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Scientific Teaching

Author(s): Jo Handelsman, Diane Ebert-May, Robert Beichner, Peter Bruns, Amy Chang,
Robert DeHaan, Jim Gentile, Sarah Lauffer, James Stewart, Shirley M. Tilghman, William B.
Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 304, No. 5670 (Apr. 23, 2004), pp. 521-522
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Stable URL:
Accessed: 01/09/2010 15:24

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| | | | course serves science ma-

widerangeof institutionsdemonstratedbetter
problem-sollring ability,conceptualunder-
Scientific Teaching standing,and successin subsequentcourses
comparedwith studentswho had learnedin
Jo Handelsman,l* Diane Ebert-May,2Robert Beichner,3 Peter Bruns,4 traditional,
Amy Chang,5 Robert DeHaan,6 t Jim Gentile,7 Sarah Lauffer, These results are neither isolated nor
James Stewart,8 Shirley M.Tilghman,9 William B.Wood10 discipline-specific.At the University of
Oregon, Udovic showed dramaticdiffer-
SincepublicationoftheAAAS 1989re- do scientificteaching,as we do with sup- ences betweenstudentstaughtbiology in a
port "Sciencefor all Americans"(l), portingonlinematerial(SOM)(3) andtable traditionallectureandthose taught"Work-
commissions, panels, and working (see page 522). Wealso presentrecommen- shop Biology,"a series of active, inquiry-
groupshave agreedthatreformin science dationsfor movingthe revolutionforward. based learningmodules(6). Similarlyim-
educationshouldbe foundedon "scientific pressiveresultswereachievedby Wrightin
teaching,"in whichteachingis approached Implementing Change in Lectures a comparisonof activeandpassivelearning
withthe samerigoras scienceat its best(2). Activeparticipation in lecturesanddiscovery-strategiesin chemistry (7). Others have
Scientificteachinginvolvesactivelearning basedlaboratories helpsstudentsdevelopthe taught cross-disciplinaryproblem-based
strategiesto engagestudentsin the process habitsof mindthatdrivescience.However, coursesthatintegrateacrossscientificdis-
of science and teachingmethodsthathave mostintroductory coursesrelyon "transmis- ciplines, such as Trempy's,"The World
been systematicallytested and shown to sion-of-information"lectures _
Accordingto Microbes" ,
reachdiversestudents(3). and "cookbook" laboratory ex- _ 9 - i Oregon State University,
Giventhe widespreadagreement,it may ercises techniquesthatarenot _ l _ > which integrates science
seem surprisingthat change has not pro- highlyeffectivein fosteringcon- l_ |1 | 1 > math,andengineering. The
gressedrapidlynor been drivenby the re- ceptualunderstanding or scien- _
search universitiesas a collective force. tific reasoning.Thereis mount-
Instead3reformhasbeeninitiatedby a fewpi- ingevidencethatsupplementing
oneers,whilemanyotherscientistshaveac- or replacinglectureswithactive _j
tively resistedchangingtheir teaching.So learningstrategiesandengaging
why do outstandingscientistswho demand studentsin discoveryandscien-
rigorousproof for scientific assertionsin tific processimproveslearningand knowl-
theirresearchcontinueto use and,indeedde- edgeretention(3).
fendonthebasisofthe intuitionalone,teach- Introductory classesoftenhavehigh en-
ing methodsthatarenot the most effective? rollments, frequently approaching 1000
Manyscientistsarestillunawareof the data studentsin biology courses.This need not
and analysesthatdemonstrate the effiective- be an impedimentto scientific teaching.
ness of active learningtechniques.Others Manyexercisesthatdepartfromtraditional
maydistrustthe databecausetheysee scien- methodsare now readilyaccessibleon the
tistswho haveflourishedin the currentedu- Web,whichmakesit unnecessaryforteach- A physics classroom at North CarolinaState
cationalsystem.Still othersfeel intimidated ers to develop and test their own (3). Universityarrangedfor traditionallectures(in-
by the challengeof learningnew teaching Quantitative assessmentindicatesthatthese set) and redesignedfor groupproblem-solving
methodsor may fear that identiElcation as interactiveapproachesto lecturingsignifi- in the SCALE-UP program.
teacherswill reducetheircredibilityas re- cantlyenhancelearning,andalthoughtime
searchers(3). allocated to inquiry-basedactivities re- jors and nonmajors,and outcome assess-
This Policy Forumis needed because duces coverageof specific content,it does ments indicatehigh contentretentionand
most scientistsdon'treadreportsbut they not reduceknowledgeacquisitionas meas- studentsatisfaction(8).
do readScience.In addition,reportsgener- uredby standardized exams(4).
ally do not offera guideto learninghow to Faculty are also using computersys- Students as Scientists
tems to engage students,assess learning, Scientistsof all disciplineshave developed
1HowardHughes MedicalInstituteProfessor,Department and shapeteaching.Studentscan be asked inquiry-basedlabs that requirestudentsto
of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison; to readand solve problemson a Web site, develophypotheses,designandconductex-
2Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State and their answerscan be analyzedbefore periments,collect and interpretdata, and
University; 3Department of Physics, North Carolina
State University; 4Howard Hughes Medical Institute;
class to guide the designof lectures(3). writeabouttheirresults(9). Manyof these
5AmericanSociety for Microbiology;6National Research Somescientistshavereplacedlecturesal- involve simple, inexpensivematerialscon-
Council; 7Dean of Natural Sciences, Hope College; mostentirely.Laws'scourse"Calculus-Based figuredso that they invite studentsto ask
8Department of Curriculumand Instruction,University Physics Without Lectures"at Dickinson theirown questions.In additionto labsthat
of Wisconsin-Madison; 9President, Princeton Uni-
versity; °Department of Molecular Cellular, and
University (5) and Beichner's program, have alreadybeen tested in the classroom,
Developmental Biology, University of Colorado at SCALE-UP,at North CarolinaState Uni- resourcesareavailableto helpteacherscon-
Boulder. For complete addresses, see SOM. versity(see figure,thispage)relyon a prob- vert cookbook labs into open-endedsin-
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
lem-basedformatin whichstudentsworkcol- qliiry-basedlabs (3). Some schoolsprovide laborativelyto makeobservations andto ana- introductory-level
tPresent address: Division of Educational Studies, lyze experimentalresults. Students who nityto conductoriginalresearchin a profes-
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 30322, USA. learnedphysicsin theSCALE-UPformatata sor'sresearchlabratherthantakea tradition- SCIENCE VOL 304 23 APRIL2004

