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Dedicated to the ideal*
•Ad Interests of young UKRAINIAN WEEKLY
Americans of Ukrainian SECTION
- descent 81-83 G r a n d l
S reet
Informative, instructive.
Supplement of
Ukrainian Daily Svoboda
Published by the
\кШнеькнй щоденник UKRAINIAN* DAILY Jersey City 3, N. J.

TeL HEndereon f W08i

Ukrainian National
Ukrainian National Ana**

The Ukrainian Weekly Section TeL HEndereon 4-1018


Walter W. Danko, sports the Board of Directors of the
columnist of the Ukrainian organization building a new To thousands of Detroit's
children he is know as "Eko,"
the late Soviet dictator that A National Eucharistic Mar- which are necessary, having REPUBLIC
Weekly, publicity d i r e c t o r home there. he personally ordered Kozak ian Congress of the Oriental frequent meetings and consul-
of the Ukrainian Youth's Burial services were at the the artist on WWJ-AV's arrested when the Reds over­ Rites will be held Friday, Sat- tations.
League of North America, and St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox "Playschool." To Ukrainians ran Western Ukraine, reports urday and Sunday, October 22- H o s t s will be Archbishop
Hearkening back to the time long story of the struggle for
Church, with Rev. Beck of­ around the world the three let­ John J. Najduch of the De­ 24, in Philadelphia, Pa. Bohachevsky, and Archbishop
(1917-1921) when the Ukrain- to be free. It is a struggle t h a t
one of the most active figures
ficiating, last Tuesday morn­ ters spell out Edward Kozak, troit News. It is to be held under t h e ' J o h n F. O'Hara, C.S.C.D.D.,
ian people were victorious in goes back further than Amer-
in Ukrainian American young­
ing. the sharp-penned editorial car­ Kozak fled underground, but auspices of the Ukrainian Cath- of Philadelphia.
thelr struggle to regain their'ica's to the beginning of the
er and older generation life, toonist.
One of the greatest achieve­ was captured by {he German ilic Exarchate of the Byzan­ Chairman is* the Most Rev­
n a t i o n a l independence and [Middle Ages, when first the
died last Friday, September The pseudonym " E k o " (made troops. He also lampooned
ments of Walter Danko was tine Slavonic Rite. erend Ambrose Senyshyn, O.S.
established their Ukrainian Na­ Russians and then Mongols in­
17th at t h e . Jersey Medical up of first two parts of his them and was put in a forced
his tracing of American athletes "The purpose of the Eu- B.M.. D.D., Auxiliary Bishop
tional Republic—Averell Harri- vaded Ukrainian territory and
Center, in Jersey City, N. J. of Ukrainian descent and his names) first appeared as a sig­ labor camp from which Ameri­ •haristic Marian Congress is and Vicar General of the Uk­
man, who last Wednesday was imposed their rule upon the
He was 26 years old. compilation of the AU-Ameri- nature on a cartoon 25 years can troops liberated him. .o glorify the Eucharistic rainian Catholic Exarchate,
nominated by the Democrats Ukrainian people."
Surviving are his widow, the can football and basketball ago. The name now is on nu­ He came to this country ii Jesus and through the Blessed U.S.A.
for Governor of New York Mr. Harriman also paid trib­
former Helen Hudak, 3-year- teams, all of which were pub­ merous paintings, murals, cari­ March. 1949. His first job was Virgin Mary propitiate Him Among the participants will
declared In his address at the ute to the Ukrainian immi­
old son William, brother Alex­ lished in The Ukrainian Week­ catures—and even on a Soviet painting houses. Then the .'or the disdain of mankind," be members of the Catholic
Ukrainian Manifestation grants here for "the sacrificea
ander, and parents, Myron and ly. arrest order. noted Italian muralist Andrew n the words of a special mes­ Hierarchy of the United States,
In New York City last Sunday, that [they] made in establish­
Tekla Danko,,all of 347 Ave­ Leading American sports The Ukrainian community of Maglia heard about his pres­ sage from the Most Reverend Canada. Europe, Near East,
September 19, that he regret­ ing themselves In America."
nue C, Bayonne, N. J. writers personally praised him Detroit observed the 25th an­ ence in Detroit and hired him C о n s t a n tine Bohachevsky, members of the clergy of
ted the fall of the Ukrainian Principal Ukrainian speak­
The deceased graduated New for this work, and reprinted niversary of Kozak's artistic as an assistant. S.T.D., Titular Archbishop of Oriental and Latin Rites, rep­
National Republic. ers were Prof. Alexander Ohlo-
York University in 1931 with a some of it from the Weekly. career with a two-day jubilee Kozak lives with his wife Borea and Apostolic Exarch resentatives of religious com­
Adressing an assemblage of blyn and Dmytro Halychyn,
Bachelor of Science degree in As for his Ukrainian back­ prograni last weekend at the nnd two sons, George, 21, and for the Ukrainian Catholics of munities, delegates of societies
about two thousand, Mr. Har- president of the Ukrainian
Engineering. He was member ground, he was very proud of International Institute. Jerry, 13, at 4947 Daniels. the United States. and organizations, and the
riman, former ambassador to National Association. The lat­
of UNA Branch 213, to which it. At the Same time he show­ After receiving his art train­ The major part of the an­ The preparations for the faithful of Latin and Oriental
Moscow and former Director ter said that no matter how
the members of his family be­ ed an awareness of Ukrain­ ing in Germany and Poland, niversary program was held at he Congress are going ahead Rites: Armenian, Chaldean,
for Mutual Security, declared anyone Interprets the Pereya-
long also. He was the young­ ian problems, internal and Kozak went to work for the :he Institute's Hall of Nations it full speed. Already 38 corn- Marionite, Byzantine (Ukraln-
that:—"In 1917 and 1918 a slav Treaty yet one thing re­
est member of the Political external, rarely possessed by a satirical magazine K о m a r Among those present were mittees are intensely working ian, Melchite, Russian, Ruthen-
free and independent Ukraine mains clear—that Moscow can
Advisory Committee of the Uk­ person of his age. (Mosquito). His biting car­ three New Yorkers who came was re-established, but re­ never be trusted.
in various fields of endeavor, ian, Slovak, Hungarian, Ru-
rainian Congress Committee of Ukrainian American youth toons and caricatures soon won especially for the program making all the preparations manian).
grettably its life was short in­ Dr. Lev Dobriansky, presi­
America, financial secretary of suffered a great loss when he him attention throughout Eu­ They are Joseph Hirniak, stage deed. The Ukraine, once again, dent of the Ukrainian Congress
the Ukrainian. National Home passed away. rope. Before long his works star and director, Ivan Ker- and again by sword, became Committee of America, analyz­
in Bayonne, and a member of Вічная Йому Пам'ять! were being syndicated.
His caricatures of Stalin
nycky, writer, and Roman
Kupchyneky, writer. They
Ohio Announces 60th Anniversary part of the Russian Empire— ed American policy In relation
a new empire based on Godless to Russia and made certain re­
created a European sensation took part in the program. En­ Program communism, and ruled by that commendations.
and even became the subject tertainment was provided by
Wins Distinguished Oliver Ditson of a discussion in the British the Boyan Choir and Merko
materialistic concept t h a t the Mayor Robert Wagner of
The combined UNA Branch-j been enthusiastically received itate is all and the individual New York sent a telegram to
Music Award parliament. It also so incensed Lepky. violinist. es of the State of Ohio, under in its many appearances and is nothing." the gathering In which he
whose sponsorship' the 60th has established Iteelf as the The rally was held to com stated t h a t there can be no
Elva Barabash placed first |nimous decision of the judges, Anniversary of the Ukrainian outstanding grouo of its kind memorate the 300th annlver- lasting peace as long as the
in the piano competition in the auditions to play Chopin's Crowned U.N.A. Queen of 1954 National Association will be in the State of Ohio. Uary of the Treaty of Pereya-1 peoples behind the iron cur-
Chicago. September 17, 1954, Piano Concerto No. 2 in F Mi­ observed In Ohio on Sunday, Rounding out the musical L i a v (see article on p. 2 ) , as a I tain remain enslaved.
and won the distingished and nor with the symphony orches­ CHICAGO'S IBM U.N.A. QUEEN AND HER ASSISTANTS October 17, 1954, take great lpotion of the program will be Way of deep mourning for the і Stephen J. Jarema, member
coveted Oliver Ditson. Music t r a a t the Annual Commence­ Ю . T H E CORONATION CEREMONY . . . p l e a s u r e in announcing- their the appearance of Ukrainian 1 Jkrainians,. and at the ваше J of the UCCA РоіШетІ Policy
ment Exercises a n d Concert at 'program. /dancers from-CReveisatd. A k r o n / j m e , as a <»y of InspirationiBotOrd, ably preSfded a s enair-
the Chicago Musical College. j This celebration, to beheld In /and Youngstown. These d a n c - ' / them, for. despite the en-/man ot the gathering. It was
o r

Elva is well known by both (the spacious and beautiful Mu-|sra have been under the tute- slavement of Ukraine the Uk-j formally opened by Peter

American and Ukrainian audi­ sic Hall of the Cleveland Pub-|lage of young George Rusyn in niinians n their native land і Kuchma, chairman of the Me-
ences as she appeared at many lie Auditorium in Cleveland. the classes he conducts in the have never wavered in their ropolitan Area Committee of
concerts, recitals and other Ohio, will be highlighted by various cities of Ohio. j300 year struggle to free them- the UCCA and member of
functions since she was eight a musical program featuring The guest of honor on the selves. !>oard of Auditors of the UNA.
years old One of the most the talented nnd popular Amer­ speaker's portion of the plan­ Mr. Harriman ably traced Choral music was provided
memorable and brilliant per­ ican-Ukrainian soprano, Mrs. ned program will be Mr. Dmy­ the course of this struggle to by the Ukrainian Arts Club
formances was her appearance Mary Lesawyer of New York tro Halychyn, president of the its very beginnings. Chorus, directed by Ihor Sono-
as a-soloist in Orchestra Hall City, and the well known Uk­ Ukrainian National Associa­ "Indeed," he said, "the en­ ytsky, and the Ukrainian Cho­
with the Chicago Symphony rainian baritone, Mr. Michael tion. tire history of the Ukrainian rus of Elizabeth directed by
Orchestra at the age of 16. Minsky. also of New York. Acceptances for participation people—even as the history of Roman Levytsky. Miss Olga
She played Grieg's Piano Con­ These artiste will be accom­ in the program have been re­ the American people—is one'Dmytriw was at the piano.
certo in A Minor. Her next panied by Miss Olya Dmytriv/ ceived from Mrs. Frances P.
public appearance will be at »f Jersey City. New Jersey, Bolton, Congresswoman from
the concert of the 70th Jubilee
of the Ukrainian World Femin­
whose ability as a pianist la Ohio's 22nd District. Congress­
known to all Ukrainians. man Michael A. Feighan of the
'Perpetuate the Military Traditions
ist Movement presented by the A selection of choral num­ 20th District and Cleveland's
Elva Barabash branches of the Ukrainian Na­ bers will be rendered by Malo Mayor Anthony J. Celebreese
—Theme of Veterans Gathering
Award of $600.00. This money tional Women's League in Chi­ Chorus of Cleveland under the Tickets for this event err
will be used to further her mu­ cago. capable direction of Professor available from all UNA Sec-
"The perpetuation of the mil- runs close to 800, composed of
sic education and study piano Elva Barabash is a member From left to right: Olga Perun, Geraldme Wasylowsky, Helen A. Barnych. This group has retaries in the State of Ohio.
with Dr. Rudolph Ganz, na­ of the U.N.A. and attended the Horoshko, Lorraine Dackiw, Patricia Semerak and in front. itary traditions of Ukraine and those who fought in the Uk-
tionally and world famous Irene Czorniak. of the United States of Amer­ rainian liberation combats.
Ukrainian Cultural Courses at
pianist, composer, lecturer and
the Ukrainian National Asso­ The Directors, of the Ukrain- The judges in this popu'.ar- Olympiad Committee to Start Drive ica by young Ukrainian Amer­ The convention, which was
icans, will be in consonance held at the Ukrainian Home
conductor. ian American Civic Center, ity contest were Marion Hahm,
Last spring Elva was great­ ciation Estate in Kerhonkson who are representatives of thc"~Engineer Levycky and a guest Off With Sports Dance with the struggle of the Uk- on.North Franklin street, was
ly honored by winning, in una-' this summer. -ainian people to free them­ brought to a close with a ban­
U.N.A. Branches at 841-845 N. from Cleveland, Ohio, Nicholas selves of Soviet Russian domi­ quet held Sunday evening at
Western Ave., Chicago, 111., Oleksyk. The Ukrainian Olympiad mined by competition between nation, and, at the same time the Bellevue Stratford Hotel.

