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Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference

October 22-24, 2014, San Antonio, TX, USA



Yizhou Wang, Xu Chen∗, Masayoshi Tomizuka

Mechanical Systems Control Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of California
Berkeley, California 94720
Email: {yzhwang, maxchen, tomizuka}

ABSTRACT velocity feedback similar to a proportional derivative con-

An adaptive sliding mode spacecraft attitude controller is troller [1]. Model-based control techniques are also investigated
derived in this paper. It has the advantage of not requiring such as sliding-mode control [2], and adaptive control [3].
knowledge of the inertia of the spacecraft, and rejecting unex- Sliding-mode control was investigated for the purpose of robust
pected external disturbances, with global asymptotic position attitude tracking for various attitude parameterizations (Ro-
and velocity tracking. The sliding manifold is designed using op- drigues parameters [4, 5], Modified Rodrigues parameters [6],
timal control analysis of the quaternion kinematics. The sliding quaternions [7–9]). Adaptive attitude tracking control based
mode control law and the parameter adaptation law are designed on Lyapunov stability was studied for quaternions [10, 11] and
using Lyapunov stability. Numerical simulations are performed rotation matrices [12].
to demonstrate both the nominal and the robust performance.
In this paper, we develop an adaptive sliding-mode attitude
tracking controller. A similar methodology has been applied to
1 INTRODUCTION control of robot manipulators by Slotine et. al. [13]. Although
The attitude control problem has attracted much attention as the attitude dynamics cannot be directly transformed to the
it involves highly nonlinear characteristics of the governing mo- form of robot dynamics, the design of sliding manifold and the
tion equations. From the perspective of control, feedback control construction of a Lyapunov function in the present work achieve
laws are sought for the purpose of asymptotic trajectory tracking, similar performance specifications. Compared with the existing
with the ability to reject unexpected external disturbances, and sliding-mode attitude controller, our approach does not require
be insensitive to parameter variations. Previous efforts have any inertial information. The use of a sliding manifold reduces
been devoted to developing both open-loop and closed-loop the design complexity and makes the controller have a simple
control strategies. Although the open-loop formulation makes form.
it easier to incorporate some optimal criterion, the resulting
performance is inevitably sensitive to system uncertainties. Unit quaternion is used to parameterize rotations since it is
Closed-loop control has been investigated to deal with both the minimal singularity-free rotation representation. Based on
single-axis small angle rotations and three-axis large angle the quaternion kinematic relation, a sliding manifold is chosen
maneuvers. The latter problem is much more challenging as a according to the optimality criterion proposed in [14]. The
larger region of operations makes the linear approximation of dynamic equations of motion of the spacecraft actuated by
nonlinear dynamics invalid. either thrusters or momentum wheels are considered. Global
asymptotic stability is shown using Lyapunov stability analysis.
The simplest large-angle maneuver uses quaternion and
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
Sec.2, the quaternion kinematics and the spacecraft dynamics
∗ Xu Chen is now an Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical Engi-

neering, University of Connecticut.

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tion is given by,

q̇ = Ξ(q)ω (3)

q4 I3×3 + [ρ×]
Ξ(q) =
−ρ T
 
0 −a3 a2
FIGURE 1. Definitions of the coordinate frames [a×] =  a3 0 −a1  , a ∈ R3
−a2 a1 0
are reviewed. In Sec.3, an optimal sliding manifold is presented
along with its optimality proof and stability analysis. Then, a The matrix Ξ(•) obeys the following properties,
Lyapunov stability analysis is used to derive an asymptotically
stabilizing sliding control law and a parameter adaptation law. ΞT (q)Ξ(q) = I3×3
A robust controller is designed to reject external disturbances.
In Sec.4, numerical simulations are shown to demonstrate the ΞT (a)a = 03×1 , ∀a ∈ R4 (4)
closed-loop performance of the proposed controller. d T
Ξ (q)q̇ = ΞT (q)q̈