al classroomlab course(3). Theseopportu- originatefromdepartnentsandbe support- bstitutes on Undergraduate Education,the
nities are challengingfor instructors,but ed by deansandotheracademicadministra- Council of GraduateSchools' Preparing
teachstudentsthe essenceof investigation. tors. Science departmentsshould incorpo- Future Faculty program, the American
rate educationaboutteachingand learning Society for MicrobiologyConferencefor
How Universities Can Promote Change into graduatetrainingprogramsand should Undergraduate Educators, andWorkshops for
Researchuniversitiesshouldprovideleader- integratetheseinitiativesintothe education- NewPhysicsandAstronomy Facultyaresteps
ship in the reformmovement.Facultyand al environmentand degree requirements. towardthisgoal(3).
administrators should collaborateto over- This could include,for example,develop- Finally,therewardsystemmustbe aligned
come the barriersand to createan educa- mentof peer-reviewed instructional
materi- withtheneedforreform.Tenure,sabbaticals,
tionalethosthatenableschange.Weneedto als based on the student'sthesis research. awards,teachingresponsibilities, andadmin-
informscientistsabout educationresearch Fundingagencies have a responsibilityto istrativesupportshouldbe used to reinforce
and the instructionalresourcesavailableto promotethis strategy.NationalInstitutesof thosewho areteachingwith testedandsuc-
themso thattheycanmakeinformedchoic- HealthandtheNationalScienceFoundation cessful methods,learningnew methods,or
es. Wemustadmitthatcitingourmost suc- should,for example,requirethat graduate iIltroducingand analyzingnew assessment
cessful studentsas evidencethatour teach- studentssupportedon traininggrants ac- tools. This approachhas succeededat the
ing methodsare effectiveis simplynot sci- quiretrainingin teachingmethods,just as Universityof Wisconsin-Madison, whichhas
entific.Instead,we needto applyinnovative the NIH has requiredtrainingin ethics. rewrittentenure guidelines to emphasize
metricsto assess the outcomesof teaching. Universitiesneed to providevenues for teaching,grantedsabbaticals basedon teach-
Controlledexperimentsand meta-analyses experiencedinstructorsto sharebest prac- ing goals, and requireddepartments to dis-
thatcomparestudentachievementwithvar- tices and effectiveteachingstrategies.This tributeat least 20% of merit-basedsalary
ious teaching strategiesprovide a com- will be facilitated,in part,by formingedu- raisesbasedon teachingcontributions (3).
pelling basis for pedagogicalchoices (10), cationalresearchgroupswithinsciencede- If researchuniversitiesmarshaltheircol-
but the need for assessmentextends into partments. Thesegroupsmightbe nucleated lectivewill to reformscienceeducation,the
everyclassroom.Manytoolsto assesslearn- by hinng tenure-track facultywho special- impactcould be far-reaching. We will send
ing are available(3). Assessmentsof long- ize in education,as 47 physicsdepartments nonsciencemajorsintosocietyknowinghow
termretentionof knowledge,entranceinto havedone in the past 6 years.Otherstrate- to askandanswerscientificquestionsandbe
graduateschool, and employmentand pro- gies include incorporatingsessions about capableof confronting issuesthatrequirean-
fessionalsuccessshouldbe includedas well. teachinginto theirseminarseries,develop- alyticalandscientificiinking. Ourintroduc-
Researchuniversitiesshouldoverhaulin- ing parallelseriesaboutteaching,or estab- torycourseswill encouragemorestudentsto