sponsored the Ukrainian Na­ , Assisting in the coronation Committee, sponsors of the Canada and the USA in track with the valiant efforts of thr
UKRAINIAN WOES ARE tional Association Day on Sun­ ceremopy were Geraldine Wa­ forthcoming Ukrainian Sports and field events and in the American people to secure banquet were Admiral George
Principal speakers at the

RECOUNTED day, July 18th held at the St. sylowsky, U.N.A. Queen of і Festival to be held in Nev­ team events of soccer, basket­ peace, justice and freedom Mentz, Commissioner Edward
Nicholas Grove, which gave an 1948; Patricia Semerak, Queen I ™ ' city~next Summer, are ball, volleyball and softball. throughout the world." declar­ O'Connor, and Dmytro Haly­
OTTAWA (CP). — T h e Uk­ the two countries." opportunity for all U.N.A. of 1952; and the three year ^ . ^ ^ . Participation in the Olympiad ed Dr. Walter Gallan, presi­ chyn, first president of the
Q f f f u n d r a i s i n j ;

rainian farmer is no better off During the next 250 years, members and friends to meet. oid Irene Czorniak, who pres­ campaign with a Sports Dance re open to members of Ukrain­ dent of the United Ukrainian UUWVA and president of the
than he was in 1917, says the the history of the Ukraine is At this U.N.A. picnic Helen ented the 1954 Queen with gifts on October 16, 1954 at the Uk­ ian youth organizations and War Veterans of America. Ir Ukrainian National Associa­
monthly bulletin of Canadian one of increasing Russification' Horoshko was crowned U.N.A. that were donated by the Uk­ rainian National Home in New sports clubs in the USA and his address opening its third tion.
External Affairs Department. and economic exploitation. The Queen of 1954 by Lorraine rainian-American Civic Center York. (See ad in this and sub­ Canada. Further information annual convention, held last In his talk Admiral Mentz
But he has not forgotten his in­ result of nationalist discontent Dackiw last year's queen. Miss and the following business­ sequent issues). Music will be may be obtained by writing t o : Saturday and Sunday. Septem­ recommended the creation In
heritance, his language or his and economic pressure was the oiga Perun was the Maid of men— supplied by the popular music Ukrainian Olympiad Commit­ ber 18 and 19, in Philadelphia. Western Europe of Ukrainian
emigration of vast numbers Honor. Mrs. Maria Bilyk — Archer makers of Jack Kulawy, and a tee, 140 Second Avenue, New Ukrainian American youth and other nationality military
faith, adds the review.
This year, the U.S.S.R. is of Ukrainians, particularly to , Florist, 4597 W. Archer Ave.. targe attendance is expected— York 3. N. Y. was urged by him and other units.
Mr. John Duransky — P u r e aot only by the Metropolitan
celebrating the 300th anniver- Canada and the United States. It is the hope of the Com- keynote s p e a k e r s urged to Commissioner Edward O'­
The Ukrainian Ь
nationalist У the collectivization of agn- Farm Dairy Co.. 1938 W. Au­ New York-New Jersey area, mittee that the Olympiad will attend military schools, since Connor urged American sup­
aary of the Treaty of Pereya- leaders took advantage of the culture, which again struck _
gusta Blvd.; Mr. Kunio & Mr. but by Long Island, Trenton, not only be the greatest Uk- military science and training is port of the Ukrainian libera­
slav, which-united the Ukraine m
overthrow of the Czarist re- ° 8 t severely at the Ukrainian K u 2 m a __ K Service Sta- Philadelphia, and surrounding rainian feat of its kind in this f prime importance to any na- tion movement, and read a
K &
to imperial Russia. 1917 to set up an in- peasant who resisted f a n a t i c - j western Ave.; Mr. areas, as well.

"By this act one of the rich- gime m

t i o n 8 2 3 N
country, but that it will be- ion, especially in these crucial telegram from Congressman
ally, and the best of whom Charlie Popp—Popp's
& M r s
As has been stated in previ­ come an annual sports event times when the Free World is Feighan, who was unable to
j Liquor Store, 2118 W. Chicago ous issues of the Weekly, the which every Ukrainian can look y e d against Soviet Russian attend.
a r r a
T , ^ ^ and : ^ ^
talented ^
the -
Russian ^ Communists
^ ^ ^ took
- their lives• '•-•
from the famine• . ,
by a numerous
A v e M r
Ukrainian Sports Festival—or upon with pride. From the communism and imperialism. | Talks on Ukrainian military
& M r 8 M a r u 8 c a k

following on collectivization. | h i n d Sausage Co. 1009

people, was added to the do­ over and established the Uk­ Olympiad- will be held at Ran­ scope of the program, it is The annual meet was at- subjects were delivered by Col.
T h e A s a

rainian Soviet Republic Doc. "Then came the second w o r l d ; Ashland Ave.; Mr. & Mrs.
mains of Russia, which from
dall Island Stadium during the quite obvious that the cost of tended by 36 delegates reprc- A. Waliysky. Dr. S. Ripetsky,
war in which again the Uk- ВАІІР.СЯ—Bohacz Grocery Store. weekend of July 2-3, 1955. and such an undertaking will c o m e t i ^ 14 Posts of the orga- and M. Lischinsky.
then on was able to extend its 18, 1918. raine was the worst hit, and 2858 W. 18th St.; Mr. & Mrs. championships will be deter- to a staggering sum — any- nidation, whose membership
8 e n n

ini'.uence further and further Зв Hard Years Dr. Walter Gallan was elect­
after that the reintroduction Zaplotynsky — Zapp Furniture where from $7.300 to $10.000.!— _.. - . ed president, and Dr. J. Kozak,
into Europe. "The following thirty-six'of Soviet control, which meant and Appliance Store, 4755 N. The achievement of this goal Olympiad
Eclipse of Poland years have not been easy ones further repressions and depor- Milwaukee Avenue; Mr. & Mrs. ran American Ci-ic Center, cannot depend on private Committee's mem- Mr. Simiantsiw, nnd J. Poryt-
c o n
- | „ in various cities is ko, vice-presidents.
) b € r c u b

"It аіяо meant the beginning for the Ukraine,' the bulletin'tations. The desertions of Uk- Dare—Dark Photo Salon. 2059 wioh to extend their aporecia- tributions a l o n e - i t cannot b e ^ j ^ Chairman of the convention
rtant> l e n o w
Irainlans in mass to the Ger- W. Chicago Ave.; Mr. Kucherstion to the businessmen for
of the tragic eclipse of Poland says. reached without the help of
The horrors of the civil war mans at the beginning of the — The Foreign Record Ex-.their splendid cooperation and everv Ukrainian throughout • you a re behind us by at­ was P. Oleksienko, honorary
! i і!1 = !,і tending the Sports Dance on chairmen Gen. A. Zahrodsky
^ЇЙП^ЛЖ- і
• "•-'•••• : ,' ! .:тг:
and Russia,'the Russian empire, and it lost pie proof of dissatisfaction
charge, 2219 W. Chicago Ave. [to the U.N.A. members and
Mrs. Anna Wasylowsky. guests for the help received in this country' and Canada, as October 16th which will start and Gen. P. Shandruk. Secre­
; e

Mistress of Ceremonies as well'making this part of the pre v -11. Your patronage at the і the ball rolling, t a r i e s were? Mr. Levitsky and
w w a s n o l o n g e r able to stand heavily in material and human with Soviet rule,
as the Directors of the Ukrain-1 gram a success. social affairs sponsored by the J Alice Shipka [Mr. lCiziuk.
u p tottfe combined pressure of destruction. This was followed! t^Mmued on puyc

ЧХкхйіпе and the Pereyaslav I AM AN AMERICAN DAY IN CHICAGO Tips for Job
Mayor Martin H. Kennelly I youngsters, amazed the crowd short while after the rally had Hunters
Our ^Manifestations^
treaty proclaimed Sunday, September \ with their splendid baton e n d e d . . . and was truly disap­
19th as "I Am An American twirling as they paraded. pointed that he had missed i t Hundreds tit last year's Our manifestations—demon­ ed here on p. 1. The address
strations, rallies, parades, mass given at it by Averell Harri-
Day"... "the patriotic observ­ Also in the parade represen­ He expressed sincere admira­ graduates are looking for their
jobs this fall, or maybe meetings — which we arrange man, Democratic candidate for
UKRAINE'S 300 YEARS OF HEROIC STRUGGLE FOR ance of which is intended to tatives of St. Nicholas Ukrain­ tion of the tremendous free­ first looking for a second job to from time to time to draw the Governor of>New York,
FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE bring home to all of our peo­ ian Catholic Church and S t dom loving spirit of the Uk­
ple the special significance of Sophia Orthodox Church as rainian people and said that he replace the one they didn't en­ public attention to the plight was most heartening: to those
joy. of our kinsmen under the So­ who seek to win strong friends
There are at present many der Moscow — Russia, Ukraine citizenship in these times and well as many of the Branches hoped that he would have the viet yoke, or to signalize some for the Ukrainian cause among
awaken in us renewed appre­ of the U.N.A. which were led opportunity to participate in The haphazard job seeker
countries occupied and enslaved was deprived of everything
ciation of the privileges and by Taras Shpikula. next year's Ukrainian celebra­ who drifts in unprepared for important event in Ukrainian influential Americans.
by Russia. The largest of them which had been set down in the
is Ukraine, with a population Treaty of Pereyaslav. So Rus­
blessings we enjoy as American Ukrainians truly displayed tion of I Am An American Day. an interview is just plain lucky history, such as the 300th an­ Finally, the manifestations
to get a good job, a new advice niversary of the Pereyaslav promote solidarity'among Uk­
of over 40 millions. sia occupied the country, en­ citizens." the spirit of "I Am An Ameri­ I Am An American Day 1954
Treaty, are an inseparable part rainian Americans and keep
Throughout C h і c a goland, can Day", and as the parade is over... but the spirit of booklet warns.
Last year and this year their slaved the Ukrainians and fi­
"Looking for a job is a job," of our Ukrainian American life. them keyed up in their efforts
intense propaganda has been nally abolished the very name thousands of citizens displayed progressed one could see the Americanism and freedom has
the booklet issued by the Alum­ Down through the years, be­ to support the Ukrainian cause.
disseminated in the U.S.S.R. ort of Ukraine and,converted it in­ the American flag, and many Boy Scouts of Troop 63, the received new vigor in Chicago
more thousands joined in to Ukrainian PLAST, and mem­ . . . may it help keep America nae Advisory Center says. Be­ ginning back in 1916 when the Yet the value of these mass
the so-called Treaty of Pere- to a colony under the name of first of such manifestations rallies can be greatly enhanced,
make this day a tremendous bers of many Ukrainian organi­ free . . . and may it help free sides giving advice on where to
yaslav which initiated the en­ "Little Russia."
* manifestation of their faith in zations in Chicago. Ukraine. look for a job and how to write was held in the Cooper Union if they were better arranged.
slavement of Ukraine by Mos­
America. At the end of the parade, ALEX J. ZABROSKY for interviews this new job in New York, these mass gath­ In the first place, they last
cow. Celebrations on a most But the Ukrainian nation erings have been held on nu­ too long, so that the audience
Among the most outstanding carrying the American and Uk­ hunter's guide lays down rules
fantastic and elaborate scale never accepted Russian domi­
for conduct during the inter­ merous occasions and in vari­ becomes restless: ' T h e length
have been going on in the US­ nation and has for the last 300 celebrations of "I Am an rainian flags side by side, the
SR and particularly in Ukraine years fought to throw off the American Day", which is color guard and members of Ukrainian Woes view. ous parts of the country. of the speeches should be c u t
SUM A displayed the spirit that "Don't say you would be There is no doubt but that outside the principaTone. There
to commemorate the greatest Russian yoke. In fact, Khmel­ sponsored annually by the
Chicago Americans', was the made America free . . . and will ' (Concluded from page 1) willing to do anything,'" it they have proved their value. is no need for some Ukrainian
mistake of the Ukrainian peo­ nytsky himself spent the few
warns. "The boas would like an They have drawn to public at­ speaker to expound at great
ple — its link with Moscow remaining years of his life in magnificent exhibition of pa­ free Ukraine. ;
Country of Contrasts idea of what your specific in­ tention that for which they length that which practically
forged by the Treaty of Pere- trying to recover the Ukraine's triotism displayed by Ameri­ The Ukrainian rally at the
have been arranged, especially every listener well knows. Bet­
cans of Ukrainian descent and new S t Nicholas Catholic 'The Ukraine is today one terests are.
yaslav, January 18, 1654 be­ independence, as he realized when the American press has ter for him to tie'up the past
tween the Ukrainian Hetman that he had beep completely Ukrainian immigrants. School Hall was opened with Of the biggest and most pop­ "Give good reasons. Not—
you want to go into publishing reported them and commented with the present; and empha­
Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the tricked by the Russians, and, A people, descended from the the singing of the Star Span­ ulous state in Europe. But the upon them. A fine example of size what should and could be
Moscow Tsar Aleksey Mikhay- instead of gaining an ally, had proud but enslaved Ukraine... gled Banner by the St. Nicholas term 'state' must be used with because you 'like books' or do
reserve since the direction of personnel work because you the latter was the recent mani­ done. Better for "him to try to
lovich. Even postage stamps opened the gates of his coun­ let it be known that they are Catholic Church Chorus, di- festation held in Buffalo, N. Y., inspire his auditors'to greater
are utilized in the Soviet pro­ try to a thief and a destroyer. truly Americans . . . believing in rected by Dmytro Evankoe. all important Ukrainian affairs 'like people.' You might as
rests in the hands of the So­ well say you want to be a and reported here last week. In efforts individually and organi­
paganda machine. A set of ten The first battle took place only liberty and hoping that some. This chorus, most of whom connection with it, the Buffalo zationally in the* field of Uk­
postage stamps on Ukrainian five years after the Treaty day their enslaved brethren were dressed in Ukrainian con- viet government in Moscow. treasurer because you like mo­ Courier Express wrote an edit­ rainian American^ life. Let that
topics under the slogan: "The was made, when the Ukrain­ in Ukraine will also have the tumes, vividly portrayed Amer- "The Ukraine today is a ney.
300th Anniversary of the Union ians soundly defeated the Mus­ opportunity to live as free ica—for those who did not wear curious contrast Cities such "Let the interviewer guide orial which was excellent for listener emerge from the audi­
the conversation; don't hog it. promoting better understand­ torium not tired and listless,
of Ukraine with Russia" were covites at Konotop in 1659. In men. Ukrainian costumes were dress- as Kiev and Kharkov have a
"Keep your purse and glove ing of the Ukrainian problem. but fired by ambition and en­
issued in the USSRR because the Eighteenth century Het­ Approximately 25 thousand | ed in the uniforms of the Amer- standard of living which is not Valuable, too, are these ma­ thusiasm, bn
Moscow understands very well man Ivan Mazepa led Ukraine people lined Chicago Avenue to »can Legion or VFW. very different from that of in your lap, briefcase and any
packages on the floor,, instead nifestations when they have as Also, the arrangers of the
the great importance of post­ again in her struggle against watch more than 5 thousand John Duzansky, President of Moscow. They are, in fact, be­ their principal speakers Amer­ mass rallies should make bet­
age stamps as a propaganda Muscovite domination. Fight­ Ukrainians parade on thie day. the League of Americans of coming rapidly Russified, and of piled on his desk. 4