2 PRELIMINARIES From these properties, one can show that if the desired attitude
2.1 Coordinate frames trajectory is specified by qd = [ρdT , q4d ]T , the desired angular ve-
We define three coordinate frames of interest. The inertial locity ωd must obey,
frame of reference, in which Newton’s law is satisfied, is
denoted as Fr . We attach three mutually perpendicular axes ωd = 2ΞT (qd )q̇d
to the spacecraft, and call this the body-fixed frame Fb . The (5)
spacecraft is modeled as a rigid body actuated by either thrusters ω̇d = 2ΞT (qd )q̈d
or momentum wheels in three orthogonal directions. The body
axes are chosen to coincide the directions of actuations. The From the quaternion definition, one can see that q and −q repre-
desired spacecraft attitude is described by a frame denoted Fd . sent the same physical rotation. Hence compared with algebraic
The frame definitions are depicted in Figure 1. subtraction, the error calculated from quaternion multiplication
provides a better way because it resolves the sign ambiguity. The
quaternion error and multiplication are defined as,

2.2 Kinematics δρ Ξ (qd )q
δq = q ⊗ q−1 −1 −1
= Ξ(qd ), qd q = =
The unit quaternion is used to describe the spacecraft atti- d δ q4 qT qd
tude,   (6)
−1 −ρd
qd =
ρ ê sin(θ /2)
q= = (1)
q4 cos(θ /2) δ q represents the rotation from Fd to Fb .

where ê is a unit vector representing the axis of rotation, θ is the 2.3 Dynamics
angle of rotation from Fr to Fb . It has to satisfy the following For a spacecraft having its three thrusters aligned with the
unity norm constraint, body axes, the dynamic equations of motion are given by

||q||22 = ρ T ρ + q24 = 1 (2) J ω̇ = −[ω×]Jω + u (7)

If the angular velocity of the spacecraft with respect to Fr , ex- where J is the positive definite inertial matrix of the spacecraft,
pressed in Fb , is denoted as ω, the quaternion kinematic equa- u is the torque generated by the thrusters.

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1 2 T 1 T
Lagrangian L(q, ω,t) 2 r δ ρ δ ρ + 2 (ω − ωd ) (ω − ωd )
If the spacecraft has three orthogonal momentum wheels
instead, the equations of motion become, Lagrange multipliers λ ∈ R4
Hamiltonian H(q, λ , ω,t) L + 12 λ T Ξ(q)ω
(J − Jw )ω̇ = −[ω×](Jω + Jw v) − u State equation q̇ = 21 Ξ(q)ω
Jw (ω̇ + v̇) = u
Costate equation λ̇ = − ∂∂Hq
where Jw is the diagonal inertial matrix of the wheels, v is the Stationary condition ∂ω =0
wheel angular velocity, and u now is the torque applied to the Boundary condition δ q(∞) = [ 0, 0, 0, 1]T
TABLE 1. The necessary conditions for optimality from calculus of
Eqn. (3) and one of (7) or (8) complete the dynamic model of variations
the plant. The control objective is to make q → qd and ω → ωd
as t → ∞.
dynamic programming (the principle of optimality).

We apply sliding mode control for controller synthesis. The
idea of sliding mode control is to allow the transformation of a 3.1 Calculus of variations
controller design problem for a general n-th order system to a In [16], the necessary conditions for optimality are derived
simple stabilization problem with reduced order, i.e., stabilizing from calculus of variations. For the functional minimization
the dynamics associated with the switching function. Then for problem in Eqn.(9), the necessary conditions are summarized in
the equivalent reduced-order system, intuitive feedback control Table 1. It can be shown by direct substitution that the following
strategies can be applied. optimal angular velocity ω ∗ ,

Sliding mode control design consists of two steps: (i) de-

ω ∗ = ωd − rΞT (qd )q (11)
sign a stable sliding manifold on which the control objective is
achieved, and (ii) design a reaching law and the corresponding
control input so that the switching function is attracted to 0. with λ ∗ = −2rqd , satisfies all the conditions except the boundary
condition. To prove the satisfaction of the boundary condition,
Crassidis et. al. proposed an optimal sliding manifold [14]. The we use the kinematic equation for δ q,
optimality is evaluated when we only consider the quaternion
kinematic equation and treat ω as the input. The following 1 1
δ ρ̇ = δ q4 (ω − ωd ) + [δ ρ×](ω + ωd )
functional is minimized, 2 2 (12)
δ q̇4 = − (ω − ωd )T ΞT (qd )q
Z ∞  2

