# *etu*ned to he* own ho#e afte* he* 3isit to E%ishe3a: but she was unde* the .*ote1tion of a husband when he* 8i3ine $on was bo*n( The G*ee; wo*d and the Eng%ish Qes.oused wifeQ a*e

a#biguous! both being 1a.ab%e of two inte*.*etations(F ):<EbF K>That the*e the- #ight&[P> To+> be en*o%%ed! Kbe1ause >both of the# we*e&[P> he was+> of the House [P> and %ineage+ of 8a3id( K[R> /e1ause of his being of the house and fa#i%- of 8a3id(+ K[Ga<@)&e1?&E.h*(a*#Eon )Ti#():AF> Eas it is 4*ittenF: Yosef and i*-a# his bet*othed! both of the# we*e of the House of 8a3id(+ ):? KAnd when&[P> was whi%e+ the- we*e the*e! [P> that the+&he* da-s we*e 1o#.%eted [P> fo* he*+ to [P> b*ing fo*th+&bea*! K[R> And it 1a#e to .ass! in thei* being the*e! the da-s we*e 1o#.%eted fo* he* b*inging fo*th!+ ):@ And she ba*e&[PR> b*ought fo*th+ he* [R> 5the>+ Pi*st-bo*n $on: and "PR> she' w*a..ed Hi# in&[R> u.+ K"R'->swadd%ing-1%othes& [P>bandages+>! and [P> %aid+&.ut Hi# [R> down+ in >a-[R> the+ #ange*&[P> the sta%%+>! be1ause K>the*e was no *oo# fo* the#&[P> the- had no .%a1e whe*e the1ou%d %odge(+> K[R> the*e was not fo* the# a .%a1e in the guest-1ha#be*(+ K5swadd%ing X bu*ia%> ):A Now&[P> And+ the*e we*e she.he*d the*e-"PR' in that&[R> the+ >[P> [R> sa#e+ *egion+&sa#e .%a1e>! K5and whi%e> the- we*e wat1hing and ; gua*d o3e* thei* ewes( K[R>(((! %odging in the fie%d! and ; the night-wat1hes o3e* thei* f%o1;(+ K[4>(((! tenting out and ; gua*d o3e* thei* f%o1; bnight(+ K[P>(((! who abode the*e and ;e.t wat1h of thei* f%o1;s bnight(+ [91EG1F> and the- we*e awa;e and we*e ; wat1h o3e* thei* ewes(+ ):C K"R> The*e a..ea*ed unto' [R> And beho%d-"A'! stood o3e*+ the# an ange% 5of YH9H&The-67R8> "R> standing 5b- the#>' and the G%o*- of YH9H& The-67R8 >was shining&[PR> shone+> u.on&[R> a*ound+ the#! and thefea*ed "R'-with a g*eat fea*( K[P> And beho%d! the ange% of E%ohi#&God 1a#e to the#! (((+ ):1G [R> And+ the ange% said unto the#: Pea* "PR'--ou not: be1ause beho%d! 0 >announ1e unto&[R> b*ing+> -ou [4> the+ [R> good news of+Na g*eat Oo- that sha%% be [PR> to+&fo* a%% the wo*%d&[R> .eo.%e+! ):11 That&[PR> Po*+ the*e >has been&[PR> is+> bo*n fo*&[R> to+ -ou toda- a [R> $a3iou*+N6ife-Gi3e*&[P> 8e%i3e*e*+! who is KYH9H&The67R8 Ha ashia1h! in the 1it- of 8a3id( K[R>((( ashia1h& essiah The-6o*d&5YH9H> (((+ K[Ge)@&$YR.a%set>((( YH9H&The-67R8>s essiah!(((+-Ehowe3e*F[G1&P> ((( YH9H Ha ashia1h (((+J K[9)>((( the Anointed of the 67R8(+ ):1) K>TK>/eho%d! this5KT&[G1EedF> /eho%d! and He+N[PR> And this+>

EisF fo*&[R> to+ -ou the sign: -ou wi%% find&[R> see+ the&[R> a+ 6ad&[P> /ab-+ w*a..ed [R> u.! %-ing in+ "R> in K>swadd%ing-1%othes&[P> bandages+> and %aid&[P> .%a1ed+ in' a&[R> the+ #ange*&[P> sta%%+( K[91EG1F> /eho%d! 0 gi3e -ou a sign: (((+ K1[EPe*ha.s the $1*ibe #eant the teLt to #eanF:5(((the essiah! in the 1it- of 8a3id: He Hi#se%f to -ou has 1o#e( You wi%% find(((+ K)E5swadd%ing X bu*ia%>F ):12 KAnd sudden%- the*e a..ea*ed b- hi# a host! and the #anange%s 5of Hea3en> g%o*if- E%ohi#&God and sa-: K[R> And sudden%- the*e 1a#e with the ange% a #u%titude of the Hea3en%- host! .*aising E%ohi#&God and sa-ing:+ K[P> And instant%- the*e we*e seen with the ange%! the #anhosts of Hea3en! .*aising E%ohi#&God and sa-ing:+ ):1< KG%o*- to E%ohi#&God in >the highest&[Ga2A=> Hea3en+>! and sha%o#& .ea1e in&[PR> u.on+ ea*th! Kand fa3o*&[GaGeP> good ho.e+ [P> fo*+&to the sons of #en( K[#>(((! .ea1e! good .%easu*e a#ong #en(+ K[A>(((! a#ong #en! in who# He is we%% .%eased(+ K[R>(((! a#ong #en - good wi%%(+ K[Ga1AG> $ha%o# in Hea3en! and G%o*- in ea*th! (((+ K[4>(((! good a#ong #en(+ KE91&G> QAnd good-wi%% to #en!Q the *eading of ou* Autho*iDed 9e*sion "in G'(F ):1= KAfte* those ange%s went awa- f*o# the# to Hea3en! the she.he*ds we*e sa-ing one to the othe*: Co#e! %et us 5go> to /eit-6e1he# and see this whi1h has 1o#e to .ass! as the ange% has showed us( K[PERF> And it >was so&[R> 1a#e to .ass+>! "R'-that when the ange%s had gone [R> awa-+ f*o# the# "R> in'to [R> the+ Hea3en[s 5R+! [R> that the #en+ the she.he*ds >1onfe**ed with&[R> said unto+> one anothe*! "R> and said': >6et us go down&[R> 4e #ago o3e* indeed+> unto /eit-6e1he#! and see this thing&5wo*d> that has o11u**ed-[R> 1o#e to .ass+! a-[R> that+ Adonai&YH9H has[R> did+ #ade ;nown to us(+ ):1? And >the- went&[PR> 1a#e+> hasti%--[R> ha3ing hasted+ and [R> both+ found Yosef and i*-a#! and the /ab- %aid&[R> %-ing+ in >a-[R> the+ #ange*&[P> the sta%%+>! ):1@ And [R> ha3ing seen+N[P> when the- saw+ the- de1%a*ed& [PR> #ade ;nown+ "A'-[R> ab*oad+ Kthat&[P> the info*#ation&5wo*d>+ whi1h was >s.o;en with&[P> gi3en to+> the# about >that sa#e 6ad&[P> the Chi%d+>( K[R>((( 1on1e*ning the sa-ing s.o;en to the# 1on1e*ning the Chi%d(+ ):1A KNow e3e*- one that was hea*ing f*o# the she.he*ds when the- we*e de1%a*ing about the things that the- saw and hea*d! we*e astonished and wonde*ing! K[PR> And a%% that hea*d wonde*ed at-[R> 1on1e*ning+ the

things >that we*e to%d-[R> s.o;en unto+> the# b- the she.he*ds(+ ):1C K/ut i*-a# e3e*-thing was %a-ing in he* hea*t and was 1o#.a*ing Ethe#F in he* #ind( K[PR> And i*-a# >%aid u.&[R> was .*ese*3ing+> a%% these things& 5wo*ds>! >and .onde*ed the#&[R> .onde*ing+> in he* hea*t(+ ):)G And those&[PR> the+ she.he*ds *etu*ned g%o*if-ing [PR> and .*aising+ E%ohi#&God Kand s.ea;ing about the things that the- saw and hea*d! as was said unto the#( K[PR>((( fo* a%% that-[R> those things+ the- >had seen&[R> saw+> and hea*d! as it was to%d-[R> s.o;en unto+ the#(+ ):)1@ KAnd when eight da-s we*e 1o#.%eted Kthe %ad was b>*it#i%ah& 1i*1u#1ised! and His Na#e was 1a%%ed Yeshua! as was said b- the ange% befo*e He was 1on1ei3ed in the wo#b: K1[P> And when the eight da-s fo* the-[A> His+ />*it- i%ah "A> of the 1hi%d' we*e 1o#.%eted! His Na#e was 1a%%ed Yeshua: as He was na#ed b- the ange% (((+ K)[R>((( to />*it- i%ah the Chi%d! then was His Na#e 1a%%ed Yeshua! ha3ing been so 1a%%ed b- the ange% befo*e His being 1on1ei3ed in the wo#b(+ ):)) KAnd the da-s of His 1%eansing we*e finished! as it is 4*itten in the To*ah of oshe( Then the- too; Hi# u. to Ye*usha%a-i#! that the#ight #a;e Hi# stand befo*e YH9H&The-67R8! K[PR> And when the da-s of thei* .u*ifi1ation we*e 1o#.%eted! a11o*ding to the To*ah of oshe! the- [4+-1a**ied-[R> b*ought+ Hi# [R4> u.+ to Ye*usha%a-i#! to .*esent "R'-Hi#-[4+ befo*e[R4> to+ Adonai&YH9H(+ ):)2 As it is&[R> has been+ 4*itten in the To*ah of YH9H&The-67R8: KE3e*- fi*st-bo*n E#adeF o.ening the #at*iL! the ho%- one of YH9H& The-67R8 He sha%% be 1a%%ed! K[PR>(((: that-"R' e3e*- #a%e o.ening the-[R> a+ wo#b sha%% be 1a%%ed ho%- to Adonai&YH9H!+ ):)< And >that he #ight&[PR> to+> gi3e "PR'-the sa1*ifi1e! [PR> a11o*ding+ >as [P> it+ is 4*itten&[R> to that said+> in the To*ah of YH9H&The-67R8: A .ai* of tu*t%e-do3es! o* two -oung do3es& [PR> Pigeons+( ):)= Now&[PR> And+ [R> beho%d+ the*e was a "R'-1e*tain #an in Ye*usha%a-i#! - [PR> whose+&his na#e was&[R>EF+ $hi#>on! Ku.*ight he was and *ighteous! and he was *e1ei3ing the su..%i1ation of 0s*ae%! and >Rua1h Ha;odesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> the*e-"PR' was u.on hi#: K[PR>(((! [R> and+ this #an was-[R>EF+ u.*ight and Oust-[R> de3out+! >and was waiting>-[R> %oo;ing+ fo* the 1onso%ation-[R> 1o#fo*ting+ of 0s*ae%! (((+ ):)? And it had been [R> di3ine%- to%d+Nsaid unto&[P> to%d+ hi# b5that> >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>! "R'-that death >he shou%d&[R> to+> not see unti%&[R> befo*e+ he shou%d see >YH9H>s&The-67R8>s essiah

&[Ge))?> YH9H ashia1h& essiah+N[PERF> [R> the+ essiah of KThe 6o*d+>( K[in P> The 6o*d X 5YH9H&The 6o*d>+ ):)@ >And he&[P> This #an+> 1a#e in&[P> b-+ the Rua1h&$.i*it >[P> into+ &unto> the Te#.%e Ea*eaF!and when His .a*ents >we*e b*inging Hi# in! Ee3enF the 6ad&[PERF> b*ought in the 1hi%d+> Yeshua! K>that the#ight& [P> to+> do fo* Hi# as is 1o##anded in the To*ah! K[4>(((! that the- #a- do a11o*ding to the .*o3isions of To*ah 1on1e*ning Hi#(+ ):)A [R> Then+ He - >$hi#>on-"R' - *e1ei3ed&[PR> too;+> Hi# in his a*#s! and b%essed E%ohi#&God and [R> he+ said: ):)C KHen1efo*th You do dis#iss hi#&5E#-se%fF>! - 6o*d! in sha%o#& .ea1e - e3en -ou* se*3ant! as You ha3e said( K[PR> --"R' 6o*d! now *e%ease-[R> send awa-+ You You* se*3ant in sha%o#&.ea1e! >as You ha3e said>-[R> a11o*ding to You* 4o*d+(+ ):2G Po* "R'-beho%d! #- e-es ha3e seen You* #e*1-&[R> $a%3ation+N[6it( Heb(> Yeshu,ah+! ):21 4hi1h You ha3e [R+->#ade *ead- befo*e the 1ountenan1e5fa1e>&[P> .*e.a*ed in the .*esen1e+> of a%% the-"P' go-i#&nations! ):2) - A 6ight >fo*-[4> unto the+-5a> *e3e%ation to-[4> of+ the&[R> to the un1o3e*ing of+> [4> the+ nations&go-i#! and a-[4> the+ g%o*[P> fo*+&of-[R4+ You* .eo.%e 0s*ae%( ):22 Now&[R> And+ [A+->His fathe*&[PR> Yosef+> and "A'-His #othe* we*e astonished&[R> wonde*ing+ at the&[P> those+ things "R> that we*e' "PR'-being s.o;en about Hi#( ):2< And $hi#>on b%essed the# and said unto i*-a# His #othe*: /eho%d! this E1hi%dF is set in 0s*ae% fo* the fa%%[ing 5R+ and "R> fo* the' *ising [R> again+ of #an-! and fo* a [P> standa*d+&sign >of 1ontention "P> that is s.o;en of'&[R> s.o;en against+>: ):2= KAnd [R> a%so+ -ou* own sou% "R'--ou sha%% "R'-1ause a s.ea*&[R> swo*d+ to-"R' .ass th*ough&[Ge>"I'awa-+! that the thoughts&[R> *easonings+ #a- be *e3ea%ed&[P> dis1%osed+ f*o# the >hea*ts of #an-& [R> #an- hea*ts+>! K[P> 5And a%so a da*t wi%% .ie*1e -ou* own sou%>! (((+ K[E1f 0shodad EHa**is!.(2<F:$(E.h*ai#:> Th*ough -ou* sou%! Esa-s heF -ou sha%% 1ause a s.ea* to .ass! that the*e #a- be *e3ea%ed f*o# the hea*ts #an- #inds - those who doubted(+-[Ge)Af has th*ee ti#es:> You sha%% 1ause a swo*d to .ass! Eas in the teLt he*eF&U( A*#itage Robinson Ein theF Gua*dian&fo* 8e1(1A!1AC=(+ ):2?@ And [R> the*e was+ Chanah a%so-"PR'! a P*o.hetess! "R'the daughte* of P>nu>e% of the t*ibe of Ashe* - and-"R' she "R'-a%so was [P> aged+&ad3an1ed [R> #u1h+ in da-s! Kand se3en Kda-s on%with a husband she was afte* he* 3i*ginit-!

K1[RE4F>(((! ha3ing %i3ed with a-[4> he*+ husband se3en -ea*s f*o# he* 3i*ginit-!+ K1[P>(((! and! f*o# he* #aidenhood! had %i3ed se3en -ea*s with he* husband!+ K)[G-E.h*(6a#- iiiA12> $e3en da-s she had been with a husband+ ):2@ K/ut the *est of he* wa- of %ife in widowhood was eight- and fou* -ea*s! - this .e*son f*o# the Te#.%e Ea*eaF used not to go fo*th! "R'-and&[P> but+ with fasting and "PR'-with "R'-.*a-e* "P> and with su..%i1ation'-[R+ "R'-b- da- and "R'-b- night >used to se*3e EE%ohi#& GodF&[P> wo*shi..ed+N[R> se*3ing+> K[PR> And [R> she+ was a widow >of about&[A> unti% she was+> eight- "R'-and fou* -ea*s! and&[R> who did+ de.a*t"ed 5R' not f*o# the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! (((+ K[4> And she was a widow of about fou*s1o*e -ea*s! (((+ ):2A KAnd she a%so&[P> too+ stood u. in >the sa#e&[P> that+> hou* and ga3e than;s to YH9H&The-67R8! and >she-"R' was s.ea;ing&[P> s.o;e+> about Hi# TK>with5KT&[PR> to+ Ke3e*- one >that was announ1ing a *ede#.tion of Ye*usha%a-i#N5that a *ede#.tion of Ye*usha%a-i# was being announ1ed>&[P> that waited fo* the *ede#.tion of Ye*usha%a-i#+>( K1[R> And she! at that hou*! ha3ing 1o#e in! was 1onfessing! %i;ewise! to >Adonai&YH9H-&[A> God+>! (((+ K)[R>((( a%% those %oo;ing fo* *ede#.tion in Ye*usha%a-i#(+ ):2C KNow Yosef and i*-a#! when the- finished in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF 1on1e*ning the Pi*st-bo*n e3e*-thing that is 4*itten in the To*ah! [PR> the-+ *etu*ned&[R> tu*ned ba1;+ to haGa%i%! to NatDe*et thei* 1it-( K[PR> And when the- had a11o#.%ished&[R> finished+ a%% things! a11o*ding to the To*ah of Adonai&YH9H! (((+ ):<G KNow the %ad was g*owing u. and waLing st*ong Kand being fi%%ed with wisdo#! and the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God was u.on Hi#( K[PR> And the 1hi%d g*ew! and was st*engthened "A> in #ind& 5s.i*it>'! >and was&[R> being+> fi%%ed (((+ K[4>((( being fu%% of wisdo#! and (((+ ):<1 And His *e%ati3es e3e*- -ea* >we*e going&[P> went+> "R'-u. to Ye*usha%a-i# at the Peast&Pesti3a% of "PR> >Sn%ea3ened /*ead&Chag Ha atDot> of' [PR> the+ Pesa1h&Passo3e*: K[4> And His .a*ents we*e going! a11o*ding to 1usto#! into Ye*usha%a-i# at the Peast of the Passo3e*(+ ):<)@ And when He was&[R> be1a#e+ twe%3e -ea*s o%d! the- went& [R>ha3ing gone+ u. [R> to Ye*usha%a-i#+! >as the- we*e a11usto#ed! to& [R4> a11o*ding to the 1usto# of+> the Peast( ):<2 KAnd when the da-s "P> of the Peast' we*e finished&[P> 1o#.%eted+ the- *etu*ned! and&[P> but+ the [P> 1hi%d+&%ad Yeshua >sta-ed Eba1;F f*o#-[G1> afte*+ the# in&[P> *e#ained at+> Ye*usha%a-i#! and >[PR> Yosef and His #othe*+&His [A> .a*ents+-*e%ati3es> ;new EitF not!

K[R> And ha3ing finished the da-s! in thei* *etu*ning! the 1hi%d Yeshua *e#ained behind in (((+ ):<< KPo* the- we*e su..osing that with thei* He went fo*th Ea%soF! and when 5the- had 1o#e a Oou*ne-> of one da- the- we*e see;ing Hi#! Ee3enF Yeshua! a#ong thei* and a#ong thei* *e%ati3es and a#ong whosoe3e* ;new the#( K[R> And ha3ing su..osed Hi# to be in the! thewent a da->s Oou*ne-! and we*e see;ing Hi# a#ong the *e%ati3es and a#ong the a1Muaintan1es(+ K[P> Po* the- su..osed He was with His 1o#.anions-5sons of the>( And when the- had t*a3e%%ed a da->s Oou*ne-! thesought hi# a#ong thei* .eo.%e! and 5inMui*ed> of e3e*- one that ;new the#(+ ):<= KAnd "P'-when the- found Hi# not! [P> And+ the- *etu*ned [P>again+ to Ye*usha%a-i#! >and the*e the- we*e see;ing&[P> sea*1hing fo*+> Hi#( K[R> And not ha3ing found Hi#! the- tu*ned ba1; to Ye*usha%a-i# see;ing Hi#(+ ):<? And [R> it 1a#e to .ass+ afte* th*ee da-s! the- found Hi# in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! sitting a#idst the tea1he*s! Kand >He was hea*ing& [P> %istening to+> the# and "P'-was as;ing the# EMuestionsF( K[R>(((! both hea*ing the# and Muestioning the#(+ ):<@ And a%% >of the#&[P> the-+> "R> that we*e' hea*ing Hi# we*e astonished! "PR> and we*e wonde*ing' at His wisdo#&[R> unde*standing+ and "PR'-at His-"R' answe*s( ):<A And when >His *e%ati3es found&[P> the- saw+N[R> ha3ing seen+> Hi#! the- we*e astonished&[PR> a#aDed+: and His #othe* sa-s to Hi#: > - $on& [R> Chi%d+>! >whe*efo*e&[PR> wh-+> 5G1+[G1G)> ha3e You done to us thusI Po*-"R' beho%d! >we&[G1R>You* fathe* and 0+N[Ge> 0 and You* fathe*+> "G1R> in t*oub%e and'-[Ge+ K>in #u1h .e*tu*bation&[P> with g*eat anLiet-+> ha3e been see;ing [P> fo*+ You( K[R>((( so**owing! we*e see;ing You(+ ):<C [R> And+ He sa-s unto the#: 4h- [R> Eis itF that+ >[P> did+Na*e& [G1R> we*e+> -ou see;"ing 5P' eI Bnow&[G1> Bnew+ -ou not that at& [PR4> in+ the&[G1P> -+ KPathe*>s House it [R+Nis-ne1essa*-&[G1> wasne1essa*-+ e to beI K[R>((( things of - Pathe* it (((+ ):=G [R> And+NNow&[P> /ut+ the- did not [PR> 1o#.*ehend+&*e1ogniDe the wo*d&[R> sa-ing+ that He said&[PR> s.o;e+ unto the#( ):=1 And He went down with the# and 1a#e to NatDe*et! and [R> He+ was subOe1t&[P> obedient+ to the#! but&[PR> and+ His #othe* a%% these& [G1>

the+ [R> sa-ings+Nwo*ds&[P> things+ Kwas ; "G1> in >he*& [EG)F+TK>5His>5KT> #ind&[R> hea*t+'( K[P> (((%aid u. in he* hea*t(+ ):=) KNow&[P> And+ Yeshua >was g*owing u. in His&[P> in1*eased in+> statu*e! and "P> [G1> was+ in1*easing' in "P'-His wisdo# and in "P'-His g*a1e [P> befo*e+&with E%ohi#&God! and "P'-with #en( K[R> And Yeshua was ad3an1ing in wisdo#! and in statu*e! and in fa3o* with E%ohi#&God and #en(+ CHAPTER 2 2:1@ >Now is&[PR> And in+> the fifteenth -ea*! Kin the *eign of Tibe*ius&[G)> Tibe*inus+ Caesa*! in the Go3e*no*shi. of Pontius Pi%ate in [G)E1F> Y>hudah+&[GE1FP> Y>hudiah+! [P> whi%e+&[R> and+ He*od [P> was+& being-"R' Tet*a*1h in&[R> of+ haGa%i%! and Phi%i.! his b*othe* Tet*a*1h in&[R> of+ "PR> the 1ount*- of' 0tu*ea and in&[R> of+ the [PR> *egion+& dist*i1t [P+-of&[G1> in+ T*a1honitis! and 6-sanias Tet*a*1h [PR> of+&in "PR> the 1ount*- of the' Abi%ene! K[R>(((! of the go3e*n#ent of Tibe*ius Caese* - Pontius Pi%ate being go3e*no* of Y>hudah! (((+ 2:) K0n the Cohen haGado% 5Eti#e .e*iodsF> of Anan and of Ba-afa! [R> the*e+ 1a#e-"P' the&[R> a+ 4o*d of E%ohi#&God [P> was+ [R> unto+N u.on Yo1hanan >5the son of>&ben>-H>;ha*-ah! "PR> and he was .*o1%ai#ing' in the wi%de*ness! K[A > 0n the High P*iesthood of (((+ K[R> ECo3e*ing the ti#es whenF Anan and Ba-afa Ewe*eF being Cohen HaGado%! (((+ 2:2 And >in a%% the 1ount*- a*ound&[PR> he 1a#e "P> in'to a%% the *egion about+> haYa*den [PR> .*o1%ai#ing+ the&[R> an+ i##e*sion&#i;3eh of *e.entan1e&[R> *efo*#ation+ fo*&[R> to+ [P> the fo*gi3eness+& *e#ission of sins: 2:< As is&[R> has been+ 4*itten in the .*o.he1-&[PR> s1*o%% of the wo*ds&5dis1ou*ses>+ of Yesha>-ahu the P*o.het [R> sa-ing+N[P> who said+: A&[P> The+ 3oi1e >[4> of one *oa*ing+Nthat 1a%%s&[PR> of one 1*-ing+> in the wi%de*ness! - >[PR> P*e.a*e -ou+&C%ea* -ou&[G1> a;e -ou *ead-+> [PR> the+&a wa- fo*&[PR> of+ YH9H&The-67R8! Kand [P> #a;e+& di*e1t in the .%ain [P> st*aight+ .aths fo* ou* God( K[R>(((! #a;e st*aight -ou His .aths(+ 2:= A%% "PR'-the 3a%%e-s sha%% be fi%%ed [P> u.+! [PERF+-"G1> and a%%' "P'-the hi%%s and [PR> #ountains+&heights K>sha%% be1o#e&[P> be+N [R> sha%% be #ade+> %ow[e*ed 5P+! Kand the *ough sha%% be1o#e %e3e% and the b*o;en 1ount*- a .%ain( K1[4>(((! sha%% be 1ut down! (((+ K)[R>(((! and the 1*oo;ed sha%% be1o#e st*aightness! and the *ough be1o#e s#ooth wa-s(+

K)[P>(((! and the hi%%o1; sha%% be %e3e%ed down! and the *ough .%a1e be1o#e s#ooth(+ K)[Ga>(((! as it is 4*itten that at His 1o#ing the *ough(((+ 2:? "PR4> And the honou* of YH9H&The-67R8 sha%% be *e3ea%ed' and a%% f%esh sha%% see >it togethe*&[GaPERF> the %ife&[R> $a%3ation+ [PR> whi1h is+ of E%ohi#&God+>! "G1aPR> be1ause the #outh of YH9H&The-67R8 has s.o;en(' KE91>T3e*ses =!?T QAnd the g%o*- of the 6o*d sha%% be *e3ea%ed! and a%% f%esh sha%% see it togethe*!Q a%#ost with the Cu*etonian! but without its addition of Qbe1ause the #outh of the 6o*d hath s.o;en!Q both being nea*e* to 0sa(L%(= than othe* #anus1*i.ts a*e( This is a 3e*- good instan1e fo* those who Oudge the Cu*etonian teLt to be an a#.%ifi1ation of the $inai one(F 2:@ And&[R> Then+ he >was sa-ing&[PR> said+> to the #u%titudes that-"R' >we*e-"R' 1o#ing&[P> 1a#e+>! unto&[R> b-+ hi# [G1PR> to be i##e*sed+: [P> You .*ogen-+&offs.*ing of 3i.e*sJ - who >[R> did .*o#.t+Nis it has showed&[P> has inst*u1ted+> -ou to f%ee f*o# the [R> 1o#ing+N [P>futu*e+ w*ath "PR> >that is 1o#ing'&[G1> about Eto beF+>I 2:A K/*ing fo*th the*efo*e f*uits >[P> in-a11o*d with+&a..*o.*iate fo*> *e.entan1e: and do not begin to sa- [P> in -ou*se%3es+! - Po*-"R' [P> ou*+&a fathe* we ha3e A3*aha#! - Po* 0 sa- unto -ou! that E%ohi#& God >is ab%e&[P> 1an+> f*o# these stones "P'-to *aise u.-"R' sons& [R> 1hi%d*en+ to A3*aha#( K[R> a;e the*efo*e f*uits wo*th- of the *efo*#ation: (((+ 2:C And beho%d-"R'! the aLe >[R> a%*ead- a%so is %aid unto+Nhas a**i3ed at&[P> is .ut to+> the *oot of "P'-the t*ees: "PR'-but&[G1> and+ e3e*t*ee [G1PR> the*efo*e+ that-"R' >[R> not #a;ing+Nb*ings not fo*th& [P> bea*s not+> good f*uit"s 5R' is hewn down! and "R'-fa%%s in[to 5PR+ "R'-the fi*e [R> it is 1ast+( 2:1G And the #u%titudes >we*e as;ing&[P> as;ed+N[R> we*e Muestioning+> hi# [PERF> and said+: 4hat [PR> then+ sha%% we do! "G1PR> and EsoF %i3e'I 2:11 [R> And+ he [PERF> answe*ed and said+&sa-s unto the#: >He that& [P> 4hoe3e*+> has two [P> tuni1s+&1oats! %et hi# gi3e&[R> i#.a*t+ "R'-one "G1PR> of the#' to hi# that has not&[PR> none+: and >he that& [P> whoe3e*+> has food! %et hi# do [R> in %i;e #anne*+N%i;ewise& [P> the sa#e+( 2:1) And "P'-the*e 1a#e taL-1o%%e1to*s a%so to be i##e*sed( [G1PR> And+ the- sa- unto hi#: [PR> Tea1he*+! what sha%% we doI 2:12 [PR> And+ he sa-s unto the#: K8o not eLa1t&[G1> thie3e+ an#o*e abo3e that whi1h is a..ointed unto -ou(

K[R>(((: ELa1t no #o*e than that di*e1ted -ou(+ K[P>(((: ELa1t no #o*e than -ou a*e *eMui*ed to eLa1t(+ 2:1< KAnd so%die*s a%so had as;ed hi#! and the- sa- "G1> unto hi#': [PR> And+ [R> we+! what sha%% we do! "PR> e3en we'I [PR> And+ he sa-s unto the#: K8o not o..*ess an- one! "G1> and' do not use 3io%en1e to an- one: - suffi1ient fo* -ou a*e -ou* a%%owan1es( K1[P> And those se*3ing in wa* inMui*ed of hi# and said: (((+ K1[R> And Muestioning hi# a%so we*e those wa**ing! sa-ing: (((+ K)[R>(((: 8o 3io%en1e to no one! no* a11use fa%se%-! and be 1ontent with -ou* wages(+ K)[P>(((: /e inso%ent to no one! and o..*ess no one! and %et -ou* .a- satisf- -ou(+ K)E91> Q8o 3io%en1e to no #an! and do inOu*- to no #an: %et -ou* wages suffi1e fo* -ouQ Twith the Cu*etonianT( This see#s to #e a bette* *ende*ing than Qbe 1ontent with -ou* wages(Q "((('F 2:1= KAnd the .eo.%e that we*e hea*ing hi# we*e #editating in the#se%3es [G1> about Yo1hanan+ and sa-ing: Can then he be Ha ashia1h& The- essiahI K[R> And the .eo.%e a*e %oo;ing fo*wa*d! and a%% a*e *easoning in thei* hea*ts 1on1e*ning Yo1hanan! whethe* o* not he #a- be Ha ashia1h&The- essiah(+ K[4> And the .eo.%e waiting and a%% *easoning in thei* hea*ts 1on1e*ning Yo1hanan! %est he #ight be Ha ashia1h&Theessiah(+ K[P> And whi%e the .eo.%e we*e thin;ing of Yo1hanan! and a%% .onde*ed in thei* hea*t! whethe* he we*e Ha ashia1h&Theessiah:+ 2:1? He&[PR> Yo1hanan+ [G1EPFERF> answe*ed "P> to e3e*- one' and+ [P> said+&sa-s "R> unto the#': "P> 0'! beho%d&[R> indeed+! 0 [R> do+ i##e*se -ou with wate*! 5G1G)+[G1> but "R'-the*e 1o#es "R> 5afte*> #e'! >He that is&[P> 7ne+> #ightie* than 0! [R> of 4ho#+ the thong[s 5P+ of whose&[R> His+ sanda%s 0 a# not wo*th- to [P> untie+&un%oose: He sha%% i##e*se -ou with fi*e and with >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>! 2:1@ - >He "P'-who ho%ds&[R> 4hose+> >a fan&[PERF> "R'-His winnowing sho3e%+> [R>EisF+ in His hand! and >[R> He wi%% tho*ough%- 1%eanse+N 1%eans&[P> He wi%% #a;e 1%ean+> His th*eshing-f%oo*: and [P> He+ [R> wi%%+ gathe*"s 5R' the wheat "R> in'to His [P> ga*ne*s+&ba*nN [R> sto*e-house+! and the 1haff He [PR> wi%%+ bu*n"s 5PR' with fi*e [P> not eLtinguished+&unMuen1hab%e( 2:1A [R> And the*efo*e! indeed! with+ #an- othe* things "R'-a%so >[R> eLho*ting! he was .*o1%ai#ing Good-News+Nwhi%e ent*eating he was announ1ing&[P> he taught and .*o1%ai#ed+> unto the .eo.%e( 2:1C [R> And+NNow&[P> /ut+ He*od the Tet*a*1h! Kbe1ause Yo1hanan >[P>*e.*o3ed+&was *e.*o3ing> hi# [P> on a11ount+&be1ause of

He*odias! Kthe wife of [PR> his+&He*od>s b*othe* [PR> Phi%i.+! >[R> and 1on1e*ning+Nand fo*&[P> on a11ount of+> a%% the e3i% things >[R> He*od did+Nthat he was doing&[P> he had done+> K1[R>(((! being *e.*o3ed b- hi# 1on1e*ning He*odias! the wife (((+ K)[A>(((! his b*othe*>s wife! (((+ 2:)G "PR> He*od had' added this a%so >abo3e a%% of the#&[PERF> to "R'-the# a%%+>! - and&[PR> that he+ shut u. Yo1hanan in [R> the+ .*ison( 2:)1 And [R> it 1a#e to .ass+N[P> it o11u**ed+ when&[R> in+ a%% the .eo.%e "R'-we*e "P'-being i##e*sed! [P> that+ Yeshua a%so was& [R>being+ i##e*sed: and when-"P' "R'-He >"R'-was .*a-ing&[P> .*a-ed+>! the Hea3ens we*e o.ened! 2:)) And >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> >1a#e down&[P> des1ended+> u.on Hi# in the&[R> a+ [PR> bodi%-+ %i;eness&[R> a..ea*an1e+ >of& [R> as if+> [PR> a+&the "PR> bodi%- f*a#e of a' do3e! and [P> the*e was+ a 3oi1e "P> was hea*d' f*o#&[R> 1a#e out of+ Hea3en [R> sa-ing+N [P> whi1h said+: You a*e - [P> be%o3ed+ $on "P> >and -&[R> The+> /e%o3ed'! in 4ho#&[R> You+ 0 "R'-ha3e >been .%eased&[PERF> [R> did+ de%ight+>( EThe*e>s no $-*ia1 e3iden1e fo* the int*odu1tion he*e of Ps():@F 2:)2@ KNow&[PR> And+ Yeshua [R> Hi#se%f+ [PR> was+&being [R> beginning to be+ about thi*t- -ea*s o%d&[R> of age+! K[P> And He+ 5was> >[P> a11ounted+&su..osed to be> the son of Yosef: E/ut He was th*ough i*-a#F: Kson of E%i! K1[Ga<G=> Yeshua! about thi*t- -ea*s o%d! 1a#e to Ya*den that He #ight be i##e*sed+ K)[R>(((! being! as was su..osed! son of Yosef( K2E2:)2-2:2A The wo*d QsonQ is not in the a11ounts in the G*ee;: QtheQ is not in the a11ounts in G! but QsonQ is: and both a*e in P(F 2:)< $on of attat! son of [PR> 6e3i+! son of a%;i! son of Yannai! son of [PR> Yosef+! 2:)= $on of attit-ahu! son of A#otD! son of Na1hu#! son of Ches%i! son of N5aggai>! 2:)? $on of [PR> a1hat+! son of [PR> attit-ahu+! son of $hi#,i! son of Yosef! son of Yodah! 2:)@ $on of Yo1hanan! son of TK>Besha5KT&[PR> Reisha+! son of H>*uba3e%! son of $h>a%tie%! son of Ne*i! 2:)A $on of a%;i! son of Addai! son of Bosa#! son of E%#adan! son of E*! 2:)C $on of Yeshua! son of E%i,eDe*! son of Yo*i#! son of attat! son of 6e3i! 2:2G $on of $hi#>on! son of Y>hudah! son of Yosef! son of Yona#! son of E%-a;i#!

2:21 $on of a%>ah! son of anah! son of attatah! son of Natan! son of 8a3id! 2:2) $on of Yishai! son of 73ed! son of /o,aD! son of $a%#on&[#> $a%a+! son of Na1hshon! 2:22 $on of [PR> A##inada3+&A5da#>N[#E1F> Ad#in+! [#> the son of Ad#in+! on of 5A*ni>&[#> A*a#+! son of ChetD*on! son of Pe*etD! son of Y>hudah! K[G1> Ada# son of A*ni son of+-Eadded in G1 between the %ines( 1f&6;(2:1! Uohn 12:1?F 2:2< $on of Ya,a;o3! son of YitD1ha;! son of A3*aha#! son of Te*a1h! son of Na1ho*! KEThe na#es f*o#! Ada# to Te*ah! a*e gi3en in Ga<@2! but the *est of the genea%og-! in Ga! fo%%ows att(1:)-1?(F 2:2= $on of $e*ug! son of Re,u! son of Pe%eg! son of E3e*! son of $he%ah! 2:2? $on of [PR> Beinan+&[G1> E%a#+! son of A*.a1hshad! son of $he#! son of Noa1h! son of 6e#e;h! K[son of E%a#+-Eo#itted in Ga<@2: A5*.haLa*>-[Ga<@2&P+ Eon%Ga-* is %egib%e in G1F( 2:2@ $on of ethushe%a1h! son of Chano1h! son of Ye*ed! son of aha%a%>e%! son of Beinan! 2:2A $on of Enosh! son of $het! son of Ada#! son of E%ohi#&God( CHAPTER < <:1@ Now&[PR> And+ Yeshua! being >fi%%ed with&[PR> fu%% of+> >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> *etu*ned f*o# haYa*den: Kand the >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> too;&[P> %ed+ Hi# "P> and sent Hi# fo*th [A> in+&into' the wi%de*ness! K[Ga1)C>(((: and then the Rua1h&$.i*it sent Hi# fo*th that He #ight be te#.ted b- ha$atan(+ K[Ge<)>(((: i##ediate%- the Rua1h HaBodesh too; EandF %ed Hi# out into a dese*t! to be te#.ted b- ha$atan(+ K[R>(((: and was b*ought in the Rua1h&$.i*it to the wi%de*ness(+ <:) K - [PR> fo*t- da-s+ "R'->that He #ight&[P> To+> be[ing 5R+ te#.ted b- [R> A11use*+Nha$atan&[P> the Cu%u#niato*+( KAnd He was the*e fo*tda-s: and afte* fo*t- da-s that He was fasting He hunge*ed( K1[Gt)=?> Po* fo*t- da-s and fo*t- nights did ou* 6o*d fast! and nothing did He taste(+ K1[Ge<<> And afte* fo*t- da-s that He fasted! He hund*ed(+ K)[R>(((( And He did not eat an-thing in those da-s! and theha3ing been ended! He afte*wa*d hunge*ed(+ K)[P>(((( And du*ing those da-s He ate nothing: and when He had 1o#.%eted the#! He was at %ast hung*-(+ <:2 And the A11use*&[P> Ca%u#niato*+ said to Hi#: 0f -ou [PR> a*e+&be the-"R' $on of E%ohi#&God! >sa- to&[P> 1o##and+> this stone >that it& [P> to+> [R> #a-+ be1o#e b*ead( <:< Yeshua [P> *e.%ied and said+&sa-s to hi#N[R> answe*ed hi#

sa-ing+: 0t is&[R> has been+ 4*itten [R> that+! Not b-&[R> on+ b*ead >a%one %i3es #an&[PERF> on%- does&[R> sha%%+ #an %i3e+> [PERF> but b--[R> on+ e3e*- thing-[R> sa-ing+ of E%ohi#&God+-"A'( <:= KAnd ha$atan&[R> the A11use*+ >"R'-too; EandF-[R> ha3ing+ b*ought& [P> 1ondu1ted+> Hi# >u.&[PR> to a high #ountain+> and-"R' showed [R> to+ Hi# a%% the ;ingdo#s of the 5%and>&ea*th in a %itt%e&[R> #o#ent of+ ti#e! K[A> And ta;ing Hi# u. he showed Hi# (((+ <:? And [R> the A11use*+&[P> the Ca%u#niato*+ said to Hi#: KA%% these ;ingdo#s and thei* g%o*- that to #e a*e de%i3e*ed - to You 0 gi3e a%% this autho*it- and g%o*-! be1ause to #e it is gi3en! and to who# 0 wi%% do 0 gi3e it: K[Ge<@> The ;ingdo#s and thei* g%o*- wi%% 0 gi3e You+ [Ge<=> #ine a*e a%% the ;ingdo#s+ [Ge<=> You sha%% fa%% on You* fa1e and hu#b%- wo*shi. #e(+ K[G3&E.h*(a*#Eon 1Co*(1=:)AF> A%% these ;ingdo#s and thei* g%o*wi%% 0 gi3e You! if You sha%% fa%% on You* fa1e and hu#b%- wo*shi. #e(+ K[R>(((: To You 0 wi%% gi3e a%% this autho*it-! and thei* g%o*-! be1ause to #e it has been de%i3e*ed! and to who#e3e* 0 wi%%! 0 do gi3e it:+ K[P>(((: To You wi%% 0 gi3e a%% this do#inion! and the g%o*- of it! whi1h is 1o##itted to #e! and to who# 0 .%ease! 0 gi3e it:+ <:@ You-"P' [R> then+ - if [P> the*efo*e+ You wi%% wo*shi.&[R> bow+ befo*e #e! K>fo* You sha%% it a%% be&[PERF> the-who%e&[R> a%%+ sha%% be You*s+>( K[4>(((! a%% sha%% be%ong to You(+ <:A [P> /ut+&[R> And+ Yeshua answe*ed&[P> *e.%ied+ "R'-and said to hi#: [R> Get -ou behind e! ha$atan+-"A'! "A '-[R> fo*+ it is&[R> has been+ 4*itten to&[PR> Thou sha%t+ wo*shi.&[R> bow befo*e+ YH9H&The67R8 thGod! and Hi# a%one&[PR> on%-+ sha%t thou se*3e( <:C And he b*ought Hi# to Ye*usha%a-i#! and >#ade Hi# stand& [PR> set Hi#+> on the [PR> .inna1%e+&1o*ne* of the Te#.%e! and said to Hi#: 0f You [PR> a*e+&be >Ha/en-E%ohi#&The $on of God>! 1ast You*se%f [P> down+ [PR>5>+&f*o# he*e: <:1G Po* it is&[R> has been+ 4*itten! To&[PR> He wi%% gi3e+ [R> to+ His ange%s >He sha%% [R> gi3e+ 1o##and&[R> 1ha*ge+ 1on1e*ning&[P> 1ha*ge o3e*+> 5T>hee >that the- shou%d&[PR> to+> ;ee.&[R> gua*d o3e*+ 5T>hee! <:11 KAnd on thei*-"R' hands [R> the- sha%%+&shou%d bea* 5T>hee u.! that&[R> %est at an- ti#e+ 5T>hou shou%d "R'-not dash against a stone

[R> 5Y>ou* foot(+ K[P> And in thei* a*#s wi%% the- sustain 5T>hee! %est 5T>hou st*i;e 5T>h- foot against a stone(+ <:1) [PR> And+ Yeshua [P> *e.%ied+&answe*ed and-"R' said to hi#: [PERF> 0t is&[R> has been+ said:+ You sha%% not te#.t YH9H&The-67R8 thGod( <:12 KAnd when ha$atan&[P> the Ca%u#niato* had+ Kfinished [P> a%%+ his te#.tations he de.a*ted f*o# Hi# fo* a ti#e( K1[R> And ha3ing ended a%% te#.tation! the A11use* de.a*ted f*o# Hi# ti%% a 1on3enient season(+ K[4>((( ha3ing .e*fe1ted e3e*- te#.tation! de.a*ted (((+ <:1<@ And Yeshua *etu*ned&[R> tu*ned ba1;+ in the Powe* of the Rua1h& $.i*it to haGa%i%! and Kthe*e went fo*th 1on1e*ning Hi# a ta%e in a%% that 1ount*-: K[PERF>((( and fa#e 1on1e*ning Hi# s.*ead&[R> went fo*th+ in& [R> th*ough+ a%% the *egion >a*ound the#&[R> *ound about+>(+ <:1= And He >was tea1hing "R'-the#&[P> taught+> in thei* s-nagogues! >and was&[R> being+> >g%o*ified [R> b-+Nof&[P> %auded b-+> e3e*one( <:1? And He 1a#e to NatDe*et whe*e He had been b*ought u.! and ente*ed&[PERF> He went into+ the s-nagogue on the $habbat-daas He was a11usto#ed! [PERF> and [R> stood+&*ose u. to *ead(+ <:1@ And the*e was >gi3en [R> o3e* to+&[P> de%i3e*ed to+> Hi# [P> a+& the $1*o%% of Yesha>-ahu the P*o.het! [see 3(1?+-"PR> and He stood u. to *ead'( [R> And ha3ing+N4hen He&[P> And Yeshua+ o.ened&[R> un*o%%ed+ the $1*o%% He&[P> and+ found the .%a1e that&[PR> whe*e it+ is&[R> has been+ 4*itten: <:1A The Rua1h&$.i*it of YH9H&The-67R8 EisF u.on [PR> 5 >e+&5T>hee! >be1ause "R> of whi1h'&[P> and the*efo*e+> He has anointed [PR> 5 >e+ &5T>hee to announ1e&[PR>.*o1%ai#+ [P> tidings+&Ethe-"R' GoodNewsF-[R+ to the .oo*: "R'-and >He has des.at1hed&[PERF> "R'-has sent+> 5 >e to "A'->[PERF> hea% the 1ont*ite-in&[R> b*o;en of+ "A'-hea*t! "R'-and to+> .*o1%ai# to "R'-the 1a.ti3es [R> de%i3e*an1e+&fo*gi3enessN[P> *e%ease+! and Egi3eF to "R'-the b%ind [R> *e1ei3ing of+ sight! "R'-and >0 wi%%& [PR> to+> >st*engthen the b*o;en&-[PERF> send awa- the [R> b*uised+& 1ont*ite+> with fo*gi3eness&[R> de%i3e*an1e+ "R'-5Eof thei* sinsF>! <:1C "R'-And to .*o1%ai# the -ea* of YH9H&The-67R8( <:)G And He [R> ha3ing+ *o%%ed u. the 9o%u#e&[PR> $1*o%%+ >and ga3e& [R> ha3ing gi3en+> it-[R>EF+ [R> ba1;+ to the >[R> offi1e*+&se*3antN [P> se*3ito*+> "R'-and [P> went and+ sat down! and >a%% of the#& [PR> the e-es of a%% in the s-nagogue+> u.on Hi# we*e [PR> gaDing+&%oo;ing(

<:)1 And He began to sa- unto the#: KTo-da- has this [R>4*iting+&$1*o%% been a11o#.%ished&[R> fi%%ed-fu%%&1o#.%eted+ in -ou* ea*s( K[P>(((: This da- is this $1*i.tu*e whi1h -ou ha3e hea*d! 1o#.%eted(+ <:)) And&[R> $o+ "PR> the- we*e' a%% bea*"ing 5P' Hi# witness! and >we*e wonde*ing at&[P> ad#i*ed+N[R> #a*3e%ed at+> the g*a1ious wo*ds that >we*e 1o#ing fo*th&[PR> .*o1eeded+> f*o# His #outh! and the>we*e sa-ing&[PR> said+:> [PR> 0s not+ this "PR> one - is not he' >the son of Yosef&5ben-Yosef>>I <:)2 [R> And+ >He sa-s&[P> Yeshua said+> unto the#: Pe*ha.s& [R>su*e%-+ -ou wi%% [P>s.ea;+&sa- to e this si#i%itude&[PR> .*o3e*b+: Ph-si1ian! hea% th-se%f: "R'-and >the things that -ou&[PR> whate3e* we+> ha3e hea*d [R> we ha3e hea*d done+Nthat 0 ha3e done&[P> of -ou* doing+ in [A+-B>fa*-Na1hu#&[R> B>fe*-Na1hu#+ - "PR> -ou wi%% sa- to e'! do "R'-Ethe#F&[P> You+ he*e a%so in You* 1it-&[R> 1ount*-+( <:)< [P> And+&[R> Then+ He sa-s "R> unto the#': A#aine( 0 saunto -ou "R> The*e is' no P*o.het >[R> is a11e.ted+Nthat is *e1ei3ed&[P> who is> in his [PR> own+ 1it-( <:)= [P> And+&[R> /ut+ >the t*uth&[R> t*u%-+> 0 >sa- unto&[PR> te%%+> -ou! [P> that+ #an- widows "R'-the*e we*e in "R> the House of' 0s*ae% in the da-s of E%i-ahu "R> the P*o.het'! when the hea3ens we*e shut&1%osed u. th*ee -ea*s and siL #onths! when&[PR> and+ a g*eat fa#ine [PR> the*e+ was in&[R> th*oughout+ a%% the %and: <:)? >And unto none&[PERF> /ut to no one+> of the# was E%i-ahu sent! but&[PR> eL1e.t+ to TDa*fat of TDidon unto a widow wo#an: <:)@ And #an- %e.e*s&[P> %e.*ous+ "R'-the*e we*e in "R> the House of' 0s*ae% in the da-s&[R> ti#e+ of E%isha the P*o.het! [P> but+&and none of the# was 1%eansed >but a go-&genti%e&[PR> eL1e.t Na,a#an the $-*ian+>( <:)A 5And>&[R> Then+ when [R> a%%+&the-! >that we*e&[PR> those+> in the s-nagogue! hea*d these things [PR>EF+&the- we*e [P> a%%+ fi%%ed with w*ath&fu*-! <:)C And "R'-the- [PR> *ose u. and th*ust+&.ut Hi# "P'-fo*th out of the 1it- and [R> the- %ed+&b*ought Hi# >[PR> to the to. of+&T K>e3en unto the Pha*os5KTN[Ge> the side of+> the hi%% >that thei*&[PR> on whi1h [R+-thei*&the-[P++> 1it- was bui%d "PR'-on! >so that the- #ight hang Hi#&[Ge1)CG3EPF> >and EsoF&[PR> that+>+> the- E#ightF&[P> #ight+ [Ge1)CPR> 1ast Hi# down+ [P> f*o# the *o1;+&[R>o3e* the 1%iff+( KE91>"(((' The wo*d Qthat the- #ight hang Hi#!Q is said to ha3e a*isen f*o# the $-*ian t*ans%ato* #ista;ing Qth*ow o3e* a 1%iff!Q fo* Qhang(Q This is! as 8*( HOe%t suggests! an indi1ation that the 3e*sion #a- be o%de* than Tatian>s(F

<:2G And&[P> /ut+N[R> Then+ He "PR'-e3en th*ough [R> the #idst of+ the# >was-"R' .assing&[P> .assed+> [P> and went awa-+&[R> went His wa-+( <:21@ And&[R> Then+ He 1a#e&[PR> went+ down to B>fa*-Na1hu#! a 1it- of haGa%i%: and >He-"R' was tea1hing&[P> taught+> the# on >the $habbat"s 5R'&[P> $habbat da-s+>! <:2) And the- we*e astonished at His 5do1t*ine>&tea1hing! >in that&[PR> fo*+> autho*itati3e was His 4o*d( <:22 >And the*e was&[R> Now+> in >that sa#e&[PR> the+> s-nagogue "P> of thei*s' a #an >in who# was&[R> who had+> "P> [R> a+&the s.i*it of' an un1%ean de#on! and he [PR> 1*ied out+&s1*ea#ed with a %oud 3oi1e! <:2< [R> $a-ing+&[P> And said+: 6et [R>EusF+&#e a%one! what ha3e [P> 0+ &we to do with You! Yeshua [P> You+ [R> of NatDe*et+&HaNatD*atiI Ha3e&[R> 8id+ You 1o#e to dest*o- usI 0 ;now You! who You a*e! the Ho%- 7ne of E%ohi#&GodJ <:2= 5And>&[R> /ut+ Yeshua 5*ebu;ed hi#> >and said&[R> sa-ing+> "PR> to hi#': $hut -ou* #outh! >[PR> and 1o#e out+&go fo*th> f*o# hi#( And the de#on Kth*ew hi# down in"to 5P' the #idst! and >went fo*th& [P> 1a#e out+> f*o# hi#! not at a%% ha3ing [P> ha*#ed+&hu*t hi#( K[R>((( had th*own hi# in Ethei*F #idst! it 1a#e out of hi# and did not hu*t hi#(+ <:2? KAnd astonish#ent was ta;ing ho%d of the# a%%! and the- we*e s.ea;ing one with anothe* and sa-ing: 4hat is then this wo*d! that with autho*it- and with .owe* [R> He+ 1o##ands [R> the+&these un1%ean s.i*its and the- >go fo*th&[R> 1o#e out+>I K[P> And wonde* seiDed e3e*- one: and the- ta%;ed togethe*! and said: 4hat a wo*d is thisJ Po*! with autho*it- and effi1ien1-! He 1o##ands the un1%ean s.i*its! and the- 1o#e out(+ K[R> $o the- we*e a%% a#aDed and s.o;e a#ong the#se%3es! sa-ing: Po* with autho*it- (((+ <:2@ KAnd the*e was going fo*th 1on1e*ning Hi# a ta%e in a%% the 1ount*- *ound about the#( K[P> And His fa#e went out into a%% the su**ounding *egion(+ K[R> And the *e.o*t about Hi# went out into e3e*- .%a1e in the su**ounding *egion(+ <:2A And&[R> Now+ "R'-when >He a*ose&[P> went out+> f*o# the s-nagogue He-[R>and+ ente*ed the house of $hi#,on! and&[R> but+ the #othe*-in-%aw of $hi#,on - [P> with+ a g*eat fe3e* was >ho%ding he*&[PR> aff%i1ted+> [PERF> and the- besought Hi# in he* beha%f+( <:2C And&[R> $o+ He [PR> stood o3e* he* and+ *ebu;ed he*&[PR> the+ fe3e*! and it %eft he*( And i##ediate%- she a*ose and was se*3ing the#(

<:<G KNow at the setting of the sun a%% the- that had the# that we*e infi*# with stubbo*n infi*#ities b*ought the# unto Hi#! and on [PR> e3e*-+&ea1h one of the# His hand He >was %a-ing&[PR> %aid+>! and >a%% of the# was He hea%ing&[PR> hea%ed the#+>( K[PR> And&[R> Now+ when the sun was set[ting 5R+! a%% those that had [R> an-one+ si1; "R'-.e*sons! "R'-aff%i1ted with 3a*ious diseases! b*ought the# unto Hi#! (((+ <:<1 And the-"PR' de#ons [R> a%so+ >we*e going fo*th&[PR> went out+> f*o# #an-! s1*ea#ing&[PR> 1*-ing out+ and sa-ing: You a*e "GA'[PR> Ha ashia1h&The- essiah+ >Ha/en-E%ohi#&The $on of God>J And He >was-"R' *ebu;ing&[P>*ebu;ed+> [R>EF+&the# >and was&[R> did+> not a%%ow"ing 5R' the# to [R> s.ea;+&sa- >EitF! be1ause&[P> that+> the- ;new "R'Hi# >that He was&[P> to be+> Ha ashia1h&The- essiah( <:<) And&[R> Now+ [R> when it was+Nwith the #o**ow&[P> at the dawn+ "R'-of "PR'-the da- He [R> de.a*ted+Nhad 1o#e fo*th&[P> went out+ and "R'-He >went "R'-awa-&[P> *eti*ed+> [R> in+to a dese*t .%a1e! and #an-& [R> the+ #u%titudes we*e see;ing Hi# and "R'-the- 1a#e unto Hi# and K>the- too; ho%d of&[P> he%d+> Hi# [P> fast+ that He shou%d not >go awa-&[P> *eti*e+> f*o# the#( K[P>((( and t*ied to ;ee. Hi# f*o# %ea3ing the#(+ <:<2 >/ut He&[P> And Yeshua+> said unto the#: To othe* 1ities a%so >it is-ne1essa*--fo* e&[R> 0 #ust+> "R'->that 0&[P> to+> announ1e& [R> .*o1%ai#+ the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God >[PERF> [R> be1ause+ fo* the*efo*e-[R> this .u*.ose+ was-"R' 0 [R> ha3e been+ sent+>( <:<< And He >was .*o1%ai#ing&[.*o1%ai#ed+> in the s-nagogues of haGa%i% &[PA#&91EG1F> Y>hudah+( CHAPTER = =:1@ KTK>5KT the #u%titude was TK>5KT that it #ight hea* f*o# Hi# the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God! and He was standing b- the edge of the 6a;e of Ginnosa*&5Binne*et>( K[PERF> >And it o11u**ed that a&[R> And in it was! the+> #u%titude >gathe*ed-[R> .*essed+> about Hi# to hea* the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God( And-[P> That+ He was standing b- the "R> side of the' $ea& [R> 6a;e+ of Binne*et!+ [91EG1F> and in the 1*owd that was 1*ushing that it #ight hea* f*o# Hi# the 4o*d of E%ohi#(+ =:) And He-"R' saw two boats "PR> that we*e' standing [P> nea*+&b- "PR> the side of' the 6a;e&[P> $ea+ and&[R> but+ the fishe*#en >"R> the*eof that' [R> had+NEhadF&[P> we*e+> gone "R'-u.&[P> out+ f*o# the#! and we*e washing thei* nets( =:2 KAnd one of the# was&[P> be%onged to+ $hi#,on">s 5P' [P>

Befa+! and Yeshua >went u.&[P> ente*ed+ [P> and+&EandF sat in it and Ksaid that the- shou%d .ut it out f*o# the d*- %and a %itt%e into the wate*( And He was sitting and tea1hing the #u%titude f*o# the boat( K1[R> Then He got into one of the boats! whi1h was $hi#,on>s! and as;ed hi# to .ut out a %itt%e f*o# the %and( And He sat down and taught (((+ K)[P>((( He to%d the# to d*aw off a %itt%e f*o# the sho*e! into the sea( And He seated Hi#se%f! and taught the #u%titude f*o# the shi.(+ =:< And&[R> Now+ when He [R> had+ 1eased "R'-f*o# "PR'-His s.ea;ing! He "PR> answe*ed and' said to $hi#,on: Put&[PR> 6aun1h+ out into the dee. Ewate*F! and 1ast&[R>%et down+ -ou* net"s 5P' fo* a 1at1h&[P> d*aught+( =:= [R> /ut+ $hi#,on answe*ed and said unto Hi#: Rabbi&[R> aste*+! [PR> a%%+ "R'-the "PR'-who%e night we ha3e toi%ed and nothing ha3e [PR> EF+-we [PR> 1aught+&found: but now-"PR' at You* [P> bidding+&wo*d [PR> 0+&we wi%% >[R> %et down+N.ut out&[P> 1ast+> the net( =:? And when the- >1ast thei* nets&[PR> had done [R> this+-so+> thein1%osed&[R> 1aught+ >[P> 3e*-+ #an-&[R> a g*eat nu#be* of+> fish! >and thei* Knets we*e being&[P> so that the net was+> *ent( K[R>((( net was b*ea;ing(+ =:@ And-[R> $o+ the- be1;oned&[PERF> #ade signs+ to thei* asso1iates& 1o#*ades in the othe* boat"s 5PR' >that the- shou%d&[PR> to+> 1o#e EandF he%. the#: and "R'-when the- 1a#e the-&[R> and+ "P> too; u. the fish and' fi%%ed both of-"PR' the boats! and&[PR> so that+ the>we*e nea*&[R> began+> "PR> f*o# thei* weight' to sin;[ing 5P+( =:A And-"R' when $hi#,on [P> Befa+ saw EthisF he fe%% "PR> on his fa1e' >befo*e the feet&[R> down at the ;nees+> of Yeshua >and said unto Hi#& [R> sa-ing+>: [P> 0 besee1h You+ #-&[R> 7+ 6o*d! >de.a*t "R'-awaf*o#&[P( that -ou %ea3e+> #e! be1ause 0 a# a [PR> sinfu%+ #an! "PR> a sinne*'J =:C Po* astonish#ent >too; ho%d of&[P> had seiDed+> hi# and "P'-of a%% the#-"P' that we*e with hi# at >that 1at1h&[P> the d*aught+> of fish whi1h the- [P> had 1aught+&too;! K[R> Po* he and a%% who we*e with hi# we*e astonished at the(((+ =:1G And [R> so we*e+&%i;ewiseN[P> in %i;e #anne*+ Ya,a;o3 a%so and Yo1hanan! the sons of Ha3dai! >be1ause the-&[PR> who+> we*e .a*tne*s of&[R> with+ $hi#,on( [P> /ut+&And Yeshua [PR> said+&sa-s [R+-

"P> to $hi#,on': Peat [P> -ou+ not! >f*o# now [R> on+&[P> he*eafte*+> #en sha%% -ou >be 1at1hing&[PR> 1at1h+> "R> unto %ife'J =:11 And&[R> $o when+ the- [R> had+ b*ought the[i* 5R+ >[P> 3esse%s+& boats> "PR'-nea* to the %and! "R'-and [PR> the-+ [R> fo*soo;+&%eft [PR> a%%+&e3e*-thing and >1a#e afte* Efo%%owingF&[PR> fo%%owed+> Hi#( =:1)@ And [R> it ha..ened+ when [P> Yeshua+&He was in >one of the 1ities&[R> a 1e*tain 1it-+> [R> that beho%d+ the*e-"PR' "R'-1a#e a "PR'-1e*tain #an [PERF> >a%%+&who was>-"R' fu%% of %e.*os-! >and seeing&[R> saw+> Yeshua he&[R> and+ fe%% u.on his fa1e >and was besee1hing&[P> and besought+N[R> and i#.%o*ed+> Hi# "R'-and [P>said+& sa-ing "R> unto Hi#': "R'- - 6o*d! if -ou [R> a*e+ wi%%[ing 5R+! You 1an >1%eanse #e&[R> #a;e #e 1%ean+>( =:12 And&[R> Then+ [P> Yeshua+&He .ut fo*th His&[R>EF+ hand EandF&[PR> and+ tou1hed hi#! >and said unto hi#&[R> sa-ing+>: 0 [R> a#+ wi%%[ing 5R+ EitF! be -ou-"R' 1%ean"sed 5P'( And i##ediate%- [R> the+ &his %e.*os- [R> %eft+Nde.a*ted awa-&[P> went+ "R'-f*o# hi#( =:1< KAnd [R> He+&Yeshua [R> 1ha*ged+&wa*ned hi# "R'-that to >no one shou%d he sa- Eof itF&[R> te%% no one+>! but: go! [PR> and+ show -ou*se%f to the [R> Cohen+&Cohani#! and [R> #a;e+&offe* [R> an offe*ing+&[P> the ob%ation+ fo* -ou* 1%eansing&[P> .u*ifi1ation+ [R> Oust+ as oshe [P> has+ 1o##anded >that it shou%d be fo* the# fo* a witness&[PERF> fo*-[R> as+ a testi#on- to the#(+>( K[P> /ut He 1ha*ged hi#: $.ea; to no one: but go(((+ =:1= KAnd the*e was going fo*th 1on1e*ning Hi# a ta%e Ea%%F the #o*e! and "R'-a g*eat #u%titude[s 5R+ >was being gathe*ed&[R> 1a#e+> togethe* to hea* "R> f*o# Hi#' and to be hea%ed [R> b- Hi#+ f*o# thei* infi*#ities( K[P> And His fa#e s.*ead ab*oad sti%% #o*e: and #u1h .eo.%e asse#b%ed to hea* Hi#! and to be 1u*ed of thei* diseases(+ K[R> Then the *e.o*t went a*ound 1on1e*ning Hi# a%% the #o*e (((+ =:1? And He >was *e#o3ing to the o.en 1ount*- and was .*a-ing& [P> *eti*ed into a dese*t and .*a-ed(+>( K[R> $o He Hi#se%f EoftenF withd*ew into the wi%de*ness and .*a-ed(+ =:1@ And&[R> Now+ it >1a#e to .ass&[PR> o11u**ed+> on >one of the& [R> a 1e*tain+> da-"s 5R' when&[R> as+ He&[P> Yeshua+ was tea1hing! [R> that+ the*e&[P> that+ we*e sitting [PR> b-+ P>*ushi# and [P> do1to*s+&tea1he*s of the To*ah! >and the- that 1a#e&[PR> who had 1o#e+> [R> out+ f*o# [P> a%% the+&e3e*- [R> town+&3i%%age[s 5P+ of haGa%i%! EandF "R'-of Y>hudah and "R'-of Ye*usha%a-i#! and the .owe* >was in Yeshua that He shou%d be hea%ing&[PR> the .owe* of >The6o*d&5Adonai& YH9H>> was K.*esent-[REF+ to hea% the#+>( K[A>((( with Hi# to hea%(+

=:1A And-[R> Then+ beho%d&[P> so#e+! [R> #en+&.eo.%e b*ought a "PR'-1e*tain #an! >a .a*a%-ti1&[R> who was .a*a%-Ded+> on a bed( And >the- we*e see;ing how the- #ight&[PERF> [R> the-+ sought to+> b*ing hi# in! >that the- #ight&[PERF> and "R'-to+> [R> %a-+&set hi# befo*e Hi#: =:1C And [PR> when+ the- 1ou%d not [R> find how the- #ight+ [P> thus int*odu1e+&b*ing hi# "P'-in be1ause of the >[R> 1*owd+&[P> #u%titude of the+> .eo.%e-"R'! "PR'-And the- >went u.&[P> as1ended+> [R> on+&to the *oof&[R> houseto.+ and %owe*ed&[PR> %et+ hi# [PR> down+ with his& [P> the+ bed! [R> th*ough the ti%ing+&[P> f*o# the 1o3e*ing+! into the #idst! befo*e Yeshua( =:)G And&[R> $o+ when [P> Yeshua+&He saw thei* faith! He said to >the .a*a%-ti1&[R> hi#+>: an! -ou* sins a*e fo*gi3en -ouJ =:)1 And 5the $1*ibes> and "P'-the P>*ushi# began >thin;ing and sa-ing& [PR> to *eason >[R> sa-ing+Nand to sa->+>: 4ho is this that s.ea;s b%as.he#-I 4ho 1an fo*gi3e sins eL1e.t&but E%ohi#&God [P> on%-+&a%oneI =:)) [R> /ut+NNow&[P> And+ Yeshua "P'-when He [R> .e*1ei3ed+&;new thei* thoughts "P'-answe*ed and said unto the#: >4h- a*e -ou [R> *easoningN thin;ing EthisF&[P> 4hat thin; -ou+> in -ou* [P+-hea*t[s 5EG1FR+I =:)2 4hi1h is easie*! to sa-! - You* sins a*e fo*gi3en -ou! o* to sa-! - "R> A'*ise [R> u.+ EandF&[R> and+ wa%;>I =:)< /ut that -ou #a- ;now "PR'--ou*se%3es that the $on of #an >has autho*it--[R> Powe*+ "R> that He shou%d'&[P> is 1o#.etent to+> fo*gi3e sins on [P> the+ ea*th - He sa-s to the >.a*a%-ti1&[R> #an who was .a*a%-Ded+>: To -ou 0 sa- a*ise! ta;e u. -ou* bed! and go to -ou* house &ho#e( =:)= "R'-And >in the sa#e hou*&5i##ediate%->> he a*ose&[PR> *ose u.+ befo*e [P> thei* e-es+&the# "R'-and too; u. >that whi1h he [R> had been+-was %-ing on&[P> his 1ou1h&bed+>! and [R> de.a*ted+&went >to his [R> own+ house&[P> ho#e+>! g%o*if-ing E%ohi#&God( =:)? K5And astonish#ent >too; ho%d of> the# 5a%%&[P> seiDed e3e*- one+> and the-> >we*e 5g%o*if-ing&[P> .*aised+> E%ohi#&God> and >[P> thewe*e fi%%ed with awe! and said+&sa-ing>: 4e ha3e seen Kwonde*s "P> and g*eat things' to-da-( K[R> And the- we*e a%% a#aDed and the- g%o*ified E%ohi#&God and we*e fi%%ed with fea*! sa-ing: 4e ha3e seen st*ange things toda-J+ K)[4>(((: 4e ha3e seen the .a*adoLi1a% this da-(+ =:)@ Afte* these things Yeshua&[R> He+ went [PR> out+&fo*th and saw 5a

taL&to%%-1o%%e1to*> sitting at&[P> a#ong+ the >taL-gathe*e*s "P'.%a1e& [R> taL offi1e+> >whose na#e EwasF&[PR> na#ed+> 6>3i! and He said unto hi#: >Co#e Efo%%owingF afte*&[R> fo%%ow+> e( =:)A And he %eft e3e*-thing [P> and a*ose+&[R> *ose u.+ and >went 5G1+[P> Efo%%owingF afte*&[R> fo%%owed+ Hi#(+> =:)C [P> >And-[R> Then+> 6>3i #ade-[R> ga3e Hi#+ a g*eat [R> feast+& ente*tain#ent "R> fo* Hi#' [R> in+&at his [R> own+ house: and the*e was a >nu#e*ous[R> g*eat nu#be*+> of taL-1o%%e1to*s and othe*s who *e1%ined Eto #ea%F with the#( =:2G KAnd&[R> /ut+ the $1*ibes and P>*ushi# #u*#u*ed [R> against His Ta%#idi#+! >and said to His Ta%#idi#&[R> sa-ing+>: 4h- do -ou eat and d*in; with taL-1o%%e1to*s and sinne*sI K[A> /ut the P>*ushi# and thei* $1*ibes (((+ =:21 And Yeshua answe*ed and said to the#: KA .h-si1ian is not sought afte* fo* the we%%! but fo* those 3e*- si1;( K[R> Those who a*e we%% do not need a .h-si1ian! but those who a*e si1;(+ =:2) 0 >1a#e not&[R> ha3e not 1o#e+> to 1a%% the&[R>EF+ *ighteous! but sinne*s! to *e.entan1e( =:22 And&[R> Then+ the- said to Hi#: "A> 4h- do' the Ta%#idi# of Yo1hanan fast often! and >.*a-&[R> #a;e .*a-e*s+>! and [R> %i;ewise+& a%so EthoseF&[R> those+ of the P>*ushi#: but You*s eat and d*in;I =:2< And He said to the#: KYou 1annot #a;e the guests&5[A*a#:+ sons> of the wedding 1ha#be* fast! whi%e the 5/>*ideg*oo# is with the#( K[R>(((: Can -ou #a;e the f*iends of the 5/>*ideg*oo# fast! (((+ =:2= /ut the da-s wi%% 1o#e! when the /*ideg*oo# wi%%&[4> #ust indeed+ be ta;en [R> awa-+&u. f*o# the#: "R'-and then wi%% the- fast in those da-s( =:2? And&[R> Then+ He s.o;e a si#i%itude&.a*ab%e to the#: KNo one tea*s a .at1h f*o# a new ga*#ent! and .uts it to an o%d ga*#ent: %est he tea* the new! and the .at1h f*o# the new 1eases to #a;e the o%d Ega*#entF who%e( K[R>(((: No one .uts a .ie1e f*o# a new ga*#ent on an o%d one: othe*wise the new #a;es a tea*! and a%so the .ie1e that was Eta;enF out of the new does not #at1h the o%d(+ K[A>(((: No one tea*s a .ie1e f*o# a new ga*#ent and .uts it on an o%d one: (((+ =:2@ And no one .uts new wine into o%d [R> wine+s;ins: othe*wise the new wine wi%% bu*st the [R> wine+s;ins! and >the wine wi%% *un out& [R> be s.i%%ed+>! and the [R> wine+s;ins Ewi%%F&[R> wi%%+ be *uined( =:2A /ut "R> the- .ut' new wine [R> #ust be .ut+ into new [R> wine+s;ins! "A> and both a*e .*ese*3ed'( =:2C And no one [R> ha3ing d*un;+&d*in;s o%d [R>EF+&wine! "R'-and

"A> i##ediate%-' >1a%%s fo*&[R> desi*es+> new: fo* he sa-s! - The o%d is [A> good+Nthe de%i1ious EoneF&[R#> bette*+( 5P+ CHAPTER ? ?:1@ K[P> And on a $habbat it o11u**ed! as Yeshua wa%;ed a#ong the ti%%ed g*ounds! that His Ta%#idi# .%u1;ed ea*s! Kand *ubbed the# in thei* hands and ate( K1[R> And it 1a#e to .ass! on "A> the se1ond-fi*st&[4> se1ond+' $habbat Eafte* Pesa1hF! as He is going th*ough the g*ain fie%ds! that His Ta%#idi# we*e .%u1;ing the ea*s! and we*e eating! *ubbing Ethe#F with the hands!+ K)[4>(((! she%%ing the# out with thei* hands(+ ?:) And so#e of the P>*ushi# said to the#: 4h- do -ou that whi1h it-"R' is not %awfu% to do on the $habbat[s 5R+I ?:2 Yeshua *e.%ied&[R> answe*ing+! and-"R' said to the#: Ha3e& [R> 8id+ -ou not *ead what&[R> e3en this that+ 8a3id did! when he was hung*-! he and those with hi#I ?:< How he ente*ed into the House of E%ohi#&God! and too; and ate the >b*ead of the 6o*d>s tab%e&[R> %oa3es of the P*esentation+>! and ga3e EitF&[R> a%so+ to those "R> that we*e' with hi#: whi1h it is not %awfu%! eL1e.t fo*&[R> to+ the Cohani# on%-! to eatI ?:= And He said to the#: The 5$>on of #an is 56>o*d [R> a%so+ of the $habbat( ?:? And [R> it 1a#e to .ass a%so+ on anothe* $habbat! [R> that+ He ente*ed a&[R> the+ s-nagogue and taught( And [R> the*e+ a #an was the*e! whose&[R> and his+ *ight hand was withe*ed( ?:@ And the $1*ibes and P>*ushi# wat1hed Hi#! whethe*&[R> if+ He wou%d hea% on the $habbat: that the- #ight >be ab%e to a11use&[R> find an a11usation against+> Hi#( ?:A And "R'-as He [R> Hi#se%f+ ;new thei* thoughts&[R> *easonings+! He& [R> and+ said to the #an with a withe*ed hand: Rise and >1o#e into& [R> stand in+> the #idst "R> of the Cong*egation'( And "R'-when he >1a#e and&[R> ha3ing *isen+> stood Ethe*eF! ?:C [R> Then+ Yeshua said to the#: 0 [R> wi%% Muestion+&as; -ou [R> so#ething+! 4hat-"R' is it %awfu% to do on the $habbat! "R> that whi1h is' good! -o*- >that whi1h is&[R> to do+> e3i%I To sa3e %ife! -o*- to [R+-dest*o-&[A ERF> ;i%%+ EitFI ?:1G And He %oo;ed [R> *ound+ u.on the# a%%: and&[R> He+ EthenF said to hi#&[R> the #an+: $t*et1h fo*th -ou* hand( And >he st*et1hed out his hand&[R> he did so+>! and it&[R> his hand+ was *esto*ed "A4> [R> who%e+ %i;e >the othe*&5its fe%%ow>>'(

?:11 And the- we*e fi%%ed with en3-&[R> #adness+: and >the1onfe**ed& [R> we*e s.ea;ing+> one with anothe*! what the- shou%d&[R> #ight+ do to Yeshua( 5P+ ?:1)@ [G1> And [R> it 1a#e to .ass+ in those "PR'-sa#e da-s >He had gone fo*th to the [R> #ountain+Nhi%%&[P> Yeshua *eti*ed to a #ountain+> to .*a-! and "R> the*e He' >was s.ending-[R> .assing+ the "R'who%e& [P> .assed the+> night "PR> unti% dawn' in [R> the+ .*a-e* to&[R> of+ E%ohi#&God( ?:12 And when [R> it be1a#e+ [PR> da-+&Eda-F "R'-dawned! He 1a%%ed [R> nea*+ His Ta%#idi#! and [P> se%e1ted+&1hose f*o# the# "PR'the Twe%3e! who# [R> a%so+ He na#ed E#issa*ies ?:1< - $hi#,on who# [R> a%so+ He na#ed Befa! and And*ew his b*othe*! and-"R' Ya,a;o3 and Yo1hanan "PR> the sons of Ha3dai'! and"R' Phi%i. and /a*-Ta%#ai! ?:1= And-"R' attit-ahu and T>o#a! and-"R' Ya,a;o3 >"R> the son' of& 5ben>>-Cha%fai! and $hi#,on [P> who was+ 1a%%ed Hea%ot! ?:1? And Y>hudah "R> the son&[EAF> Eb*othe*F+' of Ya,a;o3! and Y>hudah f*o#-B>*iot! >he who was-the-[R> a%so be1a#e+ bet*a-e*&[P> who be1a#e a t*aito*+>( ?:1@ KAnd He went down with the# to a .%ain and stood u.! He"R' and a #u%titude&[R> 1*owd+ of His Ta%#idi# and a >nu#be* of the&[R> g*eat+> #u%titude of the .eo.%e "R> that 1a#e' f*o# [R> a%%+ Y>hudah and "R'-f*o# Ye*usha%a-i# and "R'-f*o# the >6itto*a% and f*o#&[R> the #a*iti#e+> T-*e and "R'-f*o# TDidon! that 1a#e >that the- #ight& [R> to+> hea* Hi# and [R> to+ be hea%ed f*o# "R'-a%% thei* infi*#ities& si1;nesses! K[P> And Yeshua des1ended with the#! and stood in the .%ain: and a g*eat of His Ta%#idi#! and a #u%titude of asse#b%ed .eo.%e! f*o# a%% Y>hudah! and f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#! and f*o# the the sea-sho*e o* T-*e and TDidon: who 1a#e to hea* His dis1ou*se -5wo*d>! and to be hea%ed of thei* diseases(+ K[R> And ha3ing 1o#e down with the#! He stood u.on a %e3e% s.ot! (((+ ?:1A And [P> the- who+&[R> those+ we*e-"R' dist*essed&5aff%i1ted> bun1%ean s.i*its! [PR> and+&that the- >#ight be&[PR> we*e+> hea%ed( ?:1C >Ea1h one of the# was wishing&[PERF> And the who%e #u%titude sought+> to tou1h Hi#: fo* >[Ge&A*#(3g(> #u1h+ .owe* was going& [P> a 3i*tue went+> fo*th f*o# Hi#! and >a%% "R> of the#' He was hea%ing& [P>

hea%ed the# a%%+>( ?:)G@ And He "PR'-Hi#se%f [R> ha3ing+ %ifted "P'-u.-[4+ His e-es >[P> u.+on&[R> to+> His Ta%#idi# "R'-and said: KHa..- "R> is it fo*' the .oo*! K>that thei*s&5whose>> is the Bingdo# of Hea3enJ K1[Ga2CG> Eon the sa#e .age as a fu%% Muote of att(=:2 has:F And of the .oo* He said that thei*s is the Bingdo# of Hea3en(+ K1[P>(((: /%essed a*e -ou .oo*: fo* the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God is -ou*s(+ K[R>(((! be1ause -ou*s is the *eign of E%ohi#&God(+ ?:)1 [R> Ha..- those+NHa..- is it fo* the#&[P> /%essed a*e -ou+ that hunge* now: [G1> that the-+N[G1> 5who>+&[PR> fo* -ou+ sha%% be satisfied&[R> fi%%ed+J K[R> Ha..- those+NHa..- it is fo* the#&[P> /%essed a*e -ou+ that wee. now! [G1> that the-+N[G1> 5who>+& [PR> fo* -ou+ sha%% %aughJ K[Ge&91>(((J /%essed a*e the- that wee.: fo* the- sha%% %aughJ+ ?:)) [R> Ha..- a*e+NHa..- is it fo*&[P> /%essed a*e+ -ou! >what Eti#eF& [PR> when+> #en [PR> sha%%+ hate -ou! and [R> when the- sha%%+ [P> *e.e%+&se.a*ate -ou! and [R> sha%%+ [P> *e3i%e+&*e.*oa1h E-ouF! and [R> sha%%+ K.ut fo*th 1on1e*ning -ou a na#e that is e3i%! be1ause of the $on of #an( K[PERF>((( 1ast out -ou* na#e"s 5R' as base&[R> e3i%+! fo* the $on of #an>s sa;e(+ ?:)2 "PR> Now -ou'! *eOoi1e "PR'--ou in that [PR> da-+&hou* "R'5and eLu%t> "P> and %ea. Efo* Oo-F'! that&[PR> fo*+ [R> beho%d+! -ou* *ewa*d is g*eat in [R> the+ Hea3en! fo* [R> a11o*ding to these things+Nso we*e &[P> did+ thei* fathe*s "P'-doing to the P*o.hets( ?:)< Ne3e*the%ess&[PR> /ut+ woe&5o-J> to -ou [R> the+&[P> that a*e+ *i1h! K[G1> that -ou+[G1> 5who>+&[PR> fo* -ou+ ha3e *e1ei3ed& [R> got+ -ou* [P> 1onso%ation+&su..%i1ationN[R> 1o#fo*t+J K[4>(((! be1ause -ou eLhaust -ou* *ewa*d(+ ?:)= [P> 4oe&57-J> to -ou that >a*e fu%%&[R> ha3e been fi%%ed+>: fo* -ou wi%% hunge*(+ 4oe&57-J> to E-ouF that %augh now! [G1> that -ou+[G1> 5who>+&[PR> fo* -ou+ sha%% wee. and #ou*nJ ?:)? 4oe&57-J> "A > to -ou' when " '-[R> a%%+ #en sha%% Kbe sa-ing 1on1e*ning -ou what is we%%! fo* so we*e the- doing to the P*o.hets of %-ing( K[PERF>((( s.ea; >-ou* .*aise&[R> we%% of -ou+>: fo* >so did&[R> a11o*ding to these things we*e+> thei* fathe*s [R> doing+ to "R'-the fa%se .*o.hets(+ ?:)@ Now&[P> And+N[R> /ut+ to -ou that hea* 0 sa-! - >/e %o3ing to& [PR> 6o3e+> -ou* ene#ies [4> with di3ine %o3e+! "R'-and do [R> good+N what is we%%&[P> fa3o*s+ to the# that hate -ou! ?:)A [P> And+ b%ess the# that 1u*se -ou: and .*a- fo* the# that [R> a11use+No..*ess&[P> d*ag+ -ou [P> with 3io%en1e+&[R> fa%se%-+( ?:)C And-[P> To+ hi# that s#ites -ou on -ou* 1hee;! >offe* "P'-

hi#&[R> gi3e a%so+> the othe*: and he&[PR> f*o# hi#+ that ta;es awa- >-ou* 1%oa;&[R> the #ant%e+! "PR> o* -ou* 1oat'! - >fo*bid hi# not&[PERF> [R> a%so -ou #a-+ ;ee. not ba1; -ou*-[R> the+ tuni1(+> ?:2G >And hi#&[P> To e3e*-one+> that as;s [PR> of+ -ou! gi3e >to hi#& [P> -ou+>: and [R> f*o#+ hi# that >wou%d ta;e awa- EwhatF is -ou*s& [P> ta;es -ou* .*o.e*t-+>! [P> de#and+&*eMui*e it not Eba1;FN[R> be not as;ing again+( K[Ga)@G> How wi%% -ou tea1h e! -0f an-one ta;e Ewhat isF -ou*s! do not *eMui*e Eba1;FI+ ?:21 And as -ou wou%d that #en shou%d do to -ou! "P> what is we%%'! so&[R> in %i;e #anne*+ do [PR> -ou a%so+ to the#( ?:2) And&[P> Po*+ if -ou >a*e %o3ing to&[PR> %o3e+> the# that >a*e %o3ing to&[P> %o3e+> -ou! what [R> g*a1e ha3e -ou+Nis -ou* ;indness& [P> goodness is it in -ou+I [PERF> Po* e3en sinne*s %o3e those that %o3e the#(+ ?:22 And&[Ga> Again ou* 6ife-gi3e* said+ if -ou do "PR> what is' good to [PR> the#+Ne3e*- one&[Ga> hi#+ that >does b-&[PERF> do to+> -ou "PR> what is' good! what [R> what g*a1e ha3e -ou+Nis -ou* ;indness& [P> goodness is it in -ou+I [Ga> Po* beho%d!+&[PR> Po*+ e3en the [Ga> taL-1o%%e1to*s and the+ sinne*s >so do&[PR> do the sa#e+>( ?:2< And&[P Po*+ if -ou %end to-"R' [P> one+&hi# >that-[R> of who#+ -ou ho.e to be *e.aid b-&[P> f*o# who# -ou eL.e1t *e1o#.ense+>! what [R> what g*a1e ha3e -ou+Nis -ou* ;indness&[P> goodness is it in -ou+I Po* "PR> beho%d'! e3en-"P' sinne*s [PR> a%so+ to sinne*s %end! [R> that the- #a- *e1ei3e again as #u1h+Nthat the- #a- be *e.aid&[P> to *e1ei3e adeMuate *e1o#.ense+( ?:2= K/ut >ne3e*the%ess be %o3ing to&[PERF> %o3e "R'--ou+> -ou* ene#ies! and >be good to&[PR> do+> "R'-the# [PR> good+: and %end K[P> -ou+! and >do not gi3e u.&[P> disa..oint the+> ho.e[s 5P+ of [P> no+-an- one! [P> and+&that -ou* *ewa*d >#a- be1o#e&[PR> wi%% be+> g*eat "PR4> in Hea3en' and -ou >#a- be1o#e the sons&[PR> wi%% be 1hi%d*en+> of the > ost High&[PR> Highest+>: [PR> fo*+ He >who is gent%e with&[PR> is ;ind to+> the e3i%! and [R> ung*a1ious+Nwith the ung*atefu% fo* ;indness&[P> to the unthan;fu%+( K1[Ga2=> Ein 1ontinuation:F /ut EMuotes HeF: You! be1ause -ou ha3e been 1a%%ed sons to the 6i3ing-"GaEbF' God in Hea3en! to Hi# be1o#e %i;ened! who has 1o#.assion e3en on the ung*atefu% fo* ;indness(+ K)[#>(((*ing of no #an (((+ K)[R>((( fo* nothing again! and -ou* *ewa*d (((+ KE91> fo* nothing again!Q is t*ans%ated in ou* teLt! as in the Peshitta! b- Qdo not 1ut off the ho.e of an- one!Q o*

.ossib%-! as 8*( /u*;itt .uts it! Qdo not gi3e u. ho.e of anone(Q 0t is not eas- to dete*#ine how this .h*ase stood in the o*igina% $(! no* what is the G*ee; behind the $-*ia1: but fo* .*a1ti1a% .u*.oses! we wou%d do we%% to *ef*ain f*o# a%% th*ee of these deeds(F ?:2? /e [PR> -ou the*efo*e #e*1ifu%+&1o#.assionate! as [PR> a%so+ -ou* Pathe* is [4> indeed+ [PR> #e*1ifu%+&1o#.assionate( ?:2@@ K[R> And+ Uudge not! that&[PR> and+ -ou [P> wi%%+&[R> shou%d+ be not Oudged: 1onde#n not! that&[PR> and+ -ou [P> wi%%+&[R> shou%d+ be not 1onde#ned: *e#it&[PR> *e%ease+ and -ou sha%% be [PR> *e%eased+& *e#itted! K[4> And 1*iti1ise not! and -ou 1an not be 1*iti1ised( Conde#n not! and -ou 1an not be 1onde#ned(+ K[Ga2=> Esaid in 1ontinuation:F Again ou* $a3iou* said: Po*gi3e! and it sha%% be fo*gi3en to -ou! and *e#it(((+ ?:2A [Ga> And+ gi3e [P> -ou+! and it is&[GaPR> sha%% be+ gi3en unto -ou! - in-"R' good #easu*e [PERF> .*essed "R'-down+ and [R> sha;en and+ [PR> *unning o3e*+&o3e*f%owing sha%% the- >1ast in&[R> gi3e into+> -ou* [P> %a.+&boso#"s 5R': [PR> Po*+ with that #easu*e [R> with+ whi1h -ou #easu*e! it [PR> wi%% be+&is #easu*ed unto -ou [R> again+( ?:2C And He >was sa-ing&[PR> s.a;e+> unto the# [PR> a+&this si#i%itude& .a*ab%e: Can&[R> 0s ab%e+ the&[PR> a+ b%ind #an&[R>to+ %ead [PR> a+&the b%ind "PR'-#anI! [PR> wi%%+&and [R> the-+ not both "PR> of the#' fa%% into >the dit1h&[R> a .it+>I ?:<G K"P> The*e is' no Ta%#id TK>5KT that-"P' is >.e*fe1t as&[P> bette* than+> his Rabbi in tea1hing: [P> fo* whoe3e* is K.e*fe1t! wi%% be %i;e his Rabbi+( K1[R> A Ta%#id is not abo3e his tea1he*! but e3e*- one .e*fe1ted sha%% be as his tea1he*(+ K)[4>(( ha3ing been #ade .e*fe1t! (((+ ?:<1 Now&[PR> And+ wh- the [P> st*aw+&#ote-[R+ [P> that is+ in -ou* b*othe*>s e-e >do -ou [R> beho%d+-see&[P> obse*3e -ou+>! [P> but+&and the bea# [PR> that is+ in -ou* [PR> own+ e-e [R> do not 1onside*+Ndoes not a..ea* to -ou&[P> *ega*d not+I ?:<) [PR>7*+ how 1an -ou sa- to -ou* b*othe* - --"R' b*othe*! %et& [PR> a%%ow+ "R'-#e [R> 0 #a- ta;e out+N.ut fo*th&[P> to .%u1;+ the [P> st*aw+&#ote >f*o#&[R> that EisF in+> -ou* e-e: Kand&[P> when+ beho%d! [P> the bea# that is+ in -ou* own e-e >a bea# is set&[P> -ou *ega*d not+>I >You *es.e1te* of .e*sons&[PR> H-.o1*ite+>J - >.ut fo*th &[PERF> 1ast+> fi*st the bea# f*o#&[PR> out of+ -ou* [R> own+ e-e! and then >[R> -ou sha%% see 1%ea*%- to ta;e out+Nit wi%% a..ea* to -ou EhowF to .ut fo*th&[P> -ou* 3ision wi%% be 1%ea* to .%u1;+> the [P>

st*aw+&#ote f*o#&[R> that EisF in+ -ou* b*othe*>s e-e( K[R> (((: -ou*se%f - the bea# in -ou* own e-e not beho%dingI (((+ ?:<2 Po*-"P' the*e is no good t*ee that >b*ings fo*th e3i%&[PERF> bea*s bad+> f*uit"s 5R': no* >an e3i%&[PR> a bad+> t*ee that >b*ings fo*th&[PERF> bea*s+> good f*uit"s 5'( [The %ong Muotation in Ga2G2! 1A@ E1o#bining att(@:1?-1A with 6;( ?:<=F! is f*o# the 8iatessa*on E8iatEa*F 1G:2=-2AF( Po* the 3a*iants to 33(<2! <<! see notes to att(@:1?-1A(+ ?:<< [PR> Po*+ e3e*-&[R> ea1h+ t*ee f*o# its [R> own+ f*uit"s 5R' is ;nown: [R> fo*+ >the- do not [R> gathe*+-.i1;&[P> do #en gathe*+> f*o# tho*ns&[P> tho*n-bushes+ figs >!-[P>I+> no*&[P> $o! neithe*+ f*o# bushes&[P> b*a#b%es+N[R> a b*a#b%e+ do the- [R> 1*o.+Ngathe* in& [P> .%u1;+ g*[R> a g*a.e+( ?:<= The&[P> A+ good #an&[GaEbF2G2> s%a3e+ f*o# the good t*easu*e [Ga1A@P> that is+ in&[R> of+ his hea*t Kb*ings fo*th [Ga)-)> and s.ea;s+ good things: and the-e3i%&[P> a bad+ #an! f*o# the K[P> bad+& e3i% t*easu*e"s 5P' [Ga1A@P> that [P> is+-a*e+ in his hea*t' b*ings fo*th [Ga)-)> and s.ea;s+ [P> bad+&e3i% things! fo*&[Ga)-)P> be1ause+ f*o# the [P> abundan1e+&eL1essi3es of the hea*t s.ea;s the #outh& [Ga)-)P> %i.s+( [0n Ga2G2 this i##ediate%- fo%%ows att(@:1A! as in 8iatEa*F 1G:2@ -2A: Ga1A? inse*ts att( 1):22 EX 6;(?:<<F between att( @:1A and 6;( ?:<=! thus: >be1ause it is f*o# its f*uits the t*ee is ;nown: so the good #an(((>+ K1[R>((( does b*ing fo*th that whi1h EisF good: and the e3i% #an out of the e3i% "A> t*easu*e of his hea*t' does b*ing fo*th that whi1h EisF e3i%: fo* out of the abounding of the hea*t does his #outh s.ea;(+ K)[Ga2G2>((( su.e*f%uities of his hea*t (((+ ?:<? Now&[PR> And+ wh- 1a%% -ou e! - --"R' 6o*d! #--"R' 6o*d: and& [P> whi%e+ >that whi1h&[R> what+> 0 >sa- "R'-to&[P> 1o##and+> "R> -ou! -ou' do notI ?:<@ Po*-"P' e3e*-one that 1o#es unto e! and hea*s - 4o*ds! and does the#! 0 wi%% show >-ou what&[PR> to who#+> he is %i;e ?:<A - Snto&[PR> He is %i;e+ a #an Kthat bui%t a house: and [P> he+ dug and went dee.! and %aid the foundation[s 5P+ on [P> a+&the *o1;: and when [P> a+&the f%ood"s 5P' Kwe*e EoutF and the *i3e* was fu%% thewe*e dashed against that sa#e house! and the- we*e not ab%e to sha;e it( K1[R>((( bui%ding a house! who did dig! and dee.ened! and %aid a foundation u.on the *o1;! and a f%ood ha3ing 1o#e! the st*ea# b*o;e fo*th on that house! and was not ab%e to sha;e it! fo* it had been [A#> we%% bui%t+-founded "A> u.on the *o1;'(+ K)[P>((( o11u**ed! the f%ood *ushed u.on that house! and 1ou%d not #o3e it! fo* its foundation *ested on a *o1;(+

?:<C And&[P> /ut+ he who hea*s and does not! is %i;e "P'-unto a #an that bui%t his house >on %and&[PR> u.on the ea*th+> without a foundation: Kand >the *i3e* was dashed against&[P> when the to**ent *ushed u.on+> it! >and st*aightwa- 1ast it EdownF&[PERF> [R>R+ it [A> 1o%%a.sed+-fe%% i##ediate%-+>! and the [PR> *uin+&fa%% of that house was&[R> be1a#e+ g*eat( K[R>(((: against whi1h the st*ea# b*a;e fo*th! (((+ CHAPTER @ @:1@ And when >a%% the 4o*ds we*e 1o#.%eted in the hea*ing& [PERF> He had 1o#.%eted a%% these-dis1ou*ses-[R> His sa-ings+> in the [R> ea*s+& audien1e+ of the .eo.%e [P> Yeshua+&He ente*ed [P> into+ B>fa*Na1hu#( @:) And the s%a3e of a "P> 1e*tain' Centu*ion was&[R> being+ [P> 3e*-+ i%%! >and he&[PR> who+> was >dea* to&[R> #u1h 3a%ued b-+> >his #aste*& [PR> hi#+>: and-"R' "PR> he' was-"P' nea*&[R> about+ to [P> death+&die( @:2 And he [R> ha3ing+ hea*d of Yeshua! "R'-and sent unto Hi# E%de*s of the Y>hudi#! and-"R' >was besee1hing&[P> *eMuested of+> Hi#! that He wou%d-"R' [R> ha3ing+ 1o#e EandF&[R> #ight tho*ough%-+ sa3e [P> the %ife of+ his s%a3e "PR'-a%i3e( @:< And [P> when+ the- 1a#e unto Yeshua >and we*e besee1hing Hi# 1a*efu%%-&[PERF> ent*eated Hi# ea*nest%-+> and-"R' sa-ing&[P> said+: He is wo*th- that&[R> to who#+ You shou%d&[R> sha%%+ do "R> fo* hi#' this! @:= Po* he [R> does+ %o3e"s 5R' ou* [PR> nation+&.eo.%e! and a& [R> the+ s-nagogue a%so-"R' "P'-he has bui%t "P'-fo*&[R> to+ us( @:? And Yeshua >was going&[P> went+> with the#( Now&[PR> And+ when He was >nea*! a %itt%e Ewa-F&[PR> not fa*+> [R> distant+ f*o# the house! >beho%d-"R'! that&[PR> the+> Centu*ion des.at1hed&[PR> sent+ unto Hi# his-"R' f*iends! and >sent Ewo*dF&[PERF> said+> unto Hi#: $i*&5 6o*d>! do&[R> be+ not t*oub%e[d 5R+ [P>-ou*se%f+! fo* 0 a# not wo*ththat You shou%d [P> 1o#e+&ente* unde* #- [PR> *oof+& dwe%%ing: @:@ [PERF> The*efo*e 0 [R> e3en+ dee#ed #-se%f not wo*th- to a..*oa1h [R> unto+ -ou "R'-#-se%f:+ but >sa- in&with a&[P> but s.ea; the+> wo*d [P> on%-+! and #- -oung-#an wi%% be hea%ed( [Po* Ga)G! see att(A:A(+ @:A Po* 0 a%so a# a #an K[R> .%a1ed unde*+Nthat a# subOe1t unde*& [P> subOe1ted to+ autho*it-! and [R> ha3ing+Nthe*e a*e&[P> 0 ha3e+ unde* #-[se%f 5R+ 51o##and>&hand-"R' so%die*s: and 0 sa- to this [R>EF+-one! Go! and he goes! and to anothe*! Co#e! and he 1o#es! and to #s%a3e!

8o this! and he does EitF( K[9)>((( a..ointing so%die*s unde* the autho*it- whi1h 0 ha3e:(((+ [91> EQdoesQ R Qs%a3eQ a*e *egu%a* fo*#s of the t*i%ite*a% 3e*b >bad in A*a#ai1(F+ @:C And when-"R' Yeshua [R> ha3ing+ hea*d [PR> these things+ "R'-He >wonde*ed at&[P> ad#i*ed+> hi#: and He [R> ha3ing+ tu*ned *ound"PR' "R'-and said to [PR> the+&that #u%titude that >EwasF 1o#ing afte*& [PR> fo%%owed+> Hi#: 0 sa- unto -ou! Kthat-"PR' not e3en in "PR> the House of' 0s*ae% ha3e 0 found >[R> so #u1h faith+Nfaith %i;e this& 5EfaithF %i;e this faith>(> K[4>(((! 0 did not find so g*eat faith in 0s*ae%(+ @:1G And >the- that we*e&[R> those+> sent [R> ha3ing+ *etu*ned [PR> to the house+: and-"R' [P> the-+ found that&[R> the ai%ing+ s%a3e "A'-[PERF> that had been si1;! now+&[ERF> now+ we%%&who%e( @:11@ And >[R#> it 1a#e to .ass on the #o**ow He+N[A#> soon+ afte*wa*ds the-&[P#> the fo%%owing da-! He+> went to a 1it- >whose na#e EwasF& [PR> 1a%%ed+> Na,i#! and [R> #an- of+ His Ta%#idi# we*e&[PR>EF+ "P'-going with Hi#! and a g*eat #u%titude( @:1) [PR> And as+ He >d*ew nea* to&[P> a..*oa1hed+> the gate of the 1it-! K5and saw E.eo.%eF a dead #an! who> was 5the on%EsonF> of his #othe*! and she was a widow( And "R'-the*e was with he* a g*eat #u%titude "R> f*o# the #en' of the 1it-( K[R>(((! then! beho%d! one dead was being 1a**ied fo*th! an on%son (((+ K[P>(((! He saw a .*o1ession bea*ing a dead #an! the on%- son of his #othe*! and she was a widow: and a g*eat of the >sons& 5.eo.%e>> of the 1it- we*e with he*(+ @:12 [PR> And+ Yeshua&[R> the 6o*d+ [R> ha3ing seen+Nsaw&[P> %oo;ed u.on+ he* >and had&[R> was #o3ed with+> 1o#.assion on&[R> towa*d+ he*: and [P> He+ said unto he*: >4ee. not&[R> /e not>( @:1< And He "P'-Hi#se%f >went and&[R> ha3ing 1o#e nea*+> tou1hed Kthe bie*: and the- "R'-that >[R> bea*ing EitF+Nwe*e 1a**-ing EitF&[P> bo*e hi#+> stood [PR> sti%%+&Esti%%F( [PR> And+ He sa-s: Youth&[PR> Young #an+! unto -ou 0 sa- - A*iseJ K[the bie*: Ein G1 .a*t%- i%%egib%eF( The t*ue s.e%%ing of the *a*e wo*d to be su..%ied is to be infe**ed f*o# the wo*d he*e used in $-*&.a%est "e*ana! EnotF a*ona'+ @:1= And the dead [P> #an+ "PR> %ifted hi#se%f u. and' sat [PR> u.+ and began to s.ea;( And He ga3e&[P> de%i3e*ed+ hi# to his #othe*( K[3s(1<-1= Ga1?=> Po* the son of the widow - when He sa3ed hi# a%i3e! -He 1a%%ed hi# twi1e! sa-ing to hi#: Youth! -outh! a*iseJ And he %i3ed and a*ose+-E1f 6;(A:=<-==F-[G&E.h*(Nisib(2C:1@Cf> /ut Yeshua 1a%%ed to the dead! Esa-ingF: Youth! -outh+

@:1? And >fea* too; ho%d of "R'-the#&[P> awe seiDed+> a%% [P> the .eo.%e+: and the- g%o*ified E%ohi#&God and sa-: A g*eat P*o.het has a*isen a#ong us! and E%ohi#&God >has 3isited&[R> did %oo; u.on+> His .eo.%e( @:1@ KAnd [R> the a11ount of+ this went fo*th 1on1e*ning Hi# in a%% "R> the %and of' Y>hudah and in a%% the 1ount*-&[R> *egion+ [R> a+*ound "R> about the#'( K[P> And that sa-ing&5wo*d> *es.e1ting Hi# went out th*ough a%% Y>hudiah and a%% the su**ounding *egion(+ @:1A KAnd 55H>is Ta%#idi#> de1%a*ed to 5Yo1hanan a%% these things>( K[PR> And the Ta%#idi# of Yo1hanan to%d hi# [R> about+ a%% these things(+ @:1C@ And Yo1hanan [R> ha3ing+ 1a%%ed [R> nea* a 1e*tain+ two of his Ta%#idi#! and-"R' sent [P> the#+ unto Yeshua&[A> the 6o*d+! and said: A*e -ou He >that 1o#es&[R> 4ho is 1o#ing+>! o* fo* anothe* >is it EthatF we a*e waiting&[PERF> sha%%-[R> do+ we %oo;+>I @:)G And >the- 1a#e&[R> the #en ha3ing 1o#e nea*+> unto [P> Yeshua+&Hi# >and sa-&[R> said+> "R> to Hi#': Yo1hanan ha atbi%&the-0##e*se* [P> has+ sent us unto You! and sa-s: A*e You He >that 1o#es&[R> 4ho is 1o#ing+>! o* fo* anothe* >is it EthatF we a*e waiting&[PERF> sha%%[R> do+ we %oo;+>I @:)1 And in >the sa#e&[R> that+> hou* 5#an->&[PR> #an-+ [P> .e*sons+ He hea%ed of [P> thei*+ [P> diseases+&infi*#itiesNsi1;nesses! and "R'of .%agues! and of-"R' [P> un1%ean+&e3i% s.i*its! and Kto #an- b%ind [P> .e*sons+ >He was gi3ing that the- shou%d see&[PERF> ga3e-[R> g*anted+ sight+>( K[4>((( He 1onfe**ed on #an- the .owe* to see(+ @:)) And [R> Yeshua answe*ing+NHe answe*ed&[P> Yeshua *e.%ied+ and-"R' said unto the#: Go&[R> Ha3ing gone on+ [P> -ou+! and >sa--[R> *e.o*t+ to&[P> te%%+> Yo1hanan "R'-e3e*-thing that&[R> what+ -ou ha3e seen and "PR> whi1h -ou ha3e' hea*d: - that the-"R' b%ind [R> #en do+ see [R> again+! "R> and the' %a#e [R> do+ wa%;! "R> and the' %e.e*s a*e 1%eansed! "R> and the' deaf [R> do+ [P+-5hea*>! 5and>-"R' [P> to+ "R'-the .oo* >5a*e KTannoun1ed the Good tidingsT and>&[PERF> [R> ha3e+ Good-News is-"R' .*o1%ai#ed! "R'-and+> the-"R' dead [P+5a*ise>&[R> a*e *aised+( KEThe #issing wo*ds shou%d be these [as in 6;(1?:1?+! but 1f t( 11:=1F @:)2 5And >ha..- is it> fo* hi#&[P> b%essed is he+> [R> whoe3e* #a-+N that sha%%&[P> is+ not >be offended&[PR> [R> be+ stu#b%ed+> in e( @:)< And "R'-when the Ta%#idi#&[R> #essenge*s+ of Yo1hanan [R> ha3ing

gone+Nwent&[P> we*e gone+ [R> awa-+! [P> Yeshua+&He began to sa- to the #u%titude"s 5P' 1on1e*ning Yo1hanan: 4hat went&[R> ha3e+ -ou [R> gone+ fo*th&[PR> into the wi%de*ness+ to see&[R> %oo; on+I - a *eed "PR'that b- the wind >is-"R' sha;en&[P> agitated+>I @:)= /ut&[P> 7*+ "R> if not'! what went&[R> ha3e+ -ou [R> gone+ fo*th to seeI - a #an >that with&[PR> in+> soft [P> *ai#ent+&ga*#ents "PR'-is 1%adI /eho%d! those&[PR> the-+ "R'-that >[R> in s.%endid a..a*e%! and %i3ing in %uLu*-+Na*e in g%o*ious and su#.tuous 1%othing&[P> use s.%endid ga*#ents and %uLu*ies+> a*e in ;ings> housesJ @:)? /ut&[P> 7*+ "R> if not'! what went -ou fo*th to seeI - a P*o.hetI Yea! 0 sa- unto -ou: >one that is&[PR> and+> [R> #u1h+ #o*e than [PR> a+&the P*o.het"s 5PR'( @:)@ [P> Po*+ this is he of who# it is&[R> has been+ w*itten: /eho%d! 0 send - #essenge* befo*e You* 1ountenan1e&fa1e! >[R> who sha%%+Nand he sha%%&[P> to+> .*e.a*e a&[PR> -ou*+ wa- befo*e You( @:)A [R> Po*+ 0 sa- unto -ou! - KThe*e has not a*isen a#ong the# that a*e bo*n of wo#en a P*o.het g*eate* than Yo1hanan 5ha atbi%&the0##e*se*>! but he that is %itt%e in the Bingdo# of> E%ohi#&God is g*eate* than he( K[PERF>(((! >that no P*o.het&[A> none+>! a#ong those bo*n of wo#en! was g*eate* than Yo1hanan ha atbi%! >and -et the %itt%e one &[R> but the %east+> in the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God (((+ @:)C And a%% the .eo.%e "P> and the taL-1o%%e1to*s' that hea*d [P> Hi#+ KOustified "P> the#se%3es to' E%ohi#&God! >[R> ha3ing been+Nin that the- we*e&[P> as the- had been+> i##e*sed with the i##e*sion of Yo1hanan: K[R>((( de1%a*ed E%ohi#&God *ighteous! (((+ @:2G K/ut the $1*ibes and the P>*ushi# def*auded in the#se%3es the wi%% of E%ohi#&God in that the- did not *e1ei3e i##e*sion f*o# hi#( K[PE4F> /ut the P>*ushi# and $1*ibes *eOe1ted the >good .%easu*e[4> 1ounse%+> of E%ohi#&God! against the#se%3es: as the- we*e not i##e*sed b- hi#(+ K[R> /ut the P>*ushi#! and the $1*ibes! the 1ounse% of E%ohi#&God did .ut awa- f*o# the#se%3es! not ha3ing been i##e*sed bhi#(+ @:21 [R> And the 6o*d said:+-"A ' To who#&[PR> what+ the*efo*e sha%% 0 %i;en&1o#.a*e "P> the .eo.%e&[R> #en+ of' this gene*ation! and to what a*e the- %i;eI @:2) The- a*e %i;e to-"P' 1hi%d*en( that&[R> to those+ sit[ting 5R+ in the&[R> a+ >[PR> #a*;et-.%a1e+&st*eet> and >[R> 1a%%ing+Nsend Ewo*dF& [P> 1a%%+> to >thei* fe%%ows&[R> one anothe*+> [PR> and sa-[ing 5R++:

4e "R'-ha3e sung&[PR> .i.ed+ to -ou! and -ou [PR> did+&ha3e not dan1e"d 5PR': and-"R' we "R'-ha3e [R> #ou*ned+Nwai%ed&[P> how%ed+ to -ou! and -ou [PR> did+&ha3e not >we.t&[PR> wee.+>J @:22 Po* "PR'-the*e 1a#e "PR> unto -ou' Yo1hanan ha atbi%&the0##e*se* not 5G1+[G1G)> eating [P> b*ead+! [P> and not+&no* d*in;ing [PR> wine+: [PR> and+ -ou sa-: A de#on >[G1> is+ in hi#&[PR> he has+>( @:2< "PR> And the*e 1o#e' the 5$>on of Ka-"PR' #an [PR> 1a#e+ eating and d*in;ing: [PR> and+ -ou sa-: /eho%d! a [PERF> g%uttonous+ #an "PR> Ewho isF an eate*' and a d*un;a*d&[PR> 5wine-d*in;e*>+ "R'-and >a f*iend&[P> one fond+> of taL-1o%%e1to*s and "PR'-of sinne*sJ K[of QaQ #an -Esee on att(1):<G! 6;()):<AF+ @:2= And&[P> /ut+ [R> the+ wisdo# [R> was+Nhas been&[P> is+ Oustified f*o#&[P> b-+ [G1PR> a%%+ he* sons&[PR> 1hi%d*en+( @:2?@ KAnd the*e 1a#e a 1e*tain Pa*ush besee1hing Hi# that He wou%d dine at his EhouseF [G1> with hi#+( And He ente*ed the house of that Pa*ush: "G1> and' when He sat down Eto #ea%F! K[PR> And [R> a 1e*tain+ one of the P>*ushi# "R> 1a#e! and' as;ed Hi# to&[R> that He #ight+ eat with hi#( And >He ente*ed&[R> ha3ing gone into+> the house of the Pa*ush! and&[R> He+ *e1%ined Eto #ea%F(+ @:2@ [P> And+ [R> beho%d+ "R> the*e was' a "PR'-1e*tain wo#an! [PR> who was+ a sinne*! in that&[PR> the+ 1it-: - [G1P> and+ >when she&[R> ha3ing+> [P> %ea*ned+&;newN[R> ;nown+ that in the house of [PR>the+& that Pa*ush He >was sitting&[PR> *e1%ined+> Eat #ea%F! >she too;&[R> ha3ing .*o3ided+> >a 3ase&[PR> an a%abaste* boL+> "R> of oi%' of [R> oint#ent+Nsweet s#e%%&[P> .e*fu#e+N[4> #-**h+( @:2A And [R> ha3ing+ stood "PR'-u. behind "R'-Hi#! at&[R> beside+ His feet! and-"R' >[P> we.t+&was-"R'>: "R'-and [PR> she began+ with he* tea*s [P> to bathe+&[R> to wet+ His feet "PR> she #oistened' and with the hai* of he* head >she was[P>to wi.e+> "R'-the#! and "R'-she >was ;issing&[P> ;issed+> His feet and >was anointing&[P> anointed+> Ethe#F with [R> the oint#ent+Nthat oi%&[P> the .e*fu#e+( @:2C Now&[PR> And+ when [PR> the+&that Pa*ush >who had bidden& [P> that in3ited+> Hi# saw EitF! >he thought&[R> s.o;e+> [PR> with+in hi#se%f! and said: KThis [P> #an+&E#anFN[R> one+! if he we*e a& [#> the+ P*o.het! wou%d K;now who she is! o*&[G1P> and+ what Kthe ta%e EisF of that wo#an! the sinne*! that has tou1hed hi#( [Ge112>(((: This #an! if he we*e a P*o.het! how ;new he not of what #anne* of wo*;s this wo#an is! that is! that she is a sinne*I+ K)[R>((( ha3e ;nown who and of what ;ind EisF the wo#an who

does tou1h hi#! that she is a sinne*(+ K2[P>((( is he* *e.utation: fo* the wo#an that tou1hes hi#! is a sinne*(+ @:<G [PR> And+ Yeshua [PERF> answe*ed and+ said unto hi#: $hi#,on! 0 ha3e so#ething >that 0 wou%d&[PR> to+> sa- unto -ou( [R> And+ he sa-s "R> unto Hi#': $a- [R> on+NEitF&[P> it+! [R> Tea1he*+N[P> Rabbi& [G1> ou* Rabbi+( "R> Yeshua sa-s unto hi#': @:<1 Two debto*s "R'-the*e we*e to a [PR+->1e*tain 1*edito*& [G1Ge11< E.h*(6a#- ):.())> a #an! a #one--%ende*+>: [PR> the+ one was >indebted to&[PERF> owed+> "R'-hi# fi3e hund*ed dena*ii! and one&[PR> the othe*+ fift- "R'-dena*ii( @:<) KAnd when the- had not Ean-thingF to *e.a-! he fo*ga3e the# both( 4hi1h of the# wi%% be %o3ing to hi# the #o*eI K[PERF> And "R'-as the- had not >the #eans&[R>EF+> >of .a-&[R> to gi3e ba1;+>! he *e%eased-[R> fo*ga3e+ "R'-the# both( 4hi1h of the#! the*efo*e-[R> sa- -ou+! wi%% %o3e hi# #ost-[R> #o*e+I+ [91> E[R 3e*se <1+ He*e the wo*d Qhab&EoweFQ is not the sa#e as Qhabb&E%o3eF! but the sound is 3e*- si#i%a* in A*a#ai1! [as in the 1ase of d#a-a and d#a "e%sewhe*e'+( Yeshua #a- ha3e #ade a .%aon these wo*ds he*e(F+ @:<2 [R> And+ $hi#,on [PERF> *e.%ied and+ sa-s "PR> to Hi#': 0 su..ose hi#&[R> that+ [G1PR> to+ who# [PR> #ost+N#o*e&[G1> #u1h+ was&[R> he+ [P> *e%eased+&fo*gi3e"n 5R' "G1PR> to'( Yeshua&[R> And He+ sa-s unto hi#: 4e%%&[PR> Co**e1t%-+ ha3e -ou Oudged( @:<< And He [R> ha3ing+ tu*ned "PR'-a*ound unto the wo#an! "R'-and said to $hi#,on: >$ee -ou&[G1> 5Eha3e -ou seenF>+> this wo#anI You* house 0 ente*ed [R> into+ - [P> and+ wate* fo* - feet -ou ga3e [PR>EF+& e not! but she&[G1R> this Ewo#anF+ with "R'-he* tea*s [PR+-"G1> feet' has [P> bathed+&#oistened [G1> the#+! and with the&[P> he*+ hai* "P> of he* head has' wi.ed "R'-the#( @:<= You >did not&[PR> no+> ;iss [PERF> ga3e+ [R> to #e+ e: but [PR> this wo#an+&she! sin1e&[R> f*o# what ti#e+ >0 ente*ed&[P> she 1a#e in+>! has not 1eased - feet to ;iss( @:<? You did not anoint e&[PERF> - head with [R> oi%+-.e*fu#e+: but she&[R> this wo#an+ with >oi% of sweet s#e%%&[PR> "R'-.e*fu#ed oint#ent+> has anointed - feet( @:<@ The*efo*e 0 sa- [PR+-"G1> unto -ou'! - Khe* #an- sins a*e fo*gi3en he*-"R'! be1ause #u1h she >has been %o3ing&[P> %o3es+>( Po*&[PR> /ut+

"R'-he that&[PR> to who#+ %itt%e >has been&[G1PR> is+> fo*gi3en "PR'-to! [R> he does+ [P> %o3e"s 5R'+ %itt%e >is "G1> he' %o3ing>"PR'( K[9)>(((- she whose #an- sins a*e fo*gi3en wi%% %o3e #u1h! (((+ @:<A [G1PR> And+ He sa-s "P> unto he*'! [P+->"G1R> to [P> the+&that wo#an'>: You* sins a*e&[R> ha3e been+ fo*gi3en "R'--ou( @:<C And the- "R> that we*e' sitting&[PR> *e1%ining+ Eat #ea%F [R> with Hi#+ began sa-ing&[PR> to sa-+ [R> with+in the#se%3es: 4ho is this! that [P> e3en+ fo*gi3es sins [R+-a%so-"P'I @:=G And He&[P> Yeshua+ sa-s unto [PR> the+&that wo#an: You* faith has >sa3ed -ou "R'-a%i3e&[P> gi3en -ou %ife+>( >Go in&[R> be going on to+> sha%o#&.ea1e( CHAPTER A A:1@ [R> And it 1a#e to .ass+ [R> the*e+afte* "R> these things' [R> that+ [P> Yeshua+&He >was going [R> th*ough+-about&[P> t*a3e%ed+> "R'-in&[P> about+ [R> e3e*-+ "R'-the 3i%%age"s 5R' and "PR'-in the-"R' [R> 1it-+&1ities [G1> and His Twe%3e with Hi#+ and announ1ing& [PERF> .*o1%ai#ed and announ1ed+ the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! "G1'-[PR> And+ His-[R> the+ Twe%3e ETa%#idi#F "R'-a%so [P> we*e+ with Hi#+( A:) And [R> 1e*tain+Nthese&[P> those+ wo#en >that had been&[PR> who we*e+> hea%ed f*o# [P> un1%ean+&e3i% s.i*its and "R'-f*o# infi*#ities - i*-a#! [R> who is+ 1a%%ed agda%it! f*o#&[P> out of+ who# [P> went+ se3en de#ons >[G)Ge11<> He had 1ast out+&[G1R> had gone fo*th(+>-"P' A:2 And Yo1hanan wife of BuDa "R'-the agent&[PR> stewa*d+ of He*od! and $hoshanah! and #an- othe*"s 45' [4> wo#en+ that we*e se*3ing& #iniste*ing [PR> to+ [A +-the#&[R> Hi#+ f*o# >that whi1h thehad& [G1EPRF> thei* [P> .*o.e*t-+-.*o.e*ties-[R> substan1e++>( A:< And "R'-when >[R> ha3ing gathe*ed+Nthe*e was-[G1> is+ gathe*ed togethe*&[P> was asse#b%ed+> a g*eat #u%titude! and >the- that& [P> .eo.%e+> f*o# [P> a%%+ >the 1ities&[R> 1it- and 1it-+> >we*e 1o#ing& [P> 1a#e+> unto Hi#! He sa-s&[G1> began to sa-+ "PR> to the#' in&[R> ba+ .a*ab%e"s 5R'&si#i%itude"s 5R': A:= /eho%d-"PR'! the&[P> a+ sowe* went fo*th to sow [PR> his seed+: and when&[P> as+ he sowed&[G1EERF> was sowing+ so#e [R> indeed+ fe%% b-& [9)> on+ the [PERF> side of the+ wa-&*oad-"side 5P&9)' and was t*odden u.on&[R> down+! and [P> a+&the bi*d"s 5P' [R> of the hea3en+ ate&[PR> de3ou*ed+ it( A:? And othe* fe%% on [P> a+&the *o1; [PERF> and s.*ung u. "R> *ight awa-'+: Kand be1ause >it had&[G1> the*e was+> no #oistu*e it "R>

fai%ed and' withe*ed( K[P>(((: but! as it %a1;ed #oistu*e! it d*ied u.(+ A:@ [G1PR> And+ othe* fe%% a#ong "P'-the tho*ns! and [PERF+-"G1> [PERF> the tho*ns+&the- s.*ang u. with it and' 1ho;ed it( A:A And othe* fe%% in&[PRGe> u.on+ "PGe'-the [Ge91> fe*ti%e and+ good [P> and fai*+ g*ound&%and! "G1PR> and f*uitfu%'-[Ge1)=+! and s.*ang u.! and [P> bo*e+&ga3eN[R> #ade+ f*uit[s 5P+! >an hund*edfo%d&[P> a hund*ed fo* one+>( >And when He said&[PERF> ha3ing said+> these things! >[R> He was 1a%%ing+Nwith a %oud 3oi1e He was sa-ing&[P> He 1*ied+>: He that has ea*s >that he shou%d&[PR> to+> hea*! %et hi# hea*( A:C And His Ta%#idi# as;ed&[R> we*e Muestioning+ Hi# [R> sa-ing+: 4hat [R> #a-+Nis&[P> #eans+ this si#i%itude&.a*ab%e [R> be+I A:1G [R> And+ He sa-s "R> unto the#': Snto -ou is gi3en to ;now the [R> se1*ets+N#-ste*-&[P> #-ste*ies+ of the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God: but &[R> and+ to [R> the *est+Nthose without&[P> othe*s+ - "PR> it is not gi3en the# to ;now'( "P'-The*efo*e in .a*ab%es&[P> a%%ego*ies+ "R'->it is [P> s.o;en+Nsaid&[G1> 50> sa- EitF+> "R> to the#'! Kthat >though the- see&[PERF> "R'-whi%e seeing+>! the- #a- not see: and >though thehea*&[PERF> "R'-whi%e hea*ing+>! the- #a- not unde*stand( K[9)>(((! who see indeed! but do not .e*1ei3e: and hea* indeed! but do not unde*stand(+ A:11 [R> And+NNow&[P> /ut+ this [PR> is the+ si#i%itude&.a*ab%e "PR> is as Efo%%owsF': The $eed is the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God: A:1) And the-&[PR> those+ b- "R'-the [PERF> side of the+ wa-&*oad"side 5PR' - "PR'-these a*e the- that hea* "R> the 4o*d' >of E%ohi#&God &[G1PR> 5EF>+>! and-"R' [R> then+ the ene#-&[R> A11use*+ 1o#es EandF ta;es [R> u.+ "PR> 0t awa-! Ee3enF' the 4o*d! >[P> out of+&f*o#> thei* hea*t! Kthat the- #a-&5shou%d> not be%ie3e and %i3e( K[R>(((! %est ha3ing be%ie3ed! the- #a- be $a3ed(+ A:12 And that&[PR> those+ on the *o1; - "R'->these be&[P> a*e+> the>that what Eti#eF>&-[PR> who when+ the- >[R> #a- hea*+Nha3e hea*d&[G1P> hea*+> the 4o*d Mui1;%--"PR' with Oo- [R> do+ *e1ei3e "PR'-0t! and& [P> but+ the- ha3e no *oot "R> in 0t&[P> the#+': and&[R> who+ [G1&G)& ERF+>fo* a ti#e "R'-the- be%ie3e>&[P> thei* faith is te#.o*a*-+! and in ti#e of 5t*ia%>&te#.tation "R> the- a*e' >[P> stu#b%ed+&offendedN [R> fa%% awa-+>( A:1< And that whi1h fe%% a#ong&[R> fe%% to the+ tho*ns - these-"P' a*e

[P> those+&the- that [R ha3e+ hea*[d 5R+ [P+-"G1R> the 4o*d'! K>and a*e in anLiet-&[P> but b- 1a*es+>! and in&[P> b-+ "G1P> the' *i1hes "G1P> of the wo*%d'! and >in the .%easu*e of %i3ing a*e o11u.ied&[P> bwo*%d%- desi*es+>! "G1P> and' a*e [9)> g*adua%%-+ 1ho;ed and [P> bea*+& gi3e no f*uit( K[R>(((! and going fo*th! th*ough anLieties! and *i1hes! and .%easu*es of %ife! a*e 1ho;ed! and bea* not to 1o#.%etion(+ A:1= And&[G1> Now+ that "G1PR> whi1h fe%%' >in the&[P> on+> good g*ound &%and - [R> these+ a*e the- that&5who> with&in a hea*t [P> hu#b%e+& sin1e*eN[R> u.*ight+ and good! >ha3e hea*d&[P> hea*+> the 4o*d and [R> do+ >ta;en ho%d&[PR> *etain it+>! and "R'-the- gi3e&[PERF> b*ing fo*th+ f*uit[s 5P+ in&[P> with+ [4+-.atien1e&[R> 1ontinuan1e+( A:1?@ "G1PR> Anothe* si#i%itude&.a*ab%e He was sa-ing': [R> And+ no one %ights&[R> ha3ing %it+ a %a#. "R'-and [PR> 1o3e*s+&hidesN[Ga> sets+ it in&[PR> with+ a 3esse%! o* sets&[PERF> .%a1es+ it&[Ga> unde* a bushe% o*+ unde* a bed&[R> 1ou1h+ K"G1PR> o* in a 1on1ea%ed .%a1e'& [Ga> o* sets it in a hidden .%a1e+! but "P'-he sets it u.on [PR> a+&the %a#.-stand that Ke3e*- [Ga+-#an&[G1> one+ >that ente*s #a- see its %ight&[Ga> #a- see the %ight of the %a#.+>( K[1f 1od( fu%d! .(<?> neMue a11endunt %u1e*na# et .onunt ea# sub #odio neMue in %o1o abs1ondito neMue sub uaso(+ K[PERF>((( >a%% who 1o#e&[R> that those 1o#ing+> in! #a- see the %ight "R> of it'(+ A:1@ Po* the*e-"R' is nothing se1*et&[P> 1o3e*ed+ that sha%% not be [P> un1o3e*ed+&*e3ea%edN[R> #anifest+! neithe*&[G1> and not+ Ean-thingF 1on1ea%ed that sha%% not be ;nown! and >1o#e into the [4> %ight+o.en& [PR> be1o#e #anifest+>( A:1A >[R> $ee the*efo*e how -ou hea*+N$ee what -ou ha3e hea*d& [P> Ta;e heed how -ou hea*+:> fo* [R> whoe3e*+Nhe&[P> to hi#+ that has! [R> the*e+Nit-"P' sha%% be gi3en "P> unto hi#' "G1R> and added unto hi#'! Kand he whi1h&[G1> that+ has not! e3en that whi1h he >was su..osing&[G1> su..oses+> that he has sha%% be ta;en awa- f*o# hi#( K[R>(((! and whoe3e* #a- not ha3e! a%so what he see#s to ha3e! sha%% be ta;en f*o# hi#(+ K[P>(((! and f*o# hi# that has not! sha%% be ta;en e3en what he thin;s he has(+ A:1C And "P'-the*e >had 1o#e&[G1PR> 1a#e+> unto Hi#! "G1PR> Ee3enF Yeshua'! His #othe* and "R'-His b*othe*s! and the- "G1PR> we*e standing outside! and' 1ou%d not [R> get to+Nsee&[G1P> s.ea; with+ Hi# be1ause of the #u%titude "G1PR> of .eo.%e'( A:)G And >the- said to&[R> was to%d+> Hi# [R> sa-ing+: You* #othe*

and You* b*othe*s [R> do+ >a*e standing outside&[PR> stand without+> "R'-and wish"ing 5P' to see You( A:)1 Now&[P> And+ He answe*ed&[R> answe*ing+ "R'-and said "P> unto the#': "G1PR> These a*e' - #othe* and - b*othe*s K>[G1EPF> a*e [P> the-+-these+>! - that&5who> hea* the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God and do it& [G1R> EitF+J K[R>((( the- a*e those who (((+ A:))@ KAnd it >had 1o#e&[G1R> 1a#e+> to .ass on one of those& [G1R> the+ da-s Yeshua&[G1R> He+ [R> Hi#se%f+ went "R> u. EandF sat' >in the&[R> into a+> boat! >He and&[R> with+> His Ta%#idi# "PR> with Hi#'! and "R'-He said unto the#: >6et us&[R> 4e #a-+> [P> .ass+&1*ossN[R> go+ o3e* to [PR> the+&that othe* side of the [P> sea+&%a;e [R> and theset fo*th+( K[P> And on a 1e*tain da- Yeshua e#ba*;ed and sat in a shi.!(((+ A:)2 And >when-[PR> whi%e+ the- we*e&[G1> whi%e+> [P> *owing+& sai%ing-[R+ "G1PR> on the sea' >[R> He fe%% dee.%- as%ee.+NHe went to s%ee.&[P> Yeshua fe%% as%ee.+>( And the*e Kwas a sMua%%&[P> te#.est+ of wind on the [P> sea+&%a;e! and >thei* boat&[P> the shi.+> was "P> fi%%ed b- the wa3es and it was' nea* to sin;[ing 5P+( K[R>((( 1a#e down a sto*# of wind to the %a;e! and the- we*e fi%%ing! and we*e in .e*i%(+ A:)< And the- 1a#e "P'-nea* [P> and+&EandF awo;e Hi# and& [G1R>EandF+ said&[R> sa-ing+ "R> unto Hi#': "R'-7u* >[R4> aste*! aste*+N6o*d& [G1EPF> "P'-Rabbi ou* Rabbi+>! we a*e .e*ishingJ And He a*ose and-"R' *ebu;ed the wind[s 5P+ and the [PERF> agitations+&sto*# of the wate*& [G1> %a;e+! [PR> and the- 1eased+ and the*e was&[R> 1a#e+ a 1a%#: A:)= And He said unto the#: 4he*e is -ou* faithI /ut&[PR> And+ the-! being [P> in awe+&af*aid! >we*e wonde*ing&[PERF> wonde*ed+> and [P> said+&sa-ing one to anothe*: 4ho "P'-then is this! that e3en the winds [P> and the wa3es+ Kand the sea "P'-He 1o##ands and the- obeHi#I K[G1ERF>((( He 1o##ands and the sea-[R4> wate*+ and theobeHi#I+ A:)? And the- "G1PR> had' >sai%ed&[P> *owed on and 1a#e+> [R> down+ to the 1ount*-&[R> *egion+ of the [R> Gada*enes+&Ge*asenesN [#>Ge*gesenes+! whi1h >is o..osite the othe* side of&[PERF> %ies-[R> is+ o3e* against+> haGa%i%( A:)@ Now&[P> And+ when He went >fo*th-[G1> u.+ to&[PERF> "R'out u.on+>

the %and the*e #et Hi# a "P'-1e*tain #an [G1PR> f*o#&5out of> the 1it-+ "R'-on&[P> in+ who"# 5R' "R'-the*e had "R> been a' de#on[s 5R+ [A> and+ [APR> fo*+ a %ong ti#e: "A'-and >with no ga*#ents was he 1%othed&[P> he-"A' wo*e no 1%othing+> and in no house >was he dwe%%ing& [P> did *eside+> but >in a&[PERF> "R'-a#ong the+ to#b[s 5PR+! "G1PR> and a%wa-s with 1*ies he was 1*-ing out and was s#iting hi#se%f with stones'( A:)A "G1> And' >when he&[R> ha3ing+> saw Yeshua he&[R> ha3ing+ 1*ied out and&[R> he+ fe%% >EandF bowed-down-to&[PR> fe%% down befo*e+> Hi#! and with a %oud 3oi1e said: 4hat "R> ha3e 0&[P> we+' to >do with& [R> to #e and to+> You! Yeshua! [P> You+ $on of the > ost High&[P> eLa%ted+> GodJ 0 besee1h&[P> ent*eat of+ [R> #a-+ You! [R> aff%i1t+&to*#ent #e not( A:)C "G1> Po*' >He was 1o##anding that&[P> Yeshua "R'-had 1o##anded the+> un1%ean s.i*it to 1o#e fo*th f*o# the #an( KPo* [P> of+ >a %ong& [R> #an-+> ti#e[s it 5R+ had "R> he been' >[R> 1aught+N1%ea3ing to&[P> he%d 1a.ti3e b-+> hi#! and he [R> was+Nused to be&[P> had been+ bound with 1hains and Kwith sha1;%es that he #ight be ;e.t! and he used to b*ea; his bonds and 1ut Ethe#F! and&[R> he+ was&[P> had been+ d*i3en b>that sa#e&[PR> the+> de#on[s 5R+ [P> in+to the dese*t[s 5R+( K1[9)>((( 7ften he had been ta;en b- fo*1e and ;e.t unde* gua*d! bound with 1hains! (((+ K[4> Po* sin1e a %ong ti#e he had .ossessed hi#! and he was f*eMuent%- bound! se1u*ed with 1hains and fette*s! and s#ashing his bonds! was d*i3en b- the de#ons into the dese*t(+ K)[R>((( fette*s - gua*ded! and b*ea;ing asunde* the bonds! (((+ K)[P>((( he%d in fette*s: but he had bu*st the bonds! (((+ A:2G Now&[P> And+ Yeshua [R> Muestioned+Nas;ed&[P> de#anded of+ hi# "P> >and said&[R> sa-ing+>': 4hat is -ou* na#eI "G1> And' he sa-s "R> to Hi#': 6egion! be1ause >we a*e #an- in&[PR> #an- de#ons had ente*ed into+> hi#( A:21 And [G)&e@=+->those de#ons&[G1P> the-+N[R> he+> >[R> was 1a%%ing on+Nwe*e besee1hing&[P> besought+> Hi# Kthat He wou%d not send the# to Ge--Hinno#! and not 1ast the# out( K[G1R>((( that He wou%d not 1o##and the# to go [R> awa-+ to the ab-ss(+ K[Ge@=E ;(=:1G>(((that He wou%d not send the# fo*th f*o# that

1ount*-! and wou%d not send the# to Ge--Hinno# befo*e the ti#e(+ K[P>((( not to 1o##and the# to de.a*t into the ab-ss(+ A:2) Now&[PR> And+ the*e was "R'-the*e in the hi%%&[R> #ountains+ a "G1> 1e*tain' he*d of #an- swine "R> that we*e' feeding "G1R> the*e'! and >[R> the- we*e 1a%%ing on+Nthose de#ons we*e besee1hing&[P> thebesought+> "G1> Hi#' that He wou%d .e*#it the# to ente* "P'into >[R> these+Nthat he*d of&[G1P> the+> swine( And He .e*#itted the#( K[P> And the*e was a he*d of #an- swine g*aDing on the #ountain((((+ A:22 And the de#ons [R> ha3ing+ went fo*th f*o# [PR> the+&that #an "R'-and ente*ed "P'-into the swine: and >a%% that&[PERF>the "R'who%e+> he*d K>went di*e1t&[P> *an+> to a >stee. .%a1e&[P> .*e1i.i1e51%iff>+> and "P'-the- fe%%&[P> .%unged+ into the sea and we*e 1ho;ed&[P> st*ang%ed+( K[R>((( *ushed down the stee. to the %a;e! (((+ A:2< Now&[PR> And+ when [P> the+&those [R> feeding+&he*ds#en saw >that whi1h 1a#e to .ass&[P> what had o11u**ed+> "R'-the- f%ed! and [R>ha3ing gone+ >the- de1%a*ed&[PR> to%d+> EitF in&[R> to+ the 1ities and "P'in& [R> to+ the [4> 1ount*-+N3i%%ages&[R> fie%ds+( A:2= And the [P> #en+&.eo.%eN[R> the-+ [P> went+&1a#e fo*th >[PR> to see+Nthat the- #ight see&[G1> and saw+> >that whi1h EhadF 1o#e to .ass& [P> what was done+>! and the- 1a#e to Yeshua and found [PR> the+&that #an f*o#&[PR> out of+ who# >went fo*th those&[P> had gone the+> de#ons! [P> now+ 1%ad&[G1PR> 1%othed+ and #odest&[R> *ight #inded+! "R> and sitting' at the feet of Yeshua: and the- we*e [P> awed+&af*aid( A:2? KAnd the- de1%a*ed to the# how that #an was sa3ed a%i3e! and theTK>"G1> that saw again'5KT we*e besee1hing Hi#! K[R> And those a%so ha3ing seen EitF! to%d the# how the de#onia1 was sa3ed(+ K[P> And the- that saw EitF! *e%ated to the# in what #anne* the de#onia1 was 1u*ed(+ A:2@ EE3enF a%% that&[G1> the+ #u%titude of the [R> Gada*enes+& Ge*asene! that He wou%d go awa- f*o# thei* Eneighbo*hoodF! be1ause [R> with+ "G1> g*eat' fea* Khad >ta;en ho%d of&[P> seiDed+> the#( Now He went u. to the boat and *etu*ned&[G1> went+ f*o# the#( K1[PERF> And the who%e #u%titude of the [R>*egion of the+ Ge*asene [R> *ound about+ *eMuested Hi# that He wou%d de.a*t f*o# the#: ((( And Yeshua e#ba*;ed in a shi.! and *eti*ed f*o# a#ong the#(+ K)[R>((( the- we*e .*essed! and He ha3ing ente*ed into the boat!

did tu*n ba1;(+ A:2A Now&[PR> And+ >that&[PR> the+ #an&[G1> he+> f*o# who# >had gone fo*th&[G1> went+> fo*th those&[G1PR> the+ de#ons! >was besee1hing&[P> *eMuested+> [R> of+ "G1P> Hi#' >that he #ight&[R> to be+> >be E*e#ainingF&[P> *e#ain+> with Hi#( And&[P> /ut+ Yeshua dis#issed&[R> sent+ hi# [R> awa-+! >and said&[R> sa-ing+> "G1R> unto hi#': A:2C Retu*n to -ou* house "G1PR> and to the house of -ou* *e%ati3es'! and de1%a*e&[P> *e%ate+ "G1PR> to the#' what&[R> how g*eat+ "P'-things >YH9H&The-67R8&-[G1R> E%ohi#&God+> >has done fo*&[R> did to+> -ou( And he >was going&[PR> went awa-+> "R'-and "G1P> was' [P> .*o1%ai#ed+& .*o1%ai#ing in&[P> th*ough+ a%% the 1it- >[R> how g*eat things+Nthat whi1h&[P> what+> Yeshua did&[P> and done+ fo*&[R> to+ hi#( A:<G@ And when Yeshua&[G1> ou* 6o*d+ *etu*ned! >a g*eat&[R> the+> #u%titude *e1ei3ed Hi#! be1ause [PR> a%%+ [R> the-+ fo* Hi# "PR'thewe*e %oo;ing( A:<1 And [R> beho%d+ "P> the*e 1a#e' a "RP> 1e*tain' #an >[PR+-Ya>i*5Uoa*ash>&[G1> Uo*esh+> his na#e [P+-"G1R> was'! "P> and he was' a head of the s-nagogue - "P'-and "PR> he' fe%% down befo*e&[G1PR> at+ the feet of Yeshua! and >[R> was 1a%%ing on+Nwas besee1hing&[P> besought+> "G1> Hi#' >that He wou%d&[PR> to+> ente*&[R> 1o#e to+ his house: A:<) Po* an on%- daughte* he had! "PR> and she was' "4'-about twe%3e -ea*s o%d-[R>EF+! and she was "R'-nea* >to die&[PR> d-ing+>( KAnd as Yeshua&[G1> He+ >was going&[P> went with hi#+> Ethe*eF the&[P> a g*eat+ #u%titude >was .*essing&[P> .*essed+> u.on Hi#! K[R>(((( And in His going awa-! the #u%titudes we*e th*onging Hi#(+ A:<2 And a "R'-1e*tain wo#an whose b%ood had >been issuing fo*& [P> f%owed+> twe%3e -ea*s! K"G1A#> and-"R' [PR> who+ a%% he* [R> %i3ing+N .*o.e*t- "P'-she >EhadF s.ent&[P> had eL.ended+> u.on .h-si1ians' >and 1ou%d&[R> was+> not [R> ab%e to+ be hea%ed&51u*ed> b- an- "R'one! "G1PR> and she #editated in he*se%f and said: E3en if the ga*#ents of Yeshua 0 shou%d go EandF tou1h 0 shou%d be hea%ed'( KE91> The o#ission is 1o**obo*ated b- the CodeL 9ati1anus: and is 3e*- .*o.e*%- o#itted both in the teLts of 4est1ott and Ho*t and of /( 4eiss( The s1*ibe who fi*st inte*.o%ated it f*o# a*; =:)? #ust ha3e fo*gotten that 6u;e was a .h-si1ian(F A:<< [R> Ha3ing 1o#e nea*+NAnd she d*ew nea*&[P> Ca#e u.+ "G1R> f*o#' behind Hi# and-"R' >too; ho%d of&[PR> tou1hed+> the

tDitDit&5Ef*ingesF& he#> of His ga*#ent&[G1> 1%othing+! and [PERF> i##ediate%-+ [G1> the fountain of+ the [P> f%ow+&issue of he* b%ood >stood Esti%%F&[P> sto..ed+>( A:<= And Yeshua "G1P> tu*ned a*ound and' sa-s: 4ho "P> is it [R> that+& EthatF' tou1hed eI And "R'-when a%% >"R> of the# we*e' den-ing& [P> denied+>! [P> $hi#,on+ Befa "A#'-[PR> and those with Hi#+ [PR>said+ &sa-s "R> unto Hi#': >7u* Rabbi&[R> aste*+>! Kthe #u%titudes a*e >.*essing u.on You and 1o#ing&[G1> he##ing EYouF in and .*essing u.on You+>! "A> and sa- You - who [R> EisF it that+ tou1hed e'I K[PERF>(((! 1*owds .*ess "R'-u.on You [R> and th*ong You+! and You [R> do+ sa- You (((+ A:<? >[R> And+ Yeshua [G1> answe*ed and+&-[P> And He+> said "PR> unto hi#': $o#e one tou1hed e! fo* 0 [P> .e*1ei3e+&;now [4> the+Nthat-"R' [P> ene*g-+&.owe* has gone fo*th f*o# e( A:<@ Now&[PR> And+ when [PR> the+&that wo#an saw Kthat not e3en this es1a.ed Hi#! she-"PR' 1a#e "G1PR> fea*fu% and' "R'-t*e#b%ing [R> and+& EandF fe%% down >EandF did-ho#age-to&[R> befo*e+> Hi#: and she said& [PR> de1%a*ed+ [R> unto Hi#+ Kin the >[P> e-es+&sight> of a%% that .eo.%e fo* what [PR> 1ause+&*eason she [P> had+ tou1hed [PR> Hi#+! and >how st*aightwa-&[P> that instant%-+> she was hea%ed "G1R'-T K>befo*e e3e*- one she 1onfessed5KT'( K1[G1>((( that not e3en this 3e*- thing did not es1a.e Hi#! (((+ K1[GeAG>((( that this a%so was not hid f*o# Hi#! (((+ K1[P>((( that she had not es1a.ed His noti1e! (((+ K1[R>((( that she was not hid! (((+ K)[R>((( befo*e a%% the .eo.%e (((+ A:<A >/ut-[R> And+ He&[P> And Yeshua+> [G1> answe*ed and+ said unto he*: "A'-[PR> Ta;e 1ou*age+ #--"R' daughte*! -ou* faith has >sa3ed -ou "R'-a%i3e&[P> gi3en -ou %ife+>: >go in&[R> be going on to+> sha%o#& .ea1e( A:<C And whi%e >He s.o;e&[G1EPRF> [PR> was+ [R> -et+ s.ea;ing+>! >[PERF> [R> a 1e*tain+ one 1a#e+Nthe*e 1a#e so#e&[G1> the1a#e+> f*o# >the househo%d&[REF+> of the head of the s-nagogue! and sa-s unto hi#: You* daughte* >has died&[P> is dead+>: do not t*oub%e the Tea1he* [A> an-#o*e+( A:=G >Now when&[P> And+> Yeshua [R> ha3ing+ hea*d [PR> EitF+ "G1PR> that thus the- said'! >He-"R' [G1ERF> answe*ed and+&-[P> and+> said >unto hi#&[P> to the fathe* of the #aid+>: Pea*&[R> /e+ not [R>af*aid+: K[Gt> but+-"PR' on%- "G1PR> indeed-[G)&a&t+' be%ie3e! and [G)&a&eAC+->-ou* daughte* wi%% %i3e&[G1EPF> and she %i3es-[P> wi%%

%i3e++N[R> sha%% be sa3ed+>( K[Gt2)=>(((Pea* -ou not! but on%- indeed be%ie3e(((+ K[GeAC>(((0ndeed be%ie3e(((+ A:=1 And >when He&[P> Yeshua+> 1a#e to the house "PR> of that #an' [P> and+ He >did not a%%ow an- one&[PERF> a%%owed none+> to ente*& [PR> go+ in [PA> with Hi#+ but&5eL1e.t> "A '-Befa&[PR> $hi#,on+ and Ya,a;o3 and Yo1hanan and the fathe* and "P'-the #othe* of the [R> 1hi%d+Ngi*%&[P> #aid+( A:=) KAnd a%% "P> the .eo.%e' we*e "G1P> o3e* he*' and "G1P> we*e' [P> wai%ing+&%a#enting [G1P>o3e* he*+( >$a-s Yeshua& [G1EPFR> And He-[P> Yeshua+ said+> "PR> unto the#': 4ee. "P'--ou not! "R'fo* >the gi*%&[G1PR> she+> >has-[R> did+ not die"d 5R'&[P> is not dead+>: >she is "G1>indeed'[PERF> but [R> does+ s%ee."s 5R'+>( K[R> And the- we*e a%%! and beating the#se%3es fo* he*( And (((+ A:=2 Now&[PR> And+ the- >we*e %aughing at&[PERF> de*ided+> Hi#! "PR> in that the- we*e' ;nowing that she >EhadF died&[P> was dead+>( A:=< "A'-[PERF> And He .ut e3e*- one out+! and "PR'-He too; "P> ho%d of' he* "R> b- he*&[P> the+' hand! and-"R' 1a%%ed "PR'-he* and said "G1PR> unto he*': [P> aid+&Gi*%N+[R> 1hi%d+! [Ga> gi*%+ a*iseJ A:== And he* s.i*it *etu*ned&[Ga> *e.ented-5tu*n a*ound>+! and "Ga> st*aightwa-&[P> instant%-+' she a*ose( And He [PR> di*e1ted+&1o##anded [R> that the*e be+Nthat the- shou%d&[P> the# to+ gi3e[n 5R+ [R> to+ he* >Eso#ethingF to eat&[P> food+>( A:=? And he* .a*ents >had been&[PR> we*e+> [4> de%ighted+Nastonished! and&[R> but+ He [PR> 1ha*ged+&1o##anded the# that-"PR' to [R> sa- to+& [P> te%%+ no one "PR> the- shou%d sa-' what [PR> had+ ha..ened& 5o11u**ed>( CHAPTER C C:1@ >[R> And ha3ing+NAnd Yeshua&[G1> Now He+> 1a%%ed [R> togethe*+ His Twe%3e [R> Ta%#idi#+! and&[R> He+ ga3e the# .owe* and autho*it- o3e* a%% "P'->s.i*its and&[G1R> the+> de#ons [P> and diseases+! and to hea% [R> si1;nesses+Nthe infi*#&[P> Ethe#F+( C:) And He sent the# [P> fo*th to+&that the- shou%dN[G1R> to+ .*o1%ai# the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! and to hea% [PR> the si1;+( C:2 And He said unto the#: Nothing "P> sha%% -ou' ta;e "P> fo* -ou*se%3es' fo* the wa-&[P> Oou*ne-+! no&[PR> neithe* a+ sti1;& [G1PR> staff+ >and no&[PR> no* a+> wa%%et&[R> s1*i.t+! >and no&[PR> no*+> b*ead! >and no&[PR> no*+> [PR> #one-+&si%3e*! no*&[G1> and not e3en+ two tuni1s [R> ea1h+ "PR> sha%% -ou' ha3e(

C:< And whate3e* house -ou [R> #a-+ ente* [G1PR> into+! the*e [R> *e#ain+Nbe&[P> sta-+ and f*o# the*e >go fo*th&[PR> de.a*t+>: C:= KAnd the-&[P> against the#+ that do not *e1ei3e -ou - >what Eti#eF& [P> when+> -ou go fo*th f*o# that 1it-! e3en the dust of -ou* feet [G1> be -ou sha;ing+&sha;e off [P> against the#+! "P> that it #abe fo*' >the#-"P' fo*&[G1> -ou+> a testi#on-&witness( K[R> And as #an- as #a- not *e1ei3e -ou! going fo*th f*o# that 1it-! e3en the dust f*o# -ou* feet sha;e off! fo* a testi#onagainst the#(+ C:? KAnd "P'-when His [P> E#issa*ies+&Ta%#idi# went&[G1> had gone+ fo*th! "P'-the- [P> and t*a3e%ed+Ngo&[G1> we*e going+ about the 3i%%ages and the 1ities and&[G1> EandF+ >we*e announ1ing&[P> .*o1%ai#ed+> Ethe Good- NewsF and >hea%ing in e3e*- .%a1e&[P> hea%ed e3e*-whe*e+>( K[R> And going fo*th the- we*e going th*ough the se3e*a% 3i%%ages! .*o1%ai#ing Good-News! and hea%ing e3e*-whe*e(+ C:@ And He*od the Tet*a*1h hea*d [PR> of+ a%% [PR> the+&these things >that 1a#e to .ass&[PERF> [R> being+ done b- Hi#+>! and "R'-he was [P> distu*bed+&wonde*ingN[R> .e*.%eLed+: be1ause >so#e "PR'.eo.%e&[G1> the-+> >we*e sa-ing&[P> said+>: [PR> that+ Yo1hanan [P> had+&has *isen f*o#&[R> out of+ "PR'-a#ong the dead: C:A And&[G1P> /ut+ [R> b-+ othe*s&[R> 1e*tain EonesF+ [P> said+& sa--"R': [PR> that+ E%i-ahu has a..ea*ed( [G1P> And+ [R> b-+ othe*s "P'-sa-: K7ne of the P*o.hets of o%d has a*isen "G1> f*o# a#ong the dead'( K[PERF>(((: That a P*o.het >f*o# a#ong&[R> one of+> the an1ient[s 5R+ P*o.hets-"R' has a*isen(+ C:C And He*od >was sa-ing&[G1R> said+>: The head of Yo1hanan 0 [P> ha3e+ 1ut off: [PR> but+ who is this! [PR> of who#+&that 0 hea* these&[R> su1h+ things "PR'-aboutI And he was >[R> see;ing to+Nwishing that he shou%d&[P>desi*ous to+> see Hi#( C:1G And those&[PERF> when-"R' the+ E#issa*ies *etu*ned&[R> ha3ing tu*ned ba1;+! >and-"R' de1%a*ed&[P> na**ated+> unto [P> Yeshua+&Hi# [P> a%%+&e3e*-thingN[R> how g*eat things+ "P'-that the- [P> had+& EhadF done: and KHe too; the# [G1> Hi#se%f+ [P> aside+&a%one and went to K>a dese*t .%a1e&[G1> to the gate of a 1it- 1a%%ed /eit-TDaidah+>( K1[R>((( ha3ing ta;en the#! He withd*ew b- Hi#se%f to a dese*t .%a1e of a 1it- 1a%%ed /eit-TDaidah(+ K)[P>((( the dese*t .a*t of /eit-TDaidah(+ K)[4>((( a dese*t .%a1e! be%onging to the 1it- 1a%%ed /eitTDaidah(+ C:11 And when the #u%titudes ;new Kthe- went "P> awa-' afte* Hi# "G1> on foot'! and He *e1ei3ed the# and was s.ea;ing "G1> with&[R> to+ the#'

about the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! and >the# that&[P> su1h as+> had need "G1> of' hea%ing&[R> se*3i1e+ He >was hea%ing&[PR> hea%ed+>( K[PERF>((( EitF the- fo%%owed Hi#: and He *e1ei3ed(((+ C:1)@ And "G1R> when' the da- >was nea*&[PR> began+> to [G)PR> de1%ine+ &set Hi#&[R> and the+ Ta%#idi#&[G1R> Twe%3e+ [PR> 1a#e+&d*ew nea* KTK>EandF awo;e Hi#5KT-"PR' and sa- unto Hi#: K[PR> fo*+ [R> he*e+ we a*e in [PR> a+&the dese*t&[G1> wi%de*ness+ [PR> .%a1e+: >dis#iss these&[PERF> send awa-+> #u%titude"s 5R' that the- #a- go to [PR> the+& these 3i%%ages [R> and the fie%ds+ *ound about [P> us+ "R> and to the' [P> towns+&ha#%ets-"R' >that the- #a-&[P> to+> %odge "G1R> in the#'! >[R> and #a- find+No* #a- find fo*&[P> and to .*o1u*e+> "R'the#se%3es food&[R> .*o3ision+( K1EeL.( b- G)1o**F: o#( G1: 1f Uohn <:2=( The int*usi3e wo*ds 1o#e f*o# att(A:)= X 6u;e A:)<(F K)[in PRR a..ea*s at the end of the 3e*se+ C:12 [PR> And+ Yeshua&[G1R> He+ said unto the#: KEYouF -ou*se%3es gi3e the# Eso#ethingF to eat( [PR> And+ the- sa- "PR> unto hi#': 4e ha3e [PR> no+&not #o*e than fi3e >.ie1es of b*ead&[PR> %oa3es+> and two fish: >but %et us&[G1EPFR> [P> un%ess+-eL1e.t we+> Kgo "PR'ou*se%3es [P> and+&EandF bu- food fo* a%% this [PR> .eo.%e+&#u%titude! K1[G1> (((: Gi3e the# -ou*se%3es Eso#ethingF(((+ K[PR> (((: Gi3e -ou the# to eat( (((+ K)[G1> ((( bu- ou*se%3es food(((+ C:1< Po* the- we*e&[G1> a*e+ be1o#e&[R> about+ fi3e thousand #en( [R> And+ He&[P> Yeshua+ sa-s unto >His Ta%#idi#&[P> the#+>: a;e& [R> Cause+ the# [R> to+ >sit down&[PR> *e1%ine+> Eto eatF [G1PR4> in 1o#.anies+ Kfift- >#en&[G1EPF> "P'-b- fift- .eo.%e+> in a K[R>((( in ea1h fift-(+-[4>((( about fift-(+ C:1= And the-&[P> Ta%#idi#+ did so! and the--"PR' #ade "R'the# a%% [R> to+ >sit down&[PR> *e1%ine+> Eto eatF( C:1? And He&[P> Yeshua+ too; [PR> the+&those fi3e >.ie1es of b*ead&[PR> %oa3es+> and [R> the+ two&[G1> those+ fish! "R'-and "PR'-He %oo;ed >u. to&[P> towa*ds+> [R> the+ Hea3en! "R'-and b%essed EE%ohi#&GodF"R' "PR'-u.on the#&[G1> it+'! and b*a;e! and ga3e unto His&[R> the+ Ta%#idi# >that the- shou%d&[PR> to+> set EitF befo*e&[G1> to+ the #u%titude"s 5R'( C:1@ And a%%&[PR> the-+ ate and we*e satisfied&[R> a%% fi%%ed+! and "P'-the- too; u. "G1R> the f*ag#ents'! >that whi1h the- EhadF %eft o3e*&[P> of *e#ains+> [R> to the#+! twe%3e bas;ets "PR'-fu%%( "G1PR> And these .eo.%e that ate of that b*ead we*e about fi3e thousand! besides wo#en and 1hi%d*en'( C:1A@ "G1> And' [R> it 1a#e to .ass+ when&[PR> as+ He was

K[G1PR> .*a-ing+ [P> in .*i3ate+&a%one "R'-and&[P> with+ His&[R> the+ Ta%#idi# [R> we*e+ "P> with Hi#'-[R+! [R> and+ He as;ed the#! and said: >4hat sa-&[PR> 4ho do+> "G1R> about e' the #u%titudes [PR> sa-+ [G1P> about e+&[R> e+ >that 0 a#&[R> to be+>I K[G1> Ethe wo*d >.*a-ing> a..ea*s to ha3e been inse*ted between the %ines! as in 6u;e 1):<2 and Uohn 1<:1?F(+ C:1C [R> And+ the- [PERF> answe* and+ sa- "R> unto Hi#': "PR> The*e a*e that sa- -it is' Yo1hanan ha atbi%&the-0##e*se*: [R> and+ othe*s "PR> sa-: -it is' E%i-ahu! >[PR> and othe*s! [R> that+ a P*o.het! one of the an1ient[s 5R+ "R'-P*o.hets [R> was+ a*isen+>( C:)G [R> And+ sa-s He unto the#: >[R> And -ou - who do -ou+NAnd -ou! what&[P> /ut 4ho do -ou+> sa- "PR'--ou >that 0 a#&[R> e to be+>I [R> And+ "R'-$hi#,on "P'-Befa answe*ed and said "PR> unto Hi#': "PR4> You a*e' Ha ashia1h&The- essiah [PR4> of E%ohi#&God+( C:)1 KAnd He - "G1P> He' *e.*o3ed the# and [P> 1ha*ged+&1o##anded the# that this to no one the- shou%d sa-( K[R> And ha3ing 1ha*ged the#! He 1o##anded Ethe#F to sathis to no one!+ C:)) KAnd He sa-s [P> to the#+: The $on of #an is "P'-about to suffe* [PR> #an- things+&#u1h and be *eOe1ted b- the E%de*s! and "R'the $1*ibes! and "R'-the [PR4> head+ Cohani#: and >[R> to+ be ;i%%ed& [P> the- wi%% ;i%% Hi#+> and >[P> on+ the thi*d da-&[G1> afte*-[91EG1F> in+ th*ee da-s+> >He wi%% *ise&[R> to be *aised+>( K[R> $a-ing - 0t is-ne1essa*--fo* the $on of #an to suffe* (((+ C:)2 And He "R'-was >[R> said unto a%%+Nsa-ing&[P> said befo*e a%% the .eo.%e+>: >4hosoe3e*&[R> 0f an-one+> wi%%s to 1o#e&[P> He that wou%d fo%%ow+> >afte*-"P' e&[G1> in - .%a1e+>! >%et hi#&[P> #ust+> den-& [R> disown+ hi#se%f and ta;e u. 5h>is >.e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss>> "G1 > [PR> dai%-+&e3e*- da-' and EthusF >1o#e afte*&[R> fo%%ow+> e( C:)< Po* >he that&[R> whoe3e* #a-+> >wi%%"s 5R' to sa3e&[P> wi%% .*ese*3e+> his %ife sha%% %ose it: and&[P> but+ >he that&[R> whoe3e*+> sha%% %ose his %ife! fo* - sa;e! [R> he+ sha%% [P> .*ese*3e+&sa3e it( C:)= Po* what [P> wi%%+&shou%dN[R> is+ a #an [PERF> "R'-be .*ofited+& gain! Kif he "P'-shou%d get the who%e wo*%d! and [P> %ose+&%a1; [G1> and 5EIF>+ his %ife [P> o* be de.*i3ed Eof itF+I K[R>(((! ha3ing gained the who%e wo*%d! and ha3ing %ost o* ha3ing fo*feited hi#se%fI+ [91EG1F> if he gain the who%e wo*%d! and %ose and dest*ohi#se%f

E-o*- his %ifeFI+ C:)? >Po* he that&[PERF> And-[R> Po*+ whoe3e*+> sha%% be asha#ed of e "PR> befo*e #en' and of-"#' >"#> the# that a*e' #ine>&[PR> - 4o*ds+! the $on of #an sha%% be asha#ed of hi#&[R> this one+! >what ti#e& [PR> when+> He 1o#es in Kthe G%o*- of His Pathe* >and of&[P> with+> His& [G1> the+ ho%- ange%s( K[R>((( His G%o*-! and the Pathe*>s! and the ho%- ange%s(+ K[4>((( His G%o*-! and that of the Pathe*! and that of the ho%ange%s(+ C:)@@ >Now-[R> And+ 0 sa--[R> te%%+ to -ou t*u%-&[P> 0 te%% -ou the t*uth+>! that-"R' the*e a*e so#e&[R> 1e*tain of those he*e+ >that stand&[PR> standing+> he*e! that sha%% not taste [R> of+ death unti% the- [PR> sha%%+ see the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( K"G1R> that [G)> 5it>+ 1o#es in G%o*-'( K[Ge1==> see a*; C:1+ C:)A And it >1a#e to .ass&[P> was+> afte* these wo*ds&5dis1ou*ses>! [4+-about&[R> as it we*e+ eight da-s E%ate*F! that [P> Yeshua+&He too; [PR> $hi#,on+&Befa and Ya,a;o3 and Yo1hanan! and "PR'-the-& [G1> He+ went u. >to the hi%%&[PERF> a-[R> the+ #ountain+> to .*a-( C:)C KAnd whi%e .*a-ing&[P> He .*a-ed+! the [P> as.e1t+&a..ea*an1e of His fa1e&51ountenan1e> was [P> 1hanged+&t*ansfigu*ed and His ga*#ents be1a#e white and >we*e g%istening&[P> b*i%%iant+> "G1P> as the snow'( K[R> And it 1a#e to .ass! in His .*a-ing! the a..ea*an1e of His fa1e be1a#e a%te*ed! and His ga*#ent white - s.a*;%ing(+ C:2G And beho%d! two #en [PR> we*e ta%;ing+&s.ea;ing [R> togethe*+ with Hi#! [P> and the- we*e+&[R> who we*e+ oshe and E%i-ahu! C:21 KThat a..ea*ed in g%o*-( And the- we*e [P> 1on3e*sing+&sa-ing about His de1*ease&[P> de.a*tu*e+ that >it was about&[P> was+> to be a11o#.%ished&[P> 1onsu##ated+ [P> at+&in Ye*usha%a-i#( K[RE4F> 4ho ha3ing a..ea*ed in g%o*-! s.o;e of His out-going that He was about to [4> .e*fe1t+-1o#.%ete&fi%%-fu%% in Ye*usha%a-i#(+ C:2) And&[R> /ut+ "G1R> $hi#,on' "P'-Befa and those with hi# >had be1o#e hea3-&[P> o..*essed+> with "G1PR> #u1h' [P> d*owsiness+&s%ee.( KAnd >when the- awo;e&[P> being s1a*1e%- awa;e+> the- saw His G%o*-! and those&[R> the+ two .e*sons&[PR> #en+ "R'-that >we*e-"R' standing b-&[P> stood nea*+> Hi#( K[4>(((( And ha3ing wat1hed th*ough the night! the- saw His (((+ C:22 And [R> it 1a#e to .ass+ when the- began to [P> *eti*e+&se.a*ate f*o# Hi#! [P> $hi#,on+&Befa said unto Yeshua: [G1> 7u*+ Rabbi& [R>

aste*+! it is >we%% that we shou%d&[PERF> de%ightfu%-[R> good+ fo* us to+> be he*e( And >we wi%%&[P> %et us+> #a;e "G1R> he*e' th*ee booths&dwe%%ings&5su;;anot>! fo* You one! and fo* oshe one! and fo* E%i-ahu oneJ >"R> And he was' not ;nowing what he was sa-ing& [P> /ut he ;new not what he said+>( C:2< And >when he said these things&[PERF> as he thus-[R> these things+ s.o;e+> the*e 1a#e&5was> a 1%oud and 5EitF> o3e*shadowed the#: and Kwhen the- saw >these ente*ing&[P> oshe and E%i-ahu go u.+> into the 1%oud the- we*e af*aid( K[R>((( the- fea*ed in thei* ente*ing into the 1%oud(+ C:2= And a 3oi1e [R> 1a#e+Nwas hea*d&[P> the*e was+ f*o# that& [G1PR> the+ 1%oud! "G1> [P> whi1h said+&sa-ing': This is K>[R> - $on the /e%o3ed+N - $on and - /e%o3ed&[G1> - Chosen $on+&[P#> /e%o3ed $on+>: hea* -ou Hi#J K[A>((( - $on! - Chosen 7ne: (((+ C:2? KAnd when "PR> the*e 1a#e&5was>' the 9oi1e [PR> had .assed&5had been>+! Yeshua was found [P> to be+ a%one( And the- ;e.t&[R> we*e+ si%en1e! and Kin the sight of no one said the- an-thing that the>had seen&[G1> saw+>! in those da-s( K[4> And whi%e the 9oi1e is hea*d! Yeshua is found a%one( (((+ K)[PERF>((( to%d no one in those da-s [R> an-thing of+ what thehad seen(+ C:2@@ And [R> it 1a#e to .ass+ >on-[R+ "R'-that&[PR> the neLt+> da"G1PR> again'! "R'-whi%e the- >[R> ha3ing 1o#e+NEwe*eF 1o#ing& [P> 1a#e+> down f*o# the hi%%&[PR> #ountain+! [R> the*e+ a g*eat #u%titude #et Hi#&[G1P> the#+! KE91> The *eading! et in i%%a die! is 3e*- i#.o*tant! and is su..o*ted b- siL 7%d 6atin $$(K 0t indi1ates that the e.isode of the bo- .ossessed b- an e3i% s.i*it #a- ha3e ta;en .%a1e on the 3e*- da- of the T*ansfigu*ation! in ag*ee#ent with the s1ene de.i1ted in Ra.hae%>s 1e%eb*ated .i1tu*e of the T*ansfigu*ation( KThe 9u%gate has Qfa1tu# est aute# in seMuenti die(Q Ra.hae% and his dis1i.%es #ust ha3e ;nown this! -et the- e3ident%- .*efe**ed the Q4este*n *eading(QF C:2A And [R> beho%d+ a "PR'-1e*tain #an f*o# >that #u%titude&[P> the th*ong+> 1*ied [PR> out+ and said: Tea1he*! 0 besee1h You! K>ha3e 1o#.assion on #- sonJ He&[G1> tu*n a*ound Eand %oo;F on #eJ EAnd u.onF #- son who+> is #- on%- one! K[R>(((! %oo; u.on #- son! be1ause he is #- on%- begotten!+ K[P>(((! tu*n You*se%f to #e( He*e is #- on%- son!+ C:2C And [R> beho%d+ a s.i*it 1o#es&[R> does ta;e+ [P> u.on+&o3e*-"R' hi#! "G1> and' >of a sudden&[PERF> he sudden%- 1*ies out+>! "PR> [G1> and+ it 1asts hi# down' K[G1> and does hi# hu*t+ and he [P>

gnashes his teeth and+ foa#s: and Ks1a*1e%- does it de.a*t f*o# hi# what Eti#eF it has 1on3u%sed hi#( K1[R>((( and it tea*s hi#! with foa#ing: and (((+ K)[R>((( it ha*d%- de.a*ts f*o# hi#! b*uising hi#(+ K)[P>((( he ha*d%- %ea3es hi#! when he has 1*ushed hi#(+ C:<G And 0 besought&[P> *eMuested+ You* Ta%#idi# >[P> to eL.e% hi#+& [G1R> that the- shou%d 1ast it out+>: and the- K1ou%d not "P> >hea% hi# and 1ast it out&[G1> he%. hi#+>'( K[R>((( we*e not ab%e(+ C:<1 "G1> And' Yeshua answe*ed and said: Ah&5E7-F>! Kgene*ation 1*oo;ed >and without faith&[G1> EandF faith%ess+>J >Snti% when&[P> How %ong+> sha%% 0 be with -ou! and [P> bea* with+&endu*eN[R> a%%ow&5endu*e>+ -ouI /*ing [R+-nea*-"P' >to e -ou* son! he*e&[G1PR> he*e -ou* son+>( K[R>(((! gene*ation! unsteadfast and .e*3e*seJ (((+ K[P>(((! the unbe%ie3ing and .e*3e*se gene*ationJ (((+ C:<) And whi%e [PR> he was+ >b*inging hi#&[R> -et 1o#ing+> "P'nea*! [PR> the+&that de#on Kth*ew hi# down! and was >[P> 1on3u%sed hi#+& #a;ing hi# wa%%ow Eon the g*oundFN[G1> doing hi# hu*t+>: and Yeshua *ebu;ed [P> the+&that un1%ean s.i*it! and hea%ed the %ad&-outh! and de%i3e*ed hi# to his fathe*( K[R>((( *ent hi#! and to*e Ehi#F so*e: and Yeshua (((+ C:<2 KAnd [PR> the- we*e a%%+Na%% of the#&[G1> e3e*-one+ >[PR> a#aDed+ &wonde*ed> at the g*eatness&[P> #aOest-+ of E%ohi#&God( And [PR>whi%e+ &when e3e*-oneN[R> a%%+ >[P> ad#i*ed+Nwas wonde*ing&5#a*3e%ing>> at a%% [R> things+ that >He was doing&[PR> Yeshua did+>! He said unto His Ta%#idi#: K[4> And a%% we*e e%e1t*ified with the #aOest- of God( (((+ C:<< >$et -ou&[PR> 6a- "R'-u.+> [R> -ou+ these wo*ds in&[R> to+ -ou* [PR> ea*s-5#inds>+&ea*s! fo* the $on of #an is "P'-about to be de%i3e*ed into&[R> u. to+ the hands of #en( C:<= And the- >we*e not *e1ogniDing-[R> ;nowing+ this&[P> unde*stood not+> wo*d&[R> sa-ing+! be1ause&[R> and+ it was >[R> 3ei%ed+N;e.t se1*et&[P> hidden+> f*o# the#! EsoF that the- shou%d not [R> .e*1ei3e+N *e1ogniDe&[P> ;now+ it: and the- >we*e af*aid&[P> fea*ed+> to as; Hi# about [R> this sa-ing+Nthis sa#e wo*d&[P> that s.ee1h+( C:<? And >the*e had-"R' ente*ed&[P> a*ose+> a#ong the# >[P> the+Nthis& [G1R> a+> [R> *easoning+&thought - who >shou%d be&[P>EF+> g*eatest& [R> g*eate*+ [PR> of+&a#ong the#( C:<@ Now&[PR> And+ Yeshua! "PR> when He' ;new&[R> ha3ing seen+ thei*& [G1PR> the+ [R> *easoning+&thought"s 5P' [G1PR> of thei* hea*t+: [P> and He+ too; "P> ho%d of' a "G1PR> 1e*tain' [PR> 1hi%d+&%ad Kand

>#ade hi# stand b-&[P> .%a1ed hi# nea* to+> Hi#&[G1> the#+! K[R>((( set hi# beside Hi#se%f(+ C:<A And said [PR> to the#+: >He that&[PR> 4hoe3e*+> *e1ei3es [P> a 1hi%d %i;e+ this "P'-%ad&[R> 1hi%d+ in - Na#e! e "PR> it is he' *e1ei3es: and >he that&[R> whoe3e*+> *e1ei3es e! *e1ei3es Hi# that sent e( Po* he that [P> sha%% be+&is %east >a#ong -ou [P> a%%+! "P> %i;e this %ad&[G1> and a %ad unto -ou+'>! he >is g*eatest&[PERF> wi%% be "R'-the g*eat "R'-one+>( C:<C "G1> And' Yo1hanan answe*ed and said "R> unto Hi#': [G1PR> 7u*-"R' Rabbi+! we saw >a "P'-1e*tain #an&[G1R> one+> 1asting out de#ons in You* Na#e: and we fo*bade hi#! >on Ethe g*oundF that&[G1PR> be1ause+> K1o#es not with us Efo%%owingF "G1> afte* You'( K[PR> ((( he does not! with us! fo%%ow "R'-You(+ C:=G [R> And+ Yeshua said unto hi#&[G1P> the#+: Po*bid not! fo* >he that&[P> whoe3e*+> is not against [A+--ou&[R> us+! is Kwith&[G1PR> fo*+ [A+--ou&[R> us+( K[4>((( on ou* side(+ C:=1@ And "G1P> it 1a#e to .ass' when the da-s of His >going u.&[P> as1ension+> we*e 1o#.%eted! [R> that+&[P> so it was! that+ He [P> set+& .*e.a*ed His 1ountenan1e&fa1e to go [PR> u.+ to Ye*usha%a-i#( C:=) And He "PR'-had sent #essenge*s befo*e His fa1e: and [R> ha3ing gone on+ the- went&[G1> 1a#e+ >and ente*ed&[R> into+> a "G1PR> 1e*tain' 3i%%age of "R'-the $ho#*on&5$a#a*itans>! >that the- #ight&[PR> to+> .*e.a*e fo* Hi#: C:=2 And the- *e1ei3ed the#&[G1PR> Hi#+ not! be1ause [P> He had set+ His 1ountenan1e&fa1e [R> was going on to+Nfo*&[P> u. to+ Ye*usha%a-i# "PR> was set' "R> to go'( C:=< Now&[PR> And+ when His Ta%#idi# Ya,a;o3 and Yo1hanan saw EitF! "R'-the- said "R> unto Hi#': >7u* 6o*d&[R> $i*+>! wi%% You that we [P> s.ea;+&sa-N[R> 1o##and+ >"R'-that&[G1P> and+> fi*e [R> to+& [GeC=&G3> sha%%+ 1o#e down f*o# [R> the+ Hea3en and [R> to+ 1onsu#e the# "A#'-[PR#> as a%so did E%i-ahu+I C:== And >"G1> He&[R> ha3ing+ tu*ned "PR'-a*ound "R'-and'> "P'-He *ebu;ed the#! >"G1A> and said "P> unto the#': You ;now not of what s.i*it -ou a*e!'>-[#ERF+ C:=? >"G1A> Po* the $on of #an 1a#e&[R> has+ not [P> 1o#e+ to dest*o[R> #en>s+ [P> sou%s+&%i3es: but to sa3e&[P> Mui1;en+ [P> Ethe#F+& E%ifeF('>-[#ERF+ And the- went "P'-awa-&[R> on+ to anothe* 3i%%age( C:=@ And [R> and it 1a#e to .ass+ whi%e the- >Ewe*eF going [R> on+ in& [P> went b-+> the 5.ath>&wa-! [R> a 1e*tain+ >[PR> one+&the*e 1a#e a

1e*tain #an EandFN[G1> so#eone+> said unto Hi#: 0 wi%% >1o#e afte*& [PR> fo%%ow+> You [P> to whate3e* .%a1e+&whe*e[e3e* 5R+ You [R> #a-+ go [P> #-- aste*+&[R> $i*+( C:=A [R> And+ Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: [G1> 0f+ the foLes "G1P> -the-' ha3e [PR> ho%es+&dens! and the bi*ds of "P'-the hea3en&s;- K>[P> ha3e 1o3e*ts+&a dwe%%ingN[G1> nests+>: but&[G1e> -et&5and>+ the $on of #an! He-"PR' has >[Ge91> no .%a1e+&not whe*e> >to *est&[PR> He #a%a-+> His head( K[R>((( .%a1es of *est: (((+ C:=C And He said unto anothe*: >Co#e [P> -ou+ afte*&[R> /e fo%%owing+> e( [PR> And+ he sa-s "R> to Hi#': "G1A> -- aste*&$i*'! .e*#it #e [R> ha3ing gone awa-+ fi*st to "R> go EandF' bu*- #- fathe*: "G1PR> and 0 wi%% 1o#e [Ga> unto You(+' C:?G [PR> And+ Yeshua&[G1> He+N[Ga> And ou* 6o*d+ [P+-sa-s& [GaR>said+ unto Hi#: 6ea3e&[PR> A%%ow+ the dead to bu*- thei* [R> own+ dead: and -ou >go EandF&[R> ha3ing gone awa-+> announ1e&[P> .*o1%ai#+ the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( C:?1 [R> And+ Anothe* [R> a%so+ said "R> unto Hi#': 0 wi%% >1o#e afte*& [PR> fo%%ow+> You! #-- aste*&si*: but fi*st [P> a%%ow+&.e*#it #e to K>go and show EitF&[P> bid adieu+> to the sons of #- house! and 0 wi%% 1o#e( K[R>((( ta;e %ea3e of those in #- house(+ C:?) [R> And+ Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: KNo >one [R> ha3ing+ .ut"s 5R'&[P> #an .utting+> his hand [P> to+&on the&[R> a+ .%ough"R> sha*e'& [P> oL-.%ough+ and >%oo;s behind hi#&[PR> %oo;ing ba1;"wa*d 5R'+>! >and be1o#es "G1> again'&[PR> is+> fit&[4> wo*th-+ fo* the Bingdo# of E%ohi# &God( K[#>(((: No one who %oo;s ba1; as he .uts his hand to the .%ow(((+ [Gt21= Efo* the who%e 3e*se! 1fF> - hand ha3e 0 .ut on #.%oughsha*e! and behind #e 0 ha3e not tu*ned+ [Gi<= EandF> The fa*#e* that .uts his hand on the .%oughsha*e! if so be that he %oo;s behind hi#! the fu**ows 1annot be st*aight befo*e hi#(+ EThus the*e is no $-*ia1&A*a#ai1 e3iden1e fo* the *eading of 8 %at&3t C%e#(A% in this 3e*se(F CHAPTER 1G 1G:1@ And afte* these things [R> the 6o*d+NHe&[P> Yeshua+ se.a*ated& [R> did a..oint+ >[G1EPF> f*o# [P> a#ong+ His Ta%#idi#+> [PR> se3ent-+ othe*"s 5PR' [P> .e*sons+ "G1P> a%so'-[R+! K"PR> se3ent- and two'! and

sent the# "R'-two [P> and+&b- two[s 5R+ befo*e His fa1e! to e3e*.%a1e and 1it- [PR> whe*e+&that He [R> Hi#se%f+ was "P'-about to go& [R4> 1o#e+( K[@G-R-)! -Eso a%so: Gt1@A and Gi=! with E=C!1?G! Ga! and E.h*(a*# on 1Co*(1=:@! )Co*(A:)2! 11:1=(+ 1G:) [P> And+&[R> Then+ He sa-s unto the#: The ha*3est [R> indeed+ is [P> g*eat+&#u1h! and&[R> but+ the %abou*e*s few: [PR> .*a-+&besee1h -ou "G1> the*efo*e&[R> then+' the 6o*d of the ha*3est! "PR'-so that He [P> wou%d+&#a- send&[R> .ut+ "P'-fo*th %abou*e*s [P> into+&fo*N [R> to+ His ha*3est( 1G:2 Go "G1PR> now' [P> -ou+ [R> awa-+: beho%d! 0 send -ou [PR> fo*th+ as [P> shee.+&%a#bs a#ong&[R> in the #idst of+ wo%3esJ 1G:< Ta;e&[R> Ca**-+ [P> to+&fo*-"R' "R'--ou"*se%3es 5PR' no bag >and-"R' no&[P> no*+> wa%%ets&[R> s1*i.t+ >and no&[PR> no*+> sanda%s: and >[9)> Ooin -ou*se%3es+Na g*eeting&[PR> sa%ute+> "P'-to-[9)+ no #an& [R> one+ [R> on+-in&5b-> the wa-&5*oad> "PR> sha%% -ou gi3e'( 1G:= And whate3e* house "PR'-fi*st -ou ente* into! >be sa-ing& [PR> fi*st sa-+> - K$ha%o# EbeF [PR> to+&in this&[G1> the+ house( K[Eo*F> 5g*eeting> -Eas att(1G:12F+ 1G:? "G1> And' if [G1> but+&[R> indeed+ the*e-"P' is&[R> #abe+ the*e a&[PR> 5T>he+ 5$>on of sha%o#&.ea1e! -ou* sha%o# sha%% *est u.on it: but&[R> and+ if not [R> so+! [P> to+&u.on -ou >[P> -ou* sha%o#+&it> sha%% *etu*n&[R> tu*n ba1;+( 1G:@ And in >the sa#e&[PR> that+> house [PR> *e#ain+&be! eating and d*in;ing of-"R' >[P> what it affo*ds+&thei* E.*o3isionFN[R> the things the- ha3e+> [G1PR> fo*+ the %abo*e* is wo*th- of his [PR> hi*e+&foodN [G1> *ewa*d+: and >[R> go not out+Ndo not *e#o3e&[P> .ass not+> f*o# "PR'-one house to >the neLt&[PR> house+>( 1G:A And whate3e* 1it- -ou ente* [P+-"G1> into' and the- [R> 5sha%%>+ *e1ei3e -ou! eat "P'-e3e*-thing&[R> the things+ "R'-that [P> whi1h+ "R'-is set befo*e -ou: 1G:C And hea% the&[P> the# that a*e+ si1; >that a*e the*ein&[PR> in it+>! and >be sa-ing&[PR> sa- to the#+> - the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God has >d*awn nigh u.on&[PR> 1o#e nea*+> [R> to+ -ou( 1G:1G "G1'-/ut&[PR> And+ whate3e* 1it- -ou ente* into! and the"P'-sha%% not *e1ei3e -ou "PR'-the*ein: go fo*th >[R> to its b*oad .%a1es! ERF sa-:+Nand sa- in its&[G1EPF> in thei*+N[P> into the+> "R'-st*eet"s 5P' [G1P> and sa-+:> 1G:11 - [G)R> And+ "P'-beho%d! "R'-e3en the dust [PR> of -ou* 1it-+ that 1%ea3es&[P> adhe*es+ to [A+->ou* feet&[R> us+> we sha;e&[R>

wi.e+ off [PR> against -ou+: /ut ne3e*the%ess-"PR' ;now [PR> -ou+ this! that the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God has 1o#e nigh&[PR> nea* to -ou+J 1G:1) [R> And+-"A ' 0 sa- unto -ou that fo* $>do# >it sha%% be [R> #o*e+ to%e*ab%e&[P> the*e wi%% be #o*e 1o#fo*t+> in the&[PR> that+ 8a"PR> of Uudge#ent' "R'-#o*e&[P> *athe*+ than fo* that 1it-( 1G:12 4oe unto -ou! Bo*aDinJ 4oe unto -ou! /eit-TDaidahJ Po* if in T>Do* and TDidon [P> the*e+ had ha..ened&[PR> been+ [R> done+ the #ight- [P> deeds+&wo*;s that >ha3e ha..ened&[P> we*e+> [R> done+ in -ou! "PR> then .e*1han1e' [R> %ong ago sitting+ in sa1;1%oth and "PR'-in ashes the- >[P> the- wou%d %ong ago ha3e+&had> *e.ented& [R> *efo*#ed+( 1G:1< Ne3e*the%ess&[PR> /ut+ fo* TDo* and fo* TDidon >it sha%% be [R> #o*e+ to%e*ab%e&[P> the*e wi%% be 1o#fo*t+> in >the "R> 8a- of' Uudge#ent&[G1> that 8a-+> "R'-*athe* than fo* -ou( 1G:1= And -ou "G1PR> a%so'! B>fa*-Na1hu#J - Knot unto 5H>ea3en sha%% -ou be u.%ifted! "G1> but' unto $h>o% sha%% -ou go down( K[R>(((J whi1h unto the 5H>ea3en we*e eLa%ted! unto $h>o%&5He%%> -ou sha%% be b*ought down(+ K[4>(((J a*e -ou not eLa%ted u. to 5H>ea3enI! -ou sha%% be 1ast down to $h>o%&5He%%>(+ K[P>(((J that a*e %ifted u. to Hea3en! sha%% be b*ought down to $h>o%&5He%%>(+ K[A>(((J 4i%% -ou be eLa%ted to Hea3enI - You wi%% be th*ust down to $h>o%&5He%%>J+ 1G:1? He that hea*s -ou! e "PR> it is he' hea*s: and he that Kdef*auds -ou! "G1> e it is he def*auds: and he that def*auds e'! def*auds Hi# that sent e: and he that hea*s e! hea*s Hi# that sent e( K[R>((( is .utting -ou awa-! does .ut e awa-: and he who is .utting e awa-! does .ut awa- Hi# who sent e(+ K[P>((( des.ises -ou! des.ises e: and he that des.ises e! des.ises Hi# that sent e(+ K[4>((( *eOe1teth -ou *eOe1teth e: and he that *eOe1teth e *eOe1teth Hi# that sent e(+ 1G:1@ And those&[PR> the+ se3ent- [G1edA> 5and two>+ "R> that He sent' [P> fo*th+ had-"PR' *etu*ned with [P> g*eat+ Oo-! "G1R> and' "PR'-thesa-&[R> sa-ing+ [P> to Hi#+: 7u*-6o*d&$i*! e3en the de#ons >[P> we*e+& a*e> subOe1t&[4> subo*dinated+ to us in You* Na#e( 1G:1A [PR> And+ Yeshua&[G1PR> He+ said unto the#: 0 >[R> was beho%ding+ Nha3e seen&[P> saw+> ha$atan&[R> the Ad3e*sa*-+! >[4> ha3ing fa%%en+N that he fe%%&[PERF> fa%%+> as&5%i;e> [P4> the+ %ightning "G1e11?P4>that fa%%s' f*o# [R> the+ hea3en( 1G:1C K/eho%d! 0 gi3e&[Gae11?>ha3e gi3en+ [R> to+ -ou [R> the+ autho*it- >that -ou shou%d be t*eading&[PR> to t*ead+> on se*.ents and

s1o*.ions and [RP> on+ "G1'-a%%-[Ge11?P+ the .owe* of&[G1> a%so+ the 5ad3e*sa*->&ene#-! and nothing [R> b- an- #eans+ sha%% [R> hu*t+NinOu*e &[P> ha*#+ -ou( K[Ga121> /eho%d! 0 ha3e gi3en -ou autho*it- that -ou shou%d t*ead on the .owe* of the ene#-+-[Ebut the .h*ase&Ga1G=> autho*itthat we shou%d t*ead on se*.ents and s1o*.ions+ 1G:)G [G1R> /ut+&[P> Yet+ "PR'-ne3e*the%ess in this do not *eOoi1e! that [G1> 5the->+ the de#ons&[R> s.i*its+ a*e subOe1t[ed 5R+ to -ou: but *eOoi1e [R> *athe*+-"A ' Kin&[PR> that+ -ou* na#es "PR'-that [R> we*e+Na*e&[G1> ha3e been+ w*itten in [R4> the+ Hea3en[s 5R4+( K[E1fFGe)G?>((( that -ou* na#es a*e w*itten in Hea3en a#ong the ange%s(+ 1G:)1 [4>At+NAnd-"PR' in >the sa#e&[PR> that+> hou* [PR> Yeshua+&He-[4+ [4> *eOoi1ed+NeLu%ted&[R> was g%ad+ in the >Rua1h "R'HaBodesh&The Ho%--"R' $.i*it> and said: K0 "P'-gi3e than;"s 5P' "P'-to You! [P> -+& [Ge11?> Hea3en%-+N[4> 7+ Pathe*! "Ge11?> [P> You+ 6o*d of [R4> the+ Hea3en and "4'-of [R4> the+ ea*th'! that&[4> be1ause+ You ha3e >;e.t se1*et>&-[PR> hid+ these things f*o# [4+-the-"R' wise [R> #en+ and "R4' -f*o# the-"R' [4> .*udent+Nunde*standing&[P> inte%%igent+ and >"4'-has& [P>ha3e+N[R>did+> *e3ea%ed the# unto [PR4>babes+&1hi%d*en: -ea! --"R4' Pathe*! K>that so>&-[P> fo* su1h+ was >the wi%% befo*e You>&-[P> You* good .%easu*e+( K1[R>(((: 0 do 1onfess to You! Pathe*! 6o*d (((+ K)[R>(((! be1ause so it be1a#e good .%easu*e befo*e You(+ K)[4>(((! be1ause it was thus .%easing in Th- sight(+ 1G:)) "#'-[PEAF> And He tu*ned "A'-Hi#se%f to His-[A> the+ Ta%#idi#! and said "A> unto the#'+: E3e*-thing&[R> A%% things+ >has been de%i3e*ed& [P> is 1o##itted+> [R> u.+ unto e 5b->&f*o# -&[G1> The+ Pathe*! and Kno one ;nows who the $on is! 5but>&eL1e.t the Pathe*: [P> o*+&neithe*N [R> and+ who the Pathe* is 5but>&eL1e.t the $on! Kand he unto who# the $on >[R> #a- wish+ Nsha%% be wi%%ing&[P> is .%eased+> to *e3ea% EHi#F( K1[G1> ((( who ;nows the $on but the Pathe*! and who ;nows the Pathe* eL1e.t the $on! and he to who# the $on sha%% be wi%%ing to *e3ea% Hi#I+-Ebut not so in Ge11@!)1?F K)[4>(((! and he unto who# He #a- wish to *e3ea% Hi#(+ 1G:)2 And He [R> ha3ing+ tu*ned a*ound-"PR' unto [4+-His&[R> the+ Ta%#idi# [P4> .*i3ate%-+&[R> b- the#se%3es+ "R'-and said "PR>

unto the#': [P> /%essed+&Ha..- "R'->it is fo*&[P> a*e+> the e-es that Ksee >that whi1h&[G1P> what+> -ou >ha3e seen&[G1P> see+>J K[R>((( a*e .e*1ei3ing what -ou .e*1ei3eJ+ 1G:)< [G1PR> Po*+ 0 sa- unto -ou that #an- P*o.hets and ;ings >ha3e wished that the- #ight&[PERF> desi*ed to+> see >[4> those things+Nthat whi1h&[PR> what+> -ou see&[R> .e*1ei3e+! and >the- ha3e&[PR> did+> not see"n 5PR' [PR>EitF+N[4> the#+: and to hea* >that whi1h&[PR> what+> -ou hea* and >the- ha3e&[PR> did+> not hea*"d 5PR' [PR>EitF+&[4> the#+( 1G:)=@ K"G1> And' when He said these things! the*e d*ew nea* a 1e*tain tea1he* of To*ah that was standing Eb-F to te#.t Hi#( He sa-s to Hi#: Tea1he*! what Ksha%%&[P> #ust+ 0 do >that 0 #a-&[P> to+> inhe*it %ife ete*na%I K1[PERF> And beho%d! a [R> 1e*tain+ $1*ibe stood u. to t*- Hi#! and said: (((+ K[R>((( ha3ing done! %ife age-abiding sha%% 0 inhe*itI+ 1G:)? [PR> And+ Yeshua&[R> He+ sa-s unto hi#: 0n the To*ah! >how is it& [R> what has been+> w*itten! "PR'-and how >ha3e-[R> do+ -ou *ead&[G1P> *ead -ou+>I 1G:)@ [G1> /ut+&[R> And+ He [G1PERF> answe*ed and said+&sa-s "R> unto Hi#': You sha%% %o3e YH9H&The-67R8 -ou* God [4> with di3ine %o3e+ f*o#& [P> with+ a%% -ou* hea*t! and [P> with+&f*o# a%% -ou* K[P> #ight+&.owe* N[R> st*ength+! and [P> with+&f*o# a%% -ou* sou%! and [P> with+&f*o# a%% -ou* [R> unde*standing+N#ind&5inte%%e1t>: and -ou* neighbo* as -ou*se%f( KEst*ength&sou% 5- o*de* *e3e*sed in the G*ee;F 1G:)A Yeshua&[R> And He+ sa-s to hi#: Right%-&[P> Co**e1t%-+ Kha3e -ou said: >these things&[P> thus+> do! and -ou [PR> sha%%+&do %i3e( K[R>((( did -ou answe*: this do! (((+ 1G:)C KNow&[P> And+ he >was wishing&[P> being dis.osed+> to Oustifhi#se%f: -sa-s "P> he to Yeshua': And who is #- neighbo*I K[R> And he! wi%%ing to de1%a*e hi#se%f *ighteous! said unto Yeshua: And (((+ 1G:2G K[R> And+ Yeshua&[G1> He+ [R> ha3ing ta;en u. Ethe wo*dF+ sa-s "R> unto hi#': A 1e*tain #an was going down f*o# Ye*usha%a-i# to Ye*i1ho >and fe%% Kinto the hands of the *obbe*s! and the-&[G1EPF> and "P'-the *obbe*s fe%% [P> u.on hi#+&Eon hi#F and+> st*i..ed&[P> .%unde*ed+ hi#! and [P> s#ote+&beat hi#! and %eft hi# >between dead and a%i3e&[P> with %itt%e %ife in hi#+! and went [P> thei*+ "P> a'wa-( K1[4> Yeshua *es.onding said: A 1e*tain (((+ K)[R>((( a#ong *obbe*s! and ha3ing st*i..ed hi# and inf%i1ted b%ows! the- went awa-! %ea3ing Ehi#F ha%f dead(+

1G:21 And a 1e*tain Cohen K1han1ed&[R> b- 1oin1iden1e+ to&[R> was+ "R'->ha3e been&[G1> be+> 1o#ing down in that wa-! and he saw hi# and .assed >[R> o3e* on the o..osite side+Nb- hi#&[P> on+>( K[P>((( went down b- that wa-! (((+ 1G:2) "P'-And [G1PERF> so+ a 6>3i a%so! Kwhen he a**i3ed at that .%a1e saw hi# and .assed b- hi#( K[R>(((! ha3ing been about the .%a1e! ha3ing 1o#e and seen! .assed o3e* on the o..osite side(+ K[P>(((! a..*oa1hed the s.ot! and saw hi#! and .assed on(+ 1G:22 /ut a "P'-1e*tain $a#a*itan! Kwhen he was Oou*ne-ing >in that sa#e&[G1> on his+> wa- "G1> and EhadF' a**i3ed b- hi#! [G1> EandF+ saw hi# and >had 1o#.assion&[P> too; .it-+> u.on hi#( K[R>(((! Oou*ne-ing! 1a#e a%ong hi#! and ha3ing seen hi#! he was #o3ed with 1o#.assion(+ K[P>(((! as he t*a3e%ed! 1a#e whe*e he was! and saw hi#! (((+ 1G:2< And >[P> went to hi#+Nhe d*ew nigh&[G1> nea*+> and-[G1R> EandF+ bound u. his wounds "R'-and .ou*ed&[G1> .ut+ u.on "R'-the# wine and oi%! and >[R> ha3ing %ifted hi# u. on+N#ade hi# *ide on&[P> .%a1ed hi# u.on+> his don;e-&[R> his own beast+! and&[R> he+ b*ought hi# to [P> the+&an inn! and [P> too; 1a*e of+&nou*ishedN[R> was 1a*efu% of+N hi#( 1G:2= And on the #o**ow&[P> #o*ning+ "R> of the [P> neLt+ da-'! [R> going fo*th+-"A' he >.aid&[PR> too;+> out two dena*ii EandF& [G1P> and+ [R> he+ ga3e Ethe#F to the [P> host+&inn;ee.e*! and said [R> to hi#+: KNou*ish hi#: and what Eti#eF 0 ha3e *etu*ned [G1> again+! that whi1h it does 1ost -ou "G1> again' 0 wi%% *e.a- -ou( K[R>(((: /e 1a*efu% of hi#! and whate3e* -ou #a- s.end #o*e! 0! in #- 1o#ing again! wi%% gi3e ba1; to -ou(+ K[P>(((: Ta;e good 1a*e of hi#: and if -ou .a--out an- #o*e! when 0 *etu*n! 0 wi%% *e.a- -ou(+ 1G:2? 4hi1h >is it&[PERF> the*efo*e+> of these th*ee! a..ea*s to -ou >that he was the&[PERF> to ha3e been+> neighbo* [P> to+&of hi# that fe%% >into the hands of&[R> a#ong+ "P'-the *obbe*s&[P> #a*aude*s+I 1G:2@ [P> And+ he sa-s "PR> to Hi#': He that had&[R> did+ [P> .it-+& 1o#.assionN[R> the ;indness+ u.on&[R> with+ hi#( [R> Then+ Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: [R> /e+ Go[ing on 5R+! and -ou "R'-a%so >so-[R> in %i;e #anne*+ be doing&[P> do the %i;e+>( 1G:2A@ And whi%e&[PERF> it o11u**ed as+ the- >we*e going&[P> t*a3e%ed+> "R> in&5b-> the wa-&*oad'! [PR> that+ He ente*ed [R> into+ a 1e*tain 3i%%age! and a 1e*tain-"P' wo#an whose&[R> b-+ na#e [P> was+& EwasF a*ta *e1ei3ed Hi# "#> into he*-[#> the+ house'(

1G:2C And she [R> a%so+ had a siste* >whose na#e EwasF&[R> 1a%%ed+> i*-a#! - Kand she&[Ge91> i*-a#+ 1a#e EandF&[P> and+ sat&[P> seated he*se%f+ at the feet of [PEAF+->ou*-[A> the+ 6o*d&[G1eC?> Yeshua+> and >was hea*ing&[P> %istened to+> His >[P>dis1ou*ses+Nwo*ds&[G1> 4o*d+>( K[R>((( - who a%so! ha3ing seated he*se%f beside the feet of Yeshua( was hea*ing the wo*d&5dis1ou*se>+ 1G:<G [R> And+NNow&[P> /ut+ a*ta was o11u.ied&[R> about+ [R> #u1h+Nin& [P> with+ "G1> #u1h' [P> se*3i1e+&se*3ing! and "P'-she 1a#e& [RE4F> ha3ing stood b--[4> o3e*+ Hi#+ "R'-[P> and+&EandF sa-s "R> unto Hi#': --6o*d&[R> $i*+! >1a*e You not&[P> ha3e You no 1on1e*n+> "P> fo* #e'! that #- siste* has-"R' %eft #e a%one to se*3eI >$a- [R> then+ to& [P> bid+> he* >[R> that she #a- .a*ta;e a%ong with+Nto he%.&[P> assist+> #e( 1G:<1 [R> And+ [A> the 6o*d+NHe&[G1PERF> Yeshua answe*ed and+ sa-s unto he*: a*ta! a*ta! K"G1> TK> - anLiet-5KT and wo**- fo* e -ou ha3e about #an- things: but one thing is *eMui*ed(' K[PR>(((! -ou a*e "#> anLious and' t*oub%ed "#> about #anthings'!+ 1G:<) >"G1> [P> Yet+ but [R> of+&[#> few things a*e needfu%! o*+ one "#> thing is [PERF> ne1essa*-+&*eMui*ed:''> [PR> and+&[4> fo*+ i*-a# the good .a*t has 1hosen "R> fo* he*se%f'! >[R> and that+Nand it& [G1> 5whi1h>&that+> sha%% not be ta;en "P'-awa- f*o# he*( CHAPTER 11 11:1@ [P> And+&Now-"G1' [R> it 1a#e to .ass+ [P> as+&when He was .*a-ing in a 1e*tain .%a1e! Kafte* He de.a*ted "G1> a %itt%e' f*o# His .*a-e*! one of His Ta%#idi# said unto Hi#: >7u* 6o*d&si*>! tea1h us to .*a-! as Yo1hanan [PR> a%so+ taught his Ta%#idi#( K[PERF>(((! >it o11u**ed that&[R> as+> when He 1eased! one of His Ta%#idi# (((+ 11:) [G1> And+ [P> Yeshua+&He sa-s unto the#: 4hen"e3e* 5PR' -ou "PR> a*e' .*a-"ing 5PR'! >be sa-ing&[PERF> "R'-thus s.ea; -ou+>: K"G1A> 7u*' Pathe* >"G1A4> [PR#> who a*t+ in [R> the+ Hea3en[s 5R+'>! >You* Na#e be sa1*ed&5ha%%owed be You* Na#e>>( And-"PR' You* KBingdo# 1o#e [#> u.on us+( >[PERF#> Th- .%easu*e&5wi%%> ,be done,-[R>1o#e to .ass+! as in Hea3en! so-[R> a%so+ on ea*th(+>-"A#' K1[fo* Gt&212! see att( ?:C-12(+ K)[#> Rau1h-HaBodesh&5Ho%- $.i*it> 1o#e u.on us and 1%eanse us( (((+ 11:2 KAnd gi3e us the 1ontinua% b*ead of e3e*- da-(

K[R> 7u* a..ointed b*ead be gi3ing us dai%-(+ K[P> Gi3e us dai%- the b*ead we need(+ 11:< And fo*gi3e&[P> *e#it to+ us ou* sins! and&[PR> fo*+ we a%so [G1R> ou*se%3es+&wi%%-"P' >fo*gi3e e3e*- one&[P> *e#it to a%% that a*e+> >indebted to&[4> owing+> us( And >#a;e us not ente* into te#.tation&[PERF> [R> #a- You not+ b*ing us not into [R> te#.tation+t*ia%s+>! >"G1A> but [R> do+ de%i3e* [R>You+ us f*o# "P'-the E3i% "PR'7ne'>-[#+( 11:= And [PR> He+&Yeshua said unto the#: 4hi1h "PR> is the*e' of -ou "PR'-who >sha%% ha3e&[G1> has+> a f*iend! Kand he sha%% go unto hi# in the #idd%e of the night and sa- to hi#! - --"R' f*iend! >%et #e bo**ow &[PR> %end #e+> th*ee %oa3es&[P> 1a;es+! K[P>(((! that sha%% 1o#e to hi# at #idnight and [R> sha%%+ sa- to hi#! (((+ 11:? /e1ause&[R> $eeing+ #-&[G1PR> a+ f*iend [R> of #ine+ "R'has >1o#e unto&[G1> Esudden%-F 3isited+> #e! f*o# >[P> a Oou*ne-+Nthe wa-5*oad>>! and 0 ha3e nothing to&[R> what 0 sha%%+ set befo*e hi#: 11:@ And he&[P> his f*iend+ [G1V> he+ wi%% answe* "P'-f*o# within and sa- "R> to hi#': 8o not [P> distu*b+&inOu*eN[R> gi3e+ #e [R> t*oub%e+! be1ause&[R> a%*ead-+ [P> beho%d+! the doo* is&[R> has been+ shut! [G1-3id+->and [PR4> #-+-the 1hi%d*en&[G1-ed> the sons+> "P'-a*e with #e in "P'-the bed: 0 1annot *ise [P> and+&EandFN[R> to+ gi3e "P'-to -ou( 11:A 0 sa- unto -ou! 0f be1ause&[P> on a11ount+ of [R> his being his+ f*iend"shi. 5R' he "P'-wi%% not "G1P> *ise EandF' gi3e to hi#! K[G1-edPR> -et+ be1ause&[P> on a11ount+ of "G1P> his' i#.o*tunit-&[4> sha#e%essness+ he wi%% *ise! and gi3e hi#-"P' as #u1h as >[R> he does need+Nis *eMui*ed fo* hi#&[P> he as;s+>( K[fo* the 1onst*u1tion! see C:=A+ 11:C And-"P' 0 "R'-a%so! "PR'-0 sa- unto -ou! - As;! and it sha%% be gi3en "P'-unto -ou: [G1PR> see;! and -ou sha%% find+: ;no1;! and it sha%% be o.ened unto -ou( 11:1G Po* e3e*- #an&[PR> one+ that as;s! *e1ei3es: and >e3e*one& [PR> he+> that see;s! finds: and >e3e*- one&[PR> to hi#+> that ;no1;s it is&[R> sha%% be+ o.ened "PR> unto hi#'( 11:11 [R> And+NNow&[P> Po*+ whi1h of -ou [PERF> "R'-being a-[R> the+ fathe*+ whose&[P> if [R> the+-his+ son sha%% as; "R'-hi# [#+->"G1A>fo*b*ead&[R> a %oaf+ - does&[PR> wi%%+ he hand&[PERF> *ea1h to+ hi# a stoneI 7*&[R> and+ if'> fo*-"PR' a fish "G1R> he >shou%d as;&[P> as; of hi#+' - does&[PR> wi%%+ he instead of a fish gi3e&[PERF> *ea1h to+ hi#-"G1' a se*.entI 11:1) [P> 7*+&And-"G1' if "PR'-fo* an egg he shou%d-"P' as; [P> of hi#+! does&[PR> wi%%+ he hand&[PERF> *ea1h to+ hi# a s1o*.ionI 11:12 And&[R> Then+ if -ou that a*e e3i%! ;now [P> how+ good gifts

to gi3e to -ou* sons&[PR> 1hi%d*en+! how #u1h >*athe* the&[PERF> #o*e+ [R> the+--ou*+> Pathe* [R> who is+ [4+-f*o#&[G1-ed> 5in>+ Hea3en wi%% gi3e >Rua1h Bodesh&ETheF Ho%- $.i*itN[G1> good things+> unto the# that as; Hi#I 11:1<@ KAnd it 1a#e to .ass when He was 1asting out a de#on f*o# a deaf -#ute! that when that-[G1> the+ de#on went fo*th that deaf-#ute s.o;e( And [G1> the+&those #u%titudes had wonde*ed( K[PERF> And as-"R' He was 1asting out a de#on that-[R> and it+ was du#b! [R> and+ it o11u**ed-[R> 1a#e to .ass+! "R> that when' the de#on had gone out! the du#b >E#anF 1on3e*sed&[R> #an s.o;e+>( And the #u%titudes [R> wonde*ed+-ad#i*ed(+ KE91> 6u;e 11:1< #a- .ossib%- be the beginning of a f*esh .a*ag*a.h! as it is in the Cu*etonian $(F 11:1= And&[P> /ut+ so#e of >the P>*ushi#&[PR> the#+> said: [P> 0t is+ b- K/a,a%-H>3u3 the [R> *u%e*+N1hief&[P> .*in1e+ of "P'-the de#ons >this-Efe%%owF-[R> he+ does 1ast&[P> that he 1asts+> out [R> the+ de#ons( K[Ge&@=!1?G!)G? A > /a,a%-Hibbu%: 1f att( 1):)<+ 11:1? /ut&[PR> And+ othe*s! te#.ting&[P> to te#.t+ "R'-Hi#! fo*"PR' a sign f*o#&[R> out of+ Hea3en >we*e as;ing [R> f*o#+&[P> as;ed of+> Hi#( 11:1@ >Now-[R> And+ He&[P> /ut Yeshua+>! "G1R> when&[P> as+ He' ;new thei* #editation&[PR> thoughts+! [G1> EandF+ said to the#: E3e*Bingdo# that >sha%% be&[PERF> is+> di3ided against itse%f! sha%%&[R>is+ >be-"R' deso%ated&[P> be1o#e a deso%ation+>! and Ke3e*-&[P> a+ house that against >a house is&[P> against itse%f is+> di3ided [P> sha%%+ fa%%"s 5P'( K[R>((( house against house does fa%%(+ 11:1A And if [R> a%so+ ha$atan&[R> the Ad3e*sa*-+ against hi#se%f >has been&[G1EPF> sha%%-"P' be+> di3ided! how wi%% his ;ingdo# [R> be #ade to+ stand! [R> fo*+Nthat&[P> sin1e+ -ou "PR'-Eshou%dF sa- "R'-that b/ee%Debub 0&[R> is -+ 1ast[ing 5R+ out [R> the+ de#ons [I&(+ 11:1C /ut&[P> And+ if 0 b- /a,a%-Hibbu%! 1ast out [R> the+ de#ons "PR> f*o# -ou* sons'! "P> -ou* sons' - b- what&[PR> who#+ do [P> -ou* sons+& the- 1ast the#-"R' outI KThe*efo*e the- sha%% be fo*&[P> unto+ -ou Oudges( K[R>(((I /e1ause of this -ou* Oudges the- sha%% be(+ 11:)G /ut if b- the finge* of E%ohi#&God 0 1ast out [R> the+ de#ons! "P'-hen1efo*th&[R> then+ the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God [R> unawa*es+ has >d*awn nigh&[R> 1o#e+> [P> unto+&u.on -ou( 11:)1 Now-"PR' when"e3e* 5PR' the&[P> a+ st*ong #an a*#ed

;ee.s his 1ou*t&5ent*- ha%%>! >in [R> .ea1e+-t*anMui%%it- is&[P> *ests se1u*e%-+> his .*o.e*t-&[R> goods+: 11:)) /ut if&[R> when+ "PR> the*e sha%%' 1o#e[s 5PR+ [R> u.on Ehi#F+ >[R> the+None that is&[P> a+> st*onge* than he [ERF+-and "P'-sha%% o3e*1o#e&[P> o3e*.owe*+ hi#! he "P'-wi%%&[R> does+ ta;e[s 5P+ awa- his [R> who%e+ a*#ou*&[P> a*#s on+ whi1h he >t*usted in&[P> *e%ied+>! and Khis .%unde* a%so he di3ides fo* hi#se%f( K[PR>((( and di3ides the s.oi% of hi#(+ 11:)2 He that is not with&[P> fo*+ e is against e: and he that gathe*s not with K e! [P>a1tua%%-+&[R> does+ s1atte*"s 5P' "PR'indeed( K[PE%itF>((( e! s1atte*s to s1atte*+>( K[G1&Ea%efF-6-boh-aeth> 5s1atte*s T eT indeed>(+ 11:)< [R> 4hen+ the&[P> An+ un1%ean s.i*it! >[R> sha%% go fo*th+Nwhat Eti#eF it has 1o#e fo*th&[P> when he goes out+> f*o#&5of> a&[R> the+ #an! Kgoes >t*a3e%%ing about&[P> wande*ing+> [G1> sudden%-+ in .%a1es whe*e "P'-the*e is no wate*! >that it #a-&[P> in o*de* to+> find "P> fo* itse%f' ease-[P> *est+: and Kwhat Eti#eF it has found none it sa-s: 0 wi%% *etu*n "PR> EandF go' to #- house&[P> habitation+ f*o#"G1' whe*e&[P> whi1h+ 0 1a#e "P'-fo*th( K1[R>(((! it wa%;s th*ough wate*%ess .%a1es see;ing *est! and not finding! it sa-s: (((+ K)[P>((( as he 1annot find EitF he sa-: (((+ 11:)= And-"G1' >[R> ha3ing+Nwhat Eti#eF it has&[P> when he+> 1o#e[s 5P+ >and-[EG1F+ found EitF&[PERF> he-[R> it+ finds [ERF+-it+> swe.t [P> 1%ean+ and [R> ado*ned+Nga*nished&[P> set in o*de*+! 11:)? [G1PR> Then+ it&[P> he+ goes EandF&[PR> and+ ta;es& [91EG1F>%eads+ [R> to itEse%fF+ se3en othe* s.i*its! wo*se&[R> #o*e e3i%+ than itse%f& [P> hi#se%f+! and the- ente* [P> in+ and dwe%% the*e"in 5PR'! and the %ast EstateF&[P> state+ of that #an be1o#es&[P> is+ wo*se than his& [PR> the+ fi*st EstateF( 11:)@@ And [R> it 1a#e to .ass+ when&[PERF> whi%e+ He said& [PERF> was sa-ing+ these things! a 1e*tain wo#an f*o# the "PR> #idst of' the #u%titude >with a %oud&[PERF> [R> ha3ing+ %ifted u. [R> the+-he*+> 3oi1e [P> and+ said unto Hi#: >Ha..- "R'-it&[P> /%essed+> is-"R' fo*-"PR' the wo#b that 1a**ied You! and "PR'-fo* the b*easts that >[R> -ou did su1;+Nga3e You su1;&[P> nu*sed -ou+>J 11:)A [R> And+ Yeshua&[P> He+ sa-s "R> unto he*': [R> Yea! *athe*!+ >[R> Ha..- those+NHa..- it is fo* the#&[P> /%essed a*e the-+> "R'that& 5who> hea*[ing 5R+&[G1> ha3e hea*d+ the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God and ;ee.[ing 5R+ it-[ERF+J 11:)C And "R'-when "P'-the #u%titude[s 5P+ "R'-we*e >[R> 1*owding

togethe* u.on Hi#+Ngathe*ing togethe*&[P> asse#b%ed+> He began to sa-: This [P> e3i%+ gene*ation "P> is an-"R' e3i% "R'-gene*ation': a sign "P'-it see;s [R> afte*+! and-"G1' a&[P> no+ sign sha%% "P> not' be gi3en "P'-to >it&[G1> the# of&f*o# Hea3en+>! eL1e.t [G1PR> the sign of Yonah "A> the P*o.het'+( 11:2G [G1-3idR> Po*+ as Yonah was&[R> be1a#e a+ sign to the Nine3ites! so [PR> wi%%+ the $on of an a%so [PERF> be "R> a sign'+ unto this gene*ation( 11:21 The&[R> A+ Mueen of the $outh wi%% stand&[R> *ise+ u. in [PR> the+ 5U>udge#ent with [PR> the #en of+ this gene*ation and wi%% >#a;e the# gui%t-&[PR> 1onde#n the#+>! >in that&[PR> fo*+> she 1a#e f*o# the "R'-othe* [R> ends+Nside"s 5P' of the ea*th&5%and> >that she #ight&[PR> to+> hea* the wisdo# of $h%o#o! and beho%d! >a g*eate* than& [P> 7ne su.e*io* to+> $h%o#o is he*eJ 11:2) "R'-The #en-"fo%; 5PR' of Nine3eh wi%% stand u. in [PR> the+ 5U>udge#ent with this gene*ation and wi%% >#a;e it gui%t-&[PR> 1onde#n it+>! >in that&[PR> fo*+> the- *e.ented at the .*o1%ai#ing of Yonah! and beho%d! >a g*eate* than&[P> 7ne su.e*io* to+> Yonah is he*eJ 11:22 [R> And+ no one %ights a %a#. and sets&5.uts> it K"G1> unde* [P> a+&the bushe% o*' K[Ga> unde* the bed o*+-"P' in a&[G1> Ean-F+ >5se1*et>&1on1ea%ed> .%a1e! but "P> he sets it' u.on [P> a+-the #eno*ah-stand: that >the- whi1h ente*-51o#e> in #a- see its& [Ga> that e3e*- one #a- see the+> %ight [Ga> of the %a#.+( K[R>((( in a se1*et .%a1e! no* unde* the #easu*e&5bushe%>! but on the #eno*ah-stand! that those 1o#ing in #a- beho%d the %ight(+ [4>((( in a 1e%%a*! no* unde* a bushe%! but on a (((+ "#> unde* a bushe%' KE$ee 6;( A:1? and 1od( fu%d( [Ran;e! .( <?+F 11:2< Po*-"PR' the %a#. of the bod- is the e-e( 4hen"e3e* 5PR' -ou* e-e the*efo*e >[4> 1%ea*+Nsha%% be sing%e&[P> is sound+>! -ou* who%e bod>a%so is %ight[ed 5R+&[P> sha%% be en%ightened+>: >but if&[R>and when+> "PR'--ou* >[PE4F> it be bad+&e-e-[R> it sha%%+ be e3i%-[%it(A*a#ai1> sting-+>! -ou* who%e-"G1PR' bod- a%so >is&[P> wi%% be+> da*;[ened 5R+( 11:2= >[R> Ta;e heed+N/e -ou&[P> $ee to it+> the*efo*e "PR'-wa*%est the %ight [PR> that is+ in -ou "G1R'-shou%d be da*;ened&[PR> da*;ness+( 11:2? KAnd if the %ight in -ou is da*;! -ou* da*;ness - how g*eat it wi%% beJ K[G1&6atin #ss f M> You* bod- a%so! the*efo*e! what Eti#eF the*e is in it no %a#. that shines! be1o#es da*;ened: so! what Eti#eF -ou* %a#. be1o#es b*ight! >it shines fo* -ou&-5#a;es -ou shine>>(+ K[PERF> Po*-[R> Then+ if -ou* who%e bod- be-[R> is+ "R> en'%ightened! and no .a*t in it be da*;[ened 5R+! the

who%e wi%% be %u#inous-[R> %ightened+! as >if a&[R> when the+> %a#.& 5#eno*ah> en%ightened-[R> b- the b*ightness sha%% gi3e+ -ou "R> bits' *adian1e-[R> %ight+(+ K[9)> 0f -ou* who%e bod- is fu%% of %ight! a%% wi%% be %ight! Oust as the %a#. %ights -ou with its b*ightness(+ 11:2@@ And [P> whi%e He was s.ea;ing+ a 1e*tain Pa*ush >had besought& [P> *eMuested+> Hi# >that He wou%d [R> dine+-b*ea;fast&[P> to dine+> with hi#: and [G1 5EwhenF>+ He "G1> ente*ed&[PERF> went in+ and' >sat down&[PR> *e1%ined+> Eto eatF( 11:2A K>And that Pa*ush had begun sa-ing in his #ind&[G1> He[91EG1F> the-+ wonde*ed+>: 4he*efo*e has-"G1' He [G1> had+ not i##e*sed hi#se%f befo*e His b*ea;fastI K[PERF> And the Pa*ush >noti1ing Hi#&[R> ha3ing seen+>! wonde*ed that He did not .*e3ious%--[R> fi*st+ i##e*se [R> Hi#se%f+ befo*e [R> the+ dinne*(+ 11:2C [PR> And+ >ou*-[R> the+ 6o*d&[G1P> Yeshua+> sa-s unto hi#: [PR> Now+ [R> do+ -ou [R> the+ P>*ushi# "PR>J [G1> Po*+ it is' the outside of the 1u. and of the dish "R'--ou 1%eanse: and&[PR> but+ -ou* inside&5inwa*d> [R> .a*t+ is fu%% of eLto*tion&[R> 5.%unde*>+ and >e3i%&[PR> wi1;edness+>( 11:<G KYou %a1;ing&5defi1ient+ in #ind&5unde*standing>J Has& [PR> 8id+ not He that&54ho> #ade >what EisF&[PR> the+> outside #ade >what EisF& [PR> the+> inside a%soI K[R> Snthin;ingJ (((+ 11:<1 /ut K>[R> what -ou ha3e+Nthat whi1h is inside of -ou&[P> f*o# what -ou .ossess+> gi3e [G1> in+&EasFN[PR> -ou EasF+ a%#s! and beho%d! e3e*-thing&[R> a%% things+ >[R> a*e+Nis&[P> wi%% be+ 1%ean unto -ouJ K[9)>((( #a;e *ight what is within! and -ou wi%% ha3e a%% 1%ean(+ 11:<) /ut woe&o- to -ou! "G1P> $1*ibes and' [R> the+ P>*ushi#J [PR> Po*+ -ou that-"PR' tithe [R> the+ #int and [R> the+ *ue and >a%% he*bs&[P> e3e*- .ot-he*b+>! and&[P> but+ [R> -ou+ .ass o3e*&[R> b- the+ Oudge#ent&[P> Ousti1e+ and the %o3e of E%ohi#&God( KNow these -ou ha3e done! but these ha3e -ou not %eftI K[R>(((( These things it is-ne1essa*- to do! and those Eothe*sF not to be neg%e1ting(+ K[G1>(((( These it is-ne1essa*- that the- shou%d be done and these a%so not %eft+-E1f att( )2:)2F K[4>(((( 0t behoo3eth to do these things! and not to o#it those(+ K[P>(((( Now -ou ought to do these things! and not to o#it those(+ 11:<2 K4oe&7- to -ou "G1P> $1*ibes and' [R> the+ P>*ushi#J >[R> /e1ause -ou+NYou that&[P> 4ho+> %o3e the [R> fi*st+Nhono*ab%e&[P> 1hief+

seats in the s-nagogues! and >g*eeting&[PERF> [R> the+-a sa%utation[s 5R++> in the st*eets&[R> #a*;et.%a1es+( K[Po* Ga&)?C! 1f att( )2:? ff! and see Gd: <G:<1+ 11:<< 4oe&7- to -ou "A'-[PR> $1*ibes and P>*ushi#! h-.o1*itesJ+ [PR> fo*+ -ou >that a*e>&-[PR> a*e %i;e+ g*a3es >[G1EPF> that a*e >[P> un;nown+-not seen>+>! and K#en wa%; u.on&[P> o3e*+ -ou&[G1P> the#+ and [G1> -ou+ ;now EitF notJ K[R>((( the #en wa%;ing abo3e ha3e not ;nown EitF(+ 11:<= And one of the $1*ibes answe*ed and said unto Hi#: Tea1he*! Kwhen-"R' these things "R'--ou sa-[ing 5R+! us a%so -ou do insu%t( K[P>!((( whi%e sa-ing these things! -ou *e.*oa1h us a%so(+ 11:<? [R> And+ He sa-s "R> to hi#': [R> And+ to -ou "R'-a%so woe&o"PR> to -ou' - -ou&[R> the+ $1*ibesJ You-"PR' that&[R> be1ause -ou+ >ta;e u.&[G1PERF> %oad-[R> bu*den+ #en with+> Khea3- bu*dens "G1P> and %a- Ethe#F on the shou%de*s of #en': and&[P> -et+ -ou -ou*se%3es "G1P> not e3en' with one of -ou* finge*s >[P> wi%% not+ tou1h&[G1> do not d*aw nea* to+> the#&[P> those bu*dens+( K[R>((( bu*dens g*ie3ous to be bo*ne! and -ou -ou*se%3es with one of -ou* finge*s do not tou1h the bu*dens(+ 11:<@ 4oe&7- to -ou! "PR'--ou that&[R> be1ause -ou+ bui%d the g*a3es& 5se.u%1h*es> of the P*o.hets! who#&[R> and the#+ -ou* fathe*s ;i%%ed& [P> s%ew+J 11:<A KHen1e&[P> Thus+ -ou >bea* witness to and #a;e 1onfession of&[P> testif-! Kthat -ou a1Muies1e in+> the deeds of -ou* fathe*s: Kand -ou -ou a*e the sons of those! the #u*de*e*sJ K1[R> Then do -ou testif-! and a*e we%% .%eased with the wo*;s of -ou* fathe*s! be1ause the- indeed ;i%%ed the#! and -ou do bui%t thei* to#bsJ+ K[9)>(((! -ou* fathe*s ;i%%ed the P*o.hets! and -ou a*e thei* 1hi%d*en(+ K2[G1>(((: in that the- ;i%%ed the#! and -ou - -ou bui%dJ+ K2[P> (((: fo* the- s%ew the#! and -ou bui%t thei* se.u%1h*esJ+ 11:<C@ The*efo*e&[R> /e1ause of this a%so+ "P'-the wisdo# "P> of E%ohi# &God' has-"R' said: [P> /eho%d+ 0 wi%% send a#ong&[PR> unto+ the# P*o.hets and e#issa*ies: [PR> and+ so#e of the# the- wi%% ;i%%&[P> s%a-+ and .e*se1ute: 11:=G That [P> f*o# this gene*ation+ the b%ood of a%% the P*o.hets #abe *eMuited&[P> *eMui*ed+ that has been shed! "P'-beho%d! >f*o# Ethe ti#eF that&[P> sin1e+> the wo*%d was 1*eated "P> unto this gene*ation': K[R> That the b%ood of a%% the P*o.het! that is being .ou*ed fo*th f*o# the foundation of the wo*%d! #a- be *eMui*ed f*o# this

gene*ation(+ 11:=1 P*o# the b%ood of He3e% "G1PR> e3en' unto the b%ood of H>;ha*-ah "G1Ge-)11&PR> son of /a*a1hia'! "PR'-hi# that "R'-was [R> .e*ished+N ;i%%ed&[P> s%ain+ between the a%ta* and the Te#.%e&[R> 5House>+( A#aine&[PR> Yea+( 0 sa- unto -ou! "P'-that it wi%% be *eMuited& [PR> *eMui*ed+ f*o#&5of> >this "PR'-sa#e&[G1> the hands of this+> gene*ation( 11:=) 4oe&7- to -ou! [R> the+ $1*ibes: that&[Ge-)11&PR> fo*+ >[Ge)11> -ou hide+&ha3e 1on1ea%edN[G1> 51on1ea%ed>+-[PR> -ou ha3e ta;en awa-+> the ;e-"s 5Ge-)11R' of [R> the+ ;now%edgeJ You -ou*se%3es ha3e-[R>did+ not ente*"ed 5R'! and the# >that a*e ente*ing&[R> 1o#ing in+> -ou "P'-ha3e&[R> did+ hinde*"ed 5PR'( 11:=2 KAnd when He >was sa-ing&[P> had said+> these things >[PR> unto+& against> the# "PR> in the sight of a%% the .eo.%e it began to be dis.%easing to' the $1*ibes and [G1EPRF> "PR'-to the+ P>*ushi# [PR> began Kto be offended! and be1a#e ang*-+! and Kthe- we*e dis.uting with Hi# about #an- things! K1[A> And when He %eft the*e! the $1*ibes (((+ K)[R>((( fea*fu%%- to u*ge and to .*ess Hi# to s.ea; about #anthings!+ K2[P>((( s%ande* at His dis1ou*ses(+ 11:=< KAnd we*e see;ing to ta;e ho%d of a .*eteLt against Hi#! "G1> that the- #ight be ab%e to a11use Hi#'( K[PERF> >And .*a1tised #an- wi%es u.on&[R> 6a-ing wait fo*+> Hi#! [R> and+-"A' "A'-see;ing to 1at1h so#ething f*o# His #outh! "A> that the- #ight a11use Hi#'(+ CHAPTER 1) 1):1@ >And when "P'-a g*eat&[R> At what ti#e the+> #u%titude[s 5P+ >was gathe*ed&[P> we*e asse#b%ed+> [R> togethe*+ "PR> unto Hi#' [PERF> b#-*iads+! so >as to t*a#.%e&[P> that the- t*od+> one [PR> u.+on "PR'-the [PR> an+othe*! He&[P> Yeshua+ had begun to sa- unto His Ta%#idi#: "G1'-Pi*st [PR> of a%%+ bewa*e [PERF> fo*-[R> to+ -ou*se%3es+ of [P> that+&the 1ha#etD&5%ea3en> of the P>*ushi#! whi1h is >*es.e1t of .e*sons&[PR> h-.o1*is-+>( 1):) Po*-[Ga<<2R> And+ the*e is nothing [R> 1o3e*ed+Nse1*et&[P> hidden+ that sha%% not [Ga<<2> to e3e*- #an+ be *e3ea%ed: no*&[R> and+ Ean-thingF-"R' 1on1ea%ed&[R> hid+ that sha%% not be ;nown( 1):2 Po* what[e3e* 5PR+ "PR'-things in the da*;"ness 5P' -ou >ha3e-"R' said&[P> s.ea;+>! in the [G1>da-+%ight sha%% be hea*d: and >that whi1h&[PR> what+> in "P'-the inne*&[P> se1*et+ 1ha#be*s in&[R> to+ the ea*"s 5R' -ou "PR'-ha3e [R> s.o;e+Nwhis.e*"ed 5P'! on the *oofs& [PR> house-to.s+ sha%% be .*o1%ai#ed( 1):< Now&[PR> And+ 0 sa- unto -ou! - f*iends! - /e -ou-"R' not

af*aid of the# that ;i%% the bod-! and afte*wa*ds&[R> afte* these things+ [PR> ha3e+ nothing >[R> #o*e to+Na*e ab%e to&[PERF> #o*e the1an+> do( 1):= /ut 0 wi%% show [R> to+ -ou "R'-of who# >-ou sha%%>&-[P> to+ >be af*aid>&-[R> fea*+: "P'->be af*aid>&-[R> fea*+ "R'-of Hi# who afte* >He ;i%%s>&-[R> the ;i%%ing+ has autho*it- to 1ast into [R> the+ Ge-Hinno# - -ea! 0 sa- to -ou "G1PR> that' "R'-of Hi# "G1PR> it isne1essa*-' "PR'-to >be af*aid>&-[R> fea* -ou+( 1):? [G1> Po*+&[PR> A*e not+ fi3e s.a**ows "PR'-a*e so%d fo* >an assa*ion>&-[G1PR> two assa*ion+! and not one of the# is %ost& [PR4> fo*gotten+ befo*e E%ohi#&God: 1):@ K>Po* e3en the %o1;s of>&-[P> And as fo* -ou+ the [P> 3e*-+ hai*[s 5P+ of -ou* head a*e [P> a%%+ nu#be*ed "G1P> b- Hi#'( /e the*efo*e not af*aid! be1ause -ou a*e >[P> su.e*io*+N#u1h #o*e& [G1> bette*+> >than the #u%titude of&[P> to #an-+> s.a**ows( K[R> /ut e3en the hai*s of -ou* head ha3e been a%% nu#be*ed: the*efo*e fea* -ou not! than #an- s.a**ows -ou a*e of #o*e 3a%ue(+ 1):A [PR> And+NNow&[G1> Po*+ 0 sa- unto -ou! [P> that+ e3e*- one "R'-that sha%% 1onfess [R> with+ e befo*e #en! the $on of an wi%% a%so 1onfess [R> with+ hi# befo*e >His ho%- ange%s&[G1PR4> the ange%s of E%ohi#&God+>: 1):C "G1> And&[P> /ut+ he whi1h&who [P> sha%% den-+&deniesN[R> has denied+ e befo*e #en! >the*e wi%% be a denia% of hi#&[PERF> sha%% "R'-hi#se%f be denied+> befo*e the ange%s of E%ohi#&God(' 1):1G And e3e*- one that&who sha%% sa-&[P> s.ea;+ a wo*d against& [R> 5to>+ the $on of an! it sha%% be fo*gi3en [R> to+ hi#: but Khe that "P'-against >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> sha%% b%as.he#e! it sha%% not be fo*gi3en "R'-hi#( K[R>((( to hi# who to the >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> did s.ea; e3i%! it sha%% not be fo*gi3en(+ 1):11 K>Now what Eti#eF&[PR> And when+> the- [P> sha%%+ b*ing& [4>1a**-+ -ou >"P'-u. [P> in+to&[R> befo*e+> the s-nagogues! Kbefo*e >the *u%ing .owe*s and autho*ities&[P> 1hiefs and #en in autho*it-+!> be "P'-ou not anLious >"P> as to' how&[G1> what+> -ou sha%% #a;e eL1use& [P> defen1e+! o* what -ou sha%% s.ea;&[G1P> sa-+! K1[Ga<1=> 4hene3e* the- b*ing -ou u. befo*e the *u%ing .owe*s and befo*e autho*ities(((+-Efo* the *est of the Muote see: 6;()1:1)F K)[R>(((! and the *u%e*s! and the autho*ities! be not anLious how o* what -ou #a- *e.%-! o* what -ou shou%d sa-(+ 1):1) Po*&[G1> /ut+ >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> wi%% >[P> inst*u1t+&tea1h> -ou in that hou* >that whi1h&[PR> what+> "G1P> it is-ne1essa*- "R'-that' >[R> E-ouF to+N-ou shou%d&[P> to+> sa-( 1):12@ And >a 1e*tain #an-[R> one+ f*o# that-[R> the+ #u%titude& [P> one

of the asse#b%-+> said to Hi#: Tea1he*! >sa- to&[P> te%%+> #- b*othe* >that he shou%d&[PR> to+> di3ide with #e "G1PR> the %and and' the inhe*itan1e( 1):1< /ut&[R> And+ He&[P> Yeshua+ said to hi#: an! who set&[P> estab%ished+ e "PR'-u. o3e* -ou Eto beF a Oudge [R> o* a di3ide*+N [P> and dist*ibuto*+I 1):1= And He said unto >[R> the#+Nthe #u%titudes&[P> His Ta%#idi#+>: [R> 7bse*3e+ and bewa*e "PR'--ou of [A+-a%%&[R> the+ 1o3etousness: be1ause not in >the su.e*f%uit- of #u1h-"G1' wea%th&-[PERF> [R> the+ abundan1e of [R> one>s goods+-*i1hes+> is&[P> 1onsists+ [R> his+ %ife "PR> to the sons of #en'( 1):1? And He >was sa-ing&[G1PR> said+> [PR> a+&this si#i%itude&.a*ab%e unto the# [R> sa-ing+: KA 1e*tain *i1h #an - his %and had b*ought in to hi# #u1h .*odu1e( K[R>(((: 7f a 1e*tain *i1h #an the fie%d b*ought fo*th we%%(+ K[P>(((: The %and of a 1e*tain *i1h #an b*ought fo*th .*odu1e in abundan1e(+ 1):1@ And he >[R> *easoning within+Nwas thin;ing in&[P> 1onside*ed with+> hi#se%f and said: 4hat sha%% 0 do! >in that&[PR> fo*+> 0 ha3e not whe*e "PR'-that 0 [P> 1an+&#a-N[R> sha%%+ sto*e&[R>gathe* togethe*+ [P> u.+ #- .*odu1e&[R> f*uits+I 1):1A [PR> And he said:+ >[PR> This+ 0 wi%% [PR> do+&[G1> /ut it is-ne1essa*--fo* #e that 0 shou%d+> [PR> 0 wi%%+ .u%%&[R> ta;e+ down #g*ana*ies&[PR> sto*ehouses+ and Kbui%d "P> EandF en%a*ge' the# [P> %a*ge*+: and [P> the*e+ 0 >wi%% gathe*&[P> sto*e u. a%%+> #.*odu1e&[P> g*ain and #- good things+( K[R>((( g*eate* ones 0 wi%% bui%d! and 0 wi%% gathe* togethe* the*e a%% #- .*odu1ts and #- good things(+ 1):1C And [Ga+->he sa-s to his&[G1PR> 0 wi%% sa- to #-+> sou%: K>[Ga> Muotes he+&/eho%d>! #an- good things a*e %aid&[G1Gae> sto*ed+ u. >fo*& 5b->> -ou fo* #an- -ea*s: [Gae> #- sou%+ ta;e -ou* ease and eat "Ga> and d*in;' and be #e**-( K[PERF>(((: --"R' sou%! -ou ha3e [R> #an-+ good things "R> in abundan1e'! >whi1h a*e sto*ed&[R> %aid+> u. fo* #an- -ea*s: >ta;e -ou* ease&[R> be *esting+>: eat! d*in;! and >%i3e in .%easu*e&[R> be #e**-+>(+ 1):)G [P> /ut+&[R> And+ E%ohi#&God sa-s to hi#: "R'-EYouF&[P> You+ >[R> unthin;ing one+N[Ga-E.h*> sense%ess+&5without hea*t>N%a1;ing in #ind&[P> 3oid of *eason+>J /eho%d-"G1PR'! in-"PR' this night -ou* %ife&5sou%> >[4> the- a*e de#anding+Nthe- *eMui*e&[PR> wi%% be *eMui*ed+> of&f*o# -ou: >[R> and what things+Nthese things "P'that& [Ga-E.h*> this whi1h+> >-ou ha3e #ade *ead-&[P> .*o3ided b-ou+> whose&[PR> to who#+ wi%% "P'-the-&[Ga-E.h*> it+ be&[P> be%ong+I 1):)1 [Ga> And afte*wa*ds He said:+ $o&[P> $u1h+ is he whi1h&who

>%a-s u. fo*>&->[R> is t*easu*ing u. to+ hi#se%f "R'-t*easu*e[s 5P+> and in& [R> towa*d+ E%ohi#&God is not *i1h( 1):)) And He said unto His Ta%#idi#: The*efo*e&[R> /e1ause of this+ 0 >sa- unto&[P> te%%+> -ou! /e not anLious fo* -ou*&[G1> the+ %ife! what -ou sha%% eat: neithe* fo* the&[P> -ou*+ bod-! whe*ewith&[PR> what+ -ou sha%% >be 1%othed&[PR> .ut on+>: 1):)2 Po*-"R' the %ife is #o*e [P> i#.o*tant+ than "P'-the food& [R> nou*ish#ent+! and the bod- than >the 1%othing&[P> *ai#ent+>( 1):)< Conside* the *a3ens that the--"P' sow not no* *ea.! [R> to whi1h the*e is+Nand&[P> no*+ ha3e-"R' no-"P' [R> ba*n+Nsto*e-1ha#be*s& [P> 1e%%a*s+! no* [PR> sto*e-houses+&g*ana*ies: and&[P> -et+ E%ohi#&God K>[G1>sustains+Nnou*ishes&[P> .*o3ides+> the# [P> food+( How #u1h >[R> bette*+Nthe*efo*e&[P> #u1h #o*e i#.o*tant now+> a*e -ou "PR'-#o*e than-"P' the-&[G1PR> the bi*ds+J K[G)&Gt-1C<> Esee on att(?:)?!2G+ 1):)= Po*&[PR> And+ whi1h&who of -ou! >though-[R> being+ anLious>&-[P> b- ta;ing .ains+! 1an&[R> is ab%e to+ add K"PR'-on to his statu*e& [R> 5age>+ one 1ubitI K[4>((( a #o#ent to his eListen1eI+ 1):)? K/ut if not e3en a %itt%e thing -ou 1an do! wh- a*e -ou anLious about&[R> fo*+ the *estI K[4> 0f then -ou a*e .owe*%ess in the s#a%%est #atte*! wha*e(((+ K[R> 0f then -ou a*e not ab%e fo* the %east! wh- a*e (((+ K[P> And if -ou a*e i#.otent fo* that whi1h is %east! wh- a*e (((+ 1):)@ Conside* the %i%ies "G1PR> of the .%ain' how [R> do+ [P> theg*ow+ [P> !+&[R> I+ the- not! no* >[PR> do the- [R>%abou*+toi%+& wea3e>! and&[P> -et+ 0 sa- unto -ou that not e3en $h%o#o in a%% his g%o*-! was 1o3e*ed&[G1PR> 1%othed+ %i;e the#&[PR> one of these+( KE0n PRR! and toi% a*e *e3e*sed in thei* o*de* of o11u**en1e(F E91> QHow the- not! and wea3e not!Q instead of Qthe- toi% not! neithe* do the- s.inQ Twith Codd( /eDae and 9e*1e%%ensis! and Cu*etonianT(F 1):)A /ut&[PR> And+ if the-"G1' g*ass&[PERF> he*b[age 5R++ "G1P> of-[R> in+ the [R> fie%ds+-hi%%s' that to-da- >is "R> on the hi%%s'& [P> eLists in the fie%d+> and to-#o**ow "G1R> is withe*ed and' fa%%s& [R> is 1ast+ into the&[R> an+ fu*na1e&[PR> o3en+ E%ohi#&God [R> does so+Ndoes&[P> so+ 1%othe! how #u1h *athe*&[PR> #o*e+ "G1PR'the*efo*e "PR'-fo* -ou! >7 %a1;ing>&>[PERF> -ou [R> of+ %itt%e+> in-"R' faithI 1):)C K>8o not the*efo*e see;&[P> And EsoF inMui*e not+> what -ou sha%%

eat! and&[P> o*+ what -ou sha%% d*in;: "P> and whe*ewith -ou sha%% be 1o3e*ed'! "G1> >and be o11u.ied in&[P> no* %et -ou* #ind wande* u.on+> these things': K[R> And -ou - see; not what -ou #a- eat! o* what -ou #ad*in;! and be not in sus.ense:+ 1):2G Po* a%% these things [R> do+ the nations&5go-i#> of the [G1PR4> wo*%d+&ea*th see; afte*: but&[PR> and+ -ou* Pathe* ;nows that Kf*o#&[P> fo*+ -ou a%so >the- a*e *eMui*ed&[P> these things a*e needfu%+>( K[R>((( -ou ha3e need of these things(+ 1):21 KYou&[PR> /ut+! K[G1> EthenF+&hen1efo*th-"PR'! see; -ou [#+-the& [A> His+ Bingdo# [#+-"A> of E%ohi#&God'! and "A'-[PR> a%%+ these things "G1PR> o3e* abo3e' sha%% be added unto -ou( K1[4> o*eo3e* see His Bingdo# and these things sha%% be added (((+ K)[91EG1F>(((! the*efo*e! see; the Bingdo# of E%ohi#! (((+ 1):2)@ Pea* not! %itt%e f%o1;: >unto who#&[PR> fo*+> -ou* Pathe* [R>did de%ight+&[P> is dis.osed+Nwi%%s&[G1> has been .%eased+ to gi3e [PR> -ou+ the Bingdo#( 1):22 $e%% >e3e*-thing that -ou ha3e&[PERF> -ou* [R> goods+.*o.e*t-+> and gi3e a%#s: "R'-and EsoF #a;e fo* -ou*se%f .u*ses&[PR> bags+ that >wea* not out&[PR> do not be1o#e o%d+> "R'-and a t*easu*e a%so"G1PR' that "R> is not' >[R> unfai%ing+NeLhausted&[P> t*ansient+> in [PR> the+ Hea3en[s 5PR+: whe*e "R> no' >thief[s 5G1+ [P> a..*oa1hes+Na**i3es& [G1> thie3e+N[R> 1o#es not nea*+> no*&[P> and no+ #oth [R> dest*o-+N 1o**u.ts&[P> eats+: 1):2< And&[PR> Po*+ whe*e -ou* t*easu*e >sha%% be&[G1PR> EisF+>! -ou* hea*t a%so sha%% be the*e( 1):2= 6et -ou* %oins be gi*ded! and [4+--ou*&[R> the+ %a#.s %ighted& [PR4> bu*ning+! 1):2? And -ou be %i;e .e*sons&[R> to #en+ [PR> who a*e+ waiting fo* thei* 5%>o*d! when"e3e* 5R' he sha%% Kwithd*aw f*o# the wedding-feast! that what Eti#eF 5h>e has 1o#e and ;no1;"ed 5P'! st*aightwa-& [G1PR> i##ediate%-+ the- #a- o.en to 5h>i#( K[4>((( *ise u. f*o# the #a**iage-feast (((+ K[R>((( *etu*n out of the wedding-feasts (((+ K[Gt-21=&1f>((( ti%% he withd*aw f*o# the wedding-feast (((+ K[P>((( *etu*n f*o# the house of feasting! that when 5h>e sha%% (((+ 1):2@ Ha..- "R> is it fo*' those s%a3es! "G1PR'-the- whose&[R> who#+ [P> thei*+&[R> the+ 5%>o*d sha%%&[R> ha3ing+ 1o#e EandF&[R> sha%%+ find the#-"R' >wat1hing&[P> so doing+>: a#aine( 0 sa- unto -ou that

5h>e wi%% gi*d >5h>is %oins&[R> 5h>i#se%f+> and #a;e&[R> 1ause+ the# >sit down&[PR> *e1%ine+> Eto eatF! and [P> wi%% .ass a*ound and+&[G1> 1o#e o3e* EandF+N[R> ha3ing 1o#e nea* wi%%+ se*3e Ethe#F&[G1PR> the#+J 1):2A And if K"G1PR> in the fi*st wat1h 5h>e 1o#e and find the# wat1hing! ha..- is it fo* the#! who# 5h>e wi%% #a;e sit down Eto eatF and wi%% se*3e: o* if' in [R> if 5h>e shou%d 1o#e in the+ the se1ond wat1h! o*&[R> and-5o*> in+ the thi*d [R> wat1h+ 5h>e [R> shou%d+ 1o#e! and [R> shou%d+ find the#&[R> EitF+ wat1hing&[G1PR> so+! ha..- >it is fo*&[PR> a*e+> those [PR> se*3ants+J K[Gt-21=&1f> 0 ha3e wat1hed #- fi*st wat1h and the se1ond and the thi*d(+ 1):2C /ut&[PR> And+ this ;now -ou! that if the #aste* of the house >we*e to ;now&[PR> had ;nown+> "R'-at >whi1h hou*&[P> what wat1h+> the thief >wou%d "P'-be&[G1> we*e+> 1o#ing&[PR> 1o#e+! [PR> he wou%d ha3e+ -"A'-[R> wat1hed and+&[P> been awa;e and+ he-"PR' wou%d not [RA> ha3e+ a%%ow[ed 5RA+ that-"R' his house shou%d&[PR> to+ be b*o;en th*ough& [P> into+( 1):<G [G1R> And+&[P> The*efo*e+ -ou a%so&[R> then+! be[1o#e 5R+ "P'--ou *ead-! fo* >in an&[R> at the+> hou* "R'-that -ou ;now&[PR> thin;+ not wi%%&[R> does+ 1o#e the $on of an( 1):<1 [R> And+ [P> $hi#,on+ Befa sa-s unto Hi#: --6o*d&[R> $i*+! unto us do You sa-&5s.ea;> this si#i%itude&.a*ab%e! o* unto e3e*-one&5a%%> a%soI 1):<) >7u*-[R> And the+ 6o*d&[G1P> Yeshua+> sa-s "R> unto hi#': K4hi1h is the one >in autho*it-&5offi1ia%>> faithfu% "G1> and wise and good' Kthat his 56>o*d wi%% set u. o3e* [P> a%%+ 5H>is s%a3es&[G1P> fe%%owse*3ants+! >that he #a-&[P> to+> gi3e Ethei*F&[P>thei*+ *ation&[P> .o*tion+ Eof foodF in its&[P> due+ ti#eI K1[Ge)1A>(((: 4ho is EtheF o3e*see*! EtheF faithfu% se*3ant good and wise (((+ K1[PERF>(((: 4ho then is that-[R> the+ faithfu% and wise-[R> .*udent+ stewa*d (((+ K)[R>((( who# the 56>o*d sha%% set o3e* 5H>is househo%d! to gi3e in season the wheat #easu*eI+ 1):<2 Ha..- "PR> it is fo*' that [G1> one+&s%a3e when&[R> who#+ his 56>o*d Ksha%%&[R> ha3ing+ 1o#e EandF&[R> sha%%+ find "R'-hi# doing soJ K[Einse*ted between the %ines b- the fi*st hand in G1: 1f Uohn 12:1?F+ 1):<< T*u%-&[P> A#aine(+ 0 sa- unto -ou "P'-that he wi%% >set hi# "R'-u.&[G1> gi3e hi# autho*it-+> o3e* a%% >his [R> goods+-.*o.e*t-&

[G1> that he has+>( 1):<= /ut&[R> And+ if that s%a3e sha%% sa- in his hea*t - - 56>o*d de%a-s to 1o#e! and he&[PR> sha%%+ begin to beat those&[G1PR> the+ s%a3es&[R> #en-se*3ants+ and the #aid-se*3ants [P> of his 56>o*d+ and-"R' [P> sha%% begin+ to eat [R> a%so+ and [PR> to+ d*in; and [R> to+ be d*un;: 1):<? "PR'-Then&5And> the 56>o*d of that s%a3e wi%% 1o#e in a dathat he does not [P> thin;+&eL.e1tN[R> %oo; fo* E5H>i#F+! and in an hou* that he >does not ;now&[G1> is not awa*e+>! and wi%% Kdi3ide& [PR4> 1ut+ hi# [R4> off+&[P> in two+: and [P>wi%%+ set&[PERF> assign "R'hi#+ his .o*tion with the# that a*e not faithfu%( K[Ge1)A&1f>((( He wi%% 1ut hi# asunde* and wi%% se.a*ate hi#(((+ K[G1>((( di3ide TK>5KT his .o*tion and set TK>it5KT (((+-Ebut as it stands G1 *eads: (((di3ide hi# EasF his .o*tion and set hi#(((F KE91> in a%% $-*ia1 3e*sions! .a%%eg! has the .*i#a*- #eaning of Q1ut in .ie1es!Q and the se1onda*- one of Qa..oint to so#e one his .o*tion(Q "(((' The t*ans%ation wou%d then be: Qand sha%% a%ot his .o*tion! and sha%% .%a1e hi# To* itT with the unfaithfu%!Q et1((F 1):<@ [PR> And+ the&[R> that+ s%a3e that ;nows the wi%% of his 56>o*d! and .*e.a*ed not >fo* hi#&[R> no* ha3ing gone+> a11o*ding to 5H>is wi%%! sha%% be f%ogged&[PR> beaten+ with #an- st*! 1):<A And he whi1h&who ;nows not and does that whi1h is wo*thof st*! sha%% be f%ogged&[PR> beaten+ with few [ERF+-st* fo*& [R> to+ e3e*- one to who# #u1h [R> was+Nsha%%&[PR> is+ "R'-be gi3en! #u1h wi%% be *eMui*ed >at his hand&[PR> f*o# hi#+>: and to >hi# that the- ha3e&-[P> who# is+> >1o##itted&[P> gi3en+> #u1h! the-"R' #o*e [R> abundant%-+ wi%% the-&[P> be+ [R> as;+&*eMui*e[d 5P+ >of hi#& [P> at his hand+>( 1):<C@ "P'-Po* a fi*e 0 ha3e 1o#e to >[PERF> 1ast [R> to+-on+&%ain> the ea*th! and Khow&[P> and+ 0 wou%d! if&[P> that+ a%*ead- it >had been ;ind%ed&[P> bu*ned+>J K[R>((( what wi%% 0 if a%*ead- it was ;ind%edJ+ K[G1>((( what&5when> he wou%d (((+-Ethe addition of a st*o;e wou%d #a;e the 1%ause *un: (((and what 0 wou%d EisF - if it had been a%*ead- ;ind%edJF 1):=G [R> /ut+&And-"G1' a i##e*sion&#i;3eh 0 ha3e >that 0 shou%d& [R> to+> be i##e*sed with: and Khow #u1h-"R' 0 a# >in a st*ait& [R> .*essed+> unti% it [R> sha%%+ be K>b*ought to an end&[R> 1o#.%eted+>J K1[P>(((: and 0 a# #u1h .*essed unti% it be a11o#.%ishedJ+ K)[Po* the #eaning of the $-*ia1&A*a#ai1 wo*d see Uohn 2:)C and 1f Gt-)1?: Nothing st*ange has that a11u*sed [se*.ent+ shown but the natu*e whe*eb- he has been b*ought to an end! fo* fi*e does

#a;e an end of hi#(+ 1):=1 $u..ose&[R> Thin;+ -ou that t*anMui%%it-&[R> .ea1e+ 0 ha3e 1o#e to [P> 1ast+N#a;e&[G1> %a-+N[R> gi3e+ in the ea*thI [R> Na-+ 0 >saunto&[P> te%%+> -ou! - Na--"R'! but [R> *athe*+ di3isions( 1):=) Po* "R'-f*o# [R> he*eafte*+Nnow&[P> this ti#e+ the*e wi%% be fi3e in one house - "R> the-&[P> who+ wi%% be' di3ided! th*ee against two! and two against th*ee: 1):=2 The&[PERF> "R'-Po* a+ fathe* "G1> wi%% be di3ided' against [R> a+ &his son! and the&[PR> a+ son against his&[R> a+ fathe*: [PR> a+&the wife&[G1PR> #othe*+ against he*&[R> a+ daughte*! and [PR> a+&the daughte* against he*&[R> a+ #othe*: and the&[PR> a+ #othe*-in%aw against he* b*ide&[PR> daughte*-in-%aw+! and the&[PR> a+ b*ide& [PR> daughte*-in-%aw+ against he* #othe*-in-%aw( 1):=< And-"G1' He was sa-ing [R> a%so+ to the #u%titudes: K4hat Eti#eF -ou ha3e seen a 1%oud >1o#ing u. f*o#&[PR> *ising out of+> the west! [G1PR> at on1e+ -ou sa- - Rain >is E1o#ingF&[R> does 1o#e+>: and it is so( K[PERF>(((: 4hen -ou [R> sha%%+ see a-[R> the+ 1%oud (((+ 1):== KAnd what Eti#eF the south EwindF b%ows! -ou sa- - KA si*o11o is E1o#ingF: and EsoF it is( K1[PERF> And when a south wind b%ows! -ou sa-: 0t wi%% be hot: and(((+ K)[G)&G1Esi1F> EThis *a*e wo*d is used he*e a%so in E.h* 9(2)G bF+ 1):=? >Res.e1te*s of .e*sons&[PERF> You-"R' h-.o1*ites+>J The >[P> as.e1t+&1ountenan1eN5fa1e>> of the hea3ens and of the ea*th -ou K;now EhowF to [P> distinguish+&.*o3e: KE-etF this ti#e and its signs do -ou do not obse*3e&[G1> wish to .*o3e+I K1[R>((( ha3e ;nown to #a;e .*oof of! but this ti#e - how do -ou not #a;e .*oof of EitFI+ K)[P>(((: and wh- 1an -ou not distinguish the .*esent ti#eI+ 1):=@ K>And in&[G1> 4he*efo*e of+> -ou*se%3es -ou Oudge not 3e*it-( K[4> 4h- do -ou not Oudge *ighteous Oudge#ent! e3en with *efe*en1e to -ou*se%3esI+ K[PERF> And wh- [R>a%so+ do -ou not! of -ou*se%3es! Oudge [R> what is *ighteous+Nt*uth&51o**e1t%->I+ 1):=A >[R> Po* as+&[P> And when+N4hat Eti#eF&[G1> 4hi%e -et+> -ou go [R> awa-+ with >-ou*&[P> the+ ad3e*sa*-&5.*ose1uto*> to the *u%e*! Kwhi%e "P'--et "G1P> with hi#' >-ou a*e in&[P> on+> the wa-! Kgi3e hi# his .*ofit&[G1> wo*;+ that -ou #a- be Muit of hi#: %est he #a;e -ou

gui%t- befo*e the Oudge! and >the Oudge [R> shou%d+&[G1> he+> de%i3e* -ou "PR'-u. to the offi1e*! and the offi1e* [R> shou%d+ 1ast -ou into .*ison( K1[4>(((! gi3e attention on the wa- that -ou be *e1on1i%ed with hi#: %est (((+ K1[R>(((! in the wa- gi3e di%igen1e to be *e%eased f*o# hi#: %est he shou%d d*ag -ou unto the Oudge! (((+ K)[P>(((! #a;e effo*t to be *e%eased b- hi#: %est he b*ing -ou to the Oudge! (((+ 1):=C [P> Po*! a#aine(+ 0 sa- unto -ou! - -ou wi%% not go fo*th f*o# the*e! unti% -ou "P> *e'.a-&[R> sha%% gi3e ba1; e3en+ the %ast #ite( CHAPTER 12 12:1@ And in&[PR> at+ that "PR'-sa#e ti#e "P'-the*e >1a#e so#e&[R> we*e .*esent 1e*tain+> "PR'-fo%; and&[G1ERF> EandF+ >said to&[PERF> to%d Hi#+> Hi# about the&[P> those+ Ga%i%eans! those-"PR' whose b%ood Pi%ate #ing%ed with thei* sa1*ifi1es( 12:) [P> And+ Yeshua answe*ed&[P> *e.%ied+ and said to the#: $u..ose& [R> Thin;+ -ou that these Ga%i%eans we*e&[R> be1a#e+ sinne*s >#o*e than &[PR> be-ond+> a%% the Ga%i%eans! K>that thus it&[P> be1ause this+> >[P> o11u**ed to the#+N1han1ed to the#&[G1> befe%% the#+>I K[R>(((! be1ause the- ha3e suffe*ed su1h thingsI+ 12:2 [P> And+ 0 sa- unto -ou! - No: but&[P> that a%% of+ "R> -ou a%so'! >if -ou wi%% not&[P> un%ess -ou+> *e.ent! >thus wi%% -ou&[P> wi%% %i;ewise+> [G1> -ou*se%3es+ [R> thus+ .e*ish! "P> a%% of -ou'( 12:< And&[PR> 7*+ those eighteen on who# fe%% the towe* in $hi%oa1h and ;i%%ed the#! su..ose&[R> thin;+ -ou that the- >we*e sinne*s&[R> be1a#e debto*s+> >#o*e than&[PR> be-ond+> a%% the #en >that dwe%t&[R> who a*e dwe%%ing+> in Ye*usha%a-i#I 12:= 0 sa- unto -ou! - No: but [R> if+ -ou "R> -ou*se%3es a%so' [G1PR> a%% "R'-of -ou+! >if -ou wi%% not&[P> that eL1e.t -ou+> *e.ent! thus& [P> %i;e the#+N[R> in %i;e #anne*+ wi%% "R'--ou .e*ish( 12:? And he was sa-ing this si#i%itude&.a*ab%e: A "P'-1e*tain #an& [R> one+! "PR'-he had a fig-t*ee [P> that was+ [G1Ge1??R> .%anted+ in his 3ine-a*d! and he 1a#e EandF sought >on it&[G1> fo* hi#se%f+> f*uit[s> P+ and >found none&[R> he did not find+>( 12:@ He sa-s to the husband#an&[R> 3ine-d*esse*+: /eho%d! Eit isF& [P> these+ th*ee -ea*s! >"G1> beho%d-"PR'! "PR'-sin1e 0 ha3e been'> 1o#ing EandF see;ing "G1PR> on it' f*uit! on&[R> in+ this fig-t*ee! and >0 find none&[R> do not find EitF+>: [G1> but+ 1ut it down&[R> off+! Kwhe*efo*e does&[P> shou%d+ it 1u#be* the g*oundI K[R>(((! wh- a%so the g*ound does it *ende* use%ess(+ 12:A [R> And+NThat&[P> The+ husband#an&[R> he+ sa-s&[G1R> answe*ed and said+ to hi#: --%o*d&$i*! a%%ow&[P> s.a*e+ it this -ea* a%so! ti%% 0 sha%% ha3e-"R' [R> dig+Nti%%ed&[P> wo*;ed about+ it and >dunged it>& [R> 1ast in dung+:

12:C And&[G1>EF+ if [R> indeed+ it >has b*ought fo*th&[R> sha%% bea*+> f*uit! [A> afte* that+ Ewe%%F: and if not [R> so+! "PA> >[R>the*eafte*+ &neLt season>' -ou sha%% 1ut it down&[R> off+ [P> wh- shou%d it %i3eI+ 12:1G@ And "R'-when "G1> >He was&[P> Yeshua was+>' tea1hing on the $habbat"s 5PR' in one of the s-nagogues! 12:11 [R> And beho%d+ the*e was the*e-"G1PR' a "R'-1e*tain wo#an >that had had&[R> ha3ing+> a s.i*it [PR> of infi*#it-+ eighteen -ea*s: and she was bowed [P> o3e*+&[R> togethe*+! and 1ou%d not [R> bend ba1;+N st*et1h&[P> st*aighten+ "R'-he*se%f "PR'-out at a%%! 12:1) And Yeshua saw he* and He-"PR' 1a%%ed he*-[R>EF+ [R> nea*+ and said unto he*: 4o#an! -ou a*e %oosed&[P> *e%eased+ f*o# -ou* infi*#it-( 12:12 And He %aid&[P> .ut+ His-[R>EF+ hands on he*! and i##ediate%>[R> she was set u.*ight+Nhe* statu*e was st*et1hed out&[she st*aightened he*se%f u.+>: and "P> she-"R' was' g%o*if-ing&[P> g%o*ified+ E%ohi#&God( 12:1< And the 1hief [4> *u%e*+ of the s-nagogue answe*ed! "R'being fu*ious&[P> ang*-+ "PR'-fo* that Yeshua was hea%ing on the $habbat! and-"R' said to the #u%titudes: $iL [R> the*e+ a*e the da-s in whi1h it is fitting&[P> %awfu%+ to wo*;: in&[P> -ou on+ the# [R> then+ be 1o#ing and being hea%ed! and not on the $habbat da-( 12:1= [P> /ut+&[R> Then+ Yeshua answe*ed&[P> *e.%ied+ and said to hi#: >Res.e1te* of .e*sons&[PREAF> You-"AR' h-.o1*ite[s 5A++>J Ea1h& [P> E3e*-+ one of -ou - does he not %oose his oL o* "R'-his ass f*o# the #ange*&sta%% on the $habbat "da- 5PR'! and K>go EandF gi3e&[P> %ead+> hi# to d*in;I K[R>((( ha3ing %ed awa-! does wate* EitFI+ 12:1? >Now&[PR> And+ this [R> one+NEwo#anF&[P> wo#an+! "P> that is' a& [G1> And that+> daughte* of A3*aha#! who# >[R> the Ad3e*sa*-+Nthe A11use*&[G1> ha$atan+> has-"R' bound! beho%d! [P> these+ eighteen -ea*s! was it not fitting >that she shou%d&[R> to+> be %oosed f*o# this bond on the $habbat da-I 12:1@ And when these things He was sa-ing! a%% the- that we*e >standing u. against&[R> o..osed to+> Hi# we*e 1onfused&[PERF> [R> being+ asha#ed+! and a%% the .eo.%e&[R> #u%titude+ we*e *eOoi1ing at&[R> o3e*+ a%% the [R> g%o*ious things+N#a*3e%s&[P> #i*a1%es+ that we*e >1o#ing to .ass&[P> w*ought+N[R> being done+> b- >His hand&[R> Hi#+>( 12:1A And-"G1' He&[P> Yeshua+ was sa-ing: To what is the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God %i;e! and to&[P> with+ what sha%% 0 1o#.a*e itI 12:1C 0t is %i;e "P'-to a g*ain of #usta*d! that a #an too; [P> and+& EandFN[R> did+ 1ast "P'-it in[to 5PR+ his ga*den! and it [R>

in1*eased+ &g*ew "PR'-u. and be1a#e a "A'-[PERF> %a*ge+ t*ee! and the&[P> a+ bi*d"s 5P' of "P'-the hea3en[s 5R+ >[P> #ade he* nest+&nestedN [R> did *est+> in its b*an1hes( 12:)G [R> And+ again He&[P> Yeshua+ sa-s: To&[P> with+ what sha%% 0 1o#.a*e the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&GodI 12:)1 0t is %i;e %ea3en&-east that a wo#an too; and hid in th*ee [R> #easu*es+Nbushe%s&[P> seahs+ of #ea%! unti% the who%e >shou%d be %ea3ened&[PERF> was [R> %ea3ened+-fe*#ented+>( 12:)) And He was Oou*ne-ing&[R> going+ th*ough the-"R' 3i%%ages and "R'-the 1ities! "PR> and was' tea1hing! and >[P> whi%e+ going& [R>#a;ing .*og*ess+N[4> #a;ing His Oou*ne-+> towa*d Ye*usha%a-i#! 12:)2@ [PERF> And a [R> 1e*tain one+-.e*son+None&[G1> a 1e*tain #an+ "PR> 1a#e [G1EF+-and was' "R'-as;ing&[P> as;ed+ "R'-Hi# "P> >[R> said+& and sa-ing> [G1R> to Hi#+: --6o*d&$i*! a*e' K[P> whethe*+ the[P> we*e+ few that >[P> wou%d ha3e %ife+&%i3e>I [PR> And+ Yeshua& [R> He+ sa-s unto hi#: K[R>((( those sa3ed fewI (((+ 12:)< [4> AgoniDe+NPight&[PERF> $t*i3e+ to >ente* "P'-b-&[R> go in th*ough+> the st*ait&[P> na**ow+ gate: Po* 0 sa- unto -ou! an- wi%% wish&[PR> see;+ to ente* [G1> the*eb-+&[R> in+ and wi%% not be ab%e( 12:)= [G1> Po*+ f*o# the hou*&[PR> ti#e+ that the aste* of the house sha%% a*ise and "P'-sha%% shut the gate&[PR> doo*+! and&[P> then+ -ou [R> sha%%+ be standing outside&[PR> without+ and ;no1;ing at the gate& [PR> doo*+! and-"R' [P> -ou wi%% begging to+ sa-"ing 5P': 7u*"R' 6o*d! "G1> ou*-"R' 6o*d'! o.en to us( 5And> He wi%% answe* and sa"P> to -ou': [P> 0 te%% -ou+! 0 ;now -ou not [G1PR> f*o#+ whe*e -ou a*e( 12:)? Then&[P> And+ -ou wi%% begin to sa-: /efo*e You we ha3e eaten and d*un;! and in ou* st*eets&[R> b*oad .%a1es+ You ha3e [G1PR> taught+& wa%;ed( 12:)@ Then&[G1PR> And+ He wi%% sa- "G1R> to -ou': "R'-A#aine( "PR> 0 sa- to -ou'! - 0 ;now -ou not [G1PR> f*o#+ whe*e -ou a*e: de.a*t f*o# e! [R> a%%+&fo*-"P' -ou "PR> a*e a%%' wo*;e*s&[P> doe*s+ of [R> the un*ighteousness+&fa%sehood( 12:)A The*e sha%% be "P'-the and "P'-the gnashing of [R> the+ teeth! when -ou sha%% see A3*aha#! and YitD1ha;! and Ya,a;o3! and a%% the P*o.hets! in the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! "G1> and -ou[*se%3es 5PR+ >sha%% be&[R> being+> 1ast&[P> th*ust+ out [R> without+'( 12:)C And the- sha%% 1o#e f*o# "R'-the east and "R> f*o# the' west! and

f*o# the-"R' south and "R> f*o# the' no*th! and sha%% >sit down& [PR> *e1%ine+> Eto eatF in the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( 12:2G And [G1PR> beho%d+! the*e a*e %ast that&who sha%% be fi*st! and [PR> the*e a*e+ fi*st [PR> that&who sha%% be+ %ast( 12:21 K"R'-And >in those&[PERF> on [R> that+-the+> sa#e-"R' da-"s 5PR' >the*e d*ew-[R> 1a#e+ nea*&[P> 1a#e+> >so#e of the&[R> 1e*tain+> P>*ushi# and sa- to Hi#: Go "P'-fo*th! >[R> be going on f*o#+Ngo awaEf*o#F&[P> de.a*t f*o#+> he*e: be1ause He*od wishes&[P> .u*.oses+ to ;i%% You( K[A> 0n that 3e*- hou* (((+ 12:2) [R> And+ He&[P> Yeshua+ sa-s to the#: KGo! sa- -ou to hi#! to >this foL&[G1> that 3iLen+>! - /eho%d! 0 a# 1asting out de#ons and 1u*e 0 finish >to-da-&[G1> TK>the5KT da-+> and to-#o**ow! and the thi*d da- 0 a# E -se%fF finished( K[PER4F>(((: >Go -ou! and te%% that&[R> Ha3ing gone! sa- to this+> foL! /eho%d! 0 [9)> sha%%+ 1ast out de#ons and .e*fo*#[4>.e*fe1t+ 1u*es! toda- and to#o**ow! and "R'-on-[4+ the thi*d [ERF+-da- 0 >sha%% be 1onsu##ated&[R> a# being .e*fe1ted+N[9)> sha%% be de%i3e*ed u.+>(+ 12:22 KNe3e*the%ess it is-ne1essa*--fo* e that to-da- and to#o**ow and Ethe da-F afte* to-#o**ow 0 shou%d Oou*ne-&[G1> go+! be1ause it 1annot be that a P*o.het .e*ish outside Ye*usha%a-i#J K[R> /ut it is-ne1essa*--fo* e toda- and to#o**ow and the Eda-F fo%%owing! to go on! be1ause it is not .ossib%e fo* a P*o.het to .e*ish outEsideF of Ye*usha%a-i#(+ K[P> /ut 0 #ust %abo* toda- and to#o**ow! and on the fo%%owing da- 0 wi%% go: be1ause it 1annot be! that a P*o.het shou%d .e*ish awa- f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#(+ K[9)> Po* indeed it #ust be that toda- and to#o**ow 0 wo*;! and on the da- fo%%owing go - wa-! fo* it 1annot be that a P*o.het shou%d .e*ish e%sewhe*e than in Ye*usha%a-i#(+ 12:2< [P> 7+ Ye*usha%a-i#! Ye*usha%a-i#! that ;i%%s the P*o.hets! and stones the# "R> that we*e&[P> a*e+' sent unto [R> he*+&-ou: how >#anti#es&[R> often+> Kha3e 0 wished to gathe* -ou* sons as the hen that gathe*s he* -oung unde* he* [G1>wings+-.inions - and -ou wou%d notJ K[R>((( did 0 wi%% to gathe* togethe* -ou* 1hi%d*en! as a hen he* b*ood unde* the wings! and -ou did not wi%%(+ K[P>((( wou%d 0 ha3e gathe*ed -ou* 1hi%d*en! as a hen that gathe*s he* -oung unde* he* wings! and -ou wou%d notJ+ 12:2= /eho%d! -ou* house is %eft "G1> to -ou deso%ate'( [G1> And+&[P> Po*+ [R> t*u%-+-"A 4' 0 sa- to -ou! - KYou sha%% not see e unti% "P> >the da- 1o#e&[G1ERF> it [R> sha%%+ 1o#e"s 5R'+> [R> when+-that' -ou

sha%% sa-: K/%essed is He&[4> the 7ne+ that 1o#es in the Na#e of YH9H& Adonai&The-67R8( K1[4>(((- that -ou 1an see e no #o*e! unti% it sha%% 1o#e to .ass that -ou #a- sa-: (((+ K)[%it( Heb*ew> 5/a*u1h haba />$hae# Adonai&YH9H>+( CHAPTER 1< 1<:1@ And when&[PERF> it o11u**ed that as+ He ente*ed the house of [R> a 1e*tain+ one of the 1hief"s of the 5P' P>*ushi#! to eat b*ead! on the &[R> a+ $habbat da--"R'! [R> that+ the- K"P> we*e ; Ewat1hF that the- #ight see [G1-ed> the#se%3es+ what He wou%d do(' K[PER4F>((( wat1hed Hi#(+ 1<:) And [PR> beho%d+ a "G1> 1e*tain' #an >with the d*o.sthe*e&[P> 5who had 1o%%e1ted wate*>+> "P'-was befo*e Hi#( 1<:2 [R> And+ Yeshua answe*ed and said to the $1*ibes and to the P>*ushi#! Eas;ingF&[R> sa-ing+: 4hethe*&[PR> 0s+ it "PR'-be %awfu% to hea% on the $habbat [R> da-+! "G1PR> o* no'-[A+I 1<:< And the- we*e si%ent( And He too; "P> ho%d of' hi#-[ERF+! "R'-and hea%ed hi#! and dis#issed&[R> %et+ hi# [R> go+! 1<:= And [R> answe*ing the#+ He said "R> to the#': [R> 7f+ whi1h "PR> is the*e' of -ou "G1R> whose&[P> if his+ son o*'-[A#+ [R> sha%% an+N whose&[P> his+ KoL "PR> o* [R> an+-whose ass sha%%' fa%% into a we%%& [PR> .it+ on the $habbat da-! "P> and he' does&[R> sha%%+ not "G1> i##ediate%-' [P> %ift and+ d*aw "PR> EandF ta;e' [R> it+&hi# u.& [P> out+I K[#> son o* an oL+&[R#> don;e-&ass o* an oL+N[#> shee. o* an oL+ 1<:? And the- 1ou%d not gi3e Hi# an answe* >about-[R> again unto+ these things&[P> to that+>( 1<:@ And He had-"PR' said this&[PR> a+ si#i%itude&.a*ab%e unto those [P> guests that we*e .*esent+! Kthat we*e bidden and whe*e 1hoosing the 1hief E.%a1e atF ente*tain#ents( He said to the#: K[R>(((! 1a%%ed! #a*;ing how the- we*e 1hoosing out the fi*st 1ou1hes! sa-ing unto the#:+ K[P>(((! as He noti1ed how the- 1hose .%a1es on the highest 1ou1hes(+ 1<:A 4hen"e3e* 5PR' -ou >a*e in3ited&[R> sha%% be 1a%%ed+> [PR> ban-one+ to a-"R' [R> #a**iage-feasts+Nwedding&[P> house of feasting+! Kdo not "G1> go EandF' sit [G1> -ou*se%f+ down Eto eatF in the hono*ab%e .%a1e: >that the*e be not&[G1PERF> %est "R> the*e be'+> "R'-the*e one [R> sha%% ha3e been 1a%%ed+&[G1P> in3ited+ "PR> who is' #o*e hono*ab%e than -ou [R> b- hi#+! K[PERF>(((! go&[R> -ou #a-+ not and *e1%ine Eto eatF on the highest&[R> fi*st+ 1ou1h: (((+

1<:C KAnd he 1o#e that "P'-has in3ited [P> both+ -ou and hi#! "P'-and sa- to -ou! - Gi3e .%a1e&[G1> *oo#+ to this one&[P> #an+: Kand then asha#ed -ou wi%% >sit down Eto eatF in&[R> begin to o11u.-+> the %ast .%a1e( K1[R> And he who did 1a%% -ou and hi# ha3ing 1o#e sha%% sa- (((+ K)[P>(((: and -ou be asha#ed! when -ou *ise! and ta;e a %owe* 1ou1h(+ 1<:1G /ut >what Eti#eF>&-[PR> when+ -ou ha3e been in3ited! go EandF sit [G1> -ou*se%f+ >down Eto eatF in>&-[P> on+ the %ast&[P> %owest+ >.%a1e& [P>EF+>! that >what Eti#eF>&[PR> when+ he has 1o#e [G1PR> that+-&>whi1h has> in3ited -ou! he #a- sa- to -ou! - --"R' f*iend! 1o#e u. [R> highe*+Nabo3e&[P> highe* and *e1%ine Eto eatF+( And&[R> Then+ -ou sha%% ha3e Kg%o*- in the e-es of "G1> a%%' the guests( K[PERF>((( hono*-[R> g%o*-+! befo*e a%%-[R> those+ that *e1%ine Eto the tab%eF with -ou(+ 1<:11 Po*-"Ga)-)' >e3e*- one&[GaAG> whoe3e*+> that sha%% >[PR> eLa%ts+N u.%ift hi#se%f&[Ga)-)> be u.%ifted+> sha%% be hu#b%ed&[4> abased+! and e3e*- one that sha%% hu#b%e hi#se%f sha%% be [PR> eLa%ted+Nu.%ifted( 1<:1) KAnd He "Ga> was sa-ing' to the #aste* of the su..e* "Ga> a%so': >4hat Eti#eF&[GaPR> 4hen"e3e* 5P'+> -ou [G1>! -ou+ [R> sha%%+ #a;e "G1> a [PR> dinne*+&b*ea;fast o*' a su..e*! do not [P> in3ite+N1a%% -ou* f*iends "Ga> no* e3en -ou* b*othe*s' no*&[Ga> o*+ -ou* *e%ations no*& [Ga> e3en+ -ou*-"R' [G1GaPR> *i1h+ neighbo*s "G1GaPR> that a*e *i1h'! %est&[Ga> e%se+ the- a%so >#a- 1a%%&[P> in3ite+> -ou [R> again+ and K-ou ha3e [G1GaP> this+ *e.a-#ent( K1[P> And He said to hi# that in3ited Hi#: (((+ K[R>((( a *e1o#.ense #a- 1o#e to -ou(+ KE91> 0t is su..osed that .e*ha.s behind the G*ee; of this .assage the*e %ies a $e#iti1 idio#! b- whi1h in the fi*st %i#b of a senten1e the negati3e is #ade st*onge* than the s.ea;e* *ea%%intended it to be! in o*de* to #a;e #o*e .ositi3e the state#ent in the se1ond %i#b( Thus the t*ue t*ans%ation wou%d be! Q4hen thou #a;est a su..e*! 1a%% not on%- th- f*iends!Q et1(( "(((' Po* eLa#.%es of this idio#! whi1h is 3e*- f*eMuent in A*abi1! see Ue*( @:))! Uohn 1):<<! and 8*( Ho##e%>s .a.e*s in The EL.osito*Ti#es fo* Uu%- and August 1CGG T3o%(Li(!..(<)C!<2C(F 1<:12 /ut >what Eti#eF&[GaPR> when"e3e* 5PR'+> -ou [R> sha%%+ #a;e >a [PR> feast+Nsu..e*&[Ga> EitF+>! [P> in3ite+&1a%% Kthe .oo* and the b%ind and the ha%t&[PR> %a#e+ and the suffe*ing&[PR> #ai#ed+! K[G1> the .oo* and the b%inded and the 1*i..%ed and the suffe*ing and the *eOe1ted and #an- othe*s!+

K[Ga> the .oo* and the igno*ant and the b%ind and the ha%t and the# that ha3e not!+ 1<:1< KAnd ha..- "R> is it fo*' -ou [R> sha%% be+ that&[R> be1ause+ the- ha3e not >whe*ewith the- #a-&[R> to+> *e.a- -ou: Kand&[P> but+ -ou* *e.a-#ent sha%% be in the *ising [Ga> with+&of the *ighteous& [4> Oust+( K1[P> And -ou wi%% be b%essed( Po* the- 1annot *e.a- -ou: but -ou* *e.a-#ent sha%% be at the *esu**e1tion of the Oust(+ K)[R>(((: fo* it sha%% be *e.aid to -ou in the *ising again of the *ighteous(+ 1<:1= And when one of the#&[G1PR> those+ >that we*e sitting&[P> *e1%ining+> Eto #ea%F [R> with Hi#+ had-"P' hea*d "G1> these things' "R'-he said to [G1> the#+&Hi#: KHa..- is it fo* hi# that sha%% eat b*ea;fast in the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&GodJ K[P>(((: /%essed-[R> Ha..-+ is he that sha%% eat >[A> the best+b*ead> in (((+ 1<:1? [R> And+ [R> He+Nou* 6o*d&[G1P> Yeshua+ sa-s to hi#: A 1e*tain #an "PR'-had #ade a g*eat su..e* and [G1> had+ [P> in3ited+&1a%%ed #an-! 1<:1@ And he sent his s%a3e"s5PR' at the >season of the ente*tain#ent& [PERF> >ti#e fo*-[R> hou* of the+> su..e*+> >that he #ight&[PR> to+> sa- to those in3ited Kthat the- shou%d 1o#e! "G1'-fo* beho%d! EMuotes heF! e3e*-thing is *ead-( K[R>((( /e 1o#ing! be1ause now a*e a%% things *ead-(+ K[P>((( /eho%d! e3e*- thing is *ead- fo* -ou: 1o#e(+ 1<:1A And the- >had begun [R> a%% with one 1onsent+-i##ediate%-& [P> a%% to a #an began+> to eL1use the#se%3es( The fi*st sa-s to hi#: A fie%d ha3e-"R' 0 bought! and >0 [R> ha3e+ need&[G1> it is needfu% fo* #e+> to go fo*th EandF see it: 0 besee1h -ou! >[R> ha3e #e eL1used+NeL1use #e& [P> a%%ow #e to be eL1used+>( 1<:1C And-"P' anothe* sa-s: Pi3e -o;e of oLen ha3e 0 bought! and 0 go [R> on+ to .*o3e&[P> ins.e1t+ the#: 0 besee1h -ou! >[R> ha3e #e eL1used+NeL1use #e&[P> a%%ow #e to be eL1used+>( 1<:)G >And a thi*d&[G1PERF> [R> And+ anothe*+> said: A wife 0 ha3e ta;en&[PR> #a**ied+: [PERF> and on this a11ount+ 0 1annot 1o#e( 1<:)1 And that s%a3e 1a#e EandF said these things to his %o*d( Then the #aste* of the house was ang*-! and he said to his s%a3e: Go fo*th Mui1;%- [P> in+to the st*eets&[R> b*oad .%a1es+ and [P> #a*;et.%a1es+& %anes of the 1it-! and b*ing in he*e the .oo* [G1> and the *eOe1ted+ and the 1*i..%ed and the suffe*ing&[P> diseased+N[R> #ai#ed+ and the b%ind( 1<:)) And the s%a3e said: --%o*d&$i*! beho%d-"PR'! that [G1> thing+ whi1h -ou did 1o##and had been EdoneF-[R> done+: and sti%% the*e is *oo# "PR> at the ente*tain#ent'(

1<:)2 [PR> And+ sa-s >the %o*d&[G1> he+> to his&[R> the+ s%a3e: Go fo*th to the highwa-s&[PERF> b--.aths+ and >to "R'-between&[P> a#ong+> the hedges! and #a;e&[PR> 1onst*ain+ the# [PR> to+ 1o#e in: that #house #a- be fi%%ed: 1<:)< Po* 0 sa-&[P> de1%a*e+ to -ou that none of these&[G1P> those+ fo%;&[PR> #en+ that we*e 1a%%ed&[P> in3ited+ sha%% taste [PR> of+ >#-& [G1> of the+> su..e*( 1<:)=@ And whi%e-"R' [G1PR> g*eat+ #u%titudes we*e going&[P> t*a3e%ing+ with Hi#! [R> and+ He tu*ned [P> Hi#se%f+ EandF&[G1P> and+ said to the#: 1<:)? K>He that&[R> 0f an-one does+> 1o#e"s 5R' unto e and hates not his [R> own+ fathe* and "R'-his #othe* and "R'-his b*othe*s and "R'-his siste*s and "R'-his wife and "R'-his [PR> 1hi%d*en+&sons E-eaF-"R'! [G1P> and+ [R> and -et e3en+ hi#se%f&[PR> his own %ife+ "R'-a%so- a&[G1R> -+ Ta%#id [P> to e+ "P'->he 1annot be1o#e& [R> he is not ab%e+> "G1PR> of ine'( K[Ga-)?2> He that %o3es not e #o*e than his fathe* and his #othe* and #o*e than hi#se%f! a Ta%#id he 1annot be1o#e of ine(+ K[Ge-CA> He that %o3es e not #o*e than hi#se%f(((+ 1<:)@ "G1> And he that does not >ta;e u.&[R> bea*+> his .e*se1utionsta;e&-51*oss> and 1o#e afte* e - Ka Ta%#id [P> to e+ "P'-he 1annot be1o#e "P> of ine'(' K[R>(((- is not ab%e to be - Ta%#id(+ 1<:)A Po* whi1h "PR> is the*e' of -ou >that wou%d&[PR> wishing to+> bui%d a towe*! and does not fi*st sit down EandF *e1;on the >1ost of it&[PR> the eL.ense+>! >[PR> whethe*+Nif so be that&[G1> if+> he ha3e Ewhe*ewithF&[PERF> the #eans+ to finish itI 1<:)C E%se! if he >sha%% %a-&[G1PR> ha3e %aid+> the&[R> a+ foundation and ha3e not been ab%e to finish! a%% that see EitF wi%% be #o1;ing at hi#! 1<:2G And-"R' sa-ing: This #an began to bui%d "G1PR> a towe*' and was not ab%e to finish( 1<:21 7* what ;ing "PR> is the*e' that Kgoes to fight with anothe* ;ing [R> in wa*+! and-"PR' does not Kfi*st #editate&[P> 1onside*+ if he be ab%e with ten thousand to #eet hi# whi1h&who 1o#es against hi# with twent- thousand: K1[P>(((is going to 1ontend in batt%e with his neighbo* ;ing! (((+ K1[R>((( ha3ing sat down! fi*st 1onsu%t if (((+ 1<:2) KAnd if not [R> so+! whi%e -et he Kis fa* "G1> f*o# >[P> hi#+&the batt%e-fie%d>' he sends a#bassado*s and besee1hes hi#-"P' fo* .ea1e( K1[Ga-2G)> The wise ;ing whi%e -et the batt%e is fa* off sends a#bassado*s and besee1hes fo* .ea1e(+ K)[R>((( being a %ong wa- off - ha3ing sent an e#bass-! he does

as; the things fo* .ea1e(+ 1<:22 $o [R> then+ e3e*- #an&[PR> one+ of -ou that does >no %ea3e&[P> gi3e u.+> [R> of+ a%% >his .*o.e*t-&[R> that he hi#se%f has+> - Ta%#id he-"PR' 1annot be"1o#e 5PR'( 1<:2< KEL1e%%ent&[P> A good thing+ is sa%t: but if [P> the+ sa%t [P> itse%f+ >%oses its sa3ou*&[P>>! whe*ewith sha%% it be sa%ted&[R> seasoned+I K[R> The sa%t EisF good! but if the sa%t does be1o#e taste%ess! (((+ 1<:2= KNeithe* fo* the-"R' %and is it >of use&[R> fit+>! no* fo* the dung-hea.: but >it is th*own awa-&[R> the- 1ast it without+>( He that has ea*s to hea*! %et hi# hea*J K[P> 0t is fit&5goes to> fo* neithe* the ea*th! no* the dunghi%%( The- 1ast it awa-( (((+ CHAPTER 1= 1=:1 And [R> a%%+ the taL-1o%%e1to*s and [R> the+ sinne*s >we*e d*awing nea*&[P> 1a#e+> unto hi# >that the- #ight&[PR> to+> hea* Hi#! 1=:) And the $1*ibes and the P>*ushi# we*e #u*#u*ing and-"R' sa-ing: This [R> one+N#an&[G1> Efe%%owF+ *e1ei3es sinne*s and eats with the#( 1=:2 >He sa-s&[PERF> And [R> He+-Yeshua s.o;e+> unto the# "G1PR> Hi#se%f' this si#i%itude&.a*ab%e [R> sa-ing+: 1=:< >4hi1h [R> #an+ of&[P> 4hat #an a#ong+> -ou that has an hund*ed shee. Kand one [R> out+ of the# be&[R> ha3ing+ %ost! does not %ea3e the ninet- and nine [R> behind+ in the >o.en 1ount*-&[G1PR> wi%de*ness+> and go >EandF see; [P> fo*+ that whi1h was&[R> on afte* the+> %ost [R> one+ unti% he [R> sha%%+ find"s 5R' itI K[P>((( if he %ose one of the#! (((+ 1=:= And "R'->what Eti#eF&[P> when+> >he has&[R> ha3ing+> found "R'-it! he %a-s&[G1P> ta;es+ it on his shou%de*s and *eOoi1es! 1=:? And 1o#es to his&[R> the+ house! and&[R> he+ 1a%%s [PR> togethe*+ his&[R> the+ f*iends and [R> the+&his-"P' neighbo*s "G1PR> too'! and sa-s "G1> to the#': ReOoi1e with #e! that&[P> fo*+ 0 ha3e-"R' found #shee. >that was&[R> the+> %ost [R> one+( 1=:@ "G1PR> Now' 0 sa- unto -ou that thus "R'-the*e wi%% be Oo- in [R> the+ Hea3en o3e* one sinne* that "PR'-does&[Ga> sha%%+ *e.ent[s 5PR+! #o*e&[G1>EF+N[R> *athe*+ than [G1PR> o3e*+&Eo3e*F ninetand nine >*ighteous [R> #en+&[P> Oust ones+> K>fo* who# is not *eMui*ed &[G1GaR> who ha3e no need of+> *e.entan1e( K[P>((( to who# *e.entan1e was not ne1essa*-(+ 1=:A 7* what wo#an [P> is the*e+ that has&[P> if she ha3e+ ten d*a1h#as and&[R> if+ "P'-she [R> sha%%+ %ose one >of the#&[R> d*a1h#a+>! [G1> and+ does not %ight a %a#. and [G1GaPR> swee.+&b*ush the house and see;&[P> sea*1h fo*+ >it-"R' 1a*efu%%-&[G1> di%igent%-+ unti% she [R> sha%%+ find "R-it&[Ga> he* d*a1h#a that she %ost+>I

1=:C And "R'->what Eti#eF&[P> when+> >she has&[R> ha3ing+> found "R'-it she 1a%%s [PR> togethe*+ he*&[R> the fe#a%e+ f*iends and "P'-he*& [R> the+ neighbo*s! >and sa-s to the#&[R> sa-ing+>: ReOoi1e with #e! that& [PR> fo*+ 0 ha3e-"R' found #-&[R> the+ d*a1h#a that was&[R> 0+ %ost( 1=:1G K[R> $o+ 0 sa- "G1> unto -ou' >that thus the*e wi%% be&[R> does 1o#e+> Oo- befo*e "PR'-a%% the ange%s of E%ohi#&God o3e* one sinne* that *e.ents( K[Ga1=G> And Oo- 1o#es unto the wat1he*s of Hea3en when a sinne* *e.ents f*o# his wi1;edness(+ 1=:11@ [R> And+ He&[P> And Yeshua+ >was sa-ing&[G1PR> sa-s&5said>+> "R> to the#' "G1R> again': A 1e*tain #an - he-"PR' had two sons( 1=:1) The&[PERF> And [R> the+-his+ -ounge* [P> son+&[R> of the#+ sa-s unto >hi#: -&[G1> his+N[R> the+> fathe*! Gi3e #e the inhe*itan1e& [G1PR> .o*tion+ Kthat 1o#es&[P> fa%%s+ to #e f*o# -ou* house& [G1> .*o.e*t-+( And he di3ided to the# "PR'-a%% >his .*o.e*t-&[R> the %i3ing+>( K[R>((( of the substan1e fa%%ing to E#eF! (((+ 1=:12 And afte* >a few&[R> not #an-+> da-s that&[PR> the+ -ounge* son "PR> of his' gathe*ed togethe* e3e*-thing "R> that 1a#e&[P> fe%%+ to hi#' and went to a >fa* Eawa-F 1ount*-&[P> distant .%a1e+>! and the*e >he s1atte*ed&[P> sMuande*ed+> Khis .*o.e*t- "G1> in foods whi1h a*e not fitting'! EandF be1ause he was %i3ing wastefu%%- with ha*%ots( K[R>((( his substan1e! %i3ing *iotous%-(+ K[P>((( b- %i3ing in dissi.ation(+ 1=:1< And "R'-when he [R> ha3ing s.ent+NeLhausted&[P> 1onsu#ed+ e3e*-thing "R> that he had'! and-"PR' the*e was&[R> 1a#e+ a "G1> #ight-' fa#ine in&[R> on+ that 1ount*-&[P> .%a1e+: [PR> and he began to be in want(+ 1=:1= [R> And+ He went EandF atta1hed hi#se%f to one of the [R> 1itiDens+N#en&[P> 5sons of the 1it->+ of that 1ount*-&[P> .%a1e+! and he sent hi# to a&[PR> the+ fie%d[s 5R+ to tend&[R> feed+ swine! 1=:1? "G1> And' he was %onging >to eat of those hus;s of the sea that the swine we*e eating&[G1PERF> of those 51a*ob"I'> .ods that the swine we*e eating to fi%% his be%%-+> and no one was gi3ing to hi#( 1=:1@ And-"G1' when he 1a#e to hi#se%f he said: How #an- hi*ed #en >[R> of+&a*e now in-[P> at+> #- fathe*">s 5R' "R'-house >fo* who# b*ead abounds&[P> who ha3e b*ead enough+>! and 0 [PR> a#+ .e*ish[ing 5PR+ he*e of&[PR> with+ "PR'-#- hunge*I

1=:1A /ut-"PR' 0 wi%% a*ise EandF go unto #- fathe* and "PR'-0 "P'wi%% sa- to hi#: --"R' fathe*! 0 ha3e sinned against&[R> to the+ Hea3en and befo*e -ou! 1=:1C And "P'-0 a# >not wo*th- hen1efo*th that 0 shou%d&[P> no %onge* wo*th- to+> be 1a%%ed -ou* son: #a;e #e as one of -ou* hi*ed #en& [P> se*3ants+( 1=:)G And he a*ose >EandF 1a#e unto&[PERF> went [R> unto+towa*ds+> his fathe*: and whi%e -et he was >fa* off&[P> -et >at a-[R> fa*+> distan1e+> his fathe* saw hi# and [P> he+ had&[R> was #o3ed with+ 1o#.assion "R> u.on hi#'! and "P'-he *an EandF fe%% u.on his ne1; and ;issed hi#( 1=:)1 And his&[R> the+ son said to hi#: --"R' fathe*! 0 ha3e sinned against&[R> to the+ Hea3en and befo*e -ou! "G1'-and "PR'hen1efo*th 0-"P' a# not&[R> no #o*e+ wo*th- >that 0 shou%d&[PR> to+> be 1a%%ed -ou* son( [#> a;e #e as one of -ou* hi*ed se*3ants(+ 1=:)) [P> /ut+ sa-s his fathe* to his s%a3es: /*ing fo*th "PR'Mui1;%the best *obe EandF 1%othe hi#! and .ut&[R> gi3e+ a *ing on&[R> fo*+ his hand and >.*o3ide-[P> 5shoe>+ hi# with sanda%s&[R> sanda%s fo* the feet+>! 1=:)2 And fet1h&[P> b*ing fo*th+ EandF s%a- that&[PR> the+ fatted 1a%f& [P> bu%%o1;+: [PR> and+ >%et us eat&[R> ha3ing eaten+> and&[R> we 5sha%%>+> be #e**-! 1=:)< Po* that-"PR' this #- son was dead and >is a%i3e&[R> did %i3e again+>! and&[PERF> [R> and+ he+ was %ost and >has been&[P> is+> found( And the- began to be #e**-( 1=:)= And that&[R> his+ e%de* son "R> of his' was in the&[R> a+ fie%d! and when he 1a#e EandF d*ew nea* unto the house he hea*d Ka sound of [P> the+ singing >and #usi1&[P> of #an-+>( K[R>((( #usi1 and dan1ing(+ 1=:)? KAnd he 1a%%ed [P> to+ one of the %ads and as;ed hi#: K4hat is this "G1> sound of singing 0 hea*'I K1[R> And ha3ing 1a%%ed nea* one of the -oung #en! he was inMui*ing what these things #ight be(+ K)[P>((( what it #eant(+ 1=:)@ And-"G1' he sa-s to hi#: You* b*othe* has 1o#e! and -ou* fathe* has ;i%%ed that&[R> the+ fatted 1a%f&[P> bu%%o1;+! >fo* that&[PR> be1ause+> he has *e1ei3ed hi# [R> ba1;+ who%e&[PR> in hea%th+( 1=:)A And he was ang*-! and >was not wi%%ing to&[PR> wou%d not+> ente*! and&[R> the*efo*e+ his fathe* went fo*th and >was besee1hing&[P> ent*eated+> hi#( 1=:)C [PR> And+ he sa-s&[G1ERF> answe*ed and said+ "PR> to hi#'! to his &[R> the+ fathe*: /eho%d! Khow #an- -ea*s 0 do fo* -ou bondse*3i1e and 0 ha3e not t*ansg*essed -ou* 1o##ands! and ne3e* one ;id ha3e

-ou gi3en to #e! that 0 #ight be #e**- with #- f*iends: K[PERF>(((! these #an- -ea*s >ha3e 0 %abo*ed in -ou* se*3i1e&[R> 0 do se*3e -ou+>! and ne3e* t*ansg*essed -ou 1o##and: and -ou ne3e* ga3e #e a ;id! that 0 #ight #a;e #e**- with #- f*iends(+ 1=:2G [R> /ut when+NAnd&[P> /ut fo*+ this-"R' -ou* son! >when he& [R> this one who+> has wasted&[R> de3ou*ed+ -ou* .*o.e*t-&[R> %i3ing+ with ha*%ots! [PERF> and-"R' EthenF 1a#e Eho#eF+! -ou ha3e s%aughte*ed fo* hi# that&[PR> the+ fatted 1a%f&[P> bu%%o1;+J 1=:21 >[R> And+ He&[P> And his fathe*+> sa-s to hi#: > - son&[R> Chi%d+>! -ou >[R> a*e a%wa-s+Nat a%% ti#es a*e&[P> ha3e been e3e*+> with #e! and e3e*-thing >of #ine&[P> that 0 ha3e+> is -ou*s: 1=:2) /ut to be #e**- Kand to *eOoi1e it was fitting fo* -ou! fo* that this -ou* b*othe* was a dead E#anF and is a%i3e! and was a %ost E#anF and has been found( K[R>((( and to be g%ad! it was needfu%! be1ause this -ou* b*othe* was dead! and did %i3e again! he was %ost! and was found(+ K[G1Ge-1?2>((( it was fitting and to *eOoi1e! fo* that this -ou*(((+ K[P>((( it was .*o.e* fo* us! and to *eOoi1e: be1ause this -ou* b*othe* was dead! and is a%i3e: he was %ost! and is found(+ CHAPTER 1? 1?:1@ And Yeshua&[G1PR> He+ was sa-ing [R> a%so+Nagain&[P> a .a*ab%e+ to His Ta%#idi#: A 1e*tain >*i1h #an the*e&[R> #an+> was [R> *i1h+! >and he&[R> who+> had a stewa*d! and Khe was a11used befo*e&[R> to+ hi# as ha3ing sMuande*ed&[R> s1atte*ed+ his .*o.e*t-&[R> goods+( K[P>(( and a11usations we*e b*ought to hi# of hi#! that he sMuande*ed his .*o.e*t-(+ 1?:) And >his %o*d&[R> ha3ing+> 1a%%ed hi# and&[R> he+ said to hi#: 4hat is this that 0 hea* about -ouI "PR'-Co#e! gi3e a *e1;oning [P> to #e+ of -ou* >offi1e&[PR> stewa*dshi.+>! fo* -ou 1an not be an- #o*e stewa*d "R> to #e'( 1?:2 That&[PR> And the+ stewa*d said in&[P> with+ hi#se%f: 4hat sha%% 0 do! >fo* that&[P>sin1e+> #- %o*d [R> does+&[P> is about to+ ta;e"s 5PR' awa- the stewa*dshi. f*o# #eI 4o*;&[G1EPF> And&[PR> To+ dig+ >0 1annot &[PR> a# unab%e+>! "R'-and to [P> be1o#e a+ beg[ga* 5P+ 0 a# asha#ed( 1?:< 0 "P'-ha3e ;now what >0 sha%%&[P> that+> do! that >what Eti#eF& [PR> when+> 0 >ha3e gone-[P> been .ut+ fo*th&[R> shou%d be *e#o3ed+> f*o# the stewa*dshi.! [R> that+ the- #a- *e1ei3e #e in&[PR> to+ thei* houses( 1?:= And he "G1PR> sent EandF' 1a%%ed [R> nea*+ [PR> ea1h+ one of the debto*s of his %o*d: and he said to the fi*st: How #u1h owe -ou to #%o*dI 1?:? [PR> And+ he said "R> to hi#': An&[P> one+ hund*ed fi*;ins& [P>

#easu*es+ of oi%( "G1> [PR> And+ he said to hi#: Ta;e -ou* bi%%' and >sit down&[G1> he sat down+> "R> Mui1;%- and' >[G1> w*ote+&w*ite> "PR'-the# fift- [P> #easu*es+( 1?:@ And-"R' "P'-afte*wa*ds he said to anothe*: And "P'--ou! how #u1h owe -ou >"R> to #- %o*d'&[G1> to hi#+>I [PR> And+ he sa-s "R> to hi#': A&[P> 7ne+ hund*ed 1o*s EofF wheat( K[PR> And+ he sa-s to hi#: Re1ei3e& [PR> Ta;e+ -ou* bi%% [P> and sit down+ and w*ite the#-"PR' eight"R'-1o*s( K[G1>((( And he sat down i##ediate%- and w*ote the# eight-(+ 1?:A And >[P> ou* 6o*d+Nthe %o*d&[G1-ed> the 67R8+> .*aised&[R> 1o##ended+ the [PR> un*ighteous+ stewa*d "PR> of wi1;edness' Kin-"R' that he did wise%-&[R> .*udent%-+! fo*&[G1> and+ the sons of this wo*%d&[R> age+ a*e wise*&[R> #o*e .*udent+ in this&[R> *es.e1t to thei*+ gene*ation than the sons of 6ight( K[P>((( fo* ha3ing a1ted saga1ious%-: fo* the 1hi%d*en of this wo*%d a*e #o*e saga1ious than the 1hi%d*en of 6ight! in this thei* gene*ation(+ 1?:C And 0 "PR'- -se%f [G1P> a%so+ sa- to -ou! a;e fo*&[PR> to+ -ou*se%3es f*iends f*o#&[P> with+ this&[G1R> the+ [P> un*ighteous+ #a##on&5*i1hes> "P> of wi1;edness&[R4> un*ighteousness+': [P> so+ that >what Eti#eF&[PR> when+> [A4+-it&[R> -ou+ >[R4> #a- fai%+Nhas been eLhausted&[P> it is finished+> the- #a- *e1ei3e -ou "PR> in'to the"i* 5R' >ete*na% dwe%%ings&[PR> e3e*%asting-[R> age-endu*ing+ tabe*na1%es+J 1?:1G "PR'-Po* he that&who in [PR> the+ %itt%e is faithfu%! in [PR> the+ #u1h a%so is faithfu%: and he that&who in [PR> the+ %itt%e& [R> %east+ is [R> un*ighteous+Nwi1;ed&[P> unOust+ in [P> the+ #u1h a%so is [R> un*ighteous+Nwi1;ed&[P> unOust+( 1?:11 0f Kthe*efo*e with&[PR> in+ the [PR> un*ighteous+ 5*i1hes>N#a##on &[G)> #a#o%a+ "PR> of wi1;edness' -ou >a*e&[R> be1o#e+ not& [G1P> ha3e not been+> faithfu%! the t*uth&[R> t*ue+ who does&[PR> wi%%+ ent*ust to -ouI K[washed out in G): 1f 6;()G:1@! )):@G! )2:2: Uohn 11:2@+ 1?:1) KAnd if >with what&[P> in that whi1h+> is not -ou*s -ou >a*e not& [G1P> ha3e not been found+> faithfu%! >-ou*-[#> ou*+ own&[P> that whi1h is -ou*s+> who wi%% gi3e to -ou( 5G1G)+[G1> K[R> And if in the othe*>s -ou be1a#e not faithfu% - -ou* own! who sha%% gi3e to -ouI+ 1?:12 KPo*-"PR' the*e is no s%a3e that 1an se*3e two %o*ds: e%se& [PR> fo* eithe*+ the one he wi%% hate! and the othe* "P> he wi%%' %o3e! o* the-"R' one he wi%% [R> ho%d to+Nendu*e&[P> hono*+ and [R> of+ the othe* "P> he wi%%' des.ise&[R> be heed%ess+( You 1annot se*3e E%ohi#& God and #a##on&5*i1hes>( K[fo* Ga-1A1! see on att( ?:)<+ 1?:1< And "PR> it 1a#e to .ass' when&[R> a%so+ the P>*ushi# hea*d a%%

these things! >the- we*e #o1;ing at&[PR> de*ided+> Hi#! >be1ause the%o3ed&[R> being %o3e*s of+> si%3e*&[PR> #one-+( 1?:1= [PR> And+ He&[P> Yeshua+ sa-s to the#: You a*e >[R> those+Nthethat&[P> su1h as+> Oustif-&[R> de1%a*ing+ the#se%3es&[PR> -ou*se%3es+ [R> *ighteous+ >in the e-es of&[PR> befo*e+> #en: now&[PR> but+ E%ohi#& God ;nows -ou* hea*t"s 5P'! that&[PR> fo*+ that whi1h is high&[4> eLa%ted+ a#ong #en! is [R> abo#ination+Nfi%th-&[P> abo#inab%e+ befo*e E%ohi#&God( 1?:1? The To*ah and the P*o.hets [P> we*e+&[R> Ea*eF+ unti% Yo1hanan: hen1efo*th&[PR> sin1e then+ the Bingdo# of >E%ohi#&God&[Ge=@> Hea3en TEin an a%%usionFT+> is announ1ed&[PR> .*o1%ai#ed+ [R> Good-News+! and e3e*- one Kto it is .*essed( K[R>((( does .*ess into it(+ K[P>((( .*esses it to ente* in(+ K[91EG1F>((( .*ess into it(+ K[9)>((( t*eats it with 3io%en1e(+ 1?:1@ Now&[PR> And+ it is easie* that&[PERF> fo*+ [R> the+ hea3en and [R> the+ ea*th shou%d&[PR> to+ .ass awa-! than [P> fo*+ one %ette*& [4> titt%e+ f*o#&of the To*ah [PR> to+ >.ass "P'-awa-&[R> fa%%+>( 1?:1A K>E3e*- one that&who [R> is sending awa-+Ndis#isses&[P> 4hoe3e* .uts awa-+> his wife and ta;es&[R> #a**-ing+ anothe* "P'-does "PR'-indeed' 1o##it[s 5.+ adu%te*-: and Khe whi1h ta;es a di3o*1ed wo#an does indeed 1o##it adu%te*-( K1[9)> An- one who di3o*1es his wife on an- othe* g*ound than that of adu%te*-! 5and #a**ies anothe*!> 1o##its adu%te*- with he*:(((+ K)[R>((( e3e*- one who is #a**-ing he* sent awa- f*o# a husband does 1o##it adu%te*-(+ K)[P>((( whoe3e* ta;es he* that is .ut awa-! 1o##its adu%te*-(+ 1?:1C@ KA 1e*tain #an "R'-that was *i1h [R> and+ was 1%othed in .u*.%e and fine ga*#ents&[R> %inen+! "R'-and e3e*- da- was&[R> su#.tuous%-+ #a;ing #e**-: K[Ga1A1> The *i1h #an in .u*.%es was 1%ad ((( fe%% into to*#ent+ K[Ga2A1-2A)> And again He showed anothe* de#onst*ation about a *i1h #an that #ade #e**- with his goods! and the end of hi# was in $h>o%(+ K[P> And the*e was a 1e*tain *i1h #an! who was 1%othed in fine %inen and s1a*%et! and .assed e3e*- da- in s.%endid %uLu*-(+ 1?:)G KAnd a 1e*tain .oo* #an the*e was! whose na#e EwasF E%,aDa*: Kand he was >%-ing b- his&[P> %aid at the+> doo*&[P> gate+ [P> of the *i1h #an! s#itten with u%1e*s(+ K1[Ga2A1-2A)> And EHe to%d ofF a .oo* #an that was %-ing at his

doo*!+ K[R>(((: who was %aid at his .o*1h! fu%% of so*es(+ 1?:)1 KAnd was %onging to fi%% his be%%- f*o# that whi1h was fa%%ing f*o# the tab%e of that *i1h #an! and the dogs a%so we*e 1o#ing EandF %i1;ings his so*es( K[Ga2A1-2A)> And was desi*ous and 1*a3ing that he #ight fi%% his be%%- with that whi1h was fa%%ing f*o# the tab%e&[Ga-a> tab%es+ of that *i1h #an! and he said: No #an was gi3ing to hi#( And it sa-s the*e - The dogs we*e 1o#ing and %i1;ing his so*es(+ K[PERF> And he-"R' desi*ed to [R> be+ fi%%[ed 5R+ "R> his be%%-' with&[R> f*o#+ >the f*ag#ents that&[A> what+> fe%% f*o# the *i1h #an>s tab%e: and&[R> -ea!+ the dogs a%so 1a#e and %i1;ed his u%1e*s&[R>so*es+(+ 1?:)) KAnd >it 1a#e to .ass&[P> so it was+> that that&[PR> the+ .oo* #an died! and [R> that he b-+ the-"P' ange%s [R> was+ 1a**ied&[P> t*ans.o*ted+ hi#&[R> awa-+ to the boso# of A3*aha#: and-"P' that&[PR> the+ *i1h #an [PR> a%so+! died and was bu*ied "PR> and K>T1astT 5K in $h>o% he %ifted u. his e-es'! K[Ga2A2> And He said in the end of the #atte*: 0t 1a#e to .ass that that *i1h #an died and was bu*ied!+ 1?:)2 K/eing to*#ented! and he was seeing A3*aha# f*o# afa* and E%,aDa* in his boso#( K[Ga2A2> And was %-ing in to*#ent( And that .oo* #an a%so died and the ange%s 1a**ied hi# to the boso# of A3*aha#( And that *i1h #an %ifted u. his e-es f*o# the #idst of $h>o% and f*o# the to*#ent and he saw A3*aha#! and E%,aDa* in his %a.-[Ga-b> boso#++ K[R> And in the $h>o% ha3ing %ifted u. his e-es! being in to*#ents! he does see A3*aha# afa* off! and E%,aDa* in his boso#(+ K[P> And being to*#ented in $h>o%! he *aised his e-es f*o# afa* off! and saw A3*aha#! and E%,aDa* in his boso#(+ K[91EG1F> And being 1ast into $h>o%! he %ifted u. his e-es+ 1?:)< KAnd he 1a%%ed [P> with a %oud 3oi1e+ and said: - fathe* A3*aha#! ha3e 1o#.assion on #e! and send E%,aDa* that he #adi. the ti. of his finge* in wate* >EandF 1oo% fo* #e&[P> #oisten+> #tongue: fo* "R'-beho%d! 0 a# to*#ented&[R> dist*essed+ in this f%a#eJ K[R> And ha3ing 1*ied he said: Pathe* A3*aha#! dea% ;ind%- with #e! and sent (((+ K[Ga2A2> And he 1a%%ed with a %oud 3oi1e and said: - fathe* A3*aha#! ha3e 1o#.assion on #e! and send E%,aDa* that he #a- 1o#e EandF he%. #e and #oisten fo* #e #- tongue f*o# the bu*ning! fo* that 0 a# in a st*ait eL1eeding%-J+ 1?:)= KA3*aha# sa-s to hi#: >[Ga-E.h*&E1@=>TEeL.*ess%-FT+NK>T sonT5K &[G1> Ne3e*the%ess+>! *e#e#be* that -ou did *e1ei3e -ou* good things in -ou* %ife! and %i;ewise E%,aDa* a%so his e3i% things: and now >he*e

he ta;es his ease&[Ga-E.h*> -ou do besee1h hi#+> and -ou a*e to*#ented( K[Ga2A2> A3*aha# sa-s to hi#: - son! *e1o%%e1t-[Ga-a> *e#e#be*+ that -ou did *e1ei3e -ou* good things in -ou* %ife! and E%,aDa* *e1ei3ed his e3i% things: but to-da- -ou do besee1h hi#! and he does not he%. -ou!+ K[PERF> And A3*aha# said "R> to hi#': > - son&[R> Chi%d+>! *e#e#be*! that -ou *e1ei3ed [R> --ou-+ -ou* good things in -ou* %ife"ti#e 5R'! and E%,aDa* his&[R> in %i;e #anne* the+ e3i% things: and now! beho%d-"R'! he is he*e >at *est&[R> 1o#fo*ted+>! and -ou a*e to*#ented-[R> dist*essed+(+ 1?:)? KAnd with a%% these sa#e things a g*eat gu%f is set between us and -ou! that the- that whi1h to 1*oss o3e* he*e unto -ou shou%d not be ab%e! no* f*o# the*e 1*oss o3e* unto us( K[Ga2A2> /e1ause a g*eat dit1h is between us and -ou! and f*o# -ou the- 1annot 1o#e unto us no* f*o# us unto -ou(+ K[PERF> And with-[R> besides+ a%% these! the*e-[R> fiLed+ is a g*eat ba**ie*-[R> 1has#+ between us and -ou: so that the- who wou%d-[R> a*e wi%%ing to+ .ass-[R> go o3e*+ f*o# he*e to -ou! 1annot: neithe* >E1an the-F&[R> do the-+> .ass [R> th*ough+ f*o# the*e to us(+ 1?:)@ KHe sa-s: 4h- then 0 besee1h -ou! #- fathe*! that -ou [PR> wou%d+ send hi# to #- fathe*>s house! K[Ga2A2> He sa-s to hi#: And inas#u1h as it is not EsoF! #fathe*! 0 besee1h -ou that -ou send to #- fathe*>s house!+ K[PERF> [R> And+ he said "R> to hi#': 0 .*a- -ou! the*efo*e[R> then+! #--"R' fathe*! that (((+ 1?:)A KPo* 0 ha3e fi3e b*othe*s: [R> so+ that he #a- [R> tho*ough%-+ >bea*-"R' witness&[P> go and .*otest+> unto the#: %est&[R> that+ thea%so [R> #a- not+ 1o#e to this .%a1e of to*#ent( K[Ga2A2> Po* 0 ha3e fi3e b*othe*s: %et hi# go EandF bea* witness to the# >and the- wi%% not&[Ga-a> that the- #a- not+> sin and 1o#e the#se%3es a%so to this to*#ent(+ 1?:)C K$a-s A3*aha# [PR> to hi#+: The- ha3e oshe and the P*o.hets: %et the# hea* the#( K[G2A<> And A3*aha# said to hi#: The- ha3e oshe and the P*o.hets: %et the# hea* f*o# the#(+ 1?:2G K[P> /ut+&[R> And+ he sa-s "R> to hi#': Na-! #--"R' fathe* A3*aha#! but if [R> an-+ one f*o# the dead shou%d&[P> sha%%+ go unto the#! the- wou%d&[PR> wi%%+ *e.ent( K[Ga2A<> He sa-s to hi#: Na-! #- fathe* A3*aha#! but %et one f*o# the dead go unto the# and the- wou%d *e.ent(+ 1?:21 K[R> And+ He sa-s to hi#: 0f oshe and the P*o.hets thehea* not! neithe* if one f*o# the dead shou%d go&[R> *ise+ wou%d&[R> wi%%+

the- >be%ie3e hi#&[R> be .e*suaded+>( K[Ga2A<> A3*aha# said to hi#: 0f oshe and the P*o.hets thehea* not! neithe* if one f*o# the dead shou%d go unto the# wou%d thebe%ie3e in hi#(+ K[P> Ab*aha# said to hi#: 0f the- hea* not oshe and the P*o.hets! the- wi%% not be%ie3e! though one shou%d *ise f*o# the dead(+ CHAPTER 1@ 1@:1@ And He&[P> Yeshua+ said to His&[R> the+ Ta%#idi#: K0t 1annot be [P> but+ that offen1es&[P> 5stu#b%ing-b%o1;s>+ >shou%d not&[P> wi%%+> 1o#e! ne3e*the%ess&[R> but+ woe&o- 5G1+[G1G)> to hi# b-&[R> th*ough+ >whose hand&[PR> who#+> >the offen1es&[G1R> the-+> 1o#eJ K[R>(((: 0t is i#.ossib%e fo* the stu#b%ings b%o1; not to 1o#e(((+ 1@:) 0t we*e&[R> is #o*e+ .*ofitab%e&[P> bette*+ fo* hi# if an "P'-ass>s&[R> weight-+ #i%%stone >shou%d be [R> .ut+-hanged about&[P> we*e sus.ended to+> his ne1; and he be-"P' sun;&[G1PR> th*own+ into the sea! *athe*-"R' than "G1> that he shou%d' offend&[PR> 1ause to stu#b%e+ one of these %itt%e ones( 1@:2 K>/ewa*e in&[PR> Ta;e heed to+> -ou*se%3es - [R> And+ if -ou* b*othe* >ha3e sinned&[G1R> shou%d sin+> "A'-[R> in *ega*d to -ou+! *ebu;e&[G1> 5*ebu;ed>+ hi#: [R> and+ if he [R> shou%d+&ha3e"P' *e.ent"ed 5PR'! fo*gi3e hi#! K[Ga2=> 0f -ou* b*othe* t*es.ass against -ou! fo*gi3e hi#:+ 1@:< KAnd if se3en ti#es in the da- he [PR> sha%%+ sin-[P> offend+ "G1> against -ou'! and [G1> these+ se3en ti#es [PERF> in [R> the+-a da-+ he& [PR> sha%%+ tu*n [R> ba1;+N*ound&[P> hi#se%f+ "G1A> unto -ou' and sa"R> to -ou'! - 0 *e.ent: [R> -ou sha%%+ fo*gi3e hi#( K[Ga2=> 5and> e3en if se3en ti#es he t*es.ass against -ou in one da-! fo*gi3e hi#(+ 1@:= [PR> And+ the&[G1> His+ E#issa*ies sa- "R> to Hi#'! to >ou*[R> the+ 6o*d&[G1> Yeshua+>: >Add to us&[P> in1*ease ou*+> faith( 1@:? He&[R> And the 6o*d+ sa-s&[G1>answe*ed and said+ "R> to the#': K0f the*e we*e&[G1> be+ in -ou faith as a g*ain of #usta*d! -ou wou%d& [P> #ight+ >[P> sa-+Nbe sa-ing&[G1R> ha3e said+> to "G1PR> a hi%% that it shou%d *e#o3e f*o# he*e and it wou%d *e#o3e! and to' a&[G1PR> this+ K#u%be**--t*ee&[R4> s-1a#ine Et*eeF+! - /e [P> -ou to*n u. bthe+ >*ooted&[P> *oots+> [G1> f*o# he*e+ u. and be [P> -ou+ .%anted in the sea: and-"G1' it wou%d [R> ha3e+ obe-[ed 5R+ -ou( K1[fo* Ga)1! see on att( 1@:)G+ K1[P>(((: 0f -ou had faith as (((+ K)E4&N7TE$> Not s-1a#o*e! but the #u%be**-: the s-1a#o*e being the

Eg-.tian fig-t*ee(F 1@:@ K[G1> And+ whi1h is the*e of -ou that has a s%a3e d*i3ing the .%ough o* tending the f%o1;! and what Eti#eF he has 1o#e in f*o# the Kfie%d does he sa- to hi# st*aightwa-&[G1> i##ediate%-+! - Pass th*ough EandF sit down Eto eatFI K1[R> /ut! who is he of -ou - ha3ing a se*3ant .%oughing o* feeding - who! to hi# ha3ing 1o#e in out of the fie%d! wi%% sa-: Ha3ing 1o#e nea*! *e1%ine at EtheF #ea%I+ K1[P> 4hi1h of -ou! ha3ing a se*3ant d*i3ing a -o;e of oLen! o* tending shee.! wi%% sa- to hi# when he 1o#es f*o# the fie%d! Pass on at on1e! and *e1%ine fo* su..e*I+ K)[G1 has a wo*d fo* >fie%d> he*e whi1h is in P! but e%sewhe*e a3oided b- G1 and G1 Ee(g( in 33(21! 2?: 1f att( 1<:)) G1F+ 1@:A K/ut E*athe*F he [P> wi%%+ sa-"s 5P' to hi#! - a;e *ead- fo* #e >so#ething that&[P> what+> 0 #a- su. [P> u.on+! and gi*d -ou* %oins EandF se*3e #e unti% 0 "PR'-sha%% ha3e eaten and d*an;! and afte*"wa*ds 5R' [R> these things+ -ou "PR'-a%so sha%% eat and d*in;( K[R> /ut wi%% not E*athe*F sa- to hi#: P*e.a*e what 0 #a- su.! and ha3ing gi*ded -ou*se%f about! (((+ 1@:C 8oes that s%a3e ho%d a fa3ou* fo* hi#se%f that he has done the things whi1h he-[G1> TK>is5KT+ 1o##anded hi#I K[R> Has he fa3o* to that se*3ant be1ause he did the things di*e1tedI 0 thin; not(+ K[P> Has he than;s fo* hi#! be1ause the se*3ant did what was >"A> 1o##anded hi#-" 'I 0 thin; not'>(+ 1@:1G $o -ou a%so! >what Eti#eF&[PR> when+> -ou [R> sha%%+ ha3e done what&[P> a%% the+ things "PR'-a*e 1o##anded&[R> di*e1ted+ -ou! "R'--ou sa-! - 4e a*e [PR> un.*ofitab%e+ s%a3es EandF [5swee.ings>+& *iff*aff-"G1PR'&[X 5G;+: [R> be1ause+ >that whi1h&[P> fo* on%what+> we Kwe*e bound&[P> ob%igated+ to do we ha3e done( K[R>((( owed to do - we ha3e done(+ 1@:11@ KAnd when He was going to Ye*usha%a-i# and "G1'-was .assing th*ough between the $a#a*itans and the Ga%i%eans "G1> to Ye*i1ho'! K[R> And it 1a#e to .ass! in His going on to Ye*usha%a-i#! that He .assed th*ough the #idst of $ho#*on and haGa%i%(+ K[P> And it o11u**ed as Yeshua ad3an1ed His going on towa*ds Ye*usha%a-i#! that He .assed a#ong the $a#a*itans into haGa%i%(+ 1@:1) And "R'-when He "R'-was&[P> d*ew nea* to+ ente*"ing 5P' [R> into+ a 1e*tain 1it-! "PR'-beho%d! [PR> the*e #et Hi#+ ten #en! %e.e*s! [P> and the-+&[R> who+ >stood&[G1> we*e standing+> >f*o# afa*&[P> at a distan1e+>! 1@:12 And >the- %ifted u.&[P> *aised+> thei*&[R> the+ 3oi1e and sa"PR> to Hi#': [4> You+ Yeshua! KRabban&[P> ou* Rabbi+! ha3e 1o#.assion u.on usJ K[R>(((! aste*! dea% ;ind%- with usJ+ 1@:1< [G1PR> And+ Kwhen He saw&[P> had %oo;ed u.on+ the#! He

sa-s to the#: Go! show -ou*se%3es to the Cohani#( "G1'-And whi%e thewe*e going the- we*e 1%eansed( K[R>((( ha3ing seen! He said to the#: (((+ 1@:1= Now&[G1PR> And+ one of the#! >when he saw&[R> ha3ing seen+> that he was 1%eansed&[R> hea%ed+! [G1> had+ *etu*ned "R'-and with a [G1> g*eat+&%oud 3oi1e was g%o*if-ing E%ohi#&God! 1@:1? And he fe%% on his fa1e befo*e&[PR> at+ the&[R> His+ feet "R> of Yeshua and was' gi3ing [R> to+ Hi# than;s: and >that sa#e&[PR> he+> [G1> EoneF+&%e.e*-"PR' was a $a#a*itan( 1@:1@ "G1'-$a-s&[PR> And+ Yeshua [G1EPRF> answe*ed and was sa-ing+: "PR'-These [G1> 5a*e>+&we*e [PERF> the*e-"R' not+ [R> the+ ten "R> that ha3e been' 1%eansed: [R> and+ >the nine -whe*e a*e the-&[G1PERF> whe*e a*e-[R>EF+ the nine+>I 1@:1A K>/ut not one of the# has been found that *etu*ns&[G1> Has not one of the# *etu*ned+> to gi3e g%o*- to E%ohi#&God! eL1e.t this one that is of a st*ange .eo.%e (&I K[R> The*e we*e not found who did tu*n ba1; to gi3e g%o*- to E%ohi#&God! eL1e.t this a%ien (&I+ K[P> Ha3e the- so gone as not to 1o#e and gi3e g%o*- to E%ohi#& God: eL1e.t this one! who is of anothe* nationI+ 1@:1C [PR> And+ He sa-s to hi#: [PR> A*ise and+ go! -ou* faith has >sa3ed -ou "R'-a%i3e&[P> gi3en -ou %ife(+>( 1@:)G@ KAnd the P>*ushi# as;ed Hi#! and [G1> answe*ed and said+&sa- to Hi#: 4hen 1o#es the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&GodI He sa-s to the#: The Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God 1o#es not b- obse*3ings! K[R> And ha3ing been Muestioned b- the P>*ushi#! when the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God does 1o#e! He answe*ed the# and said: The Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God does not 1o#e with obse*3ation(+ K[P> And as Eso#eF of the P>*ushi# as;ed Hi#! 4hen the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God wou%d 1o#e: He answe*ed and said to the#: The Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God wi%% not 1o#e with obse*3ab%es(+ 1@:)1 >And the- wi%%-[G1> do+ not&[R> No* sha%% the-+> sa-! /eho%d-"G1'! he*e "R> it is'J! o*! - /eho%d-"G1'! the*e "R>it is'J: fo* beho%d! the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God K[4+-a#ong&[PR> is within+ -ouJ K[Ge)GC> The Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God is in -ou* hea*t((not bda-s of obse*3ing+ K[Ge)11> (((in -ou* hea*t - whi1h He s.a;e of Hi#se%f who was standing in the #idst of the#+ 1@:)) And He was sa-ing to His Ta%#idi#: The-"R' da-s wi%% 1o#e that& [PR> when+ -ou wi%% %ong&[R> desi*e+ to see one of the da-s of the $on

of #an! and -ou wi%% not see&[R> beho%d+ EitF( 1@:)2 KAnd if the- sha%% sa- to -ou! - /eho%d! the*e 5H>e is! and& [P> o*+! - /eho%d! he*e "G1> 5H>e is'! "P'->%et the# not %ead -ou ast*a-& [G1> do not *un+> >and do not go&[P> go not fo*th+>J K[RE4F>And the- sha%% sa- to -ou - /eho%d! he*e: o* /eho%d! the*e: "4> -ou #a-' not go awa- Eafte* the#F! no* fo%%ow [4> the#+J+ 1@:)< Po* Oust-"G1PR' as the %ightning K%ightens f*o# the utte*#ost .a*ts of hea3en e3en-"G1' unto the 5head>-ends&[G1> utte*#ost .a*t+ the*eof! so wi%% be the 8a- of the $on of #an( K[R>((( that is %ightening out of the one E.a*tF unde* hea3en! to the othe* .a*t unde* hea3en does shine! so sha%% be a%so the $on of #an "#> in His 8a-'(+ K[P>((( da*ts f*o# the hea3ens! and i%%u#inates a%% beneath the hea3ens: so wi%% the $on of #an be! in His 8a-(+ 1@:)= K/ut fi*st&[P> .*e3ious%-+ He is "P'-about to suffe* "PR'-in #anthings! and [PR> to+ be *eOe1ted&[4> set at nought+ b- this gene*ation( K[R> And fi*st it is-ne1essa*--of Hi# to (((+ 1@:)? And as it was&[R> 1a#e to .ass+ in the da-s of Noa1h! so sha%% it be [R> a%so+ in the 8a-s of the $on of #an! 1@:)@ KThat the- we*e eating and d*in;ing and we*e ta;ing wi3es and "G1'-we*e gi3ing Ewi3esF to #en! unti% the da- that Noa1h ente*ed [R> into+ the KA*;! and the P%ood&[R> de%uge+ 1a#e and >too; the#&[R> dest*o-ed+> a%%( K1[R> The- we*e eating! the- we*e d*in;ing! the- we*e #a**-ing! the- we*e gi3en in #a**iage! ti%% (((+ K1[P> The- ate and d*an;! the- too; wi3es and we*e gi3en to husbands! unti% the da- that Noa1h ente*ed the A*;: and the f%ood 1a#e! and dest*o-ed e3e*- one(+ K)[G1> (((a*;!(((+-Eas in att()<:2AF 1@:)A >[R> 0n %i;e #anne* a%so+N$o Ea%soF&[G1P> And+> [P> again+ as it was&[R> 1a#e to .ass+ in the da-s of 6ot: that-"PR' the- Kwe*e eating and&[R> the- we*e+ d*in;ing and&[R> the- we*e+ we*e bu-ing and& [R> thewe*e+ se%%ing "G1> and&[R> the- we*e+ we*e .%anting and&[R> thewe*e+ bui%ding'! K[P>((( ate and d*an;! bought and so%d! .%anted and bui%t!+ 1@:)C And&[P> /ut+ in&[R> on+ the da- that-"R' 6ot went fo*th f*o# $>do# [R> He+Nit&[P> The-67R8&YH9H+ *ained fi*e [G1R> and b*i#stone+& [P> and*+ f*o# 5h>ea3en! and dest*o-ed "R'-the# a%%! 1@:2G $o&[R> A11o*ding to these things it+ wi%% it be in the 8a"R'-that the $on of #an is&[P> sha%% be+ *e3ea%ed( 1@:21 KNow in that hou* he that is on the *oof %et hi# not go down >that he #a-&[G1> to+> ta;e u. his things f*o# the house! and he that

is in the fie%d %et hi# not tu*n behind: K[PERF> 0n that 8a-! %et hi# that&who is&[R> sha%% be+ on the house-to.! and his goods&[R> 3esse%s+ in the house! not 1o#e down to ta;e the# [R> awa-+: and %et hi# that is in the fie%d [R> in %i;e #anne*+! not >*etu*n Eafte* what isF behind hi#&[R> tu*n ba1;wa*d+>:+ 1@:2) And-"PR' *e#e#be* -ou-"PR' the wife of 6ot( 1@:22 >He that&[R> 4hoe3e*+> wi%%sN[P> desi*es+&[R> sha%% see;+ to sa3e &[P> .*ese*3e+ his %ife! sha%% %oose it: and >he that&[R> whoe3e*+> sha%% %ose >his %ife&[R> it+> sha%% >[PR> .*ese*3e it+Nfind it&[G1> sa3e it a%i3e+>( 1@:2< Now-"G1R' 0 >sa- to&[P> te%%+> -ou that in That Night! the*e& [P>EF+ wi%% be two [R> #en on+&in one bed&[R> 1ou1h+: [R> the+ one sha%% be ta;en! and >one wi%% be&[PERF> the othe* [R> sha%% be++> %eft: 1@:2= And-"R' [PR>EF+&the*e wi%% be two [R> wo#en+NEwo#enF&[P> fe#a%es+ g*inding "P> at >one #i%%&[RE4F> the sa#e [4> #i%%+-.%a1e+>' >"G1'togethe*>! [R> the+ one sha%% be ta;en! and >one wi%% be&[PR> the othe*+> %eft: 1@:2? >"A#> And-"P' the*e&[P>EF+ wi%% be two E#enF&[P> #en+ in the fie%d! one wi%% be ta;en! and >one wi%% be&[P> the othe*+> %eft('>-[#R+ 1@:2@ The- [P> answe*ed and+ sa- to Hi#: 4he*e! ou* 6o*dI He sa-s to the#: 4he*e the bod- EisF! the*e Kwi%% be gathe*ed togethe* the 3u%tu*es( K[P>((( wi%% the eag%es asse#b%e the#se%3es(+ K[4>((( the eag%es wi%% a%so be gathe*ed togethe*(+ CHAPTER 1A 1A:1@ [PR> And+ He sa-s to the# again-"R' this&[PR> a+ si#i%itude& .a*ab%e a%so! Kthat the- shou%d be .*a-ing at a%% seasons and that it shou%d not wea*- the#( K[Ga@=&Ga<A@> (((/e .*a-ing and it sha%% not wea*- -ou+ K[Ga2C)> (((And when we do we%%! %et it not wea*- us+ K[R>(((! that it is-ne1essa*- Efo* usF a%wa-s to .*a-! and not to faint(+ K[P>(((! #en shou%d .*a- at >a%% ti#es>&-[P> 5e3e*o..o*tunit->+! and not be1o#e wea*-(+ KE4&N7TE$> P*a- fo* His 1o#ing(F 1A:) [R> $a-ing:+ A 1e*tain Oudge the*e-"R' was in a 1e*tain"G1P' 1it-! that Kof E%ohi#&God was not af*aid and fo* [G1> #an+&#en had no *e3e*en1e: K[PERF>((( fea*ed not E%ohi#! and *ega*ded not #en(+ 1A:2 And a 1e*tain-"G1R' widow the*e was in that "PR'-sa#e 1it-! and she >was 1o#ing&[P> 1a#e+> unto hi# "G1PR> a %ong whi%e' "R'and >sa-ing "R> to hi#'&[P> said+>: KReMuite&[P> 9indi1ate+ #e of&[P> against+ #- ad3e*sa*-( K[R>(((: 8o #e Ousti1e on #- o..onent(+ 1A:< And he was not wi%%ing( And-"G1' afte*wa*ds >that Oudge&[G1> he+> said in hi#se%f: Though of E%ohi#&God 0 a# not af*aid and fo* [G1>#an+

&#en 0 ha3e no *e3e*en1e! K[PERF> And he wou%d not! fo* a "R'-%ong ti#e( /ut afte*wa*ds[R> afte* these things+ he said to-[R>in+ hi#se%f: Though-[R> E3en if+ 0 fea* not E%ohi#! and *ega*d not [R> #an+-#en!+ 1A:= Yet [PR> be1ause+ this widow "PR'->at a%% ti#es&[G1> that thus+> "P'-does [R> gi3e #e+ fatigue&[PR> t*oub%e+ "R'-#e - 0 wi%% [R> do he* Ousti1e+N*eMuite&[P> 3indi1ate+ "R'-he*: Ke%se at >a%% ti#es&[G1> the %ast+> she wi%% >be 1o#ing&[G1> 1o#e+> EandF KinOu*ing&5anno-ing> #e( K1[R>(((: %est .e*.etua%%- 1o#ing! she #a- .%ague #e(+ K1[P>(((: that she #a- not be a%wa-s 1o#ing and t*oub%ing #e(+ K1[4>(((: %est 1o#ing fo*e3e* she #a- s#ite #e in the fa1e(+ K)[G1>((( ta;e ho%d of #e (((+-Esee: 1Co*(C:)@ [ARA/0C-$inai+F 1A:? >And [R> the+-ou* 6o*d said&[G1> $a-s Yeshua+>: Hea* "P'--ou what sa-s the >[R> un*ighteous+Nwi1;ed&[P> unOust+ Oudge&[G1> the 5O>udge of wi1;edness+>: 1A:@ KE%ohi#&God the*efo*e - wi%% He not *athe* do *eMuita% fo* His Chosen that 1a%% to hi# b- da- and b- night! Kand >be&[G1> He is+> %enient with the#I K[4> And sha%% not God a3enge His e%e1t! 1*-ing to Hi# da- and night! and He is %ongsuffe*ing o3e* the#I+ K1[PERF>And sha%% not E%ohi#! "R>#u1h #o*e'! 3indi1ate-[R> eLe1ute the Ousti1e to+ His Chosen [R> ones+! who >1a%% u.on&[R> a*e 1*-ing unto+> Hi# "R'-b- da- and "R'-b- night: >and ha3e .atien1e with&[R> bea*ing %ong in *ega*d to+> the#I+ K)[9)>(((! e3en if He is s%ow ange* in thei* beha%fI+ 1A:A 0 sa- to -ou that He wi%% >[4> a3enge the#+Ndo thei* *eMuita%& [R> eLe1ute the Ousti1e to the#+> Mui1;%-( Ne3e*the%ess&[R> but+! sha%% "R'-then the $on of #an [R> ha3ing+ 1o#e! "R'-and&[G1EF+ [R> He+ find [R> the+ faith u.on the ea*thI K[P> 0 te%% -ou! He wi%% 3indi1ate the# s.eedi%-( Yet the $on of #an wi%% 1o#e: and wi%% He find (((+ 1A:C KAnd He was sa-ing this si#i%itude&.a*ab%e against the fo%; that t*ust in the#se%3es that the- a*e the-"G1' *ighteous! and we*e disdaining #an-( K[R> And He s.o;e a%so unto 1e*tain who ha3e been t*usting in the#se%3es that the- we*e *ighteous! and ha3e been des.ising the *est! this si#i%itude&.a*ab%e(+ K[P> And He s.o;e this si#i%itude! against 1e*tain .e*sons! who had 1onfiden1e in the#se%3es that the- we*e *ighteous! and des.ised e3e*- one(+ 1A:1G Two .eo.%e&[PR> #en+ went u. to the Te#.%e Ea*eaF to .*a-: [PR> the+ one a Pa*ush! and the othe* a taL-1o%%e1to*( 1A:11 KAnd-"G1' that Pa*ush >was standing&[G1> stands+> bhi#se%f! and&[G1>EF+ >these things he was .*a-ing&[G1> .*a-s+>: 0 than; You! E%ohi#&God! that 0 ha3e&[R> a#+ not been-"R' as the *est of >the .eo.%e &[PR> #en+>! Kthe eLto*tione*s >and the wi1;ed and&[G1> o* the

1o3etous o*+> the adu%te*e*s! >[R> o* e3en+Nand not&[P> no*+> as this taL1o%%e1to*: K[#> the Pa*ush stood and .*a-ed these things with hi#se%f: (((+ K1[P#ER4F> And-"R4' the Pa*ush stood "4#> b- hi#se%f'! and-"R' .*a-ed thus-[#> these things "#'-.*i3ate%-: (((+ K)[PERF>(((! *a.a1ious! o..*essi3e-[R> un*ighteous+! "R'-and [R> adu%te*e*s+-adu%te*ous: (((+ 1A:1) /ut-"R' 0 fast twi1e in the wee;! and-"R' 0 tithe >EofF e3e*-thing that&[R> of a%% things - as #an- as+> 0 .ossess( 1A:12 >Now that&[PR> And the+> taL-1o%%e1to* was standing f*o# afa*! and was [G-E.h*+->not da*ingN[G1> not wi%%ing+&[PERF> wou%d not+> EthatF&[G1> that+-"PR' e3en his e-es "PR> he shou%d' %ift u. to [R> the+ Hea3en! but "R'-he was beating u.on his b*east and-"R' sa-ing: E%ohi#&God! >ha3e 1o#.assion on&[PR> be #e*1ifu% to+> E#eF& [G1PR> #e+ a&[R> the+ sinne*J 1A:1< 0 sa- to -ou "R'-that this one went down to his house Oustified& [R> de1%a*ed *ighteous+ >#o*e&[PR> *athe*+> than >that one&[P> the Pa*ush+>: fo* e3e*- #an&[PR> one+ that >sha%% u.%ift&[PR> eLa%ts+> hi#se%f sha%% be hu#b%ed&[4> abased+: and K>e3e*- one&[G1R> EheF+> that &who "P'-sha%% hu#b%e[s 5PR+ hi#se%f sha%% be u.%ifted&[PR> eLa%ted+( K[fo* Ga1AC see 6u;e 1<:11+ 1A:1= And the- "PR'-had b*ought "P'-nea* "R> to Hi#' >e3en[R> a%so the+ babies&[P> infants+> that He #ight [G1>%a- His hands on+&b%essN [PR> tou1h+ the#! and "G1PR'-when His-[R> the+ Ta%#idi# K>saw EitF thewe*e *ebu;ing&[G1P> *ebu;ed+> the#( K[PERF>((( saw the#! and *ebu;ed the#(+ 1A:1? "G1> >And "R'-He&[P> /ut+>'! Yeshua! [PERF> 1a%%ed the# [R> nea*+ "R'-and+ sa-s "R> to the#': A%%ow >the&[PERF> [R> the+ %itt%e+> 1hi%d*en >that the- shou%d&[G1PR> to+> 1o#e unto e! and fo*bid the# not: fo* Kthe- that a*e Esu1hF as these! thei*s is the Bingdo# of Hea3en( K[PERF>((( "R> of those that a*e %i;e the#'! of su1h is the Bingdo# (((+ 1A:1@ A#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! - >[P> that+ he that&[R> whoe3e*+> sha%% &[G1> does+ not *e1ei3e the Bingdo# of [G1> Hea3en+&E%ohi#&God as [G1PR> a+&this [PR> %itt%e+ 1hi%d! he-"PR' sha%% not ente* [R> into+ it( 1A:1A@ KAnd one of the 1hiefs "G1P> of the P>*ushi#' had-"P' as;ed Hi#! and sa-s to Hi#: Good Tea1he*! what sha%% 0 do! that 0 #a- inhe*it %ife ete*na%&[R> age-endu*ing+I K[R> And a 1e*tain *u%e* Muestioned Hi# sa-ing: (((+ K[fo* Ga2C)! see att( )C:1? ff! a*; 1G:1@ ff+ 1A:1C [R> And+ Yeshua sa-s to hi#: K4h- 1a%% -ou e GoodI "G1R> And wh- do -ou as; e about the Good 7neI' [P> Po*+ the*e&[R> no

one+ is "R'-none Good! eL1e.t 7ne - E%ohi#&God( K[9)>(((: 4h- do -ou as; e about the good thingI The Good is 7ne(+ 1A:)G Now-"PR' the itD3ot&Co##and#ents! -ou ;now "PR'the# - K"G1PR>if -ou do wish to ente* %ife'! - Thou sha%t not #u*de*! and - Thou sha%t not 1o##it adu%te*-! "G1R'-and - Thou sha%t not stea%! "R'-and Thou sha%t not bea*&[P> witness a+ fa%se witness! - Honou* th- fathe* and th- #othe*( K[1f att( 1C:1@ R Ge1?A+ 1A:)1 [R> And+ He sa-s "G1R> to Hi#': These "G1'-a%% - 0 ha3e ;e.t "PR'-the#! beho%d-"PR'! f*o# >when 0 was a 1hi%d&[P> #1hi%dhood+>J 1A:)) [PR> And+ >when Yeshua&[R> ha3ing+> hea*d >[PERF> these [R> things+-Ewo*dsF+>! He&[R> Yeshua+ said to hi#: 7ne thing "P'--et is %a1;ing to -ou: [P> go+! se%% >e3e*-thing that&[R> a%% things - as #anas+ -ou ha3e and gi3e&[R> dist*ibute+ to the .oo*! and -ou sha%% ha3e t*easu*e in Hea3en! and 1o#e >Efo%%owF afte*&[R> be fo%%owing+> e( 1A:)2 Now&[PR> And+ he! when he hea*d these things&[P>EF+! >[R> be1a#e 3e*- so**owfu%+Nit g*ie3ed hi#&[P> was deOe1ted+> [G1> eL1eeding%-+! fo* eL1eeding%- *i1h he was( 1A:)< [PR> And+ when Yeshua saw that&[R> hi#+ >[R> be1o#e 3e*so**owfu%+Nit g*ie3ed hi#&[P> he was deOe1ted+>! "R'-He sa-s: How Kdiffi1u%t "G1P> it is' fo* the# that ha3e wea%th! to ente* [PR> into+ the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&GodJ K[R4>((( ha*d%- sha%% those ha3ing *i1hes ente* (((+ 1A:)= Po* it is easie* fo* a 1a#e%&[6it(A*a#ai1: 5Eo*F a %a*ge *o.e>+ to .ass&[PR> ente*+ th*ough-"R' the e-e of a need%e! than [R> fo*+ a *i1h #an "G1P> to ente*' into-"P' the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( 1A:)? And-"P' the- we*e sa-ing that hea*d: K4ho [P> than+ 1an %i3e&[P> ha3e %ife+I K[R>(((: And who is ab%e to be sa3edI+ 1A:)@ [R> And+ >He sa-s "R> to the#'&[P> And Yeshua said+>: The& [P> Those+ things that&[R> i#.ossib%e+ with #en "R> 1annot be'! "G1PR'-but with E%ohi#&God >"P'-the- 1an [G1P> be+&[R> a*e .ossib%e+>( 1A:)A [R> And+ [P> $hi#,on+ Befa sa-s to Hi#: /eho%d! we ha3e %eft e3e*-thing&[A> ou* own+ "PR> that we ha3e' and "P'-ha3e 1o#e Efo%%owingF afte* You( 1A:)C [R> And+ Yeshua&[R> He+ sa-s to hi#&[R> the#+: A#aine( 0 saunto -ou! - >he that&[G1EPRF> [R> that+ the*e is [P> no #an+Nnone [R> who&that++> has-"R' %eft house! o* .a*ents! o* b*othe*s! o* wife! o* sons&[PR> 1hi%d*en+! fo* the sa;e of the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! 1A:2G [G1PR> That&4ho+ sha%% [G1PR> not+ ta;e&[PR> *e1ei3e+ [R> ba1;+ "PR'-an >[GeAA> se3enfo%d+Nhund*edfo%d&[PR> #anifo%d+> [R>

#o*e+ in this&[P> the .*esent+ ti#e! and in the [PR> 1o#ing+ wo*%d&[R> age+ "PR'->to 1o#e&[G1> about to be+> "PR> sha%% inhe*it' %ife ete*na%& [R> age endu*ing+( 1A:21@ And He&[P> Yeshua+ too; His Twe%3e [R> aside+ and said unto the#: /eho%d! we [P> a*e+ go[ing 5PR+ u. to Ye*usha%a-i#: and a%% [P> the+ things >a*e to&[PR> sha%%+> be 1o#.%eted&[4> .e*fe1ted+ "P> that a*e' w*itten in&[R> th*ough+ the P*o.hets about&[R4> [R+-5to>& [4> to+ the $on of #an: 1A:2) Po* He >is to&[PR> wi%%+> be de%i3e*ed u.&[P> o3e*+ to the go-i# &5genti%es>! and Kthe- wi%% #o1; "P'-at Hi# "P> and insu%t Hi#' and in His fa1e: K[R>((( sha%% be #o1;ed! and insu%ted! and u.on(+ 1A:22 KAnd [P> wi%%+ s1ou*ge Hi# [P> and wi%% t*eat Hi# with igno#in-+ and [P> wi%%+ ;i%% Hi#: and the thi*d da- He wi%% 5a>*ise( K[R> And ha3ing s1ou*ged the- sha%% .ut Hi# to death! and on the thi*d da- He sha%% *ise again(+ 1A:2< And&[P> /ut+ the- [P> did+ >not one&[R> none+> of these things unde*stood&[P> unde*stand+: but&[R> and+ >the wo*d&[PERF> this [R> sa-ing+-5subOe1t>+> was >;e.t se1*et&[PR> hidden+> f*o# the#! and the- Kdid not *e1ogniDe the things that we*e s.o;en with the#( K[PERF>((( ;new not the things >to%d to the#&[R> said+>(+ 1A:2= K[G1> Now+&And when He was nea* to "G1'-ente* Ye*i1ho a 1e*tain b%ind #an was sitting b- the [PERF> side of the+ wa-&*oad "PR'-and begging( K[R> And it 1a#e to .ass in His 1o#ing nea* (((+ K[P> And as the- 1a#e nea* to (((+ 1A:2? And "PR'-when he [R> ha3ing+ hea*d "R> the sound of' a #u%titude K.assing b- he was as;ing>: 4ho is this&[R>(((! what this #a- be(+>I K[P>((( that .assed! and inMui*ed what it was(+ 1A:2@ [R> And+ the- >sa- to&[R> b*ought+> hi# [R> wo*d that+: Yeshua the NatD*ati is .assing b-( 1A:2A And he 1*ied out >and said&[R> sa-ing+>: Yeshua! $on of 8a3id! [R> dea% ;ind%-+Nha3e 1o#.assion&[PR> ha3e #e*1-+ on #eJ 1A:2C And the- that we*e going befo*e "R'-Yeshua we*e *ebu;ing hi# that he shou%d be si%ent: and&[PR> but+ he the&[R> #u1h+ #o*e was 1*-ing out [G1> and sa-ing+: $on of 8a3id! [R> dea% ;ind%-+Nha3e 1o#.assion& [P> ha3e #e*1-+ on #eJ 1A:<G And "PR'-He! Yeshua! stood and >was 1o##anding&[G1R> 1o##anded+> Kthat the- shou%d b*ing hi#( And when he d*ew nea* "R> unto Hi#' He as;ed hi#! K[PER4F>((( hi# to be [4> %ed+-1a%%ed-[R> b*ought+ unto Hi#( And

when he 1a#e (((+ 1A:<1 >And said to hi#&[R> $a-ing+>: 4hat wou%d&[PR> wi%%+ -ou [G1P> that+ 0 "P'-shou%d&[R> sha%%+ do fo*&[R> to+ -ouI [P> And+ he sa-s "PR> to Hi#': > - 6o*d&[R> $i*+>! that K"G1PR> #- e-es #a- be o.ened and' 0 #a- >see "G1P> You'&[R> *e1ei3e sight+>( K[4>((( 0 #a- %oo; u.(+ 1A:<) [PR> And+ He&[G1R> Yeshua+ sa-s to hi#: K$ee [P> -ou+: -ou* faith has >sa3ed -ou a%i3e&[P> 3i3ified -ou+>( K[RE4F>(((: >Re1ei3e -ou* sight&[4> 6oo; u.+>: -ou* faith has sa3ed -ou(+ 1A:<2 And i##ediate%- he [4> %oo;ed u.+Nsaw&[R> did *e1ei3e sight+! and "R'-he >was 1o#ing afte*&[PR> fo%%owed+> Hi#! "R> and was' g%o*if-ing E%ohi#&God( And a%% the .eo.%e K>that saw EitF! g%o*ified&[G1> saw and ga3e g%o*- to+N[P> who behe%d! ga3e g%o*- to+> E%ohi#&God( K[R>((( ha3ing seen! did gi3e .*aise to E%ohi#&God(+ CHAPTER 1C 1C:1 KAnd >when KTK>He5KT&[P> as Yeshua+> ente*ed and .assed th*ough Ye*i1ho! K[R> And ha3ing ente*ed! He was .assing (((+ K)[G1> He&[G)> the-+-EQthe-Q in G) b- a s%i.F+ 1C:) K[GR> And+ EThe*e wasF&[R> beho%d+ a "R'-1e*tain #an whose na#e [G1P> was+&EwasF Ha;;ai! - and he was a 1hief "R> of the' taL1o%%e1to*"s 5R' and [R> he+ was *i1h K[as in G1&G) 6u;e 12:1G!11: and e%sewhe*e+ 1C:2 - And he was wishing&[R> see;ing+ to see Yeshua [G1PR> who He was+ and 1ou%d not [G1PERF> be1ause of the #u%titude+ be1ause in "R'his statu*e [G1R> he+&Ha;;ai was %itt%e( 1C:< And he *an Kbefo*e Hi# and went u. a Kwi%d fig-t*ee that he #ight see Hi#! be1ause thus KYeshua was .assing b-( K1[R>((( fo*wa*d befo*e! EandF went u. on a s1-a#o*e! that he #ight see Hi#! be1ause th*ough that Ewa-F He was about to .ass b-(+ K1[P>((( fo*wa*d of Yeshua! and 1%i#bed a wi%d fig-t*ee! in o*de* to see Hi#: fo* He was to .ass that wa-(+ K1[>befo*e Hi#>! %it( 5.*e1eded Hi#>: in f*ont G1+ K)Ea11o*ding to $-*ia1 1o##entato*s the 8iatessa*on had he*e a 1e*tain *a*e wo*d fo* the >wi%d-fig> whi1h a%so o11u*s in the na#e /eit-Page-F K)E4&N7TE$> The Eg-.tian fig-t*ee(F K2[3s(<!= Yeshua((((Yeshua: G1 i%%egib%e! but f*o# the s.a1e it .*obab%- *ead >He> fo* >Yeshua> in both .%a1es! o* o#itted >Yeshua .assed b-> in 3e*(=+ 1C:= And when Yeshua >.assed b-&[PERF> 1a#e [R> u.+ to the .%a1e+> [R> ha3ing %oo;ed u.+ He "A> saw hi#'( [PR> And+ sa-s He-"R' [G1PR> to hi#+: Hasten EandF&[P> and+ 1o#e down! Ha;;ai! fo* to-da- in&[P> at+

-ou* house >it is-ne1essa*--fo* #e to&[P> 0 #ust+> be&[R> *e#ain+( 1C:? And [G1> Ha;;ai+&he hastened EandF&[P> and+ 1a#e down and "PR'-he *e1ei3ed Hi# [R> *eOoi1ing+Ng%ad%-&[P> with g%adness+( 1C:@ And when the- K>saw these things! a%% of the#&[G1R> 5had seen EitF the->+> we*e [R> a%%+ #u*#u*ing [G1R> "R'-and sa-ing:+ that-"R' with a #an Ewho wasF a sinne* He ente*ed [R> in+ to %odge( K[P>((( a%% saw EitF! the- #u*#u*ed! and said: He has gone in to be guest with a #an that is a sinne*(+ 1C:A And Ha11haeus stood [P> u.+ and said to >ou*-[R> the+ 6o*d& [G1P> Yeshua+>: /eho%d! #--6o*d&$i*! the ha%f of #- wea%th&[R> goods+ 0 [Ge1AG> wi%%+ gi3e to the .oo*: and Ka%%&[P> to e3e*- #an+ that 0 ha3e def*auded&[P> w*onged in an- thing+! fou*fo%d 0 [Ge1AG> wi%%+ *e.a-&[P> *esto*e+J K[R>((( if an- one an-thing 0 did ta;e b- fa%se a11usation! 0 gi3e ba1; fou*-fo%dJ+ 1C:C [PR> And+ Yeshua&[Ga> ou* 6o*d+ sa-s to hi#: To-da-&[P> This da-+ [R> did+&has-"P' [R> sa%3ation+&%ife >[R> 1o#e to+Nbeen in&[P> is to+> this house: [R> inas#u1h as+Nand&[G1P> be1ause+ >this one>&-[PR> he+ a%so is a son of A3*aha#( 1C:1G KAnd EHe saidF: The $on of #an has 1o#e that He #ight see; and sa3e a%i3e that whi1h >[4> is+had been&[G1> was+> %ost( K[PERF> Po* the $on of #an 1a#e! to see; and 3i3if--[R> to sa3e+ >that whi1h was&[R> the+> %ost(+ 1C:11 And when the- >we*e hea*ing&[P> hea*d+> these things! He >went on to sa-&[R> ha3ing added! s.o;e+> a si#i%itude&.a*ab%e: be1ause He was nea* to "G1PR> ente*' Ye*usha%a-i#! and >the- we*e su..osing& [R> of thei* thin;ing+> that Kin that hou* the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God was about to be *e3ea%ed( K[R4>((( the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God is >about .*esent%--[4> i##ediate%-+> to be #ade #anifest(+ K[P>((( the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God was to be soon de3e%o.ed(+ 1C:1) [P> And+ He sa-s "PR> to the#' [R> the*efo*e+: KA 1e*tain #an! >a #e#be* of a g*eat fa#i%-&[R> of bi*th+>! went [R> on+ to a fa* 1ount*-! to *e1ei3e&[R> ta;e to hi#se%f+ a ;ingdo#! and to *etu*n( K[P>(((: A 1e*tain #an of high bi*th was going to a distant .%a1e! to obtain *o-a%t-! and *etu*n again(+ K[Ga1G>(((: A #an! a #e#be* of a g*eat fa#i%-! went that he #ight *e1ei3e a ;ingdo# and *etu*n(+ K[Ga)AA>(((: A ;ing! a #e#be* of a g*eat fa#i%-! that went to *e1ei3e a ;ingdo#(+ K[91EG1F>(((: A 1e*tain #an! who was the son of a g*eat fa#i%-! (((+ 1C:12 And he 1a%%ed "R'-his ten s%a3es [R> of his own+ and ga3e the# ten .ounds: and said unto the#: >[R> 8o business+NHa3e use of the#&[P>

t*ade EwithF+> unti% 0 1o#e( 1C:1< KAnd the #en&[P> 5sons>+ of [G1> the+&his 1it- we*e hating hi#! and the- sent a#bassado*s afte* hi# "P'-and >[P> sa-ing+Nsaid to hi#& [Ga1G> sa-+>: >4e wou%d not that this E#anF shou%d *eign o3e* us& [Ga)-)>This Efe%%owF sha%% not be o3e* us EasF a ;ing(+>( K[R> And his 1itiDens we*e hating hi#! and did sent an e#bassafte* hi#! sa-ing: 4e do not wish this one to *eign o3e* us(+ 1C:1= KAnd when-"G1' he "G1> [P> had+ K*e1ei3ed the ;ingdo# and' *etu*ned he&[G1> EandF+ said that the- shou%d 1a%% to hi# those s%a3es of his to who# he had gi3en the si%3e*! that he #ight ;now what thehad t*aded( K1[R> And it 1a#e to .ass! on his 1o#ing ba1;! ha3ing ta;en the ;ingdo#! that he 1o##anded these se*3ants to be 1a%%ed to hi#! to who# he ga3e the #one-! that he #ight ;now what an- one had done in business(+ K)[P>((( obtained the *o-a%t-! and had *etu*ned! he 1o##anded those se*3ants to be 1a%%ed! to who# he had 1o##itted his #one-: that he #ight ;now what ea1h of the# had gained b- t*ading(+ 1C:1? And the fi*st 1a#e [R> nea*+ and said: --%o*d&$i*! -ou* .ound ten .ounds has gained( 1C:1@ [R> And+ he sa-s to hi#: 4e%% Eis thisF&[PR> done+! good s%a3e: Kthat&[R> be1ause+ in [R> a 3e*-+ %itt%e -ou >ha3e been found&[R> did be1o#e+> faithfu%: -ou sha%% >be set in&[PR> ha3e+> autho*it- o3e* ten towns( K[P>(((: as -ou ha3e been faithfu% o3e* a %itt%e! (((+ 1C:1A And >the se1ond&[G1> anothe*+> 1a#e [G1P> and+&EandF sa-s "PR> to hi#': --%o*d&$i*! -ou* .ound fi3e .ounds has #ade&[P> .*odu1ed+( 1C:1C [R> And+ he sa-s to hi#! K"P> to >that one&[G1> hi#+>' a%so& [P> %i;ewise+: "G1P'-And -ou a%so sha%% >be set in&[PR> ha3e+> autho*ito3e* fi3e towns( K[R>(((! 4e%% done! good se*3ant! be1ause in a 3e*- %itt%e -ou did be1o#e faithfu%! (((+ 1C:)G And anothe*&[G1> that othe*+ 1a#e and sa-s: [G1PR> %o*d&$i*!+ beho%d! [P> this is+ -ou* .ound whi1h "R'-was&[P> has been+ >with #e& [R> 0 had+>! %aid [P> u.+&[R> awa-+ in >a 1%oth&[P> fine %inen+>J 1C:)1 Po* 0 was af*aid of -ou! >in that&[PR> be1ause+> -ou a*e a ha*d& [R> auste*e+ #an! that&[R> -ou+ ta;e"s 5R' u. >that whi1h&[R> what+> -ou did not %a- down! and *ea.s >that whi1h&[R> what+> -ou did not sow( 1C:)) [R> And+ >his %o*d&[G1PR> he+> sa-s to hi#: P*o# -ou* EownF& [P> own+ #outh wi%% 0 Oudge -ou! >[P> -ou+ e3i% s%a3e "R> EandF faith%ess'&

[G1> faith%ess s%a3e+>( You did ;now #e-"R' that 0 a# a ha*d&[R> auste*e+ #an! and [P> that 0+ ta;e u. that whi1h 0 did not %a- down! and *ea.[ing 5R+ >that whi1h&[R> what+> 0 did not sowJ 1C:)2 [R> And+ >how is it -ou did&[G1PR> whe*efo*e did -ou+> not .ut& [R> gi3e+ #- si%3e*&[R> #one-+ "R> in'to the ban;&[P> b*o;e*>s hands+! Kand 0 then had 1o#e EandF *eMui*ed #ine own with usu*-I K[R>(((! and 0! ha3ing 1o#e! with inte*est #ight ha3e *e1ei3ed itI+ K[P>(((! that when 0 1a#e 0 #ight ha3e de#anded it with inte*estI+ 1C:)< And he said to those >standing b-&[P> that stood befo*e+> "R'-hi#: Ta;e f*o# hi# the .ound! and gi3e "R'-it to hi# >with who# a*e&[R> ha3ing the+> the ten .ounds( 1C:)= [PERF> [R> And+ the- sa- to hi#: 7ut-%o*d&$i*! >the*e a*e with hi#&[R> he has+> ten .ounds(+ 1C:)? [P> He sa-s to the#:+ Po* 0 sa- to -ou that [PR> to+ e3e*#an&[PR> one+ that has! K"G1> it sha%% be gi3en to hi# and' E#o*eF sha%% be added to hi#: and he that has not! >e3en that whi1h&[R> a%so what+ "G1PR> he su..oses that' he has sha%% be ta;en >f*o# hi#& [P> awa-+>( K[PERF>(((! sha%% be gi3en: and f*o# hi# that has not! ((( 1C:)@ K/ut ne3e*the%ess b*ing -ou hithe* those ene#ies of #ine whi1h wou%d not that 0 shou%d be ;ing o3e* the#! and ;i%% the# befo*e #e( K[PERF> /ut "R> as fo*' those #- ene#ies! who >wou%d not ha3e&[R> did not wish+> #e [R> to+ *eign o3e* the#! b*ing the#-[R> he*e+ and s%a- the#-"R' befo*e #e(+ 1C:)A@ And when&[R> ha3ing+ "R'-He&[Yeshua had+ said these things the-& [G1PR> He+ went >fo*th f*o# the*e&[R> on befo*e+>! >"R and when He was' going u.&[P> to go+> to Ye*usha%a-i#! 1C:)C KAnd [P> when He+ a**i3ed at /eit-Page-&[ > /eit-$.age-+ and /eit-An-ah! >and a**i3ed b-&[P> nea* to+> the ount >1a%%ed Ethe ountF of the 7%i3e-o*1ha*d&[G1> of 7%i3es+N[P> 1a%%ed the .%a1e of 7%i3es+>! He sent two of His Ta%#idi#! K[R> And it 1a#e to .ass! as He 1a#e nigh to ((( unto the #ount 1a%%ed 7f The 7%i3es! (((+ 1C:2G And&[R> Ha3ing+ said "R> to the#': Go [P> -ou+&[R> awa-+ to that&[PR> the+ 3i%%age [P> that is+ o3e* against "R'-us: >and when& [P> as+ -ou&[R> in whi1h+> ente*[ing into 5R+ EitF! beho%d-"PR'! -ou wi%% find a 1o%t tied&[R> bound+! >that no one has *idden on&[PERF> on whi1h no #an-[R> one of #en did+ e3e* [R> sit+-*ode+>! %oose EandF b*ing it [G1> he*e+( 1C:21 And if an- one&[P> #an+ as;s -ou! - 4he*efo*e a*e -ou %oosing it& [P> hi#+I [R> You sha%%+ sa- [G1R> thus+ to hi#: KPo* its 6o*d&5#aste*>

it is *eMui*ed( K[R>(((: The-6o*d&5Adonai> has need of it(+ K[P>(((: 7u* 6o*d needs hi#(+ 1C:2) And >the-&[G1EPRF> those-[P> the-+ that we*e sent+> went [R>awa-+ and [P> the-+ found "P> EitF so&[R> a11o*ding+'! [G1PR> as He said to the#+( 1C:22 KAnd >when the- as;ed the#&[G1ERF> whi%e [R> the- a*e+ %oosing the 1o%t+>! [R> its owne*s said unto the#: 4h- %oose -ou the 1o%tI+! K[P> And as the- %oosed the 1o%t! the owne* of hi# said to the#: 4h- do -ou %oose that 1o%tI+ 1C:2< KThe- >*etu*ned the# the answe* that&[G1> said to the#:+> fo* its 6o*d&5#aste*> it is *eMui*ed( K[PERF> And the- said: /e1ause-"R' ou*-[R> the+ 6o*d >needs hi#& [R> has need of it+>(+ 1C:2= And the- b*ought [R> it+Nthe 1o%t&[P> hi#+ unto Yeshua! and the[R> ha3ing+ 1ast u.on it&[PR> the 1o%t+ thei* 1%oa;s&[PR> ga*#ents+ and &[R> did+ #ounted&[PR> set+ Yeshua [G1EPFR> u.on [P> hi#+-it+: 1C:2? KAnd whi%e He was #o3ing a%ong [G1> and 1o#ing+ K[G1> and+ thewe*e st*ewing thei* 1%oa;s in the wa-( K1[PR>And as He went! the- s.*ead thei* ga*#ents in the wa-&.ath(+ K)[1f 3e*( )+ 1C:2@ And-"G1' when&[R> as+ the-&[PR> He+ d*ew nea* [R> now+ to&[R> at+ the des1ent of the K ount of >the 7%i3e-o*1ha*d&[G1R> 7%i3es+> a%% the #u%titude [G1> of His-[R> the+ Ta%#idi#+ began *eOoi1ing >and g%o*if-ing&[R> to .*aise+> E%ohi#&God with a %oud&[R> g*eat+ 3oi1e fo* e3e*-thing&[R> a%% the #ight- wo*;s+ "R'-that the- saw&[R> had seen+( K[P>((( .%a1e of 7%i3es! the who%e #u%titude of the Ta%#idi# began to *eOoi1e! and to .*aise E%ohi#&God! with a %oud 3oi1e! fo* a%% the #ight- deeds whi1h the- had seen(+ 1C:2A "R> And the- we*e' sa-ing: /%essed [R> EisF He+Nis&[P> be+ [4+the&[R> a+ Bing that&who 1o#es in the Na#e of The-67R8&YH9HJ $ha%o# in Hea3en! and G%o*- >in the highest&[Ge)@> on ea*th+N[P> on high+>J 1C:2C [PR> And+ so#e&[R> 1e*tain+ "PR'-fo%; of the P>*ushi#&[G1> .eo.%e+ f*o# a#ong-"R' that&[PR> the+ #u%titude sa- to Hi#: [P> Rabbi+& RabbanN[G1ERF> Pai*-"R' Tea1he*+! *ebu;e the#&[G1PR> You* Ta%#idi#+ "PR> that the- shou%d not 1*- out'( 1C:<G [R> And+ He [Ge)GA+-sa-s&[G1ERF> answe*ed and said+ to the#: A#aine-"R'( 0 sa- to -ou! [PR> that+ 0f these shou%d be si%ent K[Ge)GA> -et+ >[G1PR> the+&these> stones wou%d&[R> wi%%+ 1*- outJ K[1f 6u;e C:=A - G1+ 1C:<1@ And when&[P> as+ He d*ew nea*! and saw&[P> behe%d+ the Cit-! He we.t o3e* it!

