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us $4.50 / $5.

ee cAN
rsBN 0-553-48651-9
SARWARS Tbe fate of tbe Rebel Alliance ie in your
bands . . .

You're dragged to the command deck of the Death

Find out if the Forcc is with y()u its yorr slrarc
Star, so scared you can't even look at the two men
in the further adventurcs ol'Lukt' Skywulkcr, standing above you.
Princess Leia, ancl II:.rrr Solo. (llrrlrlst. Y<rur Your fear grows to terror as you realize that one of
Own Star Wars Advcrrtrrrt': 'l'ltr llupira Strihes the men is Darth Vader, the former Jedi knight who
Bacb and Return of the./cli:rrt' t'orrrllrg soon to urned to the dark side of the Force.
bookstores near you! "There is the seed of the Force in you," Vader
whispers ominously. "I could teach you how to har-
ness your Power.
Tlte Force, you think.In rne?
"'S7hat do you want from me in exchange for my
training?" you ask.
"It's very simple," Vader explains. "Do whatever
Bantam Doubleday Detl
you must to find the location of the Rebel head-
quarters. Then simply let us know."
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F If you make the right choice, the glory of a tri-
u (,t
o umphant Rebellion may be yours. Choose wrong

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and you face the monstrous fury of Darth Vader.
@ Betraying your friends seems like the only way to
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save yourself, but is life worth living as a seryant of
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the Empire?
(tt' Right or wrong, the choice is yours.
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Illustrated by Eric Cherry

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A Banum SkTlarh Book / Apil 1998

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Registered in II.S. Patmt and Tiademarh Oftcc and ebetthte.

CHOOSE YOUR O\YN ADWNTURE@ is a registred *ademdrk of Bantam Boohs,

a diuision of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Groap' Inc. FoR MY soNs, LUKE AND HAN . . . UM,
Registered in (J.5. Patent and Ti,adtmark Ofice and ekewhere.
Original conception of Edward Pachard
Interior illas*atioru fu Eic Chrry

All rights reseraed. I would like to gratefully acknowledge rhe support and
@, rM, 4r @ 1998 fu Lacasfiln Ltd.
Couer art copyright @ 1998 by Lucasfilm Ltd.
contributions of my agent, Lori Perkins; the ream at
Illastrationt co?light @ 1998 by Bantam Doubbday Dell Books for Young Readns. Bantam, especially Diana Capriotti, Karen Meyers, and
Beverly Horowitz; Sue Rostoni at Lucasfilm; radio
No part ofthis book may be reprod*ced or transmitted in any fom or b7 any meln, ebctronic
or mechanical, includingphotocopying, recording or by any ifbrmation *orage and retinal scribe Brian Dale/; the Jedi Master George Lucas, and
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For information address: Bantam Doubkdzy Dell Books for Young Readets.
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wife, Connie, who knows this stuff even better than I

ISBN 0-553-48651-9
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Do not read this book straight through from be-
ginning to end. These pages contain many different
adventures that you may have as Luke Skywalkert
best friend. From time to time as you read along,
you will be asked to make a choice. tWhat you de-
cide may mean the difference between a victorious
Rebel army and a long reign of Imperial terror under
the Emperor and his minion, Darth Vader.
The adventures you have are the results of your
choices. You are responsible because you choose. Af-
ter you make a decision, follow the instructions to
find out what happens to you next.
Think carefrrlly before you act. The Force is in
you, and you may harness your power for the good
of the Rebel Alliance, or you may be seduced by the
dark side. It will not always be easy to see the differ-
ence between good and evil. You may be forced to
sacrifice yourself or your friends for a greater goal.
Your life, and indeed the future of the galaxy, depend
on the choices you make.

Good luck!
You live on your parent's moisture farm on the
planetTatooine, a dustball covered with wind-driven
sands and rolling dunes.
You hear the exciting stories qf the Empire and the
Rebellion, and you dream that soon youll get off
Thtooine. As your best friend, Luke Slcywalker, often
says, "If there's a bright center to the universe,
Thtooine is the planet farthest from it." Luke also
wants to get off Thtooine, to do what so many of
your friends have done: attend the Imperid Space
Academy and become a pilot.
Late one night you are lying in bed thinking about
becoming a fighter pilot. Though you know you
should be thinking about the Imperial Navy, your
thoughts are more and more of the Rebels. Theret
something cool about the Rebels. And everyone
knows that the Emperor is evil.
Suddenly you hear a whisper outside your win-
IttLuke. He lives with his uncle Owen and aunt
Beru, who have their own moisture farm not far

Tunx ro peae 12.

"Han, we've got to turn around!" you blurt sud-
"I am the Grand Moff Tarkin,,, the gray_haired
denly. "Chewbacca's right. We can'r just leave!"
man explains. "This is Darth Vader.,,
'Aw, not you, too!" Han shouts. "Vhat is this, a
You are silent, afraid that anything you might say
will make Thrkin and Vader angry.
"You know we're right," you argue. "I can hear it
"\7ho was on the Millenium Falcon?,, Tarl<tn
in your voice. You cant leave Luke and the entire de_
l Rebel Alliance without at least trying to help. You're 'I . . . I dont know," you reply.
not the kind of man who can just walk away from a
'Another lie will kill you!" Vader booms.
I fight like this!" His deep
voice strikes greater fear in your heart.
Han glares at you, then at Chewie, who growls
"Luke Skyrvalkea" yo,, admit, ashamed. But just
softly in agreement.
knowing his name wont help them. ,And Ben
"I feel like a coward, Han," you whisper. "I don't


want to live the rest of my life feeling this way."

"Kenobi? " Vader thunders. " Obi-'Wan
"Neither do I," he says, and drops the Falcon ortt Kenobi ?,,
"!7here did they go?" Tarkin demands.

of hyperspace.
You are terrified. But you can,r berray Luke.
As soon as the shipt navigational controls are
changed, Han makes the jr-p to lightspeed, and
you're on course back to Yavin 4. But the scene when
you arrive is enough to make your hair stand on end.
"The Force?" you whisper. "fn me?,,
The Rebels are getting massacred. Most of the
X-wings have been blown out of space by Imperial
TIE fighters or by the Death Star's own defensive
I systerns.
You stare at Thrkin in shock!

KEEP A LooK.oUT FoR pace 68.

Tunnr To PAGE I05.

4 5
Suddenly you spot smoke on the horizon. Luke "I guess theret no reason for all of us to die," you
pilots the landspeeder in that direction. It's a huge say grimly.
Jawa sandcrawler, and it's on fire. It has been at- Han nods. Soon you board the Millenium Falcon,
tacked, and all the Jawas have been killed. At first it and withour any more good-byes,
/ou leave yavin 4
seems as though the Sand People have done it, but behind. You feel an incredible relief as the ship
on investigation you discover clues that point to the moves away from the moon.
Imperial soldiers Ben says are called stormtroopers. Still, you feel more and more guilry as you move
The stormtroopers probably destroyed the sand- awey from Yavin 4. You dont bring it up, because
crawler because they were looking for R2 and C- you dont think you can change Hant mind.
3PO. You sense great danger. A short time later, you catch Chewbacca staring at
"Oh, no!" Luke exclaims. "They must know by you. He looks as upset as you feel. After a moment,
now the Jawas sold the droids to Uncle Owen. And he turns to Han and growls something.
that would lead them back . . ." "Look, Chewie," Han says. "I know what I m do-
Luke turns and runs to the landspeeder. You have ing, okay?'We can use this reward ro pay offJabba
only a moment to decide whether to go with him or the Hutt, then we're in the clear. No more price on
stay with Ben and the droids. our heads, no more bounry hunters. If we go back
wete as dead as the rest of rhem."

Ir You Go WITH LUKE, IF YoU HELP cgewgagqA coNvINqE HAN


TURN TC) PAGE 26. GotNG, TURN to plce 97.
6 7
You want to stay with Ben and learn about the A short while later, you watch rhe Millenium Fal_
Force. Maybe someday you'll become a Jedi yourself, con rake off and leave the planet.
But even though R2's safery is vital to the Rebellion, You wander around Mos Eisley, looking for some-
you know you have to go home with Luke. He's your one ro take you back to your parents. But you have
best friend, and he and his family come first. no money, and no one will help you. Soon the two
You jump into the landspeeder with Luke and race suns begin ro set, and the sffeets grow dark.
across the desert. From far away you can see smoke Finally you m et a courier named Capri Otti. She
rising from his aunt and unclet moisture farm. doesn't have room for a passenger in her loaded mes_
\7hen you arrive: /ou stare at the burning buildings senger vehicle, but she will take a message to your
of the farm in shock. parenrs and bring back whatever money they send,.
Luke jumps out. You go after him. Capri Otti leaves, and there is nothing you can do
"LJncle Owen!" he shouts. 'Aunt Beru!" but wait for her. You go back into the cantina and
You shout with him. \,X/hen no one answers, you

ask the bartender, a man named \7uher, if het hir_

both know the awful truth-Luke's family is dead. ing. The many alien races frighten you, but you need
The stormtroopers have killed them. to make some money if you want to have a place to
ir "Luke," you say. "I'm sorry. . ." sleep and food ro ear until Capri Otti returns.
But Luke ignores you. He runs over to his burn- "So your friends have left you on your
ing home and howls with anger and grief, vowing to

this place is pretry tough," \7uher warns.

take revenge on the Empire.

Calling up all your courege, yon reply,,.So am I!,,
"You're hired, then," the bartender says. .,Maybe
I'll even forget you came in here with those Rebels.,,
seems nice enough, but later that night you
learn that he supports the Empire.


Jir l
Just then, the freighter captain you've hired taps
you on the shoulder and gestures for you to follow
him. The ship is ready, and itt time to go. As you
Ieave the cantina, you see 'Wuher talking to rwo
stormtroopers. He points at you.
"Lett go," you urge the captain. The rwo of you
hurry into the dusry streets of Mos Eisley.
"Halt!" someone shouts behind you.
"Run!" you cry, shoving the captain ahead of you.
"I'm not running from Imperial stormtroopers,"
the captain replies. "You're on your own, friend."
You turn to see the stormtroopers clomping down
the street after you, their weapons drawn. 'Wuher
must have told them you were with Luke and Ben
before they boarded the Falcon and blasted past Im-
perial ships. Youte not surprised.
You turn a corner into a narrow alley. A slowly
shambling ronto almost blocks your path. You
squeeze by and then run llke crazy, hoping the huge,
leathery animal will slow down the stormtroopers
enough for you to get away.
Mryb. you ll escape after all. You start to smile.

Excape ro PAGE lO4.