instrument in the international ing, more or less severe, con­ The parade, led by Peter Shyan Ukrainian Descent who plan- it seems to be a deliberate po­ "Bring a resume, even if you icans of prominence, and who ter arrangements' for Ameri-
speak ftp for the "Ukrainian can press coverage—including
arena. tinued until, in 1918, the Uk­ the Grand Marshall, was a ned and sponsored the Ukrain- licy of the Soviet leaders to have sent one in advance.
minimize Ukrainian national­ "Be quick about getting cause. A fine example of this press releases—than is usual­
• rainians re-established their half mile long and among its ian participation in I Am An
ism by confining it more to things packed up after the in­ was last Sunday's manifesta­ ly done. •-•••'
What is really behindt the own independent sovereign many participants was the Ko-'American Day, greeted the
terview is over. Employers tion in New York City, report­ JOSEPHINE GIBAJLO GIBBONS
state upon democratic princi­ the countryside.
Pereyaslav Treaty of 1654? sowitz-Evankoe Post of t h e ' audience and said, "we must
"But in the steppe, which is have a horror of applicants
By 1653, Ukraine had been ples. But Ukraine again was VFW and the Iwaschuk - Cet- unite in the spirit of Araerican-
overwhelmed by the new mas­ the backbone of the country, in who spread things over their
at war for six years with Po­
land in an attempt to achieve ters of Moscow, Russian Bol­ Legion.
winski Post of the American ism to combat communism and
I build a strong A m e r i c a . . .
the rich and fertile black earth desks, take a long time to col­ FRIENDS AND ALLIES OF THE U.S.
area, the Ukrainian farmer lect them and then walk off
independence. Being exhausted sheviks, the propagators of Highlighted in the parade; in this* way we will keep Amer- Some months ago, it will be French leaders, who are as
old Tsarist Russian imperial­ has not forgotten his inher­ with something that isn't theirs
by that struggle the Ukrainian was the .Great Lakes Naval ica free and help free Ukraine
ism. itance, or his language, or his or leave behind something that recalled, Secretary Dulles said passionately opposed to Com­
Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky Training Center Band led by from communist enslavement" faith." that this country might be munism as anyone, were
looked unsuccessfully for allies, The anniversary of the Trea­ Ass't Director C i m e r a . . . gra-1 As the rally continued, the forced to make an "agonizing against the plan.' The death
but in the end*.he approached ty of Pereyaslav is a day of duates of the U.S. Naval School SLAVUTA Chorus of S t Nich- reappraisal" of its foreign po- of EDC was certainly a vic­
the Tsar of Moscow. deep mourning for the Ukrain­ of Music in Washington, D. C , jolas Catholic Church, directed licy, but that he hoped this tory for Communism, but, just
Ultimately, representatives ians. But they will never give these bandsmen are now on a by Jurij Jarymowych, treated THE LEAGUE KEY would not happen. Now it as certainly, it was- not achiev­
of Ukraine and Muecovy met up their just struggle. The two year tour of shore duty the Audience with their superb (2) (Concluded) has happened, and it is ob­ ed by the'CommuniBts.
in Pereyaslav, from which the struggle for freedom continues after serving on the high seas singing. Value of the League Concerts Other cities have been way vious that the "agonizing re­ What has happened is that
ill-fated Treaty takes its name. and the herbic Ukrainian In­ . . . and Their martial music not Mayor Martin Kennelly was 'Before entering into the ahead of us in this endeavor appraisal" is underway. U. S. leadership, of the West
Terms were agreed upon. In surgent Army is fighting and only inspired the paraders and scheduled to be the next speak- to prove the differences in The crowning blow, of is no longer anywhere near a s
League I had always been un­
content the Treaty of Pereya-1 dying today. The bright day ] spectators, but made us all the cr but due to circumstances be-, , ^ - ^ ^ ^ p ^ ^ m that these Eastern European Cultures to course, was France's refusal to potent as it was. In England
Slav of 1654. established a de-l^rijj come when Ukraine again /more "proud of our U.S. Navy.jyond his control he was unable'lovely, .emotionally-stirring folk the* non-Ukrainian-world. join the European Defense and in Europe' there is a very
fensive alliance between Uk­ will be an independent demo-j The Bobbie Mae Baton Twir-j to arrive as planned. Mayor melodies were the limit in Uk­ The door to modern Ukrain­ Community. That to all in­
real fear that we have beett
raine and Moscow against Po­ cratic state. I lers, a large group of costumed J Kennelly did, however, arrive a rainian music. The League ian Art and Artists has been tents and purposes, means the too aggressive, and. that other
land and Turkey. The Treaty a little more difficult to open, end of EDC—and for more policies promise a
concerts opened new worlds better
guaranteed Ukraine full inde­ but I'm finally beginning to re­ than three years EDC has been
to me and the tide of new ar­ chance of avoiding a third
pendence and non-interference cognize the Art "hiding behind a cornerstone of American
in her internal affairs. The Uk­
rainian State had the right to
Impressions of the Ukrainian Summer rivals into America enhanced the door".
my appreciation with a wealth
The League Key hasn't kept
of symphonic, chamber, choral me locked within the fence of irony here is that EDC was a port probably described the si­
world war of incalculable hor­
anti-Communist strategy. One ror. U. S. News & World Re­

