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Airtel To: SACs, Washington Field = Enc. (5) Philadelphia - Enc, Cleyeland - Enc. Cincinnati — Enc. New York - Enc, From: ROGER RUGENE AILES’ SPECIAL INQUIRY BUDED: 7/17/69 , ~ “ White House has requested investigation of Ailes who considered for White House staff position, resides 423 Oak Valley Rd., Media, 48 being 5/15/40, Warren, Onto, a Pennsylvania, Background data attached, ‘SPIN. MAILED 29 JUL2 ~ 1969 pommel pee aL Tete ore NOTE: pr received today from < See bers ee soo Seco iro foto = Ip, N vere, ser 7/2/89 bs bre -1 1 Born / 3 JUL 3 1969 White House, me e a ‘THE WHITE HOUSE _ MEMORANDUM ‘Washington DATE__Julyl 969 TO : Mr, Cartha D. DeLoach, FBI ss FROM — John D, Ehrlichman SUBJECT : FBI Investigation Subject's Name_AILES, Roger Eugene Date of Birth May 15, 1940 Place of Birth__warren, Qhio Present Address__423 Oak Valley Rd, Media, Pa, es has requested: Copy of Previous Report “ Wye — ah Di Name Check br ‘ . yk ye » _X_, Full Field Investigation - two copies please ays’ a ‘The person named above is being considered for: X_ White House staff position Presidential appointment Position with another Agency ATTACHMENTS: 5 X_ SF 86 {in duplicate) SF 87, Fingerprint Card, |, Biography ary mh REMARKS: PEGE REPORT SHOULD BE DELIVERED BY FBI TO; JOHN D, EHRLICHMAN 6527 of 9 Cafe mt NENGLOSUES! FBI-2 808 oppor! He, 39-208 TCASESERIAL WO. (C56 ure ory sour ITY INVESTIGATION DATA @ eee ares FOR SENSITIVE POSITION TWSTRUCTIONS.— Prepare in triplicate, using a typewfiter, Fillin all tems. Ifthe answer ia "No" or “None,” so state. 4 needed for any item, continue under item 26. TEAST NAME RT ane THDOLE WANES T OATEOF BIRT Ailes Roger Eugene May 15, 1940 (OTHER NAMES USED (afaiden name, names b9 Toga matrages, farmer namenchanged | 3 PLA Srey sehen Ghee MIE caret ahiek Aa Rew dates anode? |S MACEOE NRT Warren, Ohio Teak Create HEIGHT | WEIGTT 5'10" 170 IF more space wer ae Hl | Sie Bik} TTTsmare | 7 (Emawien, maQUED oR DWORCED, SVE EULE AAMEAND GATE iD PLAGE OF BIRTH OF SPOUSE Ok FORMER SHOUSE CLUDE uP WRTbeN RAMS. SRP Dkieako Pace OF WaRiAGe On SHONCE 72) wansie (Give same favorenaiion regarding al previous marriages td drareos ) Owoowem | Marjorie Jane White Ailes; Born - 1/16/38; Parkersburg, W. Va Qoowworceo Married - August 27, 1960; Athens, Ohio DATES AND PLACES OF RESIOENCE UF actual plaone of rider Gnd do back to Jamunry 1 1957. Santanue Ender iam i om os frogs tha mailing addreqon, furnish and lavatily both Beg "Ua atcearary “ From ve NUMER AND STREET any amt Dy 10/67 Present 423 Oak Valley Rd, Media Pa. 9/65 10/67 22 Riddlewood Drive Media pa. Ly 4/65 9/65 935 Ravine Drive Cleveland Ohio ¢ 6/62 4/65 17400 Euclid Avenue Cleveland ohio I, 8/60 6/62 49 Stewart Street Athens ohio A 9/58 8/60 Lincoln Hall Athens, Ohio Ohio University 1940 9/58 $91 Belmont Street | Warren ohio 2V z Wit wam ——Cuavunacaas Liew Rearaation wo] Otte, MAGE, AND COURT - Huser eer No. PETITION Ko TIO PARENTS CERT. ROD. ation REGISTRATION NO, NATIVE COUNTRY | ‘DATE AND PORT OF ENTRY 10. EDUCATION. (Ail sehnoin above alamentary) AME OF SCHOOL, pDRESS HOM C280) 10 rear) ecnees » Warren G, Harding Warren, 0. 1954 1958 High School Ohio University Athens, 0. 1958 1962 pra. CE TW THISSPAGEFOR FOI USE, (See alo Hom 79) TE SOCAL SECURITY NUMBER 39334-9192 {a MILITARY SERVICE ret oraenen) NONE eating | caraayt Warp air force, eto) | PMG ENCLOSURE FBI-3 Zin REFERENCES, (Name chveo persons. not relatives or employers, whe are aware of Your avaliReaHanes had Arne) awe FULL Home anoness usINess ADoRESS vena NO BIC y a fusiiess aponess ens gyow Dir., USIA Ls ETINCETON OTT Archie Greer Athens, Ohio Professor, Qhio 10 "FOL FIELD OF GACKGROUND PERSONAL TAVESTIGATION 8Y'ANY AGENGY OF THE FROEWAL GOVERNMENT? TIVES LENO (Ut your anmer i4You.” ehow un iteqt 78, (1) eho name of the investigating adency{2) the approrimate ere fnvsntigation, and G) tha fvel of edu" clearence granted? hagwe} ‘s "HL SPACE FOR CONTINUING ANSWERS TO OTHER QUESTIONS. (Show idea numbers #0 which anawere apply. Atvach « apa ‘snoush apace here) ans [at To YOUR RNOWLEDGE” WAVE YOU EVER BEEN” THE SUBIEET OF [Br REPORT OF WWFORNATION DEVELOPED. (Ty gpnre ramrvad for FBT ara) OA ‘Before signing this form check, back over it to make eure you have answered all questions fully and.correctly. oN CERTIFICATION ae 1 Canmiey thatthe statemenis made by me on thi farm ate roe sumphee Hrporect sp akebest J mp krbwledge and sete GAB ntde eed we ‘ iyaacs raging, 27, 146 om Seemmiotat eng, $self rn TWFORMATION TOBE FURNIEHED BY AGENCI INSTRUCTIONS TO" AGENCY : Sec Federal Persoiinel Manual Chapter 736 and FPM Supplement 296-31, Appendis A, for devils] fon when this form is required and how: itis used. If this is request far investigation belore appointment, wnsert “ADPL~ the space for Date of Appointment and show information aboot the Proposed appointuieat in the arhet spares for appeiaenient die ‘The origieul and ihesfird cntbon copy should be signed by the applicant oF appoiatec._ Submit