"They want our hides, and bad," Han says grimly.
You look at the black helmet covering Vadert face,
"\Vhy don't you outrun them?" Luke asks. "l
and the cold evil in Thrkin's eyes, and you realize that
thought you said this ship was fast."
your life means nothing to them. Eventually they'll
"\7atch your mouth, kid, or you're going to find
kill you. Now 61 [21s1-it makes no difference to
yourself floating home!" Han warns. "Chewie, the
them. If you agree to sPy on Leia, you ll only be
navigation computer is set. Hit the hyperdrive!"
postponing the inevitable.
Chewbacca does as he's told, and the Falcon
"Forget it," you hear yourself say. Thrkin narrows
lurches forward. Space bends around the ship, stars
his eyes and glares at you angrily. He gestures to the
whip by faster than the eye can see, and then you are
stormtroopers who brought you in.
in hyperspace, traveling so fast that the huge Imper-
"Execute him," trkin sneers. Even though you
ial Cruisers will never catch you.
felt courageous a moment earlier, the actual order for
Later, as you travel through hyperspace toward
your death makes you sick with fear.
Alderaan, a trip that will take some time, R2 and
"No!" Vader barks. "The Force is in this one. Not
3PO play hologames. Han takes the opportuniry to
strong, but it's there. Some time in the spice mines
make some minor repairs to damage sustained dur-
on Kessel might make for a more willing soldier and
ing your escape from ttooine. Which leaves you
student. Beings with the Force are rare. Killing them
and Luke to press Ben with more questions about
should be our last resort."
the Force and being a Jedi Knight.
Thrkin seems to consider Vadert words, then nods
to the stormtroopers. "To Kessel, then," he says.
You cant believe your luck. You're going to live.
Vader approaches you and says, "Perhaps one day
you will change your mind. Then you will be useful
to me. If not, you will die in those mines."

GIuesrIoN BEN oN PAGE 50.


t2 IB
"Hi, Luke," you answer quietly. "What brings you Ben then explains about the Force, the energy
here this late? If your uncle finds out you left the field that connects all living things and from which
farm, he'll be pretty mad." Jedi Knights get their power. But the Force, he ex-
"I'11 be in bigger trouble if I dont get our new plains, has a dark side, to which some Jedi, like his
droid back," Luke mutters. former student Darth Vader, have fallen prey.
"\(hat do you mean?" you ask. "Vhat happened Suddenly R2 begins to beep urgently.
with the new droid? And which one? That gold pro- "Go on, R2," you say. "Show us this urgent mes-
tocol droid, C-3PO?" sage."
"No, the little R2 unit," Luke explains. "It was the "General Kenobi," begins a holograph of a beauti-

strangest thing. Uncle Owen had me clean them up, ful girl, "years ago you served my father in the Clone
and I triggered a holorecording. The little droid just \7ars. Now we beg you to help us in our struggle
kept repeating part of the holovid over and over'" against the Empire. I have placed information vital
"\7hat was it?" you ask. to the securiry of the Rebellion into the memory sys-
"\(ho was it, is more like it," Luke answers. "This tem of this R2 unit. You must see this droid safely to
girl, the prettiest girl I ve ever seen, with a message my father on Alderaan. Please help me, Obi-'Wan
for someone named Obi-\7an Kenobi. I couldnt get Kenobi. You're my only hope."
the whole message to PlaY."
"\(ho is she?" Luke asks, and you can see that he
"Did you try taking off the restraining bolt?" you is intrigued by the girl.
"She is Princess Leia Organa of the Royal House
ask. "sometimes those bolts can botch other droid
functions." of the planet Alderaan," Ben explains. "Officially she
"I did that, but that made the droid even more ex- is an Imperial Senator, but secretly she is a leader of
cited, and then the message disappeared com- the Rebel Alliance.
pletely," Luke says.


TunX TO PAGE 25. TuRx To PAciE 9I.
l4 t5
"Luke, I'm heading out of here!" you shout' "I'll You talk bravely, but you are too terrified of Darth

go get help!" Vader to cast your lot with your friends, at least for
Luke calls for you to wait, that you ll have a better the moment. At the same time you feel so guilqy
chance if you stick together, but you dont listen' fu about your earlier betrayal that you cant bring your-
you run away,you can hear the savage screams of the self to betray them again.

Sand People as they knock your best friend to the The battle continues. Several stormtroopers have
ground. Still, you convince yourself that running for worked their way into the landing bay, trying to get
help is the only way either of you will live. around behind Luke to surprise him. You see that
You dodge one of the Tusken Raiders who comes het taken cover behind a TIE fighter. If the
after you and reach the edge of the hill, where you stormtroopers sneak up on him, Luke is dead for
quickly scramble down. At the bottom you risk a sure.

quick glance behind you. The Sand People have

stopped chasing you and are rummaging through
Luke's landspeeder, tossing gear out onto the sand'
Quickly you look around. You realize that to es-
cape now, you lt have to take one of their banthas'
fu you run toward the banthas, a Tusken Raider
suddenly appears from behind the creatures, scream-
ing at you as it lifts a club to finish you off' You
should have known they would never leave their an-
imals unguarded.
TURN rO paqe 87.


HURRY TO PAGE 69. TURN ro peoe 94.
You stay calm, urging Luke to try again. Finally he
reaches 3PO, and R2 shuts down the compactor in
time to save your lives.
Once outside, itt a matter of keeping a running
firefight going with the stormtroopers. You all split
up, fighting off the battle station's seemingly endless
supply of guards, but eventually everyone returns to
the landing bry.
Running across the bay toward the open ramp of
the Millenium Falcon, you hear Luke cry out.
Everyone turns to see Ben Kenobi and Darth
Vader battling with lightsabers. They slash at each
other, their deadly weapons humming, flashing, and
creating sparks with each blow. Then, in a moment
of strange calm, Ben stops fighting and allows Darth
Vader to strike him down.
"No!" Luke screams in horror.
"Luke, come on!" you shout. "Ben gave his life so
we could escape! Dont let him down now!"


t8 t9
Han reveals special hidden compartments in the "Shet beautiful, Han," you say, hoping a pretry
floor of the starship that are usually used for smug- girl will get his attention.
gling illegal goods. Itt hot and dark in the belly of It doesnt. But Luke has another idea.
the Falcon, but you keep as still as possible when the "She's rich, Han," Luke says. "A princess. you,ll
Imperial troops board the ship. a huge reward if you save her life."
Believing the ship to be abandoned, the troops "I'll get a huge reward, huh?" Han asks.
leave, and you all climb out of the hidden compart- "Absolutely," Luke says.
ments. Han stares at Luke a momenr. Finally he declares,
"That was easy," you say. "'We foolbd them!" "I'd better!"
"Great," Han says sarcastically. "Now what? Even Leaving the droids in the landing bay command
if I could take off again, we'd never get past that trac- center, you, Luke, and Han, in your stormtrooper
tor beam." uniforms, escort Chewbacca, who pretends to be a
"Leave that to me," Ben says.
prisoner, to the prison level of the srarion. \il/hen the
Just then, a scanning crew comes up the ramp of door opens ro rhe block of cells where princess Leia
the Falconto do a more thorough search of the ship. is being kept, you open fire again, blasting the
Han and Chewie knock them out and then call guards as they fire at you.
down into the landing bay for the stormtroopers.
\7hen the troopers come up, you blast them and
take their armor. Dressed as troopers, you, Han, and
Luke make your way to the landing bayt command
center, blasting through the small crew. A moment
later, Ben, Chewie, 3PO, and R2 join you.


oN PAGE BCi. Blasr youR wAy ro p,aqe 55.
20 2t
You can't think of anything to say to the officer to "Dantooine?" Vader says after youve told him.
convince him that you're a stormtrooper, so you do "Thrkin will think the planet too remote to provide
nothing. In his frustration, Han fires at the console. an effective demonstration of the Death Star's power,
It erupts in a flash of smoke and flame. but I will speak with the Emperor. 'With the plans
"\7ell, I guess he wont be bothering us anymore," for the station in Rebel hands, we musr move
you say. You smile, but you're nervous that the quickly to destroy their base.
stormtroopers will come after you now. "You have done well," Vader continues. "f sense
Han shrugs. "Boring conversation anyway," he you are troubled by your actions, but rest assured
says. "Let's just hope your buddy moves fast and that such feelings will pass. Soon you will see thar
finds the princess." He turns to shout down the cor- your decision was correct. You will benefit greatly
ridor. "Luke, we're going to have company!" from it."
A few moments later stormtroopers are at the
door, pounding and shouting. Then you hear the
sound of blaster fire.
"They'll be in here any second," you say. "'WeU
better take cover."
"Cover where?" Han asks. Chewie growls.
"Look, I'm not the one who shot up the comm
unit!" you shout.
The door opens and the stormtroopers start firing.
You, Han, and Chewie return fire, backing into the
corridor where Luke has found and freed Princess


22 29
"Great job," Leia says, glaring at Han' "You just Quietly you stun the stormtrooper walking with
Leia. fu he drops to the floor, Leia turns and stares
blew our only escaPe route."
"Maybe you'd prefer to stay here in your cell, Your at you. You pick up the fallen srormtroopert blaster
and hand it to her.
Highness?" Han asks angrilY'
"\7hat. . . ?" She fumbles for something to say.
Luke uses the small handheld communicator' or
"\7hy did you do that?"
comlink, to speak to 3PO. M'ybt R2 can use the
"'$T.hatever you may think of me, I saved your
main computer to find another way out'
"R2 says the entire station has been alerted to our life-and the lives of Luke, Ben, and everyone on
Luke," 3PO's voice crackles over Alderaan-by betraying the location of the Rebel
Presence, Master
base," you tell her. "Now, ifwe can all get out ofhere
ihe comlink. "There doesn't seem to be any other
before the Rebels blow up the Death Star, I think
way out . . . oh, sir, stormtrooPers are coming' R2
I must
hide!" we'll have done pretty well."
"You dont expect me to believe this was your plan
3PO signs off then, as you continue to fire at the
all along, do you?" Leia says angrily. "You gave up
stormtroopers blocking the exit.
"This is some rescue!" Leia shouts' ".W'hen you the location of the Rebel base to save your own
came in here, didnt you have a plan for getting out?"
"You can believe what you want," yo, tell her.
Han yells, "H.y, the kid is the brains, sweetheart!
Leia hides out of sight while you call out to the
The rest of us are just along for the ride'"
stormtroopers to withdraw, saylng Vader has called
Leia grabs the blaster from Luke and shoots a hole
for them on the control deck. Once they leave, /ou
thro,rgh the wall of the corridor' A terrible smell
rush into the landingbay, where the Milleniurn Fal-
wafts out of the hole, and you realize that the
con awaits.
princess has opened an access to the garbage chute'
"Luke!" you cry as you greet each other warmly.


TURN TO PAGE 28. Exrov YouR REUNToN ox pace 65.
24 25
"'What's that?" you ask. "I'm going to be in so much ffouble," Luke con-
"Maybe the reason that snake-thing ran ofi," Han tinues. "After dinner I went to check on them and
says. "I dont like the sound of it." R2 had run away."
Then the walls begin to close in on all of you. "Run away?" you ask in surprise. "How far can an
"'S7'e're inside a trash compactor!" Leia screams. R2 unit get on the sand?"
"Try to brace the walls with something!" "Far enough, obviously," Luke replies, frustrated.
But no matter what you do, you cannot stop the "So do you think this Obi-'Wan is related to that
walls from closing. Finally you remember that Luke qazy old hermit, Ben Kenobi?" you ask.
has the comlink. Luke shrugs. "I asked Uncle Owen about him. He
"Luke!" you shout, "call 3PO. If R2 can shut said that Obi-'Wan Kenobi lived around here a long
down the compactor . . ." You dont even have to fin- time ago, but he's dead now. Ary*ry, listen. I came
ish your thought. Luke is trying to reach 3PO al- over here to ask if youd come with me tomorrow.
ready. R2 could save your lives. I'm taking C-3PO to look for R2, and I could use an
"He's not answering!" Luke cries in a panic. extra pair of eyes."
"Sure, buddy," you say. "AIl you have to do is ask."

