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OCTOBER 28, 1961


In November. 1961, one hundred and fifty years will have
passed since {he birlh of Rev. Markian Shashkevych. the un­
Record-Breaking Number of 500 New Members Attained in September
forgettable son of the Western Ukrainian land, who gave rise — Efim Omelchenko of Grimsby, Canada, Beats All Previous
to its literary and national rebirth.
Markian Shashkevych headed the "Ruthenian Trio." which Records by Organizing 100 New Members in One Month
published in Budapest. Hungary, Rusalku Dnistrova, a collec­
tion of works m the Ukrainian nationaj language, and raised it
to the level ,of a literary language. In his poetic works Rev.
cial). — The Main Office of the
Appeal of Supreme Executive
Markian Shashkevych glorified the national language and called
on the then-leading elite to use this language both in private
Ukrainian National Associa­
tion announced here that it had
Committee of Ukrainian
and public life. attained a new and outstanding National Association
As a seminarian he was the first to preach his sermon in record by organising 500 newj
the Ukrainian'language at the Cathedral of St. George in Lviv members in the of Sep­ Dear Fellow Members! the vitality of our Ukrainian
in 1836. tember. 1961. In August, 1961,1 In the months of August people, which is the principal
In those times when the Ukrainian clergy used the Polish the assets of the UNA exceed-, and October of this 1961 Shev- assurance of their further pro­
language not Only in their private lives, but in their church ed the mark, of 125,000,000.00. | chenko Year the Ukrainian Na­ gress.
sermons as well, the public sermon in the Ukrainian language by tional Association registered on Nevertheless, we would be
In the membership campaign I the pages of history of Ukrain­ remiss in our responsibility to
Rev. Markian Shashkevych was a revolutionary innovation. the UNA o r g a n i z e r Efim'
Father Markian Shashkevych. as a priest and civic leader, ians in America two of its the future development of our
Omelchenko of Grimsby, O n t , greatest attainments in the association, if' we would remain
had a very short and unhappy life. He died at the age of 32. Canada, signed up 100 new
But his literary heritage, although very small, was so rich in .'economic and organizational content with these accomplish­
members for the recently-or­ fields. In August the overall as­ ments and slow down our fur­
its contents and so full of love for everything Ukrainian and ganized UNA Branch in St.
so imbued with patriotism that it laid the strong foundation for sets of the Ukrainian National ther efforts. Twenty-five millon
Catherines, Ont. Even a t this Association exceeded the sum dollars in assets and 80,000
the national rebirth of the Ukrainian people during the so-called Writing Mr. Omelchenko has
"Spring of Nations" in Galicia in 1848. of $25,000,000.00, while in Oc­ members of the Ukrainian Na­
sent 10 new applications and tober the number of UNA tional Association — are far
It can be stated without any doubt that were it not for has stated t h a t before the
Rev. Markian Shashkevych and his close friends and successors, members passed the mark of from our ultimate objective:
month of October Is over, more Efim Omelchenko 80,000, which includes over 26,- We now should aim for $50,-
the year of 1848 would not have been so decisive in the history members for the UNA will be
of the Ukrainian national rebirth as it was, thanks to Father Grimsby, Ont. 000 in the juvenile department. 000,000.00 in assets and 100,-
organized in hi* area by him. To these two accomplishments 000 members!
It was the 4 "Principal Ruthenian Council" which proclaimed in the economic and organiza­ Therefore, we appeal to all
Other Organizers Show Results Brooklyn, N.Y.; snd Walter tional spheres will Boon be add­
the unity of the Ukrainian people on both sides of the Zbruch Klawsnik of Elmont, L I . , N.Y. of you to redouble your efforts
River and formulated once and for all the political ideology of The Main Office of the UNA What is most encouragiug ed one of the greatest cultural for the attainment of this new
Ukrainians in Galicia. reported that .there are at objective. The . immediate in-
The Ukrainian Congress Committee of1 America appeals to least 18 UNA organizers who publication of Ukraine: A Con ducenient towar^ this target is
all * American a of Ukrainian descent to mark the 150 birthday signed up a t least 10 new mem­ else Encyclopedia in the Erig the present ' pre-Convention
of Revu іМацкіап Shashkevynh, this Great Son and Awakener of bers, each during, the month of lish language. campaign which provides ap­
The general view of Lviv, capital of Western Ukraine, where
Western Ukraine, and palls upon its Branches and Member Or1- September. Among them J are In communicating these facts propriate personal awards for
the Western Ukrainian National' Republic was proclaimed on
ganimiGiona ,'to-organize appropriate manifestations and con­ to out community, we wish to successful results, inasmuch as
underscore once again that the 25th Convention of the U- November 1. 1918. See Editorial on Page 2.
certs- in eownremoratipn of his memory.
r,if/ these are the accomplishments krainian National Association
• •" Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Inc.