the orikiual nd the wntered carbon copy of the form, Standard Form 87 {Fingerprint Citar), und any investigative information showt the person received 0m Voucher farms ot otherwise, tothe United States Civil Service Commission, bureat of Petsonnel Investigations, Washington, D.C 20415. I this isa request for fall Feld security investigation, submit theye forms to the attention of the Division OF Reimbursable La” vestigations: if this is request for preappointinent national agency checks, submit these forms to the stiéntios of che Control Section, RETAIN THE CARBON COPY OF STANOARD FORM ¢ (SIGNED BY THE APPLICANT OR APPOINTEE) FOR YOUR FILES ‘DATE OF BPPORTWENT | TYPE OF AFFOINT MENT ‘ERIC SERIES REGULATION NUMBER ON [gyri OF POSITION AND GRADEOR SHER APoRTMENT sUTonitY | SALARY" Gexcerres Biconpertinve, (roetuge in (potary types ofcomparitineapporntaerta ‘SEND RESULTS OF PREAPFOINTNENT CHECK TO ‘BEPARTHENT OR AGENCY ‘DUTY STATION This Te A Sansirive Ponition -4 -A 1 HAVE YOU EVER HAD & NERVOUS BREAKOOHI OR WAVE YOU EVER HAD MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR A RENTAL CONDITION? CJ¥ES EIR. Un jour anowe’ in "Vans" give detains iam 28) BL FOREIGN COUNTRIES VISTED (INCE 08.” (Enelvnine of miltary nerview} ‘country DATE LEFT USA ATE reryRNED 9A puntese Canada ( 2 or 3 times between 1963 & 1967) Business 2. ARE YOX NOW, OR HAVE YOU EVER BEER, A MEMGEZ OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY, USA, OR ANY COMMUNIST OR FASCIST ORGANIZATION? CIES BNO, 22 AREYou now OR MAE vou EVER BEEN A MEMBER OF ax FOREIGN On ari ra r 1 coMeNATr SESE bate Sta Dahan, PSL Comet Oe Shavessie Oneal se sehen ch Stang Krol eM GF cm Seti. S OS REEMA RE ra buRIEEIOn SEHOIDEAY Sten weRGONG Ss mie TS UNDER TE CORE G/TUFIGR GF THe ONTSED EPAPER OF WHEN SEES oaLre ‘we FORM OF GOVERNMENT OF THE INtTeD STATES BY UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEANS? YES 1 Sintides SF Bees Rais Ga eS OF wanrnctas "iy staree oR On a setu date MACE TG RL AT aeteD YOANS HABE A RW OF ms FONE GRECO PLETE GETAILS OF YOUR ACTIVITIES THEREIN AND MAKE ANY EXPLANATION YOU DESIRE REGARDING YOUR MEMBER Of AC TIVTTIEN sopress ROM 10 rc TW NEWBERSTP IN OTHER DRGANTEATIONS co Misue or pottiesl smiictione) Ulf Sess, AE FUL noone, wre FROM ~ cornice HELD Director's Guild of New York City Union 9/68 Present America Big Brother's Assn. Philadelphia Volun- 1967 Present teer Agcy National Academy New York City Pro- 1966 Present of TV Arts & fes~ Sciences sional Ee RATES (Papen, Pasar “mee 87 Beer RELATION OW rather sich ‘Cortland, Ohio USA. LAmother. -ponnia M, Udban 1917" 3379th sty. USA Santa Monica, Cal. Marjorie Jane 1938 423 Oak Valley usa White Ailes .. Road BLS yrow ro ANB EGHERUSGN (ES naene, Aen) | CvAarosmered), < AYBEOF WORK. REASON FoR LEAVING iN 1/69 Present REA Productions New York City TV Production | 8/68 °° 1/69 Nixon*for President »New York City “-TV: Producer End, of) Committee : . Campaig: \I} ged :. 7/68 WeBtsnghouse Broad- Cleveland (K¥W- TV Produc To Aid ‘v) tion Richard igh foun ramen snipe i ani Takat dates. Show AEE dates| TB ENRLOYMENT, iat ALL amplahmont dates waving casting Company i Philadelphia’ C69 Nixon : 1. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN OISCHARGED (FIRED) FROM EMPLOYMENT FOR ANY ataSONT C1¥ES2ENO, 17. HAVE YOU EVER RESIGNED (QUIT) AFTER BEING IAFORMED THAT YOUR EMPLOYER INTENDED TO DISCHARGE FIRE) YOU FOR AKY aeAsON? ClYES FRO {Gr your aramer 1018 oF 1 above se "You" giva detail im item 28, Show he name and addrena of employer. apptotimate dato, amd coasone in ‘ech caue.”"This information should agree with the atatomanta made ia item 15- EMPLOY MEAT) 18, HAVE YOU EVER DEEN ARRESTED, TAKE INTO CUSTODY, HELO FOR INVESTIGATION OR QUESTIONING, OR CHARGED BY ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY? ‘(rou may omit: () Teale violations for which you patda Ai of $30 or ies; and (2) anything tha happened dafore your 16th bitthday. All other nsidents met be included, eran though they wore diamimad or you mocap forfeited callatecal) LIVES TINO. 1 YOUR ANSWER [5 “¥65," GIVE FULL DETAILS BELOW, saw exromcement DATE CHARGE pace “ASTON ACTION TAKEN FBI-6 MF 28 ers cn-bo' Federal Buteau’ot Investigation - Records Branc!} Ferching Unit « Room 6527 (J serviced Unit Room 6524 BE 1 (J attention, bre -1 Return to, Supervisor Room Ext. Fyee.of Relorences Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search) References (Subversive & Nonsubversive) [Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only tod Cain: Reforences Only Typeo! Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of . Exact Name Only (On the Nose) * [3 Buitdup Variations Subject a 7 + Bitthdote & 4 e GAO Address A » Locaiities: ; i : archer Re Dote.