The next morning, you meer Luke bright and

early. You'll probably get in trouble for missing
breakfast, but Luke needs help, and het going ro get
in much bigger trouble if he doesnt bring R2-D2
back to the farm.


oPTIoNs, TURN ro paae 16. MEET LUKE oN PAGE 48.
26 27
You realize that gerting R2 to Alderaan is the top "Master Luke!" 3PO cries. "They've found us, sir!"
prioriry. You stay with Ben as Luke jumps in the Chewbacca roars, and Han agrees. "Lett move it,
landspeeder and rushes back to the farm alone. folks! No time for rescuing anybody but ourselves."
he is gone: /ou help Ben make a funeral fire "But Leia . . . ," Luke starts to protest.
for the Jawas. \7hen Luke returns, he is filled with You stop him, grabbing his wrist.
rage and terrible grief The stormtroopers have de- "Luke," you say, "if they notice the tractor beam is
stroyed the farm and killed his aunt and uncle. off we'll never get out of here, and Ben will have
"There was norhing you could have done, Luke,,, died for nothing. He left you here so that you could
you say. get R2 to the Rebellion in case he didnt make it.
"Indeed," Ben agrees. "If you had been there, you Dont let him down no'w."
would have been killed as well, and the droids would You can hear the clattering of armored
now be in the hands of the Empire." stormtroopers approaching, and Luke gives in.
"I want to come with you to Alderaan," Luke says. Stormtroopers burst into the landing bay as R2 and
"To learn the ways of the Force and become a 3PO are slowly moving up the ramp. You and Luke
like my father.:' stay below and return fire while Chewie and Han get
the shipt engines fired.
"'$7'e are ready to go!" Han shouts from the ship.
The ramp begins to close.
"There he is!" Luke cries. You see that Darth
Vader has entered the landing bay with a platoon of


Tunru To pAGE I 14. HURRY To PAGE 42.
"Follow me, flyboy. Somebody has to save our
skins." Then she dives through the hole.
Luke follows, then Chewbacca. Han gestures for
you to go next, so you fire a few more times and then
dive in. Han follows on your heels. You land in a pile
of garbage and rwo feet of sewer warer. The stink is
revolting, but at the moment being out of the range
of blaster fire is more important than smelling good.
"Theret something in here with us!" Luke shouts.
You hear it, roo, a splashing noise. You feel some-
thing passing in the water by your legs.
Suddenly Luke is pulled beneath the surface. You
and Han reach under, trylng to grab him. Leia
screams, Chewbacca roars, and you can barely think.
Luke surfaces with a huge, snakelike tentacle
wrapped around his body, then he's dragged under
again. A moment later he surfaces again, choking on
sewer water and gasping for breath.
"'$7.hat happened?" you ask. "How did you get
eway from that creature?"
"I didn't," he coughs. "It just . . . left. And fast."
Somewhere gears begin to click and whir, the
sound of machine engines srarting up.


Ben leads you to his small home. "It's simple, but "Yahooooooo!" you scream.
shelter and basic comfort are all I require," he ex- "'Well, guess thatt the last time I order you to re-
plains. treat!" Luke cries.
Ben walks to a corner, where he opens a small Suddenly a gruff voice comes over the comm. It's
wooden chest and retrieves a metal cylinder that Han! He and Chewie have come back!
looks like a handle with buttons. "You're all clear now, kid," Han tells Luke. "Lett
"I was once a Jedi Knight," Ben says. blow this thing and go home."
"Youte a Jedi?" you and Luke exclaim together. Luke does just that, firing right into the heat ex-
"Yes," Ben continues. 'A long time ago, when the haust port and causing a chain reaction that blows
Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the up the entire Death Star. Luket X-wing and the Fal-
galaxy,I served alongside your father, Luke." conbarely make it out of the blast area in time.
"My father wasnt a Jedi," Luke says. "He was a But even as they are retreating, you come under
navigator on a spice freighter." attack again. Vader has regained control of his ship,
"Thatt what your uncle Owen wants you to and he's coming after you.
think," Ben explains. "The life of aJedi is dangerous, "Hey!" you cry. "I need a hand over here, guys!"
and your uncle doesnt want that for you. But your You take a hit on your left wing, but nothing seri-
father was a cunning warrior and the best star pilot ous. Still, that means Vader is getting you locked on
in the galaxy. He would have wanted you to have target. One more shot, and he'll destroy you!
this." "I've got it, kid!" Han shouts.
Ben hands the cylinder to Luke. Luke presses a "'We've both got your back," Luke adds.
button, and a long beam of light flashes, extending They fire on Vader, and his ship explodes. The
out about a meter. Dark Lord is no more.
"Itt a lightsaber, the weapon of aJedi," Ben says.
92 BB
As alarms clang and sirens wail, a stormtrooper "Neither," yorl answer. "You do what you have to
runs uP to you. do. My place is here with Luke."
"Lieutenant!" he yells. *'WeVe got several Rebel "'Well, good luck to you," Han says. Soon he and
ships in our landing bay!" Chewbacca board the Falcon and take off.
"\Vhy would they board the Death Star?" you A short time later, you buckle yourself into your
shout. "They're trylng to blow up this station . . ." X-wing fighter. You and Luke are both part of the
Then it hits you. Princess Leia is one of the most Red Flight squadron.
important people in the Rebellion.'When Luke and 'When you launch, the fighters move into attack
the others joined the Rebels, they must have learned formation. The Death Star looms huge in your cock-
that Leiat ship had been taken by the Empire and re- pit window. The attack begins, but you hang back.
alized that she was a prisoner aboard the Death Star. In a moment TIE fighters erupt from the belly of
Theyve come to rescue her! the Death Star, and you do all you can to prevent the
You've known Luke Skywalker your whole life. He TIEs from attacking the X-wings flying into the
would definitely have come along on such a qazy maintenance canyon on the space station. If they
mission. You dont want Luke to die, and if there's cant hit that heat exhaust port, the Rebel base will
any chance the Death Star will be destroyed, you'd be destroyed.
like to get off the space station with him. You pray "'Watch your back, Luke!" you warn. "Fighters
that he will understand why you had to reveal the above you! Coming in!"
Rebel base's location. "I cant shake this TIE fighter!" Luke shouts.
"Come with me," yo* tell the stormtrooper. "Hold on!" you cry. The fighter is in your sights.
You go to the prison level with the stormtrooper Your weapons flare, destroying the enemy ship.
and drag Leia from her cell. "Thanks, old friend!" Luke says.
"Anytime!" yo* reply.


84 B5
Luke runs with you, and you all board the ship. "Now Captain," Thrkin says ptoudly, 'you will is-
You are terribly upset over Bent death, but Luke is sue the order for the execution of our Rebel caPtives.
nearly parulyzed with grief Ben was a mentor-al- Then our triumph will be complete."
most a father-to your friend. Your eyes go wide with horror. You glance at Luke,
Leia tries to comfort Luke. who now stares at you defiandy.
"Vader's taken ewey everything I ever had," he
Vader approaches and whispers harshly in your
says. "My father, my aunt and uncle, and now Ben."
ear. "Do it, or you will be the first to die."
"He destroyed -y entire world, Luke. Mi[ions "Execute the prisoners," you say, filled with shame
of people," Leie says. "But I turn my pain into a and horror, the look in Luket eyes burned in your
purpose, something worthwhile. The defeat of the brain forever.
Empire and everything that people like Vader and You watch as your friends are taken away.You sud-
Thrkin stand for." denly rcalize that one day, sooner or later, Thrkin or
"I'm with you," Luke says quietly. Vader or some other Imperial commander will have
"Me, too," you say. Then you whisper, "I'm sorry some minor complaint against you or your perfor-
Luke. Ben was a great man. If he hadnt turned off mance as an officer. Then it will be you who is es-
that tractor beam, and then sacrificed himself,, we'd corted to your execution.
all be dead." From that moment on, you live in terror, the guilt
of what you've done weighing like stone on your

Txe Exo


ARRTvE ar paae 76.
"'Wow, with all that blasting, it,s a wonder
the "Forget it, Luke!" you snap. "I'm not cutting out
whole station doesnt know we,re here,,, Luke says.
on you now!"
"Bring'em on!" Han snarls. ..Id prefer a straight
"You've got to!" he replies over the comlink. "If
fight to all this sneaking around.,,
"Yeah, that's a good idea,,, you
anything happens to me, someone's got to survive
_ say sarcastically. "A
who is strong in the Force, who wont let people for-
few hundred thousand Imperial soldier,
firr. get the Jedi. Youve got to follow the path and learn
blasters and two droids." "girrrt
about the Jedi. Find someone who can train you, if
"'Watch it, kid,l' Han snaps at you.
there are any teachers left!"
R2 beeps and whisdes, drawing your aftention.
. "You talk as if you were going to die," you say
"Excuse [re, Master Luke,,, 3pO says, .,but
R2 has qdr.tly.
accessed the main compurer, and het found
the con_ "Nobody wants to die, but this isnt exacdy a day
trol to the tractor beam."
on the farm," Luke replies. "Now follow orders. Re-
"Great!" Luke cries. "Lett go.,,
'No, Luke," Ben says. "I must do this alone. you
Reluctantly you obey. On the way back to the
mu$ see the droids delivered safery to the Rebeilion,
Rebel base, you can hear the final moments of the
or other s)Tsrems will suffer the same fate as Arder-
attack on the Death Star over the comm.
aan. Your destiny lies along a different path
than "Hurry Luke!" one of the Rebel pilots shouts.
mine. The Force will be with you . . . always!"
"They're coming in much,faster this time! I cant
hold them!"