1C:<) >And said&[R> $a-ing+>: KE3en if Kin this da-&[G1> to-da-+ -ou had then ;nown -ou* $ha%o# - J /ut [Ge)G@+-$ha%o#&[G1> 0t+ has been hidden f*o# -ou* e-es( K1[PERF>(((: 7-"R'! [R> 0f+ "R'-had -ou [R> did+ ;nown the things! [R> e3en -ou+! >that a*e of&[R> fo*+> -ou* sha%o#! at %east in this -ou* da-: but now the- a*e-[R> we*e+ hidden f*o# -ou* e-es(+ K1[Ge91>(((: 0f -ou had ;nown at %east this da- of -ou* sha%o#J /ut sha%o# is hid f*o# -ou* e-es(+ K[9)>(((: 4ou%d that -ou ;new (((+ K)[Ge)G@>((( to-da- this da- of -ou* sha%o#(((+-Eone 1od( o#( >to-da->F 1C:<2 Now&[PR> Po*+ "R'-the da-s wi%% 1o#e [PR> u.on -ou+ [R> and+Nthat &[P> when+ -ou* ene#ies wi%% K[R> 1ast a*ound -ou a *a#.a*t+! [R> and 1o#.ass a*ound+Nsu**ound&[P> en1o#.ass+ -ou! and "R'-wi%% [R> .*ess+N aff%i1t&[P> besiege+ -ou on e3e*- side! K[4>((( 1ast a fo*tifi1ation about thee! and su**ound thee! and .*ess in on thee f*o# a%% di*e1tions!+ 1C:<< And [P> the-+ wi%%-"R' [4> s%a-+&[R> %a-+No3e*tu*n&[P> dest*o-+ -ou [R>%ow+ "PR> u.on the g*ound' and -ou* 1hi%d*en within -ou: Kand "P'-the- sha%% not %ea3e in -ou a stone u.on a stone: be1ause -ou ;new not the da-&[R> ti#e+ of -ou* [R> 0ns.e1tion+NG*eatness&[G1P4> 9isitation+J K[Ga<1)>(((! the*e wi%% not be %eft in he* a stone on a stone! fo* that she ;new not the da- of he* G*eatness(+ 1C:<= And when He ente*ed [R> into+ the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! He began to >.ut fo*th&[P> eL.e%+> those K[A> who we*e+ se%%ing "A> in it Ethei*F' sa%e-"RA'! [R> and those bu-ing+( K[P>((( who bought and so%d in it(+ 1C:<? >And said&[R> $a-ing+> [PR> to the#+: 0t is&[R> has been+ 4*itten! - - House is&[A> sha%% be+ a House of P*a-e* "G1PR> fo* a%% the .eo.%es! but' -ou ha3e-"R' #ade it a den of *obbe*sJ 1C:<@ And He was tea1hing dai%- in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF: and&[R> but+ the head Cohani# and $1*ibes and&[R> a%so+ the E%de*s&[R> heads&5%eade*s>+N [4> fi*st #en+ of the .eo.%e we*e see;ing to dest*o- Hi#! 1C:<A And&[P> /ut+ the- we*e not finding what the- 1ou%d&[R> sha%%+ do "R> to Hi#': fo* a%% the .eo.%e we*e hanging "R> u.'on Hi#! >to hea*& [R> hea*ing+> Hi#( CHAPTER )G )G:1@ And "P> it 1a#e to .ass' on one of the&[R> those+ da-s! when [R> as+ He was tea1hing the .eo.%e in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF and >was announ1ing&[PR> .*o1%ai#ing+> [R> Good-News+&Ethe Good-NewsF! K[G1> and+ >the*e stood u. against&[P> 1a#e u.on+> Hi#-[R>EF+ the head"4' Cohani# and "P'-the $1*ibes "G1R> of the .eo.%e' >with&[G1>

and+> the E%de*s! K[1f 6;(1C:)!2?+ )G:) And "PR'-the- sa-&[R> s.o;e+ to Hi# [R> $a-ing+: >$a--to[R> Te%%+ us b- what autho*it- -ou do&[G1> /- what autho*it- do -ou+> these thingsI 7*&[P> And+ who is it [PR> that+ ga3e [R> to+ -ou this autho*it-I )G:2 [R> And+ He&[P> Yeshua+ sa-s&[G1PR> answe*ed and said+ to the#: 0 a%so - [R> 0+ wi%% as;&[R> Muestion+ -ou [R> one thing+&[G1P> a wo*d+: >sa- [P> -ou+ to&[R> and te%%+> e )G:< The #i;3eh&i##e*sion of Yo1hanan! f*o# Hea3en [G1> is+&was EitF! o* f*o# #enI )G:= Now&[G1PR> And+ the- >we*e thin;ing&[PR> *easoned+> "G1> a#ong& [PR> with+ the#se%3es'! and-"R' sa-ing&[P> said+: 0f we [R> sha%%+ sa"P> that it is' f*o# Hea3en! he wi%% sa- "R> to us'! And-"G1R' >how is it -ou&[PERF> wh-+> [R> then+-"A ' did [PR> -ou+ not be%ie3e hi#I )G:? - And if we [R> sha%%+ sa- "P> that it is' f*o# #en! a%% the .eo.%e wi%% be stoning us: fo* the- >ha3e been&[P> a*e+> .e*suaded "R'-about&[P> that+ Yo1hanan "PR> that he' [R> to be+Nis&[P> was+ a P*o.het( )G:@ [PR> And+ the- >sa- to Hi#&[R> answe*ed+>: >4e do not ;now& [R>that the- ;new not+> f*o# whe*e >it is&[R>EF+>( )G:A Yeshua sa-s to the#: "G1PR'-And neithe* do 0 sa- to -ou bwhat autho*it- 0 do these things( )G:C And He began to sa- to the#&[PR> the .eo.%e+ this si#i%itude& .a*ab%e: A 1e*tain #an .%anted a 3ine-a*d [G1> and su**ounded it with a hedge+ and >%et-[R> ga3e+ it out&[P> %eased it+> to husband#en and >de.a*ted&[PR> went ab*oad+> fo* a %ong ti#e( )G:1G And >[R> at the+Nat one of the&[P> in+> [R> season+&ti#e"s 5P' he sent his&[R> a+ s%a3e unto the husband#en! that the- shou%d gi3e [R>to+ hi# of the f*uit"s 5R' of the 3ine-a*d( >And the-&[PR> /ut the husband#en+> beat hi# and sent hi#-[R>EF+ awa- e#.t-( )G:11 And he >went on&[PR> added+> and [P> he+ sent anothe* s%a3e "PR> of his'! Kand this&[G1> that+ one a%so the- wounded( K[PERF>(((! and hi#-[R> that one+ a%so the- beat! and >t*eated with *udeness&[R> dishono*ed+>! and sent awa- e#.t-(+ )G:1) [G1> And he sent anothe*! a thi*d! and hi# a%so with st* Kthe- .ut fo*th(+ K1[PERF> And he added >and he sent the&[R> to send a+> thi*d [R> se*3ant&s%a3e+( And the- [R> a%so+ wounded hi#-[R> this one+! and [R> did+ 1ast "R'-hi# out(+ K)[G)> and .ut hi# fo*th+-Ethe *est of 3e*( 1) is %ost in G) th*ough ho#oeoteutonF )G:12 [R> And+ sa-s the #aste*&5owne*> of the 3ine-a*d: 4hat sha%% 0

doI 0 wi%% send >#- Kbe%o3ed son&[G1> #- son! #- be%o3ed+>: .e*1han1e the- wi%% ha3e *e3e*en1e fo* hi#( K[R>((( son - the be%o3ed! .e*ha.s ha3ing seen this one! thewi%% do *e3e*en1e(+ K[P>((( dea* son( Pe*ha.s the- wi%% %oo; u.on hi#! and be asha#ed(+ )G:1< [R> And+NNow&[P> /ut+ when the husband#en saw hi#! the- >we*e thin;ing&[PR> *easoned with the#se%3es+> "R'-and sa-ing&[P> said+: This is the hei*: 1o#e! >%et us&[R> we sha%%+> ;i%% hi#! and&[R> that+ the inhe*itan1e wi%% be[1o#e 5R+ ou*s( )G:1= And the- .ut&[PR> 1ast+ hi# fo*th-"PR' out[side 5R+ of the 3ine-a*d and #u*de*ed hi#( 4hat [PR> the*efo*e+ wi%% the %o*d of the 3ine-a*d do to the#I )G:1? [G1> The- sa-:+ he wi%% "G1P'-1o#e "G1'-and wi%%-"G1R' dest*o[G1> the+&those husband#en! and wi%% gi3e&[P> %ease+ the 3ine-a*d to othe*s( "G1'-Now&[PR> And+ when the- hea*d "PR> these things' the- sa-: "PR> Pa* be it! and' [R> 6et+ it&[P> this+ "R'-sha%% not beJ [G1> Po* the- ;new that about the# He said this si#i%itude&.a*ab%e(+ )G:1@ KNow He %oo;ed u.on the# and said: "G1R'-And what Kindeed is this that is 4*itten: The $tone that the bui%de*s *eOe1ted! 0t has be1o#e the Head of the [G1> 1o*ne*+&bui%dingI K1[PERF> And He %oo;ed u.on the#! and said: 4hat [R> then+ is that-[R> this+ whi1h is-[R> has been+ w*itten - The-[R> A+ $tone! whi1h&that the bui%de*s *eOe1ted! >is be1o#e the 1hief 1o*ne* stone&[R> this be1a#e head of a 1o*ne*+>I+ K)[indeed+-Ewashed out in G) -1f 6; 1?:11! )):@GF )G:1A K>Po*-"R' e3e*- [R> one+-#an&[P> And whoe3e*+> that&who sha%% fa%% u.on that&[P> this+ $tone sha%% be shatte*ed&[PR> b*o;en+: and who#soe3e* 0t sha%% fa%% u.on! 0t sha%% 1*ush hi# [P> in .ie1es+( K[fo* Ga11! see att( )1:<<+ )G:1C And the head Cohani# and [R> the+ $1*ibes had-"PR' sought to %ahands u.on Hi# in that "PR> 3e*- sa#e' hou*! K"G1> fo* thehad ;nown that against the# He said EthisF&[PR> this si#i%itude+': and the[G1> had been+&we*e af*aid "R> of the .eo.%e'( K[see 3s( 1?: this state#ent %ast in R in 3s(1C+ )G:)G And afte*wa*ds-"P' the- sent [P> to Hi#+ s.ies >that the#ight& [P> who+> feign[ed 5P+ being&[P> the#se%3es+ *ighteous [P> #en+! that the- #ight >ta;e ho%d of&[P> insna*e+> Hi# >with a wo*d&[P> in dis1ou*se+> Kand de%i3e* Hi# u. to [P> a 1ou*t! and to+&[G1> the Oudge#ent and+N[R> the *u%e and+ [G1PR> the autho*it- of+ the Go3e*no*( K1[R> And! ha3ing wat1hed EHi#F! the- sent fo*th %ie*s in wait! feigning the#se%3es to be *ighteous! that the- #ight ta;e ho%d of His wo*d! to de%i3e* (((+

K)[4>((( in o*de* to tu*n Hi# o3e* to the go3e*n#ent and autho*itof the .*o1onsu%(+ )G:)1 And the- as;ed&[PR> Muestioned+ Hi# >and sa- to Hi#&[R> sa-ing+>: Tea1he*! we ;now that 1o**e1t%- -ou s.ea; and tea1h! and K-ou"PR' ha3e no *es.e1t of .e*sons "P> fo* an- one'! but in t*uth the wo*d&[PR> wa-+ of E%ohi#&God [R> do+&-ou-"P' tea1h: K[R>((( do not a11e.t a .e*son! (((+ K[4>((( -ou do not *e1ei3e the fa1e! (((+ )G:)) 0s it %awfu% fo* us to gi3e&[P> .a-+ [R> t*ibute+&head-#oneto Caesa*! o* notI )G:)2 And&[P> /ut+ He Hi#se%f-"PR' [R> ha3ing+ .e*1ei3ed thei* >i%%-wi%%&[PR> 1*aftiness+> and-"R' said "PR> to the#': "A> 4hte#.t -ou e'I )G:)< $how e a dena*ius: the i#age [G1> with+&and the ins1*i.tion whose it is the*eonI And-"P' the- "P> showed Hi# and' [R> answe*ing+ sa- "R> to Hi#': [R> 7f+ Caesa*">s 5R'( )G:)= [R> And+ He&[P> Yeshua+ sa-s to the#: KGi3e what EisF Caesa*>s to Caesa*! and God>s to God&E%ohi#( K[PEERF>(((: Then! gi3e [R> ba1;+ to Caesa* >what is&[R> the things of+> Caesa*">s 5R'! and to God >what is&[R> the things of+> God">s 5R'(+ )G:)? KAnd the- we*e not ab%e to ta;e ho%d of His wo*d&sa-ing befo*e the .eo.%e! and the- wonde*ed at His&[G1>the+ answe* and ;e.t si%en1e( K[P> And the- 1ou%d not 1at1h f*o# Hi# a wo*d Eof a11usationF befo*e the .eo.%e: and the- we*e su*.*ised at His answe*s! and we*e si%ent(+ K[4> And the- we*e not ab%e to 1*iti1ise His wo*d befo*e the (((+ )G:)@@ And >the*e d*ew nea*&[P> EthenF 1a#e+> so#e&[R> 1e*tain+ fo%;-"PR' of the TD>du;i#! those-"PR' that&who sa-&[R> a*e den-ing+ that-"P' the*e is >no *esu**e1tion&[R> a *ising again Eof the deadF+! and >the- as;ed&[PR> Muestioned+> Hi#! )G:)A >And sa- to Hi#&[R> $a-ing+>: Tea1he*! oshe w*ote fo*& [PR> to+ us! that-"R' if a&[R> an-+ #an>s b*othe* [R> sha%%+ die K>not ha3ing& [G1> and ha3e no+> sons and he %ea3e a wife! [Ge+->his b*othe* sha%% ta;e his wife&[G1>he sha%% ta;e his b*othe*>s wife+> that he #a*aise u. seed to his b*othe*( K[PERF>((( who had a wife >without 1hi%d*en&[R> and he sha%% die 1hi%d%ess+>! [R> that+ his Esu*3i3ingF b*othe* sha%% ta;e his-[R> the+ wife! and [R> sha%%+ *aise u. seed to his Ede1easedF b*othe*(+ )G:)C [P> Now+ the*e we*e [R> then+ se3en b*othe*s [G1> b- us+ [PR> and+ the fi*st too; a wife and died without sons&[PERF> 1hi%d*en+! )G:2G And >his b*othe*&[G1EPRF> a-[PR> the+ se1ond+> Ktoo; that wo#an&[PERF> >he* to&[R> the+ wife+: [G1PR> and+ he a%so-"PR'

died without sons&[PERF> 1hi%d*en+( K[A> Eo#its the *est of the 3e*seF+ )G:21 [PERF> And "R'-again the+NThe&[G1> And a+ thi*d a%so-"PR' too; he*! and [G1> thus+&[PERF> in %i;e #anne* "R'-a%%+ the se3en K"PR> of the#' a%so-"G1' "P> too; he*' and [PR> the-+ died! >not ha3ing %eft he* sons&[PERF> and %eft no 1hi%d*en+>( K[A >((( a%so %eft no 1hi%d*en(+ )G:2) >And that wo#an a%so has died&[PERF> At&[R> And+ %ast [R> of a%%+! the wo#an %i;ewise-[R> a%so+ died(+> )G:22 K0n the Resu**e1tion&[R> Rising Again+ [PR> the*efo*e+ whose& [PERF> of whi1h+ of the# sha%%&[R> does+ she be[1o#e 5R+ [PERF> "R'-the wife+I KPo* beho%d! [G1> the wo#an+ EwifeF of the se3en of the# she be1a#e( 1K[Ga1?@>The- sa- to Hi#: /eho%d! the wife she was of a%% of the#( in the C7 0NG T7 60PE 7P THE 8EA8 whose EwifeF of the# wi%% she beI+-EThe wo*ds f*o# att( )):)A-2) in Ga a*e gi3en in 1a.ita%sF )K[R>(((I Po* the se3en had he* as wife(+ )K[P>(((I Po* the the se3en too; he*(+ )G:2< KYeshua >sa-s to the#&[G1> answe*ed and said+>: The sons [Ge1C<> of the ti#es+ of this wo*%d beget and a*e begotten! and ta;e wi3es! and Ewo#enF be1o#e the wi3es of #en! K[Ga1?@> Then said ou* 6o*d to the#: SCH 87 Y7S ERR! AN8 [Ga-a> that+ Y7S BN74 N7T THE $CR0PTSRE$ N7R THE P74ER 7P E67H0 &G78(+ K[R> And Yeshua answe*ing said to the#: The sons of this age do #a**- and a*e gi3en in #a**iage!+ K[P> Yeshua said to the#: The 1hi%d*en of this wo*%d ta;e wi3es! and wi3es a*e gi3en to husbands(+ )G:2= K"Ga<)C'-/ut&[Ga1?@> Po*+ the- whi1h that wo*%d ha3e been wo*th>to *e1ei3e&[G1Ga)-)Ge1C<> of+>! and that Resu**e1tion f*o# a#ong the dead! a*e not K#en ta;ing wi3es! no* wo#en be1o#ing Ewi3esF of #en: K1[PERF> /ut the- >who a*e&[R>a11ounted+> wo*th- of-[R> to obtain+ that wo*%d-[R> age+! and of-"R' the Resu**e1tion-[R> Rising Again that is+> f*o#-[R> out of+ the dead! do not >ta;e wi3es&[R> #a**-+>! no* a*e wi3es-[R> the-+ gi3en >to husbands&[R> gi3en in #a**iage+>(+ K)[G)GaEbF1?@+->#en-"GaEaF1?@'> ta;ing [Ga<)C> wo#en+wi3es! no*& "G1'+ )G:2? K>No* 1an the-&[Ga)-)> be1ause the- 1annot+> die [PR> an-#o*e+: Kfo* the- >ha3e been #ade eMua% with&[PR> a*e as&%i;e+> the ange%s!

Kas "G1> the sons of E%ohi#&God! Ee3enF' sons of the Resu**e1tion( K1[4> Po* the- a*e not ab%e -et to die: fo* the- a*e %i;e the ange%s! and sons of God! being sons of the Resu**e1tion(+ K)[Ga)-)> be1ause-[Ga<)C> but+ A$ THE ANGE6$ THEY ARE of E67H0 & G78 [GaEbF<)C> 0N HEA9EN++ K2[R>(((! and the- a*e sons of E%ohi#&God! being sons of the Rising Again(+ K2[Ga1?@>(((! and sons of the Resu**e1tion+ K2[Ga<)C>(((! and sons of E%ohi#&God+ K2[P>(((! and a*e the 1hi%d*en of E%ohi#&God! be1ause the- a*e 1hi%d*en of the Resu**e1tion(+ )G:2@ >Now 1on1e*ning&[PERF> /ut-[R> And+ that+> Kthe dead "PR> that the-' >wi%% *ise&[R> a*e *aised+> K oshe a%so has #ade 1%ea*! when E%ohi#&God s.o;e with hi# f*o# the bush Kand said: The YH9H&The-67R8! the God of A3*aha#! and-"P' the God of YitD1ha;! and the God of Ya,a;o3: K1[Ga> (((THE RE$SRRECT07N that the dead wi%% *ise(((+ K)[Ga1?@>((( HA9E Y7S N7T REA8 >0N THE $CR0PTSRE&-[X ;+> THAT G78& E67H0 $A08 to oshe f*o# the /ush:(((+ K[4>((( oshe a%so #entioned at the /ush! when 5H>e sa-s: (((+ K)[PERF>((( e3en oshe showed: "R'-fo*! at the /ush! >he #a;es #ention! whi%e he sa-s&[R> sin1e he does 1a%%+>:(((+ K2[Ga>(((: 0 A the God of A3*aha# and of YitD1ha; and of Ya,a;o3+ )G:2A K>"Ga<)G'-And&[GaEaF1?A> who EisF+> beho%d! the God not of the dead! [GaEaF1?A+->but of the %i3ing>-"Ga1?A'! "GaEaF1?A> fo*& [Ga<)G> be1ause+ the- a*e a%% %i3ing to Hi#'( K[R> And He is not a God of dead #en! but of %i3ing! fo* a%% %i3e to Hi#(+ K[P> Now E%ohi#&God is not Ethe GodF of the dead! (((! fo* thea%% %i3e to Hi#(+ )G:2C [PR> And+ so#e&[R> 1e*tain+ of the ETo*ahF Tea1he*s&5$1*ibes> [PR> answe*ed and+ sa- "R> to Hi#': Tea1he*! we%% >sa- You& [G1P> ha3e You said&s.o;en+>J )G:<G KAnd >not again&[R> no #o*e+> did the- da*e >to as;& [R>Muestion+> Hi# an-thing( K[P> And the- did not again 3entu*e to Muestion Hi#! on an#atte*(+ )G:<1@ And He was sa-ing [P> a%so+ to the#: How [R> do the-+ sa- "R>the $1*ibes about' the essiah! >that He is&[R> to be+> the $on of 8a3idI )G:<) And 8a3id hi#se%f has-"PR' said in the $1*o%% of [G1> his+& the-"PR' Psa%#s: The-67R8&YH9H said to #--6o*d&5Adonai>! - >$it down on &[PR> seat Th-se%f at+> - *ight hand! )G:<2 Snti% 0 [P4> sha%%+ [R4> #a;e+N%a-&[P> .%a1e+ Thine ene#ies [R> -ou* footstoo%+N[G1> as the footstoo%+ "R> unde* Th- feet'( )G:<< 0f-"R' the*efo*e 8a3id [R> does+ 1a%%[ed 5P+ Hi# - #--6o*d& 5Adonai>: [R> and+ how is He his sonI

)G:<= And "R'-whi%e a%% the .eo.%e "R'-we*e hea*ing! He said to His Ta%#idi#: )G:<? /ewa*e of the $1*ibes that&who Kwish to wa%; in .o*1hes! and %o3e g*eeting in the st*eets and the hono*ab%e seats in the s-nagogues and the 1hief ente*tain#ents at su..e*s! K[PER4F>((( 1hoose-[R> a*e wishing+ to wa%; in "4'-%ong *obes! and %o3e a-"R' sa%utation[s 5R+ in the st*eets-[R> #a*;ets+! and "R'-the 1hief&[R> fi*st+ seats in the s-nagogues! and "R'-the 1hief-[R> fi*st+ 1ou1hes at [R> the+ su..e*s!+ )G:<@ And&[PR> 4ho+ eat u. the houses of [R> the+ widows! Kin the .*eteLt that the- a*e %engthening thei* .*a-e*s - and-"G1' thethe#se%3es sha%% *e1ei3e the #o*e Oudge#ent( K[PERF>(((! unde*-[R> fo* a+ .*eten1e >that the- .*o%ong thei*& [R> #a;e %ong+> .*a-e*s( The- wi%% *e1ei3e >a g*eate* 1onde#nation& [R> #o*e abundant Oudge#ent+>(+ K[4>(((! and .*a- %ong th*ough .*eteLt: the- sha%% (((+ CHAPTER )1 )1:1 KAnd He&[P> Yeshua+ >%ifted u. His e-es and saw&[P> %oo;ed u.on+> the *i1h "G1P> that we*e' 1asting&[P> who 1ast+ thei* offe*ings into the T*easu*-: K[R> And ha3ing %oo;ed u.! He saw those who did 1ast thei* gifts to the t*easu*- - *i1h #en:+ )1:) And He saw a [G1PR> 1e*tain+ .oo* widow a%so! "R'-that& [G1> and she+ 1ast[ing 5R+ in&[R> the*e+ two #ites( )1:2 [PR> And+ He sa-s: [G1> 0n+&The t*uth 0 sa- to -ou! that this .oo* widow has 1ast in #o*e than >a%% "R> of the#'&[P> an-one+>: )1:< KPo* these of what [G1> is+&was abundant to the# 1ast into the [G1> offe*to*-+&T*easu*- EasF an offe*ing>! but this Ewo#anF of what is %a1;ing to he* - a%% that she was .ossessing - 1ast in( K[P> Po* a%% the-! f*o# what was su.e*f%uous-[R> su.e*abundan1e+ to the#! ha3e 1ast into the >*e1e.ta1%e of ob%ations&[R> gifts& 5offe*ings>+> "A> to-[R> of+ E%ohi#&God': but she-[R> this one+! f*o# he* .enu*--[R> want+! has 1ast in a%% [R> the %i3ing+ that she .ossessed-[R> had+(+ )1:=@ And >when so#e&[R> 1e*tain+> said of the Te#.%e that with Kfai* stones and with-"PR' offe*ings-[R> de3oted things+ it was ado*ned! He& [P> Yeshua+ sa-s [G1> to the#+: K[9)>((( beautifu% and g*eat stones it was ado*ned! (((+ )1:? "PR> $ee -ou' these [G1> stones+&[PERF>things on whi1h -ou gaDe!+I The da-s wi%% 1o#e that-[R> in whi1h+ the*e wi%% not be %eft "R'he*e& [G1Ge<<> in it+ a stone u.on a stone that wi%%&[P> is+ not >be .u%%ed down&[PR> 1ast down+>( )1:@ And the- had-"G1PR' as;ed&[PR> Muestioned+ Hi# and sa"PR> to

Hi#': Tea1he*! when [R> then+ sha%% these things be: and what EisF the sign Kwhat Eti#eF these things begin to beI K[R>((( when these things sha%%&5#a-> be about to ha..enI+ K[P>((( that the- a*e nea* to ta;e .%a1eI+ )1:A Now&[PR> And+ He said "R> to the#': $ee >%est -ou go ast*a-&[P> that -ou be not de1ei3ed+>( Po* #an- wi%% 1o#e in - Na#e! and wi%% sa- - 50>&5i> a# He&[P> essiah+: and! -The ti#e >has d*awn&[P> is+> nea*( "A'-[P> /ut+ do not go afte* the#( K[RE4F> $ee - -ou #a-&shou%d not be %ed ast*a-! fo* #an- sha%% 1o#e in - Na#e! sa-ing - 50>&5i> a# EHeF-[4> He+! and the ti#e has 1o#e nigh: go [4> -ou+ not "4> on then' afte* the#(+ )1:C KAnd >what Eti#eF&[PR> when+> -ou [PR> sha%%+ hea* of wa*[s 5PR+ and [R> u.*isings+Ntu#u%t&[P4> 1o##otions+! be not af*aid: fo* Kthese things a*e >fi*st about to be&[P> .*e3ious%- to ta;e .%a1e+>! but not -et >has the %ast a**i3ed&[P> is the end 1o#e+>( K1[Po* Ga<1@! see on att )<:?+ K[R>((( it is-ne1essa*- these things to ha..en fi*st! but the end EisF not i##ediate%-(+ )1:1G [R> Then said He to the#+: "R'-Po*-"Ga122' .eo.%e&nation wi%% *ise u.-"R' against .eo.%e&nation! and ;ingdo# against ;ingdo#: )1:11 KAnd Ethe*e wi%% beF&[P> wi%% o11u*+ g*eat ea*thMua;es in 3a*ious&[P> se3e*a%+ .%a1es! and .esti%en1es&[P> #o*ta%ities+ [G1> in 3a*ious .%a1es+! and fa#ines: and the*e wi%% be te**o*s! [P> and t*e.idations+! "P> f*o# 5H>ea3en' and g*eat signs [P> f*o# Hea3en+ wi%% be seen! "G1> and [P> the*e wi%% be+ g*eat winte*-sto*#s&[P> te#.ests+'( K[R> G*eat sha;ings a%so in e3e*- .%a1e! and fa#ines! and .esti%en1es! the*e sha%% be: fea*fu% things a%so! and g*eat signs f*o# 5H>ea3en the*e sha%% be(+ K[Ga122> And the*e wi%% be fa#ines and .esti%en1es and te**o*s f*o# 5H>ea3en+ )1:1) K[R> And+NNow&[P> /ut+ befo*e a%% these "R'-things the- wi%% %a[R> thei*+ hands u.on -ou! and .e*se1ute "R'--ou! "R> and wi%%' de%i3e*[ing 5R+ -ou-"R' u. [4>in+to "PR'-the&[4> thei*+ s-nagogues&[P> 51oun1i%s>+ and "R'-to .*ison[s 5R+! "R> and "P'-the- wi%%' >[R> being b*ought+Nb*ing -ou u.&[P> a**aign -ou+> befo*e ;ings and go3e*no*s! fo* &[P4> on a11ount of+ - Na#e">s sa;e 5P4'( K1)-1<[Ga> And again He taught us: 4hene3e* the- b*ing -ou u. befo*e the *u%ing .owe*s and befo*e autho*ities and befo*e ;ings 5and> *u%e*s of the wo*%d! do not #editate befo*e the ti#e what -ou sha%% s.ea; and how -ou sha%% #a;e eL1use+ )1:12 [R> And+NNow&[P> /ut+ it sha%% be[1o#e 5R+ fo*&[PR> to+ -ou [PR> fo*+ a testi#on-! "G1PR> Ee3enF this'( )1:1< KAnd-"R' set&[PERF> sett%e "R'-it+ [R> then to+&in -ou*

hea*ts! "R> that -ou sha%%' not Kbe tea1hing -ou*se%3es to #a;e eL1use( K1[4> P%a1e it in -ou* hea*ts! not to .*e#editate -ou* defense: -+ K)[R>((( to #editate befo*e hand to *e.%-( -+ K)[P>((( .*e3ious%- see; inst*u1tion fo* #a;ing a defen1e( -+ )1:1= Po*&[Ga> And+ 0 -se%f-"PR4' wi%% gi3e [R> to+ -ou a-"4' #outh and wisdo# Ksu1h that a%% -ou* ene#ies 1annot stand u. against [G1>-ou+ &it( K[R>((( that a%% -ou* o..ose*s sha%% not be ab%e to *efute o* *esist(+ K[P>((( whi1h a%% -ou* ene#ies wi%% be unab%e to withstand(+ K[Ga>((( su1h that -ou* ene#ies wi%% not be ab%e to 1onMue* -ou! be1ause not -ou a*e s.ea;ing but >the Ho%- $.i*it&Rua1h HaBodesh> of -ou* Pathe* - 0t-5He> s.ea;s in -ou+-Esee a%so 6;(1):11-1)F )1:1? [G1> Po*+&[PR> And+ -ou*&[R> a%so b-+ [GaPR> .a*ents+&;insfo%;! and "R'--ou* b*othe*s! and -ou*-"R' *e%ations&[Ga> fa#i%-+! and -ou*-"R' f*iends! wi%% de%i3e* -ou u.! and Kthe- wi%% .ut "R'-so#e of -ou to death! K[P>((( and 1ause so#e of -ou to die(+ )1:1@ And >-ou wi%% be hated b- [R> a%%+-e3e*-one&[Ga> e3e*- one wi%% be hating -ou+> [R> be1ause of+Nfo*&[P> on a11ount of+ - Na#e">s sa;e 5PR' [Ga> e3en ine+! )1:1A K[G1> And not one %o1; of the hai* of -ou* head sha%% .e*ish(+ K[PERF> /ut-[R> And+ a hai* [R> out+ of -ou* head sha%% not .e*ish(+ )1:1C "R4'-/ut&[G1> Po*+N[P> And+ in&[P> b-+ [PR4> -ou*+ .atien1e "R4> -ou sha%%' [4> gain+N.ossess&[P> .*ese*3e+ [R> -ou+ -ou* [G1>%i3es+& %ifeN[PR4> sou%s+( )1:)G >Now what Eti#eF -ou ha3e seen&[PR> And when -ou sha%% see+> Ye*usha%a-i# Kwith an-a*#-&[R> en1a#.#ents+ su**ounding it! [PR> then+ ;now [P> -ou+ that [4> he*+Nits&[R> did he*+ >deso%ation "R'-has 1o#e& [P> dest*u1tion d*aws+> nigh( K[4>((( shut u. b- the a*#ies! (((+ )1:)1 KAnd the- that a*e in Y>hudah %et the# f%ee&[4> f%-+ to the hi%%-E1ount*-F! and the- within it %et the# go fo*th f*o# it! and the[G)>TK>and5KT+ in the 3i%%ages %et the# not ente* it: K[PER4F> Then %et the# "R> who sha%%' be in Y>hudah! f%ee to the #ountain[s 5R+ Edist*i1tF: and %et the#! who a*e in the-[R> he*+ #idst of >it&EYe*usha%a-i#F>! >f%ee awa-&[R> de.a*t out+>: and those in the [4> 1ount*-+-fie%ds-[R> 1ount*ies+! [R> %et the#+ not ente* [R> into+ it&[R> he*+(+ )1:)) K/e1ause the da-s a*e Eda-sF of *eMuita%! that a%% what&[G1> that whi1h+ is 4*itten #a- be 1o#.%eted( K[PER4F> Po* these a*e da-s of 3engean1e! to [4> fi%% u.+1o#.%ete a%% >that is&[R> things that ha3e been+> 4*itten(+ )1:)2 [R> And+NNow&[P> /ut+ woe&o- to the# [P> that a*e+ with

1hi%d! and to the# "R'-that "PR'-a*e "P'-gi3ing nu*se [P> 1hi%d*en+ in those da-sJ Po* the*e&[P> then+ wi%% be g*eat dist*ess K"G1> in the %and& ea*th'! and [Ga> the*e wi%% 1o#e+ "G1GaPR'-st*ong w*ath against& [PR> u.on+ [Ga> that+&this .eo.%e! K[Ge)1<> (((the*e sha%% be anguish unto this .eo.%e+ )1:)< And the- wi%% fa%% b- the edge&[PR> #outh+ of the swo*d! and "PR'-the- "P'-sha%% be ta;en&[R> %ed+ [P> awa-+ 1a.ti3e >to a%% the nations-5go-i#>&[G1> e3e*-whe*e+N[P> e3e*- .%a1e+>( And Ye*usha%a-i# wi%% be t*a#.%ed&t*odden on&[PR> down+ b- "R> a%% the' nations&5go-i#& genti%es> unti% the ti#e of "R'-the nations&5go-i#&genti%es> [P> sha%%+ be a11o#.%ished&[PR> 1o#.%eted+( )1:)= Now&[G1PR> And+ the*e wi%% be signs in "R'-the sun! and "R> in the' #oon! and "R> in the' sta*s: and dist*ess&[4> 1o##otion+ >[PRE4F> of [4> the+ go-i#&nations+> in&[PR> on+N[4> of+ the ea*th&%and "R&9)'Kand > of the hands>&i**eso%utionN[G1> s%a1;ness of the hands+>! >[P> f*o# astonish#ent at the noise of the sea+&and a sound "G1> %i;e that' of the sea> "P> of the nations&5go-i#>&genti%es>': K[4>((( in thei* .e*.%eLit-! the sea and the wa3es *oa*ing:+ K[9)>((( and in tu#u%t! (((+ K[R>((( and with .e*.%eLit-! sea and bi%%ow *oa*ing:+ K[see: Phi%oLenus )A1&))+ )1:)? KAnd a t*e#b%ing >that sends fo*th the %i3es of #en&[G1> and the %i3es of #en wi%% go fo*th+> fo* fea* of that whi1h is about to 1o#e on the ea*th! and the .owe*s of 5h>ea3en&[G1> 5of E%ohi#&God>+ wi%% t*e#b%e( K[4> The sou%s of #en fai%ing f*o# fea*! and eL.e1tation of those things (((+ K[R> en fainting at hea*t f*o# fea* and eL.e1tation of the things 1o#ing on the wo*%d! fo* the .owe*s of the 5h>ea3ens sha%% be sha;en(+ K[P> And dis#a- that d*i3es out the sou%s of #en! f*o# fea* of that whi1h is to 1o#e on the ea*th: and the .owe*s&[P> 5a*#ies>+ of 5H>ea3en wi%% be #o3ed(+ )1:)@ And then the- sha%% see the $on of #an 1o#ing in the&[R> a+ 1%oud"s 5R' with "R'-#u1h Powe*&[P> Esee .owe*s 3()?F+! and "R'-with [P> g*eat+&[R> #u1h+ G%o*-( )1:)A KNow what Eti#eF these things ha3e begun to be! %oo; out and %ift u. -ou* heads! be1ause -ou* *ede#.tion&[P> de%i3e*an1e+ >has d*awn&[P> d*aws+> nigh( K[RE4F>And these things beginning to ha..en >bend -ou*se%3es ba1; -[4> st*aighten u.+> and %ift u. -ou* heads! be1ause -ou*

*ede#.tion >does d*aw-[4> is+> nigh(+ K[P> And when these things sha%% begin to be! ta;e 1ou*age! and %ift u. (((+ )1:)C@ And He >was sa-ing&[R> s.o;e+> to the# this&[PR> a+ si#i%itude& .a*ab%e: $ee&[P> 6oo; at+ the fig-t*ee and a%% the t*ees! )1:2G KThat what Eti#eF the- ha3e begun .utting fo*th 5Ethei* %ea3esF> and gi3ing thei* f*uit -ou unde*stand that the su##e* has d*awn nea*( K[R> 4hen the- sha%% now 1ast fo*th! ha3ing seen! of -ou*se%3es -ou ;now that now is the su##e* nigh(+ K[P> 4hen the- bud fo*th! -ou at on1e unde*stand f*o# the# that su##e* a..*oa1hes(+ )1:21 $o -ou a%so! >what Eti#eF&[PR> when+> -ou >ha3e seen&[PR> sha%% see a%%+> these things >[R>ha..ening+N1o#ing to .ass&[P4> ta;e .%a1e+>! >;now -ou&[RE4F> -ou-"4' ;now+> that the Bingdo# of Hea3en& [PR4> God+ is nea* [91EG1F> at hand+( )1:2) A#aine( 0 sa- to -ou! "R'-that this gene*ation&[4> *a1e+ wi%% not .ass awa-! unti% a%% "R> these things' [R> sha%% ha3e 1o#e to .ass+ Nbe&[P> o11u*+N[E4F> be fi%%ed&1o#.%ete+( )1:22 [4> /ut+ [R> The+ Hea3en and [R> the+ ea*th sha%% .ass awa-: and& [R4> but+ - 4o*d"s 5P4' wi%%&[4> 1an+ not .ass awa-( )1:2< >Now bewa*e in&[PERF> [R> And+-[4> /ut+ ta;e heed to+> -ou*se%3es that&[R> %est+ -ou* hea*ts Kdo not [G1> e3e*+ be1o#e hea3- with the eating of f%esh and with the intoLi1ation of wine and with the anLietof the wo*%d! and that da- [R> 5sha%%>&5shou%d>+ 1o#e "R> u. u.'on -ou sudden%-: K[4>((( #a- be bu*dened with %uLu*-! and d*un;enness! and wo*%d%1a*es! and that da- #a- 1o#e on -ou unanti1i.ated(+ K[R>((( #a- be weighted down with su*feiting! and d*un;enness! and anLieties of %ife! (((+ K[P>((( be at no ti#e! stu.efied b- g%utton- and eb*iet- and wo*%d%- 1a*e: so that da- 1o#e u.on -ou unawa*es(+ )1:2= KPo* as a [P> hunte*>s+ sna*e it wi%% 1o#e&[P> s.*ing+ u.on a%% the# "G1> that sit&[PERF> dwe%%+' u.on the K>[G1PR4> fa1e+&su*fa1eN 5#outh>> of [R> a%%+ the [P4> who%e+ ea*th&%and( K[4> Po* as a %asso it wi%% 1o#e u.on a%% the .eo.%e who a*e sitting down u.on the (((+ KEthe .h*ase a%so o11u*s in Uosh( $t-%itesKK! .g( )?-[=+F )1:2? K/e -ou wa;efu%&[P> 3igi%ant+ the*efo*e at a%% ti#es! [P> and .*a-e*fu%+: "P> and be see;ing' that -ou #a- be wo*th- to f%ee& [P> es1a.e+ >f*o# these&[P> the+> things that a*e >about to be&[P> a*e to ta;e .%a1e+>! and "P> that -ou' #a- stand befo*e the $on of #an(


K[4> The*efo*e! wat1h! .*a-ing a%% the ti#e! that -ou #a- (((+ K[R> 4at1h! -ou then! in e3e*- season! .*a-ing that -ou #a-

a11ounted wo*th-&[A> ha3e st*ength+> to es1a.e a%% these things that a*e about to 1o#e to .ass! and to stand befo*e the $on of #an(+ )1:2@ And in&[R> du*ing+ the [R> da-s+&da-[ti#e 5P+ He was tea1hing in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! and in&[R> du*ing+ the night"s 5G1P' He >was"R' going fo*th&[P> went out+> [G1P> and+&EandFN[R> was+ %odging& [P>%odged+ in&[R> at+ the ount 1a%%ed "R'-Ethe ountF&[P> the P%a1e+ of "PR'-the 7%i3e-o*1ha*d&[PR> 7%i3es+( )1:2A And a%% the .eo.%e >we*e [R> 1o#ing+-going&[P> 1a#e+> ea*%unto Hi# to&[PR> in+ the Te#.%e Ea*eaF >[R> to hea* Hi#+Nthat the#ight hea* Hi#&[P> to hea* His dis1ou*se+>( K[N7TE: Ce*tain #anus1*i.ts .%a1e the a11ount of the wo#an ta;en in adu%te*-! Eas found in Yo1hanan&Uohn A:1-11F! afte* 6u;e )1:2A( Eusebius *e1o*ds Pa.ias as finding the sto*- of the wo#an ta;en in adu%te*- as being in the Good News A11o*ding To The Heb*ews( The fo%%owing is f*o# 6ightfoot [/a;e*+ .g( )?? &The P*ag#ents of Pa.ias( EYo1hanan&Uohn A:1-11F+ [K> And the- went e3e*- #an unto his own house: but Yeshua went unto the #ount of 7%i3es( And ea*%- in the #o*ning He 1a#e again unto the Te#.%e! &and a%% the .eo.%e 1a#e unto Hi#! and He sat down and taught the#(N And the $1*ibes and the P>*ushi# b*ought a wo#an ta;en in adu%te*-: and ha3ing set he* in the #idst! the- said unto Hi#! aste*! this wo#an hath been ta;en in adu%te*-! in the 3e*- a1t( Now in the To*ah oshe 1o##anded &usN to stone su1h: what then sa-est ThouI &And this the- said te#.ting Hi#! that the- #ight ha3e Ewhe*eofF to a11use Hi#(N /ut Yeshua stoo.ed down and with His finge* w*ote on the g*ound( /ut when the- 1ontinued as;ing &Hi#N! He %ifted u. Hi#se%f! and said &unto the#N! He that is without sin a#ong -ou! %et hi# fi*st 1ast a stone at he*( And again He stoo.ed down and w*ote on the g*ound( And the-! when the- hea*d it! went out one b- one! beginning f*o# the e%dest: and He was %eft a%one! and the wo#an! whe*e she was! in the #idst( And Yeshua %ifted u. Hi#se%f! and said unto he*! 4o#an! whe*e a*e the-I 8id no #an 1onde#n theeI And she said! No #an $i*( And Yeshua said! Neithe* do 0 1onde#n thee: go th- wa-: f*o# hen1efo*th sin no

#o*e(+ EPER0C7PE A8S6TERAE: see 4est1ott and Ho*t >The New Testa#ent in the 7*igina% G*ee;> 0(.()<1! 00(..(A) sM! C1: 6ightfoot >Essa-s on $u.e*natu*a% Re%igion> .()G2 sM(F CHAPTER )) )):1@ And the >Peast&Pesti3a% of the-"P' Sn%ea3en /*ead&5Chag Ha atDot>>! [PR> whi1h&that is+-"4' 1a%%ed Pesa1h&Passo3e*! >had d*awn& [R> was 1o#ing+> nea*: )):) And the head Cohani# and [R> the+ $1*ibes we*e see;ing how the#ight ;i%%&[R> ta;e+ Hi# [R> u.+! fo* the- we*e af*aid of the .eo.%e( )):2 >Now ha$atan had&[R> And the Ad3e*sa*-+> ente*ed into Y>hudah 1a%%ed-[R> who is su*na#ed+ K[G1> $1a*iot+&f*o#-B>*iot! >that was& [R4> being+> of the nu#be* of the Twe%3e! K[1f Uohn ?:@1+ )):< And he [R> ha3ing+ went [R> awa-+ >"R'-EandF s.o;e&[P> and 1onfe**ed+> with the head Cohani# and K$1*ibes [P> and the #i%ita*1o##ande*s of the Te#.%e+ >so that&[PR> how+> he #ight de%i3e*& [P4> bet*a-+ Hi# "P4'-u. to the#! K[R4>((( the #agist*ates! (((+ )):= KAnd the- *eOoi1ed( And the- had-"G1' .*o#ised that thewou%d gi3e hi# si%3e*! K[P> And the- >we*e g%ad&[R> *eOoi1ed+>! and 1o3enanted to gi3e hi# #one-(+ )):? "G1> And he >.*o#ised the#&[R> ag*eed+>' and K>was see;ing fo* hi#se%f&[G1> the- we*e see;ing fo* hi#+> >an o..o*tunit-&[G1> T K>a wo*;5KT+> how he shou%d de%i3e* Hi# u. to the# a.a*t f*o# the #u%titude( K[R>((( was see;ing a fa3o*ab%e season to de%i3e* Hi# u. to the# without tu#u%t(+ K[P>((( sought o..o*tunit- to bet*a- Hi# to the#! in the absen1e of the #u%titude(+ )):@ And when-"PR' the da- of the-"P' Pesa1h&Passo3e*&[PR> Sn%ea3en /*ead&5Chag Ha atDot>+ a**i3ed&[R> 1a#e+! on whi1h Kwas the 1usto# that the Pesa1h&Passo3e* shou%d be s%aughte*ed! K[PER4F>((( it was 1usto#a*--[R4> ne1essa*-+ fo* the Pesa1h& Passo3e* E%a#bF to be [R> sa1*ifi1ed+-s%ain-[4+(+ )):A [PR> And+ He&[P> Yeshua+ sent Befa and Yo1hanan and sa-s "R> to the#': Go >EandF #a;e *ead-&[PR> .*e.a*e+> fo* us the Pesa1h&Passo3e* that we #a- eat EitF( )):C [PR> And+ those&[G1PR> the-+ sa- to Hi#: 4he*e wi%% You that we [R> #ight+ >#a;e *ead-&[PR> .*e.a*e EitF+>I )):1G [R> And+ sa-s He to the#: /eho%d! >[R> in+Nwhat Eti#eF&[P> when+> -ou[* 5R+ ente*[ing into 5R+ the 1it-! the*e wi%% #eet -ou a #an 1a**-ing a 3esse%&.it1he* of wate*: >go afte*&[R> fo%%ow+> hi#! to the

house whi1h&[R> whe*e+ he ente*s&[R> does go in+! )):11 K[G1R> And+ sa- to the #aste* of the house: >7u* Rabbi&[R> The Tea1he*+> sa-s [R> to -ou+! - 4he*e is the guest-1ha#be* whe*e 0 #aeat the Pesa1h&Passo3e* E$ede*F [R+->with -&[G1> 0 and -+> Ta%#idi#I K[P> And whe*e he ente*s sa- -ou to the %o*d of the house: 7u* Rabbi sa-s! 0s the*e a .%a1e of *ef*esh#ent! in whi1h 0 #a- (((+ )):1) [PR> And+ "R'-beho%d! he wi%% show -ou a "PR'-1e*tain %a*ge u..e*-*oo# [P> that is+ fu*nished: the*e >#a;e *ead-&[P> .*e.a*e+> [G1> fo* us+&[P> -ou+( )):12 And the- went EandF&[G1P> and+ found "G1PR'-e3en as He [R> had+ said to the#! and the- #ade *ead- the Pesa1h&Passo3e* E$ede*F( )):1< KNow&[G1R> And+ when it was the season&[G1> hou*+ He& [G1> the-+ sat down Eto eatF! He and His [G1> Ta%#idi#+&E#issa*ies with Hi#( K[PERF> And when the >ti#e a**i3ed&[R> hou* 1a#e+>! Yeshua& [R> He+ "R> 1a#e and' *e1%ined Eto eatF: and the "A4'-Twe%3e E#issa*ies with Hi#(+ )):1= [PR> And+ sa-s He unto the#: [R> 4ith desi*e+ 0 ha3e&[R> did+ >[R> desi*e+Nindeed %onged&[P> g*eat%- desi*ed+> to eat with -ou [G3PR> this+&the Pesa1h&Passo3e* E$ede*F befo*e e3e*-"PR' [4+-0&[R> -+ [4+-suffe*[ing 5R+: )):1? Po* 0 sa- unto -ou! That hen1efo*th&[R> no #o*e+ 0 sha%% "R'not eat [R> of+ it&[4> this+! unti% "G1> it [R> sha%%+ be a11o#.%ished& [PR> 1o#.%eted+ in' the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God [G1> be 1o#.%eted& 5fu%fi%%ed>+-"PR'( K)):1C KAnd He too; b*ead&5#atDah> and ga3e than;s Ko3e* it and b*a;e and ga3e to the# and said: This is - bod- that >EisF fo* -ou&[G1> fo* -ou 0 gi3e+>: so be doing fo* - #e#o*-( K1[Po* Ga))1! see on att()?:)?-)A: Gd-Ea*F .uts: $o be doing fo* - #e#o*- E3e*(1CbF afte* 3e*(1A! othe*wise its o*de* ag*ees with G1+ K)[PERF>((( and b*a;e! and ga3e to the# and said: This is bod"#> that is gi3en fo* >-ou* sa;es&[R> -ou+>( This do -ou in *e#e#b*an1e of e('+ )):1@ KAnd [G1> afte* the- su..ed+ He too; a&[P> the+ 1u. and ga3e than;s "PR> o3e* it' and said: Ta;e this: [PR> and+ di3ide EitF a#ong -ou[*se%3es 5R+! [G1> this is - b%ood! the New Co3enant+( KENote in P> Ad%e* sa-s 3(1@ R 1A a*e wanting in a%% $$( of the Peshitto(F )):1A K[G1PR> Po*+ 0 sa- to -ou that [A+-"PR> f*o# now EonF' 0 sha%% not d*in; of [PR> the+&this K[Ge)))> offs.*ing+&.*odu1eN[G1> f*uit+ "G1> of the 3ine'! unti% the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God Esha%%F&[PR> sha%%+

1o#e( K1ER see note 9(1@F K)[1f ;(1<:)=+ K)):1C-E0n G! fo%%ows 3e*se 1? [see abo3e+: "in #> E-F 3s(1Cb'(F )):)G K>[PERF> And-"R' in %i;e #anne* a%so! "R'-1on1e*ning the 1u.! afte* >the- had su..ed! He said&[R> the sa-ing+>: This 1u. is&[R>EF+ the New Co3enant in - b%ood! whi1h&that fo*&[4> in+ >[4> -ou* beha%f+N-ou* sa;es&[R> -ou+> is .ou*ed outJ+>-"#' KEN7TE: This 3e*se not in G: but 1o#bined in 3(1@F )):)1 K/ut ne3e*the%ess-"PR'! beho%d! the hand of > - bet*a-e*& [PR> hi# >that bet*a-s&[R>de%i3e*ing+ e [R> u.++> EisF "P> with e' [4+-at& [PR> on+ the tab%e( K[4> o*eo3e* beho%d! (((+ )):)) KAnd the $on of #an goes as it has been set "G1> fo* Hi#'! but ne3e*the%ess woe&o- "G1> to hi#' - to that one b- whose hand He is bet*a-edJ K[4> 0ndeed the $on of #an goes! a11o*ding to that whi1h has been a..ointed: but woe (((+ K[PERF> And [R> indeed+ the $on of #an goes! >as it was&[R> a11o*ding to what has been+> dete*#ined: but woe&o- to that #an b-&[R> th*ough+ who# He is bet*a-ed&[R> being de%i3e*ed u.+J+ )):)2 And the- >had begun&[R> began+> to inMui*e&[R> *eason+ a#ong the#se%3es KEsa-ingF: 4ho >is it then&[G1> then is it+> that is about to .e*fo*# thisI K[R>((( ! who then of the# it #a- be! who is about to do this thing(+ K[P>((( whi1h of the# it was! that wou%d do this(+ )):)< And the*e >was a 1ontention&[R> ha..ened a st*ife+> [PR> a%so+ a#ong the#! who a#ong&[R> of+ the# >[R> is a11ounted to be g*eate*+Nwas the g*eate*&[P> wou%d be g*eatest+>( )):)= >[P> And Yeshua+N7u* 6o*d&[G1ERF> [R> And+ He+> sa-s to the#: The ;ings of the go-i#&genti%es&nations Ka*e thei* %o*ds: and >the- that a*e in&[PR> those eLe*1ising+> autho*it- >and do we%%&[P> o3e*[R>u.on+ the#+>! a*e 1a%%ed /enefa1to*s( K[R>((( do eLe*1ise %o*dshi. o3e* the#: (((+ )):)? Now&[PR> /ut+ -ou Ea*e&beF not so: but he whi1h&who is g*eat[e* 5R+ with&[PR> a#ong+ K-ou sha%%&[P> #ust+ be as the %east: and he that is "P'-the 1hief as the se*3ant "G1PR> And not as he that sits Eto eatF'( K[R>((( %et hi# be as the -ounge*: and he who is %eading! as he who is se*3ing(+ )):)@ Po* who is g*eate*! he that *e1%ines Eto eatF o* he that se*3esI >A# not 0! beho%d! as the se*3ant a#ong -ou&[G1PR> 0s it not he that *e1%ines Eto eatFI [R> And+&[P> /ut+ 0 Ea#F&[PERF> [R> 0+ a#+ as >the

se*3ant&[PR> he that se*3es+> >a#ong -ou&[R> in -ou* #idst+>+>I )):)A [R> And+&Now-"P' -ou [PERF> [R> -ou+ a*e the-+ that ha3e 1ontinued&[R> *e#ained+ with e in - te#.tations&[P> t*ia%s+ )):)C And 0 EtooF! "G1PR> 0' .*o#ise&[R> a..oint+ [PR> to+ -ou as Pathe* [P> has+&[R> did+ .*o#ised&[R> a..oint+ [PR> to+ e! a Bingdo#! )):2G KThat -ou sha%% eat and [RE4F> sha%%+ d*in; "R4> with e' at [G1> a+& - tab%e [G1> Ee3enF ine+ " > in the&[G1R4> -+ Bingdo#'! and "R'--ou sha%% sit on Twe%3e-"R4' Th*ones "R4> and sha%%' Oudge& [R4> Oudging+ the Twe%3e KT*ibes&[Ga> fa#i%ies+ "R4> of the House' of 0s*ae%( K[4> 0n o*de* that -ou (((+ K[as in att( 1C:)A+ K[P> That -ou #a- eat and d*in; at the tab%e of - Bingdo#! and #a- sit on th*ones! and Oudge the Twe%3e T*ibes of 0s*ae%(+ )):21@ >"A> And [R> the 6o*d+Nou* 6o*d&[P>Yeshua+ said'> "R'-to $hi#,on: $hi#,on! beho%d! [R> the Ad3e*sa*-+&ha$atan Khas >besought that he #ight&[P> desi*ed to+> sift -ou as wheat! K[R>((( did as; -ou fo* hi#se%f to sift as the wheat!+ )):2) /ut 0 "R'-ha3e besought&[P> .*a-ed+ [Ge)))> - Pathe*+ fo* -ou! that -ou* faith shou%d&5sha%%> not fai%: and -ou "R'-a%so >in ti#e& [R> when -ou+> >tu*n "P'-*ound&[G1> *etu*n+> and st*engthen&[P> estab%ish+ -ou* b*othe*s&b*eth*en( )):22 [R> And+ He&[P> And $hi#,on+ sa-s to Hi#: --6o*d&$i*! with You 0 a# *ead-! >e3en to&[PERF> both [R> to+-fo*+> .*ison "G1> and' >e3en-"R' to&[P> fo*+> death "P> to go'( )):2< [R> And+ Yeshua&[G1R> He+ sa-s "R> to hi#': 0 sa- to -ou [G1R> Befa+&[P> $hi#,on+! K/efo*e e3e* the 1o1; 1*ow to-da- "G1> twi1e'! th*ee ti#es -ou wi%% den- e that -ou do "G1> not' ;now e( K[PERF>(((! the-[R> a+ 1o1; wi%% not 1*ow this da-! unti%-[R> befo*e+ -ou ha3e-[R> sha%%+ th*ee ti#es >denied that -ou&[R> disown+> ;now[ing 5R' e(+ )):2= [PR> And+ He sa-s to the#: 4hen 0 sent -ou without sat1he%s and-"P' "R'-without #one-bags&[R> s1*i.t+ and without-"PR' sanda%s! was an-thing %a1;ing to -ouI [R> And+ the- sa- "R> to Hi#': >Not e3en an-thing&[PR> Nothing+>( )):2? [R> Then+ He sa-s to the#: KP*o# now he hi# that has a sat1he% o* a #one-bag! %et hi# 1a**- EitF: and he that has not >[Ge))2+-&a swo*dN -"G1'>! %et hi# se%% his ga*#ent and bu- hi#se%f a swo*d( K[PERF> Hen1efo*th-[R> /ut now+! %et hi# that has a sat1he%! ta;e it [R> u.+: and so %i;ewise [R> a%so+ a #one-bag-[R> s1*i.t+( And %et hi# that has no swo*d! se%% his ga*#ent! and bu- hi#se%f-

"R' a swo*d(+ )):2@ Po* 0 sa- unto -ou! [P> That+ [R> -et+ this "R'-a%so whi1h is& [PERF> was+ 4*itten K[G1> that+ >is about to&[P> #ust+> be 1o#.%eted& fi%%-fu%% in e! Kthat: with the wi1;ed He was nu#be*ed: and that whi1h is 1on1e*ning e is to be >fi%%ed-fu%%&1o#.%ete&[G1> finished+>( K1[1f att(1:))! )1:<+ K[E4F>((( it behoo3es E(((4*itten! et1((( 3(2@F to be .e*fe1ted in e! this! And He was nu#be*ed with the t*ansg*esso*s: fo* indeed that whi1h is 1on1e*ning e has an end(+ K1[R>((( it is-ne1essa*- to be fi%%ed-fu%%&1o#.%eted in e: And with %aw%ess ones He was *e1;oned! fo* a%so the things 1on1e*ning e ha3e an end(+ K)[P>(((! 0 sha%% be nu#be*ed with t*ansg*esso*s( Po* a%% that *e%ates to e! wi%% be 1o#.%eted(+ )):2A And the- sa- "R> to Hi#'>: $i*N7u*-6o*d&[G1>! to Yeshua:+>! beho%d! >we ha3e he*e&[GPR> he*e a*e+> two swo*dsJ [R> And+ He sa-s to the#: >The- a*e&[R> 0t is+> suffi1ient [G1> fo* -ou+: "G1PR> a*ise! %et us go'( )):2C And He >had gone fo*th&[P> went out+>! "R'-and >went [R> on+& [P> .*o1eeded+> Kas >He was a11usto#ed&[P> was His 1usto#+> to the ount >1a%%ed Ethe ountF of the 7%i3e-o*1ha*d&[PERF> of the "R> .%a1e of' 7%i3es+>: and >the*e went with Hi# His Ta%#idi# a%so&[GEPRF> His Ta%#idi# with-[PERF> [R> a%so+ fo%%owed+ Hi#+>( K[RE4F>((( a11o*ding to EHisF-"4' 1usto#! (((+ )):<G And when He a**i3ed at the .%a1e He said to the#: P*a[PR> -ou+ >that -ou&[R> to+> ente* not into "G1PR> the *egion of' te#.tation( )):<1 And He "G1PR> Hi#se%f' de.a*ted&[R> was withd*awn+ f*o# the# about&[R> as it we*e+ a stone>s th*ow! and K>He set His ;nees and was .*a-ing&[P> ;nee%ed down and .*a-ed+>! K[4>((( .utting down His ;nees! 1ontinued to .*a-!+ K[R>((( ha3ing on the ;nees He was .*a-ing!+ )):<) "R'-And sa-ing: --"G1PR4' Pathe*! K>[G)Ga+&if it 1an beN [G1> if You wi%%+> %et this 1u. .ass f*o# e - but! not > - wi%%&[G1> ine+> be EdoneF >but&[G1> eL1e.t+> You*s( K[4>(((! if this 1u. is wi%%ing to .ass f*o# e -: #o*eo3e* %et not - wi%%! but Thine be done(+ K[R>(((! if You be 1ounse%%ing to #a;e this 1u. .ass f*o# e -: but! not - wi%%! but You*s be done(+ K[P>(((! if it .%ease You! (((! -et not - .%easu*e! but Thine be done(+ K[not Ge))C!)21( 1f att( )?:2C+ )):<2 K"G1#> And the*e a..ea*ed to Hi# an ange% [PR4> f*o# Hea3en+ st*engthening&[P> who st*engthened+ Hi#(' K[an ange% 5-so a%so E.h*(6a#- 1 )22 Ei(e(5without> f*o# Hea3enF+

)):<< K"G1#> And He was in g*eat 1a*e and Dea%ous%- He was .*a-ing: and His sweat was&[R> be1a#e+ as [R> it we*e g*eat+ d*o.s of b%ood "R> and it was' fa%%ing [R> u.+on the ea*th&g*ound(' K[R> And ha3ing been in agon-! He was #o*e ea*nest%.*a-ing! (((+ K[P> And as He was in g**&dis#a-! He .*a-ed ea*nest%-: and His sweat was %i;e d*o.s of b%ood! and it fe%% on the g*ound(+ K[Ge)2= 1f> and His sweat be1a#e as Eit we*eF d*o.s of b%ood(+ )):<= And He *ose f*o# His .*a-e* and 1a#e unto His Ta%#idi#! [G1> EandF+&and [P> He+ found the# Kf*o# >thei* t*oub%e&[PERF> [R> the+ so**ow+>( K[4>((( on a11ount of wea*iness(+ )):<? [G1PR> And+ He sa-s to the#: 4h- s%ee. -ouI A*ise "G1'and .*athat&[P> %est+ -ou [R> sha%%+ ente* not-"P' into te#.tation( )):<@ And whi%e [G1> -et+ He was s.ea;ing! [PR> beho%d+! "PR> the*e a..ea*ed' a g*eat-"PR' #u%titude: and he that was 1a%%ed Y>hudah& 5Uudas>! one of the Twe%3e! >was 1o#ing befo*e the#&[P> Ca#e at thei* head+> And he Kd*ew nea* >EandF ;issed&[R> to+> Yeshua [R>to ;iss Hi#+( K[P>((( 1a#e u. to Yeshua! and ;issed Hi#( Po* he had gi3en the# this sign - 4ho# 0 sha%% ;iss! he it is(+ )):<A [R> And+ Yeshua sa-s to hi#: Y>hudah! [P> 0s it+ with a ;iss "P'-do -ou [4+-bet*a-&[R> de%i3e* u.+ Kthe $on of 5a>-"R' #anI K[the $on of 5a> #an 5-Esee on att( 1):<GF G1 as it stands is ung*a##ati1a%( The o*igina% *eading of the 9e*sion #a- ha3e been >a $on of #an> Ei(e( >a #an>F: 1f Ge)2= >Uudas! nu# os1u%ando 3enis t*ade*e fi%iu# ho#inisI Wuo et do1et Pi%iu# 8ei as eo t*adi non .otuisse>+ )):<C Now&[PR> And+ "R'-when >those-[P> the- that we*e+ [R> about+-with Hi#&[G1> His Ta%#idi#+> saw >that whi1h was about to be&[P> what o11u**ed+>! the--"R' sa- to Hi#: 7u*-6o*d&$i*! sha%% we s#ite "R'the# with [P4> the+&[R> a+ swo*d"s 5PR4'I )):=G And [R> a 1e*tain+ one of the# s#ote >the s%a3e&[PERF> a[R> the+ se*3ant+> of the Cohen haGado% and too; EoffF&[PR> off+ his *ight ea*( )):=1 [PR> And+ Yeshua answe*ed and said: KEnough as fa* as this E#an& 5Ea1tionF>F( And He tou1hed his ea* and hea%ed it( K[4>(((: Ho%d on unti% this( (((+ K[R>(((: A%%ow -ou thus fa*( And ha3ing tou1hed his ea*! He hea%ed hi#(+ K[P>(((: $uffi1ient! thus fa*( And He tou1hed the ea* of hi# that was s#itten! and hea%ed hi#(+ )):=) And He&[PR> Yeshua+ said "G1PR'-a%so to those [G1EPRF> that 1a#e against-[R> u.on+ Hi#+ Khead-5> Cohani# and so%die*s&[R> #agist*ates+

"G1> of the Te#.%e' and E%de*s: As against&[R> u.on+ a *obbe* ha3e -ou 1o#e fo*th "R> against e'! with swo*ds and "R'-with [R> sti1;s+Nsta3es &51%ubs> [P> to ta;e e+JI K[P>((( the head Cohani# and E%de*s and #i%ita*- 1a.tains of the Te#.%e: (((+ )):=2 [R> 4hi%e+ dai%- that-"PR' with -ou 0 was in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! K-ou we*e&[R> did+ not .utting&[R> st*et1h+ fo*th hands against e! but this is -ou* hou*! and >[R> the .owe*+N-ou* autho*it-&[P> the *eign+> of [R> the+ da*;ness( K[P>(((! and -ou %aid not hands u.on e( )):=< And the- too; "PR> ho%d of' Hi# and [R> %ed and+ b*ought& [P> 1ondu1ted+ Hi# to the house of the Cohen haGado%( Now&[P> And+ "G1R> $hi#,on' Befa-"P' >was [R> fo%%owing+-1o#ing&[P> fo%%owed+> "R> afte* Hi#' >[R> afa* off+Nf*o# afa*&[P> at a distan1e+N[4> a %ong waoff+>: )):== KAnd a fi*e was set in the #idst of the 1ou*t and the- we*e sitting *ound about it! and Befa was sitting a#ong the#( K[PERF> And the- [R> ha3ing+ ;ind%ed a fi*e in the #idd%e of the 1ou*t! and [R> ha3ing+ sat >a*ound it&[R> down+>: "R'-and [R> Befa+&$hi#,on >a%so sat&[R> was sitting+> a#ong the#(+ )):=? And a 1e*tain #aid saw hi# sitting K"G)> b-&[R> at+ the fi*e&[R> %ight+'! and Kshe [R> ha3ing ea*nest%-+ %oo;ed on&[R> at+ hi# "R'and sa-s: And-"G1P' this [R> one+NEoneF&[P> #an+ "R'-a%so was with hi#J K1Ethe wo*ds a*e added in a 1onte#.o*a*- hand abo3e the %ine in G)F K[4>((( fiLing he* e-es on hi#! (((+ )):=@ And&[P> /ut+ he denied&[R> disowned [A> it+-Hi#+ and said: 4o#an! 0 [PR> ha3e not+ ;now hi# "PR'-not( )):=A And afte* a %itt%e "PR'-whi%e! anothe* a%so-"PR' saw hi#! and >thus said( And Befa sa-s: 0 a# not of the#&[G1ERF> sa-s "R> to hi#': [R> And+ -ou a%so a*e [P> one+ of the#J KNow he said to hi#: 6et be! #an: 0 ;now Ehi#F not(+> K[PER4F>(((( And Befa said: [R4> an+ 0 a# notJ+ )):=C KAnd >afte*&[G1> it 1a#e to .ass EinF about+> one hou* anothe* was KeL1ited and sa-: >[R> 7f a t*uth+-t*u%- this [R> one+-EoneF-[P> #an+ a%so&[G1> This EoneF a%so t*u%-+> was with hi#! fo* a Ga%i%ean a%so he is( K1[R> And one hou*! as it we*e! ha3ing inte*3ened! a 1e*tain othe* was 1onfident%- affi*#ing! sa-ing: (((+ K1[P> And an hou* afte*! anothe* 1ontended and said: (((+ K)[eL1ited 5- see a*; A:1)! Uohn 11:2A+ )):?G And-"G1P' Befa sa-s: K an! 0 >[R> ha3e+ ;now not&[G1> a# not a1Muainted with+> what -ou sa-&[G1> ha3e said+( And >in the sa#e hou*&

[PR4> i##ediate%-+> [PRE4F> whi%e he was s.ea;ing+ [ERF+-the& [A ERF> a+ 1o1; 1*ew: K[9)>(((: The #an of who# -ou s.ea; 0 do not ;now( (((+ )):?1 And >[R> the+-ou* 6o*d&[G1P> Yeshua+> [R> ha3ing+ tu*ned "P> *ound EandF' %oo;ed u.on "P> hi# - on' Befa( And Befa&[P> $hi#,on+ *e#e#be*ed the wo*d of >[R> the+-ou* 6o*d&[G1> Yeshua+>! that&who He said to hi# - /efo*e e3e*-"PR' the&[R> a+ 1o1; [PR> sha%%+ 1*ow "PR'-twi1e&[G1A> toda-+! th*ee ti#es -ou wi%% den-&[R> disown+ e( )):?) >"#> And [R> Befa+Nhe&[P> $hi#,on+ [R> ha3ing+ went&[R> gone+ fo*thN[R> without+&[G1> outside+ [G1P> and+&EandF-"R' we.t bitte*%-('> )):?2 And the #en that&who Khad ta;en "P> ho%d of Hi#'! "G1> of-"P' Yeshua' >we*e #o1;ing at&[P> insu%ted+> Hi# and >we*e s#iting& [P> b%ind-fo%ded+> Hi#! K[R>((( we*e ho%ding Yeshua we*e #o1;ing Hi#! beating EHi#F!+ )):?< And [R> ha3ing b%ind-fo%ded Hi#+&[4> 1o3e*ing Hi#+ "A4> >the- [R> we*e st*i;ing+Nhid&[P> s#ote Hi# on+> His&[R> the+ fa1e'! and [R> we*e Muestioning Hi#+ sa-[ing 5R+ "PR> to Hi#': P*o.hes- [P> -ou+! who >"P> is it EthatF' has s#itten -ou&[R> he is who s#ote -ou+>I )):?= KAnd again #an- othe* things K[TK>and5KT5G)+ the- we*e b%as.he#ing and sa-ing against Hi#( K1[4> And b%as.he#ing! the- 1ontinued to s.ea; #an- othe* things against Hi#(+ K)[R>((( s.ea;ing e3i%%-! the- s.o;e in *ega*d to Hi#(+ K)[P>((( the- *e3i%ing%- utte*ed! and s.o;e against Hi#(+ )):??@ And when Eda-F&[PERF> the-"R' da-+ dawned&[R> it be1a#e+ "P> the*e we*e' gathe*ed togethe* the E%de*s[hi. 5R4+ [G1R4> of the .eo.%e+ [4+-and&[R> a%so+ [4> the+ head Cohani# and $1*ibes and theb*ought& [PR4> %ed+ Hi# u.&[4> in+ to the-"R4' >[R> thei* own sanhed*in+Nhouse of thei* 5s-nagogues>&asse#b%ies&[P> .%a1e of thei* #eeting+N [4> thei* sanhed*i#+>! )):?@ "R'-And the--"PR' sa-[ing 5R+ [P> to Hi#+: 0f -ou a*e&[R> be+ Ha ashia1h&The- essiah! >sa- EitF to&[PR> te%%+> us( [R> And+ He sa-s to the#: 0f 0 [R> sha%%+ >sa- to&[PR> te%%+> -ou! -ou wi%% not be%ie3e [P> in+ [G1P> e+! )):?A And if [4> indeed+ 0 [P> shou%d+&[4> wi%%+ [R> a%so+-"A4' [4+-as; &[R> Muestion+ [4+--ou&[R>EF+! -ou K>wou%d gi3e&[P> wi%% *etu*n+> e no answe*! no* wou%d&[P> wi%%+ -ou *e%ease e( K[4>((( wi%% not *es.ond to e! o* *e%ease e(+ K[R>((( wi%% not answe* "A> e! o* send e awa-'(+ )):?C KPo*-"P' f*o# now&[P> this ti#e+ the $on of #an wi%% be-"P'

sit"ting 5P' on the Right EHandF&[PR4> Hand+ "G1P> of HaG>3u*ah&5ThePowe*>' of E%ohi#&God( K[4> And f*o# now the $on of #an sha%% be sitting on the (((+ K[R> Hen1efo*th! the*e sha%% be the $on of #an sitting (((+ )):@G [PR> And+ the- a%% sa-: [PR> Then+ a*e -ouK indeed-"PR' >5the $on of God>&Ha/en E%ohi#>I [R> And+ He&[P> Yeshua+ sa-s unto the#: You "PR'--ou*se%3es sa- [R> EitF+! that&[R> be1ause+ 0 a# EHeF( K[indeed+-Enea*%- washed out in G): 1f 6u;e 1?:11! )G:1@F )):@1 [R> And+ the- sa-: K4h- -et-"G1' is the*e *eMui*ed fo* us witnessI Po*! beho%d-"PR'! we ou*se%3es-"P' ha3e hea*d EitF f*o# his [P4> own+ #outhJ K[R>(((: 4hat need -et ha3e we of testi#on-I (((+ K[P>(((: 4hat fu*the* need ha3e we of witnessesI (((+ CHAPTER )2 )2:1 And a%% the #u%titude&[P> who%e [PR> of the#+ [R> ha3ing+ *ose u.-"PR' [R> did+&and [R> %ead+Nb*ought&[P> 1a**ied+ Hi# unto& [P> befo*e+ Pi%ate( )2:) And "R'-the- began a11using Hi# "R'-and "G1PR'-we*e sa-ing: 4e ha3e-"R' found this [R> one+NEfe%%owF&[P> #an+ >[R> .e*3e*ting+Nthat he .e*3e*ts&[P> sedu1ing+> >ou* .eo.%e&[R4EAF> the-[A> ou*+ nation+>! and Kdoes fo*bid us! Esa-ingF that head-#one- to Caesa* we shou%d not gi3e: and he sa-s of hi#se%f that he is >Bing& e%e1h ashia1h& essiah&5an anointed ;ing>>( K[PERF>((( fo*bidding to >.a- the 1a.itation #one- of&[R> gi3e t*ibute to+> Caesa*! and-"R' de1%a*ing-[R> sa-ing+ hi#se%f to be >Bing essiah&[R> essiah a Bing+>(+ )2:2 [PR> And+ Pi%ate [P> inte**ogated-[R> Muestioned+ Hi# and+ sa-s "R> to Hi#': A*e -ou K[G1> indeed+ the-"P' Bing of the Y>hudi#&UewsI He sa-s&[G1ERF>answe*ed and said+ to hi#: You >ha3e said&[R> do sa-+> >EitF&[G1> that 0 a#+>( K[1f 6u;e )):@G+ )2:< [PR> And+ Pi%ate sa-s to the head Cohani# and to-"PR' >that[R> the+ #u%titude&[P> the>: K0 - no 1ause do 0 find against this #an( K[4>(((: 0 find nothing 1*i#ina% in this #an(+ K[PERF>(((: 0 find no >1*i#e u.on&[R> fau%t in+> this #an(+ )2:= K/ut&[PR> And+ the- Ewe*eF&[G1R> we*e+ [G1> 1*-ing+&s1*ea#ing out-"P'N[R> the #o*e u*gent+ and-"R' sa-ing: He K>has t*oub%ed the&[P> He *aises distu*ban1e a#ong ou*+> .eo.%e! [P> b-+ tea1hing in a%% Y>hudah: >and he began&[P> 1o##en1ing+> f*o# haGa%i%! >e3en unto he*e& [P> and Muite to this .%a1e+>( K1[4> And the- be1a#e st*onge* and st*onge*! sa-ing: (((+ K)[RE4F>((( does sti* u. the .eo.%e! tea1hing th*oughout the who%e

of Uudea - ha3ing begun f*o# haGa%i% - unto this .%a1e(+ )2:? Now&[PR> And+ Pi%ate! >when he&[R> ha3ing+> hea*d Kthe# sa-ing >"A> f*o# KhaGa%i%'! as;ed whethe* f*o# haGa%i% He was&[G1> P*o# haGa%i% He is+>( K1[PERF>((( >the na#e&[R> of+> Ga%i%! inMui*ed if the #an we*e& [R> is+ a Ga%i%ean(+ K)[The wo*ds Ga%i%ee and Ga%i%ean a*e 1onfused in G1 and in att( )?:?C! a*; 1<:@G! 6u;e )):=C+ )2:@ And >[R> ha3ing ;nown+Nwhen he hea*d&[P> ha3ing %ea*ned+> that He was f*o# unde*-"R' the autho*it-&[PR> the Ou*isdi1tion+ of He*od! he sent Hi# [R> ba1;+ unto [G1PR> He*od+&hi#: "R'-be1ause He*od& [PR> he+ "PR> hi#se%f a%so' was&[R> being+ in&[P> at+ Ye*usha%a-i# in&[P> on+ those da-s "G1PR> of the >Sn%ea3en /*ead&5Chag Ha atDot>>'( )2:A Now&[PR> And+ He*od >when he saw&[R> ha3ing seen+> Yeshua g*eat%*eOoi1ed! fo* eL1eeding%--"PR' he had been wishing to see Hi# fo* a %ong ti#e&[R>EF+! be1ause >he was&[R> of+> hea*ing [PR> #anthings+ about Hi#! and was "R'-that so#e sign he wou%d see f*o#& [R> done b-+ Hi# "PR> 1o#ing to .ass': )2:C And "PR> with wise wo*ds' he-"R' was as;ing&[R> Muestioning+ Hi# [R>in+ [PR> #an- wo*ds&5Muestions>+&EMuestionsF: Kbut Yeshua no >answe* *etu*ned&[P> *e.%- ga3e+> hi#! "G1P> as if he we*e not the*e'( K[R>(((: and He answe*ed hi# nothing(+ )2:1G "G1> Now&[PR> And+ the head Cohani# and [R> the+ *u%e*s& [P> $1*ibes+ Kwe*e standing and a11using Hi# fu%%-:' K[PERF>((( stood "R> u.! and' a11used-[R> a11using+ Hi# 3ehe#ent%-(+ )2:11 K"G1> And He*od #o1;ed Hi# and his #en-at-a*#s Edid a%soF! and he 1%othed Hi# with fai* ga*#ents in #o1;e*-! and sent Hi# [R> ba1;+ to Pi%ate(' K[R> And He*od with his so%die*s ha3ing set Hi# at nought! and ha3ing #o1;ed! ha3ing .ut a*ound Hi# go*geous a..a*e%! did send (((+ K[P> And He*od and his wa**io*s 1onte#ned Hi#( And when he had #o1;ed Hi#! he 1%othed Hi# in a .u*.%e *obe! and sent (((+ )2:1) K"G1> And in that sa#e da- the*e was a *e1on1i%iation between He*od and Pi%ate! be1ause Ebefo*eF the- we*e ene#ies(' K[PERF> And on that da-! [R> both+ Pi%ate and He*od be1a#e f*iends >to ea1h&[R> with one+> [R> an+othe*: fo* >the*e had .*e3ious%been&[R> the- we*e befo*e at+> en#it- between the#[se%3es 5R+(+ )2:12 Now&[PR> And+ Pi%ate [R> ha3ing+ 1a%%ed [R> togethe*+ the head Cohani#! and the *u%e*s! and "R'-a%% the .eo.%e!

)2:1< And"R' he-"PR' said to the#: You ha3e-"R' b*ought >"R'u. to& [P> befo*e+> #e this #an K>that -ou sa- to #e&[G1> and -ou sa-+> that he >has sti**ed&[G1> sti*s+> u. -ou* .eo.%e! and "G1'-beho%d! 0 #-se%f ha3e eLa#ined hi# in -ou* sight and nothing ha3e 0 found >about hi#& 5afte* hi#>-Eo*F-5in his *e1o*d>> of the things fo* whi1h -ou b%a#e hi#: K[4>((( as *e3o%utioniDing the .eo.%e: and beho%d! 0! Oudging hi# befo*e -ou! found nothing in this #an 1*i#ina% of the (((+ K[R>((( as .e*3e*ting the .eo.%e! and beho%d! 0 befo*e -ou ha3ing eLa#ined Ehi#F! found in this #an no fau%t in those things -ou ha3e b*ought fo*wa*d against hi#:+ K[P>((( as a distu*be* of -ou* .eo.%e: and beho%d! 0 ha3e eLa#ined hi# befo*e -ou! and 0 find in the #an no 1*i#e! a#ong a%% that -ou 1ha*ge u.on hi#:+ )2:1= K[R>No!+ no* Ee3en hasF&[PR> -et+ He*od! fo* K0 sent hi# [R>ba1;+ unto hi#! and [PR> beho%d+ nothing >wo*th- of&[P> dese*3ing+> death has Khe found >about hi#&-5afte* hi#&in his *e1o*d>>! neithe* has the*e been 1o##itted b- hi# an- #atte* Edese*3ingF of death( K1[4> /ut He*od did not! fo* (((+ K)[A4> he sent hi# ba1; to us! (((+ K2[PERF>((( been done b- hi#(+ )2:1? 0 [PR4> the*efo*e+ wi%%&[R4> ha3ing+ [4> s1ou*ged+N1hastise[d 5R+ [4+-hi#-"R'! >the*efo*e and fo*gi3e hi#&[PER4F> and-[R4> wi%%+ *e%ease hi#(+> K)2:1@-E0n the G*ee; he*e: in G fo%%owing 3s(1C be%ow(F K)2:1A KAnd a%% the .eo.%e&[P> ga3e a 1*- and sa-: "PR'-Ta;e awa- [PR> with+ this [R> one+NEfe%%owF&[P> #an+: and *e%ease to us /a*-Abba K1[9e*se o*de* 3a*ies in G(+ K)[R> And the- 1*ied out - the who%e #u%titude - sa-ing: (((+ )2:1C KHi# that be1ause of >K[G1> e3i% things+&T K>b*igandages5KTN-[G)+> and #u*de*s had been 1ast into .*ison( K1[P> "R> He was one who' had been th*own into .*ison! >on a11ount>&-[R> be1ause+ of a sedition and #u*de* >whi1h had o11u**ed>&-[R> #ade+ in the 1it-(+ K)[1f 3e*se )=+ K)2:1@ "#> K>And Pi%ate was a11usto#ed&[P> Po* it was a 1usto#+> that he shou%d be *e%easing "P> to the#' one "PR'-.e*son&[G1> .*isone*+ at the&[R> e3e*-+ Peast&Pesti3a%(' K)[R> Po* it was ne1essa*- fo* hi# to *e%ease to the# one (((+ )2:)G KAnd again Pi%ate 1a%%ed the# and sa-s to the# "G1'-EthusF! be1ause he was wishing that he shou%d *e%ease Yeshua! [G1>: 4ho# wou%d -ou that 0 shou%d *e%ease to -ouI+ K[R> Pi%ate again then - wishing to *e%ease Yeshua - 1a%%ed to the#(+

K[P> And Pi%ate! being dis.osed to *e%ease Yeshua! 1on3e*sed with the# again(+ )2:)1 /ut the- we*e 1*-ing&[R> 1a%%ing+ out "G1R'-and sa-ing"G1': ELe1ute-on-the-sta;e&51*u1if-> hi#-"R'J ELe1ute-on-thesta;e&51*u1if-> hi#J )2:)) /ut&[PR> And+ he fo*-"PR' the&[R> a+ thi*d ti#e sa-s to the#: >E4h-F&[R> 4h-+! "R'-fo*&[P> /ut+> what e3i% has >this Efe%%owF&[PR> he+> doneI KPo* nothing wo*th- of death 0 find >Kin hi#&[G1> about hi#+>( 0 wi%% 1hastise&[P> s1ou*ge+ hi# the*efo*e&[R> then+ and&[R> then 0 wi%%+ fo*gi3e&[PR> *e%ease+ hi#( K1[R>(((I No 1ause of death did 0 find in hi#( (((+ K1[P>(((I 0 find no 1*i#e in hi# dese*3ing of death( (((+ K)Eas in 3e*ses 1< R 1=F )2:)2 And the- we*e u*gent&[R>.*essing+! with %oud 3oi1e[s 5R+: and-"R' >[R> as;ing Hi#+Nsa- to&[P> de#anded of+> hi#-"R' >"R'-that Khe shou%d& [G1> %et Hi#+> be eLe1uted-on-the-sta;e( >"P> And thei* 3oi1e was the st*onge* and "G1> that of' the head Cohani# with the#'(> K[R>((( to be eLe1uted-on-the-sta;e&51*u1ified>! and thei* 3oi1es! "A> and those of the head Cohani#'! we*e .*e3ai%ing(+ K[P>((( the- #ight eLe1ute-on-the-sta;e&51*u1if-> Hi#(+ )2:)< And Pi%ate [G1> had+ [R> ga3e Oudge#ent+N1o##anded&[P> de1*eed+ that&[R> fo*+ thei* [G1> wi%%+&.etitionN[PR> *eMuest+ >[R> being done+N shou%d be EdoneF&[P> be g*anted+>( )2:)= And he *e%eased "A > to the#' hi#! >whi1h&who be1ause of&[P> who fo*+> #u*de*"s 5R' and K[PR> sedition+NTK>he*esies5KT&[G1> e3i% things+ >was&[PR> had been+> [G1PR> 1ast+ in[to 5G1PR+ [R> the+ .*ison! >as the- as;ed&[PERF> fo*-[R>EF+ who# the- [R> we*e as;ing+.etitioned+>: and Yeshua he de%i3e*ed&[R> ga3e+ u. to thei* wi%%&[P> .%easu*e+( K[1f 3e*se 1C+ )2:)?@ KAnd whi%e 1a**-ing Hi# a%ong the- too; ho%d of $hi#,on a C-*enian&[9)> fa*#e*+ that was 1o#ing f*o# the fie%d! Kthat he shou%d ta;e u. the .e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss> and 1o#e afte* Yeshua( K1[PER4F> And as the- %ed hi# awa-! >[4> ta;ing+Nthe- seiDed& [R> ha3ing ta;en ho%d on+> $hi#,on the-[RE4F> a 1e*tain+ C-*enian! 1o#ing f*o# the [4> 1ount*-+-fie%d"s 5R'! >and %aid&[RE4F> the.ut+> u.on hi# the .e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss>! to bea* EitF [4+-afte*-[R> behind+ Yeshua(+ K)[that(((ta;e u. 5G)Eon e*asF+ )2:)@ And the*e >was [R> fo%%owing+-1o#ing&[P> fo%%owed+> afte*"R' Hi# a nu#be*&[PR> g*eat #u%titude+ of the-"P' .eo.%e: and [PR> those+& [R> of+ wo#en that&who [R> a%so+ we*e K[R> beating the#se%3es and+ %a#enting o3e*-"R' Hi# "R> and wai%ing'(

K[4>((( and bewai%ing Hi#(+ )2:)A And Yeshua [R> ha3ing+ tu*ned "PR'-a*ound "G1> unto the#' and-"R' said "R> to the#': 8aughte*s of Ye*usha%a-i#! wee. not fo* e: but wee. [P> *athe*+ fo* -ou*se%3es! and fo* -ou* sons&[PR> 1hi%d*en+J )2:)C Po* [PR> beho%d+ the-"R' da-s >wi%%-[R> do+ 1o#e&[P> a*e 1o#ing+> in whi1h -ou&[PR> the-+ wi%% sa-! - Ha..- "PR> is it fo*' the ba**en! and "PR'-fo* the-"R' wo#bs that ha3e not bo*ne! and "PR'-fo* "R'-the b*easts that ha3e not >gi3en su1;&[P> nu*sed+>J )2:2G And-"P' "R'-then K-ou&[Ge)G@E3idFPR> the-+ wi%% begin to sa- to the hi%%s&[PR4> #ountains+! - Pa%% on usJ And to the heights& [PR4> hi%%s+! - Co3e*&[4> Hide+ usJ K[fe#( 3e*b in G1+ )2:21 >E$eeingF that with the&[PERF> Po* if in [R> the+-a+> g*een wood& [PR> t*ee+ these things the- do! with&[PR> in+ the d*- what >[R> sha%%& 5#a-> ha..en+Nwi%% "P4'-it be [4> done+&[G1> wi%% the- do+>I )2:2) And the*e >we*e 1o#ing&[P> went a%ong+> with Hi# two [Ge)<)+othe*s-"G1'! e3i%-doe*s! >[R> to be .ut to death+Nthat the- #ight be [4> eLe1uted+N;i%%ed&[P> to be eLe1uted-on-sta;es&51*u1ified>+>( K[R> And the*e we*e a%so othe*s - two e3i%-doe*s - with hi#! (((+ )2:22 And when the- 1a#e to the&[P> a 1e*tain+ .%a1e [P> whi1h&that is+ 1a%%ed Gu%go%ta&5The-"R' $;u%%>! the- hung-on-the-.e*se1utionsta;e Hi# the*e: and those&[PR> the two+ e3i%-doe*s! [P> the+ one on His&[R> the+ *ight [R> hand+ and one&[P> the othe*+ on His&[R> the+ %eft( )2:2<@ K>"G1#> And Yeshua "PR> answe*ed and' said: --"R' Pathe*! fo*gi3e the#: fo* the- ;now not what the- do&[4>a*e doing+'>"EAF'&[#+( And >the- di3ided&[R> .a*ting+> His ga*#ents! >[R> the- 1ast a %ot+Nand d*ew %ots fo*&[P> 1asting a %ot u.on+> the#-"R'( K[the sa-ing is gi3en in Ge11@!)=?!)?=! but in neithe* 1ase in the Good-News usua% o*de*! and 8iat&a* %ii ? .uts it i##ediate%befo*e 6;( )2:<?+ )2:2= And the .eo.%e >we*e standing and seeing&[P> stood and %oo;ed on+>( And the *u%e*s Ka%so >we*e [R> snee*ing+-Oee*ing at& [P>de*ided+> Hi#-"R' "P> with the#' and sa-ing&[P> said+: 7the*s he >sa3ed "R'-a%i3e &[P> Mui1;ened+>: %et hi# >sa3e hi#se%f "R'-a%i3e&[P> Mui1;en hi#se%f+> if >he is&[R> this be+> The- essiah&Ha ashia1h! the Chosen&[4> E%e1t+ [R> 7ne+ of E%ohi#&God( K[4>((( we*e e3en #o1;ing with the#se%3es! sa-ing! (((+ )2:2? And the-&[G1PR> the so%die*s a%so+ we*e #o1;ing at Hi# K>"G1>(

And the so%die*s a%so'&[G1> and+> we*e d*awing nea* to Hi#! K[PER4F>((( 1o#ing "4'->to Hi#&[R>nea*+> and offe*ing[4>b*inging+ [R> to+ Hi# [4> the+ 3inega*(+ )2:2@ And sa-ing [P> to Hi#+: "PR> Hai% to -ouJ' 0f -ou a*e&[R> be+ the Bing of the Uews&Y>hudi#! >sa3e -ou*se%f "R'-a%i3e&[P> Mui1;en -ou*se%f+>( "PR> And the- had set on His head [G1> a%so+ a 1*own of tho*ns'! )2:2A KAnd the*e was w*itten a Ktab%et "G1'-a%so and set abo3e Hi#: TH0$ 0$ [Ge)<2> HA A$H0ACH&THE- E$$0AH+ THE B0NG 7P THE UE4$&Y>HS80 ( K1[PERF> And the*e was %i;ewise-[R> a%so+ a su.e*s1*i.tion o3e* Hi#! "A> w*itten in [R> %ette*s of+ G*ee;! and 6atin! and Heb*ew' - TH0$ 0$ THE B0NG 7P THE UE4$&Y>HS80 (+ K)[the sa#e wo*d is used in E.h*( 6a#- i ??@+ )2:2C Now&[PR> And+ one of those&[PR> the+ e3i%-doe*s that we*e hung-u.-on-a-sta;es "G1R> with Hi#' >[R> was s.ea;ing e3i% of+Nwas b%as.he#ing against&[P> *e.*oa1hed+> Hi# "R'-and sa-ing&[P> said+ [G1> to Hi#+: K[A+->A*e -ou not&[PERF> 0f -ou a*e+> Ha ashia1h&TheessiahI& [P>!+ - Ksa3e -ou*se%f "R'-a%i3e! and "G1R> sa3e a%i3e' us "R'a%soJ K1[91EG1F>((( A*e -ou not the $a3iou*I $a3e -ou*se%f to-da-! and a%so usJ+ E91> The beautifu% 1o**es.onden1e between the wo*d Qsa3iou*!Q de1i.he*ed b- #e in 1CG?! and Qsa3e th-se%f!Q is at on1e a..a*ent( Qto-da-!Q is a suggestion of 8*( Rende% Ha**is>s! th*ee on%- of its %ette*s ha3ing been seen b- #e( 0 ha3e been disa..ointed at finding no 1o**obo*ation of this wo*d in an- othe* #anus1*i.t! but it is suffi1ient to obse*1e that ou* 6o*d #a- ha3e ta;en the wo*d f*o# the .enitent thief>s own %i.s when He said T3(<2T: QTo-da-Q Qthou sha%t be with e in Pa*adise(QF K[P>(((! *es1ue -ou*se%f! and *es1ue us(+ )2:<G KAnd&[P> /ut+ his 1o#*ade! >[G1> the+-that othe* one>"P'!*ebu;ed hi# and said to hi#: Not e3en of E%ohi#&God >a*e -ou&[G1> ha3e -ou been+> af*aid! "R'-seeing Kthat "R'-beho%d! we&[R> -ou+ "R'-a%so we-"R' a*e in the sa#e Oudge#ent&[4> 1onde#nation+IJ K1[R> And the othe* answe*ing! was *ebu;ing hi#! sa-ing: 8o -ou not e3en fea* E%ohi#&God! (((+ K)[P>((( -ou a*e unde* the sa#e senten1eIJ+ )2:<1 KAnd beho%d! we - as we dese*3e "G1> it has befa%%en us'! and as we ha3e done we ha3e been *e.aid: but this 7ne - not e3en an-thing disg*a1efu% has been done b- Hi#( K[R> And we indeed *ight%-! fo* things wo*th- of what we did we *e1ei3ed ba1;! but this 7ne did nothing ou* of .%a1e(+ K[P> And we Oust%-: fo* we ha3e a *et*ibution a11o*ding to ou* dese*ts! and a11o*ding to ou* deeds: but nothing hatefu% has

been done b- Hi#(+ )2:<) And he said to-"A' Yeshua: --"AR' 6o*d-"A'! K*e#e#be* #e >what Eti#eF&[PR> when+> You [R> ha3e+&[R> sha%%+ 1o#e in"to 5R#' You* Bingdo#( K[Ge)<2> E1fF: *e#e#be* #e in You* Bingdo#+ )2:<2 K[R> And+ Yeshua sa-s to hi#: A#aine( 0 sa- to -ou K[G1Ga&b)??P> that+ to-da-&[P4> this da-+ [G)Ga&a)??> that+ with e -ou sha%% be in >[G)Ga)-)Ge)<<f&E.h*(6a#- i ??@! ??C+&the Gan-5Ga*den> of EdenN [G1PER4F> [R> the+ Pa*adise+>( K1[Ga)??> As ou* $a3iou* said to hi# on His *ight hand: A#aine(((+ K)[Ga<2@> E1fF: He swa*e to hi# 4ith #e(((+ KEfo* the a#biguous e3iden1e of Ge)<<f and the state#ent in /a*sa%ibi! see /u*;itt Notes! 3o%( iiF )2:<<@ And it was [A> now+ [4+-about&[R> as it we*e+ the siLth hou*: and "PR> the*e was' da*;ness [R> 1a#e+N[P> was+ o3e* a%% the 6and& 5ea*th>! unti% the ninth hou*! )2:<= And the sun was [4+-da*;ened&[A> obs1u*ed+N[#> e1%i.sed+: and the .a*o;het&53ei%> of the [P> doo* of the+ Te#.%e was *ent >[R> in the #idst+Nf*o# the #idst of it&[P> th*ough its #idd%e+N[4>in the #idd%e+>( )2:<? And Yeshua [R> ha3ing+ [4+-1a%%ed&[PR> 1*ied+ with a %oud 9oi1e "R4'-and said: [P> -+ Pathe*! [4> into+Nin&[R> to+ You* hand"s P' 0 %a-&[PR4> 1o##it+ - Rua1h&$.i*it( KAnd He >de%i3e*ed E0tF u.&[G1> eL.i*ed+>( K[R>(((( And these things ha3ing said! He b*eathed fo*th the Rua1h&$.i*it(+ K[P>(((( Thus He s.o;e! and eL.i*ed(+ K[4>(((( And ha3ing said this! He eL.i*ed(+ )2:<@ Now&[G1PR> And+ "R'-when the Centu*ion Ksaw >that whi1h 1a#e to .ass&[P> what o11u**ed+>! he g%o*ified E%ohi#&God! and said: T*u%-& [4> $u*e%-+ this [G14> was+&is a *ighteous an( K[R>((( ha3ing seen what was done! did g%o*if- E%ohi#&God! sa-ing: Rea%%- this #an was *ighteous(+ )2:<A KAnd a%% the- that ha..ened to be the*e and saw that whi1h 1a#e to .ass we*e beating on thei* b*easts "P> and sa-ing: K4oe&7- to usJ 4hat has befa%%en usI 4oe&7- to us f*o# ou* sinsJ' K1[PERF> And a%% the #u%titudes who had asse#b%ed at this [R> sight+-s.e1ta1%e! on seeing what o11u**ed! *etu*ned! s#iting u.on thei* b*easts(+ K)[Ga)@1> E1fF: (((: Hen1efo*th of YH9H&Adonai&The-67R8 we ha3e not been af*aid! the Bing what wi%% He do to usI EHosea L 2F

4oe&7- to usJ 4hat has befa%%en usI+ K)[Addai)@>(((: Po* beho%d! if those that eLe1uted-on-the-sta;e& 51*u1ified> Hi# had not ;nown that He was >Ha/en E%ohi#&The $on of God>! the deso%ation of thei* 1it- the- wou%d not ha3e .*o1%ai#ed! no* against the#se%3es wou%d the- ha3e %et fa%% the 4oes+ K)[Ge)<=!)<?>(((: 4oe&7- was it! woe&o- was it to us: this was >Ha/en E%ohi#&The $on of God>J ((( /eho%d! the Oudge#ents of the deso%ation of Ye*usha%a-i# a*e 1o#e(+ )2:<C KAnd the*e we*e standing >f*o# afa*&[P> at a distan1e+> a%% >the a1Muaintan1es of&[P> the- that ;new+> Yeshua! and the&[P> those+ wo#en who 1a#e with Hi# f*o# haGa%i%: and >Ethe- we*eF seeing&[P> thebehe%d+> these things( K[R> And a%% His a1Muaintan1es stood afa* off! and wo#en who did fo%%ow Hi# f*o# haGa%i%! beho%ding these things(+ )2:=G@ And [R> beho%d+ [P> the*e was+ a "R'-1e*tain #an whose& [R> b-+ na#e was-"R' Yosef! [R> being+ a 1ounse%%o* Eof the $anhed*inF! "R> he& [P> who+ was' a #an a-tDaddi;&5*ighteous> and good! Kf*o# Ra#ata-i# a town of Y>hudah&[R4> the Y>hudi#+! K[0n R! this state#ent a..ea*s in the #idd%e of 3e*se =1(+ )2:=1 KAnd he was %oo;ing fo* the Bingdo# of Hea3en - this #an! that was not >of eMua% #ind&-[Ge)??&8iat-Ea*F%ii )?> eMua% in thei* 1ounse% and deed with the a11use*s+> with the a11use*s! K[PERF> And he had not 1onsented to thei* de1ision-[R> 1ounse%+ and deed: [R> see note 3e*se =Gb+ >[A> who+Nand he&[R> who a%so hi#se%f+> was >waiting fo*&[R> eL.e1ting+> the Bingdo# of E%ohi#& God(+ )2:=) This&[R> He+ >[R> ha3ing gone nea*+N3e*- one d*ew nea*&[P> #an went+> [G1> to Pi%ate+ and-"R' >as;ed "R'-fo*&[P> begged Efo*F+> the bod- of Yeshua( )2:=2 And he too; it down and w*a..ed it in "R'-a [R> fine %inen+N [91 EG1F> sh*oud+Nswathe&[P>winding-sheet of %inen+: and %aid it in a hewn to#b! K[P> in+ whi1h hithe*to no one was&[5G1>P> had been+ >bu*ied in& [P> %aid+>( K[RE4F>(((! whe*e no one was -et-[4> e3e*+ %aid(+ )2:=< KAnd&[G1> 5Now>+ that "G1'-sa#e [G1>5>+-da- was f*ida--5E*e3 $habbat>! and the $habbat was dawning 5Eto beginF>( K[R> And the da- was a >.*e.a*ation Eda-F&5e*e3$habbat&f*ida->>! and $habbat was a..*oa1hing(+ K[P> And it was the da--of-.*e.a*ation&5e*e3-$habbat&f*ida->! and the $habbat began to dawn 5Eto begin at sunsetF>(+

K[4>And it was P*e.a*ation da-! and the $habbat was d*awing nigh(+ K[9)> 0t was now the night between E*e3-$habbat and the dawn of the $habbat(+ )2:== And [R> the+Nthese&[G1P> those+ wo#en [R> a%so+ that&who 1a#e with Hi# f*o#&[R> out of+ haGa%i%! K1a#e to the to#b on thei* footste.s! and the- saw the 1o*.se when the- b*ought it in the*e( K[4>(((! ha3ing fo%%owed down! saw the se.u%1he*! and whe*e His bod- was .%a1ed(+ K[R>(((! ha3ing fo%%owed afte*! behe%d the to#b! and how His bodwas .%a1ed(+ K[P>(((! a..*oa1hed! and 3iewed the se.u%1h*e! and the #anne* in whi1h the bod- was de.osited(+ )2:=? KAnd the- *etu*ned KEandF #ade *ead- s.i1es and oi% of .e*fu#e: and on the $habbat the- K*ested! as it is 1o##anded( K1[R> And ha3ing tu*ned ba1;! the- #ade *ead- s.i1es and oint#ents! And on the $habbat! indeed! the- *ested! a11o*ding to the 1o##and(+ K)[4>((( the- .*e.a*ed a*o#ati1s and #-**h: and the- ;e.t the $habbat a11o*ding to the 1o##and#ent(+ K)[P>((( and .*e.a*ed .e*fu#es and a*o#ati1s: (((+ K2[on e*as( in G)+ CHAPTER )< )<:1 KNow&[P> And+ on the fi*st Eda-F of the wee;! in the >ea*%dawn& [P> #o*ning whi%e it was -et da*;+>! the- had 1o#e to the to#b and had-"P' b*ought >that whi1h&[P4> the a*o#ati1s+> the- [P>had+ .*e.a*ed: and the*e >had 1o#e&[P> we*e+> with the# othe* wo#en( K[4>And on the fi*st of the $habbat! at the of the dawn!(((+ K[R> And on the one&fi*st of the wee;&5Ebetween-twoF $habbats>! at ea*%- dawn! the- 1a#e to the to#b! bea*ing the s.i1es the#ade *ead-! "A> and 1e*tain Eothe*sF with the#'(+ )<:) And the- found that&[PR> the+ stone *o%%ed Eawa-F f*o# [G1> that+& the to#b! )<:2 And the- >ente*ed and&[R> ha3ing gone in+> found not the bod"#> of [R> the 6o*d+ Yeshua'( )<:< And >[R> it 1a#e to .ass! whi%e the- a*e [R> g*eat%-+-"A' .e*.%eLed about+Nwhen it was g*ie3ing the# about&[P> as thewonde*ed at+> this! [R> that+ [PR> beho%d+! K>the- saw&[G1> the*e a..ea*ed+> two .e*sons standing o3e* the#! and the 1%othing of the# was f%ashing! K[R>(((! two #en stood b- the# in g%itte*ing a..a*e%!+ K[P>(((! two #en stood o..osite the#: and thei* *ai#ent was effu%gent!+ )<:= KAnd Ethe wo#enF&[P> the-+ we*e af*aid: and the--"P' bowed thei* >heads and we*e %oo;ing on the ea*th&[P> bowed thei* fa1es to the

g*ound+> "P> f*o# thei* fea*'( Those&[P> And the+ #en sa- to the#: 4hsee; -ou the %i3ing a#ong&[R> with+ the deadI K[4> And the- being af*aid! and tu*ning thei* fa1e towa*ds the g*ound! the- said (((+ K[R> And on thei* ha3ing be1o#e af*aid! and ha3ing in1%ined the fa1e to the ea*th! the- said to the#: (((+ )<:? "#> He is not he*e: >[R> but was+Nbut has&[P> He is+> *isen& [R> *aised+J' KRe1o%%e1t that whi1h He s.a;e with -ou whi%e [G1> -et+ He EwasF in haGa%i%! K[R>(((J Re#e#be* how He s.o;e to -ou! being -et in haGa%i%!+ K[P>(((J Re#e#be* how He 1on3e*sed with -ou! when He was in haGa%i%!+ )<:@ KAnd had-"P' said "P> to -ou' that the $on of #an >is about& [P> was+> to be de%i3e*ed "P'-u. into the hands of sinfu% [G1> #en+&fo%;! and [P> to+ be eLe1uted-on-a->5t*ee>&sta;e>! Kand EthatF in th*ee da-s He wi%% *ise( K[RE4F> $a-ing - 0t is-ne1essa*- the $on of #an to be de%i3e*ed u. to the hands of sinfu% #en! and to be eLe1uted-ona->5t*ee>&sta;e> and [4> on+ the thi*d da- to *ise again(+ K)[P>(((! and to *ise on the thi*d da-(+ )<:A And the- *e#e#be*ed these&[PR4> His+ wo*ds&5sa-ings>( )<:C And >the- *etu*ned&[R> ha3ing tu*ned ba1;+> "#> f*o# the to#b' [G1P> and+&EandF >said&[PERF> *e%ated-[R> to%d+ a%%+> these wo*ds& [PR> things+ "G1'-to the E%e3en and to [R4> a%%+ the *est "PR4> of the Ta%#idi#'! )<:1G "G1> >[R> And it was+NEE3enF these&[P> Now the- we*e+>' i*-a# f*o# agda%a! and Yo1hanah! and i*-a# "R'-daughte*&[P&9)4> #othe*+ of Ya,a;o3! and the [R4> othe* wo#en+N*est&[P> othe*s+ with the#! Kthese things the- we*e sa-ing to the E#issa*ies( K[PER4F>(((!- who-"4' [4> s.o;e+N*e%ated&[R> to%d+ these things unto the E#issa*ies(+ )<:11 KAnd >the- we*e a..ea*ing&[P> these wo*ds a..ea*ed+> in thei* e-es as >if f*o# thei* stu.o*&[P> d*ea#s+> "PR> the- we*e sa-ing these wo*ds'! and "G1> the- >we*e' not be%ie3ing the#&[P> be%ie3ed the# not+>( K[4> And thei* wo*ds a..ea*ed befo*e the# %i;e a d*ea#: and thedoubted the#(+ K[R> And thei* sa-ings a..ea*ed befo*e the# as id%e ta%;! and (((+ )<:1)@ >"#> Now&[P> /ut+ $hi#,on a*ose! and *an to the [R> to#b+Ng*a3e& [P>se.u%1h*e+! and >%oo;ed in and&[R> ha3ing stoo.ed down he+>

saw the %inen K1%oth&[G1> 1%oths+ on%- and went unto his EhouseF! and he was wonde*ing "G1Esi1F'-at that whi1h had 1o#e to .ass('> K[PERF>((( %-ing-"A' >b- itse%f&[R> a%one+>: and he went awa[R> awa- to his own ho#e+! wonde*ing "R> in hi#se%f' at [R> that+ what >had o11u**ed&[R> whi1h had 1o#e to .ass+>(+ )<:12 KAnd He a..ea*ed to two of the# in the sa#e da- whi%e thewe*e going to a 3i%%age whose na#e EisF A##a>us! [G1> and+&that is distant f*o# Ye*usha%a-i# >siLt- stadia&5se3en #i%es>>-[#> 1?G stadia+( K[PERF> And beho%d! two of the#! [R> we*e going+ on [R> du*ing+ >the sa#e&[R> that+> da-! "R> we*e going' to a 3i%%age >[R> the na#e of whi1h is+&na#ed> A##a>us! distant >siLtfu*%ongs&5se3en #i%es>> f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#(+ )<:1< KAnd the- we*e s.ea;ing&[R> 1on3e*sing+ one with the othe* of& [R> about+ a%% these things whi1h&that had 1han1ed&[R> ha..ened+( K[P> And the- ta%;ed togethe* of a%% that had o11u**ed(+ )<:1= KAnd whi%e the- we*e s.ea;ing! [G1> and enMui*ing+&[P> and Muestioned ea1h othe*+! Yeshua 1a#e >u. with the#&[P> and d*ew nea*+> and was wa%;ing with the#: K[R> And it 1a#e to .ass in thei* 1on3e*sing and *easoning togethe*! that Yeshua Hi#se%f! ha3ing 1o#e nigh! was going on with the#(+ )<:1? And thei* e-es we*e he%d "R> that the-' >[R> so as not to ;now+N shou%d not .e*1ei3e&[P> the- did not *e1ogniDe+> Hi#( )<:1@ [PR> And+ He sa-s to the#: 4hat a*e these wo*ds&[P> dis1ou*ses+ that -ou >a*e s.ea;ing&[PERF> ho%d-[R> eL1hange+ with ea1h othe*+>! being&[PERF> >as -ou Kwa%;&[R> wa%;ing+>+ and [R> -ou+ a*e+ sadI K[AE4F>((( [4> a*e+ wa%;[ing a%ong 54+I And the- stood sti%%! %oo;ing sad(+ K[9)>((( wa%; with sad fa1esI+ )<:1A [PERF> And answe*ed and+ sa-s unto Hi# [R> the+ one "R> of the#'! whose na#e was KA*e -ou [R> a%one su1h+Nthen&[P> on%-+ a st*ange* "G1PR> b- -ou*se%f' f*o#&[PR> in+ Ye*usha%a-i#! that >with that&[PERF> -ou ;now not the things+> whi1h has >1o#e to .ass&[P> o11u**ed+> the*e-"R' "PR> -ou >a*e not&-[G1> ha3e not been+> a1Muainted' [PR> in these da-s+I K[4> 8o -ou on%- soOou*n at Ye*usha%a-i# (((+ )<:1C [R> And+ He sa-s to the#: 4hat [PR> things+I [R> And+ the- sato Hi#: [R> The things about+NCon1e*ning&[P> 0n *ega*ds to+ Yeshua >the NatD*ati&[PR> of NatDe*et+>! who was&[R> be1a#e+ a an Ethat wasF a P*o.het! Kand was found with .owe* and with deeds and with wo*d befo*e

E%ohi#&God and "R4'-befo*e a%% the .eo.%e( K[RE4F>(((! .owe*fu% in deed and wo*d befo*e (((+ K[P>(((! and #ight- in dis1ou*se and in a1tion befo*e (((+ )<:)G And&[R> How a%so+ the head Cohani# and [G> the+&ou*-"P' E%de*s de%i3e*ed Hi# u. to >the-[R> a+ Oudge#ent&[P> a senten1e+> of death! and "PR> the- ha3e' eLe1uted-on-a-sta;e&51*u1ified> Hi#( )<:)1 KAnd we we*e that it was He EthatF&[R> who+ was&[R> is+ about to *edee# 0s*ae%: and Kbeho%d! Eit isF th*ee da-s! "P'-beho%d! sin1e a%% these things >ha3e 1o#e to .ass&[P> o11u**ed+J K1[P> /ut we eL.e1ted that He was to de%i3e* 0s*ae%: (((+ K)[R>((( a%so with a%% these things! this thi*d da- is .assing to-da-! sin1e these things ha..ened(+ )<:)) [G1R> And+ [P> #o*eo3e*+ so#e&[PR> 1e*tain+ wo#en "P'a%so! of ou*s&[R4> us+! [4> t*u%-+ [P> astonished us: fo* the-+ >[4> being ea*%-+&[R> 1o#ing ea*%-+Nhad gone&[P> went ea*%-+> to the to#b "PR> whe*e He was %aid'! )<:)2 KAnd when the- found not His bod- the- 1a#e sa-ing to us Ange%s we ha3e seen the*e! and we ha3e been astonished! and [G1> Ethe ange%s'+ &Ethe wo#enF sa- of Hi# that He is a%i3e( K[RE4F> And not ha3ing found His bod-! the- 1a#e! sa-ing a%so to ha3e seen an a..a*ition-[4> 3ision+ of ange%s! who sa- He is a%i3e(+ K[P> And as the- did not find the bod-! the- 1a#e and said to us 4e saw ange%s the*e! and the- said that He is a%i3e(+ )<:)< And so#e&[R> 1e*tain+ fo%;-"PR' "R'-a%so of [R> those with us+N ou*s&[P> us+ >had gone&[G1PR> went+> [R> awa-+ unto the to#b! and "R'-the- found EitF "PR'-so! as [G1> what+&[R> e3en+ the wo#en said& [P> *e.o*ted+! but&[R> and+ Hi# the- saw not( )<:)= Then&[R> And+ said Yeshua&[R> He+ to the#: Ah&[G1PR> 7+! K%a1;ing of faith and hea3- of hea*t to be%ie3eJ P*o# a%% the things that the P*o.hets ha3e s.o;enJ K[R>(((! in1onside*ate and s%ow in hea*t! to be%ie3e on a%% that the P*o.hets s.o;eJ+ K[P>(((! defi1ient in unde*standing! and s%ow of hea*t to be%ie3e a%% the things that the P*o.hets utte*edJ+ )<:)? K4as not Ha ashia1h&The- essiah about to endu*e these things! and to ente* [G1> His+ G%o*-I K[R> 4as it not ne1essa*- Ha ashia1h&The- essiah these things to suffe*! and to ente* into His G%o*-I+ K[P> 4e*e not these things to be: that Ha ashia1h&The- essiah shou%d suffe*! and that He shou%d ente* into His G%o*-I+ )<:)@ KAnd He had begun to sa- to the# f*o# oshe and f*o# a%% the P*o.hets! and was inte*.*eting to the# about Hi#se%f f*o# a%% the $1*i.tu*es( K[R> And ha3ing begun f*o# oshe! and f*o# a%% the P*o.hets! He

was eL.ounding to the# in a%% the 4*itings the things about Hi#se%f(+ K[P> Then He began f*o# oshe! and f*o# a%% the P*o.hets! and eL.ounded to the# 1on1e*ning Hi#se%f f*o# a%% the $1*i.tu*es(+ )<:)A And the- d*ew&[R> 1a#e+ nea* to the 3i%%age whi1h thewe*e going "R'-to: and He >a..ea*ed to&[PR> #ade+> Kthe# [P> fee%+ as if to a fa*& [P> #o*e distant+ .%a1e He >was going&[P> wou%d go+>! K[R>((( an a..ea*an1e of going on fu*the*(+ )<:)C And the- >[R> 1onst*ained+Nbegan besee1hing&[P> u*ged+> Hi# K[G1> so+ that [G1> with the#+ He wou%d&[G1> shou%d+ be Esta-ingF "G1> with the#'! be1ause it was nea* to g*ow da*;( And He ente*ed with the# as if with the# He wou%d be Esta-ingF( K[RE4F>((( sa-ing: Re#ain with us! fo* it is towa*d e3ening! and the da- did-[4> has a%*ead-+ de1%ine[d 54+! and He went in to *e#ain with the#(+ K[P>((( and said to Hi#: Ta**- with us! fo* the da- in1%ines towa*d da*;( And He went in to *e#ain with the#(+ )<:2G And [R> it 1a#e to .ass in+Nwhen&[P> it o11u**ed whi%e+ He& [R> His+ >sat down&[PERF> *e1%ined+> Eto eatF [PR> with the#+ [4> at the tab%e+! [P> that+ >He too;&[R> ha3ing ta;en the+> b*ead and&[R> He+ b%essed! and b*a;e! and ga3e to the#( )<:21 And "R> at on1e' thei* e-es >had been&[G1R> we*e+> o.ened! and the- *e1ogniDed&[P> ;new+ Hi#( And EthenF He K[P> too;+ Hi#se%f "P>was ta;en awa-' f*o# the#( K[4>((( 3anished f*o# the#(+ K[R>((( be1a#e unseen b- the#(+ )<:2) And the- we*e sa-ing one to the othe*: K4as not ou* hea*t Khea3in the wa-&*oad whi%e He EwasF inte*.*eting to us the $1*i.tu*esI K1[PER4F>(((: 8id-[R> 4as+ not ou* hea*t bu*n[ing 5R+ "#> within us'! whi%e He >ta%;ed with&[R> s.ea;ing to+> us b--[R> in+ the wa&*oad! >[4> as He was eL.ounding+Nand eL.%ained&[R> as He was o.ening u.+> to us the $1*i.tu*es&[R> 4*itings+I+ K1[9)>(((: 4as not ou* #ind obtuse within us! whi%e He s.o;e to us in the *oadI+ K)EP> the .*inted 1o.ies *ead: was bu*ning: but an o%d $( at 7*oo#iah *eads: was hea3-&5du%%>( -Pe*;in>s Residen1e in Pe*sia! Pg(1?(F )<:22 And the- a*ose [R> u.+ in-"P' the sa#e hou*! and *etu*ned [R> ba1;+ to Ye*usha%a-i#( And "R'-the- found the E%e3en >gathe*ed togethe*&[P> asse#b%ed+>! and those Kwith the#! K2[G1Esi1F> and He a..ea*ed! E1f 6u;e C:1) G)KF+ )<:2< [P> 4ho we*e+ sa-ing: T*u%-&0ndeed! ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d has *isen: and [P> He+ >has a..ea*ed to&[R> was seen b-+> $hi#,on( )<:2= KAnd the- a%so de1%a*ed&[P> *e%ated+ "P> to the#' what

>things befe%% in&[P> o11u**ed b-+> the wa-&*oad! and how He was&[P> be1a#e+ ;nown [P> to the#+! when He b*o;e the-"P' b*ead( K[R> And the- we*e te%%ing EofF the things in the wa-&*oad! and how He was #ade ;nown to the# in the b*ea;ing of the b*ead(+ )<:2?@ And whi%e the- we*e s.ea;ing&[P> ta%;ing+ [PR> of these things+! >He was found standing a#ong&[PERF> Yeshua [R> Hi#se%f+ stood in the #idst of+> the#: >"A#> and He-"PR' said to the#: $ha%o#&Pea1e "R'-EbeF& [P> be+ with&[R> to+ -ouJ' [P> 0t is 0: be not af*aid(+ )<:2@ KAnd the- t*e#b%ed and we*e a%a*#ed! and we*e su..osing that a s.i*it the- [G1> Ewe*eF+&we*e seeing( K[R> And being a#aDed and be1o#ing aff*ighted! the- we*e thin;ing the#se%3es to see a s.i*it(+ K[P> And the- we*e in t*e.idation and fea*! fo* the- su..osed thesaw a s.i*it(+ )<:2A [R> And+&Then-"P' said [R> He+&Yeshua to the#: K4h- do -ou t*e#b%eI And >fo* what E*easonF&[G1> whe*efo*e+> 1o#e u. thoughts o3e* -ou* hea*tsI K[R>(((: 4h- a*e -ou t*oub%edI And whe*efo*e do *easonings 1o#e u. in -ou* hea*tsI+ K[P>(((: 4h- a*e -ou agitatedI And wh- do thoughts&5i#aginations> a*ise in -ou* hea*tsI+ )<:2C K/eho%d! see - hands and - feet! and tou1h [G1> and+& EandF see that it is 0J Po* a s.i*it f%esh and bones Khas not! as -ou see >that 0 ha3e&[R> e ha3ing+>( K1[R> $ee - hands and - feet! that 0 a# He: hand%e e and see! be1ause a (((+ K1[P> 6oo; at - hands and - feet! that it is -se%f( Hand%e e! and ;now: fo* a s.i*it has not f%esh and bones! as -ou see e ha3e(+ K)[G1> Qhas not! as -ouQ Ei%%egib%e! but G1 Muite 1%ea*%- o#its 3e*( <G+ )<:<G >[P> And >as He&[R> ha3ing+>+ said this! He showed [R> to+ the# His -[R> the+ hands and His-[R> The+ feet(+>-"#' )<:<1 KAnd whi%e not -et be%ie3ing f*o# thei* fea* and f*o# thei* Oo-! and the- we*e being astonished: He sa-s [G1> again+ to the#: Ha3e -ou he*e an-thing Kto eatI K1[R> And whi%e the- a*e not be%ie3ing f*o# the Oo-! and wonde*ing: (((+ K1[P> And whi%e the- sti%% be%ie3ed not! fo* thei* Oo-! and we*e astonished: (((+ K)EG1> has the #o*e usua% wo*d fo* >to eat>F )<:<) And the- ga3e [R> to+ Hi# a .o*tion of a b*oi%ed&[4> ba;ed+ fish! "G1A> and of a hone--1o#b'-[#+( )<:<2 And >whi%e-"P' He too;&[R> ha3ing ta;en+> EandF&[P> and+

>was eating&[G1PR> ate+> Kbefo*e >thei* e-es&[R> the#+>! "G1R> and too; u. that whi1h was o3e* EandF ga3e EitF to the#'( K[4>((( in thei* .*esen1e! (((+ )<:<< [PR> And+ He sa-s unto the#: These [PR>a*e the+ wo*ds& [P> things+ 5G1&G)+[G1> [PR> whi1h&that+ 0 >was s.ea;ing with&[PR> said unto+> -ou [R> being -et with+Nwhi%e b--[P> 0 was with+> -ou! Kthat e3e*-thing wou%d a11o#.%ished that is 4*itten of&about e in the KTo*ah of oshe and in-"R' the P*o.hets and in-"R' the Psa%#s( K1[R>((( that it is-ne1essa*- to be fi%%ed-fu%%&1o#.%eted a%% the things that a*e 4*itten Ein Tana;hF about e in (((+ K1[P>((( that a%% things 4*itten of e! in the To*ah of oshe and in the P*o.hets and in the Psa%#s! #ust be 1o#.%eted(+ K)[To*ah ((( P*o.hets ((( Psa%#s>&Eth*ee .a*ts of the Tana;hF+ )<:<= And-"P' "R'-then He o.ened [R> u.+ thei* #ind&[R> unde*standing+ to unde*stand the $1*i.tu*es&[R> 4*itings+( )<:<? And He sa-s to the#: KThus it 5was> fitting 5that> Ha ashia1h&The - essiah 5shou%d suffe* and "A> that He shou%d' *ise> f*o# a#ong the dead in th*ee da-s: K[PER4F>(((: Thus-[4> As+ it is-[R> has been+ 4*itten! and thus it was *ight-[R> ne1essa*-+ fo* [R> the+ essiah to suffe*! and [R> to+ *ise [R> out+ f*o#&of the dead "R'-on-[4+ the thi*d da-:+ )<:<@ KAnd in - Na#e sha%% be .*o1%ai#ed *e.entan1e and fo*gi3eness of sins in a%% the nations&5go-i#&genti%es>! and the beginning Esha%% beF f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#( K[RE4F> And *efo*#ation&*e.entan1e and-[#4> unto+ *e#ission of sins [4> is+ to be .*o1%ai#ed in His Na#e to a%% "4'-the nations& 5go-i#&genti%es>! beginning f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#(+ K[P> And that! in His Na#e! *e.entan1e fo* the *e#ission of sins shou%d be .*o1%ai#ed a#ong a%% nations&5go-i#&genti%es>! and that the 1o##en1e#ent be at Ye*usha%a-i#(+ )<:<A And-"4' -ou [R> - -ou+ a*e "R4'-the witnesses of these things( )<:<C And [R> beho%d+ 0 -se%f-"PR4' "4'-wi%%&[R> do+ send u.on -ou the P*o#ise of -&[4> the+ Pathe*: [PR> /ut+&[4> And+ K>wait in the Cit-& [P> *e#ain -ou at Ye*usha%a-i#+>! unti% -ou [P4> sha%%+ be 1%othed&[4> endued+ with Powe*&[P> Ene*g-+N[4&G*(%it> d-na#ite+ f*o# on High( K[R>((( - abide -ou in the Cit- "A> of Ye*usha%a-i#'! unti% (((+ )<:=G And He b*ought&[PR> %ed+ the# [R> fo*th with+out [4> e3en+ unto& [P> as fa* as+ /eit-An-ah! and He-"PR4' [R4> ha3ing+ %ifted u."P' His hands! and&[RE4F> He "4'-did+ b%ess"ed 5R' the#( )<:=1 KAnd when&[PER4F> it o11u**ed whi%e+ He b%essed the#!

[P>that+ He was-"4' [4> de.a*ted+&[R> .a*ted+N%ifted&[P> se.a*ated+ u."PR4' f*o# the# >[APER4F> and [R4> was+ as1ended&[R> bo*ne u.+N[A4> 1a**ied u.+ [A4> in+to [R> the+ Hea3en(+>-"#' K[Addai ?> And when He 1o#.%eted&fi%%ed-fu%% the wi%% of His /egette*! He was %ifted u. unto His Pathe*! and sat down with Hi# in G%o*-(+ K[The 1o#bination of 6u;e )<:=1 with [ a*;+ 1?:1C is found a%so in 8iat&a* %3 12(+ )<:=) And the- >[R> ha3ing bowed befo*e Hi#+&[P> wo*shi..ed Hi#! and+>-"#4' *etu*ned [R> ba1;+ to Ye*usha%a-i# with g*eat Oo-! )<:=2 KAnd we*e b%essing at a%% ti#es! in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! E%ohi#& God( K[PERF> And the--"R' we*e 1ontinua%%- in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! "A> .*aising and' b%essing E%ohi#&God( "A'-A#aine(+ K[4> And we*e 1onstant%- in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! .*aising God(+ [$ubs1*i.tion in G1> He*e ends the Good-News EA11ountF of 6u;e+ [$ubs1*i.tion in P> Co#.%etion of the ho%- Good-News EA11ountF of 6u;e the E3ange%ist(+ EN7TE: The $ubs1*i.tion afte* 6u;e 1o#es at the end of a %eaf: the %eaf that fo%%owed! 1ontaining Uohn 1:1-)=! is #issing( 0n G) the Good-News of 6u;e stands %ast! Uohn>s Good-News beginning on the neLt 1o%u#n to that whi1h 1ontains the end of a*;(F

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! P*o# E3ange%ion 8a- ePha**eshe! 7f Uohn And a%te*nate *eading f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta E0n1%uding othe* 3a*ious an1ient #anus1*i.t *eadingsF XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Good-News A11o*ding To U7HN & Y7CHANAN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1@ [G)> K0N THE /EG0NN0NG He was the K4o*d: and He! the 4o*d! was with E%ohi#&God: and He! the 4o*d was E%ohi#&God( K[Ga12> And a%so the essiah is the 4o*d and $.ee1h of Ha$he#& YH9H! as it is w*itten in the beginning of the Good-News of ou* 6ife-gi3e*: 0n the beginning He was the 4o*d(+ K[Ga1?@> As it is w*itten: 0n the beginning was a 9oi1e who&whi1h was the 4o*d(+ K[PR> 0n the beginning! was the K4o*d-58a3a*& e#*a>: and the 4o*d was with E%ohi#&God: and the 4o*d was E%ohi#&God(+ K[4o*d-5 e#*a&8a3a*>+-Ein ea1h o11u**en1eF( 1:) K>This Esa#eFN[P> He+&[R> This 7ne+> was in the beginning with E%ohi#&God( K[Ga1)> >[Ge=+-P*o# the beginning with His Pathe* He was+ K[9)> 4hen He was in the beginning with God! T3e*se 2T a%% things we*e #ade b- Hi#(+ 1:2 KE3e*-thing 1a#e to .ass in Hi#! Kand a.a*t f*o# Hi# not e3en one thing 1a#e to .ass( K[Ge=> E7*F! Now that whi1h 1a#e to .ass! b- Hi#-50t> was %ife+ K[P> E3e*- thing was b- His hand: and without Hi#! was not anthing whate3e* that eListed(+ K[R> A%% things we*e #ade th*ough Hi#! and without Hi# nothing was #ade that was #ade(+ K[RE%itF> A%% things th*ough Hi# 1a#e into being: and without Hi# not e3en one thing 1a#e into being! EofF that Ewhi1hF 1a#e into being(+ K[9)> Esee 9) note 1:)F+ K)[Ge91EH(-H(!E.h(!Co##(!.(@?!00(1<!1=F>((( and without Hi# was not an-thing #ade( And that whi1h was #ade! b- Hi# was %ife(+ 1:< KNow %ife is that whi1h 1a#e to .ass in Hi#! and %ife is the 6ight of #en: K[$ee 3(1:2+

K[PR>0n Hi# was %ife-51hai>: and the %ife was the 6ight of #an[R> #en+:+ 1:= KAnd >He! the&[P> this+> 6ight! in the da*;ness was shining and the da*;ness a..*ehended it not( K[RE%itF> And the 6ight shines in the da*;ness: and the da*;ness did not o3e*ta;e Eto hinde*F it(+ 1:? Po*-[P> The*e+ was a #an that was sent f*o# E%ohi#&God - his na#e was Yo1hanan( 1:@ This Esa#eF 1a#e fo* testi#on-! that he #ight bea* witness of[P> 1on1e*ning+ the 6ight! "PR> and that e3e*-one-[R> a%%+ #ight be%ie3e th*ough 5H>i#:' 1:A He-EYo1hananF was not [P> hi#se%f+-"R' the-[R> that+ 6ight! but [P> 1a#e to bea*+ a witness of-[P> 1on1e*ning+ the 6ight( 1:C KNow He-E essiahF is the 6ight of t*uth! that shines fo* e3e*#an that >has 1o#e-51o#es>> into the wo*%d( K[P> The t*ue 6ight was that! -whi1h en%ightens e3e*- #an who 1o#es into the wo*%d(+ K[RE%itF> He was the t*ue 6ight: whi1h en%ightens e3e*- #an >ente*ing into the wo*%d-5The t*ue 6ight E essiahF! 1o#ing into the wo*%d>(>+ 1:1G 0n the wo*%d He was! and the wo*%d >itse%f was in Hi#N[P> was bHis hand+&[R> be1a#e th*ough Hi#+>! and the wo*%d ;new Hi# not( 1:11 To-[RE%itF> 0nto+ His own E.eo.%eF He 1a#e! and His own *e1ei3ed Hi# not [R> 5ho#e>+: 1:1) /ut those that *e1ei3ed Hi#! He ga3e [R> to+ the# >[4> *ight+N autho*it--[P> the .*e*ogati3e+> that the- shou%d be1o#e sons[RE%itF> 1hi%d*en+ of E%ohi#&God! those that in&[P4> on+N[R> into+ His Na#e be%ie3e! 1:12 Those that not in b%ood! and not f*o# the wi%%&desi*e of the bod-& f%esh! and not f*o# the wi%%&desi*e of #an [R> we*e bo*n+! but f*o# E%ohi#&God "R> a*e bo*n'( KE91> The *eading of the Cu*etonian in this 3e*se a..ea*s to ho3e* between Mui nati sunt -and- Mui natus est! Mui being t*ans%ated as .%u*a% and natus est as singu%a*( Wui natus est! found in b and in se3e*a% of the Pathe*s! has been *ight%- 1onside*ed b- 8*( /%ass as a testi#on- to the 9i*gin-bi*th( QWui natus estQ wi%% be found in: 0*enaeus! Cont*a Hae*(! /oo; 3ii(! 1(C: A#b*ose in Psa%#s 2@(!.(A1@: Te*tu%%ian! 8e Ca*ne Ch*isti!LiL(F 1:1< And the 4o*d-58a3a*& e#*a> be1a#e&[4> was #ade+ >a bod-&f%esh> and it >tabe*na1%ed-5soOou*ned> a#ong usN51ast its inf%uen1e in us>& [R> dwe%t&$h>;hinah a#ong us+>: and we saw His G%o*--5B>3od>! [PRE4F> a-[4> the+ G%o*- as+ of an-[P4> the+ on%- [PR4> begotten+ E7neF f*o#[4>with+ the Pathe*! [P> that He was+ fu%% of g*a1e-5fa3o*> and t*uth( 1:1= And Yo1hanan ba*e witness of Hi#! and 1*ied out and said: This is

He that-[PR> of who#+ 0 had said! Kthat afte* #e He 1o#es! and E-etF He was befo*e #e: be1ause He >is fi*st E1o#.a*edF with&[P> was .*io* to+> #e( K[4>(((! He that 1o#eth afte* #e has been befo*e #e: be1ause He was #- C*eato*(+ K[RE%itF>(((! He 1o#ing afte* #e! has be1o#e befo*e #e! fo* He was .*e1eding #e(+ 1:1? And-[A> Po*+ f*o# His fu%ness-[P> .%enitude+ we a%% *e1ei3e[d 5R+! and g*a1e-5fa3o*> fo*-RE%itF> on to. of+ g*a1e-5fa3o*>: 1:1@ 0n that the To*ah&6aw >th*ough-[P> b- the hand of+> oshe was gi3en! and-"4' g*a1e and t*uth-[P> *ea%it-+ [4> 1a#e+ th*ough[P> was b- the hand of+ Yeshua Ha ashia1h&The- essiah "P> 1a#e >to .ass&[R> into being+>'-[R+( K[Ga> Again it is 4*itten: The t*uth of the To*ah&6aw was th*ough Yeshua+ K[Ge> Th*ough oshe EisF the To*ah&6aw(((but the t*uth of it EisF th*ough Yeshua ou* 6o*d(+ 1:1A@ KE%ohi#&God - ne3e* has an- one see Hi#: Kan on%- E7neF! a $on f*o# the boso# of His Pathe*! He has de1%a*ed EHi#F to us( K[RE%itF> No one has seen E%ohi# at an- ti#e: the 7n%--begotten $on-[A#> God+! who is in the boso# of the Pathe* - this 7ne eL.%ains EHi#F(+ K[Ga> A%% the so%ita*ies - the 7n%- 7ne f*o# the boso# of His Pathe* #a;es the# g%ad+ K[Ge2>/ut the 7n%- 7ne! whi1h EisF in the boso# of the Pathe*(((+ K[Ge> He was begotten f*o# the boso# of the Pathe*+ K[P> (((: the on%- begotten God! He who is in the boso# of His Pathe*! He has de1%a*ed EHi#F(+ 1:1C And this is the witness&testi#on- of Yo1hanan when Kthe-[R> the Uudeans+> sent "R> unto Hi#' f*o# Ye*usha%a-i# "R> Uudeans and head' Cohani# and 6>3ii#! >and-[R> that+> the- [R> #ight+ as; Hi#: 4ho a*e -ouI K[G> E7*F: 5when the Uudeans and(((the 6>3ii# sent unto hi# f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#>+ K[P> (((the Uudeans of Ye*usha%a-i# sent unto Hi# Cohani# and(((+ 1:)G And he 1onfessed-[R> a1;now%edged+ and >said&[PR> denied not! but [R> a1;now%edged+-1onfessed+-"Ge91'>: 0 a# not Ha ashia1h& The- essiah( 1:)1 And the- sa- to hi#: And-[R> 4hat then+ a*e -ou >not the P*o.het[GePR> E%i-ahu+>I [R> And+ he sa-s-[R> answe*ed+ "GePR> to the#': No( 1:)) The- sa- to hi#: And who a*e -ouI "R> Te%% us'! that we #a- gi3e an answe* to those that send us( 4hat sa- -ou of -ou*se%fI

1:)2 He sa-s: 0 Ea#F the 3oi1e >that 1a%%s&[PRE4F> of one [R> *oa*ing+1*-ing+> in the wi%de*ness! KP*e.a*e a wa- fo* YH9H&5The 67R8>! as said Yesha>-ahu the P*o.het( K[PR>(((! a;e s#ooth-[R> st*aight+ the wa- of YH9H&Adonai!(((+ 1:)< KAnd the- we*e sending and sa-ing to hi#: 5G)+ K[PR> And the- who we*e sent we*e of-5f*o#> the P>*ushi#(+ 1:)= [P> And the- as;ed hi#! and said unto hi#+: [4h- 5G)+ [G1>+ the*efo*e do -ou i##e*se! if -ou a*e not Ha ashia1h! no* E%i-ahu! no* [R+-the&[P> a+ P*o.hetI 1:)? Yo1hanan [PERF> answe*ed and+ said to the#: 0 i##e*se with[R> 5with&in&b->+ wate*! but a#ong -ou stands "PR> that' 7ne who# -ou ;now not! 1:)@ He [PR> it is+ that 1o#es afte* #e! [PR> >and was&[R&%it(> who has been+N[BU9> is .*efe**ed+> befo*e #e+! the thongs of whose sanda%s 0 a# not wo*th- to un%oose( 1:)A These things >he s.o;e&[R> o11u**ed+> in >/eit-An-ah&[A > /eitAba*a+-[#> /eit-A*aba+> >"P> on the othe* side of the "G1'-*i3e* Ya*den'>! whe*e Yo1hanan was i##e*sing( KE91> The $inai $( and the Cu*etonian both ha3e he*e /eth,aba*a! whi%st the #aOo*it- of G*ee; $$( ha3e /ethan-: but the- a%% a..ea* to indi1ate the sa#e .%a1e( /ethan-! if s.e%t with an a%e.h! #eans Qthe house of a boat!Q /eth,aba*a Qthe house of a fo*d o* fe**-(Q 4hen the Uo*dan was fu%%! afte* hea3- *ain! .eo.%e 1*ossed in a fe**--boat! and na#ed the .%a1e /ethan-: when its wate* was %ow in su##e*! and the- waded a1*oss! thena#ed it /eth,aba*a( A 3i%%age na#ed /ottan-! on the high %and o3e*%oo;ing the Uo*dan Gho*! on the easte*n side! has %ate%- been dis1o3e*ed b- P*ofesso* /a1on! of Ya%e Sni3e*sit-! A#e*i1a(F 1:)C@ And the neLt da- he&[PR> Yo1hanan+ saw Yeshua&[91EG1F> ou* 6o*d+ 1o#ing unto hi#! and he said: /eho%d! the 6a#b of E%ohi#&GodJ "R> /eho%d! >He' that Kta;es-[Ge> that 1o#es to ta;e+> awa- the sin of the wo*%dJ K[P> (((bea*s the sin of the wo*%dJ+ 1:2G This is He of who# 0 [G1> had+-"PR' said that a an 1o#es afte* #e! >and E-etF He was&[R&Young>s> who has 1o#e befo*e #e+> befo*e #e! be1ause He K>is fi*st E1o#.a*edF with&[PR> was .*io* to+> #e( K[4>((( was #- C*eato*(+ 1:21 And "R> 0 #-se%f' did not ;now Hi#: but be1ause He shou%d be ;nown -[R> *e3ea%ed+ to 0s*ae%! "G1> the*efo*e'N[PR+ ha3e 0 #-se%f 1o#e that with&[R> 5with&b-&in>+ wate* 0 shou%d i##e*se( 1:2) And Yo1hanan ba*e witness and said: 0 saw HaRua1h&The$.i*it

"R> that' as a do3e des1ended f*o#-[R> out of+ Hea3en and >*e#ainedN [P> *est+&[R> He abode+> u.on Hi#( 1:22 And 0! 0 ;new Hi# not: but He that sent #e to i##e*se "G1> with[R> in+ wate*'-[PR+! He said unto #e: That 7ne whi1h -ou see "R> that' HaRua1h&The-$.i*it 1o#es-[PR> des1end+ and >[R> abiding+*e#ain-[P> *est+> u.on Hi#! it is He that i##e*ses with-[R> in+ HaRua1h&The$.i*it( 1:2< And 0 #-se%f saw and ha3e bo*ne witness! that this [R> 7ne+ is the >Chosen E7neF&[PR> $on+> of E%ohi#&God( 1:2= And the neLt da- [G1+-Yo1hanan&[G)>Yeshua+ was standing! and two >of his&[R> f*o# the+> Ta%#idi#&dis1i.%es "P> b--[R> of+ hi#'( 1:2? And he %oo;ed u.on [PR+-Yeshua&[G1> ou* 6o*d+ "R> whi%e' wa%;ing! and said: "PR> /eho%d! Ha ashia1h&The- essiahJ'-[91EG1F+ /eho%d! the 6a#b of E%ohi#&GodJ 1:2@ And Kwhen those Ta%#idi# >of Yo1hanan hea*d&[G1> hea*d Yo1hanan s.ea;ing+>! the- went awa- afte* "PR> Hi#'! [PR+-"G1> Ee3enF Yeshua'( K[PERF>((( his two Ta%#idi# hea*d hi# when he said EitF! (((+ 1:2A And K>Yeshua "R'-Hi#se%f&[G1> ou* 6o*d+> tu*ned *ound! and saw the# 1o#ing afte* Hi#! EandF sa-s unto the#: 4hat see; -ouI The- saunto Hi#: "R> 7u*' Rabbi! [R> whi1h is 1a%%ed! being t*ans%ated! Tea1he*+! whe*e a*e -ou Esta-ingF-[P+I K[P>((( Yeshua tu*ned! and saw(((+ 1:2C He sa-s unto the#: Co#e and "PR> -ou sha%%' see( And the1a#e "PR> afte* Hi#'! and saw whe*e He >was Esta-ingF&[P> %odged+>! and we*e-[R> abode+ with Hi# that da-! [R+-and&[P> -fo*+ it was about the tenth hou*( 1:<G And one of >those sa#e&[G1P> those+N[R> the two+> KTa%#idi# of Yo1hanan! And*ew was his na#e! the b*othe* of $hi#,on "G1P> Befa'( K[PERF> (((who hea*d Yo1hanan and went afte* Efo%%owingF Yeshua[R> Hi#+ was And*ew!(((+ 1:<1 KAnd he! And*ew! saw $hi#,on Befa [G1>his b*othe* on that da-+-"P' and sa-s unto hi#: [G1> - b*othe*+-"PR'! we ha3e found Ha ashia1h& The- essiah! [R> whi1h being t*ans%ated is! The Anointed+J K[PERF> He fi*st saw $hi#,on his b*othe*! and said unto hi#:(((+ K[#>he EAnd*ewF [#> was the+ fi*st finds-[#> to find+ his b*othe*+ K[91EG1F> And And*ew saw $hi#,on his b*othe* at the dawn of da-! and sa-s unto hi#: - b*othe*! we ha3e found Ha ashia1h&Theessiah(+ E91> The siLth wo*d of this 3e*se was dete1ted b- #e in 1CG?( "((('

This *eading! Qat the dawn of da-!Q 1o**es.onds to the wo*d #ane in the 7%d 6atin CodeL 9e*onensis TbT! whi1h sa-s: Q0n3enit aute# #ane f*at*e# $i#one# et diLit i%%i: 0nueni#us essia#(Q And to CodeL Pa%atinus TeT: QEt #ane inuenit f*at*e# suu# si#one# et ait i%%i inueni#us essia(Q 8*( Nest%e suggested that the sa#e *eading #ight be found in the CodeL Ssse*ianus of T*initCo%%ege! 8ub%in T*T! whose teLt! as .ub%ished b- 8*( Abbott! *eads: Qinuenit hi1 e f*at*e# suu# si#one# Mui di1it i%%i! inuen us essia# Muod est inte*.*etatus Y.s(Q $in1e the .ub%i1ation of this *eading in the EL.osito*- Ti#es fo* Peb*ua*-! 1CGC! 8*( /u*;itt has signified his ag*ee#ent with it! and has d*awn #attention to a si#i%a* 1ase in 6u;e ?:1! whe*e CodeL A and so#e othe* G*ee; $$( ha3e the 1u#b*ous *eading: "(((' The CodeL Pa%atinus TeT has in this .assage: QEt sabbato #ane fa1tu# est(Q "(((' 0f this *eading be ado.ted! the 1h*ono%og- of the na**ati3e be1o#es at on1e inte%%igib%e( "(((' (((is a 1o**obo*ation of the of the suggestion that we shou%d *ead Q#o*ningQ in 3(<1(F 1:<) And he too; hi# "PR> and 1a#e' unto [PR+-Yeshua&[G1> ou* 6o*d+( And [PR+-Yeshua&[G1> ou* 6o*d+ %oo;ed u.on hi# and said [G)>+ "PR> unto hi#': You a*e $hi#,on [PR> the+ 5son of>-ben->Yonah&[A> Yo1hanan+>! -ou sha%% be 1a%%ed Befa: >"P> whi1h is inte*.*eted-[R> t*ans%ated+ "R> in G*ee;' Pet*os-5a *o1;>'-[R+>( 1:<2@ And the neLt da- He desi*ed to go fo*th unto haGa%i%! and He found Phi%i.( And "PR> ou* 6o*d' said unto hi#: >Co#e afte*&[R> Po%%ow+> e( 1:<< Now Phi%i.! "PR> his ;in' was f*o# /eit-TDaidah! f*o# the 1itof And*ew and of $hi#,on-[R> Befa+( 1:<= And Phi%i. found Natan>e%! "PR> and Phi%i.' said to hi#! "PR> to Natan>e%': He that oshe [R> w*ote about in the To*ah+! and [R>Ethe 7ne inF+ the Betu3i#-5P*o.hets> "R> w*ote of' - we ha3e found Hi#! "PR> that E7neF He is' Yeshua >5the son of>-ben>-Yosef f*o# NatDe*et( 1:<? Natan>e% said to hi#: KP*o# NatDe*et 1an an-thing of good 1o#e fo*thI Phi%i. sa-s unto hi#: Co#e and "PR> -ou sha%%' see( K[Ge91>(((: Can it be! that an- good thing shou%d 1o#e out of NatDe*etI (((+ 1:<@ And >5ou* 6o*d>&[PR> Yeshua+> saw hi#-[PR> Natan>e%+ 5G1+ [P> 1o#ing towa*ds Hi#! and said of hi#: /eho%d! >a t*ue son of 0s*ae%5a *ea% 0s*ae%ite>>! in who# is not de1eit(+ K[GeERF> (((/eho%d! indeed-[R> t*u%-+ "R> a $1*ibe&To*aheL.e*t'! an 0s*ae%ite! in who# is no gui%e(+ 1:<A [P> Natan>e% said unto Hi#: [R> P*o#+ whe*e ;now You #eI Yeshua [R> answe*ed and+ said unto hi#: /efo*e Phi%i. 1a%%ed -ou! when -ou we*e unde* the fig-t*ee! 0 saw -ou( 1:<C Nathanie% answe*ed! and said unto Hi#: Rabbi! You a*e

>Ha/en E%ohi#-5The $on of God>>: You a*e the e%e1h&Bing of 0s*ae%J 1:=G Yeshua [R> answe*ed and+ said unto hi#: /e1ause 0 said to -ou! that 0 saw -ou unde* the fig-t*ee! [R> do+ -ou be%ie3eI "R> You wi%% see g*eate* things than these'( 1:=1 "R> He said unto hi#:' A#aine 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! That "A> he*eafte*' -ou wi%% see [R> the+ Hea3enEsF o.ened! and the ange%s of E%ohi#&God as1ending and des1ending unto-[R> on+ the $on of #an( 5P+ K[Ga>You sha%% see the 5H>ea3ens o.ened! and the ange%s of E%ohi#& God des1ending and as1ending b- the $on of #an(+ CHAPTER ) ):1@ [P> And on the thi*d da- the*e was a [R> wedding+-feast in Banah a 1it- of haGa%i%: and the #othe* of Yeshua was the*e( ):) And a%so Yeshua and His Ta%#idi# we*e in3ited to the [R> wedding+feast( ):2 And the wine fe%% sho*t! and His #othe* said unto Yeshua: Theha3e no wine( ):< Yeshua said unto he*: K4hat is Ethis&in 1o##onF to e and [R> to+ -ou [R> wo#an+I Not -et has - hou* 1o#e( K[4> 4hat is that to e and to -ouI 7 wo#an! #- hou* is not -et 1o#e(+ ):= His #othe* said to the waite*s-[R> se*3ants+: 4hate3e* he sa-s to -ou! do EitF( ):? And the*e we*e "R> the*e' siL wate*-.ots of stone [R> standing+! >set fo*&[R> a11o*ding to+> the .u*ifi1ation of Y>hudi#! 1ontaining ea1h two o* th*ee [R> #easu*es-5twent- o* thi*tga%%ons>+NMuad*anta%ia -5a#.ho*ae Ewine Oa*sF>( ):@ Yeshua said unto the#: Pi%% those wate*-.ots with wate*( And thefi%%ed the# to the to.&b*i#( ):A He said to the#: 8*aw now! and 1a**- to the #aste* of the feast( And the- 1a**ied( ):C And when the #aste* of the feast tasted the wate* that had be1o#e wine! and did not ;now whe*e it 1a#e Ef*o#F! -a%though the >waite*s-[R> se*3ants! those who d*ew the wate*+> ;new! "P> as the- had fi%%ed the .ots with wate*'-! the #aste* of the feast 1a%%ed the b*ideg*oo#! ):1G And said to hi#: E3e*- #an fi*st b*ings fo*wa*d the good wine! and when the- >a*e satiated&[R> ha3e d*an; EitF+>! then that whi1h is infe*io*: but -ou ha3e ;e.t the good wine ti%% now( ):11 This is the fi*st-[R> beginning of+ sign[s&#i*a1%es 5R+! whi1h Yeshua w*ought at Banah in haGa%i%! and [R> it+ #anifested-[R> *e3ea%ed+ His G%o*-: and His Ta%#idi# be%ie3ed on-[R> in+ Hi#( ):1)@ Afte*wa*ds He went down to B>fa*-Na1hu#! He! and His

#othe*! and His b*othe*s! and His Ta%#idi#: and >the- we*e&[R> He abode+> the*e >a few&[R> not #an-+> da-s( ):12 And the Pesa1h&Passo3e* of the Y>hudi# d*ew nea*: and Yeshua went u. to Ye*usha%a-i#( ):1< And He found in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF those who so%d 1att%e! and shee.! and do3es! and the #one--1hange*s sitting Ethe*eF( ):1= And He [R> ha3ing+ #ade "R> Hi#se%f' a whi.&[4> s1ou*ge+ >f*o# a 1o*d&[R> out of *>! >and tu*ned&[R> He th*ew+> the# a%% out of the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! and-[R> both+ the shee. and the 1att%e and the #one-1hange*s: >and He .ou*ed&[R> .ou*ing+> out thei*-[R> the+ #one-! and o3e*tu*ned thei*-[R> the+ tab%es! 5P+ ):1? [G1> And He was sa-ing to those se%%ing do3es: Ta;e awathese things "P> f*o# he*e'-[R+! and do not #a;e the House of Pathe* a house of #e*1handise-[P> t*affi1+( ):1@ [R> And+ "PR> 4hen He did these things' His Ta%#idi# *e#e#be*ed that it is w*itten: The Dea% of Thine House Khath >eaten e u.&[R> 1onsu#ed&de3ou*ed e+>( K[A > (((wi%% eat(((+ ):1A [R> Then+ the Uudeans [PR> *e.%ied and+ sa- to Hi#: 4hat EisF the sign EthatF -ou show us! that-[PR> sin1e+ -ou do these thingsI ):1C >7u* 6o*d&[R> Yeshua+> answe*ed and said to the#: >Pu%% down the &[R> 8est*o- this+> Te#.%e and in th*ee da-s 0 wi%% *aise it "R> u.'( ):)G >The- sa- Ein answe*F to Hi#&[R> Then said the Uudeans+>: "R> 0n' fo*t- and siL -ea*s was-[R> is+ this Te#.%e [R> being+ bui%t! and "R> do' -ou in th*ee da-s [R> sha%%+ >[P+-bui%t it&[GeR> *aise it "R> u.'+>I ):)1 Now-[R> /ut+ He of the Te#.%e of His bod- was sa-ing EthisF! ):)) /ut-[R> Then+ when He a*ose f*o# a#ong the dead! His Ta%#idi# *e#e#be*ed that >these things&[R> this+> He had said >[R> unto the#+-"A '>! and the- be%ie3ed the $1*i.tu*es and the 4o*d that >ou* 6o*d&[PR> Yeshua+> said( ):)2@ And "R> when-[P> whi%e+' He was in Ye*usha%a-i#! Kin the da-s of the Peast of 5Chag ha atDot>-Sn%ea3en /*ead! 5and> #anbe%ie3ed >ou* 6o*dN[P> on Hi#+&[RE4F> in-[4> on+ His Na#e+> be1ause thewe*e seeing the #i*a1%es&signs [R> of Hi#+ that He >did "R> unto the#'&[P> w*ought+>( K[PR> !((( at the Pesa1h&Passo3e*! [R> at the Peast+ #anbe%ie3ed(((+ ):)< /ut >ou* 6o*d&[R> Yeshua Hi#se%f+> >was not t*usting&[P> did not [R> 1o##it+-1onfide+> Hi#se%f unto the#! >[P> be1ause He ;new a%% #en+N [R> be1ause of Hi# ;nowing a%%+>(

):)= And it was not *eMui*ed that an- one shou%d bea* witness of anone>s deeds Eto Hi#F! fo* He ;new the hea*t in #an! what it is( K[PR> And [R> be1ause+ He needed not that an- one shou%d testif-& witness "R> to Hi#' *es.e1ting-[R> 1on1e*ning+ "R> an-' #an: fo* He "R> Hi#se%f' ;new what is-[R> was+ in #an(+ CHAPTER 2 2:1 Now the*e was the*e a #an of the P>*ushi# [P> the*e+! his na#e was Na;di#on! "PR> and this sa#e #an was' a *u%e* of the Uews&Y>hudi#( 2:) He 1a#e unto >ou* 6o*d&[PR> Yeshua+> b- night and said unto Hi#: Rabbi! we ;now that f*o# E%ohi#&God You ha3e >been sent&[R> 1o#e+> "PR> unto us' EasF a Tea1he*! be1ause no one 1an do-[P> wo*;+ these #i*a1%es &signs [PR> whi1h You [R> do+-wo*;+ eL1e.t that E%ohi#&God is with Hi#( 2:2 >7u* 6o*d&[P> Yeshua *e.%ied and+> said unto hi#: A#aine! E3>Fa#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! >0f one be not&[P> un%ess a #an be+> bo*n anew-[RE%it> f*o# abo3e+! one 1annot see-[P> beho%d+ the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( 2:< Na;di#on sa-s unto Hi#: How 1an an aged #an [R> ab%e to+ be bo*nI >Can he&[R> He is not ab%e to+> >*ea%%- again&[PR> a se1ond ti#e+> ente* the wo#b of his #othe*! and "PR> anew' be bo*nI 2:= K>7u* 6o*d&[P> Yeshua *e.%ied and+> sa-s unto hi#: A#aine! 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou: K>0f one is not&[P> That un%ess a #an be+> bo*n f*o# 5R>ua1h&5$>.i*it and wate*! one 1annot ente* 5G1+ [G)> the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( K[R> Yeshua answe*ed:(((EL1e.t one *e1ei3e bi*th of wate* and Rua1h&$.i*it! he is not ab%e to ente* into(((+ 2:? That whi1h is bo*n f*o# the f%esh is f%esh! "G1ePR> be1ause f*o# f%esh it is bo*n': and that whi1h is bo*n f*o# [R> The+ $.i*it&Rua1h is s.i*it! "PR> be1ause God& E%ohi# is 5EaF> [G1>%i3ing+ Rua1h&$.i*it': "G1PR> -and f*o# E%ohi#&God it has been bo*n'( 2:@ And do not wonde*-[P> be su*.*ised+ that 0 said unto -ou K"G1PR> that it beho3es -ou' >to be bo*n&[R> -ou #ust *e1ei3e bi*th+> "G1> f*o# Abo3e'-[R+( K[P> (((that -ou #ust be bo*n anew(+ 2:A KThe Kwind - whe*e it wi%%-[P> 1hooses+ it b%ows! and its 3oi1e[P> sound+ it is "G1P> on%-' that -ou hea*! but not f*o# whe*e it has 1o#e do -ou ;now! no* whe*e it goes: so [P+->is e3e*- one that is[G1> so a*e the- that a*e+> bo*n "P> f*o# wate* and' f*o#-[4> of+ [P> The+ 5$>.i*it&5R>ua1h( K1[RE%itF> HaRua1h&The-$.i*it whe*e He desi*es -b*eathes! and -ou

hea* His 3oi1e: but -ou do not ;now f*o# whe*e He 1o#es! and whe*e He goes: -so is e3e*-one ha3ing *e1ei3ed bi*th f*o# HaRua1h&The$.i*it(+ K[4> The $.i*it b*eathes on who# He wi%%eth (((+ K)[G&A*a#ai1&Heb*ew> wind-55$>.i*it>+-Ewhen the sense .e*#its its usageF 2:C Na;di#on "G1> answe*ed and'-[PR+ said unto Hi#: How 1an >this[PR> these things+> be-[R> 1o#e about+I 2:1G [PR+->Yeshua answe*ed and&[G1> 7u* 6o*d+> said unto hi#: A*e -ou the&EaF Tea1he* of 0s*ae%! and these things ;now -ou notI 2:11 A#aine "G1> 3>a#aine'-[PR+! 0 sa- unto -ou! that that whi1h 4e ;now 4e a*e s.ea;ing! and that whi1h 4e see-[PR> ha3e seen+ 4e bea* witness of! and 7u* witness -ou *e1ei3e not( 2:1)@ 5G)+[G> [Ga> Po*+-"PR' if of the things whi1h a*e on ea*th 0 ha3e said unto -ou! and -ou be%ie3e not! how if of the things "PR> whi1h a*e' in Hea3en 0 sha%% sa- unto -ou! wi%% -ou be%ie3e "GaPR> e'I 2:12 [G1&R> And+ no one has >gone u.&[P> as1ended+> [R> in+to [R> the+ Hea3en! eL1e.t He that >1a#e down&[P> des1ended+> f*o#-[R> out of the+ Hea3en! the $on of #an "GeA#> that >[G)a+-was in&[G1> is f*o#+> Hea3en[PR> who is in [R> the+ Hea3en+'( 2:1< And as oshe [G1>had+-"PR' %ifted u. the se*.ent in the wi%de*ness! [91EG1F> e3en+ so #ust&[91EG1F> is+ the $on of #an to be %ifted u.! 2:1= E$oF that [PR+->e3e*- one&[G1>whoe3e*+> that Kbe%ie3es [A> shou%d+ in Hi# "A'-shou%d [G1PR> not .e*ish but+-"A' [P> shou%d+-"AR' ha3e %ife ete*na%( K[#>((( be%ie3es in Hi# shou%d&#a- ha3e ete*na% %ife(+ 2:1? Po* "R> so' E%ohi#&God >was %o3ing unto&[PR> so %o3ed+> the wo*%d as to "Ge> [PR+-gi3e-[G1> 5send>+' His [R> the+ 7n%-! [G1V> His+-[PR> begotten+ $on! that >e3e*- #an&one-[P> whosoe3e*+> that >[G1> sha%%+ -"PR'> be%ie3es in-[P4> on+N[RE%itF> into+ Hi# shou%d [G1PR> not .e*ish! but+ ha3e %ife ete*na%( 2:1@ Po* E%ohi#&God sent not His $on "G1> unto the wo*%d'-[P+ that He "RE%itF> shou%d' Oudge&1onde#n the wo*%d! but that the wo*%d K>in[P> b- #eans of+ Hi#>-[P&%it(> b- His hand+ shou%d %i3e( K[RE%itF> (((#ight be $a3ed th*ough Hi#(+ 2:1A He-[RE%itF> The one+ that be%ie3es [4> on+-in-[RE%itF> into+ Hi# is not Oudged&1onde#ned! [PR+-but-[G1> and+ He-[R> the one+ that be%ie3es not [G1> in Hi#+-"PR' is gui%t--[G1PR> Oudged&1onde#ned+ [PR> a%*ead-+! in-[G1>on the g*ound+ that He be%ie3es not in&on-[RE%itF> into+ the Na#e of the [PR+-7n%-&[G1> 5a..*o3ed>+ [PR> begotten+

>$on of E%ohi#&God>-5/en-E%ohi#>( 2:1C "G1> Now'-[PR> And+ this is the Oudge#ent&[4> 1onde#nation+ - that "P> the'-[R+ 6ight 1a#e unto&into the wo*%d! and >the wo*%d&[PR> #en ha3e+> "G1P> Ea%%F "R> the' #o*e'-[R+ %o3ed the da*;ness "R> *athe*' than >the 8a-6ight&[PR> 6ight+>! be1ause its-[PR> thei*+ deeds&wo*;s we*e&[4> a*e+ e3i%( 2:)G Po* >he-[G1P> whoe3e*+-[R> e3e*-one+> >that does&[R> .*a1ti1ing+> >hatefu% things&[R> wi1;edness+> hates the 6ight! and 1o#es not to the 6ight! that [P+->the*e be not *e.*oof fo*-[G1&R> not be [R> eL.osed+N seen+N[4> 1on3i1ted+> his deeds&wo*;s( 2:)1 K[PR+-/ut-[G1> And+ he-[RE%itF> the one+ that does [R> the+ [R+t*uth-[P> *ight+ >[PR+-1o#es-[G1> 5d*aws nea*>+> unto the 8a-6ight[PR> 6ight+! that his >[PR+-wo*;s&deeds-[G1> deed+> #a- be seen[P> ;nown+N[R> *e3ea%ed+ that in E%ohi#&God >the- a*e&[G1> it is+N[R> ha3e been+> done-[R> wo*;ed+( K[91EG1F> And he that does good 1o#es nea* to the 6ight! that his wo*;5s> #a- be seen! that the- a*e w*ought in E%ohi#(+ 2:))@ K[G1>And+ afte* these things >Yeshua went fo*th&[G1> ou* 6o*d went awa-+>! and His Ta%#idi#! to "G1> the %and of' Y>hudah! and the*e was >abiding with the# and was i##e*sing&[G1> dwe%%ing+>( [G1> And the*e dwe%t with the# E1onne1ted to 3e*se )2 fo%%owingF-+ K[PR> Afte* these things! Yeshua and His Ta%#idi# 1a#e into the %and of Y>hudah: and the*e He abode with the#! and i##e*sed(+ 2:)2 K-Yo1hanan a%so [G1> ERF he+ was i##e*sing in >Ain [G)+-Yon[G1d> Non+-[R> Eina-i#+ b- the side of $ha%e#! be1ause #u1h wate* was the*e: and .eo.%e we*e 1o#ing unto hi# and being i##e*sed: K[P> And Yo1hanan a%so was i##e*sing in Eina-i#! whi1h is nea* to $ha%e#! be1ause the*e we*e #an- wate*s the*e: and the .eo.%e 1a#e and we*e [R> being+ i##e*sed(+ 2:)< Po* not -et had [G1> he!+-"PR' Yo1hanan fa%%en-[R> been th*own+ into [R> the+ .*ison( 2:)= KNow the*e had been a dis.ute a#ong [G1P> one of+ the Ta%#idi# of Yo1hanan with >the Uudeans&[G1P> a [P> 1e*tain+ Uudean+> about 1%eansing&.u*ifi1ation( K[R> Then a Muestion f*o# Yo1hanan>s Ta%#idi# a*ose with the Uudeans about .u*if-ing(+ 2:)? And the--EYo1hanan>s Ta%#idi#F 1a#e unto Yo1hanan! and sa- to hi#: "R> 7u*' Rabbi! He that was with -ou on the othe* side of

haYa*den! and -ou did bea* witness of Hi#! beho%d! He a%so i##e*ses: and >a%% "RA> the .eo.%e'&[G1P> #an-+> [R+->unto Hi# a*e 1o#ing&[P> go afte* Efo%%owingF Hi#+>J 2:)@ Yo1hanan [R> answe*ed and+ sa-s "R> unto the#': A #an 1annot e3en ta;e-[R> *e1ei3e+ an-thing "R'-[P> b- his own 1hoi1e+! eL1e.t if it [P+ -be-[G1R> has been+ gi3en unto hi# f*o# Hea3en( 2:)A K/ut -ou bea*-[R> -ou*se%3es+ witness to #e! that 0 said that 0 a# not Ha ashia1h&The- essiah! but [R> that ha3ing+ >a# an E#issa*-&[PR> a#-[R> been+ sent >to go&[R> 0 a# going+>+> befo*e Hi#-[R> that 7ne+( K[P> You a*e witnesses fo* #e! that(((+ K[4>You a*e witnessing to #e! that 0 said! 0 a# not The essiah! but that 0 a# sent befo*e Hi#(+ 2:)C Po*-[G1> /e1ause+ He that has the b*ide! He is the /*ideg*oo#: and the f*iend of the /*ideg*oo#! he that stands and %istens to Hi# and with "R> g*eat' Oo- *eOoi1es be1ause of the 3oi1e of the /*ideg*oo# this the*efo*e #- Oo-! "R> beho%d'! it is >b*ought to and end&[PR> fu%%+N[4> has been #ade 1o#.%ete+>J 2:2G Po* >Hi#-[R> that 7ne #ust+-it beho3es to> in1*ease! and #e to di#inish-[PR> de1*ease+( 2:21 Po*-[G1> /e1ause+ He that 1o#es f*o# Abo3e is abo3e a%%! and he that&whi1h is f*o# the ea*th is f*o#&of-[G1> in+ the ea*th! Kand f*o# the ea*th he s.ea;s: Kand He >that&whi1h is> f*o# Hea3en 1o#es! [G1PR> EisF abo3e [PR> a%%+ +&[#> bea*s witness of what He has seen and hea*d(+-E#> then 3(2)FK1[PR>!((( and ta%;s of the ea*th:(((+ K)[91EG1F>(((: and He that 1o#es f*o# Hea3en is abo3e the# a%%(+ 2:2) -That whi1h He sees and hea*s He bea*s witness of! and His witness >not e3e*- #an&[PR> no one+> *e1ei3es( 2:22 /ut he whi1h has *e1ei3ed His witness! has >[R+-sea%ed-[P> set his sea%+> that E%ohi#&God is t*ue( 2:2< Po*-[G1> /e1ause+ He&[4> who#+ whi1h E%ohi#&God has sent! s.ea;s the 4o*ds of E%ohi#&God! "Ga> fo*'-[PR+ not b- #easu*e Kdid >the Pathe* &[P> E%ohi#&God+> gi3e 5HaRua1h&The-$.i*it> >unto His $on&[P> Eunto Hi#F+>! K[Ga&E.h*(6a#- i)?@> Po* not b- #easu*e has His Pathe* gi3en Hi# HaRua1h&The-$.i*it(+ K[G1E3s( 2<b&2=: .a*t%- i%%egib%eF> Po* not b- #easu*e ga3e E%ohi#&God the Pathe* T2=T but unto His $on 5He was %o3ing> and has gi3en a%% into His hands(+ K[Ge> And not b- #easu*e ga3e He unto His $on(+

K[R> does E%ohi#&God gi3e HaRua1h&The-$.i*it(+ K[4> fo* He does not gi3e His $.i*it b- #easu*e(+ 2:2= >/ut He %o3es KHi#&[PR> The Pathe* %o3es the $on+>! and e3e*-thing &[4> a%% things+ has He [PR+-gi3en-[Ga> de%i3e*ed+ into His hands( K[91EG1F>((( His $on! (((+ 2:2? He-[R> The EoneF+ that be%ie3es in&on-[R> into+ the $on has %ife ete*na%: >and he&[R> but the EoneF+> that&whi1h be%ie3es-[PR> obe-s+ not EinF-"PR' the $on! wi%% not see %ife! but the w*ath of E%ohi#&God >[91EG1F> sha%% be+Nwi%% *e#ain-abide&[R> *e#ains+> u.on hi#( CHAPTER < <:1 Now when Yeshua-[G1&R> ou*-[R>the+ 6o*d+ ;new that the P>*ushi# hea*d >that KHis Ta%#idi# we*e #an-N[G1> of EHisF #anTa%#idi#+&[P> that He #ade #an- Ta%#idi#+>! and EthatF He was i##e*sing #o*e than Yo1hanan! K[R>(((Yeshua #ade #o*e Ta%#idi# and i##e*sed E#o*eF than Yo1hanan!+ K[91EG1F>((( He #ade #an- #o*e Ta%#idi# than Yo1hanan! be1ause it was not on%- ou* 6o*d who i##e*sed! but His Ta%#idi#(+ <:) - K[G1> /e1ause+-[P> Yet+ not >that Yeshua 5Hi#se%f> [P+-was& [G1> on%- was ou* 6o*d+> i##e*sing! but His Ta%#idi# Ewe*eF "P'-[G1> Ea%soF(+ K[R> Though t*u%- Yeshua Hi#se%f did not i##e*se! but His Ta%#idi#(+ <:2 "R> Then' He %eft Y>hudah and went awa- again to haGa%i%( <:<@ K5Now> it was 5a**anged> fo* Hi# that He shou%d .ass th*ough the 1ount*- of the $a#a*itans: K[G1&a> 4hen He was .assing b- a .%a1e of the $a#a*itans:+ K[P> And in going! He had o11asion to .ass th*ough the #idst of the $a#a*itans(+ K[R> And it was needfu% fo* Hi# to .ass th*ough $ho#*on(+ <:= >And He 1a#e&[G1Ga> He had 1o#e+> to a "R> 1e*tain' 1it-[G1> town+ of the $a#a*itans that was 1a%%ed $h>;he#! nea*-[G1R> o..osite+ >that fie%d&[R> the .ie1e of %and+> whi1h Ya,a;o3 had gi3en to Yosef his son( <:?a Now-[G1PR> And+ the*e was the*e Ya,a;o3>s Ewe%%Fs.*ing of wate*! and Yeshua-[G1> ou* 6o*d+ K1a#e 5and> sat [P> Hi#se%f b-+-o3e* the Ewe%%Fs.*ing! 5so> that He #ight *est Hi#se%f f*o# the fatigue of the *oad( K[PR> (((was wea*- with the toi% of t*a3e%ing! and seated Hi#se%f b--[R> on+ the we%%: and it was at-[R> about+ the siLth hou*(+ <:A And His Ta%#idi# had ente*ed that town that the- #ight bufo* the#se%3es food-[R> .*o3isions+: <:?b-"P' And when Yeshua-[G1> ou* 6o*d+ sat down! it was "G1> about' the siLth hou*! <:@ And a "PR> 1e*tain' wo#an >had 1o#e&[G1P> 1a#e+> f*o# $ho#*on to

d*aw wate*( Yeshua-[G1> And ou* 6o*d+ sa-s unto he*: Gi3e e "R>wate*' to d*in;( [<:A Ehe*e in RF+ <:C That $a#a*itan wo#an sa-s unto Hi#: "PR> /eho%d'! -ou a*e a Uew: how as; -ou #e fo* wate* to d*in;! >"G1R> EseeingF that! "PR> beho%d'! 0 a# a $a#a*itan [PR> wo#an+I'> "#> Po*-[G1> /e1ause+ the Uews ha3e no dea%ings with the $a#a*itans'( <:1G Yeshua-[G1> He+ [PR> *e.%ied and+ sa-s unto he*: 0f -ou had ;nown the gift of E%ohi#&God! and who is this that said unto -ou! Gi3e e to d*in;! -ou Ewou%dF ha3e as;ed Hi# and He wou%d >ha3e gi3en&[R> gi3e+> -ou %i3ing wate*-[P> wate*s+( <:11 >That wo#an&[G1 $he+> said unto Hi#: "G1> $i*'-[PR+! not e3en a bu1;et ha3e You! and the we%% is dee.: >[G1R> f*o#+ whe*e&[P> how+> ha3e You EthisF %i3ing wate*-[P> wate*s+I <:1) Can -ou be g*eate* than ou* fathe* Ya,a;o3! he that ga3e us this we%%! and he EthatF a%so d*an; of it! and his sons! and his f%o1;sI <:12 Yeshua-[G1> 7u* 6o*d+ [PR> *e.%ied and+ sa-s unto he*: E3e*- one that sha%% d*in; of this wate*[s5P+ wi%% thi*st again! <:1< And-[PR> /ut+ e3e*- one that sha%% d*in; of the wate*[s5P+ whi1h& that 0 wi%% gi3e hi# wi%% not-[R> ne3e*+ thi*st "G1PR> again' "R> fo*' e3e*: but that wate*[s 5PR+ whi1h 0 "G1> wi%%'-[PR+ gi3e [R> to+ hi# wi%% be[1o#e 5R+ in hi# a [4> we%%+-s.*ing-[PR> fountain+ of wate*[s 5PR+ [G1> f%owing+&[PR> s.*inging u.+ unto-[R> into+ %ife ete*na%( <:1= That wo#an sa-s unto Hi#: $i*! gi3e #e of this wate*! that 0 be not thi*st- [P> again+-"R' and [P> #a- not+-"R' 1o#e d*awing f*o# he*e( <:1? Yeshua-[G1> 7u* 6o*d+ sa-s unto he*: Go! 1a%% "PR> unto e' -ou* husband and 1o#e he*e( <:1@ $he-[R> And the wo#an answe*ed and+ sa-s "R> unto Hi#': 0 ha3e no husband( Yeshua-[G1> 7u* 6o*d+ sa-s unto he*: 4e%% [R> did+ said -ou! 0 ha3e no husband! <:1A Po*-[G1> /e1ause+ fi3e husbands ha3e -ou had! and this one that -ou ha3e now is not -ou* husband: [P>in+-"R' this -ou ha3e said t*u%-( <:1C >That wo#an&[G1> $he+> sa-s unto Hi#: $i*! 0 see-[PR> .e*1ei3e+! [G1EGeFR> that+ -ou a*e a P*o.het( <:)G 7u* fathe*s in this hi%% wo*shi..ed! but-[G1R> and+ -ou sathat in Ye*usha%a-i# [Ge> on%-+ is the >House of&[PR> .%a1e whe*e it is .*o.e*-[R> ne1essa*-+ to+> wo*shi.( <:)1 Yeshua-[G1> 7u* 6o*d+ sa-s unto he*: >4o#an! be%ie3e [91EG1F+-"G1>

e'-[PR+ that the hou* 1o#es! when-[Ge> T*u%-! 0 sa- unto -ou:+> not in this hi%%! neithe*-[G1R> and not+ in Ye*usha%a-i# sha%% the- wo*shi. the Pathe*( <:)) You wo*shi. >that whi1h&[G1PR> what+> -ou ;now not! and we wo*shi. >that whi1h&[G1PR> what+> we ;now! fo* %ife-[R> $a%3ation+ is of&f*o# [PR> the Uews&Y>hudi#+&[G> Y>hudah&Uudea+: <:)2 /ut-[G1> /eho%d+ the-[R> an+ hou* 1o#es! and Ee3enF now it is! when the t*ue wo*shi..e*s sha%% wo*shi. the Pathe* in 5$>.i*it and [R> in+ t*uth! fo* the Pathe* Ka%so - >Esu1hF as these! fo*&[G1> these a*e the+> wo*shi..e*s He see;s( K[P> (((*eMui*es that wo*shi..e*s be su1h(+ K[R> (((see;s su1h EonesF that wo*shi. Hi#(+ <:)< "G1> Po* E%ohi#&God is a $.i*it! and those that wo*shi. Hi# in 5$>.i*it EHe see;sF! and to wo*shi. EHi#F fo* the# it beho3es'! Ee3enF those that in 5$>.i*it and t*uth wo*shi. Hi#( K[P> "R> Po*' E%ohi#&God is a $.i*it: and the--[R> the ones+ that wo*shi. Hi#! shou%d-[R> #ust+ wo*shi. in 5$>.i*it and t*uth(+ <:)= That wo#an sa-s "G1> unto Hi#'-[PR+: >0 ;now that&[G1e> /eho%d+> Ha ashia1h 1o#es! [R> the 7ne 1a%%ed essiah+! and what Eti#eF He-[R> that 7ne+ has 1o#e! He wi%% >#a;e 1%ea* unto us&[G1e1<1> gi3e [GEGeF> unto us+ +N[P> tea1h us+&[R> announ1e unto us+> e3e*-thing-[R&Ge> a%% things+( <:)? Yeshua-[G1> 7u* 6o*d+-[Ge> He+ sa-s unto he*: >0! that a# s.ea;ing with -ou! a# He&[R> 0 A#! the E7neF s.ea;ing unto -ou(+>( <:)@ KAnd whi%e the-&[P> He+ Ewe*eF s.ea;ing His Ta%#idi# 1a#e! and the- we*e wonde*ing that Kwith a wo#an He was [G1e> standing and+ s.ea;ing! but the- did not indeed sa- unto Hi# eithe*! 4hat T K>she-[G1> You+ sought5KT o*! 4hat we*e You sa-ing unto he*I K[R> And on this 1a#e the Ta%#idi# of Hi# and #a*3e%ed that(((+ K[PERF> (((He wou%d 1on3e*se with the wo#an: >[R+--et no one said! 4hat see; YouI o*! 4h- ta%; You with he*I>+ E91> A 3e*- we%1o#e 1o**obo*ation to the *e#a*;ab%e 3a*iant! Qthewonde*ed that with the wo#an He was >standing> and s.ea;ing!Q has been .ointed out to #e b- 8*( /u*;itt( 0t is in 8*( Ha#%-n Hi%%>s E.h*ai# P*ag#ents! in a 8isse*tation on E.h*ai#>s Co##enta*on the 8iatessa*on!.(C?( The t*ans%ation of these P*ag#ents was *e3ised b- 8*( A*#itage Robinson! 8ean of 4est#inste*! so the*e 1an be no doubt of its a11u*a1-! and it was .ub%ished in 1AC<! a -ea* befo*e 0 de1i.he*ed the wo*d in the $inai Pa%i#.sest( 0t is 1u*ious that 8*( Ha#%-n Hi%% gi3es the sa#e 3a*iant in his

t*ans%ation of the A*abi1 8iatessa*on! whi1h he has 1a%%ed: QThe Ea*%iest 6ife of Ch*ist!Q.(2=<: -et the*e is no indi1ation of it in Cias1a>s A*abi1 teLt( Q"(((' The %itt%e wo*d Mae#! >standing!> has so #u1h signifi1an1e that we 1annot su..ose it to be a #e*e o*thog*a.hi1a% 3a*iant(Q - EL.osito*- Ti#es! 8e1()<th! 1CGG( E.h*ai# $-*us thought that the su*.*ise of the dis1i.%es was 1aused b- the fa1t of ou* 6o*d s.ea;ing with a wo#an a%one( QNe1! ne so%us 1u# #u%ie*e %oMue*etu*! .udo* eu# dete**uit(Q - oesinge*! .(1<G(F <:)A And that wo#an "G1PR> had' %eft he* wate*-Oa* and [PR> went+-gone[G1> *an+ [R> awa-+ to the 1it-! and she sa- "G1P> unto the .eo.%e'-[R> to the #en+: <:)C Co#e! see a an that said unto #e e3e*-thing that 0 ha3e [PR> e3e*+ done: >1an He be&[PR> is not this [R> 7ne+ +> the essiah& Ha ashia1hIJ <:2G KAnd-[R> The*efo*e+ the--[P> the .eo.%e+ went fo*th f*o# the 1itand we*e 1o#ing unto Hi#( K[G1> And e3e*- one that hea*d was going fo*th unto Hi#(+ <:21 Now-[G1> And+ [PR> 0n the #ean ti#e+ His Ta%#idi# Kwe*e besee1hing "G1> Hi#'-[PGe+ >that He shou%d eat b*ead with the#&[P>and said unto Hi#: 7u* Rabbi! eat+NK[91> and sa-ing: Rabbi! eat b*ead+(> K1[R> (((as;ed Hi# sa-ing: Rabbi! eatI+ KEA*#( 9e*sion Eutha%iana! .( AGF <:2) [PR> /ut+ He sa-s unto the#: 0 ha3e food to eat whi1h -ou ;now not of( <:22 The--[R> Then the Ta%#idi#+ sa- one to anothe*: >Can then so#e one ha3e&[R> No one+> b*ought Hi# so#ething-[R> EfoodF+ to eatI <:2< >"R> He'! Yeshua! sa-s&[G1> He sa-s+> unto the#: - "R> own' food EisF that 0 shou%d do the wi%% of Hi# that sent e! and [R> that 0 #a-+ 1o#.%ete the-[G1PR> His+ wo*;( <:2= $a- -ou not! that the*e a*e fou* [G1> othe*+ #onths and ha*3est 1o#esI /eho%d! 0 sa- unto -ou! 6ift u. -ou* e-es and see-[R> beho%d+ K"R> that' the %ands-[R> fie%ds fo*+ [G1P> the-+ a*e white "R> and ha3e a**i3ed' >Ea%*ead-F at&[R> a%*ead- to+> ha*3est! K[Gt&3> - fie%ds a*e white and ha3e a**i3ed at ha*3est! and a%*ead- %et e *e1ei3e - *ewa*d(+ <:2? And "PR> a%*ead-' the *ea.e* *e1ei3es wages and gathe*s f*uits unto %ife ete*na%! and-[R> so that+ 5G+[G1> the sowe* and the *ea.e* [R> #a-+->togethe* sha%%&[P> eMua%%-+> *eOoi1e( <:2@ Po* in this is the wo*d&.*o3e*b Kof t*uth! that one does sow and anothe* does *ea.( 5G1+[G)> K[PR> (((t*ue! that one-[R> anothe*+ is the sowe*! and anothe* the

*ea.e*(+ <:2A And 0 ha3e sent -ou to *ea. that whi1h not -ou ha3e toi%ed at! >but the- Ethe- a*eF that&[R> othe*s+> ha3e toi%ed: and -ou ha3e ente*ed u.on&into the %abou* of those E.eo.%eF( <:2C And f*o# that 1it- #an- be%ie3ed u.on-[RE%itF> into+ Hi# of the $a#a*itans! be1ause of the witness of that wo#an that EsheF was sa-ing: E3e*-thing that 0 ha3e [PERF> e3e*+ done He said unto #e( <:<G And when those $a#a*itans 1a#e unto Hi# the- we*e besee1hing Hi# that He wou%d be E*e#ainingF with the#! and EsoF He >was with the#&[R> *e#ained the*e+> two da-s( <:<1 And #an- [R> #o*e+ be%ie3ed "R> u.on Hi#' >be1ause of& [R>th*ough+> His 4o*d-[P> dis1ou*se+! <:<) And the- we*e sa-ing unto that wo#an: >Hen1efo*th not&[R> No %onge*+> be1ause of -ou* wo*d do we be%ie3e in Hi#! fo* we ou*se%3es ha3e hea*d "PR> f*o#' "R> Hi#'! and ;now that t*u%- He-[R> this 7ne+ is [PR> The essiah&Ha ashia1h!+-"A' the 6ife-Gi3e*&[R> $a3io*+ of the wo*%d( <:<2@ [R> /ut+ afte* "P> those'-[R> the+ two da-s Yeshua went fo*th f*o# the*e [R> and went awa- in+to haGa%i%! <:<< Po* Yeshua Hi#se%f had bo*ne witness that a P*o.het in his [PR> own+ 1it--[RE%itF> nati3e-.%a1e+ is not honou*ed( <:<= And-[R> The*efo*e+ when He 1a#e [PR>EinFto haGa%i%+ the Ga%i%eans *e1ei3ed Hi#! >when the- saw&[R> seeing+> that-[PR> a%% >[R> things+N the signs>+ whi1h He did in Ye*usha%a-i# at the Peast&Pesti3a%: fo* the- a%so had 1o#e-[P> gone+-[R> went u.+ to the Peast&Pesti3a%( <:<? And >He had 1o#e&[PR> Yeshua 1a#e+> again to Banah of haGa%i%! whe*e He had #ade that-[PR> the+ wate* [R> into+ wine( And the*e was in B>fa*-Na1hu# a "P> 1e*tain'-[R+ [R> nob%e#an+N1ou*tie*-5;ings> s%a3e> whose son was infi*#&si1;( <:<@ 4hen he hea*d that Yeshua was 1o#e-[R> 1o#ing+ f*o# Y>hudah to haGa%i%! he 1a#e unto Hi#! and was besee1hing Hi# that He shou%d go down and see-[PR> hea%+ his son! be1ause he was nea* to death5die>( <:<A Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: 0f #i*a1%es-[PR> wonde*s+ and signs -ou see not! -ou wi%%&[4> 1an+ not [R> at a%%+ be%ie3e( <:<C The [R> nob%e#an+N1ou*tie*-5;ing>s-s%a3e> sa-s unto Hi#: > #aste*&[RE%itF> si*+>! 1o#e down befo*e "PR> e3e*' the-[R> #-+ 1hi%d& %ad dieEsF( <:=G Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: Go "PR> to -ou* house: beho%d'! -ou* son %i3esJ And that #an be%ie3ed "PR> in' the wo*d of-[PR> whi1h+ Yeshua

[PR> s.o;e unto hi#! and went awa-+( <:=1 And-[R> /ut a%*ead-+ whi%e [PR> he was+ going [PR> down+ his s%a3es #et hi# and announ1ed "R> to hi#! and' >said unto hi#& [R> sa-ing+>: You* son-[R> 1hi%d+ %i3esJ <:=) And-[R> Then+ he as;ed [R> f*o#+ the# >at what&[R> the+> hou* [R> in whi1h+ he >be1a#e we%%&[R> had gotten bette*+>( The- sa- unto hi#: Yeste*da- at the ninth-[PR4> se3enth+ hou*! the fe3e* %eft hi#( <:=2 >And his&[R> Then the+> fathe* ;new that Eit wasF at that hou* that Yeshua said to hi#! You* son %i3es: and he be%ie3ed! he and a%% his house[ho%d 5R+( <:=< This is-[PERF> again was+ the se1ond sign&#i*a1%e that Yeshua did! >when He 1a#e&[R> 1o#ing+> f*o# Y>hudah EinFto haGa%i%( CHAPTER = =:1@ Afte* these things the*e >had been&[PR> was+> a-[#> the 5Pesa1h>+ Peast of the Y>hudi#! and Yeshua >had gone u.&[PR> went+> to Ye*usha%a-i#( =:) KAnd the*e was in Ye*usha%a-i# a 1e*tain .%a1e of #i;3eh&i##e*sion 1a%%ed in Heb*ew - K[A#> /eit-Hata+&[GRP#> /eit-TDaidah+: and the*e a*e in it fi3e .o*1hes( K1[RE4F> And at Ye*usha%a-i# is a .oo%-5#i;3eh> at the $hee. >Gate -[4>#a*;et+> whi1h EisF 1a%%ed in Heb*ew! /eit-TDaidah ha3ing fi3e .o*1hes(+ K)[#> /ethDatha+&[#> /ethsaida+N[R#> /ethesda+&[#> /e%Detha+ =:2 And the*e we*e %-ing in >the .o*1hes&[R> these+> a >nu#be*[PR> g*eat #u%titude+> of infi*#! "R> and' b%ind and withe*ed and 1*i..%ed E.eo.%eF [PR#> waiting fo* the #o3ing-[R> sti**ing+ of the wate*(+" ' =:<: [PR#> Po* an ange%! f*o# ti#e to ti#e! des1ended into the #i;3eh! and #o3ed the wate*s: and he-[R> the EoneF+ who fi*st went in! afte* the #o3ing of the wate*s! was 1u*ed of whate3e* disease he had[R> was he%d b-+(+-" ' =:= And the*e was the*e a 1e*tain #an that thi*t- and eight -ea*s had been [R> in+ infi*#[it- 5R+! =:? And when 5G)+[G1> >Yeshua&[G1> 7u* 6o*d+> saw hi# "G1> %-ing'-[PR+ He ;new that he had EbeenF a %ong [PR+-ti#e&[G1> whi%e %-ing+ Ethe*eF! He-[R> Yeshua+ said unto hi#: 4ou%d-[R> do+ -ou [R> desi*e to+ be1o#e sound-5who%e&we%%>I =:@ >He-[PR> The si1; #an answe*ed and+> sa-s "PR> unto Hi#': [P> Yes+ -"R' si*! [P> but+-"R' 0 ha3e no #an who! what Eti#eF the wate*s >ha3e been t*oub%ed&[PR> is #o3ed+>! wi%%-[R> he #a-+ >[P> .ut+Nb*ing

#e down EinFto&[G1R> 1ast #e into+> the #i;3eh&i##e*sion-[R> .oo%+! and[G1P> but+ whi%e -et 0 a# 1o#ing EdownF! anothe* befo*e #e goes down( =:A Yeshua-[G1> 7u* 6o*d+ sa-s unto hi#: A*ise! ta;e u. -ou* bed&1ot! and wa%; "G1PR> EandF go to -ou* house'J =:C And >in the sa#e hou*-5i##ediate%->> that #an was #ade who%e! and he [G1> a*ose! too; u. his bed&1ot and+ wa%;ed( And "P> that sa#e da-' it was the-[R> a+ $habbat [R> that+-"P' [P> da-+( =:1G [G1> And when+ the[*efo*e 5R+ Uudeans "PR'-[G1> saw Hi# the-+ saunto Hi# [PR> that was hea%ed+: [PR+-"G1> 0t is the $habbat': it is not 6awfu% fo* -ou to ta;e-[R> %ift+ u. -ou*-[R> the+ bed&1ot( =:11 [P> /ut+-"R' [PR+-he&[G1> And he that was #ade who%e+ [P> answe*ed "and+ sa-s unto 5R' the#: He that-[G1> whi1h+ #ade #e who%e! He-[R>that 7ne+ said unto #e! Ta;e-[R> 6ift+ u. -ou* bed&1ot and wa%;( =:1) [G)GePR+-"G1> The- >sa- unto&[R> as;ed+> hi#: 4ho is this #an that said unto -ou! Ta;e u. -ou* bed&1ot and wa%;I' =:12 And-[R> /ut+ >he-[P> "the #an+ that was hea%ed-[G1> that #an+ 5R'> did not ;now >who it was&[R> the E7neF who 1u*ed hi#+>! K>fo* Yeshua[G1> be1ause ou* 6o*d+> had *e#o3ed-[P> s%i..ed awa-+ "P> f*o# the .%a1e e%sewhe*e'! Kbe1ause of the #u%titude of .eo.%e [P> that was in the .%a1e+( K1[R> (((! fo* a 1*owd being in that .%a1e! Yeshua has withd*awn(+ K)[G1>(((! awa- f*o# the .*ess Eof the #u%titudeF(+ K)[Ge>(((! fo* Yeshua when He behe%d the #u%titude 5of the .eo.%e> withd*ew Hi#se%f f*o# that .%a1e(+ =:1< Afte* [R+->these things&[P> a ti#e+> Yeshua-[G1> ou* 6o*d+ "G1PR> had' found hi# "G1PR> that was hea%ed' in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! and said unto hi#: /eho%d! -ou >a*e who%e&[R> ha3e be1o#e we%%+>: sin >not again&[R> no #o*e+>! K%est the*e 1han1e-[G1> be+ to -ou a wo*se EthingF >than the fo*#e* EoneF&[G1> than that+>J [Ge>: %est -ou ha3e need of so#e one e%se+( K[R>(((! that a wo*se thing not ha..en to -ou(+ =:1= And that #an went [R> awa-+ and said to the Uudeans that: 0t was Yeshua that #ade [G)Ge+-#e-[G1PR> hi#+ who%e( =:1? And [R+->be1ause of it&[G1> The*efo*e+N[P> fo* this 1ause+> the Uudeans we*e .e*se1uting Yeshua-[G1> ou* 6o*d+ [PR> and sought to ;i%% Hi#+-"A'! >as to wh- He did&[PR> be1ause He had done+> these things on "R> the' $habbat( =:1@ Now-[R> /ut+ Yeshua-[G1> ou* 6o*d+ >said unto&[R> answe*ed+> the#:

K - Pathe* -et does wo*;s&deeds! Kthe*efo*e 0 a%so do Ethe#F( K15E(((: - Pathe* on the $habbat 1ontinues to do wo*;s&deeds! the*efo*e 0 a%so 1ontinue to do deeds on the $habbatF>( K1[PR>(((: - Pathe* wo*;s unti% now! and 0 wo*;(+ K)[Ge91>(((! on a11ount of this 0 a%so wo*;(+ =:1A /ut-[R> The*efo*e+ the Uudeans be1ause of this "R> wo*d' >we*e see;ing&[R> %usted+> [PR> the #o*e+ to ;i%% Hi#! not on%- be1ause He >was %oosing&[PR> had b*o;en+> the $habbat! Kbut be1ause [P> that+ He >was 1a%%ing&[P> had said of+> E%ohi#&God [P> that He was+ [G1eP> His+ - - Pathe*! and EsoF was-[P> had+ [G1e> #a;ing eMua%+1o#.a*ing-[P> eMua%%ed+ Hi#se%f with E%ohi#&God( K[Ge91>(((! but a%so be1ause He 1a%%ed E%ohi#&God His Pathe*! (((+ K[R> (((! but a%so 1a%%ed E%ohi#&God Hi# 7wn Pathe*! #a;ing Hi#se%f eMua% to E%ohi#&God(+ [91EG1F> and He was 1o#.a*ing Hi#se%f with E%ohi#&God(+ =:1C@ [R> Then+ Yeshua-[G1> 7u* 6o*d+ [R> answe*ed and+ sa-s unto the#: A#aine [PR+-"G1> 3>a#aine'! 0 sa- unto -ou! The $on 1annot-[R> is not ab%e+ do an-thing f*o# >[G1R> Hi#se%f+-His own se%f>! Kno* an-thing whi1h He has not seen His Pathe* do! Kbut whate3e* His Pathe* does! the $on a%so i#itates Hi#( K1[91EG1F>(((! whi1h He does not a%so see the Pathe* do: and He does 5nothing> eL1e.t what the Pathe* has done( The $on a%so does %i;ewise(+ K[R>((( eL1e.t what He #a- see the Pathe* doing: fo* whate3e* that 7ne does! these things a%so the $on does the sa#e wa-(+ K[4>((( un%ess He #a- see the Pathe* doing it: fo* whatsoe3e* He #a- do! the $on %i;ewise a%so doeth the sa#e(+ K[P>((( His own wi%%&.%easu*e! but what He sees the Pathe* do: fo* what things the Pathe* does! these in %i;e #anne* does the $on(+ K[G1> but that whi1h He sees His Pathe* 5do He> does: fo* the things whi1h His Pathe* does! 5these> the $on a%so %i;e Hi# does(+ =:)G Po* the Pathe* %o3es His-[R> the+ $on! and e3e*-thing that He does He shows Hi#! EsoF "G1P> that He #a- do EitF'! and #o*e-[PR> g*eate* wo*;s+ than these "P> wo*;s&deeds' He shows-[PR> wi%% show+ Hi#( >And do not wonde* that 0 ha3e said EitF unto -ou&[PR91EG1F> that -ou #awonde*&#a*3e%+>: =:)1 Po* [R> e3en+ as the Pathe* K>#a;es a%i3e&[R> gi3es %ife and+> the dead "R> and' *aises "R> the#'! so the $on a%so K>#a;es a%i3e those&[R> gi3es %ife to+> >that be%ie3e in Hi#&[PR> who# he .%eases&wi%%s+>( K1[4>((( *aiseth u. the dead and 1*eateth %ife in the#! (((+

K)[4>((( 1*eateth %ife in who# He wi%%(+ =:)) K"Ga> Po*'-[R+ the Pathe* >wi%% Oudge&[R> Oudges+> no one! but a%% Oudge#ent >He wi%% gi3e&[R>has gi3en+> unto K[91+-His-[GaPR>the+ $on! 5G1+[G> K1[P> Po* neithe* does the Pathe* Oudge an- one! but has gi3en a%% Oudge#ent to the $on!+ KEA*#(9e*sion Eutha%iana!.(AGF =:)2 [R> $o+ that >e3e*- #an&[R> a%%+> #a- hono* the $on! [R> e3en+ as 5H>e-[R> the-+ hono*"s 5R' the Pathe*: and he that does not hono* the $on! neithe* the Pathe* that sent Hi# does he honou*( =:)< A#aine 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! [R> The one+-he that hea*s 4o*d and be%ie3es [P> on+-"R' Hi# that [R> has+ sent e! "PR> He' has %ife ete*na%! and into Oudge#ent&1onde#nation >"R> he [P> wi%%+' 1o#es not&[R> does not 1o#e+>! be1ause-[G1PR> but+ "R> he' has >EbeenF *e#o3ed&[PR> .assed+> f*o# death unto-[R> into+ %ife( =:)= A#aine 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou 5G+[G)> the-[R> an+ hou* 1o#es[Ga>wi%% 1o#e+! [P+-"Ga> and e3en now it is [P> 1o#e+'-[R> and now is+! that-[PR> when+ the dead "PR> a%so' sha%% hea* the 9oi1e of the $on of [PR+-E%ohi#&God-[Ga> an+ "Ga> and [PR> the- that hea*+ sha%% %i3e' "PR'-[Ga3> And sha%% 1o#e fo*th f*o# thei* g*a3es+( =:)? Po* [R> e3en+ as the Pathe* has %ife in >His own .e*son&[PR> Hi#se%f+>! so has He gi3en unto the $on a%so >that He shou%d&[R> to+> ha3e %ife in >His own .e*son&[PR> Hi#se%f+>! =:)@ KAnd He has set Hi# in autho*it- o3e*&[4> to eLe1ute the+ Oudge#ent! EseeingF that He is the $on of #an( K[P> And has #o*eo3e* gi3en Hi# autho*it- to eLe1ute Oudge#ent( /ut that He is the $on of #an(((+-EThe $-*ia1&A*a#ai1 .un1tuation he*e diffe*s f*o# the G*ee;! and g*eat%- a%te*s the sense( 0f the G*ee; .un1tuation we*e a..%ied to the $-*ia1! this and the fo%%owing 3e*se #ight be *ende*ed thus:-E)@F5and has #o*eo3e* gi3en Hi# autho*it- to eLe1ute Oudge#ent! as He is a%so the $on of #an( E)AF a*3e% not at this: fo* the hou* 1o#es(((+-EThis is .*obab%- the t*ue *ende*ing of the .assage: sin1e the othe* s1a*1e%- #a;es an- inte%%igib%e sense(F K[R> And He a%so ga3e autho*it- unto Hi# to eLe1ute Oudge#ent! fo* He is EtheF $on of #an(+ =:)A "PR> And' do not wonde*&#a*3e% at this! fo* >beho%d-[R> an hou* is 1o#ing in whi1h+>! a%% the- that a*e in the g*a3es&to#bs sha%% hea* >the 3oi1e of E%ohi#&God>-[PR> His 3oi1e+: =:)C And sha%% "PR> %i3e and' 1o#e fo*th! and the- that >a*e doe*s of[PR> ha3e done+> good! >sha%% be fo*&[PR> EinFto+> the Resu**e1tion

of 6ife: and the- that >a*e doe*s of&[PR> ha3e [R> .*a1ti1ed+-done+> e3i% >sha%% be fo*&[PR> EinFto+> the Resu**e1tion of Uudge#ent&1onde#nation( =:2G@ 0 1annot do an-thing f*o# - own #ind-[P>.%easu*e&wi%%+N [R> se%f+! but-[R> Oust+ as 0 hea* [P> so+-"R' 0 Oudge: and - Oudge#ent is u.*ight-[R> Oust+( Po* 0 see; not - "R> own' wi%%&.%easu*e! but "R> 0 see;' the wi%%&.%easu*e of Hi#-[R> the E7neF sending+-that sent e! [R> EtheF Pathe*(+ =:21 "R> Po*' if 0 bea* witness of&1on1e*ning -se%f! - witness [R+-> is not&[P> wou%d not be+> [R+-t*ue-[P> 3a%id+( =:2) 0t is anothe* bea*ing witness of&1on1e*ning e! and -ou-[PR> 0+ ;now that [R+-t*ue-[P> 3a%id+ is His-[R> the+ witness that He >has witnessed&[R> witnesses+> of&1on1e*ning e( =:22 You ha3e sent unto Yo1hanan! and he has witnessed in-[PR> to the+ t*uth! =:2< K/ut 0! -not f*o# >#an do 0 [R> *e1ei3e+-ta;e&[P> #en ha3e 0 *e1ei3ed+> witness: but these things 0 sa- that -ou #a- %i3e-[R> be sa3ed+( K[Ge3> Not that 0 *e1ei3e witness f*o# #en:(((+ K[9)> 0 -se%f do not *e1ei3e witness f*o# #an! but 0 sa- that whi1h -ou wi%% *e1ei3e(+ =:2= He-[R> That one+ was a-[R> the+ #eno*ah&%a#. bu*ning and shining! >but -ou wished to #a;e -ou* boast fo* the hou*-[PR> and -ou we*e wi%%ing fo* >a ti#e&[R> an hou*+>! to [R> eLu%t+-g%o*- +> in his %ight( =:2? /ut 0 ha3e [R&9)> the+ witness that&[9)> of 7ne who+ EisF g*eate* than "R&9)'-[P>that of+ Yo1hanan>s! fo* the wo*;s&deeds that -[R> the+ Pathe* ga3e e! that 0 #ight&shou%d 1o#.%ete the# -those wo*;s& deeds that 0 do [R>the#se%3es+! bea* witness of&1on1e*ning e! that the Pathe* has sent e: =:2@ And the Pathe* that sent e! He [R> Hi#se%f+ bea*s witness of& 1on1e*ning e( His 3oi1e ne3e* ha3e -ou [PR> at an- ti#e+ hea*d! no* >the 3ision of Hi#&[PR> His [R> fo*#+-3isage+N[4> His fa1e+> ha3e -ou seen! =:2A >No* does&[R> And -ou do not ha3e+> His 4o*d abide-[R> abiding+ in -ou! be1ause "R> in' the 7ne that He-[R> that 7ne+ "R> has' sent! [R> this 7ne+ -ou be%ie3e not( =:2C K$ea*1h the $1*i.tu*es! b- whi1h -ou ho.e that -ou wi%% %i3e fo* e3e*! and those $1*i.tu*es - of e it is EthatF the- bea* witness( Those that -ou ho.e that b- the# -ou ha3e %ife! the- bea* witness of e!

K[R> You sea*1h the $1*i.tu*es! fo* -ou thin; in the# -ou ha3e e3e*%asting %ife( And the- a*e the 7nes witnessing 1on1e*ning e(+ K[P> $ea*1h the $1*i.tu*es: fo* in the#! -ou thin;! the*e is %ife ete*na% fo* -ou: and the- testif-&witness of e(+ =:<G And unto e -ou a*e not wi%%ing to 1o#e! that -ou #a- ha3e %ife [P> ete*na%+-"R'J =:<1 G%o*- f*o# #en 0 >ta;e not&[PR> do not *e1ei3e+>: =:<) /ut 0 ha3e ;now -ou! Kthat the %o3e of E%ohi#&God is not in -ou( K[R> (((! that -ou do not ha3e the %o3e of E%ohi#&God in -ou*se%3es(+ =:<2 0 ha3e 1o#e in the Na#e of - Pathe*! and -ou *e1ei3e not e: and if anothe* shou%d 1o#e in his own na#e! hi#-[R> that one+ -ou wi%% *e1ei3e( =:<< How 1an-[R> a*e -ou ab%e to+ -ou be%ie3e! E-ouF that *e1ei3e g%o*one f*o# the othe*! and the g%o*- that EisF&[PERF> 1o#es-[R>EF++ f*o#& [4> with+ the 7ne God -ou see; notI K[PR>((( God on%- -ou (((+ K[#>((( the on%- 7ne -ou (((+N[#>((( the on%- God -ou (((+ K[9)>((( the on%--begotten-$on of God (((+ =:<= KCan -ou su..ose that 0 a# -ou* a11use*I oshe is -ou* a11use*! he in who# -ou ho.e( K[PE4F> 8o -ou su..ose! that 0 sha%% a11use -ou befo*e-[R> to+ the Pathe*I The*e is one that >wi%% a11use&[R> is a11using+> -ou! "R4> that' oshe-"4'! on-[R> in+ who# -ou [R> ha3e ho.ed+-*e%-(+ =:<? Po* if "R> in' oshe -ou had be%ie3ed! 5G)+[G> in e a%so[R>then+ -ou wou%d ha3e be%ie3ed! fo* >he-[R> that one+ of&1on1e*ning e has 4*itten-[P> oshe w*ote 1on1e*ning e+>( =:<@ K/ut-[G1> And if+ if in the $1*i.tu*es f*o#&of hi# -ou be%ie3e not! how wi%% -ou be%ie3e >[PR+- - wo*ds&[G1> in wo*ds of #ine+>I K[PR> /ut if -ou be%ie3e not his 4*itings!(((+ CHAPTER ? ?:1@ Afte* these things Yeshua-[G1> ou* 6o*d+ went [G1P> awa-+"P' >to the othe* side of-[R> o3e*+> the 6a;e&$ea of haGa%i%! Ethe 6a;eF of Tibe*ius-[G1PR> Tibe*ias+! ?:) And the*e went afte* Hi# a g*eat #u%titude be1ause the- we*e seeing the signs&#i*a1%es that He was doing Eu.Fon the infi*#&si1;-ones( ?:2 And >Yeshua had gone&[G1> ou* 6o*d went+> u. [R> in+to the hi%% and the*e was sitting with His Ta%#idi#( ?:< And nigh was the Peast&Pesti3a% of the Pesa1h&Passo3e*[G1>Sn%ea3en /*ead & -5EChagF Ha atDot>+-"PR' of the Y>hudi#( ?:= And Yeshua-[G1> ou* 6o*d+ %ifted u. His e-es and saw the g*eat #u%titude 1o#ing unto Hi#! >and-"R' He said&[G1> He sa-s+> unto Phi%i.: 4he*e sha%% we bu- b*ead! >that these "PR> fo%;EsF' #a- eat-[G1> fo* these fo%;EsF that the- #a- eat+>I

?:? Now He! as if testing hi#! EhadF as;ed hi#: fo* He was ;nowing what He was about to do( ?:@ Phi%i. sa-s unto Hi#: Two hund*ed dena*ii Ewo*thF of b*ead-[R> %oa3es+ wou%d not suffi1e fo* the#! >though the- shou%d eat&[R> that+> ea1h [R> of the#+ EbutF a %itt%e [R> #a- *e1ei3e+( ?:A $a-s unto Hi# one of His Ta%#idi#! >And*ew "R> was his na#e&[G1> whose na#e EwasF And*ew+'>! the b*othe* of $hi#,on Befa: ?:C KThe*e is he*e a s#a%%-bo-! and he has "R> on hi#' fi3e %oa3es of ba*%e- and two fish: Kbut these - what wi%% the- do fo* a%% these E.eo.%eFI K[G1> A 1e*tain %ad has on hi# he*e ((( Kbut fo* a%% these! what wi%% the- doI+ K[R> (((: but what a*e these fo* so #an-I+ ?:1G Yeshua-[G1> He+ sa-s: "R'->Go-[G1P> unto the#:+>! #a;e the .eo.%e& [R> #en+ sit down Eto #ea%! inF "G1PR> 1o#.anies b1o#.anies'( Now the g*een g*ass was .%entifu% in that sa#e s.ot-[G1PR>.%a1e+! Kand&[4> howe3e*+ the fo%;-[R4> #en+ sat down Eto eatF in nu#be* [R4>about+! fi3e thousand( K[G1> (((He sa-s unto the#: Go! #a;e the .eo.%e sit down Eto #ea%F on the he*bage(+ ?:11 KAnd [G1> when the- #ade the# sit down Eto eatF! then did+"P' Yeshua too;-[G1> ta;e+ u. those [G1> fi3e+ .ie1es of b*ead [G1> and two fish! and gaDed u. unto Hea3en+! and b%essed Ewith the b>*a;hahF! [G1> and di3ided unto His Ta%#idi# Eand the-F+ ga3e unto those that sat Eto eatF: "G1> and so a%so fo* the fish'! as #u1h as the- wou%d( K[P> And Yeshua too; the b*ead! and b%essed! and dist*ibuted to the# that *e1%ined Eto eatF( And so a%so! with the fish: as #u1h as the- desi*ed(+ K[R>And Yeshua too; the %oa3es! and ha3ing gi3en than;s Eto E%ohi# &GodF! dea%t EitF out "R>to the Ta%#idi#! and the Ta%#idi# Ega3eF' to those *e1%ining Eto eatF( And of the fish %i;ewise! as #u1h as the- desi*ed(+ [91EG1F> and He gaDed u. at Hea3en! and b%essed u.on it! and b*a;e the#! and dist*ibuted 5the#> to His Ta%#idi#! that the- #ight set the# befo*e the sitte*s(+ ?:1) And when the- we*e satisfied! He&[91EG1F> ou* 6o*d+ said unto His Ta%#idi#: Gathe* the f*ag#ents! whate3e*-[G1P> that+ ha3e *e#ained o3e*! that nothing "G1PR> at a%%' #a- be %ost( ?:12 And the- gathe*ed [G1> the#! the f*ag#ents that *e#ained o3e* of the#+ and fi%%ed twe%3e [R> hand+bas;ets "G1> of f*ag#ents'-[PR+ Kf*o#

the fi3e .ie1es-[P> 1a;es+ of ba*%e--b*ead! -those whi1h *e#ained o3e* f*o# the# that ate( K[G1> (((! the su.e*abundan1e of those fi3e %oa3es of ba*%e- and of those two fish( Now the #en that had eaten of that b*ead had been fi3e thousand(+ ?:1< Now the .eo.%e-[R> #en+! when the- saw this-[G1> that+ sign that He-[PR> Yeshua+ did! >we*e sa-ing&[G1PR> sa-+>: T*u%- this is the P*o.het >that 1o#esN[P> who was to 1o#e+&[R> the E7neF 1o#ing+> unto[R> into+ the wo*%d( ?:1= KAnd Yeshua had ;nown that the- we*e see;ing that theshou%d-[PR> we*e about to 1o#e and+ snat1h-[R> seiDe+ Hi# awa- [P> bfo*1e+-"R'! and-[R> that the- #ight+ #a;e Hi# a Bing: KEsoF He %eft the# and f%ed[G1Ge> went u.+N[P> *eti*ed+ "P> again' to the hi%% a%one( K[G1> And the- had #editated that the- shou%d snat1h Hi# awa-! to #a;e Hi# a Bing! but Yeshua ;new EitF! and He %eft the# and went u. to the hi%% He EbeingF a%one(+ K[R> (((: Yeshua withd*ew again to the #ountain! a%one Eb-F Hi#se%f(+ ?:1?@ Now-[G1PR> And+ when it was-[R> be1a#e+ e3ening! His Ta%#idi# TK> >had gone&[G1PR> went+> down5KT-[G)+ to-[R> on+ the sea! ?:1@ And >sat in&[R> ente*ing into+> the boat! and we*e >1o#ing to the othe* side&[PR>going o3e*+> "G1P>of the 6a;e'-[R>the sea+ [G)+-T K>of5KT -[G1PR> to+ B>fa*-Na1hu#! Kand-[G1> be1ause+ it had be1o#e da*;! and Yeshua did-[G1PR> had+ not 1o#e unto the#! K[R>(((! and da*;ness a%*ead- o11u**ed! (((+ ?:1A And the "P> wind had *isen 3io%ent%-! and the' %a;e-[R> sea+ was agitated "R> against the#' >[G1P> and-[P> fo*+-[R> b-+ a g*eat wind "R> was' b%owing+>( ?:1C And the- had >b*ought the boat&[G1> sai%ed+N[R> *owed about+> twent--fi3e o* thi*t- stadia! and the- saw Yeshua [G1> 1o#ing+ wa%;ing u.on the wate*-[PR> sea+! [G1> and He was wishing to .ass bthe#+ -"PR4'! and >when He d*ew&[4> being+> nea* unto the-[G1> thei*+ boat the- K>we*e af*aid "PR'-[G1> 5the- 1*ied out> f*o# thei* fea*+>( K[91EG1F>((( be1a#e .a%e with thei* fea*(+ ?:)G /ut Yeshua said unto the#: >0t is 0&[RE4F> 0 A# [4> he*e+J+> [G1> fea* not+&[P> be not af*aid+N[R> do not fea*+( ?:)1 And >the- we*e wi%%ing&[P> g%ad+> >that the- shou%d *e1ei3e[G1> when the- too;+> Hi# into the boat! and >in the "G1> sa#e' hou*5i##ediate%->>! that boat >had been d*awn nea* unto&[G1P> was at+> the %and that the- we*e going to(

K[R> Then the- desi*ed&[9)> *eOoi1ed g*eat%-+ to ta;e& [9)>*e1ei3e+ Hi# into the boat( And instant%- the boat 1a#e to be at the %and to whi1h the- we*e going(+ ?:)) KAnd the neLt da- that #u%titude whi1h was [R> standing+ on the othe* side of the %a;e-[R> sea+! whi1h saw that the*e was no othe* [R> %itt%e+ boat the*e! eL1e.t [R> that-"A' one+! >"A>>the one that[R> that one into whi1h+ the-[R> His+ Ta%#idi# "R> of Yeshua 1*ossed o3e* in'-[R> ente*ed+'>! and [R>that+ Yeshua >was not&[R>did not go+> with His Ta%#idi# in[to 5R+ the [R> %itt%e+ boat! [R> but that the Ta%#idi# went awa- a%one+ K[91EG1F> And the neLt da- the*e was a 1*owd: and it saw that the*e was a 1e*tain boat in whi1h His Ta%#idi# had 1*ossed: and ou* 6o*d Hi#se%f was not with the#: and no othe* shi. was beside the# sa3e the one into whi1h the Ta%#idi# had as1ended(+ ?:)2 - KAnd when othe* [#> s#a%%+ boats 1a#e f*o# Tibe*ias "G1> [PR> nea*+ >to' whe*e-[R> the .%a1e+> the- ate the b*ead! "G1#> [P> when Yeshua b%essed EitF+N[R> the 6o*d ha3ing gi3en than;s(+' K[P> Yet that othe* shi.s had 1o#e f*o# Tibe*ias (((+ K[R> Howe3e* the*e 1a#e othe* boats f*o# Tibe*ias (((+ ?:)< "G1> And-[R> The*efo*e+ the--[PR> when the #u%titude+ saw that Yeshua was not the*e! no* His Ta%#idi#! - the- [R> the#se%3es a%so+ >went down to the boat&[PERF> e#ba*;ed-[R> ente*ed+ in[to the 5R+ shi.s+>'! and >had 1o#e&[G1R> "R> the-' 1a#e+> to B>fa*-Na1hu# [G1> to the othe* side of the %a;e+ "R> and we*e' see;ing Yeshua-[G1> Hi#+( ?:)= Now-[G1PR> And+ when the- found Hi# [PR+-"G1> on the othe* side of the %a;e-[R> sea+'! the- sa- unto Hi#: "R> 7u*' Rabbi&[91EG1F> 6o*d+! when 1a#e You he*eI ?:)? Yeshua >[P>*e.%ied and+-[R> answe*ed and+> sa-s unto the#: A#aine! [PR+-"G1> 3>a#aine'! 0 sa- unto -ou! Not be1ause -ou saw signs&#i*a1%es >ha3e -ou sought&[G1R> "R> wi%%' -ou see;+> e! but be1ause -ou ate [R> of the %oa3es+-b*ead and we*e satisfied( ?:)@ 8o not wo*; fo* the food that .e*ishes! but fo* the food that *e#ains-[R> endu*es+ fo*&unto %ife ete*na%! whi1h the $on of #an gi3es[G1PR> wi%% gi3e+ [PR> unto+ -ou: fo* this-[P> 5H>i#+-[R> this 7ne+ has E%ohi#&God the Pathe* sea%ed( ?:)A The- sa- unto Hi#: 4hat sha%% we do! that we #a- wo*; "PR>fo*' the wo*;s&deeds of E%ohi#&GodI ?:)C Yeshua [R> answe*ed and+ said unto the#: This is the

wo*;&deed of E%ohi#&God! that -ou shou%d be%ie3e on-[R> into+ Hi# that He-[R> that E7neF+ "R> has' sent( ?:2G@ The- sa- to Hi#: 4hat sign "G1P> the*efo*e'-[ERF+ do You! that we #a- see and [R> and #a-+ be%ie3e "R> on&in' YouI [PR+-"G1> 4hat do You wo*;'I ?:21 7u* fathe*s! the- ate [R> the+ #anna in the wi%de*ness! as it is 4*itten: /*ead f*o#-[R>out of+ Hea3en He ga3e the# [G)ePR+"G1>to eat'( ?:2) [PR+-"G1> [R> Then+ Yeshua sa-s unto the#': A#aine! 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! Not oshe ga3e -ou [R> the+ b*ead [R>out of+-f*o# Hea3en! but >the Pathe*&[G1PR> "R> it is' - Pathe* EwhoF+> Kwi%% gi3e -ou /*ead of 9e*it--[G1> T*uth+ f*o# Hea3en( K[PR> (((gi3es -ou the *ea%-[R> t*ue+ /*ead [R> out of+-f*o# Hea3en(+ ?:22 Po* the /*ead of E%ohi#&God >[G1P> it is [P>He+ that+ has 1o#e&[R> is the E7neF 1o#ing+> down f*o#-[R> out of+ Hea3en! >and it is a%i3e and is gi3en&[G1PR> and %ife "PR> it' gi3es+> unto the wo*%d( ?:2< The- sa- unto Hi#: >"R> 7u*' 6o*d 5$i*>>! at a%% ti#es gi3e us [G1> of+ this /*ead( ?:2= Yeshua-[G1> He+ sa-s unto the#: 0 a# the /*ead of %ife: whosoe3e* 1o#es unto e sha%% not [R> at a%%+ hunge*! and He-[R> the EoneF+ that be%ie3es in&on-[R> into+ e sha%% >ne3e* [R> e3e*+ thi*st&[G1P> not thi*st fo* e3e*+>( ?:2? /ut 0 >ha3e said&[R> sa-+> unto -ou that -ou [R> a%so+ see[G1PR> ha3e seen+ [PR > e+! and >E-etF "P> -ou' do&[R> did+> not be%ie3e( ?:2@ [4> E3e*-thing that+&4hosoe3e*N[R> A%% that+ --[G1R> the+ Pathe* gi3es [R> to+ e! unto e wi%% 1o#e! and he-[R> the one+ that unto e wi%% 1o#e! 0 wi%% not-[R> in no wa-+ >.ut hi# fo*th&[PR> 1ast out+>! ?:2A >E$eeingF that&[R> Po*+> 0 ha3e 1o#e down f*o#-[R> out of+ Hea3en not that 0 shou%d do - [P> own+-"R' wi%%&.%easu*e! but "P> that 0 shou%d do' the wi%%&.%easu*e of >the-[G1> -+ Pathe*>-[PR> Hi#+ that sent e( ?:2C >Now this is the wi%% of Hi#-[R> the Pathe*+ that [R> has+ sent e &[G1> EAndF this EitF is+>! that >e3e*-thing whi1h&[G1R> f*o#&of a%% that+> He has gi3en e - 0 shou%d-[R> sha%%+ not %ose >f*o#&of it[G1> e3en+> an-thing! but shou%d-[R> sha%%+ *aise it u. in&at the 6ast 8a-( ?:<G Po*-[G1> /e1ause+-[R> And+ this is TK>G15KT the wi%% of > Pathe* &[R> the E7neF who sent e+>! - that e3e*- one that >sees the $on and be%ie3es in&on-[R> into+ Hi#>-[G1> be%ie3es in the $on+ shou%d ha3e %ife ete*na%! and 0 wi%% *aise hi# u. in&at the 6ast 8a-(

?:<1 Now-[R> Then+ the Uudeans we*e #u*#u*ing against-[R> about+ Hi# EinF-[G1> on 5Eg*ound thatF>+-"R' that-[R> be1ause+ He EhadF said! 0 a# the /*ead >that 1a#e&[R> 1o#ing+> down f*o#-[R> out of+ Hea3en! ?:<) And the- we*e sa-ing: K0s not this Yeshua! the son of Yosef! Kand we ou*se%3es ;now his fathe*I KHow EthenF sa-s He! K0 f*o# Hea3en ha3e 1o#e downI K1[G1> (((: This EoneF! is he not Yeshua! ba*&5ben>-YosefI+ K)[PERF> (((! who>s fathe* and #othe* we ;nowI(((+ K2[R> (((I How does this one now sa-! 0 ha3e 1o#e down out of Hea3enI+ K<[G1> (((! that f*o# Hea3en he has 1o#e downI+ ?:<2 [R> Then+ Yeshua-[G1> He+ [R> answe*ed and+ said unto the#: 8o not #u*#u* one with anothe*: ?:<< "G1PR> Po*' no one 1an-[R>is ab%e to+ 1o#e unto e! >eL1e.t he whi1h&[R> un%ess+> the Pathe*! that sent e d*aws Ehi#F: and 0 wi%% *aise hi# u. in&at the 6ast 8a-( ?:<= "R> Po*' it is-[R> has been+ w*itten in the P*o.het[s 5R+: Thesha%% be a%% taught of E%ohi#&God: Kwhosoe3e* hea*s [P+-"G1> the*efo*e' f*o# the Pathe* and %ea*ns [G1P> of&f*o# Hi#+ 1o#es unto e( K[R> (((: $o then e3e*-one who hea*s and %ea*ns-[ > has %ea*ned+ f*o# the Pathe* 1o#es unto e(+ ?:<? KNot be1ause-[R> that+ an- one has seen the Pathe* eL1e.t KHe >that is with&[P> who has 1o#e f*o#+> E%ohi#&God - He [P> it is EthatF+ has seen [G1> E%ohi#&God+ the Pathe*-[P+( K1[4> No one has seen the Pathe*! eL1e.t the 7ne who is with God! He hath seen God(+ K)[R> (((the E7neF being f*o# E%ohi#! He has seen the Pathe*(+ ?:<@@ A#aine! 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! [R> the EoneF+Nwhoe3e*& [G1P> he that+ be%ie3es >"A> E%ohi#&God-[PR> in[to&5on> 5R+ e+'> [R+has&[P> the*e is+ %ife "G1> ete*na%'-[PR+( ?:<A 0 A# the /*ead of %ife "G1PR> that 1a#e down f*o# Hea3en': ?:<C You* fathe*s! "R> the-' ate [R> the+ b*ead-[G1R> #anna+ in the wi%de*ness-[G1> dese*t+ and died: ?:=G "G1R> /ut'-[P+ this is the b*ead >that 1a#e&[R> 1o#ing+> [R+"P> down' f*o#-[R> out of+ Hea3en! that >a #an&[R> an-one+> #a- eat of it and [G1PR> not+-"G)e' die( ?:=1 E/utF 0 A# the 6i3ing /*ead that 1a#e down f*o# Hea3en! Kthat[G1P> and+ he that sha%% eat of [91EG1F> -+Nthis&[G1> the+ /*ead #a-& [G1P> sha%%+ %i3e fo*e3e*! and the /*ead whi1h 0 wi%% gi3e is bod-! >that EisF on beha%f of the %ife of the wo*%d&[P> whi1h 0 gi3e fo* the %ife of the wo*%d+>(

K[R>(((! if an-one eat of this /*ead! he wi%% %i3e fo*e3e*( And indeed the b*ead whi1h 0 sha%% gi3e is - f%esh! whi1h 0 wi%% gi3e fo* the %ife of the wo*%d(+ ?:=) And the Uudeans >we*e st*i3ing&[R> a*gued+> one with the othe*! and "G1R> we*e' sa-ing: How 1an this E#anF gi3e us his bod--[R> f%esh+ to eatI ?:=2 [G1P> And+&[R> Then+ Yeshua sa-s unto the#: A#aine 3>a#aine! 0 saunto -ou! EL1e.t -ou "R> sha%%' eat the bod--[R> f%esh+ of the $on of #an! and sha%% d*in; His b%ood! -ou ha3e not-[P>no+ %ife in -ou[*se%3es 5R+! ?:=< K"R> And&[G1P> /ut+' he that eats --[G1> His+ bod- and d*in;s -[G1> His+ b%ood has&[P> to hi# is+ %ife ete*na%! and 0 wi%% *aise hi# u. in&at the 6ast 8a-( K[R> The EoneF .a*ta;ing of the f%esh of e and d*in;ing of the b%ood of e has %ife e3e*%asting! and 0 wi%% *aise hi# u. at the 6ast 8a-(+ ?:== [PR> Po*+ - bod- >t*u%- is food>N-[A> is t*ue food+! and b%ood >t*u%- is>N-[RA> is t*ue+ d*in;: ?:=? 4hosoe3e*N[G1P> He that+&[R> the EoneF+ [R> .a*ta;ing of+eats bod-! and d*in;s-[R> d*in;ing of+ - b%ood! in e he *e#ains&abides[G1> is+! EandF-[PR> and+ 0 in hi#( ?:=@ [R> E3en+ As the %i3ing Pathe* [P> has+ sent e! and 0 >a# a%i3e be1ause of&[R> th*ough+> the-[G1> -+ Pathe*! EsoF he-[R> the EoneF+ >that sha%% eat EofF&[RE%itF> .a*ta;ing+> [G1> - bod-+& e-[R+ [P> he a%so+&[R> e3en that one+ sha%% >be a%i3e&[PR> %i3e+> >be1ause of&[R> th*ough+> e( ?:=A This&[4> He+ is the /*ead that 1a#e down f*o#-[R> out of+ Hea3en! not as >that whi1h&[PR> the #anna+> -ou* fathe*s ate EofF and died: whosoe3e*-[G1> he that+-[R> the one+ of this /*ead >sha%% eat&[R> .a*ta;ing+> [PR> wi%%+ >%i3es fo*e3e*&[R> %i3e to the age+>( ?:=C These things said He in the-[R> a+ s-nagogue "R> whi%e [G1> He was+'! tea1hing in&at B>fa*-Na1hu#-[G1> Ba.h+( ?:?G And #an- of His Ta%#idi# "G1> >when the-&[P> who+> hea*d'-[ERF+ we*e sa-ing: >Ha*d is this 4o*d&[P> This is a ha*d s.ee1h+>: who 1an[R> is ab%e to+ hea* itI ?:?1@ K>Now Yeshua! when He ;new&[P> And Yeshua ;new in Hi#se%f+> that His Ta%#idi# [G)P+-Ewe*eF-[G1P> we*e+ #u*#u*ing "G1> at[R>about+ this' -[P+! [P> and He+-[R> Yeshua+ said unto the#: 8oes this offend&stu#b%e -ouI K[R> /ut ;nowing within Hi#se%f(((+ ?:?) "R> /ut' EwhatF if [PR> then+ -ou "R> sha%%-[P> we*e to+' see the $on of #an >going u.&[P> as1end to+> whe*e He was "R> f*o#' >of o%dN[P> the beginning+&[R> at fi*st+N[4> fo*#e*%-+>I

?:?2 K0t is the s.i*it that >gi3es %ife&[R> #a;es a%i3e+>! "PR> o*' the bod--[R> f%esh+ >has nothing .*ofitedN[P> .*ofits nothing+&[R> does not .*ofit -nothingJ+>: the 4o*ds that 0 "G1R> -se%f' >ha3e s.o;enN [P> used+&[R> s.ea;+> with-[R> unto+ -ou [P> the-+-"R' a*e Rua1h&$.i*it and [P> the-+-"R' "G1> a*e' %ife( K[4> The $.i*it is the 7ne who 1*eates %ife! (((+ K[G1> He is HaRua1h&The-$.i*it that gi3es %ife to the bod-! but -ou sa-! -the bod- nothing .*ofits((((+ [91&EG1F> Q0t is the $.i*it that Mui1;eneth the bod-: but -e sa-! the bod- .*ofiteth nothing(Q+ ?:?< /ut the*e a*e so#e of -ou whi1hN[G1P> that+&[R> who+ >be%ie3e not& [R> a*e not be%ie3ing+>( Po* Yeshua was ;nowing f*o# >of o%d&[R> EtheF beginning+> [PR> who the- we*e that be%ie3ed not+ >hi#-[PR> and who it[R> the EoneF was+> >that wou%d bet*a-&[R> bet*a-ing+> Hi#( ?:?= [R> And+ He sa-s "R> unto the#': The*efo*e 0 ha3e said unto -ou that no one 1an-[R> is ab%e to+ 1o#e unto e! eL1e.t it be gi3en [PR> unto+ hi# f*o#&b- the-[PR> -+ Pathe*( ?:?? K/e1ause of this [G1P> wo*d&s.ee1h+ #an- of His Ta%#idi# >went awa-&[P> tu*ned ba1;+> "G1P> f*o# EbeingF with Hi#'! and we*e not wa%;ing with Hi#( K[R> P*o# this Eti#eF #an- of His Ta%#idi# went awa- into the things behind! and no %onge* wa%;ed with Hi#(+ ?:?@ [R> The*efo*e+ Yeshua-[G1> He+ said unto His-[PR> the+ Twe%3e: K>Can e3en -ou be&[P> A*e -ou a%so+> wi%%ing&dis.osed to go awa-I K[R> (((: 8o -ou a%so wish to goI+ ?:?A [R> Then+ $hi#,on Befa K[P> *e.%ied and+ sa-s "P> unto Hi#': 6o*d! unto who# sha%% we goI The 4o*d-[PR> wo*ds+ of %ife ete*na% [R+>You ha3e&[P> a*e with -ou+>: K[R> (((answe*ed Hi#: 6o*d! (((+ ?:?C "G1> And'-[PR+ we "P> ou*se%3es ha3e'-[R> ha3e+ be%ie3ed and [R> ha3e+ ;nown that You a*e K[G1R> Ha ashia1h&The- essiah+ >the $on of [PR> the 6i3ing+ God&E%ohi#-5EHa/en-E%ohi# [PR> Cha-i#+F>>( K[R> ((( that essiah! the $on of the 6i3ing God(+ K[A4> ((( the Ho%- 7ne of E%ohi#&God(+ ?:@G Yeshua-[G1> He+ >sa-s unto&[R> answe*ed+> the#: Ha3e-[R> 8id+ not 0 "PR> -se%f' 1hose"n 5PR' -ou >a%%&[P> [R> the+ Twe%3e+>I >"G1> And' beho%d! e3en out&[R> Yet+> of -ou one is EaF >hasatan-[P> de#on+J> ?:@1 Now-[R> /ut+ He >was sa-ing EthisF&[R> s.o;e+> of Y>hudah "G1> son of $hi#,on'-[PR+ f*o#-B>*iot! fo*-[G1> be1ause+ he-[R> this one+ was [R+-about-[P> afte*wa*ds+ to bet*a- Hi#! EbeingF one of the Twe%3e( CHAPTER @ @:1@ Afte* these things Yeshua was wa%;ing in haGa%i%! K[G1> be1ause He

was not wi%%ing+&[R> fo* He desi*ed not+ "P> to'-[R+ wa%; [G1> o.en%-+ in Y>hudah&Uudah-[G> Uudaea+! be1ause the Uudeans we*e see;ing to ;i%% Hi#( K[G)> (((fo* He had no autho*it-(((+&[P> (((fo* He wou%d not(((+ @:) And [G1> at that ti#e+ the Peast of the Y>hudi#! Ethe Pesti3a%F of 5$u;;ot>-Tabe*na1%es! >had d*awn&[G1R> was+> nea*( @:2 And-[R> Then+ [R+-His-[P> the+ b*othe*s "R'-[P> of Yeshua+ >had[G1> d*ew nea* to Yeshua and+> said unto Hi#: >Re#o3e hen1e& [R> o3e awa- f*o# he*e+>! "G1> and go'-[PR+ into Y>hudah! [R> so+ that -ou* Ta%#idi# #a--[R> wi%% a%so+ see the-[R> -ou*+ wo*;s&deeds that -ou do: @:< Po* "R> the*e is' no one K"R> that' does an-thing in 1on1ea%#ent Kand wishes-[R> see;s+ [G1R> hi#se%f+ >that it&he shou%d-[R> to+> be in >the o.en&[R> .ub%i1+>( 0f these things -ou do! show-[R> *e3ea%+ -ou*se%f to the wo*%d( K1[P>(((who does an-thing in se1*et! whi%e he wishes to be1o#e .ub%i1( (((+ K)[#> (((and see;s it to be ;nown o.en%-( (((+ @:= KPo* "P> ti%% then' not e3en His b*othe*s had be%ie3ed in Hi#[P> Yeshua+( K[R> Po* His b*othe*s did not be%ie3e into Hi#(+ @:? [R> Then+ Yeshua sa-s unto the#: K - ti#e ti%% now has not a**i3ed! but "R> -ou*s-' -ou* ti#e! is >at e3e*- season&[PR> a%wa-s+> "G1> *ead-'-[PR+( K[R> (((: - ti#e is not -et he*e!(((+ K[G1> (((: Ti%% now has - ti#e not a**i3ed!(((+ @:@ And the wo*%d 1annot hate -ou! but e - >the wo*%d&[R> it+> hates "G1PR> e'! be1ause 0 bea* witness of it! that its deeds a*e e3i%( @:A Go -ou u. to [R+-this-[G1> the+ Peast&Pesti3a%: 0 go not u. to the[G1eR> this+ Peast [P> now+-[R#9)> -et+-"A'! be1ause not -et >the ti#e fo* e&-[G1PR9)> - ti#e+> is-[R> has been+ a11o#.%ished&1o#.%eted( @:C >4hen He EhadF said&[R> and sa-ing+> these things [R> unto the#+! He *e#ained [P> sti%%+-"R' in haGa%i%( @:1G And-[R> /ut+ when-[G1> afte*+ His b*othe*s [P> had+-"R' went u.! then He a%so went u. to the Peast! not o.en%- but >in 1on1ea%#ent&[P> as it we*e se1*et%-+N[R> as in se1*et+>( @:11 Now-[G1P> And+-[R> Then+ the Uudeans we*e see;ing Hi# [G1> the*e+ at-[R> in+ the Pesti3a%&Peast! and we*e sa-ing: 4he*e is He [91EG1F>! He+I @:1) And #u1h #u*#u*ing the*e was o3e*-[G1> be1ause of+-[R> about+ Hi# a#ong >the [R> 1*owds+-.eo.%e&-[G1> that g*eat #u%titude that had 1o#e to the Peast+>: "R> and the*e we*e' so#e sa-ing: He is a good

#an! >and the*e we*e so#e Eothe*sF&[R> but othe*s+> sa-ing: >He is "G1> not' a good #an&-[PR> No:-+>! but >Eone whoF %eads the .eo.%e ast*a-&[R> he de1ei3es the 1*owd+>( @:12 Now-[R> Howe3e*+ no one was o.en%--[R> .ub%i1%-+ s.ea;ing of Hi# >fo*-[R> be1ause of the+ fea* of the Uudeans&-[G1> be1ause thewe*e af*aid of the .eo.%e+>( @:1< KAnd when the da-s of the Peast&Pesti3a% of $u;;ot&Tabe*na1%es we*e ha%f EgoneF! Yeshua went u. to the Te#.%e E1ou*tF and was tea1hing( K[R> /ut the Peast&Pesti3a% being now ha%f o3e*! Yeshua went(((+ K[P> >And when the da-s of the Peast we*e di3ided-5And in the #idst of the da-s of the feast>>! Yeshua went(((+ @:1= And the Uudeans >we*e wonde*ing and-&[R> #a*3e%ed+> sa-ing: How ;nows this E#anF >%ette*s who has not %ea*ned Ethe#F-&[P> %ite*atu*e! ha3ing not been edu1ated+N[R> %ette*s! not being taught+>I @:1? [A > $o+ Yeshua >[G1PR> answe*ed [R> the#+ and said+&sa-s> "PR> unto the#': - tea1hing is not [R+- ine-[P> f*o# e+! but >His& [PR> f*o# [R> the E7neF+-Hi#+> that sent e: @:1@ K"G1> And' he that wi%%s to do His wi%%! >;nows this tea1hing-& [P> wi%% unde*stand - do1t*ine+>! whethe* it be f*o# E%ohi#&God! >o* EifF[G1> and if+> 0 f*o# - own >se%f&[G1> #ind+N[P> .%easu*e&wi%%+> do s.ea;( K[RE4F> 0f an-one desi*es-[4> wi%%s+ to do His wi%%! he wi%% ;now 1on1e*ning the tea1hing! whethe* it is of E%ohi#&God! o* 0 f*o# -se%f s.ea;(+ @:1A K"G1> Po*' he that s.ea;s [P> a11o*ding to the .%easu*e+ of&f*o# his own #ind see;s the g%o*- of-[G1P> fo*+ hi#se%f! and He that see;s the g%o*- of Hi# that sent Hi#! He is t*ue! and wi1;edness&e3i% is not in Hi#-[G1P> in His hea*t+( K[R> The EoneF s.ea;ing f*o# hi#se%f see;s EhisF own g%o*-( /ut the EoneF see;ing the G%o*- of the E7neF who sent Hi#! this 7ne is t*ue! and un*ighteousness is not in Hi#(+ @:1C 8id not oshe gi3e -ou the To*ah! and E-etF >none&[G1PR> no[t 5R+ one+> of -ou >;ee.s-[G1> a*e doing+ 0ts itD3ot&Co##and#ents&[PR> obse*3es-[R> does+ the To*ah+>I e! whe*efo*e-[G1PR> wh-+! a*e -ou see;ing to ;i%%I @:)G >$o#e&[PR> The #u%titude answe*ed and+> sa- to Hi#: A de#on >the*e is in -ou&-[R> -ou ha3e+>J 4ho is see;ing to ;i%% -ouI @:)1 Yeshua [R> answe*ed and+ said to the#: 7ne wo*;&deed 0 did "PR> befo*e -ou* e-es'! and -ou a%% wonde*&#a*3e%(

@:)) KThe*efo*e oshe ga3e -ou />*it-#i%ah&1i*1u#1ision - not >be1ause[P> that+> it is of hi# - of oshe! but "P> be1ause' it is of&f*o# -ou* fathe*s - and on the $habbat->da--"P'> -ou 1i*1u#1ise&/>*it-#i%ah a #an -[P> 1hi%d+( K[R> /e1ause of this oshe has gi3en -ou /*it#i%ah&1i*1u#1ision: not that it is of oshe! but of the fathe*s: and on a $habbat -ou 1i*1u#1ise a #an(+ @:)2 K"G1> And'-[P+ if a #an-[P> 1hi%d+ be 1i*1u#1ised&b>*it-#i%ah on the $habbat [G1P>-da-+ that-[G1> be1ause+ the To*ah of oshe shou%d not be %oosed-[P> 3io%ated+! >against e do -ou #u*#u*&-[G1> on e do -ou %oo; Eas;an1eF+> Kthat 0 #ade the #an a%% who%e on the $habbat-da-I K1[R> 0f a #an *e1ei3es />*it-#i%ah&1i*1u#1ision on a $habbat! so that the To*ah of oshe is not b*o;en! a*e -ou ang*- with e be1ause a who%e #an hea%th- 0 #ade on a $habbatI+ K)[P>(((be1ause 0 #ade a #an enti*e%- sound on the $habbatda-I+ @:)< K8o not be Oudging b- >fa1es and fa1es&-[P> *es.e1t fo* .e*sons+>! but Oudge >u.*ight-[P> -ou a *ighteous+> Oudge#ent( K[R>8o not Oudge a11o*ding to sight! but 5the> *ighteous Oudge#ent Oudge(+ @:)= And so#e Kof&f*o# "P> the .eo.%e of' Ye*usha%a-i# we*e sa-ing: 0s not this He-[R> the 7ne+ that the- we*e see;ing to ;i%%I K[R> (((Ye*usha%a-i#-ites(((+ @:)? And beho%d! Ko.en%- He stands and s.ea;s! and no one sa-s an-thing to Hi#J KPe*1han1e ou* E%de*s >t*u%- ;new&-[G1> ;now t*u%-+> that this is Ha ashia1h&The- essiah( K1[R> (((! He s.ea;s .ub%i1%-! and the- sa- nothing to Hi#( Pe*ha.s the *u%e*s t*u%- ;new that this is "A'-indeed Ha ashia1h& The- essiah(+ K)[P>(((8o ou* E%de*s ;now! that He *ea%%- is Ha ashia1h&TheessiahI+ @:)@ /ut >this E#anF - beho%d! we ;now hi#&[R> but we ;now this one+>! "P> f*o#'-[R+ whe*e he is: and-[R> but+ The essiah&Ha ashia1h! whene3e* He [P> sha%%+-"R' 1o#es! no one ;nows "P> f*o#'-[R+ whe*e He is( @:)A And-[R> Then+ Yeshua >had %ifted u. His 3oi1e&-[R>1*ied out+> [G1> when He was+N[P> whi%e+-"R' in the Te#.%e E1ou*tF tea1hing! and[R> e3en+ sa-ing: You [PR> both+ ;now e! and f*o# whe*e 0 a# -ou ;now: [R> and+ f*o# > - own se%f&-[R> -se%f+> 0 ha3e not 1o#e! but t*ue is He that sent e! -K>He whi1h -ou&[G1P> and-"P' Hi# -ou+> ;now not( K[R> (((! -4ho# -ou do not ;now(+

@:)C /ut-"A ' 0 ;now Hi#! that-[G1P> be1ause+ Kwith Hi# a#[G1> was+ 0! and He "PR> has' sent e( K[PR> (((0 a# f*o# Hi#!(((+ @:2G And the- "G1PR> had' sought to ta;e ho%d of Hi#! and no one %aid hands u.on Hi#! be1ause His hou* [R+-had-[P> was+ not [PR> -et+ 1o#e( @:21 And-[G1> Now+-[R> /ut+ #an- f*o#&of the-[G1> that T K>town5#u%titude>5KT+-#u%titude "G1PR> had' be%ie3ed on&in[to 5R+ Hi#: and >the- we*e sa-ing&-[R> said+>: >4hat Eti#eF&[R> 4hen+> [G1R> He!+ Ha ashia1h&The- essiah 1o#es! K1an Eit beF that >#o*e-[P> g*eate*+> than these&-[G1> the+ signs that this E7neF has done-[G1> showed+ He wi%% do-[G1> show+I K[R> (((! wi%% He do #o*e #i*a1%es than these whi1h this 7ne didI+ @:2) KAnd [G1> the head Cohani# and+ the P>*ushi# hea*d that .eo.%e >#u*#u*ed 1on1e*ning Hi#&-[G1>Ewe*eF #u*#u*ing+>! and >the head Cohani# and the P>*ushi#&-[G1> the-+> sent [G1> gua*ds+ to ta;e ho%d of Hi#( K[PR> And-"R' the P>*ushi# hea*d the #u%titude sa--[R> #u*#u*+ these things of Hi#: and the--[R> the P>*ushi#+ and the head Cohani# sent offi1e*s >to ta;e&-[R> that the- #ight seiDe+> Hi#(+ @:22 "G1> And'-[R> Then+ Yeshua said "A '-[G1R> unto the#+: [R> Yet+ a %itt%e >[PR> whi%e "R'-%onge*+-&#o*e "G1>ti#e'> 0 a# with -ou! and [PR> then+ 0 go "R> awa-' unto Hi# that sent e( @:2< And -ou wi%% see; e and wi%% not find e! and whe*e-[G1> whithe*+ 0 go-[PR> a#+ -ou 1annot-[R> a*e not ab%e to+ 1o#e( @:2= The Uudeans sa- >one to the othe*&-[G1PR>a#ong the#se%3es+>: 4he*e then goes this E#anF that we Esha%%F not find hi#I KCan he then be going >tea1hing to the seed&-[P>to so#e *egion+> of the go-i#&genti%es! >that we Esha%%F not find hi#&-[P> and tea1h the .*ofane+>I K[R>(((I 0s he about to go to the 8is.e*sion of the G*ee;s5genti%es&go-i#>! and to tea1h the G*ee;s-5go-i#&genti%es>I+ @:2? 7f-[G1> And+-"R' what is&#eans this-[G1> the+ wo*d that he sa-s! >You wi%% see; e and wi%%&-[G1> 0 go and -ou Ewi%%F+> not find e! and [G1> that he sa-s+ whe*e 0 [PR> a#+NEa#F&[G1> go+ -ou 1annot[R> a*e not ab%e to+ 1o#eI @:2@@ KAnd on the g*eat da- [P> whi1h was the %ast+ of the Pesti3a% Yeshua was standing and 1*-ing out and sa-ing: >He[Ga>e3e*-one+ that&[PR> 0f an- [R> one+-#an+> thi*sts! K%et hi# 1o#e "Ga> unto e'[GePR+ and d*in;( K1[R> And in the %ast da- of the g*eat Peast&Pesti3a%(((+ K[9)>(((! and %et hi# d*in; who be%ie3es on e( T3e*se 2AT As

the $1*i.tu*e sa-s! out of the #idst of he* sha%% f%ow *i3e*s of 6i3ing wate*(+ @:2A K>4hoe3e* be%ie3es in&-[R>The one be%ie3ing into+> e! as sa-s the $1*i.tu*e-5Tana;h>: Ri3e*s of 6i3ing wate*[s 5P+ sha%% issue-[PR> f%ow+ f*o#-[PR> out of+ his be%%-&[4> hea*t+( K[9)> Esee 9) note 1:2@F+ @:2C Now-[R> /ut+ this He said of&1on1e*ning HaRua1h&The-$.i*it that the- we*e-[G1> a*e+ about to *e1ei3e that-[PR> who+ >we*e be%ie3ing&[G1PA> be%ie3ed+> in Hi#: fo* "R> unti% that ti#e' >[A+-&HaRua1h&The$.i*it&-[R#> Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it+> [GP+-had&[R 4> was+ not [PR 4> -et+ "4 R'-been-[GP+ [GP+-gi3en&[ R> Egi3enF+-"#'! be1ause Yeshua "G1PR> unti% that hou*' had not >[PR> -et been G%o*ified+*e1ei3ed [G1> His+ g%o*->( @:<G KAnd-[G1> Now+ [A+-so#e-[P> #an-+ of&f*o# the #u%titude that hea*d "G1> His wo*ds'-[P+ we*e sa-ing: This t*u%- is "G1> a P*o.het-'[P+( K[R> Then hea*ing the wo*d! #an- of the 1*owd said: This is t*u%the P*o.het(+ @:<1 "G1P> 7the*s we*e sa-ing: This is'-[R+ Ha ashia1h&Theessiah( [G1> And+-[R> /ut+ othe*s >we*e sa-ing&-[G1> sa-+>: [R> NoJ+ KHow-[P> 8oes+ 1o#es Ha ashia1h&The- essiah f*o# haGa%i%I K[R> (((Po* does Ha ashia1h&The- essiah 1o#e out of haGa%i%I+ @:<) K>0s it not thus 4*itten&-[P>8o not the $1*i.tu*es sa-+> that f*o# &of the seed of 8a3id He-[G1P> The essiah&Ha ashia1h+ >wi%% be&[P> 1o#es+>! and "P> that' f*o# /eit-6e1he# "P> 3i%%age'! 8a3id>s [P> town+ -EtownF>! "P'-[G1> He+ 1o#es-"P' "G1P> Ha ashia1h&Theessiah'I K[R> Has not the $1*i.tu*e said that Ha ashia1h&The- essiah 1o#es of the seed of 8a3id! and f*o# /eit-6e1he#! the 3i%%age whe*e 8a3id wasI+ @:<2 >And the*e had been&-[R> The*efo*e o11u**ed+> a di3ision in the #u%titude be1ause of Hi#: @:<< And "R> the*e we*e' >so#e-[G1> othe*s+-[PR> of the#+> "R> that' we*e wishing to >ta;e ho%d of&-[R> seiDe+> Hi#! but-[G1> and+ no one %aid-[G1> was ab%e to %a-+ hands on Hi#( @:<=@ >And those&-[R>Then the+> gua*ds-[R> offi1e*s+ [PR> 1a#e+*etu*ned [G1> and 1a#e+ to >the head&[G1> those+> #u%titudes and [G1> unto the+ P>*ushi#! and [R> the-+Nthose&[G1P> the #u%titudes "P'and+ "P> P>*ushi#' sa- to the#: How is it -ou ha3e not b*ought hi#I @:<? KThe gua*ds sa- to the#: Ne3e* s.o;e a hu#an being >an-thing that&

[P> as+> this #an s.ea;s&[G1> s.o;e+( K[R> The offi1e*s answe*ed: Ne3e* did a #an so s.ea; as does this #an(+ @:<@ The-[R> Then+ P>*ushi# >sa- to&-[R>answe*ed+> the# [G1>! to those gua*ds+: KCan -ou a%so >be-[G1> had+> indeed going&-[G1> gone+ ast*a-I K[P> (((: A*e -ou a%so de1ei3edI+-[R> (((: Ha3e -ou not a%so been de1ei3edI+ @:<A K>Po* who&-[P> Ha3e an-+> of the head ECohani#F o* of the P>*ushi# "P> ha3e' be%ie3ed in hi#! K[R> Not an- f*o# the *u%e*s o* f*o# the P>*ushi# be%ie3ed into hi#(+ @:<C >EL1e.t the #ob&-[P> /ut this [R> 1*owd+-.eo.%e+> >whi1h ;now&-[R> ;nowing+> not the To*ah! "G1> that a*e 1u*sed'-[PR> a*e a11used+( KE91> 0t is not *e.o*ted that the Pha*isees in3o;ed an- 1u*se u.on thei* fe%%ow-1ount*-#en: the- #e*e%- said that the .eo.%e>s faith in Yeshua s.*ung f*o# thei* igno*an1e of the 6aw( QPo* who of the 1hief #en o* of the P>*ushi# has be%ie3ed on hi#I on%- this #ob who ;nows not the To*ah(QF @:=G [P> 7ne of the#+-"R' Na;di#on sa-s unto the#! he that had gone[G1PR> 1o#e+ unto [R+-Hi#-[P> Yeshua+ [A> befo*e+ b- night [G1> at the fi*st+-"PR' [R> being one of the#se%3es+: @:=1 >Can the&-[PR> 8oes ou*+> To*ah [R+-Oudge-[P> 1onde#n+ a[R> the+ #an K"G1> at the fi*st'! befo*e e3e* we ha3e hea*d f*o# Hi#! and ;now what He doesI K[PR> (((un%ess it fi*st hea* hi#! and ;now what he >[R> does+has done>I+ @:=) The- [PR> answe*ed and+ sa- [G1PR> to hi#+: Can-[PR> A*e+ -ou a%so "PR> be' f*o# haGa%i%I $ea*1h and see that >a-[#> The+ P*o.het f*o#-[R> out of+ haGa%i% has not [R> been *aised+-&a*isenN-[P> no P*o.het a*ises -[A> is to *ise+ f*o# haGa%i%+(> @:=2@ K"G1&G)3&#'-[Pa.ias&R&EPF&#> And-[P> $o+ the- went e3e*- #an unto his "R> own' house:+ K" a*; @:=2-A:11 a..ea* Eso#e teLtsF in the Peshitta but not in [G1G)+' KN7TE: Eusebius *e1o*ds Pa.ias as finding the sto*- of the wo#an ta;en in adu%te*- as being in the Good News A11o*ding To The Heb*ews E1st Cent( A8&CEF( Pa.ias>! Ea Ta%#id&dis1i.%e of Yo1hanan &UohnF( The fo%%owing base teLt is f*o# 6ightfoot [/a;e*+ .g( )?? &The P*ag#ents of Pa.ias( [Yo1hanan&Uohn A:1-11+ EPER0C7PE A8S6TERAE: see 4est1ott and Ho*t >The New Testa#ent in the 7*igina% G*ee;> 0(.()<1! 00(..(A) sM! C1: 6ightfoot >Essa-s on

$u.e*natu*a% Re%igion> .()G2 sM(F: CHAPTER A A:1 "G1&G)3&#&4'-[Pa.ias&R&EPF&#> [R+-/ut-[P> And+ Yeshua went unto the #ount of 7%i3es( A:) And [ > 3e*-+ >ea*%- in the #o*ning&-[R> at dawn+> He 1a#e again unto the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! 5and a%% the .eo.%e 1a#e unto Hi#! and He sat down and taught the#(> A:2 And the $1*ibes and the P>*ushi# b*ought [P> fo*wa*d+-[R> unto Hi#+ a wo#an [R>ha3ing been+ ta;en-[P>1aught+ in adu%te*-: >and ha3ing set&[P> when the- had .%a1ed+-[R> and standing+> he* in the #idst! A:< The- said unto Hi#: aste*-[PR> Tea1he*+! Kthis wo#an Khath been ta;en "R> in adu%te*-'! in the 3e*- a1t [R> 1o##itting adu%te*-+! K1[ >(((! we found this wo#an in (((+ K)[P> (((was 1aught o.en%- in the a1t of adu%te*-(+ A:= Now-[PR> And+ in Kthe To*ah [P> of+-"R' oshe [P>EE%ohi#&GodF+-"R' [P> has+-"R' 1o##anded 5us> to stone su1h [P> .e*sons+-"R'( [R> You then!+ what [P> do the*efo*e+-then-"R' sa- -ouI K[ > (((ou* To*ah oshe 1o##anded us [A > to stone su1h( (((++ A:? 5And this the- said te#.ting Hi#! that the- #ight ha3e Ewhe*eofF to a11use Hi#(> K/ut Yeshua [P> ha3ing+ stoo.ed down "P> and with His finge*' w*ote on the g*ound( K[R> (((( /ut bending down! Yeshua w*ote with the finge* in the ea*th! " > not a..ea*ing Eto hea*F'(+ A:@ >/ut when&-[P> And as+-[R> /ut as+> the- 1ontinued as;ing-[R> Muestioning+ 5Hi#>! He %ifted-[ > %oo;ed+ u. " '-Hi#se%f! and said 5unto the#>: He-[P> 4hoe3e*+-[R> the one+ "R> that is' without sin a#ong -ou! %et hi# >fi*st 1ast a&-[R> 1ast the fi*st+> stone at he*( A:A KAnd again He [P> ha3ing+ stoo.ed down "P>and' w*ote on the g*ound( K[R> And bending down down again! He w*ote in the ea*th(+ A:C KAnd the-! when the- hea*d it! went out one b- one! beginning >f*o# -[P> with+> the e%dest: and >He-[P> the wo#an+> was %eft a%one! "P> and the wo#an'! whe*e she >was-[P> had stood+> in the #idst( K[R> /ut hea*ing! "A > and being 1on3i1ted b- the 1ons1ien1e'! the- went out one b- one! beginning f*o# the o%de* ones! unti% the %ast( And Yeshua was %eft a%one! and the wo#an standing in Ethe #idd%eF(+ A:1G KAnd [P> when+ Yeshua [P> had+ %ifted u. Hi#se%f! and-[P> He+ said unto he*-[P> the wo#an+: "P> 4o#an'! whe*e a*e the-I >8id no #an-[P> 8oes no one+> 1onde#n -ouI K[R> And Yeshua bending ba1; u.! "A> and obse*3ing no one but the wo#an'! He [ > saw he* and+ said unto he*: 4o#an! whe*e

a*e those! "A > -ou*' a11use*sI 8id not one gi3e Oudge#ent against -ouI+ A:11 And she said: No #an-[R> one+ $i*( And Yeshua said [R> to he*+: Neithe* do 0 >1onde#n -ou-[R> gi3e Oudge#ent+>! Go >"R'-&-ou* wa-&-[P> -ou+>: f*o#-[PR> and+ [A > f*o# now on+-hen1efo*th-"R' sin no #o*e(+ K"0n both 3e*sions! [G1&G)+! the- go *ight f*o# @:=) to A:1)' A:1)@ [G1G)> [R> Then+ again Yeshua "G1R> had' said-[R> s.o;e+ unto the# [R> sa-ing+: 0 a# the 6ight of the wo*%d: Khe that afte* e 1o#es wa%;s not in da*;ness! but finds fo* hi#se%f the 6ight of-[G)> and+ %ife( K[R> He fo%%owing e wi%% in no wa- wa%; in the da*;ness! but wi%% ha3e the %ight of %ife(+ A:12 The [G)P+-P>*ushi#-[G1> Uudeans-5Y>hudi#>+ sa- to Hi#: You of -ou*se%f bea* witness: not t*ue-[P> 1e*tain+ is -ou* witness( A:1< Yeshua [R> answe*ed and+ sa-s unto the#: [G1R> E3en+ if 0 "R> bea* witness of&1on1e*ning -se%f! t*ue-[P> 1e*tain+ is - witness! be1ause 0 ;now "G1P> f*o#'-[R+ whe*e 0 ha3e 1o#e! and whe*e 0 go: [G1> and+-but -ou "G1> ;now not'-[PR+! "R'-neithe* "G1> f*o#'-"R' whe*e 0 "R'-ha3e 1o#e! no*-[R> and+ whe*e 0 go( A:1= K/ut -ou a11o*ding to what is #an>s-[G1P> of the bod-+ do Oudge: "G1P> and' 0! no one do 0 Oudge( K[R> You Oudge a11o*ding to the f%esh! 0 Oudge no one(+ A:1? >And E-etF&[R> /ut e3en+>! if 0 Oudge! - Oudge#ent is t*ue-[P> 1e*tain+! be1ause 0 >ha3e not been&[PR> a# not+> a%one! but Ethe*e is bothF 0 and >[A+-He&[PE#F> --[R#> the+ Pathe*+N[4> the 7ne+> that sent e( A:1@ And in -ou*&[4> ou*+ To*ah "G1P> a%so' it is-[R> has been+ 4*itten that the witness of two #en-[P> .e*sons+ is t*ue-[P> 1e*tain+! A:1A 0 a# E7neF that bea* witness of&1on1e*ning -se%f! and Ea%soF [G)P+- --[G1> the+-[R>EtheF+ Pathe* [R> He+ that sent e bea*s witness of&1on1e*ning e( A:1C [R> Then+ the- sa- unto Hi#: 4he*e is 5G1G)+[G1> -ou* Pathe*I He -[P> Yeshua >*e.%ied and+ sa-s unto the#>&-[R> answe*ed+: e -ou ;now not! neithe* - Pathe*: if e -ou had ;nown! - Pathe* a%so -ou wou%d ha3e ;nown( A:)G These >things He&-[PR> wo*ds Yeshua+> s.o;e in the T*easu*>and& [P> as He taught+N[R> tea1hing+> in the Te#.%e E1ou*tF: and no one >[4> a**ested+-Nhad ta;en ho%d of&-[R> seiDed+> Hi#! be1ause His hou* had not E-etF 1o#e(

A:)1 [R> Then+ again Yeshua sa-s unto the#: 0 go awa- and -ou wi%% see; e! and -ou wi%% die in -ou* sin"s 5R': "R> and' whe*e 0 go -ou 1annot[R> a*e not ab%e to+ 1o#e( A:)) [R> Then+ the Uudeans sa- [91EG1F> a#ong the#se%3es+: K4he*efo*e& [G)> 5Can it be that>+ He 5is about> to ;i%% hi#se%f! that-[R> be1ause+ he sa-s! You 1annot-[R> a*e not ab%e to+ 1o#e whe*e 0 goI K[R> (((: 4i%% he ;i%% hi#se%f(((+ K[P> (((: 0s he about to ;i%% hi#se%f!(((+ A:)2 >Yeshua-[PR> And He+> sa-s 5unto the#>: You a*e f*o# beneath-[R> be%ow+! and 0 a# f*o# Abo3e: -ou a*e f*o# this wo*%d! and 0 a# not >f*o# it&-[PR> of-[R> f*o#+ this wo*%d+>( A:)< [R> The*efo*e+ 0 said to -ou! - [R> that+ -ou wi%% die in -ou* sins: [PR> fo*+ if -ou [4> #a-+ be%ie3e not that 0 A# "R> He'! -ou wi%% die in -ou* sins( A:)= [R> Then+ the- sa- to Hi#: 4ho a*e -ouI [R> And+ Yeshua sa-s unto the#: KThe 1hief Ething TIT isF! that 0 shou%d s.ea; -se%f with -ou! K[R>(((: A%togethe* what 0 a%so sa- to -ou!+ K[4>(((: E3en that whi1h 0 a%so s.ea; to -ou f*o# the beginning!+ K[P>(((: A%though 0 ha3e begun to 1on3e*se with -ou!+ A:)? KE$eeingF that 0 ha3e #u1h that 0 shou%d s.ea; 1on1e*ning -ou and Oudge( /ut He-[R> the E7neF+ that sent e is t*ue! and what&[4> those+ "R'-things-[4+ 0 ha3e-"R4' hea*d f*o#&[4> with+ Hi#! [P> the#+[RE4F> these things-"4'+ 0 >s.ea; in&-[R> sa- to+> the wo*%d( K[PR> 0 ha3e -et-"R' #an- things to sa- and to Oudge 1on1e*ning -ou((((+ A:)@ And the- ;new not that 1on1e*ning-[R>EofF+ the Pathe* He said-[R> s.o;e+ EthisF unto the#( A:)A@ Again-[R> Then+ Yeshua sa-s unto the#: 4hen -ou "R'sha%% [R+%ift-[P> ha3e %ifted+ u. the $on of #an! then -ou sha%% ;now that 0 A# "R> He'! and nothing of&f*o# - own se%f-[P> .%easu*e+ 0 do: but as the -[R> -+ Pathe* has-"R' taught e! >e3en so&-[RE4F> these [4> sa#e+ things+> 0 s.ea;( A:)C KAnd He-[R>the E7neF+ that sent e is with e: "R'-and >He[PR> -[R> the+ Pathe*+> has not %eft e [PR> a%one+! be1ause >that whi1h .%eases&-[R>the things .%easing to+> Hi# 0 "PR> -se%f' do >at a%% ti#es &[4> a%wa-s+>( K[4> T*u%- the 7ne ha3ing sent e is with e: (((+ A:2G >And when&-[R>EAsF+> these things He >was s.ea;ing&-[P>had s.o;en+ -[R>s.o;e+>! #an- be%ie3ed [R> into+-in-[P> Eu.Fon+ Hi#( A:21 Then said Yeshua to those-[R> the+ Uews that-[P> who+ [R> had+ be%ie3ed [R+-in-[P> Eu.Fon+ Hi#: 0f -ou wi%% 1ontinue b- - 4o*d"s

5R'! [R+->t*u%- - Ta%#idi# -ou a*e&-[P> -ou wi%% be t*u%- - Ta%#idi#+>! A:2) And -ou wi%% ;now t*uth! and the t*uth wi%% >f*ee -ou&-[PR> #a;e[R> set+ -ou f*ee+>( A:22 The- >sa- unto&-[R> answe*ed+> Hi#: The seed of A3*aha# a*e we K5and >to no one> e3e*&-[G1P> ne3e*+> >is bondse*3i1e done bus&-[P> we*e in se*3itude to an- #an+>( [P> And EsoF+ how sa- You! -You wi%% be[1o#e5R+ f*ee-#en&[4> f*ee+I K[R> (((and we ha3e been ens%a3ed to no one! ne3e*J+ A:2< >7u* 6o*d&-[PR> Yeshua+> >sa-s unto-[R> answe*ed+> the#: A#aine! 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! - KHe-[P> 4hoe3e*+ that does sin is a& [4>the+ s%a3e [P> of sin+!K[RE4F> (((! e3e*-one .*a1ti1ing-[4> doing+ sin(((+ [91> EQdoesQ and Qs%a3eQ a*e both *egu%a* fo*#s of the t*i%ite*a% 3e*b ,bad in A*a#ai1(F+ E91> The*e is undoubted%- a .%a- he*e on two $-*ia1 wo*ds! Qdoes!Q and Qs%a3e(Q The additiona% .h*ase! Qof sin!Q does not o11u* in the $inai teLt( 0t was .e*ha.s added b- the t*ans1*ibe*s to #a;e .%ain ou* 6o*d>s #eaning! be1ause though the a%%usion wou%d be at on1e .e*1ei3ed b- a $-*ia1-s.ea;ing audien1e! it is natu*a%%%ost in G*ee;(F A:2= -And&[4> /ut+ the s%a3e - he *e#ains-[P> abides+ not fo* e3e* in the house: "4'-but-[R> fo*+ the $on is-[P> abides+-[R> *e#ains+ "PR> in the house' fo* e3e*: A:2? And-[R> Then+ if [P>the*efo*e+ the $on >f*ee -ou-[PR> #a;es[R> sets+ -ou f*ee+>! >t*u%- -ou wi%% be f*ee-#en&-[R>-ou a*e f*ee indeed+( K" iLed 1*owd: add*essing the unbe%ie3e*s Efo%%owingF $EE: A:2G-21!<<'K A:2@ 0 ;now that -ou a*e the seed of A3*aha#: and-[PR> but+ -ou see; to ;i%% e be1ause [P> -ou do not a1Muies1e in+-"R' - 4o*d [R> has no .%a1e in -ou(+ "PR> goes not fo*th in -ou'( A:2A K0! that whi1h 0 ha3e seen b-&with - Pathe* 0 do-[R> s.ea;+: and -"4' [R> the*efo*e+ -ou "R'-a%so! that whi1h -ou ha3e >[A> hea*d f*o#+& -seen b-&with> -ou* fathe* do( K[4> 4hatsoe3e* 0 ha3e seen with the Pathe* 0 s.ea;: -ou the*efo*e a*e doing the things whi1h -ou hea*d with -ou* Pathe*(+ A:2C The- [PR> answe*ed and+ sa- to Hi#: 7u* fathe*! "PR>e3en ou*s'! is A3*aha#( He-[PR>Yeshua+ sa-s unto the#: 0f -ou >a*e the sons&[PR>we*e 1hi%d*en+> of A3*aha#! [PR> -ou "A'-wou%d+ do the wo*;s&deeds of A3*aha#( A:<G /ut now! beho%d-"R'! -ou see; to ;i%% e -a an Kthat t*u%-

s.ea;s with -ou what He has hea*d f*o# E%ohi#&GodJ A3*aha# did not this( K[PRE4F>(((who has to%d-[R>s.o;en to+ -ou the t*uth! whi1h 0 >ha3e -"R'> hea*d [4> with+-f*o#-[R> a%ong-side EofF+ E%ohi#&GodJ This did not [R> do+ A3*aha#(+ A:<1 "R> /ut' -ou do the deeds of -ou* fathe*( The- sa- to Hi#: Not >f*o# adu%te*-N[P> Ethe offs.*ingF of who*edo#+&[R> of fo*ni1ation+> a*e-[R> we*e+ we [R> bo*n+: we ha3e 7ne Pathe* - E%ohi#&God( A:<) Yeshua sa-s unto the#: 0f E%ohi#&God >had been-[PR> we*e+> -ou* Pathe*! -ou wou%d >ha3e been %o3ing to&-[PR>%o3e+> e! fo* 0 Kf*o# E%ohi#&God >ha3e gone fo*th&-[P> .*o1eeded+-[R> went fo*th+> EandF [R> ha3e+ [R+-1o#e-[P> 1a#e+: and-[R> fo*+ not f*o# - own se%f-[P> a11o*d+ ha3e 0 1o#e! [PR> but+ He-[R> that 7ne+ sent e( K[4>((( 1a#e out f*o# God! and 0 *etu*n: fo* 0 ha3e not s.o;en f*o# -se%f! but He sent e(+ A:<2 >Po* what E*easonF&-[R> 4h-+> - 4o*d-[PR> s.ee1h+ do -ou not *e1ogniDe-[PR> unde*stand+I - [P> 0t is+ be1ause -ou 1annot-[R> a*e not ab%e to+ hea* it-[P> - s.ee1h+-[R> - 4o*d+( A:<< K/ut -ou that a*e e3i%! - Kand the desi*e of -ou* fathe* it is -ou wish to do - he that f*o# the beginning was a #ans%a-e*! and in the t*uth Khe is not! and in hi# the t*uth is not: and what Eti#eF he s.ea;s a %ie f*o# his own Ese%fF he s.ea;s! be1ause he is a %ia* and 5his-Ethe %ia*>sF Eo*F its-Ethe %ie>sF> fathe*! K[RE4F> You a*e of the A11use*&T*adu1e* EasF-[4> -ou*+ fathe*! and the %usts of -ou* fathe* -ou desi*e to do( That one was a #u*de*e* f*o# EtheF beginning! and >[4> stood not+N-he has not stood&[#> stands not+> in the t*uth be1ause the*e is-[4> was+ no t*uth in hi#( 4hen he s.ea;s EaF %ie! he s.ea;s f*o# EhisF own! be1ause he is a %ia*! and the fathe* of it-[4> the sa#e+(+ K[P> You a*e of -ou* fathe*! the 1a%u#niato*: and the %ust of -ou* fathe* -ou a*e dis.osed to do( He was f*o# the beginning a #ans%a-e*! and abode not in the t*uth: fo* the t*uth is not in hi#! and when he s.ea;s a %ie he s.ea;s f*o# hi#se%f! fo* his is a %ia*! and the fathe* of it(+ K[Ga> 7u* $a3iou* said unto the#: You a*e sons of Cain! and not sons of A3*aha#+ K[Ge> You a*e the sons of ha$atan! that f*o# the beginning is a #ans%a-e*+ K[Gt21)3G1Esi1F> ! Ewhe*e! >the Ene#-> is said to ha3e as;ed ou* 6o*d who He wasF! >and of the t*uth He info*#ed hi# not( E%it( u.on the t*uth He did not set hi#F! be1ause the t*uth is not in hi#(+ A:<= KEYetF 0 that s.ea; the t*uth! --ou be%ie3e e not( K[PR> >/ut e&-[R>And+>! be1ause 0 s.ea; the t*uth! -ou be%ie3e e

not(+ A:<? 4hi1h of -ou >*e.*o3es e [R>1on1e*ning+-&fo*&-[P>1on3i1ts e of+> sinI "4'-And-[R> /ut+ if [4> the+ t*uth 0 s.ea;! whe*efo*e-[PR4> wh-+ do -ou not be%ie3e eI A:<@ >Po* he&-[R>The EoneF+> >that is&[4>being+> of&f*o# E%ohi#&God hea*s the 4o*d&[PR> 4o*ds+ of E%ohi#&God: the*efo*e -ou >hea* it not&[PR> do not hea*+>! be1ause -ou a*e not [PR> of E%ohi#&God+( A:<A The Uudeans >we*e sa-ing&-[R>answe*ed and said to Hi#+>: 8o we not we%% sa- that -ou a*e a f*o#-$ho#*on-5$a#a*itan>! and >a de#on is u.on -ou-[PR> ha3e a de#on+>I A:<C KYeshua >sa-s to the#&-[R>answe*ed+>: >S.on e the*e is no&[R> 0 do not ha3e a+> de#on! but - Pathe* 0 hono* and -ou insu%t-[R4> dishono*+ e( K[P> Yeshua sa-s to the#: 0 ha3e no de#on: but 0 honou* E%ohi#& God! and -ou 1onte#n e(+ A:=G And-[R> /ut+ 0 see; not the G%o*- of -se%f: "PR> fo*' the*e is 7ne that see;s EitF and Oudges( A:=1 A#aine! 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! >He that-[R> 0f an-one+> ;ee.s - 4o*d! death he sha%% >not taste fo* e3e*&-[PR> ne3e* [R>e3e*+ see+>( A:=) [R> Then+ the Uudeans sa- unto Hi#: Now we ;now that >t*u%a de#on is u.on -ou&-[PR> -ou ha3e a de#on+>! "R'-fo* A3*aha# is dead: KEso howF do -ou sa-! - >He that&-[R> 0f an-one+> ;ee.s - 4o*d [R> he+ sha%% not-[PR> ne3e*+ [R> e3e*+ taste [R> of+ deathI K[PR>(((: and the P*o.hets: -et-[R> and+ -ou sa-! - He(((+ A:=2 KCan -ou be g*eate* than A3*aha#! and than the P*o.hets that ha3e diedI You - who #a;e -ou -ou*se%f Eto beFI K[PR> A*e -ou g*eate* than ou* fathe* A3*aha# who is dead! >o* than&-[R> and+> the P*o.hets who-[R>EwhoF+ diedI 4hat-[R> 4ho#+ do -ou #a;e -ou*se%f Eout to beFI+ A:=< Yeshua >sa-s unto the#&-[R> answe*ed+>: 0f 0 g%o*if- -se%f! nothing we*e-[PR> is+ - G%o*-: Kthe*e is the Pathe* that g%o*ifies e! He that -ou sa- is ou*-[A + God( K[PRE4F>(((: it is - Pathe* that g%o*ifies e! of-"R' who# -ou sa- [4> that+! - He-"R' is [R> -+ou*-[4+ God(+ A:== [R> And+&[4> 0ndeed+ -ou ha3e&[4> do+ not ;nown Hi#: [PR4> but+ 0 ;now Hi#( And-"4' if 0 shou%d sa- that 0 ;now hi# not! 0 shou%d >be1o#e unt*uthfu%-[PR4> be a %ia*+> %i;e -ou( /ut 0 [P> do+-"R4' ;now Hi#! and His 4o*d 0 ;ee.-[P> obse*3e+( A:=? A3*aha# [PRE4F> -ou*-[4> ou*+ fathe*+ >was de%ighted&-[P> desi*ed+ -[R> %ea.ed fo* Oo-+N[4> *eOoi1ed+> to-[R> that he shou%d+ see 8a-: and-"4' he saw EitF and *eOoi1ed&[4> was g%ad+(

A:=@ [R> Then+ the Uudeans sa- to Hi#: KPift- -ea*s o%d -ou a*e not E-etF! and A3*aha# >has seen -ou&-[GePR> ha3e -ou seen+>I K[R> (((: You do not -et ha3e fift- -ea*s!(((+ E91> Twith the CodeL $inaiti1us! and nea*%- with the un1o**e1ted *eading of the CodeL 9ati1anusT( 4e owe the dis1o3e*- of this 1o**obo*ation to #- f*iend the %ate *( Theodo*e Ha**is! who was one of the Co##ittee of the /*itish and Po*eign /ib%e $o1iet-( "((('(F A:=A He-[R> Yeshua+ sa-s unto the#: A#aine! 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! that befo*e "R'-e3e* A3*aha# >1a#e to be&[P> eListed+N[R> 1a#e into being+&[Ge4> was+>! 0 [GeG1P+-was-5EA#F>-[R4> A#+( A:=C KThe- the- too; u. stones to >th*ow at&-[P> stone+> Hi#! Kand Yeshua se1*et%- went fo*th f*o# the Te#.%e E1ou*tF( K1[RE4F> Then the- too; u. stones that the- #ight th*ow Ethe#F on[4> at+ Hi#( /ut-[4> And+ Yeshua was hidden! and went fo*th out of the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! "4'-going "A4> th*ough EtheF #idst of the#! [#> went His wa-+ and so .assed b-'(+ K)[P> /ut Yeshua 1on1ea%ed Hi#se%f! and went out of the Te#.%e E1ou*tF! and .assed a%ong a#ong the#! and went awa-(+ CHAPTER C C:1@ And whi%e-"R' .assing b- He saw a 1e*tain-"R' b%ind #an! >that had been b%ind f*o# the wo#b of his #othe*&-[R> f*o# bi*th+>( C:) His Ta%#idi# as;[ed 5R+ Hi# [P> and said: 7u* Rabbi+-[R> sa-ing: Tea1he*!+ whi1h one sinned! this Efe%%owF o* his *e%ati3es-[PR> .a*ents+! EsoF that he was bo*n b%indI C:2 He-[PR> Yeshua+ >sa-s unto the#&-[R> answe*ed+>: Neithe* he sinned! no* his *e%ati3es-[PR> .a*ents+! but EsoF that the wo*;s&deeds of E%ohi#&God #ight be seen-[R> *e3ea%ed+ in hi# Ethis isF( C:< And > e it beho3es to do&-[GeP> 0-[A> we+ #ust wo*;+-[R> it is ne1essa*- fo* e to wo*;+> the wo*;s&deeds of >Hi#-[Ge> Pathe*+> that sent e whi%e -et-"R' it is da-! "PR>but' the night 1o#es! in whi1h no one >1an-[R> is ab%e to+> >do Ean-thingF&-[PR> wo*;+> "PR> as %ong as it is in the wo*%d': C:= >[PR> >$o %ong as-[R> 4hi%e+> 0 a# in the wo*%d+&-Po*> 0 a# the 6ight of the wo*%d( C:? 4hen He had said these things! He on the ea*th and fo*#ed 1%af*o# His-[R> the+ s.itt%e and "R> too; EitF u. EandF' s#ea*ed-[R> a..%ied the 1%a-+-EitF u.on the e-es of that-[R> the+ b%ind #an! C:@ And He sa-s unto hi#: Go! wash [Ge+-"R> -ou* fa1e' >with a[PR> in the+> >5#i;3eh>-i##e*sion-[R>.oo%+> of $hi%oa1h [R>whi1h t*ans%ated is $ent+: >and when he washed his fa1e his e-es we*e o.ened&-[P> [R> then he+-and went! and washed! and 1a#e awa--"R' seeing+>( C:A KAnd when his neighbo*s saw hi#! and those b- who# it had been seen Ebefo*eF that he was begging! the- sa-: 0s not this he-[R> the

EoneF+ that [R> had+ [P> sat and+ was begging( K[R> Then the neighbo*s and those who fo*#e*%- saw hi#! that he was b%ind-[A> a begga*+! said: (((+ C:C $o#e sa-: Kit is he: and so#e-[PR> othe*s+ sa-: [PA> No! but he+-it -[R> he+ is indeed-"RA' %i;e hi#( >[R> That one+-&The b%ind #an&[P> /ut he+> EthenF sa-s "PR> unto the#': 0 a# he( K[91EG1F>(((: that this is he: (((+ C:1G [P> And+-[R> Then+ the- sa- unto hi#: How we*e -ou* e-es o.enedI C:11 He [PR> answe*ed and+ sa-s "R> unto the#': KThe #an whose Na#e is Yeshua s#ea*ed u.on the# 1%a-! and said unto #e! Go! wash -ou* fa1e with a 5#i;3eh>-i##e*sion of $hi%oa1h: and 0 went EandF washed! and 0 E1ou%dF see( K[PR> A #an >whose Na#e is&-[R> 1a%%ed+> Yeshua! #ade #ud and s.*ead it u.on #- e-es! and said unto #e! Go! wash-"R' in-[R> to+ "A> the wate*s of' $hi%oa1h [R>and wash+( And >0 went! and washed &-[R>going and washing+>! >and #- sight was *esto*ed&-[R> 0 *e1ei3ed sight+>(+ C:1) [R> Then+ the- sa- unto hi#: And whe*e is heI He sa-s "R> unto the#': 0 ;now not( C:12 "R'-Then-[P> And+ the- too;-[PR> b*ought+ hi# that >was hea%ed&[PERF> had been b%ind+> >and b*ought hi# [R+-unto&-[P> befo*e+> the P>*ushi#( C:1< >And that sa#e da-&-[P> Now it+-[R> And it+> was [P>on+ the[R> a+ $habbat [PR> that-[R> when+ Yeshua #ade the #ud&1%a-! and o.ened his e-es(+ C:1= And [R> a%so+ again the P>*ushi# as;ed hi#: How >we*e -ou* e-es o.ened&-[P> was -ou sight *esto*ed+-[R> he *e1ei3ed sight(+>I KHe sa-s unto the#: C%a- 5He s#ea*ed-[R> .ut+> u.on the#-[PR> #e-es+! and >[P> 0 washed! and >[R> 0 see+-&#- sight was *esto*ed>+-o.ened the#(> K[91EG1F>(((I He said unto the#: He .ainted 1%a- u.on the# and o.ened the#! and 0 washed! and the- we*e o.ened(+ C:1? >[P> And-[R>Then+ so#e of the P>*ushi# said:+-&and 5we*e> sa-ing>: >The-[PR>This+> #an f*o#&of E%ohi#&God 5is not! be1ause> the $habbat he ;ee.s-[P> obse*3es+ not "PR> and Eon itF he fo*#ed 1%a-'( "R'/ut othe*s >we*e sa-ing&-[R> said+>: How 1an a #an Ethat isF a sinne* do& wo*; these-[R> su1h+ signs&#i*a1%esI And >the- we*e di3ided one against the othe*&-[PR> the*e was a di3ision a#ong the#+> [91EG1F> about this

TK>te**ib%e5KT thing+( C:1@ "PR> And' the- sa- [PR> again+ to >hi# that was hea%ed[PR> to the b%ind #an+>: "P> You'! what sa- -ou of-[R> about+ hi# >[P> seeing-[R> be1ause+ he has-"R' o.ened -ou* e-es+>I [R> And+ he sa-s "R> unto the#': "R> 0 sa- that' He is a P*o.het( C:1A And-[R> Then+ the Uudeans did not be%ie3e [PR> 1on1e*ning+ hi# that he had been "PR> bo*n' b%ind! >[P> and *e1o3e*ed-[R> *e1ei3ed+ sight+>! >and the- sent to his fathe* and his #othe*&-[P> unti% the1a%%ed the .a*ents of hi# who *e1o3e*ed-[R> *e1ei3ed+ EhisF sight+>! C:1C 5And >the--[R+ sa->-[PR> as;ed the#+> [R>sa-ing+: >0f this is&[PR> 0s this+> -ou* son! >sa- -ou not&-[PR>of who# -ou sa-+> that he was bo*n b%indI /ut-[R> Then+ how sees he nowI C:)G /ut-"R' his .a*ents answe*ed [R> the#+ 5and> sa-: 4e ;now that this EisF ou* son! and that he was bo*n b%ind: C:)1 /ut how he sees now! o* who >ga3e hi# E.owe*F to see&-[PR> o.ened his e-es+> we ;now not( K>/eho%d! he a%so is of age: f*o# hi# -ou 1an ;now Eof itF&-[P> He has 1o#e to his -ea*s! as; hi#: he wi%% s.ea; fo* hi#se%f+(> K[R> (((( He is of age! as; hi#( He wi%% s.ea; about hi#se%f(+ C:)) These things said his .a*ents be1ause the- we*e af*aid of the Uudeans! fo* the >$1*ibes and the P>*ushi# de1*eed&-[PR> Uudeans had [R> a%*ead- ag*eed+-de1ided+> that >hi# that sa-s! He is Ha ashia1h& The- essiah! the- shou%d eL.e%&-[P> if an- one shou%d 1onfess Hi# >to be-[R> EasF+> essiah! the- wou%d eL.e% hi# f*o# the s-nagogue+>( C:)2 >The*efo*e-[P> Po* this *eason+-[R> /e1ause of this+> said his .a*ents! [P> He has 1o#e to his -ea*s+-[R> he is of age+! as; hi#( C:)< And-[R> Then+ the- 1a%%ed again-[PR> a se1ond ti#e+ >hi# that was hea%ed&-[PR> the #an who had been b%ind+>! and "P> the-'-[R+ saunto hi#: [PR> Gi3e+ g%o*if--[PR> g%o*- to+ E%ohi#&God! fo*-"R' we ;now that this #an is a sinne*( C:)= [R> Then+ he >that was hea%ed&-[P> *e.%ied and+> sa-s "R> unto the#': 0f-[PR> 4hethe*+ He is a sinne*! 0 ;now not: but! one EthingF 0 [R> do+ ;now! that >0 was&-[R> being+> a-"PR' b%ind "PR'-#an! and-"R' "PR> be1ause of Hi#'! "R'-beho%d! [PR> now+ 0 seeJ C:)? [R> And+ the- sa- to hi# [PR> again+: 54hat did he [R> do+ to -ouI How> did he >hea% -ou&-[PR> o.en -ou* e-es+>I C:)@ 5He >sa-s unto&-[R> answe*ed+> the#>: K/ut one EthingF 0 ha3e said unto -ou! and -ou ha3e hea*d: wh- again do -ou E;ee.F as;ing #eI 7* Ta%#idi# do -ou wish to be1o#e of Hi#I

K[PR>(((: 0 ha3e-[R> a%*ead-+ to%d -ou! and -ou did not hea*( 4h>wou%d -ou&-[R> do -ou wish to+> hea* againI 8o -ou a%so wish to be1o#e His-"R' Ta%#idi# [R> of Hi#+I+ E91EG1F> The o#ission of o3; #a;es a s%ight diffe*en1e in the #eaning of this 3e*se: but it gi3es us Muite a .*obab%e *eading: Q/ut 0 ha3e to%d -ou one TthingT! and -e hea*d(QF C:)A /ut-[R> Then+ the- 1u*sed-[PERF> *e.*oa1hed+ hi#! and sa"R> to hi#': You a*e his-[R> a+ Ta%#id [R> of that one+! and-[PR> but+ we a*e [P> the+-"R' Ta%#idi# of oshe: C:)C And-"R' we ;now that with-[R> b-+ oshe E%ohi#&God s.o;e! but [PR> as fo*+ this EoneF - we ;now not f*o# whe*e he is( C:2G >He that was hea%ed&-[PR>the #an *e.%ied and+> sa-s unto the#: K>At this Ewe ha3eF to wonde*&-[P> 0n this the*efo*e is Eso#ethingF to be ad#i*ed+>! that -ou ;now "P> Hi#' not - f*o# whe*e He is! and E-etF #- e-es! "P> Ee3enF #ine'! He [P> has+ o.ened: K[R> (((: Po* the*e is a #a*3e% in this! that -ou do not ;now f*o# whe*e He is! and He o.ened #- e-es(+ C:21 KAnd-[P> Now+ we ;now 5that E%ohi#&God the 3oi1e of sinne*s> hea*s not! but 5H>i# that fea*s&*e3e*en1es Hi# and does His wi%%! 5H>i# He hea*s( K[R> And we ;now that E%ohi#&God does not hea* sinfu% ones! but if an-one is God-fea*ing! and the wi%% of Hi# he does! -this one He hea*s(+ C:2) KAnd beho%d! f*o# the da- when the wo*%d 1a#e to be it has not been hea*d that Ethe e-es ofF a b%ind #an ha3e been o.ened that f*o# his #othe*>s Ewo#bF was b%indJ K[PR> >Not f*o# of o%d-5ne3e*> has it been&-[R> P*o# the age it was not+> hea*d! that an- one o.ened the e-es of one [R> ha3ing been+ bo*n b%ind( C:22 KThis E7neF - if f*o# E%ohi#&God He had not been! how had He done thisI K[PR> 0f this an-[R> 7ne+ we*e not of&f*o# E%ohi#&God! he 1ou%d not do this-[R> an--+ thing(+ C:2< The- [PR> *e.%ied and+ sa- to hi#: You >-ou* own se%f&-[PR> who%%-+> in sins we*e bo*n: >ha3e -ou 1o#e tea1hing&-[PR> and do -ou tea1h+> usI And the- .ut-[R> th*ew+ hi# out[side 5R+( C:2= And-"R' "PR> when' Yeshua hea*d that the- had .ut-[R> th*ew+ hi# fo*th-[R> outside+! and "PR>when' Yeshua-[P> He+-"R' found[R> finding+ hi#! [R+-He-[P> and+ said unto hi#: >/e%ie3e -ou in&on&-[R> 8o -ou be%ie3e into+> the $on of [A&#+-#an-[PR> E%ohi#&God+I C:2? [R> And+ he "R> that was hea%ed' [PR> answe*ed and+ sa-s "PR> unto