-_ 2B _instials 23S "Broa. FILENOWBER SERIAL. VIA TELETYPE JUL 81969 ENCIPHEREO NYL WAS PRILA 358 Pit DEFERRED 7-8>1 R, NEW YORK AND CLEVELAND PLAINTEXT FROM’ PHILADELPHIA (161-1445) CP) ROGER EUGENE AILES, SPECIAL INQUIRY, BUDED JULY SEVENTEEN NEXT] REBUAIRTEL DATED JULY TWO LAST. INVESTIGATION PHILADELPH KYW BIKE DOUGLAS SHOW REVEALS RECORDS PERTAINING TO AILES' EXPLOYMENT AT CLEVELAND AND PHILADELPHIA FOR MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW LOCATED CARE OF GROUP W PRODUCTIONS, 10 FOUR ZERO WEST FORTY=FOURTH STREET, WEW YORK CITY. NEW YORK REVIEW ENPLOYHENT RECORDS. SPIN, ” ot + 509 eer g END 1-3 Lae GLZ FBI. CLEVELAND NY... UPAL FBI NEW YORK WA...dDR FBI WASH DC rf 5 5AuG19 1969 FO-253 (Rev. 12196. SAN DIEGO BUREAU TILE OF CASE “ROGER: suas Re CHAR: é a FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ~ INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD, 1/8/69 a? 2 7-1 SPECIAL INQUIRY REFERENCE: | Bureau airtel dated 7/2/69. 5 ~ RUC ~ | ACCOMPLISHMENTS GEAMES " CHNONE —“Wcauiy | casewas ceene TALS penoins over one year Eves Jno Pencina prosecuTion OvER SIX MONTHS Cvs (xo “SPecuay acene APpRovEd, 7 DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW oaace, Corieswaoer \o\-] 1 - Bureau (AM ape 1 - San Diego 61-372) NOT RECORDED 16 JUL 16 1869 Disseninotion Recordot Avrached Report COVER PAGE Rotations ero tt + roanmentos. @ é ae UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Copy tor Reset of | Ofes San Diego bs -1 Dane: suy Gy, BIC -1 Field Office File #: 162-372 : Borecu File #1 ‘ Title: ROGER EUGENE ALLES Chorecen SPECEAL INQUIRY Synopains no law enforcement be -3 record at] alifornia. bre -3 = RUC - DETAILS: A SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 6 -1,-3,-5 ' On July 8, 2969, Lieutenan' BIG -1,-3,-8 Diego Police Department and Lieutenan Diego County Sheriff's Office, advised records of their respective ag identifiable with the applicant ‘The current San Diego City and Tele; ‘Les contain no listing for anyone with the surname - 1 ‘This document contatne natther recommendottons act conczatots of the PBL, It te the ptopetty of the FBI end fe Tossed to Your agency: Hand Ste cooteate are bot to be distributed oulae your agesey. FBI-10 FD-263 (Rev. 1219-67) 6 - FEDERA@ BUREAU OF Inv “Reporte orrice -*[ OFFICE OF ORIGIN Date INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD, CINCINNATL ‘BUREAU 7/15/69 7/11/69 - 7/15/69 ‘FILE OF CASE STIGATION ROGER rocene Qozes SPECIAL INQUIRY be Wee ev b7c tthe REFERENCE: ~ = RUC eee OMe “ie Q- vivess 1 - Cincinnati (161-764) rs COVER PAGE 5 HAUG 19 196 Buairtel to Cincinnati, 7/2/69. ww case Has ceen: spvome ovenone vean Cover Sno Over sixwontas (ves C)uo ‘oro rina oe sbats FBI-i1 Fo.204 ther 368459) 0... STATES DEPARTMENT oMsnce FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Copy to: Report of 1 be -1 Boos Sa Ose: — CINCINNATI bs Field Ottice File CI 161-764 Bureoe File #: Ties ROGER EUGENE ATLES Gore: SPECIAL INQUIRY Srocpas: AILES graduated Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 6/10/62, was awarded Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree with major in Radio-TV. He ranked 463 in class of 1,378, had grade point average of 2.698 based on 4 point system. References, neighbors, and former teachers advise applicant is person of good character and a Loyal American. Former teachers state applicant extremely well qualified in Radio-Iv field. No credit or arrest record located. - RUC - DETAILS: EDUCATION » 1969, wiss[ Ohio University (OU), Athens, Ohio, advised that ROGER EUGENE AILES entered OU in September 1958, and continued in attendance through June 1962. He graduated on june 10, 1962, and was awarded a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Degree with a major in Radio-TV. He ranked 463 in a class of 1,378, and attained a grade point average of 2.698 based on a four point (4.000)system. codattons ner conclusions of tha FBI, Tt is the broparty of the FBI and ts Joaed to ‘This document contains netther tio be disteibated outasde your agency BI-12 (yout agenay? tt and fle content CI 161-764 be -4 miss [ Jadvised the record further discloses the ™*,*, applicant was born on May 15, 1940, at Warren, Ohio, and his next of kin is shown to be ROBERT E. AILES. Upon entering ov, he furnished an address of 591 Belmont Street, Warren, Ohio, | | and later changed his address to 835 Olive Street, Warren, Ohio. He graduated from Harding High School, Warren, Ohio, in 1958. Mes. OU CotLege 6-4 of Arts and Sciences, Athens, Ohio, advised on July 11, 1969, 7° y her records disclosed the applicant resided lucally at 49 Stewart Street, Athens, Ohio. She advised-the reéord indicates ATLES was a somewhat above average student who progkessed at a normal rate toward his degree. She stated there is’ no ree: any disciplinary action or any unfavorablé.commefits. Mrs. stated that due to the turnover in teaching personnel since 1962, it is doubtful there are many instructors presently on campus who would recall the applicant. Mrs. suggested that Dr. PRESLEY D. HOLMES, Dean of the College of Communication, might recall the applicant and also suggest other persons who would have instructed him. On July 11, 1969, Dr. PRESLEY D. HOLMES, JR., Dean, College of Commnication, OU, Athens, Ohio, advised he does recall the