"I'm not lying," you say, wishing you were. Han dashes uP the ramp and closes it behind him'
"Excellent," Vader replies. "'W'e were going to de- Then he runs to the cockpit and drops into the pi-
stroyAlderaan, but with the plans for the Death Star lott seat.
in Rebel hands, we must move to quickly destroy "Imperial trooPs, I d imagine?" Ben says' as calmly
their base on Yavin 4. Then we may worry about as if you werent in any danger at all'
other displays of power for the Emperor." 'Yeah, somebody doesrit want us taking offwith-
Vader orders stormtroopers to get you a proper out clearance," Han replies gruffly' "They're in for a
uniform for a lieutenant in the Imperial Navy and rude awakening."
then leaves you on the bridge. He has fulfilled his To your surprise, the Falcon performs as well as
side of the largain. You have sided with the Empire, Han bragged. Seconds later the ship roars up into
but the guilt you feel at betraying your friends is the sky orr., T".ooine and then into the atmosphere
great. You console yourself with the knowledge that of the planet, dodging fire from the ground' In
you saved Luke and the entire planet of Alderaan. space, ytu discover two giant vessels several
The Rebels still have the plans for the Death Star. Itt sand times larger than Han solot little freighter.
possible that they will still be able to use them. "Imperial Cruisers!" Han shouts' "You guys are
Less than a standard day later, shortly before the even more popular with the Empire than l thought!"
commanders of the Death Star plan to destroyYavin "To know us is to love us," you joke, but Han isnt
4, Rebel forces launch a heavy attack on the space in the mood for laughing. And neither is anybody
station as X-wing fighters dive into the wide central else.
trench around the Death Star. Grand Moff Thrkin The Cruisers give chase'
thinks their attack is ridiculous, but you overhear an
engineer say that if the Rebels hit the right spot, rhe )

Death Star could be destroyed. $



"No," you say, "I'm Luke Skywalkert friend'"
"Luke who?" she asks.
ili' "Oh, right, you dont know. I helped Luke get
R2-DZ and your message to Ben Kenobi," you ex-
"No!" she cries. "Kenobi has been captured too?"
"No, no," yo* explain. "He and Luke took the
droids and hired a smuggler to get to Alderaan'
They'll get there, Princess. You can count on Luke'"
'A smuggler?" Leia asks bitterlY.
Suddenly the door to your cell whooshes open'
Two stormtrooPers enter. They grab you and drag
you away. Here it comes, you think- Tbeyre going to
kill rne.

Instead, you're dragged to the command deck of

the Death Star. A gray-haired older man in the uni-
form of a high-ranking Imperial officer and a very
l tall man in black armor and a black flowing cape
stare down at you. The black-armored man is the

most terrifring being you have ever seen. You're so
scared you can't even look at him.


42 49
Luke leaps from the ilosing ramp and "\7e're going to do fine," you whisper to him. In-
starts blast_
ing away at Vader. Vader,s lightsaber erupts side, though, you wonder if youre crezy to 8o uP
in pure
energF, and he easily deflects the against the Death Star. Like Luke, you're a good pi-
blaste, boltr.
you cry. "Hold on. Luket gone crazy!,, lot, but you've never flown in combat.
You leap down after Luke as ,h. ,"_p Later, you find Han and Chewbacca, who have re-
halfway up. ceived their reward for rescuing Princess Leia and are
"Luke, come on!" you cry. ,.youte
going to get us packing up to leave before the Death Star arrives.
all killed!" "You khow," Han says, "you're calm in a fight, and
"You go!" he shouts. ,,Vader killed
my father, and prery good with a blaster. You could come with us
now het killed Ben. I cant lbt him live!,, if you want, instead of sticking around here to get
You grab Luke by the shoulders and obliterated when the Death Star shows up"'
spin him to
face you. Chewbacca roats what you assume is his agree-
"You'll have another chance, Luke," ment. Before you can reply, Luke approaches, staring
you saiz. "I
promise! But now we,ve got to go. The at Han with a bitter look on his face.
comes first!" "So you're going to leave, just like that?" Luke
Luke hesitates, then nods. He fires off says. You notice that Chewbacca has looked away, as
round at Vader and then rurns ro see if he is uncomfortable about going.
Chewbacca on
,I.-r"rnp, reaching down to lift you both up "Yeah, just like that," Han replies. "This isnt my
into the
fight, kid."
"It will be if the Empire defeats the Rebel Al-
liance," Luke argues.
"You could come with us," Han suggests.


44 45
Even as Vader's stormtroopers fire on the ship, the
ramp closes and the Millenium Falcon rockets out of
the space station landing bay, free of the tractor
Unfortunately, though you have the plans for the
space station-hidden inside R2, only Leia knows the
location of the secret Rebel base. For weeks, Han
uses all his contacts to try to get in touch with the
Rebellion. finally, the curtain of secrery is
drawn aside, it is too late. The Death Star, the battle
station upon which Ben was killed, has already dis-
covered and destroyed the hidden Rebel base.
It isnt total victory for either side. You have the
plans for the Death Star, and a tyrant like the Em-
peror always breeds rebellion. Surely you and your
friends can raise Rebel forces of your own. But that
"Oh,'my" C-3pO worriedly behind you. ..I
will take time. The fight against the Empire will rage
we'll be all right.,,
on with no clear victory for many years.
R2 beeps and whistles.


46 47
You look around for Luke to help, but he,s already \7hen you land at the Rebel base, you plan a
run down into the cell block to find princess Leia. Rebel attack against the giant sPace station I-eia calls
Then your roe hits the unmoving body of one of the the Death Star. Using the plans hidden in R2, Rebel
detention officers chewbacca blasted. His cap has engineers find a flaw in the space stadon. Thanks to
been knocked ofi and inside, on the band, i, Luke's flying and aim, and your aird Han's backup,
digit number. ".ri.r._
the Death Star is destroyed, and Darth Vader is lost
It could be nothing, a way to identif, laundry in space in a crippled sPacecraft.
maybe. But itt your only chance. \7ith the destruction of the Death Star and the re-
"I'm getting impatient!" the officer barks over the turn of the order of the Jedi, the Empire is dealt sev-
comm. eral blows from which it will never recover.
As time passes, Ben Kenobi begins a new Jedi
training program. You and Luke ate his first stu-
dents, and a short time later, Leia joins the school as
pair of stormtroopers to escom him up to the med_ well.


'hnd my operating number is 527_345009, sir.

I'd appreciate it if you would include me in your re-
port of this incident," you say, hoping that by
sounding as if you want credit for stopping the rarn_
page of a crazed soldier, you may convince the offi_
cer that youte really who you say you are.


4a 49
You set offacross the desert in Luket landspeeder "I'm tellin ya," 'Wuher roars to e pair of
with C-3PO at the controls. you and Luke search stormtroopers leaning against the bar, "I just dont
the horizon with handheld scanners, trylng to find
get this whole Rebellion business. I mean, we dont
some trace of R2.
bother the Emperor, and he dont bother us. Am I
"I cant believe you're letting a droid pilot your right? \7hat does it matter to a little bachnrater
speeder," you say.
planet like Thtooine whot in charge? Heck, we dont
C-3PO seems upset. r'I'll have you know that pi- uantanybody to notice us."
loting ground-effect vehicles like Master Lukeb land- The stormtroopers seem to laugh along with
speeder is one of the secondary functions for which 'W'uher,
but you are angered by his words. The Em-
I have been programmed," he sniffs. "In addition, ir peror is evil, a tyrerlt who enslaves whole planets.
leaves Master Luke free to scan for some sign of M.,, But you're sure not about to say that out loud.
You look over and see that Luke is smiling. ,,I for- "IJnfortunarcLy, not everyone is smart enough to
got to mention that C-3POt a bit sensitilr.,,; h. r"yr. that," a stormffooper admits, his voice sounding
The landspeeder whips over the wasteland, just a electric through the white helmet of his armor. "'W'e
few feet above the sand. For nearly an hour you dont
actually chased a ship out of here today, the Mille-
see anything. No sign of the tiny scavengers called
niurn Falcon, filled with Rebels. But they're in for
Jawas who sold the droids to Luke's uncle, or even of trouble, dl right.'\(/'e're searching for them all over
the Sand People called Tirsken Raiders, who savagely
the galary."
attack, rob, and sometimes even kill anyone coming Ob, no, you think. Luke is infor it now.
into their territory. You worry about Luke, Ben, and even Princess
"There's nothing here," you say, hoping Luke will
Leia. You start to wish you had gone with Luke in
turn around soon. You've been gone too long, and the first place.
your parenrs are likely to be prerry angry.

Loox ARoUND oN PAGE 57. Tunx ro pece 58.

"I want to know more about the Force, Ben,"
Luke says. "Does it control your actions?"
"Partially," Ben tells him. "Bur ir also obeys your
commands. Mastery of the Force demands calm and
patience. I'm going to teach you both how to sense
the power that exists in all things, that binds us and
connects us to the universe and to each other."
And so Ben begins to teach you and Luke how to
feel the Force, to use it as an extension of your
senses. You train quite a bit, using Luket lightsaber
to deflect energy bolts shot at you from a small hov-
ering ball. You have some success in your training
and can block some of the shots, but Luke surges
ahead immediately. Obviously, he has far more nat-
ural talent as a Jedi than you do.
Suddenly Ben cries out in pain and holds a hand
to his head. You and Luke reach our ro steady him.
"\7hat is it, Ben?" you ask.
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if mil-
lions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were
quickly silenced. I fear that something terrible has


Tunu to paoe 54.
52 5B
You realize you cant just leave your family and Vader leaves you on the bridge after ordering
your life on Thtooine. PIus, if you rry to find Luke stormtrooPers to get you the proper uniform of a
on your own, sooner or later someone is sure to lizutenant in the Imperial N"ty'You hate the idea of
identify you as having been with Luke, Ben, and the wearing the Imperial insignia, but you must pretend
droids, and you ll be arrested. The stormrroopers to suPPort the Empire until you can escaPe'
might even artack your parenrs and destroy your Foit.rrr" you dont have to wait long' Less than
farm the way they did Luket aunt and uncle's. you a standard day later, shortly before the Death Star
cant take that risk; you must leave Mos Eisley im- comes in scanner range of Dantooine, you come un-
mediately. der heavy attack bY Rebel forces'
You thank Capri Otti for the message and tell her \7ith alarms clanging and sirens wailing, you slip
you must go home. She helps you find someone who away to the prison level, where you blast several
will give you a ride, and you walk out of the canrina stormtroopers and free Princess Leia' On your way
without looking back. to the launch deck, you'come uPon a maior firefight
At home, your parents are thrilled you have re- in,progress. The Millenium Falconis in the middle of
turned. Your mother has been especially worried the landin gbay.Rebel forces and stormtrooPers are
about you. You work hard on the fum and occa- engaged in a vicious fight. From a distance you
sionally hear stories about the daring Rebels defying ,.. thrt leading the Rebels are several familiar faces,
the Emperor. You never see Luke Skywalkqr again, including Luke Skfwalker, Han Solo, and the huge
but you think of him, and of the Rebellion, every \7ookiee.
night as you look up at the srars. "Luke!" you cry, drawing his attention'
"Come on!" he shouts. "This whole place is going
Txe Exo f to blow!"
:n,. .

Hunnv To PAGE lOO.

54 55
"Strap yourselves in, folks!" Han calls from the
You shoot out the cameras in the prison block,
front of the ship. "'Wete going to be dropping out of
and Luke silences the blaring alarm. You are now in
hyperspace in a minute. \Ve're coming ,rp on Alder_
the prison control room. From outside the block, an
officer is shouting quegtions over the comm in re-
A moment later the ship lurches.
sponse to the alarm.
"\7hat the. . . !!! Chewie, increase power to de- "Detention level AA-23, whatt happening?
flector shields!'l Han shouts.
\7hat's going on down there?" the voice on the
"'S7'hat is it?" you ask.
comm asks anxiously.
Han goes to the console. He's nervous, and you
worry that he wont know the right thing to say to
the offtcer. If he can only figure out the right proce-
aern," Ben says anxiously.
dure or codes to keep the stormtroopers from inves-
Chewbacca roars his agreement.
tigating for a few minutes, youll be gone.
''Well, our position is correct,,, Han snaps. "IJh, this is detention level AA-23. Ah, everything
"But . . . Alderaan is gone."
is under control down here. Situation normal," Han
says. "'W'e had a slight, um, weapons malfuncdon,
but, uh, everythingt perfectly all right now.'Wete all
fine here now, thank you. LIm, how are you?"
Bad move.


