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Trump Year One: Hogan Refuses to Fight for Marylanders

President Donald Trump’s first year in office has been spent dividing Americans, promoting racist policies,
robbing the poor and middle-class to give to the rich, and attacking the free press and freedom of speech.
Many national leaders across the political spectrum have fiercely opposed Trump’s actions and have joined
Americans on the frontlines of the fight against the dangerous Trump agenda, but not Governor Larry Hogan.
Here are examples of Governor Hogan’s failure to stand up for Marylanders in the face of Trump’s attacks on
our state:

• Hogan has refused to join the fight to pass legislation to protect the more than 9,000 DACA-eligible
DREAMers in Maryland from deportation, including refusing to join a bipartisan letter sent by a group of
governors—including 5 Republicans—urging Congress to protect DREAMers.
• Hogan has been silent on President Trump’s heartless decision to end Temporary Protected Status for
tens of thousands of Haitians and Salvadorans living in Maryland.
• After Marylanders begged Hogan to join them in protest against President Trump’s racist,
unconstitutional Muslim ban, he deleted their comments and blocked them.
• Hogan refused to join Marylanders on the frontlines of the fight to protect the Affordable Care Act
(ACA), waiting until the last minute to pull a political stunt to save face when it was clear TrumpCare
would not pass Congress.
• Hogan appointed ACA critic Robert E. Moffitt to chair the Maryland Healthcare Commission while his
Republican allies were attempting to repeal the ACA.
• More than 100 days after Republicans in Congress allowed Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
funding to lapse, Governor Hogan still does not have a plan to ensure that the more than 140,000
children currently enrolled in the program will have access to life-saving care if Congress fails to act.
• Hogan has been silent on Trump’s acts of sabotage against the health insurance market, and blamed
President Obama for rising premiums.
• Hogan did not fight back against the Trump administration’s efforts to undermine Baltimore’s Consent
• Hogan refused to join the fight against the GOP’s tax scam bill, despite mountains of evidence that the
bill was raising taxes on Marylanders to give tax cuts to wealthy families and corporations.
• Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was the first Trump administration official hosted in Maryland by
Governor Larry Hogan.
• Hogan has followed the Betsy DeVos playbook by attempting to dramatically expand private school
vouchers and bring unaccountable, for-profit charter schools to Maryland while cutting funding for
public schools, after-school programs, and teacher support.

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