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URTeC: 2695264

Shale Activity Test and Shale Reservoir, Shale Seal and Well Stability
Properties Characterization
Konstandinos Zamfes* M.Sc, P.Geol, Eng/Geol.; Prospectors Services International
Edited by Aliky Zamfes Texas A&M SPE Student Member.

Copyright 2017, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) DOI 10.15530/urtec-2017-2695264

This paper was prepared for presentation at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference held in Austin, Texas, USA, 24-26 July 2017.

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Application of drilling cuttings analysis for Unconventional and tight Conventional resource
The mature shale is predominantly, stable and balanced formation under normal subsurface
conditions. The shale properties that will be evaluated are the shale formation reaction on well
intervention during drilling, fracking and hydrocarbon production.
The SAT – Shale Activity Test is based on Shale properties to absorb and inhibit the water
during the test run on Drilling Cuttings Samples. This test is designed to imitate the processes of
shale distortion during drilling and shale reaction on drilling mud boundary interface.
The shale reservoir, shale seal, and shale stability analysis will be based on SAT analysis and
include the measured derived parameters obtained from proprietary kLab System analysis. The
additional analyses that are used with SAT for Shale Oil and Frackabillity are not discussed in
this paper. These include Component Density Analysis (DDA), Micro-granulometry analysis
(MGA), Digital Petrography Analysis (DGA), Hydrocarbon analysis (HCA), Transient
Drawdown Analysis (TDA), Digital Lithological Analysis (DLA), shale frame work analysis,
fracture type and count, and fracture to volume conversions.
This paper will present the SAT methodology and principals with some application examples of
shale stability and frackabillity.

Other parameters defined when using SAT, in combination with the kLab sets mentioned above,
1. The Shale Reservoir parameters, as producibility for Shale oil and Shale Gas. Fracture
distribution and volume, brittleness, petrophysical calculation corrections due to
structural anisotropy of shale, micro-fractures, and micro-cleat counts. The Hydrocarbon
flow defined by TDA combined with hydrocarbon content is defined by HCA. HCA
tests will be the first positive information for Shale Oil producibility and support the SAT
information combined evaluation.
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2. The Shale seal will be characterized by Component distribution - DDA, SAT curve
behavior, and structural and micro-fracture quantitative parameters.
3. Shale stability parameters will be a combination of available Geo-mechanical information
and kLab derived information. This will be the SAT parameters, the Component
distribution - DDA parameters, the Shale structural parameters, and shale
compartmentalization in vertical cross sections.

The Summary of parameters for Shale Formation evaluation:

1. Shale Reservoir will have Positive TDA flow, Significant HCA values, elevated fracture
and micro-fracture counts, no mica in components, rather high Quartz (grains, not an
elemental Si) content in components distribution - DDA, high micro-cleat counts.

2. Shale Seal preferable may have high mica content, Low Quartz content, small
hydrocarbon content, low fracture count, no micro-cleat, no structural deformations, and
moderate to non-swelling.

3. Shale Stability will be defined by SAT curve behavior, component distribution – DDA,
fracture and micro-fracture counts, and micro cleat.

Shale is a fine-grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of mud that is a mix of flakes of clay
minerals and tiny fragments (silt-sized particles) of other minerals, especially quartz and calcite.
The ratio of clay to other minerals is variable. (Shale - Wikipedia
The other components and properties of Shale are fissility, component anisotropy, siltstone and
sandstone micro laminations, chemical and mineralogical variations, swelling, and organic floral
and hydrocarbon content. The structural and geotectonic properties are micro-folding and pre-
folding bearing historical stress, incident fractures, micro fractures, open fractures, secondary
mineralogical fill fractures, and micro cleat. (Micro-Cleat tectonically fracturing is introduced by
author in earlier 2000 and based on drilling cuttings orthogonal breakage similar to Cleat
definition in Coal Beds in Outcrops). Figure 1.
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Figure 1 presents a shale cutting from a well drilled in Abu Dhabi Nahr Urm formation. The
shale is splintery and fissile. The formation behaves as an unstable formation due to discontinuity
in shale properties. The thin layers of fine film of silt with very small quantities of smectite are
deposited in laminations of uniform non-swelling clay type shale.