carry on an independent for­ and classical music of such Ukrainian affairs. It has serv­ French concept in the first tuation accuratelywhen it said,
eign policy. It remained com­
pletely separate from Moscow: Course at the "Soyuzivka" calibre that leading Symphony ed to broaden my interests in place, and that it was vigor­ "Friends and allies, of the U. S.
orchestras in key cities have many other nationalities, or­ ously supported by former are going in for 'peaceful co­
there was a clearly defined played it on the concert stage. ganizations French Premiers, and other top existence' with Communism
boundary between Ukraine and and projects.
Our music was recorded at the Through the International In­ officials. But nationalistic whether the U. S. likes it or
the Tsardom of Moscow with VI our history lessons we have presented to UB by Professor Carnegie Hall in New York feeling seems to be running not." To many. Americans,
frontier customs. stitute I became truly interest­
What benefits did the Uk­ learned of the great men and Manning, of Columbia Univer­ for the Voice of America to be ed in the arts and cultures of strong in France these days. this course amounts-(o possible
According to the Treaty of rainian cultural course bring women in the field of Ukrainian sity, and Dr. Myshuha, Editor- broadcast overseas. other nations. Tve learned how
The idea of French soldiers national suicide, for the na­
Pereyaslav the Moscow Tsar you at Soyuzivka? culture and of those who in-Chief of the Svoboda, great­ We ail know a little of Uk­ to make Czechoslovakian East­ serving along side of German tions involved. But it is being
Upon my arrival at Soyuziv­ fought for their dearly cherish­ ly added to the foundation we
had to send military aid to rainian history, but since the er Eggs, Dance Roumanian Ko- soldiers in a supranational advocated in high places not
Ukraine to assist in the war ka and after having been en­ ed freedom and independence. acquired in the first two weeks League Key opened the door los, wrap on a Hindu Sari, Tve army is, obviously, extremely only in Europe, ,but in Japan
against the Poles. But typical­ rolled in our class which is the When someone asks me what of school. Emphasis was placed to so many new friendships, I seen the intricaciee of French distasteful to the majority of and other Asian nations.
ly, Moscow broke every article "kindergarden" o f the Courses, nationality I am, I will gladly on the outstanding figures in soon found that my father's lacemaking, Estonian jewelry, the French people. And of a The situation is further com­
of the Treaty, and, instead of a lasting impression was placed say "I am Ukrainian". Ukrainian history, and the
native Bukovina wasn't the cen­ Lithuanian dance paterns, and resurgent Germany — a fear plicated, from our point of
upon my mind. Here I have
sending aid as arranged, sent Yes, these courses have giv­ problems of the Ukraine to­ ter of the universe. My imagi­ learned to eat with chopsticks. forged in two wars in which of view, by the fact that the
learned not only to read, to
Muscovites to occupy all key
write, and to speak the lan­ en to me, not only a material day. nation was spurred to the ex­ I've become a better American, France sustained human and sands are shifting under Ade­
positions, supporting them with guage of my parents, but also wealth of learning a new lan­ The constant guidance of our tent of doing some follow-up a more tolerant American material destruction on a nauer's pro-American West
troopsand fortresses, and acting I have learned a great deal guage, but also a spiritual professors, Mr. Blyznak and reading about other parts of
8 І п с е 1 > v e m ethe peoples who ghastly s c a l e •*- dominates German government As Mar­
more and more as masters of about the history, literature, wealth of belonging to the Uk­ Mr. Kiselewsky, in the conver­ French thinking. There is an­ quis Childs recently wrote,
the Ukraine and I came to dis comprise this wonderous land.
a Muscovite "province". Gradu­ and music of Ukraine. I never rainian fatherland. sation spoken inside and out­ other irony in this—for, EDC "What comes after Adenauer,
cover the geographic and civic . . . and most of all, I've found
ally, after 120 years of life un- realized before how little I Once again I would like to side of class, plus daily read­ influences on'the people's hab­ or no EDC, it is perfectly no one will predict, except to
knew about the country of my say that I have benefited im­ ing and writing exercises great­ its, dress, music, culture and that people are genuinely' in­ plain that German rearma­ say that it is almost certain to
heritage. A great deal has mensely from these courses ly improved our proficiency in terested in us as Ukrainians. ment is as certain as anything be bad, the resurgence of the
thinking. Resulting discussionJ
been left for me to learn, but and perhaps someday I could Ukrainian grammar, not to can be in this chaotic worldr. extreme Nationalist and former
Qoet's Gorner these lessons have encouraged return to broaden still more mention the doors that were
and stimulated me to seek out my views and interest concern­ opened to students who knew
with my father on these»topics Key Ring Getting Quite Full
served to bring us closer to­ All these doors have the But that didn't change the Nazi forces that already have
French attitude.
gether somehow. League Pass-Key opened for begun to come back."
more knowledge about the Uk­ ing my language. little or nothing of Ukrainian It is said that Britain could These are among .the great
COAST OFFERINGS raine. Before my arrival here me. My Key-Ring is getting
culture and grammar. Beauty of Ukrainian quite f u l l . . . and I wonder how have saved EDC. But she problems with whiqh Wash­
I had very little or no concep­ NATALIE NESTERENKO
These granite ledges have the Our concerts and programs would not give military forces ington must now deal. A
tion of the Ukrainian language, The League Pass-Key open­ many in this League have been to it even though she approv­
power to give proved that what we derived bright note is found in the
and because of this. I feel I VI ed yet another door for me. I as fortunate as I to derive so ed the idea. It is also said
New strength when all the have greatly benefited and from these courses could be much. I can't tell anyone what confident determination with
The minute one arrives at learned the beauty of watching that French communists and which
world needs strengthening: have established a founda­ reproduced in the songs, the President, Mr.
Soyuzivka there is a feeling flashing feet perform intricate to do to learn more about our fellow-travelers killed EDC.
The raging winds and coastal tion for further pursuit of Uk­ dances, and orations that were and the other щеп involved
that here is a "bit of Ukraine." dance p a t t e r n s . . . feet so light culture, I can only point out But the fact remains that
tides they fling rainian history. presented. are facing them... .
The beautiful mountains and that they were like the whisper the many doors that can be
Aside as though they were but These Ukrainian Cultural of wind through the grass. Our opened with just a minimum of
fugitive In the elementary class, of surroundings suggest the Car­ Courses were officially initiated
And transient visitors blown which I am a member, singing pathian Mountains of our Uk­ August 2, 1954. This marks dances no longer struck me as be a course or a book on weav­ are business ventures in one
plays an enjoyable part It raine. In this environment I just stomping, but as highly As Ukrainians we are for­ ing and patterning of Plakh- form or another _and they
down to live the beginning of a new oppor­ developed techniques.
serves not only as a benefit of was privileged to be given the
tunity for Ukrainian Youth tunate to have been innately tas, Kilims, belts, etc. Also, would bring more than just a
Like us above these towering
cliffs each spring. learning the words, but it also opportunity to attend the Uk­ and I feel that the Association 'The softness and beauty of endowed with a love for all consider the feasibility of little recognition. to the per­
rainian Cultural Courses. our expressive language as things that are happy and workshops in Ukrainian dance sons who devote- their ' time
Rest, too, in fullest measure brings the students closer to­ has a wonderful start.
gether. As I began to pursue my time and again come to my colorful.. .and on this basis continuing to assist and co­ and talents to th^sei, projects.
they can bring These courses definitely must
From our classroom one is studies of Ukrainian literature, rescue when one of my pa­ the League has accomplished operate with other Ukrainian The League has 'always stood
When cries for rest have grown be continued to give the Uk­
able to see the handsome scene history and geography, I found tients was having language much in the line of cultural organizations such as the UCC, behind and recognised and pro­
imperative. rainian youth a knowledge and
of mountains which is "a little that the songs and dances understanding of the problems difficulty . . -and the sudden endeavor, The Arts Book and CYA, UNA and others in their moted and publicized the tal­
I lay me down upon this gran­ bit of Ukraine". This enables of the Ukraine were also in- thrill of a familiar sound made scholarships to Soyuzivka are various endeavors . . . and most ents of its members. This is
and sufferings of the Ukrain-
ite boulder us to visualize of what nature cluded in the curriculum. This . the world inside of the hospital realities n o w . . . and the Dance important, being available at evident in every issue of the
- ian people, in the past and to- a n OK place after all. I've
Book soon will be. How about all times when we are called Trend . . •. whether It be by
To breathe the kelpy air, and our heritage is and from played an important part, for ~ ITW—h.1—
day. It is up to the Ukrainian
found that the Ukrainian scholarships to the. local Uni­ upon by other non-Ukrainian publishing an article by or a
А м { o
hear the sea where it comes. through these songs and
Shut out the noise of war—its youth to carry on the policy of groups to participate with them. biography of a member.
From our literature lessons dances one captured the true the Ukrainian democratic ideal tongue is a widely encompass­ versities and Soyuzivka for

blaze and smolder. A little cultural propaganda in

and by Professor Blyznak, by spirit of the Ukraine. As it and here at Soyuzivka they ing one and most other Slavic non-Ukrainians to study our This may sound like an an
And sink into the granite grad­ Dr. Myshuha and by Professor may be seen, our class periods tongues can be understood with language and culture? How the way of personal contact for "I was failure u n t i l . . . " ,
will acquire the basis to begin
ually. Manning of Columbia Univer­ were full of variety. fair ease, i.e., Czechoslovakian, about the possibility of sev­ does more good for the Ukrain­ but I speak as a *iery average
sity, we have learned of the Students couldn't help learn­ Yugoslavian, Bulgarian, Po­ eral units on music to include ians individually and collective­ member who has done nothing
From syenite veins new strength NADIA DIACHUN
famous Taras Shevchenko and ing about the country of their lish, etc. At present we are choral, folk, symphonic, cham­ ly than a pile of talk and ac­ more outstanding than join a
(lows into mine; planning to feature Ukrainian ber and operatic arrangements tion among ourselves alone.
And rest comes drifting in of his great writings which heritage, for all of the topics JOIN Ukrainian club and gain a
have stirred national feeling of were presented in many in­ [as one of the languages in the to be published and used for All the above mentioned, sense of belonging and appre-
from the drowsy brine. UKRAINIAN NATIONAL
Ukrainians everywhere. From teresting ways. The lectures ASSOCIATION! Jcathedral at Wayne University. radio presentation.. .and may with the exception of the l a s t j
(Concluded on pttge 3)
jnasafeue f
111* її±
CONTINUE YOUR MEMBERSHIP I™™"™ * Bigger U.N.A. Bowling League
For Tlie Comfflon Good Holders of 16 Year Endow­
Membership in the U.N-A. is
Mayor Bernard J. Berry has
Starts Eighth Year
By МУКНАПХ) KOT8YVBINSKY ment certificates m the Juve­ definitely worth the trouble of
nile Department of the Ukrain­ proclaimed Saturday, Septem­
Translated by PEBCIVAL CUNOY completing an application. It By STEPHEN KURLAK
. - i
ian National Association, and ber 25, as Exempt Firemen's
means something to be part of
(7) j holders of 20 Year Endowment a family of 70,000 Ukrainians
Day in Jersey City. The Com­
By evening, when the Mol­ "Then tell me first of all there will soon come a time mittee for the Convention and Stronger and larger than again by Sam Baranik after an
and 20 Payment Life certifi­ who are organized throughout
davians returned- home from what it is you want with me?" when all the vineyards will cates in the Adult Department, Parade reports receipt of appli­ ever before, the U.N.A. Bowl­ incomplete start last season,
the United States and Canada
work, the newe of'the arrival for the second time Tykhovych wither and die." should check the maturity cations from over 175 Fire ing League of the Metropolitan and a "D" team to represent
in 500 self - administered
6f, the "doctors" had flown all asked. "And what do you do as dates. When endowment cer- C o m p a n i e s throughout the N.Y.-N.J. Area opened its 1954- the already strongly repres­
branches. Only dues paying
over the village..',.They gath­ "We want to know why soon as you find it," asked Zam­ ficates become payable they State, 50 of which are accom­ 1955 bowling season with the ented Holy Name Society of
members can be active in the
ered in groups on the streets. you've come into our village," phir solemnly. should be delivered to the panied by bands. The route addition of four teams to its the Sts. Peter and Paul Uk­
branches; they can vote, they
Exasperation was everywhere said Zamphir, stepping for­ "The same as you do with branch secretary; he will send selected for the parade is from former roster of twelve. There rainian Catholic Church.
can run for office, they can
observable, curses and male­ ward. a scabby sheep in your flocks. them to the Main Office for Lincoln Park to Roosevelt Sta­ are now eight teams in the In the Newark Division, the
campaign to be delegates to
dictions were heard, The old "I've been sent to inspect Even more so; we chop down payment. Fully paid up Pay­ dium via Hudson County Bou­ Jersey City Division, which Ukrainian Orthodox Church
the U.N.A. convention. Only
man muttered about sin and your vineyards to discover the vines, burn them, and then ment Life certificates should levard, where it terminates at meets every Friday night at formed a second team which
dues paying members can re­
the end of t h e . world, the whether there is any phyl­ we inject poison into the roots also go through channels; they the reviewing and j u d g e s the Bergen Square Recreation goes under the name of "Tri-
ceive the Svoboda and the
younger ones blustered about loxera here." so that the phylloxera together will be returned to the mem­ stand. More than 30 beautiful Center in Jersey City, and dens," while the veteran St.
Weekly at membership rates.
not allowing the enemies to with the roots are killed off,
bers with the Paid-Up Insur­ trophies will be awarded to the eight teams in the Newark John's Catholic War Veterans
"Phylloxera? What's phyl­ Only dues-paying members are
enter the vineyards- and using and in such a way we prevent ance endorsement stamped in­ winners of the 12 contests. Division which rolls at the aggregation spawned a "Ju­
loxera? What sort of a yarn eligible to apply for aid from
guns; the more sensible men its spread into other healthy side. Purchasers of souvenir glasses Parkway Bowling Center in nior" team.
is this?" the Indigent Fund of the U.
Strove to check, .their ardcr. vineyards." will be given free refreshments Irvington, New Jersey.
Hundreds of members in N. A. in the event of chronic The results of the matches
There was a seething in the "Phlloxera is a sort of plant "A movement Stirred through both departments have re­ incurable illness or permanent at Roosevelt Stadium. This The newcomers in the Jer­
should be the most colorful sey City division are the Uk­ held last Friday, September
Streets like boiling .water in a insect which often appears on the crowd. ceived checks for their endow­ disability. Only dues-paying parade in Jersey City's his­ rainian Blacksheep, regrouped 17th appear below.
pot Zamphir xeyiled the corn, cucumbers and other "You hear! They chop down ment certificates; hundreds of members receive dividends.
mayor, calling him a bribe­ plants, only much smaller. It our vineyards!" tory.
Payment Life certificates have But there is even more to BOWLING RESULTS OF FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1954
taker because he bad permit­ lives on the roots of vines, "They burn them! They poi­ been endorsed as fully Paid- U.N.A. membership than ad­
ted the commisioo, to come in­ sucks the saps out of them son the sacred soil! By what Up insurance. More and more vantages and benefits. There JERSEY CITY DIVISION
to the village. But matters and consequently the vine rights? Did they give us the certificates are reaching their is fraternalism and everything Weekly Banter Sts. Peter & Paul HNS A (3) Sts. Peter & Paul HNS C (0)
were not at all' improved by withers away." vineyards, did they work on maturity dates every month. it stands for. U.N.A. branch Zimowsky, P. 143 134 152 Stanis, S. 112 152 155
All this, the issue was none the "Nobody here has ever seen them, toil and sweat as we have When a member's certifi­ affairs such as dances, picnics, A modern mother, finding Zidiak, M. 60 109 153 Mocik, F. 91 116 103
clearer; the Moldavians did not it! We haven't got any of it! done? They are worried, these cate becomes payable or paid- clam bakes, stage shows, bus some difficulty in getting her Hoeskele, W. 125 140 206 Palac, T. 123 132 159
Know for a certainty what There are very old people still uninvited gentry, lest our vines up that member is no longer a rides, and so forth, are ex­ young son to take a spoonful Pawelko 129 214 212 Steblecki, M. 138 132 158
Would happen to their vine­ alive who've never seen k! should be withered away! If dues-paying member and there­ amples of fraternalism in ac­ of castor oil, reminded him, Blind 125 125 125 Blind 125 125 125
yards, how large W£s the fate­ Don't believe him, he's trying they wither, they wither—it's fore ів not entitled to the priv­ tion. The recent "Festyn" at "Now, Wilbur, all you have to Totals 645 722 848 Totals 589 657 700
ful stone hanging over their to fool us! It's a lie! They the will of God and you can't ileges of active membership. the Soyuzivka was a 'shining do is to keep on saying to Ukrainian Blacksheep (3) U.N.A. Branch 435 (0)
heads. In the midst of a welt­ want to squeeze us for new quarrel with H i m . . . O h o ! We The U.N.A. sends every such example of fraternalism, when yourself, 'It tastes good; it Kawaczka, W. 169 200 165 Pokorny, V. 136 138 171
er of the most fantastic re­ taxes, that's what! We know know you educated gentlemen, member a letter informing him friend met friend and new tastes good,' and it won't be Blind 125 125 125 Poczynok, N. 87 81 93
ports, rumors, and fictions, 'em!" the crowd roared excited­ who don't know how to earn a of this facts and, if he is eligi­ friendships were started. When hard to take at all." Baranik, S. 109 119 106 Wasylkow, P. 108 149 115
with which the exceed women­ ly, exasperated by the previous living with labor of your hands, ble, urges him to continue his a member pays his dues he also "Mother," he cried, "I know Blind 125 125 125 Kurlak, S. 127 161 148
reports and rumors they had and so you invent instead this 4