Hi#': 4ho is He! #--"R' 6o*d! that 0 shou%d&#a- be%ie3e in&on-[R> into+ Hi#I C:2@ [R> And+ Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: [R> E3en+ -ou ha3e seen Hi#! and He >that s.ea;s&-[R> s.ea;ing+> with -ou is He-[R> that 7ne+( C:2A [PR> And+ he sa-s: 0 be%ie3e! #- 6o*dJ And he "R> fe%% [P> down+ EandF' >did-ho#age-unto-5wo*shi.ed>> Hi#( C:2C [R> And+ Yeshua sa-s "PR> unto hi#': Po* the-"R' Oudge#ent >of the &-[R> into this+> wo*%d 0 1a#e! that those that >a*e b%ind&-[PR> see not+> #ight see: and [P> that+ those that see #ight be1o#e b%ind( C:<G And >when the&-[PR>Eso#eF of those+> P>*ushi# whi1h we*e >nea*[PR> with+> Hi# hea*d [PR> these things+! [PR> and+ the--"R' sato Hi#: [P> HowI+-"R' A*e we [PR> a%so+ b%ind "PR> #en'I C:<1 He-[PR> Yeshua+ sa-s unto the#: 0f -ou had been b%ind "PR> #en'! -ou >had EthenF had no&-[P> wou%d be without+-[R> wou%d ha3e no+> sin: but [PR> now+ -ou sa-! 4e see: the*efo*e -ou* sin >standEsFN[P> is estab%ished+&[R> *e#ains+>( CHAPTER 1G 1G:1@ A#aine 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! >[P> that+ he that ente*s&[R> the EoneF ente*ing+> >not b- the doo* of&-[PR> into+ the [R>shee.+fo%d> >in whi1h&-[P> of+>-"R' "R> the f%o1;'-[P+ "P> is'! but [R+-goes-[P> 1%i#bs+ u. b--[P>in so#e+ [R+-"P> an'othe* .%a1e-[R> wa-+! he[R>that one+ is a *obbe* and a thief: 1G:) KAnd he whi1h b- the doo* ente*s! "PR> he' is the she.he*d of the f%o1;( K[R> /ut the EoneF ente*ing th*ough the doo*!(((+ 1G:2 [P> And+-"R' the doo*-;ee.e* o.ens to hi# "R> the doo*': and the f%o1;-[PR> shee.+ hea*s his 3oi1e! and K"P> his ani#a%s' he 1a%%s! Eea1hF-[P> the+ shee. b- its-[P> thei*+ na#e[s 5P+! and "P> he' b*ings[P> %eads+ the# fo*th( K[R> (((he 1a%%s EhisF own shee. b- na#e! and %eads the# out(+ 1G:< KAnd what Eti#eF he has b*ought his ani#a%s-[P> f%o1;+ fo*th! befo*e the#-[P> it+ he goes: and Kthe f%o1; that EisF his! afte* hi# goes! be1ause the f%o1; ;nows his 3oi1e( K[R> And when he .uts fo*th EhisF own shee.! he goes in f*ont of the#! and the shee. fo%%ow hi# be1ause the- ;now his 3oi1e(+ K[P> (((his shee. fo%%ow hi#! be1ause the- ;now his 3oi1e(+ K[91EG1F>((( and ea1h of his own fo%%ows hi#! be1ause the shee. ;now his 3oi1e(+ 1G:= K/ut afte* a st*ange* the f%o1; goes not! but >the f%o1; se.a*ates itse%f&-[P> it f%ees+> f*o# hi#: be1ause it ;nows not the 3oi1e of a st*ange*( K[R> /ut the- ne3e* fo%%ow a st*ange*! but wi%% f%ee f*o# hi#! be1ause the- do not ;now the 3oi1e of the st*ange*s(+ 1G:? KThese things s.o;e Yeshua with the# in a .a*ab%e! and thewe*e

not unde*standing EitF( K[PR> This a%%ego*-&.a*ab%e s.a;e Yeshua unto the#: but the;new now what [R> it was whi1h+ He said to the#(+ 1G:@ [R> Then+ again Yeshua said unto the#: A#aine 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! [PR> that+ 0 Ka# the 8oo* of the f%o1;( K[9)>((( 1a#e as the $he.he*d of the shee.( (((+ 1G:A And a%% those that ha3e 1o#e " '-[GeR9)> befo*e e+ >a*e "R'-the&[P> we*e+> thie3es and the *obbe*s: but the >ani#a%s ha3e&-[P> f%o1;[R> shee.+ did+> not hea*"d 5PR' the#( 1G:C K0 a# the 8oo* "PR>of the f%o1;'! Kand b- e e3e*- one that >sha%% ente*&-[Ga> ente*s+> sha%% %i3e! and sha%% ente* and go fo*th and find .astu*e( K[Ga> 0 a# the 8oo* of %ife! that whosoe3e* b- e sha%% ente* #a%i3e fo*e3e*(+ K[PR>(((! and if an- ente* b--[R> th*ough+ e! he wi%% %i3e-[R> be sa3ed+! and wi%% 1o#e-[R> go+ in and [R> wi%%+ go out! and wi%% find .astu*e(+ 1G:1G /ut-"R' the thief 1o#es not eL1e.t that he #a- stea% and ;i%% and dest*o-: but 0 >ha3e 1o#e&-[R> 1a#e+> that the- #ight ha3e %ife! and [PR> #a-+ ha3e >abundan1e-[P> that whi1h is eL1e%%ent+-[R> EitF abundant%-+>( 1G:11 0 a# the Good $he.he*d! >and-"R' the Good $he.he*d&-[Gt> that+> [R+-gi3es-[P> eL.oses+ His %ife >on beha%f of His f%o1;-[PR> fo* the shee.+>: 1G:1) K"Ga> /ut' the hi*e%ing! "Ga> the fa%se one'! [Ga> he+ whose own the f%o1; is not! what Eti#eF he sees the wo%f 1o#ing! %ea3es the f%o1; and f%ees! and the wo%f 1o#es EandF snat1hes and s1atte*s K[PR> /ut a-[R> the+ hi*e%ing! >who is not the&-[R> not e3en being a+> she.he*d! >and to who# the shee. do not be%ong&-[R> who does not own the shee.+>! "R> when he' sees the wo%f 1o#ing! %ea3es-[R> and fo*sa;es+> the f%o1;-[R>shee.+! and f%ees: and the wo%f >1o#es and tea*s&-[R> seiDes the#+> and dis.e*ses the f%o1;(+ 1G:12 [PR> >And a&-[R> /ut the+> hi*e%ing f%ees+ be1ause he is the[R> a+ hi*e%ing "PR> in it'! and >1a*es not fo* it&-[P> has no 1on1e*n fo* the f%o1;+-[R> the*e is not a 1a*e to hi# 1on1e*ning the shee.+>( 1G:1< 0 a# the Good $he.he*d: Kand 0 ;now - own Eshee.F! "P>and - own ;now e'! and 0 a# ;nown b- - own! K[R> (((: and 0 a# ;now those that Ea*eF ine: and 0 a# ;nown bthe Eones that a*eF ine( E91> The $inai teLt! see#s to be a 1o#bination of the teLt found in Eusebius> Theo.hania! /oo; iii(! 1a.(<2! and the Peshitta teLt(F

1G:1= [R> E3en+ as --[R> the+ Pathe* ;nows e! and-[P> so+-+R> a%so+ 0 ;now --[R> the+ Pathe*: and - %ife-[R> sou%-5==CG>+ 0 >%adown on beha%f of&-[P> eL.ose fo*+-[R> %a- down fo*+> the f%o1;-[R> shee.+( 1G:1? And 0 ha3e othe* shee. "Ga> whi1h a*e not of this "PR'sa#e fo%d' -[PR+: Kand the# a%so it beho3es "GaEPF> e' to b*ing [Ga> he*e+! "Ga> and the- "P'-a%so - 9oi1e wi%% hea*'-[P+! and Ka%% the f%o1; wi%% be one! and 7ne $he.he*d Ewith the#F( K1[EAFR> (((: 0 #ust a%so %ead those! and the- wi%% hea* - 9oi1e: and >the*e wi%% be>-[A>the- wi%% be1o#e+ one f%o1;! one $he.he*d(+ K)[P>((( the who%e wi%% be one f%o1;!(((+ 1G:1@ And - Pathe* be1ause of this %o3es e! Kthat-[R> be1ause+ 0 %adown - %ife-[R> sou%+ >that again 0 #a- ta;e it "R'-Eu.F&-[P>to *esu#e it again+>( K[Ga> (((! that - %ife 0 gi3e on beha%f of the f%o1;+ 1G:1A >And the*e is not an- one EthatF&-[R> No one+> [#> too;+ta;es it "R'-awa- f*o# e! but 0 %a- it down >awa- f*o# e&-[P> of - own wi%%+[R> f*o# -se%f+>! "R'-fo* TK>0 ha3e5KT-[PR+ autho*it- >that 0 shou%d&[PR> to+> %a- it down! and [R> 0 ha3e+ [PR> autho*it- to *esu#e[R> ta;e+ it+ again "PR> ta;e it u.': be1ause-"R' this #itD3ah&1o##and#ent 0 ha3e-"R' *e1ei3ed f*o# - Pathe*( 1G:1C And-[R> Then+ >whi%e He was s.ea;ing these things&-[PR> again+>! the*e had been a di3ision a#ong the Uudeans [PR> be1ause of these sa-ings&wo*ds+! 1G:)G >/e1ause so#e of the# we*e sa-ing>&-[PR> And #an- of the# said:+! KA de#on is u.on hi#! and he is indeed #ad: wh- stand -ou and %isten to hi#I K[PERF>(((! He has a de#on! and is who%%- beside hi#se%f: whhea* -ou hi#I+ 1G:)1 /ut-"R' othe*s sa-: These wo*ds&dis1ou*ses a*e not KEthoseF of a de#on[ia1 5P+: is a de#on ab%e to o.en [P> the e-es of+-[G1> EF+ a b%ind #anI K[R>((( wo*ds of one .ossessed b- a de#on( A de#on is not ab%e to o.en EtheF e-es of b%ind ones(+ 1G:))@ KAnd it had been the Peast&Pesti3a% in Ye*usha%a-i# that is 1a%%ed: >KHonou* of the $an1tua*->&-5Chanu;;ah>! and it was winte*( K1[PR>And >the feast&-[R>EF+> of the-"R' 8edi1ation >was Ehe%dF at>&-[R> too; .%a1e in+ Ye*usha%a-i#(((+ K1[#> At that ti#e was the Peast( (((+ K)E[Pa%#-*ene ins1*i.tions+> a si#i%a* .h*ase is found the*e(F 1G:)2 And Yeshua was wa%;ing in $h%o#o>s Po*1h-5Co%onnade>! "PR>that

is' in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF( 1G:)< K5And the*e gathe*ed> a*ound Hi# the Uudeans! and Ethe-F sa- to Hi#: KTi%% when a*e -ou ta;ing u. ou* b*eathI 0f -ou a*e Ha ashia1h& The- essiah! te%% us .%ain%--[R> .ub%i1%-+( K1[R> Then the Uudeans en1i*1%ed Hi#! and said to Hi#: How %ong do -ou %ift u. ou* sou%I (((+ K1[5EGF>+> And the Uudeans su**ounded Hi#!(((+ K1[91EG1F> And the Uudeans K1%a#ou*ed *ound about Hi#! sa-ing unto Hi#: Ti%% when do -ou ;ee. us in doubt T-Eo*F- ta;e u. ou* b*eathI+-EK0 ado.t %ate 8*( e*L>s 1%e3e* e#endation fo* the i%%egib%e wo*d whi1h 0 *ead as "(((' in 1AC=( The sa#e wo*d is used in a*; 1=:A(F K)[P>(((: How %ong ho%d -ou ou* #ind in sus.enseI(((+ 1G:)= Yeshua [PR> answe*ed "R'-and+ "R> sa-s to the#': 0 >a# s.ea;ing with&-[PR> ha3e-"R' to%d+> -ou! and -ou [PR> did+ be%ie3e not: and the wo*;s&deeds that 0 do in the Na#e of - Pathe*! the--[R> these+ bea* witness of&about e( 1G:)? /ut -ou be%ie3e not! be1ause -ou a*e not of - ewes&%a#bs[PR> shee.+! "A> as 0 [P> ha3e+-"R' said to -ou Ebefo*eF'( 1G:)@ The shee. Ethat a*eF ine hea* - 9oi1e! and 0 ;now the# and the1o#e-[P> go+-[R> fo%%ow+ afte*-"R' e! 1G:)A And 0 gi3e [PR> unto+ the# %ife ete*na%! and the- sha%% Knot be %ost fo*e3e*! and no one sha%% snat1h the# awa- f*o# - hands( K[PR>(((ne3e* >be %ost&-[R> .e*ish+> [R> to the age&5fo*e3e*>+: no* wi%% an- one .%u1; the# f*o#-[R> out of+ - hand(+ 1G:)C K[PR>Po*-"R' -+-the Pathe*! that ga3e [91EG1F> 5the#>+ to e! is g*eate* than a%%: Kand the*e is no one that does snat1h awa- f*o# the hand of the Pathe*: K1[#> That whi1h - Pathe* has gi3en unto e! is(((+ K1[#> - Pathe*! as to that whi1h He has gi3en e! is (((+ K)[R>(((: and no one is ab%e to .%u1; out of - Pathe*>s hand:+ K)[P>(((: no* 1an an- .%u1; f*o# - Pathe*>s hand:+ 1G:2G 0 and --[R> the+ Pathe* - "PR> 4e' a*e 7ne&E1hadJ 1G:21 >4hen He said these things the-&-[PR> And-[R> Then+ again the Uudeans+> too; u. stones to-[R> that the- #ight+ stone Hi#( 1G:2) Yeshua >sa-s unto&-[R> answe*ed+> the#: an- [PR> good+ wo*;s& deeds of&f*o# the-[PR> -+ Pathe* 0 ha3e shown -ou: fo* whi1h of those "PR> sa#e' wo*;s&deeds a*e -ou stoning eI 1G:22 The Uudeans [ERF> answe*EingF+ sa- to Hi#: >Not fo* EaF fai* deed &wo*; do&-[PERF> it is not on a11ount of [R> a+ good wo*;"s 5R' that+> we stone -ou! Kbut be1ause being a hu#an being -ou do b%as.he#e! and #a;e -ou*se%f KE%ohi#&God( K1[R> (((! but 1on1e*ning b%as.he#-: and be1ause -ou! being a #an! #a;e -ou*se%f E%ohi#&God(+

K1[P> (((! but be1ause -ou b%as.he#e! and whi%e -ou a*e a #an! -ou #a;e -ou*se%f E%ohi#&God(+ K)E$a#e eL.*ession&idio# as found in Peshitta! ELodus&$he#ot @:1(F 1G:2< Yeshua >sa-s unto&-[R> answe*ed+> the#: 0s it not "PR> thus' 4*itten in the-[PR> -ou*+ To*ah-5ETana;hF>: 0 ha3e-"R' said "PR> that' -ou a*e e%ohi#&gods 1G:2= [PR> 0f He 1a%%ed the# e%ohi#&gods! be1ause-[R> with who#+ the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God was "R> with the#'! and the 4o*d-[PR> $1*i.tu*e+ "PR> of E%ohi#&God' 1annot >5be %oosed>-[P>be nu%%ified+-[R> b*o;en+> 1G:2? >To the 7ne&-[R> 8o -ou sa- of Hi#+> whi1h the Pathe* has"R' san1tified&ha%%owed and sent into the wo*%d "R> sa- -ou' - You b%as.he#e: >on Ethe g*oundF that He&-[PR> /e1ause 0+> said "R> unto -ou that' >EHe isF-[PR> 0 a#+> >the-"R' $on of E%ohi#&God&-5[P> the+ /en-E%ohi#>>I 1G:2@ [P> And+-"R' if 0 do not the wo*;s&deeds of - Pathe*! do not be%ie3e e: 1G:2A /ut if 0 do Ethe#F! e3en if e -ou do not be%ie3e! [P> -et+"R' be%ie3e the wo*;s&deeds "PR>the#se%3es'! and-[PR> that+ -ou wi%%-[PR> #a-+ ;now-[R> .e*1ei3e+ >[PR> and [R> #a-+ [A> unde*stand+be%ie3e+> that >0 a# in the-[P> -+ Pathe*! and the-[P> -+ Pathe* is in e&[R> the Pathe* EisF in e! and 0 in Hi#(+> 1G:2C K[P> And+-[R> Then+ again >afte* 5these things the Uudeans we*e wishing to ta;e&-[PERF> the- sought to %a-+> ho%d of Hi#>: >and He went fo*th f*o# between thei* hands&-[P> but He es1a.ed f*o# thei* hands+[R> and He went fo*th out of thei* hand+>( K[91EG1F> And again afte* these things the- sought to ta;e Hi#(: (((+ 1G:<G KAnd >went awa-&-[P> *eti*ed+> to the othe* side of [P> the+ Ya*den! to [P> the .%a1e+ whe*e Yo1hanan >was i##e*sing of o%d&[P> at fi*st i##e*sed! and ta**ied the*e+>( K[R> And He went awa- again a1*oss the Ya*den to the .%a1e whe*e Yo1hanan was at fi*st i##e*sing! and *e#ained the*e(+ K[91EG1F> And went His wa- be-ond Ya*den to the .%a1e whe*e Yo1hanan had i##e*sed of o%d the*e(+ 1G:<1 5And "R'-the*e> 1a#e #an- [PR> .e*sons+ unto Hi#! 5and> "R> thewe*e' sa-ing-[R> said+: Yo1hanan K>5no> sign&-[P> indeed w*ought no"t e3en one 5R' sign&#i*a1%e:+> >E(((F said a%% these things&-[PR>but e3e*- thing that Yo1hanan said of this an-[R> 7ne+! was t*ue+>( K[91EG1F>((( showed no sign! but he s.a;e a%% these things t*u%-

about this an(+ 1G:<) And #an- be%ie3ed in&on-[R> into+ Hi# [R> the*e+( CHAPTER 11 11:1@ K"P> And it 1a#e to .ass that'-[P>And a 1e*tain #an+ E%,aDa* f*o# &of [P> the town of+ /eit-An-ah was infi*#! the b*othe* of i*-a# and a*ta( K[R> And the*e was a 1e*tain si1; one! E%,aDa* f*o# /eit-An-ah! of the 3i%%age of i*-a# and he* siste* a*ta(+ 11:) KNow i*-a# is she that washed the feet 5of Yeshua and wi.ed Ethe#F with he* hai*>: the b*othe* of he* was the E%,aDa* that was infi*#( K[R> And it was i*-a# who anointed the 6o*d with oint#ent! and wi.ed His feet with he* hai*! whose b*othe* E%,aDa* was si1;(+ K[P> 0t was that i*-a# who anointed the feet of Yeshua with .e*fu#e! and wi.ed Ethe#F with he* hai*! whose b*othe* E%,aDa* was si1;(+ 11:2 >5Now> his two&-[R> The*efo*e the+> siste*s sent Ewo*dF to Yeshua[R> Hi#+ [P> and said+-[R> sa-ing+: 7u*-"R' 6o*d! "P> beho%d'[R'! he[R> Ethe oneF+ that You %o3e is infi*#&si1;J 11:< K54hen>-"GE1F' Yeshua hea*d He said: -[GE1Fe+-5This>[GE1F>to the#:+ infi*#it- is not unto death! but fo* the g%o*- of E%ohi#&God! that His $on #a- be g%o*ified in hi#( K[PR> And [R> hea*ing+ Yeshua said: This si1;ness is not >that of &-[R> unto+> death! but fo* the G%o*- of E%ohi#&God! that the $on of E%ohi#&God #a--"R' be g%o*ified "R> b- #eans' of it(+ 11:= KNow Yeshua was %o3ing unto these th*ee! the b*othe* Eand siste*sF! - i*-a#! a*ta! and E%,aDa*: K[PR> Now-[R> And+ Yeshua %o3ed a*ta and i*-a#-[R> he* siste*+ and E%,aDa*(+ 11:? KAnd f*o# Ethe ti#eF He hea*d that E%,aDa*-[P> he+ was infi*#! [R> then! indeed+ He *e#ained in "P> His'-[R> the+ .%a1e [PR> whe*e He was+ two da-s( K[R> The*efo*e when He hea*d that he was si1;!(((+ 11:@ And-[R> Then+ [P> afte*wa*ds+-[R> afte* this+ He sa-s unto His Ta%#idi#: Co#e! %et us go [PR> again+ to Y>hudah( 11:A His-[R> The+ Ta%#idi# sa- unto Hi#: 7u*-"R' Rabbi! beho%d[R> Oust now+! the Uudeans we*e see;ing to stone You! and again go You the*eI 11:C Yeshua >said unto the#&-[R> answe*ed+>: A*e the*e not twe%3e hou*s in the da-I >He that&-[R> 0f an-one+> wa%;s b--[R> in+ the da- "R'[P> ti#e+ [R> he+ stu#b%es not! be1ause he sees the %ight of this-[R> the+ wo*%d: 11:1G /ut >he that&-[R> if an-one+> wa%;s b--[R> in the+ night [R> he+ stu#b%es! be1ause [R+-the-[P> the*e is no+ %ight "P>is not'-[R+ in

hi#( 11:11 >"R> And when' [R+-He-[P> Yeshua+> said these things [P> and afte*wa*ds+-[R> and afte* this+! He sa-s unto the#: E%,aDa* ou* f*iend Kis %-ing down! but 0 go >that 0 #a--[P> to+> awa;en hi#( K[R> (((has fa%%en as%ee.! but 0 a# going that 0 #a- awa;en hi#(+ 11:1) [R> Then+ the--[PR> His Ta%#idi#+ sa- "R> unto Hi#': 7u*"R' 6o*d! if He Ks%ee.s he >wi%% %i3e-[P> is *e1o3e*ing+>( K[R> (((has fa%%en as%ee.! he wi%% *e1o3e*(+ 11:12 KNow Yeshua on Ethe g*oundF that E%,aDa* was dead had said EthisF to the#! and the- we*e su..osing that of s%ee. He EhadF said EitF( K[PR> /ut Yeshua s.o;e of his death: and-[R> but+ thethought! [R> that+ He s.o;e of the s%ee. of [R> s%u#be*+-*e.ose(+ 11:1< [R> The*efo*e+ again-[PR> Then+ Yeshua said unto the# .%ain%-: E%,aDa* [Ge> ou* f*iend+-"PR' >is dead&-[R> has died+>: 11:1= And 0 *eOoi1e >fo* -ou* sa;es&-[R> be1ause of -ou! in o*de*+>! that -ou #a- be%ie3e! that 0 was not the*e( /ut "P> wa%; -ou! EandF' %et us go >[R+-&unto hi#&-[P> the*e+>( 11:1? [R> Then+ T>o#a [PERF> who is 1a%%ed the twin+ said unto "PR> the#! to' his fe%%ow Ta%#idi#: "PR> Co#e'! %et us "R'-a%so go [R>! e3en we+ [R> that we #a-+-EandF die with Hi#( 11:1@ KAnd "P> when' Yeshua 1a#e to /eit-An-ah! KHe found that theEhadF bu*ied E%,aDa* fou* da-s befo*e( K1[R> Then 1o#ing! Yeshua found hi# a%*ead- being he%d in the to#b fou* da-s(+ K)[P>(((! and found that he had been in the g*a3e fou* da-s(+ 11:1A Now-[R> And+ /eit-An-ah was [PR> nea* "R'-to+ Ye*usha%a-i#! >EbeingF distant f*o# EitF&-[R> off+> [P> about+-[R>EF+ fifteen stadia& fu*%ongs! "PR> whi1h a*e >TK>5KT-two .a*asangs>'( K[91EG1F> Now /eit-An-ah was distant f*o# Ye*usha%a-i# fifteen stadia! whi1h a*e two #i%es(+ 11:1C And #an- of the Uudeans Kwent fo*th to /eit-An-ah that the#ight 1o#fo*t a*ta and i*-a#( K[PR>((( had 1o#e to [R> those a*ound+ i*-a# and a*ta! to[R> that the- #ight+ >1o#fo*t&1onso%e the#&-[R> 5s.ea; to thei* hea*ts>+> 1on1e*ning thei* b*othe*(+ 11:)G And-[R> The*efo*e+ when a*ta hea*d that Yeshua >was 1o#e&-[R> is 1o#ing+>! she "R> went fo*th to' #eet Hi#! and-[PR> but+ i*-a# sta-ed[PR> was sitting+ in the house( 11:)1 And-[R> Then+ a*ta said unto Yeshua: [PR> --"R' 6o*d!+ if he*e -ou ha3e been! #- b*othe* wou%d not >ha3e died&-[R> be dead+>: 11:)) /ut e3en now 0 ;now that what[e3e* 5R+ You [R> #a-+ as; [P> of+ -"R' E%ohi#&God! He-[R> E%ohi#&God+ wi%% gi3e You(

11:)2 Yeshua said unto he*: KYou* b*othe* sha%% a*ise [R> again+( K[Ga> 0f so be EthatF -ou be%ie3e! -ou b*othe* sha%% a*ise(+-EGa)1 fo%%owed b- 3e*()@F 11:)< a*tha said unto Hi#: 0 ;now that in the Resu**e1tion [R+-in[P> at+ the 6ast 8a- [R> that+ [PR> he wi%% *ise+ [R> again+( 11:)= Yeshua sa-s unto he*: 0 a# the Resu**e1tion [GePR> and the %ife+: >and he&-[R> the EoneF+> that be%ie3es in-[R> into+ e! Ke3en if he dies! wi%% %i3e: K[R>(((! though he die! he sha%% %i3e(+ 11:)? And he-[PR> e3e*- one+ that %i3es and be%ie3es in-[R> into+ e! >fo* e3e* dies not&-[R> in no wa- sha%% die! >to the age-5fo* e3e*>>+>( /e%ie3e -ou >these things-[PR> this+>I 11:)@ a*tha-[R> $he+ sa-s unto Hi#: Yea! #--"R' 6o*d! 0 [R> ha3e+ be%ie3e[d 5R+ that -ou a*e Ha ashia1h&The- essiah! >Ha/enE%ohi#&The $on of God>! that >is about to 1o#e unto&-[PR> 1o#es into+> the wo*%d( 11:)A And when she said these things she went si%ent%--[R> se1*et%-+ EandF 1a%%ed [PR> he* siste*+ i*-a#! >and sa-s unto he*&-[R> sa-ing+>: >7u* Rabbi&-[R> The Tea1he*+> >has 1o#e&-[R> is he*e+> and 1a%%s [P> fo*+-"R' -ou( 11:)C And-[R> that one+ when i*-a#-[R> she+ hea*d! Kshe %ea.t u. and eage*%- went to [P> #eet+ Hi#( K[R>(((! *ose u. Mui1;%- and 1a#e unto Hi#(+ 11:2G And He-"R'! Yeshua! "R> unti% then' had not [PR> -et+ ente*ed [R> into+ the 3i%%age! but was [A> sti%%+ in the sa#e-"R' .%a1e that a*tha had-"R' #et Hi#( 11:21 Those-[R> then the+ [PR> Uudeans+ a%so-"R' that we*e [PR> with he* in the house and+ 1o#fo*ting&1onso%ing i*-a#-[PR> he*+! when thesaw that K>thus in a#aDe#ent she>N-[PR> i*-a# *ose u. Mui1;%and+ went fo*th! went awa- afte* he*( K[P> Po*+ the- we*e su..osing that to the g*a3e she was going to wee.( K1[5G>+-5(((she was a#aDed EandF went fo*th!(((> K)[A>((( su..osing that to the ((((+ K)[R> ((( sa-ing: $he is going to the to#b so that she #a- wee. the*e(+ 11:2) And-[R> Then+ "PR> she'! i*-a#! when she a**i3ed b-[PR> whe*e+ Yeshua [PERF> was and saw Hi#+! [R> she+ fe%% at His feet and sa-s unto Hi#: 0f he*e You >had been&-[R> we*e+>! #--"R' 6o*d! #- b*othe* wou%d not ha3e died( 11:22 And-[R>Then+ "R> He! Yeshua'! when He saw he* and saw-"R' those-[R> the+ Uudeans [PR> who 1a#e+ [R> down+ with he*! Kwas

sti**ed&#o3ed in Hi#se%f-[P> $.i*it+ and was agitated&eL1ited "P> in His $.i*it'( K[R> (((! Yeshua g*oaned in the $.i*it and t*oub%ed Hi#se%f(+ 11:2< And [P> He+ said: 4he*e ha3e -ou %aid-[R> .ut+ hi#I Thesaunto Hi#: 7u*-"R' 6o*d! 1o#e EandF see( 11:2= KAnd the tea*s of Yeshua we*e 1o#ing Eon&downF: K[R> >Yeshua shed tea*s&-5Yeshua we.t>>(+ 11:2? And-[R> Then+ "PR> when' the Uudeans "PR> saw! the-' we*e sa-ing: $ee how #u1h-"R' He >was %o3ing&-[R> %o3ed+> hi# [4> as a f*iend+J 11:2@ And-[R> /ut+ the*e we*e so#e of the# that we*e sa-ing: KThis is He that o.ened the e-es of hi# that was bo*n b%ind f*o# the wo#b of his #othe*: wou%d He not indeed ha3e been ab%e to #a;e this EoneF that he shou%d not dieI K[R>(((: 4as this 7ne! the E7neF o.ening the e-es of the b%ind! not ab%e to ha3e 1aused that this one shou%d not dieI+ K[P>(((: Cou%d not He who o.ened the e-es of the b%ind #an! ha3e 1aused that this EoneF shou%d not ha3e diedI+ 11:2A KNow Yeshua! >though He was&-[P> sti%%+> agitated&eL1ited within "P> Hi#se%f'! 1a#e to the to#b: and that to#b was "P> a ho%%ow! %i;e' a 1a3e! and >its doo* hidden b- a stone-[P> a stone was %aid u.on its ent*an1e+>( K[R> Then Yeshua! again g*oaning within Hi#se%f! 1a#e to the to#b( And it was a 1a3e! and a stone was %-ing on it(+ 11:2C KYeshua sa-s: Ta;e "P> -ou' awa- this stone( a*ta [P>the siste* of the de1eased+ sa-s unto Hi#: - 6o*d! "P> wh- a*e the- ta;ing awathe stoneI Po* beho%d'! >Eb- nowF-[P> b- this ti#e+> he has stun;! be1ause "P> Ethe*e ha3e beenF' fou* da-s >fo* hi#-[P> ha3e e%a.sed+>J K[R> Yeshua said: 6ift the stone( a*ta! the siste* of the one that had died! said unto Hi#: 6o*d! he a%*ead- s#e%%s! fo* it is EtheF fou*th Eda-F( 11:<G He-[PR> Yeshua+ said unto he*: [PR>8id not+ 0 said-[PR> sa-+ unto -ou that if -ou [PR> wou%d+ be%ie3e! -ou [R+-sha%%-[P> shou%d+ see the G%o*- of E%ohi#&God( KE91> He*e again the o#ission of the negati3e o3; s1a*1e%#a;es an a..*e1iab%e diffe*en1e in the sense: 0 said unto thee! that if thou wou%dest be%ie3e! thou shou%dest see the g%o*- of E%ohi#(F 11:<1 K>Then those .eo.%e standing Eb-F d*ew nea* EandF %ifted>&[P> And the- too; awa-+ the stone( >/ut He>-&[P> And Yeshua+ *aised His e-es >to Hea3en-[P> on high+>! and said: Pathe*! 0 than; You that You "R'-ha3e hea*d e: K[R> Then the- %ifted the stone "A> whe*e the dead one was %aid'( And Yeshua %ifted EHisF e-es u.wa*d and said: (((+

11:<) And 0 "PR> -se%f' ;now that >at a%% ti#es&-[PR>a%wa-s+> You "PR> do' hea* e: but [R+-be1ause-[P> on a11ount+ of this-[R> the+ #u%titude >of .eo.%e&-[P> that stands he*e+-[R> standing a*ound+> 0 >sa- these things&-[R> said EitF+>! that the- #a- be%ie3e that You ha3e-"R' sent e( 11:<2 And when these things He said! He >[R+-&1*ied out&-[GaP> 1a%%ed+> with a %oud 9oi1e "GaP> and said': E%,aDa*J K"Ga'-1o#e fo*th-[P+J "P> 1o#e out'J K[R> (((! He*eJ 7utsideJ+ 11:<< And "PR> >in the sa#e hou*>&-5i##ediate%->' 1a#e fo*th >that dead #an>&-[R> the EoneF who had died+! K[P> with+ his hands and feet w*a..ed with bandages! and his fa1e "P> w*a..ed' with a na.;in( >Then said ou* 6o*d>N-[PR> Yeshua said unto the#+: 6oose hi#! and >a%%ow Ehi#F to>N-[PR> %et [R>EF+-hi#+ go( K[R> (((! the feet and the hands ha3ing been bound with sheets! and his fa1e being bound with a 1%oth( (((+ 11:<= KAnd #an- Y>hudi#&Uews&Uudeans that 1a#e unto Yeshua be1ause of i*-a#! f*o# that hou* be%ie3ed in Yeshua( K[PR> And-[R> Then+ #an- of the Y>hudi# >who had 1o#e&-[R> those 1o#ing+> to i*-a#! >when the- saw&-[R> and ha3ing seen+> [#> the things+ what-[#> whate3e*+ Yeshua-[A#> He+ did! be%ie3ed on[R> into+ Hi#(+ 11:<? And-[PR> /ut+ "PR> the*e we*e' so#e of the# "PR> that did not be%ie3e! but' went awa- unto the P>*ushi# and de1%a*ed to the# [P> a%%+-"R' what Yeshua EhadF done( 11:<@@ KThen the head Cohani# and the P>*ushi# gathe*ed togethe* "P> and #ade a .%ot! and the- we*e' sa-ing: 4hat sha%% we doI Po* this #an does&wo*;s #an- signs: K[RE4F> Then the head Cohani# and the P>*ushi# asse#b%ed a[4>the+ $anhed*in! and said: 4hat a*e we doing! fo* this #an does #an#i*a1%es&signsI+ 11:<A KAnd if we a%%ow hi# thus Eto 1ontinue doingF! a%% .eo.%e wi%% be be%ie3ing in hi#! and the Ro#ans wi%% be 1o#ing EandF ta;ing awaKou* Cit--5Ye*usha%a-i#> and ou* .eo.%e( K1[R> 0f we %et hi# a%one this wa-! a%% wi%% be%ie3e into hi#! and the Ro#ans wi%% 1o#e and wi%% ta;e awa- f*o# us both the P%a1e and the Nation(+ K)[Ge> (((ou* Nation! the To*ah! and this P%a1e(+ K)[PE4F> (((ou* P%a1e and ou*-"4' Nation(+ 11:<C /ut [R> a 1e*tain+ one of the#! Ba-afa "R> was his na#e'! [P> was+-[R> being+ the-"R' Cohen haGado% of the#-"R' that -ea*! ->that

Ba-afa&-[P> and he+-"R'> sa-s to the#: You ;now >not an-thing&[R> nothing+>! 11:=G No* "R> do -ou' 1onside* that it is .*ofitab%e fo* us-[A> -ou+! that one #an shou%d-"R' die on beha%f of the "PR> who%e' .eo.%e! and not >Kthe-[P> that this+> who%e .eo.%e >be %ost&-[P> .e*ish+>( K[R> (((a%% the Nation to .e*ish(+ 11:=1 KNow this wo*d - not f*o# [P>the .*o#.tings of+ his own #ind said he it: but be1ause he was Cohen haGado% [P> of that -ea*+ he .*o.hesied! be1ause-[PR> that+ Yeshua was about to die >[R+-&on beha%f of-[P> fo*+> the .eo.%e-[R> Nation+: K[R> /ut he did not sa- this f*o# hi#se%f! but being Cohen haGado% that -ea* he .*o.hesied! (((+ 11:=) And not on beha%f of the >.eo.%e-[P> 5Y>hudi#&Uews in Y>hudah& Uudah>+-[R> Nation+> on%-! Kbut that [PR> He #ight -+ the sons-[R> 1hi%d*en+ of E%ohi#&God a%so that a*e-[R> had been+ [R+-s1atte*ed[P> dis.e*sed+! shou%d be [R+-gathe*ed-[P> 1o%%e1ted togethe*+ "P> into one'-[R+( K[4>(((! but that He #a- gathe* into one the 1hi%d*en of God dis.e*sed ab*oad(+ 11:=2 Now-[P> And+-[R> Then+ f*o# that da- the- >[R> too; 1ounse%+&-had #editated-&[P> .%otted+N[4> .assed the 3e*di1t+> >to&[RE4F> that the[4> wou%d+-#ight+> ;i%% Hi#( 11:=< KNow Yeshua was not wa%;ing f*ee%- in the sight of the Uudeans! but He went awa- to a .%a1e nea* to 5the wi%de*ness>! [P> to a town+ 1a%%ed Ef*a-i#! and the*e was abiding with His Ta%#idi#( K[R> The*efo*e! Yeshua no %onge* wa%;ed .ub%i1%- a#ong the Uudeans! but went awa- f*o# the*e into the 1ount*- nea* the dese*t! to a 1it- being 1a%%ed Ef*a-i#! and sta-ed the*e with His Ta%#idi#(+ 11:==@ KAnd it had be1o#e the ti#e that the >Peasts&Pesti3a%s we*e&-[P> Pesa1h&Passo3e* of the Y>hudi# d*ew+> nea*! and #an- went u. f*o#-[R> out of the [R+-1ount*--[P> 3i%%ages+ to Ye*usha%a-i# [PR> befo*e the [R> Pesa1h+-Peast+ that the- #ight san1tif-&ha%%ow&.u*ifthe#se%3es( K[R> And the Pesa1h&Passo3e* of the Y>hudi# was nea*( 11:=? And the- we*e see;ing Yeshua! and sa-ing one to the othe* [R> standing+ in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF: >8o -ou su..ose that .e*1han1e&[P> 4hat thin;-[R> does it see# to+ -ouI+> [PR> That+ He 1o#es not [R> at a%%+ to the PeastI 11:=@ And [R> a%%+ the head Cohani# and the P>*ushi# [PR>had+ 1o##anded that >he that shou%d see Hi# shou%d 1o#e&-[PR> if an- one ;new whe*e He

was-[R> is+! he shou%d+> >EandF *e3ea% EitF to the#&-[R> info*#+>! EsoF that the- #ight [4> a**est+-ta;e-[R> seiDe+ Hi#( CHAPTER 1) 1):1 And-[R> Then+ siL da-s befo*e [PR> the Pesa1h&Passo3e*+ "PR> it wou%d be >The Sn%ea3en /*ead&-5Chag Ha atDot>'> 1a#e Yeshua to "PR> the 3i%%age' /eit-An-ah >unto-[PR> whe*e was "R'-that+> E%,aDa*! - [R> who had died+-"A'! >hi# that was dead and %i3ed&-[PR> who# Yeshua[R> He+ *aised f*o# the dead(+> 1):) >And he&-[R> The-+> #ade fo*-"R' Hi# a su..e* the*e! and E%,aDa* was one of the guests that sat down Eto eatF with Hi#! but a*ta was "PR> o11u.ied in' se*3ing( 1):2 KNow i*-a# too; Ka 3ase of a .ound of oi%! na*d of good .isti1! the .*i1e of whi1h was #u1h! and .ou*ed it u.on the head of Yeshua as He sat Eat #ea%F! and anointed His feet! and wi.ed Ethe#F with he* hai*: and the who%e house was fu%% of the s#e%% of the oi%( K1[R> Then ta;ing a .ound of oint#ent of .u*e! 1ost%s.i;ena*d! i*-a# anointed the feet of Yeshua! and wi.ed off His feet with he* hai*:(((+ K)[P> (((an a%abaste* boL of .e*fu#e of 1hoi1e s.i;ena*d! of g*eat .*i1e: and anointed the feet of Yeshua: and she wi.ed His feet with he* hai*((((+ 1):< And-[R> Then+ Y>hudah [R> ben-$hi#,on+ f*o#-B>*iot! one of the Ta%#idi# [R> of Hi#+! >he that was hi#se%f bet*a-ing&-[R> the EoneF being about to bet*a-+> Hi#! said: 1):= 4he*efo*e was not this oi% so%d fo* th*ee hund*ed dena*ii and gi3en to the .oo*I 1):? Now Y>hudah - not fo* the .oo* had he a 1a*e! but be1ause he used to stea%! and the boL fo* the .oo* was b- hi#( K[PR> And this he said! not be1ause he 1a*ed fo* the .oo*! but be1ause he was a thief! and he%d the .u*se&#one--bag! and 1a**ied what-[R> awa- the things+ [R> being .ut into it+&->was .ut in it>[P&a%t> 5fe%% into it>(++ 1):@ K4hen Yeshua hea*d! he said to hi#: A%%ow he* to ;ee. it fo* the da- of - bu*-ing( K[P+-/ut-[R> Then+ Yeshua said: >6et he* a%one&-[R> A%%ow he*+>: >[R> fo*+ she has ;e.t&-[A> that she #a- ;ee.+> it fo* the da- of - bu*ia%(+ 1):A "G1'-[P> Po* the .oo* a*e-[R> -ou ha3e+ a%wa-s with -ou! Kbut 0 a# not with -ou a%wa-s(+ K[R> (((! but -ou do not a%wa-s ha3e e(+ 1):C KAnd #an- .eo.%e of the Uudeans ;new-[P> hea*d+ that He was the*e! and the- 1a#e the*e! not >[P> on%- on a11ount of+-Nbe1ause theshou%d see> Yeshua! but [P> a%so that the- #ight see+ E%,aDa*! hi# that He

*aised f*o# "P> a#ong' the dead( K[R> Then a g*eat 1*owd of the Uudeans %ea*ned that He was the*e! and the- 1a#e -not be1ause of Yeshua a%one! but that the- a%so #ight see E%,aDa* who# He *aised f*o# EtheF dead(+ 1):1G And-[R> /ut+ the head Cohani# K>[R> too; 1ounse%+-&had #editated& -[P> de%ibe*ated+> that E%,aDa* a%so the- >shou%d ;i%%&-[R> #ight .ut to death+>! K[4>((( .assed an edi1t that the- wou%d (((+ 1):11 KPo* [PR> #an- of the Y>hudi#+ >[R> th*ough hi#+&-be1ause of E%,aDa*&-[on his a11ount+> >#an--[PR> went [R> awa-+ and+> be%ie3ed in[to 5R+&[4> on+ Yeshua( K[9)> /e1ause of hi# #an- of the Y>hudi#&Uews! #o*e and #o*e! we*e be%ie3ing on Yeshua(+ 1):1)@ KAnd the neLt da- "PR> He went fo*th and 1a#e to the ount of 7%i3es': >and those #an- #u%titudes-[PR> a g*eat #u%titude+-[#> the 1o##on .eo.%e+> that had 1o#e to the Peast&Pesti3a%! when thehea*d that Yeshua 1o#es to Ye*usha%a-i#! K[R> 57n the #o**ow! 1o#ing to the Peast! hea*ing that Yeshua is 1o#ing to Ye*usha%a-i#! a g*eat 1*owd>-+ 1):12 Too; u. b*an1hes of .a%#s and went fo*th to [R> a+ #eet[ing with 5R+ Hi#( And the- we*e 1*-ing out "R> and sa-ing': Hoshana5sa3e us .%ease>J [P> /%essed is+ He that 1o#es in the Na#e of the YH9H&5The67R8>&Adonai! the Bing& e%e1h of 0s*ae%J 1):1< KNow Yeshua >was *iding on&-[P> found+> 5an ass&1o%t>-[P+ [P> and sat u.on it+! as it is 4*itten "P> in H>;ha*-ah the P*o.het': K[R> And finding an ass 1o%t! Yeshua sat u.on it! e3en as it had been w*itten:+ 1):1= KPea* not! daughte* of TDi-on: beho%d! K-ou* Bing is 1o#ing unto -ou! and [P> He+ *iding on a 1o%t! the foa% of a she-ass&-[P> ass+J K1[R> 8o not fea*! daughte* of TDi-on( /eho%d! the Bing of -ou 1o#es sitting u.on the foa% of an ass(+ K[4>(((! th- Bing 1o#eth! sitting u.on the 1o%t of a don;e-(+ 1):1? KThese things befo*ehand-[P> at that ti#e+ His Ta%#idi# ;new not! but when >ou* 6o*d *e1ei3ed His G%o*->N-[P> Yeshua was G%o*ified then+ the--[P> His Ta%#idi#+ *e#e#be*ed that these things had been w*itten of Hi#! and [P> that+ these things did the- unto Hi#( K[R> /ut these things ;new not the Ta%#idi# of Hi# at the fi*st! but when Yeshua was g%o*ified! then the- *e#e#be*ed that these had been 4*itten on Hi#: and the- did these things to Hi#(+ 1):1@ KAnd that #u%titude whi1h >was with&-[P> had been with+> Hi# we*e de1%a*ing how-[P> that+ He [P> had+ 1a%%ed E%,aDa* f*o# the g*a3e! and >sa3ed hi# a%i3e-[P> *aised hi#+> f*o# the dead:

K[R> Then the 1*owd whi1h was with Hi# when He 1a%%ed E%,aDa* out of the to#b! and *aised hi# f*o# EtheF dead! witnessed(+ 1):1A KAnd a%% those .eo.%e *an to #eet Hi#! be1ause the[P>had+ hea*d that He did this sign: K[R> /e1ause of this a%so the 1*owds #et Hi#! be1ause it hea*d EofF this #i*a1%e He had done(+ K[P>And fo* this *eason g*eat #u%titudes went out to #eet Hi#!(((+ 1):1C K/ut the P>*ushi# we*e sa-ing one to the othe*: [P> 8o+ -ou see that -ou a*e gaining nothingI Po* beho%d! the who%e wo*%d goes& [RE4F> has gone [4> awa-++ afte* hi#J K[R> Then the P>*ushi# said to the#se%3es: 7bse*3e that -ou gain nothing( (((+ 1):)G KAnd the*e we*e [P>a%so a#ong the .eo.%e+ so#e "P>Go-i#&Genti%es' that had 1o#e u. to wo*shi. at the Peast&Pesti3a%! K[R> And the*e we*e so#e G*ee;s a#ong those going u.! that the#ight wo*shi. at the Peast(+ 1):)1 And the- 1a#e and said unto Phi%i.! - hi# that EwasF f*o# /eitTDaidah of haGa%i%: TK>5KT-$i*-[EG1F>Eo*F The 6o*d-+ Yeshua we wish to see( K[PERF> [R> Then+ these 1a#e! and a..*oa1hed Phi%i.! who as of /eit-TDaidah in haGa%i%! and said to hi#: --"R' %o*d&si*! we a*e desi*ous to see Yeshua(+ 1):)) And-"R' Phi%i. went-[PR> 1a#e+ EandF to%d And*ew! and >the two of the# 1a#e and&-[PR> [R> again+ And*ew and Phi%i.+> to%d Yeshua( 1):)2@ [R> /ut+ Yeshua [P> answe*ed and+ sa-s unto the#: The hou* [R> is+-has 1o#e that the $on of #an shou%d be G%o*ified( 1):)< A#aine 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! that a g*ain of wheat! un%ess it fa%% and die in the ea*th&g*ound! is-[PR>*e#ains+ a%one: but if it "PR> fa%% and' die! it b*ings fo*th #u1h f*uit( -[ERF+ 1):)= He-[R> The EoneF+ that %o3es his %ife-[R> sou%+ sha%% %ose it: and he that hates his %ife-[R>sou%+ in this wo*%d! [R+-&sha%% ;ee.&[P> .*ese*3e+ it fo*-[PR> unto+ %ife ete*na%( 1):)? KHe that e wi%% se*3e! afte* e %et hi# 1o#e: and whe*e 0 a# the*e sha%% be > - se*3ant&-[Ga> -ou+> a%so( And he that se*3es e the Pathe* wi%% honou*( K[R> 0f an-one se*3es e! %et hi# fo%%ow e: and whe*e 0 a#! the*e - se*3ant wi%% a%so be( And if an-one se*3es e! the Pathe* wi%% hono* hi#(+ K[P> 0f an- one is se*3ant to e! he wi%% 1o#e afte* Efo%%owingF e: and whe*e 0 a#! the*e a%so wi%% - se*3ant be((((+ 1):)@ Now-[R> And+ - sou%! "R> beho%d! it' is t*oub%ed&agitated: and

what sha%%-[R> #a-+ 0 sa-I [P> -+-"R' Pathe*! >sa3e e "R'a%i3e&-[P> de%i3e* e+> f*o#-[R> out of+ this hou*I /ut >[R> on+-&be1ause of[P> fo*+> this [P> 3e*- 1ause+-[R> a11ount+! 0 ha3e 1o#e to this hou*( 1):)A Pathe*! G%o*if- You* Na#eJ KAnd "P> >in the sa#e hou*&5i##ediate%->>' was hea*d a 9oi1e f*o# Hea3en! "P>that-[Ga> and Yeshua+ said': K0 ha3e-[R> both+ G%o*ified E0tF! and "Ga> again'-[PR+ 0 >a# G%o*if-ing-[PR> wi%% G%o*if-+> E0tF( K1[R>(((J Then a 9oi1e 1a#e out of the Hea3en: (((+ K)[4>(((: 0 ha3e indeed g%o*ified Thee! and wi%% g%o*if- Thee again(+ 1):)C KAnd the #u%titude that was standing the*e and hea*d "P> we*e astonished'! and the- sa-: 0t-[P> The*e+ was thunde*: and othe*s sa-: An ange% s.o;e with Hi#( K[R> Then standing and hea*ing! the 1*owd said! That thunde* o11u**ed( 7the*s said: An ange% has s.o;en to Hi#(+ 1):2G Yeshua [PR> answe*ed and+ sa-s "R> unto the#': KNot be1ause&[4> on a11ount+ of e was-"R' this 9oi1e hea*d-[R> o11u**ed+! but be1ause& [4> on a11ount+ of -ou( K[P> (((: This 9oi1e was not fo* - sa;e! but fo* -ou*s(+ 1):21 Now is the-[R>EF+ Oudge#ent of [Ge+-the-[R> this+ wo*%d: now the so3e*eign&[PR> *u%e*+N[4> .*in1e+ of this wo*%d is-[R> sha%% be+ >th*own down&-[PR> 1ast out+>( 1):2) And 0! >what Eti#eF 0 ha3e been&-[R> if 0 be+> %ifted u. f*o# the ea*th! [R> 0+ wi%% d*aw >e3e*- #an&-[R> a%%+> unto&[4> towa*ds+ e& [R> -se%f+( 1):22 Now-[R> And+ this He said! >that He #ight show b- what Et-.e ofF& -[R> signif-ing b- what ;ind EofF+> death! He >shou%d&-[PR> was [R> about+ to+> die( 1):2< "PR> And so#e f*o#' the #u%titude >5we*e> sa-ing unto&[R> answe*ed+> Hi#: 4e ha3e hea*d f*o# the To*ah that Ha ashia1h&Theessiah fo* e3e* *e#ains&abides: Kand how sa- -ou that the $on of #an >is "PR> about' to&-[R> #ust+> be %ifted u.I 4ho is this $on of #anI [9)>(((: how then do -ou sa- that the $on of #an #ust go awa-I 4hat 5E;ind ofF> $on of #an is thisI+ 1):2= [R> Then+ Yeshua said unto the#: KA >%itt%e #o*e&-[P> sho*t ti#e %onge*+> the 6ight is with -ou: [P+-wa%;-[Ga> be%ie3e+ "GaP> in the 6ight' whi%e -et -ou ha3e the [Ga> da-+6ight! Kthat-[Ga> whi%e -et+ the da*;ness a..*ehend[s 5Ga+ -ou not! fo* he that wa%;s in the da*;ness ;nows not whe*e he goes( K1[R> Yet a %itt%e whi%e the 6ight is with -ou( 4a%; whi%e -ou ha3e the 6ight! that da*;ness not o3e*ta;e -ou( [ERF+(((+ K)[P>(((! %est the da*;ness o3e*ta;e -ou!(((+ 1):2? K4hi%e -et -ou ha3e 6ight! be%ie3e-[Ga> wa%;+ in[to 5R+ the 6ight! that sons of the-"R' 6ight -ou #a- [4> be+&be1o#eN[Ga>

be 1a%%ed+( KAnd when Yeshua s.o;e these things! He went EandF hid Hi#se%f f*o# the#( K1[P> 4hi%e the 6ight is with -ou! 1onfide in the 6ight: that -ou #a- be 1hi%d*en of the 6ight( -These things said Yeshua! and de.a*ted! and 1on1ea%ed Hi#se%f f*o# the#(+ K)[R> (((( Yeshua s.o;e these things! and going awa- was hidden f*o# the#(+ 1):2@ KAnd Efo*F a%% the signs! 5though> Esu1hF g*eat ones He did! thebe%ie3ed not u.on Hi#! K[R> /ut Ea%thoughF He had done so #an- #i*a1%es&signs befo*e the#! the- did not be%ie3e into Hi#(+ K[P> And a%though He w*ought a%% these signs befo*e the#! thebe%ie3ed Hi# not(+ 1):2A [R> $o+ that the*e-"R' #ight be 1o#.%eted the 4o*d of Yesha>-ahu the P*o.het! that had-[R> he+ said: - 6o*d! who has be%ie3ed ou* *e.o*t! and the A*# of YH9H&The-67R8! to who# >has E0tF been&[R> was it+> *e3ea%edI 1):2C [PERF> Po* this *eason the- 1ou%d not be%ie3e+ 5And-[PR> /e1ause+ again> sa-s 5Yesha>-ahu>: 1):<G K5The- ha3e b%inded> thei* e-e[s 5P+! 5and da*;ened> thei* hea*t[s 5P+! that the- #ight not see with thei*-[R> the+ e-es! [PR> and unde*stand with thei*-[R> the+ hea*t+! and "PR> shou%d hea* and shou%d' *e.ent-[R> tu*n a*ound+! and 0 shou%d fo*gi3e-[PR> hea%+ the#( K[R> He has b%inded thei* e-es and has ha*dened thei* hea*t!(((+ 1):<1 These things said Yesha>-ahu! when&[4#> be1ause+ he saw His G%o*-! and s.o;e of&about&1on1e*ning Hi#( 1):<) KNow of the head ECohani#F a%so! #an- be%ie3ed in&on Yeshua[P> Hi#+! but be1ause of the P>*ushi#! the- we*e not 1onfessing Hi#! >that the- shou%d not eL.e% the#&-[PR> %est the- shou%d be .ut out of the s-nagogue[s 54++(> K[R> $ti%%! howe3e*! e3en out of the *u%e*s! #an- did be%ie3e into Hi#( /ut be1ause of the P>*ushi#! the- we*e not 1onfessing! (((+ 1):<2 -[PR> Po*+ the- %o3ed the [R+-g%o*--[P> .*aise+ of #en #o*e than K5the [R+-G%o*--[P> .*aise+ of E%ohi#&God>( K[91EG1F>((( that of E%ohi#&God(+ 1):<< /ut 5Yeshua> 1*ied [R+-"P> out' 5and said: KHe that in e> be%ie3es! not 5in e "P> does He' be%ie3e[s 5P+> but 5in Hi# that sent e>: K[91EG1F>(((: He who is not %i;e unto e is not %i;e unto Hi# that sent e( And he who be%ie3es in e! be%ie3es not in e! but in Hi# that sent e(+ K[R>(((: The EoneF be%ie3ing into e! does not be%ie3e into e! but into the E7neF sending e(+ 1):<= 5And he-[R> the EoneF+ >that sees&-[R> seeing+> e> sees

Hi#-[R> the E7neF+ that 5sent e(> 1):<? "PR> Po*-5/ut>>' 0 K5EasF a 6ight> ha3e 1o#e into-[R> to+ the wo*%d! >and He that&-[PR> that [R> e3e*-one+-whoe3e*+> be%ie3es in[to5R+ e wi%%-[PR> #ight+ not *e#ain&abide in [R> the+ >not&non6ight&-[P4> da*;ness+>( K[91EG1F>((( ha3e 1o#e a 6ight into the wo*%d! (((+ 1):<@ K>He that&-[P>And whoe3e* sha%%+> hea*s - 4o*ds and ;ee.s& obse*3es the# not! 0 do not Oudge hi#: fo* 0 1a#e not that 0 shou%d Oudge the wo*%d! but >[R+-&that 0 shou%d&-[P> to+> sa3e&3i3if- the wo*%d "PR> a%i3e'( K[R> And if an-one hea*s - 4o*ds! and does not [A> ;ee. the#+be%ie3e!(((+ 1):<A >[R> The EoneF who *eOe1ts+&-Now he that Kas;s&-[P> 4hoe3e* *eOe1ts+> e! and *e1ei3es not - 4o*ds! Kthe*e is 7ne that-[P> to+ Oudges hi#! - that 4o*d whi1h 0 >ha3e s.o;en-[P> s.ea;+> "P> with hi#! that' wi%% Oudge hi# in-[P> at+ the 6ast 8a-: K1E91EG1F> The $-*ia1 wo*d was t*a1ed on the $( b- 8*( G*ego*-(+ K)[R>(((! has that Oudging hi#: the 4o*d whi1h 0 s.o;e! that wi%% Oudge hi# in the 6ast 8a-(+ 1):<C Po* 0 f*o# > - wo*ds&-[PR> -se%f+> ha3e not s.o;en! but [R> He+ the Pathe* that sent e! K>He has 1o##anded e&-[P> ga3e e 1o##and#ent+> what 0 shou%d s.ea;! and what 0 shou%d sa-( K[R>((! He has gi3en e 1o##and (((+ 1):=G And 0 ;now that His >1o##and#ents&#itD3ot a*e&-[PR> 1o##and#ent& #itD3ah is+> %ife ete*na%: >and that&-[P> the*efo*e these-[R> what+ things+> whi1h-"R' 0 s.ea;! as >He has 1o##anded&-[PR> --[R> the+ Pathe* has said to+> e - >that do-[PR> so+> 0 s.ea;( CHAPTER 12 12:1@ Now befo*e the >Sn%ea3en /*eadN5Chag Ha atDot>&[PR> Peast of the Pesa1h&Passo3e*+> Yeshua had ;nown that [R+-His-[P> the+ hou* was 1o#e that He shou%d [R> #o3e+-*e#o3e-[P> de.a*t+ f*o# this wo*%d unto His Pathe*: "R> He was' %o3ing unto His own E.eo.%eF that-"R'-Ewe*eF in the wo*%d! [4> with 8i3ine %o3e+ and-"R' unti% the %ast&end was He >%o3ing unto&-[R>%o3ed+> the#( 12:) KAnd >it was&-[P> when the+-[A> du*ing+> su..e*-5$ede*EIF> [P> was .ast+-"A'! Kand ha$atan was %-ing in the hea*t of Y>hudah >son of $hi#,on f*o#-B>*iot&[9)> 5the T*aito*>+>! so that he #ight bet*aHi#( K1[R> And su..e* ha3ing o11u**ed! the T*adu1e*&A11use* a%*eadha3ing .ut into the hea*t of Y>hudah of&EbenF-$hi#,on f*o#B>*iot that Hi# he shou%d bet*a-!+ K)[P> (((! it has been inOe1ted b- ha$atan into the hea*t of Y>hudah f*o#-B>*iot the son of $hi#,on! to bet*a- Hi#(+

12:2 And-"R' "PR> He'! Yeshua! "R> be1ause He was' ;nowing that e3e*-thing the-[R> His+ Pathe* ga3e-[R> had gi3en+ into His-[REF+ hands: and "PR> was ;nowing' that f*o# >[R+-&E%ohi#&God-[P> the Pathe*+> He 1a#e [PR> out+! and unto E%ohi#&God >was going&-[R> goes awa-+>! 12:< [R> He+ *ose u. [PR> f*o# the 5$eda*EIF>&su..e*+ EandF %aid aside His [P> %ong+-"R' ga*#ents! Kand He too; a [P> %inen+ 1%oth EandF >.ut EitF on&-[P> w*a..ed it about+> His %oins: K[R>(((! and ta;ing a towe% He gi*ded Hi#se%f(+ K[Ga> E=aF Po* when ou* $a3iou* too; wate* and .ou*ed EitF into a washing-dish! E<bF and too; a 1%oth EandF .ut EitF on His %oins: E=bF EthenF He began to wash the feet of His Ta%#idi#( E?F And when He a**i3ed(((+ 12:= KAnd "P> He too;' wate* EandF .ou*ed EitF into a washingdish! and had begun washing the feet of His Ta%#idi#! and [P> He+ Ethe#F with the [P> %inen+ 1%oth whi1h He [P> had+ .ut on His %oins( K[R> Then He .ut wate* into the basin and began to wash the feet of the Ta%#idi#! and to wi.e off with the towe% with whi1h He was gi*ded(+ 12:? KAnd when He a**i3ed at "Ga> $hi#,on'-[P+ Befa! $hi#,on sa-s unto Hi#: "R> You! #-' 6o*d! #- feet do You wash "R> fo* #e'I K[R> He then 1a#e to $hi#,on Befa! and that one said unto Hi#:(((+ 12:@ "Ga> Yeshua [PR> answe*ed and+ sa-s unto hi#: That whi1h 0 do "PR> to -ou'! -ou [R+-;now-[P> unde*stand+ not [R> -et+-[P> now+: but >afte* a ti#e&-[P> he*eafte*+-[R> afte* these things+> -ou wi%% [R+-;now[P> unde*stand+(' 12:A "Ga> $hi#,on-"R' [P> Befa+ sa-s unto Hi#:' KNe3e* sha%% You wash "P> fo* #e' #- feetJ Yeshua >sa-s to&-[R> answe*ed+> hi#: >0f 0 wash Ethe#F not fo* -ou&-[PR> un%ess 0 wash -ou+>! -ou ha3e with e no .a*t( K[R>(((: You #a- in no wa- wash #- feet to the age( (((+ 12:C $hi#,on [PR> Befa+ sa-s unto Hi#: "R> Then! #-' 6o*d! not #- feet on%- "R> sha%% You wash' "PR> fo* #e'! but a%so #--[R> the+ hands and #--[R> the+ head "PR> too'( 12:1G Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: KHe that has bathed! needs not eL1e.t to wash his feet on%-! be1ause he is a%% "P> of hi#' 1%ean: "Ga> and -ou a%so a*e 1%ean! but not a%% of -ou'(-[P+ K[R> The EoneF ha3ing been bathed has no need! "#> than the feet' to wash! but is who%%- 1%ean( And -ou a*e 1%ean -but not a%%(+ K[4> He that is bathed hath no need to wash his hands! but (((+ 12:11 "Ga> Po* [R+-He-[P> Yeshua+ ;new >who EwasF&-[R> the EoneF+>

bet*a-ing Hi#: >/e1ause of hi# said He this wo*d&-[PR> The*efo*e[R>fo* this *eason+ He said --ou a*e not a%% 1%ean(+>' 12:1) Now-[GaP> And+-[R> Then+ when He EhadF washed >[R+-&thei* feet&[Ga> the feet of His Ta%#idi#+>! KHe too;-[P> *esu#ed+ His [P> %ong+ ga*#ents and >sat down&-[P> *e1%ined+> Eto eatF( >[R+-&He sa-s&[GaP> And [P> He+ said+> unto the#: "Ga> [R> 8o -ou+ ;now-[P> unde*stand+ -ou what 0 ha3e done to -ouI'-[PR+ K[R>(((! and had ta;en His ga*#ents! *e1%ining again! He said(((+ 12:12 "PR> /eho%d'! -ou 1a%% e >ou* Rabbi&-[R> the Tea1he*+>! and ou*[R> the+ 6o*d! and "Ga> we%% -ou sa-! fo*'-[PR+ 0 a# EsoF( 12:1< K"Ga> And' if 0 [GaP> the*efo*e+! -ou* Rabbi and -ou* 6o*d! >wash-[P> ha3e washed+> "P> fo* -ou' -ou* feet! how #u1h #o*e >does it beho3e&-[P> ought+> -ou "P> that -ou "Ga> a%so'' sha%%-[P> to+ be washing the feet of one anothe*I K[R> 0f then 0 washed the feet of -ou! the 6o*d and the Tea1he*! -ou a%so ought to wash the feet of one anothe*(+ 12:1= K>Now this t-.e that&-[Ga> This t-.e+> 0 ha3e shown -ou that as 0 ha3e done "Ga> to -ou'! >-ou sha%% be doing Ea%soF&-[Ga> so sha%% -ou do+>( K[PR> Po* 0 ha3e gi3en -ou this-[R> an+ eLa#.%e! that -ou shou%d& #ight do! as 0 ha3e done to -ou(+ 12:1? A#aine 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! KThe*e is no s%a3e that is g*eate* than his %o*d! and no e#issa*- that is g*eate* than hi# that sent hi#( K[4>(((! The se*3ant is not g*eate* than his %o*d! no* the e#issa*- g*eate* (((+ 12:1@ 0f these things -ou ;now! K>and do! ha..- is it fo* -ou&[P>ha..wi%% -ou be if -ou do the#+>J K[R>(((! b%essed a*e -ou if -ou do the#(+ 12:1A Not of&1on1e*ning >e3e*-one-[PR> -ou a%%+> do 0 sa- EitF! "R'-be1ause 0 ;now >those whi1h&-[R> who#+> 0 ha3e 1hosen [R> out+! but be1ause-[R> that+ the $1*i.tu*e&Tana;h shou%d&#ight be >a11o#.%ished[R> fi%%ed-fu%%+> "PR> that sa-s': He-[R> the EoneF+ that eats >with e [R> the+-[#> his+ b*ead&-[A> - b*ead+>! has %ifted u. against e his hee%( 12:1C P*o# now-[PR> this ti#e+ 0 >sa- unto&-[R> te%%+> -ou befo*e it 1o#e to .ass! that what Eti#eF it has 1o#e to .ass! -ou #a>;now[R> be%ie3e+> that 0 5A># EHeF( 12:)G A#aine [PR> 3>a#aine+ 0 sa- unto -ou! KHe that *e1ei3es Hi# that 0 send! e it is he *e1ei3es: and he that e *e1ei3es! Hi# that sent e he *e1ei3es( K[R>(((! The EoneF *e1ei3ing who#e3e* 0 #a- send! *e1ei3es e: and

the EoneF *e1ei3ing e! *e1ei3es the E7neF sending e(+ 12:)1 >And when Yeshua said&-[R> $a-ing+> these things! He-[R> Yeshua+ was t*oub%ed&agitated in His-"R' $.i*it! and He-"R' bo*e witness and said: A#aine [PR> 3>a#aine+! 0 sa- unto -ou! that one of -ou >bet*a-s[PR> wi%% bet*a-+> e( 12:)) >Now His-&-[R> Then the+> Ta%#idi# we*e %oo;ing one u.on[R> at+ the othe* K>and wonde*ing-[P> be1ause the- ;new not+> of who# "P> then' He [91EG1F .e*ha.s+ s.o;e( K[R>((( being .e*.%eLed about who# He s.ea;s(+ 12:)2 /ut-[R> And+ one of His Ta%#idi#! "R'-he whi1h >ou* 6o*d[PR> Yeshua+> %o3ed! >he that&-[R> the*e+> was >sitting Eto #ea%F&-[PR> *e1%ining Eat the $ede*F+> [R&1@))> at&b-+-in-[P> on&Enea*F+ His boso#: 12:)< [R> Then+ to hi# $hi#,on Befa be1;oned-[RE%itF> nods&signa%s+! that he shou%d as; Hi#-"R' >[PR> who it was-[R> #ight be+> of&about who# He said EitF( [91EG1F> 7ne of the Ta%#id of Yeshua! the one who# ou* 6o*d %o3ed! (((+ 12:)= KThat Ta%#id "P>whi1h Yeshua %o3ed' fe%% on&[4> towa*d+ the b*east of Yeshua! and said unto Hi#: - 6o*d! >who is this-[P> whi1h is he+>I K[R> And EsoF that one %eaning [A > thus+ Eba1;F on the b*east of Yeshua! he said unto Hi#: 6o*d! who is itI+ 12:)? >He sa-s unto hi#&-[PR> Yeshua answe*ed "R> and said'+:> KHe it is fo* who# 0 di. #atDah: EandF 0 gi3e Eit toF hi#( And Yeshua di..ed #atDah and ga3e to Y>hudah! son of $hi#,on f*o#-B>*iot: K[R>(((: That one it is to who#! 0 ha3ing di..ed the #o*se%5==C?>! sha%% gi3e EitF( And the #o*se%-5==C?: 1*u#b& Eb*o;en-.ie1eF>! He ga3e to(((+ 12:)@ And afte* the #atDah-[R> #o*se%+ KEwas gi3en to hi#F ha$atan had #ade an ent*- into hi#( Yeshua sa-s to hi#: That-"R' whi1h-[R> what+ -ou do! do Mui1;%-( K[R>((( then ha$atan ente*ed into that one( Then Yeshua(((+ 12:)A And-[R> /ut+ >His Ta%#idi# did not ;now of what&-[PR> no one of those *e1%ining Eto #ea%F ;new [R> fo* what+-whe*efo*e+> He said EthisF [PR> to hi#+! 12:)C K5Po*> the--[P> so#e of the#+ we*e su..osing! be1ause the boL-[P> .u*se+ was with-[P> in the hands of+ Y>hudah! that He had in fa1t 1o##anded hi# what he shou%d bu- [P> so#ething needfu%+ fo* the Peast& Pesti3a%! and what he shou%d gi3e unto the .oo*( K[R> Po* so#e thought! sin1e the #one--bag Y>hudah he%d! that Yeshua te%%s hi#! /u- of what things we ha3e need EofF fo* the

Peast&Pesti3a%: o*! to the .oo* that a thing he Eshou%dF gi3e(+ 12:2G KThen Y>hudah "P> a*ose and' too; the #atDah [P> at on1e+! and went fo*th outside [P> of the house+: >now the season&-[P> and when he went out it+> was night( K[R> Re1ei3ing then the #o*se%! that one at on1e went out! and it was night(+ 12:21@ And "P> when he went fo*th' Yeshua sa-s: >/eho%d! hen1efo*th has &-[P> now is+> the $on of #an "P> been' G%o*ified! "G-Addai> and E%ohi#& God >has been&-[P> is+> G%o*ified the*eb--5 in Hi#>:'-[P+ K[R> Then when he went EoutF! Yeshua said: Now was G%o*ified the $on of #an! and E%ohi#&God was G%o*ified in Hi#(+ 12:2) KAnd E%ohi#&God that the*eb--5in Hi#> G%o*ifies Hi#! at on1e G%o*ifies Hi#( K[PR> And-"R' "#> if E%ohi#&God is-[R> was+ G%o*ified in Hi#'! E%ohi#&God [R> a%so+ wi%% G%o*if- Hi# in Hi#se%f: and wi%% G%o*ifHi# s.eedi%--[R> at-on1e&i##ediate%-+(+ [91EG1F> And it is E%ohi#&God who g%o*ifies Hi# in Hi#se%f: and He wi%% st*aightwa- g%o*if- Hi#(+ 12:22 K - sons-[P> 1hi%d*en+! a %itt%e #o*e a# 0 with -ou! and -ou wi%% see; [P> fo*+ e: and [P> as+ 0 said to the Uudeans that whe*e 0 go -ou 1annot 1o#e! >and beho%d&-[P> so now+>! to -ou "P> a%so' 0 saEitFJ K[R> 6itt%e 1hi%d*en! -et a %itt%e whi%e 0 a# with -ou( You wi%% see; e: and as 0 said to the Uudeans! 4he*e 0 go -ou a*e not ab%e to 1o#e! -to -ou a%so 0 sa- now(+ K[4> Chi%d*en! 0 a# sti%% with -ou( (((+ 12:2< K"PR>/ut fo* now' a new #itD3ot&1o##and#ent 0 gi3e [PR>unto+ -ou! -that -ou "P> shou%d'-[R+ >be %o3ing>&-[R> %o3e+ one to-"R' anothe*! as 0 "PR> -se%f' ha3e >been %o3ing to>&-[PR> %o3ed+ -ou! [PR> -ou a%so! do-[R> shou%d+ %o3e one anothe*(+ K[4> 0 gi3e unto a new 1o##and#ent! That -ou #ust %o3e one anothe* with 8i3ine %o3e: as 0 ha3e %o3ed -ou with 8i3ine %o3e! that -ou #ust %o3e one anothe* with 8i3ine %o3e:+ 12:2= Po*-"R' b- this a%% "R> of the#' wi%% ;now that -ou a*e Ta%#idi#! if K%o3e >be in -ou one towa*ds the&-[PR> -ou ha3e >[R> a#ong one+-&fo* ea1h>+> [R> an+othe*( K[4>((( -ou #a- ha3e 8i3ine %o3e one with anothe*(+ 12:2? $hi#,on Befa sa-s unto Hi#: "R'- --[P> 7u*+ 6o*d! whe*e go YouI >He-[PR> Yeshua answe*ed "R'-and+> "R> sa-s unto' hi#: 4he*e 0 go -ou K1annot 1o#e at this ti#e! but >in the 6ast -ou sha%% 1o#e afte* e&[P> -ou wi%% at EtheF %ast 1o#e Ethe*eF+>( K[R>((( -ou a*e not ab%e to fo%%ow e now! but %ate*&afte*wa*ds

-ou wi%% fo%%ow e(+ 12:2@ "R'-$hi#,on [PR>Befa+ sa-s unto Hi#: [PR> --"R' 6o*d+ K4he*efo*e 1annot 0 1o#e afte* Efo%%owingF You EnowFI "PR> Now' #- %ife wi%% 0 %adown fo* YouJ K[R>((( 4h- a# 0 not ab%e to fo%%ow You nowI (((+ 12:2A Yeshua >sa-s unto&-[R> answe*s+> hi#: You* %ife-[R> 5sou%>+ wi%% -ou %a- down fo* eI A#aine [PR> 3>a#aine+ 0 sa- unto -ou! "PR> /efo*e e3e*' the 1o1; [P> wi%% not+-[R> in no wa- sha%%+ 1*ow "PR> twi1e'! fo* -[PR> unti%+ >the thi*d ti#e&-[R> th*ee ti#es+> -ou wi%%&sha%% dene( CHAPTER 1< 1<:1@ "PR>And then said Yeshua': 6et not -ou* hea*t be a%a*#ed& t*oub%ed: [R5A& >> -ou+ be%ie3e in E%ohi#&God! and-[R> a%so+ in e "PR> -ou [91+-5a*e>&Ewi%%F' be%ie3e&[91> be%ie3ing+( KE91>"(((' This 1%ea* asse*tion b- ou* 6o*d of His own 8i3initi#.%ies no 1hange in the o*dina*- G*ee; teLt: fo* the fi*st "(((' #a- be eithe* a .*esent indi1ati3e o* an i#.e*ati3e! and the se1ond %i;ewise( 0 ha3e been to%d that it is so unde*stood in the 7*thodoL G*ee; Chu*1h(F 1<:) K an- a*e the .%a1es in - Pathe*>s house: Kand if not! K0 wou%d ha3e said to -ou that Ka .%a1e 0 go to #a;e *ead- fo* -ou( K1[9)>(((: it is ne1essa*-! 0 te%% -ou! that 0 go to .*e.a*e a .%a1e fo* -ou(+ K)[PR>The*e a*e #an- #ansions-[R> dwe%%ing .%a1es+ in the house of - Pathe*: and-[R> but+ if [R> it we*e+ not [R> so+! 0 wou%d ha3e to%d -ou: fo*-"R' 0 [R>a#+ go[ing 5R+ to .*e.a*e a .%a1e fo* -ou(+ K2[A>(((! wou%d 0 ha3e to%d -ou that 0 go(((+-[A> 50 wou%d ha3e to%d -ou: fo* 0 go>(((+ K<[G&Addai<=> beho%d! He is gone to .*e.a*e fo* His wo*shi..e*s b%essed abodes+-Ebut on the sa#e .ageF-[(((to the .%a1es that the $on has gone to .*e.a*e fo* e3e*- one wo*th- of the#+ 1<:2 KAnd 0f 0 go [R+-and-[P> to+ .*e.a*e fo* -ou [PR> a .%a1e+! again 0 wi%% 1o#e and [R> wi%%+ ta;e-[R> *e1ei3e+ -ou "Ga> unto e'[PR+! that whe*e 0 Ea#F [P> the*e+-"R' -ou a%so #a- be( K[Ga> And then 0 wi%% 1o#e and(((+ 1<:< And whe*e 0 go -ou ;now [A> the wa-+! "A> and the wa- -ou ;now'( 1<:= T>o#a said unto Hi#: "R'- --[P> 7u*+ 6o*d! we ;now not whe*e You go: [PR> and+ how 1an we ;now the wa- "PR> whi1h it is'I 1<:? Yeshua said to Hi#: 0 a# the 4a-! and the T*uth! and the 6ife: no #an-[PR> one+ 1o#es unto --[R> the+ Pathe* eL1e.t&but b--[R> th*ough+ e( 1<:@ K0f e -ou ha3e not ;nown! - Pathe* a%so wi%% -ou ;nowI And f*o# now on -ou [R> do+ ;now Hi#! and ha3e seen Hi#(

K[PR> 0f -ou had ;nown e! -ou wou%d a%so ha3e ;nown Pathe*(((+ K[9)> 0f -ou ;now e! -ou ;now the Pathe* a%so: (((+ K[4E#F> 0f -ou ha3e ;nown e! -ou sha%% a%so ;now Pathe* (((+ 1<:A [R> And+ Phi%i. sa-s unto Hi#: 7u*-"R' 6o*d! show us the Pathe*! and it is enough fo* us( 1<:C KYeshua sa-s unto Hi#: A%% EthisF whi%e 50> a# with -ou! and 5-ou ha3e> not 5;nown e>! [P> Phi%i.+I He that sees e 5sees> -[P> the+ Pathe*! and how 5sa-> -ou EthenF! $how us the 5Pathe*>I K[R> Yeshua said unto hi#! A# 0 so %ong a ti#e with -ou! and -ou ;now e not! Phi%i.I The EoneF seeing e has seen the Pathe*J And how EthenF do -ou sa-! $how us the Pathe*I+ 1<:1G 58o -ou not be%ie3e that 0 [ERF+-5a#> in [R+-the-[GaP> -+ Pathe*! and --[R> the+ Pathe* 5is> in eI >[PR> And-"R' the wo*ds whi1h 0 s.ea; [R> unto -ou+! 0 s.ea; not f*o# -se%f! but --[R> the+ Pathe*! who dwe%%s&abides in e! He does [4> His own+&theseN[R> the+ wo*;s(+>-"G1' KEGt)1?&1f> Yeshua that a*t in the Pathe*! and the Pathe* in YouF 1<:11 "G1'->[PR> /e%ie3e [R> e+! that 0 a# in --[R> the+ Pathe*! and --[R> the+ Pathe* EisF in e( [4> 7*+&AndN[R> /ut+ if not! be%ie3e [R> e+-"4'! "R> at %east'! on a11ount of the wo*;s [R4> the#se%3es+(+> K[G)E1Gb&11F> not of - own #ind s.ea; 0 with -ou! but Pathe* that is in e does these deeds( E11F /e%ie3e e that 0 a# in Pathe* and - Pathe* is in e: and if e -ou be%ie3e not! e3en if Eon%-F be1ause of the deeds&wo*;s be%ie3e( E1)F A#aine 3>a#aine! et1(((+ 1<:1) 5G1+[G1G)> 5A#aine> 3>a#aine! 0 sa- 5unto -ou> -he that be%ie3es 5in e>! those-[R> the+ wo*;s&deeds 5that 0> do he-[R> that one+ 5wi%% [PR> a%so+ do>: and g*eate* than 5these "PR> deeds&wo*;s' he wi%% "PR'[G)> a%so+ do! 5G1G)+[G1> be1ause 0 go unto - Pathe*( 1<:12 5And >that whi1h&-[R> whate3e*+> -ou sha%%-[R> #a-+ as; in Na#e [R> this+ 0 wi%% do "R> fo* -ou'>! that the Pathe* #a- be G%o*ified in His-[R> the+ $on( 1<:1< [PR> And-"R' if -ou sha%%-"R' as; >of [A+- e&-[R> an-thing+>! in - Na#e! 0 wi%% do EitF(+-"G1' 1<:1=@ 0f -ou >a*e %o3ing to&-[PR> %o3e+> e! [A> -ou wi%%+ ;ee. 5G1+ [G1G)> #itD3ot&1o##and#ents: 1<:1? KAnd 0 "P> -se%f' wi%% besee1h-[P> as; of+ - Pathe* >that He shou%d send&-[P> and He wi%% gi3e+> -ou KAnothe*-"P> The' Co#fo*te*& Pa*a1%ete&Counse%o*! 5that He #a- be> with -ou fo* e3e*! K1[R> And 0 wi%% .etition the Pathe*! and Anothe* Co#fo*te* He

wi%% gi3e -ou! that He E#a-F abide&*e#ain with -ou fo*e3e*(+ K)[Ge> EandF anothe* Ad3o1ate&Counse%o* 0 send unto -ou+ 1<:1@ 5EE3enF-"PR' the $.i*it&Rua1h of> T*uth! whi1h&who# the wo*%d 51annot> *e1ei3e! 5fo* it has-[R> does+ not> see"n 5R' KHi# no* ;nown Hi#! but -ou ;now Hi# and-[PR9)> be1ause+ with -ou He [9)> wi%%+ dwe%%s &abidesN[9)> abide+! and with-[PR9)> in+ -ou He >[R+-&sha%% be&[G)P> is+>( K[EGF> Hi#&He-50t>+-Ea%%owab%e in 3e*se 1<:1@ R ea1h o11u**en1eF 1<:1A 0 wi%% not %ea3e -ou o*.hans! "G)P> "R'-but-[P> fo*+ 0 >wi%% 1o#e&-[R> a# 1o#ing+> unto -ou' [P> in a %itt%e whi%e+-"R'( 1<:1C K[G)> /eho%d!+-[R> Yet+ A %itt%e [9)> whi%e+N#o*e-[R>EF+! and the wo*%d sees&beho%ds 5G1G)+[G1> e not-[R9)> no %onge*+! and[R9)> but+ -ou "R'-sha%%-[9)+ see e! >and 0 a# a%i3e and&-[R> be1ause 0 %i3e+> -ou a%so sha%% %i3e: K[P> And the wo*%d wi%% not see e: but -ou wi%% see e( /e1ause 0 %i3e! -ou wi%% %i3e a%so(+ 1<:)G And-"R' in that da- -ou sha%% ;now that 0 a# in - Pathe*! and [P> that+-"R' -ou a*e in e! and 0 "P> a#'-[R+ in -ou( 1<:)1 He that has "R> b- hi#' - #itD3ot&1o##and#ents and ;ee.s 5G1+ [G1G)> the#! he-[R> that one+ it is >[R> who %o3es+-%o3ing> e [4> with 8i3ine %o3e+: and he&[R> the EoneF+ >that %o3es&-[G)> is %o3ing to+> e [4> with 8i3ine %o3e+! K>he a%so is %o3ed b- - Pathe*&-[G)> the Pathe* wi%% %o3e hi#+>! and 0 "PR> a%so' wi%% %o3e hi#! and wi%% [G)> a%so+ -"PR' show-[PR> #anifest to+ hi# -se%f( K[PR>(((! wi%% be %o3ed b- - Pathe*!(((+ 1<:)) >[G)PR> Y>hudah+ [PR> not Ehi#F f*o#-B>*iot+-T>o#a> said unto Hi#: "R'-7u*-[P> -+ 6o*d! [R+-what-[P> how+ >is it&-[R> has ha..ened+> that You a*e "P> about'-[R+ to >show-[PR> #anifest+> to us You*se%f! and not to [R> a%%+ the wo*%d "G)PR> do You show You*se%f'I 1<:)2 Yeshua [PR> answe*ed and+ sa-s unto Hi#: KHe that %o3es e! 4o*d-[P> dis1ou*se+ he ;ee.s&obse*3es! and - Pathe* wi%% %o3e hi#! and unto hi# 4e-[G)>0+ [P>wi%%+ 1o#e! Kand an abode with hi# 4e[G)> 0+ wi%% #a;e( K1[RE4F>(((: 0f an-one %o3es e [4> with 8i3ine %o3e+! the 4o*d of e he wi%% ;ee.! and the Pathe* of e wi%% %o3e hi#( And unto hi# 4e wi%% 1o#e! and an-[4> ou*+ abode&dwe%%ing-.%a1e with hi# 4e wi%% #a;e(+ K1[Ga>(((: He that wa%;s in - #itD3ot&1o##and#ents and ;ee.s %o3e! unto hi# 4e 1o#e! and an abode with hi# 4e wi%% #a;e(+

K)[P> (((! and #a;e ou* abode with hi#(+ 1<:)< [P> /ut+-"R' he-[R> the EoneF+ that %o3es e not [4> with 8i3ine %o3e+! - 4o*ds-[G)> 4o*d+-[P> inst*u1tion+ 5G1G)+[G1> "PR> he' does not ;ee.! and the&[91EG1F> this+ 4o*d-[P> inst*u1tion+ 5that -ou hea*> "PR>: and the 4o*d' is not ine! but >His that&-[PR> [R> of+ the Pathe*">s 5R' who+> sent e( 1<:)= These things ha3e 0 s.o;en with-[PR> unto+ -ou! Kwhi%e 0 >a# b-&-[P> was with+> -ou! K[R>(((! abiding with -ou(+ 1<:)? K/ut that-[PR> the+ Rua1h&$.i*it! the Co#fo*te*&Pa*a1%ete that& who# 5G1+[G1G)> --[PR> the+ Pathe* wi%% sent "PR> unto -ou' in Na#e! He sha%% tea1h -ou e3e*-thing-[R> a%% things+! "G)> He-[P> and+ sha%% *e#ind -ou of a%% [R> things+ what-[PR> that+' 0 sa--[R> said+ [G)PR> to -ou+( K[4> /ut the Co#fo*te*! The Ho%- $.i*it (((+ 1<:)@ $ha%o#&Pea1e [Ga> Ee3enF ine+-"PR' 0 %ea3e [R> to+ -ou: sha%o#! Ee3enF ine! 0 gi3e unto -ou! -[P> it is+ not as the wo*%d gi3es [P> that+-"R' gi3e 0 unto -ou( 6et not -ou* hea*t be a%a*#ed&t*oub%ed neithe* >%et it fea*&-[PR> be [R> ti#id+-af*aid+>( 1<:)A You hea*d [R+-that-[P> what+ 0 "G)PR> -se%f' said [PR> unto -ou+ 5that-"R' 0 [R> a#+ go[ing 5R+> [PR> awa-+! and >1o#e EagainF&[R> a# 1o#ing again+> 5unto -ou: if> -ou Khad-"R' 5%o3ed> e [4> with 8i3ine %o3e+ -ou wou%d >*eOoi1e-[G)PR> ha3e *eOoi1ed+> that [R>0 said+-"A' 0 [R> a#+ go[ing5R+ unto --[R>the+ Pathe*! - who-[PR> fo* Pathe*+ is g*eate* than 0( K[91EG1&4F> You ha3e hea*d that 0 said [4> to -ou+! 0 go awa-! and 0 1o#e beside-[4> to+ -ou: (((+ K[9)>((( %o3e e! -ou wi%% *eOoi1e! be1ause 0 go to the Pathe*(+ 1<:)C And now! "R'-beho%d! 5G1G)+[G1> 0 ha3e said EitF unto -ou! befo*e "PR> e3e*' it ha..ens&o11u*s: [P> so+-"R' that >what Eti#eF&-[R> when+> it has-[PR> sha%% "R'-ha3e+ ha..ened-[R> o11u*+! -ou #abe%ie3e( 1<:2G Hen1efo*th-"R' 0 sha%% not-[R> no %onge*+ s.ea; [P> #u1h+[R> #an- things+ with -ou! fo* "PR> he' 1o#es! the *u%e*&[4> .*in1e+ of the-[PR> this+ wo*%d! and in e "P> he'-[R+ has nothing( 1<:21 /ut be1ause-[PR> that+ the wo*%d sha%%-[PR> #a-+ ;now that 0 %o3e --[R> the+ Pathe*! [P> and+-[R> e3en+ as --[R> the+ Pathe* "PR'-has K1o##anded e - so 0 do( A*ise: %et us go hen1e-[R> f*o# he*e+( K[9)>((( gi3en e 1o##and#ent thus 0 do! 0 wi%% a*ise and go hen1e(+ CHAPTER 1= 1=:1 0 a# the [PR> T*ue+ 9ine-[Ga> 3ine-a*d+ "PR> of t*uth'! and

Pathe* is the husband#an&1u%ti3ato*&9ine-d*esse*( 1=:) E3e*- 3ine-[PR> b*an1h+ Kthat in e gi3es not f*uit[s 5PR+ He "PR> wi%%' ta;e[s it 5PR+ awa-! and "P> the one'&-[R> ea1h one+ Kthat [P> whi1h+ gi3es&-ie%ds f*uit[s 5P+ He "P> wi%%' 1%eanse[s it 5P+! that it #a- b*ing fo*th #u1h-[P> #o*e+ f*uit[s 5P+( K1[P>(((in e! whi1h -ie%ds not(((+-[R>(((in e not bea*ing f*uit(((+ K)[RE4F>(((bea*ing f*uit! He .*unes-[4> .u*ifies it+ so-"4' that it #a- bea* #o*e f*uit(+ 1=:2 "P> And'&[R> Now+N[4> $o+ [R+-a%*ead--[P> hen1efo*th+ -ou a*e 1%ean&[R> .*uned+! be1ause of the [R+-4o*d&[P> dis1ou*se+ that 0 ha3e [R+-s.o;en-[P> he%d+ with&[R> unto+ -ou( 1=:< Re#ain&abide in - and 0 in -ou: as the shoot-[PR> b*an1h+ >1annot -[R> is not ab%e to+> bea*&gi3e&-ie%d f*uit[s 5PR+ 5of itse%f K>if> it be not set&-[PR> un%ess it [R> *e#ain+-abide+> in the 3ine: so "R'[P> a%so+! neithe* 1an -ou "PR> EdoF an-thing' >a.a*t f*o#&-[PR> un%ess -ou abide-[R> *e#ain+ in+> e! K[91EG1F>((( whi%e it is not .%a1ed in the 3ine: (((+ 1=:= "PR> 0n that' 0 Ea#F the 3ines-[PR> 3ine+ and -ou [PR> a*e+ the shoots-[Ga3> 3ines+-[PR> b*an1hes+( He that [R> *e#ains+-is-[P> abides+ in e EandF 0 "PR> a%so E1o#e toF be' in hi#! he-[R> this one+ bea*s&gi3es&-ie%ds #u1h f*uit: be1ause without-[R> a.a*t f*o#+ e >nothing 1an -ou do&-[R> -ou a*e not ab%e to do an-thing+>( 1=:? KAnd >he that-[P> if a #an+> *e#ains&abide not in e! [P> he+ is th*own out as the&[91EG1F> a+ shoot-[P>b*an1h+ that withe*s "P> and is th*own out': and the- .%u1;-[P> gathe* it u.+! and 1ast it into the fi*e >that it #a- bu*n-[P> to be bu*ned+>( K[R> Sn%ess! an- one! *e#ains in e! he is 1ast out as the b*an1h! and is d*ied-u.&withe*ed: and the- gathe* and th*ow the# into a fi*e! and the- a*e bu*ned(+ 1=:@@ /ut-"R' if -ou [P> sha%%+-"R' *e#ain&abide 5in e! and 4o*ds [P> sha%%+-"R' *e#ain&abide in -ou! >a%% what&-[PR> whate3e*+>> -ou 5[R> desi*e+-wish-[P> sha%% be .%eased+ to-[R> -ou wi%%+-"A' as;! [R> and+ [PR> it+ sha%% >[R&91EG1F> ha..en+-&be [P> gi3en+> unto -ou>( 1=:A 50n this is the-[R> -+ Pathe* g%o*ified! that> #u1h 5f*uit> -ou "P> sha%%'-[R> shou%d+-"#' >b*ing fo*th&-[R#> bea*+> "PR#> -ou*se%3es'! and "#> -ou sha%%' be - Ta%#idi#( [91EG1F> be1ause the Pathe* wi%% be g%o*ified when -ou -ie%d #u1h f*uit+ 1=:C As [R+-the-[P> -+ Pathe* has-"R' >been %o3ing to&-[PR> %o3ed+> e! 0 [PR> a%so+ ha3e >been %o3ing to&-[PR> %o3ed+> -ou:

>*e#ain&abide -&[R> 1ontinue+> [P> -ou+-"R' in > - [R> %o3e+-&affe1tionN-[P> the %o3e of e+>( 1=:1G 0f -ou [P> sha%%+-"R' ;ee. - #itD3ot&1o##and#ents -ou wi%% *e#ain&abide-[R> 1ontinue+ in >[R+-& - %o3e-[P> the %o3e of e+>! as 0 ha3e ;e.t the #itD3ot&1o##and#ents of - Pathe*! and >[R> 1ontinue+*e#ain&abide> in His %o3e( 1=:11 These things ha3e 0 s.o;en with-[PR> unto+ -ou! that - Oo#abe-[R> abide+ in -ou! and [P> that+-"R' -ou* Oo- #a- be >[R> fu%%+1o#.%ete>( 1=:1) This is - #itD3ah&1o##and! that -ou >be %o3ing&-[GaPR> %o3e+> one >to the othe*&-[R> anothe*+>! as 0 >[PR> ha3e %o3ed+-&ha3e been %o3ing to&-[Ga> %o3e+> -ou( 1=:12 K6o3e g*eate* than this the*e is not! that a #an %a- down his %ife fo* his f*iends( K[R> G*eate* %o3e than this no one has! that an- one the sou%&%ife of hi# %a- down fo* the f*iends of hi#(+ 1=:1< You a*e - f*iends if -ou do >what 0 a# 1o##anding&-[P> a%% that 0 1o##and+-[R> whate3e* 0 1o##and+> -ou( 1=:1= >Not hen1efo*th do&-[PR> No %onge*+> 0 1a%% -ou s%a3es! be1ause [R+-the-[P> a+ s%a3e ;nows not what his #aste* does: "Ga> but'[PR+ "R'- - f*iends 0 "R'-ha3e 1a%%ed -ou: be1ause! a%% [R> things+ that 0 ha3e-"R' hea*d f*o#&[4> with+ - Pathe*! 0 ha3e-"R' #ade ;nown unto -ou( 1=:1? K"P> And' it is not -ou [P> that+ ha3e 1hosen e! but 0 [P> that+ ha3e 1hosen -ou! and K>set-[P> 0 ha3e a..ointed+> -ou! that -ou [P> a%so+ shou%d be going EonF b*inging fo*th f*uit[s 5P+! and EthatF -ou* f*uit[s 5P+ shou%d *e#ain-[P> 1ontinue+: [P> so+ that >whene3e* -ou as; an-thing&-[P> whate3e* -ou #a- as;+> of - Pathe* in Na#e! He gi3es-[P> #a- gi3e+ it EuntoF -ou( K1[R>You ha3e not 1hosen e! but 0 1hose -ou out! and .%anted -ou! that -ou shou%d go and [9)> #o*e and #o*e+ f*uit shou%d bea*! and the f*uit of -ou *e#ain: that whate3e* -ou shou%d as; the Pathe* in the Na#e of e! He #a- gi3e -ou(+ K)[4>((( .%a1ed -ou in -ou* .osition! that -ou (((+ 1=:1@ >Now this&-[PR> These things+> 0 1o##and -ou! that -ou "R'shou%d >be %o3ing&-[PR> %o3e+> one anothe* [4> with 8i3ine %o3e+( 1=:1A And-"R' if the wo*%d hates -ou! >;now -ou&-[R> -ou ;now+> that e it [R> has+ hated befo*e -ou( 1=:1C And-"R' if of the wo*%d -ou >had been&-[R> we*e+>! the wo*%d its own wou%d ha3e -"R' %o3e"d 5R': but [R> be1ause+ -ou a*e not of the

wo*%d! [R> but+-and-[P> fo*+ 0 ha3e-"R' 1hose"n 5R' -ou f*o#[PR> out of+ the wo*%d! the*efo*e-[PR> fo* this *eason&1ause+ the wo*%d hates -ou( 1=:)G >And be *e1o%%e1ting&-[R> Re#e#be*+> that-[PR> the wo*d+ [R> whi1h+ 0 said unto -ou K-[P> That+ the*e is no s%a3e&5bond se*3ant> [P> who is+ g*eate* than his #aste*( 0f e the- ha3e-"R' .e*se1uted! -ou a%so the- wi%% .e*se1ute: and if - [R+-4o*d-[P> tea1hing+ theha3e >hea*d and ;e.t&-[PR> obse*3ed&;e.t+>! -ou* a%so the- Ewi%%F-[PR> wi%%+ ;ee.&obse*3e( K[R>((( a s%a3e is not g*eate* than his %o*d( (((+ 1=:)1 [PR> /ut+ a%% these things the- wi%% do with-[PR> to+ -ou >be1ause-[PR> on a11ount+> of - Na#e! "PR> Ee3enF ine'! be1ause the;now not Hi#-[R> the E7neF+ that-[R> who+ sent e( 1=:)) And-"R' if 0 had not 1o#e EandF [R> had not+ [R+-s.o;en-[P> dis1ou*sed+ with-[R> to+ the#! Kthe- "R> wou%d ha3e' had no sin"s 5R': but now the- [R> do not+ ha3e no-"R' eL1use fo*-[R> as to+ thei* sin"s 5R'! K[P> (((! sin wou%d not ha3e been to the#: but not the*e is no eL1use fo* thei* sins(+ 1=:)2 "PR> /e1ause' >he that hates&-[R> the EoneF hating+> e hates Pathe* a%so( 1=:)< KAnd if wo*;s&deeds 0 had not done in thei* sight that no othe* has done! the- wou%d ha3e had no sins: but now the- ha3e seen 5 e>! and e the- hate and - Pathe* the- hateK[91EG1F> And if 0 had not done in thei* .*esen1e&[%it(> e-es+ the wo*;s whi1h none othe* #an did! the- had not had sins! but now the- ha3e seen - wo*;s! and ha3e hated e! and ha3e hated Pathe*(+ K[R> 0f the wo*;s 0 did not a#ong the# whi1h none othe* did! sin the- had not( /ut now both the- ha3e seen and ha3e hated and ha3e hated both e and the Pathe* of e(+ K[P> 0f 0 had not w*ought befo*e the# wo*;s whi1h no othe* .e*son e3e* did! sin wou%d not ha3e been to the#! -but now the- ha3e seen! and ha3e hated! both e and - Pathe*:+ 1=:)= -K/ut be1ause the 4o*d shou%d be a11o#.%ished that it is 4*itten in thei* To*ah: -The- ha3e hated e fo* naught( K[R> /ut that #a-be fi%%ed-fu%%&1o#.%eted the 4o*d that has been w*itten in the To*ah of the#: -The- hated e >f*ee%-&with out a 1ause-51<2)>>(+ K[P> -$o that in the# wi%% be 1o#.%eted the 4o*d whi1h is w*itten in thei* To*ah -The- hated e! >without a 1ause5g*ataitous%->>(+

1=:)? /ut-[R> And+ >what Eti#eF&-[PR> when+> The Pa*a1%ete&Co#fo*te* [R+-1o#es-[P> sha%% 1o#e+! >that 0 a# sending&-[PR> who# 0 wi%% send+> unto -ou f*o# - Pathe* The Rua1h&$.i*it of T*uth! Kthat f*o# befo*e - Pathe* goes fo*th! He-[R> that 7ne+ sha%% >bea* witness&testif-> of& 1on1e*ning e( K[PR>(((! who .*o1eeds f*o# the Pathe*!(((+ 1=:)@ K[PR> And+ -ou a%so [P> do+-"R' >bea* witness&testif->! >-ou that f*o# of o%d&-[PR> fo* -ou f*o# the beginning+> with e >ha3e been&[R> a*e+>( K[4> /ut -ou indeed a*e witnesses! be1ause -ou a*e with e f*o# the beginning(+ CHAPTER 1? 1?:1 "PR> Now' these things ha3e 0 s.o;en with-[PR> to+ -ou [R> so+ that -ou be not offended&stu#b%ed( 1?:) KPo* the- wi%% send -ou fo*th f*o# thei* s-nagogues: and the hou* wi%% 1o#e that >he that&-[P> whoe3e*+> sha%% ;i%% -ou wi%% su..ose that to E%ohi#&God he >is doing se*3i1e&-[P> .*esenting an offe*ing+>( K[R> 7ut of EtheF s-nagogue the- wi%% #a;e -ou EgoF! but an hou* 1o#es that e3e*-one ;i%%ing -ou wi%% thin; Eit isF a se*3i1e to bea* befo*e E%ohi#&God(+ 1?:2 [PR> And these things the- wi%% do [R> to -ou+-"A '! be1ause the>ha3e not ;nown&-[R>do not ;now+> "R'-eithe* --[R>the+ Pathe*! [R> n+o* e(+ 1?:<@ [R> /ut+ these things ha3e 0 s.o;en a#ong-[PR> to+ -ou! [R> so+ that >what Eti#eF&-[R> when+> Kthe hou* [P> of the#+-"R' Khas 1o#e! -ou #a- *e1o%%e1t that 0 said unto -ou >these things&-[P> of the#+>! >that 0 said not unto -ou f*o# of o%d&-[P> and 0 did not te%% -ou these things f*o# the beginning+>! be1ause 0 was with -ou( K1[A>((( thei* ti#e 1o#es! (((+ K)[R>((( 1o#es! -ou #a- *e1a%% the#! that 0 to%d unto -ou these things( And unto -ou f*o# the fi*st 0 said not Eof these thingsF! be1ause 0 was with -ou(+ 1?:= /ut now >that 0 go&-[PR> 0 a# going+> unto Hi# that sent e! [R> and+ [9)+-no[t 5R+ one of -ou [9)> #a-+ as;"s 59)' e! -4he*e >go You& -[R> a*e You going+>I 1?:? Po*-[R> /ut+ be1ause 0 ha3e said unto -ou these things! g*ief& so**ow has "R> 1o#e and has' fi%%ed -ou* hea*t"s 5R'( 1?:@ /ut "R> 0' -the t*uth 0 te%% -ou- [P> that+-"R' it is ad3antageous fo* -ou that 0 [R> shou%d+ go [P> awa-+-"R'! be1ause if 0 go not [PR> awa-+! The Pa*a1%ete&Co#fo*te* 1o#es-[PR> wi%% 1o#e+ not unto -ou! but >what Eti#eF 0 ha3e gone&-[PR> if 0 go+>! 0 [PR> wi%%+ send [PR> Hi# to+ -ou "PR> The Pa*a1%ete&Co#fo*te*'( 1?:A K>Now what Eti#eF&-[P> And when+> He has 1o#e! He wi%%

*e.*o3e&[P> 1on3i1t+ the wo*%d >in its&-[P> of+> sins! and >about His&-[P> of+> *ighteousness! and about&[P> of+ Oudge#ent! K[R> And 1o#ing! that 7ne wi%% 1on3i1t the wo*%d 1on1e*ning sin! and 1on1e*ning *ighteousness! and 1on1e*ning Oudge#ent(+ 1?:C >And about sinne*s&-[PR> 7f&1on1e*ning sin+>! that-[PR> be1ause+ the- be%ie3e"d 5PR' not in e: 1?:1G And "PR> then' about&1on1e*ning *ighteousness! that-[PR> be1ause+ unto --[R> the+ Pathe* 0 go-[R> a# going+! and >hen1efo*th again -ou do not-[PR> -ou+> see e [P> no #o*e+-[R> no %onge*+: 1?:11 /ut-[PR> And+ about&1on1e*ning Oudge#ent! >EinF that-[PR> be1ause+> the *u%e*&[4> .*in1e+ of this wo*%d >is Oudged&[4> has been 1onde#ned+>( 1?:1) K[P> o*eo3e*+ #u1h ha3e 0 to sa- unto -ou! but -ou a*e not ab%e to ta;e-[P> 1o#.*ehend+ EitF toda--[P> now+: K[R> Yet #an- things 0 ha3e to te%% -ou! but -ou a*e not ab%e to bea* EitF now(+ 1?:12 /ut >what Eti#eF&-[PR> when+> [R> that 7ne+ The Rua1h&$.i*it of T*uth "R'-has-[P> sha%%+ 1o#e[s 5R+! He sha%% %ead-[R> guide+ -ou into a%% [PR> the+ t*uth! be1ause He wi%% not s.ea; f*o# Kthe #ind of His EownF se%f: but >a%% that&-[P> whate3e*+> He >sha%% hea*&-[P> hea*s+> -Kthat wi%% He sa-! and about a%% what EisF 1o#ing - He wi%% announ1e unto -ou( K1[R>((( Hi#se%f: but whate3e* He hea*s He wi%% s.ea;! and the 1o#ing things He wi%% announ1e unto -ou(+ K)[P>((( and He wi%% #a;e ;nown to -ou things to 1o#e(+ 1?:1< "PR> And' He-[R> That 7ne+ wi%% G%o*if- e: be1ause [R+f*o#-[P> of what is+ ine He wi%% ta;e-[PR> *e1ei3e+! and wi%% [R+-announ1e[P> show+ EitF unto -ou( 1?:1= K>That whi1h -&-[P> 4hate3e* the+> Pathe* has is ine! the*efo*e 0 "P> ha3e' said unto -ou! that >f*o#-[P> of what is+> ine He-EThe $.i*itF wi%%-"A ' [AR>ta;es+-ta;e-[P>*e1ei3e+! and wi%% >[A +announ1e[P> show+> EitF unto -ou( K[91EG1F> Po* what is the Pathe*>s is ine: (((+ K[R> A%% things whi1h has the Pathe* a*e ine: fo* this *eason 0 said that f*o# ine He *e1ei3es! and wi%% announ1e EitF unto -ou(+ 1?:1?@ A %itt%e Ewhi%eF! and -ou wi%% not see e: and again a %itt%e Ewhi%eF! and -ou wi%% see e: "#> fo*&be1ause 0 go [R> awa-+ unto -[PR> the+ Pathe*'( 1?:1@ And-[R> The*efo*e+ His Ta%#idi# sa- one to the othe*: 4hat is this that He sa-s [PR> to us+! -A %itt%e Ewhi%eF and -ou wi%% not see -[R> beho%d+ e! and again a %itt%e Ewhi%eF! and -ou wi%% see e: ->and that He sa-s-[PR> [R> and+ be1ause+>! -0 go "PR> awa-' unto -[R> the+ Pathe*I

1?:1A K[P> And the- said+: 4hat is then this -A %itt%e Ewhi%eF! >that[P> of whi1h+> He >sa-sI-[P> s.ea;sI 4e ;now not what He sa-s(+> K[R> The*efo*e the- said: 4hat is this that He sa-s! -the %itt%eI 4e do not ;now what He sa-s(+ 1?:1C Now-[P> And+-[R> Then+ Yeshua ;new what-[R> that+ the>we*e see;ing&-[PR>desi*ed+> to as; Hi#: EandF-[R+ He-"R' sa-s unto the#: K>8o -ou indeed see; Ethe #eaning ofF this that&-[P> A*e -ou debating with ea1h othe*! of what+> 0 said unto -ou! -A %itt%e Ewhi%eF and -ou wi%% not see e: and again a %itt%e Ewhi%eF! and -ou wi%% see eI K[R>(((: Con1e*ning this do -ou see; with one anothe*! be1ause 0 said! A %itt%e and -ou beho%d e not: (((+ 1?:)G A#aine 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! -[PR> That+ -ou wi%% wee. and [R> wi%%+ wai%-[PR> %a#ent+ "PR> and g*oan'! and-[R> but+ the wo*%d wi%% *eOoi1e: K[P> whi%e to+ -ou wi%% be anLious-[P> so**ow+! -but -ou* g*ief&so**ow wi%% [R+-be1o#e-[P> be tu*ned to+ Oo-J K[R>(((: and -ou wi%% be g*ie3ed! (((+ 1?:)1 A wo#an what Eti#eF she is gi3ing bi*th! >it g*ie3es he*&-[P> has so**ow+>! be1ause the da- of he* 1hi%d-bea*ing has a**i3ed: and[P> but+ what Eti#eF she has gi3en bi*th to a son! she does not *e1o%%e1t he* dist*ess! be1ause of the Oo- that a hu#an being has been bo*n inEtoF the wo*%d( K[RE4F> Then wo#an when she bea*s has g*ief! be1ause 1a#e the hou* of he*! but when she b*ings fo*th the [4> %itt%e+ 1hi%d! no %onge* she *e#e#be*s the dist*ess-[4> suffe*ing+! be1ause of the Oothat was bo*n a #an into the wo*%d(+ 1?:)) KAnd -ou a%so! now >it g*ie3es -ou&-[P> ha3e so**ow+>! 5but> again 50 sha%% see> -ou! and -ou* hea*t wi%% *eOoi1e! and -ou* Oono one >[R+-&ta;es f*o# -ou&-[P> wi%% de.*i3e -ou of+N[#> wi%% ta;e f*o# -ou+>J K[R> And -ou! the*efo*e! g*ief indeed&t*u%- ha3e now! (((+ [R#> ha3e so**ow+N[#> wi%% ha3e so**ow+ 1?:)2 And in that da- nothing sha%% -ou as; "PR> of' e( A#aine 3>a#aine! 0 sa- unto -ou! -K>A%% what&-[PR> That-"R' whate3e*+> -ou sha%% as; >of -&-[R> the+> Pathe* in - Na#e! He wi%% gi3e unto"R' -ou( K[#>(((! -whate3e* -ou as; the Pathe* He wi%% gi3e it to -ou in Na#e(+ 1?:)< Snti% now -ou ha3e-"R' "PR> not' as;ed [PR> nothing+ in - Na#e: as; and -ou sha%% *e1ei3e! that -ou* Oo- #a- be >[R> fi%%ed+1o#.%ete"d 5P'>( 1?:)= These things ha3e 0 s.o;en with-[R> to+ -ou in .a*ab%es5a%%ego*ies>! >but the&-[R> an+> hou* [P> wi%%+ 1o#e"s 5P'! >[PR> when 0 sha%% not-[R> no %onge*+ s.ea; to -ou in a%%ego*ies+>! K>that o.en%-& -[P> but .%ain%-+> 0 wi%% show-[P> s.ea; to+ -ou 1on1e*ning --[P>

the+ Pathe*( K[R>(((! but .%ain%- 1on1e*ning the Pathe* 0 wi%% de1%a*e&*e3ea% unto -ou(+ 1?:)? 0n that da- -ou sha%% as; in - Na#e! and 0 sa- not unto -ou that 0 wi%% >[R> .etition the+-&besee1h -&-[P> .*a- to the+> Pathe* >on beha%f of&-[P> fo*+-[R> about+> -ou: 1?:)@ >/ut -&-[PR>Po* the+> Pathe* Hi#se%f >has %o3ed&-[PR> %o3es+> -ou! that-[PR> be1ause+ -ou ha3e %o3ed e [4> as a f*iend+! and "PR> that -ou' ha3e be%ie3ed that K[P> 0 .*o1eeded f*o# "#> the .*esen1e of' the Pathe*(+! K[R>((( 0 f*o# E%ohi#&God 1a#e fo*th(+ KENote that in G! 3s( )@-)A a*e #o*e 1onne1ted(F 1?:)A KP*o# >[P> befo*e the Pathe*+-E%ohi#&God> 0 >ha3e 1o#e&-[P> .*o1eeded+> fo*th! EandF 1a#e unto-[P> into+ the wo*%d: and again 0 [P> %ea3e the wo*%d+! go unto the Pathe*( K[R> 0 1a#e fo*th f*o# the Pathe*! and ha3e 1o#e into the wo*%d: again 0 %ea3e the wo*%d and go unto the Pathe*(+ 1?:)C His Ta%#idi# said unto Hi#: /eho%d! now "PR>a%so' .%ain%"PR>do' You s.ea;! and >not e3en one .a*ab%e ha3e You said unto us&-[PR> You utte*&s.ea; no a%%ego*-+>: 1?:2G Now we ;now that e3e*-thing-[R> a%% things+ You ;now: Kand need not that an- one [9)> 5Eof usF>+ You shou%d as; - b- this we be%ie3e that f*o# E%ohi#&God You ha3e been sent( K[PR>(((: and You ha3e no need! that an- one >shou%d as;&-[R> Muestion+> You! -b- this we be%ie3e! that You >did .*o1eed& -[R> 1a#e out+> f*o# E%ohi#&God(+ 1?:21@ Yeshua >said unto&-[R> answe*ed+> the#: >Now! beho%d! -ou be%ie3e e&-[PR> 8o -ou be%ie3e [R> now+I+>: 1?:2) [PR> /eho%d+! the-[R> an+ hou* EisF 1o#ing! and has [PR> now+ 1o#e! [R+-that-[P> when+ -ou >wi%% be&-[R> a*e+> s1atte*ed&dis.e*sed! ea1h [R4> one+ to his "P> own'-[R4+ [R> things+-.%a1e-[4+: and "4> -ou wi%%' %ea3e e! a%one( - >[R> Yet+-&And E-etF&-[P> /ut+>-"4' 0 a# not a%one! >in that&-[PR> fo*+> the Pathe* is with e( 1?:22 These things ha3e 0 said [PR> unto -ou+! that >the*e #a- be to -ou in e&-[PR> in e -ou #ight ha3e+> sha%o#&.ea1e( "PR> And' in the wo*%d >the*e #a- be to -ou&-[PR> -ou wi%%-"R4' ha3e+> dist*ess&t*oub%e: but! >[R> be en1ou*aged+-&fea* -ou not&-[P4> ta;e 1ou*age+>! "GaPR4> fo*' 0 ha3e [R+-o3e*1o#e-[P> 3anMuished+ the wo*%d( CHAPTER 1@ 1@:1 "PR> And when' Yeshua EhadF said these things! He-[PR> and+ %ifted u. His e-es unto Hea3en and said: --"R' Pathe*! the hou* has 1o#e:

G%o*if- You* $on! [4> in o*de*+ that You* $on #a- [R> a%so+ G%o*ifYou! 1@:) As You >ha3e gi3en&-[R> ga3e to+> Hi# autho*it- o3e* a%% f%esh! Kthat >a%% what&-[P> to as #an- as+> You ha3e gi3en Hi# - He #agi3e "P> unto it' %ife ete*na%( K[R>(((! EsoF that a%% whi1h You ga3e to Hi#! He #a--[ > sha%%+ gi3e unto the# %ife e3e*%asting(+ 1@:2 [P> And+ this is %ife ete*na%! that the- shou%d ;now You! Kthat a%one a*e the God of t*uth! and Hi# that You did send! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&The- essiah( K[R>(((! the on%- t*ue God! and EHi#F who# You sent! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&The- essiah(+ K[P>(((! that You a*e the on%- t*ue God!(((+ 1@:< 0 ha3e G%o*ified You in-[PR> on+ the ea*th: Kand-"R' the wo*;&deed whi1h You ga3e e to do! 0 ha3e finished( K[4>(((: ha3ing finished the wo*; that Thou hast gi3en to e that 0 #a- do it(+ 1@:= KAnd now a%so gi3e e G%o*-! Ee3enF You - Pathe*! f*o# You*se%f! f*o# that whi1h You ga3e e befo*e e3e* the wo*%d was( K[R> And now G%o*if- e! Ee3enF You Pathe*! with You*se%f! with the G%o*- that 0 had! befo*e the eListen1e of the wo*%d! being with You(+ K[P> And now! - Pathe*! G%o*if- You e! with that G%o*- whi1h 0 had with You befo*e the wo*%d was(+ 1@:? And-"R' 0 ha3e-"R' [R+-*e3ea%ed-[P> #ade ;nown+ You* Na#e to the #en that You ga3e [R> to+ e f*o#-[R> out of+ the wo*%d: "PR> EseeingF that' You*s the- we*e! and to e did You gi3e the#! and You* 4o*d theha3e ;e.t( 1@:@ And-"R' now 0-[R> the-+ [PR> ha3e+ ;now[n 5PR+! that >a%% what&[PR> [R> things+ whate3e*+> You >ha3e gi3en&-[R> ga3e to+> e >[R> a*e+ -is-[P> was+> Kf*o# You"*se%f 5PR'! K[4>((( with Thee!+ 1@:A /e1ause the 4o*ds that You did gi3e unto e! 0 ha3e gi3en unto the#: and the- ha3e-"R' *e1ei3ed the#-"R' "PR> f*o# e'! and the- ha3e ;nown t*u%- that Kf*o# [R> beside+ You[* .*esen1e 5P+ 0 1a#e [R+"P> fo*th'! and the- ha3e-"R' be%ie3ed that You ha3e-"R' sent e( K[4>((( 0 1a#e out f*o# Thee! (((+ 1@:C KAnd 0 on thei* beha%f do .*a-: and 0 do not .*a- on beha%f of the wo*%d! but fo* the# that You ha3e gi3en e! EseeingF that You*s thea*e( K[PR> And-"R' 0 .*a- fo*-[R> 1on1e*ning+ the#: "R> it is' not >fo* -[R> 1on1e*ning+> the wo*%d that-"R' 0 .*a-! but fo* the# who# You >ha3e gi3en&-[R> ga3e to+> e! fo* the- a*e You*s(+ 1@:1G KAnd e3e*-thing that is ine is You*s! and that whi1h is You*s is

ine: and 0 a# G%o*ified in the#( K[R> And - things a*e a%% You*s! and You* things ine: and 0 ha3e been G%o*ified in the#(+ 1@:11 "P> And'-[R+ hen1efo*th-"R' 0 a# not-[R> no %onge*+ in the wo*%d: >and [R+-E-etF-[P> but+> these a*e in the wo*%d! and 0 >[R> 1o#e+-&1o#e awa--[P> go+> unto You( "PR> -' Ho%- Pathe*! Kta;e EandF ;ee. the# in You* Na#e( K[A >(((! ;ee. the# th*ough&5in> You* Na#e whi1h You ha3e gi3en e:(((+ K[PR>(((! ;ee. the# in "R'-that You* Na#e! >whi1h 5Na#e>&[R> those+> You ha3e gi3en to e: that the- #a- be one! as 4e a*e(+ K[4>(((! ;ee. the# th*ough - Na#e who# Thou hast gi3en unto e! in o*de* that (((+ 1@:1)@ K>4hen 0 was&-[P> 4hi%e 0 ha3e been+> with the# in the wo*%d! 0 >was ;[P> ha3e ;e.t+> the#-"#' in KYou* Na#e [#> those who# -ou ha3e gi3e# e+( And none of the# >has .e*ished&-[P> is %ost+>! eL1e.t the son of .e*dition! that >what was 4*itten&-[P> the $1*i.tu*e+> #ight be a11o#.%ished-[P> 1o#.%eted+( K1[R> 4hen 0 was with the# "A4> in the wo*%d'! 0 was ; the# in the Na#e of You: EthoseF who# You ga3e unto e 0 gua*ded! and not one of the# .e*ished eL1e.t the son of .e*dition! that the >$1*i.tu*e-54*itings&Tana;h>> #ight be fi%%ed-u.&1o#.%ete(+ K)[A> You* Na#e whi1h You ga3e e( And 0 gua*ded the#&50t>:(((+ 1@:12 [R> And+ now unto You "PR> do' 0 1o#e! and these things 0 s.ea; in the wo*%d! that K"P> the- #a- be fu%% of' - Oo- [P> #a- be 1o#.%ete in the#+( K[R>((( that the- 5#a-> ha3e - Oo- ha3ing been fi%%ed-u.& 1o#.%eted in the#(+ 1@:1< 0 ha3e gi3en "PR9)> unto' the# You* 4o*d! and the wo*%d >[9)> sha%% hate+Nhas-"R' hated> the#! be1ause the- we*e-[PR> a*e+ not of it-[PR> the wo*%d! e3en-"R' as 0 a# not of the wo*%d+( 1@:1= Not that You shou%d ta;e the# >awa- f*o#&-[PR> out of+> the wo*%d do 0 .*a--5besee1h> "PR> You'! but that You wou%d-"R' ;ee. the# f*o# "P> the'-[R+ E3i% "PR> 7ne': 1@:1? Po* [PR+-the--[Ga> You+ a*e not of >this sa#e>&-[GaPR>the+ wo*%d! "Ga> e3en'-[PR+ as 0 "PR> -se%f' a# not of it-[PR> the wo*%d+( 1@:1@ [P> Pathe*+-"R'! san1tif-&ha%%ow the# [R+-in-[P> b-+ You*& [4>the+ T*uth! "PR4> be1ause' You* 4o*d is [P> the+-"R4' T*uth( 1@:1A "PR> E3en' as You >did send&-[R> sent+> e unto-[PR> into+

the wo*%d! [P> so+-"R' 0 a%so >ha3e sent&-[R> send+> the# unto-[PR> into+ the wo*%d! 1@:1C And >[R> fo* the#+-&on thei* beha%f&-[P> fo* thei* sa;es+> 0 san1tif-&ha%%ow -se%f! that the- a%so #a- be san1tified&ha%%owed [R+-in-[PE4F> b- the+ T*uth( 1@:)G And [P> it is+ not Eon%-F >on beha%f of these do&-[P> fo* the# that+> 0 .*a--5besee1h> You - "P> these a%one'! but a%so >on beha%f of&-[P> fo*+> those that-[P> who sha%%+ be%ie3e [P> in e+ f*o#-[P> th*ough+ thei* wo*d-[P> dis1ou*se+! K[R> And not 1on1e*ning these on%- 0 .etition-5.*a->! but a%so 1on1e*ning those who sha%%-"A ' be%ie3e th*ough the wo*d of the# into e:+ 1@:)1 That [P> the-+-"R' a%% "PR> of the#' #a- be"1o#e 5PR' one: "PR> e3en' as You! 5 --"R' Pathe*! Ea*eF in e>! and 0 in You: that thea%so #a- Kbe [PR>one in Ss+-[G1> 5united>+! [P> so+-"R' that the wo*%d #a- be%ie3e that You "R'-ha3e-[P> did+ [R+-sent-[P> send+ e( K[91EG1F>((( abide in e! that the wo*%d #a- be%ie3e that You ha3e sent e(+ 1@:)) And "PR> 0 -' the G%o*- whi1h You ga3e-[R> ha3e gi3en+ e! 0 ha3e gi3en "PR> unto' the#! that the- #a- be one: "PR> e3en' as 4e a*e 7ne( 1@:)2 0 >sha%% be with&-[PR> in+> the#! and You with-[PR> in+ e: that the- #a- be"1o#e 5PR' .e*fe1ted in"to 5R' one: [PR> and+ that the wo*%d #a- ;now that You "R'-ha3e-[P> did+ [R+-sent-[P> send+ e! and K0 ha3e been %o3ing unto the#! as unto e! Pathe*! You ha3e been %o3ing( K[PR>((( "R> that You' ha3e %o3ed the# [R> e3en+ as "R'-a%so You ha3e-"R' %o3ed e(+ 1@:)< [PR> Pathe*+! [A+->and that whi1h>&-[PR#> those who#+ You ha3e gi3en "PR> unto' e! 0 desi*e that whe*e 0 Ea#F the- a%so #a- be with e: that the- #a- Kbe seeing the-[P> that+ G%o*- [P> of ine+ that You ha3e gi3en "P> unto' e! >and that>&-[P> as+ You >ha3e been %o3ing unto>N-[P> %o3ed+ e "P> f*o#' befo*e the [P> foundation of the+ wo*%d "P> was'( K[R>((( beho%d - G%o*-! whi1h You ga3e e! be1ause You %o3ed e befo*e the foundation of EtheF wo*%d(+ E91>T3e*ses )<!)=T The .un1tuation whi1h Ca*dina% aius has gi3en to these 3e*ses in CodeL / is a we%1o#e 1o**obo*ation of ou* teLt! but the*e is no #eans of 3e*if-ing it f*o# the fa1si#i%e .ub%ished b- 9e*1e%%one and CoDDa fo* the P*o.aganda Pide( 0f #- *eading

be to 1o**e1t! the eL1%a#ation! Q7 - *ighteous Pathe*!Q wou%d be%ong the %ast 1%ause of 3e*se )<! and be an eL.*ession of *es.onse to the %o3e that eListed Qbefo*e the wo*%d was(Q "((('F 1@:)= --"R' u.*ight-[PR> *ighteous+ Pathe*! "P> and'-[R> indeed+ the wo*%d >[R+-&;new You not&-[P> has not ;nown You+>: but 0 [R+-;new[P> ha3e ;nown+ You! and >the- ;new&-[PR> these ha3e ;now+>! that You >did send&-[R> ha3e sent+> e( 1@:)? And 0 ha3e #ade ;nown unto the# You* Na#e: and wi%% #a;e >the#[PERF> 0t+> ;nown: [P> so+-"R' that the %o3e with whi1h You >[R> %o3ed+ -&ha3e been %o3ing unto&-[P> %o3e+> e! #a- be in the#! and 0 "PR> a%so wi%% be' in the#( CHAPTER 1A 1A:1@ These things [R> ha3ing+ s.o;e Yeshua! "R> and EHeF' went fo*th with His Ta%#idi# >to the othe* side of the to**ent of&-[P> o3e* Kthe b*oo;+> Bid*on! "PR> EtoF a hi%%' whe*e the*e was a ga*den! >and He&[PR> into whi1h+> ente*ed "PR> the*e'! He and His Ta%#idi#( K[R>((( the winte*-st*ea# Bid*on! (((+ K[Gd>(((the %a;e-5Eo*F f*uit-ga*den> of Bid*on the hi%%! the .%a1e whe*e(((+ 1A:) Now-[PR> And+ Y>hudah the bet*a-e*! [PR> a%so+ >used to ;now that& -[PR> ;new the+> .%a1e! be1ause >[R+-&#an- ti#es&-[P> often+> Yeshua "PR> used to gathe*' the*e [P> #et+-[R> asse#b%ed+ with His Ta%#idi#( 1A:2 KNow Y>hudah the bet*a-e* b*ought with hi# a 1oho*t and Eso#eF of the head Cohani#! and P>*ushi#! and gua*ds! and a #u%titude of .eo.%e 1a**-ing %ante*ns and to*1hes! and Ethe-F 1a#e the*e( K[R> The*efo*e Y>hudah *e1ei3ing the 1oho*t! and f*o# the head Cohani# and the P>*ushi# unde*-offi1e*s! EheF 1o#es the*e with(((+ K[P> Then Y>hudah *e1ei3ed a *egi#ent-51oho*s>! and f*o# the .*esen1e of the head Cohani# and P>*ushi# he had offi1ia%s: and he 1a#e to the .%a1e with %ante*ns and %a#.s and wea.ons(+ 1A:< KAnd when Yeshua saw a%% EthoseF what had 1a#e u.on Hi#! He went fo*th EandF said unto the#: 4hat see; -ouI K[R> Then Yeshua! ;nowing a%% the things 1o#ing u.on Hi#! going fo*th said unto the#: 4ho# do -ou see;I+ K[P> And Yeshua! as He ;new e3e*- thing that was to befa%% Hi#! went fo*th and said to the#: 4ho# see; -ouI+ 1A:= The- >sa- to-&[R> answe*ed+> Hi#: Yeshua the NatD*ati( He[PR> Yeshua+ said unto the#: 0 A EHeFJ Now-[PR> And+ Y>hudah the bet*a-e* a%so was standing b--[PR> with+ the#(

1A:? And-[R> Then+ when Yeshua-[R> He+ said >these things&-[PR> to the#+>! -0 A EHeF! the- Kwent-[P> d*ew+ ba1;[Ewa*d 5G+F and fe%% u.on the ea*th&g*ound( K[R>((( went-awa-&de.a*ted into the *ea*! and fe%% Eto theF ea*th& g*ound(+ 1A:@ And-[R> Then+ again Yeshua-[R> He+ >said to&-[PR> as;ed+> "R'-the#: 4ho# see; -ouI [R> And+ the- sa- "PR> to Hi#': Yeshua the NatD*ati( 1A:A KHe-[P> Yeshua+ sa-s to the#: 0 >said unto-[P> ha3e to%d+> -ou that 0 A# EHeF: and if e -ou see;! %et Ethe#F-[P> these+ go [P> awa-+! K[R> Yeshua answe*ed: 0 to%d -ou that 0 A EHeF( 0f then e -ou see;! a%%ow these to go&de.a*t:+ 1A:C That the 4o*d whi1h He had-"R' said #ight be a11o#.%ished[PR> 1o#.%eted+! - [P> 7f+-[ERF+ the# that You >[R+-ga3e-[P> ha3e gi3en+> e! 0 ha3e not %ost >Ean-F-[R> one+ of the#&-[P> e3en one+>( 1A:1G KNow-[P> And+ $hi#,on Befa [P> had u.on hi# a swo*d! and he+ d*ew >a&[91EG1F> his+ swo*d-[P> it+> and s#ote the-[P> a+ s%a3e of the Cohen haGado%! and too;-[PR> 1ut+ off his *ight ea*( And the na#e of the #an-[PR> s%a3e+ EwasF a%;u-[PR> a%e;-5 a%1hus>+( K[R> Then $hi#,on Befa ha3ing a swo*d! d*ew it! and st*u1; the s%a3e of the Cohen haGado%! (((+ 1A:11 And-[R> Then+ Yeshua said unto Befa: KPut >"R'-ba1; [R+-ou*&[P> the+> swo*d into its-[R> the+ .%a1e-[PR> sheath+( The 1u. that -& [R> the+ Pathe* has gi3en e! sha%% 0 not "4'-[R> at a%%&5in no wa->+ d*in; itI K[Gt>(((: Put ba1; -ou swo*d behind (((+ K[Ge>(((: Put u. again -ou* swo*d into his .%a1e (((+ 1A:1) KAnd >that 1oho*t-[P> the *egi#ent+>! and the 1hi%ia*1hs! and the gua*ds-[P> offi1ia%s+ of the Uudeans [P> %aid ho%d of Yeshua and+ bound Hi#! K[R> Then the 1oho*t&band! and the 1hi%ia*1h-51o##ande*>! and the unde*-offi1e*s of the Y>hudi#! togethe* seiDed Yeshua! and bound Hi#(+ 1A:12 And >[R> the- %ed+-&b*ought> Hi# [R> awa-+ fi*st to "R'-[P> the .*esen1e of+ Anan! the-[PR> fo* he was the-"P'+ fathe*-in-%aw [R+of[P> to+ Ba-afa! that&who was the-"R' Cohen haGado% of that -ea*( K[in G1 se3e*a% of the 3e*ses 1A:1<-)< a..ea* in a diffe*ent o*de*: this o*de* doesn>t fo%%ow the 8iatessa*on! no* the A*abi1! no* the 6atin Cod(+ E91> Afte* 3(12 1o#es 3()<! and this is one of the 1*owning eL1e%%en1ies of this Antio1hene 1odeL( "((('K 0n editing the Pa%estinian $-*ia1 6e1tiona*- 0 ha3e dete1ted a s%ight 1o**obo*ation of this in CodeL A! the so-1a%%ed E3ange%ia*iu# Hie*oso%-#itanu# of the 9ati1an 6ib*a*- E6esson 1=GF( He*e 3()<

o11u*s in two .%a1es! on1e afte* 3(12 and on1e afte* 3()2! as if the s1*ibe had been un1e*tain as to its *ight %o1ation! o* as if a t*adition about its t*ue .%a1e had been ;nown to the o*igina% t*ans%ato*s( KThe 1o#.%ete edition of this t*ans%ation is .ub%ished b- ess*s( C(U( C%a- R $ons! of the Ca#b*idge Sni3e*sit- P*ess(F 1A:)<-[G1+ Now-[R> Then+ Anan [P> had+-"R' sent [R+-Hi#-[P> Yeshua+ [R> fo*th! EHi#F ha3ing+ bound to Ba-afa the Cohen haGado%! 1A:1<-[G1+ K>Hi# that had&-[P> And it was Ba-afa who+> 1ounse%%ed the Uudeans that it was fitting-[P> eL.edient+ "P> that' one #an shou%d die >on beha%f of&-[P> fo*+> the .eo.%e( K[R> And Ba-afa was the EoneF who had-5ha3ing> ad3ised&1ounse%ed the Uudeans that it is-5was> ad3antageous fo* one #an to .e*ish >fo*-5Einstead ofF>> Ea%%F the .eo.%e(+ 1A:1=-[G1+ Now-[PR> And+ $hi#,on Befa! and Kone of the >5othe*>-TK> Ta%#idi#5KT-5>we*e 1o#ing&-[P> went+> afte* Yeshua: now-[P> and+ that othe* Ta%#id>> >was an a1Muaintan1e of-[P> ;new+> the Cohen haGado%: the*efo*e-[P> and+ he ente*ed with Yeshua into the 1ou*t-[P> ha%%+( K[R>((( anothe*-[ > the othe*+ Ta%#id fo%%owed Yeshua: and that Ta%#id was ;nown to the Cohen haGado%! and EheF went in togethe* with Yeshua into the 1ou*t of the Cohen haGado%(+ 1A:1C-[G1+ Now-[R> Then+ the Cohen haGado% >was as;ing&-[PR> inte**ogated+> Yeshua >[R+-about-[P>*es.e1ting+> His Ta%#idi# "PR> -who the- we*e'! and >[R+-about-[P> *es.e1ting+> His tea1hing "PR> -what it was'( 1A:)G-[G1+ [P> And+ Yeshua said unto hi#: 0 o.en%- ha3e >s.o;en[P> dis1ou*sed+> with the wo*%d-[P> .eo.%e+! and at a%% ti#es ha3e taught in the s-nagogue! and in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! and whe*e a%% the Y>hudi#& Uudeans&Uews a*e gathe*ed togethe*: and nothing in >1on1ea%#ent[P> .*i3ate+> ha3e 0 s.o;en( K[R> Yeshua answe*ed hi#: 0 .ub%i1%- s.o;e to the wo*%d: 0 1ontinua%%-&a%wa-s in the s-nagogue and in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF whe*e 1ontinua%%-&a%wa-s-[A> a%%+ the Y>hudi# 1o#e togethe*! and in se1*et 0 s.o;e nothing(+ 1A:)1-[G1+ "PR> /ut now' wh- as;-[PR> inte**ogate+ -ou eI As;-[R> inte**ogate+ Kthe# that ha3e hea*d what 0 ha3e s.o;en with-[P> unto+ the#: beho%d! the- ;now that whi1h 0 ha3e s.o;enJ K[R>((( inte**ogate&Muestion those ha3ing hea*d what 0 s.o;e unto the#: beho%d! these ;now what 0 said(+ 1A:))-[G1+ K4hen-[P> And as+ He s.o;e these things! one of the gua*ds[P> offi1ia%s+ "P> that we*e' standing Eb-F s#ote >Hi# on His

1hee;! Ee3enF&-[P> s#ote the 1hee; of+> Yeshua! and said unto Hi#: >$oEThusF do -ou *etu*n an&-[P> Gi3e -ou su1h an+> answe* to the Cohen haGado%I K[R> And EonF His ha3ing said these things! one of the unde*offi1e*s standing-b- ga3e a b%ow with the .a%#! sa-ing: Thus answe* -ou the Cohen haGado%I+ 1A:)2-[G1+ Yeshua [P> *e.%ied and+ sa-s to hi#: K4e%% ha3e 0 s.o;en: whe*efo*e did -ou s#ite e EthenFI K1[R> Answe*ed Yeshua to hi#: 0f e3i%%-! bea* witness 1on1e*ning the e3i%: but if we%%! wh- e do -ou st*i;eI+ K)[P>(((: 0f 0 ha3e s.o;en e3i%! bea* witness of that e3i%: but if we%%! wh- s#ite -ou eI+ 1A:1?-[G1+ Now-[PR> /ut+ "R'-$hi#,on [R+-"P> Befa' >was standing&-[R> stood+> outside [PR> at the doo*+: KEthenF ente*ed and 1a#e fo*th unto hi# the Ta%#id Ethat wasF an a1Muaintan1e of the Cohen haGado%! and to%d the doo*-;ee.e* and EsoF %et in $hi#,on( K[R>(((: then the othe* Ta%#id who was ;nown to the Cohen haGado%! went out and s.o;e to the .o*t*ess&doo*-;ee.e*! and b*ought in Befa(+ K[P>(((: and that othe* Ta%#id! who ;new the Cohen haGado%! went out and s.o;e to the doo*;ee.e*! and b*ought in $hi#,on(+ 1A:1@-[G1+ K4hen the #aid of the doo*-;ee.e* saw $hi#,on! she sa-s to hi#: A*e -ou a%so not one-"R' of the Ta%#idi# of this #anI >[P> And+ he&-[>R that one+> sa-s "PR> to he*': No-[PR> 0 a# not+( K[R> Then the #aidse*3ant! the .o*t*ess&doo*-;ee.e*! sa-s unto Befa: (((+ K[P> And the #aid who ;e.t the doo*! said to $hi#,on: (((+ E91EG1F> Q4hen the hand#aid of the doo*-;ee.e* saw "((('!Q 0t is *easonab%e! with ou* ;now%edge of Easte*n 1usto#s! to be%ie3e that the doo*-;ee.e* of the high .*iest>s house was a #an(F-Tas in GT( 1A:1A-[G1+ K>Now the*e&-[P> And+> we*e standing "P> the*e' s%a3es and gua*ds-[P> offi1ia%s+! and >the- we*e #a;ing fo* the#se%3es&-[P> had .%a1ed+> a fi*e >in the 1ou*t that the- #ight&-[P> to+> wa*# the#se%3es! "P> be1ause it was 1o%d'( K[R> And the s%a3es and the unde*-offi1e*s we*e standing! a fi*e of 1oa%s ha3ing #ade be1ause it was 1o%d! and we*e wa*#ing Ethe#se%3esF: and Befa was with the# standing and wa*#ing Ehi#se%fF(+-Enote how 1Ab! in P R R! ag*ees with the o*de* of G1! and fits we%% with )=a(F 1A:)= Now-[PR> And+ $hi#,on [PR> Befa+ "PR> a%so' was standing "PR> bthe#' and wa*#ing hi#se%f: and-[R> then+ the- sa- to hi#! "P> these .eo.%e that we*e wa*#ing the#se%3es': A*e not -ou a%so one-"R' of His Ta%#idi#I >"R'-Now-[P> And+> he denied and said: No-[PR> 0 a# not+(

1A:)? "R> And' "PR> the*e answe*ed' one of the s%a3es of the Cohen haGado%! [R> begging+ a *e%ation of hi# whose ea* $hi#,on-"R' [R+-"P> Befa' had 1ut off! "PR> EandF he' sa-s "R> to $hi#,on'-[P> hi#+: 8id not 0 see -ou with hi# in the ga*denI 1A:)@ And-[R> Then+ again $hi#,on denied! "PR> Esa-ingF: 0 ;now hi# notJ' -and >in the sa#e hou*&-5at that #o#ent&i##ediate%->> the[R> a+ 1o1; 1*ew( 1A:)A@ KAnd "P> when Eda-F dawned'! the- b*ought Yeshua f*o# >Ethe houseF-[P> .*esen1e+> EofF Ba-afa! "P> and 1a**ied Hi# a%ong' to the P*aeto*iu#: [P> and it was #o*ning+ "P> that the- #ight de%i3e* Hi# u. to the Go3e*no*'( Now-[P> /ut+ the- "P> the#se%3es' ente*ed not the P*aeto*iu#! Kthat the- #ight not be .o%%uted Kwhi%e eating the un%ea3en b*ead&#atDah( K1[RE4F> Then the- %ed Yeshua f*o# Ba-afa into the P*aeto*iu#! and it was ea*%--[4> #o*ning+( And the- did not ente* into the P*aeto*iu#! %est the- be defi%ed! but that the- #ight eat the Pesa1h&Passo3e*(+ K)[P>(((! %est the- shou%d defi%e the#se%3es befo*e the- had eaten the Pesa1h&Passo3e*(+ K2[Ge> (((that the- #ight fi*st eat the %a#b in ho%iness+ 1A:)C And-[R> Then+ Pi%ate went fo*th-[R> out+ to the# [P> without+! and said "R> to the#': 4hat a11usation ha3e-[R> do+ -ou [R> b*ing+ against this #anI 1A:2G The- answe*ed and sa- [PR> to hi#+: 0f >he had not been&[R> this one we*e not+> an e3i%-doe*! Kneithe* shou%d we ha3e been de%i3e*ing hi# u. to -ou( K[R>(((! then we wou%d not ha3e de%i3e*ed hi# to -ou(+ 1A:21 [R> Then+ Pi%ate sa-s to the#: >4h- then! %ead hi# awa-ou*se%3es&-[PR> [R> You+ ta;e -ou hi#+>! and Oudge hi# a11o*ding to -ou* 6aw&To*ah( [R> Then+ the Uudeans sa- to hi#: Po* us it is not %awfu% to >;i%%-[P> .ut >a #an&-[R> an-one+> to death+>1A:2) [P> That the 4o*d of Yeshua [R> whi1h He said+ #ight be fi%%ed& 1o#.%eted! Kwhen He #ade ;nown b- what death He was to die( K[R>(((! signif-ing b- what ;ind EofF death He was about to die(+ 1A:22 And-[R> Then+ Pi%ate [R> again+ went into the P*aeto*iu#! and 1a%%ed Yeshua! and said to Hi#: A*e -ou the Bing of the UewsI 1A:2< Yeshua >said to&-[R> answe*ed+> hi#: $a- -ou this of&f*o# -ou*se%f! o* ha3e-[R>did+ othe*s >said EitF to&-[R> te%%+> -ou of&about eI 1A:2= Pi%ate >said to Hi#&-[R> answe*ed+>: A# 0 a UewI You* 1ount*-#en -[R> nation+ and-[R> e3en+ the head Cohani# ha3e-"R' de%i3e*ed -ou

[R> u.+ to #e( 4hat >ha3e -ou done&-[R> did -ou do+>I 1A:2? Yeshua >said unto hi#&-[R> answe*ed+>: - Bingdo# is not of this wo*%d( 0f - Bingdo# we*e of this wo*%d! - se*3ants wou%d ha3e fought [4> fo* e+! that 0 #ight not be de%i3e*ed u. to the Uudeans: but now! - Bingdo# is not f*o# he*e( 1A:2@ Pi%ate said to Hi#: K>Then -ou a*e&-[R> A*e -ou *ea%%-+> a ;ingI Yeshua >said to hi#&-[R> answe*ed+>: You >ha3e said&-[R> sa-+>! that 0 a# a ;ing( Po* this E.u*.oseF was-"R' 0 [R> ha3e been+ bo*n: and fo* this 1a#e 0 into the wo*%d! that 0 #ight >bea* testi#on-&-[R> witness+> to the t*uth( E3e*- one >that is&-[R> being+> of the t*uth! hea*s 9oi1e( K[4>(((: A*e -ou not a BingI (((+ 1A:2A Pi%ate said to Hi#: 4hat is the t*uthI And >as he said&-[R> sa-ing+> this! he went out again to the Uudeans! and said to the#: 0 find not an--[R> e3en one+ 1*i#e in hi#J 1A:2C KAnd -ou ha3e a 1usto# that 0 shou%d *e%ease one E.*isone*F to -ou at the Pesa1h&Passo3e*: wi%% -ou! the*efo*e! that 0 *e%ease to -ou this Bing of the Uews&Y>hudi#I K[R> /ut the*e is a 1o##on-1usto# to -ou! that 0 shou%d *e%ease one E.*isone*F to -ou at the Pesa1h&Passo3e*: the*efo*e -ou de1ide! - shou%d 0 *e%ease unto -ou the Bing of the Uews&Y>hudi#I+ 1A:<G >And the-&-[R> Then+> a%% 1*ied out [R> again+! >and said&-[R> sa-ing+>: Not this #an-[R> one+! but /a*-AbbaJ >[4> And+NNow this&-[R> /ut+> /a*-Abba was a *obbe*( 5P+ CHAPTER 1C 1C:1 [P> Then [R> the*efo*e+ Pi%ate [R> too; Yeshua and+ s1ou*ged Yeshua-[R> EHi#F+( 1C:) KAnd the so%die*s b*aided a 1*own of tho*ns! and .ut it u.on His head: and the- 1%othed Hi# in .u*.%e ga*#ents: K[R> And the so%die*s! ha3ing .%aited a w*eath out of tho*ns! .ut EitF on His head! and a ga*#ent&#ant%e of .u*.%e th*ew a*ound Hi#(+ 1C:2 And [A+-the--"R' [A> 1a#e u. to Hi# and+ said: $ha%o#&Pea1e-[R> hai%-5sha%o#>+ "R> to -ou'! Bing of the UewsJ And >s#ote Hi# on His 1hee;s&-[R> the- ga3e Hi# b%ows with the .a%#s+>( 1C:< And-[R> Then+ Pi%ate went out[side 5R+ again! and said to the#: /eho%d! 0 b*ing hi# out to -ou! that -ou #a- ;now that K0 find against hi# no offen1e whate3e*( K[R>((( in hi# not e3en one 1*i#e 0 findJ+ K[4>((( 0 find no fau%t(+ 1C:=@ And-[R> Then+ Yeshua >went fo*th&-[R> 1a#e outside+>! Kha3ing on Hi# the 1*own of tho*ns! and the .u*.%e ga*#ents( And Pi%ate said to the#: /eho%d! the anJ

K[R>(((! bea*ing&wea*ing the tho*n- w*eath and the .u*.%e ga*#ent& #ant%e( And he sa-s to the#: /eho%d! the anJ+ 1C:? And-[R> Then+ when the Khead Cohani# and >[R> the unde*offi1e*s+offi1ia%s> saw Hi#! the- 1*ied out! >and said&-[R> sa-ing+>: Hang hi# Eu.F: hang hi# Eu.FJ Pi%ate said to the#: You ta;e hi#! and hangu.on-the-sta;e-51*u1if-> hi#: fo* 0 [R> do not+ find >no offen1e&-[R> one 1*i#e+> in hi#( K[4>((( high P*iest and (((+ 1C:@ [R> Then+ the Uudeans >sa- to&-[R> answe*ed+> hi#: 4e ha3e a %aw! and a11o*ding to ou*-[A> the+ %aw! he >dese*3es death&-[R> ought to die+>! be1ause he #ade hi#se%f "R> the' $on of E%ohi#&God( 1C:A And-[R> Then+ when Pi%ate hea*d >that de1%a*ation&-[R> this wo*d+> he fea*ed the #o*e( 1C:C And "R> he' went again into the P*aeto*iu#: and "R> he' said to Yeshua: 4he*e a*e -ou Ef*o#F-[R+I And-[R> /ut+ Yeshua ga3e hi# no answe*( 1C:1G [R> $o+ Pi%ate said to Hi#: 4i%%-[R> 8o+ -ou not s.ea; to #eI Bnow -ou not! that 0 ha3e autho*it- to *e%ease -ou! and [R> 0+ ha3e autho*it- to eLe1ute-on-the-sta;e-51*u1if-> -ouI 1C:11 KYeshua said to hi#: You wou%d ha3e no autho*it- at a%% o3e* e! if it we*e not gi3en to -ou f*o# on High: the*efo*e his sin who de%i3e*ed e u. to -ou! is g*eate* than -ou*s( K[R> Yeshua answe*ed: You wou%d not ha3e autho*it- against e! EnoF not an-! if it had not been gi3en to -ou f*o# Abo3e( /e1ause of this! the-EoneF&he de%i3e*ing e to -ou has a g*eate* sin(+ 1C:1) KAnd fo* this *eason! Pi%ate was dis.osed to *e%ease Hi#( /ut the Uudeans 1*ied out: 0f -ou *e%ease this #an! -ou a*e not Caesa*>s f*iend! fo* whoe3e* #a;es hi#se%f a ;ing! is the ad3e*sa*- of Caesa*( K[R> P*o# this Eti#e-5sa-ing>F! sought Pi%ate to *e%ease Hi#( /ut the Uudeans 1*ied out sa-ing: 0f this one -ou *e%ease! -ou a*e not a f*iend of Caesa*( E3e*-one a ;ing #a;ing hi#se%f s.ea;s against Caesa*(+ 1C:12 KAnd when Pi%ate hea*d this de1%a*ation! he b*ought Yeshua fo*th! and sat u.on the t*ibuna%! in a .%a1e 1a%%ed the Pa3e#ent 7f $tones: but in Heb*ew it is 1a%%ed Gabta&Gabbatha-5Ga.hi.htha>( K[R> The*efo*e Pi%ate hea*ing this wo*d %ed out Yeshua( And sat down on the Oudge#ent seat at a .%a1e 1a%%ed ETheF Pa3e#ent! but in Heb*ew 1a%%ed! Gabta(+ 1C:1<@ And it was the >.*e.a*ation-E%it( G*ee;&A*a#ai1F-5E*e3$habbat>> of&fo* the Pesa1h&Passo3e*: and "R> it was' about the-[ERF+ siLth hou*(

And he said to the Uudeans: /eho%d! -ou* BingJ 1C:1= /ut the- 1*ied out: Awa- "R> with hi#'! awa- "R> with hi#': hang hi# Eu.F! "R> hang hi# Eu.F'( Pi%ate said to the#: $ha%% 0 hang-u.onthe-sta;e-51*u1if-> -ou* BingI The head Cohani# >said to hi#&[R> answe*ed+>: 4e ha3e no ;ing! but&eL1e.t Caesa*( 1C:1? [R> The*efo*e+ then he de%i3e*ed Hi# [R> u.+ to the#! that >the#ight&-[R> He #ight be+> eLe1ute-u.-on-the-sta;e-51*u1if-> Hi#"R'( 1C:1@ And the- too; Yeshua! "A> and %ed Hi# awa-'! [R> And He went out+ bea*ing His eLe1ution-sta;e-5E1*ossF>! to a .%a1e 1a%%ed [R> 7f+ a $;u%%! and-[R> whi1h is+ in Heb*ew 1a%%ed Gu%go%ta: 1C:1A 4he*e the- eLe1uted-on-the-sta;e-51*u1ified> Hi#: and two othe*s with Hi#! "R> the one' on this side! and "R> the othe*' on that [R> side+! and Yeshua in the #idd%e( 1C:1C And Pi%ate a%so w*ote a tab%et-[R> tit%e+! and affiLed it >to His &-[R> on the+> eLe1ution-sta;e( And this-"R' it was [R> ha3ing been+ w*itten: "R> TH0$ 0$' YE$HSA THE NATHRAT0! [R> THE+ B0NG 7P THE UE4$( 1C:)G And-[R> The*efo*e+ #an- of the Y>hudi#&Uews&Uudeans *ead this %abe%-[R> tit%e+: be1ause the .%a1e whe*e Yeshua was eLe1uted-onthesta;e! was nea* >to Ye*usha%a-i#&-[R> the Cit-+: and it-Ethe signF was [R> ha3ing been+ w*itten in Heb*ew! and-"R' [R> in+ G*ee;! and"R' [R> in+ 6atin( 1C:)1 And-[R> Then+ the head Cohani# [R> of the Y>hudi#+ said to Pi%ate: 4*ite not >that he is&-[R> the+> Bing of the Uews! but that he-[R> that one+ said - 0 a# Bing of the Uews( 1C:)) Pi%ate said-[R> answe*ed+: 4hat 0 ha3e w*itten! 0 ha3e w*itten( 1C:)2@ And-[R> Then+ the so%die*s! when the- had hung-u.-onthe-sta;e Yeshua! too; His ga*#ents and #ade fou* .a*1e%s-[R> .a*ts+ "R> of the#'! a .a*1e%-[R> .a*t+ fo*-[R> to+ ea1h "R> of the' so%die*s [R>a%so the *obe+( KAnd His tuni1 was without sea# f*o# the to.! wo3en th*oughout( K[R>(((( And the *obe was sea#%ess! wo3en f*o# the to. th*oughout(+ 1C:)< And the- said one to anothe*: K4e wi%% not *end it! but wi%% 1ast the %ot u.on it! Efo*F whose it sha%% be( And-[R> That+ the $1*i.tu*e was-[R> #ight be+ 1o#.%eted-[R> fi%%ed-fu%%+! whi1h said: Thedi3ided - ga*#ents a#ong the#: Kand u.on - 3estu*e the- 1ast the %ot( [R> The*efo*e+ these things did the so%die*s( K1[R>(((: 6et us not tea* it! but %et us 1ast %ots about it(((+ K)[R>(((: and u.on the ga*#ent of e Ethe-F 1ast a %ot(+ 1C:)= KAnd-[R> /ut+ the*e we*e standing nea* the eLe1ution-sta;e

of Yeshua! His #othe*! and His #othe*>s siste* and-"R' i*-a# 5Ethe wifeF> of B%ofah! and i*-a# f*o#- agda%a( 1C:)? And-[R> Then+ Yeshua-"R' saw-[R> seeing+ His-[ERF+ #othe*! and that-[R> the+ Ta%#id who He %o3ed! standing b-! >and He&-[R> Yeshua+> said to His #othe*: 4o#an! beho%d! -ou* sonJ 1C:)@ And-[R> Then+ He said to that-[R> the+ Ta%#id: /eho%d! -ou* #othe*J And f*o# that hou*! the Ta%#id too; he* >nea* hi#se%f&-[R> into EhisF own EhouseF+>( 1C:)A Afte* >these things&-[R> this+>! Yeshua-"R' [ > seeing+;new-[R> ;nowing+ that e3e*- thing was-[R> ha3e now been+ finished: and"R' that the $1*i.tu*e #ight-"R' be 1o#.%eted! He-[R> Yeshua+ said: 0 thi*st( 1C:)C And-[R> Then+ a 3esse% was >standing the*e&-[R> set+>! fu%% of 3inega*( And the- [R> ha3ing+ fi%%ed a s.onge with "R'-the 3inega*! and .ut[ting 5R+ "R> it on a' h-sso. [R> a*ound+-Esta%;F! and-"R' bo*e it to His #outh( 1C:2G And-[R> Then+ when Yeshua >had *e1ei3ed&-[R> too;+> the 3inega*! He said: >/eho%d: 8one&-[R> 0t has been 1o#.%eted+>( And >He bowed&-[R> bowing+> His-[ERF+ head! and-[R> EHeF+ -ie%ded-[R> de%i3e*ed+ u. His[R> the+ $.i*it( 5P+ 1C:21@ K[P&Aeth&EGF> Now-[P> And+ the Uudeans! be1ause it was the >P*ida--E%it( G*ee;&A*a#ai1F-5E*e3-$habbat>> sa-: These bodies sha%% not >.ass the&-[P> *e#ain a%%+> night u.on thei* eLe1ution-sta;es! be1ause the $habbat is >dawning&-5a..*oa1hing to begin>-N[P> 51o#ing on>+>: [P> and the da- of that $habbat was a G*eat-[4> High+ 8a-(+ And the- *eMuested [P> of Pi%ate! that the- shou%d b*ea; the %egs of those 1*u1ified! and ta;e the# down(+ K[R> The*efo*e the Uudeans! sin1e P*e.a*ation&E*e3-$habbat it was( that #a- not *e#ain on the eLe1ution-sta;e the bodies on the $habbat! -fo* G*eat was the 8a- of that $habbat: that as;ed Pi%ate that #ight be b*o;en the %egs of the#! and EthatF the- be ta;en EdownF(+ 1C:2) [P> And-[R> Then+ the so%die*s 1a#e! and b*o;e the %egs of the fi*st! and of the othe* "R> that was' 1*u1ified with Hi#( 1C:22 /ut >when the- 1a#e&-[R> on 1o#ing+> to Yeshua! [R> when+ thesaw that-"R' He was a%*ead- dead: and-"R' the- b*o;e not His %egs( 1C:2< /ut one of the so%die*s >th*ust a s.ea* into&-[R> .ie*1ed+> His side [R> EwithF a %an1e+: and >i##ediate%- the*e issued&-[R> at on1e 1a#e+> out b%ood and wate*(

1C:2= And >he who saw&-[R> the EoneF seeing+> EitF! has testified& witnessed: and his testi#on-&witness is t*ue: and he-[R> that one+ ;nows! that he s.ea;s the-"R' t*uth-[R> t*ue+! that -ou a%so-"R' #a[#> 1ontinue to+ be%ie3e( 5P+ 1C:2? [PR> Po* these things o11u**ed! that+ >[Ga> the 4o*d-[PR> $1*i.tu*e+ >was a11o#.%ished-[P> #ight-"R' be [R> fi%%ed-fu%%+1o#.%eted+> >"R'-&that is 4*itten-[P> whi1h said+>: A bone sha%% not be b*o;en in-[PR> of+ Hi#(+> 1C:2@ [P> And again anothe*-[R> a diffe*ent+ $1*i.tu*e! "R'-whi1h sa-s: The- wi%% %oo; on-[R> at+ Hi#! who# the- [R> ha3e+ .ie*1ed( 1C:2A [R> And+ afte* these things! Yosef of Ra#ata-i#! >fo* he was&-[R> being+> a Ta%#id of Yeshua! >and E-etF ;e.t Ehi#se%fF&-[R> but+> 1on1ea%ed th*ough fea* of the Uudeans: *eMuested of Pi%ate! that he #ight ta;e awa--"R' the bod- of Yeshua( And Pi%ate .e*#itted( And he 1a#e and >bo*e awa-&-[R> too;+> the bod- of Yeshua( 1C:2C And the*e-"R' 1a#e a%so Na;di#on! >he who .*e3ious%1a#e&-[R> the EoneF 1o#ing at fi*st+> to Yeshua b- night: >and he b*ought with hi# a [#> *o%%+-1o#.ound&-[R> bea*ing a #iLtu*e+> of #-**h and a%oes! about a hund*ed .ounds-[R> %it*ae-5Ro#an .ounds>+( 1C:<G And the- bo*e awa- 5P+[G1> the bod- of Yeshua! and >[R> bound+ -w*a..ed-[P> wound+> it in %inen[s 5R+ "R'-1%oths K>with that ba%#&-[P> and a*o#ati1s+>! as it was-[P> is+ the %aw-[P> 1usto#+ fo* [P> the+ Y>hudi#&Uews to >be bu*ied&-[P> bu*-+>( K[R>((( with the s.i1es! as 1usto# it is with the Y>hudi#&Uews to bu*-(+ 1C:<1 KNow the*e was in that .%a1e a ga*den! and in the ga*den a new to#b that no #an had been bu*ied in! K[PR> And the*e was a ga*den in the .%a1e whe*e Yeshua-[R> He+ was eLe1uted-on-a-sta;e-51*u1ified>! and in the ga*den a new se.u%1h*e in whi1h no [R> one -et+-.e*son had e3e* been %aid-[R> .%a1ed+(+ 1C:<) KAnd hasti%- at on1e the- %aid Hi# in the new to#b that was nea* the*e! be1ause the $habbat was dawning-5a..*oa1hing to begin>( K[RE4F> The*e! then! be1ause of the P*e.a*ation-5E*e3$habbat& P*ida-> of the Y>hudi#&Uews! be1ause the to#b was nea*! the.ut Yeshua [4> the*e+(+ K[P> And the*e the- %aid Yeshua! be1ause the $habbat had 1o##en1ed! and be1ause the se.u%1h*e was nea*(+ CHAPTER )G )G:1@ KAnd in the night that EwasF dawning 5Ewith the sunF> into the fi*st Eda-F of the wee;! whi%e -et it was da*; in the ea*%- #o*ning! 1a#e i*-a# f*o#- agda%a to the to#b and saw the stone >T5K>T *o%%ed> and ta;en awa- f*o# the #outh of the g*a3e! K[R4E%it(F>And on the >fi*st&one-522C1>> of the >5<=)1>$habbats-

57#e* RaesheetEIF>> i*-a# f*o#- agda%a 1o#es ea*%- [4> in the #o*ning+! da*;ness -et being! to the to#b! and sees the stone >being-5had been> *e#o3ed&E1<) 1=2@F> f*o# the to#b(+ K[P> And the fi*st da- of the wee;! in the #o*ning! whi%e it was -et da*;! i*-a# f*o#- agda%a 1a#e to the se.u%1h*e: and she saw that the stone was *e#o3ed f*o# the g*a3e(+ )G:) And-[R> Then+ she *an EandF 1a#e unto $hi#,on Befa! and unto that[R> the+ [PR> othe*+ Ta%#id that Yeshua >used to %o3e&-[PR> %o3ed+>! and sa-s unto the#: The- ha3e ta;en awa- ou*-[R> the+ 6o*d f*o# that[PR> the+ to#b! and 0-[R> we+ ;now not whe*e the- ha3e-"R' 1a**ied-[PR> %aid+ Hi#( )G:2 KAnd the two of the# went fo*th to go to the to#b and we*e *unning( K[PR> And-[R> Then+ $hi#,on-[R> Befa+ set-[R> went+ out! and the othe* Ta%#id! and >the- we*e going&-[R> 1a#e+> to the se.u%1h*e(+ )G:< KNow-[P> And the- both *an togethe*: but+ that Ta%#id >outwent-[P> out*an+> $hi#,on! and 1a#e [P> fi*st+ to the to#b! K[R> And the two *an togethe*! and the othe* Ta%#id *an in f*ont #o*e Mui1;%- than Befa! and 1a#e fi*st to the to#b(+ )G:= KAnd he %oo;ed in EandF saw those-[P> the+ %inen 1%oths %aid[P> %a-ing+! but ente* "P> indeed' EintoF the to#b he did not( K[RE4F> And down he&[4> Yo1hanan+ sees the %inens[4> g*a3e-1%othes+ %-ing: not! howe3e*! went he in(+ )G:? K/ut $hi#,on! when he a**i3ed! ente*ed and saw the %inen 1%oths! K[P> And afte* hi# 1a#e $hi#,on: and he ente*ed the se.u%1h*e! and saw the %inen 1%oths %-ing:+ K[R> The*efo*e 1a#e $hi#,on Befa fo%%owing hi#! and ente*ed into the to#b! and he beho%ds the %inens-[4> g*a3e-1%othes+ %-ing!+ )G:@ And the na.;in-[R> g*a3e1%oth+ [PR> that >had been w*a..ed about& -[R> was on+> His head! was not [R> %-ing+ with the %inen[s 5R+ "R'1%oths! but was+ [R+-w*a..ed-[P> fo%ded+ u.! "R> and %aid' >on one side&-[PR> in a-[R> one+ .%a1e b- itse%f(+>: )G:A "P> And'-[R> The*efo*e+ then ente*ed a%so that-[PR> the+ [R>othe*+ Ta%#id into-[PR> who-[R> ha3ing+ 1a#e fi*st to+ the g*a3e: and "4'-the-[PR> he+ saw and be%ie3ed( )G:C K/e1ause not -et we*e the- ;nowing f*o# the $1*i.tu*es that >He was&-[R> it was ne1essa*- fo* Hi#+> "PR> about' to *ise f*o# "PR>a#ong' the dead( K[R>Po* the- ;new not -et the $1*i.tu*e-5Ho%4*itings&Tana;h>(((+ K[P> Po* the- had not -et %ea*ned-5;nown> f*o# the $1*i.tu*es(((+

)G:1G K>Now the&-[P> And those+> Ta%#idi#! "P> when the- saw these things' went >awa--[P> again to thei* .%a1e+>! K[R> Then went awa- again to the#se%3es the Ta%#idi#(+ K[4> Then the Ta%#idi# de.a*ted again to thei* own 1o#*ades(+ [91> EThe*e is a in the G*ee; teLt an eL.*ession whi1h is not 1%assi1a%! and #a- .e*ha.s be a t*ans%ation of the A*a#ai1: eDa% %ahun( This #a- be due to Yo1hanan>s thoughts being habitua%%in a $e#iti1 tongue(F+ )G:11 /ut i*-a# "R'-was-[P> *e#ained+ [R> stood+-standing [R> outside+ b--[PR> at+ the g*a3e-[R> to#b+! and-"R' and-[R> then+ as she EwasF! she %oo;ed-[R> stoo.ed down+ into the to#b! )G:1) And "PR> she' saw "PR> the*e' two ange%s in white! "R'[P> who we*e+ sitting! one at the Khead >of the .%a1e that&-[R> whe*e the bodof+> Yeshua had >been %-ing in&-[R> %ain+>! and one at the feet( K[P> (((.i%%ows and one at the feet! whe*e the bod- of Yeshua was %aid(+ )G:12 >Those ange%s&-[PR> And the-+> sa- unto he*: 4o#an! whwee. -ou! "PR> and who# see; -ou'I $he sa-s unto the#: [PR> /e1ause+ the- ha3e ta;en awa- [PR+-#--[Ga> ou*+ 6o*d! and 0 ;now not whe*e theha3e >[G1GaEaFP+-%aid-[GaEbF> 1a**ied+-[R> .ut+> Hi#( [GaEa&b> And those ange%s said unto i*-a#: He has *isen and gone unto Hi# that sent Hi#(+ [91EA*a#ai1F> EAttatha! #a at ba;ia! %e#an at ba,ia - 4o#an! whwee.est thou! who# see;est thouI -"a*e so *h-th#i1a%! that we fee% as if the- #ust be the 3e*- a11ents whi1h fe%% f*o# His %i.s'& 6ewis(F+ )G:1< >And when she said these things&-[P> Ha3ing said this+> she tu*ned a*ound "P> behind he*'! and saw Yeshua standing! >and she was not ;nowing&-[P> but did not ;now+> that it was Yeshua( K[R> And these things sa-ing! she tu*ned to the behind! and beho%ds Yeshua standing! and ;nows not that it is Yeshua(+ )G:1= >Now He&-[PR> Yeshua+> said unto he*: 4o#an! wh- wee. -ou! and who# see; -ouI >And she su..osed&-[R> That one thin;ing+> that [R+-it[P> He+ was the ga*dene*! [P> and+-"R'-she sa-s unto Hi#: > %o*d& -[R> $i*+>! if -ou >ha3e ta;en&-[R> 1a**ied+> Hi# awa-! >sa- to-[PR> te%%+> #e whe*e -ou >ha3e %aid&-[R> .ut+> Hi#! [R> and+-EthatF-[P> EandF+ 0 #a--[PR> wi%%+ "R> go EandF' ta;e Hi# awa-( )G:1? "PR> Then' said Yeshua to he*: i*-a#J "RF-And she >.e*1ei3ed Hi# and answe*ed&-[P> tu*ned+-[R> tu*ning a*ound+> and-"R' said unto Hi# [AP4>in Heb*ew+-"R': Rabbu%i >[P>whi1h is inte*.*eted E#-F Tea1he*+ -[R> that is to sa- -Tea1he*(+> "PR> And she *an fo*wa*d unto Hi#

that she #ight d*aw nea* to Hi#'( )G:1@ >/ut He&-[PR> Yeshua+> said unto he*: K>8o not d*aw nea* to e&[PR> Tou1h e not+>: [PR> Po*+ not -et-"4' ha3e 0 >gone u.&-[PR> as1ended+> unto - Pathe*( /ut go unto - [R+-b*othe*s-[P> b*eth*en+ and sa- unto the#! "PR> -/eho%d'! 0 >go u.&-[P> as1end+-[R> a# as1ending+> unto - Pathe* and -ou* Pathe*! and unto-"R4' God and -ou* GodJ K[4>(((: C%ing not to e: (((+ )G:1A "R'-And-[P> Then+ i*-a# [PR> f*o#- agda%a+ 1a#e EandF >said unto&-[P> to%d+-[R> b*inging wo*d to+> the Ta%#idi#: >[A+-&0 ha3e&[PR> that she had+> seen ou*-[AR4> the+ 6o*dJ KAnd the things whi1h He *e3ea%ed unto he* she said to the# EtooF( K[R>(((J And that these things He EhadF to%d he*(+ K[P>(((J And that He had said these things unto he*(+ K[4>(((J And He s.o;e these things to he*(+ )G:1C@ KAnd on >that sa#e da- of the&-[P> e3ening of that+> fi*st daof the wee;! whe*e the Ta%#idi# we*e - and thei* doo*s we*e shut fo* fea* of the Uudeans -1a#e Yeshua EandF stood a#ong the#! and "P> He' sa-s to the#: $ha%o#&Pea1e EbeF with -ou( K[R> Then it being e3ening on that da-! the fi*st&one of the >wee;&[$habbats 5R&Youngs+>! and the doo*s ha3ing been %o1;ed whe*e the Ta%#idi# we*e gathe*ed togethe*! be1ause of the fea* of the Uudeans! Yeshua 1a#e and stood in the #idst! and sa-s to the#: $ha%o# unto -ou(+ K[4> Then it being e3ening! on that da-! on the fi*st da- of the wee;! and (((+ [91> EHe*e the 1u*ious g*a##a* in the G*ee; is at on1e eL.%ained b- the A*a#ai1: had beshaba( This #a- ha3e s.*ung f*o# Yo1hanan>s thoughts being habitua%%- in a $e#iti1 tongue(F+ )G:)G K>And when He had&-[P> Ha3ing+> said EthisF! He showed the# His hands and His-"R' side: Kand when the Ta%#idi# saw Hi#-[P> ou* 6o*d+ the- *eOoi1ed( K[R> And sa-ing this! ((( the*efo*e the Ta%#idi# *eOoi1ed! seeing the 6o*d(+ )G:)1 >Again He&-[PR> And-[R> Then+ Yeshua+> sa-s to the# [R> again+: $ha%o#&Pea1e >EbeF with&-[R> unto+> -ou: as --[R> the+ Pathe* [PR>has+ sent e! 0 [PR> a%so+ send -ou( )G:)) And >when-[P> as+ He said these things&-[R> sa-ing this+>! He b*eathed >in thei* fa1es&-[PR> on the#+>! and said unto the#: Re1ei3e [P> -ou+-"R' >Rua1h HaBodesh&The-[ERF+ Ho%- $.i*it>( )G:)2 K4ho#Ee3e*F -ou sha%% fo*gi3e the sins of! the- sha%% be fo*gi3en

hi#! and who#Ee3e*F -ou sha%% shut E-ou*&the doo*F against -it is shut( K[RE4F> 7f who#e3e* -ou fo*gi3e the sins! the- a*e fo*gi3en to the#: of who#e3e* -ou *etain! the- a*e-[4> ha3e been+ *etained(+ K[P> 0f -ou sha%% *e#it sins to an- one! the- wi%% be *e#itted to hi#: and if -ou sha%% *etain EthoseF of an- one! the- wi%% be *etained(+ )G:)< Now-[PR> /ut+ T>o#a! [PR> >who is&-[R> the EoneF 1a%%ed "R'-the Twin+>! one of the Twe%3e! was not the*e-"R' with >the othe*s&-[PR> the#+>! when Yeshua 1a#e "PR> unto the#'( )G:)= The--N>[P> And-[R> Then+ the [R> othe*+ Ta%#idi#+> saunto hi#: "PR>7u* 6o*d 1a#e! and' we >saw Hi#&-[PR> ha3e seen [R>the+ou* 6o*d+>( [PR> /ut+ he sa-s to the#: KEL1e.t 0 see [P> in+ His hands! "P> and' the .%a1e[s 5P+ of these-[P> the+ nai%s! and .ut "P> fo*th' #finge*[s 5P+ >in the .%a1es&-[P> into the#+>! and >.ut fo*th&-[P> eLtend+ #- hand >in 5the> .%a1e that EisF in>N-[P> to+ His side! 0 do[P> wi%%+ not be%ie3e( K[R>(((: Sn%ess 0 see in the hands of Hi# the #a*; of the nai%s! and th*ust the finge* of #e into the #a*; of the nai%s! and th*ust the hand of #e into the side of Hi#! in no wa- wi%% 0 be%ie3e(+ )G:)?@ And afte* eight da-s! "PR> on the fi*st Eda-F of the neLt wee;'! the-[R> His+ Ta%#idi# we*e >[R> again inside+-&gathe*ed togethe* in the house&-[P> again within+>! and T>o#a [R+-"P> was' with the#: Kand [P> Yeshua 1a#e whi%e+ the doo*s we*e shut( "P> Yeshua 1a#e and' stood >a#ong the#-[P> in the #idst+>! and said unto the#: $ha%o#&Pea1e EbeF with -ou( K[R>(((: The doo*s ha3ing been %o1;ed! Yeshua 1a#e and stood in the #idst! and said: $ha%o# unto -ou(+ )G:)@ KThen He said unto T>o#a: >Put fo*th&-[P> Rea1h he*e+> -ou* finge* and see-[P> %oo; at+ - hands! and %a--[P> *ea1h out+ -ou* hand >on-[P> and eLtend it to+> - side! and >do not be %a1;ing in faith&[P> and be not in1*edu%ous-[4> faith%ess+! but be%ie3ing+>( K[R> Then He sa-s unto T>o#a: /*ing the finge* of -ou he*e! and see the hands of e: and b*ing the hand of -ou! and th*ust into the side of e! and be-5be1o#e> not unbe%ie3ing! but be%ie3ing(+ )G:)A [R> And+ T>o#a [PR> answe*ed and+ said unto Hi#: 6o*d! and #GodJ )G:)C Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: >Now that-[P> when+&-[R> /e1ause+> -ou ha3e seen e "A '-[R> Tho#as+! >"P> ha3e' -ou be%ie3e"d in e 5P'I&-[R> ha3e be%ie3ed+(> K>Ha..- it is fo* the#&-[P> /%essed a*e the-+> that ha3e not seen e! >and ha3e-[P> -et+> be%ie3e"d in e 5P'J K[R>(((( /%essed Ea*eF those not seeing and E-etF be%ie3ing(+ )G:2G And-[R> Then t*u%-+ #an- othe* signs&#i*a1%es showed-[PR> did+ Yeshua [R> in the .*esen1e of+-to-[P> befo*e+ His Ta%#idi#! whi1h

a*e not w*itten in this s1*o%%: )G:21 /ut these "PR> that' a*e-[R> ha3e been+ w*itten "PR> Ea*eF' that -ou #a- [#> 1ontinue to+ be%ie3e that Yeshua is-"4' Ha ashia1h&Theessiah! >Ha/en-E%ohi#&The $on of God>: Kand -ou sha%% be%ie3e in Hi#! and be sa3ed a%i3e in His Na#e( K[P>(((: and that >when -ou be%ie3e&-[R> be%ie3ing+>! -ou #aha3e %ife "R'-ete*na% [4> th*ough+&b-N[R> in+ His Na#e(+ CHAPTER )1 )1:1@ Afte* these things! Yeshua >a..ea*ed&-[P> showed-[R> *e3ea%ed+ Hi#se%f again+> unto His-[R> the+ Ta%#idi#! b--[PR> at+ the 6a;e[PR> $ea+ 5of> Tibe*ias( Now-[PR> And+ He >a..ea*ed unto the#&-[PR> showed -[R> *e3ea%ed+ Hi#se%f+> thus: )1:) >4hen the- we*e gathe*ed a%% of the#&-[PR> "R'-The*e we*e+> togethe*! -$hi#,on Befa! and T>o#a [PR> [R> being+ 1a%%ed the Twin+! and Natan>e% "R> that was' f*o# Banah [R+-of-[P> in+ haGa%i%! and the sons of Ha3dai! and two othe*s of the-[R> His+ Ta%#idi#( )1:2 $hi#,on [PR> Befa+ sa-s unto the#: 0 >sha%% go EandF 1at1h&[R> a# going out to+> fish( The- sa- unto hi#: 4e [R+-"P> a%so' >Ewi%%F go&[R> a*e 1o#ing+> with -ou( And-"R' the- went >[R>and ente*ed into the+ -&u. EandF sat in theN-[P> and e#ba*;ed in a+> boat "A'-[R> at on1e+! and [R+-"P> in' that night nothing did the- 1at1h( )1:< KAnd when it dawned-[P> was #o*ning+! Yeshua "PR> 1a#e EandF' stood [R> in-5on>+-b--[P> on+ the side-[PR> sho*e+ "R> of the %a;e-[P> sea+': >and His&-[R> howe3e* the+> Ta%#idi# did not .e*1ei3e-[PR> ;now+ that it was He-[PR> Yeshua+( K[R> /ut now! EitF be1o#ing ea*%- #o*n(((+ )1:= >He&-[P> And-[R> Then+ Yeshua+> sa-s unto the#: [4> %itt%e+ [R+Chi%d*en-[P> 6ads+! Kha3e -ou [R+-"P> not' an-thing to eat "PR> of'I The- >sa- unto&-[R> answe*ed+> Hi#: No( K[4>(((! whethe* ha3e -ou an- #eatI (((+ )1:? [R> And+ He sa-s unto the#: Cast -ou*-[R> the+ net [R> into+-f*o#[P> on+ the *ight"-hand 5PR' side of the boat! and -ou Ewi%%F find "R'-[P> the#+( And-[R> Then+ "PR> when' the- 1ast "PR> as He said unto the#'! Kthe- sought to ta;e u. the net into the boat! and the1ou%d not f*o# the weight of the #an- fish that it he%d( K[R> (((! and no %onge* to d*aw it had the- st*ength! f*o# the #u%titude of the fish(+ K[P> (((! and the- 1ou%d not d*aw u. the net! be1ause of the #u%titude of fish it 1ontained(+ )1:@ [R+-Then-[P> And+ said [R+-the-[P> that+ Ta%#id who# Yeshua >used

to %o3e&-[PR> %o3ed+> unto $hi#,on: [R> 0t+-This-[P> That+ is [R> the+ou* 6o*dJ KNow-[P> And+ $hi#,on! when he hea*d it was ou* 6o*d! too; his tuni1! EandF .ut EitF on his %oins! [P> fo* he had been na;ed+! and fe%%-[P> and th*ew hi#se%f+ into the %a;e-[P> sea+! >and was swi##ing and 1o#ing Eto sho*eF-[P> to go to Yeshua+>! K[R>(((J Then $hi#,on Befa hea*ing that it is the 6o*d! gi*ded on EhisF 1oat -fo* he was na;ed- and th*ew hi#se%f into the sea(+ )1:A /e1ause the- we*e not [P> 3e*-+-"R' fa* f*o# the "PR> d*-' %and [PR> on%- about two hund*ed 1ubits+( [R+-And-[P> /ut+ the >*est of the&-[PR> othe*+> Ta%#idi# >we*e 1o#ing Eafte*F&-[R> 1a#e+> in the [R> %itt%e+ boat! >[R> d*agging the+-&d*awing that&-[P> and thed*agged the+> net [PR> with-[R> of+ the fish+( )1:C And-[R> Then+ when the- 1a#e-[R> went u.+ >u. to&-[PR> u.on+> the "PR> d*-' %and! the- >found in f*ont of Yeshua&-[PR> saw+> K1oa%s >of fi*e&-[P> .%a1ed+>! and "P> a' fish %aid u.on the#! and b*ead "P> set E*ead-F'( K[R>((( a 1oa% fi*e %-ing! and a fish %-ing on EitF! and b*ead(+ )1:1G Yeshua sa-s unto the#: /*ing >Eso#eF of those&-[R> f*o# the %itt%e+> fish that -ou "R> ha3e [P> Oust+' 1aught [R+-"P> now'( )1:11 And-"R' $hi#,on [PR> Befa+ >[R+-&went u.&-[P> e#ba*;ed+> EandF d*ew-[R> d*agged+ the net onto [R> the+-"P> the d*-' %and! fu%% >and the- had found in it&-[PR> of+> g*eat&big fish! a hund*ed and fiftand th*ee: Kand with a%% its-[P> this+ weight that net was not *ent( K[R>(((: and EthoughF being so #an-! the net was not to*n(+ )1:1) [P> And+-"R' Yeshua sa-s unto the#: Co#e EandF [R+b*ea;fast-[P> dine+( And not one of His-[PR> the+ Ta%#idi# >[R> da*ed+-&was da*ing&[P> .*esu#ed+> to as; Hi# who >[R> a*e -ou+&it-[P> He+ was>! "R>be1ause the-' >[R> ;nowing that+-&we*e be%ie3ing&-[P> ;new+> it [R> is+-was >He -&[PR> ou*-[R> the+ 6o*d+>( )1:12 And-[R> Then+ Yeshua [PR> 1a#e and+ too; b*ead and Kfish! "PR> and b%essed Ethe b>*a;hah to E%ohi#&GodF o3e* the#'! and ga3e unto the#-[P> His Ta%#idi#+( K[R>((( gi3es EitF unto the#! and the %itt%e fish %i;ewise(+ )1:1< This [R> a%*ead- EisF+-was-[P> is+ the thi*d ti#e that Yeshua a..ea*ed-[R> was *e3ea%ed+ unto His Ta%#idi# [ERF+-afte*-[P> when+ >[R> ha3ing been *aised+-&He a*oseN-[P> EwasF a*isen+> f*o# "PR> a#ong' the dead( )1:1=@ And-[R> Then+ when the- >EhadF eaten&-[R> b*o;e fast+>! Yeshua said unto $hi#,on [PR> Befa+: "P> You'! $hi#,on ben-Yo1hanan5son-[ERF+ of [A+-Yo1hanan-[P>Yonas&Yonah5R+>! 5)=>-%o3e -ou e [4> with 8i3ine

%o3e+ [PR>#o*e [ERF+-than these "R'-do+I He sa-s unto Hi#: Yea! #--"R' 6o*d [P> You ;now that 0 >5=2?A>-%o3e> You+ [4> as a f*iend+( [R+He& [P> Yeshua+ sa-s unto hi#: Tend-[PR> Peed+ "R> fo* e' %a#bs( [GaE3s(1=-1@> Po* He said unto $hi#,on Befa: Tend fo* e f%o1;s and - shee. and - ewes(+ )1:1? Again Yeshua-[PR> He+ sa-s unto hi# [R> se1ond%-+-[P> the se1ond ti#e+: "PR> You'! $hi#,on ben-Yo1hanan-5son-[ERF+ of [A+Yo1hanan-[P> Yonas&Yonah 5R+>! 5)=>-%o3e -ou e "PR4> #u1h' [4> with 8i3ine %o3e+I He sa-s unto Hi#: Yea! "R'-#- 6o*d >[P> You ;now that 0 5=2?A>%o3e You [4> as a f*iend++>( [R+-He-[P> Yeshua+ sa-s unto hi#: [R> $he.he*d+& TendN[P> Peed+ "R> fo* e' - ewes-[PR> shee.+( )1:1@ >Again Yeshua&-[R> He+> sa-s unto hi# >[R> thi*d%-+-[P> the thi*d ti#e+>: $hi#,on ben-Yo1hanan-5son-[ERF+ of [A+-Yo1hanan-[P> Yonas&Yonah 5R+>! 5=2?A>-%o3e -ou e [4> as a f*iend+I K[P> And+ it g*ie3ed $hi#,on &[P> Befa+ that fo* th*ee ti#es Yeshua-[P> He+ said unto hi# K>thus&[P> 5=2?A>-%o3e -ou e+>( [P> And+ $hi#,on-[P> he+ sa-s unto Hi#: [P> - 6o*d+! A%% things You ;now-[P> unde*stand+: that 0 5=2?A>-%o3e You [4> as a f*iend+ You ;nowJ >And He&-[P> Yeshua+> said unto hi#: Tend& [P> Peed+ fo* e - [P+-shee.-[Ga> %a#bs+( K[R>(((I Befa was g*ie3ed that He said to hi# EaF thi*d Eti#eF! 8o -ou %o3e eI And he sa-s unto Hi#: 6o*d! You .e*1ei3e a%% things! You ;now that 0 %o3e -ouJ Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: Peed the %itt%e shee. of e(+ K[4>((( 8o -ou %o3e e as a f*iendI And he sa-s to Hi#: (((+ )1:1A A#aine [PR>3>a#aine+! 0 sa- [PR>unto -ou+: -4hen -ou we*e K-oung! -ou we*e gi*ding -ou* [P> own+ %oins and we*e wa%;ing whe*e >-ou wou%d[P> it .%eased -ou+>: and what Eti#eF -ou ha3e g*own o%d! -ou wi%% %ift u. -ou* hands! and anothe* wi%% gi*d fo* -ou -ou* %oins! and wi%% th*ust-[P> 1ondu1t+ -ou whe*e -ou wou%d not Ewish to goF( K[R>((( -ounge*! -ou gi*ded -ou*se%f! and -ou wa%;ed whe*e -ou desi*ed( /ut when -ou g*ow o%d! -ou wi%% st*et1h out -ou* hands! and anothe* wi%% gi*d -ou! and wi%% 1a**- -ou whe*e -ou desi*e not Eto goF(+ )1:1C Now-[R> And+ this He said [R> signif-ing+-of-[P> to show+ bwhat death >[R> he wou%d+-&$hi#,on shou%dN-[P> he was to+> g%o*ifE%ohi#& God( And >when He said these things&-[R> ha3ing said this+>! He >said unto&-[R> to%d+> $hi#,on-[PR> hi#+: >Co#e afte*&-[PR> fo%%ow+> e( )1:)G@ K[P> And+ $hi#,on tu*ned [P> hi#se%f+ "P> a*ound'! and saw that

Ta%#id who# Yeshua >used to %o3e&-[P> %o3ed+> 1o#ing afte* hi#! >hi# that&-[P> who+> fe%% on the b*east of Yeshua at the 5$ede*>-su..e*! and "P> had' said "P> unto Hi#': - 6o*d! who is EitF [P> EthatF wi%%+ bet*a-"ing 5P' YouI K[R> And tu*ning! Befa sees the Ta%#id who# Yeshua %o3ed fo%%owing Ethe#F! who a%so %eaned on His b*east at the su..e*-5$ede*>! and Eha3ingF said! - 6o*d! who is the EoneF bet*a-ing YouI+ )1:)1 KThis one when $hi#,on saw 1o#ing afte* hi#! he sa-s unto Hi#: And this one! #- 6o*d! what-I K[R> This one seeing! Befa sa-s unto Yeshua: 6o*d! and what EofF this oneI+ K[4> Then Befa seeing hi# sa-s to Yeshua: 6o*d! but what sha%% he doI+ K[P> Hi# Befa saw! and said unto Yeshua: - 6o*d! as fo* this #an! whatI+ )1:)) Yeshua sa-s unto hi#: 0f 0 wi%%-[R> desi*e+ "R'-that >[R> hi# to *e#ain+-&this one shou%d *e#ainN-[P> he abide he*e+> unti% 0 1o#e Eagain&ba1;F! what Eis itF to -ouI K>Now! 1o#e -ou afte*&-[PR> You fo%%ow+> e( KEThis .h*ase not in 4F )1:)2 >And this&-[R>The*efo*e the+> wo*d&sa-ing went fo*th [R>to+a#ong the [R> b*othe*s+-Ta%#idi#-[P> b*eth*en+ that [R+-that-[P> this+ Ta%#id [R> does+-was-[P> wou%d+ not "PR> to' die: but-[PR> -et+ KYeshua - not fo* that he was not to die said He EitF! but! -0f 0 wi%% that he shou%d *e#ain unti% 0 1o#e Eagain&ba1;FK[PR> (((Yeshua did not sa- [R> to hi#+ that he [R> does+wou%d not die: but! 0f 0 wi%%-[R> desi*e+ >that he abide he*e&-[R> hi# to *e#ain+> unti% 0 1o#e Eagain&ba1;F! what Eis thatF to -ou(+ )1:)< This is the Ta%#id Kthat [P> has+ >ba*e witness&-[P> testified+> of [P> a%%+ these things! and w*ote-[P> has w*itten+ the#: and we ;now that t*ue is his witness&testi#on-( K[R>((( witnessing 1on1e*ning these othe* things! w*iting these things! and we ;now that t*ue is the witness of hi#(+ )1:)= And [PR> the*e a*e a%so+ #an- othe* things [P>whi1h+[R>whate3e*+ Yeshua did: that! if >[R> sing%-+-&one b- oneN-[P> with .a*ti1u%a*it-+> the- we*e Ea%%F w*itten "R'-[P> out+! the wo*%d [PR> itse%f! as 0 su..ose+! Kwou%d not be suffi1ient >Eho%dF fo* the#&-[P> fo* the s1*o%%s that wou%d be w*itten+>( 5G1+ K[R>(((! E1ou%dF not 1ontain the s1*o%%s ha3ing been w*itten( A#aine(+ [P> Co#.%etion of the Ho%- Good-News! the announ1e#ent of Yo1hanan the E#issa*-: whi1h he utte*ed! in G*ee;! at E.hesus(+ K[$ubs1*i.tion in G1+:

He*e ends The Good-News of The e.ha**eshe&$e.a*ated Pou* 9o%u#es( G%o*- to E%ohi#&God! and to His essiah! and to His >Rua1h Bodesh&Ho%$.i*it>( E3e*- one that *eads! and hea*s! and ;ee.s! and does: .*afo* the sinne* that w*ote: E%ohi#&God in His #e*1-! fo*gi3e hi# his sins! in both wo*%ds( A#aine 3>a#aine(


essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! 7f: The $1*o%% of A1ts EPa*ts 1 R )F! And a%te*nate *eading f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The $1*o%% 7f A1ts: That is! Na**ati3es of the /%essed E#issa*ies: Co#.i%ed b- one-1onse1*ated - 6u;e! the Good-News-.*o1%ai#e*( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1@ The fo*#e* s1*o%% ha3e 0 w*itten! 7 Theo.hi%os! 1on1e*ning a%% the things whi1h "R> ou* 6o*d' Yeshua ashia1h& essiah began to do and tea1h! 1:) Snti% the da- when He was ta;en u.! afte* He had inst*u1ted Kthose E#issa*ies who# He had 1hosen "R> b- >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>(' K[R>((( th*ough Rua1h HaBodesh (((+ 1:2 To who# He a%so showed Hi#se%f a%i3e afte* He had suffe*ed! bnu#e*ous [R> un#ista;ab%e+ signs! du*ing fo*t- da-s! whi%e He was seen b- the#! and s.o;e [R> the things+ of the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( 1:< And Kwhen He had eaten b*ead with the#! He inst*u1ted the# not to de.a*t f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#! but to wait fo* the P*o#ise of the Pathe*! whi1h Esaid HeF -ou ha3e hea*d f*o# e( K[R>((( being asse#b%ed togethe* with the#! (((+ 1:= Po* Yo1hanan [R> t*u%-+ i##e*sed with wate*: but -ou wi%% be i##e*sed with the >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> afte* not #an- da-s( 1:? And the-! when asse#b%ed! as;ed Hi# and said to Hi#: "R'7u* 6o*d! wi%% You at this ti#e *esto*e the Bingdo# to 0s*ae%I 1:@ He said to the#: 0t is not -ou*s&[4> in -ou* .*o3in1e+! to ;now the ti#e&[R> seasons+ o* ti#es whi1h E%ohi#&God-[R> the Pathe*+ has .%a1ed in His own .owe*&[R> autho*it-+( 1:A /ut when the >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> sha%% 1o#e u.on -ou! -ou wi%% *e1ei3e [R> .owe*+&ene*g-N[4notes> d-na#ite+! and wi%% be Kwitnesses fo*&[R> to+ e in Ye*usha%a-i#! and in a%% Y>hudah! and a%so a#ong the $a#a*itans&5$ho#*on>! and unto the ends of the ea*th( K[A>((( - witnesses in (((+ 1:C And when He had said these things! whi%e the- behe%d "R'Hi#! He

was ta;en u.! and a 1%oud *e1ei3ed Hi#! and He was hidden f*o# thei* e-es( 1:1G And whi%e the- we*e %oo;ing [R> steadfast%-+ towa*d 5H>ea3en! as He de.a*ted&[R> went u.! beho%d+! two #en we*e found standing nea* the#! in white ga*#ents! 1:11 And sa-ing to the#: You haGa%i% #en! wh- stand -ou and %oo; towa*d 5H>ea3enI This Yeshua! who is ta;en u. f*o# -ou to 5H>ea3en! wi%% so 1o#e! as -ou ha3e seen Hi# as1end to 5H>ea3en( 1:1) And afte*wa*ds the- *etu*ned to Ye*usha%a-i# f*o# the ount 1a%%ed The P%a1e 7f 7%i3es! whi1h was nea* to Ye*usha%a-i#! and distant f*o# it >about se3en fu*%ongs&[R> a $habbat da->s Oou*ne-+>( 1:12 And when the- had ente*ed! the- went to an u..e* *oo#: whe*e [R> the-+ we*e [R> sta-ing:+ Befa! and Yo1hanan! and Ya,a;o3! and And*ew! and Phi%i.! and T>o#a! and attit-ahu! and /a*-Ta%#ai! and Ya,a;o3 5the-son-of>&/en-Cha%fai! and $hi#,on the-Hea%ot! and Y>hudah 5the-son-of>&/en-Ya,a;o3( 1:1< A%% these united%- .*ese*3ed in .*a-e* [R> and su..%i1ation+"A'! with one sou%&5#ind>! togethe* with the wo#en! and with i*-a# the #othe* of Yeshua! and with His b*othe*s( 1:1=@ And in those da-s stood u. $hi#,on Befa in the #idst of the Ta%#idi#&[A> b*eth*en+! Tthe .e*sons the*e asse#b%ed being about one hund*ed and twent-T! and said: 1:1? en! b*eth*en! it was *ight that the 4*iting shou%d be fi%%edfu%%&1o#.%eted! whi1h the >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> s.o;e! bthe #outh of 8a3id! 1on1e*ning Y>hudah who was guide to the# that a..*ehended Yeshua( 1:1@ Po* he was nu#be*ed with us! and had a .a*t&5%ot> in this #inist*ation( 1:1A KHe .u*1hased a fie%d with the wages of sin: and >he fe%% u.on his fa1e on the g*ound&[R> fa%%ing head%ong+>! and bu*st in the #idd%e! and a%% his ent*ai%s we*e .ou*ed out( K[R> This one! t*u%-! then! .u*1hased (((+ K[6a#saP> He is the one who ea*ned fo* hi#se%f a fie%d with the .*i1e of sin: (((+ 1:1C And this was ;nown to a%% that dwe%t at Ye*usha%a-i#: so that the fie%d was 1a%%ed! in >the %anguage of the 1ount*-&[R> thei* .*o.e* dia%e1t+>! Cha;a%-8>#a! Twhi1h is "R'-inte*.*eted Pie%d 7f /%oodT( 1:)G Po* it is w*itten in the $1*o%% of Tehi%%i#&5Psa%#s>: 6et his habitation be deso%ate! and %et no *esident be in it: and %et anothe* ta;e his se*3i1e&[R> 73e*see*-shi.+( 1:)1 0t shou%d the*efo*e be! that one of these .e*sons! who ha3e been with us a%% the ti#e that ou* 6o*d Yeshua went in and [R> went+ out

with&[R> a#ong+ us! 1:)) Co##en1ing f*o# the #i;3eh&i##e*sion of Yo1hanan! unto the da- He was ta;en&[R> *e1ei3ed+ u. f*o# us! - [R> one of these+ shou%d be! with us! a witness of His *esu**e1tion( 1:)2 And the- .*o.osed two - Yosef 1a%%ed /a*-$abba! whose su*na#e was Uustus! and attit-ahu( 1:)< And when the- had .*a-ed! the- said: You 6o*d&5Adonai>! ;now what is in the hea*ts of a%%! #anifest whi1h [R> one+ You ha3e 1hosen of these two! 1:)= That he shou%d ta;e .a*t&5%ot> in this #inist*ation and E#issa*-shi.! f*o# whi1h Y>hudah >b*o;e awa-&[R> bt*ansg*ession did fa%%+>! that he #ight go to his own&[R> .*o.e*+ .%a1e( 1:)? And the- 1ast [R> thei*+ %ots! and it 1a#e u.on attit-ahu: and he was nu#be*ed with the E%e3en E#issa*ies( CHAPTER ) ):1@ And when the da-"s 5R' of $ha3uot we*e fu%%- 1o#e! whi%e the- we*e a%% "A'-asse#b%ed&[R> with one a11o*d in one .%a1e+ "R'-togethe*! ):) $udden%- the*e was a sound f*o# Hea3en! as of a 3io%ent&[R> *ushing #ight-+ wind: and the who%e house whe*e the- we*e sitting was fi%%ed with it( ):2 And the*e a..ea*ed to the# Ktongues! whi1h we*e di3ided %i;e f%a#e& fi*e: and "R'-the- *ested u.on ea1h of the#( K[4>((( di3ided tongues! as of fi*e! and it sat u.on ea1h one of the#(+ ):< And the- we*e a%% fi%%ed with >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>! and began to s.ea; in di3e*se&[R> othe*+ %anguages! as the Rua1h&$.i*it ga3e the# to s.ea;( ):= Now the*e we*e *esident at Ye*usha%a-i# .e*sons&[R> de3out #en+ "R> who fea*ed E%ohi#&God'! - Y>hudi#&Uews f*o# a%% the nations unde* 5h>ea3en( ):? And when that sound o11u**ed! a%% the .eo.%e 1o%%e1ted togethe*: and the- we*e a%% 1onfounded! be1ause the- e3e*- one hea*d the# s.ea;ing in thei* own %anguages&[4> dia%e1t+( ):@ And the- we*e a%% astonished! and wonde*ed! sa-ing one to anothe*: A%% these who s.ea;! beho%d! a*e the- not the Ga%i%eansI ):A And how do we hea*! ea1h his own %anguage&[4> dia%e1t+! in whi1h we we*e bo*nI ):C Pa*thians! and edes! and E%a#ites! and those dwe%%ing >between the *i3e*s&[R> in eso.ota#ia+>! Uudeans and Ca..ado1ians! "R> and those f*o# the *egion of' Pontus and of Asia! ):1G "R> And those f*o# the *egion of' Ph*-gia [R> a%so+! and of Pa#.h-%ia! and of Eg-.t! and of the .a*ts of 6-bia! nea* C-*ene! and >those who ha3e 1o#e f*o#&[R> the st*ange*s of+> Ro#e! Enatu*a%

bo*nF Uews&Y>hudi# and .*ose%-tes Eof the gate "I'F: ):11 "R> And those f*o#' C*ete! and A*abians( - /eho%d! we hea* the# s.ea; in ou* own %anguages the wonde*s&[R> g*eat things+ of E%ohi#&God( ):1) And the- a%% wonde*ed and we*e astonished! sa-ing one to anothe*: >P*o# who# is this thing&[R> 4hat wou%d this wish to be+>I ):12 7the*s howe3e* *idi1u%ed the# sa-ing: The- ha3e d*un;en new&[4> fe*#ented+ wine! and a*e intoLi1ated( ):1< And afte*wa*ds $hi#,on Befa *ose u.! with the E%e3en E#issa*ies! and e%e3ated his 3oi1e! and said to the#: en! Efe%%owF Y>hudi#&Uews! and a%% -ou that dwe%% at Ye*usha%a-i#: be this ;nown to -ou! and hea*;en -ou to #- wo*ds( ):1= Po* these a*e not intoLi1ated! as -ou su..ose! - fo* beho%d! it is -et but the >thi*d hou*&5#idd%e of the fo*enoon>>( ):1? /ut this is what was s.o;en b- Yo>e% the P*o.het: ):1@ 0t sha%% be in the 6ast 8a-s! sa-s E%ohi#&God! that 0 wi%% .ou* - $.i*it&Rua1h u.on a%% f%esh! - and -ou* sons sha%% .*o.hes-! and -ou* daughte*s! - and -ou* -oung #en sha%% see 3isions! and -ou* >o%d #en&5E%de*s>> sha%% d*ea# d*ea#s( ):1A And u.on - se*3ants and - hand#aids wi%% 0 .ou* Rua1h&$.i*it! in those da-s! and the- sha%% .*o.hes-( ):1C And 0 wi%% gi3e signs&[R> wonde*s+ in [R> the+ 5h>ea3en [R> abo3e+! and signs on [R> the+ ea*th [R> beneath+! b%ood! and fi*e! and 3a.o* of s#o;e( ):)G And the sun sha%% be tu*ned into da*;ness! and the #oon into b%ood! befo*e the G*eat and Pea*fu%&[R> 0%%ust*ious+ 8a- of YH9H&The67R8 1o#e( ):)1 And it sha%% be! that whoe3e* wi%% 1a%% on the Na#e of YH9H&The67R8! sha%% %i3e&5be sa3ed>( ):))@ en! "R'-sons of 0s*ae%! hea* -ou these wo*ds! - Yeshua HaNatD*ati! a #an #ade #anifest&[R> a..*o3ed+ a#ong -ou bE%ohi#&God! b- >those deeds of .owe*>&-[R> #ight wo*;s! wonde*s!+ and signs! whi1h E%ohi#&God w*ought a#ong -ou "R> b- His 5ERightF> Hand'! as [R> a%so+ -ou -ou*se%3es ;now: ):)2 KHi#! - being he*eto [R> de%i3e*ed+Nse.a*ated&5a..ointed> b- the fo*e;now%edge and the >good .%easu*e&[R> dete*#ined 1ounse%+> of E%ohi# &God! - -ou Kha3e de%i3e*ed into the hands of the wi1;ed: and ha3e eLe1uted-on-the-.e*se1ution-sta;e&51*u1ified> and s%ain( K1[4> Hi# b- the dete*#inate 1ounse% and fo*e;now%edge of God! ha3ing been de%i3e*ed! -ou ha3ing nai%ed u.! s%ew th*ough the hand of %aw%ess #en:+ K)[R>(((( "A> ha3e ta;en' b- %aw%ess hands! (((+ ):)< /ut E%ohi#&God has *aised-u. Hi#! and has %oosed the 1o*ds&

[R> 5bi*th .angs>+ of >the g*a3e>&-[R> death+: be1ause it >1ou%d not be>&-[R> was not .ossib%e+ that He shou%d be he%d >in the g*a3e>&[R> b- it+( ):)= Po* 8a3id said of Hi#: 0 fo*esaw "R'-5#>- YH9H&67R8 at a%% ti#es [R> befo*e 5#>- fa1e+: fo* He is on 5#>- *ight hand! so that 0 sha%% not be #o3ed( ):)? The*efo*e 5#>- hea*t doth *eOoi1e! and 5#>- >g%o*- eLu%t& [R> tongue was g%ad+>! and a%so 5#>- bod- sha%% abide in ho.e( ):)@ Po* Thou wi%% not %ea3e 5 >- sou% in >the g*a3e& [R>$h>o%&5he%%>+>! no* wi%t Thou gi3e You* Ho%-&[a%tR> 5Bind>+ 7ne to see 1o**u.tion( ):)A Thou hast *e3ea%ed to 5#>e the .ath of %ife: Thou wi%t fi%% 5#>e with Oo-&[4> g%adness+ with Th- .*esen1e&[4> 1ountenan1e+( ):)C en! b*eth*en! K0 #a-&sha%% s.ea; to -ou eL.%i1it%-&[R> f*ee%-+ of the .at*ia*1h 8a3id! that&[4> be1ause+ he died! and a%so was bu*ied: and his se.u%1h*e is with us to this da-( K[4>(((! it is %awfu% to s.ea; to -ou with bo%dness 1on1e*ning(((+ ):2G Po* he was a P*o.het! and he ;new that E%ohi#&God had swo*n "4> to hi#' b- an oath! - [4> That+ of the f*uit of >th- bowe%s&[R> his %oins+>! K0 wi%% seat 57ne> on th- th*one( K[R>(((! a11o*ding to the f%esh! to *aise u. Ha ashia1h&Theessiah! to sit u.on his th*one(+ K[A>(((! He wou%d seat 7ne on his th*one(+ K[4>(((! 7ne shou%d sit u.on the th*one(+ ):21 And he fo*esaw! and s.o;e of the *esu**e1tion of essiah! that He& [R> His sou%+ was not %eft in >the g*a3e&[R> $h>o%+>! neithe* did His bod- see 1o**u.tion( ):2) This Yeshua has E%ohi#&God *aised-u.: and we a%% a*e "R'-His witnesses( ):22 And He it is! who is eLa%ted b- the Right Hand of E%ohi#&God! and has *e1ei3ed f*o# the Pathe* a&[R> the+ .*o#ise *es.e1ting&[R> of+ the >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>! and has sent&[R> shed fo*th+ this "R'-gift whi1h! beho%d! -ou see and hea*( ):2< Po* 8a3id has not as1ended into Hea3en: be1ause he hi#se%f said: YH9H&The-67R8 said to #--6o*d&Adonai! seat Th-se%f at - Right Hand! ):2= Snti% 0 >sha%% .%a1e&[R> #a;e+> Th- ene#ies a footstoo% to Thfeet( ):2? The*efo*e! %et a%% the House of 0s*ae% ;now! assu*ed%-! that E%ohi#&God has #ade [R> this+ Yeshua who# -ou hung-u.on-the.e*se1ution -sta;e&51*u1ified>! >to be&[R> both+> 6o*d and essiah( ):2@@ And when the- hea*d these things! the- we*e >t*oub%ed in& [R> 1ut to+> thei* hea*t: and the- said to $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ and to the *est of the E#issa*ies: [R> en and+ b*eth*en! what sha%% we doI ):2A $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ said to the#: Re.ent! and be i##e*sed e3e*- one

of -ou! in the Na#e of "R> the 6o*d' Yeshua [R> ashia1h& essiah+! fo* the fo*gi3eness of sins: so that -ou sha%% *e1ei3e the gift of >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>( ):2C Po* the .*o#ise is to -ou! and to -ou* 1hi%d*en! and to a%% those afa* off! who#&[R> as #an- as YH9H&The-67R8 ou*+ God&E%ohi# wi%% 1a%%( ):<G And in #an- othe* wo*ds he ea*nest%--attested to the#! and ent*eated&[R> eLho*ted+ of the#! sa-ing: >6i3e -ou&5/e sa3ed>> f*o# this .e*3e*se gene*ation( ):<1 And so#e of the# *eadi%- [R> g%ad%-+-"A' *e1ei3ed his dis1ou*se! and be%ie3ed! and we*e i##e*sed( And the*e we*e added! on that da-! about th*ee thousand sou%s( ):<) And the- .e*se3e*ed in the tea1hing of the E#issa*ies: and >we*e asso1iated togethe*&[R> Kthe fe%%owshi.! and+> in .*a-e*[s 5R+! and in b*ea;ing [R> of+ the b*ead( K[4>((( fe%%owshi. in the b*ea;ing of b*ead! and in .*a-e*s(+ ):<2 And fea* was on e3e*- sou%! - and #an- signs and wonde*s! we*e Ew*oughtF b- the hand of the E#issa*ies "R#> in Ye*usha%a-i#'! [#> and g*eat fea* was u.on a%%(+ ):<< And a%% the- who be%ie3ed! "#'-we*e togethe*: and whate3e* be%onged to the#! was of the Co##unit-( ):<= And the- who had a .ossession [R> and goods+! so%d it! and di3ided to ea1h one as he had need( ):<? And the- 1ontinued dai%- in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! with one sou%& [R> a11o*d+! - and at ho#e&[R> e3e*- house+! the- Kb*o;e b*ead! and too; food *eOoi1ing! and in the si#.%i1it- of thei* hea*t( K[4>((( *e1ei3ed thei* food with g%adness and .u*it- of hea*t(+ ):<@ And the- .*aised E%ohi#&God! and had fa3o* with&[4> unto+ a%% the .eo.%e( And ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d&5Adonai> added dai%- to >the Cong*egation>-&[#> thei* nu#be*+ those who be1a#e&[4> we*e being+ a%i3e &5sa3ed>( CHAPTER 2 2:1@ And it o11u**ed! as $hi#,on Befa and Yo1hanan went togethe* u. to the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! at the ti#e of E#in1hahF .*a-e*! being >the ninth hou*&52:GG .#>>! 2:) KThat! beho%d! those [R> dai%-+ a11usto#ed to b*ing a #an %a#e f*o# his #othe*>s wo#b! b*ought hi# and %aid hi# at the gate of the Te#.%e 1a%%ed - /eautifu%: that he #ight as; a%#s of those going into the Te#.%e E1ou*tF( K[4> And a 1e*tain #an! being %a#e f*o# his #othe*>s wo#b was habitua%%- 1a**ied! who# the- .%a1ed (((+ 2:2 This #an! when he saw $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ and Yo1hanan going into the Te#.%e E1ou*tF! as;ed the# to gi3e hi# a%#s(

2:< And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ and&[R> with+ Yo1hanan %oo;ed on hi#! and said to hi#: 6oo; [4> unto+Non&[R> at+ us( 2:= And he %oo;ed on the#! eL.e1ting to *e1ei3e so#ething f*o# the#( 2:? $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ said to hi#: Go%d and si%3e*! 0 ha3e not: but what 0 ha3e! 0 gi3e to -ou: in the Na#e of "R> ou* 6o*d' Yeshua ashia1h& essiah! HaNatD*ati! *ise u. and wa%;( 2:@ And he too; hi# b- the *ight hand! and *aised hi# u.! - and i##ediate%- Khis feet and his hee%s&[R> an;%es+ *e1o3e*ed st*ength( K[4>((( the botto#s of his feet and his an;%e-bones we*e st*engthened(+ 2:A And he s.*ang! stood u.! and wa%;ed! - and he ente*ed with the# into the Te#.%e E1ou*tF! wa%;ing! and! and .*aising E%ohi#& GodJ 2:C And a%% the .eo.%e saw hi#! as he wa%;ed and .*aised E%ohi#&God( 2:1G And the- ;new that he was the begge*! who sat "R'-dai%- and as;ed a%#s! at the gate 1a%%ed - /eautifu%( And the- we*e fi%%ed with wonde* &[4> astonish#ent+ and [4> de%ight+Nad#i*ation&[R> a#aDe#ent+ at what had o11u**ed&[R> ha..ened to hi#+( 2:11@ And as he&[R> the %a#e #an who was hea%ed+ he%d fast to $hi#,on& [R> Befa+ and Yo1hanan! a%% the .eo.%e ad#i*ing&[R> g*eat%a#aDed+ *an to the# at the Co%onnade&5Po*ti1o> 1a%%ed - $h%o#o>s( 2:1) And when $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ saw EitF! he answe*ed and said to the#: en! sons of 0s*ae%! wh- do -ou wonde* at thisI 7* wh- do -ou gaDe on us! as if b- ou* own .owe* o* autho*it-&[R> god%iness+ we had #ade this #an to wa%;I 2:12 The God of A3*aha# and [4> the God+ of YitD1ha; and [4> the God+ of Ya,a;o3! [4> and+ the God of ou* fathe*s! has g%o*ified His [4> Chi%d+N$on&[R> $e*3ant+ Yeshua: who# -ou de%i3e*ed u.! and denied in the .*esen1e of Pi%ate! when he >wou%d ha3e Oustified Hi# and&[R> he was dete*#ined to+> set Hi# f*ee( 2:1< /ut -ou denied the Ho%- and Uust 7ne! and de#anded that a #u*de*e* shou%d be *e%eased to -ou( 2:1= And that&[R> the+ P*in1e of 6ife -ou s%ew: and Hi# has E%ohi#&God *aised f*o# the dead! and a%% of us a*e >witnesses of it&5His witnesses>>( 2:1? KAnd b- the faith of His Na#e! He has st*engthened and 1u*ed this #an! who# -ou see and ;now: and faith in Hi# has gi3en the #an this soundness befo*e -ou a%%( K[R> And on the faith of His Na#e! this one who# -ou see and ha3e ;nown! His Na#e #ade st*ong! e3en the faith that EisF th*ough Hi#

did gi3e to hi# this .e*fe1t soundness(+ K[4> And th*ough the faith of His Na#e! His Na#e hath #ade sound this one who -ou see and ;now! and th*ough Hi# faith has gi3en unto hi# this soundness! in the .*esen1e of -ou a%%(+ 2:1@ And now! #- b*eth*en! 0 ;now that th*ough #isa..*ehensions&[R> igno*an1e+ -ou did this! as did a%so -ou* %eade*s( 2:1A And E%ohi#&God! a11o*ding as He had .*e3ious%- announ1ed b- the #outh of a%% the P*o.hets that Ha ashia1h&The- essiah wou%d suffe*! has in this #anne* fi%%ed-fu%%&1o#.%eted( 2:1C Re.ent! the*efo*e! and be tu*n-ba1;: that so -ou* sins #a- be b%otted out! and ti#es of K*est&[R> *ef*eshing+ #a- 1o#e to -ou f*o# befo*e the fa1e&[4> .*esen1e+ of the-6o*d&5Adonai>: K[4>((( sou%-*enewing (((+ 2:)G And He #a- send "R> to -ou Hi#'! who was K#ade *ead- fo* -ou! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&The- essiah! K[R>((( .*o1%ai#ed to -ou befo*e! (((+ K[A >((( o*dained fo* -ou befo*e! (((+ 2:)1 4ho# the Hea3ens #ust *etain&5*e1ei3e>! unti% the K1o#.%etion of the ti#es of those things! whi1h E%ohi#&God has s.o;en b- the #outh of [R> a%%+ His ho%- P*o.hets >[4> f*o# the beginning+Nof o%d&[R> f*o# the age+>( K[R>((( ti#es of *esto*ation&5*estitution> of a%% things! (((+ 2:)) Po* oshe [R> t*u%-+ said [R> to the fathe*s+: A P*o.het! %i;e #e! wi%% YH9H&The-67R8 *aise u. to -ou! f*o# a#ong -ou* b*eth*en: to Hi# hea*;en -ou! in a%% that&[R> things whate3e*+ He sha%% sa- to -ou( 2:)2 And it wi%% be! that e3e*- sou% who wi%% not hea*;en to that P*o.het! that sou% sha%% .e*ish&[R> be utte*%- dest*o-ed+ f*o# his& [R> the+ .eo.%e( 2:)< [R> Yea!+ and a%% the P*o.hets "R> that ha3e been'! f*o# $h#u>e% and those afte* hi#! Kha3e s.o;en and .*o1%ai#ed of these da-s( K[R>(((! as #an- as s.a;e! did a%so fo*ete%%-[ > .*o1%ai#+ of these da-s(+ 2:)= You a*e the 1hi%d*en of the P*o.hets and that&[4> of the+ Co3enant whi1h E%ohi#&God #ade with ou* fathe*s - when He said to A3*aha#! that in th- seed sha%% a%% the fa#i%ies of the ea*th be [4> t*u%-+ b%essed!2:)? KHe has fi*st estab%ished to -ou! - and E%ohi#&God has sent His $on to b%ess -ou! if -ou wi%% be tu*ned-ba1;! and *e.ent of -ou* wi1;edness( K[R> To -ou fi*st! E%ohi#&God! ha3ing *aised u. His Chi%d Yeshua! did send Hi#! b%essing -ou! in the tu*ning awa- of ea1h one f*o# -ou* e3i% wa-s(+ K[4> To -ou God! ha3ing fi*st *aised u. His $on! sent Hi# b%essing

-ou! in tu*ning ea1h one f*o# -ou* sins(+ CHAPTER < <:1@ And whi%e the- we*e s.ea;ing "R> these wo*ds' to the .eo.%e! the Cohani# and the TD>du;i# and the *u%e*"s 5R' of the Te#.%e *ose u. against the#: <:) /eing ang*- with the#! that the- taught the .eo.%e! and .*o1%ai#ed a&[R>the+ *esu**e1tion f*o# the dead Kb-&[R>in+ Ha ashia1h&Theessiah( K[4>((( th*ough Yeshua(+ <:2 And the- %aid hands on the#! and ;e.t the# unti% the neLt da-: be1ause e3ening was >d*awing nea*>&-[R> a%*ead-+( <:< And #an- who had hea*d the 4o*d! be%ie3ed: and the- we*e! in nu#be*! about fi3e thousand #en( <:= And [R> it 1a#e to .ass! on+ the neLt da-! the *u%e*s and the E%de*s and the $1*ibes asse#b%ed [RE4F> at-[4> in+ Ye*usha%a-i#+: <:? And a%so Anan the Cohen haGado%! and Ba-afa! and Yo1hanan! and A%eLande*! and the- who we*e of the fa#i%- of the Cohen haGado%"i#5R''( <:@ And when the- had set the# in the #idst! the- inte**ogated the# EthusF!- /- what .owe* o* what na#e! ha3e -ou done thisI <:A Then $hi#,on Befa was fi%%ed with >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%$.i*it>! and said to the#: You-"R' *u%e*s of the .eo.%e! and E%de*s of "R> the House' of 0s*ae%! "R> hea* -ou'( <:C 0f we a*e Oudged b- -ou this da-! *es.e1ting the good deed done to the infi*# #an! b- what #eans he was hea%ed: <:1G /e it ;nown to -ou! and to a%% the .eo.%e of 0s*ae%! that b- the Na#e of Yeshua ashia1h& essiah HaNatD*ati! who# -ou eLe1uted-on-the -sta;e&51*u1ified>! and who# E%ohi#&God has *aised f*o# the dead! beho%d! b- Hi#! does this E#anF stand he*e befo*e -ou *e1o3e*ed( <:11 This is the $tone! whi1h -e bui%de*s *eOe1ted: and 0t hath be1o#e the Head of the 1o*ne*( <:1) Neithe* is the*e de%i3e*an1e&[R> $a%3ation+ in an- othe*: fo* the*e is not anothe* Na#e unde* Hea3en! whi1h is gi3en to&[R> a#ong+ #en! whe*eb- to&[R> we #ust+ %i3e&5be $a3ed>( <:12 KAnd when the- hea*d the s.ee1h of $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ and Yo1hanan! "R> whi1h the- .*onoun1ed 1onfident%-'! the- *ef%e1ted that these we*e un%ea*ned and a#-ha>a*etD&[4> igno*ant+ #en: and the- we*e su*.*ised at the#! and *e1ogniDed the# as ha3ing been "R'-1on3e*sant with Yeshua( K[R> And beho%ding the o.enness (((+ <:1< And the- saw that the %a#e #an! who had been hea%ed! stood nea* the#: and the- 1ou%d sa- nothing >to 1onf*ont the#&[R> against it+>( <:1= Then the- 1o##anded to *e#o3e the# f*o# the .*esen1e of

the $anhed*in&[4> asse#b%-+: and said one to anothe*: <:1? 4hat sha%% we do to these #enI Po* beho%d! that a #anifest sign has been w*ought b- the#! is ;nown to a%% that dwe%% at Ye*usha%a-i#! and we 1annot den- it( <:1@ /ut that "R> the fa#e of' it s.*ead no fu*the* [R> towa*ds the .eo.%e+! %et us st*i1t%--fo*bid thei* s.ea;ing an- #o*e to an- #an in this na#e( <:1A And the- 1a%%ed the#! and 1o##anded the# not to s.ea; no* to tea1h at a%% in the Na#e of Yeshua( <:1C@ $hi#,on Befa and Yo1hanan answe*ed! and said to the#: 4hethe* it be *ight befo*e E%ohi#&God! that we hea*;en to -ou #o*e than to E%ohi#& God! Oudge -ou( <:)G Po* we 1annot but s.ea; that&[4> those things+ whi1h we ha3e seen and hea*d( <:)1 And the- th*eatened the#! and dis#issed the#( Po* thefound no g*ound&[R> wa-+ fo* .unishing the#! be1ause of the .eo.%e! - fo* e3e*one .*aised E%ohi#&God fo* what had been done: <:)) Po* the #an! on who# this sign of hea%ing had been w*ought! was >#o*e than fo*t- -ea*s o%d&[%itP> a son of #o*e than fo*t- -ea*s(+ <:)2 And when the- we*e dis#issed! the- went to thei* b*eth*en! and to%d the# a%% that the [R> %eading+ Cohani# and E%de*s has said [R> to the#+( <:)< And the-! when the- hea*d EitF! united%- %ifted u. thei* 3oi1e to E%ohi#&God! and said: Adonai! You a*e God! who has #ade Hea3en! and ea*th! and sea"s 54'! and e3e*- thing [4> whi1h a*e+ in the#( <:)= K"R> And it is You' who "R'-has said! b- "R> the >Rua1h HaBodesh& The Ho%- $.i*it> in' the #outh of [A> ou* fathe*+ 8a3id You* se*3ant: 4h- do the nations&5go-i#&genti%es> *age! and the .eo.%e i#agine a 3ain thingI K[4> The 7ne s.ea;ing th*ough the #outh of 8a3id! Th- 1hi%d! ou* fathe* th*ough Rua1h HaBodesh: (((+ <:)? The ;ings of the ea*th [R> stood u.+ and the *u%e*s >stood u.! and the- 1onsu%ted&[R> we*e gathe*ed+> togethe*! against YH9H&The67R8! and against His 5Anointed>& ashia1h& essiah( <:)@ Po*! in-*ea%it-&[R> t*u%-+! against You* Ho%- $on&[R> $e*3ant+N [4> Chi%d+ Yeshua who# You "R'-ha3e Anointed! He*od and [R> Pontius+ Pi%ate! with the go-i#&genti%es and the Cong*egation&[R> .eo.%e+ of 0s*ae%! ha3e been 1o#bined togethe* "R> in this Cit-'-[4+! <:)A To do whate3e* You* hand and You* .u*.ose .*e3ious%-

#a*;ed out to be done( <:)C And a%so now! Adonai! beho%d and see thei* th*eats! - and g*ant to You* se*3ants! that the- #a- .*o1%ai# You* 4o*d bo%d%-! <:2G K4hi%e You eLtend You* hand fo*&[4> unto+ Khea%ings [R> and signs+ and wonde*s! to be done in&[R> th*ough+ the Na#e of You* Ho%[4>Chi%d+ &$onN[R> $e*3ant+ Yeshua( K[R> 0n the st*et1hing fo*th of You* hand (((+ K[4>((( hea%ings! both #i*a1%es and wonde*s a*e w*ought th*ough the (((+ <:21 And when the- had .*a-ed "R> and #ade su..%i1ations'! the .%a1e in whi1h the- we*e asse#b%ed was sha;en: and the- we*e a%% fi%%ed with >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>! and Ks.o;e the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God bo%d%-( K[4>((( 1ontinued to s.ea; the 4o*d (((+ <:2)@ And in-[4> of+ the asse#b%-&[R> #u%titude+ of the .e*sons that be%ie3ed! the*e was one sou%! and one #ind&[R> hea*t+! - and no one of the# said! of the .*o.e*t- he .ossessed! that it was his own: but Kwhate3e* was thei*s! - it was the Co##unit->s( K[4>((( a%% things we*e 1o##on to the#(+ <:22 And with g*eat K.owe*! the E#issa*ies >testified to&[4> 1ontinued to gi3e witness+> the *esu**e1tion of [R4>the 6o*d+ Yeshua "R'ashia1h & essiah-[4+! - and g*eat g*a1e was with&[R> u.on+ the# a%%( KE4&notes 6it G*(: d-na#iteF <:2< And no one a#ong the# was destitute&[4> in need+: fo* those who .ossessed %ands o* houses! so%d! and b*ought the .*i1e of what was so%d! <:2= And >.%a1ed EitF&[4> %a-ing the#+> at the feet of the E#issa*ies: and dist*ibution was #ade to e3e*- one! as he&5Ethe-F> had need( <:2? And Yosef&[R> Yosi+! who b- the E#issa*ies was su*na#ed /a*-Nabba! Twhi1h is inte*.*eted son-of-En1ou*age#entT! a 6>3i of "R> the 1ount*of' C-.*us [R> b- bi*th+&[4> b- *a1e+! <:2@ Had a fie%d&[4> fa*#+! - and he so%d it! and b*ought the .*i1e of it! and %aid EitF befo*e the feet of the E#issa*ies( CHAPTER = =:1@ And a 1e*tain #an whose na#e was Chanan-ah! with his wife whose na#e was $ha..i*ah! so%d >his fie%d&[R> a .ossession+>! =:) And 1a**ied awa- E.a*tF of the .*i1e and 1on1ea%ed it! his wife 1onsenting&[4> ;nowing it a%ong with hi#+: and he b*ought Ea .a*tF of the #one-! and %aid EitF befo*e the feet of the E#issa*ies( =:2 And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ said to hi#: Chanan-ah! wh- as ha$atan so fi%%ed -ou* hea*t! that -ou shou%d %ie against&[R> to+ >Rua1h HaBodesh&

The Ho%- $.i*it>! and K1on1ea% of the #one- of the .*i1e of the fie%dI K[4>((( ;ee. ba1; a .a*t f*o# the .*i1e of the %andI+ =:< 4as it not -ou* own befo*e it was so%dI And when so%d! again! -ou had autho*it- o3e* the .*i1e of it( 4h- ha3e -ou set -ou* hea*t to do this .u*.oseI You ha3e not %ied against&[R> to+ #en! but against& [R> to+ E%ohi#&GodJ =:= And when Chanan-ah hea*d these wo*ds! he fe%% down and died&[4> b*eathed out his sou%+( And g*eat fea* was u.on a%% the# that hea*d Eof itF( =:? And the -oung #en a#ong the# a*ose! and gathe*ed&[R> w*a..ed+ hi# u.! and 1a**ied Ehi#F out! and bu*ied hi#( =:@ And when th*ee hou*s had .assed! his wife a%so 1a#e in! without ;nowing what had o11u**ed( =:A $hi#,on said to he*: Te%% #e! if -ou so%d the fie%d fo* this .*i1eI And she said: Yes! fo* this .*i1e( =:C $hi#,on said to he*: K$in1e -ou ha3e been eMua%s in the te#.ting the Rua1h&$.i*it of The-67R8&YH9H&Adonai! beho%d! the feet of the bu*ie*s of -ou* husband a*e at the doo*! and the- wi%% 1a**- -ou out( K[R>(((: How was it ag*eed b- -ou! to te#.t the (((+ K[4>(((: 4h- has it been ag*eed with -ou to te#.t the (((+ =:1G And i##ediate%- she fe%% befo*e thei*&[R> his+ feet! and died& [4> b*eathed out he* sou%+( And those -oung #en 1a#e in! and found he* dead: and the- too; u.! 1a**ied fo*th! and bu*ied he* b- the side of he* husband( =:11 And g*eat fea* was on a%% the Cong*egation! [R> and+ on a%% of the# that hea*d EitF&[4> these things+( =:1)@ And the*e we*e #an- signs and wonde*s w*ought b- the [R> hands of the+ E#issa*ies a#ong the .eo.%e( And the- we*e a%% >[R> with one a11o*d+&asse#b%ed togethe*> in the Co%onnade&[4> Po*1h+ of $h%o#o( =:12 And of the othe*s! no one 3entu*ed&[R> da*ed+ to >1o#e nea*& [R> Ooin+> the#: but the .eo.%e [R> high%-+ #agnified the#( =:1< And the #o*e we*e those&[R> be%ie3e*s+ added >who fea*ed& [R> to+> the 6o*d! a #u%titude both of #en and of wo#en( =:1= $o that the- b*ought out into the st*eets the si1;! %aid on beds [R> and #ats+! Kthat when $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ shou%d .ass! at %east his shadow #ight 1o3e* the#( K[4>(((! in o*de* that the shadow of Befa .assing a%ong #ight 1ast a shadow on so#e of the#(+ =:1? And #an- 1a#e to the# f*o# othe* 1ities a*ound [R> to+ Ye*usha%a-i#! b*inging the si1; and those >who had&[R> to*#ented b-+> un1%ean s.i*its: and the- we*e a%% hea%ed( =:1@ And [R> ha3ing *isen+! the Cohen haGado% was fi%%ed with indignation! and a%% those with hi#! who we*e of the .a*t- of the

TD>du;i#( =:1A And the- %aid hands on the E#issa*ies! and too; and bound the# in [4> the .ub%i1+ .*ison( =:1C Then the&[R> an+ ange% of YH9H&Adonai! b- night! o.ened the doo* of the .*ison! and %et the# out: and said to the#: =:)G Go! stand in the Te#.%e E1ou*tF! and s.ea; to the .eo.%e a%% these &[4> the+ wo*ds of [R4> this+ %ife( =:)1 And K[R> ea*%-+ in the #o*ning! the- went and ente*ed into the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! and taught( And the Cohen haGado% and those with hi#! [R> 1a#e and+ 1on3ened >thei* asso1iates&[R> the $anhed*in+> and the E%de*s of [R> the 1hi%d*en of+ 0s*ae%! and sent to the .*ison to b*ing fo*th >the E#issa*ies&[R> the#+>( K[4>((( hea*ing! the- 1a#e into the Te#.%e Ea*eaF at da-dawn! (((+ =:)) And when >those sent b- the#>&-[R> the offi1e*s+ went! thefound the# not in the .*ison: and the- *etu*ned and >1a#e ba1;>& [R>*e.o*ted+! =:)2 And said: 4e found the .*ison 1a*efu%%- 1%osed! and a%so the gua*ds standing [R> outside+-"A ' befo*e the doo*s: and we o.ened! but found no one the*eJ =:)< And when [R> the Cohen haGado%!+-"A' the head Cohani#! and *u%e*s& [R> the 1a.tain+ of the Te#.%e [R> gua*d+ hea*d these wo*ds! thewe*e astonished at the#: and the- studied what this 1ou%d #ean( =:)= And one 1a#e and info*#ed the# [R> sa-ing+-"A ': Those #en! who# -ou shut u. in the .*ison! beho%d! the- a*e standing in the Te#.%e E1ou*tF! and tea1hing the .eo.%eJ =:)? Then went the *u%e*s&[R> Ca.tain+ with attendants&[R> offi1e*s+! to b*ing the# without 3io%en1e: fo* the- fea*ed! %est the .eo.%e shou%d stone the#( =:)@ And when the- had b*ought the#! the- .%a1ed the# befo*e the >who%e -"4'> $anhed*in: and the Cohen haGado% began to sa- to the#: =:)A 8id we not st*i1t%- 1ha*ge -ou! to tea1h >to no .e*son&[R> not+> in this na#eI And beho%d! -ou ha3e fi%%ed Ye*usha%a-i# with -ou* tea1hing: and -ou wou%d b*ing the b%ood of this #an u.on usJ =:)C@ And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+! with the E#issa*ies! answe*ed and said to the#: God&E%ohi# is [R> ne1essa*-+ to be obe-ed! *athe* than #en( =:2G The God of ou* fathe*s has *aised u. that Yeshua! who# -ou s%ew when -ou hanged Hi# on >a t*ee&[4> the wood+>( =:21 KHi# has E%ohi#&God estab%ished as a P*in1e and $a3iou*: and has eLa%ted Hi# to His own Right Hand! so that He #ight gi3e doingt>shu3ah and fo*gi3eness of sins to 0s*ae%( K[RE4F> This 7ne E%ohi#! ((( ! has eLa%ted with-[4>at+ His

[4>own+ Right Hand! to gi3e 5*e.entan1e> (((+ =:2) And we a*e the&[R> His+ witnesses [#> of&in Hi#+ of these thing& 5wo*ds>: and a%so >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>! who# E%ohi#&God gi3es to the# that >be%ie3e in&[R> obe-+> Hi#( =:22 And when the- hea*d these things! the- bu*ned with indignation! and thought of .utting the# to death( =:2< Then *ose one of the [R> $anhed*in! a+ P>*ushi#&[R> Pa*ush+ whose na#e was Ga#%i>e%! a tea1he* of the To*ah! and hono*ed b- a%% the .eo.%e: and he di*e1ted the# to .ut the E#issa*ies aside fo* a sho*t ti#e( =:2= And he said to the#: en! "R'-sons of 0s*ae%! ta;e heed to -ou*se%3es! and 1onside* what -ou ought to do in *ega*d to these #en( =:2? Po* befo*e this ti#e! *ose u. Todah! and said of hi#se%f! that he was so#e g*eat one: and the*e went afte* hi# about fou* hund*ed #en( And he was s%ain: and the- who went afte* hi#! we*e dis.e*sed and be1a#e as nothing( =:2@ And afte* hi#! *ose u. Y>hudah a Ga%i%ean! in the da-s when the .eo.%e we*e en*o%%ed "R#> fo* the 1a.itation-taL': and he sedu1ed #u1h .eo.%e afte* hi#( And he died! and a%% the- that went afte* hi# we*e dis.e*sed( =:2A And now! 0 sa- to -ou: 8esist f*o# these #en! and %et the# a%one( Po* if this de3i1e and this wo*; o*iginate&5be> f*o# #en! the-&[R> it+ wi%% "R> disso%3e and' 1o#e to nothing( =:2C /ut if it be f*o# E%ohi#&God! it >is not in -ou* .owe*>&-[%itP> 51o#e not to -ou* hand>+ to f*ust*ate it! - that -ou #a- not be found .%a1ing -ou*se%3es in o..osition to E%ohi#&God( =:<G And the- assented to hi#( And the- 1a%%ed the E#issa*ies! and s1ou*ged the#! and 1o##anded the# not to tea1h in the Na#e of Yeshua! and dis#issed the#( =:<1 KAnd the- went f*o# befo*e the#! *eOoi1ing [4> indeed+ that thewe*e wo*th- to suffe* >abuse on a11ount of that&[REA F> dishono* fo* [A > the+-His+> Na#e [ > of Yeshua+( K[4> Then the- de.a*ted f*o# the fa1e of the $anhed*i#! (((+ =:<) KAnd the- 1eased not to tea1h dai%-! in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF and at [R> e3e*-+ ho#e! and to .*o1%ai# >1on1e*ning ou* 6o*d&[R> the GoodNews+> - Yeshua ashia1h& essiah( K[4> And a%% da- in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! and f*o# house to house! the- 1eased not tea1hing and (((+ CHAPTER ? ?:1@ And in those da-s! when the Ta%#idi# had be1o#e

nu#e*ous! the G*ee;-s.ea;ing&51?@=> EUewishF "R'-Ta%#idi# #u*#u*ed against the Heb*ew Es.ea;ingF! be1ause thei* widows we*e neg%e1ted in the dai%#inist*ation Eto the need-F( ?:) And the Twe%3e E#issa*ies 1on3ened the who%e of the Ta%#idi#! and said to the#: 0t is not .*o.e*! that we shou%d neg%e1t the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God! and se*3e tab%es( ?:2 The*efo*e b*eth*en! sea*1h out! and e%e1t f*o# a#ong -ou! se3en #en of who# the*e is a good witness! #en fu%% of the Rua1h&$.i*it[R> Rua1h-HaBodesh&Ho%--$.i*it+ "R> of YH9H&The-6o*d'! and of wisdo#: that we #a- .%a1e the# o3e* this business! ?:< And we wi%% >1ontinue in&[4> gi3e ou* attention to+> .*a-e*! and in the #inist*ation of the 4o*d( ?:= And this wo*d was befo*e a%% the .eo.%e( And thee%e1ted $te.hen! a #an who was fu%% of faith and of >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>: and Phi%i.! and P*o1ho*os! and Ni;ano*! and Ti#on! and Pa*#enas! and Ni1ho%as an Antio1hian .*ose%-te( ?:? These [R4> the-+ stood-[4> .%a1ed+ befo*e the E#issa*ies: and when the- had .*a-ed! the- %aid the hand on the#( ?:@ And the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God in1*eased! and the nu#be* of Ta%#idi# was en%a*ged at Ye*usha%a-i# g*eat%-: and K#an- .eo.%e f*o# a#ong the Y>hudi#&Uews-[R> Cohani#&P*iests+! we*e obedient to the faith( K[4>((( a g*eat #u%titude of the Cohani# we*e obedient (((+ ?:A And $te.hen was fu%% of [A4+-g*a1e&[R> faith+ and .owe*: and he w*ought [R> g*eat+ signs&[4> #i*a1%es+ and wonde*s a#ong the .eo.%e( ?:C And the*e *ose u. so#e of the s-nagogue[s 54+! whi1h is 1a%%ed that of the f*ee->#en&5Es%a3esF>>! - C-*enians! and A%eLand*ians! and .e*sons f*o# Ci%i1ia! and f*o# Asia: and the- dis.uted with $te.hen( ?:1G And the- 1ou%d not withstand the wisdo# and the Rua1h&$.i*it Kthat &who s.o;e b- hi#( K[4>((( with whi1h he was s.ea;ing(+ ?:11 KThen the- [R> se1*et%-+ sent #en! and inst*u1ted the# to sa-: 4e ha3e hea*d hi# s.ea; wo*ds of b%as.he#-! against oshe and against E%ohi#&God( K[4> Then the- b*ibed #en! sa-ing! that we ha3e hea*d hi# (((+ ?:1) And the- eL1ited the .eo.%e! and the E%de*s! and the $1*ibes: and the- 1a#e! and *ose u.on hi#! and seiDed hi#! and K1a**ied hi# into the #idst of the $anhed*in( K[4>((( %ed hi# into the 1oun1i%(+ ?:12@ And the- set u. fa%se witnesses! who said: This #an 1eases not to utte* [R> b%as.he#ous+-"A' wo*ds 1ont*a*- to the To*ah! and against

this ho%--.%a1e( ?:1< Po* we ha3e hea*d hi# sa-! - that this Yeshua HaNatD*ati wi%% dest*o- this .%a1e! and wi%% 1hange the 1usto#s whi1h oshe de%i3e*ed to -ou&[R4> us+( ?:1= And a%% the- who we*e sitting in the $anhed*in %oo;ed&[4> ha3ing fiLed thei* e-es+ u.on hi#! >and the- behe%d&[4> saw+> his fa1e! as the fa1e of an ange%( CHAPTER @ @:1 And the Cohen haGado% as;ed hi#: A*e these things soI @:) And he said: en! b*eth*en! and "R'-ou* fathe*s! hea* -ou( The God of G%o*- a..ea*ed to ou*-fathe*&a3inu A3*aha#! when he was >between the *i3e*s&[R> in eso.ota#ia+>! befo*e he 1a#e to *eside in Cha*an: @:2 And He said to hi#: 8e.a*t f*o# th- 1ount*-! and f*o# th;ind*ed! and go to a %and whi1h 0 wi%% show thee( @:< And then A3*aha# de.a*ted f*o# the %and of the Cha%deans! and 1a#e and dwe%t in Cha*an( And f*o# the*e! afte* his fathe* had died! E%ohi# &God-[R> He+ *e#o3ed hi# to his 6and! in whi1h -ou this da- dwe%%( @:= And He did not gi3e hi# an inhe*itan1e in it! not e3en a footste.! - but He .*o#ised that He wou%d gi3e it hi#! as an inhe*itan1e&[R> .ossession+ to hi# and to his seed [4> afte* hi#+! when as -et he had no son&[4> 1hi%d+( @:? And E%ohi#&God 1on3e*sed with hi#! and said to hi#: Th- seed wi%% be a soOou*ne* in a fo*eign %and: and the- wi%% *edu1e it to se*3itude! and wi%% t*eat it i%%! du*ing fou* hund*ed -ea*s( @:@ And the nation! to who# the- .e*fo*# bond-se*3i1e! 0 wi%% Oudge! saith E%ohi#&God( And afte*wa*ds! the- wi%% go out! and wi%% wo*shi.& [R> se*3e+ e in this 6and&[R> .%a1e+( @:A And He ga3e the# />*it-#i%ah&5the Co3enant of 1i*1u#1ision>( And then he begat YitD1ha;! and Edid theF />*it-#i%ah EonF hi# the eighth da-( And YitD1ha; begat Ya,a;o3! and Ya,a;o3 begat ou* Twe%3e Pat*ia*1hs( @:C And those ou* Pat*ia*1hs en3ied Yosef! and so%d hi# into Eg-.t& 5 iD*a-i#>! - but E%ohi#&God was with hi#! @:1G And de%i3e*ed hi# f*o# a%% his aff%i1tions: and ga3e hi# fa3o* and wisdo# befo*e Pha*aoh! ;ing of Eg-.t! and he #ade hi# ChiefAd#inist*ato* o3e* Eg-.t! and o3e* a%% his house( @:11@ And the*e was a fa#ine and g*eat dist*ess in a%% Eg-.t! and in the %and of Cana,an! and ou* fathe*s %a1;ed food( @:1) And when Ya,a;o3 hea*d that the*e was b*ead-g*ain in Eg-.t! he sent ou* fathe*s a fi*st ti#e( @:12 And when the- went the se1ond ti#e! Yosef #ade hi#se%f ;nown to

his b*eth*en: and the ;ind*ed of Yosef was ;nown to Pha*aoh( @:1< And Yosef sent and b*ought his fathe* Ya,a;o3! and a%% his fa#i%-: and the- we*e in nu#be* se3ent- and fi3e sou%s( @:1= And Ya,a;o3 went down into Eg-.t: and he died the*e! he and ou* fathe*s( @:1? And he&[R> the-+ was t*ans.o*ted to $h>;he#! and was de.osited in the se.u%1h*e whi1h A3*aha# bought with #one- of the sons of Cha#o* [EVFR> the Efathe*F of $h>;he#+( @:1@ And when the ti#e a**i3ed fo* that whi1h E%ohi#&God had .*o#ised to A3*aha# with an oath! the .eo.%e had #u%ti.%ied and >be1o#e st*ong& [R> in1*eased+>! in Eg-.t! @:1A Snti% the*e a*ose anothe* ;ing "R> o3e* Eg-.t'-[4+! who ;new not Yosef( @:1C And he dea%t 1*afti%- with ou* ;ind*ed! and i%%-t*eated ou* fathe*s! and ga3e o*de*s that thei* infants shou%d be >set awa-&[R> eL.osed+>! and shou%d not %i3e( @:)G At that ti#e was oshe bo*n: and he was 3e*- %o3e%- to E%ohi#&God! - and he was nu*sed th*ee #onths in his fathe*>s house( @:)1 And when he was set out "R> b- his .eo.%e'! the daughte* of Pha*aoh found&[R> too; u.+ hi#! and b*ought hi# u. fo* he* own son( @:)) And oshe was inst*u1ted in a%% the wisdo# of the Eg-.tians: and he was #ight- in his wo*ds! and a%so in his deeds( @:)2 And when he was fo*t- -ea*s o%d! it 1a#e into his hea*t to 3isit his b*eth*en! the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae%( @:)< And he saw one of the sons of his ;ind*ed t*eated with 3io%en1e: and he [R> defended+&a3enged hi#! and did hi# [R> who was o..*essed+ Ousti1e! and ;i%%ed the Eg-.tian who "R> had abused hi#'( @:)= And he su..osed that his b*eth*en "R> the sons of 0s*ae%' wou%d ha3e unde*stood! that b- his hand E%ohi#&God wou%d gi3e the# de%i3e*an1e: but the- unde*stood not( @:)? And on anothe* da-! he a..ea*ed to the#! as the- we*e Mua**e%%ing "R> one with anothe*'( And he eLho*ted the# to be1o#e *e1on1i%ed! sa-ing: en! -e a*e b*eth*en: wh- do -e see; to ha*# ea1h othe*I @:)@ /ut he who did the w*ong to his neighbo*! .ushed hi# f*o# hi#! and said to hi#: 4ho set thee a *u%e* and a Oudge o3e* usI @:)A 8ost thou see; to ;i%% #e! as thou ;i%%ed the Eg-.tian -este*da-I @:)C And oshe f%ed at that s.ee1h! and be1a#e a soOou*ne* in the %and of id-an( And&[R> whe*e+ he had two sons( @:2G@ And when fo*t- -ea*s >had been .assed b- hi#&[%itP> 5we*e fu%% to hi#>+> the*e! The Ange% "A4> of the YH9H&The-67R8' a..ea*ed to hi# in the wi%de*ness of ount $inai! in a [RE4F> [4> the+ f%a#e of+ fi*e "R4>

that bu*ned' >in a&[4> of the b*a#b%e+> bush( @:21 And when oshe sa- EitF! he #a*3e%ed-at the sight! - and as he d*ew nea* to beho%d! [R> the*e 1a#e EtheF 9oi1e of+ YH9H&The67R8 [R> 5ERF>+ said-"R' to hi#! "R'-audib%-&[%itP> in a 9oi1e+: - Esa-ing:F @:2) 0 A# the God of th- fathe*s! the God of A3*aha#! and [R> the God+ of YitD1ha;! and [R> the God+ of Ya,a;o3( And oshe t*e#b%ed! and da*ed not to >gaDe at the sight&[R> beho%d+N[4> in3estigate+>( @:22 And YH9H&The-67R8 said to hi#: 6oose th- sanda%s f*o# thfeet: fo* the g*ound&[R> .%a1e+ on whi1h thou stand is ho%- [R> g*ound+( @:2< 0 >ha3e attenti3e%- seen&[%itPR> 0 seeing ha3e seen+> the aff%i1tion of - .eo.%e! who a*e in Eg-.t: and 0 ha3e hea*d thei* g*oans! and ha3e 1o#e down to de%i3e* the#( And now! 1o#e! 0 wi%% send thee to Eg-.t( @:2= This oshe! who# the- *eOe1ted! sa-ing! - 4ho set thee a *u%e* and Oudge "R> o3e* us'I - This sa#e did E%ohi#&God! b- the hand of the&[4> an+ Ange% that a..ea*ed to hi# in the&[4> a+ bush! - send to the# to be thei*&[R> a+ *u%e* and a de%i3e*e*( @:2? He is was that b*ought the# out! wo*;ing signs and wonde*s "R> and .*odigies' in the %and of Eg-.t! and at&[R> in+ the [R> Red+ $ea "R> of Rushes'! and in the wi%de*ness! fo*t- -ea*s( @:2@@ This oshe is the #an who said to the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae%: A P*o.het! %i;e #e! wi%% YH9H&The-67R8 [R> -ou*+ E%ohi#&God *aise u. to -ou f*o# a#ong -ou* b*eth*en: "A > to Hi# gi3e ea*'( @:2A He it was! who was in the KCong*egation in the wi%de*ness! with The-Ange% Kthat 1on3e*sed with hi#! and with ou* fathe*s at ount $inai: and he it was! *e1ei3ed the %i3ing 4o*ds&[R> 7*a1%es+ to gi3e to us( K15$-nagogue>-E$EE: E3(da- e.h(!3o%(ii(!..()@<!)@= &P*of( /u*;ittF K[4>((( s.ea;ing to hi# in ount $inai! and with ou* fathe*s: who *e1ei3ed the %i3ing (((+ @:2C And ou* fathe*s wou%d not %isten&[R> obe-+ to hi#! but *eOe1ted hi#! and in thei* hea*ts *etu*ned again to Eg-.t: @:<G And the- said to Aha*on: a;e fo* us gods who #a- go befo*e us: be1ause! as fo* this oshe who b*ought us f*o# the %and of Eg-.t! we ;now not what hath be1o#e of hi#( @:<1 And he&[R> the-+ #ade the# a 1a%f in those da-s: and theoffe*ed sa1*ifi1es to [R> the+ ido%"s 5R'! and we*e 3o%u.tuous&[R> *eOoi1ing+ with the wo*; of thei* hands( @:<) And E%ohi#&God tu*ned "R'-awa-! and ga3e the# u. to wo*shi. the >hosts of hea3en&[ERF> 5the sta*s>+>! - as it is 4*itten in the $1*o%%

of the 5P*o.hets>&Ne3i>i#: K8id -e! fo* fo*t- -ea*s in the wi%de*ness! offe* to e a s%ain ani#a%[s 5R+ >o* a&[R> and+> sa1*ifi1e[s 5R+! >-e sons&[R> 7 house+> of 0s*ae%I K[4>(((: $%ain 3i1ti#s and sa1*ifi1es -ou ha3e not b*ought unto e fo*t- (((+ @:<2 /ut -e bo*e the tent of o%e;h! and the sta* of the&[R> -ou*+ god Reifan! i#ages whi1h -ou had #ade! that -e #ight bow down to the#( 0 wi%% >t*ans.o*t -ou&[R> *e#o3e -ou* dwe%%ing+> be-ond /ab-%on( @:<<@ /eho%d! the Tabe*na1%e of >the 4itness>&-[4> Testi#on-+ of& [R> was a#ong+ the&[R> ou*+ fathe*s! "R'-was in the wi%de*ness: as He&[4> the 7ne+ who ta%;ed with oshe! 1o##anded to #a;e it afte* the fo*# whi1h >He showed hi#>&-[R4> he had seen+( @:<= KAnd this sa#e Tabe*na1%e! ou* fathe*s! with Yehoshua! a1tua%%b*ought into the 6and with E%ohi#&God ga3e to the# fo* an inhe*itan1e f*o# those nations&go-i# whi1h He d*o3e ou* befo*e the#: and it was bo*ne about! unti% the da-s of 8a3id( K[R> 4hi1h a%so ou* fathe*s ha3ing in su11ession *e1ei3ed! did b*ing in with Yehoshua! into the .ossession of the go-i#&genti%es& nations! who# E%ohi# did d*i3e out f*o# the .*esen1e of ou* fathe*s! unti% (((+ K[4> 4hi1h ou* fathe*s *e1ei3ing! b*ought in a%ong with Yehoshua in the dis.ossession of the nations&5go-i#>! (((+ @:<? He found fa3o* befo*e E%ohi#&God: and he *eMuested! that he #ight find a Residen1e&[R> Tabe*na1%e+ fo* the God&[#> House+ of Ya,a;o3( @:<@ /ut $h%o#o bui%t [4> fo*+ [R4> Hi#+ the&[R4> a+ House( @:<A Yet HaE%-on&5The ost High> K%i3es not in [R> san1tua*ies+ a wo*; of Ehu#anF hands: as sa-s the P*o.het: K[4>((( dwe%%eth not in houses bui%t with hands! as (((+ @:<C Hea3en is - th*one! and ea*th the footstoo% unde*-[4> of+ feet( 4hat Kis the house! -e wi%% bui%d fo* eI $aith YH9H&The67R8! - o* what is&[4> sha%% be+ the .%a1e of - *estI K[4>((( house wi%% -ou bui%d fo* eI (((+ @:=G /eho%d-"4'! hath not - hand #ade a%% these thingsI @:=1 7 -e stiff of ne1;! an un1i*1u#1ised in thei* hea*t! and in thei* hea*ing&[R> ea*s+J Ye do a%wa-s >set -ou*se%3es against&[R> *esist+> the >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>: as -ou* fathe*s! so a%so -ou( @:=) Po*-"4'! whi1h [4> one+ of the P*o.hets did not -ou* fathe*s .e*se1ute: Kand ;i%% the#! who fo*eto%d the 1o#ing of The TDaddi;& 5Righteous 7ne>! K[R> of+ who# -ou >de%i3e*ed u. and s%ew&[R> now ha3e be1o#e the bet*a-e*s and #u*de*e*s+>! K[4>(((:&I and the- s%ew those .*o1%ai#ing 1on1e*ning the (((+ K[4>(((! whose dest*o-e*s and #u*de*e*s -ou be1a#e! (((+ @:=2 And -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed the To*ah b- the [R> a**ange#ent+No*dination

&[P> 5.*e1e.t>+N[4> ad#inist*ations+ of ange%s! and ha3e not ;e.t it( @:=<@ And when the- hea*d these things! the- we*e Kfi%%ed with *age in thei* sou%s: and the- gnashed thei* teeth at hi#( K[RE4F>((( 1ut to-[4> th*ough+ thei* hea*ts: (((+ @:== And he! as he was fu%% "R> of faith and' of >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>! %oo;ed [4> u.+ [R> steadfast%-+ towa*ds [R> the+ Hea3en! and saw the G%o*- of E%ohi#&God! and Yeshua standing on the Right Hand of E%ohi#&God( @:=? And He said: /eho%d! 0 see [R> the+ Hea3en[s 5R+ o.en! and the $on of #an standing on the Right Hand of E%ohi#&God( @:=@ And the- 1*ied out with a %oud 3oi1e! and sto..ed thei* ea*s! and a%%&[R> with one a11o*d+ *ushed u.on hi#( @:=A And the- seiDed&[R> 1ast+ hi# "R> and hu**ied hi#' out of the 1it-! and stoned hi#( And >the- who testified against hi#&[R> the Efa%seF witnesses+>! %aid thei* ga*#ents at the feet of a "R'-1e*tain -oung #an who was 1a%%ed $ha>u%( @:=C And the- stoned&[4> 1ontinued to stone+ $te.hen! Kwhi%e he .*a-ed &[R> was 1a%%ing+ and said: "R'-7u* 6o*d Yeshua! *e1ei3e #- s.i*it( K[4>(((! E$te.henF 1a%%ing u.on the 6o*d! and sa-ing! 6o*d (((+ @:?G And when he had ;nee%ed down! he 1*ied with a %oud 3oi1e! "R> and said': "R'-7u* 6o*d! Kestab%ish&[R> #a- You %a-+ not this sin against& [R> to+ the#( And when he had said this! he >fe%% as%ee.&[%itP> he %aid hi#se%f down+>( K[4>(((! do not i#.ute this sin to the#( (((+ CHAPTER A A:1 And $ha>u% was 1onsenting [R> to+ "R> and .a*ti1i.ating in' his death( And the*e was in that da- a g*eat .e*se1ution against the Cong*egation that was at Ye*usha%a-i#: and the- we*e a%% dis.e*sed [4> ab*oad+! eL1e.t the E#issa*ies! a#ong the 3i%%ages&[R> *egions+ of Y>hudah and %i;ewise a#ong the $a#a*itans&5$ho#*on>( A:) And be%ie3ing&[R> de3out+ #en >gathe*ed u. and bu*ied&[R> 1a**ied awa-+> $te.hen( And the- %a#ented&[4> #ou*ned+ o3e* hi# g*eat%-( A:2@ And $ha>u% .e*se1uted&[R> was #a;ing ha3o1 of+ the Cong*egation of E%ohi#&God! ente*ing [R> e3e*-+ house"s 5R'! and d*agging fo*th #en and wo#en and 1o##itting the# to .*ison( A:< KAnd the- who we*e dis.e*sed! t*a3e%%ed about! and .*o1%ai#ed the 4o*d "4> of E%ohi#&God'( K[4> The*efo*e indeed! being dis.e*sed ab*oad! the- went e3e*-whe*e (((+ A:= And Phi%i. went down to a 1it- of the $ho#*on&$a#a*itans! and .*o1%ai#ed 1on1e*ning Ha ashia1h&The- essiah [R> to the#+( A:? KAnd when the .eo.%e who we*e the*e hea*d his dis1ou*se&wo*d! thega3e ea* to hi#! and a11e.ted in a%% that he said: be1ause the- [R>

hea*d and+ saw the signs whi1h he w*ought( K[R> The #u%titudes a%so we*e gi3ing heed to the things s.o;en bPhi%i.! with one a11o*d! (((+ A:@ Po* #an- who we*e .ossessed b-&[R>!+ un1%ean s.i*its! 1*ied& [4> *oa*ing+ with a %oud 3oi1e! and Ethe-F 1a#e out of the#! - and othe*s& [R> #an-+ who we*e .a*a%-ti1 and %a#e! we*e hea%ed( A:A And the*e was g*eat Oo- in that 1it-( A:C And the*e was a 1e*tain #an the*e! whose na#e was $hi#,on! who >had *esided&[R> .*e3ious%-+> in that 1it- "R> a %ong ti#e! and who' sedu1ed the .eo.%e&[4> nation+ of the 5$a#a*itans>&$ho#*on bhis so*1e*ies! #agnif-ing hi#se%f! Kand sa-ing! - 0 a# a g*eat .e*sonage( K[4>(((! sa-ing that hi#se%f was so#e g*eat #an(+ A:1G And the- a%% in1%ined towa*ds hi#! g*eat and s#a%%: and theEhadF said! - KThis [R> one+ is the #ight- .owe* of 5G>od( K[4>(((! This one is the .owe* of God! 1a%%ed G*eat(+ A:11 And the- EhadF a11e.ted in hi#! be1ause fo* a %ong ti#e he had astonished the# b- his so*1e*ies( A:1) /ut when the- be%ie3ed Phi%i.! as he .*o1%ai#ed [R> the Good-News - the things 1on1e*ning+ the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God in&[R> and+ the Na#e of "4> ou* 6o*d' Yeshua ashia1h& essiah: the- we*e i##e*sed! both #en and wo#en( A:12 And $hi#,on hi#se%f a%so be%ie3ed! and was i##e*sed! and >adhe*ed to&[R> 1ontinued with+N[4> was 1onstant%- with+> Phi%i.( And when he saw the Ksigns and #ight--deeds&#i*a1%es whi1h we*e w*ought "R> b- his hand'! he was "R> su*.*ised and' astonished( K[4>((( #i*a1%es and the g*eat d-na#ites (((+ A:1<@ And when the E#issa*ies at Ye*usha%a-i#! hea*d that the "R>.eo.%e of the' 5$a#a*itans>&$ho#*on has *e1ei3ed the wo*d of E%ohi#&God! thesent out to the# "R'-$hi#,on Befa and Yo1hanan( A:1= And the- went down! and .*a-ed o3e*&[R> fo*+ the#! that the- #ight *e1ei3e >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>! A:1? Po* He was&[4> had+ not -et [4> fa%%en+ on an- one-"4' of the#: and the- had on%- been i##e*sed in the Na#e of ou*&[R>the+ 6o*d Yeshua( A:1@ Then the- %aid the hand on the#: and the- *e1ei3ed the >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>( A:1A And when $hi#,on saw that! b- the %a-ing on of a hand of the E#issa*ies! >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> was gi3en! he offe*ed the# #one-! A:1C $a-ing: Gi3e #e a%so this eL1%usi3e-*ight&[R> .owe*+! that he on who# 0 .%a1e a hand! #a- *e1ei3e >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%-

$.i*it>( A:)G $hi#,on-"R' Befa said to hi#: You* #one-&[R> si%3e*+ Kgo with -ou to dest*u1tionJ - /e1ause -ou ha3e su..osed! that the Gift of E%ohi#& God #a- be .u*1hased b- >a wo*%d%- substan1e&[R> #one-+>J K[4>((( be unto dest*u1tion with thee! be1ause thou hast thought to obtain the gift of God with #one-(+ A:)1 KYou ha3e no .a*t no* %ot in this faith: be1ause -ou* hea*t is not *ight befo*e E%ohi#&God( K[4> The*e is neithe* .a*t no* %ot to thee in this wo*d: (((+ A:)) Ne3e*the%ess! *e.ent of this -ou* wi1;edness! and .etition of E%ohi#&God! if .e*ha.s the gui%e&[R> .u*.ose+N[4> thought+ of -ou* hea*t #a- be fo*gi3en -ou( A:)2 Po* 0 dis1e*n that -ou a*e in the bitte* .oison! and in the bonds of iniMuit-( A:)< $hi#,on answe*ed and said: 0nte*1ede -ou with E%ohi#&God fo* #e! that nothing of whi1h -ou ha3e #entioned #a- 1o#e u.on #e( A:)= And "R> $hi#,on and Yo1hanan!' when the- had witnessed! and had taught&[R> .*o1%ai#ed+ the#-"R' the 4o*d of [R> the6o*d&Adonai+-E%ohi# &God! *etu*ned to Ye*usha%a-i#( And the- had .*o1%ai#ed [R> Good-News+ in #an- 3i%%ages of the 5$a#a*itans>&$ho#*on( A:)?@ And the 5a>nge% of YH9H&Adonai s.o;e with Phi%i.! and said to hi#: A*ise! go to the south! a%ong the "R'-dese*t wa- that %eads down f*o# Ye*usha%a-i# to >ADa [R>! - this is dese*t+( A:)@ And he a*ose and went( And [R> beho%d+ "R> the*e #et hi#' a eunu1h! >who had 1o#e&[R> a #an+> f*o# Ethio.ia! and offi1e* of the-Banda;e - Mueen of the Ethio.ians! who had 1ha*ge of a%% he* t*easu*e: and he had 1o#e to wo*shi. at Ye*usha%a-i#( A:)A >And as he tu*ned to go&[R> He was a%so *etu*ning+>! he was sitting in his 1ha*iot! and was *eading in Yesha>-ahu the P*o.het( A:)C And the >Rua1h "R'-HaBodesh&The Ho%--"R' $.i*it> said to Phi%i.: Go nea*! and Ooin -ou*se%f to the 1ha*iot( A:2G >And when he 1a#e&[R> And Phi%i. *an+> nea*! "R'-he hea*d hi# *eading in Yesha>-ahu the P*o.het: and he said to hi#: Snde*stand -ou what -ou *eadI A:21 And he said: How 1an 0 unde*stand! un%ess so#e one inst*u1t #eI And he *eMuested of Phi%i.! that he wou%d 1o#e u. and sit with hi#( A:2) And the se1tion of $1*i.tu*e&5Tana;h> in whi1h he was *eading! was this: As a %a#b to the s%aughte* He was %ed awa-! and as a shee. befo*e the shea*e* is si%ent! so a%so He "R> in His hu#i%it-' o.ened not His #outh( A:22 KP*o# .*ison and f*o# Oudge#ent He was 1a**ied! - and His gene*ation! who wi%% de1%a*eI - Po* His %ife is ta;en awa- f*o# the

ea*th( K[R> 0n His hu#i%iation His Oudge#ent was ta;en awa-! - (((+ A:2< And the eunu1h said to Phi%i.: 0 .*a- -ou! of who# s.ea;s the P*o.het thisI - 7f hi#se%f! o* of so#e othe* .e*sonI A:2= Then Phi%i. o.ened his #outh! and f*o# that 4*iting! began to .*o1%ai# to hi# >1on1e*ning ou* 6o*d&[R> Good-News - +> Yeshua( A:2? And as the- .*o1eeded on the wa-&.ath! the- 1a#e to a 1e*tain "R> .%a1e in whi1h the*e was' wate*( And the eunu1h said: /eho%d! Ehe*e isF wate*: what does fo*bid! that 0 shou%d be i##e*sedI A:2@ K"EPF > And Phi%i. said: 0f -ou be%ie3e with a%% -ou* hea*t! it is %awfu%( And he answe*ed and said: 0 be%ie3e that Yeshua ashia1h& essiah is >Ha/en-E%ohi#&The $on of God>(' KEThis 3e*se is not in the ea*%ie* editions of P! and is eL1%uded f*o# the teLt of the 6ondon editions of 1A1? and 1A)?F A:2A And he 1o##anded the 1ha*iot to sto.: and the- both went down to the wate*! [R> both Phi%i. and the eunu1h+ and Phi%i.&[R> he+ i##e*sed >the eunu1h&[R> hi#+>( A:2C And when the- 1a#e u. f*o# the wate*! the Rua1h&$.i*it of YH9H& Adonai 1aught awa- Phi%i.: and the eunu1h saw hi# no #o*e: but& [4> fo*+ he went on his wa- *eOoi1ing( A:<G And Phi%i. was found at Ashdod: and f*o# the*e he t*a3e%%ed about! and .*o1%ai#ed [R> Good-News+ in&[4> to+ a%% the 1ities! unti% he 1a#e to Caesa*ea( CHAPTER C C:1@ And $ha>u% was sti%% fu%%&[R> b*eathing+ of th*eats and dead%hat*ed against the Ta%#idi# of ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d [R> ha3ing gone to the Cohen haGado%+( C:) And he *eMuested that a %ette*[s 5R+ f*o# >the Cohen haGado%& [R> hi#+> #ight be gi3en hi#! unto 8a##ese; to&[4> against+ the s-nagogues! - that if he shou%d find .e*sons .u*suing this&[R> the+ 4a-&51ou*se>! [4> both+ #en o* wo#en! he #ight bind and b*ing the# to Ye*usha%a-i#( C:2 And as he was going! and began to a..*oa1h 8a##ese;! sudden%- the*e >was .ou*ed u.on&[R> shone *ound about+> hi# a %ight f*o# [R> the+ Hea3en( C:< And he fe%% to the g*ound: and he hea*d a 9oi1e whi1h said to hi#: $ha>u%J $ha>u%J 4h- .e*se1ute -ou eI K0t wi%% be ha*d fo* -ou to ;i1; against the sha*.-.oints&goads( KER has this .h*ase at the end of 3e*( C:=: but it>s not in A& &4F C:= He *e.%ied! and said: 4ho a*e -ou $i*I And Kou*&[R> the+ 6o*d said: 0 A# Yeshua HaNatD*ati-"R'! who# -ou .e*se1ute&[4> a*e .e*se1uting+(K K1[4> He said: (((+ K)E$ee C:< 1o##entF C:? "A '-[R> T*e#b%ing a%so! and astonished! he said: 6o*d! what do You

wish #e to doI And the 6o*d said unto hi#:+ "R'-/ut a*ise and go into the 1it-! and the*e it wi%% be to%d -ou what is-ne1essa*- -ou to do( C:@ And the #en who t*a3e%%ed with hi# in the wa-&.ath! stood a#aDed& [R> s.ee1h%ess+: fo* the- hea*d #e*e%- the 9oi1e! and no one was 3isib%e to the#( C:A And $ha>u% a*ose f*o# the g*ound: and nothing&[R> no one+ was 3isib%e to hi#! with his e-es o.ened( And the- too; hi# b- the hand! and %ed hi# into 8a##ese;( C:C And he had no sight fo* th*ee da-s: and he neithe* ate no* d*an;( C:1G And the*e was in 8a##ese; a 1e*tain Ta%#id! whose na#e was Chanan-ah( And the 6o*d said to hi#! in a 3ision: Chanan-ahJ And he said: /eho%d&5Hine->! 0 Ea# he*eF Adonai( C:11 And ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d said to hi#: A*ise! go to the st*eet whi1h is 1a%%ed $t*aight: and inMui*e in the house of Y>hudah! fo* [R> EoneF b- na#e+ $ha>u% "R> who is f*o# the 1it-' of Ta*sus! - fo*! beho%d! Kwhi%e he .*a-ed! K[4>(((! he is .*a-ing! and E3(1)F+ C:1) He saw "#> in 3ision' a #an na#ed Chanan-ah! who 1a#e and %aid his hand u.on hi#! that >his e-es #ight be o.ened&[R> he #a- see again+>( C:12 And Chanan-ah said: Adonai! 0 ha3e hea*d of this #an! f*o# #an-! how #u1h e3i% he has .e*.et*ated towa*ds You* 1onse1*ated-ones at&[4> in+ Ye*usha%a-i#( C:1< And! "R'-beho%d! he*e "R'-a%so! he has autho*it- f*o# the head Cohani#! to bind a%% the#-"R' that 1a%% on You* Na#e( C:1= The 6o*d said to hi#: "R> A*ise and' go: fo* he is to e a 1hosen 3esse%! to 1a**- - Na#e to&[4> both befo*e+ the Go-i#&Genti%es& nations! and to ;ings! and a#ong-"4' the sons of 0s*ae%( C:1? Po* 0 wi%% show hi#! how #u1h he is to suffe* on a11ount of Na#e( C:1@ Then Chanan-ah went to&[R> went his wa- and ente*ed+ the house "R> to hi#': and he %aid his hand u.on hi#! and said to hi#: $ha>u% "R'-#b*othe*! ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d Yeshua! He who a..ea*ed to -ou b- the wa-& .ath as -ou 1a#e! has sent #e! that -ou* e-es #ight be o.ened! and -ou be fi%%ed with >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>( C:1A And i##ediate%- the*e fe%% f*o# his e-es so#ething %i;e a s1ab&[R> s1a%es+: and [R> at on1e+ his e-es we*e o.ened( And Khe a*ose and was i##e*sed( K[4>((( and ha3ing stood u.! was i##e*sed(+ C:1C And he too; food! and was in3igo*ated( And he was so#e da-s with the Ta%#idi# of&[4> who we*e in+ 8a##ese;(

C:)G And i##ediate%- he announ1ed&[R> .*o1%ai#ed+ Yeshua&[R> Ha ashia1h &The essiah+! in the s-nagogues "R> of the Y>hudi#&Uews'! that He is Ha/en-E%ohi#&5The $on of God>( C:)1 And a%% the- that hea*d hi# we*e a#aDed: and the- said: 0s not this he who .e*se1uted&[R> dest*o-ed+ a%% the# that 1a%% on this Na#e in Ye*usha%a-i#I And beho%d! fo* this 3e*- thing a%so! was he sent& [E4F> 1a#e+ he*e! that he #ight bind and 1a**- the# to the head Cohani#( C:))@ K/ut $ha>u% Kwas the #o*e st*engthened: and he 1onfounded those Y>hudi# who dwe%t in 8a##ese;! >whi%e he de#onst*ated&[R> .*o3ing+> that this&[4> Yeshua+ is Ha ashia1h&The- essiah( K[4>((( 1ontinued to be the #o*e fi%%ed u. with d-na#ite (((+ C:)2 And when he had been the*e #an- da-s! the Enon-be%ie3ingF Y>hudi# Kfo*#ed a 1ons.i*a1- against hi#! to ;i%% hi#( K[4>((( issued a 3e*di1t to ;i%% hi#(+ C:)< And the .%ot "R> whi1h the- sought to eLe1ute u.on hi#'! was #ade ;nown to $ha>u%! - and the- wat1hed the gates of the 1it- b- daand bnight! "R> in o*de*' to ;i%% hi#( C:)= Then the Ta%#idi# .%a1ed hi# in a bas;et! and %et hi# down f*o#& [4> th*ough+ the wa%% b- night( C:)? And Khe&[R> $ha>u%+ went to Ye*usha%a-i#: and he wished to Ooin hi#se%f with the Ta%#idi#! but the- we*e a%% af*aid of hi#! and did not be%ie3e that he was a Ta%#id( K[4>((( a**i3ing in Ye*usha%a-i#: (((+ C:)@ /ut /a*-Nabba too; hi#! and b*ought hi# to the E#issa*ies! and *e%ated to the# how the 6o*d a..ea*ed to hi# in the wa-&*oad! and how He 1on3e*sed with hi#: and how! in 8a##ese;! he had >dis1ou*sed o.en%-& [R> .*o1%ai#ed bo%d%-+> in the Na#e of Yeshua( C:)A And he [R> was with the#!- + went in and out with the#! at Ye*usha%a-i#( C:)C And he s.o;e o.en%-&[R> bo%d%-+ in the Na#e of Yeshua! and [R>both s.ea;ing and+ Kdis.uted with those "R> Y>hudi#' who unde*stood G*ee;( /ut the- wished&[R> we*e ta;ing in hand+ to ;i%% hi#( K[4>((( a*guing against the He%%enists( (((+-E4notes: Uews nati3e o* .*ose%-ti1! who s.o;e the G*ee; %anguage in thei* s-nagogues(F C:2G And when the b*eth*en ;new EitF! the- 1ondu1ted hi# [R> down+ "R> b- night' to Caesa*ea! and "R> f*o# the*e the-' sent hi# [R> fo*th+ to Ta*sus( C:21 o*eo3e* the [A+-Cong*egation[s 5R+ [R> was+ in a%% Y>hudah! and in haGa%i%! and in $ho#*on! had .ea1e&sha%o# and was edified: and it

wa%;ed in the fea* of [R> Adonai+-E%ohi#&God! and abounded-"R' in the 1o#fo*t of >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> [R> the- we*e #u%ti.%ied+( C:2) And it o11u**ed! that as $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ t*a3e%%ed about the& [R> a%%+ "R'-1ities! he 1a#e down to the 1onse1*ated-ones a%so who dwe%t >in the 1it- of&[R> at+> 6ud( C:22 And he found a 1e*tain #an whose na#e was Aeneas! who was %ain on a bed and EhadF been .a*a%-ti1 eight -ea*s( C:2< And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ said to hi#: Aeneas! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&Theessiah does hea% -ou: a*ise! and >#a;e -ou* bed&[R> s.*ead Ethe bedF fo* -ou*se%f+N[4> ta;e u. th- bed+>( And he *ose u. i##ediate%-( C:2= And a%% the- that dwe%t at 6ud and ha$ha*on! [4> whosoe3e*+ saw hi#: and the--"R4' tu*ned to [R4> the 6o*d+-E%ohi#&God( C:2?@ And the*e was in the 1it- of Yafo! a 1e*tain fe#a%e Ta%#idah na#ed Ta3ita: [R> Twhi1h inte*.*eted is 1a%%ed - gaDe%%eT+ EandF she was *i1h in good wo*;s! and in the a%#s whi1h she did( C:2@ And she fe%% si1; in those da-s! and died: and the- washed he*! and %aid he* in an u..e* *oo#( C:2A And the Ta%#idi# hea*d that $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ was in the 1it- of 6ud! whi1h is nea* to Yafo: and the- sent two #en to hi#! to *eMuest of hi# that he wou%d not de%a- to 1o#e to the#( C:2C And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ a*ose and went with the#( And when he a**i3ed! the- 1ondu1ted hi# to the [R> u..e*+ *oo#: and the*e >we*e asse#b%ed a*ound he*&[R> stood b- hi#+> a%% the widows!! and showing hi# the tuni1s and the ga*#ents whi1h Ta3ita >had gi3en the#& [R> had #ade+> when a%i3e&[R> she was with the#+( C:<G And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ .ut a%% the .eo.%e out! and fe%% on his ;nees and .*a-ed: and he tu*ned to the 1o*.se! and said: Ta3ita! a*ise( And she o.ened he* e-es: and when she saw $hi#,on&[R> Befa+! she sat u.( C:<1 And he *ea1hed to he* his hand! and *aised he* u.! - and he 1a%%ed the 1onse1*ated-ones and the widows! and .*esented he* "R> to the#' a%i3e( C:<) And this be1a#e ;nown th*oughout >the 1it-&[R> a%% Yafo+>: and #an- be%ie3ed on ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d( C:<2 And [4> it 1a#e to .ass that+ he ta**ied in Yafo not a few da-s: >and he %odged in the house of&[R> with a 1e*tain one!+> $hi#,on a tanne*( CHAPTER 1G 1G:1@ And the*e was a 1e*tain #an in Caesa*ea! whose na#e was Co*ne%ius! a 1entu*ion of the Regi#ent 1a%%ed the 0ta%ian( 1G:) And he was *ighteous&[R> de3out+! and fea*ed E%ohi#&God! he

and a%% his house: EandF he did #u1h a%#s a#ong the EUewish .oo*F .eo.%e! and .*a-ed to E%ohi#&God at a%% ti#es( 1G:2 This #an distin1t%-&[4> o.en%-+ saw! in a 3ision! about >the ninth hou* of the da-&5E2.#F>>! an ange% of E%ohi#&God! who 1a#e in to hi# and said to hi#: Co*ne%iusJ 1G:< And he %oo;ed u.on hi#! and was af*aid: and he said: 4hat si*I And the ange% said to hi#: You* .*a-e*s and -ou* a%#s ha3e 1o#e u. in *e#e#b*an1e&[R> #e#o*ia%+ befo*e E%ohi#&God( 1G:= And now! send #en to "R> the 1it-' Yafo! and b*ing&[R> sent fo*+ [R> a 1e*tain one+ $hi#,on who is 1a%%ed&[R> su*na#ed+ Befa( 1G:? /eho%d! he %odges in the house of $hi#,on the tanne*! whi1h is bthe side of the sea "A 4'-[R>! he wi%% te%% -ou what -ou #ust do+( 1G:@ And when the ange% that ta%;ed with hi# was gone! he 1a%%ed two >of his househo%d [R> se*3ants+&[%itP> sons of his househo%d+>! and a [R> .ious+ so%die* who Kfea*ed E%ohi#&God and was obedient to hi#( K[R>((( waited on hi# 1ontinua%%-(+ 1G:A And he *e%ated to the# >a%% that he had seen&[R> things+>! and sent the# to Yafo( 1G:C@ And the neLt da-! as the- t*a3e%%ed the *oad and a..*oa1hed the 1it-! $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ as1ended [R> on+ the *oof to .*a-! at&[R> about+ >the siLth hou*&5EnoonF>>( 1G:1G And he be1a#e hung*-! and desi*ed to eat( And whi%e thewe*e .*o3iding fo* hi#! >he fe%% into a t*an1e&[%itP> a t*an1e fe%% on hi#+>( 1G:11 And he saw the Hea3ens o.ened! and a 1e*tain 3esse% fastened at the fou* 1o*ne*s! and it was %i;e a g*eat sheet: and it des1ended f*o# Hea3en to the ea*th( 1G:1) And the*e we*e in it a%% fou*footed ani#a%s! and 1* things of the ea*th! [R> wi%d beasts!+ and bi*ds of EtheF hea3en&5thes;->( 1G:12 And a 3oi1e&5Ebat-;o%F> 1a#e to hi#! "R> whi1h said': $hi#,on&[R> Befa+! a*ise! s%a- and eat( 1G:1< And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ said: >Pa* be it&[R> Not so+>! $i*J! fo* ne3e* ha3e 0 eaten an-thing un1%ean >and .o%%uted&[R> o* 5t*eif>1o##on+>( 1G:1= And again the se1ond ti#e! the*e was a 3oi1e&5bat-;o%> Esa-ingF to hi#: 4hat E%ohi#&God has 1%eansed! [R> -ou! -+ #a;e&[R> de1%a*e+ -ou not un1%ean&[R> 1o##on+( 1G:1? And this was done th*ee ti#es: and the 3esse% was ta;en u. to Hea3en [R> again+( 1G:1@ And whi%e $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ was wonde*ing&[R> .e*.%eLed+ with

hi#se%f! what the 3ision he had seen >1ou%d denote&[R> #ight be EaboutF+>! the #en who we*e sent b- Co*ne%ius a**i3ed: and theinMui*ed fo* the house >in whi1h&[R> of+> $hi#,on "R'-%odged! and 1a#e and stood at the gate "R> of the 1ou*t'( 1G:1A And the*e the- 1a%%ed out! and as;ed if $hi#,on who is 1a%%ed Befa %odged the*e( 1G:1C And whi%e $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ was *ef%e1ting on the 3ision! the Rua1h&$.i*it said to hi#: /eho%d! th*ee #en a*e inMui*ing fo* -ou( 1G:)G A*ise! [R> the*efo*e+ go down! and the#: >and %et not -ou* #ind hesitate&[R> doubting nothing+>! fo* 0 ha3e sent the#( 1G:)1 Then $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ went down to the #en! "A '-[R> who had been sent to hi# f*o# Co*ne%ius!+ and said to the#: [R> Yes!+ 0 a# he fo* who# -ou inMui*e( 4hat is the 1ause fo* whi1h -ou ha3e 1o#eI 1G:)) The- sa- to hi#: A 1e*tain&[R> Oust+ #an whose na#e is Co*ne%ius! a 1entu*ion fea*ing E%ohi#&God! and of who# a%% the .eo.%e of the Uews& Y>hudi# bea* good *e.o*t! was >to%d in a 3ision&[R> 8i3ine%wa*ned+>! b- a ho%- ange%! to send and b*ing to his house! that he #ight hea*d dis1ou*se f*o# -ou( 1G:)2 And $hi#,on&[R> he+ %ed the# in! and ente*tained the# whe*e he %odged( And the fo%%owing da-! >he a*ose&[R> Befa+>! de.a*ted! and went with the#( And so#e of the b*eth*en f*o# Yafo a%so went with the#( 1G:)< And the neLt da-! the- ente*ed Caesa*ea( And Co*ne%ius was eL.e1ting the#( And a%% the >;ind*ed of his fa#i%-&[%itP> sons of his ;ind*ed+>! and "R> a%so su1h' inti#ate f*iends "R> as he had'! we*e&[R> he had+ asse#b%ed "R> with hi#'( 1G:)=@ And as $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ 1a#e u.! Co*ne%ius #et hi#! and fe%% down bowing-befo*e-Ehi#F at his feet( 1G:)? And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ *aised hi# u.! and said to hi#: A*ise: 0 a%so a# a #an( 1G:)@ And as he ta%;ed with hi#! he went in! and found that #anhad 1o#e the*e( 1G:)A And he said to the#: You ;now! that it is not %awfu% fo* a Uewish #an! to asso1iate with [R> o* 1o#e unto+ an a%ien-genti%e who is not of his ;ind*ed( /ut E%ohi#&God has showed #e! that 0 shou%d not saof an-one! that he is defi%ed&[R> 1o##on+N[4> un1onse1*ated+ o* un1%ean( 1G:)C The*efo*e 0 1a#e without hesitation! when -ou sent fo* #e( /ut! 0 as; -ou! fo* what 1ause did -ou send fo* #eI 1G:2G And Co*ne%ius said to hi#: 0t is fou* da-s Kago&[%itPERF> u. to

now+! that beho%d! 0 was fasting: and at the ninth hou*! whi%e 0 was .*a-ing Eat #in1hahF in #- house! a "R'-1e*tain #an stood befo*e #e! 1%othed in white&[R> b*ight+! K[AE4F>((( ago to this hou*! at-[4> indeed+ the ninth (((+ K[R>((( ago 0 was fasting unti% this hou*: and at the ninth (((+ [#> .*a-ing+&[.*a-ing and fasting+ 1G:21 And said "R> to #e': Co*ne%ius! -ou* .*a-e* is hea*d! and the*e is *e#e#b*an1e of -ou* a%#s befo*e E%ohi#&God( 1G:2) /ut send to the 1it- of Yafo! and b*ing $hi#,on who is 1a%%ed Befa! - beho%d! he %odges in the house of $hi#,on the tanne*! whi1h is b- the side of the sea( "A> And he wi%% 1o#e and 1on3e*se with -ou'( 1G:22 And i##ediate%- 0 sent to -ou! and -ou ha3e done we%% to 1o#e! and beho%d! we a*e a%% of us befo*e -ou&[R> E%ohi#+! "R> and desi*ous' to hea* whate3e* is 1o##anded -ou f*o# E%ohi#&God( 1G:2<@ And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ o.ened his #outh and said: T*u%-! 0 dis1o3e*&[R> .e*1ei3e+ that E%ohi#&God is no *es.e1te* of .e*sons! 1G:2= /ut! a#ong a%% the nations&5go-i#&genti%es>! he who fea*s Hi#! and wo*;s *ighteousness! is with Hi#( 1G:2? Po* Ethis isF the 4o*d! whi1h He sent to the sons of 0s*ae%! announ1ing [R> Good-News+ "R> to the#' sha%o# "R> and *est' th*ough Yeshua ashia1h& essiah! - He is 6o*d of a%%: 1G:2@ And -ou a%so ;now the&[R> that+ 4o*d! whi1h >was in&[R> 1a#e th*oughout+> a%% Y>hudah! whi1h 1o##en1ed f*o# haGa%i%! afte* the i##e*sion that Yo1hanan .*o1%ai#ed! 1G:2A Con1e*ning-"4' Yeshua! who was of NatDe*et! who#&[4> how+ E%ohi# &God anointed [4> Hi#+ with >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> and with .owe*( And He it was! who went about [R> doing good!+ and hea%ed those that we*e suffe*ing&[R> o..*essed+ f*o# e3i%&[R> the Ad3e*sa*-+! be1ause E%ohi#&God was&[4> is+ with Hi#( 1G:2C KAnd we Ea*eF His witnesses! as to whate3e* He did! [R> both+ in "R'-a%% the *egion of Uudea and in Ye*usha%a-i#( This sa#e Pe*son >the Uudeans&[R> the-+> [A> a%so+ hanged on a t*ee! and s%ew Hi#( K[4> And we a*e witnesses in the 1ount*- of the Uews! and in Ye*usha%a-i#: who# the- e3en s%ew! hanging Hi# on the wood(+ 1G:<G And Hi# did E%ohi#&God *aise u.! on the thi*d da-: and >1aused Hi# to be seen with na;ed e-es&[R> showed Hi# o.en%-+N[4> ga3e Hi# to be #anifest+>: 1G:<1 Not indeed b- a%% the .eo.%e! but b- us! who we*e 1hosen [R> befo*e+ of E%ohi#&God to be His witnesses! EandF who ate and d*an; with Hi# afte* His *esu**e1tion f*o# the dead( 1G:<) And He 1o##anded us to .*o1%ai# and testif- to the .eo.%e! that He is [4> the 7ne+ [R> o*dained+Na..ointed&[%itP> se.a*ated+ of

E%ohi# &God "4> to be' [4> the+ Uudge of the %i3ing and of the dead( 1G:<2 And of Hi# a%% the P*o.hets witness! that Kwhoe3e* be%ie3es in [R> Hi#! th*ough+ His Na#e! Kwi%% *e1ei3e fo*gi3eness of sins( K[4>(((! *e1ei3es the *e#ission of (((+ 1G:<< And whi%e $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ was [R> -et+ utte*ing these things! >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> [R> fe%% u.on+No3e*shadowed&51o3e*ed> a%% the# that we*e hea*ing the 4o*d( 1G:<= And Kthe 1i*1u#1ised b*eth*en who 1a#e with hi#! we*e "R> a#aDed and' astonished! that the gift of >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> was .ou*ed out u.on the Go-i#&Genti%es a%so( K[R>((( those of the 1i*1u#1ised be%ie3e*s (((+ K[4>((( the faithfu% ones who we*e of the 1i*1u#1ision (((+ 1G:<? Po* the- hea*d the# s.ea; with "R'-di3e*se tongues! and #agnifE%ohi#&God( And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ said: 1G:<@ Can an- one fo*bid wate*! that those shou%d not be i##e*sed! the- who ha3e *e1ei3ed! beho%d! >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>! as we%% as we Eha3eFI 1G:<A Then he 1o##anded the# to be i##e*sed in the Na#e of ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d "R> Yeshua ashia1h& essiah'( And the- *eMuested hi# to *e#ain with the# Eso#eF da-s( CHAPTER 11 11:1@ And it was *e.o*ted to the E#issa*ies and the b*eth*en in Y>hudah! that the Go-i#&Genti%es a%so had *e1ei3ed the 4o*d of E%ohi#& God( 11:) And when $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ went u. to Ye*usha%a-i#! thewho we*e of the Ebe%ie3ingF 1i*1u#1ision >1ontended with&[4> inte*3iewed+> hi#! 11:2 $a-ing: that he had gone in to be with un1i*1u#1ised .e*sons! and had eaten with the#( 11:< And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ began to add*ess&[R> eL.ound to+ the# #ethodi1a%%-&[R> in o*de* sa-ing:+: 11:= As 0 was in [R> 1it- of+ Yafo! .*a-ing! 0 saw in [R> in a t*an1e a+ 3ision [4> in an e1stas-+! that a 1e*tain 3esse% des1ended! whi1h was %i;e a [R> g*eat+ sheet! >and it was tied at its&[R> b-+> fou* 1o*ne*s: "R> and it' des1ended f*o# Hea3en! and 1a#e to #e( 11:? And&[R> 4hi%e+ 0 >%oo;ed u.on&[R> obse*3ed+> it [R> intent%and 1onside*ed+! and 0 saw that in it we*e fou*footed ani#a%s! and *e.ti%es &[R> 1* things+ of the ea*th! [R> wi%d beasts!+ and bi*ds of hea3en&5EtheF s;->( 11:@ And 0 hea*d a 3oi1e&5bat-;o%>! whi1h said to #e: $hi#,on& [R> Befa+! a*ise! s%a- and eat( 11:A And 0 said: >Pa* be it>&-[R> Not so+! $i*( Po* ne3e* has anthing .o%%uted&[R> 1o##on-5t*eif>+N[4> un1onse1*ated+ o*

un1%ean ente*ed #- #outh( 11:C And again! a 3oi1e&5bat-;o%> f*o# Hea3en said to #e: K4hat E%ohi# &God has 1%eansed! [R> -ou! -+ #a-&[R> de1%a*e+ -ou not un1%ean& [R> 1o##on+( K[4>(((: 4hatsoe3e* things God has 1%eansed! 1onside* thou not un1onse1*ated(+ 11:1G And this was done th*ee ti#es! - and the who%e was ta;en u. to Hea3en [R> again+( 11:11 And at the sa#e instant! th*ee #en! who we*e sent to #e "R> bCo*ne%ius' f*o# Caesa*ea! "R> 1a#e and' stood at "R> the gate of' the 1ou*t&[R> house+ whe*e >0 %odged-[R> was+>-[#> we we*e+( 11:1) And the Rua1h&$.i*it said to #e: Go with the#! >[#> #a;ing no distin1tion+Nwithout hesitation&[R> nothing doubting+-"#'>( And these siL b*eth*en went a%so with #e! and we ente*ed the #an>s house( 11:12 And he *e%ated to us! how he had seen an ange% in his house! who stood and said to hi#: $end [R> #en+ to "R> the 1it- of' Yafo! and b*ing&[R> 1a%% fo*+ $hi#,on who is 1a%%ed&[R> su*na#ed+ Befa: 11:1< And he wi%% utte* to -ou dis1ou*ses&[%itP> wo*ds+! b- whi1h -ou wi%% %i3e&5be sa3ed>! -ou and a%% -ou* house( 11:1= And when 0 the*e 1o##en1ed s.ea;ing! >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%$.i*it> [R> fe%% u.on+&o3e*shadowed the#! as it did [R> u.on+ us f*o#& [R> in+ the beginning( 11:1? And 0 *e#e#be*ed the wo*d of ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d! when He said: Yo1hanan [R> indeed+ i##e*sed with wate*! but -ou sha%% be i##e*sed with >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>( 11:1@ 0f then E%ohi#&God KeMua%%- ga3e the gift the Go-i#&Genti%es that be%ie3ed in ou* 6o*d Yeshua ashia1h& essiah! as he did to us! who was 0! that 0 1ou%d fo*bid&[R> withstand+ E%ohi#&GodI K[R>((( the eMua% gift did gi3e to the# as a%so to us! ha3ing be%ie3ed (((+ 11:1A And when the- hea*d these wo*ds! the- desisted&[%itP> we*e sti%%+: and the- g%o*ified E%ohi#&God and said: Now [R> indeed+ to the Go-i#&Genti%es a%so does&[R> did+ E%ohi#&God gi3e *e.entan1e unto %ife& 5sa%3ation>( 11:1C@ And the- who we*e dis.e*sed! b-&[R> afte*+ the o..*ession whi1h o11u**ed on a11ount of $te.hen! t*a3e%%ed as fa* as Phoeni1ia! "R> and e3en to the 1ount*- of' C-.*us! and "R'-to Antio1h! s.ea;ing the 4o*d to none eL1e.t Uews on%-( 11:)G And the*e we*e so#e [R> #en+ of the# f*o# C-.*us and f*o# C-*ene!

who went u. to Antio1h! and s.o;e to the G*ee;s&[#> G*ee;s.ea;ing Uews+! and .*o1%ai#ed 1on1e*ning&[R> Good-News -+ ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d Yeshua( 11:)1 And the hand of the 6o*d was with the#: and #an- be%ie3ed! and tu*ned to the 6o*d( 11:)) And this >1a#e to&[%itP> was hea*d b-+> the ea*s of "R> the sons of' the Cong*egation at Ye*usha%a-i#! - and the- sent /a*-Nabba [R> th*ough+ unto Antio1h( 11:)2 And when he 1a#e the*e! and saw the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God! he *eOoi1ed! - and he eLho*ting the#&[R> a%%+! that with >a%% thei*&[R> .u*.ose of+> hea*t! >the- wou%d adhe*e&[R> to 1%ea3e+> to ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d( 11:)< Po* he was a good #an! and was fu%% of >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%$.i*it>! and of faith( And #an- .eo.%e we*e added to ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d( 11:)= And >he went awa- to&[R> /a*-Nabba de.a*ted fo*+> Ta*sus! to see; "R'-fo* $ha>u%( 11:)? And when he had found hi#! he b*ought hi# with hi# to Antio1h( And a who%e -ea* the- #et togethe* in the&[4> a+ Cong*egation! and inst*u1ted #an- .eo.%e( >P*o# that ti#e fo*th&[R> And+>! the Ta%#idi# we*e fi*st 1a%%ed >sha1hee-#& essiani1! Eb- the Go-i#&Genti%es in G*ee; - Ch*istiansF! at Antio1h( 11:)@ 0n those da-s 1a#e P*o.hets the*e&[R> to Antio1h+ f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#( 11:)A And one of the# whose na#e was Aga3! stood u. and >info*#ed the#&[R> showed+> b- the Rua1h&$.i*it! that the*e wou%d be a g*eat fa#ine in a%% the 1ount*-&[R> wo*%d+( KAnd that fa#ine o11u**ed in the da-s of C%audius Caesa*( K[4>(((( whi1h too; .%a1e unde* the *eign of C%audius(+ 11:)C And #o*eo3e* the Ta%#idi#! ea1h of the# a11o*ding to his "R'-se3e*a% abi%it-&5#eans>! dete*#ined to send to Kthe *e%ief of the b*eth*en who dwe%t in Y>hudah( K1[%itR>(((! a11o*ding as an- one was .*os.e*ing! (((+ K)[4>((( the #inist*- to the b*ethe*n dwe%%ing in (((+ 11:2G [R> 4hi1h a%so the- did!+ and the- sent it! b- the hand of /a*-Nabba and $ha>u%! unto the E%de*s "R'-the*e( CHAPTER 1) 1):1@ And at [R> about+ that ti#e He*od the ;ing! "R> who was su*na#ed Ag*i..a'! %aid hands on so#e of the Cong*egation! to #a%t*eat the#( 1):) And he ;i%%ed Ya,a;o3 the b*othe* of Yo1hanan with the swo*d( 1):2 And when he saw that this .%eased the Uudeans! he .*o1eeded&[%itP> added+ a%so to a**est "R'-$hi#,on Befa( And the da-s of >Chag Ha atDot&Sn%ea3ened /*ead> >we*e then .assing&[R> the- we*e

EthenF+>( 1):< He seiDed hi# and 1ast hi# into .*ison&[%itP> EtheF house of .*isone*s+! and de%i3e*ed hi# to siLteen&[%itR> fou* tet*ads Eof <F+ so%die*s! who we*e to gua*d hi#: that he #ight! afte* the Pesa1h& Passo3e*! de%i3e* hi# u. to the .eo.%e "R> of the Uudeans'( 1):= And whi%e $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ was in 1ustod- in the .*ison! 1ontinua%&[A> ea*nest%-+ .*a-e* to E%ohi#&God in his beha%f! was offe*ed to E%ohi#&God b- the Cong*egation( 1):? KAnd on the night befo*e&[%itP> .e*taining to+ the #o*ning in whi1h he was to be de%i3e*ed u.! whi%e $hi#,on was between two so%die*s! and was bound with two 1hains! >and othe*s&[R> gua*ds a%so+> we*e gua*ding [R> befo*e+ the doo*s of the .*ison: K[R> And when He*od was about to b*ing hi# fo*th! the sa#e night was Befa between (((+ 1):@ [R> And beho%d+ an&[4> the+ ange% of YH9H&Adonai >stood o3e* hi#& [R> befo*e+>! and a %ight shone in a%% the bui%ding: and he >.*i1;ed his&[R> st*u1; Befa on his+> side! and awa;ened&[R> *aised u.+ hi#! and said to hi#: A*ise instant%-( And the 1hains fe%% f*o# his hands( 1):A And the ange% said to hi#: Gi*d >-ou* %oins&[R> -ou*se%f+>! and .ut&[R> bind+ on -ou* sanda%s( And he did so( And again he said to hi#: 4*a. -ou*se%f in -ou* ga*#ent! and 1o#e afte* #e( 1):C And he went out and fo%%owed hi#! not ;nowing that what had been done b- the ange% was a *ea%it-: fo* he su..osed! that he saw a 3ision( 1):1G And when the fi*st wa*d was .assed and the se1ond! the1a#e to the i*on gate [R> that is %eading to the 1it-+! and it o.ened to the# of its own a11o*d( And when the- had gone out! and had .assed one st*eet! [R> i##ediate%-+ the ange% de.a*ted f*o# hi#( 1):11 And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ >*e1ogniDed Ewhe*e he wasF and he>&[R> ha3ing 1o#e to hi#se%f+ said: Now 0 ;now! in *ea%it-! that [R> Adonai+E%ohi#&God has sent His ange%! and de%i3e*ed #e f*o# the hand of He*od "R> the ;ing'! and f*o# what the Uudeans we*e >de3ising against #e>&[ERF> eL.e1ting+( 1):1) And when he had 1onside*ed! he went to the house of i*-a#! the #othe* of Yo1hanan su*na#ed a*;: be1ause&[R> whe*e+ #an"R'-b*eth*en we*e asse#b%ed the*e and .*a-ing( 1):12 And he&[R> Befa+ ;no1;ed at the Kgate of the 1ou*t: and a #aid na#ed Rhoda 1a#e to *e.%- to hi#( K[4>((( doo* of the gate! (((+ 1):1< And she *e1ogniDed the 3oi1e of $hi#,on&[R> Befa+! - and in he* Oo-! she did not o.en "R> to hi#' the gate! but >*an ba1;&[%itP> tu*ned u.on he* 1ou*se+>! and to%d the#: /eho%d! $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ is standing at the gate "R> of the 1ou*t'J

1):1= The- said to he*: You a*e de%i*ious&[%itP> 1onfused to be 1onfused+J! /ut she #aintained that it was a fa1t( The- said to he*: Pe*ha.s it is his s.i*it&[R> ange%+( 1):1? And $hi#,on&[R> Befa+ was ;no1;ing at the gate: and the>went out&[R> o.ened and+>! saw hi#! and we*e astonished( 1):1@ And he be1;oned to the# with the hand to be sti%%: and he went in! and *e%ated to the# how the-6o*d&Adonai had *e%eased hi# f*o# the .*ison( And he said to the#: Te%% these things to Ya,a;o3 and to the b*eth*en( And he went out! and de.a*ted to anothe* .%a1e( 1):1A And when it was #o*ning! the*e was a g*eat dis.ute a#ong the so%die*s 1on1e*ning $hi#,on&[R> Befa+! what had be1o#e of hi#( 1):1C And He*od! when he sought hi#! and 1ou%d not find hi#! a**aigned& [%itP> Oudged+N[R> eLa#ined+ the ;ee.e*s! and senten1ed the# to die( And he went [R> down+ f*o# Y>hudah and *esided at Caesa*ea( 1):)G And be1ause he was ang*- against the E.eo.%e ofF TDo* and TDidon! the- asse#b%ed and 1a#e to hi# in a bod-: and ha3ing .e*suaded& [R> #ade thei* f*iend+ /%astus! the ;ing>s 1ha#be*%ain! - the- begged of hi# that the- #ight ha3e .ea1e: be1ause the [R> food+ su..%ies of thei* 1ount*- we*e de*i3ed f*o# the >;ingdo# of He*od&[R> the ;ing>s+>( 1):)1 And on a da- a..ointed&51e%eb*ated>! He*od was a**a-ed in *o-a% a..a*e%! and sat on a t*ibuna%! and #ade a s.ee1h to >the asse#b%-& [R> the#+>( 1):)) And a%% the .eo.%e shouted! and said: KThese a*e the utte*an1es& [%itP> daughte*s of the 3oi1e&5bat-;o%>+ of a god! and not of a #o*ta%( K[4>(((: 0t is the 3oi1e of God and not of #an(+ 1):)2 And be1ause he ga3e not the g%o*- to E%ohi#&God! i##ediate%5T>he-"R' ange% of [R> Adonai+-E%ohi#&God s#ote hi#: and he was eaten of wo*#s! >and died&[4> b*eathed out his sou%+>( 1):)< And the Good-News&[R> 4o*d+ of E%ohi#&God-[4> the 6o*d+ >was .*o1%ai#ed&[R> #u%ti.%ied+>! and >#ade .*og*ess&[%itP> g*ew+>( 1):)=@ And /a*-Nabba and $ha>u%! afte* the- had 1o#.%eted thei* #inist*ation! *etu*ned [4+-f*o#&[A > to+ Ye*usha%a-i# "R> to Antio1h'( And the- too; with the# Yo1hanan! >who was su*na#ed&[4> 1a%%ed+> a*;( CHAPTER 12 12:1 Now the*e we*e in the Cong*egation at Antio1h! E1e*tain of theF P*o.hets and tea1he*s: /a*-Nabba! and $hi#,on 1a%%ed Nige*&[%it> the b%a1;+! and 6u1ius who was f*o# the 1it- C-*ene! and ena1he# "R> a son of the gua*dians of' He*od the Tet*a*1h [RV> >s foste*-b*othe*+! and

$ha>u%( 12:) And whi%e the- we*e fasting and #a;ing su..%i1ation to E%ohi#&God! >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> said to the#: $e.a*ate to #e $ha>u% /a*-Nabba! fo* the wo*; to whi1h 0 ha3e 1a%%ed the#( 12:2 And afte* the- had fasted and .*a-ed! the- %aid the hand on the#! and sent the# awa-( 12:< And the-! being sent fo*th b- >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%$.i*it>! went down to $e%eu1ia! and f*o# the*e the- went b- sea as fa* as C-.*us( 12:= And when the- ente*ed the 1it- of $a%a#is! the- announ1ed the 4o*d of Adonai&[R> E%ohi#&God+ in the s-nagogues of the Uews&Y>hudi#! [4> and the- a%so had Yo1hanan as thei* he%.e*+( 12:? And when the- had t*a3e%%ed o3e* the [A+-who%e-"R' is%and >as fa* as the 1it-&[R> to+> Pa.hos! the- found a 1e*tain #an! a so*1e*e*! a Uew! who was a fa%se .*o.het! whose na#e was /a*-Yeshua( 12:@ "R> He adhe*ed' to a wise #an! who was [R> with+ the .*o1onsu%! and was 1a%%ed $e*gius Pau%us [R> an inte%%igent #an+( And the .*o1onsu% sent fo* $ha>u% and /a*-Nabba! and *eMuested to hea* f*o# the# the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God( 12:A And this so*1e*e*! [R> E%-#as+&/a*-Yeshua! Twhose na#e is inte*.*eted! E%-#as-[R> thus+T! withstood the#: be1ause he wished to di3e*t the .*o1onsu% f*o# the Paith( 12:C And $ha>u% who is 1a%%ed Eb- the Go-i#&Genti%esF Pau%! was fi%%ed with >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>: and he %oo;ed [R> steadfast%-+ u.on hi#! 12:1G And said: 7 -ou fu%% of a%% subti%ties&[R> de1eit+! and a%% [R> 1unning+&#is1hiefs! -ou 1hi%d of the fa%se-A11use*! and ene#- of a%% *ighteousness: wi%% -ou not 1ease to .e*3e*t the *ight wa-s Kof >the 6o*d&5YH9H>>I K[4>((( of GodI+ 12:11 And now! the hand of the 6o*d is u.on -ou! and -ou sha%% be b%ind! and sha%% not see the sun fo* a ti#e( And i##ediate%- the*e fe%% u.on hi# a #ist and da*;ness: and he went about! inMui*ing who wou%d ta;e&[R> %ead+ hi# b- the hand( 12:1) And when the .*o1onsu% saw what o11u**ed! Khe was astonished: and he be%ie3ed the tea1hing of the 6o*d( K[R>(((! did be%ie3e! being astonished at the (((+ K[4>(((! be%ie3ed: being de%ighted with the (((+ 12:12@ And $ha>u% >and /a*-Nabba&[R> and his .a*t-+> went bsea! f*o# "R> the 1it- of' Pa.hos! and 1a#e to Pe*ga! "R> a 1it-' of Pa#.h-%ia( And Yo1hanan se.a*ated f*o# the#! and went awa- to Ye*usha%a-i#( 12:1< And the- de.a*ted f*o# Pe*ga! and 1a#e to Antio1h! "R> a 1it-' of Pisidian( And the- ente*ed the s-nagogue! on the $habbat da-! and sat

down( 12:1= And afte* the To*ah E.o*tionF had been *ead! and the EHafto*ah f*o# theF P*o.hets! the E%de*s&[4> 1hief *u%e*s+ of the s-nagogue sent to the#! and said: en! b*eth*en! if K-ou ha3e a wo*d of eLho*tation! add*ess the .eo.%e( K[4>((( the*e is an- wo*d of 1onso%ation to the .eo.%e in -ou! s.ea;(+ 12:1? And $ha>u% a*ose! and wa3ed his hand! and said: en! "R'sons of 0s*ae%! and -ou that fea* E%ohi#&God! hea* -ou( 12:1@ The God of this .eo.%e [R> 0s*ae%+-" ' 1hose ou* fathe*s! and *aised the# u.! and #u%ti.%ied the#! when the- *esided [R> as st*ange*s+ in the %and of Eg-.t: and with a high a*#! He b*ought the# out of it( 12:1A And He >fed the#&[R> .ut u. with thei* wa-s+> in the wi%de*ness [R> about a .e*iod of+ fo*t- -ea*s( 12:1C And He dest*o-ed se3en nations in the %and of Cana,an! and ga3e the# thei* %and >fo* an inhe*itan1e&[R> b- %ot+>( 12:)G And fo* [R> about+ fou* hund*ed and fift- -ea*s He ga3e the# Oudges! unti% $h#ue% the P*o.het( 12:)1 And then the- as;ed fo* the#se%3es a ;ing! - and E%ohi#&God ga3e the# $ha>u% /en-Bish! a #an of the t*ibe of /in-a#in! du*ing fo*t-ea*s( 12:)) And He *e#o3ed hi#! and *aised u. to the# 8a3id as ;ing! and He testified of hi#! and said: 0 ha3e found 8a3id /en-Yishai! a #an afte*& [R> a11o*ding to+ - EownF hea*t! - he wi%% do a%% - .%easu*e&wi%%( 12:)2 P*o# Kthe seed of this #an! has E%ohi#&God *aised u. to 0s*ae%! as He .*o#ised! Yeshua " '-a [ > $a%3ation+N8e%i3e*e*&[R> $a3io*+( K[4>((( whose seed a11o*ding to the .*o#ise He %ed fo*th Yeshua! the $a3io*! to 0s*ae%(+ 12:)< And! befo*e His ad3ent! He sent Yo1hanan to .*o1%ai# the i##e*sion&#i;3eh of *e.entan1e to a%% the .eo.%e of 0s*ae%( K[RE4F> Yo1hanan ha3ing fi*st .*o1%ai#ed! befo*e [4> the fa1e of+ His 1o#ing! (((+ 12:)= And whi%e Yo1hanan was 1o#.%eting his #inist*-&[R> 1ou*se+! he said: 4ho! su..ose -ou! that 0 a#I 0 a# not He( /ut beho%d! He 1o#es afte* #e: of who# 0 a# not wo*th- to untie His&[R> the+ sanda%"tongs 5R' [R> of His feet+( 12:)?@ en! b*eth*en! 1hi%d*en&[R> sons+ of the sto1; of A3*aha#! and a%% who! with -ou! fea* E%ohi#&God! - unto K-ou is this 4o*d of %ife& 5$a%3ation> sent( K[4>((( us the 4o*d of this $a%3ation was sent(+ 12:)@ Po*! those inhabitants of Ye*usha%a-i# and thei* %eade*s!