• ' ' • a n . ' ••• ' . | •' | '
brought about by great per- will provide One of the greatest
sonal efforts and the untiring opportunities tri o\ir history to
Ukrainian Financial Institutions f -
Candidate Richard J. H u g h e s labor1 of our loyal and devoted review оиґ 'strength and pos­ , Hold Meeting at Soyuzivka
friary, л і . the ,tfl4A ' office in awarded, at the 2$th yNX,'qc# r members and organisers. Their sibilities, as well as our most
Visits UNA and Svoboda Off ices Toronto — 14; secretary of ф е vention jn. May, 1962, during
U N A P.Hxilovachuk of Passa­ the convention banquet. Mem­
DETROIT. Mich- On Octo­ subjects under discussion was
ber 28 and 29 the second con-: the statute whose project was
'"i'^-'^v Supreme Executive Committee of tfce UNA:
ic, NД., and. VL Shpytko of New bers, who .organise IP o^ ference of Ukrainian financial thoroughly elab rated upbh q}
York City, who organized "l2 more, new | piembers in, one і JOSBPB LESA1VYER ' institutions will take at the By-laws Cii.b.nU-. Th".
new; members each,. топЦі w.ill h a v e , t&ejr' picture^ Supreme President Soyuzhka. according lo the accepted regulations will be
Among the • remaining 13 and. a write-up, hi Svoboda ANN HERMAN STEPHEN SVROPAS notice from the Conference's presented at the coafc~cnce.
others who organised- 10 new a Other awards for getting new Supreme Vlce-Presidentcss Supreme Vice-President Secretariat. Taking part ід the > etins
members are those who have members in the pre-convention, On October 7 Ihe Secretariat; were: Dr. M. Tymkiv, Vice
•previously-distinguished them­ campaign include . the three JAROSLAW PADOCH ROM As SLOBOD1AN which was elected at the first Chairman fClevela:.d Mr. 0.
selves in: membership cam­ caah awards— .($2£0, S150 and, Supreme Secretary Supreme Treasurer conference of the Ukrainian fi­ Pleshkevycn, Secretary (Chi­
paigns, and some new ones. $100 for the greatest' number nancial institutions in 1950. de­ cago) ; others present were Mr.
The former include veteran or­ of new members); a financed cided to change the date-of the .S. Kuropas and Mr R Mycyk
ganizers as UNA adviser John trip to Washington, D.C., for Reds Black Out 2 Ex-Lights conference because of the from Chicago. Mr .T Zelechlv-
Odezynsky of Philadelphia, Pa.; the unveiling of the Shevchen- "Providence" elections. Under sky from Cleveland, and Mr.
Walter Kwas from Soyuzivka; ko statue (for the greatest in- As Low-Lifes discussion at this meeting was W, Dowhan and W. Nestoro-
I. Budniak of Perth Amboy, surance s u m ) ; a paid vaca- the program of the conference vych from Detroit.
N.J.; V. Romanyshyn of New tion at Soyuzivka from one MOSCOW, Oct. 19 (AP).— in 1953. and the future structure of the Absent were Mr. J. Demer of
Britain, Conn.; M. Hentosh of week to a month, and a com- Former Priemier Georgi Malen- Kaganovich was oue of union of all Ukrainian financial Cleveland and A. Milanch, Vice-
Mahonoy City. Pa.; E. Prytula plete set of UNA publications kov and former first deputy Stalin's righthand men. He institutions in America. Chairman, now residing in New
of Baltimore, Md.; W. Popo- for the most successful woman- premier Lazar Kaganovich headed the control commission One of the more important York.
vych of Rochester, N.Y. and M. organizer, who is also eligible were violently denounced before which oversaw the bloody
Tkachuk of Chicago, HI. The for the other prizes, a UNA the ' Communist Party 22nd purges of the 1930s, built the Kennedy Greets "Self-Reliance"
new comers in the campaign flag for the best UNA District Congress today. Moscow subway and much of
are John O. Flis, noted at­ Committee, and other individu- Malenkov was attacked as a the Soviet railway'system and Credit Union in Philadelphia
Joseph Lesawyer, Supreme President of the UNA, welcomes torney from New York City; al awards for all those who' criminal and Kaganovich as a purged separatism in post­
Michael Fedynyshyn of Perth succeed in organizing at least degenerate, T a s s reported. war Ukraine. PHILADELPHIA. Pa. On countries, and particularly in
Richard i. Hughes in front of the UNA building. Also present the occasion of the Internation- Latin America, the Credit
are officem»ofc the UNA sod the editorial staff of SVOBODA Amboy, N.J.; John Bishko of 25 new members for the UNA. Western newsmen were ex­ Ivan Spiridonov, present
cluded from the session. first secretary of the Lenin­ Credit Union Day in the State! Union National Association and
and THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY. of Pennsylvania, proclaimed by I its World Extension Depart­
It was the most virulent grad Regional Party organiza­
assault against the two men tion, accused Malenkov of play­ Governor D. Lawrence for Oc-j ment are helping spread knowl­
JERSEY CITY; N.J.. Octo­ krainian people in Trenton and Speaker Urges End of Cultural since 1957, when they were ing a criminal role in the so- tober 19, 1961, the Ukrainian! edge of this valuable instru­
ber 19 (Staff): — The Honor­ Mercer County. These folks ousted from ther top spots in called Leningrad case. Premier "Self-reliance" Credit Union.) ment of economic democracy.
able Richard J. Hughes, Dem­ have always supported me in Exchange the Communist Party and Khruehchcv made the same whose president is Dr. W. j ' V m l i t unions are now oper­
ocratic Candidate for Govern­ the past. banished into oblivion. charge in 1957. Pushkar. received the follow-, ating in more than fifty coun­
"I assure the Ukrainian peo­ Presidium member Nikolai This famous case one of ing meesage from the President tries of the free world, and in
or of the State of New Jersey, A United Anti-Communist lead to the total defeat of the Of the United States of Amer-i addition to helping their mem­
visited, together with his staff,
ple of New Jersey, that after Action Committee of Western international criminal com­ Podgorny, Ukraine party load­ the sensational events of Soviet ica, John F. Kennedy:
history -dates back to the late bers economically are also
the main оШсс of UNA and
I am elected Governor. I shall New York aide has charged munist conspiracy and the lib­ er, denounced Kaganovich for "You and millions of your furnishing an example of dem­
1940s. Andrei Zhdanov, gener
Svoboda this afternoon.