applicant, although he did not have occasion to instruct him. ‘Yr. HOLMES advised he recalls the applicant was a person of Bah 4 character and reputation, and one who was considered a loyal fo. ‘, American citizen. Mr. HOLMES advised he does not recall that tne applicant was an outstanding student, however, noted that he has established an excellent reputation ‘for himself in his field. Dr. HOLMES stated he feels that AILES is extremely well qualified for aI osition in the Radio-TV field. He suggested that Dr. a Assistant Professor ARCHIE A, GREER of the School of TV would confirm his comments. Radio and TV, 00, Athens, Ohio, advised on July 11, 1969, he is well acquainted with the applicant. We advised he considers him a solid young man in terms of TV production, He stated he regards him as one of the brightest young people in this field and one who FBI-13 CI 161-764 is quite en expert. He advised he has no question regarding AILES' ability to handle his job in a very professional manner. He noted that the applicant is a highly, aggressive individual but added this aggressiveness is not offensive and is probably responsible for the success he has enjoyed. Dr. furthes -4 advised he is also well acquainted with the applicant’s wife.ané@7° ~¢ considers her a charming and intelligent person. Miss| L__]ou, sas onr6y BOVIS Ror FoCerO are eae EST! 0, advised er wecords are the central repository for records of disciplinary action. She advised her files contained no reference to ROGER EUGENE AILES. REFERENCE ARCHIE A, GREER, Assistant Professor of Radio and TV, QU, Athens, Ohio, advised on July 11, 1969, he is well acquainted with the applicant. Mr. GREER stated he has known the applicant over a period of approximately ten years and saw him as recently aS one year ago. Mr. GREER advised he considers the applicant to be a person of good character who enjoys an excellent reputation both as an individual and in the field of TV production. He stated he has no reason to believe he is anything but a loyal Amexican citizen.. Mr. GREER commented that he believes AILES' ability is unquestioned and that his record of success speaks for itself. Mr. GREER noted that AILES successfully produced the Mike Douglas Show and was also active in the successful campaign of President RICHARD M. NIXON. Mr. GREER stated he feels certain the applicant could handle any task within his field in a highly, professional manner. NEIGHBORHOOD 11, 1969, Mrs. bs 4 hio, advised the applicant is noun to her. 57° -4 She noted, however, that many of the homes in the area have been torn down due to am urban renewal project and those remaining are occupied primarily by students where the turnover is rapid and the chances to i ted, however, that Mrs. might: recall the applicant. 735 : FBI-14 CL 161-764 Mrs. Ohio, advised she does not recall the applicant. She s oa that_this building in che applicant resided Dr. She stated it Is possible ‘he may xecall the applicant. be -4 On July 11, 1969, Dr. Ce ao ect Building?” ~* Athens, Ohic, advised he does recall the applicant and verified the Fact that he lived at 49 Stewart St hens, Ohio, betweon August 1960 and June 1962... Dx, advised ‘he considered the applicant to be 4 ‘person ©: aracter and stated he had a very good reputation. br. advised he never heard anything which would indicate the applicant was anything but a loyal American citizen, and he would recommend thim for a position of trust and confidence with the United States on July 11, 1969 Government, Credit Bureau of Athens, Athens, OHio, advised her #{les contained no reference to the applicants. * his wife. on July 11, 1969; Captain] —~*d Athens 7 Follce pepartbent jit. i pee fatheas Security Police, Athei County Sheriff's Department , iehens, Ohio; W Gir respective files contained no record of arrest ‘for the applicantaor his wife. i CREDIT AND ARREST MISCELLANEOUS a on July 15, 1969, Miss et Athens County Probate Court, advised her records show that ROGER E, AILES, age 20, a student at OU, and MARJORIE J. WHITE, 49 Stewart Street, Athens, a teacher, were married on August 27, 1960 by Dr. he FBE-15 ir A d& i WAse.21 WASHINGTON FIELD VIA WASHINGTON FROM NEW YORK 161-3131 2P ibe ROGER eucene Ges; SPECIAL INQUIRY. BUDED JULY SEVENTEEN SIXTY NINE. & REBUAIRTEL TO WFO, ET AL, JULY TWO SIXTY NINE, MISS| REA PRODUCTIONS, INCORPORATED, REVEALED ON JULY ‘ FIFTEEN INSTANT REA PRODUCTIONS, INCORPORATED (TELEVISION PRODUCTEONS) FORMED IN JANUARY SIXTY NINE WITH APPOINTEE aS PRESIDENT AND APPOINTEE’S WIFE WASHINGTON DC, AS OFFICERS, ALSO ACTIVELY EMPLOYED WITH THIS FIRM WORKING IN WASHINGTON, DC, STREET ADDRESS UNKWQUH, TELEPHORE NUMBER ONLY ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATED WITH REA wo aya 72 1969 PRODUCTIONS, INC. IS MISS| TO APPOINTEE, WHO, FOR NEXT FEW WEEKS, CAN BE CONTACTED IN CARE TAFT BROADCASTING COMPANY, END PAGE OW! ose, "Al iE gest?! bY THLENVPD Thus 19 8 wre FBI-16 we TO ' PAGE TWO CINCINNATI, OHIO, ONE OF APPOINTEE’S CLIENTS, be -4 miss[___JALSO DESCRIBED MR. aot, PRESIDENT RICHARD §,. NIXON"S WHITE KOUSE NATIONAL COMMITTEE, WDC, AS ASSOCIATES OF APPOINTEE, CINCINNATI WILL CONTACT AND OBTAIN COMMENTS OF MISS AFOREMENTIONED ADDRESS. WFO WILL OBTAIN comments off «| WDC ‘TELEPHONE NUMBER SET OUT EARLIER, AND, IF NOT ALREADY DONE, CONTACT PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED) [Fron conmenrs. INVESTIGATION CONTINUING. SPIN. END WAss.BKR R RELAY FBI WASHDC FBI-17 » powwaine. 