Kdid not >a..*ehend it&[R> ;now Hi#+:> neithe* Edid the- a..*ehendF a%so the 4*itings&[R> 3oi1es+ of the P*o.hets! whi1h a*e *ead e3e*$habbat: but the- 1onde#ned Hi#! and 1o#.%eted a%% the things 4*itten( K[4>(((! ha3ing *eOe1ted Hi#! 1onde#ning Hi#! ha3e fu%fi%%ed the 3oi1es of the P*o.hets whi1h a*e *ead e3e*- $habbat(+ 12:)A And whi%e the- found no g*ound fo* EHisF death! the- desi*ed of Pi%ate that >the- #ight ;i%% Hi#&[R> He shou%d be .ut to death+>( 12:)C And when the- had 1o#.%eted a%% that was 4*itten 1on1e*ning Hi#! the- too; Hi# down f*o# the [R> t*ee+N.e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss>! and %aid Hi# in a to#b( 12:2G /ut&[4> And+ E%ohi#&God *aised Hi# f*o# the dead( 12:21 And He was seen #an- da-s! b- the# who 1a#e u. with Hi# f*o# haGa%i% to Ye*usha%a-i#: and the- a*e now His witnesses to the .eo.%e( 12:2) And beho%d-"4'! we a%so announ1e to -ou [R> Good-News+"4'! "4> that' the .*o#ise! whi1h was #ade to ou*&[4> the+ fathe*s! 12:22 /eho%d! E%ohi#&God has 1o#.%eted it to us thei* 1hi%d*en! in that He *aised u. Yeshua: as it is 4*itten in the >se1ond-[#> fi*st+ Psa%#> -[#> Psa%#s+: Thou a*t - $on: this da- ha3e 0 begotten Thee( 12:2< KAnd E%ohi#&God-[R> He+ has so-"R' *aised Hi# f*o# the dead! that He wi%% not *etu*n again >and see&[R> to+> 1o**u.tion: as He said: 0 wi%% gi3e to You the su*e&5faithfu%> g*a1e&[R> ;indnesses+ of 8a3id( K[4> And be1ause He *aised Hi# u. f*o# the dead! no %onge* about to *etu*n to 1o**u.tion! He has thus said! 0 wi%% gi3e unto -ou the faithfu% #e*1ies of 8a3id(+ 12:2= And again He said! in anothe* .%a1e: Thou hast not gi3en Th8e3out&[R> ;ind&5Ho%->+ 7ne to see 1o**u.tion( 12:2? Po* 8a3id! [R> indeed!+ in his gene*ation! se*3ed [R> b-+ the wi%% of E%ohi#&God! and >went to *est&5fe%% as%ee.>>! "4> and was added to the&[R> his+ fathe*s'! and saw 1o**u.tion( 12:2@ /ut >this Pe*son&[R> He+>! who# E%ohi#&God *aised u.! did not see 1o**u.tion( 12:2A Bnow the*efo*e! [R>#en!+ b*eth*en! that th*ough this an& [R> 7ne+ fo*gi3eness of sins is .*o1%ai#ed "4> to -ou'( 12:2C And e3e*- one that be%ie3es in this an&[R> 7ne+! is #ade *ighteous f*o# a%% things! f*o# whi1h -ou 1ou%d not be #ade *ighteous b- the To*ah of oshe( 12:<G /ewa*e! the*efo*e! %est that 1o#e u.on -ou! whi1h is w*itten& [R> s.o;en of+ in the Ne3i>i#&5P*o.hets>: 12:<1 /eho%d! -e des.ise*s! and wonde*! and .e*ish: fo* 0 wo*; a wo*; in -ou* da-s! [R> a wo*;+ whi1h -e wi%% not be%ie3e! though >a #an& [R>

an- one+> *e%ate&[R> de1%a*e+ it to -ou( 12:<) And when the- had gone f*o# Kthe#! the- besought the# to s.ea; >the sa#e things&5these wo*ds>> to the# the neLt $habbat "R'da-( K[R>((( the s-nagogue "A> of the Uews'! >the Go-i#&Genti%es[R> the-+> begged that these wo*ds #ight be .*o1%ai#ed to the# the (((+ 12:<2 And when the s-nagogue was dis#issed! #an- [R> of the+ Uews& Y>hudi# >went afte* the#&[R> fo%%owed /a*-Nabba and $ha>u%+>! and %i;ewise [R> de3out+ .*ose%-tes "R> who fea*ed E%ohi#&God'( And >the-& E/a*-Nabba R $ha>u%F> 1on3e*sed with the#! and .e*suaded the# to >adhe*e to&[R> *e#ain in+> the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God( 12:<<@ And the neLt $habbat! [R> a%#ost+ the who%e 1itasse#b%ed to hea* the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God( 12:<= And when the Eothe* non-be%ie3ingF Uews saw the g*eat asse#b%-! the- we*e fi%%ed with en3-: and set the#se%3es against the wo*ds whi1h $ha>u% s.o;e! and b%as.he#ed&[R> s.ea;ing e3i%+( 12:<? And $ha>u% and /a*-Nabba said o.en%-&[R> bo%d%-+: To -ou fi*st! ought&[R> it was ne1essa*-+ the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God to be s.o;en: but be1ause -ou *e.e%&[4> ha3e *eOe1ted+ it "4> f*o# -ou'! and de1ide&[R> Oudge+! "R> against -ou*se%3es'! that -ou a*e not wo*th- of %ife ete*na%! beho%d! we [4> now+ tu*n ou*se%3es-"4' to the Go-i#&Genti%es( 12:<@ Po* so has Adonai 1o##anded us: "R> as it is 4*itten': 0 ha3e set thee a %ight to the Go-i#&Genti%es: that thou shou%d be fo* %ife& 5$a%3ation> unto the ends of the ea*th( 12:<A And when the Go-i#&Genti%es hea*d EthisF! the- *eOoi1ed and g%o*ified [R> the 4o*d of the 6o*d+-E%ohi#&God-[#> the 4o*d of God+( And those be%ie3ed! who&[R> as #an- as+ Kwe*e a..ointed to %ife ete*na% &[R> age endu*ing+( K[4>((( as had been o*dained unto (((+ 12:<C And the 4o*d of the 6o*d was K>ta%;ed of&[R> being s.*ead+> in a%% that *egion( K[4>((( 1a**ied th*oughout a%% the 1ount*-(+ 12:=G /ut the Eothe* unbe%ie3ingF Uews&Y>hudi# sti**ed u. the %eade*s& [4> fi*st #en+ of the 1it-! and the hono*ab%e&[4> nob%e god%-+ wo#en >who with the# fea*ed E%ohi#&God&[R> and de3out+>-"4'! and set u. a .e*se1ution against $ha>u% and against /a*-Nabba! and eL.e%%ed the# f*o# thei* bo*de*s( 12:=1 And "R> when the- went out'! the- shoo; off the dust of thei* feet against the#! and went to "R> the 1it- of' 01oniu#( 12:=) And the Ta%#idi# we*e fi%%ed with Oo-! and "R'-with >Rua1h

HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>( CHAPTER 1< 1<:1 And [R> it 1a#e to .ass in 01oniu# that+ the- 1a#e [R> togethe*+ and ente*ed into the s-nagogue of the Y>hudi#&Uews! and so s.o;e with the#! that [R> a g*eat+ #an- of the Uews and of the G*ee;s be%ie3ed( 1<:) /ut Eothe*F Uews&Y>hudi# of the 1%ass of unbe%ie3e*s! eL1ited& [R> #a;e e3i% the sou%s of+ the Go-i#&Genti%es! >to #a%t*eat&[R> against+> the b*eth*en( 1<:2 And the- 1ontinued the*e a %ong ti#e! and s.o;e o.en%1on1e*ning the 6o*d: and He ga3e testi#on- to the 4o*d of His g*a1e! b- the signs and wonde*s whi1h He w*ought b- thei* hands( 1<:< And the who%e #u%titude of the 1it- was di3ided: and a .a*t we*e with the Eunbe%ie3ingF Uews&Y>hudi#! and a .a*t adhe*ed to the E#issa*ies( 1<:= And an assau%t [R> 5atte#.t>+ was #ade on the#! b- the Go-i#& Genti%es! and b- the Eothe*F Uews&Y>hudi# and thei* %eade*s! to insu%t& [R> abuse+ the#! and to stone the# "R> with stones'( 1<:?@ And when the- ;new EitF! the- "R> de.a*ted and' f%ed to the 1ities of 6-1aonia! and-"R' 6-st*a and 8e*be! and to the 3i%%ages& [R> *egion+ a*ound the#: 1<:@ And the*e the- .*o1%ai#ed [R> Good-News+( 1<:A And a 1e*tain #an dwe%t in the 1it- 6-st*a! who was aff%i1ted in his feet! a 1*i..%e f*o# his #othe*>s wo#b! who had ne3e* wa%;ed( 1<:C He hea*d $ha>u% s.ea;! - and when $ha>u% saw&[R> intent%behe%d+ hi#! and ;new&[4> seeing+ that he had faith to %i3e&5be hea%ed>: 1<:1G He said to hi#! with a %oud 3oi1e: "R> 0n the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua ashia1h& essiah! 0 sa- to -ou'! Rise u.on -ou* feetJ And he "R> s.*ung u.'! stood&[R> %ea.ed+ and wa%;ed( 1<:11 And the asse#b%- of .eo.%e! when the- saw what $ha>u% had done! *aised thei* 3oi1e! and said! in the %anguage of >the 1ount*-&[R> 6-1aonia+>: The gods ha3e assu#ed the %i;eness of #en! and ha3e 1o#e down to us( 1<:1) And the- na#ed /a*-Nabba >the %o*d of the gods&[R> Heus+>: and $ha>u% He*#es! be1ause he >1o##en1ed the&[R> was the %eade* in+> s.ea;ing( 1<:12 And the .*iests of the >%o*d of the gods&[R> Heus+>! that was >without the&[R> befo*e thei*+> 1it-! b*ought oLen and ga*%ands to the gate "R> of the 1ou*t whe*e the- %odged'! and [R> with the #u%titudes+ was dis.osed to offe* sa1*ifi1es to the#( 1<:1< /ut /a*-Nabba and $ha>u%! when the- hea*d EitF! *ent thei*

ga*#ents! and s.*ang and went a#ong the th*ong! and 1a%%ed out! 1<:1= And said: en! what do -ouI 4e a*e a%so Kf*ai% #o*ta%s %i;e -ou*se%3es! who .*o1%ai# [4> the Good-News+ to -ou! that -ou shou%d tu*n f*o# these use%ess things! unto the %i3ing God! who #ade hea3en and ea*th and seas! and whate3e* is in the#( K[4>((( #en of %i;e suffe*ing with -ou! (((+ 1<:1? He! in fo*#e* ages&[4> gene*ations+! %eft&[R> did a%%ow+ a%% the nations&go-i#&genti%es to go&[4> wa%;+ in thei* own wa-s! 1<:1@ A%though He did not %ea3e Hi#se%f without testi#on-! whi%e He did the#&[R> us+ good f*o# Hea3en "R'-and sent down the *ain and #ade the f*uits to g*ow in thei* seasons! and fi%%ed thei* hea*ts with food and g%adness( 1<:1A And b- sa-ing these things! the- with diffi1u%t- .*e3ented the .eo.%e&[R> #u%titudes+ f*o# offe*ing sa1*ifi1e to the#( 1<:1C /ut Eso#e unbe%ie3ingF Uews&Y>hudi# 1a#e the*e f*o# 01oniu# and Antio1h! and eL1ited the .eo.%e against the#( And the- stoned $ha>u%! and d*agged hi# out of the 1it-! su..osing that he was dead( 1<:)G@ And [R> when+ the Ta%#idi# asse#b%ed a*ound hi#: and he a*ose! and went into the 1it-( And the neLt da-! he de.a*ted f*o# the*e! with /a*-Nabba: and the- 1a#e to the 1it- of 8e*be( 1<:)1 And whi%e the- we*e .*o1%ai#ing [4> the Good-News+ to the inhabitants of that 1it-! the- #ade #an- Ta%#idi#( And tu*ning ba1;! the- 1a#e to the 1it- 6-st*a! and to 01oniu#! and to Antio1h! 1<:)) Confi*#ing the sou%s of the Ta%#idi#! and eLho*ting the# to .e*se3e*e&[R> *e#ain+ in the Paith: and the- to%d the#! that it was ne1essa*-! th*ough #u1h aff%i1tion&[R> t*ibu%ations+! [R> us+ to ente* into the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( 1<:)2 And the- estab%ished fo* the# [R> b- 3ote+ E%de*s in ea1h Cong*egation! whi%e the- fasted with the#! and .*a-ed! and 1o##ended the# to ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d in&[4> on+ who# the- be%ie3ed( 1<:)< And when the- >t*a3e%%ed o3e* the *egion of&[R> .assed th*ough+> Pisidia! the- 1a#e to Pa#.h-%ia( 1<:)= And when the- had s.o;en the 4o*d "R> of the 6o*d' in "R> the 1it- of' Pe*ga! the- went down to Atta%ia( 1<:)? And f*o#-the*e the- .*o1eeded b- sea! and 1a#e to Antio1h: be1ause f*o# the*e the- had been 1o##ended to the g*a1e of the 6o*d! fo* the wo*; whi1h the- had a11o#.%ished( 1<:)@ KAnd when the- had 1o%%e1ted togethe* the who%e-"4' Cong*egation! the- na**ated a%% that E%ohi#&God has w*ought with the#! and that He had o.ened a&[4> the+ doo* of faith to the Go-i#&Genti%es( K[4> And a**i3ing! and 1on3ening the (((+ 1<:)A And the- *e#ained the*e a %ong ti#e with the Ta%#idi#( CHAPTER 1= 1=:1 And 1e*tain #en 1a#e down f*o# Y>hudah! and taught the

b*eth*en! that un%ess -ou >be 1i*1u#1ised&5Eunde*goF />*it-#i%ah>>! in a11o*dan1e with the *ite&[R> 1usto#+ of the To*ah&[R> oshe+! -ou 1annot >ha3e %ife&5be sa3ed>>( 1=:) And $ha>u% and /a*-Nabba had #u1h t*oub%e and dis.utation with the#( >And it *esu%ted&[R> The- a**anged+>! that $ha>u% and /a*Nabba! and othe*s with the#! went u. to the E#issa*ies and E%de*s at Ye*usha%a-i#! be1ause of this #atte*&sh>ei%ah( 1=:2 And the Cong*egation "ERF> waited on the#! and' sent the# awa-& [R> fo*wa*d+: and the- t*a3e%%ed th*ough a%% Phoeni1ia and "R> the te**ito*-&[%itP> ho#e+ of the $a#a*itans&'$ho#*on! na**ating the tu*ning-a*ound of the Go-i#&Genti%es! and 1ausing g*eat Oo- to a%% the b*eth*en( 1=:<@ And when the- 1a#e to Ye*usha%a-i#! the- we*e *e1ei3ed b- the Cong*egation! and b- the E%de*s! and b- the E#issa*ies: and the*e1ounted a%% that E%ohi#&God had w*ought b- the#( 1=:= And so#e who f*o# the [R> .a*t-+&5do1t*ine> of the P>*ushi# had be%ie3ed! *ose u. and said: 0t is ne1essa*- "R> fo* -ou' to 1i*1u#1ise the#! and to 1o##and the# [R> a%so+ to obse*3e the To*ah of oshe( 1=:? And the E#issa*ies and E%de*s asse#b%ed! to %oo; into this #atte*& [%itP> wo*d+N[4> .*ob%e#+( 1=:@ And when the*e had been #u1h dis1ussion! $hi#,on a*ose and said to the#: en! b*eth*en! -ou ;now that! f*o# the ea*%ie* da-s! E%ohi#&God 1hose [R> a#ong us+ that f*o# #- #outh the Go-i#&Genti%es shou%d hea* the 4o*d of the Good-News! and shou%d be%ie3e( 1=:A And E%ohi#&God! who ;nows what is in the hea*ts! bo*e witness 1on1e*ning the#! and ga3e >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> to the#! e3en as to us( 1=:C And He #ade no distin1tion between the# and us: "R> be1ause He' .u*ified thei* hea*ts b- faith( 1=:1G And now! wh- te#.t -ou E%ohi#&God! b- .utting a -o;e on the ne1;s of the EGo-i#&Genti%eF Ta%#idi#! whi1h neithe* ou* fathe*s no* we 1ou%d &[R> we*e ab%e to+ bea*I 1=:11 /ut we be%ie3e! that-"R' we as "R> we%% as' [R> a%so+ the-! a*e-"R' to >ha3e %ife&5be sa3ed>> b-&[R> th*ough+ the g*a1e of ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d Yeshua ashia1h& essiah-"A 4'( 1=:1) And the who%e asse#b%-&[R> #u%titude+ we*e si%ent! and %istened to $ha>u% and /a*-Nabba! who *e%ated how E%ohi#&God >b- thei* hands&[R> th*ough the#+> had w*ought signs and wonde*s a#ong the Go-i#&Genti%es(

1=:12@ And afte* the- 1eased&[%itP> we*e si%ent+! Ya,a;o3 a*ose& [R> answe*ed+ and said: en! b*eth*en! hea*;en to #e( 1=:1< $hi#,on has *e%ated to -ou! how [R> at fi*st+ E%ohi#&God Khas begun to e%e1t a .eo.%e fo*&[4> in+ His Na#e f*o# a#ong the Go-i#& Genti%es( K[R>((( did %oo; afte* to ta;e out of the Go-i#&Genti%es a .eo.%e fo* His Na#e(+ 1=:1= And with this the wo*ds of the P*o.hets a11o*d! as it is 4*itten: 1=:1? Afte* these things 0 wi%% *etu*n! and wi%% >set u.&[R> bui%d again+> the Tabe*na1%e&[4> th*one+ of 8a3id that had fa%%en [R> down+: and wi%% bui%d that whi1h was in *uins in it! and wi%% *aise&[R> set+ it u.[*ight 5R+! 1=:1@ $o that the *esidue of #en #a- see; YH9H&the-67R8! and a%% the nations&Go-i#&Genti%es on who# - Na#e is 1a%%ed: saith YH9H&the-67R8 who does&[A> #a;es+ a%% these things( 1=:1A Bnown! f*o# >of o%d&[4> the beginning+>! "A4> a*e the wo*;s of E%ohi#&God'( 1=:1C The*efo*e 0 >sa- to -ou&[R> Oudge+>! "R> %et the#' not 1*ush& [R> to t*oub%e+ those who f*o# a#ong the Go-i#&Genti%es ha3e tu*ned unto E%ohi#&God( 1=:)G /ut >%et wo*d be sent&[R> to w*ite+> to the#! >that the- ;ee. a%oof&[R> to abstain+> f*o# the defi%e#ent of >a sa1*ifi1e Eto ido%sF& [R> the ido%s+>! "#> and f*o# who*edo#'! "#> and f*o# what is st*ang%ed'! and f*o# b%ood [#> and f*o# doing to othe*s what the- wou%d not %i;e done to the#se%3es+( 1=:)1 Po* in e3e*- 1it-! f*o# fo*#e* ages! oshe has he*a%ds&[R> those .*o1%ai#ing hi#+ in the s-nagogues! who *ead "R'-hi# e3e*$habbat( 1=:)) Then the E#issa*ies and E%de*s! with a%% the Cong*egation! 1hose #en f*o# a#ong the#se%3es! and sent the# to Antio1h! with $ha>u% and /a*-Nabba: Ena#e%-F: Y>hudah! "R> who was' 1a%%ed /a*-$aba& [A > /a*$abba+! and $i%a! #en who we*e %eade*s a#ong the b*eth*en( 1=:)2@ And the- w*ote a %ette* b- the#! thus: The E#issa*ies and E%de*s and-"4' b*eth*en [4> to the b*eth*en+! "4> to the# that a*e' in& [4> th*oughout+ Antio1h! and in $-*ia! and in Ci%i1ia! b*eth*en who a*e of the Go-i#&Genti%es! sha%o#( 1=:)< - 4e ha3e hea*d! that so#e ha3e gone f*o# us and disMuieted -ou! b- dis1ou*ses! Kand ha3e sub3e*ted -ou* #inds&5sou%s>! bsa-ing! - "A> That -ou #ust be 1i*1u#1ised and ;ee. the To*ah Eas UewsF': things whi1h we ha3e not 1o##anded the#( K[4>(((! distu*bing -ou* sou%s with wo*ds whi1h we did not

1o##and(+ 1=:)= KThe*efo*e we a%% ha3e thought fit! when asse#b%ed! to 1hoose and send #en to -ou! with ou* be%o3ed $ha>u% and /a*-Nabba! K[R> 0t see#ed good to us! ha3ing 1o#e togethe* with one a11o*d! (((+ 1=:)? en who ha3e Kgi3en u. thei* %i3es fo* the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua ashia1h& essiah( K[4>((( i#.e*i%ed thei* %i3es fo* (((+ 1=:)@ And we ha3e sent with the# Y>hudah and $i%a! that the- #ate%% -ou the sa#e things o*a%%-&5in dis1ou*ses>( 1=:)A Po* it >was .%easing&[R> see#ed good+> to >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>! and to us! that the*e shou%d not be %aid u.on -ou anadditiona% bu*den! besides these ne1essa*- things! 1=:)C KThat -ou ;ee. a%oof f*o# a sa1*ifi1e Eto ido%sF! and f*o# b%ood! and f*o# what is st*ang%ed! and f*o# who*edo#( And if -ou ;ee. -ou*se%3es f*o# these! -ou wi%% do we%%( K/e >-ou steadfast in the 6o*d&[R> st*ong+>( K1[R> To abstain f*o# things offe*ed to ido%s! (((+ K[4>(((( Pa*e -e we%%(+ 1=:2G And the- who we*e sent! 1a#e to Antio1h! and asse#b%ed a%% the .eo.%e! and de%i3e*ed the %ette*( 1=:21 And when the- had *ead EitF! the- *eOoi1ed >and we*e&[R> fo* the+> 1o#fo*t"ed 5R'( 1=:2) KAnd with abundant dis1ou*se the- st*engthened the b*eth*en: and "R> the asso1iates of' Y>hudah and $i%a estab%ished&[R> eLho*ted+ the#! be1ause the- a%so we*e P*o.hets( K[4> /oth Y>hudah and $i%a! the#se%3es a%so being P*o.hets! eLho*ted the b*eth*en with e%abo*ate s.ee1h! and st*engthened the#(+ 1=:22 And when the- had been the*e so#e ti#e! Kthe b*eth*en dis#issed the# in sha%o# to >the E#issa*ies&[A> those who had sent the#+>( K[R>(((! the- we*e %et go with sha%o# f*o# the b*eth*en unto (((+ K[4>(((! the- we*e dis1ha*ged b- the b*eth*en with .ea1e ba1; to the (((+ 1=:2< K"EPF#4> /ut&[R> And+ it >was the .%easu*e of&[R>see#ed good to+> $i%a to *e#ain the*e [R> sti%%+(' KEThis 3e*se is *e#o3ed to the #a*gin in the editions of the /*itish and Po*eign /ib%e $o1iet-(F 1=:2=@ $ha>u% a%so and /a*-Nabba *e#ained at Antio1h: and thetaught and .*o1%ai#ed [R> Good-News+ - with #an- othe*s [R> a%so+ - the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God-[R> the-6o*d&Adonai+( 1=:2? And afte* Eso#eF&[4> #an-+ da-s! $ha>u% said to /a*-Nabba: K6et us *etu*n! and 3isit the b*eth*en in e3e*- 1it-! in whi1h we ha3e .*o1%ai#ed the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God-[R> the 6o*d&Adonai+: "4> and %et us see' what&[R4> how+ the- a*e doing( K[4>(((: Ha3ing *etu*ned %et us now 3isit (((+ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PART 00 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1=:2@ And /a*-Nabba was dis.osed to ta;e Yo1hanan! who was su*na#ed a*;( 1=:2A /ut K$ha>u% was not wi%%ing to ta;e hi# with the#: be1ause he %eft the# when the- we*e in Pa#.h-%ia! and when not with the#( K[N7TE: #ost of the ti#e Ebut not e3e*- ti#eF in the )nd ha%f of A1ts! the teLts uses QPau%Q! instead of $ha>u%& E$au%F(+ 1=:2C 0n 1onseMuen1e of this st*ife! the- se.e*ated f*o# ea1h othe*: and /a*-Nabba too; a*;! and the- t*a3e%ed b- sea and went to C-.*us( 1=:<G /ut $ha>u% 1hose $i%a fo* his 1o#.anion! and de.a*ted! being 1o##ended b- the b*eth*en to the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God( 1=:<1 And he t*a3e%%ed th*ough $-*ia! and th*ough Ci%i1ia! and st*engthened the Cong*egations( CHAPTER 1? 1?:1 @ And he 1a#e to the 1it- of 8e*be! and to 6-st*a( And the*e was a 1e*tain Ta%#id the*e! whose na#e was Ti#oth-! the son of a be%ie3ing Uewish wo#an! but his fathe* was a Genti%e&[$-*(> A*a#aean+( 1?:) And a%% the Ta%#idi# of 6-st*a and 01oniu# ga3e good witness of hi#( 1?:2 Hi# $ha>u% was dis.osed to ta;e with hi#: and he too; hi#! and 1i*1u#1ised hi# Efo* />*it-#i%ahF! be1ause of the Uews that we*e in that *egion: fo* the- a%% ;new that his fathe* was a Genti%e& [G*> G*ee;&5Genti%e>+( 1?:< And as the- went a#ong the 1ities! the- .*o1%ai#ed and taught the#! that the- shou%d obse*3e these inOun1tions whi1h the E#issa*ies&6egates and E%de*s at Ye*usha%a-i# had w*itten( 1?:= And so we*e the Cong*egations estab%ished in the Paith! and we*e in1*eased in nu#be* dai%-( 1?:? And the- t*a3e%%ed th*ough the *egions of Ph*-gia and Ga%atia: and Rua1h-HaBodesh&EThe Ho%- $.i*itF fo*bid the# to s.ea; the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God in Asia( 1?:@ And when the- 1a#e into the *egion of -sia! the- we*e dis.osed to go f*o# the*e into /ith-nia! but the Rua1h&$.i*it [AP+-"R> of Yeshua' .e*#itted the# not( 1?:A @ And when the- de.a*ted f*o# -sia! the- 1a#e down to the *egion of T*oas( 1?:C And in a 3ision of the night! the*e a..ea*ed unto $ha>u%! a #an of a1edonia! who stood and i#.%o*ed hi#! sa-ing: Co#e to a1edonia and he%. us( 1?:1G And when $ha>u% had seen this 3ision! i##ediate%- we we*e desi*ous to de.a*t fo* a1edonia: be1ause we infe**ed! that ou* 6o*d 1a%%ed us to .*o1%ai# to the#(

1?:11 And we sai%ed f*o# T*oas! and 1a#e di*e1t to $a#oth*a1e: and f*o# the*e! on the fo%%owing da-! we 1a#e to the 1it- Nea.o%is( 1?:1) And f*o# the*e to Phi%i..i! whi1h is the 1hief [E1it-F+ of a1edonia! and is a 1o%on-( And we *e#ained in that 1it1e*tain da-s( 1?:12 And on the $habbat da-! we went without the gate of the 1it- to the side of a *i3e*! be1ause a house of .*a-e* was seen the*e( And when we we*e seated! we 1on3e*sed with the wo#en who the*e asse#b%ed( 1?:1< And a 1e*tain wo#an who fea*ed E%ohi#&God! a se%%e* of .u*.%e! whose na#e was 6-dia! f*o# the 1it- of Th-ati*a! [Ewas the*eF+( He* hea*t ou* 6o*d o.ened! and she hea*;ened to what $ha>u% s.a;e( 1?:1= And she was i##e*sed! and he* househo%d( And she ent*eated us! sa-ing: 0f -ou a*e *ea%%- .e*suaded that 0 ha3e be%ie3ed in ou* 6o*d! 1o#e and ta;e %odging in #- house( And she u*ged us #u1h( 1?:1? @ And it o11u**ed that! as we we*e going to the house of .*a-e*! a 1e*tain #aid #et us! who had a s.i*it of di3ination! and who .*o1u*ed fo* he* owne*s g*eat gain b- the di3ination whi1h she .*efo*#ed&[$-*(> di3ined+( 1?:1@ And she fo%%owed afte* $ha>u% and us! and 1*ied! sa-ing: These #en a*e the se*3ants of the ost High God! and the- announ1e to -ou the 4a- of 6ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+( 1?:1A And this she did #an- da-s( And $ha>u% was indignant: and he said to that s.i*it: 0 1o##and -ou! in the Na#e of Yeshua essiah! that -ou 1o#e out of he*( And it 1a#e out the sa#e hou*( 1?:1C And when he* %o*ds saw that the .*os.e1t of thei* gain f*o# he* was gone! the- seiDed $ha>u% and $i%a! and d*agging the# a%ong b*ought the# to the #a*;et-.%a1e! 1?:)G And set the# befo*e the .*aefe1ts&5high-Oudges> and 1hiefs of the 1it-! and said: These #en distu*b ou* 1it-: fo* the- a*e Uews! 1?:)1 And the- .*o1%ai# to us 1usto#s! whi1h it is not %awfu% fo* us to *e1ei3e and to .*a1tise! be1ause we a*e Ro#ans( 1?:)) And a g*eat was 1o%%e1ted against the#( Then the .*aefe1ts&5high-Oudges> *ent thei* ga*#ents! and 1o##anded to s1ou*ge the#( 1?:)2 And when the- had s1ou*ged the# #u1h! the- 1ast the# into the .*ison! and 1o##anded the ;ee.e* of the .*ison to ;ee. the# with 1a*e( 1?:)< And he! ha3ing *e1ei3ed this 1o##and! 1a**ied and i##u*ed&5EinF se1%usion-1onfined> the# in the inne* .a*t of the .*ison! and 1onfined thei* feet in the sto1;s(

1?:)= And at #idnight $ha>u% and $i%a we*e .*a-ing and g%o*if-ing E%ohi#&God: and the .*isone*s hea*d the#( 1?:)? And sudden%- the*e was a g*eat sha;ing! and the foundations of the .*ison we*e #o3ed: and at on1e a%% the doo*s o.ened! and the bands of a%% we*e %oosed( 1?:)@ And when the ;ee.e* of the .*ison awo;e! and saw that the doo*s of the .*ison we*e o.en! he too; a swo*d and sought to ;i%% hi#se%f: be1ause he su..osed the .*isone*s had es1a.ed( 1?:)A /ut $ha>u% 1a%%ed to hi#! in a %oud 3oi1e! and said: 8o -ou*se%f no ha*#! fo* we a*e a%% he*e( 1?:)C And he %ighted fo* hi#se%f a %a#.! and s.*ang and 1a#e in! t*e#b%ing! and fe%% at the feet of $ha>u% and $i%a( 1?:2G And he b*ought the# out! and said to the#: - %o*ds! what #ust 0 do! that 0 #a- ha3e-6ife&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+I 1?:21 And the- said to hi#: /e%ie3e on the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah-"#'! and -ou wi%% ha3e-6ife&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+! -ou and -ou* house( 1?:2) And the- s.o;e the 4o*d of >the-6o*d&Adonai>-[#> God+ to hi#! and to a%% the #e#be*s&[$-*(&%it> sons+ of his house( 1?:22 And the sa#e hou* of the night! he too; and washed the# f*o# thei* st* and he was i##e*sed i##ediate%-! he and a%% the #e#be*s&[$-*(&%it> sons+ of his house( 1?:2< And he too; the# and b*ought the# into his house! and set a tab%e fo* the#: and he *eOoi1ed in the faith of E%ohi#&God! he and a%% the #e#be*s&[$-*(%it> sons+ of his house( 1?:2= And when it was #o*ning! the .*aefe1ts&5high-Oudges> sent >*odbea*e*s&[$-*(&note: Ei(eF> %i1to*s+N5#ino* offi1ia%s>> to sa- to the su.e*io* of the .*ison: 6et those #en %oose( 1?:2? @ And when the su.e*io* of the .*ison hea*d [EitF+! he went in! and said the sa#e thing&[$-*(&a%t> wo*d+ to $ha>u%: [Ena#e%-F+! that the .*aefe1ts&5high-Oudges> ha3e sent [Ewo*dF+ that -ou be set f*ee( And now! [Esaid heF+! Go -ou out! and de.a*t "#> in .ea1e'( 1?:2@ /ut $ha>u% said to hi#: The- ha3e s1ou*ged us! unoffending #en! and Ro#ans! befo*e a%% the wo*%d! and ha3e 1ast us into .*ison: and now! do the- se1*et%- %et us outI No! su*e%-: but %et the# 1o#e the#se%3es and b*ing us out( 1?:2A And the *od-bea*e*s&E%i1to*sFN5#ino* offi1ia%s> went and to%d to the .*aefe1ts&5high-Oudges> the wo*ds whi1h we*e to%d to the#: and when the- hea*d that the- we*e Ro#ans! the- we*e af*aid! 1?:2C And 1a#e to the#! and ent*eated of the# that the- wou%d 1o#e out! and that the- wou%d %ea3e the 1it-( 1?:<G And when the- 1a#e out f*o# the .*ison! the- ente*ed the house of 6-dia: and the- saw the b*eth*en! and 1o#fo*ted the#! and

de.a*ted( CHAPTER 1@ 1@:1 And the- .assed th*ough the 1ities of A#.hi.o%is and A.o%%onia! and 1a#e to Thessa%oni1a! whe*e was a $-nagogue of the Uews( 1@:) @ And $ha>u%! as was his 1usto#! went in to the#: and du*ing th*ee $habbatot he dis1ou*sed with the# f*o# the $1*i.tu*es& 5Tana;h>: 1@:2 EL.ounding and showing! that Ha ashia1h&The- essiah was to suffe*! and to *ise f*o# the dead! and that this Yeshua who# 0 announ1e to -ou is Ha ashia1h&The- essiah( 1@:< And so#e of the#&5the Uews> be%ie3ed! and adhe*ed to $ha>u% and $i%a: and of those G*ee;s who fea*ed E%ohi#&God! a g*eat #an-: and a%so of noted wo#en not a few( 1@:= /ut the Uews "AP'-[R> who who we*e not .e*suaded+ " 'we*e indignant&[R> be1o#ing en3ious+! "R'-and gathe*ed to the#se%3es e3i% #en f*o# the #a*;et-.%a1e of the 1it-! and fo*#ed a g*eat #ob: and the- a%a*#ed the 1it-! and 1a#e and assau%ted the house of Uason! and sought to d*aw the# f*o# it! and to de%i3e* the# u. to the #ob( 1@:? And when the- found the# not the*e! the- d*ew Uason and the b*eth*en who we*e the*e! and b*ought the# befo*e the 1hiefs of the 1it-! 1*-ing out: These a*e the- who ha3e te**ified a%% the 1ount*-: and %o! the- ha3e 1o#e he*e a%so: 1@:@ And this Uason is thei* ente*taine*: and the- a%% *esist the 1o##ands of Caesa*! sa-ing that the*e is anothe* Bing! one Yeshua( 1@:A And the 1hiefs of the 1it-! and a%% the .eo.%e! we*e a%a*#ed when the- hea*d these things( 1@:C And the- too; su*eties f*o# Uason: and a%so f*o# the b*eth*en! and then *e%eased the#( 1@:1G And the b*eth*en i##ediate%-! on the sa#e night! sent awa$ha>u% and $i%a to the 1it- of /e*ea( And when the- 1a#e the*e! theente*ed into the $-nagogue of the Uews( 1@:11 Po* the Uews the*e we*e #o*e nob%e&[$-*(>ingenuous+ than the Uews of Thessa%oni1a: and the- g%ad%- hea*d the 4o*d f*o# the# dai%-! and sea*1hed f*o# the $1*i.tu*es&5Tana;h> whethe* these things we*e so( 1@:1) And #an- of the#&5these Uews> be%ie3ed: and so %i;ewise of the G*ee;s! - #an- #en! and wo#en of note( 1@:12 And when the 5unbe%ie3ing> Uews of Thessa%oni1a had ;now%edge that the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God was .*o1%ai#ed b- $ha>u% in the 1itof /e*ea! the- 1a#e the*e a%so! and the- 1eased not to eL1ite and

a%a*# the .eo.%e( 1@:1< And the b*eth*en sent awa- $ha>u%! that he #ight go down to the sea( /ut $i%a and Ti#oth- abode in that 1it-( 1@:1= @ And the- who 1ondu1ted $ha>u%! went with hi# to the 1itof Athens( And when the- de.a*ted f*o# hi#! the- *e1ei3ed a %ette* f*o# hi# to $i%a and Ti#oth-! that the- shou%d 1o#e to hi# s.eedi%-( 1@:1? And whi%e $ha>u% was waiting [Efo* the#F+ at Athens! he was .ained&[$-*(&%it> #ade bitte*+ in his s.i*it: be1ause he saw that the who%e 1it- was fu%% of ido%s( 1@:1@ And in the $-nagogue he s.o;e with the Uews! and with those that fea*ed E%ohi#&God! and in the #a*;et-.%a1e with the# who dai%asse#b%ed the*e( 1@:1A And [A P+-a%so-"R' [A R> 1e*tain+ .hi%os.he*s of the se1t of E.i1u*eans! and othe*s who we*e 1a%%ed $toi1s! dis.uted with hi#( And one and anothe* of the# said: 4hat does this Kwo*ddea%e*& [$-*(> 1o%%e1to* of wo*ds+ #eanI 7the*s said: He announ1es fo*eign deities&[$-*(> gods+: be1ause he .*o1%ai#ed to the# Yeshua and His *esu**e1tion( K[G*(&%it(> seed-.i1;e*+ 1@:1C And the- too; hi# and b*ought hi# to the .%a1e of Oudge#ents 1a%%ed A*eo.agus! and said to hi#: a- we ;now what this new do1t*ine whi1h -ou .*o1%ai# isI 1@:)G Po* -ou s1atte*&[$-*(> sow+ in ou* ea*s st*ange wo*ds: and we wish to ;now what the- a*e( 1@:)1 Po* a%% the Athenians and the fo*eigne*s *esiding the*e! 1a*ed fo* nothing e%se but to te%% o* to hea* so#ething new( 1@:)) @ And as $ha>u% stood in the A*eo.agus! he said: en! Athenians! 0 .e*1ei3e that in a%% things -ou a*e eL1essi3e in the wo*shi. of de#ons( 1@:)2 Po*! as 0 was *o3ing about! and 3iewing the te#.%es of -ou* wo*shi.! 0 #et with an a%ta*! on whi1h was ins1*ibed! T7 THE H088EN G78( Hi#! the*efo*e! who# -ou wo*shi. whi%e -ou ;now Hi# not! the 3e*- sa#e 0 announ1e to -ou( 1@:)< Po* the God who #ade the wo*%d and a%% that is in it! and who is 6o*d of Hea3en and of ea*th! dwe%%s not in te#.%es #ade with hands( 1@:)= No* is He se*3ed to b- hu#an hands! neithe* has He anwants: fo* He it is gi3ing %ife and b*eath&[$-*(&a%t> sou%+ to e3e*- #an( 1@:)? And of one [PR+-b%ood-"A' has He #ade the who%e wo*%d of #en! that the- #ight dwe%% on the fa1e of a%% the ea*th: and He has se.a*ated the seasons b- His o*dinan1e: and has set bounds to the *esiden1e of #en: 1@:)@ That the- #ight inMui*e and sea*1h afte* E%ohi#&God! and! b#eans of His 1*eations! #ight find Hi#: be1ause He is not fa*

off f*o# ea1h one of us: 1@:)A Po* in Hi# it is we %i3e! and #o3e! and eList: as one of -ou* own wise #en has said: P*o# Hi# is ou* des1ent( 1@:)C The*efo*e we! whose des1ent is f*o# E%ohi#&God! ought not to su..ose that the 8iet- has the %i;eness of go%d! o* si%3e*! o* stone! s1u%.tu*ed b- the a*t and s;i%% of #en( 1@:2G And the ti#es of this e**o* E%ohi#&God has #ade to .ass awa-: and at the .*esent ti#e! He 1o##ands a%% #en! that ea1h indi3idua%! in e3e*- .%a1e! shou%d *e.ent( 1@:21 /e1ause He has a..ointed a 8a-! in whi1h He wi%% Oudge a%% the ea*th! with *ighteousness! b- the an who# He has designated: and He tu*ns e3e*- #an to faith in Hi#! in that He *aised Hi# f*o# the dead( 1@:2) And when the- hea*d of the *esu**e1tion f*o# the dead! so#e of the# *idi1u%ed! and othe*s of the# said: At anothe* ti#e! we wi%% hea* -ou on this #atte*( 1@:22 And so $ha>u% de.a*ted f*o# a#ong the#( 1@:2< And so#e of the# adhe*ed to hi#! and be%ie3ed: one of these was 8ion-sius f*o# a#ong the Oudges of A*eo.agus! and a wo#an na#ed 8a#a*is! and othe*s with the#( CHAPTER 1A 1A:1 @ And when $ha>u% de.a*ted f*o# Athens! he went to Co*inth( 1A:) And he found the*e a #an! a Uew! whose na#e was AMui%a! who was f*o# the *egion of Pontus! and had Oust a**i3ed f*o# the 1ount*of 0ta%-! he and P*is1i%%a his wife! be1ause C%audius Caesa* had 1o##anded that a%% Uews shou%d de.a*t f*o# Ro#e( And he went to the#: 1A:2 And! be1ause he was of&[$-*(> son of+ thei* t*ade! he too; %odgings with the#! and wo*;ed with the#: fo* b- thei* t*ade thewe*e tent-#a;e*s( 1A:< And he s.o;e in the $-nagogue e3e*- $habbat! and .e*suaded the Uews and Genti%es&[$-*(> the .*ofain+( 1A:= And when $i%a and Ti#oth- had 1o#e f*o# a1edonia! $ha>u% was Ki#.eded in dis1ou*se! be1ause the&5these unbe%ie3ing> Uews stood u. against hi#! and *e3i%ed! as he testified to the# that Yeshua is Ha ashia1h&The- essiah( K[R>((( 1onst*ained >b- the Rua1h&$.i*it-[a%t(> in his s.i*it! (((+>+ 1A:? And he shoo; his ga*#ents! and said to the#: Hen1efo*th 0 a# 1%ean: 0 beta;e #-se%f to the Go-i#( 1A:@ And he went awa- and ente*ed into the house of a 1e*tain #an na#ed Titus&[R> Uustus+N[A> Titus Uustus+! one who fea*ed

E%ohi# &God! and whose house adOoined the $-nagogue( 1A:A And C*! the P*esident of the $-nagogue! be%ie3ed on ou* 6o*d! he and a%% the #e#be*s&[$-*(> sons+ of his house( And #anCo*inthians ga3e ea*! and be%ie3ed in E%ohi#&God! and we*e i##e*sed( 1A:C And the 6o*d said to $ha>u% in a 3ision: Pea* not! but s.ea; and be not si%ent: 1A:1G Po* 0 a# with -ou! and no one is ab%e to ha*# -ou: and 0 ha3e #u1h .eo.%e in this 1it-( 1A:11 And he *esided in Co*inth a -ea* and siL #onths! and taught the# the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God( 1A:1) @ And when Ga%%io was .*o1onsu% of A1haia! the 5unbe%ie3ing> Uews asse#b%ed togethe* against $ha>u%: and the- b*ought hi# befo*e the Oudge#ent-seat! 1A:12 $a-ing: This #an .e*suades the .eo.%e to wo*shi. E%ohi#&God 1ont*a*- to the To*ah( 1A:1< And when $ha>u% *eMuested that he #ight o.en his #outh and s.ea;! Ga%%io said to the Uews: 0f -ou* a11usation! 7 Uews! *e%ated to an- w*ong done! o* an- f*aud! o* base a1t! 0 wou%d %isten to -ou suitab%-( 1A:1= /ut if the 1ontests a*e about wo*ds! and about na#es! and 1on1e*ning -ou* To*ah! -ou #ust see to it a#ong -ou*se%3es! fo* 0 a# not dis.osed to be a Oudge of su1h #atte*s( 1A:1? And he *e.e%%ed the# f*o# his Oudge#ent-seat( 1A:1@ And Ka%% the genti%es&[$-*(> the .*ofain+ %aid ho%d of $osthenes an E%de* of the $-nagogue! and s#ote hi# befo*e the Oudge#entseat( And Ga%%io dis*ega*ded these things( K[R>((( a%% the G*ee;s (((+&[A>((( the- a%% (((+ 1A:1A And when $ha>u% had been the*e #an- da-s! he bid adieu to the b*eth*en! and de.a*ted b- sea to go to $-*ia( And with hi# went P*is1i%%a and AMui%a! when he had 3owed a 3ow( 1A:1C And the- 1a#e to E.hesus: and $ha>u% ente*ed the $-nagogue! and dis1ou*sed with the Uews( 1A:)G And the- *eMuested hi# to ta**- with the#: but he 1ou%d not be .e*suaded( 1A:)1 Po* he said: [PR+-"A> 0 #ust 1e*tain%- ;ee. the a..*oa1hing Peasti3a% at Ue*usa%e#(' /ut! if it .%ease E%ohi#&God! 0 wi%% 1o#e again to -ou( 1A:)) And AMui%a and P*is1i%%a he %eft at E.hesus! and he hi#se%f .*o1eeded b- sea and 1a#e to Caesa*ea( And he went u. and sa%uted the #e#be*s&[$-*(> sons+ of the Cong*egation! and went on to Antio1h( 1A:)2 And when he had been the*e so#e da-s! he de.a*ted! and t*a3e%%ed f*o# .%a1e to .%a1e in the *egions of Ph*-gia and Ga%atia!

estab%ishing a%% the Ta%#idi#( 1A:)< And a 1e*tain #an na#ed A.o%%os! a Uew! a nati3e of A%eLand*ia! who was t*ained to e%oMuen1e! and we%% taught in the $1*i.tu*es& 5Tana;h>! 1a#e to E.hesus( 1A:)= He had been inst*u1ted in the wa-s of the-6o*d&Adonai! and was fe*3ent in 5s>.i*it: and he dis1ou*sed and taught fu%%*es.e1ting Yeshua! whi%e -et he ;new nothing eL1e.t the i##e*sion of Yo1hanan( 1A:)? And he began to s.ea; bo%d%- in the $-nagogue( And when AMui%a and P*is1i%%a hea*d hi#! the- too; hi# to thei* house! and fu%%showed hi# the 4a- of the 6o*d( 1A:)@ And when he was dis.osed to go to A1haia! the b*eth*en anti1i.ated hi#! and w*ote to the Ta%#idi# to *e1ei3e hi#( And! b- going! th*ough g*a1e! he g*eat%- assisted a%% the# that be%ie3ed( 1A:)A Po* he *easoned .owe*fu%%- against the 5unbe%ie3ing> Uews! befo*e the Cong*egation: and showed f*o# the $1*i.tu*es&5Tana;h>! *es.e1ting Yeshua! that He is Ha ashia1h&The- essiah( CHAPTER 1C 1C:1 @ And whi%e A.o%%os was at Co*inth! $ha>u% t*a3e%%ed o3e* the u..e* 1ount*ies to E.hesus( And he inMui*ed of the Ta%#idi# who# he found the*e! 1C:) KHa3e -ou *e1ei3ed the Rua1h-HaBodesh&EThe Ho%- $.i*itF! sin1e -ou be%ie3edI The- answe*ed and said to hi#: 0f the*e be a Rua1h-Bodesh&EHo%- $.i*itF! it has not 1o#e to ou* hea*ing( K[#P2A>And he said to the#! Ha3e -ou *e1ei3ed Rua1hHaBodesh -5The Ho%- $.i*it>! >ha3ing be%ie3ed the sa#e E$.i*itF to be of the 6o*dI>-[a%t&E$ande*sF> ha3ing be%ie3ed the sa#e E$.i*itF of the 6o*d to eList+I+-EEa*%- anus1*i.ts R ode*n T*ans%ations of the New Testa#ent&Phi%i. 4( Co#fo*t: a%so 1iting: Hen*- A( $ande*s! QA Pa.-*us P*ag#ent of A1ts in the i1higan Co%%e1tion!Q in Ha*3a*d Theo%ogi1a% Re3iew )G E1C)@F! 1-1C( $1hofie%d! )??-)@)(F 1C:2 He said to the#: 0nto what then we*e -ou i##e*sedI Thesa-: 0nto the i##e*sion of Yo1hanan( 1C:< $ha>u% said to the#: Yo1hanan i##e*sed the .eo.%e with the i##e*sion of *e.entan1e! whi%e he to%d the# to be%ie3e in Hi# who was to 1o#e afte* hi#! that is! in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&Theessiah( 1C:= And when the- hea*d these things! the- we*e i##e*sed in the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( 1C:? And $ha>u% %aid [EhisF+ hand on the#: and Rua1h-HaBodesh& EThe Ho%- $.i*itF 1a#e u.on the#! and the- s.o;e in 3a*ious tongues! and .*o.hesied( 1C:@ And a%% the .e*sons we*e twe%3e( 1C:A And $ha>u% ente*ed into the $-nagogue! and s.o;e bo%d%th*ee

#onths! .e*suading in *ega*d to the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( 1C:C And so#e of the# we*e ha*dened! and dis.utatious! and *e3i%ed the 4a- of E%ohi#&God befo*e the asse#b%- of the .eo.%e( Then $ha>u% withd*ew hi#se%f! and se.e*ated the Ta%#idi# f*o# the#( And he dis1ou*sed with the# dai%- in the s1hoo%&5Yeshi3ah> of a #an na#ed T-*annus( 1C:1G And this 1ontinued fo* two -ea*s! unti% a%% who *esided in [EP*o1onsu%a*F+ Asia! both Uews and Genti%es&Go-i#&[$-*(> A*a#aeans+! hea*d the 4o*d of the-6o*d&Adonai( 1C:11 And God w*ought 3e*- g*eat #i*a1%es b- the hand of $ha>u%: 1C:1) $o that! f*o# the 1%othes of his bod-! na.;ins and *ags we*e 1a**ied and %aid u.on the si1;! and the diseases %eft the#! and de#ons a%so went out( 1C:12 @ And #o*eo3e* 1e*tain Uews! who went about eLo*1ising de#ons! we*e in1%ined to eLo*1ise in the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua o3e* those who had un1%ean s.i*its! b- sa-ing: [PR+-4e&[A> 0+ adOu*e -ou! in the Na#e of that Yeshua who# $ha>u% announ1es( 1C:1< And the*e we*e se3en sons of one $;e3a! a Uew! and head of the Cohani#! who did this( 1C:1= And the e3i% de#on answe*ed and said to the#: Yeshua 0 we%% ;now! and $ha>u% 0 ;now! but as fo* -ou! who a*e -ouI 1C:1? And the #an in who# was the e3i% de#on %ea.ed u.on the#! and [A> the-+ o3e*-.owe*ed the#! Kand th*ew the# down: and thef%ed out of the house denuded and b*uised( K[EAFR>(((! and .*e3ai%ed against [A> both of+ the#! so that the- f%ed (((+ 1C:1@ And this be1a#e ;nown to a%% the Uews and Genti%es&Go-i#& [$-*(> A*a#aeans+! who *esided at E.hesus( And fea* fe%% on the# a%%! and the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah was eLa%ted( 1C:1A And #an- of the# that be%ie3ed! 1a#e and na**ated thei* fau%ts! and 1onfessed what the- had done( 1C:1C And a%so #an- #agi1ians 1o%%e1ted thei* boo;s! and b*ought and bu*ned the# befo*e e3e*- bod-: and the- 1o#.uted the 1ost of the#! and it a#ounted to fift- thousand [E.ie1esF+ of si%3e*( 1C:)G And thus with g*eat .owe* was the faith of E%ohi#&God st*engthened and in1*eased( 1C:)1 And when these things had been a11o#.%ished! $ha>u% .u*.osed in his #ind! to #a;e the 1i*1uit of a%% a1edonia and A1haia! and [EthenF+ go to Ye*usha%a-i#( And he said: Afte* 0 ha3e gone the*e! 0 #ust a%so see Ro#e( 1C:)) And he sent two .e*sons! of those that did-se*3i1e to hi#! Ti#oth- and E*astus&[$-*(> A*istus+! into a1edonia: but he hi#se%f *e#ained fo* a ti#e in Asia( 1C:)2 @ And at that ti#e the*e was g*eat 1o##otion *es.e1ting the 4aof E%ohi#&God( 1C:)< Po* a 1e*tain si%3e*s#ith was the*e! na#ed 8e#et*ius! who #ade si%3e* sh*ines fo* 8iana! and affo*ded g*eat .*ofits to the a*tisans&[$-*(> sons+ of his t*ade(

1C:)= He asse#b%ed a%% the a*tisans of his t*ade! and those who %abo*ed with the#! and said to the#: Gent%e#an&[$-*(> en+! -ou ;now that ou* gains a*e a%% f*o# this #anufa1tu*e( 1C:)? And -ou a%so ;now and see! that not on%- 1itiDens&[$-*(> sons+ of E.hesus! but a%so the #ass of a%% Asia! this $ha>u% has .e*suaded and enti1ed awa-! b- sa-ing! that those a*e not gods! whi1h a*e #ade b- the hands of #en( 1C:)@ And not on%- is this o11u.ation s%ande*ed and i#.eded! but a%so the te#.%e of the g*eat goddess 8iana is a11ounted as nothing: and %i;ewise the goddess he*se%f of a%% Asia! and who# a%% nations wo*shi.! Kis t*eated-with-1onte#.t( K[A> he* #agnifi1en1e EisF dest*o-ed+ K[R> she beEingF des.osed f*o# he* #agnifi1en1e+ 1C:)A And when the- hea*d these things the- we*e fi%%ed with w*ath: and the- 1*ied out! and said: G*eat is 8iana of the E.hesians( 1C:)C And the who%e 1it- was in 1o##otion: and the- *an togethe*! and ente*ed the theat*e( And the- 1aught! and bo*e a%ong with the#! Gaius and A*ista*1hus! #en of a1edonia! and asso1iates of $ha>u%( 1C:2G @ And $ha>u% was dis.osed to go into the theat*e: but the Ta%#idi# *est*ained hi#( 1C:21 And %i;ewise Eso#e ofF the 1hiefs of Asia! be1ause the- we*e his f*iends! sent and *eMuested of hi#! that he wou%d not eL.ose hi#se%f b- going into the theat*e( 1C:2) And the #u%titudes that we*e in the theat*e we*e in g*eat 1onfusion! and 1*ied! so#e one thing! and so#e anothe*: and #anof the# ;new not fo* what 1ause the- had 1o#e togethe*( 1C:22 And the 5E essiani1F> Uewish .eo.%e who we*e the*e! b*ought fo*wa*d one of thei* #en! a 5E essiani1F> Uew! na#ed A%eLande*( And he! *ising u.! wa3ed his hand! and wished to #a;e a defen1e befo*e the .eo.%e( 1C:2< /ut the-! ;nowing hi# to be a KUew! a%% 1*ied out with one 3oi1e! about two hou*s: G*eat is 8iana of the E.hesians( K[A%t(E.e*ha.sF> E essiani1F Uew! (((+-E$ee 1o##enta*- on A1ts 1C:22(F 1C:2= /ut the 1hief of the 1it- 1a%#ed the#! b- sa-ing: en of E.hesus! 4hat .e*son is the*e! a#ong #en! who does not ;now the 1itof the E.hesians to be de3oted to the wo*shi. of the g*eat 8iana! and of he* i#age that des1ended f*o# hea3en&5the s;->I 1C:2? $in1e the*efo*e no one 1an s.ea;-against this! -ou ought to be 1a%#! and to do nothing with *ashness( 1C:2@ Po* -ou ha3e b*ought fo*wa*d these #en! when the- ha3e *obbed no te#.%es! and ha3e not *e3i%ed [R> -ou*+&ou*-[AP+ goddess(

1C:2A /ut if 8e#et*ius and the #en of his t*ade ha3e a 1ont*o3e*s- with an- one! %o! the*e is a .*o1onsu% in the 1it-! the- a*e #en of s;i%%! %et the# a..*oa1h and %itigate with one anothe*( 1C:2C 7* if -ou desi*e an- othe* thing! it #a- be dete*#ined in the .%a1e assigned b- %aw fo* an asse#b%-( 1C:<G /e1ause we too a*e now in dange* of being a11used as seditious! sin1e we 1annot gi3e a *eason fo* the #eeting of this da-! be1ause we ha3e asse#b%ed need%ess%-! and been tu#u%tuous without a 1ause( And ha3ing said these things! he dis#issed the asse#b%-( CHAPTER )G )G:1 And afte* the tu#u%t had subsided! $ha>u% 1a%%ed the Ta%#idi# to hi#! and 1o#fo*ted the#! and ;issed the# Egood-b-eF! and de.a*ted! and went into a1edonia( )G:) And when he had t*a3e%%ed o3e* those *egions! and had 1o#fo*ted the# with #an- dis1ou*ses! he .*o1eeded to the 1ount*- of G*ee1e( )G:2 And he was the*e th*ee #onths( And the 5unbe%ie3ing> Uews fo*#ed a .%ot against hi#! when he was about to go to $-*ia: and he 1onte#.%ated *etu*ning to a1edonia( )G:< And the*e de.a*ted with hi#! as fa* as Asia! $o.ate* of the 1itof /e*ea! and A*ista*1hus and $e1undus who we*e of Thessa%oni1a! and Gaius who was of the 1it- of 8e*be! and Ti#oth- of 6-st*a! and of Asia - T-1hi1us and T*o.hi#us( )G:= These .*o1eeded on befo*e us! and waited fo* us at T*oas( )G:? And we de.a*ted f*o# Phi%i..i! a 1it- of the a1edonians! afte* the da-s of atDah&un%ea3en-b*ead: and .*o1eeded bwate* and a**i3ed at T*oas in fi3e da-s! and *e#ained the*e se3en da-s( )G:@ @ And on 5 otDa>ei-$habbat&E$habbat-e3eningF! going into> the fi*st da- of the wee;! when we asse#b%ed to b*ea; the 1o##unionb*ead! $ha>u% dis1ou*sed with the#! be1ause he was to de.a*t the neLt da-: and he 1ontinued his dis1ou*se ti%% #idnight( )G:A And the*e we*e #an- 5EHa3da%ahF> %a#.s bu*ning in the 1ha#be* whe*e [AP+-we&[R> the-+ we*e asse#b%ed( )G:C And a -oung #an na#ed Eut-1hus was sitting in a window and %istening( And whi%e $ha>u% .*o%onged his dis1ou*se! he sun; into a dee. s%ee.: and! in his s%ee.! he fe%% f*o# the thi*d %oft! and was ta;en u. as dead( )G:1G And $ha>u% went down! and bent o3e* hi# and e#b*a1ed hi#! and said: /e not distu*bed! fo* his sou% is in hi#( )G:11 And when he had gone u.! he b*o;e the b*ead and tasted [EitF+! and dis1ou*sed unti% the #o*ning dawned( And then he de.a*ted to go b- %and( )G:1) And the- b*ought the -oung #an a%i3e! and *eOoi1ed o3e*

hi# g*eat%-( )G:12 And we went on boa*d the shi.! and sai%ed to the .o*t of Thesos& [G*> Assos+: be1ause! the*e we we*e to ta;e in $ha>u%: fo* so had he bidden us! when he .*o1eeded on b- %and( )G:1< And when we had *e1ei3ed hi# at Thesos&[G*> Assos+! we too; hi# on boa*d shi. and .*o1eeded to it-%ene( )G:1= And f*o# the*e! the neLt da-! we sai%ed o3e* against the is%and Chios: and again! the neLt da- we a**i3ed at $a#os! and sto..ed at T*og-%%iu#: and on the fo%%owing da- we a**i3ed at i%etus( )G:1? Po* $ha>u% had dete*#ined with hi#se%f to .ass b- E.hesus! %est he shou%d be de%a-ed the*e: be1ause he hasted on! if .ossib%e! to ;ee. the da- of $ha3u>ot in Ye*usha%a-i#( )G:1@ @ And f*o# i%etus! he sent and 1a%%ed the E%de*s of the Cong*egation at E.hesus( )G:1A And when the- had 1o#e to hi#! he said to the#: You -ou*se%3es ;now! how! at a%% ti#es! sin1e the fi*st da- that 0 ente*ed Asia! 0 ha3e been with -ou: )G:1C 6abo*ing fo* E%ohi#&God! in g*eat hu#i%it-& [$-*(&a%t>de.*ession+! and with tea*s! a#id the t*ia%s whi1h beset #e f*o# the .%ottings of 5unbe%ie3ing> Uews: )G:)G And 0 shunned not that whi1h was ad3antageous to -ou* sou%s! that 0 #ight .*o1%ai# to -ou! and tea1h in the st*eets and in houses! )G:)1 4hi%e 0 testified to Uews and to Go-i#&Genti%es& [$-*(>A*a#aeans+! as to *e.entan1e towa*ds E%ohi#&God and faith in ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( )G:)) And now 0 a# bound in 5s>.i*it! and 0 go to Ye*usha%a-i#: and 0 ;now not what wi%% ha..en-to #e the*e: )G:)2 EL1e.t that Rua1h-HaBodesh&EThe Ho%- $.i*itF! in e3e*- 1it-! testifies to #e and sa-s: /onds and aff%i1tions await -ou( )G:)< K/ut #- %ife is a11ounted b- #e as nothing! so that 0 #abut finish #- 1ou*se! and the offi1e-of-se*3i1e whi1h 0 ha3e *e1ei3ed f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua! to bea* testi#on- to the Good-News of the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God( K[R> /ut none of these things #o3e #e! neithe* 1ount 0 #%ife dea* unto #-se%f! so(((+ K[A> /ut 0 do not 1ount #- %ife of an- 3a%ue o* dea* to #-se%f! so (((+ )G:)= And now! 0 ;now that -ou wi%% see #- fa1e no #o*e! a%% of -ou a#ong who# 0 ha3e t*a3e%%ed and .*o1%ai#ed the Bingdo# "#> of E%ohi#&God'( )G:)? 0 the*efo*e .*otest to -ou! this da-! that 0 a# .u*e f*o# the b%ood of -ou a%%(

)G:)@ Po* 0 ha3e not a3oided to a1Muaint -ou with a%% the wi%% of E%ohi#&God( )G:)A Ta;e heed the*efo*e to -ou*se%3es! and to a%% the f%o1; o3e* whi1h Rua1h-HaBodesh&EThe Ho%- $.i*itF has estab%ished -ou as 73e*see*s: that -ou feed the Cong*egation of K[PR+E%ohi#&God! whi1h He has a1Mui*ed b- His b%ood( K1EThis is the on%- .%a1e in this 3e*sion EPeshittaF of the New Testa#ent in whi1h the wo*d >/isho.>&573e*see*s> o11u*s(F K)[0n the Nesto*ian $$>((( essiah! whi1h He (((+ K)[ >((( the-6o*d&Adonai E%ohi#&God! whi1h He (((+ )G:)C Po* 0 ;now! that afte* 0 a# gone! fie*1e wo%3es wi%% 1o#e in a#ong -ou! and wi%% ha3e no #e*1- on the f%o1;( )G:2G And a%so! f*o# a#ong -ou*se%3es! the*e wi%% *ise u. #en s.ea;ing .e*3e*se things! that the- #a- tu*n awa- the Ta%#idi# to go afte* the#( )G:21 The*efo*e be -ou 3igi%ant: and *e#e#be*! that fo* th*ee -ea*s 0 1eased not to ad#onish ea1h one of -ou! b- da- and b- night! with tea*s( )G:2) And now [R> b*eth*en+ 0 1o##end -ou to E%ohi#&God! and to the 4o*d of His g*a1e! whi1h is ab%e to bui%d -ou u.! and to gi3e -ou an inhe*itan1e a#ong a%% the $an1tified-ones( )G:22 $i%3e*! o* go%d! o* ga*#ents! 0 ha3e not 1o3eted( )G:2< [R> -es+-"A P' [P+-And-"AR' -ou -ou*se%3es ;now! that these E#-F hands se*3ed unto #- EownF needs! and to the# that we*e with #e( )G:2= And 0 ha3e showed -ou a%% things: that thus it is a dut- to %abo*! and to 1a*e fo* the infi*#! and to *e#e#be* the wo*ds of ou* 6o*d Yeshua: fo* He has said! That he is #o*e b%essed who gi3es! than he who *e1ei3es( )G:2? And when he had said these things! he fe%% on his ;nees and .*a-ed! and a%% the .eo.%e with hi#( )G:2@ And the*e was g*eat a#ong the# a%%( )G:2A And the- had the #ost anguish! be1ause of the wo*d he utte*ed! that the- wou%d see his fa1e no #o*e( And the- a11o#.anied hi# to the shi.( CHAPTER )1 )1:1 And we se.e*ated f*o# the#! and .*o1eeded in a st*aight 1ou*se to the is%and of Cos: and the neLt da-! we *ea1hed Rhodes! and f*o# the*e Pata*a( )1:) And we found the*e a shi. going to Phoeni1ia: and we ente*ed it! and .*o1eeded on( )1:2 And we 1a#e u. with the is%and of C-.*us! and %ea3ing it on the %eft we 1a#e to $-*ia: and f*o# the*e we went to T-*e! fo* the*e the shi. was to dis1ha*ge he* 1a*go( )1:< And! as we found [A> the+-"PR' Ta%#idi# the*e! we ta**ied with

the# se3en da-s: and the-! b- the Rua1h&$.i*it! to%d $ha>u% not to go to Ye*usha%a-i#( )1:= And afte* those da-s! we de.a*ted and went on [Eou*F+ wa-: and the- a%% 1%ung to us! the- and thei* wi3es and thei* 1hi%d*en! unti% [Ewe we*eF+ without the 1it-: and the- fe%% on thei* ;nees b- the seaside! and .*a-ed( )1:? And we ;issed one anothe*: and we e#ba*;ed in the shi.! and the*etu*ned to thei* ho#es( )1:@ And we sai%ed f*o# TDo*! and a**i3ed at the 1it- A11o&[G*> Pto%e#ais+: and we sa%uted the b*eth*en the*e! and sto..ed with the# one da-( )1:A And the neLt da-! we [R> who we*e $ha>u%>s 1o#.anions+"AP' de.a*ted and 1a#e to Caesa*ea: and we went in and .ut u. in the house of Phi%i. the P*o1%ai#e*-of-the-Good-News! who was one of The $e3en( )1:C He had fou* 3i*gin daughte*s! who we*e P*o.hetesses( )1:1G And as we we*e the*e #an- da-s! a 1e*tain P*o.het 1a#e down f*o# Y>hudah! whose na#e was Aga3( )1:11 And he 1a#e in to us! and too; the gi*d%e of $ha>u%>s %oins! and bound his own feet and hands! and said: Thus saith Rua1hHaBodesh &EThe Ho%- $.i*itF! $o wi%% the Uudeans in Ye*usha%a-i# bind the #an! who owns this gi*d%e: and the- wi%% de%i3e* hi# into the hands of the Go-i#&Genti%es&5Nations>( )1:1) @ And when we hea*d these wo*ds! we and the *esidents& [$-*(%it> sons+ of the .%a1e begged hi#! that he wou%d not go to Ye*usha%a-i#( )1:12 Then $ha>u% answe*ed and said: 4hat do -ou! and 1*ushing #- hea*tI Po* 0 a# .*e.a*ed! not on%- to be bound! but a%so to die at Ye*usha%a-i#! fo* the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( )1:1< And as he was not to be .e*suaded b- us! we desisted: and we said: 6et the .%easu*e of ou* 6o*d ta;e .%a1e( )1:1= And afte* those da-s! we .*e.a*ed ou*se%3es and went u. to Ye*usha%a-i#( )1:1? And so#e Ta%#idi# of Caesa*ea went a%ong with us! ta;ing with the# a b*othe* f*o# a#ong the ea*%ie* Ta%#idi#! whose na#e was nason! and who was f*o# C-.*us: that he #ight ente*tain us at his house( )1:1@ And when we a**i3ed at Ye*usha%a-i#! the b*eth*en *e1ei3ed us Oo-fu%%-( )1:1A And the neLt da-! with $ha>u%! we went unto Ya,a;o3! when a%% the E%de*s we*e with hi#( )1:1C And we ga3e the# sa%utation: and $ha>u% na**ated to the#! with s.e1ifi1-detai%! what E%ohi#&God had w*ought a#ong the Go-i#&

Genti%es&Nations b- his offi1e-of-se*3i1e( )1:)G And when the- hea*d [EitF+ the- g%o*ified E%ohi#&God( And thesaid to hi#: K7u* b*othe*! You see how #an- K#-*iads&5tensofthousands> the*e a*e in Y>hudah 5of the Uews> who ha3e /e%ie3ed: and these a*e a%% Dea%ous fo* the To*ah( K[R>(((: You see! b*othe*! how #an- thousands of Uews the*e a*e whi1h be%ie3e: (((+ K)EG*&2<?1> #-*iads: an innu#e*ab%e #u%titudeF )1:)1 And it has been to%d the#! of -ou! that -ou tea1h a%% the Uews that a*e a#ong the Genti%es&Go-i#&5Nations> to de.a*t f*o# oshe! b- te%%ing the# not to 1i*1u#1ise Efo* />*it-#i%ahF thei* 1hi%d*en! and not to obse*3e&[$-*(> to wa%; in+ the obse*3an1es of the To*ah( )1:)) KNow! be1ause the- ha3e hea*d that -ou ha3e a**i3ed he*e! K[R> 4hat is it the*efo*eI the #u%titude #ust needs 1o#e togethe*: fo* the- wi%% hea* that -ou a*e 1o#e!+ K[A> 4hat the- is to be doneI The- wi%% 1e*tain%- hea* that -ou ha3e 1o#e!+ )1:)2 8o -ou what we te%% -ou( 4e ha3e fou* #en! who ha3e 3owed to .u*if- the#se%3es( )1:)< Ta;e the#! and go and .u*if- -ou*se%f with the#! and .athe eL.enses a%ong with the#! as the- sha%% sha3e thei* heads: that e3e*- one #a- ;now! that what is said against -ou is fa%se! and that -ou 1a**--out and obse*3e the To*ah( )1:)= As to those of the Go-i#&Genti%es&Nations who ha3e be%ie3ed! we ha3e w*itten! "AP'-[that the- shou%d obse*3e no su1h thing! eL1e.t+ that the- shou%d ;ee. the#se%3es f*o# [Ean ido%>sF+ sa1*ifi1e! and f*o# who*edo#! and f*o# what is st*ang%ed! and f*o# b%ood( )1:)? Then $ha>u% too; those #en! on the fo%%owing da-! and was .u*ified with the#: and he ente*ed and went into the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! #anifesting to the# the 1o#.%etion of the da-s of the .u*ifi1ation! u. to the .*esentation of the offe*ing b- ea1h of the#( )1:)@ And when the se3enth da- a**i3ed! the 5unbe%ie3ing> Uews f*o# Asia saw hi# in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF: and the- eL1ited a%% the .eo.%e against hi#! and %aid hands on hi#! )1:)A C*-ing out and sa-ing: en! sons of 0s*ae%: he%.( This is the #an! who tea1hes in e3e*- .%a1e! against ou* .eo.%e! and against the To*ah! and against this .%a1e: and he has a%so b*ought Genti%es&Go-i#-[$-*(&%it> A*a#aeans+ into the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! and has .o%%uted this ho%- .%a1e( )1:)C @ Po* the- had [PR+-.*e3ious%--" ' seen with hi# in the 1itT*o.hi#us the E.hesian: and the- su..osed! that he had ente*ed the Te#.%e Ea*eaF with $ha>u%( )1:2G And the who%e 1it- was in 1o##otion: and a%% the .eo.%e asse#b%ed togethe*! and %aid ho%d of $ha>u%! and d*agged hi# out of the Te#.%e Ea*eaF: and instant%- the gates we*e 1%osed( )1:21 And whi%e the #u%titude we*e see;ing to ;i%% hi#! it was

*e.o*ted to the Chi%ia*1h of the Ro#an-#i%ita*--unit! that the who%e 1itwas in u.*oa*( )1:2) And i##ediate%- he too; a Centu*ion and #an- so%die*s! and the*an u.on the#( And when the- saw the Chi%ia*1h and the so%die*s! the- desisted f*o# beating $ha>u%( )1:22 And the Chi%ia*1h 1a#e u. to hi#! and seiDed hi#! and o*de*ed hi# to be bound with two 1hains: and he inMui*ed *es.e1ting hi#! who he was! and what he had done( )1:2< And .e*sons f*o# the th*ong shouted-%oud%- against hi# this thing and that( And! be1ause he 1ou%d not! on a11ount of thei* u.*oa*! %ea*n what the t*uth was! he 1o##anded to 1ondu1t hi# to the ba**a1;s( )1:2= And when $ha>u% 1a#e to the stai*s! the so%die*s bo*e hi# a%ong! be1ause of the 3io%en1e of the .eo.%e( )1:2? Po* a g*eat #an- .eo.%e fo%%owed afte* hi#! and 1*ied out! sa-ing: Awa- with hi#( )1:2@ And when he 1a#e nea* to ente*ing the ba**a1;s! $ha>u% said to the Chi%ia*1h: 4i%% -ou .e*#it #e to s.ea; with -ouI And he said to hi#: 8o -ou ;now G*ee;I )1:2A A*e not -ou that Eg-.tian who! befo*e these da-s! #ade a *e3o%t& *ebe%%ion insu**e1tion! and %ead out into the dese*t fou* thousand #en! Ewho we*eF doe*s of e3i%I )1:2C $ha>u% said to hi#: 0 a# a Uew! a #an of Ta*sus! a noted 1itin Ci%i1ia! in whi1h 0 was bo*n: 0 beg-of -ou! a%%ow #e to s.ea; to the .eo.%e( )1:<G And when he .e*#itted hi#! $ha>u% stood u.on the stai*s! and wa3ed to the# his hand: and when the- we*e Muiet! he add*essed the# in Heb*ew! and said to the#: CHAPTER )) )):1 /*eth*en! and fathe*s! hea*;en to #- defen1e befo*e -ou( )):) And when the- .e*1ei3ed&[$-*(> hea*d+ that he add*essed the# in Heb*ew! the- we*e the #o*e Muiet: and he said to the#: )):2 0 a# a #an who a# a Uew: and 0 was bo*n in Ta*sus of Ci%i1ia! but was b*ought u. in this Cit- EYe*usha%a-i#F! at the feet of Ga#a%i>e%! and inst*u1ted .e*fe1t%- in the To*ah of ou* fathe*s: and 0 was Dea%ous fo* E%ohi#&God! as -ou a%so a%% a*e( )):< And 0 .e*se1uted this 4a-! e3en to death: fo* 0 bound! and de%i3e*ed u. to .*ison! [EbothF+ #en and wo#en( )):= As the Cohen haGado% is #- witness! and %i;ewise a%% the E%de*s Eof the $anhed*inF: f*o# who# 0 *e1ei3ed %ette*s! that 0 #ight go to the b*eth*en in 8a##ese;! and b*ing those who we*e .*isone*s to Ye*usha%a-i#! to *e1ie3e 1a.ita% .unish#ent&[$-*(> inf%i1tion on the head+(

)):? And as 0 t*a3e%%ed and began to a..*oa1h 8a##ese;! at noonda-! f*o# a#idst t*anMui%%it-! a g*eat %ight f*o# Hea3en bu*st u.on #e( )):@ And 0 fe%% to the ea*th: and 0 hea*d a 9oi1e! whi1h said to #e: $ha>u%! $ha>u%J wh- .e*se1ute -ou eI )):A And 0 answe*ed and said: 4ho a*e You! $i*&#--6o*d&AdonaiI And he answe*ed to #e: 0 a# Yeshua the NatD*ati! who# -ou .e*se1ute( )):C And the #en who we*e with #e! saw the %ight "AP'-[R> and we*e af*aid+! but hea*d not the 9oi1e that ta%;ed with #e( )):1G And 0 said: --6o*d&Adonai&$i* what #ust 0 doI And ou* 6o*d said to #e: A*ise! go to 8a##ese;: and the*e wi%% be to%d -ou! a%% that it is 1o##anded -ou to do( )):11 And as 0 1ou%d see nothing! be1ause of the g%o*- of that %ight! those with #e too; #e b- the hand! and 0 ente*ed 8a##ese;( )):1) And a 1e*tain #an! Chanan-ah! who was u.*ight a11o*ding to the To*ah! as a%% the Uews the*e testified 1on1e*ning hi#! 1a#e to #e( )):12 And he said to #e: - b*othe* $ha>u%J o.en -ou* e-es( And instant%- #- e-es we*e o.ened: and 0 %oo;ed u.on hi#( )):1< And he said to #e: The God of ou* fathe*s has a..ointed -ou to ;now His wi%%! and to beho%d the Uust-7ne&TDaddi;! and to hea* the 9oi1e of His #outh( )):1= And -ou sha%% be a witness fo* Hi# befo*e a%% #en! 1on1e*ning a%% that -ou ha3e seen and hea*d( )):1? And now! wh- de%a- -ouI A*ise! be i##e*sed! and be 1%eansed f*o# -ou* sins! whi%e -ou 1a%%-u.on His Na#e( )):1@ And 0 *etu*ned and 1a#e he*e to Ye*usha%a-i#( And 0 .*a-ed in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF( )):1A And 0 saw Hi# in a 3ision! when He said to #e: a;e haste! and get -ou out of Ye*usha%a-i#: fo* the- wi%% not *e1ei3e -ou* testi#on- 1on1e*ning e( )):1C And 0 said: --6o*d&Adonai&$i*! the- we%% ;now that 0 ha3e de%i3e*ed u. to .*ison! and ha3e s1ou*ged in a%% $-nagogues! those who be%ie3ed in You( )):)G And when the b%ood of You* #a*t-* $te.hen was shed! 0 a%so was standing with the# [AR> 1onsenting+ "AP'-[R> to his death+! "AR> and .e*fo*#ed the .%easu*e of his s%a-e*s'! and too; 1ha*ge of the ga*#ents of those that stoned hi#( )):)1 /ut He said to #e: 8e.a*t: fo* 0 send -ou to afa*! to .*o1%ai# to the Go-i#&Genti%es&Nations( )):)) And when the- had hea*d $ha>u% as fa* as this senten1e& [$-*(> wo*d+! the- *aised thei* 3oi1e! and 1*ied out: Awa- with su1h a #an f*o# the ea*thJ fo* he ought not to %i3eJ )):)2 And as the- shouted-%oud%-! and 1ast off thei* ga*#ents! and th*ew dust into the ai*! )):)< The Chi%ia*1h ga3e o*de*s! to 1a**- hi# into the ba**a1;s: and

he 1o##anded! that he shou%d be eLa#ined with st* that he #ight ;now! fo* what 1ause the- 1*ied out against hi#( )):)= And as the- we*e st*et1hing hi# with *! $ha>u% said to the Centu*ion who stood o3e* hi#: 0s is %awfu% fo* -ou to s1ou*ge a #an! who is a Ro#an&[$-*(&a%t> Ro#an-1itiDen! and not -et found gui%t-I )):)? And when the Centu*ion hea*d [EitF+! he went to the Chi%ia*1h! and said to hi#: 4hat do -ouI Po* this #an is a Ro#an( )):)@ And the Chi%ia*1h 1a#e to hi#! and said to hi#: Te%% #e: A*e -ou a Ro#an E1itiDenFI And he said to hi#: Yes( )):)A The Chi%ia*1h *e.%ied and said to hi#: 4ith #u1h #one- 0 a1Mui*ed Ro#an 1itiDenshi.&[$-*(&%it> Ro#an-shi.+( $ha>u% said to hi#: And 0 was bo*n in it( )):)C And i##ediate%- the- who we*e intending to s1ou*ge hi#! f%ed f*o# hi#: and the Chi%ia*1h was af*aid! when he %ea*ned that he was a Ro#an E1itiDenF! be1ause he had st*et1hed hi# [Efo* s1ou*gingF+( )):2G And the neLt da-! he E! the Chi%ia*1h!F wished to ;now t*u%what the a11usation was! whi1h the Uudeans b*ought against hi#: and he unbound hi#! and 1o##anded the head Cohani#! and the who%e of thei* head-#en&E$anhed*inF! to asse#b%e: and he too; $ha>u%! and b*ought hi# down! and .%a1ed hi# a#ong the#( CHAPTER )2 )2:1 And when $ha>u% had %oo;ed on the asse#b%- of the#! he said: en! #- b*eth*en: 0 ha3e %i3ed in a%% good 1ons1ien1e befo*e E%ohi#& God u. to this da-( )2:) And Chanan-ah! the Cohen EhaGado%F! 1o##anded those who stood bhis side! to s#ite $ha>u% on the #outh( )2:2 And $ha>u% said to hi#: E%ohi#&God is he*eafte* to s#ite -ou! [E-ouF+ 4hited 4a%%J Po*! sit -ou Oudging #e ag*eeab%- to To*ah! whi%e -ou t*ansg*ess the To*ah! and 1o##and to s#ite #eI )2:< And those standing b-! said to hi#: 8o -ou *e.*oa1h the Cohen EhaGado%F of E%ohi#&GodJ )2:= $ha>u% said to the#: 0 was not awa*e! #- b*eth*en! that he was the Cohen EhaGado%F: fo* it is 4*itten! Thou sha%t not 1u*se the *u%e* of th- .eo.%e( )2:? And! as $ha>u% ;new that a .a*t of the .eo.%e we*e of the TD>du;i#! and a .a*t of the P>*ushi#! he 1*ied out! in the asse#b%-: en! #- b*eth*en: 0 a# a Pa*ush! the son of a Pa*ush: and fo* the ho.e of the *esu**e1tion of the dead! 0 a# Oudged( )2:@ And when he had said this! the P>*ushi# and TD>du;i# fe%% u.on one anothe*! and the .eo.%e we*e di3ided( )2:A Po* the TD>du;i# sa- that the*e is no *esu**e1tion! no* ange%s!

no* a s.i*it: but the P>*ushi# 1onfess a%% these( )2:C And the*e was g*eat shouting-a%oud( And so#e $1*ibes&5To*ahTea1he*s> of the .a*t- of the P>*ushi# *ose u.! and 1ontended with the#! and said: 4e ha3e found nothing e3i% in this #an: Kfo* if a s.i*it o* an ange% has 1on3e*sed with hi#! what is the*e Ew*ongF in thatI K[R>(((: but if a s.i*it o* an ange% has s.o;en to hi#! %et us not fight against E%ohi#&God(+ K[A>(((: what if a s.i*it o* an ange% has s.o;en to hi#I+ )2:1G And! as the*e was g*eat 1o##otion a#ong the#! the Chi%ia*1h was af*aid %est the- shou%d tea* $ha>u% in .ie1es( And he sent Ro#ans&5$o%die*s>! to go and .%u1; hi# f*o# thei* #idst! and b*ing hi# into the ba**a1;s( )2:11 And when night 1a#e! ou* 6o*d a..ea*ed to $ha>u%! and said to hi#: /e st*ong: fo* as -ou ha3e testified of e in Ye*usha%a-i#! so a%so a*e -ou to testif- at Ro#e( )2:1) @ And when it was #o*ning! "#> se3e*a%&[R> 1e*tain+N[#> so#e+ of' the Uudeans asse#b%ed togethe*! and bound the#se%3es boathsagainst-the#se%3es! that the- wou%d neithe* eat no* d*in; unti% the- has s%ain $ha>u%( )2:12 And the- who had estab%ished this ag*ee#ent b- oath! we*e #o*e than fo*t- .e*sons( )2:1< And the- went to the Cohani# and E%de*s! and said: 4e ha3e bound ou*se%3es b- oaths-against-ou*se%3es! that we wi%% taste of nothing! unti% we sha%% ha3e s%ain $ha>u%( )2:1= And now! do Ethus -F -ou and the heads of the 1ong*egation *eMuest of the Chi%ia*1h! that he wou%d b*ing hi# unto -ou [R> to#o**ow+-"AP'! as if -ou we*e desi*ous to in3estigate t*u%- his 1ondu1t: and we a*e .*e.a*ed to s%a- hi#! befo*e he sha%% 1o#e to -ou( )2:1? And the son of $ha>u%>s siste*! hea*d of this .%ot: and he went into the ba**a1;s! and info*#ed $ha>u%( )2:1@ And $ha>u% sent and 1a%%ed one of the Centu*ions! and said to hi#: Condu1t this -outh to the Chi%ia*1h: fo* he has so#ething to te%% hi#( )2:1A And the Centu*ion too; the -oung #an! and int*odu1ed hi# to the Chi%ia*1h! and said: $ha>u% the .*isone* 1a%%ed #e! and *eMuested #e to b*ing this -outh to -ou! fo* he has so#ething to te%% -ou( )2:1C And the Chi%ia*1h too; the -oung #an b- his hand! and %ed hi# EtoF one side! and as;ed hi#: 4hat ha3e -ou to te%% #eI )2:)G And the -oung #an said to hi#: The Uudeans ha3e .%otted to as; -ou to b*ing down $ha>u% to-#o**ow to thei* asse#b%- Eof the $anhed*inF! as if wishing to %ea*n so#ething #o*e f*o# hi#( )2:)1 /ut be not -ou .e*suaded b- the#: fo*! beho%d! #o*e than fo*t.e*sons of the# wat1h fo* hi# in a#bush! and ha3e bound the#se%3es b- oaths-against-the#se%3es! that the- wi%% neithe* eat no* d*in; unti% the- sha%% ha3e s%ain hi#: and beho%d! the-

a*e .*e.a*ed! and a*e waiting fo* -ou* .*o#ise( )2:)) And the Chi%ia*1h dis#issed the -oung #an! afte* 1ha*ging hi#: 6et no #an ;now! that -ou ha3e showed #e these things( )2:)2 And he 1a%%ed two Centu*ions! and said to the#: Go and .*e.a*e two hund*ed Ro#ans&Eso%die*sF to go to Caesa*ea! and se3entho*se#en! and shoote*s >with the *ight hand&[$-*(&a%t> -Eo*FOa3e%in #en+> two hund*ed: and %et the# set out at the thi*d hou* of the night( )2:)< And .*o3ide a%so a sadd%e beast! that the- #a- set $ha>u% on it! and 1a**- hi# safe%- to Pe%iL the go3e*no*( )2:)= And he w*ote a %ette* and ga3e the# EitF! in whi1h was thus: )2:)? C%audius 6-sias to the eL1e%%ent go3e*no* Pe%iL: g*eeting( )2:)@ The Uudeans seiDed this #an! in o*de* to ;i%% hi#! when 0 %ea*ned that he was a Ro#an E1itiDenF( )2:)A And as 0 wished to ;now the offen1e! fo* whi1h the- had1onde#ned hi#! 0 b*ought hi# to thei* asse#b%- Eof the $anhed*inF( )2:)C And 0 found! that it was about Muestions of thei* To*ah [#> of oshe! and of a 1e*tain-one&5#an> 1a%%ed Yeshua+ thea11used hi#! and that an offen1e wo*th- of bonds o* of death! was not u.on hi#( )2:2G And when Kthe wi%es of a .%ot fo*#ed b- the Uudeans against hi# 1a#e to #- ;now%edge! 0 i##ediate%- sent hi# to -ou( And 0 ha3e di*e1ted his a11use*s! to go and 1ontend with hi#! befo*e -ou( K[R>((( it was to%d #e that the Uudeans %a- in wait fo* the #an! (((+ K[A>((( it was to%d #e that the*e wou%d be a .%ot against the #an! (((+ )2:21 Then the Ro#ans&Eso%die*sF! as the- had been 1o##anded! too; $ha>u% b- night! and b*ought hi# to the 1it- of*is( )2:2) And the neLt da-! the ho*se#en dis#issed the foot#en thei* asso1iates! that the- #ight *etu*n to the ba**a1;s( )2:22 And the- b*ought hi# to Caesa*ea: and the- de%i3e*ed the %ette* to the go3e*no*! and set $ha>u% befo*e hi#( )2:2< And when he had *ead the %ette*! he as;ed hi# of what .*o3in1e he was( And when he had %ea*ned that he was of Ci%i1ia! )2:2= He said to hi#: 0 wi%% gi3e -ou audien1e! when -ou* a11use*s a**i3e( And he o*de*ed hi# to be ;e.t in the P*aeto*iu# of He*od( CHAPTER )< )<:1 @ And afte* fi3e da-s! Chanan-ah the Cohen haGado%! with the E%de*s! and with Te*tu%%us the o*ato*! went down! and #ade a 1o##uni1ation to the go3e*no* against $ha>u%( )<:) And when he had been 1a%%ed! Te*tu%%us began to a11use hi#! and to sa-: )<:2 Th*ough -ou! we dwe%% in #u1h t*anMui%%it-: and #an*efo*#s ha3e

1o#e to this Nation! unde* -ou* ad#inist*ation: and we a%%! in e3e*- .%a1e! *e1ei3e -ou* g*a1e! eL1e%%ent Pe%iL( )<:< /ut! not to wea*- -ou with nu#e*ous [E.a*ti1u%a*sF+! 0 .*a-ou to hea* ou* hu#b%eness! in b*ief( )<:= Po* we ha3e found this #an to be an assassin! and a #o3e* of sedition a#ong a%% Uews in the who%e 6and&Eea*thF: fo* his is a *ing%eade* of the se1t&[$-*(&a%t> do1t*ine+ of the NatD*ati#( )<:? And he was dis.osed to .o%%ute ou* Te#.%e( And ha3ing seiDed hi#! [APR+-" > we wished to Oudge hi# a11o*ding to ou* To*ah(' )<:@ [APR+-" > /ut 6-sias the Chi%ia*1h 1a#e! and with g*eat 3io%en1e too; hi# out of ou* hands! and sent hi# to -ou(' )<:A [APR+-" > And he 1o##anded his a11use*s to 1o#e befo*e -ou(' And if -ou wi%% inte**ogate hi#! -ou 1an %ea*n f*o# hi# *es.e1ting a%% these things of whi1h we a11use hi#( )<:C And the Uudeans a%so K.%eaded against hi#! sa-ing that these things we*e so( K[R>((( assented! (((+&[A>((( Ooined the atta1;! (((+ )<:1G Then the go3e*no* #ade signs to $ha>u%! that he shou%d s.ea;( And $ha>u% answe*ed and said: 0 ;now -ou to ha3e been a Oudge of this Nation fo* #an- -ea*s! and 0 the*efo*e 1hee*fu%%- ente* u.on a defen1e fo* #-se%f( )<:11 /e1ause -ou 1an unde*stand! that the*e ha3e been but twe%3e da-s! sin1e 0 went u. to Ye*usha%a-i# to wo*shi.( )<:1) And the- did not find #e ta%;ing with an- .e*son in the Te#.%e Ea*eaF! no* 1o%%e1ting an-! eithe* in thei* $-nagogues! o* in the Cit-( )<:12 No* ha3e the- the .owe* to .*o3e! befo*e -ou! the things of whi1h the- now a11use #e( )<:1< /ut this indeed 0 a1;now%edge! that in the sa#e do1t*ine of whi1h the- s.ea;! 0 do se*3e the God of #- fathe*s! be%ie3ing a%% the things w*itten in the To*ah and in the P*o.hets&Ne3i>i#( )<:1= And 0 ha3e a ho.e in E%ohi#&God! whi1h the- a%so the#se%3es eL.e1t! - that the*e is to be a *esu**e1tion [PR+-"A> of the dead'! both of the *ighteous and the wi1;ed( )<:1? And fo* this *eason! 0 a%so %abo* to ha3e a%wa-s a .u*e 1ons1ien1e befo*e E%ohi#&God! and befo*e #en( )<:1@ And! afte* #an- -ea*s! 0 1a#e to the .eo.%e&[$-*(> sons+ of #own Nation! to i#.a*t a%#s! and to .*esent an offe*ing( )<:1A And when 0 had .u*ified #-se%f! these #en found #e in the Te#.%e: not with a th*ong! no* with a tu#u%t( /ut 1e*tain Uews! who 1a#e f*o# Asia! we*e tu#u%tuous: )<:1C 4ho ought! with #e! to stand befo*e -ou! and #a;e a11usation of thei* own affai*( )<:)G 7* %et these he*e .*esent sa-! Kwhethe* the- found an-

offen1e in #e! when 0 stood befo*e thei* asse#b%-: K[R>(((! if the- found an- w*ongdoing in (((+ K[A>(((! what w*ongdoing the- ha3e found in (((+ )<:)1 EL1e.t this one thing&[$-*(> wo*d+! that 0 1*ied! whi%e standing in the #idst of the#: Con1e*ning the *esu**e1tion of the dead! a# 0 this da- on t*ia% befo*e -ou( )<:)) And Pe%iL! be1ause he unde*stood that 4a- fu%%-! defe**ed the#! sa-ing: 4hen the Chi%ia*1h sha%% 1o#e! 0 wi%% gi3e hea*ing between -ou( )<:)2 And he 1o##anded a 1entu*ian to ;ee. $ha>u%! at *est: and that no one of his a1Muaintan1es shou%d be fo*bidden to #iniste* to hi#( )<:)< And afte* a few da-s! Pe%iL! and 8*usi%%a his wife who was a Uewish-wo#an! sent and 1a%%ed fo* $ha>u%: and the- hea*d hi# 1on1e*ning faith in Ha ashia1h&The- essiah( )<:)= And whi%e he was dis1ou*sing with the# on *ighteousness! and on ho%iness! and on the futu*e Uudge#ent! Pe%iL was fi%%ed with fea*: and he said: Po* the .*esent ti#e! go: and when 0 ha3e o..o*tunit-! 0 wi%% send fo* -ou( )<:)? He ho.ed! #o*eo3e*! that a .*esent wou%d be gi3en hi# b$ha>u%: "AP'-[R> that he #ight *e%ease hi#+ [EandF+ the*efo*e! he often sent fo* hi#! and 1on3e*sed with hi#( )<:)@ And when two -ea*s we*e 1o#.%eted to hi#! anothe* go3e*no*! whose na#e was Po*1ius Pestus! 1a#e into his .%a1e( And Pe%iL! that he #ight do the Uudeans a fa3o*! %eft $ha>u% a .*isone*( CHAPTER )= )=:1 And when Pestus a**i3ed at Caesa*ea! he! afte* th*ee da-s! went u. to Ye*usha%a-i#( )=:) And the [AP+->head Cohani#&[R> Cohen haGado%&Ehigh P*iestF+ and the %eading #en of the Uudeans #ade *e.*esentations to hi# 1on1e*ning $ha>u%( )=:2 And the- .etitioned hi#! as;ing of hi# the fa3o*! that he wou%d send fo* hi# to 1o#e to Ye*usha%a-i#: the- .%a1ing an a#bush to s%a- hi# b- the wa-( )=:< /ut Pestus #ade answe*: $ha>u% is in 1ustod- at Caesa*ea! whe*e 0 a# in haste to go( )=:= The*efo*e! %et those a#ong -ou who a*e ab%e! go down with us! and #a;e .*esent#ent of e3e*- offen1e the*e is in the #an( )=:? And when he had been the*e eight o* ten da-s! he 1a#e down to Caesa*ea( And the neLt da-! he sat on the t*ibuna%& EOudge#entseatF! and 1o##anded $ha>u% to be b*ought( )=:@ And when he 1a#e! the Uudeans who had 1o#e f*o# Ye*usha%a-i# su**ounded hi#! and .*efe**ed against hi# #an- and weight1ha*ges! whi1h the- we*e unab%e to substantiate(

)=:A eanwhi%e $ha>u% #aintained! that he had 1o##itted no offen1e! eithe* against the Uewish To*ah! o* against the Te#.%e! o* against Caesa*( )=:C /ut Pestus! be1ause he was dis.osed to win-o3e* the fa3o* of the Uudeans! said to $ha>u%: 4i%% -ou go u. to Ye*usha%a-i#! and the*e be t*ied befo*e #e fo* these thingsI )=:1G $ha>u% *e.%ied! and said: 0 stand befo*e Caesa*>s t*ibuna%: he*e 0 ought to be t*ied( Against the Uudeans 0 ha3e 1o##itted no offen1e! as -ou a%so we%% ;now( )=:11 0f 0 had 1o##itted an- 1*i#e! o* done an-thing wo*th- of death! 0 wou%d not *efuse to die( /ut if none of the things of whi1h thea11use #e! is u.on #e! no one #a- >sa1*ifi1e #e to thei* .%easu*e &[$-*(&%it> gi3e #e to the# as a gift(+> 0 announ1e an a..ea% to Caesa*( )=:1) @ Then Pestus 1onfe**ed with >his 1ounse%%o*s>&-[$-*(&%it> sons of his 1ounse%+! and said: Ha3e -ou de1%a*ed an a..ea% to Caesa*I Snto Caesa*! sha%% -ou go( )=:12 And when [Eso#eF+ da-s had .assed! Ag*i..a the ;ing! and /e*ni1e! 1a#e down to Caesa*ea to sa%ute Pestus( )=:1< And when the- had been with hi# [Eso#eF+ da-s! Pestus *e%ated to the ;ing the 1ase of $ha>u%! sa-ing: A 1e*tain #an was %eft a .*isone* b- Pe%iL: )=:1= And when 0 was at Ye*usha%a-i#! the head Cohani# and the E%de*s of the Uudeans info*#ed #e *es.e1ting hi#! and desi*ed that 0 wou%d .ass Oudge#ent u.on hi# in thei* fa3o*( )=:1? And 0 to%d the#! 0t is not the 1usto# of the Ro#ans! to gi3e u. Ka #an without-1ause to be s%ain: unti% his a11use* a..ea*s and 1ha*ges hi# to his fa1e! and o..o*tunit- is affo*ded hi# to #a;e defen1e *es.e1ting what is 1ha*ged u.on hi#( K[EAFR>((( an- #an "A> to die' befo*e that he whi1h is a11used ha3e the a11use*s fa1e to fa1e! (((+ )=:1@ And when 0 had 1o#e he*e! without de%a-! 0 the neLt da- sat on the t*ibuna%&EOudge#ent-seatF! and 1o##anded the #an to be b*ought befo*e #e( )=:1A And his a11use*s stoo. u. with hi#: and the- we*e not ab%e to substantiate an- 1*i#ina% 1ha*ge against hi#! as 0 had eL.e1ted: )=:1C /ut the- had 1e*tain 1ont*o3e*sies with hi# *es.e1ting thei* wo*shi.! and *es.e1ting one Yeshua! who died! but who! as $ha>u% said! was a%i3e( )=:)G And be1ause 0 was not we%% estab%ished in *ega*d to these Muestions! 0 said to $ha>u%: 8o -ou as; to go to Ye*usha%a-i#! and the*e be Oudged 1on1e*ning these #atte*sI )=:)1 /ut he *eMuested to be *ese*3ed fo* a t*ia% befo*e Caesa*: and 0 o*de*ed hi# to be ;e.t! ti%% 0 1ou%d send hi# to Caesa*( )=:)) And Ag*i..a said: 0 shou%d %i;e to hea* that #an( And Pestus

said: To#o**ow -ou sha%% hea* hi#( )=:)2 And the neLt da-! 1a#e Ag*i..a and /e*ni1e! with g*eat .o#.! and ente*ed the house of t*ia%s! with the Chi%ia*1hs and 1hiefs of the 1it-: and Pestus 1o##anded! and $ha>u% 1a#e( )=:)< And Pestus said: Bing Ag*i..a! and a%% .e*sons .*esent with us: 1on1e*ning this #an who -ou see! a%% the .eo.%e of the Uudeans a..%ied to #e! at Ye*usha%a-i# and a%so he*e! 1*-ing out! that he ought no %onge* to %i3e( )=:)= Yet on in3estigation! 0 found that he had done nothing dese*3ing death( /ut! be1ause he *eMuested to be *ese*3ed fo* the hea*ing of Caesa*! 0 ha3e o*de*ed hi# to be sent( )=:)? And 0 ;now not what 0 1an w*ite to Caesa*! in *ega*d to hi#: and the*efo*e 0 wished to b*ing hi# befo*e -ou! and es.e1ia%%befo*e -ou! ;ing Ag*i..a: that when his 1ase sha%% ha3e been hea*d! 0 #a- find what to w*ite( )=:)@ Po* it is unsuitab%e! when we send u. a .*isone*! not to designate his offen1e( CHAPTER )? )?:1 And Ag*i..a said to $ha>u%: You a*e .e*#itted to s.ea; in -ou* own beha%f( Then $ha>u% eLtended his hand! and #ade defen1e! sa-ing: )?:) 0n *ega*d to a%% the things of whi1h 0 a# a11used b- the Uudeans! ;ing Ag*i..a! 0 1onside* #-se%f high%- fa3o*ed! that 0 #a- this da- #a;e defen1e befo*e -ou: )?:2 Es.e1ia%%-! as 0 ;now -ou to be eL.e*t in a%% the 1ont*o3e*sies and %aws of the Uews( 0 the*efo*e *eMuest -ou to hea* #e with indu%gen1e( )?:< The Uudeans the#se%3es! if the- wou%d testif-! ;now we%% #1ou*se of %ife f*o# #- 1hi%dhood! whi1h f*o# the beginning was a#ong #- Nation and in Ye*usha%a-i#( )?:= Po* the- ha3e %ong been .e*suaded of #e! and ha3e ;nown! that 0 %i3ed in the .*in1e%- do1t*ine&[$-*(&%it> se1t+ of the P>*ushi#( )?:? And now! fo* the ho.e of the .*o#ise whi1h was #ade bE%ohi#&God to ou* fathe*s! 0 stand and a# Oudged( )?:@ To this ho.e! ou* twe%e3e t*ibes ho.e to 1o#e! with ea*nest .*a-e*s b- da- and b- night: and fo* this sa#e ho.e! ;ing Ag*i..a! 0 a# a11used b- the&5E#- fe%%owF> UewsJ )?:A How Oudge -ouI A*e we not to be%ie3e! that E%ohi#&God wi%% *aise the deadI )?:C Po* 0 #-se%f! at fi*st! *eso%3ed in #- own #ind! that 0 wou%d .e*.et*ate #an- ad3e*se things against the Na#e of Yeshua HaNatD*ati( )?:1G 4hi1h 0 a%so did at Ye*usha%a-i#: and b- the autho*it- 0 *e1ei3ed f*o# the head Cohani#! 0 1ast #an- san1tified-ones into .*ison: and when the- we*e .ut to death b- the#! 0 too; .a*t with those that 1onde#ned the#(

)?:11 And in e3e*- $-nagogue 0 to*tu*ed the#! whi%e 0 .*essed the# to be1o#e *e3i%e*s of the Na#e of Yeshua( And in g*eat w*ath! with whi1h 0 was fi%%ed against the#! 0 a%so went to othe* 1ities to .e*se1ute the#( )?:1) And! as 0 was going fo* this .u*.ose to 8a##ese;! with the autho*it- and %i1ense of the head Cohani#! )?:12 At #id-da-! on the *oad! 0 saw! 7 ;ing! a 6ight eL1eeding that of the sun! bea#ing f*o# 5H>ea3en u.on #e! and u.on a%% those with #e( )?:1< And we a%% fe%% to the g*ound: and 0 hea*d a 3oi1e! whi1h said to #e! in Heb*ew: $ha>u%! $ha>u%J wh- .e*se1ute -ou eI 0t wi%% be a ha*d thing fo* -ou to ;i1; against the goads( Eth*u 3( 1A! $EE: 1C%e#( %iL()F )?:1= And 0 said: Adonai&5 - 6o*d>! who a*e YouI And ou* 6o*d said to #e: 0 a# Yeshua HaNatD*ati! who# -ou .e*se1ute( )?:1? And He said to #e: $tand u.on -ou* feet: fo* 0 ha3e a..ea*ed to -ou! fo* this .u*.ose! to 1onstitude -ou a se*3ant and a witness of this -ou* seeing e! and of -ou* seeing e he*eafte*( )?:1@ And 0 wi%% de%i3e* -ou f*o# the .eo.%e of the Uews! and f*o# othe* genti%es&nations&go-i#: to who# 0 "A P'-[R> now+ sent& [G*(> send+ -ou( )?:1A To o.en thei* e-es: Kthat the- #a- tu*n f*o# da*;ness to the 6ight! and f*o# the do#inion of ha$atan unto E%ohi#&God: and #a*e1ei3e fo*gi3eness of sins! and a .o*tion with the san1tifiedones! b- faith in e( K[R>(((: and to tu*n (((+ K[A >(((: in o*de* to tu*n (((+ )?:1C 4he*efo*e! ;ing Ag*i..a! 0 did not disobedient%- withstand the Hea3en%- 3ision: )?:)G /ut 0 .*o1%ai#ed f*o# the fi*st to the# in 8a##ese;! and to the# in Ye*usha%a-i# and in a%% the 3i%%ages of Uudea: and 0 .*o1%ai#ed a%so to the Go-i#&Genti%es! that the- shou%d *e.ent! and shou%d tu*n to E%ohi#&God! and shou%d do the wo*;s suitab%e to *e.entan1e( )?:)1 And on a11ount of these things! the Uudeans seiDed #e in the Te#.%e! and sought to ;i%% #e( )?:)) /ut unto this da- E%ohi#&God has he%.ed #e: and beho%d! 0 stand and bea* testi#on-! to the s#a%% and to the g*eat: -et sa-ing nothing aside f*o# oshe and the-P*o.hets&EhaNe3i>i#F! but the 3e*- things whi1h the- de1%a*ed we*e to ta;e .%a1e: )?:)2 [ENa#e%-F+! that essiah wou%d suffe*! and wou%d be1o#e the fi*st -f*uits of the *esu**e1tion f*o# the dead: and that He wou%d .*o1%ai# 6ight to the EUewishF Peo.%e and to the Go-i#&Genti%es( )?:)< @ And when $ha>u% had eLtended his defen1e this fa*! Pestus 1*ied! with a %oud 3oi1e: $ha>u%! -ou a*e de*anged: #u1h studhas de*anged -ou(

)?:)= $ha>u% *e.%ied to hi#: 0 a# not de*anged! eL1e%%ent Pestus: but s.ea; wo*ds of T*uth and u.*ightness( )?:)? And ;ing Ag*i..a is a%so we%% a1Muainted with these things: and 0 the*efo*e s.ea; 1onfident%- befo*e hi#! be1ause 0 su..ose not one of these things has es1a.ed his ;now%edge: fo* the- we*e not done in se1*et( )?:)@ Bing Ag*i..a! be%ie3e -ou the-P*o.hets&EhaNe3i>i#FI 0 ;now that -ou be%ie3e( )?:)A Bing Ag*i..a said to hi#: A%#ost! -ou .e*suade #e to be1o#e a essiani1&5NatD*ati>( )?:)C And $ha>u% said: 0 wou%d to E%ohi#&God! that not on%- -ou! but %i;ewise a%% that hea* #e this da-! we*e a%#ost! and a%togethe*! as 0 a#! aside f*o# these bonds( )?:2G And the ;ing *ose u.! and the go3e*no*! and /e*ni1e! and those who sat with the#( )?:21 And when the- had gone out! the- 1on3e*sed with one anothe*! and said: This #an has done nothing wo*th- of death o* of bonds( )?:2) And Ag*i..a said to Pestus: The #an #ight be set at %ibe*t-! if he had not announ1ed an a..ea% to Caesa*( CHAPTER )@ )@:1 And Pestus 1o##anded! *es.e1ting hi#! that he shou%d be sent to 0ta%-! unto Caesa*( And he de%i3e*ed $ha>u%! and othe* .*isone*s with hi#! to a 1e*tain #an whose na#e was Uu%ius( )@:) And when we we*e to de.a*t! we e#ba*;ed in a shi. whi1h was f*o# the 1it- of Ad*a#-ttiu#! and was going to the 1ount*- of Asia( And the*e e#ba*;ed with us in the shi.! A*ista*1hus! a a1edonian of the 1it- of Thessa%oni1a( )@:2 And the neLt da-! we a**i3ed at TDidon( And the 1entu*ion t*eated $ha>u% with ;indness! and .e*#itted hi# to 3isit his f*iends and be *ef*eshed( )@:< And on sai%ing f*o# the*e! be1ause the winds we*e against us! we sai%ed a*ound to C-.*us( )@:= And we .assed o3e* the sea of Ci%i1ia and Pa#.h-%ia! and a**i3ed at -*a! a 1it- of 6-1ia( )@:? And the*e the 1entu*ion found a shi. of A%eLand*ia! whi1h was going to 0ta%-: and he set us on boa*d of it( )@:@ And as it was ha*d na3igating! we had s1a*1e%- a**i3ed! afte* #an- da-s! o3e* against the is%e of Cnidus( And! be1ause the wind wou%d not a%%ow us to .u*sue a st*aight 1ou*se! we sai%ed a*ound b- C*ete! [Eand 1a#eF+ o..osite the 1it- of $a%#one( )@:A @ And with diffi1u%t-! afte* sai%ing about it! we a**i3ed at a .%a1e 1a%%ed the Pai* Ha3ens! nea* to whi1h was the 1it- 1a%%ed 6asea( )@:C And we we*e the*e fo* a %ong ti#e! and ti%% afte* the da- of the Uewish fast [$-*&note> on the 1Gth of Tis*i E-o*- $e.t()GthF+(

And it was haDa*dous [EthenF+ fo* an- one to go b- sea: and $ha>u% 1ounse%%ed the#! )@:1G And said: en! 0 .e*1ei3e that ou* 3o-age wi%% be [EattendedF+ with .e*i%! and with #u1h %oss! not on%- of the 1a*go of ou* shi.! but a%so of ou* %i3es( )@:11 /ut the 1entu*ion %istened to the .i%ot! and to the owne* of the shi.! #o*e than to the wo*ds of $ha>u%( )@:1) And! be1ause that ha*bo* was not suitab%e fo* winte*ing in! #anof us we*e desi*ous to sai% f*o# it! and if .ossib%e! to *ea1h and to winte* in a 1e*tain ha*bo* of C*ete! whi1h was 1a%%ed Pheni1e&[$-*(> PhoeniL+! and whi1h o.ened&[$-*(> %oo;ed+ towa*ds the south( )@:12 And when the south wind b*eeDed u.! and the- ho.ed to a**i3e as the- desi*ed! we began to sai% a*ound C*ete( )@:1< And sho*t%- afte*! a >te#.est of wind&[$-*(> wind of te#.est+> a*ose u.on us! 1a%%ed T-.honi1 Eu*o1%-don( )@:1= And the shi. was whi*%ed about b- the wind! and 1ou%d not ;ee. head to it: and we *esigned [Ethe shi.F+ to its .owe*&[$-*(> hand+( )@:1? And when we had .assed a 1e*tain is%and! 1a%%ed [R> C%auda+NC-*a& [A> Cauda+! we 1ou%d ha*d%- *etain the E%ifeF boat( )@:1@ And afte* hoisting it [Eon boa*dF+! we gi*ded the shi. a*ound [Ethe waistF+! and #ade it st*ong( And be1ause we we*e af*aid of fa%%ing u.on a K.*e1i.i1e&[$-*(&note: G*> Mui1; sand+ of the sea! we .u%%ed down the sai%: and so we d*ifted( K[R> $-*tis+&[ > $-*tes+ )@:1A And as the sto*# *aged 3io%ent%- u.on us! we the neLt dath*ew goods into the sea( )@:1C And on the thi*d da-! with ou* own hands! we th*ew awathe ta1;%ing of the shi.( )@:)G And as the sto*# he%d on fo* #an- da-s! and as no sun was 3isib%e! no* #oon! no* sta*s! a%% ho.e of ou* su*3i3ing was who%%- 1ut off( )@:)1 And as no one had ta;en a #ea% of food! $ha>u% now stood u. in the #idst of the#! and said: 0f -ou had gi3en heed to #e! 7 #en! we shou%d not ha3e sai%ed f*o# C*ete! and we shou%d ha3e been eLe#.t f*o# this %oss and .e*i%( )@:)) And now! 0 1ounse% -ou to be without anLiet-: fo* not a sou% of -ou wi%% be %ost! but on%- the shi.( )@:)2 Po* the*e a..ea*ed to #e this night! the ange% of E%ohi#&God whose 0 a#! and who# 0 se*3e&[E$-*(&note: Eo*F> wo*shi.+: )@:)< And he said to #e: Pea* not $ha>u%: fo* -ou a*e -et to stand befo*e Caesa*: and! beho%d! E%ohi#&God has #ade a gift to -ou of a%% the# that sai% with -ou( )@:)= The*efo*e! #en! be -ou 1ou*ageous: fo* 0 t*ust in E%ohi#&God!

that it wi%% be as was to%d to #e( )@:)? Yet we a*e to be 1ast u.on a 1e*tain is%and( )@:)@ @ And afte* the fou*teen da-s of ou* *oa#ing and tossing on the Ad*iati1 sea! at #idnight! the sai%o*s thought that thea..*oa1hed %and( )@:)A And the- 1ast the %ead! and found twent- fatho#s&[$-*(> statu*es 5N7TE&$-*(: Ei(e( of a #anF+( And again the- ad3an1ed a %itt%e! and the- found fifteen fatho#s( )@:)C And as we fea*ed %est we shou%d be 1aught in .%a1es whe*e we*e *o1;s! the- 1ast fou* an1ho*s f*o# the ste*n of the shi.! and .*a-ed fo* the #o*ning&[$-*(> da-+( )@:2G And the sai%o*s sought to f%ee out of the shi.( And f*o# it the%owe*ed down the E%ifeF boat into the sea! unde* .*eten1e that the- we*e going in it to >#a;e fast&[$-*(> tie+> the shi. to the %and( )@:21 And when $ha>u% saw [EitF+! he said to the 1entu*ion and to the so%die*s: Sn%ess these *e#ain in the shi.! -ou 1annot be sa3ed( )@:2) Then the so%die*s 1ut the E%ifeF boat-*o.e f*o# the shi.! and %et the E%ifeF boat go ad*ift( )@:22 And whi%e it was not -et #o*ning! $ha>u% ad3ised the# a%% to ta;e food! sa-ing to the#: 0n 1onseMuen1e of the .e*i%! it is now the fou*teenth da- that -ou ha3e tasted nothing( )@:2< The*efo*e 0 ent*eat -ou! to ta;e food fo* the sustenan1e of -ou* %ife: fo* not a hai* f*o# the head of an- of -ou! wi%% .e*ish( )@:2= And ha3ing said these things! he too; b*ead! and ga3e g%o*to E%ohi#&God Ein a b>*a;hahF befo*e the# a%%: and he b*o;e [EitF+! and began to eat( )@:2? And the- we*e a%% 1o#fo*ted: and the- too; nou*ish#ent( )@:2@ And the*e we*e of us in the shi. two hund*ed and se3ent-siL sou%s( )@:2A And when the- we*e satisfied with food! the- %ightened the shi.! and too; the wheat and 1ast it into the sea( )@:2C And when it was da-! the sai%o*s ;new not what %and it was: but the- saw on the #a*gin of the %and an in%et of the sea: whe*e! if .ossib%e! >the- intended to d*i3e the shi.&[#> b*ing the shi. safe%- asho*e+>( )@:<G And the- 1ut awa- the an1ho*s f*o# the shi.! and %eft the# in the sea( And the- %oosened the bands of the *udde*! and hoisted a s#a%% sai% to the b*eeDe! and #ade wa- towa*ds the %and( )@:<1 And the shi. st*u1; u.on a shoa%&[$-*(> high .%a1e+ between two 1hanne%s&[$-*(> dee.s+ of the sea! and stu1; fast u.on it( And the fo*wa*d .a*t *ested u.on it! and was i##o3ab%e: but the afte* .a*t was shatte*ed b- the 3io%en1e of the wa3es( )@:<) And the so%die*s we*e dis.osed to s%a- the .*isone*s: %est theshou%d *eso*t to swi##ing! and es1a.e f*o# the#( )@:<2 /ut the 1entu*ion ;e.t the# f*o# it! be1ause he was

desi*ous to .*ese*3e&[$-*(> gi3e %ife to+ $ha>u%( )@:<< And the *est! he #ade to t*ans.o*t the#se%3es on .%an;s! and on othe* ti#be*s of the shi.( And so the- a%% es1a.ed safe to %and( CHAPTER )A )A:1 @ And we afte*wa*ds %ea*ned! that the is%and was 1a%%ed e%ita& [$-*(note: EnowF> a%ta+( )A:) And the ba*ba*ians who inhabited it! showed us #an;indnesses( And the- ;ind%ed a fi*e! and 1a%%ed us a%% to wa*# ou*se%3es! be1ause of the g*eat *ain and 1o%d at that ti#e&[$-*(> whi1h was+( )A:2 And $ha>u% too; u. a bund%e of sti1;s and %aid the# on the fi*e: and a 3i.e*! [Ed*i3enF+ b- the heat! 1a#e out of the#! and bit his hand( )A:< And when the ba*ba*ians saw it hanging on his hand! thesaid: 8oubt%ess! this #an is a #u*de*e*: who#! though de%i3e*ed f*o# the sea! Ousti1e wi%% not suffe* to %i3e( )A:= /ut $ha>u% shoo; his hand! and th*ew the 3i.e* into the fi*e: and he *e1ei3ed no ha*#( )A:? And the ba*ba*ians eL.e1ted! that he wou%d sudden%- swe%%! and fa%% dead on the g*ound( And when the- had %oo;ed a %ong ti#e! and saw that he *e1ei3ed no ha*#: the- 1hanged thei* eL.*ession! and said! that he was a god( )A:@ And the*e we*e %ands in that Mua*te*! be%onging to a #an na#ed Pub%ius! who was the 1hief #an of the is%and: and he 1hee*fu%%*e1ei3ed us at his house th*ee da-s( )A:A And the fathe* of Pub%ius was si1; with a fe3e* and d-sente*-( And $ha>u% went in to hi#! and .*a-ed! and %aid his hand on hi#! and hea%ed hi#( )A:C And afte* this e3ent! othe*s a%so in the is%and who we*e si1;! 1a#e to hi# and we*e hea%ed( )A:1G And the- hono*ed us with g*eat hono*s: and when we %eft the .%a1e! the- su..%ied us with ne1essities( )A:11 @ And afte* th*ee #onths we de.a*ted! sai%ing in a shi. of A%eLand*ia! whi1h had winte*ed in the is%and! and whi1h bo*e the signa% of the Twins&[$-*(&note Ei(eF> Casto* R Po%%uL+( )A:1) And we 1a#e to the 1it- of $-*a1use: and *e#ained the*e th*ee da-s( )A:12 And f*o# the*e we #ade a 1i*1uit! and a**i3ed at the 1itRhegiu#( And! afte* one da-! the south wind b%ew [Efa3o*ab%-F+ fo* us! and in two da-s we 1a#e to Puteo%i! a 1it- of 0ta%-( )A:1< And the*e we found b*eth*en: and the- in3ited us! and we *e#ained with the# se3en da-s: and then we .*o1eeded towa*ds Ro#e( )A:1= And the b*eth*en the*e! hea*ing [Eof ou* a..*oa1hF+! 1a#e out to #eet us as fa* as the 3i%%age 1a%%ed A..ii Po*u#! and as fa*

as the Th*ee Ta3e*ns( And when $ha>u% saw the#! he ga3e than;s to E%ohi#&God! and was en1ou*aged( )A:1? And we went on to Ro#e( And the 1entu*ion Ka%%owed $ha>u% to *eside whe*e he .%eased! with a so%die* who gua*ded hi#( K[R>((( de%i3e*ed the .*isone*s to the 1a.tain of the gua*d: but Pau% was .e*#itted to dwe%% b- hi#se%f with a (((+ )A:1@ And afte* th*ee da-s! $ha>u% sent and 1a%%ed fo* the .*in1i.a% Uews( And when the- we*e asse#b%ed! he said to the#: en! #b*eth*en! a%though 0 had in nothing *isen u. against the .eo.%e o* the To*ah of #- fathe*s! 0 was at Ye*usha%a-i# de%i3e*ed o3e* in bonds to the Ro#ans: )A:1A And the-! when the- had eLa#ined #e! we*e dis.osed to *e%ease #e! be1ause the- found in #e no offen1e dese*3ing death( )A:1C And! as the Uudeans withstood #e! 0 was 1o#.e%%ed to utte* an a..ea% to Caesa*: but not be1ause 0 had an- thing of whi1h to a11use the .eo.%e&[$-*(> sons+ of #- Nation( )A:)G Po* this *eason 0 sent fo* -ou to 1o#e! that 0 #ight see -ou! and #ight state these things to -ou: fo* it is on a11ount of the ho.e of 0s*ae%! that 0 a# bound with this 1hain( )A:)1 The- said to hi#: 4e ha3e *e1ei3ed no %ette* f*o# Y>hudah against -ou: and none of the b*eth*en who ha3e 1o#e f*o# Ye*usha%a-i#! ha3e to%d us an- e3i% thing of -ou( )A:)) /ut we a*e desi*ous to hea* f*o# -ou what -ou thin;: fo* this do1t*ine! we ;now! Kis not *e1ei3ed b- an- one( K[a%t(E.e*ha.sF> (((! is not 5Ewe%%>-5I> *e1ei3ed 5Ehe*eF>-I b- an- one(+-Ewhi1h wou%d be #o*e in %ine with the G*ee;( /ut the wa- it is wo*ded b- u*do1;! a%#ost %eads one to thin; in [P+ he*e! based u.on what is said in 3e*se )1: that this .a*ti1u%a* g*ou. was not a1Muainted with the do1t*ine itse%f! as the- we*en>t e3en with $ha>u% hi#se%f: but that wou%d be 1onOe1tu*e(+ )A:)2 @ And the- a..ointed hi# a da-: and #an- asse#b%ed! and 1a#e to hi# at his %odgings( And he eL.%ained to the# *es.e1ting the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! testif-ing and .e*suading the# 1on1e*ning Yeshua! out of the To*ah of oshe! and out of the-P*o.hets& EhaNe3i>i#F! f*o# #o*ning ti%% e3ening( )A:)< And so#e of the#&5these Uews> ag*eed EasF to his dis1ou*ses! and othe*s did not ag*ee( )A:)= And the- went out f*o# hi#! disag*eeing a#ong the#se%3es( And $ha>u% add*essed to the# this wo*d: 4e%% did Rua1h-HaBodesh& EThe Ho%- $.i*itF! b- the #outh of Yesha,-ahu the P*o.het! s.ea; 1on1e*ning&[$-*(> against+ [AP+--ou*&[R> ou*+ fathe*s Ein Tana;hF! )A:)? - $a-ing: Go unto this .eo.%e! and sa- to the#! Hea*ing -e wi%% hea*! and wi%% not unde*stand: and -e wi%% see! and wi%% not 1o#.*ehend( )A:)@ - Po* the hea*t of this .eo.%e is #ade fat! and thei* hea*ing

the- ha3e #ade hea3-! and thei* e-es the- ha3e 1%osed: %est theshou%d see with thei* e-es! and hea* with thei* ea*s! and unde*stand with thei* hea*ts! and be tu*ned-ba1; unto e! and 0 shou%d fo*gi3e&[G*(> hea%+ the#( )A:)A The*efo*e! be this ;nown to -ou! that Ea%soF to the Go-i# is this *ede#.tion of E%ohi#&God sent: and! #o*eo3e*! the- wi%% hea* it( )A:)C K"EP#F> And when he had thus said! the Uews %eft: and the*e we*e g*eat dis.utations a#ong the#('-[R#+ K[$-*(&note> This 3e*se E)CF is not in the $$(! no* in anof the ea*%ie* editions: and the %ate* editions .%a1e it in the #a*gin(+ )A:2G And $ha>u% hi*ed a house! at his own 1ost! and *esided in it two -ea*s: and the*e he *e1ei3ed a%% that 1a#e to hi#( )A:21 And he .*o1%ai#ed 1on1e*ning the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! and taught bo%d%- 1on1e*ning ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! without hinde*an1e( [P> Co#.%etion of the A1ts of the b%essed E#issa*ies& 6egates: that is! thei* Histo*ies(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: R7 AN$( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The 6ette* 7f $ha>u% The E#issa*-&E6egateF! To The R7 AN$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u%! a se*3ant of KYeshua Ha ashia1h&The- essiah! 1a%%ed and sent&[$-*(&a%t> a 6egate+: and se.a*ated unto the Good-News of E%ohi#&God! K[#>((( essiah Yeshua! (((+ 1:) 4hi1h He had befo*e .*o#ised! b- His P*o.hets in the >Ho%$1*i.tu*es&5Tana;h>>! 1:2 Con1e*ning His $on! who was bo*n in the f%esh! of seed of the house of 8a3id! 1:< And was #ade ;nown as the $on of E%ohi#&God! b[$-*(&a%tEVF> dis.%a- of+ .owe*! and b- Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it!> who *ose f*o# the dead! Yeshua essiah ou* 6o*d! 1:= /- who# we ha3e *e1ei3ed g*a1e! and a #ission a#ong a%% the Go-i# &Genti%es&EnationsF! to the end that the- #a- obe- the faith in His Na#e: 1:? A#ong who#! -ou a%so a*e 1a%%ed b- Yeshua essiah: 1:@ To a%% those who a*e at Ro#e! be%o3ed of E%ohi#&God! 1a%%ed and san1tified: $ha%o# and g*a1e be with -ou! f*o# E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( 1:A 0n the fi*st .%a1e! 0 gi3e than;s to E%ohi#&God b- Yeshua essiah! on a11ount of -ou a%%: be1ause -ou* faith is hea*d of in a%% the wo*%d( 1:C And E%ohi#&God! who# in 5$>.i*it 0 se*3e in the Good-News of His $on! is #- witness! that 0 un1easing%- #a;e #ention of -ou! at a%% ti#es! in #- .*a-e*s( 1:1G And 0 %i;ewise .*a--hu#b%-! that he*eafte* a doo* #a- be o.ened to #e! b- the good .%easu*e of E%ohi#&God! to 1o#e unto -ou( 1:11 Po* 0 %ong #u1h to see -ou: and to i#.a*t to -ou the gift of the Rua1h&$.i*it! whe*eb- -ou #a- be estab%ished: 1:1) And that we #a- ha3e 1o#fo*t togethe*! in the faith of both -ou*se%3es and #e( 1:12 @ And 0 wish -ou to ;now! #- b*eth*en! that 0 ha3e #anti#es desi*ed to 1o#e to -ou! though .*e3ented unti% this ti#e! that 0 #ight ha3e so#e f*uit a#ong -ou a%so: e3en as a#ong othe* Go-i#& Genti%es(

1:1< G*ee;s&5EGenti%es&Go-i#F> and ba*ba*ians! the wise and the unwise: fo* to e3e*- #an a# 0 a debto*! to .*o1%ai# [Eto hi#F+( 1:1= And so 0 a# eage* to .*o1%ai# to -ou a%so who a*e at Ro#e( 1:1? Po* 0 a# not asha#ed of the Good-News [R> of essiah+: fo* it is the .owe*&[$-*(&a%t> ene*g-+ of E%ohi#&God unto %ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+! to a%% who be%ie3e in 0t&[$-*(a%t> Hi#+: whethe* fi*st the- a*e of the Uews! o* whethe* the- a*e of the Go-i#& Genti%es( 1:1@ Po* in 0t is *e3ea%ed the *ighteousness of E%ohi#&God! f*o# faith to faith: as it is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF: The *ighteous b- faith! sha%% %i3e( 1:1A Po* the w*ath of E%ohi#&God f*o# Hea3en is *e3ea%ed against a%% the iniMuit- and wi1;edness of #en! who ho%d the t*uth in iniMuit-( 1:1C /e1ause >a ;now%edge>&[R> that whi1h #a- be ;nown+ of E%ohi#&God is #anifest in the#: fo* E%ohi#&God has #anifested&[R> shewed+ it in&[R> unto+ the#( 1:)G Po*! f*o# the foundations of the wo*%d the hidden things of E%ohi#&God a*e seen! b- the inte%%e1t! in the things He 1*eated! e3en His ete*na% .owe* and 8i3init-! so that the- #ight be without eL1use: 1:)1 /e1ause the- ;new E%ohi#&God! and did not g%o*if- Hi# and gi3e than;s to Hi# as E%ohi#&God! but be1a#e 3ain in thei* i#aginings! and thei* unwise hea*t was da*;ened( 1:)) And! whi%e the- thought within the#se%3es that the- we*e wise! the- be1a#e foo%s( 1:)2 And the- 1hanged the g%o*- of the in1o**u.tib%e God into a %i;eness to the i#age of a 1o**u.tib%e #an! and into the %i;eness of bi*ds and fou*footed-beasts and *e.ti%es on the ea*th( 1:)< Po* this 1ause! E%ohi#&God ga3e the# u. to the fi%th- %usts of thei* hea*t! to dishono* thei* 5own> bodies between the#5se%3es>( 1:)= And the- 1hanged the T*uth of E%ohi#&God into a %ie: and wo*shi..ed and se*3ed the 1*eated things! #u1h-"R' #o*e than the C*eato* of the# - to 4ho# be%ong g%o*- and b%essing! fo* e3e* and e3e*: A#aine( 1:)? @ Po* this 1ause! E%ohi#&God ga3e the# u. to 3i%e .assions: fo* thei* fe#a%es 1hanged the use of thei* natu*es! and e#.%o-ed that whi1h is unnatu*a%( 1:)@ And so a%so thei* #a%es fo*soo; the use of fe#a%es! whi1h is natu*a%! and bu*ned with %ust towa*d one anothe*: and! #a%e with #a%e! the- did what is sha#efu%! and *e1ei3ed in the#se%3es the Oust *e1o#.ense of thei* e**o*( 1:)A And as the- did not dete*#ine with the#se%3es to ;now E%ohi#&God! E%ohi#&God ga3e the# o3e* to a 3ain #ind: that the- #ight do what

the- ought not! 1:)C K/eing fu%% of a%% iniMuit-! and %ewdness! and bitte*ness! and #a%i1e! and 1o3etousness! and en3-! and s%aughte*! and st*ife! and gui%e! and e3i% s1he#ing( K[EAFR> /eing fi%%ed with a%% un*ighteousness! "A> fo*ni1ation&5seLua% i##o*a%it->'! wi1;edness! 1o3etousness! #a%i1iousness: fu%% of en3-! #u*de*! st*ife! de1eit! e3i%-#indedness! wis.e*e*s(+ 1:2G And ba1;biting! and s%ande*: and being hate*s of E%ohi#&God! s1offe*s! .*oud! boastfu%%--3ain! de3ise*s of e3i% things! destitute of *eason! dis*ega*dfu% of .a*ents! 1:21 KAnd to who# a 1o3enant is nothing! neithe* affe1tion! no* sha%o# &.ea1e! and in who# is no 1o#.assion( K[EAFR> 4ithout unde*standing! 1o3enantb*ea;e*s! >without natu*a% affe1tion>&5un%o3ing>! unfo*gi3ing-"A'! un#e*1ifu%:+ 1:2) These! whi%e the- ;now the Uudge#ent of E%ohi#&God! that He 1onde#ns those to death who .e*.et*ate su1h things! a*e not on%doe*s of the#! but the 1o#.anions of su1h as do the#( CHAPTER ) ):1 @ The*e is the*efo*e no eL1use fo* -ou! 7 #an! that Oudges -ou* neighbo*: fo* b- Oudging -ou* neighbo*! -ou 1onde#n -ou*se%f: fo* -ou that Oudge! do .*a1ti1e the sa#e things( ):) And we ;now that the Uudge#ent of E%ohi#&God is in a11o*dan1e with T*uth&[$-*(&a%t> in T*uth+! in *ega*d to those who .*a1tise these things( ):2 And what thin; -ou! 7 #an! that Oudge those who .*a1tise these things! whi%e .*a1ti1ing the# -ou*se%f! - that -ou wi%% es1a.e the Uudge#ent of E%ohi#&GodI ):< 7* wi%% -ou abuse the *i1hes of His ;indness! and his .atientendu*an1e&5%ong-suffe*ing>! and the o..o*tunit-&[$-*(&a%t> s.a1e+ whi1h He gi3es -ouI And do -ou not ;now! that the ;indness of E%ohi#&God shou%d b*ing -ou to *e.entan1eI ):= /ut! be1ause of the ha*dness of -ou* un*e.enting hea*t! -ou a*e t*easu*ing u. a sto*e of w*ath against the da- of w*ath! and against the *e3e%ation of the *ighteous Uudge#ent of E%ohi#&God: ):? 4ho wi%% *e1o#.ense to e3e*- #an! a11o*ding to his deeds: ):@ To the# who! b- .e*se3e*an1e in good wo*;s&5E itD3otF>! see; fo* g%o*- and hono* and i##o*ta%it-! to the# He wi%% gi3e %ife ete*na%: ):A /ut to the# who a*e obstinate and obe- not the T*uth! but obeiniMuit-! to the# He wi%% *et*ibute&5.unishing-*e.a-> w*ath and ange*( ):C And t*ibu%ation and anguish [Ewi%% beF+ to e3e*- #an that does e3i%: to the Uews fi*st! and a%so to the Genti%es&Go-i#: ):1G /ut g%o*- and hono* and sha%o# to e3e*- one that does good: to the Uews fi*st! and a%so to the Genti%es&Go-i#( ):11 Po* the*e is no *es.e1t of .e*sons with E%ohi#&God:

):1) Po* those without To*ah! who sin! wi%% a%so .e*ish without To*ah: and those unde* the To*ah! who sin! wi%% be Oudged b- the To*ah! ):12 Po* not the hea*e*s of the To*ah! a*e *ighteous befo*e E%ohi#& God: but the doe*s of the To*ah a*e Oustified: ):1< @ Po* if the Genti%es&Go-i# who ha3e not the To*ah! sha%%! bthei* natu*e! do the things of the To*ah: the-! whi%e without the To*ah! be1o#e a to*ah to the#se%3es: ):1= And the- show the wo*; of the To*ah! as it is ins1*ibed on thei* hea*t: and thei* 1ons1ien1e bea*s testi#on- to the#! thei* own *ef%e1tions&[R> thoughts+ *ebu;ing o* 3indi1ating one anothe*! ):1? 0n the 8a- in whi1h E%ohi#&God wi%% Oudge the se1*et [Ea1tionsF+ of #en! as #- Good-News [Etea1hesF+! b- Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ):1@ [AP+->/ut if>&[R> 0ndeed+ -ou! who a*e 1a%%ed a Uew! and *e%-R*est -ou*se%f on the To*ah! and g%o*- in E%ohi#&God! ):1A And -ou ;now His good .%easu*e! and dis1e*n #o*a%*es.onsibi%ities! be1ause -ou a*e inst*u1ted in the To*ah: ):1C And ha3e 1onfiden1e in -ou*se%f! that -ou a*e a guide to the b%ind! and a %ight to the# who a*e in da*;ness! ):)G And an inst*u1to* of those %a1;ing ;now%edge&[$-*(&a%t> inte%%igen1e+! and a tea1he* to the -oung: and -ou ha3e the a..ea*an1e of ;now%edge and of t*uth in the To*ah: ):)1 You the*efo*e! who tea1h othe*s! tea1h -ou not -ou*se%fI And -ou who tea1h that #en #ust not stea%! do -ou stea%I ):)) And -ou who sa-! en #ust not 1o##it adu%te*-! do -ou 1o##it adu%te*-I And -ou who des.ise ido%s! do -ou .%unde* the $an1tua*-I ):)2 And -ou who g%o*- in the To*ah! do -ou! b- a1ting 1ont*a*- to the To*ah! insu%t E%ohi#&God Hi#se%fI ):)< Po*! the Na#e of E%ohi#&God! as it is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF! is *e3i%ed a#ong the Genti%es&Go-i# on -ou* a11ount( ):)= Po* 1i*1u#1ision .*ofits indeed! if -ou 1a**--out the To*ah: but if -ou de.a*t f*o# the To*ah! -ou* 1i*1u#1ision be1o#es un1i*1u#1ision( ):)? And if un1i*1u#1ision shou%d ;ee. the .*e1e.ts of the To*ah! wou%d not that un1i*1u#1ision be a11ounted as 1i*1u#1isionI ):)@ And the un1i*1u#1ision! whi1h f*o# its natu*e 1a**ies-out the To*ah! wi%% Oudge -ou: who! with the $1*i.tu*e&5Tana;h>! and with 1i*1u#1ision! t*ansg*esses against the To*ah( ):)A @ Po* he is not a Uew! who is so in what is eLte*na%: no* is that 1i*1u#1ision! whi1h is 3isib%e in the f%esh( ):)C /ut he is a KUew! who is so in what is hidden: and 1i*1u#1ision is that of the hea*t! in the 5$>.i*it! and not in the %ette*& [$-*(> w*iting+! whose K.*aise is not f*o# #en! but f*o# E%ohi#& God( KEA wo*d .%a- on the wo*d Heb*ew Y>hudi&5Uew> - #eaning %it(: Qone who .*aisesQ(F CHAPTER 2 2:1 4hat then is the su.e*io*it- of the UewI 7* what is the

2:) the

ad3antage of 1i*1u#1isionI u1h e3e*- wa-( And fi*st! be1ause to the# we*e ent*usted

8i3ine-announ1e#ents of E%ohi#&God( 2:2 Po* if so#e of the# ha3e not be%ie3ed! ha3e the-! b- thei* not be%ie3ing! #ade the faith of E%ohi#&God ineffi1ientI 2:< Pa* be itJ: fo* E%ohi#&God is T*uth! and e3e*- #an fa%se: as it is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF: That Thou #ight be u.*ight! in Thde1%a*ations: and be found .u*e! when the- Oudge Thee( 2:= /ut if ou* iniMuit- estab%ish the u.*ightness of E%ohi#&God! what sha%% we sa-I 0s E%ohi#&God un*ighteous! when He inf%i1ts w*athI -- 0 s.ea; as a #an( 2:? - Pa* be itJ 7the*wise how wi%% E%ohi#&God Oudge the wo*%dI 2:@ /ut if the T*uth of E%ohi#&God has been fu*the*ed b- #fa%sehood! to His g%o*-: wh- a# 0 then 1onde#ned as a sinne*I 2:A 7* sha%% we sa- - as so#e ha3e s%ande*ous%- *e.o*ted us to sa-: 4e wi%% do e3i% things! that good [E*esu%tsF+ #a- 1o#eI - The 1onde#nation of su1h is *ese*3ed fo* Ousti1e( 2:C 4hat then! ha3e 4E the su.e*io*it-! when we ha3e de1ided as to both Uews and Go-i#&Genti%es! that a%% of the# a*e unde* sinI 2:1G As it is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF: The*e is none *ighteous: no! no one: 2:11 And none that unde*stands: no* that see;s afte* E%ohi#&God( 2:1) The- ha3e a%% tu*ned aside! togethe*: and be1o#e *e.*obates( The*e is none that does good: no! not one( 2:12 Thei* th*oats a*e o.en g*a3es! and thei* tongues t*ea1he*ous: and the 3eno# of the as. is unde* thei* %i.s( 2:1< Thei* #outh is fu%% of 1u*sing and bitte*ness: 2:1= And thei* feet a*e swift to shed b%ood( 2:1? 8est*u1tion and anguish a*e in thei* .aths: 2:1@ And the .ath of .ea1efu%ness the- ha3e not ;nown( 2:1A And the fea* of E%ohi#&God is not befo*e thei* e-es( 2:1C @ Now we ;now! that whate3e* the To*ah sa-s! it sa-s to the# who a*e unde* the To*ah: that e3e*- #outh #a- be sto..ed! and a%% the wo*%d be gui%t- befo*e E%ohi#&God( 2:)G 4he*efo*e! b- the deeds of the To*ah! no f%esh&[$-*(&a%t> #an+ is Oustified befo*e Hi#: fo*! b- the To*ah! sin is ;nown( 2:)1 /ut now! the *ighteousness of E%ohi#&God without the To*ah! is #anifested: and the To*ah and the P*o.hets&Ne3i>i# testif- of it: 2:)) E3en the *ighteousness of E%ohi#&God! whi1h is b- faith in Yeshua essiah! Kfo* e3e*- one! and on e3e*- one! that be%ie3es in Hi#: fo* the*e is no distin1tion: K[EAFR>(((! to a%% "A> and on a%%' the# who be%ie3e: fo* the*e (((+ 2:)2 Po* the- ha3e a%% sinned! and fai%ed of the g%o*- of E%ohi#&God( 2:)< And the- a*e Oustified f*ee%-&Ewithout-1ha*geF! b- g*a1e! and bthe *ede#.tion whi1h is in Yeshua essiah:

2:)= 4ho# E%ohi#&God has .*e-estab%ished a .*o.itiation&5onewho1auses-fa3o*>! b- faith in His b%ood! be1ause of ou* sins! whi1h we befo*e 1o##itted( 2:)? 0n the s.a1e whi1h E%ohi#&God in His .atientendu*an1e&5%ongsuffe*ing> ga3e to us! fo* the #anifestation of His *ighteousness at the .*esent ti#e: that He #ight be *ighteous! and #ight with *ighteousness&[$-*(&a%t> *ighteous%-+ Oustif- hi# who is in the faith of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( 2:)@ 4he*e then is g%o*-ingI 0t is b*ought-to-nothing( - /- what to*ahI b- that of 5Ese%f-fo*#ed %ega%isti1 obse*3an1e ofF> wo*;sI No: but b- the To*ah of faith( 2:)A 4e the*efo*e 1on1%ude! that it is b- faith a #an is Oustified! and not b- 5Ese%f-fo*#ed %ega%isti1 obse*3an1e ofF> the wo*;s of the To*ah( 2:)C Po*! is He the God of the Uews on%-! and not of the Genti%es& Go-i#I No: of the Genti%es&Go-i# a%so( 2:2G /e1ause the*e is one God! who Oustifies the K1i*1u#1ision bfaith! and the un1i*1u#1ision b- the sa#e faith( K[6it&a%t&G*>((( 1i*1u#1ision out-of&[G*>e;+ thei* own faith! and un1i*1u#1ision th*ough&[G*>dia+ a1Mui*ed faith(+ 2:21 8o we then nu%%if-&[$-*(&a%t> #a;e 3oid+ the To*ah b- faithI Pa* be itJ 7n the 1ont*a*-! we estab%ish the To*ah( CHAPTER < <:1 4hat then sha%% we sa- K1on1e*ning A3*aha# the .at*ia*1h! that bthe f%esh he obtainedI K[R>((( that A3*aha# ou* fathe* has found a11o*ding to the f%eshI+ K[G*(&a%t(>((( that A3*aha# ou* Efo*eFfathe* a11o*ding to the f%esh has foundI+ <:) /ut if A3*aha# was Oustified b- 5Ese%f-fo*#ed %ega%isti1 obse*3an1e ofF> wo*;s! he had [Eg*ound ofF+ g%o*-ing: -et not befo*e E%ohi#&God( <:2 Po* what sa-s the $1*i.tu*e Ein Tana;hFI That A3*aha# be%ie3ed E%ohi#&God! and it was a11ounted to hi# fo* *ighteousness( <:< /ut to hi# that wo*;s! the *ewa*d is not *e1;oned as of g*a1e! but as a debt to hi#( <:= 4he*eas! to hi# that wo*;s not! but on%- be%ie3es in Hi# that Oustifies sinne*s! his faith is a11ounted to hi# fo* *ighteousness( <:? As 8a3id a%so s.ea;s of the b%essedness of the #an to who# E%ohi# &God *e1;ons *ighteousness without 5Ese%f-fo*#ed %ega%isti1 obse*3an1e ofF> wo*;s! <:@ $a-ing: /%essed a*e the-! whose iniMuit- is fo*gi3en! and whose sins a*e 1o3e*ed u.: <:A And! /%essed is the #an! to who# E%ohi#&God-&[G*(> YH9H&Adonai+ wi%% not *e1;on sin( <:C This b%essedness! the*efo*e! is it on the 1i*1u#1isionI o* on the un1i*1u#1ision( <:1G How then was it *e1;oned to hi#I 0n 1i*1u#1ision! o* in un1i*1u#1isionI - Not in 1i*1u#1ision! but in un1i*1u#1ision(

<:11 Po* he *e1ei3ed 1i*1u#1ision! as the sign and the sea% of the *ighteousness of his faith whi%e in un1i*1u#1ision: that he #ight be1o#e the fathe* of a%% the# of the un1i*1u#1ision who be%ie3e: and that it #ight be *e1;oned to the# a%so fo* *ighteousness: <:1) And the fathe* of the 1i*1u#1ision: not to the# on%- who >a*e of the 1i*1u#1ision&5Ehad a />*it- i%ahF>>! but to the# a%so who 1a**--out the ste.s of the faith of ou* fathe* A3*aha# in [EhisF+ un1i*1u#1ision( <:12 @ Po* the .*o#ise to A3*aha# and to his seed! that he shou%d be1o#e the hei* of the wo*%d! was not b- 5E#an>s %ega%isti1 .e*3e*sion ofF> the To*ah! but b- the *ighteousness of his faith( <:1< Po* if the- who a*e of 5Ea se%f-fo*#ed %ega%isti1 wa%; inF> the To*ah we*e hei*s! faith wou%d be #ade 3oid! and the .*o#ise of no fo*1e( <:1= Po* the To*ah is a wo*;e* of fu*ious-.unish#ent: be1ause whe*e no To*ah is! the*e is no t*ansg*ession of To*ah( <:1? 4he*efo*e! it is b- the faith whi1h is b- g*a1e! that we a*e Oustified: so that the .*o#ise #a- be su*e to a%% the seed: not to that on%- whi1h is of the To*ah! but a%so to that whi1h is of the faith of A3*aha#! who is the fathe* of us a%%: <:1@ As it is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF: Q0 ha3e 1onstituted thee a fathe* to a #u%titude of nations:Q [Ena#e%-F+ befo*e E%ohi#&God! in who# -ou ha3e be%ie3ed: who Mui1;ens the dead! and 1a%%s those things whi1h a*e not! as if the- we*e( <:1A And without ho.e! he 1onfided in the ho.e of be1o#ing the fathe* of a #u%titude of nations: as it is 4*itten: $o wi%% th- seed be( <:1C And he was not feeb%e in his faith! Kwhi%e 1onte#.%ating his ine*t&[$-*(> dead+ bod-! fo* he was a hund*ed -ea*s o%d! and the ine*t&[$-*(> dead+ wo#b of $a*ah( K[RE#F>(((! he 1onside*ed not-" ' his own bod- now dead& 5ine*t>! when he was about an hund*ed -ea*s o%d! neithe* -et the deadness&5ine*tness> of $a*ah>s wo#b(+ <:)G And he did not hesitate at the .*o#ise of E%ohi#&God! as one %a1;ing faith: but he was st*ong in faith! and ga3e g%o*- to E%ohi#&God: <:)1 And fe%t assu*ed! that what E%ohi#&God had .*o#ised to hi#! He was ab%e to 1a**--out( <:)) And the*efo*e it was a11ounted to hi# fo* *ighteousness( <:)2 And not fo* his sa;e a%one! was it 4*itten! that his faith was a11ounted fo* *ighteousness: <:)< /ut fo* ou* sa;es a%so: be1ause it is to be a11ounted [EsoF+ to us! who be%ie3ed in Hi# that *aised ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah f*o# the dead: <:)= 4ho was de%i3e*ed u.! on a11ount of ou* sins: and a*ose! that He #ight Oustif- us( CHAPTER = =:1 @ The*efo*e! be1ause we a*e Oustified b- faith! [PERF> we "R> sha%%'+N[#> %et us+ ha3e sha%o#&.ea1e with E%ohi#&God(

th*ough ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( =:) /- who# we a*e b*ought "#> b- faith' into this g*a1e! in whi1h we stand and *eOoi1e in the ho.e of the g%o*- of E%ohi#&God( =:2 And not on%- so! but we a%so *eOoi1e in aff%i1tions: be1ause we ;now that aff%i1tion .e*fe1ts in us .atien1e: =:< And .atien1e! eL.e*ien1e: and eL.e*ien1e! ho.e: =:= And ho.e #a;es not asha#ed! be1ause the %o3e of E%ohi#&God is diffused in ou* hea*ts! b- Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it> who is gi3en to us( =:? And if! at this ti#e! on a11ount of ou* wea;ness! essiah died fo* the ungod%-: =:@ Po* *a*e%- does one die fo* the ungod%-: though fo* the good! so#e one .e*ha.s #ight 3entu*e to die: =:A E%ohi#&God has he*e #anifested His %o3e towa*ds us( /e1ause! if when we we*e sinne*s! essiah died fo* us: =:C How #u1h #o*e! sha%% we now be Oustified b- His b%ood! and be *es1ued f*o# 5Uudge#ent>s>w*ath b- Hi#&[$-*(&a%t> 0t+I =:1G Po* if when we we*e ene#ies! E%ohi#&God was *e1on1i%ed with us bthe death of His $on: how #u1h #o*e sha%% we! in His *e1on1i%iation! %i3e&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+ b- His %ifeI =:11 And not on%- so! but we a%so *eOoi1e in E%ohi#&God! b- #eans of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah! th*ough who# we ha3e now *e1ei3ed the *e1on1i%iation( =:1) @ As b- #eans of one #an! sin ente*ed into the wo*%d! and! b#eans of sin! death: and so death .assed u.on a%% the sons of #en! inas#u1h as the- a%% ha3e sinned: =:12 Po* unti% the To*ah! sin! a%though it was in the wo*%d! was not a11ounted sin! be1ause the*e was no To*ah( =:1< Yet death *eigned f*o# Ada# unti% oshe! e3en o3e* those who had not sinned afte* the %i;eness of the t*ansg*ession of the 1o##and b- Ada#! who was the t-.e&[$-*(&a%t> %i;eness+ of Hi# that was to 1o#e( =:1= /ut not! as the fau%t! so a%so the f*ee gift( Po* if! on a11ount of the fau%t of one! #an- died: how #u1h #o*e! wi%% the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God and His f*ee gift! on a11ount of one an! Yeshua essiah! abound unto #an-I =:1? And not! as the offen1e of one! so a%so the f*ee gift( Po* the Oudge#ent! whi1h was of one [Eoffen1eF+! was unto 1onde#nation: but the f*ee gift was! of #an- sins! unto *ighteousness( =:1@ Po* if! on a11ount of the offen1e of one! death *eigned: sti%% #o*e! the- who *e1ei3e the abundan1e of the g*a1e! and the f*ee gift! and the *ighteousness! wi%% *eign in %ife! b- #eans of 7ne! Yeshua essiah( =:1A The*efo*e! as on a11ount of the offen1e of one! 1onde#nation was to a%% #en: so on a11ount of the *ighteousness of 7ne! wi%% the

3i1to*- unto %ife&[$-*(&a%t> Oustifi1ation -Eo*F- a1Muitta%+ be to a%% #en( =:1C Po* as! on a11ount of the disobedien1e of one #an! #anbe1a#e sinne*s: so a%so! on a11ount of the obedien1e of 7ne! #anbe1a#e *ighteous( =:)G And the ent*an1e gi3en to the To*ah! was that sin #ight in1*ease: and whe*e sin in1*eased! the*e g*a1e abounded( =:)1 $o that! as sin had *eigned in death! so g*a1e #ight *eign in *ighteousness unto %ife ete*na%! b- #eans of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( CHAPTER ? ?:1 @ 4hat sha%% we then sa-I $ha%% we 1ontinue in sin! that g*a1e #a- aboundI ?:) Pa* be itJ: fo* if we a*e .e*sons that ha3e died to sin! how 1an we again %i3e in itI ?:2 7* do -ou not ;now! that we who a*e i##e*sed into Yeshua essiah! a*e i##e*sed into His deathI ?:< Po* we a*e bu*ied with Hi# in i##e*sion unto&[$-*(&a%t> into+ death: that as Yeshua essiah a*ose f*o# the dead into the g%o*of His Pathe*! so a%so we! to wa%; in a new %ife( ?:= Po* if we ha3e been .%anted togethe* with Hi# into the %i;eness of His death! so sha%% we be a%so into His *esu**e1tion( ?:? Po* we ;now! that ou* o%d #an is 1*u1ified with Hi#: that the bod- of sin #ight be abo%ished! and we be no #o*e se*3ants to sin: ?:@ Po* he that is dead [Eto itF+! is e#an1i.ated f*o# sin( ?:A 0f then we a*e dead with essiah! %et us be%ie3e that we sha%% %i3e with the sa#e essiah( ?:C Po* we ;now that essiah *ose f*o# the dead! and no #o*e dies: death has no do#inion o3e* Hi#( ?:1G Po* in d-ing! He died fo* sin! on1e: and in %i3ing! He %i3es unto E%ohi#&God( ?:11 $o a%so do -ou a11ount -ou*se%3es as being dead to sin! and a%i3e to E%ohi#&God! th*ough ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( ?:1) The*efo*e %et not sin *eign in -ou* dead&[$-*(&a%t> #o*ta%+ bod-! so that -ou obe- its %ust( ?:12 And a%so gi3e not u. -ou* #e#be*s as inst*u#ents of e3i% unto sin! but gi3e u. -ou*se%3es to E%ohi#&God! as those who ha3e been *e3i3ed f*o# the dead: and %et -ou* #e#be*s be inst*u#ents fo* the *ighteousness of E%ohi#&God( ?:1< And sin sha%% not ha3e do#inion o3e* -ou: fo* -ou a*e not unde* the To*ah! but unde* g*a1e( ?:1= 4hat thenI $ha%% we sin! be1ause we a*e not unde* the To*ah! but unde* g*a1eI Pa* be itJ ?:1? Bnow -ou not! that to who#soe3e* -ou gi3e u. -ou*se%3es to se*3e in bondage! his se*3ants -ou a*e! who# -ou se*3e: whethe* it

be to sin! o* whethe* it be to *ighteousness! that -ou gi3e ea*I ?:1@ /ut than;s be to E%ohi#&God! that -ou we*e [Eon1eF+ the se*3ants of sin! but ha3e [EnowF+ f*o# the hea*t obe-ed that fo*# of tea1hing&do1t*ine to whi1h -ou a*e de3oted( ?:1A And when -ou we*e e#an1i.ated f*o# sin! -ou be1a#e se*3ants to *ighteousness( ?:1C 0 s.ea; as a#ong #en! be1ause of the infi*#it- of -ou* f%esh( -As -ou [Eon1eF+ ga3e u. -ou* #e#be*s to the se*3itude of un1%ean%iness and iniMuit-! so a%so now gi3e -ou u. -ou* #e#be*s to the se*3itude of *ighteousness and ho%iness( ?:)G Po* when -ou we*e the se*3ants of sin! -ou we*e *e%eased f*o# *ighteousness( ?:)1 And what ha*3est had -ou then! in that of whi1h -ou a*e now asha#edI Po* the *esu%t the*eof is death( ?:)) And now! as -ou ha3e been *e%eased f*o# sin! and ha3e be1o#e se*3ants to E%ohi#&God! -ou* f*uits a*e ho%-: and the *esu%t the*eof is %ife e3e*%asting( ?:)2 Po* the wages of sin is death: but the f*ee gift of E%ohi#&God is %ife ete*na%! th*ough ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( CHAPTER @ @:1 @ 7* do -ou no ;now! #- /*eth*en! -Tfo* 0 a# s.ea;ing to the# that ;now the To*ah!T - that the To*ah has do#inion o3e* a #an! as %ong as he is a%i3eI @:) Uust as a wo#an! b- the To*ah! is bound to he* husband! as %ong as he is a%i3e: but if he* husband shou%d die! she is f*ee f*o# 5Ethose 1o##ands ofF> the To*ah of he* husband( @:2 And if! whi%e he* husband is a%i3e! she shou%d adhe*e to anothe* #an! she wou%d be1o#e an adu%te*ess: but if he* husband shou%d die! she is f*eed f*o# 5Ethose 1o##ands ofF> the To*ah: and wou%d not be an adu%te*ess though Ooined to anothe* #an( @:< And now! #- b*eth*en! -ou a%so ha3e be1o#e dead 5Ein this *ega*dF> to the To*ah! b-&[$-*&a%t> in: i(e( in the $.i*itua% bod- of essiah+ the bod- of essiah: that -ou #ight be Ooined to anothe*! [Ee3enF+ to Hi# who *ose f*o# the dead: and #ight -ie%d f*uits unto E%ohi#&God( @:= Po* whi%e we we*e in the f%esh! the e#otions of sin whi1h a*e 5E*e3ea%edF> b- the To*ah! >[R> did wo*;+Nwe*e a1ti3e& [$-*(&a%t> eL1ited+> in ou* #e#be*s! >that we shou%d bea*&[R> to b*ing fo*th+> f*uits unto death( @:? - /ut now we a*e f*eed-f*o#-gui%t f*o# 5E1onstant%b*ea;ingF> the To*ah! and a*e dead to that whi1h he%d us in its g*as.: that we #ight f*o#-now-on se*3e in the newness of the $.i*it! and not in the o%dness of the %ette*&[$-*(> w*iting+( -

@:@ - 4hat sha%% we sa- thenI 0s the To*ah sinI Pa* be itJ Po* 0 had not %ea*ned Ewhat isF sin! eL1e.t b- #eans of the To*ah: fo* 0 had not ;nown 5Ewhat isF> %ustfu%-desi*e! had not the To*ah said! Thou sha%t not 1o3et: @:A And b- this Co##and#ent& itD3ah! sin found o11asion! and 1o#.%eted in #e a%% %ustfu%-desi*e: fo* without the To*ah! sin was dead( @:C And 0! without the To*ah! was a%i3e fo*#e*%-: but when the Co##and#ent& itD3ah 1a#e! sin be1a#e a%i3e! and 0 died: @:1G And the Co##and#ent& itD3ah of %ife was found b- #e [Eto beF+ unto death( @:11 Po* sin! b- the o11asion whi1h it found b- #eans of the Co##and#ent& itD3ah! sedu1ed #e: and the*eb- s%ew #e( @:1) 4he*efo*e! the To*ah is ho%-: and the Co##and#ent& itD3ah is ho%-! and *ighteous! and good( @:12 8id that whi1h is good! the*efo*e! be1o#e death to #eI Pa* be itJ /ut sin! that it #ight b- seen to be sin! 1o#.%eted death in #- be #eans of that good [ETo*ahF+: that sin #ight the #o*e be 1onde#ned! b- #eans of the Co##and#ent& itD3ah! @:1< Po* we ;now! that the To*ah is $.i*itua%&[$-*(> of the $.i*it+: but 0 a# 1a*na%&[$-*(> of the f%esh+! and so%d to sin( @:1= Po* what 0 a# doing! 0 ;now not: and what 0 wou%d! 0 do not .e*fo*#: but what 0 hate! that 0 do( @:1? And if 0 do what 0 wou%d not! 0 testif- of the To*ah! that it is *ight( @:1@ And then! it is no #o*e 0 who do that thing: but sin! whi1h dwe%%s in #e( @:1A Po* 0 ;now! that in #e! Tthat is! in #- f%esh!T good dwe%%s not: be1ause! to a..*o3e the good! is eas- fo* #e: but to do it! 0 a# unab%e( @:1C Po* 0 do not .e*fo*# the good! whi1h 0 wou%d .e*fo*#: but the bad! whi1h 0 wou%d not .e*fo*#! that 0 do .e*fo*#( @:)G And if 0 do what 0 wou%d not! it is not 0 that do it! but sin whi1h dwe%%s in #e( @:)1 0 find the*efo*e To*ah 1oin1iding with #- 1ons1ien1e& [$-*(&a%t> *eason+! whi1h 1onsents-R-ag*ees to #- doing good! whe*eas e3i% is nea* to #e( @:)) Po* 0 *eOoi1e in the To*ah of E%ohi#&God! in the inte*io* #an( @:)2 /ut 0 see anothe* 5#undane>to*ah in #- #e#be*s! whi1h wa*s against the To*ah of #- 1ons1ien1e! and #a;es #e a 1a.ti3e to the 5#undane>to*ah of sin whi1h eLists in #- #e#be*s( @:)< 7! a #ise*ab%e #an! a# 0J 4ho wi%% *es1ue #e f*o# this bodof deathI @:)= 0 than; E%ohi#&God: b- #eans of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah [E0 sha%% be *es1uedF+( @:)? @ Now! the*efo*e! in #- 1ons1ien1e&[$-*(&a%t> *eason+! 0 a# a se*3ant of the To*ah of E%ohi#&God: but in #- f%esh! 0 a# a se*3ant of the 5#undane>to*ah of sin( CHAPTER A A:1 The*e is the*efo*e [G*(> now+ no 1onde#nation! to the# who! [G*(>

a*e+ in Yeshua essiah! [PERF+-"A> [R> who+ wa%; not afte* the f%esh' "AP'-[R>! but a11o*ding to the Rua1h&$.i*it+( A:) Po* the To*ah of the Rua1h&$.i*it of %ife! whi1h is in Yeshua essiah! has *e%eased -ou&[#> #e+ f*o# the&5EaF> 5#undane>to*ah of sin and death( A:2 0nas#u1h as the To*ah was %a1;ing-st*ength! b- #eans of the wea;ness of the f%esh! E%ohi#&God sent His son in the %i;eness of sinfu% f%esh! on a11ount of sin: that He #ight! in His f%esh! 1onde#n sin: A:< $o that the *ighteousness of the To*ah #ight be 1a**ied-out in us: sin1e it is not in the f%esh that we wa%;! but in the Rua1h&$.i*it( A:= Po* the- who a*e in the f%esh! do #ind the things of the f%esh: and the- who a*e of the Rua1h&$.i*it! do #ind the things of the Rua1h&$.i*it( A:? Po* #inding the things of the f%esh! is death: but #inding the things of the Rua1h&$.i*it! is %ife and sha%o#( A:@ /e1ause #inding the things of the f%esh! is hosti%it- towa*ds E%ohi#&God: fo* it does not subOe1t itse%f to the To*ah of E%ohi#&God! be1ause it is not .ossib%e( A:A And the- who a*e in the f%esh 1annot .%ease E%ohi#&God( A:C You! howe3e*! a*e not in the f%esh! but in the Rua1h&$.i*it: if the Rua1h&$.i*it of E%ohi#&God t*u%- dwe%%s in -ou( And if in an- one the*e is not the Rua1h&$.i*it of essiah! he is none of His( A:1G /ut if essiah is in -ou! the bod- is dead! in *ega*d to sin: and the Rua1h&$.i*it is a%i3e in *ega*d to *ighteousness( A:11 And if the Rua1h&$.i*it of Hi#! who *aised ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah f*o# the dead! dwe%%s in -ou: He who *aised ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah f*o# the dead! wi%% a%so #a;e-a%i3e -ou* dead& [$-*(&a%t> #o*ta%+ bodies! >be1ause of&[AERF> th*ough+> His Rua1h &$.i*it that dwe%%s in -ou( A:1) @ Now we a*e debto*s! #- /*eth*en! not to the f%esh! that we shou%d wa%; a11o*ding to the f%esh: A:12 TPo* if we %i3e a11o*ding to the f%esh! -ou a*e to die( /ut if! b- the Rua1h&$.i*it! -ou den--R-1ont*o% the .*a1ti1es&[$-*(&a%t> 1ondu1t+ of the bod-! -ou wi%% %i3e( A:1< Po* the- who a*e %ed b- the Rua1h&$.i*it of E%ohi#&God! thea*e the sons of E%ohi#&God(T A:1= Po* -ou ha3e not *e1ei3ed the s.i*it of bondage! again to fea*: but -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed the Rua1h&$.i*it of ado.tion! b- whi1h we 1*-! KPathe*! ou* Pathe*( K[G*(>(((! Abba! Pathe*(+ A:1? And this Rua1h&$.i*it testifies to ou* s.i*it! that we a*e the sons of E%ohi#&God( A:1@ And if sons! then hei*s: hei*s of E%ohi#&God! and .a*ti1i.ato*s& [$-*(&a%t> sons+ of the inhe*itan1e of Yeshua essiah: so that! if we suffe* with Hi#! we sha%% a%so be g%o*ified with Hi#( A:1A Po* 0 *e1;on! that the suffe*ings of the .*esent ti#e! a*e not 1o#.a*ab%e with the g%o*- whi1h is to be de3e%o.ed&[$-*(&a%t> *e3ea%ed+ in us( A:1C Po* the who%e 1*eation is and waiting fo* the de3e%o.#ent& [$-*(&a%t> *e3e%ation+ of the sons of E%ohi#&God(

A:)G Po* the 1*eation was subOe1ted to 3anit-! not b- its own 1hoi1e! but be1ause of Hi# who subOe1ted it! A:)1 0n the ho.e! that a%so the 1*eation itse%f wou%d be *e%eased f*o# the bondage of 1o**u.tion! into the %ibe*t- of the g%o*- of the sons of E%ohi#&God( K[#> in ho.e: be1ause the 1*eation itse%f a%so wou%d (((+ A:)) Po* we ;now! that a%% the 1*eatu*es a*e g*oaning and %abo*ing in .ain unto this da-( A:)2 And not on%- the-! but we a%so in who# a*e the Pi*st P*uits of the Rua1h&$.i*it! we g*oan within ou*se%3es! and %oo; anLious%fo* "#> the ado.tion' "ERF#> of&[#> as+ sons'! the *ede#.tion of ou* bodies( A:)< /e1ause we %i3e in&[$-*(&a%t> b-+ ho.e( /ut ho.e that is seen! is not ho.e: Kfo* if we saw it! how shou%d we ho.e fo* itI K[R>(((: fo* what a #an sees! wh- does he -et ho.e fo*I+ K[A>(((: fo* wh- does one ho.e fo* what he seesI+ K[#>(((: who fo* what he seesI+ A:)= /ut if we ho.e fo* that whi1h is not seen! we a*e in .atient waiting( A:)? $o a%so the Rua1h&$.i*it aids ou* wea;ness( Po* we ;now not what to .*a- fo*: in a .*o.e* #anne*: but the Rua1h&$.i*it .*a-s [PR+"A> fo* us'! with g*oans not eL.*essib%e: A:)@ And the EL.%o*e* of hea*ts! He ;nows what is the #ind of the Rua1h&$.i*it: be1ause He .*a-s fo* the san1tified-ones! ag*eeab%to the good .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God( A:)A @ And we ;now that KHe aids the# in a%% good things! fo* good! who %o3e E%ohi#&God: the# who# He .*edestined to be 1a%%ed( K[R>((( a%% things wo*; togethe* fo* good to the# that %o3e God! to the# who a*e the 1a%%ed a11o*ding to EHisF .u*.ose(+ K[A>((( E%ohi#&God 1auses a%% things to wo*; togethe* fo* good to those who %o3e E%ohi#&God! to those who a*e 1a%%ed a11o*ding to EHisF .u*.ose(+ K[#>((( a%% things wo*; togethe* fo* good(+ A:)C And He ;new the#! .*e3ious%-: and He sea%ed&[$-*(&a%t> #a*;ed+ the# with the %i;eness of the i#age of His $on: that He #ight be the Pi*st-bo*n of #an- b*othe*s( A:2G And those who# He .*e3ious%- sea%ed! the# he 1a%%ed: and those who# He 1a%%ed! the# He Oustified: and those who# He Oustified! the# He g%o*ified( A:21 4hat then sha%% we sa- of these thingsI 0f E%ohi#&God [EisF+ fo* us: who [EisF+ against usI A:2) And! if He s.a*ed not His $on! but ga3e Hi# u. fo* us a%%! how sha%% He not gi3e us a%% things! with Hi#I A:22 4ho wi%% set hi#se%f against the 1hosen of E%ohi#&GodI 0t is E%ohi#&God who Oustifies( A:2< 4ho is it that 1onde#nsI essiah died! and a*ose [#> f*o# the dead+! and is on the Right Hand of E%ohi#&God! and #a;es

inte*1ession fo* us( A:2= 4hat&[$-*(&a%t> who+ wi%% se3e* #e f*o# the %o3e of essiah& [#> E%ohi#&God+I 4i%% aff%i1tionI o* dist*essI o* .e*se1utionI o* fa#ineI o* na;ednessI o* .e*i%I o* the swo*dI A:2? As it is 4*itten: Po* Th- sa;e! we die dai%-: and! we a*e a11ounted as shee. fo* the s%aughte*( A:2@ /ut in a%% these things we a*e 3i1to*ious! b- #eans of Hi# who %o3ed us( A:2A Po* 0 a# .e*suaded! that neithe* death! no* %ife! no* ange%s! no* .*in1i.a%ities! no* .owe*s! no* things .*esent! not things to 1o#e! A:2C No* height! no*! no* an- othe* 1*eatu*e! wi%% be ab%e to >se3e* #e&[R> se.a*ate us+> f*o# the %o3e of E%ohi#&God! whi1h is in ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( CHAPTER C C:1 0 sa- the t*uth in essiah! and do not #is*e.*esent: and #1ons1ien1e bea*s #e witness in Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%$.i*it>: C:) That 0 ha3e g*eat so**ow! and the sadness of #- hea*t is un1easing( C:2 Po* 0 ha3e .*a-ed! that 0 #-se%f #ight be a11u*sed f*o# essiah! fo*&[$-*(X> in beha%f of+ #- b*eth*en and #- ;ins#en in the f%esh: C:< 4ho a*e sons of 0s*ae%! to who# be%onged&[G*>EisF+ the ado.tion of sons! and the g%o*-! and the Co3enant"s 5#'! and the To*ah! and the dut--of-se*3ing! and the .*o#ises! and the fathe*s: C:= And f*o# a#ong who#! essiah a..ea*ed in the f%esh! who is E%ohi#&God o3e* a%%: to who# be .*aises and b>*a;hah&5b%essing>! fo* e3e* and e3e*: A#aine( C:? @ Not! howe3e*! that the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God has a1tua%%fai%ed& [$-*(&%it> fa%%en to fa%%+( Po* a%% a*e not 0s*ae%! who a*e of 0s*ae%( C:@ Neithe* a%% the- a%% sons! be1ause the- a*e of the seed of A3*aha#: fo* it was said! 0n Yits1ha; sha%% th- seed be 1a%%ed( C:A That is! it is not the 1hi%d*en of the f%esh! who a*e the 1hi%d*en of E%ohi#&God: but the 1hi%d*en of the .*o#ise! a*e a11ounted fo* the seed( C:C Po* the wo*d of .*o#ise was this: At that ti#e wi%% 0 1o#e! and $a*ah sha%% ha3e a son( C:1G Not on%- this: but Ri3;ah a%so! when she had 1ohabited with one [E#anF+! ou* fathe* YitD1ha;! C:11 /efo*e he* 1hi%d*en we*e bo*n! o* had done good o* e3i%! the 1hoi1e of E%ohi#&God was de1%a*ed: that it #ight stand! not of 5thei*>deeds! but of Hi# who 1a%%ed( C:1) Po* it was said: The e%de* sha%% be se*3ant to the -ounge*( C:12 As it is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF: Ya,a;o3 ha3e 0 %o3ed! and Esa3 ha3e 0 hated( C:1< 4hat sha%% we sa- thenI 0s the*e iniMuit- with GodI Pa* be itJ C:1= /eho%d! to oshe a%so He said: 0 wi%% ha3e .it-! on who# 0 wi%% ha3e .it-: and 0 wi%% be #e*1ifu%! to who# 0 wi%% be #e*1ifu%( C:1? The*efo*e! it is not of hi# who is wi%%ing! no* of hi# who *uns!

but of the #e*1ifu% God( C:1@ Po* in the $1*i.tu*e&5Tana;h>! He said to Pha*aoh: Po* this 3e*thing! ha3e 0 *aised thee u.: that 0 #ight show - .owe* in thee! and that - Na#e #ight be .*o1%ai#ed in a%% the ea*th( C:1A 4he*efo*e! He has .it- u.on who# He .%eases: and who He .%eases! He ha*dens( C:1C /ut! .e*ha.s -ou wi%% sa-: 7f what [EthenF+ does He 1o#.%ainI Po*! who has *esisted His .%easu*eI C:)G - Thou! thusJ 4ho a*e -ouI 7 #an: that -ou *e.%- against E%ohi#& GodJ $ha%% the .otte*>s 3esse% sa- to the fo*#e* of it! 4h- ha3e -ou fo*#ed #e soI C:)1 Has not the Potte* do#inion o3e* His 1%a- out of the sa#e #ass to #a;e 3esse%s! one fo* hono*! and anothe* fo* dishono*I C:)) @ And if E%ohi#&God! being in1%ined to eLhibit His 5Uudge#ent>s>w*ath and to #a;e ;nown His .owe*! in abundan1e of .atient-endu*an1e&5%ong-suffe*ing>! b*ought 5Uudge#ent>s>w*ath u.on the 3esse%s of w*ath whi1h we*e 1o#.%ete fo* dest*u1tion: C:)2 And #ade His #e*1- f%ow fo*th u.on the 3esse%s of #e*1-! whi1h we*e .*e.a*ed b- E%ohi#&God fo* g%o*-: C:)< Na#e%-! u.on us who a*e 1a%%ed! not of the Uews on%-! but a%so of the Genti%es&Go-i#: C:)= As a%so He said in Hoshea: 0 wi%% 1a%% the# - .eo.%e! who we*e not - .eo.%e: and wi%% .it-! who# 0 ha3e not .itied: C:)? Po* it sha%% be! that in the .%a1e whe*e the- we*e 1a%%ed Not .eo.%e! the*e sha%% the- be 1a%%ed The 1hi%d*en of the 6i3ing God( C:)@ And Yesha,-ahu .*o1%ai#ed 1on1e*ning the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae%: Though the nu#be* of the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae% shou%d be as the sand on the sea! a *e#nant of the# wi%% %i3e&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+( C:)A KHe has finished and 1ut sho*t the #atte*&[$-*(> the wo*d+: and The-67R8&5YH9H> wi%% do it on the ea*th( K[EAFR> Po* He wi%% finish the wo*; and 1ut it sho*t "#> in *ighteousness'! be1ause the 67R8&5YH9H> wi%% >#a;e a sho*t wo*; u.on the ea*th>-[A> finish the wo*; and 1ut it sho*t+(+ C:)C And a11o*ding to what Yesha,-ahu had befo*e said: 0f AdonaiTD3a>ot&5YH9H&567R8> 7f Hosts> had not fa3o*ed us with a *esidue! we had been as $>do#! and had been %i;e ,A#o*a( C:2G @ 4hat sha%% we sa- thenI That the Go-i#&Genti%es! who *an not afte* *ighteousness ha3e found *ighteousness! e3en the *ighteousness whi1h is b- faith: C:21 /ut 0s*ae%! who *an afte* the To*ah of *ighteousness! has not found the To*ah [PR+-"A> of *ighteousness'( C:2) And wh-I /e1ause [Ethe- sought itF+! not b- faith! but b- the 5Ese%f-fo*#ed %ega%isti1 .u*suing ofF> wo*;s [PR+-"A> of the To*ah'( Po* the- stu#b%ed at that $tu#b%ing-$tone: C:22 As it is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF! /eho%d! 0 %a- in TDi-on a

$tu#b%ing -$tone! and a $tone of offen1e: and he who be%ie3es in Hi#& [$-*( &a%t> 0t+! sha%% not be asha#ed( CHAPTER 1G 1G:1 - /*eth*en! The desi*e of #- hea*t! and #- inte*1ession with E%ohi#&God fo* [AP+-the#&[R> 0s*ae%+! is! that the- #ight ha3e%ife&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+( 1G:) Po* 0 bea* the# witness! that the*e is in the# a Dea% fo* E%ohi#& God: but it is not a11o*ding to ;now%edge( 1G:2 Po* the- ;now not the *ighteousness of E%ohi#&God! but see; to estab%ish thei* own *ighteousness: and the*efo*e the- ha3e not sub#itted the#se%3es to the *ighteousness of E%ohi#&God( 1G:< @ Po* essiah is the ai#&[$-*(X> s1o.e! su##a*-+N[G*(&%it(> goa%+ of the To*ah! fo* *ighteousness! unto e3e*- one that be%ie3es in Hi#( 1G:= Po* oshe des1*ibes the *ighteousness! whi1h is b- the To*ah! thus: 4hoe3e* sha%% do these things! sha%% %i3e b- the#( 1G:? /ut the *ighteousness whi1h is b- faith! sa-s thus Ein the To*ahF: Thou sha%t not sa- in th- hea*t! 4ho as1ends to Hea3en! and b*ings essiah downI 1G:@ 7*! 4ho des1ends to the ab-ss of the g*a3e! and b*ings u. essiah f*o# the .%a1e of the deadI 1G:A /ut what sa-s it Ein To*ahF! The thing is nea* to th- #outh! and to th- hea*t: that is! the 4o*d of faith! whi1h we .*o1%ai#( 1G:C And if -ou sha%% 1onfess with -ou* #outh ou* 6o*d&Adonai Yeshua! and sha%% be%ie3e with -ou* hea*t! that E%ohi#&God has *aised Hi# f*o# the dead: -ou sha%% %i3e&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+( 1G:1G Po* the hea*t that be%ie3es in Hi#! is Oustified: and the #outh that 1onfesses Hi#! is *esto*ed&[$-*(&a%t> sa3ed+ to %ife( 1G:11 Po* the $1*i.tu*e sa-s: E3e*- one that be%ie3es in Hi#! sha%% not be asha#ed( 1G:1) And in this! it dis1*i#inates neithe* Uews no* Genti%es&Go-i#( Po* the*e is one 6o*d&Adonai o3e* the# a%%! who is *i1h! towa*ds e3e*- one that 1a%%s on Hi#( 1G:12 Po* e3e*- one that sha%% 1a%% on the Na#e of The67R8&Adonai& YH9H! wi%% ha3e-%ife&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+( 1G:1< How then sha%% the- 1a%% on Hi#! in who# the- ha3e not be%ie3edI 7*! how sha%% the- be%ie3e in Hi#! of who# the- ha3e not hea*dI 7*! how sha%% the- hea*! without a .*o1%ai#e*I 1G:1= 7*! how sha%% the- .*o1%ai#! if the- a*e not sent fo*thI As it is 4*itten: How beautifu% a*e the feet of Kthe announ1e*s of sha%o#! and of the announ1e*s of good thingsI K[EAFR>((( those who "A> .*o1%ai# the Good-News of sha%o#& .ea1e! who' b*ing g%ad tidings of good thingsJ+ 1G:1? /ut a%% of the# ha3e not obe-ed the .*o1%a#ation of the Good-

News( TPo*! Yesha,-ahu said: Adonai& --67R8! who has be%ie3ed ou*-.*o1%a#ation&[$-*(> daughte* of ou* 3oi1e&5bat-;o%>+I 1G:1@ The*efo*e! faith is f*o# the hea*ing of the ea*: and the hea*ing of the ea*! is f*o# the 4o*d "#> of E%ohi#&God'( 1G:1A /ut 0 sa-: Ha3e the- not hea*dI And! beho%d! thei* .*o1%a#ation& [$-*(> daughte* of thei* 3oi1e&5bat-;o%>+ has gone out into a%% the ea*th: and thei* wo*ds to the ends of the wo*%d( 1G:1C /ut 0 sa-: 8id not 0s*ae% ;nowI Pi*st oshe said! thus: 0 wi%% awa;en -ou* desi*e-to-eL1e%! b- a .eo.%e whi1h a*e not a .eo.%e: and b- a disobedient .eo.%e! 0 wi%% .*o3o;e -ou( 1G:)G And Yesha,-ahu was bo%d! and said: 0 was seen b- those who sought #e not: and 0 was found b- those who inMui*ed not fo* #e( 1G:)1 /ut to 0s*ae%! He said: A%% the da-! ha3e 0 st*et1hed out hands to a 1ontentious and disobedient .eo.%e( CHAPTER 11 11:1 @ /ut 0 sa-: Has E%ohi#&God 1ast off His .eo.%eI Pa* be itJ Po* 0 a%so a# of 0s*ae%! of the seed of A3*aha#! of the T*ibe of /in-a#in( 11:) E%ohi#&God has not 1ast off those His .eo.%e who# He befo*e ;new( 8o -ou not ;now! what! in the $1*i.tu*e of E%ohi#&God Ein Tana;hF! He said to E%i-ahuI 4hen he had 1o#.%ained to E%ohi#& God against 0s*ae%! and said: 11:2 YH9H&Adonai& --67R8! the- ha3e s%ain Th- P*o.hets! and ha3e th*own down Th- a%ta*s: and 0 a# %eft a%one: and the- see; #%ife( 11:< And it was said to hi#! b- *e3e%ation: /eho%d! 0 ha3e *ese*3ed fo* -se%f se3en thousand #en! who ha3e not bowed thei* ;nees! and ha3e not wo*shi..ed /a,a%( 11:= $o a%so at the .*esent ti#e! a *e#nant is .*ese*3ed! b- the e%e1tion of g*a1e( 11:? /ut if b- g*a1e! it is not b- 5Ea se%f-fo*#ed %ega%isti1 s-ste# ofF> wo*;s: othe*wise! g*a1e is not g*a1e( [PR+-"A> And if b5Ese%f-fo*#ed %ega%isti1 s-ste#s ofF> wo*;s! it is not b- g*a1e: othe*wise! wo*; is not wo*;(' 11:@ 4hat thenI 0s*ae% did not obtain that whi1h is sought: but the 1hosen-ones&5e%e1tion> obtained it: and the *est of the# we*e b%inded in thei* hea*t! 11:A TAs it is 4*itten: E%ohi#&God ga3e the# a du%% s.i*it! and e-es to see not( and ea*s to hea* not!T - unto this 3e*- da-( 11:C And again! 8a3id said: 6et thei* tab%e be1o#e a sna*e befo*e the#: and %et thei* 1o#.ensation be a stu#b%ing b%o1;( 11:1G 6et thei* e-es be da*;ened! that the- see not: and %et thei* ba1;! at a%% ti#es! be bowed down( 11:11 /ut 0 sa-: Ha3e the- so stu#b%ed as to fa%% enti*e%-I Pa* be itJ Rathe*! b- thei* stu#b%ing! 6ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+ has 1o#e to the Go-i#&Genti%es! fo* [Eawa;eningF+ thei* Oea%ous%-( 11:1) And if thei* stu#b%ing was *i1hes to the wo*%d! and thei* 1onde#nation *i1hes to the Go-i#&Genti%es: how #u1h #o*e thei* 1o#.%etenessI 11:12 @ /ut [Eit isF+ to -ou Go-i#&Genti%es! 0 a# s.ea;ing: as 0 a#

a E#issa*-&56egate> to the Go-i#&Genti%es! 0 hono* #- offi1e-ofse*3ing: 11:1< 0f! .e*ha.s! 0 #a- .*o3o;e desi*e-to-eL1e% in the 1hi%d*en of #f%esh! and #a- 1ause-to-%i3e&[$-*(&a%t> sa3e+ so#e of the#( 11:1= Po* if the *eOe1tion of the#! was a *e1on1i%iation of the wo*%d: what wi%% thei* t*ansfo*#ation&5tu*ning-ba1;> be! but %ife f*o# the deadI 11:1? Po*! if the Pi*st-P*uits [Ea*eF+ ho%-! then the #ass [EisF+ a%so: and if the *oot is ho%-! then a%so the b*an1hes( 11:1@ And if so#e of the b*an1hes we*e .%u1;ed off: and -ou! Kan o%i3e f*o# the dese*t! we*e ing*afted in thei* .%a1e! and ha3e be1o#e a .a*ti1i.ato* of the *oot and [#> and-"#' of the+ fatness of the 7%i3e-t*ee: K[R>(((! a wi%d o%i3e t*ee! we*e g*afted in a#ong the#! and with the# .a*ta;e of the *oot and fatness (((+ 11:1A 8o not g%o*- o3e* the b*an1hes( Po* if -ou g%o*-! -ou sustain not the *oot! but the *oot sustains -ou( 11:1C And shou%d -ou sa-: The b*an1hes we*e .%u1;ed off! that 0 #ight be g*afted into thei* .%a1e( 11:)G 9e*- t*ue( The- we*e .%u1;ed off! be1ause the- be%ie3ed not: and -ou stand b- faith( - /e not eLa%ted in -ou* #ind! but fea*( 11:)1 Po* if E%ohi#&God s.a*ed not the natu*a% b*an1hes! .e*ha.s He wi%% not s.a*e -ou( 11:)) /eho%d now the ;indness and the se3e*it- of E%ohi#&God: on the# who fe%%! se3e*it-: but on -ou! ;indness "PR'-[A> of E%ohi#&God+! if -ou 1ontinue in that ;indness: and if not! -ou a%so wi%% be .%u1;ed off( 11:)2 And the-! if the- do not 1ontinue in thei* destitution of faith! e3en the- wi%% be g*afted in: fo* E%ohi#&God is ab%e to g*aft the# in again( 11:)< Po* if -ou we*e .%u1;ed f*o# the wi%d o%i3e-t*ee! whi1h was natu*a% to -ou! and we*e g*afted! 1ont*a*- to -ou* natu*e! into a good 7%i3e-t*ee: how #u1h #o*e #a- the- be g*afted into thei* natu*a% 7%i3e-t*eeI 11:)= And that -ou! #- b*eth*en! #a- not be wise in -ou* own g* -obtaining! 0 wish -ou to ;now this #-ste*-! that b%indness of hea*t has in so#e #easu*e ha..ened-to 0s*ae%! unti% the fu%%ness of the Go-i#&Genti%es sha%% 1o#e in: 11:)? And then wi%% a%% 0s*ae% be-sa3ed&[$-*(&a%t> %i3e+( As it is 4*itten: A 8e%i3e*e* wi%% 1o#e f*o# TDi-on! and wi%% tu*n awainiMuit- f*o# Ya,a;o3( 11:)@ And then wi%% the- ha3e the Co3enant that .*o1eeds f*o# e! when 0 sha%% ha3e fo*gi3en thei* sins( 11:)A Now! in the Good-News! 5Ethe disobedient onesF> the- a*e ene#ies fo* -ou* sa;e: but in the e%e1tion! the- a*e be%o3ed fo* the fathe*s> sa;e( 11:)C Po* E%ohi#&God is not 1hangeab%e in His f*ee gift and in His 1a%%ing(

11:2G Po* as -ou too we*e fo*#e*%- disobedient to E%ohi#&God! and ha3e now obtained #e*1-! be1ause of thei* disobedien1e: 11:21 K$o a%so a*e the- now disobedient to the #e*1- whi1h is u.on -ou! that the*e #a- be #e*1- on the# %i;ewise( K[R> E3en so ha3e these a%so now not be%ie3ed! that th*ough -ou* #e*1- the- a%so #a- [#> now+ obtain #e*1-(+ 11:2) Po* E%ohi#&God has shut u. a%% #en in disobedien1e! that u.on a%% #en He #ight ha3e #e*1-( 11:22 7 the of the *i1hes! and the wisdo#! and the ;now%edge of E%ohi#&GodJ Po* #an has not sea*1hed out His Oudge#ents: and His wa-s >a*e ins1*utab%e>&[R> .ast finding out+( 11:2< Po* who has ;nown the #ind of YH9H&The-67R8I 7* who has been a 1ounse%%o* to Hi#I 11:2= 7* who has fi*st gi3en to Hi#! and then *e1ei3ed f*o# Hi#I 11:2? /e1ause! a%% is f*o# Hi#! and a%% b- Hi#! and a%% th*ough Hi#: to who# be .*aises and b>*a;hot&5b%essings>! fo* e3e* and e3e*: A#aine( CHAPTER 1) 1):1 @ 0 ea*nest%--.%ead-with -ou! the*efo*e! #- b*eth*en! b- the #e*1ies of E%ohi#&God! that -ou .*esent -ou* bodies a %i3ing sa1*ifi1e! ho%- and to E%ohi#&God! Kb- a *ationa% se*3i1e [Eof Hi#F+( K[R>(((! Ewhi1h isF -ou* *easonab%e se*3i1e(+ 1):) And be not 1onfo*#ed to this wo*%d: but be -ou t*ansfo*#ed! bthe *eno3ation of -ou* #inds: and dis1e*n -ou what is the good and and .e*fe1t .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God( 1):2 And! b- the g*a1e gi3en to #e! 0 sa- to -ou a%%: 8o not 1a**thoughts! be-ond what -ou ought to thin;: but thin; with #odest-! as E%ohi#&God has dist*ibuted to ea1h one his&[R> a+ #easu*e of faith( 1):< Po* as we [Ese.a*ate%-F+ ha3e #an- #e#be*s in one bod-! and a%% those #e#be*s ha3e not the sa#e fun1tions: 1):= $o a%so we! who a*e [E1o%%e1ti3e%-F+ #an- .e*sons! a*e one bodin essiah! and a*e natu*a%%- #e#be*s of ea1h othe*( 1):? K/ut we ha3e diffe*ent gifts! a11o*ding to the g*a1e gi3en to us( The*e is that of .*o.he1-! a11o*ding to the #easu*e of his faith( KE$ee note on 3(A be%owF 1):@ KAnd the*e is that of duties-of-se*3ing! #aintained b- one in his offi1e-of-se*3ing( And the*e is that of a tea1he*! in his tea1hing( KE$ee note on 3(A be%owF 1):A KAnd the*e is that of a 1o#fo*te*! in his 1o#fo*ting: And that of a gi3e*&[$-*(&a%t> dist*ibuto*+! with si#.%i1it-: And that of a P*eside*&[$-*(> standing at the head+! with usefu%-s;i%%: And of a one-of-1o#.assion&s-#.athiDe*! with 1hee*fu%ness( K[$-*(&note> 0n this 1ata%ogue of gifts! 3e*ses ?!@!A! the

$-*ia1 #e*e%- des1*ibes the#! gi3ing not di*e1tions fo* the *ight use of the#( 4hethe* the G*ee; o*igina% wi%% ad#it the sa#e eL.osition! the %ea*ned wi%% de1ide( 0 see no e3iden1e! that the $-*ia1 t*ans%ato* had an essentia%%diffe*ent G*ee; teLt befo*e hi#(+ 1):C 6et not -ou* %o3e be de1eitfu%: but be hate*s of e3i% things! and adhe*e*s to good things( 1):1G /e affe1tionate to -ou* b*eth*en: and %o3e one anothe*( /e fo*e#ost in hono*ing one anothe*( 1):11 /e a1ti3e: and not s%othfu%( /e fe*3ent in s.i*it( >/e %abo*e*s fo*&[R> $e*3ing+> ou* 6o*d( 1):1) /e Oo-fu% in -ou* ho.e( /e .atient unde* -ou* aff%i1tions( /e .e*se3e*ing in .*a-e*( 1):12 /e those-who-gi3e to the needs of the san1tified-ones( /e ;ind to st*ange*s( 1):1< K/%ess -ou* .e*se1uto*s: b%ess! and 1u*se not( K[G*(> /%ess the# whi1h .e*se1ute "#'--ou: (((+ 1):1= ReOoi1e with the# who *eOoi1e: and wee. with the# who wee.( 1):1? K4hat esti#ation -ou #a;e of -ou*se%3es! [E#a;eF+ a%so of -ou* b*eth*en( And indu%ge not high thoughts: but unite -ou*se%3es with the %ow%- #inded( And be not wise in -ou* own esti#ation( K[R> E/eF of the sa#e #ind one towa*d anothe*( ind not high things! but asso1iate with the hu#b%e( (((+ 1):1@ And *e.a- to no #an e3i% fo* e3i%: but %et it be -ou* stud- to do good! befo*e a%% #en( 1):1A And if .ossib%e! so fa* as it de.ends on -ou! %i3e in sha%o# with e3e*- #an( 1):1C And be -ou not a3enge*s of -ou*se%3es! #- be%o3ed: but gi3e .%a1e to w*ath( Po* it is 4*itten: K0f -ou do not eLe1ute Oudge#ent fo* -ou*se%f! 0 wi%% eLe1ute Oudge#ent fo* -ou! saith E%ohi#&God( K[R>(((: 9engean1e is ine! 0 wi%% *e.a-! saith The-67R8& Adonai&YH9H(+ 1):)G And if -ou ad3e*sa*- be hung*-! feed hi#: and if he be thi*st-! gi3e hi# d*in;( Po* if -ou do these things to hi#! -ou wi%% hea. 1oa%s of fi*e on his head( 1):)1 /e -ou not o3e*1o#e b- e3i%: but o3e*1o#e e3i% with good( CHAPTER 12 12:1 @ 6et e3e*- sou% be subOe1t to the autho*ities of #agist*atesoffi1es( Po* the*e is no autho*it- whi1h is not f*o# E%ohi#&God: and the autho*ities whi1h eList! a*e estab%ished& [$-*(>1o##anded+ b- E%ohi#&God( 12:) He the*efo*e who o..oses the autho*it-! o..oses the estab%ish#ent of E%ohi#&God: and the- who o..ose the#! sha%% *e1ei3e Oudge#ent( 12:2 Po* Oudges a*e not a te**o* to good deeds! but to e3i% deeds( 4ou%d -ou then not be af*aid of the autho*it-I 8o good! and -ou sha%% ha3e .*aise f*o# it( 12:< Po* he is the se*3ant of E%ohi#&God: but it is to -ou fo* good( /ut if -ou do e3i%! be af*aid: fo* he is not gi*ded with the swo*d in 3ain: fo* he is a se*3ant of E%ohi#&God! and an

a3enge* of w*ath to the# that do e3i% things( 12:= And the*efo*e! it is ne1essa*- fo* us to be obedient! not on%on a11ount of w*ath! but %i;ewise on a11ount of ou* 1ons1ien1es( 12:? Po* this 1ause a%so -ou .a- t*ibute-#one-: fo* the- a*e the se*3ants of E%ohi#&God! estab%ished fo* these sa#e obOe1ts( 12:@ Rende* the*efo*e to e3e*- one! as is due to hi#: t*ibute#one-! to who# t*ibute-#one- Eis dueF: and fee! to who# fee Eis dueF: and 5*es.e1tfu%-t-.e>fea*! to who# 5*es.e1tfu%-t-.e>fea* Eis dueF: and hono*! to who# hono* Eis dueF( 12:A And owe nothing to an- one: but to %o3e one anothe*( Po* he that %o3es his neighbo*! has 1a**ied-out the To*ah( 12:C Po* this %i;ewise! whi1h 0t sa-s: Thou sha%t not ;i%%: no* 1o##it adu%te*-: no* stea%: "AP'-[R> thou sha%t not bea* fa%se witness+: no* 1o3et: and if the*e is an- othe* itD3ot&Co##and#ent! it is 1o#.%eted in this senten1e: Thou sha%t %o3e th- neighbo* as th-se%f( 12:1G 6o3e does no e3i% to one>s neighbo*: be1ause %o3e is the 1a**-ing -out of the To*ah( 12:11 @ And this a%so ;now -ou! that it is the ti#e and the hou*! that we shou%d f*o#-now-on be awa;e f*o# ou* s%ee.( Po* now ou* %ife& [$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+ has 1o#e nea*e* to us! than when we be%ie3ed( 12:1) Then night now .asses awa-! and the da- d*aws nea*( 6et us the*efo*e 1ast f*o# us the wo*;s of da*;ness: and %et us .ut on the a*#o* of 6ight( 12:12 And %et us wa%; .*o.e*%-! as in da-%ight: not in EbaseF #e**i#ent! no* in d*un;enness! no* in i#.u*it- of the bed! no* in en3- and st*ife( 12:1< /ut 1%othe -ou*se%3es with ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah: and be not thoughtfu% about -ou* f%esh! fo* the indu%gen1e of a..etites( CHAPTER 1< 1<:1 To hi# who is feeb%e in the faith! *ea1h fo*th the hand( And be not di3ided in -ou* thoughts( 1<:) Po* one #an be%ie3es! that he #a- eat e3e*- thing: and he that is feeb%e! eats he*bs( 1<:2 And he that eats! shou%d not des.ise hi# that eats not: and he that eats not! shou%d not Oudge hi# that eats! fo* E%ohi#&God has *e1ei3ed hi#( 1<:< 4ho a*e -ou! that -ou Oudge a se*3ant not -ou*s: and who! if he stands! he stands to his 6o*d: and if he fa%%s! he fa%%s to his 6o*dI /ut he wi%% assu*ed%- stand: fo* his 6o*d has .owe* to estab%ish hi#( 1<:= 7ne #an dis1*i#inates between-da-s&[$-*(> a da- f*o# a da-+: and anothe* Oudges a%% da-s a%i;e( /ut %et e3e*- one be su*e! in

*ega*d to his ;now%edge( 1<:? He that estee#s a da-! estee#s [EitF+ fo* his 6o*d: [PR+-"A> and he that estee#s not a da-! fo* his 6o*d! he does not estee# [EitF+(' And he that eats! eats to his 6o*d! and gi3es than;s to E%ohi#&God: and he that eats not! to his 6o*d he eats not! and gi3es than;s to E%ohi#&God( 1<:@ Po* the*e is not one of us! who %i3es fo* hi#se%f: and the*e is not one! who dies fo* hi#se%f( 1<:A /e1ause! if we %i3e! to ou* 6o*d it is we %i3e: o* if we die! to ou* 6o*d it is we die( 4hethe* we %i3e! the*efo*e! o* whethe* we die! we a*e ou* 6o*d>s( 1<:C o*eo3e*! fo* this 1ause essiah died! Kand *e3i3ed! and a*ose: that He #ight be 6o*d of the dead and of the %i3ing( K[EAFR>(((! "A> and *ose' and %i3ed again! that (((+ 1<:1G /ut -ou! wh- do -ou Oudge -ou* b*othe*I o*! wh- do -ou des.ise -ou* b*othe*I Po* we #ust a%% stand befo*e the Uudge#ent $eat of [PR+- essiah&[A> E%ohi#&God+! 1<:11 As it is 4*itten: As 0 %i3e! sa-s YH9H&the-67R8! to e e3e*;nee sha%% bow: and to e e3e*- tongue sha%% gi3e .*aise( 1<:1) $o then! e3e*- one of us #ust gi3e a11ount of hi#se%f to E%ohi#& God( 1<:12 P*o#-now-on! Oudge -ou not one anothe*: but *athe*! Oudge -ou this! that -ou e*e1t not a stu#b%ing-b%o1; fo* -ou* b*othe*( 1<:1< 0 ;now! indeed! and a# .e*suaded b- the 6o*d Yeshua! that the*e is nothing whi1h is un1%ean in itse%f: but to hi# who thin;s anthing to be un1%ean! to hi# on%- it is defi%ed( 1<:1= /ut if -ou g*ie3e -ou* b*othe*! be1ause of food! -ou wa%; not in %o3e( 7n a11ount of food! dest*o- not hi# fo* who# essiah died( 1<:1? And %et not ou* good thing be a #atte* of *e.*oa1h( 1<:1@ Po* the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God! is not food and d*in;: but is *ighteousness! and sha%o#&.ea1e! and Oo- in Rua1hHaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it>( 1<:1A Po* he who is in [PR+->these things>&[A> this thing+ a se*3ant of essiah! is .%easing to E%ohi#&God! and a..*o3ed befo*e #en( 1<:1C Now >%et us&[#> we+> st*i3e afte* sha%o#! and afte* the edifi1ation of one anothe*( 1<:)G And %et us not! on a11ount of food! dest*o- the wo*; of E%ohi#& God( Po* e3e*- thing is! [Eindeed!F+ .u*e: -et it is e3i%! to the #an who eats with stu#b%ing( 1<:)1 0t is .*o.e*! that we neithe* eat f%esh! no* d*in; wine! no* [EdoF+ an-thing! whe*eb- ou* b*othe* is stu#b%ed "AP'-[R> o* is offended o* is #ade wea;(+ 1<:)) KYou a*e one in who# the*e is faith: ;ee. it to -ou*se%f! befo*e E%ohi#&God( /%essed is he! who does not 1onde#n hi#se%f! in that thing whi1h he a%%ows( K[R> 8o -ou ha3e faithI Ha3e it (((+

K[A> The faith whi1h -ou ha3e - ha3e (((+ 1<:)2 Po* he who eats and doubts! is 1onde#ned: be1ause [Ehe eatsF+ not in faith( Po* e3e*- thing whi1h is not of faith! is sin( KE[ + adds 3e*ses 1?:)=-)@ he*e(F CHAPTER 1= 1=:1 @ 4e then who a*e st*ong! ought to bea* the infi*#it- of the wea;! and not to .%ease ou*se%3es( 1=:) /ut ea1h of us shou%d .%ease his neighbo*! in good things! as 1ondu1i3e&%eading to edifi1ation( 1=:2 /e1ause essiah a%so did not .%ease Hi#se%f: but! as it is 4*itten: The *e3i%ing of You* *e3i%e*s fe%% u.on e( 1=:< Po* e3e*- thing 4*itten of o%d 5in Tana;h>! was 4*itten fo* ou* inst*u1tion: that we! b- .atien1e and b- the 1onso%ation of the $1*i.tu*es! #ight gain ho.e( 1=:= And #a- the God of .atien1e and of 1onso%ation! g*ant to -ou! to thin; in ha*#on- one with anothe*! in Yeshua essiah: 1=:? $o that with one #ind and one #outh! -ou #a- g%o*ifE%ohi#&God! the Pathe* of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( 1=:@ 4he*efo*e! *e1ei3e -ou and bea* u. one anothe*! as a%so essiah *e1ei3ed [A P+--ou&[R> us+! to the g%o*- of E%ohi#&God( 1=:A Now 0 sa-! that Yeshua essiah se*3ed unto the 1i*1u#1ision& 5Uewish .eo.%e>! in beha%f of the T*uth of E%ohi#&God! in o*de* to 1onfi*# the .*o#ise [E#adeF+ to the fathe*s: 1=:C And that the Genti%es&Go-i# #ight g%o*if- E%ohi#&God fo* His #e*1ies u.on the#! as it is 4*itten: 0 wi%% 1onfess to Thee a#ong the Genti%es&Go-i#! and to Th- Na#e wi%% 0 sing .sa%#s( 1=:1G And again he said: ReOoi1e! -ou Go-i#&Genti%es! with His .eo.%e( 1=:11 And again he said: P*aise YH9H&the-67R8! a%% -ou Genti%es&Go-i#: [EandF+ %aud Hi#! a%% -ou Nations( 1=:1) And again Yesha,-ahu said: The*e wi%% be a *oot of Yishai: and He that sha%% a*ise! wi%% be a P*in1e fo* the Go-i#&Genti%es: and in Hi# wi%% the Go-i#&Genti%es ho.e( 1=:12 Now #a- the God of ho.e fi%% -ou with a%% Oo- and sha%o#&.ea1e! b- faith: that -ou #a- abound in His ho.e! b- the .owe*&[$-*(& a%t> ene*g-+ of Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it>( 1=:1< @ Now 0 a# .e*suaded! #- /*eth*en! e3en 0! 1on1e*ning -ou: that -ou too a*e fu%% of goodness! and a*e *e.%enished with a%% ;now%edge! and a*e ab%e a%so to inst*u1t [ P+-othe*s&[AR> one anothe*+( 1=:1= Yet 0 ha3e w*itten *athe* bo%d%- to -ou! #- /*eth*en! that 0 #ight .ut -ou in *e#e#b*an1e: be1ause of the g*a1e whi1h is gi3en #e b- E%ohi#&God! 1=:1? That 0 shou%d be a se*3ant of Yeshua essiah a#ong the Go-i#& Genti%es! and shou%d aid the Good-News of E%ohi#&God! that the than;sgi3ing-sa1*ifi1e of the Go-i#&Genti%es #ight be! and be san1tified b- Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it>( 1=:1@ 0 ha3e the*efo*e a g%o*-ing in Yeshua essiah! befo*e E%ohi#&God(

1=:1A Yet 0 .*esu#e not to s.ea; of an- thing [EdoneF+ fo* the obedien1e of the Go-i#&Genti%es! whi1h essiah has not w*ought b#e! in wo*d and in deeds! 1=:1C /- the .owe* of signs and wonde*s! and b- the .owe* of >Rua1hHaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it>>-[R> the Rua1h&$.i*it "#> of E%ohi#& God'+: so that f*o# Ye*usha%a-i# 0 ha3e #ade a 1i*1uit 1o#.%ete%to 0%%-*i1u#! and ha3e 1a**ied-out the announ1e#ent of Ha ashia1h &5The essiah>: 1=:)G 4hi%e 0 was 1a*efu% not to .*o1%ai# whe*e the Na#e of essiah had been 51a%%ed-u.on>&in3o;edN[R> na#ed+! %est 0 shou%d bui%d u.on anothe* #an>s foundation: 1=:)1 /ut! as it is 4*itten: The-! to who# #ention of Hi# had not been #ade! wi%% see Hi#: and the-! who had not hea*d! wi%% be obedient( 1=:)) And on this a11ount! 0 ha3e been #an- ti#es .*e3ented f*o# 1o#ing to -ou( 1=:)2 /ut now! sin1e 0 ha3e no .%a1e in these *egions! and as 0 ha3e been desi*ous fo* #an- -ea*s .ast to 1o#e to -ou! 1=:)< K4hen 0 go to $.ain! 0 ho.e to 1o#e and see -ou: and that -ou wi%% #e to-the*e! when 0 sha%% ha3e been satisfied! in so#e #easu*e! with 3isiting -ou( K[R> 4hene3e* 0 ta;e #- Oou*ne- into $.ain! 0 sha%% 1o#e to -ou: fo* 0 t*ust to see -ou on #- Oou*ne-( and to be he%.ed on #- wa- the*e b- -ou! if fi*st 0 #a- be-satisfied-with -ou* fo* a whi%e(+ K[A> 4hene3e* 0 go to $.ain - fo* 0 ho.e to see -ou in .assing! and to be he%.ed on #- wa- the*e b- -ou! (((E*est as [R+F(+ 1=:)= /ut 0 a# now going to Ye*usha%a-i#! to #iniste* to the san1tified -ones( 1=:)? Po* the- of a1edonia and A1haia! ha3e been wi%%ing to #a;e u. a 1ont*ibution&[$-*(> that a 1o##uni1ation shou%d be! R1(+ fo* the need- san1tified-ones who a*e at Ye*usha%a-i#( 1=:)@ The- we*e wi%%ing! be1ause the- we*e a%so debto*s to the#: fo* if the Go-i#&Genti%es ha3e been .a*ti1i.ato*s with the# in the $.i*it&Rua1h! the- a*e debto*s to se*3e the# a%so in things of the f%esh( 1=:)A 4hen the*efo*e! 0 sha%% ha3e a11o#.%ished this! and sha%% ha3e sea%ed to the# this f*uit! 0 wi%% .ass b- -ou into $.ain( 1=:)C And 0 ;now that when 0 a# 1o#e to -ou! 0 sha%% 1o#e in the fu%%ness of the b%essing [PR+-"A> of the Good-News' of essiah( 1=:2G And 0 ea*nest%--.%ead -ou! #- /*eth*en! b- ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah! and b- the %o3e of the Rua1h&$.i*it! that -ou %abo* with

#e in .*a-e* to E%ohi#&God fo* #e: 1=:21 That 0 #a- be de%i3e*ed f*o# the# in Y>hudah! who be%ie3e not: and that the offi1e-of-se*3ing! whi1h 0 1a**- to the san1tifiedones in Ye*usha%a-i#! #a- be we%% *e1ei3ed: 1=:2) And that! b- the good .%easu*e of E%ohi#&God! 0 #a- 1o#e to -ou with Oo-! and #a- ta;e 1o#fo*t with -ou( 1=:22 And #a- the God of sha%o#&.ea1e be with -ou a%%: A#aine( KE#! has Ro#(1?:)=-)@ fo%%owing 3e*(1=:22F CHAPTER 1? 1?:1 @ And 0 1o##end to -ou Phoebe! ou* siste*! who is a se*3ant of the Cong*egation in Cen1h*ea: 1?:) That -ou #a- *e1ei3e he* in ou* 6o*d! as is Oust fo* san1tifiedones: and that -ou #a- assist he*! in whate3e* thing she #aas; of -ou: fo* she a%so has been assistant to #an-! and to #e a%so( 1?:2 G*eet&[$-*(> as; -ou of the sha%o# of+ -ou P*is1i%%a and AMui%a! #- fe%%ow-%abo*e*s in Yeshua essiah: 1?:< 4ho! fo* #- %ife! su**ende*ed thei* own ne1;s: and to who#! not on%- 0 a# g*atefu%! but a%so a%% the Cong*egations of the Go-i#& Genti%es( 1?:= And gi3e a g*eeting to the Cong*egation whi1h is in thei* house( G*eet #- be%o3ed E.aenetus! who was the Pi*st-P*uits of [PR+A1haia&[A> Asia+ in essiah( 1?:? G*eet i*-a#! who has toi%ed #u1h with -ou( 1?:@ G*eet And*oni1us and Uunia&[#> Uu%ia+! #- *e%ati3es! who we*e in 1a.ti3it- with #e! and a*e of note a#ong the E#issa*ies&6egates! and we*e in essiah befo*e #e( 1?:A G*eet A#.%iatus! #- be%o3ed in ou* 6o*d( 1?:C G*eet S*banus! a %abo*e* with us in essiah: and #- be%o3ed $ta1h-s( 1?:1G G*eet A..e%es! 1hosen in ou* 6o*d( G*eet the #e#be*s& [$-*(> sons+ of the house of A*istobu%us( 1?:11 G*eet He*odion! #- ;ins#an( G*eet the #e#be*s&[$-*(> sons+ of the house of Na*1issus! who a*e in ou* 6o*d( 1?:1) G*eet T*-.haena and T*-.hosa! who toi% in ou* 6o*d( G*eet #be%o3ed Pe*sis! who toi%ed #u1h in ou* 6o*d( 1?:12 G*eet Rufus! 1hosen in ou* 6o*d: and his and #- #othe*( 1?:1< G*eet As-n1*itus! and Ph%egon! and He*#as! and Pat*obas! and He*#es! and the b*eth*en who a*e with the#( 1?:1= G*eet Phi%o%ogus and Uu%ia&[#> Uunia+! Ne*eus and his siste*! and! and a%% the san1tified-ones who a*e with the#( 1?:1? G*eet one anothe*! with a ho%- ;iss( "R'-A%%-[AP+ the Cong*egations of essiah g*eet -ou( 1?:1@ And 0 ea*nest%--.%ead -ou! #- /*eth*en! that -ou bewa*e of the# who 1ause di3isions and stu#b%ings [Ea#ong -ouF+! aside f*o# the tea1hing&do1t*ine whi1h -ou ha3e %ea*ned: and that -ou stand

a%oof f*o# the#( 1?:1A Po* the-! who a*e su1h! do not se*3e ou* 6o*d [PR+-Yeshua"A ' essiah! but thei* own be%%-: and b- s#ooth s.ee1hes and good wishes&[$-*(&a%t> benedi1tions+! the- de1ei3e the hea*ts of the si#.%e( 1?:1C /ut -ou* obedien1e is ;nown to e3e*- one( 0 the*efo*e *eOoi1e in -ou: and 0 wou%d ha3e -ou be wise in what is good! and b%a#e%ess in what is e3i%( 1?:)G And the God of sha%o#&.ea1e wi%% soon 1*ush ha$atan unde* -ou* feet( K" > The g*a1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah-"#'! be with -ou(' [R> A#aine(+-"#' 1?:)1 Ti#oth-! #- fe%%ow-%abo*e*! and 6u1ius! and Uason! and $osi.ate*! #- ;ins#en! g*eet -ou( 1?:)) 0 Te*tius! who ha3e w*itten this %ette*! g*eet -ou in the 6o*d( 1?:)2 Gaius! hos.itab%e to #e and to a%% the Cong*egation! g*eets -ou( E*astus! the su.e*3iso*-of-finan1es of the 1it-! and Wua*tus a b*othe*! g*eet -ou( KE#! ha3e Ro#(1?:)=-)@ fo%%owing 3e*(1?:)2: 3a*ious #anus1*i.ts .%a1e it in diffe*ent .%a1es(F K1?:)< [R> The g*a1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah EbeF with -ou a%%( A#aine(+-"#' KEThis 3e*se a..ea*s he*e in the G*ee;! but at the end of Ro#ans in this 1ha.te* in the Peshitta(F 1?:)= KNow unto E%ohi#&God! who is ab%e to estab%ish -ou! -- T a11o*ding to #- Good-News! whi1h is .*o1%ai#ed 1on1e*ning Yeshua essiah: and a11o*ding to the *e3e%ation of the #-ste*-! whi1h was hidden f*o# the ti#es that a*e .ast&[$-*(> f*o# the ti#es of ages+! KE$ee note @ 1?:)@(F 1?:)? K/ut is at this ti#e *e3ea%ed! b- #eans of the $1*i.tu*es of the P*o.hets&Ne3i>i#: and b- the 1o##and&#itD3ah of the ete*na% God! is #ade ;nown to a%% the Go-i#&Genti%es! fo* the obedien1e of faith:T KE$ee note @ 1?:)@(F 1?:)@ K[ETo Hi#F+ who on%- is wise! be g%o*-! th*ough Yeshua essiah! fo* e3e* and e3e*: A#aine( KE[ #+ has 3e*ses 1?:)=-)@ fo%%owing 3e*se 1<:)2(F K1?:)< K"#EG*(KF> The g*a1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah! be with -ou a%%: A#aine('-[P+ KEThis 3e*se in [P+ he*e! a..ea*s afte* 1?:)2 in the G*ee; #anus1*i.ts(F f*o# [P> End of the 6ette* to the Ro#ans: whi1h was w*itten Co*inth: and was sent b- the hand of Phoebe! a faithfu% se*3ant&[$-*(&a%t> 8ea1oness&5$ha##ash>+(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: 1 C7R0NTH0AN$( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Pi*st 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To The C7R0NTH0AN$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u%! 1a%%ed and sent b- Yeshua essiah in the good wi%%& .%easu*e of E%ohi#&God: and $osthenes! a b*othe*: 1:) To the Cong*egation of E%ohi#&God whi1h is at Co*inth! to the [E.eo.%eF+ 1a%%ed and san1tified! who a*e san1tified in Yeshua essiah: and to a%% the#! in e3e*- .%a1e! who in3o;e the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah! thei* and ou* [E6o*dF+: 1:2 G*a1e [EbeF+ with -ou! and sha%o#&.ea1e: f*o# E%ohi# ou* Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( 1:< 0 than; #--"#' God at a%% ti#es on -ou* beha%f! fo* the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God whi1h is gi3en to -ou in&[$-*(&a%t> b-+ Yeshua essiah: 1:= That in e3e*- thing -ou a*e en*i1hed b- Hi#! in a%% dis1ou*se! and in a%% ;now%edge: 1:? E3en as the testi#on- of essiah was 1onfi*#ed a#ong -ou: 1:@ $o that -ou a*e not infe*io* in an- one of His gifts: but a*e waiting fo* the #anifestation&[$-*(&a%t> *e3e%ation+ of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah: 1:A 4ho wi%% 1onfi*# -ou unto the end! so that -ou #a- be b%a#%ess in the 8a- of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah( 1:C E%ohi#&God is faithfu%: b- who# -ou ha3e been 1a%%ed into& [$-*(& a%t> unto+ the fe%%owshi. of His $on! Yeshua essiah! ou* 6o*d( 1:1G And 0 .%ead-with -ou! #- /*eth*en! b- the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah! that to -ou a%% the*e #a- be one %anguage&[$-*(&a%t> wo*d&dis1ou*se+: and that the*e #a- be no di3isions a#ong -ou: but that -ou #a- be1o#e .e*fe1t%- of one #ind! and of one wa- of thin;ing( 1:11 Po* 1on1e*ning -ou! #- /*eth*en! it has been *e.o*ted to #e bthe house of Ch%oe! that the*e a*e 1ontentions a#ong -ou( 1:1) And this 0 state: That one of -ou sa-s! 0 a# of $ha>u%: and anothe* sa-s! 0 a# of Befa: and anothe* sa-s! 0 a# of essiah( 1:12 KNow was essiah di3idedI 7* was $ha>u% .ut-to-death-on-asta;e& 51*u1ified> fo* -ouI 7* we*e -ou i##e*sed in the na#e of $ha>u%I K[R> 0s-[#> Has+ essiah [#> been+ di3idedI (((+ K[#> essiah 1an not be di3ided! 1an HeI (((+

1:1< 0 >than; #--"AR' God>-&[#> gi3e than;s+ that 0 i##e*sed none of -ou! eL1e.t C* and Gaius: 1:1= 6est an- one shou%d sa-! that 0 i##e*sed in #- own na#e( 1:1? 0 #o*eo3e* i##e*sed the househo%d&[$-*(> house+ of $te.hanas: but fu*the*! 0 ;now not that 0 i##e*sed an- othe*( 1:1@ Po* essiah did not sent #e to i##e*se! but to .*o1%ai#: not with wisdo# of wo*ds! %est the eLe1ution-sta;e&51*oss> of essiah shou%d be ineffi1ient( 1:1A @ Po* a dis1ou*se 1on1e*ning the eLe1ution-sta;e&51*oss> is! to the# who .e*ish! foo%ishness: but to us who %i3e&[$-*(&a%t> a*e sa3ed+! it is the ene*g- of E%ohi#&God( 1:1C Po* it is 4*itten: 0 wi%% dest*o- the wisdo# of the wise: and 0 wi%% dissi.ate the inte%%igen1e of the 5.e*1e.ti3e>&saga1ious( 1:)G 4he*e is the wiseI 7* whe*e is the $1*ibeI 7* whe*e is the 1ontende*&dis.utant of this wo*%dI /eho%d! has not E%ohi#&God showed! that the wisdo# of this wo*%d is fo%%-I 1:)1 Po* in the wisdo# of E%ohi#&God! be1ause the wo*%d bwisdo# ;new not E%ohi#&God! it .%eased E%ohi#&God! b- the foo%ishness of .*o1%ai#ing! to Mui1;en&[$-*(&a%t> sa3e+ the# who be%ie3e( 1:)) /e1ause the Uews as; fo* signs! and the genti%es&go-i#&[$-*(> A*a#aeans+ de#and wisdo#( 1:)2 /ut we .*o1%ai# essiah as eLe1uted-on-asta;e&51*u1ified>: [Ewhi1h isF+ a stu#b%ing-b%o1; to the Uews! and foo%ishness to the [AP+-go-i#&genti%es&[$-*(> A*a#aeans+N[R> G*ee;s+: 1:)< /ut to the# who a*e 1a%%ed! both Uews and go-i#&genti%es& [$-*(> A*a#aeans+! essiah is the ene*g- of E%ohi#&God! and the wisdo# of E%ohi#&God( 1:)= /e1ause the foo%ishness of E%ohi#&God! is wise* than #en: and the feeb%eness of E%ohi#&God! is st*onge* than #en( 1:)? Po* %oo; a%so at -ou* 1a%%ing! #- /*eth*en: that not #ana#ong -ou a*e wise! a11o*ding to the f%esh: and not #an- a#ong -ou a*e #ight-! and not #an- a#ong -ou a*e of high bi*th( 1:)@ /ut E%ohi#&God has 1hosen the foo%ish ones of the wo*%d! to sha#e the wise: and He has 1hosen the feeb%e ones of the wo*%d! to sha#e the #ight-: 1:)A KAnd He has 1hosen those of hu#b%e bi*th in the wo*%d! and the des.ised! and the# who a*e nothing! to b*ing to nothing&naught the# who a*e so#ething: K[R> And base things of the wo*%d! and things whi1h a*e des.ised! has E%ohi#&God 1hosen! E-eaF! and things whi1h a*e not! to b*ing to nothing things that a*e:+ [#> the des.ised things! Ee3enF the things that a*e not+ [#> the des.ised things! and the things that a*e not+ 1:)C $o that no f%esh #ight g%o*- befo*e Hi#( 1:2G And -ou! #o*eo3e* a*e of Hi# in Yeshua essiah: who has be1o#e to us 4isdo# f*o# E%ohi#&God! and *ighteousness and

san1tifi1ation! and *ede#.tion: 1:21 A11o*ding to that whi1h is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF: He that g%o*ies! %et Hi# g%o*- in the-67R8&5YH9H>( CHAPTER ) ):1 And 0! #- /*eth*en! when 0 1a#e to -ou! did not .*o1%ai# to -ou the [AP+-#-ste*-&[R> testi#on-+ of E%ohi#&God in #agnifi1ent s.ee1h! no* in wisdo#&[$-*(&a%t> .hi%oso.hi1 subti%t-+( ):) And 0 did not go3e*n&[$-*(> Oudge+ #-se%f a#ong -ou! as if 0 ;new an- thing! eL1e.t on%- Yeshua essiah: and Hi# a%so as eLe1utedon-a-sta;e&51*u1ified>( ):2 And in #u1h fea* and #u1h t*e#b%ing was 0 with -ou( ):< @ And #- s.ea1h and #- .*o1%ai#ing we*e not with the .e*suasi3eness of the dis1ou*ses of [R> hu#an+-"AP' wisdo#: but with the de#onst*ation of the Rua1h&$.i*it! and with .owe*: ):= That -ou* faith #ight not a*ise f*o# the wisdo# of #en! but f*o# the .owe* of E%ohi#&God( ):? Yet we do s.ea; wisdo#! a#ong the .e*fe1t: the wisdo# not of this wo*%d! no* of the *u%e*s of this wo*%d! who wi%% 1o#e to nothing& naught( ):@ /ut we s.ea; the wisdo# of E%ohi#&God! in a #-ste*-: the wisdo# whi1h was hidden! and whi1h E%ohi#&God .*edete*#ined befo*e the wo*%d was! fo* ou* g%o*-: ):A 4hi1h no one of the *u%e*s of this wo*%d ;new: fo* had the;nown it! the- wou%d not ha3e eLe1uted-on-a-sta;e&51*u1ified> the 6o*d of g%o*-( ):C /ut! as it was 4*itten: The e-e has not seen! no* has the ea* hea*d! no* has it ente*ed into the hea*t of #an! that whi1h E%ohi#&God has .*e.a*ed fo* those who %o3e Hi#( ):1G @ [PR+-/ut&[A> Po*+ E%ohi#&God has *e3ea%ed it to us! b- His Rua1h&$.i*it: fo* the Rua1h&$.i*it eL.%o*es a%% things! e3en the .*ofound&dee. things of E%ohi#&God( ):11 Po* what #an is the*e! who ;nows that whi1h is in a #an! eL1e.t it be the s.i*it of the #an! whi1h is in hi#I $o a%so! that whi1h is in E%ohi#&God! no one ;nows eL1e.t the Rua1h&$.i*it of E%ohi#&God( ):1) Now we ha3e *e1ei3ed! not the s.i*it of the wo*%d! but the Rua1h& $.i*it whi1h is f*o# E%ohi#&God: that we #ight ;now the f*ee gifts! whi1h a*e gi3en to us b- E%ohi#&God( ):12 4hi1h things we a%so s.ea;: not in the tea1hing of the wo*ds of #an>s wisdo#! but in the tea1hing of the [R> Ho%-+-"AP' Rua1h& $.i*it: and we 1o#.a*e s.i*itua%s&[R> s.i*itua% things+ with s.i*itua%s&[R> s.i*itua% things+( ):1< Po* a #an in his natu*a% se%f! *e1ei3es not s.i*itua%s&[R> s.i*itua% things+: fo* the- a*e foo%ishness to hi#( Neithe* 1an he ;now the#: fo* the- a*e dis1e*ned b- the Rua1h&$.i*it(

):1= /ut he that is 5$>.i*itua%! Oudges of a%% things: and he is Oudged of b- no one( ):1? Po* who has ;nown the #ind of The-6o*d&Adonai! that he shou%d inst*u1t Hi#I /ut we ha3e the #ind of essiah( CHAPTER 2 2:1 @ And 0! #- /*eth*en! 1ou%d not ta%; with -ou! as with 5$>.i*itua% [E.e*sonsF+! but as with 1a*na%! as with babes in essiah( 2:) 0 ga3e -ou #i%;! and did not gi3e -ou so%id food: fo* -ou we*e not then ab%e to *e1ei3e it: and e3en now! -ou a*e not ab%e( 2:2 Po* -ou a*e sti%% in the f%esh( Po*! as the*e a*e a#ong -ou en3-ing! and 1ontention! and .a*ties&[R> di3isions+! a*e -ou not 1a*na%! and wa%;ing in the f%eshI 2:< Po*! whi%e one of -ou sa-s! 0 a# of $ha>u%: and anothe* sa-s! 0 a# of A.o%%os: a*e -ou not 1a*na%I 2:= Po*! who is $ha>u%! o* who is A.o%%os! but the se*3ants bwho# -ou be%ie3ed! ea1h one as the 6o*d ga3e to hi#I 2:? 0 .%anted! and A.o%%os wate*ed: but E%ohi#&God .*odu1ed the g*owth( 2:@ Not the*efo*e he that .%anted! is to be a11ounted of! no* he that wate*ed! but E%ohi#&God who .*odu1ed the g*owth( 2:A And he that .%anted! and he that wate*ed a*e on a .a*&[$-*(> a*e one+: ea1h *e1ei3es his *ewa*d! a11o*ding to his %abo*( 2:C Po* we %abo* with E%ohi#&God: and -ou a*e God>s husband*-& 5fie%d>! and God>s bui%ding( 2:1G A11o*ding to the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God whi1h was gi3en #e! 0 %aid the foundation %i;e a wise a*1hite1t: and anothe* bui%ds on it( /ut %et ea1h one see! how he bui%ds on it( 2:11 Po* an- othe* foundation 1an no #an %a-! diffe*ent%- f*o# that whi1h is %aid! whi1h is Yeshua essiah( 2:1) And if an- one bui%ds on this foundation! eithe* go%d! o* si%3e*! o* .*e1ious stones! o* wood! o* ha-! o* stubb%e: 2:12 The wo*; of ea1h wi%% be eL.osed to 3iew: fo* the 8a- wi%% eL.ose it: be1ause it is to be tested b- fi*e: and the fi*e wi%% dis1%ose the wo*; of ea1h! of what so*t it is( 2:1< And that bui%de* whose wo*; sha%% endu*e! wi%% *e1ei3e his *ewa*d( 2:1= And he! whose wo*; sha%% bu*n u.! wi%% suffe* %oss: -et hi#se%f wi%% es1a.e: but it wi%% be! as f*o# the fi*e( 2:1? @ Bnow -ou not! that -ou a*e the Te#.%e of E%ohi#&GodI and that the Rua1h&$.i*it of E%ohi#&God dwe%%s in -ouI 2:1@ 4hoe3e* sha%% #a* the te#.%e of E%ohi#&God! E%ohi#&God wi%% #a* hi#: fo* the Te#.%e of E%ohi#&God is ho%-! whi1h [ETe#.%eF+ -ou a*e( 2:1A 6et no one de1ei3e hi#se%f( 4hoe3e* a#ong -ou thin;s that he is wise in this wo*%d! %et hi# be1o#e a foo%! that he #a- be wise( 2:1C Po* the wisdo# of this wo*%d is fau%t- with E%ohi#&God: fo* it is 4*itten! He 1at1hes the wise in thei* own 1*aftiness( 2:)G And again: The-67R8&5YH9H> ;nows the de3i1es of the

wise! that the- a*e 3ain( 2:)1 4he*efo*e! %et no one g%o*- in #en: fo* a%% things a*e -ou*s: 2:)) 4hethe* $ha>u%! o* A.o%%os! o* Ce.has! o* the wo*%d! o* %ife! o* death! o* things .*esent! o* things to 1o#e: a%% things a*e -ou*s: 2:)2 And -ou a*e essiah>s! and essiah is God>s( CHAPTER < <:1 6et us be so a11ounted of b- -ou! as the se*3ants of essiah! and the stewa*ds of the #-ste*ies of E%ohi#&God( <:) Now it is *eMui*ed of t*ustees&stewa*ds! that ea1h be found faithfu%( <:2 /ut to #e! it is a %ight #atte* to be Oudged of b- -ou! o* ban#an whate3e*: na-! 0 a# no Oudge of #-se%f( <:< TPo* 0 a# not 1ons1ious in #-se%f of an- thing [Ef%ag*antF+: -et 0 a# not b- this Oustified: fo* the 6o*d is #- Uudge(T <:= The*efo*e .*onoun1e not Oudge#ents befo*e the ti#e! [Eo*F+ unti% the 6o*d 1o#e! who wi%% .ou* 6ight u.on the hidden things of da*;ness! and wi%% #a;e #anifest the thoughts of [E#en>sF+ hea*ts: and then wi%% ea1h one ha3e [EdueF+ .*aise f*o# E%ohi#& God( <:? @ These things! #- /*eth*en! 0 ha3e stated 1on1e*ning the .e*son of #-se%f and of A.o%%os! fo* -ou* sa;es: that! in us! -ou #ight %ea*n not to thin; [Eof #enF+! abo3e what is w*itten: and that no one #ight eLa%t hi#se%f in 1o#.a*ison with his 1o#*ade! on a11ount of an- .e*son( <:@ Po* who eL.%o*es&5distinguishes> -ouI 7* what ha3e -ou! whi1h -ou did not *e1ei3eI And if -ou *e1ei3e it! wh- g%o*- -ou! as if -ou did not *e1ei3e itI <:A Now -ou a*e -ou*se%3es fu%%! and en*i1hed: and! without us! a*e on th*onesJ And 0 wish -ou we*e enth*oned: that we a%so #ight *eign with -ou( <:C /ut 0 su..ose! that E%ohi#&God has .%a1ed us E#issa*ies&56egates> the %ast! as fo* death: sin1e we ha3e be1o#es a s.e1ta1%e to the wo*%d! to ange%s and to #en( <:1G 4e a*e foo%s! on a11ount of essiah: but -ou a*e wise in essiahJ 4e a*e feeb%e: but -ou a*e st*ongJ You a*e %auded&1o##ended! we a*e 1onte#ned&insu%ted( <:11 Snto this hou*! we hunge*! and thi*st! and a*e na;ed! and a*e s%a..ed-a*ound&buffeted! and ha3e no .e*#anent ho#e: <:1) And we toi%! wo*;ing with ou* own hands: the- defa#e us! and we b%ess: the- .e*se1ute us! and we endu*e it: <:12 The- *e3i%e us! and we ent*eat&.%ead-with the#: we a*e as the fi%th of the wo*%d! and the eL.iation&5Ea..ease#entF>&[R> offs1ou*ing+ >fo* a%% #en>-&[R> of a%% things+! u. to this ti#e( <:1< 0 w*ite these things! not to sha#e -ou: but 0 inst*u1t -ou! as dea* 1hi%d*en( <:1= Po* though -ou ha3e a #-*iad&5ten-thousand&un1ountab%enu#be*> of tea1he*s in essiah! -et not #an- fathe*s: fo* in Yeshua

essiah! 0 ha3e begotten -ou b- .*o1%ai#ing&[$-*(&a%t> the Good-News+( <:1? 0 .%ead-with -ou! the*efo*e! that -ou be %i;e #e( <:1@ @ Po* this 1ause ha3e 0 sent to -ou Ti#oth-! who is #be%o3ed son! and faithfu% in the 6o*d! that he #ight b*ing to -ou* *e1o%%e1tion #- wa-s in essiah! ag*eeab%- to what 0 tea1h in a%% the Cong*egations( <:1A Now so#e of -ou a*e inf%ated&.uffed-u.! as though 0 wou%d not [Eda*eF+ 1o#e to -ou! <:1C /ut 0 wi%% 1o#e to -ou s.eedi%-! if E%ohi#&God be wi%%ing: and 0 wi%% ;now! -- not the s.ee1h&[$-*(> wo*d+ of the# who eLa%t the#se%3es! but thei* .owe*: <:)G Po* the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God is not in wo*d! .ut in .owe*( <:)1 4hat wi%% -ouI $ha%% 0 1o#e to -ou with the *od! o* with %o3e and a gent%e s.i*itI CHAPTER = =:1 0n sho*t! it is *e.o*ted! the*e is who*edo# a#ong -ou: and su1h who*edo# as is not e3en [PR+-na#ed-"A' a#ong the heathen& [R> genti%es+! that a son shou%d e3en ta;e the wife of his fathe*( =:) And -ou a*e inf%ated&.uffed-u.! and ha3e not *athe* sat down in g*ief! that he who has done this deed #ight be se.a*ated f*o# -ou( =:2 And 0! whi%e distant f*o# -ou in bod-! but .*esent with -ou in 5s>.i*it! ha3e a%*ead-! as if .*esent! Oudged hi# who .e*.et*ated this deed: =:< That -ou a%% asse#b%e togethe*! in the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah! and 0 with -ou in 5s>.i*it! togethe* with the ene*g- of ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah: =:= And that -ou de%i3e* hi# o3e* to ha$atan! fo* the dest*u1tion of the f%esh&[$-*(> bod-+! that in s.i*it he #a- ha3e %ife! in the 8a- of ou* 6o*d [EAFPR+-Yeshua-"EAF#' essiah-"AR'( =:? @ You* g%o*-ing is not .*aisewo*th-( Bnow -ou not! that a %itt%e %ea3en&1ha#etD %ea3ens the who%e #assI =:@ Pu*ge out f*o# -ou the o%d %ea3en&1ha#etD! that -ou #a- be a new #ass! as -ou a*e un%ea3ened( Po* ou* Passo3e*&Pesa1h is Ha ashia1h&5The- essiah>! who was s%ain&[R> sa1*ifi1ed+ "A> fo* us'-[PR+( =:A The*efo*e %et us 1e%eb*ate the Pesti3a% E$ede*F! not with the o%d %ea3en&1ha#etD! no* with the %ea3en&1ha#etD of wi1;edness and bitte*ness! but with the %ea3en&[$-*(&a%u:> un%ea3ened&5#atDah>+ of .u*it- and san1tit-( =:C 0 w*ote to -ou b- %ette*! not to 1o##ing%e&5#iL-togethe*> with who*e#onge*s( =:1G - /ut 0 sa- not Eon%-F! with the who*e#onge*s who a*e in the wo*%d! no* [Es.ea; 0F+ of the ones-g*eed--fo*-*i1hes&a3a*i1ious& 51o3etous>! o* of the *a.a1ious&5eLto*tione*s>! o* of the ido%-

wo*shi..e*s! - othe*wise -ou wou%d be ob%iged&fo*1ed to go out of the wo*%d( =:11 - /ut this is what 0 w*ote to -ou! that -ou 1o##ing%e&5#iLtogethe*> not! if an-one is 1a%%ed a b*othe*! and is a who*e#onge*! o* one-g*eed--fo*-*i1hes&a3a*i1ious&51o3etous>! o* *a.a1ious&5and eLto*tione*>! - with hi# who is su1h! not e3en to eat b*eadJ =:1) Po* what business ha3e 0 to Oudge the# who a*e withoutI /ut those within the bod-! Oudge -ou! =:12 And those without! E%ohi#&God Oudges: and *e#o3e -ou the wi1;edness&[$-*(&a%t> wi1;ed .e*son+ f*o# a#ong -ou( CHAPTER ? ?:1 @ 8a*e an- of -ou! when he has a 1ont*o3e*s- with his b*othe*! %itigate&5engage in a %awsuit> befo*e the iniMuitous&wi1;ed! and not befo*e the san1tifiedI ?:) 7* ;now -ou not! that the san1tified wi%% Oudge the wo*%dI And if the wo*%d wi%% be Oudged b- -ou! a*e -ou unfit to de1ide t*i3ia% 1ausesI ?:2 Bnow -ou not! that we sha%% Oudge Efa%%enF-5I> ange%sI How #u1h #o*e things that a*e of this wo*%dI ?:< - /ut if -ou ha3e a 1ont*o3e*s- about a wo*%d%- #atte*! seat -ou on the ben1h fo* -ou those who a*e 1onte#ned&53iewed as %ow%-> in the Cong*egationJ ?:= - Po* sha#e to -ou 0 sa- [EitF+( $o! the*e is not e3en one wise #an a#ong -ou! who is 1o#.etent to do eMuit-&5fai*Oudge#ent> between a b*othe* and his b*othe*: ?:? - /ut a b*othe* %itigates&5engages in a %awsuit> with his b*othe*! and a%so befo*e the# that be%ie3e notJ ?:@ Now the*efo*e -ou 1onde#n -ou*se%3es! in that -ou ha3e %itigation&5engaged in %awsuits> one with anothe*( Po* wh- do -ou not *athe* suffe*&5.ut u. with> w*ongI wh- not *athe* be def*audedI ?:A - /ut -ou -ou*se%3es 1o##it w*ong! and -ou def*aud e3en -ou* b*eth*enJ ?:C 7* do -ou not ;now! that the un*ighteous wi%% not inhe*it the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&GodI 8o not #ista;e EthisF: neithe* who*e#onge*s! no* ido%-wo*shi..e*s! no* adu%te*e*s! no* seLua%-.e*3e*ts&5debau1hees>! no* >%ie*s with #a%es& 5ho#oseLua%s>>! ?:1G - No* the ones-g*eed--fo*-*i1hes&a3a*i1ious&51o3etous>! no* thie3es! no* d*un;a*ds! no* *ai%e*s&5*e3i%e*s>! no* eLto*tione*s! -- wi%% inhe*it the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( ?:11 And >these things ha3e been in&[R> su1h we*e+> so#e of -ou: but -ou a*e washed! and a*e san1tified! and #ade *ighteous! in the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and bthe Rua1h&$.i*it of ou* God( ?:1) @ E3e*- thing is in #- .owe*&5g*as.&abi%it->: but e3e*thing is not .*ofitab%e to #e( E3e*- thing is in #- .owe*&5g*as.& abi%it->: but none [Eof the#F+ sha%% ha3e do#inion o3e* #e(

?:12 Pood is fo* the be%%-: and the be%%- is fo* food: but E%ohi#&God wi%% b*ing the# both to nothing( /ut the bod- is not fo* who*edo#! but fo* ou* 6o*d: and ou* 6o*d fo* the bod-( ?:1< And E%ohi#&God has *aised u. ou* 6o*d: and He wi%% *aise us u.! b- His .owe*( ?:1= Bnow -ou not! that -ou* bodies a*e the #e#be*s of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>I $ha%% one ta;e a #e#be* of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and #a;e it the #e#be* of a ha*%otI Pa* be itJ ?:1? 7* ;now -ou not! that whoe3e* Ooins hi#se%f to a ha*%ot! is one bod- [Ewith he*F+I Po* it is said! The- two sha%% be one bod-( ?:1@ /ut he that Ooins hi#se%f to ou* 6o*d! is with Hi# one s.i*it( ?:1A P%ee who*edo#( Po* e3e*- [Eothe*F+ sin whi1h a #an 1o##its! is eLte*na% to his bod-: but he that 1o##its who*edo#! sins against his own bod-( ?:1C 7* ;now -ou not! that -ou* bod- is the Te#.%e of the Rua1hHaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it> who abides in -ou! who# -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed f*o# E%ohi#&GodI And -ou a*e not -ou* own( ?:)G Po* -ou a*e bought with a .*i1e( The*efo*e! g%o*if- -ou E%ohi#& God! with -ou* bod-! "#> and with -ou* s.i*it! whi1h a*e God>s'( CHAPTER @ @:1 @ And 1on1e*ning the things of whi1h -ou w*ote to #e! it is .*aisewo*th- fo* a #an not to a..*oa1h a wo#an( @:) /ut! on a11ount of who*edo#! %et ea1h ha3e his own wife: and %et a wo#an ha3e he* own husband( @:2 And %et the #an *ende* to his wife the ;indness whi1h is due: and so a%so the wo#an to he* husband( @:< The wo#an is not the so3e*eign&*u%e* o3e* he* bod-! but he* husband: so a%so the #an is not the so3e*eign&*u%e* o3e* his bod-! but the wife( @:= The*efo*e! de.*i3e not one anothe*! eL1e.t when -ou both 1onsent! at the ti#e -ou de3ote -ou*se%3es "#> to fasting and' .*a-e*: and *etu*n again to the sa#e dis.osition&5a**ang#ent>! that ha$atan te#.t -ou not be1ause of the 5st*ong-desi*e>&1on1u.is1en1e of -ou* bod-( @:? /ut this 0 sa-! as to wea; .e*sons! not of .ositi3e #itD3ah& .*e1e.t( @:@ [PR#+-Po*&[R> Yet+ 0 wou%d that a%% #en #ight be %i;e #e in .u*it-( /ut e3e*- #an is endowed with his gift of&5f*o#> E%ohi#& God: one thus! and anothe* so( @:A And 0 sa- to the# who ha3e no wi3es! and to widows! that it is ad3antageous to the# to *e#ain as 0 a#( @:C /ut if the- 1annot endu*e [EitF+! %et the# #a**-: fo* it is #o*e .*ofitab%e to ta;e a wife! than to bu*n with 5st*ong-desi*e>& 1on1u.is1en1e( @:1G And on the# who ha3e wi3es! 0 1o##and&enOoin! - not 0! but #-

6o*d! - that the wo#an se.a*ate not f*o# he* husband( @:11 And if she se.a*ate! %et he* *e#ain without a husband! o* be *e1on1i%ed to he* husband: and %et not the #an .ut awa- his wife( @:1) And to the *est! sa- 0! - 0! not #- 6o*d! - that if the*e be a b*othe*! who has a wife that be%ie3es not! and she is in1%ined& dis.osed to dwe%% with hi#! %et hi# not .ut he* awa-( @:12 And that wo#an! who has a husband that be%ie3es not! and he is in1%ined&dis.osed to dwe%% with he*! %et he* not fo*sa;e he* husband( @:1< Po* the husband who be%ie3es not! is san1tified b- the wife that be%ie3es: and the wife who be%ie3es not! is san1tified b- the husband that be%ie3es: othe*wise thei* 1hi%d*en wou%d be i#.u*e: but now a*e the- .u*e( @:1= /ut if the unbe%ie3e* se.a*ates! %et hi# se.a*ate: A b*othe* o* siste* is not in bondage in su1h 1ases: it is to sha%o#&.ea1e! E%ohi#&God has 1a%%ed us&[#> -ou+( @:1? Po* how ;now -ou! 7 wife! whethe* -ou wi%% a1Mui*e&.*o1u*e %ife to -ou* husbandI 7*! -ou husband! ;now -ou! whethe* -ou wi%% a1Mui*e&.*o1u*e %ife to -ou* wifeI @:1@ E3e*- one! howe3e*! as the 6o*d has dist*ibuted to hi#! and e3e*one as E%ohi#&God has 1a%%ed hi#! so %et hi# wa%;( And a%so thus 0 1o##and&enOoin u.on a%% the Cong*egations( @:1A 0s a 1i*1u#1ised .e*son 1a%%ed! %et hi# not *e3e*t to un1i*1u#1ision: and if one un1i*1u#1ised be 1a%%ed! %et hi# not be1o#e 1i*1u#1ised Ein />*it- i%ahF( @:1C Po* 1i*1u#1ision is nothing! neithe* is un1i*1u#1ision: but the ; of God>s itD3ot&1o##ands Eis so#ething! so - F E$ee 1o##enta*- fo* 1Co*(@:1@F @:)G - 6et e3e*- one 1ontinue in the 3o1ation&1a%%ing! in whi1h he was 1a%%ed( @:)1 0f -ou we*e 1a%%ed! being a se*3ant: %et it not t*oub%e -ou( /ut if -ou 1an be f*ee! 1hoose it *athe* than to se*3e( @:)) Po* he that is 1a%%ed b- ou* 6o*d! being a se*3ant! is God>s f*eed#an: %i;ewise! he that is 1a%%ed! being a f*ee #an! is The essiah>s se*3ant( @:)2 You a*e bought with a .*i1e: be1o#e not the se*3ants of #en( @:)< 6et e3e*- one! #- /*eth*en! 1ontinue with E%ohi#&God! in whate3e* [EstateF+ he was 1a%%ed( @:)= @ And 1on1e*ning 3i*ginit-! 0 ha3e no 1o##and&.*e1e.t f*o# E%ohi# &God: but 0 gi3e 1ounse%! as a #an who has obtained #e*1f*o# E%ohi#&God to be a /e%ie3e*( @:)? And 0 thin; this is suitab%e! on a11ount of the ne1essit- of the ti#es: it is ad3antageous fo* a #an to *e#ain as he is( @:)@ A*e -ou bound to a wifeI $ee; not a *e%ease( A*e -ou f*ee f*o# a wifeI $ee; not a wife( @:)A - /ut if -ou ta;e a wife! -ou sin not( And if a #aiden is gi3en to a husband! she sins not( /ut the- who a*e su1h! wi%% ha3e t*oub%e in the bod-: but 0 a# fo*bea*ing&5s.a*ing> to -ou( @:)C And this 0 sa-! #- /*eth*en! that the ti#e to 1o#e is sho*t: so

that the- who ha3e wi3es! shou%d be as if the- had none: @:2G And the- who wee.! as if the- we.t not: and the- who *eOoi1e! as if the- *eOoi1ed not: and the- who bu-! as if the- a1Mui*ed not: @:21 And those o11u.ied with this wo*%d! not going be-ond the Oust using&5usage> Eof itF: fo* the fashion of this wo*%d is .assing awa-( @:2) And the*efo*e 0 wish -ou to be without so%i1itude&5eL1essi3e1a*e>( Po* he who has not a wife! 1onside*s the things of his 6o*d! how he #a- .%ease his 6o*d( @:22 And he who has a wife! is anLious about the wo*%d! how he #a.%ease his wife( @:2< The*e is a diffe*en1e [AP+-a%so-"R' between a wife and a #aiden( $he who is without a husband! thin;s of things .e*taining to he* 6o*d! that she #a- be ho%- in he* bod- and in he* s.i*it( /ut she who has a husband! thin;s of things .e*taining to the wo*%d! how she #a- .%ease he* husband( K[A> [3(22+ ((( wife! [3(2<+ and Ehis inte*estF a*e di3ided( And the wo#an who is un#a**ied is 1on1e*ned (((+ @:2= And this 0 sa- fo* -ou* ad3antage: 0 a# not %a-ing a sna*e fo* -ou: but that -ou #a- be faithfu% towa*ds -ou* 6o*d! in a suitab%e #anne*! whi%e not #inding wo*%d%- things( @:2? /ut if an- one thin;s that the*e is *e.*oa1h&b%a#e! on a11ount of his #aiden&3i*gin [Edaughte*F+! be1ause she has .assed he* ti#e! and he has not .*esented he* to a husband! [EandF+ it be fitting that he .*esent he*: %et hi# do what he desi*es! he sins not: %et he* be #a**ied( @:2@ /ut he who has fi*#%- dete*#ined in his own #ind! and nothing 1o#.e%s hi#! and he 1an a1t his own wi%%&.%easu*e! and he so Oudges in his hea*t! that he ;ee. his #aiden&3i*gin [Edaughte*F+! Ef*o# an a**anged #a**iageF! he does 1o##endab%-( @:2A And the*efo*e! he who .*esents K[AP+->his [A> own+ #aiden&3i*gin [Edaughte*F+>! does 1o##endab%-: and he who .*esents not his #aiden&3i*gin [Edaughte*F+! does 3e*- 1o##endab%-&[$-*(&a%t> o* #o*e 1o##endab%-(+ K[R>((( Ehe*F in #a**iage does we%%: (((+ @:2C A wo#an! whi%e he* husband %i3es! is bound "#> b- the To*ah' E#itD3ot 1on1e*ning #a**iageF: but if he* husband s%ee.s [Ein deathF+! she is f*ee to #a**- who# she .%eases! [E-etF+ on%- in the 6o*d( @:<G /ut she is*! in #- o.inion! if she *e#ain so: and 0 thin; a%so! that 0 ha3e Egi3en this dis1ou*se f*o#F the Rua1h&$.i*it of E%ohi#&God-[#> essiah+( CHAPTER A A:1 @ And 1on1e*ning sa1*ifi1es to ido%s! we ;now! that in a%% of us the*e is ;now%edge: and ;now%edge inf%ates&.uffs-u.! but %o3e edifies( A:) And if an- one thin;s that he ;nows an- thing! he ;nows nothing -et! as he ought to ;now [EitF+( A:2 /ut if an- one %o3es E%ohi#&God-"#'! that #an is ;nown "#> of&

5b-> Hi#'( A:< As to the eating of the sa1*ifi1es of ido%s! the*efo*e! we ;now that an ido% is nothing in the wo*%d: and that the*e is no othe* God! but 7ne( A:= Po* a%though the*e a*e what a*e 1a%%ed gods! whethe* in hea3en! o* on ea*th! Tas the*e a*e gods #an-! and %o*ds #an-!T A:? Yet to us! on ou* .a*t! the*e is 7ne God: the Pathe*! f*o# who# a*e a%% things! and we in Hi#: and 7ne 6o*d! Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! b- who# a*e a%% things! and we a%so b- Hi#( A:@ /ut the*e is not [EthisF+ ;now%edge in e3e*- #an: fo* the*e a*e so#e! who! to the .*esent ti#e! in thei* 1ons1ien1e&[$-*(i(e(> 1ons1ientious%-+! eat [EitF+ as an offe*ing to ido%s: and be1ause thei* 1ons1ien1e is wea;! it is defi%ed( A:A /ut food does not b*ing us nea* to E%ohi#&God: fo* if we eat! we do not abound: and if we eat not! we a*e not in want( A:C $ee to it! howe3e*! %est this -ou* autho*it- be1o#e a stu#b%ingb%o1; to the wea;( A:1G Po* if one shou%d see -ou in who# the*e is ;now%edge! *e1%ining in the te#.%e of ido%s! wi%% not his 1ons1ien1e! seeing he is a wea; .e*son! be en1ou*aged to eat what is sa1*ifi1edI A:11 And b- -ou* ;now%edge! he who is feeb%e! and on a11ount of who# Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> died! wi%% .e*ish( A:1) And if -ou thus sin against -ou* b*eth*en! and wound Kthe 1ons1ien1es of the feeb%e! -ou sin against Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( K[R> thei* wea; 1ons1ien1e+&[A> thei* 1ons1ien1e "#> when it is wea;'+ A:12 4he*efo*e! if food is a stu#b%ing-b%o1; to #- b*othe*! 0 wi%% fo* e3e* eat no f%esh! %est 0 shou%d be a stu#b%ing-b%o1; to #b*othe*( CHAPTER C C:1 A# 0 not a f*ee #anI 7*! a# 0 not a E#issa*-&56egate>I 7*! ha3e 0 not see Yeshua essiah ou* 6o*dI 7*! ha3e -ou not been #wo*; in the 6o*dI C:) And if 0 ha3e not been a E#issa*-&56egate> to othe*s! -et 0 ha3e been so to -ou: and -ou a*e the sea% of #- offi1e-of-E#issa*-( C:2 And [E#-F+ a.o%og- to #- Oudge*s! is this: C:< Ha3e we not autho*it-! to eat and to d*in;I C:= 7* ha3e we not autho*it- to 1a**- about with us a siste* as a wife: Oust as the othe* E#issa*ies&56egates>! and the b*othe*s of ou* 6o*d! and as BefaI C:? 7* 0 on%-! and /a*-Nabba! ha3e we no *ight to fo*bea*&5abstainf*o#> %abo*I C:@ 4ho! that se*3es in wa*! [Edoes soF+ at his own eL.enseI 7* who! that .%ants a 3ine-a*d! eats not of its f*uitsI 7* who! that tends shee.! eats not of the #i%; of his f%o1;sI C:A 0s it as a #an! 0 sa- these thingsI /eho%d! the To*ah a%so sa-s

the#( C:C Po* it is 4*itten in the To*ah of oshe! Thou sha%t not #uDD%e the oL that th*eshes 5out the g*ain>( Has E%ohi#&God *ega*d Eon%-F-5I> fo* the oLenI C:1G /ut #anifest it is! fo* whose sa;e He said it( And indeed! fo* ou* sa;es it was 4*itten: be1ause the .%oughe* ought to .%ough in ho.e! and the th*eshe* in ho.e of f*uit( C:11 0f we ha3e sowed a#ong -ou the things of the Rua1h&$.i*it! it is a g*eat #atte*! if we *ea. f*o# -ou the things of the bod-& 5#ate*ia%>I C:1) @ And if othe*s ha3e this .*e*ogati3e o3e* -ou! does it not be%ong sti%% #o*e to usI Yet we ha3e not used this .*e*ogati3e: but we ha3e endu*ed e3e*- thing! that we #ight in nothing i#.ede the announ1e#ent of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( C:12 Bnow -ou not! that the- who se*3e in a&5EtheF> Te#.%e& [$-*(> a ho%- House+! a*e fed f*o# the Te#.%eI And the- who se*3e at the a%ta*! .a*ti1i.ate with the a%ta*I C:1< Thus a%so has ou* 6o*d 1o##anded! that the- who .*o1%ai# His Good -News! shou%d %i3e b- His Good-News( C:1= /ut 0 ha3e used none of these things: and 0 w*ite not! that it #a- be so done to #e: fo* it wou%d be bette* fo* #e to a1tua%%die! than that an- one shou%d #a;e 3oid #- g%o*-ing( C:1? Po* whi%e 0 .*o1%ai#! 0 ha3e no [Eg*ound ofF+ g%o*-ing: be1ause ne1essit- is %aid u.on #e! and woe to #e! if 0 .*o1%ai# not( C:1@ Po* if 0 do this 3o%unta*i%-! the*e is a *ewa*d fo* #e: but if in3o%unta*i%-! a stewa*dshi.&5#anage#ent> is ent*usted to #e( C:1A 4hat then is #- *ewa*dI [E0t is!F+ that when 0 .*o1%ai#! 0 #a;e the announ1e#ent "A'->of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>>-[PR+ without 1ost! and use not the .*e*ogati3e gi3en #e in the Good-News( C:1C /eing f*ee f*o# the# a%%! 0 ha3e #ade #-se%f se*3ant to e3e*#an: that 0 #ight gain #an-: C:)G - And with the Uews! 0 was as a Uew! that 0 #ight gain the Uews: and with those unde* the To*ah! 0 was as unde* the To*ah! that 0 #ight gain the# who a*e unde* the To*ah: C:)1 - And to those who ha3e not the To*ah! 0 was as without the To*ah! Ta%though 0 a# not without KTo*ah to E%ohi#&God! but unde* the To*ah of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>!T that 0 #ight gain the# that a*e without the To*ah( K[R> To*ah towa*d E%ohi#! but unde* To*ah towa*d essiah+ K[A> God>s To*ah! but unde* essiah>s To*ah+ C:)) - 0 was with the wea;! "A'-as-[PR+ wea;! that 0 #ight gain the wea;: 0 was EinF a%% things Ee#.athi1F to a%% #en! that 0 #ight 5b*ing unto 6ife>&3i3if- e3e*- one( C:)2 And this 0 do! that 0 #a- .a*ti1i.ate in the announ1e#ent( C:)< Bnow -ou not! that the- who *un in the stadiu#&[R> *a1e+! *un a%% of the#: -et it is one who gains the 3i1to*-( Run -ou! so as to attain( C:)= Po* e3e*- one who engages in the 1ontest! *est*ains his desi*es& [$-*(&a%t> #ind+ in e3e*- thing( And the- *un! to obtain a

1*own that .e*ishes: but we! one that .e*ishes not( C:)? 0 the*efo*e so *un! not as fo* so#ething un;nown: and 0 so st*ugg%e! not as st*ugg%ing against ai*: C:)@ /ut 0 subdue #- bod-! and *edu1e it to se*3itude: %est! when 0 ha3e .*o1%ai#ed to othe*s! 0 #-se%f shou%d >be a *e.*obate& 5de.*a3ed-.e*son>&[G*(> be1o#e disMua%ified&*eOe1ted&disa..*o3ed& 1astawa-+>( CHAPTER 1G 1G:1 @ And #- /*eth*en! 0 wou%d ha3e -ou ;now! that ou* fathe*s we*e a%% of the# unde* the 1%oud! and the- a%% .assed th*ough the sea: 1G:) And the- >we*e a%%-"#' i##e*sed&[#> *e1ei3ed i##e*sion+> boshe! in the 1%oud and in the sea: 1G:2 And the- a%% ate the sa#e $.i*itua% food: 1G:< And the- a%% d*an; the sa#e $.i*itua% d*in;: fo* the- d*an; f*o# the $.i*itua% Ro1; that attended the#! and that Ro1; was Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1G:= /ut with a #u%titude of the#! E%ohi#&God wa not .%eased: fo* thefe%% in the wi%de*ness( 1G:? Now these things we*e an eLa#.%e fo* us! that we shou%d not desi*e afte* e3i% things as the- desi*ed( 1G:@ Neithe* shou%d we se*3e ido%s! as so#e of the# se*3ed: as it is 4*itten! The .eo.%e sat down to eat and to d*in;! and *ose u. to .%a-&s.o*t( 1G:A Neithe* %et us 1o##it who*edo#! as so#e of the# 1o##itted: and the*e fe%% in one da- twent- and th*ee thousand( 1G:C Neithe* %et us te#.t KHa ashia1h&5The essiah>! as so#e of the# te#.ted: and se*.ents dest*o-ed the#( K[#> 6o*d+&[#> God+ 1G:1G Neithe* #u*#u* -ou! as so#e of the# #u*#u*ed: and the.e*ished b- the dest*o-e*( 1G:11 [R> Now+-"AP' a%% these things whi1h befe%% the#! we*e fo* an eLa#.%e to us: and the- a*e 4*itten fo* ou* inst*u1tion! on who# >the end of the wo*%d&5a1ha*it-ha-a#i#>>-N[R>the end of the ages+ has 1o#e( 1G:1) 4he*efo*e! %et hi# who thin;s he stands! bewa*e %est he fa%%( 1G:12 No t*ia% 1o#es on -ou! but what .e*tains to #en: and E%ohi#&God is faithfu%! who wi%% not .e*#it -ou to be t*ied be-ond -ou* abi%it-! but wi%% #a;e an issue to -ou* t*ia%! that -ou #a- be ab%e to endu*e&sustain it( 1G:1< @ 4he*efo*e! #- be%o3ed! f%ee f*o# ido%at*-( 1G:1= 0 s.ea; as to the wise: Oudge -ou what 0 sa-( 1G:1? The 1u. of than;sgi3ing whi1h we b%ess Eo3e* with the b>*a;hahF! is it not the 1o##union of the b%ood of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>I And the b*ead&5E#atDahF> whi1h we b*ea;! is it not the

1o##union of the bod- of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>I 1G:1@ As the*efo*e that b*ead&5E#atDahF> is one! so we a*e a%% one bod-: fo* we a%% ta;e to ou*se%3es f*o# that one b*ead& 5E#atDahF>( 1G:1A /eho%d the 0s*ae% who a*e in the f%esh: a*e not the- who eat the sa1*ifi1es&[P> 3i1ti#s+! .a*ti1i.ato*s of the a%ta*I 1G:1C 4hat then do 0 sa-I That an ido% is an- thingI 7*! that an ido%>s sa1*ifi1e is an- thingI - No( 1G:)G - /ut that what the Genti%es&Go-i# sa1*ifi1e! the- sa1*ifi1e to de#ons! and not to E%ohi#&God( And 0 wou%d not! that -ou shou%d be asso1iates of de#ons( 1G:)1 You 1annot d*in; the 1u. of ou* 6o*d! and the 1u. of de#ons: and -ou 1annot be .a*ta;e*s at the tab%e of ou* 6o*d! and at the tab%e of de#ons( 1G:)) 7* wou%d we 1onstant%-&sedu%ous%- .*o3o;e ou* 6o*d>s Oea%ous-I A*e we st*onge* than HeI 1G:)2 KE3e*- thing is in #- .owe*&5g*as.&abi%it->: but e3e*- thing is not .*ofitab%e( E3e*- thing is in #- .owe*&5g*as.&abi%it->: but e3e*- thing does not edif-( K[R> A%% things a*e %awfu% fo* #e: (((+ K[A> A%% things a*e %awfu%: (((+ 1G:)< 6et no one see; his own things! but a%so the things of his fe%%ow -#an( 1G:)= 4hate3e* is so%d in the #eat-#a*;et! eat -ou! without an inMui*on a11ount of 1ons1ien1e: 1G:)? Po* the ea*th is the-6o*d>s&5EYH9H>sF>! in its fu%%ness( 1G:)@ And if one of the Go-i#&Genti%es in3ite -ou! and -ou a*e in1%ined &dis.osed to go! eat -ou whate3e* is set befo*e -ou! without an inMui*- on a11ount of 1ons1ien1e( 1G:)A - /ut if an- one sha%% sa- to -ou! This .e*tains to a sa1*ifi1e: eat not! fo* the sa;e of hi# who to%d -ou! and fo* 1ons1ien1e>s sa;e: [R> fo* the ea*th is The-6o*d>s&5YH9H>s>! and a%% its fu%%ness+(-"AP' 1G:)C The 1ons1ien1e 0 s.ea; of! is not -ou* own! but his who to%d -ou( /ut wh- is #- %ibe*t- Oudged of! b- the 1ons1ien1e of othe*sI 1G:2G 0f 0 b- g*a1e .a*ta;e! wh- a# 0 *e.*oa1hed fo* that! fo* whi1h 0 gi3e than;sI 1G:21 0f the*efo*e -ou eat! o* if -ou d*in;! o* if -ou do an- thing! do a%% things fo* the g%o*- of E%ohi#&God( 1G:2) /e -ou without offen1e to the Uews! and to the Go-i#&Genti%es& [$-*(> A*a#aeans+! and to the Cong*egations of E%ohi#&God: 1G:22 E3en as 0 a%so! in e3e*- thing! .%ease e3e*- #an: and do not see; what is .*ofitab%e to #e! but what is .*ofitab%e to #an-: that the- #a- %i3e&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+( CHAPTER 11 11:1 /e -ou i#itato*s of #e! as 0 a# of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 11:) o*eo3e* 0 1o##end -ou! #- /*eth*en! that in a%% things -ou a*e

#indfu% of #e! and that -ou ho%d fast the .*e1e.ts as 0 de%i3e*ed the# to -ou( 11:2 And 0 wou%d ha3e -ou ;now! that the Head of e3e*- #an is Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and the head of the wo#an is the #an! and the Head of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> is E%ohi#&God( 11:< E3e*- #an! who .*a-s o* .*o.hesies with his head 1o3e*ed! dishono*s his head( KE$ee 1o##enta*- on this se1tion fo* a #o*e in 3iew(F 11:= And e3e*- wo#an! who .*a-s o* .*o.hesies with he* head un1o3e*ed! dishono*s he* head: fo* she is on a %e3e% with he* whose head is sha3ed( 11:? Po* if a wo#an wou%d not be 1o3e*ed! %et he* a%so be sho*n: but if it be sha#efu% fo* a wo#an to be sho*n o* sha3ed! %et he* be 1o3e*ed( 11:@ The #an! indeed! ought not to 1o3e* his head! be1ause he is the %i;eness and g%o*- of E%ohi#&God: and the wo#an is the g%o*- of the #an( 11:A Po* the #an was not f*o# the wo#an! but the wo#an f*o# the #an( 11:C Neithe* was the #an 1*eated fo* the wo#an>s sa;e! but the wo#an fo* the #an>s sa;e( 11:1G Po* this 1ause ought the wo#an to ha3e on he* head [Ethe #a*; ofF+ autho*it-! be1ause of the ange%s( 11:11 Ne3e*the%ess! the #an is not without&[$-*(&a%t> eL1%usi3e of+ the wo#an! no* the wo#an without the #an! in ou* 6o*d( 11:1) Po* as the wo#an [EwasF+ f*o# the #an! so the #an is bthe wo#an: and e3e*- thing is f*o# E%ohi#&God( 11:12 Uudge fo* -ou*se%3es! a#ong -ou*se%3es: is it be1o#ing! that a wo#an .*a- to E%ohi#&God with he* head un1o3e*edI 11:1< 8oes not natu*e tea1h -ou! that in a #an! if his hai* g*ows %ong! it is a *e.*oa1h to hi#I 11:1= /ut fo* a wo#an! if he* hai* is abundant! it is a g%o*- to he*: fo* he* hai* is gi3en " > to he*'-[PR+ fo* a 1o3e*ing( 11:1? /ut if an- one is 1ontentious about these things! we on ou* .a*t ha3e no su1h 1usto# Ea%%owing itF! no* has the Cong*egations of E%ohi#&God( 11:1@ This whi1h 0 now 1o##and&enOoin! is not as .*aising -ou: fo* -ou ha3e dete*io*ated( 11:1A /e1ause! fi*st: when -ou asse#b%e in the Cong*egation! the*e a*e! 0 hea*! di3isions a#ong -ou: and 0 .a*t%- be%ie3e it( 11:1C Po* the*e a*e to be 1ontentions a#ong -ou! that the a..*o3ed a#ong -ou #a- be ;nown( 11:)G K4hen the*efo*e -ou 1o#e togethe*! -ou eat and d*in;! not as is be1o#ing&5.*o.e*> on the da- of ou* 6o*d( KENote the wa- the G*ee; has this 3e*se(F

11:)1 /ut! one and anothe*! .*o1eeds to eat his own su..e*: and one is hung*-! and anothe* is d*un;( 11:)) 4hatJ ha3e -ou no houses in whi1h -ou 1an eat and d*in;I o*! des.ise -ou the Cong*egation of E%ohi#&God! and sha#e the# who ha3e nothingI 4hat sha%% 0 sa- to -ouI $ha%% 0 .*aise -ouI 0n this 0 .*aise -ou not( 11:)2 @ Po* 0 ha3e *e1ei3ed f*o# ou* 6o*d! that whi1h 0 i#.a*ted to -ou: that ou* 6o*d Yeshua! on the night He was bet*a-ed! too; b*ead&5E#atDahF>! 11:)< And b%essed Ewith the b>*a;hahF! and b*o;e [EitF+! and said: "A> Ta;e! eat'-[PR+: this is - bod-! whi1h is "A> [#> gi3en+b*o;en'-[PR+ fo* -ou* sa;es: thus do -ou! in *e#e#b*an1e of e( 11:)= $o! afte* the- had su..ed! He ga3e a%so the 1u.! and said: This 1u. is the New Co3enant in - b%ood: thus&5this> do -ou! as often as -ou d*in; [EitF+! in *e#e#b*an1e of e( 11:)? Po* as often as -ou eat this b*ead&5#atDahF>! and d*in; this 1u.! -ou 1o##e#o*ate the death of ou* 6o*d! unti% His ad3ent&1o#ing& a**i3a%( 11:)@ He the*efo*e! who eats of the b*ead&E#atDahF> of the 6o*d! and d*in;s of His 1u.! and is not wo*th- of it! is gui%t- of [A P+the-"R' b%ood of the 6o*d! and of His bod-( 11:)A Po* this *eason! a #an shou%d eLa#ine hi#se%f! and then eat of this b*ead&E#atDahF>! and d*in; of this 1u.: 11:)C Po* whoe3e* eats and d*in;s of it! Kwhi%e he is unwo*th-! eats and d*in;s 1onde#nation on hi#se%f! b- not dis1e*ning the bod"A> of the 6o*d'-[PR+( K[EPFR>! in an unwo*th- #anne*! (((+-"A' 11:2G Po* this 1ause! #an- a#ong -ou a*e diseased and si1;%-! and #ans%ee.&[$-*(&a%t> ha3e died+( 11:21 Po* if we wou%d Oudge ou*se%3es! we shou%d not be Oudged( 11:2) /ut when we a*e Oudged b- ou* 6o*d! we a*e *ea%%-1hastised& [$-*(> a*e 1hastised to be 1hastised+! that we #a- not be 1onde#ned with the wo*%d( 11:22 4he*efo*e! #- /*eth*en! when -ou asse#b%e to eat! wait -ou one fo* anothe*( 11:2< And %et hi# who is hung*-! eat at ho#e: that -ou #aasse#b%e! not fo* 1onde#nation( And as to othe* things! 0 wi%% gi3e -ou di*e1tions when 0 1o#e( CHAPTER 1) 1):1 @ And 1on1e*ning 5$>.i*itua%s&5$>.i*itua%-EgiftsF! #b*eth*en! 0 wou%d ha3e -ou ;now! 1):) KThat -ou ha3e been .agans: and ha3e been! without distin1tion! %et awa- afte* ido%s! in whi1h the*e is no s.ee1h&[$-*(&a%t> 3oi1e+( K[R> You ;now that [A > when+-"R' -ou we*e (((+

1):2 0 the*efo*e info*# -ou! that the*e is no #an! that s.ea;s bthe Rua1h of E%ohi#&God! who sa-s that Yeshua is a11u*sed: neithe* 1an a #an sa- that Yeshua is The-6o*d&5EYH9HF>! eL1e.t bRua1hHaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it>( 1):< Now the*e a*e di3e*sities of gifts: but the Rua1h&$.i*it is 7ne( 1):= And the*e a*e di3e*sities of*3i1e: but the 6o*d is 7ne( 1):? And the*e a*e di3e*sities of ene*gies: but E%ohi#&God! who wo*;s in a%% #en! is 7ne( 1):@ And to ea1h #an! the*e is gi3en a #anifestation of the Rua1h& $.i*it! that it #a- he%.&aid&su..o*t-[R> .*ofit a%%+-hi#( 1):A To one! b- the Rua1h&$.i*it! the*e is gi3en a 4o*d&[$-*(&a%t> $.ee1h+ 7f 4isdo#: and to anothe*! b- the sa#e Rua1h&$.i*it! the*e is gi3en a 4o*d 7f Bnow%edge: 1):C To anothe*! b- the sa#e Rua1h&$.i*it! Paith: to anothe*! bthe sa#e Rua1h&$.i*it! Gifts 7f Hea%ing: 1):1G And to anothe*! i*a1%es: and to anothe*! P*o.he1-: and to anothe*! the 8is1e*ning 7f s.i*its: and to anothe*! [E8i3e*s& 9a*iousF+ Binds 7f Tongues: and to anothe*! the 0nte*.*etation 7f Tongues( 1):11 /ut a%% these! wo*;s that 7ne Rua1h&$.i*it: and He dist*ibutes to e3e*- one as He wi%%s&.%eases( 1):1) Po* as the bod- is one! and in it a*e #an- #e#be*s: and a%% those #e#be*s of the bod-! though #an-! a*e one bod-: so a%so is Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1):12 Po* a%% of us! %i;ewise! b- 7ne Rua1h&$.i*it! ha3e been i##e*sed into one bod-! whethe* Uews o* Genti%es&Go-i#&[$-*(> A*a#aeans+! whethe* s%a3e o* f*ee: and a%% of us ha3e d*an; >[P+-in&[R> into+ -"A'> 7ne Rua1h&$.i*it( 1):1< Po* a bod- a%so! is not one #e#be*! but #an-( 1):1= Po* if the foot shou%d sa-! /e1ause 0 a# not the hand! 0 a# not of the bod-: is it! on that a11ount! not of the bod-I 1):1? 7* if the ea* shou%d sa-! /e1ause 0 a# not the e-e! 0 a# not of the bod-: is it! on that a11ount! not of the bod-I 1):1@ And if the who%e bod- we*e an e-e! whe*e wou%d be the hea*ingI 7* if a%% we*e hea*ing! whe*e wou%d be the s#e%%ingI 1):1A /ut now has E%ohi#&God .%a1ed e3e*- one of the #e#be*s in the bod-! a11o*ding to His wi%%&.%easu*e( 1):1C And if the- we*e a%% one #e#be*! whe*e wou%d be the bod-I 1):)G /ut now the- a*e #an- #e#be*s! -et but one bod-( 1):)1 The e-e 1annot sa- to the hand! You a*e not needfu% to #e: no* 1an the head sa- to the feet! You a*e not neefu% to #e( 1):)) /ut *athe*! those #e#be*s whi1h a*e a11ounted feeb%e! a*e indis.ensab%e( 1):)2 And those whi1h we thin; dishono*ab%e in the bod-! on the# we

hea. #o*e hono*: and those that a*e un1o#e%-&5unatt*a1ti3e>! on the# we .ut the #o*e de1o*ation( 1):)< Po* the hono*ab%e #e#be*s in us! ha3e no need of hono*: fo* E%ohi#&God has te#.e*ed&51o#.osed> the /od-! and gi3en #o*e hono* to the #e#be* whi1h is infe*io*: 1):)= That the*e #ight be no disunion&[$-*(&a%t> di3ision+ in the /od-! but that a%% the #e#be*s! eMua%%-! #ight 1a*e fo* one anothe*: 1):)? $o that! when one #e#be* is in .ain! the- wi%% a%% s-#.athiDe: and if one #e#be* is eLa%ted! a%% the #e#be*s wi%% be eLa%ted( 1):)@ Now -ou a*e the /od- of essiah! and #e#be*s in -ou* .%a1e( 1):)A @ Po* E%ohi#&God has .%a1ed in His Cong*egation! fi*st! E#issa*ies&56egates>: afte* the#! P*o.hets&Ne3i>i#: afte* the#! Tea1he*s: afte* the#! 4o*;e*s 7f i*a1%es: afte* the#! the Gifts 7f Hea%ing! and He%.e*s! and 6eade*s! and [E9a*iousF+ Binds 7f Tongues( 1):)C A*e the- a%% E#issa*ies&56egates>I A*e the- a%% P*o.hets& Ne3i>i#I A*e the- a%% Tea1he*sI A*e the- a%% 4o*;e*s 7f i*a1%esI 1):2G Ha3e a%% of the# the Gifts 7f Hea%ingI 8o the- a%% s.ea; with TonguesI 7* do the- a%% 0nte*.*etI 1):21 And if -ou a*e e#u%ous&5in desi*e of obtaining> of the su.e*io* Gifts! on the othe* hand! 0 show to -ou a bette* wa-( CHAPTER 12 12:1 0f 0 1ou%d s.ea; in e3e*- tongue of #en! and in that of ange%s! and the*e shou%d be no %o3e in #e! 0 shou%d be %i;e b*ass that *esounds! o* the 1-#ba% that #a;es a noise( 12:) And if the*e shou%d be in #e [Ethe gift ofF+ .*o.he1-! and 0 shou%d unde*stand a%% the #-ste*ies! and e3e*- s1ien1e: and if the*e shou%d be in #e a%% faith! so that 0 1ou%d #o3e #ountains! and %o3e shou%d not be in #e! 0 shou%d be nothing( 12:2 And if 0 shou%d feed-EfoodF out to the destitute Ef*o#F a%% 0 ha3e&own: and if 0 shou%d gi3e #- bod- [PR+->to be bu*ned&[A> so 0 #a- boast+>: and the*e shou%d be no %o3e in #e! 0 gain nothing( 12:< @ 6o3e is .atient%--endu*ing! and is ;ind: %o3e is not en3ious: %o3e is not boiste*ous&5*ough R nois->: and is not inf%ated& .uffed-u.: 12:= And does nothing that 1auses sha#e: and see;s not he* own: is not easi%--ange*ed&hot-te#.e*ed: and thin;s no e3i%: 12:? ReOoi1es not in iniMuit-! but *eOoi1es in the t*uth: 12:@ /ea*s a%% things! be%ie3es a%% things! a%%! and endu*es a%%( 12:A 6o3e wi%% ne3e* 1ease( /ut .*o.hes-ings wi%% end: and tongues wi%% be si%ent: and ;now%edge wi%% 3anish( 12:C Po* we ;now but .a*tia%%-&[$-*(> a %itt%e of #u1h+: and we .*o.hes- but .a*tia%%-( 12:1G /ut when 1o#.%eteness sha%% 1o#e! then that whi1h is .a*tia% wi%% 3anish awa-( 12:11 4hen 0 was a 1hi%d! 0 ta%;ed as a 1hi%d! and 0 *easoned as a 1hi%d! and 0 thought as a 1hi%d: but when 0 be1a#e a #an! 0 %aid aside the things of 1hi%dhood(

12:1) And now we see! as b- a #i**o*! in si#i%itude&5an-i#age>: but then fa1e to fa1e: now 0 ;now .a*tia%%-&[$-*(> a %itt%e of #u1h+: but then sha%% 0 ;now! Oust as 0 a# ;nown( 12:12 Po* these th*ee things a*e abiding! faith! and ho.e! and %o3e: but the g*eatest of these is %o3e( CHAPTER 1< 1<:1 Po%%ow afte* %o3e: and be e#u%ous&5in desi*e obtaining> of the gifts of the Rua1h&$.i*it! and es.e1ia%%-! that -ou #a.*o.hes-( 1<:) Po* he that s.ea;s in a tongue! s.ea;s not unto #en! but unto E%ohi#&God: fo* no one unde*stands what is said: -et in the 5R>ua1h&5$>.i*it! he s.ea;s a #-ste*-( 1<:2 /ut he that .*o.hesies! s.ea;s unto #en! fo* edifi1ation! and eLho*tation! and 1onso%ation( 1<:< He that s.ea;s in a tongue! edifies hi#se%f: and he that .*o.hesies! edifies the Cong*egation( 1<:= Now 0 wou%d that -ou a%% s.o;e with tongues! but *athe* that -ou .*o.hesied: [PR+-fo*&[A> and+ g*eate* is he that .*o.hesies! than he that s.ea;s in a tongue! un%ess he inte*.*et: and if he inte*.*et! he edifies the Cong*egation( 1<:? And now! #- b*eth*en! if 0 shou%d 1o#e a#ong -ou! and s.ea; to -ou in tongues! what shou%d 0 .*ofit -ou: un%ess 0 shou%d s.ea; to -ou eithe* b- *e3e%ation! o* b- ;now%edge! o* b- .*o.he1-! o* b- do1t*ine&5tea1hing>I 1<:@ Po* e3en inani#ate things that e#it sound! whethe* .i.e o* ha*.! if the- #a;e no distin1tion between one sound and anothe*! how wi%% it be ;nown! what is sung o* what is ha*.edI 1<:A And if the t* sha%% gi3e an un1e*tain sound! who wi%% .*e.a*e hi#se%f fo* the batt%eI 1<:C $o %i;ewise if -ou utte* a dis1ou*se in a tongue! and the*e is no inte*.*etation gi3en! how wi%% it be ;nown what -ou ha3e saidI You wi%% ha3e been as if -ou s.o;e into the ai*( 1<:1G Po* beho%d! the*e a*e #an- ;inds of tongues in the wo*%d: and the*e is not one of the# without #eaning&[$-*(> a 3oi1e+( 1<:11 /ut if 0 do not ;now the #eaning&i#.o*t of the sound! 0 sha%% be EasF a ba*ba*ian&fo*eigne* to hi# that s.ea;s! and the s.ea;e* wi%% be EasF a ba*ba*ian&fo*eigne* to #e( 1<:1) $o a%so -ou! sin1e -ou a*e e#u%ous&5desi*ing obtaining> of the Gifts of the Rua1h&$.i*it fo* the edifi1ation of the Cong*egation! see; -ou to eL1e%( 1<:12 And %et hi# that s.ea;s in a tongue! .*a- that he #ainte*.*et( 1<:1< Po* if 0 shou%d .*a- in a tongue! #- s.i*it .*a-s! but #unde*standing is without f*uits( 1<:1= 4hat then sha%% 0 doI 0 wi%% .*a- with #- s.i*it! and wi%% .*awith #- unde*standing: and 0 wi%% sing with #- s.i*it! and wi%% sing with #- unde*standing( 1<:1? 7the*wise! if -ou b%ess in the 5$>.i*it! how sha%% he that fi%%s the .%a1e of one un%ea*ned! sa- A#aine&5A#en>! on -ou*

gi3ing than;s: fo* he ;nowns not what -ou sa-I 1<:1@ You b%ess&[R> gi3e than;s+! indeed! 3e*- we%%: but -ou* neighbo* is not edified( 1<:1A 0 than; E%ohi#&God! that 0 s.ea; with tongues #o*e than a%% of -ou( 1<:1C /ut in the Cong*egation! 0 wou%d *athe* s.ea; fi3e wo*ds with #unde*standing! that 0 #ight inst*u1t othe*s! than a #-*iad&5tenthousand&un1ountab%e-nu#be*> of wo*ds in a tongue( 1<:)G @ - b*eth*en! be -ou not 1hi%d*en in -ou* thoughts: but to e3i% things be -ou infants: and in -ou* thoughts be #en&[$-*(> fu%%& 1o#.%ete+( 1<:)1 0n the To*ah it is 4*itten! 4ith a fo*eign s.ee1h! and in anothe* tongue! wi%% 0 s.ea; with this .eo.%e: and e3en so a%so the- wi%% not hea*;en to e! sa-s The-6o*d&5EYH9HF>( 1<:)) 4he*efo*e! tongues a*e estab%ished fo* a sign! not to the /e%ie3e*s! but to the# that be%ie3e not( /ut .*o.hes-ings a*e not fo* those who be%ie3e not! but fo* the# that be%ie3e( 1<:)2 0f the*efo*e the who%e Cong*egation asse#b%e! and the- a%% s.ea; with tongues! and the*e 1o#e in un%ea*ned .e*sons! o* su1h as be%ie3e not! wi%% the- not sa-: These .eo.%e a*e 1*aD-I 1<:)< /ut if -ou shou%d be a%% .*o.hes-ing! and one un%ea*ned o* an unbe%ie3e* shou%d 1o#e a#ong -ou! he is eL.%o*ed b- -ou a%%! and *ebu;ed b- -ou a%%: 1<:)= "A'-And-[PR+ [R> thus+-"AP' the se1*ets of his hea*t a*e %aid o.en [Eto hi#F+: and so he wi%% fa%% u.on his fa1e! and wi%% wo*shi. E%ohi#&God! and sa-: T*u%-! E%ohi#&God is in -ou( 1<:)? 0 the*efo*e sa- [Eto -ouF+ #- b*eth*en! that when -ou asse#b%e! whoe3e* of -ou has a .sa%#! %et hi# s.ea;: and whoe3e* of -ou has a do1t*ine&tea1hing! and whoe3e* has a *e3e%ation! and whoe3e* has a tongue! and whoe3e* has an inte*.*etation( - 6et the# a%% be fo* edifi1ation( 1<:)@ And if an- s.ea; in a tongue! %et two s.ea;! o* at #ost! th*ee: and %et the# s.ea; one b- one: and %et [Eso#eF+ one inte*.*et( 1<:)A And if the*e is none to inte*.*et! %et hi# that s.ea;s in a tongue! be si%ent in the Cong*egation: and %et hi# s.ea; to hi#se%f and to E%ohi#&God( 1<:)C And as to P*o.hets&Ne3i>i#! %et two of th*ee s.ea;! and %et the *est Oudge( 1<:2G And if to anothe* sitting b-! the*e shou%d be a *e3e%ation! %et the fi*st sto. s.ea;ing( 1<:21 Po* -ou 1an a%% .*o.hes-! one b- one: so that e3e*- one #a%ea*n! and e3e*- one be 1o#fo*ted( 1<:2) Po* the s.i*it of the P*o.hets&Ne3i>i# is subOe1t to the P*o.hets &Ne3i>i#( 1<:22 /e1ause! E%ohi#&God is not [Ethe autho*F+ of tu#u%t&1o##otion&

u.*oa*-[R> 1onfusion&5diso*de*>+! but of sha%o#&.ea1e! as in a%% Cong*egations of the san1tified-ones( 1<:2< @ 6et [PR+--ou*-"A' wo#en be si%ent in the Cong*egation: fo* it is not .e*#itted the# to s.ea;! but to be in subOe1tion! as a%so the To*ah sa-s( 1<:2= And if the- wish to be info*#ed on an- subOe1t! %et the# as; thei* husbands at ho#e: fo* it is unbe1o#ing&[$-*(&a%t> i##odest+ fo* wo#en to s.ea; in the Cong*egation( 1<:2? 4hatJ was if f*o# -ou that the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God 1a#e fo*thI 7* did it *ea1h on%- to -ouI 1<:2@ And if an- one a#ong -ou thin;s that he is a P*o.het! o* that he is 5$>.i*itua%! %et hi# *e1ogniDe the things whi1h 0 w*ite to -ou! as being the .*e1e.ts of ou* 6o*d( 1<:2A /ut if an- one K>be igno*ant! %et hi# be igno*ant>-[PR+( K[A>((( does not *e1ogniDe this! he is not *e1ogniDed(+ 1<:2C 4he*efo*e! #- b*eth*en! be e#u%ous&5in desi*e of obtaining> of .*o.hes-ing: and to s.ea; with tongues! .*ohibit not( 1<:<G /ut %et e3e*- thing be done with de1en1- and *egu%a*it-&[R> in o*de*(+ CHAPTER 1= 1=:1 @ And 0 #a;e ;nown to -ou! #- b*eth*en! the Good-News whi1h 0 .*o1%ai#ed to -ou! and whi1h -ou *e1ei3ed! and in whi1h -ou stand! 1=:) And b- whi1h -ou ha3e-%ife&[$-*(&a%t> a*e sa3ed+( 0n what te*#s 0 .*o1%ai#ed to -ou! -ou *e#e#be*: un%ess -ou ha3e be%ie3ed in 3ain( 1=:2 Po* 0 de%i3e*ed to -ou f*o# the fi*st! as 0 had *e1ei3ed it: that Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> died on a11ount of ou* sins! as it is 4*itten: 1=:< And that He was bu*ied and a*ose on the thi*d da-! as it is 4*itten: 1=:= And that He was seen b- Ce.has: and afte* hi#! b- the Twe%3e: 1=:? And afte* that! He was seen b- #o*e than fi3e hund*ed b*eth*en at on1e: #an- of who# su*3i3e at the .*esent ti#e! and so#e of the# s%ee.( 1=:@ And o11u*ing-afte*&subseMuent%- to this! he was see# bYa,a;o3: and afte* hi#! b- a%% the E#issa*ies&56egates>( 1=:A And %ast of the# a%%! He was seen b- #e! as it we*e b- a onebo*n -outside-of-due-ti#e( 1=:C 0 a# the %east of the E#issa*ies&56egates>: and a# not wo*th- to be 1a%%ed a E#issa*-&56egate>: be1ause 0 .e*se1uted the Cong*egation of E%ohi#&God( 1=:1G /ut b- the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God! 0 a# what 0 a#: and His g*a1e! that was in #e! was not in 3ain: but 0 %abo*ed #o*e than thea%%: -- not 0! but His g*a1e that was with #e( 1=:11 4hethe* 0! the*efo*e! o* whethe* the-! so we .*o1%ai#ed: and

so -ou be%ie3ed( 1=:1) And if Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> is .*o1%ai#ed! as *ising f*o# the dead: how is it that the*e a*e so#e a#ong -ou! who sa-! The*e is no *e3i3a%&*enewa% of the deadI 1=:12 And if the*e is no *e3i3a%&*enewa% of the dead! Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> a%so has not *isen( 1=:1< - And if Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has not *isen! ou* .*o1%ai#ing is 3ain! and -ou* faith a%so 3ain( 1=:1= - And we too a*e found fa%se witnesses of E%ohi#&God: fo* we ha3e testified 1on1e*ning E%ohi#&God! that He *aised u. Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! when He did not *aise Hi# u.( 1=:1? - Po*! if the dead wi%% not a*ise! Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> a%so has not *isen( 1=:1@ - And if Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> *ose not! -ou* faith is %a1;ing -sense&5si%%->: and -ou a*e -et in -ou* sins: 1=:1A - And a%so! doubt%ess! the- who ha3e fa%%en as%ee. in Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! ha3e .e*ished( 1=:1C - And if! in this %ife on%-! we ha3e ho.e in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! we a*e the #ost #ise*ab%e of a%% #en( 1=:)G @ - /ut now Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has *isen f*o# the dead! and be1o#e the Pi*st-P*uits of the# that s%e.t( 1=:)1 And as b- a #an 1a#e death! so a%so b- a an 1a#e the *e3i3a%& *enewa% of the dead( 1=:)) Po* as it was b- Ada#! that a%% #en die! so a%so bHa ashia1h& 5The essiah> the- a%% %i3e: 1=:)2 E3e*- one in his o*de*: Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> was the Pi*stP*uits: afte*wa*ds! the- that a*e The essiah>s! as His 1o#ing( 1=:)< And then wi%% be the end! when He sha%% ha3e de%i3e*ed u. the Bingdo# to E%ohi#&God the Pathe*: when e3e*- .*in1e! and e3e*so3e*eign&*u%e*! and a%% .owe*s sha%% ha3e 1o#e to nothing( 1=:)= Po* He is to *eign! unti% He sha%% .ut a%% His ene#ies unde* His feet( 1=:)? And the %ast ene#-! death! wi%% be abo%ished( 1=:)@ Po* He has subOe1ted a%% unde* His feet( /ut when He said! that e3e*- thing is subOe1ted to Hi#! it is #anifest that He is eL1e.ted! who subOe1ted a%% to Hi#( 1=:)A And when a%% sha%% be subOe1ted to Hi#! then the $on Hi#se%f wi%% be subOe1t to Hi# who subOe1ted a%% to Hi#! so that E%ohi#&God wi%% be a%% in a%%( 1=:)C 7the*wise! what sha%% the- do who a*e i##e*sed fo* the dead! if the dead *ise notI 4h- a*e the- i##e*sed fo* the deadI 1=:2G And wh- a%so do we stand e3e*- hou* in .e*i%I 1=:21 0 .*otest! #- b*eth*en! b- -ou* eLu%tation! whi1h is #ine in ou*

6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! that 0 die dai%-( 1=:2) 0f! as a#ong #en! 0 was 1ast to wi%d beasts at E.hesus! what did it .*ofit #e! if the dead *ise notI 6et us eat and d*in;: fo* to#o**ow we die( 1=:22 /e not de1ei3ed: E3i% sto*ies 1o**u.t we%%-dis.osed&in1%ined #inds( 1=:2< @ 6et -ou* hea*ts be *ighteous%- eL1ited! and sin not: fo* the*e a*e so#e! in who# is not the %o3e of E%ohi#&God: it is to -ou* sha#e! 0 sa- it( 1=:2= /ut so#e one of -ou #a- sa-: How wi%% the dead a*iseI and with what bod- wi%% the- 1o#e fo*thI 1=:2? Poo%ish #anJ The seed whi1h -ou sow! is not Mui1;ened&5#ade a%i3e>! un%ess it die( 1=:2@ And that whi1h -ou sow! -ou sow not the bod- that is to be! but the na;ed ;e*ne% of wheat o* ba*%e-! o* of the othe* g*ains: 1=:2A And E%ohi#&God gi3es it a bod-! as He wi%%s&.%eases: and to ea1h of the g*ains its natu*a% bod-&[$-*(> the bod- of its natu*e+( 1=:2C And e3e*- bod- is not a%i;e: Kfo* the bod- of a #an is one thing! and that of a beast is anothe*! and that of a bi*d is anothe*! and that of a fish is anothe*( K[R>(((: but one f%esh-"A ' of #en! anothe* f%esh of beasts! anothe* of fish! anothe* of bi*ds(+ 1=:<G And the*e a*e bodies 1e%estia%! and bodies te**est*ia%: but the g%o*- of the 1e%estia% [EbodiesF+ is one! and that of the te**est*ia% is anothe*( 1=:<1 And the g%o*- of the sun is one thing! and the g%o*- of the #oon is anothe*! and the g%o*- of the sta*s is anothe*: and one sta* eL1eeds anothe* sta* in g%o*-( 1=:<) $o a%so in the *e3i3a%&*enewa% of the dead( The- a*e sown in 1o**u.tion! the- *ise without 1o**u.tion: 1=:<2 The- a*e sown in dishono*! the- a*ise in g%o*-: the- a*e sown in wea;ness! the- a*ise in .owe*: 1=:<< 0t is sown an natu*a%&[P> ani#a%+ bod-! it a*ises a s.i*itua% bod-( Po* the*e is a bod- of the natu*a% %ife! and the*e is a bod- of the s.i*it( 1=:<= $o a%so is it 4*itten: Ada#! the fi*st #an! be1a#e a %i3ing sou%: the $e1ond Ada# [Ebe1a#eF+ a %ife-gi3ing&Mui1;ening Rua1h&$.i*it( 1=:<? And the s.i*itua% was not fi*st: but the natu*a%! then the s.i*itua%( 1=:<@ The fi*st #an was of dust f*o# the ea*th: the $e1ond an was "A> the 6o*d'-[PR+ f*o# Hea3en( 1=:<A As he was of the dust! so a%so those who a*e the dust: and as was He who was f*o# Hea3en! so a%so a*e the Hea3en%-( 1=:<C And as we ha3e wo*n the %i;eness of hi# f*o# the dust! Kso sha%% we wea* the %i;eness of Hi# f*o# Hea3en( K[R>(((! we sha%% a%so bea*(((+&[A>(((! %et us a%so bea*(((+ 1=:=G /ut this 0 sa-! #- b*eth*en! that f%esh and b%ood 1annot inhe*it

the Bingdo# of Hea3en: neithe* does 1o**u.tion inhe*it in1o**u.tion( 1=:=1 /eho%d! 0 te%% -ou a #-ste*-: we sha%% not a%% s%ee.! but we sha%% a%% be 1hanged! 1=:=) $udden%-! as in the twin;%ing of an e-e! at the 6ast $hofa*! when it sha%% sound: and the dead wi%% a*ise! without 1o**u.tion: and we sha%% be 1hanged( 1=:=2 Po* this whi1h is 1o**u.tib%e! is to .ut on in1o**u.tion: and that whi1h dies! wi%% .ut on i##o*ta%it-( 1=:=< And Kwhen this that is 1o**u.tib%e! sha%% .ut on in1o**u.tion! and this that dies! i##o*ta%it-: then wi%% ta;e .%a1e the wo*d that is 4*itten: 8eath is abso*bed in 3i1to*-( K[R>((( when this 1o**u.tion sha%% ha3e .ut on in1o**u.tion! and this #o*ta% sha%% ha3e .ut on i##o*ta%it-! (((+ K[#>((( when the #o*ta% has been 1%othed with i##o*ta%it-! (((+ 1=:== 4he*e is -ou* sting! 7 deathI And whe*e is -ou* 3i1to*-! 7 g*a3eI K[A> 7 death! whe*e is -ou* 3i1to*-I 7 death! whe*e is -ou* st*ingI+ 1=:=? Now the sting of death is sin: and the st*ength of sin is Eo11asioned b-F the To*ah( 1=:=@ /ut than;s be to E%ohi#&God! that gi3es us the 3i1to*-! th*ough ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1=:=A 4he*efo*e! #- b*eth*en and #- be%o3ed! be -ou steadfast! and be not wa3e*ing-in-o.inion&3a1i%%ating: but be -ou at a%% ti#es abundant in the wo*; of the 6o*d: seeing -ou ;now! that -ou* %abo* is not in 3ain in the 6o*d( CHAPTER 1? 1?:1 @ And as to the 1o%%e1tion fo* the san1tified-ones! as 0 di*e1ted the Cong*egations of the Ga%atians! so do -ou( 1?:) 7n E otDa>ei-$habbat&5$atu*da--e3ening>F - ea1h fi*st daof the wee;! %et e3e*- one of -ou %a- aside and .*ese*3e at ho#e! what he is ab%e&[$-*(> what 1o#es to his hand+: that the*e #a- be no 1o%%e1tions when 0 1o#e( 1?:2 And when 0 1o#e! those who# -ou sha%% se%e1t! 0 wi%% send with a %ette*! to 1a**- -ou* gene*osit- to Ye*usha%a-i#( 1?:< And if it shou%d be suitab%e that 0 a%so go! the- sha%% go with #e( 1?:= And 0 wi%% 1o#e to -ou! when 0 .ass f*o# a1edonia: fo* 0 a# about to .ass th*ough a1edonia( 1?:? And .e*ha.s 0 sha%% *e#ain with -ou! o* winte* with -ou: that -ou #a- #e whe*e 0 go( 1?:@ Po* 0 a# not in1%ined&dis.osed to see -ou now! as 0 .ass a%ong: be1ause 0 ho.e to s.end so#e ti#e with -ou! if #- 6o*d .e*#it #e( 1?:A Po* 0 sha%% 1ontinue at E.hesus unti% $ha3u,ot: 1?:C /e1ause a g*eat doo* is o.ened to #e! whi1h is fu%% of #u1hwo*;to-do&o11u.ations: and the o..ose*s a*e nu#e*ous( 1?:1G And if Ti#oth- 1o#e to -ou! see that he #a- be without fea*&

anLiet- a#ong -ou: fo* he does the wo*; of the 6o*d! as 0 do( 1?:11 The*efo*e! %et no one des.ise hi#: but 1ondu1t hi# on in sha%o#& .ea1e! that he #a- 1o#e to #e: fo* 0 wait fo* hi# with the b*eth*en( 1?:1) As fo* A.o%%os! #- b*eth*en! 0 .%eaded-with hi# #u1h to go with the b*eth*en to -ou: but his in1%ination was not to go to -ou now: but when he sha%% ha3e o..o*tunit-! he wi%% go to -ou( 1?:12 @ 4at1h -ou! stand fi*# in the Paith! a1t %i;e #en! be 3a%iant( 1?:1< 6et a%% -ou* affai*s be 1ondu1ted with %o3e( 1?:1= 0 ea*nest%--as; -ou! #- b*eth*en! 1on1e*ning the househo%d of $te.hanas: Tfo* -ou ;now! that the- we*e the Pi*st-P*uits of A1haia! and that the- ha3e de3oted the#se%3es to se*3i1e to the san1tified-ones:T 1?:1? That -ou a%so gi3e ea* to the# who a*e su1h: and to e3e*one! that %abo*s with us and assists&aids( 1?:1@ And 0 *eOoi1e at the a**i3a% of $te.hanas and Po*tunatus and A1hai1us: fo* the- ha3e su..%ied that whe*ein -ou we*e defi1ient towa*ds #e( 1?:1A And&[$-*(&a%t> Po*+ the- ha3e *ef*eshed #- s.i*it! and -ou*s: the*efo*e a1;now%edge -ou the# who a*e su1h( 1?:1C A%% the Cong*egations that a*e in Asia! g*eet -ou( AMui%a and P*is1i%%a! with the Cong*egation in thei* house! g*eet -ou #u1h in the 6o*d( 1?:)G A%% the b*eth*en g*eet -ou( G*eet -ou one anothe* with a ho%;iss( 1?:)1 The g*eeting in the handw*iting of #-se%f! $ha>u%( 1?:)) 4hoe3e* %o3es not ou* 6o*d "#> Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>'! %et hi# be a11u*sed: >ou* 6o*d 1o#es>& a*ana!taN5ou* 6o*d 1o#e>( 1?:)2 The g*a1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> be with -ou( 1?:)< And #- %o3e be with -ou a%%! in "#> Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>'! Yeshua( A#aine( [P> End of the Pi*st 6ette* to the Co*inthians: whi1h was w*itten at Phi%i..i of a1edonia! and was sent b- the hand of Ti#oth-(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: ) C7R0NTH0AN$( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The $e1ond 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To The C7R0NTH0AN$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u% an E#issa*-&56egate> of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! b- the good .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God: and Ti#oth- a b*othe*: to the Cong*egation of E%ohi#&God that is at Co*inth! and to a%% the san1tified-ones that a*e in a%% A1haia( 1:) G*a1e be with -ou! and sha%o#&.ea1e! f*o# E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:2 /%essed be E%ohi#&God! the Pathe* of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! the Pathe* of #e*1ies! and the God of a%% 1o#fo*t& 1onso%ation: 1:< 4ho 1o#fo*ts us in a%% ou* aff%i1tions! that we a%so #ight be ab%e to 1o#fo*t those who a*e in a%% aff%i1tions! with the 1onso%ation whe*ewith we a*e 1o#fo*ted b- E%ohi#&God( 1:= Po*! as the suffe*ings of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> abound in us! so a%so ou* 1onso%ation abounds b- Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:? And whethe* we be aff%i1ted! it is fo* -ou* 1onso%ation and fo* -ou* %ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+ that we a*e aff%i1ted: o* whethe* we be 1o#fo*ted! it is! that -ou #a- be 1o#fo*ted: and that the*e #a- be in -ou an eage*ness! whe*ewith -ou #a- endu*e those suffe*ings whi1h we a%so suffe*( 1:@ And ou* ho.e 1on1e*ning -ou is steadfast: fo* we ;now! that if -ou .a*ta;e of the suffe*ings! -ou wi%% a%so .a*ta;e of the 1onso%ation( 1:A @ /ut! #- b*eth*en! we wish -ou to ;now! *es.e1ting the aff%i1tion that was u.on us in Asia! that we we*e aff%i1ted eL1eeding%-! be-ond ou* st*ength! inso#u1h that ou* %ife was *ead- to te*#inate( 1:C And we .assed a senten1e of death u.on ou*se%3es! that ou* 1onfiden1e #ight not be in ou*se%3es! but in E%ohi#&God! who *aises u. the dead: 1:1G K4ho *es1ued us f*o# i##inent death: and we ho.e that He wi%% again *es1ue us! K[EAFR> 4ho de%i3e*ed us f*o# so g*eat >a death>[#>deaths+! and [#> He+ "#'-does-[A> sha%%+ de%i3e*[s 5#+ us: in

who# we t*ust that He wi%% sti%% de%i3e* EusF! (((+ 1:11 K/- the aid of -ou* .*a-e*s in ou*&[#> -ou*+ beha%f: so that His gift to us #a- be a fa3o* done fo* the sa;e of #an-! and #an#a.*aise Hi# on ou* a11ount( K[EAFR> You a%so togethe* b- .*a-e* fo* us! that fo* the gift EbestowedF u.on us b- the #eans of #an- .e*sons than;s #a- be gi3en b- #an- on ou*-[A> -ou*+ beha%f(+ 1:1) Po* ou* *eOoi1ing is this! the testi#on- of ou* 1ons1ien1e! that in si#.%i1it- and .u*it-&[R> God%- sin1e*it-+! and b- the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God! and not in wisdo# of the f%esh&[$-*(> bod-+! we ha3e 1ondu1ted ou*se%3es in the wo*%d! and es.e1ia%%- towa*ds -ou( [#> si#.%i1it-&5sin1e*it->+&[#> ho%iness+ 1:12 4e w*ite no othe* things unto -ou! than those whi1h -ou ;now and a1;now%edge( And 0 t*ust! -ou wi%% a1;now%edge the# to the end: 1:1< As -ou ha3e a%so .a*tia%%- a1;now%edged that we a*e -ou* *eOoi1ing! as -ou a%so a*e ou*s! in the 8a- of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:1= And in this 1onfiden1e! 0 was befo*e in1%ined&dis.osed to 1o#e to -ou! that -ou #ight *e1ei3e the g*a1e doub%-: 1:1? And to .ass b- -ou into a1edonia! and again to 1o#e to -ou f*o# a1edonia! and [EsoF+ -ou wou%d #e to Y>hudah( 1:1@ 4hen the*efo*e 0 thus .u*.osed! did 0 .u*.ose as one in1onside*ateI 7*! we*e the things 0 .u*.osed! things of the f%esh: so that the*e shou%d be in the# Yea! -ea! and Na-! na-I 1:1A E%ohi#&God is the witness&[$-*(> is faithfu%+! that ou* wo*d to -ou was not Yea and Na-( 1:1C Po* the $on of E%ohi#&God! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! who was .*o1%ai#ed to -ou b- us! [Ena#e%-!F+ b- #e! b- $i%a&[P> $-%3anus+! and b- Ti#oth-&[P> Ti#otheus+! - was not Yea and Na-: but it was Yea in Hi#( 1:)G Po* a%% the .*o#ises of E%ohi#&God in Hi#! Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! a*e Yea: fo* whi1h 1ause! we th*ough Hi# gi3e [Eou*F+ A#aine! to the g%o*- of E%ohi#&God( 1:)1 Now it is E%ohi#&God who estab%ishes us! with -ou! in Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! and has anointed us! 1:)) And has sea%ed us! and has gi3en the .%edge&ea*nest&5gua*antee> of His Rua1h&$.i*it in ou* hea*ts( 1:)2 @ o*eo3e*! 0 1a%% E%ohi#&God fo* a witness on #- sou%! that it was in o*de* to s.a*e -ou! that 0 1a#e not to Co*inth( 1:)< Not that we a*e %o*ds o3e* -ou* faith! but we a*e he%.e*s of -ou* Oo-: fo* it is b- faith -ou stand( CHAPTER ) ):1 [#> Po*+&AndN[R> /ut+ 0 dete*#ined this with #-se%f! that 0 wou%d not again 1o#e to -ou in sadness( ):) Po* if 0 shou%d #a;e -ou sad! who wou%d #a;e #e Oo-fu%! un%ess he

who# 0 had #ade sadI ):2 And 0 w*ote that 3e*- thing to -ou! %est when 0 1a#e! those .e*sons who# 0 ought to #a;e Oo-fu%! shou%d #a;e #e sad( Po* 0 ha3e 1onfiden1e 1on1e*ning -ou! that #- Oo- is the Oo- of -ou a%%( ):< And in #u1h aff%i1tion! and in anguish of hea*t! 0 w*ote those things to -ou! with #an- tea*s: not that -ou #ight ha3e so**ow! but that -ou #ight ;now the eL1eeding %o3e 0 ha3e fo* -ou( ):= And if one has 1aused g*ief! he has not g*ie3ed #e [Eon%-F+! but! - that the de1%a*ation #a- not bea* too ha*d on -ou - in a #easu*e! a%% of -ou( ):? And suffi1ient fo* hi#! is this *ebu;e .*o1eeding f*o# #an-: ):@ $o that! on the othe* hand! -ou ought to fo*gi3e hi# and 1o#fo*t hi#: %est he who is su1h a #an! shou%d be swa%%owed u. with eL1essi3e g*ief( ):A 0 the*efo*e .%ead-with -ou! that -ou 1onfi*# to hi# -ou* %o3e( ):C Po* it was fo* this a%so that 0 w*ote [Eto -ouF+! that 0 #ight %ea*n b- t*ia%! whethe* -ou wou%d be obedient in e3e*- thing( ):1G And who# -ou fo*gi3e! 0 a%so [Efo*gi3eF+: Kfo* that whi1h 0 fo*ga3e to an- one! fo* -ou* sa;es 0 fo*ga3e it! in the .*esen1e of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: K[R>(((: if indeed 0 ha3e fo*gi3en an-thing! 0 ha3e fo*gi3en that one fo* -ou* sa;es in the(((+ K[A>(((: indeed! what 0 ha3e fo*gi3en! if 0 ha3e fo*gi3en an-thing! 0 did it fo* -ou* sa;es in the (((+ ):11 6est ha$atan shou%d o3e**ea1h us: fo* we ;now EofF his de3i1es( ):1) @ o*eo3e*! when 0 1a#e to T*oas in announ1ing Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and a doo* was o.ened to #e b- the 6o*d! ):12 The*e was no 1a%#ness&Muietude in #- s.i*it! be1ause 0 found not Titus #- b*othe*: and 0 too; %ea3e of the#! and went into a1edonia( ):1< /ut than;s be to E%ohi#&God! who a%wa-s obtains&.*o1u*es us a t*iu#.h in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and #anifests b- us the f*ag*an1e of the ;now%edge of Hi# in e3e*- .%a1e( ):1= Po*! th*ough Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! we a*e unto E%ohi#&God a sweet f*ag*an1e! in the# that %i3e&[$-*(&a%t> a*e sa3ed+ and in the# that .e*ish: ):1? To these! a f*ag*an1e of death unto death: and to those! a f*ag*an1e of %ife unto %ife( And who is adeMuate&suffi1ient to these thingsJ ):1@ Po* we a*e not %i;e >[R> so-[#> the+ #an-+>Nothe*s&[$-*(> the *est+-[ +! who di%ute the 4o*ds of E%ohi#&God: but as of the T*uth! and as of E%ohi#&God! we s.ea; in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> befo*e E%ohi#&God( CHAPTER 2 2:1 8o we begin again to show -ou who we a*eI 7* do we! %i;e othe*s! need that %ette*s *e1o##endato*- of us shou%d be w*itten to -ouI 7*! that -ou shou%d w*ite *e1o##endations of usI 2:) You a*e ou* %ette*! w*itten on ou*&[#> -ou*+ hea*ts! and

;nown and *ead b- e3e*- #an( 2:2 @ Po* -ou ;now that -ou a*e a %ette* of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! se*3ed b- us: not w*itten with in;! but b- the Rua1h&$.i*it of the 6i3ing God: not on tab%es of stone! but on the tab%ets of the hea*t of f%esh( 2:< And su1h 1onfiden1e ha3e we in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> towa*ds E%ohi#&God( 2:= Not that we a*e adeMuate&suffi1ient to thin; an- thing! as of ou*se%3es: but ou* effi1ien1-&5effi1ient-abi%it-> is f*o# E%ohi# &God: 2:? 4ho has fitted us to be se*3ants of the New Co3enant! not in the %ette*! but in the Rua1h&$.i*it: fo* the %ette* ;i%%s! but the Rua1h&$.i*it gi3es-%ife&[$-*(&a%t> sa3es+( 2:@ Now if the a1tion-of-se*3ing E*esu%ting inF&of death was eng*a3ed u.on stones in w*iting! and was so g%o*ious that the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae% 1ou%d not %oo; on the fa1e of oshe! on a11ount of the g%o*- u.on his fa1e whi1h 3anished awa-: 2:A How then sha%% not the a1tion-of-se*3ing of the Rua1h&$.i*it be sti%% #o*e g%o*iousI 2:C KPo* if the*e was g%o*- in the a1tion-of-se*3ing of 1onde#nation! how #u1h #o*e sha%% the a1tion-of-se*3ing of Oustifi1ation eL1e% in g%o*-I K[#> Po* if the a1tion-of-se*3ing of 1onde#nation was g%o*-! (((+ 2:1G Po* that whi1h was g%o*ious! was as if not g%o*ious! in 1o#.a*ison with this whi1h eL1e%s in g%o*-( 2:11 Po* if that whi1h is faded-awa- was g%o*ious! #u1h #o*e #ust that whi1h abides be g%o*ious( 2:1) $eeing the*efo*e we ha3e this ho.e! we the #o*e s.ea; with bo%dness: 2:12 And a*e not %i;e oshe! who th*ew a 3ei% o3e* his fa1e! that the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae% #ight not beho%d the finish&5Egoa%F> of that whi1h was fading-awa-( 2:1< /ut the- we*e b%inded in thei* unde*standing: fo* unti% this da-! when the Tana;h is *ead! the sa#e 3ei% *ests u.on the#! Kno* is it #anifest [Eto the#F+! Kthat it is faded-awa- b-&5Eth*oughF> Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( K1[R>(((! be1ause the E3ei%F is ta;en awa- in essiah(+ K)[a%t(&.e*ha.s:>(((! that it is faded-awa- th*ough Ha ashia1h! - Ethe 7ne who is the Goa%F(+-Esee )Co*( 2:12F 2:1= And unto this da-! when oshe is *ead! a 3ei% is th*own u.on thei* hea*ts( 2:1? /ut when an- of the# is tu*ned unto the 6o*d! the 3ei% is ta;en f*o# hi#( 2:1@ Now The-6o*d&Adonai Hi#se%f is the Rua1h&$.i*it( And whe*e the Rua1h&$.i*it of The-6o*d&Adonai is! the*e is f*eedo#( 2:1A And we a%%! with un1o3e*ed fa1es! beho%d as in a #i**o* the g%o*of the 6o*d: and a*e t*ansfo*#ed in the sa#e %i;eness! f*o# g%o*-

to g%o*-! as b- The-6o*d&Adonai the Rua1h&$.i*it( CHAPTER < <:1 @ The*efo*e! we a*e not wea*- in this offi1e-of-se*3i1e whi1h we ha3e *e1ei3ed! a11o*ding to the #e*1ies that ha3e been u.on us: <:) /ut we ha3e *enoun1ed the 1on1ea%#ents of dishono*! and we wa%; not in 1*aftiness! no* do we t*eat the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God de1eitfu%%-: but b- the #anifestation of the T*uth! we eLhibit ou*se%3es to a%% the 1ons1ien1es of #en befo*e E%ohi#&God( <:2 And if ou* Good-News is 3ei%ed! it is 3ei%ed to the# that .e*ish: <:< KTo the# whose #inds Kthe 5g>od of this wo*%d has b%inded! in o*de* that the- #ight not be%ie3e! %est the 6ight of the GoodNews of the g%o*- of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> Twho is the %i;eness of E%ohi#&GodT shou%d dawn u.on the#( K1[G*(>(((in who# the godE)21?F of this wo*%d&5age>E1?=F (((+ K)[P>(((the God of this wo*%d (((+-E$o u*do1; has it( 0t is .ossib%e to *ead it eithe* wa- and be Theo%ogi1a%%- 1o**e1t( 7ne wa- wou%d be: as God ha*dened Pha*aoh>s hea*t [EL(<:)1+: and the othe*: as it is *e.*esented he*e in the G*ee; [R see )Ti#( ):)?+( A 1ou.%e othe* things to note: The*e a*e no 1a.ita% %ette*s in an1ient G*ee; o* Heb*ew! so the *eading of: QGodQ o* QgodQ is dete*#ined b- the 1onteLt in both %anguages( A%so: The wo*%d t*ans%ated as Qwo*%d&5age>Q in G*ee;! 1an #ean! as we e%sewhe*e a%te*nate%- see it t*ans%ated! as: ete*nit- o* uni3e*se: e3en as it is with the Heb*ew wo*d ,o%a#-EG=@?CF( $o again - it 1ou%d e3en be *ead: God of this uni3e*se! Eand God t*u%- is God of a%%! in1%uding Qthis wo*%dQ(F -- And shou%d this be the sense! one 1ou%d e3en 1onside* the b%inding b- God: as being a%%owed to o11u* th*ough ha$atan! - as we see 1onside*ed in the thought eL.*essed in 1Bings )):)) [R e%sewhe*e+( $ee a%so: Ro#ans C:1A(+ <:= Po* it is not ou*se%3es that we .*o1%ai#! but Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! Yeshua ou* 6o*d: and! as to ou*se%3es! that we a*e -ou* se*3ants fo* Yeshua>s sa;e( <:? /e1ause E%ohi#&God! who 1o##anded the 6ight to a*ise f*o# da*;ness! has Hi#se%f shined in ou* hea*ts! that we #ight be i%%u#inated with the ;now%edge of the g%o*- of E%ohi#&God on the fa1e of "#'-Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( <:@ @ /ut we ha3e this t*easu*e in an ea*then 3esse%! that the eL1e%%en1- of the .owe* #ight be f*o# E%ohi#&God! and not f*o# us( <:A And in e3e*- thing we a*e o..*essed! but not suffo1ated: we a*e 1o**e1ted! but not 1onde#ned: <:C 4e a*e .e*se1uted! but not fo*sa;en: we a*e .ushed-fa1edown-tothe-g*ound! but .e*ish not( <:1G Po* we bea* in ou* bod-! at a%% ti#es! the d-ing of [R> the 6o*d+ Yeshua: that the %ife a%so of Yeshua #ight be #anifested in ou* bod-(

<:11 Po* if we a*e de%i3e*ed o3e* a%i3e unto death! fo* Yeshua>s sa;e! e3en so a%so wi%% the %ife of Yeshua be #anifested in this ou* #o*ta% bod-( <:1) Now the*efo*e! in us death is a1ti3e! but in -ou! %ife( <:12 Ha3ing the*efo*e the sa#e 5s>.i*it of faith! - Tas it is 4*itten! 0 be%ie3ed! the*efo*e a%so ha3e 0 s.o;en!T we a%so be%ie3e! and the*efo*e s.ea;: <:1< Bnowing that He! who *aised-u.&5b*ought-ba1;-to-%ife> ou* 6o*d Yeshua! wi%% a%so *aise-u.&5b*ing-ba1;-to-%ife> us b- Yeshua! and wi%% *e1ei3e us! with -ou! to Hi#se%f( <:1= Po* a%% things a*e fo* -ou* sa;es! that whi%e g*a1e abounds b#eans of #an-! than;sgi3ing #a- abound to the g%o*- of E%ohi#& God( <:1? Po* this 1ause we faint not: fo* though ou* outwa*d #an .e*ish! -et the inne* [E#anF+ is *eno3ated da- b- da-( <:1@ Po* the aff%i1tion of the .*esent ti#e! though 3e*- s#a%% and %ight! .*e.a*es fo* us g*eat g%o*-! without end! fo* e3e* and e3e*: <:1A 4hi%e we %oo; not at these seen things! but at those not seen: fo* these seen things a*e te#.o*a*-! but those not seen a*e ete*na%( CHAPTER = =:1 @ Po* we ;now that! if ou* house on ea*th -- this of the bod-! we*e disso%3ed! -et we ha3e a bui%ding of E%ohi#&God! a house not #ade with hands! ete*na% in Hea3en( =:) And on this a11ount a%so! we g*oan! and wish to be 1%othed with ou* house f*o# Hea3en: =:2 0f indeed! when 1%othed! we sha%% not be found na;ed( =:< Po* whi%e we a*e he*e in this house! we g*oan unde* its bu*den: -et -ou desi*e! not to th*ow it off! but to be 1%othed o3e* it! so that its #o*ta%it- #a- be abso*bed in %ife( =:= And He that .*e.a*es fo* us this thing! is E%ohi#&God: who has gi3en us the ea*nest&[$-*(&a%t> .%edge+N5gua*antee> of His Rua1h& $.i*it( =:? The*efo*e! be1ause we ;now and a*e .e*suaded! that whi%e we %odge in the bod- we soOou*n awa- f*o# ou* 6o*d: =:@ TPo* we wa%; b- faith! and not b- sight:T =:A The*efo*e we a*e 1onfident! and desi*ous to be awa- f*o# the bod-! and to be with ou* 6o*d( =:C 4e a*e .e*sistent&1onstant&di%igent! that whethe* we a*e absent! o* whethe* at ho#e! we #a- .%ease Hi#( =:1G Po* we a*e a%% to stand befo*e the Uudge#ent-$eat of Ha ashia1h &5The essiah>! that ea1h #a- *e1ei3e 5.a-ingba1;>&*et*ibution in the bod-! [Efo*F+ what he has done in it! whethe* of good! o* whethe* of e3i%( =:11 @ The*efo*e be1ause we ;now the 5*e3e*entia%>fea* of ou* 6o*d! we .e*suade #en: and we a*e #ade #anifest unto E%ohi#&God: and 0

ho.e a%so! we a*e #ade #anifest to -ou* #inds( =:1) 4e do not again %aud&1o##end ou*se%3es to -ou: but we gi3e -ou o11asion to g%o*- in us! to the# who g%o*- in a..ea*an1e and not in hea*t( =:12 Po* if we a*e eLt*a3agant! it is fo* E%ohi#&God: and if we a*e dis1*eet! it is fo* -ou( =:1< Po* the %o3e of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> 1onst*ains us to *eason thus: 7ne died fo* a%%: the*efo*e a*e a%% dead( =:1= And He died fo* a%%! that the- who %i3e shou%d not %i3e to the#se%3es! but to Hi# who died fo* the# and *ose again( =:1? And the*efo*e! we ;now no .e*son afte* the f%esh: and if we ha3e ;nown Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> afte* the f%esh! -et f*o#this.oint-on we ;now [EHi#F+ no #o*e( =:1@ 4hoe3e* the*efo*e is in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! is a new 1*eatu*e: o%d things ha3e .assed awa-: =:1A And a%% things a*e #ade new! b- E%ohi#&God: who has *e1on1i%ed us to Hi#se%f b- [R> Yeshua+ Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and has gi3en to us the offi1e-of-se*3i1e of *e1on1i%iation( =:1C Po* E%ohi#&God was in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! who has *e1on1i%ed the wo*%d with His #aOest-! and did not *e1;on to the# thei* sins: and who has .%a1ed in us the 4o*d of *e1on1i%iation( =:)G @ 4e a*e the*efo*e a#bassado*s fo* Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and it is as if E%ohi#&God was .%eading-with -ou b- us( 0n beha%f of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! the*efo*e! we .%ead-with [E-ouF+! be -ou *e1on1i%ed to E%ohi#&God( =:)1 Po*! on -ou* a11ount! He has #ade Hi# who ;new no sin to be sin! that we #ight b- Hi# be1o#e the *ighteousness of E%ohi#&God( CHAPTER ? ?:1 And as he%.e*s&aide*s we beg of -ou! that the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God whi1h -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed! #a- not be ineffe1tua% in -ou( ?:) Po* He has said! 0n an ti#e ha3e 0 hea*d -ou! and in the da- of %ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+ 0 ha3e aided -ou( /eho%d! now is the ti#eJ and beho%d! now is the da- of %ife& 5$a%3ation>J ?:2 Gi3e -ou no o11asion of offen1e to an- one in an- thing! that the*e #a- be no *e.*oa1h on ou* offi1e-of-se*3i1e( ?:< /ut we! in a%% things! wou%d show ou*se%3es to be the se*3ants of E%ohi#&God! in #u1h endu*an1e! in aff%i1tions! in ne1essit-! in dist*esses! ?:= 0n s1ou*gings! in i#.*ison#ents! in tu#u%ts! in toi%! in wat1hing! in fasting: ?:? /- .u*it-! b- ;now%edge! b- 5bea*ing-inOu*ies>&%ong-suffe*ing! bgent%e&;ind-dis.osition&5benignit->! b- Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%$.i*it>! b- %o3e sin1e*e&unfeigned&genuine!