folk were most unsparing, it

heard. membership by applying for a contributes to the U.N.A. Na­ a better thing to say. I'll say, Cummings, S. 159 157 188 Kolba, J. 151 169 142
was impossible to get ones true Phylloxera or something to our new certificate. We are hap­ tional Fund and the Indigent 'I've already taken it; I've al­ Totals 687 726 709 Totals 609 698 669
bearings. "I do not say that there is afflictions! They hunt for py to report that an appre­ Fund; other members, less ready taken it,' and then I
Sts. Peter L Paul HNS C (0)
Sts. Peter & Paul HNS В (3)
phylloxera in your vineyards what nobody's ever seen, what ciable number actually do ap­ fortunate, benefit through won't need to take it at all."
"We'd better ga to the doc­ for I have not yet examined nobody ever heard of. Nay! ply for and receive new certi­ these funds. That, too, is Stebleck, M. 132 145 167 Maday. B. Jr. 110 103 136
Pipchick, B. 123 138 120 Hotra. J. 146 142 125
tors!" shouted Zamphir at them. But why the old people Who's going to come into our ficates. fraternalism. The Svoboda and Jake—"Just between you unt Blind 125 125 125 Elynich. A. 107 129 153
last. "Let's ask them straight have not observed them, as vineyards, cut them down,
Some of the members, even the Weekly, both devoted to me, Herman, vot you tink of Blind 125 125 Bryngil, M. 133 184 134
what it is they want with us." you say, the reason is that only burn and destroy God's holy though they are eligible, do serving the Ukrainian people, Lena Schnitzel?" Zidiak. G. 213 176 Blind 125 125 125
"Let's go, let's g o that's sen­ just recently the pest has been food—ah-ah!
not apply for new certificates are outstanding in the promul­ Herman—"Between you unt Totals 646 746 713 Totals 621 683 673
sible advice!" theirtowd agreed imported into Bessarabia from • and so are lost to the U.N.A. gation of the U.N.A. spirit of me not so hot, Jake, but alone, Jersey City Social Club В (2) Jersey City S. 4 Л. Club A ( I )
and started off for Tykhovych's foreign parts on vine slips and The incensed crowd, inflamed as active members. A con­ fraternalism. oh poy."
quarters. nvv consequently has not yet had by its own boastings, was not Chelak. S. 159 145 189 Chelak, S., Jr. 131 143 113
time to multiply to a great ex­ scientious branch secretary Don't let your membership 123 Laszck. T. 158 208 132
• A group of the Moldavians to be assuaged. The fiery faces, would make it a point to keep' ceage simply because your cer Tizio, A. 145
entered his room. , * tent. But phylloxera is dan­ the enraged looks, the passion­ First L i a r - U p where I ve rychkowski,R.187 162 142 Tizio. G.
121 132 131
gerous for your vines because after these members; some tificate reached its maturity I been it was so cold that the Walczuk, S. 143 142 Chelak. S.. Sr. 144 139 128
,; 'What do you wish, good ate gestures, exasperation and secretaries arc conscientious, Laszck, J. 158 183 173
people?" said Tykhovych, ad­ it multiplies with dreadful stubborness—all were clearly however, while others are not. date. You have already been a milk was delivered in chunks Gnyra, J. 167 132
rapidity, it passes from root to manifest. member 16 or 20 years, so take of ice. Rychalsky, M. 193 180
dressing them in Russian. Realizing that the members in out a new certificate and con-1 Second Liar—Aw, that's noth-|Zazula, M. 135
root, from vineyard to vine­ Totals 712 805 677
"We don't understand Rus­ "I do not recommend you," question may be readers of the tinue your membership. You mg. Where I was they didn't Totals 801 767 776
yard. It may cling to the spade
sian!" If you have, come into said Tykhovych, pale, pro­ Weekly we are taking this need the U.N .A. and the U.N.A. need fire ladders. They'd just
with the soil you heap out your NEWARK DIVISION
our country, then talk Moldav­ foundly stirred, "I do not re­ means to urge them to con­ needs you. That's what makes | spill a bucket of water out of
vinestocke, to the feet of feet
ian!" someone shouted from commend you to attempt this, tinue their U.N.A. member­ fraternalism work. the window and slide down. Ukr.-Amerlcan Veterans (3) Tridents (0)
of animals and human beings
the crowd. i«*a>, for if you won't listen to my ship. v»fc. Theodore Lutwinlak Lytwyn, M.. 155 140 170 Karnlck, J. 151 130 140
who walk over the infested 346 116 341
ґ The blood came up and flush­ s p o t and in s u c h a w a y it is good advice, you will listen to •** "Have you any good ротк?")Рораса, M. *•* 138 1 3 8 - 330 130 Prisev, M.
ed Tyklwycb'mtSmamit l i e -felt t h e law, w h i d r w n i n o t spare "Good pork? I've got some/PrychodS, A. 190 147 Sheremeta, P. 340 344 394
easily spread over all the vine­
ashamed. "All right, I'll t a l k
to you in Moldavian, only I yards. Besides this, at the end
"The law, the law! They, like
THE AMERICAN WAY pork that will make better Struck, P.
chicken salad than any tuna Romanyshyn.V. 167
160 144 Blind
190 Blind
125 125 125
125 125 125
don't know whether you will insect grows wings, it become a turtle crawl under its shell, fish you can buy." Zolto, L. 133
understand me, for I don't flying insect, it flies from vine­ they hide behind the law; but
know much of your language." yard to vineyard and deposits Moldavian fists will know how
The 83rd Congress Bemko, B.
— 163 139
810 713 782 Totals 696 640. .685
—~ Pa—"It's a terrible thing. I
"No matter, we'll under­ its eggs on the vines There­ to get the better of this shell, By WILLIS E. STONE sold my car and mortgaged U.xN.A Branch 272 (2) St. Johns C.W.V. (1)
stand." fore, if the evil is not arrested, J Banit, W.
too!" (EDITOR'S NOTE: Willis E. Stone is author of the "Proposed my house and land, just to 181 134 — Popiuk, S. 107 107 107
Chymiy, A. 158 177 204 179
23rd Amendment" and President' of the American Progress send my son to the university. — 150 Salabun, W.
• 1 W — — ! I

And all he does there is smoke Wowchuck, P. 212 157 Tango, M. 169 116 205
PATTERN OF UYL-NA ACTIVITY Foundation, Los Angeles, Cal.)
dance and take girls out to Stasig, W. 155 139 Janick, L. 138 150 180
The record of the 83rd Con­ ernment back to the business parties." Rewieki, W 157 167 157 Tarnow, S. 191 205 168
(3) gress is now history. Its sessions of protecting private property Kalba, J. 119 195
Neighbor—"Oh, so you're re­
continue to strive for this and travel for its executives. There ended on a note of victory. The and in reducing the bureau­ gretting it, eh?" Sipsky, J. — 207 149
And now the summation: Totals 881 784 790 Totals 782 782 839
Throughout the ahove you more. I propose, for example, is no substitute for personal question before the American cratic competition with pri­ Pa—"You're dern tooting. I
have seen a recurring word, that we rotate our Sports Ral­ contact in League work. No people is—which side won the vate enterprise. This is the should have gone myself!" Ukrainian Sitch (3) St. Johns C.W.V. Juniors (0)
"Resolution". Its 'recurrence ly areawise North, South, amount of letter writing will victory? first time in twenty-five years Chuy, P. 127 127 Buryk, H. 88 94
highlights a significant fact; East and West, over a four offset it. There is a lot of Involved as we are with the that we have seen such a trend. "I do hope you keep your cows Watson, J. 190 173 DeCarvalbo, J. 158 117
{he fact that our Resolutions year interval. This would give latent and potential League grim struggle between Ameri­ However, great opportunities in a pasture," said Mrs. Newly- Melnychuk, J. 113 188 152 Warechowski, A. 86 63 106
Committee at convention time us more than a year's ad­ membership waiting to be tap­ canism and socialism, it is vital for service to American prin­ wed as she paid the milkman. Komon, E. v 180 172 182 Samila, J. 171 193 184
has perhaps the most import­ vantage. The more prior plan­ ped. We haven't begun to that we correctly evaluate the ciples were neglected. "Yes, madam," replied the Fera, W. 173 207 Hrycyshyn. S. 174
Zelder, H. 128 153 Kiselyk. M. — 142 144
ant task of all—the plan for ning the League can have, the scratch the surface y e t . . . But legislative acts of the 83rd For example: In response milkman, "of course we keep
Chuy, J. 191 Raroshko. P. — 91 146
the next year. And with this more stability and thorough­ we've got to get out to them Congress, not only to deter­ to the demand that the plun­ them in a pasture."