Tunx To PAGE 66. Frxo our wHY ox pece 62.
56 57
Ben and Leia greet each other warmly, and Ben "There!" Luke shouts.
tells her how sorry he is about the ftte of Alderaan You look up to see-M trundling along the hard-
and of her father. packed desert sand.
"Sorry to break this up, folks," Han says quietly, \7hen you catch up with the droid, Luke is in a
"but if we dont get moving, they'tl have that tractor rush to take it back to the fum. But R2 beeps and
beam back on and we'll never get out of here." whistles, and C-3PO translates. Apparently he needs
"Quite right," Ben.says. to see Obi-\Van Kenobi.,As Luke tries to turn the lit-
Luke uses his communicator to reach 3pO, and tle droid around, R2t whisdes suddenly get louder
the droids are dready on the ramp of the Falcon and frantic.
when,you enrer the landing bay. As they turn to "Vlhat's that het sayrng, C-3PO?" you ask.
greet lou, they suddenly shout in alarm. "Oh, dear," C-3PO says fearfully. "R2 says there
Stormtroopers are coming up behind you! But you are several creatures of an unknown tFpe approach-
arc far enough ahead to escape. You and Luke fire ing from the southeast!"
blaster rifles at them to hold them ofi and the ship,s "Sand People!" Luke cries. "Lett takc-\k!"
engines ignite. You scramble on board as the ramp "'We're doomed," C-3PO wails. "Shouldht we
closes, and the ship rockers away. find somewhere to hide instead?"
Luke agrees with C-3PO, and you help him hide
the rwo droids behind some rocky outcroppings.
You and Luke climb to the top of a small hill. \7ith
scrnners, you search for signs,of the Sand People.
You see a pair of banthas-the huge, h"iry creatures
they ride-but no Sand People.


5a 59
The next night you go to work at the cantina "Listen, Luke," you say. "Ben told us to wait here.
again. A few hours later, Capri Otti returns. I mean, he used to be aJedi Knight, right? He knows
"I told your parents more about your situation what het doing, and I think we should wait until he
than you wrote in the note," she adrnits. ..I know comes back to decide what to do next."
Han Solo, and I know about your friends dodging "But. . . they're going to kill her," Luke argues.
the Imperials on the Falcon." "'We cant just leave her there."
She must have been cogrvincing, because the note "Olay," Han says. "Listen up. Even ifyou're right,
from your parents says that they're proud of you and and we have a reason to go running offon some sui-
will support whatever decision you make. At the
cide mission to rescu€ a girl I've never even seen . . ."
sarne time, they miss you and wish you were home. Han points at you. "Your friend here is right. The
Along with their message, your parents have sent a old man is running this show, at least for the mo-
lot of money. ment. \7e should wait for him to come back. If he
Now that you have the money and your pare.nts,
cant turn the tractor beam off, nobodyt leaving here
approval, you can do whatever you want. anyway."
Luke glares at you, defeated. FIe must have ex-
pected you to help convince Han, you realize. But
you're not eager to get yourself killed.
"Sorry," you say, and shrug.


TURN to peee 82.


Later, a huge celebration is held to mark this ma-
jor victory for the Rebel Alliance. Princess Leia pre-
sides over a ceremony where you, Chewbacca, Luke,
and Han are presented with medals for your service
to the Alliance. fu you watch your friends get their
medals you remember the amazing moments that
Iead to a Rebel victory. Your decisions have changed
the fate of the galary.

Txe Euo
62 6B
"W'e're sending a squad down to your location In the distance, you hear a terrifring roar that
rlght no\M," the officer says. frightens even the Tirsken Raider. But it doesnt stop
"Oh, negative, negative," Han says, fumbling. your attacker from hitting you with its club.
"'We had a . . . a reactor leak down here. Give us a You fall to the sand. The Raider continues to hit
few minutes to lock it down. Large leak. . . very you. A few seconds later, the Sand People are fright'
dangerous." ened off by some kind of bizane creature approach-
"\7ho is this?" the officer barks. "\Mhat's your op- irg. Up on the ridge, Luke catches his breath,
erating number?' bruised and battered from the fight but too weak to
You see that Han has nJn out of patience, but you run from the noise. He'[l be all right. But it is too
need to keep the stormtroopers away for a few more late for you. You pass out on the desert floor, un-
minutes. Your actions may spell the difference be- conscious and fatally wounded.
tween getting everyone off the space station dive
and getting everyone killed. Txe END


TURN ro peae 67.


TURN ro pnae 20.
64 65
"You again!" she shouts. "\7hat do you want from Luke introduces himself, Han Solo, and Chew-
me now? Isnt it enough that you've betrayed the en- bacca to the Princess. Leia is very gracious. She
tire Rebellion? Have you come to execure me now?" doesnt say anything about your earlier betrayal, for
"Quiet!" you bark. "Your Rebel friends have which you are grateful.
boarded this station. I'm going to bring you to "Let's get out of here now," Luke says. "This whole
them." place is going to go!"
The stormtrooper stops in his tracks. Just then more stormtroopers rush in. You and the
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant," he says. f'I cant do that." other Rebels blast at them. You all dash aboard the
"Escort the prisoner. That's an order!" yor snap. Milleniurn Falcon. You have barely pulled the ramp
"'$7'e're not handing the Princess over, wete using her closed behind you when you see Vader striding to-
as bait. The threat of her death will make the others ward you in a rage.
surrender. That will please Vader." fu the Falcon blasts out of the landing bay, you
You and the stormtrooper hurry Leia toward the breathe a long sigh of relief. Behind you, the Death
landing bay. Star suddenly explodes. Obviously the Rebels Put
the plans Leia stashed in R2 to good use.
"Ben Kenobi sends his best," Luke tells Leia. "Het
on Alderaan with your fathet and we're headed back
that way now."
Then Luke turns to you and points at your uni-
Go To PAGE 84.
form. "I want to hear all about your adventures in
the Imperial Navy," he says with a smile.
HELP Leta EsqAPE, Go ro PAGE 28.


66 67
"'\tr7hat do you mean, 'gone'?" Luke asks. "'$7here
Han points his blaster at the communications
rc rtr
console, but you step in front of him before he can
"That's what I m trying to tell you, kid," Han says.
"Alderaan's been totdly blown away.It aint there."
"Han, no!" you say.
"Destoyed by the Empire!" Ben whispers. "I
You turn to the console.
should have realized when I felt that disturbance ear-
"I asked for your operating number!" the officer
lier. . ."
'An entire starfleet couldnt destroy a whole
"I'm sorry, sir," you bluff. "'We had a detention of-
planet," Han says. "It'd take a thousand ships, with
ficer go a bit stir-crazy down here. He discharged his
more firepower than I ve sysl-"
own weapons, shot the place up a bit, and then
Han is interrupted by a beeping on the console.
started babbling on about radiation."
The Millenium Falcon is passed by an Imperial TIE
"'S7'hat kind of a show are you running down
fighter. Everyone is confusgd. Itt a short-range ship,
there?" the officer asks angrily. "And what is your op-
and there are no planets close enough for it to have
erating number?"
been launched from.
"Catch it before it can report in about our loca- That is a question you dont want to have to an-
swer. Obviously, this must be how ih.y re.o gnize
tion!" you say.
"Itt headed for that small moon!" Luke points. one another, you think. By number rather than
name. But how can you just make up a number? The
You see the moon in the distance.
officer is sure to know it's a fake.
His voice filled with dread, Ben says, "That's no
moon. Thatt a space station."

No wavl FIND oUT MoRE oN PAGE 75.

6a 69
You spot three ships in the trench on the surface You decide to stay and fight. Even though you
of the Death Star. know your situation is hopeless, you cant abandon
"'What are they doing down there?" Han asks. your best friend. Both ofyou are knocked down, and
"You should have gone to the briefing," you say. you can hear Luke grunt in pain as one of the Tusken
"They're making a run for the exhaust port, trying to Raiders clubs you in the shoulder and then on the
destroy the entire space station." head. fu you are about to black out, you hear a hor-
"There are Imperial fighters following them in rible roar, like the hunting cry of a krayt dragon.
that trench," Han says. "Tivo TIEs and an odd one." The noise scares the Sand People away, and just in
You feel a strange tug within you, and it frightens time. Another few blows, and you and Luke might
you. You reaJize it is something dark within the have been killed. You sit up, groggy, and stare at the
Force, and suddenly you know who is piloting the hooded figure coming toward you. The figure pulls
Iead Imperial ship in the trench. back its hood. You recognize the bearded, white-
"Itt Vadet" you say. haired old man immediately.
Han stares at you. "Dont tefl me you're into all "Ben Kenobi!" yov cry.
that hocus-pocus garbage, too," he says. "And hello to you, too," Ben replies. "Is that Luke
"Ok"y, I wont tell you," you reply, and smile. Skywalker with you?"
"Oh, boy," Han grumbles. You start to listen to You shake Luke back to consciousness. He is just
the communications between the Rebel ships. as surprised to see Ben as you are.
"Hurry Luke!" one of the Rebel pi[ots shouts over "\7e sure are lucky you came along," you tell Ben.
the comm. "They're coming in much faster this "The Jundland 'Wastes are not to be traveled
time! I cant hold them!" lightly," Ben says. "'!7'hat brings you two out this
Then you hear the pilot cry out as his X-wing is far?"
.shot down. Luke groans in anger but keeps flying.


"Han," you say, "he wont make it without us."
that's why we came bach kid!" Han snaps.
Chewbacca roars his agreement.
The Rebel Commandert voice comes over the
comm next. "Luke," he says, "you have thirry sec-
onds before the Death Star is in range to fire on
Yavin 4!"
"I'm going in . . . no! I m hit! I ve lost R2!" Luke
You can see that the lead ship, the one you believe
is piloted byVader, is firing on Luke. His X-wing has
been hit, but he's closing fast on his target. You know
Luke is a good pilot, and you know he can hit that
exhaust port if het given the chance. But Vader
could destroy his ship before Luke ever gets a shot
"Han!" you cry.
. "I'm on it!" Han yells.
The Millenium Falconwhips toward the. surface of
the Death Star, and Han fires on the ships pursuing
Luke. One of them is destroyed. Vadert ship spins
wildly out of control and disappears into space.
"Yahooooooo!" Han screams.


72 79
You decide that keeping Luke alive-and keeping "Han?" Luke shouts in return. "Han, you came
yourself alive as well-are more important goals back!"
than the security of the Rebel base. Even if the base Han looks over at you and smiles, then turns to
is destroyed, you reason, the Rebels may come back the comlink again.
over time to defeat the Empire. You must think of "You're all clear now, kid," he tells Luke' "Let's
your friends and yourself first. blow this thing and go home."
You know Leia wont understand what youre Luke does just that, firing right into the thermal
about to do, but you have chosen to save her life, exhaust port and causing a chain reacdon that blows
Luket, and your own, no matter what the cost. up the entire Death Star. Luket )Gwing andthe Fal'
"I'm sorry" yo,, say, and turn away from her, go- conbarely make it out of the blast area in time'
ing to the door to your cell. "You did it, Luke!" you cry. Chewbacca roars his
"Sorry?" she asks. "\U7'hat for?" praise as wel[.
You pound on the door and call for the guards to "Great shot, kid," Han shouts. "That was one in a

come let you out. million."