?:@ /- the s.ea;ing of T*uth! b- the ene*g- of E%ohi#&God! b- the a*#o* of *ighteousness on the *ight hand and on the %eft: ?:A A#id hono* and dishono*! a#id .*aise and insu%ts&1ontu#e%-: Kas Ebeing s.o;en of asF de1ei3e*s! and -et Eou*se%3es beingF T*ue: K[R>(((: b- e3i% *e.o*t and good *e.o*t: (((+ ?:C As not ;nown! and -et we a*e we%% ;nown: as d-ing! and beho%d! we %i3e: as .unished&1hastised! -et not ;i%%ed: ?:1G As so**owfu%! -et a%wa-s *eOoi1ing: as 3e*--.oo*! -et en*i1hing #an-: as .ossessing nothing! -et ha3ing a%% things( ?:11 @ 7 -ou Co*inthians! ou* #outh is o.ened towa*ds -ou! and ou* hea*t eL.anded( ?:1) You a*e not st*aitened&5*est*i1ted&i#.o3e*ished> in us! but -ou a*e st*aitened&5*est*i1ted&i#.o3e*ished> in -ou* own bowe%s& [$-*( &a%t> affe1tions+( ?:12 0 s.ea; as to [E#-F+ 1hi%d*en! Pa- #e the de.t whi1h -ou owe& [$-*(&a%t> the inte*est #one- whi1h is with -ou+! and eL.and -ou* %o3e towa*ds #e( ?:1< And be -ou not -o;e-fe%%ows&[R> uneMua%%- -o;ed+ with the# that be%ie3e not: fo* what fe%%owshi. has *ighteousness with iniMuit-I o* what 1o##union&5fe%%owshi.&in-1o##on> has 6ight with da*;nessI ?:1= 7* what ag*ee#ent&1on1o*d has Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> with ha$atanI o* what .a*t has a /e%ie3e* with an unbe%ie3e*I ?:1? 7* what ag*ee#ent has the Te#.%e of E%ohi#&God with that of de#onsI Po* [AP+-we&[R> -ou+ a*e the Te#.%e of the 6i3ing God: as it is said! 0 wi%% dwe%% a#ong the#! and wa%; a#ong the#! and wi%% be thei* God! and the- sha%% be #- .eo.%e( ?:1@ 4he*efo*e! 1o#e -ou out f*o# a#ong the#! and be -ou se.a*ate f*o# the#! sa-s The-6o*d&Adonai: and 1o#e not nea* the un1%ean thing! and 0 wi%% *e1ei3e -ou: ?:1A And wi%% be to -ou a Pathe*! and -ou sha%% be sons and daughte*s to e! sa-s The-67R8&5YH9H> A%#ight-( CHAPTER @ @:1 $eeing! the*efo*e! we ha3e these .*o#ises! #- be%o3ed! %et us 1%eanse ou*se%3es f*o# a%% defi%e#ent of the f%esh and of the s.i*it: and %et us wo*; *ighteousness! in the 5*e3e*entia%>fea* of E%ohi#&God( @:) /ea* with us! #- b*eth*en: we ha3e done e3i% to no one: we ha3e 1o**u.ted no one: we ha3e w*onged no one( @:2 @ 0 s.ea; [EthusF+! not to 1onde#n -ou: fo* 0 ha3e said that -ou a*e t*easu*ed in ou* hea*ts! to die and to %i3e togethe*( @:< 0 ha3e g*eat assu*an1e befo*e -ou! and ha3e #u1h g%o*-ing in -ou: and 0 a# fu%% of 1o#fo*t( And Oo- g*eat%- abounds to #e! in a%% #- aff%i1tions(

@:= Po*! afte* we 1a#e to a1edonia! the*e was no *est fo* ou* bod-! but we we*e dist*essed in e3e*- thing: without was 1onf%i1t! and within was a..*ehension&d*ead( @:? /ut E%ohi#&God who 1o#fo*ted the de.*essed! 1o#fo*ted us b- the a**i3a% of Titus( @:@ And not #e*e%- b- his a**i3a%! but a%so b- the *ef*eshing with whi1h he was *ef*eshed b- -ou( Po* he to%d us of -ou* %o3e towa*ds us! and of -ou* g*ief! and of -ou* Dea% in ou* beha%f: and when 0 hea*d it! #- Oo- was g*eat( @:A And a%though 0 #ade -ou sad b- the %ette*! 0 do not *eg*et it! though 0 did *eg*et it: fo* 0 see that that %ette*! though fo* a ti#e it #ade -ou sad! @:C Yet it a1Mui*ed&obtained #e Oo-! - not be1ause -ou had so**ow! but be1ause -ou* so**ow b*ought -ou to *e.entan1e: fo* -ou so**owed in God%- so**ow: so that -ou *e1ei3ed no det*i#ent f*o# us( @:1G Po*! so**owing on a11ount of E%ohi#&God! wo*;s a t*ansfo*#ation of the sou% whi1h is not *e3e*sed! and a tu*ning unto %ife&[$-*(& a%t> $a%3ation+: but the so**owing of the wo*%d wo*;s death( @:11 Po* beho%d this sa#e thing! that -ou we*e dist*essed on a11ount of E%ohi#&God! what attenti3e-1on1e*n&so%i1itude it w*ought in -ou! and a.o%ogiDing&5*easoned-defense>! and indignation! and 5*e3e*entia%>fea*! and %o3e! and Dea%! and *e3engeI And in a%% things -ou ha3e shown! that -ou a*e [EnowF+ .u*e in that #atte*( @:1) And it wi%% be [EseenF+ that 0 w*ote to -ou! not fo* the sa;e of hi# who did the w*ong! no* fo* the sa;e of hi# who *e1ei3ed the w*ong! [Eon%-!F+ but that -ou* attenti3e-1on1e*n&so%i1itude in *es.e1t to us #ight be ;nown befo*e E%ohi#&God( @:12 4he*efo*e we we*e 1o#fo*ted: and with ou* 1onso%ation! we we*e the #o*e Oo-fu% fo* the Oo- of Titus! be1ause his s.i*it was *ef*eshed b- -ou a%%: @:1< $o that 0 was not asha#ed of that in whi1h 0 had g%o*ied to hi#! *es.e1ting -ou: but as in e3e*- thing we s.o;e the T*uth to -ou! so a%so ou* g%o*-ing befo*e Titus! is found to be in T*uth: @:1= And a%so his bowe%s&[$-*(&a%t> affe1tions+ a*e the #o*e en%a*ged towa*ds -ou! whi%e he *e#e#be*s the sub#ission of -ou a%%! and how -ou *e1ei3ed hi# with 5*es.e1tfu%>fea* and t*e#b%ing( @:1? 0 *eOoi1e! that in e3e*- thing 0 ha3e fu%% 1onfiden1e in -ou( CHAPTER A A:1 @ And! #- b*eth*en! we #a;e ;nown to -ou the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God whi1h was 1onfe**ed on the Cong*egations of the a1edonians: A:) That in the g*eat t*ia% of thei* aff%i1tion! the*e was an abounding to thei* Oo-! and the of thei* .o3e*t- was eLube*ant in the *i1hes of thei* gene*osit-&%ibe*a%it-&[$-*(&a%t> si#.%i1it-+( A:2 Po* 0 testif- that! a11o*ding to thei* abi%it-&[$-*(&a%t> .owe*+! and be-ond thei* abi%it-&5.owe*>! in the

s.ontaneit-&5i##ediate in1%ination> of thei* #ind! A:< The- .%eaded-with us! with #u1h ea*nest-a..ea%! Kthat the#ight .a*ti1i.ate in the gift&benefi1en1e&doing-good of the a1t-ofse*3i1e to the san1tified-ones( K[EAFR>(((! that-[A> fo*+ "A> we wou%d *e1ei3e' the gift and the fe%%owshi. of the (((+ A:= And not [Eon%-F+ as we had eL.e1ted! but the- fi*st ga3e the#se%3es unto the 6o*d! and to us b- the wi%% of E%ohi#&God( A:? $o that we *eMuested Titus! that as he had begun! so he wou%d .e*fe1t in -ou a%so the sa#e gift&benefi1en1e&doing-good( A:@ And as -ou a*e en*i1hed in e3e*- thing! in faith! and s.ee1h! and ;now%edge! and in a%% di%igen1e! Kand in ou* %o3e towa*ds -ou! so abound -ou in this gift&benefi1en1e&doing-good a%so( K[R#>(((! and EinF -ou* %o3e fo* us! (((+ K[A>(((! and in the %o3e we ins.i*ed in -ou! (((+ A:A 0 do not a1tua%%- 1o##and&[$-*(> 1o##anding 1o##and+ -ou! but bthe Mua%it--of-.*o#.tness of -ou* fe%%ow [ETa%#idi#F+! 0 wou%d test the sin1e*it- of -ou* %o3e( A:C @ Po* -ou ;now the goodness of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! who when He was *i1h! fo* -ou* sa;es be1a#e .oo*! that b- His .o3e*t- -ou #ight be #ade *i1h( A:1G And 0 u*gent%- *e1o##end&[$-*(> *e1o##ending *e1o##end+ to -ou! that whi1h is fo* -ou* ad3antage: inas#u1h as -ou began! a -ea* ago! not on%- to .u*.ose! but a%so to .e*fo*#( A:11 And now 1o#.%ete -ou b- a1tion! what -ou .u*.osed: that as -ou had a Mua%it--of-.*o#.tness in -ou* .u*.osing! so -ou #a1o#.%ete [EitF+ in a1tion! a11o*ding to -ou* abi%it-&[$-*(> f*o# what -ou ha3e+( A:1) Po* if the*e is a wi%%ingness! a .e*son is a11e.ted a11o*ding to what he has! and not a11o*ding to what he has not( A:12 Po* it is not! that othe*s #a- ha3e ease#ent&1o#fo*t! and -ou dist*ess&.*essu*e: A:1< /ut that -ou #a- be on eMua%it- at the .*esent ti#e: and that -ou* abundan1e #a- be [Ea su..%-F+ to thei* need: that thei* abundan1e %i;ewise #a- be [Ea su..%-F+ to -ou* need: that the*e #a- be eMua%it-( A:1= As it is 4*itten! He who gathe*ed #u1h! had nothing o3e*: and he that gathe*ed %itt%e! was not defi1ient( A:1? /ut than;s be to E%ohi#&God! who >[A> has+ .ut>-&[R> .uts+ into the hea*t of Titus this attenti3e-1on1e*n&so%i1itude fo* -ou( A:1@ Po* he *e1ei3ed ou* eLho*tation: and! be1ause he was 3e*1on1e*ned! he 1hee*fu%%- set out to 3isit -ou( A:1A And we a%so sent with hi# that ou* b*othe*! whose .*aise in the Good-News is in a%% the Cong*egations: A:1C 0nas#u1h as he %i;ewise has been eL.*ess%- 1hosen b- the Cong*egations! to #e with this gift&benefi1en1e

whi1h is gi3en-in-se*3i1e b- us to the g%o*- of E%ohi#&God and to ou* 1o*dia%it-&5sin1e*e&f*iend%- senti#ent&fee%ing>( A:)G And we he*eb- gua*ded! that no one shou%d 1ast 1ensu*e on us! in [E*es.e1t toF+ this abundan1e whi1h is gi3en-in-se*3i1e b- us( A:)1 Po* we a*e attenti3e to things 1o##endab%e! not on%- befo*e E%ohi#&God! but a%so befo*e #en( A:)) And we a%so sent with the# that b*othe* of ou*s! who has often! and in #an- things! been .*o3ed di%igent b- us: and is now .a*ti1u%a*- di%igent! f*o# the g*eat 1onfiden1e [Ehe hasF+ in -ou( A:)2 And the*efo*e! if Titus [Ebe inMui*ed aboutF+! he is #asso1iate and assistant a#ong -ou: o* if ou* othe* b*eth*en! the- a*e the E#issa*ies&56egates> of Cong*egations of the essiah>s g%o*-( A:)< The*efo*e! eLhibit -ou to the#! [R> and+-"A P' in the .*esen1e of a%% the Cong*egations! a de#onst*ation of -ou* %o3e and of ou* g%o*-ing *es.e1ting -ou( CHAPTER C C:1 @ And 1on1e*ning the a1tions-of-se*3ing b- the san1tifiedones! it wou%d be #o*e-than-*eMui*ed&eL1essi3e&su.e*f%uous fo* #e to w*ite to -ou: C:) Po* 0 ;now the goodness of -ou* #ind: and the*efo*e 0 g%o*ied of -ou befo*e the a1edonians! that A1haia was *ead- a -ea* ago: and -ou* Dea% has eL1ited #an-( C:2 Yet 0 sent the b*eth*en! %est the g%o*-ing with whi1h we ha3e g%o*ied in -ou in *ega*d to this #atte*! shou%d .*o3e 3ain: and that -ou! as 0 said! #a- be *ead-: C:< $o that! if the a1edonians shou%d 1o#e with #e! and shou%d find -ou un.*e.a*ed! we - not to sa-! -ou - shou%d be K.ut to sha#e fo* that g%o*-ing in whi1h we g%o*ied( K[EAFR>((( asha#ed of this >1onfident boasting>-[A> 1onfiden1e+(+ C:= The*efo*e 0 was 1a*efu% to *eMuest these #- b*eth*en! to go befo*e #e unto -ou! that the- #ight #a;e u. this gift& benefa1tion! of whi1h -ou we*e ad3ised %ong befo*e to ha3e it *ead-! as being a gift&benefa1tion! and not a #atte* of 1o3etousness&1u.idit-&5g*udging-ob%igation>( C:? And this [E0 sa-F+: He that sows s.a*ing%-! sha%% a%so *ea. s.a*ing%-: and he that sows bountifu%%-! sha%% a%so *ea. bountifu%%-( C:@ E3e*- #an! a11o*ding to his own 3iews! not with sadness! not b1o#.u%sion&fo*1e&1onst*aint: fo* the 6o*d %o3es a Oo-ous gi3e*( C:A Po* it is the .owe* of E%ohi#&God! to #a;e a%% good abound to -ou! so that -ou #a- ha3e! at a%% ti#es! and in e3e*- thing! what is suffi1ient fo* -ou: and #a- abound in e3e*- good wo*;( C:C As it is 4*itten! He has dis.e*sed and gi3en to the .oo*: and His *ighteousness&5tDeda;ah> is estab%ished fo* e3e*( C:1G Now [R> #a-+-"AP' He that gi3es seed to the sowe*! and b*ead fo* food! "R'-#a-&[A> wi%%+ He-"AR' gi3e and #u%ti.%- -ou* seed! and in1*ease the f*uits of -ou* *ighteousness&5tDeda;ah>:

C:11 $o that in e3e*- thing! -ou #a- be en*i1hed unto a%% gene*osit-& %ibe*a%it-&[$-*(&a%t> si#.%i1it-+! to the 1o#.%etion of ou* than;sgi3ing to E%ohi#&God( C:1) Po* the .e*fo*#an1e of this a1tion-of-se*3ing! not on%su..%ies the need of the san1tified-ones! but is a%so *i1h in #anthan;sgi3ings to E%ohi#&God( C:12 Po* on a11ount of the test of this a1tion-of-se*3ing! we g%o*ifE%ohi#! that -ou do subOe1t -ou*se%3es to the .*ofession of the Good-News of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and that in -ou* gene*osit-&%ibe*a%it-&[$-*(&a%t> si#.%i1it-+! -ou sha*e& 1o##uni1ate with the# and with a%% #en: C:1< And the- .ut u. .*a-e* fo* -ou! with #u1h %o3e! be1ause of the abundan1e of the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God that is u.on -ou( C:1= Than;s be to E%ohi#&God fo* His uns.ea;ab%e gift( CHAPTER 1G 1G:1 @ Now 0! $ha>u%! .%ead-with -ou! b- the #i%dness and gent%eness of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! - a%though 0 a# #i%d towa*ds -ou when .*esent! but bo%d towa*ds -ou when absentJ 1G:) Yet 0 .%ead-with of -ou that! when 0 1o#e! 0 #a- not be 1o#.e%%ed b- the bo%dness that is in #e to be da*ing! as 0 esti#ate it! towa*ds the .e*sons who thin; we wa%; a11o*ding to the f%esh( 1G:2 Po*! a%though we wa%; in the f%esh! ou* wa*fa*e is not afte* the f%esh( 1G:< Po* the a*#s of ou* wa*fa*e a*e not those of the f%esh! but those of the .owe* of E%ohi#&God&[$-*(&a%t> 8i3ine .owe*+: b- whi1h we subdue *ebe%%ious st*ongho%ds&1ast%es( 1G:= And we de#o%ish i#aginations! and e3e*- %oft- thing that eLa%ts itse%f against the ;now%edge of E%ohi#&God! and 1onMue*&subOugate &subdue a%% *easonings to obedien1e to Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1G:? And we a*e .*e.a*ed! when -ou* obedien1e sha%% be 1o#.%ete! to eLe1ute Oudge#ent on a%% the disobe-ing( 1G:@ 8o -ou %oo; on outwa*d a..ea*an1esI 0f an- one is 1onfident in hi#se%f that he is of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! %et hi# ;now! f*o# hi#se%f! that as he is of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! Kso a%so a*e we( K[R>(((! e3en so we Ea*eF essiah>s(+ K[A>(((! e3en as we a*e(+ 1G:A Po* if 0 shou%d g%o*- so#ewhat #o*e! in the autho*it- whi1h ou* 6o*d has gi3en #e! 0 shou%d not be asha#ed: fo* He ga3e "AR> it to' [PR+-us-"A' fo* [P+--ou*-"AR' edifi1ation! and not fo* -ou* dest*u1tion( 1G:C /ut 0 *ef*ain&fo*bea*! %est 0 shou%d be thought to te**if- -ou te**ib%-! b- #- %ette*s( 1G:1G Po* the*e a*e so#e who sa-! [EhisF+ %ette*s a*e weight- and fo*1ib%e! but his bodi%- .*esen1e&[$-*(> .*esen1e of his bod-+ is wea;! and his s.ee1h 1onte#.tib%e(

1G:11 /ut %et hi# who sa-s so! 1onside* this! that su1h as we a*e in ou* b--%ette* dis1ou*se! when absent! su1h a%so a*e we in a1tion! when .*esent( 1G:1) Po* we da*e not 3a%ue! o* 1o#.a*e ou*se%3es! with those who boast &b*ag: but the-! be1ause the- 1o#.a*e the#se%3es with the#se%3es! a*e not wise( 1G:12 /ut we wi%% not g%o*- be-ond ou* #easu*e&[$-*(&a%t> o* out of ou* .*o3in1e+! but within the #easu*e of the %i#its whi1h E%ohi#&God has i#.a*ted to us! that we shou%d *ea1h as fa* as -ou( 1G:1< Po* we do not st*et1h ou*se%3es! as if not *ea1hing to -ou: fo* we do *ea1h as fa* as -ou in the announ1ing&[P> annun1iation+ of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1G:1= And we do not g%o*- be-ond ou* #easu*e! in the toi% of othe*s: but we ha3e the ho.e! that when -ou* faith sha%% #atu*e! we sha%% be #agnified b- -ou! as [Ebeing withinF+ ou* #easu*e: 1G:1? And that we sha%% so abound a%so! as to #a;e announ1e#ents be-ond -ou( 0t is not in the #easu*e of othe*s! [EandF+ in things *ead.*e.a*ed! that we wi%% g%o*-( 1G:1@ /ut %et hi# that wi%% g%o*-! g%o*- in The-6o*d&Adonai( 1G:1A Po* not he who .*aises hi#se%f! is a..*o3ed: but he who# the 6o*d .*aises( CHAPTER 11 11:1 @ 0 wou%d that -ou 1ou%d bea* with #e a %itt%e! that 0 #ight ta%; foo%ish%-: and indeed! bea* -ou with #e( 11:) Po* 0 a# Oea%ous o3e* -ou! with a God%- Oea%ous-&[$-*(> a Oea%ous- of E%ohi#&God+: fo* 0 ha3e bet*othed&es.oused -ou to a husband as a 1haste 3i*gin! who# 0 wou%d .*esent to Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>( 11:2 /ut 0 fea*! %est! as the se*.ent begui%ed Cha3ah&5E3e> b- his 1*aftiness! so -ou* #inds shou%d be 1o**u.ted f*o# si#.%i1it[#> and .u*e de3otion+ towa*ds&[R> that is in+ Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 11:< Po* if he that 1o#es to -ou! had .*o1%ai#ed to -ou anothe* >Y5eshua! who# we ha3e not .*o1%ai#ed: of if -ou had *e1ei3ed anothe* >$5.i*it! whi1h -ou ha3e not *e1ei3ed: o* anothe* >G5ood>N5ews! whi1h -ou ha3e not a11e.ted: -ou #ight we%% ha3e gi3en ag*ee#ent&assent( 11:= Po* 0 su..ose! 0 1a#e not sho*t of those E#issa*ies&56egates> who #ost eL1e%( 11:? Po*! though 0 be *ude in s.ee1h! -et not in ;now%edge: but in a%% things we ha3e [PR+-been-"A' #anifest a#ong -ou( 11:@ 8id 0 indeed 1o##it&[$-*(> 1o##iting 1o##it+ an offen1e! bhu#b%ing #-se%f that -ou #ight be eLa%tedI and b.*o1%ai#ing the

Good-News of E%ohi#&God to -ou fo*-f*eeI 11:A And 0 *obbed othe* Cong*egations! and 0 too; .a- [Eof the#F+ fo* se*3ing to -ou( 11:C And when 0 1a#e a#ong -ou and was need-! 0 was bu*denso#e to none of -ou: fo* the b*eth*en who 1a#e f*o# a1edonia! su..%ied #needs&wants: and in a%% things 0 ;e.t #-se%f! - and 0 wi%% ;ee. #-se%f! f*o# being bu*denso#e to -ou( 11:1G As the T*uth of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> is in #e! this g%o*-ing sha%% not be #ade 3ain as to #e in the *egions of A1haia( 11:11 4h-I /e1ause 0 do not %o3e -ouI E%ohi#&God ;nows( 11:1) /ut what 0 do! that a%so 0 wi%% do: that 0 #a- 1ut off o11asion! f*o# the# who see; o11asion: so that in the thing whe*ein theg%o*-! the- #a- be found e3en as we( 11:12 Po* the- a*e fa%se >E5#issa*ies&>65egates! 1*aft- wo*;e*s! and .*etend&feign&si#u%ate the#se%3es to be 5E>#issa*ies&56>egates of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 11:1< And in this the*e is nothing st*ange( Po* if ha$atan .*etends& feigns&si#u%ates hi#se%f an ange% of 56>ight! 11:1= 0t is no g*eat thing if his se*3ants&#iniste*s feign&.*etend& si#u%ate the#se%3es se*3ants&#iniste*s of *ighteousness: whose end sha%% be a11o*ding to thei* wo*;s( 11:1? @ Again 0 sa-! %et no one thin; of #e! as being a foo%: of if othe*wise! *e1ei3e #e as a foo%! that 0 #a- g%o*- a %itt%e( 11:1@ 4hat 0 a# [EnowF+ sa-ing! 0 sa- not in ou* 6o*d! but as in fo%%-! in this #atte*&[$-*(&a%t> .%a1e+ of g%o*-ing( 11:1A /e1ause #an- g%o*- afte*&[$-*(&a%t> in+ the f%esh! 0 a%so wi%% g%o*-( 11:1C Po* -ou hea* with 5gi3ing wa- to the wishes of>&indu%gen1e the# who %a1; *eason! seeing -ou a*e wise( 11:)G And -ou gi3e ea* to hi#! who .uts -ou in bondage: and to hi#! who de3ou*s -ou: and to hi#! who ta;es f*o# -ou: and to hi#! who eLa%ts hi#se%f o3e* -ou: and to hi#! who s#ites -ou in the fa1e( 11:)1 0 s.ea; as if unde* 1onte#.t: 0 s.ea; as if we we*e wea;! th*ough defi1ien1- of unde*standing: that in whate3e* thing an- one is .*esu#ing&[$-*(&a%t> bo%d&da*ing+! 0 a%so a# .*esu#ing&bo%d( 11:)) 0f the- a*e Heb*ews! so 0 a%so: of if the- a*e 0s*ae%ites! 0 a%so( 0f the- a*e the seed of A3*aha#! 0 a%so( 11:)2 0f the- a*e se*3ants of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! Tin defe1t&%a1; of unde*standing! 0 sa- it!T 0 a# su.e*io* to the#: in toi%s #o*e than the-! in st* #o*e than the-! in bonds #o*e than the-! in deaths #an- ti#es( 11:)< /- the Uews! fi3e ti#es was 0 s1ou*ged! ea1h ti#e with fo*tst* sa3e one( 11:)= Th*ee ti#es was 0 beaten with *ods: at one ti#e 0 was stoned: th*ee ti#es 0 was in shi.w*e1;! b- da- and b- night: 0 ha3e been in the sea! without a shi.(

11:)? 0n Oou*ne-ings #an-! in .e*i% b- *i3e*s! in .e*i% b- *obbe*s! in .e*i% f*o# #- ;ind*ed! in .e*i% f*o# genti%es&go-i#: 0 ha3e been in .e*i% in 1ities: 0 ha3e been in .e*i% in the dese*t! in .e*i% in the sea! in .e*i% f*o# fa%se b*eth*en( 11:)@ 0n toi% and #u1h wea*iness! in #u1h wat1hing! in hunge* and thi*st! in #u1h fasting! in 1o%d and na;edness: 11:)A /esides #an- othe* things! and the 1*owding&th*onging a*ound #e e3e*- da-! and #- dee.-1on1e*n fo* a%% the Cong*egations( 11:)C 4ho be1o#es wea;! and 0 be1o#e not wea;I 4ho is stu#b%ed&5fa%%en into sin>! and 0 bu*n not Ewith indignationFI 11:2G 0f 0 #ust g%o*-! 0 wi%% g%o*- in #- infi*#ities( 11:21 E%ohi#&God! the Pathe* of ou* 6o*d Yeshua "#'Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! b%essed fo* e3e* and e3e*! - He ;nows that 0 %ie not( 11:2) At 8a##ese;! the 1o##ande* of the a*#- of A*etas the ;ing! gua*ded the 1it- of the 8a#ase;enes! to seiDe #e( 11:22 And f*o# a window! in a bas;et! the- %et #e down f*o# the wa%%! and 0 es1a.ed f*o# his hands( CHAPTER 1) 1):1 KG%o*-ing #ust be! but it is not .*ofitab%e: so 0 .*e1eed to 3isions and *e3e%ations of ou* 6o*d( K[R> 0t is doubt%ess not .*ofitab%e fo* #e to boast: (((+ K[A> 0t is ne1essa*-! though not .*ofitab%e to boast: (((+ 1):) 0 ;new a #an in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> fou*teen -ea*s ago! Tbut whethe* in a bod-! o* whethe* out of a bod-! 0 ;now not: E%ohi#& God ;nows:T who was 1aught u. to the Thi*d [E*egionF+ of Hea3en( 1):2 And 0 ;new this sa#e #an: Tbut whethe* in a bod-! o* out of a bod-! 0 ;now not: E%ohi#&God ;nows:T 1):< And he was 1aught u. to Pa*adise&5Gan-Eden>! and hea*d ineffab%e& ineL.*essib%e&5too o3e*whe%#ing to be eL.*essed> wo*ds! whi1h it is not .e*#itted a #an to s.ea;&utte*( 1):= 7f hi#&[$-*(&a%t> of this thing+ 0 wi%% g%o*-: but of #-se%f 0 wi%% not g%o*-! eL1e.t in #- infi*#ities( 1):? Yet if 0 we*e dis.osed to g%o*-! 0 shou%d not be without *eason: fo* 0 de1%a*e the T*uth( /ut 0 *ef*ain! %est an- one shou%d thin; of #e! be-ond what he sees in #e and hea*s f*o# #e( 1):@ And that 0 #ight not be u.%ifted&eLa%ted b- the eL1e%%en1-& [$-*(& a%t> abundan1e+ of the *e3e%ations! the*e was i#.a*ted to #e a tho*n in #- f%esh! the ange% of ha$atan! to buffet #e! that 0 #ight not be u.%ifted&eLa%ted( 1):A Res.e1ting this! 0 th*ee-ti#es ea*nest%--.%eaded-with #6o*d! that it #ight de.a*t f*o# #e( 1):C And He said to #e! - g*a1e is enough&adeMuate&suffi1ient fo* -ou: fo* [PR+- --"A' .owe* is .e*fe1ted in wea;ness( G%ad%-! the*efo*e! wi%% 0 g%o*- in #- infi*#ities! that the .owe* of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> #a- *est u.on #e( 1):1G The*efo*e 0 ha3e .%easu*e in infi*#ities! in *e.*oa1h! in aff%i1tions! in .e*se1utions! in dist*esses! whi1h a*e fo* The essiah>s sa;e: fo* when 0 a# wea;! then a# 0 st*ong( 1):11 /eho%d! 0 ha3e be1o#e foo%ish "A'->in #- g%o*-ing&[R> in

boasting+>! fo* -ou 1o#.e%%ed #e( Po* -ou ought to bea* witness fo* #e: be1ause 0 was infe*io* in nothing to those E#issa*ies& 56egates> who #ost eL1e%! a%though 0 was nothing( 1):1) 0 w*ought a#ong -ou the signs of the E#issa*ies&56egates>! with a%% .atien1e: and in eLt*ao*dina*--signs&.*odigies! and in wonde*s! and in #ight- deeds( 1):12 Po* in what fe%% -ou sho*t of the othe* Cong*egations! eL1e.t in this! that 0 was not bu*denso#e to -ouI Po*gi3e #e this fau%t( 1):1< /eho%d! this thi*d ti#e 0 a# *ead- to 1o#e to -ou! and 0 wi%% not bu*den -ou: fo* 0 see; not -ou*s! but -ou: fo* 1hi%d*en ought not to %a- u. t*easu*es fo* the .a*ents! but the .a*ents fo* thei* 1hi%d*en( 1):1= And 1hee*fu%%- wi%% 0 both .a- [E#-F+ eL.enses! and a%so gi3e #-se%f fo* -ou* sou%s: a%though the #o*e 0 %o3e -ou! the %ess -ou %o3e #e( 1):1? /ut .e*ha.s! though 0 was not bu*denso#e to -ou! -et! %i;e a 1unning #an! 0 .i%fe*ed&f%i1hed f*o# -ou b- 1*aftinessJ 1):1@ 4as it b- the hand of so#e othe* .e*son who# 0 sent to -ou! that 0 .i%fe*ed f*o# -ouI 1):1A 0 *eMuested Titus! and with hi# 0 sent the b*eth*en: did Titus .i%fe* an- thing f*o# -ouI 8id we not wa%; in one s.i*it! and in the sa#e ste.sI 1):1C @ K8o -ou again su..ose! that we wou%d a.o%ogiDe to -ouI /efo*e E%ohi#&God! in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> we s.ea;: and a%% things! #- be%o3ed! [Ea*eF+ fo* the sa;e of -ou* edifi1ation( K[R> Again! do -ou thin; that we eL1use (((+ K[A> You ha3e been thin;ing fo* a %ong ti#e that we eL1use (((+ 1):)G Po* 0 fea*! %est 0 shou%d 1o#e to -ou and not find -ou su1h as 0 wou%d wish: and %est 0 a%so shou%d be found b- -ou! su1h as -ou wou%d not wish: %est [Ethe*e shou%d beF+ 1ontention! and en3-ing! and ange*! and stubbo*nness&obstina1-! and s%ande*ing! and #u*#u*ing! and insu%ting&inso%en1e! and 1o##otion: 1):)1 6est! when 0 1o#e to -ou! #- God shou%d hu#b%e #e: and 0 shou%d #ou*n o3e* #an-! who ha3e sinned! and ha3e not *e.ented of the i#.u*it-! the who*edo#! and the %ustfu%ness&%as1i3iousness! whi1h the- ha3e 1o##itted( CHAPTER 12 12:1 This is the thi*d ti#e that 0 ha3e .*e.a*ed to 1o#e to -ou: that! b- the #outh of two o* th*ee witnesses! e3e*- wo*d&[$-*(&a%t> thing+ #a- be estab%ished( 12:) 0 ha3e befo*e said to -ou! and again 0 sa- to -ou befo*ehand! Tas a%so 0 said to -ou a se1ond ti#e! whi%e 0 was with -ou: and now a%so! whi%e absent! "A> 0 w*ite'-[PR+ to those who ha3e sinned and to the othe*s!T that if 0 1o#e again! 0 wi%% not s.a*e: 12:2 /e1ause -ou de#and .*oof! that it is Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> that s.ea;s b- #e! who has not been .owe*%ess a#ong -ou!

but .owe*fu% a#ong -ou( 12:< Po*! though He was eLe1uted-on-a-sta;e&51*u1ified> in wea;ness! -et He %i3es with&[$-*(&a%t> in+ the .owe* of E%ohi#&God( 4e a%so a*e wea; [P#+-with-[AR> in+ Hi#: -et we a*e a%i3e with Hi#! b- that .owe* of E%ohi#&God whi1h is a#ong -ou( 12:= ELa#ine -ou*se%3es! whethe* -ou stand in the Paith: .*o3e -ou*se%3es( 8o -ou not a1;now%edge that Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> is in -ouI And if [EHe isF+ not! -ou a*e *e.*obates& 5de.*a3ed .e*sons>&disMua%ified&5*eOe1ted-b--God>( 12:? /ut! 0 t*ust! -ou wi%% ;now that we a*e not *e.*obates&5de.*a3ed .e*sons>&disMua%ified&5*eOe1ted-b--God>( 12:@ And [AP+-0&[A> we+ .%ead-with E%ohi#&God! that the*e #a- be no e3i% in -ou: so that the .*oof of us #a- a..ea*: and -et! that -ou #a- be doe*s of good things! though we be Ew*ongfu%%1onside*edF as *e.*obates&disMua%ified( 12:A Po* we 1an do nothing against the T*uth! but [Eon%-F+ fo* the T*uth( 12:C And we *eOoi1e! when we a*e wea; and -ou a*e st*ong( And this a%so we .*a- fo*! that -ou #a- be .e*fe1ted( 12:1G The*efo*e! whi%e absent! 0 w*ite these things: %est when 0 1o#e! 0 shou%d a1t with se3e*it-! a11o*ding to the autho*it- whi1h #6o*d has gi3en #e fo* -ou* edifi1ation! and not fo* -ou* dest*u1tion( 12:11 Pina%%-! #- b*eth*en! *eOoi1e! and be .e*fe1ted! and be 1o#fo*ted: and #a- ha*#on- and Muietness be a#ong -ou: and the God of %o3e and of sha%o#&.ea1e wi%% be with -ou( 12:1) G*eet one anothe*! with a ho%- ;iss( 12:12 A%% the san1tified-ones g*eet -ou( 12:1< The sha%o#&.ea1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and the %o3e of E%ohi#&God! and the 1o##union of Rua1hHaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it> be with -ou a%%( A#aine( KEP> Has both 3e*se 12 and 1< togethe* as 3e*se 12(F [P> End of the $e1ond 6ette* to the Co*inthians: whi1h was w*itten f*o# Phi%i..i of a1edonia! and was sent b- the hands of Titus(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: Ga%atians( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To The Ga%atians XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u%! a E#issa*-&56egate>! not f*o# #en! not b- #an! but bYeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and E%ohi#&God His Pathe*! who *aised Hi# f*o# the dead: 1:) And a%% the b*eth*en who a*e with #e: unto the Cong*egations whi1h a*e in Ga%atia( 1:2 G*a1e be with -ou! and sha%o#&.ea1e! f*o# E%ohi#&God the& [#> ou*+ Pathe*! and "#'-f*o#&[R>EF+ "#'-ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: 1:< 4ho ga3e Hi#se%f fo* ou* sins! that He #ight de%i3e* us f*o# this e3i% wo*%d! ag*eeab%- to the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God the Pathe*: 1:= To who# be g%o*- fo*e3e* and e3e*( A#aine&5A#en>( 1:? K0 ad#i*e&[R> #a*3e%+! Khow soon -ou ha3e tu*ned f*o# Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! who 1a%%ed -ou b- His g*a1e! unto anothe* goodnews: K[R>(((! that -ou a*e so soon *e#o3ed f*o# Hi# that 1a%%ed -ou into the g*a1e "#> of essiah' unto anothe* goodnews:+ 1:@ - 4hi1h does not eList! eL1e.t as the*e a*e so#e who wou%d disMuiet -ou! and a*e in1%ined&dis.osed to .e*3e*t the GoodNews of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:A /ut if we! o* an ange% f*o# Hea3en! Kshou%d announ1e to -ou diffe*ent%- f*o# what we ha3e announ1ed to -ou! %et hi# be a11u*sed( K[R>(((! .*o1%ai# an- othe* good-news "#> unto -ou' than that whi1h (((+ 1:C As 0 ha3e Oust said! and now 0 again sa- it! that if an- one announ1e to -ou diffe*ent%- f*o# what -ou *e1ei3ed! %et hi# be a11u*sed( 1:1G Po* do 0 now .e*suade #en! o* E%ohi#&GodI 7* do 0 see; to .%ease #enI Po* if 0 had ti%% now .%eased #en! 0 shou%d not ha3e been a se*3ant of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:11 @ /ut 0 #a;e ;nown to -ou! #- b*eth*en! that the GoodNews

announ1ed b- #e! was not f*o# #an( 1:1) Po* 0 did not *e1ei3e 0t and %ea*n 0t f*o# #an! but [E0 had 0tF+ b- *e3e%ation f*o# Yeshua Ha ashai1h&5The essiah>( 1:12 Po* -ou ha3e hea*d of #- fo*#e* 1ou*se of %ife in Ethat fo*# ofF Uudais#! that 0 .e*se1uted the Cong*egation of E%ohi#&God eL1eeding%-! and Ewou%d ha3eF dest*o-ed it: 1:1< And that 0 went #u1h fa*the* in EthatF Uudais# than #an- of #1onte#.o*a*ies who we*e of #- Nation! and was eL1eeding%-& [P> .e1u%ia*%-+ Dea%ous fo* the do1t*ine&tea1hing of #- fathe*s( 1:1= /ut when it .%eased Hi#&[R> God+! who se.a*ated #e f*o# ##othe*>s wo#b! and 1a%%ed #e b- His g*a1e! 1:1? To *e3ea% His $on b-&[$-*(&a%t> in+ #e! that 0 shou%d .*o1%ai# Hi# a#ong the Go-i#&Genti%es: i##ediate%-! 0 did not o.en it to f%esh and b%ood: 1:1@ No* did 0 go to Ye*usha%a-i#! to the# who we*e E#issa*ies& 56egates> befo*e #e: but 0 went into A*abia! and *etu*ned again to 8a##ese;: 1:1A And afte* th*ee -ea*s! 0 went to Ye*usha%a-i# to see [AEPF> Ce.has+&Befa&[R> Pete*+! and 0 *e#ained with hi# fifteen da-s( 1:1C /ut othe*s of the E#issa*ies&56egates> 0 saw not! eL1e.t Ya,a;o3 ou* 6o*d>s b*othe*( 1:)G 0n the things whi1h 0 a# w*iting to -ou! beho%d! befo*e E%ohi#& GodJ 0 %ie not( 1:)1 And afte* that! 0 went to the *egions of $-*ia and Ci%i1ia( 1:)) And the Cong*egations in Y>hudah whi1h we*e in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! did not ;now #e .e*sona%%-&[$-*(&a%t> b- fa1e+: 1:)2 /ut this on%- had the- hea*d! that he who befo*e .e*se1uted us! now .*o1%ai#s that Paith whi1h in ti#e .*e1eding he sub3e*ted& 5t*ied to dest*o->( 1:)< And the- g%o*ified E%ohi#&God in&[$-*(&a%t> on a11ount of+ #e( CHAPTER ) ):1 @ And again! afte* fou*teen -ea*s! 0 went u. to Ye*usha%a-i# with /a*-Nabba: and 0 too; with #e Titus( ):) And 0 went u. b- *e3e%ation: and 0 eL.%ained to the# the GoodNews whi1h 0 announ1e a#ong the Go-i#&Genti%es: and 0 stated 0t to the# who we*e estee#ed .*o#inent&[$-*(> to be so#ething+! between #-se%f and the#&[$-*(&a%t> .*i3ate%-+: %est 0 shou%d ha3e *un! o* #ight *un in 3ain( ):2 A%so Titus! who was with #e! and was a Go-i#&Genti%e-&[$-*(> A*a#aean+! was not 1o#.e%%ed to be 1i*1u#1ised Ein /*iti%ahF( ):< And in *ega*d to the fa%se b*eth*en! who had 1*e.t in to s.out the %ibe*t- we ha3e in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! in o*de* to b*ing #e unde* subOe1tion: ):= KNot fo* the s.a1e of an hou*! did we th*ow ou*se%3es into subOe1tion to the#: so that the T*uth of the Good-News #ight

*e#ain with -ou( K[#> to who# we did not-"#' -ie%d fo* a #o#ent+ ):? And the- who we*e estee#ed .*o#inent&[$-*(&a%t> to be so#ething+! Twhat the- we*e! 0 1a*ed not: fo* E%ohi#&God *ega*ds not the .e*sons of #en!T - e3en these .e*sons added nothing to #e( ):@ /ut! othe*wise: fo* the- saw! that the Good-News of the Sn1i*1u#1ision was ent*usted to #e! as to Befa was ent*usted that of the Ci*1u#1ision( ):A Po* He that was o.e*ati3e with Befa in the E#issa*-shi.& 56egateshi.> of the Ci*1u#1ision! was a%so o.e*ati3e with #e in the E#issa*--shi.&56egateshi.> of the Go-i#&Genti%es( ):C And Ya,a;o3! Befa! and Yo1hanan! who we*e a11ounted .i%%a*s! when the- .e*1ei3ed the g*a1e that was gi3en to #e! ga3e to #e and /a*-Nabba the *ight hand of fe%%owshi.: that we [Eshou%d %abo*F+ a#ong the Go-i#&Genti%es! and the- a#ong the Ci*1u#1ision( ):1G 7n%- [Ethe- desi*edF+ that we wou%d be #indfu% of the need-: and 0 was 3e*--eage* to do the sa#e( ):11 @ /ut when [R> $hi#,on+&Befa-[AP+ was 1o#e to Antio1h! 0 *ebu;ed hi# to his fa1e: be1ause the- we*e stu#b%ed&5#ade to stu#b%e> bhi#( ):1) Po* befo*e [#> a+ 1e*tain one[s 5#+ 1a#e f*o#& [G*(&a%t>de.a*ting+ Ethe Cong*egation %ed b-F Ya>a;o3! he ate with the Go-i#& Genti%es: but when the--[#> he+ 1a#e! he withd*ew hi#se%f! and se.a*ated: be1ause he was af*aid of the# of the 1i*1u#1ision( ):12 And the *est of the E essiani1F Uews a%so we*e with hi# in this thing: inso#u1h that e3en /a*-Nabba was .e*suaded to *ega*d .e*sons( ):1< And when 0 saw! that the- did not wa%; 1o**e1t%-! in the T*uth of the Good-News! 0 said to Befa! befo*e the# a%%: 0f -ou a*e a Uew! and %i3e in the Genti%e&Go- wa-! and not in the Uewish! whdo -ou 1o#.e% the Genti%es&Go-i# to %i3e in the Uewish wa-I ):1= Po* if we! who a*e Uews b- natu*e! and a*e not sinne*s of the genti%es&go-i#! ):1? /e1ause we ;now that a #an is not #ade Oust&[$-*(&a%t> Oustified+ b- the E%ega%is# in .*es1*i.ti3e use ofF wo*;s of the To*ah! but b- faith in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: - e3en we ha3e be%ie3ed in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! in o*de* to be #ade Oust b- faith in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and not b- the E%ega%isti1 .*es1*i.ti3e use ofF wo*;s of the To*ah: fo*! b- the E.*es1*i.ti3e %ega%isti1 use ofF deeds of the To*ah! no f%esh is #ade Oust( KE$ee 1o##enta*-: Ga%():1?!1A!)1 R 2:2: and UNT 0nt*odu1tion @ .g( LLi3(F ):1@ And if! whi%e we see; to be1o#e Oust b- Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! we a*e found to be ou*se%3es sinne*s! is Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> the*efo*e the se*3ant of sinI - Pa* be itJ ):1A Po* if 0 shou%d bui%d u. again the things 0 had de#o%ished! 0

shou%d show #-se%f to be a t*ansg*esso* of the .*e1e.t( ):1C Po* 0! b- the To*ah! ha3e be1o#e dead to the To*ah! that 0 #ight %i3e to E%ohi#&God: and 0 a# eLe1uted-on-thesta;e&51*u1ified> with Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ):)G And f*o#-this-.oint-on it is no #o*e 0 who %i3e! but Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah> %i3es in #e: and the %ife 0 now %i3e in the f%esh! 0 %i3e b- faith in the $on of E%ohi#&God! who %o3ed #e and ga3e Hi#se%f fo* #e( ):)1 0 do not .ush-awa- the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God( Po* if *ighteousness is b- #eans of the To*ah! Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> died in 3ain( CHAPTER 2 2:1 7 -ou Ga%atians! defi1ient&%a1;ing in unde*standingJ 4ho has fas1inated&[R> bewit1hed+ -ou "AP'-[R> that -ou shou%d not obethe t*uth+I KPo* beho%d! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has been .o*t*a-ed as in a .i1tu*e! eLe1uted-on-a-.e*se1utionsta;e& 51*u1ified> befo*e -ou* e-es( K[EAFR>(((I /efo*e whose e-es Yeshua essiah was 1%ea*%.o*t*a-ed "A> a#ong -ou' as eLe1uted-on-a-.e*se1utionsta;e& 51*u1ified>(+ 2:) This on%- wou%d 0 %ea*n f*o# -ou! 4as it b- E%ega%isti1 .*es1*i.ti3e use ofF wo*;s of the To*ah! that -ou *e1ei3ed the Rua1h&$.i*itI o* b- the hea*ing of faithI KE$ee 1o##enta*-: Ga%():1?!1A!)1 R 2:2: and UNT 0nt*odu1tion @ .g( LLi3(F 2:2 A*e -ou so foo%ish! that ha3ing begun in the Rua1h&$.i*it! -ou now wou%d finish in the f%eshI 2:< And ha3e -ou bo*ne a%% these things in 3ainI >And 0 wou%d! it we*e&[R> if Eit isF -et+> in 3ainJ 2:= He the*efo*e who gi3es the Rua1h&$.i*it in -ou! and who wo*;s #i*a1%es a#ong -ou! [Edoes He these thingsF+ b- the E%ega%isti1 .*es1*i.ti3e use ofF deeds of the To*ahI o* b- the hea*ing of faithI KE$ee 1o##enta*-: Ga%():1?!1A!)1 R 2:2: and UNT 0nt*odu1tion @ .g( LLi3(F 2:? 0n %i;e #anne* A3*aha# be%ie3ed E%ohi#&God! and it was a11ounted to hi# fo* *ighteousness( 2:@ Bnow -ou! the*efo*e! that those who a*e of faith! the- a*e the 1hi%d*en of A3*aha#( 2:A Po*! be1ause E%ohi#&God ;new befo*ehand that the Genti%es&Go-i# wou%d >be #ade Oust>-&[$-*(&a%t> be Oustified+ b- faith! He .*eannoun1ed it to A3*aha#: as sa-s the Ho%$1*i.tu*e&Tana;h! 0n thee sha%% a%% nations be b%essed( 2:C /e%ie3e*s! the*efo*e! it is! who a*e b%essed with be%ie3ing A3*aha#( 2:1G Po* the- who a*e of Ethose de.ending on thei* %ega%isti1 use ofF the deeds of the To*ah! a*e unde* the 1u*se: fo* it is 4*itten

Ein To*ahF! Cu*sed is e3e*- one who sha%% not do e3e*- thing 4*itten in this To*ah( 2:11 And that no one be1o#es-Oust&[$-*(&a%t> is Oustified+ befo*e E%ohi#&God! b- E%ega%isti1-.e*s1*i.ti3e use ofF the To*ah! is #anifest: be1ause it is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF! The Oust b- faith! sha%% 6i3e&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+( KE$ee 1o##enta*-: Ga%(2:2 R ):1?!1A!)1: and UNT 0nt*odu1tion @ .g( LLi3(F 2:1) Now the E%ega%isti1-.e*s1*i.ti3e use ofF To*ah is not of faith: but! whoe3e* sha%% do the things 4*itten in 0t! sha%% %i3e bthe#( KE$ee 1o##enta*-: Ga%(2:2 R ):1?!1A!)1: and UNT 0nt*odu1tion @ .g( LLi3(F 2:12 /ut Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has *edee#ed us f*o# the 1u*se of Eb*ea;ingF the To*ah! and has been a 1u*se fo* us: Tfo* it is 4*itten Ein To*ahF! Cu*sed is e3e*- one that is hanged on a t*ee:T 2:1< That the b%essing of A3*aha# #ight be on the Go-i#&Genti%es! th*ough Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: that we #ight *e1ei3e the .*o#ise of the Rua1h&$.i*it b- faith( 2:1= @ - b*eth*en! 0 s.ea; as a#ong #en: a #an>s 1o3enant whi1h is 1onfi*#ed! no one sets aside! o* 1hanges an- thing in it( 2:1? Now to A3*aha# was the .*o#ise #ade! and to his $eed( And it said to hi#! not! to -ou* seeds! as being #an-: but to -ou* $eed! as being one! whi1h is Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:1@ And this 0 sa-: That the Co3enant whi1h was .*e3ious%1onfi*#ed b- E%ohi#&God [PR+-"A> in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>'! the To*ah whi1h was fou* hund*ed and thi*t- -ea*s afte*! 1annot set it aside! and nu%%if- the .*o#ise( 2:1A And if the inhe*itan1e we*e b- the To*ah! it wou%d not be b.*o#ise: but E%ohi#&God ga3e it to A3*aha# b- .*o#ise( 2:1C 4hat then is the To*ahI 0t was added on a11ount of t*ansg*ession! unti% that $eed shou%d 1o#e! to who# be%onged the .*o#ise: and the To*ah gi3en b- ange%s th*ough a inte*1esso*&5gobetween>( 2:)G Now a inte*1esso*&5go-between> is not of EOustF one: but E%ohi#& God is 7ne( 2:)1 0s the To*ah then o..osed to the .*o#ise of E%ohi#&GodI Pa* be itJ Po* if a to*ah had been gi3en! whi1h 1ou%d #a;e-a%i3e& [$-*(&a%t> sa3e+! 1e*tain%-! *ighteousness wou%d ha3e been bthe To*ah( 2:)) /ut the $1*i.tu*e&Tana;h has en1%osed a%% unde* sin! that the .*o#ise b- faith in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> #ight be gi3en to the# that be%ie3e( 2:)2 /ut befo*e the Paith 1a#e! the To*ah Mua*ded us en1%osed unto the

Paith that was to be *e3ea%ed( 2:)< - The To*ah! the*efo*e! was a #onito*&[G*(E2AG@F> guide+ fo* us unto Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! that we #ight be1o#e Oust& [$-*(& a%t> Oustified+ b- faith( 2:)= /ut the Paith ha3ing 1o#e! we a*e not unde* the #onito*&[G*( E2AG@F> guide+( 2:)? Po* -ou a*e a%% the 1hi%d*en of E%ohi#&God! b- faith in Yeshua Ha ashia1h( 2:)@ Po* the- who ha3e been i##e*sed into Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! ha3e .ut on Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:)A The*e is neithe* Uew no* Genti%e&Go-i#&[R> G*ee;+! neithe* s%a3e no* f*ee-bo*n! neithe* #a%e no* fe#a%e: fo* -ou a*e a%% one in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:)C And if -ou a*e the essiah>s! then a*e -ou the seed of A3*aha#! and hei*s b- the .*o#ise( CHAPTER < <:1 @ /ut 0 sa-! that the hei*! so %ong as he is a 1hi%d! diffe*s not f*o# a se*3ant! a%though he is %o*d of a%%: <:) /ut he is unde* su.e*3iso*s and stewa*ds! unti% the ti#e estab%ished b- his fathe*( <:2 $o a%so we! whi%e we we*e 1hi%d*en! we*e in subOe1tion& subo*dination unde* the e%e#ents of the wo*%d( <:< /ut when the 1o#.%etion of the ti#e a**i3ed! E%ohi#&God sent fo*th His $on: and He was f*o# a wo#an! and was unde* the To*ah: <:= That He #ight *edee# the# that we*e unde* the To*ah: and that we #ight *e1ei3e the ado.tion of sons( <:? And! be1ause -ou a*e sons! E%ohi#&God has sent fo*th the Rua1h& $.i*it of His $on into -ou* hea*ts! who 1*ies! KPathe*! ou* Pathe*( K[R>(((! Abba! Pathe*(+ <:@ 4he*efo*e! -ou a*e no %onge* se*3ants! but sons: and if sons! then hei*s [PR+-of&[A> th*ough+ E%ohi#&God! [PERF+-"A> th*ough Yeshua-"R' Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>'( <:A Po* then! when -ou ;new not E%ohi#&God! -ou se*3ed the# who in thei* natu*e a*e not gods( <:C /ut now! sin1e -ou ha3e ;nown E%ohi#&God! - o* *athe*! ha3e been ;nown b- E%ohi#&God! -ou tu*n -ou*se%3es again to the wea; and begga*%- e%e#ents! and wish again to be unde* the#J <:1G You obse*3e da-s and #oons! and set ti#es! and -ea*sJ <:11 0 a# af*aid! %est 0 ha3e %abo*ed a#ong -ou in 3ain( <:1) /e -ou %i;e #e: be1ause 0 ha3e been %i;e -ou( - b*eth*en! 0 .%ead-with -ou( You ha3e not inOu*ed #e at a%%( <:12 Po* -ou ;now! that unde* the infi*#it- of #- f%esh! 0 at fi*st announ1ed the Good-News to -ou: <:1< And the t*ia% in #- f%esh! -ou did not des.ise no* %oathe: but -ou *e1ei3ed #e as an ange%&5#essenge*> of E%ohi#&God! and as Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( <:1= [AP+-4he*e&[R> 4hat+ then is -ou* b%essednessI Po* 0 testifof -ou! that if it had been .ossib%e! -ou wou%d ha3e K>.%u1;ed out

-ou* own e-es! and ha3e gi3en the# to #e>( KEa%t(Eidio#F> gi3en u. e3e*-thing fo* #e(F <:1? Ha3e 0 be1o#e an ene#- to -ou! b- .*o1%ai#ing to -ou the T*uthI <:1@ The- a*e Dea%ous towa*ds -ou! -et not fo* good: but the- wish to shut -ou u.! that -ou #a- be Dea%ous towa*ds the#( <:1A And it is a good thing to be Dea%ous at a%% ti#es in good things: and not #e*e%- when 0 a# .*esent with -ou( <:1C @ [EYou a*eF+ #- 1hi%d*en! of who# 0 %abo*&t*a3ai% in bi*th again! ti%% Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> be fo*#ed in -ou( <:)G And 0 1ou%d wish to be now with -ou! and to 1hange the tone of #3oi1e: be1ause 0 a# astonished at -ou( <:)1 Te%% #e! -ou who desi*e to be unde* 5%ega%isti1 .*es1*i.ti3e use of> the To*ah! do -ou not hea* the To*ahI KE$ee 1o##enta*-: Ga%():1?!1A!)1 R 2:2: and UNT 0nt*odu1tion @ .g( LLi3(F <:)) Po* it is 4*itten Ein To*ahF! that A3*aha# had two sons! one bthe bond#aid! and one b- the f*ee wo#an( <:)2 /ut he that was b- the bond#aid! was bo*n afte* the f%esh: and he that was b- the f*ee wo#an! was b- the .*o#ise( <:)< And these a*e a%%ego*i1a%&[$-*(> a%%ego*ies+ Eas b- a #id*ashF of [PR+-the-"A ' two Co3enants: fo* the one f*o# #ount $inai! whi1h b*ought fo*th the bondage! is Haga*( <:)= Po* KHaga* is the #ount $inai in A*abia! and 1o**es.onds with the .*esent Ye*usha%a-i#! and is se*3ing in bondage! she and he* 1hi%d*en( K[#>((( $inai is a #ountain in A*abia! (((+ <:)? /ut the Ye*usha%a-i# Abo3e! is the f*ee wo#an! who is the #othe* of us( <:)@ Po* it is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF! /e Oo-fu%! thou ba**en! who bea*s not: eLa%t and shout! -ou who ha3e not t*a3ai%ed: fo* #o*e nu#e*ous a*e the 1hi%d*en of the deso%ate than the 1hi%d*en of the #a**ied wo#an( <:)A @ Now we&[#> -ou+! #- b*ethe*n! %i;e YitD1ha;! a*e the 1hi%d*en of the .*o#ise( <:)C And as then! he that was bo*n afte* the f%esh! .e*se1uted hi# [Ewho was bo*nF+ of the Rua1h&$.i*it: so a%so [Eis itF+ now( <:2G /ut what sa-s the $1*i.tu*e Ein To*ahFI Cast out the bond#aid! and he* son: be1ause the son of the bond#aid sha%% not inhe*it with the son of the f*ee wo#an( <:21 $o then! #- b*eth*en! we a*e not sons of the bond-wo#an! but sons of the f*ee wo#an( CHAPTER = =:1 $tand fast! the*efo*e! in the %ibe*t- with whi1h Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has #ade us f*ee: and be not subOe1ted again to the -o;e of bondage(

=:) /eho%d! 0 $ha>u% sa- to -ou! That if -ou be1o#e 1i*1u#1ised! Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> is of no ad3antage to -ou( =:2 - And again! 0 testif- to e3e*- one Eof -ou Genti%e #enF who be1o#es 1i*1u#1ised Ein /*it- i%ahF! that he is bound to 1a**-out&obe- the who%e To*ah( =:< You ha3e *enoun1ed Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! -ou who see; Oustifi1ation b- the E%ega%isti1-.*es1*i.ti3e use ofF To*ah: and -ou ha3e fa%%en-f*o#&[P> a.ostatiDed+ f*o# g*a1e( KE$ee 1o##enta*-: Ga%():1?!1A!)1 R 2:2: and UNT 0nt*odu1tion @ .g( LLi3(F =:= Po* we! th*ough the Rua1h&$.i*it! whi1h is f*o# faith! a*e waiting fo* the ho.e of *ighteousness( =:? Po*! in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> Yeshua! 1i*1u#1ision is nothing! neithe* is un1i*1u#1ision! but the faith that is .e*fe1ted b%o3e( =:@ You did *un we%%: who has inte**u.ted -ou! that -ou a11e.t-R*est not in the T*uthI =:A The in1%ination&[P> bias+ of -ou* #ind is not f*o# Hi# who 1a%%ed -ou( =:C A %itt%e 1ha#etD&%ea3en %ea3ens the who%e #ass( =:1G 0 ent*ust&51onfide>&[R> ha3e 1onfiden1e+ in -ou th*ough ou* 6o*d! that -ou wi%% ente*tain no othe* thoughts( And that he that t*oub%es&disMuiets -ou! sha%% bea* his Oudge#ent! whoe3e* he #abe( =:11 And 0! #- b*eth*en! if 0 sti%% .*o1%ai#ed K1i*1u#1ision! whshou%d 0 suffe* .e*se1utionI Has the offensi3eness of the .e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss> 1easedI K5((( 1i*1u#1ision Eas ne1essa*- fo* Go-i#&Genti%es! who>3e 1o#e to GodF! wh- shou%d 0 suffe* .e*se1ution Esti%% - bthose who do *eMui*e thisFI Has the (((>-E$ee A1ts 1=:1-F =:1) /ut 0 wou%d! that the- who t*oub%e&disMuiet -ou! we*e a1tua%%1ut off&[$-*(> 1utting we*e 1ut off+( =:12 @ And -ou! #- b*eth*en! ha3e been 1a%%ed into %ibe*t-: on%%et not -ou* %ibe*t- be an o11asion to the f%esh: but! b- %o3e! be -ou se*3ants to ea1h othe*( =:1< Po* the who%e To*ah is 1a**ied-out in one senten1e&[$-*(&a%t> wo*d+: in this! Thou sha%t %o3e th- neighbo* as th-se%f( =:1= /ut if -ou bite and de3ou* one anothe*! bewa*e! %est -ou be 1onsu#ed one b- anothe*( =:1? And 0 sa-: 4a%; -ou in the Rua1h&$.i*it: and ne3e* fo%%ow& [$-*(& a%t> do+ 1*a3ings of the f%esh( =:1@ Po* the f%esh 1*a3es that whi1h is 1ont*a*-&o..osed to the Rua1h& $.i*it: and the Rua1h&$.i*it 1*a3es that whi1h is 1ont*a*-& o..osed to the f%esh: and the two a*e the o..osites of ea1h othe*! so that -ou do not that whi1h -ou desi*e( =:1A /ut if -ou a*e guided b- the Rua1h&$.i*it! -ou a*e not unde* E%ega%isti1-.*es1*i.ti3e use ofF the To*ah( KE$ee 1o##enta*-: Ga%():1?!1A!)1 R 2:2: and UNT 0nt*odu1tion @ .g( LLi3(F =:1C KPo* the wo*;s of the f%esh a*e ;nown! Kwhi1h a*e who*edo#! i#.u*it-&un1%eanness! %ustfu%ness!

K[EAFR>(((! whi1h a*e EtheseF: adu%te*--"A'! fo*ni1ation! un1%eanness! %as1i3iousness!+ =:)G 0do%-wo*shi.! #agi1&5so*1e*->-EG*(==21> R with d*ugsF! i%%wi%%& #a%i1e! 1ontention! *i3a%*-&[R> 1ontentions+! w*ath! st*ife! di3isions! dis1o*ds&[R> he*esies+! =:)1 En3-! >[P+-#u*de*&[R> #u*de*s+>-"A'! d*un;enness! *e3e%%ing&5wi%d .a*t-ing>! and a%% the %i;e things( And the- who 1o##it&.*a1ti1e these things! as 0 ha3e befo*e to%d -ou! and a%so now te%% -ou! do not inhe*it the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God( =:)) /ut the P*uits of the Rua1h&$.i*it a*e! %o3e! Oo-! .ea1e! %ongsuffe*ing! .o%iteness! ;indness! faithfu%ness&fide%it-! #odest-! .atien1e( =:)2 - KAgainst these the*e stands no&5not> %aw&5To*ah>( K[A%t&G*(> Against these stands not EtheF To*ah(+-EG*(: )=C?! 2=AA! =1GA! 2@=?! )G@?! 2==1+ =:)< And the- who a*e of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! ha3e eLe1uted-onthe-sta;e&51*u1ified> thei* f%esh! with a%% its 5desi*es>& .assions&[$-*(&a%t> affe1tions+ and its 1*a3ings( =:)= 6et us the*efo*e %i3e in the Rua1h&$.i*it: and %et us .*ess on afte* the Rua1h&$.i*it( =:)? And %et us not be boastfu%%--3ain! des.ising one anothe*! and en3-ing one anothe*( CHAPTER ? ?:1 - b*eth*en! if one of -ou shou%d be o3e*ta;en in a fau%t! do EthisF - -ou who a*e of the Rua1h&$.i*it *e1o3e*&[$-*(&a%t> *e1%ai#+ hi#! in a s.i*it of #ee;ness: and be -ou 1autious! %est -ou a%so be te#.ted( ?:) And bea* -ou one anothe*>s bu*dens! that&[R> and+ so "R#> -ou #a&5wi%%>' 1a**--out&obe- the To*ah of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ?:2 Po* if an-one thin;s hi#se%f to be so#ething! when he is not! he de1ei3es hi#se%f( ?:< /ut %et a #an eLa#ine his own 1ondu1t: and then his g%o*-ing wi%% be within hi#se%f! and not in othe*s( ?:= Po* e3e*- #an #ust ta;e u. his own %oad( ?:? And %et hi# that hea*s the 4o*d! sha*e to hi# who inst*u1ts hi#! in a%% good things( ?:@ @ 8o not #ista;e: E%ohi#&God is not de1ei3ed: fo* what a #an sows! that a%so wi%% he *ea.( ?:A He who sows in the f%esh! *ea.s f*o# the f%esh 1o**u.tion: and he who sows in the Rua1h&$.i*it! wi%% f*o# the Rua1h&$.i*it *ea. %ife e3e*%asting( ?:C And whi%e we do what is good! %et it not be wea*iso#e to us: fo* the ti#e wi%% 1o#e when we sha%% *ea.! and it wi%% not be tedious to us( ?:1G Now! the*efo*e! whi%e we ha3e the o..o*tunit-! %et us .*a1ti1e good wo*;s&5#itD3ot> towa*ds a%% #en! and es.e1ia%%- towa*ds the# of the househo%d of Paith( ?:11 /eho%d! this 6ette* ha3e 0 w*itten to -ou with #- own hand(

?:1) The- who a*e in1%ined to g%o*- in the f%esh! the- u*ge -ou to be1o#e 1i*1u#1ised! on%- that the- #a- not be .e*se1uted on a11ount of the .e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss> of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ?:12 Po* not e3en the- the#se%3es! who a*e&[#> ha3e been+ 1i*1u#1ised! ;ee.&gua*d the To*ah: but the- wish -ou to be1o#e 1i*1u#1ised! that the- #a- g%o*- in -ou* f%esh( ?:1< /ut as fo* #e! %et #e not g%o*-! eL1e.t in the .e*se1utionsta;e& 51*oss> of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: bwho#& [$-*(&a%t> whi1h+ the wo*%d is died-f*o#-the-sta;e&51*u1ified> to #e! and 0 a# dead-f*o#-the-sta;e&51*u1ified> to the wo*%d( ?:1= Po* [R> in essiah Yeshua neithe*+ 1i*1u#1ision >is nothing>&[R> a3ai%eth an- thing+: >neithe* is>-&[R> no*+ un1i*1u#1ision: but a new 1*eation&[BU9> 1*eatu*e+( ?:1? And the- who .*ess fo*wa*d in this .ath! sha%o#&.ea1e be on the#! and #e*1-: and on the 0s*ae% of E%ohi#&God( ?:1@ P*o#-this-.oint-on %et no one .ut t*oub%e u.on #e: fo* 0 bea* in #- bod- the #a*;s of "#> ou*-[R> the+ 6o*d' Yeshua "R'Ha ashia1h &5The essiah>( ?:1A - b*eth*en! the g*a1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! be with -ou* s.i*it( A#aine&5A#en>( [P> End of the 6ette* to the Ga%atians: whi1h was w*itten f*o# Ro#e(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: EPHE$0AN$( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To The EPHE$0AN$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u%! an E#issa*-&56egate> of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> b- the .%easu*e of E%ohi#&God! to the# who a*e "#> at E.hesus'! san1tified! and be%ie3ing in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: 1:) >$ha%o# a%e1he#&5.ea1e be unto -ou>>! and g*a1e f*o# E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:2 /%essed be E%ohi#&God! the Pathe* of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! who has b%essed us with a%% b%essings of the Rua1h &$.i*it in Hea3en! b- Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: 1:< A11o*ding as He had .*e3ious%- 1hosen us in Hi#! befo*e the foundation of the wo*%d! that we #ight be ho%- and without b%a#e befo*e KHi#: and! in %o3e! .*edestinated us fo* Hi#se%f: K[R>((( Hi# in %o3e! [9(=+ Ha3ing .*edestined us (((+ K[G*(&a%t(> Hi#( [3(=+ 0n %o3e ha3ing .*edestined us (((+ 1:= And ado.ted us fo* sons! in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! as was ag*eeab%e to His .%easu*e&wi%%: KE$ee note @ 1:< abo3e(F 1:? That the g%o*- of His g*a1e #ight be g%o*ified! whi1h He .ou*ed u.on us b- His /e%o3ed 7ne: 1:@ /- who# we ha3e *ede#.tion! and the fo*gi3eness of sins bHis b%ood! a11o*ding to the *i1hes of His g*a1e! 1:A 4hi1h has abounded in us! in a%% wisdo# and a%% 5s>.i*itua% unde*standing( 1:C And He has #ade us ;now the #-ste*- of His .%easu*e&wi%%! whi1h He had befo*e dete*#ined in Hi#se%f to a11o#.%ish! 1:1G 0n the ad#inist*ation of the fu%%ness of ti#es: that a%% things #ight again be #ade new in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! Kthings in 5H>ea3en and [EthingsF+ on ea*th( K[EA FR>(((! both-"A ' whi1h a*e in (((+ 1:11 And in Hi# we a*e e%e1ted&1hosen! a11o*ding as He .*edestined us and wi%%ed! who wo*;s a%% things a11o*ding to the 1ounse% of His

.%easu*e&wi%%: 1:1) That we shou%d be the- who fi*st ho.ed in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! to the hono* of His g%o*-( 1:12 0n who#! -ou a%so ha3e hea*d the 4o*d of T*uth! whi1h is the Good -News of -ou* %ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+! and ha3e be%ie3ed in Hi#: and ha3e been sea%ed with Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%$.i*it>! who was .*o#ised! 1:1< [PR+-4ho&[A> 4hi1h+ is the ea*nest&Egua*anteeF of ou* inhe*itan1e! unti% the *ede#.tion of the# that a*e a%i3e&[$-*(& a%t> sa3ed+! and fo* the .*aise of His g%o*-( 1:1= @ The*efo*e! beho%d 0 a%so! sin1e 0 hea*d of -ou* faith in ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and of "#> -ou* %o3e' towa*ds a%% the san1tified-ones! 1:1? Cease not to gi3e than;s on -ou* a11ount! and to *e#e#be* -ou in #- .*a-e*s: 1:1@ That the God of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! the Pathe* of g%o*-! #a- gi3e to -ou the Rua1h&$.i*it of wisdo# and of *e3e%ation! in the *e1ognition of Hi#: 1:1A And the e-es of -ou* hea*ts #a- be en%ightened! so that -ou #a;now what is the ho.e of His 1a%%ing! and what EisF the *i1hes of the g%o*- of His inhe*itan1e in the san1tified-ones: 1:1C And what is the eL1e%%en1e of the #aOest- of His .owe* in us who be%ie3e: a11o*ding to the effi1ien1- of the st*ength of His .owe*! 1:)G 4hi1h He .ut fo*th in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and *aised Hi# f*o# the dead! and seated Hi# at His Right Hand in Hea3en! 1:)1 High abo3e a%% .*in1i.a%ities! and autho*ities! and .owe*s! and %o*dshi.s! and abo3e e3e*- na#e that is na#ed! not on%- in >this wo*%d>&5,o%a# haDeh> but a%so in >that to 1o#e>&5,o%a# haba>: 1:)) And He has subOe1ted a%% things unde* His feet: and has gi3en Hi# who is high o3e* a%%! to be the Head of the Cong*egation: 1:)2 4hi1h is His bod-! and the fu%%ness of Hi# who fi%%s a%% in a%%: CHAPTER ) ):1 And a%so -ou! [EHe fi%%s!F+ who we*e dead in -ou* sins! and in -ou* offen1es! ):) 0n the whi1h -ou befo*e wa%;ed! a11o*ding to the wo*%d%iness of this wo*%d! and a11o*ding to the .%easu*e&wi%% of the .*in1e *u%e* of the ai*! that 5e3i%>s.i*it whi1h is a1ti3e in the 1hi%d*en of disobedien1e: ):2 0n whi1h deeds we a%so! fo*#e*%-! we*e 1on3e*sant! in the 1*a3ings of ou* f%esh: and we did the .%easu*e&wi%% of ou* f%esh! and of ou* #ind! and we*e a%togethe* the 1hi%d*en of w*ath! %i;e the *est( ):< @ /ut E%ohi#&God who is *i1h in His #e*1ies! be1ause of the g*eat %o3e with whi1h He %o3ed us! ):= 4hen we we*e dead in ou* sins! Mui1;ened us [R+-with&[#> in+ Ha ashia1h&5The-"R#' essiah>! and *es1ued us b- His g*a1e: ):? And *esus1itated us with Hi#! and seated us with Hi# in

Hea3en! in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: ):@ That He #ight show to the 1o#ing ages the #agnitude of the *i1hes of His g*a1e! and His ;indness towa*ds us in Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>( ):A Po* it is b- His g*a1e we a*e *es1ued&[G*(> sa3ed+! th*ough faith: and this is not of -ou*se%3es! but it is the gift of E%ohi#&God: ):C Not of 5%abo*ious>wo*;s! %est an- one g%o*-( ):1G - Po* we a*e His 1*eation: who a*e 1*eated in Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! fo* good-wo*;s&E itD3otF! whi1h E%ohi#&God has befo*e .*e.a*ed fo* us to wa%; in( ):11 4he*efo*e be #indfu%! that -ou fo*#e*%- we*e 1a*na% genti%es& go-i#: and -ou we*e 1a%%ed the un1i*1u#1ison! b- that whi1h is 1a%%ed the 1i*1u#1ision! and whi1h is the wo*; of the hands in the f%esh( ):1) And -ou we*e! at that ti#e! without Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: and we*e a%iens f*o# the *egu%ations&[G*> 1o##onwea%th+ of 0s*ae%: and st*ange*s to the Co3enant of the .*o#ise: and we*e without ho.e! and without E%ohi#&God! in the wo*%d( ):12 /ut now! b- Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! -ou who we*e afa* off! ha3e been b*ought nea* b- the b%ood of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ):1< KPo* He is Hi#se%f ou* sha%o#&[$-*(&a%t> .ea1e #a;e*+! who has #ade the two [Ebe1o#eF+ one! and has de#o%ished the 5#>1hitDah>& wa%% whi1h stood in the #idst! and the en#it-&5hosti%ities>! bHis f%esh&bod-! K[NBU9> Po* He Hi#se%f is ou* .ea1e! who has #ade both one! and has b*o;en down the #idd%e wa%% of di3ision Ebetween usF!+ ):1= - KAnd b- His .*es1*i.tions! He has une#.%o-ed&[G*> )?@2+ 5Ethis en#it- o11asioned b-F> the To*ah 5Ef*o# E#an>sF *ea1tion to theF> o*dinan1es: that! in Hi#se%f! He #ight #a;e the two to be one new #an: and EthusF He has #ade sha%o#&.ea1e! K[NBU9> Ha3ing abo%ished in His f%esh the en#it-! Ethat isF! the %aw of 1o##and#ents E1ontainedF in o*dinan1es! so as to 1*eate in Hi#se%f one new #an Ef*o#F the two! EthusF #a;ing .ea1e(+ ):1? And has *e1on1i%ed both with E%ohi#&God! in&[$-*(&a%t> b-+ one bod-! and has s%ain the en#it-&5hosti%ities> b- His .e*se1utionsta;e&51*oss>( ):1@ And He 1a#e! and .*o1%ai#ed sha%o#&.ea1e to -ou afa* off! and to those nea*: ):1A /e1ause! b- Hi# the*e is a11ess fo* us both! b- one

Rua1h&$.i*it! unto the Pathe*( ):1C @ 4he*efo*e! -ou a*e not st*ange*s! no* soOou*ne*s! but -ou a*e fe%%ow-1itiDens with the san1tified-ones! and of the househo%d of E%ohi#&God( ):)G And -ou a*e bui%t u.on the foundations of the E#issa*ies& 56egates> and the P*o.hets: and Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has be1o#e the Head of the 1o*ne* in the bui%ding( ):)1 And in Hi# a%% the bui%ding is f*a#ed togethe*! and g*ows into a ho%- te#.%e in the 6o*d: ):)) 4hi%e -ou a%so a*e bui%ded in Hi#! fo* a habitation of E%ohi#&God th*ough the Rua1h&$.i*it( CHAPTER 2 2:1 7n this a11ount! 0 $ha>u% a# a .*isone* of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! fo* the sa;e of -ou Genti%es&Go-i#: 2:) 0f so be! -ou ha3e hea*d of the ad#inist*ation&5dis.ensation> of the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God! whi1h was gi3en to #e a#ong -ou: 2:2 That b- *e3e%ation the*e was #ade ;nown to #e the #-ste*-! Tas 0 ha3e [EnowF+ w*itten to -ou in b*ief! 2:< $o that whi%e -ou *ead! -ou #ight be ab%e to unde*stand #;now%edge of the #-ste*- of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>!T 2:= 4hi1h in othe* gene*ations was not #ade ;nown to the sons of #en! as it is now *e3ea%ed to His ho%- E#issa*ies&56egates> and to His P*o.hets! b- the Rua1h&$.i*it: 2:? That the Go-i#&Genti%es shou%d be sha*e*s&[$-*(&%it> sons+ of His inhe*itan1e! and .a*ta;e*s of His bod-! and of the .*o#ise whi1h is gi3en in Hi# b- the Good-News: 2:@ 7f whi1h 0 ha3e been a se*3ant! a11o*ding to the gift of the goodness of E%ohi#&God! whi1h was i#.a*ted to #e b- the o.e*ation of His .owe*: 2:A To #e! who a# the %east of a%% the san1tified-ones! has this g*a1e been gi3en! that 0 shou%d announ1e a#ong the Genti%es&Go-i# the unsea*1hab%e *i1hes of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! 2:C And Kshou%d show to a%% #en what is the ad#inist*ation& 5dis.ensation> of the #-ste*-! whi1h fo* ages was hid u. in E%ohi#&God the C*eato* of a%% [EthingsF+ >[R> th*ough-[BU9> b-+ Yeshua essiah+>-"AP': K[R>((( to #a;e a%% E#enF see what is (((+&[#> to en%ighten a%% #en+N[#> to b*ing to %ight+ 2:1G $o that! b- #eans of the Cong*egation! the #anifo%d&[$-*(> fu%% of di3e*sities+ wisdo# of E%ohi#&God #ight be1o#e ;nown to the .*in1i.a%ities and .owe*s that a*e in 5h>ea3en: 2:11 4hi1h [Ewisdo#F+ He a**anged&[$-*(&a%t> .*e.a*ed+ ages befo*e! and He has eLe1uted it b- Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> ou* 6o*d:

2:1) Th*ough who# we ha3e bo%dness and a11ess! in the 1onfiden1e of His faith&[$-*(&i(e(> faith in Hi#+( 2:12 @ The*efo*e 0 .*a-! that 0 #a- not be dis1ou*aged b- #aff%i1tions! whi1h a*e fo* -ou* sa;es: fo* this is -ou* g%o*-( 2:1< And 0 bow #- ;nees to the Pathe* [PR+-"A> of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>'! 2:1= P*o# who# the who%e fa#i%- in the Hea3en and on ea*th is na#ed: 2:1? That He wou%d g*ant -ou! a11o*ding to the *i1hes of His g%o*-! to be st*engthened with #ight b- His Rua1h&$.i*it: that in -ou* inne* #an 2:1@ - Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> #a- dwe%% b- faith! and in -ou* hea*ts b- %o3e! whi%e -ou* *oot and foundation g*ows st*ong: 2:1A And that -ou #a- be ab%e to eL.%o*e! with a%% the san1tifiedones! what is the height and! and %ength and b*eadth! 2:1C And #a- ;now the g*eatness of Ha ashia1h>s&5The essiah>s> %o3e: and [EthatF+ -ou #a- be fi%%ed with a%% the fu%%ness of E%ohi#& God( 2:)G Now to Hi# who is ab%e! b- His a%#ight- .owe*&[$-*(&a%t> o* .owe* abo3e a%%+! to do fo* us e3en #o*e than we as; o* thin;! a11o*ding to His .owe* that wo*;s in us: 2:21 To Hi# be g%o*-! in His Cong*egation! b- Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! in a%% gene*ations! fo* e3e* and e3e*( A#aine( CHAPTER < <:1 @ 0 the*efo*e! a .*isone* in ou* 6o*d! ea*nest%--.%ead of -ou! that -ou wa%;! Tas it is-.*o.e*-fo* the 1a%%ing with-whi1h -ou a*e 1a%%ed!T <:) 4ith a%% %ow%iness of #ind! and Muietness! and .atientendu*an1e& 5%ong-suffe*ing>: and that -ou be *es.e1tfu%%--to%e*ate one towa*ds anothe*! in %o3e( <:2 And be -ou in-eage*-desi*e to ;ee. the unit- of the Rua1h&$.i*it! in a bond of sha%o#&.ea1e: <:< $o that -ou #a- be1o#e one bod-! and one K5R>ua1h&5$>.i*it: e3en as -ou a*e 1a%%ed unto one ho.e of -ou* 1a%%ing( K[NBU9> EThe*e isF one bod- and one $.i*it! Oust as -ou we*e 1a%%ed in one ho.e of -ou* 1a%%ing:+ <:= Po*! the 6o*d is 7ne! and the faith one! and the i##e*sion one: <:? And 7ne God is the Pathe* of a%%! and o3e* a%%! and b- a%%! and in >[ P> us+N[R> -ou+>-"A' a%%( <:@ And to ea1h of us g*a1e is gi3en! a11o*ding to the #easu*e of the gift of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( <:A 4he*efo*e it is said: He as1ended on high! and 1a**ied 1a.ti3it1a.ti3e! and-"#' [#> He+ ga3e gifts to #en( <:C Now that He as1ended! what is it but that He a%so "A'.*e3ious%-& [R> fi*st+ des1ended to the infe*io* [E*egionsF+ of the ea*thI <:1G He who des1ended! is a%so the sa#e that as1ended S.! high abo3e a%% the-Hea3ens! that He #ight 1a**--out a%% things(

<:11 And He ga3e so#e! E#issa*ies&56egates>: and so#e P*o.hets: and so#e! P*o1%ai#e*s-of-the-Good-News&5E3ange%ists>: and so#e! $he.he*ds&5Pasto*s> and Tea1he*s: <:1) Po* .e*fe1ting the san1tified-ones! fo* the wo*; of the offi1eof -se*3i1e! fo* the edifi1ation of the bod- of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: <:12 Snti% we a%% be1o#e one and the sa#e in faith and in ;now%edge of the >$on of E%ohi#&God-5/en-E%ohi#>>! and one 1o#.%ete #an a11o*ding to the #easu*e of the statu*e of the fu%%ness of essiah: <:1< And that we #ight not be 1hi%d*en! sti**ed-u. and tu*ned about be3e*- wind of the 1*aft- do1t*ines&tea1hings of #en who .%ot to sedu1e b- thei* subti%t-: <:1= /ut that we #ight be estab%ished in ou* %o3e: and that e3e*thing in us #ight .*og*ess in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! who is the Head: <:1? And f*o# Hi# [Eit isF+! the who%e bod- is f*a#ed togethe* and 1onne1ted&united&51o#.a1ted> b- a%% the Ooints&5Oun1tu*es>! a11o*ding to the gift that is i#.a*ted b- #easu*e to ea1h #e#be*! fo* the g*owth of the bod-: - that His bui%ding #a- be .e*fe1ted in %o3e( <:1@ @ And this 0 sa-! and testif- in the 6o*d! that f*o#-now-on -ou wa%; not as "A'->the othe*&[R> the *est of the+> genti%es&go-i#! who wa%; in the 3anit- of thei* #ind: <:1A And the- a*e da*; in thei* unde*standings! and a*e a%ienated f*o# the %ife of E%ohi#&God! be1ause the*e is not in the# ;now%edge! and be1ause of the b%indness of thei* hea*t( <:1C The- ha3e 1ut off thei* ho.e! and ha3e gi3en the#se%3es o3e* to %ustfu%-desi*es! and to the .*a1ti1e of a%% un1%eanness in thei* g*eediness( <:)G /ut -ou ha3e not so %ea*ned Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: <:)1 0f -ou ha3e t*u%- hea*d Hi#! and b- Hi# ha3e %ea*ned as the T*uth is in Yeshua( <:)) /ut [E-ou ha3e %ea*nedF+! that -ou shou%d %a- aside -ou* fo*#e* .*a1ti1es! the o%d-#an that is 1o**u.ted with the %usts of e**o*: <:)2 And shou%d be *enewed in the s.i*it of -ou* #inds&[$-*(> unde*standings+: <:)< And shou%d .ut on the new-#an! that is 1*eated bE%ohi#&God in *ighteousness and in the ho%iness of T*uth( <:)= @ 4he*efo*e! .ut awa- f*o# -ou %-ing! and s.ea; -ou the T*uth ea1h with his neighbo*: fo* we a*e #e#be*s one of anothe*( <:)? /e -ou ang*-! and sin not: and %et not the sun go down u.on -ou* w*ath( <:)@ And gi3e no .%a1e to the A11use*( <:)A And %et hi# that sto%e! stea% no #o*e: but %et hi# %abo* with his [#> own+ hands! and do good a1ts: that he #a- ha3e to gi3e

to hi# who needs( <:)C 6et no hatefu% %anguage&[$-*(> wo*d&s.ee1h+ 1o#e f*o# -ou* #outh! but that whi1h is .*o.e*! and usefu% fo* edifi1ation! that it #a1on3e- g*a1e to those who hea*( <:2G And g*ie3e not Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it> of E%ohi#&God! b--who# -ou a*e sea%ed fo* the 8a- of *ede#.tion( <:21 6et a%% bitte*ness! and ange*! and w*ath! and nois-1o#.%aining! and abusi3e-%anguage! be ta;en f*o# -ou! Ea%so ta;ingF with EitF a%% #a%i1e: <:2) And be -ou affe1tionate towa*ds one anothe*! and s-#.atheti1: and fo*gi3e -ou one anothe*! as E%ohi#&God b- Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has fo*gi3en [P#+-us&[AR> us+( CHAPTER = =:1 /e -ou the*efo*e i#itato*s of E%ohi#&God! as dea* 1hi%d*en: =:) And wa%; in %o3e: as Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> a%so has %o3ed us&[#> -ou+! and has gi3en u. Hi#se%f fo* us! an offe*ing and a sa1*ifi1e to E%ohi#&God! fo* a sweet odo*( =:2 @ /ut who*edo#! and a%% i#.u*it-! and g*eed-fo*-*i1hes! %et the#& [$-*(>it+ not be at a%% hea*d of&[$-*(> be na#ed to na#e+ a#ong -ou! as EthusF it be1o#es the san1tified-ones: =:< Neithe* obs1enities! no* wo*ds of fo%%-! o* of di3ision! o* of >1oa*se&inde1ent %anguage>! whi1h a*e not usefu%: but instead of these! E%et the*e be hea*dF than;sgi3ing( =:= KPo* this ;now -ou! that e3e*- #an who is a who*e#onge*! o* i#.u*e! o* g*eed--fo*-*i1hes! o* Ka wo*shi..e* of ido%s! has no inhe*itan1e in the Bingdo# of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> and of E%ohi#&God( K1[R> Po* this -ou ;now! (((+&[A> Po* ;now this! (((+ K)[#>(((! no* 1o3etous #an! >who is an ido%ate*>-[#> whi1h is ido%at*-+! (((+ =:? 6et no #an de1ei3e -ou with 3ain wo*ds: fo* it is on a11ount of these things that the w*ath of E%ohi#&God 1o#es on the 1hi%d*en of disobedien1e( =:@ The*efo*e be -ou not %i;e the#( =:A Po* -ou we*e befo*e-this-ti#e da*;ness! but now a*e -ou %ight in ou* 6o*d: the*efo*e! as the 1hi%d*en of 6ight! so wa%; -ou( =:C Po* the f*uits&[G*(> f*uit+ of the [AP+-6ight&[R> $.i*it+ a*e in a%% goodness! and *ighteousness! and T*uth( =:1G And sea*1h out what is .%easing befo*e ou* 6o*d: =:11 And ha3e no .e*sona%-dea%ings&business&1o##e*1e with the wo*;s of da*;ness whi1h a*e unf*uitfu%! but *e.*o3e the#( =:1) Po* the things the- do in se1*et! it is si1;ening&nauseous& disgusting e3en to #ention( =:12 Po* a%% things a*e eL.osed and #ade #anifest b- the 6ight: and whatsoe3e* #a;es #anifest&[$-*(> un1o3e*s+! is 6ight( =:1< 4he*efo*e it is said: Awa;e -ou that s%ee.! and a*ise f*o# the dead! and Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> wi%% i%%u#inate -ou( =:1= $ee the*efo*e! that -ou wa%; 1i*1u#s.e1t%-: not %i;e the

si#.%e! =:1? /ut %i;e the wise! who .u*1hase thei* o..o*tunit-: be1ause the da-s a*e e3i%( =:1@ The*efo*e! be not %a1;ing in unde*standing: but unde*stand -ou what is the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God( =:1A And be not d*un; with wine! in whi1h is i##o*a%it-: but be -ou fi%%ed with the Rua1h&$.i*it( =:1C And 1on3e*se with -ou*se%3es&[$-*(&a%t> -ou* sou%s+ in .sa%#s and h-#ns: and with -ou* hea*ts sing to the 6o*d! in $.i*itua% songs( =:)G And gi3e than;s to E%ohi#&God the Pathe*! at a%% ti#es! fo* a%% #en! in the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( =:)1 And be sub#issi3e one to anothe*! in the %o3e of [AP> Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>+N[R> E%ohi#&God+( =:)) @ 4i3es! be -ou sub#issi3e to -ou* husbands! as to ou* 6o*d( =:)2 /e1ause the husband is the head of the wife! e3en as Ha ashia1h& The essiah> is the Head of the Cong*egation: and He is the 6ife-Gi3e*&[$-*(&a%t> $a3iou*+ of the bod-( =:)< And as the Cong*egation is subOe1t to Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! so a%so %et wi3es be to thei* husbands in a%% things( =:)= Husbands %o3e -ou* wi3es! e3en as Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> %o3ed His Cong*egation! and de%i3e*ed Hi#se%f u. fo* it: =:)? That He #ight san1tif- it! and 1%eanse it! b- the washing of wate* Eas though in a #i;3ehF! and b- the 4o*d: =:)@ And #ight estab%ish it a g%o*ious Cong*egation fo* Hi#se%f! in whi1h is no stain! and no w*in;%e! and nothing %i;e the#: but that it #ight be ho%- and without b%e#ish( =:)A 0t is-ne1essa*--fo* #en so to %o3e thei* wi3es! as [Ethe- doF+ thei* own bodies( Po* he that %o3es His wife %o3es hi#se%f( =:)C Po* no one e3e* hated his own bod-: but nou*ishes it and .*o3ides fo* it! e3en as Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> the Cong*egation( =:2G Po* we a*e #e#be*s of His bod-! [PR+-"A> and of His f%esh! and of His bones'( =:21 Po* this *eason! a #an shou%d %et-go-of&5%ea3e> his fathe* and his #othe*! and adhe*e to his wife: and the two sha%%5then> be one f%esh( =:2) This is a g*eat #-ste*-: but 0 a# s.ea;ing of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and of His Cong*egation( =:22 Ne3e*the%ess! %et ea1h of -ou se.a*ate%-&5se3e*a%%-> so %o3e his wife! e3en as hi#se%f: and %et the wife >dee.%- *es.e1t&%o3e> he* husband( CHAPTER ? ?:1 Chi%d*en! obe- -ou* .a*ents "#> in ou* 6o*d': fo* this is *ight( ?:) And the fi*st Co##and#ent& itD3ah with .*o#ise Ein Tana;hF! is this: Hono* th- fathe* and th- #othe*: ?:2 - That it #a- be we%% with thee! and that th- %ife #a- be

.*o%onged on the ea*th( ?:< And .a*ents! ange* not -ou* 1hi%d*en: but t*ain the# u. in the dis1i.%ine and do1t*ine&tea1hing of ou* 6o*d( ?:= $e*3ants! be obedient to -ou* #aste*s afte* the f%esh! with *es.e1tfu%-t-.e-fea*! and with t*e#b%ing! and with si#.%i1it- of hea*t! as unto Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ?:? Not in the sight of the e-e! as if -ou we*e .%easing #en: but as the se*3ants of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! who a*e doing the wi%% of E%ohi#&God( ?:@ And se*3e the# with -ou* who%e hea*t! in %o3e! as if se*3ing ou* 6o*d and not #en: ?:A Bnowing that whate3e* good thing a #an #a- do! the sa#e wi%% be *e.a-ed&*ewa*ded to hi# b- ou* 6o*d! whethe* he be a se*3ant o* a f*ee #an( ?:C A%so -ou #aste*s&[$-*(> %o*ds+! do -ou so to -ou* se*3ants( Po*gi3e the# a fau%t: be1ause -ou ;now! that K-ou ha3e a aste* in Hea3en: and the*e is no *es.e1t of .e*sons with Hi#( K[R>((( -ou* own aste* a%so is in (((+ K[A>((( He who is both thei* aste* and -ou*s is in (((+ ?:1G @ Pina%%-! "#> #- b*eth*en'! be st*ong in ou* 6o*d! and in the ene*g- of His .owe*: ?:11 And .ut -ou on the who%e a*#o* of E%ohi#&God! so that -ou #a- be ab%e to stand against the wi%es of the A11use*( ?:1) Po* ou* 1onf%i1t is not with f%esh and b%ood! but with the .*in1i.a%ities! and with those in autho*it-! and Kwith the do#inate*s of this da*; wo*%d! and with the e3i% s.i*its that a*e beneath 5H>ea3en( K[EAFR>((( against the *u%e*s of the-[A> this+ da*;ness "A> of this age'! against s.i*itua% EbeingsF of wi1;edness in the hea3en%- Ea*easF(+ ?:12 The*efo*e .ut -ou on the who%e a*#o* of E%ohi#&God! that -ou #abe ab%e to #eet the e3i% [EoneF+: and! being in a%% *es.e1ts .*e.a*ed! #a- stand fi*#( ?:1< $tand u. the*efo*e! and gi*d -ou* %oins with T*uth: and .ut on the /*east.%ate of Righteousness: ?:1= And defend&[$-*(> shoe+ -ou* feet with the .*e.a*ation of the Good-News of sha%o#&.ea1e( ?:1? And a%ong-with-this ta;e to -ou the 1onfiden1e of faith! bwhi1h -ou wi%% ha3e .owe* to Muen1h a%% the fie*- da*ts of the e3i% [EoneF+( ?:1@ And .ut on the he%#et of Res1ue&[G*(> $a%3ation+: and ta;e ho%d of the $wo*d of the Rua1h&$.i*it! whi1h is the 4o*d of E%ohi#& God( ?:1A And .*a- -ou! with a%% .*a-e*s and .etitions! in EtheF $.i*it! at a%% ti#es: and in .*a-e* be wat1hfu%! at a%% seasons! .*a-ing 1onstant%-! and inte*1eding fo* a%% the san1tified-ones: ?:1C And a%so fo* #e: that %anguage&[$-*(> wo*d&dis1ou*se+ #abe gi3en #e! in the o.ening of #- #outh: so that 0 #a- bo%d%.*o1%ai# the #-ste*- of the Good-News! ?:)G 7f whi1h 0 a# a a#bassado* in 1hains: that K0 #a- utte* 0t

bo%d%-! as 0 ought to utte* 0t( K[R>(((: that the*ein 0 #a- s.ea; bo%d%-! as 0 ought to s.ea;(+ K[A>(((: that in E.*o1%ai#ingF 0t 0 #a- s.ea; bo%d%-! as 0 ought to s.ea;(+ K[#>(((: 0 #a- s.ea; 0t bo%d%-(+ ?:)1 And that -ou a%so #a- ;now #- Estate ofF affai*s! and what 0 a# doing! beho%d! T-1hi1us! a be%o3ed b*othe*! and a faithfu% se*3ant in ou* 6o*d! wi%% a1Muaint -ou: ?:)) 4ho# 0 ha3e sent to -ou fo* this .u*.ose! that -ou #ight ;now what is [Egoing onF+ with #e! and that -ou* hea*ts #a- be 1o#fo*ted( ?:)2 $ha%o#&.ea1e be with the b*eth*en! and %o3e with faith! f*o# E%ohi#&God the Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> without 1o**u.tness( A#aine( [P> End of the 6ette* to the E.hesians: whi1h was w*itten f*o# Ro#e! and was sent b- the hand of T-1hi1us(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: PH060PP0AN$( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To The PH060PP0AN$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u% and Ti#oth-! se*3ants of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! to a%% the san1tified-ones that a*e in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> at Phi%i..i! with the E%de*s& 5Cong*egationa% 6eade*s> and the dea1ons&5$ha##ashi#>( 1:) G*a1e be with -ou! and sha%o#&.ea1e f*o# E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:2 0 than; #- God at the 1onstant *e1o%%e1tion of -ou! 1:< 0n a%% #- .*a-e*s *es.e1ting -ou: and whi%e 0 *eOoi1e! 0 ado*e: 1:= 7n a11ount of -ou* fe%%owshi. in the Good-News! f*o# the fi*st da- unti% now( 1:? /e1ause 0 a# 1onfident of this! that He who has begun the good wo*;s in -ou! wi%% a11o#.%ish the# unti% the da- of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:@ Po* thus it is *ight fo* #e to thin; of -ou a%%! be1ause -ou a*e .e*#anent%- in #- hea*t! and be1ause! both in #- bonds and in the 3indi1ation of the T*uth of the Good-News! -ou a*e #asso1iates in g*a1e( 1:A Po* E%ohi#&God is #- witness! how 0 %o3e -ou in the tende*affe1tion&5bowe%s> of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:C And this 0 .*a- fo*! that -ou* %o3e #a- sti%% in1*ease and abound! in ;now%edge! and in a%% $.i*itua% unde*standing: 1:1G $o that -ou #a- dis1e*n the things that a*e suitab%e: and #a- be .u*e and without offen1e! in the 8a- of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! 1:11 And be fu%% of the f*uits of *ighteousness whi1h a*e b- Yeshua Ha ashia1h! to the .*aise and g%o*- of E%ohi#&God( 1:1) @ And 0 wou%d that -ou #ight ;now! #- b*eth*en! that the t*ansa1tion in *ega*d to #e! has *esu%ted *athe* fo* the fu*the*an1e of the Good-News: 1:12 $o that #- bonds! on a11ount of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! a*e #atte* of being-we%%-;nown&[$-*(> a*e #anifested+ in a%% the 1ou*t! and to a%% othe*s( 1:1< And #an- of the b*eth*en in ou* 6o*d ha3e be1o#e 1onfident! on a11ount of #- bonds! and a*e #o*e bo%d to s.ea; the 4o*d "#R> >of E%ohi#&God>-&[#> of the 6o*d+' without fea*(

1:1= KAnd the- .*o1%ai# [EitF+! so#e f*o# en3- and 1ontention: but othe*s with good wi%%! and with %o3e fo* Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: KE$ee 1o##ent @ 1:1@(F 1:1? K/e1ause the- ;now that 0 a# a..ointed fo* the defense of the Good-News( KE$ee 1o##ent @ 1:1@(F 1:1@ KAnd the- who .*o1%ai# Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> in 1ontention do it not sin1e*e%-: but the- ho.e to add .*essu*e to #- bonds( KEN7TE: [A+ *e3e*ses 3e*ses 1? R 1@ f*o# the [R+ *eading(F K[R> E3(1=F $o#e indeed .*o1%ai# essiah e3en of en3and st*ife: and so#e a%so of good wi%%: E3(1?F The one .*o1%ai# essiah of 1ontention! not sin1e*e%-! su..osing to add aff%i1tion to #- bonds: E3(1@F /ut the othe* of %o3e! ;nowing that 0 a# set fo* the defen1e of the Good-News(+ 1:1A And in this 0 ha3e *eOoi1ed! and do *eOoi1e! that in e3e*- fo*#! whethe* in .*eten1e o* in T*uth! Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> is .*o1%ai#ed( 1:1C Po* 0 ;now! that these things wi%% be found [E1ondu1ti3eF+ to #%ife&[$-*(&a%t> fo* %ife to #e+! th*ough -ou* .*a-e*s and the gift of the Rua1h&$.i*it of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:)G $o that 0 ho.e and eL.e1t! that 0 sha%% in nothing be .ut to sha#e: but with un1o3e*ed fa1e! as at a%% ti#es! so now! Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> wi%% be #agnified in #- bod-! whethe* b%ife o* b- death( 1:)1 Po* #- %ife is! Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: and if 0 die! it is gain to #e( 1:)) /ut if 0 ha3e f*uits of #- %abo*s in this %ife of the f%esh! 0 ;now not what 0 sha%% 1hoose( 1:)2 [PR+-Po*&[A > /ut+ the two .*ess u.on #e: 0 desi*e to >be %ibe*ated>&[R> de.a*t+! that 0 #a- be with Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: and this wou%d be 3e*- ad3antageous to #e( 1:)< /ut a%so the business in *ega*d to -ou! u*ges u.on #e to *e#ain in the bod-( 1:)= And this 0 1onfident%- ;now! that 0 sha%% 1ontinue and *e#ain! fo* -ou* Oo-! and fo* the fu*the*an1e of -ou* faith: 1:)? $o that when 0 1o#e again to -ou! -ou* g%o*-ing! whi1h is in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> on%-! wi%% abound th*ough #e( 1:)@ 6et -ou 1ondu1t be as is-.*o.e*-fo* the Good-News of Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>: so that if 0 1o#e 0 #a- see -ou! and if absent 0 #a- hea* of -ou! that -ou stand fast in one s.i*it and in one sou%! and that -ou st*i3e togethe* in the faith of the GoodNews( 1:)A And in nothing be -ou sta*t%ed! b- those who *ise u. against us: [Ewhi1h isF+ an indi1ation of thei* dest*u1tion! Kand of %ife& [$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+ fo* -ou( K[R>(((! but to -ou of $a%3ation! and that f*o# E%ohi#&God(+ K[A>(((! but of -ou* $a%3ation! and that f*o# E%ohi#&God(+ 1:)C And Kthis is gi3en to -ou b- E%ohi#&God! that -ou not on%*ea%%be%ie3e&[$-*(> be%ie3ing -ou be%ie3e+ in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! but a%so that -ou suffe* on His a11ount:

K[G*(> And to -ou it has been g*anted on beha%f of essiah! (((+ 1:2G And that -ou endu*e 1onf%i1t! as -ou ha3e seen in #e! and now hea* 1on1e*ning #e( CHAPTER ) ):1 @ 0f! the*efo*e! -ou ha3e 1o#fo*t&1onso%ation in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! o* if a b%ending&1o##ing%ing&[$-*(> 1on3e*se with the hea*t+ of hea*ts in %o3e! o* if a fe%%owshi. of the Rua1h&$.i*it! o* if 1o#.assions and s-#.athies: ):) Co#.%ete -ou #- Oo-! b- ha3ing one unde*standing&.e*1ei3ing! and one %o3e! and one sou%! and one #ind( ):2 And do nothing in st*ife! o* in 3ain g%o*-: but! with %ow%iness of #ind! %et ea1h estee# his neighbo* as bette* than hi#se%f( ):< And %et not ea1h be 1on1e*ned [Eon%-F+ fo* hi#se%f! but e3e*one a%so fo* his neighbo*( ):= And thin; -ou so in -ou*se%3es! as Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> a%so thought: ):? 4ho! as He was in the %i;eness of E%ohi#&God! dee#ed it no t*es.ass&[$-*(&a%t> *obbe*-+ to be >the 1oeMua% of>-&[R> eMua% with+ E%ohi#&God: ):@ Yet e#.tied&[$-*(&a%t> di3ested+ Hi#se%f! and assu#ed the %i;eness of a se*3ant! and was in the %i;eness of #en! and was found in fashion as a #an: ):A And He hu#b%ed Hi#se%f! and be1a#e obedient unto death! e3en the death of the .e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss>( ):C 4he*efo*e! a%so! E%ohi#&God has high%- eLa%ted Hi#! and gi3en Hi# a Na#e whi1h is #o*e eL1e%%ent than a%% na#es: ):1G That at the Na#e of Yeshua e3e*- ;nee shou%d bow! of [EbeingsF+ in Hea3en! and on ea*th! and unde* the ea*th: ):11 And that e3e*- tongue shou%d 1onfess that Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> is KYH9H&5The-67R8&Ha$he#>! to the g%o*- of E%ohi#&God His Pathe*( KE$ee 1o##enta*- on this 3e*se(F ):1) @ The*efo*e! #- be%o3ed! as -ou ha3e at a%% ti#es obe-ed! not on%- when 0 was nea* to -ou! Kbut now when 0 a# fa* f*o# -ou! .u*sue-R-1o#.%ete the wo*; of -ou* 6ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+! #o*e abundant%-! with 5*e3e*ent>fea* and with t*e#b%ing( K[R>(((! but now #u1h #o*e in #- absen1e! wo*; out -ou* own $a%3ation with 5*e3e*ent>fea* and t*e#b%ing(+ ):12 KPo* E%ohi#&God is o.e*ating in -ou! both to .u*.ose! and a%so to .e*fo*# that whi1h -ou desi*e( K[R> Po* it is E%ohi#&God whi1h wo*;s in -ou both to wi%% and to do of EHisF good .%easu*e(+ ):1< 8o a%% things without #u*#u*ing! and without ang*-dis.uting: ):1= That -ou #a- be .e*fe1t and without b%e#ish! as the sin1e*e& [$-*(> .u*e+ 1hi%d*en of E%ohi#&God! who a*e *esident in a .e*3e*se and 1*oo;ed gene*ation: and that -ou #a- a..ea* a#ong

the# as %u#ina*ies in the wo*%d: ):1? $o that -ou #a- be to the# in .%a1e of 6ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+: fo* #- g%o*- in the 8a- of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! that 0 #a- not ha3e *un in 3ain! o* toi%ed fo* nothing( K[R> Ho%ding fo*th the 4o*d of 6ife: that 0 #a- *eOoi1e in the 8a- of essiah! (((+ ):1@ And if 0 shou%d be #ade a %ibation&5.ou*ing-out> u.on the sa1*ifi1e and se*3i1e of -ou* faith! 0 *eOoi1e and eLu%t with -ou a%%( ):1A And so a%so do -ou *eOoi1e and eLu%t with #e( ):1C /ut 0 ho.e in ou* 6o*d Yeshua! that 0 sha%% sho*t%- send Ti#othunto -ou! so that 0 a%so #a- ha3e 1o#.osu*e&1a%#ness! when info*#ed 1on1e*ning -ou( ):)G Po* 0 ha3e no othe* one he*e! who! %i;e #-se%f! wi%% sin1e*e%1a*e fo* -ou* we%fa*e( ):)1 Po* the- a%% see; thei* own! not the [EthingsF+ of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ):)) /ut -ou ;now the .*oof of hi#! that as a son with his fathe*! so he %abo*ed with #e in the Good-News( ):)2 Hi# 0 ho.e sho*t%- to send to -ou! when 0 sha%% ha3e seen how [Ethings *esu%tF+ with #e( ):)< And 0 t*ust in #- 6o*d! that 0 sha%% sho*t%- 1o#e #-se%f to -ou( ):)= /ut now! a 1i*1u#stan1e u*ged #e to send to -ou E.a.h*oditus! the b*othe* who is an assistant and %abo*e* with #e! but he is -ou* E#issa*-&56egate> and se*3ant to #- needs( ):)? Po* he %onged [R> afte*+N>to see>&[A> fo*+ -ou a%%! and was anLious! be1ause he ;new -ou had hea*d! that he was si1;( ):)@ And indeed he was si1;! nigh unto death: but E%ohi#&God had #e*1on hi#: no* was it on hi# on%-! but a%so on #e! that 0 #ight not ha3e t*oub%e u.on t*oub%e( ):)A P*o#.t%-! the*efo*e! ha3e 0 sent hi# to -ou: so that when -ou see hi#! -ou #a- again be Oo-fu%! and 0 #a- ha3e a %itt%e b*eathing( ):)C Re1ei3e hi# then in the 6o*d! with a%% Oo-: and ho%d in hono* those who a*e su1h( ):2G Po* be1ause of KHa ashia1h>s&5The essiah>s> wo*;! he 1a#e nea* to death! and %itt%e *ega*ded his %ife! that he #ight 1a**--out what -ou %a1;ed in the se*3i1e to #e( K[R#>((( the wo*; "#> of essiah&[#> The 6o*d+'! (((+ CHAPTER 2 2:1 @ Pina%%-! #- b*eth*en! *eOoi1e in ou* 6o*d( To w*ite these [EthingsF+ again and again to -ou! is not i*;so#e to #e! be1ause the- #a;e -ou 1autious( 2:) /ewa*e of dogs: bewa*e of e3i% doe*s: bewa*e of the 1%i..ed f%esh( 2:2 Po* we a*e the [E*ea%F+ 1i*1u#1ision! who wo*shi. KE%ohi#&God in [R> the+ $.i*it! and g%o*- in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and .%a1e no *e%ian1e on the f%esh( K[A>((( in&5b-> the Rua1h&$.i*it of God! (((+-ER *eads as PF K[#>((( in 5s>.i*it! (((+ 2:< And -et 0 #ight .%a1e *e%ian1e on the f%esh( Po*! if an- one thin;s that his *e%ian1e shou%d be on the f%esh! 0 #ight [Edo

soF+ #o*e than he( 2:= Ci*1u#1ised&5/>*it- i%ah> when eight da-s o%d: of the sto1; of 0s*ae%: of the t*ibe of /in-a#in: a KHeb*ew! des1endant of KHeb*ews: as to the To*ah! a Pa*ush: KEG*(1<<=> an- one of the Uewish&0s*ae%i-Nation: o*: one who s.ea;s Heb*ew and %i3es in 0s*ae%(F 2:? As to Dea%! a .e*se1uto* of the Cong*egation: and as to the *ighteousness of the To*ah! 0 was without fau%t( 2:@ /ut these things! whi1h had been #- eL1e%%en1e! 0 ha3e a11ounted a det*i#ent! be1ause of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:A And now 0 a%so a11ount the# a%% a det*i#ent! be1ause of the eL1e%%en1- of the ;now%edge of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> #6o*d: fo* the sa;e of who#! 0 ha3e .a*ted with a%% things! and ha3e a11ounted [Ethe#F+ as dung! that 0 #ight gain Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>( 2:C And be found in Hi#: sin1e #- *ighteousness is not [EnowF+ f*o# 5Ea se%f-fo*#ed %ega%isti1 a..*oa1h toF> the To*ah! but that whi1h is f*o# faith in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! that is! the *ighteousness whi1h is f*o# E%ohi#&God: 2:1G That the*eb- 0 #ight ;now Yeshua! and the effe1ti3eness of His *esu**e1tion: and #ight .a*ti1i.ate in His suffe*ings! and be abso*bed to His death: 2:11 0f so be! 0 #a- attain to the *esu**e1tion f*o# the dead( 2:1) @ Not as though 0 had a%*ead- ta;en [Ethe .*iDeF+! o* we*e a%*ead- 1o#.%ete: but 0 *un [Ein the *a1eF+! if so 0 #a- ta;e that! fo* whi1h Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> too; #e( 2:12 - b*eth*en! 0 do not 1onside* #-se%f! Kas ha3ing ta;en [EitF+( /ut one thing 0 ;now! that 0 fo*get the things behind #e! and *ea1h fo* the things befo*e #e: K[ERF#>(((! [#> -et+ to ha3e %aid-ho%d&a..*ehended( (((+ 2:1< And 0 *un st*aight fo* the goa%&[$-*(&a%t> standa*d+! that 0 #aobtain the [E.*iDeF+ of 3i1to*- of the 1a%% of E%ohi#&God f*o# on high! b- Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:1= The*efo*e %et those who a*e .e*fe1t! ha3e these 3iews: and if -ou diffe*ent%- 3iew an- thing! E%ohi#&God wi%% *e3ea% that a%so to -ou( 2:1? Ne3e*the%ess! Kthat we #a- attain to this! %et us .*o1eed on in one .ath! and with one 1onsent( K[EAFR>(((! whe*eto we ha3e a%*ead- attained! %et us wa%; bthe sa#e "A> *u%e! %et us >#ind the sa#e things&5be of the sa#e #ind>>'(+ 2:1@ /e %i;e #e! #- b*eth*en: and 1onte#.%ate the#! who wa%; afte* the .atte*n -ou ha3e seen in us( 2:1A Po* the*e a*e #an- who wa%; othe*wise: of who# 0 ha3e often to%d -ou! and 0 now te%% -ou! with! that the- a*e ad3e*sa*ies of the .e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss> of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: 2:1C 4hose end is dest*u1tion: whose god is thei* be%%-! and thei* g%o*- thei* sha#e: whose thoughts a*e on things of the ea*th( 2:)G /ut ou* 1on1e*n is with Hea3en: and f*o# the*e we eL.e1t ou* 6ife-Gi3e*&[$-*(&a%t> $a3iou*+! ou* 6o*d! Yeshua

Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: 2:)1 4ho wi%% 1hange the bod- of ou* deg*adation! that it #aha3e the %i;eness of the bod- of His g%o*-! a11o*ding to His g*eat .owe*! whe*eb- a%% things a*e #ade subOe1t to Hi#( CHAPTER < <:1 4he*efo*e! #- be%o3ed and dea* b*eth*en! #- Oo- and #1*ownJ so stand -ou fast in ou* 6o*d! #- be%o3edJ <:) 0 ea*nest%--.%ead of E3odia and $-nt-1he! that the- be of one #ind in ou* 6o*d( <:2 [R> And+&[A > Yes+-"P' 0 a%so ea*nest%--.%ead of -ou! #t*ue 1o#.anions&asso1iates! that -ou assist those wo#en who toi%ed with #e in the Good-News: togethe* with C%e#ent! Kand with >the *est of>-&[R> othe*+ #- he%.e*s&[R> fe%%ow-%abou*e*s+! whose na#es a*e w*itten-"R#' in the 5/oo;>&$1*o%% 7f 6ife( K[#>(((! and #- he%.e*s and the *est whose na#es a*e w*itten in the 5/oo;>&$1*o%% 7f 6ife(+ <:< ReOoi1e -ou in ou* 6o*d! at a%% ti#es: and again 0 sa-! ReOoi1e( <:= 6et -ou* hu#i%it-&[$-*(&a%t> #i%dness&sweetness-ofdis.osition+ be *e1ogniDed a#ong a%% #en( 7u* 6o*d is nea*( <:? /e anLious fo* nothing: but at a%% ti#es! b- .*a-e* and .etitions with than;sgi3ing! #a;e ;nown -ou* *eMuests befo*e E%ohi#&God( <:@ And the sha%o#&.ea1e of E%ohi#&God! whi1h su*.asses a%% ;now%edge! wi%% ;ee. -ou* hea*ts and -ou* #inds! th*ough Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( <:A @ Pina%%-! #- b*eth*en! what things a*e T*ue! and what things a*e in-good-taste! and what things a*e *ight! and what things a*e .u*e! and what things a*e %o3e%-! and what things a*e wo*th--of *ega*d! and deeds of .*aise and a..*o3a%! -- on these be -ou* thoughts( <:C 4hat things -ou ha3e %ea*ned! and *e1ei3ed! and hea*d! and seen! in #e! - these do -ou: and the God of sha%o#&.ea1e wi%% be with -ou( <:1G And 0 *eOoi1e g*eat%- in ou* 6o*d! that -ou ha3e [EagainF+ 1o##en1ed 1a*ing fo* #e: e3en as -ou had befo*e 1a*ed [Efo* #e!F+ but -ou ha3e not the o..o*tunit-( <:11 Yet 0 sa- this! not be1ause 0 was in want: fo* 0 ha3e %ea*ned to #a;e that satisf- #e! whi1h 0 ha3e( <:1) 0 ;now how to be %owe*ed! and 0 a%so ;now how to abound in e3e*thing: and in a%% things a# 0 we%%-.*a1ti1ed&[$-*(&a%t> t*ained& dis1i.%ined+! both in fu%%ness and in fa#ine! in abundan1e and in eLt*e#e-.o3e*t-( <:12 0 find st*ength fo* e3e*- thing! in [A> Hi#+&[PR+->Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>> who st*engthened #e( <:1< Yet -ou ha3e done we%%! in that -ou 1o##uni1ated to #ne1essities( <:1= And -ou ;now a%so! Phi%i..ians! that in the beginning of the announ1e#ent! when 0 %eft a1edonia! not one of the

Cong*egations 1o##uni1ated with #e in *es.e1t to *e1ei3ing and gi3ing! eL1e.t -ou on%-: <:1? That a%so at Thessa%oni1a! on1e and again -ou sent K#e *e%ief( K[R>((( unto #- ne1essit-&5need>(+ K[#>((( #one- to #e(+ K[#>((( -ou 1ont*ibuted to #- needs(+ <:1@ Not that 0 desi*e a gift: but 0 wish f*uits #a- #u%ti.%- unto -ou( <:1A 0 ha3e [EnowF+ *e1ei3ed a%%! and 0 abound! and a# fu%%: and 0 a11e.ted a%% that -ou sent to #e b- E.a.h*oditus! a sweet odo*! and an sa1*ifi1e that .%eases E%ohi#&God( <:1C And #a- E%ohi#&God su..%- a%% -ou* ne1essit-&[$-*(&a%t> need& indigen1e&5.o3e*t->+! a11o*ding to His *i1hes! in the g%o*- of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( <:)G And to E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe*! be g%o*- and hono*! fo* e3e* and e3e*( A#aine( <:)1 G*eet a%% the san1tified-ones who a*e in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( The b*eth*en who a*e with #e! g*eet -ou( <:)) A%% the san1tified-ones g*eet -ou! es.e1ia%%- those of Caesa*>s househo%d( <:)2 The g*a1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! be with [PR+->-ou a%%>&[A> -ou* s.i*it+( A#aine( K[P> End of the 6ette* to the Phi%i..ians: whi1h was w*itten f*o# Ro#e! and sent b- the hand of E.a.h*oditus(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: C767$$0AN$( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To The C767$$0AN$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u%! an E#issa*-&56egate> of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> b- the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God! and Ti#oth- a b*othe*! 1:) To the# who a*e at Co%osse! the b*eth*en! ho%- and be%ie3ing in "AR'-Yeshua-[P+ Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: sha%o# be with -ou! and g*a1e f*o# E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe* "AP'-[R> and the 6o*d Yeshua essiah+( 1:2 4e gi3e than;s to E%ohi#&God! the Pathe* of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! at a%% ti#es! and .*a- fo* -ou: 1:< /eho%d! e3e* sin1e we hea*d of -ou* faith in Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! and of -ou* %o3e to a%% the san1tified-ones: 1:= /e1ause of the ho.e that is %aid u. fo* -ou in Hea3en! of whi1h -ou hea*d befo*e in the 4o*d of T*uth of the Good-News: 1:? 4hi1h is announ1ed to -ou! as a%so to a%% the wo*%d: and "R> whi1h g*ows'-[EA FP+ and -ie%ds f*uits! as it does a%so a#ong -ou f*o# the da- -ou hea*d and ;new the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God in *ea%it-: 1:@ As -ou %ea*ned f*o# E.a.h*as! ou* be%o3ed fe%%ow-se*3ant! K>who is fo* -ou a faithfu% se*3ant of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>>[PR+: K[A#>(((! who is a faithfu% se*3ant of essiah on ou* beha%f!+ 1:A And who has #ade ;nown to us -ou* %o3e in the Rua1h&$.i*it( 1:C @ The*efo*e we a%so! f*o# the da- we hea*d [Eof itF+! ha3e not 1eased to .*a- fo* -ou: and to as;&[$-*(&a%t> 5.etition>& su..%i1ate+ that -ou #a- be fi%%ed with a ;now%edge of the good .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God! in a%% wisdo#! and in a%% $.i*itua% unde*standing( 1:1G That -ou #a- wa%; as is *ight! and #a- .%ease E%ohi#&God with a%% good-wo*;s&E itD3otF! and #a- -ie%d f*uits! and g*ow in the ;now%edge of E%ohi#&God: 1:11 And #a- be st*engthened with a%% st*ength! a11o*ding to the g*eatness of His g%o*-! in a%% .atien1e and %ong-endu*an1e: 1:1) And #a-! with Oo-! gi3e than;s to E%ohi#&God the Pathe*! who has

fitted us fo* a .o*tion of the inhe*itan1e of the san1tified-ones in 6ight: 1:12 And has *es1ued us f*o# the do#inion of da*;ness! and t*ansfe**ed us to the Bingdo# of His be%o3ed $on: 1:1< /- who# we ha3e *ede#.tion [R> th*ough His b%ood+-"A P' and *e#ission&fo*gi3eness of sins: 1:1= 4ho is the %i;eness&[R> i#age+ of the in3isib%e God! and the Pi*st-bo*n of a%% 1*eatu*es: 1:1? And b- Hi# was 1*eated e3e*- thing that is in 5H>ea3en and on ea*th! a%% that is seen and a%% that is unseen! whethe* th*ones! o* do#inions! o* .*in1i.a%ities! o* so3e*eign-autho*ities: e3e*thing was th*ough Hi#! and was 1*eated b- Hi#: 1:1@ And He was .*io* to a%%! and b- Hi# e3e*- thing eLists& [$-*(&a%t> stands&is-estab%ished+( 1:1A And He is the Head of the bod- the Cong*egation: as He is the Head and Pi*st-bo*n f*o# a#ong the dead! that He #ight be the Pi*st in a%% things( 1:1C Po* it .%eased [Ethe Pathe*F+! that in Hi# a%% fu%%ness shou%d dwe%%: 1:)G And b- Hi#! to *e1on1i%e a%% things to Hi#se%f: and th*ough Hi#! He has se1u*ed-.ea1e&5.a1ified>! with the b%ood of His .e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss>! both [EthoseF+ on ea*th and those in 5H>ea3en( 1:)1 @ And a%so to -ou! who we*e befo*e a%ienated and ene#ies in -ou* #inds! be1ause of -ou* e3i% deeds! 1:)) - To -ou! He has now gi3en sha%o#&.ea1e! b- the bod- of His f%esh! and b- His death: that He #ight estab%ish -ou in His .*esen1e! ho%-! without b%e#ish! and without offen1e: 1:)2 P*o3ided -ou 1ontinue in -ou* faith! -ou* foundation being fi*#! and -ou be not *e#o3ed f*o# the ho.e of the Good-News: of whi1h -ou ha3e hea*d! that it is .*o1%ai#ed in a%% the 1*eation beneath 5H>ea3en: of whi1h [EGood-NewsF+ 0 $ha>u% a# a se*3ant( 1:)< And 0 *eOoi1e in the suffe*ings whi1h a*e fo* -ou* sa;es: and! in #- f%esh! 0 fi%% u. the %a1; in the aff%i1tions of Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! in beha%f of His bod-! whi1h is the Cong*egation: 1:)= 7f whi1h 0 a# a se*3ant! a11o*ding to the ad#inist*ation& 5dis.ensation> of E%ohi#&God whi1h is gi3en to #e a#ong -ou! that 0 shou%d 1a**--out the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God! 1:)? [ENa#e%-!F+ that #-ste*-! whi1h was hidden fo* ages and gene*ations! but is now *e3ea%ed to His san1tified-ones: 1:)@ To who# E%ohi#&God wou%d #a;e ;nown what is the *i1hes of the g%o*- of this #-ste*- a#ong the Genti%es&Go-i#: whi1h [E#-ste*-F+ is Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: [A +-who&[R> whi1h+ in -ou is the ho.e of ou* g%o*-: 1:)A 4ho# we .*o1%ai#! and tea1h and #a;e ;nown to e3e*-

#an! in a%% wisdo#: that we #a- .*esent e3e*- #an .e*fe1t in Yeshua"#' Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:)C And fo* this a%so! 0 toi% and st*i3e! with the aid of the st*ength that is i#.a*ted to #e( CHAPTER ) ):1 And 0 wish -ou to ;now! what a st*ugg%e 0 ha3e fo* -ou! and fo* the# of 6aodi1ea! and fo* the othe*s who ha3e not seen #fa1e in the f%esh: ):) That thei* hea*ts #a- be 1o#fo*ted! and that the-! b- %o3e! #a1o#e to a%% the *i1hes of assu*an1e! and to the unde*standing of the ;now%edge of the #-ste*- of KE%ohi#&God "AP'-[ERF> both of+ "A> the Pathe*! and'-[AP+ of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! K[R#>((( God and of the Pathe* and of essiah!+ K[#>((( God! essiah!+ K[#>((( God! whi1h is essiah!+ K[#>((( God! the Pathe* of essiah!+ K[#>((( essiah!+ ):2 0n who# a*e hid a%% the t*easu*es of wisdo# and of ;now%edge( ):< And this 0 sa-! %est an- one shou%d #is%ead -ou b- the .e*suasi3eness of wo*ds( ):= Po* though 0 a# se.a*ated f*o# -ou in the f%esh! -et 0 a# with -ou in s.i*it: and 0 *eOoi1e at beho%ding -ou* good o*de*! and the stabi%it- of -ou* faith in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ):? @ As the*efo*e -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> ou* 6o*d! wa%; -ou in Hi#! ):@ $t*engthening -ou* *oots and bui%ding u. -ou*se%3es in Hi#! and estab%ishing -ou*se%3es in the faith whi1h -ou ha3e %ea*ned! in whi1h #a- -ou abound "A'-in-[P+ "AP'-[R> it+ [AR> with+-"P' than;sgi3ing( ):A /ewa*e! %est an- #an #a;e -ou na;ed! b- .hi%oso.h-! and b3ain de1e.tion! a11o*ding to the do1t*ines&tea1hings of #en! a11o*ding to the *udi#ents of the wo*%d! and not a11o*ding to Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! ):C - K0n who# dwe%%s a%% the fu%%ness of the 8i3init- 1o#bined& united&51o*.o*ea%%->( K[R> Po* in Hi# dwe%%s a%% the fu%ness of the Godhead bodi%-(+ ):1G And in Hi# -ou a*e a%so 1o#.%ete! be1ause He is the Head of a%% .*in1i.a%ities and autho*ities( ):11 And in Hi# -ou ha3e been 1i*1u#1ised with a 1i*1u#1ision without hands! b- 1asting off Kthe f%esh&[$-*(&a%t> bod-+ of sins! b- a 1i*1u#1ision of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( K[AR>((( bod- "A> of the sins' of the f%esh! b- (((+ ):1) And -ou ha3e been bu*ied with Hi#! b- i##e*sion: and b- it -ou ha3e *isen with Hi#: whi%e -ou be%ie3ed in the .owe* of E%ohi#& God! who *aised Hi# f*o# the dead(

):12 And -ou! who we*e dead in -ou* sins! and b- the un1i*1u#1ision of -ou* f%esh! He has #ade-a%i3e with Hi#: and He has fo*gi3en us a%% ou* sins: ):1< And! b- His 5w*itten>o*de*s&5#andates>! He b%otted out the handw*iting of&5f*o#> ou* debts! whi1h [Ehandw*itingF+ eListed against us! and too; [EitF+ f*o# the #idst! and affiLed [EitF+ to His .e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss>( ):1= And! b- -ie%ding u. His bod-! He showed 1onte#.t fo* .*in1i.a%ities and autho*ities: and .ut the# to sha#e! o.en%-! in His own .e*son( ):1? @ 6et no one the*efo*e disMuiet -ou about food and d*in;! o* about the distin1tions of Pesti3a%s! and 5RoshChodeshi#>&Newoons! and 5$habbatot>&$habbats: ):1@ 4hi1h we*e shadows of the things then futu*e: but the bod-& [$-*(& a%t> substan1e+ is Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( K[R&%it(> 4hi1h a*e a shadow >of things to 1o#e&51o#ing things>>: and the bod- EisF of essiah(+ ):1A And %et no one wish! b- b*ing-down&5abasing> the #ind! to b*ing -ou unde* bonds! that -ou subOe1t -ou*se%3es to the wo*shi. of ange%s: whi1h he is .*-ing into that whi1h he has "A#'-not[PR#+ seen! and is 3ain%- inf%ated in his f%esh%- #ind! ):1C And ho%ds not the Head! f*o# whi1h the who%e bod- is f*a#ed and 1onst*u1ted! with Ooints and #e#be*s! and g*ows with the g*owth [Egi3enF+ of E%ohi#&God( ):)G Po*&[R> The*efo*e+-"A' if -ou a*e dead with Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> f*o# the *udi#ents of the wo*%d! wh- a*e -ou Oudged as if -ou we*e %i3ing in the wo*%dI ):)1 /ut! tou1h -ou not! and taste -ou not! and hand%e -ou not: ):)) Po* these things .e*ish in the using: and the- a*e the 1o##and#ents and do1t*ines&tea1hings of #en( ):)2 And the- see# to ha3e a ;ind of wisdo#! in a show of hu#i%it-! and of the *e3e*ent-fea* of E%ohi#&God! and of not s.a*ing the bod-: not in an- thing of eL1e%%en1e! but in things usefu%& he%.fu%&of-se*3i1e to the bod-( CHAPTER 2 2:1 @ 0f then -ou ha3e *isen with Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! see; the things on high! whe*e Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> sits on the Right Hand of E%ohi#&God( 2:) Thin; of things on high: not of the things on ea*th: 2:2 Po* -ou a*e dead: and -ou* %ife is hidden with Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! in E%ohi#&God( 2:< And when Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! who is ou*&[#> -ou*+ %ife& [$-*(&a%t> sou*1e of %ife+! sha%% be #anifested! then sha%% -ou a%so be #anifested with Hi# in g%o*-( 2:= Cont*o%&se%f-den- the*efo*e -ou* #e#be*s that a*e on the ea*th:

who*edo#! i#.u*it-! and the .assions! and e3i% abno*#a%desi*e! and >g*eed-fo* *i1hes&#one-> whi1h is ido%at*-( 2:? Po* on a11ount of these [EthingsF+! the w*ath of E%ohi#&God 1o#es [PR+-"A> 5u.>on the 1hi%d*en&5sons> of disobedien1e'( 2:@ And in these [EthingsF+ -ou a%so fo*#e*%- wa%;ed! when -ou %i3ed in the#( 2:A /ut now! .ut awa- f*o# -ou a%% these! w*ath! ange*! #a%i1e! abusi3e-s.ee1h! fi%th- ta%;ing: 2:C And %ie not one to anothe*: but .ut off the o%d-#an! with a%% his .*a1ti1es: 2:1G And .ut -ou on the new-[E#anF+! that is *enewed in ;now%edge! afte* the %i;eness of His C*eato*: 2:11 4he*e&[$-*(&i(e(> in whi1h new-#an+ the*e is neithe* Uew no* Genit%e&Go-i#-[$-*(> A*a#aen+! neithe* 1i*1u#1ision not un1i*1u#1ision! neithe* G*ee; no* ba*ba*ian! neithe* bond no* f*ee: but Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> is a%%! and in a%%( 2:1) The*efo*e! ho%- and be%o3ed! as the e%e1t of E%ohi#&God! .ut -ou on 1o#.assions! and tende*ness! and .o%iteness! and hu#b%eness of #ind! and gent%eness! and .atient-endu*ing&5%ong-suffe*ing>( 2:12 And be -ou ;ind towa*ds one anothe*! and fo*gi3ing to one anothe*: and if an- one has a 1o#.%aint against his neighbo*! as Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> fo*ga3e -ou! so a%so do -ou fo*gi3e( 2:1< And with a%% these! [EOoinF+ %o3e! whi1h is the en1i*1%ing-be%t of .e*fe1tion( 2:1= And %et the sha%o#&.ea1e of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> di*e1t&[$-*( &a%t> %ead&go3e*n+ -ou* hea*ts: fo* to that -ou ha3e been 1a%%ed! in one bod-: and be -ou than;fu% to Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:1? And %et His 4o*d dwe%% in -ou *i1h%-! in a%% wisdo#( And tea1h and ad#onish -ou*se%3es! b- .sa%#s and h-#ns and $.i*itua% songs! and with g*a1e in -ou* hea*ts sing -ou unto E%ohi#&God( K[AR>((( the 4o*d of essiah (((+ K[#>((( the 4o*d of the 6o*d (((+ K[#>((( the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God (((+ 2:1@ And whate3e* -ou do in wo*d o* a1t! do it in the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and gi3e than;sgi3ing th*ough Hi# to E%ohi#&God the Pathe*( 2:1A @ 4i3es! be -ou subOe1t to -ou* husbands! as is *ight in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:1C Husbands! %o3e -ou -ou* wi3es! and be not bitte* towa*ds the#( 2:)G Chi%d*en! obe- -ou* .a*ents in e3e*- thing: fo* this is .%easing befo*e ou* 6o*d( 2:)1 Pa*ents&[G*(> fathe*s+! Kange* not -ou* 1hi%d*en! %est the- be dis1ou*aged( K[NA$>(((! do not eLas.e*ate -ou* 1hi%d*en! (((+ K[R>(((! .*o3o;e not -ou* 1hi%d*en Eto ange*F! (((+ K[#>(((! .*o3o;e not to ange* -ou* 1hi%d*en! (((+ 2:)) $e*3ants! obe- in a%% things -ou* bodi%- #aste*s&[$-*(&a%t>

%o*ds+: not in the sight of the e-e on%-! as those who .%ease #en! but with a si#.%e hea*t! and in the *e3e*ent-fea* of the 6o*d( 2:)2 And whate3e* -ou do! do it with -ou* who%e sou%! as unto ou* 6o*d! and not as to #en: 2:)< And ;now -ou! that f*o# ou* 6o*d -ou wi%% *e1ei3e a *e.a-#ent& *ewa*d as the inhe*itan1e: [PR+-fo*-"A' -ou se*3e the 6o*d Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:)= /ut the 6aw-3io%ato* wi%% *e1ei3e a *e.a-#ent5in ;ind>! a11o*ding to the 6aw-3io%ation: and the*e is no *es.e1t of .e*sons( CHAPTER < <:1 aste*s! do fai*ness and Ousti1e to -ou* se*3ants: and be 1ons1ious that -ou a%so ha3e a aste*&[$-*(&a%t> 6o*d+ in Hea3en( <:) Pe*se3e*e in .*a-e*: and be wat1hfu% in it! and in gi3ing than;s( <:2 And .*a- a%so fo* us! that E%ohi#&God wou%d o.en to us a doo* of s.ee1h fo* utte*ing the #-ste*- of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! fo* the sa;e of whi1h&[$-*(&a%t> who+ 0 a# in bonds: <:< That 0 #a- unfo%d it! and utte* it! as it is-ne1essa*--fo* #e( <:= 4a%; in wisdo# towa*ds the# without: and *edee# -ou* o..o*tunit-( <:? And %et -ou* s.ee1h at a%% ti#es be with g*a1e! as it we*e! seasoned with sa%t: and ;now -ou! how -ou ought to gi3e answe* to e3e*- #an( <:@ And what is [Eo11u**ingF+ with #e! wi%% T-1hi1us #a;e ;nown to -ou: who is a be%o3ed b*othe*! and a faithfu% se*3ant! and ou* fe%%ow-se*3ant in the 6o*d( <:A 4ho# 0 ha3e sent to -ou fo* this .u*.ose! that [PR+-he&[A> -ou+ #ight ;now [PR+--ou*&[A> ou*+ Estate ofF affai*s! and [A> he+-"PR' "R'-#ight-[AP+ 1o#fo*t -ou* hea*ts: <:C Togethe* with 7nesi#us! a faithfu% and be%o3ed b*othe*! who is f*o# a#ong -ou( These wi%% #a;e ;nown to -ou what is [Eo11u**ingF+ with us( <:1G A*ista*1hus! #- fe%%ow-1a.ti3e! g*eets -ou: a%so a*;& a*1us! an un1%e>s Kson to /a*-Nabba! of who# -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed di*e1tions! that if he 1o#e to -ou! -ou #a- ;ind%- *e1ei3e hi#: KE$-*(&note> $ee Nu#( 2?:11F <:11 A%so Yeshua! who is 1a%%ed Uustus( These a*e 5E/e%ie3ing UewsF> of the 1i*1u#1ision! and the- on%- ha3e aided #e in the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God: and the- ha3e been a 1o#fo*t to #e( <:1) E.a.h*as g*eets -ou! who is f*o# a#ong -ou! a se*3ant of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! a%wa-s %abo*ing fo* -ou in .*a-e*! that -ou #a- stand .e*fe1t and [PR+-1o#.%ete&[A> fu%%- assu*ed+ in a%% the good .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God( <:12 Po* 0 testif- fo* hi#! that he has g*eat [PR+-Dea%&[A> 1on1e*n+ fo* -ou! and fo* the# of 6aodi1ea! and fo* the# of Hie*a.o%is( <:1< 6u;e the .h-si1ian! ou* be%o3ed! g*eets -ou! a%so 8e#as(

<:1= G*eet -ou the b*eth*en in 6aodi1ea! and [R> N-#.has+&N-#.ha-[AP+! and the Cong*egation in [PR+-his&[A> he*+ house( <:1? And when this %ette* sha%% ha3e been *ead a#ong -ou! 1ause it to be *ead a%so in the Cong*egation of the 6aodi1eans: and that whi1h is w*itten f*o# 6aodi1ea! do -ou *ead( <:1@ And sa- to A* /e attenti3e to the offi1e-of-se*3i1e whi1h -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed in ou* 6o*d! that -ou 1a**--out it( <:1A This g*eeting is b- the hand of #e $ha>u%( Re#e#be* #bonds( G*a1e be with -ou( A#aine( K[P> End of the 6ette* to the Co%ossians: whi1h was w*itten f*o# Ro#e! and was sent b- the hands of T-1hi1us(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: 1 THE$$A67N0AN$( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Pi*st 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To The THE$$A67N0AN$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u% and $i%a and Ti#oth-! to the Cong*egation of the Thessa%onians! whi1h is in E%ohi#&God the Pathe* and in ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: G*a1e be with -ou! and sha%o#&.ea1e [R> f*o# E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe* and the 6o*d Yeshua essiah(+-"AP' 1:) 4e gi3e than;s to E%ohi#&God at a%% ti#es! on a11ount of -ou a%%! and *e#e#be* -ou 1ontinua%%- in ou* .*a-e*s: 1:2 And we 1a%% to #ind befo*e E%ohi#&God the Pathe* the wo*;s of -ou* faith! and the toi% of -ou* %o3e! and the .atien1e of -ou* ho.e in ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:< Po* we ;now -ou* e%e1tion&5se%e1tion b- God>! #- b*eth*en! be%o3ed of E%ohi#&God( 1:= Po* ou* .*o1%ai#ing a#ong -ou! was not in wo*ds on%-: but a%so in .owe*! and in Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it>! and in genuine .e*suasion( You a%so ;now! how we we*e a#ong -ou fo* -ou* sa;es( 1:? And -ou be1o#e i#itato*s of us! and of ou* 6o*d! in that -ou *e1ei3ed the 4o*d in g*eat aff%i1tion! and with the Oo- of Rua1hHaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it>( 1:@ And -ou we*e a .atte*n fo* a%% the be%ie3e*s who a*e in a1edonia and in A1haia( 1:A Po* f*o# -ou the 4o*d of ou* 6o*d sounded&[$-*(> was hea*d+ fo*th: [EandF+ not on%- in a1edonia and A1haia! but in e3e*.%a1e! -ou* faith in E%ohi#&God is hea*d of: so that we ha3e no need to sa- an- thing 1on1e*ning -ou( 1:C Po* the- de1%a*e! what an ente*ing-in we had to -ou! and how -ou tu*ned f*o# the wo*shi. of ido%s unto E%ohi#&God! that -ou #ight wo*shi. the %i3ing and T*ue God: 1:1G 4hi%e -ou wait fo* His $on f*o# Hea3en! that Yeshua who# He *aised f*o# the dead! who de%i3e*s us f*o# the w*ath to 1o#e( CHAPTER ) ):1 And -ou -ou*se%3es! #- b*eth*en! ;now ou* ent*an1e a#ong -ou! that it was not in 3ain:

):) /ut [R> e3en afte*-"A '+ we fi*st suffe*ed and we*e t*eated with indignit-! as -ou ;now! at Phi%i..i: and then! in a g*eat agon-! with 1onfiden1e in ou* God! we add*essed to -ou the GoodNews of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ):2 Po* ou* eLho*tation&5ea*nest-ad3ising> .*o1eeded not f*o# de1eit! no* f*o# i#.u*it-! no* in gui%e&1unningness: ):< /ut as we had been a..*o3ed of E%ohi#&God to be ent*usted with the Good-News! so we s.ea;! not as .%easing #en! but E%ohi#&God who sea*1hes ou* hea*ts( ):= Po* at no ti#e ha3e we used f%atte*ing s.ee1h! as -ou ;now: no* a 1%oa; of desi*e-fo*-wea%th&g*eed! E%ohi#&God is witness( ):? Neithe* ha3e we sought g%o*- f*o# #en! eithe* f*o# -ou o* f*o# othe*s! when we #ight ha3e been 1ha*geab%e as E#issa*ies& 56egates> of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ):@ /ut we we*e [R#> gent%e+N%ow%-&[#> babes+ a#ong -ou: and %i;e a nu*se who 1a*esses he* 1hi%d*en! ):A $o we a%so 1a*essed [E-ouF+! and we*e desi*ous to i#.a*t to -ou! not the Good-News of E%ohi#&God #e*e%-! but a%so ou* own sou%! be1ause -ou we*e dea* to us( ):C Po* we *e1o%%e1t! b*eth*en! that we %abo*ed and toi%ed! wo*;ing with ou* own hands! b- night and b- da-! that we #ight not be 1ha*geab%e to an- one of -ou( ):1G You a*e witnesses! and E%ohi#&God [Ea%soF+! how we .*o1%ai#ed to -ou the Good-News of E%ohi#&God! .u*e%- and u.*ight%-! and we*e b%a#e%ess towa*ds a%% the# that be%ie3e: ):11 KAs -ou*se%3es ;now! we i#.%o*ed ea1h one of -ou! as a fathe* his 1hi%d*en! and 1o#fo*ted&[$-*(> 1on3e*sed with+ -ou* hea*ts: K[A R> As -ou ;now how we eLho*ted! and 1o#fo*ted! and 1ha*ged-[A > i#.%o*ed+ e3e*- one of -ou! as a fathe* EtoF his own 1hi%d*en!+ ):1) And we inst*u1ted&1ha*ged -ou! to wa%; as it is-suitab%e-to E%ohi#&God! who has 1a%%ed -ou to His Bingdo# and His g%o*-( ):12 @ The*efo*e a%so we gi3e than;s un1easing%- to E%ohi#&God! that the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God whi1h -ou *e1ei3ed f*o# us! -ou did not *e1ei3e as the wo*d of #en! but as being t*u%- the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God! whi1h wo*;s effi1ient%- in -ou and in the# that be%ie3e( ):1< Po* -ou! #- b*eth*en! be1o#e %i;ened to the Cong*egations of E%ohi#&God in Y>hudah! the .e*sons who a*e in Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>: in that -ou so suffe*ed! e3en -ou f*o# -ou* own 1ount*-#en! as a%so the- f*o# the Uudeans( ):1= The .e*sons who s%ew ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and .e*se1uted thei* own P*o.hets and us: and the- .%ease not

E%ohi#&God! and a*e #ade hosti%e to a%% #en: ):1? And the- fo*bid us to s.ea; to the Genti%es&Go-i#! that the#aha3e-6ife&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+: -- to fi%% u. thei* sins at a%% ti#es( And w*ath 1o#es on the# to the utte*#ost( ):1@ @ /ut we! #- b*eth*en! ha3e been #ade-deso%ate-b--%oss of -ou fo* a sho*t ti#e! Tin 3isib%e .*esen1e&[$-*(> b- fa1e+! not in ou* hea*ts!T and ha3e the #o*e eLe*ted ou*se%3es! to beho%d -ou* fa1es! with g*eat affe1tion( ):1A And we .u*.osed to 1o#e to -ou! -- 0 $ha>u%! on1e and again: but ha$atan hinde*ed #e( ):1C Po* what is ou* ho.e! and ou* Oo-! and the 1*own of ou* g%o*-ing: un%ess it be -ou! befo*e ou* 6o*d Yeshua [R> essiah+ at His 1o#ingI ):)G Po* -ou a*e ou* g%o*-! and ou* Oo-( CHAPTER 2 2:1 And! be1ause we 1ou%d no %onge* endu*e it! we we*e wi%%ing to be %eft a%one at Athens! 2:) And to send to -ou Ti#oth- ou* b*othe*! a se*3ant of E%ohi#&God! and ou* assistant in the announ1e#ent of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: that he #ight st*engthen -ou! and inMui*e of -ou *es.e1ting -ou* faith: 2:2 6est an- of -ou shou%d be dishea*tened b- the aff%i1tions: fo* -ou ;now! that we a*e a..ointed unto-these( 2:< Po* a%so when we we*e with -ou! we fo*ewa*ned -ou! that we we*e to be aff%i1ted: as -ou ;now did o11u*( 2:= The*efo*e a%so 0 1ou%d not be Muiet! unti% 0 sent to %ea*n -ou* faith: %est the Te#.te* shou%d ha3e te#.ted -ou! and ou* %abo* ha3e been in 3ain( 2:? /ut now! sin1e Ti#oth- has 1o#e to us f*o# a#ong -ou! and has info*#ed us *es.e1ting -ou* faith and -ou* %o3e! and that -ou ha3e a good *e#e#b*an1e of us at a%% ti#es! and that -ou desi*e to see us! e3en as we [Eto seeF+ -ou: 2:@ The*efo*e we a*e 1o#fo*ted in -ou! #- b*eth*en! a#id a%% ou* diffi1u%ties and aff%i1tions! on a11ount of -ou* faith( 2:A And now! we %i3e! if -ou stand fast in ou* 6o*d( 2:C Po* what than;s 1an we *ende* to E%ohi#&God in -ou* beha%f! fo* a%% the Oo-s with whi1h we a*e Oo-fu% on -ou* a11ount: 2:1G Sn%ess it be! that we the #o*e su..%i1ate&5.*a-e*fu%%-*eMuest> befo*e E%ohi#&God! b- night and b- da-! that we #a- see -ou* fa1es! and #a- .e*fe1t what is %a1;ing in -ou* faithI 2:11 And #a- E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe*! and ou* 6o*d Yeshua "#'Ha ashia1h &5The essiah>! di*e1t ou* wa- unto -ou: 2:1) And in1*ease and en%a*ge -ou* %o3e towa*ds one anothe*! and towa*ds a%% #en! e3en as we %o3e -ou: 2:12 And estab%ish -ou* hea*ts unb%a#ab%e in ho%iness! befo*e E%ohi#& God ou* Pathe*: at the 1o#ing&ad3ent&a..ea*an1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua "#'-Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> with a%% His san1tified-ones( CHAPTER <

<:1 @ 4he*efo*e! #- b*eth*en! 0 ea*nest%--as; -ou! and i#.%o*e -ou bou* 6o*d Yeshua! that! as -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed f*o# us how -ou ought to wa%;! and to .%ease E%ohi#&God! so -ou wou%d #a;e .*og*ess #o*e and #o*e( <:) Po* -ou ;now what 1o##and we ga3e -ou in ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( <:2 Po* this is the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God! -ou* san1tifi1ation: and that -ou be se.a*ated f*o# a%% who*edo#: <:< And that ea1h one of -ou #ight ;now how to a1Mui*e&.ossess his 3esse%&bod-! in san1tit- and in hono*: <:= And not in the 5de3iate-seLua%-desi*e>&1on1u.is1en1e of %ust! %i;e the *est of the Genti%es&Go-i# who ;now not E%ohi#&God: <:? And that -ou da*e not to t*ansg*ess and to def*aud an- one his b*othe*! in this #atte*: be1ause ou* 6o*d is the a3enge* of a%% these! as a%so we ha3e said and testified to -ou in ti#e .ast( <:@ Po* E%ohi#&God did not 1a%% -ou unto i#.u*it-! but to san1tifi1ation( <:A He the*efo*e who *eOe1ts Ethese 1o##andsF! *eOe1ts not #an but E%ohi#&God! >[A> who a%so gi3es+Nwho has [R> a%so+> gi3en His Rua1h-Bodesh&5Ho%- $.i*it> in -ou( <:C Now 1on1e*ning %o3e to the b*eth*en! -ou need not that 0 shou%d w*ite to -ou: fo* -ou -ou*se%3es a*e taught of E%ohi#&God to %o3e one anothe*( <:1G You %i;ewise do so! to a%% that the b*eth*en who a*e in a%% a1edonia: but 0 ea*nest%--as; -ou! #- b*eth*en! to be 5g*eat%--in1*easing>&eLube*ant Ein thisF: <:11 And that -ou st*i3e to be Muiet! and to attend to -ou* own affai*s: and that -ou %abo* with -ou* own hands! as we di*e1ted -ou: <:1) And that -ou wa%; as-is-.*o.e* towa*ds those without: and that -ou be de.endent-on&[$-*(> be in need of+ no #an( <:12 @ And! 0 wish -ou to ;now! #- b*eth*en! that -ou shou%d not #ou*n o3e* the# who ha3e fa%%en as%ee.! %i;e othe* .eo.%e who ha3e no ho.e( <:1< Po* if we be%ie3e that Yeshua died and *ose again! e3en so the# who s%ee.! wi%% E%ohi#&God b-&5in> Yeshua! b*ing with Hi#( <:1= And this we sa- to -ou! b- the 4o*d of ou* 6o*d! that we who #asu*3i3e and be a%i3e! at the 1o#ing of ou* 6o*d! sha%% not .*e1ede the# who ha3e s%e.t( <:1? /e1ause ou* 6o*d wi%% Hi#se%f des1end f*o# Hea3en! with >[R> a shout+&the #andate&51o##and>>! and with the 9oi1e of the ChiefAnge%! and with the $hofa*&5t**a#>s-ho*n> of E%ohi#&God: and the dead who a*e in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! wi%% fi*st a*ise: <:1@ And then! we who su*3i3e and a*e a%i3e sha%% be 1aught u. togethe* with the# to the 1%ouds! to #eet ou* 6o*d in the ai*:

and so sha%% we be e3e* with ou* 6o*d( <:1A 4he*efo*e! 1o#fo*t -ou one anothe* with these wo*ds CHAPTER = =:1 /ut 1on1e*ning the ti#es and seasons! #- b*eth*en! -ou need not that 0 w*ite to -ou: =:) Po* -ou ;now assu*ed%-! that the 8a- of ou* 6o*d so 1o#es! as a thief b- night( =:2 4hi%e the- wi%% be sa-ing! Pea1e and Muietness! then sudden%dest*u1tion wi%% bu*st u.on the#! as dist*ess u.on a 1hi%dbea*e*! and the- wi%% not es1a.e( =:< /ut -ou! #- b*eth*en! a*e not in da*;ness! that that dashou%d o3e*ta;e -ou as a thief( =:= Po* -ou a*e a%% 1hi%d*en of the 6ight! and 1hi%d*en of the da-: and a*e not 1hi%d*en of the night! and 1hi%d*en of da*;ness( =:? 6et us not the*efo*e s%ee.! %i;e othe*s: but %et us be 3igi%ant and 1onside*ate&5thoughtfu%>( =:@ Po* the- who s%ee.! s%ee. in the night: and the- who a*e d*un;! a*e d*un; in the night( =:A /ut %et us who a*e 1hi%d*en of the da-! be wa;efu% in #ind! and .ut on the b*east.%ate of faith and %o3e! and ta;e&[$-*(> i#.ose+ the he%#et of the ho.e of 6ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+( =:C Po* E%ohi#&God has not a..ointed us to w*ath! but to the a1Muisition of 6ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+! b-&5th*ough> ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>-"#': =:1G 4ho died fo* us! that whethe* we wa;e o* s%ee.! we #ight %i3e togethe* with Hi#( =:11 The*efo*e 1o#fo*t one anothe*! and edif- one anothe*! as a%so -ou ha3e done( =:1) @ And we ea*nest%--as; -ou! #- b*eth*en! that -ou *e1ogniDe the# who %abo* a#ong -ou! and who stand befo*e -ou* fa1es in ou* 6o*d! and inst*u1t -ou: =:12 That the- #a- be estee#ed b- -ou with abundant %o3e: and! on a11ount of thei* wo*;! %i3e -ou in ha*#on- with the#( =:1< And we ea*nest%--as; -ou! #- b*eth*en! that -ou ad#onish the 5ones-dese*3ing-b%a#e>&fau%t-! and en1ou*age the fainthea*ted! and bea* the bu*dens of the wea;! and be .atient%--endu*ing towa*ds a%% #en( =:1= And bewa*e! %est an- of -ou *etu*n e3i% fo* e3i%! but a%wa-s fo%%ow&[$-*(> *un afte*+ good-wo*;s&E itD3otF! towa*ds one anothe*! and towa*ds a%% #en( =:1? And be Oo-fu% a%wa-s( =:1@ And .*a- without 1easing( =:1A And in e3e*- thing be than;fu%: Po* this is the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! 1on1e*ning -ou( =:1C Wuen1h not the Rua1h&$.i*it( =:)G - 8es.ise not .*o.hes-ing( =:)1 - 0n3estigate&51a*efu%%--eLa#ine> e3e*- thing! and ho%d fast the

good( =:)) - And 5f%ee>&f%- f*o# e3e*- thing e3i%( =:)2 And #a- the God of sha%o#&.ea1e san1tif- -ou a%%! .e*fe1t%-! and ;ee. b%a#e%ess -ou* who%e s.i*it! and -ou* sou%! and -ou* bod-! ti%% the 1o#ing of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( =:)< Paithfu% is He that has 1a%%ed -ou! who wi%% do it( =:)= - b*eth*en .*a- fo* us [#> a%so+( =:)? G*eet a%% ou* b*eth*en with a ho%- ;iss( =:)@ 0 so%e#n%--ent*eat&5a..ea%-to> -ou b- ou* 6o*d! that this %ette* be *ead to a%% the [PR+-ho%--"A' b*eth*en( =:)A The g*a1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> be with -ou( A#aine( [P> End of the Pi*st 6ette* to the Thessa%onians: whi1h was w*itten f*o# Athens! and was sent b- the hands of Ti#oth-(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: ) THE$$A67N0AN$( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The $e1ond 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To The THE$$A67N0AN$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u% and $i%a and Ti#oth-! to the Cong*egation of the Thessa%onians! whi1h is in E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe* and ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashai1h&5The essiah>: 1:) G*a1e be with -ou! and sha%o#&.ea1e! f*o# E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:2 4e a*e bound to gi3e than;s to E%ohi#&God a%wa-s! on -ou* a11ount! #- b*eth*en! as it is .*o.e*: be1ause -ou* faith g*ows eL1eeding%-! and! in -ou a%%! the %o3e of ea1h fo* his 1o#*ade in1*eases( 1:< 0nso#u1h that we a%so boast of -ou in the Cong*egations of E%ohi# &God! on a11ount of -ou* faith! and -ou* .atien1e in a%% the .e*se1ution and t*ia%s that -ou endu*e: 1:= Po* a de#onst*ation of the *ighteous Oudge#ent of E%ohi#&God: that -ou #a- be wo*th- of His Bingdo#! on a11ount of whi1h -ou suffe*( 1:? And sin1e it is a *ighteous thing with E%ohi#&God! to *e1o#.ense& *e.a- t*oub%e to the# that t*oub%e -ou: 1:@ And -ou! who a*e the t*oub%ed! He wi%% #a;e-a%i3e! with us! at the #anifestation of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> f*o# Hea3en! with the host of His ange%s: 1:A 4hen He wi%% eLe1ute 3engean1e! with the bu*ning of fi*e! on the# that ;now not E%ohi#&God! and on the# that a1;now%edge not the Good-News of ou* 6o*d Yeshua "#'-Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:C Po* these wi%% be *e.a-ed&*e1o#.ensed with the Uudge#ent of ete*na% dest*u1tion! f*o# the P*esen1e of ou* 6o*d! and f*o# the g%o*- of His .owe*: 1:1G 4hen He sha%% 1o#e to be g%o*ified in His san1tified-ones! Kand to dis.%a- His wonde*s in His faithfu% ones: fo* ou* testi#on1on1e*ning -ou! wi%% be be%ie3ed! in that 8a-( K[EAFR>(((! and to be ad#i*ed in a%% the# who be%ie3e-[A> ha3e be%ie3ed+! be1ause ou* testi#on- a#ong -ou was be%ie3ed! in that 8a-(+

1:11 The*efo*e we .*a- fo* -ou! at a%% ti#es: that E%ohi#&God wou%d #a;e -ou wo*th- of -ou* 1a%%ing! and wou%d fi%% -ou with a%% *eadiness fo* good wo*;s! and with the wo*;s of faith b- .owe*: 1:1) $o that the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! #abe g%o*ified in -ou! [EandF+ -ou a%so in Hi#: a11o*ding to the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God! and of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( CHAPTER ) ):1 /ut we as;-ea*nest%- of -ou! #- b*eth*en! in *ega*d to the 1o#ing of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and in *es.e1t to ou* being gathe*ed-togethe* unto Hi#! ):) That -ou be not soon sti**ed-u. in -ou* #ind! no* be t*oub%ed! -neithe* b- wo*d! no* b- s.i*it! no* b- %ette*! as 1o#ing f*o# us! -- that beho%d! the 8a- of ou* 6o*d is at hand( ):2 6et no one de1ei3e -ou in an- wa-: be1ause [Ethat da- wi%% not 1o#eF+! un%ess the*e .*e3ious%- 1o#e a dese*tion&[$-*(&a%t> *ebe%%ion+! and that #an of sin be *e3ea%ed! the son of 1o#.%ete*uin: ):< 4ho is an o..ose*! and eLa%ts hi#se%f abo3e a%% that is 1a%%ed God and 4o*shi.fu%: so that he a%so sits in the Te#.%e of E%ohi#& God! Kas a god! and dis.%a-s hi#se%f! as if he we*e E%ohi#&God( K[EAFR>(((! "A> as God'! showing hi#se%f that he is God(+ ):= 8o -ou not *e#e#be*! that! when 0 was with -ou! 0 to%d -ou these thingsI ):? And now! -ou ;now what hinde*s his being #anifested in his ti#e( K[R> And now -ou ;now what witho%ds that he #ight be *e3ea%ed in his ti#e(+ ):@ Po* the #-ste*- of the e3i%-one&[G*(%it(E<=AF> EoneF 3oid&in3io%ation of the To*ah+ a%*ead- begins to be o.e*ati3e: and on%-! if that whi1h now hinde*s sha%% be ta;en f*o# the #idst: ):A Then at %ength wi%% that e3i%-one&[G*(%it(E<=CF> one 3oid&in3io%ation of To*ah+ be *e3ea%ed: who# ou* 6o*d Yeshua wi%% 1onsu#e b- the b*eath of His #outh! and wi%% b*ing to nothing bthe 3isibi%it- of His a**i3a%&1o#ing&ad3ent( ):C Po* the 1o#ing of that [Ee3i%-oneF+! is the wo*;ing of ha$atan! with a%% .owe*! and signs! and %-ing wonde*s! ):1G And with a%% the de1e.ti3eness of iniMuit-! in the# that .e*ish: be1ause the- did not *e1ei3e the %o3e of the T*uth! b- whi1h the#ight ha3e-6ife&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+( ):11 The*efo*e E%ohi#&God wi%% send u.on the# the o.e*ation of de1e.tion! that the- #a- be%ie3e a %ie: ):1) And that the- a%% #a- be 1onde#ned! who be%ie3e not the T*uth! but ha3e .%easu*e in iniMuit-( ):12 /ut we a*e bound to gi3e than;s to E%ohi#&God a%wa-s! on -ou* a11ount! #- b*eth*en be%o3ed of ou* 6o*d! that E%ohi#&God has >f*o# the beginning&[#> fi*st f*uits+> 1hosen -ou unto 6ife&[$-*( &a%t> $a%3ation+! th*ough san1tifi1ation of the Rua1h&$.i*it! and th*ough faith in the T*uth(

):1< Po* unto these it was! that E%ohi#&God 1a%%ed -ou b- ou* .*o1%ai#ing: that -ou #ight be the g%o*- to ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ):1= The*efo*e! #- b*eth*en! be estab%ished! and .e*se3e*e in the .*e1e.ts whi1h -ou ha3e been taught! whethe* b- wo*d o* bou* %ette*( ):1? And #a- ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> Hi#se%f! and E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe*! who has %o3ed us! and gi3en us e3e*%asting 1onso%ation and a good ho.e th*ough His g*a1e! ):1@ Co#fo*t -ou* hea*ts! and estab%ish [E-ouF+ in e3e*- good wo*d! and in e3e*- good wo*;( CHAPTER 2 2:1 Hen1efo*th! b*eth*en! .*a- -ou fo* us! that the 4o*d of ou* 6o*d #a-! in e3e*- .%a1e! #o3e-swift%- and be g%o*ified! as with -ou: 2:) And that we #a- be de%i3e*ed f*o# e3i% and .e*3e*se #en: fo* faith is not in a%%( 2:2 And faithfu% is the 6o*d! who wi%% ;ee. -ou and *es1ue -ou f*o# the e3i%-one( 2:< And we ha3e 1onfiden1e in -ou! th*ough ou* 6o*d! that what we ha3e i#.*essed on -ou! - -ou both ha3e done! and wi%% do( 2:= And #a- ou* 6o*d di*e1t -ou* hea*ts to the %o3e of E%ohi#&God! and to a .atient waiting fo* Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:? And we enOoin&5o*de*> u.on -ou! #- b*eth*en! in the Na#e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! that -ou withd*aw f*o# e3e*- b*othe* who wa%;s wi1;ed%-! and not a11o*ding to the .*e1e.ts whi1h [R> he+&-ouN[A > the-+ *e1ei3ed f*o# us( 2:@ Po* -ou ;now how -ou ought to i#itate us! who did not wa%; wi1;ed%- a#ong -ou( 2:A Neithe* did we eat b*ead without-1ha*ge f*o# an- of -ou: but! with toi% and wea*iness! we %abo*ed b- night and b- da-! that we #ight not be bu*denso#e to an- of -ou( 2:C 0t was not be1ause we ha3e no autho*it-! but that we #ight gi3e -ou an eLa#.%e in ou*se%3es! that -ou #ight i#itate us( 2:1G And whi%e we we*e with -ou! we a%so ga3e -ou this .*e1e.t! That e3e*- one who wou%d not wo*;! shou%d %i;ewise not eat( 2:11 Po* we hea*! the*e a*e so#e a#ong -ou who wa%; wi1;ed%-! and do nothing eL1e.t 3ain things( 2:1) Now su1h .e*sons! we 1o##and and eLho*t! b- ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! that in Muietness the- wo*;! and eat thei* own b*ead( 2:12 And #- b*eth*en! %et it not be wea*iso#e to -ou! to do what is good( 2:1< And if an- one %istens&heeds not to these [E#-F+ wo*ds in this %ette*! se.a*ate that #an f*o# -ou! and ha3e no 1%ose.e*sona%-

1onta1t with hi#! that he #a- be asha#ed( 2:1= Yet! ho%d hi# not as an ene#-! but ad#onish hi# as a b*othe*( 2:1? And #a- the 6o*d of sha%o#&.ea1e gi3e -ou sha%o#! a%wa-s! in e3e*- thing( 7u* 6o*d be with -ou a%%( 2:1@ This g*eeting in the w*iting of #- own hand! 0 $ha>u% ha3e w*itten it: whi1h is the to;en in a%% #- %ette*s! so 0 w*ite( 2:1A The g*a1e of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> be with -ou a%%! #b*eth*en( A#aine( K[End of the $e1ond 6ette* to the Thessa%onians: whi1h was w*itten f*o# 6aodi1ea of Pisidia! and was sent b- the hands of T-1hi1us(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: 1 T0 7THY( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Pi*st 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To T0 7THY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u%! a E#issa*-&56egate> of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! b- the 1o##and of E%ohi#&God ou* 6ife-gi3e*&[$-*(&a%t> $a3iou*+! and of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! Yeshua ou* ho.e: 1:) To Ti#oth-! [E#-F+ t*ue son in the Paith: g*a1e and #e*1- and sha%o#&.ea1e! f*o# E%ohi#&God ou* Pathe*! and Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! Yeshua ou* 6o*d( 1:2 4hen 0 was going into a1edonia! 0 *eMuested -ou to *e#ain at E.hesus! and to 1o##and&51ha*ge> 1e*tain .e*sons not to tea1h diffe*ent do1t*ines&5tea1hings>: 1:< And not to th*ow the#se%3es into fab%es and sto*ies about genea%ogies! of whi1h the*e is no end! whi1h .*odu1e 1ontention *athe* than edifi1ation in the Paith of E%ohi#&God( 1:= Now the design&[$-*(i(e(> s1o.e+ of the 1o##and is %o3e! whi1h is f*o# a .u*e hea*t! and f*o# a good 1ons1ien1e! and f*o# t*ue faith( 1:? /ut f*o# these so#e ha3e st*a-ed! and ha3e tu*ned aside to 3ain wo*ds: 1:@ /e1ause the- wished to be tea1he*s of the To*ah! whi%e theunde*stood not what the- s.ea;! no* the thing about whi1h the1ontend( 1:A Now we ;now that the To*ah is a good thing! if a #an 1ondu1t hi#se%f in 0t! a11o*ding to the To*ah! 1:C - He ;nowing that the To*ah was not estab%ished fo* the *ighteous! but fo* the e3i%! and the *ebe%%ious! and the unGod%-! and the sinfu%! and the .e*3e*se! and fo* the i#.u*e! and fo* s#ite*s of thei* fathe*s and s#ite*s of thei* #othe*s! and fo* #u*de*e*s! 1:1G And fo* Kwho*e#onge*s! and fo* seLua%-Ooining with #a%es! and fo* the stea%e*s of f*ee .eo.%e! and fo* %ia*s! and fo* 3io%ato*s of oaths! and fo* whate3e* is 1ont*a*- to sound tea1hing&5do1t*ine>( K[NBU9>((( fo*ni1ato*s! fo* sodo#ites! fo* ;idna..e*s! fo* %ia*s! fo* .e*Ou*e*s! (((+

1:11 [ENa#e%-F+ that of the g%o*ious Good-News&[$-*(> Good-News of the g%o*- of! R1(+ of the b%essed God! with whi1h 0 a# ent*usted( 1:1) And 0 than; Hi# who st*engthened #e! [Ee3enF+ ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: who a11ounted #e faithfu%! and a..ointed #e to His offi1e-of-se*3i1e: 1:12 e [E0 sa-F+! who befo*e was a b%as.he#e*! and a .e*se1uto*! and a 3e*ba%-abuse*&5*e3i%e*>: but 0 obtained #e*1-! be1ause 0 did it whi%e igno*ant and without faith( 1:1< And in #e the g*a1e of ou* 6o*d abounded! and faith and %o3e! whi1h is in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:1= Paithfu% is the de1%a*ation! and wo*th- to be *e1ei3ed that Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> 1a#e into the wo*%d to gi3e-6ife& [$-*(&a%t> sa3e+ to sinne*s! of who# 0 was the .*i#a*-( 1:1? /ut fo* this 1ause had He #e*1- on #e! that in #e fi*st Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> #ight dis.%a- a%% His .atientendu*ing! fo* an eLa#.%e to the# who we*e to be%ie3e on Hi# unto %ife ete*na%( 1:1@ And to the Bing ete*na%! in1o**u.tib%e! and in3isib%e! Kthe 7neand-7n%- God! be hono* and g%o*- fo* e3e* and e3e*J A#aine( K[EAFR>(((! to [A> the on%-+ God who a%one is wise! EbeF hono* (((+ 1:1A This inOun1tion 0 1o##it to -ou! #- son Ti#oth-! a11o*ding to the fo*#e* .*edi1tions&[G*(> .*o.he1ies+ 1on1e*ning -ou! that in the# -ou #ight wa* this good wa*fa*e! 1:1C 0n faith and a good 1ons1ien1e: fo* the- who ha3e *eOe1ted& 5*e.udiated> this! ha3e be1o#e destitute of faith: 1:)G 6i;e H-#enaeus and A%eLande*! who# 0 ha3e de%i3e*ed u. to ha$atan! that the- #a- %ea*n not to be b%as.he#e*s( CHAPTER ) ):1 @ 0 eLho*t -ou! the*efo*e! fi*st of a%%! that -ou .*esent to E%ohi#&God .etition&5su..%i1ation>! and .*a-e*! and inte*1ession! and than;sgi3ing! fo* a%% #en: ):) Po* ;ings and #agist*ates! that we #a- dwe%% in a Muiet and t*anMui% habitation! with a%% *e3e*en1e fo* E%ohi#&God! and with .u*it-( ):2 Po* this is good and befo*e E%ohi#&God ou* 6ifeGi3e*& [$-*(&a%t> $a3iou*+: ):< 4ho wou%d ha3e a%% #en 6i3e&[$-*(&a%t> be sa3ed+! and be t*ansfo*#ed&1hanged to the ;now%edge of the T*uth( ):= Po* E%ohi#&God is 7ne: and the ediato* between E%ohi#&God and #en is 7ne! [Ena#e%-F+ the #an Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: ):? 4ho ga3e Hi#se%f a *anso# fo* e3e*- #an: a testi#on- that a**i3ed in due ti#e! ):@ 7f whi1h 0 a# a..ointed a .*o1%ai#e* and E#issa*-&56egate>( 0 s.ea; the T*uth "AP'-[R> in essiah+! and do not %ie! fo* 0 a# the tea1he* of the Go-i#&Genti%es in the be%ief of the T*uth(

):A 0 desi*e the*efo*e! that #en #a- .*a- in e3e*- .%a1e! whi%e the%ift u. thei* hands with .u*it-! without w*ath! and without a*gu#ents&Mua**e%s&dis.utations( ):C $o a%so! that wo#en [Ea..ea*F+ in a 1haste fashion of d*ess: and that thei* ado*ning be with #odest- and 1hastit-: not with 1u*%s! o* with go%d! o* with .ea*%s! o* with s.%endid *obes: ):1G /ut with good wo*;s! as is-.*o.e*-fo* wo#en who .*ofess *e3e*en1e fo* E%ohi#&God( ):11 6et a wo#an %ea*n in si%en1e! with a%% sub#ission: ):1) Po* 0 do not a%%ow a wo#an to tea1h! no* to be assu#ing o3e* the #an: but %et he* *e#ain in Muietness&sti%%ness( ):12 Po* Ada# was fi*st fo*#ed! and then Cha3ah&5E3e>( ):1< And Ada# was not sedu1ed! but the wo#an was sedu1ed and t*ang*essed the 1o##and&5#itD3ah>( ):1= Yet she sha%% %i3e&[$-*(> be sa3ed+ b- #eans of he* 1hi%d*en! if the- 1ontinue in the faith! and in %o3e! and in san1tit-! and in 1hastit-( KE$ee N9 1o##enta*- on this 3e*se(F CHAPTER 2 2:1 @ 0t is a faithfu% sa-ing! that if a #an desi*es the E%de*shi.& [EG*(F> 73e*see*shi.+! he desi*es a good wo*;( 2:) And an E%de*&[G*(> 73e*see*+ ought to be su1h! that no b%a#e 1an be found in hi#: and he shou%d be the husband of one wife! with a a%e*t&wat1hfu%&3igi%ant #ind! and sobe* and *egu%a* [Ein his habits&5*outine-beha3io*>F+! and affe1tionate to st*ange*s! and inst*u1ti3e: 2:2 And not a t*ansg*esso* in *ega*d to wine! and whose hand is not swift to st*i;e "AP'-[R> not g*eed- fo* #one-+: but he shou%d be hu#b%e! and not 1ontentious! no* >a %o3e* #one-&[R> 1o3etous+>: 2:< And one that guides we%% his own house! and ho%ds his 1hi%d*en in subOe1tion with a%% .u*it-( 2:= Po* if he ;nows not how to guide his own house we%%! how 1an he guide the Cong*egation of E%ohi#&God( 2:? Neithe* %et hi# be of a *e1ent .osition-of-a-Ta%#id: %est he be u.%ifted! and fa%% into the 1onde#nation of ha$atan( 2:@ And the*e ought to be good testi#on- of hi# f*o# those without: %est he fa%% into *e.*oa1h and the sna*e of ha$atan( 2:A And so a%so the $ha##ashi#&58ea1ons> shou%d be .u*e! and not s.ea; doub%e! no* in1%ine to #u1h wine! no* %o3e dishonest&base gains: 2:C /ut shou%d ho%d the #-ste*- of the Paith with a .u*e 1ons1ien1e( 2:1G And %et the# be fi*st t*ied&tested&.*o3ed! and then %et the# se*3e! if the- a*e without b%a#e( 2:11 $o a%so shou%d the wi3es be 1haste! and of a%e*t&wat1hfu%&

3igi%ant #inds: and the- shou%d be faithfu% in a%% things: and the- shou%d not be s%ande*e*s( 2:1) 6et the $ha##ashi#&58ea1ons> be su1h as ha3e ea1h one wife! and guide we%% thei* 1hi%d*en and househo%ds( 2:12 Po* the- who se*3e we%% [Eas $ha##ashi#&58ea1ons>F+! .*o1u*e fo* the#se%3es a good .osition&deg*ee! and #u1h bo%dness in the faith of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:1< These things 0 w*ite to -ou! whi%e soon to 1o#e to -ou: 2:1= /ut if 0 shou%d de%a-! that -ou #a- ;now how -ou ought to 1ondu1t -ou*se%f in the House of E%ohi#&God! whi1h is the Cong*egation of the %i3ing God(K -- The .i%%a* and the foundation of the T*uth( KE$-*(note: The st*u1tu*e of these senten1es is the sa#e in the $-*ia1 and in the G*ee;: and b- fo%%owing the .un1tuation of G*iesba1;! and Bna..! and othe* #ode*n edito*s of the G*ee; Testa#ent! the $-*ia1 is a11u*ate%t*ans%ated(+ 2:1? And t*u%- g*eat! is this #-ste*- of *ighteousness&[G*(> God%iness+! Kwhi1h was *e3ea%ed in the f%esh! and Oustified in the Rua1h&$.i*it! and seen b- ange%s! and .*o1%ai#ed a#ong the Go-i#&Genti%es! and be%ie3ed on in the wo*%d! and *e1ei3ed u. into g%o*-( K[R#>(((! God was (((+&[A>(((! 4ho was (((+ CHAPTER < <:1 /ut the Rua1h&$.i*it sa-s eL.%i1it%-! that in the %atte* ti#es! so#e wi%% de.a*t f*o# the Paith: and wi%% go afte* de1e.ti3e s.i*its! and afte* the do1t*ine&tea1hing of de#ons( <:) These wi%% sedu1e! b- a fa%se a..ea*an1e: and wi%% utte* a %ie! and wi%% be sea*ed in thei* 1ons1ien1e: <:2 And wi%% fo*bid to #a**-: and wi%% *eMui*e abstinen1e f*o# #eats! whi1h E%ohi#&God has 1*eated fo* use and fo* than;fu%ness! bthe# who be%ie3e and ;now the T*uth( <:< /e1ause whate3e* is 1*eated b- E%ohi#&God is good: and the*e is nothing whi1h shou%d be *eOe1ted&[$-*(> abo#inated+ if it be *e1ei3ed with than;fu%ness: <:= Po* it is san1tified b- the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God and b- .*a-e*( <:? 0f -ou sha%% tea1h&i#.*ess these things on -ou* b*eth*en! -ou wi%% be a good se*3ant of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! being edu1ated in the %anguage of the Paith! and in the good tea1hing& do1t*ine whi1h -ou ha3e been taught( <:@ /ut the si%%- ta%es of o%d wo#en! shun&a3oid -ou: and o11u.-ou*se%f with *ighteousness( <:A @ Po*! eLe*1ising the bod- is .*ofitab%e a %itt%e whi%e: but the *ighteousness is e3e*- wa- .*ofitab%e and has .*o#ise of the %ife of the .*esent ti#e and of that to 1o#e( <:C This is a faithfu% sa-ing! and wo*th- of *e1e.tion( <:1G Po* on this a11ount! we "AP'-[R> both+ toi% and [PR+->suffe* *e.*oa1h&[A> st*i3e+>: be1ause we t*ust in the %i3ing God! who is the 6ife-Gi3e*&[$-*(&a%t> $a3iou*+ of a%% #en! es.e1ia%%- of the /e%ie3e*s(

<:11 These things tea1h -ou! and i#.*ess( <:1) And %et no one des.ise -ou* -outh: but be -ou a .atte*n fo* the /e%ie3e*s! in s.ee1h! and in beha3io*! and in %o3e! "AP'-[R> in 5$>.i*it+! and in faith! and in .u*it-( <:12 Snti% 0 1o#e! be di%igent in *eading! and in .*a-e*! and in tea1hing( <:1< 8es.ise not the gift that is in -ou! whi1h was gi3en -ou b.*o.he1-! and b- the Es>#i;hah th*oughF %a-ing on of the hand of the E%de*shi.( <:1= 7n these things #editate: gi3e -ou*se%f who%%- to the#: that it #a- be ob3ious to a%% that -ou #a;e fo*wa*d-.*og*ess( <:1? /e attenti3e to -ou*se%f! and to -ou* tea1hing: and .e*se3e*e in the#( Po* in doing this! -ou wi%% .*o1u*e 6ife&[$-*(&a%t> sa3e+ to -ou*se%f and to the# who hea* -ou( CHAPTER = =:1 Re.*o3e not an o%de*-#an&5e%de*>! but ea*nest%--i#.%o*e hi# as a fathe*: and the -ounge* #en! as -ou* b*othe*s: =:) And the e%de* wo#en! as #othe*s: and the -ounge* wo#en! as -ou* siste*s! with a%% .u*it-( =:2 Hono* widows! who a*e t*u%- widows( =:< /ut if a widow has 1hi%d*en! o* g*and1hi%d*en! %et the# fi*st %ea*n to show ;indness to thei* own househo%ds! and to *e.athe ob%igations to thei* .a*ents: fo* this is "AP'-[R> good and+ befo*e E%ohi#&God( =:= Now she who is t*u%- a widow! and a%one&deso%ate&so%ita*-! he* ho.e is in E%ohi#&God: and she .e*se3e*s in .*a-e*s! and in .etitions&5su..%i1ations>! b- night and b- da-: =:? /ut she who fo%%ows .%easu*e! is dead whi%e she %i3es( =:@ These things enOoin&5u*ge> -ou on the#! that the- #a- be b%a#e%ess( =:A /ut if an- one 1a*es not fo* the# who a*e his own! and es.e1ia%%fo* the# who a*e of the househo%d&[$-*(> sons of the house+ of Paith! he has *eOe1ted the Paith! and is wo*se than the un/e%ie3e*s( =:C The*efo*e e%e1t -ou the widow! who is not %ess than siLt-ea*s [Eo%dF+! and who has been the wife of one #an! =:1G And has a *e.utation fo* good wo*;s: - if she ha3e t*ained u. 1hi%d*en! if she ha3e ente*tained st*ange*s! if she ha3e washed the feet of san1tified-ones! if she ha3e *e%ie3ed the aff%i1ted! if she ha3e wa%;ed in e3e*- good wo*;( =:11 /ut the -ounge* widows do -ou *eOe1t: fo* the- E#a-F waL&5g*ow> wanton against Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and desi*e to be #a**ied: =:1) - And thei* 1onde#nation is fiLed! be1ause the- ha3e 1ast off thei* fo*#e* KPaith( KEo*: so%e#n .*o#ise 5to se*3e>(F =:12 - And the- a%so %ea*n id%eness! but a%so to ta%; #u1h! and to .u*sue 3anities! and to utte* what the- ought not( =:1< - 0 wou%d the*efo*e! that the -ounge* wo#en #a**-! and bea* 1hi%d*en! and *egu%ate thei* houses: and that the- gi3e no o11asion to the ad3e*sa*- fo* *e.*oa1h(

=:1= Po* so#e ha3e a%*ead- begun to tu*n aside afte* ha$atan( =:1? 0f an- be%ie3ing "A> #an o*'-[PR+ "AR'-be%ie3ing-[P+ wo#an ha3e widows! %et the# su..o*t the#: and %et the# not be a bu*den on the Cong*egation: so that the*e #a- be enough&a-suffi1ien1fo* su1h as a*e *ea%%- widows( =:1@ 6et the E%de*s who 1ondu1t the#se%3es we%%! be estee#ed wo*th- of doub%e hono*: es.e1ia%%- the- who %abo* in the 4o*d and in tea1hing&do1t*ine( =:1A Po* the $1*i.tu*e sa-s Ein Tana;hF! Thou sha%t not #uDD%e the oL in th*eshing: and! The %abo*e* is wo*th- of his .a-( =:1C Against an E%de*! *e1ei3e not a 1o#.%aint! eL1e.t at the #outh of two o* th*ee witnesses( =:)G Those who sin befo*e a%% *ebu;e: that the *est of the .eo.%e #a5*es.e1tfu%%->fea*( =:)1 0 1ha*ge -ou! befo*e E%ohi#&God and ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashai1h& 5The essiah>! and His e%e1t ange%s! that -ou obse*3e these things: and %et not -ou* #ind be .*eo11u.ied b- an- thing: and do nothing with a *es.e1t fo* .e*sons( =:)) 6a- not the hand hasti%- on an- #an: and .a*ti1i.ate not in the sins of othe*s: ;ee. -ou*se%f .u*e( =:)2 @ And he*eafte* d*in; not wate* Eon%-F! but d*in; a %itt%e wine Ewith itF: on a11ount of -ou* sto#a1h! and -ou* 1ontinuing infi*#ities( =:)< The*e a*e .e*sons! whose sins a*e ;nown! and go befo*e the# to the .%a1e of Uudge#ent: and the*e a*e so#e! who# the- fo%%ow afte*( =:)= $o a%so good >deeds&[$-*(note> so#e 1o.ies *ead: Q#enQ+> a*e ;nown: and those whi1h a*e othe*wise 1annot be hid( CHAPTER ? ?:1 6et the# who a*e unde* the -o;e of se*3itude! ho%d thei* #aste*s in a%% hono*: %est the Na#e of E%ohi#&God and His tea1hing& do1t*ine be *e.*oa1hed&b%a#ed&fau%ted( ?:) And %et the# who ha3e be%ie3ing #aste*s! not t*eat the# with dis*es.e1t! be1ause the- a*e thei* b*eth*en: but %et the# be #o*e obedient! be1ause the- a*e /e%ie3e*s and be%o3ed! in whose se*3i1e the- enOo- Muietness( These things tea1h -ou! and *eMuest of the#( ?:2 /ut if the*e be an- one! who tea1hes a diffe*ent tea1hing& do1t*ine! and does not 1onsent&ag*ee to the who%eso#e wo*ds of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashai1h&5The essiah>! and to the tea1hing& do1t*ine of the 5*e3e*ent>fea* of E%ohi#&God! ?:< He is one that eLa%ts hi#se%f! whi%e he ;nows nothing: and he g*ows-feeb%e in the sea*1h and inMui*- about wo*ds! f*o# whi1h 1o#e en3-! and 1ontention! and *ai%ing! and e3i% su*#ising! ?:= KAnd the dis.utation of #en! whose #inds a*e 1o**u.t and destitute of the T*uth! and who su..ose that gain is God%iness(

"A> /ut f*o# these stand -ou at-a-distan1e&a%oof&a.a*t'-[PR+( K[R>Pe*3e*se dis.utings of(((+&[A >Constant f*i1tion of(((+ ?:? /ut g*eat is ou* gain! whi1h is the 5*e3e*ent>fea* of E%ohi#&God! with the use of ou* 1o#.eten1e&5suffi1ient #eans fo* ou* needs>( ?:@ Po* we b*ought nothing into the wo*%d: "A> Kand we ;now that'-[P+ we 1an 1a**- nothing out of it( K[R>(((: Eand it isF 1e*tain (((+ K[#>(((: it is 1%ea* that (((+ ?:A The*efo*e! food and 1%othing satisf- us( ?:C /ut the- who desi*e to be1o#e *i1h! fa%% into te#.tations! and into sna*es! and into #an- %usts whi1h a*e foo%ish and hu*tfu%! and whi1h d*own #en in dest*u1tion and .e*dition&tota%-*uin: ?:1G Po* the %o3e of #one- is the *oot of a%% these e3i%s( And the*e a*e so#e who! 1o3eting it! ha3e e**ed f*o# the Paith! and b*ought the#se%3es into #an- so**ows( ?:11 /ut -ou! 7 #an of E%ohi#&God! f%ee f*o# these things: and fo%%ow afte* *ighteousness! and honest-&integ*it-! and faith! and %o3e! and .atien1e! and hu#i%it-( ?:1) And 1ontend in the good 1ontest of faith: and %a- ho%d of %ife ete*na%! to whi1h -ou a*e 1a%%ed! and [Eof whi1hF+ -ou ha3e de1%a*ed a good de1%a*ation-of-faith befo*e #an- witnesses( ?:12 @ 0 1ha*ge -ou! befo*e E%ohi#&God! who gi3es-%ifeto&Mui1;ens a%%! and [Ebefo*eF+ Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> who attested a good testi#on- befo*e Pontius Pi%ate! ?:1< That -ou ;ee. the inOun1tion! without stain! and without b%e#ish! unti% the #anifestation of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: ?:1= 4hi1h&[$-*(&a%t> 4ho#+ E%ohi#&God wi%%! in due ti#e #a;e 3isib%e: [EE%ohi#&GodF+ the b%essed and 7n%- Ru%e*&Pontentate! the Bing of ;ings! and the 6o*d of %o*ds: ?:1? 4ho on%- is in1o**u.tib%e! and dwe%%s in 6ight to whi1h no one 1an a..*oa1h: and who# on #an has seen! o* e3en 1an see: to Hi# be g%o*- and *u%e&do#inion fo* e3e* and e3e*( A#aine( ?:1@ 0nst*u1t&1ha*ge&1o##and the *i1h of this wo*%d! that the- be not u.%ifted in thei* #inds: and that the- 1onfide not in *i1hes! in whi1h is no se1u*it-: but in the %i3ing God! who gi3es us a%% things abundant%- fo* ou* 1o#fo*t: ?:1A And that the- do good wo*;s! and be *i1h in we%%-doings: and be *ead- to gi3e and to sha*e: ?:1C And that the- %a- u. fo* the#se%3es a good foundation fo* that whi1h is futu*e: and that the- #a- ta;e ho%d of *ea% %ife( ?:)G 7 Ti#oth-! be 1a*efu% of that whi1h is 1o##itted to -ou: and shun &a3oid 3ain wo*ds! and the o..ositions of fa%se s1ien1e: ?:)1 Po* the- who .*ofess it! ha3e e**ed f*o# the Paith( G*a1e be with -ou( A#aine( [P> End of the Pi*st 6ette* to Ti#oth-: whi1h was w*itten

f*o# 6aodi1ea(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: ) T0 7THY( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The $e1ond 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To T0 7THY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u%! an E#issa*-&56egate> of KYeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> b- the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God! a11o*ding to the .*o#ise of 6ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+ whi1h is in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: K[R>((( Yeshua essiah (((+&[A >((( essiah Yeshua (((+ 1:) To Ti#oth- a be%o3ed son: g*a1e! and #e*1-! and sha%o#&.ea1e! f*o# E%ohi#&God the Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>( 1:2 0 than; E%ohi#&God! who# 0 se*3e f*o# #- fo*efathe*s with a .u*e 1ons1ien1e! that 0 1ontinua%%- *e#e#be* -ou in #- .*a-e*s! bnight and b- da-: 1:< And 0 desi*e to see -ou! and 0 1a%% to #ind -ou* tea*s: that 0 #a- be fi%%ed with Oo-! 1:= /- the *e1o%%e1tion whi1h 0 ha3e! b- -ou* genuine faith! whi1h dwe%t fi*st in -ou* g*and#othe* 6ois! and in -ou* #othe* Euni1e! and a%so! 0 a# .e*suaded! in -ou( 1:? 4he*efo*e 0 *e#ind -ou! that -ou eL1ite&[$-*(> wa;e u.+ the gift of E%ohi#&God! that is in -ou b- the >%a-ing-on of&5s>#i;hah Eth*oughF>> #- hands( 1:@ Po* E%ohi#&God has not gi3en us a s.i*it of fea*! but of ene*g-! and of %o3e! and of inst*u1tion( 1:A The*efo*e be not -ou asha#ed of the testi#on- of ou* 6o*d! no* of #e His .*isone*: Kbut endu*e Ewith #eF e3i%s in 1onne1tion with the Good-News! th*ough the .owe* of E%ohi#&God: K[R>(((: but be -ou .a*ta;e* of the aff%i1tions of the GoodNews a11o*ding to the .owe* of E%ohi#&God:+ 1:C 4ho has gi3en-%ife-to us! and 1a%%ed us with a ho%- 1a%%ing: not a11o*ding to ou* wo*;s! but a11o*ding to His good .%easu*e& 5wi%%>! and His g*a1e that was gi3en us in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> f*o# ti#e befo*e the ages! 1:1G And is now #ade ;nown b- the a..ea*ing of ou* 6ife-Gi3e*& [$-*(& a%t> $a3iou*+! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: who has abo%ished death! and has #ade #anifest %ife and i##o*ta%it-! b- the

GoodNews: 1:11 7f whi1h 0 a# a..ointed a .*o1%ai#e* and a E#issa*-&56egate>! and a tea1he* "A> of the Genti%es&Go-i#'-[PR+( 1:1) The*efo*e 0 suffe* these things: and 0 a# not asha#ed: fo* 0 ;now in who# 0 ha3e be%ie3ed! and 0 a# .e*suaded that He is 1o#.etent to ;ee. fo* #e #- Eent*ustedFde.osit against that 8a-( 1:12 6et the fo*#&[$-*(> .atte*n eLe#.%a*+ of sound wo*ds! whi1h -ou ha3e hea*d f*o# #e! abide with -ou: with faith and %o3e! in Yeshua Ha ashia1h( 1:1< Bee. -ou the good ent*usted-de.osit! b- Rua1hHaBodesh&5The Ho%$.i*it> who dwe%%s in us( 1:1= This -ou ;now! that a%% those in Asia ha3e tu*ned f*o# #e: and that a#ong the# a*e Ph-ge%us and He*#ogenes( 1:1? a- ou* 6o*d bestow #e*1- on the house of 7nesi.ho*us: fo*! #anti#es! he *ef*eshed #e! and was not asha#ed of the 1hains of #i#.*ison#ent( 1:1@ /ut a%so! when he 1a#e to Ro#e! he sought fo* #e with di%igen1e! and found #e( 1:1A a- ou* 6o*d g*ant hi#! that he #a- find #e*1- with ou* 6o*d! in that 8a-( And how he did-se*3i1e to #e at E.hesus! -ou 3e*we%% &[$-*(> abundant%-+ ;now( CHAPTER ) ):1 You the*efo*e! #- son! be st*ong in the g*a1e whi1h is bYeshua Ha ashai1h( ):) And the things that -ou ha3e hea*d f*o# #e b- #anwitnesses! these 1o##it -ou to faithfu% #en! who a*e 1o#.etent to tea1h othe*s a%so( ):2 @ KAnd endu*e e3i%s! as a good so%die* of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( K[R> You the*efo*e #ust endu*e-[A> sha*e+ ha*dshi.! as (((+ ):< No #an! on be1o#ing a so%die*! entang%es hi#se%f with the business of the wo*%d: that he #a- .%ease hi# who en%isted& [$-*(> se%e1ted+ hi#( ):= And if one 1ontend [Ein the ga#esF+! he is not 1*owned! un%ess he 1ontends a11o*ding to the *u%es( ):? The husband#an&5fa*#e*> who %abo*s ought fi*st to feed on his f*uits( ):@ Conside* what 0 sa-( K7u* 6o*d gi3e -ou wisdo# in a%% things( K[R>((( ! and #a- the 6o*d gi3e -ou unde*standing in (((+ K[A>(((! and the 6o*d wi%% gi3e -ou unde*standing in (((+ ):A /e #indfu% of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! that He a*ose f*o# the dead: who was of the seed of 8a3id! a11o*ding to #- GoodNews!

):C 0n whi1h 0 suffe* e3i%s unto bonds! as if an e3i%-doe*: but the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God is not in bonds( ):1G The*efo*e 0 endu*e e3e*- thing! fo* the e%e1ts>s&51hosenones>> sa;e: that the- a%so #a- obtain 6ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+! in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! with ete*na% g%o*-( ):11 Paithfu% is the sa-ing! Po* if we sha%% ha3e died with Hi#! we sha%% a%so %i3e with Hi#: ):1) And if we sha%% ha3e suffe*ed! we sha%% a%so *eign with Hi#( /ut if we sha%% ha3e *eOe1ted Hi#! He wi%% *eOe1t us( ):12 And if we sha%% ha3e not be%ie3ed in Hi#! He abides in His faithfu%ness: fo* He 1annot *eOe1t Hi#se%f( ):1< 7f these things ad#onish -ou the#: and 1ha*ge [Ethe#!F+ befo*e ou* 6o*d! that the- dis.ute not! with un.*ofitab%e wo*ds! to the o3e*th*ow&1o**u.tion&sub3e*sion of those who hea* the#( ):1= And stud- to .*esent -ou*se%f befo*e E%ohi#&God! .e*fe1t%-! a %abo*e* who is not asha#ed! one who 1o**e1t%- announ1es the 4o*d of T*uth( ):1? A3oid 3ain dis1ou*ses! in whi1h the*e is no .*ofit: fo* the3e*#u1h add to the wi1;edness of those o11u.ied with the#( ):1@ And thei* dis1ou*se! %i;e an eating 1an1e*! wi%% %a- ho%d u.on #an-( And one of these is H-#enaeus! and anothe* Phi%etus: ):1A 4ho ha3e wande*ed f*o# the T*uth! whi%e the- sa-! The *esu**e1tion of the dead has .assed: and the- sub3e*t the faith of so#e( ):1C /ut the fi*# foundation of E%ohi#&God stands: and it has this sea%! The 6o*d ;nows the# who a*e His: and! 6et e3e*- one who K1a%%s-u.on&5in3o;es> the Na#e of ou* 6o*d! stand a.a*t&at-adistan1e&a%oof f*o# iniMuit-( K[EAFR>((( na#es the Na#e of essiah-[A> the 6o*d+ de.a*t f*o# (((+ ):)G /ut in a g*eat house! the*e a*e not on%- 3esse%s of go%d and si%3e*! but a%so of wood and .otte*-: and so#e of the# fo* hono*! and so#e fo* dishono*( ):)1 0f the*efo*e an- one .u*ge hi#se%f f*o# these things! he wi%% be a .u*e 3esse% fo* hono*! fit fo* the use of his 6o*d! and .*e.a*ed fo* e3e*- good wo*;( ):)) P%-&5f%ee> f*o# a%% %usts of -outh: and fo%%ow afte* *ighteousness! and faith! and %o3e! and sha%o#&.ea1e! with the# that 1a%%-u.on&5in3o;e> ou* 6o*d with a .u*e hea*t( ):)2 A3oid those foo%ish dis1ussions whi1h affo*d no inst*u1tion: fo* -ou ;now! that the- gene*ate dis.utes&st*ife&1onf%i1t( ):)< And a se*3ant of ou* 6o*d ought not to 1ontend! but to be #i%d towa*ds e3e*- one! and inst*u1ti3e! and .atient: ):)= That with #i%dness he #a- en%ighten those who dis.ute against hi#! if .e*ha.s E%ohi#&God #a- gi3e the# *e.entan1e! and the- #aa1;now%edge the T*uth! ):)? And #a- *e1o%%e1t-the#se%3es&[$-*(&a%t> 1o#e to thei* 1ons1iousness+! and #a- es1a.e out of the sna*e of ha$atan! at whose .%easu*e&wi%% the- ha3e been he%d ensna*ed(

CHAPTER 2 2:1 /ut this ;now -ou! that in the 6atte* 8a-s ha*d ti#es wi%% 1o#e: 2:) And #en wi%% be %o3e*s of the#se%3es! and %o3e*s of #one-! boaste*s! .*oud! 1*iti1a%&fau%t-finding! un-ie%ding towa*ds thei* own .eo.%e! den-e*s of g*a1e! wi1;ed! 2:2 $%ande*e*s! addi1ted to 1on1u.is1en1e&5de3iate-seLua%desi*e>! 3io%ent! hate*s of the good! 2:< Sn*e%iab%e&dis%o-a%! *ash! inf%ated! atta1hed to .%easu*e #o*e than to the %o3e of E%ohi#&God! 2:= Ha3ing a fo*# of *es.e1t fo* E%ohi#&God! but wide Eawa-F f*o# the .owe* of E%ohi#&God( The# who a*e su1h! *e.e% f*o# -ou( 2:? Po* of the# a*e the- who 1*ee. into this and that house! and 1a.ti3ate the wo#en who a*e .%unged in sins and %ed awa- b3a*ious %usts! 2:@ 4ho a*e a%wa-s %ea*ning! and 1an ne3e* 1o#e to the ;now%edge of the T*uth( 2:A Now as Uannes and Ua#b*es withstood oshe! so a%so do these withstand the T*uth: #en whose #ind is 1o**u.ted! and [Ethe-F+ Ea*eF *e.*obates f*o# the Paith( 2:C /ut the- wi%% not #a;e .*og*ess! fo* thei* foo%ish-.assion wi%% be unde*stood b- e3e*- one! as thei*s a%so was unde*stood( 2:1G /ut -ou ha3e fo%%owed afte* #- tea1hing&do1t*ine! and ##anne* of %ife! and #- ai#s! and #- faith! and #- %ong-endu*ing! and #%o3e! and #- .atien1e! 2:11 And #- .e*se1ution! and #- suffe*ings( And -ou ;now what 0 endu*ed at Antio1h! and at 01oniu#! and at 6-st*a: what .e*se1ution 0 endu*ed: and f*o# a%% these #- 6o*d de%i3e*ed #e( 2:1) And %i;ewise a%%! who 1hoose to %i3e in the 5*e3e*ent>fea* of E%ohi#&God! in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! wi%% be .e*se1uted( 2:12 /ut e3i% and sedu1ing #en wi%% add to thei* EownF wi1;edness! whi%e the- de1ei3e and a*e de1ei3ed( 2:1< /ut 1ontinue -ou in the things -ou ha3e %ea*ned and been assu*ed of: fo* -ou ;now f*o# who# -ou %ea*ned: 2:1= /e1ause f*o# -ou* 1hi%dhood! -ou we*e taught the Ho%$1*o%%s! whi1h 1an #a;e -ou wise unto 6ife&[$-*(&a%t> $a%3ation+ bfaith in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:1? A%% $1*i.tu*e that was w*itten b- the Rua1h&$.i*it! is .*ofitab%e fo* inst*u1tion! and fo* 1onfutation&*efuting! and fo* 1o**e1tion! and fo* %ea*ned-s1ho%a*shi. in *ighteousness: 2:1@ That the #an of E%ohi#&God #a- be1o#e .e*fe1t! and 1o#.%ete fo* e3e*- good wo*;( CHAPTER < <:1 0 1ha*ge -ou [R> the*efo*e+-"AP'! befo*e E%ohi#&God! and "#> ou* 6o*d' Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! who is to Uudge the %i3ing and the dead! Kat the #anifestation of His Bingdo#! K[EAFR>(((! at-[A> and b-+ His a..ea*ing and His Bingdo#!+ <:) P*o1%ai# the 4o*d: and .e*sist [Ein 0tF+ with di%igen1e! in ti#e and out of ti#e&[$-*(i(e(> at *egu%a* ti#es! and ti#es not

*egu%a*+: ad#onish! and *ebu;e! with a%% .atien1e and inst*u1ti3eness( <:2 Po* the ti#e wi%% 1o#e! when the- wi%% not gi3e ea* to sound tea1hing: but! a11o*ding to thei* %usts! wi%% #u%ti.%- to the#se%3es tea1he*s! in the it1hing of thei* hea*ing: <:< And wi%% tu*n awa- thei* ea*s f*o# the T*uth! and in1%ine afte* fab%es( <:= /ut be -ou 3igi%ant in a%% things: and endu*e e3i%s! and do the wo*; of a Good-New-P*o1%ai#e*! and 1a**--out -ou* offi1e-ofse*3i1e( <:? /ut 0 a# soon to be offe*ed-u.&i##o%ated&5offe*ed-insa1*ifi1e>: and the ti#e of #- death&5disso%ution> has 1o#e( <:@ 0 ha3e fought a good 1o#bat! 0 ha3e 1o#.%eted #- *a1e! 0 ha3e .*ese*3ed #- faithfu%ness: <:A And f*o#-this-ti#e-on the*e is .*ese*3ed fo* #e a 1*own of *ighteousness! with whi1h #- 6o*d! the *ighteous Uudge! wi%% *e.a-&*e1o#.ense #e in that 8a-: and not #e on%-! but the# a%so who %o3e His #anifestation&[$-*(&a%t> a..ea*ing+( <:C ELe*t -ou*se%f to 1o#e to #e Mui1;%-( <:1G Po* 8e#as has %eft #e: and has %o3ed this wo*%d! and gone awa- to Thessa%oni1a: C*es1ens to Ga%atia! Titus to 8a%#atia( <:11 6u;e on%- is with #e( Ta;e a*;! and b*ing hi# with -ou: fo* he is suitab%e fo* #e! fo* se*3i1e( <:1) And T-1hi1us 0 ha3e sent to E.hesus( <:12 And when -ou 1o#e! b*ing the s1*o%%-1ase! whi1h 0 %eft at T*oas with Ca*.us! and the s1*o%%s! but es.e1ia%%- the *o%% of .a*1h#ents( <:1< A%eLande* the 1o..e*s#ith showed #e #an.ains&dis1o#fo*ts& 5i%%s>: ou* 6o*d wi%% *ewa*d hi# a11o*ding to his doings( <:1= And do -ou a%so bewa*e of hi#: fo* he is 3e*- inso%ent against ou* wo*ds( <:1? At #- fi*st defen1e! no one was with #e! but the- a%% dese*ted #e( <:1@ /ut #- 6o*d stood b- #e! and st*engthened #e: that b- #e the .*o1%ai#ing #ight be 1a**ied-out: and [EthatF+ a%% the Genti%es& Go-i# #ight hea*: and 0 was *es1ued f*o# the #outh of the %ion( <:1A And #- 6o*d wi%% *es1ue #e f*o# e3e*- e3i% wo*;: and wi%% gi3e #e %ife in His Hea3en%- Bingdo#( -- To Hi# be g%o*-! fo* e3e* and e3e*( A#aine( <:1C P*esent a g*eeting to P*is1i%%a and AMui%a! and to the househo%d of 7nesi.ho*us( <:)G E*astus has sto..ed at Co*inth: and T*o.hi#us 0 %eft si1; at the 1it- of i%etus( <:)1 ELe*t -ou*se%f to 1o#e befo*e winte*( Eubu%us g*eets -ou! and Pudens! and 6inus! and C%audia! and a%% the b*eth*en( <:)) 7u* 6o*d [PR+-"A> Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>' be with -ou* s.i*it( G*a1e be with -ou( A#aine(

[P> End of the $e1ond 6ette* to Ti#oth-: whi1h was w*itten f*o# Ro#e(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: Titus( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To Titus XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u%! a se*3ant of E%ohi#&God! and an E#issa*-&56egate> of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: a11o*ding to the faith of the 1hosen&e%e1t of E%ohi#&God! and the ;now%edge of the T*uth whi1h is in the 5*e3e*entia%>fea* of E%ohi#&God! 1:) Con1e*ning the ho.e of ete*na% %ife! whi1h the 5a%wa-sT*uthfu%>& 3e*a1ious&[R> who 1annot %ie+ God .*o#ised befo*e the ti#es of the wo*%d: 1:2 And in due ti#e He has #anifested His 4o*d! b- #eans of ou* announ1e#ent! whi1h was 1onfided to #e b- the 1o##and of E%ohi#& God ou* 6ife-Gi3e*&[$-*(&a%t> $a3iou*+: 1:< To Titus! a *ea% son afte* the 1o##on Paith: - G*a1e and sha%o#& .ea1e f*o# E%ohi#&God Kou* Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! ou* 6ife-Gi3e*&[$-*(&a%t> $a3iou*+( K[R>((( the Pathe* and the 6o*d Yeshua essiah ou* $a3io*(+ K[A>((( the Pathe* and essiah Yeshua ou* $a3io*(+ 1:= Po* this 1ause %eft 0 -ou in C*ete! that -ou #ight *egu%ate the things defi1ient&%a1;ing! and estab%ish E%de*s in e3e*- 1it-! as 0 di*e1ted -ou: 1:? Hi#! who is b%a#e%ess! who is the husband of one wife! and has be%ie3ing 1hi%d*en! who a*e no *e3e%%e*s&5nois- #e**-#a;e*s>! no* ungo3e*ab%e&un*u%-&5unab%e to be *est*ained> in sensua%it-& 5see;ing bodi%-&5seLua%> .%easu*e>( 1:@ Po* an E%de*&[R> 73e*see*+ ought to be b%a#e%ess! as the stewa*d& ad#inist*ato* of E%ohi#&God: and not be se%f-wi%%ed! no* i*as1ib%e&5easi%--ange*ed>! no* eL1essi3e in wine! no* with hands swift to st*i;e! no* >a %o3e* of base-gains>&[R> g*eed- fo* #one-+( 1:A /ut he shou%d be a %o3e* of st*ange*s! and a %o3e* of good [Edeeds&5#itD3ot>F+! and be sobe*! u.*ight! ;ind-hea*ted! and *est*aining hi#se%f f*o# e3i% .assions: K[R> /ut a %o3e* of hos.ita%it-! a %o3e* of good #en! sobe*! Oust! ho%-! te#.e*ate:+

1:C And studious&5in1%ined-to-stud-> of the do1t*ine&tea1hing of the 4o*d of Paith! that he #a- be ab%e b- his who%eso#e tea1hing both to 1onso%e&1o#fo*t! and to *ebu;e the# that a*e 1ontentious&in1ont*adi1tion&Mua**e%so#e( 1:1G Po* #an- a*e unsub#issi3e! and thei* dis1ou*ses&1on3e*sations 3ain: and the- #is%ead the #inds of .eo.%e! es.e1ia%%- su1h as a*e of the 1i*1u#1ision( E$EE 1o##enta*- @ Titus 1:1<(F 1:11 The #outh of these ought&needs to be sto..ed: the- 1o**u.t #anfa#i%ies&[$-*(> houses+: and the- tea1h what the- ought not! fo* the sa;e of base-gains&[R> dishonest gain+( 1:1) 7ne of the#! a .*o.het of thei* own said! The C*etans a*e a%wa-s gi3en-to-%-ing&#enda1ious! e3i% beasts! >id%e be%%ies&[R> %aDg%uttons+>( 1:12 And this testi#on- is t*ue( The*efo*e *e.*o3e&1hide the# sha*.%-: that the- #a- be sound in the Paith! 1:1< And #a- not th*ow the#se%3es into Uudaisti1 fa%se-sto*ies! and into the .*e1e.ts of #en who hate the T*uth( EN7TE: $ee 1o##enta*- on Titus 1:1<-1?(F 1:1= Po* to the .u*e! e3e*- thing is .u*e: but to the# who a*e defi%ed and unbe%ie3ing! nothing is .u*e: but thei* unde*standing is defi%ed! and thei* 1ons1ien1e( 1:1? And the- .*ofess that the- ;now E%ohi#&God! but in thei* wo*;s the- den- Hi#: and the- a*e offensi3e&abo#inab%e! and disobedient! and to e3e*- good wo*;&5E#itD3ahF> *e.*obates& disMua%ified( CHAPTER ) ):1 /ut s.ea; -ou the things that be%ong to who%eso#e do1t*ine& tea1hing( ):) And tea1h the o%de* #en to be wat1hfu% in thei* #inds! and to be sobe*! and to be .u*e! and to be sound in the Paith! and in %o3e! and in .atien1e( ):2 And so a%so e%de* wo#en! that the- be in beha3io* as issuitab%e &is-.*o.e*-fo* the 5*e3e*entia%>fea* of E%ohi#&God: and not to be s%ande*e*s: and not to be addi1ted to #u1h wine: and to be in1u%1ato*s&tea1hing&i#.*essing of good things! ):< a;ing the -ounge* wo#en to be #odest! to %o3e thei* husbands and thei* 1hi%d*en! ):= To be 1haste&undefi%ed&#odest and ho%-! and to ta;e good 1a*e of thei* househo%ds! and to be obedient to thei* husbands: so that no one #a- *e.*oa1h&b%a#e the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God( ):? And %i;ewise eLho*t&u*ge-st*ong%- -oung #en to be sobe*( ):@ KAnd in e3e*- thing show -ou*se%f a .atte*n! as to a%% good wo*;s &5E#itD3otF>: and in -ou* tea1hing! %et -ou* dis1ou*se& 1on3e*sation be hea%thfu%! K[EAFR> 0n a%% things showing -ou*se%f a .atte*n of good wo*;s&5E#itD3otF>: in do1t*ine&5tea1hing> EshowingF

un1o**u.tness! *e3e*en1e! "A'-sin1e*it-&5in1o**u.tibi%it->!+ [ E#F> without-1o**u.tion&[#> without-en3-++ ):A K$u1h as is sobe* and un1o**u.t: and %et no one des.ise it: so that he who *ises u. against us! #a- be asha#ed! seeing he 1an sa- nothing 5high%--offensi3e&disgusting>&odious against us( K[EA FR> $ound s.ee1h! that 1annot be 1onde#ned: that he that is of the 1ont*a*- .a*t #a- be asha#ed! ha3ing no e3i% thing to sa- of -ou-[A > us+(+ ):C 6et se*3ants obe- thei* #aste*s in e3e*- thing! and st*i3e to .%ease the#! and not 1ont*adi1t! no* thie3ing&.i%fe*: ):1G /ut %et the# #anifest that thei* fide%it-&5faithfu%ness to dut->! in a%% *es.e1ts! is good: so that the- #a- ado*n the do1t*ine& tea1hing of E%ohi#&God ou* 6ife-Gi3e*&[G*(> $a3iou*+! in a%% things( ):11 @ Po* the a%%-3i3if-ing&5a%%-6ife-gi3ing> g*a1e of E%ohi#&God! is *e3ea%ed to a%% #en: ):1) And it tea1hes us! to den- unGod%iness and wo*%d%- %usts! and to %i3e in this wo*%d in sob*iet-! and in u.*ightness! and in the 5*e3e*antia%>fea* of E%ohi#&God! ):12 6oo;ing fo* the b%essed ho.e! and the #anifestation of the g%o*-& 5$h>;hinah> of the G*eat E%ohi#&God! and ou* 6ife-Gi3e*&[G*(> $a3iou*+! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: ):1< 4ho ga3e Hi#se%f fo* us! that He #ight *e1o3e* us f*o# a%% 6A4-%essness&53io%ation of the To*ah>-EG*(<=AF! and .u*if- fo* Hi#se%f a new .eo.%e! who a*e Dea%ous in good wo*;s&5#itD3ot>( ):1= These things s.ea; -ou! and eLho*t&5u*ge-st*ong%->! and in1u%1ate &5tea1h&i#.*ess>! with a%% autho*it-: and %et no one des.ise -ou( CHAPTER 2 2:1 And ad#onish the# to be sub#issi3e and obedient to .*in1es and *u%e*s&.otentates: and that the- be *ead- fo* e3e*- good wo*;& 5#itD3ah>: 2:) And that the- s.ea; i%%&e3i% of no #an: that the- be not 1ontentious&5gua**e%so#e>! but #i%d: and that in e3e*- thing the#anifest benignit-&5;indness&gent%eness> towa*ds a%% #en( 2:2 Po* we a%so we*e fo*#e*%- *e1;%ess! and disobedient! and e**ing! and se*3ing 3a*ious&di3e*s %usts! and %i3ing in #a%i1e and en3-! and we*e hatefu% and a%so hating one anothe*( 2:< /ut when the ;indness and 1o#.assion of E%ohi#&God ou* 6ife-Gi3e* &[G*(> $a3iou*+ was *e3ea%ed! 2:= Not b- wo*;s&5#itD3ot> of *ighteousness whi1h we had done! but a11o*ding to His #e*1-! He #ade-a%i3e&[G*(> sa3ed+ us! b- the washing&5#i;3eh> of the new bi*th! and b- the 5*esto*ation#a;ing -as-new>&*eno3ation of Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it>! E$EE: Co##enta*- @ Titus 2:=(F 2:? 4hi1h He shed on us abundant%-! b- Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> ou* 6ife-Gi3e*&[G*(> $a3iou*+:

2:@ That we #ight be Oustified b- His g*a1e! and be1o#e hei*s in the ho.e of ete*na% %ife( 2:A Paithfu% is the 4o*d: and in these things! 0 wou%d ha3e -ou a%so estab%ish the#: so that the-! who ha3e be%ie3ed in E%ohi#&God! #a- be 1a*efu% to 1u%ti3ate good wo*;s&5#itD3ot>: these a*e the things! whi1h a*e good! and .*ofitab%e to #en( 2:C /ut foo%ish Muestions! and sto*ies of genea%ogies! and the dis.utes and 1ontests of s1*ibes! a3oid: fo* the*e is no .*ofit in the#! and the- a*e 3ain( 2:1G An he*eti1a% #an! afte* -ou ha3e inst*u1ted hi# on1e and again! a3oid: 2:11 And ;now -ou! that su1h a #an is .e*3e*se! and sinfu%! and se%f1onde#ned( 2:1) 4hen 0 sha%% send A*te#as to -ou! o* T-1hi1us! st*i3e -ou to 1o#e to #e at Ni1o.o%is: fo* 0 ha3e .u*.osed to winte* the*e( 2:12 As fo* Henas the $1*ibe&5To*ah eL.e*t>-EG*(2=<<F! and A.o%%as! endea3o* to he%. the# we%% on thei* wa-! that the- #awant&need nothing( 2:1< And %et ou* .eo.%e %ea*n a%so to .e*fo*# good wo*;s&5#itD3ot>! on o11asions of e#e*gen1-! that the- #a- not be unf*uitfu%( 2:1= @ A%% the- that a*e with #e g*eet -ou( G*eet a%% the# who %o3e us in the Paith( -- G*a1e be with -ou a%%( A#aine&5A#en>( [P> End of the 6ette* to Titus: whi1h was w*itten f*o# Ni1o.o%is! and was sent b- the hands of Henas and A.o%%os(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: Phi%e#on( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The 6ette* 7f $ha>u% To Phi%e#on XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $ha>u%! a .*isone* of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and Ti#oth- a b*othe*: - to the be%o3ed Phi%e#on! a %abo*e* with us! 1:) And to [PR+->ou* be%o3ed>&[A> ou* siste*+ A..hia! and to A* a %abo*e* with us! and to the Cong*egation in -ou* house( 1:2 G*a1e be with -ou! and sha%o#&.ea1e f*o# E%ohi# ou* Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:< 0 than; #- God a%wa-s! and *e#e#be* -ou in #- .*a-e*s! 1:= /eho%d! f*o# the ti#e that 0 hea*d of -ou* faith! and of the %o3e -ou ha3e towa*ds ou* 6o*d Yeshua! and towa*ds a%% the san1tifiedones: 1:? KAnd that the*e #a- be a fe%%owshi. of -ou* faith! -ie%ding f*uits in wo*;s! and in the ;now%edge of a%% the good things -ou ho%d&own in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( K[EAFR> That the sha*ing of -ou* faith #a- be1o#e effe1tua% b- the a1;now%edging of e3e*- good thing whi1h is in -ou[A> us+ in essiah "#'-Yeshua(+ 1:@ Po* we [PR+->ha3e g*eat Oo->&[A > had than;sgi3ing+ and 1onso%ation! be1ause the bowe%s&affe1tions of the san1tifiedones a*e *ef*eshed b- -ou* %o3e( 1:A The*efo*e! 0 #ight ha3e g*eat f*eedo# in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! to 1o##and&enOoin u.on -ou the things that a*e *ight( 1:C /ut fo* %o3e>s sa;e! 0 ea*nest%- .%ead-with&[$-*(> besee1hing 0 besee1h+ -ou -- e3en 0! $ha>u%! who a# aged! as -ou ;now! and now a%so a .*isone* fo* Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:1G 0 .%ead-with -ou fo* #- son! who# 0 had begotten in #bonds -fo* 7nesi#us: 1:11 P*o# who# fo*#e*%- -ou had no .*ofit! but now 3e*.*ofitab%e wi%% he be both to -ou and to #e: and who# 0 ha3e sent to -ou( 1:1) KAnd *e1ei3e -ou hi#! as one begotten b- #e( K[R Ef*o# 3(11F>((( #e: 0 a# sending hi# ba1;( You the*efo*e *e1ei3e hi#! that is! #- own hea*t&EG*(&%it: inwa*d .a*ts -Eo*F- affe1tionsF!+ K[A> Ef*o# 3(11F>((( #e: 0 a# sending hi# ba1; to -ou in .e*son! that is! #- own hea*t&EG*(&%it: inwa*d .a*ts -Eo*F-

affe1tionsF!+ 1:12 Po* 0 was desi*ous to *etain hi# with #e! that he #ight se*3e to #e in -ou* .%a1e&stead! in these bonds fo* the Good-News( 1:1< /ut 0 wou%d do nothing without 1onsu%ting -ou: %est -ou* benefit shou%d be as b- 1oe*1ion&1o#.u%sion! and not with -ou* .%easu*e& wi%%( 1:1= And! .e*ha.s! a%so! he the*efo*e de.a*ted f*o# -ou fo* a season! that -ou #ight *etain hi# fo* e3e*: 1:1? - P*o#-this-.oint-on! not as a se*3ant! but #o*e than a se*3ant! a b*othe* dea* to #e! and #u1h #o*e to -ou! both in f%esh and in ou* 6o*dI 1:1@ 0f the*efo*e -ou a*e in fe%%owshi. with #e! *e1ei3e hi# as one of #ine( 1:1A And if he has w*onged -ou! o* owes -ou an-thing-whate3e*! .%a1e it to #- a11ount( 1:1C 0! $ha>u%! ha3e w*itten [EitF+ with #- own hand! 0 wi%% *e.a-: not to sa- to -ou! that to #e -ou owe -ou* ownse%f( 1:)G Yes! #- b*othe*! %et #e be *ef*eshed b- -ou in ou* 6o*d: *ef*esh -ou #- bowe%s&affe1tions in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:)1 /eing 1onfident that -ou wi%% hea*;en to #e! 0 ha3e w*itten to -ou: and 0 ;now that -ou wi%% do #o*e than 0 sa-( 1:)) And a%ong-with-this! .*e.a*e a%so a house fo* #e to %odge in: fo* 0 ho.e that! b- -ou* .*a-e*s! 0 sha%% be gi3en to -ou( 1:)2 E.a.h*as! a fe%%ow-1a.ti3e with #e in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! g*eets -ou: 1:)< And a*;! and A*ista*1hus! and 8e#as! and 6u;e! #assistants& 51oadOuto*s>&fe%%ow-%abo*e*s( 1:)= The g*a1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> be with -ou* s.i*it! #- b*eth*en( - A#aine&5A#en>-"#'( [P> End of the 6ette* to Phi%e#on: whi1h was w*itten f*o# Ro#e! and was sent b- the hands of 7nesi#us(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: Y>HS80 - >sha1hee-# & HE/RE4$( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The 6ette* To The Y>HS80 >sha1hee-# HE/RE4$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ 0n #a- wa-s! and #an- fo*#s! E%ohi#&God an1ient%1on3e*sed with ou*&[R#> the+ fathe*s! b- the P*o.hets&Ne3i>i#: 1:) /ut in these %atte* da-s! He has 1on3e*sed with us! b- His $on: who# He has estab%ished&a..ointed&1onstituted hei* of a%% things! and b- who# He #ade the wo*%ds: 1:2 4ho is the s.%endo* of His G%o*-&5$h>;hinah>! and the i#age of Hi#se%f&[$-*(> His being+! and u.ho%ds a%% b- the ene*g- of His 4o*d: and [PR+-"A> b- Hi#se%f' He #ade a 1%eansing&.u*ifi1ation& e%i#ination of [R> ou*+-"AP' sins! and sat down on the Right Hand of >the aOest- on High&5EHaG>du%ah /a >*o#i#F>>( 1:< And He is a%togethe* su.e*io* to the ange%s! as He has a%so inhe*ited a Na#e whi1h eL1e%s thei*s( 1:= Po* to whi1h of he ange%s did E%ohi#&God e3e* sa-! Thou a*t $on! this da- ha3e 0 begotten TheeI And again! 0 wi%% be to Hi# a Pathe*! and He sha%% be to e a $onI 1:? And again! when b*inging the Pi*st /o*n&/egotten into the wo*%d! He said: 6et a%% the ange%s of E%ohi#&God wo*shi. Hi#( 1:@ /ut of the ange%s He thus said: 4ho #ade His ange%s a-wind& [R> s.i*its+! and His se*3ants a f%a#ing fi*e( 1:A /ut of the $on He said: Th- th*one! 7 E%ohi#&God! is fo*e3e* and e3e*: a *ighteous s1e.te* is the s1e.te* of [PR+-Th-&[A> His+ Bingdo#( 1:C You ha3e %o3ed honest-&integ*it-&*e1titude! and hated iniMuit-: the*efo*e E%ohi#&God! You* God! has anointed You with the oi% of g%adness #o*e than You* asso1iates&1o#.anions( 1:1G And again! You [R> YH9H&Adonai+ ha3e f*o# the beginning %aid the foundations of the ea*th! and the hea3ens a*e the wo*; of You* hands: 1:11 The- wi%% .ass awa-! but You endu*e: and the- a%%! %i;e a *obe!

waL o%d: 1:1) And %i;e a 1%oa;! You wi%% fo%d the# u.( [#> 6i;e a ga*#ent+ thewi%% be 1hanged: but You wi%% be as You a*e! and You* -ea*s wi%% not be finished( 1:12 And to whi1h of the ange%s did He e3e*- sa-: - $it Thou at Right Hand! unti% 0 sha%% .%a1e Th- ene#ies a footstoo% unde* ThfeetI 1:1< A*e the- not a%% s.i*its of se*3i1e! who a*e sent to se*3e on a11ount of the# that a*e to inhe*it %ife&[G*(> $a%3ation+I CHAPTER ) ):1 The*efo*e we ought to be eL1eeding%- 1autious! in *ega*d to what we ha3e hea*d! %est we fa%% awa-( ):) Po* if the 4o*d utte*ed b- the #eans of ange%s was 1onfi*#ed! and e3e*- one who hea*d 0t! and t*ansg*essed 0t! *e1ei3ed a Oust *et*ibution&.unish#ent: ):2 How sha%% we es1a.e! if we des.ise the things whi1h a*e ou* 6ife&[G*(> $a%3ation+! things whi1h began to be s.o;en b- ou* 6o*d! and we*e 1onfi*#ed to us b- the# who hea*d f*o# Hi#! ):< @ - 4hi%e E%ohi#&God ga3e testi#on- 1on1e*ning the#! bsigns and wonde*s! and b- 3a*ious #i*a1%es and dist*ibutions of Rua1hHaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it>! whi1h we*e gi3en a11o*ding to His wi%%&.%easu*eI ):= Po* to the ange%s He has not subOe1ted the >wo*%d to 1o#e&5,o%a# haba>>! of whi1h we s.ea;( ):? /ut as the Tana;h&$1*i.tu*e testifies and sa-s: - 4hat is #an! that You a*e #indfu% of hi#I and the 5$>on of #an! that You attend to 5H>i#I ):@ You ha3e %owe*ed-in-.osition&de.*essed 5H>i# so#ewhat %owe* than the ange%s: g%o*- and hono* ha3e You .ut on 5H>is head: [PR+>"A#> and You ha3e in3ested-[R> set+ 5H>i# "R> with autho*it-' o3e* the wo*; of You* hand'>( ):A And a%% things ha3e You subOe1ted unde* 5H>is feet( And in this subOe1ting of a%% things to 5H>i#! He o#itted nothing! whi1h He did not subOe1t( /ut now! we do not -et see a%% things subOe1ted to 5H>i#( ):C K/ut we see Hi#! who was %owe*ed-in-.osition&de.*essed so#ewhat %owe* than the ange%s! to be this Yeshua! be1ause of the suffe*ing-agon-&.assion of His death: and g%o*- and hono* a*e .%a1ed on His head: Kfo* E%ohi#&God Hi#se%f! in His g*a1e! tasted death fo* a%% #en( K1[R> /ut we see Yeshua! who was #a;e a %itt%e %owe* than the ange%s! fo* the suffe*ing of death 1*owned with g%o*and hono*! that He! b- the g*a1e of E%ohi#! #ight taste death fo* e3e*-one(+ K)EP&note> $o the Ua1obite 1o.ies *ead: but the Nesto*ian 1o.ies *ead! /ut He! a.a*t f*o# God! tasted! R1(F-TThis is f*o# #ista;ing the G*ee;: Qg*a1e of GodQ fo* >a.a*t f*o# God>: - but the Ua1obite *eading has the best $$ su..o*t!

and is fo%%owed in a%% #ode*n t*ans%ations(T ):1G Po* it was-.*o.e*-fo* Hi#! b- who# a*e a%% things! and on a11ount of who# a*e a%% things! and [EwhoF+ b*ings #an- sons unto His g%o*-! to b*ing-to-1o#.%etion&.e*fe1t the P*in1e 7f Thei* 6ife& [G*(> $a%3ation+ b- suffe*ing( ):11 Po* He that san1tifies! and the- who a*e san1tified! a*e a%% of one K[Enatu*eF+( The*efo*e He is not asha#ed to 1a%% the# b*eth*en: KE$ee Heb*ews ):1?F ):1) As He sa-s! 0 wi%% announ1e Th- Na#e to - b*eth*en: in the #idst of the asse#b%-! 0 wi%% .*aise Thee( ):12 And again! 0 wi%% 1onfide in Hi#( And again! /eho%d e! and the 1hi%d*en who# You! E%ohi#&God! ha3e gi3en to e( ):1< @ Po* be1ause the 1hi%d*en .a*ti1i.ated in f%esh and b%ood! He a%so! in %i;e #anne*! too; .a*t in the sa#e: that! b- His death! He #ight b*ing to nothing hi# who he%d the do#inion of death! na#e%- ha$atan: ):1= And #ight *e%ease the#! who! th*ough fea* of death! a*e a%% thei* %i3es subOe1t to bondage( ):1? Po* He did not assu#e K[Ea natu*eF+ f*o# ange%s! but He assu#ed K[Ea natu*eF+ f*o# the seed of A3*aha#( KE$ee Heb*ews ):11F ):1@ 4he*efo*e it was *ight! that He shou%d be in a%% *es.e1ts %i;e His b*eth*en: that He #ight be #e*1ifu%! and a CohenGado%&5High P*iest> faithfu% in the things of E%ohi#&God! and #ight #a;e eL.iation&atone#ent&[R> .*o.itiation+ fo* the sins of the .eo.%e( ):1A Po*! in that He Hi#se%f has suffe*ed! and been te#.ted! He is ab%e to *e%ie3e&assist&su11o* the# who a*e te#.ted( CHAPTER 2 2:1 4he*efo*e! #- ho%- b*eth*en! who a*e 1a%%ed with a 1a%%ing that is f*o# Hea3en! 1onside* this E#issa*-&56egate> and CohenGado%& 5High P*iest> of ou* .*ofession&[G*(> 1onfession+! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>-"#': 2:) 4ho was faithfu% to Hi# that #ade Hi#! as was oshe in a%%"#' His house( 2:2 Po* #u1h g*eate* is the g%o*- of this an! than that of oshe: Oust as the g%o*- of the /ui%de* of a house! is g*eate* than that of the bui%ding( 2:< Po* e3e*- house is bui%t b- so#e #an: but He who bui%ds a%% things is E%ohi#&God( 2:= And oshe! as a se*3ant! was faithfu% in a%% the house! fo* a testi#on-&attestation&t*ue-de1%a*ation to those things that we*e to be s.o;en b- hi#: 2:? /ut Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! as the $on! [EisF+ o3e* His own house: and we a*e His house! if we *etain "AP'-[R> fi*#+ [PR+"A> unto the end' assu*an1e&[$-*(> showing of fa1es+! and the t*iu#.h of ho.e in Hi#&[$-*(> His ho.e+(

2:@ /e1ause Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it> has said: Toda-! if -ou wi%% hea* His 9oi1e! 2:A Ha*den not -ou* hea*ts to ange* Hi#! %i;e the 5in1ite*s>& .*o3o1ato*s! and as in the da- of te#.tation in the wi%de*ness! 2:C 4hen -ou* fathe*s te#.ted e! and .*o3ed! [EandF+ saw wo*;s fo*t- -ea*s( 2:1G The*efo*e 0 was disgusted with that gene*ation! and said: This is a .eo.%e! whose hea*t wande*s! and the- ha3e not ;nown wa-s: 2:11 $o that 0 swo*e in - w*ath! that the- shou%d not ente* into *est( 2:1) /ewa*e! the*efo*e! #- b*eth*en! %est the*e be in an- of -ou an e3i% hea*t that be%ie3es not! and -ou de.a*t f*o# the %i3ing God( 2:12 /ut eLa#ine -ou*se%3es a%% the da-s! du*ing the da- whi1h is 1a%%ed toda-: and %et none of -ou be ha*dened! th*ough the de1eitfu%ness of sin( 2:1< @ Po* we ha3e .a*t with Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! if we .e*se3e*e in this fi*# 1onfiden1e! f*o# the beginning to the end: 2:1= As it is said! Toda-! if -ou wi%% hea* His 3oi1e! ha*den not -ou* hea*ts! to ange* Hi#( 2:1? /ut who we*e the- that hea*d! and ange*ed Hi#I K4as it not a%% the-! who 1a#e out of Eg-.t unde* osheI KE u*do1; has he*e: Q0t was not a%% the-! who (((Q .*obab%a t-.o( u*do1; ends the senten1e as a state#ent a%so: *athe* than as a Muestion(F 2:1@ And with who# was He disgusted fo*t- -ea*s! but with those who sinned! and whose 1a*1asses fe%% in the wi%de*nessI 2:1A And of who# swo*e He! that the- shou%d not ente* into His *est! but of those who be%ie3ed notI 2:1C $o we see that the- 1ou%d not ente*! be1ause the- be%ie3ed not( CHAPTER < <:1 6et us 5*e3e*ent%->fea*! the*efo*e! %est whi%e the*e is a fi*# .*o#ise of ente*ing into His *est! an- a#ong -ou shou%d be found 1o#ing sho*t of ente*ing( <:) Po* to us a%so is the announ1e#ent! as we%% as to the#: but the 4o*d the- hea*d did not .*ofit the#! Kbe1ause it was not #ing%ed with the faith of those who hea*d it( K[A >(((! sin1e the- we*e not united b- faith with those who hea*d it(+-[R *eads as P+ <:2 [PR> Po*+N/ut&[#> The*efo*e+ we! who ha3e be%ie3ed! do ente* into *est( /ut as He said! As 0 ha3e swo*n in - w*ath! that thesha%% not ente* into - *est: fo* beho%d! the wo*;s of E%ohi#&God eListed f*o# the foundation of the wo*%d( <:< And He said of the $habbat! E%ohi#&God *ested on the se3enth daf*o# a%% his wo*;s( <:= And he*e again! He said! The- sha%% not ente* into - *est(

<:? The*efo*e! be1ause the*e was a .%a1e! whe*e one and anothe* #ight ente*: and those ea*%ie* .e*sons! to who# the announ1e#ent was #ade! ente*ed not! be1ause the- be%ie3ed not: <:@ Again He estab%ished anothe* da-! a %ong ti#e afte*wa*ds: as abo3e 4*itten! that 8a3id said! Toda-! if -ou wi%% hea* His 9oi1e! ha*den not -ou* hea*ts( <:A Po* if Y>hoshua! the son of Nun! had gi3en the# *est! He wou%d not ha3e s.o;en afte*wa*ds of anothe* da-( <:C The*efo*e it is estab%ished! that the .eo.%e of E%ohi#&God a*e to ha3e a $habbat&[$-*(&a%t> a *est+( <:1G Po* he who had ente*ed into His *est! has a%so *ested f*o# his wo*;s! as E%ohi#&God did f*o# His( <:11 6et us! the*efo*e! st*i3e to ente* into that *est: %est we fa%% sho*t! afte* the #anne* of the# who be%ie3ed not( <:1) Po* the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God is 6i3ing! and >a%%-effe1ti3e& 5a%%-effi1ient>>! and sha*.e* that a two-edged swo*d! and ente*s e3en to the se3e*an1e of the sou% and the s.i*it! and of the Ooints and the #a**ow and the bones! and Oudges the thoughts and *easonings of the hea*t: <:12 Neithe* is the*e an- 1*eatu*e! whi1h is 1on1ea%ed f*o# befo*e Hi#: but e3e*- thing is na;ed and #anifest befo*e His e-es! to who# we a*e to gi3e a11ount( <:1< @ $eeing then that we ha3e a g*eat Cohen-Gado%&5High P*iest>! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! the $on of E%ohi#&God! who has as1ended to Hea3en: %et us .e*se3e*e in .*ofessing Hi#( <:1= Po* we ha3e not a Cohen-Gado%&5High P*iest>! who 1annot s-#.athiDe with ou* wea;nesses&infi*#it-: but [E7neF+ who was te#.ted in a%% *es.e1ts %i;e us! aside f*o# sin( <:1? 6et us! the*efo*e! a..*oa1h with assu*an1e&[$-*(> with o.en 1ontenan1e+ to the Th*one of His g*a1e! that we #a- obtain #e*1-! and #a- find g*a1e fo* assistan1e in the ti#e of aff%i1tion( CHAPTER = =:1 Po* e3e*- Cohen-gado%&5high P*iest>! who is f*o# a#ong #en! is estab%ished o3e* the things of E%ohi#&God! in beha%f of #en! that he #a- .*esent the offe*ing and the sa1*ifi1es fo* sin: =:) And he 1an hu#b%e hi#se%f! and s-#.athiDe with the igno*ant and the e**ing! be1ause he a%so is 1%othed with infi*#it-( =:2 And! the*efo*e! he is indebted&ob%iged as fo* the .eo.%e! so a%so fo* hi#se%f! to .*esent an offe*ing fo* his sins( =:< And no one ta;es this hono* on hi#se%f! but he who is 1a%%ed of E%ohi#&God! as Aha*on [EwasF+( =:= $o a%so Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> did not eLa%t Hi#se%f to be1o#e a Cohen-Gado%&5High P*iest>: but He [Ea..ointed Hi#F+ who said to Hi#! Thou a*t - $on: this da- ha3e 0 begotten Thee( =:? As He said a%so in anothe* .%a1e: Thou a*t a Cohen&5P*iest> fo*e3e*! afte* the %i;eness of a%;i-TDede;( =:@ 6i;ewise! when He was 1%othed in f%esh! He .*esented .*a-e*&

.etition&su..%i1ation and ea*nest-*eMuest&ent*eat- with intense 1a%%ing-fo*-he%.&in3o1ation! and with tea*s! to Hi# who was ab%e to 5*aise-u.-to-%ife&*e3i3e-to-%ife>&*esus1itate Hi# f*o# death: and He was hea*d( =:A And though He was a $on! -et! f*o# "AR> the 5*e3e*entia%>fea* and' the suffe*ings He endu*ed! He %ea*ned obedien1e( =:C And thus He was 5b*ought-to-1o#.%etion>&.e*fe1ted and be1a#e the 1ause of ete*na% %ife&[G*(> $a%3ation+ to a%% the# who obe- Hi#( =:1G And he was na#ed of E%ohi#&God! Cohen-HaGado%&5The High P*iest> afte* the %i;eness of a%;i-TDede;( =:11 @ Now! 1on1e*ning this 5.>e*son! a%;i-TDede;! we ha3e #u1h dis1ou*se! whi1h we #ight utte*: but it is diffi1u%t to eL.%ain it! be1ause -ou a*e wea;&infi*# in -ou* hea*ing( =:1) Po* -ou ought to be Tea1he*s! seeing -ou ha3e been %ong& [$-*(> a ti#e+ in the tea1hing&do1t*ine( /ut now! -ou need to %ea*n again the fi*st %ines of the beginning&1o##en1e#ent of the sa-ings& o*a1%es of E%ohi#&God: and -ou ha3e need of #i%;! and not of st*ong food( =:12 Po* e3e*- one whose food is #i%;! is un3e*sed in the %anguage of *ighteousness! be1ause he is a 1hi%d( =:1< /ut st*ong food be%ongs to the #atu*e who! being in3estigato*s& 5inMui*e*s&eLa#ine*s>! ha3e t*ained thei* fa1u%ties&5abi%ities& senses> to dis1*i#inate good and e3i%( CHAPTER ? ?:1 The*efo*e %et us %ea3e the beginning&1o##en1e#ent of the 4o*d of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and %et us .*o1eed to the 1o#.%etion( 7* wi%% -ou again %a- anothe* foundation fo* the *e.entan1e whi1h is f*o# dead wo*;s! and fo* the faith in E%ohi#&God! ?:) >And fo* the>-&[R> 7f+N[#> 4ith&5E3en>+ tea1hing&do1t*ine of& 5about> i##e*sion! and fo* the %a-ing on of a hand! and fo* the *esu**e1tion f*o# the dead! and fo* the ete*na% Oudge#entI ?:2 [G*> And+ [PR+->we wi%%>&[ > %et us+ do this! if the 6o*d .e*#it( ?:< /ut the- who ha3e on1e des1ended to i##e*sion! and ha3e tasted the gift f*o# Hea3en! and ha3e *e1ei3ed Rua1hHaBodesh&5The Ho%$.i*it>! ?:= And ha3e tasted the good 4o*d of E%ohi#&God! and the .owe* of the >wo*%d to 1o#e&5,o%a# haba>>! ?:? KCannot again sin! and a se1ond ti#e be *enewed to *e.entan1e: o* a se1ond ti#e eLe1ute-on-a-sta;e&51*u1if-> and insu%t the $on of E%ohi#&God( K[R> 0f the- fa%% awa-! to *enew the# again to *e.entan1e! sin1e the- eLe1ute-on-a-sta;e again fo* the#se%3es the $on of E%ohi#! and .ut EHi#F to an o.en sha#e(+ ?:@ Po* the ea*th that d*in;s the *ain whi1h 1o#es often u.on it! and

.*odu1es the he*b that is of use to those fo* who# it is 1u%ti3ated! *e1ei3es a b%essing f*o# E%ohi#&God( ?:A /ut if it shou%d .ut fo*th tho*ns and thist%es&b*ie*s! it wou%d ha3e *eOe1tion&*e.*obation&5Ede.*a3it-F>! and be not fa* f*o# a 1u*se! and its end wou%d be a bu*ning( ?:C /ut! in *ega*d to -ou! #- b*eth*en! we a*e .e*suaded bette* things! and things .e*taining to 6ife&[G*(> $a%3ation+! a%though we thus s.ea;( ?:1G Po* E%ohi#&God is not un*ighteous! to fo*get -ou* wo*;s! and -ou*-"AR' "AP'-[R> %abo* of+ [G*(> aga.i-%o3e+&b*othe*%--%o3e& 1ha*it- whi1h -ou ha3e shown in His Na#e! in that -ou ha3e se*3ed and do se*3e to the san1tified-ones( ?:11 And we desi*e! that ea1h one of -ou #a- show this sa#e a1ti3it-! fo* the 1o#.%etion of -ou* ho.e! e3en to the end: ?:1) And that -ou faint not: but that -ou be i#itato*s&e#u%ato*s of the# who b- faith and .atien1e ha3e be1o#e hei*s of the .*o#ise( ?:12 Po* when E%ohi#&God #ade the .*o#ise to A3*aha#! be1ause the*e was none g*eate* than Hi#se%f b- who# He 1ou%d swea*! He swo*e bHi#se%f: ?:1< And said: /%essing! 0 wi%% b%ess thee! and #u%ti.%-ing 0 wi%% #u%ti.%- thee( ?:1= And so he was .atient! and obtained the .*o#ise( ?:1? Po* #en swea* b- one g*eate* than the#se%3es: and in e3e*1ont*o3e*s- that o11u*s a#ong the#! the su*e te*#ination of it is b- an oath( ?:1@ The*efo*e! E%ohi#&God! being abundant%- wi%%ing to show to the hei*s of the .*o#ise! that His .*o#ising was i**e3e*sib%e! bound it u. in an oath: ?:1A $o that! b- two things whi1h 1hange not! and in whi1h E%ohi#&God 1annot %ie! we! who ha3e sought *efuge in Hi#! [APR+-#ight" ' ha3e g*eat 1o#fo*t&1onso%ation! and #ight ho%d fast the ho.e .*o#ised to us: ?:1C 4hi1h is to us as an an1ho*! that *etains ou* sou%! so that it swe*3es not: and it ente*s into that within the .a*o;het&3ei%! ?:)G - 4he*e Yeshua has .*e3ious%- ente*ed fo* us! and has be1o#e a Cohen&5P*iest> fo*e3e*! afte* the %i;eness of a%;i-TDede;( CHAPTER @ @:1 @ Now this a%;i-TDede; was 5;>ing of $ha%e#! a Cohen&5P*iest> of >the ost High&5HaE%-on>> E%ohi#&God: and 5h>e #et A3*aha#! when *etu*ning f*o# the s%aughte* of the ;ings: and b%essed hi#( @:) And to 5h>i# A3*aha# i#.a*ted tithes of a%% that he had with hi#( o*eo3e* 5h>is 5n>a#e is inte*.*eted 5;>ing of *ighteousness! and again [E5h>e is 1a%%edF+ 5;>ing of $ha%e#! that is 5;>ing of $ha%o#&Pea1e( @:2 7f who# neithe* 5h>is fathe* no* 5h>is #othe* a*e w*itten in the genea%ogies: not the beginning&1o##en1e#ent of 5h>is da-s!

no* the end of 5h>is %ife: but! afte* the %i;eness of the $on of E%ohi#&God! 5h>is offi1e-of-Cohen *e#ains fo*e3e*( @:< And 1onside* -ou! how g*eat 5h>e was: to who# the Pat*ia*1h A3*aha# ga3e tithes and Pi*st-P*uits( @:= Po* the- of the sons of 6>3i who *e1ei3ed the offi1e-ofCohani#! had a itD3ah&statute of the To*ah! that the- shou%d ta;e tithes f*o# the .eo.%e: the- f*o# thei* b*eth*en! be1ause the- a%so a*e of the seed of A3*aha#( @:? /ut this 5#>an! who is not en*o%%ed in thei* genea%ogies! too; tithes f*o# A3*aha#: and b%essed hi# who had *e1ei3ed the .*o#ise( @:@ /ut it is be-ond 1ont*o3e*s-! that the infe*io* is b%essed b- his su.e*io*( @:A And he*e! #en who die! *e1ei3e the tithes: but the*e! 5h>e of who# the Tana;h&$1*i.tu*e testifies that 5h>e %i3es( @:C And th*ough A3*aha#! as one #a- sa-! e3en 6>3i who *e1ei3ed tithes! >was hi#se%f tithed&[R> .aided tithes+>( @:1G Po* he was -et in the %oins of his fathe*! when he #et a%;iTDede;( @:11 0f! the*efo*e! .e*fe1tion&[$-*(> 1o#.%eteness+ had been b#eans of the offi1e-of-Cohani# of the 6>3i>i#! in whi1h the To*ah was 1o##anded&enOoined on the .eo.%e: wh- was anothe* Cohen&5P*iest> *eMui*ed! who shou%d stand u. afte* the %i;eness of a%;iTDede;I Po* Eothe*wiseF 0t&ETana;hF shou%d ha3e said! He sha%% be afte* the %i;eness of Aha*on( @:1) Po* as the*e is a 1hange&5t*ansfo*#ation> in the offi1e-ofCohani#! so a%so is the*e a 1hange&5t*ansfo*#ation> in the To*ah( @:12 Po* He of who# these things we*e s.o;en! was bo*n of anothe* t*ibe! of whi1h no one e3e* did-se*3i1e at the a%ta*( @:1< Po* it is #anifest that ou* 6o*d a*ose f*o# Y>hudah! f*o# a t*ibe of whi1h oshe said nothing 1on1e*ning a [PR+->offi1e-ofCohani#>&[A> Cohani#+( @:1= And #o*eo3e* this is fu*the* #anifest! f*o# His sa-ing that anothe* Cohen&5P*iest> wi%% stand u.! afte* the %i;eness of a%;i-TDede;! @:1? 4ho was not a11o*ding to the To*ah of #ate*ia%&1o*.o*ea%&5bodi%-> inOun1tions! but a11o*ding to the ene*g- of an e3e*%asting& indisso%ub%e 6ife( @:1@ Po* KHe testified of Hi#: Thou a*t a Cohen&5P*iest> fo*e3e*! afte* the %i;eness of a%;i-TDede;( K[R>((( He testifies:(((+&[A>((( it is testified of Hi#:(((+ @:1A @ And the 1hange&5t*ansfo*#ation> whi1h was #ade in the fi*st statute! was on a11ount of its %a1;ing-st*ength! and be1ause the*e was no effi1a1-&uti%it- in it( @:1C Po* the To*ah b*ought-to-the-goa%&fi%%ed nothing: but in the .%a1e of it the*e 1a#e in a ho.e! whi1h is bette* than it! and bwhi1h we d*aw nea* to E%ohi#&God( @:)G And He 1onfi*#ed it to us b- an oath( @:)1 Po* the- be1a#e Cohani#&5P*iests> without an oath: but this an

b- an oath( As He said to Hi# b- 8a3id: The-67R8&5YH9H> has swo*n! and wi%% not %ie! Thou a*t a Cohen&5P*iest> fo*e3e*! [PR+"A> afte* the %i;eness of a%;i-TDede;'( @:)) /ut a%% this! is that a bette* Co3enant of whi1h Yeshua is the s.onso*&[R> gua*antee+( @:)2 And the- as Cohani#&5P*iests> we*e nu#e*ous! be1ause the- we*e #o*ta%! and we*e not .e*#itted to 1ontinue: @:)< /ut this an! be1ause He stands u. fo*e3e*! His offi1e-ofCohen does not .ass awa-: @:)= And He is ab%e to gi3e-6ife&[G*(> sa3e+ fo*e3e*! the# who 1o#e to E%ohi#&God b- Hi#: fo* He a%wa-s %i3es! and sends u. .*a-e*s fo* the#( @:)? Po* a Cohen&5P*iest> %i;e to Hi#! was a%so suitab%e fo* us: 7ne .u*e! and without e3i% and without stain: 7ne se.a*ated f*o# sins! and eLa%ted highe* than Hea3en&5the Hea3ens>: @:)@ And who is not indebted&ob%iged! e3e*- da-! %i;e the [EAha*on-i1F+ Cohen-gado%&5high P*iest>! to fi*st offe* sa1*ifi1es fo* his own sins! and then fo* the .eo.%e: fo* this He did on1e! b- offe*ing u. Hi#se%f( @:)A Po* the To*ah a..ointed&1onstituted feeb%e #en Cohani#&5P*iests>: but the 4o*d of the oath! whi1h was subseMuent&afte*-*e%ati3e to the To*ah [Ea..ointed&1onstituted&estab%ishedF+ the $on .e*fe1t& 1o#.%ete fo*e3e*( CHAPTER A A:1 @ Now the su# of the who%e is this! we ha3e a CohenGado%&5High P*iest>! who is seated on the Right Hand of the Th*one of >the aOest-&5HaG>du%ah&EE%ohi#F>> in Hea3en: A:) And He is the $e*3ant of the $an1tua*-! and of the t*ue Tabe*na1%e! whi1h E%ohi#&God-[G*(> The-6o*d&Adonai+ has .it1hed! and not #an( A:2 Po* e3e*- Cohen-gado%&5high P*iest> is estab%ished to offe* ob%ations&[R> gifts+ and sa1*ifi1es: and the*efo*e! it was .*o.e* that this one shou%d a%so ha3e so#ething to offe*( A:< And if He we*e on ea*th! He wou%d not be a Cohen&5P*iest>: be1ause the*e a*e Cohani#&5P*iests> [Ethe*eF+! who offe* ob%ations&[R> gifts+ ag*eeab%- to the To*ah: A:= [ENa#e%-F+ the-! who do-se*3i1e in the s-#bo%&e#b%e# and shadow of the things in Hea3en: as it was said to oshe! when he was about to bui%d the Tabe*na1%e! $ee! and #a;e e3e*- thing a11o*ding to the .atte*n whi1h was showed -ou in the #ount( A:? /ut now! Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has *e1ei3ed an offi1eof-se*3i1e whi1h is bette* than that: as a%so the Co3enant! of whi1h He is #ade the ediato*! is bette*! and is gi3en with bette* .*o#ises than the fo*#e*( A:@ Po*! if the fi*st [ECo3enantF+ had been fau%t%ess! the*e wou%d ha3e been no .%a1e of this se1ond [EoneF+( A:A Po* He *e.*o3es&1hides the# and sa-s: /eho%d! the da-s 1o#e! sa-s The-67R8&5YH9H>! when 0 wi%% 1o#.%ete with the fa#i%- of the

house of 0s*ae%! and with the fa#i%- of the house of Y>hudah! a New-Co3enant&5/*it Chadashah>: A:C Not %i;e the Co3enant whi1h 0 ga3e to thei* fathe*s! in the dawhen 0 too; the# b- the hand! and b*ought the# out of the %and of Eg-.t: [EandF+ be1ause the- 1ontinued not in #- Co3enant! 0 a%so *eOe1ted the#! sa-s The-67R8&5YH9H>( A:1G /ut this is the Co3enant whi1h 0 wi%% gi3e to the fa#i%- of the house of 0s*ae% afte* those da-s! sa-s The-67R8&5YH9H>: 0 wi%% .ut&[$-*(> gi3e+ #- To*ah in thei* #inds! and ins1*ibe it on thei* hea*ts: and 0 wi%% be to the# a God! and the- sha%% be to e a .eo.%e( A:11 And one sha%% not tea1h his fe%%ow-1itiDen! no* his b*othe*! no* sa-: ;now The-67R8&5YH9H>: be1ause the- sha%% a%% ;now e! f*o# the -oungest of the# to the o%dest( A:1) KAnd 0 wi%% fo*gi3e the# thei* iniMuit-: and thei* sins wi%% 0 *e#e#be* no #o*e( K[EAFR> Po* 0 wi%% be #e*1ifu% to thei* un*ighteousness! and thei* sins "A> and thei* %aw%ess deeds' 0 wi%% *e#e#be* no #o*e(+ A:12 0n that He said a new [ECo3enantF+! He #ade the fi*st o%d: and that whi1h is o%d and de1a-ing! is nea* to disso%ution& 5disso%3ing>( CHAPTER C C:1 Now! unde* the fi*st [ECo3enantF+! the*e we*e o*dinan1es of offi1e-of-se*3i1e! and a ea*th%- $an1tua*-( C:) Po* in the fi*st Tabe*na1%e whi1h was e*e1ted! the*e was the #eno*ah&51and%esti1;>! and the Tab%e! and the /*ead of the P*esen1e: and this was 1a%%ed the $an1tua*-&[$-*(> the Ho%House+&5the Ho%- P%a1e>( C:2 /ut the inne* Tabe*na1%e! whi1h was within the se1ond .a*o;het& 3ei%! was 1a%%ed the >Ho%- of Ho%ies&5Bodesh HaBadashi#>>( C:< - And the*e we*e in it the go%den 1ense*&5a%ta* of in1ense>! and the A*; of the Co3enant! whi1h was a%% o3e*-%aid with go%d: and in it we*e the go%den u*n&Oa* whi1h 1ontained #anna! and the *od of Aha*on whi1h s.*outed! and the Tab%es&Tab%ets of the Co3enant: C:= And o3e* it we*e the B>*u3i# of G%o*-! whi1h o3e*-shadowed the #e*1- seat( /ut the*e is not ti#e to s.ea; .a*ti1u%a*%- of ea1h of the things whi1h we*e so a**anged( C:? And into the oute* Tabe*na1%e the Cohani#&5P*iests>! at a%% ti#es! ente*ed! and .e*fo*#ed thei* offi1e-of-se*3i1e( C:@ /ut into the inte*io* Tabe*na1%e! on1e a -ea* on%-! CohenhaGado% &5the high P*iest> ente*ed! with the b%ood whi1h he offe*ed fo* hi#se%f and fo* the sins of the .eo.%e( C:A And b- this Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it> indi1ated! that the wa- to the Ho%- [EP%a1esF+ was not -et #anifested! so %ong as the fi*st Tabe*na1%e was standing: C:C And it was a s-#bo%! fo* that ti#e! du*ing whi1h ob%ation&[R> gifts+ and sa1*ifi1es we*e offe*ed that 1ou%d not #a;e .e*fe1t& 1o#.%ete the 1ons1ien1e of hi# who offe*ed the#: C:1G /ut [Ethe- 1onsistedF+ on%- in food and d*in;! and in the ab%utions&[$-*(> i##e*sions+ of 3a*ious&di3e*s things: whi1h

we*e bodi%-&#ate*ia% o*dinan1es! and we*e set u. unto the ti#e of [P> a *efo*#ation+&5Ea *esto*ation&an i#.*o3e#entF>N[G*(> setting things *ight+( C:11 @ /ut Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> who 1a#e! was a CohenGado%&5High P*iest> of the good things Kwhi1h He w*ought: and He ente*ed into the g*eat and .e*fe1t&1o#.%ete Tabe*na1%e! whi1h was not #ade with hands and was not of these 1*eated things( K[EAFR>((( [#> 5that a*e about to>+-to-[A#> that ha3e+ 1o#e! b- a g*eate* and #o*e .e*fe1t tabe*na1%e! not #ade with hands! that is to sa-! not of this bui%ding&51*eation>(+ C:1) And He did not ente* with the b%ood of goats and 1a%3es: but with the b%ood of Hi#se%f! He ente*ed on1e into the $an1tua*-! and obtained ete*na% *ede#.tion( C:12 Po* if the b%ood of goats and 1a%3es! with the ashes of a heife*! was s.*in;%ed u.on the# that we*e defi%ed! and san1tified the# as to the .u*ifi1ation of thei* f%esh: C:1< Then how #u1h #o*e wi%% the b%ood of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! who b- the Ete*na% [#> Ho%-+ Rua1h&$.i*it offe*ed Hi#se%f without b%e#ish to E%ohi#&God! .u*ge ou* 1ons1ien1e f*o# dead deeds& 5%abou*>! so that we #a- se*3e the 6i3ing GodI C:1= And fo* this *eason He be1a#e the ediato* of the New Co3enant! that He #ight b- His death be *ede#.tion! to the# who had t*ansg*essed the fi*st Co3enant: so that the-! who a*e 1a%%ed to the ete*na% inhe*itan1e! #ight *e1ei3e the .*o#ise( C:1? @ Po* whe*e the*e is a testa#ent&[$-*(&Ewhi1h wo*d isF> both a 1o3enant and a testa#ent+! it indi1ates the death of hi# who #ade it( C:1@ Po* it is 3a%id! on%- of a de1eased [E.e*sonF+: Kbe1ause it has no use! so %ong as the #a;e* of it %i3es( K[#>(((: fo* is it then in fo*1e whi%e the one who #ade it %i3esI+ C:1A The*efo*e a%so the fi*st [ECo3enantF+ was not 1onfi*#ed without b%ood( C:1C Po* when the who%e o*dinan1e had been .utfo*wa*d&.*o.ounded boshe to a%% the .eo.%e! a11o*ding to the To*ah: oshe too; the b%ood of a heife*! and wate*! with s1a*%et woo% and h-sso.! and s.*in;%ed u.on the $1*o%%s and u.on a%% the .eo.%e: C:)G And said to the#! This is the b%ood of the Co3enant whi1h is 1o##anded&enOoined b- E%ohi#&God( C:)1 4ith that b%ood he a%so s.*in;%ed u.on the Tabe*na1%e! and u.on a%% the 3esse%s of the-se*3i1e: C:)) /e1ause e3e*- thing! a11o*ding to the To*ah! is .u*ified with b%ood: and without the shedding of b%ood! the*e is no *e#ission( C:)2 Po* it was ne1essa*- that these! the s-#bo%s&e#b%e#s of

Hea3en%things! shou%d be .u*ified! with those things: but the Hea3en%things the#se%3es! with sa1*ifi1es su.e*io* to the#( C:)< Po* Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> ente*ed not into the $an1tua*- #ade with hands! whi1h is the s-#bo%&e#b%e# of the T*ue [E$an1tua*-F+: but He ente*ed into Hea3en itse%f to a..ea* in the .*esen1e of E%ohi#&God fo* us( C:)= Neithe* [Ewas it ne1essa*-F+! that He shou%d offe* Hi#se%f #anti#es! as Cohen-haGado%&5the high P*iest> ente*ed e3e*- -ea* into the $an1tua*-! with b%ood not his own: C:)? 7the*wise! He #ust ha3e suffe*ed #an- ti#es! sin1e the 1o##en1e#ent of the wo*%d: but now in the end of the wo*%d! He has on1e offe*ed Hi#se%f in a se%f-sa1*ifi1e! to abo%ish sin( C:)@ And! as it is a..ointed to #en! that the- #ust on1e die! and afte* thei* death is the Uudge#ent: C:)A $o a%so Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> was on1e offe*ed: and! bHi#se%f! He offe*ed-u.-fo*&i##o%ated the sins of #an-: and a se1ond ti#e! without sins! wi%% He a..ea* fo* the 6ife&[G*(> $a%3ation+ of the# who eL.e1t Hi#( CHAPTER 1G 1G:1 @ KPo* in the To*ah was a shadow of the good things to 1o#e: not the substan1e of the things the#se%3es( The*efo*e! a%though the sa#e sa1*ifi1es we*e e3e*- -ea* offe*ed! [P#+->the- 1ou%d&[AR> 1an+> ne3e* .e*fe1t&1o#.%ete those who offe*ed the#( K[#> The To*ah 1ontains but a shadow and %i;eness of the good things to 1o#e:+ 1G:) Po*! if the- had .e*fe1ted&1o#.%eted the#! the- wou%d %ong ago ha3e desisted f*o# thei* offe*ings: be1ause thei* 1ons1ien1e 1ou%d no #o*e disMuiet the#! who we*e on1e .u*ified! on a11ount of thei* sins( 1G:2 /ut in those sa1*ifi1es! the- e3e*- -ea* *e1ogniDed thei* sins( 1G:< Po* the b%ood of bu%%s and of goats 1annot .u*ge awa- sins( 1G:= The*efo*e! when ente*ing the wo*%d! He said: 0n sa1*ifi1es and ob%ations&5E#ea%F-offe*ings>! You ha3e not had .%easu*e: but You ha3e 1%othed e with a bod-( 1G:? And bu*nt-offe*ings on a11ount of sins! You ha3e not as;ed( 1G:@ Then 0 said: /eho%d 0 1o#e! as it is 4*itten of e in the beginning of the $1*o%%s! to do Th- wi%%&.%easu*e! 7 E%ohi#&God( 1G:A He fi*st said: $a1*ifi1es and ob%ations&5E#ea%F-offe*ings> and bu*nt-offe*ings fo* sins! whi1h we*e offe*ed a11o*ding to the To*ah! You desi*e not: 1G:C And afte*wa*ds He said: /eho%d 0 1o#e to do Thwi%%&.%easu*e! [PR+-"A > 7 E%ohi#&God': he*eb-! He ta;es-awa- the fo*#e*! that He #ight estab%ish the %atte*( 1G:1G Po* b- this His wi%%&.%easu*e! we a*e san1tified: th*ough the offe*ing of the bod- of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> a sing%e ti#e( 1G:11 Po* e3e*- Cohen-Gado%&5high P*iest> who stood and

#iniste*ed dai%-! offe*ed again and again the sa#e sa1*ifi1es! whi1h ne3e* we*e suffi1ient to .u*ge awa- sins( 1G:1) /ut this [ECohen&5P*iest>F+ offe*ed on1e sa1*ifi1e fo* sins! and fo*e3e* sat down at the Right Hand of E%ohi#&God: 1G:12 And f*o#-that-ti#e-on waited! unti% His foes shou%d be .%a1ed as a footstoo% unde* His feet( 1G:1< Po* b- one offe*ing! He has .e*fe1ted&1o#.%eted fo*e3e*! the# who a*e san1tified b- Hi#( 1G:1= @ And Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it> a%so testifies to us! bsa-ing: 1G:1? This is the Co3enant whi1h 0 wi%% gi3e the# afte* those da-s! sa-s The-67R8&5YH9H>: 0 wi%% .ut - To*ah into thei* #inds! and ins1*ibe it on thei* hea*ts: 1G:1@ And thei* iniMuit- and thei* sins! 0 wi%% not *e#e#be* against the#( 1G:1A Now! whe*e the*e is a fo*gi3eness&*e#ission of sins! the*e is no offe*ing fo* sin de#anded( 1G:1C 4e ha3e the*efo*e! #- b*eth*en! assu*an1e&[$-*(> o.en fa1e+ in ente*ing into the $an1tua*-! b- the b%ood of Yeshua! and b- a waof %ife! 1G:)G 4hi1h He has now 1onse1*ated fo* us! th*ough the .a*o;het&3ei%! that is His f%esh( 1G:)1 And we ha3e a Cohen-Gado%&5High P*iest> o3e* the House of E%ohi#& God( 1G:)) 6et us! the*efo*e d*aw nea*! with a t*ue hea*t! and with the 1onfiden1e of faith! being s.*in;%ed as to ou* hea*ts! and .u*e f*o# an e3i% 1ons1ien1e! and ou* bod- being washed with .u*e wate*( 1G:)2 And %et us .e*se3e*e in the .*ofession of ou* ho.e! and not wai3e*: fo* He is faithfu% who has #ade the .*o#ise to us( 1G:)< And %et us %oo; u.on ea1h othe*! fo* the sti**ing-u. of %o3e and good wo*;s&#itD3ot( 1G:)= And %et us not fo*sa;e ou* #eetings! as is the 1usto# of so#e: but i#.%o*e&ent*eat -ou one anothe*: and the #o*e! as -ou see that 8a- d*aw nea*( 1G:)? @ Po* if a #an sin! 3o%unta*i%-! afte* he has *e1ei3ed a ;now%edge of the T*uth! the*e is no %onge* a sa1*ifi1e whi1h #abe offe*ed fo* sins: 1G:)@ /ut Eon%-F the fea*fu% Uudge#ent about-to-o11u*! and the Dea% of fi*e that 1onsu#es the ad3e*sa*ies( 1G:)A Po* if he! who t*ansg*essed the To*ah of oshe! died without #e*1ies! at the #outh of two o* th*ee witnesses: 1G:)C How #u1h #o*e! thin; -ou! wi%% he *e1ei3e 1a.ita% .unish#ent! who has t*odden u.on the $on of E%ohi#&God! and has a11ounted the b%ood of His Co3enant! b- whi1h he is san1tified! as Ebeing on%-

asF the b%ood of a%% #en! and has t*eated the Rua1h&$.i*it of g*a1e insu%ting%-I 1G:2G Po* we ;now Hi# who has said! 9engean1e&Ret*ibution is #ine: and 0 wi%% *e.a- "AP'-[R> sa-s The-6o*d&Adonai+: and again! The67R8& 5YH9H> wi%% Oudge His .eo.%e( 1G:21 0t is 3e*- te**ib%e&[$-*(> a g*eat fea*+! to fa%% into the hands of the 6i3ing God( 1G:2) The*efo*e! *e1o%%e1t -ou the fo*#e* da-s! those in whi1h -ou *e1ei3ed i##e*sion! and endu*ed a g*eat 1onf%i1t of suffe*ings! and *e.*oa1h and aff%i1tion: 1G:22 And -ou we*e a s.e1ta1%e! and a%so we*e the asso1iates of .e*sons who endu*ed these things: 1G:2< And -ou we*e g*ie3ed fo* Kthose who we*e i#.*isoned: and -ou 1hee*fu%%- endu*ed the .%unde*ing of -ou* goods! be1ause -ou ;new that -ou had a .ossession&[R> substan1e+ [PR+-"A> in Hea3en'! su.e*io* and not #o#enta*-&b*ief&t*ansito*-( K[R>((( #- in #- 1hains: (((+&[A>((( the .*isone*s: (((+ 1G:2= The*efo*e 1ast not awa- -ou* [R> 1onfiden1e+Nassu*an1e& [$-*(> o.enness of 1ountenan1e+ whi1h is to ha3e a g*eat *ewa*d( 1G:2? Po* -ou ha3e need of .atien1e: that -ou #a- do the wi%%&.%easu*e of E%ohi#&God! and #a- *e1ei3e the .*o#ise( 1G:2@ /e1ause! -et a %itt%e! - and it is a 3e*- %itt%e ti#e! - when He that 1o#es! wi%% 1o#e! and wi%% not de%a-( 1G:2A Now [PR+->the Oust>&>[A> the-[#> -+ Oust one+> b- [P+- -"AR' faith! wi%% %i3e: but if he d*aw ba1;! - sou% wi%% not ha3e .%easu*e in hi#( 1G:2C @ /ut we a*e not of that d*awing-ba1;! whi1h %eads to .e*dition& tota%-*uin: but of that Paith! whi1h #a;es us ha3e-R-;ee. ou* sou%( CHAPTER 11 11:1 Now faith is the st*ong-be%ief&.e*suasion of the things that a*e in ho.e! as if the- we*e in a1t&so#ething-done-Ea%*ead-F: and [Eit isF+ the #anifestness&e3iden1e of the things not seen( 11:) And fo* it the an1ients a*e we%% testified of( 11:2 Po* b- faith! we unde*stand that the wo*%ds we*e f*a#ed bthe 4o*d&[$-*(&a%t> fiat&5de1*ee&o*de*>+ of E%ohi#&God: and that things seen! o*iginated f*o# those that a*e not seen( 11:< /- faith! He3e% offe*ed "#>to E%ohi#&God' a bette* sa1*ifi1e than that of Ba-in: and on a11ount of it! he is testified of that he was *ighteous! and E%ohi#&God bo*e testi#on- to his offe*ing: and in 1onseMuen1e the*eof! though dead he -et s.ea;s( 11:= /- faith! Chano1h was t*ans%ated! and did not taste death: and he was not found! be1ause E%ohi#&God had t*ans%ated hi#: fo*! befo*e He t*ans%ated hi#! the*e was testi#on- of hi#! that he .%eased E%ohi#&God( 11:? /ut! without faith! a #an 1annot .%ease E%ohi#&God( Po* he

that d*aws nea* to E%ohi#&God! #ust be%ie3e His eListen1e! and that He wi%% *e1o#.ense those who see; Hi#( 11:@ @ /- faith Noa1h! when he was to%d of things not seen! 5*e3e*ent%->fea*ed: and he #ade hi#se%f an a*;! fo* the 6ife& [G*(> $a%3ation+ of his househo%d: whe*e b- he 1onde#ned the wo*%d! and be1a#e an hei* of the *ighteousness whi1h is bfaith( 11:A /- faith A3*aha#! when he was 1a%%ed! obe-ed! and de.a*ted to the P%a1e whi1h he was to *e1ei3e fo* an inhe*itan1e: and he de.a*ted! whi%e he ;new not whe*e he was going( 11:C /- faith! he be1a#e a *esident in the 6and that was .*o#ised hi#! as in a fo*eign %and: and abode in tents! with YitD1ha; and Ya,a;o3! the hei*s with hi# of the sa#e .*o#ise( 11:1G Po* he %oo;ed fo* the Cit- that has a foundation! of whi1h the /ui%de* and a;e* is E%ohi#&God( 11:11 K/- faith! $a*ah a%so! who was ba**en! a1Mui*ed ene*g- to *e1ei3e seed: and! out of the ti#e of he* -ea*s! she [PR+-"A> b*ought fo*th' "AP'-[R> a 1hi%d+: be1ause she fi*#%- be%ie3ed! that He was faithfu% who had .*o#ised he*( K[R> Th*ough faith a%so $a*ah he*se%f *e1ei3ed st*ength to 1on1ei3e seed: (((+ K[#> >/- faith! e3en though $a*ah was ba**en! he EA3*aha#F *e1ei3ed .owe* to beget>-&[#&a%t> /- faith A3*aha#! e3en though he was .ast age - and $a*ah he*se%f was ba**en was enab%ed to beget++-EN09 R P(P( /*u1e! The to the Heb*ews( $ee: Ea*%- anus1*i.ts R ode*n T*ans%ations of the New Testa#ent! .g(1@G( #XCheste* /eatt- #anus1*i.t: QPQ<? 8K(F 11:1) The*efo*e! f*o# one #an fai%ing th*ough age! nu#be*s we*e bo*n! %i;e the sta*s in the hea3ens! and %i;e the sand on the sho*e of the sea whi1h is innu#e*ab%e( 11:12 A%% these died in faith! and *e1ei3ed not thei* .*o#ise: but thesaw it afa* off "AP'-[R> we*e assu*ed of Ethe#F+! Kand *eOoi1ed in it: and the- 1onfessed that the- we*e st*ange*s and .i%g*i#s on the ea*th( K[G*(>(((! e#b*a1ed Ethe#F: and (((+ 11:1< Now the- who sa- thus! show that the- see; a Cit-( 11:1= /ut if the- had been see;ing that 1it- f*o# whi1h the- 1a#e out! the- had o..o*tunit- to *etu*n again and go to it( 11:1? /ut now it is #anifest that the- %onged fo* a bette* [ECit-F+ than that! [Ena#e%-!F+ fo* that whi1h is in Hea3en( The*efo*e E%ohi#&God did not *efuse to be 1a%%ed thei* God: fo* He .*e.a*ed fo* the# the Cit-( 11:1@ /- faith A3*aha#! in his t*ia%! offe*ed u. YitD1ha;: and he %aid on the a%ta* his on%- son! who# he had *e1ei3ed b- .*o#ise( 11:1A Po* it had been said to hi#! 0n YitD1ha; sha%% -ou* seed be 1a%%ed( 11:1C And he *easoned with hi#se%f! that E%ohi#&God was ab%e e3en to *aise [Ehi#F+ f*o# the dead: and the*efo*e! in the si#i%itude&

5i#age&fo*#> [Eof a *esu**e1tionF+! he was *esto*ed to hi#( 11:)G /- faith in what was to be! YitD1ha; b%essed Ya,a;o3 and Esa3( 11:)1 /- faith Ya,a;o3! when d-ing! b%essed ea1h of the sons of Uosef! and bowed hi#se%f on the to. of his staff( 11:)) /- faith Uosef! when d-ing! was #indfu% of the de.a*tu*e of the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae%! and ga3e di*e1tion 1on1e*ning his bones( 11:)2 @ /- faith the .a*ents of oshe! afte* he was bo*n! hid hi# th*ee #onths: be1ause the- saw he was a good%- 1hi%d: and thewe*e not dete**ed b- the 1o##and of the ;ing( 11:)< /- faith oshe! when he be1a#e a #an! *efused to be 1a%%ed the son of Pha*aoh>s daughte*( 11:)= And he 1hose to be in aff%i1tion with the .eo.%e of E%ohi#&God! and not to %i3e %uLu*ious%- in sin fo* a sho*t season: 11:)? And he estee#ed the *e.*oa1h of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> a g*eate* t*easu*e than the hoa*ded *i1hes [A P+-of&[R> in+ Eg-.t: fo* he %oo;ed u.on the *e1o#.ense&5*e.a-#ent> of *ewa*d( 11:)@ /- faith! he %eft Eg-.t! and was not te**ified b- the w*ath of the ;ing: and he 1ontinued to ho.e! Oust as if he saw the 0n3isib%e E%ohi#&God( 11:)A /- faith! the- ;e.t&[$-*(> #ade+ the Pesa1h&Passo3e*! and the s.*in;%ing of b%ood! that he who dest*o-ed the fi*stbo*n #ight not a..*oa1h the#( 11:)C /- faith! the- .assed the Red $ea! as on d*- %and: and in it the Eg-.tians we*e swa%%owed u.! when the- da*ed to ente* it( 11:2G /- faith! the wa%%s of Ye*i1ho fe%% down! when the- had been en1o#.assed se3en da-s( 11:21 /- faith Ra1ha3! the ha*%ot! .e*ished not with the# who be%ie3ed not! when she *e1ei3ed the s.ies in sha%o#&.ea1e( 11:2) @ 4hat #o*e sha%% 0 sa-I Po* 0 ha3e %itt%e ti#e to te%% of Gid,on! and of /a*a;! and of $hi#shon! and of Yifta1h! and of 8a3id! and of $h#ue%! and of the othe* P*o.hets&Ne3i>i#: 11:22 4ho! b- faith! subdued ;ingdo#s! and w*ought *ighteousness! and *e1ei3ed .*o#ises! and shut the #ouths of %ions! 11:2< And Muen1hed the fo*1e of fi*e! and we*e *es1ued f*o# the edge of the swo*d! and we*e hea%ed of diseases! and be1a#e st*ong in batt%e! and 1o#.%ete%--defeated the 1a#.s of ene#ies! 11:2= And *esto*ed to wo#en thei* 1hi%d*en! b- a *esu**e1tion f*o# the dead( And so#e died unde* to*tu*es! and did not ho.e to es1a.e! that the*e #ight be fo* the# a bette* *esu**e1tion: 11:2? And othe*s endu*ed #o1;ings and s1ou*gings: and othe*s we*e de%i3e*ed u. to bonds and .*isons: 11:2@ 7the*s we*e stoned: othe*s we*e sawed [R> asunde*+ "AP'->[RE#F>: the--"#' we*e te#.ted-[#> .ut to the test++>: othe*s died bthe

edge of the swo*d: othe*s *oa#ed about 1%othed in shee. s;ins and goat s;ins! and we*e need-! and aff%i1ted! and sha;en-u.: 11:2A Pe*sons of who# the wo*%d was not wo*th-! and -et thewe*e as wande*e*s in the dese*t! and in #ountains! and in 1a3es! and in 1a3e*ns of the ea*th( 11:2C And a%% these! of whose faith the*e is testi#on-! *e1ei3ed not the .*o#ise: 11:<G /e1ause E%ohi#&God had .*o3ided the aid fo* us: so that without us the- shou%d not be .e*fe1ted&1o#.%eted( CHAPTER 1) 1):1 The*efo*e %et us a%so! who ha3e a%% these witnesses su**ounding us %i;e 1%ouds! 1ast f*o# us a%% en1u#b*an1es& [$-*(&a%t>bu*dens+! and Ksin! whi1h is a%wa-s #ade-*ead-&[R> .*e.a*ed+&5Ea%wa-s hanging a*oundF> fo* us: and %et us *un with .atien1e the *a1e that is a..ointed fo* us( K[BU9> the sin! whi1h doth so easi%- beset EusF! (((+ [#> 1%inging sin+&[#> dist*a1ting sin+ 1):) @ And %et us %oo; on Yeshua! who has be1o#e the beginning& 1o##en1e#ent and the 1o#.%etion of ou* faith: who! on a11ount of the Oo- the*e was fo* Hi#! endu*ed the .e*se1utionsta;e&51*oss>! and su**ende*ed Hi#se%f to Ethei*F *e.*oa1hing-R-sha#ing&[P> o..*ob*iu#+ Eat Hi#F: and is seated on the Right Hand of the Th*one of E%ohi#&God( 1):2 K/eho%d! the*efo*e! how #u1h He suffe*ed f*o# sinne*s! f*o# the# who a*e ad3e*sa*ies of thei* own sou%&[$-*(&a%t> se%3es+! that -ou #a- not be1o#e dis1ou*aged! no* -ou* sou% be1o#e 1a*e%ess& neg%igent( K[BU9E#F> Po* 1onside* Hi# that endu*ed su1h 1ont*adi1tion of sinne*s against Hi#se%f&[#> the#+! (((+ 1):< You ha3e not -et 1o#e unto b%ood! in the 1ontest against sin( 1):= And -ou ha3e fo*gotten the wa*ning&[R> eLho*tation+! whi1h sa-s to -ou! as to 1hi%d*en! - son! dis*ega*d not the 1hastening& .unish#ent of The-6o*d&Adonai: not %et -ou* sou% faint! when -ou a*e *ebu;ed b- Hi#( 1):? Po*! who# The-6o*d&Adonai %o3es! He 1hastens&*e.*i#ands: and He s1ou*ges those sons! fo* who# He has ;ind *ega*ds( 1):@ KThe*efo*e endu*e -ou the 1hastise#ent&.unish#ent: be1ause E%ohi# &God is dea%ing with -ou as with sons( Po* what son is the*e! who# his fathe* 1hastens&.unishes notI K[R> 0f -ou endu*e 1hastening! E%ohi#&God (((+ K[A> 0t is fo* dis1i.%ine that -ou endu*e: E%ohi#&God (((+ 1):A /ut if -ou a*e without that 1hastise#ent&.unish#ent! with whi1h e3e*- one Eof HisF is 1hastened&.unished! -ou a*e be1o#e st*ange*s and not sons( 1):C And if ou* fathe*s of the f%esh 1hastened&.unished us! and we dee.%--*es.e1ted the#! how #u1h #o*e ought we to be sub#issi3e to ou* 5s>.i*itua% 5f>athe*5s>K! and %i3eI

KE$-*(&note> This! undoubted%-! is a s.u*ious *eading: fo* it 1onf%i1ts with the G*ee;! and disag*ees with the 1onteLt(+ 1):1G Po* the- 1hastened&.unished us fo* a sho*t ti#e! a11o*ding to thei* wi%%&.%easu*e: but E%ohi#&God! fo* ou* ad3antage! that we #a- be1o#e .a*ta;e*s of His ho%iness( 1):11 Now a%% 1hastise#ent&.unish#ent! in the ti#e of it! is not a11ounted a #atte* of Oo-! but of g*ief: -et! afte*wa*ds! it -ie%ds the f*uits of sha%o#&.ea1e and *ighteousness to the# who a*e eLe*1ised&t*ained b- it( 1):1) @ 4he*efo*e! st*engthen -ou -ou* *e%aLed hands! and -ou* totte*ing&[R> feeb%e+ ;nees: 1):12 And #a;e st*aight .aths fo* -ou* feet! that the %i#b whi1h is %a#e #a- not be w*en1hed&st*ained&twisted! but #a- be hea%ed( 1):1< Po%%ow afte* sha%o#&.ea1e with e3e*- #an: and afte* ho%iness! without whi1h a #an wi%% not see ou* 6o*d( 1):1= And be 1a*efu%! %est an- b- found a#ong -ou destitute of the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God: o* %est so#e *oot of bitte*ness shoot fo*th ge*#s&5Ethat whi1h 1auses #o*e bitte*ness to g*owF>! and t*oub%e -ou: and the*eb- #an- be defi%ed: 1):1? 7* %est an- one be found a#ong -ou a fo*ni1ato*: o* a heed%ess one %i;e Esa3! who fo* one .o*tion of food! so%d his *ight-of-the -fi*st-bo*n-to-inhe*itan1e&[P> .*i#ogentiu*e+( 1):1@ Po* -ou ;now that! afte*wa*ds when he wished to inhe*it the b%essing! he was *eOe1ted: fo* he found not a .%a1e fo* *e.entan1e! a%though he sought it with tea*s( 1):1A KPo* -ou ha3e not 1o#e to the fi*e that bu*ned! and the tangib%e& ha3ing-#ate*ia%-substan1e [E#ountF+: no* to the da*;ness and obs1u*it- and te#.est: K[EAFR> Po* -ou a*e not 1o#e unto "A> the #ountain' that [A> whi1h+ #ight be tou1hed! and that bu*ned with fi*e! no* unto b%a1;ness! and da*;ness! and te#.est:+ 1):1C No* to the sound of the shofa*&t*! and the 3oi1e of wo*ds! whi1h the- who hea*d! begged that it #ight no #o*e be s.o;en to the#: 1):)G Po* the- 1ou%d not endu*e what was 1o##anded( And e3en a beast! if it a..*oa1hed the #ountain! was to be stoned "A P'-[R> o* th*ust th*ough with an a**ow(+ 1):)1 And so aweso#e&te**ib%e was the sight! that oshe said! 0 5*e3e*ent%->fea* and t*e#b%e( 1):)) /ut -ou ha3e 1o#e to ount TDi-on! and to the Cit- of the 6i3ing God! the Ye*usha%a-i# that is in Hea3en: and to the asse#b%ies of #-*iads&5tens-of-thousands&1ount%ess-nu#be*s> of ange%s: 1):)2 And to the Cong*egation of the Pi*st-bo*n! who a*e en*o%%ed in Hea3en: and to E%ohi#&God the Uudge of a%%: and to the s.i*its of the Oust! who a*e .e*fe1ted&1o#.%eted: 1):)< And to Yeshua! the ediato* of the New Co3enant: and to

the s.*in;%ing of His b%ood! whi1h s.ea;s bette* than that of He3e%( 1):)= /ewa*e! the*efo*e! %est -ou *efuse [Eto hea*F+ Hi# who s.ea;s with -ou( Po* if the- es1a.ed not! who *efused [Eto hea*F+ Hi# who s.o;e with the# on the ea*th! how #u1h #o*e sha%% we not! if we *efuse [Eto hea*F+ Hi# who s.ea;s with us f*o# Hea3enI 1):)? 4hose 9oi1e [EthenF+ shoo; the ea*th: but now He has .*o#ised! and said! -et again on1e #o*e! 0 "R'-wi%%-[AP+ sha;e not the ea*th on%-! but a%so 5h>ea3en( 1):)@ And this His eL.*ession! 7n1e #o*e! indi1ates the [P> #utation+& [1hange-in-fo*#+N[R> *e#o3a%+ of the things that a*e sha;en! be1ause the- a*e fab*i1ated: that the things whi1h wi%% not be sha;en! #a- *e#ain( 1):)A @ $in1e! the*efo*e! we ha3e *e1ei3ed a Bingdo# that >is unsha;en &[R> 1annot be sha;en+>! %et us g*as. the g*a1e whe*eb- we [PR+#a--" ' se*3e and .%ease E%ohi#&God! with *e3e*en1e and 5*es.e1tfu%>fea*( 1):)C Po* E%ohi#&God is a 1onsu#ing fi*e( CHAPTER 12 12:1 6et %o3e fo* the b*eth*en dwe%% a#ong&[$-*(&a%t> in+ -ou( 12:) And fo*get not ;indness to st*ange*s: fo* the*eb- so#e ha3e been .*i3i%eged to ente*tain ange%s! unawa*es&5uneL.e1ted%-& un;nowing%->( 12:2 And *e#e#be* those in bonds! as if -ou we*e bound with the#: and *e1o%%e1t those in aff%i1tion! as being -ou*se%3es 1%othed in f%esh( 12:< a**iage is hono*ab%e in a%%: and thei* bed undefi%ed: but who*e#onge*s and adu%te*e*s! E%ohi#&God wi%% Oudge( 12:= 6et not -ou* #ind %o3e #one-: but %et what -ou ha3e! satisf-ou( Po* the 6o*d Hi#se%f has said! 0 wi%% ne3e* %ea3e -ou! no* >s%a1;en the hand towa*ds&[R> fo*sa;e+> -ou( 12:? And it be%ongs to us! to sa- 1onfident%-! --6o*d&Adonai is #he%.e*&aide*! 0 wi%% not fea*( 4hat 1an #an do to #eI 12:@ Re#e#be* -ou* %eade*s&guides! who ha3e s.o;en to -ou God%-dis1ou*se&[$-*(&a%t> dis1ou*se of E%ohi#&God+: eLa#ine the issue&[R> out1o#e+ of thei* 1ou*se&[R> 1ondu1t+! and i#itate thei* faith( 12:A Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> is the sa#e! -este*da-! toda-! and fo*e3e*( 12:C @ /e not %ed [A P+-awa-&[R> about+ b- st*ange and 1hangab%e& 3a*iab%e tea1hings&do1t*ines( Po* it is a good thing! that we st*engthen ou* hea*ts with g*a1e! and not with foods: fo* those ha3e not been benefited who wa%;ed in the#( 12:1G And we ha3e an a%ta*! of whi1h the- who se*3e in the Tabe*na1%e ha3e no *ight to eat( 12:11 Po* the f%esh of those ani#a%s! whose b%ood CohenhaGado%&5the high P*iest> b*ought into the san1tua*- fo* sins! was bu*ned without the 1a#.(

12:1) Po* this *eason! Yeshua a%so! that He #ight san1tif- His .eo.%e with His b%ood! suffe*ed without the Cit-( 12:12 The*efo*e! %et us a%so go fo*th to Hi#! without the 1a#.! 1%othed with His *e.*oa1h: 12:1< TPo* we ha3e he*e no abiding 1it-: but we eL.e1t 7ne that is futu*e:T 12:1= And th*ough Hi#! %et us at a%% ti#es offe* to E%ohi#&God the sa1*ifi1es of .*aise! that is! the f*uits of %i.s whi1h gi3e than;s to His Na#e( 12:1? And fo*get not 1o#.assion&1o##ise*ation and gi3ing&1o##uni1ation with the .oo*: fo* with su1h sa1*ifi1es a #an .%eases E%ohi#&God( 12:1@ Confide in -ou* %eade*s&guides! and hea*;en to the#: fo* thewat1h fo* -ou* sou%s! as #en who #ust gi3e an a11ount of -ou! that the- #a- do this with Oo- and not with anguish: fo* that wou%d not be .*ofitab%e to -ou( 12:1A P*a- -ou fo* us: fo* we t*ust we ha3e a good [P> 1ons1iousness+& [R> 1ons1ien1e+! Kthat in a%% things we desi*e to 1ondu1t ou*se%3es we%%( K[R>(((! in a%% things desi*ing to %i3e hono*ab%-(+ 12:1C Es.e1ia%%- do 0 *eMuest -ou to do this! that 0 #a- *etu*n to -ou s.eedi%-( 12:)G a- the God of sha%o#&.ea1e! - who b*ought u. f*o# the dead the g*eat $he.he*d of the f%o1;! b- the b%ood of the e3e*%asting Co3enant! na#e%- Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! ou* 6o*d! 12:)1 - a;e -ou .e*fe1t&1o#.%ete in e3e*- good [#>thing+wo*;&#itD3ot! that -ou #a- do His wi%%&.%easu*e: and Hi#se%f o.e*ate in [PR+-ou&[A > us+ that whi1h is .%easing in His sight! th*ough Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: to who# be g%o*- fo*e3e* and e3e*( A#aine( 12:)) And 0 ea*nest%--as; -ou! #- b*eth*en! that -ou be .atient unde* this wo*d of eLho*tation: fo* it is in few wo*ds 0 ha3e w*itten to -ou( 12:)2 And ;now -ou! that ou* b*othe* Ti#oth- is set at %ibe*t-: and if he 1o#e soon! 0! with hi#! sha%% see -ou( 12:)< G*eet a%% -ou* %eade*s&guides! and a%% the san1tified-ones( A%% the- of 0ta%- g*eet -ou( 12:)= G*a1e be with -ou a%%( A#aine( [P> End of the 6ette* to the HE/RE4$&5Y>HS80 >sha1hee-#>: whi1h was w*itten f*o# 0ta%- of Ro#e: and was sent b- the hands of Ti#oth-(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: Ya,a;o3&Ua#es( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The 6ette* 7f Ya,a;o3 The E#issa*XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ Ya,a;o3! a se*3ant of E%ohi#&God! and of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: - to the Twe%3e T*ibes dis.e*sed a#ong the Go-i#&Genti%es: - sha%o#&.ea1e( 1:) 6et it be a%% Oo- to -ou! #- b*eth*en! when -ou ente* into #anand 3a*ious t*ia%s( 1:2 Po* -ou ;now! that the t*ia% of [E-ou*F+ faith! #a;es -ou obtainR-ho%d .atien1e( 1:< And %et .atien1e ha3e its .e*fe1t wo*;! so that -ou #a- be 1o#.%ete and .e*fe1t! and #a- %a1; nothing( 1:= And if an- one of -ou %a1;s wisdo#! %et hi# as; [EitF+ of E%ohi#& God! who gi3es to a%% f*ee%-! and *e.*oa1hes not: and it wi%% be gi3en hi#( 1:? /ut %et hi# as; in faith! Knot hesitating: he who hesitates is %i;e the wa3es of the sea! whi1h the wind agitates( K[R>(((! nothing doubting: fo* he that doubts (((+ 1:@ - And %et not that #an eL.e1t to *e1ei3e an- thing of the 6o*d! 1:A - E0f he be oneF who is hesitating&5EdoubtingF> in his #ind! and unstab%e in a%% his wa-s( K[R> A >doub%e #inded&5two sou%ed>> #an EisF unstab%e in a%% his wa-s(+ 1:C And %et the de.*essed&5%owe*ed in e%e3ation> b*othe* *eOoi1e! in his e%e3ation: 1:1G And the *i1h! in his de.*ession&5%owe*ing in e%e3ation>: be1ause %i;e the f%owe* of an he*b! so he .asses awa-( 1:11 Po* the sun *ises in its heat! and d*ies u. the he*b: and its f%owe* fa%%s! and the beaut- of its a..ea*an1e .e*ishes: so a%so the *i1h #an withe*s in his wa-s&[$-*(> doings+( 1:1) /%essed is the #an who endu*es te#.tations: so that when he is .*o3ed he #a- *e1ei3e a 1*own of 6ife! whi1h [#> He+N>E%ohi#&God> N[R#> The 6o*d+ has .*o#ised to the# that %o3e Hi#( 1:12 6et no one when he is te#.ted! sa-! 0 a# te#.ted of E%ohi#&God: fo* E%ohi#&God is not te#.ted with e3i%s! no* does He te#.t

an#an( 1:1< /ut e3e*- #an is te#.ted b- his own %ust: and he %usts! and is d*awn awa-( 1:1= And this [EhisF+ %ust 1on1ei3es! and b*ings fo*th sin: and sin! when #atu*e! b*ings fo*th death( 1:1? 8o not e**! #- be%o3ed b*eth*en( 1:1@ E3e*- good and .e*fe1t gift 1o#es down f*o# Abo3e! f*o# the Pathe* 7f 6ights! with who# is no [R> 3a*iab%eness+N>1hanging& [P> #utation+>! Knot e3en the shadow of 1hange( K[R#>(((! neithe*-[#> o*+ shadow of tu*ning(+ K[#>(((! whi1h 1onsists in the tu*ning of the shadow(+ K[#>(((! o* tu*ning of the shadow(+ 1:1A He saw fit! and b*ought-into-being us b- the 4o*d of T*uth: that we #ight be the Pi*st-P*uits of His 1*eatu*es( 1:1C KAnd be -ou! #- be%o3ed b*eth*en! e3e*- one of -ou swift to hea*! and s%ow to s.ea;: and s%ow to w*ath: K[R> The*efo*e! (((+&[A> Bnow this! (((+&[A&a%t(> This -ou ;now! (((+ 1:)G Po* the w*ath of #an wo*;s not the *ighteousness of E%ohi#&God( 1:)1 4he*efo*e! *e#o3e fa* f*o# -ou a%% i#.u*it-! and the abundan1e of wi1;edness: and with #ee;ness! *e1ei3e the 4o*d that is i#.%anted in ou* natu*e! whi1h is ab%e to #a;e-a%i3e&3i3if-&[G*(> sa3e+ these -ou* sou%s( 1:)) @ /ut be -ou doe*s of the 4o*d! and not hea*e*s on%-: and do not de1ei3e -ou*se%3es( 1:)2 Po* if an- #an sha%% be a hea*e* of the 4o*d! and not a doe* of 0t! he wi%% be %i;e one who sees his fa1e in a #i**o*: 1:)< Po* he sees hi#se%f! and .asses on! and fo*gets what [R> ;ind of+ a #an he was( 1:)= /ut e3e*- one that %oo;s u.on the .e*fe1t To*ah of %ibe*t-! and abides in 0t! is not a hea*e* of so#ething to be fo*gotten! but a doe* of the things: and he wi%% be b%essed in his wo*;( 1:)? And if an- one "AP'-[R> a#ong -ou+ thin;s that he wo*shi.s E%ohi# &God! and does not *est*ain his tongue! but his hea*t de1ei3es hi#: his wo*shi. is 3ain( 1:)@ Po* the wo*shi. that is .u*e and ho%- befo*e E%ohi#&God the Pathe*! is this: to 3isit the fathe*%ess and the widows in thei* aff%i1tion! and that one ;ee. hi#se%f uns.otted f*o# the wo*%d( CHAPTER ) ):1 - b*eth*en! ho%d -ou not the Paith of the G%o*-&[$-*(&a%t> the G%o*ious Paith+ of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! with a *es.e1t to .e*sons( ):) Po* if the*e 1o#e into -ou* Asse#b%-&[G*(&%it> $-nagogue+ a #an with *ings of go%d o* s.%endid ga*#ents! and the*e 1o#e in a .oo* #an in base&di*t- ga*#ents: ):2 And -ou show *es.e1t to hi# who is 1%othed in s.%endid

ga*#ents! and sa- to hi#! $eat -ou*se%f he*e! 1ons.i1uous%-: whi%e to the .oo* #an! -ou sa-! $tand -ou the*e! o* sit -ou he*e befo*e #footstoo%: ):< A*e -ou not di3ided a#ong -ou*se%3es! and be1o#e eL.osito*s& 5.e*sons eL.%aining>&[R> Oudges+ of e3i% thoughtsI ):= Hea*! #- be%o3ed b*eth*en: has not E%ohi#&God 1hosen the .oo* of the wo*%d! but the *i1h in faith! to be hei*s in Bingdo# whi1h E%ohi#&God has .*o#ised to the# that %o3e Hi#I ):? /ut -ou ha3e des.ised the .oo* #an( 8o not *i1h #en eLa%t the#se%3es o3e* -ou! and d*ag -ou befo*e the 1ou*ts&t*ibuna%sI ):@ 8o the- not *e3i%e&53e*ba%%--abuse> that wo*th- Na#e! >whi1h is in3o;ed&51a%%ed> u.on -ou>&[R> b- whi1h -ou a*e 1a%%ed+I ):A And if in this -ou .e*fo*#&1o#.%ete the To*ah of E%ohi#&God! as it is 4*itten! Thou sha%t %o3e th- neighbo* as th-se%f! -ou wi%% do we%%: ):C /ut if -ou ha3e *es.e1t of .e*sons! -ou 1o##it sin: and -ou a*e 1on3i1ted b- the To*ah! as t*ansg*esso*s of the To*ah( ):1G Po* he that sha%% ;ee. the who%e To*ah! and -et fai% in one [E.*e1e.t&#itD3otF+! is answe*ab%e&[P> obnoLious+ to the who%e To*ah( ):11 Po* He who said! Thou sha%t not 1o##it adu%te*-! said a%so! Thou sha%t not #u*de*&5;i%%>( 0f then -ou 1o##it not adu%te*-! but -ou #u*de*&5;i%%>! -ou ha3e be1o#e a t*ansg*esso* of the To*ah( ):1) $o s.ea; -ou! and so a1t! as .e*sons that a*e to be Oudged bthe To*ah of %ibe*t-( ):12 Po* Oudge#ent without #e*1- sha%% be on hi#! who has .*a1ti1ed no #e*1-: b- #e*1-! -ou wi%% be *aised abo3e Oudge#ent( ):1< @ 4hat is the use! #- b*eth*en! if a #an sa-! 0 ha3e faith: and he has no wo*;s&5#itD3ot>I 1an his faith [P> 3i3if-+&gi3e-6ife-to& [G*(> sa3e+ hi#I ):1= 7* if a b*othe* o* siste* be na;ed! and destitute of dai%- food! ):1? And one of -ou sa- to the#! Go in sha%o#&5.ea1e>! wa*# -ou*se%3es! and be fu%%: and -ou gi3e the# not the ne1essa*ies of the bod-! what is the useI ):1@ $o a%so faith a%one! without wo*;s&5#itD3ot>! is dead( ):1A Po* a #an #a- sa-! You ha3e faith! and 0 ha3e #itD3ot&5wo*;s>: show to #e -ou* faith "AR> that is' without "AP'-[R> -ou*+ wo*;s& 5#itD3ot>: and 0 wi%% show to -ou! #- faith b- [PR+-#--"A' wo*;s& 5#itD3ot>( ):1C You be%ie3e that Kthe*e is 7ne God: -ou do we%%: the de#ons a%so be%ie3e! and t*e#b%e( K[G*(&%it(>((( E%ohi#&God is 7ne: (((+ ):)G 4ou%d -ou ;now! 7 f*ai% #an! that faith without wo*;s&5#itD3ot> is [PR+-dead&[A> use%ess+I ):)1 A3*aha# ou* fathe*! was not he Oustified b- wo*;s! in offe*ing

Eu.F his son YitD1ha; u.on the a%ta*I ):)) $ee -ou! that his faith aided his wo*;s&5#itD3ot>: and that bthe wo*;s&5#itD3ot> his faith was *ende*ed 1o#.%eteI ):)2 And the $1*i.tu*e&5Tana;h> was .e*fo*#ed&1o#.%ete! whi1h sa-s: A3*aha# be%ie3ed in E%ohi#&God! and it was a11ounted to hi# fo* *ighteousness! and he was 1a%%ed the P*iend of E%ohi#&God( ):)< You see! that b- wo*;s&5#itD3ot> a #an is Oustified! and not bfaith a%one( ):)= $o a%so Ra1ha3! the ha*%ot! was not she Oustified b- wo*;s& 5#itD3ot>! when she ente*tained the s.ies! and sent the# fo*th banothe* wa-I ):)? As the bod- without the s.i*it! is dead: so faith without wo*;s! is dead a%so( CHAPTER 2 2:1 @ 6et the*e not be #an- Tea1he*s a#ong -ou! #- b*eth*en: but ;now -ou that we&[$-*(&i(e(> the Tea1he*s+ a*e answe*ab%e& [P> obnoLious+ to a se3e*e* Oudge#ent( 2:) Po* we a%% offend in #an- things( 4hoe3e* offends not in dis1ou*se&51on3e*sation>! is a .e*fe1t #an! who 1an a%so ;ee. his who%e bod- in subOe1tion( 2:2 [R> 0ndeed+&/eho%dN[A> Now if+! we .ut b*id%es into the #outh of ho*ses! that the- #a- obe- us: and we tu*n about thei* who%e bod-( 2:< Huge shi.s a%so! when st*ong winds d*i3e the#! a*e tu*ned about b- a s#a%% ti#be*! to what .%a1e the .%easu*e&wi%% of the .i%ot %oo;s( 2:= $o %i;ewise the tongue is a s#a%% #e#be*! and it eLa%ts itse%f( A%so a %itt%e fi*e inf%a#es %a*ge fo*ests( 2:? Now the tongue is a fi*e! and the wo*%d of sin is %i;e a fo*est( And this tongue! whi1h is one a#ong ou* #e#be*s! #a*s ou* who%e bod-: and Kit inf%a#es the se*ies of ou* gene*ations that *o%% on %i;e a whee%: and it is itse%f on fi*e( K[R>((( sets on fi*e the 1ou*se of natu*e&5eListen1e>: and it is set on fi*e b- Ge--Hinno#&5he%%>(+ 2:@ Po* a%% natu*es of beasts and bi*ds and *e.ti%es! of the sea o* %and! a*e subOugated&subdued b- the natu*e of #an( 2:A /ut the tongue has no one been ab%e to ta#e: it is an e3i% thing! not 1oe*1ib%e&1o#.e%%ed! and fu%% of dead%- .oison( 2:C Po* with it! we b%ess the 6o*d and Pathe*: and with it we 1u*se #en! who we*e #ade in the i#age of E%ohi#&God: 2:1G And f*o# the sa#e #outh! .*o1eed 1u*ses and b%essings( b*eth*en! these things ought not to be so( 2:11 Can the*e f%ow f*o# the sa#e fountain! sweet wate*s and bitte*I 2:1) 7* 1an the fig-t*ee! #- b*eth*en! bea* o%i3esI o* the 3ine! figsI K$o a%so sa%t wate*s 1annot be #ade sweet( K[R>(((I $o E1anF no fountain -ie%d both sa%t wate* and f*esh(+ K[A>(((I Neithe* 1an a sa%t- s.*ing .*odu1e f*esh wate*(+ 2:12 4ho is wise and inst*u1ted a#ong -ouI 6et hi# show his

wo*;s& 5#itD3ot> in .*aisewo*th- a1tions! with #odest wisdo#( 2:1< /ut if bitte* en3- be in -ou! o* 1ontention in -ou* hea*ts! eLa%t not -ou*se%3es against the T*uth! and %ie not( 2:1= Po* this wisdo# 1o#es not down f*o# Abo3e: but is ea*th%-! and f*o# de3i1es of the sou%! and f*o# de#ons( 2:1? Po* whe*e en3- and 1ontention a*e! the*e a%so is 1onfusion! and e3e*- thing w*ong( 2:1@ /ut the wisdo# whi1h is f*o# Abo3e! is .u*e! and fu%% of sha%o#& .ea1e! and #i%d! and sub#issi3e! and fu%% of 1o#.assion and of good f*uits! and with .a*tia%it-! and without *es.e1t of .e*sons( 2:1A And the f*uits of *ighteousness a*e sown in Muietness&sti%%ness& .ea1efu%ness! b- the# who #a;e sha%o#&.ea1e( CHAPTER < <:1 P*o#-whe*e is it! that the*e a*e a#ong -ou fightings and nois-Mua**e%sI 0t is not f*o# the %usts! whi1h wa* in -ou* #e#be*sI <:) You 1o3et! and .ossess not: and -ou #u*de*! and en3-! and effe1t nothing&[$-*(> it 1o#es not into -ou* hand+: and -ou fight and #a;e atta1;s: "A'-[R> -et+&and-[P+ -ou ha3e not! be1ause -ou as; not( <:2 You as; and *e1ei3e not: be1ause -ou as; wi1;ed%-! that -ou #a.a#.e* -ou* %usts( <:< You adu%te*e*sJ! ;now -ou not! that the %o3e of the wo*%d is hosti%it- towa*ds E%ohi#&GodI He the*efo*e who 1hooses to be a %o3e* of this wo*%d! is the ene#- of E%ohi#&God( <:= 7* thin; -ou! that the $1*i.tu*e&5Tana;h> has 3ain%- said: KThe s.i*it dwe%%ing in us %usts with en3-I K[NBU9>(((: The $.i*it who dwe%%s in us -ea*ns Oea%ous%-I+ K[BU9>(((: The s.i*it that dwe%%s in us %usts to en3-I+ K[4>(((: The s.i*it who dwe%%s in us fights against en3-I+ K[8AR/Y>(((: 8oes the $.i*it whi1h has ta;en his abode in us desi*e en3ious%-I+ K[Y7SNG>(((: To en3- desi*eth the s.i*it that did dwe%% in us!+ K[NA$>(((: He Oea%ous%- desi*es the s.i*it whi1h He has #ade en3-I &Ea%t:F(((: The $.i*it whi1h He has #ade to dwe%% in us Oea%ous%- desi*es usI+ K[P-6A $A>(((: The .*ide that dwe%%s in us is .*o3o;ed bOea%ous%-I+ K[E PHA$0HE8> 0t is fo* en3-ing that the s.i*it whi1h hath ta;en an abode within us doth 1*a3eI+ KEN7TE: He*e is anothe* eLa#.%e of whe*e a 3e*se is ta;en to #ean two diffe*ent 1on1e.ts in 3a*ious t*ans%ations! e3en in those using the sa#e #anus1*i.ts [as the abo3e eLa#.%es i%%ust*ate+( The best *eading 1ou%d be dete*#ined .e*ha.s b- the 1onteLt: -et both these ideas 1an be shown f*o# se3e*a% .assages in Tana;h( The one so#eti#es gi3en [Gen( ?:=+! ag*ees #o*e with P [and the BU9+ than the othe*s do(F

<:? /ut ou*-6o*d&5Adonai&EYH9HF> has gi3en us #o*e&[$-*(&a%t> su.e*io*+ g*a1e( The*efo*e He said: The-6o*d&5EYH9HF> hu#b%es the %oft-! and gi3es g*a1e to the %ow%-( <:@ @ $ubOe1t -ou*se%f the*efo*e to E%ohi#&God: and stand fi*# against ha$atan! and he wi%% f%ee f*o# -ou( <:A 8*aw nigh to E%ohi#&God! and He wi%% d*aw nigh to -ou( C%eanse -ou* hands! -ou sinne*s: san1tif- -ou* hea*ts! -ou di3ided in #ind( <:C Hu#b%e -ou*se%3es! and #ou*n: %et -ou* %aughte* be tu*ned into #ou*ning! and -ou* Oo- into g*ief( <:1G Hu#b%e -ou*se%3es befo*e The-6o*d&Adonai! and He wi%% eLa%t -ou( <:11 $.ea; not against ea1h othe*! #- b*eth*en: fo* he that s.ea;s against his b*othe*! o* Oudges his b*othe*! s.ea;s against the To*ah! and Oudges the To*ah( And if -ou Oudge the To*ah! -ou a*e not a doe* of the To*ah! but 0ts Oudge( <:1) The*e is one To*ah-gi3e* [AP+-"R> and Uudge'! who 1an #a;e-a%i3e& [G*(> sa3e+! and 1an dest*o-: [A P+-but-"R' who a*e -ou! that -ou Oudge [R> anothe*+N-ou* neighbo*&[A> a neighbo*+I <:12 /ut what sha%% we sa- of those! who sa-: Toda- o* to#o**ow [APR+->we wi%%>&[ > %et us+ go to su1h o* su1h a 1it-! and wi%% abide the*e a -ea*: and we wi%% t*affi1&5bu- and se%%> and get gainI <:1< And the- ;now not what wi%% be to#o**ow: fo* what is ou* %ife! but an eLha%ation&[R> 3a.ou*+ that is seen a %itt%e whi%e! and then 3anishes and is goneI <:1= Conside*ing-that the- shou%d sa-: >0f the-6o*d .%eases&wi%%s&50# -e*tsa- Ha$he#>>! and we %i3e! we wi%% do this o* that( <:1? The- g%o*- in thei* a**ogant-boasting&b*agging( A%% su1h Eboastfu%Fg%o*-ing is e3i%( <:1@ He that ;nows the good! and does it not! to hi# is sin( CHAPTER = =:1 7 -ou *i1h ones! wai% and wee.! on a11ount of the #ise*ies that a*e 1o#ing u.on -ou( =:) Po* -ou* wea%th is s.oi%ed and .ut*id: and -ou* ga*#ents a*e #oth -eaten: =:2 And -ou* go%d and -ou* si%3e* ha3e 1ont*a1ted *ust: and the *ust of the# wi%% be testi#on- against -ou: and it wi%% eat -ou* f%esh( You ha3e hea.ed u. a fi*e to -ou against >the 6atte* 8a-s &5a1ha*it-ha-a#i#>>( =:< /eho%d! the wages of the %abo*e*s who ha3e *ea.ed -ou* g*ound! whi1h -ou ha3e w*ongfu%%- *etained! 1*ied out: and the %oudu.*oa*&[P> 1%a#o*+ of the *ea.e*s has ente*ed the ea*s of The67R8&5YH9H> TD3a>ot&[P> of $aboath+&5of Hosts>&5of Hea3en>s a*#ies>( =:= Po* -ou ha3e %i3ed in .%easu*e on the ea*th! and *e3e%%ed&wi%d.a*t-ing! and feasted -ou* bodies [PR+-as-"A' in a da- of

s%aughte*( =:? You ha3e 1onde#ned and s%ain the Oust! and none *esisted -ou( =:@ @ /ut! #- b*eth*en! be -ou .atient unti% the ad3ent&1o#ing& a..ea*an1e of the 6o*d: %i;e the fa*#e*! who waits fo* the .*e1ious f*uits of his g*ound! and is .atient as to the#! unti% he *e1ei3e the Ea*%- and the 6atte* Rain( =:A $o a%so be -ou .atient! and fo*tif- -ou* hea*ts: fo* the ad3ent& 1o#ing&a..ea*an1e of ou* 6o*d d*aws nigh( =:C /e not >Mui1;-to 1o#.%ain&find-fau%t> one against anothe*! #b*eth*en! %est -ou be [A P+-Oudged&[R> 1onde#ned+: fo* beho%d! the Uudge#ent stands befo*e the doo*( =:1G Po* .atien1e in -ou* aff%i1tions! #- b*eth*en! ta;e to -ou the eLa#.%e of the P*o.hets&5Ne3i>i#>! who s.o;e in the Na#e of The67R8&YH9H( =:11 Po* beho%d! we as1*ibe b%essedness to the# who ha3e bo*ne suffe*ing( You ha3e hea*d of the .atien1e of 0-ob: and ha3e seen the *esu%t whi1h The-6o*d&Adonai w*ought fo* hi#: fo* The-6o*d& Adonai is #e*1ifu% and 1o#.assionate( =:1) /ut abo3e a%% things! #- b*eth*en! swea* -ou not: neithe* bHea3en! no* b- the ea*th! no* b- an- othe* oath: but %et -ou* %anguage be -ea! -ea! and na-! na-: %est -ou be1o#e a11ountab%e& [P> obnoLious+ to [APR+->Uudge#ent&51onde#nation>>&[ > h-.o1*is-+( =:12 And if an- of -ou sha%% be in aff%i1tion! %et hi# .*a-: o* if he be Oo-ous! %et hi# sing .sa%#s( =:1< And if one is si1;! %et hi# 1a%% fo* the E%de*s of the Cong*egation: and %et the# .*a- fo*&[$-*(&a%t> o3e*+ hi#! and anoint hi# with oi% in the Na#e of ou* 6o*d: =:1= And the .*a-e* of faith wi%% hea% hi# who is si1;! and ou* 6o*d wi%% *aise hi# u.: and if sins ha3e been 1o##itted b- hi#! thewi%% be fo*gi3en hi#( =:1? "R'-And&[A> The*efo*e+ 1onfess "AR'--ou -ou* [A> sins+Nfau%ts&[R> t*es.asses&5fau%ts>+ one to anothe*! and .*a- -ou one fo* anothe*! that -ou #a- be hea%ed: fo* g*eat is the effi1a1-& 5effe1ti3eness> of the .*a-e* whi1h a *ighteous #an .*a-s( =:1@ E%i-ahu a%so was a #an of sensations&5senses&fee%ings> %i;e us! and he .*a-ed that *ain #ight not des1end u.on the ea*th: and it des1ended not! fo* th*ee -ea*s and siL #onths( =:1A And again he .*a-ed! and the hea3ens ga3e *ain! and the ea*th ga3e fo*th its f*uits( =:1C - b*eth*en! if one of -ou e** f*o# the 4a- of T*uth! and anone tu*ns-a*ound hi# f*o# his e**o*: =:)G 6et hi# ;now! that he who tu*ns the sinne* f*o# the e**o* of his wa-! wi%% *aise-u.-to-6ife&*e3i3e-to-6ife&[P> *esus1itate+&[G*(> sa3e+ [AP+-his&[R> a+ sou% f*o# death! and wi%% 1o3e* the #u%titude of sins( [P> End of the 6ette* of Ya,a;o3! the E#issa*-&56egate>(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: 1 Befa&Pete*( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Again: The EPi*stF 6ette* 7f Befa! The E#issa*-: $hi#,on Befa XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ Befa! an E#issa*-&56egate> of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! - to the 1hosen&e%e1t and soOou*ne*s! who a*e dis.e*sed in Pontus! and in Ga%atia! and in Ca..ado1ia! and in Asia! and in /ith-nia! 1:) To the# who ha3e been 1hosen! b- the fo*e;now%edge of E%ohi#&God the Pathe*! th*ough san1tifi1ation of the Rua1h&$.i*it! unto the obedien1e and the s.*in;%ing of the b%ood of Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>: - a- g*a1e and sha%o#&.ea1e abound towa*ds -ou( 1:2 /%essed be E%ohi#&God! the Pathe* of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! who in His g*eat #e*1- has begotten us anew! bthe *esu**e1tion of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! to the ho.e of 6ife( 1:< And to an inhe*itan1e in1o**u.tib%e! undefi%ed! and unfading! whi1h is .*e.a*ed fo* -ou in Hea3en: 1:= 4hi%e -ou a*e ;e.t! b- the .owe* of E%ohi#&God and b- faith! fo* the 6ife&[G*(> $a%3ation+ that is .*e.a*ed and wi%% be *e3ea%ed in the 6ast Ti#es: 1:? 0n-what-*ega*d&whe*ein -ou wi%% *eOoi1e fo*e3e*! not withstanding -ou at the .*esent ti#e a*e .*essed a %itt%e! b- the 3a*ious t*ia%s that .ass o3e* -ou: 1:@ $o that the .*oof of -ou* faith #a- a..ea* #o*e .*e1ious than *efined go%d that is tested b- fi*e! unto g%o*- and hono* and .*aise! at the #anifestation of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: 1:A 4ho# ha3ing not [APR+-seen&[ > ;nown+! -ou %o3e: and in the faith of who# -ou *eOoi1e! with Oo- that is g%o*ious and ineffab%e& 5ineL.*essib%e>! 1:C That -ou #a- *e1ei3e the *e1o#.ense&*ewa*d of -ou* faith! the 6ife&[G*(> $a%3ation+ of -ou* sou%s: 1:1G That 6ife [Ena#e%-F+! about whi1h the P*o.hets&5Ne3i>i#> inMui*ed! when the- we*e .*o.hes-ing of the g*a1e whi1h was to be

gi3en to -ou( 1:11 And the- sea*1hed fo* the ti#e! whi1h the Rua1h&$.i*it of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> dwe%%ing in the# did show and testif-! when the suffe*ings of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> we*e to o11u*! and His subseMuent&to-fo%%ow g%o*-( 1:1) And it was *e3ea%ed to the# [Ein *ega*d toF+ a%% the- we*e sea*1hing! that&[$-*(&a%t> be1ause+! not fo* the#se%3es we*e theinMui*ing! but fo* us the- we*e .*o.hes-ing of these things! whi1h a*e now #anifested to -ou b- #eans of the things we ha3e announ1ed to -ou! b- Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it> sent f*o# Hea3en: whi1h things the ange%s a%so desi*e to %oo; into( 1:12 4he*efo*e! gi*d u. the %oins of -ou* #inds! and be awa;e .e*fe1t%-&51o#.%ete%->! and wait fo* the Oo-! whi1h wi%% 1o#e to -ou at the *e3e%ation of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! 1:1< As obedient 1hi%d*en: and be -ou not fa#i%ia*&a1Muainted again with those fo*#e* %usts! with whi1h -ou %usted when without ;now%edge( 1:1= /ut be -ou ho%- in a%% -ou* 1ondu1t! as He is Ho%- who has 1a%%ed -ou( 1:1? /e1ause it is 4*itten Ein Tana;hF: /e -ou ho%-! e3en as 0 a# Ho%-( 1:1@ And if so be -ou 1a%% on the Pathe*! - with who# is no *es.e1t of .e*sons! and who Oudges e3e*- one a11o*ding to his deeds! -.ass the ti#e of -ou* soOou*n#ent&te#.o*a*--3isitEhe*eF with 5*e3e*entia%>fea*: 1:1A $in1e -ou ;now! that neithe* with .e*ishab%e si%3e*! no* with go%d! -ou we*e *edee#ed f*o# -ou* 3ain doings! whi1h -ou had bbeing-handed-down&5%ong-estab%ished-1usto#> f*o# -ou* fathe*s: 1:1C /ut with the .*e1ious b%ood of that 6a#b in whi1h is no s.ot no* b%e#ish! na#e%-! Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: 1:)G 4ho was .*edestined to the#! befo*e the foundation of the wo*%d: and was #anifested at the >Te*#ination 7f The Ti#es&5a1ha*itha-a#in>>! fo* -ou* sa;es: 1:)1 4ho! b- #eans of Hi#! ha3e be%ie3ed in E%ohi#&God! who *aised Hi# f*o# the dead and bestowed g%o*- on Hi#: that -ou* faith and ho.e #ight be in E%ohi#&God! 1:)) 4hi%e -ou* #inds be1a#e san1tified! b- obedien1e to the T*uth [R> th*ough the Rua1h&$.i*it+-"AP': and -ou - be fu%% of %o3e! without *es.e1t of .e*sons! so that -ou %o3e one anothe* out of >a .u*e&51%ean> "#> and .e*fe1t'>-&[#> the+ hea*t [R> fe*3ent%-+: 1:)2 6i;e .e*sons bo*n again! not of seed that .e*ishes! but of that whi1h does not .e*ish! b- the 6i3ing 4o*d&58a3a*& e#*a> of E%ohi#

&God! who abides [PR+-fo*e3e*-"A'( 1:)< /e1ause a%% f%esh is as g*ass! and a%% Kits beaut- %i;e the f%owe* of the fie%d( The g*ass d*ies u.! and the f%owe* withe*s awa-: K[R>((( the g%o*- of #an as (((+&[A>((( its g%o*- as (((+ 1:)= /ut the 4o*d&58a3a*& e#*a> of >ou* God>&[G*(> YH9H&Adonai+ abides fo*e3e*: and this is the 4o*d that is announ1ed to -ou( CHAPTER ) ):1 @ The*efo*e! 1ease -ou f*o# a%% #a%i1e&5desi*e to 1ause ha*#>! and a%% gui%e&51unning de1eit>! and h-.o1*is-! and en3-! and ba1;biting( ):) KAnd be %i;e infant 1hi%d*en: and 1*a3e the 4o*d! as being the .u*e 5$>.i*itua% #i%; b- whi1h -ou a*e nou*ished u. to 6ife: K[EAFR> As newbo*n babes! desi*e the .u*e #i%; of the 4o*d! that -ou #a- g*ow the*eb- [A> u. to $a%3ation+(+ ):2 0f -ou ha3e tasted and seen that The-6o*d&5YH9H> is good: ):< To who# -ou ha3e 1o#e! be1ause He is a 6i3ing $tone! *eOe1ted indeed b- #en! but with E%ohi#&God e%e1t&1hosen and .*e1ious( ):= And -ou a%so! as %i3ing stones! a*e bui%ded and be1o#e 5s>.i*itua% te#.%es! and ho%- Cohani#&5P*iests>! fo* the offe*ing of 5$>.i*itua% sa1*ifi1es! befo*e E%ohi#&God! th*ough Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( ):? Po* it is said in the $1*i.tu*e! /eho%d! in TDi-on 0 %a- a 1hosen and .*e1ious stone! fo* the head of the 1o*ne*: and whoe3e* be%ie3es in Hi#! wi%% not be asha#ed( ):@ 7n -ou the*efo*e who be%ie3e! is this hono* bestowed: but to the# who [EAFP+->be%ie3e not&[R> a*e disobedient+>! ):A He is a $tone of stu#b%ing and a Ro1; of offen1e( And thestu#b%e at 0t! be1ause the- be%ie3e not the 4o*d: to-whi1h thewe*e a..ointed( ):C /ut -ou a*e an e%e1t&1hosen .eo.%e! offi1iating&5.e*fo*#ing the duties> as Cohani#&5P*iests> of the Bingdo#: a ho%- .eo.%e! a *edee#ed Cong*egation: that -ou shou%d .*o1%ai# the .*aises of Hi# who 1a%%ed -ou out of da*;ness to His .*e1ious 6ight: ):1G 4ho fo*#e*%- we*e not a11ounted a .eo.%e! but now a*e the .eo.%e of E%ohi#&God: and a%so! the*e we*e [Eon1eF+ no #e*1ies on -ou! but now #e*1ies a*e .ou*ed out u.on -ou( ):11 @ - be%o3ed! 0 ent*eat -ou as st*ange*s and .i%g*i#s! se.a*ate -ou*se%3es f*o# a%% %usts of the bod-: fo* the- wa* against the sou%( ):1) And %et -ou* beha3io* be de1o*ous&5.*o.e*> befo*e a%% #en: so that the- who utte* e3i% s.ee1hes against -ou! #a- see -ou* good a1tions&5wo*;s&#itD3ot>! and #a- .*aise E%ohi#&God in the 8a- of t*ia%&[R> 3isitation&5ins.e1tion>+( ):12 And be -ou sub#issi3e to a%% the sons of #en! fo* God>s sa;e: -

to ;ings! on a11ount of thei* autho*it-: ):1< And to Oudges! be1ause the- a*e sent b- Hi# fo* the .unish#ent of offende*s! and fo* the .*aise of the# that do we%%( ):1= Po* so is the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God! that b- -ou* good deeds&wo*;s&5#itD3ot> -ou #a- sto. the #outh of the foo%ish! who ;now not E%ohi#&God: ):1? As f*ee #en! -et not %i;e #en who #a;e thei* f*eedo# a 1%oa; fo* thei* wi1;edness! but as the se*3ants of E%ohi#&God( ):1@ Hono* a%% #en: %o3e -ou* b*eth*en: fea* E%ohi#&God: and hono* ;ings( ):1A And those a#ong -ou who a*e se*3ants! be subOe1t to -ou* #aste*s& [$-*(> %o*ds+! with dee.-*es.e1t: not on%- to the good and gent%e! but a%so to the ha*sh and *ude&i%%-te#.e*ed( ):1C Po* the*e is fa3o* befo*e E%ohi#&God fo* the# who! fo* the sa;e of a good 1ons1ien1e! endu*e so**ows that 1o#e u.on the# w*ongfu%%-( ):)G /ut the- who endu*e aff%i1tions on a11ount of thei* offenses! what .*aise ha3e the-I /ut if! when -ou do we%%! the- aff%i1t& t*oub%e -ou! and -ou endu*e it: then g*eat is -ou* .*aise with E%ohi#&God( ):)1 Po* unto this we*e [PR+--ou&[A> -ou+ 1a%%ed: be1ause Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah> a%so [P#+-died&[R#> suffe*ed+ fo* us! and %eft [PR+ -us&[A > -ou+ this .atte*n! that -ou shou%d wa%; in His ste.s( ):)) He did no sin: neithe* was gui%e found in His #outh( ):)2 4hen He was insu%ted! He insu%ted not: and He suffe*ed and th*eatened not! but 1o##itted His 1ause to the Uudge of *ighteousness( ):)< And He too; awa- a%% ou* sins! and! in His bod-! %ifted the# to the .e*se1ution-sta;e&51*oss>: that we! when dead to sin! #ight %i3e b- His *ighteousness: fo* b- His wounds! -ou a*e hea%ed( ):)= KPo* -ou! [Eon1eF+ went ast*a-! %i;e shee.: but -ou ha3e now *etu*ned to the $he.he*d and Gua*dian&[P> Cu*ato*+ of -ou* sou%s( K[R> Po* -ou we*e as shee. going ast*a-:+ K[#> Po* -ou we*e going ast*a- as shee.:+ CHAPTER 2 2:1 $o a%so -ou wi3es! be -ou subOe1t to -ou* husbands: that! b-ou* .%easing beha3io*! -ou #a- gain o3e*! without diffi1u%t-! those who obe- not the 4o*d! 2:) 4hen the- see! that -ou 1ondu1t -ou*se%3es with dee.*es.e1t and #odest-&1hastit-( 2:2 And ado*n not -ou*se%3es with the eLte*na% o*na#ents of 1u*%s of the hai*! o* of go%den t*in;ets! o* of 1ost%- ga*#ents( 2:< /ut ado*n -ou*se%3es in the hidden .e*son of the hea*t! with a #i%d and un1o**u.ted s.i*it! an o*na#ent that is .*e1ious befo*e E%ohi#&God( 2:= Po* so a%so the ho%- wo#en of o%d! who t*usted in E%ohi#&God! ado*ned the#se%3es! and we*e subOe1t to thei* husbands( 2:? Uust as $a*ah was subOe1t to A3*aha#! and 1a%%ed hi#! -

%o*d: whose daughte* -ou a*e! b- good wo*;s&5#itD3ot>! whi%e -ou a*e not te**ified b- an- fea*( 2:@ @ And -ou husbands! %i;ewise! dwe%% with -ou* wi3es a11o*ding to ;now%edge: and ho%d the# in hono*! as the feeb%e*&5wea;e*> 3esse%s: Kbe1ause the- a%so wi%% inhe*it with -ou the gift of ete*na% %ife: and %et not -ou* .*a-e*s be hinde*ed( K[R>: and as being hei*s togethe* of the g*a1e of %ife: (((+ 2:A The su##ing u.! is! that -ou a%% be in ha*#on-! that -ou be s-#.atheti1 with the# who suffe*! and affe1tionate one to anothe*! and be #e*1ifu% and [R> 1ou*teous+N;ind&[A> hu#b%e+( 2:C And that -ou *ewa*d&*e1o#.ense to no one e3i% fo* e3i%! neithe* *ai%ing&53io%ent-1o#.%aining> fo* *ai%ing&53io%ent1o#.%aining>! but! in o..osition&1ont*a*iet- to these! that -ou b%ess: fo* to this we*e -ou 1a%%ed! that -ou #ight inhe*it a b%essing( 2:1G The*efo*e! whoe3e* 1hooses 6ife! and desi*es to see good da-s! %et hi# ;ee. his tongue f*o# e3i%! and his %i.s that the- s.ea; no gui%e: 2:11 6et hi# tu*n awa- f*o# e3i%! and do good: %et hi# see; sha%o#& .ea1e! and fo%%ow afte* it( 2:1) /e1ause the e-es of The-67R8&5YH9H> a*e u.on the *ighteous! and His ea*s [E*ead-F+ to hea* the#: but the fa1e of The67R8&5YH9H> is against the wi1;ed( 2:12 And who wi%% do -ou ha*#! if -ou a*e Dea%ous of good wo*;s& 5#itD3ot>I 2:1< /ut if it shou%d o11u*! that -ou suffe* on a11ount of *ighteousness! ha..- a*e -ou( And be not te**ified! b- those who wou%d te**if- -ou! no* be sha;en-u.&5agitated>: 2:1= @ /ut san1tif- KThe-6o*d&Adonai Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! in -ou* hea*ts( And be -ou *ead- fo* a defense&3indi1ation! befo*e e3e*one who de#ands of -ou an a11ount of the ho.e of -ou*&[$-*( Eso#e #ss(F> the+ 5P>aith! K[R>((( YH9H&Adonai God! (((+&[A>((( essiah as 6o*d! (((+ 2:1? 0n #ee;ness and *es.e1t! as ha3ing a good 1ons1ien1e: so that the- who s.ea; against -ou as bad #en! #a- be asha#ed! fo* ha3ing s%ande*ed -ou* good 1ondu1t in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 2:1@ Po* it is .*ofitab%e to -ou! that -ou suffe* e3i% whi%e -ou do good wo*;s&5#itD3ot>! if this shou%d be the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God: and not! whi%e -ou do e3i% deeds( 2:1A Po* Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> a%so on1e [P#+-died&[R#> suffe*ed+ fo* ou* sins! the *ighteous fo* the sinne*s: that He #ight b*ing [A P+--ou&[R> us+ to E%ohi#&God( And He died in bod-! but >%i3ed in $.i*it>-&[R> #ade a%i3e b- the $.i*it&Rua1h+( 2:1C And He .*o1%ai#ed to those sou%s! whi1h we*e detained in $h>o%& 5Hades>!

2:)G 4hi1h we*e fo*#e*%- disobedient! Kin the da-s of Noa1h! when the %ong-suffe*ing&5.atient-endu*an1e> of E%ohi#&God 1o##anded an a*; to be #ade! in ho.e of thei* *e.entan1e: and eight sou%s on%ente*ed it! and we*e ;e.t-a%i3e&[G*(> sa3ed+ in the wate*s( K[EAFR>(((! when on1e the %ong-suffe*ing of E%ohi#&God waited [A> .atient%-+ in the da-s of Noa1h! whi%e EtheF A*; was (((+ 2:)1 And -ou a%so! b- a %i;e figu*e&ana%og-! a*e #ade a%i3e&[G*(> sa3ed+ b- i##e*sion! Tnot when -ou wash -ou* bodies f*o# fi%th! but when -ou 1onfess E%ohi#&God with a .u*e 1ons1ien1e!T and bthe *esu**e1tion of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: 2:)) 4ho is ta;en u. to Hea3en! and is on the Right Hand of E%ohi#& God! and ange%s! and autho*ities! and .owe*s! a*e subOe1t to Hi#( CHAPTER < <:1 0f then Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has suffe*ed "A> fo* [P+-ou&[R> us+' in the f%esh! do -ou a%so a*# -ou*se%3es with the sa#e #ind: fo* e3e*- one that is dead in his bod-! has 1eased f*o# a%% sins! <:) That he #a- no %onge* be a%i3e to the %usts of #en! whi%e he is in the bod-! but [Eon%-F+ to do the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God( <:2 Po* the [AP+-ti#e&[R> %ifeti#e+ that is .ast was enough! when -ou w*ought the .%easu*e&wi%% of the .*ofane! in i##o*a%-eL1esses! and in d*un;edness! and in %ewdness&%ust&5%a1i3iousness>! and in %oud-.a*t-ing! and in the wo*shi. of de#ons( <:< And beho%d! the- now wonde*! and *e.*oa1h -ou! be1ause -ou .a*t-& *e3e% not with the# in the sa#e fo*#e* i##o*a%-eL1esses: <:= 4ho #ust gi3e a11ount to E%ohi#&God! who is to Uudge the %i3ing and the dead( <:? Po* on this a11ount the announ1e#ent is #ade a%so to the dead! that the- #a- be Oudged as .e*sons in the f%esh! and #a- %i3e a11o*ding to E%ohi#&God in the s.i*it( <:@ @ /ut the end of a%% things a..*oa1hes: the*efo*e be sobe*! and be wa;efu% in .*a-e*( <:A And abo3e a%% things! ha3e fe*3ent %o3e one towa*ds anothe*: fo* %o3e 1o3e*s a #u%titude of sins( <:C And be -ou 1o#.assionate to st*ange*s! without 1o#.%aining& #u*#u*ing( <:1G And %et ea1h of -ou se*3e to his asso1iates the gift whi1h he has *e1ei3ed f*o# E%ohi#&God: as being good stewa*ds of the #anifo%d g*a1e of E%ohi#&God( <:11 4hoe3e* wi%% s.ea;! %et hi# s.ea; as the 4o*d&[R> o*a1%es& utte*an1es+ of E%ohi#&God: and whoe3e* wi%% se*3e! - as of the abi%it- that E%ohi#&God has gi3en hi#: so that in a%% -ou do! E%ohi#&God #a- be g%o*ified! th*ough Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: to who# be%ongs g%o*-! and hono*! fo*e3e* and e3e*(

A#aine&5A#en>( <:1) - be%o3ed! be not dis#a-ed at the t*ia%s that befa%% -ou! as if so#e st*ange thing had 1o#e u.on -ou: fo* these things a*e fo* -ou* testing&[P> .*obation+( <:12 /ut *eOoi1e! that -ou .a*ti1i.ate in the suffe*ings of Ha ashia1h &5The essiah>! that so -ou #a- a%so *eOoi1e and eLu%t at the *e3e%ation of His $h>;hinah&G%o*-( <:1< And if -ou a*e *e.*oa1hed on a11ount of the Na#e of Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! ha..- a*e -ou: Kfo* the g%o*ious Rua1h&$.i*it of E%ohi#&God *ests u.on -ou( "AP'-[R> 7n thei* .a*t He is b%as.he#ed! but on -ou* .a*t He is g%o*ified+( K[RE#F>(((: fo* the $.i*it of g%o*- [#> and of .owe*+ and of God *ests u.on -ou( (((+ <:1= 7n%- %et none of -ou suffe*! as a #u*de*e*! o* as a thief! o* as an e3i%-doe*( <:1? /ut if he suffe* as a >sha1hee-#&5 essiani1>! %et hi# not be asha#ed: but %et hi# g%o*if- E%ohi#&God on a11ount of this Na#e( <:1@ Po* it is the ti#e when Uudge#ent wi%% 1o##en1e with the house of E%ohi#&God: and if it 1o##en1e with us! what wi%% be the end of those who obe- not the Good-News of E%ohi#&GodI <:1A And if the *ighteous s1a*1e%- %i3es&[G*(> is sa3ed+! whe*e wi%% the unGod%- and the sinne* be foundJ <:1C 4he*efo*e! %et the# who suffe* a11o*ding to the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God! ent*ust&1o##end thei* sou%s to Hi# in we%% doing& [$-*(> b- good deeds&5wo*;s&#itD3ot>+! as to a faithfu% C*eato*( CHAPTER = =:1 @ And 0! an E%de*! -ou* asso1iate! and a witness of the suffe*ings of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and a .a*ti1i.ato* in His g%o*- whi1h is to be *e3ea%ed! E0F .%ead-with the E%de*s who a*e a#ong -ou: =:) - Peed -ou the f%o1; of E%ohi#&God whi1h is Kde%i3e*ed-fo*safe; to -ou: ha3e 1a*e [Efo* itF+! 5$>.i*itua%%-: not f*o# 1o#.u%sion&1onst*aint&5fee%ing-fo*1ed>! but 3o%unta*i%-: not fo* base&dishonest gain! but with a%% -ou* hea*t: K[BU9EA#F>((( whi1h is a#ong -ou! "#> ta;ing the o3e*sight Ethe*eofF'! not b- 1onst*aint! but wi%%ing%- "R'-[A> a11o*ding to E%ohi#&God+: not fo* fi%th- %u1*e! but of a *ead- #ind:+ =:2 Not as %o*ds of the f%o1;! but so as to be a good eLa#.%e fo* the#: =:< That when the Chief $he.he*d sha%% be *e3ea%ed! -ou #a*e1ei3e f*o# Hi# a 1*own of g%o*- that fades not( =:= And -ou -oung-.eo.%e sub#it -ou*se%3es to -ou* e%de*s: and 1%othe -ou*se%3es! 5.e*fe1t%-&I>&[P> st*ingent%-+! with %ow%iness of #ind one towa*ds anothe*: be1ause E%ohi#&God *esists the# who eLa%t the#se%3es! and gi3es g*a1e to the hu#b%e( =:? Hu#b%e -ou*se%3es! the*efo*e! unde* the .owe*fu% hand of

E%ohi#& God: and 0t&5EHeF> wi%% eLa%t -ou in due ti#e( =:@ And 1ast a%% -ou* 1on1e*ns&[P> so%i1itude+ u.on E%ohi#&God: fo* He 1a*es fo* -ou( =:A /e [PR+-sobe*&[A> se%f-1ont*o%%ed+ and gua*ded! [PR+-be1ause"A ' ha$atan -ou* ad3e*sa*-! %i;e a %ion! *oa*s and goes about! and see;s who# he #a- de3ou*( =:C The*efo*e *esist hi#! being steadfast in the Paith: and ;now -ou! that the sa#e suffe*ings befa%% -ou* b*eth*en that a*e in the wo*%d( =:1G KNow it is the God of g*a1e! who has 1a%%ed [PR+-us&[A > -ou+ to His ete*na% g%o*- b- "#'-Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! that has gi3en us! whi%e we endu*e&sustain these %ight aff%i1tions! to be st*engthened! and 1onfi*#ed! and estab%ished b- Hi# fo*e3e*: K[EAFR> /ut #a--"A' the God of a%% g*a1e! who 1a%%ed [PR+us -[A > -ou+ to His ete*na% g%o*- b- essiah Yeshua! afte* -ou ha3e suffe*ed a whi%e! [A> wi%%+ .e*fe1t! estab%ish! st*engthen! and sett%e E-ouF(+ [#> .e*fe1t! 1onfi*#! st*engthen -ou(+ [#> .e*fe1t! 1onfi*#! estab%ish -ou(+ =:11 To who#&[BU9> Hi#+ "#> be g%o*-! and .owe*&[BU9> do#inion+'! "R> and hono*'! fo*e3e* and e3e*( A#aine&5A#en>( =:1) These as 0 a11ount [Ethe#F+ few [EthingsF+! 0 ha3e w*itten to -ou b- $i%a&[P> $-%3anus+! a faithfu% b*othe*( And 0 wou%d .e*suade! and wou%d testif-! that this is the T*ue g*a1e of E%ohi#&God! this in whi1h -ou stand( =:12 [PR+->The e%e1t&1hosen-"R' Cong*egation&[A> she+> whi1h&5who> is in /ab-%on! g*eets -ou: a%so a*;! #- son( =:1< G*eet -ou one anothe* with a ho%- ;iss( - >Pea1e be with -ou& 5$ha%o# a%ei1he#>> a%% who a*e in Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( A#aine&5A#en>( [P> End of the Pi*st 6ette* of Befa the E#issa*-&56egate>(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: ) Befa&Pete*( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The $e1ond 6ette* 7f Befa XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ $hi#,on Befa! a se*3ant and E#issa*-&56egate> of Yeshua Ha ashia1h! - to those who ha3e obtained eMua%%- .*e1ious faith with us! th*ough the K*ighteousness of ou* 6o*d and Redee#e*! Yeshua Ha ashia1h: K1[R#> $i#on+&[#> $i#eon+ K)[6it(G*(> ((( *ighteousness of the God of us and 8e%i3e*e* of us Yeshua essiah(+ E$ee: Co##enta*- on )PE(1:)F 1:) a- g*a1e and sha%o#&.ea1e abound to -ou th*ough the *e1ognition& [$-*(&a%t> a1;now%edg#ent+ of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! 1:2 As the Gi3e* to us of a%% things that be of the .owe* of E%ohi#& God! unto 6ife and the 5*e3e*entia%>fea* of E%ohi#&God! th*ough the *e1ognition of Hi# who has 1a%%ed us Kunto His own g%o*and #o*a% eL1e%%en1e: K[R>((( to g%o*- and 3i*tue:+ K[#>((( b-&5to>-[#> th*ough+ His own-"#' g%o*- and 3i*tue:+ 1:< 0n-what-*ega*d He has gi3en -ou 3e*- g*eat and .*e1ious .*o#ises: that b- the# -ou #ight be1o#e .a*ta;e*s of the natu*e of E%ohi#& God! whi%e -ou f%ee f*o# the 1o**u.tions of the %usts that a*e in the wo*%d( 1:= And! whi%e -ou a..%-&[$-*(> int*odu1e+ a%% di%igen1e in the #atte*! add to -ou* faith #o*a% eL1e%%en1e: and to #o*a% eL1e%%en1e! ;now%edge&[$-*(&a%t> inte%%igen1e+: 1:? And to ;now%edge! .e*se3e*an1e: and to .e*se3e*an1e! .atien1e: and to .atien1e! the 5*e3e*entia%>fea* of E%ohi#&God: 1:@ And to the 5*e3e*entia%>fea* of E%ohi#&God! s-#.ath-&5a11o*d> with the b*othe*hood: and to s-#.ath-&5a11o*d> with the b*othe*hood! %o3e( 1:A Po*! whi%e these a*e found in -ou! and abounding! the- *ende* -ou not s%othfu%&5ina1ti3e&%aD->! and not unf*uitfu%! in the *e1ognition of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:C Po* he! in who# these things a*e not found! is b%ind and sees

not! and has fo*gotten the .u*gation&.u*ging of his fo*#e* sins( 1:1G And the*efo*e! #- b*eth*en! be -ou eL1eeding%- di%igent to #a;e -ou* 1a%%ing and e%e1tion su*e! b- -ou* good a1tions: fo*! b- so doing! -ou wi%% ne3e* fade awa-( 1:11 Po* thus wi%% ent*an1e be gi3en -ou abundant%-! into the e3e*%asting Bingdo# of ou* 6o*d and Redee#e* Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>( 1:1) And fo* this *eason 0 a# not wea*ied in *e#inding -ou 1ontinua%%of these things: a%though -ou ;now the# we%%! and a*e estab%ished in this T*uth( 1:12 And it see#s *ight to #e! so %ong as 0 a# in this bod-! to >eL1ite -ou b- #onition&[R> sti* -ou u. b- *e#inding E-ouF+>: 1:1< $in1e 0 ;now! that the de#ise of #- bod- is s.eed-&5soon> Eto o11u*F! as a%so #- 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has showed #e( 1:1= And 0 a# eage*%--wishing&51on1e*ned>&[$-*(&Eso#e 1o.iesF> st*i3e -ou+! that! afte* #- de.a*tu*e! -ou too #a- ha3e it a%wa-s with -ou to #a;e #ention of these things( 1:1? Po* we ha3e not gone afte* fa%se-sto*ies&fab%es a*tfu%%f*a#ed! in #a;ing ;nown to -ou the .owe* and ad3ent&1o#ing&a..ea*an1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: but [Eit wasF+ afte* we had been s.e1tato*s of His #aOest-( 1:1@ Po*! when He *e1ei3ed f*o# E%ohi#&God the Pathe* hono* and g%o*-! and! afte* the s.%endid $h>;hinah&G%o*- of His #aOest-! a 9oi1e 1a#e to Hi#! Esa-ingF thus: This is - be%o3ed $on! in who# 0 a# we%% .%eased: 1:1A 4e a%so hea*d this identi1a% 9oi1e f*o# Hea3en! whi1h 1a#e to Hi# whi%e we we*e with Hi# in the ho%- #ount( 1:1C And we ha3e #o*eo3e* a su*e 4o*d of .*o.he1-: and -ou wi%% do we%%! if -ou %oo; to 0t as to a 6ight that shines in a da*; .%a1e! unti% the 8a- sha%% dawn! and the sun sha%% a*ise in -ou* hea*ts: 1:)G You ha3ing the .*e3ious ;now%edge! that no .*o.he1- is an eL.osition of its own teLt&K[$-*(&i(e(> it is not its own eL.osito*+( KEP&N7TE> "(((' it obtains the signifi1ant inte*.*etation! that no .*o.he1- eL.%ains itse%f! and 1onseMuent%- 1annot we%% be unde*stood! unti% its fu%fi%%#ent sha%% #a;e it 1%ea*(F 1:)1 Po* at no ti#e was it b- the wi%%&.%easu*e of #an! that the .*o.he1- 1a#e: but "A'-ho%--[PR+ #en [PR+->of E%ohi#&God s.o;e& [A> s.o;e f*o# E%ohi#&God+>! as the- we*e #o3ed b- Rua1hHaBodesh &5The Ho%- $.i*it>( CHAPTER ) ):1 /ut in the wo*%d! the*e ha3e been a%so fa%se .*o.hets! as the*e wi%% %i;ewise be fa%se tea1he*s a#ong -ou! who wi%% b*ing in

dest*u1ti3e he*esies! den-ing the 6o*d that bought the#: thus b*inging on the#se%3es swift dest*u1tion( ):) And #an- wi%% go afte* thei* .*ofaneness&5i**e3e*en1e towa*d God>: on a11ount of who#! the 4a- of T*uth wi%% be *e.*oa1hed& 5disg*a1ed>( ):2 And! in the 1u.idit-&5g*eed--desi*e&1o3etousness> of *a3ing wo*ds! the- wi%% #a;e #e*1handise of -ou: - whose Uudge#ent! of a %ong ti#e! is not id%e: and thei* dest*u1tion Ks%u#be*s not( K[R>((( does not s%u#be*+N[ > wi%% not s%u#be*(+ ):< Po*! if E%ohi#&God s.a*ed not the ange%s that sinned! but 1ast the# down to the infe*na% *egions in 1hains&[#> .its+ of da*;ness! and de%i3e*ed the# u. to be ;e.t unto the Uudge#ent of to*tu*e! ):= And s.a*ed not the fo*#e* wo*%d! but .*ese*3ed Noa1h the eighth& [$-*(&i(e(> one of the eight .e*sons+ .e*son! a .*o1%ai#e* of *ighteousness! when He b*ought a f%ood on the wo*%d of the wi1;ed: ):? [EAndF+ bu*ned u. the 1ities of $>do# and ,A#o*a! and 1onde#ned the# b- an o3e*th*ow! #a;ing the# a de#onst*ation to the wi1;ed who shou%d 1o#e afte* the#: ):@ And a%so de%i3e*ed *ighteous 6ot! who was to*#ented with the fi%th- 1ondu1t of the 6A4%ess: ):A Po* that u.*ight #an dwe%%ing a#ong the#! in seeing and hea*ing f*o# da- to da-! was dist*essed in his *ighteous sou% b- thei* 6A4%ess&[RE<=CF> 5de3oid of To*ah>+ deeds: ):C @ The-6o*d&Adonai ;nows how to *es1ue f*o# aff%i1tions those who 5*e3e*ent%->fea* Hi#: and He wi%% *ese*3e the wi1;ed fo* the 8aof Uudge#ent to be to*#ented! ):1G And es.e1ia%%- the# who go afte* the f%esh in the %usts of .o%%ution&un1%eanness! and des.ise [P> go3e*n#ent+&autho*it-( 8a*ing and a**ogant! the- shudde* not with awe whi%e theb%as.he#e: ):11 4he*eas ange%s! g*eate* than the- in #ight and 3a%o*! b*ing not against the# a *e.*oa1hfu% denun1iation&5a11usation> [G*(> befo*e The-6o*d&Adonai+( ):1) /ut these! %i;e the du#b beasts that b- natu*e a*e fo* s%aughte* and 1o**u.tion! whi%e *e3i%ing&53e*ba%%- abusing> the things the;now not! wi%% .e*ish in thei* own 1o**u.tion: ):12 The- being .e*sons with who# iniMuit- is the *ewa*d of iniMuit-! and b- the# *ioting in the da-ti#e is a11ounted de%ightfu%: defi%ed and fu%% of s.ots [Ea*e the-F+! indu%ging the#se%3es Kat thei* ease! whi%e the- gi3e the#se%3es u. to .%easu*e: K[NA$>((( in thei* de1e.tions! as the- 1a*ouse with -ou(+ K[R>((( with thei* own de1ei3ings whi%e the- feast with -ou(+ K[#>((( in thei* %o3e feasts!+-E1f( Uude 1:1)(F ):1< Ha3ing e-es that a*e fu%% of adu%te*-! and sins that ne3e* end: sedu1ing unstab%e sou%s: and ha3ing a hea*t eL1e*1ised&t*ained

in 1o3etousness&g*eed-fo*-wea%th: 1hi%den of #a%edi1tion&5a 1u*se>: ):1= And ha3ing %eft the wa- of integ*it-&honest-! the- ha3e wande*ed and gone in the wa- of /i%,a# the son of /,o*! who %o3ed the wages of iniMuit-! ):1? And who had fo* the *e.*o3e* of his t*ansg*ession a du#b ass! whi1h! s.ea;ing with the s.ee1h of #en! *ebu;ed the #adness of the .*o.het( ):1@ These a*e we%%s without wate*! [PR+-1%ouds&[A> and #ists+ d*i3en b- a te#.est&[$-*(&Eso#e 1o.iesF> f*o# abo3e+! .e*sons fo* who# is *ese*3ed the b%a1;ness of da*;ness [R> fo*e3e*+-"AP'( ):1A Po*! whi%e the- utte* astonishing&[$-*(Eso#e 1o.iesF> *idi1u%ous+ 3anit-! the- sedu1e! with obs1ene %usts of the f%esh! the# who Kha3e a%#ost abandoned these that wa%; in e**o*( K[R>((( ha3e a1tua%%- es1a.ed f*o# those who %i3e in (((+ K[A>((( a*e ba*e%- f*o# those who %i3e in (((+ ):1C And the- .*o#ise the# %ibe*t-! whi%e the- the#se%3es a*e the s%a3es of 1o**u.tion: fo*! b- whate3e* thing a #an is 3anMuished& defeated&5o3e*1o#e>! to that is he ens%a3ed( ):)G Po* if! when the- ha3e es1a.ed the .o%%utions&un1%eanness of the wo*%d b- the ;now%edge of ou*&[R> the+ 6o*d and Redee#e*& [G*(> $a3io*+ Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! the- be1o#e again in3o%3ed in the sa#e! and a*e 3anMuished&defeated&5o3e*1o#e>! thei* %atte* state is wo*se than the fo*#e*( ):)1 Po* it wou%d ha3e been bette* fo* the#! not to ha3e ;nown& [$-*(& a%t> a1;now%edged+ the 4a- of *ighteousness! than afte* ha3ing [E0tF+! to tu*n ba1; f*o# the ho%- 1o##and#ent that was de%i3e*ed to the#( ):)) /ut the t*ue .*o3e*b has ha..ened to the#: the dog *etu*ns to his 3o#it: and the sow that was washed! to he* wa%%owing in the #i*e( CHAPTER 2 2:1 This se1ond 6ette*! #- be%o3ed! 0 now w*ite to -ou: in [Eboth ofF+ whi1h 0 sti* u. -ou* honest #ind b- ad#onition&wa*ning: 2:) That -ou #a- be #indfu% of the wo*ds whi1h we*e fo*#e*%s.o;en b- the ho%- P*o.hets&5Ne3i>i#>! and Kb- the inOun1tion of ou* 6o*d and Redee#e* b- the hand of the E#issa*ies&56egates>: K[R>((( of the 1o##and#ent of us the E#issa*ies of the 6o*d and $a3io*:+ K[A >((( of the 1o##and#ent of the E#issa*ies of -ou* 6o*d and $a3io*:+ K[A Ea%tF>((( of the 1o##and#ent of -ou* E#issa*ies of the 6o*d and $a3io*:+

2:2 Bnowing this .*e3ious%-! that the*e wi%% 1o#e in the 6ast 8a-s& [$-*(> in the End of 8a-s+ s1offe*s! who wi%% s1off! wa%;ing a11o*ding to thei* own %usts: 2:< And sa-ing! 4he*e is the .*o#ise of His 1o#ingI fo*! sin1e ou* fathe*s fe%% as%ee.! e3e*- thing *e#ains Oust as f*o# the beginning of the 1*eation( 2:= KPo* this the- wi%%ing%- fo*get! that the hea3ens we*e of o%d: and the ea*th *ose u. f*o# the wate*s! and b- #eans of wate*! bthe 4o*d&5E e#*a&8a3a*F> of E%ohi#( K[A%t(G*(> Po* this the- wi%%fu%%- fo*get: that b- the 4o*d of E%ohi# the hea3ens we*e of o%d! and the ea*th standing out of the wate* and in the wate*!+ 2:? [EAnd!F+ b- #eans of these [Ewate*sF+! the wo*%d whi1h then was! [Ebeing sub#e*gedF+ again .e*ished in the wate*s( 2:@ And the hea3ens that now a*e! and the ea*th! a*e b- His 4o*d& 5E e#*a&8a3a*F> sto*ed u.! being *ese*3ed fo* the fi*e at the 8aof Uudge#ent and the .e*dition&5utte*-*uin> of wi1;ed #en( 2:A And of this one thing! #- b*eth*en! be not fo*getfu%! That one da-! to The-6o*d&5EYH9HF>! is as a thousand -ea*s: and a thousand -ea*s! as one da-( 2:C The-6o*d&5EYH9HF> does not .*o1*astinate&5.ut off> His .*o#ises! as so#e esti#ate .*o1*astination&5.utting off>: but He is %ongsuffe*ing&5.atient%--endu*ing>! Kfo* -ou* sa;es! being not wi%%ing that an- shou%d .e*ish! but that e3e*- one shou%d 1o#e to *e.entan1e&5tu*ning a*ound Eawa- f*o# sinF>( K[R>(((! towa*d us! (((+ K[A>(((! towa*d -ou! (((+ 2:1G And the 8a- of The-6o*d&Adonai wi%% 1o#e! %i;e a thief: in whi1h the hea3ens wi%% sudden%- .ass awa-: and the e%e#ents! being ignited! wi%% be disso%3ed: and the ea*th and the wo*;s in it! wi%% Knot be found( K[R>(((! be bu*ned u.(+ K[A>(((! be %aid ba*e&E%it(: foundF(+ K[#>(((! be found disso%3ed(+ 2:11 As the*efo*e a%% these things a*e to be disso%3ed! what .e*sons ought -ou to be! in ho%- 1ondu1t! and in the 5*e3e*entia%>fea* of E%ohi#&God! 2:1) EL.e1ting and desi*ing the 1o#ing of the 8a- of E%ohi#&God! in whi1h the hea3ens being t*ied b- fi*e wi%% be disso%3ed! and the e%e#ents being ignited wi%% #e%tI 2:12 /ut we! a11o*ding to His .*o#ise! eL.e1t new hea3ens! and a new ea*th! in whi1h *ighteousness dwe%%s( 2:1< The*efo*e! #- be%o3ed! as -ou eL.e1t these things! st*i3e that -ou #a- be found in Hi# in sha%o#&.ea1e! without s.ot and without b%e#ish( 2:1= And a11ount the %ong-suffe*ing&5.atient-endu*an1e> of the 6o*d to

be *ede#.tion: as a%so ou* be%o3ed b*othe* $ha>u%! a11o*ding to the wisdo# 1onfe**ed&bestowed on hi#! w*ote to -ou: 2:1? As a%so in a%% his 6ette*s! s.ea;ing in the# of these things! in whi1h the*e is so#ething diffi1u%t to be unde*stood: [EandF+ whi1h the- who a*e igno*ant and unstab%e! .e*3e*t! as the- do a%so the *est of the $1*i.tu*es! to thei* own dest*u1tion( 2:1@ You the*efo*e! #- be%o3ed! as -ou ;now [Ethese thingsF+ befo*ehand! gua*d -ou*se%3es! %est! b- going afte* the e**o* of the 6A4%ess! -ou fa%% f*o# -ou* steadfastness( 2:1A /ut be -ou g*owing in g*a1e! and in the ;now%edge of ou* 6o*d and Redee#e* Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and of E%ohi#&God the Pathe*: whose is the g%o*-! now! and a%wa-s! and to the da-s of ete*nit-( A#aine&5A#en>( [P> End of the $e1ond 6ette* of Befa the E#issa*-&56egate>(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: 1 Yo1hanan&Uohn( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Again: The EPi*stF 6ette* 7f Yo1hanan The E#issa*XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ 4e announ1e to -ou that! whi1h Kwas f*o# the beginning! whi1h we ha3e hea*d! and ha3e seen with ou* e-es! %oo;ed u.on! and hand%ed with out hands! that whi1h is the 4o*d&5E8a3a*& e#*aF> of 6ife( KEG*())=AE=@12F> The 3e*b in the G*ee; #eans Qwas a%*ead- in eListen1eQ: not: >1a#e into eListen1e>(F 1:) And the 6ife was #anifested! and we ha3e seen and do testifand announ1e to -ou! the 6ife whi1h is ete*na%: whi1h was with the Pathe*! and was *e3ea%ed to us( 1:2 And what we ha3e seen and hea*d! we #a;e ;nown to -ou a%so! that -ou #a- ha3e fe%%owshi. with us: and ou* fe%%owshi. is with the Pathe*! and with His $on Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( 1:< And these things we w*ite to -ou! that Kou* Oo- in -ou #a- be 1o#.%ete( K[R>((( -ou* Oo- #a- be fu%%(+ K[A >((( ou* Oo- #a- be fu%%(+ 1:= And this is the announ1e#ent! whi1h we ha3e hea*d f*o# Hi# and de1%a*e to -ou! that E%ohi#&God is 6ight! and no da*;ness at a%% is in Hi#( 1:? And if we sa- that we ha3e fe%%owshi. with Hi#! and we wa%; in da*;ness! we a*e %ia*s! and wa%; not in the T*uth( 1:@ /ut if we wa%; in the 6ight! as He is in the 6ight! we ha3e fe%%owshi. with ea1h othe*! and the b%ood of Yeshua [R> essiah+ His $on 1%eanses us f*o# a%% ou* sins( 1:A And if we sa- that we ha3e no sin! we de1ei3e ou*se%3es! and the T*uth is not in us( 1:C /ut if we 1onfess ou* sins! He is faithfu% and *ighteous! to fo*gi3e us ou* sins! and to 1%eanse us f*o# a%% iniMuit-( 1:1G 0f we sa- that we ha3e not sinned! we #a;e Hi# a %ia*! and His 4o*d is not [P+-with&5in>N[R> in+ us( CHAPTER ) ):1 - 1hi%d*en! these things 0 w*ite to -ou! that -ou sin not( /ut if an- one shou%d sin! we ha3e an KAd3o1ate with the Pathe*!

Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! the TDaddi;&Righteous E7neF( KEN7TE: QAd3o1ateQ! in G*ee; %ite*a%%-: A he%.e* o* .at*on in a %awsuit( Yo1hanan is the on%- one who uses this in the New Co3enant( [Yo1hanan 1<:1?!)?!1=:)?!1?:@+(F ):) Po* He is Hi#se%f the .*o.itiation&5;a..a*ah>&atone#ent fo* ou* sins: and not fo* ou*s on%-! but a%so fo* a%% the wo*%d( ):2 And b- this we sha%% be sensib%e&5.e*1e.tib%e to the senses> that we ;now Hi#! if we ;ee. His 1o##and#ents&5#itD3ot>( ):< Po* he that said! 0 ;now Hi#! and does not ;ee. His 1o##and#ents& 5#itD3ot>! is a %ia*! and the T*uth is not in hi#( ):= /ut he that ;ee.s His 4o*d! in hi# is the 6o3e of E%ohi#&God t*u%- 1o#.%eted: fo* b- this we ;now that we a*e in Hi#( ):? He that sa-s! 0 a# in Hi#! is bound to wa%; a11o*ding to His wa%;ings&Ethe wa-s of His wa%;F( ):@ @ K - be%o3ed! 0 w*ite no new 1o##and#ent&5#itD3ah> to -ou! but the o%d 1o##and#ent&5#itD3ah> whi1h -ou had hea*d "A> f*o# the beginning'-[PR+: and the o%d 1o##and#ent&5#itD3ah> is the 4o*d! whi1h -ou ha3e hea*d( K[R> /*eth*en! (((+&[A> /e%o3ed! (((+ ):A Again! a new 1o##and#ent&5#itD3ah> 0 w*ite to -ou! whi1h is T*ue in Hi# and in -ou: be1ause the da*;ness has .assed awa-! and the T*ue 6ight begins to a..ea*( ):C 4hoe3e* the*efo*e sha%% sa- that he is in the 6ight! and hates his b*othe*! is in da*;ness unti% now( ):1G He that %o3es his b*othe*! abides in the 6ight! and in hi# is no stu#b%ing( ):11 /ut he that hates his b*othe*! is in da*;ness! and wa%;s in da*;ness: and he ;nows not whe*e he goes! be1ause the da*;ness has b%inded his e-es( ):1) 0 w*ite to -ou! -ou 1hi%d*en! be1ause -ou* sins a*e fo*gi3en -ou fo* His Na#e>s sa;e( ):12 0 w*ite to -ou! -ou fathe*s! be1ause -ou ha3e ;nown Hi# who eListed f*o# the beginning( 0 w*ite to -ou! -ou -oung #en! be1ause -ou ha3e 3anMuished&o3e*1o#e the e3i% one( ):1< 0 ha3e w*itten to -ou! -ou %itt%e ones! be1ause -ou ha3e ;now the Pathe*( 0 ha3e w*itten to -ou! -ou fathe*s! be1ause -ou ha3e ;nown hi# who [EwasF+ f*o# the beginning( 0 ha3e w*itten to -ou! -ou -oung #en! be1ause -ou a*e st*ong! and the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God dwe%%s in -ou! and -ou ha3e 3anMuished&o3e*1o#e the e3i% one( ):1= 6o3e not Kthe wo*%d! no* an- thing in it: fo* whoe3e* %o3es the wo*%d! has not the 6o3e of the Pathe* in hi#( KEG*()AAC: the wo*%d X a**ange#ent&s-ste# of ungod%iness(F ):1? Po* a%% that is in the wo*%d! is! the %ust of the bod-! and the %ust of the e-es! and the .*ide of the wo*%d: whi1h a*e not f*o# the Pathe*! but f*o# the wo*%d itse%f( ):1@ And the wo*%d is .assing awa-! [EbothF+ it and the %ust the*eof:

but he that does the .%easu*e&wi%% of E%ohi#&God! abides fo* e3e*( ):1A - %itt%e 1hi%d*en! it is the 6atte* Ti#e: and as -ou ha3e hea*d that >a fa%se #essiah&[ERFA> an-[R> the+ anti- essiah+> was to a*ise! so the*e a*e now #an- >fa%se #essiahs&[G*(> anti- essiah-s+: and f*o# this we ;now that it is the 6atte* Ti#e( ):1C P*o# us the- went out! but the- we*e not of us: fo* if thehad been of us! the- wou%d ha3e 1ontinued with us: but the- went out f*o# us! that so it #ight be ;nown! that the- we*e not of us( ):)G /ut -ou ha3e an anointing&5un1tion> f*o# >the Ho%- [E7neF+& 5HaBadosh>>: and -ou >dis1*i#inate e3e*- .e*son&[R> ;now a%% things+N[A> -ou a%% ;now+>( ):)1 0 ha3e not w*itten to -ou! be1ause -ou ;now not the T*uth! but be1ause -ou ;now it! and be1ause no fa%sehood is of the T*uth( ):)) 4ho is fa%se! but he that denies that Yeshua is Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>I And that .e*son is >a fa%se #essiah&[R>antiessiah+>( He that denies the Pathe*! denies a%so the $on( ):)2 And he that denies the $on! a%so be%ie3es not the Pathe*( He that 1onfesses the $on! 1onfesses a%so the Pathe*( ):)< And what -ou hea*d f*o# the fi*st! %et that *e#ain with -ou( Po* if that! whi1h -ou hea*d f*o# the fi*st! *e#ains with -ou! -ou a%so wi%% *e#ain in the Pathe* and in the $on( ):)= And this is the .*o#ise! whi1h He has .*o#ised us! [Ee3enF+ %ife ete*na%( ):)? And these things 0 ha3e w*itten to -ou! on a11ount of those who sedu1e -ou( ):)@ And -ou a%so! if the anointing&5un1tion> whi1h -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed f*o# Hi# *e#ains in -ou! need not that an- one shou%d tea1h -ou: but as that anointing&5un1tion> is f*o# E%ohi#&God! it tea1hes -ou a%% things: and it is T*ue! and no fa%sehood is in it( And as it has taught -ou! K*e#ain -ou in Hi#&[$-*(&a%t> it+( K[R>(((! -ou wi%% abide in Hi#(+&[A>(((! -ou abide in Hi#(+ ):)A And now! #- 1hi%d*en! *e#ain -ou in Hi#: that so! [PR+-when& [A> if+ He sha%% be #anifested! we #a- not be asha#ed befo*e Hi#! but #a- ha3e an o.en 1ountenan1e&[$-*(&i(e(> 1onfiden1e+ at His 1o#ing( ):)C 0f -ou ;now that He is *ighteous! -ou a%so ;now! that whoe3e* does *ighteousness! is f*o# Hi#( CHAPTER 2 2:1 @ And -ou see! how g*eat is the 6o3e of the Pathe* towa*ds us! who has 1a%%ed us sons! and #ade us [Esu1hF+( The*efo*e the wo*%d ;nows [PR+-us&[ > -ou+ not! be1ause it %i;ewise ;nows Hi# not( 2:) - be%o3ed! now a*e we the sons of E%ohi#&God: and u.-tothisti#e! it has not a..ea*ed what we a*e to be: but we ;now that! when He sha%% a..ea*! we sha%% be in His %i;eness! and we sha%%

see Hi# as He is( 2:2 And e3e*- one that has this ho.e f*o# Hi#&[$-*(&i(e(> the essiah+! .u*ifies hi#se%f! as He is .u*e( 2:< And e3e*- one that .*a1ti1es sin .e*.et*ates&51o##its> >iniMuit-& "G*(<=A:' 53io%ation of the To*ah>>: fo* a%% sin is iniMuit-& 53io%ation of the To*ah>( 2:= And we ;now! that He was #anifested to ta;e awa- ou* sins: and in Hi# was no sin( 2:? And e3e*- one that abides in Hi#! sins not: and e3e*- one that sins! has not seen Hi#! no* has ;nown Hi#( 2:@ - %itt%e 1hi%d*en! %et no one de1ei3e -ou: he that does *ighteousness! is *ighteous! as Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> a%so is *ighteous( 2:A And he that 1o##its sin! is of ha$atan: be1ause ha$atan was a sinne* f*o# the beginning: and fo* this 1ause! the $on of E%ohi#& God a..ea*ed! that He #ight dest*o- the wo*;s of ha$atan( 2:C E3e*- one that is bo*n of E%ohi#&God! does not .*a1ti1e sin: be1ause His seed is in hi#! and he 1annot sin! be1ause he is bo*n of E%ohi#&God( 2:1G /- this a*e the 1hi%d*en of E%ohi#&God >dis1*i#inated& [R>*e3ea%ed &5#anifested>+> f*o# the 1hi%d*en of ha$atan( E3e*- one that .*a1ti1es not *ighteousness! and that %o3es not his b*othe*! is not of E%ohi#&God: 2:11 /e1ause this is the 1o##and#ent&5#itD3ah>! whi1h -ou hea*d f*o# the beginning! that -ou shou%d"G*()='F one anothe*( 2:1) Not %i;e Ba-in! who was of the e3i% one! and s%ew his b*othe*( And wh- did he s%a- hi#! but be1ause his own wo*;s we*e e3i%! and those of his b*othe* *ighteousI 2:12 And wonde* not! #- b*eth*en! if the wo*%d hate -ou( 2:1< 4e ;now that we ha3e tu*ned f*o# death unto %ife! b- this! that we"G*()='F the b*eth*en( He that "G*()='F not "A> his b*othe*'-[PR+! *e#ains in death( 2:1= Po* e3e*- one that hates his b*othe*! is a #ans%a-e*&5#u*de*e*>: and -ou ;now! that no #an-s%a-e*&5#u*de*e*> 1an ha3e ete*na% %ife abiding in hi#( 2:1? /- this we ;now His 6o3e-Eaga.e"G*()?'F towa*ds us! be1ause He ga3e u. His %ife&[$-*(&a%t> Hi#se%f+ fo* us: and we a%so ought to gi3e u. ou* %i3es&[$-*(&a%t> ou*se%3es+ fo* ou* b*eth*en( 2:1@ /ut whoe3e* has wo*%d%- .ossessions! and sees his b*othe* in need! and shuts u. his bowe%sEof 1o#.assionF f*o# hi#! how is the 6o3e-Eaga.e"G*()?'F of E%ohi#&God in hi#I 2:1A - 1hi%d*en! %et us not"G*()='F one anothe* in wo*ds and in tongue! but in a1ts and in T*uth( 2:1C And b- this! we [A> sha%%+-"PR' *e1ogniDe that we a*e of the

T*uth: and! befo*e He sha%% 1o#e! we #a;e ou* hea*ts 1onfident( 2:)G /ut if ou* hea*t 1onde#ns us! how #u1h g*eate* is E%ohi#&God than ou* hea*t! and ;nowing a%% thingsI 2:)1 - be%o3ed! if ou* hea*t 1onde#n us not! we ha3e o.en 1ountenan1es&[$-*(&a%t> 1onfiden1e+ befo*e E%ohi#&God( 2:)) And whate3e* we as;! we *e1ei3e f*o# Hi#: be1ause we ;ee.&gua*d His 1o##and#ents&5#itD3ot>! and do things befo*e Hi#( 2:)2 And this is His 1o##and#ent&5#itD3ah>! that we be%ie3e on the Na#e of His $on Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and that we %o3e"G*()='F one anothe* as He has 1o##anded [PR+-us" '( 2:)< And he that ;ee.s&gua*ds His 1o##and#ents&5#itD3ot>! is ;e.t& gua*ded b- Hi#! and He dwe%%s in hi#: and b- this we unde*stand that He abides in us! f*o# His Rua1h&$.i*it whi1h He has gi3en to us( CHAPTER < <:1 @ - be%o3ed! be%ie3e not a%% s.i*its: but >dis1*i#inate a#ong& [R> t*-&5.*o3e> the+> s.i*its! whethe* the- a*e of E%ohi#&God: fo* #an- fa%se .*o.hets ha3e gone out into the wo*%d( <:) /- this the Rua1h&$.i*it of E%ohi#&God is ;nown! e3e*- s.i*it that 1onfesses that Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has 1o#e in the f%esh! is of E%ohi#&God( <:2 And e3e*- s.i*it whi1h 1onfesses not [PR+-that-"A' Yeshua "A> Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has 1o#e in the f%esh'-[PR+! is not of E%ohi#&God: but he is >the fa%se #essiah&[R> the Es.i*itF of the anti- essiah+>! of who# -ou ha3e hea*d that he 1o#es! and now >is he&5he is>N[R> it is+> a%*ead- in the wo*%d( <:< /ut -ou! 1hi%d*en a*e of E%ohi#&God: and -ou ha3e o3e*1o#e the#: be1ause g*eate* is He who is in -ou! than he who is in the wo*%d( <:= And the- a*e of the wo*%d: the*efo*e the- s.ea; f*o# the wo*%d! and the wo*%d hea*s the#( <:? /ut we a*e of E%ohi#&God: and he that ;nows E%ohi#&God! hea*s us: and he that is not of E%ohi#&God! hea*s us not( <:@ - be%o3ed! %et us"G*()='F one anothe*: be1ause %o3e -Eaga.e"G*()?'F is f*o# E%ohi#&God: and whoe3e* ")='F! is bo*n of E%ohi#&God! and ;nows E%ohi#&God( <:A /e1ause E%ohi#&God is 6o3e-Eaga.e")?'F: and whoe3e* %o3es not! does not ;now E%ohi#&God( <:C /- this was the 6o3e of E%ohi#&God towa*ds us #ade ;nown! be1ause E%ohi#&God sent His on%--begotten&[#> on%-+ $on into the wo*%d!

that we b- Hi# #ight 6i3e&[$-*(&i(e(> be sa3ed+( <:1G 0n this is %o3e: it was not that we %o3ed E%ohi#&God! but that E%ohi#&God %o3ed us! and sent His $on a .*o.itiation&5;a..a*ah>& atone#ent fo* ou* sins( <:11 @ - be%o3ed! if E%ohi#&God has so %o3ed us! we a%so ought to %o3e one anothe*( <:1) No one has e3e* seen E%ohi#&God: but if we %o3e one anothe*! E%ohi#&God abides in us! and His 6o3e is .e*fe1ted in us( <:12 And b- this we ;now! that we abide in Hi#! and that He abides in us! be1ause He has gi3en of His Rua1h&$.i*it to us( <:1< And we ha3e seen! and do testif-! that the Pathe* has sent His $on! a Redee#e* of the wo*%d( <:1= 4hoe3e* 1onfesses Yeshua to be the $on of E%ohi#&God! E%ohi#&God abides in hi#! and he abides in E%ohi#&God( <:1? And we ha3e be%ie3ed and ;nown the 6o3e! whi1h E%ohi#&God has towa*ds us: fo* E%ohi#&God is 6o3e! and whoe3e* abides in %o3e! abides in E%ohi#&God( <:1@ And >5b-&though this>&b- this #eans&he*eb-> is His 6o3e .e*fe1ted with us: that we #a- ha3e o.en 1ountenan1es&[$-*(&a%t> 1onfiden1e+ in the 8a- of Uudge#ent: be1ause as He was! so a%so a*e we in this wo*%d( <:1A 0n %o3e the*e is no fea*: but .e*fe1t %o3e 1asts ou* fea*: be1ause fea* eLists in .e*i%! and he that fea*s is not .e*fe1ted in %o3e( <:1C K6et us the*efo*e %o3e E%ohi#&God: be1ause He has fi*st %o3ed us( K[R> 4e %o3e "#'-Hi#! be1ause He fi*st %o3ed us(+ <:)G And if an- one sha%% sa-! 0 %o3e E%ohi#&God! and -et hates his b*othe*! he is a %ia*: fo* he that %o3es not his b*othe* who is 3isib%e! [PR+->how 1an he&[A> he 1annot+> %o3e E%ohi#&God who is in3isib%eI <:)1 And this 1o##and&5#itD3ah> we ha3e *e1ei3ed f*o# Hi#! that whoe3e* %o3es E%ohi#&God! #ust %o3e a%so his b*othe*( CHAPTER = =:1 @ 4hoe3e* be%ie3es that Yeshua is Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! is bo*n of E%ohi#&God( And whoe3e* %o3es >the begette*&5Hi# who begot>>! %o3es hi# a%so that is begotten of Hi#( =:) And b- this we ;now! that we %o3e the 1hi%d*en of E%ohi#&God! when we %o3e E%ohi#&God! and fo%%ow His 1o##and#ents&5#itD3ot>( =:2 Po* this is the %o3e of E%ohi#&God! that we ;ee.&gua*d His 1o##and#ents&5#itD3ot>: and His 1o##and#ents&5#itD3ot> a*e not bu*denso#e&5g*ie3ous>( =:< /e1ause! whoe3e* is bo*n of E%ohi#&God! o3e*1o#es the wo*%d: and this is the 3i1to*- that o3e*1o#es the wo*%d! - [PR+-ou*&[ > -ou*+ faith( =:= Po* who is he that o3e*1o#es the wo*%d! but he that be%ie3es that

Yeshua is the $on of E%ohi#&GodI =:? This is He who 1a#e b- the wate* and the b%ood( - Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: not b- wate* on%-! but b- the wate* and the b%ood( And the Rua1h&$.i*it testifies: be1ause the Rua1h& $.i*it is T*uth( =:@ KPo* the*e a*e Th*ee that testif- "A > in Hea3en! the Pathe*! the 4o*d&58a3a*& e#*a>! and Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%$.i*it>: and these Th*ee a*e 7ne&E1had('-[P&R&R 6atin #ss(+( K[P&"6'> And the Rua1h&$.i*it witnesses that that 3e*Rua1h &$.i*it is the T*uth(+ KEP&note:> this 3e*se is wanting in #ost $$(! and is ob#itted in the edit 6ondon! 1A)?(F =:A K"A > And the*e a*e th*ee witnesses "P'-[R>on ea*th+'[P &R 6atin #ss(+! the $.i*it&Rua1h! and-"P' the wate*! and the b%ood: and these th*ee a*e in-union( KEN7TE: 4hi%e #ost of 3s(@ and .a*t of 3( A does not a..ea* in ea*%- G*ee;! but on%- in %ate* 6atin #anus1*i.ts: we do see an inte*esting *eading E3(@F in so#e of the A*a#ai1 $-*ia1 Peshitta #anus1*i.ts "6 @ 3(@'! whi1h shows that the*e #ust ha3e been so#e t-.e of 3e*- ea*%- *eading! that fo* so#e *eason %ate* be1a#e obs1u*e! that is su..o*ti3e of the T*i-Snit- of Ha$he#! and -et is not on the o*de* of the %atte* 6atin #anus1*i.ts Eif 6 is the 1o**e1t ea*%- P *eadingF( A%so note that a%#ost a%% of 3(A does a..ea* in the ea*%- Peshitta #ss(! as in R( Po* fu*the* info! see the 1o##ents on this 3e*se in the N9 1o##enta*-(F =:C 0f we *e1ei3e the testi#on- of #en! how #u1h g*eate* is the testi#on- of E%ohi#&GodI And this is the testi#on- of E%ohi#& God! [PR+-whi1h&[A> that+ He has testified 1on1e*ning His $on( =:1G 4hoe3e* be%ie3es in the $on of E%ohi#&God! has this testi#on- in hi#se%f( And whoe3e* be%ie3es not E%ohi#&God! has #ade Hi# Eout to beF a %ia*! b- not be%ie3ing the testi#on- whi1h E%ohi#&God has testified 1on1e*ning His $on( =:11 And this is the testi#on-! that E%ohi#&God has gi3en to us %ife ete*na%! and this %ife is&[$-*(> eLists+ in His $on( =:1) E3e*- one that ta;es ho%d of the $on! ta;es ho%d of 6ife: and e3e*- one that ta;es not ho%d of the $on! has not 6ife( =:12 These things ha3e 0 w*itten to -ou! that -ou #a- ;now that -ou ha3e %ife ete*na%! - -ou who be%ie3e in the Na#e of the $on of E%ohi#&God [R> and that -ou #a- E1ontinue toF be%ie3e in the Na#e of the $on of E%ohi#&God(+-"AP' =:1< And this is the 1onfiden1e that we ha3e towa*ds Hi#! that whate3e* we as; of Hi#! - ag*eeab%- to His wi%%! - He hea*s us( =:1= And if we a*e .e*suaded that He hea*s us *es.e1ting what we as; of Hi#! we a*e 1onfident of *e1ei3ing .*esent%- the .etitions whi1h we as;ed of Hi#( =:1? 0f an- one sha%% see his b*othe* sin a sin whi1h does not dese*3e death! he sha%% as;! and %ife wi%% be gi3en hi#! - to the# [E0 sa-F+ who sin not as unto death( Po* the*e is a sin of death: and 0 do not sa- of this! that a #an shou%d .*a- fo* it( =:1@ Po* a%% iniMuit- is sin: and the*e is a sin whi1h is not of

death( =:1A And we ;now! that e3e*- one who is bo*n of E%ohi#&God! sins not: fo* he that is bo*n of E%ohi#&God ;ee.s&gua*ds "AP'-hi#se%f& [A> Hi#+! and the e3i% one tou1hes hi# not( =:1C 4e ;now that we a*e of E%ohi#&God: and a%% the wo*%d is *e.osing& 5E.%a1ing-t*ustF&%a-ing Eunde* de1e.tionF> on the e3i% one( =:)G And we ;now! that the $on of E%ohi#&God has 1o#e! and has gi3en us ;now%edge that we #ight ;now the T*ue 7ne: and that we #ight be in the T*ue 7ne! - in His $on Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( - He is the T*ue E%ohi#&God! and the 6ife ete*na%( =:)1 - 1hi%d*en! ;ee.&gua*d -ou*se%3es f*o# ido%at*-( [P> End of the Pi*st 6ette* of Yo1hanan the E#issa*-& 56egate>(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: ) Yo1hanan&Uohn( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The $e1ond 6ette* 7f Yo1hanan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ The E%de*! to KBu*ia&56ad-> the e%e1t! and to he* 1hi%d*en: who# 0 %o3e in the T*uth! and not 0 on%-! but a%% the- who ;now the T*uth: K[P&E6a#saF>(((the #othe* Cong*egation5EYe*usha%a-i#F>!(((+ 1:) Po* the sa;e of the T*uth! whi1h abides in us and is with us fo*e3e*( 1:2 a- g*a1e be with [PR+--ou&[A > us+! and #e*1-! and sha%o#&.ea1e! f*o# E%ohi#&God the Pathe*! and f*o# ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>! the $on of the Pathe*! in t*uth and %o3e( 1:< 0 ha3e *eOoi1ed g*eat%-! that 0 found [Eso#eF+ of -ou* 1hi%d*en! who wa%;ed in the T*uth! as we ha3e *e1ei3ed 1o##and#ent f*o# the Pathe*( 1:= And now! 0 .%ead-with -ou! KBu*ia&56ad->! -- T0 w*ite no new 1o##and#ent to -ou! but that whi1h was with us f*o# the beginning!T -- that we shou%d %o3e one anothe*( K[P&E6a#saF>(((! 7 #othe* Cong*egation5EYe*usha%a-i#F>! (((+ 1:? And this is %o3e! that we wa%; a11o*ding to the 1o##and#ent( This is the 1o##and#ent! as -ou ha3e hea*d f*o# the beginning! that we shou%d wa%; in it&[$-*(&a%t> Hi#+( 1:@ /e1ause #an- sedu1e*s ha3e gone fo*th into the wo*%d! who 1onfess not that Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> has 1o#e in the f%esh( This is a sedu1e* and anti- essiah( 1:A Ta;e heed to -ou*se%3es! that -ou %ose not what -ou ha3e w*ought: but that -ou #a- be *e1o#.ensed with a fu%% *ewa*d( 1:C E3e*- one who [PR+-t*ansg*esses&[A> goes ahead+! and abides not in the do1t*ine&tea1hing of Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! E%ohi#&God is not in hi#( And he who abides in His do1t*ine&tea1hing! he has the Pathe* and the $on( 1:1G 0f an- one 1o#es to -ou! and b*ings not this do1t*ine&tea1hing! ente*tain hi# not in -ou* house! no* sa- to hi#! Uo- to -ou: 1:11 Po* he that sa-s to hi#! Uo- to -ou! is a .a*ti1i.ato* in his e3i% deeds(

1:1) Ha3ing #an- things 0 1ou%d w*ite to -ou! 0 wou%d not with .a.e*& 5.a.-*us> and in;: but 0 ho.e to 1o#e to -ou! and to 1on3e*se #outh to #outh! that ou* Oo- #a- be 1o#.%ete( 1:12 The 1hi%d*en of -ou* e%e1t Ksiste* g*eet -ou( G*a1e be with -ou( A#aine&5A#en>( K[P&E6a#saF>((( siste* Cong*egation g*eet (((+ [P> End of the $e1ond 6ette* of Yo1hanan the E#issa*-& 6egate(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: 2 Yo1hanan&Uohn( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Thi*d 6ette* 7f Yo1hanan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ The E%de*! to #- be%o3ed Gaius! who# 0 %o3e in the T*uth( 1:) 7u* be%o3ed: in a%% things! 0 .*a- fo* -ou that -ou #a- .*os.e* and be in hea%th! as -ou* sou% does .*os.e*( 1:2 Po* 0 *eOoi1ed g*eat%-! when the b*eth*en 1a#e and testified 1on1e*ning -ou* integ*it-! e3en as -ou wa%; in the T*uth( 1:< And 0 ha3e no g*eate* Oo-! than to hea* that #- 1hi%d*en wa%; in [AP+-the-"R' T*uth( 1:= 7u* be%o3ed! -ou do in faith! what -ou .e*fo*# towa*ds the b*eth*en: and [AP+-es.e1ia%%--"R' towa*ds&[AR> fo*+ st*ange*s! 1:? 4ho ha3e bo*ne testi#on- to -ou* b*othe*%--%o3e&[G*(> aga.i&%o3e+ befo*e the who%e Cong*egation! to who# -ou do good! as is .%easing to E%ohi#&God( 1:@ Po* the- went fo*th in beha%f of His Na#e! ta;ing nothing of the Go-i#&5Genti%es>( 1:A 4e the*efo*e ought to [PR+-*e1ei3e&[A> su..o*t+ su1h .e*sons! that we #a- be aide*s&su..o*te*s of the T*uth( 1:C 0 was desi*ous of w*iting to the Cong*egation: but he who %o3es to be fo*e#ost a#ong the#! 8iot*e.hes! *e1ei3es us not( 1:1G The*efo*e! if he 1o#e! *e#e#be* those his doings! that he t*eated us with dead%-&ha*#fu%&#a%ignant wo*ds: and this not suffi1ing& enough-fo* hi#! he *e1ei3ed not the b*eth*en: and those who wou%d *e1ei3e [Ethe#F+! he .*ohibited! and e3en eOe1ted the# f*o# the Cong*egation( 1:11 7u* be%o3ed! be not a fo%%owe*&[$-*(&a%t> i#itato*+ of what is e3i%! but of what is good( He that does good! is of E%ohi#&God: [PR+-but-"A ' he that does e3i%! has not seen E%ohi#&God( 1:1) 7f 8e#et*ius! the*e is good testi#on- f*o# e3e*- one! and f*o# the Cong*egation! and f*o# the T*uth itse%f: and we a%so bea* [Ehi#F+ testi#on-! and -ou ;now that ou* testi#on- is t*ue( 1:12 0 had #an- things to w*ite to -ou: but 0 wi%% not w*ite [Ethe#F+ to -ou with in; and .en&[$-*(> *eed+( 1:1< /ut 0 ho.e soon to see -ou! and to 1on3e*se #outh to #outh( 1:1= $ha%o#&.ea1e be with -ou( -- The f*iends g*eet -ou( G*eet the f*iends! se3e*a%%-! b- na#e(

[P> End of the thi*d 6ette* of Yo1hanan the E#issa*-&6egate+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: Y>hudah&Uude( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXThe 6ette* 7f Y>hudah! The /*othe* 7f Ya,a;o3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 @ Y>hudah! a se*3ant of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! and the b*othe* of Ya,a;o3! - to the 1a%%ed .eo.%e! the [AP+-be%o3ed&[R> san1tified+ of E%ohi#&God the Pathe*! the .*ese*3ed b- Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>: 1:) e*1- and sha%o#&.ea1e in %o3e! be #u%ti.%ied to -ou( 1:2 - be%o3ed! whi%e 0 ta;e a%% .ains to w*ite to -ou of ou* 1o##on 6ife&[G*(> $a%3ation+! it is needfu% fo* #e to w*ite to -ou! eLho*ting&5u*ging-st*ong%-> -ou to #aintain a st*ugg%e&[P> 1onf%i1t+ fo* the Paith whi1h was on1e de%i3e*ed to the san1tified-ones( 1:< Po* so#e ha3e obtained ent*an1e! who f*o# the beginning we*e *egiste*ed befo*ehand unde* this 1onde#nation: wi1;ed #en! who .e*3e*t the g*a1e of E%ohi#&God to i#.u*it-! and den- Hi# who is Kthe on%- 6o*d&[G*(E1)G2F> aste*&56o*d>+ [PR+-"A> E%ohi#&God' and ou* 6o*d&[G*(E)C?)F> 6o*d+ Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>( K[#>((( ou* on%- 6o*d and aste*! Yeshua essiah(+ K[ERF#>((( E%ohi#&God! the on%- aste*! and ou* 6o*d Yeshua essiah(+ 1:= And 0 wish to *e#ind -ou! - though -ou a%% ;now it! - that >E%ohi#&God>-&[R> The-6o*d&Adonai+N[#> Yeshua+&[#> E%ohi#&God! the essiah+! afte* on1e *es1uing the .eo.%e f*o# Eg-.t! again dest*o-ed the# who be%ie3ed not( 1:? And the ange%s that ;e.t not thei* .*i#a1-&[$-*(&a%t> .*io*t-+! but %eft thei* station&.ost&5.osition>! He has *ese*3ed in 1hains un;nown! unde* da*;ness! unto the Uudge#ent of the G*eat 8a-( 1:@ As $>do# and ,A#o*a! and the su**ounding 1ities! whi1h in %i;e #anne* fo%%owed who*edo# and went afte* st*ange f%esh! a*e .%a1ed beneath e3e*%asting fi*e! being doo#ed to Uudge#ent( 1:A 0n the sa#e #anne*! too! these >sensua% d*ea#e*s&[$-*(&a%t> debau1hed&5.e*3e*ted&de.*a3ed> in d*ea#s+> defi%e the f%esh! and des.ise autho*it-! and *e3i%e&53e*ba%%--abuse> eL1e%%en1-( 1:C /ut i;ha>e% the A*1hange%! who! in debate with the A11use*! 1ontended about the bod- of oshe! did not 3entu*e to b*ing against hi# a *e3i%ing de1%a*ation: but said! The-6o*d&Adonai


wi%%-"R' *ebu;e -ou( 1:1G /ut these [E#enF+ *e3i%e&53e*ba%%--abuse> things whi1h thedo not unde*stand: and in the things of whi1h the- ha3e a natu*a% .e*suasion as ani#a% beings! in these the- 1o**u.t the#se%3es( 1:11 4oe to the#: fo* the- ha3e gone in the wa- of Ba-in: and afte* the e**o* of /i%,a#! the- ha3e %usted fo* gain: and! in the *ebe%%ion of Bo*a1h! the- ha3e-.e*ished&[$-*(&i(e(> wi%% .e*ish+( 1:1) These a*e the- who! in thei* feastings! *iot whi%e .o%%uting the#se%3es! feeding the#se%3es without fea*: 1%ouds without *ain! #o3ed [PR+-about&[A > a%ong+ b- the winds: t*ees whose f*uit has fai%ed! and the- a*e without f*uit! twi1e dead! and u.%ifted f*o# thei* *oots: 1:12 Raging wa3es of the sea! whi1h! b- thei* foa#! #anifest thei* 1onfusion: shooting-sta*s&[$-*(&a%t> #eteo*s+! fo* whi1h is *ese*3ed the b%a1;ness of da*;ness fo* e3e*( 1:1< And of the# a%so .*o.hesied Chano1h! who was the se3enth f*o# Ada#! when he said: /eho%d! the 6o*d 1o#es! with #-*iads&5tensof-thousands&an-un1ountab%e-nu#be*> of His san1tified-ones: 1:1= To eLe1ute Uudge#ent u.on a%%: and to 1on3i1t a%% the wi1;ed! be1ause of a%% the deeds the- ha3e wi1;ed%- 1o##itted: and be1ause of a%% the ha*d&5ha*sh> s.ee1hes! whi1h the-! unGod%sinne*s! ha3e utte*ed( 1:1? These a*e the- who #u*#u* and 1o#.%ain of e3e*- thing! whi%e thewa%; a11o*ding to thei* %usts: and thei* #outh s.ea;s sho1;ing things: and the- f%atte* .eo.%e! fo* the sa;e of gain( 1:1@ /ut do -ou! #- be%o3ed! *e#e#be* the wo*ds whi1h we*e befo*e s.o;en b- the E#issa*ies&56egates> of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h& 5The essiah>: 1:1A /e1ause the- to%d -ou! that in the >end of the ti#es&5a1ha*itha-a#i#>> the*e wou%d be s1offe*s&[R> #o1;e*s+! going afte* wi1;edness! a11o*ding to thei* %usts( 1:1C These a*e the- that se.a*ate-[Ethe#se%3esF+&[R> 1ause di3isions+! sensua%&5see;ing seLua%&bodi%- .%easu*e> .e*sons! not ha3ing the Rua1h&$.i*it( 1:)G /ut! #- be%o3ed! be -ou bui%t u. anew! in -ou* ho%- Paith! th*ough Rua1h-HaBodesh&5The Ho%- $.i*it>! whi%e -ou .*a-( 1:)1 And %et us ;ee. ou*se%3es in the %o3e of E%ohi#&God! whi%e we wait fo* the #e*1- of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! unto ou* ete*na% %ife( 1:)) KAnd [G*(> on+ so#e of the# [G*(> ha3e 1o#.assion+! Ksnat1h -ou f*o# the fi*e( K1[#> And on so#e! 1on3in1e Ethose who a*e doubtingF! #a;ing a distin1tion(+ K)[R>(((! #a;ing a distin1tion(+ K)[A>(((! >who a*e doubting&5E#a;ing distin1tionsF>>(+ 1:)2 KAnd when the- *e.ent! ha3e 1o#.assion on the#! with fea*! hating

e3en the tuni1 that is defi%ed b- the f%esh( K[EAFR> And othe*s sa3e "A> with fea*'-[R+! .u%%ing Ethe#F out of the fi*e [A>! and on so#e ha3e #e*1- with fea*+-"R': hating e3en (((+ EUude ))-)2: This teLt a..ea*s in a 3a*iet- of fo*#s in 3a*ious $$( - $ee: Ea*%- anus1*i.ts R ode*n T*ans%ations of the New Testa#ent & Phi%i. 4( Co#fo*t - .gs( 1AG-1A1F: K[#> and show #e*1- to so#e who ha3edoubts&5dis.ute>: and sa3e so#e! snat1hing the# f*o# fi*e: and to so#e show #e*1- with fea*+ K[#> and *e.*o3e so#e who ha3e-doubts&5dis.ute>: and sa3e so#e! snat1hing the# f*o# fi*e: and to so#e show #e*1- with fea*+ K[#> and show #e*1- to so#e who ha3e doubts - sa3e the# b- snat1hing the# f*o# fi*e: and to so#e show #e*1with fea*+ K[#> and *e.*o3e so#e who ha3e-doubts&5dis.ute>! and in fea* sa3e so#e f*o# fi*e+ K[#> and so#e snat1h f*o# fi*e! and show #e*1- with fea* to othe*s who ha3e doubts+ 1:)< And to Hi# who is ab%e to .*ese*3e [APR+--ou&[ > the#+ fau%t%ess! and s.ot%ess! and to estab%ish -ou without a b%e#ish! 1:)= /efo*e His #aOest-! with Oo-! - [Ena#e%-!F+&[G*(> to+ "NBU9EAF> the 7n%-'-[AP-EBU9F+ [BU9> wise+ God! ou* 8e%i3e*e*& [G*(>$a3io*+! Kb- #eans of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah> ou* 6o*d! be .*aise! and do#inion! and hono*! and #aOest-! both now and in a%% ages( A#aine&5A#en>( K[NBU9-EAF>(((! 4ho a%one is wise! EbeF g%o*- and #aOest-! do#inion and .owe*&5autho*it->! both now and fo*e3e*( A#aine(+ K[ENBU9-AF&BU9>(((! th*ough Yeshua essiah ou* 6o*d! be g%o*- and #aOest-! do#inion and .owe*! befo*e a%% ti#e >and[NBU9-EAF> both+> now and fo*e3e*( A#aine(+ K[4> To E%ohi#&God ou* on%- $a3iou*! th*ough Yeshua essiah ou* 6o*d! be g%o*-! #aOest-! do#inion and .owe*! befo*e e3e*- age! both now! and unto a%% the ages( A#aine(+ KEN7TE: 9a*ious Re1e.tus *eadings! BU9 *eadings! and A%eLand*ian *eadings: a%% ha3e this 3e*se .h*ased diffe*ent%- f*o# one anothe*: and what the NBU9&ER-*ieF %ists as the [A+ *eading! is what usua%%- Ebut not enti*e%-F is in the BU9 *eadingEsF(F the [P> End of the 6ette* of Y>hudah the E#issa*-&56egate>! b*othe* of Ya,a;o3 and Yosi(+

essiani1 NatD*ati# 9e*sion! f*o# the an1ient $-*ia1 A*a#ai1 Peshitta! of: THE RE9E6AT07N( And a%te*nate *eadings f*o# 3a*ious an1ient G*ee; teLts( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The RE9E6AT07N! 4hi1h 4as ade /- E%ohi# To Yo1hanan the Good-News-P*o1%ai#e*! 0n The 0s%and 7f Pat#os! To whi1h he was banished b- Ne*o the E#.e*o*( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHAPTER 1 1:1 The Re3e%ation of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! whi1h E%ohi#& God ga3e to Hi#! to show to His se*3ants the things that #ust sho*t%-&5s.eedi%-> o11u*: and He signified [EitF+ b- sending! th*ough His ange%! to His se*3ant Yo1hanan( 1:) 4ho bo*e witness to the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God! and to the testi#onof Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! as to a%% that he saw( 1:2 /%essed is he that *eads! and the- who hea* the wo*ds of this .*o.he1-! and ;ee. the things that a*e w*itten in it: fo* the ti#e is nea*( 1:< Yo1hanan to the se3en Cong*egations whi1h a*e in Asia: G*a1e to -ou and .ea1efu%-1a%#ness! f*o# Hi# who is! and who was! and who is to 1o#e: f*o# the se3en $.i*its whi1h a*e befo*e His Th*one: 1:= And f*o# Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! the 4itness the Paithfu%! the Pi*st-bo*n of the dead! and the P*in1e of the ;ings of the ea*th: who has %o3ed us! and *e%eased&[R> washed+ us f*o# ou* sins b- His b%ood: 1:? And has #ade us a Bingdo# of-Cohani#&5of-P*iests> to E%ohi#&God and His Pathe*: to who# be g%o*- and .owe*! fo* e3e* and e3e*( A#aine( 1:@ /eho%d! He 1o#es with 1%ouds: and a%% e-es sha%% see Hi#! and a%so the- who s.ea*ed Hi#: and a%% the t*ibes of the ea*th&6and sha%% #ou*n on a11ount of Hi#( Yes: A#aine( 1:A 0 a# A%.ha&[$-*(> Ah%e.h and+! a%so 7#ega&[$-*(> Tah3+! "A '-[R> EtheF /eginning and EtheF End+! sa-s the 6o*d [A P+- E%ohi#& God-"R': who is! and was! and is to 1o#e! the 7#ni.otent& [$-*(> who ho%ds a%% in His .owe*+( 1:C 0 Yo1hanan! -ou* b*othe*! and .a*ta;e* with -ou in the aff%i1tion and suffe*ing that a*e in Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! was in the is%and 1a%%ed Pat#os! be1ause of the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God! and be1ause of the testi#on- of Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The

essiah>( 1:1G 0 was Kin the Rua1h&$.i*it on the >8a- of the 6o*d&56o*d>s8a->>: and 0 hea*d behind #e a g*eat 9oi1e! as of a t**F>! whi1h said: K[G*(&a%t>((( in s.i*it on (((+ 1:11 >"A '-[R> $a-ing! 0 A# the Ah%e.h&A%.ha and the Tah3&7#ega! the Pi*st and the 6ast! and what+&That whi1h> -ou see! w*ite in a $1*o%%! and send to the se3en Cong*egations "A '-[R> whi1h a*e in Asia+! to E.hesus! and to $#-*na! and to Pe*ga#u#! and to Th-ati*a! and to $a*dis! and to Phi%ade%.hia! and to 6aodi1ea( 1:1) And 0 tu*ned #-se%f to %oo; at the 9oi1e that ta%;ed with #e: and when 0 had tu*ned! 0 saw se3en #eno*ahs&51and%esti1;s> of go%d: 1:12 And! in the #idst of the #eno*ahs&51and%esti1;s>! 7ne %i;e Kthe $on of #an! 1%othed to the feet! and gi*ded about his 1hest with a band of go%d( K[G*(&a%t>((( a son of #an! (((+ E$> "(((' The %atte* .assage see#s to ha3e been in $t( Uohn>s #ind he*e [EDe;(C:)+( 7bse*3e how the *ende*ing of $ b*ings out the .*iest%- as.e1t of Hi# whose a..ea*an1e is des1*ibed( "((('F 1:1< And His head and His hai* we*e white! %i;e white woo%! %i;e snow: and His e-es! %i;e a f%a#e of fi*e: 1:1= And His feet we*e %i;e fine b*ass! f%a#ing in a fu*na1e: and His 9oi1e! %i;e the sound of #an- wate*s( 1:1? And He had in His Right Hand se3en sta*s: and f*o# His #outh issued a sha*. two-edged swo*d: and His fa1e&1ountenan1e was %i;e the sun shining in its st*ength( 1:1@ And when 0 saw Hi#! 0 fe%% at His feet %i;e one dead( And He %aid His Right Hand u.on #e! and said [R> to #e+-"A P'! Pea* not: 0 a# the Pi*st and the 6ast: 1:1A And who %i3es and was dead: and beho%d! 0 a# a%i3e fo* e3e* and e3e*( A#aine( And 0 ha3e the ;e-s of Kdeath and of the unseen wo*%d( K[R>((( $h>o%&5He%%&Hades>N[G*(&%it(&a%t(> Snseen+ and of death(+ 1:1C [A P+-The*efo*e-"R'! w*ite what -ou ha3e seen! and the things that a*e: and the things that a*e to be he*eafte*: 1:)G The #-ste*- of these se3en sta*s "A > whi1h -ou saw'-[RP+ in Right Hand! and the se3en #eno*ahs&51and%esti1;s> of go%d( Those se3en sta*s a*e the ange%s of the se3en Cong*egations: and the se3en #eno*ahs&51and%esti1;s> a*e the se3en Cong*egations( CHAPTER ) ):1 To the ange% of the Cong*egation whi1h is at E.hesus! w*ite: These things sa-s He who ho%ds a%% things! and the se3en sta*s! in His Right Hand: He that wa%;s in the #idst of the se3en #eno*ahs&51and%esti1;s> of go%d:

):) 0 ;now -ou* wo*;s! and -ou* toi%! and -ou* .atien1e: and [EthatF+ -ou 1an not endu*e the wi1;ed: and -ou ha3e t*ied the# who sathe- a*e 6egates&5E#issa*ies>! and a*e not: and -ou ha3e found the# %ia*s( ):2 And -ou ha3e had .atien1e! and ha3e bo*ne the bu*den! on a11ount of - Na#e! and ha3e not fainted( ):< Yet 0 ha3e [Ea 1ha*geF+ against -ou! on a11ount of -ou* fo*#e* %o3e! whi1h -ou ha3e %eft( ):= The*efo*e! *e#e#be* f*o#-whe*e -ou ha3e fa%%en: and *e.ent! and do the fo*#e* wo*;s: o* if not! 0 wi%% 1o#e to -ou Mui1;%-! and 0 wi%% *e#o3e -ou* #eno*ah&51and%esti1;> f*o# its .%a1e! eL1e.t -ou *e.ent( ):? /ut this -ou ha3e! that -ou hate the deeds of the Ni1o%aitans! whi1h 0 a%so [EhateF+( ):@ He that has ea*s! %et hi# hea* what the Rua1h&$.i*it sa-s to the Cong*egations( To hi# who is 3i1to*ious! wi%% 0 gi3e to eat of the T*ee 7f 6ife whi1h is in the Pa*adise&[$-*(&a%t> Ga*gen+ of - God( ):A And to the ange% of the Cong*egation whi1h is at $#-*na! w*ite: These things sa-s the Pi*st and the 6ast! he who was dead! and %i3es( ):C 0 ;now -ou* wo*;s! and the aff%i1tion! and the .o3e*t-! -- T-et -ou a*e *i1h:T -- and the 3io%ent-1o#.%aining whi1h is f*o# the# who sa- the- a*e Uews! and the- a*e not! but a*e of the 1ong*egation of ha$atan( ):1G /e not te**ified at an- of the things -ou a*e to suffe*( Po* beho%d! the A11use* wi%% th*ow so#e of -ou into 1ustod-! that -ou #a- be t*ied: and the*e wi%% be t*oub%e to -ou ten da-s( /e faithfu% unto death! and 0 wi%% gi3e -ou the 1*own of 6ife( ):11 He that has ea*s! %et hi# hea* what the Rua1h&$.i*it sa-s to the Cong*egations( He that is 3i1to*ious! sha%% not be ha*#ed bthe se1ondK death( KE$> "(((' in the fou* .%a1es 1ited [ii(11! LL(?! LL(1<! LLi(A+ [1.( a%so E11%(i3(1=! Psh(+ #eans Q*e.eatedQ [in o*de*+! Qsu11eedingQ [as se1undus+ *athe* than [nu#e*i1a%%-+ Qse1ondQ: "((('F ):1) And to the ange% of the Cong*egation at Pe*ga#u#! w*ite: Thus sa-s He who has the sha*. two-edged swo*d: ):12 0 ;now "#> -ou* wo*;s! and' whe*e -ou dwe%%! [Ee3enF+ whe*e the th*one of ha$atan is: and -ou ho%d fast - Na#e! and ha3e not denied the Paith of e! in those da-s when - faithfu% witness! who was s%ain a#ong -ou! was #ade a s.e1ta1%e whe*e ha$atan dwe%%s( KE$> "The *eading he*e ag*ees with' the #s( 1=) of A.o1( [9ati1an! 2@G+F ):1< Yet 0 ha3e a s#a%% [E1ha*geF+ against -ou( You ha3e the*e the# who ho%d the Ktea1hing&5do1t*ine> of /i%,a#! who taught

/a%a; to th*ow a stu#b%ing-b%o1; befo*e the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae%! that the#ight eat the sa1*ifi1es of ido%s&[$-*(&so#e $$(> what ido%ate*s do+! and #ight 1o##it who*edo#( KE$> "(((' distinguishing Qtea1hingQ in the fo*#e*&EthisF 1ase! f*o# Qdo1t*ineQ in the %atte* [3e*ses 1= R )<+( "((('F ):1= $o a%so -ou ha3e the# who ho%d the Kdo1t*ine&5tea1hing> of the Ni1o%aitans >[R> whi1h-[A > %i;ewise+ things 0 hate+>-"P'( 0n %i;e #anne*! *e.ent -ou( KE$> Qdo1t*ineQ [$ee note @ 3e*se 1< abo3e+(F ):1? 7* if not! 0 wi%% 1o#e to -ou Mui1;%-! and 0 wi%% wa* u.on the# with the swo*d of - #outh( ):1@ He that has ea*s! %et hi# hea* what the Rua1h&$.i*it sa-s to the Cong*egations( To hi# that is 3i1to*ious! wi%% 0 gi3e to eat of the hidden #anna: and 0 wi%% gi3e hi# a white 1ounte*&[R> stone+! and u.on the 1ounte*&[R> stone+ a new na#e w*itten! whi1h no one ;nows but he that *e1ei3es it( ):1A And to the ange% of the Cong*egation at Th-ati*a! w*ite: These things sa-s the $on of E%ohi#&God! who has His e-es %i;e a f%a#e of fi*e! and His feet %i;e fine b*ass: ):1C 0 ;now -ou* wo*;s! and %o3e! and faith! and se*3i1e! and a%so -ou* .atien1e: and that these -ou* %atte* wo*;s a*e #o*e than the fo*#e*( ):)G /ut 0 ha3e K[Ea 1ha*geF+ against -ou! be1ause -ou a%%ow -ou* wo#an&[ &$-*(&a%t> wife+ 0De3e%! who sa-s she is a .*o.hetess! Kand tea1hes! and sedu1es - se*3ants to who*edo#! and to eating of the sa1*ifi1es of ido%s( K1[R>((( a few things against -ou! be1ause -ou a%%ow that wo#an (((+ K1[A >((( against -ou that -ou .ut u. with -ou* (((+ K)[R>(((! to tea1h and begui% - (((+ K)[A >(((! and tea1hes and begui%es - (((+ ):)1 And 0 ga3e he* a season&[R> ti#e+ Kfo* *e.entan1e! and she is not in1%ined&dis.osed to *e.ent of he* who*edo#( K[R>((( to *e.ent of he* seLua% i##o*a%it-! and she did not *e.ent(+ K[A >((( to *e.ent! and she does not want to *e.ent of he* seLua% i##o*a%it-(+ ):)) /eho%d! 0 wi%% 1ast he* u.on a bed! and the# who 1o##it adu%te*with he* into a g*eat aff%i1tion! un%ess the- *e.ent of >[RP+thei*&[A > he*+> deeds( ):)2 And he* 1hi%d*en wi%% 0 s%a- with death: and a%% the Cong*egations sha%% ;now! that 0 a# He who sea*1hes *eins and hea*ts: and 0 wi%% *ende* to ea1h of -ou a11o*ding to -ou* wo*;s( ):)< And 0 sa- to -ou! -- to the *est that a*e in Th-ati*a! to a%% the# who ha3e not *e1ei3ed this Kdo1t*ine&5tea1hing>! the #en who ha3e not ;nown the dee.&.*ofound things of ha$atan! as thesa-: - 0 %a- no othe* bu*den u.on -ou:

KE$> Qdo1t*ineQ [$ee note @ 3e*se 1< abo3e+(F ):)= /ut! what -ou ha3e! ho%d fast unti% 0 1o#e( ):)? And to hi# that is 3i1to*ious! and to hi# that obse*3es&5E;ee.s& gua*dsF> - wo*;s&5E#itD3otF> unto the end! to hi# wi%% 0 gi3e autho*it- o3e* the Nations&5Go-i#&Genti%es>: ):)@ And he sha%% *u%e the# with a *od of i*on: and %i;e 3esse%s of .otte*-! sha%% the- be b*o;en: as 0 a%so ha3e *e1ei3ed of Pathe*( KE$> "(((' The ag*ee#ent of $! he*e and *a*e%- e%sewhe*e! with HL.(&[The $-*o-HeLa.%a* 5in so#e /oo;s .*o.e*%$-*oTet*a.%a*> 9e*sion of the 7%d Testa#ent 56YY>+ *athe* than Psh(&5Peshitto> #a- be a to;en of the hand of Po%-1a*.us! whose 3e*sion of 7(T( was the basis of HL.( [$ee Asse#ani! /(7(! to#( 00! .(A): a%so $#ith>s >8iet( of Ch*istian /iog*a.h-! 3o%( 09! ..( <21! <22! s(3( Po%-1a*.us [=+: a%so 8isse*tation! Pa*t 0! su.*(! .(L13ii+(F ):)A As 0 wi%% gi3e hi# the #o*ning sta*( ):)C He that has ea*s! %et hi# hea* what the Rua1h&$.i*it sa-s to the Cong*egations( CHAPTER 2 2:1 And to the ange% of the Cong*egation whi1h is at $a*dis! w*ite: These things sa-s He who has the se3en $.i*its of E%ohi#&God! and the se3en sta*s: 0 ;now -ou* wo*;s! that -ou ha3e a na#e that -ou %i3e! and E-etF -ou a*e dead( 2:) Awa;e! and .*ese*3e the things that *e#ain! whi1h a*e *eadto die: fo* 0 ha3e not found -ou* wo*;s 1o#.%ete befo*e [A P+- -"R' God! 2:2 Re#e#be* the*efo*e how -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed and hea*d: and Kobse*3e& 5;ee.&gua*d> [Ethose .*e1e.tsF+! and *e.ent( 0f then -ou wi%% not wa;e u.! 0 wi%% 1o#e u.on -ou as a thief: and -ou sha%% not ;now at what hou* 0 wi%% 1o#e u.on -ou( KE$> "(((' $ *ende*s int*ansiti3e%-! Qta;e heed!Q whi1h is ha*d%- defensib%e: "((('F 2:< "R'-Yet&[A > Ne3e*the%ess+ -ou ha3e a few na#es [R> e3en+-"A P' in $a*dis! who ha3e not defi%ed thei* ga*#ents: and the- sha%% wa%; with e in white! fo* the- a*e wo*th-( 2:= He that is 3i1to*ious! sha%% be so 1%othed in white *obes: and 0 wi%% not b%ot out thei* na#e f*o# the 5$1*o%%>&/oo; 7f 6ife: and 0 wi%% 1onfess thei* na#e befo*e - Pathe*! and befo*e His ange%s( 2:? He that has ea*s! %et hi# hea* what the Rua1h&$.i*it sa-s to the Cong*egations( 2:@ And to the ange% of the Cong*egation whi1h is at Phi%ade%.hia! w*ite: These things sa-s He that is Ho%-! He that is T*ue! He that has the ;e- of 8a3id! who o.ens and no #an shuts! and shuts and no #an o.ens: 2:A 0 ;now -ou*&[#> thei*+ Kwo*;s( And beho%d! 0 ha3e set befo*e -ou an o.en doo*! whi1h no #an 1an shut: be1ause -ou ha3e a %itt%e

st*ength: and -ou ha3e ;e.t - 4o*d! and ha3e not denied Na#e( K[G*(&a%t> deeds Ebeho%d ((( shutF! that -ou (((+ 2:C /eho%d! 0 wi%% gi3e&[$-*(&i(e(> wi%% 1ause+ the# of the 1ong*egation of ha$atan! who sa- the- a*e Uews! and a*e not! but %ie! -- beho%d 0 wi%% #a;e the# to 1o#e and do ho#age& obeisan1e befo*e -ou* feet: and to ;now that 0 ha3e %o3ed -ou( 2:1G /e1ause -ou ha3e ;e.t the 4o*d of - .atien1e! 0 a%so wi%% ;ee. -ou f*o# the hou* of te#.tation! that is to 1o#e on a%% the inhabited wo*%d! to t*- the# who dwe%% on the ea*th( 2:11 [R> /eho%d+-"A P' 0 1o#e Mui1;%-: ho%d fast what -ou ha3e! so that no one ta;e -ou* 1*own( 2:1) Hi# that is 3i1to*ious! wi%% 0 #a;e a .i%%a* in the Te#.%e of God: and he sha%% not again go out: and 0 wi%% w*ite u.on hi# the Na#e of - God! and of the New Ye*usha%a-i# whi1h des1ends f*o# Hea3en f*o# - God! and - own new Na#e( 2:12 He that has ea*s! %et hi# hea* what the Rua1h&$.i*it sa-s to the Cong*egations( 2:1< And to the ange% of the Cong*egation Kwhi1h is at 6aodi1ea! w*ite: These things sa-s the A#aine&5A#en>! the 4itness! the Paithfu%! the T*ue! the Chief of the 1*eation of E%ohi#&God: K[R>((( of the 6aodi1eans! w*ite: (((+ K[A >((( in 6aodi1ea! w*ite: (((+ 2:1= 0 ;now -ou* wo*;s! that -ou a*e neithe* hot! no* 1o%d: 0 wou%d that -ou we*e 1o%d o* hot( 2:1? $o! be1ause -ou a*e %u;ewa*#! neithe* hot no* 1o%d! 0 a# about to s.ew&3o#it -ou f*o# #- #outh( 2:1@ /e1ause -ou sa-! 0 a# *i1h and aff%uent! and ha3e no want of anthing: and -ou ;now not! that -ou a*e i#.otent! and #ise*ab%e! and need-! and b%ind! and na;ed: 2:1A 0 1ounse% -ou to bu- of e go%d t*ied in the fi*e! that -ou #abe1o#e *i1h: and white *ai#ent! to be 1%othed! and that the sha#e of -ou* na;edness #a- not be seen: and .ut e-e-sa%3e on -ou* e-es! that -ou #a- see( 2:1C As #an- as 0 %o3e! 0 *ebu;e and 1hasten( /e desi*ing-to-eL1e% the*efo*e! and *e.ent( 2:)G /eho%d! 0 Kha3e been standing at the doo*! and 0 wi%% ;no1;: if an- #an hea* - 9oi1e! and o.en the doo*! 0 wi%% 1o#e in to hi#! and wi%% dine&su. with hi#! and he with e( K[R>((( stand at the doo*! and ;no1;: if an- #an hea* 9oi1e! and o.en the doo*! 0 wi%% (((+ 2:)1 And to hi# that is 3i1to*ious! to hi# wi%% 0 gi3e to sit with e on - Th*one! e3en as 0 was 3i1to*ious! and sat down with Pathe* on His Th*one( 2:)) He that has ea*s to hea*! %et hi# hea* what the Rua1h&$.i*it sa-s to the Cong*egations( CHAPTER < <:1 Afte* these things! 0 %oo;ed and beho%d! a doo* [EwasF+ o.en in Hea3en( And the fi*st 3oi1e whi1h 0 hea*d! was as of a t* 5Eshofa*F> ta%;ing with #e( 0t said! Co#e u. he*e: and 0 wi%% show -ou the things that #ust o11u* afte*-this&he*eafte*( <:) 0nstant%-! 0 was Kin the Rua1h&$.i*it: and beho%d! a Th*one was

.%a1ed in Hea3en: and the*e was [E7neF+ seated on the Th*one( K[G*(&a%t>((( in s.i*it: (((+ <:2 " > And He who sat [R> the*e+! was' %i;e the a..ea*an1e of a Oas.e*-stone! and of a sa*dine! and of a *ainbow of the 1%ouds! *ound about the Th*one! in fo*# as the a..ea*an1e of e#e*a%ds( <:< A*ound the Th*one we*e twent- and fou* seats: and u.on those seats sat twent- and fou* E%de*s! who we*e 1%othed in white *obes! and on whose heads we*e 1o*onets&s#a%%-1*owns of go%d( <:= And f*o# the Th*one .*o1eeded %ightnings! and the sound of thunde*s: and se3en %a#.s of fi*e we*e bu*ning befo*e His Th*one! whi1h a*e " '-the se3en $.i*its of E%ohi#&God( <:? And befo*e the Th*one! >[R> Ethe*e wasF+Nas it we*e&[ > so#ething %i;e+> a sea of g%ass %i;e 1*-sta%: and in the #idst of the Th*one! and a*ound it! and befo*e the Th*one! we*e fou* Ani#a%s! fu%% of e-es in thei* f*ont and in thei* ba1;( <:@ And the fi*st Ani#a% *ese#b%ed a %ion: and the se1ond Ani#a% *ese#b%ed a 1a%f: and the thi*d Ani#a% had a fa1e %i;e a #an: and the fou*th Ani#a% *ese#b%ed an eag%e when f%-ing( <:A And these fou* Ani#a%s had! ea1h of the#! siL wings a*ound it: and within the- we*e fu%% of e-es: and the- ha3e no 1essation! da- o* night! f*o# sa-ing: KBadosh&Ho%-! Badosh&Ho%-! Badosh& Ho%-! The-67R8&5EYH9HF>&Adonai E%ohi#&God! the 7#ni.otent&A%%Powe*fu%! who was! and is! and is to 1o#e( KE > has Ho%- nine ti#esF <:C And when these Ani#a%s gi3e g%o*- and hono* and .*aise to Hi# that sits on the Th*one! to Hi# who %i3es fo* e3e* and e3e*! <:1G The twent- and fou* E%de*s fa%% down befo*e Hi# who sits on the Th*one! and the- wo*shi. Hi# who %i3es fo* e3e* and e3e*: and the- 1ast thei* 1o*onets&s#a%%-1*owns befo*e the Th*one! sa-ing! <:11 4o*th- a*t Thou! 7 67R8&5EYH9HF> "R> ou*&[A > and+ God'! the Ho%-! to *e1ei3e g%o*- and hono* and .owe*: fo* Thou hast 1*eated a%% things! and b- Thee the- eList: and be1ause of Th.%easu*e& wi%% the- >[A > eListed+Nhad being&[R> eList+> and we*e 1*eated( CHAPTER = =:1 And 0 saw! at the Right Hand of Hi# who sat on the Th*one! a $1*o%%! whi1h was w*itten within and on the ba1; side! and whi1h was sea%ed with se3en sea%s( =:) And 0 saw a st*ong ange%! who .*o1%ai#ed with a %oud 3oi1e! 4ho is 1o#.etent&[$-*(&a%t> eMua%&wo*th-+ to o.en the $1*o%%! and to %oose the sea%s f*o#-itI =:2 And no one eithe* in 5H>ea3en abo3e! o* on the ea*th! o* beneath the ea*th! was ab%e to o.en the $1*o%%! o* to %oo; the*eon( =:< And 0 we.t #u1h! be1ause no one was found! who was

1o#.etent& 5eMua%&wo*th-> to o.en [R> and *ead+-"A P' the $1*o%%! o* to %oo; on it( =:= And one of the E%de*s said to #e! 4ee. not: beho%d! the 6ion of the T*ibe of Y>hudah! the Root of 8a3id! has Kbeen 3i1to*ious: He wi%% o.en the $1*o%%! and [R> to %oose+-"A P' its se3en sea%s( K[R>((( .*e3ai%ed to o.en the $1*o%%! and (((+ =:? And 0 %oo;ed! [R> and beho%d!+-"A P' and in the #idst of the E%de*s stood a 6a#b! as if s%ain: and 0t had se3en ho*ns! and se3en e-es! whi1h a*e 5T>he >5$>e3en&5Ese3en5fo%d>F>>"#' $.i*its of E%ohi#&God that a*e sent into a%% the ea*th( =:@ And He 1a#e! and too; the $1*o%% f*o# the Right Hand of Hi# who sat on the Th*one( =:A And when He too; the $1*o%%! the fou* Ani#a%s and the twentand fou* E%de*s fe%% down befo*e the 6a#b! ea1h of the# ha3ing a ha*.! and 1u.s of go%d fu%% of odo*s! whi1h a*e the su..%i1ations &.etitions&.*a-e*s of the san1tified-ones( =:C And the- sung a new anthe#&5*>&song! sa-ing: Co#.etent&5EMua%&4o*th-> a*e You! to ta;e the $1*o%%! and to o.en the sea%s the*eof: be1ause You we*e s%ain! and ha3e *edee#ed us to E%ohi#&God b- You* b%ood! out of e3e*- t*ibe! and tongue! and .eo.%e! and nation: =:1G And You ha3e #ade [A P+-the#&[R> us+ [R P+-;ings&[A> a Bingdo#+ and Cohani#&5P*iests> to ou* God: and [A P+-the-&[R> we+ *eign on the ea*th( =:11 And 0 %oo;ed! and 0 hea*d! as it we*e the 3oi1e of #anange%s! a*ound the Th*one! and the Ani#a%s and the E%de*s: and the nu#be* of the# was a #-*iad&5ten-thousand&un1ountab%e-nu#be*> of #-*iads &5ten-thousands&un1ountab%e-nu#be*s>! and thousands of thousands( =:1) 4ho said with a %oud 3oi1e: Co#.etent&5EMua%&4o*th-> is the 6a#b that was s%ain! to *e1ei3e .owe*! and *i1hes! and wisdo#! and st*ength! and hono*! and g%o*-! and b%essing: =:12 KAnd [Eto be o3e*F+ e3e*- 1*eated thing! that is in 5H>ea3en! o* on ea*th! o* unde* the ea*th! o* in the sea: and a%% that a*e in the#(K And 0 hea*d Hi# who sat on the Th*one sa-: Snto the 6a#b be gi3en! b%essing and hono*! and g%o*-! and .owe*! fo* e3e* and e3e*( [ > A#aine&5A#en>+ K1[R> And e3e*- 1*eatu*e whi1h is in 5H>ea3en! and on the ea*th! and unde* the ea*th! and su1h as a*e in the sea! and a%% that a*e in the#! hea*d 0 sa-ing! /%essing! and hono*! and g%o*-! and .owe*! EbeF unto Hi# that sits u.on the Th*one! and unto the 6a#b fo* e3e* and e3e*(+

K)E$-*(&P> The $-*ia1 he*e diffe*s #u1h f*o# the G*ee;(F =:1< And the fou* Ani#a%s said: A#aine&5A#en>( And the [R> twent-fou*+-"A P' E%de*s fe%% down! and ado*ed&5wo*shi.ed> [R> Hi# who %i3es fo*e3e* and e3e*+-"A P'( CHAPTER ? ?:1 And! when the 6a#b had o.ened one of the [A P+-se3en-"R' sea%s! 0 %oo;ed! and 0 hea*d one of the fou* Ani#a%s sa-! as with a 3oi1e of thunde*! Co#e! "#> and see'( ?:) And 0 %oo;ed! and the*e was a white ho*se: and he who sat on it! had a bow: and a 1o*onet&s#a%%-1*own was gi3en to hi#! and he went fo*th 1onMue*ing! that he #ight 1onMue*( ?:2 And when He had o.ened the se1ond sea%! 0 hea*d the se1ond Ani#a% sa-! Co#e [R> and see+-"A P'( ?:< And the*e went fo*th anothe*! a *ed ho*se: and to hi# who sat the*eon! it was gi3en! to ta;e t*angui%%it-&.ea1e f*o# the ea*th: and that the- shou%d ;i%% one anothe*: and the*e was gi3en to hi# a g*eat swo*d( ?:= And when He had o.ened the thi*d sea%! 0 hea*d the thi*d Ani#a% sa-! Co#e! "#> and see'( And 0 %oo;ed! and beho%d! a b%a1; ho*se: and he that sat the*eon! had a ba%an1e in his hand( ?:? And 0 hea*d a 3oi1e in the #idst of the fou* Ani#a%s! sa-ing: >A 1hoeniL of wheat fo* a dena*ius&[$-*(&i(e(> about a Mua*t fo* 1= 1ents+>! and th*ee 1hoeni1es of ba*%e- fo* a dena*ius: and hu*t not the oi% and the wine( ?:@ And when he had o.ened the fou*th sea%! 0 hea*d the fou*th Ani#a% sa-! Co#e! "#> and see'( ?:A And 0 %oo;ed! and beho%d! a .a%e ho*se: and the na#e of hi# who sat the*eon was 8eath: and $h>o%&5Hades> fo%%owed afte* hi#( And the*e was gi3en hi# autho*it- o3e* the fou*th .a*t of the ea*th! to s%a- with the swo*d! and b- fa#ine! and b- death! and bthe *a3enous beast&[$-*(> beast of tooth+ of the ea*th( ?:C And when he had o.ened the fifth sea%! 0 saw unde* the a%ta*! the sou%s of the# who we*e s%ain on a11ount of the 4o*d of E%ohi#& God! and on a11ount of the testi#on- to the 6a#b whi1h was with the#( ?:1G And the- 1*ied with a %oud 3oi1e! sa-ing: How %ong! 7 6o*d! Thou Ho%- and T*ue! do -ou not Oudge and a3enge ou* b%ood on the# that dwe%% on the ea*thI ?:11 And to ea1h one of the# was gi3en a white *obe: and it was to%d the#! that the- #ust be Muiet -et a %itt%e whi%e! unti% the 1o#.%etion of thei* fe%%ow-se*3ants and b*eth*en! who we*e to be ;i%%ed as the- had been( ?:1) And 0 %oo;ed! when he had o.ened the siLth sea%! and [R> beho%d+

-"A P' the*e was a g*eat ea*thMua;e&[$-*(&a%t> #o3e#ent+: and the sun be1a#e b%a1;! %i;e sa1;1%oth of hai*: and the [A P+-who%e"R' #oon be1a#e %i;e b%ood( ?:12 And the sta*s of hea3en fe%% on the ea*th! as a fig-t*ee 1asts its un*i.e figs! when it is sha;en b- a st*ong wind( ?:1< And the 5H>ea3ens se.a*ated! as a s1*o%% is *o%%ed u.: and a%% #ountains and is%ands we*e *e#o3ed out of thei* .%a1es( ?:1= And the ;ings of the ea*th! and the nob%es! and the 1a.tains of thousands! and the *i1h #en! and the #en of 3a%o*! and e3e*se*3ant and f*ee #an! hid the#se%3es in 1a3es! and in the 1%efts of the #ountains: ?:1? And the- said to the #ountains and to the 1%efts! Pa%% o3e* us! and hide us f*o# the fa1e of Hi# who sits on the Th*one! and f*o# the w*ath of the 6a#b: ?:1@ Po* the G*eat 8a- of Thei* w*ath is 1o#e: and who is ab%e to standI CHAPTER @ @:1 And afte* these things 0 saw fou* ange%s! who stood on the fou* 1o*ne*s of the ea*th: and the- he%d the fou* winds of the ea*th! so that the wind b%ew not on the ea*th! no* on the sea! no* on the t*ees( @:) And 0 saw anothe* ange%! and he 1a#e u. f*o# the *ising of the sun: and he had the sea% of the 6i3ing God: and he 1a%%ed out! with a %oud 3oi1e! to the fou* ange%s to who# it was gi3en to hu*t the ea*th and the sea sa-ing: @:2 Hu*t -ou not the ea*th! no* the sea! no* the t*ees! unti% we sha%% ha3e sea%ed the se*3ants of ou* God u.on thei* fo*eheads& [$-*(> between thei* e-es+( @:< And 0 hea*d the nu#be* of the# that we*e sea%ed! a hund*ed and fo*t- and fou* thousand! sea%ed f*o# e3e*- T*ibe of 0s*ae%ites( @:= 7f the T*ibe of Y>hudah! twe%3e thousand we*e sea%ed: of the T*ibe of Re>u3en! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+: of the T*ibe of Gad! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+: @:? 7f the T*ibe of Ashe*! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+: of the T*ibe of Nafta%i! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+: of the T*ibe of >nasheh! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+: @:@ 7f the T*ibe of of $hi#,on! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+: of the T*ibe of 6>3i! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+: of the T*ibe of Yissass>;ha*! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+: KE$> Note that $ n o#( the 1%ause 1on1e*ning 6e3i&56>3i>! but a %ate* hand has su..%ied it on #a*g( $ #is.%a1es it! afte* instead of befo*e 0ssa1ha*( This %oo;s as if the 1o##on sou*1e of $ and $ n did not 1ontain the 1%ause(F @:A 7f the T*ibe of H>3u%un! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+: of the T*ibe of Yosef! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+: of the T*ibe of /in-a#in! twe%3e thousand [R> sea%ed+( @:C And afte* these things! 0 %oo;ed! and beho%d! a g*eat #u%titude! whi1h no one 1ou%d nu#be*! f*o# a%% ;ind*eds! and nations! and t*ibes! and tongues: who stood befo*e the Th*one! and befo*e the

6a#b! 1%othed in white *obes! and .a%#sEb*an1hesF in thei* hands: @:1G And the- 1*ied! with a %oud 3oi1e! sa-ing: $a%3ation to ou* God! to Hi# who sits on the Th*one! and to the 6a#b( @:11 And a%% the ange%s stood a*ound the Th*one and the E%de*s and the fou* Ani#a%s: and the- fe%% u.on thei* fa1es befo*e His Th*one! and wo*shi..ed E%ohi#&God! @:1) $a-ing: A#aine&5A#en>( /%essing! and g%o*-! and wisdo#! and than;sgi3ing! and hono*! and .owe*! and #ight! [EbeF+ to ou* God! fo* e3e* and e3e*: A#aine&5A#en>( @:12 And one of the E%de*s tu*ned&[$-*(&a%t> answe*ed+! and said to #e: These who a*e 1%othed in white *obes! who a*e the-! and f*o#-whe*e 1a#e the-I @:1< And 0 said to hi#: - %o*d! -ou ;now( And he said to #e: These a*e the- who 1a#e f*o# g*eat aff%i1tion: and the- ha3e washed thei* *obes! and #ade the# white in the b%ood of the 6a#b( @:1= The*efo*e a*e the- befo*e the Th*one of E%ohi#&God: and these*3e Hi# da- and night! in His Te#.%e: and He who sits on the Th*one! wi%% .*ote1t the#: @:1? The- wi%% not hunge*! no* thi*st an- #o*e: no* wi%% the sun fa%% on the#! no* an- heat( @:1@ /e1ause the 6a#b! whi1h is in the #idst of the Th*one! wi%% feed the#: and wi%% %ead the# to Kthe fountains of %i3ing wate*: and E%ohi#&God wi%% wi.e e3e*- tea* f*o# thei* e-es( K[R>((( %i3ing fountains of wate*s: (((+ K[A >((( fountains of the wate*s of 6ife: (((+ CHAPTER A A:1 And when He had o.ened the se3enth sea%! the*e was si%en1e in Hea3en! fo* about ha%f an hou*( A:) And 0 saw the se3en ange%s! who stood befo*e E%ohi#&God: and to the# we*e gi3en! se3en shofa*s&5t*u#.ets>( A:2 And anothe* ange% 1a#e and stood b- the a%ta*: and he he%d a go%den 1ense*: and #u1h in1ense was gi3en hi#! so that he #ight offe*&[$-*(> gi3e+! with the .*a-e*s of a%% the san1tified-ones! u.on the go%den a%ta* befo*e the Th*one( A:< And the s#o;e of the in1ense of the .*a-e*s of the san1tifiedones went u. befo*e E%ohi#&God! f*o# the hand of the ange%( A:= And the ange% too; the 1ense*! and fi%%ed it with fi*e f*o# the a%ta*! and 1ast it u.on the ea*th: and the*e we*e thunde*s! and %ightnings! and 3oi1es! and an ea*thMua;e&[$-*(&a%t> #o3e#ents+( A:? And the se3en ange%s! who had the se3en shofa*s&5t*u#.ets>! .*e.a*ed the#se%3es to sound( A:@ And the fi*st sounded: and the*e was hai%! and fi*e! whi1h we*e #ing%ed with wate*: and these we*e th*own u.on the ea*th: and a thi*d .a*t of the ea*th was bu*ned u.! and a thi*d .a*t of the t*ees we*e bu*ned! and a%% g*een g*ass was bu*ned( A:A And the se1ond ange% sounded! and! as it we*e a g*eat

#ountain bu*ning with fi*e! was 1ast into the sea: and a%so a thi*d .a*t of the sea be1a#e b%ood( A:C And a thi*d .a*t of a%% the 1*eatu*es in the sea! that had %ife! died: and a thi*d .a*t of the shi.s we*e dest*o-ed( A:1G And the thi*d ange% sounded! and the*e fe%% f*o# hea3en a sta*! bu*ning %i;e a %a#.: and it fe%% u.on a thi*d .a*t of the *i3e*s! and u.on the fountains of wate*( A:11 And the na#e of the sta* was 1a%%ed 4o*#wood: and a thi*d .a*t of the wate*s be1a#e wo*#wood: and #an- .e*sons died f*o# the wate*s! be1ause the- we*e bitte*( A:1) And the fou*th ange% sounded! and a thi*d .a*t of the sun was s#itten&[$-*(&a%t> was abso*bed+! and a thi*d .a*t of the #oon! and the thi*d .a*t of the sta*s: so that the thi*d .a*t of the# we*e da*;! and the- be1a#e da*;: and the da- did not gi3e %ight fo* the thi*d .a*t of it! and the night in %i;e #anne*( A:12 And 0 saw and hea*d an [R> ange%+&eag%e-[A P+! whi1h f%ew in the #idst! and it had a tai%-of-b%oodK! whi%e it said! with a %oud 3oi1e: 4oe! woe! to the# who dwe%% on the ea*th! be1ause of the *e#aining sounds of the shofa*s&5t*u#.ets> of the th*ee ange%s! who a*e to sound( KE$-*(&note> The G*ee; wo*d is! Qin #id hea3enQ: 1o#.ounded of Q#idd%eQ and Qhea3enQ( /ut the $-*ia1 t*ans%ato* su..osed it to be a 1o#.ound of Qtai%Q and Qb%oodQ: and he *ende*ed it a11o*ding%-(F KE$> 1o**e1t%- *ende*ed in $F CHAPTER C C:1 And the fifth ange% sounded: and 0 saw a sta*! whi1h fe%% f*o# hea3en u.on the ea*th( And the*e was gi3en to hi# the ;e- of the .it of the ab-ss( C:) And he o.ened the .it of the ab-ss: and s#o;e issued f*o# the .it! %i;e the s#o;e of a fu*na1e that is in b%ast: and the sun and the ai* we*e da*;ened b- the s#o;e of the .it( C:2 And out of the s#o;e! 1a#e %o1usts u.on the ea*th: and .owe* was gi3en the#! %i;e that whi1h s1o*.ions ha3e on the ea*th( C:< And it was 1o##anded the#! that the- shou%d not hu*t the g*ass of the ea*th! no* an- he*b! no* an- t*ee: but [Eon%-F+ the .e*sons! who had not the sea% of E%ohi#&God u.on thei* fo*eheads( C:= And it was gi3en the#! that the- shou%d not ;i%% the#! but shou%d to*#ent the# fi3e #onths: and thei* to*#ent was %i;e the to*#ent of a s1o*.ion! when it st*i;es a .e*son( C:? And in those da-s! #en wi%% desi*e death! and wi%% not find it: and the- wi%% %ong to die! and death wi%% f%-&f%ee f*o# the#( C:@ And the a..ea*an1e of the %o1usts [Ewas thisF+: the- we*e %i;e the a..ea*an1e of ho*ses .*e.a*ed fo* batt%e: and on thei* heads! was! as it we*e a 1o*onet&s#a%%-1*own! *ese#b%ing go%d: and thei*

fa1es we*e %i;e the fa1es of #en( C:A And the- had hai*! %i;e the hai* of wo#en: and thei* teeth we*e %i;e those of %ions( C:C And the- had b*east.%ates! %i;e the b*east.%ates of i*on: and the sound of thei* wings! was %i;e the sound of the 1ha*iots of #anho*ses *ushing into batt%e( C:1G And the- had tai%s %i;e those of s1o*.ions! and stings: and with thei* tai%s the- had the .owe* of hu*ting #en fi3e #onths( C:11 And the- had a ;ing o3e* the#! the ange% of the ab-ss: and his na#e! in Heb*ew! is KAbaddon: and in G*ee;! his na#e is KA.o%%-on( K1E$> "(((' $ende*-fo*th o* 6oose*&Re%ease* (((F K1E8a*b-&note> 8est*u1tion: see Uob )?(?: )A())F K)E$> 8est*o-e*F K)E8a*b-&note> i(e( 8est*o-e*F C:1) 7ne woe is .ast: beho%d! the*e 1o#e -et two woes afte* the#( C:12 And the siLth ange% sounded: and 0 hea*d a 3oi1e f*o# the [AR> fou*+ ho*ns of the go%den a%ta* whi1h was befo*e E%ohi#&God( C:1< That said to the siLth ange% ha3ing a shofa*&5t*>: 6oose the fou* ange%s that a*e bound at the g*eat *i3e* Eu.h*ates( C:1= And the fou* ange%s we*e %oosed: who a*e .*e.a*ed! fo* an hou*! and a da-! and a #onth! and a -ea*! to s%a- the thi*d .a*t of #en( C:1? And the nu#be* of the wa**io* ho*se#en was Ktwo #-*iads&5ten thousands> of #-*iads&5ten thousands>: and 0 hea*d thei* nu#be*( K[%it(>((( two hund*ed #i%%ion: (((+ C:1@ And whi%e 0 %oo;ed on the ho*ses in the 3ision! and on the# who sat on the#! [E0 sawF+ that the Kb*east.%ates we*e of fi*e! and of Oa1inth! and of*( And the heads of the ho*ses we*e %i;e the heads of %ions: and f*o# thei* #ouths issued fi*e! and s#o;e and*&[R> b*i#stone+( K[G*(>((( b*east.%ates of fie*- *ed! h-a1inth b%ue! and su%fu* -e%%ow: (((+ C:1A And b- these th*ee .%agues! a thi*d .a*t of the #en we*e s%ain: [Ena#e%-:F+ b- the fi*e! and b- the s#o;e! and b- the*! whi1h issued f*o# thei* #ouths( C:1C Po* [A P+-the&[R> thei*+ .owe* [A P+-"R> of the ho*ses' was&[R> is+ in thei* #outh! and in thei* tai%s: fo* thei* tai%s we*e %i;e se*.ents! ha3ing heads to st*i;e with( C:)G And the *esidue of #en who we*e not s%ain b- these .%agues! *e.ented not of the wo*;s of thei* hands! so as not to wo*shi. de#ons! and ido%s of go%d! and of si%3e*! and b*ass! and stone! and wood! whi1h 1annot see! no* hea*( C:)1 And the- *e.ented not of thei* #u*de*s! no* of thei* >[PR+so*1e*ies&[A > d*ugs+>! no* of thei* who*edo#! no* of thei* thefts( CHAPTER 1G 1G:1 And 0 saw anothe* #ight- ange%! that des1ended f*o#

Hea3en! 1%othed with a 1%oud: and a K1%oud-bow was o3e* his head! and his fa1e was %i;e the sun! and his feet %i;e .i%%a*s of fi*e( K[R>((( *ainbow EwasF u.on his head! (((+ 1G:) And he had in his hand an o.en %itt%e $1*o%%: and he .%a1ed his *ight foot u.on the sea! and his %eft u.on the %and: 1G:2 And he 1*ied with a %oud 3oi1e! as a %ion *oa*s: and when he had 1*ied! the se3en thunde*s utte*ed thei* 3oi1es( 1G:< And when the se3en thunde*s had s.o;en! 0 was about to w*ite( And 0 hea*d a 3oi1e f*o# Hea3en! sa-ing "A P'-[R> to #e+: $ea% u. the things whi1h the se3en thunde*s ha3e utte*ed! and w*ite the# not( KE$> "(((' /ut a Qse3enth 3oi1e!Q afte* Qthe se3en thunde*s utte*ed thei* 3oi1es!Q is un#eaning( As the $-*( stands! we #ust *athe* unde*stand Qf*o# the se3enth hea3en(Q "((('F 1G:= And the ange% who# 0 saw standing u.on the sea and the %and! *aised his *ight-"R' hand to Hea3en! 1G:? And swo*e! b- Hi# who %i3es fo* e3e* and e3e*! who 1*eated 5H>ea3en and the things in it! and the ea*th and the things in it! and the sea and the things in it! - that the ti#e shou%d be no %onge*: KE$> Note that the wo*d he*e is fe#(! whi1h is eL1e.tiona%: so again LLi( 1 EbisF! though not e%se in $( 0n these th*ee .%a1es! the >#ate*ia%> hea3ens a*e denoted( "((('F 1G:@ /ut! in the da-s of the 3oi1e of the se3enth ange%! when he sha%% &[$-*(&a%t> is about to+ sound! and the #-ste*- of E%ohi#&God sha%% be 1o#.%eted: as He announ1ed to His se*3ants [#> and+ the P*o.hets&Ne3i>i#( 1G:A And the 3oi1e whi1h 0 hea*d f*o# Hea3en! s.o;e to #e again! and said: Go! ta;e the %itt%e o.en $1*o%% in the hand of the ange% that stands on the sea and on the %and( 1G:C And 0 went to the ange%! te%%ing hi# to gi3e #e the %itt%e $1*o%%( And he said to #e! Ta;e! and eat it: and it wi%% #a;e -ou* bowe%s bitte*! but in -ou* #outh it wi%% be sweet as hone-( 1G:1G And 0 too; the %itt%e $1*o%% f*o# the hand of the ange%! and ate it: and it was in #- #outh sweet %i;e hone-: and when 0 had eaten it! #- bowe%s we*e bitte*( 1G:11 And [PR+-he&[A > the-+ said to #e! You #ust again .*o.hes- u.on #an- nations! and .eo.%es! and .*in1es! and ;ings( CHAPTER 11 11:1 And a *eed was gi3en to #e! %i;e a *od: [PR+-"A > and the ange% stood'! sa-ing! A*ise! and #easu*e the Te#.%e of E%ohi#&God! and the a%ta*&[$-*(&i(e(> the inne* 1ou*t+! and the# that wo*shi. in-0t( 11:) /ut the 1ou*t whi1h is without the Te#.%e! %ea3e out! and #easu*e it not: be1ause it is gi3en to the go-i#&genti%es: and the- wi%% t*ead down the ho%- Cit- fo*t- and two #onths(

11:2 And 0 wi%% gi3e #- two witnesses: and the- wi%% .*o.hes- a thousand and two hund*ed and siLt- da-s! 1%othed in sa1;1%oth( 11:< These a*e the two o%i3e-t*ees! and the two #eno*ahs& 51and%esti1;s> whi1h stand befo*e the [A P+-6o*d&[R> God+ of the ea*th( 11:= And if an- .e*son wi%% ha*# the#! fi*e 1o#es out of thei* #outh! and 1onsu#es thei* ad3e*sa*-: and if an- one wi%% ha*# the#! thus #ust he be s%ain( 11:? The- ha3e .owe* to shut u. hea3en! so that *ain sha%% not fa%% in those da-s: and the- ha3e .owe* o3e* the wate*s! to tu*n the# into b%ood: and to s#ite the ea*th with a%% .%agues! as often as the- .%ease( 11:@ And when the- sha%% ha3e 1o#.%eted thei* testi#on-! the beast of .*e- that 1a#e u. f*o# the ab-ss! wi%% #a;e wa* u.on the#! and wi%% o3e*1o#e the#( KE$> "(((' eL1e.t L3ii( A! whe*e! as he*e! the as1ent of Qthe beastQ E1.( Liii( 1: a%so 8an( 3ii( 2F is s.o;en of(F 11:A And thei* dead bodies&[#> bod-+ [Ewi%% beF+ in the o.en st*eet of that g*eat 1it-! whi1h is s.i*itua%%- 1a%%ed $>do# and Eg-.t! whe*e a%so [A P+-thei*&[R> ou*+ 6o*d was eLe1uted-on-a-sta;e& 51*u1ified>( 11:C And [Ethe-&5so#e>F+ of the nations and t*ibes and .eo.%es and tongues! wi%% %oo; u.on thei* dead bodies! th*ee da-s and a ha%f: and wi%% not a%%ow thei* dead bodies to be %aid in the g*a3e( 11:1G And the- who dwe%% on the ea*th wi%% *eOoi1e o3e* the#! and wi%% be #e**-! and wi%% send .*esents to one anothe*: be1ause those two P*o.hets to*#ented the# who dwe%% on the ea*th( 11:11 And afte* these th*ee da-s and a ha%f! the s.i*it of %ife f*o# E%ohi#&God ente*ed into the#! and the- stood u.on thei* feet: and g*eat fea* fe%% on those who saw the#( 11:1) And the-&[ &$-*(&so#e-1o.ies> 0+ hea*d a g*eat 3oi1e f*o# Hea3en! whi1h said to the#: Co#e u. he*e( And the- as1ended to Hea3en in a 1%oud: and thei* ene#ies saw the#( 11:12 And in the sa#e hou* the*e was a g*eat ea*thMua;e& [$-*(&a%t> #o3e#ent+! and a tenth .a*t of the 1it- fe%%: and the .e*sons ;i%%ed in the ea*thMua;e! we*e se3en thousand na#es: and thewho *e#ained we*e af*aid! and ga3e g%o*- to E%ohi#&God( 11:1< The se1ond woe is .assed: beho%d! the thi*d woe 1o#es Mui1;%-( 11:1= And the se3enth ange% sounded: and the*e we*e 3oi1es and thunde*s! whi1h said: The [A P+-;ingdo#[s 5R+ of the wo*%d [A P+-has&[R> ha3e+ be1o#e [Ethe Bingdo#F+ of ou* 6o*d&Adonai and of His essiah: and He wi%% *eign fo* e3e* and e3e*( 11:1? And the twent- and fou* E%de*s! who a*e befo*e the Th*one of E%ohi#&God! [EandF+ who sit u.on thei* seats! fe%% u.on thei*

fa1es! and wo*shi..ed E%ohi#&God! 11:1@ $a-ing: 4e .*aise You! 7 67R8&5EYH9HF> E%ohi#&God! 7#ni.otent& A%%-Powe*fu%! who a*e! and was [R>! and who is to 1o#e+"A P': be1ause You ha3e assu#ed You* g*eat .owe*! and ha3e *eigned( 11:1A And the go-i#&genti%es&nations we*e ang*-: and You* ange* is 1o#e! and the ti#e of the dead! that the- shou%d be Uudged: and that You shou%d gi3e a *ewa*d to You* se*3ants! the P*o.hets& Ne3i>i#! and the san1tified-ones! and to the# that 5*e3e*ent%->fea* You* Na#e! the s#a%% and the g*eat: and that You shou%d dest*o- the# who dest*o-"ed 5R' the ea*th( 11:1C And the Te#.%e of E%ohi#&God in Hea3en was o.ened: and the A*; of [APR+-His&[ > the+ Co3enant [ > of the 6o*d+-"PR' was seen in His Te#.%e: and the*e we*e %ightnings! and thunde*s! and 3oi1es! and an ea*thMua;e&[$-*(&a%t> #o3e#ent+! and g*eat hai%( CHAPTER 1) 1):1 And a g*eat wonde* was seen in 5H>ea3en: a wo#an 1%othed with the sun! and the #oon unde* he* feet! and on he* head a 1o*onet&s#a%% -1*own of twe%3e sta*s( 1):) And being with 1hi%d! she 1*ied! and t*a3ai%ed! and had the sha*. -.ain&.angs of b*inging fo*th( 1):2 And the*e a..ea*ed anothe* wonde* in hea3en: and beho%d! a g*eat fie*- d*agon! whi1h had se3en heads and ten ho*ns! and u.on his head se3en diade#s( 1):< And his tai% d*ew a%ong the thi*d .a*t of the sta*s of 5H>ea3en! and 1ast the# on the ea*th( And the d*agon was standing befo*e the wo#an! who was about to b*ing fo*th! so that! when she shou%d b*ing fo*th! he #ight de3ou* he* Chi%d( 1):= And she b*ought fo*th a #a%e-Chi%d! who was to *u%e a%% genti%es& go-i#&nations with a *od of i*on( And he* Chi%d was 1aught u. to E%ohi#&God and to His Th*one( 1):? And the wo#an f%ed into the wi%de*ness! whe*e she had a .%a1e whi1h was .*e.a*ed fo* he* b- E%ohi#&God: so that the- #ight nou*ish he* the*e a thousand and two hund*ed and siLt- da-s( 1):@ And the*e was wa* in 5H>ea3en: i;ha>e% and his ange%s fought against the d*agon: and the d*agon and his ange%s fought! 1):A And .*e3ai%ed not: no* was thei*&[ > 5his>+ .%a1e found an#o*e in 5H>ea3en( 1):C And the g*eat d*agon was 1ast out! the o%d se*.ent! who is 1a%%ed the 8e1ei3e*! and ha$atan! who sedu1es a%% the inhabited

wo*%d: he was 1ast u.on the ea*th! and his ange%s we*e 1ast out with hi#( 1):1G And 0 hea*d a g*eat 3oi1e in Hea3en! whi1h said: Now is the*e de%i3e*an1e! and the .owe* and the Bingdo# of ou* God! and the do#inion of His essiah: be1ause the A11use* of ou* b*eth*en is 1ast out! who a11used the# da- and night befo*e ou* God( 1):11 And the- o3e*1a#e hi#! be1ause of the b%ood of the 6a#b! and be1ause of the 4o*d of thei* testi#on-: and the- %o3ed not thei* %ife! e3en to death( 1):1) The*efo*e! be Oo-fu%! 7 Hea3en! and -ou that dwe%% the*e( 4oe to the [BU9> inhabite*s of the+ ea*th! and to&[BU9> of+ the sea: fo* the 8e1ei3e* has 1o#e down to -ou! being in g*eat w*ath sin1e he ;nows that his ti#e is sho*t( 1):12 And when the d*agon saw that he was 1ast out u.on the ea*th! he .e*se1uted the wo#an who b*ought fo*th the #a%e-Chi%d( 1):1< And to the wo#an we*e gi3en the two wings of the g*eat eag%e! that she #ight f%- into the wi%de*ness! to he* .%a1e: whe*e she is nou*ished a ti#e and ti#es and ha%f a ti#e! f*o# the fa1e of the se*.ent( 1):1= And the se*.ent eOe1ted f*o# his #outh wate*s %i;e a *i3e*! afte* the wo#an! that he #ight 1ause he* to be 1a**ied awa- b- the f%ood( 1):1? And the ea*th he%.ed the wo#an: and the ea*th o.ened its #outh! and d*an; u. the f%ood whi1h the se*.ent eOe1ted f*o# his #outh( 1):1@ And the d*agon was en*aged against the wo#an: and he went to #a;e wa* u.on the *esidue&.o*tion-*e#aining of he* seed! who ;ee. the Co##and#ents& itD3ot of E%ohi#&God! and ha3e the testi#on- of Yeshua [R> essiah+-"A P'( 1):1A KE$ee Re3( 12:1 note be%owF CHAPTER 12 12:1 KAnd [AP+-he&[R> 0+ stood on the sand of the sea( And 0 saw a beast of .*e-&[$-*(> tooth+ 1o#e u. f*o# the sea! ha3ing ten ho*ns! and se3en heads: and u.on his ho*ns ten diade#s&[R> 1*owns+! and u.on his heads na#es of b%as.he#-( KEP&UNT> u*do1; and the UNT ha3e QAnd he stood on the sand of the seaQ as: Re3( 1):1A: howe3e*! the N(A($(! whi1h a%so fo%%ows QAQ! has it as the beginning of Re3(12:1! as does the BU9 whi1h fo%%ows QRQ(F 12:) And the beast of .*e- whi1h 0 had saw! was %i;e a %eo.a*d: and his feet %i;e [EthoseF+ of a wo%f! and his #outh %i;e the #outh of %ions: and the d*agon ga3e to hi# his own .owe* and his th*one! and g*eat autho*it-( 12:2 And one of his heads was wounded as it we*e to death: and his

dead%- wound was hea%ed( And a%% the ea*th wonde*ed afte* the beast of .*e-( 12:< And the- wo*shi..ed the d*agon! be1ause he had gi3en autho*it- to this beast of .*e-: and [Ethe- saidF+! who 1an #a;e wa* u.on hi#I 12:= And the*e was gi3en to hi# a #outh s.ea;ing g*eat things! and b%as.he#ies: and autho*it- was gi3en hi# to [R> 1ontinue+No.e*ate &[ > #a;e wa*+ fo*t- and two #onths( 12:? And he o.ened his #outh in b%as.he#- towa*ds E%ohi#&God! Kto b%as.he#e His Na#e! and His Tabe*na1%e! and the# who&5that> dwe%% in Hea3en( K[ERF#>(((! b%as.he#ing His Na#e and His dwe%%ing .%a1e! that is! those who dwe%% in Hea3en(+-EBU9 is as PF K[#>(((! b%as.he#ing His Na#e and those who dwe%% in Hea3en(+ K[#>(((! b%as.he#ing His Na#e and His dwe%%ing .%a1e in Hea3en(+ 12:@ And autho*it- was gi3en hi# o3e* e3e*- t*ibe [A P+-"R> and .eo.%e' and tongue and nation: "#> and it was gi3en hi# to wa* with the san1tified-ones! and to o3e*1o#e the#(' 12:A And a%% that dwe%% on the ea*th! whose na#es a*e&[R> ha3e+ not [R> been+ Kw*itten in the 5$1*o%%>&/oo; 7f 6ife of the 6a#b s%ain f*o# the foundation of the wo*%d! wi%% wo*shi. hi#( K[NA$&Ea%t(F>((( w*itten f*o# the foundation of the wo*%d in the 5$1*o%%>&/oo; 7f 6ife of the 6a#b who has been s%ain(+ KE#> $o#e .%a1e the .h*ase Qf*o# the foundation of the wo*%dQ afte* Qnot been w*ittenQ(F 12:C 0f an- one has ea*s! %et hi# hea*( 12:1G 0f [Ean- oneF+ 1a**ies&[R> %eads+&[NA$> is EdestinedF+ into& [NA$> fo*+ 1a.ti3it-! he sha%% hi#se%f go into 1a.ti3it-: and if anone s%a-s with the swo*d! he #ust be s%ain with the swo*d: he*e is the .atien1e and the faith of the san1tified-ones( 12:11 And 0 saw anothe* beast of .*e-! whi1h 1a#e out of the ea*th: and he had two ho*ns %i;e those of a %a#b! and he s.o;e %i;e the d*agon( 12:1) And befo*e hi# he eLe*1ised a%% the autho*it- of the fi*st beast of .*e-! whose dead%- wound was hea%ed( 12:12 And he w*ought g*eat signs! e3en so as to #a;e fi*e 1o#e down f*o# hea3en u.on the ea*th! befo*e #en( 12:1< And he sedu1ed Kthe# that dwe%% on the ea*th! to e*e1t an i#age to the beast of .*e- who had the wound f*o# a swo*d and *e1o3e*d( K[ >((( #- own .eo.%e+ 12:1= KAnd it was gi3en hi# to .ut %ife&[$-*(> a s.i*it+ into the i#age of the beast of .*e-: and to 1ause that a%% the- who wou%d not wo*shi. the i#age of the beast of .*e-! shou%d be s%ain: K[BU9> And he had .owe* to gi3e %ife unto the i#age of the

beast! that the i#age of the beast shou%d both s.ea;! and 1ause (((+ K[N(A($(> And the*e was gi3en to hi# to gi3e b*eath to the i#age of the beast! that the i#age of the beast #ight e3en >s.ea; and 1ause>&[#> s.ea;! and he wi%% 1ause+ (((+ 12:1? And to 1ause that a%%! g*eat and s#a%%! *i1h and .oo*! bond and f*ee! shou%d *e1ei3e a #a*; on thei* *ight hands! o* u.on thei* fo*eheads: 12:1@ $o that no one #ight be ab%e to bu- o* se%%! eL1e.t those who had the #a*; of the na#e of the beast of .*e-! o* the nu#be* of his na#e( KE$> This fo*# of the idio# *e1u*s in $! Li3(1!1@! L3(1!)!?! L3ii(1! LL(1! LLi(C!1=: and see#s to be used whe*e >eLw> #eans ge*o! - Qto ho%dQ o* Eas he*eF Qto wea*Q( "((('F 12:1A He*e is wisdo#: %et hi# that has inte%%igen1e! 1o#.ute the nu#be* of the beast of .*e-: fo* it is the nu#be* of a #an: and its nu#be* is KsiL hund*ed and siLt- and siL( KE#> Ce*tain 1o**u.ted #ss( *ead! ?1?( $ee N9 1o##enta*on this 3e*se(F CHAPTER 1< 1<:1 And 0 %oo;ed! and beho%d! [PR+-a&[A > the+ 6a#b stood on #ount TDi-on: and with Hi# the nu#be* of a hund*ed and fo*t- and fou* thousand! ha3ing "R> His Na#e and'-[A P+ the Na#e of His Pathe* w*itten u.on thei* fo*eheads( 1<:) And 0 hea*d a sound f*o# Hea3en! as the sound of #anwate*s! and as the sound of g*eat thunde*: and the sound whi1h 0 hea*d! was %i;e that of ha*.e*s st*i;ing on thei* ha*.s( 1<:2 And the- sang [R#> as it we*e+ a new song befo*e the Th*one! and befo*e the fou* Ani#a%s and the E%de*s: and no one was ab%e to %ea*n that song! eL1e.t the hund*ed and fo*t- and fou* thousand who we*e *edee#ed f*o# the ea*th( KE$> "(((' the *esu%t being! - QNo #an 1ou%d %ea*n the song( And these a*e the fou* and twent- thousand *edee#ed f*o# the ea*th! the- who ha3e not been defi%ed! R1(Q Possib%- the G*ee; o*igina% of $ #a- ha3e eLhibited the .assage thus(F 1<:< These a*e the- who ha3e not defi%ed the#se%3es with wo#en! fo* the- a*e 3i*gins( These a*e the- who fo%%owed the 6a#b! whe*e3e* &whate3e*-.%a1e He went( These ha3e been *edee#ed [ P+"R> bYeshua' f*o# a#ong #en! the Pi*st P*uits to E%ohi#&God and the 6a#b( 1<:= And in thei* #outh was found! no [A P+-fa%sehood&[R> gui%e+: fo* the- a*e without fau%t"s 5BU9' [BU9> befo*e the Th*one of God+( 1<:? And 0 saw anothe* ange% f%-ing Kin 5H>ea3en: and with b%ood! he

had the e3e*%asting Good-News! to .*o1%ai# to dwe%%e*s on the ea*th! and to e3e*- nation and t*ibe and tongue and .eo.%e: K[R>(((in the #idst of 5H>ea3en! ha3ing the e3e*%asting (((+ KE$ee note @ Re3( A:12(F 1<:@ $a-ing with a %oud 3oi1e! 4o*shi. E%ohi#&God! and gi3e g%o*to Hi#: be1ause the hou* of His Uudge#ent is 1o#e: and ado*e -ou Hi#! who #ade 5H>ea3en and ea*th! and the sea! and the fountains of wate*( 1<:A And anothe*! a se1ond ange% fo%%owed hi#! sa-ing: KPa%%en! fa%%en is /ab-%on the g*eat! whi1h #ade a%% nations&genti%es&go-i# d*in; of the wine of the *age of he* who*edo#( K[EA FR>(((: /ab-%on [A P> the g*eat+ is fa%%en! "A > is fa%%en! that g*eat 1it-! be1ause' she has #ade (((+ 1<:C And anothe*! a thi*d ange% fo%%owed the#! sa-ing with a %oud 3oi1e: 0f an- #an sha%% wo*shi. the beast of .*e- and its i#age! and sha%% *e1ei3e its #a*; u.on his fo*ehead o* on his hand! 1<:1G He a%so sha%% d*in; of the wine of the w*ath of E%ohi#&God! whi1h is .ou*ed undi%uted into the 1u. of His indignation! and sha%% be to*#ented with fi*e and*! befo*e the ho%- ange%s! and befo*e the Th*one( 1<:11 And the s#o;e of thei* to*#ent as1ends u. fo* e3e* and e3e*: and the*e is no *est! b- da- o* b- night! to those that wo*shi. the beast of .*e- and its i#age( 1<:1) He*e is the .atien1e of the san1tified-ones! [R> he*e Ea*eF those+-"A P' who ;ee. the Co##and#ents& itD3ot of E%ohi#&God! and the Paith of Yeshua( 1<:12 And 0 hea*d a 3oi1e f*o# Hea3en! sa-ing "A P'-[R> to #e+: 4*ite! /%essed a*e the dead that die in the 6o*d! f*o#-this-.oint-on: -es! sa-s the Rua1h&$.i*it! that the- #a- *est f*o# thei* toi%s: fo* thei* deeds do the#( 1<:1< And 0 %oo;ed! and beho%d! a white 1%oud: and u.on the 1%oud sat 7ne who was %i;e Kthe $on of #an: and on His head was a 1*own of go%d! and in His hand a sha*. si1;%e( K[G*(&a%t>((( a son of #an: (((+ 1<:1= And anothe* ange% 1a#e out of the Te#.%e! 1*-ing with a %oud 3oi1e! to Hi# that sat on the 1%oud [A R> Th*ust in You* si1;%e and *ea.! fo* the ti#e has 1o#e "A > fo* You' to *ea.! fo* the ha*3est of the ea*th is *i.e+-"P'( 1<:1? And He [A R> who sat on the 1%oud+-"P' th*ust&[A> swung+ His si1;%e o3e* the ea*th: and the ea*th was *ea.ed( 1<:1@ And anothe* ange% 1a#e out of the Te#.%e that is in Hea3en! ha3ing a%so a sha*. si1;%e&[$-*(&a%t> 3intage ;nife+( 1<:1A And anothe* ange% 1a#e out f*o# the a%ta*! ha3ing autho*ito3e* fi*e( And he 1*ied out with a %oud 3oi1e! to hi# who had the sha*. si1;%e! sa-ing: Th*ust in -ou* si1;%e whi1h is sha*.! and gathe* the 1%uste*s of the 3ine-a*d of the ea*th! be1ause the g* of the ea*th a*e *i.e( 1<:1C And the ange% th*ust in his si1;%e on the ea*th! and gathe*ed

the 3intage of the ea*th! and 1ast [EitF+ into the wine-.*ess of the w*ath of the G*eat E%ohi#&God( 1<:)G And the wine-.*ess was t*odden! u. to the ho*ses> b*id%es! fo* a thousand and siL hund*ed fu*%ongs( CHAPTER 1= 1=:1 And 0 saw anothe* sign&5.*odig-> in Hea3en! g*eat and wonde*fu%& [R> #a*3e%ous+: se3en ange%s! ha3ing se3en .%agues! and %ast in o*de*! be1ause with the# the w*ath of E%ohi#&God is 1o#.%eted( 1=:) And 0 saw as it we*e! a sea of g%ass #iLed with fi*e: and the-! who had been 3i1to*ious o3e* the beast of .*e-! and o3e* its i#age! [R> and o3e* his #a*;!+-"A P' and o3e* the nu#be* of its na#e! we*e standing on the sea of g%ass: and the- had the ha*.s of E%ohi#&God( KE$> "(((' Pe*ha.s $ #eans to des1*ibe the singe*s as standing >o3e*>! not >on>! the sea(F 1=:2 And the- sing the song of oshe the se*3ant of E%ohi#&God! and the song of the 6a#b! sa-ing: G*eat and #a*3e%%ous a*e Thdeeds! 67R8&5EYH9HF> E%ohi#&God A%#ight-: Uust and T*ue a*e Thwa-s! 7 Bing of the-"R' [EAF#> nations+Nages&[$-*(&a%t> wo*%ds+N[R> san1tified-ones+( 1=:< 4ho sha%% not fea* Thee! 7 67R8&5EYH9HF>! and g%o*if- ThNa#eI /e1ause Thou on%- a*e Ho%- and Uust: /e1ause a%% the nations sha%% 1o#e and wo*shi. befo*e Thee! sin1e Th- *ighteousnesses ha3e been *e3ea%ed( 1=:= And afte* this 0 behe%d! and [R> beho%d!+-"A P' the Te#.%e& [$-*(& i(e(> the Ho%- of Ho%ies&5Bodesh HaBadashi#>+ of >the Tabe*na1%e of the Testi#on-&5The Tent 7f 4itness>> in Hea3en! was o.ened( 1=:? And the se3en ange%s who had the se3en .%agues! went fo*th f*o# the Te#.%e! 1%othed in >1%ean s.%endid>-&[R> .u*e and white+ %inen&[#> stone+! and gi*ded about thei* 1hest with bands of go%d( 1=:@ And one of the fou* Ani#a%s ga3e to those se3en ange%s se3en 1u.s of go%d! fu%% of the w*ath o* E%ohi#&God who %i3es fo* e3e* and e3e*( 1=:A And the Te#.%e was fi%%ed with s#o;e! f*o# the g%o*- of E%ohi#& God and f*o# His .owe*: and no one was ab%e to ente* the Te#.%e! unti% the se3en .%agues of the se3en ange%s we*e a11o#.%ished( CHAPTER 1? 1?:1 And 0 hea*d a 3oi1e! whi1h said to the se3en ange%s: Go fo*th! and .ou* those [A P+-se3en-"R' 1u.s of the w*ath of E%ohi#&God u.on the ea*th( 1?:) And the fi*st went! and .ou*ed his 1u. u.on the ea*th: and

the*e was a #a%ignant and .ainfu% o.en-so*e&u%1e* u.on those #en who had the #a*; of the beast of .*e-! and who wo*shi..ed its i#age( 1?:2 And the se1ond ange% .ou*ed his 1u. u.on the sea: and it be1a#e b%ood! %i;e that of a dead .e*son: and e3e*- K[P+->%i3ing sou% of &[#> thing! the+ >things in the sea>-[P#+! died( K[R>((( %i3ing sou% died in the sea(+ K[NA$>((( %i3ing thing in the sea died(+ 1?:< And the thi*d ange% .ou*ed his 1u. u.on the *i3e*s and the fountains of wate*: and the-&[#> it+ be1a#e b%ood( 1?:= And 0 hea*d the ange% of the wate*s sa-: Righteous a*e You [R> 7 6o*d+-"A P'! who a*e and who was! and a*e Ho%-: be1ause You ha3e done this Uudge#ent( 1?:? Po* the- ha3e shed the b%ood of san1tified-ones and P*o.hets& Ne3i>i#: and You ha3e gi3en the# b%ood to d*in;! fo* thedese*3e it( 1?:@ And 0 hea*d "A '-[P>Eone f*o#F+&[R> anothe* f*o#+ the a%ta* sa-: Yes! 67R8&5EYH9HF> E%ohi#&God A%#ight-: T*ue and Righteous is& [A R> a*e+ You* Uudge#ent[s 5A R+( 1?:A And the fou*th .ou*ed his 1u. u.on the sun: and it was .e*#itted hi#&[$-*(&a%t> it+! to s1o*1h #en with fi*e( 1?:C And #en we*e s1o*1hed with g*eat heat: and #en b%as.he#ed the Na#e of E%ohi#&God! who has autho*it- o3e* these .%agues: and the- *e.ented not! to gi3e g%o*- to Hi#( 1?:1G And the fifth .ou*ed his 1u. on the th*one of the beast of .*e-: and his ;ingdo# be1a#e da*;ness: and the- gnawed thei* tongues! f*o# .ain: 1?:11 And the- b%as.he#ed the God of Hea3en! on a11ount of thei* .ains and thei* o.en-so*es&u%1e*s! and did not *e.ent of thei* deeds( 1?:1) And the siLth .ou*ed his 1u. u.on the g*eat *i3e* Eu.h*ates: and its wate*s d*ied u.! so that a wa- #ight be .*e.a*ed fo* the ;ings f*o# the *ising of the sun( 1?:12 And 0 saw [EissuingF+ f*o# the #outh of the d*agon! and f*o# the #outh of the beast of .*e-! and f*o# the #outh of the fa%se .*o.het! th*ee un1%ean s.i*its %i;e f*ogs: 1?:1< TPo* the- a*e the s.i*its of de#ons! who wo*; signs&.*odigies:T and the- go fo*th to a%% the K;ings of a%% the habitab%e wo*%d! to gathe* the# to the batt%e of the G*eat 8a- of E%ohi#&God A%#ight-( K[A R>((( ;ings "A > of the ea*th and' of the who%e wo*%d! to (((+ 1?:1= TAnd beho%d! 0 1o#e as a thief( /%essed is he that wat1hes! and ;ee.s his ga*#ents: %est he wa%; na;ed! and the- see his

sha#e(T 1?:1? And the- 1o%%e1ted the# togethe* in a .%a1e 1a%%ed! in Heb*ew! [PR#+-A*#egeddon&Ha*- egiddo-[A+( 1?:1@ And the se3enth .ou*ed his 1u. on the ai*: and the*e issued a %oud&[BU9> g*eat+ 9oi1e f*o# the Te#.%e [BU9> of Hea3en+! f*o# the Th*one! whi1h said: 0t is doneJ 1?:1A And the*e we*e %ightnings! and thunde*s! and 3oi1es: and the*e was a g*eat ea*thMua;e! the %i;e of whi1h the*e was ne3e*! sin1e #en we*e on the ea*th! su1h an ea*thMua;e! and so g*eat( 1?:1C And the g*eat 1it- be1a#e th*ee .a*ts( And the 1it- of the nations: and /ab-%on the g*eat was *e#e#be*ed befo*e E%ohi#&God! to gi3e he* the 1u. of the wine of the heat of His w*ath( 1?:)G And e3e*- is%and f%ed awa-: and the #ountains we*e not found( 1?:)1 And a g*eat hai%! as it we*e of a ta%ent weight! fe%% f*o# 5H>ea3en u.on #en: and the #en b%as.he#ed E%ohi#&God! on a11ount of the .%ague of hai%: fo* the .%ague of it was 3e*- g*eat( CHAPTER 1@ 1@:1 Then 1a#e one of the se3en ange%s who ha3e the se3en 1u.s! and ta%;ed with #e! sa-ing [R> to #e+-"A P': Co#e! 0 wi%% show -ou the Oudge#ent of the g*eat ha*%ot! who sits u.on #an- wate*s: 1@:) 4ith who# the ;ings of the ea*th ha3e .*a1tised&[R> 1o##itted+ who*edo#! and the inhabitants of the ea*th ha3e been intoLi1ated& ineb*iated with the wine of he* who*edo#( 1@:2 And he %ed #e in [AR> the+ 5$>.i*it into the wi%de*ness: and 0 saw a wo#an sitting on a *ed beast of .*e-! whi1h was fu%% of na#es of b%as.he#-! and had se3en heads and ten ho*ns( KE$> "(((' /ut .*oba%%- "'(! as he*e a..%ied to the beast! signifies that it was 1o3e*ed with s1a*%et >t*a..ings>(F 1@:< And the wo#an was 1%othed in .u*.%e and s1a*%et! and gi%ded with go%d! and .*e1ious stones! and .ea*%s: Kand she had a 1u. of go%d in he* hand! whi1h was fu%% of the .o%%utions and i#.u*it- of he* who*edo#s of the ea*th( K[R>(((: ha3ing in he* hand a go%den 1u. fu%% of abo#inations and the fi%thiness of he*-[ > the+ fo*ni1ation [A > of the ea*th+(+ E$> "(((' as to *e%ate to the Q.u*.%e and s1a*%et!Q not to thei* wea*e*F 1@:= And u.on he* fo*ehead was the na#e w*itten: -ste*-: /ab-%on the g*eat: the othe* of Ha*%ots! and >the 1onta#inations>&[R> abo#inations+ of the Ea*th( 1@:? And 0 saw that the wo#an was intoLi1ated with the b%ood of the san1tified-ones! and with the b%ood of the witnesses&[$-*(&a%t> #a*t-*s+ of Yeshua( And when 0 saw he*! 0 wonde*ed with g*eat a#aDe#ent( 1@:@ And the ange%&[P> Ange%+ said to #e! 4h- do -ou wonde*I 0

wi%% te%% -ou the #-ste*- of the wo#an! and of the beast of .*ethat 1a**ies he*! whi1h has the se3en heads and the ten ho*ns( 1@:A The beast of .*e- whi1h -ou saw! was! and is not: and Khe wi%% as1end f*o# the ab-ss and go into .e*dition&utte*-*uin: and the dwe%%e*s on the ea*th! whose na#es-a*e&[$-*(> na#e is+ not w*itten in the 5$1*o%%>&/oo; of 6ife f*o# the foundation of the wo*%d! wi%% wonde* when the- see the beast of .*e-! whi1h was! and is not! and >[A > sha%% be .*esent+Na..*oa1hes&[R> -et is+>( K[BU9>((( sha%% as1end out of the botto#%ess .it! and go into (((+ K[N(A($(&#>((( is about to 1o#e u. out of the ab-ss and >to go&[#> he goes+> to (((+ 1@:C He*e is inte%%igen1e! fo* hi# who has wisdo#( Those se3en heads a*e the se3en #ountains! on whi1h the wo#an sits( 1@:1G And the*e a*e se3en ;ings: of who# fi3e ha3e fa%%en! one eLists! and the othe* has not -et 1o#e: and when he 1o#es he #ust 1ontinue fo* a sho*t ti#e( 1@:11 And the beast of .*e-! whi1h was and is not! is the eighth! and is f*o# the se3en! and is fo* .e*dition&utte*-*uin( KE$> "(((' An inte*.o%ation! .*oba%%- of a g%oss in #a*g(! identif-ing the QbeastQ of this 1ha.te* with the Qd*agonQ of Lii(2(F 1@:1) And the ten ho*ns whi1h -ou saw! a*e ten ;ings( These .e*sons ha3e not -et *e1ei3ed *o-a%t-: but the- *e1ei3e autho*it-! as if ;ings! with the beasts of .*e-! fo* one hou*( 1@:12 The- ha3e one #ind&[$-*(&a%t> wi%%+: and the- wi%% gi3e thei* .owe* and autho*it- u.on the beast of .*e-( 1@:1< The- wi%% #a;e wa* u.on the 6a#b: and the 6a#b wi%% defeat the#: be1ause He is the 6o*d of %o*ds! and the Bing of ;ings! and those with Hi# [Ea*eF+ 1a%%ed the 1hosen and faithfu%( 1@:1= And he said to #e: The wate*s whi1h -ou saw! whe*e the ha*%ot sits! a*e .eo.%es! and #u%titudes! and nations! and tongues( 1@:1? And the ten ho*ns whi1h -ou saw! and the beast of .*e-! wi%% hate the ha*%ot: and the- wi%% #a;e he* deso%ate and na;ed! and wi%% eat he* f%esh! and bu*n he* with fi*e( 1@:1@ Po* E%ohi#&God has .ut into thei* hea*ts! to do His wi%%& .%easu*e! and to eLe1ute one .u*.ose! and to gi3e thei* ;ingdo# to the beast of .*e-! unti% these wo*ds of E%ohi#&God sha%% be 1o#.%eted( 1@:1A And the wo#an who# -ou saw! is the g*eat 1it-! whi1h has do#inion o3e* the ;ings of the ea*th( CHAPTER 1A 1A:1 Afte* these things! 0 saw anothe* ange% 1o#e down f*o# Hea3en: and he had g*eat autho*it-! and the ea*th was 5i%%u#inated>& i%%u#ined b- his g%o*-( 1A:) And he 1*ied [R> #ighti%-+-"A P' with a st*ong 3oi1e! sa-ing: Pa%%en! fa%%en! is /ab-%on the g*eat: and has be1o#e a 1a3e*n of


de#ons! and the ho#e of e3e*- un1%ean s.i*it! and the ho#e of e3e*- un1%ean and hatefu% bi*d! and the ho#e of e3e*- un1%ean

hatefu% beast of .*e-( 1A:2 Po* a%% the nations ha3e >d*un;en of&[#> fa%%en b-+> the wine of he* w*ath: and the ;ings of the ea*th ha3e .*a1ti1ed&[R> 1o##itted+ who*edo# with he*: and the #e*1hants of the ea*th ha3e been en*i1hed b- the abundan1e of he* %uLu*ies( 1A:< And 0 hea*d anothe* 3oi1e f*o# Hea3en! sa-ing: Co#e -ou out of he*! #- .eo.%e: that -ou #a- not .a*ti1i.ate in he* sins! and #anot .a*ta;e of he* .%agues( 1A:= Po* he* sins ha3e [A > been hea.ed+N*ea1hed&[$-*(> adhe*ed to+ u. to 5h>ea3en: and E%ohi#&God has *e#e#be*ed he* iniMuities( 1A:? Re1o#.ense&*e.a- -ou to he*! as she a%so has *e1o#.ensed&*e.a-ed [R> to -ou+-"A P': and *ende*&[$-*(> du.%i1ate+ to he* doub%e! a11o*ding to he* deeds: in the 1u. whi1h she has #iLed! #iL -ou to he* twofo%d( 1A:@ As #u1h as she .%eased he*se%f with %as1i3iousness&%ustfu%ness! so #u1h of anguish and so**ow gi3e -ou to he*( 1A:A The*efo*e! in one da-! sha%% these he* .%agues 1o#e! death! and #ou*ning! and fa#ine: and she sha%% be bu*ned with fi*e: fo* st*ong is The-6o*d&5EYH9HF> E%ohi#&God who [PR+-Oudges& [A > has Oudged+ he*( 1A:C And the ;ings of the ea*th who 1o##itted who*edo# and we*e %ustfu%&%as1i3ious with he*! sha%% wee.! and #ou*n! and bewai% he*! when the- sha%% see the s#o;e of he* bu*ning! 1A:1G $tanding afa* off! f*o# fea* of he* to*#ent! [EandF+ sa-ing! A%as! a%asJ that g*eat 1it- /ab-%on! that .owe*fu% 1it-: fo* in one hou* is -ou* Oudge#ent 1o#eJ 1A:11 And the #e*1hants of the ea*th wi%% #ou*n o3e* he*! be1ause no one .u*1hases thei* 1a*go: 1A:1) No #o*e! the 1a*go of go%d! and si%3e*! and .*e1ious stones! and .ea*%s! and fine %inen! and .u*.%e! and si%;! and s1a*%et! and e3e*- a*o#ati1 wood! and a%% 3esse%s of i3o*-! and a%% 3esse%s of 3e*- .*e1ious wood! and of b*ass! and of i*on! and of #a*b%e! 1A:12 And 1inna#on! and a#o#u#! and a*o#ati1s! and unguents&oint#ents! and f*an;in1ense! and wine! and oi%! and fine f%ou*! and wheat! and beasts of bu*den! and shee.! and ho*ses! and 1ha*iots! and the bodies and sou%s of #en( 1A:1< And the f*uits whi1h -ou* sou% desi*ed! ha3e de.a*ted f*o# -ou: and a%% things de%i1ious and s.%endid ha3e K.e*ished f*o# -ou: and the t*ade*s in the# sha%% obtain the# no #o*e( K[R>((( gone f*o# -ou: and (((+ K[A >((( been %ost to -ou: and (((+ 1A:1= And the- who we*e en*i1hed f*o# he*! wi%% stand afa* off! fo* fea* of he* to*#ent: and wi%% wee. and #ou*n! 1A:1? $a-ing: A%as! a%asJ that g*eat 1it-! whi1h was 1%othed in fine

%inen! and .u*.%e! and s1a*%et! and gi%ded with go%d! and .*e1ious stones! and .ea*%s: be1ause! in one hou*! su1h *i1hes a*e %aid waste( KE$> $ee note @ 3e*se 1@:<F 1A:1@ And e3e*- Eshi.F.i%ot! and e3e*- Eshi.Fna3igato* to the .%a1e! and the sai%o*s! and a%% who do business b- sea! stood afa* off! 1A:1A And 1*ied! when the- saw the s#o;e of he* bu*ning! sa-ing: 4hat [Eothe*F+ is %i;e this g*eat 1it-J 1A:1C And the- 1ast dust on thei* heads! and 1*ied!! and #ou*ning! and sa-ing: A%as! a%asJ that g*eat 1it-! in whi1h a%% that ha3e shi.s in the sea be1a#e *i1h! b- he* .*e1iousness: fo* in one hou* she has be1o#e deso%ate( 1A:)G ReOoi1e o3e* he*! 7 Hea3en! Kand -ou Ange%s! and 6egates& 5E#issa*ies>! and P*o.hets&Ne3i>i#: be1ause E%ohi#&God Oudges -ou* 1ause&[$-*(> Oudge#ent+ with he*( K[R>(((! and E-ouF ho%- E#issa*ies and P*o.hets: (((+ K[A >(((! and E-ouF san1tified-ones and E#issa*ies and P*o.hets: (((+ 1A:)1 And an ange% too; u. a stone %i;e a g*eat #i%%stone! and 1ast it into the sea! sa-ing: $o sha%% /ab-%on! the g*eat 1it-! be th*own down with 3io%en1e! and sha%% no #o*e be found( 1A:)) And the 3oi1e of ha*.e*s and #usi1ians and .i.e*s and t*u#.ete*s! sha%% no #o*e be hea*d in -ou: and no a*tist of an- t*ade! sha%% be found an- #o*e in -ou( 1A:)2 And the %ight of a 1and%e! sha%% not be seen in -ou: and the 3oi1e of a b*ideg*oo# and b*ide! sha%% no #o*e be hea*d in -ou: fo* -ou* #e*1hants we*e the g*eat #en of the ea*th! be1ause a%% nations we*e sedu1ed b- -ou* so*1e*ies( 1A:)< And in he* was found the b%ood of P*o.hets&Ne3i>i# and san1tified -ones! and of a%% those that ha3e been s%ain on the ea*th( CHAPTER 1C 1C:1 And afte* these things! 0 hea*d a %oud 3oi1e of a g*eat #u%titude in Hea3en! sa-ing: Ha%%e%uYAH: 8e%i3e*an1e! and st*ength! and g%o*-! and hono*! unto [R> the 6o*d+-"A P' ou* God( 1C:) Po*! T*ue and Righteous a*e His Uudg#ents: fo* He has Oudged that g*eat ha*%ot! who 1o**u.ted the ea*th with he* who*edo#: and has a3enged the b%ood of His se*3ants at he* hand( 1C:2 And again the- said: Ha%%e%uYAH: and he* s#o;e as1ends u. fo* e3e* and e3e*( 1C:< And the twent--fou* E%de*s fe%% down! and the fou* Ani#a%s! and wo*shi..ed E%ohi#&God who sits on the Th*one! sa-ing: A#aine& 5A#en>: Ha%%e%uYAHJ 1C:= And a 3oi1e 1a#e fo*th f*o# the Th*one! sa-ing: P*aise ou* God! a%% -ou His se*3ants: and su1h as fea* Hi#! s#a%% and g*eat( 1C:? And 0 hea*d! as it we*e the 3oi1e of a g*eat #u%titude! and as the 3oi1e of #an- wate*s! and as the 3oi1e of hea3- thunde*s! sa-ing: Ha%%e%uYAH: fo* ou* 6o*d&Adonai E%ohi#&God! 7#ni.otent&

A%%-Powe*fu%! *eigns( 1C:@ 6et us *eOoi1e and eLu%t! and gi3e g%o*- to Hi#: fo* the a**iage $u..e* of the 6a#b has 1o#e! and His b*ide has #ade he*se%f *ead-( 1C:A And it was g*anted he* to be 1%othed in fine %inen! b*ight and 1%ean: fo* fine %inen is the *ighteousness of the san1tifiedones( 1C:C And he said to #e! 4*ite: /%essed a*e the- who a*e 1a%%ed to the su..e* of the a**iage Peast of the 6a#b( And He said to #e! These - [Esa-ingsF+ a*e the T*ue wo*ds of E%ohi#&God( 1C:1G And 0 fe%% at his feet! to wo*shi. hi#( And he said to #e! $ee [E-ou do itF+ not: 0 a# -ou* fe%%ow-se*3ant! and of those -ou* b*eth*en who ha3e the testi#on- of Yeshua( 4o*shi. -ou E%ohi#& God: fo* the testi#on- of Yeshua is the 5s>.i*it of .*o.he1-( 1C:11 And 0 saw 5H>ea3en o.ened: and beho%d! a white ho*se: and He that sat on it! is 1a%%ed Paithfu% and T*ue: and in *ighteousness He Uudges! and #a;es wa*( 1C:1) His e-es [Ewe*eF+ %i;e a f%a#e of fi*e! and on His head [Ewe*eF+ #an- diade#s&[R> 1*owns+: Kand He had Na#es ins1*ibed: and the Na#e whi1h was w*itten on Hi#! no one ;new! eL1e.t Hi#se%f( K[ R>(((: He had [ > Na#es w*itten! and+ a Na#e w*itten that no one ;new eL1e.t Hi#se%f(+ 1C:12 And He was 1%othed with a ga*#ent s.*in;%ed with b%ood: and His Na#e is 1a%%ed! The 4o*d&5 e#*a> 7f E%ohi#&God( 1C:1< And the g*ou.-of-so%die*s&a*#ies of Hea3en fo%%owed Hi#! on white ho*ses! 1%ad in ga*#ents of fine %inen! .u*e [EandF+ white( 1C:1= And f*o# His #outh issued a sha*. [ P+-two-edged-"R' swo*d! that with it He 1ou%d s#ite the nations: and He wi%% *u%e the nations with a *od of i*on: and He wi%% t*ead the wine-.*ess of the w*ath of E%ohi#&God A%#ight-( 1C:1? And He has u.on His ga*#ents and u.on His thigh the wo*ds w*itten: Bing of ;ings! and 6o*d of %o*ds( KE$> "(((' so that the Na#e of Hi# who sat on the white ho*se is w*itten Qon the ga*#ents [that we*e+ on his thighsQ! not Qon His ga*#ents and on His thigh(QF 1C:1@ And 0 saw an ange% standing in the sun: and he 1*ied with a %oud 3oi1e! sa-ing to a%% the fow%s that f%- in the #idst of hea3en: Co#e -ou! asse#b%e unto Kthis g*eat su..e* of E%ohi#&God: K[R>((( the su..e* of the g*eat God:+ K[A >((( the g*eat su..e* of God:+ 1C:1A That -ou #a- eat the f%esh of ;ings! and the f%esh of 1a.tains of thousands! and the f%esh of 3a%iant #en! and the f%esh of ho*ses and of those who sit on the#! and the f%esh of a%% the f*ee-bo*n and of s%a3es! and of the s#a%% and the g*eat( 1C:1C And 0 saw the beast of .*e-! and the ;ings of the ea*th! and thei* wa**io*s! that the- asse#b%ed to wage batt%e with Hi# who sat on the [EwhiteF+ ho*se! and with His wa**io*s( 1C:)G And the beast of .*e- was 1a.tu*ed! and the fa%se .*o.het that

was with hi#! who did those signs&.*odigies befo*e hi#! whe*ebhe sedu1ed the# who had *e1ei3ed the #a*; of the beast of .*eand who wo*shi..ed his i#age( And the- we*e both 1ast a%i3e into the %a;e of fi*e! whi1h bu*ns with*( 1C:)1 And the *est we*e s%ain b- the swo*d of Hi# that sat on the ho*se! b- that [Eswo*dF+ whi1h issued f*o# His #outh: and a%% the fow%s we*e fi%%ed-1o#.%ete%- with thei* f%esh( CHAPTER )G )G:1 And 0 saw an ange% that des1ended f*o# Hea3en! ha3ing the ;e- of the ab-ss! and a g*eat 1hain in his hand( )G:) And he seiDed the d*agon! the o%d se*.ent! who is the 8e1ei3e* and ha$atan! who sedu1ed the who%e habitab%e wo*%d: and he bound hi# a thousand -ea*s( )G:2 And he 1ast hi# into the ab-ss! and 1%osed and sea%ed u.on hi#: so that he #ight de1ei3e the nations no #o*e! unti% these thousand -ea*s sha%% be 1o#.%eted: but afte* that! he wi%% be %oosed fo* a %itt%e ti#e( )G:< And 0 saw Kth*ones! and [E.e*sonsF+ sat on the#! and Oudge#ent was gi3en to the#! and to the sou%s that we*e beheaded fo* the testi#on- of Yeshua and fo* the 4o*d of E%ohi#&God: and these a*e the- who had not wo*shi..ed the beast of .*e-! no* its i#age! neithe* had the- *e1ei3ed the #a*; u.on thei* fo*ehead o* on thei* hand: and the- %i3ed and *eigned with thei* essiah [R> a+N those&[ > the+ thousand -ea*s( K[$> seats of Oudge#ent+ E$> The teLt as it stands *e.*esents Qthe 4o*d of God! and of those who ha3e not wo*shi..ed the beast!Q R1(! whi1h is un#eaning( /ut the 1onneLion #a- be! Qthe sou%s (((( of those who ha3e not wo*shi..ed!Q R1(F )G:= [G*(&R> /ut the *est of the dead %i3ed not again unti% the thousand -ea*s we*e finished(+-"P' This is the fi*st *esu**e1tion( )G:? /%essed and ho%- is he that has .a*t in this fi*st *esu**e1tion: o3e* the# the se1ondK death has no do#inion: but the- sha%% be! -[Ena-F+- Ee3en nowF a*e! Cohani#&5P*iests> of E%ohi#&God and of His essiah: and the- wi%% *eign with Hi# the thousand -ea*s( KE$> $ee note @ 3e*se ):11F )G:@ And when the thousand -ea*s sha%% be 1o#.%eted! ha$atan wi%% be *e%eased f*o# his .*ison: )G:A And wi%% go fo*th to sedu1e the nations that a*e in the fou* 1o*ne*s of the ea*th! Gog and agog: and to asse#b%e the# fo* batt%e! whose nu#be* is as the sand of the sea( )G:C And the- went u. on the b*eadth&width of the ea*th! and en1o#.assed the 1a#. of the san1tified-ones! and the be%o3ed Cit-( And fi*e 1a#e down f*o# "#> E%ohi#&God out of' 5H>ea3en! and 1onsu#ed the#( )G:1G And the A11use* who sedu1ed the#! was 1ast into the %a;e

of fi*e and*! whe*e a%so we*e the beast of .*e- and the fa%se .*o.het: and the- sha%% be to*#ented! da- and night! fo* e3e* and e3e*( )G:11 And 0 saw a g*eat white Th*one! and Hi# who sits the*eon: f*o# whose P*esen1e the ea*th and 5h>ea3en f%ed awa-! and this thei* .%a1e was not found( )G:1) And 0 saw the dead! g*eat and s#a%%! standing befo*e >the Th*one> -&[BU9> E%ohi#&God+: and the $1*o%%s we*e o.ened: and anothe* $1*o%%&5/oo;> was o.ened! whi1h is [Ethe $1*o%%&5/oo;>F+ of 6ife( And the dead we*e Oudged f*o# the things w*itten in the $1*o%%s& 5/oo;s>! a11o*ding to thei* deeds( )G:12 And the sea ga3e u. the dead in it: and death and theg*a3e&$h>o% ga3e u. the dead in the#( And the- we*e Uudged! ea1h one a11o*ding to his deeds( )G:1< And death and the-g*a3e&$h>o% we*e 1ast into the %a;e of fi*e( This is the se1ondK death! [P+-"R> [Ena#e%-!F+ this&[A > the+ %a;e of fi*e'( KE$> $ee note @ 3e*se ):11F )G:1= And if an- one was not found *e1o*ded&en*o%%ed in the $1*o%%& 5/oo;> 7f 6ife! he was 1ast into this %a;e of fi*e( CHAPTER )1 )1:1 And 0 saw new 5H>ea3ens! and a new ea*th: fo* the fo*#e* 5h>ea3en and the fo*#e* ea*th had .assed awa-: and the sea was no #o*e( )1:) And 0 [R> Yo1hanan+-"A ' saw the ho%- Cit-! the New Ye*usha%a-i#& 5Ue*usa%e#>! des1ending f*o# E%ohi#&God out of 5H>ea3en! .*e.a*ed %i;e a b*ide ado*ned fo* he* husband( KE$> "(((' to eL.*ess the idea of 1o#ing f*o# a >.e*son>(F )1:2 And 0 hea*d a g*eat 3oi1e f*o# Hea3en! whi1h said: /eho%d! the Tabe*na1%e of E%ohi#&God is with #en: and He dwe%%s with the#: the- wi%% be His .eo.%e: and E%ohi#&God wi%% be with the#! Ka God to the#( K[R>(((! Eand beF thei* God(+-"A#' )1:< And e3e*- tea* wi%% be wi.ed f*o# thei* e-es: and the*e wi%% no #o*e be death! no* #ou*ning! no* wai%ing: no* sha%% .ain be an#o*e: be1ause the fo*#e* things a*e .assed awa-( )1:= And He who sat on the Th*one! said: /eho%d! 0 #a;e a%% things new( And He said [R> to #e+-"A ': 4*ite: be1ause these a*e the Paithfu% and T*ue wo*ds of E%ohi#&God( )1:? And He said to #e: [R> 0t is doneJ+-" ' 0 a# Ah%e.h&5A%.ha> and Tah3&57#ega>! the /eginning and the Co#.%etion: to hi# who thi*sts! wi%% 0 gi3e of the fountain of %i3ing wate*! fo*-f*ee( )1:@ He that o3e*1o#es! Ksha%% inhe*it these things: and 0 wi%% be his

God! and he sha%% be - son( K[ > 0 sha%% gi3e hi# these things: (((+ )1:A /ut to the ti#id! and the unbe%ie3ing! "R'->[ > and sinne*s+&and to the sinfu%>! and .o%%uted! and to #ans%a-e*s! and who*e#onge*s! and so*1e*e*s! and ido%ate*s! and to a%% fa%se .e*sons! thei* .o*tion sha%% be in the %a;e that bu*ns with fi*e and*! whi1h is the se1ondK death( KE$> $ee note @ 3e*se ):11F )1:C And the*e 1a#e [R> to #e+-"A P' one of those se3en ange%s! who ha3e the se3en 1u.s fi%%ed with the se3en %ast .%agues! and ta%;ed with #e! sa-ing: Co#e! 0 wi%% show -ou the [A > wo#an! the 6a#b>s+-"PR' b*ide! the wife of the 6a#b( )1:1G And he bo*e #e awa- Kin the $.i*it! to a #ountain g*eat and high! and he showed #e the Kho%- Cit-! Ye*usha%a-i#&5Ue*usa%e#>! des1ending out of 5H>ea3en f*o# E%ohi#&God: K1[G*(&a%t>((( in s.i*it! (((+ K)[R>((( g*eat Cit-! the ho%- Ue*usa%e#! (((+ K)[A P>((( ho%- Cit-! Ue*usa%e#! (((+ )1:11 0n whi1h was the $h>;hinah&G%o*- of E%ohi#&God! as a b*i%%iant 6ight! and *ese#b%ing a 3e*- .*e1ious ge#: %i;e a Oas.e* stone! *ese#b%ing 1*-sta%( )1:1) And it had a wa%% g*eat and %oft-! whi1h had twe%3e gates! and na#es ins1*ibed on the#! whi1h a*e the na#es of the twe%3e T*ibes of the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae%( )1:12 7n the east! th*ee gates: on the no*th! th*ee gates: [Eon the south! th*ee gates: and on the west! th*ee gatesF+( )1:1< And the wa%% of the Cit- had twe%3e foundations! and u.on the# the [A P+-twe%3e-"R' na#es of the twe%3e 6egates&5E#issa*ies> of the 6a#b( )1:1= And he that ta%;ed with #e! had a #easu*e! a go%den *eed: so that he 1ou%d #easu*e the Cit-! and its gates! and its wa%%( )1:1? And the Cit- stood u. fou* sMua*e: an its %ength was the sa#e as its b*eadth( And he #easu*ed the Cit- with the *eed! to twe%3e fu*%ongs of twe%3e thousand&[G*(> to 1)!GGG fu*%ongs+: and the %ength and the b*eadth and the height of it we*e [Ea%%F+ eMua%( E1)!GGG fu*%ongs X a..*oLi#ate%- 1=GG #i%es(F )1:1@ And he #easu*ed its wa%%! a hund*ed and fo*t- and fou* #easu*es of the 1ubits of a #an! that is! of the ange%( E1<< 1ubits X a..*oLi#ate%- )1? feet(F )1:1A And the st*u1tu*e of its wa%% [Ewas ofF+ Oas.e*: and the Citwas of .u*e go%d! %i;e .u*e g%ass( )1:1C And the foundations of the wa%% of the Cit- we*e ado*ned with e3e*- .*e1ious stone( The fi*st foundation! a Oas.e*: the se1ond! a sa..hi*e: the thi*d! a 1ha%1edon-: the fou*th! an e#e*a%d: KE$> 7bse*3e that in this 3e*se the .oint "'! whi1h u. to this is used in ou* s( on%- to #a*; the i#.o*tant di3isions of the teLt! is .%a1ed fou* ti#es! afte* the na#es of the fi*st fou* stones! a%so in 3e*se )G! afte* the e%e3enth

stone: and afte* this f*eMuent%-! - often un#eaning%-! as in 3e*se ))! and again in LLii(2!1G!1= and )G( A%so! in 3e*se )G! afte* ea1h of the *e#aining stones! and afte* "' in 3e*se )1! a new fo*# of .oint EJF is int*odu1ed! a..a*ent%- eMui3a%ent to "'(F )1:)G The fifth! a sa*don-L: the siLth! a sa*dius: the se3enth! a 1h*-so%ite: the eighth! a be*-%: the ninth! a to.aD: the tenth! a 1h*-so.*asus: the e%e3enth! a Oa1inth: the twe%fth! an a#eth-st( )1:)1 And the twe%3e gates [Ewe*eF+ twe%3e .ea*%s: ea1h [E.ea*%F+ one gate! and ea1h [EgateF+ one .ea*%: and the b*oad steet of the Cit- was .u*e go%d! %i;e b*i%%iant g%ass( )1:)) And 0 saw no Te#.%e in it: fo* The-67R8&5EYH9HF> A%#ightis its Te#.%e! and the 6a#b( )1:)2 And the Cit- has no need of the sun o* of the #oon! to Ken%ighten it: fo* the [ > 3e*-+ $h>;hinah&G%o*- of E%ohi#&God en%ightens it! and the 6a#b is the %a#.s of it( K[A R>((( shine "A > in it': (((+ )1:)< And the nations Kthat we*e sa3ed! sha%% wa%; b- #eans of its 6ight! and the ;ings of the ea*th wi%% b*ing thei* g%o*- Kand the wea%th of the nations into it( K1[R>((( of those who a*e sa3ed! (((+-"A ' K)[R>((( and hono* into it(+ K)[ >((( and hono* of the nations to Hi#(+ )1:)= And its gates sha%% not be shut b- da-: fo* the*e is no night the*e( )1:)? And the- wi%% b*ing the g%o*- and hono* of the nations into it [ > that the- #a- ente* in(+-"APR' )1:)@ And the*e sha%% not ente* it! an- thing K.o%%uted! o* that .*a1ti1es i#.u*it- and fa%sehood: but the- who a*e *egiste*ed in the 6a#b>s $1*o%%&5/oo;> 7f 6ife( K[R>((( that defi%es! o* that 1auses an abo#ination o* a %ie! but on%- those who a*e w*itten in (((+ K[A >((( .*ofain no* one who 1auses an abo#ination o* a %ie! but on%- those who a*e w*itten in (((+ CHAPTER )) )):1 And he showed #e a [R> .u*e+-"A P' *i3e* of K%i3ing wate*! t*ans.a*ent [EasF+ 1*-sta%! whi1h .*o1eeded f*o# the Th*one of E%ohi#&God and Kthe 6a#b( K1[R>((( wate* of %ife! (((+ K)[G*(&a%t>((( the 6a#b( 0n the #idd%e of its st*eet! and on eithe* side of the *i3e* was (((+ )):) And in the #idd%e of its b*oad a3enue! and nea* the *i3e*! on this side and on that! [EwasF+ the T*ee 7f 6ife: whi1h bo*e twe%3e K[Eso*ts ofF+ f*uits! -ie%ding one of its f*uits ea1h #onth: and the %ea3es of the T*ee [Ewe*eF+ fo* the hea%ing of the nations( K[G*(&a%t>((( 1*o.s of f*uit! (((+ )):2 And the*e wi%% be no b%ight&[R> 1u*se+ an- #o*e: and the Th*one of E%ohi#&God and the 6a#b wi%% be in it: and His se*3ants wi%% do-se*3i1e to Hi#( )):< And the- wi%% see His fa1e! and His Na#e [Ewi%% beF+ on thei* fo*eheads( )):= And the*e wi%% be no #o*e night: and the- ha3e no need of the %ight of a 1and%e! o* of the %ight of the sun: be1ause The-67R8&

5EYH9HF> E%ohi#&God gi3es the# 6ight: and the- wi%% *eign fo* e3e* and e3e*( )):? And he said to #e: These wo*ds [Ea*eF+ faithfu% and t*ue( And The-67R8&5EYH9HF> E%ohi#&God of the Ks.i*it of the P*o.hets& Ne3i>i#! has sent #e! His ange%! to show unto His se*3ants the things that #ust soon o11u*( K[R>((( ho%- P*o.hets! (((+ K[A >((( s.i*its of the P*o.hets! (((+ )):@ And beho%d! 0 1o#e Mui1;%-: /%essed is he that ;ee.s the wo*ds of the .*o.he1- of this $1*o%%&5/oo;>( )):A And #o*eo3e* 0 a# Yo1hanan! Kthe hea*e* and the see* of these things( And when 0 hea*d and saw! 0 fe%% down to wo*shi. at the feet of the ange% who showed #e these things( K[R>(((! saw and hea*d these (((+ K[A >(((! a# the one who hea*d and saw these (((+ )):C And he said to #e: $ee! [E-ou do itF+ not: 0 a# -ou* fe%%owse*3ant! and of -ou* b*eth*en the P*o.hets&Ne3i>i#! and of the# that obse*3e the wo*ds of this $1*o%%&5/oo;>( 4o*shi. E%ohi#& God( )):1G And he said to #e: $ea% not the wo*ds of the .*o.he1- of this $1*o%%&5/oo;>: fo* the ti#e is nea*( )):11 He that does e3i%! %et hi# do e3i% sti%%: and he that is fi%th-! %et hi# be fi%th- sti%%: and he that is *ighteous! %et hi# [A P+-.*a1tise&[R> be+ *ighteous"ness 5R' sti%%: and he that is san1tified! %et hi# be san1tified sti%%: )):1) /eho%d! 0 1o#e Mui1;%-: and - *ewa*d is with e! to *e1o#.ense& 5*e.a-> e3e*- one a11o*ding to his wo*;( )):12 0 a# Ah%e.h&5A%.ha> and Tah3&57#ega>! Kthe Pi*st and the 6ast! the Co##en1e#ent and the Co#.%etion( K[R>(((! EtheF /eginning and EtheF End! the Pi*st and the 6ast(+ K[A >(((! the Pi*st and the 6ast! the /eginning and the End(+ )):1< /%essed a*e the- who do His Co##and#ents& itD3ot! that the- #aha3e a *ight to the T*ee 7f 6ife! and #a- ente* th*ough the gates into the Cit-( )):1= 4ithout [Ewi%% beF+ dogs! and so*1e*e*s! and who*e#onge*s! and #ans%a-e*s! and ido%ate*s! and e3e*- one that %o3es -and- does fa%sehood( KE$> 7bse*3e that the %ist of those that Qa*e withoutQ is a%te*ed in o*de*: the thi*d! fou*th! and fifth! befo*e the fi*st and se1ond( A%so the sto. "'! fo%%owed b- the *ed .oint E(F! is un#eaning%- .%a1ed in the #idd%e of the %ist( /ut nothing is o#itted(F )):1? 0 Yeshua ha3e sent - ange%! to testif- to -ou these things befo*e the Cong*egations( 0 a# the Root and 7ffs.*ing of 8a3id: K%i;e the s.%endid $ta* of the o*ning( K[R>(((: EandF the /*ight and-5> o*ning $ta*(+ )):1@ And the Rua1h&$.i*it and the b*ide sa-! Co#e -ou( And %et hi# that hea*s! sa-! Co#e -ou( And %et hi# who thi*sts 1o#e: and he that is in1%ined! %et hi# ta;e the %i3ing wate* fo*-f*ee( )):1A 0 testif- to e3e*- one that hea*s the wo*ds of the .*o.he1- of

this $1*o%%&5/oo;>! that if an- one sha%% add to the#! KE%ohi#& God wi%% add to hi# the .%agues that a*e w*itten in this $1*o%%& 5/oo;>( K[ >(((! #a- God add to (((+ )):1C And if an- one sha%% ta;e awa- f*o# the wo*ds of the $1*o%%& 5/oo;> of this .*o.he1-! KE%ohi#&God wi%% ta;e awa- his .o*tion f*o# the T*ee 7f 6ife! and f*o# the ho%- Cit-! whi1h a*e des1*ibed in this $1*o%%&5/oo;>( K[ >(((! #a- God ta;e awa- his (((+ KENBU9&R-*ie>(((! >God sha%% ta;e awa- his .a*t out of the $1*o%%&5/oo;> of 6ife>( The bette* *eading is Qf*o# the T*ee 7f 6ife!Q and fo* >.a*t> *ead Qsha*eQ(F )):)G He who testifies these things! sa-s: Yes! 0 1o#e Mui1;%-( A#aine& 5A#en>( Co#e 6o*d YeshuaJ )):)1 The g*a1e of ou* 6o*d Yeshua Ha ashia1h&5The essiah>! [EbeF+ Kwith a%% the san1tified-ones( A#aine&5A#en>( K[R>((( with -ou a%%( (((+ K[A>((( with a%%( (((+ K[ >((( with a%% the san1tified-ones( (((+ [P> End of the Re3e%ation of Yo1hanan the Good-NewsP*o1%ai#e*: and of the who%e New Testa#ent! as t*ans%ated into the %anguage of the $-*ians(+ G67RY /E T7 E67H0 &G78(

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON MATTITYAHU / MATTHEW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX T1:1 N7TE: Yosef>s genea%og- in atthew: i*-a#>s in 6u;e( This is attested to as ea*%- as Eusebius -EHist(E11%(i!@F( [6u;e 2:)2: Uohn @:<): Gen(1):2!)):1A+ "/i;;u*i# 1:=: Taanith <:=: Yeba#oth <:12! ?:<: Biddushin <:1-<!?: iddoth =:<' T1:) [Gen()1:)!1)! )?:)=! )A:1<! )C:2=+ T1:2 [Gen(2A:)@! <C:1G: Ruth <:1A-))+ T1:= N7TE: Ra1ha3 and Rut we*e both genti%es in the %ine of Bing 8a3id( RA//0N0C: Ruth! an1est*ess of Bing 8a3id! was the daughte* of Eg%on! who was the g*andson of /a%a;! Bing of oab( $anhed*in 1G=b( [Ruth ):1! <:1-12+ "Yeba#oth A:2' T1:? [1$a#(1?:1: )$a#(@:1)! 1):)<+ T1:@ [1Ch*(2:1G: )Ch*(11:)G+ T1:A [1Ch*(2:1G: )Bin(1=:12+ T1:C [)Bin(1=:2A+ T1:1G [)Bin()G:)1: 1Bin(12:)+ "Edu-oth @:?' T1:11 [1Ch*(2:1=!1?: )Bin()<:1<-1?+ T1:1) [1Ch*(2:1@: ED*a 2:): Neh(1):1: Hag(1:1+ T1:12 N7TE: The o%d Heb*ew #anus1*i.t of att(! EThe 8uTi%%etF! has the na#e added: A3>ne*-[3(12+! -whi1h #a;es a 1<th na#e in this set( T1:1? N7TE: >of who#>! is fe#( singu%a* in G*ee;! indi1ating: of i*-a# on%-! not th*ough Uose.h( [ att(12:2=: a*; ?:2+ "Yeba#oth <:12: Biddushin <:1G: /aba /ath*a A:?: $anhed*in @:=: Aboth =:1C' T1:1@ atthew has a**anged his #atte* b- the Heb*ew %ette*s of the wo*d 8a3id( As 8a3id in Heb*ew has th*ee %ette*s! so in the genea%og- the*e a*e th*ee di3isions( As these th*ee %ette*s #a;e u. fou*teen b- nu#e*i1a% 3a%ue Efo* in Heb*ew the*e a*e no se.a*ate nu#e*a%s! but to e3e*- %ette* a nu#e*i1a% 3a%ue is atta1hedF! so the w*ite* a**anges his #atte* in fou*teens( - Gf*o*e*! 8ie hei%ige $age! 1A2A! ii(.(C( $ee a%so Canon /oL! The 9i*gin /i*th 7f Uesus! 1C1?! ..(1) sMM(( "Taanith <:?' T1:1A RA//0N0C: 9a*ious Rabbini1 Muotes of inte*est [R: at(1:)2 note+: R( Tan1hu#a said in the na#e of R( $a#ue%: E3e had *es.e1t to that QseedQ whi1h is 1o#ing f*o# anothe* .%a1e( And who is thisI -This is essiah! the Bing( /e*( Rab()2!ed(4a*sh( .(<=b(: [Gen(1A:1<+- id*ash Rabbah E=2:?F R( Uudah ben R( $i#on said: He in His g%o*- #ade he* 1on1ei3e! hen1e: >And the 6o*d *e#e#be*ed $a*ah>( -EHis G%o*- X $he;inahF(:

[Gen(1A:1<+ id*ash Rabbah E?G:1?F You find that as %ong as $a*ah %i3ed! a 1%oud hung o3e* he* tent: -Esignif-ing the 8i3ine P*esen1eF(: 0s it not w*itten that we #a- .*ese*3e a son f*o# ou* fathe*! but Q$eed f*o# ou* Pathe*Q! This is the seed that is 1o#ing f*o# anothe* .%a1e( And who is thisI -This is the Bing essiah( -/e*( Rabbah E=1! ed( 4a*sh( .(C=a! on Gen(1C:2)F( And 0 sha%% .ut en#it- between thee and the wo#an! and between the seed of th- sons! and between the $eed of he* sons: and it sha%% be when the sons of the wo#an ;ee. the 1o##and#ents of the To*ah! the- sha%% be .*e.a*ed to s#ite thee on th- head: but if the- fo*sa;e the itD3ot of the To*ah! thou wi%t be .*e.a*ed to wound the# in the hee%( Ne3e*the%ess fo* the# the*e sha%% be a #edi1ine: and the- sha%% #a;e a *e#ed- fo* the hee% in the da-s of the Bing essiah( Ta*gu# Pa%estine&Ta*gu# Ye*usha%a-i# /e*eshit&Genesis 2:1=( N7TE: The bet*otha% in /ib%i1a% ti#es was #u1h #o*e than being engaged to be #a**ied is toda-( 0t *eMui*ed a >Get> - bi%% of di3o*1e! to disso%3e( The 1o##on%- he%d .ub%i1 QthoughtQ! was that Yosef was His fathe*: and whi%e ha3ing *e%ations with ones bet*othed! Ebefo*e the >feast>! at whi1h ti#e the 1ou.%e we*e .ub%i1%a1;now%edged as husband and wifeF! was not against To*ah: it had 1o#e to be %oo;ed down u.on sin1e it 1u*tai%ed the 1usto#( Pe*ha.s this was so#ething that the fa#i%- had to bea* u. against! with gossi. du*ing the ea*%- -ea*s( Howe3e*! with Yosef and i*-a# ;nowing the *ea% t*uth! and ha3ing the 3isit of the ange%! this #ust ha3e been a 1o#fo*t to the# if thehad to dea% with an- of these t-.e of wis.e*ings( The bet*otha% in Uudais# gi3es a beautifu% insight into the *etu*n of essiah f*o# Hea3en fo* His b*ide: with: the ;etubbah! the wine afte* the >1o3enant&ag*ee#ent>! the fathe* 1hoosing fo* the son! the %ea3ing and the .*o#ise to *etu*n when the son has .*e.a*ed a .%a1e fo* he* in his fathe*>s house! the wedding feast! and the *eOoi1ing of the f*iend of the b*ideg*oo#! et1(((! and #a;es fo* a 3e*- inte*esting stud-( $ee 6e1tu*e 900! ..()?2 sMM(-The Heb( Ch*istian essiah .()G( Ha*na1; *e#a*;s: >8ie 9e*%obung gab de# anne die Re1hte des Ehe#anns> ENeue Snte*su1hungen! 1C11! .(1G<F( $ee fu*the* B*auss! Ta%#udis1he A*1hao%ogie! 1C11! ii(2?: /oL! o.( 1it( ..( )GC-)1<( Afte* bet*otha% no fu*the* 1e*e#on- was ne1essa*-( [ att(1):<?: 6u;e 1:)@: 0s( @:1<! <C:=: 6u;e 1:2=+ "Yeba#oth <:1G: Betuboth 1:=' T1:1C [8eut()<:1: Uohn A:<-=+ "Gittin 1:): $anhed*in @:2!C' T1:)G [6u;e 1:2=+ T1:)1 Yeshua! EUesus in G*ee;F! is the Heb*ew na#e that He was gi3en and 1a%%ed b-( 0t is the Heb*ew wo*d fo* Q$a%3ationQ( This is the sho*tened fo*# QYehoshua-EUoshuaFQ! #eaning: G-d is

$a%3ation( The ange%>s state#ent in this 3e*se! on%- #a;es .e*fe1t sense if this fo*# of the wo*d is used he*e( A%so! Yeshua was a .o.u%a* Heb*ew na#e du*ing the fi*st 1entu*-! whi1h %oo;ed fo*wa*d to the 1o#ing of essiah! as is e3iden1ed b- finding this na#e on 1st Centu*- A8&CE to#b-stones( The an1ient Heb*ew and A*a#ai1 3e*sions of atthew and the New Co3enant $1*i.tu*es %i;ewise use QYeshuaQ! Enote fo* eLa#.%e it>s usage in the $he# To3 3e*sions of atthew 1:)1F( And we a%so ha3e 3a*ious ea*%- do1u#ents using Yeshua( The*e a*e 3a*ious *easons that 6-*d and G-d a*e w*itten with a Q - Q in .%a1e of the 3owe%s in Uudai1 %it(( 7ne of the #ain *easons is that it is to *e#ind onese%f of the 1o##and#ent in Tana;h: Thou sha%t not ta;e the Na#e of the 67R8 th- God in 3ain! fo* the 67R8 wi%% not ho%d hi# gui%t%ess who ta;es His Na#e in 3ain(-[EL()G:@+( $o that when one is using the Na#e of the 6-*d in w*iting! es.e1ia%%- when not Muoting $1*i.tu*e! -ou a*e *e#inded to not use His Na#e %ight%- - in 3ain( 0t 1an a%so *e#ind us that ea*%- Heb*ew did not ha3e an- 3owe%s( This is a 3e*- an1ient 1usto#: fo* eLa#.%e: in $he# To3! YH9H is w*itten as Ha--Yud-Yud! whi1h is a%so seen this wa- toda- at ti#es( 0n 8uTi%%et! YH9H is w*itten as th*ee Yud>s! two on the botto# and one on to. fo*#ing a t*iang%e inside of a %ette* %oo;ing %i;e a %a*ge 1u*si3e Q6Q( [0s(@:1<! C:?-@: 6u;e 1:21! ):11! ):)1: Uohn 1:)C: A1ts <:1)! =:21! 12:)2! 2A: Ro#( =:1A-1C: Co%(1:)G-)2+ T1:)2 N7TE: 7ften the idea is eL.*essed b- those not #inded to ag*ee with the 6YY G*ee; *eading! that the wo*d A6 AH in Heb*ew shou%d be t*ans%ated with a #o*e gene*a% #eaning of: Y7SNGA08EN( Howe3e*! besides the 3a*ious a*gu#ents in fa3o* of the wo*d being t*ans%ated as 90RG0N! as we see in so#e of the fo%%owing Muotes! e3en inside of >so#e> Rabbini1 %it( the wo*d is unde*stood as 90RG0N: eLa#.%e: Q/eho%d! a 3i*gin sha%% 1on1ei3eQ -the*e a*e so#e who sa- that this was #ade a sign! be1ause a 3i*gin: Qfuit non a.ta gene*ationiQ -Bi#1hi-[0s( @:1<+(: (((Bi#1hi *efutes the abo3e b- obse*3ing that HeDe;iah was nine -ea*s o%d when his fathe* began to *eign! and he #ust be at this ti#e at %east 12 -ea*s of age( 0n %i;e #anne* Bi#1hi: and 0bn ED*a obOe1t to it! and besides his #othe* 1ou%d not be 1a%%ed a 3i*gin( KE$ee: Bi#1hi on 0sa( 3ii( 1=(F -Gi%%( R( Huni in the na#e of R( Uoshua said that this #an is the Bing essiah of who# it is said Ps( ):@! This da- ha3e 0 begotten Thee( -Ta%( /ab(: He EGodF hea%s with the sa#e wounds: so -ou wi%% find in 0s*ae%! the- sinned b- a 3i*gin! and we*e .unished in a 3i*gin! so He 1o#fo*ts the# b- a 3i*gin a11o*ding to Ue*e#iah 21:)1!))(-Tu*n again 7 3i*gin of 0s*ae%! et1(! A wo#an sha%% 1o#.ass a #an( Uoshua ben 6e3i Ein Gen(1(<1(F a.ud oses Hada*shan( E$ee a%so: Hoha* [in Gen(fo%(-2!<(+F( The idea that essiah wou%d ha3e no ea*th%- fathe* is .*esented to us b- Rabbi />*e;h-ah: QThe Ho%- 7ne said to 0s*ae%! >You ha3e s.o;en befo*e e sa-ing! 4e a*e o*.hans and

ha3e no fathe* [6a#entation =:2+: The Redee#e* who# 0 sha%% *aise u. out of -ou* #idst wi%% ha3e no fathe* a%so! as it is said! /eho%d! the #an whose na#e is /*an1h! and He sha%% b*an1h u. out of his .%a1e [He1ha*iah ?:1)+>Q( -P*o# the $uffe*ing $e*3ant of 0saiah! A11o*ding to Uewish 0nte*.*ete*s! $(8*i3e* and A(Neubaue*! He*#on P*ess! New Yo*;! 1A@@( -" essiah! A Rabbini1 And $1*i.tu*a% 9iew.oint! /u*t Ye%%in! Pub%ished b-: Cong*egation Roeh 0s*ae% A==? E( 4a**en A3e( 8en3e* Co( AG)21( E2G2F-22@-?)=<'( A%so in his 1o##ent on $ong of $ongs 1:2 Rashi eL.%ains that Q,A6A 7TQ Ethe .%u*a% of Q,A6 AHQF #eans Q/>TS67TQ EQ3i*ginsQF( i1hae% R-de%ni;! a Heb*ew Ch*istian! w*ites! QC-*us Go*don! a g*eat%- *es.e1ted Uewish s1ho%a* who does not be%ie3e in the 3i*gin bi*th! ho%ds that the 1ognate %anguages de#onst*ate that in 0saiah @:1< A6 AH shou%d be t*ans%ated >3i*gin> Esee U7SRNA6 7P /0/6E AN8 RE60G07N! YY0!) [A.*i% 1C=2+! .( 1G?F(Q ETHE CH7$EN PE7P6E! Uune 1CA@! .( 1AFK The abo3e was ta;en f*o#: Uewish New Testa#ent Co##enta*-! w*itten b-: 8a3id H( $te*n( Co.-*ight @ 1CC)! 8a3id H( $te*n( A%% *ights *ese*3ed Eo3e* 1!GGG .agesF Pub%ished b-: Uewish New Testa#ent Pub%i1ations Post 7ffi1e /oL 1212! C%a*;s3i%%e! a*-%and )1G)C! S$A Te%e.hone E<1GF @?<-?1<< 0s*ae% offi1e: @A anahat! C?CG1 Ue*usa%e#! 0s*ae% Pi*st edition! =!GGG 1o.ies P*inted in the Snited $tates of A#e*i1a 0$/N C?=-2=C-GGA-1 6ib*a*- of Cong*ess 1ata%og 1a*d nu#be* C)-GC@1)C [K+ - ate*ia% not in1%uded in! but *e%ated to $te*n>s Co##enta*-: KRA$H0 0N 0BRA>7T G>8767T 7N 0$( @:1<: (((ChiD;i-ahu no#a* 3aQa E3ea1he*i# o#*i#F sheha*ei ;sheat> #one shanota3 ti#tDe sheno%ad ChiD;i-ah %ifnei #a%1hut a3i3 C shani# 3e-esh .ot*in $HEHE HA7T $HEA6 AH HA0TA 9E>E0NA RESYAH 609A6E8( (((HeDe;iah and othe*s sa- that when -ou 1ount his -ea*s -ou>%% see that HeDe;iah was bo*n C -ea*s befo*e his fathe*s *eign and the*e a*e those who thin; that the sign is that the gi*% is 90RG0N AN8 CAN>T G09E /0RTH( K7N 0$A0AH @:1< [.g( 2=+QTHE Y7SNG 47 AN( Heb*ew HA>A6 AH #eans an ado%es1ent wo#an! one of #a**iageab%e age( [(((+ The Heb*ew fo* >3i*gin> is /ETHS6AH! though A6 AH too so#eti#es bea*s this #eaning( E0$A0AH $on1ino /oo;s 7f The /ib%e: Edito*: Re3(8*(A( Cohen (A( Ph(8(! 8(H(6( b- The Re3( 8*( 0( 4( $%ot;i! (A(! 6itt(8( Re3ised b- Rabbi A( U( Rosenbe*g The $on1ino P*ess 6ondon - New Yo*; @ 1CA2 0$/N G-CGG?AC-)A-=F KEC-*us Go*don -Uou*na% of /ib%e and Re%igion! 3o% )1! no()!.( 1G?F: E3e* sin1e the .ub%i1ation of the Re3ised $tanda*d 9e*sion the*e has been a sto*# of debate o3e* the t*ans%ation

of >,a%#ah> in 0saiah @:1< as Q-oung wo#anQ instead of the Bing Ua#es Q3i*gin(Q The 1o##on%- he%d 3iew that Q3i*ginQ is Ch*istian! whe*eas Q-oung wo#anQ is Uewish is not Muite t*ue( The fa1t is that the $e.tuagint! whi1h is the Uewish t*ans%ation #ade in .*e-Ch*istian A%eLand*ia! ta;es >,a%#ah> to #ean Q3i*ginQ he*e( A11o*ding%-! the New Testa#ent fo%%ows Uewish inte*.*etation in 0saiah @:1<( K$ee: HaYe*usha%a-i# Tana;h! Bo*en-Pub%(! Ethe offi1ia% 3e*sion of the Bnesset btwF! at $hi* Hashi*i# 1:2 @ the Eng%ish .o*tion! -whe*e it t*ans%ates the .%u*a% of a%#ah as 90RG0N$( T1:)= [EL(12:)! 6u;e ):@!)1+ T):1 N7TE: /eit-6e1he#&/eth%ehe# -= #i%es $( of Ue*usa%e#( He*od the the >g*eat>! Eo*: the but1he*F! was an Edo#ite! and ;ing f*o# <G-E<F /Ce( RA//0N0C: 7ut of thee /eit-6e1he# sha%% essiah go fo*th befo*e e to eLe*1ise do#inion o3e* 0s*ae%! 4ho>s Na#e has been s.o;en f*o# o%d! f*o# the da- of ete*nit-( -Ta*gu# Uonathan - i1hah =:)(: 7ut of thee sha%% 1o#e fo*th unto e a Oudge that is to be *u%e* in 0s*ae%! and this is the Bing essiah: fo* He is to be of the seed of 8a3id! f*o# /eit-6e1he# He wi%% be( -Abendena E i1h%o% Yo.hi in %o1o(F( [ i1(=:): 6u;e ):<-@: Gen()=:?: 1Bin(<:2G+ "Gittin 1:)' T):) N7TE: agi f*o# the East( QEastQ was /ab-%on! and agi we*e headed b- 8anie% -[8an(=:11!):<A!<:C+: R su..osed%- .u*ified b8anie%>s des1endent -Ho*oaste*( The- wou%d ha3e been fa#i%ia* with the .*o.he1- of Tana;h th*ough 8anie%>s tea1hing( RA//0N0C: The 0s*ae%ites said to God: How %ong sha%% we be in bondageI He *e.%ied: Ti%% the da- 1o#es of whi1h it is said: The*e sha%% 1o#e a sta* out of Ua1ob( -[Nu#()<+ 8eba*i# Rabba Ese1(1F(: 7u* Rabbis ha3e a t*adition! that in the wee; in whi1h the essiah wi%% be bo*n! the*e wi%% be a b*ight sta* in the east! whi1h is the sta* of the essiah( -Pesi;ta $o*ta*ta Efo%(=A1(1F( Bings sha%% a*ise out of Ya,a;o3! and Ha ashia1h be anointed f*o# 0s*ae%! and *eign o3e* a%% nations( Ta*gu# 7n;e%os /e#idba*&Nu#be*s )<:1@( At that ti#e the- sha%% b%ow a g*eat t*! and then sha%% be fu%fi%%ed what is w*itten! [Nu#( )<:1@+: A $ta* sha%% a*ise out of Ya,a;o3( Pesi;ta( God has de1*eed to bui%d u. Ye*usha%a-i# and show a $ta*(((This $ta* is Ha ashia1h( Hoha* ENu#( fo%( A=! 1(2<GF [Esthe* 1:12: 8an():1): Nu#()<:1@: 0s(?G:2: 6u;e ):11+ T):< The $1*ibes! who did #o*e than si#.%- 1o.- $1*i.tu*e! we*e ;nown as QTo*ah eL.e*tsQ R 1a%%ed u.on to ad#iniste*! inte*.*et &eL.ound! and defend the To*ah&6aw( This te*# %atte* on in 3a*ious .%a1es in the New Co3enant is a%so a..%ied to /e%ie3e*s in essiah Yeshua( [)Ch*(2<:12! 2?:1<: a%():@+ "Bi%ai# 12:1: Te*u#oth 1:1: Ha%%ah 1:1: 7*iah 2:C: $habbath @:): Yeba#oth 1:1! ):<! ?:<! C:): Betuboth 12:1: Gittin @:)! A:A!

C:A: $otah C:1=: /aba Ba##a 1:1: /aba etDia =:11: $anhed*in <:2! =:=! 11:2: Ho*a-oth 2:<: Be*ithoth 1:1: Be%i# 12:@: 7ho%oth 1@:=: Pa*ah 11:=-?: Toho*oth 1:1! <:@!11: Tebu% Yo# <:?: Yadai# 2:)' T):? RA//0N0C: A%though thou a*t %itt%e a#ong the thousands of Uudah! out of thee sha%% 1o#e fo*th unto e a Uudge to be Ru%e* of 0s*ae%! and this is the Bing essiah(- Rabbi Bi#1hi [ i1ah =:)+( 7! thou /eth%ehe# E.h*ata((( a%though thou a*t %itt%e in the thousands of Uudah! out of thee sha%% 1o#e fo*th unto e a an! a Ru%e* in 0s*ae% whose goings fo*th a*e f*o# the da-s of o%d((( that is f*o# the $eed of 8a3id((( who was of /eth%ehe# Uudah( Aba*bane%! ash#iah Ueshua Efo%(?)! 1()F( 0t ha..ened on1e that a Uew was .%owing and his oL %owed befo*e hi#( An A*ab was .assing and hea*d its 3oi1e( He said: 7! UewJ 7! UewJ un-o;e thine oL and %oose th- .%owsha*e! fo* the Te#.%e is deso%ate( 0t %owed a se1ond ti#e and he said: 7 UewJ 7 UewJ -o;e thine oL and bind th- .%owsha*e! fo* Bing essiah is bo*n( The Uew said: 4hat is His na#eI He answe*ed: ana1he#( 4hat is His fathe*>s na#eI He answe*ed: HeDe;iah( He as;ed: P*o# when1e is HeI He *e.%ied: P*o# the Ro-a% Pa%a1e of /eth%ehe# Uudah( The Uew then went and saw Hi#! but when he went again! the #othe* to%d hi# that the winds had bo*ne the 1hi%d awa-( Ta%#ud Ye*usha%a-i#( And He! the Ru%e* of 0s*ae%! is the Bing essiah! who sha%% 1o#e fo*th f*o# the $eed of 8a3id the Bing! who was of /eth%ehe# Uudah( Rabbi 0saa1 EChiDDu; E#unah! .a*(1()@CF( EAnd a%though negati3e! 0 in1%ude the fo%%owingF: Rabbi S%%a>s 1o##ents: $anhed*in <2a: 4ou%d -ou be%ie3e that an- defen1e wou%d ha3e been so Dea%ous%- sought fo* hi#I He was a de1ei3e*! and the A%%-#e*1ifu% sa-s: You sha%% not s.a*e hi#! neithe* sha%% -ou 1on1ea% hi#! [8eut(12:C+( 0t was diffe*ent with Yeshua! fo* He was nea* to the ;ingshi.( /eth%ehe#&/eit-6e1he#! #eans Qhouse of b*eadQ in Heb*ew( [Uohn @:<): Gen(<C:1G: Re3():)@+ T):@ [Nu#()<:1@+ T):11 9a*ious i%%ust*ations ha3e been d*awn as to the dee.e* #eaning found in the gifts gi3en b- the agi Ego%d: s.ea;ing of the 8iet- of Hi#: f*an;in1ense: s.ea;ing of the .u*it- of Hi#: #-**h: s.ea;ing of His deathF( 7ne 1an 1ontinue this idea with stud-ing these e%e#ents as used in the Te#.%e s-ste#( 7the*s ha3e s.e1u%ated that the go%d gi3en b- the agi was used bthe fa#i%- when the- f%eed to Eg-.t( [Ps(@):1G: 0s(?G:?+ T):1) $o#e 1on1%ude the >.agan> natu*e&*e%igion of the agi: but

he*e we see the# heeding a di3ine wa*ning( 4ith the .ossibi%it- of the# ha3ing been inst*u1ted f*o# the sa-ings of the .*o.het 8anie%! 0 don>t thin; we 1an i##ediate%- w*ite the# off as si#.%- >.agan>( [Uob 22:1=!1?: att(1:)G+ T):1= N7TE: (((Qthe*eQ unti% the death of He*od((( --E.*obab%- on%-

-ea* o* two(F The*e a*e #an- a .a*a%%e%is# that 1an be d*awn f*o# the %ife of oshe& oses and Yeshua( /eing 1a%%ed fo*th f*o# Eg-.t is but one of the#! and it #a;es fo* a *ewa*ding stud-( RA//0N0C: The Bing essiah sha%% be eLa%ted abo3e Ab*aha#! be high abo3e oses( [Ne3e $ha%o#+ Q0n fa1t the essiah is su1h a .*o.het as it is stated in the id*ash on the 3e*se! Q/eho%d - se*3ant sha%% .*os.e*((( oses b- the #i*a1%es whi1h he w*ought d*ew but a sing%e nation to the wo*shi. of G-d! but the essiah wi%% d*aw a%% nations to the wo*shi. of G-d(Q R(6e3i ben Ge*sho#( 7u* Rabbis eL.ound this in a id*ash of the Bing essiah sa-ing! He sha%% be highe* than Ab*aha#! eLa%ted abo3e oses! and %oftie* than the #iniste*ing ange%s( -R($a>ad-ah 0bn 8anan " id*ash Tan1hu#a' As it is said of the fo*#e* *edee#e*! and oses too; his wife! and his sons! and set the# on an ass EELodus <:)GF! so it is said of the %atte* Redee#e* " essiah' Q.oo* and *iding on an assQ - id*ash Bohe%et Efo%(?2:)F [Nu#()<:A: Hos(11:1: He1h(C:C+ "Aboth 1:1=' T):1C "Rosh ha-$hanah 1:1' T):1@ [Ue*(21:1=+ T):)G [6u;e ):2C: att():1?+ "Ha%%ah <:A: a;;oth ):<' T):)) N7TE: Eafte* the death of He*od the >g*eat>F - A*1he%aus was o3e* Uudah R $a#a*ia: o3e* Ga%i%ee R Pe*ea: Phi%i. o3e* N(E( 0s*ae%( A*1he%aus was a b%ood--;ing! a%so 3iewed b- the Ro#ans as ineffe1ti3e and *e#o3ed b- Caese* Agustus in ? A8 and banished to Gau%( [ att():1)!12!1C! 2:12: 6u;e ):2C+ T):)2 N7TE: NaDa*ene: #a- 1ontain >1onte#.tib%e&des.ised>! with idea of >1an an- good thing 1o#e out of NatDe*et>( Note too: 0s( 11:1: Ue*()2:=: He1h(2:A R T(/( $anhed*in <2a in the un1enso*ed teLt( 7* the .%u*a% E>b- the .*o.hets>F #a- be due to the e#.%o-#ent b- Ue*e#iah of a s-non-#! tse#a1h & /*an1h! in a essiani1 sense EUe*()2:=F( RA//0N0C: /eho%d! the da-s 1o#e! saith the 6o*d! that 0 wi%% *aise u. to 8a3id the essiah! 4ho is *ighteous! and He sha%% *eign a Bing! and sha%% .*os.e*! and eLe1ute the Oudge#ent of t*uth and Ousti1e in the ea*th( Ta*gu# Uonathan [Ue*( )2:=-?+(: ENote: the Rabbini1 idea of two a..ea*an1es of essiah! fi*st as essiah ben-Yosef! Eson of Yosef&Uose.h! with the idea that as Uose.h suffe*ed in Eg-.t fo* the .eo.%e of 0s*ae%! so wi%% the $uffe*ing- essiah suffe* fo* 0s*ae%! who wi%% die: then essiah /en-8a3id who wi%% *eign( $ee a%so: at()<:2G-21(F R(


Uoshua son of 6e3i! said: /*an1h is the Na#e of the essiah! fo* it is w*itten! /eho%d the an whose Na#e is the /*an1h! He sha%% g*ow u. out of His .%a1e( - id*ash [ED(<A:2=+( Rabbi 8osa! in his 1o##ents on He1ha*iah 1):1G E$u;;ah =)aF! a%so be%ie3es the essiah b(Uose.h wi%% die( 0n 1onteLt! He1ha*iah 1):1G as we%% s.ea;s of essiah as being .ie*1ed( E es: A Rab( R $1*i.t( 9iew.oint & Ye%%inF( [Ta*gu# Uonathan on $ong of $ongs <:= and @:<: /a#idba* Rabba 11:): Ruth Rabba ):1<! =:@ -Eon 8an(1):11-1)F+( [6u;e 1:)?! ):2C: Uohn 1:<=-<?: Uudg(12:=+ This idea has 1o#e to us *e1ent%- in the %atest *e%ease of the 8ead $ea $1*o%%s! 1%ea*%- showing! Eas we *ead in an a*ti1%e in The Ro1;- ountain News & 8en3e* Co%o*ado! No3(A! 1CC1 .g( =GF: QNew%- *e%eased teLt f*o# the 8ead $ea $1*o%%s #entions the eLe1ution of a essiah-%i;e %eade*! suggesting that so#e an1ient Uews sha*ed the Ch*istian 1on1e.t of the s%a-ing of a essiah!((( 7ne f*ag#ent 1ontains fi3e %ines of teLt that des1*ibe a >%eade* of the 1o##unit-> being >.ut to death> and #entions >.ie*1ings> o* >wounds>! said Robe*t Eisen#an! a .*ofesso* of idd%e East *e%igions at Ca%ifo*nia $tate Sni3e*sit-! 6ong /ea1h( The teLt a%so uses essiah*e%ated te*#s su1h as >the staff!> >the /*an1h of 8a3id> and the >Root of Uesse!> said Eisen#an! who he%.ed t*ans%ate the s1*o%% f*ag#ents( 0ts %anguage is 1%ose to that in the 7%d Testa#ent /oo; of 0saiah! whi1h sa-s >fo* ou* sins he was wounded(> an- Ch*istians use 0saiah>s .*o.he1ies to aid


unde*standing of Uesus( ((( he said the teLt has >fa*-*ea1hing signifi1an1e> be1ause it shows the s1*o%%s> w*ite*s and ea*%Ch*istians sha*ed si#i%a* essiani1 ideas( ((( an- othe* s1ho%a*s be%ie3e the s1*o%%s we*e w*itten b- an as1eti1 Uewish se1t 1a%%ed Essenes( ((( the new%- *e%eased teLt shows that the Uewish s1*o%% w*ite*s had the idea of a essiah who wou%d suffe* and die( >That shows this was not an idea uniMue to Ch*istianit-!> 4ise said(Q T2:1 Eth*u 3(2F: RA//0N0C: 0n the hou* when the Ho%- 7ne! b%essed be His Na#e! *edee#s 0s*ae%! th*ee da-s befo*e essiah 1o#es E%i-ahu! and stands u.on the #ountains of 0s*ae% and wee.s and #ou*ns fo* the#( Ya%;ut E3o%()! .(=2!1(F( And 0s*ae% wi%% not #a;e g*eat *e.entan1e ti%% E%i-ahu - his #e#o*- fo* b%essingsJ - 1o#e! [as it is said in a%a1hi <:=-?+! /eho%d! 0 wi%% send -ou E%i-ahu! the .*o.het! et1(((( Pi*;e de R( E%iese* E1(<2F( [ a*; 1:2-A: Uosh( 1<:1G+ T2:) [8an():<<: a%(<:?: att(<:1@: a*; 1:1=: 6u;e 1:1@! 1G:C! 11:)G! )1:21+ T2:2 [0s(<G:2: 6u;e 2:<: Uohn 1:)2: 6u;e 1:@?+ E8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine 3iii(1<F T2:< 6o1ust! E#entioned in Tana;h! and the on%- Boshe* inse1tF! with #an- of the /edawin is sti%% an a*ti1%e of food! though none but the .oo*est eat the#( The- a*e sa%ted and d*ied! and eaten with butte* o* with wi%d hone-( [)Bin(1:A: He1h(12:<: att( 11:A: a*; 1:?: 6e3(11:)): 1$a#(1<:)=-)?+ "/e*a;hoth ?:2: Bi%ai# C:1: Te*u#oth 1G:C: $habbath C:@: /aba /ath*a =:2: Abodah Ha*ah ):@: Hu%%in 2:@! A:1: /e;ho*oth 1:): Be%i# 1?:@! )):1G: 7ho%oth A:1: Negai# 11:): a;shi*in ?:<: S;tDin 2:1G' T2:= [ a*; 1:=+ "Pa*ah A:1G' T2:? Q/a.tis#Q is not Oust a QCh*istianQ in3ention! Eas so#e

su..oseF: but has been done sin1e ea*%iest ti#es in Uudais#( /a.tis# in G*ee; si#.%- #eans i##e*sion! and in Uudais# i##e*sion in the i;3eh! Ein %i3ing&*unning wate* [/%a1;#an " ishna-oth 1:)G'+F! is sti%% .*a1ti1ed toda- fo* wo#en afte* thei* #onth%- .e*iod! and fo* .*ose%-tes to Uudais#( 4hi%e the New Co3enant $1*i.tu*es eL.and the intent of the i;3eh! a dee.e* #eaning is not un;nown in Uudais#: ta;e fo* eLa#.%e the 1on1e.t of! >Tu#ah and Taha*ah- i;3eh>: QRabbi A;i3a said: Ha..- a*e -ou! 0s*ae%J /efo*e who# do -ou #a;e -ou*se%3es taho*! and who #a;es -ou taho*I You* Pathe* in Hea3en( As


is w*itten! >The #i;3eh of 0s*ae% is the 6o*d(> [Ue*e#iah 1@:12F( Uust as the #i;3eh #a;es taho* those who a*e ta#eh! so the Ho%- 7ne #a;es 0s*ae% taho*(Q - ishnah Yo#a A:C( Q0n wate* e3e*-thing is >disso%3ed!> e3e*- >fo*#> is b*o;en u.! e3e*-thing that has ha..ened 1eases to eList: nothing that was befo*e *e#ains afte* i##e*sion in wate*! not an out%ine! not a >sign!> not an e3ent( 0##e*sion is the eMui3a%ent! at the hu#an %e3e%! of death at the 1os#i1 %e3e%! of the 1ata1%-s# Ethe P%oodF whi1h .e*iodi1a%%- disso%3es the wo*%d into the .*i#e3a% o1ean( /*ea;ing u. a%% fo*#s! doing awa- with the .ast! wate* .ossesses the .owe* of .u*if-ing! of *egene*ating! of gi3ing new bi*th( (((4ate* .u*ifies and *egene*ates be1ause it nu%%ifies the .ast! and *esto*es - e3en if on%- fo* a #o#ent - the integ*it- of the dawn of thingsQ E i*1ea E%iade( A%so see: The Pi*st Uewish Cata%og: fo* fu*the* info on this subOe1t(F [A1ts 1C:<!1A+ "Peshai# A:A: Yo#a 2:A! <:)! ?:)! A:C: egi%%ah ):<: Biddushi# =:<: $anhed*in ?:): Edu-oth =:): Be*ithoth ):1: Pa*ah A:?-1G: i;waoth 1:1! <-A! ):<! =:<-?! C:1' T2:@ N7TE: an-&#ost of TD>du;i#&E$addu1eesF! es.e1ia%%- the %eade*s! denied be%ief in: a bodi%- *esu**e1tion: futu*e *ewa*d and .unish#ent and *ewa*d: and the eListan1e of ange%s: and the- he%d that on%- the To*ah in Tana;h&E7(T(F was 0ns.i*ed: [Howe3e*! the P>*ushi#&EPha*iseesF be%ie3ed a%% these things! in1%uding Tana;h(+ Note how #an- Q%ibe*a%Q *e%igious .eo.%e toda- a%so den- #u1h of what the /ib%e sa-s is t*ueJ [ att( 1):2<: 6u;e 2:@-C: Ro#(=:C: 1Thess(1:1G+ "/e*a;hoth =:1: Aboth ):1G' T2:C N7TE: $tanda*d Ta%#udi1 tea1hing! that: A%% 0s*ae% has a .o*tion in the wo*%d to 1o#e: et1(((( -EThe idea is often .*esented that this is si#.%- be1ause a .e*son is Uewish -[has A3*aha# to thei* fathe*+: a%though this is not a 1GGZ #aOo*ittea1hing of Ta%#ud! as the*e a*e othe* 3iew.oints th*oughout Ta%#ud *ega*ding the afte*-%ife! and who #e*its it(F RA//0N0C: Ab*aha#>s a1ti3it- did not 1ease with his death! and as he inte*1eded in this wo*%d fo* the sinne*s! so wi%% he inte*1ede fo* the# in the wo*%d to 1o#e( 7n the da- of Oudg#ent! he wi%% sit at the gate of he%%! and he wi%% not suffe* those who ;e.t the %aw of 1i*1u#1ision to ente* the*ein( E*u3in 1Ca( ECited in The 6egends 7f The Uews! b-: 6ouis Ginsbe*g! ed( 3o%( 1: Phi%ade%.hia -Uewish Pub%ishing! =@)? [1C?A+ .( 2G?F( EPo* fu*the* info*#ation see: Retu*n P*o# ELi%e! b- i1hae% $1hiff#an! Teshu3ah Pub%ishing! Co%u#bus 7hio(F [Uohn A:22: A1ts 12:)?: Ro#( <:1!11! 1?: Ga%(2:)C+ "/i;;u*i# 1:<! /aba Ba##a A:?: /aba etDia @:1:

Aboth =:)-2' T2:1G This *eading [1G R 11+ ag*ees with the A*abi1 8iatessa*on <:1A-)=! - whi1h is a se1ond 1entu*- A8&CE Ha*#on- of the fou* Good News a11ounts( [Ps(C):1)-1<: att(@:1C: 6u;e 12:@!C: Uohn 1=:?+ T2:11 [$ee 3(1G abo3e+ [ a*; 1:<!A: 6u;e 2:1?: Uohn 1:)?: A1ts 1:=: 0s(<:<: Uohn )G:)): A1ts ):2!<: 1Co*(1):12+ "Biddushin 1:2' EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine iii(@-A (((He 1annot be 1%eansed b- an- wate*s of ab%ution! no* san1tified bi##e*sion in %a;es o* *i3e*s! no* .u*ified b- an- bath( Sn1%ean! un1%ean he *e#ains so %ong as he *eOe1ts the go3e*n#ent of God and and *efuses the dis1i.%ine of 1o##union with Hi#( Po* it is on%- th*ough the s.i*itua% a..*ehension of God>s t*uth that #an>s wa-s 1an be .*o.e*%- di*e1ted( 7n%thus 1an a%% his iniMuities be sh*i3en so that he 1an gaDe u.on the t*ue %ight of %ife( 7n%- th*ough the Ho%- $.i*it 1an he a1hie3e union with God>s t*uth and be .u*ged of a%% his iniMuities((((F T2:1) [ a%(2:2! <:1: att(12:2G+ "$hebiith A:11: Abodah Ha*ah ):@' T2:12 0n the wi%de*ness of the wande*ing of the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae% the*e was a s#a%% f%as; of ho%- oi%! f*o# whi1h we*e anointed the Tabe*na1%e and its 3esse%s! Aa*on and his sons! and the who%e %ine of high-.*iests and ;ings du*ing the ti#e of the fi*st Te#.%e( Yet sti%% the f%as; of oi% *e#ained undi#inished in Muantit- fo* use in the futu*e! when the essiah was to be anointed with it! b- the .*o.het and high-.*iest E%iOah( -EB%ausne*! o.( 1it( .( ?)F( 0nte*esting .a*a%%e% between the abo3e t*adition! and Yeshua essiah>s i##e*sion b- Yo1hanan&Uohn( [ att():))! 2:2-1@: a*; 1:C-11: 6u;e 2:)1!)): Uohn 1:21-)<+ T2:1< "/e*a;hoth =:2' T2:1? RA//0N0C: The idea% Bing to who# 0saiah %oo;s fo*wa*d wi%% be a s1ion of the sto1; of Uesse EThe essiahF on who# wi%% *est the $.i*it of God(((([a%so 0s(C:1-?+ -Uewish En1-%(3o%(A .g(=G?!11( E/e*eshis Rabba ) [N7TE: Yesha>-ahu&0saiah 11:)+F( 0nte*esting .a*a%%e% with the Rabbini1 1o##enta*- on /e*eshit&Genesis 1:)! E id*ash /e*eshisF! that the $.i*it of E%ohi# that #o3ed& b*ooded o3e* the fa1e of the wate*s was: (((none othe* than the $.i*it of Bing essiah( ETa%#ud Ye*usha%a-i# /e*a1h =a: $anhed*in C2b: /e*eshis Rabba A=! CC: Ya%;ut 3o%(1 .()<@F( Tsene Rene! -EThe 1*eation & Ua1ob ben-0saa1 Ash;enaDiF: 0n the fi*st 1*eation of hea3en and ea*th! the ea*th was waste and wi%d! and G-d>s Th*one of G%o*- ho3e*ed in the ai* o3e* the wate*( [ a*; 1:1G: 0s(11:): 6u;e 2:)): Uohn 1:2): A1ts @:=?+ T2:1@ RA//0N0C: The idea of the T*i-Snit- of Ha$he# is not un;nown to Uudais#! he*e a*e so#e Muotes that show this idea f*o# Rabbini1 %it(: QHe has no diffi1u%t- as the Uewish En1-1%o.edia a%so sa-s! E9o%( 1)! .age )?1F! >The Caba%a! on the othe* hand! es.e1ia%%the Hoha*! its funda#enta% wo*;! was fa* %ess hosti%e to the

dog#a of the T*init-! sin1e b- its s.e1u%ations *ega*ding the Pathe*! the $on! and the $.i*it! it e3o%3ed a new t*init-((((>Q H7HAR [T7 8EST( ?:<+: Hea* 7 0s*ae%:Ha$he# ou* G-d! Ha$he# is 7ne( 4h- is the*e a need of #entioning the Na#e of G-d th*ee ti#es in this 3e*seI The Pi*st Ha$he# is the Pathe* abo3e( The $e1ond is the $te# of Uesse! the essiah 4ho is to 1o#e f*o# the fa#i%- of Uesse th*ough 8a3id( And the Thi*d 7ne is the 4awhi1h is be%ow E#eaning the Ho%- $.i*it 4ho shows us the wa-F and These Th*ee a*e 7ne( EHoha* 3o%(000F(((The An1ient and Ho%- 7ne is *e3ea%ed and des1*ibed as being Th*ee: it is be1ause the 7the* 6ights a*e Two 1o#.%ete 7nes! -et is the An1ient and Ho%- 7ne des1*ibed and 1o#.%ete as 7ne! R He is 7ne! .ositi3e%- 7ne: thus a*e the 7the* 6ights united and g%o*ified in 7ne! be1ause The- a*e 7ne(((ERabbi $i#eon fu*the* statesF(((Thus a*e the Th*ee 6ights united in 7ne( The $.i*it whi1h is downwa*d! 4ho is 1a%%ed the Ho%- $.i*it! the $.i*it whi1h is the idd%e Pi%%a*! 4ho is 1a%%ed the $.i*it of 4isdo# and Snde*standing! a%so 1a%%ed the $.i*it be%ow( The S..e* $.i*it is hidden in se1*et: in Hi# a*e eListing a%% the Ho%- $.i*its! Ethe Ho%- $.i*it and the $.i*it that is the #idd%e .i%%a*F! and a%% that is %ight(Q The ange% etat*on! a11o*ding to Uewish theo%og-! was He who dis1ou*sed with oses! and the Ange% in who# G-d .%a1ed His Na#e( The fo%%owing f*o# the Hoha* is of inte*est in this 1ase: 4hi%e the shofa* is being b%own in the $-nagogue on Rosh Ha$hannah the fo%%owing *e#a*;ab%- signifi1ant .*a-e* is offe*ed: e*1ifu% and g*a1ious G-d! 0 ha3e sinned against Thee! and done that whi1h is e3i% in Th- sight( Ha3e #e*1- on #e and fo*gi3e a%% #- t*ansg*essions! t*es.asses and sins! th*ough KYeshua the P*in1e of His P*esen1e( -EP*a-e* /oo; Po* The New Yea* [1C12+( Re3( 8*(A(Th( Phi%%i.s! .age 1GG: Kas seen as we%% in 3a*ious othe* ea*%- $iddu*i#F( 0n #ost .*a-e* boo;s of the .*esent da- this .*a-e* is o#itted! and the fo%%owing offe*ed instead: a- it .%ease Thee! 7 6-*d G-d! and the G-d of ou* fathe*s! that Thou #a-est a11e.t it as the #editation th*ough E%iOah and Uoshua! the P*in1e of the P*esen1e! the P*in1e etat*on and that Thou #a-est be fi%%ed with #e*1- towa*ds us( /%essed a*t Thou! 7 6-*d 4ho a*t #e*1ifu%( The*e is a #an! if a an He is! 4ho is an Ange%(This Ange% is etat*on! the Bee.e* of 0s*ae%: He is a #an in the i#age of the Ho%- 7ne! b%essed be He! 4ho is an E#anation f*o# Hi# Ef*o# G-dF: -ea! He Ethe etat*onF is Ueho3ah( 7f Hi# 1annot be said! He is 1*eated! fo*#ed o* #ade: but He is the E#anation f*o# G-d( -Hoha*! 1ha.t( ?@! .age 12G( -EN7TE: #an- of these t-.e Hoha* Muotes on%- a..ea* in the A#ste*da# 3e*sionF( 0n #ode*n ti#es! the*e was a #o3e#ent begun b- 8*( Pau% 6e3e*toff! who a%so assisted in the t*ans%ating of the Hoha*

into Eng%ish! - of a Chassidi1 7*thodoL unde*standing of the T*i-Snit-( How 1an Th*ee be 7neI A*e the- 3e*i%- 7ne be1ause we 1a%% the# 7neI How 1an Th*ee be 7ne! 1an on%- be ;nown th*ough the *e3e%ation of the Ho%- $.i*it( - Hoha*! 3o%()(.!<2! 3e*sa!.())( [Uohn 1):)A: Ps():@: 0s(<):1: a*; 1:11: 6u;e 1:2=! C:2=: Co%( 1:12+ "Yeba#oth 1?:?: Aboth ?:)' K$ee: Un(1:1( T<:1 [ att(<:1-11: a*; 1:1): 6u;e <:1: EDe;(2:1<: A1ts A:2G+ "$habbath ):?' T<:< [8eut(A:2+ "Aboth ?:@' T<:= [Neh(11:1!1A: 8an(C:)<: att()@:=2+ T<:? [Ps(C1:11-1)+ T<:@ RA//0N0C: 0t is a t*adition f*o# ou* Rabbis! that in the hou* when Bing essiah 1o#es! He stands on the *oof of the Te#.%e and .*o1%ai#s to the# that the hou* of thei* de%i3e*an1e has 1o#e( -Ya%;ut E3o%() .a*(2=CF: EPesiMta Rabbati 2?F( [8eut( ?:1?+ T<:A [ att(1?:)?: 1Uohn ):1=-1@+ T<:1G [8eut(?:12! 1G:)G: Uosh()<:1<+ T<:11 [Ua#es <:@: att()?:=2: 6u;e )):<2: Heb(1:1<+ T<:1) [ att(1<:2: a*; 1:1<: 6u;e 2:)G: Uohn <:<2+ "$hebiith C:): Peshai# <:=: Rosh ha-$hanah <:2: Betuboth <:1)! =:C! 12:1G: Neda*i# ):<: /aba /ath*a 2:): enahoth A:2: Hu%%in =:2! 11:): Be%i# ):)' T<:1= [0s(C:1-)+ T<:1? [0s(<):@: 6u;e ):2)+ T<:1@ [ a*; 1:1<-1=: att(2:)! 1G:@+ "/e*a;hoth ):)!=: Yo#a A:A-C: Rosh ha-$hanah <:=: $otah C:1@: $anhed*in ):=: Aboth ):1G! 2:)!=! <:11!1@! =:1A' T<:1A [ att(<:1A-)): a*; 1:1?-)G: 6u;e =:)-11: Uohn 1:<G-<): att( 1G:)! 1?:1A+ " oed Batan ):=: Biddushin <:12' T<:1C [6u;e =:1G+ T<:)G [ att(1C:)@: a*; 1G:)A+ T<:)1 [ a*; 1:1C+ T<:)2 [Ps()):)): att(C:2=! )<:1<: a*; 1:1<!)1!2<! ?:)! 1G:1: 6u;e <:1=!<G!<2! ?:?! @:)1! A:1! 12:1G! 1?:1?: Uohn ?:=C! 1A:)G: A1ts 1G:2A+ T<:)< [ a*; 1:2)!22: 6u;e <:<G+ T<:)= N7TE: the Ten-towns -1G towns south of the $ea of Ga%i%ee! #ain%- east of Uo*dan *i3e*! had a %a*ge genti%e .o.u%ation( [ att( =:1! A:1!1A: a*; 2:@-A+ T=:1 [ att(1<:)2! 1=:)C! 1@:1: a*; 2:12: 6u;e ?:1@! C:)A: Uohn ?:2!1=+ T=:) [ att(@:)C: a*; 1G:1! 1):2=: Uohn A:)+ T=:2 [P*o3(1?:1C: 0s(??:): 6u;e ?:)G-)2+ "Yo#a A:C: $otah C:1=: Aboth ):=! <:<!@!1G! =:1C! ?:<-=' T=:< [0s(?1:)-2: 6u;e ?:)1: Uohn 1?:)G: A1ts 1?:2<: )Co*(1:@: Re3( )1:<+ "Pesahi# <:=: Taanith 1:?! ):C! <:?' T=:= [Ps(2@:11: 0s()C:1C: Ro#(<:12+ "Biddushin 1:1G: $anhed*in 1G:1' T=:? [6u;e 1:=2: A1ts ):<: 0s(==:1! ?=:12: Uohn <:1<! ?:<A! @:2@+ "Aboth <:)'

T=:@ [Ps(<1:1: a*; 11:)=+ T=:A [Ps(1=:)! )<:<: Heb(1):1<: A1ts @:==-=?: 1Co*(12:1)+ T=:C "Peah 1:1: Aboth 1:1)!1A! 2:1<' T=:1G [)Co*(<:1@: 1Pet(2:1<+ T=:11 [6u;e ?:)): 1Pet(<:1<+ "A*a;hin 2:=' T=:1) [6u;e ?:)2: A1ts =:<1! @:=): 1Pet(<:12-1<: )Ch*(2?:1?: Neh( C:)?: att()2:2@: 1Thess():1=: Heb(11:2=-2@: Ua#es =:1G+ "Aboth ):1<-1?! <:1G: S;tDin 2:1)' T=:12 $a%t .*odu1ed b- the e3a.o*ation of sea-wate* in hot 1ount*ies is said so#eti#es to %ose its sa%ine .*o.e*ties( The sa#e *esu%t is a%so so#eti#es seen in i#.u*e *o1;-sa%t that has %ong been eL.osed to the ai*(((( 8*( Tho#son te%%s of so#e sa%t whi1h was b*ought f*o# the #a*shes of C-.*us b- a #e*1hant of $idon! and sto*ed in s#a%% houses with ea*then f%oo*s( QThe sa%t neLt to the g*ound in a few -ea*s enti*e%- s.oi%ed( 0 saw %a*ge Muantities of it %ite*a%%- th*own into the st*eet! be t*odden unde* foot of #en and beasts( 0t was good fo* nothing(Q -EThe 6and And The /oo;! 3o%(ii .(<2F( $1hottgen su..oses *efe*en1e is he*e #ade to the bitu#inous sa%t f*o# the 8ead $ea! whi1h! he sa-s! was st*ewn o3e* the sa1*ifi1es in the Te#.%e to neut*a%iDe the s#e%% of the bu*ning f%esh! and when it be1a#e s.oi%ed b- eL.osu*e it was 1ast out u.on the wa%;s to .*e3ent in wet weathe*! and was thus %ite*a%%Qt*odden unde* foot of #en(Q -E anne*s And Custo#s 7f The /ib%e! Ua#es E( P*ee#anF( RA//0N0C: A%though sa%t is 1hea. and .e..e* dea*! the wo*%d 1an eList without the %atte*! but not without the fo*#e*( Ta%#ud Ye*usha%a-i# Ho*a-oth 000! <A( E/ut at othe* ti#es! sa%t was 3e*- 1ost%-: so the state#ent: wo*th -ou* weight in sa%tF( [ a*; C:=G: 6u;e 1<:2<+ "$habbath ?:=: E*ubin 1:1G! 1G:1<: $u;;ah <:C: $otah C:1<: Abodah Ha*ah ):?: iddoth 2:2! =:2' T=:1< [P*o3(<:1A: Uohn A:1): Phi%():1=+ T=:1= [ a*; <:)1: 6u;e A:1?: Phi%():1=+ "$habbath 1?:@' T=:1? [1Pet():1): Uohn 1=:A: 1Co*(1<:)=+ T=:1@ RA//0N0C: 0 a# not 1o#e to ta;e awa- f*o# the To*ah of oshe! and 0 a# not 1o#e to add to the To*ah of oshe -[1onteLt: a Oudge s.ea;ing -E.*obab%- a essiani1&NatD*ati# UewF+( -b( $habb(11?b! /ab%-(Ge#a*a -Ea%so note: ea*%ie* >he> states anothe* >Good-News> Muote whi1h is not found e%sewhe*e: A son and a daughte* sha%% inhe*it a%i;e(F( EA%so see: enahoth )Ca! 2<a!1f(EL(R(?: 6e3(a@1C: 1ant(a( on Rosh( Bethe# .a(): 4isdo# 1A:<: /a*u1h <:1: Ta%#(Ue*( egi%%ah 1:=E@F!@Gd: e;i%ta on EL(1):)?!ed(P*ied#ann! 12a to. -ed(4eiss!.(1?a: Pesi;ta Rabbathi! 1(1= Eed(P*ied#ann! @=aF: T(/( Niddah ?1b: id*ash Tehi%%i# on Ps( 1L%3i @(F [Ro#(1G:<+ "Aboth <:C' T=:1A [ att()<:2=: 6u;e 1?:1@+ "/e*a;hoth =:<! A:A: Taanith <:A: $otah ):=: $hebuoth <:2: enahoth 2:@' T=:1C [Ua#es ):1G+ "Aboth ):1! <:)' T=:)G N7TE: 0t is inte*esting that in 3e*- #an- .%a1es -Eas sha%%

be seen in se3e*a% fo%%owing MuotesF! the sa-ing of Yeshua a*e so#ewhat si#i%a* to sa-ings of 3a*ious Rabbis( 4hi%e so#e of the sa-ings that a*e si#i%a* a*e f*o# befo*e Yeshua>s ti#e! #an- of the# a*e f*o# afte* Yeshua>s ti#e! -b- e3en as #u1h as 4e <=GV -ea*s( - This #a;es fo* so#e inte*esting 1on1%usionsJ

a%so see! that Ta%#ud itse%f is as ha*d! o* e3en ha*de*! on 1st 1entu*- A8&Ce Y>hudi# -[es.e1ia%%- the P>*ushi#! Eas is a%so the New Co3enantF+( 0n one instan1e the Rabbis de1%a*e that Ue*usa%e# was dest*o-ed be1ause the .eo.%e the*ein we*e 1ontent to a1t in a11o*dan1e with the st*i1t de#ands of the 6aw E/aba etDia AAaF! Good .eo.%e #ust a1t -%ifni# #ishu*at ha-din X be-ond the %ette* of the 6aw( -E e;i%ta on EL(1A:)GF( (((#anof the P>*ushi# we*e said to be: inOu*ious and h-.o1*iti1a%! and e3en 1onside*ed being a#ong - Qthe dest*o-e*s of the wo*%dQ: E$ota )G R ))b&"KEnYa>a;o3 0 .g( ))2-))<' - [Ue*(/e*( iL(@! K$ot(iii(<+! Ue*(Chag(F: indeed! 3e*- #an- of that gene*ation we*e noted fo* being sinfu%: EYo#a Cb R 1G! T( $habbat 22&"EnYa>a;o3 0 .g(122'! R %ate* in T($habbat& "EnYa>a;o3 0 .g(1C<-1C?'-sta*ting with the wo*ds: QAba-e said: Ue*usa%e# wou%d not ha3e been dest*o-ed! but fo* the sin(((QF( $o not on%- Yeshua! but the Ta%#ud itse%f is f*eMuent%- in o..osition to so#e of these Q$agesQ! and e3en that enti*e gene*ation in gene*a%J K"EnYa>a;o3 Agada of the /ab-%onian Ta%#ud! R(Ua1ob 0/N Chabib: R( G%i1;'( KQ((($u1h an eL.*ession as >the .%ague of Pha*isais#> is not un1o##on: and a si%%.ietist! a 1%e3e* sinne*! and a fe#a%e Pha*isee! a*e *an;ed a#ong >the t*oub%es of %ife>Q-[$ot(iii(<+&The 6ife And Ti#es 7f Uesus The essiah - b- A%f*ed Ede*shei# - i&/oo; 000! .age 21) [ha*d-1o3e*&*ef( 3e*s(+ 0$/N G-AG)A-AG)@-<( [Ro#(1G:2+ T=:)1 [EL()G:12: 8eut(=:1@+ "Rosh ha$hanah 1:A: $otah C:C: /aba Ba##a ?:<: $anhed*in 1:<-?! 2:2-=! <:<-=! =:1!<! ?:1! @:2! C:1! 2!=-?! 11:)!=: a;;oth 1:@-C! 1G! ):1-2!=-A! $hebuoth <:1: Edu-oth =:?-@: Be*ithoth 1:1' T=:)) RA//0N0C: The*e is no abso%ution fo* an adu%te*e*! fo* one who eL.oses his fe%%ow-#an to sha#e .ub%i1%-! and fo* one who a..%ies 3i%e na#es to his neighbo*( /aba etDiah =Ab 0t is bette* fo* a #an to be th*own into a fie*- fu*na1e than to be the #eans of b*inging anothe* to sha#e .ub%i1%-( $otah 1Gb [1Uohn 2:1=: Ua#es ):)G! 2:?+ "$anhed*in 1:=: Aboth ):=! 1G-11! 2:11! =:11' T=:)2 [ att(A:<+ "Pesahi# 2:@: /aba Ba##a C:1): iddoth 2:<' T=:)< [Uob <):A: 1Ti#():A: 1Pet(2:@+ "Yo#a A:C' T=:)= [P*o3()=:A: 6u;e 1):=A-=C: Ps(2):?: 0s(==:?+ "Biddushin <:=: $anhed*in 1:1! 2:1: Aboth <:))' T=:)? " aase* $heni ):@!C! <:C: $he;a%i# ):1!<! ?:?: Betuboth =:@! 1G:<: NaDi* =:): Biddushin 1:1: /aba Ba##a <:1! A:?: /aba /ath*a =:C! 1G:): $hebuoth ?:2: Edu-oth 1:1G! <:@: Hu%%in 2:): ei%ah ?:<: i;waoth C:=' T=:)@ [EL()G:1<: 8eut(=:1A+ "Yeba#oth 1G:?-@: $anhed*in @:)2!C! C:?: Niddah =:<'

T=:)A RA//0N0C: He who de%ibe*ate%- %oo;s on a wo#an! is as though he had 1onneLion with he* E asse;heth Ba%%ahF! o* b- ea*%A#o*ah: R( $hi#eon ben-6a;ish: Po* thou #a-est not sa- that e3e*-one that 1o##itteth adu%te*- with his bod- is 1a%%ed an adu%te*e* -he that 1o##itteth adu%te*- with his e-es is a%so to be 1a%%ed an adu%te*e*( -6e3(R(@)2(( [)$a#(11:)-=: Uob 21:1: P*o3(?:)=: att( 1=:1C: Ua#es 1:1<-1=+ "Aboth 1:=' T=:)C N7TE: /ib%i1a% A*a#ai1&E$-*ia1F! is not on%- what .o*tions of the Tana;h we*e w*itten in: but is 1%ose to /ib%i1a% Heb*ew( Pe*ha.s as 1%ose as Yiddish is to Ge*#an! o* 1?11 Eng%ish is to )Gth 1ent( $outhe*n-dia%e1t A#e*i1an! Eif not e3en 1%ose*F( The- a*e siste* %anguages! e#.%o-ing the sa#e a%.habet and #ost of the sa#e base&*oot wo*ds( 4hi%e the*e wou%d be so#e diffi1u%t- unde*standing one anothe*! the- sti%% wou%d be ab%e to 1o##uni1ate( 8u*ing the 1st Centu*- A8&CE! one of the #ain dia%e1ts of Heb*ew s.o;en in 0s*ae% was Q ishnai1 Heb*ewQ! whi1h was Heb*ew #iLed with #u1h in the wa- of A*a#ai1 wo*dfo*#! senten1e st*u1tu*e! and 1e*tain idio#s( [ a*; C:<2: Co%(2:=+ "Niddah ):1' T=:2G 0t is so#eti#es .*esented! Ef*o# those who ;now no bette*F! that: the*e is no Uudai1 1on1e.t of Hea3en and he%%! ange%s and the afte*-%ife! et1(! %i;e the essiani1&NatD*ati# ho%d( This 1an be i##ediate%- shown to be in1o**e1t b- *eading a%#ost an-thing b- the /aa% $he# To3! and 3a*ious othe* w*itings( $ee fo* eLa#.%e #an- of these t-.e of things in: $to*ies 7f E%i-ahu HaNa3i -Yis*oe% Yaa;o3 B%a.ho%D &1C@A!Pe>e* Hasefe* Pub%ishe*s! /nei /*a;( T( Pesa1hi#: QThen again! was then its fi*e 1*eated on the $abbath e3eI /eho%d! we a*e taught that R( Uose sa-s! >The fi*e whi1h the Ho%- 7ne! .*aised be HeJ 1*eated on the se1ond da- of 1*eation wi%% ne3e* be Muen1hed! fo* it is said E0saiah ??:)<F >And the- sha%% go fo*th! and %oo; u.on the 1a*1asses of the #en that ha3e t*ansg*essed against #e: fo* thei* wo*# sha%% not die no* sha%% thei* fi*e be Muen1hed(>Q E$o#e eL.%ain this as the 8a- of Uudge#ent afte* the Resu**e1tion of the dead! at what ti#e the wi1;ed wi%% be *esu**e1ted fo* an e3e*%asting disg*a1e! Eas in 8an( 1):)F: othe*s! that >thei* fi*e wi%% not be Muen1hed> a%%udes to the sou% when it %ea3es the bod-! when if it does not #e*it to as1end to the ange%s of E%Khi#! it *e#ains b- the s.he*es of fi*e( -Reda;(F EA6$7: E*ubin EnU 9(0 .()))bF( T=:21 [8eut()<:1: Ue*(2:1: a*; 1G:)+ "Gittin 1:1!2!=-?! ):2-=!@A! 2:1-)!=-?! <:1-2!@-A! ?:1-2! @:)-2! A:1-2!=!A-1G! C:1!2-<!@-A: $anhed*in 2:2-=' T=:2) 0n ag*ee#ent with the house of $ha##ai! Yeshua gi3es a

1ondition .e*#itting di3o*1e when the*e is ha*%ot*-&seLua%i##o*a%it-( RA//0N0C: (((eL1e.t -ou ha3e found he* in a #atte* of %ewdness( Gitt(C:1C-EendF( [ att(1C:C: a*; 1G:11: 6u;e 1?:1A: Ro#(@:2: 1Co*(@:11+ "Yeba#oth ?:?! Betuboth =:=! @:1-C: Gittin C:1G: $otah =:1' T=:22 [ att()2:1?: EL()G:@: 6e3(1C:1): Nu#(2G:): 8eut()2:)2+ "$hebuoth 2:1!=!@-A!1G! <:1-2! =:1! ?:1!=! @:1!@' E att(=: 22-2@&The 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: 1.( The anua% of 8is1i.%ine 3(AF Uose.hus te%%s us E4a*! 00! 3iii! ?F that the Essenes a3oided ta;ing oaths( The on%- eL1e.tion was the oath of a%%egian1e on being ad#itted to the /*othe*hood( Yeshua 1ounse%%ed his Ta%#idi# in the sa#e sense E att(=:22-2@F( 0t is inte*esting to obse*3e that this *u%e obtained a%so a#ong the 4a%denses( T=:2< [ att()2:1?: Ua#es =:1): 0s(??:1+ "8e#ai ):2: Neda*i# 1:1-)! ):): $hebuoth 2:1-C! <:2!12' T=:2= "Neda*i# 1:2' T=:2? "Betuboth ):C: $anhed*in 2:): Be*ithoth 1:@: 7ho%oth 1?:1' T=:2@ RA//0N0C: Yea is an oath! and na- is an oath -$hebuoth 2?a -R( E%ieDe*(: Ta%#ud *eMui*es: A *ighteous -ea and a *ighteous na- - /aba /ath*a <Cb(: U($hebi>ith 1G:C( [Co%(<:?: Ua#es =:1)+ T=:2A [EL()1:)<: 6e3()<:)G: 8eut(1C:)1+ "/aba Ba##a A:1: /aba /ath*a 2:<: a;;oth 1:1-)!?' T=:2C E8o not *es.ond in ;ind the fi*st ti#e an e3i% .e*son 1o#es against -ou! gi3e hi# a s.a1e to *e.ent( A%so see: 1o##enta*on =:<< be%owF [P*o3()G:)): 6u;e ?:C: Ro#(1):1@: 1Co*(?:@: 1Pet(2:C: 0s(=G:?: 6a#(2:2G+ "Taanith ):2: /aba Ba##a A:?@' T=:<G "Aboth =:1G' T=:<1 [ att()@:2)+ "$otah C:?: /aba etDia ?:2' T=:<) [8eut(1=:@-11: 6u;e ?:2G-2<: 1Ti#(?:1A+ "$he;a%i# =:?: /aba etDia =:1!?!C-11' T=:<2 [6e3(1C:1A: 8eut()2:2-?: Ps(<1:1G+ "Gittin =:A-C: Abodah Ha*ah ):1: Aboth 1:1)! ):11! <:2: enahoth 11:@' E$i#i%a* to The 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine i!1G-1= (((to %o3e the 1hi%d*en of %ight! ((( and to hate the 1hi%d*en of da*;ness!((((F T=:<< RA//0N0C: /e*a1hoth EnU 9(0 2@1: The*e we*e so#e highwa-#en in the neighbo*hood of R( eie* who anno-ed hi# so #u1h that he on1e .*a-ed that the- shou%d die: but his wife /a*u*iah said to hi#: How do -ou Oustif- thisI Esu1h .*a-e*IF 0s it be1ause! it is w*itten [Ps( 1G<! 2=(+ 6et sin be 1onsu#ed Ewhi1h -ou unde*stand to #ean that the wi1;ed shou%d be dest*o-edF: beho%d is it then w*itten The sinne*sI 0t is w*itten sinJ /esides! *ead the %ast .a*t of this 3e*se And the wi1;ed wi%% be no #o*e( P*a-! the*efo*e Eon thei* beha%fF! that the- #a- be %ed to *e.entan1e and the wi1;ed wi%% be no #o*e( He did .*a- fo* the# and the*eu.on the- we*e %ed to *e.ent( 7u* Rabbi>s taught: Those who a*e being hu#i%iated b- othe*s! but do not

hu#i%iate othe*s: who %isten to thei* *e.*oa1hes without e3en answe*ing the#: who .e*fo*# thei* duties be1ause of %o3e fo* thei* dut-! and *eOoi1e in s.ite of a%% thei* .ains Ebe1ause of a%% the *e.*oa1hesF 1on1e*ning the#! $1*i.tu*e sa-s! /ut #athose that %o3e Hi#! be as the *ising of the sun in his #ight [Uudg( =! 21+( E$abbath EnU 9(0 .(1?Ab(F [6u;e ?:)@: Ro#( 1):)G: A1ts @:?G+ "Aboth <:1C' T=:<= RA//0N0C: The *ain fa%%s eMua%%- fo* the *ighteous and the sinfu% -Tannith @a(: 7n sun *ising on good and e3i%: $ene1a 8ebenefi1iis <:)?0( E/ut not in the sa#e senseF -fo* the %ean 1att%es sa;e! not fo* the wi1;ed *u%e*s( [Uob )=:2: Ps(?=: C-12: 6u;e 1):1?-1@: A1ts 1<:1@+ "Aboth 2:1<' T=:<? [6u;e ?:2)+ "Bi%ai# C:): $habbath A:): Neda*i# 2:<: /aba Ba##a 1G:1-): $anhed*in 2:2: Be%i# 1@:1?' T=:<@ "/e*a;hoth ):1! =:1! C:=: $hebiith <:2: Taanith 1:@: Gittin =:C: Aboth <:1=' T=:<A N7TE: Q(((that it has been $A08Q! -*efe*s so#ewhat to ha%a1hah based u.on the 7*a% ishnah To*ah! and its Rabbini1 1o##enta*in the 1st Centu*- A8&CE .e*iod! Ewhi1h was to gi3e a >fen1e> a*ound the To*ah 1o##ands to ;ee. onese%f f*o# b*ea;ing the 1o##and of To*ah! b- fi*st *unning into the ha%a1hi1 1o##and a*ound the To*ah Co##and(F Yeshua is then eLtending His own >ha%a1hah> a*ound the To*ah 1o##ands b- gi3ing attention to the intent of the hea*t! befo*e an- .h-si1a% 3io%ation o11u*s( An eLa#.%e of this >t-.e> of Rabbini1 ha%a1hah Yeshua #entions in 3(<2 is: NE8AR0N 1a. 2 ha% <: -those who we*e taL 1o%%e1to*s we*e to be hated and es.e1ia%%- if the- we*e genti%es! but the Uewish ones who eLt*a1ted hea3- bu*dens f*o# the .eo.%e we*e a%so to be hated(((( Abba $au% said: 0 wi%% beautif- Hi#! #eans Oust as He is #e*1ifu% and g*a1ious! so sha%t thou be #e*1ifu% and g*a1ious( $abbath EnU 9(0 .()G1a( [Co%(1:)A! <:1): E.h(=:1+ T?:1 "Aboth ):@! ?:=' T?:) [Ro#(1):A+ "$otah @:A' T?:< N7TE: Uewish t*adition a%so stated in the Te#.%e a*ea was: the Q1ha#be* of se1*etsQ - in whi1h gifts we*e .ut in se1*et! so the .oo* *e1ei3ed in se1*et( [6u;e 1<:1)-1<: Phi%(<:1C: )Ti#( 1:1?-1A+ "Bi%ai# C:A: Yo#a A:C: Rosh ha$hanah 2:A: $otah C:1=: Aboth <:<! =:)G' T?:= A%though it was .e*#issib%e to .*a- in the st*eet! and a #an who so .*a-ed ought not to inte**u.t his .*a-e* fo* >ass o* d*i3e* o* se%%e* of .ots>! -et Hi%%e% hi#se%f! at about the ti#e of ou* 6o*d>s bi*th! fo*bade an-thing %i;e ostenation in a%% that one does( ETose.hta /e*a;oth 2:)G: 0bid ):)1(F T?:? [)Bin(<:22+ T?:= "/e*a;hoth 1:2! ):1!<! 2:=! <:=! =:1: Ta#id =:1' T?:@ RA//0N0C: /e*a1hoth EnU 9(0 ?A1: /eho%d R( Chi-a b( Abba in the na#e of R( Uo1hanan said: 4hoe3e* .*o%ongs in .*a-e* and s.e1u%ates on it EeL.e1ting its fu%fi%%#ent as a *ewa*d fo*

#a;ing it %ongF wi%%! at the end! 1o#e to a hea*t si1;ness: fo* it is said [P*( 12! 1)(+ 6ong defe**ed eL.e1tation #a;eth the hea*t si1;(((( [A6$7 $EE: att()2:1<+ [E11%(=:): 1Bin(1A:)?+ "Yo#a =:1' T?:A [Ro#(A:)?-)@+ T?:C [ att(=:C!1?! ?:C-12: 6u;e 11:)-<: Uohn 1?:)<: E.h(?:1A: Uude )G: ?:C!1?: a%(1:11+ "/e*a;hoth <:2: Yo#a @:1: Rosh ha$hanah <:=: Aboth 1:11! <:<! =:C' T?:1G [ att()?:<): 6u;e )):<): A1ts )1:1<: Ps(1G2:)G+ "Aboth ):<' T?:11 [Uob )2:1): P*o3(2G:A: 0s(22:1?: 6u;e 11:2+ T?:1) [ att(1A:)1-))+ T?:12 The Q6o*d>s .*a-e*Q is si#i%a* [R often a%#ost an eLa1t Muote -Ein .a*tF+! to se3e*a% an1ient Uudai1 .*a-e*s( Rathe* than gi3e e3e*- Muote! he*e a*e the %o1ations so#e 1an be found: $iddu* Rab A#*a# Gaon! ed(P*u#;in 1C1) .g(1=A(: $ho*t.*a-e* -T(/e*a1hoth 2:)!)Cb( -[note with P*o3e*bs 2G:A+(: $ee a%so: ?th b%essing of $he#oneh-Es*eh R /en-$i*a )A:)-=( [1f(Ta%#ud Rosh H($h(1@a R Yo#a )2a R A@b eg()Aa U(/aba Wa#a A:1G! /e*a1hoth ?Gb! Yo#a A:C! $ota C:1= E/a*aitaF! Aboth =:)G! 6e3(R(@2)! /aba /ath*a Cb( R 1Gb! -EbeginningF Tanna R(E%ieDe*! Hagiga =a(+! And $ee: Uewish EL.*essions on Uesus: b- T*ude& 4eiss-Ros#a*in BTA9 Pub(House 0n1(! a%so! Tosefta /e*a1hoth 2:@( Yeshua did not gi3e the# a .*a-e* outside of what thewe*e fa#i%ia* with! but b*ought se3e*a% 1on1e*ns in .*a-e*s togethe* into one uniMue fo*#( [)Pet():C: Uohn 1@:1=+ "/e*a;hoth C:=: Yo#a ?:)' T?:1< [ att(@:): a*; 11:)=: E.h(<:2): Co%(2:12+ "Yo#a A:C: /aba Ba##a A:@' T?:1= [ att(1A:2=+ T?:1? [0s(=A:2-@: 6u;e 1A:1)+ T?:1@ RA//0N0C: 8u*ing an o*dina*- fast! ishnah too .e*#its washing R anointing -ETaanith 1:<-=F! but both fo*bidden du*ing eL1e.tiona% fasts -ETaanith 1:?F! and on 8a- of Atone#ent -EYo#a A:1F( [Ruth 2:2: )$a#(1):)G: 8an(1G:2+ A%so of note! is that: a #an is to wash his fa1e! a11o*ding to ha%a1hah! befo*e .*a-ing in the #o*ning when he awa;es: as the fa1e of #an! who is 1*eated in the i#age of G-d! *ef%e1ts the g%o*- of G-d! E*e#inding as we%% of oshe 1o3e*ing his fa1e as the g%o*of Ha$he# shown fo*th! -as we *ead in To*ahF( " aase*oth <:1: $habbath 1<:<: Taanith 1:2!@' T?:1C [P*o3()2:<: 1Ti#(?:1@: Heb(12:=: Ua#es =:1+ "Peah 1:1' T?:)G RA//0N0C: 9e*- si#i%a*! Ein .a*ts a%#ost wo*d fo* wo*dF! to sto*- in: /aba /ath*a 11a( [ att(1C:)1: 6u;e 1):22! 1A:)): 1Ti#(?:1C: 1Pet(1:<+ T?:)) RA//0N0C: And as to the Muestion! whi1h 0 ha3e been as;ed in -ou* .*esen1e! 0 sa- this: a %a#. is 1a%%ed Ne*! and the sou% is 1a%%ed Ne*: it is bette* that a hu#an %ight E%a#.F be eLtinguished than that God>s %ight E%ifeF be eLtinguished( $abbath EnU 9(0 .(1)Ga( [6u;e 11:2<-2=+ T?:)< [6u;e 1?:C!11!12: Ga%(1:1G: 1Ti#(?:1@: Ua#es <:<: 1Uohn ):1=+

"Hagigah 1:1: Neda*i# <:<: Gittin <:=: $anhed*in 1:1!<' T?:)= [Ps(==:)): 6u;e 1):)): Phi%(<:?: 1Pet(=:@+ T?:)? N7TE: (((-et -ou* hea3en%-&eLa%ted Pathe* feeds the#-Ethe bi*dsF( He*e we see a beautifu% a..%i1ation to ou* dai%%i3ing! as with the $.i*itua% as.e1t of the Q1o##on thingsQ of %ife( E3en though the bi*ds gathe* b- natu*a% #eans! the- a*e sti%% fed b- the Pathe*( Two eLa#.%es 1o#e to #ind: Ua1ob>s 1o##ents to 0saa1 of being %ed to the ga#e b- Ha$he# when hunting( A%so! the o%d Ash;enaDi 1usto# of sa%ting the 1ha%%ah %oaf on E*e3-$habbat! and ta;ing the b*ead off the .%ate b-ou*se%f! *e#inds -ou that: The 6o*d b*ings fo*th -ou* .*o3ision not th*ough the hand of anothe*: and a%so: He b*ings it fo*th th*ough the sweat of -ou* b*ow( [Uob 2A:<1: Ps(1<@:C: att(1G:)C: 6u;e 1):)<+ "Biddushin <:1<' T?:)@ N7TE: 1ubit X a..*oL( 1A in1hes( T?:)A N7TE: /e*a;oth Ca( T?:)C "/aba etDia @:1' T?:2G "Te*u#oth 1G:<: $habbath 2:1: $otah C:1)' T?:2) RA//0N0C: Tanna: E$ota <AbF! R( E%ieDe* ben-H-*1anus the g*eat said: he who has a #o*se% of b*ead in his 3esse% and -et sa-s: 4hat sha%% 0 eat to#o**ow! -is of %itt%e faith(: And in the sa#e wa- R( E%ieDe* odai sa-s: He 4ho 1*eated the da-! 1*eated a%so food fo* the da-( [ e1hi%ta! ELodus >4a->hi b>sha%%a1h @) EEd( P*ied#annF(+ T?:22 RA//0N0C: [*eff( to Ps(1<@:C+ R 0 ha3e ne3e* seen a gaDe%%e a f*uit gathe*e*! a %ion a .o*te*! o* a foL a sho. ;ee.e* [no* a wo%f a Oa* se%%e*+ but that the- get thei* food without 1a*e( Widd()b( T(Widd(=:1= ed! Hu1;e*#ande%! .(2<2! note on %ine 12( /e*a1hoth EnU 9(0 .(@@1: Rabbi b( b( Chana in the na#e of R( Uo1hanan Muotes R( Uuda b( E%ai: Co#e and see the g*eat diffe*en1e between the fo*#e* gene*ations and the %ate* ones: the fo*#e* gene*ations #ade the stud- of the To*ah thei* *egu%a* engage#ent and thei* 3o1ation a te#.o*a*.*ofession! and both endu*ed with the#( /ut the %ate* gene*ations #ade the stud- of the To*ah thei* te#.o*a*- engage#ent and thei* 3o1ation a *egu%a* .*ofession and neithe* endu*ed with the#( [1Bin(2:12: 6u;e 1):21: 1Ti#(<:A+ "Biddushin <:1<: Aboth 2:1<' T@:1 [ att(@:1-=: 6u;e ?:2@: Ro#(1<:2: 1Co*(<:2-<+ "Aboth 1:?! ):<' T@:) N7TE: Uust as in: ishnah $ota 1:@ [ a*; <:)<: 6u;e ?:2A+ "$otah 1:@-C: $anhed*in 1G:1: Aboth ):?! 2:1<' T@:= N7TE: [3(2-=+ -A%#ost eLa1t%- as in: Tanna! R(Ta*.hon: /aba /ath*a 1=b! A*a;hin 1@b( RA//0N0C: EbF /efo*e we %oo; at so#eone e%se to see his good Mua%ities and fau%ts it>s bette* that we shou%d %oo; at ou*se%3es( Re#e#be* these things a%% -ou* %ife( Then the #an EE%iOahF went awa-( P*i Bodesh Hi%u%i#( T@:? [P*o3(C:@-A: A1ts 12:<=+ "Yeba#oth 1G:2: Te#u*ah ?:=' T@:@ [ att()1:)): a*; 11:)<: 6u;e 11:C-12! 1A:1-A: Uohn 1=:@: Ua#es 1:=! ?:1: Uohn 2:))+ "/e*a;hoth =:=! C:2' T@:A [P*o3(A:1@: Ue*()C:1)+ T@:C [6u;e 11:11+ T@:11 N7TE: [$ee 6u;e 11:12+ [Gen(?:=! A:)1: Ps(A<:11: 0s(?2:@:

Ro#( A:2): Ua#es 1:1@: 1Uohn 2:1+ "Aboth 1:1=' T@:1) RA//0N0C: /esides being si#i%a* to Hi%%e%>s state#ent: R( E%ieDe*: 6et the hono* of -ou* fe%%ow-#an be as dea* to -ou as -ou* own( -A3oth ):1G( Rabbi Yose: 6et the .ossessions E#a##onF of -ou* fe%%ow-#an be as dea* to -ou as -ou* own( -A3oth ):1)( 7n anothe* o11asion it ha..ened that a heathen a..ea*ed befo*e $ha##ai and said: Con3e*t #e to Uudais# but on 1ondition that thou tea1hest #e the who%e To*ah! whi%e 0 a# standing u.on one %eg( $ha##ai d*o3e hi# off with the bui%de*>s 1ubit E#easu*eF whi1h he he%d in his hand( Then the heathen a..ea*ed befo*e Hi%%e%! and he #ade hi# a .*ose%-te! and said unto hi#: That whi1h is hatefu% to thee do not do unto th- neighbo*! this is the who%e To*ah! and the *est is #e*e%- its 1o##enta*-( $abbath EnU 9(0 .(1)<b( 7ne wi%% note howe3e* that the state#ents b- Yeshua and Hi%%e% diffe*( Hi%%e% wou%d ha3e one doing no Qnegati3eQ thing to ones neighbo*: whi%e Yeshua wou%d ha3e one doing a Q.ositi3eQ thing to ones neighbo*( 4hi%e Hi%%e%>s state#ent 1o3e*s the >negati3e>! o* *athe* the Qthou sha%t notQ #itD3ot in To*ah: Yeshua>s state#ent e#b*a1es both the >negati3e> R the >.ositi3e>! Eb- .ositi3e 0 #ean: the Qthou sha%tQ #itD3ot of To*ah(F Yeshua>s state#ent is thus the bette* of the two! as if one does to his fe%%ow #an what he>d ha3e hi# do unto hi#! then he b- fo*te> a%so wi%% not do to his fe%%ow #an what is hatefu% unto hi#J [6u;e ?:21: att()):<G: Ro#(12:A: Ga%(=:1<: 1Ti#( 1:=+ "Aboth ):11' T@:12 [6u;e 12:)<+ "Aboth 1:1G! ):1!C' EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine iii(1A (((Now! this God 1*eated #an to *u%e the wo*%d! and a..ointed fo* hi# two s.i*its afte* whose di*e1tion he was to wa%; unti% the fina% 0nMuisition( The- a*e the s.i*its of t*uth and of .e*3e*sit-(((( C.( 8ida1he: Testa#ent of 6e3i =:2G: /a*nabas Li3(2ff( The sa#e do1t*ine o11u*s in the .seude.ig*a.hi1 Testa#ent of Ashe* 1:2-C! and in the Testa#ent of Uudah )G:1( 0t de3e%o.ed into the Uewish 1on1e.t of the -eDe* ha-To3 Egood in1%inationF and -eDe* haRa Ee3i% in1%inationF in e3e*- #an( 7n the ba1;g*ound of the 1on1e.t! see A( 8u.ont-$o##e*! The Uewish $e1t of Wu#*an and the Essenes E1C=<F! ..(11A-2G( C.( a%so $%a3oni1 Eno1h! 2G(12f( -EThe 8ead $ea $1*i.tu*es & Gaste*F0n Ta%#ud! /aba /ath*a 1?a! R( $i#on ben 6a;ish E1( )GG@= A8&CEF is *e.o*ted as sa-ing that the E3i% 0n1%ination E-eDe* ha-RaF has two othe* na#es! 3iD( $atan and the ange%-ofdeath( -This 3iew is in1%uded a%so in the Rabbini1 f%o*i%egiu#! Pi*Me Rabbenu haWadosh XU(8(Eisenstein! ed(!7sa* he- id*ashi# [1C1=+! ii=1Ga 1(F T@:1= [Ue*()2:1?: i1(2:=+ "$anhed*in 1:=! 11:1!=-?!' T@:1? [ att(@:)G! 1):22: 6u;e ?:<2-<<: Ua#es 2:1)+ "Peah 1:1' T@:1@ [Ue*(11:1C: att(1):22+ T@:1C [ att(2:1G: 6u;e 2:C: Uohn 1=:)!?+ T@:)1 RA//0N0C: 8o His wi%%! as if it we*e -ou* wi%%! that He #ado

-ou* wi%%! as if it we*e His wi%%( Confo*# -ou* wi%% to His wi%% that He #a- 1onfo*# the wi%% of othe*s to -ou* wi%%( -A3oth ):<( -[$ee: 1 Pete* =:?! att( ?:1G+( [Hos(A:): att( )=:11: 6u;e ?:<?: A1ts 1C:12: Ro#():12: Ua#es 1:))+ "Aboth =:)G' T@:)) [Nu#()<:<+ "$anhed*in 11:1!?' T@:)2 [ att()=:1): 6u;e 12:)=: )Ti#():1C: Ps(=:=! ?:A: att()=:<1: 6u;e 12:)@+ T@:)< [ att(@:)<-)@: 6u;e ?:<@-<C+ "Aboth 2:1@' T@:)? Those who bui%t the Towe* of /abe% a%so bui%t that >house> on the >sandE-F> .%ains of $hina*: and not on the 4o*d of God! but on a *e%igion of #an( That >house> fe%%! and so sha%% a%% these t-.e of houses fa%%: fo*: un%ess the 6o*d bui%ds the house! the- %abo* in 3ain who bui%d it( [Psa%# 1)@:1+( T@:)@ RA//0N0C: [3s()<-)@+ He whose wisdo# is g*eate* than his wo*;s! what is he %i;eI A t*ee whose b*an1hes a*e #an-! but whose *oots a*e few -and the wind 1o#es and u.*oots it and o3e*tu*ns it( /ut he whose wo*;s a*e g*eate* than his wisdo#! what is he %i;eI A t*ee whose b*an1hes a*e few! but his *oots a*e #an-( E3en if a%% the winds we*e to 1o#e against it! thewou%d not #o3e it( -A3oth 2:1A( T@:)A [ att(12:=<: a*; 1:))! ?:): 6u;e <:2): Uohn @:<?+ T@:)C N7TE: 3s( 12-)C: Two wa-s! two t*ees! two bui%de*s! et1((((! -note how the fi*st .a*t of the 8ida1he is si#i%a*( [Uohn @:<?+ TA:) [ a*; 1:<G-<=: Uohn C:2A+ TA:2 Anothe* of the Q essiani1 signsQ that essiah wou%d do when He a..ea*ed! a11o*ding to Rabbini1 1o##enta*- based u.on the w*itings of the P*o.hets( Pa*tia% *esu%t of the showing of onese%f to the .*iest [3(<+! wou%d be the witness that essiah had 1o#e! as the 7ne doing the hea%ing( Noti1e that Yeshua >tou1hed> the %e.e*! showing His .owe* o3e* a disease so te**ib%e! that no one wou%d e3en thin; of tou1hing the#J [ att(11:=: 6u;e <:)@+ TA:< [ att(C:2G: a*; 1:<<! =:<2: 6u;e =:1<! <:<1! A:=?! C:)1: 6e3( 1<:2-2): 8eut()<:A+ TA:= [6u;e @:1-2: att()@:=<: A1ts 1G:1+ TA:? "/aba /ath*a C:?' TA:A [6u;e 1=:1C!)1: Ps(1G@:)G+ TA:11 [Gen(1):2: 0s():)-2! 11:1G: a%(1:11: 6u;e 12:)C: A1ts 1G:<=! 11:1A! 1<:)@: Ro#(1=:C-12: E.h(2:?+ TA:1) [ att(12:<)!=G! )1:<2! )):12! )<:=1! )=:2G: 6u;e 12:)A: )Pet( ):1@: Uude 12+ " egi%%ah 2:1: Betuboth =:?: Biddushin ):2: /aba Ba##a 1:): /e;ho*oth =:=' TA:12 RA//0N0C: $i#i%a* .h*ases used in the a11ount of the hea%ing of Rabban Ga#a%ie% son in: /e*a1hoth EnU 9(0 .(@<1( TA:1< [ att(A:1<-1?: a*; 1:)C-21: 6u;e <:2A-2C: 1Co*(C:=+ TA:1? [ a*; 1:2)-2<: 6u;e <:<G-<1+ TA:1@ RA//0N0C: Ab*aha# Pa*isso% [to 0s(=2+: 0n this Pa*asha E1ha.te*F the*e see#s to be 1onside*ab%e *ese#b%an1es and a%%usions to the wo*;s of the Ch*istian essiah! and to the e3ents whi1h a*e asse*ted to ha3e ha..ened to Hi#! so that no othe* .*o.he1- is to be found the gist and subOe1t! of whi1h


1an so i##ediate%- be a..%ied to hi#( -Eunfo*tunate%-! afte* this ad#ission he a*gues against its fu%fi%%#ent in Yeshua! and see;s to a..%- it to 0s*ae% suffe*ing as a nation(F -H74E9ERJ -A%#ost A66 the ea*%iest Rabbini1 w*itings as we%% as #ost t*u%- 7*thodoL #ode*n Rabbini1 1o##enta*- s.ea; of it! [0s( =2+! as *efe**ing to essiahJ [0s(=2:<: 1Pet( ):)<+ And when 0s*ae% is sinfu%! the essiah see;s fo* #e*1- u.on the#! as it is w*itten! Q/- His st* we we*e hea%ed! and He 1a**ied the sins of #an-: and #ade inte*1ession fo* the t*ansg*esso*s(Q - />*eshith Rabbah( ER seeF: Ya%;ut 00( on 0s( =):12 EPa*( 22A! .(=2 1( R-".(??1' %ines @ R1( f*o# the botto#F: He sha%% be highe* than A3*aha#! to who# a..%ies

1<:)): highe* than oshe! of who# Nu#(11:1) is .*edi1ated: highe* than the #iniste*ing ange%s! of who# EDe;(1:1A is said( /ut to Hi# the*e a..%ies this in He1h(<:@: 4ho a*t thou! 7 g*eat #ountainI And He was wounded fo* ou* t*ansg*essions! and b*uised fo* ou* iniMuities! and the 1hastise#ent of ou* .ea1e was u.on Hi#! and with His st* we a*e hea%ed( R( Huna>s 1o##ents in the na#e of R( A1ha: A%% suffe*ings a*e di3ided into th*ee .a*ts: one .a*t goes to 8a3id and the Pat*ia*1hs! anothe* to the gene*ation of the *ebe%%ion E*ebe%%ious 0s*ae%F! and the thi*d to the Bing essiah! as it is w*itten EPs():@F! Yet ha3e 0 set - Bing u.on - ho%- hi%% of Hion( A%so see id*ash on $a#ue% Eed( 6e#be*g! .( <= a! %ast %ineF: whe*e it is said that a%% suffe*ings a*e di3ided into th*ee .a*ts! one of whi1h essiah bo*e - a *e#a*; whi1h is b*ought into 1onne1tion with Ruth ):1<F( And essiah the Bing! who was 1hastened and suffe*ed fo* the t*ansg*esso*s! as it is said: He was wounded fo* ou* t*ansg*essions! and so on - how #u1h #o*e sha%% He Oustifa%% gene*ations! and this is what is #eant when it is w*itten: And Ha$he# #ade to #eet u.on Hi# the sins of us a%%( Pugio Pidei E.(?@=F( He E essiahF sha%% inte*1ede fo* #ansins! and the *ebe%%ious fo* His sa;e sha%% be fo*gi3en( Ta*gu# Uonathan @ 0s(=2:1)( id*ash R( Ruth = Eed( 4a*sh( .( <2 a R bF: Co#e hithe*! that is! d*aw nea* to the Bingdo#! and eat of the b*ead! that is! the b*ead of *o-a%it-! and di. th- #o*se% in 3inega* - these a*e the suffe*ings! as it is w*itten in 0s(=2:=: He was wounded fo* ou* t*ansg*essions( These a*e on%- a b*ief sa#.%ing of su1h t-.e of Muotes( TA:1C [ att(A:1C-)): 6u;e C:=@-=A: E$on of #anF 8an(@:12-1<+ TA:)1 N7TE: /ased u.on the A*a#ai1 idio#: >ta;e 1a*e of #fathe*>: the Ta%#id he*e was not Oust as;ing to bu*- his fathe*! but to ta;e a *athe* #o*e %ength- ti#e off to sta- with his EagedF fathe*: and so .%a1ing this as #o*e i#.o*tant in his %ife! than wa%;ing with his Rabbi Yeshua essiah du*ing His ea*th%#inist*-( [6u;e C:=C-?G: 1Bin(1C:)G+ "/e*a;hoth 2:1: Peah 1:1' TA:)< [ a*; <:2@: 6u;e A:)2-)=+ TA:)? [Ps(?=:@: AC:C: 1G@:)C+ TA:)@ A Uewish *idd%e: 4ho was it that as1ended into hea3en! and 1a#e down againI 4ho gathe*ed the wind in His fistsI 4ho bound the wate*s in a ga*#entI 4ho set u. a%% the ends of the ea*thI

4hat is His Na#e! and what is His $on>s Na#e! if thou ;nowest itI -[P*o3e*bs 2G:< & 6esse*>s t*ans%ation+( TA:)A [ a*; =:1-<: 6u;e A:)?-22+ "Rosh ha$hanah 1:?! ):<' TA:2G "/aba Bu##a @:@' TA:22 N7TE: att(A:)C-22 in the $he# To3 a%so a..ea*s in the A*abi1 8iatessa*on 11(<<-=G E1@) A8&CEF R in1%udes 6;(A:)C!22 R ;(=:A( TA:2< [8eut(=:)=: 1Bin(1@:1A: A#os @:1): 6u;e =:A: A1ts 1?:2C+ TC:1 [ att(<:12! 11:)2: a*; =:)1+ "/aba /ath*a 1:=' TC:) [ a*; ):2-1): 6u;e =:1A-)?: att(A:1G+ TC:< [Ps(12C:): att(1:)=: a*; 1):1=: 6u;e =:))! ?:A! C:<@! 11:1@+ TC:A [ att(A:)@: Uohn @:1=+ TC:C [ a*; ):1<: 6u;e =:)@+ TC:1G [ a*; ):1=: 6u;e =:)C+ "$anhed*in 2:2' TC:11 [ att(11:1C: a*; ):1?: 6u;e =:2G! 1=:): Ga%():1=+ "8e#ai ):2' TC:12 [Hos(?:?: i1(?:?-A: att(1):@: a*; ):1@: 6u;e =:2): 1Ti#( 1:1=+ "Aboth 1:): ):C' TC:1< N7TE: ReMui*ed fast on%- on: Yo# Bi..u*! da- befo*e Pu*i#! and Cth of A3( The P>*ushi# fasted #u1h #o*e often! -Eas we%%! as is seen! the Ta%#idi# of Yo1hananF! so(((this is what is *efe**ed to! *athe* than the *eMui*ed fasts( [ a*; ):1A: 6u;e =:22-2=! 1A:1)+ TC:1= [Uohn 2:)C: A1ts 12:)-2! 1<:)2+ "/e*a;hoth 1:1: Te*u#oth 11:1G: Peshai# @:12: Taanith <:A: Betuboth ):1: $otah C:1<: /aba etDia ?:1: /aba /ath*a C:<: $anhed*in 2:=: Negai# 2:)' TC:1? "Be%i# )?:)! )@:1)! )A:?' TC:1@ "Aboth <:)G: Hu%%in C:2: Be%i# 1C:A! )A:=' TC:1A [ a*; =:))-<2: 6u;e A:<1-=?+ TC:1C [ att(1G:)-<+ TC:)G Yeshua>s Qf*inges&he#Q of His ga*#ent! the TDitDit that e3en toda- obse*3ant Uews wea*( $EE: Nu#be*s 1=:2A-2C: 8eut( )):1)( [ a*; =:)=: 6u;e A:<2: att(1<:2?! )2:=: a*; ?:=?+ "Habi# =:1!?' TC:)) [ att(C:)C! 1=:)A: a*; =:2<! 1G:=): 6u;e @:=G! A:<A! 1@:1C! 1A:<)+ TC:)2 [ a*; =:2A: 6u;e A:=1: )Ch*(2=:)=: Ue*(C:1@! 1?:?: EDe;()<:1@+ "$habbath )2:<: oed Batan 2:A-C: Betuboth <:<: /aba etDia ?:1: Be%i# 1=:?! 1?:@' TC:)< [Uohn 11:2: A1ts )G:1G+ TC:)= [ att(A:2!1=: a*; 1:21+ TC:)? [ att(<:)<: a*; 1:)A!<=: 6u;e <:1<!2@! =:1=! @:1@+ TC:)@ [ att(1=:))! )G:)C-2<: a*; 1G:<@: 6u;e 1A:2A-2C+ TC:2G [ att(A:<: 6u;e =:1<+ TC:21 [ a*; @:2?+ TC:2) [ att(1):))!)<: 6u;e 11:1<+ "Te*u#oth 1:): egi%%ah ):<' TC:22 Anothe* of the Q essiani1 signsQ that essiah wou%d do when He 1a#e( The idea was that sin1e a #an was #ute and de#on .ossessed! he 1ou%d not s.ea; the de#on>s na#e! whi1h was the

wa- the Uewish .eo.%e wou%d 1a%% out a de#on - b- it>s na#e( Rabbini1 w*itings said that essiah wou%d do this! as he wou%d ha3e Qs1entQ -o* dis1e*n#ent of a #atte*! based again u.on the w*itings of the P*o.hets( Hen1e too the 1*owds #a*3e%ing and sa-ing: 0t was ne3e* seen %i;e this in 0s*ae%! *efe**ing to the t-.e of 1asting out: sin1e 1asting out de#ons had been done befo*e this! but not of this t-.e( This g*ou. of the P>*ushi# shou%d ha3e *e1ogniDed this [3(2<+! if the- hadn>t been so -hea*ted! as it was in ag*ee#ent with thei* own t*aditions the- had Oust witnessed( 4e do ;now though that so#e of

ha*d what the

P>*ushi# at fi*st! and #o*e %ate* did be%ie3e in Yeshua! as we a*e shown this in the New Testa#ent( TC:2< [ att(1):)<: a*; 2:)): 6u;e 11:1=: Uohn @:)G+ TC:2= [ att(<:)2+ TC:2? [ a*; ?:2<: Nu#()@:1@: 1Bin()):1@: EDe;(2<:=: He1h(1G:)+ TC:2@ [6u;e 1G:): Uohn <:2=+ "Aboth ):1=' TC:2A [ att()A:1C-)G: E.h(<:11-1): )Thess(2:1+ T1G:1 [ a*; 2:12: 6u;e ?:12+ "Aboth =:1C! ?:=' EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: $u..%i1ation 1=F T1G:) [Uohn 1:<)+ "$anhed*in <:1' T1G:2 "$he;a%i# =:1: Edu-oth ):=: Aboth 1:@' T1G:< [6u;e ?:1=! )):2: A1ts 1:12: att()?:1<: Uohn 12:)!)?+ "$anhed*in C:?: Aboth 1:<! 2:?-@' T1G:= [ att(<:1=: )Bin(1@:)<: 6u;e C:=)! 1G:22! 1@:1?: Uohn <:C+ "/e*a;hoth @:1! A:A: Peah ):@! A:): 8e#ai 2:<! =:C! @:<: $hebiith A:1G: Te*u#oth 2:C: $he;a%i# 1:=: Rosh ha$hanah ):): Yeba#oth A:2: Betuboth 2:1: Neda*i# 2:1G: Gittin 1:=: Biddushin <:2: /aba Ba##a <:2: $anhed*in 1G:1: a;;oth ):2: Abodah Ha*ah 1:<!A! ):1!<! 2:)! Hu%%in ):@: Te#u*ah 2:C: Toho*oth =:A: i;waoth 1:@! A:1: Niddah <:1! @:2!=' T1G:? Those of $a#a*ia! E$ho#*onF! we*e in a uniMue .osition( -Not *ea%%- the go-i#&genti%es! [3(=+! no* the house of 0s*ae%! [3(?+: the- he%d a .%a1e as .a*t Uewish! but not fu%%- a11e.ted as su1h b- the Uewish .eo.%e( The*e a*e on%- about =GG $a#a*itans %eft toda-( 0n 1o##enta*- on Nahu# ):12 in the 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: >E.h*ai#> and >0s*ae%> denote the $a#a*itans! who 1%ai#ed to be the *e#nant of the No*the*n Bingdo# and to be des1ended f*o# E.h*ai# and anasseh( E1.( Uose.hus! Ant( 0Y( 1<!2: Y0(A!?: Y00(=!?: Ant(! 0Y(1<!2F [ att(1=:)<: A1ts 12:<?: 0s(=2:?: Ue*(=G:?+ T1G:@ [6u;e C:): att(2:): 6u;e 1G:C+ T1G:A [A1ts A:A+ "Neda*i# <:2: Aboth 1:12! <:=: /e;ho*oth <:?' T1G:C [1$a#(C:@: a*; ?:A+ "/e*a;hoth C:=: $habbath 1G:2: $anhed*in 2:A' T1G:1G [6u;e 1G:@: 1Co*(C:<-1<: 1Ti#(=:1A+ "/e*a;hoth C:=: Yeba#oth 1):1! 1?:@: Be%i# )<:11' T1G:11 [6u;e 1G:A+ T1G:12 [6u;e 1G:=: Ps(2=:12+ T1G:1< 7n 1onside*ed as a Qheathen i#.u*eQ .%a1e! Eas to the sha;ing

off of the >dust of -ou* feet>F( As shown Rabbini1a%%- in: The- ta;e 1a*e %est! togethe* with the he*bs! so#ething of the dust of the heathen %and be b*ought! whi1h defi%es in the tent! and defi%es the .u*it- of the %and of 0s*ae%( -E6ightfoot! Ho*ae Heb*ai1aeF( [ a*; ?:11: 6u;e C:=! 1G:1G-11: Neh(=:12: A1ts 12:=1+ "7ho%oth ):2: Toho*oth <:=:' T1G:1= [ att(11:))!)<+ "$anhed*in 1G:2: Aboth =:1G' T1G:1? N7TE: Qha*#%essQ as do3es( -- ha*#%ess: o* .u*e - without fo*eign #iLtu*e! o* si#.%e&inno1ent( [6u;e 1G:2: )Co*(1):1?: E.h(=:1=: Co%(<:=: Phi%():1<-1?+ T1G:1@ N7TE: Ta*gu# note @ att( 1):)@( At 3a*ious ti#es .*io* to the 2*d Cent( A8&CE the*e we*e f*iend%- *e%ations between essiani1&NatD*ati# /e%ie3e*s and Rabbini1 Uews( Chwo%son fo* eLa#.%e #entions the 1ase of the in -E essiani1&NatD*ati# Uewish /e%ie3e*F! who# R( Uehudah hi#se%f! the edito* of the ishnah! the .at*ia*1h! the s.i*itua% and .o%iti1a% head of the Uewish nation in the end of the se1ond 1entu*-! we%1o#ed to his tab%e! .e*#itting hi# to sa- the b%essing afte* the #ea%( This b%essing is in fou* .a*ts! of whi1h the se1ond 1ontains than;s fo* the de%i3e*an1e f*o# Eg-.t! fo* the sign of the 1o3enant! E1i*1u#1isionF! fo* the To*ah! and the o*dinan1es( The thi*d 1ontains a .*a-e* fo* G-d>s #e*1- on Ue*usa%e#! and fo* the *e-bui%ding of the Te#.%e( EThe Heb*ew Ch*istian essiah! $ee: 6e1t( 09!.(1=1: see a%so: $t*a1;! Uesus! die Ha*eti;e* und die Ch*isten! u(s(w(! 1C1G! R ))1( T(/( Chu%%in! A@a(F A*1haeo%og- Toda-! a*1h&A.*i% 1CAC! has an a*ti1%e whe*e the*e ha3e been dis1o3e*ed essiani1 $-nagogues Ooined neLt to Rabbini1 $-nagogues in 3a*ious .%a1es outside of southe*n 0s*ae% u. to the @th 1entu*- A8&CE! - showing that *e%ationshi.s between these two g*ou.s *e#ained so#ewhat 1%ose! e3en unti% this %ate date! outside of the a*ea a*ound Ue*usa%e#( [ att()2:2<: a*; 12:C: 6u;e 1):11: A1ts =:<G! )):1C! )?:11+ "$anhed*in 1:<-?: a;;oth 2:1)' T1G:1A [A1ts 1):1: )Ti#(<:1?+ T1G:1C [ a*; 12:11: 6u;e 1):11-1): )1:1<-1=: EL(<:1): Ue*(1:@+ T1G:)G [)$a#()2:): )Ti#(<:1@+ T1G:)1 [ i1(@:?: 6u;e )1:1?+ T1G:)) [ att()<:C!12: 6u;e )1:1@: Uohn 1=:1A: 8an(1):1): a*; 12:12+ T1G:)2 [ att():12! 1?:)A! )<:1<: A1ts A:1: a*; 12:1G+ T1G:)< [6u;e ?:<G: Uohn 1=:)G+ T1G:)= RA//0N0C: S%%a noti1ed that R( Chisda was sti%% not 1o#fo*ted( He said to hi# the*efo*e: 0t is suffi1ient fo* the s%a3e to ha3e as #u1h as his #aste* Ebut not #o*eF( /e*a1hoth EnU 9(0 .(C2b( [ a*; 2:)): 6u;e 11:1=!1A-1C: Uohn A:<A!=)+ T1G:)? 0># *e#inded of the Rabbini1 sa-ing that the To*ah is as a sho3e% that tu*ns the o3e* the ea*th! E*e3ea%ingF( [ a*; <:)): 6u;e A:1@! 1):)-2: 1Co*(<:=+ "Aboth ):<' T1G:)@ [6u;e 1):2: A1ts =:)G+ T1G:)A NBU9: Hi#( 0(e(! God! not $atan( [6u;e 1):<: 1Pet(2:1<: 0s( A:12: att(=:)): 6u;e 1):=+ T1G:)C N7TE: EG*ee;F s#a%% 1o..e* 1oin - 1&1?th of a 8ena*ius& ERo#an 1oinageF( [6u;e 1):?-@+ "Aboth 2:1=: Hu%%in 1):=' T1G:2G [1$a#(1<:<=: )$a#(1<:11: 1Bin(1:=): 6u;e )1:1A: A1ts )@:2<+ T1G:2) [Ps(11C:<?: 6u;e 1):A: Ro#(1G:C: Re3(2:=+

T1G:22 [ a*; A:2A: 6u;e C:)?: )Ti#():1)+ T1G:2< [6u;e 1):<C+ "Peah 1:1' T1G:2= [ i1(@:?: att(1G:)1: 6u;e 1):=2+ "$otah C:1=' T1G:2? [Ps(<1:C! ==:12: Uohn 12:1A: i1(@:?+ T1G:2@ [8eut(22:C: 6u;e 1<:)?+ "/aba etDia ):11' T1G:2A The wo*d t*ans%ated Q1*ossQ in Eng%ish is the G*ee; wo*d [<@1?+ -stau*os: whi1h has the a1tua% #eaning of: a E.e*se1utionF sta;e! .o%e! o* u.*ight bea#( Rega*d%ess! with the boa*d 1ontaining His >a11usation>! it sti%% .*obab%- %oo;ed %i;e a >1*oss>( Howe3e*: besides the *e#inde* of the .assage in Tana;h - 1u*sed is e3e*-one who hangs on a t*ee: and that essiah Hi#se%f be1a#e a 1u*se fo* us! - and the b%ood that was .ut u.on the doo*-.osts and the %inte% on the 1st Pesa1h&Passo3e* whi1h wou%d se*3e to *e#ind us of essiah>s b%ood shed fo* us! - the #ost i#.o*tant thing is not the >sha.e> of the .e*se1ution-sta;e - but what was a11o#.%ished fo* #an;ind the*eJ RA//0N0C: 0saa1 1a**ied the wood %i;e a #an who ta;es u. his 1*oss( - Pesi;ta Rab( E=<! aF( [ att(1?:)<: a*; A:2<: 6u;e C:)2! 1<:)@+ T1G:2C [ att(1?:)=: a*; A:2=: 6u;e C:)<! 1@:22: Uohn 1):)=+ "Aboth 11:12' T1G:<G [ a*; C:2@: 6u;e C:<A: Uohn 1):<<: Ga%(<:1<+ "/e*a;hoth =:=: $habbath 1A:1: Aboth <:1)' T1G:<1 [1Bin(1@:1G: )Bin(<:A+ "Pesahi# =:): Aboth ):)!1)! =:): Hebahi# 1:1! <:?' T1G:<) [ att()=:<G: a*; C:<1: Heb(?:1G+ "Aboth ):1?! <:)G' T11:1 [ att(C:2= 6u;e )2:=+ T11:) [ att(<:1)! 1<:12: a*; ?:1@: 6u;e @:1A-2=! C:@+ T11:2 [Gen(<C:1G: Nu#()<:1@: 8eut(1A:1=!1A: 8an(C:)<: Uohn ?:1<+ T11:= N7TE: >(((#ade *i1h> see: $a#ue% Tobias 6a1hs & Heb*ew E%e#ents in the Gos.e% and A1ts UWR@1 E1CAGF 2A-2C( [0s()C:1A! 2=:<-?! ?1:1: Ps()):)?: 6u;e <:1A: Ua#es ):=+ "Yeba#oth A:2' T11:? [0s(A:1<-1=: Ro#(C:2): 1Pet():A+ T11:@ [6u;e @:)<: E.h(<:1<+ T11:C [ att(1<:=! )1:)?: 6u;e 1:@?! )G:?+ T11:1G RA//0N0C: The 6o*d is the Bing essiah! He is a%so the Ange% of the Co3enant -Bi#1hi(: [ a%(2:1 *ef: Adonai+ is a..%ied to E%iOah as the fo*e*unne* of the essiah in Pi*;e de R( E%ieDe* 1()C(: The 6o*d is both the 8i3ine aOest- and the Ange% of the Co3enant! fo* the senten1e is doub%ed( - 0bn ED*a(: The 6o*d #a- be eL.%ained of the Bing essiah - ash#iah Ueshua fo%(@?( 4hat is to be the #anne* of essiah>s 1o#ing! and whe*e wi%% be the .%a1e of His fi*st a..ea*an1eI He wi%% #a;e His fi*st a..ea*an1e in the %and of 0s*ae%! as it is w*itten: The 6o*d 4ho# -ou see; wi%% 1o#e sudden%- to His Te#.%e( -R( osheh ben- ai#on( [ a%( 2:1: a*; 1:): 6u;e 1:@?+ t11:1) [6u;e 1?:1?+ "$otah C:C' T11:12 [ a%(<:<-?+ T11:1< [ a%(<:=: att(1@:1G-12: a*; C:11-12: 6u;e 1:1@: Uohn 1:)1+ EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine iL(11F

T11:1= [ att(12:C: 6u;e A:A: Re3():@!11!1@!)C: 2:?!12+ T11:1? [6u;e @:21+ T11:1C [ att( C:1G: 6u;e @:2=: Uohn ):1-11+ T11:)G [6u;e 1G:12-1=!1A+ T11:)1 [Uon(2:?-A+ T11:)) [9s( ))!)<+: 8eg*ees of Oudge#ent( [ att(1G:1=! 11:)<+ T11:)2 [0s(1<:12: 6a#():1: EDe;()?:)G! 21:1<! 2):1A!)<+ T11:)< [ att(1G:1=+ T11:)= RA//0N0C: 0n the da-s of the essiah e3en the %itt%e 1hi%d*en in the wo*%d sha%% find out the hidden things of wisdo# and ;now it in the ends and 1o#.utations! - and at that ti#e He sha%% be #ade #anifest to a%%( -EHoha* in Gen(fo%(@<!1F( [Ps( A:): att(1?:1@: 6u;e 1G:)1!)): 1Co*(1:1C: )Co*(2:1<+ T11:)@ [ att()A:1A: 6u;e 1G:)): Uohn 1:1A! 2:2=! ?:<?! 1G:1=! 12:2: 1Co*(1=:)@+ T11:)A [Uohn ?:2=-2@+ T11:)C [Ue*(?:1?: He1h(C:C: Uohn 12:1=: E.h(<:): Phi%():=!@-A: 1Pet( ):)1: 1Uohn ):?+ "/e*a;hoth ):): Aboth 2:=!11' E(((-o;e: A Rabbini1a% figu*e fo* going to s1hoo%(F T11:2G [1Uohn =:2+ T1):1 [ a*; ):)2: 6u;e ?:1-=: 8eut()2:)=+ "$habbath 1?:)' T1):) RA//0N0C: 9(1-): $ee: $habbath 1?:)! aase*oth <:=! $habbath @:)! /etDah =:)! $anhed*in @:<RA! Edu-oth ):?! Be*ithoth 2:1G( T1):2 [EL(21:1=! 2=:): 1$a#()1:?+ "Yo#a A:?: enahoth 11:): ei%ah ):@' T1):< [EL()=:2G! )C:2): 6e3(A:21! )<:=!C+ T1):= [Nu#()A:C: Uohn @:)1+ "$habbath 1A:2! 1C:1: E*ubin 1G:11: Pesahi# ?:1-): Rosh ha$hanah 1:<! ):=: Neda*i# 2:11' T1):? [)Ch*(?:1A: 0s(??:1-): a%(2:1: att(1):<1-<)+ T1):@ [1$a#(1=:)): Hos(?:?: i1(?:?-A: att(C:12+ T1):A RA//0N0C: The $habbat has been gi3en fo* -ou! -ou we*e not gi3en fo* the $habbat( - e;i%ta on EL(21:12(: The $habbat has been .%a1ed unde* -ou! -ou ha3e not been .%a1ed unde* its autho*it-( -Yo#a A=b( N7TE: $o#e Ch*istian w*ite*s ha3e used this 3e*se in atthew as .a*t of thei* eLa#.%es on how the $habbat has Qbeen *e.%a1edQ b- sunda-( This idea has nothing to do with what Yeshua is sa-ing he*e howe3e*( 4hi%e the 1o##and Q*e#e#be* the $abbath da-Q is not s.e1ifi1a%%- *e-stated in the New Co3enant! a 1ase fo* its obse*3an1e 1an be show in se3e*a% wa-s: a( Yeshua>s state#ent((( the $habbat is #ade fo* #an: shou%d te%% us *ight awa- that it has been #ade fo* #an;ind! and is a gift f*o# the C*eato*( b( Yeshua>s state#ent((( it is good to do good on the $habbat: not on%- testifies of $habbat>s eListen1e! but what is to be ou* beha3iou* on the $habbat((( that of doing good( 1( Yeshua>s state#ent((( b*ea;s one of these %east #itD3ot&1o##and#ents: shows that a%% 1o##and#ents of To*ah a*e sti%% in effe1t! and wi%% be unti% hea3en and ea*th .ass awa-J

d( The state#ent that the $habbat is Qunde* the %awQ! is a%so #is%eading: -sin1e the $habbat was gi3en du*ing the 1*eation wee;! 1entu*ies befo*e the To*ah was gi3en th*ough oshe( e( 4hi%e the*e a*e 3a*ious othe* 3e*ses and unde*standings to show the 1ontinua% eListen1e of the $habbat: the*e is no state#ent that Qsunda- *e.%a1es the $habbatQ in $1*i.tu*e! EThe idea is .*esented b- so#e 1onOe1tu*e on a 1ou.%e of 3e*ses in the N(T(! [$EE: A1ts )G:@: Re3(1:1G: R 1o##enta*-+! but u.on 1%ose eLa#ination a*e shown to be unfoundedF( 0ndeed! the*e is #o*e to show that $habbat *e#ains $habbat! than in an- wa- su..o*ts this idea of Q$habbat *e.%a1e#entQ( This idea of Qsunda- be1o#ing the $habbatQ! need%ess to sa-! doesn>t show u. unti% #an- de1ades afte* the ti#e of the /oo; 7f A1ts! and isn>t e3en .*a1ti1ed b- a%% the QChu*1hesQ when it is o*de*ed du*ing the <th 1entu*- A8&CE bthe >Catho%i1 Chu*1h>! as we see f*o# the w*itings of Eusebius( t1):C [ a*; 2:1-?: 6u;e ?:?-11+ T1):1G [6u;e 12:1<! 1<:2: Uohn C:1?+ "$habbath 1<:2-<! 1?:=! 1A:2! )):?: E*ubin <:2! 1G:12-1<: Yo#a A:?-@: /etDah =:): Rosh ha$hanah ):=: Edu-oth ):=' T1):11 "/etDah 2:2-<' T1):1) "$habbath ):=' T1):1< [Ps():): att()@:1: a*; 2:?: 6u;e ?:11: Uohn =:1A! 1G:2C! 11:=2+ T1):1= [ att(1G:)2! 1C:): a*; 2:@+ T1):1? [ att(A:<! C:2G! 1@:C+ T1):1A [0s(<):1-<! <C:2: att(2:1@! 1@:=+ T1):)) [ att(C:2): a*; 2:11: 6u;e 11:1<-1=+ T1):)2 [ att(C:)@! )1:C+ T1):)< [ att(C:2<: a*; 2:)): 6u;e 11:1=+ "$habbath C:1: Adodah Ha*ah 2:?' T1):)= [ att(C:<: Uohn ):)=: Re3():)2+ T1):)@ N7TE: 3()@ #a- be a Ta*gu#i1 de3i1e of 1on3e*se t*ans%ation -E#o*e 1o**e1t! 1on3e*se 1onst*u1tionF( [$ee othe* eLa#.%es att(1G:1@!1):2)!1C:)@!1=:)2 ;(A:1)!A:1<+(&Con3e*se T*ans%ations /ib%i1a =@ E1C@?F =1=-2@( E$EE: The Gos.e% 7f atthew A11o*ding To A P*i#iti3e Heb*ew TeLt & Howa*d(F T1):)A [8an():<<! @:1<: 6u;e 1:22! 11:)G! 1@:)G-)1: 1Uohn 2:A+ T1):)C [0s(<C:)<: 6u;e 11:)1-)2+ T1):21 [ a*; 2:)A-2G: 6u;e 1):1G: Heb(?:<-?! 1G:)?!)C: 1Uohn =:1?: A1ts @:=1+ T1):2) N7TE: /%as.he#- in ;now%edge: as: The $ages when noting the signs that essiah Hi#se%f wou%d do! stated that sin1e essiah wou%d ha3e >s1ent> - o* dis1e*n#ent! He a%one wou%d be ab%e to 1ast a de#on out of a du#b .e*son! -sin1e the 1o##on #ethod to 1ast out de#ons was b- thei* na#e! and a #ute&du#b .e*son 1ou%d not s.ea;( Anothe* >sign> the Rabbini1 w*itings sa- essiah wou%d do! was to o.en the e-es of one bo*n b%ind( 4hen the 1*owd saw the b%ind-du#b #an hea%ed and the de#on 1ast

out [3()2+! the- said: 0s this not /en-8a3idI A11o*ding to thei* own unde*standing! Yeshua had Oust 1o#.%eted a Q essiani1 signQ! and was wh- the P>*ushi# we*e so >Mui1; to hea* this>! [3()<+ R Yeshua ;nowing thei* thoughts a%so unde*stood that thei* 1o##ent of Hi# was one #ade in thei* fu%%-;now%edge


He had Oust 1o#.%eted a > essiani1> sign! whi1h the- not on%1hose to den-! but gi3e b%as.he#- against( [ att(11:1C! 12:==: Uohn @:1)!=): 1Ti#(1:12+ "Yo#a A:A: $anhed*in 1G:1: Aboth 2:11' T1):22 [ att(@:1?-1A: 6u;e ?:<2-<<: Uohn 1=:<-@+ T1):2< [ att(2:@! 1=:1A! )2:22: 6u;e 2:@! ?:<=: 1$a#()<:12: 0s(2):?: E.h(<:)C: Ua#es 2:)-1)+ T1):2? "Aboth 2:1! <:))' T1):2A EThe Heb(Ch*istian essiah .(@AF - Cf( 6e1tu*e 000! P(111! 3ide su.*a! .(?G( e*L on 1):2A gi3es an inte*esting .a*a%%e% f*o# T(/( $anhed*in CAa( R( Uose ben Wis#a is as;ed fo* a sign of the 1o#ing of essiah( He at fi*st *efuses! but afte*wa*ds sa-s that when essiah 1o#es the wate*s in the 1a3e at Paneas Ethe sou*1e of the Uo*danF wi%% be tu*ned into b%ood( This too; .%a1e at his own death( [ att(1?:1: a*; A:11: 6u;e 11:1?: Uohn ):1A: 1Co*( 1:))+ T1):2C [0s(=@:2: att(1?:<: a*; A:2A: 6u;e 11:)C-2): Uohn <:<A+ "Taanith ):1: Gittin =:=: $otah C:C' T1):<G N7TE: E%sewhe*e Yeshua sa-s that He sha%% *aise 7N the thi*d da-( This has *esu%ted in #u1h dis1ussion on this! whi1h was not ne1essa*- at a%%! as in the /ib%i1a%-Uudai1 #ethod of stating ti#e: if one eLists in ANY .a*t of one da-! it is stated that he has eListed fo* the ENT0RE da-( E4e see this so#ewhat in the Eng%ish %anguage: 0 s.ent the >who%e da-> at the bea1h! when in *ea%it-! -on%- a .o*tion of the da- was s.ent at the bea1h(F [Uon(1:1@: 6u;e )<:<?: A1ts 1G:<G: 1Co*( 1=:<+ T1):<1 [Uon(2:=: 6u;e 11:2): Ue*(2:11: EDe;(1?:=1: Ro#():)@+ "$anhed*in 1G:2' T1):<) RA//0N0C: Ta%#ud Ye*usha%a-i# /e*a;ot C:@ R $ota =:@: $.ea; against 3a*ious of Pha*isees&P>*ushi# and adds: 7n%one t-.e of Pha*isee is dea* to G-d! one who se*3es out of %o3e %i;e fathe* A3*aha#( A6$7: Q0n fa1t the E$$0AH 0$ $SCH A PR7PHET as it is stated in the id*ash on the 3e*se! Q/eho%d - se*3ant sha%% .*os.e*((( oses b- the #i*a1%es whi1h he w*ought d*ew but a sing%e nation to the wo*shi. of G-d! but the E$$0AH wi%% d*aw A66 NAT07N$ to the wo*shi. of G-d(Q - R(6e3i ben Ge*sho#( [1Bin(1G:1-12: )Ch*( C:1-1): 6u;e 11:21+ T1):<2 [6u;e 11:)<-)?: Uob 1:@: 1Pet(=:A+ EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine $u..%i1ation 1=F T1):<= [ a*; =:C: 6u;e 11:)?: Heb(?:<-A! 1G:)?: )Pet():)G-))+ T1):<? [ att(12:==: a*; 2:21-2=! ?:2: 6u;e A:1C-)1: Uohn ):1)! @:2!=:

A1ts 1:1<: 1Co*(C:=: Ga%(1:1C+ T1):<@ [ att(12:==-=?: Uohn ):1): A1ts 1:1<+ T1):<C [Uohn )G:1@: Ro#(A:)C+ T1):=G [Uohn 1=:1<: Ga%(=:?! ?:1=: Co%(2:11: Heb():11+ T12:1 [ att(12:1-1=: a*; <:1-1): 6u;e A:<-1G+ T12:) [6u;e =:2! A:<+ T12:2 [6u;e A:=+ "$ota C:1=' T12:< "Peah ):)' T12:= "Gittin =:1-)' T12:A [Gen()?:1): att(12:)2+ T12:C [ att(11:1=: a*; <:C: Re3():@!11!1@!)C! 2:?!12!))+ T12:11 [ att(11:)=! 1?:1@: a*; <:1G-11: Uohn ?:?=: 1Co*():1G: Co%( 1:)@: 1Uohn):)G!)@+ "Aboth ?:)' T12:1) [ att()=:)C: a*; <:)=: 6u;e A:1A! 1C:)?+ "/i;;u*i# 2:A: Aboth 1:12' T12:1< [0s(?:C-1G: EDe;(1):): a*; <:1): 6u;e A:1G: Uohn 1):<G: A1ts )A:)?-)@: Ro#(11:A: )Co*(2:1<-1=: Uohn 2:2?+ "Aboth <:1A' T12:1= [Ps(11C:@G: He1h(@:11: )Ti#(<:<: Heb(=:11: 6u;e 1C:<): A1ts )A:)?-)@+ T12:1? [P*o3()G:1): att(1?:1@: 6u;e 1G:)2-)<: Uohn )G:)C+ "Yo#a A:C' T12:1@ [Uohn A:=?: Heb(11:12: 1Pet(1:1G-11+ T12:1A [ a*; <:12-)G: 6u;e A:11-1=+ T12:1C [ att(<:)2+ T12:)G [0s(=A:): EDe;(22:21-2): Uohn =:2=+ T12:)1 [A1ts 1<:)): att(11:?: )Ti#(1:1=+ T12:)) [ att(1C:)2: a*; 1G:)2: 6u;e 1A:)<: 1Ti#(?:C: )Ti#(<:1G: Ue*( <:2+ "Aboth <:C' T12:)2 [Uohn 1=:=: Phi%(1:11: Co%(1:?+ T12:)= "Bi%ai# 1:1: Te*u#oth ):?' T12:)@ "Peah <:1! =:@: 8e#ai =:@' T12:2G [ att(2:1)+ T12:21 [0s():)-2: i1(<:1: a*; <:2G: 6u;e 12:1A-1C+ "Bi%ai# 1:1!=! 2:): aase*oth <:?: /aba /ath*a ):1G' T12:2) [Ps(1G<:1): EDe;(1@:))-)<! 21:2-C: 8an(<:1)!)1+ "Niddah =:)' T12:22 4hi%e %ea3en is often used in the /ib%e as an i%%ust*ation of sin! he*e 0 be%ie3e that it doesn>t( $o#e ha3e 1on1%uded that it does in A66 1ases! and with that 3iew.oint in #ind! ha3e t*ied to eL.%ain this 3e*se in wa- that #a;es %itt%e o* no sense( The si#.%e .eshitta&#eaning of the 3e*se #a;es sense on it>s own: QThe Bingdo# of Hea3en is %i;e %ea3enQ! and as %ea3en 1hanges the who%e %u#.! so when the Bingdo# of Hea3en is in ou* %ife! it 1hanges ou* who%e %ife( This unde*standing a%so fo%%ows the fo*# of the .a*ab%e *ight befo*e it -[3(21-2)+( [6u;e 12:)G-)1: 1Co*(==:?: Ga%(=:C+ "Peah A:@: E*ubin A:): enahoth @:1: Pa*ah 1:1' T12:2< [ a*; <:22-2<: Uohn 1G:?! 1?:)=+ T12:2= [Ps(@A:): Ro#(1?:)=-)?: 1Co*():@: E.h(2:C: Co%(1:)?+ T12:2A [ att()<:1<! )A:1C: a*; 1?:1=: 6u;e )<:<@: Ro#(1G:A: Co%(1:?: Gen(2:1=: Uohn A:<<: A1ts 12:1G+ T12:2C The #eaning of this .a*ab%e is inte*esting when one notes that


the ti#e .e*iod is the end of the age! and the .eo.%e being ta%;ed about as the wheat a*e those who a*e in His Bingdo#(

ta*es a*e those who ha3e g*own u. togethe* with the /e%ie3e*s and a*e fa%se /e%ie3e*s( The G*ee; wo*d in 3e*se <1 fo* iniMuit-&%aw%essness! is <=A-ano#ia! #eaning: 3io%ation of 6aw: f*o# <=C-ano#os! whi1h #eans: not subOe1t to the Uewish 6aw& To*ah( How #u1h do we hea* nowada-s those who in effe1t a*e sa-ing: >%et us sin that g*a1e #a- abound>! o* e%se: >the To*ah &6aw #eans nothing to us as /e%ie3e*s nowada-s>J 4e shou%d Ooin with $ha>u%&Pau% in sa-ing: Q8o we then #a;e 3oid the 6aw&To*ah th*ough faithI Ce*tain%- notJ 7n the 1ont*a*-! we estab%ish the 6aw&To*ah(Q -[Ro#ans 2:21+ Po* the do1t*ine&dog#a of Qano#ia&ano#osQ is the be%ief of da*ne%&ta*es(((that a*e bu*ned in the fi*eJ [Uoe% 2:12: Re3(1<:1=+ T12:<1 [ att(1A:@: )Pet():1-)+ T12:<) [ att(2:1)! A:1)! 12:=G: Re3(1C:)G! )G:1G+ T12:<2 [8an(1):2: att(12:C: 1Co*(1=:<)-<2!=A+ T12:<< [Phi%(2:@: 0s(==:1: Re3(2:1A+ "/aba /ath*a <:A' T12:<? [P*o3():<! 2:1<-1=! A:1G!1C+ T12:<@ [ att()):C-1G+ T12:<C [ att()=:2)+ T12:=1 " enahoth 1G:2' T12:=) [$ong @:12+ "Yadai# <:2' T12:=< [Ps()):)): att():)2: a*; ?:1: 6u;e <:1?: Uohn @:1=+ T12:== [0s(<C:@: att(1):<?: a*; ?:2! 1=:<G: 6u;e 2:)2: Uohn ?:<)+ "Yeba#oth <:12' T12:=@ [ att(11:?: a*; ?:2-<: 6u;e <:)<: Uohn <:<<+ T12:=A [ a*; ?:=-?: Uohn =:<<!<?-<@+ T1<:1 [ a*; ?:1<-)C: 6u;e C:@-C+ T1<:2 N7TE: 4ife of He*od>s ha%f-b*othe* Phi%i.( 8i3o*1ed Phi%i. to #a**- He*od! thus in1est: -6e3(1A( [ att(<:1): a*; ?:1@: 6u;e 2:1C-)G+ T1<:< [6e3(1A:1?! )G:)1+ "Be*ithoth 1:1' T1<:= [ att()1:)?: 6u;e )G:?+ T1<:? "$u;;ah =:1-<: /etDah =:): Taanith <:A: Abodah Ha*ah 1:2' T1<:1G "$anhed*in @:1!2: C:1' T1<:12 [ att(1G:)2! 1):1=: a*; ?:2)-<<: 6u;e C:1G-1@: Uohn ?:1)+ T1<:1< [ att(C:2?: a*; ?:2<+ T1<:1= N7TE: /ib%i1a% Uewish 1a%enda* ti#e! between dawn and da*;ness -#o*ning! noon! e3ening [Ps(==:1@+( Ha3e two e3enings in a da-@ a.*oL( 2.#! and again at sundown! -[EL(1):? %it(: /etween the two e3enings+( att(1<:1= -1st e3ening! 3()2 -)nd e3ening( [ a*; ?:2=: 6u;e C:1)+ T1<:1@ "/e*a;hoth ?:@: Te*u#oth 1G:A: Pesahi# ):=: oed Batan 1:1G: Neda*i# ?:2: $hebuoth 2:)' T1<:1C [1$a#(C:12: att(1=:2?! )?:)?: a*; ?:<1! A:@! 1<:)):

6u;e )<:2G: A1ts )@:2=: Ro#(1<:?+ "/e*a;hoth A:@' T1<:)2 [ a*; ?:<?: 6u;e C:)A: Uohn ?:1=-1?+ T1<:)= "/e*a;hoth 1:1: iddoth 1:1-)' T1<:)? [Uob C:A+ T1<:)@ [A1ts )2:11! )@:))!)=!2?+ T1<:21 [ att(?:2G! A:)?+ T1<:22 [Ps():@: att(1?:1?! )?:?2: a*; 1:1: 6u;e <:<1: Uohn 1:<C! ?:?C! 11:)@: A1ts A:2@: Ro#(1:<+ T1<:2< [ a*; ?:=2: 6u;e =:1+ T1<:2? TDitDit! -see 1o##enta*- on att(C:)G( [ att(C:)G: a*; 2:1G! =:)<-2<: 6u;e ?:1C: A1ts 1C:1)+ T1=:1 [ a*; @:1: Uohn 1:1C: A1ts )=:@+ T1=:) RA//0N0C: The washing of the hands befo*e a #ea% was int*odu1ed fo* the sa;e of unifo*#it-! to #a;e it a habit( Chu%%in 1G?a( Those who eat food with unwashed hands endange* thei* hea%th be1ause the- a*e fu%% of dange*ous ge*#s( Yo#a @@b( The fa1e! hands! and feet shou%d be washed e3e*- da-( $habbath =Gb( Rabbi Yo1hanan b( Ha;;i! id*ash /a#idba* Rabba 1C:A [on Nu#be*s 1C:)+: QThe Ho%- 7ne! b%essed be He! #e*e%sa-s: >0 ha3e %aid down #- statue! 0 ha3e issued a de1*ee( You a*e not a%%owed to t*ansg*ess - de1*ee:>as it is w*itten! >This is the statue of the 6aw(>Q (((Q/- -ou* %ife! it is not the dead that defi%es! no* the wate* that .u*ifies(Q [ a*; @:=+ "/e*a;hoth 1:1! A:): Pesahi# =:=: Hagigah ):=: $anhed*in 11:2: Edu-oth =:?-@: Adodah Ha*ah ):?: Aboth 1:1! 2:12: Yadai# 1:1-2!=! ):)-2' T1=:< [EL()G:1!1)! )1:1@: 6e3(1C:2! )G:C: 8eut(=:1?! )@:1?: P*o3( )G:)G! )2:))! 2G:1@+ "Peah 1:1: $anhed*in @:<!A! 11:1: Be*ithoth ?:C' T1=:= RA//0N0C: 1f( (Ned(11:11 on >in3a%idation of 3ows> in Rab( %it(( [ a*; @:11-1)+ "Neda*i# 1:1-<! ):1-)! 2:1-<!1G-11! <:1-)!<!?-@! =:?! C:1!<: /aba Ba##a C:1G' T1=:? "$hebiith 1G:2: aase* $heni =:1=: Gittin <:2: $otah C:C1G' T1=:@ [ a*; @:?+ T1=:A RA//0N0C: The Ta%#udi1 idea of eL1ess 3a%ue on the t*aditions is shown b- 6ightfoot in Ho*ae Heb*ai1ae on 3(): The wo*ds of the s1*ibes a*e %o3e%-! abo3e the wo*ds of the To*ah: fo* the wo*ds of the To*ah a*e weight- and %ight! but the wo*ds of the s1*ibes a*e a%% weight-( The wo*ds of the e%de*s a*e weighte* than the wo*ds of the .*o.hets( A .*o.het and an e%de*! to what a*e the- %i;enedI To a ;ing sending two of his se*3ants in to a .*o3in1e( 7f one he w*ites thus: Sn%ess he shows -ou #- sea%! be%ie3e hi# not: of the othe* thus: A%though he shows -ou not #- sea%! -et be%ie3e hi#( Thus is w*itten of the .*o.het( He sha%% show thee a sign o* a #i*a1%e: but the e%de*s sa- thus: A11o*ding to the To*ah whi1h the- sha%% tea1h thee( $u1h eL1ess as this of the P>*ushi# ou* essiah Yeshua add*essed to those who had #ade the To*ah of >no effe1t>( [Ps(@A:2?: 0s()C:12: EDe;(22:21+ T1=:C [0s()C:12: Co%():1A-)): Titus 1:1<+ T1=:1G [ a*; @:1<+ T1=:11 The dis1ussion with $1*ibes and P>*ushi# was 1on1e*ning

n>ti%at--ada-i#! not the ; of ;oshe*( $ee: 1o##enta*on att(1=:)! and note this enti*e dis1ussion in 1onteLt with att(1=:)G( [A1ts 1G:1=: Ro#(1<:1<!1@!)G: 1Ti#(<:<: Titus

1:=+ T1=:12 [0s(?G:)1! ?1:2: Uohn 1=:): 1Co*(2:1)-12+ T1=:1< [0s(C:1?: a%():A: att()2:1?!)<: 6u;e ?:2C: Ro#():1C+ T1=:1= [ a*; @:1@+ T1=:1? [ att(1?:C: a*; @:1A+ T1=:1@ [1Co*(?:12+ T1=:1A [ att(1):2<: a*; @:)G: Ua#es 2:?+ T1=:1C [Gen(?:=! A:)1: P*o3(?:1<: Ue*(1@:C: a*; @:)1: Ro#(1:)C2): Ga%( =:1C-)1+ "/aba Ba##a @:@' T1=:)1 [ a*; @:)<-2G+ T1=:)) [ att(1:1! )):<1-<)+ T1=:)< [ att(1G:=-?: Ro#(1=:A+ T1=:)? KQ8ogsQ was an eL.*ession used so#eti#es fo* go-i#&genti%es du*ing the fi*st 1entu*- A8&CE( Yeshua isn>t using the eL.*ession he*e to .ut he* down! but *athe* in testing he* faith [3()A+( "K id*( on Ps(i3(A: eg(@b( Note:)-E an- .assages #ight be Muoted eithe* si#i%a*! o* based on this 3iew of Genti%es(Q -[6ife R Ti#es of Uesus the essiah /oo; 000 Cha.te* YYY000 .age <1(+ Po* #o*e 1onteLt see: Ab(H( ))b: Ab(H(ii(1: e1hi%ta! ed(4eiss! .(22 b!%ine A f*o# to.: Ab(Ha*(2=b: Efo* sta*te*sF(' [ att( @:?: Phi%(2:)+ "Bi%ai# A:?: Ha%%ah 1:A: $otah C:1=: Hu%%in <:)' T1=:)A [6u;e @:C+ T1=:)C [ att(<:1A! 1=:)C-21: a*; @:21-2@+ T1=:2G [0s(2=:=-?: att(11:=: a*; @:)=: 6u;e @:))!2A! A:<1! 1G:2C+ T1=:21 [6u;e =:)=-)?! 1C:2@-2A+ T1=:2) [ a*; A:1-1G+ T1=:22 [)Bin(<:<2+ T1=:2? The an1ient b%essing is: /a*u1h Atah Adonai! E%ohaenu e%e1h ha-o%a#! bo*ae #eena- #aDonot( - /%essed a*t Thou! 6o*d ou* God! Bing of the uni3e*se! C*eato* of 3a*ious ;inds of foods( This is .e*ha.s .a*t of the b%essing that Yeshua essiah said he*e( [1$a#(C:12: att(1<:1C! )?:)@: 6u;e )):1@!1C: Uohn ?:11!)2: A1ts )@:2=: Ro#( 1<:?+ T1=:2C [ a*; A:1G+ T1?:1 [ att(1):2A: a*; A:11: 6u;e 11:1?! [1):=<-=?: 1Co*(1:))+ T1?:) "/aba /ath*a =:?' T1?:2 "Rosh ha$hanah 1:)' T1?:< [P*o3(2G:1): att(1):2C: 6u;e 11:)C! )<:<?+ T1?:= [ a*; A:1<+ T1?:? [ a*; A:1=: 6u;e 1):1+ T1?:C [ att(1<:1=-)1: a*; ?:2G-<<: 6u;e C:1G-1@: Uohn ?:1-1<+ T1?:1G [ att(1=:2)-2A: a*; A:1-C+ T1?:12 N7TE: Caesa*ea -was in He*od-Phi%i.>s te**ito*-! a.*oL( )= no*th of the $ea of Ga%i%ee( [ a*; A:)@: 6u;e C:1A+ T1?:1< RA//0N0C: This answe* of the Ta%#idi# is in a11o*d with the ishnai1 unde*standing of who wou%d be those who 1a#ebefo*e! o* the fo*e*unne*s of the ti#e of essiah>s 1o#ing( [ att( 1<:)! )1:11: 6u;e C:@-C+ T1?:1= [Uohn ?:?@+

T1?:1? [ att(1<:22: a*; A:)C: 6u;e C:)G: Uohn ?:?C! 11:)@: A1ts A:2@! C:)G: Heb(1:)!=: 1Uohn <:1=+ T1?:1@ att(11:)@: 1Co*():1G: Ga%(1:1?: E.h():A+ "NaDi* C:=' T1?:1A N7TE: Pet*os-G*( X *o1;( essiah uses Pet*a Eu.on this *o1;F a fe#inine fo*#: .%a- on wo*ds! Q*o1;*aQ -not a na#e! but a .%a- on the wo*d((( u.on this *o1;&8i3ine *e3e%ation -0 wi%% bui%d #- house of .*a-e*( The wo*ding of the Heb*ew 3e*sion is 3e*- inte*esting in 3(1A( The .un eLists in the G*ee; with the wo*ds: QPete*Q and Q*o1;Q: in the Heb*ew in $he# To3 howe3e* the*e is a%so a .un with the wo*ds: Qstone-5e3en>Q and Q0 wi%% bui%d&5e3neh>Q( RA//0N0C: 4hen G-d was 1onside*ing the s1he#e of 1*eation! He saw befo*e Hi# A3*aha#>s fo*#! and He said: Now 0 ha3e a *o1; u.on whi1h 0 1an bui%d! and u.on whi1h 0 1an found the wo*%d( Ye%a##denu in Ya%;ut 0!@?? to Nu#()2:C: -the *o1; he*e identified as A3*aha#! [e3ident%- unde* inf%uen1e of 0s( =1:1-)+! is i#.o*tant as >*o1;> he*e is a%so >.et*a>! and the *oots of this id*ash a*e 3e*- o%d( ER(E%eaDe* f*o# odiin! on EL(1@:C!1G!1) - e;hi%taF( [Uob 22:1@: Ps(C:12! 1G@:1A: 0s( 2A:1G: Uohn 1:<): A1ts ):<1: E.h():)G: Re3()1:1<+ "Yo#a ):?! @:=: $anhed*in 1:?: Aboth ):)!<: Ho*a-oth 1:=' T1?:1C [ att(1A:1A: Uohn )G:)2+ "/e*a;hoth =:=: Peah ?:11: Te*u#oth =:<: Pesahi# <:=! ?:): /etDah 1:<: Taanith 1:@: Yeba#oth 1:<! ):1G: Neda*i# 2:)!?! @:C! C:=: $anhed*in 1:): Edu-oth <:)!A! =:1' T1?:)G [ att(1@:C: a*; A:2G: 6u;e C:)1+ T1?:)1 RA//0N0C: Again! this Rabbini1 idea of the suffe*ing essiah! is not that diffe*ent than the essiani1 unde*standing: (((At that ti#e G-d wi%% te%% essiah a%% that wi%% ha..en to Hi#( The sins of the sou%s of the ones who a*e with Thee unde* - th*one wi%% in the gene*ation of essiah bend Thee down unde* a -o;e of i*on and Thou #a;e Thee %i;e a 1a%f whose e-es a*e di##ed be1ause of .ain and Th- $.i*it wi%% be .*essed as with a -o;e: /e1ause of the sins of these sou%s: Th- tongue sha%% 1%ea3e to the *oof of Th- #outh( A*t Thou wi%%ing to suffe* these thingsI essiah wi%% as; EG-dF! wi%% these suffe*ings %ast #an- -ea*sI G-d answe*s Hi#: 0 swea*((( that the- wi%% %ast fo* one wee; on%-( 0f Thou dost *eg*et it 0 wi%% banish thei* sinfu% sou%s *ight awa-J essiah answe*ed! 4ith Oo- in - sou% and g%adness in - hea*t! 0 ta;e u.on e these suffe*ings that no one in 0s*ae% #ight .e*ish! both the %i3ing and those that a*e bu*ied in the dust of the ea*th!and a%% the sou%s f*o# the Pi*st Ada# e3en unti% now((( 8u*ing the wee; Eof -ea*sF when the $on of 8a3id! the essiah 1o#es! the- wi%% b*ing i*on ba*s and .ut the# on His ne1; unti% His height is bent %ow and He 1*ies! and wee.s so that His 3oi1e as1ends e3en to the s;-( And He E essiahF wi%% sa-: aste* of the Sni3e*se! is then - .owe* and - $.i*it un%i#ited! e3en - %i#bs and - sou%I A# 0 not f%esh and b%oodI


0t is be1ause of this futu*e o*dea% that 8a3id E.*o.heti1a%%-F we.t! sa-ing - st*ength is d*ied u. %i;e a .otshe*d [Psa%#s )):@+( At this hou*! G-d wi%% sa- to Hi#! E.h*ai#! Righteous essiah! didst Thou not ag*ee befo*e the 1*eation

thisI Now %et You* so**ows be as - own so**ows(((( At that essiah answe*s! Now is - $.i*it 1a%#ed fo* >0t is enough fo* a se*3ant to be %i;e #aste*(> Pesi;ta Rabbati [EPis;a 2?:1<)F&Ya%;ut on 0saiah ?G:1-)+ [ att( )G:1@: a*; A:21! C:21: 6u;e C:))! 1A:21! )<:<?: Uohn ):1C+ T1?:)) "Edu-oth =:?' T1?:)2 [ att(<:1G: Ro#(A:@+ T1?:)< [ a*; A:2<: 6u;e C:)2: A1ts 1<:)): )Co*(<:1G-11: 1Thess(2:2: )Ti#(2:1): 1Pet():)1+ T1?:)= [6u;e 1@:22: Uohn 1):)=+ T1?:)? /e*a1hoth EnU 9(0 )2b: This Efea* of GodF is eMua% in i#.o*tan1e to that of the who%e wo*%d .ut togethe*( R( $i#on b( ADai! and a11o*ding to so#e! R( $i#on b( Ho#a said: The who%e wo*%d wou%d not ha3e been 1*eated if not fo* the .u*.ose of being host to hi# Ewho fea*s GodF( [Ps(<C:@-A: 6u;e 1):)G-)1+ "$anhed*in <:=: Aboth ):1! =:1' T1?:)@ [ a*; A:2A: 8an(@:1G: Ro#():?+ T1?:)A Note fo* eLa#.%e that Yo1hanan&Uohn saw the $on of an 1o#ing in His Bingdo# in the Re3e%ation( RA//0N0C: R(U7$EPH A6/7 7P T76E87 E$EPHER 0BBAR0 )A:=<F The $1*i.tu*e 1a%%eth the Na#es of essiah a%so: YH9H Hid;enu! be1ause He is the ediato* th*ough 4ho# we sha%% get the *ighteousness of The 6-R8( [Ue*e#iah )2:?+ E$EE A6$7: /aba /ath*a @=: id*ash Tehi%%i# on [Psa%#s+ )1:1: and AMah on E;ah& 6a#entations 1:1?(! id*ash E1ah 1:=1F [ a*; C:1: 6u;e C:)@: A1ts @:==-=?: Re3(1C:11+ T1@:1 [ att(1@:1-A: a*; C:)-A: 6u;e C:)A-2?+ T1@:) As the s#o;e 3ei%ed the P*esen1e of YH9H when He a..ea*ed unto the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae% in Tana;h! so the f%esh of Yeshua essiah 3ei%ed His G%o*- with the Pathe* f*o# the e-es of #an( $h>;hinah( T1@:2 N7TE: This a11ount in the $he# To3 in1%udes 6;(C:)A-2=! and is a%so in the A*abi1 8iatessa*on )<()-1) -E1@) A8&CEF( RA//0N0C: G-d the /%essed said: 7 oses! as thou ga3est th%ife when thou we*t a%i3e fo* 0s*ae%! so a%so in the ti#es of the essiah! when 0 sha%% send E%iOah the .*o.het to the#! -ou a%so sha%% 1o#e at the sa#e ti#e( -8eba*i# Rabba E.()==!)F( "$ota 1:C' T1@:< $hi#,on Befa&$i#eon Pete* is often 1*iti1ised fo* the things he sa-s! 0 fee% this is done unOust%- so( He*e his 1o##ents a*e not out of 1onteLt with fi*st 1entu*- A8&1e Uudai1 thought! as the suggestion to bui%d tabe*na1%es&su;;anot was a%ong with the obse*3ation of what had Oust ha..ened! in %ine with both /ib%i1a% and Rabbini1 unde*standing! [see 1@:2 abo3e and 1@:11! )1:<!C be%ow+! Befa wou%d ha3e fe%t that the essiani1

Bingdo# had Oust begun! whi1h is what the /ib%i1a% Peast of $u;;ot .oints to( This wou%d a%so be wh- the Ta%#idi#&dis1i.%es Muestioned in 3e*se 1@:1G wh- Qthe $1*ibes sa- that E%iOah #ust 1o#e fi*stQ! if the- we*e to Qte%% the 3ision to no #anQ -[1@:C+( Yeshua>s answe* is inte*esting as in 3e*se 1@:11! we see that E%i-ahu&E%iOah sha%% 1o#e fi*st! Eat the ti#e of the endF! -in ag*ee#ent with the unde*standing the Ta%#idi# ha3e: as we%% as a%*ead- b- Yo1hanan&Uohn the 0##e*se* - [1@:1)!1<! as he 1a#e in the s.i*it and .owe* of E%iOah! as in ha3ing his #ant%e+: as we%% as the fa1t that E%iOah had Oust a..ea*ed on the ount of T*ansfigu*ation! -th*ee a..ea*an1es( 0n Rabbini1 %it( we *ead of E%iOah showing u. at 3a*ious ti#es th*oughout histo*-( A%so inte*esting is that in The 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine iL(11: The Rout of /e%ia%! .assi#: The 4ond*ous Chi%d! .assi#( /ased on 8eut(1A:1A and a%(2:)2ff( EC.( E11%esiasti1us <A:1G(F $a#a*itans identif- hi# with oses Redi3i3us: Uews! with E%iOah ETa%#ud! enahoth <=a: /( ( 2a: Aboth de Rabbi Nathan )<:<F( C.( 0 a11(1<:<1! <:<?: att( 11:1<! 1@:1Gff(: a*; C:11f(: Uohn 1:<=! =:<?! ?:1<! @:<G: A1ts @:2@: Re3(11:2ff( 7ften a%te*nates with .*iest%- fo*e*unne*( ENote that both oses and E%iOah we*e .*iests(F C.( Test( 6e3i! 3(12-)G: Heb(2:1! <:1=ff(! =:<!1G! ?:)G( T1@:= [8eut(1A:1=!1C: Ps():@: 0s(<):1: att(2:1@! 1):1A: a*; 1:11: 6u;e 1:2=! 2:)): Uohn 1):)A-2G: A1ts 2:))-)2: )Pet(1:1@+ T1@:? [)Pet(1:1A+ T1@:@ [8an(A:1A+ T1@:1G [ a%(<:=: att(11:1<! 1?:1<: a*; C:11+ EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine iL(11F T1@:11 RA//0N0C: 0t is the 3oi1e of E%iOah .*o1%ai#ing *ede#.tion! and the essiah 1o#ing with a%% His ho%- ones with Hi#( And 0 wi%% de1%a*e the g%ad tidings( -7*de* 7f The Hoshanna Rabba( 7n the thi*d da- he EE%i-ahuF sha%% 1o#e! and stand u.on the #ountains of 0s*ae% and sa-: $a%3ation! has 1o#e to the wo*%d! as it is w*itten: That .ub%ishes $a%3ation( Ya%;ut( [ a%(<:?: 6u;e 1:1@+ T1@:1) [ att(11:1<! 1<:2!1G! 1?:)1: a*; C:1)-12+ T1@:12 [ att(11:1<+ T1@:1< [ att(1@:1<-1C: a*; C:1<-)A: 6u;e C:2@-<)+ T1@:1@ N7TE: 5(((> .ossib%e Heb*ew idio#( [8eut(2):=: Phi%():1=+ T1@:1A [6u;e <:<1+ T1@:)G [ att()1:)1: a*; 11:)2: 6u;e 1@:?: 1Co*(1):C+ T1@:)) [ a*; A:21+ T1@:)2 [ att()?:))! )@:=G: 6u;e )2:<?! )<:<?: Uohn 1?:?! 1C:2G: A1ts 1G:<G+ T1@:)< [ a*; C:22+ "$he;a%i# 1:1!2-?! ):1!<! 2:1-<! <:1-<! ?:1!=! A:A: Yo#a <:)! ?:<!?!A: Pa*ah 2:?' T1@:)= [0s(?G:1G-1@+ T1@:)? "$he;a%i# 1:2-=' T1@:)@ N7TE: R-*ie he*e states [on 3s()<-)@+ that #e#be*s of the *o-a% fa#i%- we*e not *eMui*ed to .a- the Te#.%e-taL( Howe3e*! 0

fee% f*o# the a11ount that it>s a taL that the Ro#ans we*e ta;ing: the 1onteLt is: Qthe ;ings of the ea*thQ-[1@:)=+! and not the >*o-a% fa#i%- of 0s*ae%>( $i#.%- be1ause the G*ee; indi1ates a Qdoub%e-d*a1h#aQ! based u.on the Q$tate*Q in 3e*se )@: and then *e%ating that to the Te#.%e ha%f-she;e%! -in o*de* to t*- and ha3e this a11ount sa-ing the Te#.%e-taL is what is being s.o;en of! wou%d be too #u1h 1onOe1tu*e( The wo*d QTe#.%eQ is added to 1e*tain Eng%ish t*ans%ations! -et 0 be%ie3e the 1onteLt R si#.%e #eaning see# to state othe*wise( 7ne 1ou%d a%so note that in 3e*se )@ Yeshua te%%s Befa&Pete*: Q%est 4E offend the#Q: and so Yeshua who ;e.t To*ah! ne3e* wou%d ha3e suggested o* i#.%ied to Befa that he in an- wadidn>t ha3e to .a- the Te#.%e-taL whi1h To*ah 1o##anded( A%ong with the fa1t that Befa&Pete* wasn>t of the *o-a% fa#i%of 8a3id as fa* as we ;now( "NaDi* =:)' T1A:1 [ a*; C:22-2@: 6u;e C:<?-<A! )):)<-)@+ T1A:) [ att(1C:1<: a*; 1G:1<: 6u;e 1A:1<-1@+ T1A:2 [Ps(121:): att(1C:1<: a*; 1G:1=: 6u;e 1A:1?: 1Co*(1<:)G: 1Pet( ):)+ T1A:< [ att()G:)@! )2:11+ T1A:= [ att(1G:<): 6u;e C:<A+ t1A:? [ a*; C:<): 6u;e 1@:): 1Co*(A:1)+ "Be%i# 1A:?: 7ho%oth A:2: Habi# 2:)! <:)' T1A:@ [1Co*(11:1C: att()?:)<! )@:<: 1Co*(11:1C+ "/e*a;hoth <:): $anhed*in @:<' T1A:A [ att(=:)C-2G: a*; C:<2!<=+ EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine ii(@F T1A:C RA//0N0C: R( Ta*.hon: /ette* that his be%%- bu*st! than he go down to the .it of dest*u1tion( -in Nidda 12b( T1A:1G [Ps(2<:@: He1h(12:@: Esth(1:1<: 6u;e 1:1C: A1ts 1):1=: Heb( 1:1<: Re3(A:)+ "$anhed*in ):2' T1A:11 [6u;e C:=?: Uohn 2:1@+ T1A:1) N7TE: Co##on #ode of eL.*ession in Uudai1 w*itings: EAgain note in 6ightfootF: 4hen a #an is di3iding nuts a#ong the .oo*! though ninet-nine 1a%% u.on hi# to di3ide the#! and one 1a%% on hi# to s1atte* the#! to hi# the- #ust hea*;en( 4ith g* and dates it is not so( Though ninet--nine 1a%% on hi# to s1atte* the#! and one to di3ide the#! to hi# the- #ust hea*;en( [ att( 1A:1)-1<: 6u;e 1=:<-@+ "Peah <:1' T1A:1< [1Ti#():<+ T1A:1= [6e3(1C:1@: Ua#es =:)G+ T1A:1? [8eut(1@:?! 1C:1=: Uohn A:1@: )Co*(12:1: 1Ti#(=:1C: Heb(1G:)A+ "$otah 1:1-): $anhed*in 2:2: a;;oth 1:@' T1A:1@ [Ro#(1?:1@: 1Co*(=:C: )Thess(2:?!1<: )Uohn 1G+ "Rosh ha$hanah 1:A' T1A:1A [ att(1?:1C: Uohn )G:))-)2: 1Co*(=:<+ T1A:1C [1Co*(1:1G: 1Uohn 2:))! =:1<+ T1A:)G N7TE: A essiani1 /eit 8in - ) o* 2 witnesses s.ea;s of Oudge#ent a11o*ding to To*ah! [note a%so the To*ah 1o##and

in 3e*se 1A:1?+( Rathe* than Oust si#.%- sa-ing the 6o*d sha%% be with us in .*a-e*( The 6o*d is with us e3en if we .*a- a%one( [A1ts )G:@: 1Co*(1<:)?+ "Aboth 2:)!?' T1A:)1 N7TE: The*e is Rabbini1 ha%a1hah stating to fo*gi3e th*ee ti#es! so Befa #ust ha3e thought se3en to be e3en #o*e gene*ous when he fi*st suggested this to Yeshua( [6u;e 1@:<+ "Yo#a A:C' T1A:)) [ att(?:1<: a*; 11:)=: Co%(2:12+ T1A:)= [EL()1:): 6e3()=:2C: )Bin(<:1: Neh(=:=!A+ "Gittin <:C: $otah 2:A' T1A:2) [6u;e @:<1-<2+ T1A:2= [P*o3()1:12: att(?:1): a*; 11:)?: Ua#es ):12+ T1C:1 [ att(1C:1-C: a*; 1G:1-1): Uohn 1G:<G+ T1C:) [ att(1):1=+ T1C:2 RA//0N0C: The house of $ha##ai said: on%- fo* seLua% i##o*a%it-: 4hi%e the house of Hi%%e% was #u1h #o*e %aL! (((e3en if si#.%- a #ea% was bu*ntJ [$ee 1o##enta*- on att( =:2)+( T1C:< [Gen(1:)@! =:): a%():1=+ T1C:= [Gen():)<: a*; 1G:=-C: E.h(=:21: 1Co*(?:1?! @:)+ T1C:@ [8eut()<:1-<: att(=:21+ "Gittin C:1G' T1C:A [ a%():1?: Heb(2:1=+ "$anhed*in 1G:1' T1C:C [ att(=:2): a*; 1G:11: 6u;e 1?:1A: 1Co*(@:1G+ T1C:1G [P*o3()1:1C+ T1C:11 [1Co*(@:)!@!C!1@+ T1C:1) N7TE: (((se%f-#ade eunu1hs: 3e*- .ossib%-! Ein .a*tF! *efe**ing to the Wu#*an Essene Uewish 1o##unit-! so#e who .*a1ti1ed a non-seLua% %ifest-%e( A%though we note that sin1e the*e has been *e%eased #o*e info*#ation on the Wu#*an 1o##unit-! that #a**iage was #u1h #o*e wides.*ead a#ong it>s #e#be*s! du*ing #ost of the ti#e the 1o##unit- was in eListen1e! than had been .*e3ious%- thought( Note a%so that Ue*e#iah was eL.*ess%fo*bidden to ta;e a wife EUe*(1?:1-)F( [1Co*(@:2)+ "Yeba#oth A:<: Habi# ):1' T1C:12 [ att()G:21: a*; 1G:12: 6u;e 1A:1=+ T1C:1< [ att(1A:2-<: a*; 1G:1=: 6u;e 1A:1@: 1Co*(1<:)G: 1Pet():)+ T1C:1? [ a*; 1G:1@-2G: 6u;e 1G:)=+ T1C:1@ The one who 1a#e to Yeshua he*e add*essing Hi# as QGood RabbiQ was in his #ind a..*oa1hing si#.%- >a #an>( Yeshua then Muestions his #oti3es: Q4h- do -ou 1a%% e goodIQ: - and 0 be%ie3e that Yeshua is he*e t*-ing to show this -oung #an that he had #is.%a1ed his affe1tions! if in this wa- he add*esses #an! *athe* than God( [Nah(1:@: 6e3(1A:=+ "/e*a;hoth C:): Aboth <:1?! ?:2' T1C:1A [EL()G:12-1?: 8eut(=:1@-)G+ T1C:1C [EL()G:1)-1?: 6e3(1C:1A: 8eut(=:1?-)G: att(1=:<! )):2C: Ro#( 12:C: Ga%(=:1<: Ua#es ):A+ T1C:)G [Phi%(2:?+ "Biddushin <:1<: Aboth 2:1=' T1C:)1 [ att(?:)G: 6u;e 1):22: A1ts ):<=! <:2<-2=: 1Ti#(?:1A-1C+ "$u;;ah <:@'

T1C:)) N7TE: $ee Ta*gu# note in att( 1):)@( "Biddushin <:1<: Aboth <:C' T1C:)2 [ att(12:)): a*; 1G:)<: 1Co*(1:)?: 1Ti#(?:C+ "Aboth <:1! ?:A' T1C:)< N7TE: 4hi%e the wo*d t*ans%ated as 1a#e%&Ega#a%F a%so is *o.e in A*a#ai1: the*e>s a doo* in the wa%% of Ue*usa%e# 1a%%ed the >e-e of the need%e>! whi1h was used to %et .eo.%e in afte* sunset when the #ain gate was shut( 0t was 3e*- s#a%%! and a%though a 1a#e% 1ou%d ente* in it on its ;nees! it was 3e*diffi1u%t to do so( $o we ha3e an inte*esting .%a- on wo*ds he*e in ishnai1-Heb*ew! whi1h wou%d ha3e been unde*stood at on1e b- those hea*ing Yeshua>s wo*ds( 6ightfoot gi3es se3e*a% Muotations f*o# the Rabbi>s! whe*e the diffi1u%t- is *e.*esented b- the i#age of an e%e.hant going th*ough the e-e of a need%e( T1C:)? [Gen(1A:1<: Nu#(11:)2: Uob <):): 0s(=C:1: Ue*(2):1@: He1h(A:?: 6u;e 1:2@+ T1C:)@ [8eut(22:C: att(<:)G: 6u;e =:11+ T1C:)A N7TE: *egene*ation-EG*ee;F -du*ing i%%enniu# Bingdo#: and used in Titus 2:= fo* .eo.%e being #ade new! [$ee: att()=:21+( [ att( )G:)1: 6u;e )):)A-2G: 1Co*(?:): Re3():)?+ EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine i3()=F T1C:)C [ att(?:22: a*; 1G:)C-2G: 6u;e 1A:)C-2G+ "Aboth ):@! =:1C' T1C:2G [ att()G:1?! )1:21-2): a*; 1G:21: 6u;e 12:2G+ T)G:1 "/aba etDia @:1! C:11' T)G:) "/aba etDia ?:1' T)G:2 "/aba etDia C:11' T)G:1< "/aba etDia ?:?' T)G:1= [8eut(1=:C: P*o3()2:?: att(?:)2: a*; @:)): Ro#(C:)G)1+ "Te*u#oth <:2: Aboth ):C!11! =:12!1C' T)G:1? [ att(1C:2G! )):1<: a*; 1G:21: 6u;e 12:2G+ T)G:1@ [ att()G:1@-1C: a*; 1G:2)-2<: 6u;e 1A:21-22: Uohn 1):1)+ T)G:1A [ att(1?:)1! )?:<@-=@: a*; 1<:<)!?<: Uohn 1A:=! 1C:@+ T)G:1C [ att()?:?@-?A! )@:)!)?!)C!<1! )A:=-?: A1ts 2:12-1=+ T)G:)G [ att(<:)1! 1G:): a*; 1G:2=-<=+ T)G:)1 [ att(1C:)A+ "Yo#a 2:C' T)G:)) [6u;e 1):=G! )):<)+ T)G:)2 [A1ts 1):): Ro#(A:1@: )Co*(1:@: Re3(1:C+ T)G:)< [ a*; 1G:<1: 6u;e )):)<-)=+ T)G:)? [ att()2:11: a*; C:2=! 1G:<2: 6u;e )):)?: 1Pet(=:2+ T)G:)@ [ att(1A:<+ T)G:)A RA//0N0C: [on 0s(=):12+ The Pa*asha befo*e us is eL.ounded in $otah @ 0( of the essiah( R( ei* ben-$hi#,on 0 #a- *e#a*; then that ou* Rabbis with one 3oi1e inte*.*et it of the Bing essiah( R( oses A%$hei;h( A%so id*ash Tan1hu#a! et1(((( /eho%d - se*3ant essiah sha%% .*os.e*! He sha%% be high and in1*eased! and be eL1eeding%- st*ong( -Ta*gu# Uonathan [0s( =):12+( 4he*e the*e is no #an E%eade*F t*- to be a #an -ou*se%f( Aba-e said: 4e infe* f*o# these wo*ds that in angathe*ing whe*e the*e a*e enough #en one shou%d not t*- to

