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Effects of AFO Use on Walking

in Boys With Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy: A Pilot Study
Elise L. Townsend, PT, DPT, PhD, PCS; Himani Tamhane, PT, DPT, MS; K. Douglas Gross, PT, DPT, ScD, FAAOMPT, CPed
Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitations Sciences (Drs Townsend and Gross), MGH
Institute of Health Professions, Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts General Hospital (Dr Townsend), Boston,
Massachusetts; Boston University School of Medicine (Dr Gross), Boston, Massachusetts; Health East Medical Center
(Dr Tamhane), Englewood, New Jersey.

Purpose: Although bracing in the late ambulatory stage of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) has been
described, the effects of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) in earlier stages have not been evaluated. The aim of
this pilot study was to describe the effects of dynamic response AFO (DR-AFO) use in boys with DMD who are
ambulatory. Methods: Using a crossover design, 3 boys were randomly assigned to either a 2-week DR-AFO
or a placebo intervention. Phases were separated by a 1-week washout period. Primary outcomes were time
to walk 10 m and a 6-Minute Walk Test. Results: With DR-AFO use, declines in 10-m walk time (median
decline = 0.8 s) and 6-Minute Walk Distance (median = 25.0 m) occurred. Parental report suggested that
the use of DR-AFOs increased falls in 2 of 3 participants. Conclusion: This pilot study does not support the
use of DR-AFOs by boys with DMD who are ambulatory. (Pediatr Phys Ther 2015;27:24–29) Key words: child,
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, foot orthoses, gait, male, physical endurance, walking

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked is typically characterized by widened step width, shorter
recessive genetic disorder characterized by progressive step length, impaired ankle and hip power, accentuated
muscle weakness that affects functional mobility and par- anterior pelvic tilt with lumbar lordosis, knee recurvatum
ticipation of boys with DMD, generally by the age of 5 in stance phase of gait and excessive hip abduction and
years. Proximal weakness of pelvic, hip, and quadriceps ankle plantar flexion during swing phase.1 Other common
muscles occurs earliest and is more pronounced than dis- gait compensations for weakness and instability include
tal lower extremity and upper extremity weakness. Gait enhanced lateral trunk lurch, upper extremity abduction,
and toe walking.2 Current medical management includes
long-term corticosteroids, which may extend ambulation
0898-5669/110/2701-0024 for 1 to 3 years,3-5 particularly if the development of plan-
Pediatric Physical Therapy
Copyright C 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams &
tar flexion contractures can be avoided. Even with optimal
Wilkins and Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy management, slowed, unsteady gait with limited walking
Association endurance is evident by the age of 7 to 9 years, and loss of
ambulation by the age of 13 years is expected.6
Correspondence: Elise L. Townsend, PT, DPT, PhD, PCS, Department Orthotics used in the management of DMD in-
of Physical Therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitations Sciences,
MGH Institute of Health Professions, 36 1st Avenue, Boston, MA 02129. clude knee-ankle-foot orthoses and ankle-foot orthoses
( (AFOs). Although knee-ankle-foot orthoses may help pro-
Grant Support: This study was supported by a Marjorie K. Ionta long walking in the late ambulatory stage for some boys
Grant from the MGH Institute of Health Professions awarded to Himani
Tamhane. with DMD, their use is associated with reduced walking
The authors declare no conflict of interest. speed, increased difficulty in stair climbing, and the need
At the time this study was completed, Himani Tamhane was a Master for manual assistance to prevent falls. Resting AFOs for
of Science student in the Department of Physical Therapy, School of day or night wear help maintain or slow the loss of ankle
Health and Rehabilitations Sciences, MGH Institute of Health Professions, plantar flexor muscle length and are an important stan-
Boston, MA, USA.
dard of care for boys with DMD.9 However, solid ankle or
DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000099
hinged AFOs (eg, polypropylene) with a posterior shell are