20m he: -- FEDERAL@8UREAU OF INVI@BTIGATION . * werontine SFE orrce er omen ore TeVESTICATIVE PERIOD LOS ANGELES BUREAU * |: 7/16/69 1/8 - 7/16/69 THLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY Roser nvommadnes ‘ JAY E. BAILEY CHARACTER OF CASE SPI REFERENCE: Bureau airtel to Washington Field, 7/2/69. “~ RUC - k ncewange, Torte ™" Bureau (AIR MAILE) 1 ~ Los Angeles (161-1556) penowne oven ove vean Dives [x0 * res Gro COVER PAGE $-{4— 5 5AUG 191969 : Felis" (@TED STATES DEPARTMENT O@QusTICE veh FEDERAL BUREAU OF JNVESTIGAI Sor toe Do, - Repost of JAY B. BAILEY + Ome: Los Angeles, California Date: July 16, 1969 mene “ + Fieldomce Het 361-3556 : Buteou Fite te ROGER EUGENE “AILES Gerace SPECIAL INQUIRY i * Synopsis « . : ° Residence of appointee's mother and her husband verified at Santa Monica, California; no identifiable oredit or arrest record located.. . ~ RUC - DETAILS. - - MISCELLANEOUS “thé “appointee's mother, DONNA M, URBA&H, 2280 known as Nrs. Robert E. Ailes, reportedly restdes ab 83 9th Street, Santa Monica, California. _ es ~ raed Te WISE URBAN and his co DONNA URBAN, who reside here in papient A, for about one month. He stated that they are good neighbors and appear to-be persons of good character, associates, and reputation, _ and loyal American citizens. FBI-19 ‘Tals document contates velther recomseadattoss nor conchietere of the FBI. It te'the property of Oe PRE and Is teased to ner. . your agency; He end Its contents ore sot to be distibyted obtetme YoOt a ‘frvse, egimmmmne rmevrine aPrieet eae ~ e oh LA 162-1556 - CREDIT AND ARREST. On the dates indicated the files of the follow ring agencies as caused to be checked contained no record identifiable with the appoihtee's mother, DONNA MN, URBAN, also mow as Mrs, Joseph D. Urban and Mrs. Robert E. Ailes, or with her husband, JOSEPH D. URBAN: “Santa Monica Credit Association Santa Monica, : Checked by SA be -1 on July 8, 19 . . bre 1 Santa Monica Police Departnont Santa Monica, Cheeked by SA on duly 8, 19 Computer Credit Corporation Los Angeles, Checked by Ic on July 10, 1: Los Angeles Police Department Los Angeles, Checked by IC on July 15, 1 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office Los Angeles, Checked by Si on July 8, 19) ~ FBI-20, PD-258 (Rev. 124967) 7 FEDERAL ®$UREAU OF INVE@TIGATION - TEN Gevenana [aurea | 7ages [yeas mens | es, . CHARACTER OF CASE . ROGER: uomiGdies . SPECIAL INQUERY Bureau airtel to Washington Field, et al., 7/2/69. & ‘ -Ruce ADMINISTRATIVE Westinghouse Broadcasting Company (Station KYW-TV), which appointee listed as his empaeeee in Cleveland, Ohio and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1962 - 1968, was formerly located at 1403 East 6th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. ‘The entire operation, including all personnel of this company, were transferred from Cleveland to Philadelphia in 1965 and broadcasting facilities at above location in Cleveland have been utilized since that time by Station WKYC-TV, operated by the National Broadcasting Company, which has no connection with the former station or company. CASE MAS SEER enone oven ont van (ves CIno ‘oven aixmontat , COves (Ino aponoves Tories wane CP veers 2 = Clevetand (161-613) | ROT RECORDED cag t [40 JUL 17 1969 Bissepinotion Recorday Attached Repot Wetetione SH ‘oro stoaon ste COVER PAGE epL2i Fo-got (Rov, 3-3-59) J STATES DEPARTMENT OF Bruce . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Copy te: apa | 26-1 One Cleveland Dates Ju BIC =1 Field Office File ss 161-613 Buroay File #: Ties ROGER EUGENE ATLES Chorocten, SPECIAL INQUIRY Symepsie: Appointeets birth, 5/15/40, official records. Reference JOnio, 26 -3.-4 recommends appointee and ail close re. ves very Wi: . BIC -3,-4 Neighborhood investigations Warren and Cleveland, Onio areas very favo Cortland, Ohio, Ohio, confirmed ‘on, Appointee satisfactory credit record, Clevels arrest records on appointee, wife, awe - DETATLS: At Warren, Ohio All investigation at Warren was conducted on aay 9, 1969 oy ap ses your agency; Hand Its contents sta not to be distributed ostelde Your agency FBI-22 cv 161-613 BIRTH Records of the Bureau of Vitel Statistics, Department ef Health, City of Warren, Ohio, reflect under Registry District #1242, and Registry » that ROGER EUGENE AILES was born May 15, 1940, at Warren, Ohio. His father was listed as ROBERT EUGENE ATLES, 32 years of age, born at columbus Ohio, and his mother as DONNA MARTE CUNNINGHAM, 23 years, born at Parkersburg, West Virginia, They resided at 1178 Bingham Street, Warren, O. His father listed nis employment as a mill iron