Totals 677 606 674

year's theme of "What the ness will result in its activity. personally and tell them what mine whether 0T not we won or dering by the Reconstruction "I'm so glad," gushed Mrs. Totals 783 886 787
League CAN do for "you, past, b. In our Directory, I feel the League is and what it's lost ground in this session, but Finance Corporation be stopped Newlywed. "I have been told Penn-Jersey S. V. (0)
present and future"*,' you can that if we're ever going to get doing. also to discover ways and the Congress aboliehed it, but that pasteurized milk is much Ukr. Orthodox Church (3) Kufta, J. 135 122 132
sec that your active participa­ one worthy of its name, about e. Along with many others, means of defeating socialism immediately surrendered to the the best." Margarita, J. 123 146 188 Fedrow, M. 167 147 164
tion at the sessions' can help a hundred times its present I have felt that I didn't get and strengthening constitu­ bureaucrats by reestablishing Karytko. W. 143 189 154 Molinsky, P. 168 151 170
inold ideas into conerete real­ size, we should permit free enough out of a convention tionalism in the future. the same corruption under the Scheskow8ky,N.200 172 158 Tofel. W. 115 129 204
Doctor—Isn't your wife ad­
ity and serve as a'guide to listings to those who have re­ and that I didn't get enough of Porozok. D. 181 132 232 Molinsky, W. 149 73 178
Although the bureaucratic name of the Small Business dicted a little to loquacity, Mr. Hubka, F. 169 189 210
this Resolutions Committee. gistered with it in prior years. a chance to contribute to it. propaganda machines attempt Administration. Peck?
Totals 816 828 942 Totals 734 722 848
From a year's close associa­ c. I wish now that I had To offset this, I propose a to confuse the issues, every There was a slight reduction Peck—No, she never touches
tion with the League, the Pre­ called a third full scale Execu­ "commision" type of conven­ legislative enactment can be in taxes, but this was a slight a drop of anything strong. UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION LEAGUE
sident becomes aware of its tive Board meeting. Again I tion. This thought will be de­ easily classified as tending to­ in taxes, but this was offset TEAM STANDINGS
shortcomings and of its strong want to state — that's where veloped further at the sessions. ward one of two opposing pol­ by the raising of the na­ Farmer —Hi, there! What
points. And he ought to pass the brains are really put to f. One of the best and itical creeds. They either con­ tional debt limit by $6,000,000,- are you doing up in my cherry Jersey City Division
on to others the ^benefits of work. And the result is a bet­ easiest ways to make money form to the American Bill of 000. It seems to be a very tree? High 3 Gme Total
this experience. I' would re­ ter understanding of League is through Trend subscriptions. Rights or give support to the small reduction when we con­ Youngeter—There's a notice Woo Lost Game High Pint Avf.
commend for consideration the problems and a better distribu­ You really get your two dol­ Communist Manifesto. sider the billions of plunder down there to keep off the 1. Sts. Peter & Paul HNS "A" 3 0 848 2215 2215 738
tion of work load. I would lars worth here. In addition, it for socialistic empire building grass. 2. Ukrainian Blackehip, J. C. 3 0 726 2123 2123 708
following: (A comparison of the Bill of
3. Sts. Peter & Paul HNS "B" :\ 0 746 2105 2105 702
• a. We started off" this year even recommend four Board is the best salesman the League Rights and the Communist which has already taken 40 4. Jersey City S. & O. Team В 2 1 801 2344 2344 781
with a ready convention site meetings per year. And we has. We print approximately Manifesto, together with a percent of the land area and 5. Jersey City S. & A. Team A 1 2 805 2194 2194 731
and a sports Rally site. This ought to budget for it. 1000 copies at each printing, digest of the legislation adopt­ 20 percent of the industrial power industry, and the refus­ 6. Sts. Peter & Paul HNS "D" 0 3 683 1977 1977 659
was a tremendous time advan­ d. I believe too that the so I propose that we strive to ed by the 83rd Congress, is capacity of the nation. al to water down the Taft- 7. U.N.A. Branch 435. N.Y.C. 0 3 698 1976 1976 659
tage for planning. We should budget should allow for more wind up next year with that available free on request from On the credit side of the Hartley. Oct. 8. Sts. Peter & Paul HNS "C" 0 3 700 1946 1946 649
\jssms»tt**ft*rfret-r-f"* many paid subscriptions, or the American Progress Foun­ ledger for the American peo­ On the socialist side of the
more. dation. 1540 No. Highland ple was the return of the tide- ledger is the arbitrary capture Newark Division
|І A T T E N T I O N ! ATTENTION! All this League work is not Ave., Los Angeles 28. Calif.) lands, the defeat of health in­ of 10 million more victims for 1. Ukr.-Amer. Vets, Newark 5 1 846 2367 4672 778
the result of one individual or To the credit of the 83rd surance subsidies, reduction the social security thievery, the 2. Ukr. Orth. Church, Newark 4 2 942 2586 4806 801
| ST. VLADIMIR'S BROTHERHOOD of one group. It ів the result Congress, some valuable prog­ of agricultural subsidies, pri­ perpetuation of the housing 3. U.N.A. Br. 272, Maplewood
of the efforts of many.. I could ress was made in getting gov­ vate enterprise in the atomic frauds, the refusal to investi­ 4. S t John C.W.V., Newark
881 2456 4799 799
864 2403 4793 798
Branch -13*; Ukrainian National Association not even start to name them gate or control the unconstitu­ 5. Ukrainian Citch, Newark 4 2 886 2456 4694 782
all. But I do wish here to per­ 6. St. Johns C.W.V. Juniors З 3 721 2030 3987 664
is sponsoring tional practices of* the federal
7. Penn-Jersey S. C , Newark 9 6
sonally thank our Executive corporations, and the refusal 848 2304 4464 744
at the UKRAINIAN NATIONAL HOME UKRAINIAN OLYMPIAD COMMITTEE 8. Tridens, Newark 0 6 696 2021 3881 646
Board for all they have done. invites you to a to submit the question of
14(442 2nd Avenue, New York City
It was a pleasure to work American sovereignty and in­
Gala Fall DANCE with them. And in particular
I would like to thank the fol­
lowing: Walter Danko for his
inspiration and his enthusiasm, Saturday,
to be held
October 16, 1954
dependence (the
Amendment) to the American
people for decision.
(Concluded from page 2)
You know, I've found, too,
that you only get out of some­
thing only what you put into
Saturday, October 2nd, 1954 Helen DUdek for the Auburn
This constitutes a muddled ciation for all things Ukrain­ i t . . . and sometimes only a
and confused record. Its only ian, the Key to which was percentage of that. But, this
Admission $1.25 hospitality and Walter Bacad virtue lies in the fact that it given to me by subsequent organization accumulates in­
140 — Second Avenue N e w York 3, N. Y.
Commencement 9 PM. Music by J. SNIHUR. for lending a sympathetic ear is better than the record of any membership in the Ukrainian terest . . . it's a good invest-
to my many problems. Music by JACK KULAWY.
Committee Congress in recent years, but Youth's League of North. ment.
JOSEPH SMINDAK 9:00 P.M. Admission $1.50 that is not enough.
l;..„ , , tJ+f+м * ******** America. I JOANNA DRAOINDA
w w

В. Бойчук


Похмурився день дощовий.

Години — рядогком у вирій.

СГУДГНГСЬКГ А з мармуром білим,

Змагається геній.
З ударів його долота
Зринає симфонія

1 кипить Ьоротьба,
Змагається геній!