be pleased to continue the that cultural exchange pro­ eration of enslaved millions." "anti-party activity" while he ally expected to succeed Stalin fellow Americans have been I ocratic control through their
practice fir3t inaugurated by "Served as first secretary of the
grams are providing the Rus­ he said. showing for years your r e c o g ! principle that each member has
Mr. Hughes was greeted at Governor Meyner in proclaim­ Ukrainian Communist Party died in 1948 and soon his close
sians with a spy system and he "We must take an irrevoc; from 1947 until Stalin's death followers began to disappear nition of the importance ofj one vote, regardless of the size
the entrance to the Ukrainian ing January 22nd of each year called for their elimination. able stand against the recogni­ thrift by your participation in і of his share In or his debt to
National Association building Ukrainian Independence Day,
by Mr. JoseRh Lesawycr, Su­ realizing what this clay means Waker V. Chopyk, director tion of outer Mongolia and R«d your credit union. You and his credit union.
preme President of the UNA, to the Ukrainian people not of public relations for the or­ China." Mr. Chopyk added. "At Flop of Khrushchev's "Virgin many others understand the 'For these reasons, on this
Dr. Jaroslaw Padoch, Supreme ganization also told the Lions the present time the situation role of credit unions in en­ day, thi' fourteenth annual
Secretary of the UNA, and Mr.
only in New Jersey but
throughout the world, and par­ Club recently that the Ber­ in Berlin calls for united, un­ Lands" Plan couraging both regular saving celebration, of International
A. Dragan, Editor-in-Chief of ticularly to those now residing lin situation calls for "united shakable firmness. The forces and the wise use of credit.
Credit Union Day, I salute all
Svoboda together with his behind the Iron Curtain in Cap­ unshakable firmness" and of freedom will stand up to the . LONDON, England (Spe- hope for heavy crops, have "More recently, credit unions |
editorial staff. tive Ukraine." that the U.S. stand against Red rulers, or history will cial).—Information that filters been sorely disappointing this have undertaken new and valu­ the people throughout the free
During his visit, Honorable Mr. Hughes toured the of­ the admission of Red China and bring down the curtains on the through the Iron Curtain from; year, informants said. able work in spreading over- J world who arc taking an active
Richard J. Hughes issued the fices and the printing plant Outer Mongolia to the UN must Christian civilization of free the U.S.S.R. and especially its The 1961 crop in a 55-mil- seas their encouragement of I part in the credit union move­
be "irrevocable." men. "virgin lands" is that the crops lion-acre farm region Mr. thrift. In newly developing' ment."
following statement: showing great interest in the in this area arc much below Khrushchev established last
"I have over the years en­ operations and works of this "We must put an end of the "I am convinced that justice
joyed the friendship of the U- organization. nefarious cultural exchange will triumph." the speaker <•••n- expectations. This is regarded і spring in the Akmolinsk area Volodymyr H a f t k o v y c h , UNA
programs which are a Trojan tinued. "When the free world, by eomo observers ав a of Kazakhstan is the worst in
political shock if not a setback four years, according to the
Artist for Selassie Works on
Horse technique, as 'open perhaps driven by necessity,
sesame" for the dedicated, bands together and acts to­ for Nikita S. Khruchchev. same informants. This area, Branch Secretary, Dies in Hartford
Thus he would have proved called Uelinnoye zemlle ("vir­ HARTFORD, Conn.. Octo­ war for many years he was the
trained communist spy," he de­ gether, we will witness the
Decofative Wall in Ukrainian clared. fragmentation and 'dismember­ his action of last spring, in re­ gin lands"), had been expected ber 23 (Special). - Volodymyr inspector of the Association
organising farm policy and to produce about eixteen bush­ Haftkovych, Secretary of UNA "Proevita" and an active and
Church In citing "Ten Command­ ment of the loathsome Russian purging many farm directors els per acre this year. Instead,
ments," with which "to crush empire. May the good God of and agricultural specialists, it has yielded only a little more Branch 277 and a prominent leading member of many other
HAMILTON, OnL (Canadian ada. has done decorations for forever the tyranny of Russian all hasten that day." was correct. That may not than ten bushels. personality in the Ukrainian organizations. The late Mr.
Haftkovych came to the United
churches in Toronto and Kirk- imperialism end restore the na­ Other speakers on the pro­ stand close inspection now. Several hundreds of thou­ community, passed away last States in 1950 and immediately
Press). — ' T h e artist who de­
signed the throne for Ethiopian land Lake, Ont . since coming tional independence of nations gram were Albert J. Weincrt, According to informants sands of Ukrainian youth had Friday, October 20, here. became part of the organiza­
Emperor HaiTe Selassie is now to this country in 1956. now inhumanly enslaved." Mr. director of the speakers bu­ here, Ukraine, the Caucasus, been sent to these "virgin The late Mr. Haftkovych was tional framework of the UNA
working on' ah iconostas (de­ After training in Germany. Chopyk called for a meeting in reau, United Anti-Communist the Kuban and Volga regions lands" as a planned policy of born on February 6, 1897. in і and became one of this organi­
corative wall) for the St. Volo- Mr. Suhacey spent seven years Washington of all leaders-in- Action Committee, and Phillip produced bountiful crops this the Kremlin to deport the ac- Ustechko near Zalishchyky in! zation's most ardent members.
dymyr Ukrainian Orthodox in Ethiopia with the Public exile of the Captive Nations Minty, a member of the com­ year. But some corn reportedly і tivc elements from Ukraine Western Ukraine. Mr. Haftkovych is survived
Church here. Works Ministry and designed and the leaders of the free mittee. was lost because of hot weath-|?ind thus weaken any and all He took a very active part in I by his wife Olha and two
Yugoslav-born Igor Suhacey, the palace buildings, stained world. The speakers showed a opposition of the Ukrainian the war of liberation in 1917 j daughters. Oksana and Nadia.
one of the few experts on glass windows, gatewnys and "The purpose would be to movie, "Communist Encin But the virgin lands, which people to the Moscow-imposed being an officer in the Ukrain-j Funeral services were held on
Byzantine ^rt „working in Can- other structures. construct programs that will ment of the United. States have been Mr. Khrushchev's alien communist regime. ian Galician Army. After the Mondav, October 23.