"'What are you doing?" Leia shouts, enraged. "You
traitor! You cant tell them, or wete all dead! Dont
you understand?!"
"I'm sorry," yo* say again. "It's best for all of us
this way, Princess. I've been offered a commission in
the Imperial Navy and have a responsibiliry to the


74 75
"\(hat?" Han barks. "You're even crazier than I
The Rebellion has taken a decisive victory in the
thought, old man! Look at the size of that thing! Itt
battle against the Empire. The tide of war has
way too big to be a space-"
turned, and it wont be long now before the Empire
Chewbacca growls in distress. Han stares out of
is crushed completely. But you feel a terrible guilt
the cockpit.
about your earlier betrayal of Leia, even rhough you
"I have avery bad feeling about this," Luke says.
were only trying to do what you thought was best.
"Han!" you say. "Bent right. Turn the ship
Itt a guilt that, in spite of Leiat silence, will haunt
you for your entire life. You are determined to fight
"Yeah, good idea," Han grumbles.
bravely against the Emperor unril the galaxy is safe
from his evil, hoping to somehow make up for your
But Han can't turn the ship around. The huge
space station has the Falcon in a tractor beam too
powerful to break. Han is forced to shut the power
Eventually, Ben Kenobi will srart a new order of
down and wait to be pulled aboard the station.
Jedi Knights, with you, Luke, and Leia as his first
"They're not going to get me without a fight,"
Han declares.
"You cant win," Ben sadly announces. "But there
Txe Exo
are alternatives to fighting."
Chewie unsnaps his harness and stands up, growl-
ing something to Han.
"You're right, Chewie," Han says. "It's our only
chance. Come on, people, get moving," he contin-
ues. "'W.e dont want anybody finding us when thc
Imperials come aboard the ship."


76 77
Before long, you arrive at Yavin 4, the fourth "Come on, Han!" Luke snaps. "Look around. You
moon of the planet Yavin, where the Rebel base is lo- know what these people are up against! They could
cated. Soon you learn that the Death Star is en route use a good pilot like you."
to Yavin 4 as well. The Imperials must have placed a "'W'hat goodt a reward if you aint around to
homing beacon on board the Falcon and tracked spend it?" Han says. "Besides, attacking the Death
your journey. But the Rebels are prepared. Theyve Star isnt courageous. It's suicidal."
got the plans for the Death Star now, and Rebel en- "'Well,' Luke says grimly, "take care of yourself,,
gineers have found a small flaw in the space sration. Han. I guess thatt what you're best at, isnt it?"
You sit with Luke at a briefing. Luke walks off. Han calls after him, obviously up-
"There is a deep trench running around the out- set by Luke's words.
side of the Death Star, at the end of which is a small "H.y, Luke! May the Force be with you," Han
heat exhaust porthole. A direct hit by proron torpe- says.
does will reach e main reactor of the Death Star, Instead of replying to Han, Luke looks at you.
causing a chain reaction that will blow up the enrire "Maybe you can talk some sense into him," he says,
station." and walks eway.
"But nobody can hit a rarget that small!" one of Han looks at you now. "So," he says, "are you go-
the pilots argues. ing to give me grief, or are you going to come along
"\7ell, we'll have to, wont we?" you say. with me, before it's too late?"
"\7e used to bullt-eye womp rats in myT:16 back
home, and they're not much bigger!" Luke says.
"Coming from a kid whot never flown in combat,
that isnt reassuring," another pilot says. Luke doesnt IF YOU DEqIDE TO GO l,tIITH HAN,
reply. TURN To PAGE 5.


Tunx ro pace 48. TURN To PAGE 83.
"From the looks of my rescue squad, I might be
better off," Leia retorts, but you can tell that shet be-
ing sarcastic.
It occurs to you that Leia and Han are not all that
different. As they continue to argue, you and Luke
put your stormtrooper helmets back on, and Han
follows suit. You put shackles back on Chewie and
walk behind the'Wookiee and Leia with blasters.
"You really think this will work?" Leia asks doubt-
fully. "You guys don't look a lot like stormtroopers."
"Itt how we got down here, Princess," you say.
And it does work. In no time youre back on the
same level as the landingb^y. In the corridor, you
meet up with Ben, who is sneaking along, somehow
undiscovered by the stormtroopers. It must be his
command of the Force, you reason. He must some-
how be controlling the soldiers so that they dont no-
tice him. Incredible!

Tunx To PAGE 56.

ao 8l
Suddenly the Rebel Commander comes over the Then you hear the pilot cry out as his X-wing is
comlink. shot down and explodes. Luke roars with anger and
'Red Flight, Gold Flight has failed in their attack sadness but keeps flying. Your fear grows. You can
run on the maintenance canyon. You'Il have to go feel the Force a bit, and sometimes you think Ben is
in!" the Commander shouts. "Luke, you're Red speaking to you in a whisper, but you cant really
Leader now." hear him. You aren't cut out to be a Jedi, you think.
You gasp. Already so many Rebel pilots have been At least not without the proper training. But
shot down that Luke, who has never flown in com- Luke . . . Luke was born to be a Jedi.
bat before, must take the responsibiliry of being the "Come on, Luke," yo* whisper in the cockpit of
Ieader. But you know het up to it. your X-wing. "You cant die. \We all need you."
"I'm right behind you, buddy," you say. The Commander's voice comes over the comm.
"No," Luke says. "I'm sorry but I order you to re- "Luke," he says, "thirty seconds before the Death
turn to base now. There's nothing you can do out Star is in range to fire on Yavin 4!"
here. W'edge and Biggs will watch my back, and your "I'm going in . . . no! I'm hit! I've lost R2!" Luke
parents would never forgive me if I got you killed." shouts.
'A little too late for that, isnt it, Luke?" you ask, You know how good a pilot Luke is, and you
hurt, angry and surprised that he wants you to bow know he can hit the exhaust port if he's given the
out of the fight. chance, but he's already been hit. He and his ship
"Thatt an order!" Luke snaps. could be destroyed before he ever gets the chance to




TURN ro pace 87. TURN TO PAGE 98.
a2 AB
A moment later stormtroopers enter and lead you
R2 beeps and whistles from his hiding place, then
-b..".k to the command deck, where Darth Vader rolls across the hard-packed sand toward old Ben.
waits for your report. You are aftaidhe'll doubt your
"This little droid here," Luke says, pointing to R2.
word, but you hope he'll sense the truth in you, the "I think he's searching for his former master. I've
way he sensed the Force there earlier.
never seen such loyalry in a droid. There's no stoP-
"You have the location of the Rebel base so ping him. He claims to have been the property of
quickly?" Vader asks, surprised.
someone named Obi-'!7an Kenobi. Is that a relative
"Yes," you reply. "Itt on Yavin 4."
of yours?"
"Princess Leia is more trusting than I'd imagined,
"Obi-'Wan Kenobi?" Ben exclaims. "'W'hy, thatt a
or you are more persuasive," Vader says as he eyes
name I've not heard in a long time."
you suspiciously. "Or perhaps youre lying to me?" "Then you know him?" you ask.
"N-No, Lord Vader," you stammer. "The base is
"Know him? I should think so. He's me!" Ben says
on Yavin 4. I hope that you will spare the life of the
Princess. She is no threat to anyone now that you
"Then R2 belongs to you?" Luke asks Ben.
know the location of the Rebel base." "I dont seem to recall ever owning a droid," Ben
"If you're telling the truth, Princess Leia will be
replies. "But we really ought to get inside before the
transported to the spice mines of Kessel and impris-
Sand People come back. They're easily frightened,
oned there for life rather than executed. You see, the
but they wont stay away for long."
Empire is nothing if not fair, Lieutenant. I will see to
it that your boon is granted," Vader rasps. "If you're
lymg, you will both be executed," he adds.


YoU oN PAGE 88. Go wrrH BEN ro Pace BO.
a4 a5
At the bay, you find Luke, Han Solo, and Chew- You may never have another chance to do some-
bacca, along with some Rebel troops, pinned down thing so important. If getting the droids to Alderaan
just inside the entrance. will help the Rebellion against the Empire, you've
a blaster to Leiat head, you drag her into the got to go. The Rebellion must come first.
.middle of the fight. "So you're coming?" Luke says hopefully.
\l'Luke!" you cry. "I've got the Princess!" "\[rouldnt miss it," you reply. "After all, if I dont
All fighting suddenly stops. Luke peel<s out from come along, who will keep you out of trouble?"
his cover, sees you, and almost drops his blaster in You laugh together, and you know for certain that
surprise. He is obviously horrified at the sight of you you've made the right decision. After selling the
in an Imperial N*ry uniform. landspeeder, you go with Luke, Ben, and the droids
"Surrender now-a total ceasg-fi1s-and I will to the docking bay where the Falcon is waiting.
spare her life and ask trkin and Vader to be merci- "A-fter alt Hant bragging, I cant wait to see this
ful toward you and your friends. If you dont surren- great starship of his," you tell Luke as you enter the
der, she'll be executed immediately, and the rest of hangar.
you will follow soon enough!" you call to him. Inside, however, the Falconturns out to be less im-
After a few moments of hesitation, Luke and the pressive than you imagined. In fact, it looks like a
others throw down their weapons and surrender to junk heap.
the Imperial troops. As the Rebels are escorted to the "Thatt it?" Luke cries. "Thatt the starship we
\What a piece
prison level, Han So[o and Chewbacca stare at you. paid an arrri and a leg for uansPort on?
Only Luke dares to approach. A stormtrooper moves of junk!"
to stop him, but you order the trooper to stand back. Chewbacca roars his disapproval about Luket
"I never dreamed it would come to this," Luke comments, but you have to agree with him.
says. "You in that uniform and me your prisoner." "'!7'hat a wreck!" you say.

DEFEND YoUR HoNoR ox paeg 88. Tunx TO PAGE 44.

a6 a7
"Go," you tell Leia, and turn away as she runs to "Go!" you tell Leia. "Run to the others."
join the rest of the Rebels. The Imperial forces have "!(hat are you going to do?" Leia asks.
been defeated, and reinforcements have nor yet ar- "'What I must," you tell her.
rived from the other levels. You run toward the stormtrooPers, calling out or-
The Rebels take Luket body with them onro the ders with all the authority that your rank carries.
Millenium Falcon and escape, leaving you ro face the They step aside. You rush past them into the landing
fury of Thrkin and Darth Vader. You know that you bay, dodging blaster bolts from the same Rebels
will deserve whatever you get. youre trying to save.
But Vader never has a chance to take vengeance Luke recognizes you and calls out as you run Past
upon you. Not long after the Rebels flee the Death him. You ignore him, for he hasnt yet seen the
Star, their attack succeeds, and the space station is stormtroopers about to fire on him from behind. At
blown into nothing but space debris, killing every- the last moment, you leap in front of the blaster
one on board, including yourself, bolts and are shot in the chest. You fall to the
ground. Luke blasts the stormtrooper who shot
THE END you. He kneels by you as you die, confused by your
presence-the last place he saw you was in the can-
tina on Mos Eisley-and your Imperial uniform. He
is heartbroken that you have sacrificed your life for
his own.
His face is the last thing you life leaves you.
see as
But you die content, believing that your sacrifice will
allow the Rebels to escape before they are captured
by the stormtrooPers.