Nahr-Umr shale pre-folding results from the historical stress, micro-cleat resulting from vertical
stress. The thin film of silt with smectite is the driving wedge-like force splitting the shale,
fracturing and creating caves.
This defines that the mud properties are not adequate for stabile and safe drilling.

Figure 1. Nahr-Umr Shale.

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Theory and Methods.

The SAT is a Time Transient Measurement of Density variation based on the modified
Archimedes Apparatus. The delivered continuous curve of density variation is analyzed. Figure

Figure 2 presents the principle of continuous time record of sample weight in the target fluid
obtained using the modified Archimedes apparatus.
Figure 2. Archimedes apparatus principal.

The SAT response is presented graphically and digitally, by recording the weight of drilling
cutting sample in water over time.
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Figure 3 demonstrates the 2 parts of change of weight in water. This is the change due to change
of volume of the shale during the swelling. This increase of sample volume in water is due to
swelling of the shale and will indicate the shale density decrease from swelling. The following
the increase of weight is due to fracking of the shale and this decreases the volume of the shale.
Figure 3 is an example of SAT demonstrating the Swelling as a process of inhibition of water and
increase in volume. This is recorded as a decrease in weight in water. The density calculations
reflect the decrease in density.

The downward curve deflection represents the swelling period and the upward curve deflection
represents the micro-fracking and decrease in volume. These are calculated as decrease in density
and increase in density respectfully.

Figure 4. Example SAT time record variations in weight in water.

Shale can be non-swelling, this will have minimal response to SAT. The variety of shale
responds to SAT as presented in Figure 4.
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Figure 5. Examples of swelling parameters variations using SAT in the Woodbine Shale from

In Figure 4, the curve represents the various shale types defined by SAT on Woodbine shale in

The 3 types of shale are

1. Periodic micro-swelling to non-swelling shale.
2. Nonlinear swelling shale. This will be nonlinear ROS (Rate of swelling) functions.
3. Linear swelling shale, characterized as continuous swelling shale with linear ROS function.

The parameter ROS measured as a value of the slope of the curve.

ROS =(g1 – g0) /(t1 – t0) ) Eq 1.
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Applying petrography we can demonstrate the developing open fractures in shale. Figure 5 is
presenting the visual photo of fractures developed during the 24 hour test.
Figure 5 presents the micro-fractures and open fractures developed during the SAT test in shale.

The micro-fractures are developed as a continuation of interlamination degradation of

sedimentary boundaries of continuity of sedimentation of clay partials.

In Figure 5a the concaved micro-fractures and open fractures are developed during the SAT test
in Shale.

The concaved micro fractures represent the historical stress applied to the formation during the
maturity and following the sedimentation process. This process is developed as a continuation of
interlamination degradation of sedimentary boundaries of continuity of sedimentation of clay
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Figure 5 presents microscope photography of the SAT test run. Visual analysis is performed and
defines the micro-fractures developed in the process of SAT.

Figure 5A.
Assuming the Balk Modulus B of shale is known from core analysis, the pressure inflicted by
swelling (Volume increase) on the surrounding formation is calculated as:
P= σv= B* ε_vc Eq 2.

The shale formation swelling will act as a wedge and force the wellbore deformation and finally
collapse. The swelling mechanism of low smectite clay is different and is defined as a process
where the thin layer of smectite deposited on shale surface during the weather storm is swelling
and with this act as a wedge to split the shale along the fissile surface. This split is making the
path for water to move deeper into the shale and create further well bore damage. The resulting
Open fractures are demonstrated in Figure 5.
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Using the SAT curve example on Figure 6 we can measure the time interval of the swelling
period of the shale prior to the start of the fracturing period of the shale.
In Figure 6, the SAT parameters are defined as D0 as the start of SAT, D1 is a point of state in
maximum deformation of Shale, and D2 is the final state of the SAT test with final (in this case a
minimum) stress.

Figure 6: Stress & strain parameters manifested in the SAT.