By CLARENCE A . MANNING By DR. ROMAN S. HOLIAT We recently read an article age, without payment of dues,
Communist Party Congresses | know Greek, The people are
have a way of moving by de-1 probably the descendants of On October 1, 1961, 70 years і relation to church and state in a newspaper wherein it was for a limited time only.
vious paths and the Twenty- the original native population had passed since the birth authorities in those countries. mentioned that, in 1960, 118 People who are in'the market
Second Congress is no excep­ but we have no trace of their of one of the most outstanding It was especially in Argentina million Americans have some for insurance often seek advice .
tion. In the Twentieth Nikita language until nearly the living Ukrainians: Ukrainian that the Argentine Cardinal life insurance. However, ac­ as to the type they should get.
Khrushchev and his friend Mi- fourteenth century and there Catholic Archbishop Ivan was reluctant to allow the ex­ cording to the Life Insurance Most experts on {he subject in­
koyan seized the opportunity to have been some scholars that Buchko, Count of Rome, Papal pansion of the Ukrainian Cath­ Institute, many of these people variably advise a married man
attack Stalin and Stalinism in have connected them with the Prelate, Assistant to the Papal olic Church but through the have the idea that their policies to buy ordinary life insurance.
his bid to obtain personal con­ population of the Asia Minor Throne, Apostolic Visitator for personal efforts and influence do not pay off until they die. This type of protection is in­
trol. Now in the name of Lenin­ Albania, a district the popula Ukrainian Catholics in Western of Archbishop Buchko the Ar­ This is not necessarily true. It expensive and the man can
ism, he has used the attack on tion of which merged finally in Europe, recipient of an honor­ gentine Cardinal changed his depends on what is in the pol­ take out a sizeable policy. He
the "cult of personality" to Armenia- or other areas in the ary degree from the Ukrainian position and subsequently the icy. Part of the premiums, ex­ may convert it to a paid-up
berate again and even more Caucasus. Free University and a full- Ukrainian Catholic Church in cept those paid for term in­ basis later on in life and still be
surance, gives the policy cash adequately insured. However,
bitterly the "anti-party group" The outstanding fact about fledged member of the Shey- Argentina developed without
of Molotov. Kaganovich (under the Albanians is their general chenko Scientific Society. any hindrance on the part of value. some people take a dim view of
whom he secured the start of hostility to both the Slavs as The deeds and accompllsh- the Roman Catholic Church or Most people take out in­ ordinary hfe insurance; they
his meteoric rise), Malenkov xemplied by the population of menta of ArchbishopBuchko in the government of that coun­ surance in their younger naturally shy away from any­
and even old Voroshilov whom Yugoslavia and the Greeks. the service of the Church and try. Today there is a separate years, particularly when they thing that has "no 'end to it,"
FORTHY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY he has hitherto treated with This is true even though the the Ukrainian people are. ex- Ukrainian Catholic Diocese in assume the responsibilities of in this case the payment of
respect even when he removed modern history- of Albania ceptionally numerous and out­ Argentina. Archbishop Buch- marriage and parent h o o d . premiums, and they do not par­
OF WESTERN UKRAINIAN him from the Presidency. He shows many rulers who have standing. It was he who con­ ko's untiring efforts resulted When they reach retirement ticularly care for the paid-up
has also stressed again and emerged from obscurity' with tributed greatly to the expan­ in the establishment of the U- age they often find they no feature. The experts recommend
REPUBLIC again the Stalinism of the Al­ Yugoslav support only to re­ sion of the Ukrainian Catholic krainian Catholic hierarchy longer need full coverage to payment life insurance to such
protect their families; their people. The UNA has 20 Pay­
banian Communist Party which pudiate it when they came Church and staunchly defended on all the continents.
November 1. lf>ol, will mark the 43rd anniversary of the he did not invite to the Con­ firmly into power. The older his people against persecution children have grown up and are ment Life, which is really
proclamation of--the Western Ukrainian National Republic, gress and has in effect read out leaders were almost entirely during the Polish "pacifica­ War Years taking care of themselves. whole life insurance; dues are
which followed upon the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian of the Party as Stalin did Tito. trained at the court of *the Ot­ tion" in 1930 and thereafter— World War H found the Usually this lessening of res­ paid only for 20 years and the
empire at the close of World War I. The result was a protest by toman Empire and during the as an eyewitness to Polish per­ Archbishop in the United ponsibility comes at a time insurance is then fully paid-up.