24 Townsend et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
generally not recommended for ambulation in boys with
DMD because they fail to provide knee stability and restrict
the use of active ankle strategies for balance with standing
and walking.10 The added weight of traditional AFOs can
further challenge weakened hip muscles and may exacer-
bate micro-injury of weakened knee extensors during the
eccentric loading phase of gait.8
Advances in orthotic design led to development of
a lightweight, carbon-composite dynamic response AFO
(DR-AFO), which, unlike the traditional solid or hinged Fig. 1. Dynamic response AFO (DR-AFO).
AFO, uses an anterior tibial shell thought to assist with
knee extension in the mid-stance phase of gait, without (1 and 2), separated by a 1-week washout phase, and fol-
preventing inversion and eversion at the ankle. This design lowed by a 2-week open label period (Figure 2). During
aims to reduce proximal joint stresses and assist in overall phase 1, participants were randomly allocated to use ei-
gait stability. Dynamic response AFOs were designed to use ther the DR-AFO (condition sequence A) or the placebo
energy stored at heel strike to provide an additional push neoprene ankle sleeve (condition sequence B). Both inter-
at toe off and facilitate forward progression.11 Although ventions were applied bilaterally. Randomized allocation
industry-sponsored research supports the effectiveness of was conducted using a Web-based random number gener-
DR-AFOs for ambulation in adults with stroke,12 no stud- ator to assign the sequence of conditions. In the washout
ies have examined the effectiveness of DR-AFOs to aid phase, participants remained intervention free for 1 week.
ambulation in children with progressive neuromuscular During phase 2, participants used the alternate orthotic.
conditions. In the open label period, participants wore the preferred
The objective of this pilot study was to assess the fea- orthotic for 2 weeks, which afterward they could keep
sibility and potential value of future trials and to make a and continue to use. A total of 5 assessment visits oc-
preliminary evaluation of the effects of DR-AFOs on func- curred across the 7-week study period. Visits occurred at
tional mobility and gait in boys with DMD. Our primary baseline and at the end of each phase (phase 1, washout,
aim was to explore how DR-AFO wear affects walking phase 2, and open label). Although complete blinding to
abilities over both household and community distances. intervention condition was not possible, the evaluator was
A secondary aim was to explore the effects of DR-AFO blinded to the sequence of intervention for each child.
wear on the challenging functional tasks of stair climbing Participants were told only that the effects of 2 differ-
and rising from the floor, as well as on spatiotemporal gait ent types of intervention were being explored. Participants
parameters and fall frequency. wore their usual shoes, which were lightweight, well-fitting
sneakers with tie or velcro closure. Orthotics were do-
nated for the purpose of the study and were fitted and ad-
METHODS justed in conjunction with a certified orthotist experienced
Participants with DR-AFOs and DMD, based on the published instruc-
Three boys with a physician-confirmed diagnosis of tions of the manufacturer (
DMD were recruited through the Pediatric Neuromuscu- droppfot/Professional ToeOFF Family AINT.pdf).
lar Clinic at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Eligible
participants were aged 5 to 11 years, had a diagnosis of
Outcome Measures
dystrophinopathy, and were able to ambulate 100 feet or
more without resting. Exclusion criteria were the follow- Primary outcome measures were the following: (1)
ing: (1) attention, language, or cognitive disabilities that time (s) to walk 10 m and (2) distance (m) covered
limited study participation; (2) ankle plantar flexion con- in a 6-Minute Walk Test, both commonly used as out-
tracture(s) greater than 10◦ that prevented proper orthotic come measures in ambulatory DMD trials, and with es-
fitting; or (3) ambulation with AFOs at baseline. One par- tablished reliability, concurrent validity, responsiveness
ticipant was excluded for a plantar flexed, supinated an-
kle/foot with contracture. The study was approved by the Washout
hospital’s Institutional Review Board. Informed consent of Phase 1 phase Phase 2 Open label
(2 weeks) (1 week) (2 weeks) (2 weeks)
the parent/guardian and assent of the child participants
were obtained prior to initiation. DR-AFO DR-AFO

Study Design
B Placebo Placebo
A randomized crossover design was used to compare
the effects of a DR-AFO (Figure 1; KiddieGAIT, Allard, Fig. 2. Crossover study design. DR-AFO, dynamic response ankle-
USA) to the effects of a placebo neoprene ankle sleeve. foot orthosis. This figure is available in color in the article on the
The design involved two 2-week intervention phases journal website,, and iPad.