troductorysciencecoursesfor both science lishing instructionalmaterial"incubators" become scientists.Our science majorswill
majorsand nonmajorsusing the principles where researchersincorporateresearchre- engagein the processof sciencethroughout
of scientific teaching.The vision should sults into teachingmaterialswith guidance theircollegeyearsandwill retainandapply
from expertsin pedagogy.The incubators thefactsandconceptsneededto be practicing
wouldprovidean innovativemechanismto scientists.Ourfacultywill be experimental-
satisfythe "broaderimpact"mandatein re- istsin theirteaching,bringingtherigorof the
GroupproUem-solving in lecture
searchprojectsfundedby the NSF. researchlabto theirclassroomsanddevelop- Universitiesshould place greater em- ing as teachers throughouttheir careers.
httpS/ phasison awarenessof new teachingmeth- Classroomswill be redesignedto encourage ods, perhapsear-markinga portionof re- dialogueamong students,and they will be
educationmenu.php searchstart-uppackagesto supportatten- fi1lledwith collaborating studentsandteach-
Problenebased learning danceof incominginstructorsat education ers.Studentswill see theallureof scienceand
www.udeLedu/pbU workshopsand meetings. Deans and de- feel ie thrillof discovery,anda greaterdi- paranent chairs at Michigan State Uni- versityof intellectswillbe attracted to careers
versity and Universityof Michiganhave in science.Thebenefitswill be an invigorat-
foundthatthis strategysends a messageto ed researchenterprisefileledby a scientiEl-
all recrllitsthat teaching is valued and it callyliteratesociety.
Case studies helps with recruitingfacultywho arecom-
www.bioquestorg/lifelines/ mittedto teaching. References and Notes Distinguishedresearchers engagedin ed- 1. AMS, USciencefor all Americans:A Project 2061 re- ucationreformsshouldexhortfaculty,staff, port on literacy goals in science, mathematics, and
technology" (AMS,Washington, DC, 1989). and administrators to unitein educationre- 2. AMS,"The LiberalArtofScience"(AAAS,Washington,
online/tcd/tcd.html form and shoulddispel the notionthatex- DC, 1990).
InquirBr-based labs 3. Supporting online material provides further refer-
cellence in teaching is incompatiblewith ences on this point. first-rateresearch.Federalandprivatefund- 4. D. Ebert-Mayet al., Bioscience47, 601 (1997).
www.bioquestorg/ ing agencieshave contributedto this goal 5. P.Laws,Phys. Today44, 24 (1991).
6. D. Udovic et al., Bioscience 52, 272 (2002).
httpi/biolo>.dbs umtedu/biol101/defaulthtm with programs such as the NSF's Dis- 7. J. C.Wrightet aL,J. Chem. Educ 75,986 (1998). tinguishedTeachingScholarAwardandthe 8. J.Trempyet aLMicrobiol.Educ 3, 26 (2002).
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Pro- 9. J. Handelsmanet al., Biology Broughtto Life:A Guide
faculty/terry.derting/ccli/cclihomepage.html to Teaching Students How to ThinkLike Scientists
InL"activecomputer leaming fessorsProgram,whichdemonstrate thates- (McGraw-Hill,New York,1997).
teemed researcherscan also be innovative 10. L Springeret aL,Rev.Educ Res.69, 21 (1999).
11. We thank C. MaKa,C. Pfund,C. Pribbenow,A. Fagen,
educatorsandbringprestigeto teaching. and J. Labovfor comments and A. Wolf for contribu-
Universitiesand professionalsocieties tions to the supplemental materials. Supported in
http:/ need to createmore vehiclesfor educating part by the HowardHughes MedicalInstitute. facultyin effiective
teachingmethods.Forex- Supporting Online Material
ample, the National Academies Summer

522 23 APRIL2004 VOL 304 SCIENCE

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