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The House of Bernarda Alba – Act III

ADELA: He loves me! He loves me! That’s why you’re trying to keep me from

going off with him. You don’t care if he embraces a woman he doesn’t love. Me

neither. Yes, he could spend a hundred years with Angustias, but if he embraces

me, it seems terrible to you, because you love him too! You love him! Martirio, it’s

not my fault. There’s no solution here. If one of us has to drown, let her drown.

Pepe el Romano is mine! He takes me into the reeds at the edge of the river. I can’t

stand the horror of this house anymore, not after knowing the taste of his mouth! I

will be what he wants me to be. With the whole town against me, branding me

with their fiery fingers, persecuted by the people who claim to be decent, and right

in front of them I will put on a crown of thorns like any mistress of a married man!

Let’s go to sleep. Let him marry Angustias. I don’t care anymore. But I will go to a

little house, alone, where he will see me whenever he wants, whenever he feels the


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