1 2 T
J ∗ (q(t),t) = min r δ ρ δ ρ + (ω − ωd )T (ω − ωd ) dτ
ω t 2
(9) and a Lyapunov function candidate,
subject to the kinematic constraint,
V = δ ρT δ ρ (13)
1 2
q̇ = Ξ(q)ω
The Lie derivative taken with respect to the kinematic relation is,
and the endpoint constraint,
V̇ = − rδ q4 δ ρ T δ ρ ≤ 0 (14)
δ q(∞) = [ 0, 0, 0, 1]T (10)
The Lyapunov function value will keep decreasing until δ ρ =
where r > 0 is the weighting factor, qd and ωd satisfy Eqn.(5). 03×1 and δ q4 = ±1. From Eqn.(12) and the minimizer ω ∗ , δ q4
Without loss of generality, we only consider δ q4 (t) ≥ 0. can converge only to 1 since,

There exists two main approaches to optimal control [15], 1

via the calculus of variations (the maximum principle) or δ q̇4 = r(1 − δ q24 ) ≥ 0, = 0 only if δ q4 = 1 (15)

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Therefore, all the necessary conditions are satisfied. The optimal 3.4 Linearity in system parameters
value J ∗ (q(t),t) can be derived to be, In Eqns (7) and (8), the inertia parameters Ji j , Jwi j , where
i, j = 1, 2, 3, appear linearly. To make this more explicit, we fol-
Z ∞ low [10] to use the following linear operator L : R3 7→ R3×6 act-
J ∗ (q(t),t) = r2 (1 − δ q24 )dτ ing on any three-dimension vector a = [a1 , a2 , a3 ]T by,
Z ∞
= 2r (1 − δ q24 )dτ 
a1 0 0 0 a3 a2

t 2 (16)
Z ∞
L(a) =  0 a2 0 a3 0 a1  (22)
= 2r δ q̇4 τ 0 0 a3 a2 a1 0
= 2r(1 − δ q4 (t))
For J = J T , it follows easily that,
3.2 Dynamic programming  
We can also prove optimality by showing that ω ∗ satisfies J11
J22 
the following Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman partial differential equa-
 
J11 J12 J13  
J33 
tion, J21 J22 J23 a = L(a) 
  (23)
J23 
J31 J32 J33 
J13 

∂ J∗ ∂ J ∗ (q,t) ∗
| {z }
(q,t) = −H(q, , ω ,t) (17) J J12
∂t ∂q | {z }

∂ J∗
Proof : We expand ∂t (q,t) by the chain rule, We denote the column vector of the inertia parameters as J.

∂ J ∗ (q,t) dqd 3.5 Sliding mode controller and parameter adaptation

∂ qd dt (18) law
= −rqT Ξ(qd )ωd After finding a stable sliding manifold, we need to design a
sliding control law and a parameter adaptation law to make the
∗ sliding manifold attractive. We propose the following laws for
On the other hand, by substituting ∂∂Jq = −2rqd into the Hamil- the thruster model,
tonian, the right-hand side becomes,
u = −F Ĵ − Ks
H(q, −2rqd , ω ∗ ,t) = r2 δ ρ T δ ρ − rqTd Ξ(q)(ωd − rΞT (qd )q) (24)
Ĵ˙ = Γ−1 F T s
= −rqT Ξ(qd )ωd
(19) where