#a;e hi#se%f .*o#inent( $u*e%-J This is #o*e than .%ainJ He needs it in the 1ase of the st*ange* who 1o#es and finds a #an on%his eMua% Ethe st*ange* shou%d not t*- to do an-thing without the 1onsent of the nati3eF( /e*a1hoth EnU 9(0 .(C@b( [0s( =2:1G: 6u;e )):)@: Uohn 12:<: Ro#(=:1=!1C: Phi%():?-@+ T)G:)C [ a*; 1G:<?-=): 6u;e 1A:2=-<2+ T)G:2G [Ps(AC:2-=!1C-2@: )$a#(@:1<-1@: 0s(11:1G-1): EDe;(2@:)1)=: att( 1:1! C:)@: 6u;e 1:21-2): A1ts 1=:1<-1@+ T)G:21 [ att(1C:12+ T)G:2< N7TE: $on of 8a3id! is a s.e1ifi1 essiani1 tit%e in Tana;h and Rabbini1 %it( [Ps(@)! 0s(C:@+( [ ;(1G:<?-=)!6;(1A:2=-<2+- two #en! but: /a*ti#aeus the #o*e agg*essi3e one .%eads with Yeshua as He ente*s Ue*i1ho! but hea%ed when He is %ea3ing( -7*: hea%ing too; .%a1e as %ea3ing o%d Ue*usa%e# and ente*ing new Ue*usa%e#( [ att( C:2?! 1<:1<! 1=:2)! 1A:)@+ T)1:1 N7TE: /eit-Page- -9i%%age 1&) #i%e east of Ue*usa%e#! $outh side of ount of 7%i3es( [He1h(1<:<: a*; 11:1-1G: 6u;e 1C:)C-2A+ "Pesahi# A:?: Rosh ha$hanah ):<: enahoth @:2! 11:): Pa*ah 2:?!11' T)1:) N7TE: [$ee a%so: Un(1):1<+ He1h(C:C & aso*eti1 teLt has one fo*# of the wo*d: >ass>! and R( $he# To3 1*iti1iDes that Uohn and atthew do not fo%%ow the aso*eti1 teLt( Howe3e*! the wo*d e#.%o-ed is a 1o**e1t Heb*ew t*ans%ation! and si#.%.oints to Uohn R atthew t*ans%ating! Ein this 1aseF! f*o# the 6YY&$e.tuagint( /ut R( $he# To3>s 1o##ents do show he 1o.ied! Enot t*ans%ated f*o# G*ee;F! an ea*%ie* Heb*ew 3e*sion( "/aba etDia ?:2!=: /aba /ath*a =:2' T)1:< RA//0N0C: R( A%eLande* said R( Uoshua ben-6e3i obOe1ts to what is w*itten: And beho%d! 7ne %i;e the $on of #an 1a#e with the 1%ouds of Hea3en: and it is w*itten: Poo* and *iding u.on an ass: if the- E0s*ae%F a*e wo*th-! He E essiahF 1o#es with the 1%ouds of Hea3en! but! if the- a*e not wo*th-! He 1o#es .oo* and *iding on an ass( -Ta%#ud /ab-%( $anh(fo%(CA( [$ee a%so: att()?:?<: ;( 12:)?: 6;()):?C-@G: A1ts 1:11: Re3(1:@!1<:1<+( T)1:= [0s(?):11: He1h(C:C: Uohn 1):=+ T)1:? [ a*; 11:<+ T)1:@ [)Bin(C:12+ T)1:A [6e3()2:<G: Uohn 1):12+ T)1:C N7TE: Hoshanna -[Ps(11A:)=-)@+ sung at the Peast of Tabe*na1%es! and /a*u1h haba b>$he# Adonai! is he*e 1on1e*ning essiah! but is a%so .a*t of the $u;;ot se*3i1e( The 1*owds we*e eL.e1ting that the 1o#.%etion of what $u;;ot %oo;ed fo*wa*d to! the 1!GGG -ea* *eign of essiah /en-8a3id! had begun( RA//0N0C: (((said Ra3 Uose.h: a- G-d .a*don R( Hi%%e%( 4hen was HeDe;iahI 0n the Pi*st House! but He1ha*iah .*o.hesied in the $e1ond House: ReOoi1e g*eat%- 7 daughte* of Hion! shout 7 daughte* of Ue*usa%e#: beho%d! th- Bing 1o#eth unto thee: He

is Oust! ha3ing $a%3ation: %ow%- and *iding u.on an ass! and u.on a 1o%t! the fou% of an ass( -/ab(Ta%($anh( fo%(CC( As it is said of the fo*#e* *edee#e*! and oses too; his wife and his sons! and set the# on an ass! [EL(<:)G+! so it is said of the %atte* Redee#e* E essiahF! .oo* and *iding on an ass( - id*ash Bohe%et Efo%(?2:)F( [ att()2:2C+ "Pesahi# =:=!@! C:2! 1G:?: Taanith 2:C: Yeba#oth ?:<' T)1:1G [Uohn ):12!1=+ T)1:11 [8eut(1A:1=!1A: att():)2! 1?:1<: 6u;e <:1?-)C: Uohn ?:1<! @:<G! C:1@: A1ts 2:))-)2+ T)1:1) [8eut(1<:)=: a%(2:1: a*; 11:1=-1A: 6u;e 1C:<=-<@: Uohn ):12-1?+ "$he;a%i# =:2-<! ?:=! @:): /etDah ):<: Be*ithoth 1:@' T)1:12 N7TE: Yeshua he*e 1o#bines 0s(=?:@ and Ue*(@:11( The >#one-1hange*s> 1hanged o*dina*- #one- fo* Heb*ew o* T-*ian she;e%s of standa*d weight R without b%e#ish fo* Te#.%e use! eLt*a1ting a %a*ge fee fo* doing so( This #ade the# 3e*- un.o.u%a* with the Uewish .o.u%ation! as we a%so see f*o# the Agada of the /ab-( Ta%#ud! whe*e it was *efe**ed to as: QThe /aDaa* of the sons of AnaniasQ( Rosh ha$h( 21 a!b: $i.h*e on 8eut( @ 1G=! end( ed( P*ied#ann [0s(=?:@: Ue*(@:11+ T)1:1= [ att(1:1: Uohn @:<)+ "$u;;ah 2:1G!1=' T)1:1? RA//0N0C: This is the faithfu% $he.he*d: 7f Thee it is said! QBiss the $on!Q Thou a*t the P*in1e of the 0s*ae%ites! the 6-*d of the ea*th(((((The $on of the ost High! the $on of The Ho%G-d(((((and the g*a1ious $he;inah( -EN7TE: The $he1hinah is the 3e*- P*esen1e of Ha$he#JF -Hoha* EGen(fo%(AA! 1(2<AF [*ef(Ps()+ 7u* 8o1to*s eL.ound the Psa%# of the essiah(-EBi#1hiE aasF [Ps()+ 4hosoe3e* is not wi%%ing to .*aise This $on! his sins sha%% be b*ought befo*e the Ho%- Bing( -EHoha* 8ent( fo%( 1GCF [*ef(Ps()+ /ut if it be inte*.*eted of the essiah! the #atte* is 1%ea*( - 0bn ED*a [*ef(Ps()+ [Ps(A:): att(11:)=+ T)1:1@ [ att()?:?: a*; 11:1!11-1)! 1<:2: 6u;e 1C:)C! )<:=G: Uohn 11:1! 1A: 1):1+ T)1:1A [ a*; 11:1)-1<!)G-)<+ T)1:1C N7TE: >finding nothing> The g%eaning was not %eft! indi1ating the owne* had b*o;en To*ah( The*e a*e two ha*3ests of figt*ees in 0s*ae%! and both of figs %oo; diffe*ent! but the*e shou%d ha3e been figs %eft on the t*ee! and so: the .ossibi%it- eLists that! Ebe1ause of the g*eed of the owne*F! Yeshua is *e#o3ing his sou*1e of in1o#e! be1ause of his 3io%ation of the To*ah! whe*e he is 1o##anded to %ea3e so#e of the f*uit( [ a*; 11:12+ "$hebiith =:1: Aboth ):1G' T)1:)G [ a*; 11:)G+ T)1:)1 [ att(1@:)G: 1Co*(12:): Ua#es 1:?+ T)1:)) [ att(@:@-11: a*; 11:)<: 6u;e 11:C: Uohn 1=:@: Ua#es =:?: 1Uohn 2:))! =:1<+ T)1:)2 [EL():1<: a*; 11:)@-22: 6u;e )G:1-A: A1ts <:@! @:)@+ "$anhed*in 1:1! 11:)!<' T)1:)= [Uohn 1:1=-)A!)C-2<+ "/e*a;hoth A:@: Neda*i# 1G:?! 11:1):

/aba Ba##a ?:<: $anhed*in 1G:1: Aboth 1:2!11! ):)!1)! <:<!11-1)! =:1@: Negai# 11:2' t)1:)? [ att(1<:=! )1:<?: a*; ?:)G: 6u;e )G:?+ T)1:)A [ att()G:1! )1:22+ T)1:21 [6u;e @:)C!2@-=G+ T)1:2) [6u;e 2:1-12! @:)C+ "Aboth =:1A' T)1:22 [Ps(AG:C: att()=:1<: a*; 1):1-1): 6u;e )G:C-1C+ "Peah =:=: 8e#ai ?:1!A: Bi%ai# <:)! =:2!A: /i;;u*i# 1:)!11! C:<!?-@!1G: /aba etDia C:1-2(=!A-C! /aba /ath*a 2:2! 1G:<: $anhed*in 11:1' T)1:2= [)Ch*()<:)1! 2?:1?: att()2:2<!2@: A1ts @:=): 1Thess():1=: Heb( 11:2?!2@+ T)1:2@ [Uohn 2:1?+ T)1:2A [Ps():)!A: Uohn 11:22: A1ts <:)@: Heb(1:)+ T)1:2C [ att()?:=G: a*; 1<:<?: 6u;e )):=<: Uohn 1A:1): A1ts ):)2+ T)1:<1 [ att(A:11: 6u;e )G:1?! )1:)<: A1ts 12:<?: Ro#(C:1G+ T)1:<) [Ps(11A:))-)2: 0s()A:1?: a*; 1):1G: 6u;e )G:1@: A1ts <:11: Ro#( C:22: E.h():)G: 1Pet():?-@+ "Negai# 12:): i;waoth C:@' T)1:<2 [ att(A:1): A1ts 12:<?+ T)1:<< [0s(A:1<! ?G:1): He1h(1):2: 8an():<<: 6u;e )G:1A: Ro#(C:22: 1Pet( ):A+ T)1:<? [ att()1:11!)?: a*; 11:1A!2): 6u;e @:1?: Uohn @:<G+ T)):1 [6u;e 1<:1?: Re3(1C:@-C+ T)):) an- .a*ts of $abbath EnU 9(0 .()12b( a*e the sa#e as this .a*ab%e( "Aboth ):1G' T)):2 "Neda*i# A:@: Aboth ):1G' T)):< [P*o3(C:)+ "$hebiith @:<: Aboth ):1G! 2:1?: Be*ithoth 2:@' T)):= -th*u 3e*se 12( - "Aboth ):1G' T)):@ [8an(C:)?+ T)):A [ att(1G:11+ T)):1G [ att(12:2A!<@-<A: A1ts )A:)A+ T)):11 [)Co*(=:2: E.h(<:)<: Co%(2:1G!1): Re3(2:<! 1?:1=! 1C:A+ T)):1) [Ro#(2:1C+ T)):12 [ att(A:1)! )=:2G: 6u;e 12:)A+ T)):1< RA//0N0C: Po* #an- a*e 1a%%ed((( -An1ient .*o3e*b! used 2 ti#es in a.o1*-.ha% <ED*a( The #atte* #a- be 1o#.a*ed to a ;ing who a**anged a banMuet and in3ited guests to it( The ;ing issued a de1*ee whi1h stated: Ea1h guest #ust b*ing so#ething on whi1h to *e1%ine( $o#e b*ought 1a*.ets! othe*s b*ought #att*esses o* .ads o* 1ushions o* stoo%s! whi%e sti%% othe*s b*ought %ogs o* stones( The ;ing obse*3ed what the- had done! and said: 6et ea1h #an sit on what he b*ought( Those who had to sit on wood o* stone #u*#u*ed against the ;ing! the- said: 0s it *es.e1tfu% fo* the ;ing! that we his guests! shou%d be seated on wood o* stoneI 4hen the ;ing hea*d this! he said to the#: 0t is not enough that -ou ha3e disg*a1ed with -ou* wood and stone the .a%a1e whi1h was e*e1ted fo* #e at g*eat 1ost! but -ou da*e to 3ent a 1o#.%aint against #eJ The %a1; of *es.e1t .aid to -ou

is the *esu%t of -ou* own a1tion( -$i#i%a*%- in the he*eafte*! the wi1;ed wi%% be senten1ed to Gehinno#! and wi%% #u*#u* against the Ho%- 7ne! /%essed be He! sa-ing: 4e sought His $a%3ation! how 1ou%d su1h a fate befa%% usI He wi%% answe* the#: 4hen -ou we*e on ea*th! did -ou not Mua**e% and s%ande* and do e3i%I 4e*e -ou not *es.onsib%e fo* st*ife and 3io%en1eI That is wh- it is w*itten: A%% of -ou ;ind%e a fi*e that en1i*1%e -ou*se%3es with fi*e-b*ands! wa%; in the f%a#e of -ou* fi*e and a#ong the b*ands that -ou ha3e ;ind%ed(-[0s(=G:11+ 0f -ou sa-: This we ha3e f*o# You* hand! it is not so: -ou ha3e b*ought it on -ou*se%3es! and the*efo*e: You wi%% %ie down in to*#ent( EibidF E11%(Rabbah 2:C( [$ee a%so: 6;( 1<:1?-)<: att( @:)1-)2! )=:<1-<?+( [ att()G:1?+ "$anhed*in 1G:1: Aboth ):1G' T)):1= [ a*; 1):12-1@: 6u;e )G:)G-)?+ T)):1? QHe*odiansQ - Uewish .o%iti1a% .a*t- that sided with He*od>s *eign -Ean a..ease#ent .a*t- towa*ds Ro#e(F [ a*; 2:?! A:1=! 1):12+ T)):)G "/aba Ba##a C:)' t)):)1 [ att(1@:)=: Ro#(12:1-@: 1Pet():12-1=: 1Co*(2:)2! ?:1C)G! 1):)@+ "$he;a%i# 2:): Aboth 2:@' T)):)2 [ a*; 1):1A-)@: 6u;e )G:)@-<G: A1ts )2:A+ T)):)< [8eut()=:=+ "Yeba#oth 1:1! ):1! ):A! 2:C' T)):)C [Uohn )G:C+ T)):2G RA//0N0C: /e*e1hot 1@a: 0n the wo*%d to 1o#e the*e is neithe* eating no* d*in;ing: no* .*o1*eation of 1hi%d*en o* business t*ansa1tion: no en3- o* hat*ed o* *i3a%*-: but the *ighteous sit enth*oned! thei* 1*owns on thei* heads! and enOo- the %uste* of the $he1hena( [$ee: 1 Co*inthians 2:11-)2+ -E es: A Rab(R$1*i.t( 9iew.oint!.g(1)2F-Rabbi Yehuda haNasi EA3oth de Rabbi Nathan )AF: 4hoe3e* a11e.ts the de%ights of this wo*%d wi%% be de.*i3ed of the de%ights of the 4o*%d To Co#e! and whoe3e* de1%ines the de%ights of this wo*%d wi%% *e1ei3e the de%ights of the 4o*%d to 1o#e( 0n Pesa1hi# =Ga we a*e to%d that the 4o*%d To Co#e wi%% be in *e3e*se o*de* - that those who a*e on to. he*e wi%% be be%ow the*e and 3isa-3e*sa( 0n othe* wo*ds! Oust as *e1o*ded in the New Testa#ent! the fi*st sha%% be %ast! and the %ast sha%% be fi*st( EN7TE: fo* fu*the* 3a%uab%e 1o##enta*- on the New Co3enant! R Rabbini1 essiani1 unde*standings! 0>d st*ong%*e1o##end getting /u*t Ye%%in>s boo;! Eadd*ess in this boo; fo%%owingF: as we%% as: QThe G*eat -ste*-! How Can Th*ee /e 7neIQ b- Rabbi TD3i Nassi & Hi*s1h P*inD( -a3ai%ab%e at the sa#e add*ess(F [1Uohn 2:)+ T)):2) [Gen(1@:@! )?:)<! )A:)1: EL(2:?!1=: a*; 1):)?: 6u;e )G:2@: A1ts @:2): Heb(11:1?+ T)):22 N7TE: Yeshua is .*o3ing f*o# To*ah the *esu**e1tion of the dead to the TD>du;i#&$addu1ees! as the- didn>t a11e.t the *est of Tana;h as $1*i.tu*e! and so wou%d ha3e *eOe1ted ana*gu#ent .*esented to the# f*o# the 4*itings o* the P*o.hets( RA//0N0C: 4hen R( Ga#a%ie% 00 was as;ed to .*o3e the Resu**e1tion f*o# the /ib%e! he *efe**ed his inMui*e*s to 8eut(

21:1?: 0sa( )?:1C: Cant( @:1G! and fina%%- 1on3in1ed the# f*o# 8eut( 11:C! o* <:< ET(/( $anh( CGb: see /a1he*! 8ie Agada de* Tannaiten! 1CG2! .( A)F( [ att(@:)A+ T)):2< [ att(1):)A-21: 6u;e 1G:)=-2@+ T)):2= [6u;e @:2G! 1G:)=! 11:<=-<?!=)! 1<:2: Titus 2:12+ T)):2? "Peah 1:1: Yo#a A:A: Aboth ):1: Hu%%in 1):=' T)):2@ [8eut(?:=! 1G:1)! 2G:?+ "/e*a;hoth C:=' T)):2C [6e3(1C:1A+ T)):<G N7TE: [ att()):2?-<G - $h>#a: 8eut(?:=: with: 6e3(1C:1A+ essiah Yeshua is the fi*st to 1o#bine /7TH these #itD3ot of To*ah as a su##a*- of the To*ah( [ att(@:1): Ro#(12:1G: 1Ti#( 1:=+ "Hagigah 1:A' T)):<1 RA//0N0C: the affai*s of the essiah a*e set fo*th in the $1*i.tu*e of the 6aw! and the P*o.hets! and of the Hagiog*a.ha( 0n the 6aw: [EL(<:))+! in the P*o.hets: [0s(=):12+! and in the Hagiog*a.ha: [Ps(11G:1+( - id*ash Tehi%%i#[Ps()+( Rabbi Uoden in the na#e of Rabbi Ba#a said that: 0n the ti#e to 1o#e! ie! in the age of the essiah! the Ho%- 7ne! b%essed be He! wi%% #a;e the essiah to: $it at His *ight hand! as it is said: The 6o*d said unto #- 6o*d! sit Thou at #- *ight hand! unti% 0 #a;e thine ene#ies Th- footstoo%( - id*ash [Ps( 1A:2=+ [$ee a%so: id*ash Rabbah -[to Gen( 1A:1+ R note $ - id*ash Tehi%%i#(+ Afte*wa*d sha%% the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae% *etu*n! and see; the se*3i1e of the 6o*d thei* God! and be obedient to the essiah! The $on 7f 8a3id! thei* Bing: and He sha%% tea1h the# the wo*shi. of the 6o*d! and in1*ease the good that is to 1o#e to the# at the end of the da-s( Ta*gu# Uonathan [Hosea 2:<-=+( This is the Bing essiah: whethe* He be f*o# a#ong the %i3ing! His na#e is 8a3id! o* whethe* He be f*o# a#ong the dead! His na#e is 8a3id(- /e*a1hoth Ye*usha%a-i# EPugia Pidei fo%()@@F( [ a*; 1):2=-2@: 6u;e )G:<1-<<+ T)):<) [ att(1:1! )1:C+ T)):<< [Ps(11G:1: att()?:?<: a*; 1?:1C: A1ts ):2<: 1Co*(1=:)=: Heb( 1:12! 1G:12+ T)):<? [ a*; 1):2<: 6u;e 1<:?! )G:<G+ " enahoth ?:)' T)2:) RA//0N0C: >seat of oshe> - ishnai1 te*# fo* the autho*itof the $anhed*in! R thei* issuing of de1isions( Note in 3( 2! He doesn>t go against this autho*it-! but *athe* is against thei* a..%i1ation of thei* own standa*ds( Ta%#ud a%so s.ea;s against the $anhed*in of the 1st 1ent( A8&CE( EA%so noteF! Ta%#ud se3e*e%- 1onde#ns: Those who *eMui*e what is good but don>t .*a1ti1e it( [Hagiga 1<a ER( Yo1hanan ben-Ha;;aiF: Yeba#oth ?2b+ $ee#%-! a*e those wo*ds when the- 1o#e f*o# the #outh of the# whi1h .*a1ti1e the#( $o#e the*e be whi1h *eMui*e what is good! and a%so .*a1ti1e it: /en-ADDa *eMui*es what is good! but does not .*a1ti1e it( ET( Yeba#oth 9000< &nea* the end(F [8eut(22:2: ED*a @:?!)=: Neh(A:<!A: a%():@: a*; 1):2A: 6u;e )G:<=+ The o*igins of the $anhed*in 1an be t*a1ed ba1; to the @G E%de*s who had the autho*it- oshe ga3e the#! [EL 1A: Nu# 11:1?-1@! )<-)=+( Afte* the eLi%e! ED*a *e-estab%ished this! [ED*a @:)=+( [$ee a%so: 8eut(1@:1G: att(=:))+

T)2:2 [8eut(1@:1G: Ro#():1C+ "Aboth 1:1=: Ho*a-oth 1:1' T)2:< [6u;e 11:<?+ "/e*a;hoth 1:1! ):): /aba Ba##a @:@: Aboth 1:1! 2:=' T)2:= T>fi%%in: the sMua*e %eathe* boL with the Heb*ew %ette* $heen on the f*ont wo*n b- obse*3ant Uews! 1ontaining fou* st*i.s of .a*1h#ent on whi1h a*e w*itten: 8eut( 11:12-)1! 8eut( ?:<-C! EL( 12:11-1?! and EL( 12:1-1G( 0t>s wo*n on the fo*ehead and between the e-eb*ows and anothe* on the %eft a*# 1%ose to the e%bow( The- a*e he%d in .%a1e b- %eathe* bands! whi1h the P>*ushi# we*e #a;ing b*oad to att*a1t attention to the#se%3es( Yeshua 1*iti1iDes not the #itD3ot! Efo* the #itD3ot He Hi#se%f wou%d ha3e doneF: but the eL1ess of these P>*ushi# fo* show( ET>fi%%in in Heb*ew! and Ph-%a1te*ies in G*ee;F( [ att(?:1-?+ "Aboth <:=' T)2:? [ a*; 1):2A-2C: 6u;e 11:<2! )G:<?: 2Uohn C+ T)2:@ "Aboth 1:?' T)2:A [)Co*(1:)<: Ua#es 2:1: 1Pet(=:2+ "Edu-oth 1:<: Aboth 1:12! <:=!A! ?:<-=' T)2:C [ a%(1:?: att(=:1?!<A: ?:1!C!1<!)?!2)! @:11+ T)2:11 [ att()G:)?-)@+ "Aboth ?:=' T)2:1) This tea1hes us that he who hu#b%es hi#se%f! the Ho%7ne! .*aised be HeJ wi%% *aise: and whosoe3e* eLa%ts hi#se%f! the Ho%- 7ne! .*aised be HeJ wi%% abase( 4hoso .u*sueth g*eatness! g*eatness wi%% f%ee f*o# hi#: and whoso f%eeth f*o# g*eatness! g*eatness wi%% .u*sue hi#( And whoso fo*1es ti#e! wi%%! in *etu*n be fo*1ed b- the ti#e: but to hi# who gi3es wa- to ti#e E-ie%ding .atient%- to 1i*1u#stan1esF! ti#e wi%% gi3e wa-( E*ubin EnU 9(0 .()1C1-))Ga( [6u;e 1<:11! 1A:1<+ t)2:12 [6u;e 11:=)+ "$anhed*in 1G:1-2' T)2:1< [ a*; 1):<G+ t)2:1= "$otah C:1=' t)2:1? [ att(=:22-2<! 1=:1<! )2:)<+ "Betuboth ):C: Neda*i# 1:2! ):2: Be*ithoth 1:@' T)2:1@ [EL(2G:)C+ T)2:1C [EL()C:2@+ "Hebahi# C:1!@! enahoth 1):1' T)2:)1 [1Bin(A:12: )Ch*(?:): Ps()?:A! 12):1<+ T)2:)) [Ps(11:<: 0s(??:1: att(=:2<: A1ts @:<C+ T)2:)2 N7TE: E%> %s;31h >3t#F: A..ea*s in the $he# To3! and %ate /ib%i1a% Heb*ew! and the 8ead $ea $1*o%%s! but *a*e%- if e3e* in standa*d /ib%i1a% Heb*ew( A%so: this fo*# Q%>&E%ah#edah%efFQ is used in Ue*usa%e# du*ing the 1st 1ent( A8&CE( A%so: Qah%ef-%ah#ed-3ah3Q is a ishnai1-Heb*ew fo*#! and used in 3()2( [6e3()@:2G: Nu#(1A:1): 8eut(1<:))-)2: 6u;e 11:<)! 1A:1): Hos(?:?+ "8e#ai ):1: $hebiith @:1: Te*u#oth 1G:<: aase*oth <:=: Edu-oth =:2: S;tDin 2:<' T)2:)< "$habbath )G:)' T)2:)= [ a*; @:<: 6u;e 11:2C+ "Abodah Ha*ah =:1): Hebahi# 11:@: Be%i# ):1!@! 11:1! )=:2!?-@!C! 2G:1!2: i;waoth 1G:1' T)2:)@ [6u;e 11:<<: A1ts )2:2+ " aase* $heni =:1: $he;a%i# 1:1: oed

Batan 1:)' T)2:)C [6u;e 11:<@-<A+ "E*bin =:1: $he;a%i# ):=: 7ho%oth @:1' T)2:21 N7TE: $he# To3 3e*sion has >sons>! but in 6u;e 11:<A >bui%d>( /oth these a%te*nation of wo*ds a*e seen in 1W0sa! as we%% as in id*ash /ab-%(Ta%(/e*a;ot ?<a [on 0s(=<:12+: (((*ead not >-ou* 1hi%d*en>! but >-ou* bui%de*s>( P*o3iding e3iden1e of atthew and .ossib%- 6u;e ha3ing been w*itten fi*st in Heb*ew& A*a#ai1( [ att()2:2<!2@: A1ts @:=1-=): 1Thess():1=+ t)2:2) [Gen(1=:1?: 1Thess():1?+ "A*a;hin 2:=' t)2:22 [ att(2:@! 1):2<: 6u;e 2:@+ T)2:2< [ att(1G:1@! )1:2<-2=: 6u;e 11:<C: Uohn 1?:): A1ts =:<G! @:=<-?G! )):1C: )Co*(11:)<-)=+ T)2:2= N7TE: P*o# He3e% in /e*eshit! to death of H>;ha*-ah in )8e3*ai haYa#i#! R showing thei* ah%ef-tah3! o* a%% the #u*de*s fo%%owing the Heb*ew o*de* of the boo;s in Tana;h( An obOe1tion has been *aised b- so#e! that it is not *e1o*ded that He1ha*iah ben-/e*e1hiah was #u*de*ed! but was! He1ha*iah benUehoida( Howe3e*! this is 3e*- si#.%e to eL.%ain: both these indi3idua%s ha3e the sa#e na#e! and thei* fathe*s ha3e the sa#e fi*st na#e( Tana;h %ists the He1ha*iah that was ;i%%ed with the na#e of his g*and-fathe* the fa#ous Uehoida! -Ea .*a1ti1e that was not un;nown in Tana;hF! and so 1o#.%ete%- so%3es this >su..osed> diffi1u%t-( [Gen(<:A: )Ch*()<:)G-)1: Heb(11:<: 1Uohn 2:1): Re3(1A:)<+ " iddoth =:1' T)2:2@ [8eut(2):11-1): )Ch*()<:)G-)1: Ps(1@:A! C1:<: 0s(<C:=: Neh( C:)?: att(11:)A-2G! )1:2=-2?: 6u;e 12:2<-2=+ T)2:2A "Hu%%in =:1: iddoth 1:1' T)2:2C [Ps(11A:)?: He1h(1):1G: att()1:C+ T)<:1 [ a*; 12:1: 6u;e )1:=-2?+ T)<:) N7TE: 3(1-): He*od the but1he*-Eas he is ;nown in Rabbini1 w*itingsF! began bui%ding the Te#.%e in )G /Ce and the Te#.%e was finished in ?< A8&CE( The stones we*e 1G-1) feet in %ength( P%a3ious Uose.hus EThe Uewish 4a*s -.t(? .gs(2GA-21GF: 0n1%udes the debate that essiah was to 1o#e in 2< -ea*s! based u.on <CG -ea* .*o.he1- in 8an(C:)<( -This debate too; .%a1e in 2) /Ce! and shows ea*%- unde*standing of this essiani1 .*o.he1-( RA//0N0C: Rashi: /e1ause afte* the )nd )GGG -ea*s Esin1e 1*eation! whi1h is )GGG -ea*s f*o# A3*aha# to G A8&CEF! the essiah #ust ha3e 1o#e! and the wi1;ed ;ingdo# shou%d ha3e been dest*o-ed( $anhed*in C@a: Rab said: A%% the .*edestined dates Efo* *ede#.tionF ha3e .assed( E/efo*e abo3eF X Aba-e said: 0t wi%% be deso%ate )GGG -ea*s! as it is said: Afte* two da-s He wi%% *e3i3e us: in the thi*d da- He wi%% *aise us u.! and we sha%% %i3e in His sight [Hosea ?:)+ [A%so see: Re3(1C:1C!)G:<-?+( NaDi* 2)b: Rabbi Uose.h said: Had 0 been the*e! 0 shou%d ha3e

said to the#: 0s it not w*itten: The Te#.%e of the 6o*d! the Te#.%e of the 6o*d! the Te#.%e of the 6o*d a*e these( [Ue*( @:<+! whi1h .oints to Ethe dest*u1tion ofF the fi*st and se1ond Te#.%esI E$in1e it indi1ates that the*e wou%d be th*ee Te#.%es( Thus the dest*u1tion was fo*eto%d! and 1ou%d ha3e been anti1i.ated(F G*anted! the- ;new it wou%d be dest*o-ed! did the- not ;now when this wou%d o11u*I Aba-e obOe1ted: And did the- not ;now whenI -is it not w*itten: $e3ent- wee;s a*e dete*#ined u.on th- .eo.%e! and u.on th- ho%- 1it-([8an(C:)<+( [Yeshua essiah! the suffe*ing essiah! died one gene*ation-E<G -ea*sF! befo*e this ti#e of the dest*u1tion of the Te#.%e! eLa1t%-! and to the -ea*! as fo*eto%d b- P*o.he1in the fo*#u%a gi3en to us b- 8anie%J+ The wo*%d sha%% 1ontinue ?!GGG -ea*s! the fi*st )!GGG we*e of wisdo#! and the thi*d )!GGG a*e of the da-s of the essiah! and be1ause of ou* sins #an-! #an- -ea*s of these ha3e e%a.sed! and sti%% He has not 1o#e( Ta%#ud /ab( ET*($anh(F [$anhed*in C@a:+ "Taanith <:?: Ta#id @:<' And be1ause the To*ah s.ea;s of the Te#.%e! it a%so te%%s us how the Te#.%e wi%% be dest*o-ed( That is wh- it sa-s: THE EARTH 4A$ 4A$TE AN8 4068( The ea*th wi%% be %aid waste( Po* the $he;hina! the 8i3ine Radian1e! wi%% tu*n f*o# us in the 8est*u1tion( And that is wh- it sa-s: AN8 THE $P0R0T 7P G78 H79ERE8 79ER THE PACE 7P THE 4ATER( This te%%s us that e3en when we a*e in eLi%e! the To*ah wi%% not be tu*ned f*o# us( And that is wh- it sa-s: AN8 G78 $A08: 6ET THERE /E 60GHT( This shows us that afte* the ELi%e! God wi%% #a;e Hion b*ight and wi%% send us the essiah( Po* it is w*itten in 0saiah ?G:1: AR0$E! AN8 $H0NE SP7N S$ P7R THY 60GHT 0$ C7 E( T$ENE RENE & Ua1ob ben-0saa1 Ash;enaDi( [1Bin(C:@: i1(2:1): 6u;e 1C:<<+ Uust as the se3enth -ea* is one -ea* of *e%ease in se3en! so is this wo*%d: 7ne thousand -ea*s out of se3en sha%% be fa%%ow! as it is w*itten! >And the 6-*d a%one sha%% be eLa%ted in that da-:> #eaning that the da- is a%togethe* a $abbath! as it is said! >Po* a thousand -ea*s in Th- sight a*e but as -este*da- when it is .ast(Q - Rabbi Battina on Genesis 1 T)<:2 [ att()<:)@!2@-2C: a*; 12:2: 6u;e 1@:)G-2@: 1Thess(=:12+ T)<:< N7TE: The Ta%#idi# as; Yeshua 2 Muestions E at(<:2F! and thea*e gi3en th*ee answe*s in this 1ha.te*: a%so the enti*e #atte* #a- be seen to s.ea; of the >end ti#es>( Pe*ha.s: 3s(<-1< Efi*st 2 R 1&) -*s( of the Qt*ibu%ationQF: 3s(1=-)A E)nd 2 R 1&) -*s(F: 3s()C-21 Eend of the ageF( - /ut this 1ha.te* shou%d be 1o#.a*ed with a*; 12:1-2@ R 6u;e )1:=-2?! and with the *est of the .*o.heti1 $1*i.tu*es! to gain #o*e .e*s.e1ti3e and insight( [E.h(=:?: Co%():A!1A: )Thess():2: 1Uohn <:1-2+ T)<:= [Ue*(1<:1<: att()<:11: Uohn =:<2: A1ts =:2?: 1Uohn ):1A! <:2+ T)<:? [Re3(?:)-<+ T)<:@ RA//0N0C: /e*es( Rabba (((0f -ou see ;ingdo#s and nations *ising u. against one anothe*! than gi3e&ta;e-heed! %isten fo* the foot-ste.s of essiah( [)Ch*(1=:?: 0s(1C:): Hag():)):

He1h(1<:12: A1ts 11:)A: Re3(?:=-?+ T)<:A EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The /oo; of H-#ns 3! .assi#F T)<:C N7TE: 0nte*esting )nd *eading in 3iew of 3(=: 5ah% $h>#ee>-Ein the Na#e of e&in - Na#e(F> [ att(1G:1@: 6u;e )1:1): Uohn 1?:): A1ts <:)-2: Re3():1G+ T)<:1G "$otah C:=' T)<:11 [A1ts )G:)C: 1Ti#(<:1: )Pet():1: Re3(12:11! 1C:)G+ T)<:1) [)Thess( ):2: )Ti#(2:1-2+ T)<:12 [ att(1G:)): a*; 12:12+ T)<:1< [ att(<:)2: Ro#(1G:1A: Co%(1:?!)2+ T)<:1= RA//0N0C: 0 ha3e eLa#ined and sea*1hed a%% the Ho%$1*i.tu*es! and ha3e not found the ti#e fo* the 1o#ing of essiah 1%ea*%fiLed! eL1e.t in the wo*ds of Gab*ie% to the .*o.het 8anie%! whi1h a*e w*itten in the Cth 1ha.te* of the .*o.he1- of 8anie% -R( oses Ab*aha# 6e3i( [$ee att()<:) note+( [8an(C:)@! 11:21! 1):11: a*; 12:1<: 6u;e )1:)G: Uohn 11:<A: A1ts ?:12! )1:)A+ "Taanith <:?' t)<:1@ " aase*oth 2:?: E*ubin 1G:2' T)<:1C [6u;e )2:)C+ t)<:)1 [8an(C:)?+ T)<:)) [0s(?=:A-C: He1h(1<:)+ EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine 3iii(?: The /oo; of H-#ns ii(12F T)<:)2 [ a*; 12:)1: 6u;e 1@:)2+ T)<:)< [8eut(12:1: Uohn <:<A! ?:2@: Ro#(A:)A: )Thess():C: )Ti#():1C: Re3(12:12+ EThe 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine 3iii(?: The /oo; of H-#ns ii(12F T)<:)@ [6u;e 1@:)<+ T)<:)A [Uob 2C:2G: EDe;(2C:1@: Hab(1:A: 6u;e 1@:2@+ T)<:)C [8an(@:11: EDe;(2):@: 0s(12:C-1G: Uoe% ):21!2:1=+ T)<:2G N7TE: >the sign> - $o#e thin; the %ightning of 3()@! othe*s the $he;inah of the essiah( [8an(@:12-1<: He1h(1):1): att( 1?:)@! )<:2!2@!2C+ T)<:21 N7TE: 7f g*eat inte*est is that $ha>u%&Pau%>s o*de* of o11u**en1e! Eand 1o##ents on the Q#-ste*-Q in 1 Co*inthians 1=:=1-: and 1 Thessa%onians =:1=-F! a*e in 3e*- 1%ose ag*ee#ent with Rabbini1 1o##enta*- on what sha%% ha..en on a futu*e Tish*ei 1 - Peast 7f T*u#.ets & Rosh Ha$hannah! at the %ast b%ast of the $hofa*( The Qg*eat b%astQ of the $hofa*! is the %ast and %ongest b%ast -QTe;iah Gedo%ahQ- that is b%own in the se*ies of b%asts in the Rosh-Ha$hannah Eo*: Yo# haT>*uah QPesti3a% of T*u#.etsQF o*de* of se*3i1e( [$ee: 1o##enta*- in ) Co*(1):<: 1 Thess( <:1?: and: id*ash PesiMta Hadta ?:=A! id*ash A%.ha /eta di Rabbi A;iba 2:21! Hai Gaon! Res.onsu# ..( ?G a-b: and f*o#: The essiah TeLts! R( Patai! A3on /oo;s! New Yo*;! 1C@C+( E/u*t Ye%%in t*eats this in in his boo;: essiah! a Rabbini1 and $1*i.tu*a% 9iew.oint(F [EL(1C:1?: 8eut(2G:<: 0s()@:12: He1h(C:1<: 1Co*(1=:=): 1Thess(<:1?: Heb( 1):1C: Re3(A:)! 11:1=+ T)<:2) [6u;e )1:)C+ T)<:22 [Ua#es =:C: Re3(2:)G+ T)<:2< N7TE: EG*ee;F: QGene*ationQ 1an a%so #ean Q.eo.%e& E*a1eFQ -so .e*ha.s showing a dua% .*o.heti1 #eaning that: the Uewish .eo.%e wi%% 1ontinue th*oughout histo*- and be on ea*th afte*

a%% these things 1o#e to .ass: in addition to s.ea;ing of the ti#e e%e#ent f*o# when Yeshua is s.ea;ing! unti% @G A8&1e whi1h was within one /ib%i1a% gene*ation - <G -ea*s in %ength( [ att( 1G:)2! 1?:)A! )2:2?+ T)<:2= [6u;e )1:22+ "Peah 1:1' T)<:2? [He1h(1<:@: a*; 12:2): A1ts 1:@: 1Thess(=:): )Pet(2:1G+ T)<:2A [Gen(?:2-=: 6u;e 1@:)?: 1Pet(2:)G+ "$anhed*in 1G:2' T)<:<G [6u;e 1@:2<+ T)<:<1 "$hebiith =:C: Betuboth =:=: Toho*oth @:<' T)<:<) [ att()=:12: 6u;e )1:2?: 1Thess(=:?+ T)<:<2 [6u;e 1):2C: 1Thess(=:): Re3(2:2+ T)<:<< [6u;e 1):2=-<G: 1Thess(=:?+ T)<:<= [6u;e 1):<)-<?: A1ts )G:)A+ T)<:<? [Re3(1?:1=+ T)<:<@ [ att()=:)1!)2: 6u;e )):)C+ T)<:<A [)Pet(2:<-C+ T)<:=G [ a*; 12:2)+ T)<:=1 [ att(A:1)! )=:2G+ T)=:1 R-*ie: Q((( The 3i*gins *e.*esent the .*ofessing Uewish *e#nant on ea*th at His *etu*nQ( - 4hi%e this is inte*esting to .onde*! the 3e*se #a- ha3e a #o*e gene*a% #eaning fo* the .*ofessing /od- of /e%ie3e*s in gene*a%! both du*ing the end ti#es and th*oughout histo*-! who a*e QwaitingQ: and sin1e we a%so note: the .assage is used fo* inst*u1tions to the Ta%#idi# in at( )=:12( [E.h(=:)C-2G: Re3(1C:@! )1:)!C+ T)=:) [ att(12:<@! )):1G+ T)=:= [1Thess(=:?+ "Pesahi# 1G:A' T)=:? [ att()<:21: 1Thess(<:?+ T)=:@ [6u;e 1):2=+ T)=:1G [ att(@:)1: 6u;e 12:)=+ T)=:11 [ att(@:)1-)2: 6u;e 12:)=-2G+ T)=:1) [Ps(=:=: Hab(1:12: Uohn C:21+ T)=:12 RA//0N0C: E$habbat 1=2aF Rabbi E%ieDe* said: Re.ent one dabefo*e -ou* death( His dis1i.%es as;ed hi#: /ut 1an a #an ;now on what da- he wi%% dieI He said: $o #u1h the #o*e #ust he *e.ent toda-( Thus in his wisdo# $o%o#on said: 6et -ou* ga*#ent a%wa-s be white! and %et not oi% be %a1;ing on -ou* head( [E11%(C:A+ Rabbi Uohannan the son of Ha11haeus to%d a .a*ab%e: 0t is %i;e a ;ing who in3ited his se*3ants to a feast and did not set a ti#e fo* the# to a**i3e( The wise ado*ned the#se%3es and waited b- the doo* of the .a%a1e! fo* thesaid: 0s the*e an-thing %a1;ing in a .a%a1eI The foo%ish 1ontinued wo*;ing! fo* the- said: 0s a feast e3e* gi3en without .*e.a*ationI $udden%-! the ;ing su##oned his se*3ants( The wise ente*ed the .a%a1e ado*ned as the- we*e! but the foo%ish ente*ed in thei* wo*;ing 1%othes( The ;ing *eOoi1ed when he saw the wise! but was ang*- when he saw the foo%ish! and said: Those who ado*ned the#se%3es fo* the feast sha%% sit down and eat and d*in;: but those who did not ado*n the#se%3es fo* the feast sha%% stand and %oo; onJ [ att()<:2?!<): a*; 12:2=: 6u;e )1:2?: 1Thess(=:?+ T)=:1< This .a*ab%e is si#i%a* in st-%e to: $abbath EnU 9(0 )111( [ att()1:22: 6u;e 1C:1)-)@+ " aase* $heni <:<: /aba etDia 2:1G: ei%ah ?:='

T)=:1= [Ro#(1):?: 1Co*(1):@!11!)C: E.h(<:11+ T)=:)1 [ att()<:<@! )=:2<!<?: 6u;e 1):<<! 1?:1G! )):)C-2G: 1Co*(<:): Heb(1):): )Ti#():1)! <:@-A: 1Pet(1:A: Re3(2:)1! )1:@+ "/aba Ba##a @:@' T)=:)2 [Ps(1?:11: att()<:<=!<@! )=:)1: Uohn 1=:1G-11+ T)=:)? [ att(1A:2): 6u;e 1C:))+ T)=:)C [ att(12:1): a*; <:)=: 6u;e A:1A: Uohn 1=:)+ T)=:2G [Ps(11):1G: att(@:)2! A:1)! )):12! )<:=1: 6u;e 12:)A+ T)=:21 [He1h(1<:=: att(1?:)@: a*; A:2A: A1ts 1:11: 1Thess(<:1?: )Thess(1:@: Uude 1<: Re3(1:@+ " egi%%ah <:1G: Hagigah ):1: $anhed*in ):=' T)=:2) [Ro#(1<:1G: )Co*(=:1G: Re3()G:1)+ "$anhed*in 1G:2' T)=:2< [ att()G:)2: a*; 1G:<G: Ro#(A:1@: 1Co*():C: Heb(11:1?: 1Pet( 1:<!C: Re3()1:@+ "Aboth 2:1?! =:?' T)=:2= [Uob 21:2): 0s(=A:@: EDe;(1A:@!1?: Heb(12:): Ua#es 1:)@! ):1=-1?: 2Uohn =+ T)=:2? [0s(=A:@: EDe;(1A:@!1?: Ua#es ):1=-1?: )Ti#(1:1?+ T)=:<G [P*o3(1<:21: att(1G:<): a*; C:<1: Heb(?:1G+ T)=:<1 [Ps(?:A: att(@:)2! 12:<G!<): 6u;e 12:)@: )Pet():<: Uude ?+ T)=:<= [P*o3(1<:21: He1h():A: A1ts C:=+ T)=:<? [8an(1):): Uohn =:)C: A1ts )<:1=: Ro#():@+ T)?:) N7TE: Enti*e Peast-wee; often 1a%%ed Pesa1h e3en toda[ED( <=:)1+( [ att()@:2=: a*; 1<:1-): 6u;e )):1-): Uohn 12:1! 1C:1A+ "Pesahi# ):)-=!A! 2:1!@! <:1!<-=! =:1-)!<!1G! ?:1!=! @:1-)!<!@!C!11! A:)-2!@-A! C:<-11! 1G:1!2!=-?!A-C' T)?:2 N7TE: Caia.has was high-P*iest 1A-2? A8&1e R son-in-%aw and su11esso* of Ananias( [Ps():): Uohn 11:<@: A1ts <:)=+ "Pa*ah 2:=' T)?:< [Uohn 11:<@: A1ts <:)=-)A+ T)?:= [ att()1:)?+ T)?:? [ att(A:): a*; 1<:2-C: 6u;e @:2@-2C: Uohn 11:1-): 1):1-A+ T)?:A [Uohn 1):<+ "Aboth ):1! =:11' T)?:11 [8eut(1=:11: att(1A:)G! )A:)G: a*; 1<:@: Uohn 1):A! 12:22! 1<:1C! 1?:=!)A! 1@:11+ T)?:1) [ att()@:?G: 6u;e )2:=2: Uohn 1C:2A-<)+ "$habbath )2:=' T)?:12 "Yo#a 2:C-1G' T)?:1< [ att(1G:<: a*; 1<:1G-11: 6u;e )):2-?: Uohn 12:)!2G+ T)?:1= [EL()1:2): He1h(11:1): att()@:2+ "/aba Ba##a <:=: A*a;hin 2:2' T)?:1@ N7TE: A ha*#on- *eading of the fou* Good-News a11ounts! shows the# to be in .e*fe1t ag*ee#ent! if a essiani1 unde*standing is a..%ied( The QP*e.a*ationQ! was not fo* the Pesa1h! but fo* the $habbat: E*e3-$habbat! is 1a%%ed the >P*e.a*ation-da->(-[Un 1C:21+ A%so! we note that Pesa1h is a te*# a..%ied! e3en toda-! to the enti*e Peast of Chag Ha atDot -[EDe;ie% <=:)1+: and so! the 6e3ites in Un(1A:)A we*e not s.ea;ing of the Pesa1h $ede* .*o.e*! but Pesa1h in gene*a%! and du*ing the e3ening of the 1=th! note: The Te#.%e-gates we*e o.ened at #idnight to .*e.a*e fo* the offe*ing of the Chagigah! o* festi3e sa1*ifi1e! and the *e#ainde* of whi1h was was afte*wa*ds eaten at a festi3e #ea%(

The .oo* who gathe*ed a*ound the Te#.%e #ight then see; to obtain the he%. of the 1ha*itab%e( - Po* whi1h the 6e3i>i# wou%d ha3e been 1on1e*ned that the- we*e not defi%ed(-Efo* fu*the* info: The 6ife And Ti#es 7f Uesus The essiah! bA%f*ed Ede*shei# [Ee*d#ans+F( [EL(1):?: 1A-)G+ T)?:1A [6u;e C:=1: Uohn 1):)2! 12:1! 1@:1+ T)?:)G N7TE: t)?:)G: ;1<:1@: 6;)):1<( The ti#e .e*iod Qbetween two e3eningsQ - EL(@:? when the Pas1a% 6a#b was to be s%ain was .ast [the inte*3a% between the 1o##en1e#ent of the sun>s de1%ine and what was *e1;oned as the hou* of its fina% disa..ea*an1e Eabout ? P( (F+: the >se1ond> e3ening-ti#e beginning with the thi*d sta*s a..ea*an1e in the s;-( 0n sho*t(((*ight befo*e sunset( ENote a%so: Pes(=:1: and a%so fo* the ti#e when the Cohani# [P*iests+ %it the %ights see EL(2G:AF [Pesa1h $ede*!EL(1):)-1G+( Re1%ining! as in Uewish ha%a1hah! at a %ow tab%e! *esting on thei* %eft hand so as to %ea3e the *ight f*ee( ER $EE: $abbath EnU 9(0 .(12C1F( [ a*; 1<:1@-)1: 6u;e )):1<: Uohn 12:)1+ T)?:)1 [ att()?:<?: a*; 1<:<): 6u;e )):)1-)2: Uohn ?:@G-@1! 12:)1+ T)?:)2 N7TE: [ ;1<:)G+: The*e we*e two dishes that we*e di..ed into( The sa%t- wate* fo* the .a*s%e-! and the bitte*-he*bsK and with the 1ha*oset( This dish s.o;en of he*e #ight ha3e been the fi*st dish of Ba*.as: with a%% in it( EKPi3e of /itte*-he*bs #entioned in Pes():2F( [Ps(<1:C: 6S;e )):)1: Uohn 12:1A+ "Neda*i# <:<' T)?:)< [1Co*(1=:2: 6u;e 1@:1: Uohn 1@:1)+ "Hagigah ):1' T)?:)? The b%essing o3e* the #atDah is: /a*u1h Atah Adonai E%ohaenu e%e1h ha-o%a#! ha-#otsee %e1he# #in ha-a*ets( - /%essed a*t Thou 6o*d ou* God Bing of the uni3e*se! who b*ings fo*th b*ead f*o# the ea*th( [ a*; 1<:))-)=: 6u;e )):1@-)G: 1Co*(11:)2)=: [ a*; 1<:))-)=: 6u;e )):1@-)G: 1Co*(11:)2-)=: 1Pet():)<+ T)?:)@ The b%essing o3e* the wine is: /a*u1h Atah Adonai E%ohaenu e%e1h ha-o%a#! bo*ae .*ee hagafen( - /%essed a*t Thou 6o*d ou* God Bing of the uni3e*se! who b*ings fo*th the f*uit of the 3ine( [ a*; 1<:)2+ T)?:)A RA//0N0C: 6SCH7TH HA//ER0TH E)<)aF: He Ethe essiahF wi%% gi3e Hi#se%f and His %ife o3e* unto death! and His b%ood wi%% atone fo* His .eo.%e( HE/ACH0 E?aF: $u*e%- atone#ent 1an on%- be #ade with the b%ood! as it sa-s! >Po* it is the b%ood that #a;eth atone#ent b- *eason of the %ife> -[6e3iti1us 1@:11+( [$ee a%so Yo#a E=aF: and Heb*ews C:))+( [EL()<:A: Ue*(21:21: att()G:)A+ T)?:)C N7TE: $o#e state that the Co##union b*ea;ing of b*ead&#atDah! was the fi*st usage of the Afi;o#en! that this then was 1ontinued in the essiani1&NatD*ati# Pesa1h $ede*! and that afte* the dest*u1tion of the Te#.%e! it was then a%so ado.ted into the Rabbini1 $ede*( [6;)):1@-1A+: The t*aditiona% an1ient b%essing is: /%essed a*t Thou! 6o*d ou* God Bing of the uni3e*se! 4ho b*ings fo*th the f*uit of the 3ine( The wine was the o*dina*- one of the 1ount*-! on%- *ed: it was #iLed with


wate*! gene*a%%- in the .*o.o*tion of one .a*t to two of wate*( &The 6ife R Ti#es of Uesus The essiah! b-: Ede*shei# /oo; <A=( A%so inte*esting is in one .%a1e in %ate* Rabbini1 %it( $hi#,on Befa! E$i#eon Pete*F! is said to ha3e w*itten the Ha3da%ah se*3i1e fo* the 1%osing of the e3ening of $habbatJ And in the $e.ha*di 3e*sion of this se*3i1e! a >fo*#> of QYeshuaQ fo* $a%3ation! is used se3en ti#es! E%ess so in the Ash;enaDiF! and it %ends itse%f to Q essiani1Q inte*.*etations in a g*eat #an- wa-s( ENote this #entioned in 1o##enta*-


$iddu* Po* essiani1 Uews! b- 8*( Uohn Pis1he* R 8*( 8a3id /*onstein & eno*ah inist*ies! P(7( /oL ??C Pa%# Ha*bo*! P%( 2<?A)F( [ a*; 1<:)=: A1ts 1G:<1+ T)?:2G The Ha%%e%! Ps(112-11<! is at the 1%ose of the Pesa1h #ea%( [ a*; 1<:)?-21: 6u;e )):21-2<+ T)?:21 [He1h(12:@: att(11:?! )?:=?: a*; 1<:)@: Uohn 1?:2)+ t)?:2) [ att()A:@!1G!1?: a*; 1<:)A! 1?:@: Uohn )1:1+ T)?:2< [ att()?:@<-@=: a*; 1<:2G: 6u;e )):2<: Uohn 12:2A+ "Yo#a 1:A: /aba Ba##a @:@: Edu-oth ?:1: Ta#id 1:)' T)?:2= N7TE: 6;)):22&Un12:2@& t)?:22!2=& ;1<:)C!21: Note that if a Ha*#on- *eading is ta;en of a%% fou* a11ounts! Befa is seen to ha3e said th*ee ti#es that he wi%% not den- Yeshua! Eon1e befo*e %ea3ing the $ede* *oo#! and twi1e du*ing one 1on3e*sation whi%e on the wa- to the Ga*denF( And so! th*ee ti#es sa-ing he wou%d not den- Hi#! th*ee ti#es den-ing Hi#! and afte* the Resu**e1tion th*ee ti#es being as;ed b- Yeshua if he EBefaF %o3es Hi#! R th*ee ti#es being gi3en the o11asion to 1onfess his %o3eJ Po* fu*the* info(! see a%so: The Pesa1h Ha*#on- a11ounts( t)?:2? Gethse#ane&Gat-$h>#ani#! #eaning ga*den of the Q7i% P*essQ( [ a*; 1<:2)-2=: 6u;e )):2C-<G: Uohn 1A:1+ T)?:2@ [ att(<:)1! 1@:1: a*; =:2@+ T)?:2A [Uohn 1):)@+ T)?:2C [Ps(<G:A: 0s(=G:=: att()G:)): a*; 1<:2?: 6u;e )):<): Uohn =:2G! ?:2A! 1):)@: Heb(=:@-C: Phi%():A+ T)?:<G " iddoth 1:)' T)?:<1 [Ps(1G2:1<-1?: a*; 12:22! 1<:2A: 6u;e )):<G!<?: Ro#(@:1=: Ga%( =:1@: E.h(?:1A+ T)?:<= [ att(1@:))-)2! )G:1A-1C+ T)?:<@ [ a*; 1<:<2-=G: 6u;e )):<@-=2: Uohn 1A:2-11: A1ts 1:1?+ "$habbath ?:<' T)?:<C [)$a#()G:C: P*o3()@:?+ "Rosh ha$hanah ):C' T)?:=G [Ps(<1:C! ==:12+ T)?:=1 [ a*; 1<:<@: 6u;e )):=G: Uohn 1A:1G+ "$habbath ?:<' T)?:=) [Gen(C:?: Re3(12:1G+ T)?:=2 [)Bin(?:1@: 8an(@:1G+ T)?:=< [0s(=G:?! =2:)-11: 6u;e )<:)=-)@!<<-<?: Uohn 1C:)A: A1ts 12:)C! 1@:2! )?:)2+ T)?:=? [6a#(<:)G: He1h(12:@: att()?:21: a*; 1<:)@: Uohn 1A:1=+ T)?:=@ [ att(1@:)): a*; 1<:=2-?=: 6u;e )):=<: Uohn 1A:1)!1C)<+

"Peah ):?: $anhed*in 11:): Edu-oth @:<: Ta#id ):=: 1:1!


=:<' T)?:=A [Uohn 1A:1=-1?+ T)?:=C [EL()G:1?: Ps(2=:11+ T)?:?G [8eut(1C:1=: a*; 1<:==+ "Rosh ha$hanah 1:A: $anhed*in 2:2-?! <:1!=! =:1-<! a;;oth 1:<-?' T)?:?1 [Uohn ):1C+ T)?:?) [ a*; 1<:?G+ "$anhed*in =:<( ?:<! @:=: $hebuoth <:12: Aboth 2:11: Be*ithoth 1:1-)' T)?:?2 [6e3(=:1: Ps(2A:12-1<: 0s(=2:@: 1$a#(1<:)<!)?: att()@:1)!1<: 6u;e )):?@-@1: A1ts A:2)+ T)?:?< [8an(@:12: A1ts @:==+ T)?:?= [)Bin(1A:2@: Uohn 1G:2G-2?+ T)?:?? RA//0N0C: E3en a #ode*n Uudai1 w*ite* is .ositi3e in the identit- of Yeshua and essiani1 Uudais#! as being a1tua%%based u.on Tana;h R Rabbini1 w*itings! Ea%though of 1ou*se the idea is not he%d b- this .e*son that Yeshua is essiah! -et he w*ites inF: -Uesus 7f NaDa*eth! Uesus> idea of God( .g(1@< bUose.h B%ausne*( 4hi1h! Ein this 1aseF! is wo*th *eading( [6e3()<:1?: att()G:1A: Uohn 1C:@+ "$anhed*in <:1-<! =:<-=! @:<-=' T)?:?@ [Uob 1?:1G: 0s(=G:?! =2:2: 6a#(2:2G: i1(=:1: att()@:2G: 6u;e )):?2-?=: Uohn 1C:2+ "/e*a;hoth C:=: /aba Ba##a A:?' T)?:?A [ a*; 1<:?=: 6u;e )):?<+ T)?:?C [ a*; 1<:??-@): 6u;e )):==-?): Uohn 1A:1?-1A!)=-)@+ T)?:@2 His dia%e1t of Heb*ew-A*a#ai1 being that of theGa%i%&Ga%i%ee( [ a*; 1<:@G: 6u;e )):=C: Uohn 1A:)?+ T)?:@< [ att()?:2<: a*; 1<:@1: 6u;e )):2<: Uohn 12:2A+ T)?:@= [ att()?:2<: 6u;e )):?1: Uohn 12:2A+ T)@:1 [Ps():): a*; 1=:1: 6u;e )):??! )2:1: Uohn 1A:)A+ T)@:) [ att()G:1C: 6u;e 1A:2): A1ts 2:12+ "$anhed*in @:)' T)@:2 [ att()?:1<-1=+ T)@:= [)$a#(1@:)2: att(1A:@! )?:)<: Uohn 1@:1): A1ts 1:A+ T)@:A N7TE: Y>hudah did not ;ee. the si%3e* .ie1es( As the 3e*se in A1ts si#.%- .oints out that the fie%d was the sa#e fie%d bought b- the 1ohani#! E1a%%ed the fie%d of b%ood in both a11ountsF! in whi1h he had hung hi#se%f( $o(((the 3e*se in A1ts is an obse*3ation and a idio#ati1-t-.e&sa*1as# in that he had bought fo* his wages his own bu*ia% .%a1eJ The an1ient A*a#ai1 3e*sion of A1ts in the Peshitta b*ings this sa-ing out .ossib%a %itt%e #o*e 1%ea*%-: QHe is the one who ea*ned fo* hi#se%f a fie%d with the .*i1e of sin:((((Q [A1ts 1:1A+ T)@:C N7TE: This is Muite .ossib%- a Ta*gu#i1 .*in1i.%e of 1o#bining two .*o.he1ies that 1ontain e%e#ents of the othe*( As we see in Ue*(1A:1-< R 1C:1-2 whi1h a*e a%%usions with the H>;ha*-ah a11ount( 4hi%e it is a%so fa1t that the s1*o%%s we*e bound in the 1st 1ent( unde* the na#es of the #aOo* .*o.hets! Yi*#e-ahu heading the g*! and the #ino* .*o.hets being bound with the#! Eso that the s1*o%%s we*e *efe**ed to b- the na#e of the #aOo* .*o.hetF! -Ewhi1h wou%d in itse%f so%3e this diffi1u%t-

if this is the 1ase! as in the G*( a11ountF! we a%so see in the 3e*- ea*%- ishnai1 Heb*ew E$TF 3e*sion of attit-ahu )@:C! >H>;ha*-ah the .*o.het>! whi1h gi3e a thi*d eL.%i1ation fo* this >1ontention>! whi1h is now shown to be no 1ontention at a%%J [He1h(11:1)+ T)@:1G [Ue*(2):?-C: He1h(11:1)-12+ T)@:11 [ a*; 1=:)-=: 6u;e )2:)-2: Uohn 1A:)C-2A: 1Ti#(?:12+ T)@:1) [Ps(2A:12-1<: att()?:?2: Uohn 1C:C+ T)@:12 [ att()?:?): Uohn 1C:1G+ T)@:1= [ a*; 1=:?-1=: 6u;e )2:1@-)=: Uohn 1A:2C-1C:1?+ T)@:1A [ att()1:2A: Uohn 1=:))-)=+ T)@:)G [ a*; 1=:11: 6u;e )2:1A: Uohn 1A:<G: A1ts 2:1<+ T)@:)1 [A1ts 2:1<+ t)@:)2 [A1ts 2:12+ t)@:)< [8eut()1:?-A+ "$otah C:?' T)@:)= [8eut(1C:1G: Uosh():1C: )$a#(1:1?: 1Bin():2): A1ts =:)A+ "$anhed*in <:=' T)@:)? [0s(=G:?! =2:=: att()G:1C: a*; 1=:1=: 6u;e )2:1?!)<-)=: Uohn 1C:1!1?+ "$anhed*in ?:<' T)@:)@ [ a*; 1=:1?-)G: Uohn 1C:)+ "$anhed*in ?:1! 11:<' T)@:)A [ a*; 1=:1@: Uohn 1C:): 6u;e )2:11+ T)@:)C [Ps(?C:1C: 0s(=2:2: att()G:1C: a*; 1G:2<: 6u;e 1A:2)+ T)@:2G [0s(=G:?! =):1<: i1(=:1: att()?:?@: a*; 1G:2<! 1<:?=! 1=:1C+ T)@:21 RA//0N0C: 0saa1 1a**ied the wood %i;e a #an who ta;es u. his 1*oss( -Pesi;ta Rab(=<a( This is inte*esting! if one notes the 1o##enta*- that is often eL.*essed of 0ssa1 and A3*aha#! being si#i%a* in t-.e to essiah and the Pathe*( The*e a*e #an- inte*esting 1o**e%ations between the w*itings of the $ages on The Peast 7f T*u#.ets&Rosh Ha$hannah! a%ong with the na**ati3e of A3*aha# and 0ssa1! and what $ha>u%& EPau%F te%%s us of the Q*a.tu*eQ in: 1Co*inthians 1= and 1Thessa%onians =( E$ee 1o##enta*- notes fo%%owing those .o*tions(F [0s(=2:@: att( )G:1C+ T)@:2) N7TE: C-*ene - 1a.ita% of C-*enai1a N( Af*i1a - #anUewish .eo.%e %i3ed the*e( [1Bin()1:12: a*; 1=:)1: 6u;e )2:)?: Uohn 1C:1@: A1ts @:=A: Heb( 12:1)+ T)@:22 [ a*; 1=:))-2): 6u;e )2:22-<2: Uohn 1C:1@+ T)@:2< [Ps(?C:)1: att()@:<A+ T)@:2= RA//0N0C: 4e see the essiani1 idea of Katone#ent is not out of %ine with e3en #ode*n Rabbini1 thought: Rabbi oshe e% $hei;h! a %eading Rabbi of $afed: Q0 wi%% do -et a thi*d thing! and that is! that >the- sha%% %oo; unto e!> fo* the- sha%% %ift u. thei* e-es unto e in .e*fe1t *e.entan1e! when thesee Hi# 4ho# the- .ie*1ed! that is essiah!the $on of Uose.h: fo* ou* Rabbi>s! of b%essed #e#o*-! ha3e said that He wi%% ta;e u.on Hi#se%f a%% the gui%t of 0s*ae%! and sha%% then be s%ain in the wa* to #a;e an atone#ent in su1h #anne* that it sha%% be a11ounted as if 0s*ae% had .ie*1ed Hi#! fo* on a11ount of thei* sin He has died: and the*efo*e!in o*de* that it #a- be *e1;oned to the# as .e*fe1t atone#ent the- wi%% *e.ent and %oo; to the /%essed 7ne! sa-ing! that the*e is none beside Hi# to fo*gi3e

those that #ou*n on a11ount of Hi# who died fo* thei* sin: this is the #eaning of >The- sha%% %oo; u.on e(((>Q KE$ee a%so 1o##enta*- on att( )?:)A! R )@:<): R Uohn 1C:2@F [Ps()):1A: a*; 1=:)<: 6u;e )2:2<: Uohn 1C:)<+ T)@:2? [Ps()):1@: att()@:=<+ T)@:2@ [ a*; 1=:)?: 6u;e )2:2A: Uohn 1C:1C+ T)@:2A [0s(=2:C!1): a*; 1=:)@: 6u;e )2:2)-22: Uohn 1C:1A+ "$anhed*in ?:<: a;;oth 1:1G' T)@:<G [ att()?:?1: Uohn ):1C: att()?:?2+ T)@:<) RA//0N0C: R( E60UAH 8E 908A$: The #eaning of He was wounded fo* ou* t*ansg*essions b*uised fo* ou* iniMuities is! that sin1e essiah bea*s ou* iniMuities! whi1h .*odu1e the effe1t of His being b*uised!it fo%%ows that whoso wi%% not ad#it that the essiah thus suffe*s fo* ou* iniMuities #ust endu*e and suffe* fo* the# hi#se%f(-[0s( =2+ ER Rabbi $i#eon b( Yo1hai! id*ash Tanna debe E%i--ahu: and see: Ta*gu# Uonathan =2:<-=F( E$ee a%so 1o##enta*- on att( )?:)A! R )@:2=F [ att( 1A:11: Uohn 2: 1<-1=+ T)@:<2 RA//0N0C: $ANHE8R0N ECA/F: essiah(((4hat is His Na#eI The dis1i.%es of the s1hoo% of the Rabbi EYehudah Hanassi! the autho* of the ishnahF said: Cho%aOa EThe si1;%-F fo* it sa-s [0s(=2:<+: $u*e%- He hath bo*n ou* si1;nesses R 1a**ied ou* .ains: and we did *ega*d Hi# st*i1;en! s#itten of G-d and aff%i1ted( E$ee a%so note aa PesiMtaF( [Ps()):A+ T)@:<< RA//0N0C: Yo1hanan and the Bo*e# EHe*D Ho#be*g>s 1o#(No(<AF a..%- the .*o.he1- [0s(=2:1)+ to the essiah( 0bid E.(<12F -R( 8a3id 6uDDatto( ode*n Heb*ew wo*d: to 1*u1if- - tse%o3! is the o%d A*a#ai1 wo*d: to hang: whe*e3e* the Tana;h s.ea;s of hanging: ta%oh! the autho*itati3e A*a#ai1 t*ans%ation is: tse%o3 - Heb*ew tse%o3 f*o# Heb( *oot! %it(: fiLing wooden .%an;s togethe*( Heb( tse%o3 used on1e in 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: Nah( ):1) X hanged a%i3e! - 1*u1if-( [ a*; 1=:2): 6u;e )2:2C-<2+ T)@:<= [A#os A:C: a*; 1=:22-<1: 6u;e )2:<<-<C+ T)@:<? [Heb(=:@: Ps()):1+ T)@:<A [Ps(?C:)1: a*; 1=:2?: 6u;e )2:2?: Uohn 1C:)C+ T)@:=G [8an(C:)?: He1h(11:1G-11: att(1@:)2: a*; 1=:2@: 6u;e )2:<?: Uohn 1G:1A! 1C:2G: 1Co*(1=:2+ T)@:=1 RA//0N0C: Rabbi Bi#1hi ETa%(/ab(T*eatise Yo#a fo%(2C!1o%()F: 7u* Rabbis ha3e handed down the t*adition! that <G -ea*s befo*e the dest*u1tion of the Te#.%e! the %ot -Efo* the goat that was to be sa1*ifi1ed on the da- of Atone#entF! didn>t 1o#e out on the *ight side( Neithe* did the s1a*%et tongue! - Ethat used to be fastened between the ho*ns of the s1a.egoat - a s1a*%et 1o*dF! tu*n white( EAs a11o*ding to t*adition! it used to: to signif- that the sins of the .eo.%e we*e fo*gi3enF! neithe* did the weste*n %a#. bu*n: the doo*s of the $an1tua*- a%so o.ened of thei* own a11o*d(((( Uust a 1oin1iden1e that Yeshua essiah had died R *isen

f*o# the dead <G -ea*s befo*e the dest*u1tion of the Te#.%e! the sa#e ti#e Ta%#ud sa-s that these things began to o11u*IJ E$abbath EnU 9(0 .(1@21F( [EL()?:21: )Ch*(2:1<: He1h(11:1G: a*; 1=:2A: 6u;e )2:<=: Heb(C:2+ "$he;a%i# =:1! A:=: Yo#a =:1! =:<: Ta#id @:1' T)@:=< [ att(1<:22: a*; 1=:2C: 6u;e )2:<@+ T)@:== [ a*; 1=:<1: 6u;e A:)-2+ T)@:=? [ att()A:1: a*; 1=:<G!<@! 1?:C% 6u;e A:): Uohn 1C:)=! )G:1!1A+ T)@:=@ A*i#athea - Town no*th of 6-dda R east of Uo..a( N7TE: 0s(=2:C a%so Rabbini1a%%- a..%ied: see a%so: P%a3ious Uose.hus EThe Uewish 4a*! Pa*t =! .age )1<f( R .a*t ?! =:2F( [ a*; 1=:<)-<@: 6u;e )2:=G-=?: Uohn 1C:2A-<)+ "$anhed*in ?:=' T)@:?G [0s(=2:C: att()?:1)+ "/aba /ath*a ):C! ?:A: $anhed*in ?:=: 7ho%oth ):<' T)@:?) N7TE: T*adition states: #an was 1*eated on a P*ida-! #an sinned on a P*ida-! so *ede#.tion wi%% be on a P*ida- E00 /a*u1h )2: <-@: 0*enaeus Cont*a Hae*eses =:)2F( T)@:?2 [ att(1?:)1! 1@:)2! )G:1C! )?:?1: a*; A:21! 1G:2<: 6u;e C:))! 12:22! )<:?-@: Uohn ):1C+ T)@:?? [8an(?:1@+ T)A:1 N7TE: $ee 1o##enta*- @ ;(1?:1( [ att()@:=?!?1: a*; 1?:1-A: 6u;e )<:1-1G: Uohn 1G:1-A+ "/e*a;hoth ):=: $habbath ):@! 1C:1: Taanith <:2: Neda*i# A:1: Abodah Ha*ah 1:)' T)A:) [ a*; 1?:=: 6u;e )<:<: Uohn )G:1)+ T)A:2 [8an(@:C! 1G:?: a*; C:2: Uohn )G:1): A1ts 1:1G+ T)A:< [Re3(1:1@+ T)A:? [Hos(?:): Ps(1?:1G! <C:1=: att(1):<G! 1?:)1! 1@:)2! )G:1C+ T)A:@ [ att()?:2)! )A:1G!1?: a*; 1?:@+ T)A:C [ a*; 1?:C: Uohn )G:1<+ T)A:1G [Ps()):)): Uohn )G:1@: Ro#(A:)C: Heb():11+ T)A:1? [ att()?:2)! )A:@!1G: a*; 1<:)A! 1=:<1! 1?:@+ T)A:1@ [Uohn )G:)<-)C+ T)A:1A [8an(@:12-1<: att(11:)@: 6u;e 1:2)! 1G:)): Uohn 2:2=: A1ts ):2?: Ro#(1<:C: 1Co*(1=:)@: E.h(1:1G!)1: Phi%():C-1G: Heb(1:): 1Pet( 2:))+ T)A:1C [ a*; 1?:1=: 6u;e )<:<@+ "Hebahi# <:?' T)A:)G N7TE: 0n /u*;itt>s notes E3(1 .g( 1@2F we *ead: The in3o1ation of the T*init--5ET*i-Snit-F> at 0##e*sion is attested b- the A1ts of Tho#as E..(1C2!2G1!2)<F! b- the 8o1t*ine of Addai E..( )G!2G!2<F! and b- A.h*aates E.( <C?F( The #ost st*i;ing fo*#u%a is that in A1ts of Tho#as 2)<! as .*ese*3ed in the ?th 1entu*- .a%i#.est f*ag#ents at $inai E$tudia $inaiti1a iL 2<F! 3iD: QHe ETho#asF #ade the# go down to the wate* and said to the#: >0n the Na#e of Pathe* and $on and Ho%- $.i*it - in ThNa#e! Hea3en%- $.ee1h(> QA .h*ase a%#ost identi1a% with that t*ans%ated >Hea3en%- $.ee1h> o11u*s again in these A1ts! .( )=G( /ut the*e is nothing to shew that these .assages a*e not

based on 6itu*gi1a% *athe* than di*e1t /ib%i1a% autho*it-! eL1e.t the 8o1t*ine of Addai )G! whi1h sa-s: QThus we*e we 1o##anded b- Hi#! that we shou%d i##e*se and abso%3e the# that be%ie3e in the Na#e of the Pathe* and the $on and the Ho%$.i*it(Q [A1ts ):<)! <:21! 1A:1G! )2:11+ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON MARK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX B1:) "Yo#a ?:)' B1:2A " egi%%ah 1:1! 1:2: Betuboth 12:1G' B):)= Yeshua did not >1o##and> the# to eat he*e: but 0 be%ie3e that Rabbini1 Uudais# #a;es a%%owan1e fo* eating .*odu1e of a fie%d! whi%e wa%;ing on the $habbat! to satisf- ones hunge*! - if one isn>t ha*3esting to 1a**- it awa-( Rega*d%ess: Yeshua is a..ea%ing to the .*in1i.%e that dange* to %ife su.e*seded the $habbat %aw! EYo#a A<bF! and indeed a%% othe* ob%igations! E$ee: ai#onides! Hi%;h( $habb(ii(1 - Yad haCh( 9o%(i .a*t iii( .(1<1 a: >The $habbat is set aside on a11ount of dange* to %ife! as a%% othe* o*dinan1es(> R note: Ue*( $habb(Li3(< ..( 1<d! 1=a: Ue*( $habb( L3i(1:F Po* a fu%% and detai%ed t*eat#ent of this New Co3enant .assage! 0>d di*e1t one to *ead: The 6ife And Ti#es 7f Uesus The essiah! b- A%f*ed Ede*shei#! /oo; 000 .age =1 on: and in: Uewish New Testa#ent Co##enta*-! b8a3id H( $te*n [ad %o1+( B2:1@ "Aboth ):A' B<:11 " egi%%ah <:A: $anhed*in 1G:1' B<:)C "Be%i# 12:1' B<:21 N7TE: 0s*ae%i #usta*d .%ant - g*ows to 1G-1) feet( B?:2 "Betuboth =:=: Biddushin <:1<' B?:C "$habbat ?:): Yeba#oth 1):1' B?:2C "Pesahi# @:12! C:1G' B@:1A R-*ie 1o##enta*- sa-s: (((1annot defi%e hi#! - Poods de1%a*ed to be >un1%ean> a*e s.e1ified in 6e3(11( Uesus is he*e not ab*ogating the 6aw but #a;ing the .oint that sin 1o#es f*o# the hea*t( Thus the defi%e#ent that 1a#e to a Uew who ate >un1%ean> food was 1aused not b- the food itse%f but b- the *ebe%%ious hea*t that a1ted in disobedien1e to God( [$ee B@:1C 1o##enta*- be%ow:+ B@:1C This dis1ussion with $1*ibes and P>*ushi# was 1on1e*ning n>ti%at--ada-i#: and not the ; of ;oshe*( E$ee: 1o##enta*- on att(1=:)!11: R note this enti*e dis1ussion in 1onteLt with att(1=:)G(F 8o to the se*ious issues i#.%ied he*e! we shou%d %oo; 1%ose* at this(((( Pi*st of a%%! the .*ob%e# isn>t so #u1h with a diffe*en1e between the A%eLand*ian and Re1e.tus teLts! as it is with a t*ans%ato* bias( The t*ans%ato*s of the A%eLand( #anus1( sta*ted it off b- suggesting that the fina% .h*ase of 3s( 1C was a*;>s 1o##ent that! Yeshua had de1%a*ed a%% foods 1%ean! and so adds wo*ds to ha3e it sa- this as fo%%ows: EThis He saidF! #a;ing a%% #eats 1%ean( The .*ob%e# 1o#es in! in that the wo*d Q1%eanQ is a1tua%%- in

the G*ee; fi*st! and 1an #ean eithe* 1%eanse o* .u*ge( 4hi%e both 1ou%d be .*o.e*! [de.ending on the 1onteLt+! .u*ge is #u1h bette*( That is what the BU9 t*ans%ates it as! as we%% as The 0nte*%inea* /ib%e b- Hend*i1;son! whi1h both fo%%ow the Re1e.tus( EThe wo*d >#eats>! is bette* t*ans%ated as >foods>! but #eats is used to 1on3e- that thought in 7%d Eng%ish(F 1( The 0nte*%inea* /ib%e: (((goes out into the wastebow%! .u*ging a%% the foods )( The Bing Ua#es 9e*sion: (((.u*ging a%% the #eats /ut! Oust be1ause it is a Re1e.tus teLt base! doesn>t so%3e the t*ans%ato*>s .*ob%e#( Po* eLa#.%e! Young! Eautho* of Young>s Con1o*dan1eF! t*ans%ates it as the idea of 1%eansing a%% #eats: and the NBU9 sa-s: 1( NBU9 (((EthusF .u*if-ing a%% foods And thus it tota%%- dest*o-s the 1onteLt of what was said( 0f -ou a%%ow #e a #ode*n .a*a.h*ase! it #ight be so#ething %i;e t*-ing to sa-: - what -ou eat ente*s the sto#a1h! and goes into the toi%et! and that #a;es a%% the food 1%eanIJ 5-"that goes into the toi%etIJ' $i%%-J /ut! that is what the- a*e t*-ing to #a;e Yeshua out to be sa-ing( /ut again a #ode*n .a*a.h*ase [fo%%owing the %ead of the BU9+: - what -ou eat ente*s the sto#a1h! and goes into the toi%et! and so the food is .u*ged Ef*o# the s-ste#F( u1h bette* senseJ And 0 be%ie3e that is what was being said! that Eif a%%owed a da*ash on the .assageF: - what ente*s the #outh is a 3isito*! but what %ea3es the #outh is a *esidentJ And so 0 be%ie3e this 1a.tu*es the sense of the 1onteLt the best( $te*n! Efo%%owing the A%eLand*ian teLtF! in the Uewish New Testa#ent! t*ies to *e1on1i%e the bad t*ans%ato* bias! into a state#ent that is in ha*#on- with fi*st 1entu*- Uudai1 thought: 1( EThus He de1%a*ed a%% foods *itua%%- 1%eanF /ut! this whi%e add*essing the issue of QP778$Q! Ewhi1h so#ething had to be ;oshe* to be 1onside*ed a food in Uudai1 thought in the fi*st .%a1eF! and t-ing that in with the fi*st Muestion .ut to Yeshua! about n>ti%at--ada-i#! E*itua% washing of hands! and N7T the washing of hands befo*e eating non;oshe* foodsJF - This idea! Ewhi%e su..o*ted b- the 1onteLtF! is not su..o*ted b- the #anus1*i.ts the#se%3es( $o(((! we a*e %eft with the 1on1%usion! 0 be%ie3e! that the BU9 and The 0nte*%inea* /ib%e ha3e 1a.tu*ed the t*ue #eaning of what Yeshua a1tua%%- said( The ea*%- $-*ia1&/ib%i1a%-A*a#ai1 of a*; bea*s out the BU9 *eading too: 1( th*own awa- and .u*ged&1%eansed EofF a%% foods( -Eo* in sho*t! *e#o3ed f*o# the bod-( $o that the bod- is 1%eansed: - N7T the thing th*own out into the >toi%et>JF [A1ts 1G:1=: Ro#(1<:1<!1@!)G: 1Ti#(<:<: Titus 1:=+ B@:)1 "Aboth ):C! ):11! =:1C' B@:22 "$anhed*in 1G:1: Niddah C:@' BA:21 He wi%% *e3i3e us afte* two da-s: on the thi*d da- He wi%% *aise us u.! and we sha%% %i3e in His P*esen1e( - Hosea ?:) E6esse*>sF( RA//0N0C: This .assage is a..%ied to the *esu**e1tion and to the essiah b- R( oses Hada*shan on Genesis )):<( - /e*

Rabbah EP*e-F BC:1A "E*ubin <:1' BC:<A "Edu-oth ):1G' BC:<C "$he;a%i# ?:<! A:A: Hebahi# ?:=: Abodah Ha*ah =:1)' B1G:1) "Yeba#oth 12:1<: 1<:1' B1G:)1 N7TE: Ue*usa%e# is )=GG feet abo3e sea %e3e%: and the 8ead $ea is the %owest e%e3ation on ea*th( B11:1G "Aboth =:<-=' B11:1= T*a1tate Rosh Ha$hanah 21 shows how un.o.u%a* the Te#.%e-#a*;et was with the 1o##on .eo.%e of 0s*ae%! whe*e it is 1a%%ed the: >/aDaa*s of the sons of Annas>&Chanu-oth bene- Chanan( ERefe**ing to the sons of Annas the Cohen haGado%&high P*iest(F This is the se1ond ti#e Yeshua .u*ged the Te#.%e a*ea( [Uohn ):12-1@+ B11:1? "/e*a;hoth C:=: egi%%ah 2:2' B11:)= "/e*a;hoth =:1' B1):)? "$anhed*in ?:)' B1):)C "Pesahi# <:A' B1):2A "Peah <:2' B1):<G "Aboth 1:12! <:=' B1):<1 "Pesahi# =:1G: $he;a%i# <:<! =:?! ?:=-?: Yo#a @:1: $otah @:@-A: iddoth 1:<! ):2! ):=-?! <:2! =:2-<! Be%i# 1:A' B1):<2 " enahoth 12:11' B12:2 " iddoth 1:<! ):<: Pa*ah 2:C' B12:)) The*e ha3e been se3e*a% fa%se-#essiah>s o3e* the 1entu*ies! in1%uding now those who a*e t*-ing to .*o1%ai# as > essiah> Rebbe $1hnee*son f*o# /*oo;%-n( /ut though the othe*s ha3e 1o#e and gone: on%- Yeshua&EUesusF sti%%! ER a%#ost )!GGG -ea*s %ate*F! - is be%ie3ed b- #an-! Eand now in in1*easing nu#be*sF! of the Uewish .eo.%e of this 1entu*- to be the t*ue essiahJ B12:2< " aase*oth 2:=: /aba /ath*a 1:=: A*a;hin C:?-@' B1<:2 "/aba Ba##a A:@: i;waoth C:=' B1<:@ E/*e1hat Hane*F B1<:1A E@ AR7R! /0TTER-HER/$ [afte* Ba*.as! of Pa*s%e-+F B1<:)) E@ THAPHSN! THE EAT0NG 7P THE AP0B7 ENF B1<:)2 E@ HA-GES6AH! THE TH0R8 CSP-7P RE8E PT07NF B1<:)= Note how the A#en&E3e*i%-F of ;1<:)=a fits into the wo*ds of Yeshua 1on1e*ning the 1u. in ;1<:)2-)< as a 1%osing .h*ase( B1<:)? EAPTER THE HA66E6! [afte* *e1iting Psa%#s 11A+F B1<:2? "$habbat 1:C: Betuboth 12:=: $anhed*in 2:)! <:=' B1<:=? "Rosh ha$hanah ):?' B1<:?1 "/e*a;hoth @:2' B1<:?) Po%%owing a*e on%- a few of su1h #ode*n Rabbini1 w*ite*s Muotes about Yeshua: 8a3id P%usse*! P*ofesso* of *e%igious histo*- at Heb*ew Sni3e*sit- in Ue*usa%e#: 0 do not thin; that #an- Uews wou%d obOe1t if the essiah - when He 1a#e - was the Uew Uesus( QUesus was a Uew and a Uew he *e#ained ti%% his %ast b*eath( His one idea was to i#.%ant within his nation the idea of the 1o#ing of the essiah and! b- *e.entan1e and good

wo*;s! hasten the >end> ((( >0n a%% this! Uesus is the #ost Uewish of Uews((( #o*e Uewish that Hi%%e%(((P*o# the stand.oint of gene*a% hu#anit-! he is! indeed! >a %ight to the genti%es>(Q Uose.h B%ausne*&P*ofesso* at Heb*ew Sni3e*sit-! Ue*usa%e# and autho*: EUose.h B%ausne*! Uesus of NaDa*eth "New Yo*;: a1#i%%an! 1C)='! 2?2! 2?A! 2@<! <12(F 0s*ae%i s1ho%a*! 8*( Pin1has 6a.ide: 0n this *es.e1t -ou #ust be%ie3e #e! fo* 0 do ;now #- Ta%#ud #o*e o* %ess( ((( This Uesus was as faithfu% to the To*ah as 0 wou%d ho.e to be( /ut 0 sus.e1t that Uesus was #o*e faithfu% to the To*ah than 0 a# - and 0 a# an 7*thodoL Uew( B1<:?A "$hebuoth A:2! A:?' B1?:1 The fi*st 3isit! @ $habbat sunset [ha*#on- with at()A:1+: The*e is no 1ont*adi1tion he*e! the .h*ase: Q%ate in the $habbat! at the dawning into the fi*st of EtheF wee;Q! is the beginning of: Qwhen the $habbat was .astQ( This .e*iod is when the ha3do%ah is done! the .e*iod Qbetween the two e3eningsQ! when the sun has set! R befo*e two sta*s ha3e a..ea*ed in the s;-( The- 3isited the to#b at sunset P*ida-! bu-ing the s.i1es! E.e*ha.s afte* thei* 3isitF! to ta;e ho#e to .*e.a*e to b*ing the neLt #o*ning [3()+! "the- wou%d>3e noti1ed the stone at this ti#e of 1ou*se'( And -ou>%% note that a*; in the 3e*neLt 3e*se! *e1o*ds the neLt 3isit in the ea*%- #o*ning! f*o# *ight befo*e dawn! unto the dawn( -"8awn he*e [3()+ being %ite*a%! whe*eas the QdawningQ in 3e*se 1! i#.%ies the >beginning> of the fi*st da- at sunset('! when the- had .*e.a*ed the s.i1es the- had bought befo*e [3(1+( 4hi%e a*; Ou#.s f*o# the fi*st 3isit to the se1ond! atthew *e1o*ds the e3ents that ha..ened afte* the fi*st 3isit! and befo*e the se1ond - then 1ontinues with the 1on3e*sation of the se1ond 3isit: ((( and the ange% AN$4ERE8 (((( "$habbath )2:<-=' B1?:) E$ee 1o##enta*- @ 6u;e )<:1F [Uohn )G:1a+ B1?:1= "Aboth 1:1)! ):11! 2:1G! <:1! <:?! ?:1' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON LUKE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 6B1:1 6u;e is often said b- so#e to be the >Good-News to the Go-i#& Genti%es>! and the on%- s1*o%% in $1*i.tu*e not w*itten b- a Uew( Howe3e*! the*e is no e3iden1e that 6u;e was G*ee;( 0t was a 1o##on .*a1ti1e fo* Uewish .eo.%e to ta;e G*ee; na#es du*ing the 1st Centu*- and e3en befo*e( E7ne eLa#.%e that #anwi%% *e1a%% is the ti#e that in a..*e1iation fo* A%eLande* not dest*o-ing 0s*ae% on his 1onMuest! the Uewish .eo.%e to%d hi# the- wou%d na#e e3e*- #a%e 1hi%d bo*n that -ea* with the fi*st na#e of A%eLande*(F 7*igin states that 6u;e is the 1ousin of $ha>u%! ERo#(1?:)1b Q(((6u1ius ((( #- ;ins#en(QF 7the*s ha3e fe%t that 6u;e was one of the @G sent out b- Yeshua( 6B1:2 Pe*ha.s .a*t of the *eason fo* the 1ha*a1te* of 6u;es GoodNews a11ount 1an be shown in that unti% *e1ent%- it was un;nown

Oust who this QTheo.hi%osQ was( 0t is now ;nown that he was the >Cohen haGado%&High P*iest> in 2@ A8&Ce! son of Cohen haGado% Anan! and b*othe*-in-%aw to Ba-afa! EUudais# And The 7*igins 7f Ch*istianit-! b- 8*( 8a3id P%usse*! agnes P*ess! Heb*ew Sni3e*sit-! Ue*usa%e#! 0s*ae%( .age 1@)F( This being the 1ase! that the %ette* was add*essed to a %eading P*iest of the e*a! it wou%d eL.%ain wh- 1e*tain Uudai1 ideas a*e eL.%ained in su1h si#.%e te*#s! Eas #ight be needed to eL.%ain the# to Go-i#& Genti%esF! as the %eading&head Cohani#&P*iests b- the 1st Cent( had be1o#e igno*ant of #u1h of Uudais#! Ebe-ond thei* Te#.%e fun1tion *eMui*e#ents! whi1h Ede*shei#! in 6ife R Ti#es 7f Uesus The essiah! .oints out the high P*iest had to be taught his s.e1ifi1 duties on Yo# Bi..u* Oust to get b-JF! and we*e #o*e inte*ested in a1Mui*ing wea%th and fa3o* with the Ro#ans! than in Uudais#( Pe*ha.s as we%%! .a*t of 6u;e>s *easons fo* w*iting to the high P*iest was due to the #anCohani#&P*iests that had be1o#e essiani1 /e%ie3e*s! EAC?:@F( This wou%d a%so show wh- so #u1h of 6u;e>s Good-News a11ount is 1ente*ed a*ound the Te#.%e and .*a1ti1es su**ounding 0t in his a11ount: #o*e so than the th*ee Good-News a11ounts( [$ee A1ts 1:1+ 6B1:= "/i;;u*i# 2:): $he;a%i# =:1-): Yo#a ):1-<: $u;;ah =:@-A: Taanith <:1-<: /aba Ba##a C:1): Ta#id 1:)! ):=! 2:1! =:)! =:?' 6B1:C "$he;a%i# =:1: Yo#a 2:11: Ta#id 2:1! 2:?-@! 2:C! =:<-?! ?:12' 6B1:1G "$he;a%i# =:1: $otah @:?: Ta#id @:)-<' 6B1:11 "Yo#a =:1' 6B1:1= "NaDi* 1:1-=! ):1G! 2:<! <:?! ?:1-=: a;;oth 2:1! 2:@-A' 6B1:1@ 0n the Tana;h whi1h is Muoted he*e! E a%(<:=&E2:)2-)<F! it is Qbefo*e YH9HQ! and in 6u;e! a%so befo*e essiah! - showing the unde*standing that Ha ashia1h&The- essiah is 8i3ineJ 6B1:)1 "Yo#a =:1' 6B1:)A "/e*a;hoth C:=' 6B1:2) This A*a#ai1 8ead $ea f*ag#ent! sigu%# <W)<? f*o# Wu#*an sa-s: Q[Y+ sha%% be g*eat u.on the ea*th( [7 Bing a%% E.eo.%eF sha%%+ #a;e [.ea1e+! and a%% sha%% se*3e [Hi#( He sha%% be 1a%%ed the $on of+ the [G+*eat [God+! and b- His Na#e sha%% He be hai%ed EasF the $on of God! and the- sha%% 1a%% Hi# $on of the ost High(Q 0n both this f*ag#ent that is Muite %i;e 6B(1:2)!2=! we a*e to%d in both he*e and 6u;e that he wi%% be Qg*eatQ: that he wi%% be Q1a%%edQ Q$on of the ost HighQ and Q$on of God(Q This is the fi*st ti#e that the te*# Q$on of GodQ has been found in an- an1ient 0s*ae%i teLt outside of the /ib%e( /efo*e this dis1o3e*-! so#e s1ho%a*s had stated that the o*igin of te*#s %i;e these we*e f*o# He%%enisti1 usage outside of 0s*ae%! and the*efo*e showed a %ate* usage in Ch*istian de3e%o.#ent( Now we ;now fo* su*e that these te*#s we*e indeed a .a*t of essiani1 Uudais#>s o*igina% Uewish he*itage(

RA//0N0C: Po* unto us a $on is bo*n! to us a $on is gi3en: and He sha%% *e1ei3e the To*ah u.on Hi# to ;ee. 0t: and His Na#e is 1a%%ed f*o# the o%d! 4onde*fu%! Counse%o*! E67HA! The ight-! Abiding to Ete*nit-! The essiah! be1ause .ea1e sha%% be #u%ti.%ied on us in His 8a-s( - Ta*gu# Uonathan & 0s(C:?( 6B1:2= $ee 1o##enta*- on 6u;e 1:2)( 6B1:?) "Gittin =:@' 6B1:?2 "$habbath 1:2! 1):<-=! )2:): Yo#a 2:C: Rosh ha-$hanah ):A: Yeba#oth ?:<: $otah ):=: Aboth 2:1?: Be%i# 12:)! 1@:1@! )<:@: 6B1:@< "$otah =:=' 6B):1 $e3e*a% sou*1es %ist < o* = /C&b1e as the ti#e of Yeshua>s bi*th( EEde*shei# gi3es = /C! %ate in the -ea*! whi1h wou%d sti%% be < /C b- the Uewish 1a%enda*( Ha%%e->s /ib%e Handboo; gi3es < /C! Snge*>s /ib%e Handboo; gi3es < o* = /C! et1(((F Ha%%e->s /ib%e Handboo; states: 4HY CHR0$T 4A$ /7RN < YEAR$ >/C> PG(2C< P(2( 4hen Ch*ist was bo*n ti#e was *e1;oned in the Ro#an E#.i*e f*o# the founding of the 1it- of Ro#e( 4hen Ch*istianit- be1a#e the uni3e*sa% *e%igion o3e* what had been the Ro#an wo*%d! a #on; na#ed 8ion-sius ELigus! at the *eMuest of the E#.e*o* Uustinian! #ade a 1a%enda*! =)? A8( *e1;oning ti#e f*o# the bi*th of Ch*ist! to su.e*sede the Ro#an 1a%enda*( 6ong afte* the Ch*istian 1a%enda* had *e.%a1ed the Ro#an 1a%enda* it was found that 8ion-sius had #ade a #ista;e in .%a1ing the bi*th of Ch*ist in @=2 f*o# the founding of Ro#e( 0t shou%d ha3e been about @<C! o* a -ea* o* two ea*%ie*( 7ne sou*1e a%so %ists the s%aughte* of the 1hi%d*en in 2 /C&b1e! and He*od>s death that sa#e -ea*( 6B):A The Ta%#ud fo*bids the ; of shee. within a gi3en distan1e of Ue*usa%e#! and /eit-6e1he# fa%%s within that *est*i1ted a*ea( 0t was a%%owed in a fie%d the*e! E igdo% Ede*eF! whe*e the Pesa1h& Te#.%e %a#bs we*e ;e.t! but du*ing the season of that Peast( "/etDah =:@: Biddushin <:1<: /aba Ba##a ?:1! @:@! 1G:A-C: /aba etDia @:A: $anhed*in 2:2' 6B):11 0n 3(C R 3(11 both ha3e: G*-Bu*iosX6K*d! again showing the 8i3init- of essiah! as du*ing the sa#e ange%i1 state#ent! The Na#e is a..%ied both to Ha$he#&YH9H and Ha ashia1h&Theessiah( 6B):)) "$otah 1:=: /e;ho*oth A:1! A:<-A: Ta#id =:?' 6;):)< "$hebuoth 2:@: Ho*a-oth ):@: Hu%%in 1:=: Be*ithoth ):2-<' 6B):)= "$otah C:?! C:1=' 6B):<1 " oed Batan 1:@: Higigah 1:1-)! 1:<-=' 6;):<) 0n $e.ha*di 1usto# toda- the /a*- itD3ah fo* #a%es is at 1): in the Ash;enaDi 1usto# at age 12( "/e*a;hoth 2:2: $habbath 1?:?: Yo#a A:<: $u;;ah ):A! 2:1=: Higigah 1:1: Aboth =:)1: Niddah =:?! ?:11' 6B):<2 "Hehahi# 11:@' 6B):<< " aase* $heni =:): Pesahi# C:): /i;;u*i# 2:)' 6B):<? "Yo#a @:1: Aboth =:@! ?:=' 6B):=) "$he;a%i# 2:): Aboth 2:1G' 6B2:12 "/aba Ba##a 1G:1-)' 6B<:1C Note that Yeshua sto..ed *eading he*e E0s(?1:1-)F befo*e

Qand the 8a- of 3engean1eQ( $howing two a..ea*an1es of essiah: the Pi*st with e*1- Eas *ef%e1ted in att*ibute b- Y-H-9-HF: and the $e1ond with Uudge#ent Eas *ef%e1ted in att*ibute bE%Khi#F( 6B<:)C "$anhed*in C:?' 6B?:)) "$otah 2:=: A*a;hin 2:=' 6B?:2A "/aba /ath*a =:11: Aboth =:)): Ta#id =:<' 6B@:) "/e*a;hoth ):@' 6B@:1< "Aboth ):<' 6B@:2@ "Betuboth A:?' 6BA:2 "$u;;ah ):?' 6BC:)C RA//0N0C: G-d wi%% set His own 1*own u.on the head of Bing essiah! and 1%othe Hi# with hono* and #aOest-((( id*ash Tehi%%i# on Ps()1:2(((Rabbi Hann in the na#e of Rabbi Aha: 1ontinues the thought(((G-d wi%% bestow a .o*tion of His su.e*natu*a% g%o*- on essiah(((( The id*ash then 1ontinues with two designations of essiah: Ha$he#! a #an of wa* and Ha$he#! is ou* *ighteousness( 6BC:?) "Aboth 2:@' 6B1G:1 The @G! Ee3en as a $anhed*in of essiahF( [ t 1A:1A E/ind& %oose - a%so a ishnai1 t-.e eL.*ession of autho*it-F: A1ts 1=:?-)C+ "$anhed*in 1:?' 6B1G:1? "Aboth <:1)' 6B1G:)G "Aboth ):1: 2:1?' 6B1G:)1 "/e*a;hoth =:2' 6B1G:)? "Abodah Ha*ah ):=' 6B1G:2G "/e*a;hoth 1:2: Peah 1:<: Peshahi# <:=! <:A: Yo#a 2:A! <:)! ?:): Abodah Ha*ah ):?' 6B1G:21 "NaDi* @:1: Gittin =:A: Biddushin <:1-2: Ho*a-oth 2:A' 6B1G:2< "Pesahi# <:=! <:A: Biddushin <:1): Abodah Ha*ah ):1' 6B1G:2A "Yeba#oth ?:<' 6B1G:2C "Aboth 1:<' 6B1G:<) "Peah 1:1: Biddushin <:1<: Aboth ):A! 2:)-2! 2:@! <:1G' 6B11:)) "Aboth 2:1?' 6B11:)@ "Aboth ):A' 6B11:2C "Be%i# )=:1! )=:<' 6B11:<1 "Aboth =:12' 6B11:<) "$hebiith C:1' 6B11:<< N7TE: $ on a g*a3e! e3en un;nowing%-! defi%ed a .e*son ENu#(1C:1?F( 6B1):? "Taanith 2:A' 6B1):2A 4hi%e this is not do1t*ine! an inte*esting notion: fi*st&se1ond &thi*d! a%so suggesting .e*ha.s: .*e&.ost&#id EIF 6B1):<@ "$habbath @:1: $otah C:1=: a;;oth 2:@-A! 1):=2' 6B12:1 "Hebahi# 2:1' 6B12:) "Peah A:C: $habbath ):?: Aboth =:A' 6B12:? "Bi%ai# ?:<' 6B12:@ "/aba Ba##a A:?' 6B12:A "$hebiith ):)' 6B12:1< "$habbath =:1-<! @:)! 1=:1: E*ubin ):1! /etDah =:@' 6B12:2) "Aboth <:1=' 6B12:22 "$anhed*in 1:=! 11:1! 11:=-?' 6B12:2= Po* #an- da-s sha%% the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae% abide without a Bing! and without a P*in1e! and without a $a1*ifi1e! and without a standing i#age! and without an e.hod! and without a

te*a.hi#( Afte* that wi%% the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae% *etu*n and see; fo* the 67R8 thei* God! and 8a3id thei* Bing!(((( -Hosea 2:<-=! 6esse*>s( RA//0N0C: 8a3id thei* Bing is this essiah! %i;e! Q - se*3ant 8a3id sha%% be thei* Bing fo*e3e*(Q - 0bn ED*a 6B1<:1 "8e#ai <:)! <:<! =:1! @:1' 6B1<:C "Pa*ah 2:2' 6B1<:12 "Aboth 1:=' 6B1<:1? "Rosh ha-$hanah ):=' 6B1<:1C "Abodah Ha*ah 1:?' 6B1=:@ "$u;;ah =:<: /aba etDia <:1G' 6B1=:12 "Yeba#oth ):C! <:?! 1G:1! 1G:2-<! 1=:1! 1=:?! 1=:A-1G' 6B1=:1? " aase*oth 2:<: $habbath )<:)' 6B1=:1A "Yo#a A:C' 6B1?:@ "/aba etDia =:C' 6B1?:C "Yo#a A:C: $otah 1:@: Biddushin 1:1G: Aboth ):1?! 2:=! 2:@-A! <:<-=' 6B1?:1) "8e#ai ):)' 6B1?:)G "Betuboth @:C' 6B1?:)) A3*aha#>s boso# #entioned in: <C Widd( @)b( PesiMta Rabbati @ <2 Eed( P*ied#ann 1AGbF( 6B1@:2 "/aba Ba##a A:@' 6B1@:? "/aba /ath*a ):11' 6B1@:1G "Aboth ):A' 6B1@:2) "/e*a;hoth C:)' 6B1A:2 "Aboth 1:A' 6B1A:C "Aboth ):<' 6B1A:11 "Aboth ):12' 6B1A:1) "Taanith <:?: /aba /ath*a =:1G' 6B1A:1< "Yo#a A:A-C' 6B1C:A "/aba Ba##a @:@' 6B1C:C "/aba Ba##a A:?: /aba etDia @:1: Aboth =:1C' 6B1C:)G "/aba etDia 2:1G' 6B)1:)< N7TE: QTi#e of the genti%esQ( - 0n 1onteLt .e*ha.s sta*ting with Nebu1hadneDDa* =A@ /C&b1e ta;ing Ue*usa%e#: but then f*o# @G A8&1e R 1ontinues into the Qt*ibu%ationQ! es.e1ia%%- in *ef( to the Te#.%e a*ea( ERe3( 11:)F( 6B)):1< E/*e1hat Hane*F 6B)):1= E@ B088S$H 1$T CSP-7P /6E$$0NGF 6B)):1@ [$ee: att()?:)C+ 6B)):1C E@ THAPHSN! THE EAT0NG 7P THE AP0B7 ENF >this do fo* - *e#e#b*an1e>! whi1h is an a%te*nate *eading su..o*ted b- the G*ee; is inte*esting in that the Co##union being a .a*t of the Pesa1h $ede*! it was *e#e#b*an1e of atone#ent! .e*ha.s not on%- fo* us! but .ossib%- God *e#e#be*ing His Co3enant "I' $o was the Co##union not on%- fo* ou* *e#e#b*an1e! but! Ein this senseF! .ossib%- fo* essiah>s as we%%( Pe*ha.s the idea is as in God *e#e#be*ing His Co3enant du*ing the Te#.%e sa1*ifi1es! as is shown to us in Tana;h( As Yeshua was the*e sa-ing this! it was not #eaning in a %it( .h-si1a%: but -et it was in a *ea% and T*ue $.i*itua% sense - Enote togethe* with the state#ent in Uohn ?:?2F( This wou%d in no wa- ha3e in3o%3ed an- suggestion to 3io%ate the To*ah of 1ou*se( [ att()?:)?: ;(1<:)): 1Co*(11:)<+ "Pesahi# 1G:?' 6B)):)G E@ HA-GES6AH! THE TH0R8 CSP-7P RE8E PT07NF

6B)):)2 EAPTER THE HA66E6! [afte* *e1iting Psa%#s 11A+F The Ha%%e% was at the 1%osing of the $ede*( This wou%d ha3e been the .*o.e* ti#e fo* the Ta%#idi# >eLa#ine the#se%3es> ente*ing into dis1ussion! in1%uding the dis.ute 1on1e*ning >who of the# see#s to be the g*eate*>( $o! 0 wou%d .ut the enti*e dis1ussion in 6u;e and Yo1hanan&Uohn afte* the Ha%%e%! and befo*e thede.a*ted fo* the ount of 7%i3es( At fi*st g%an1e it wou%d see# to a..ea* that 6u;e! 1ont*a*- to the othe* th*ee Good News a11ounts! has the bet*a-a% afte* the Co##union( This howe3e* does not bea* out in a 1onteLtua% Ha*#on- *eading( P%ease note that 6u;es has the dis1i.%es dis.uting about othe* things! Enot in a state of g*ief as when the- fi*st %ea*ned of the bet*a-e* as in the othe* a11ountsF( Po* these *easons! 0 wou%d .%a1e 6u;es state#ents as a *ef%e1tion afte* the $ede* had finished! and this on%- *eMui*es that the wo*ds stated b- Yeshua f*o# Tana;h ea*%ie*! be %oo;ed at as a *e-1a. of the .*io* e3ent [in 6u;e+ in whi1h 1ase 0 be%ie3e shows the enti*e Good News fou* a11ounts in .e*fe1t ag*ee#ent( [ att()?:2Ga: ;(1<:)?a+ 6B)):)@ "/e*a;hoth ?:?! @:1: Pesahi# @:12! 1G:1' 6B)):2= ER0GHT /EP7RE 6EA90NG THE $E8ERF 6B)):?@ N7TE: 6u;e #entions that the- waited ti%% #o*ning fo* this Oudge#ent of the fu%% $anhed*in( A11o*ding to the *u%es of the $anhed*in! no 1a.ita% .unish#ent Oudge#ent 1ou%d be he%d at night! and the Good-News a11ount b*ing out that the- at %east waited fo* the dawn to do this( E/eing afte* the ti#e of the $ede*! and then with the ti#e in the Ga*den! and the ti#e ta;en to %ead Yeshua awa- - b- the ti#e the fu%% $anhed*in asse#b%ed in wou%d ha3e been in the ti#e f*a#e that we see in fa1t it did o11u* - at dawn(F /ut this .a*tia% $anhed*in that #et fi*st as a Q/eit-8inQ was *ea%%- against the o.e*ationa% *u%es fo* the $anhed*in! and shou%dn>t ha3e been #eeting at night - whi1h on%- goes to show that the- we*e so anLious to .*ose1ute Yeshua that the- #et in this wa-! to ta;e ad3antage of a**esting Yeshua outside of Ue*usa%e# and awa- f*o# the 1*owds and #ost of His fo%%owe*s! though it in3o%3ed 1i*1u#3enting 6aw and ha%a1hah( Ta%#ud a%so #entions this fi*st 1entu*- A8&1e $anhed*in befo*e the dest*u1tion of the Te#.%e in @G A8&1e! as being a 1o**u.t Qb%ood- $anhed*inQ( Howe3e*! we do ;now that the*e we*e at %east two who be%ie3ed in Yeshua and we*e in! o* asso1iated with! the $anhed*in EYosef of Ra#at-i# [6u;e )2: =G-=1+: Na;di#on [Uohn 2:1! @:=G+F( 6B)2:2< " a;;oth ):=' 6B)<:1 Togethe* with a*; 1?:) R Uohn )G:1a Eha*#on- - The se1ond 3isit! beginning *ight befo*e dawnF: The .h*ase Qthe- 1a#e unto the to#b when the sun was *isenQ! shows that the- %eft when it was sti%% da*;! in a11o*d with Yo1hanan&Uohn>s a11ount! who si#.%- *e1o*ds a*- agda%ene>s 3iew.oint! who is a%so the

of the

subOe1t of his a11ount on he* se1ond 3isit( The fa1t the othe* two a*en>t #entioned! doesn>t #ean that the- we*en>t the*e 1ou*se! *athe*! Yo1hanan si#.%- 1onside*s i*-a# agda%ene

#ain 1ha*a1te* of this a1tion! R .e*ha.s! is gi3ing di*e1t Muotations of he* sightings of the e3ents of the da-! whi1h to he* of 1ou*se the #ain fo1us wou%d be Yeshua and those e3ents di*e1t%- *e%ated to Hi#( 7f 1ou*se f*o# the two 3isit ti#es #entioned in a*; "1?:1-)'! we see that this was the se1ond 3isit( 6B)<:12 "A*a;hin ):<: Be*ithoth 2:@' 6B)<:1? "$anhed*in @:11' 6B)<:1@ "Aboth 2:@' 6B)<:)? "Yo#a A:A' 6B)<:<< QTo*ah of oshe! and the P*o.hets! and the Psa%#sQ To*ah! Ne3i>i#! B>tu3i#&54*itings>-EPsa%#s heading the s1*o%% of the 4*itingsF: The Tana;h E7(T(F( 6B)<:<C "Aboth ?:1' 6B)<:=1 [A1ts 1:C+ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON YOCHANAN / JOHN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX UN1:1 [ id*ash E1ah E1:=1F+: (((4hat is the Na#e of Bing essiahI To this answe*ed Rabbi Abba ba* Bahana: Ha$he# is His Na#e! fo* it is w*itten EUe*()2:?F: >This is the Na#e whe*eb- He sha%% be 1a%%ed: >Ha$he# Hid;enu>( As Rabbi 6e3i said! QHa..- is the 1ount*- that it>s na#e is the na#e of its Bing! and its Bing the sa#e as its G-d( Ha..- is the 1ount*- that it>s na#e is the sa#e as it>s Bing as it sa-s! >And the na#e of the 1it- f*o# that da- sha%% be! Hashe# is the*e EED( <A:2=F>( The Na#e of the Bing is as the Na#e of it>s G-d as it sa-s! >And this is the Na#e -ou sha%% 1a%% Hi#: Hashe# Hid;enu(> N7TE: 0n abo3e that essiah is gi3en the fu%% Tet*ag*a##aton in His Na#e( Ne3e* is an- 1*eated #an s.o;en of in Tana;h o* the /*it HaChadashah as ha3ing the 3e*- Na#e of Ha$he#( Yet we see both the Ange% of the 67R8&E$ee: etat*on! TDi#tDi#F and Theessiah&Ha ashia1h gi3en this Na#eJ The 1on1%usions a*e ob3ious to a%% who 1a*e to see it( 4hi%e at fi*st g%an1e the fo%%owing #ight see# to be against the T*i-Snit- of Ha$he# f*o# a Rabbini1 stand.oint: if one 1a*efu%%- 1onside*s the i#.%i1ations of what eLa1t%- is being said he*e! it be1o#es ob3ious that the Rabbi>s we*e st*ugg%ing with this idea .*esented to the#: and that 3e*- ea*%- the 1on1e.t did eList! and was ha3ing to be dea%t with in an ea*%.ost 1st Centu*- 1on3e*sation with essiani1&NatD*ati# Uews( 0f one is to be%ie3e the 1onteLt of the .assage! it is e3en shown to be a #u1h ea*%ie* debate! with e3en oshe hi#se%f 1onside*ing the i#.%i1ations of this .assage in /e*esheetJ(((

RA//0N0C: Rabbi $a#ue% ba* Nah#an in the na#e of Rabbi Uonathan said! that at the ti#e when oses w*ote the To*ah! w*iting a .o*tion of it dai%-! when he 1a#e to this 3e*se! [Gen( 1:)?+! whi1h sa-s! ,And E%ohi# said! %et Ss #a;e #an in 7u* i#age afte* 7u* %i;eness!> oses said! aste* of the Sni3e*se wh- do You gi3e he*ewith an eL1use to the se1ta*ians! Ewho be%ie3e in the T*i-Snit- of G-dF! G-d answe*ed oses! You w*ite and whoe3e* wants to e** %et hi# e**( This idea is a%so dis1ussed in: E/(Rabba A!CF a dis1ussion Ewith the #ini#F on the T*iSnit- 1on1e*ning: 6et Ss #a;e #an 7u* i#age a11o*ding to 7u* %i;eness((( and E%ohi# Ebeing a .%u*a% fo*#F( E$ee a%so: Co##enta*- on att( 2:1@! )1:1?F [0saiah <A:1?+ "Aboth <:))' "The fo%%owing is f*o# an eL1e%%ent a*ti1%e! *esea*1hed and w*itten b- -Ua#es 4hite! /(A(! (A(: on 7.en /ib%e nationa% //$ e1ho! - 7*igin: P*os A.o%ogian--8efending the Paith E?G)F)?<-CC)@ E1:11<&1G=(GF( The fu%% teLt-fi%e! EYH9H\2\1(TYTF! is a%so a3ai%ab%e fo* down-%oad on 08RA$H //$ &8en3e* Co%o( E2G2F )AC-?A?< @ C?GG baud(': QThe fina% .h*ase! ;ai theos en ho %ogos! .*esents a s-nta1ti1a% a**ange#ent in whi1h the te*# theos is e#.hasiDed( At the sa#e ti#e! the senten1e is 1o.u%ati3e! and the .*esen1e of the a*ti1%e with %ogos si#.%- sets it out as the subOe1t of the senten1e( u1h has been said 1on1e*ning the %a1; of the a*ti1%e with Theos[K+ but that dis1ussion is be-ond the s1o.e of this .a.e*( /asi1a%%-! the 1onst*u1tion 1F a3oids #oda%is# Ei(e(! the 4o*d is not said to be 1o#.%ete%- 1o-eLtensi3e with theosF and )F tea1hes that the 4o*d has the sa#e natu*e as God Ea .oint that Pau% wi%% *eite*ate in Phi%i..iansF( KF $ee P( P( /*u1e! The Gos.e% of Uohn EG*and Ra.ids: 4#( /( Ee*d#an>s Pub%ishing! 1CA2F .( 21! o* 6eon o**is! The Gos.e% A11o*ding to Uohn! EG*and Ra.ids: 4#( /( Ee*d#an>s Pub%ishing! 1C@1F .g( @@ fo* a dis1ussion of so#e of the issues in3o%3ed in the t*ans%ation of this .h*ase( ost notab%-! the New 4o*%d T*ans%ation of the 4at1htowe* /ib%e and T*a1t $o1iet- #ist*ans%ates the .h*ase as Qthe 4o*d was a god(Q Q UN1:) "Aboth 2:1<' UN1:2 "Aboth 2:1<' UN1:< "Aboth 2:1<' UN1:C "Rosh ha$hanah 1:)' UN1:11 "Aboth ?:1G' UN1:)C "Pesahi# @:@: $hebuoth 1:?! 1:@' UN1:2C N7TE: 1Gth hou* X Ro#an&1Ga# - Uewish&<.#( UN1:<= "Aboth ):12' UN1:<A "Yeba#oth 1):?' UN1:=1 "Hagigah ):1' UN):1 "8e#ai <:): $hebiith C:): Pesahi# 2:@: /etDah =:): Taanith <:A: Yeba#oth ):2-<! ):?! ?:<-?! @:1! A:)-2! 12:1-)! 12:?! 1=:2' Betuboth 1:1-)! 1:=! <:)-<! <:@-A! <:1G-1)! =:1-)! ?:1! ?:2! ?:=-?! @:1! @:@! A:1! A:2! A:=-?! 11:1! 12:=: Neda*i# 1G:=:

Gittin ?:): Biddushin 1:1! ):1! ):=-?! 2:@: /aba /ath*a C:=! C:C! 1G:<! 1G:@: Aboth =:)1: 7ho%oth 1A:C: Niddah <:)' UN):< "$habbath 1:<: Neda*i# 1:1: Habi# =:1)' UN):? "/etDah ):)-2: Be%i# 1G:1: Pa*ah 2:)-2: Tebu% Yo# 1:1' UN):A "$u;;ah ):C' UN):1G "Aboth <:)G' UN):)G "Edu-oth A:?' UN2:1 "Aboth <:)G' UN2:= $o#e t*- to #a;e Yeshua out to be sa-ing he*e that He is *efe**ing to both E#i;3ehF i##e*sion in wate*! and i##e*sion in the $.i*it( Rathe* than gi3e a %ength- o.inion on this! Ewhi1h se3e*a% othe*s ha3e a%*ead- gi3en 1o##enta*- onF! 0>%% si#.%state that 0 be%ie3e the 1o##ent is on natu*a% bi*th then on $.i*itua% bi*th f*o# Abo3e( -4hi1h is wh- Na;di#on Muestions: >((( a se1ond ti#e ente* his #othe*>s wo#b>: and that Yeshua t*-ing to show hi# that si#.%- being bo*n Uewish is not enough on its own! to #e*it the Bingdo# of E%ohi#( [$ee 1o##enta*on att(2:C+ UN2:? "/e;ho*oth 1:)' UN2:1< "Rosh ha-$hanah 2:A' UN2:22 "Biddushin <:=' UN<:1 "Aboth 1:1' UN<:= "$he;a%i# =:1: enahoth 1G:)' UN<:? N7TE: ?th hou* X Ro#an&?.# - Uewish&1)noon( UN<:1G "Aboth 1:11! ?:=' UN<:)G N7TE: The $a#a*itans had bui%t a te#.%e on t( Ge*iDi#( UN<:1A "Yeba#oth 1G:2' UN<:)@ "Aboth 1:=' UN<:2= " enahoth A:)' UN<:=) "/e*a;hoth 1:): Pesahi# 1:<! =:1: $anhed*in =:2' UN=:) " egi%%ah 1:A! ):1-): Gittin C:?! C:A: $otah @:)! @:@-A! A:1: Yadai# <:=' UN=:1G "$habbath 1:1! 1:<! ?:1-C! @:2! A:1! C:=! 1G:1-2! 1G:=! )<:1: E*ubin <:=! <:@! 1G:1' UN=:1A "$anhed*in ):=' UN=:2G "Aboth 2:1?' UN=:21 "Betuboth ):C' UN=:<= "Aboth <:11' UN?:1 N7TE: 1st 1a%%ed: 6a;e Gennesa*et: then: $ea of Ga%i%ee: then %ate*: $ea of Tibe*ias - afte* a 1it- bui%t on its sho*e bHe*od in hono* of e#.e*o* Tibe*ius( UN?:1 "$habbath 2:=: E*ubin =:A: Taanith <:@: egi%%ah 1:1: Negai# C:1: a;shi*in ?:@' UN?:C "$otah ):1: $hebuoth 2:)' UN?:?2 $ee 1o##enta*- on 6u;e )):1C abo3e( UN@:< "Aboth <:<' UN@:)) This *u%ing on /*it-#i%ah 1ited b- Yeshua! is found dis1ussed in the 7*a% 6aw( "$ee: $habbot 1A:2!= R 1C:1-2!=: Yo#a A:?' UN@:2@ This >4ate* 6iabation> that Yeshua identifies Hi#se%f with du*ing the Peast of $u;;ot! [Un(@:2@-2C+! is shown in the 7*a% 6aw( "$EE: #( $u;;ot <:=-@!C: R $u;;ah =)a' UN@:2A "Aboth ):A! ?:1' UN@:<C "/e*a;hoth @:1-): 8e#ai ):)-2! ):1)! 2:1! <:)! <:=-?! ?:?-@! @:1: $hebiith =:C: aase*oth =:2: $u;;ah 2:1G: Hagigah ):@: Yeba#oth ?:)-=: Betuboth @:?: $otah C:1=: $hebuoth ):):

$anhed*in 1G:): Edu-oth 1:1<: Aboth ):=! 2:1G! =:1G: Ho*a-oth 2:A: /e;ho*oth <:1G: Be%i# 1G:1: Toho*oth <:=! @:2! @:=! @:@! A:1-2: a;shi*in ?:)! ?:<' UNA:= "$anhed*in @:2-<! @:C! 11:1! 11:?' UNA:? "$habbath 1):=' UNA:@ "$anhed*in ?:<' UNA:12 "Rosh ha$hanah 2:1: Betuboth ):C' UNA:)1 RA//0N0C: id*ash Ruth E=:?F: R( /e*e;iah said in the na#e of R( 6e3i: The futu*e Redee#e* EThe essiahF wi%% be %i;e the fo*#e* *edee#e* E osheF( Uust as the fo*#e* *edee#e* *e3ea%ed hi#se%f and %ate* was hidden f*o# the#((( so the futu*e Redee#e* wi%% be *e3ea%ed to the#! and then hidden f*o# the#( [Uohn A:)1-)<! 1<:)A! 1?:=-11+ UNA:2) "/aba Ba##a A:?' UNA:2C "Aboth =:1C' UNC:< "Aboth ):1=' UNC:? "$habbath @:)! 1<:<! )<:2' UNC:@ "Hagigah 1:1: Habi# 1:=' UNC:)< "$anhed*in ?:)' UNC:)A "Aboth 1:1)! =:1C' UNC:<1 "Aboth <:12' UN1G:1 N7TE: 0n Phi%o! G-d is *efe**ed to as $he.he*d( The Cohani#& EP*iestsF we*e *efe**ed to as she.he*d-.*iests( The .en was a .%a1e of 1onfine#ent fo* shee. - so#eti#es #ade of wood! #o*e often of stone: so#eti#es 1o#.%ete%- en1%osed with a *oof( - Has two doo*s: one %a*ge and one s#a%%-E1a%%ed the tithe doo*F! whi1h one shee. at a ti#e 1ou%d go th*ough( The*e we*e #o*e than one #an>s shee. ;e.t the*e: and on%- the shee. be%onging to one she.ha*d wou%d 1o#e when he 1a%%ed the#( "/aba Ba##a ?:1' UN1G:1) "/aba etDia @:A-C' UN1G:)) This is the Pesti3a% of Hanu;;ah! whi1h is not #entioned in Tana;h! E7(T(F! but instituted in 1?= /C&/1e b- Uudas assabeus 1o##e#o*ating the 1%eansing of the Te#.%e afte* its dese1*ation b- Antio1hus E.i.hanes( entioned in the A.o1*-.ha E1 a11( <:=)-=CF! and in the Rabbini1 w*itings( "Rosh ha$hanah 1:2: Taanith ):1G: egi%%ah 2:?: oed Batan 2:C: /aba Ba##a ?:?' UN1G:22 "$anhed*in C:?' UN11:1A "Yo#a ?:<' UN11:2C "Yeba#oth 1?:2' UN11:=< " enahoth A:1' UN1):? "Gittin 2:2: /aba etDia 1:A' UN1):1= The To*ah *eMui*es that the Pesa1h&Passo3e* %a#b be se%e1ted on the 1Gth of Nissan! at whi1h ti#e it is b*ought into the house of the fa#i%- that wi%% be sa1*ifi1ing it( The ti#e of Yeshua>s ent*- into Ye*usha%a-i# a%so a%igns with the 1Gth of Nissan( UN1):)G "$he;a%i# 1:=! @:?: enahoth =:2! =:=-?! ?:1: enahoth C:A:

iddoth ):2: Be%i# 1:A' UN1):<2 "/aba etDia ):11: Aboth ):1G! <:1! <:=! <:1)! <:)1! ?:2: Be*ithoth ?:C' UN12:) E@ SRCHATH! 4A$H0NG 7P THE HAN8$:F The enti*e $u..e* is a%so 1a%%ed the $ede*! [o* o*de*+( The t*ans%ation of >ha3ing o11u**ed>! 1ou%d be seen as an atte#.t to *e1on1i%e with the 6u;e *eading of the denia%! but .%ease note! Ein: 6;)):)2!)1-))!)< 1o##enta*-F! that 0 do not fee% that this is Oustified( $o then: >being in .*og*ess>! o*! >o11u**ing> 0 be%ie3e wou%d be a bette* unde*standing! and gi3es an a%ign#ent of a%% the Good-News a11ounts( UN12:< 0 .%a1e this as the S*1hatD washing *athe* than the %ate*! due to the %a1; of #ention of the b%essing being said( 0n addition as it fits in we%% with the *est of the Gos.e% a11ounts o*de*( 0t is a%so inte*esting to note that Befa was su*.*ised that Yeshua wou%d wash his feet! being not on%- the dut- of a se*3ant! but being the .a*t of the $ede* whe*e the hands we*e fi*st washed( "$habbath )):=' UN12:= "Betuboth =:=: Yadai# <:1' UN12:1? 9e*i%-! 3e*i%-! shou%d be *ead: a#en and a#en! when it a..ea*s( 0t is a 1%osing *athe* than an int*odu1tion! whi1h wou%d gi3e st*ess to the Oust .*io* 1o##ents! *athe* than used as an int*odu1tion( This is a 1o##on Heb*ew eL.*ession( UN12:1A E@ AR7R! /0TTER-HER/$ [afte* Ba*.as! of Pa*s%e-+F UN12:1C Note the e#.hasis in the G*ee; with >0 A >! in: The 0nte*%inea* /ib%e&Hend*i1;son( UN12:)G Noting that in 3e*se )1 Yeshua is t*oub%ed! one is a%#ost %ed to the 1on1%usion that this state#ent in 3()G! was a *e#inde* to the Ta%#idi#! of the e3ent s.o;en of in ;(C:2@( UN12:)2 Yo1hanan&Uohn wou%d ha3e been on the *ight side of Yeshua! in o*de* to ha3e %eaned ba1; on Yeshua>s boso#! and Uudas on the %eft( UN12:)? E@B7RECH /0TTER-HER/$ 40TH CHAR7$ET [afte* a*o* /itte*-he*bs+F 0 1hose the dish being s.o;en of he*e as Bo*e1h! as not on%does this fit a%% the a11ounts! but a%so show Uudas ; the 3e*- basi1 *eMui*e#ents of the Pesa1h as in Ue*(Cha%%(=@b ER so state#ent b- Hi%%e% whi%e the Te#.%e stoodF! the >so.> 1ontaining a .ie1e of the Pesa1h 6a#b and atDah with /itte*he*bs( This wou%d a%so 1ause %ess su*.*ise when he %eft the $eda* at this .oint [$ee:Un12:)C 1o##enta*-+( This a%so b*ings to #ind >ha3ing a taste of *ighteousness(((>( A%so it wou%d be befo*e Uudas .a*too; of the Passo3e* #ea% .*o.e*! and the Co##union! Ewhi1h #a;es bette* theo%ogi1a% senseF! and fits a%% the Good-News a11ounts in this *ega*d! Ein1%uding 6u;e>s a11ount 0 be%ie3e( [$ee: 6;)):)2!)1-))!)< Co##enta*-+F( [Tana;h on bet*a-a% Ps(<1:C+ atDahXun%ea3en b*ead -[EL(1):1@-)G+( UN12:)@ Note the o*de* that 0 be%ie3e the state#ents of this 3e*se! and t)?:)=! o11u**ed Ein the N9 Ha*#on-F( 0f in this o*de*! it


wou%d indi1ate -et anothe* *eason that the Ta%#idi# wou%dn>t ha3e *ea1ted to Uudas> *es.onse! as Uudas in t)?:)=! wou%d answe*ing the state#ent f*o# Yeshua in Un12:)@( >That thou doest! do Mui1;%->! is inte*esting in that Uudas when %ea3ing the $ede* wou%d be fa1ed with a de1ision! -to unti% the #e#be*s of the $anhed*in finished thei* $ede* o*! -to go >Mui1;%-> to the#! whi1h wou%d ha3e 1aused the# to hu**-

wait and

finish thei* $ede* to asse#b%e to a**est Hi#( Had he not gone ea*%-! the ti#e-tab%e wou%d ha3e been th*own off! and Yeshua wou%d ha3e been a**ested %ate*! whi1h 1ou%d ha3e *esu%ted in His not being 1*u1ified at the ti#e of the E3ening $a1*ifi1e! et1(( $o! Yeshua>s state#ent shows not on%- ha3ing ;now%edge of the bet*a-a%! but of a%% e%e#ents in the ne1essa*- ti#ing of the bet*a-a% to fu%fi%% P*o.he1-! ;nowing befo*e-hand in the $.i*it( UN12:)C The .*o3ision and .*e.a*ation of the needfu% food! and of a%% that was needfu% fo* the feast was a%%owed on the 1=th Nisan eL.*ess%- in the ishnah( This wou%d ha3e been es.e1ia%%- so when the 1st da- of the feast was fo%%owed b- a $habbat( "6ife R Ti#es&Ede*s( /oo;=:1G!=GA' The Te#.%e-gates we*e o.ened at #idnight to .*e.a*e fo* the offe*ing of the Chagigah! o* festi3e sa1*ifi1e! and the *e#ainde* of whi1h was was afte*wa*ds eaten at a festi3e #ea%(-[Note: Yo1hanan&Uohn 1A:)A Enot the Pesa1h #ea%F+( The .oo* who gathe*ed a*ound the Te#.%e #ight then see; to obtain the he%. of the 1ha*itab%e( UN12:2G And it was "be1a#eEIF' night! see#s to be not on%des1*i.ti3e of the ti#e that it was! but .ossib%- as being ea*%- in the $ede*( Yo1hanan was te%%ing us that it had US$T be1o#e! o* Oust ente*ed into night! Eo* the sun had not %ong ago setF! whi1h at the ti#e that Uudas %eft wou%d a%so ha3e been the 1ase( UN12:21 E@ $HS6AN 7RECH! THE PE$ACH-$SPPER& EA6F UN12:2= "Aboth =:1C' UN1<:C RA//0N0C: [7n 0s(C:?: R( 0bn ED*a:+ (((The*e a*e so#e inte*.*ete*s who sa- that >4onde*fu%! E3e*%asting Pathe*> a*e Na#es of G-d and on%- >P*in1e of Pea1e> is the Na#e of the Chi%d( /ut a11o*ding to #- 3iew the inte*.*etation is *ight Ewhi1h sa-sF: a%% a*e the Na#es of the Chi%d( UN1<:1? "Aboth <:11' UN1=:1? "Aboth 1:?' UN1?:) "$anhed*in C:?' UN1?:2) RA//0N0C: /ut the wise #an! R( Ab*aha# /en ED*a! has inte*.*eted this .*o.he1- of the g*eat wa*s whi1h sha%% be in a%% the wo*%d in the da-s of the essiah the $on of Uose.h(((( The essiah the*efo*e is the Pe*son to be s#itten befo*e the s1atte*ing of the shee.( [R( Bi#1hi & *ef( He1h( 12:@ E..( 1@1& 1Cau%F+( 0 fea*! 7 #- 6o*d! that that whi1h He1ha*iah! the .*o.het said! >0 wi%% s#ite the $he.he*d! and the shee. of the f%o1; sha%% be s1atte*ed!> was fu%fi%%ed when we s#ote the $he.he*d of those %itt%e ones! and ho%- a.ost%es( - R( $a#ue% a*o1hinanus! a.ud /u*;iu# in %o1o e u%%e*o( EThese abo3e gi3en f*o#: The essiah 7f The Tana1h

Ta*gu#s Ta%#udsF UN1A:1 "Yo#a =:?: ei%ah 2:2: iddoth 2:)' UN1A:12 "Be*ithoth 1:@' UN1A:1A "Ta#id 1:1' UN1C:)A "Ta#id 2:<' UN1C:)C "Be%i# C:<: Negai# 1<:?: Pa*ah 11:@-C' UN1C:2G This 3e*se ne3e* sa-s He Qd*an;Q it! but *athe* that He Qtoo;-5)CA2>Q it( This is a G*ee; wo*d that has a wide 3a*ietof a..%i1ations( Howe3e*! if -ou>%% note in the othe* GoodNews a11ounts! when Yeshua tasted of it! He wou%d not d*in; it( $o((( the Qtoo;Q he*e does not #ean as in d*in;ing it! *athe*! He on%- tasted it! whi%e not d*in;ing it( UN1C:2? "Pesahi# @:1G-11' UN1C:2@ $o#eti#es we wi%% hea* the 1*iti1s wi%% sa- that he*e the*e is not an eLa1t Muote gi3en f*o# the Heb*ew aso*eti1 TeLt! and that Yo1hanan&EUohnF he*e! and othe* w*ite*s of the New Co3enant! a*e t*-ing to .ass off thei* Ta*gu#s as the o*igina% Heb*ew Muotation( Pi*st of a%%! Yo1hanan ne3e* states that he is Muoting f*o# the Heb*ew! indeed the Muote is in the G*ee; Good-News a11ount! and un%ess one was a1tua%%- *eading the a1tua% 4*itten To*ah! one is .e*#itted to Ta*gu#( Yo1hanan is stating: >anothe* $1*i.tu*e sa-s>! showing what is #eant! o* what it sa-s to us - the basis fo* the Ta*gu#i# the#se%3es( As we%% we need to *e#e#be*! that Yo1hanan>s .e*s.e1ti3e had 1hanged! and he is w*iting %oo;ing ba1; at the e3ent in the New Co3enant! whi%e the w*ite* in Tana;h is %oo;ing fo*wa*d( Ha*d%- a sing%e an1ient Uewish w*ite*s Muotes with 1iting thei* sou*1e! whi1h so#eti#es is f*o# the 6YY! so#eti#es the aso*eti1! so#eti#es a Ta*gu#( The id*ashi# a*e fu%% of su1h eLa#.%es( And we 1on1%ude that Yo1hanan>s .*a1ti1e was 1o#.%ete%- in %ine with ea*%- Uudai1 .*a1ti1e( /esides! Muotes in the Ta%#ud of the Heb*ew $1*i.tu*es so#eti#es 3a*- f*o# the aso*eti1 TeLt! ER( A;i3ah Eige* in: Gi%-on Ha$as to HaTosafot on $habbat ==b: and see in: Peshat R 8e*ash - P%ain R A..%ied eaning 0n Rabbini1 ELegesis! 7Lfo*d S( P*ess! 1CC1(F A%so in T(/( /e*a;hot ?1a! .a*t of a 3e*se Muoted Ra3 Nah#an /a* 0saa1! is not found at a%% in the aso*eti1 teLts( [$ee 1o##enta*- att()@:2=+ UN)G:1 A11o*ding to the TD>du;i#&E$addu1eesF! Ewho we*e a%so the Cohani#&P*iests in 1ha*ge of the Te#.%e *itesF! the Pi*st Peast 7f Pi*st P*uits! E7#e* RaesheetF! was a%wa-s on the fi*st daof the wee;! Esunda-F! fo%%owing Pesa1h&Passo3e*( The P>*ushi# had a diffe*ent wa- of figu*ing the ti#e of this Ho%- 8a-: but du*ing the Te#.%e .e*iod! the obse*3an1e was a%wa-s a11o*ding to the o*de* of the TD>du;i# who we*e in 1ha*ge of the Te#.%e( E$ee 1o##enta*- @ 6u;e )<:1F [ a*; 1?:)+ UN)G:1C "/e*a;hoth ):1: C:=: iddoth 1:)'' UN)G:)2 "/aba Ba##a A:@'

UN)1:@ "/e*a;hoth C:=' UN)1:)= 6ibe*a% s1ho%a*s used to .%a1e the w*iting of the GoodNews a11ount of Yo1hanan&Uohn as %ate as the 2*d o* <th 1entu*ies A8&Ce( Howe3e*! we now ha3e .a*ts of Yo1hanan that we*e w*itten in 12G A8 ER-%ands $F! a%ong with #aOo* .o*tions of the New Testa#ent f*o# )GG A8 E/eatt- Pa.-*iF! - showing that Yo1hanan was indeed w*itten b- this be%o3ed Ta%#id of Yeshua towa*d the 1%ose of the 1st Centu*- A8&Ce( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON ACTS (Part 1) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AC1:1 [$ee 6u;e 1:2+ AC1:1) A $abbath da->s Oou*ne- is dis1ussed in the 7*a% 6aw( "E*u3in 2:1-)! <:2!@-A! =:1! =:<-=! A:): Rosh ha$hanah ):=! $otah =:2' AC1:12 "$habbath 1:2-<: /aba etDia 1G:1-2' AC1:1= "$anhed*in 1:?' AC1:1A [$ee 1o##enta*- att( )@:A+ AC1:)? "$he;a%i# =:1: Yo#a ):1-<! 2:C! <:1: Ta#id 1:)! 2:1! =:)' AC):1 "Hagigah ):<: enahoth =:?! 1G:2! 11:1-)! 11:<! 11:C' AC):2 "Yo#a <:)! ?:?' AC):? "$he;a%i# =:1' AC):C "$habbath ):)! ?:?: $he;a%i# 2:<: Betuboth 12:11: /aba etDia <:@: $anhed*in 1G:2" AC):12 "Te*u#oth 11:1: aase* $heni ):1: $habbath )G:): enahoth A:?' AC):1@ "Aboth <:=' AC):1A "Aboth <:=' AC):1C "Aboth <:=' AC):)G "Aboth <:=' AC):)1 "Aboth <:=' AC):<1 N7TE: >As it was in the 1st Cent( A8&Ce! so sha%% in be in the %ast Cent( befo*e essiah>s *etu*n(> 7ne ea*%- histo*ian te%% us that the*e a.*oL( 1!GGG!GGG #i%%ion E1&2 of the tota% Uewish .o.u%ation at the end of the 1st Cent( A8&CEF! we*e essiani1 /e%ie3e*s( A11o*ding to the 0nte* ountain Uewish News! E8en3e* Co%o(! A.*i% 1CC1F! the Coun1i% of Uewish Pede*ation>s su*3e-! stated that 1)Z of a%% ethni1 A#e*i1an Uews we*e QCh*istianQ! with ?Z P*otestant! =Z Catho%i1! and 1Z uns.e1ified( These figu*es didn>t in1%ude the )=G!GGGV essiani1 Uews wo*%d-wide! Uewish /e%ie3e*s in Genti%e Ch*istian Chu*1hes a1*oss the wo*%d! no* the %a*ge a#ount of both Ethio.ian and Russian Uews who a*e /e%ie3e*s in Yeshua Ha ashia1h! - whi1h wou%d ha3e .ut the .e*1entages e3en highe*( Not sin1e the 1st Cent( A8&Ce ha3e so #an- Uewish .eo.%e be%ie3ed that Yeshua is the essiah( He*e is a %ist of Oust a few fa#ous Uewish /e%ie3e*s in #o*e *e1ent ti#es who ha3e be1o#e /e%ie3e*s: A%f*ed Ede*shei# was a To*ah $1ho%a* of *enown: Rabbi aL 4e*thei#e*! Ta%#ud $1ho%a*: $habbetai /enOa#in Roho%d! son of *es.e1ted Rabbi in E*ets 0s*ae%: RabinowitD! son of a

Chassidi1-*abbini1 fa#i%- and 1onside*ed a Uewish %eade* of his ti#e: Rabbi 0e1hie% 6i1htenstein! dist*i1t Rabbi in $De%e Hunga*-: $1ho%a* Uoa1hi# Hein*i1h Ra.hae% /iesentha%: $1ho%a* 8a3id /a*on: Rabbi E.h*ai# ben Uose.h E%ia;i# Haha# of Tibe*ias R da-ani# of the 1o##unit-: Heb*ew $1ho%a* Ha-i# Yedidiah Po%%a;: Rabbi 8anie% Hion! fo*#e* %eading Rabbi of /u%ga*ia and %ate* %eading Rabbi of Uaffa 0s*ae%( A%% of these .eo.%e be1a#e essiani1 /e%ie3e*s in Yeshua the essiah! and the %ist goes on and on(((( AC2:) "$he;a%i# ?:2: Yo#a 2:1G: $u;;ah =:<: $otah 1:=: Ta#id =:?: iddoth 1:2-<! 1:C! ):2! ):?: Be%i# 1:A: Negai# 1<:A' AC2:? "/e*a;hoth C:=' AC2:)G "Aboth <:1@' AC2:)= "/aba Ba##a 1:)-2' AC<:1 "7*%ah ):1): /i;;u*i# 2:2: $he;a%i# =:): Yo#a 1:1! 2:C! <:1! @:1: $otah @:@: Ta#id 1:1! @:2: iddoth 1:1-)! 1:C' AC<:? The t*eat#ent of the eL.*ession! >High P*iest>! is used so#eti#es in a gene*a%&gene*i1 sense in non-bib%i1a% w*itings! Ein: Uos( Uewish 4a*s 90()()! and *efe*en1ed b- Ede*shei# in /oo; 00 .g()?2-)?<(F The Ta%#ud a%so has it in Rosh ha$hanah 21 that a%so Annas son>s a%so ea1h be1a#e High P*iests in tu*n( The En1-1%o.edi1 8i1tiona*- of Uudai1a .g(111!! a%so s.ea;s of Caia.has Uose.h as the High P*iest f*o# 1A-2? 1(e( AC<:1C "/aba etDia ):1G' AC<:)= "Aboth ?:C' AC=:1@ "Yo#a 1:=: $anhed*in @:)' AC=:2< "7*%ah ):1): Pesahi# @:): $he;a%i# 2:2! ?:1: Rosh ha$hanah ):=: Yeba#oth 1?:@: Gittin <:)-2: $otah C:1=: Aboth 1:1?' AC=:2? "/e;ho*oth <:<' AC=:2A "Aboth <:11! =:1@' AC=:<1 "Aboth 1:A' AC?:2 "Peah A:@: Pesahi# 1G:1: $he;a%i# =:?: egi%%ah 2:1: Aboth ):): $anhed*in 1:1! 1:<' AC?:= The*e we*e 3a*ious QstagesQ of .*ose%-tes to Uudais# #entioned in Ta%#udi1 %it(! su1h as the: Ga*-hasha>a*i#! the .*ose%-tes& dwe%%e*s of the ETe#.%eF gate( $o#e of these Go-i#&Genti%es we*e inst*u1ted in Uudais#! but had not ente*ed into anfo*#a% 1on3e*sion! - though so#e had ente*ed into 1e*tain Uudai1 .*a1ti1es( Anothe*! the Ga*-TDaddi;i#! who had fu%%- be1o#e Uews( AC?:? "Yo#a 1:1: $anhed*in 1:2! <:<: a;;oth 1:1G' AC?:C " aase*oth =:A: E*ubin 1G:1G: Yo#a @:1: egi%%ah 2:1: Be%i# 1@:1)! )C:1: Negai# ?:1' AC@:) Q$o#e Rabbis ha3e stated that $te.hen has #isMuoted the aso*eti1 teLt! when in A1ts @:)! $te.hen>s 1%ai# is that Ab*aha# 1a#e out of eso.ota#ia! instead of /ab-%onia as the aso*eti1 teLt states( The answe* to this a..a*ent 1ont*adi1tion is that the histo*ian Uose.hus and othe*s 1%ai#ed that /ab-%onia and Cha%dea we*e a .a*t of eso.ota#ia( The

$ages of 0s*ae% befo*e the eLi%e be%ie3ed and so w*ote in the Ta%#ud .*o-1%ai#ing unasha#ed%- that Ab*aha# was 1a%%ed out of eso.ota#ia( 0n the Ta%#ud! be*eshith! Rabba fo%(2)(2 we find the fo%%owing: Q/e1ause -ou ha3e gi3en #e %ight th*ough a window and gi3e #e %ight befo*e #- fa1e( $o did the Ho%- b%essed G-d sa- to Ab*aha#: Q/e1ause -ou has gi3en %ight to #e out of #eso.ota#ia and its 1o#.anions! 1o#e and gi3e %ight to #e in the %and of 0s*ae%(Q 0n Heb*ew it is as fo%%ows: Q is.ota#-a $ha%i 7o#ha3e*ot-ah(Q The abo3e is Muoted f*o# an a*ti1%e b- Ha*3e- $#ith( You 1an find this and #o*e info in his boo;%et: New Co3enant! To*ah o* P*audJ( 4hi1h 1an be obtained b- w*iting: E%isha inist*ies! P7 /oL )G1! HaDe%wood! o( ?2G<)! fo* a Uewish .e*s.e1ti3e on these issues( Anothe* good sou*1e is: The Histo*i1a% Re%iabi%it- of the Gos.e%s! C*aig 6( /%o#be*g! 0nte*-9a*sit- P*ess 1CA@( AC@:< N7TE: Rathe* than go though ea1h and e3e*- obOe1tion that has been *aised a%ong these %ines! 0>%% Oust gi3e a few eLa#.%es in this 1o##enta*- how these of obOe1tions a*e easi%answe*ed( 7ne of the obOe1tions that 1*iti1s b*ing u. about this 3e*se is that: $te.hen sa-s that Ab*aha# de.a*ted f*o# Ha*an afte* his fathe* died( Yet a11o*ding to Gen(11:)?!2) R 1):<! Ab*aha# de.a*ted f*o# Ha*an when he was @= -ea*s of age! at whi1h ti#e his fathe* Te*ah was 1<=( And sin1e Te*ah %i3ed fo* )G= -ea*s! he sti%% had anothe* ?G -ea*s *e#aining to %i3e( Howe3e*! one on%- has to %oo; a %itt%e #o*e 1%ose%- at the a11ount( Te*ah is #entioned as ha3ing begat at the age of @G -ea*s: howe3e*: the age was when he begat ea1h of his 1hi%d*en is not %isted( - No* is it %isted fo* a%% the .*io* a11ounts as to when the- had ea1h of thei* 1hi%d*en( $i#.%- .ut: it is an a11ount of when he sta*ted to begat 1hi%d*en! and not s.e1ifi1 as to his age at ea1h of the 1hi%d*en>s bi*ths( A3*a# was %ast bo*n! not the fi*st! at the age of his fathe* being 12G( $hou%d one doubt wh- A3*a# is then #entioned fi*st: the .*io* a11ounts #ention on%- one 1hi%d! Eas the othe* 1hi%d*en a*e not #entioned b- na#eF! but a%% th*ee a*e #entioned of the b*othe*s of A3*a#! and he is the fo1a% .oint of the a11ount! R the fi*st -1a%%ed Uew b- Ha$he# f*o# the Go-i#! R is *ight%- %isted fi*st in the a11ount of the des1endants of Te*ah( $hou%d one fu*the* doubt: the a11ount in 3(2) is about the death of Te*ah! R 1):1 begins the a11ount of A3*a# %ea3ing his Qfathe*>s houseQ( And wh- is it his Qfathe*>s houseQ! and not his fathe*I - /e1ause he had a%*ead- died: but A3*a# as a %o3ing son is shown to ha3e sta-ed with hi# in his o%d age( And *eading it so 1auses! the a11ount to .*og*ess in a o*de*%- fashion(

AC@:A "Aboth 2:11' AC@:1< The sou*1e in this 3e*se is based on the 6YY 3e*sion of To*ah! Eof whi1h ou* $ages te%% us was 1o#.osed b- @) Rabbis! and whi%e it was to the dis#a- of the sages when it was fi*st w*ittenF! ended u. being in wides.*ead use in the ga%ut and is Muoted f*o# at ti#es in Rabbini1 w*itings( 0t was used bUewish 1o##unities f*o# befo*e the 1st Centu*- /C&/Ce( 0n this 3e*sion of To*ah! the Rabbis thought it .*o.e* to in1%ude the =! who we*e 1hi%d*en R g*and1hi%d*en! of annasseh and E.h*ai#! whi1h b*ings the tota% nu#be* to @=! the aso*eti1 TeLt on%#entions the @G( $o we see the Qdiffi1u%t-Q with this 3e*se does not e3en eListJ AC@:1? $te.hen info*#s us he*e that Ya,a;o3 was bu*ied in $he1he#! and Yosef in Heb*on! Ethe ;e- wo*d in 3e*se @ is: QTHEYQ(F Ua1ob was bu*ied at Heb*on in the 1a3e of a1h.e%ah! whi1h A3*aha# bought f*o# E.h*on the Hittite EGen()2:1?F( Uose.h was bu*ied at $he1he# in a .ie1e of g*ound Ua1ob bought f*o# the sons of Ha#o* EUosh()<:2)F( The two t*ansa1tions a*e si#.%te%es1o.ed in these 3e*ses be1ause of the .*essu*e of $te.hen>s 1i*1u#stan1es! and his ob3ious need fo* b*e3it-( "$otah 1:C' AC@:=A "$anhed*in ?:1-?! @:<-=' ACA:1 "$habbath )<:=: /etDah 2:A: $anhed*in 1G:1: Aboth ):A' ACA:) "$anhed*in ?:=-?' ACC:12 "Yo#a <:): $otah C:1=' ACC:1= "Aboth 2:1<' ACC:)G [$ee 1o##enta*- att( 1G:1@+ ACC:)2 RA//0N0C E#ode*nF: Q0t is a .e1u%ia* #anifestation of ou* eLi%e .s-1ho%og- that we .e*#itted! and e3en aided in! the de%etion of New Testa#ent essianis#! that #eaningfu% offshoot of ou* s.i*itua% histo*-( 0t was in a Uewish %and! that this s.i*itua% *e3o%ution was ;ind%ed: and Uews we*e those who had s.*ead it a%% o3e* the %and(((( Q4e #ust o3e*1o#e the su.e*stitious fea* whi1h we ha*bo* about the essiani1 #o3e#ent of Uesus! and we #ust .%a1e the #o3e#ent whe*e it be%ongs! na#e%-! in the s.i*itua% histo*- of Uudais#(((( Q a*tin /ube*& autho* and fo*#e* .*ofesso* at Heb*ew Sni3e*sit-! Ue*usa%e#: EP*o# QTh*ee Ta%;s on Uudais#! Qt*ans%ated b- Pau% 6e3e*toff in QUewish 7.inions About Uesus!Q 8e* 4eg @ no(1 [Uanua*-Peb*ua*-! 1C22+!A(F ACC:2) "$otah A:2: enahoth A:?: Niddah ):@' ACC:2? "/e*a;hoth ):@' ACC:<2 " egi%%ah 2:): Betuboth @:1G: Biddushin =:1<: /aba /ath*a ):C' AC1G:C "/e*a;hoth <:1: Pesahi# =:1: $otah @:?: Ta#id 2:)! =:1! @:)-2' AC1G:12 "Hu%%in 1:1-)! 1:<! ):1! ):2! <:<' AC1G:<= "Neda*i# 2:11' AC1):) "$anhed*in @:1! @:2! C:1! 1G:<' AC1):)G "$he;a%i# @:?'

AC1):)2 "/i;;u*i# 2:<: $otah @:A' AC12:1 "Hagigah ):)' AC12:C "Gittin <:)' AC1<:1@ "/e*a;hoth C:)' AC1=:)G "Yo#a =:?: a;;oth 2:): Hu%%in 1:1! ):1! ):<! 2:1-<! A:2: Be*ithoth 1:1! =:1: Toho*oth 1:1' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON ACTS (Part 2) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AC1?:1 Ti#otheus! a11o*ding to a #aOo*it- unde*standing in #ode*n Uewish ha%a1hah! wou%d ha3e been 1onside*ed a Uew *athe* than a Genti%e be1ause his #othe* was Uewish! E-et #ode*n Refo*# Uudais# sa-s if eithe* .a*ent is UewishF( The idea of the #othe* dete*#ining if so#eone is Uewish o* not .*obab%sta*ted in ED*a>s ti#e [ED*a 1G:)-2+ and so was so#ewhat in .%a1e du*ing 1st Cen( Te#.%e ti#es( A%though it be1a#e st*essed e3en #o*e du*ing %ate* 1entu*ies when! sad%-! #anUewish wo#en we*e *a.ed( The *easoning was&EisF: 7ne 1an a%wa-s te%% who the #othe* is! e3en if the des1ent of the fathe* is Muestioned( "/i;;u*i# 1:<: Biddushin 2:1)' AC1?:) "/i;;u*i# 1:<: Biddushin 2:1)' AC1?:2 Gi3en the abo3e [3(1+ it is ob3ious that $ha>u% who was an obse*3ant Uew [A1ts )1:)G-)1!)<+ didn>t want to .o*t*a- that the Good-News was 1ont*a*- to To*ah b- t*a3e%ing with a non1i*1u#1ised Uew! and so had hi# 1i*1u#1ised Eb>*it-#i%ahF( This was in a11o*d with To*ah sin1e the #an was Uewish and shou%d ha3e a%*ead- been 1i*1u#1ised as a 1hi%d( "/i;;u*i# 1:<: Biddushin 2:1)' AC1?:@ He*e a %esson 1an be %ea*ned( 4hi%e one #a- ha3e the desi*e to witness! that desi*e #ust be %ed of >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it>( 0n this 1ase the 6-*d didn>t want the# to .*o1%ai# the wo*d in Asia o* /ith-nia! but in a1edonia( 7nes Dea% to witness #ust be %ed of the 6-*d! so that one does a *ight thing in a *ight wa-: *athe* than a *ight thing in a w*ong wa-( [$ee: Co##enta*- on A1ts 1C:1G+ "Abodah Ha*ah ):<' AC1?:1? "$anhed*in @:@' AC1?:1@ [R 3(1A+: He*e we see that a de#on wi%% e3en atte#.t to s.ea; .a*tia% t*uth! in o*de* to .*o#ote a %ie( 0t wou%d a..ea* he*e that ;nowing >it> 1ou%dn>t sto. the Good-News #essage! >it> t*ied instead to dist*a1t! - and so dist*ess and hinde* $ha>u%( AC1?:2@ [th*u 3(2C+: To 1ounte* the 1ha*ge [A1ts 1?:)G-)1+ that thei* #essage was Oust a >Uewish thing>: the .eo.%e wou%d now ;now that indeed the ones that the- had i#.*isoned! the#se%3es we*e Ro#an 1itiDens( - Thus the .eo.%e 1ou%d not so easi%dis#iss the Good-News with thei* eL1use of it being on%- fo* QUewsQ! and not fo* Ro#an 1itiDens too( [$ee 1o##enta*-: A1ts 1A:)+ AC1@:1G [th*u 3(1)+: He*e we see that #an- of the Uewish .eo.%e

in on%/e*ea be%ie3ed the Good-News about Yeshua essiah! whi%e a few [A1ts 1@:<+ of the Uewish .eo.%e in Thessa%oni1a did( This is i#.o*tant to note! as so#e fa%se%- ha3e the idea that it was on%- the Genti%es who %istened to the Good-News that $ha>u% .*o1%ai#ed! whi%e a%% the Uews *eOe1ted it( - Yet we see he*e Eand e%sewhe*eF 1%ea*%- that in fa1t #an- Uewish .eo.%e did *e1ei3e Yeshua as the essiah( 7ne ea*%histo*ian te%%s us that b- the 1%ose of the 1st Cent(! as #an- as 1&2 of the Uewish .eo.%e we*e /e%ie3e*s in Yeshua essiah( At this ti#e in this 1entu*-! es.e1ia%%- sin1e about 1C?@! we ha3e again seen g*eat nu#be*s of the Uewish .eo.%e 1o#e to be%ie3e in Yeshua as thei* essiah( [$ee: 1o##enta*- on A1ts ):<1+( AC1@:)2 0 *e1a%% *eading so#eti#e ba1; that #ode*n a*1haeo%oghad un1o3e*ed se3e*a% a%ta*s ins1*ibed: QTo The Sn;nown GodQ in this *egion #entioned in this .o*tion of $1*i.tu*e( 0 be%ie3e that the sto*- goes: A #an showed u. one da- du*ing a .%ague! said that the*e was on%- one 5G>od! and if the .eo.%e wou%d %et %oose a f%o1; of shee.! and bui%d an a%ta* on ea1h .%a1e one of the shee. sto..ed and stood sti%%! the .%ague wou%d be sta-ed: and that the- did and the .%ague sto..ed! - and that this was one of these a%ta* $ha>u% .ointed out( Howe3e*! the ea*%ie* 1o##enta*ies usua%%- sa- that this a%ta* was the*e due to these .agan .eo.%es .*a1ti1e of being so #u1h into the wo*shi. of 3a*ious fa%se gods Ewhi1h the- we*e! - and the- did add f*eMent%- to the nu#be*s of these gods as the- hea*d of the#F! that the- wanted to #a;e an a%ta* QOust in 1aseQ the->d %eft one god out( AC1@:)? "$anhed*in <:=' AC1@:)C He*e $ha>u% gi3es the .eo.%e an unde*standing of the To*ah itD3ah&Co##and#ent not to #a;e g*a3en i#ages [EL()G:<+! ta;en f*o# 1e*tain sa-ings of thei* own G*ee; .oets E[A1ts 1@:)A+ E.i#enides! then A*atus a $toi1 of the 2*d Cent( /C&b1e -o*C%eanthesF( Thus showing the# the fo%%- of ido% wo*shi. ban a..ea% to thei* own %ogi1( 0f he had on%- Muoted the $1*i.tu*e against thei* .*a1ti1e it wou%d ha3e not 1a**ied the sa#e i#.a1t! sin1e the- didn>t *e1ogniDe $1*i.tu*e as an- ;ind of an autho*it- in thei* %i3es! and the- .e*ha.s then wou%d ha3e Oust dis#issed it as an atta1; on thei* %ifest-%e without *eason( AC1A:) N7TE: Q0n A(8( <C a wa3e of *iots b*o;e out in the 3e*%a*ge Uewish 1o##unit- in Ro#e( The t*oub%e .*o3ed so int*a1tab%e that the E#.e*o* C%audius too; the d*asti1 ste. of banishing a%% Uews f*o# the 1it-( "(((' Pau% a**i3ed in Co*inth E1( A(8( =GF "(((' the Ro#an autho* $uetonius who about A(8( 1)G 1o#.i%ed biog*a.hies of the fi*st twe%3e Ro#an e#.e*o*s! f*o# Uu%ius Caesa* onwa*d( 0n his >6ife of C%audius> he sa-s of that e#.e*o*: He eL.e%%ed the Uews f*o# Ro#e! on a11ount of the *iots in whi1h the- we*e 1onstant%- indu%ging! at the

instigation of Ch*estus( E$uetonius! >C%audius> )=(<(F ,Ch*estus>! a 1o##on s%a3e-na#e! was a .o.u%a* #iss.e%%ing of the na#e of Ch*ist( The situation *efe**ed to was .*obab%- the *esu%t of the *e1ent int*odu1tion of Ch*istianitinto the Uewish 1o##unit- of Ro#e! with the 1ont*o3e*s- and Mua**e%%ing to whi1h it ga3e *ise( "(((' it a..ea*s to ha3e been on%- as a distin1ti3e #o3e#ent with Uudais# that Ch*istianit- was ;nown the*e( /ut with the death of C%audius in A(8( =< the eL.u%sion edi1t be1a#e a dead %ette*( Ro#e was soon as fu%% of Uews as e3e* it had been! and the Ch*istian 1ause was *e-estab%ished the*e #o*e se1u*e%- than befo*e! 1ounting #an- Genti%es now a#ong its adhe*ents as we%% as Uews(Q - P*o#: Uesus R Ch*istian 7*igins 7utside The New Testa#ent! Cha.te* 0 - The E3iden1e 7f Pagan 4*ite*s! .gs( )G-)1! b-: P(P( /*u1e( Conside*ing then the histo*i1a% 1%i#ate against a%% Uews b- the Ro#an e#.i*e at that ti#e! - we .*obab%- ha3e anothe* *eason the Genti%es t*ied to b*ing the t-.e of a11usations that the- did in thei* 1ha*ges against $ha>u% and the othe* /e%ie3ing Uewish b*eth*en [as in: A1ts 1?:)G-)1 R e%sewhe*e+( AC1A:2 "$habbath =:<: Biddushin <:1<: Aboth 1:1G! ):)!=! <:1G11!)1: /e;ho*oth <:<' AC1A:? This #ust be 3iewed in 1onteLt( $ha>u% is not sa-ing that he is now eL1%uding the Uews: but on%- that the di*e1tion of his K.*o1%ai#ing wou%d now fo1us #o*e on the Genti%es than it had been( 4e 1an see this 1%ea*%-! as not on%- f*o# the 3e*- neLt 3e*se [A1ts 1A:@-A+ do we see $ha>u% 1ontinue to .*o1%ai# to Uewish .eo.%e! but on th*oughout the *est of the /oo; of A1ts [A1ts 1A:1C: 1C:A-1G! et1(((+( 4e #ust a%so *e#e#be*! that of a%% the #an- /e%ie3e*s in and outside of 0s*ae% at this ti#e! Ea.*oL( =G A8&CeF the #aOo*it- we*e sti%% Uewish /e%ie3e*s( [$ee 1o##enta*- on A1ts 1@:1G: Ro#ans =:C: KGa%atians ):@+ AC1A:1A $ha>u% he*e is seen ta;ing so#e fo*# of a To*ah 3ow! showing [as we see 1onfi*#ed in A1ts )1:)<+ that he wa%;ed in a11o*d with! and not 1ont*a*- to! the To*ah( A%so! this wou%d gi3e us #o*e sense as to the sha3ing of his head with the fou* in A1ts )1:)2-)<! whi1h then 1ou%d ha3e been a 1o#.%etion of this ea*%ie* 3ow EIF The .ossibi%it- is that 1st Cent( ha%a1hah .e*#itted a 1e*tain o*de* of the NaDi* 3ow fo* those in the 8ias.o*a that wou%d .e*#it its obse*3an1e( 0n this 1ase! it is .ossib%e that $ha>u% is sta*ting a 3ow in A1ts 1A:1A! and 1o#.%eting it in A1ts )1:)2-)<( Rega*d%ess! the .oint is that as is done in To*ah! $ha>u% had ta;en a 3ow( "Edu-oth <:11: NaDi* ):@! 2:?! =:=! ?:A: Te#u*ah @:<' AC1A:)1 This state#ent about the Pesti3a% in Ye*usha%a-i# is in the A*a#ai1 Peshitta and G*ee; Re1e.tus teLts: but not in the A%eLand*ian G*ee; teLts( Howe3e*! a%#ost the sa#e thing is stated again in a%% the teLts at A1ts )G:1?! - again showing $ha>u% wa%;ing in a11o*d with the To*ah( The feast in A1ts )G:1? E$ha3u,otF was one of the th*ee .i%g*i# Pesti3a%s that one was to go u. to Ye*usha%a-i# fo*( Anothe* .ossibi%it- that suggests itse%f: if the 1usto# to unde*ta;e a NaDi* 3ow in 8ias.o*a Eo* .e*ha.s so#e othe* fo*# of a To*ah based 3owF as in 3(1A abo3e! *eMui*ed one to

then t*a3e% to Ue*usa%e#! - this #a- ha3e been in1%uded in $ha>u%>s u*gen1- to ;ee. this Pesti3a% [e3en if this .a*ti1u%a* Pesti3a% in 3()1 wasn>t one of the th*ee .i%g*i# Pesti3a%s! - %i;e it was in A1ts )G:1?(+ AC1C:C "Aboth 1:<' AC1C:1G He*e we see that whi%e ea*%ie* [A1ts 1?:@+ the- we*e fo*bidden b- >Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it> f*o# .*o1%ai#ing the GoodNews in Asia! it is now .e*#itted( AC1C:22 0 ha3e i#.%ied Q essiani1 UewsQ in this .o*tion( Not on%was essiani1 Uudais# 1onside*ed a Qse1tQ of Uudais# in gene*a% bthe go-i#&genti%es at this ti#e - but we see that this is who the a11usation was against! and that the*e we*e othe* /e%ie3e*s who we*e b*ought the*e [A1ts 1C:)C+( 0t see#s %i;e%- the*efo*e! that those who wou%d atte#.t to .*esent an Einte**u.ted 1C:22F defense - wou%d be essiani1 Uews( AC1C:2A " egi%%ah 1:1-2: Gittin 1:=' AC)G:@ 0n the %ite*a% Eng%ish *eading of The 0nte*%inea* /ib%e & Hend*i1;son: "1onside*ed to be 3e*- Conse*3ati3e and one of the best'! we *ead in: A1ts )G:C And on one of the $habbats((( "on-1@)) And-11?1 the-2=AA one-22C1 of-the-2=AA $abbaths-<=)1' This is the best *eading! and the #ost %ite*a%( /ut it has been t*ans%ated in the Bing Ua#es *eading as: And u.on the fi*st Eda-F of the wee;((( "u.on-1@)) And-11?1 the-2=AA fi*st22C1 Eda-F of-the-2=AA wee;-<=)1'( 4hi%e this *eading Q1anQ be su..o*ted b- the G*ee;! it is a se1onda*- *eading: and a%though we see f*o# the 1onteLt of the .assage in A1ts that it was a ha3do%ah #eeting! -"and hen1e going into the fi*st da- of the wee;! at sundown'! the bette* t*ans%ation is sti%%: QAnd on one of the $habbatsQ( - "4hi1h wou%d then #a;e the #eeting ha3ing been begun so#eti#e befo*e sunset on the $habbat'( K7NE Efi*stF 22C1 [$t*ongs+: #ia E#ee>-ahF i**eg( fe#( of 1=)G: 7NE o* fi*st( K$habbats Ewee;F <=)1 [$t*ongs+: $abbaton E$ab>-bat-onF of Heb( o*( [@?@?+: the $abbath Ei(e( $habbathF! o* da- of wee;%- *e.ose f*o# se1u%a* a3o1ations Ea%so the obse*3an1e o* institution itse%fF: be eLtens( a se>nnight! i(e( the inte*1a% between two $abbaths -[this .e*iod being of 1ou*se a wee;! but that is on%- bi#.%i1ation! and this of 1ou*se is whe*e the BU9 t*ans%ato*s o.ted to use a se1onda*- *eading of this wo*d! whi1h %ite*a% #eaning is $HA//ATJ+ KEda-F -i#.%ied b- the se1onda*t*ans%ation of this g*ou. of wo*ds! but it is not .*esent in the G*ee; at a%%( C7NC6S$07N: 4hi%e it has been t*ans%ated with a 1o**e1t Qse1onda*-Q #eaning: [on the fi*st Eda-F of the wee;+! the .*i#a*- #eaning is #u1h bette*( Pe*ha.s the .*i#a*- #eaning was side-ste..ed sin1e in 1?11 the idea of essiani1 Uews #eeting on the $habbat - [*athe* than $unda-+ was too #u1h fo* the# to bea*: and so((( we sti%% see this t*aditiona% t*ans%ation in #ost of ou* #ode*n 3e*sion! "eL1e.t whe*e a %ite*a% 0nte*%inea* *eading is gi3en! as in Hend*i1;son>s'( N7TE: $o((( a# 0 going to sa- those who o.t fo* the $EC7N8ARY t*ans%ation! *athe* than the PR0 ARY a*e w*ongI - No! as QthatQ *eading is su..o*ted a%so( /ut! then! a# 0 going to sa- that the- a*e *ightI - A%so! no! as 0 be%ie3e the PR0 ARY *eading is #ost 1o**e1t of the two(

AC)G:1? [$ee 1o##enta*- on A1ts 1A:)1+ AC)1:1G [th*u 3(1<+: 0 ha3e hea*d so#e sa-! .a*tia%%- based u.on these 3e*ses he*e! that $ha>u% was in e**o* to go to Ye*usha%a-i#( 0 do not be%ie3e this to ha3e been the 1ase( Not on%- do we note he*e that the .*o.he1- does not te%% $ha>u% not to go Eon%- what awaits hi# on1e he gets the*eF: if one *eads e%sewhe*e ea*%ie* in A1ts [A1ts 1C:)1: )G:))+! $ha>u% fe%t %ed to go u. to Ye*usha%a-i#( 7f 1ou*se! in A1ts )1:<! we do note the wa- it is .h*ased as being said b- the Ta%#idi# to $ha>u% Kth*ough the $.i*it not to go u.( - /ut f*o# the othe* *e.o*ts on the sa#e subOe1t whe*e $ha>u% t*a3e%%ed! 0 wou%d Muestion: was the ad3i1e the 1on1%usion of the Ta%#idi# f*o# what the $.i*it had showed the# wou%d ha..en to $ha>u%! *athe* than a di*e1t inOun1tion f*o# the $.i*itI 0f that is the 1ase! .e*ha.s the wo*d he*e [3(<+ KEdia&G*(1))2F 1ou%d be t*ans%ated with a se1onda*- sense of >on a11ount of>! *athe* than with: Qth*oughQ( - /e1ause when the sa#e thing ha..ens in )1:1G1< whe*e we a*e gi3en #u1h #o*e detai% when the- t*- to dis1ou*age hi# f*o# going u.! it is not b- 1o##and of the $.i*it that the- t*- to dis1ou*age hi#! - on%- f*o# thei* 1on1e*n fo* hi# based u.on the .*o.he1- of the t*oub%e that awaited hi# the*e( Rega*d%ess! the- .*a- fo* the 6o*d>s wi%% to be done [3(1<+! and 0 be%ie3e it was( Now one #ight 1onOe1tu*e on the 6o*d>s >.e*#issi3e 3s( .e*fe1t> wi%% he*e: but we do see in A1ts )@:)2-)< that it was in God>s wi%% fo* $ha>u% to go to Ro#e! - and his going to Ro#e was a di*e1t *esu%t of his ha3ing gone to Ye*usha%a-i# in the fi*st .%a1e( [ACT$ )@:)<+ AC)1:)G 6u;e te%%s us in A1ts )1:1A! that a%% the E%de*s we*e .*esent of the Ue*usa%e# Cong*egation a%ong with Ya,a;o3( 0n this [3( )G+ then 6u;e *e%ates that the- a%% s.ea;! in one a11o*d! these wo*ds to $ha>u% whi1h in1%uded the i#.o*tant obse*3ations in A1ts )1:)< that the- a*e a%% ob3ious%- awa*e of( AC)1:)1 This fa%se 1ha*ge of anti-no#ian Eanti-To*ahF tea1hing *u#o*ed about $ha>u% 1ou%d ha3e 1o#e about fo* a 1ou.%e of diffe*ent *easons( 7ne! it was not too 1o##on fo* Uewish Rabbis to t*a3e% about in the 1st Cent( ta%;ing to %a*ge g*ou.s of Go-i# &Genti%es about #u1h of an-thing: not to #ention .*o1%ai#ing to the# about faith in G-d( - This a%one wou%d ha3e a*oused gossi. b- itse%f: but add to it that the*e was en3- shown towa*d $ha>u% b- so#e of the non-/e%ie3ing Uews ea*%ie* in the /oo; of A1ts [A1ts 12:<=+ and an ange* towa*ds the GoodNews #essage and so essiani1 Uews in gene*a% b- 1e*tain othe* non/e%ie3ing Uews! and it is eas- to 1on1%ude that this fa%sehood was s.*ead about $ha>u% to dis1*edit and da#age his testi#on-( Anothe* thing that 1ou%d ha3e 1ont*ibuted to the *u#o*! is as Befa&EPete*F w*ites about in )Befa&EPete*F 2:1=-1? when he ta%;s about the w*itings of $ha>u%: [1?b+: Q(((in whi1h a*e so#e things ha*d to be unde*stood! whi1h the- that a*e untaught and i%%-estab%ished w*est! as Ethe- doF a%so the othe* $1*i.tu*es! to thei* own dest*u1tion(Q [Po* fu*the* info on this! see 1o##enta*- on )Befa&EPete*F 2:1=+ As we see

though in A1ts )1:)<! these fa%se 1ha*ges we*e g*ound%ess( "Aboth 2:11' AC)1:)2 "Hagigah ):): NaDi* ):=-?! @:)-<: a;;oth 2:1: Be*ithoth 1:1: Be%i# 1:1: 7ho%oth ):2! 1@:=! 1A:?: Toho*oth <:=' AC)1:)< Q(((that e3e*- one #a- ;now! that what is said against -ou E$ha>u%F is fa%se! and that -ou wa%; o*de*%- and obse*3e&;ee. the To*ah(Q He*e is the testi#on- about $ha>u% towa*d the end of his #inist*-! b- Ya,a;o3 the b*othe* of Yeshua! and the enti*e E%de*shi. of the Ye*usha%a-i# Cong*egation( Conside*ing this! as; -ou*se%f a Muestion: 0s the*e an- #e*it at a%% in the 1ontention of those toda- who wou%d t*- and te%% us that $ha>u% was against the To*ah of G-dI - 0>d sa- abso%ute%- notJ AC)1:)= He*e we see *e.eated the Co##and#ents! Esi#i%a* in .a*t to what the Rabbi>s sa- a*e the $e3en 6aws gi3en to Noah! whi1h a..%- to a%% *ighteous Genti%es&Go-i# - o* />nai-Noa1hF! gi3en to the Go-i#&Genti%e /e%ie3e* ea*%ie* in A1ts 1=:1C-)G R 1=:)A-)C( The .agan 1u%tu*es these ea*%- Genti%e&Go-i# /e%ie3e*s 1a#e out f*o# unde* we*e hea3i%- into these of sins s.o;en against b- these 1o##and#ents! and these itD3ot the#se%3es a*e a .a*t of the To*ah( The 1o##and#ents of To*ah 1an be unde*stood to be #ade u. of th*ee .a*ts: 1F( o*a% itD3ot&E1o##and#entsF that a..%- to a%% #an;ind( )F( Uudai1 0nOun1tions a..%i1ab%e on%- to Uews( 2F( Te#.%e 7*dinan1es( The Uudai1 0nOun1tions E[)F whi%e gi3en to the Uews! we*e not gi3en to the Genti%es( - Yet neithe* a*e the- fo*bidden to the Genti%es eithe*( Howe3e* fo* the Genti%es it wou%d ha3e to be on%- in obse*3an1e f*o# thei* %ibe*t- in essiah if %ed of the Ho%- $.i*it: *athe* than ha3ing the# being done due to an 0nOun1tion - that wou%d then be UudaiDing( 7b3ious%- then! this being the 1ase - t*-ing to te%% the Uewish essiani1 /e%ie3e*s not to ;ee. the Uudai1 0nOun1tions wou%d be Genti%e-iDingJ [$ee 1o##enta*- on Ga():1=: Ga(2:)A: Ro#(1:1?: Heb(C:1+( The $e3en Noa1hide Co##and#ents a11o*ding to the Rabbis as in $anhed*in =?a! we*e 1on1e*ning: 1F( 1ou*ts of %aw( =F( against #u*de*( )F( against b%as.he#-( ?F( against *obbe*-( 2F( against ido%at*-( @F( against eating a .a*t of the <F( against adu%te*-( %i3ing bod- of an ani#a%( AC)1:)A 0n Uose.hus 4a*s 00! 12:= on this Eg-.tian #entioned he*e: QHe was a 1heat R i#.osto*! and -et got 1*edited as a .*o.het! and 1a#e to Uudaea! and got togethe* thi*t- thousand de%uded #en! who# he %ed *ound f*o# the wi%de*ness to the #ount! whi1h was 1a%%ed the ount of 7%i3es! and intended to b*ea; into Ue*usa%e# b- fo*1e f*o# that .%a1e: and if he 1ou%d but on1e


1onMue* the Ro#an ga**ison and the .eo.%e! to intended to do#inee* o3e* the# b- the assistan1e of those bod-gua*ds his that we*e to b*ea; into the Cit- with hi#( /ut Pe%iL .*e3ented his atte#.t! and #et hi# with his Ro#an so%die*s! and a%% the .eo.%e assisted Pe%iL against hi#! so that! when it 1a#e to a batt%e! the Eg-.tian *an awa- with a few othe*s! but #ost of those that we*e with hi# we*e eithe* ;i%%ed o* ta;en a%i3e: and the *est of the #u%titude dis.e*sed e3e*-


to thei* own ho#es! and the*e 1on1ea%ed the#se%3es(Q " iddoth ):2: Be%i# 1:A' AC)1:21 "Gittin )1:21' AC)1:2A "/i;;u*i# 1:): a;shi*in 1:?' AC)):2 0t was a high hono* to ha3e ones son ab%e to *e1ei3e Rabbini1 inst*u1tion Ees.e1ia%%- at the feet of su1h a fa#ous Rabbi as Ga#%i>e% the G*eatF and one his .a*ents #ust ha3e a3ai%ed the#se%3es of b- eithe* sending hi# to Ye*usha%a-i# to stud-! o* #o3ing the*e du*ing his ea*%- -ea*s the#se%3es( $o#e s1ho%a*s ha3e suggested that the *eason that the*e is no #ention of $ha>u% in Rabbini1 %it( is that the- we*e t*-ing to fo*get about hi# and so not w*ite about hi# sin1e he was so effe1ti3e( 7the* s1ho%a*s ha3e suggested that the fo%%owing Muotation f*o# Ta%#ud is 1on1e*ning $ha>u%(((( QP*ofesso* Uose.h B%ausne* thought .e*ha.s it did( E>P*o# Uesus to Pau%> 56ondon! 1C<<! ..(2GC ff(>F Rabbini1 t*adition ;nows of a .u.i% of Ga#a%ie% - *efe**ed to si#.%as ,that .u.i%> - who #anifested ,i#.uden1e in #atte*s of %ea*ning(> 4hen Ga#a%ie% eL.ounded $1*i.tu*e so as to show what wonde*s wou%d be seen on ea*th in 1o#ing da-s! ,that .u.i%> s1offed at hi# and denied that su1h wonde*s 1ou%d be eL.e1ted! sin1e ,the*e is nothing new unde* the sun> EE11%esiastes 0(CF( /ut on ea1h o11asion Ga#a%ie% .*o3ed that the wonde*s had thei* 1ounte*.a*t in the .*esent wo*%d( ET/ $habbath 2GbF The*e is nothing he*e whi1h .oints s.e1ifi1a%%- to Pau%! but if a distinguished .u.i% of Ga#a%ie%>s went w*ong in %atte* -ea*s the*e wou%d be a tenden1- in *abbini1a% fo;e%o*e to *ead his %ate* a.ostasf*o# the %aw ba1; into his unde*g*aduate da-s( B%ausne*>s suggestion is .ossib%e: #o*e than that 1annot be said(Q PR7 : Uesus R Ch*istian 7*igins 7utside The New Testa#ent! Cha.te* 09 - Uesus 0n Rabbini1a% T*adition! .g(?<! b-: P(P( /*u1e( 7ne thing that 0 won>t e3en begin to s.e1u%ate on though! but that 0 find Muite inte*esting and 1u*ious! and -et ha3e seen no one e%se 1o##ent on: the Qwonde*sQ that Ga#%i>e% ta%;s about to ,that .u.i%> Esu..osed $ha>u%F! - a*e so#ewhat a%ong the sa#e %ines as the Qwonde*sQ of the 1o#ing Bingdo# that Pa.ias Ea Ta%#id of Yo1hanan&Uohn the /e%o3ed Ta%#idF *e%ates to us Eas he hea*d it to%d f*o# Yo1hananF that Yeshua used to tea1h on( And fu*the*! Pa.ias states that Uudas the t*aito* didn>t be%ie3e Yeshua when he hea*d these things eithe*J E0*anaeus >Hae*(> 3(22( 2!<F 4hat this 1ou%d #ean Eif an-thingF 0 ha3e no idea! -ou* guess is as good as #ine( Anothe* thing that is inte*esting a%ong with this idea! is that Ta%#ud a%so *e1o*ds that sho*t%- afte* the death of


the son of this Rabbi Ga#%i>e% the G*eat! $hi#>on ben-Ga#%i>e% in @G A8&Ce! his son: Rabba# Ga#%i>e%-E00F! and daughte*:

$ha%o#! - Ethe#se%3es thus g*and1hi%d*en of Ga#%i>e% the G*eatF - 3isit the QOudgeQ who# the- tested! Muestioning: if a daughte* shou%d sha*e the fa#i%- inhe*itan1e eMua%%- with a son( This QOudgeQ Muotes a .assage f*o# E3ange%ion attit-ahu E atthewF in *es.onse( ET/ $habbath 11?a-bF 4hat is %ess we%% ;nown howe3e*! is that this 0##a $ha%o# he*se%f was the wife of Rabbi E%ieDe* ben-H-1anus! who hi#se%f was %ate* sus.e1ted of he*es- E#inuthF( ET(Hu%%():)<F E%ieDe*! who has 1onta1t with essiani1 Uews! #eets one b- the na#e of Ya>a;o3 f*o# Befa* $e;an-a and in the inte*esting ba*aitha of T/ Abodah Ha*ah 1?b-1@a! dis1usses the b*inging of the hi*e of a ha*%ot into the Te#.%e in .a-#ent of an- 3ow( This Ya>a;o3 eL.*esses the Oudge#ent! Eon the autho*it- of YeshuaF! that the #one-! if %ate* dis1o3e*ed to 1o#e f*o# su1h a tainted sou*1e! 1ou%d be used to 1onst*u1t a %at*ine fo* the high .*iest( Anothe* ti#e: E.*obab%-F this sa#e Ya>a;o3 a..ea*s in anothe* ba*aitha as 1o#ing to hea% a fe%%ow-Rabbi! a%so 1a%%ed Ebut not the sa#eF >E%ieDe*>! a: ben-8a#a who was a ne.hew of Rabbi 0sh#ae%! of sna;ebite in the na#e of Yeshua benPante*a( E%ieDe*>s un1%e! Rabbi 0sh#ae%! fo*bade hi# to *e1ei3e the 1u*e! and he died whi%e unde*ta;ing to show f*o# the To*ah that he was .e*#itted to do so befo*e he 1ou%d Muote the 3e*se( ETosefta Hu%%in )()) f(: T/ Abodah Haeah )@b(F The*e a*e #o*e eLa#.%es than this! ER( Uoshua ben-6e3i @ $habb( 1<b: R( A;iba @ $anh( 1G:1: et1(((F! but at the %east the- show that the*e was Muite a bit of inte*a1tion between essiani1 Uews and Rabbis( [$ee 1o##enta*- on )Befa&EPete*F 2:1=+ "$otah C:1=: Aboth 1:<! ):@! =:1=' AC)2:1 "Yo#a 1:=! <:1: Abodah Ha*ah ):=: Yadai# <:2' AC)2:2 "$hebuoth <:12' AC)2:? $ha>u% he*e states: Q0 a# a Pa*ush&EPha*iseeFQ! in the .*esent tense! N7T in the .ast tense( Though both the New Co3enant and the Ta%#ud states that the #aOo*it- of the P>*ushi# of the 1st Cent( A8&Ce we*e 1o**u.t! the*e we*e so#e P>*ushi# who be1a#e Ta%#idi# of Yeshua f*o# the 3e*- fi*st R&o* we*e f*iend%- towa*d Hi# EeL(UN2:1: UN@:=G-=1: UN1C:2C: 6B)2:=G=2: UN1C:2A: 6;12:21(F Yeshua wasn>t against the P>*ushi# .e*se: though He was against Eas is the Ta%#udF the h-.o1*is- of #anof those of that 1entu*- E at()2:)-<F( Afte* Yeshua essiah>s *esu**e1tion! #an- #o*e P>*ushi# be1a#e be%ie3e*s EA1ts 1=:=F! as we%% as #an- of the Cohani#&P*iests who we*e TD>du;i#& $addu1ees EA1ts ?:@F( Pa*t of the *eason that .eo.%e ha3e t*oub%e 1o#ing to g*i.s with what $ha>u% sa-s he*e Ethat he is

sti%% a Pa*ush&Pha*iseeF is f*o# what he said in Phi%i..ians 2:<-A! Efo* #o*e info*#ation on this! *ead the 1o##enta*- at that %o1ation(F That $ha>u% 1ou%d #a;e su1h a state#ent [)2:?+ shou%d not be too diffi1u%t to unde*stand though! 1onside*ing that we ha3e a%*ead- estab%ished in A1ts )1:)< that $ha>u% *e#ained obse*3ant of the To*ah( [$ee 1o##enta*- on Ga():1=: Ga(2:)A+ AC)2:1) "$anhed*in C:?' AC)=:A Again! we see $ha>u% not Qabandoning To*ahQ: but u.ho%ding it( AC)=:12 "$u;;ah ):?' AC)?:@ 7*((( QEtheF Uews Ehe*eFQ( $ha>u% in this 3e*se a%so identifies hi#se%f as a Uew Ewhi1h he ne3e* on1e an-whe*e denies that he isF being of: Q7SR who%e Twe%3e T*ibesQ( The wo*d QtheQ is not in the G*ee; in this 3e*se befo*e the wo*d QUewsQ! and *athe* than %a-ing a gene*i1 a11usation against >the Uews>: he is t*-ing to show the i*on- of QUewsQ b*inging a >Uew> to tas; fo* in an enti*e%- QUewishQ thing [see 3(?+( [$ee 1o##enta*- on Ga():1=: Ga(2:)A: A1ts )2:?+ AC)?:11 Note he*e how $ha>u% states that the essiani1 /e%ie3e*s we*e in the $-nagogues( This ag*ees with histo*i1a% a11ounts and a*1heo%ogi1a% e3iden1e! that the essiani1 Uews and QRabbini1Q Uews both went to $-nagogue togethe* .*io* to CG A8&a1e! and Eoutside of southe*n 0s*ae%F! e3en #u1h %ate* than this( AC)?:1< Note he*e that Yeshua s.ea;s in a Q/at-;o%Q to $ha>u% in Heb*ew! not G*ee;( "Be%i# )=:)' AC)?:)) Anothe* stong state#ent b- $ha>u% that the Good-News and his 1ondu1t is N7T 1ont*a*- to the To*ah no* Tana;h -- but in a11o*d with it( AC)@:1 This wou%d ha3e ta;en .%a1e at a.*oL( =C A8&Ce( AC)@:1G Note he*e how $ha>u% had on%- a Q.a*tia%Q dis1e*n#ent of what was to o11u* [A1ts )@:)<+ - howe3e*: the #atte* 1ou%d ha3e been 1hanged in the Hea3en%ies sin1e his ea*%- dis1e*n#ent he*e in this 3e*se( AC)@:)2 Pe*ha.s: and ange% of God who 0 wo*shi.: -o*- a Theo.han- of Yeshua essiah! as: The Ange% of the 67R8 - 4ho 0 wo*shi.( AC)@:)< $ee 1o##enta*- @ A1ts )1:1G( AC)@:21 0ndeed! the #atte* was 1onditiona% u.on the obedien1e of those who we*e not /e%ie3e*s [$ee: A1ts )@:1G R )@:)<+( AC)A:1@ 7n1e again! ba1;ing u. the t*uth about $ha>u% we see in A1ts )1:)<( 0n fa1t! in a wa-! this is e3en a st*onge* state#ent than in A1ts )1:)<! fo* when $ha>u% states that he has done nothing against the: Q(((1usto#s&51<A=> of ou* fathe*sQ! it 1an in1%ude the o*a% ha%a1hah as we%%: *athe* than Oust the itD3ot&Co##and#ents of the To*ah( Re1a%% again in att( )2:)-<! whe*e Yeshua sa-s to do and ;ee. the inst*u1tion of those who Qsit on the seat of osheQ Ea ishnai1 te*# that in1%udes the unde*standing of the 7*a% To*ah and ha%a1hi1 de1isions on the 4*itten To*ahF - but not to fo%%ow thei* deeds&ER standa*dsF sin1e #ost of the# we*e Eas Ta%#ud a%so statesF fu%% of h-.o1*is- in that 1st 1entu*- A8&Ce

gene*ation( Then we see that $ha>u% is in a11o*d with Yeshua essiah>s inst*u1tions he*e( AC)A:)A [$ee 1o##enta*- on A1ts 1A:?+ AC)A:2G T*adition states that $ha>u% was %et go afte* this: but i#.*isoned again %ate* and died the death of a #a*t-* bde1*ee of the wi1;ed E#.e*o* of Ro#e Ne*o! a*ound ?A A8&Ce! a 1ou.%e of -ea*s befo*e the dest*u1tion of Ye*usha%a-i# and the Te#.%e( AC)A:21 4hi%e the*e was 1onst*u1ted a .seudo-%ast-1ha.te* of A1ts: 0 be%ie3e that the boo; doesn>t a..ea* to be finished as the*e was is be no end to the histo*- of the Cong*egation of Yeshua essiah( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON ROMANS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX R71:1 "/e*a;hoth =:=! C:):: Yo#a 1:=! 2:11: Gittin 2:?! <:1: $otah C:?: Biddushi# ):1: Habi# 2:<' R71:) "$habbath 1?:1: E*ubin 1G:2: $otah C:1): /aba /ath*a 1:?: Habi# <:?: Yadai# 2:=' R71:< [R 3(=+ N7TE: 8EA8 $EA $CR766$ <W)<? A*a#ai1 Q$on of GodQ teLt @ a.*oL 1GG /Ce E/AR 3(1A [?: PA <2()2?: Eisen#an R Robinson! fa1is#i%e ed( [1)@)F: He sha%% be 1a%%ed the $on of E%ohi#& God: the- wi%% 1a%% Hi# $on of The ost High ((( He wi%% Oudge the ea*th in *ighteousness ((( and e3e*- nation wi%% bow down to Hi# ((( with EG-d>sF he%. He wi%% #a;e wa*! and ((( E%ohi# wi%% gi3e a%% the .eo.%es into his .owe*( R71:@ "Yo#a A:?: Aboth 2:1<! <:1=' R71:A "$he;a%i# A:=: Ta#id ):)! 2:<' R71:1? He*e we see the Good-News of essiah is fo* the Uew fi*st and a%so fo* the G*ee;&Genti%e( 4h- ha3e #an- in the Genti%e Chu*1hes fo*gotten this o*de*I - 7* wo*seJ so#e now e3en go against $1*i.tu*e and sa-: fo* the Genti%e but not fo* the UewJ 7the*s: the Uews don>t need the Good-News! the- ha3e thei* own 7%d Co3enantJ Co#.%ete%- 1ont*a*- to the New Testa#ent a*e state#ents su1h as these( 0sn>t it i*oni1 that in the 1st 1entu*- the Uewish /e%ie3e*s we*e sho1;ed to 1o#e to the *ea%iDation that the Good-News of the Uewish essiah Yeshua was a%so fo* the Go-i#&Genti%es [A1ts 1G:<=: A1ts 11:1-<(((+! and -et *e1ei3ed the# g%ad%- [A1ts 11:1A+( -- /ut now in the )Gth 1entu*- #an- Genti%e Ch*istians: don>t a11e.t the fa1t that the New Co3enant is fo* the Uew! sa- the- 1an>t be sa3ed and .ush the# awa- - o* wo*seJ 7* sa- the- #ust be1o#e Genti%es o* >ethni1-neute*s> fi*st: when we see the Uewish /e%ie3e*s stated in A1ts that the Genti%es did not ha3e to be1o#e Uews fi*stJ [$ee 1o##enta*- on A1ts )1:)=+(F R71:1A "Yo#a A:C' R71:)G "$otah @:=' R71:)2 "$anhed*in @:?: Aboth 2:2: Abodah Ha*ah <:@' R71:)< [th*u 3()A(((+: 0n these 3e*ses we see that the To*ah 1o##ands against ho#oseLua% beha3io* a*e *estated! and that st*ong%-J

R71:)? "Yeba#oth 11:):: $otah C:C: Biddushin <:1)-12' R71:)@ "Biddushin <:1<: $anhed*in @:<: Abodah Ha*ah ):1: Be*ithoth 1:1' R7):) "Aboth 2:1?' R7):? "Aboth 2:1=' R7):11 RA//0N0C: He is about to Oudge with who# the*e is no iniMuitno* fo*getfu%ness! no* *es.e1t of .e*sons! no* ta;ing of a b*ibe( - Pi*Mue A3oth EEthi1s of the fathe*sF <:21( "Aboth <:))' R7):12 The 1on1e.t of Qdoe*sQ of the To*ah is a%so found in Pi*Mue A3oth 1:A! and in the Wu#*an $1*o%%s( "Peah 1:1: Aboth 1:1=! 1:1@! 2:C! 2:1@! =:1<! ?:<' R7):1< [R 3(12!1=-1@!)?-)@+: $ha>u% int*odu1es a 1on1e.t he*e that 1an %ead to so#e inte*esting 1on1%usions! but with 1aution: P*o3e*bs )G:)@ sa-s: QThe s.i*it of #an EisF the 1and%e of the 67R8! sea*1hing a%% the inwa*d .a*ts of the be%%-(Q And in 6u;e 1):<A we *ead: Q/ut he that ;new not! and 1o##itted things wo*th- of st*! sha%% be beaten with few Est*i.esF( Po* to who#e3e* #u1h is gi3en! of hi# sha%% #u1h be *eMui*ed: and to who# #en ha3e 1o##itted #u1h! f*o# hi# the- wi%% as; the #o*e(Q This then a%ong with the unde*standing that #an *e1ei3ed the Q;now%edge of good and e3i%Q Eand so it fo%%ows! in this 1onteLt! a 1ons1ien1eF ha3ing eaten of the t*ee in the Ga*den! - we #ight be ab%e to i%%ust*ate the fo%%owing idea: G-d>s 4o*d is 6ight [Ps(11C:1G=+( 4hen Ada# and Cha3ah& E3e sinned in the ga*den! eating the t*ee of the ;now%edge of good and e3i%! - it is though the- eL1hanged the fu%% %ight of da- in the .*esen1e of the 6-*d! - fo* a s#a%% f%i1;e* of a f%a#e as of a #at1h! Ethe 1ons1ien1e that 1an a11use o* e%se eL1use [Ro():1=+F( That being a gi3en! %et>s t*- to .aint a .i1tu*e: A%% hu#anit- sin1e the fa%%! has been in a da*; *oo# awaiting death: 1F( P*o# the Ga*den to Noa1h! it was as if one he%d u. a s#a%% f%a#e %i;e a #at1h: and on%- 3e*- few 1ou%d see thei* wa- to es1a.e 3ia the 8oo* into 6ife( )F( P*o# Noa1h to A3*aha#! the f%a#e bu*ned a %itt%e b*ighte*: and a few #o*e 1ou%d #a;e out the 8oo* and es1a.e into 6ife( 2F( P*o# A3*aha# to oshe! the f%a#e g*ew e3en #o*e: and a .eo.%e we*e bo*n that 1ou%d #o*e 1%ea*%- see the 8oo*! and thus es1a.e into 6ife( <F( P*o# oshe to essiah! the f%a#e ignited into a b*ight%- bu*ning to*1h: and the .ath to the 8oo* was 1%ea*! and e3en #o*e 1ou%d es1a.e th*ough the 8oo* into 6ife( =F( P*o# the ti#e of essiah on! the 8oo* Ewhi1h is essiahF has been f%ung wide o.en! and the 6ight of dashines 1%ea*%- into the *oo#: and whosoe3e* wi%% %oo; 1an see the 8oo*! and thus a%% 1an es1a.e into 6ife in Hi#( 4hi%e the*e needs to be 1aution he*e! 0 be%ie3e what $ha>u% wo*ds 1an show us indi*e1t%- is that so#e of those who ne3e* hea*d the Good-News of Yeshua essiah! Eo* e3en of the To*ahF! wi%% gain ete*na% %ife 3ia the s#a%% f%a#e of the 1ons1ien1e! as though so#e hea*d an inte*na% witness f*o# the $.i*it

about essiah! and in thei* s.i*it be%ie3ed in Yeshua! when: Qin the da- when E%ohi#&God wi%% Oudge the se1*ets of #en bYeshua essiah! a11o*ding to #- Good-News(Q [Ro):1?+( $o then! Qso#eQ of those who>3e ne3e* hea*d Eo* hea*d fa%sehood in the na#e of anothe* >Oesus> - anothe* gos.e%! su1h as: the Uewish .eo.%e who died at the hands of su..osed QCh*istiansQ si#.%be1ause the- we*e Uews: and ne3e* hea*d the T*ue Good-News of Yeshua essiahF 0 be%ie3ed wi%% be sa3ed and ente* ete*na% %ife( 0n so#ewhat the sa#e wa-! that when Yeshua died he went to those that had .e*ished in the f%ood in da-s of Noa1h! that the#ight be: QOudged a11o*ding to #en in the f%esh! but %i3e a11o*ding to God in the s.i*it [$ee 1o##enta*- on 1Pe(<:?+( 4h- the s.e1ia% need fo* 1aution thenI /e1ause this idea 1ou%d&1an be twisted into sa-ing: A%% .aths %ead to G-d( -That is N7T t*ueJ! one 1an on%- a..*oa1h G-d th*ough Yeshua essiahJ Pu*the*! it 1ou%d be said: 4h- witness if a%% who a*e su..osed to be sa3ed wi%% be sa3edI -Ethis a%so 1o#es u. in Ca%3inis# 3s( A*#inian dis.utesF- /e1ause if the >witness> of the 1ons1ien1e is on%- as a s#a%% f%a#e! and the witness of the Good-News is as the b*ight %ight of da-((( How 1an we N7T witness! - so that #an- #o*e 1an see the 6ight and es1a.e the da*;ness( RA//0N0C: E3e*-thing is fo*eseen b- the A%#ight-! -et f*ee wi%% is gi3en to #an( [Ah3oth 000! 1C+ R7):1= "/e*a;hoth C:=' R7):1@ "Aboth ):A' R7):1C RA//0N0C: A 1e*tain Ga%i%ean %e1tu*ed 1on1e*ning R( Chisda: 4hen the she.he*d gets ang*- at his f%o1;! he b%inds the %eading goat at the head of the f%o1; [so that the %eade* fa%%s and with hi# a%% the f%o1;+( 4hen a she.he*d is ang*- with the shee.! he b%inds the %eade*: that is! when G-d dete*#ines to .unish the 0s*ae%ites! He gi3es the# unwo*th- *u%e*s( Ein EnYa,a;o3 @ /(Ba##a =)F R T/ /aba Ba##a =)a( "Abodah Ha*ah <:@' R7):)G "Abodah Ha*ah <:@' R7):)1 "$otah C:C: Biddushin <:1<: /aba Ba##a @:@! 1G:1' R7):)) "$anhed*in C:?: Abodah Ha*ah ):2! ):?-@! 2:?-@! <:)! =:1)' R7):)2 "Aboth <:12' R7):)? "$anhed*in <:=: Aboth ):)! 2:)! 2:@' R7):)A [R 3()C+: Ci*1u#1ision is 1o##anded to Uewish .a*ents fo* thei* sons and is ne1essa*- to do [Read A1ts )1:)<: and see 1o##enta*- the*e and at 1Co*(@:1@ and at(2:C+! but it is the 1i*1u#1ision of the hea*t that is the #o*e i#.o*tant thing! without it the othe* %oses it>s wo*th( $o 1i*1u#1ision does ha3e wo*th thenI - Yes! *ead: Ro#ans 2:1-)(((( R7):)C "Aboth =:1C' R72:1 "Aboth 2:1<! ?:@' R72:? "Rosh ha-$hanah 1:)'

R72:C "Biddushin <:1<: $anhed*in 1G:1-)' R72:1C "$u;;ah =:1-<' R72:)G "Biddushin 1:@! 1:C: Aboth 2:11! 2:1@: enahoth 11:?' R72:)= "$he;a%i# ?:1: Yo#a =:1-<: $hebuoth 1:): enahoth 11:?: S;tDin 2:1)' R72:)A [$ee 1o##enta*- on )Befa&EPete*F 2:1=+ R72:2G As it shown based u.on the %ite*a% in the G*ee;: 1i*1u#1ision out of Ee;F thei* own faith! and un1i*1u#1ision th*ough EdiaF a1Mui*ed faith( 0n the S$A we ;ind of %ose sight of this fa1t that du*ing /ib%i1a% ti#es to 1o#e to the faith of the God of A3*aha# as a Genti%e&Go-i#! was to a%so 1o#e out of a .agan faith%ess 1u%tu*e( /ut in this 1ount*- toda- #an- a*e bo*n into situations whe*e se3e*a% .*io* gene*ations of the*e *e%ati3es ha3e been /e%ie3e*s( E3en those that does not eLa1t%- a..%-! .e*ha.s b- this one 1an #a-be g%ean so#e idea as to what it was %i;e when $ha>u% gi3es the idea he*e of: >thei* own> and >thei* a1Mui*ed> faith( [$ee 1o##enta*- on Ro#(<:C+ "Neda*i# 2:11' R72:21 Anothe* eLa#.%e of $ha>u%>s high *ega*d fo* the To*ah! as he a%so shows /e%ie3e*s that we a*e to wa%; in a11o*d with To*ah: and N7T 1ont*a*- to To*ahJ R7<:) "/e*a;hoth ):): 8e#ai ):): Rosh ha-$hanah 2:@-A: $otah C:1): Biddushin <:1<: Aboth =:2! =:1A: enahoth 12:11' R7<:C 4hat a%% Genti%e /e%ie3e*s ha3e in 1o##on is that the- a*e now >1hi%d*en of A3*aha#> in the sense that A3*a# be%ie3ed whi%e as -et a Genti%e! then neLt he obe-ed the 1onditions of the Co3enant gi3en to hi# and to his des1endants and be1a#e 1i*1u#1ised: and thus: the Uewish .eo.%e 1a#e about( /ut what does $ha>u% sa-I -- That the Genti%e be1a#e be%ie3e*s bthei* a1Mui*ed-faith! the Uews b- thei* own-faith [Ro#2:2G R 1o##ent abo3e+( 4hat does this #ean thenI -- That -ou as a Genti%e /e%ie3e* ha3e %i;ewise be%ie3ed as A3*a# be%ie3ed and Qa1Mui*edQ this faith! e3en as he be%ie3ed and Qa1Mui*edQ his faith( He was a Genti%e when gi3en that .*o#ise that he wou%d be the fathe* of #an- nations! and he was a Genti%e when he be%ie3ed it Ewith the faith he hi#se%f a1Mui*ed at that ti#eF and was Oustified b- that be%ief( Afte* this he was gi3en the /*it- i%ah! and this sign was afte* the fi*st .*o#ise( This sign was on%- gi3en s.e1ifi1a%%- to the des1endent of $a*ah Ewho>s na#e was 1hanged f*o# $a*aiF( And so a%% this is to sa-: The faith is a3ai%ab%e to a%% nations&go-i# that 0s*ae% has: R -et the sign E1i*1u#1isionF is s.e1ifi1a%%- gi3en on%to the one Nation: 0s*ae%( And so a QNationQ a#ong QnationsQ was bo*n( This *einfo*1es what we see in E.h():11-1)! that: Genti%e /e%ie3e*s a*e in the 1o##onwea%th 7P 0s*ae%: but thene3e* /EC7 E 0s*ae% itse%f -7R- Uews( This is a%so in a11o*d with the what $ha>u% te%%s us in Ro#(11:1@ about the natu*a% b*an1hes 1hanging thei* 1ha*a1te*! - but not tota%%- %osing thei* identit-( [Ga%(2:?!)C+

7f 1ou*se! in a -et anothe* .h-si1a% sense A3*aha# was the fathe* of #an- nations that g*ew f*o# the othe* 1hi%d*en! in1%uding 0sh#ae%! who we*e bo*n to his 1on1ubines( [Gen( )=:1!?+ R7<:1) "Niddah <:)' R7<:12 "/e*a;hoth =:<: aase* $heni =:12: Biddushin <:1<: Aboth ):<' R7<:1= "Betuboth C:)' R7<:1? "/i;;u*i# 1:<' R7=:1 "Aboth ):<' R7=:2 "$otah C:1=' R7=:? "Biddushin 1:1: Aboth =:1G' R7=:C "Yeba#oth A:2: /aba /ath*a C:@: a;;oth 2:1=: Aboth 1:=! ?:2: A*a;hin A:<: Negai# 1):=' R7=:1= "Aboth =:1A' R7?:1C "Aboth <:)' R7@:) "Biddushin 1:1' R7@:@ "Aboth <:)1' R7@:1< "$anhed*in 1G:1: Aboth ):12' R7A:11 "$otah C:1=' R7A:12 "Aboth <:1' R7A:1A "Peah 1:1: Aboth <:1@' R7C:2 "$anhed*in ):1: Negai# ):1' R7C:< "Taanith <:A: Aboth 1:)' R7C:? "$anhed*in 1G:1' R7C:@ "Neda*i# 2:11' R7C:1? "$hebuoth <:12' R7C:1A $ee 1o##enta*- fo%%owing 3e*se )Co*(<:< in the N9( R7C:)1 "/e*a;hoth C:2: S;tDin 2:1)' R71G:1@ "/e*a;hoth C:): Edu-oth =:@' R711:) "Taanith ):1: Aboth 2:@' R711:< "$anhed*in @:?' R711:1@ [th*u 3()<+: The wi%d-o%i3e-b*an1hes that 1o#e into the Good 7%i3e T*ee E0s*ae%F be1o#e a .a*ta;e* with he*! but do not be1o#e he*( Thei* 1ha*a1te* 1hanges Enow-GRAPTE8-wi%d [3()<+F but thei* identifi1ation does not tota%%- assi#i%ate into the othe* t-.e of b*an1h th*oughout this enti*e i%%ust*ation gi3en to us he*e b- $ha>u%( 0t is as in E.h( ):11-1)! - whe*e the Genti%es a*e shown to ha3e 1o#e into the Q1o##onwea%thQ of 0s*ae%: but again: the- do not be1o#e 0s*ae%( -An- #o*e than Canada be1a#e Eng%and when it ente*ed the >Co##onwea%th>J The two a*e one in standing befo*e E%ohi#&God in essiah Yeshua: but the two a*e not ea1h othe*( The #an and the wo#an be1o#e >one f%esh>: but the- do not be1o#e ea1h othe*( 4e as the /*ide of essiah be1o#e one with the essiah: but we do not be1o#e the essiah( essiah Yeshua b*o;e down the: >1hitDah - Ethe wa%% of the Te#.%e whi1h se.a*ated Go-i# and Uews and anothe* #a%e Uews f*o# fe#a%e Uews -o*- the di3iding 5#idd%e> wa%% in 7*thodoL $-nagogues that se.a*ates the #en f*o# the wo#enF! but did not #a;e the two ea1h othe*! when he #ade the

two one in Hi#se%f( 7L-gen and H-d*ogen #a;e wate*: but the [$ee distin1t e%e#ents do not be1o#e *e3e*sed and ea1h othe*(

1o##enta*- on: Ga(2:)A: A1ts)1:)1!)<-)=: A1ts)2:?: A1ts)?:@: Ro#(<:C+ "Bi%ai# 1:@: Ta#id ):2' R711:)? "$anhed*in 1G:1' R711:22 "Aboth <:1=' R71):A " enahoth 12:11' R71):1G "Aboth <:1=' R71):11 "Aboth ):A! ):1)! ):1=' R71):1? "Aboth 1:1G! 1:12! <:=! ?:<' R71):1@ "$he;a%i# 2:): Aboth ):1' R71):1C "Pa*ah 2:2' R71):)1 "Aboth 1:1G! ):2' R71<:1 Ce*tain of Qdog#aQ that .eo.%e ho%d a*e on%- an o.inion that doesn>t tou1h on the foundations of the faith( An eLa#.%e of this: P*e! Post! id Ra.tu*e a*e a%% dog#ati1 o.inions Ee3en though one is 1o**e1tF: but tea1hing that the*e is not an- Q*a.tu*eQ E1at1hing u.F is fa%se do1t*ine( R71<:) He*e $ha>u% states that the one who be%ie3es he #a- eat on%3egetab%es is showing the wea;e* .osition( /ut be-ond 1o##enting that it is the wea;e* .osition! that is between the# and the 6-*d [3(2+ if the- de1ide not to eat #eat( /ut in 1Ti#(<:2 Esee 1o##enta*- the*eF the- a*e >fo*bidding> to eat #eat! and now the- a*e int*uding on othe*s wa%; with the 6-*d with thei* .e*sona% >dog#a>: and so it has 1hanged into a fa%se-do1t*ine the- a*e 1o##anding( This is the obOe1tion that essiani1 Uews ha3e when we a*e to%d b- Genti%e /e%ie3e*s that we a*e in e**o* o* sin fo* ; Boshe*( 0t is between us and the 6-*d as to ou* wa%; with Hi#! not between THE E1e*tain Genti%esF us and the 6-*d [3(<+( 0n othe* wo*ds: if we don>t 1o##and the Genti%e /e%ie3e*s to ;ee. Boshe*! we eL.e1t the# not to t*- and get us N7T to ;ee. Boshe* whethe* the- .e*sona%%- fee% it is the wea;e* .osition o* not( [$ee 1o##enta*- on at(1=:)!)G: a*; @:1A-1C+ R71<:A "Aboth ):1)' R71<:1G "Aboth <:))' R71<:12 "/aba etDia =:11: Abodah Ha*ah 1:1' R71<:)1 0 wou%d thin; the sense he*e is >in thei* .*esen1e>: as in in3iting a 3egeta*ian o3e* fo* a sta;e dinne*( [$ee 1o##enta*on E.h(=:1A+ R71=:C RA//0N0C: 4hen the Bing essiah sha%% be *e3ea%ed a%% the nations&Egenti%esF of the wo*%d sha%% be gathe*ed to Hi#( - ER( $i#eon ben-Uo1hai on 0s(1<:)C & a%so: 0s(11:1-1GF R71=:1G "/e*a;hoth C:=' R71=:)G "Aboth ):=' R71?:)1 N7TE: 7*igen states that this 6u1ius is the sa#e .e*son as 6u;e the .h-si1ian [Co%(<:1< - R see 1o##enta*- the*e+! and that he is a 1ousin of R( $ha>u%&EPau%F( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 1 CORINTHIANS

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1C71:1G "Aboth =:1@' 1C71:)G "$anhed*in 1G:)' 1C7):1< RA//0N0C: How 1an th*ee be 7neI A*e the- 3e*i%- 7ne! be1ause we 1a%% the# 7neI How 1an th*ee be 7ne! 1an on%- be ;nown th*ough the *e3e%ation of the Ho%- $.i*it EHoha*! 3o%( )(.(<2! 3e*sa! .()) $ee: A#ste*(3e*(F 1C72:A "Aboth =:)2' 1C72:1= The sa#e t-.e of unde*standing that the*e a*e deg*ees of .unish#ent in the Uudge#ent [ at(11:)1-))+: so the*e a*e deg*ees of *ewa*d due to ou* wo*;s E#itD3otF! o* %a1; the*eof( 4e a*e shown b- this .assage then that whi%e it is t*ue that we a*en>t sa3ed b- Qwo*;sQ! we a*e *ewa*ded as a *esu%t of the#: and %i;ewise suffe* %a1; th*ough the neg%e1t of the#( And e3en wo*se than Oust a %a1; th*ough so#e ;ind of a >neg%e1t>! wou%d be: faith without wo*;s is dead( [Ua#es ):)Gb+ 1C72:1A "Aboth ):=! <:1! =:@' 1C72:)1 "Aboth ?:1' 1C7<:2 "/aba Ba##a ?:<' 1C7<:@ "Aboth 2:@' 1C7<:11 "Aboth ?:<' 1C7<:1= "/aba etDia ):11' 1C7=:1 "Yeba#oth ?:=! 11:1: $anhed*in @:<: Be*ithoth 1:1' 1C7=:@ "Pesahi# 1:1! 1:2-=! ):1-2! ):@-A! 2:1-)! 2:=-A: a;;oth 2:): Hebahi# 1:1' 1C7=:1) " egi%%ah <:A: $anhed*in 1G:1' 1C7?:1 4hat $ha>u% is *efe**ing to he*e is a /eit-8in EHouse of Uudge#entF( P*o# /ib%i1a% ti#es to the .*esent the /eit-8in has been done in Uudais#! and is #ode%ed afte* the $anhed*in( 4hi%e it is t*ue that #u1h of ou* %ega% s-ste# in the S$A was o*igina%%- .atte*ned afte* the %ega% s-ste# of To*ah: the idea $ha>u% is t*-ing to get a1*oss to us he*e is not Eof 1ou*seF about the Mua%it- of the %ega% s-ste#: but about us going outside of the /od- of /e%ie3e*s in #atte*s of Oudge#ent between ou*se%3es( $ad%-! this /ib%i1a% inOun1tion is eithe* igno*ed in #ost Genti%e Chu*1hes and fa* too #an- essiani1 Cong*egations: o* if it is obse*3ed! it is usua%%- on%obse*3ed in a 3e*- %i#ited wa- at best( an-! #an- of the .*ob%e#s of the /od- wou%d be so%3ed if a /eit-8in was in .%a1e that o.e*ated unde* /ib%i1a% guide%ines in a11o*d with at(1A:1=-)G( 0t is not u. to the Cong*egationa% %eade* to so%3e ea1h and e3e*- .*ob%e# that 1o#es u.: that is what oshe was t*-ing to do b- hi#se%f when his fathe*-in-%aw suggested oshe a..oint othe*s to Oudge in his .%a1e Ewhi1h %ed %ate* to the $anhed*inF( an- of the things that get b%own out of .*o.o*tion wou%d be so%3ed befo*e the- e3e* got to that .oint if the Cong*egations a%% had a wo*;ing and 3a%id /eit-8in st*u1tu*e in .%a1e( 1C7?:2 $o#e ha3e suggested he*e that we as /e%ie3e*s wi%% be Oudging the ho%- ange%s( 0 thin; the sense is *athe* Oudging the fa%%en ange%s that ha3e wa**ed with us du*ing ou* %ifeti#e( 4hat wou%d we be Oudging the ho%- ange%s about an-wa-I that the- *e#ained in the wi%% of GodI "$anhed*in <:1'

1C7?:= "Betuboth 11:): $anhed*in 1:1' 1C7?:1? "$anhed*in 1G:2: Aboth ?:)! ?:@! ?:C-11' 1C7?:1C "Gittin C:2' 1C7@:2 "Betuboth <:<! =:?-@' 1C7@:) $ee 3(2 be%ow( 1C7@:2 Rebbe $ha>u% he*e is 1o##enting on the need fo* a husband and wife to not neg%e1t one anothe* in thei* seLua% sha*ing with ea1h othe* Ethough of 1ou*se ea1h being sensiti3e with thei* s.ouseF( This is based u.on two eMua% 1on1e.ts in Uudai1 *easoning((( P*o1*eationa%: Pe*u S*e3u Ebe fe*ti%e and in1*easeF! and the Re%ationa%: $ha%o# /a-it Efa#i%- ha*#on-F( 0n this *ega*d /ib%i1a% Uudais# sa-s: seLua%it- in #a**iage is a 1o##and#ent gi3en b- G-d to #an;ind in Genesis: and a gift f*o# G-d to #an;ind! His 1*eation( [8eut()<:=+ R( $ha>u% is ne3e* against #a**iage as so#e w*ong%- su..ose: on%- fo* the %ibe*t- of those who fee% %ed and ab%e not to #a**- not to! and that on%- b- wa- of .e*#ission in suggestion! and not as a 1o##and#ent [1Co*(@:?+( Rathe* he states that in this a*ea: Q#a**iage is hono*ab%e and the bed undefi%edQ [Heb(12:<+Ethough Heb*ews is untit%ed! it is often suggested to ha3e been w*itten b- $ha>u%F: and Qto a3oid i##o*a%it- %et e3e*#an ha3e his own wife and e3e*- wo#an ha3e he* own husband(Q [1Co*(@:)+: and Qit is bette* to #a**- than to bu*n Ewith desi*eF( [1Co*(@:C+( 1C7@:< $ee 3(2 abo3e( 1C7@:= $ee 1o##enta*- on 1Co*(@:2( "Yo#a A:1: Yeba#oth ?:?: Betuboth =:?: Neda*i# ):1' 1C7@:? $ee 1o##enta*- on 1Co*(@:2( [ at(1C:1) R its 1o##enta*-+ 1C7@:1< "Yeba#oth 11:): Betuboth <:2' 1C7@:1@ [th*u 3()G R 3()<+: 9e*se 1C of this .o*tion is one of the #ost #isMuoted and #isa..%ied 3e*ses! b- 1e*tain Genti%e Ch*istians! of the New Co3enant( 4hat is i*oni1 about this though! is it is in the #idst of one of the #ost 1%ea* .o*tions of $1*i.tu*e! showing the 3e*- o..osite of what thet*- to ha3e it #ean( Q1i*1u#1ision is nothing! and un1i*1u#1ision is nothing! but the ; of the 1o##and#ents of God(Q [1Co(@:1C+ 4hat -ou>%% hea* so#e sahe*e is((( >$ee! 1i*1u#1ision is wo*th%ess! it is the ; of the 1o##and#ents of %o3e now that is i#.o*tant(>( This is enti*e%- off the #a*; as to what $ha>u% is sa-ing( The %ast .a*t of the 3e*se shows the idea of: >(((but ; of the 1o##and#ents of God Eis so#ethingF(> How 1an 0 sa- thisI /e1ause he sa-s to *e#ain in that state if -ou a*e Uewish: and to not see; that state if -ou a*en>t( The ; of the 1o##and#ents *esu%ted in 1i*1u#1ision: and the 1o##and#ents to 1i*1u#1ise a*e not gi3en to the Genti%es [$ee 1o##enta*- on A1ts )1:)=+( Young>s 6ite*a% T*ans%ation 7f The Ho%- /ib%e Eb-: Robe*t Young! Autho* of the Ana%-ti1a% Con1o*dan1e to the /ib%eF b*ings this out #u1h #o*e 1%ea*%- f*o# the G*ee;: Qthe 1i*1u#1ision is nothing! and the un1i*1u#1ison is nothing --but a ; of the 1o##ands of God(Q The idea $ha>u% is

t*-ing Ein 1onteLtF to show to us he*e is not so #u1h 1on1e*ning 1i*1u#1ision o* not! as it is sta-ing in the state -ou we*e in when -ou we*e 1a%%ed: sta-ing a Uew Enow a /e%ie3ing-UewF: and sta-ing a Genti%e Enow a *ighteousGenti%eF( [$ee 1o##enta*- on Ro#( 11:1@: E.h( ):11+ /ut one 1an>t be1o#e Qun1i*1u#1isedQ! *ightI 4*ong Ha3ing an o.e*ation to #a;e onese%f a..ea* not-Uewish Eun1i*1u#1isedF! was a 1o##on .*a1ti1e a#ongst se1u%a* dias.o*a Uews a#ongst the Ro#ans and the G*ee;s! EGenti%es %oo;ed u.on 1i*1u#1ision as .e*3e*se! and sin1e #an-&#ost business t*ansa1tions we*e 1ondu1ted in .ub%i1 bath houses! if one dis1o3e*ed one was 1i*1u#1ised! the- we*e shunned(F Eithe* /ib%e Re3iew o* /ib%i1a% A*1haeo%og- Re3iew so#eti#e ba1; went into a so#ewhat detai%ed a11ount of the .*a1ti1e whi1h was .o.u%a* du*ing the 1st 1entu*-( [Read Ro#ans 2:1: and see the 1o##enta*- on Ro#ans ):)A+ Then we 1an su# it u. as this: 4hi%e 1i*1u#1ision is a .h-si1a% thing! undoing it! wou%d be *e3e*sing a Co##and#ent of G-d: and so that is wh- /7TH g*ou.s E1i*1u#1ised and un1i*1u#1isedF a*e inst*u1ted in this( The un1i*1u#1ised! as the- we*e ne3e* 1o##anded to 1i*1u#1ise - and whi%e doing on%- a >.h-si1a% thing>! wou%d be adding to G-d>s *e3e%ation to the# as Genti%e&Go-i# /e%ie3e*s: whe*eas the 1i*1u#1ision whi%e on%- undoing a .h-si1a% thing - wou%d be ta;ing awaf*o# G-d>s *e3e%ation to the# *ega*ding this itD3ah& Co##and#ent of To*ah( And so both g*ou.s doing so fo* the w*ong *easons( - The un1i*1u#1ised thin;ing the- had to do it to be1o#e Uews to a..*oa1h Ha$he#: and the 1i*1u#1ised doing it to t*- and a..ea* as Genti%es fo* wo*%d%- gain( 1C7@:2@ A**anged #a**iages we*e often the no*# in /ib%i1a% ti#es! and a*e sti%% done b- 1e*tain 7*thodoL Uewish se1ts e3en toda-( The- 1ou%d e3en be a**anged fo* the 1hi%d*en at thei* bi*th( This t-.e of an a**anged #a**iage b- the fathe* gi3ing awahis daughte* wou%d be then what $ha>u% is add*essing he*e( 1C7@:2C "Gittin C:2: Biddushin 1:1' 1C7A:1 "Abodah Ha*ah ):2' 1C7A:1G "$anhed*in @:?' 1C7C:@ "/aba Ba##a 1G:C: /aba etDia @:)-=' 1C7C:C "Te*u#oth C:2: egi%%ah <:C: /aba Ba##a =:@: Aboth 2:11' 1C7C:1G " egi%%ah <:C' 1C7C:1? "Aboth ):A' 1C7C:)< "/aba Ba##a <:<: Abodah Ha*ah 1:@' 1C7C:)= "$otah C:1=: Aboth 2:12' 1C7C:)@ "Aboth <:1! =:<! 1G:1' 1C71G:< "$otah C:1): Aboth =:?' 1C71G:= "$anhed*in 1G:2' 1C71G:C "Aboth =:<' 1C71G:1) "Aboth ):<' 1C71G:)1 "Abodah Ha*ah <:A: Aboth 2:2' 1C71G:)< "$anhed*in 2:1! 2:<: Aboth =:1G' 1C71G:)= "$hebiith A:1G: Abodah Ha*ah ):2: Hu%%in 1:1'

1C71G:)A "Abodah Ha*ah 1:=' 1C71G:21 "Hagigah ):1: Aboth ):1)! ?:11' 1C711:2 [$ee 3( < be%ow+ [Gen(2:1?+ 1C711:< [th*u 3(1?+: This .assage has been #isinte*.*eted to sathat essiani1 Uewish #en a*e w*ong fo* wea*ing Ya*#u%;ah&Bi..ot on thei* head( /esides the fa1t that $ha>u% wou%d ha3e been awa*e of the tu*ban the Cohani#&P*iests wo*e whi%e #iniste*ing befo*e the 6-R8: the G*ee; wo*ds he*e #ean >to 1o#.%ete%3ei% o* hide the head>! and so in1%uded the idea of a fa1e 3ei%((( E)=C? - ;ata [G*een>s 0nte*%in(Qha3ing down o3e* his head+: 1@@ - a;ata;a%u.tos [not 1o3e*ed! un3ei%ed+: )?1C - ;ata; [to 1o3e* u.! 3ei% o* 1o3e* one>s se%f+: <G1A - .e*ibo%aion [1o3e*ing o* 3ei%+F ((( and do not suggest #e*e%- a s#a%% so#ething sitting on to. of the head( an- wo#en in se3e*a% essiani1 Cong*egations! wo#en in se3e*a% P*otestant Ch*istian Chu*1hes! and wo#en in Catho%i1 Chu*1hes in gene*a% 1o3e* thei* hai* o* wea* so#e ;ind of 1o3e*ing on thei* head based u.on these 3e*ses( 0n /ib%i1a% .*a1ti1e we see Ra1he% 3ei%ing he* fa1e when she #eets he* futu*e husband fo* the fi*st ti#e [Gen()<:?=+( 0n the To*ah we see the fo%%owing done in the Oudge#ent .*o1edu*e against an adu%te*ess: QAnd the Cohen sha%% set the wo#an befo*e the 67R8! and un1o3e* the wo#an>s head!(((Q - Nu#(=:1Aa( A wo#an>s hai* was 1onside*ed sedu1ti3e and as a >.*i3ate .a*t> of he*( 0t was 1onside*ed a sha#e fo* he* to be 3iewed with he* hai* un1o3e*ed in .ub%i1 Ees.e1ia%%- fo* a #a**ied wo#anF( 0n Rabbini1 ha%a1hah! a wife who goes with he* hai* %oose EeL.osedF in .ub%i1 #a- be di3o*1ed and not gi3en the .o*tion s.e1ified to he* in the Betubah Ewedding 1ont*a1tF [Betubot @:?+( an- /e%ie3e*s a%so .*a1ti1e based u.on this .o*tion in Co*inthians that: a #an shou%d not ha3e eL1essi3e%%ong hai*! no* shou%d a wo#an ha3e 3e*- sho*t hai*( $ha>u%>s state#ent in 1Co*(11:1? is a *einfo*1e#ent of what he sa-s in this .o*tion( The: Qwe ha3e no su1h 1usto#Q! wou%d not be s.ea;ing of $ha>u%>s inst*u1tions then: but add*essing an- 1ontention one #a- ha3e to what he has said( R-*ie sa-s on 3(1?: Qno su1h 1usto#( 0(e(! no 1usto# of wo#en wo* without a 1o3e*ingQ( Though 0 be%ie3e $ha>u% is in1%uding he*e his enti*e dis1ou*se! not Oust the one .o*tion R-*ie notes( And es.e1ia%%- it a..ea*s to #e that $ha>u% is *efe**ing ba1; to his o.ening state#ents identif-ing the .*ob%e#s [3(<-=+: and so this state#ent [3(1?+ wou%d then be a su##ation on these .*ob%e#s( Rega*ding the 1o##ents $ha>u% #a;es in 3(1G! the sense is .e*ha.s: as the $e*a.hi# 1o3e* thei* fa1es in the 3e*.*esen1e of Ha$he# who is o3e* the# [0sa(?:)+: so the wo#an shou%d 1o3e* he* head as a s-#bo% of the autho*it- of the #an(


And as The Ho%- 7ne 1annot %oo; u.on sin: so a%so His ange%s wou%d be offended at seeing no s-#bo% of a1;now%edge#ent

God>s o*de*( E0 ha3e no doubts that so#e *eading this in ou* da- and age a*e offended at this .oint( 0>%% on%- add that it is sad that what shou%d be 3iewed as a beautifu% thing: #ight be being %oo;ed down u.on as a bondage and s%ighting of wo#en( 0f so #a-be it wi%% he%. to as; -ou*se%f this: 8o -ou *ea%%thin; that the ange% Ga3*i>e% who stands in the .*esen1e of G-d! #inds the fa1t that G-d 1*eated the A*1hange% i;ha>e% o3e* hi#I -- 0 thin; notJF 0t has been said that the *eason $ha>u% b*ings the issue u. was to 1ounte* t*ans3estis# E#en wea*ing wo#en>s head3ei%s - and wo#en abandoning thei*sF that was in Co*inth>s 1u%tu*e: and that the Cong*egation the*e was in dange* of Eif not a%*ead-F being infi%t*ated b- this .*a1ti1e! o* wo*se( A 1ase of .*a1ti1es of the wo*%d ente*ing into the Cong*egations of essiah( An in1*easing .*ob%e# that the S$A Chu*1hes ha3e had to fa1e the %atte* ha%f of this 1entu*- is the 1onstant te#.tation to #ing%e the ho%- and the .*ofane( 0n a Rabbini1 w*iting it sa-s! 0f -ou %oo; a*ound and do not see an- *ighteous #en! - t*- being one -ou*se%f( 0n anothe* Rabbini1 w*iting it sa-s that Noa1h hi#se%f was not an eLt*e#e%- *ighteous #an: but 1o#.a*ed to his wi1;ed gene*ation - he was 3e*- *ighteous( 4hethe* this is t*ue o* not as to the eLa1t 1ondition of Noa1h: we do ;now that $1*i.tu*e te%%s us Noa1h was found *ighteous in the #idst of that wi1;ed gene*ation( indfu% that ou* *ighteousness is in essiah Yeshua and not of ou*se%3es((( a- Ha$he# g*ant it! that the sa#e as was said of Noa1h! #a- be said of us as we%%J [ at( )<:2@-2C+ "/e*a;hoth 2:=' 1C711:= "$habbath ?:1! ?:=-?! A:2! 1=:): Betuboth ):1! =:A! @:?: NaDi* <:=: $otah 1:=-@: /aba Ba##a A:?' 1C711:1G "Betuboth ):1! @:@: Neda*i# 1G:=' 1C711:1< "Taanith ):@: oed Batan 2:1: NaDi* 1:): $otah 1:@-A: 7ho%oth 2:<: a;shi*in 1:=' 1C711:1? $ee 1o##enta*- on 1Co*(11:<( 1C711:1C "Aboth =:1@' 1C711:)) "Taanith <:A' 1C711:)2 "Peah ):?: Aboth 1:1! 1:2: Hebahi# 1:2' 1C71):2 0 be%ie3e that Q6o*dQ he*e in the G*ee; *efe*s to the Heb*ew Tet*ag*a##aton of The 67R8 God: YH9H EHa$he#F: [a%so see Phi%():11 1o##enta*-(+ 1C71):)? "$otah 1:@' 1C712:1 "$he;a%i# =:1: $otah @:1: /aba etDia @:1: A*a;hin ):=' 1C712:2 "Peah 1:1' 1C712:A "Aboth =:1?' 1C712:1) "Be%i# 1<:?! 2G:)' 1C71<:1? "/e*a;hoth =:<! A:A: Yo#a ?:)! @:2! @:=: Taanith ):)! ):<-=: $otah ):=: oed Batan 1:A: Biddushin 1:?: $anhed*in @:1G! 1G:): a;;oth 2:1: $hebuoth <:2: Ta#id @:)'

1C71<:1C "/aba etDia <:1): Yeba#oth 1=:@' 1C71<:)G "Binni# 2:?' 1C71<:)@ " egi%%ah <:1' 1C71<:2= "$otah 2:<' 1C71<:2C The*e a*e se3e*a% 3iews on the QGifts 7f The $.i*itQ a*ound toda-((( Those who fee% the->3e a%% .assed awa- with the end of the A.osto%i1 age and with the 1%ose of the Canon of $1*i.tu*e: and those who fee% the- a*e a%% sti%% in o.e*ation! sin1e: Qthe Gifts and 1a%%ing of God a*e without *e.entan1eQ( Those who fee% the on%- gift sti%% in o.e*ation is hea%ing: and those who fee% that the 3o1a%-gifts a*e gone but the othe* gifts a*e sti%% in o.e*ation( Those who fee% that sin1e thea*e .assed awa-: a%% su..osed #anifestations a*e eithe* f*o# the i#agination! o* .e*ha.s f*o# $atan: and those who fee% that e3en though the gifts a*e a%% t*u%- in o.e*ation! a%% too often: so#e .eo.%e thin; it is the 6-*d s.ea;ing when it is on%- thei* sou%! o* e%se so#e .eo.%e a*e fa;ing things to *ob #one- o* gain .owe*! and so#eti#es so#e .eo.%e a*e being de1ei3ed b- a de#on( Those that thin; Oust about an-thing goes and we*e unde* g*a1e so don>t wo**- if -ou saso#ething fa%se - Oust ;ee. t*-ing ti%% -ou get it *ight: and those .eo.%e that a*e 1ha*is#ati1 - but 3e*- 1autious! sa-ing: fa%se .*o.hets in ou* da- is Oust as se*ious of a #atte* as it was in 7%dEe*F Testa#ent ti#es! and so we #ust be 3e*- 1a*efu% to Qt*- the s.i*its whethe* the- a*e of GodQ [1Un(<:1+ The Q8ida1heQ! an inst*u1tion #anua% w*itten b- %eade*s of the essiani1 Uewish #o3e#ent! to the Genti%e Cong*egations a*ound the 1%ose of the fi*st 1ent( A8&Ce! Esee .a*t 0 N9 a..endiLF has Muite a bit to sa- on the gifts of the $.i*it: eLa#.%es: 808ACHE 11(Q(((And when he de.a*ts! %et the E#issa**e1ei3e nothing eL1e.t b*ead! unti% he find she%te*: but if he as;s Efo*F #one-! he is a fa%se .*o.het( And an- P*o.het! Ewhen its t*u%- ;nown he isF-[N7TE be%ow: a..*o3ed and found t*ue+! s.ea;ing in the Rua1h&$.i*it -ou sha%% not t*neithe* dis1e*n: - fo* e3e*- sin sha%% be fo*gi3en! but this sin sha%% not be fo*gi3en( Yet not e3e*-one that s.ea;s in the 5$>.i*it is a P*o.het! but on%- if he has the wa-s of the 6-*d( P*o# his wa-s the*efo*e the fa%se .*o.het and the P*o.het sha%% be *e1ogniDed( "(((' And e3e*- P*o.het tea1hing the t*uth! if he does not what he tea1hes! is a fa%se .*o.het( "(((' And whosoe3e* sha%% sa- in the Q$Q-.i*it! gi3e #e si%3e* o* an-thing e%se! -ou sha%% not %isten to hi#: but if he te%%s -ou to gi3e on beha%f of othe*s that a*e in want! %et no #an Oudge hi#(Q The fo%%owing is ta;en f*o# a .ub%i1 //$ 1o#.ute* .ost b8onna 8>io*io! E#- than;sF: QEEusebius Muoting fi*st f*o# the w*itings of 0*enaeus! 12G-)GG A8F: Q$i#i%a*%-! we hea* #an- #e#be*s of the Chu*1h who ha3e .*o.heti1 gifts and b- the $.i*it s.ea; with a%% ;inds of tongues! and b*ing #en>s se1*et thoughts to %ight fo* thei* own good! and eL.ound the #-ste*ies of God(Q Now Eusebuis> i##ediate 1o##ent on this state#ent b0*enaeus: QThis wi%% suffi1e to show that 809ER$0TY 7P G0PT$ C7NT0NSE8 A 7NG P0T PER$7N$ ti%% the ti#e 0 a# s.ea;ing of(Q

The abo3e was Muoted b- Eusebius f*o# 0*enaeus> wo*; fighting against the fa%se .*o.hets of gnosti1 he*esies! QRefutation and 73e*th*ow of Bnow%edge Pa%se%- so Ca%%edQ( $a-s Eusebius of these w*itings: Q(((and in /oo; 00 of the sa#e wo*; he #a;es it 1%ea* that *ight down to his own ti#e #anifestations of di3ine and #i*a1u%ous .owe* had 1ontinued in so#e 1hu*1hes(Q Again he Muotes f*o# 0*enaeus: Q$o it is that in His na#e those who t*u%- a*e His dis1i.%es! ha3ing *e1ei3ed g*a1e f*o# Hi#! .ut it to effe1tua% use fo* the benefit of thei* fe%%ow #en! in .*o.o*tion to the gift ea1h one has *e1ei3ed f*o# Hi#( $o#e d*i3e out de#ons *ea%%- and t*u%-! so that often those 1%eansed f*o# e3i% s.i*its be%ie3e and be1o#e #e#be*s of the Chu*1h: so#e ha3e fo*e-;now%edge of the futu*e! 3isions! and .*o.heti1 utte*an1es: othe*s! b- the %a-ing-on of hands! hea% the si1; and *esto*e the# to hea%th: and befo*e now! as 0 said! dead #en ha3e a1tua%%- been *aised and ha3e *e#ained with us fo* #an- -ea*s( 0n fa1t! it is i#.ossib%e to enu#e*ate the gifts whi1h th*oughout the wo*%d the Chu*1h has *e1ei3ed f*o# God and in the na#e of Uesus Ch*ist 1*u1ified unde* Pontius Pi%ate! and e3e*- da- .uts to effe1tua% use fo* the benefit of the heathen! de1ei3ing no one and #a;ing .*ofit out of no one: f*ee%- she *e1ei3ed f*o# God! and f*ee%- she #iniste*s(Q Eusebuis #a;es se3e*a% #entions of the witness of t*ue on-going s.i*itua% .owe* in the Chu*1h afte* the death of a%% the fi*st-gene*ation a.ost%es! in1%uding one Wuad*atus Qe#inent fo* a .*o.heti1 gift( He Muotes and .a*a.h*ases f*o# the w*itings of Uustin a*t-* E?=-1GG A8F as to the 1ontinuan1e of s.i*itua% gifting th*ough his da-: QHe a%so te%%s us that *ight u. to his own ti#e .*o.heti1 gifts we*e a 1ons.i1uous featu*e of the Chu*1h(Q Then gi3ing us the histo*i1a% .e*s.e1ti3e of the ti#e .e*iod whi1h fa%se-.*o.heti1 he*eti1s Edu*ing the .e*iod of a*1us Au*e%is> *eignF: Q0t was at that 3e*- ti#e! in Ph-*gia! that ontanus! A%1ibiades! Theodotus! and thei* fo%%owe*s began to a1Mui*e a wides.*ead *e.utation fo* .*o.he1-: P7R NS ER7S$ 7P THE 0RACS67S$ G0PT 7P G78! $T066 7CCSRR0NG 0N 9AR07S$ CHSRCHE$! %ed #an- to be%ie3e that these #en T77 we*e .*o.hets( 0 thin; Eusebuis hit the nai% on the head when he saw a 1onne1tion with the waning of s.i*itua% gifts in the bod- of Ch*ist with that of the st*a-ing f*o# the do1t*ine whi1h was handed down b- the fi*st gene*ation a.ost%es( He .a*a.h*ases Qto sa- that unti% then the Chu*1h had *e#ained a 3i*gin! .u*e and un1o**u.ted! sin1e those who we*e t*-ing to 1o**u.t the who%eso#e standa*d of the sa3ing #essage! if su1h the*e we*e! %u*;ed so#ewhe*e unde* the 1o3e* of da*;ness( /ut when the sa1*ed band of the a.ost%es had in 3a*ious wa-s *ea1hed the end of thei* %ife! and the gene*ation of those .*i3i%eged to %isten with thei* own ea*s to the di3ine wisdo# had .assed on! then god%ess e**o*

began to ta;e sha.e! th*ough the de1eit of fa%se tea1he*s! who now that none of the a.ost%es was %eft th*ew off the #as; and atte#.ted to 1ounte* the .*ea1hing of the t*uth b.*ea1hing the ;now%edge fa%se%- so 1a%%ed(Q -----------------------------------------------------------0>%% %ea3e this with a 1%osing thought((( 4hi%e it is t*ue that $1*i.tu*e sa-s: QAnd these signs wi%% fo%%ow those who be%ie3e(((Q [ a*; 1?:1@a+: if -ou* >%oo;ing> fo* signs and wonde*s -ou a*e wa%;ing ba1;wa*d th*ough %ife E*e#e#be*! the- fo%%ow -ou(F Bee. -ou* e-es on Yeshua essiah fi*st: and then %et what wi%% fo%%ow f*o# Hi# -- fo%%ow( 1C71<:<G "/e*a;hoth C:=: egi%%ah 2:2' 1C71=:2 "$habbath 1?:1' 1C71=:2C "Hu%%in A:1' 1C71=:<= The*e a*e #an- .a*a%%e%s that 1an be d*awn between the 1st Ada#! and the )nd Ada# - Yeshua essiah(((( 1$T A8A : YE$HSA E$$0AH! )N8 A8A : 1F /- the wo#an EE3eF who 1F /- the wo#an E i*-a#F who was was 1*eated sin%ess! sin bo*n unde* sin! the sin%ess 7ne was about to ente* the wo*%d( Yeshua essiah ente*s the wo*%d( Th*ough a wo#an ete*na% %ife Th*ough a wo#an He who is 6ife was %ost to #an;ind( Ete*na% was bo*n to #an;ind( )F This da->s e3ents sta*t )F That night>s e3ents sta*t in in the Ga*den of Eden in the the Ga*den of Gethse#ane! and on beginning of 1*eation>s the %ast da- of the #undane wee; ete*na% @th da-! $habbat: befo*e going into the @th da-! as *esu%t of these e3ents! the $habbat: Yeshua is *aised on #an;ind ente*s the #undane the Ath! whi1h is the 1st da- of Ath! whi1h begins the 1st the wee;( At this Ha3da%ah into da- of the wee;( At this essiah>s Resu**e1tion! #an;ind Ha3da%ah into suffe*ing! 1an now *eOoi1e o3e* what the#an;ind begins to #ou*n what ha3e found th*ough Yeshua the- ha3e %ost th*ough sin( essiah( 2F Ada# Ewho was 1*eated 2F Yeshua who was bo*n sin%ess R sin%ess and in 1o##union %i3ed in 1o##union with God goes with GodF is off b- hi#se%f! off b- Hi#se%f to .*a-: His whi%e his wife who was to%d Ta%#idi# *e.*esenting the /*ide not to eat of the t*ee! is of essiah a*e to%d to .*a- theabout to be te#.ted( don>t ente* into te#.tation( <F ha$atan! and so s.i*itua% <F The sun has a%*ead- set so da*;ness! ente*s the Ga*den: da*;ness is o3e* the Ga*den: he who ente*ed the sna;e R ha$atan has ente*ed a

#an who who te#.ts the wo#an( =F Ada# *etu*ns to find his wife E3e in de1e.tion R sin( as%ee.( ?F /e1ause of the %ie of the se*.ent #an;ind sins and dies( b*onDe %i3es(

bet*a-s the $on of #an( =F Yeshua *etu*ns to find His Ta%#idi# disobe-ing and ?F /e1ause of the T*uth of Yeshua essiah! who was %ifted u. as oshe %ifted u. the se*.ent in the wi%de*ness! #an;ind is #ade sin%ess R

@F 0n this da- Ada#>s 1han1e @F 0n this da- Yeshua essiah to obe- R not sin! and as; who>s sin%ess! obe-s God! R a%% fo* atone#ent fo* his wifes> #an;ind>s 1han1e fo* Atone#ent sin is %ost: R sins ente*s is .*o3ided: thus the wafo* #an;ind( *e#o3ing #an;ind>s sin is he*e( AF As a *esu%t Ada# R E3e a*e AF Yeshua is ta;en f*o# the d*i3en f*o# the Qsin%essQ Qfa%%enQ Ga*den b- #en d*i3en bGa*den b- God: and the waha$atan! who ta;e Hi# fo*th f*o# ba1; is gua*ded b- a ho%the Ga*den with swo*ds( Ange% with a f%a#ing swo*d( CF /- faith%essness! f*o# the CF /- faith! f*o# the ;now%edge T*ee of the Bnow%edge of Good of what was a11o#.%ished band E3i%: #an;ind %oses its Yeshua essiah on this T*ee of ete*na% %ife and gets death! .e*se1ution and death: #an;ind and %oses o..o*tunit- to the %oses the th*eat of ete*na% T*ee of 6ife( death and gains Ete*na% 6ife! and *ight to the T*ee of 6ife( 1GF Ada# and E3e f%ee the 1GF Towa*d the 1%ose of this dat*ee! and hide! and hea* the in the e3ening! Yeshua the 4o*d 9oi1e of God in the 1oo% of of God! the $on of God and the the da- in the e3ening! $on of #an! *e#aining on the 1a%%ing out to Ada# the T*ee! 1*ies out to His Pathe*: 1*eated son of God: 4he*e a*e - God - God! whha3e -ou -ouI fo*sa;en eI 11F /- the 1u*se u.on the 11F /- Yeshua essiah who is the seed of the se*.ent! ha$atan P*o#ised 7ne the $eed of the hi#se%f is 1u*sed! and his wo#an! the e3i% wo*;s of ha$atan head to be b*uised b- the the $e*.ent a*e 1*ushed( $eed of the wo#an( 1GF $o .*o#ise is gi3en fo* 1GF $o .*o#ise is 1o#.%eted fo* the ho.e of Rede#.tion! and the *ede#.tion of #an;ind! in ani#a% s;ins a*e .*o3ided bthe inno1ent b%ood of the 6a#b

God to sinfu% #an;ind who>s of God that>s shed to .*o3ide an fa%%en f*o# the %i;eness of ete*na% *e#o3a% of sin! and to E%ohi#! fo* a 1%othing *esto*e to the new inne*#an the 1o3e*ing( %i;eness of E%ohi#( 11F P*o# the fa%%! 1u*ses of 11F P*o# the *ede#.tion! Yeshua God 1o#e u.on #an;ind! as a who be1a#e a 1u*se fo* us! sa-s *esu%t of thei* sin( Pathe* fo*gi3e the#! fo* the;now not what the- do( 1)F The wa- to Pa*adise %ost( 1)F The wa- to Pa*adise found( 7n that one .h-si1a% da7n that one .h-si1a% da#an;ind %ost ete*na% %ife R #an;ind was was gi3en %ife died $.i*itua%%-! and a%% ete*na% $.i*itua%%-: and at the 1*eation began its> .h-si1a% end of the i%%enniu# Bingdo# de1a-: R within one s.i*itua% 1GGG -ea*-da- the uni3e*se is da- E1GGG -*s(F Ada# and E3e *e1*eated! R we find a%% #an;ind died .h-si1a%%-( C*eation>s %i3ing fo* ete*nit- .h-si1a%%-( $habbat is fo* a #o#ent in The Re-1*eation>s $habbat is ti#e %ost( ete*na%%- *egained( [Po* #o*e info*#ation a%ong these %ines! see the 1o##enta*- on )Co*(1):<: 1Ti#():1<+ 1C71=:=1 $ee 1o##enta*- on 1Thess(<:1?( 1C71=:=< " oed Batan 2:C' 1C71=:=A "/e*a;hoth C:=: Aboth ):1?' 1C71?:) N7TE: - [neithe* .assage has the wo*d da- in it+( /ut! it is t*ans%ated f*o# a diffe*ent wo*d o*de*((()=C?-down&about& a11o*ding as EtoF&afte*&e3e*-&KAPTER: 22C1-one&fi*st: <=)1$habbat&between two $habbats&a wee;( This 1ou%d a%so be t*ans%ated 3a*ious wa-s! (((a11o*ding as to one wee;(((! afte* one $habbat Eand befo*e the neLtF (((afte* fi*st of the wee;(((! o*! (((e3e*- one wee; "as #- 0nte*%inea* has it'( 0 %i;e Qafte* one $habbat! and befo*e the neLtQ: but! he*e again! the t*ans%ato*s ha3e it! on the fi*st da- of the wee; Ethat is $7 E of the# do! not a%% of the#F! and it 1ou%d Oust as easi%- su..o*t anothe* *eading! and in fa1t! shou%d be a diffe*ent *eading than the one in A1ts! as it is eL.*essed tota%%- diffe*ent in 1 Co*(! than in A1ts( Yet! do to a histo*i1a% unde*standing [whi1h didn>t .*edate the 4*itings /T4+! we ha3e it t*ans%ated eLa1t%- the sa#e wa-( 6ea3ing that aside though! 0 wi%% ad#it the se1onda*- #eanings a*e a%so 3a%id! Ewhi1h #a- not a%wa-s be the 1ase! but is in this 1ase fo*(((F the /ib%i1a% 1a%enda* s-ste# sta*ts sunda- [the fi*st da- of the wee;+! at $habbat-[satu*da-+ sundown( And f*o# the 1onteLt of A1ts )G:@! we 1an see that the #aOo*it- of the #eeting was du*ing the night ti#e! so! 0>d sub#it that if -ou ta;e the state#ent in A1ts )G:@ as *efe**ing to the #aOo*it- of the #eeting! then it wou%d be a11u*ate( Howe3e*! if -ou ta;e it as the ti#e the- fi*st 1a#e togethe*! it 0$ N7T a11u*ate! as at #idnight! [if the- P0R$T gathe*ed on sunda"fi*st da- of the wee;'+! wou%d then be #onda-! in whi1h 1ase! -ou>d ha3e the# #eeting fo* a sho*t sunda-! and a %ong #ondase*3i1e( Howe3e*! if -ou ta;e the .*i#a*- #eaning of the


wo*ds in A1ts )G:@! as we%% as the fa1ts of the Uewish 1a%enda* s-ste#! as we%% as the 1onteLt and ea*%- essiani1 histo*i1a% info*#ation! -ou ha3e to 1on1%ude that the- eithe* #et %ate on $habbat! Ebefo*e sunsetF! and that the #eeting eLtended into the fi*st da- of the wee; Eafte* sunset ti%% #idnightF! o* that the- #et *ight afte* sunset $habbat Ewhi1h is the 3e*- beginning of the sunda-F! and so! it wou%d be the ti#e of the Ha3do%ah no #atte* how -ou %oo; at it! whi1h is sundown $habbat( Not on%- is this the on%- eL.%anation that #a;es sense! we ;now the ea*%- essiani1 Uewish /e%ie3e*s

not sto. using the /ib%i1a% 1a%enda* s-ste#! and swit1h o3e* to the .agan Ro#an 1a%enda* s-ste# at this ea*%- date whatsoe3e*( And the te*#s&ti#es a*e in a11o*d with the /ib%i1a% 1a%enda* in the New Co3enant Ewith the .ossib%e eL1e.tion of Uohn>s Gos.e%! -- but this is debatab%e as we%%F( 1C71?:@ "$u;;ah ):1: Edu-oth ):2' 1C71?:C "/aba etDia @:=' 1C71?:1A "$hebiith 1G:C: Aboth 2:1G' 1C71?:1C "8e#ai 1?:1C: $habbath @:1A' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 2 CORINTHIANS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )C71:2 "$anhed*in ?:=' )C71:)) "Aboth 2:1?' )C7):1? "Hu%%in 2:=' )C72:2 "$habbath 1:=: $otah ):<: Aboth <:)G' )C72:? T*ue: but to 1ontinue on with the thought((( The $.i*it of The To*ah is not 1ont*a*- to the %ette* of the To*ah eithe*( The sense is an a..*oa1h of %o3e b- To*ah: o* an a..*oa1h of .*es1*i.ti3e-%ega%is# b- To*ah( 0n eithe* 1ase then the 1onteLt is To*ah( 1Ti#(1:A Q/ut we ;now that the To*ah is good if a #an uses it 6aw-fu%%-&E2=<= - no#io#s [ag*eeab%e to the To*ah! .*o.e*%-+FQ( )C72:@ "Taanith <:?: /aba /ath*a =:A: Aboth =:?! ?:)' )C7<:< $ee 1o##enta*- fo%%owing this 3e*se in the N9( )C7<:@ "Be%i# ):1! 2:1! <:1' )C7=:1A "Yo#a A:C' )C7?:1< "Bi%ai# A:)-2' )C7?:1= "$anhed*in 1G:<' )C7A:1G "$he;a%i# ?:=' )C7A:1) " enahoth 12:11' )C711:) "$otah 2:2' )C711:)) "Betuboth 1:=: $anhed*in 1G:1' )C711:)< "Bi%ai# A:)-2: aase* $heni 2:C: $habbath @:): a;;oth 2:=! 2:1G-1)' )C711:22 "A*a;hin C:=' )C71):) 0n Uudai1 thought the*e a*e $e3en Hea3ens( 7n%- th*ee a*e #entioned in $1*i.tu*e Ein the 2*d is the assu#ing of the othe* )F( $ha>u% Es.ea;ing of hi#se%f as this Q#anQF did not ;now whethe* he was .h-si1a%%- 1aught u. in so#e ;ind of the sense E%i-ahu was .h-si1a%%- t*ans.o*ted: o* in the s.i*it as Yo1hanan who 3iewed the Re3e%ation on the Q6o*d>s 8a-Q [Re( 1:1G+ when he went u. [Re(<:1-)+( [$ee 1o##enta*- on )Co*(

1):=+ )C71):< QPa*adiseQ! in it>s /ib%i1a% Uudai1 sense is the abode of the s.i*its of the Righteous dead! Eas Ge--Hinno# is the abode of the s.i*its of the wi1;ed dead unti% the Uudge#entF! and that the bod- and Qsou%Q of a *ighteous #an s%ee.s in the g*a3e awaiting essiah with the %ast $hofa*&Et*u#.etF of God sounding 5a%t: %ast b%ast&sounding of the $hofa* of God "see: t()<:21>>: Ebut the wi1;ed dead await the fina% Uudge#entF( This is shown in the state#ent to the *e.entant thief bYeshua in 6u;e )2:<2 Qthis da- in Pa*adiseQ( The Rabbi>s state that Pa*adise is the Ga*den of Eden that was %ifted off the ea*th afte* Ada# and Cha3ah&EE3eF we*e th*own out of it! Eo* that it dwe%%s in a .%a1e 1%ose to the ea*th but una..*oa1hab%e - the wa- being gua*ded b- the Ange% with the f%a#ing swo*d(F This unde*standing is a%so seen so#ewhat in Re3():@b: Q((( T*ee of 6ife! whi1h is in the #idst of the Pa*adise of God(Q Eas we note the T*ee of 6ife in the Ga*den of Eden(F [$ee 1o##enta*- on )Co*(1):): 1Co*(1=:<=: 1Ti#():1<+ )C71):@ "/aba Ba##a A:?' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON GALATIANS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GA1:12 "Betuboth @:?' GA1:1< N7TE: 5Efo*# ofF>-Uudais#-E)<=<F-eeoodahis#os E.*o1eeded bthe definite a*ti1%eF! is he*e used as a >b*an1h> of Uudais#: s.e1ifi1a%%-: P>*ushi#-Uudais#( - Eof whi1h we*e the P>*ushi# who we*e fe%%ow 1onte#.o*a*ies of $ha>u%F( A%so f*o# ;nowing that a%% fo*#s of Uudais# in1%uding essiani1 ENatD*ati#& >sha1hee-#F we*e uni3e*sa%%- 1onside*ed togethe* du*ing the fi*st 1entu*-! being 1%assed unde* the one te*# QUudais#Q( Toda- howe3e* one often sees it 1%a*ified as: essiani1& NatD*ati#-Uudais#! so#eti#es essiani1 /ib%i1a%-Uudais#! fo* Uews who be%ie3e in Yeshua essiah( Then often: Rabbini1Uudais#! and %ess so as T*aditiona%-Uudais#! fo* those Uews who don>t E-etF ;now Yeshua as thei* essiah( $o#e of the >T*aditiona%> Uews ha3e a .*ob%e# with the te*# a..%ied to the#! as: QRabbini1 UewsQ! and the- a%so ha3e a .*ob%e# with the te*# we use to des1*ibe ou*se%3es: Q essiani1 UewsQ( The 1ontention *ea%%- isn>t %ogi1a% 1ontention though( The one #ain fo1a% .oint of a%% Uews who be%ie3e in Yeshua is: The essiah of Ha$he#: but the sa#e 1annot be uni3e*sa%%- said fo* a%% b*an1hes of #ode*n T*aditiona% Uudais#( 6i;ewise! >Rabbini1s> is to one deg*ee o* anothe* %ess st*essed in essiani1 Uudais# than it is in T*aditiona% Uudais#! - hen1e the te*#( A%so one wi%% note that these te*#s ha3e been used b- se3e*a% fo%;s on both sides fo* Muite so#e ti#e now( Then besides the fa1t we *ese*3e the *ight to identif- ou*se%3es howe3e* we fee% %ed to do: if -ou don>t %i;e it - -ou* ;ind of too %ate( [Uudais#&Y>hudi#! in %ite*a% Heb*ew: those who .*aise Eunto E%ohi#&GodF(+ The Qt*aditionsQ that $ha>u% #entions he*e *efe*s to the

ha%a1hah and sa-ings of the 7*a%-To*ah EThe ishnahF( GA):< N7TE: These fa%se b*othe*s! E1ont*adi1ting the de1ision of the Pi*st Coun1i% of the Cong*egation in Ye*usha%a-i#>s *u%ing to the sh>ei%ah&Muestion s.o;en of in the $1*o%% of A1ts @ 1=:)G! R )1:)=F! we*e sti%% sa-ing that the go-i#&genti%es had to unde*go 1i*1u#1ision and be1o#e .*ose%-te-Uews befo*e the1ou%d 1o#e into 1o3enant with essiah and fe%%owshi. with the Uewish b*eth*en( This in itse%f is 1ont*a*- to the idea of Ga*-Tsaddi;i# in Tana1h: and e3en the Rabbini1 idea of the *ighteous Go-i# - who a*e not .*ose%-tes! -et >dwe%%> in *ighteousness when ; #itD3ot of the Co3enant of Noa1h! [as we see e1hoed in A1ts 1=&)1! noted abo3e+: and a%so: against the Rabbini1 idea of Kdis1ou*aging go-i#&genti%es f*o# 1on3e*ting to be1o#e Uews( KEAnd so this ha%a1hah is then in a11o*d with the tea1hing of /*it HaChadashah [N(T(+(F GA):@ N7TE: 7dd! we see! is: the Catho%i1 idea of Befa&EPete*F being the fi*st .o.e: sin1e we see that Befa was the e#issa*- unto the Y>hudi#&Uews: but it was $ha>u%&EPau%F who was the e#issa*- unto the Go-i#&Genti%e( Not on%- this! but the Catho%i1 notion that Befa was the >fi*st> .o.e f%ies in the fa1e of the fa1t that: Ya>a;o3 Enot BefaF was the fi*st head of the Cong*egations f*o# Ye*usha%a-i# Enot Ro#eF( GA):1) N7TE: Qde.a*tingQ-E=@=F-a.o: -usua%%- denotes: se.a*ation o* de.a*tu*e! 1essation! *e3e*sa%! et1(( This 1ou%d 3e*- we%% be ta;en in a negati3e sense of >de.a*ting-f*o#>( Q(((of those f*o# the 1i*1u#1isionQ - Ethose who fa3o*ed Genti%e 1i*1u#1isionF( GA):12 N7TE: The A*a#ai1 Peshitta E6a#sa>s! not u*do1;>sF he*e int*odu1es a diffe*ent as.e1t: that the- we*e QUewish 1on3e*tsQ( /ut add*essing the issue f*o# the G*ee; we see that Befa was not w*ong fo* eating with Go-i#! - Eit is 4HAT -ou eat! N7T who -ou eat with that is add*essed in Tana1hF! but 1st 1entu*- Rabbini1 thought had eLtended the non;oshe* %aws as to being the >state> that those who ate non-;oshe* too; on! e3en if the .e*son was not gi3en those %aws( - 4hi1h then #ade fo* the Rabbini1 1st 1entu*- notion of go-i# being the#se%3es >non-;oshe*>! 1ont*a*- to the /ib%i1a% tea1hing that Go-i# the#se%3es we*e *ighteous if the- ;ee. the 1o3enants that the->d been gi3en Esu1h as was gi3en to Noa1h! a Go-&Genti%e in To*ah(F $o then Befa was *es.onding to ha%a1hah that was 1ont*a*- to the #itD3ot of To*ah: o* in sho*t: heeding t*aditions of #an that we*e the#se%3es 1ont*a*to the Tana1h of E%ohi#( GA):1< And so we see this ag*eeing with the abo3e 1on1%usions( GA):1= N7TE: $howing that $ha>u% sti%% a1;now%edges the distin1tion between Go-i#&Genti%es and Y>hudi#&Uews! Ethe sa#e wathe*e is sti%% a diffe*en1e between #en R wo#enJF( 0t>s the #idd%e wa%% that has been *e#o3ed! but not the two >> of .eo.%e! Ewho a*e now /7TH in essiah - one(F The 4A66 *e#o3ed

#eans the two a*e now in 7NE .%a1e togethe*! and no %onge* in two se.a*ate .%a1es( The hand does not be1o#e the e-e! no* the e-e the hand( - A #an *e#ains a #an! and a wo#an a wo#an! E4ith s.e1ifi1 inst*u1tions to ea1h in the New Co3enant(F Yet thei* .osition as indi3idua% g*ou.s has be1o#e eMua% in essiah( The indi3idua% g*ou.s *e#ain howe3e* in this %ife on ea*th! as an-one 1an Eho.efu%%-F 1%ea*%- see( [$ee 1o##enta*on: Ga(2:)A: A1ts )1:)1!)<-)=: A1ts )2:?: A1ts )?:@: Ro#( 11:1@+ GA):1? N7TE: Effo*ts in %ega%is# Eb-F .*es1*i.ti3e use of To*ah: E)G<1-2==1F-e*ga-no#on( $ee: Uewish New Testa#ent &8a3id H( $te*n! int*o( ..(LLi3( And: C(E(/( C*anfie%d! 0nte*nationa% C*iti1a% Co##enta*-: The To The Ro#ans EEdinbu*gh: T(R T( C%a*;! 6td(! 1C@CF! .(A=2( And: 8anie% P( Pu%%e*! Gos.e% And 6aw: Cont*ast o* Continuu#I EG*and Ra.ids! i1higan: Ee*d#ans! 1CAGF( A%so: Cha.te* 9 of essiani1 Uewish anifesto! R! Resto*ing the Uewishness 7f The Gos.e% & 8a3id H( $te*n! EUe*usa%e#! 0s*ae%: Uewish New Testa#ent Pub%i1ations! 1CAAF( GA):1A Again! as Yo1hanan sa-s in 1Un(2:< Q(((sin is 3io%ation of the To*ah-E<=AFQ! and so we see noted the*e and he*e that the thing dest*o-ed is N7T the To*ah! but sin( Those who a*e >unde* To*ah> a*e those who a*e in 3io%ation of the To*ah( Those who th*ough the highe* %aw of %o3e Eas $ha>u% sa-sF estab%ish the To*ah! - a*e those who a*e in ag*ee#ent 40TH To*ah: and N7T 1ont*a*- to it( [8o we then #a;e 3oid&of no effe1t&dest*o--E)?@2F the To*ah th*ough faithI Ce*tain%notJ 7n the 1ont*a*-! we estab%ish-E)<@?F the To*ah( Ro#( 2:21(+ GA):)1 N7TE: Righteousness was ne3e* f*o# the #itD3ot& E1o##andsF the#se%3es: but: those who a*e *ighteous wa%; in ag*ee#ent& a11o*d with the #itD3ot( [You a*e not $a3ed no* *ighteous b; the #itD3ot: but: -ou ;ee. the #itD3ot in essiah>s *ighteousness if -ou a*e $a3ed Eat %east -ou shou%d beJF( Tana1h sa-s e3en the sa#e: Po* the Oust sha%% %i3e b- faith( [Hab():<+ The 8oo* to ete*na% %ife is essiah! and the .ath of To*ah! $ha>u% sa-s in Ga%(2:)<! %eads to essiah! but: if one s.ends a%% his ti#e on the .ath! and %oo;s on%- at the .ath and not the Goa% - essiah! he wi%% ne3e* *ea1h the Goa%J The .ath is se1onda*-! [of 1ou*se!+ to the 8oo*! but the .ath is i#.o*tant as it %eads to the 8oo*( Then %et>s not fo*get! that on1e in the 8oo*! as $ha>u% w*ites in E.h():1G: Qfo* we a*e EHisF wo*;#anshi.! 1*eated in essiah Yeshua unto good wo*;s! whi1h E%ohi# befo*e .*e.a*ed that we shou%d wa%; in the#(Q A*e we $a3ed then b- these Qgood-wo*;sQI! no( - YET sin1e we ARE $a3ed! we wa%; 0N the#( GA2:2 Refe**ing to thei* hea*t-attitude and thei* a..%i1ation of To*ah! and N7T the To*ah as >f%esh>J As $ha>u% w*ites in Ro#( @: QThe*efo*e the To*ah is ho%-! and the 1o##and#ent ho%and Oust and good ((( Po* we ;now that the To*ah is s.i*itua%! but 0 a# 1a*na% ((( 0f then! 0 do what 0 wi%% not do! 0 ag*ee with the To*ah that it is good ((( Po* 0 de%ight in the To*ah of God a11o*ding to the inwa*d #an(Q - $howing the he 1onside*s the To*ah s.i*itua%! N7T 1a*na%( GA2:? $ee 1o##enta*- on Ro#ans <:C(

GA2:@ "Aboth =:1C' GA2:1G $ee 1o##enta*- on Ga(2:1) GA2:1) N7TE: The Muotation in 1)b is f*o# 6e3(1A:=( The 6o*d often in To*ah&Tana1h sa-s that ; His 1o##and#ents *esu%ts in b%essing and %ife: but b*ea;ing the# *esu%ts in a 1u*se and death [see Ga%( 2:1G! 12+( The .*ob%e# is not one of wa%;ing in ag*ee#ent with the To*ah Co##ands EELa#.%e: if -ou ;i%%! -ou #ust needs be ;i%%ed( A%so 1onside*: the 1o##and#ents of the 6o*d a*e not g*ie3ous [0Un(=:2+F: the .*ob%e# *athe* 1o#es f*o# t*-ing to Oustif- -ou*se%f b- -ou* own fa%se notion of -ou* *ighteousness! - thin;ing be1ause -ou a*e ; the 1o##and#ents -ou a*e *ighteous fo* that *eason( You a*e $a3ed b- g*a1e! th*ough faith! not of wo*;s %est #an shou%d boast((( E-et we a%so see:F (((faith without wo*;s is dead and stands a%one( Thus the Q1u*seQ of the To*ah 1o#es f*o# b*ea;ing the To*ah! not f*o# the To*ah inst*u1tions the#se%3es( And this is in ag*ee#ent with the Tana;h itse%f as we see a11o*ding to the unde*standing gi3en us in 8anie% C:11( GA2:12 $ee 3e*( abo3e( "$anhed*in ?:<' GA2:1< N7TE: Again! .%ease note that the >b%essing of A3*aha#> is itse%f gi3en in To*ah( GA2:1= "Biddushin 1:?: /aba /ath*a A:1-)! A:<-@: C:1! C:?: /e;ho*oth A:C' GA2:1? "$habbath C:): $anhed*in <:=' GA2:1@ N7TE: And as with the fo*#e* 1o3enant! so the %atte*( And an- 1o3enants 1o#ing afte* eithe* 1o3enant( [$ee a%so 3(1=+ A%so: the Q.*o#iseQ is a%so a .a*t of To*ah! Eas was the Co3enant with Noa1h befo*e A3*aha#F! so the 1%a*ifi1ation of Q%ate* #itD3ot of To*ahQ( GA2:)G N7TE: $o the #ediato* is not EtheF 7ne! 5the #ediato* being se1onda*->: and the .*o#ise was fi*st gi3en to A3*aha# di*e1t b- The 7ne! - E%ohi#( $howing that the .*o#ise is g*eate* than the #itD3ot: a%though the #itD3ot a*e sti%% f*o# E%ohi# and i#.o*tant! E$ee 3(1)F( KE3en-unti% & a;h*ee-EAC1F denotes the s.a1e of ti#e *athe* than the te*#inus! Esee E22?GF#e;h*isF( GA2:)1 N7TE: Again! $ha>u% he*e sa-s the To*ah is N7T against the .*o#ises: %ega%isti1 #is-a..%i1ation of To*ah howe3e* is against bothJ Q/ut we ;now that the To*ah is good if one uses it 6aw-fu%%-(Q 1Ti#(1:A( GA2:)= N7TE: He*e the To*ah is shown as the >.ath> to essiah( $ha>u% is si#.%- sa-ing that the >.ath> Eo* the guideF is not as i#.o*tant as whe*e the .ath %eads! - essiah( /ut! ha3ing 1o#e to the .%a1e whe*e the .ath %eads! do we now igno*e the .ath o* wa%; 1ont*a*- to itI - N7! - Po* then we wou%d be wa%;ing 1ont*a*- to the guide who b*ought us to essiah in the fi*st .%a1eJ $ha>u% *e%ates then the #itD3ot of To*ah as: the .ath that %eads f*o# the .*o#ise of To*ah to A3*aha#! unto the

essiah - the goa% of To*ah( Yet no whe*e does he sa- that this in3a%idates the .ath E#itD3otF the#se%3es: but *athe*: gi3es #o*e i#.o*tan1e to the goa% E essiahF! than to the .ath unto Hi# E essiahF( GA2:)A N7TE: This is t*ue! subOe1ti3e to ou* .osition in essiah: but not as to the *ea%it- of ou* eListen1e he*e on ea*th( No* is it 3a%id as to ou* /ib%i1a% inst*u1tions fo* ea1h g*ou. #entioned abo3e: as: se*3ants a*e gi3en s.e1ifi1 inst*u1tions in the New Co3enant! as a*e #en and wo#en! as a*e Uewish and Genti%e /e%ie3e*s( [$ee 1o##enta*- on: A1ts )1:)1!)<-)=: A1ts )2:?: A1ts )?:@: Ro#(11:1@: Ga():1=+ "/e*a;hoth 2:2! @:): Peah 1:1: $habbath ):?: $u;;ah ):A: Rosh ha-$hanah 1:A: $otah 2:<! 2:A: Biddushin 1:@: $hebuoth <:1-)' GA2:)C N7TE: The .*o#ise was gi3en to A3*aha# when as -et he was 1a%%ed A3*a# - whi%e he was sti%% a Genti%e( He is then the fathe* of both the Uews and the Go-i#&Genti%es! as A3*aha#! and A3*a# *es.e1ti3e%-( [$ee 1o##enta*- on Ro#ans <:C+ GA<:1 "Biddushin 1:@: /aba etDia 1:=: Aboth =:)1: Niddah =:?! ?:11: GA<:) "Pesahi# A:1: Gittin =:<: /aba Ba##a <:<: /aba /ath*a 2:1: Aboth =:1C' GA<:2 And whi%e ens%a3ed unde* the >e%e#ents-E<@<@F of the wo*%d-5e%e#enta% s.i*its of the uni3e*se-Eo*F-de#ons>> we>*e a%so >gua*ded unde* To*ah> [$ee 3( )2+( This dis1ussion #ust be ta;en into 1onside*ation with what was Oust said of the Qgua*ding of the To*ahQ! and this so as not to 1onfuse the >e%e#ents of the wo*%d>! with the 4o*d of E%ohi# - the To*ah( GA<:= E3en the Go-i#&Genti%e 1o#e to essiah 3ia the To*ah Efo* the Rua1h HaBodesh 1on3i1ts the 47R68 of sinF: and as Yo1hanan &EUohnF a%so sa-s: sin is 3io%ation of the To*ah-E<=AF [1 Un( 2:<+( He*e we see that those unde* the e%e#ents of the wo*%d! - -et gua*ded b- the To*ah - Ethe UewsF! 1o#e to essiah: and then in Ga%(2:A we see the 1ondition of the go-i#&genti%e in thei* state befo*e the- 1a#e to essiah: unde* the >e%e#ents of the wo*%d> - but not gua*ded b- the To*ah: and instead wo* fa%se-gods( And -et the- too 1a#e Eafte* the Ho%$.i*it 1on3i1ts of sinF! to essiah: and a%so the 1on3i1tion 1o#es f*o# the To*ah( [Ga%( 2:))!)<+ GA<:1G 4hen *eading 3e*ses A R C togethe* it is ob3ious that the >obse*3an1e> ta%;ed about in 3e*se 1G *efe*s to .*io* Eand 1ontinuedF .agan .*a1ti1e: *athe* than an-thing Uudai1 in natu*e( 4hi1h of 1ou*se #a;es sense sin1e he is add*essing Go-i#! and so the- wou%d not be *etu*ning to .*io* To*ah .*a1ti1e: as befo*e the- ;new essiah the- didn>t ha3e the w*itten To*ah( [$ee: Ro#ans )+ $o $ha>u% is he*e add*essing -et anothe* .*ob%e# in Ga%atia( GA<:)? "/e*a;hoth C:=' GA=:1 "Aboth ?:)' GA=:? N7TE: Ne3e*-the-%ess: if Uewish: we a*e to 1i*1u#1ise ou* 1hi%d*en( 4e a*e si#.%- doing as Tana1h de1%a*ed fo* us to do


fo*e3e* and to a%% ou* gene*ations( 4hi1h /*it HaChadashah [N(T(+ is in .e*fe1t ag*ee#ent with! as we see in A1ts )1b that $ha>u%&Pau% hi#se%f NE9ER taught against Uews 1i*1u#1ising thei* 1hi%d*en( 0f we as essiani1 /e%ie3e*s *eMui*ed Go-i#&Genti%es to be 1i*1u#1ised! not on%- wou%d we be UudaiDe*s! we wou%d be 1ausing the assi#i%ation of the Uewish .eo.%e( And so a%so wou%d be gui%t- of *e-bui%ding the #idd%e wa%% of .a*tition b*eMui*ing a Genti%e to do >so#ething> befo*e we 1ou%d ha3e 1onta1t( 0n the sa#e sense! this is what the Genti%es do *eMui*ing Uews to sto. doing >so#ething>! Ee3en though .a*t a Uew>s .*i3ate wa%; between the# and G-d a%oneF! befo*e

anwhen of the-

1an ha3e an- 1onta1t with the# EUewsF: and so: if the- do this the- *e-bui%d the #idd%e wa%% and be1o#e towa*d Uews: Genti%e-iDe*sJ GA=:11 N7TE: Genti%e-1i*1u#1ision Ein %ight of A1ts )1:)G-)< showing Ya>a;o3>s state#ents to $ha>u%F! 0 fee% is the 1o**e1t infe*en1e in the 3e*se abo3e( The 1hi%d*en of the Y>hudi#& EUewsF of 1ou*se ha3e no sa- and #a;e no de1ision *ega*ding thei* 1i*1u#1ision! and the- ho%d no Theo%ogi1a% dis1ussions see;ing Oustifi1ation fo* thei* /*it-#i%ah Eof 1ou*seF( $o! $ha>u% he*e again add*esses the idea of 1i*1u#1ision fo* the *ighteous Go-i# as a *eMui*e#ent -o*- as a #ethod of se%f *ighteousness in and of itse%f Ee3en fo* those Genti%es that ha3e not e3en eL.*essed an inte*est in 1on3e*ting to Uudais#F is one of g*oss e**o*( And we a%so note that the 1oe*1ed 1i*1u#1ision of Go-i#&Genti%es is an idea not he%d in #ode*n Rabbini1 Uudais# eithe*( GA=:1< 7n1e again((( Estab%ishing the To*ah: N7T abo%ishing itJ GA=:1A And -ou a*e b- $.i*it wa%;ing in a %ife-st-%e that is not of the fo%%owing things whi1h a*e against To*ah( /ut if -ou do wa%; in these things that a*e against To*ah! -ou .%a1e -ou*se%f ba1; unde* the To*ah! - and so unde* the 1u*se u.on those who a*e in: 3io%ation of To*ah E<=AF( "Yo#a A:C' GA=:)1 And those doing these things a*e: in 3io%ation of To*ah E<=AF( GA=:)) "Aboth ?:=' GA=:)2 $ee 1o##enta*- on Ga%(2:)1( GA?:) $o((( in %o3e fi%%ing&1o#.%ete the *ighteous *eMui*e#ents of To*ah( 6et this be ou* wa%; towa*ds the #itD3ot! in %o3e: *athe* than being one of #is-a..%ied %ega% .*es1*i.ti3e usage( And so Ein ag*ee#ent with $ha>u%F: estab%ishing the To*ah: and N7T abo%ishing itJ "Aboth ?:=' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON EPHESIANS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EP1:< The /ib%i1a% idea of: >fo*eo*dained -o*- .*edestination>! is not Muite the sa#e as othe* Easte*n *e%igions notions of >;a*#a -o*- fate> fo* us hu#ans( 4e a*e 1*eated with a f*eewi%%( Yet G-d Ewho ;nows a%% thingsF .*e-;nows what ou* %ot in %ife wi%% be! what we wi%% do and not do: and what He wi%%

do and not do! et1(((( 7ne Rabbi ER( A;i3aF states it this wa-: RA//0N0C: E3e*-thing is fo*eseen b- the A%#ight-! -et f*ee wi%% is gi3en to #an( [Ah3oth 000! 1C+ EP):1G "Aboth ):A' EP):11 [th*u 3(1)+: He*e the Genti%es a*e shown to ha3e 1o#e into the Q1o##onwea%thQ of 0s*ae%: but again: the- do not be1o#e 0s*ae%! an- #o*e than Canada be1a#e Eng%and when it ente*ed the >Co##onwea%th>( The two a*e one in standing befo*e E%ohi# &God in essiah Yeshua: but the two a*e not ea1h othe*( The #an and the wo#an be1o#e >one f%esh>: but the- do not be1o#e ea1h othe*( 4e as the /*ide of essiah be1o#e one with essiah: but we do not be1o#e essiah( essiah Yeshua b*o;e down the: >1hitDah - Ethe wa%% of the Te#.%e whi1h se.a*ated Go-i# and Uews and anothe* #a%e Uews f*o# fe#a%e Uews -o*the di3iding 5#idd%e> wa%% 7*thodoL $-nagogues that se.a*ates the #en f*o# the wo#enF! but did not #a;e the two ea1h othe* when he #ade the two one in Hi#se%f( 7L-gen and H-d*ogen #a;e wate*: but the e%e#ents do not be1o#e *e3e*sed( 0t is as in Ro#(11:1@-)<! - The wi%d-o%i3e-b*an1hes that 1o#e into the Good 7%i3e T*ee E0s*ae%F be1o#e a .a*ta;e* with he*! but do not be1o#e he*( Thei* 1ha*a1te* 1hanges Enow-g*afted-wi%d [3()<+F but thei* identifi1ation does not tota%%- assi#i%ate into the othe* t-.e of b*an1h th*oughout this enti*e i%%ust*ation gi3en to us b- $ha>u%( [$ee 1o##enta*- on: Ga( 2:)A: A1ts )1:)1!)<-)=: A1ts )2:?: A1ts )?:@: Ro#(<:C+ EP):12 "Edu-oth A:@' EP):1< "Aboth 2:12' EP):)G "$hebiith 1:?' EP2:1< "Aboth ):1=' EP2:)A "Rosh ha-$hanah 1:A' EP<:) "Aboth ?:)! ?:=' EP<:1< "$habbath )2:): $anhed*in 2:2' EP<:1@ "$habbath ?:1G' EP<:)A "$u;;ah 2:1-2! 2:=: Gittin =:=' EP=:= "Aboth 2:2' EP=:1A The ;e- .h*ase he*e is Qin eL1essQ( 4ine has been used in the obse*3an1e of /ib%i1a% Ho%- 8a-s fo* 1GGG>s of -ea*s b- the Uewish .eo.%e( The Cohani# we*e 1o##anded b- G-d not to d*in; wine whi%e #iniste*ing in the Te#.%e! and those who had a NaDi* 3ow we*e not e3en to eat an-thing of the g*a.e 3ine at a%%: but e3e*-one e%se was .e*#itted to d*in; in #ode*ation( Yet Tana;h Eas we%% as the New Co3enantF de1%a*es that d*un;enness is a sin( 4ine Eba**ing int*odu1ing #ode*n 1he#i1a%sF wi%% fe*#ent b- itse%f! e3en if %eft on the 3ine( $o within two wee;s -- new wine wou%d itse%f ha3e been a%1oho%i1! e3en so#ewhat so f*o# da- one( 0n A1ts ):12!1= it #entions new wine in the 1onteLt of be1o#ing d*un; f*o# it( 0f new wine was si#.%- >g*a.e Oui1e> the*e wou%d be not wato

be1o#e d*un; f*o# it( A%so! Yeshua sa-s: QNeithe* do the.ut new wine into o%d wines;ins: e%se the wines;ins bu*st!(((Q - at(C:1@( 0f it was non-a%1oho%i1 it wou%d not be eL.anding and bu*sting the o%d wines;ins that had a%*ead- been eL.anded b- the .*io* bat1h: so the- a*e .ut into new so that the- #aeL.and on1e togethe*( /ut again! the ;e- is to not be d*in;ing to eL1ess and be1o#ing d*un;( This is .*obab%seen #o*e 1%ea*%- in 1Ti#(2:Ab Q(((not gi3en to #u1h wine(((Q( [$ee 1o##enta*- on Ro#(1<:1-)!)1: 1Ti#(2:2!A+ EP=:1C "Aboth 2:2' EP=:)G "/e*a;hoth C:)! C:=' EP=:)= [$ee 1o##enta*- on 1Pet(2:1+ "$otah 2:<! Aboth ):@' EP=:22 "Be*ithoth ?:C' EP?:1 "/aba etDia ):1G' EP?:< "Biddushin 1:@' EP?:11 "Aboth =:2' EP?:1? "Aboth <:11' EP@:) The fo%%owing 1o##ents a*e f*o# a //$ a*ti1%e on a .ub%i1 net b-: Ua#es 4hite! /(A(! (A(: K"(((' howe3e*! so#e inte*esting fa1ts( 0gnatius gi3es us one of the #ost e%oMuent state#ents 1on1e*ning the ea*%- Chu*1h>s 3iew of Ch*ist in his %ette* to the E.hesians! @:): QThe*e is one on%- .h-si1ian! of f%esh and of s.i*it! gene*ate and ingene*ate Egennetos ;ai agennetosF God in #an Een anth*o.o theosF! t*ue 6ife in death! $on of a*- and $on of God! fi*st .assib%e and then i#.assib%e! Uesus Ch*ist ou* 6o*d(Q The dua%it- of the 6o*d>s natu*e EGod&#anF is 1%ea*%- seen in 0gnatius! and is *e.eated in his %ette* to Po%-1a*.! 2:): QAwait Hi# that is abo3e e3e*- season! the Ete*na%! the 0n3isib%e! who be1a#e 3isib%e fo* ou* sa;e! the 0#.a%.ab%e! the 0#.assib%e! who suffe*ed fo* ou* sa;e! who endu*ed in a%% wa-s fo* ou* sa;e(Q P*e-eListen1e is not Oust i#.%ied but 1%ea*%- stated in this .assage! att*ibuting to Ch*ist ete*na%it-! and seeing the in1a*nation as the .oint in ti#e at whi1h God b*o;e into hu#an histo*- fo* the sa;e of #an( 0t is signifi1ant that 0gnatius 1a%%s Uesus Ch*ist QGodQ 1< ti#es in his %ette*s(Q K"((('&ab*idged( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON PHILIPPIANS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PH0):11 Noti1e he*e whe*e $ha>u% d*aws u.on 0s(<=:1C-)2 in *e%ating it to Yeshua essiah( This is an i#.o*tant .assage in unde*standing the T*i-Snit- of Ha$he#! es.e1ia%%- as it *e%ates to Yeshua essiah( Noti1e in 0s(<=:)1 whe*e G-d sa-s that He a%one is ou* $a3io*! and that e3e*- ;nee sha%% bow to Hi#( 4e ;now f*o# the New Co3enant that Yeshua is ou* $a%3ation - indeed! e3en the Heb*ew #eaning of His Na#e .*o1%ai#s this to us( 6i;ewise we see the 1on1e.t of the /E A Eo* Uudge#entF seat of essiah being a 1on1e.t not on%- in essiani1 Uudai1 thought! but in Rabbini1 Uudais# as we%%( E6ife R Ti#es of Uesus The essiah "@)?&a..(iL': The .*o#ise in 0s(L%3 ))! is a%so a#ong the futu*e things #entioned in the id*ash on 6a#entations [i()+(((( "@)A&

a..(iL': [0s(%L:1+ Ya%;ut - Afte* eL.%aining that this 6ight fo* whi1h 0s*ae% is %oo;ing is the %ight of the essiah! and that Gen(i(< *ea%%- *efe**ed to it! it is added that this is intended to tea1h us that God %oo;ed fo*wa*d to the age of the essiah and His wo*;s befo*e the C*eation of the wo*%d! and that He hid that %ight fo* the essiah and His gene*ation unde* His th*one of g%o*-( 7n $atan>s Muestioning Hi# fo* who# that %ight was destined! the answe* is: Po* Hi# 4ho in the %atte* da-s wi%% 1onMue* thee! and 1o3e* th- fa1e with sha#e( 7n whi1h $atan *eMuests to see Hi#! and when he is shown Hi#! fa%%s on his fa1e and sa-s: 0 1onfess that this is the essiah 4ho wi%% in the %atte* da-s be ab%e to 1ast #e! and a%% the Genti%es! into Gehenna! a11o*ding to 0s( LL3(A( 0n that hou* a%% the nations wi%% "@)C&a..(iL': t*e#b%e! and sa- befo*e God: 4ho is this into 4hose hand we fa%%! what is His Na#e! and what is His .u*.oseI 7n whi1h God *e.%ies: This is E.h*ai#! the essiah 5the se1ond essiah! the son of Uose.h>: - Righteousness is His Na#e( [R Ya%;ut 3o%(ii( Pa*(2=C!.(=? 1+( ((((0n 1o%( d [Ya%;ut 3o%(ii(Pa*(2=C!.(=? d&%ine )) R1(f*o# the to.+: ((( [0s(%L(+[3e*()+! ,Po* da*;ness sha%% 1o3e* the ea*th(> 0n that hou* a%so wou%d God ta;e the %ight of the essiah and of 0s*ae%! and a%% shou%d wa%; in the %ight of essiah and of 0s*ae%! as it is w*itten [3e*(2+! ,The Genti%es sha%% 1o#e to th- %ight! and ;ings to the b*ightness of th- *ising(> And the ;ings of the nations shou%d %i1; the dust f*o# unde* the feet of the essiah! and shou%d fa%% on thei* fa1es befo*e Hi# and befo*e 0s*ae%! and sa-: 6et us be se*3ants to Thee and to 0s*ae%(F [He1h(A:)2+ PH0):< "Aboth =:1G' PH02:< [th*u 3(A+: This state#ent has been the 1ause of #u1h #isunde*standing in 1e*tain Genti%e-Ch*istian ideas! *esu%ting in the o..*ession of Uewish .eo.%e and the /od- of essiah>s /ib%i1a% Uudai1 *oots( $ha>u%>s state#ents he*e ha3e to be ba%an1ed not on%- in the 1onteLt of this .o*tion: but with what we ;now of $ha>u% o3e* the 1ou*se of his who%e %ife( He is atte#.ting he*e to show Genti%es being te#.ted to unde*go 1i*1u#1ision at the hands of these UudaiDe*s [Phi(2:)&Ga%():<+ E*e#e#be*! 1i*1u#1ision was ne3e* gi3en as a 1o##and#ent to the Go-i#&Genti%es in the /ib%e [A1ts )1:)=+F that he has fa* #o*e to boast in - in *ega*ds to these #atte*s [3(<+ - then the- thin; that the- ha3e( The 1onteLt is Q1onfiden1e in the f%eshQ( Pi*st $ha>u% #a;es the 1ase that he Q#ight ha3e 1onfiden1e in the f%eshQ due to 3a*ious things he did in his %ife! then he tea*s down that 3e*- 1onfiden1e in 1ont*ast to his gain in essiah( He is not stating that a%% these things a*e Qdung&*ubbishQ [3(A+ in and of the#se%3es: *athe* that an1onfiden1e in these things with a 3iew towa*ds his Qown *ighteousnessQ [3(C+ b- a .*es1*i.ti3e-%ega%isti1 use is w*ong and enti*e%- futi%e( Rebbe $ha>u% he*e then! is #a;ing use of a Rabbini1 Eo* Uudai1F #ethod of eLa#ining this #atte* b- the fo*te>( - Eas in the gnat and the 1a#e% [ at()2:)2-)<+F $howing the g*eate* to the %esse*( 0f he E$ha>u%F 1onside*s the 1onfiden1e in these things so he 1ou%d boast in the f%esh E#o*e so than the-F as nothing! so as not to a%%ow his gaDe to be on the things of the f%esh - but on the Hea3en%- things in essiah((( How #u1h #o*e so shou%d the-J /ut how 1an

we *e1on1i%e his 1a%%ing the# dungI - /- his 1ont*ast( E3e*-thing is QdungQ! if 1o#.a*ed E*athe* estee#edF in *e%ation to G-d( /ut that doesn>t den- the 3a%ue of e3e*-thing 0N 0T$ P6ACE( Yeshua said: Q0t the $.i*it who gi3es %ife: the f%esh .*ofits nothingQ [Uohn ?:?2+ - -et we ;now that Yeshua 1a#e in the f%esh to sa3e a%% #an;ind( Again showing 1ont*ast( 7ne #o*e eLa#.%e! whe*e Yeshua sa-s: Q0f an-one 1o#e to e and does not hate his fathe* and #othe*! wife and 1hi%d*en! b*othe*s and siste*s! -es! and his own %ife a%so! he 1annot be - Ta%#id(Q [6;(1<:)?+ - 8oes Yeshua *ea%%- #ean that we a*e to si#.%hateI - N7! G-d fo*bidJ Yeshua sa-s the se1ond g*eatest Co##and#ent& itD3ah is: Q%o3e th- neighbo* as th-se%fQ [ a*; 1):21: 6e3 1C:1A+( /ut how 1an this beI - A*en>t these state#ents 1o#.%ete%- in a .a*adoLI - No! the- a*e in a 1ont*ast( The $e1ond g*eatest Co##and#ent& itD3ah is g*eate* than the ones fo%%owing it: but the G*eatest Co##and#ent: QHea* 7 0s*ae%: the 67R8 th- God the 67R8 He is 7ne! and -ou sha%% %o3e the 67R8 th- God with a%% th- hea*t and with a%% -ou* sou% and with a%% -ou* st*engthQ - is g*eate* than the# a%%( $o we 1ou%d 1on1%ude b- sa-ing: QPo* b- g*a1e a*e -ou sa3ed th*ough faith: and that not of -ou*se%3es: Eit isF the gift of God: Not of wo*;s! %est an- #an shou%d boastQ [E.( ):A-C+: H74E9ER: Q(((faith without wo*;s is dead and stands a%oneQ [Ua#es ):E1A!F)GbE!)?F+( $in1e we ;now that: QPo* we a*e His wo*;#anshi. 1*eated in essiah Yeshua to good wo*;s! whi1h God has befo*e o*dained that we shou%d wa%; in the#(Q [E.():1G+ - 4e 1an unde*stand Qwo*;sQ as: >the feet of faith>( That being the 1ase: feet a%one without a bod- a*e utte*%use%ess: but a bod- without feet is ineffe1tua% Ethe- do ha3e 3a%ue in thei* .%a1e(F Thus 0 fee% is the #ethod of $ha>u%>s 1ont*ast he i%%ust*ates he*e fo* these Genti%e /e%ie3e*s - he is t*-ing to shift thei* fo1us f*o# thei* feet to the Hea3ens! so to s.ea;( [$ee 1o##enta*- on A1ts )2:?+ PH02:@ "Aboth ):1' PH0<:@ "S;tDin 2:1)' PH0<:A "Aboth ):1' PH0<:1= "Peah A:C' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON COLOSSIANS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX C76):1 "Be%i# )?:1' C76):1< [$ee 1o##enta*- on A1ts )1:)=: Ga%(2:1): Heb(C:1+ "Aboth 2:1?' C76):1? [thu* 3(1@+: The Pi*st /ib%i1a% Pesti3a%s we*e shadows of things >that 1a#e> - in essiah>s fi*st 1o#ing: Chag Ha atDot: Pesa1h: 7#e* Raesheet: $ha3uot EPassion 4ee;: Passo3e*&Good-P*ida-: Resu**e1tion $unda-: Pente1ostF: but the $e1ond /ib%i1a% Pesti3a%s ARE A $HA874 7P TH0NG$ QT7 C7 EQ: Rosh Ha$hannah: Yo# Bi..u*: $u;;ot EThe Ra.tu*e: $a%3ation to a%% 0s*ae%: The Reign 7f essiah Yeshua /en-8a3id fo* 1GGG

-ea*sF [$ee 1o##enta*- on Re3( )G:<+( $o#e ha3e t*ied to use this 3e*se! .ointing to essiani1 Uewish /e%ie3e*s who *e#ain To*ah obse*3ant! and sa-ing to the#: >$ee! those things a*e wo*th%ess! the- a*e on%shadows! but the substan1e is of Ch*ist(> And #- *es.onse to the#I - T*ue the- a*e shadows of essiah: a shadow 7P TH0NG$ T7 C7 E( $ha%% 0 now 1onside* the shadow of the substan1e essiah! a wo*th%ess thingI! when -ou and 0 both 1e%eb*ate the shadow of things that 808 C7 E to .ass in essiahI -- 0 thin; notJ /esides! the 3e*se sa-s to %et no one Oudge -ou! - so don>t Oudge Uewish /e%ie3e*s in thei* wa%; with essiah( C76):)1 " a;;oth 2:@: Ta#id 1:<' C762:1 "Rosh ha-$hanah 2:A: Hagigah ):1' C762:11 $ee 1o##enta*- on Ga():1= R Ga(2:)A( C762:1@ "Aboth ):1)' C76<:< "Biddushin 1:1' C76<:1< N7TE: 7*igen states that 6u;e the .h-si1ian is the sa#e .e*son as the 6u1ius in Ro#ans 1?:)1! and that he is a 1ousin of R( $ha>u%&EPau%F( Anothe* an1ient Chu*1h histo*ian states that 6u;e was one of The-$e3ent- [see: 6u;e 1G:1+( That he had a QGenti%eQ na#e shou%d not .*o3e an-thing one wa- o* the othe* sin1e it was not unhea*d of in the 1st Cent( A8&Ce fo* a Uew to a%so ta;e and be ;nown b- a >dias.o*a> na#e! E1onside* fo* eLa#.%e: Yo1hanan-Q a*;Q [A1ts 1):1)+F( This is the 1o##on .*a1ti1e fo* Uews %i3ing outside of 0s*ae% e3en toda-( Pe*ha.s anothe* *eason #ight ha3e been that sin1e he was a .h-si1ian! and .*obab%- fo* this *eason had so#e .*ofessiona% 1onta1t with Genti%es! he went b- Q6u;eQ( Rega*d%ess! a%% things being 1onside*ed! the*e is #o*e e3iden1e to suggest that 6u;e was Uewish! than not( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 1 THESSALONIANS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1TH):1< N7TE: Po* the *easons fo* using he*e Eand e%sewhe*eF the wo*d QUudeansQ! EG*ee;: 0oudaionF! instead of the wo*d: >Uews> see: Uewish New Testa#ent Co##enta*- on this 3e*se! and a%so es.e1ia%%- @ Un 1:1C in the N(T(C(! whe*e 8a3id H( $te*n t*eats this subOe1t in 1TH<:? "/aba etDia <:)-2! <:=! <:C' 1TH<:1? [th*u 3(1@+: This .assage! ta;en togethe* with 1Co*(1=:=1 is inte*esting when %oo;ed at in an ea*%- Uudai1 .e*s.e1ti3e( The Rabbi>s 1onside*ed the /ib%i1a% Pesti3a% of Rosh Ha$hannah Eo* Yo# haT>*uah QPesti3a% of T*u#.etsQ as it is ;nown /ib%i1a%%-! R Yo# haHi1h>*on QPesti3a% of Re#e#b*an1eQF as so#ewhat of a Q#-ste*-Q( This was be1ause the Pesti3a% is gi3en in the 4*itten To*ah! - but no *eason is gi3en fo* it( 0t te%%s us to b%ow the $hofa* and 1a%% the asse#b%-! but $1*i.tu*e ne3e* te%%s us wh-( As a *esu%t the*e a*e Muite

a few ea*%- Rabbini1 t*aditions that we*e offe*ed fo* this date( $.ea;ing on the *esu**e1tion! these Rabbini1 t*aditions *ead a%#ost as $ha>u%>s a11ount he*e in 1Thess(! [stating fo* eLa#.%e: that at ea1h b%ast of the $hofa*! a neLt ste. in the *aising of the dead ta;es .%a1e - tied in with the 3ision of the 3a%%e- of d*- bones in Tana;h+: Eand ta;en togethe* with his state#ent in 1Co*(1=:=1 on showing Qa #-ste*-QF( [EDe;( 2@:1-1<+ E$ee: Ue*usa%e# Ta%#ud Ta>an ?=:<: A%.habet id*ash b- R(A;i3a w&He1h(C:1<: ishnah! Rosh Ha$hanah 1Gb! )@a: The ,A#idah @ 1G(F 1TH=:= N7TE: $i#i%a* 1on1e.t in a tea1hing f*o# The 8ead $ea $1*o%%s: The anua% of 8is1i.%ine i!1G-1= (((to %o3e the 1hi%d*en of %ight! ((( and to hate the 1hi%d*en of da*;ness!(((( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 2 THESSALONIANS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )TH):@ [th*u 3(C+: 6aw%essness ETo*ah-%ess-nessF [<=C&E<=AF ano#os: in 3io%ation of the osai1 6aw ETo*ahF+ is as1*ibed he*e to: the anti1h*ist&Eo*: anti- essiahF( This is o..osite to how Yeshua essiah a%wa-s wa%;ed and taught! sin1e He was in a11o*d with the To*ah of God( /ut he*e we see that the anti1h*ist wi%% be 1ont*a*- to God>s Ho%- 6aws in the To*ah( a- Ha$he# gua*d the /od- in this %ate hou* f*o# anfa%se do1t*ine that sa-s the To*ah of God is not fo* the /*ide of essiah toda-J )TH):A $ee 3(@ abo3e( )TH):C $ee 1o##enta*- on )Thess():@( )TH2:1< This 1ou%d be 1o#.a*ed to the Uudai1 .*a1ti1e of .utting one: >unde* the ban> ENidduiF! and so fo* one to *ef*ain f*o# asso1iation with hi#( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 1 TIMOTHY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1T01:A $ee 1o##enta*- on )Co*(2:?( 1T0):1) [R 3(12+ $ha>u% is Muite s.e1ifi1 in the 3e*ses fo%%owing as to wh- he does not a%%ow a wo#an to tea1h( 0n that Ada# was fo*#ed fi*st [3(12+! it indi1ates an o*de* of G-d>s 1*eation( This shou%d not be %oo;ed at as a .ut down of an;ind against wo#en: fo* ou* eLa#.%e in essiah Yeshua is to Qse*3eQ (((the g*eatest is se*3ant of a%%( Then this Qse*3itude&sub#issionQ that we see $ha>u% ta%;ing about is an hono* f*o# the 6-*d! as in whe*e we a*e to%d to >hono* the wea;e* 3esse%Q( The hu#an #ind #ight %oo; at sub#ission o* se*3itude as a wea;ness! but $1*i.tu*e shows us that G-d %oo;s at it as a st*ength( [Po* #o*e on this see 1o##enta*- on 1Co*(11:<+ 4e do see though that the*e we*e 1e*tain .ositions that wo#en did ho%d in the /ib%e though: 8ebo*ah the P*o.hetess and

Uudge: Phoebe the $ha##ash&[G*(#as1(: 8ia;onos+E8ea1onessF Ro#(1?:1: .e*ha.s E3ange%ists: and wo#en inst*u1ting othe* wo#en( /ut those of 73e*see*&E/isho.F! $.i*itua%-6eade* of a Cong*egation&EPasto*F! and E%de*! a*e to on%- be he%d b- #en( 1T0):1< He*e it is 1o**e1t%- shown that E3e was the Efi*stF de1ei3ed and sinning( 0t is so#eti#es suggested E0 fee% in1o**e1t%-F that E3e in fa1t did not Q*ea%%-Q sin: sin1e Ada# was fi*st in sin( This is .a*tia%%- based u.on the fa1t that in $1*i.tu*e it is #entioned as QAda#>s t*ansg*essionQ( Those ho%ding this 3iew wi%% so#eti#es sa-: be1ause he didn>t te%% he* the 1o#.ete t*uth((( Q(((no* sha%% -ou tou1h it Ethe t*eeF(((Q! - sin1e this state#ent is not in the *e1o*ded wo*ds of G-d to Ada# in Genesis( Anothe* notion that is so#eti#es suggested! is that: he was standing the*e the who%e ti#e E3e was being te#.ted and said nothing! and thus was in sin fi*st fo* sa-ing nothing( 7ne #o*e *eason so#eti#es one hea*s: Ada# was the head of the househo%d! and the*efo*e he a%one he%d A66 a11ountabi%itfo* his wi3es sins( 0 thin; a%% th*ee of these o.inions fai% to 1o**e1t%add*ess the situation( 6et>s %oo; 1%ose* at ea1h: 1F( 8id Ada# add to the 4o*ds of G-dI Pi*st of a%%: the*e was N7 sin in the Ga*den! ti%% the*e was sin in the Ga*denJ The*efo*e! QifQ Ada# did add an inst*u1tion in his *e%ating G-d>s wo*ds to his wife it was not a11ounted as sin! as the sin is *e%ated to us as on%- 1o#ing f*o# the s1ene at the t*ee th*oughout $1*i.tu*e( $e1ond! we 1an>t be 1GGZ 1e*tain that we a*e gi3en the enti*e dis1ussion between Ada# and G-d about the t*ee! #o*e #a- ha3e been said that is not *e1o*ded he*e( Q0fQ that is the 1ase! then we a*e on%- gi3en #o*e of the dis1ussion between Ada# and G-d when we *ead the a11ount of what Ada# said to E3e&Cha3ah his wife( Thi*d! Ada# #a- indeed ha3e added the 1o##and afte* *ea%iDing in wisdo#: that in1%uded in the intention of G-d te%%ing hi# not to eat it! the*e wou%d ha3e been in1%uded the idea of not Q%ustingQ in the hea*t! o* Qte#.tingQ onese%f to eat of it Eas tou1hing it though it was fo*bidden to eat wou%d ha3e %ed at %east to the thought of eating it! and with the thought - neLt the desi*e(F This wou%d be %i;e what Yeshua te%%s us in at( =:)Ab: >((( That whoe3e* %oo;s at a wo#an to %ust afte* he* has 1o##itted adu%te*- with he* a%*ead- in his hea*t(Q 0f this is the 1ase! then this wou%d .e*ha.s be the fi*st eLa#.%e of Qha%a1hahQ Eso to s.ea;F in $1*i.tu*e( Rega*d%ess! Ada# is not in sin at Gen( 2:2( 7ne #o*e thing: the wo*ds at Gen(2:2 a*e E3e>s to the se*.ent! not di*e1t Muotes of Ada#>s( 0t is .ossib%e that it was E3e! not Ada#! who #a;es the abo3e 1onne1tion about the 1onseMuen1es of hand%ing a fo*bidden thing( An- one of these suggestions wou%d so%3e this su..osed Q.*ob%e#Q( )F( Pi*st of a%%! $1*i.tu*e ne3e* sa-s that Ada# was the*e b- he* side when E3e engaged in he* 1on3e*sation with the se*.ent: it on%- notes that he* husband was with he* when she handed the f*uit to hi#( 0t see#s to #e that if this had been QAda#>s sinQ! it wou%d ha3e been


noted 1%ea*%-( A%so 0 find it diffi1u%t to be%ie3e that $1*i.tu*e is t*-ing to i#.%- to us he*e that Ada# wou%d stand b- du*ing this enti*e e.isode and not e3en sa- one wo*dJ Rathe*! it #a;es #o*e sense to #e! that ha$atan 3ia the se*.ent! wou%d ha3e waited ti%% E3e -E.e*ha.s who# he 3iew as wea;e* [Ada# being the head+! and a%so as she didn>t hea* the 1o##and he*se%f! but too; it on Ada#>s wo*d [#o*e in the neLt .ost be%ow+F- was a%one so he 1ou%d get a foot in the doo* at what he thought was a o..o*tune #o#ent( $o#ewhat a%ong the %ines of:

<:1) QAnd if one .*e3ai%s against hi#! two sha%% withstand hi#: and a th*eefo%d 1o*d is not Mui1;%b*o;en(Q That being the 1ase! Ada# wou%d ha3e a..*oa1hed to 3iew the situation when he noti1ed he* b- the t*ee! and so a**i3ed Oust as she was&finished eating( This to #e #a;es #o*e sense( 2F( The*e is so#ething to this obOe1tion: but not nea* what .eo.%e #a;e it to be( 7ne: Ada# was head of the fa#i%-( Two: he was di*e1t%- gi3en the inst*u1tion *athe* than E3e Eas fa* as we ;now that is: the*e sti%% *e#ains the .ossibi%it- that she was a%so gi3en the inst*u1tion f*o# G-d Hi#se%f! and that this isn>t noted in $1*i.tu*e(F At an- *ate! E3e was *es.onsib%e fo* he* own a1tions and *esu%ting sin: and she a%*ead- ;new that it was a sin to eat it( Howe3e*! Ada# #a- ha3e had the 1a.abi%it- to *eMuest G-d fo* Atone#ent fo* his wife and *e1ei3e it! and didn>t( That >#a-> Eand 0 st*ess >#a->F be the *eason that it is 1a%%ed Ada#>s t*ansg*ession - he a%%owed it to *e#ain when it was in his #eans to do so#ething about it Ewhi%e he was sti%% in a state of non-3io%ation befo*e eating it hi#se%f(F 7f 1ou*se this is a%% 1onOe1tu*e as we%%( 7ne #o*e thing! in Gen( =:): QHe 1*eated the# #a%e and fe#a%e! and b%essed the# and 1a%%ed thei* na#e Ada# in the da- thewe*e 1*eated(Q 4e see that the- we*e a%so both ;now as QAda#Q! whi1h wo*d a%so has the #eaning of #an -o*#an;ind( Pe*ha.s then when $1*i.tu*e s.ea;s of QAda#>s sinQ: it #a- in1%ude the #o*e gene*a% #eaning of Qada#Q and so sa-ing: Q an;ind>s sinQ - Eso *efe**ing to both Ada# and E3eF( - Yet this is not *ea%%- bo*n out b- the 1onteLt( o*e .*obab%-! it is be1ause Ada# s.e1ifi1a%%E*athe* than E3eF is the to.i1 of dis1ussion! sin1e the fi*st Ada# in being s.o;en of in *e%ation to the se1ond Ada# EYeshuaF in: Ro#(=:1<( [$ee 1o##enta*- on 1Co*( 1=:<=: )Co*( 1):<: and 3(1) abo3e and 3(1= fo%%owing+( "$u;;ah 2:1' 1T0):1= The wo*d he*e is: $oDo&<CA)! whi1h 1an #ean Qbe who%eQ( This wou%d see# to be 1%ose* to the #eaning he*e( As #an was gi3en in Genesis to wo*; and su..o*t his fa#i%-! so the wo#an was gi3en .ain in 1hi%dbi*th( $o! this wou%d then not be an- fo*# of Q$a%3ationQ in the sense of $a%3ation in Yeshua of Ete*na% %ife that $ha>u% is add*essing he*e( Ha3ing 1hi%d*en was a .*io*it- in /ib%i1a% ti#es! as we 1an *ead about in Tana;h of those who so**owed who had no 1hi%d*en( Yet! the*e a*e those who se*3ed the 6-R8 #ighti%- when the- had no 1hi%d*en( R-*e sa-s this on the 3e*se! whi1h 0 ag*ee with:


Q):1= >sa3ed in 1hi%dbea*ing>( This #a- #ean: E1F b*ought safe%- th*ough 1hi%dbi*th: E)F sa3ed th*ough the bi*th of a Chi%d! Uesus the $a3io*: o* E2F that a wo#an>s g*eatest a1hie3e#ent is found in he* de3otion to he* di3ine%o*dained *o%e: to he%. he* husband! to bea* 1hi%d*en! and to fo%%ow a faithfu%! 1haste wa- of %ife(Q 0n1%uded in the thought of [ )! wou%d be the idea that sin ente*ed the wo*%d th*ough a wo#an EE3eF: and the $in%ess

EYeshua essiahF who *e#o3es sin a%so ente*ed th*ough a wo#an E i*-a#F( [And see 3(1) R 1< abo3e+( 1T02:) "Yeba#oth <:11! 1?:1: Betuboth 1G:1! 1G:<-?: Biddushin ):?-@: $anhed*in ):<: /e;ho*oth A:<: Be*ithoth 2:@' 1T02:2 $ee 1o##enta*- on E.h(=:A( 1T02:A $ee 1o##enta*- on E.h(=:A( 1T02:1? $a#son Ra.hae% Hi*sh on [$he%a1h 6e1;ha! Nu#be*s 1=:21 Qfo* he has s1o*ned a wo*d of God: he has nu%%ified a 1o##and#ent of His: that sou% sha%% be u.*ooted: its iniMuit- sha%% tu*n against it(Q -- QHen1e a%so the state#ent in $anhed*in CCa! to the effe1t that one who denies that the 6aw was *e3ea%ed bGod - e3en if he a11e.ts the enti*e To*ah as 8i3ine eL1e.t fo* on%- one 3e*se that he att*ibutes to oses! not to God! o* e3en if he denies the 8i3ine o*igin of on%- one nuan1e eL.*essed in one %aw! o* the he*#eneuti1 3a%idit- of on%- one [%ega% infe*en1e+ - is 1%assed as a s1o*ne* of the 6aw! as eL.*essed in this 3e*se b- the wo*ds! >he has s1o*ned a wo*d of God(>Q 1T0<:2 The*e is a 3ast diffe*en1e between #a;ing a de1ision not to #a**-! o* to be a 3egeta*ian! between -ou and the 6-R8 a%one E$ha>u% add*esses this in Ro#(1<:1-)2F: and to be Qfo*biddingQ othe*s f*o# #a**-ing and eating #eat! as we see is the .*ob%e# that is being add*essed he*e( $o#e ha3e suggested that this is .*o.heti1 and *efe*s to 1e*tain .*a1ti1es of the Catho%i1 Chu*1h: but we #ust not %ose sight of the fa1t that these two things being fo*bidden a*e ;e- e%e#ents of gnosti1 .*a1ti1e Ein1%uding EbioniteF that we*e sta*ting to s.*ing u. at this ti#e( [$ee 1o##enta*- on 1Co*( @:2: Ro#(1<:): at(1C:1)+( 1T0<:A "Biddushin <:1<: Aboth ?:@' 1T0<:1) "Aboth <:)G' 1T0<:1= editation in the /ib%i1a% sense is about the o..osite of #editation .*a1ti1ed b- .agan easte*n *e%igions( 0n the fa%se easte*n *e%igions one is to%d to Qe#.t- thei* #indQ so as to a1hie3e a state of Qni*3anahQ b- the absen1e of thought( /ut /ib%i1a%%- we a*e to%d to #editate on G-d>s Ho%- 4o*d and P066 ou* #ind with 0t( 7nes own se%f Eand uni3e*se so to s.ea;F is fi%%ed fo* the #o#ent with what one fiLes thei* gaDe u.on( Rathe* than fiLing ou* attention on: se%f! fa%se *e%igious s-#bo%s! ido%s o* de#ons! o* on nothing: we as /e%ie3e*s a*e to%d to fiL ou* gaDe u.on the 4o*d of G-d! and to be ; ou* e-es on Yeshua! the Autho* and finishe* of ou* faith( And so - not as in thin;ing nothing Eand so then being #o*e ab%e to be inf%uen1ed b- ha$atanF! so as to see th*ough so#e ;ind of a >thi*d e-e>: but *athe*: the Qthe %a#. of the bod- is the

e-eQ - and we>*e to ha3e it sing%e-R-sound! #editating on His 4o*d - on Yeshua Ha ashia1h of G-d - the Autho* of 6ife( Po* G-d is the Autho* of sha%o#&.ea1e! and T*ue .ea1e on%1o#es f*o# Hi#( -- He is the on%- T*ue 6ight( 1T0=:C "Aboth =:)1' 1T0=:)2 "$anhed*in 11:<' 1T0?:@ "Aboth ?:C' 1T0?:11 "Aboth 2:1' 1T0?:1= "$anhed*in <:=: Aboth <:))' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 2 TIMOTHY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )T02:A " enahoth A:1' )T02:1= "/aba /ath*a ):2: Aboth <:)G! =:)1' )TH2:1? The Qa%% $1*i.tu*eQ he*e of 1ou*se #ain%- *efe*s to the Tana;h [7(T(+ sin1e #u1h of the New Co3enant wasn>t e3en w*itten( Yet at this ti#e so#e of the New Co3enant w*itings we*e a%so beginning to be 1onside*ed $1*i.tu*e as we see in )Pe(2:1=1?( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON TITUS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX T01:< N7TE: 0n 3(2 E%ohi#&God is s.o;en of as ou* $a3io*: and in 3(< Yeshua essiah( As we ;now E%ohi# is ou* $a3io* as s.o;en of in Tana1h! and $ha>u% is he*e identif-ing Yeshua as $a3io*( $o we a*e shown that: Yeshua is the 4o*d of E%ohi# R He is E1had& E7neF with E%ohi#&God( The*efo*e the A*ian-t-.e fo%;s who wi%%fu%%- den- that Yeshua is 8i3ine Esin1e Yeshua>s 8i3ine natu*e is tota%%- God! [-et not the tota%it- of God+F! a11o*ding to $1*i.tu*e .*ofess the#se%3es as ha3ing no $a%3ation( -- $in1e the Tana;h [7(T(+ de1%a*es that ou* $a%3ation is f*o# God a%one! - but the- Eb- sa-ing essiah is 7N6Y a #anF show the- %oo; on%- to a #an fo* thei* $a%3ation! and *athe* than God in the Pe*son of Yeshua essiah( T01:? $o#e in Genti%e Chu*1hes ha3e used this 3e*se to ;ee. .eo.%e f*o# ente*ing the #inist*- who ha3e e3e* had a di3o*1e! and *ega*d%ess of the *eason the- had fo* obtaining a di3o*1e( Howe3e*! du*ing the fi*st 1entu*- Ethough it was sta*ting to be %oo;ed down onF the*e we*e sti%% #en who had #o*e than one wife( The*efo*e 0 be%ie3e the #eaning he*e is that one #ust not be #a**ied to #o*e than one wo#an: *athe* than ta%;ing about a #an who was di3o*1ed befo*e be1o#ing a /e%ie3e*! o* e%se had a /ib%i1a% *eason Eha*%ot*-F fo* obtaining a di3o*1e( This 3e*se has a%so been #is1onst*ued b- 1e*tain Genti%es in #inist*- who ha3e bui%t a non-/ib%i1a% dog#a sa-ing that: if one di3o*1es ones wife o* husband the- #a**- anothe*! the-

#ust di3o*1e again and *e-#a**- the o*igina% s.ouse( /esides the fa1t this wou%d a..ea* as t*-ing to 1o**e1t a #ista;e with anothe* #ista;e: 0t is enti*e%- 1ont*a*- to $1*i.tu*eJ G-d te%%s us in To*ah that it is an abo#ination to so in 8eut( )<:1-<( The*e is an a#using sto*- in Ta%#ud E.*e ?th 1ent( A8&CeF in whi1h a Rabbi ta%;s about his ha3ing two wi3es! one -oung and one o%d( As 0 *e1a%% it! he te%%s us: The -oung one .u%%s out his g*e- hai* so he>%% %oo; -ounge*! and the o%d one .u%%s out his b%a1; hai* so he>%% %oo; o%de*( And the end *esu%tI he is ba%d( T01:1G $EE C7 ENTARY P7R: Titus 1:1<( T01:1) $ha>u% Muotes a genti%e C*eatan EE.i#enides Qde o*a1u%isQ(F $ha>u% is he*e noting the 1ondition of the >houses> that a*e being #is-%ed [in 3(11+ when he uses this Muote! as we see in 3(12( T01:1< N7TE: Uudean 1an a%so #ean QUudaisti1Q: he*e 0 1hose Uudean as the wo*ding! sin1e: out of the 1ou.%e-doDen b*an1hes of Uudais# Eof whi1h the NatD*ati# se1t of Uudais# was oneF! a #aOo*it- of the tea1hing R %eade*shi. 1a#e du*ing the fi*st 1entu*- A8&CE f*o# the P>*ushi#: Eand the P>*ushi# we*e #ain%1ente*ed in Uudah a*ound Ue*usa%e#F( 4ith 3(1G we note: it is the idea of the tea1hing of so#e of the Ci*1u#1ision that $ha>u% he*e in 3(1< *ef%e1ts on( The .ossibi%it- eLists that these [3(1Gb+ we*e of the sa#e g*ou. of so#e of the P>*ushi# Qbe%ie3e*sQ who>d %eft Ua#es! as we *ead about in Ga%atians( 0t is inte*esting as we%% to note that: #an- of the Rabbini1 g*ou. of the P>*ushi# Edu*ing this ti#e .e*iod! 2G-@G A8&CeF a*e s.o;en of in the Ta%#ud as being a%#ost tota%%- 1o**u.t( 7f 1ou*se an- agada o* ha%a1hah that is not in dis1o*d with $1*i.tu*e is a diffe*ent #atte*! Eas we 1an see e3en f*o# the .*io* 3e*se 1) whe*e e3en $ha>u% hi#se%f Muotes a non/ib%i1a% sa-ing and states that it is t*ue and 3a%id(F T01:1= $ha>u% he*e is i%%ust*ating f*o# the To*ah! those 1%ean dwe%% in the 1%ean! Eone is not unde* To*ah if one is in ag*ee#ent with the To*ah! as $ha>u% sa-s: we estab%ish the To*ah [b%o3e+(F 7ne wa%;ing 1ont*a*- to To*ah Eas said Yo1hanan a%so 1Un(2:<F! a*e those: in 3io%ation of To*ah-[<=A&ano#ia+! and in sin: and we a%so note: the- ha3e .%a1ed the#se%3es ba1; >unde*> the To*ah with its %ega% *est*aint b- wa%;ing 1ont*a*to the To*ah itse%f: when the- shou%d ha3e been estab%ishing the To*ah b- wa%;ing in %o3e( - [whi1h $ha>u% ta%;s about in Ro#ans 2:21(+ T01:1? N7TE: 0 ha3e 1hosen this %ite*a% *eading f*o# the G*ee;( 0t is often t*ans%ated: >(((but b- Ethei*F deeds the- denEHi#F:> -[NA$+( 4hi%e the t*ans( in 3(1? 1e*tain%- 1an 1a**the thought of this #o*e fa#i%ia* t*ans( ENA$F: we note that: in the fa1t that the- den- the >wo*;s> Ethe good wo*;s in 3( 1?bF a*e in dis1o*d with the idea whe*e $ha>u% te%%s us Efo* one eLa#.%eF: (((1*eated in essiah Yeshua fo* good wo*;s! [E.h():1Gb+( Q4o*;sQ-E)G<1F! is a%so used both in a negati3e and a .ositi3e sense b- $ha>u% e%sewhe*e! Enegati3e& .ositi3e in the sense of the toi%&effo*tF! and he uses this "-&V' a%so of ones wa%;&attitude towa*d the #o*a% To*ah 1o##ands( "E-FX.*es1*i.ti3e %ega%isti1 use! EVFXestab%ishing the To*ah #itD3ot&1o##and#ents in %o3e: -showing in ea1h 1ase

a%#ost a s-non-# of: wo*;sXTo*ah-Co##and#ents! - whi%e in1%uding the .e*sons attitude towa*ds these Qwo*;sQ at the sa#e ti#e -- when he uses this wo*dF(' $o! 0 see it as: The- .*ofess one thing Eto ;now E%ohi#F! and -et the- den- the #itD3ot! o* wa%; in dis1o*d with To*ah! Ewhi1h wou%d tie in with the >good-f*uit> of 3(1?( 4hi1h wou%d ha3e been the 3e*- thing that wou%d show that thedid %o3e! wa%;! ;now E%ohi# -if the- had ;e.t essiah>s 1o##and#ents in

- both unto God&E%ohi# and #an(F And so then in Qthei*Q the on%- wo*;s Qthe-Q a*e doing a*e e3i%&Ebad-f*uitF( This *eading a%so doesn>t *eMui*e the inse*tion of Qthei*Q and QHi#Q into the 3e*se to ha3e it #a;e sense( 4e see a%so it ag*ees in .a*t with Young>s 6ite*a% T*ans%ation of the Ho%/ib%e! whe*e he has it as: (((in the wo*;s the- den- EHi#F( [BU9:(((but in wo*;s the- den- EHi#F: NBU9:((( but in wo*;s the- den- Hi#:+ N7TE a%so: the A*a#ai1 Peshitta *eading ag*ees with the


and is .*obab%- the 1%ose* *eading to both the G*ee; and the ea*%- A*a#ai1( A%so it is 1%ose* Eso#ewhatF to what 0 ha3e Oust suggested! than to the New A#e*i1an $tanda*d 9e*sion *eading Esee NA$ abo3eF: but 0 offe* it si#.%- as a .ossib%e a%te*nate *eading( T0):1< $ee 1o##enta*- on 3s( Thes(1:1<-1?( T02:= N7TE: $ha>u% he*e is not ta%;ing against the >wo*;s>! as we 1an see! but *athe* is noting that ou* $a%3ation is not f*o# the#( [$ee 3s( 1:1<-1? R notes(+ T02:A Again! these Qwo*;sQ E.ositi3e #o*a% To*ah 1o##ands! su##ed u. b-: Thou sha%t %o3e th- neighbo* as th-se%f [6e3( 1C:1A& Ro#(12:C+F! a*e not a #ethod of sa%3ation! but a*e sti%% 3i*tuous and he%.fu%( [$ee 3s( 2:=! 1:1<-1? and notes(+ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON PHILEMON XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PHE1 The date of this %ette* of $ha>u% is usua%%- gi3e as ?1 A8&Ce( PHE11 "Gittin <:?' PHE1< 0t has been suggested that %ate* Phi%e#on did f*ee 7nesi#us: and that %ate* 7nesi#us be1a#e a #iniste* and %ate* a bisho. of the Cong*egation at E.hesus E0gnatius! To The E.hesians!1F( PHE1? $.e1ifi1 guide%ines a*e gi3en in To*ah fo* ;ind t*eat#ent of s%a3es [eL( 6e()=:?: 8e()2:1?+( $%a3e*- was .*a1ti1ed b#ost nations unti% #o*e #ode*n ti#es: but the /ib%e was a sou*1e of 1o#fo*t fo* s%a3es in those ti#es! sin1e be1ause of 0t! the*e we*e guide%ines that thei* #aste*s had to adhe*e to( ost othe* nations had no guide%ines! and s%a3es we*e often #ist*eated at the whi# of thei* #aste*s( The New Testa#ent does a1;now%edge that the*e is s%a3e*- in eListen1e: but 1ontinues to st*ess 1o#.assionate t*eat#ent(