On that day in 1918 the Ukrainian military forces, acting Chou En-lai, the Red Chinese early years of the new state, secutions he reported to the States. During this time, on when the policyholder's income This type of protection is very
in full accord with the Ukrainian political parties, hoisted the delegate and the latter seems despite their hostility to Tur high Catholic authorities in April 29, 1940. he was nomi­ is reduced, necessitating an in­ popular. The UNA also has
blue and yellow Ukrainian national flag on historical City Hall to have been backed by some key, they were proud of their Rome and endeavored to bring nated Auxiliary' Bishop to the surance review and change to Paid-Up At Age 65 insurance.
in Lviv. thus proclaiming the rebirth of Western Ukraine as a of the Asiatic delegations, while Ottoman decorations and wore succor and assistance to U- late Archbishop Constantine meet the new circumstances. Both types, of course, cost
free and; democratic independent republic. the European representatives them freely Icrainian victims of Polish ter­ Bohachevsky, Exarch of Phila­ In most situations it is best more than ordinary life con­
The.' act of proclamation was neither unexpected nor un­ have enthusiastically supported Albania won its independence ror. delphia, who also appointed that some insurance be continu­ tracts, but the cash values are
planned. For over a year the Ukrainians in Western Ukraine Khrushchev. This strange rift at the close of the First Balkan Prior to the outbreak of him to be his Vicar General ed in full force to protect the higher.
were, hopefully following the events on the Dnieper, where a has resulted in an unusual War when Austria-Hungary World War П the Apostolic and assigned him to be pastor surviving spouse. If the retired There is another type of per­
free and independent Ukrainian republic was proclaimed in Kiev. note of opposition in the Con­ and Italy refused to allow Throne called upon. Archbishop of the St. George Ukrainian policyholder finds it difficult to son, one to whom life insurance
These events in Kiev had a profound impact upon the Ukrain­ gress but so far there has Serbia and Montenegro to ex­ Buchko to undertake a mis­ Catholic Church on 7th Street keep his insurance in full force does not appeal at all. He
ians in Galicia. Bukovina and Carpatho-Ukraine. Moreover, the been no explanation for the pand to the Adriatic Sea. In sionary visitation to Ukrainian in New York City. There he he may convert it to a paid-up wouldn't touch it with a ten-
Ukrainian Sichovi Strlltsi and other Ukrainian soldiers serving amount of time and energy stead they secured permission Catholics in the countries of succeeded in attracting a great basis. This is possible with foot pole. This type invariably
with" the Austrian armies, were stationed in Ukraine in 1918 that has been expended upon from the Great Powers to set Latin America, where he spent number of nc'w parishioners most policies, but there are ex­ finds endowment insurance to
and had uitnessed the rebirth of the Ukrainian state and open­ the Albanian problem. There up an independent Albania several months, trying to nor­ and became one of the most in­ ceptions and that is another his liking. The UNA has 20
ly sympathized with the movement. Their strong sentiments must be some explanation under a German Prince, Wil­ malise relations in Ukrainian defatigable civic and church reason why all insured people Year Endowment, which pro­
had powerful repercussions back home. other than a desire to down­ liam of Wied, but he was soon Catholic parishes and to as­ leaders in the community. should read and understand tects the member insurance
Ukrainian National Rada Established in Lviv grade the Albanian Party, even dubbed the Mayor of Durazzo, sure them a certain status as At the end of November, their insurance contracts. Con- wise for 20 years; at the end of
though it has seemed to swing for he was unable to extend his independent church units in (Continued on Page 3) verting the insurance to a paid-] 2 0 y e a r s l h e m e m b e r receives
On October IS, 1918, e Ukrainian National Rada was estab­ more to the Chinese side in its regime outside the guns of the up basis decreases its face the full amount himself and is
lished in Lviv under the presidency of Dr. Eugene Petrushevych, defense of Stalinism. The real foreign warships in the harbor amount, but the insured is re­ no longer insured. This insur­
which embraced all the Ukrainian political representatives. It reason has not yet emerged but of Durazzo. During World War Albanian tradition, broke with Apparently he gave Red
lieved of making further pay­
issued an appeal for the formation of a republic which would it may be worta while to look I, the Serb army in its heroic Yugoslavia. Stalin built a naval China an opportunity to profit ments. For example, a man ance is even more expensive
base on the Albanian coast but but Chinese aid to Albania is than 20 Payment Life,' but it
include all the Ukrainians living in the Austrian empire, i.e. a little more closely at the Al­ retreat from the Germans and who took out a $5.000 policy
it Was only by sea that the Com­
in Eastern Galicia. northern Bukovina and Carpatho-Ukraine. banian situation. Bulgarians crossed the Al­ munists could support it, for even more difficult to deliver many years ago, may have it enjoys wide circulation, parti­
The Rada only followed what other nationalities, such as the banian mountains in mid-win­ Albania's neighbors were not than Soviet Russian. As a re­ changed to a paid-up policy of cularly where young people are
Poles, the Czechs and the Hungarians had done. The Poles had Albanians in Diaspora ter and were then rescued and as trusting and kindly as the sult the whole question of Al­ $3,500 or $4,000; he need not concerned. The UNA also has
set up their government in Cracow and were planning to take refitted to enter the Salonica United States with Fidel Cas­ bania is a purely academic and pay more premiums and is in­ Endowment At Age 18 for
Albania is a small country
over the whole of Galicia. The Rada asked the Governor Gen on the east shore of the Adriat­ campaign but at the end of the tro. As a result Albania be­ ideological question and the sured for the paid-up amount children, and Endowment At
ernl of Galicia, Count Huyn, to turn over the administration to ic Sea with a population of only war, Albania was restored to came completely isolated j emphasis that has been placed Age 65 for adults and children.
the rest of his life.
the Ukrainians, and when1 he refused Ukrainian military units about one million, although independence, first under Fan v There is a fierce strain of j upon Albania by all the Com- Insurance with cash value . Qnce again we wish to stress
seizedaU the strategical objectives in Lviv and on Noyember 1 there are several hundred Noli, an Orthodox bishop, and loyalty in the Albanians and %nunist representatives from has other advantages! Mem­ ttiat all UNA inpurapce certifi-,
ідівІтШ'члСгапіЬя republic was proclaimed. then under Ahmed Zogu who they undoubtedly- fell in- part the European countries has bers of the Ukrainian Natiohal catee, : with the exception of the
thousand Albanians abroad.