3.3 Optimal sliding surface F = −[ω×]L(ω) − L(ω̇d ) + L(rsgn[δ q4 ]δ ρ̇) (25)

For optimal tracking performance, it is natural to select the
following sliding manifold s(q, ω,t) = 03×1 , Γ, K are constant positive-definite matrices of compatible
dimensions, Ĵ is the on-line estimate of the spacecraft inertia.
s(q, ω,t) = (ω − ωd ) + rsgn[δ q4 ]ΞT (qd )q = 03×1 (20)
Proposition: The proposed control law achieves asymp-
totic trajectory tracking.
Note that sgn[δ q4 (t)] is added for generality. The stability of
this sliding manifold has already been seen from the boundary Proof : Assume that δ q4 is non-zero for a finite time, we
condition, i.e. q → qd as t → ∞. In view of the sliding condition, have the time derivative of the switching function,
we can further show the velocity tracking,
ṡ = ω̇ − ω̇d + rsgn[δ q4 ]δ ρ̇ (26)
ω = ωd − r ΞT (qd )q → ωd , t →∞ (21)
| {z }
δ ρ→0 Define the parameter estimate error to be J̃ = J − Ĵ. We assume
that the inertial matrix of the spacecraft J is constant, then
Therefore, both of the control objectives are satisfied as long as
q and ω are confined in the sliding manifold. J̃˙ = −Ĵ˙ (27)

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Consider the following Lyapunov function candidate, which is a The same stability analysis can be performed by using the fol-
positive-definite function of the switching function and the pa- lowing slightly modified Lyapunov function candidate V 0 ,
rameter error,
1 1 1
1 1 V 0 = sT Js + J̃T ΓJ̃ + J̃Tw ΓJ̃w (35)
V = sT Js + J̃T ΓJ̃ (28) 2 2 2
2 2
where J̃w = Jw − Ĵw represents the estimate error of the wheel
Its Lie derivative can be written as, inertia.
V̇ = sT J ω̇ − ω̇d + rsgn[δ q4 ]δ ρ̇ + J̃T ΓJ̃˙ In summary, we have used the Lyapunov stability theory
  to show that the sliding manifold is always attractive under the
proposed sliding control law and the parameter adaptation law.
= sT FJ + u − J̃T ΓĴ˙
(29) The control objective is achieved. Note that we do not require
  the knowledge of the inertial matrix. Also we note that although
= sT F J̃ − Ks − J̃T ΓΓ−1 F T s the parameter adaptation law is converging to a constant, that
estimate does not necessarily converge to the true inertia of the
= −sT Ks spacecraft. The system should be subject to persistent excitation.

which shows that V̇ is negative semi-finite. Hence s and Jˆ are 3.6 Robust controller
bounded. Invoke Barbalat’s lemma, To take into account unexpected external disturbances in
practice, we slightly modify Eqn. (7) by adding a combined dis-
V̈ = −2sT K ṡ (30) turbance input d that can be from air drag, solar pressure, gravity
gradient, magnetic field, spherical harmonics,
The boundedness of ṡ can be seen by combing Eqns.(7), (24)
and (26). This implies the uniform continuity of V̇ , hence we J ω̇ = −[ω×]Jω + u + d (36)
conclude that V̇ → 0. Equivalently s → 0 as t → ∞. Furthermore,
to analyze the convergence of parameter estimation, we consider
Although d is unknown, but its magnitude has known bounds
D ∈ R3 ,
J ṡ + Ks = F J̃ (31)
|di (t)| ≤ Di , ∀t > 0, i = {1, 2, 3} (37)
All the terms except ṡ are uniformly continuous. Thus ṡ is uni-
formly continuous. From Barbalat’s lemma again, ṡ → 0. There-
fore, The robust sliding mode controller is given by,

F J̃ → 0 (32) u = −F Ĵ − Ks − ksgn(s) (38)

To enforce the asymptotic parameter estimation, i.e. J̃ → 0, the where ki = Di + ηi for i = 1, 2, 3 and ηi ’s are non-negative con-
following persistent excitation condition must be satisfied, stants. With the same Lyapunov function used before, we can
show that the Lie derivative is now,
Z t+T
F T (δ q, ω, ωd , ω̇d )F(δ q, ω, ωd , ω̇d )dτ ≥ εI6×6 , ∀t ≥ to 3
(33) V̇ ≤ − ∑ ηi |si | − sT Ks (39)
where T,to , ε are some positive scalars.