operator at Packard Electric, Warren, Ohio and his mother listed her occupation as that of a housewife. The certificate indicated two previous children were born in the family and both were living. REFERENCE. On guly 9, 2969, ye, [Bt Woodland bre -4 on Sav ‘rust Company, Warren, Ohio, advised he would unqualific recommend the appol tee for a position of trust with the Government. He stated he has known the appointee since they were in about the eighth grade of Warren schools together, He stated he was an intelligent student, honest and trustworthy and a leader in their high school class. He stated about the time the appointee was to enter Onio University at Athens, Ohio, the appointee's parents were divorced, He stated it had no effect on the appointee and his entire family are very well thought of by all those who have known then. He stated the appointee's mother remarried and is'living in California and the appointee's father has also remarrie@_and is presently residing on Bozetta Road, RD #3, 0: 1» Ohio. He stated there is no question about the loyalty to the United States of the entire AILES family. 2. FBI-23 cv 161-613 ‘RESIDENCES - 501 Belmont Street, N.E, Warren, Ohio 1950 = 1958 Mr, and Mrs. be -4 Warren, Ohio, advised bre -a and his family from shortly’ after his birth until Bbout the time he entered college. They described the AILES family as wonderful neighbors, They stated the appointee's father is an active member of the Masons, a long and respected employee of the Packard Electric, They stated from what they know of the appointee, they eae Jescrive hin as intelligent, a success in the television industry, loyal and honest, They stated they had never heard of the sppointes or any member of his family ever getting in trouble with the police in Warren, Ohio. iarren, 6 -4 family’ 7 -4 She knew The appointee when 2 é went to college, She stated he was. Sieeye weld Deneved, honest and of good character. she ‘ stated the appointee's mother yr were divorced in about 1958 or thereafter, as the mother wished to elim socially and his father did not care for this sort of life. she believed the agreement was amiable between Mr. AILES and the appointee's mother, She stated she had never any reason to question the loyalty of any member of the AILES family. Mr. and Mrs, Warren, b6 -4 Ohio, on interview, ad! ring his b7c -4 formative years in the neighborhood and would recommend pin highly for a position of trust with the Government. stated they knew that he had been very successful in The television industry at Cleveland and Philadelphia. aed “ scribed the appointee as honest, loyal, and of good At C: land, Ohio 2740 Euclid Avenue Apartment #221 Cleveland, ghie. 1 FBI-24 cv 161-613 The 1964 edition of‘the Cleveland, Ohio City Directory lists R.E, AILES, 17400 Euclid Avenue, Apt. 221, Cleveland. No other Cleveland area directories covering the period in the caption contain a listing of this name. )) Mrs, stated anna Lee ts, a 90 Complex located at above address. she said, that she ‘aia not "reside or work at these apartments in 1965 She said records of tenants during the captioned period are “no longer complete, She checked all available recorde and could locate no record of the appointee. there "1985 te the ‘Toot three andividuas, as well as Mrs. pointed out that there probably hag been a complete turnover or tenants in the iments since 1965, and they could suggest no present ree dente who might be able to recall the appoin' 935 Re Gleveland ind yetents, Chto tt leew gm fatated is resided ai s location for more en years past. She said that she recalled slightly a young man named AILES, who was employ in ‘the television Sndustey Pin Cleveland, who resided with 1 nis wife across the street from her home at 935 Ravine Drive for a few montha in about 1965. she said that her recollection of him and his wife is completely favorable in all respects. eer teenporn ae maT bices a than five years. She was unable to recall the appointe by name or description, but said that she was sure that she had never heard anyth: an unfavorable nature concerning any residents at 935 Bayine Drive at any time since she has lived in the neighborhood, 4. FBI-25, be -4 bre -4 be -4 bre -4 b6 -4 bie -4 wv 162-613 i bs -4 1S sided a 8 bre -4 address since long prior to 1565, but was unable to recall the appointee by name or description as a former resident of the neighborhood, . RELATIVE At Bellevue, Ohio on at Bellevue was conducted by SA 6 -1,-3,-4 b7e -1,-3,- On July 10, 1969, mr. ed States Post Zeice peliewasy 0, advise CREDIT AND ARREST RECORDS On July 10, 1969. | Aste, 41 BS 14 ata Company, 3969, Mera Se ree BIC “1-4 |that the records of that company conta the To- Lon ROBERT E, AILES, wife MARTHA we “a7h00 Euclid. wenue, Cleveland; Ohio, have a credit record from Syne, 1962 through May, 1965; which 4s ‘coneidered "“gatisfactory™ which contains no derogatory information. Mr. ATLES* employment was listed as Station KYW-IV, Cleveland. On July 10, 1969, Ic caused searches to be peoty made of the records of the Pol! it, Cleveland Heights, °’° ~ Ohio, and of the Identification Bureau, the Bureau of Special Investigation and the Record Room, Police Department, Cleveland, Ohio, and no information identifiable with the appointee or his wife was located. On July 10, 1969, Mrs. Great bs -4 Bureau of Bellevue, 202 west Mai > bre -4 that rec: dentifiable with the 5. FBI-26 cv 161-613 10, 1969, Capta Bellevue, 6 -4-°5 Ohio Police 2 bapartaeat ‘and Deputy! Banduewy? 