But the Poles, who comprised;.tfte majority in the city at There is nearly a quarter mil­ proclaimed himself king in 1928 for the belief as; held by Prof, been ordered by the Kremlin.
that time-, rose in revolt, .and.bitter street fighting ensued which lion located on the eastern a s King Zog. Yet even by this series of rea­
Marr, Stalin's chief philologist. soning, the Albanian question
lasted for almost three '.weelJLs. The fighting ended when the coast of Italy, either emigres, He tried hard to modernise that there were close relations
Poles, helped by fresh; 'troops.arriving from Cracow, succeeded from frie1 Turkish conquest! fol­ the country and ' build up its between Albanian and Georgi can only form part of some their insurance certificates at
in breaking the Ukrainian hnea and occupying the city. new scheme that Khrushchev
lowers of the great, Albanian' economy but he wss largely an. This was fostered by Stalin-) is preparing. What that scheme a low interest rate. A?l'4n*> thfc
During the strug^e,$?r. Lviv the entire province of East­ leader George Cast'riotis or dependent upon Italian aid ism and it did not .break even adult certificates being issued
ern Galicia went undej'tbg^ai^hority Of the Ukrainian Natiohal Skanderberg, as he is variously through the Italo-AIbanians With the condemnation., of is,we still do not know. Geog­ by the UNA today, a n d a i l but
raphy remains. Except through
Rada. On November £ ' І 9 І 8 , a new Western Ukrainian govern­ called, or later emigrants.There and Italian financial aid. He "Marriera in Stalin's last yeqrs.
a hostile Yugoslavia and
ment was formed undjV ^hewemierahip of Dr. Kost Levytsky, are many still living in Yugo- had to put down the clan feuds Then when Khrushchev de­ Greece there is no land route
and the new Ukrainiab;a!rirtyv;known as the Ukrainian Galician slavia and Greece, especially in і which had hitherto hampered nounced Stalin and again tried to Albania. Access must be by
Army (UHA) under : lpe\command of Col. Dmytro Vitovsky, the general area of Macedonia, Albanian unity and apparently to make peace with Tito, Al­ sea and that access is precari­
was sent to the frontjagHaSpthe Poles at the Peremyshl-Lviv and some of these have made did not realize that Mussolini's bania sought for new sources ous unless a Communist state
line. common cause with the Bul­ plans were to get control of of support and Hoxha found can secure command of the
The, other two Ukrainian provinces followed suit. On No- garians in their fight against the routes from the Albanian these ideologically at least in seas outside the Mediterranean,
vemWer^, 4$НкТПЄ Ukrainians in Bukovina occupied the city the present Albanian and other ports leading into the penin­ Red China. It was the Kremlin for the Straits of Otranto are
of Chernivtsi and established a" provisional government under communist governments. There sula. When all was ready, Mus­ belief that there was more to too narrow fof aid to be sent
the leadership of OmeBaeiPdjibtJ.'fcB. In Cbrpatho-Ukraine the is also a small but influential solini took over the be gained with the sharpening in case of hostilities so long Dr. MaksyMOvyfcb to Direct a
independence movement was gathering momentum and Ukrain­ and able group of emigres in fateful year of 1939. Zog fled. o{ the cold war from maneuver­ as he cannot control the Red
ian patriotic committees were formed in all major towns, clam- the United States. Albania became the base for ing with Tito than in support­ Sea and Gibraltar.
$13,000 Biologkal Project
oring for union with Western Ukraine.
Background of Albanians
the Italian attack on Greece ing an isolated Albania which The West cannot and need At Villanova
Polish Onslaught on Eastern Galicia and the cream of the Albanian would certainly be hostile to not interfere at present in Al­ A grant of $13,000 has been Professor of Biology, will di­
The bulk of the Albanians intellectuals fled to the west. Tito whatever he did and would
received by Villanova Univer­ rect the research project. A
After the fall of Lviv the seat of the Western Ukrainian particularly in the central part be, whatever happened, no real bania but it must be ready, for
National Republic was transferred to Stanislaviv, from where of the country are Moham­ Dictator Enver Hoxha asset to the Communist dream we can be sure that the bulk sity from the National Science native of Western Ukraine, Dr.
Foundation, it was announced Maksymovych was/educated in
the much-harassed government ably administrated the country' medans and their leaders have In the general refusal of the of paradise. In case of war Al­ of the Albanians still cherish this week by Very Rev. John Austria and at. the University
and defended its territory against the invading Polish troops. been largely of the Bektashi West to recognize Stalin's pur­ bania with the Russians there their lost liberty and ideals. It
It appealed for help to the Ukrainian government in Kiev, which sect, one of the most intellectu­ poses, the West refused to would be like West Berlin, a was Western folly that allowed A. Klekotka, OSA, the Univer­ of Pennsylvania..He joined the
promptly dispatched one infantary division, a cavalry brigade al Mohammedan groupings. In further Albanian independence symbol but a region doomed Albania to fall and it can only sity's President. Villanova faculty .in 1959 sfter
The grant was made to the serving as a biolo'gy teacher
and some artillery units to the Lviv front. the north there are many Ro­ but allowed the Communists to wither on the vine, if he had be freed when all of Eastern University's Biology Depart­ at Pennsylvania.