Любомир Гузар 1 1


В екстазі надхненний мистгць —
З прихованим жалем за пройшлими феріямн, з одного СТУДЕНТ - ХРИСТИЯНИН 2-го ! 3-го вересня ц. р. від- ній Енропі та біля 1Р0 в Авст
бувся, 18-ft від заснованій 1922 ралії ft Південній та Північній
Останній ще дотик магігний:
боку, а з другого з юним бажанням пізнати тайни всесві­ і року. Звичайний Конгрес Цен- Америці, які с безпосередніми Приходить невловний кінець, •
ту та здобутки людства, переступають пороги святинь знан­ На шпальтах цісї нашої сто­ стачає. Сьогочасний запеклий . трального Союзу У':раінськоі-о членами ЦЕСУС'у: решта коло Усміхнений вігно.
ня сотки тисяч студентства світу. Між ними і український рінки появилося вже багато бій переконань вимагає акції, і Студентства. Конгрес відбувся тисячі студентів охоплені брат-
u f, H,l ; v С У Б в Дихнула жага вогняна,
студент. ..Там", як повідомляв преса окупанта, лише коло статтей, які дуже легко мож- послідовиої, _
яка пливе з глн-
' „
.™ » - ">' Лондоні, і німн союзами ЗДА і Канади.
при участі умандатованнх де- .. . . __ В цілунку — жадання одвігге.
50 тисяч молоді прийнято у високі школи, з того звичайно на схарактеризувати одним бнни серця. Перемагає лише легатів під правша т.ч надзви-1 Н а
останньому Конгресі ви- Це втілилась в мармур весна,
ще поважна частина дітей московських вельмож, пануючих висловом: такими вас праг­ той. хто твердо вірить у свої І чайних членів ЦЕСУС'у та за брано управу ЦЕСУС'у в тако- Усміхнена, вігна.
в Україні. Немає змоги тут іде раз пригадувати про студійні немо. Були це міркування зде- н-и-гі переконання і їх застосовує в ' участю представників Церкви МУ складі: президент — П. До-
і і громадських установ. На рожннський (Мюнхені, 1-й ві- III
можливості та академічні свободи в СССР, бо зрештою вони більша самих тільки студен­ ", • ' Конгрес наспіло поважне число це-президент В. Микуло
в загальному відомі нашому студентству, але хочемо висло­ тів, ціллю яких було зверну­ віце-президент Ходжу по левадах весни,
вити, з початком академічного року, нашу глибоку віру, що ти свою і інших увагу на жит­ коважимо спраЕИ душевних станов, організацій і визначних — Я. Пеленськнй (Мюнхен) Ловлю всі мелодії лісу
генеральний секретар — Г. Кс-
український студент зуміє, крізь насаджені окупантом оку­ тєві проблеми великої ваги. переконань. Ми немов не ус- o c i G
- марийський (Мюнхен), реф І п'ю аьомат запашний
ляри, віднайти ті великі правди людського життя, правди Оцих кілька скромних рядків відомлюємо собі, що царство лиВ -програму звітуванняКонгресу входи міжнародній — Г. Снципкс
та обговорен- З Паміру . . . Тунісу...
свосї нації. І при тій нагоді шлемо наш студентський салют бажаю і я присвятити нашій духа більш реальне, як цар- і ня діяльності! ЦЕСУС-у, намі- (Лишені, реф. преси і інформа
Е. Смалько (Мюнхен) Шукаю п'янкого вина
педагогам України, шо стараються в тяжкі роки поневолен­ студентській проблематиці. ство матерії: що герої гинуть, , „ програми на майбутний | "-••
І рву таємниць занавіси.
ня зберегти українське „ я " та передати чисті знання укра­ Сьогоднішній світ згубився за принципи, а не за матері-і академічний рік, та вибір ио- ! Саляк
н х
F (Мюнхен), реф. спорт-, Де ж скрилася вігна весна?
їнській молоді \. засилаємо також наш палкий привіт студію­ в деталях. Великі уми витра­ лльні вартості: ЩО вкінці л ю - !| « керівних органів. Під час
Конгресу працювало 5 комісій: І— Б. Ваіаак (Мюнхен), фін В Памірі... Тунісі...
ючій молоді високих шкіл України. чають свою енергію на вив­ дина є людиною тільки через — номінаційна, мандатна, зов-' референт - І. Корнійчук (Мюн­
А ..тут", хоч може часом у тяжких матеріальних обста­ чення дрібних фактів, і цілий свою співучасть у царстві ду­ НІШНІХ зв'язків, фінансова і хен), голова Контрольної Комі­
винах, перед студентством відчинились широкі горизонти на­ світ, з усІМЯ проявами життя, ха. А царство духа — це цар­ внутрішньої діяльности. Кон­ сії — К. Митровнч (Париж)
громаджених людством знань. Тільки ввійти і з повною мо­ стараються міряти своїми об­ ство Боже, і ми — наслідннки грес попередив тогорічний Літ­ голова Товариського Суду — Ярослав Вяжницькпл
ній Внсокошкільний Курс Ук­ А. Жуковський (Париж).
лодечою енергісю віддатись пізнанню їх. Бо пізнання, студії меженими мірилами. Бракує цього царства. Правдиву свою раїнознавства.
та нагромадження знань, — це основне завдання студента. нам сьогодні людей, які зумі­ вартість і силу можемо осяг­
Осідок централі ЦЕСУС'у бу­
В теперішню пору ЦЕСУС о- де перенесений з Парижу до
Це вложеннп чотирирічний капітал, який мас стати основою ли б усі ці факти скоордину­ нути тільки там, де справді хоплюс 290 студентів у Захід- Мюнхену. Та подія сталася так давно. досить багато. Примхливою
на ціле життя. вати н зінтерпретувати, як ці­ належимо, де душа з'єднуєть­ Що ви собі її не пригадуєте, долею вирвані від своїх родин,
Однак ріст студента — це не лише поглиблення знань лість. Бракує нам правдивої ся з Джерелом, де впивається гле я напевно знаю, що ви твердо змагалися, щоб в жит­
шляхом вивчення лекції, але й пізнання свосї функції в сус­ інтелігенції. Бо не можна ува­ ідеалами правди, добра і кра­ ЗАКІНЧЕННЯ КУРСІВ іро неї колись чули. ті бути повноцінною люди­
пільстві, пізнання громадської відповідальності!. Бо завтра жати за інтелігента того, хто си. Як то одного разу Моіісей ною, щоб колись чимось по­
студент - не тільки професіонал, а громадянин, відповідаль­ вивчив медицину чи техніку, Одначе справи душі не с УКРАЇНОЗНАВСТВА одним помахом звичайної, — вернути . . . .
ний громадянин, потягнений якого, як інтелігента, стають але того, хто зуміє зібрати в тільки особистими справами.
Паша автомашина, вирва - тів. Піснею „За Україну, за Гі не чародійної палиці добув зі І йшли сігудії. Час від часу
зразком для наслідування широких кругів його спільноти. одно знання і досвід та зрозу­ Латинське прислів'я каже: шнсь з обіймів міста, мчить волю"... закінчено першу чисти­ •келі воду.
Тому доповненням, чи радше складовою частиною студій с міти суть життя. ми завважували, що той чи
„Добро розпряжусться". Ду­ гладкою автострадою. Дещо ну попнеу. Правда, дістати серед дикої інший наш колега не запи­
участь в університетському житті та студентському русі, де ша, немов переливається доб­ здержують ичс роботи прн бу­ Щоб не затратити хвилині: пустелі воду, в той час, коли сався на наступний семестр,
студент не ТІЛЬКИ відчує та пізнає відповідальність групового Де шукати сутті життя? ром і тоді бажає' іншим уділи­ дові швидкохідної шоси Ню піднесення, пробую від профе­ де не було вдосконалень на- несподівано перервав студії.
життя, але й дістане змогу випробувати свої спроможності Найкраще, здасться, піти до ти свого щастя. Але душу Порі: - Торонто, і ось перед сорів і курсантів одержати біль­
вами знову вільна асфальтова ше інформації). У привітному •иої доби, то вже мусіло бути Багато покинули, бо не дали
оцінити інших, а в виміні думок і дискусії скристалізувати його джерела. Важливо знати треба наповнити. Той, хто ба­ стрічка.
на підставі вивченого знання свій погляд і світозрозуміння. складові частини машини, але жає бути провідником, хай приміщенні, де відбувались лек­ саки чудо. собі ради фінансово, а бага­
З вечером вкочується наша ції, дістаю статистичні інфор­ Але вернімся в нашу дій­ т о . . . багато мусілн від'їхати
Далі насуваються вдихи, чи студентська активність мас найважливіше знати її рушій­ пам'ятає, що його завдання автомашина в гостинну ..Сою- мації. Отже всіх учасників кур­ сність. до санаторій на лікування.
обмежитись лише на індивідуальному рості ? Чи студент мас ну силу і продуктивну ціль. — самому запалати вогнем і ЗІВКу". Зустріч з знайомими, су було 26. Більшість курсантів Часом ми діставали від них
Все постає і по якомусь часі реєстрацій.
тоді запалити інших. Запалає Саме святочно засідають до Сходимо на вечерю. — студенти високих шкіл. З ог­ Як було свого часу запля­
лишитись тільки спостерігачем проиннальних процесів, чи
стати його частиною і носісм шляхетних ідеалів? Це питан­ пропадає — це знас кожна сам, коли у власному серці прощальної вечері курсанти ляду на нерівність знання, зай­ мовано акцію в справі Сту- іисти, але довго над тим не
няття проводились в 2-х групах застановлялися. Навіть я к
ня особливо важне сьогодні, коли всіма способами іде наступ дитина; але збагнути, чому перейметься правдою; пере­ українознавства. Починаються Одна група складалась виключ­ чентського Фонду, то ніхто на
правду не думав робити чу- тих випадків було зачасто, що
на християнську цивілізацію, це особливо важне для укра­ світ існує, чому постав і куди дасть іншим святий вогонь, промови, побажання і. як зви­ но з тут роджених з другого і
їнської студіюючої молоді в час, Коли на всіх відтинках ворог прямує — це вже наше зав­ коли своїми ділами переконає чайно. — многая літа... третього покоління. За час курсу ;а. Цю акцію потрактовано більше, навіть, я к хтось вми­
старається зниіцитй'українську спадщину і тисячолітнє над­ дання. світ, що єдиною правдою є По тій офіційній частіші, як відбулось в кожній групі по 100 ік звичайну, яка с завжди на рав з голоду і виснаження —
бання; коли іде пристрасний натиск, особливо на душу мо­ По глибшій надумі кожний Бог, — альфа і омега існуван­ довідуймось, мас. відбутись роз­ годин навчання, з того 40 наука •гісці у всіх культурних наро­ ці справи поминулося мовчан­
дача свідоцтв та перша части­ про мову: розмови: 40 — істо­ дів Бо ж чи не читалося і не кою. Щ е так не було, щоб
лодої людини. з нас признає, що джерелом ня. на погійсу; друга і остання від­ рія, географія, література, мис­ •гатасться у різних наших ви- якось не б у л о . . .
На ці питання мусить бути ясна відповідь українського буття і діяння є Бог. Ми ж це А він — завтрішній проНід- будеться щойно наступного тецтво України. 20 позашкільні іаниях в честь нашої молод'.,
зайняття. Крім того, самодіяль­ Студентський Фонд часово
руху в ЗЛА, як з рації України, що стоїть у визвольній бо­ всі знаємо. Але життя пока- ' н и к - це сьогоднішній сту- дня. на проба співу (хор І квартет) молодої думіючої — нашогі мужніс, але якщо ви думаєте,
ротьбі, -пік і з рації З'сдннених Держав Америки, нації, що зало, що самого знання не ви- лент. В приймальні, де мас. відбу­ під проводом курсантів Ю. Шу­
ватись офіційна частина, до­ ггудентства* що він вже' вможе задоволь­
стоїть у п'юводі оборони християнської цивілізації. сить гамірно. Крім ваіигційннх гана й Е. Барабаш, та націо­
„Ви — цвіт Нації! Ви —
Студентський рух дістав добрі заложення і в коротко­ гостеа, займають місця батьки нальні танки під проводом Оле­ ?іль еміграції: 3 вас мусять нити потреби студіюючої мо­
му відносно ч а л зумів здобути для себе належне місце. З курсантів... Хтось підсувас сто­ ни Демндчук. лоді, то ви хіба не будете чес­
З ШИТТЯ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО лик 1 д-р К. Кисілевськнй від­ На закінчення одержую де тнростн майбутні провідники! ні з собою; Його організовано
початком академічного року активізується студентська ді­ криває закінчення однемісячно- перегляду вправи, записані кур- Ви наші майбутні неослореві на те.'щоб дати нашим сту-
яльність, і тому пригндусмо про потребу скріплення, роабу* СТУДЕНТСТВА го їсуреу у'граіяояияїитва'." ana-1 сайтами враження а курсів авторитети! Ви мусите здобу-
довн та дальшого оформлення студентського руху в ЗДА, • " [ штоп«ш-го УНС-м, прн співпра-1 Найкраще характеризує їх одно пати знання, щоб пізніше гід- цеитям можливість Поступу
що можна зробити лише активно включившися в зоргані­ • В українській Інпалідськія бібліотеці на 10-ій вулиці в. Ню | ЛУМПА.
ц курсантка, заявляючи, що піз •до високих шкіл, гпоб кон­
оселі „Садегорст" в Англії від­ Парку, відбудеться „Тиждень | j прощальних промовах І навшн великі культурні надбан- JO стати на службі Нації! Мч структивна студентська мо­
зовані форми студентського життя. в r B f ) N
бувся в днях від 23-31 серпня української книжки" та мис-' вн::лада*:і д-п К Кисілевськнй І ня українського народу, буде з укладемо вс«х зусиль, щоЛ
ц. р. 3-ий Внсокошкільний Літ­ тецька вистава, яку влаштовує І прзф. I. Близнак. висловлю­ гордістю казати всім, що вона зам дати поьп> підтримку! лоть могла вчптися в людсь­ л

ній курс українознавства, зои- Об'єднання Українських Мист- j ють СВГС ЗаТОВОЛеННЛ З ПИЛЬ­ — Яграінського роду. ких умовинах/ н наражаючи
та ців. На виставі будуть пред­ НОСТІ! і упічів учнів та закли­ Вп — наша зміна!" свого S I O O V H . Щоб ми біль­
З КАНЦЕЛЯРІЇ СУСТА ••;• візований ЦЕСУС-ом
оформлений делеґатурою УВУ ставлені також праиі студентів кають :ч далі поглиблюватії вд- звуки Спішу до „Веселки", щоб. під Писалося, говорило™ мрія­ ше не потребупя *п відвідува­
патефоновнх платівок
на Францію. В курсі взяло у- мистецтва, зорганізованн:: в буті знання. Так само ft п. Д. почути дещЬ від курсантів. ли про те Мойсеї е м і г р а ц і ї . . . ти Diamix сяіттопій, щоб там
О К конгресі ЮСНСА взяли лася з студійної подорожі з часть 36 студентів. Шість про­ Товаристві Українських Студеи-' Галичий у своєму сповнено­ Минув рік, два і ті, які не­
участь від СУСТА пп. М. Поч- Ивропн. В наступному числі фесорів разом дали 29 годин тів Мистецтва. І му задоволенням прощальному Тут без статистики. Загальне правду хотіли вчитися, опи­ ЯР мали кого піпнідувоти!
тар і В. ПЛЮЙІСО. Президент Со­ „Студентського Слова" вона по­ зн::ладів і 11 годин семінарів • Українська Студенте*м*а слові. стрерд- 'лс на підставі задоволення. Більшість стара­
ж Р»гато n^arri в Я ожили оп-
юзу, п. С Кульчнцька, третій ділиться з нашими читачами на загальну тему — „Актуаль­ Громада в Гартфорді конАит- присутносте па -1-х годи­ лась якнайбільше скористатн. нилися в учбових закладах. гянізаторл Фгін"^'. Члени про-