7 -4.-5 County Sheriff's Office, Fremont, ios r it records of thee respective department identifiable with the appointe: oa, guly 2 1969, the records of fhe Warren, Ohio 9, 1969, the records of the Trumbull pre -3 guly county sheritr'a office, Warren, Ohio, which covers Cortland, Ohio. Warren, for the appointee On July 9, 1969, Mr. Credit and Adjustment Bureau, sinh vere Fonts at 591 Belmont Be s BR a. credit rating for an arrest record jand none was located. ‘Trumbull > sed their a student, resided Warren, Ohio. ‘The of the family was very satisfactory and there was no derogatory information in file on appointee's family. FBI-27 £ D283 (Rev. HBr" FEDERAL@8UREAU OF INVIBTIGATION Taveetieative Peabo 1/8.- 16/69 Resour orice NEW YORK ‘FILE OF CASE ROGER Bvanwe Gags arrice or aniem ‘BUREAU JAMES P, MANSFIELD ‘CHARACTER OF CASE SPr ‘'RBFERENCES: Bureau airtel to Washington Field, et a2, Te/69. Philadelphia tele to Bureau, et al. 7/69. Kew Yorie teletype Yo puresus ey’ aly 7/15/69 S ~ me oe ke Acquir-] -cxse vas ocen: pening over one vear (ves (KO enone prosecu rion. ‘Oven sx wonsns C3ves CJno aeproved OE srgeine eee DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW Go Srens Wadsad- [eT ~New York (162-3231) a aes ec NOT RECORDED fone 10 JUL 17 1969 — ‘Bisteminciion Record ol Atteched Report COVER PAGE Fol-2g Serer FD-204 Hew,-343-99) , UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 7 FEDERAL BUREAU OF JNVESTIGATION . Copy to: Repo et SAMES P. MANSFIELD Ofice: New York, New York Dotes 1/26/69 Field Office Fite #: 161-3132 Bereaw Fils Titles ROGER EUGENE AILES Choractert SPECIAL INQUIRY . ‘Srnopast Buployments and residence verified. Work associates neighborhood contact and reference comuented favorably and recommend, No unfavorable credit information, Arrest and BSS, NYCPD, checks negative. - RUC - FBI-20 “ahis dcouseat sontstas teither recommendations ace conclusions of the FIs Ht ts the property of the FBI asd Js leaued to Yoor ayency; it end ite conteots are not to be distributed ovtele your agescY: 9-8. coveMMenT oRMING OFFIEES 1967 -O-2TEATE NY 161-3131 DETAILS: Employments Group W Productions, Incorporated (Group W) Westinghouse Broadcasting Company Royal Manhattan Hotel Eighth Avenue and 45th street New ‘York, New York The following investigation was conducted on duly 15, 1969: Inguiry at Group W, 240 West 44th Street, elicited the information that employment records for this organization ae maintained at the firm's Business Offices, now lo¢ated on, the Third Floor of the Royal Manhattan Hotel, captioned address. Mrs. captioned address, revie ‘contract ma. ied Tor E, ATLES, Social Security Number 293-34-9192, last address 423 Oak Valley Road, Media, Pennsylvania, and extracted therefrom the following information: AILES, then residing at 17400 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, was signed on June 18, 1962, for services with "The Mike Douglas Show", KYW-TV, Cleveland, Ohio, exact title not indicated but, most likely, as Producer's Assistant. Sometime in 1965, “The Mike Douglas Show" moved to and thereafter emanated from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. AILES, as Producer-Director, continued his connection with that production until July, 1968, when he left to serve the NIXON ‘for President Committee, headquartered in New York City, as a television producer and special media consultant to President RICHARD M, NIXON, ‘In December, 1968, AILES returned to Group W in New York City, worked on his own towards =~ -2- FBI-30, bs -4 Tc -4 NY 161-3132 developing ideas for possible future television productions, completed his contract, and, dn January, 1969, voluntarily terminated his connection with this organization to initiate and develop his own independent television production firm, REA Productions, Incorporated, 888 Eighth Avenue, New York City. He is eligible for rehire. Mrs. a ras] with the eile las a result of nis visits from Philadelphia oyer the years to this office and, of course, during his short-lived work assignments in New York City during December, 1968, and January, 1969. She described appointee as an extremely bright, personable, eminently successful, productive and talented professional, "a wonderful young dynamo", the antithesis of the show- business stereotype, always considerate and pleasant, mature, unaffected, even-tem ‘in general, “a delightful, a real nice man". Mrs. offered wholehearted support of appointee's choice for a position of trust and confidence with the United states Government. Mr. captioned