"You're alive, Luke," you say softly. "Isn't that
whatt important?"
"Is it?" Luke asks.
You cant meet Luket gaze anymore, so you signal
for him to be taken away.
Later, you are called to the command deck by
Thrkin and Vader. They inform you that the Rebel
attack has been repulsed and a flaw in the design of
the Death Star repaired so that the station is now in-
"You have done well, Lieutenant," trkin says. "I
have decided to promote you to captain. In addition,
you will have a special assignment. You are to begin
training in the ways of the Force. Lord Vader will
train you himself."
You are relieved that you are not to be executed
but feel sick as viewscreens shimmer to life showing
Yavin 4, where the Rebel base is. Luke, Leia, Ben,
Han, and Chewbacca are brought to the bridge, and
you all watch in horror as the Death Start laser
weapon obliterates the entire moon of Yavin 4.The
Rebellion has suffered a terrible setback.


FIIvo oUT oN PAGE 85.
90 9t
\7hen Luke gets back into the landspeeder ro re- "NorM then, Luke," Ben continues, "you and your
turn to Ben and the droidsr /ou realize you cant go
young friend must learn the ways of the Force if
with him. After whatt happened to Luket aunt and
youre to accompany me to Alderaan."
uncle, you understand that any involvement with
Both of you stare at Ben in shock. You have re-
the Rebellion could be dangerous not only for you
sponsibilities to your family, and Luket uncle Owen
but for your own family. You cant risk that. Instead
would be pretry angry if Luke just up and left the
you return to your family farm. You work there for
the rest of your life, always wondering what became
"On the other hand," you say to Luke, "I've been
of Luke, Ben, and Princess Leia.
looking for some adventure, and my parents have
plenty of help on the farm. I'll bet theyd be proud
Tne Exo
of me for helping the Rebellion."
"Good for you," Luke says. "But not me. I d like
to help you, Ben, but I ve been gone so long already
I'll be in big trouble when I get home. I can take you
both as far as Anchorhead, and you can get transport
to Mos Eisley spaceport from there."
Together, you, Luke, Ben, and the droids leave
Ben's home and climb into the landspeeder for the
trip to Anchorhead.


92 9B
Chewbacca leads you across the bar
to a rugged- You stun the stormtrooper walking with Leia. fu
looking man sitting alone. He wears high black he falls, Leia turns and stares at you. You pick up the
boots, a black vest, and a blaster on his hip. fallen stormtroopert blaster and put it in the belt of
"Can I help you gents?" the man asks. your uniform, pointing your own blaster at her.
"Captain Solo, I presume?" Ben says. "ffi21-i" She fumbles for something to say.
"\7e hear you've got a fast ship," you say. "\Vhy did you do that?"
"I've outrun Imperial starships. If youte worried "'Whatever you may think of me, I saved your
about speed," Han Solo replies, "the Falcon's fast Iife-and the lives of Luke, Ben, and everyone on
enough for you, kid." Alderaan-by betraying the location of the Rebel
Ben and Han talk money, and the deal is done. base," you tell her. "Now, maybe we'll get through
You've got a ship to take you to Alderaan. But sud- this all right if youll be quiet and cooperate while I
denly you find yourself thinking more about the try to figure it out."
farm and your family. You know your parents will be "You dont expect me to believe this was your plan
proud of you when they hear of your adventure. But all along, do you?" Leia says angrily. "You gave up
youte going to miss them, and you didnt even have the location of the Rebel base to save your own
a chance to say good-bye. hide."
"You cin believe what you want," you tell her.
"I've been doing what I thought was best all along,
and I think itt worked out so far. Now just be quiet
a few seconds, and maybe we'll all get out of this


94 95
If the stormtroopers see you interfere on Luket Capri Otti helps you find a freighter captain will-
behalf, Vader will certainly hear and punish you ing to carry you to Alderaan. She buys you a soda
hideously, so you do nothing to warn your friend. At while you wait for the ship to be prepared.
the last moment, Leia notices the danger and screams "I've got to get back to work," Capri says, after
a warning. Luke turns to face the stormtroopers who draining her glass. "Tell Han Solo I send my love."
have snuck up on him, but he is too late. They blast You're sad that Capri is leaving. After all, she's the
him, and he falls to the floor of the landing bay, dead. only person you trust in Mos Eisley. But theret
You realize that you have just cost your best friend nothing more you can do-you need to warn Luke
his life because you were too frightened for your own and the others that the Empire is on to them.
safery to do anything else. Suddenly you know what "Hey!" 'Wuher shouts, marching out of the stock-
you must do. room to point a finger in your face. "\7hat are you
doing? I'm not payngyou to sit around and mope!"
"Sorry,'Wuher. I have to quit," you say. "I'm . . ."
You almost tell him you're leaving the planet, but
you remember his loyalty to the Empire. The less he
knows, the better.
"I'm going back to my parents' farm," you lie.
"'Well, how do you like that?"'Wuher shouts an-
grily. "I take pity on you, give you a job, and this is
what I get? You take off without even saylng thank
"(Jm," you mutter. "Thank you?"
"Yeah, yeah, just get out of here!"'Wuher snarls.


96 97
just impatient," you tell him. ,.And not "Chewbacca," you say suddenly, "Han's right. Ifwe
scared enough of dying."
go back there, it'll be suicide. If they had any sense,
"H.y," he says, "I'm not the one who dragged us theyA have abandoned the base and started again
down here to get some girl nobodyt ever seen.,, somewhere else, instead of throwing their lives away."
You smile. Han's right, of course, but you know Han stares at you. "Maybe we should go back," he
that Leia has to be saved. says softly.
"I've got your R2 unit," you hear Luke saying as "'Wait a minute," you say. "Dont start feeling
he comes back down the corridor with princess Leia
g,rilry now-youie just going to get us all killed. Be-
at his side. "I'm here with Ben Kenobi." 'What
sides, think about it, Han. difference can one
"Ben Kenobi!" she cries. "'\il7'here is he?"
ship, even a ship as fast as the Falcon, make against
You watch as Hant eyes widen. He is obviously the Death Star?"
taken by the princess, She is prerrF and very confi- Han takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.
dent, a person used to commanding others. Then he turns to look at Chewbacca. Chewie turns
"The old man's doing his part to make sure we get away.
out of here," Han says gruffly, then turns to Luke. "It's the only way," you say.
"Can we go now? Or is there anyone else you want "I know," Han agrees. "I just hope I'l[ be able to
to free?" live with myself."
"You've got an attitude problem, flyboy,,, Leia
He keeps flyrrg. Back at the Death Star, Darth
snaps at Han. "Better stow that, or it will get you Vader liquidates Luke's X-wing, killing your best
killed." friend before he can destroy the space station. Yavin
"Maybe you'd prefer it back in your cell, your 4 is obliterated and with it most of the Rebel Al-
Highness?" Han grumbles. liance. The Empire is able to build its forces
unchecked until it controls three Death Stars.
ON pace 79. #
Tne Exo
9a 99
Suddenly a larger ship drops out of hyperspace in A short time later, you sit in the landing b"ys
front of you and whips past your X-wing. you crane silent command center, Luke cries out in pain.
your neck to watch as rhe Millenium Falconflies to- "Luke!" you shout.
ward the surface of the Death Star. Han and Chewie "Kid, what is it?" Han asks.
are back! The Falcon ftes on rhe ships pursuing Chewbacca roars, and the droids approach. \When
Luke. One of them is destroyed, and the lead ship, Luke lool<s up, his face is stricken with sorrow.
probably Vaderk, spins wildty out of control and "Itt Ben," he says. "Het dead. Killed by Darth
into space. Vader. I felt him . . . he . . . spoke to me. The tractor
"Yahooooooo!" Han screams. beam is off.'Weve got to get out of here. Now!"
"Han?" Luke shouts in return. "Han, you came "I didnt feel anything," you say, somehow disap-
back!" pointed that your small measure of talent with the
"You're all clear now, kid," Han tells Luke over the Force could not detect Bent message.
comm. "Let's blow this thing and go home.,, "If the old man's dead, we've really got to go," Han
Luke does just that, firing right into the heat ex- says, moving toward the door.
haust port and causing a chain reacrion that blows "But what about the Princess?" you ask.
up the enrire Death Star. Luke's X-wing and the Fal- "\[e're going to get her out first," Luke says
conbarely make it out of the blast area in time. bravely. "Han, you and Chewie can go get the Fal'
"You did it, Luke!" you cry. you can hear Chew- con prepped if you want. I'm not leaving here with-
bacca over the comlink roaring his praise as well. out Princess Leia."
"Great shot, kid," Han shouts. "That was one in a Just then alarms squeal loudly throughout the
million." space station. You cover your ears and wince in pain
at the noise.


You and Leia run to the Falcon, blasting any
stormtroopers who try to stop you. fu you board the
ship, you see Vader striding toward you in e rage.
Fortunately, you are able to close the ramp just be-
fore he reaches you.
Then the Falcon blasts out of the landing bay, and
you breathe a long sigh of relief. Behind you, rhe
Death Star suddenly explodes. Over the communi-
cation systems, you hear a roar of excitement from
the Rebel pilots in their X-wing fighters.
"Ben Kenobi sends his best," Luke tells Leia. "He's
on Alderaan with your father. \Vete headed back
that way now."
. Then Luke turns to you and points at your uni-
form. "I want to hear all about your adventures in
the Imperial Navy," he says with a smile.
The Rebellion has taken a decisive victory in the
battle against the Empire. The tide of war has
turned, and it wont be long before the Empire is
crushed completely. As you think about your impor-
tant role in this Rebel victory you are determined to
fight bravely against the Emperor until the gdary is
safe from his evil.

Txe Exo
to2 toB
Ben leaves. Han shakes his head. ..\ftrere did
you You completely lose your cool.
two dig up that old fossil?" he asks, Iaughing. "Give me that thing!" you shout, slogging through
"Ben is a great man!" Luke snaps.
the sewage to reach for the comlink.
"Yeah, great at getting us into trouble,,, Han "No, I'm trying-just give it a iecond," Luke says.
"\7e dont have a second," you shout in a panic,
I didnt hear you coming up with any ideas, and grab at the small device.
Captain," you say. angrily, joining Luke to defend "'W'ait, stop!" Luke snaps.
Too late. You accidentally knock the comlink out
"Hey." Han shrugs. 'Anything would be better
of Luket hands into the sewer water. The uvo of you
than hanging around here waiting for stormtroopers
fall to your knees in the sewage, searching for the
to pick us up."
small metal cylinder. But time has run out. Amid
R2 begins beeping excitedly again, his high_ screams of pain and the crunch of garbage, you and
pitched whistles hurting your ears.
all your friends are crushed to death inside the trash
"Master Luke!" 3PO says excitedly, ,,R2 says
het compactor, simply because you lost your cool.
found her! This is exrraordinary. She,s here on the
\Tithout the plans for .h. Death Star, and the
space station, sir! Detention Block AA_23!,,
leadership of Princess Leia and Ben Kenobi, the Re-
bellion suffers a serious setback, and the war drags
on for decades.