член делегації, як повідомлено своїми враженнями з подорожі. ні пр^леми української ДІЙ­ рус. свою діяльність на Інфор­ свосї нах кінцевих іспитів, що прове­ хоч шкода, що на деяких лек­ Про тих, які називають себе чо**іч cTv?rtj»TcbKHX установ і
в попередньому числі, не могла • Управа СУСТА вислала СНОСТІ! ". мування американських студен­ дений курс був вдалим. ціях, натискаючи на мову, про­ студентами, тут нема мови. поопичокІ колеги пожертвува­
взяти участи, з причини пере­ письмове привітання на Чет­ • IS вересня ц. р відбулась тів про Україну. і фесори примушували тих. що
обтяження працею в УКК. В вертий Річний З'їзд Білорусь­ н залі Народного Дому в Ню В липні Студентська Громз- Після роздачі свідоцтв гочи- не добре говорять, радше мов­ Вони й далі будуть тими віч­ ли Лагр^о СРОГО дорогого чп-
зв'язку з КОМІСІЄЮ Керстена та кого Студентства в ЗДА, що Норку студентська забава, зор­ да Гартфорду, перевела льоте- насться виступ студентів. Із чати, як сказати просто „це ними студентами. Згодом час­ cv і енергії, яле бет повної
через участь як представниці відбувся дня 4-го вересня ц. р. ганізована Управою УСГ Ню рію н і союзовому пікніку "на зворушенням слухали батьки знаю". Це і подібні стверджен­ тину з них перестане бавити ПІДТРИМЧ'Н ' гтюм.ттянстяа не
УКІС ні конвенції Ліги Молоді В Ню Брунсвік. Н. Дж. Порк. на якій витупав студент ціль Українського Студентсько- дечлямаЦії перлин української ня — говорять, що при органі­ незаслужеиа назва студента, мо*"ня бпггто зробити. Прав-
Північної Америки. в Як повідомлено Управу ськнй квартет. Дохід з забави , го Фонду. Дохід в сумі 90 дол. літератури та співи українських зуванні подібних курсів — на
Щодо фінансів делегації, то СУСТА, в скорому часі УСФ бу­ ірнзначено на Український Сту­ переслано на призначену ціль, пісень, виконані хором курсан- це треба звернути увагу', заінте і вони відійдуть на епос при­ "л г. багато опикипк і установ,
вони складались з дотацій УК- де приймати вписн студентів на дентський Фонд. ресовуючн курсантів україно­ значене місце, до варстатів і які зро-.уміли fiarv фонду і на
Комітсту. частини видавничого стипендії. • Управа Студентського знавством та українською проб­ станків — там, де можуть ділі докаїали спою співпра­
фонду УАСТ ім. А. Коцка та • Пригадусмо. щоб в якнай­ Клюбу прн Колумбійському РІК І. — СТУДЕНТСЬКЕ СЛОВО — Ч. 10. лематикою взагалі. дійсно себе проявити. Деякі з цю, але досить поважна реш-
власних засобів делегатів. скорішому часі всі залеглі роз­ університеті розіслала до пре­ Статті, підписані повним ім'ям і прізвищем, чи тільки ініціяламн,
• Вийшов з друку і розсила­ числились зі збірок на УСФ. як си І різних товариств заклик не конечно висловлюють погляди Управи СУСТА, чи Редакції. ВКГНВЯЯХ Як довідуюсь від курсантів, них і надалі залишаться „віч­ -v вичікус. шо з того вийде.
ється ..Інформатор СУСТА" в також зі значків „Голод на Ук­ вписуватися на українознавчі в молодечому ЖИТТІ. ними". Кожна нація мас свій СУПІЛЬСТ-О очікус чклячу на­
англійській мові В „Інформа раїні" курси Колумбійського універсн РеДаґус Колегій з рамеин Пресової Комісії СУСТА. I ЛІГа Української Молоді П. А. боляк, часом і в порядній ро­
не тільки що ініціювала ці кур­ шої праці, але. кпім слідку­
торі" зібрані в короткій формі І Прн тому редакція „Ст. Сло- тету. При цьому подано доклад- Гол. редактор; Володимир Стойко. си, але й признала 9 стипендій дині хтось виломиться. вання, повинно нам дати та­
всі найважливіші дані про сту-1 ва" повідомляс. читачів, що як ний розклад програми україно- на ту ціль. Тут мова про тих, які покін­ кож свою піддержку у наших
дентське життя в ЗДА, включ-, тільки Український Студентсь- знавчих курсів,
но з адресарем. І кий Фонд одержить всі листи. • Почавши з 25-го того мі- STUDENT'S WORD чили тут сеердні школи і піш­ змаганнях!.
• Генеральний секретар СУ- ми подамо підсумок збіркової' счпя. з нагоди поширення ук- Editor: Voiodymyr Stoyko Ранком оглядаємо ще „Сою-
СТА. О. Ковальська, поверну- кампанії на УСФ. раїнського відділу в публічній 328 East 14th Street. New York City. зівку". Вражас елегантність і ли до університету. Мова про Свого часУ-Мопсей зробив
вміле вдержання. тих, які, осягнувши певні ма- чудо в пустелі, а ми,,тут. ма­
Курсанти приготовляються до теріяльні засоби, опанувавши ючи стільки' піпних ппочіпни-
останніх виступів — декляма- мовні труднощі, пішли знову ків і політично зріле СУСПІЛЬ­
тудентськими о р г а н ізаціями часно чотири комісії, що розпо­ ПІДКОМІСІЙ, розглядала такі пи­ цій, співів, танків. В „Веселці" продовжувати чи кінчати свої СТВО, не можемо поставити
КОНГРЕС ЮСНСА ЗДА, діяльність яких не супе­ ділялись на 22 підкомісії. 20 ре­ тання :
речить законам конституції дер­ гіональних груп 1 національний
ідуть приготування декорацій студії. А цих останніх було
11 Система студентської ре­ до сценки з „Лісової Пісні", що Фонд на належній в и с о т і ! . .
(На підставі інформація та матеріалів делегації СУСТА) жави, та потребу розбудови сту­ екзекутивний комітет, який роз­ презентації, виборів і номінації. її також відограють курсанти.
дентського культурного життя почав свою працю щонайменше 21 Внутрішня чи організа­ Та нам потрібно виїжджати . . .
УЧАСТЬ ПРЕДСТАВНИКІВ до схвалення резолюцій про об­ прн університетах. Створено пе­ за тиждень перед початком ційна структура та адміністру­ Минасмо групу студентів, які
УКРАЇНСЬКОГО СТУДЕНТ­ мін студентів між Америкою і редумови співпраці обох союзів Конгресу І продовжував ще вання. несуть зелень для прикраси
СТВА. СССР. Однак, щоб підсумувати і вказано на потребу активного тиждень після його закінчення Зі Фінанси 1 бюджет. . . . а я піду в сад вишневий . . . "
осягн -української студентської контрудару по пропаганді ІМЮ Кожний Із делегатів був не ли­ 4) Студентське життя, відно­ — ко
В тогорічнім Національнім делегації, потрібно накреслити, fiUS) з Праги та взагалі брех­ ше прикріплений до свосї регі­ шення до професури та сту­
Студентськім Конгресі Амери­ які завдання ставила собі деле­ ливих совстських студентських ональної групи, але також до дентські публікації.
ки, який тривав від 22 до 31 гація. В першу чергу — заре- іублікаціях. Внесено також про­ одної з 4-х комісій. Завданням 5) Відношення до інших (ре­
серпня ц. р . взяли участь пред­ презентуватн СУСТА, як пірі- позицію, щоб свято Крут — ви­ підкомісії було не ливіе вине­ лігійних, суспільних ЧИ ПОЛІ­ міжнародних студентських по­
ставники українського студент­ нера ЧИ студентський чинник, знано Студентським Днем. сення певних резолюцій через ТИЧНИХ І студентських груп в їздок І Т. П.).
ства. Делегатами від СУСТА що заслуговує на увагу такої
були: М. Почтар (Нюарк Ка- ~ильної студентської організа­ ня,Делегація робила всі старая- комісію на пленарне засідання унічерситеті.
(деякі не мали взагалі ні од 5) Інформаційна програма та
щоб добитись визнання, як ноі), Друга комісія, що складалась в) Програма власно від но­
ледж оф Інжінірінґ) та Б. ції як ЮСНСА; поінформувати рівного але в першу чергу доклад­
еміграційних но познайомитись з тими пи­ 3 7-х підкомісій, зосереджувала шення.
Плюнко (Кейс Інститут оф тех- про стремління українського союзів, апартнера зокрема ЦЕСУС, од­ таннями, для яких дана підко­ свою працю над проблемою — Четверта комісій, що розподі­
нолоджі — Клівленді. В друго­ студентського руху: познайоми­ нак з різних причин ці заходи місія була покликана. Матерія- „Роля студентів в університет­ лялась иа 4 підкомісії, таста-
му дні Конгресу М. Почтар, пер­ тись з діяльністю ЮСНСА то не увінчались успіхом. ському житті" з такими підко­ новлялось над питанням — „Ро­
ший віце-президент С У С Т А нав'язати особисті ft офіційні ли, пляни праці тощо для комі­ місіями:
ЗЛОЖИВ привіт від українсько­ зв'язки з чільними представни­ ПРОБЛЕМАТИКА КОНГРЕСУ сії І підкомісії були майже до ля студентства поза універси­
подробиць розроблені і підгото­ там*!, 11 Відношення поміж студен­ тетом", за таким поділом:
го студентства Америки та де­ ками ЮСНСА, що в висліді да­ професурою та адмініст­
кларацію СУСТА, яка з'ясову­ ло б тісну співпрацю обох сою­ Наші інформації були б дуже вані ще до Конгресу Націо­ рацією. 1> Відношення студента до
вала становище українського зів. не повні, коли б не зазнайомле­ нальним Екзекутивним Коміте­ 2і Студент та його навчання. етейтового І федерального уря­
студентства Америки до різних том 1 ним покликанзю
Підсумовуючи успіхи делега­ но студентський загал хоч в за­ товчою Комісією Конгресу. Во­ Підго­ Зі Право студента на знання ду (потреба активного зацікав­
в н у т р і шньо - американських, ції, треба ствердити, що докла­ гальному з проблематикою і вільне користування ним. лення державним життям, полі­
ни також призначили керівни­
міжнародних та українських дено всіх старань для найкра­ Конгресу, а особливо не зверне­ ків чи голов поодиноких підко­ 4 І Студентство і спорт. тикою уряду, військовий виш­
студентських проблем. щого зарепрезентування укра-, но уваги на ті моменти, які слід місій і комісій з-поміж активні­ 51 Роля університетської сту­ кіл, фінансування урядом висо­
ких шкіл, допомога ветеранам
Від ЦЕСУС вітав Конгрес Д. їнського студентства; в деісля- мати на увазі прн організуванні ших 1 досвідчених у певних ді­ дентської преси.
Пілецькнй. якай з другим упов­ рації СУСТА, активною участю з'їздів українським студент­ лянках студентів та подбали в) Студентська дисципліна. І т. п.).
новаженим ЦЕСУС І. Каме- в працях комісій, груп і т. н, ством ЗДА. про допоміжні сили із старшою 71 Права і відповідальність 2) Відношення до Інших аме­
нецьким покинули Конгрес в своїми виступами, через англо­ Конгрес радше нагадував ви- громадянства. студента. риканських і національних та
дні 24 ц. м Після їхнього виїз­ мовні видання УКК, Кварталь- сокошкільні літні курси чи ко­ Третя комісія, застановля­ інтернаціональних організацій.
ду делегати СУСТА піддержа­ ннка УАСТ ім. А. Коцка та ін­ роткотривалий семінар; він був Регіональні групи збнралиоь лась над справою —- „Програма 3) Виміна Інформації і осіб
ли пропозицію ЦЕСУС про ра­ форматора СУСТА і через осо­ форумом для обміну думок і вечорами, після денних засі­ студентських управ", і поділя­ студентів.
діомовлення ІОНґ'НА для сту­ бисті зв'язки інформовано учас­ досвіду, ознайомлення Із акту­ дань, для обговорення минулої лась" на шісчь підкомісій: 4) Відношення до чужинець­
дентства поза залізною курти­ ників Конгресу про український альними проблемами сучасної праці всіх комісій та (прав, що 1) програма студентської еко­ ких студентських союзів за
ною. Хоч з уваги на (тановнще студентський рух, про визволь­ американської студентської мо­ мають відношення до даної те- номіки фінансів. кордоном, закордонна програ­
представників студентських со­ ні змагання українського наро­ лоді і підготовн до кращого ве­ риторіяльноі групи. 21 Програма студентської до­ ма, міжнародні студентські ім­
юзів Азії та Бвропи ця пропо­ ду, а далі знайомлено з сояст- дення праці в поодиноких уні­ Усіми пленарними сесіями помоги (приміщення, забезпе­ прези чи зустрічі, дослідження
зиція не була схвалена, цілий ського дійсністю, з браком ака­ верситетах. Він далекий від на­ проводили члени уступаючого чення, професійні поради, роз­ академічних свобід і т. п.
вечір 24-го пройшов під знаком демічних та особистих свобід шого розуміння конгресу як екзекутивного комітету або ним ваги і т. п.). Треба підкреслити, що най­
„української пропозиції". тощо. Українська делегація з'їзду делегатів для вислухан­ покликані провідники регіо­ 2) Програма вишколу сту­ більш цікаві і часто емоційні
Українська делегація, зараз спричинилась до того, що в ре­ ня звітів уступаючих І вибор; нальних груп, згідно з прийня­ дентських провідників. дискусії відбувались в 4-ій ко­
по прибутті, включилася п пра­ золюціях засуджено Інтерна­ нових керівних органів та схва­ тим на першому засіданні пра­ 4і Університетська міжна­ місії та II підкомісіях. Більшість
цю комісій, підкомісій та пле­ ціональну Студентську Юнію,
зв'язки з нею та обмін студен­ лення більшого чи меншого вильником Конгресу, аж до ви­ родна програма (розуміння між­ учасників були студенти, що
нарних сесій, на яких В Плюй- тами числа резолюції І
між університетами ЗДА належної застанови над можли­ постанов без бору нових керівних органів. народних ГГробдеМ ' зовнішньої брали участь в Міжнародному
ко працював в комісії для та СССР. а далі ухвалено в ре­ Перша комісія т. зв, ..Адмі­ діяльности ЮСНСА. інтеграція Семінарі в Кембриджі, який
справ міжнародного обміну сту­ золюціях потребу співпраці між востями їх здійснення, ністрація студентського прав- чужинецьких стулентів в уні- відбувся напередодні Конгресу,
дентів, старючись не допустити Під час Конгресу діяли рівно-, ління", що поділялась ка п'ять ссрсіїтетсі. пгття, підготовл,' та чужинецькі представники. Хочеться піти 1 жаль покинути . . .

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