Pediatric Physical Therapy AFO Use in Boys With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 25
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
to change, and clinical meaningfulness.6,13-16 The 10- The median was chosen as a measure of central tendency,
Meter Walk Test was chosen to index short-duration walk- given the small sample size, high variability of scores, and
ing speed of household distances. The 6-Minute Walk skewed distributions.18 Inferential statistical tests were not
Distance (6MWD) was chosen to index community walk- attempted for this small pilot study sample, although de-
ing endurance, with established modifications for boys scriptive comparisons of median change under the 2 inter-
with DMD that included verbal encouragement during vention conditions were informative when assessing the
walking to maintain attention to task and a “safety chaser” potential need for, and feasibility of, future trials.
to walk behind the participant and manage losses of bal-
ance and/or falls.16 Secondary outcome measures included RESULTS
(1) timed functional tests of rising to stand from supine
and climbing 4 stairs, both reliable and responsive mea- Three boys with DMD aged 5 to 11 years partici-
sures of function in boys with DMD that have been used pated in this pilot study. All participants were receiving
as secondary outcomes in DMD clinical trials6,13,15 ; (2) glucocorticoid therapy (for steroid medication and dosing
spatiotemporal gait parameters including velocity at a self- schedule see Table 1) and were independently ambulating
selected walking speed, step width, and stride length; and in the community, with functional levels ranging from 2
(3) fall frequency via parental log. Logs also included to 3 on the Vignos functional rating scale.19 Change in
days/hours of orthotic use, reports of pain/discomfort with outcomes with DR-AFO or placebo use are described here
wear, and skin problems. and reported in Table 2.
The order of testing and the durations of rest intervals
between tests and procedures were standardized. Timed Tolerance
functional tests were measured in seconds using a digital All participants were able to attain at least 3 consec-
stopwatch. The better of 2 trials was selected for analy- utive days of 9 hours daily wear of DR-AFOs. Duration
sis. Spatiotemporal gait parameters were measured using a of wear over the 2-week intervention phase ranged from
4.9 m GAITRite instrumented walkway system (CIR Sys- 2 to 11 hours per day (mean = 5.0) for DR-AFOs and 5
tems, Inc, Havertown, PA), which consists of a plastic and to 10 hours per day (mean = 8.0) for the placebo. Indi-
rubber mat imbedded with pressure sensors that record vidual intervention time means are reported in Table 1.
footprints. This system has been used with excellent re- By parent and participant report, negative factors related
liability and validity in children with motor disabilities.17 to DR-AFO wear included more difficulty rising from the
Proprietary GAITRite Software (version 3.9) was used to floor and climbing stairs and hills and minor skin itch-
calculate walking velocity, stride length, and step width, ing/discomfort. Negative factors related to placebo wear
averaged over 4 walking trials. Start and stop lines for each were limited to mild itching and sweating of feet.
trial were placed 1 m before and after the GAITRite mat
so that the initial accelerating and decelerating steps were
excluded. Primary and Secondary Outcomes
Timed Tests. Individual performance data for timed
test outcomes are presented in Table 2. With DR-AFO use,
Data Analysis median time taken to walk 10 m increased (median in-
Individual difference scores representing change be- crease = 0.8 s [range 0.7-3.4]), whereas median 6MWD
tween the start (baseline, no intervention) and the end decreased (median decrease = −25.0 m [range −44.0
(with intervention) of each phase were calculated and to 18.8]). Median time to rise from the floor was also
used to identify median change for each outcome measure. increased with DR-AFO wear (median increase = 2.7 s

Participant (P1-P3) Characteristics and Fall Frequency During Intervention With a Dynamic Response AFO (DR-AFO) and During Intervention
With a Placebo Ankle Sleeve

P1 P2 P3

Age, y 8 5 11
Height, inch 47 47 55
Weight, lb 42 40 88
Corticosteroid type and dose schedule Prednisone 10 days on/10 off Deflazacort 10 days on/10 off Deflazacort daily
Baseline functional level (Vignos Scale) 3 2 2
Mean hours per day DR AFO wear 3.6 6.4 5.1
Mean hours per day placebo wear 7.3 9.2 7.4
Falls during 2-week DR AFO wear 6 12 1
Falls during 2-week placebo wear 5 0 1
Falls during 1-week washout phase 2 4 2
Bracing choice in open label period DR AFOs Placebo Placebo

Abbreviation: DR-AFO, dynamic response ankle-foot orthosis.

26 Townsend et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Individual and Group Median Change Timed Functional Test Performance Between Baseline and Intervention With a Dynamic Response Ankle-Foot
Orthosis (DR-AFO) and Between Baseline and Intervention With Placebo