Go To PAGE T to.
lo4 lo5
Unfortunately another platoon of stormtroopers "\7hat do you want from me?" you manage to ask'
appears, blocking your path. You can hear the first "Your first act as a lieutenant in the Imperial
group coming up behind you. You're trapped. Navy," Thrkin explains, 'will be to return to your cell
Theret only one thing left to do. Surrender. and convince Princess Leia that you supPort the Re-
You drop to your knees and lace your fingers be- bellion. Do whatever you must, but find out' from
hind your head. her the location of the Rebel Headquarters'"
"Thatt right, Rebel," the stormtrooper captain "And if I say no?" You ask.
growls as he binds your wrists with shackles. 'Just "Thatt not an option," Tarkin replies'
dont move, and youll live . at least until we hand you consider Thrkin's offer carefully. If he is telling
you over for questioning." the truth, you will become an Imperial officer' \7ith
You are herded on board an Imperial transport the security, wealth, and Power ofyour position' you
and kept in a holding cell until you arrive at the Im- might be able to keep Thrkin and vader from killing
perial battle station the stormrroopers call the Death Luke.
Star, the biggest artificial structure you've ever seen. But you cant save anybody if youre dead'
On the Death Star, youte brought to the prison level.
A small door slides open, and you see that you are face
to face . . . with the woman from the hologram!
"Princess Leia?" you ask in astonishment.
The stormtroopers glance at each other. By letting
them know that you recognize Leia, you've virtually
admitted to being part of the Rebellion.
\Mhen youte alone, the Princess stares at you.
"Do I know you?" she asks.


Then you hear screams as a Tirsken Raider jumps
up right in front ofyou. You shout in alarm and dive
out of the way as it attacks you with a club. Luke also
jumps cleat but now there are more of them, and
you realize they could easily kill you both.
You see a hole in their swarm. For a moment you
wonder if you should run.


toa r09
You know better than to say anything else. Let You decide that you must tell Leia about the deal
Vader think what he wants. If youre alive, no marter you made with trkin and that you plan to betray
where you are, itt got to be better than being exe- him by providing false information.
cuted. "This is perfect," Leia says excitedly. "Tell them
Or at least thatt what you think, until an Imper- 'We
the Rebel base is on Dantooine! actually had a
id transport delivers you ro Kessel. Immediately you base there, but now itt
abandoned. Thrkin will be-
are put to work in the darkest, most dangerous part lieve you, but fooling Vader might be another stoty."
of the mine. You can barely breathe. You've gor ro You nod, realizing the danger you are both in. You
watch your back at all times for fear that another begin pounding on the door while Leia shouts at
prisoner mey try to rob or kill you. And you never, you, pretending to be furious.
ever get to breathe fresh air or see the light of day. "'!V'hat are you doing?" she yells. "You cant tell
It's horrible. Hellish. After a few years, you dont them or we're all dead! Dont you understand?!"
care about anphing anymore. Not your family or A moment later stormtroopers enter and lead you
Luke. Not even the Rebellion. You find yourself o, back to the command deck, where Darth Vader
hoping, praylng for Vader to come for you. But he waits for your report. You are very nervous, afraid
never does. Vfh.ether het dead or has forgotten you he'l[ somehow sense your lie.
doesnt mafter. All it means is you ll never get offthis H
That's it, you think! The Force. You know from
horrible planet. Never. talking to Ben Kenobi that theret not only power
but peace and focus and concentration to be had
Trle Exo from the Force. You search within yourself and are
amazed to find the strength to calm yourself down.
You are ready for Vader now.

'f ON PAGE 2I.
t to lll
"\Who's here?" you ask. Then you turn to 3PO. The golden humanoid
"Princess Leia," 3PO replies. "She's on the prison droid is standing in a cotner by the computer con-
level, and I'm afraid shet scheduled to be termi- sole with R2.
nated." "3PO,u you say, "ask R2 to monitor all transmis-
"Terminated!" Luke gasps. "\7e've got to help her! sions for any mention of Ben, the Falcon, or the trac-
'Weve tor beams."
got to figure out a way to get to her!"
"I'm not going anywhere," Han comments. R2's dome-head spins around so that the eyelike
"Look, Han," Luke says. 'A few minutes ago, you lens on his dome faces you. The droid beeps and
complained about just sitting around. They're going whistles loudly.
to kill her!" "R2," 3PO chides the droid. "Dont be rude."
"Better her than me," Han says. Chewie growls in "I'm sorry," yo* say. "I dont speak Astromech."
agreement. "Of course not," 3PO says. "R2 was just remind-
Han has a point. Itk not much better than a sui- ing you, and none too politely, that just because you
cide mission to try to rescue Princess Leia. But you dont understand his language, that does not mean
know she plays a valuable role in the Rebellion. The that he has trouble understanding you-rs. He would
idea of leaving her to die is not very heroic. Youre prefer it if you did not speak of him as if he wete not
uncertain what to do. here."
"Oh," you say, embarrassed. "Tell him . . . there I
go again. Sorry R2."
R2 chirps pleasantly and goes back to monitoring
the computer.
tt2 I tB
"Thank you, 009," the officer says. "Youte right "Hurry Luke!" Biggs shouts over the comlink.
about the danger of such a man. How he slipped "They're coming in much faster this time! I cant
through Imperial training is beyond me. If you dont hold them!"
have a visit from a psych evaluaror in the next hour, Then you hear the pilot cry out as his X-wing is
please contact me immediately and I will see ro it." shot down. Luke roars in anguish, but keeps flying.
"Yes, sir," you snap. "Thank you, sir." The Rebel Commandert voice comes ovcr the
The officer signs ofi and you breathe a long sigh comm next. "Luke," he says, "you have thirty sec-
of relief You turn to find Han and Chewie staring at onds before the Death Star is in range to fire on
you. Yavin 41"
"Not in my right mind, huh?" Han asks. "You can "I'm going in. . . no! I'm hit! I've lost R2!" Luke
say that again. Otherwise I never would have come shouts.
down here with you rwo farmhands. Thtooine must You can see that the lead ship, the one you believe
breed insanity." is piloted by Vader, is firing on Luke. Luket X-wing
Chewbacca growls something and pats you on rhe has been hit, but he's closing fast on the reactor. You
back. You look ar Han for some translation. know how good a pilot he is, and you know he can
"You did good, Hd," Han says reluctantly. "I was hit that exhaust port if he's given the chance. But
having a bit of trouble rhere." Vader could destroy Luke and his ship before he ever
gets that chance.
"I'm coming, Luke!" yo, cry ovcr thc c:otttttt.
You pilot your X-wing toward tlrc srrrlirt'c of'tlrc
Death Star and blast away at thc ships pttt'sttitrg,
Luke. One of them is destroycd. 'l'lrc lcirtl slrip,
Vadert, spins wildly out of control into spacc.


Youve never been to Mos Eisley spaceport before.
It has the reputation of being a hangout for the
worst criminals in the galaxy. But you all know itt
the only place to find a pilot with a ship to take you
from Thtooine to Alderaan.
Once you arrive, Ben guides everyone to a local
cantina, then disappears into the crowd. You sit and
have a drink of water with Luke. Soon Ben joins you
at the bar and introduces you to a huge furry'Wook-
"Chewbacca's the first mate and copilot on a ship
that should suit our needs. His captain is over at that
table, a man named Han Solo. \7e'll see if we can
buy our passage to Alderaan," Ben explains.

Follow CHEwBASqA ro pe,ae 92.

r t6 lt7
"No can do, old friend," you say. "Thank you," you manage to say, though itt hard
Luke srams to yell at you to withdraw, but you in- to speak the words. 'I will find the location of the
rerruPr him. Rebel Headquarters."
"Listen, Luke, waste time yelling at me later,', you Thrkin is obviously pleased, but Vader is silent. He
say. "For now, just go blow up thar space station, doesnt trust you. The problem is, you arent sure you
okay?" trust yourself. It would be so easy to go along with
Grumbling, Luke leads Biggs and W'edge on a Thrkint plan. After all, you dont really know much
three-X-wing attack on rhe space starion. you hang about the Rebellion. Ben Kenobi might just be a
back with the remainder of Red Flight and Gold crazy old man who has pulled Luke into something
Flight to take on the last of the TIE fighters. But you very dangerous and misguided.
keep an eye on Luke. It isnt long before you hear You are put back in your cell, where Leia waits.
him over the comm. "I kept waiting for them to torture me, but they
Het in trouble. didnt," you tell her. "They just kept asking me where
"Look out!"'Wedge shouts over the comm. Luke and Ben were heading on the Millenium Falcon,
"TIE fighters! Right behind us . . ." Biggs adds. and where the Rebel base is. I assumed that you sent
You glance out your cockpit and see rhe rwo TIEs, Ben to Alderaan because thatt where the base was, so
led by a third ship of a design youve never seen be- I didnt tell them thatk where Luke went."
fore. You can sense an evil coming from the ship,. "Luke is lucky to have a friend like you," Leia says,
and you know that Vader is the pilot. Vader fires, obviously touched by your pretense of loyalry. You
and'!7'edget ship is hit! feel guilry and you almost blurt out the truth. But
"I'm losing control! I cant hold course!" Wedge you cant. So much depends on keeping your pact
shouts. with Thrkin, like saving Luket life-and Leiat, for
Luke orders him off that matter.


I ta
"I just hope Luke can get ro rhe Rebel base on WITH THESE OTHER EXCITING
Alderaan in time," you say. d)r=-=fi\ f-) fffrym
The Princess looks at you oddly a moment, her
Sbadous of tbe Erupire:
eyes narrowed, as if she is trying to make up her
A Junior Novelization by Oh ri s to p hcr (iolclcn,
mind about somerhing.
Based on the Neut Yorh 7irzrc licstscllcr
"The base isnt on Alderaan," Leia says in a whis-
per, trusting you with the trurh. "Thatt just where
my father is, and he's part of the Rebellion. Rebel AND ENTER rNTo rr=ffi'fffi,(
Headquarters is on Yavin 4." TO EXPLORE THE DARK SIDE OF THE
You stare at her. You've never even heard of Yavin STan WARS UNIVERSE, WHERE A
4, but now that she's told you where the base is, you NEW EVIL LURKS.
wish you didnt know. Because now you have to de-
#L EarEru Altvg
cide what to do with the information.
#2 Crrv or rnE Deao
#3 PlaruEr Pucur
#4 Tnr NTGHTMARE Macnrrue
#5 Gnosr or ruE JEor
#6 Anuv or TERRoR
#7 Tne Bnatru SptoERs
#8 TuE Swenvr
#9 sponE



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