For the momentum wheel model, the sliding control law Again, the state variables are guaranteed to reach the sliding
and parameter adaptation laws are, manifold regardless of unknown disturbances. To avoid control
chattering after reaching the sliding manifold, saturation func-
tions can replace sign functions [2].
u = −F Ĵ − GĴw − Ks
Ĵ˙ = Γ−1 F T s
(34) 4 Numerical Simulations
Ĵ˙ w = Γ−1 GT s In this section, we show the proposed controller perfor-
G = −[ω×]L(v) + L(ω̇d ) − L(rsgn[δ q4 ]δ ρ̇) mance through numerical simulations. The proposed controller

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is used to control the attitude of the Microwave Anisotropy Probe 2.5
(MAP) spacecraft [6]. We assume that quaternions and angular
velocities are available for full-state feedback. The desired atti-
tude profile is specified in 3-1-3 Euler angles {φ , θ , ψ},


φ̇ = 0.001745 rad/sec
θ = 0.3927 rad (40) 1
ψ̇ = 0.04859 rad/sec
Then φ , ψ can be obtained by integration. The desired quaternion
trajectory can be computed by converting Euler angle parameter- 0
0 5 10 15
ization to unit quaternions,
time (sec)

sin( θ2 ) cos( φ −ψ
 
2 ) FIGURE 2. Plot of the norm of switching funciton s(t) which con-
φ −ψ 
 sin( θ2 ) sin( 2 ) 

qd =  (41) verges to 0
 cos( θ2 ) sin( φ +ψ

2 )

cos( θ2 ) cos( φ +ψ
2 )
1 1
By numerically differentiating qd , we can compute q̇d , q̈d and
ωd ,ω̇d by Eqn. (5). We let the actual inertial matrix J be, 0.5


  0
20 5 1 0.4
J =  5 17 3  (42) 0.2 −0.5
1 3 15 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
time (sec) time (sec)
0.8 1
Our proposed controller does not require knowledge of the inertia
ˆ of the inertia
of the spacecraft, so we use an initial estimate J(0) 0.6
with 30% error,


0.6 qd (t)

26 1.6 1.4
 q(t)
0 0.4
ˆ = 1.6 13 1.2
J(0) (43) 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
time (sec) time (sec)
1.4 1.2 8.5

√ √ √
Furthermore, 90o error angle is used along [1/ 3, 1/ 3, 1/ 3]T FIGURE 3. Plot of q(t) and qd (t) showing asymptotic quaternion
as the initial condition, tracking

 
 √1 sin(π/4) and consequently the control objectives are achieved. The con-
 ⊗ qd (0)
 3
q(0) =  1 (44) vergence of the switching function is shown in Figure 2. The

√ sin(π/4)
3 asymptotic quaternion and velocity tracking performance are
cos(π/4) plotted in Figures 3 and 4 respectively. The controlled thruster
torque is shown in Figure 5.
and the spacecraft is at rest initially ω(0) = [0, 0, 0]T . The
controller parameters are set to be, r = 3, K = 10 · I3×3 , Q = I6×6 .
4.2 Robust performance
If the spacecraft is subject to disturbances, the robust sliding
mode controller in Eqn. (38) should be used. In our simulation,
the following disturbance is used,
4.1 Nominal performance
Without external disturbance, we have shown that the state  T
will be driven to the sliding manifold using Barbalat’s lemma, d(t) = sin(t), −1, cos(t) (45)

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1 1
0.5 δω2 0.8
δω3 0.5
ω − ωd (rad/sec)

0.4 0.6
0.3 0.4

0.2 0.2 −0.5

0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
time (sec) time (sec)

0.8 1
−0.1 0.8
0 5 10 15


time (sec) q d (t)
0.2 q (t)

FIGURE 4. Plot of the error velocity δ ω = ω − ωd showing asymp- 0 0.4

0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
totic velocity tracking time (sec) time (sec)

5 FIGURE 6. Plot of q(t) and qd (t) with the presence of disturbances

u1 δω1
u(N · m)

−5 u2 0.5 δω2
u3 δω3

ω − ωd (rad/sec)


−20 0.1
0 5 10 15
time (sec)

FIGURE 5. Plot of the controlled thruster torque 0 5 10 15
time (sec)

Therefore, in the controller design Di = 1, i = {1, 2, 3}. η is cho-

FIGURE 7. Plot of the error velocity δ ω with the presence of distur-
sen to be 03×1 for simplicity. The robsut quaternion and velocity
tracking are shown in Figures 6 and 7. The robust control input
is shown in Figure 8.
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