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON M'SHACHEEYM/(HEBREWS) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX HE1:) "/e*a;hoth ?:2: Aboth =:1' HE1:A RA//0N0C: Bings sha%% not 1ease! no* *u%e*s f*o# the house of Uudah! no* sa.he*i# tea1hing the 6aw f*o# his seed! ti%% the ti#e that the Bing The essiah sha%% 1o#e! 4ho wi%% a*ise f*o# Yehudah( How beauteous is the Bing! The essiah 4ho wi%% a*ise f*o# Yehudah( - Ta*gu# Pa%estine! [Gen(<C:1G+( P*o# what has been said -ou wi%% .e*1ei3e that $hi%oh! The essiah! was to a..ea* whi%st Uudah was a distin1t t*ibe! ha3ing its genea%ogies! and its #agist*ates! s1*ibes! %aw-e*s and eL.ounde*s of G-d>s 6aws( /ut it is an undeniab%e fa1t that the T*ibe of Uudah! as we%% as a%% the othe* t*ibes! has %ost its genea%ogies fo* #o*e than se3enteen hund*ed -ea*s and the*efo*e the essiah #ust ha3e a..ea*ed! o* the .*edi1tion is fa%se( To asse*t the %atte* wou%d be b%as.he#-: to den- the fo*#e* is un*easonab%e( - R( P*eHE2:1 "Yo#a 1:=' HE2:12 "Aboth 1:1<! ):<! ):1G' HE<:2 "Ta#id @:<' HE<:1< RA//0N0C: Po* indeed He Hi#se%f wi%% e*e1t the Te#.%e of the 6o*d! and He wi%% b*ing g%o*-! and He wi%% %i3e and *u%e u.on His Th*one! and He wi%% be High P*iest! and the 1ounse% of .ea1e wi%% be between one anothe*( - Ta*gu# Uonathan on He1h( ?:12( HE=:? The*e a*e two 3iews on Oust who a%;i-TDede; E e%1hiDede;F was in both essiani1 and Genti%e-Ch*istian thought! and in ea*%- Uudai1 and %atte* Rabbini1 non- essiani1 thought((( 1F( That he was a *ighteous #an! but an o*dina*- #an( 0n Uewish t*adition a son of $he#! so a g*andson of Noa1h! Eas in: /ab( Ta%( Nida*i# 2)bF( )F( A Theo.han-! o* a .*e-0n1a*nation #anifestation of Yeshua essiah( This idea is so#ewhat eL.*essed in 1e*tain ea*%- Uudai1 w*itings! as in: The /oo; of Eno1h: and The e%1hiHede; $1*o%%! f*o# the 8ead $ea $1*o%%s(((( .g(1AA: Q(((A11o*ding to the f*ag#ent! e%1hiDede; is the es1hato%ogi1a% Oudge: >it is w*itten of hi# in the songs of 8a3id! who said: QGod [E%ohi#+ has ta;en His .%a1e in the di3ine 1oun1i%: in the #idst of the gods He wi%% ho%d Oudge#entQ>( e%1hiDede; is he*e 1a%%ed God [E%ohi#+(((Q .g(1CG: Q(((0f one begins with the assu#.tion that! in Psa%#s 11G! God add*esses Hi#se%f to e%1hiDede;! the teLt f*o# whi1h the 6YY t*ans%ated a%#ost 1o#.e%s the 1on1%usion that >the 4o*d of GKd has 1*eated> e%1hiDede; in the wo#b of his #othe* [as in the >/oo; of the $e1*ets of Eno1h>! .age A1+((((Q ETC(((( a%;i-TDede;&E - Bing is RighteousnessF is #entioned in the /ib%e at: Gen(1<:1A: Psa%#s 11G:<: Heb( =:?: Heb(=:1G: Heb( ?:)G: Heb(@:1!1G!11!1=!1@!)1( HE=:1G RA//0N0C: And thou sha%t s.ea; to Hi# sa-ing! thus

sa-eth the 6o*d of Hosts! sa-ing! /eho%d the #an! essiah is His Na#e! who sha%% be he*e *e3ea%ed and annointed! and He sha%% bui%d the Te#.%e of the 6o*d - Ta*gu# Uonathan [Ps(11G:<+ The*e a*e it see#eth two Te#.%es of G-d( The one in this wo*%d! in whi1h a%so the*e is a High P*iest! His Pi*st /egotten 8i3ine 4o*d E6ogosF( - Phi%o Uudaeus( 6i;ewise we find in He1h(?:12 - E3en He sha%% bui%d the Te#.%e of the 6o*d: and He sha%% bea* the g%o*- and sha%% sit and *u%e u.on His Th*one! and the 1oun1i% of .ea1e sha%% be between the# both( He1h(?:12 is uni3e*sa%%- ad#itted to be essiani1 so in the Ta*gu#! Ue*usa%e# Ta*gu# E/e*a1hoth =!aF in Pi*;e de E%ies 1(<A! and in the id*ashi#( At that ti#e the essiah of the 6o*d sha%% be fo* Oo- and g%o*- - Ta*gu# Uonathan Eon He1h(?:12F( 6i;ewise we find EHe1h(<:1<F QThese a*e the two sons of the 1%ea*-oi%! that stand b- the 6o*d of the who%e ea*th(Q This *efe*s to Aa*on and the essiah and we do not ;now who is #o*e be%o3ed: but as it is w*itten! EPs(11G:<F QThe 6o*d has swo*n and wi%% not *e.ent of it! >Thou sha%t be a P*iest fo*e3e* afte* the o*de* of e%1hiDede;(>Q Ta%#ud EAbothF ERod;insonF $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb*ews =:? HE?:< "Yo#a A:C: Aboth =:1A' HE?:= "Yo#a A:C: Aboth =:1A' HE?:? "Yo#a A:C: Aboth =:1A' HE?:)G $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb*ews =:? HE@:1 $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb*ews =:? HE@:2 [$ee 1o##enta*- on Heb*ews =:?+ "Biddushin <:1-2' HE@:1G $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb*ews =:? HE@:11 $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb*ews =:? HE@:1) The idea of the To*ah being Q1hangedQ is not outside of Rabbini1 Uudai1 thought: The thought of To*ah 1hanging in the QAge to Co#eQ is #ade .e*fe1t%- 1%ea* in the *ende*ing of 8eute*ono#- 1@:1A! in $if*a( He*e it is stated that the 6-*d w*ote a 1o.- of ishna -To*ah fo* Hi#se%f! and that He wou%d not be 1ontent with the ishna-To*ah of the fathe*s( The Muestion is as;ed((( Q4hdoes He sa- ishna-To*ahI /e1ause it is destined to be 1hanged(Q QThe To*ah whi1h a #an %ea*ns in this wo*%d is but 3anit1o#.a*ed with the To*ah of essiahQ id*ash Wohe%et on E11%( 11:A( QRabbi Phinehas! Rabbi 6e3i! and Rabbi Yo1hanan said in the na#e of Rabbi ena1he#: >0n the Ti#e to Co#e! a%% sa1*ifi1es wi%% be annu%%ed! but that of than;sgi3ing wi%% not be annu%%ed(> This is indi1ated b- what is w*itten in [Ue*e#iah 22:11+( HE@:1= $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb*ews =:? HE@:1@ $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb*ews =:? HE@:)1 $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb*ews =:? HE@:)? "Yo#a 1:1: Pa*ah 2:1' HE@:)@ "Pesahi# =:1! =:2-<: Yo#a 1:)! ):)-=! 2:A! <:)! =:2! ?:)! @:2: Taanith <:?: enahoth <:<: Ta#id 2:1! @:2' HEA:= " enahoth A:=' HEC:1 As #entioned ea*%ie* [A1ts )1:)=+ the 1o##ands in To*ah 1an be


unde*stood to be in th*ee .a*ts: 1( The o*a% Co##ands& itD3ot: gi3en to a%% #an;ind! and

of the# *estated Eoften 3e*bati#F in the New Co3enant( Gi3en in negati3e Ethou sha%t not>sF! and in .ositi3e Ethou sha%tF itD3ot( The- 1o3e* ou* wa%; with G-d! and ou* wa%; with ou* fe%%ow #an( )( The Uewish 0nOun1tions: s.e1ifi1 1o##ands gi3en to the house of 0s*ae% b- wa- of inOun1tion: but a%%owed to be .*a1ti1ed b- the Genti%e /e%ie3e*s! - 7N6Y if done in the %ibe*t- of Yeshua essiah b- the .owe* of the Ho%- $.i*it( 2( The Te#.%e 7*dinan1es: whi1h ha3e .assed awa-! 3anished but 3anished awa- to the Hea3en%ies( A11o#.%ished now bou* Cohen HaGado% EHigh P*iestF Yeshua essiah in the Hea3en%ies in ou* beha%f( These wou%d ha3e been the 1o##and#ents s.o;en of as: >a -o;e u.on the ne1;> in A1ts 1=:1G( $.ea;ing of the #o*a% #itD3ot: QHis 1o##and#ents a*e not g*ie3ousQ 1Uohn=:2: and in fa1t the Uudai1 0nOun1tions as we%% a*e Oo-fu% fo* the Uewish .eo.%e to .e*fo*#: and not a bu*den( $o then we see that as #ost of Te#.%e 7*dinan1es fe%% #ain%- on the shou%de*s of the #an of a househo%d in Tana;h: so now the- a*e bo*n fo* the /*ide of essiah b- Yeshua essiah( 4e 1an see so#ething on these th*ee .a*ts when we hea* 8a3id sa- in Psa%#s 11C:1-?ER onF&8b-: A6EPH( /%essed [a*e+ the undefi%ed in the wa-! who wa%; in the 6aw of the 67R8( /%essed [a*e+ the- that ;ee. His testi#onies! [and that+ see; Hi# with the who%e hea*t( The- a%so do no iniMuit-: the- wa%; in His wa-s( Thou hast 1o##anded [us+ to ;ee. Th- .*e1e.ts di%igent%-( 7 that #- wa-s we*e di*e1ted to ;ee. Th- statutesJ Then sha%% 0 not be asha#ed! when 0 ha3e *es.e1t unto a%% Th- Co##and#ents( HEC:) "$habbath ):1! ):2: $he;a%i# =:1! =:2: Yo#a ):2! 2:11! =:1! =:<: $u;;ah =:@-A: a;;oth 2:1?: enahoth =:1! ?:?-@! A:<! C:2! 11:1-)! 11:<-@! 11:C: Ta#id ):2! 2:1! 2:2! 2:?! 2:C! ?:1: iddoth 1:?' HEC:2 "$he;a%i# A:=: Yo#a =:1' HEC:< "Yo#a <:2: $otah A:1' HEC:@ "Yo#a =:1' HEC:1G $ee 1o##enta*- on He(C:1: A1ts )1:)= HEC:1) The essiani1 Rebbe /u*t Ye%%in was the fi*st one 0 e3e* hea*d #ention on this .o*tion of $1*i.tu*e that it was The QBodeshQ P%a1e EThe Ho%- P%a1eF: *athe* than Bodesh HaBadashi# EThe Ho%- of Ho%iesF! that we as /e%ie3e*s now ha3e a11ess to in the Hea3en%ies( This was Muite a sho1; when 0 fi*st hea*d it as 0 had on%- hea*d *easonings fo* the #o*e 1o##on 3iew befo*e this( Afte* 1onside*ing it -- 0 be%ie3e that he is 1o**e1t( 0 wi%% t*- to Oust b*ief%- state so#e of *easons fo* this stan1e:

1F( The G*ee; he*e sa-s QHo%- P%a1eQ 52C>: not >Ho%- of Ho%ies> P%a1e 52C>52C> Eas it does in He(C:2: though in Heb(C:)= the Ho%- of Ho%ies is identified as on%- 52C>Hagion(F )F( The Cohen haGado% EHigh P*iestF on%- ente*ed on1e .e* -ea* fo* the atone#ent of a%% the .eo.%es sins( 6i;ewise we a*e to%d that Yeshua ou* Cohen HaGado% ente*ed on1e fo* a%% ti#e into the Hea3en%- Ho%- P%a1e( 2F( The wa- was #ade o.en to us! the 9ei% being *ent( /ut the*e we*e two 9ei%s in the Te#.%e( The 1o##on .eo.%e 1ou%d not e3en ente* .ast the 1st Pa*o;het&9ei% into whe*e the Cohani#&P*iests #iniste*ed befo*e the YH9H( 0f it was the )nd 3ei% that was *ent [ at()@:=1+! and then the 1st had *e#ained un*ent! - the*e wou%d sti%% be no ent*an1e into the Te#.%e at a%% Eof 1ou*se 0 s.ea; of ou* ent*an1e into the Hea3en%- Te#.%e! but the .h-si1a% is being s.o;en of in atthewF( /ut sin1e we ha3e be1o#e Cohani#&P*iests th*ough ou* CohenHaGado%& EHigh P*iestF Yeshua -- we wou%d ha3e to ha3e a11ess to #iniste* befo*e YH9H th*ough the 1st 9ei% Ethe one to the 1st Ho%- P%a1e(F 7n us s.i*itua%%- being Cohani#&P*iests: [1Pe():C: Re3( 1:?: Re3(=:1G: Re3()G:?+( HEC:12 "Pa*ah 2:)-2! 2:=-?! 2:C! 2:11' HE1G:1 essiani1 Uudais# adhe*es to the be%ief that Yeshua essiah is the one and on%- ete*na% Atone#ent $a1*ifi1e fo* a%% of #an;ind( And that whosoe3e* wi%% tu*n and 1o#e in faith! being %ed of the Rua1h HaBodesh! to be%ief in Yeshua as thei* essiah and $a3iou* *aised f*o# the dead: *e1ei3es b- His substitutiona% death on the t*ee! th*ough the shedding of His b%ood as the sin%ess 6a#b who too; on ou* sins and bo*e the# awa-! both fo*gi3eness and ete*na% %ife( This was fo*eshadowed in the atone#ent sa1*ifi1es of Tana;h [7(T(+ whi1h .*o3ided on%- a te#.o*a*- 1o3e*ing fo* sin( HE1G:)= A *eason fo* togethe* is to st*engthen one anothe* in the 6-*d( 4hen we igno*e ou* Qasse#b%ing togethe*Q we a*e as a 1oa% *e#o3ed f*o# fi*e! its g%ow steadi%- g*ows 1o%d( /ut when we a*e in f*eMuent fe%%owshi. we sti* u. one anothe*! as one sti*s a fi*e to in1*ease its st*ength( E3en #o*e so with ou* fe%%owshi. with G-d: e3en if we sta- in 1%ose tou1h with the /*eth*en! - -et igno*e ou* fe%%owshi. with Hi#! - we be1o#e as a *i3e*-bed with no wate*! o* as a #eno*ah with no f%a#e( "Aboth ):<' HE1):1< "Aboth 1:1)' HE12:< $ee 1o##enta*- on 1Co*(@:2( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON JAMES XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX UA1:) "Aboth =:)' UA1:1) "Aboth =:2' UA1:1= N7TE: The a%te*nate G*ee; *eading *e#inds onese%f of this Rabbini1 sa-ing: At fi*st the -eDe* ha-Ra E>e3i% in1%ination> to sinF is as thin and f*agi%e as the th*ead of a s.ide*>s

web: but in the end it is as thi1; and st*ong as a wagon-*o.e( - $u11ah =)a UA1:1C "Aboth 1:1=! 1:1@! 2:12' UA1:)) "Aboth ?:@' UA1:)= "Aboth 2:A! =:1)! =:1<! ?:)' UA):12 "Betuboth C:)' UA):1A $ee 1o##enta*- on Phi%i..ians 2:<( UA):)G $ee 1o##enta*- on Phi%i..ians 2:<( UA):)? $ee 1o##enta*- on Phi%i..ians 2:<( UA):)2 "Aboth ?:1' UA2:) "Aboth 1:1@' UA<:2 "/e*a;hoth C:2' UA=:@ The ea*%- E71t(-No3(F and the 6atte* EA.*(- a-F Rain( 0s*ae% has two *ain- seasons .e* -ea*( "Te*u#oth <:?: /i;;u*i# 2:1' UA=:)G "Aboth =:1A'

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 1 PETER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1PE1:1C "Aboth ):1G! =:11' 1PE):2 N7TE: 4he*e the *eading in Tana;h uses Ha$he#&YH9H! Eas in 3(2 he*e! d*awing u.on Ps(2<:A"C'F! 0 ha3e t*ied to use this in the New Co3enant Muotations as we%%( 1PE):? N7TE: 0n 0s()A:1? the Heb*ew *eads:(((sha%% not hu**-&#a;ehaste( Pe*ha.s the idea is in1%uded in >#a;ing-haste> of *unning awa- - EinF Qsha#e&asha#edQ! - as in the G*ee; *eading abo3e and the A*a#ai1 Peshitta! [a%so see in 6YY+( 1PE):@ N7TE: 4hi%e the G*ee; "3(?' i#.%ies a Chief-foundation$tone! it 1ou%d be *ead! as so#e ha3e suggested! as a Head-1a.$tone at the to. of a .-*a#id "3(@': but the Heb*ew in 0s()A:1? is Muite 1%ea* as to it being a foundation-5<1<2>: whi%e in Ps( 11A:)) "as in 3(@ abo3e' the *eading 1ou%d a%so i#.%- a Head1a.-$tone( -"Ps(11A:)) %>Rosh-5@)1A> .inah-5?<2A>'( $o .e*ha.s both ideas a*e shown: essiah is both the Chief1o*ne* -foundation-$tone! as we%% as the Head-1a.-$tone! Eo* the to.#ost $toneF( 1PE):C $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb(C:1): R N7TE: ELodus 1C:=-?( 1PE):1A N7TE: Pa*ts of the 8ida1he a*e si#i%a* to these 3e*ses( 1PE2:1 The .*ob%e# fo* so#e .eo.%e isn>t in QsubOe1tion to -ou* husbandsQ Ethat is 1o##andedF: but in what wa- and to what deg*ee( $o#e ha3e t*ied to twist this .assage into a fa%se notion that a wo#an shou%d obe- he* husband - e3en if it #eans obe-ing when he is te%%ing he* to b*ea; G-d>s %aws( That is not what is #eant he*e: as: fi*st and abo3e a%% we as indi3idua%s #ust be sub#itted and subOe1t to G-d( 4hi%e %ogi1 itse%f shou%d *e3ea% this: 0t is a sin to b*ea; a #aOo* itD3ah&Co##and#ent to fu%fi%% a #ino* itD3ah&Co##and#ent( The*efo*e! one wou%d be in 3io%ation of G-d>s 4o*d if the-

is and

obe-ed the 1o##and of #an te%%ing the# to b*ea; the Co##and#ents of G-d( A%ong with this! is that the husband to%d to be in sub#ission and subOe1tion to essiah Yeshua:

to %o3e his wife as essiah %o3es us [E.h(=:)=+( 4hen a #an is wa%;ing in a G-d%- and %o3ing #anne*! it is #u1h easie* fo* the wife to 1o#.%ete he* *o%e and sub#it to hi#( Ne3e*the%ess if the thing *eMuested is not sin! the wife is to%d to be in subOe1tion( 0n a %a*ge* sense! we a*e a%% inst*u1ted to be Ein a .u*e unde*standingF: Q(((subOe1t one to anothe*Q [1Pet(=:=+( 1PE2:1G "Aboth ):1' 1PE2:11 "Aboth ):1' 1PE2:1) N7TE: Psa%#s 2<:12-1@"1)-1?'( "Aboth ):1' 1PE2:1= "Aboth ):1<' 1PE2:1A $ee 1o##enta*- on 1Pe(<:? 1PE2:1C $ee 1o##enta*- on 1Pe(<:? 1PE2:)G $ee 1o##enta*- on 1Pe(<:? 1PE2:)G "Aboth =:)' 1PE<:? Ta;e this 3e*se in 1onteLt with what Befa&EPete*F sa-s in 1Pe( 2:1Ab-)G( 0 be%ie3e we see Befa te%%ing us that Yeshua .*o1%ai#ed to that gene*ation afte* His death! be1ause that is the on%- gene*ation that was 1ut off #id-st*ea# without a fu%% a%%otted %ifeti#e to *e.ent( 4hi%e the- had the witness of Noa1h: 1o#.a*e that with the on%- othe* gene*ation that wi%% be 1ut off #id-st*ea#: the %ast gene*ation befo*e the i%%enniu# Bingdo#( 4hat is the diffe*en1eI - The %ast gene*ation has a #u%titude of witnesses in it: the Two 4itnesses: the 1<<!GGG Uews: the Ange% that f%ies in the #idst of Hea3en with the e3e*%asting Good-News to .*o1%ai# it to a%% #en: the Oudge#ents: et1((( [@ Re3e%ation+( Though Befa is .*ett- 1%ea* he*e! we sti%% need to be 1a*efu% we don>t fa%% off the edge of a dog#a-1%iff with this one( 1PE=:= [$ee 1o##enta*- on 1Pet(2:1+ "Aboth =:)G' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 2 PETER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )PE1:) The G*ee; is 3e*- 1%ea* he*e in gi3ing both tit%es! QGod and 8e%i3e*e*Q! to Yeshua essiah( [A%so in: Titus ):12+( Befa is stating abo3e what we ;now f*o# Yo1hanan&Uohn 1:1 as we%%! that: Yeshua essiah being the 8a3a*& e#*a&4o*d of E%ohi# is .a*t of E%ohi# and is the*efo*e E%ohi#( 4hi%e the A*a#ai1 uses Q6o*dQ instead of QGodQ he*e! we ;now that K) Pete*! ) R 2*d Uohn! Uude and Re3e%ation a*e not in the o%dest Peshitta 3e*sion! but on%- a..ea* in the A*a#ai1 teLts that we*e w*itten Muite a bit %ate*( $o fo* a%% theseK boo;s of the New Co3enant! #ost of the 3a*ious G*ee; teLts a*e o%de*( Howe3e*! in the an1ient Peshitta A*a#ai1 teLt Ewhi1h in1%udes the boo; of TitusF! the *eading of QGodQ Eas it is a%so in the G*ee;F! is .*esent in Titus ):12( )PE):1= "Aboth =:1C' )PE):)1 "Aboth =:?' )PE2:A N7TE: This idea is a%so .*esented in se3e*a% .%a1es in

Rabbini1 w*itings Ewith Muite a bit of 3a*iation howe3e*F as we%%( A .a*a.h*ased eLa#.%e of so#e of these f*o# a essiani1 .e*s.e1ti3e wou%d be as fo%%ows: The ea*th was 1*eated in @ da-s! so this .*esent ea*th sha%% end in @ da-s( A da- is unto the 6o*d as a 1GGG -ea*s! and a 1GGG -ea*s as a da-( )-da-s&E)GGG -ea*sF without To*ah [Ada# to A3*aha#+: ) da-s with To*ah [A3*aha# to essiah+: ) da-s of the da-s of essiah [ essiah Yeshua>s bi*th to the .*esent Ethe sta*ting ti#e fo* this .e*iod a%so shown in 8anie%F+: and then the 1 da- of the $habbat *est of the ea*th [the i%%enniu# Bingdo# as shown in the 1!GGG -ea* *u%e of essiah f*o# Ue*usa%e#+: then the Ath da- of new-beginnings [the *e1*eation of the Hea3ens and the ea*th+( E$ee fo* eLa#.%e: Ta%( /ab(T($anh(.( 2G=: $anh(C@a-C@b: Hoha* in Gen(fo%(-2!<: et1((((F [$ee 1o##enta*- on Re3()G:<+( )PE2:1= [R 3(1?+: $ha>u% had been in t*aining sin1e he was -oung at the feet of the fa#ous Rabbi Ga#%i>e% [A1ts )):2+( The*e a*e fou* #ain Uudai1&Rabbini1 wa-s of a..*oa1hing 3a*ious subOe1ts and 1o##enta*- on $1*i.tu*e( These a*e noted b- the fou* %ette*s in the Heb*ew wo*d fo* Pa*adise&PR8$: and a*e: Peshat! Re#eD! 8*ash and $ud( An-one who *eads a%% of $ha>u%>s w*itings and is a1Muainted with the 3a*ious Rabbini1 w*itings as we%%! 0 be%ie3e wi%% note that $ha>u% e#.%o-s to a g*eat eLtent Rabbini1 #ethods of inte*.*etation and 1o##enta*in his w*itings( To one not a1Muainted with su1h a wa- of a..*oa1hing subOe1ts! it 1an a..ea* as Befa&EPete*F states he*e: Qha*d to be unde*stoodQ at ti#es( Po* eLa#.%e: in the %ong .o*tion in Ro#ans about the To*ah! if one sto.s #idst*ea# in .a*ts of $ha>u%>s dis1ou*se and ta;es indi3idua% state#ents out of 1onteLt [eL( Ro(2:)A+! one 1ou%d a%#ost #a;e u. an in1o**e1t anti-no#ia dog#a and bui%d the o..osite 1ase to what we 1%ea*%- see is his 1on1%usion: QTo*ah then do we #a;e 3oid&use%ess though the faithI %et it not beJ E*athe*!F -ea: we do estab%ish To*ah( -[Ro(2:21+( And sad%-! as was done b- those who we*e fa%se%- a11using $ha>u% of anti-To*ah tea1hing in A1ts )1:)1! so#e .eo.%e e3en toda- 1ontinue to fa%se%- state this was $ha>u%>s stan1e( )PE2:1? [$ee 3(1= abo3e+ "Aboth =:)' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 1 YOCHANAN/(JOHN) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1UN1:1 N7TE: The G*ee; 3e*b QwasQ! #eans: a%*ead- in eListen1e: and not: 1a#e into eListen1e Eas at the 1*eationF( Co#.a*e this se1tion with Yo1hanan&Uohn 1( Tou1hed-5==A<> -sa#e G*ee; wo*d used @ 6u;e )<:2C( RA//0N0C: 7f inte*est is the Rabbini1 w*itings whi1h sa-s

1on1e*ning Genesis 1:) that this $.i*it was Bing essiah E/e*eshis Rabba )F( 1UN1:) RA//0N0C: 0t is we%% ;nown that in the 1o#ing of the essiah is Ein1%udedF the 1o#ing of the /%essed G-d into the wo*%d( R( A%s1he1h 1UN1:= N7TE: These .h*ases a*e used often b- Yo1hanan&Uohn( $ee: Yo1hanan 1:<! 2:1C-)1! A:1)( A%so: 1 Yo1hanan&Uohn <:A! and Yo1hanan <:)<( K[$ee Un(1:C+ - essiah is the 6ight whi1h en%ightens e3e*- #an who has 1o#e into the wo*%d! and essiah that 6ight! 1a#e into the wo*%d( Rabbini1 w*itings a%so ta%; of the 6ight of essiah((( PesiMta Rabbati EPisMa 2?F: 4hat is the #eaning of: >0n Th- 6ight sha%% we see %ight> [Psa%#s 2?:C+I To whi1h %ight is the 1o##unit- of 0s*ae% %oo;ing fo*wa*d in fu%% eL.e1tan1-I To the 6ight of the essiahJ 1UN1:@ RA//0N0C: 6SCH7TH HA//ER0TH E)<)aF: He Ethe essiahF wi%% gi3e Hi#se%f and His %ife o3e* unto death! and His b%ood wi%% atone fo* His .eo.%e( HE/ACH0 E?aF: $u*e%- atone#ent 1an on%be #ade with the b%ood! as it sa-s! >Po* it is the b%ood that #a;eth atone#ent b- *eason of the %ife> [6e3iti1us 1@:11+( $ee a%so: Yo#aE=aF! and Heb*ews C:))( 1UN1:C N7TE: 0n1%uding the thought of sa-ing the sa#e thing 1on1e*ning sin that G-d sa-s about it( 1UN):1G N7TE: Yo1hanan hea* *e-states what Yeshua essiah Hi#se%f said *ega*ding the #o*a% 1o##ands&#itD3ot of To*ah! that: (((%o3e th- neighbo* as th-se%f( at()):2C-<G 7n these two 1o##and#ents hang a%% the To*ah and the P*o.hets( 1UN):1? "Aboth <:)1' 1UN):1C "$anhed*in 1G:<' 1UN):)@ N7TE: A%so this idea is as in Psa%#s 11C:CC( 1UN2:1 "Aboth 2:1<' 1UN<:1 $ee 1o##enta*- on 1Co(1<:2C( 1UN<:) $ee 3(2 be%ow( 1UN<:2 The idea that Yeshua was on%- a Qs.i*it-beingQ! and was not f%esh as -ou and 0! has its *oots in gnosti1 do1t*ine that was beginning to *aise its head du*ing this ti#e in the 1st Cent( Ad&Ce(( The- had a be%ief that a%% f%esh was e3i%! and on%the s.i*it was good( 4hi%e in /ib%i1a% Uudai1 thought the deeds of the f%esh 1an be 1o**u.t: the .h-si1a% itse%f is sti%% .a*t of the 1*eation of Ha$he#! and not to be 1onside*ed as e3i% in and of itse%f( As a #atte* of fa1t! b- anothe* .e*s.e1ti3e: it is the un*egene*ate >s.i*it> of #an that 1auses #u1h of the .*ob%e#s the f%esh goes th*ough( Yeshua was bo*n of the $eed of A3*aha# - of the $eed of the 4o#an! His bod- was 1*eated f*o# the egg of i*-a# His #othe*( He was bo*n! %i3ed! and died! and was *esu**e1ted in the f%esh( His Ete*na% $.i*it is 8i3ine being the 4o*d of G-d: His f%esh was 1*eated when He was 1on1ei3ed b- the .owe* of Rua1hHaBodesh&EThe Ho%- $.i*itF( Yeshua! the #an --et- essiah G-d The 4o*d( [$ee 1o##enta*- on Yo1hanan&EUohnF 1:1+( 1UN=:2 $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb*ewsC:1( 1UN=:@ The fo%%owing was f*o# a .ost b- i1hae% $1hiff#an in a .ub%i1

e1ho on the essiani1 Uewish Co#.ute* Netwo*;: QAs fo* 1 UN( =:@! the 3e*se was the sou*1e of 1*iti1is# fo* E*as#us of Rotte*da#! who .ut togethe* the fi*st G*ee; New Testa#ent du*ing the *efo*#ation! when it be1a#e in 3ogue to stud- NT g*ee;( $o#e Q1hu*1h offi1ia%sQ 1o#.%ained that his G*ee; TeLt had %a1;ed the T*inita*ian state#ent( E*as#us *e.%ied that he

not found ANY g*ee; #anus1*i.t that 1ontained the state#ent( 0n an ungua*ded #o#ent! he said that if a sing%e g*ee; #anus1*i.t 1ontaining the .h*ase 1ou%d be found! he wou%d inse*t it in his neLt edition( (((( $u1h a 1o.- was found(((o* #ade to o*de*(((( it a..ea*s that #anus1*i.t was w*itten a*ound 1=)G b- a f*an1is1an f*ia* na#ed P*o-! who t*ans%ated the wo*ds f*o# the 6atin 9u%gate into g*ee;( E*as#us! in his teLt inse*ted a %ength- footnote indi1ating his sus.i1ions about the #anus1*i.t( Ethe fu%% a11ount 1an be found in The TeLt of the New Testa#ent! b- /*u1e anning etDge*( 0 .e*sona%%- don>t be%ie3e the 3e*se was o*igina% to the New Testa#ent! and 0 don>t *e1ogniDe it as $1*i.tu*e! no* do 0 base a T*inita*ian be%ief on that 3e*se( A #u1h st*onge* 1ase 1an be #ade fo* the G*eat Co##ission fo*#u%a in atthew! as we%% as the nu#e*ous *efe*en1es to the 7neness of G-d and the di3init- of ea1h of the .e*sons in the G-dhead(Q N7TE: $ee 1o##ents fo%%owing this 3e*se in N9( -- And it is fu*the* inte*esting to note - how these state#ents Efo%%owingF f*o# the Hoha*! "A#ste*da# edit('! *e#ind onese%f of the *eading in the %ate* 6atin 3e*sion: [Hoha* @ 1o##enta*- on 3e*ses: 1Co*():1<: at(2:1@: at( )1:1?(+ 1UN=:)G N7TE: The state#ents in this 3e*se! in both the G*ee; and the A*a#ai1! s.ea; 1%ea*%- as to the *ea%it- of the T*i-Snit- of Ha$he#&YH9H E%ohi# E1had( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 2 YOCHANAN/(JOHN) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )UN1:1 N7TE: As in the A*a#ai1 Peshitta 3e*sion E6a#sa>s! not u*do1;>sF: >#othe* Cong*egation>! o*: The fi*st Cong*egation in Ye*usha%a-i#&EUe*usa%e#F! sheds an inte*esting %ight on this $e1ond 6ette* 7f Yo1hanan( )UN1:C N7TE: [ at(=:1?-1C! @:1)! )):2?-<G! )A:1C( 0Un(2:<-ENote: %aw%essnessXE<=AF-3io%ation of the To*ahF( 0Un(2:1@-)<(+ )UN1:11 0nte*esting we see in the A*a#ai1 Peshitta E6a#sa>s! not u*do1;>sF of >in3iting hi# to eat>( Tab%e-fe%%owshi. in #idd%e-easte*n 1u%tu*e was Eand isF %oo;ed u.on as 3e*i#.o*tant! a%#ost the sa#e as ente*ing into a 1o3enant with the .e*son -ou in3ite to eat with -ou( )UN1:1) N7TE: fi%%ed-1o#.%ete-E<12@F! is usua%%- t*ans%ated as Qfu%fi%%edQ! whi1h has 1o#e to 1a**- with it a negati3e sense in the #ode*n Eng%ish %anguage of: gone&3anished&abo%ished& *e#o3ed! et1(((: howe3e*: in G*ee; it #eans to fi%%-u.-Eas a g%ass to the b*i#F! and is i%%ust*ated in the abo3e 3e*se we%% E*ega*ding its %ite*a% #eaning(F 0t is a%so this wa- in the A*a#ai1 Peshitta(

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON 3 YOCHANAN/(JOHN) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2UN1 The date fo* this %ette* f*o# Yo1hanan is usua%%- gi3e as about CG A8&Ce( [)Un(1+ 2UN1) N7TE: P*o# an an1ient w*iting EA.osto%i1 Constitutions @:<?F we hea* that Befa&EPete*F o*dained one na#ed >8e#et*ius> as the fi*st /isho. of Phi%ade%.hia( [A1ts?:2: 1Ti#(2:@: Un( 1C:2=: Un()1:)<+ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON Y'HU AH/(JU E) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX US1 Y>hudah&EUudeF was the b*othe* of Ya,a;o3&EUa#esF [A1ts 1=+! and ha%f-b*othe* of Yeshua essiah( He is %isted a#ong Yeshua>s b*othe*s in at(12:== and a*; ?:2( This %ette* f*o# Y>hudah is usua%%- assigned a date of @G-AG A8&Ce( US? "Yo#a ?:A' USC He*e Y>hudah *efe*en1es the .seude.ig*a.ha% boo; >The Assu#.tion of oses>( US1< [th*u 3(1=+: He*e Y>hudah Muotes f*o# the .seude.ig*a.ha% of 1 Eno1h @ 1:C( 8oes the *efe*en1e to a boo; outside of $1*i.tu*e #ean that it is ins.i*ed thenI -NoEeL1e.t fo* the .o*tion that a..ea*s in $1*i.tu*e: on1e it did: it be1a#e .a*t of the ins.i*ed *e1o*d(F XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTARY ON RE!ELATION XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX RE1:1 N7TE: Q4ith *ega*d howe3e* to the ins.i*ation of the boo; Ei(e( the A.o1a%-.seF we ho%d it su.e*f%uous to s.ea; at %ength: sin1e the b%essed G*ego*- E0 #ean! the di3ineF and C-*i%! and #en of an o%de* gene*ation as we%%! Pa.ias! 0*enaeus! ethodius and Hi..o%-tus! bea* testi#on- to its genuineness(Q - EAnd*eas of Caesa*ea >.*efa1e to the>F RE1:? $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb(C:1)( RE1:A 0s(@:1) is essiani1a%%- a..%ied in the id*ash on 6a#(1:)! whe*e it is indi1ated that! as the 1hi%d*en of 0s*ae% sinned f*o# ah%ef to tah3 [A-T&Eas in A th*u H - a%.ha to o#egaF+! so God wou%d in the %atte* da-s 1o#fo*t the# f*o# Ah%ef to Tah3! s1*i.tu*e .assages in ea1h 1ase being Muoted( " enahoth A:1! A:?' RE1:C N7TE: QAfte* 8o#itian Ne*3a *eigned one -ea*! who *e1a%%ed Uohn f*o# the is%and Ei(e( Path#osF! and a%%owed hi# to dwe%% in E.hesus( He was at that ti#e the so%e su*3i3o* of the twe%3e A.ost%es! and afte* w*iting his Gos.e% *e1ei3ed the honou* of #a*t-*do#( Po* Pa.ias! bisho. of Hie*a.o%is! who was an e-e-witness of hi#! in the se1ond boo; of the 7*a1%es

of the 6o*d sa-s "((('Q - EGeo*gius Ha#a*to%us >Ch*oni1on>F RE1:1G $ee 1o##enta*- on )Co*(1):)!<( RE):= "/aba etDia <:1G' RE):@ $ee 1o##enta*- on )Co*(1):)!<( RE2:C 7ne 1ou%d a%#ost see this 3e*se add*essing the idea he%d bso#e fa%se *e%igions! se3e*a% .seudo-Ch*istian 1u%ts! and an#an de1ei3ed b- 3a*ious g*ou.s fa%se tea1hings that sa-: Qwe a%one a*e the ,Uews>Q: when if the t*uth be to%d - the- a*e not e3en Uewish at a%%J [$ee 1o##enta*- on Re3(@:<+( RE2:)G "Ta#id 1:)' RE<:1 $ee 1o##enta*- on )Co*(1):)!<( RE<:) $ee 1o##enta*- on )Co*(1):)!<( RE<:2 N7TE: Uas.e* R $a*dine stones -- the 1st and the %ast stones of the High P*iest( RE<:C "/e*a;hoth <:)' RE=:1G $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb(C:1)( RE=:1) N7TE: As in 1Ch*on()C:11-12 - whe*e it is a..%ied to YH9H E%ohi#( RE@:< These 1)!GGG of ea1h T*ibe E1<<!GGGF of 0s*ae% a*e Oust that( This %ist is of Uewish .eo.%e: not of so#e othe* g*ou. who ha..ens to thin; the- a*e Uews! and a*e not [Re3(2:C+( The*e a*e se3e*a% *easons gi3en that 8an was not %isted as one of the t*ibes he*e( 4hi%e a%% a*e .%ausib%e! one of the usua% ones is that the T*ibe of 8an was gui%t- of ido%-wo*shi. [1Bin(1):)A-)C+( /ut one thing is su*e! these a*e Uewish T*ibes( Anothe* obOe1tion is that eL1e.t fo* 6>3i! no one ;nows what t*ibe the- a*e f*o# an- %onge* sin1e the Te#.%e *e1o*ds we*e dest*o-ed( The answe* to this one is eas-: G-d who ;nows a%% things! - ;nows whe*e e3e*-one 1o#es f*o#( REC:= "Aboth ):1G: /e*a;hoth =:1' RE1):1 The g*eat sign of the wo#an he*e is 0s*ae%( This is 3e*si#i%a* to Yosef>s d*ea# in Gen(2@:C-1G( [$ee 1o##enta*on Re3(1):1@+( RE1):< The d*agon [3(2+ *e.*esenting ha$atan( The 1&2 of the sta*s fa%%en f*o# Hea3en! - the fa%%en ange%s( RE1):1@ 0 be%ie3e the g*ou. this *efe*s to a*e essiani1 /e%ie3e*s( The- a*e the on%- ones who a*e the %ite*a% offs.*ing of the wo#an Ethe enti*e .i1tu*e *ight befo*e this has a%so been of %it( 0s*ae%F: who ;ee. the Co##and#ents& itD3ot of God: and ha3e the testi#on- of Yeshua essiah( /e%ie3e*s of the Genti%es wou%d be s.o;en of #o*e as an ing*afting to 0s*ae% [Ro#(11:1@+: than as %ite*a% offs.*ing of he*( RE12:1A N7TE: QNow su1h being the state of the 1ase! and this nu#be* being set down in a%% the good and o%d 1o.ies! and testi#onbeing gi3en b- the .e*sons the#se%3es who had seen Uohn with thei* e-es! and *eason tea1hing us that the nu#be* of the na#e of the /east! a11o*ding to the *e1;oning of the G*ee;s! b- the %ette*s the*ein! wi%% ha3e ?GG! and ?G! and ?((((((so#e! 0 ;now not how! ha3e e**ed! fo%%owing a .a*ti1u%a* *eading! and ha3e ta;en %ibe*ties with the #idd%e nu#be* of the na#e! subt*a1ting the 3a%ue of fift-! and 1hoosing to ha3e one de1ade instead of siL(Q - E0*enaeus 3( 2G( 0(F

RE1<:A A few obse*3ations about the Gu%f wa*(((( Pi*st! we ;now that .*o.he1ies in Tana1h 1an ha3e a dua%! [o* #o*e+ fu%fi%%#ent! "The abo#ination of deso%ation fo* eLa#.%e'( 4ith that in #ind! 0 thin; that the .*o.he1ies *e%ating to /ab-%on ha3e a fu%fi%%#ent in thei* fi*st o3e*th*ow! then anothe* at the beginning of the Oudge#ent of the nations befo*e the T*ibu%ation! - Ewhi1h 0 be%ie3e we>3e *e1ent%- seenF! and again at a futu*e ti#e( Note in 0saiah 12a "fi*st .a*t of the 1ha.te*! whi1h begins the Oudge#ents against the nations! and in 1onteLt Eat ti#esF 1%ea*%- eL.*essed as being the end of ti#es as we see in fo%%owing 1ha.te*s': 12:1 The bu*den against /ab-%on whi1h 0saiah the son of A#oD saw( K[4hi%e 0 fee% that the *eff( to >*e%igious /ab-%on> in Re3e%ation #eans anothe* 1ount*- than the .h-si1a% /ab-%on! he*e in 0saiah 0 thin; the .*o.he1- is 1on1e*ning .h-si1a% /ab-%on&0*aM( Re#e#be* in Nebe1haneDa*>s d*ea# had /ab-%on as the >head> of the statue of the nations( 0nte*esting that being at the head! it .e*ha.s is seen as the fi*st to be Oudged! R this .*o.he1- sits at the head of the .*o.he1ies against the nations in this se1tion of 0saiah(+ - 12:) 6ift u. a banne* on the high #ountain! Raise -ou* 3oi1e to the#: 4a3e -ou* hand! that the- #a- ente* the gates of the nob%es( K[Possib%- a *eff( to offe*ing 0*aM! #an- ti#es! the 1hoi1e to a3oid this wa*! and ente* into a nob%e so%ution! *athe* than this wa*EIF+( - 12:2 0 ha3e 1o##anded - san1tified ones: 0 ha3e a%so 1a%%ed - #ight- ones fo* - ange* - Those who *eOoi1e in - eLa%tation( - 12:< The noise of a #u%titude in the #ountains! 6i;e that of #an- .eo.%eJ A tu#u%tuous noise of the ;ingdo#s of nations gathe*ed togethe*J The 6o*d of hosts #uste*s the a*#- fo* batt%e( The- 1o#e 12:= f*o# a fa* 1ount*-! P*o# the end of hea3en! E3en the 6o*d and His wea.ons of indignation! To dest*o- the who%e %and( K[7ften in $1*i.tu*e! nations a*#ies a*e noted as being di*e1ted of the 6o*d fo* His .u*.oses( Thus in this wa* we ha3e Oust been in! it is the fi*st ti#e we 1ou%d sa- #an- nations fought against one 1ount*-( 0n othe* wa*s! the*e ha3e been se3e*a% nations! fighting se3e*a% othe*s! but ne3e* 9ERY ANY NAT07N$ AGA0N$T 7NE NAT07N( Note: the *eff(- >f*o# a fa* 1ount*-> Ethe S$AIF - 12:? 4ai% fo* the da- of the 6o*d is at handJ 0t wi%% 1o#e as dest*u1tion f*o# the A%#ight-( 12:@ The*efo*e a%% hands wi%% be %i#.! E3e*- #an>s hea*t wi%% #e%t! 12:A And the- wi%% be af*aid( Pangs and so**ows wi%% ta;e ho%d of the#: The- wi%% be in .ain as a wo#an in 1hi%dbi*th: The- wi%% be a#aDed at one anothe*: The*e fa1es wi%% be %i;e f%a#es( K[This *e#inds #e of the sha.e that we found the 0*aMi a*#in(+ 12:C /eho%d! the da- of the 6o*d 1o#es! C*ue% with both w*ath and fie*1e ange*! To %a- the %and deso%ate: And He wi%% dest*o- its sinne*s with it( K[R indeed the %and of 0*aM has been %aid tota%%- deso%ateJ -- Pe*ha.s #o*e so than an- othe* .ost-wa* nation to date(+ 12:1G Po* the sta*s of hea3en and thei* 1onste%%ations wi%% not gi3e thei* %ight: The sun wi%% be da*;ened in its going fo*th! and the #oon wi%% not 1ause its %ight to shine( K[R again! this is Oust the 1ondition we saw! due to the oi% we%%s bu*ning! and the s;- .o%%ution f*o# the #an- bo#bings(+ Again! these 1onditions! [a%% nations gathe*ed! the %ight di#inished! e1t(+! we*e not .*esent du*ing

of %ife-

the fi*st o3e*th*ow of /ab-%on( The- we*e du*ing this o3e*th*ow( Anothe* inte*esting thing! the wa* ended on the /ib%i1a% feast of Pu*i#J - [in Esthe* if -ou>%% *e#e#be*! when this $A E PHY$0CA6 C7SNTRY Ethat is: in in1%uding the 0*aMi a*eaF th*eatened to wi.e out a%% the Uews the .%ot was defeated on this $A E 8AY! and it be1a#e the /ib%i1a% feast Pu*i#+( And we ha3e Oust seen the sa#e thing du*ing ou*

ti#eJ 7ne #o*e inte*esting .oint((( this is the fi*st wa* that 0s*ae% has been in3o%3ed in! sin1e /ib%i1a% ti#es! that she has ended u. on the winning side without fi*ing a shotJ 0 fee% that we #a- ha3e %eft the %abo* *oo# - [beginning of bi*th.angs+! and ente*ed the de%i3e*- *oo#J A1tua%%-! the announ1e#ent 1a#e f*o# P*esident /ush fo* Peb( )@th at #idnight E$T( Gi3en the fa1t that 0s*ae% is A hou*s ahead of us $T! and that Pu*i# sta*ts sundown the da- befo*e! it wou%d ha3e been ? A the #o*ning of Pu*i# in 0s*ae% when the fighting sto..edJ 0 a%so found it inte*esting that the 0*aMi .%anes ;e.t b- 0*an we*e *ight outside of $hushan( RE1<:11 RA//0N0C: T*a1tate Pesa1hi#! on Ge--Hinno#: QThen again! was then its fi*e 1*eated on the $abbath e3eI /eho%d! we a*e taught that R( Uose sa-s! >The fi*e whi1h the Ho%- 7ne! .*aised be HeJ 1*eated on the se1ond da- of 1*eation wi%% ne3e* be Muen1hed! fo* it is said E0saiah ??:)<F >And thesha%% go fo*th! and %oo; u.on the 1a*1asses of the #en that ha3e t*ansg*essed against #e: fo* thei* wo*# sha%% not die no* sha%% thei* fi*e be Muen1hed(>Q And Rashi so inte*.*ets: Qthei* fi*eQ to *efe* to Ge--Hinno#( Uudai1a /oo;s 1ontinues fo* 0saiah ??: Q$o#e eL.%ain it as *efe**ing to the 8a- of Uudg#ent afte* the *esu**e1tion of the dead! when the wi1;ed wi%% be *esu**e1ted fo* an e3e*%asting disg*a1e! as in 8anie% 1):)( $ti%% othe*s #aintain that >thei* fi*e wi%% not be Muen1hed> a%%udes to the sou% when it %ea3es the bod-( 0f it does not #e*it to as1ent to the ange%s of God! it *e#ains bthe s.he*es of fi*e( [Reda;+Q RE1<:12 "Aboth ?:C' RE1C:1C RA//0N0C: The ;ings of the ea*th stand u. and the *u%e*s a*e united togethe* to *ebe% befo*e the 6o*d! and to 1ontend against His essiah( - Ta*gu# Uonathan [on Ps()+ /eginning at that 3e*- ti#e Bing essiah wi%% *ise u.! and then a%% Genti%es wi%% be gathe*ed to batt%e against Ue*usa%e#! as 8a3id sa-s! >The ;ings of the ea*th stood u.(> EHoha* in Gen( fo%( @@! 1o%()C2F( And the .*in1es #et togethe* against the 6o*d! and against His essiah: and this sha%% ha..en in the ti#e of the Bing essiah( - EHoha* in EL( fo%( )<! Co%( C? - on Ps()F( RE)G:< N7TE: QPa.ias! a hea*e* of Uohn! EandF bisho. of Hie*a.o%is in Asia! w*ote on%- fi3e boo;s! whi1h he entit%ed An EL.osition of 8is1ou*ses of the 6o*d( "(((' This EPa.iasF is said to ha3e .*o#u%gated the KUewish t*adition of a i%%enniu#! and he is fo%%owed b- 0*enaeus! A.o%%ina*ius and the othe*s! who sathat afte* the *esu**e1tion the 6o*d wi%% *eign in the f%esh with the saints(Q - EUER7 E de 3i*( i%%ust( 1A(F KN7TE: This 3iew of Pa.ias Ethe ea*%- 3iewF was #u1h %ate* in histo*- denoun1ed b- the QChu*1hQ: inte*esting that

now though in the )Gth 1entu*- the #ainst*ea# .osition of the Conse*3ati3e P*otestant /e%ie3e*s on the Q i%%enniu#Q is on1e again in a11o*d with Pa.ias>( The 1onditions that wi%% eList du*ing the 1GGG -ea* i%%enniu# Bingdo# a*e s.o;en of in 3a*ious .%a1es th*oughout Tana;h( 7ne thing that shou%d be1o#e e3ident! is that the in1o**e1t dog#a that sa-s: >the ea*th wi%% be uninhabited fo* this 1GGG -ea* .e*iod>! is ne3e* on1e #entioned in an$1*i.tu*e! in eithe* Tana;h o* the New Co3enant! that s.ea; 1%ea*%- and a*e di*e1t%- *e%ating to this ti#e [Re3()G:2-<!?! @-C: et1(((+ C%ea*%- the Nations a*e on the ea*th! and essiah *eigning f*o# Ye*usha%a-i# o3e* the#( 0t is be%ie3ed b- #an-! that as the fi*st-s.*ing /ib%i1a% Pesti3a%s a%% *e%ated to and we*e a11o#.%ished b- essiah at His fi*st 1o#ing! - so too sha%% it be with His $e1ond Co#ing( The fo%%owing we*e a11o#.%ished in essiah>s Pi*st Co#ing Ewhen He a..ea*ed as The-$uffe*ing essiah! so#ewhat we note in ag*ee#ent with the Rabbini1 idea of essiah ben-YosefF: 1F( Chag Ha atDot&Pesti3a% 7f atDah&ESn%ea3en b*eadF: 1o##on%- ;nown b- Genti%e Chu*1hes as >the Passion 4ee;>( )F( Pesa1h&Passo3e*: Co##on%- ;nown to the Genti%e Chu*1hes as >Good-P*ida->( 2F( 7#e* Raesheet&Pi*st Peast 7f Pi*st P*uits: Co##on%;nown to the Genti%e Chu*1hes as >Resu**e1tion $unda->( <F( $ha3uot&4ee;s: Co##on%- ;nown to the Genti%e Chu*1hes as >Pente1ost>! E=G da-s afte* the Resu**e1tionF( These feasts a*e obse*3ed b- the #aOo*it- of Genti%e Chu*1hes! but usua%%- on the w*ong da-s due to using a Ro#an 1a%enda*! *athe* than the Uewish /ib%i1a% 1a%enda*! to figu*e the#( This 1a#e about sta*ting in the <th 1entu*- A8&Ce! when the Genti%e Chu*1hes fo* the #ost .a*t *eOe1ted thei* Uewish *oots: Uewish essiani1 /*eth*en: and so too /ib%i1a% Uudai1 .*a1ti1e fo* the #ost .a*t( [Po* #o*e on this see the A..endiL to .a*t 00! in the histo*- se1tion(+ And the fo%%owing a*e seen as we%% as being P*o.heti1! s.ea;ing of Yeshua essiah>s $e1ond Co#ing! when He sha%% a..ea* as The-Reigning essiah - essiah /en-8a3id: 1F( Rosh Ha$hannah&Pesti3a% of New Yea* [Yo# haT>*uahEPesti3a% of T*u#.etsF&Yo# haHi1h>*on&EPesti3a% of Re#e#b*an1eF+: $een as a..%-ing to the ti#e of the Q*a.tu*eQ of the Cong*egation of essiah! and the *aising of the *ighteous dead( [$ee 1o##enta*- on 1Thes(<:1?+( )F( Yo# Bi..u*&8a- of Atone#ent: $een in its .*o.heti1 sense as the ti#e $ha>u% ta%;s about in Ro#(11:)?! whe*e: Qa%% 0s*ae% sha%% be $a3edQ - when the- a%% wi%% 1o#e to ;now Yeshua as thei* essiah du*ing the T*ibu%ation-Ethe %ast ha%f of this ti#e .e*iod is 1a%%ed in 8anie%: the ti#e of Ya,a;o3>s t*oub%e(F 2F( $u;;ot&Pesti3a% of Q/ooths&Tabe*na1%esQ: $een as the ti#e when essiah Yeshua /en 8a3id sha%% *eign o3e* the Nations with a *od of i*on ERe():)@! 1):=! 1C:1=: Ps():?-1GF and a%% His san1tified ones with Hi# ERe3()G:?F fo* 1GGG

-ea*s( 0t ends the @th da- on Hoshana Rabba( Hoshana Rabba when E$ee: is 1onside*ed as an eLtension of Yo# Bi..u* and the dathe gates of Oudge#ent fina%%- 1%ose( The*efo*e the @th dae3en though du*ing a Oo-fu% feast! is so#ewhat so%e#n( 1st Uewish Cata%og .(1)AF( This then #ight *e#ind us Ebeing at the end of $u;;otF of the batt%e of Gog and agog in Re3( )G:@-1G( Afte* this then! we 1o#e to the the Ath da-(((( <F( $he#ini-AtDe*et&The Eighth 8a- Ethe da- afte* the 1on1%usion of $u;;otF: This Pesti3a% E%i;e Rosh Ha$hannah [1Thes(<:1?+F was 3iewed in Rabbini1 o.inion as so#ewhat of a Q#-ste*-Q! sin1e no s.e1ifi1 *eason was gi3en fo* it>s obse*3an1e E$ee: 1st Uewish Cata%og .(1)AF( 0 be%ie3e though that this da- wou%d *e#ind us of the fina% Oudge#ent b- the Pathe* of a%% 1*eation ERe3()G:11-1=F( =F( $i#1hat To*ah: 0s the Uudai1 .*a1ti1e of *eOoi1ing o3e* the To*ah! and beginning anew the *eading of the To*ah! sta*ting again at /e*esheet&Genesis 1:1( 0n 0s*ae% it is 1e%eb*ated on the sa#e da- as $he#ini-AtDe*et: in the 8ias.o*a the da- afte*( /ut what 0 find inte*esting is that if one ta;es the unde*standing of $he#ini-AtDe*et in [ = abo3e! and adds to it the fa1t that the /ib%e *eading sta*ts o3e* again with these wo*ds: Q0n the /eginning God 1*eated the Hea3ens and the ea*thQ! - one is %eft with the inte*esting 1on1%usion that $i#1hat-To*ah wou%d then be a Pesti3a% a1;now%edging the ti#e of the Q*e-1*eationQ of the Hea3ens in the ea*th ERe3()1:1F( This %eads us then ba1; fu%% 1-1%e to((( ((($habbat&$abbath: 7u* 1u**ent 1*eation was at fi*st gi3en the $habbat as we see in /e*esheet&Genesis( 4e a*e gi3en the unde*standing that the $habbat was not to ha3e 1%osed! sin1e in Genesis the da- @th da- ne3e* 1%oses with an: Qe3ening and a #o*ning the >"((('> da-(Q! Eas we 1an see is stated fo* the othe* da-s(F The*efo*e 0 be%ie3e that it was to ha3e been an ete*na% state fo* the 1*eation to *e#ain in( 6i;ewise! 0 be%ie3e one whi1h wi%% eList fo*e3e* in the *e-1*eation with the hew hea3ens and the new ea*th( [$ee 1o##enta*- on )Pet(2:A+ "$anhed*in @:2' RE)G:= "$anhed*in 1G:1: Aboth ?:C' RE)G:? RA//0N0C: $anhed*in EC@a-C@bF The Tanna debe E%i--ahu tea1hes: The wo*%d is to eList siL thousand -ea*s( 0n the fi*st )!GGG was deso%ation Ei(e( no To*ahF( )!GGG -ea*s the To*ah f%ou*ished! EA3*aha# to 1 A8&1eF! and the neLt )!GGG -ea*s is the essiani1 e*a( - Ti(e( essiah shou%d ha3e 1o#e at the beginning E1 Ad&1eF of the %ast )!GGG -ea*s: the de%a- is due to ou* sins(T The wo*%d wi%% 1ontinue ?!GGG -ea*s! the fi*st )!GGG -ea*s we*e of wisdo#! and the thi*d )!GGG -ea*s a*e the da-s of essiah! and be1ause of ou* sins #an-! #an-! -ea*s of these ha3e e%a.sed! and sti%% He has not 1o#e( - Ta%(/ab( T*($anh( .(2G=( $ee 1o##enta*- on Heb(C:1) R at()<:)( RE)G:@ Ef*o# Re3( )G:<a-@aF RA//0N0C: This sha%% be in the ti#e of the essiah whi1h wi%% be on the siLth da-: i(e(! the siLth #i%%eniu#: sa-s R( Hona in the na#e of R( A#e! QThis is the essiah(Q - Hoha* Ein Gen( fo%(- 2!<(F Re3()G:@b the end of the siLth Qda-Q towa*ds the dawn of the

se3enth( RE)1:1 "Ta#id @:<' RE)1:1= " i;waoth ):1G' RE)1:)1 "$he;a%i# ?:2'


G), Mit:vot -R!0!N6S ). /ncient Sayings /round the )st &entury /;%&9 9era *. .ragments of an Snknown 6os#el ,. 0he 31yrhynchus Sayings 3f 4eshua V. 0he .regremts of Pa#ias F. 0he Reli"ues of the 9lders 'from !renaeus( G. ;idache U. /n /ncient $omily T. /#ostolic &onstitutions 'e1cer#ts( +. Sibyline 3racles $!S03R!&/2 M!S&922/N93SS 30$9R S3SR&9S $92PS /N; R9&3MM9N;9; R9/;!N6 GGG G** G*G



T T -.-.-.-./ .-----------. / / /E2A M$TBVOT/ / / .-----------. / -.-.-.-.T T .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). / FOLLO+$NG A1* TH* E2A M$TBVOT OF TO1AH - TA1,AG M$TBVOT / .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). Man: of these E2A can also e fo%nd in the New 0o"enant3 #+h: not see how man: :o% can find thereS( #The references ma: "ar: a "erse or two in location, de'endin& on :o%r "ersion of !cri't%re3( The =CG Positi"e Mitz"ot;0ommandmentsM -------------------------------------4 TO1AH 61$*F 7*!01$PT$ON ---- -------------------------------------------------------------G-8 P P P P P P P P P 1 ) 2 < = EL( )G:) To be%ie3e in G-d 8e( ?:< To a1;now%edge the Snit- of G-d 8e( ?:= To %o3e G-d 8e( ?:12 To fea* G-d EL()2:)=: To se*3e G-d 8e(11:12: 12:= ? 8e(1G:)G To 1%ea3e to G-d @ 8e(1G:)G 7n ta;ing an oath b- G-d>s Na#e A 8e( )A:C 7n wa%;ing in G-d>s wa-s C 6e()):2) 7n $an1tif-ing G-d>s Na#e T7RAH P 1G 8e( ?:@ 7n *e1iting the $h>#a ea1h #o*ning and e3ening P 11 8e( ?:@ 7n stud-ing and tea1hing To*ah P 1) 8e( ?:A 7n binding Tefi%%in on the head P 12 8e( ?:A 7n binding Tefi%%in on the hand P 1< Nu(1=:2A 7n #a;ing TDitDit with th*ead of b%ue! ga*#ents 1o*ne*s P 1= 8e( ?:C 7n affiLing a eDuDah to doo*.osts and gates P 1? 8e(21:1) 7n Asse#b%ing ea1h @th -ea* to hea* the To*ah *ead P 1@ 8e(1@:1A 7n that a ;ing #ust w*ite a 1o.- of To*ah fo* hi#se%f P 1A 8e(21:1C 7n that e3e*-one shou%d ha3e a To*ah s1*o%% P 1C 8e( A:1G 7n .*aising G-d afte* eating! G*a1e afte* #ea%s TE P6E AN8 THE PR0E$T$ P )G d P )1 P )) P )2 EL( )=:A 7n bui%ding a $an1tua*-&ETabe*na1%e&Te#.%eF fo* G6e(1C:2G 7n *es.e1ting the $an1tua*Nu( 1A:< 7n gua*ding the $an1tua*Nu(1A:)2 7n 6e3iti1a% se*3i1es in the Tabe*na1%e 0OMV

P )< EL(2G:1C 7n Cohani# washing hands R feet befo*e ente*ing Te#.%e P )= EL()@:)1 7n ;ind%ing the eno*ah b- the Cohani# P )? Nu( ?:)2 7n the Cohani# b%essing 0s*ae% P )@ EL()=:2G 7n the $howb*ead befo*e the A*; P )A EL( 2G:@ 7n /u*ning the 0n1ense on the Go%den A%ta* twi1e dai%P )C 6e( ?:? 7n the .e*.etua% fi*e on the A%ta* P 2G 6e( ?:2 7n *e#o3ing the ashes f*o# the A%ta* P 21 Nu( =:) 7n *e#o3ing un1%ean .e*sons f*o# the 1a#. P 2) 6e( )1:A 7n hono*ing the Cohani# P 22 EL( )A:) 7n the ga*#ents of the Cohani# P 2< Nu( @:C 7n Cohani# bea*ing the A*; on thei* shou%de*s P 2= EL(2G:21 7n the ho%- anointing oi% P 2? 8e(1A:?-A 7n the Cohani# #iniste*ing in *otation&wat1hes P 2@ 6e()1:)-2 7n the Cohani# being defi%ed fo* dead *e%ati3es P 2A 6e()1:12 7n that Cohen haGado% #a- on%- #a**- a 3i*gin $ACR0P0CE$ P 2C Nu()A:2 7n the twi1e 8ai%- /u*nt! ta#id! offe*ings P <G 6e(?:12 7n Cohen haGado%>s twi1e dai%- #ea% offe*ing P <1 Nu()A:C 7n the $habbat additiona%! #usaf! offe*ing P <) Nu()A:11 7n the New oon! Rosh Chodesh! additiona% offe*ing P <2 6e()2:2? 7n the Pesa1h additiona% offe*ing P << 6e()2:1G 7n the se1ond da- of Pesa1h #ea% offe*ing of the 7#e* P <= Nu()A:)? 7n the $ha3uot additiona%! #usaf! offe*ing -)@ P <? 6e()2:1@ 7n the Two 6oa3es of b*ead 4a3e offe*ing on $ha3uot P <@ Nu()C:1-) 7n the Rosh Ha$hannah additiona% offe*ing P <A Nu()C:@-A 7n the Yo# Bi..u* additiona% offe*ing P <C 6e(1? 7n the se*3i1e of Yo# Bi..u*! A3odah P =G Nu()C:12 7n the $u;;ot! #usaf! offe*ings P =1 Nu()C:2? 7n the $he#ini AtDe*et additiona% offe*ing P =) EL()2:1< 7n the th*ee annua% Pesti3a% .i%g*i#ages to the Te#.%e P =2 EL(2<:)2: 7n a..ea*ing befo*e YH9H du*ing the Pesti3a%s 8e(1?:1? P =< 8e(1?:1< 7n *eOoi1ing on the Pesti3a%s P == EL(1):? 7n the 1<th of Nisan s%aughte*ing the Pesa1h %a#b P =? EL(1):A 7n eating the *oasted Pesa1h %a#b night of Nisan 1= P =@ Nu(C:11 7n s%aughte*ing the Pesa1h $heini! 0--a* 1<! offe*ing P =A Nu(C:11: 7n eating the Pesa1h $heini %a#b with atDah and a*o* EL(1):A P =C Nu(1G:C T*u#.ets fo* Peast sa1*ifi1es b*ought R fo* t*ibu%ation -1G P ?G 6e()):)@ 7n #ini#u# age of 1att%e to be offe*ed P ?1 6e()):)1 7n offe*ing on%- unb%e#ished sa1*ifi1es P ?) 6e():12 7n b*inging sa%t with e3e*- offe*ing P ?2 6e(1:) 7n the /u*nt-7ffe*ing P ?< 6e(?:1A 7n the $in-7ffe*ing P ?= 6e(@:1 7n the Gui%t-7ffe*ing P ?? 6e(2:1 7n the Pea1e-7ffe*ing P ?@ 6e():1: 7n the ea%-7ffe*ing ?:@

P ?A 6e(<:12 7n offe*ings fo* a Cou*t E$anhed*inF that has e**ed P ?C 6e(<:)@ PiLed $in-7ffe*ing! b- one un;nowing%- b*ea;ing a ;a*et P @G 6e(=:1@ $us.ensi3e Gui%t-7ffe*ing if doubt of b*ea;ing a ;a*et -1A P @1 6e(=:1=: Sn1onditiona% Gui%t-7ffe*ing! fo* stea%ing! et1( 1C:)G-)1 P @) 6e(=:1-11 7ffe*ing highe* o* %owe* 3a%ue! a11o*ding to ones #eans P @2 Nu(=:?-@ To 1onfess one>s sins befo*e G-d and *e.ent f*o# the# P @< 6e(1=:12 7n offe*ing b*ought b- a Da3 E#an with a dis1ha*geF -1= P @= 6e(1=:)A 7ffe*ing b*ought b- a Da3ah Ewo#an with a dis1ha*geF -)C P @? 6e(1):? 7n offe*ing b*ought b- a wo#an afte* 1hi%dbi*th P @@ 6e(1<:1G 7n offe*ing b*ought b- a %e.e* afte* being 1%eansed P @A 6e()@:2) 7n the Tithe of one>s 1att%e P @C EL(12:) $a1*ifi1ing the Pi*st-bo*n of 1%ean E.e*#ittedF 1att%e P AG EL()):)A: 7n Redee#ing the Pi*st-bo*n of #an! Pid-on haben Nu(1A:1= P A1 EL(2<:)G 7n Redee#ing the fi*st%ing of an ass! if not((( P A) EL(12:12 (((b*ea;ing the ne1; of the fi*st%ing of an ass P A2 8e(1):=-? 7n b*inging due offe*ings to Ue*usa%e# without de%aP A< 8e(1):1< A%% offe*ings #ust be b*ought on%- to the $an1tua*P A= 8e(1):2? 7n offe*ings due f*o# outside 0s*ae% to the $an1tua*P A? 8e(1):1= 7n Redee#ing b%e#ished san1tified ani#a% offe*ings P A@ 6e()@:22 7n the ho%iness of substituted ani#a% offe*ings P AA 6e(?:C 7n Cohani# eating the *e#ainde* of the ea% 7ffe*ings P AC EL()C:22 7n Cohani# eating the #eat of $in and Gui%t 7ffe*ings P CG 6e(@:1C /u*n Conse1*ated 7ffe*ings that>3e be1o#e ta#eh&un1%ean P C1 6e(@:1@ /u*n *e#nant of Conse1*ated 7ffe*ings not eaten in ti#e 974$ P C) Nu(?:= The NaDi* %etting his hai* g*ow du*ing his se.a*ation P C2 Nu(?:1A NaDi* 1o#.%eting 3ow sha3es his head R b*ings sa1*ifi1e P C< 8e()2:)< 7n that a #an #ust hono* his o*a% 3ows and oaths P C= Nu(2G:2 7n that a Oudge 1an annu% 3ows! on%- a11o*ding to To*ah R0TSA6 PSR0TY P C? 6e(11:A! 8efi%e#ent b- tou1hing 1e*tain ani#a% 1a*1asses! R((( )< P C@ 6e(11:)C (((b- tou1hing 1a*1asses of eight 1* 1*eatu*es -21 P CA 6e(11:2< 8efi%e#ent of food R d*in;! if 1onta1ting un1%ean thing

P CC 6e(1=:1C 7n Tu#ah of a #enst*uant wo#an P1GG 6e(1):) 7n Tu#ah of a wo#an afte* 1hi%dbi*th P1G1 6e(12:2 7n Tu#ah of a %e.e* P1G) 6e(12:=1 7n ga*#ents 1onta#inated b- %e.*osP1G2 6e(1<:<< 7n a %e.*ous house P1G< 6e(1=:) 7n Tu#ah of a Da3 E#an with a *unning issueF P1G= 6e(1=:? 7n Tu#ah of se#en P1G? 6e(1=:1C Tu#ah of a Da3ah Ewo#an suffe*ing f*o# a *unning issueF P1G@ Nu(1C:1< 7n Tu#ah of a hu#an 1o*.se P1GA Nu(1C:12! 6aw of the .u*ifi1ation wate* of s.*in;%ing! #ei niddah )1 P1GC 6e(1=:1? 7n i##e*sing in a #i;3eh to be1o#e *itua%%- 1%ean P11G 6e(1<:) 7n the s.e1ified .*o1edu*e of 1%eansing f*o# %e.*osP111 6e(1<:C 7n that a %e.e* #ust sha3e his head P11) 6e(12:<= 7n that the %e.e* #ust be #ade easi%distinguishab%e P112 Nu(1C:)-C 7n Ashes of the Red Heife*! used in *itua% .u*ifi1ation 87NAT07N$ T7 THE TE P6E P11< 6e()@:)-A 7n the 3a%uation fo* a .e*son hi#se%f to the Te#.%e P11= 6e()@:11 7n the 3a%uation fo* an un1%ean beast to the Te#.%e -1) P11? 6e()@:1< 7n the 3a%uation of a house as a donation to the Te#.%e P11@ 6e()@:1?! 7n the 3a%uation of a fie%d as a donation to the Te#.%e ))-)2 P11A 6e(=:1? 0f benefit f*o# Te#.%e .*o.e*t-! *estitution .%us 1&=th P11C 6e(1C:)< 7n the f*uits of the t*ees fou*th -ea*>s g*owth P1)G 6e(1C:C 7n %ea3ing the 1o*ne*s EPeahF of fie%ds fo* the .oo* P1)1 6e(1C:C 7n %ea3ing g%eanings of the fie%d fo* the .oo* P1)) 8e()<:1C 7n %ea3ing the fo*gotten sheaf fo* the .oo* P1)2 6e(1C:1C 7n %ea3ing the #isfo*#ed g*a.e 1%uste*s fo* the .oo* P1)< 6e(1C:1G 7n %ea3ing g*a.e g%eanings fo* the .oo* P1)= EL()2:1C 7n se.a*ating R b*inging Pi*st-f*uits to the $an1tua*P1)? 8e(1A:< To se.a*ate the g*eat Hea3e-offe*ing Ete*u#ahF P1)@ 6e()@:2G: To set aside the fi*st tithe to the 6e3ites Nu(1A:)< P1)A 8e(1<:)) To set aside the se1ond tithe! eaten on%- in Ue*usa%e# P1)C Nu(1A:)? 7n 6e3ites> gi3ing tenth of thei* tithe to the Cohani# P12G 8e(1<:)A To set aside the .oo*-#an>s tithe in 2*d and ?th -ea* P121 8e()?:12 A de1%a*ation #ade when se.a*ating the 3a*ious tithes P12) 8e()?:= A de1%a*ation #ade b*inging Pi*st-f*uits to the Te#.%e P122 Nu(1=:)G 7n the fi*st .o*tion of the Cha%%ah gi3en to the Cohen THE $A//AT0CA6 YEAR

P12< EL()2:11 7n owne*%ess .*odu1e of the $abbati1a% -ea* Eshe#ittahF P12= EL(2<:)1 7n *esting the %and on the $abbati1a% -ea* P12? 6e()=:1G 7n san1tif-ing the Uubi%ee E=GthF -ea* P12@ 6e()=:C /%ow $hofa* on Yo# Bi..u* in the Uubi%ee R s%a3es f*eed P12A 6e()=:)< Re3e*sion of the %and to an1est*a% owne*s in Uubi%ee -* P12C 6e()=:)< 7n the *ede#.tion of a house within a -ea* of the sa%e P1<G 6e()=:A Counting and announ1ing the -ea*s ti%% the Uubi%ee -ea* P1<1 8e(1=:2 A%% debts a*e annu%%ed in the $abbati1a% -ea*! but((( P1<) 8e(1=:2 (((one #a- eLa1t a debt owed b- a fo*eigne* C7NCERN0NG AN0 A6$ P7R C7N$S PT07N P1<2 8e(1A:2 The Cohen>s due in the s%aughte* of e3e*- 1%ean ani#a% P1<< 8e(1A:< 7n the fi*st of the f%ee1e to be gi3en to the Cohen P1<= 6e()@:)1! EChe*e# 3owF one de3oted thing to G-d! othe* to Cohani# )A P1<? 6e(1):)1 $%aughte*ing ani#a%s! a11o*ding to To*ah! befo*e eating P1<@ 6e(1@:12 Co3e*ing with ea*th the b%ood of s%ain fow% and beast P1<A 8e()):@ 7n setting f*ee the .a*ent bi*d when ta;ing the nest P1<C 6e(11:) $ea*1hing fo* .*es1*ibed signs in beasts! fo* eating P1=G 8e(1<:11 $ea*1hing fo* the .*es1*ibed signs in bi*ds! fo* eating P1=1 6e(11:)1 $ea*1hing fo* .*es1*ibed signs in %o1usts! fo* eating P1=) 6e(11:C $ea*1hing fo* the .*es1*ibed signs in fish! fo* eating PE$T09A6$ P1=2 EL(1):): $anhed*in to san1tif- New oon! R *e1;on -*s R seasons 8e(1?:1 P1=< EL()2:1) 7n *esting on the $habbat P1== EL()G:A 7n de1%a*ing $habbat ho%- at its onset and te*#ination P1=? EL(1):1= 7n *e#o3a% of 1ha#etD! %ea3enEedF! on ENisan 1<F Pesa1h P1=@ EL(12:A Te%% of ELodus f*o# Eg-.t 1st night Pesa1h! ENisan 1=F P1=A EL(1):1A 7n eating atDah the fi*st night of Pesa1h! ENisan 1=F P1=C EL(1):1? 7n *esting on the fi*st da- of Pesa1h P1?G EL(1):1? 7n *esting on the se3enth da- of Pesa1h P1?1 6e()2:2= Count the 7#e* <C da-s f*o# da- of fi*st sheaf Nisan 1? P1?) 6e()2 7n *esting on $ha3uot P1?2 6e()2:)< 7n *esting on Rosh Ha$hannah P1?< 6e(1?:)C 7n fasting on Yo# Bi..u* P1?= 6e(1?:)C! 7n *esting on Yo# Bi..u* 21 P1?? 6e()2:2= 7n *esting on the fi*st da- of $u;;ot P1?@ 6e()2:2? 7n *esting on Ethe Ath da-F $he#ini AtDe*et P1?A 6e()2:<) 7n dwe%%ing in a $u;;ah EboothF fo* se3en da-s

P1?C 6e()2:<G 7n ta;ing a 6u%a3 Ethe fou* s.e1iesF on $u;;ot P1@G Nu()C:1 7n hea*ing the sound of the $hofa* on Rosh Ha$hannah C7 SN0TY

P1@1 EL(2G:1) 7n e3e*- #a%e gi3ing ha%f a she;e% annua%%- to Te#.%e -12 P1@) 8e(1A:1= 7n heeding the P*o.hets P1@2 8e(1@:1= 7n a..ointing a ;ing P1@< 8e(1@:11 7n obe-ing the G*eat Cou*t E$anhed*inF P1@= EL()2:) 7n in 1ase of di3ision! abiding b- a #aOo*itde1ision P1@? 8e(1?:1A A..ointing Uudges R 7ffi1e*s of the Cou*t in e3e*town P1@@ 6e(1C:1= T*eating %itigants eMua%%-&i#.a*tia%%- befo*e the %aw P1@A 6e(=:1 An-one awa*e of e3iden1e #ust 1o#e to 1ou*t to testifP1@C 8e(12:1= The testi#on- of witnesses sha%% be eLa#ined tho*ough%P1AG 8e(1C:1C 7n 1onde#ning witnesses who testif- fa%se%P1AG 8e(1C:1C Pa%se witnesses .unished! as the- intended u.on a11used P1A1 8e()1:< 7n Eg%ah A*ufah! on the heife* when #u*de*e* un;nown P1A) 8e(1C:2 7n estab%ishing $iL Cities of Refuge P1A2 Nu(2=:) Gi3e 1ities to 6e3ites - who>3e no an1est*a% %and sha*e P1A< 8e()):A /ui%d fen1e on *oof! *e#o3e .otentia% haDa*ds f*o# ho#e 0876ATRY P1A= 8e(1):): 7n dest*o-ing a%% ido%at*- and its a..u*tenan1es @:= P1A? 8e(12:1@ The %aw about a 1it- that has be1o#e a.ostate&.e*3e*ted P1A@ 8e()G:1@ 7n the %aw about dest*o-ing the se3en Canaanite nations P1AA 8e()=:1C 7n the eLtin1tion of the seed of A#a%e; P1AC 8e()=:1@ 7n *e#e#be*ing the nefa*ious deeds of A#a%e; to 0s*ae% 4AR P1CG 8e()G:11 in To*ah -1) P1C1 8e()G:) *etu*n P1C) 8e()2:1< sanita*- R((( 1= P1C2 8e()2:1= Regu%ations fo* wa*s othe* than ones 1o##anded Cohen fo* s.e1ia% duties in wa*: a%so #en unfit P*e.a*e .%a1e be-ond the 1a#.! so to ;ee. (((so in1%ude a digging too% a#ong wa* i#.%e#ents $7C0A6 P1C< 6e(=:)2 7n a *obbe* to *esto*e the sto%en a*ti1%e to its owne* P1C= 8e(1=:A: 7n to gi3e 1ha*it- to the .oo* 6e()=:2=-2?

P1C? 8e(1=:1< 7n gi3ing gifts to a Heb*ew bond#an u.on his f*eedo# P1C@ EL()):)< 7n %ending #one- to the .oo* without inte*est P1CA 8e()2:)1 7n %ending #one- to the fo*eigne* with inte*est P1CC 8e()<:12: 7n *esto*ing a .%edge to its owne* if he needs it EL()):)= P)GG 8e()<:1= 7n .a-ing the wo*;e* his wages on ti#e P)G1 8e()2:)= E#.%o-ee is a%%owed to eat the .*odu1e he>s wo*;ing in -)? P)G) EL()2:= 7n un%oad when ne1essa*- a ti*ed ani#a% P)G2 8e()):< 7n assisting a #an %oading his beast with its bu*den P)G< 8e()):1: 7n that %ost .*o.e*t- #ust be *etu*ned to its owne* EL()2:< P)G= 6e(1C:1@ 7n being *eMui*ed to *e.*o3e the sinne* P)G? 6e(1C:1A 7n %o3e -ou* neighbo* as -ou*se%f P)G@ 8e(1G:1C 7n being 1o##anded to %o3e the 1on3e*t&.*ose%-te P)GA 6e(1C:2? 7n the %aw of a11u*ate weights and #easu*es PA 06Y P)GC 6e(1C:2) 7n hono*ing the o%d Eand wiseF P)1G EL()G:1) 7n hono*ing .a*ents P)11 6e(1C:2 7n fea*ing .a*ents P)1) Ge(1:)A 7n to be f*uitfu% and #u%ti.%P)12 8e()<:1 7n the %aw of #a**iage P)1< 8e()<:= 7n b*ideg*oo# de3otes hi#se%f to his wife fo* one -ea* P)1= Ge(1@:1G: 7n 1i*1u#1ising one>s son 6e(1):2 P)1? 8e()=:= 0f a #an dies 1hi%d%ess his b*othe* #a**- widow! o*((( P)1@ 8e()=:C (((*e%ease he*&the-widow ECha%itDahF P)1A 8e()):)C A 3io%ato* #ust #a**- the 3i*gin&#aiden he has 3io%ated P)1C 8e()):1A The defa#e* of his b*ide is f%ogged R #a- ne3e* di3o*1e -1C P))G EL()):1= 7n the sedu1e* #ust be .unished a11o*ding to the %aw -)2 P))1 8e()1:11 Ca.ti3e wo#en t*eated a11o*ding to s.e1ia% *egu%ations P))) 8e()<:1 The %aw of di3o*1e! on%- b- #eans of w*itten do1u#ent P))2 Nu(=:1= $us.e1ted adu%te*ess has to sub#it to the *eMui*ed test -)@ US80C0A6 P))< 8e()=:) 7n t*ansg*esso*s of 1e*tain 1o##and#ents P))= Nu(2=:)= 7n eLi%e to 1it- of *efuge fo* unintentiona% ho#i1ide P))? EL()1:)G 7n beheading t*ansg*esso*s of 1e*tain 1o##and#ents P))@ EL()1:1? 7n st*ang%ing t*ansg*esso*s of 1e*tain 1o##and#ents P))A 6e()G:1< 7n bu*ning t*ansg*esso*s of 1e*tain

1o##and#ents P))C 8e()):)< 7n stoning t*ansg*esso*s of 1e*tain 1o##and#ents P)2G 8e()1:)) Hang afte* eLe1ution! 3io%ato*s of 1e*tain 1o##and#ents P)21 8e()1:)2 7n bu*ia% on the sa#e da- of eLe1ution $6A9E$ P)2) EL()1:) bond#an P)22 EL()1:A o*((( P)2< EL()1:A P)2= 6e()=:<? 7n the s.e1ia% %aws fo* t*eating the Heb*ew Heb*ew bond#aid #a**ied to he* #aste* o* his son! (((a%%ow the *ede#.tion to the Heb*ew bond#aid 7n the %aws fo* t*eating an a%ien bond#an T7RT$ P)2? EL()1:1A 7n the .ena%t- fo* a .e*son inf%i1ting inOu*P)2@ EL()1:)A 7n the %aw of inOu*ies 1aused b- an ani#a% P)2A EL()1:22 7n the %aw of inOu*ies 1aused b- an .it -2< P)2C EL()1:2@ 7n the %aw of .unish#ent of thie3es -)):2 P)<G EL()):< 7n the %aw of a Oudge#ent fo* da#age 1aused b- a beast P)<1 EL()):= 7n the %aw of a Oudge#ent fo* da#age 1aused b- a fi*e P)<) EL()):? 7n the %aw of an un.aid gua*dian -A P)<2 EL()):C 7n the %aw of a .aid gua*dian -1) P)<< EL()):12 7n the %aw of a bo**owe* P)<= 6e()=:1< 7n the %aw of bu-ing and se%%ing P)<? EL()):A 7n the %aw of %itigants P)<@ 8e()=:1) $a3e %ife of one .u*sued! e3en if need - ;i%% o..*esso* P)<A Nu()@:A 7n the %aw of inhe*itan1e The AED Ne&ati"e Mitz"ot;0ommandmentsM -------------------------------------4 TO1AH 61$*F 7*!01$PT$ON ---- -------------------------------------------------------------0876ATRY AN8 RE6ATE8 PRACT0CE$ N 1 EL()G:2 Not be%ie3ing in an- othe* god eL1e.t the 7ne G-d( N ) EL()G:< Not to #a;e i#ages fo* the .u*.ose of wo*shi. N 2 6e(1C:< Not to #a;e an ido% Ee3en fo* othe*sF to wo*shi. N < EL()G:)G Not to #a;e figu*es of hu#an beings N = EL()G:= Not to bow down to an ido% N ? EL()G:= Not to wo*shi. ido%s N @ 6e(1A:)1 Not to hand o3e* an- 1hi%d*en to o%o1h N A 6e(1C:21 Not to .*a1ti1e so*1e*- of the o3! ne1*o#an1N C 6e(1C:21 Not to .*a1ti1e so*1e*- of -idde>oni! fa#i%ia* s.i*ts N 1G 6e(1C:< Not to stud- ido%at*ous .*a1ti1es N 11 8e(1?:)) Not to e*e1t a .i%%a* whi1h .eo.%e asse#b%e to hono* N 1) 6e()G:1 No figu*ed stones EdiasF to %a- .*ost*ate on N 12 8e(1?:)1 Not to .%ant t*ees in the $an1tua*-&Te#.%e 0OMV

N 1< EL()2:12 $wea* not b- an ido% no* instigate an ido%ate* to do so N 1= EL()2:12 Not to di3e*t an- non-Uew to ido%at*N 1? 8e(12:1) Not to t*- to .e*suade a Uew to wo*shi. ido%s N 1@ 8e(12:C Not to %o3e so#eone who see;s to #is%ead -ou to ido%s N 1A 8e(12:C Not to *e%aL one>s a3e*sion to the #is%eade* to ido%s N 1C 8e(12:C Not to sa3e the %ife of a #is%eade* to ido%s N )G 8e(12:C Not to .%ead fo* EdefendF the #is%eade* to ido%s N )1 8e(12:C Not to o..*ess e3iden1e unfa3o*ab%e to the #is%eade* N )) 8e(@:)= No benefit f*o# o*na#ents whi1h ha3e ado*ned an ido% N )2 8e(12:1@ Rebui%d not a 1it- dest*o-ed as .unish#ent fo* ido%at*N )< 8e(12:1A Not de*i3ing benefit f*o# .*o.e*t- of an a.ostate 1itN )= 8e(@:)? 8o not use an-thing 1onne1ted with ido%s o* ido%at*N )? 8e(1A:)G Not .*o.hes-ing in the na#e of ido%s N )@ 8e(1A:)G Not .*o.hes-ing fa%se%- in the Na#e of G-d N )A 8e(12:2-< 6isten not to one who .*o.hesies in the na#e of ido%s N )C 8e(1A:)) Not fea*ing o* *ef*aining f*o# ;i%%ing a fa%se .*o.het N 2G 6e()G:)2 0#itate not the wa-s no* .*a1ti1e 1usto#s of ido%ate*s N 21 6e(1C:)?: Not .*a1ti1ing di3ination 8e(1A:1G N 2) 8e(1A:1G Not .*a1ti1ing soothsa-ing N 22 8e(1A:1G Not .*a1ti1ing en1hanting -11 N 2< 8e(1A:1G Not .*a1ti1ing so*1e*-11 N 2= 8e(1A:1G Not .*a1ti1ing the a*t of the 1ha*#e* -11 N 2? 8e(1A:1G Not 1onsu%ting a ne1*o#an1e* who uses the o3 -11 N 2@ 8e(1A:1G Not 1onsu%ting a so*1e*e* who uses the -do>a -11 N 2A 8e(1A:1G Not to see; info*#ation f*o# the dead! ne1*o#an1-11 N 2C 8e()):= 4o#en not to wea* #en>s 1%othes o* ado*n#ents N <G 8e()):= en not wea*ing wo#en>s 1%othes o* ado*n#ents N <1 6e(1C:)A Not tattoo -ou*se%f! as is the #anne* of the ido%ate*s N <) 8e()):11 Not wea*ing a #iLtu*e of woo% and %inen! $hatnes N <2 6e(1C:)@ Not sha3ing the te#.%es&sides of -ou* head N << 6e(1C:)@ Not sha3ing -ou* bea*d N <= 8e(1?:1: Not #a;ing 1uttings in -ou* f%esh o3e* -ou* dead 1<:1: 6e(1C:)A PR7H0/0T07N$ RE$S6T0NG PR7 N <? 8e(1@:1? N <@ Nu(1=:2C i#.u*itN <A EL()2:2): Nations 8e(@:) N <C 8e()G:1? H0$T7R0CA6 E9ENT$

Not *etu*ning to Eg-.t to dwe%% the*e .e*#anent%Not to fo%%ow one>s hea*t o* e-es! st*a-ing to Not to #a;e a .a1t with the $e3en Canaanite Not to s.a*e the %ife of the $e3en Canaanite

Nations N =G 8e(@:) Not to show #e*1- to ido%ate*s N =1 EL()2:22 No one se*3ing fa%se gods to sett%e in E*etD-0s*ae% N =) 8e(@:2 Not to inte*#a**- with one se*3ing fa%se gods N =2 8e()2:< Not to inte*#a**- at a%% with a #a%e f*o# A##on o* oa3 N =< 8e()2:A EL1%ude not #a**-ing a des1endant Esau if a .*ose%-te N == 8e()2:A Not to eL1%ude #a**-ing an Eg-.tian who is a .*ose%-te N =? 8e()2:@ Not .e*#itted to #a;e .ea1e with A##on and oa3 nations N =@ 8e()G:1C Not dest*o-ing f*uit t*ees! e3en in ti#e of wa* N =A 8e(@:)1 Not fea*ing the ene#- in ti#e of wa* N =C 8e()=:1C Not fo*getting the e3i% whi1h A#a%e; did to us /6A$PHE Y N ?G 6e()<:1?: Not b%as.he#ing the Ho%- Na#e of G-d [*athe*+: EL()):)@ N ?1 6e(1C:1) Not 3io%ating an oath b- the Ho%- Na#e! she3uas bittui N ?) EL()G:@ Not ta;ing the Ho%- Na#e in 3ain! she3uas sha3 N ?2 6e()):2) Not .*ofaning the Ho%- Na#e of G-d N ?< 8e(?:1? Not testing&t*-ing His EYH9H G-dF .*o#ises R wa*nings N ?= 8e(1):< 8o not dest*o- houses of wo*shi. o* ho%- boo;s N ?? 8e()1:)2 6ea3e not bod- of eLe1uted 1*i#ina% hanging o3e*night TE P6E N ?@ Nu(1A:= /e not %aL in gua*ding the $an1tua*-&ETe#.%eF N ?A 6e(1?:) Cohen haGado% ente* $an1tua*- on%- at .*es1*ibed ti#es N ?C 6e()1:)2 Cohen with b%e#ish ente* not Te#.%e! f*o# A%ta* inwa*ds N @G 6e()1:1@ Cohen with a b%e#ish not to #iniste* in the $an1tua*N @1 6e()1:1A Cohen with te#.o*a*- b%e#ish #iniste* not in $an1tua*N @) Nu(1A:2 6e3ites R Cohani# not to inte*1hange in thei* fun1tions N @2 6e(1G:C 8*un; .e*sons #a- not ente* $an1tua*- o* tea1h To*ah -11 N @< Nu(1A:< A Ha* Enon-CohenF not to #iniste* in $an1tua*N @= 6e()):) Ta#eh Eun1%eanF Cohen not to #iniste* in $an1tua*N @? 6e()1:? Cohen who is te3u% -o#! not to #iniste* in $an1tua*N @@ Nu(=:2 Ta#eh Eun1%eanF .e*son not to ente* an- .a*t of Te#.%e N @A 8e()2:11 Ta#eh .e*son ente* not 1a#. of 6e3ites ETe#.%e #ountF N @C EL()G:)= /ui%d not an A%ta* of stones whi1h we*e tou1hed bi*on N AG EL()G:)? Not to ha3e an as1ent to the A%ta* b- ste.s N A1 6e(?:? Not to eLtinguish the A%ta* fi*e N A) EL(2G:C 7ffe* nothing! but s.e1ified in1ense! on Go%den A%ta* N A2 EL(2G:2) Not to #a;e an- oi% the sa#e as the 7i% of Anoint#ent

N A< EL(2G:2) Bing N A= EL(2G:2@ $an1tua*N A? EL()=:1= A*; N A@ EL()A:)A N AA EL()A:2) ga*#ent

Anoint none with s.e1ia% oi% eL1e.t Cohen Gado% R Not to #a;e in1ense sa#e as bu*nt on A%ta* in Not to *e#o3e the sta3es f*o# thei* *ings in the Not to *e#o3e the /*east.%ate f*o# the E.hod a;e not an- in1ision in Cohen haGado%>s u..e* $ACR0P0CE$

N AC 8e(1):12 7ffe* not sa1*ifi1es outside $an1tua*-&ETe#.%eF Cou*t N CG 6e(1@:2 $%aughte* not 1onse1*ated ani#a%s outside Te#.%e Cou*t -< N C1 6e()):)G 8edi1ate not a b%e#ished ani#a% to be offe*ed on A%ta* N C) 6e()):)) Not to s%aughte* a b%e#ished ani#a% as a ;o*ban N C2 6e()):)< Not to dash the b%ood of a b%e#ished beast on the A%ta* N C< 6e()):)) Not to bu*n the inne* .a*ts of b%e#ished beast on A%ta* N C= 8e(1@:1 Not to sa1*ifi1e a beast with a te#.o*a*- b%e#ish N C? 6e()):)= Not to offe* a b%e#ished sa1*ifi1e of a genti%e N C@ 6e()):)1 Not to 1ause a 1onse1*ated offe*ing to be1o#e b%e#ished N CA 6e():11 Not to offe* %ea3en o* hone- u.on the A%ta* N CC 6e():12 Not to offe* a sa1*ifi1e without sa%t N1GG 8e()2:1C 7ffe* not on A%ta*: Qhi*e of ha*%otQ o* Q.*i1e of dogQ N1G1 6e()):)A Not to s%aughte* an ani#a% R its -oung on the sa#e daN1G) 6e(=:11 Not to .ut o%i3e oi% on the sin #ea%-offe*ing N1G2 6e(=:11 Not to .ut f*an;in1ense on the sin #ea%-offe*ing N1G< Nu(=:1= Not to .ut o%i3e oi% on the Oea%ous- offe*ing! sotah N1G= Nu(=:1= Not to .ut f*an;in1ense on the Oea%ous- offe*ing! sotah N1G? 6e()@:1G Not to substitute sa1*ifi1es N1G@ 6e()@:)? Not to 1hange sa1*ifi1es f*o# one 1atego*- to the othe* N1GA Nu(1A:1@ Redee# not the fi*stbo*n of .e*#itted E1%eanF ani#a%s N1GC 6e()@:22 Not to se%% the tithe of the he*d of 1att%e N11G 6e()@:)A Not to se%% a de3oted Eb- the Che*e# 3owF fie%d N111 6e()@:)A Not to *edee# a de3oted Eb- the Che*e# 3owF fie%d N11) 6e(=:A Not to s.%it head of bi*d s%aughte*ed fo* $in-offe*ing N112 8e(1=:1C Not to do an- wo*; with a dedi1ated beast N11< 8e(1=:1C Not to shea* a dedi1ated beast N11= EL(2<:)= $%aughte* not Pesa1h&Passo3e* %a#b if 1ha#etD is about N11? EL()2:1G 6ea3e not sa1*ifi1ia% .o*tions of Pesa1h %a#b o3e*night N11@ EL(1):1G A%%ow not #eat of Pesa1h %a#b to *e#ain ti%% #o*ning N11A 8e(1?:< No #eat of Nisan 1< Pesti3e 7ffe*ing *e#ain ti%% da- 2 N11C Nu(C:12 No #eat of )nd Pesa1h %a#b 7ffe*ing *e#ain ti%% #o*ning N1)G 6e()):2G No #eat of Than;sgi3ing 7ffe*ing to *e#ain ti%% #o*ning

N1)1 EL(1):<? Not to b*ea; an- bones of Pesa1h %a#b offe*ing N1)) Nu(C:1) Not to b*ea; an- bones of )nd Pesa1h %a#b offe*ing N1)2 EL(1):<? Not to *e#o3e Pesa1h offe*ing f*o# whe*e it is eaten N1)< 6e(?:1G Not to ba;e the *esidue of a #ea% offe*ing with %ea3en N1)= EL(1):C Not to eat the Pesa1h offe*ing boi%ed o* *aw N1)? EL(1):<= Not to a%%ow an a%ien *esident to eat Pesa1h offe*ing N1)@ EL(1):<A An un1i*1u#1ised .e*son #a- not eat the Pesa1h offe*ing N1)A EL(1):<2 Not to a%%ow an a.ostate to eat the Pesa1h offe*ing N1)C 6e(1):< Ta#eh E*itua%%- un1%eanF .e*son #a- not eat ho%things N12G 6e(@:1C Eat not #eat of 1onse1*ated things that>3e be1o#e ta#eh N121 6e(1C:?-A Not to eat sa1*ifi1ia% #eat be-ond the a%%otted ti#e N12) 6e(@:1A Eat not sa1*ifi1ia% #eat s%aughte*ed in w*ong intention N122 6e()):1G A Da*&non-Cohen #a- not eat te*u#ah & Ehea3e offe*ingF N12< 6e()):1G A Cohen>s soOou*ne* o* hi*ed wo*;e* #a- not eat te*u#ah N12= 6e()):1G An un1i*1u#1ised .e*son #a- not eat te*u#ah N12? 6e()):< Ta#eh E*itua%%- un1%eanF Cohen #a- not eat te*u#ah N12@ 6e()):1) /at-Cohen if #a**ied to non-Cohen not to eat ho%food N12A 6e(?:1? Not to eat the ea%-offe*ing of a Cohen N12C 6e(?:)2 Eat not $in-offe*ing #eat sa1*ifi1ed within $an1tua*N1<G 8e(1<:2 Not to eat 1onse1*ated ani#a%s that>3e be1o#e b%e#ished N1<1 8e(1):1@ Eat not un*edee#ed )nd 1o*n tithe outside Ye*usha%a-i# N1<) 8e(1):1@ Consu#e not un*edee#ed )nd wine tithe outside Ue*usa%e# N1<2 8e(1):1@ Consu#e not un*edee#ed )nd oi% tithe outside Ue*usa%e# N1<< 8e(1):1@ Eat not an unb%e#ished fi*st%ing outside Ye*usha%a-i# N1<= 8e(1):1@ Eat not sin o* gui%t offe*ings outside $an1tua*1ou*t N1<? 8e(1):1@ Not to eat the #eat of the bu*nt offe*ing at a%% N1<@ 8e(1):1@ Eat not %esse* sa1*ifi1es befo*e b%ood dashed on A%ta* N1<A 8e(1):1@ A Da*&non-Cohen is not to eat the #ost ho%offe*ings N1<C EL()C:22 A Cohen not to eat Pi*st P*uits outside Te#.%e 1ou*ts N1=G 8e()?:1< Eat not un*edee#ed )nd tithe whi%e in state of i#.u*itN1=1 8e()?:1< Not eating the )nd tithe whi%e in #ou*ning N1=) 8e()?:1< 7n )nd tithe *ede#.tion #one- Eon%- fo* food and d*in;F N1=2 6e()):1= Not eating untithed .*odu1e! te3e% N1=< EL()):)A Not 1hanging the o*de* of se.a*ating the 3a*ious tithes N1== 8e()2:)) 8e%a- not .a-#ent of offe*ings! f*eewi%% o* ob%igato*N1=? EL()2:1= Go not to Te#.%e on .i%g*i# festi3a%s without

offe*ing N1=@ Nu(2G:2 Not to b*ea; -ou* wo*d! e3en if without an oath PR0E$T$ N1=A 6e()1:@ A Cohen #a- not #a**- a ha*%ot! Donah N1=C 6e()1:@ A Cohen #a**- not a wo#an .*ofaned f*o# the P*iesthood N1?G 6e()1:@ A Cohen #a- not #a**- a di3o*1ee N1?1 6e()1:1< Cohen haGado% #a- not #a**- a widow N1?) 6e()1:1= Cohen haGado% #a- not ta;e a widow as a 1on1ubine N1?2 6e(1G:? Cohen with dishe3e%ed hai* #a- not ente* the $an1tua*N1?< 6e(1G:? Cohen wea*ing *ent ga*#ents #a- not ente* $an1tua*N1?= %e(1G:@ Cohani# %ea3e not Te#.%e 1ou*t-a*d du*ing the se*3i1e N1?? 6e()1:1 Co##on Cohen #ust not be defi%ed fo* dead! eL1e.t so#e N1?@ 6e()1:11 Cohen haGado% #a- not be unde* one *oof with dead bodN1?A 6e()1:11 Cohen haGado% #ust not be defi%ed fo* an- dead .e*son N1?C 8e(1A:1 6e3ites ha3e not .a*t in the di3ision of 0s*ae%>s %and N1@G 8e(1A:1 6e3ites sha*e not in the s.oi%s of wa* N1@1 8e(1<:1 Not to tea* out hai* fo* the dead 80ETARY 6A4$ N1@) 8e(1<:@ Not to eat an- un1%ean ani#a% N1@2 6e(11:11 Not to eat an- un1%ean fish N1@< 6e(11:12 Not to eat an- un1%ean fow% N1@= 8e(1<:1C Not to eat an- 1* winged inse1t N1@? 6e(11:<1 Not to eat an-thing whi1h 1*ee.s on the ea*th N1@@ 6e(11:<< Not to eat 1* thing that b*eeds in de1a-ed #atte* N1@A 6e(11:<) Not to eat %i3ing 1*eatu*es that b*eed in seeds & f*uit N1@C 6e(11:<2 Not to eat an- detestab%e 1*eatu*e N1AG 8e(1<:)1 Not to eat an- ani#a% whi1h died natu*a%%-! a ne3e%ah N1A1 EL()):2G Not to eat an ani#a% whi1h is to*n o* #au%ed! a t*eifah N1A) 8e(1):)2 Not to eat an- %i#b ta;en f*o# a %i3ing ani#a% N1A2 Ge(2):22 Not to eat the sinew of the thigh-3ein! gid hanasheh N1A< 6e(@:)< Not to eat b%ood N1A= 6e(@:)2 Not to eat 1e*tain of fat of 1%ean ani#a%! 1he%e3 N1A? EL()2:1C Not to boi% -oung #a%e goat E#eatF in its #othe*>s #i%; N1A@ EL(2<:)? Not to eat -oung #a%e goat 1oo;ed in its #othe*>s #i%; N1AA EL()1:)A Not to eat the f%esh of a 1onde#ned R to be stoned oL N1AC 6e()2:1< Eat not b*ead #ade f*o# g*ain of new 1*o.! befo*e 7#e* N1CG 6e()2:1< Eat not *oasted g*ain of new 1*o.! befo*e 7#e* offe*ing N1C1 6e()2:1< Eat not g*een ea*s of new 1*o.! befo*e 7#e* ENisan 1?F

N1C) 6e(1C:)2 Not to eat o*%ah N1C2 8e()):C Eat not g*owth of #iLed 3ine-a*d .%anting!;i%ai ha;e*e# N1C< 8e(2):2A Not to use wine %ibations fo* ido%s! -a-in nesa1h N1C= 6e(1C:)?: No eating o* d*in;ing to eL1ess! g%utton- R d*un;enness 8e()1:)G N1C? 6e()2:)C Not to eat an-thing on Yo# Bi..u* & 8a- of Atone#ent N1C@ EL(12:2 Not to eat 1ha#etD! %ea3enEedF! on Pesa1h N1CA EL(12:@ Not to eat an ad#iLtu*e of 1ha#etD&%ea3enEedF on Pesa1h N1CC 8e(1?:2 Not to eat 1ha#etD! %ea3enEedF! afte* noon of 1< Nisan N)GG EL(12:@ No 1ha#etD #a- be seen in ou* ho#es du*ing Pesa1h N)G1 EL(1):1C Not to .ossess 1ha#etD! %ea3enEedF! du*ing Pesa1h NAH0R0TE$ N)G) Nu(?:2 A NaDi* #a- not d*in; wine o* an- be3e*age f*o# g* N)G2 Nu(?:2 A NaDi* #a- not eat f*esh g* N)G< Nu(?:2 A NaDi* #a- not eat d*ied g* N)G= Nu(?:< A NaDi* #a- not eat g*a.e seeds&;e*ne%s N)G? Nu(?:< A NaDi* #a- not eat g*a.e .ee%s&hus;s N)G@ Nu(?:@ NaDi* #a- not *end hi#se%f ta#eh Eun1%eanF fo* the dead N)GA 6e()1:11 NaDi* #ust not be1o#e ta#eh ente*ing house with 1o*.se N)GC Nu(?:= A NaDi* #ust not sha3e his hai* AGR0CS6TSRE N)1G 6e()2:)) Rea. not a who%e fie%d without %ea3ing 1o*ne*s fo* .oo* N)11 6e(1C:C Not to gathe* ea*s of g*ain that fe%% du*ing ha*3esting N)1) 6e(1C:1G Not to gathe* the #isfo*#ed 1%uste*s of g* N)12 6e(1C:1G Not to gathe* sing%e fa%%en g* du*ing the 3intage N)1< 8e()<:1C Not to *etu*n fo* a fo*gotten sheaf N)1= 6e(1C:1C Not to sow di3e*se ;inds of seed in one fie%d! ;a%a-i# N)1? 8e()):C Not to sow g*ain o* 3egetab%es in a 3ine-a*d N)1@ 6e(1C:1C Not to 1*ossb*eed ani#a%s of diffe*ent s.e1ies N)1A 8e()):1G 4o*; not with two diffe*ent ;inds of ani#a%s togethe* N)1C 8e()=:< uDD%e not ani#a% wo*;ing fie%d to .*e3ent f*o# eating N))G 6e()=:< Not to 1u%ti3ate the soi% in the @th -ea*! she#ittah N))1 6e()=:< Not to .*une the t*ees in the @th -ea* N))) 6e()=:= Rea. not se%f-g*own .%ant in @th -ea* as o*dina*-ea* N))2 6e()=:= Gathe* not se%f-g*own f*uit in @th -*( as o*dina*-ea* N))< 6e()=:11 Not to ti%% the ea*th o* .*une t*ees in Uubi%ee -ea* N))= 6e()=:11 Rea. not afte*g*owths of Uubi%ee -ea* as o*dina*-ea* N))? 6e()=:11 Not to gathe* f*uit in Uubi%ee -ea* as in o*dina*-ea*

N))@ 6e()=:)2 $e%% not one>s E*etD Yis*ae% %and ho%dings .e*#anent%N))A 6e()=:22 Not to se%%&1hange the o.en %ands of the 6e3ites N))C 8e(1):1C Not to %ea3e the 6e3ites without su..o*t 67AN$! /S$0NE$$! AN8 THE TREAT ENT 7P $6A9E$ N)2G 8e(1=:) Not to de#and .a-#ent of debts afte* E@thF $h#itah -ea* N)21 8e(1=:C Not to *efuse %oan to .oo* be1ause $h#itah -ea* is nea* N)2) 8e(1=:@ Not to den- 1ha*it- to the .oo* N)22 8e(1=:12 Not sending a Heb*ew bond#an awa- e#.t-handed N)2< EL()):)< Not de#anding .a-#ent f*o# a debto* ;nown unab%e to .aN)2= 6e()=:2@ Not %ending to anothe* Uew at inte*est N)2? 8e()2:)G Not bo**owing f*o# anothe* Uew at inte*est N)2@ EL()):)< Not .a*ti1i.ating in an ag*ee#ent in3o%3ing inte*est N)2A 6e(1C:12 7..*ess not an e#.%o-ee b- de%a-ing .a-ing his wages N)2C 8e()<:1G Not ta;ing a .%edge f*o# a debto* b- fo*1e N)<G 8e()<:1) Not ; a .oo* #an>s .%edge when he needs it N)<1 8e()<:1@ Not ta;ing an- .%edge f*o# a widow N)<) 8e()<:? Not ta;ing ones>s business Eo* foodF utensi%s in .%edge N)<2 EL()G:12 Not abdu1ting an 0s*ae%ite N)<< 6e(1C:11 Not stea%ing N)<= 6e(1C:12 Not *obbing N)<? 8e(1C:1< Not f*audu%ent%- a%te*ing %and bounda*ies & %and#a*;e* N)<@ 6e(1C:12 Not usu*.ing ou* debts & do not def*aud N)<A 6e(1C:11 Not *e.udiating debts! den-ing *e1ei.t of %oan&de.osit N)<C 6e(1C:11 Not to swea* fa%se%- *ega*ding anothe* #an>s .*o.e*tN)=G 6e()=:1< Not w*onging&de1ei3ing one anothe* in business N)=1 6e()=:1@ Not w*onging&#is%eading one anothe* e3en 3e*ba%%N)=) EL()):)G Not ha*#ing the st*ange* a#ong -ou 3e*ba%%N)=2 EL()):)G Not inOu*ing the st*ange* a#ong -ou in business&t*ade N)=< 8e()2:1? Not handing o3e* a s%a3e who>s f%ed to 0s*ae% N)== 8e()2:1@ Ta;e no ad3antage of a s%a3e who>s f%ed to 0s*ae% N)=? EL()):)1 Not aff%i1ting the o*.hans and widows N)=@ 6e()=:2C Not e#.%o-ing a Heb*ew bond#an in deg*ading tas;s N)=A 6e()=:<) Not se%%ing a Heb*ew bond#an N)=C 6e()=:<2 Not t*eating a Heb*ew bond#an 1*ue%%N)?G 6e()=:=2 Not a%%owing a heathen to #ist*eat a Heb*ew bond#an N)?1 EL()1:A Not se%%ing a Heb*ew #aidse*3ant( R if -ou #a**he*((( N)?) EL()1:1G (((withho%d not: food! *ai#ent! o* 1onOuga% *ights N)?2 8e()1:1< Not se%%ing a 1a.ti3e wo#an N)?< 8e()1:1< Not t*eating a 1a.ti3e wo#an as a s%a3e N)?= EL()G:1@ Not 1o3eting anothe* #an>s .ossessions&.*o.e*t-! et1( N)?? 8e(=:1A Co3et not one>s .ossessions! e3en the desi*e fo*bidden

N)?@ 8e()2:)? A wo*;e* is not to 1ut down standing g*ain du*ing wo*; N)?A 8e()2:)< A hi*ed %abo*e* not to ta;e #o*e f*uit than he 1an eat N)?C 8e()):2 Not igno*ing %ost .*o.e*t- to be *etu*ned to its owne* N)@G EL()2:= Refuse not to he%. #an o* ani#a% 1o%%a.sing with bu*den N)@1 6e(1C:2= Not 1heating&def*auding with #easu*e#ents R weights N)@) 8e()=:12 Not to .ossess fa%se&ina11u*ate weights and #easu*es US$T0CE N)@2 6e(1C:1= A Uudge is not to 1o##it un*ighteousness N)@< EL()2:A A Uudge is not to a11e.t b*ibes&gifts f*o# %itigants N)@= 6e(1C:1= A Uudge is not to fa3o* Ebe .a*tia% toF a %itigant N)@? 8e(1:1@ Uudge not a3oid Ousti1e being in fea* of wi1;ed .e*son N)@@ 6e(1C:1= A Uudge not to de1ide in fa3o* of .oo* #an! out of .it[*athe*+: EL()2:2 N)@A EL()2:? A Uudge is not to dis1*i#inate against the wi1;ed N)@C 8e(1C:12 Uudge not to .it- one who ;i%%ed o* 1aused %oss of %i#b N)AG 8e()<:1@ A Uudge not .e*3e*ting Ousti1e due st*ange*s o* o*.hans N)A1 EL()2:1 Uudge not to hea* one %itigant in absen1e of the othe* N)A) EL()2:) Cou*t #a- not 1on3i1t b- #aOo*it- of 1 in 1a.ita% 1ase N)A2 EL()2:) Uudge a11e.t not 1o%%eague>s o.inion! un%ess su*e *ight N)A< 8e(1:1@ Not a..ointing an un%ea*ned Oudge igno*ant of the To*ah N)A= EL()G:1? Not bea*ing fa%se witness N)A? EL()2:1 A Uudge is not to *e1ei3e a wi1;ed #an>s testi#onN)A@ 8e()<:1? A Uudge *e1ei3e not testi#on- f*o# %itigant>s *e%ati3es N)AA 8e(1C:1= Not 1on3i1ting on the testi#on- of a sing%e witness N)AC EL()G:12 Not #u*de*ing a hu#an being N)CG EL()2:@ No 1on3i1tion based on 1i*1u#stantia% e3iden1e a%one N)C1 Nu(2=:2G A witness #ust not sit as a Uudge in 1a.ita% 1ases N)C) Nu(2=:1) Not ;i%%ing a #u*de*e* without t*ia% and 1on3i1tion N)C2 8e()=:1) Not to .it- o* s.a*e the %ife of a .u*sue* N)C< 8e()):)? Not .unishing a .e*son fo* a sin 1o##itted unde* du*ess N)C= Nu(2=:21 Not a11e.ting *anso# f*o# an unwitting #u*de*e* N)C? Nu(2=:2) Not a11e.ting a *anso# f*o# a wi%fu% #u*de*e* N)C@ 6e(1C:1? Hesitate not to sa3e %ife of anothe* .e*son in dange* N)CA 8e()):A Not %ea3ing obsta1%es on .ub%i1 o* .*i3ate do#ain N)CC 6e(1C:1< Not #is%eading anothe* b- gi3ing w*ong ad3i1e N2GG 8e()=:)-2 0nf%i1t not #o*e than assigned nu#be* %ashes to gui%tN2G1 6e(1C:1? Not to te%% ta%es N2G) 6e(1C:1@ Not to bea* hat*ed in -ou* hea*t towa*d -ou* b*eth*en N2G2 6e(1C:1@ Not to .ut one anothe* to sha#e

N2G< 6e(1C:1A Not to ta;e 3engean1e on anothe* N2G= 6e(1C:1A Not to bea* a g*udge N2G? 8e()):? Not to ta;e enti*e bi*d>s nest! #othe* and he* -oung N2G@ 6e(12:22 Not to sha3e a %e.*ous s1a%% N2GA 8e()<:A Not to 1ut o* 1aute*iDe E*e#o3eF othe* signs of %e.*osN2GC 8e()1:< P%ow not a 3a%%e- whe*e s%ain bod- found! eg%ah a*ufah N21G EL()):1@ Not .e*#itting a wit1h&so*1e*e* to %i3e N211 8e()<:= Ta;e not b*ideg*oo# f*o# ho#e in fi*st -ea* of #a**iage N21) 8e(1@:11 Not to diffe* f*o# o* disobe- the Cohani# and the Uudge N212 8e(12:1 Not to add to the itD3ot&1o##and#ents of To*ah N21< 8e(12:1 Not to det*a1t f*o# the itD3ot&1o##and#ents of To*ah N21= EL()):)@ Not to 1u*se a Oudge N21? EL()):)@ Not to 1u*se a *u%e* N21@ 6e(1C:1< Not to 1u*se an- Uew N21A EL()1:1@ Not 1u*sing .a*ents N21C EL()1:1= Not to st*i;e .a*ents N2)G EL()G:1G Not to wo*; on $habbat N2)1 EL(1?:)C Not to wa%; be-ond .e*#itted %i#its! e*u3! on $habbat N2)) EL(2=:2 Not to inf%i1t .unish#ent on the $habbat N2)2 EL(1):1? Not to wo*; on the fi*st da- of Pesa1h N2)< EL(1):1? Not to wo*; on the se3enth da- of Pesa1h N2)= 6e()2:)1 Not to wo*; on $ha3uot N2)? 6e()2:)= Not to wo*; on Rosh Ha$hannah N2)@ 6e()2:2= Not to wo*; on the fi*st da- of $u;;ot N2)A 6e()2:2? 4o*; not Ath-da-&$he#ini-AtDe*et! Eafte* Hoshana RabbaF N2)C 6e()2:)A Not to wo*; on Yo# Bi..u* & the 8a- of Atone#ent 0NCE$T AN8 7THER P7R/088EN RE6AT07N$H0P$ N22G 6e(1A:@ N221 6e(1A:A N22) 6e(1A:C N222 6e(1A:11 N22< 6e(1A:1G N22= 6e(1A:1G N22? 6e(1A:1G N22@ 6e(1A:1@ N22A 6e(1A:1@ N22C 6e(1A:1@ daughte* N2<G 6e(1A:1) N2<1 6e(1A:12 N2<) 6e(1A:1< N2<2 6e(1A:1= N2<< 6e(1A:1? N2<= 6e(1A:1A N2<? 6e(1A:1C N2<@ 6e(1A:)G N2<A 6e(1A:)2 N2<C 6e(1A:)2 N2=G 6e(1A:)) N2=1 6e(1A:@ N2=) 6e(1A:1< b*othe* No *e%ations with one>s #othe* No *e%ations with one>s fathe*>s wife No *e%ations with one>s siste* No *e%ations with ste.-siste* No *e%ations with one>s son>s daughte* No *e%ations with one>s daughte*>s daughte* No *e%ations with one>s daughte* No *e%ations with a wo#an and he* daughte* No *e%ations with a wo#an and he* son>s daughte* No *e%ations with a wo#an R he* daughte*>s No *e%ations with one>s fathe*>s siste* No *e%ations with one>s #othe*>s siste* No *e%ations with wife of fathe*>s b*othe* No *e%ations with one>s son>s wife No *e%ations with b*othe*>s wife No *e%ations with siste* of wife! du*ing wife>s %ife No *e%ations with a #enst*uant No *e%ations with anothe* #an>s wife en #a- not %ie with beasts 4o#en #a- not %ie with beasts A #an #a- not %ie 1a*na%%- with anothe* #an A #an #a- not %ie 1a*na%%- with his fathe* A #an #a- not %ie 1a*na%%- with his fathe*>s

N2=2 6e(1A:? Not to be inti#ate with a ;inswo#an N2=< 8e()2:2 A #a#De* #a- not ha3e *e%ations with a Uewess N2== 8e()2:1A No *e%ations Eha*%ot*-F with a wo#an outside #a**iage N2=? 8e()<:< Re#a**- not -ou* di3o*1ed wife afte* she has *e#a**ied N2=@ 8e()=:= Chi%d%ess widow #a**- none eL1e.t %ate husbands b*othe* N2=A 8e()):)C 8i3o*1e not wife! that he has to #a**- afte* * he* N2=C 8e()):1C 8i3o*1e not wife! afte* fa%se%- s%ande*ing he* N2?G 8e()2:) an unab%e of .*o1*eation Eeunu1hF not to #a**Uewess N2?1 6e()):)< Not to 1ast*ate a #an o* beast THE 7NARCHY

N2?) 8e(1@:1= Not a..ointing a ;ing who is not of the seed of 0s*ae% N2?2 8e(1@:1? A ;ing not to a11u#u%ate an eL1ess nu#be* of ho*ses N2?< 8e(1@:1@ A ;ing not ta;ing #an- wi3es N2?= 8e(1@:1@ A ;ing not a#assing g*eat .e*sona% wea%th ----------------------------------------------------------------------.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). / There are a o%t 2IDI 0ommands;$nN%nctions in the New 0o"enant3 / / Man: of them &i"en are from Tanakh3 $n 7ake@s Annotated 1eference / / 6i le #'&3 A2A( he lists them %nder a o%t GII headin&s3 At this / / moment $ do not ha"e the time to list all 2IDI here> :et $ did / / want to &o thro%&h and make a list from a Messianic 'ers'ecti"e3 / / An:one ha"e the time to make a new listS Lsmile9 / .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).

T T -.-.-.-./ .--------. / / /+1$T$NG!/ / / .--------. / -.-.-.-.T T .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). /The followin& are se"eral ancient Q%otes, sa:in&s, and Good-News; / /#Gos'el( fra&ments fo%nd in a "ariet: of so%rces3 The ePact location/ /is not &i"en for each sa:in& in this writin&, %t man: of them can e/ /fo%nd in The A'ostolic Fathers ; Li&htfoot3 The: are &i"en sim'l: to/ /introd%ce this s% Nect, and $@"e tried to incl%de the maNorit: of the/ /ones that $@"e fo%nd interestin&3 / .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). ANC0ENT GREEB PRAG ENT$ 7P G7$PE6$-EGood-NewsF 1( 0f -ou fast not f*o# the wo*%d! -ou sha%% not find the Bingdo# of God! and if -ou ;ee. not $habbat fo* the who%e wee;! -ou sha%% not see the Pathe*( )( Yeshua said! 0 stood in the #idst of the wo*%d! and in f%esh 0 a..ea*ed unto the#: and 0 found a%% #en d*un;en! and none did 0 find thi*sting a#ong the#! and - sou% is aff%i1ted fo* the sons of #en! be1ause the- a*e b%ind in thei* hea*t and see not ((( 2( Yeshua said! A P*o.het is not without hono* in his own 1ount*-! no* does a .h-si1ian do 1u*es u.on the# that ;now hi#( <( Yeshua said! A 1it- bui%t u.on the to. of a high #ountain and estab%ished! 1an neithe* fa%% no* be hidden( =( Yeshua said! You hea* withEinF -ou* EoneF ea*! Ebut the othe* -ou ha3e 1%osedF( C7PT0C 1( (((that he #a- be ;nown b- his Ehos.ita%it- to st*ange*sF and be .*aised fo* his f*uit: fo*((( )( (((A#aine( Gi3e e now Th- E(((F 7 Pathe*! that Ethe-F with e #aendu*e the wo*%d( A#aine( E(((F ha3e *e1ei3ed the 1*own-Eo* s1e.t*eF of the Bingdo#( 2( 0 a# be1o#e Bing th*ough You! Pathe*( You sha%% subOe1t a%% things unto e( EA#en(F Th*ough who# sha%% Ethe %astF ene#- be dest*o-edI Th*ough E essiahF( Th*ough who sha%% the sting of death be Edest*o-edFI ETh*ough theF 7n%--begotten( A#aine( Snto who be%ongeth the do#inionI ESnto the $on(F A#aine( <( Now when He had ended a%% the Esongs of .*aise to His Pathe*F He tu*ned Hi#se%f to us and said Eunto usF: The hou* is 1o#e when 0 sha%% be ta;en f*o# -ou( The s.i*it EisF wi%%ing! but the f%esh is wea;: Esta-F and wat1h with e( /ut we the E#issa*ies-5A.ost%es> we.t!

sa-ing: ((( =( N7TE @ a*; 1?:)G (((the *ighteous #an( The- went fo*th bth*ees to the fou* *egions of the hea3en and .*o1%ai#ed the Good-News of the Bingdo# in the who%e wo*%d! essiah wo*;ing with the# b- the wo*d of st*engthening and the signs and wonde*s whi1h a11o#.anied the#( And so ha3e #en %ea*ned of the Bingdo# of God in a%% the ea*th! and in the who%e of 0s*ae%! fo* a testi#on- fo* a%% go-i#&genti%es&nations that a*e f*o# the *ising of the sun unto the going down the*eof( AGRAPHA 1( @ 6u;e ?:< 7n the sa#e da-! seeing one wo*;ing on the $habbat! He said unto hi#: an! if indeed -ou ;now what -ou a*e doing! -ou a*e b%essed: but if -ou ;now not! -ou a*e 1u*sed! and a t*ansg*esso* of the To*ah( )( @ att(2:1@ And when He was being i##e*sed! a 3e*- g*eat %ight shone *ound about f*o# the wate*! so that a%% that had 1o#e the*e fea*ed( 2( @ att(2:1@ And when Yeshua was being i##e*sed! a g*eat %ight shone f*o# the wate*! so that a%% that we*e gathe*ing togethe* fea*ed( <( @ att(2:1@ (((a %ight *ising o3e* the wate*( (((a fi*e was ;ind%ed in Ya*den( =( @ a*; 1?:2 Eafte* the wo*ds: >*o%% awa- the stone f*o# the doo* of the se.u%1h*eF: /ut sudden%- at the thi*d hou* of the da- the*e 1a#e da*;ness th*oughout a%% the g%obe of the ea*th: and ange%s 1a#e down f*o# the Hea3ens! and *ising in the g%o*--Eb*ightnessF of the %i3ing God the- went u. togethe* with Hi#! and i##ediate%- the*e was %ight( Then the wo#en d*ew nea* to the se.u%1h*e and saw that the stone was *o%%ed awa-: fo* it was 3e*- g*eat( ?( @ a*; 1?:1< EAfte*wa*ds He a..ea*ed unto the E%e3en as thesat at #eat and u.b*aided the# with thei* unbe%ief and ha*dness of hea*t! be1ause the- be%ie3ed not the# whi1h had seen Hi# afte* He was *isenF and the- #ade eL1use Edefended the#se%3esF sa-ing: This age of wi1;edness and unbe%ief is unde* $atan who! b- #eans of un1%ean s.i*its! .e*#itteth not #en to a..*ehend the t*ue .owe* of God:((( @( 0t is #o*e b%essed to gi3e than to *e1ei3e( A( 4he*ein 0 find -ou! the*e wi%% 0 Oudge -ou( C( /e -ou a..*o3ed Eo* t*iedF #one--1hange*s Eban;e*sF( -[#anMuote sa-ing that $ha>u%&Pau%>s wo*ds in 1 Thess(=:)1(((QP*o3e a%% things! ho%d fast that whi1h is goodQ! a*e *ea%%- a 1o##ent on the abo3e sa-ing! and show its #eaning(+ 1G( Po* the 6o*d sa-s: You sha%% be as %a#bs in the #idst of wo%3es( And Befa&Pete* answe*ing said unto Hi#: 0f EsoF! then the wo%3es tea*

the %a#bs in .ie1esI Yeshua said unto Befa: 6et not the %a#bs fea* the wo%3es! afte* the- a*e dead( And do not -ou fea* the# that ;i%% -ou! and 1an do nothing Ee%seF unto -ou! but fea* Hi# who! afte* -ou a*e dead! has .owe* o3e* sou% and bod-! to 1ast the# into the Ge-Hinno# of fi*e( 11( 7n this a11ount the $a3iou* sa-s: >/e -ou sa3ed-5$a3e -ou*se%f>> and -ou* sou%( 1)( No #an that is not te#.ted sha%% obtain the Bingdo# of the Hea3ens( 12( A #an that is not te#.ted is not a..*o3ed( 1<( The $a3iou* Hi#se%f sa-s: He that is nea* e! is nea* the fi*e( He that is fa* f*o# e! is fa* f*o# the Bingdo#( 1=( That whi1h is wea; sha%% be sa3ed b- #eans of that whi1h is st*ong( 1?( E1on1e*ning .a*ab%esF: - se1*et-5#-ste*-> fo* e and fo* the sons of - house( 1@( Po* we *e#e#be* ou* 6o*d and Tea1he*! how He 1ha*ged us sa-ing: You sha%% ;ee. - se1*ets-5#-ste*ies> fo* e and fo* the sons of house( 1A( Po* He said: an- sha%% 1o#e in - Na#e! 1%ad outwa*d%- with shee. s;ins! but within the- a*e *a3ening wo%3es( And: The*e sha%% be di3isions-5s1his#s> and he*esies( 9AR07S$ 1( 7 -ou w*et1hes: 7 -ou unfo*tunates: 7 -ou .*etende*s to the t*uth: 7 -ou fa%sifie*s of ;now%edge: 7 -ou sinne*s against the $.i*it: 1an -ou sti%% bea* to %isten when it behoo3ed -ou to s.ea; f*o# the fi*stI Can -ou sti%% bea* to s%ee.! when it behoo3ed -ou to be awa;e f*o# the fi*st so that the Bingdo# of Hea3en #ight *e1ei3e -ouI 9e*i%- 0 saunto -ou! it is easie* fo* a .u*e one to fa%% into defi%e#ent! and fo* a #an of %ight to fa%% into da*;ness! than fo* -ou to *eign o* not *eign( "N7TE: att(@:1A-1C! 1):2<! )2:22: a*; 1:=' A.o1*-.hon 7f Ua#es C:)<-1G:?( )( /%essed a*e those who a*e .e*se1uted on a11ount of *ighteousness! fo* the- wi%% be 1a%%ed the 1hi%d*en of God( 7*! as those who t*ans.ose the Good-News-a11ounts sa-: /%essed a*e those who a*e .e*se1uted be1ause of *ighteousness! fo* the- wi%% be .e*fe1t( And: /%essed a*e those who a*e .e*se1uted on - a11ount! fo* the- wi%% ha3e a .%a1e whe*e the- wi%% not be .e*se1uted( C%e#ent A%eL(! $t*o#( <(?(<1()( 2( And+ .*a- fo* -ou [ene#ies+( Po* he who is not [against -ou+ is fo* -ou( [He who toda- is+ fa* off wi%% be [nea* -ou+ to#o**ow! and [(((+ "N7TE: att(=:<2-<@! @:1): 6u;e ?:)@-2=: Ro#ans 1):1<: 1Pet(2:C: 8ida1he 1:)-=: ) C%e#(12:<: Tobit <:1= 6YY' Pa.-*us 7L-*h-n1hus 1))< f* ) *e1to 1o%(i(

<( Yeshua said: [8o not te%% %ies! and+ do not do what -ou [hate+( Pa.-*us 7L-*h-n1hus ?=<(2?-2@( =( (((es.e1ia%%- *e#e#be*ing the wo*ds of the 6o*d Yeshua whi1h He s.o;e when He was tea1hing gent%eness and %ongsuffe*ing( Po* He s.o;e thus: /e #e*1ifu%! that -ou #a- obtain #e*1-! Po*gi3e! that -ou #a- be fo*gi3en( As -ou do! so sha%% it be done unto -ou( As -ou gi3e! so sha%% it be gi3en unto -ou( As -ou Oudge! so sha%% -ou be Oudged( As -ou a*e ;ind! so sha%% ;indness be shown -ou( 4ith what #easu*e -ou #easu*e! it sha%% be #easu*ed to -ou( 1C%e#(12:1-)( ?( (((1o#ing to Hi# began to te#.t Hi# with a Muestion! sa-ing: aste* Yeshua! we ;now that -ou a*e 1o#e f*o# God! fo* the things whi1h -ou do testif- abo3e a%% the P*o.hets( Te%% us the*efo*e - 0s it %awfu% [I to *ende*+ unto ;ings that whi1h .e*tains to thei* *u%eI [$ha%% we *ende* unto the#+! o* notI /ut Yeshua! ;nowing thei* thought! being #o3ed with indignation! said to the#: 4h- do -ou 1a%% e with -ou* #outh Tea1he* when -ou do not hea* what 0 sa-I 4e%% did 0saiah .*o.hes- of -ou! sa-ing: This .eo.%e honou*s e with thei* %i.s! but thei* hea*t is fa* f*o# e! [tea1hing as thei* do1t*ines the+ .*e1e.ts [of #en+((( Pa.-*us Ege*ton ) f*() *e1to( @( /ut 0 answe*ed and said to Hi#: 6o*d! we 1an obe- -ou if -ou wish! fo* we ha3e fo*sa;en ou* fathe*s and ou* #othe*s and ou* 3i%%ages and fo%%owed You( G*ant us not to be te#.ted b- the de3i%! the e3i% one( A.o1*-.hon 7f Ua#es <:))-21( A( The $a3io* [said+: The %a#. [of the bod-+ is the #ind( As %ong as [the things inside+ -ou a*e set in o*de*! that is [(((+ ((( -ou* bodies a*e [%u#inous+( As %ong as -ou* hea*ts a*e [da*;+! the %u#inosit-ou anti1i.ate [(((+( 8ia%ogue 7f The $a3io* A( C( Yeshua said: [Re1ogniDe what is in+ -ou* Esg(F sight! and [that whi1h is hidden+ f*o# -ou Esg(F wi%% be1o#e .%ain [to -ou Esg(F( Po* the*e is nothing+ hidden whi1h [wi%%+ not [be1o#e+ #anifest! no* bu*ied that [wi%% not be *aised+( Pa.-*us 7L-*h-n1hus ?=<()@-21( 1G( Yeshua said: [8o not te%% %ies! and+ do not do what -ou [hate! fo* a%% things a*e .%ain in the sight+ of t*uth( [Po* nothing+ hidden [wi%% not be1o#e #anifest+( Pa.-*us 7L-*h-n1hus ?=<(2?-<G( 11( Yeshua said: That whi1h -ou Esg(F hea* in one of -ou* Esg(F ea*s! [.*o1%ai#(((+( Pa.-*us 7L-*h-n1hus 1(<1-<)( 1)( Po* the 6o*d sa-s: E3e*- wa- is - Na#e b%as.he#ed a#ong the heathen( And again: 4oe unto hi# on whose a11ount - Na#e is b%as.he#ed( )C%e#(12:)( 12( [Yeshua said! 8o not be 1on1e*ned+ f*o# #o*ning [unti% e3ening and+ f*o# e3ening [unti%+ #o*ning! neithe* [about+ -ou* [food+ and what [-ou wi%%+ eat! [no*+ about [-ou* 1%othing+ and what -ou [wi%%+ wea*( [You a*e fa*+ bette* than [%i%ies+ whi1h [neithe*+ 1a*d no* [ As fo*

-ou! when -ou ha3e no ga*#ent! what [wi%% -ou .ut on+I 4ho #ight add to -ou* statu*eI He it is who wi%% gi3e -ou -ou* 1%oa;( Pa.-*us 7L-*h-n1hus ?== i 1-1@( 1<( 6i3e in essiah! and -ou wi%% a1Mui*e a t*easu*e in Hea3en( 8o not be1o#e a sausage E#adeF of #an- things whi1h a*e use%ess! and do not be1o#e a guide on beha%f of -ou* b%ind igno*an1e( Tea1hings 7f $i%3anus AA:1=-))( 1=( And A3*aha# saw two wa-s: the one wa- was na**ow and to*tuous and the othe* was wide and s.a1ious: 5and he saw the*e two gates! one gate wide> on the wide wa- and one gate na**ow on the na**ow wa-( 7utside of the two gates the*e! the- saw a #an sitting on a go%den th*one ((( The in1o*.o*ea% one said: This is Ada#! the fi*st 1*eated one ((( 4hen he sees #an- sou%s being %ed th*ough the na**ow gate! then he *ises u. and sits u.on his th*one *eOoi1ing and being ha..- in g%adness! fo* this na**ow gate is that of the *ighteous whi1h %eads to %ife and those who ente* th*ough it go to .a*adise ((( /ut whene3e* he sees #ansou%s being %ed th*ough the wide gate! then he .u%%s out the hai* on his head and th*ows hi#se%f u.on the ea*th and #ou*ning bitte*%-! fo* the wide gate is that of the wi1;ed! whi1h %eads to dest*u1tion and to ete*na% .unish#ent( Testa#ent 7f A3*aha# EAF 11( 1?( [Yeshua said+: The [#an o%d in da-s+ wi%% not hesitate to as; [a s#a%% 1hi%d se3en da-s o%d+ about the .%a1e [of %ife! and+ he wi%% [%i3e+( Po* #an- who a*e [fi*st+ wi%% be1o#e [%ast! and+ the %ast wi%% be fi*st! and [the- wi%% be1o#e one and the sa#e+( Pa.-*us 7L-*h-n1hus ?=<()1-)@( 1@( The P*o.het of the T*uth said: Good things #ust 1o#e! and b%essed! EHe saidF! is the one th*ough who# the- 1o#e( $i#i%a*%-! e3i% things #ust 1o#e! but woe to the one th*ough who# the- 1o#e( Ps(C%e#(Ho#(1)( )C(1( 1A( Yeshua said: [0f+ those who %ead -ou [sa- to -ou! $ee+! the Bingdo# is in the s;-! then the bi*ds of the s;- [sha%% .*e1ede -ou( 0f thesa- that+ it is unde* the ea*th! then the fish of the sea [sha%% ente* it! .*e1eding+ -ou( And the [Bingdo# of God+ is inside of -ou! [and it is outside of -ou( 4hoe3e*+ ;nows [hi#se%f+ sha%% dis1o3e* this( [And when -ou+ 1o#e to ;now -ou*se%3es! [-ou sha%% *ea%iDe that+ -ou a*e [sons+ of the [%i3ing+ Pathe*( [/ut if -ou+ wi%% [not+ ;now -ou*se%3es! [-ou dwe%%+ in [.o3e*t-+ and it is -ou who a*e that .o3e*t-( Pa.-*us 7L-*h-n1hus ?=<(C-)1( 1C( Po* the 6o*d sa-s in the Good-News: 0f -ou did not gua*d that whi1h is s#a%%! who sha%% gi3e -ou that whi1h is g*eatI Po* 0 te%%

-ou that he who is faithfu% in that whi1h is %east! is faithfu% a%so in that whi1h is #u1h( )C%e#(A:=( PRAG ENT$ 7P AN SNBN74N G7$PE6 ENo %ate* than 1=G A8&CEF 1( P*ag#ent 1: EAnd Yeshua saidF to the %aw-e*s: ((( e3e*t*ansg*esso* and %aw%ess .e*son! and not e(((what he does! how does he itI And tu*ning unto the *u%e*s of the .eo.%e! He s.o;e this sa-ing: $ea*1h the $1*i.tu*es! in whi1h -ou thin; -ou ha3e %ife: these a*e thewhi1h testif- of e( 8o not thin; that 0 1a#e to a11use -ou to Pathe*: the*e is one that a11useth -ou! e3en oshe! in who# -ou t*ust( And when the- said: 4e ;now that God s.o;e unto oshe: but as fo* You! we ;now not whe*e -ou a*e( Yeshua answe*ing said unto the#: Now is -ou unbe%ief a11used((( (((that the- #ight d*aw EIF ((( and ha3ing ta;en u. stones with one a11o*d #ight stone Hi#: and the *u%e*s %aid hands on Hi# that the- #ight ta;e Hi#! and de%i3e* Hi# unto the #u%titude: and the- 1ou%d not ta;e Hi#! be1ause the hou* of His bet*a-a% was not -et 1o#e( And the 6o*d Hi#se%f going fo*th out of thei* hands 1on3e-ed Hi#se%f awa- f*o# the#( And beho%d! a %e.e* 1a#e unto Hi# and said: Yeshua! aste*: 0 Oou*ne-ing with %e.e*s! and eating with the# in the inn! #-se%f too; %e.*os-( Now if You wi%% -0 a# #ade 1%ean( Then said the 6o*d unto hi#: 0 wi%%: be -ou 1%ean( And i##ediate%- the %e.*os- de.a*ted f*o# hi#( And the 6o*d said unto hi#: Go show th-se%f unto the 1ohani#&.*iests((( )( P*ag#ent ): 4hen the- we*e 1o#e unto Hi#! the- began Muestioning! and te#.ted Hi#! sa-ing: Yeshua! aste* we ;now that -ou a*e 1o#e f*o# God: fo* those things whi1h -ou* doing! do testif- abo3e a%% the P*o.hets: te%% us the*efo*e: 0s it %awfu% to .a- unto the ;ings what is due unto the go3e*n#entI -$ha%% we .a- the#! o* notI Yeshua ;nowing thei* #ind! being #o3ed with indignation! said unto the#: 4h- do -ou with -ou* #outh 1a%% e aste*! and -ou hea* not what 0 sa-I 4e%% did Yesha,-ahu .*o.hes- of -ou! sa-ing: This .eo.%e honou*eth e with thei* %i.s! but thei* hea*t is fa* f*o# e: tea1hing the 1o##and#ents of #en fo* do1t*ines( (((ha3ing 1%osed EitIF u. in a se1*et EIF .%a1e EIF ((( it is subOe1ted EIF obs1u*e%- ((( the weight the*eof unweighed ((( And when the- we*e .e*.%eLed at His st*ange Muestion! Yeshua wa%;ed and stood u.on the ban; of the *i3e* Ya*den! and st*et1hing fo*th His *ight hand He Efi%%edI it with seedIF and s1atte*ed EitF u.on the (((( And then ((( wate*: ((( and it Es.*ang u.IF befo*e the#! and it b*ought fo*th


.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). / Followin& are sa:in&s fromM The OP:rh:nch%s !a:in&s Of ,esh%a3 / / These are on two 'a':ri fo%nd at OP:rh:nch%s : Messrs3 Greenfell / / and H%nt3 6oth 'a':ri are m%tilated3 Prof3 H3 G3 *"el:n +hite / / has shown &ood ca%se for elie"in& oth fra&ments elon& to the / / same collection, and elie"es that the !a:in&s are ePtracts from / / the Good-News accordin& to the He rews3 / .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 7YYRHYNCHS$ PAPYRS$ ?=<( PR767GSE: These a*e the E(((F wo*ds whi1h Yeshua that %i3eth and E(((F s.a;e to E(((F and to T>o#a( And He said: E4hosoe3e* hea*ethF these wo*ds sha%% not taste Eof deathF( i( 6et not hi# that see;eth 1ease Esee;ing ti%% heF find! and when he findeth Ehe sha%% #a*3e%! andF ha3ing #a*3e%%ed he sha%% *eign! and Eha3ing *eignedF he sha%% *est( [4e a%so find this Muote gi3en b- C%e#ent of A%eLand*ia as being f*o# the Good-News a11o*ding to the Heb*ews(+ ii( [Resto*ation b-: 6ag*ange( As in: >Re3ue /ib%iMue>! 1C))! .(<2)(+: EY>hudahF saith: E4ho then a*e the- thatF d*aw us Eunto Hea3en abo3e! ifF the Bingdo# EisF in Hea3enI EYeshua saith:F The fow%s of the hea3en! Ethe beasts and if the*e beF an-thing beneath the ea*th Eo* u.on the ea*th! andF the fishes of the sea Ea*e thethatF d*aw -ou Eunto God:F and the Bingdo# Eof Hea3enF is within -ou Eand whosoe3e*F ;noweth EGodF sha%% find it: Efo* if -ou ;now Hi#F -ou sha%% ;now -ou*se%3es Eand sha%% ;now thatF -ou a*e EsonsF of the Pathe* that is E.e*fe1t: and %i;ewiseF -ou sha%% ;now -ou*se%3es Eto be 1itiDens in Hea3enF( And -ou a*e the 1itEof GodF -"o*'- Ethat whi1h aff*ighteth ha$atanF( [He gi3es an a%te*nati3e fo* %ines A-1G+: is within -ou Eand whosoe3e*F ;noweth Ehi#se%fF sha%% find it( ETa;e .ains the*efo*eF to ;now -ou*se%3es! R1( iii( A #an sha%% not hesitate Eha3ing foundIF to as; of E(((F 1on1e*ning the .%a1e of E(((F fo* E-ou sha%% findIF that #anEfi*st sha%% be %ast andF the %ast fi*st and the- sha%% E(((F i3( Yeshua saith E(((F befo*e th- fa1e and Ethat whi1h is hiddenF f*o# thee sha%% be *e3ea%ed Eto thee: fo* the*e is nothingF hid that sha%% not be #anifested and bu*ied that Esha%% not be found "o*'*aised u.F 3( EHis Ta%#idi#F Muestioned hi# EandF sa-: How sha%% we fast Eand how sha%% (((F and how Esha%% we (((F and what sha%% we obse*3e E(((F( Yeshua saith E(((F 8o not do E(((F of the t*uth E(((F hidden E(((F b%essed is he E(((F 7YYRHYNCHS$ PAPYRS$ 1:

3i( And then sha%t thou see 1%ea*%- to 1ast out the #ote whi1h is in th- b*othe*>s e-e( 3ii( Yeshua saith: 0f -ou fast not f*o# the wo*%d -ou sha%% not find the Bingdo# of God! and if -ou ;ee. not $habbat fo* the who%e wee;! -ou sha%% not see the Pathe*( 3iii(Yeshua saith: 0 stood in the #idst of the wo*%d! and in f%esh a..ea*ed 0 unto the#: and 0 found a%% #en d*un;en! and none did 0 find thi*sting a#ong the# and #- sou% is aff%i1ted fo* the sons of #en! be1ause the- a*e b%ind in thei* hea*t and see not ((( [/otto# of 1o%u#n gone+ iL! 1o%(): .o3e*t-

L( EYeshua saithF 4he*esoe3e* the*e a*e Etwo! the- a*e not withoutF God: and whe*e the*e is one a%one 0 sa- 0 a# with hi#( 6ift u. the stone and the*e sha%% -ou find e: 1%ea3e the wood! and 0 a# the*e( Li( Yeshua saith: A P*o.het is not in his own 1ount*-! no* does a .h-si1ian do 1u*es u.on the# that ;now hi#( Lii( Yeshua saith: A 1it- bui%t u.on the to. of an high #ountain and estab%ished 1an neithe* fa%% no* be hidden( Liii(Yeshua saith: You hea* withEinF -ou* EoneF ea* Ebut the othe* -ou ha3e 1%osedF( ((( Additiona% Sn1anoni1a% $a-ings of Yeshua: 1( THE 67G0A 7P YE$HSA EG*enfe%% and HuntF: Yeshua sa-s: EL1e.t -ou fast to the wo*%d! -ou sha%% in no wise find the Bingdo# of E%ohi#&God: and eL1e.t -ou ;ee. the $habbat! -ou sha%% not see the Pathe*( )( WS7TAT07N$! EAR6Y PATHER$ E/a*nabasF: 6et us *esist a%% iniMuit-! and ho%d it in hat*ed( The- who wish to see e and %a- ho%d of Bingdo# #ust *e1ei3e e b- aff%i1tion and suffe*ing( 2( EP*o# 7*igen and othe*sF: As; g*eat things! and the s#a%% sha%% be added unto -ou: and as; Hea3en%- things! and the ea*th%- sha%% be added unto -ou( <( ECont(F: Po* those that a*e si1; 0 was si1;! and fo* those that hunge*! 0 suffe*ed hunge*! and fo* those that thi*st! 0 suffe*ed thi*st( = EP*o# C%e#ent of Ro#e [E.(00(+F: Bee. the f%esh! and the sea% uns.otted( ?( ECont(F: 0f -ou ;ee. not that whi1h is s#a%%! who wi%% gi3e -ou that whi1h is g*eatI Po* 0 sa- unto -ou! that he that is faithfu% in 3e*- %itt%e is faithfu% a%so in #u1h( @( EP*o# Uustin a*t-*F: 0n whatsoe3e* 0 #a- find -ou! in this wi%% 0 a%so Oudge -ou( $u1h as 0 #a- find -ou! 0 wi%% Oudge -ou(

.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). / !A,$NG! F1OM TH* F1AGM*NT! OF PAP$A!M / / #Late 2st 0ent3 A7;0e Taldim;disci'le of the *missar: ,ochanan;Rohn(/ .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 1( This EPa.iasF is said to ha3e .*o#u%gated the Uewish t*adition of a i%%enniu#! and he is fo%%owed b- 0*enaeus! A.o%%ina*ius and the othe*s! who sa- that afte* the *esu**e1tion! the 6o*d sha%% *eign in the f%esh with the saints( -EUe*o#e de 3i*( i%%ust( 1A(F )( To so#e of the#! 1%ea*%- the ange%s whi1h at fi*st we*e ho%-! He ga3e do#inion a%so o3e* the a**ange#ent of the uni3e*se! and He 1o##issioned the# to eLe*1ise thei* do#inion we%%( /ut it so befe% that thei* a**a- 1a#e to nought: fo* the g*eat d*agon! the o%d se*.ent! who is a%so 1a%%ed $atan and the de3i%! was 1ast down! -ea! and was 1ast down to the ea*th! he and his ange%s( 2( (((1hoi1e-foods Ea*eF a#ong the sou*1es of de%ights in the *esu**e1tion((( <( A.o%%ina*ius: QUudas did not die b- hanging! but %i3ed on! ha3ing been 1ut down befo*e he was suffo1ated( And the A1ts of the A.ost%es show this! that((( fa%%ing head%ong he bu*st asunde* in the #idst! and a%% his bowe%s gushed out( This fa1t is *e%ated #o*e 1%ea*%- bPa.ias! the Ta%#id&dis1i.%e of Yo1hanan&Uohn! in the fou*th Eboo;F of the EL.osition of the 7*a1%es of the 6o*d as fo%%ows: Uudas wa%;ed about in this wo*%d a te**ib%e eLa#.%e of i#.iet-: his f%esh swo%%en to su1h an eLtent that! whe*e a wagon 1an .ass with ease! he was not ab%e to .ass! no! not e3en the #ass of his head #e*e%-( The- sa- that his e-e%ids swe%%ed to su1h an eLtent! that he 1ou%d not see the %ight at a%%! whi%e as fo* his e-es the- we*e not 3isib%e e3en b- a .h-si1ian %oo;ing th*ough an inst*u#ent! so fa* had the- sun; f*o# the su*fa1e(((Q

.)))))))))))))))))))))))))). /TH* 1*L$Z-*! OF TH* *L7*1!/ /#As 'reser"ed in $renae%s(/ .)))))))))))))))))))))))))). 1( (((the .*e1ious stone! The E#e*a%d! a11ounted of #u1h wo*th! 0s sha#ed b- a*tfu% #i#i1*- in g%ass( (((8ete1t the 1*aft so 1unning%de3ised( (((a%%o- of b*ass -is #iLed with si%3e*! who that is si#.%e -sha%% easi%- be ab%e to assa-I )( A da*ing and sha#e%ess thing is a sou% heated with e#.t- ai*( 2( /- the E%de* and he*a%d of the t*uth: You! ido%-f*a#e*! a*;! and .o*tent-gaDe*! $;i%%ed in the ast*o%oge*>s and wiDa*d>s a*t! $t*engthening the*eb- the wo*ds of -ou* fa%se %o*e! 8aDD%ing with signs whoe3e* -ou* %eading ast*a-! $t*ange handiwo*; of God-def-ing .owe*! $u1h to .e*fo*# -ou* fathe* $atan sti%%! -Affo*ds -ou #ight! b- an ange%i1 .owe*! ADaDe%: -ou! b- the dest*o-e* #a*;ed! Chosen fo*e*unne* of the i#.ious 1*aft( <( As was said b- one who was befo*e us! 1on1e*ning a%% who in anwade.*a3e the things of God! and adu%te*ate the t*uth: 0t is e3i% #ing%ing 1ha%; in the #i%; of God( =( As one of the an1ients sa-s: God! fo* His .a*t! t*ansfe**ed the 1u*se unto the ea*th! that it #ight not 1ontinue in the #an( ?( Po* God does a%% things in #easu*e and o*de*! and nothing with Hi# wants #easu*e! sin1e nothing is un-nu#be*ed( And we%% s.o;e he who said that the 0##easu*ab%e Pathe* Hi#se%f! was #easu*ed in the $on: fo* the #easu*e of the Pathe* is the $on! sin1e He e3en 1ontains Hi#( @( And the*efo*e! he Ethe E%de*F said: The 6o*d des1ended to the .a*ts unde* the ea*th! announ1ing to the# a%so the Good News of His 1o#ing: the*e being *e#ission of sins fo* su1h as be%ie3e on Hi#( A( 4e ought not the*efo*e! said that E%de*: to be .*oud! no* to *e.*oa1h the an1ients! but ou*se%3es to fea*! %est .e*ha.s! afte* the ;now%edge of essiah! if we do an-thing whi1h .%eases not God! we no %onge* ha3e *e#ission of ou* sins! but find ou*se%3es shut out of His Bingdo#( And to this he *efe**ed to $ha>u%&Pau%>s sa-ing: Po* if He s.a*ed not! et1( [Ro#( 11: 1@! )1+( C( (((and at a%% that Yo1hanan&Uohn the 6o*d>s Ta%#id&dis1i.%e saw in the 1G( /- state#ents of this ;ind tou1hing the an1ients did that E%de* 1onso%e us! and sa- that: 1on1e*ning those fau%ts! whi1h the $1*i.tu*es the#se%3es ha3e %aid to the 1ha*ge of Pat*ia*1hs and P*o.hets! we #ust not *e.*oa1h the#! no* be %i;e Ha#! who s1offed at the disg*a1e of his fathe*! and fe%% into the 1u*se: but we #ust gi3e than;s to God fo* the#! inas#u1h as thei* sins we*e fo*gi3en the# in the 1o#ing of ou* 6o*d( Po* that Ehis wo*d it isF the- ga3e than;s and eLu%t in ou* $a%3ation( /ut in *es.e1t of those things! fo* whi1h the $1*i.tu*es *e.*o3e

the# not! but si#.%- state the fa1ts! we #ust not! he said! be1o#e a11use*s Efo* we a*e not #o*e eLa1t than God! no* 1an we be abo3e ou* aste*F! but %oo; out fo* the t-.i1a% #eaning( Po* none of a%% the things! whi1h a*e set down in the $1*i.tu*es! without definite 1ensu*e! is without its fo*1e( 11( 0n the sa#e wa- a%so did that o%de* Ta%#id&dis1i.%e of the E#issa*ies&A.ost%es *eason about the two Testa#ents: de1%a*ing that both a*e indeed f*o# 7ne and the sa#e God: and that the*e is no othe* God! besides Hi# who #ade and fo*#ed us! no* an- st*ength in thei* a*gu#ent! who sa- that this wo*%d of ou*s was #ade eithe* bange%s! o* b- an- ;ind of .owe*! o* b- so#e othe* god( 1)( Po* the wo*d >son>! as a 1e*tain .e*son a%so befo*e us has said! has two #eanings: one is natu*a%%- su1h! as being bo*n a son: whi%e anothe* is 1ounted fo* a son! be1ause he is #ade su1h: notwithstanding the diffe*en1e between the bo*n and the #ade( 12( 4he*e then was the fi*st #an .%a1edI 0n .a*adise .%ain%- as it is w*itten: and he was 1ast out f*o# the*e into this wo*%d! owing to his disobedien1e( 4he*efo*e a%so the E%de*s -Ta%#idi#&dis1i.%es of the E#issa*ies&A.ost%es! sa- that: those who we*e t*ans%ated we*e t*ans%ated to that .%a1e Efo* .a*adise was .*e.a*ed fo* *ighteous and ins.i*ed #en! to whi1h .%a1e a%so the E#issa*-&A.ost%e $ha>u%&Pau% was 1a**ied and hea*d wo*ds uns.ea;ab%e! to us at %east in this .*esent %ifeF! and that the- who a*e t*ans%ated *e#ain the*e unti% the end of a%% things! .*e%uding i##o*ta%it-( 1<( Po* sin1e b- wood we %ost Hi#! b- wood again He was #ade #anifest unto a%%! showing fo*th the %ength and height and and b*eadth in Hi#se%f: and as one of those who ha3e gone befo*e said! b- the 8i3ine eLtension of His hands! gathe*ing the two .eo.%es togethe* unto 7ne God( 1=( As the E%de*s sa-: then a%so sha%% the- whi1h ha3e been dee#ed wo*th- of the abode in the Hea3ens go the*e! whi%e othe*s sha%% enOo- the de%ight of .a*adise! and othe*s again sha%% .ossess the b*ightness of the 1it-: fo* in e3e*- .%a1e the $a3iou* sha%% be seen! a11o*ding as the- sha%% be wo*th- who see Hi#( The- sa#o*eo3e*! that this is the distin1tion between the habitation of the# that b*ing fo*th a hund*ed-fo%d! and the# that b*ing fo*th siLt--fo%d! and the# that b*ing fo*th thi*t--fo%d: of who# the fi*st sha%% be ta;en u. into the Hea3ens! and the se1ond sha%% dwe%% in Pa*adise! and the thi*d sha%% inhabit the Cit-: and that the*efo*e ou* 6o*d has said: 0n Pathe*>s abode a*e #an- #ansions: fo* a%% things a*e of God! 4ho gi3eth to a%% thei* a..*o.*iate dwe%%ing! Ea11o*ding as His 4o*d sa-s that a%%ot#ent

is #ade unto a%% b- the Pathe*! a11o*ding as ea1h #an is! o* sha%% be! wo*th-( And this is the banMueting-tab%e at whi1h those sha%% *e1%ine who a*e 1a%%ed to the #a**iage and ta;e .a*t in the Peast(F The E%de*s! the Ta%#idi#&dis1i.%es of the E#issa*ies&A.ost%es! sa- that this is the a**ange#ent and dis.osa% of the# that a*e being sa3ed! and that thead3an1e b- su1h ste.s! and as1end th*ough the Rua1h&$.i*it to the $on! and th*ough the $on to the Pathe*! the $on at %ength -ie%ding His wo*; to the Pathe*! as it is said a%so b- the E#issa*-&A.ost%e: Po* He #ust *eign unti% He .uts a%% ene#ies unde* His feet(-E0*enaeus 9(2?(1!)(F

.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). /The followin& is a writin& : Messianic Rews to the Gentile;Go:im/ /0on&re&ations d%rin& the 2st 0ent%r: A7;0e 'eriod3 / .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 808ACHE E essiani1 9e*sionF The Tea1hing 7f The 6-*d To The Go-i#-5Genti%es> /- The Twe%3e E#issa*ies-5A.ost%es>: The fo%%owing is a w*iting b- essiani1 Uews to the Genti%e&Go-i# Cong*egations du*ing the 1st Centu*- A8&Ce .e*iod( 1(> The*e a*e two wa-s! one of %ife! and one of death: and the*e is a g*eat diffe*en1e between the two wa-s( The wa- of %ife is this: Pi*st of a%%: Thou sha%t %o3e the 6-*d th- G-d that #ade thee: se1ond%-: Thneighbo* as th-se%f( And a%% things whatsoe3e* thou wou%d ha3e not befa%% th-se%f! neithe* do thou unto anothe*( Now of these wo*ds the do1t*ine is this: /%ess the# that b%ess -ou! and .*a- fo* -ou* ene#ies! and fast fo* the# that .e*se1ute -ou: fo* what than;s is it! if -ou %o3e the# that %o3e -ouI 8o not e3en the go-i#-5genti%es> the sa#eI /ut -ou: do %o3e the# that hate -ou! and -ou sha%% not ha3e an ene#-( Abstain -ou f*o# f%esh%- and bodi%- %usts( 0f an- #an gi3es -ou a b%ow on -ou* *ight 1hee;! tu*n to hi# the othe* a%so: if a #an ta;e awa-ou* 1%oa;! gi3e hi# -ou* 1oat a%so: if a #an ta;e awa- f*o# -ou that whi1h is -ou* own! as; it not ba1; -fo* neithe* a*e -ou ab%e( To e3e*#an that as;s of -ou gi3e! and as; not ba1;: fo* the Pathe* desi*es that gifts be gi3en to a%% f*o# His own bounties( /%essed is he that gi3es a11o*ding to the 1o##and#ent: fo* he is gui%t%ess( 7-&woe unto hi# that *e1ei3es: fo*: if a #an *e1ei3es ha3ing need! he is gui%t%ess: but he that has no need sha%% gi3e satisfa1tion wh- and whe*efo*e he *e1ei3ed: and being .ut in 1onfine#ent he sha%% be eLa#ined 1on1e*ning the deeds that he has done! and he sha%% not 1o#e out f*o# the*e unti% he has gi3en-E.aidF ba1; the %ast ago*a( Yea! as tou1hing this a%so it is said: 6et thine a%#s sweat into thine hands! unti% thou sha%t ha3e %ea*ned to who# to gi3e( )(> And this is the se1ond #itD3ah-51o##and#ent> of the tea1hing: Thou sha%t do no #u*de*: thou sha%t not 1o##it adu%te*-: -ou sha%% not 1o**u.t bo-s: thou sha%t not 1o##it fo*ni1ation: thou sha%t not stea%: -ou sha%% not dea% in #agi1: -ou sha%% do no so*1e*-: -ou sha%% not #u*de* a 1hi%d b- abo*tion no* ;i%% the# when bo*n: thou sha%t not

1o3et th- neighbou*>s goods: thou sha%t not .e*Ou*e th-se%f: thou sha%t not bea* fa%se witness: -ou sha%% not s.ea; e3i%: -ou sha%% not 1he*ish a g*udge: -ou sha%% not be doub%e-#inded no* doub%e-tongued! fo* the doub%e-tongue is a sna*e of death( You* wo*d sha%% not be fa%se o* e#.t-! but 1o#.%eted b- a1tion( You sha%% not be g*eed- fo* *i1hes! no* a .%unde*e*! no* a h-.o1*ite! no* i%%-te#.e*ed! no* .*oud( You sha%% not ente*tain an e3i% design against -ou* neighbo*( Thou sha%t not hate an- #an! but: so#e thou sha%t *e.*o3e! and fo* othe*s -ou sha%% .*a-! and othe*s -ou sha%% %o3e #o*e than -ou* %ife( 2(> - 1hi%d! f%ee f*o# e3e*- e3i% and e3e*-thing that *ese#b%es it( /e not ang*- -fo* ange* %eads to #u*de*: no* Oea%ous! no* 1ontentious no* w*athfu% -fo* of a%% these things #u*de*s a*e engende*ed( 1hi%d be not %ustfu% -fo* %ust %eads to fo*ni1ation: neithe* fou%-s.ea;ing! neithe* with u.%ifted e-es -fo* of a%% these things adu%te*ies a*e engende*ed( - 1hi%d! be no dea%e* in o#ens! sin1e it %eads to ido%at*-: no* an en1hante* no* an ast*o%oge* no* a #agi1ian! neithe* be wi%%ing to %oo; at the# -fo* f*o# a%% these things ido%at*- is engende*ed( - 1hi%d! be not a %ia*! sin1e %-ing %eads to theft: neithe* g*eed- fo* *i1hes! neithe* boastfu%%- 3ain and .*oud of -ou*se%f -fo* f*o# a%% these things thefts a*e engende*ed( - 1hi%d! be not a #u*#u*e*! sin1e it %eads to b%as.he#-: neithe* se%f-wi%%ed neithe* a thin;e* of e3i% thoughts -fo* f*o# a%% these things b%as.he#ies a*e engende*ed( /ut be #ee;! sin1e the #ee; sha%% inhe*it the ea*th-56and>( /e %ong-suffe*ing! and fu%% of 1o#.assion! and gui%e%ess! and Muiet! and ;ind! and a%wa-s fea*ing the wo*ds whi1h -ou ha3e hea*d( You sha%% not eLa%t -ou*se%f! neithe* sha%% -ou ad#it bo%dness into -ou* sou%( You* sou% sha%% not 1%ea3e togethe* with the %oft-! but with the tDaddi;i#-5*ighteous> and hu#b%e sha%% -ou wa%;( The a11idents that befa% -ou! -ou sha%% *e1ei3e as good! ;nowing that nothing is done without E%ohi#&G-d( <(> - 1hi%d! -ou sha%% *e#e#be* hi# that s.ea;s unto -ou the 4o*d of E%ohi# night and da-! and sha%% honou* hi# in a si#i%a*#anne*&%i;e the 6-*d: fo* f*o# whate3e* .%a1e those %ed of the 6-*d s.ea;! the*e is the 6-*d( o*eo3e* -ou sha%% see; out da- b- da- the .e*sons of the san1tified-ones-5saints>! that -ou #a- find *est in thei* wo*ds( You sha%% not #a;e a s1his#! but -ou sha%% .%a1ate&1a%# the# that 1ontend: -ou sha%% Oudge *ighteous%-! -ou sha%% not #a;e a diffe*en1e in a .e*son to *e.*o3e hi# fo* t*ansg*essions( You sha%% not doubt whethe* a thing sha%% be o* not be( /e -ou not found ho%ding out -ou* hands to *e1ei3e! but d*awing the# in as to gi3ing( 0f -ou ha3e ought .assing th*ough -ou*

hands! -ou sha%% gi3e a *anso# fo* -ou* sins( You sha%% not hesitate to gi3e! neithe* sha%% -ou #u*#u* when gi3ing: fo* -ou sha%% ;now 4ho is the Good Pa-#aste* of -ou* *ewa*d( You sha%% not tu*n awa- f*o# hi# that is in want! but sha%% #a;e -ou* b*othe* .a*ta;e* in a%% things! and sha%% not sa- that an-thing is -ou* own( Po* if -ou a*e fe%%ow.a*ta;e*s in that whi1h is i#.e*ishab%e! how #u1h *athe* in the things whi1h a*e .e*ishab%eI You sha%% not withho%d -ou* hand f*o# -ou* son o* -ou* daughte*! but f*o# thei* -outh -ou sha%% tea1h the# the fea* of E%ohi#&G-d( You sha%% not 1o##and -ou* bondse*3ant o* -ou* hand#aid in -ou* bitte*ness! who t*ust in the sa#e G-d as -ou*se%f -%est EthenF b- 1han1e theshou%d 1ease to fea* the G-d who is o3e* both of -ou: fo* He 1o#eth! not to 1a%% #en with *es.e1t of .e*sons! but He 1o#es to those who# the Rua1h&$.i*it has .*e.a*ed( /ut -ou se*3ants sha%% be subOe1t unto -ou* #aste*s! %i;e unto an eLa#.%e 1on1e*ning E%ohi#&G-d! in ti#idness and dee. *es.e1t( You sha%% hate a%% h-.o1*is-! and e3e*-thing that is not .%easing to the 6-*d( Thou sha%t ne3e* fo*sa;e the itD3ot&Co##and#ents of Adonai-5the 6-*d>: but sha%% ;ee. those things whi1h -ou ha3e *e1ei3ed! neithe* adding to the#! no*! ta;ing awa- f*o# the#( 0n Edot& Cong*egation -ou sha%% 1onfess -ou* t*ansg*essions! and sha%% not ta;e -ou*se%f to .*a-e* with an e3i% 1ons1ien1e( This is the wa- of %ifeJ =(> /ut the wa- of death is this: Pi*st of a%%! it is e3i% and fu%% of a 1u*se: #u*de*s! adu%te*ies! %usts! fo*ni1ations! thefts! ido%at*ies! #agi1a% a*ts! wit1h1*afts! .%unde*ings! fa%se witnessings! h-.o1*isies! doub%eness of hea*t! t*ea1he*-! .*ide! #a%i1e! boastfu%ness: .e*se1uto*s of good #en! hating t*uth! %o3ing a %ie! not .e*1ei3ing the *ewa*d of *ighteousness! not 1%ea3ing to the good! no*! to *ighteous Oudge#ent! wa;efu% not fo* that whi1h is good! but fo* that whi1h is e3i%: f*o# who# gent%eness and fo*bea*an1e stand a%oof: %o3ing 3ain things! .u*suing a 1o#.ensation&*ewa*d! not .it-ing the .oo* #an! no* toi%ing fo* hi# that is o..*essed with toi%! not *e1ogniDing Hi# that #ade the#! #u*de*e*s of 1hi%d*en! 1o**u.te*s of the 1*eatu*es of E%ohi# &G-d! tu*ning awa- f*o# hi# that is in want! o..*essing hi# that is aff%i1ted! ad3o1ates&defende*s of the wea%th-! unOust Oudges of the .oo*: a%togethe* sinfu%( a- -ou be de%i3e*ed! #- 1hi%d*en! f*o# a%% these things( ?(> 4at1h %est an- #an %ead -ou ast*a- f*o# this wa- of *ighteousness! fo* he tea1hes -ou a.a*t f*o# E%ohi#( Po* if -ou a*e ab%e to bea* the who%e -o;e of the 6-*d! -ou sha%% be .e*fe1t: but if -ou a*e not ab%e!

do that whi1h -ou a*e ab%e( /ut 1on1e*ning eating! bea* that whi1h -ou a*e ab%e: -et abstain b- a%% #eans f*o# #eat sa1*ifi1ed to ido%s: fo* it is the wo*shi. of dead gods( @(> /ut 1on1e*ning i;3eh&0##e*sion! thus sha%% -ou i##e*se: Ha3ing fi*st *e1ited a%% these things! i##e*se in the Na#e of the Pathe*! and of the $on! and of >Rua1h HaBodesh&the Ho%- $.i*it> in %i3ing E*unningF wate*( /ut if -ou ha3e not %i3ing wate*! then i##e*se in othe* wate*: and if -ou a*e not ab%e in 1o%d! then in wa*#( /ut if -ou ha3e neithe*! then .ou* wate* on the head th*ee ti#es in the Na#e of the Pathe*! and of the $on! and of Rua1h HaBodesh( /ut befo*e the i;3eh! %et hi# that i##e*seth and hi# that is i##e*sed fast! and anothe*s a%so who a*e ab%e: and -ou sha%% o*de* hi# that is i##e*sed to fast a da- o* two befo*e( A(> And %et not -ou* fastings be with the h-.o1*ites! fo* the- fast on the se1ond and fifth da- of the wee;: but -ou: do ;ee. -ou* fast on the fou*th and on the-P*e.a*ation-5the da- befo*e $habbat> da-( Neithe* .*a- -ou as the h-.o1*ites! but as the 6-*d 1o##anded in His Good-News! thus .*a- -ou: 7u* Pathe* whi1h a*t in the Hea3ens! ha%%owed be Th- Na#e: Th- Bingdo# 1o#e: Th- wi%% be done! as in the Hea3ens! so a%so on ea*th: gi3e us this da- ou* dai%- b*ead: and fo*gi3e us ou* debt! as we a%so fo*gi3e ou* debto*s: and %ead us not into te#.tation! but de%i3e* us f*o# the e3i% one: fo* Thine is the .owe* and the g%o*-! fo*e3e* and e3e*( Th*ee ti#es in the da- .*a-ou so( C(> /ut as tou1hing the Co##union than;sgi3ing! gi3e -ou than;s thus: Pi*st! as *ega*ds the 1u.: 4e gi3e Thee than;s! 7 ou* Pathe*! fo* the ho%- 3ine of Th- son 8a3id! whi1h You #ade ;nown unto us th*ough Th$on Yeshua&Uesus: Thine is the g%o*- fo* e3e* and e3e*( Then! as *ega*ds the b*o;en b*ead: 4e gi3e Thee than;s! 7 ou* Pathe*! fo* the %ife and ;now%edge whi1h You did #a;e ;nown unto us th*ough Th$on Yeshua: Thine is the g%o*- fo*e3e* and e3e*( As this b*o;en b*ead was s1atte*ed u.on the #ountains! and being gathe*ed u. togethe* be1a#e one! so #a- Th- Edot&Cong*egation be gathe*ed togethe* f*o# the ends of the ea*th into Th- Bingdo#: fo* Thine is the g%o*- and the .owe* th*ough Yeshua ashia1h& essiah fo*e3e* and e3e*( /ut %et no one eat o* d*in; of this Co##union than;sgi3ing! but the- that ha3e been 0##e*sed into the Na#e of the 6-*d: fo* 1on1e*ning this a%so the 6*d has said: Gi3e not that whi1h is ho%- to the dogs( 1G(> And afte* -ou a*e satisfied! thus gi3e -ou than;s: 4e gi3e Thee

than;s! Ho%- Pathe*! fo* Th- ho%- Na#e! whi1h You ha3e #ade to tabe*na1%e in ou* hea*ts! and fo* the ;now%edge and faith and i##o*ta%it-! whi1h You ha3e #ade ;now unto us th*ough Th- $on Yeshua: Thine is the g%o*- fo*e3e* and e3e*( You! A%#ight- aste*! did 1*eate a%% things fo* Th- Na#e>s sa;e! and did gi3e food and d*in; unto #en fo* enOo-#ent! that the- #ight *ende* than;s to Thee: and did bestow u.on us s.i*itua% food! and d*in;! and ete*na% %ife th*ough Th- $on( /efo*e a%% things we gi3e Thee than;s that You a*t .owe*fu%: Thine is the g%o*- fo*e3e* and e3e*( Re#e#be* 6-*d! ThEdot&Cong*egation! to de%i3e* it f*o# a%% e3i%! and to .e*fe1t it in Th- %o3e: and to gathe* it togethe* f*o# the fou* winds - E3en the Edot&Cong*egation whi1h has been san1tified - into Th- ;ingdo# whi1h You ha3e .*e.a*ed fo* it: fo* Thine is the .owe* and the g%o*- fo*e3e* and e3e*( a- g*a1e 1o#e! and #a- this wo*%d .ass awa-( Hoshanna to the G-d of 8a3id( 0f an#an is ho%-! %et hi# 1o#e: if an- #an is not! %et hi# *e.ent( a*ana-ta! A#aine( 11(> 4hosoe3e* the*efo*e sha%% 1o#e and tea1h -ou a%% these things that ha3e been said befo*e! *e1ei3e hi#: but if the tea1he* hi#se%f be .e*3e*ted! and tea1h a diffe*ent do1t*ine to the dest*u1tion the*eof! hea* hi# not: but if to the in1*ease of *ighteousness! and the ;now%edge of the 6-*d! *e1ei3e hi# in a si#i%a*-#anne*&%i;e the 6*d( /ut 1on1e*ning the E#issa*ies-5A.ost%es> and P*o.hets! so do -ou a11o*ding to the o*dinan1e of the Good-News( 6et e3e*- E#issa*-! when he 1o#es to -ou! be *e1ei3ed in a si#i%a*-#anne*&%i;e the 6-*d: but he sha%% not abide #o*e than a sing%e da-! o* if the*e be need! a se1ond %i;ewise: but if he abide th*ee da-s! he is a fa%se .*o.het( And when he de.a*ts! %et the E#issa*- *e1ei3e nothing eL1e.t b*ead! unti% he find she%te*: but if he as;s Efo*F #one-! he is a fa%se .*o.het( And an- P*o.het! Ewhen its t*u%- ;nown he isF-[N7TE be%ow: a..*o3ed and found t*ue+! s.ea;ing in the Rua1h&$.i*it -ou sha%% not t*- neithe* dis1e*n: -fo* e3e*- sin sha%% be fo*gi3en! but this sin sha%% not be fo*gi3en( Yet not e3e*-one that s.ea;s in the Q$Q-.i*it is a P*o.het! but on%- if he has the wa-s of the 6-*d( P*o# his wa-s the*efo*e the fa%se .*o.het and the P*o.het sha%% be *e1ogniDed( And no P*o.het when he o*de*s a tab%e in the $.i*it sha%% eat of it: othe*wise he is a fa%se .*o.het( And e3e*- P*o.het tea1hing the t*uth! if he does not what he tea1hes! is a fa%se .*o.het( And e3e*- P*o.het a..*o3ed and found t*ue! if he does an-thing as an outwa*d #-ste*-! t-.i1a% of the

Edot&Cong*egation! and -et tea1hes -ou not to do a%% that he hi#se%f does! sha%% not be Oudged befo*e -ou: he has his Oudge#ent in the .*esen1e of E%ohi#&G-d: fo* in %i;e #anne* a%so did the P*o.hets of o%d ti#e( And whosoe3e* sha%% sa- in the Q$Q-.i*it! gi3e #e si%3e* o* an-thing e%se! -ou sha%% not %isten to hi#: but if he te%%s -ou to gi3e on beha%f of othe*s that a*e in want! %et no #an Oudge hi#( 1)(> /ut %et e3e*-one that 1o#es in the Na#e of the 6-*d be *e1ei3ed: and then when -ou ha3e tested hi#! -ou sha%% ;now hi#! fo* -ou sha%% ha3e unde*standing on the *ight hand and on the %eft( 0f the one 1o#ing is a t*a3e%%e*! assist hi#! so fa* as -ou a*e ab%e: but he sha%% not sta- with -ou #o*e than two o* th*ee da-s! if it be ne1essa*-( /ut if he wishes to sett%e with -ou! being a 1*afts#an! %et hi# wo*; fo* and eat his b*ead( /ut if he has no 1*aft! a11o*ding to -ou* wisdo# .*o3ide how he sha%% %i3e as a /e%ie3e* in essiah a#ong -ou! but not in id%eness( 0f he wi%% not do this! he is t*affi1;ing u.on essiah( /ewa*e of su1h #en( 12(> /ut e3e*- t*ue P*o.het desi*ing to sett%e a#ong -ou is wo*th- of his food( 0n %i;e #anne* a t*ue Tea1he* is a%so wo*th-! %i;e the wo*;#an of his food( E3e*- fi*stf*uit then of the .*odu1e of the wine-3at and of the th*eshing f%oo*! of -ou* oLen and of -ou* shee.! -ou sha%% ta;e and gi3e as the fi*stf*uit to the P*o.hets: fo* the- a*e -ou* head 1ohani#-5.*iests>( /ut if -ou ha3e not a P*o.het! gi3e the# to the .oo*( 0f -ou #a;e b*ead! ta;e the fi*stf*uit and gi3e a11o*ding to the #itD3ot&1o##and#ent( 0n %i;e #anne*! when -ou o.en a Oa* of wine o* of oi%! ta;e the fi*stf*uit and gi3e to the P*o.hets: -ea! and of #one- and *ai#ent and e3e*- .ossession ta;e the fi*stf*uit! as sha%% see# good to -ou! and gi3e a11o*ding to the #itD3ot&1o##and#ent( 1<(> And on the 6-*d>s own da- gathe* -ou*se%3es togethe* and b*ea; b*ead and gi3e than;s! fi*st 1onfessing -ou* t*ansg*essions! that -ou* sa1*ifi1e #a- be .u*e( And %et no #an! ha3ing his dis.ute with his fe%%ow E#anF! Ooin -ou* asse#b%- unti% the- ha3e been *e1on1i%ed! that -ou* sa1*ifi1e #a- not be defi%ed: fo* this sa1*ifi1e it is that was s.o;en of b- the 6-*d: 0n e3e*- .%a1e and at e3e*- ti#e offe* e a .u*e sa1*ifi1e: fo* 0 a# a g*eat Bing! saith YH9H-5Ha$he#>! and Na#e is wonde*fu% a#ong the go-i#&nations&genti%es( 1=(> A..oint fo* -ou*se%3es the*efo*e! 73e*see*s-5/isho.s> and $ha##ashi#-58ea1ons> wo*th- of the 6-*d! #en who a*e #ee; and not %o3e*s of #one-! and t*ue and a..*o3ed: fo* unto -ou the- a%so .e*fo*# the se*3i1e of the P*o.hets and Tea1he*s( The*efo*e des.ise the# not: fo* the- a*e -ou* hono*ab%e #en! a%ong with the P*o.hets and Tea1he*s(

And *e.*o3e one anothe*! not in ange* but in sha%o#! as -ou find in the Good-News: and %et no one s.ea; to an- that has gone w*ong towa*ds his neighbo*! neithe* %et hi# hea* a wo*d f*o# -ou! unti% he *e.ent( /ut -ou* .*a-e*s and -ou* a%#sgi3ing and a%% -ou* deeds! so do -ou as -ou find in the Good-News of ou* 6-*d( 1?(> /e wat1hfu% fo* -ou* %ife: %et -ou* %a#.s not be Muen1hed and -ou* %oins not ungi*ded! but! be -ou *ead-: fo* -ou ;now not the hou* in whi1h ou* 6-*d 1o#eth( And -ou sha%% gathe* -ou*se%3es togethe* f*eMuent%-! see;ing what is fitting fo* -ou* sou%s: fo* the who%e ti#e of -ou* faith sha%% not .*ofit -ou! if -ou be not .e*fe1ted at the %ast season( Po* in the %ast da-s the fa%se .*o.hets and 1o**u.te*s sha%% be #u%ti.%ied! and the shee. sha%% be tu*ned into wo%3es! and %o3e sha%% be tu*ned into hate( Po* as 3io%ation of the To*ah in1*eases! the- sha%% hate one anothe*! and sha%% .e*se1ute and bet*a-( And then the wo*%d-de1ei3e* sha%% a..ea* as a QsQon of QGQod: and sha%% wo*; signs and wonde*s! and the ea*th sha%% be de%i3e*ed into his hands: and he sha%% do unho%- things! whi1h ha3e ne3e* been sin1e the wo*%d began( Then a%% 1*eated #an;ind sha%% 1o#e to the fi*e of testing! and #ansha%% be offended and .e*ish: but the- that endu*e in thei* faith sha%% be sa3ed b- the E7ne who be1a#e theF Cu*se Hi#se%f( And then sha%% the signs of the T*uth a..ea*: fi*st a sign of a *ift in the hea3en! then a sign of a 3oi1e of a t*! and thi*d%- a *esu**e1tion of the dead: -et not of a%%! but as it was said: The 6-*d sha%% 1o#e! and a%% His san1tified-ones-5saints> with Hi#( Then sha%% the wo*%d see the 6*d 1o#ing u.on the 1%ouds of hea3en( EA#aineF(

.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). / Followin& is a Messianic "ersion ofM An Ancient Homil:3 The / / a%thor is %nknown, %t it is from an earl: date - %s%all: &i"en / / as ha"in& een written shortl: after 1e"elation a o%t 2=I A7;0e / / There are some indications #4 F( that it was written or s'oken / / in the first instance to the 0orinthians3 Li&htfoot also sa:s, / / that we ma: now definitel: re&ard it as the earliest 6elie"ers@ / / homil: ePtant3 8The st:le of it s%&&ests to me someone who wasM / / familiar with R%daic methods of a''roachin& s% Nects #'erha's / / ori&inall: a 'rosel:te(, someone in a 'osition of a%thorit:, - / / one who 'erha's knew some of the Talmidim and *missaries, and / / ma: ha"e e"en een in the leadershi' of the late 0on&re&ation / / at Rer%salem3 Of co%rse, this is onl: what it s%&&est to me, / / and tho%&h 'ossi le, - can not e 'ro"ed to e the case3< $t is / / also known : the titleM =nd *'istle of !3 0lement to the / / 0orinthians3 - Howe"er it has no claim to this desi&nation, and / / its internal e"idence oth of st:le and doctrine, so far as it / / &oes, is distinctl: a&ainst this concl%sion3 - sa:s Li&htfoot3 / .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). AN ANC0ENT H7 06Y /- An Sn;nown Autho* 0( /RETHREN! we ought so to thin; of Yeshua essiah! as of E%ohi#! as of the Uudge of Mui1;&%i3ing and dead( And we ought not to thin; sha%%ow of ou* $a%3ation: fo* when we thin; sha%%ow things of Hi#! we eL.e1t a%so to *e1ei3e sha%%ow things( And the- that %isten as 1on1e*ning sha%%ow things do w*ong: and we ou*se%3es do w*ong! not ;nowing f*o# whe*e and b- who# and unto what .%a1e we we*e 1a%%ed! and how #an- things Yeshua essiah endu*ed to suffe* fo* ou* sa;es( 4hat *e1o#.ense then sha%% we gi3e unto Hi#I o* what f*uit wo*th- of His own gift to usI And how #an- #e*1ies do we owe to Hi#J Po* He bestowed the %ight u.on us: He s.o;e to us! as a fathe* to his sons: He sa3ed us! when we we*e .e*ishing( 4hat .*aise then sha%% we gi3e to Hi#I o* what .a-#ent of *e1o#.ense fo* those things whi1h we *e1ei3edI we who we*e #ai#ed in ou* unde*standing! and wo*shi..ed sto1;s and stones and go%d si%3e* and b*onDe! the wo*;s of #en: and ou* who%e %ife was nothing e%se but death( 4hi%e then we we*e thus w*a..ed in da*;ness and o..*essed with this thi1; #ist in ou* 3ision! we *e1o3e*ed ou* sight! .utting off b- His wi%% the 1%oud whe*ein we we*e w*a..ed( Po* He had #e*1- on us! and in His 1o#.assion sa3ed us! ha3ing behe%d in us #u1h e**o* and .e*dition! e3en when we had no ho.e of $a%3ation! eL1e.t that whi1h 1a#e f*o# Hi#( Po* He 1a%%ed us! when we we*e not! and f*o# not being - He wi%%ed us to be( 00( >ReOoi1e! thou ba**en that bea* not( /*ea; out and 1*-! thou that

t*a3ai% not: fo* #o*e a*e the 1hi%d*en of the deso%ate than of he* that has the husband(> 0n that He said >ReOoi1e! thou ba**en that bea* not!> He s.o;e of us: fo* ou* Cong*egation was ba**en! befo*e that 1hi%d*en we*e gi3en unto he*( And in that He said! >C*- a%oud! thou that t*a3ai% not!> He #eans this: 6et us not! %i;e wo#en in t*a3ai%! g*ow wea*- of offe*ing u. ou* .*a-e*s with si#.%i1it- to E%ohi#( Again! in that He said! >Po* the 1hi%d*en of the deso%ate a*e #o*e than of he* that has the husband!> He so s.o;e! be1ause ou* .eo.%e see#ed deso%ate and fo*sa;en of E%ohi#! whe*eas now! ha3ing be%ie3ed! we ha3e be1o#e #o*e than those who see#ed to ha3e E%ohi#( Again anothe* $1*i.tu*e sa-s! >0 ha3e 1o#e not to 1a%% the *ighteous! but sinne*s(> He #eans this: that is is *ight to sa3e the# that a*e .e*ishing( Po* this indeed is a g*eat and #a*3e%%ous wo*;! to estab%ish! not those things whi1h stand! but those whi1h a*e fa%%ing( $o a%so essiah wi%%ed to sa3e the things whi1h we*e .e*ishing( And He sa3ed #an-! 1o#ing and 1a%%ing us when we we*e e3en now .e*ishing( 000( $eeing then that He bestowed so g*eat #e*1- on us: fi*st of a%%! that we! who a*e %i3ing! do not sa1*ifi1e to these dead gods! neithe* wo*shi. the#! but though Hi# ha3e ;nown the Pathe* of t*uth( 4hat e%se is this ;now%edge to Hi#wa*d! but not to den- Hi# th*ough who# we ha3e ;nown Hi#I Yea! He Hi#se%f said! >4hoso 1onfesses e! hi# wi%% 0 1onfess befo*e the Pathe*(> This then is ou* *ewa*d! if t*u%- we sha%% 1onfess Hi# th*ough who# we we*e sa3ed( /ut whe*ein do we 1onfess Hi#I 4hen we do that whi1h He sa-s and a*e not disobedient unto His itD3ot& Co##and#ents! and not on%- >hono* Hi# with ou* %i.s!> but >with out who%e hea*t and with out who%e #ind(> Now He sa-s a%so in Yesha,-ahu! >This .eo.%e hono*s e with thei* %i.s! but thei* hea*t is fa* f*o# e(> 09( 6et us the*efo*e not on%- 1a%% Hi# 6o*d! fo* this wi%% not sa3e us: fo* He sa-s! >Not e3e*- one that sa-s unto e! 6o*d! 6o*d! sha%% be sa3ed! but he that does *ighteousness(> $o then! b*eth*en! %et us 1onfess Hi# in ou* wo*;s! b- %o3ing one anothe*! b- not 1o##itting adu%te*-! no* s.ea;ing e3i% one against anothe*! no* en3-ing! - but being te#.e*ate! #e*1ifu%! ;ind%-( And we ought to ha3e fe%%owfee%ing one with anothe* and not to be 1o3etous( /- these wo*;s %et us 1onfess Hi#! and not b- the 1ont*a*-( And we ought not *athe* to fea* #en but E%ohi#( Po* this 1ause! if -ou do these things! the 6o*d said! >Though -ou be gathe*ed togethe* with e in - boso#! and do not itD3ot& Co##and#ents! 0 wi%% 1ast -ou awa- and wi%% sa- unto -ou! 8e.a*t f*o# e! 0 ;now -ou not f*o# whe*e -ou a*e! -ou wo*;e*s of 3io%ation-ofthe

To*ah(>K[1+ 9( 4he*efo*e! b*eth*en! %et us fo*sa;e ou* soOou*n in this wo*%d and do the wi%% of Hi# that 1a%%ed us! and %et us not be af*aid to de.a*t out of this wo*%d( Po* the 6o*d sa-s! >You sha%% be as %a#bs in the #idst of wo%3es(> /ut Befa answe*ed and said unto Hi#! >4hat then! if the wo%3es shou%d tea* the %a#bsI> Yeshua said unto Befa! >6et not the %a#bs fea* the wo%3es afte* the- a*e dead: and -ou a%so! fea* -ou not the# that ;i%% -ou and a*e not ab%e to do an-thing to -ou: but fea* Hi# that afte* -ou a*e dead has .owe* o3e* sou% and bod-! to 1ast the# into the Ge--Hinno# of fi*e(> And -ou ;now! b*eth*en! that the soOou*n of this f%esh in this wo*%d is sha%%ow and fo* a sho*t ti#e! but the .*o#ise of essiah is g*eat and #a*3e%%ous! e3en the *est of the Bingdo# that sha%% be and of %ife ete*na%( 4hat then 1an we do to obtain the#! but wa%; in ho%iness and *ighteousness! and 1onside* these wo*%d%- things as a%ien to us! and not desi*e the#I Po* when we desi*e to obtain these things we fa%% awa- f*o# the *ighteous .ath( 90( /ut the 6o*d sa-s! >No se*3ant 1an se*3e two #aste*s(> 0f we desi*e to se*3e both E%ohi# and #a##on&*i1hes! it is un.*ofitab%e fo* us: >Po* what ad3antage is it! if a #an gain the who%e wo*%d and fo*feit his sou%I> Now this age and the futu*e a*e two ene#ies( The one s.ea;s of adu%te*- and defi%e#ent and g*eed-fo*-*i1hes and de1eit! but the othe* bids fa*ewe%% to these( 4e 1annot the*efo*e be f*iends of the two! but #ust bid fa*ewe%% to the one and ho%d 1o#.anionshi. with the othe*( 6et us 1onside* that it is bette* to hate the things whi1h a*e he*e! be1ause the- a*e sha%%ow and fo* a sho*t ti#e and .e*ishab%e! and to %o3e the things whi1h a*e the*e! fo* the- a*e good and i#.e*ishab%e( Po*! if we do the wi%% of essiah! we sha%% find *est: but if othe*wise! then nothing sha%% de%i3e* us f*o# ete*na% .unish#ent! if we shou%d disobe- His itD3ot&Co##and#ents( And the Tana;h a%so sa-s in Ye1heDMe%! >Though Noa1h and 0-o3 and 8ani>e% shou%d *ise u.! the- sha%% not de%i3e* thei* 1hi%d*en> in the dias.o*a &1a.ti3it-( /ut if e3en su1h *ighteous #en as these 1annot b- thei* *ighteous deeds de%i3e* thei* 1hi%d*en! with what 1onfiden1e sha%% we! if we ;ee. not ou* #i;3eh&i##e*sion .u*e and undefi%ed! ente* into the Bingdo# of E%ohi#I 7* who sha%% be ou* ad3o1ate! un%ess we be found ha3ing ho%- and *ighteous wo*;sI 900( $o then! #- b*eth*en! %et us 1ontend! ;nowing that the 1ontest is nigh at hand! and that! whi%e #an- *eso*t to the 1o**u.tib%e 1ontests! -et not a%% a*e 1*owned! but on%- the- that ha3e toi%ed ha*d and

1ontended b*a3e%-( 6et us then 1ontend that we a%% #a- be 1*owned( 4he*efo*e %et us *un in the st*aight 1ou*se! the in1o**u.tib%e 1ontest( And %et us *eso*t to it in th*ongs and 1ontend! that we #a- a%so be 1*owned( And if we 1annot a%% be 1*owned! %et us at %east 1o#e nea* to the 1*own( 4e ought to ;now that he whi1h 1ontends in the 1o**u.tib%e 1ontest! if he be found dea%ing 1o**u.t%- with it! is fi*st f%ogged! and then *e#o3ed and d*i3en out of the *a1e-1ou*se( 4hat thin; -ouI 4hat sha%% be done to hi# that has dea%t 1o**u.t%- with the 1ontest of in1o**u.tionI Po* as 1on1e*ning the# that ha3e not ;e.t the sea%! He sa-s! >Thei* wo*# sha%% not die! and thei* fi*e sha%% not be Muen1hed! and the- sha%% be fo* a s.e1ta1%e unto a%% f%esh(> 9000( 4hi%e we a*e on ea*th then! %et us *e.ent: fo* we a*e 1%aunde* the 1*afts#an>s hand( Po* in %i;e #anne* as the .otte*! if he be #a;ing a 3esse%! and it get twisted o* 1*ushed in his hands! * it again: but if he ha3e on1e .ut it into the fie*- o3en! he sha%% no %onge* #end it: so a%so %et us! whi%e we a*e in this wo*%d! *e.ent of ou* who%e hea*t of the e3i% things whi1h we ha3e done in the f%esh! that we #a- be sa3ed b- the 6o*d! whi%e we ha3e -et ti#e fo* t>shu3ah& tu*ning-in-*e.entan1e( Po* afte* that we ha3e de.a*ted out of the wo*%d! we 1an no #o*e #a;e a 1onfession Eof sinsF the*e! o* *e.ent an#o*e( 4he*efo*e! b*eth*en! if we sha%% ha3e done the wi%% of the Pathe* and ;e.t the .u*e and gua*ded the itD3ot&Co##and#ents of the 6o*d! we sha%% *e1ei3e %ife ete*na%( Po* the 6o*d sa-s in the GoodNews! >0f -ou ;ee. not that whi1h is %itt%e! who sha%% gi3e unto -ou that whi1h is g*eatI Po* 0 sa- unto -ou that he whi1h is faithfu% in the %east! is faithfu% a%so in #u1h(> $o then He #eans this! Bee. the f%esh .u*e and the sea% unstained! to the end that we #a- *e1ei3e %ife( 0Y( And %et not an- one of -ou sa- that this f%esh is not Oudged neithe* *ises again( Snde*stand -ou( 0n what we*e -ou sa3edI 0n what did -ou *e1o3e* -ou* sightI if -ou we*e not in this f%esh( 4e ought the*efo*e to gua*d the f%esh as a te#.%e of E%ohi#: fo* in %i;e #anne* as -ou we*e 1a%%ed in the f%esh! -ou sha%% 1o#e a%so in the f%esh( 0f essiah the 6o*d who sa3ed us! being fi*st Rua1h&$.i*it! then Ea%soF be1a#e f%esh! and so 1a%%ed us! in %i;e #anne* a%so sha%% we in this f%esh *e1ei3e ou* *ewa*d( 6et us the*efo*e %o3e one anothe*! that we a%% #a- 1o#e unto the Bingdo# of E%ohi#( 4hi%e we ha3e ti#e to be hea%ed! %et us .%a1e ou*se%3es in the hands of E%ohi# the .h-si1ian! gi3ing Hi# a *e1o#.ense( 4hat *e1o#.enseI Re.entan1e f*o# a sin1e*e hea*t( Po* He dis1e*ns a%% things befo*ehand and ;nows what is in ou*

hea*t( 6et us the*efo*e gi3e unto Hi# ete*na% .*aise! not f*o# ou* %i.s on%-! but a%so f*o# ou* hea*t! that He #a- *e1ei3e us as sons( Po* the 6o*d a%so said! >These a*e - b*eth*en! whi1h do the wi%% of Pathe*(> Y( 4he*efo*e! #- b*eth*en! %et us do the wi%% of the Pathe* whi1h 1a%%ed us! that we #a- %i3e: and %et us the *athe* .u*sue 3i*tue! but fo*sa;e 3i1e as the fo*e*unne* of ou* sins! and %et us f%ee f*o# unGod%iness! %est e3i%s o3e*ta;e us( Po* if we be di%igent in doing good! sha%o# wi%% .u*sue us( Po* fo* this 1ause is a #an unab%e to T K> attain ha..iness 5KT! seeing that the- 1a%% in the fea*s of #en! .*efe**ing *athe* the enOo-#ent whi1h is he*e than the .*o#ise whi1h is to 1o#e( Po* the- ;now not how g*eat to*#ent the enOo-#ent whi1h is he*e b*ings! and what de%ight the .*o#ise whi1h is to 1o#e b*ings( And if t*u%- the- we*e doing these things b- the#se%3es a%one! it had been to%e*ab%e: but now the- 1ontinue tea1hing e3i% to inno1ent sou%s! not ;nowing that the- sha%% ha3e thei* 1onde#nation doub%ed! both the#se%3es and thei* hea*e*s( Y0( 6et us the*efo*e se*3e E%ohi# in a .u*e hea*t! and we sha%% be *ighteous: but if we se*3e Hi# not! be1ause we be%ie3e not the .*o#ise of E%ohi#! we sha%% be w*et1hed( Po* the 4o*d of .*o.he1- a%so sa-s! >4*et1hed a*e the doub%e-#inded! that doubt in thei* hea*t and sa-! These things we hea*d of o%d in the da-s of ou* fathe*s a%so! -et we ha3e waited da- afte* da- and ha3e seen none of the#( You foo%sJ 1o#.a*e -ou*se%3es unto a t*ee: ta;e a 3ine( -- Pi*st it sheds its %ea3es! then a shoot 1o#es! afte* this a sou* be**-! then a fu%% *i.e g*a.e( $o %i;ewise - .eo.%e had tu#u%ts and aff%i1tions: but afte*wa*d the- sha%% *e1ei3e good things(> 4he*efo*e! #- b*eth*en! %et us not be doub%e-#inded but endu*e .atient%- in ho.e! that we #a- a%so obtain ou* *ewa*d( >Po* faithfu% is He that .*o#ised> to .a- to ea1h #an the *e1o#.ense of his wo*;s( 0f the*efo*e we sha%% ha3e w*ought *ighteousness in the sight of E%ohi#! we sha%% ente* into His Bingdo# and sha%% *e1ei3e the .*o#ises whi1h >ea* has not hea*d no* e-e seen! neithe* has it ente*ed into the hea*t of #an(> Y00( 6et us the*efo*e await the Bingdo# of E%ohi# wat1hing-ea*%- in %o3e and *ighteousness! sin1e we ;now not the da- of E%ohi#>s a..ea*ing( Po* the 6o*d Hi#se%f! being as;ed b- a 1e*tain .e*son when His Bingdo# wou%d 1o#e! said! >4hen the two sha%% be one! and the outside as the inside! and the #a%e with the fe#a%e! neithe* #a%e no* fe#a%e(>K[)+ Now >the two> a*e >one>! when we s.ea; t*uth a#ong ou*se%3es! and in two bodies the*e sha%% be EasF one sou% without de1e.tion( And b- >the outside as the inside> He #eans this: that a

b*othe* seeing a siste* shou%d ha3e no thought of he* as of a fe#a%e! and that a siste* seeing a b*othe* shou%d not ha3e an- thought of hi# as of a #a%e( These things if -ou do! sa-s He! the Bingdo# of Pathe* sha%% 1o#e( Y000( The*efo*e! b*eth*en! %et us *e.ent without de%a-( 6et us be sobe* unto that whi1h is good: fo* we a*e fu%% of #u1h fo%%- and wi1;edness( 6et us wi.e awa- f*o# us ou* fo*#e* sins! and %et us *e.ent with ou* who%e sou% and be sa3ed( And %et us not be found #en-.%ease*s( Neithe* %et us desi*e to .%ease one anothe* on%-! but a%so those #en that a*e without! b- ou* *ighteousness! that The-Na#e&Ha$he# be not b%as.he#ed b- *eason of us( Po* Adonai sa-s! >E3e*- wa- Na#e is b%as.he#ed a#ong a%% the Go-i#&Genti%es&Nations>: and again! >4oe unto hi# b- *eason of who# - Na#e is b%as.he#ed(> 4he*ein is 0t b%as.he#edI 0n that -ou do not the things whi1h 0 desi*e( Po* the Go-i#&Genti%es! when the- hea* f*o# ou* #outh the o*a1%es of E%ohi#! #a*3e% at the# fo* thei* beaut- and g*eatness: then! when thedis1o3e* that ou* wo*;s a*e not wo*th- of the wo*ds whi1h we s.ea;! i##ediate%the- #o3e the#se%3es to b%as.he#-! sa-ing that it is an id%e sto*and a de%usion( Po* when the- hea* f*o# us that E%ohi# sa-s! >0t is not than;s unto -ou! if -ou %o3e the# that %o3e -ou! but this is than;s unto -ou! if -ou %o3e -ou* ene#ies and the# that hate -ou>: when thehea* these things! 0 sa-! the- #a*3e% at thei* eL1eeding goodness: but when the- see that we not on%- do not %o3e the# that hate us! but not e3en the# that %o3e us! the- %augh us to s1o*n! and The-Na#e is b%as.he#ed( Y09( 4he*efo*e! b*eth*en! if we do the wi%% of E%ohi# ou* Pathe*! we sha%% be of the fi*st Cong*egation! whi1h is 5s>.i*itua%! whi1h was 1*eated befo*e the sun and #oon: but if we do not the wi%% of the 6o*d! we sha%% be of the $1*i.tu*e that sa-s! > - house was #ade a den of *obbe*s>( $o the*efo*e %et us 1hoose *athe* to be of the Cong*egation of %ife! that we #a- be sa3ed( And 0 do not su..ose -ou a*e igno*ant that the %i3ing Cong*egation is >the bod- of essiah>: fo* the $1*i.tu*e sa-s! >God #ade #an! #a%e and fe#a%e>( The #a%e is essiah and the fe#a%e is the Cong*egation( And the $1*o%%s and the E#issa*ies .%ain%- de1%a*e that the Cong*egation eLists not now fo* the fi*st ti#e! but has been f*o# the beginning: fo* she was 5s>.i*itua%! as ou* Yeshua a%so was 5$>.i*itua%! but was #anifested in the %ast da-s

that He #ight sa3e us( Now the Cong*egation! being 5s>.i*itua%! was #anifested in the f%esh of essiah! the*eb- showing us that! if anof us gua*d he* in the f%esh and defi%e he* not! he sha%% *e1ei3e he* again in - Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it - : fo* this f%esh is the 1ounte*.a*t and 1o.- of the s.i*it( No #an the*efo*e! when he has defi%ed the 1o.-! sha%% *e1ei3e the o*igina% fo* his .o*tion( This the*efo*e is what He #eans! b*eth*en: Gua*d -ou the f%esh! that -ou #a.a*ta;e of the Rua1h&5$>.i*it( /ut if we sa- that the f%esh is the Cong*egation and the Rua1h&$.i*it is essiah! then he that has dea%t i##o*a%%- with the f%esh has dea%t i##o*a%%- with the Cong*egation( $u1h a one the*efo*e sha%% not .a*ta;e of the Rua1h&$.i*it! whi1h is essiah( $o eL1e%%ent is the %ife and i##o*ta%it- whi1h this f%esh 1an *e1ei3e as its .o*tion! if - Rua1h HaBodesh&The Ho%- $.i*it - be Ooined to it( No #an 1an de1%a*e o* te%% >those things whi1h the 6o*d has .*e.a*ed> fo* His e%e1t( Y9( Now 0 do not thin; that 0 ha3e gi3en an- sha%%ow 1ounse% *es.e1ting 1ontinen1e! and whosoe3e* .e*fo*#s it sha%% not *e.ent the*eof! but sha%% sa3e both hi#se%f and #e his 1ounse%%o*( Po* it is no sha%%ow *ewa*d to 1on3e*t a wande*ing and .e*ishing sou%! that it #a- be sa3ed( Po* this is the *e1o#.ense whi1h we a*e ab%e to .a- to E%ohi# who 1*eated us! if he that s.ea;s and hea*s both s.ea; and hea* with faith and %o3e( 6et us the*efo*e abide in the things whi1h we be%ie3ed! in *ighteousness and ho%iness! that we #a- with bo%dness as; of E%ohi# who sa-s! >4hi%e -ou a*e s.ea;ing 0 wi%% sa-! /eho%d! 0 a# he*e>( Po* this wo*d is the to;en of a g*eat .*o#ise: fo* the 6o*d sa-s of Hi#se%f that He is #o*e *ead- to gi3e than he that as;s to as;( $eeing then that we a*e .a*ta;e*s of so g*eat ;indness! %et us not g*udge ou*se%3es the obtaining of so #an- g*eat things( Po* in .*o.o*tion as the .%easu*e is g*eat whi1h these wo*ds b*ing to the# that ha3e .e*fo*#ed the#! so a%so is the 1onde#nation g*eat whi1h the- b*ing to the# that ha3e been disobedient( Y90( The*efo*e! b*eth*en! sin1e we ha3e found no s#a%% o..o*tunitfo* *e.entan1e! seeing that we ha3e ti#e! %et us tu*n again unto E%ohi# that 1a%%ed us! whi%e we ha3e sti%% 7ne that *e1ei3es us( Po* if we bid fa*ewe%% to these enOo-#ents and 1onMue* ou* sou% in *efusing to fu%fi% its e3i% %usts! we sha%% be .a*ta;e*s of the #e*1- of Yeshua( /ut -ou ;now that the 8a- of Uudge#ent 1o#es e3en now >as a bu*ning o3en! and the .owe*s of the hea3ens sha%% #e%t>! and a%% the ea*th

as %ead #e%ting on the fi*e! and then sha%% a..ea* the se1*et and o.en wo*;s of #en( A%#sgi3ing the*efo*e is a good thing! e3en as *e.entan1e f*o# sin( Pasting is bette* than .*a-e*! but a%#sgi3ing than both( And >%o3e 1o3e*s a #u%titude of sins>! but .*a-e* out of a good 1ons1ien1e de%i3e*s f*o# death( /%essed is e3e*- #an that is found fu%% of these( Po* a%#sgi3ing %ifts off the bu*den of sin( Y900( 6et us the*efo*e *e.ent with ou* who%e hea*t! %est an- of us .e*ish b- the wa-( Po* if we ha3e *e1ei3ed 1o##ands! that we shou%d #a;e this a%so ou* business! to tea* #en awa- f*o# ido%s and to inst*u1t the#! how #u1h #o*e is it w*ong that a sou% whi1h ;nows E%ohi# a%*ead- shou%d .e*ishJ The*efo*e %et us assist one anothe*! that we #a- a%so %ead the wea; u.wa*d as tou1hing that whi1h is good! to the end that we a%% #a- be sa3ed: and %et us *etu*n-again and ad#onish one anothe*( And %et us not thin; to gi3e heed and be%ie3e now on%-! whi%e we a*e ad#onished b- the E%de*s: but %i;ewise when we ha3e de.a*ted ho#e! %et us *e#e#be* the itD3ot&Co##and#ents of the 6o*d! and not a%%ow ou*se%3es to be d*agged off the othe* wa- b- ou* wo*%d%%usts: but 1o#ing to this .%a1e #o*e f*eMuent%-! %et us st*i3e to go fo*wa*d in the itD3ot&Co##and#ents of the 6o*d! that we a%% ha3ing the sa#e #ind #a- be gathe*ed togethe* unto %ife( Po* the 6o*d said! >0 1o#e to gathe* togethe* a%% the nations! t*ibes! and %anguages>( He*ein He s.ea;s of the 8a- of His a..ea*ing! when He sha%% 1o#e and *edee# us! ea1h #an a11o*ding to his wo*;s( >And> the unbe%ie3e*s >sha%% see His g%o*-> and His #ight: and the- sha%% be a#aDed when the- see the Bingdo# of the wo*%d gi3en to Yeshua! sa-ing! 4oe unto us! fo* You we*e! and we ;new it not! and be%ie3ed not: and we obe-ed not the E%de*s when the- to%d us of ou* $a%3ation( And >Thei* wo*# sha%% not die! and thei* fi*e sha%% not be Muen1hed! and the- sha%% be fo* a s.e1ta1%e unto a%% f%esh>( He s.ea;s of that 8a- of Uudge#ent! when #en sha%% see those a#ong us that %i3ed unGod%- %i3es and dea%t fa%se%with the itD3ot&Co##and#ents of Yeshua essiah( /ut the *ighteous! ha3ing done good and endu*ed to*#ents and hated the .%easu*es of the sou%! when the- sha%% beho%d the# that ha3e done a#iss and denied Yeshua b- thei* wo*ds and b- thei* deeds! how that the- a*e .unished with g*ie3ous to*#ents in unMuen1hab%e fi*e! sha%% gi3e g%o*- to E%ohi#! sa-ing! The*e wi%% be ho.e fo* hi# that has se*3ed E%ohi# with his who%e hea*t(

Y9000( The*efo*e %et us a%so be found a#ong those that gi3e than;s! a#ong those that ha3e se*3ed E%ohi#! and not a#ong the unGod%that a*e Oudged( Po* 0 #-se%f too! being an utte* sinne* and not -et es1a.ed f*o# te#.tation! but being sti%% a#idst the de3i1es of the Ad3e*sa*-! do #- di%igen1e to fo%%ow afte* *ighteousness! that 0 #a- .*e3ai% so fa* at %east as to 1o#e nea* unto it! whi%e 0 fea* the Oudge#ent to 1o#e( Y0Y( The*efo*e! b*othe*s and siste*s! afte* the God of t*uth has been hea*d! 0 *ead to -ou an eLho*tation to the end that -ou #a- gi3e heed to the things whi1h a*e 4*itten! so that -ou #a- sa3e both -ou*se%3es and hi# that *eads in the #idst of -ou( Po* 0 as; of -ou as a *ewa*d that -ou *e.ent with -ou* who%e hea*t! and gi3e $a%3ation and %ife to -ou*se%3es( Po* doing this we sha%% set a goa% fo* a%% the -oung who desi*e to toi% in the stud- of .iet- and of the goodness of E%ohi#( And %et us not be dis.%eased and 3eLed! foo%s that we a*e! whensoe3e* an- one ad#onishes us and tu*ns us aside f*o# un*ighteousness unto *ighteousness( Po* so#eti#es whi%e we do e3i% things! we .e*1ei3e it not b- *eason of the doub%e-#indedness and unbe%ief whi1h is in ou* b*easts! and >we a*e da*;ened in ou* unde*standing> b- ou* 3ain %usts( 6et us the*efo*e .*a1ti1e *ighteousness that we #a- be sa3ed unto the end( /%essed a*e the- that obe- these o*dinan1es( Though the#aendu*e aff%i1tion fo* a sho*t ti#e in the wo*%d! the- wi%% gathe* the i##o*ta% f*uit of the *esu**e1tion( The*efo*e %et not the God%- be g*ie3ed! if he be #ise*ab%e in the ti#es that now a*e: a b%essed ti#e awaits hi#( He sha%% %i3e again in Hea3en with the Pathe*s! and sha%% ha3e *eOoi1ing th*oughout a so**ow%ess ete*nit-( YY( Neithe* a%%ow -ou this again to t*oub%e -ou* #ind! that we see the un*ighteous .ossessing wea%th! and the se*3ants of E%ohi# finan1ia%%dist*essed( 6et us then ha3e faith! b*othe*s and siste*s( 4e a*e 1ontending in the *an;s of a %i3ing God: and we a*e t*ained b- the .*esent %ife! that we #a- be 1*owned with the futu*e( No *ighteous #an has *ea.ed f*uit Mui1;%-! but waits fo* it( Po* if E%ohi# had .aid the *e1o#.ense of the *ighteous s.eedi%-! then i##ediate%- we shou%d ha3e been t*aining ou*se%3es in #e*1handise! and not in God%iness: fo* we shou%d see# to be *ighteous! though we we*e .u*suing not that whi1h is God%-! but that whi1h is gainfu%( And fo* this 1ause 8i3ine Oudge#ent

o3e*ta;es a s.i*it that is not Oust! and %oads if with 1hains( To the on%- God in3isib%e! the Pathe* of t*uth! who sent fo*th unto us the $a3iou* and P*in1e of i##o*ta%it-! th*ough who# a%so He #ade #anifest unto us the t*uth and the Hea3en%- %ife! to Hi# be the g%o*- fo* e3e* and e3e*( A#aine( KN7TE$: [1+( This fo*# of the Muotation is a%so found in the an1ient Heb*ew 3e*sion of attit-ahu - Good-News of the Heb*ews& NatD*ati#( [)+( 7ne #ight s.e1u%ate sin1e this autho* Muotes f*o# the GoodNews of the NatD*ati# ea*%ie* [1+! - that this Muotation [)+ #ight a..ea* the*e as we%% "I' 0t does *e#ind #e! b- its fo*#! of the fo%%owing two Muotations: A1ts of Phi%i.! 2<: Po* the 6o*d said unto #e: 0f -ou #a;e not that whi1h is be%ow in -ou to be abo3e! and the %eft hand things to be *ight! -ou sha%% not ente* into - Bingdo#( 6inus! a*t-*do# of Pete*! 1@: The 6o*d said in a #-ste*-: 0f -ou #a;e not the %eft hand as the *ight and the *ight as the %eft! and the things that a*e abo3e as those that a*e be%ow! and the things that a*e befo*e as those that a*e behind! -ou sha%% not ;now the Bingdo# of God( [Rega*d%ess! 0># g%ad the autho* gi3es his 1o##enta*- on this Muotation! - as with the 1o##enta*- the 3e*se a..ea*s so#ewhat #o*e o*thodoL than it #ight if it we*e standing a%one(+

.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). / M: thanks to 7aniel !e&ard for directin& me to the followin&M / .---------------------------------------------------------------------. /There is an ancient Greek work known as the A'ostolic 0onstit%tions3 / /6ooks !e"en and *i&ht of this work contain the earl: lit%r&: of the / /Gentile 0h%rch with 2E 'ra:ers that certain scholars sa: date ack to/ /the ori&inal Messianic Rewish 6elie"ers3 These 'ra:ers are s% mitted/ /here for :o%r consideration3 The: contain some inter'olations, and / /here a few of these, alon& with a few a rid&ements, will e re'laced / /in the 'ra:ers : aM 53 This is a Messianic "ersion of these 'ra:ers3/ /!eeM The Old Testament Pse%de'i&ra'ha ; *dited :M Rames H3 / /0harlesworth, #Vol3= '&s3 EF2-EHF(, for a "er: in de'th treatment of / /these ancient #Messianic( !:na&o&al 'ra:ers3 / .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 0( A P*a-e* 7f Than;sgi3ing Po%%owing Co##union( A.os( Const( @()?(1-2 EThen afte* the 1o##union! -ou sha%% gi3e than;s in this wa-:F 4e gi3e than;s to -ou! 7 G-d and Pathe* of Yeshua ou* $a3io*! on beha%f of You* Ho%- Na#e whi1h You 1aused to en1a#. a#ong us! and on beha%f of the ;now%edge and faith and %o3e and i##o*ta%itwhi1h You ga3e to us th*ough Yeshua You* $on( 7 aste* A%#ight-! the G-d of the uni3e*se! You 1*eated the wo*%d and what is in it th*ough Hi#: and -ou .%anted dee.%- in ou* sou%s a To*ah: and -ou .*e.a*ed fo* #en the things ne1essa*- fo* 1o##union: You a*e the G-d of the ho%- and b%a#e%ess ones! ou* fathe*s A3*aha# and YitD1ha; and Ya,a;o3! You* faithfu% se*3ants: the .owe*fu% E%hi#! the faithfu% and T*ue 7ne! without fa%sehood in You* .*o#ises: the 7ne who sent fo*th u.on ea*th Yeshua You* essiah! to %i3e togethe* with #en as a an! being 8i3ine 4o*d and an! and tho*ough%- to dest*oe**o*( 00( A P*a-e* 7f P*aise To E%-hi#! The Sni3e*sa% $a3io* And Pighte* 7n /eha%f 7f A3*aha#>s Pa#i%-( A.os( Const( @(22()-@ 7u* ete*na% $a3io*: e%e1h E%-hi#! who a%one is A%#ight- and Ad-nai! the G-d of a%% beings! and G-d of ou* ho%- and b%a#e%ess fathe*s befo*e us! the G-d of A3*aha# and YitD1ha; and Ya,a;o3! the #e*1ifu% and 1o#.assionate! the .atient and 3e*- #e*1ifu%! to who# e3e*- hea*t is seen! a..ea*ing na;ed! and e3e*- hidden thought is un1o3e*ed: to You the sou%s of *ighteous .eo.%e 1*- outJ S.on You the of de3out .eo.%e ha3e *e%ied: the Pathe* of the b%a#e%ess! the Hea*e* of those who 1a%% u.on You with honest-! the 7ne

who ;nows the .etitions uns.o;en( Po* You* fo*ethought *ea1hes as fa* as hu#an inne* fee%ings! and th*ough the 1ons1ien1e You sea*1h ea1h .e*son>s Oudg#ent! and in e3e**egion of the inhabited ea*th! the in1ense that 1o#es th*ough .*a-e* and wo*ds is sent u. to You( You a*e the 7ne who a..ointed the .*esent wo*%d as a *a1e1ou*se fo* *ighteousness! and o.ened to e3e*-one a gate of #e*1-! and showed to e3e*- .e*son! th*ough i#.%anted ;now%edge! and inbo*n Oudge#ent! and bthei* *es.onses to the To*ah! how the .ossession of wea%th is su*e%not e3e*%asting! the beaut- of a..ea*an1e is not e3e*-f%owing! the st*ength of .owe* is easi%- disso%3ed! and su*e%- e3e*-thing is a 3a.o*! and 3anit-( /ut a 1ons1ien1e with undisguised faith endu*es! a dwe%%ing.%a1e th*ough the #idst of the Hea3ens! *ising u. with T*uth! it ta;es ho%d b- the *ight hand of the 1o#ing nou*ish#ent( At the sa#e ti#e! and befo*e the .*o#ise of the *egene*ation is .*esent! the sou% itse%f! eLu%ting! is *eOoi1ed( Po* f*o# the beginning of ou* fo*efathe* A3*aha#>s %a-ing 1%ai# to the wa- of T*uth! You %ed hi# b- a 3ision! ha3ing taught hi# what at an- ti#e this wo*%d is( And his faith t*a3e%ed ahead of his ;now%edge! but the Co3enant was the fo%%owe* of his faith( Po* -ou said! Q0 wi%% #a;e -ou* seed %i;e the sta*s of the hea3en! and %i;e the sand that is beside the edge of the sea(Q /ut t*u%-! ha3ing a%so gi3en YitD1ha; to hi#! and ha3ing ;nown hi# to be %i;e that one in 1ha*a1te*! You we*e a%so 1a%%ed his G-d! ha3ing said! Q0 wi%% be -ou* G-d! and of -ou* seed afte* -ou(Q And ha3ing .%a1ed ou* fathe* Ya,a;o3 in eso.ota#ia! ha3ing shown hi# Ha ashia1h th*ough Hi# You s.o;e! sa-ing! Q6oo;J 0 a# with -ou and 0 wi%% in1*ease -ou! and #u%ti.%- -ou eL1eeding%-(Q And in this wa- You s.o;e to oshe! You* faithfu% and ho%- se*3ant! in the 3ision at the bush: Q0 A the /eing: this is fo* e an ete*na% Na#e! and a *e#e#b*an1e to gene*ations of gene*ations(Q 7 Pighte* on beha%f of A3*aha#>s fa#i%-! b%essed a*e You fo*e3e*J 000( A P*a-e* That editates S.on E%-hi#>s anifo%d C*eati3e Powe*! 4hi1h Co#es To $infu% an 0n Rede#.tion( A.os( Const( @(2<(1-A /%essed a*t Thou! 7 6-*d! Bing of the ages! who th*ough essiah #ade e3e*-thing! and th*ough Hi# in the beginning o*de*ed that

whi1h was un.*e.a*ed: who se.a*ated wate*s f*o# wate*s with a fi*#a#ent! and .ut a %i3e%- wind in these: who sett%ed the ea*th fi*#%-! and st*et1hed out hea3en! and o*de*ed the eLa1t a**ange#ent of ea1h one of the 1*eatu*es( Po* th*ough You* 1o##en1e#ent! 7 aste*! o*de* has bea#ed with Oo-: whi%e hea3en! ha3ing been .it1hed %i;e a 3au%t! is ado*ned with sta*s! fo* the sa;e of en1ou*age#ent in the #idst of the da*;ness: whi%e %ight and sun! fo* da-s and fo* f*uits! 1a#e to bi*th: whi%e #oon! fo* 1hanging of ti#es! in1*eased and de1*eased! and night was na#ed! and da- was ;ind%- add*essed: whi%e a fi*#a#ent was shown fo*th in the #idst of the ab-sses! and You said fo* the wate*s to be gathe*ed togethe*! and fo* the d*- %and to a..ea*: whi%e the sea itse%f -- how sha%% we des1*ibe it in fu%%I -- whi1h 1o#es *aging f*o# the o1eans! -et *uns ba1; again f*o# the sands! being hinde*ed b- You* 1o##and( Po* You said! Q/- it sha%% he* wa3es be shatte*ed(Q 4hi%e fo* %i3ing 1*eatu*es! fo* s#a%% and fo* g*eat! and fo* the 3o-aging of shi.s! You #ade it( Then ea*th g*ew g*een! eng*a3ed with a%% so*ts of f%owe*s! and with an e#b*oide*- of diffe*ent t*ees( And the a%%-b%aDing %u#ina*ies a*e nou*ishe*s of these! ; without t*es.ass the %ong 1ou*se! not de3iating in an- wa- f*o# You* o*dinan1e: but whe*e3e* You #a- 1o##and! in this .%a1e the- *ise and set! fo* signs of seasons and -ea*s! a%te*nating fo* the assistan1e of #an;ind( The*eafte* we*e .*e.a*ed 1%asses of diffe*ing %i3ing 1*eatu*es: those found on d*%and! those %i3ing in wate*! those t*a3e*sing the ai*! and a#.hibians( And b- the s;i%%ed 4isdo# of You* fo*ethought is gi3en to ea1h one the a..*o.*iate .*o3iden1e( - Po* Oust as 0t was not eLhausted in b*inging fo*th diffe*ing 1%asses! neithe* has 0t neg%e1ted to #a;e fo* ea1h one a diffe*ent .*o3iden1e( And the goa% of the 1*eati3e wo*; -- the *ationa% %i3ing 1*eatu*e! the wo*%d *esident -- ha3ing gi3en o*de* b- You* 4isdo#! You 1*eated! sa-ing! Q6et Ss #a;e #an a11o*ding to 7u* i#age and %i;eness:Q ha3ing de1%a*ed hi# a E#i1*oF1os# of the 1os#os! ha3ing fo*#ed fo* hi# the bod- out of the e%e#ents: and ha3ing .*e.a*ed fo* hi# the sou% out of non-being! and ha3ing gi3en to hi# fi3efo%d .e*1e.tion! and ha3ing .%a1ed o3e* the .e*1e.tions a #ind! the ho%de* of the *eins of the sou%( And in addition to a%% these things! 7 aste*! Ad-nai! who 1an wo*thi%- des1*ibe the #o3e#ent of *ain-.*odu1ing 1%ouds! the f%ashing fo*th of %ightning! the 1%ashing of the thunde*s: fo* the su..%-ing of a..*o.*iate nou*ish#ent! and the b%ending of 1o#.%eL

at#os.he*esI /ut when #an was disobedient! You too; awa- his dese*3ed %ife( You did not #a;e it disa..ea* abso%u%te%-! but fo* a ti#e! ha3ing .ut hi# to s%ee. fo* a %itt%e whi%e! b- an oath You ha3e 1a%% hi# fo*th to new bi*th( You ha3e %oosed the bounda*- of death! You who a*e the a;e* of 6ife fo* the dead! th*ough Yeshua Ha ashia1h! ou* ho.eJ 09( A P*a-e* That Uoins 4ith A%% Natu*e 0n P*aising The 7ne And 7n%G*eat And e*1ifu% G-d( A.os( Const( @(2=(1-1G G*eat a*e You! 7 Ad-nai! A%#ight- 7ne! and g*eat is You* st*ength! and of You* unde*standing the*e is no nu#be*ingJ 7 C*eato*! $a3io* Ri1h 7ne in fa3o*s! 6ong-suffe*e*! and $u..%ie* of #e*1-! who does not withd*aw f*o# the $a%3ation of You* 1*eatu*esJ Po* b- natu*e You a*e good: -et You s.a*e those who a*e sinning! su##oning the# to *e.entan1e! fo* You* wa*ning is #e*1ifu%J Po* how shou%d we ha3e withstood! ha3ing swift Oudg#ent de#anded of usI 4e who! when being t*eated .atient%-! with diffi1u%t- *efuse ou* wea;nessI The hea3ens .*o1%ai#ed You* #ight: and ea*th! though being sha;en! .*o1%ai#ed You* fi*#ness! being hung u.on nothingJ The sea! su*ging with wa3es! and she.he*ding a he*d of 1ount%ess %i3ing 1*eatu*es! has been sha1;%ed with sand! has shudde*ed at You* wi%%! and 1o#.e%s a%% to 1*- out: QHow #agnified a*e -ou* wo*;s! 7 6-*dJ You #ade e3e*-thing with 4isdo#: the ea*th was fi%%ed with You* 1*eatingJQ And an a*#- of ange%s b*ea;ing fo*th! and inte%%e1tua% s.i*its sa- to ea1h one! QThe*e is 7ne Ho%- 7neJQ And ho%- $>*a.hi#! togethe* with the siL-winged B>*u3i#! singing to You the t*iu#.ha% song! with ne3e*-si%ent 3oi1es 1*- out: QBadosh! Badosh! Badosh! Ad-nai TD3a>otQ! the Hea3en and the ea*th a*e fu%% of You* g%o*-JQ And the othe* th*ongs of the hosts! A*1hange%s! th*ones! do#inions! so3e*eignties! autho*ities! .owe*s! 1*-ing out! sa-! Q/%essed be the g%o*- of the 6-*d f*o# its .%a1eJQ /ut 0s*ae%! -ou* ea*th%- asse#b%- out of the nations! 1o#.eting with the Hea3en%- .owe*s b- night and b- da-! with hea*t fi%%ed to the b*i# and with a wi%%ing s.i*it sings! QThe 1ha*iot of E%-hi# is ten thousands #u%ti.%ied bthousands of th*i3ing ones: the 6-*d is a#ong the# in $inai! in the ho%P%a1eJQ Hea3en ;nows the 7ne who *aised it as a 3au%t u.on nothing!

%i;e a stone 1ube! and united ea*th and wate* with ea1h othe*! and .ou*ed out ai* fo* ; ani#a%s! and .%aited togethe* with this fi*e fo* wa*#th and en1ou*age#ent in da*;ness( The 1ho*us of sta*s a#aDes! .ointing out the 7ne who nu#be*ed the#! and showing the 7ne who na#ed the#( 6i3ing 1*eatu*es .oint to the 7ne who ga3e the# %ife: t*ees .oint to the 7ne who .*odu1ed the#: as a%% things! ha3ing been #ade bYou* 4o*d! suggest the #ight of You* .owe*( 4he*efo*e a%so a%% #en ought! f*o# thei* 3e*- b*easts! to send u. to You th*ough essiah the .sa%# on beha%f of a%%! b- *eason of You who ho%d .owe* o3e* a%% things( Po* -ou a*e the ;ind 7ne in good deeds! and 7ne fond of gi3ing with 1o#.assions! the on%- A%%- ight- 7neJ Po* when You desi*e! to be ab%e is .*esent with You( Po* You* ete*na% .owe* e3en 1oo%s f%a#es! and #uDD%es %ions! and ta#es sea #onste*s! and *aises those who a*e si1;! and o3e*tu*ns .owe*s! and o3e*th*ows an a*#of ene#ies and a .eo.%e nu#be*ed fo* its a**ogan1e( You a*e the 7ne in Hea3en! the 7ne u.on the ea*th! the 7ne in the sea! the 7ne in the fa*thest bounda*ies! bounded b- nothing( Po* of You* g*eatness the*e is no bounda*-( Po* this 8i3ine-sa-ing is not ou*s! aste*! but You* se*3ant>s! Eto oshe - f*o# YouF! sa-ing! QAnd -ou sha%% ;now in -ou* hea*ts that -ou* G-d is the 6-*d! G-d in Hea3en abo3e! and u.on ea*th beneath! and the*e is no othe* beside Hi#JQ Po* the*e is no god beside You a%one! the*e is no Ho%- 7ne beside You: Ad-nai G-d of ;now%edge! G-d of ho%- ones! Ho%- 7ne abo3e a%% ho%ones( Po* those who ha3e been #ade ho%- a*e unde* You* Hand( You a*e hono*ed and eLa%ted eL1eeding%-: in3isib%e b- natu*e! unsea*1hab%e in Oudge#ents! whose 6ife is in want of nothing( Sn1hangeab%e and un1easing is You* 1ontinuan1e( Snti*ing is You* a1ti3it-( Sn%i#ited is You* g*eatness( Snfai%ing is You* beaut-( Sna..*oa1hab%e is You* dwe%%ing-.%a1e( Sn*e#o3ab%e is You* *esting-.%a1e( 4ithout beginning is You* ;now%edge( Sn1hangeab%e is You* T*uth( Sn#ediated is You* wo*;( Sn.%otted against is You* st*ength( 4ithout su11esso* is You* #ona*1h-( Snending is You* Bingdo#( 4ithout ad3e*sa*- is You* #ight( G*eat in nu#be* is You* a*#-( Po* You a*e the Pathe* of wisdo#! the C*eato*! as 1ause! of the 1*eati3e wo*;#anshi. th*ough a ediato*: the $u..%ie* of fo*esight: the Gi3e* of 6aws: the Pu%fi%%e* of needs: the

Punishe* of the unG-d%-! and the Rewa*de* of the *ighteous: the Gd and Pathe* of Ha ashia1h! and the 6-*d of those who a*e .ious towa*d Hi#: whose .*o#ise is not de1e.ti3e! whose Oudge#ent is without b*ibe*-! whose ;now%edge is ne3e* faith%ess! whose *e%igion is ne3e*ending! whose than;sgi3ing is e3e*%asting: th*ough who# a%so the wo*shi. wo*thof You is owed b- e3e*- *easonab%e and ho%- natu*eJ 9( A P*a-e* P*aising E%-hi# Po* His Rede#.ti3e 8eeds Po* 0s*ae%! And Po* The 0nstitution 7f 8a-s $et A.a*t fo* 4o*shi.( A.os( Const( @(2?(1-@ 7 Ad-nai! A%#ight- 7ne! You 1*eated the 1os#os th*ough essiah! and #a*;ed out a $habbat da- fo* a *e#e#b*an1e of this: be1ause on it You *ested f*o# the wo*;s of 1*eation! in o*de* to gi3e attention to You* own To*ah( And You a..ointed Pesti3a%s fo* the g%addening of ou* sou%s! so that we #a- 1o#e into *e#e#b*an1e of the 4isdo# of You* 1*eation: how fo* us He sub#itted to bi*th! that bi*th th*ough a wo#an: how He a..ea*ed in this %ife! ha3ing de#onst*ated Hi#se%f in His i##e*sion: how He who a..ea*ed is E%-hi# and #an: how He suffe*ed fo* us with You* 1onsent! and how He died and a*ose b- You* st*ength( The*efo*e! 1e%eb*ating the *esu**e1tion Pesti3a% K! we *eOoi1e o3e* the 7ne who indeed 1onMue*ed death! ha3ing b*ought to %ight %ife and i##o*ta%it-( Po* b- Hi# You b*ought the go-i# to You*se%f! fo* a t*easu*ed .eo.%e! K Etogethe* withF 0s*ae%! the f*iend of E%-hi#! who sees E%-hi#( - Po* You! 7 Ad-nai! ha3e %ed out f*o# the %and of Eg-.t e3en ou* fathe*s: and You ha3e *es1ued the# out of an i*on fu*na1e! and out of 1%a- and #a;ing of b*i1;s( You *edee#ed the# out of Pha*aoh>s hand! and the hand of those unde* hi#( And You %ed the# th*ough the sea as th*ough d*- %and! and You bo*e with thei* #anne*s in the wi%de*ness with #anifo%d goodnesses( You ga3e to the# a To*ah! ten 8i3ine-announ1e#ents utte*ed b- You* 9oi1e! and eng*a3ed b- You* Hand( You 1o##anded the# to ;ee. the $habbat! not gi3ing an eL1use fo* %aDiness! but *athe* an o..o*tunit- fo* *e3e*en1e towa*d E%-hi#! fo* ;now%edge of You* .owe*! fo* hind*an1e of e3i%: as if ha3ing 1onfined the# in a ho%- 1i*1u#fe*en1e! fo* the sa;e of tea1hing! fo* the eLu%tant Oo- of the nu#be* se3en( /e1ause of this You a..ointed one se3en! and se3en se3ens! and a se3enth #onth! and a se3enth -ea*: and

with this a -ea* fo* fo*gi3eness! ea1h fift---ea* 1-1%e! so that #en #ight ha3e no eL1use to .*etend igno*an1e( Po* this *eason e3e*$habbat You .e*#itted the# not to wo*;! so that no one wou%d desi*e to %et d*o. f*o# his #outh a wo*d s.o;en in ange* on the da- of the $habbat( Po* the $habbat is a *est f*o# 1*eation! a 1o#.%etion of the 1os#os! a see;ing out of 6aws! than;fu% .*aise to E%-hi# on beha%f of those things whi1h He has f*ee%- gi3en to #en( K EAnd thisF showing fo*th: the ediato* Hi#se%f! the $u.e*3iso*! the To*ah-Gi3e*! the 1ause of *esu**e1tion! the Pi*stbo*n of a%% 1*eation! the 8i3ine 4o*d - and a an! the 7ne bo*n of i*-a# a%one! without a husband: who %i3ed Ho%i%- as a *esident! who was eLe1uted-ona-.e*se1ution-sta;e unde* Pontius Pi%ate! and ha3ing died! is a%so Ethe 7neF ha3ing a*isen f*o# EtheF dead( K EP*o# thisF it ad3ises us to offe* to You! 7 aste*! than;sgi3ing on beha%f of e3e*-thing( Po* this is the g*a1e whi1h has been fu*nished b- You! whi1h b- its #agnitude o3e*%aid %ofti%- e3e*othe* good #itD3ahJ 90( A P*a-e* 7f 0n3o1ation! Ca%%ing S.on E%-hi#! 4ho Has A%wa-s A11e.ted The 4o*shi. 7f His Peo.%e! To A11e.t The P*esent P*a-e*s 7f His New Peo.%e( A.os( Const( @(2@(1-= 7 You who ha3e fu%fi%%ed the .*o#ises whi1h we*e gi3en th*ough the P*o.hets! and ha3e had #e*1- on TDi-on! and ha3e had .it- on Ye*usha%a-i#! b- You* ha3ing eLa%ted the th*one of 8a3id! You* se*3ant! in he* #idst! b- the bi*th of Ha ashia1h! the 7ne who! a11o*ding to f%esh! was of his seed! ha3ing been bo*n of a 3i*gin a%one: - Now a%so! You*se%f! 7 aste* E%-hi#! a11e.t the ent*eaties on the %i.s of You* .eo.%e! who ha3e 1o#e out of the nations! who 1a%% u.on You in t*uth! e3en as You *e1ei3ed the gifts of the *ighteous in thei* gene*ations: He3e%! es.e1ia%%- -- You behe%d and a11e.ted his sa1*ifi1e! Noa1h! when he had 1o#e out of the a*;: A3*aha#! afte* his 1o#ing out f*o# the %and of the Basda>in: YitD1ha;! at the we%% of the oath: Ya,a;o3! in /eit-e%: oshe! in the wi%de*ness: Aha*on! in the #idst of the %i3ing and of those who had died: Y>hoshua the son of Nun in Gi%ga%: Gid,on! u.on the *o1;! and the f%ee1es! befo*e his sin: anoa1h -- and of his wife -- in the fie%d: $hi#shon! in his thi*st befo*e his e**o*: Yifta1h! in the wa*! befo*e his unwise .*o#ise: /a*aM and 8e3o*a! in the da-s of $ise*a: $h#u>e%! in its.a: 8a3id on the th*eshing f%oo* of 7*nan the Ye3usite:

$h%o#o in Gi3,on and in Ye*usha%a-i#: E%i-ahu in ount Ba*#e%: E%isha at the ba**en fountain: Y>hoshafat in the wa*: ChiD;i-ahu in si1;ness! and 1on1e*ning $an1he*i3: enashshe in the %and of the Basda>in afte* his offen1e: Yoshi-ahu at Pesa1h: ,ED*a in the *etu*n: 8ani>e% in the ho%e of the %ions: Yonah in the be%%- of the wha%e: The th*ee 1hi%d*en in a fu*na1e of fi*e: Channa in the tent befo*e the a*;: Ne1he#-a at the *aising u. of the wa%%s: and of H>*uba3e%: attit-ahu and his sons in -ou* Dea%: Ya,e% in .*aises( And now! the*efo*e! *e1ei3e the .*a-e*s of You* .eo.%e! offe*ed u. with fu%% ;now%edge to You th*ough essiah in The Rua1hJ 900( A P*a-e* 7f Than;sgi3ing To E%-hi# Po* His Continuing A1ts 7f Rede#.tion 0n The Past! And Now 0n essiah: And Po* His anifo%d Gifts To an! The Rationa% /eing( A.os( Const( @(2A(1-A 4e gi3e than;s to You fo* a%% things! 7 aste* A%#ight-! be1ause You ha3e not fo*sa;en us with You* #e*1ies and You* 1o#.assions: but gene*ation afte* gene*ation You sa3e! *es1ue! se1u*e! and she%te*( Po* You se1u*ed .eo.%e in the da-s of Enosh and Chano1h! in the da-s of oshe and Y>hoshua! in the da-s of the Uudges! in the da-s of $h#u>e% and E%i-ahu and of the P*o.hets! in the da-s of 8a3id and of the Bings! in the da-s of Este* and o*de;ha-! in the da-s of Yehudit! in the da-s of Y>hudah a;;abi! and of his b*othe*s( And in ou* da-s You se1u*ed us th*ough You* g*eat Cohen HaGado%! Yeshua ha ashia1h! You* $on( Po* e3en f*o# the swo*d He *es1ued! and f*o# fa#ine He de%i3e*ed! ha3ing #aintained us: f*o# disease He hea%ed! and f*o# an e3i% tongue He she%te*ed us( Po* a%% things we gi3e than;s to You th*ough essiah! to You who e3en ha3e gi3en us an a*ti1u%ate 3oi1e fo* 1onfession of g*atitude! and ha3e unde*gi*ded it with a ha*#onious tongue! in the #anne* of a %-*e! %i;e a #usi1a% inst*u#ent: and a usefu% sense of taste! and a 1o**es.onding sense of tou1h! and 3ision fo* sight! and hea*ing fo* sound! and a sense of s#e%%ing fo* 3a.o*s! and hands fo* wo*;! and feet fo* t*a3e%( And a%% these things -ou ha3e fo*#ed out of a %itt%e d*o. in a wo#b! and afte* the! -ou f*ee%- gi3e i##o*ta% %ife! and -ou b*ing fo*wa*d into %ight the *ationa% being! the #an( - 4ith 6aws! -ou ha3e taught hi#: with Oust o*dinan1es! -ou ha3e

1%eansed hi#: b*inging on disso%ution fo* a %itt%e whi%e! You ha3e .*o#ised the *esu**e1tionJ - The*efo*e indeed! what #anne* of %ife is fu%%- ab%e! and how g*eat %ength of ages wi%% be suffi1ient fo* #en fo* than;sgi3ingI To do so wo*thi%- wou%d be i#.ossib%e! but to do so a11o*ding to ou* abi%it- is ho%-( Po* -ou ha3e *es1ued us f*o# the unG-d%iness of #angods! K You ha3e set us f*ee f*o# the igno*an1e that has gone ast*a-( You ha3e sent fo*th Ha ashia1h to #en as a an! being uniMue%- bo*n E%-hi#: You ha3e 1aused the Co#fo*te* to %i3e in us: You ha3e set u. ange%s o3e* us: You ha3e dishono*ed the fa%seA11use*( EP*o# ou*F not being! You ha3e #ade EusF: Ewe thenF ha3ing be1o#e! You wat1h o3e* EusF! You #easu*e out %ife: You su..%nou*ish#ent: You ha3e .*o#ised *e.entan1e( 7n beha%f of a%% things! to You be the g%o*- and the *e3e*entia% awe! th*ough Yeshua Ha ashia1h! now and a%wa-s! and into the ages( A#aine( 9000( 0nst*u1tion Po* New /e%ie3e*s A.os( Const( @(2C()-< 6et the one who is to be inst*u1ted *ega*ding the tea1hing of *e3e*ent-obse*3an1e be taught befo*e i##e*sion: ;now%edge 1on1e*ning the Ete*na% E%-hi# Ewhi%eF unde*standing 1on1e*ning the on%begotten $on! and fu%% assu*an1e 1on1e*ning Rua1h HaBodesh( 6et hi# %ea*n the o*de* of the se3e*a% .a*ts of 1*eation! the seMuen1e of .*o3iden1e! the Oudge#ent seats of diffe*ent %egis%ation! wh- the wo*%d 1a#e to be and wh- #an was a..ointed a wo*%d *esident( 6et hi# unde*stand his own natu*e! of what so*t it is( 6et hi# be edu1ated in how E%-hi# .unished the wi1;ed bwate* and fi*e! and g%o*ified the san1tified-ones in ea1h gene*ation: 0 #ean $het! Enosh! Chano1h! Noa1h! A3*aha# and his des1endants! a%;i-TDede;! 0-o3! oshe! both Y>hoshua and Ba%e3! Phine1has the Cohen! and the ho%ones in ea1h gene*ation( And how E%-hi#! though He fo*esaw! did not abandon the fa#i%- of #en! but su##oned the# at 3a*ious ti#es f*o# e**o* and fo%%- into the unde*standing of T*uth! %eading the# f*o# se*3itude and i**e3e*en1e into f*eedo# and *e3e*ent-obse*3an1e! f*o# 6aw%essness into *ighteousness! f*o# ete*na% death into e3e*%asting 6ife( 6et the one who offe*s hi#se%f %ea*n du*ing his inst*u1tion these things and those EthingsF that a*e *e%ated to the#( 0Y( A P*a-e* 7f P*aise To E%-hi# Po* His G*eatness! And Po* His A..oint#ent

7f 6eade*s Po* His Peo.%e( A.os( Const( A(=(1-< The 7ne who is! aste*! Ad-nai! E%-hi# the A%#ight-: the on%7ne without o*igin and without a ;ing: the 7ne who is fo*e3e*! and who eLists befo*e the ages: the 7ne needing nothing in an- wa-! and g*eate* than e3e*- 1ause and o*igin: the on%- t*ue 7ne! the on%- wise 7ne: the 7ne who is a%one ost High: the 7ne who is b- natu*e in3isib%e: whose ;now%edge is without beginning: the on%- good 7ne! and in1o#.a*ab%e 7ne: the 7ne who ;nows a%% things befo*e thei* o*igin: the Bnowe* of the hidden things! the una..*oa1hab%e 7ne! the 7ne without a #aste*: the G-d and Pathe* of You* on%- $on! ou* G-d and $a3io*! the #a;e* of the who%e uni3e*se th*ough Hi#: the Ad#inist*ato*! the Gua*dian! the Pathe* of #e*1ies! and G-d of a%% 1onso%ation! the 7ne who dwe%%s in the heights! and who obse*3es hu#b%e things: You a*e the 7ne who ga3e standa*ds fo* the Asse#b%-! th*ough the a..ea*an1e in f%esh of You* essiah! subOe1t to the witness b- the Co#fo*te*! th*ough You* E#issa*ies and th*ough us 73e*see*s who b- You* g*a1e a*e .*esent( You a*e the 7ne who #a*;ed out befo*ehand! f*o# the beginning! Cohani# fo* go3e*ning o3e* You* .eo.%e: He3e% at fi*st! $het and Enosh and Chano1h and Noa1h! and a%;i-TDede; and 0-o3: the 7ne who showed fo*th A3*aha#! and the othe* Pat*ia*1hs! togethe* with You* faithfu% se*3ants oshe and Aha*on! and E%,aDa* and Phine1has: the 7ne who .*e.a*ed befo*ehand f*o# a#ong the# *u%e*s and Cohani# in the Tent 7f The Testi#on-: the 7ne 1hoosing fo* You*se%f $h#u>e%! to be a Cohen and a P*o.het: the 7ne who did not fo*sa;e You* $an1tua*- without .ub%i1 se*3i1es: the 7ne who was .%eased to be g%o*ified b- those You ha3e 1hosen( Y( A P*a-e* 7n /eha%f 7f The New /e%ie3e*s( A.os( Const( A(?(=-A 6et us a%% ea*nest%- ent*eat E%-hi# on beha%f of the new /e%ie3e*s: that the 7ne who is good and %o3es #an;ind wi%% ;ind%- hea* thei* .*a-e*s: and ha3ing *e1ei3ed thei* su..%i1ation! that He #a- assist the# and g*ant the# fo* thei* good the *eMuests of thei* hea*ts: that He #a- *e3ea% to the# the Good-News of His essiah( i%%u#ine the#! and gi3e the# unde*standing! edu1ate the# in the

;now%edge of E%-hi#! tea1h the# His o*dinan1es and Oudge#ents! i#.%ant in the# His .u*e and sa3ing E*e3e*entFfea*! o.en the ea*s of thei* hea*ts to engage in His To*ah da- and night: and that He #aestab%ish the# in *e3e*ent-obse*3an1e! unif- and nu#be* the# a#ong His ho%f%o1;! g*ant the# EtheF washing of *egene*ation! the ga*#ent of in1o**u.tion! EandF *ea% %ife: and that He #a- sa3e the# f*o# a%% i**e3e*en1e! and gi3e .%a1e to no ad3e*sa*- against the#: and that He #a- 1%eanse the# f*o# a%% .o%%ution of f%esh and s.i*it! and dwe%% in the#! and wa%; Ea#ong the#F th*ough His essiah! and b%ess thei* 1o#ings in! and thei* goings out! and guide thei* affai*s fo* thei* good( 6et us sti%% ea*nest%- su..%i1ate fo* the# that! obtaining *e#ission of thei* t*es.asses th*ough ente*ing! the- #a- be dee#ed wo*th- of the ho%- #-ste*ies! and of *e#aining 1onstant%- with the san1tified-ones( A*ise! new /e%ie3e*s! *eMuest the sha%o# of E%-hi# th*ough His essiah! that the da- be .ea1eab%e and f*ee f*o# sin! e3en the enti*e ti#e of -ou* %ife! that -ou* end be Efinding -ouF essiani1! that E%-hi# be g*a1ious and ;ind! Ethat E%-hi# g*antF the fo*gi3eness of t*es.asses( 8edi1ate -ou*se%3es to the on%- Ete*na% G-d th*ough His essiah( /ow down and *e1ei3e a b%essing( Y0( A P*a-e* 7f Ent*eat- Po* E%-hi#>s A.os( Const( A(C(Af e*1- S.on The Re.entant

7 A%#ight- E%-hi#! Ete*na% 7ne! aste* of the who%e uni3e*se! C*eato* and P*esident of e3e*-thing! the one who showed fo*th #an as a E#i1*oF1os# of the 1os#os th*ough essiah! and who ga3e an i#.%anted and 4*itten To*ah to hi#! so that he #ight %i3e 6awfu%%- as a *ationa% being! and when he had sinned! EYouF ga3e hi# You* goodness! as a .%edge to %ead hi# to *e.entan1e: %oo; u.on those who ha3e bent the ne1; of thei* sou% and bodto You! be1ause He does not desi*e the death of the sinne*! but his *e.entan1e! so that he #ight tu*n ba1; f*o# his wa- of e3i%! and %i3eJ EYou a*eF the 7ne who a11e.ted the *e.entan1e of the Nine3ites: the 7ne desi*ing a%% #en to be sa3ed! and to 1o#e to a ;now%edge of T*uth: the 7ne who a11e.ted the son who had 1onsu#ed his %ife>s sa3ings with %oose %i3ing! with Pathe*%- fee%ings be1ause of his *e.entan1e( A%so now You*se%f *e1ei3e f*o# You* su..%i1ants thei* 1hange of #ind: fo* the*e is no one who wi%% not sin against You( - Po*! if You! 6-*d! shou%d wat1h 6aw%essness 1%ose%-! 6o*d! who 1ou%d stand his g*oundI /e1ause with You the*e is the #eans fo* ta;ing awa- sinJ Y00(

A P*a-e* 7f P*aise To E%-hi#! Rehea*sing The G*ounds 0n Rede#.tion And 0n C*eation 4hi1h a;e P*aise $o Pitting Po* E%-hi#>s Redee#ed C*eatu*e! an A.os( Const( A(1)(?-)@ 0t is t*u%- wo*th- and *ight befo*e a%% things to sing a .sa%# to You! the 7ne who is T*u%- G-d: the 7ne who is befo*e things that ha3e been #ade: f*o# who# e3e*- fa#i%- in Hea3en and u.on ea*th is na#ed: the on%- 7ne without o*igin! and without a beginning: and not *u%ed ba ;ing! and without a #aste*: the 7ne not in want: the $u..%ie* of e3e*- good EthingF: the 7ne fa* eL1eeding e3e*- 1ause and o*igin: the 7ne a%wa-s the sa#e! and ho%ding Oust so: f*o# who# a*e a%% things! Oust as f*o# so#e sta*ting-.oint! it 1a#e in o*de* to be( Po* You a*e the ;now%edge without beginning: the ete*na% 3ision: the hea*ing without o*igin: the wisdo# without tea1hing: the Pi*st bnatu*e! and on%- 7ne in being! and fa* eL1eeding e3e*- nu#be*: the 7ne who b*ought e3e*-thing into being out of non-being! th*ough You* on%$on! K a 8i3ine 4o*d! a %i3ing 4isdo#! a Pi*stbo*n of a%% 1*eation! ETheF Ange% of You* g*eat .u*.ose! You* Cohen HaGado%: both Bing and 6-*d of a%% inte%%igib%e and .e*1e.tib%e natu*e! the 7ne befo*e a%% things! th*ough who# a*e a%% thingsJ Po* You! 7 ete*na% E%-hi#! ha3e #a;e a%% things th*ough Hi#! and th*ough Hi# b- suitab%e fo*e;now%edge You design e3e*-thing( Po* th*ough Hi# You f*ee%- ga3e being! EandF th*ough Hi# a%so You ga3e we%%-being( EYou a*eF the G-d and Pathe* of You* on%- $on! who th*ough Hi# befo*e a%% things #ade the B>*u3i# and the $>*a.hi#! both ages and EHea3en%-F hosts! both .owe*s and autho*ities! both *u%e*s and th*ones! both A*1hange%s and ange%s: and afte* a%% these! ha3ing #ade th*ough Hi# this wo*%d that is seen! and e3e*-thing in it( Po* You a*e the 7ne who .%a1ed the hea3en %i;e a 3au%ted a*1h! and %i;e a s1*een st*et1hed it out: and founded the ea*th u.on nothing! bOudge#ent a%one: the 7ne who fiLed a fi*#a#ent! and .*e.a*ed night and da-: the 7ne who b*ought %ight out of the t*easu*ies! and at the 1ont*a1tion of this E%ightF! the 7ne who b*ought the da*;ness fo* *est fo* the %i3ing 1*eatu*es #o3ing about in the wo*%d: the 7ne who a..ointed the sun fo* *u%e Eo3e*F the da- in hea3en! and the #oon fo* *u%e Eo3e*F the night! and eng*a3ed the 1hoi* of the sta*s in hea3en! fo* .*aise of -ou* s.%endo*: the 7ne who #ade wate* fo* d*in;ing and

1%eansing! %i3e%- ai* fo* b*eathing in and b*eathing out! and fo* utte*ing of a 3oi1e! the ai* ha3ing been st*u1; b- a tongue! and Ethe sense ofF hea*ing! wo*;ing togethe* unde* it! so as to hea*! ta;ing in the s.ee1h fa%%ing u.on it: the 7ne who #ade fi*e fo* en1ou*age#ent EinF da*;ness! fo* satisfa1tion of want! and fo* us to be wa*#ed and en%ightened b- it: the 7ne who se.a*ated the g*eat sea f*o# the %and! who indeed de1%a*ed the one fo* na3igation! and #ade the othe* .assab%e fo* feet: who fi%%ed the one with %i3ing 1*eatu*es! s#a%% and g*eat! and fi%%ed u. the othe* with ta#e ani#a%s and unta#ed: ha3ing en1i*1%ed EitF with #anifo%d .%ants! and ha3ing 1*owned EitF with he*bs! and ha3ing beautified EitF with f%owe*s! and ha3ing en*i1hed EitF with seeds: the 7ne who f*a#ed an ab-ss! and su**ounded it with a g*eat ho%%ow! seas of sa%t wate*s ha3ing been hea.ed u.: the 7ne who bwinds so#eti#es *aises it u. to a 1*est! to be1o#e the height of #ountains! and so#eti#es s.*eads it out into a .%ain! and so#eti#es indeed d*i3ing it #ad with sto*#! and so#eti#es soothing it with a 1a%#! so as to be eas- fo* 1*ossing b- seafa*ing sai%o*s: the 7ne who en1i*1%ed with *i3e*s the wo*%d whi1h 1a#e into being b- You th*ough essiah! and f%ooded it with #ountain to**ents! and d*en1hed it with ne3e*fai%ing s.*ings! and bound it tight%- a%% a*ound with #ountains! fo* an unsha;ab%e foundation of a #ost steadfast ea*th( Po* You fi%%ed You* wo*%d! and di3ided and a**anged it! with sweets#e%%ing and hea%ing he*bs: with #an- and 3a*ied %i3ing 1*eatu*es! with st*ong ones and with wea; ones! with edib%e ones and with .*odu1ti3e ones! with ta#e ones and with unta#ed ones: with hissings of se*.ents! with s1*ea#s of #an--1o%o*ed bi*ds: with 1-1%es of -ea*s! with nu#be*s of #onths and da-s: with a**ange#ents of 1usto#s: with 1ou*ses of *ain.*odu1ing 1%ouds! fo* the gene*ation of f*uits! and the 1a*e of %i3ing 1*eatu*es: Eand withF a ba%an1e of winds! b%owing when the- a*e o*de*ed b- -ou: EandF the #u%titude of .%ants and he*bs( And You not on%- #ade the wo*%d! but You a%so #ade the wo*%d *esident in it! de1%a*ing hi# Eto beF a E#i1*oF1os# of the 1os#os( Po* You said b- You* 4isdo#! Q6et us #a;e #an a11o*ding to 7u* i#age! and a11o*ding to E7u*F %i;eness: and %et the# *u%e the fish of the sea! and the winged bi*ds of the hea3en(Q The*efo*e a%so You ha3e #ade hi# out of i##o*ta% sou%! and out of a bod- that #a- be s1atte*ed: the one indeed out of that whi1h is not!

but the othe* out of the fou* e%e#ents( And You ha3e indeed gi3en to hi#! with *efe*en1e to the sou%! *ationa% dis1*i#ination! distinguishing of *e3e*ent-obse*3an1e and i**e3e*en1e! obse*3ation of *ight and w*ong( 4hi%e with *efe*en1e to the bod-! You ha3e gi3en Ehi#F fi3e senses! and the #o3e#ent in3o%3ing 1hange of .%a1e( Po* You! 7 E%-hi# A%#ight-! th*ough essiah! .%anted a Pa*adise in ,Eden! eastwa*d! with a%% #anne* of edib%e foods! in E.*o.e*F o*de*: and into it! as if into a 3e*- eL.ensi3e ho#e! You b*ought hi#( And indeed! You ha3e gi3en to hi# an i#.%anted To*ah to do! so that f*o# hi#se%f! and b- hi#se%f! he #ight ha3e the seeds of di3ine ;now%edge( $o! ha3ing b*ought Ehi#F into the Pa*adise of %uLu*-! You a%%owed hi# the *ight to .a*ta;e of a%% things( /ut of on%- one thing did You *efuse hi# the taste: in ho.e of g*eate* things! in o*de* that! if he shou%d ;ee. the 1o##and#ent! he #ight *e1ei3e i##o*ta%it- as a *ewa*d fo* this( /ut! ha3ing 1a*ed nothing fo* the 1o##and#ent! and ha3ing tasted of the fo*bidden f*uit! b- the t*i1;e*- of a se*.ent! and b- the 1ounse% of a wo#an! You indeed *ight%- th*ust hi# out f*o# Pa*adise( Yet in goodness! You did not o3e*%oo; hi# who was .e*ishing fo*e3e*! fo* he was You* wo*; of a*t( /ut! ha3ing subOe1ted to hi# the 1*eation! You ha3e gi3en to hi#! th*ough sweat and ha*d %abo*s! to .*o3ide b- hi#se%f the nou*ish#ent fo* his own fa#i%-! whi%e -ou a*e 1ausing a%% things to g*ow! and to *i.en( And in ti#e! ha3ing 1aused hi# to fa%% as%ee. fo* a whi%e! You 1a%%ed Ehi#F b- an oath to new bi*th: ha3ing disso%3ed the bounda*ies of death! - You .*o#ised 6ife b- *esu**e1tionJ And not on%- this: but a%so those who .ou*ed fo*th f*o# hi#! to be1o#e an innu#e*ab%e #u%titude - those who 1ontinued with You! You g%o*ified! whi%e those who se.a*ated f*o# You! -ou .unished( And whi%e indeed f*o# He3e%! as f*o# a de3out #an! You fa3o*ab%*e1ei3ed a sa1*ifi1e: f*o# the b*othe*-#u*de*e* Ba-in! You tu*ned aside the offe*ing as f*o# an a11u*sed .e*son( And in addition to these! You too; ho%d of $het and Enosh! and You t*ans%ated Chano1h( Po* You a*e the a;e* of #an! and the su..%ie* of %ife! and the fu%fi%%e* of need! and the dis.ense* of 6aws! and the *ewa*de* of those ; the#! and the a3enge* of those t*ansg*essing the#: the 7ne who b*ought the g*eat f%ood on the wo*%d! be1ause of the #u%titude of those who %i3ed G-d%ess%-: and who de%i3e*ed the *ighteous Noa1h f*o# the f%ood in an a*;! togethe* with eight sou%s: an end indeed of those who ha3e .assed on! but a beginning of those about to be bo*n( EYou a*eF the 7ne who ;ind%ed the fea*fu% fi*e against the fi3e 1ities of $>do#!

and tu*ned a f*uitfu% %and into sa%t be1ause of those %i3ing in it! and snat1hed awa- .ious 6ot f*o# the bu*ning( You a*e the 7ne who de%i3e*ed A3*aha# f*o# an1est*a% Gd%essness! and a..ointed hi# hei* of the wo*%d! and showed to hi# You* essiah: The 7ne who a..ointed a%;i-TDede; a Cohen haGado% in You* se*3i1e: who de1%a*ed -ou* #u1h-endu*ing se*3ant 0-o3 1onMue*o* of the a*1he3i% se*.ent: who #ade YitD1ha; a son of .*o#ise: EandF Ya,a;o3! fathe* of twe%3e sons: and You fo*#ed his des1endants into a #u%titude: and who %ed Ethe#F into Eg-.t! with se3ent--fi3e sou%s( You! 7 Ad-nai! did not neg%e1t Yosef! but ga3e to hi# to *u%e o3e* Eg-.t - a *ewa*d of the se%f-1ont*o% that You enab%e( You! 7 6o*d! did not dis*ega*d the Heb*ews! being wo*n out b- ha*d %abo* unde* the Eg-.tians( /ut on a11ount of the .*o#ises E#adeF to the fathe*s! You de%i3e*ed Ethe#F! ha3ing .unished the Eg-.tians( And when #en had 1o**u.ted the natu*a% %aw! and at one ti#e! indeed! ha3ing estee#ed the 1*eation as ha..ening without 1ause! and at anothe* ti#e! ha3ing hono*ed it #o*e than is *ight! 1o#.a*ing it to You! to the G-d of the uni3e*se: You did not .e*#it the# to go ast*a-! but showed fo*th You* ho%- se*3ant oshe! ha3ing gi3en though hi# the 4*itten To*ah! as an aid to the natu*a% E%awF( And You showed the 1*eation to be You* wo*;! and EsoF You banished the .o%-theisti1 e**o*( You g%o*ified Aha*on! and those who 1a#e afte* hi#! with .*iest%hono*: You .unished the Heb*ews when the- sinned: EbutF You *e1ei3ed those who *etu*ned Eto YouF( You eLa1ted 3engean1e on the Eg-.tians with ten .%agues: You 1a**ied the 0s*ae%ites a1*oss a sea! di3iding it: You dest*o-ed the .u*suing Eg-.tians unde* wate*: You sweetened bitte* wate* with wood: You .ou*ed fo*th wate* out of Oagged *o1;: You *ained the #anna out of Hea3en! a #othe*-of-Muai% nou*ish#ent out of the ai*: You 1o#fo*ted the# with a Pi%%a* of fi*e b- night! fo* %ight! and a Pi%%a* of 1%oud b- da-! fo* shade: You showed fo*th Y>hoshua! the so%die*: You dest*o-ed se3en Canaanite nations th*ough hi#: You to*e in two the Ya*den: You d*ied u. the *i3e*s of o3e*f%owing: You b*o;e down wa%%s without #a1hines Eof wa*F! and without hu#an hand( G%o*- is You*s! be1ause of a%% these things! 7 aste*! A%#ight-J 0nnu#e*ab%e a*#ies of ange%s wo*shi. You - A*1hange%s! th*ones! do#inions! *u%e*s! autho*ities! .owe*s! ete*na% a*#ies: the B>*u3i# and the siL-winded $>*a.hi#! with two 1o3e*ing u. thei* feet! and with two thei* heads! and with two f%-ing: and sa-ing togethe* with thousands on

thousands of A*1hange%s! and ten thousand ti#es ten thousand ange%s! in1essant%- and %oud%- 1*-ing out - and a%% the .eo.%e togethe*! %et the# sa- - BA87$H! BA87$H! BA87$H A8-NA0 TH9A>7T! THE HEA9EN AN8 THE EARTH ARE PS66 7P H0$ G67RYJ EHeF is b%essed fo*e3e*J A#aine( Y000( A P*a-e* 7f P*aise And /enedi1tion! $.o;en /- An 73e*see* At The C%ose 7f The Co##union $e*3i1e A.os( Const( A(1=(@-C 7 E%-hi#! the A%#ight-! the T*ue 7ne and 0n1o#.a*ab%e 7ne! who is e3e*-whe*e! and is .*esent b- a%% things: and E-etF who is in nothing as though being one 1e*tain thing: - the 7ne who is not 1i*1u#s1*ibed in .%a1es: the 7ne who is not g*owing o%d in ti#e: the 7ne who does not 1o#e to an end in the ages: the 7ne who is not de1ei3ed b- wo*ds: the 7ne who is not subOe1t to o*igin: the 7ne who does not need a gua*dian: the 7ne who is abo3e 1o**u.tion: the 7ne who does not ente*tain 1hange: the 7ne who b- natu*e is un1hangeab%e: the 7ne who dwe%%s in una..*oa1hab%e %ight: the 7ne who is b- natu*e in3isib%e: the 7ne who is ;nown b- a%% those who with good wi%% see; You with *ationa% natu*es: the 7ne who is unde*stood b- those who with good wi%% see; afte* You: the God of 0s*ae%! the one T*u%- seeing! You* .eo.%e who ha3e be%ie3ed in essiah: being g*a1ious! attend to #e on a11ount of You* Na#e! and b%ess those who ha3e bended %ow thei* ne1;s befo*e You! and gi3e to the# the *eMuests of thei* hea*ts - the things that a*e .*ofitab%e - and do not #a;e one of the# a 1astawa- f*o# You* Bingdo#! but 1onse1*ate the#! gua*d! she%te*! assist! de%i3e* the# f*o# the st*ange*! f*o# e3e*ene#-: .*ese*3e thei* ho#es! gua*d thei* goings in and goings outJ /e1ause to You Ebe%ongF g%o*-! .*aise! s.%endo*! *e3e*en1e! EandF wo*shi.: and to You* $e*3ant Yeshua! to You* essiah! to ou* 6-*d! both G-d and Bing: and to Rua1h HaBodesh: now! and a%wa-s! and into the ages of the ages( A#aine( Y09( A Po*tion 7f A P*a-e* P*a-ed At The 7*dination 7f E%de*s A.os( Const( A(1?(2 7 Ad-nai! A%#ight-! ou* G-d! who th*ough essiah #ade e3e*-thing! and th*ough Hi# .*o3ides fo* e3e*-thing a..*o.*iate%-: fo* to the 7ne

ha3ing .owe* to #a;e diffe*ing things! to this 7ne be%ongs .owe* a%so to .*o3ide in diffe*ing wa-s: fo* th*ough Hi#! 7 E%-hi#! You indeed .*o3ide fo* those who a*e i##o*ta% in a .%a1e of se1u*it-! a #ansion: whi%e fo* those who a*e #o*ta%! EYou .*o3ideF in su11essi3e wa-s! fo* the sou% b- #editation u.on 6aws! fo* the bod- b- the satisfa1tion of wants( Now a%so You*se%f! %oo; u.on You* ho%- Asse#b%- and in1*ease it: and #u%ti.%- those %eading it: and gi3e .owe* so that the- #awo*; ha*d in wo*d and in deed! fo* the bui%ding u. of -ou* .eo.%eJ Y9( A P*a-e* To The 7ffe*ing 7f Pi*stf*uits A.os( Const( A(<G()-< 4e gi3e than;s to You! 7 6-*d A%#ight-! a;e* and $u.e*intendent of the uni3e*se! th*ough You* on%- $on! Yeshua essiah! ou* 6-*d! fo* the Pi*stf*uit offe*ings to You! not su1h as we ought Eto gi3eF! but su1h as we a*e ab%e Eto gi3eF( Po* who a#ong #en is ab%e to gi3e than;s to You wo*thi%-! on beha%f of the things You ha3e gi3en to the# fo* .a*ta;ing inI 7 God of A3*aha#! and YitD1ha;! and Ya,a;o3! and of a%% the ho%ones! the 7ne who b*ought a%% things to .e*fe1tion th*ough You* 4o*d! and 1o##anded the ea*th to .*odu1e a%% #anne* of f*uits fo* ou* g%addening and food: who ga3e fo*age fo* the du%%e* and shee.ish E1*eatu*esF: fo%iage fo* those eating g*ass! and to so#e! indeed! *aw #eat! whi%e to so#e! seeds: -et to us! g*ain! the usefu% and a..*o.*iate food and 3a*ious othe* things - so#e indeed! fo* Eou*F use! whi%e othe*s fo* Eou*F hea%th! sti%% othe*s fo* Eou*F enOo-#ent( Po* a%% these things! the*efo*e! You a*e .*aised Ein .sa%#sF! fo* You* good deeds to a%% th*ough essiah! with who# to You be g%o*-! hono*! and awe: and to Rua1h HaBodesh! fo*e3e*( A#aine( Y90( Pune*a% P*a-e* Po* The 8ead A.os( Const( A(<1()-= And on beha%f of those ou* b*othe*s who a*e at *est in essiah! K sent into the e#b*a1e of A3*aha#! and YitD1ha;! and Ya,a;o3! with a%% those f*o# of o%d who we*e we%% .%easing! and who did His wi%%: whe*e .ain and g*ief and #oaning ha3e f%ed awa-( 6et us a*iseJ 6et us 1o##it ou*se%3es! and one anothe*! to the ete*na% E%-hi#! th*ough the 4o*d Ewhi1h wasF in the beginningJ And %et the 73e*see* sa-! 7 You who a*e b- natu*e i##o*ta% and unending! th*ough who# e3e*-thing i##o*ta% and #o*ta% has 1o#e into

being: who with a*tisti1 s;i%% #ade this *ationa% %i3ing being! #an! the #o*ta% wo*%d *esident! and who .*o#ised *esu**e1tion: and did not .e*#it Chano1h and E%i-ahu to eL.e*ien1e death! the G-d of A3*aha#! and YitD1ha;! and Ya,a;o3! not as of the dead! but as G-d of the %i3ing! a*e You( /e1ause! with You! a%% sou%s a*e a%i3e! and the s.i*its of the *ighteous a*e in You* Hand! who# anguish wi%% not tou1h( Po* a%% those who a*e set a.a*t a*e unde* You* hand( A%so now You*se%f! %oo; u.on this You* se*3ant! who# You ha3e 1hosen! and *e1ei3ed into anothe* s.he*e: K in the e#b*a1e of the Pat*ia*1hs! and the P*o.hets! and the E#issa*ies! and of a%% those who f*o# of o%d we*e .%easing to You: whe*e the*e 1annot be g*ief! and .ain! and #oaning! but a f*ee .%a1e of G-d%- ones! and a %and of u.*ight ones! set u. fo* You! and fo* those in it who see the g%o*- of You* essiah: with who# to You be g%o*-! hono*! and awe! than;sgi3ing and wo*shi.! and to Rua1h HaBodesh! fo*e3e*( A#aine(

.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). / Followin& are some of the Messianic Rewish inter'olations #and / / &eneral Q%otations( from the !i :line Oracles from as earl: as / / the first cent%r: A7;0e3 The !i :line Oracles themsel"es were / / written aro%nd the =nd cent%r: 60e3 / .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). $ib( 7*( /oo; 9! 33( )=?-)=C: And one 1hief an sha%% 1o#e again f*o# the s;-! who st*et1hed fo*th His hands u.on the f*uitfu% t*ee! the best of the Heb*ew! who on1e sha%% sta- the sun in its 1ou*se! 1a%%ing u.on it with fai* s.ee1h and Ho%- %i.s( $ib( 7*( E6a1tantiusF: And the*e sha%% be a *ising again of the dead: and the 1ou*se of the %a#e sha%% be swift! and the deaf sha%% hea*! and the b%ind sha%% see and the du#b sha%% s.ea;( $ib( 7*( 6a1tantins P(1G s(: Bnow Hi# as -ou* God! 4ho is the $on of God( $ib( 7*( E/(C( 11@! 1A<F: And the- sha%% inf%i1t on G-d b%ows with i#.u*e hands! and with .o%%uted #ouths the- sha%% send fo*th .o%%uted s.itt%e and He sha%% then abso%ute%- gi3e His Ho%- ba1; to st* $ib( 7*( E/(C( 11@! 1A<F: And being beaten He sha%% be si%ent %est an- one shou%d ;now what The 4o*d is! o* when1e it 1a#e! that it #a- s.ea; with #o*ta%s: and He sha%% wea* the C*own of tho*ns( $ib 7*( EE*-th*aeF: /eho%d the Bing sha%% 1o#e th*ough the ages! sent to be he*e in the f%esh! and Oudge at the end of the wo*%d ((((( $eated befo*e Hi# a*e sou%s in the f%esh fo* His Oudge#ent( $ib( 7*(: And afte* th*ee da-s! He sha%% .ut an end to the fate of death: and then *e%easing Hi#se%f f*o# the dead! He sha%% 1o#e to %ight! fi*st showing to the >1a%%ed ones> the beginning of the Resu**e1tion( $ib( 7*( E$ee: Uewish En1-1%o.ediaF: Ro%%ing a%ong the hea3ens 0 wi%% o.en the 1a3e*ns of the ea*th: and then 0 wi%% *aise the dead! %oosing fate and the sting of death! and afte*wa*ds 0 wi%% 1a%% the# into Uudge#ent(

T T -.-.-.-./ .----------. / / /H$!TO1$0AL/ / / .----------. / -.-.-.-.T T .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). /*cclesiastical Histor:;*%se i%s Pam'hil%s/ .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). /oo; 00 Cha.te* YY000 EThe #a*t-*do# of Ya,a;o3&Ua#es who was 1a%%ed the b*othe* of the 6o*dF (((afte* $ha>u%&Pau% had a..ea%ed to Caesa*! and had been sent bPestus to Ro#e! f*ust*ated in thei* ho.e of ent* hi# bsna*es the- had %aid! tu*n the#se%3es against Ya,a;o3&Ua#es! the b*othe* of the 6o*d! to who# the 73e*see*>s seat at Ue*usa%e# was 1o##itted b- the E#issa*ies&A.ost%es( ((( a%so! who f%ou*ished nea*est the da-s of the E#issa*ies! in the fifth boo; of his Co##enta*ies gi3es the #ost a11u*ate a11ount of hi# thus: Q/ut Ya,a;o3 the b*othe* of the 6o*d! who! as the*e we*e #an- of this na#e! was su*na#ed the Uust ba%%! f*o# the da-s of ou* 6o*d unti% now! *e1ei3ed the go3e*n#ent of the Cong*egation with the E#issa*ies&A.ost%es( This E#issa*- was 1onse1*ated f*o# his #othe*>s wo#b( He d*an; neithe* wine no* fe*#ented %iMuo*s! and abstained f*o# ani#a-5non-;oshe*EIF> food( A *aDo* ne3e* 1a#e u.on his head(((Q /oo; 000 Cha.te* Y0 E$hi#,on&$i#eon *u%ed the Cong*egation of Ue*usa%e# afte* Ya,a;o3F Afte* the #a*t-*do# of Ya,a;o3! and the 1a.tu*e of Ue*usa%e#! whi1h i##ediate%- fo%%owed! the *e.o*t is! that those of the E#issa*ies& A.ost%es and the Ta%#idi#&dis1i.%es of ou* 6o*d! that we*e -et su*3i3ing! 1a#e togethe* f*o# a%% .a*ts with those that we*e *e%ated to ou* 6o*d a11o*ding to the f%esh( Po* the g*eate* .a*t of the# we*e -et %i3ing( These 1onsu%ted togethe*! to dete*#ine who# it was .*o.e* to .*onoun1e wo*th- of being su11esso* of Ya,a;o3( The- a%% unani#ous%de1%a*ed $hi#,on the son of B%ofah! of who# #ention is #ade in the $a1*ed 9o%u#e! as wo*th- of the 73e*see*>s seat the*e( The- sahe was the 1ousin! Eb- the #othe*>s sideF! of ou* $a3iou*: fo* asse*ts that B%ofah was the b*othe* of Yosef&Uose.h( /oo; 000 Cha.te* YY E7f the *e%ati3es of ou* 6o*dF The*e was -et %i3ing of the fa#i%- of ou* 6o*d! the g*and-1hi%d*en of Y>hudah&Uudas! 1a%%ed the b*othe* of ou* 6o*d! a11o*ding to the f%esh(

These we*e *e.o*ted as being of the fa#i%- of 8a3id! and we*e b*ought to 8o#itian b- the E3o1atus( Po* this e#.e*o* was as #u1h a%a*#ed at the a..ea*an1e of essiah as He*od( He .ut the Muestion! whethe* thewe*e of 8a3id>s *a1e! and the- 1onfessed that the- we*e( He then as;ed the# what .*o.e*t- the- had! o* how #u1h #one- the- owned( And both of the# answe*ed! that the- had between the# on%- nine thousand dena*ii ea1h -E1=1ents a.*oL(F and this the- had not in si%3e*! but in the 3a%ue of a .ie1e of %and! 1ontaining on%- thi*t--nine a1*es: f*o# whi1h the- *aised thei* taLes and su..o*ted the#se%3es b- thei* own %abo*( Then the- a%so began to show thei* hands! eLhibiting the ha*dness of thei* bodies! and the 1a%%osit- fo*#ed b- in1essant %abou* on thei* hands! as e3iden1e of thei* own %abou*( 4hen as;ed a%so! *es.e1ting essiah and His ;ingdo#! what was its natu*e! and when and whe*e it was to a..ea*! the- *e.%ied! Qthat it was not a te#.o*a% no* an ea*th%;ingdo#! but 1e%estia% and ange%i1: that it wou%d a..ea* at the end of the wo*%d! when 1o#ing in g%o*- He wou%d Oudge the Mui1; and dead! and gi3e to e3e*- one a11o*ding to his wo*;s(Q S.on whi1h! 8o#itian des.ising the#! #ade no *e.%-: but t*eating the# with 1onte#.t! as si#.%etons! 1o##anded the# to be dis#issed! and b- a de1*ee o*de*ed the .e*se1ution to 1ease( Thus de%i3e*ed! the- *u%ed the Cong*egations! both as witnesses and *e%ati3es of the 6o*d( 4hen .ea1e was estab%ished! the- 1ontinued %i3ing e3en to the ti#es of T*aOan(Q $u1h is the state#ent of /oo; 000 Cha.te* YYY9 EUustus! the thi*d 73e*see* of Ue*usa%e#F $hi#,on a%so ha3ing died in the #anne* shown abo3e! a 1e*tain Uew na#ed Uustus su11eeded hi# in the 73e*see*-shi. of Ue*usa%e#( As the*e we*e g*eat nu#be*s f*o# the 1i*1u#1ision! that 1a#e o3e* to the essiani1 faith at that ti#e! of who# Uustus was one( .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). / The followin& are ancient historical Q%otations U their locations / / are noted inM Histor: of Rewish 0hristianit:, :M H%&h !chonfield3 / / #+hen !chonfield is Q%oted "er atim elow it is noted3( / .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). An un1enso*ed edition of the >Uosi..on>: Q0n those da-s Ei(e(! of the E#.e*o* CaiusF! the*e we*e wa*s and Mua**e%s in Uudaea between the Pha*isees and the b*igands of ou* .eo.%e who fo%%owed the son of Uose.h(Q

C%e#ent of A%eLand*ia f*o# the >P*ea1hing of Pete*>! Ea%so su..o*ted bA..o%oniusF! has Yeshua sa-ing to the E#issa*ies Ein: $t*o#( ?:=: Euseb(H(E(=:1AF: 0f an-one of 0s*ae% wishes to *e.ent! and b- - Na#e to be%ie3e in God! his sins sha%% be fo*gi3en hi#( Afte* twe%3e -ea*s go fo*th into the wo*%d! that no one #a- sa-! Q4e ha3e not hea*d(Q Pete*! as in the >C%e#entine Re1ognitions> ERe1og( 1:@G-@1F: ((( obse*3e the g*eatest 1aution! that -ou be%ie3e no tea1he* un%ess he b*ing f*o# Ue*usa%e# the testi#onia% of Ua#es the 6o*d>s b*othe*! o* of whosoe3e* #a- 1o#e afte* hi#( Po* no one! un%ess he has gone u. thithe* and the*e has been a..*o3ed as a fit and faithfu% tea1he* fo* .*o1%ai#ing the wo*d of the essiah! un%ess! 0 sa-! he b*ings a testi#onia% then1e! is b- an- #eans to be *e1ei3ed( Con1e*ning Ua#es! as in E.(C%e#(ad Ua1: ((( Qthe bisho. of bisho.s! who *u%es Ue*usa%e#! the ho%Cong*egation of the Heb*ew! and the Cong*egations e3e*-whe*e eL1e%%ent%- founded b- the .*o3iden1e of God(Q The Histo*- of Uewish Ch*istianit-! b-: Hugh $1honfie%d! .g( 1A: The*e is so#e e3iden1e to show that Ua#es the b*othe* of Uesus was #ade unoffi1ia% %eade* of a united .eo.%e>s .a*t-( The tit%e gi3en hi#( >7b%ias>! whi1h Eusebius *ende*s! QP*ote1tion of the Peo.%eQ E.e*io1he to %aoF! the teno* of his! the fa1t that his inf%uen1e was so fea*ed b- the high .*iest%- .a*t- that thei%%ega%%- .ut hi# to death! and that this 1aused su1h a .o.u%a* out1*- that the *es.onsib%e high .*iest was des.osed and the *e3o%t a11e%e*ated! a%% .oint to this 1on1%usion( Eis%e* goes so fa* as to suggest that the t*adition that Ua#es wo*e the diade# E.eta%onF of the High P*iest and had the *ight of ent*- into the san1tua*- #a- be 1onst*ued to #ean that the b*othe* of Uesus was in fa1t e%e1ted b- the .eo.%e to this ho%- offi1e in o..osition to the offi1ia% high .*iest Ananias( 1@QK K1@( The essiah Uesus! .o( <=G ff(Cf( E.i.hanius! Hae* )C:<: @A! based on t*aditions .*ese*3ed in the >H-.ot-.oseis> of C%e#ent and the >H-.o#ne#ata> of essiani1 Uewish histo*ian E)nd 1(Ad&CeF on Ya,a;o3>s death! as in Euseb( H(E( ):)2: QAs the*e we*e #an- the*efo*e of the *u%e*s that be%ie3ed! the*e a*ose a tu#u%t a#ong the Uews! $1*ibes and P>*ushi#! sa-ing that the*e was dange*! that the .eo.%e wou%d now eL.e1t Yeshua as the essiah( The- 1a#e togethe* the*efo*e! and said to Ya,a;o3! 4e ent*eat thee! *est*ain the .eo.%e! who a*e %ed ast*a- afte* Yeshua! as if he we*e the essiah( 4e ent*eat thee to .e*suade a%% that a*e 1o#ing to the feast of the Passo3e* *ight%1on1e*ning Yeshua: fo* we a%% ha3e 1onfiden1e in thee( Po* we

and a%% the .eo.%e bea* thee witness that thou a*t Oust! and thou *es.e1test not .e*sons( Pe*suade! the*efo*e! the .eo.%e ha3e g*eat 1onfiden1e in thee( $tand the*efo*e u.on a .inna1%e of the Te#.%e! that thou #a-est be 1ons.i1uous on high! and thwo*ds #abe easi%- hea*d b- a%% the .eo.%e: fo* a%% the t*ibes ha3e 1o#e togethe* on a11ount of the Passo3e* with so#e of the Genti%es a%so( These $1*ibes and P>*ushi# the*efo*e .%a1ed Ya,a;o3 on a .inna1%e of the Te#.%e! and 1*ied out to hi#( 7 thou Oust one! who# we ought a%% to be%ie3e! sin1e the .eo.%e a*e %ed ast*aafte* Yeshua that was eLe1uted-u.-on-the-sta;e! de1%a*e to us what is the doo* of sa%3ation( And he answe*ed with a %oud 3oi1e! 4has; -ou #e 1on1e*ning Yeshua the $on of #anI He is now sitting in the Hea3ens on the Right Hand of G*eat Powe*! and is about to 1o#e again on the 1%ouds of Hea3en( And as #an- we*e 1onfi*#ed! and g%o*ified in this testi#on- of Ya,a;o3! and 1*ied! Hoshanna to the $on of 8a3id! these sa#e Cohani# and P>*ushi# said to one anothe*! 4e ha3e e**ed in affo*ding su1h testi#on- to Yeshua! but %et us go u. and 1ast hi# down! that the- #a- d*ead to be%ie3e in hi#( And the- 1*ied out( 7hJ 7hJ the Uust hi#se%f is de1ei3ed! and thefu%fi%%ed that whi1h is w*itten in 0saiah! 6et us ta;e awa- the Oust! be1ause he is offensi3e to us: whe*efo*e! the- sha%% eat the f*uit of thei* doings( Going u.! the*efo*e! the- 1ast down the Uust one! sa-ing to one anothe*! %et us stone Ya,a;o3 the Uust( And the- began to stone hi#! as he did not die i##ediate%when 1ast down: but tu*ning *ound he ;ne%t down sa-ing! 0 besee1h Thee! 7 6o*d God and Pathe*! fo*gi3e the#! fo* the- ;now not what the- do( Thus the- we*e stoning hi#! when one of the Cohani# of the sons of Re1hab! a des1endant of the Re1habites s.o;en of bUe*e#iah the P*o.het! 1*ied out! sa-ing! CeaseJ 4hat a*e -ou doingI The Uust is .*a-ing -ou( /ut one of the#! a fu%%e*! beat out the b*ains of the Uust with the 1%ub that he used to beat out 1%othes( Thus he suffe*ed #a*t-*do#! and the- bu*ied hi# on the s.ot! whe*e his to#bstone sti%% *e#ains! 1%ose b- the Te#.%e( He be1a#e a faithfu% witness! both to the Uews and G*ee;s! that Yeshua is the essiah(Q The Histo*- of Uewish Ch*istianit-! b-: Hugh $1honfie%d! .g( )C: Q>About the sa#e ti#e that Pau% a**i3ed in Ro#e! it wou%d a..ea* that Pete* in the 1ou*se of his .asto*a% 3isitations had 1o#e the*e a%so( T*adition! at an- *ate! b*ings these two g*eat Uewish Ch*istians togethe* befo*e the 1u*tain fa%%s on thei* e3entfu% %i3es( K"(((' The >A1ts of Pete* and Pau%> tou1hing%- *e1o*ds

thei* %ast #eeting: QAnd seeing ea1h othe* the- we.t fo* Oo-: and %ong e#b*a1ing ea1h othe*! the- bedewed ea1h othe* with thei* tea*s(Q 0n the sa#e do1u#ent the Ro#an Ch*istians de1%a*e: Q4e ha3e be%ie3ed and do be%ie3e! that as God does not se.a*ate the two g*eat %ights whi1h He has #ade! so He is not to .a*t -ou f*o# ea1h othe*! neithe* Pete* f*o# Pau%! no* Pau% f*o# Pete*(Q The two a.ost%es a*e be%ie3ed to ha3e suffe*ed #a*t-*do# about the sa#e ti#e! Pete* b- 1*u1ifiLion head downwa*ds! and Pau% b- beheading(Q> K"((('&ab*idged( 6ost and Hosti%e Gos.e%s! .()C: Q/ut the o%d NaDa*ene 1o##unit- --to Muote /a*ing Gou%d-- the Chu*1h of Ua#es and $i#eon! 1%inging tight%- to its o%d t*aditions! 1*ou1hed in eLi%e at Pe%%a! 1onfounded b- the Ro#ans in 1o##on banish#ent with the Uew( The gua*ds th*ust ba1; NaDa*ene and KEnon-NaDa*eneF Uew a%i;e with thei* s.ea*s! when the- 3entu*ed to a..*oa1h the *uins of thei* .*ost*ate 1it-! the 1a.ita% of thei* nation and of thei* faith(Q KEaddedF 0*enaeus! in: Ad3( Hae*( 1:)?! on the Uewish /e%ie3e*s: QThe- .*a1tise 1i*1u#1ision! .e*se3e*e in the obse*3an1e of those 1usto#s whi1h a*e enOoined b- the To*ah&6aw! and a*e so Uudai1 in thei* #ode of %ife that the- e3en ado*e Ue*usa%e# as if it we*e the house of God(Q essiani1 Uewish histo*ian E)nd 1(Ad&CeF on: >the suba.osto%i age>! as in Euseb( H(E( 2:2): The Cong*egation 1ontinued then as a .u*e and un1o**u.t 3i*gin: whi%st if the*e we*e an- at a%% that atte#.ted to .e*3e*t the sound do1t*ine of the sa3ing Good-News! the- we*e -et s;u%;ing in da*; *et*eats: but when the sa1*ed 1hoi* of E#issa*ies be1a#e eLtin1t! and the gene*ation of those that had been .*i3i%eged to hea* thei* ins.i*ed wisdo# had .assed awa-! then a%so the 1o#binations of i#.ious e**o* a*ose b- the f*aud and de%usions of fa%se tea1he*s( These a%so! as the*e we*e none of the E#issa*ies %eft! hen1efo*th atte#.ted! without sha#e! to .*o1%ai# thei* fa%se do1t*ine against the t*ue Good-News(Q essiani1 Uewish histo*ian E)nd 1(Ad&CeF on: >the suba.osto%i age>! as in Euseb( H(E( 2:2): QThe*e a*e! a%so! those that ta;e the %ead of the who%e Cong*egation as witnesses! e3en the ;ind*ed of ou* 6o*d( And when .*ofound .ea1e was estab%ished th*oughout the who%e Cong*egation the- 1ontinued to the da-s of the E#.e*o* T*aOan(Q Uu%ius Af*i1anus in his %ette* to A*istides! Eon the genea%og- at the

beginning of atthewF: QAnd these KE8es.os-noiF 1o#ing f*o# NaDa*a and Bo1haba! Uewish 3i%%ages! to the othe* .a*ts of the 1ount*-! set fo*th the abo3ena#ed genea%og-! as a11u*ate%- as .ossib%e! f*o# the boo; of Ch*oni1%es(Q KE8es.os-noi&[hei*s+ - a te*# fo* the ;ind*ed of Yeshua! who we*e a%so of 8a3idi1 des1ent of 1ou*se! - as su1h the- 1a#e to be 1a%%ed(F The Histo*- of Uewish Ch*istianit-! b-: Hugh $1honfie%d! .g( 2C: Q0n the thi*d .e*se1ution! unde* T*aOan! $hi#on the son of C%eo.has! a 1ousin of Uesus and su11esso* to Ua#es in the .*esiden1- of the Uewish Ch*istian 1o##unities! fe%% a 3i1ti#: bet*a-ed it wou%d see# b- so#e e3i% dis.osed Genti%e Ch*istian se1ta*ies( states that this 3ene*ab%e dis1i.%e of the essiah! *e.uted to ha3e been a hund*ed and twent- -ea*s o%d! was a11used as a Ch*istian and as a des1endant of 8a3id( Afte* he was to*#ented #an- da-s! he died a #a*t-* with su1h fi*#ness that a%% we*e a#aDed! e3en the .*o1onsu% EAtti1usF hi#se%f! that a #an of a hund*ed and twent- -ea*s shou%d bea* su1h to*tu*es( He was at %ast o*de*ed to be 1*u1ified(Q=@K K"(((' Anothe* Uewish Ch*istian! Uustus! a *e1ent 1on3e*t! but not of the ;ind*ed of Uesus! su11eeded $i#on in the .*esiden1-( P*o# this ti#e! 1i*1a 11G A(8(! the go3e*n#ent .assed f*o# the *e%ati3es of Uesus! and it is .ossib%e f*o# the nu#be*s gi3en that the .*esiden1- be1a#e an offi1e of annua% a..oint#ent( Snti% the se1ond Uewish *e3o%t in 122 A(8(! thi*teen Uewish Ch*istian bisho.s a*e #entioned( Thei* na#es a*e gi3en as Uustus! Ha11heus! Tobias! /enOa#in! Uohn! atthias! Phi%i.! $ene1a! Uustus 00! 6e3i! E.h*ai#! Uose.h! and Uudas(Q=AK K=@F( Euseb( H(E( 2:2)( K"((('&ab*idged( K=AF( Euseb( H(E( <:=( The Histo*- of Uewish Ch*istianit-! b-: Hugh $1honfie%d! .g( <G-<1: QThe t*aditions! fa3o*ab%e and unfa3o*ab%e! *e3ea% /a*-Bo1hba as a b*a3e but utte*%- *uth%ess #an( 0t is said that he 1o##anded a%% his so%die*s to 1ut off one of thei* finge*s to .*o3e thei* 1ou*age! K"(((' His .e*se1ution of the Uewish Ch*istians is in ; with the *est of his 1ondu1t( Ga%%ed b- thei* *efusa% to *a%%- to his standa*d! he ga3e o*de*s that if the- wou%d not denUesus! and eLe1*ate his na#e the- we*e to be to*tu*ed(Q?GK K"((('&ab*idged( K?GF( Uustin 1st A.o%og-! 21( Pantaenus! Euseb(H(E =:C! in the )nd 1( A8&Ce 3isiting the 0ndies sa-s: Qthat he found his own a**i3a% anti1i.ated b- so#e ((( to who# /a*tho%o#ew! one of the E#issa*ies! had .*o1%ai#ed! and had %eft the# the Good-News of atthew in Heb*ew(Q Rabbi A;iba in Ta%#ud T( $anhed*in 1G:1! states: He who *eads in eLte*na% boo;s! and he who whis.e*s o3e* a

wound! and sa-s! QNone of the diseases whi1h 0 sent on Eg-.t wi%% 0 %aon thee! 0 a# the 6o*d th- Hea%e*Q EELodus 1=:)?F! has ansha*e in the wo*%d to 1o#e( QThe %ast wo*ds! Q0 a# the 6o*d that hea%eth thee!Q ha3e the nu#e*i1a% 3a%ue of the Na#e Yeshua! and wou%d be used bK1**istians as a substitute! when the- da*ed not .*onoun1e the Na#e of Yeshua o.en%-(Q 1Nei%e & P(/(6( 3o%( <1! .g( 1))-( KE7b3ious of 1ou*se! b- the ti#e .e*iod and sou*1e! this shou%d *efe* to essiani1 Uews(F E.i.hanius *e%ates: that the essiani1 Uew Yosef! befo*e he be1a#e a /e%ie3e* in Yeshua! and whi%e he was %-ing dange*ous%- i%%! - was to%d bone of the E%de*s! a student of the To*ah! thus whis.e*ed in his ea*: Q/e%ie3e that Yeshua the $on of E%ohi#&God was 1*u1ified unde* Pontius Pi%ate! and that He wi%% 1o#e again to Oudge the %i3ing and the dead(Q A%so /isho. of Constania te%%s us EPana*(2GF when he was at the .oint of death! that a Uew whis.e*ed in his ea* and said: QYeshua essiah who was 1*u1ified! the $on of E%ohi#&God! wi%% he*eafte* Oudge -ou(Q [Pa*a.h*ased! based on - The Histo*- of Uewish Ch*istianit-! b-: Hugh $1honfie%d! .g( ?G+: $.ea;ing of the %ate* essiani1 Uewish /e%ie3e*s Eafte* 12= A8&Ce unti% the end of the @th Cent(F! we see Ef*o# E.i.hanius> ti#eF in Pana*(2C:@ The- had nu#e*ous 1o##unities s1atte*ed th*oughout Coe%e$-*ia! the Hau*an! /atanea! the 8e1a.o%is! and e3en as fa* east as eso.ota#ia( E.i.hanius a%so states EPana*(2G:1AF 1on1e*ning the NaDa*enes((( (((1ontinued to ha3e $-nagogues and E%de*s! eLa1t%- %i;e the KEothe*F Uews! whose *ites thei* own *e#ained 1%ose%- a;in The Histo*- of Uewish Ch*istianit-! b-: Hugh $1honfie%d! .g(?<-?=: QSndoubted%-! the #ost outstanding na#e a#ong Uewish Ch*istians of this .e*iod was! often 1a%%ed the fi*st e11%esiasti1a% histo*ian( /o*n in Pa%estine about 1<G A(8( he ;e.t 1%ose%- in tou1h with a%% se1tions of the Chu*1h! though he hi#se%f he%d to the NaDa*ene faith( K"(((' he w*ote his e#oi*s! in fi3e boo;s! now unfo*tunate%- %ost( /ut f*ag#ents ha3e been .*ese*3ed 1hief%in Eusebius> Muotation! K"(((' He is *e.o*ted b- Eusebius to ha3e Muoted %a*ge%- f*o# the >Gos.e% of the Heb*ews>! whi1h to hi#! as to his 1o-*e%igionists! was the fina% autho*it- on the %ife and tea1hing of Uesus( K"(((' the on%- autobiog*a.hi1a% f*ag#ent of his wo*; whi1h has su*3i3ed( The Co*inthian Chu*1h has 1ontinued in the t*ue faith unti% P*i#us! now /isho. of Co*inth( 0 1on3e*sed with hi# on #3o-age to Ro#e! and sta-ed #an- da-s with the Co*inthians! du*ing whi1h ti#e we we*e *ef*eshed togethe* with t*ue do1t*ine( A**i3ed in Ro#e! 0 1o#.osed the su11ession Eof

/isho.sF unti% Ani1etus su11eeded $ote*! and afte*wa*ds E%euthe*us( /ut with e3e*- su11ession! and in e3e*- 1it-! that .*e3ai%s whi1h the 6aw and the P*o.hets and the 6o*d enOoin( - EEuseb( H(E( <:))F K"((('&ab*idged( The Histo*- of Uewish Ch*istianit-! b-: Hugh $1honfie%d: E.g(?1 & [%ate )nd 1(A8&Ce+F: QThe nati3e $-*ian Ch*istians we*e wi%%ing to a%%ow the antiMuit- of the NaDa*enes! and to a11e.t the fa1t that the- .ossessed genuine inde.endent t*aditions *ega*ding the %ife of Ch*ist! whi1h the- we*e a3id to %ea*n and uti%iDe( K"(((' E.g(?)&[%ate*! in 2*d 1( A8&Ce"I'+F: The f*o# the t*ue faith of so#e of thei* nu#be*s was bound to *ea1t on the *est of the NaDa*ene 1o##unities! who be1a#e in 1onseMuen1e #o*e *igid and eL1%usi3e! and in a sho*t ti#e 1o#.%ete%- %ost tou1h with the g*eat bod- of be%ie3e*s! finding 1onso%ation instead with 1onta1ting othe* bodies of Uewish se1ta*ies who had #ade thei* abode in the *egions whi1h the- inhabited( K"(((' E.g(@@F: A%*ead- in the fou*th 1entu*-! the se.a*ation between the $-*ian and T*ansOo*danian Uewish Ch*istians see#s to ha3e be1o#e abso%ute: the fo*#e* suffe*ing a s%ow eLtin1tion and in .a*t being abso*bed to the Genti%e $-*ian Chu*1h! whi%e the %atte* we*e we%% nigh sub#e*ged b- the st*ange se1ts of the easte*n dese*ts( K"(((' E.g(A1F: 4e do hea* 1asua%%- that a .e*sian 1o##ande* on one o11asion as;ed the /-Dantine gene*a%! /e%isa*ius! to a batt%e as it wou%d ha3e ta;en .%a1e du*ing the Passo3e*! when the Uews and NaDa*enes wou%d not wi%%ing%fight:[K+ so that ea*%- in the se3enth 1entu*- the NaDa*enes we*e sti%% fai*%- nu#e*ous( K"(((' Re1ent%- the w*ite* has obtained e3iden1e in Pa%estine whi1h #a- identif- with the NaDa*enes anothe* s#a%% g*ou. inhabiting the T*ansOo*danian high%ands in the %itt%e 3i%%age of E%-Husn( These A*abs! as the- 1a%% the#se%3es! ;ee. $habbat and 1i*1u#1ision! a*e 3egeta*ians and nons#o;e*s! *eOe1t i#age wo*shi. and go3e*n thei* %i3es b- the .*e1e.ts of the $e*#on of the ount( The- %oo; fo* Ch*ist to *etu*n and *eign fo* a thousand -ea*s( [K+EPa*;es! Conf%i1t of Chu*1h and $-nagogue! .()?GF( K"(((' E.g(1==F: 0t *e#ained fo* Uose.h RabinowitD in 1AA) to found the fi*st Uewish Ch*istian 1o##union in #ode*n ti#es whi1h be%onged to no definite deno#ination! but was *athe* in the natu*e of a s-nagogue of Uewish be%ie3e*s in Uesus(Q K"((('&ab*idged( .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). / The followin& is from a '% lic 'ost on the 66! @!halom@ echo / / of the MR0N #Messianic Rewish 0om'%ter Network(, as it is /

/ s%''lied to %s : - 7onna 7iorioM / .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). K"(((' QThe 8e1%ine and Pa%% of the Ro#an Chu*1hQ "(((' he*e is the se1tion dea%ing with the 1utting off of the Genti%e 1hu*1hes aid to the be%ie3e*s in Ue*usa%e# f*o# .ages <1 to << E$e1tion: QRags to Ri1hes:Q 1ha.te*: QThe Pi*st Ri1h Pathe*:Q sub-di3ision: Q<( The /%ood Re%ati3es of Uesus(Q Q0n defeating 8onatus! $i%3este* *eOe1ted on%- one eLt*e#e that 1ou%d ha3e s.e%%ed ea*%- death fo* Ch*istianit-( The*e was anothe* that in its own att*a1ti3e wa- 1ou%d ha3e been Oust as %etha%( This was the .o%i1- of the Uewish Ch*istians! who o11u.ied the o%dest Ch*istian 1hu*1hes in the idd%e East and whose %eade*s we*e a%wa-s f*o# the fa#i%- of Uesus hi#se%f( 6i;e a%% Ch*istians! in1%uding 8onatists! the- eL.e1ted the i##inent *etu*n of Uesus( Sn%i;e 8onatists! and now the Ro#ans! the- shunned a%% wo*%d%- .owe* and *e3o%ution! and we*e fo* the #ost .a*t di*t-fa*#e*s and .ett#e*1hants! hugging 1%ose to thei* obs1u*it- e3en though thei* fi*st bisho. was Ua#es! fi*st 1ousin of Uesus( QYet the issue that a*ose between $i%3este* and the Uewish Ch*istians was nothing %ess than the who%e natu*e of the 1hu*1h( A #eeting between $i%3este* and the Uewish Ch*istian %eade*s too; .%a1e in the -ea* 21A( The e#.e*o* .*o3ided sea t*ans.o*t fo* eight *oughand-*ead- #en as fa* as 7stia! the .o*t of Ro#e( P*o# the*e the*ode on don;e-s into the i#.e*ia% 1it- and u. to the 6ate*an Pa%a1e! whe*e Po.e $i%3este* now %i3ed in g*andeu*( 0n thei* *ough woo%%en 1%othes and %eathe* boots and hats! and with thei* ea*th- s#e%%! the1ont*asted sha*.%- with $i%3este*>s *etinue of s#a*t%- 1%ad and .o#aded bisho.s and offi1ia%s( The- *efused to sit( $i%3este* s.o;e with the# in G*ee;--he 1ou%d not unde*stand thei* A*a#ai1: the- had %itt%e o* no 6atin( The 3ita% inte*3iew was not! so fa* as we ;now! *e1o*ded! but the issues we*e 3e*- we%% ;nown! and it is .*obab%e that Uoses! the o%dest of the Ch*istian Uews! s.o;e on beha%f of the des.os-ni and the *est( QThat #ost ha%%owed na#e! des.os-ni! had been *es.e1ted ba%% be%ie3e*s in the fi*st 1entu*- and a ha%f of Ch*istian histo*-( The wo*d %ite*a%%- #eant! in G*ee;! Qbe%onging to the 6o*d(Q 0t was *ese*3ed uniMue%- fo* Uesus> b%ood *e%ati3es( E3e*- .a*t of the an1ient Uewish Ch*istian 1hu*1h had a%wa-s been go3e*ned b- a des.os-nos! and ea1h of the# 1a**ied one of the na#es t*aditiona% in Uesus fa#i%--Ha1ha*-! Uose.h! Uohn! Ua#es! Uoses! $i#eon! atthias! and so on( /ut no one was e3e* 1a%%ed Uesus( Neighe* $i%3este* no* an- of the thi*t-two befo*e hi#! no* those su11eeding hi#! e3e* e#.hasiDed

that the*e we*e at %east th*ee we%%-;nown and authenti1 %ines of %egiti#ate b%ood des1endants f*o# Uesus> own fa#i%-( 7ne f*o# Uoa1hi# and Anna! Uesus> #ate*na% g*and.a*ents( 7ne f*o# E%iDabeth! fi*st 1ousin of Uesus> #othe*! a*-! and E%iDabeth>s husband Ha1ha*-( And one f*o# C%eo.has and his wife! who a%so was a fi*st 1ousin of a*-( QThe*e we*e! of 1ou*se! nu#e*ous b%ood des1endants of Uose.h! a*->s husband! but on%- those .e*sons in b%ood%ine with Uesus th*ough his #othe* Mua%ified as des.os-ni( A%% of the# had 1%ung to Uesus and to his #othe*! and when both these had gone! to the fi*st Ch*istian 1o##unit- in Ue*usa%e# f*o# the beginning! and %ate*! th*oughout the idd%e East(Q QE3e* sin1e E#.e*o* Had*ian had 1onMue*ed Ue*usa%e# in the -ea* 12=! a%% Uews! and that in1%uded Uewish Ch*istians! had been fo*bidden to ente* Ue*usa%e# unde* .ain of instant death( That ban had not -et been %ifted! at the ti#e of $i%3este*>s #eeting with the Uewish Ch*istians( Q$i%3este* ;new thei* histo*- we%%( Uewish Ch*istians had 1o#.osed the on%- 1hu*1h e3e* in Ue*usa%e# unti% the -ea* 12=( The- %eft it on%on1e in 1G) -ea*s fo%%owing Uesus> death! Oust befo*e the 1it->s 1a.tu*e b- the E#.e*o* Titus( 6ed b- thei* bisho.! $i#eon! son C%eo.has! who was Uesus> un1%e b- #a**iage! the- had f%ed to Pe*ea Ein #ode*n Uo*danF( 0n A(8( @) the- had *etu*ned to Ue*usa%e# and had *e#ained the*e unti% Had*ian>s bans( Afte* that! Uewish Ch*istian 1hu*1hes we*e set u. a%% o3e* Pa%estine! $-*ia! and eso.ota#ia! but the- we*e a%wa-s hated b- the %o1a% s-nagogues as a.ostates of Uudais#! and a%wa-s in Mua**e% with G*ee; Ch*istians who *efused to be 1i*1u#1ised and obse*3e the To*ah--things the Uewish Ch*istians insisted on( QThe- the*efo*e as;ed $i%3este* to *e3o;e his 1onfi*#ation of G*ee; Ch*istian bisho.s in Ue*usa%e#! in Antio1h! in E.hesus! in A%eLand*ia! and to na#e instead des.os-nos bisho.s( Q0n addition! the- as;ed that the Ch*istian .*a1ti1e of sending 1ash 1ont*ibutions to the des.os-nos 1hu*1h in Ue*usa%e# as the #othe* 1hu*1h of Ch*istianit-! whi1h had been sus.ended sin1e the ti#e of Had*ian! be *esu#ed( Q$i%3este* 1u*t%- and de1isi3e%- dis#issed the 1%ai#s of the Uewish Ch*istians( He to%d the# that the- #othe* 1hu*1h was now in Ro#e! with the bones of the A.ost%e Pete*! and he insisted that the- a11e.t G*ee; bisho.s to %ead the#( Q0t is the %ast ;now dis1ussion between the Uewish Ch*istians of the o%d #othe* 1hu*1h and the non-Uewish Ch*istians of the new

#othe* 1hu*1h( /- his ada.tation! $i%3este*! ba1;ed b- Constantine! had de1ided that the #essage of Uesus was to be 1ou1hed in 4este*n te*#s b4este*n #inds on an i#.e*ia% #ode%( QThe Uewish Ch*istians had no .%a1e in su1h a 1hu*1h st*u1tu*e( The- #anaged to su*3i3e unti% the fi*st de1ades of the fifth 1entu*-( Then! one b- one! the- disa..ea*( A few indi3idua%s *e1on1i%e the#se%3es with the Ro#an Chu*1h--a%wa-s as indi3idua%s! ne3e* 1o##unities o* who%e Uewish Ch*istian 1hu*1hes( Anothe* few .ass into the anon-#it- of the new Easte*n *ites--$-*ia1! Ass-*ian! G*ee;! A*#enian( /ut #ost of the# die--b- the swo*d ERo#an ga**isons hunted the# as out%awsF! b- sta*3ation Ethe- we*e de.*i3ed of thei* s#a%% fa*#s and 1ou%d not o* wou%d not ada.t the#se%3es to %ife in the big 1itiesF! b- the att*ition of De*o bi*th *ate( /- the ti#e that the fi*st biog*a.h- of Uesus Ea.a*t f*o# the Gos.e%sF is .ub%ished in Chinese and in China at the beginning of the se3enth 1entu*-! the*e a*e no #o*e su*3i3ing Uewish Ch*istians( The des.os-ni ha3e 1eased to eList( E3e*-whe*e! the Ro#an .o.e 1o##ands *es.e1t and eLe*1ises autho*it-(Q N7TE: 4hen he *efe**ed to the Qthi*t--two .o.esQ that 1a#e befo*e $i%3este*! in a1tua%it- he is *efe**ing to the bisho.s of the 1hu*1h at Ro#e( $i%3este* was a1tua%%- on%- the se1ond Qoffi1ia%Q .o.e: i%tiades being the fi*st(((he died so#e 1= #onths afte* the the offi1ia% %in; u. with Constantine! and $i%3este*--a #an fa* #o*e a#bitious and Q3isiona*-Q as to what this #a**iage to the $tate 1ou%d #ean--be1a#e i%tiades su11esso*((((Oust as Constantine had de1ided and de1%a*ed f*o# the beginning( K"(((' K"((('&ab*idged(

5 5 7R7R7 7R7R7 N R7777777777777R N N NM!S&922/N93SSN N N R7777777777777R N 7R7R7 7R7R7 5 5 RQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQR N My thanks to Deith Brofsky for su##lying me with the following8 N RQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQR This is ta;en f*o# the boo;: Q8efende*s of the Paith -- 0nside S%t*a-7*thodoL Uew*-Q b- $a#ue% Hei%#an( $1ho1;en /oo;s! New Yo*;( Co.-*ight 1CC)( Not on%- we*e *i3a%*ies between inside*s and outside*s eL.*essed on the signs: the*e we*e a%so ideo%ogi1a% batt%es fought within the 1o##unit*ef%e1ted on these bi%%boa*ds( 7ne of the #ost bitte* of these was -sti%% in these da-s -- the histo*i1a% *i3a%*- between hasidi# and #isnagdi#( This ti#e it eL.%oded in a feud between the hasidi# of Chabad! fo%%owe*s of the 6uba3it1he* *ebbe! ena1he# ende% $1hnee*son of /*oo;%-n! and the -eshi3a .eo.%e whose no#ina% %eade* was Rabbi E%ieDe* $1ha1h! these suggestions we*e he*es-( The 1ont*o3e*s-! eL.*essed on a 3a*iet- of f*onts! in1%uding *i3a% .o%iti1a% .a*ties E6uba3it1h a%igning itse%f with Agudat 0s*ae% and Pono3eDh with 8ege%Ha-To*ahF! s.i%%ed onto .oste*s too( 7ne su1h b*oadside began with the fo%%owing huge head%ine: --------------------------------------------------------A $H7CB0NG RE9E6AT07N 0n the wo*ds of Chabad the#se%3es: The Rebbe is the essiah and e3en the C*eato* of the 4o*%d Hi#se%f --------------------------------------------------------/eneath the# was *e.*odu1ed the #asthead of the 6uba3it1he* news%ette* B>fa* Chabad and the fo%%owing .a*ag*a.h f*o# an a*ti1%e in it! 1i*1%ed and en%a*ged: (((((the essiah at the ti#e of *ede#.tion wi%% be *e3ea%ed to a%% .eo.%e to be #ade not of f%esh and b%ood! not e3en f%esh and b%ood %i;e ou* g*eat tea1he* oses! but *athe* to be the Ho%- 7ne! b%essed be He! hi#se%fJ UuLta.osed to this was anothe* Muotation: Q$oon indeed His Ho%iness! ou* #aste*! tea1he* and *abbi! aHe 6i3e fo* an- Good 8a-s! A#aine -- the Bing essiah! in a%% his g%o*- and g*andeu* wi%% *e3ea% hi#se%f(Q 4e*e the 6uba3it1he*s sa-ing thei* *abbi was the essiah! e3en Gd hi#se%fI Ca*efu% *eade*s wou%d see in the Heb*ew %ette*s fo* QindeedQ -- 5sheen #e# #e#> EEng%ish 5 - -$F -- the initia%s of the 6uba3it1he* Rebbe>s na#e( To o..onents %i;e Rabbi $1ha1h e3en this was a..a%%ing( QTH0$ PA0N$ S$ 9ERY SCH(Q the .oste* 1on1%uded in giant %ette*s( Q/ut we 1annot 1%ose ou* e-es to the fa1ts(Q .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).

/ The followin& is s%''lied from a -!*net Alt3Messianic article / / fromM La%ra Rohanna ManninenM / .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). The Ue*usa%e# Post 0nte*nationa% Edition! 4ee; Ending! 1CC) Ef*o# an a*ti1%e about QYonatan ha e%e1hQF a- )!

Q(((Esthe* Eshe%! in eLa#ining <W<<A! 1on1%uded that it 1onsisted of two distin1t wo*;s( The botto# two 1o%u#ns 1onstituted the .*a-e* fo* Bing Yonatan( The u..e* 1o%u#n! howe3e*! whi1h o.ened with Ha%%e%uOah! was a 1G-%ine .sa%#( The ends of these %ines we*e #issing! but the*e was so#ething fa#i%ia* about the fi*st ha%3es of the %ast fou* %ines! so#ething she had seen in anothe* 8ead $ea s1*o%%( The Heb*ew 1anon has .*ese*3ed 1=G .sa%#s att*ibuted to 8a3id( Howe3e*! a 1Gth 1entu*- Nesto*ian bisho. had 1ontended that #o*e had been %ost! and he .ub%ished fi3e in $-*ia1 t*ans%ation! Psa%#s 1=G1==( These a.o1*-.ha% .sa%#s see#ed to #an- an e11ent*i1 fan1-! but a Ge*#an s1ho%a*! a*tin Nott! be%ie3ed the fi3e we*e indeed t*ans%ations f*o# the Heb*ew( 0n the 1C2Gs he t*ans%ated the# ba1; into what he thought the o*igina% Heb*ew teLt #ust ha3e been( This s1ho%a*%- whi#s- .*o3ed 3isiona*- when in 1C=? a *eddish s1*o%% was dis1o3e*ed in the %ast of the 8ead $ea s1*o%% 1a3es! Ca3e 11( 0t was the on%- s1*o%% w*itten on dee*s;in! whi1h a11ounted fo* its *eddish 1o%o*( o*e inte*esting! howe3e*! we*e its 1ontents -- the Heb*ew 3e*sions of the Nesto*ian bisho.>s Psa%#s 1=1! 1=< and 1==J The *eading of this Psa%#s $1*o%%! as it 1a#e to be 1a%%ed! .*o3ed to be a%#ost identi1a% to Nott>s *e1onst*u1tion of those .sa%#s f*o# the $-*ia1( Esthe* found that the %ine f*ag#ents in <W<<A 1%ea*%- #at1hed .a*ts of Psa%# 1=<( Po%%owing a*e the %ines with so#e of the #issing .a*ts! in b*a1;ets! fi%%ed in f*o# the Ca3e 11 s1*o%%: Q(((and to the de.ths of the sea! E/eho%d the e-es of the 6o*d a*e 1o#.assionate o3e* the good onesF and u.on those who g%o*if- hi# he iEn1*eases his ;indness: f*o# an e3i% ti#e wi%% the Redee#e* de%i3e* thei* sou%F the hu#b%e of the hand of ad3e*sa*ies "and de%i3e* the .u*e f*o# the hand of the wi1;ed( He desi*es' his habitation in Hion! 1hEooses Ue*usa%e# fo*e3e*FQ

.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). /OTH*1 !O-10*!, H*LP!, AN7 1*0OMM*N7*7 1*A7$NGM/ .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). essiah: -A Rabbini1 R $1*i.tu*a% 9iew.oint! b-: /u*t Ye%%in! Cong*egation Roeh 0s*ae% A==? E( 4a**en A3e( 8en3e* Co( AG)21( E2G2F-22@-?)=<'( How To Re1ogniDe The essiah - Good News $o1iet-! P(7( /oL @A<A! Uohannesbu*g( The G*eat -ste*-! How Can Th*ee /e 7neI b-: Rabbi TD3i Nassi & Hi*s1h P*inD( EA3ai%( @: Cong*egation Roeh 0s*ae% A==? E( 4a**en A3e( 8en3e* Co( AG)21( E2G2F-@A)-C12@(F The 8ead $ea $1*i.tu*es! thi*d edition! Theodo* H( Gaste* @ 1C=?! 1C?<! 1C@?( An1ho* /oo;s( 0$/N: G-2A=-GAA=C-G( The A.osto%i1 Pathe*s! b-: U(/( 6ightfoot( The essiah 7f Tana1h Ta*gu#s Ta%#uds -4o*%d /ib%e $o1iet/oL 1 6os Ange%es! CA CGG=2( Uesus R Ch*istian 7*igins 7utside The New Testa#ent( P(P(/*u1e( 8(8(! P(/(A( 4i%%ia# /( Ee*d#ans Pub%ishing G*and Ra.ids i1h( W Pa*a%%e%s! b-: Uohn $( B%o..enbo*g: Po%eb*idge P*ess! 1C?@A Eighth $t( East! $ono#a Ca%ifo*nia C=<@?( 0$/N G-C<<2<<-G1-1( The ishnah -A New T*ans%ation! b-: Ua1ob Neusne*: Ya%e Sni3e*sitP*ess! New Ha3en and 6ondon! 0$/N G-2GG-G=G))-<( $to*ies 7f E%i-ahu HaNa3i - Yis*oe% Yaa;o3 B%a.ho%D &1C@A! Pe>e* Hasefe* Pub%ishe*s! /nei /*a;! 0s*ae%( Te%(@AA<<G & 1C@2( Uewish New Testa#ent! T*ans%ation b-: 8a3id H( $te*n( Uewish New Testa#ent Pub%i1ations( @A anahat! C?CG1 Ue*usa%e#! 0s*ae% & Post 7ffi1e /oL 1212! C%a*;s3i%%e! a*-%and )1G)C! S$A( Uewish New Testa#ent Co##enta*-! w*itten b-: 8a3id H( $te*n( Co.-*ight @ 1CC)! 8a3id H( $te*n( Pub%ished b-: Uewish New Testa#ent Pub%i1ations Post 7ffi1e /oL 1212! C%a*;s3i%%e! a*-%and )1G)C! S$A Te%e.hone E<1GF @?<-?1<< 0s*ae% offi1e: @A anahat! C?CG1 Ue*usa%e#! P*inted in the Snited $tates of A#e*i1a 0$/N C?=-2=C-GGA-1 6ib*a*of Cong*ess 1ata%og 1a*d nu#be* C)-GC@1)C The R-*ie $tud- /ib%e! New Bing Ua#es 9e*sion! b-: Cha*%es Ca%dwe%% R-*ie! Th(8(! Ph(8(! ood- P*ess Chi1ago( The Pa*a%%e% New Testa#ent And Snge*>s /ib%e Handboo;: P*odu1ed fo*: ood- onth%-! A)G No*th 6a$a%%e $t( Chi1ago! 0%%inois ?G?1G( 6ib*a*- of Cong*ess Cata%og Ca*d Nu#be*: @=-)AC2( & New A#e*i1an $tanda*d /ib%e! Poundation P*ess Pub%i1ations - /oL )@@! 6a Hab*a! Ca%if( CG?21( The Uewish En1-1%o.edia( En1-1%o.edi1 8i1tiona*- 7f Uudai1a! 1C@<! Edited b- Geoff*e4igode*! 6eon A#ie% Pub%ishe*! New-Yo*; - Pa*is! Bete* Pub%ishing House Ue*usa%e# 6T8(

$iddu* Po* essiani1 Uews! b-: 8*( Uohn Pis1he* & 8*( 8a3id /*onstein! eno*ah inist*ies! P(7( /oL ??C! Pa%# Ha*bo*! P%( 2<?A)( E#.hasiDed /ib%e! Rothe*ha#! B*ege% Pub%i1ations( The $-*ia1 New Testa#ent! u*do1;>s T*ans%ation! E6( HastingsF! 1AC2&1AC?( No*wood P*ess( E3ange%ion 8a- ePha**eshe 9o%(1 R )( b-: P( C*awfo*d /u*;itt! (A( Ca#b*idge! at the Sni3e*sit- P*ess! 1CG<( The 0nte*%inea* /ib%e! EHeb*ew-G*ee;-Eng%ishF! b-: Ua- P( G*een! $*(( Gene*a% Edito* and T*ans%ato*( Hend*i1;son Pub%ishe*s! Peabod-! ass( G1C?1-2<@2( 1C@?-1CA?( The $htet%! T*ans%ated and Edited b-: Uoa1hi# Neug*os1he%( A Pe*igee /oo;! G(P( Putna#>s $ons( )GG adison A3e( New Yo*;! New Yo*;! 1GG1?( 1C@C( anne*s and Custo#s 7f The /ib%e! b-: Re3( Ua#es ( P*ee#an! A( ( 6ogos 0nte*nationa%( P%ainfie%d! New Ue*se-( 1C@)( A /oo; 7f Uewish Cu*iosities( b-: 8a3id ( Hausdo*ff! /%o1h Pub%ishing! 0n1( New Yo*;! New Yo*;( The Pi*st E$e1ond R Thi*dF Uewish Cata%og! b-: Ri1ha*d $iege%! i1hae% $t*assfe%d! $ha*on $t*assfe%d( The Uewish Pub%i1ation $o1iet7f A#e*i1a( Phi%ade%.hia( Retu*n P*o# ELi%e( b-: i1hae% $1hiff#an! Teshu3ah Pub%ishing! Co%u#bus 7hio( The 6ife And Ti#es 7f Uesus The essiah! b-: A%f*ed Ede*shei#! Eha*d-1o3e* ed(F! 4#( /( Ee*d#ans Pub%ishing Co(! G*and Ra.ids! i1h( 1C@1! 1CA? E1AA2F( 0$/N G-AG)A-AG)@-<( The Heb*ew-Ch*istian essiah! b-: A( 6u;-n 4i%%ia#s! 8(8(( &fo*#e* T-*whitt Heb*ew $1ho%a* in the Sni3e*sit- of Ca#b*idge! $o1ietPo* P*o#oting Ch*istian Bnow%edge! 6ondon: ?A Ha-#a*;et( 1C1?( The 7%d Testa#ent Pseude.ig*a.ha E9o%(s 1 R )F: Edited b-: Ua#es H( Cha*%eswo*th! 8oub%eda- R! 0n1( Ga*den Cit-! New Yo*;( 0$/N G-2A=-1AA12-@( 6esso*>s T*ans%ation 7f The Ho%- $1*i.tu*es( />so*ot atti E8uTi%%etF The Good News A11o*ding To atthew! P*o# An 7%d Heb*ew anus1*i.t( Heb*ew&A*a#ai1 New Testa#ent Resea*1h 0nstitute( Uose.hus! B*ege% Pub%( G*and Ra.ids! i1h( <C=G1( A Ha*#on- 7f The Gos.e%s( /*oadus Ha*#on-! *e3ised b-: A(T( Robe*tson! Ha*.e* R Row! Pub%ishe*s( T*ans%ation 7f The New Testa#ent P*o# The 7*igina% G*ee;( /-: Re3( 4(/( Godbe-! A( (( A BP7P Ch*istian C%assi1 Re.*int( /e%%e3iew Co%%ege 4est#inste* Co AGG2G( $1h#u% Pub%ishing Co(! 0n1( 4es%e-an /oo; C%ub! $a%e#! 7hio( E - than;s to Pasto* 8a3id Rub- fo* gi3ing #e a 1o.- of this t*ans%ation befo*e this boo; went to .*int(F Ho%- /ib%e! Peshitta( /-: Geo*ge 6a#sa( Ha*.e* R Row Pub%( a- You* Na#e /e 0ns1*ibed 0n The /oo; 7f 6ife! 0nt*o( R foot-

notes Co.-*ight 1C@C b- The essiani1 9ision! Pub%ishe* Post 7ffi1e /oL 2<<?) 4ashington! 8C )GG2<( The Gos.e% 7f atthew A11o*ding To A P*i#iti3e Heb*ew TeLt( b-: Geo*ge Howa*d( 0$/N G-A?==<-)=G-2! e*1e* Sni3e*sit- P*ess! a1on! Geo*gia 21)G@ & Peete*s( 1CA@( Young>s 6ite*a% T*ans%ation 7f The Ho%- /ib%e( b-: Robe*t Young! EAutho* of the Ana%-ti1a% Con1o*dan1e to the /ib%eF( /a;e* /oo; House! G*and Ra.ids! i1h( <C=G?( Ch*istianit- in Ta%#ud and id*ash! b-: R( T*a3e*s He*fo*d! /(A( 6ondon 4i%%ia#s R No*gate 1< Hen*ietta $t(! Co3ent Ga*den 1CG2( The 7%d $-*ia1 Gos.e%s! 7*! E3ange%ion 8a- e.ha**eshe: Edited bAgnes $#ith 6ewis( Re#ains 7f A 9e*- Antient Re1ension 7f The Pou* Gos.e%s 0n $-*ia1! 4i%%ia# Cu*eton! 6ondon Uohn u**a-! A%be#a*%e $t*eet 1A=A( The $on1ino /oo;s 7f The /ib%e! .ub%ished b-: $on1ino P*ess 6i#ited( 6ondon! Ue*usa%e#! New-Yo*;( A T*ans%ation 7f The Pou* Gos.e%s P*o# The $-*ia1 7f The $inaiti1 Pa%i#.sest! b- Agnes $#ith 6ewis! (R(A($(! 6ondon a1#i%%an and Co( and New Yo*; 1AC<( Ea*%- anus1*i.ts R ode*n T*ans%ations 7f The New Testa#ent: b-: Phi%i. 4( Co#fo*t( T-nda%e House Pub%ishe*s! 0n1( 0$/N G-A<)2G@??-<( En Ua1ob Agada 7f The /ab-%onian Ta%#ud! /- Rabbi Ua1ob 0/N Chabib! Re3ised and t*ans%ated into Eng%ish b- Rabbi $( H( G%i1;( New Yo*; =?AG Co.-*ight 1C1? b- Rabbi $( H( G%i1;( Ho*ae Heb*ai1ae Et Ta%#udi1ae! b-: Uohn 6ightfoot! 8(8(! 7Lfo*d: At The Sni3e*sit- P*ess( (8CCC(60Y( The $he# Tob & E3an /ohan EHeb*ewF #anus1*i.ts: of whi1h the*e a*e #an-: /*itish 6ib*a*- Add( No( )?C?<: s( Heb( )A( /ib%iothee; de* RiO;suni3e*iteit! 6eiden: s( i1h( 11C /ode%eian 6ib( 7Lfo*d: s( 7..( Add( <> @)( /ode%eian 6ib*a*-! 7Lfo*d( Eand se3e*a% othe*sF( 9a*ious Ta*gu#i#! id*ashi#! and asso*ted Rabbini1 w*itings: as we%% as 3a*ious eLt*a-/ib%i1a% New Co3enant e*a&t-.e w*itings befo*e 2GG A8&CE( The G*ee; base teLt of the N9 is a 3e*sion #ain%- ada.ted f*o#: Young>s 6ite*a% T*ans%ation 7f The Ho%- /ib%e( [Young 1ACA+: and: U(N( 8a*b->s - A New T*ans%ation P*o# The 7*igina% 6anguages [1A@1V+: a%ong with 3a*ious 0nte*%inea*&%ite*a% *eadings( N9 1o#.i%ed b-: 4#( Ca*%son(

))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) *nd Of The MNV !t%d: 6i le On The New 0o"enant !cri't%res ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ////////////////////////////// ////.--------------------.//// ///// .)))))))))))))). ///// ///// / ;W / ///// ///// / [[[[;[ W[[[[ / ///// ///// / W [[[W W ; / ///// ///// / W; ; W; ; / ///// ///// / ; ;W[[;[;W / ///// ///// / ;[[W W[[[[[W / ///// ///// / W ; / ///// ///// / W; / ///// ///// .)))))))))))))). ///// ////.--------------------.//// ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// !h@ma ,israelM ,HVH *LOHA*N- ,HVH *0HA7T

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