Act of Union on January 22, 1919 man Catholics reflecting Italian under Enver Hoxha to take t h e his way. So apparently he has Europe is once more free and ment for the support of re­ Under the terras of the grant
and in part Croatian culture country with Tito's support withdrawn most of the Russian able to develop its own life. If
In the meanwhile on 'January' 22, 1919, the Act of Union In the south,' especially in the I and Albania became a closed submarines, read Albania .out that is realized and the true search in the field of cell di-' the project will continue for
between the Western Ukrainian "National Republic and the U- district claimed by the Greeks j state, t h e ' most severely iso- of .the Communist orbit and lesson is learned, the Albanian vision. Studies in this field were another two-year beriod. The
krainian National RepubHo took place in Kiev. This seemed to under the name of Northern і lated behind the Iron Curtain. relied on dialectic arguments to performance may be a guide begun by the University'two present grant becomes effective
be. at least for the time being, a salutary move to stop the Epirus the population is large- When the break between Stalin avoid a defeat in case he fails toward the Kremlin's plans for years ago under an earlier immediately. Research will be
Polish onslaught, but in reality the situation in Western Ukraine ly Orthodox and the educated and Tito came, Hoxha, true to to master Yugoslavia. grant from the Foundation. conducted in the University
''the future. Dr. Roman Maksymovych, laboratories.
did not improve. While the Ukrainian government of Kiev was
fully engaged in a war against the Russian Bolsheviks and the
White Russian armies, the Poles brought up віх new Polish
division* tinder General Joseph Haller, organized and trained by
the Allies In i'ranc.Cj This decided the final outcome and Western
SHEVCHENKO AND PAN-SLAVIC Shevehenko's position as a national leader and poet is|years. 1843 to 1845. In these poems Shevchenkos goals are to
more apparent than his role in the Pan-Slav movement. But a find out what led to Ukraine's downfall, who caused the ruin,
Ukraine was concjiiered byhaewIy-геЬот Poland. IDEAS careful examination of his works and life show that he helped either in the past or the present, what is to be the goal of the
to define and strengthen the Ukrainian Pan-Slav movement by Ukrainian people and what is to be done to achieve it. In the
The years between the two World Wars were marked by
bitter persecution of the Ukrainians by the Polish government. By JEANETTE-YAROSLAVA KOVALIUK denning and strengthening the position or meaning and goal for | first poem of this group, Rozryta Mohyla (1843), the poet
Suppression of the Ukrainian language, denial of autonomy to a free Ukraine. In a sense, he made a synthesis of these two blamess Bohdan Khmelnytsky for Ukraine's downfall. But in
the Ukrainians, the infamous "pacifications" of Ukrainian vil­ EDITOR'S NOTE: This talk was presented at the World movements, although the national goal had to come first. It Chyhyiryft (1844) he absolves Hetman Bohdan fdr he realizes
lages, arrests and condemnations of Ukrainian patriots—were Congress of Free Ukrainian Scholarship on March 18, 1961. seems that the influence of Istoriya Rush (Rusov) and the that Moscow was to blame as well as the indifference of the
the characteristic features of the Polish rule in Western U- teachings of Skovoroda helped him form such an outlook. Isto­ people. Chyhyryn and another poem, The Heretic-'(or Jan Hus)
(1) riya Rusiv glorified the period of the hetmanate and treated grew out of Shevehenko's visits and discussions with a Ukrain­
kraine. which provoked indignation and condemnation on the
part of the League of Nations and many prominent statesmen With the spread of French revolutionary ideas and German Ukraine as a separate national entity in its relations with its ian historian, Osyp Bodyansky, who, in 1842, had translated
of the world. ' ( philosophic thought to the Slavic peoples in the 19th century, neighbors, the Poles and the Russians. Skovoroda taught the Safarik's Staroiitnosti Slovanske into Russian. Shevchenko
Since the termination of World War II, Western Ukraine a new era of nationalism and rebirth came to them. Ethno­ philosophy of "know thyself" in order to find truth. Shevchenko read this work. He visited Bodyansky in 1844, inJrtbScow, after
has been an official part of the Ukrainian S.S.R., a "sovereign graphers and writers and intellectual circles became interested thought Skovoroda was a great mystic, although not a good the latter had returned from a trip to the western Slavs. Shev­
and independent" state, but its independence is nominal, and the in their past and in their cultural present. Some went too far poet or a very good Ukrainian since the latter wrote in Latin chenko became interested in the Czechs and in Jan Hus, their
Ukrainians are suffering from national and political oppression in their glorification of their particular Slavic nationality. But and a mixture of Russian and Church Slavonic. hero for freedom of thought. In 1845, Shevchenko read a life of
impose)] on them by Communist Russia. Western Ukraine, di­ there was hope in the air for the Slavs. With pride they spoke Thus, Shevchenko believed that if Ukraine was to stand Hus written by a pupil of Bodyansky. '
vided into several*о|Явн&* is, ruled exploited and persecuted by of a Slavic federation. The impetus came mainly from the up on its own, it had to know itself first. This meant that it After seeing Bodyansky In 1844, Shevchenko wrote the
Communist Russia as are .other parts of martyred Ukraine. Czechs. would have to know its past glories, but also its present prob­ poem Chyhyryn in that same year in Moscow. In this poem,
But, on the First of November. 1961, Ukrainians the world The situation among the eastern Slavs was a bit different lems. It was not enough that the intelligentsia and gentry Shevchenko laments the decay of the free Hetman State. He
over will solemnly observe the November 1st anniversary as a than among the western Slavs. They lived under the tyranny should know Ukraine's history and culture. They must also notes the cause for this as being Moscow's cold, oppressive wind
milestone in pae.Ukrainian political rebirth of modern times. of the St. Petersburg Czars who quenched all aspirations for learn to know and love the narod, the folk of Ukraine. Through and the indifference of the people:
Тії. PoK'.s who helped to destroy the independence of Western freedom. Nicholas I, the "gendarme of Europe" was in power this brotherhood and truth, Ukraine would find freedom. She НІХТО й слова не промовить, No one says a word
Ukraine are now themselves slaves of Communist Russia. Per­ for the greater part of the life of Taras Shevchenko. During could then take her rightful position among the Slavic nations Ніхто й не покаже. No one even points'out
il, ips, the bitter lesson will remind them that the total liberation this period of romanticism and nationalism, Shevchenko wrote and among all nations. Shevchenko pointed out in his poems Де ти стояв, чого стояв Where you stood .why you stood...