When swelling increases, volume increases, density decreases, and the Bulk stress is applied to
the formation. From this relation, one can calculate the pressure generated prior to the fracking
of the shale along the fissile.
Following the fracturing, the SAT curve represents the density increase as the volume decreases
and reaches the maximum effect where the pressure is minimal. This is equivalent to the moment
of well bore wall collapse. Once the well bore wall is reached, the low point on SAT, this is
when fracking frequency becomes like an avalanche and becomes uncontrollable. The wellbore
caving will be measured in 10ths and 100ths ft^3 in size. In Figure 6 the difference between D0
and D1 is the density differential caused by swelling of the shale. The pressure applied to the
surrounding formation is a function of the Bulk Modulus, B, of the shale and can be calculated

𝑃𝑃 = σv = 𝐵𝐵 * εvc Eq 3.
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Plotting the Mohr circle.

Taking the starting point as a minimal stress circle and the point of the minimum Density as a
maximum pressure point, one can build the Mohr circle chart shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7 presents the example of building the Mohr Circle using the SAT data.

The f and c parameters are derived.

Figure 7: Mohr Circle and the shear stress.

The shear stress is calculated as:

σs = (𝝈𝝈𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎 - 𝝈𝝈𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎 )/2 Eq 4

This chart represents the drilling cuttings geo-mechanical parameters and is delivering the value
of actual pressures and deformation in the well bore.
Conventional Open hole logs in Nahr Urm shale are not reflecting the complexity of the
formation both from sedimentary components distribution on Density curve and the tectonic
deformations during the life of shale.
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In Figure 8, conventional electrical logs in Nahr Urm are not discriminating for Shale geo-
mechanical properties anisotropy.

The logs are representing a continuous shale formation with no geo-mechanical


Figure 8 demonstrates the conventional electrical logs in Nahr Urm shale, the GR, RT, RXO,
RHOC, DT. The Formation shows uniform and continuous shale deposition.
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Combining the SAT and the proprietary kLab: Component distribution analysis with digital
petrography. Converting the digital information to petrophysical curves, the formation is divided
to multi-compartments with various geo-mechanical properties as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9.

Figure 9
presents the multiple compartments of Nahr Urm shale with various geo-mechanical, well
stability, and sedimentary characteristics.
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Application of SAT Case study on Nahr-Urm Shale in Abu Dhabi demonstrates the reason why
the shale formation, which is characterized by a low Smectite formation, is unstable during
drilling. The performed geotechnical test results show the stable, uniform, and continuous
formation. The formation's response to drilling fluid is an unstable and multi compartmentalized
formation. The compartments can be defined by different types of fractures and well bore
Zone-A. Fissile-Fractures: this is the zone dominated by fracturing along the fissile. The gain 50
microscope picture on the left is a visual presentation of the process of swelling and fracturing
along the fissility.
Zone-B. Micro-Fractures: this zone is characterized predominantly by micro-structures and is
similar to zone D. The SAT curve presents the stage when a slow increase in volume results in
the growing number of incident fractures. These incedent fractures later convert into micro-
fractures. The gain 50 microscope picture on the left is a visual presentation of this type of
Zone-C. Open Fractures: this zone is dominated by open fractures, which cut through the
fissility, going across the continuous body of homogeneous shale. This is an indication of local
stress on the formation. The picture on the right is a visual representation of this type of

The SAT Methodology and tools are improving the conventional geo-mechanical studies.
• The brittleness of shale, measured from conventional core plugs, can be corrected by the
SAT parameters reflecting the micro-properties of the formation.
• Applying the SAT measured parameters and the Mohr Circle principal the maximum
shear stress is defined.
• SAT test interpretation aids in the relationship of drilling mud formulation and formation
penetrated performance.
• SAT measurements help define the effect of drilling mud additives on shale stability
while drilling.
• SAT parameters are applicable for the frack design and frack stages placement.
• The core cut recovery in shale is low, extremely difficult, and costly. Subsequent cutting
of core plugs from shale formations for stress and strain analysis is a complicated and
costly process. Very often it is impossible. However, the SAT methodology is designed
to use the shale cuttings which are widely available. Cutting analysis from cross
sectional wells, in the field or basin, can aid in the definition of par sequences which
would otherwise be hard to identify from conventional correlation methodologies.
• Availability of drilling cuttings, in opposition to whole core, makes the use of SAT as an
effective tool for geo-mechanical modeling and in decreasing uncertainties.
URTeC 2695264 14


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3. Ortega Camilo, Aguilera Roberto. Potential Impact of Drill Cuttings on the Design of
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