Dynamic Response Ankle-Foot Orthosis Placebo

Outcome Participant Baseline Intervention Change Baseline Intervention Change

10-m walk, s P1 8.5 11.9 +3.4 8.5 8.0 − 0.5

P2 7.1 7.9 +0.8 8.1 8.2 +0.1
P3 6.4 7.1 +0.7 6.1 6.5 +0.4
Median +0.8 +0.1
6-Minute Walk Distance P1 318.8 293.8 − 25.0 300.0 256.3 − 43.3
(6MWD), m P2 325.0 281.0 − 44.0 218.8 325.0 +106.3
P3 456.3 475.0 +18.8 400.0 406.3 +6.3
Median − 25.0 +6.3
Rise from floor, s P1 9.8 14.2 +4.4 7.6 7.8 +0.2
P2 5.1 7.8 +2.7 4.8 5.7 +0.9
P3 8.3 7.5 − 0.8 6.6 8.0 +1.4
Median +2.7 +0.9
4 stair climb, s P1 12.7 19.2 +6.5 6.3 21.0 +14.7
P2 6.0 8.2 +2.2 8.8 10.6 +1.8
P3 3.8 6.2 +2.4 3.6 4.2 +0.6
Median +2.4 +1.8

[range −0.8 to 4.4]), as was time to climb 4 stairs (median use, 2 of 3 participants also reported a higher frequency of
increase = 2.4 s [range 2.2-6.5]). Although these findings falls during 2 weeks of DR-AFO use, compared with during
are consistent in suggesting worsening walking speed, en- 2 weeks of placebo use. Individual fall data are summarized
durance, rise from the floor time, and stair climb time with in Table 1.
DR-AFO use, it is worth noting that high variability in per-
formance was evident for timed tests, both within a single
participant across multiple baseline (no intervention) tests DISCUSSION
and across different participants in terms of the magnitude In this pilot study, a small sample of boys with DMD
and/or direction of DR-AFO effects on performance. All walked more slowly over 10 m, covered less distance in
3 boys demonstrated slowed 10-m walk and stair climb a 6-Minute Walk Test, took longer to rise from the floor
times with the DR-AFO intervention, and 2 of 3 showed and climb stairs, adopted a widened base of support when
a decrease in performance in 6MWD and rise from the ambulating, and fell more frequently when wearing DR-
floor time. However, 1 participant (#3) showed nominally AFOs. The slowed speeds when rising from the floor and
improved performance in 6MWD and rise from the floor stair climbing are not surprising. Typical motor patterns
time in the setting of high baseline variability. Quantita- for rising from the floor and stair climbing can be impeded
tive evaluation of stability in baseline performance showed by AFO wear that limits talocrural motion near neutral be-
that 10-m walk time was the least variable (median base- cause additional ankle dorsiflexion and plantar flexion are
line difference = 0.3 s [range 0.0-1.0]). Median baseline needed to move efficiently with these functional activities.
differences for 6MWD, rise from floor time, and 4 stair Dynamic response AFOs, which do limit talocrural mo-
climb time were 56.3 m (range 18.8-106.2), 1.7 s (range tion, together with DMD-related muscle weakness, may
0.3-2.2), and 2.8 s (range 0.2-6.4), respectively. have conspired to make these functional activities more
Gait Characteristics. Individual data for gait char- challenging. Duchenne muscular dystrophy natural his-
acteristics are presented in Table 3. Dynamic response tory studies confirm that, even without AFOs, rising from
AFO wear slowed self-paced median walking velocity in the floor and stair climbing become increasingly difficult
3 of 3 boys (median = −2.4 cm/s [range −4.5 to 21.7]). for boys with DMD, particularly after the age of 7 years.6,15
Although walking speed was slower with DR-AFO use, In this study, the decrease in 4 stair climb speed of all 3
both median stride length and median step width were boys exceeded a previously identified minimal clinically
increased (median stride length = 3.5 cm [range −5.8 to important difference (MCID) of 2.1 to 2.2 s,15 suggesting
19.9]; median step width = 1.0 cm [range −0.2 to 2.0]), that this loss of speed indeed represented a meaningful
perhaps indicative of a more halting and unbalanced gait decrement in performance.
with DR-AFO use. Performance for primary outcomes of walking speed
Fall Frequency. All participants reported experienc- over 10 m and walking endurance over 6 min also declined
ing at least 1 fall during the 1-week washout (no inter- with DR-AFO use. Although the slowing of 10-m walk
vention) phase (median = 2 [range 2-4]) and during the speed did not reach a level of clinical significance (MCID
2-week DR-AFO phase (median = 6 [range 1-12]). Consis- = 1.4-2.3 s), the median decrease in 6MWD was within
tent with findings of gait characteristics that could suggest the MCID range of 20 to 30 m.15 Previous studies have
a more halting and unbalanced gait pattern during DR-AFO established that the expected changes over time in timed

Pediatric Physical Therapy AFO Use in Boys With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 27
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Individual and Group Median Change Gait Characteristics at a Self-Selected Walking Speed Between Baseline and Intervention With a Dynamic
Response Ankle-Foot Orthosis (DR-AFO) and Between Baseline and Intervention With a Placebo