orgenization, disclose > for sone tine Tollowing appointee’s affiliation with Group W's "The Mike Douglas Show" in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1962, he was familiar with appointee only as a name appearing in communications received at this headquarters office from other personnel in Cleveland and Philadelphia, and, since AILSs was only in his late twenties and just out of college when he joined this organization, he found it somewhat difficult to accept at face value the individual glowingly evaluated therein by older and experienced television professionals. Personal contacts with AILES over the years in Philadelphia and New York City and opportunities to observe him first hand producing "The Mike Douglas Show" in Philadelphia allayed his 4nitial reservations and convinced him that AILES is 2. legitimate phenomenon, Unquestionably brilliant and tthlented, personable, aggressive without being offensive, hardworking and, most amazingly, a surprisingly and truly creative professional -3- FBI-31 be -4 pre be -4 bic -4 NY 161-3131 ‘for one so young. ATILES has consistently evidenced and vutdilized such gifts to record notably successful careers with Group W and the NIXON for President Committee and to earn the respect, Af not actual awe, of his professional colleagues. ‘Recognition of appointee's abilities, creativity, personal acumen and engaging personality, said bverrides the qualms one might ordinartty CRESEGIN watching a man selll under thirty years of age Jaunch his own television production firm in certainly one of the most competitive and riskiest businesses extant. Rather, in this instance, one feels confident the appointee, as REA Productions, Incorporated, will continue his demonstrated record for success. reo noted that his contacts over the years with AILES, almost exelusively, have been professional in nature. ‘He ‘is not acquainted with appointee’s family menbers,. Since he retains unqualified respect for appointee 's character, loyalty, reputation, associates and recognizes him as a gifted man in the field of television production, an area in which President RICHARD M, NIXON, it would_appe: to him, anticipates utilizing appointee's services, be -4 considers AILES eminently suited for such a positioy b7C -4 jeoncluded with the inform tion that no additional current staff members at Group W's New York City office had experienced personal work contacts with appointee. BEA Productions, Incorporated (REA) Be Eighth Avenue New York, New York ote aptioned co advised bs -4 on July 15, 191 iS served as eo pic -4 ‘ROGER: Suabhe ‘ATES. for the past mont represel apposntee's Anitials) was incorporated in January, 3969," ~ he FBI-32 NY 161-3231 for television production, following ATLES' service as special media consultant to President RICHARD M. NIXON @uring the 1968 presidential campad: as president and his wife, MARJORIE, as officers. The only additional active employ Miss who serves as jappo: > 7 the ‘next sev Sy ean be contacted in care of “The Dennis Wholey Show" (television), Taft Broadcasting Company, Cincinna’ -of appointee's elients, and the aforementioned Mr. who represents REA i DCs Ss unknown, telephone number . usool_oveated appointee and his wife be -4 continue to maintain their permanent residence at 423 Oak yc -4 Valley Road, Media, Pennsylvania, and that appointee, when - necessary in conducting business in this area, utilizes ‘the sleeping accommodations provided as part of this suite for overnight stays. However, appointee!s business efforts, which require much personal attention, necessitate extensive travel throughout the United States and absences from this office. Her ow work with » although of brief duration, according ‘to Miss| has been a delightful and rewarding experience, She described appointee as one of the most brilliant, straightforward, intellectually and profession- ally honest and stimulating, considerate men she has ever known, He supports and encourages his subordinates to the hilt, countenances no disc: esy or displays of 111 temper by clients towards the office staff, and is an exemplar relative to working diligently, efficiently, ‘productively and calmy under pressure. He is intensely loyal to President NIXON and a dedicated champion of President NIXON's aims and aspirations for this country. In connection with her last comment, Miss be -4 ‘volunteered, she ‘had been an adherent of and active campaigner®”* “4 for Senator EUGENE MC CARTHY during his unsuccessful 1968 campaign to secure the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. Such opposing political interests on her part, she explained, have in no way dimmed the admiration and respect. she has developed in a few short weeks for her employer's talent, myriad, abilities, character, loyalty, reputation and associates. Consequently, her confidence in AILES' suitability for appointment to a position of trust and responsibility with the United states is boundless. -5- FBI-33,

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