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Halaman Pertama
ADO = Automotive Diesel Oil 23
ASTM = American Society for Testing and Material 69
BBMGC = Butane-Butylene Motor Gas Compressor 24
BFW = Boiler Feed Water 43
BOD = Biochemical Oxygen Demand 32
CAB = Control Air Blower 27
CD = Crude Distiller 4
CDL = Crude Distiller and Light End 31
CDGP = Crude Distillation and Gas Plant 31
CPI = Corrugated Plate Interceptor 51
CR = Crude Residual 18
CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility 10
DCO = Duri Crude Oil 13
DCS = Distributed Control System 39
DEA = De-Ethanol Amine 31
DWP = Drinking Water Plant 42
GCO = Geragai Crude Oil 13
GTGC = Gas Turbin Generator Complex 5
HOMC = High Octane Motor Compressor 16
HSD = High Speed Diesel 36
HSE = Health, Safety and Environment 10
HVGO = High Vacuum Gas Oil 27
HVU = High Vacuum Unit 26
IDO = Industrial Diesel Oil 36
KSCO = Kaji Semoga Crude Oil 13
LCO = Light Crude Oil 29
LKD = Light Kerosene Distillate 18
LNG = Liquified Natural Gas 37
LPG = Liquified Petroleum Gas 37
LSWR = Low Sulphuric Waxy Residue 13
LVGO = Light Vacuum Gas Oil 26
MAB = Main Air Blower 28
MBCD = Million Barrel Calendar Day 3
MC = Maint Catalyst 31
MDF = Marine Diesel Fuel 36
MFO = Marine Fuel Oil 36
MFR = Melt Flowrate 31
MPS = Maintenance, Planning and Support 10
MVGO = Middle Vacuum Gas Oil 27
NVDU = New Vacuum Distillation 4
OPI = Operational Performance Improvement 10
PE = Process Engineering 32
PKM = Proyek Kilang Musi 4

RCO = Ramba Crude Oil 13
RFCCU = Riser Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit 4
RON = Randon Octane Number 35
RPA = Rumah Pompa Air 41
RPP = Raw Polypropylene 31
SARU = Sulphur Acid Recovery Unit 5
SCO = Sepanjang Crude Oil 13
SLC = Sumatera Light Crude 17
SPD = South Palembang District 21
SR = Straight Run 17
SRMGC = Straight Run Motor Gas Compressor 16
SSV = Spent Slide Valve 28
TA = Turn Around 9
TAP = Talang Akar Pendopo 21
TEL = Tetra Ethyl Lead 32
TPA = Total Pump Around 29
WHRU = Waste Heat Recovery Unit 40
WTU = Water Treatment Unit 5
WWFC = World Wide Fuel Charter 35


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