Dynamic Response Ankle-Foot Orthosis Placebo

Participant Baseline Intervention Change Baseline Intervention Change

Velocity, cm/s
P1 70.7 92.4 +21.7 85.3 89.4 +4.1
P2 112.9 110.5 − 2.4 125.2 110.9 − 14.3
P3 116.8 112.3 − 4.5 117.2 119.9 +2.7
Median − 2.4 +2.7
Stride length, cm
P1 89.1 106.7 +17.6 112.9 104.8 − 8.1
P2 97.5 100.9 +3.4 99.9 99.3 − 0.6
P3 117.8 111.1 − 6.7 119.1 120.3 1.2
Median +3.4 − 0.6
Step width, cm
P1 9.9 10.9 +1.0 6.9 8.7 +1.8
P2 8.0 7.8 − 0.2 9.8 8.0 − 1.8
P3 12.2 14.2 +2.0 10.7 13.4 +2.7
Median +1.0 +1.8

functional test performance (eg, 10-m walk) and 6MWD effects on walking in boys with DMD. Given the small
are strongly influenced by age, baseline ambulatory func- sample size of this pilot, statistical comparison of DR-AFO
tion, and maturational issues.14,20-22 Although improve- and placebo conditions was not indicated. A comparison of
ments in speed and distance with growth and develop- data between the 2 intervention conditions showed high-
ment may be seen in younger boys, progressive decline is performance variability, even under baseline (no inter-
expected after the age of 7 years. In this study, DR-AFO use vention) conditions, suggesting the need for large sample
did not improve 10-m walk speed or 6MWD in a clinically sizes in any future trials. Potential contributors to day-
meaningful way in any participant older or younger than to-day performance variability include glucocorticoid dos-
7 years of age. ing schedule,25 fatigue,26 and variable motivation/effort.27
Findings of a widened base of support and more fre- Glucocorticoids (eg, prednisone or deflazacort) constitute
quent falls with DR-AFO wear corroborate the prevail- the only pharmacological therapy with proven potential
ing belief that bracing does not improve walking stability to decrease (temporarily) the expected decline in motor
in boys with DMD and may even have negative effects function in boys with DMD.28,29 Although daily dosing
on already impaired balance, an idea that has been more is common, intermittent dosing (eg, 10 days on/10 or 20
theoretically than empirically based.10,23 Given underly- days off) has also been studied and recommended, with
ing osteopenia and increased risk of femoral and lumbar the aim of achieving similar benefits to muscle and func-
fractures24 that can bring an end to functional ambulation, tion as with daily dosing, alongside tempered negative side
fall prevention is an important clinical goal for boys with effects including weight gain, stunted growth, bone loss,
DMD. More frequent falls with AFO wear implies an in- irritability, and hyperactivity.3,30-32 A statistical compar-
creased risk for fall-related fractures, particularly for boys ison of motor performance between corticosteroid “on”
on long-term glucocorticoid therapy. and “off” times with intermittent dosing regimens could
Mean duration of wear for all 3 participants was higher not be found, but published data suggest that performance
during the placebo condition than that of DR-AFO condi- on day 10 of corticosteroid dosing is consistently better
tion. Less wear of the DR-AFO could indicate lower tol- than at the end of an “off” phase.25 Therefore, intermit-
erance for this intervention, suggesting that the placebo tent dosing poses an additional challenge to DMD study
was easier and more comfortable to use. On the contrary, design and will need to be accounted for in future trials. In
any beneficial effects of treatment using DR-AFOs may not addition, future PT intervention studies should consider
have had the same opportunity to exert themselves be- differences in patterns of change over time between boys
cause the DR-AFOs were not actually used for the same younger than 7 years (in whom improvements in timed test
amount of time as the placebo device. It would be inter- performance and 6MWD may occur) and boys 7 years and
esting to know, for example, if the reported fall episodes older (in whom improved performance suggests robust in-
(which were more frequent with DR-AFO use) occurred tervention effects)15 and recruit participants accordingly.
when the participants were actually wearing the AFOs or
during periods when they were not worn. This information
was solicited in parental report logs, but was not reported CONCLUSIONS
in a clear enough fashion to allow analysis. The findings from this pilot study do not suggest
The aim of this pilot study was, in part, to assess the clear benefits with DR-AFO use for household or commu-
feasibility of a future randomized controlled trial of AFO nity ambulation in boys with DMD. Although individual

28 Townsend et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Pediatric Physical Therapy AFO Use in Boys With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 29
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