: Ukraine is-essential to them as it is to the Ukrainians. his verse and formed his thoughts about freedom for his native that because Ukraine was indifferent to her fate, she was at І на сміх не скаже! Even in mockery says nothing!
Now the world is witnessing the rapid disappearance of Ukraine. He was a poet, a painter, but once had been a serf. fault s s well as Poland and Russia. To achieve her freedom. He is troubled by the apparent uselesaness,.of Ukraine's
colonial systems and rules. The next will be Russian communist He was an idealist and yet a realist. This dichotomy in his Ukraine would have to use tradition and new ideas. Broadly, former fight against her enemies. Now she has*fallen asleep.
colonialism and imperialism, with all their ugly features of op­ character flowed out into his beliefs and thus into his works. these are the main threads of Shevehenko's plan for the re­ This note of despair at Ukraine's slumber may have been
pression ai : persecution. One of Shevehenko's countrymen, Mykhailo Drahomaniv. birth Of Ukraine. prompted by Shevehenko's recent talk with Bodyansky about
The I iinians continue to fight for the rebirth of their misunderstood him and underrated his ability and significance Although Shevchenko speaks vehemently many times in his the other Slavs who were awakening. But with a note of op­
freedom, ai. not even heinpufjlussian enslavement can destroy to Ukraine. In 1878. Drahomaniv wrote that Shevchenko had poems about the Poles and Russians, he had read Polish and timism, Shevchenko hopes that with a combination of tradition
their spirit і : resistance or erase the glorious date of November "no systematic view of life and work . . ." because he had not Russian literature and knew both languages. While still a serf, (the Hetmanate or Kozakdom) and new ideas he can plant
1st from thi had a systematic education. Drahomaniv did not see in Shev­ he lived in Vilna and Warsaw between 1829 and 1833 where he seeds that will grow and cleanse the heart of Ukraine:
ils of Ukrainian history or the minds and chenko the mnkinge of a revolutionary leader because he was
hearts of the learned the Polish language and read Polish literature. He had Може, верну знову Perhaps. I will bring back a*aln
inian peop^- too much imbued with the Bible and the idea of God's judg­ the opportunity to see the Polish uprising of 1831 in Warsaw. Мою правду безталанну. My unfortunate truth
Moc тихе слово. му quiet word.
IIave you r e t r i b u t e d . t o the Press Fund of SVOBODA, ment. However, Drahomaniv did admit that Shevehenko's poems He respected this striving for freedom and detested the hegem­ Може, викую я з його Perhaps, І will forge from It
THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY and THE RAINBOW? You contained both romantic and realistic elements. He aleo ad­ ony of one nation over another. Later, this was to develop into До старого плуга A new ploughshare' ,
may contribute at any time your donations to these publica­ mitted that Shevchenko was driven by his own sad fate in life a strong desire for Ukraine's freedom. Новий леміж і чересло. . . Onto the old plough.!, .
tions as recommended by the Ukrainian National Association and that of Ukraine "to go the farthest in his thoughts about In a group of poems called Try Lita, Shevchenko tries to In this way, the poet hopes to attain truth. Until then
Convention; -^ freedom in the state and society, and about the poor and the find out what is wrong with Ukraine. These poems range from Ukraine will sleep.
rich." Rozryta Mohyla to Zapovit. They were written during the three (To be continued) . ^ ,
Sport Scene
(Concluded from Page 2) СВОБОДА SVOBODA New York Ukrainians Shut out U.N.A. M E M B E R S H I P REPORT
1941, the Holy See recalled him 5, 1949, an honorary degree
to the Eternal City, where of doctor of philosophy. Dr. Baltimore FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1961
Archbishop Buchko plunged Yuri Paueyko, then rector of
into new activities in the serv­ the Ukrainian Free University,
ice of the Ukrainian people. in his address delivered on that
G r a n d T o t a l as of
Adults Juvenile* Comb. Total*


Inasmuch as the Nazi regime occasion, stated: August, 1961 53.767 25,953 79,720
The reorgahlied New York U- DEFEAT EINTRACIIT
would not allow him to return "With great sacrifice he 80,000 even more to achieve greater krainians scored once in the! Active Members:
to Ukraine, Archbishop Buchko performed an untiring work of nights -because for this we pos­ first and twice in the second 1 NEW YORK. October 22.- New Members 285 215 500
was compelled to stay in Rome gigantic proportions for the U- Svoboda of Tuesday. Octo­ sess all the objective facts, half to defeat the Baltimore'The Philadelphia Ukrainian Reinstated 53 33 86
and do whatever was in his krainian people in the religious, ber 24, 1961, carried an an­ prerequisites and need. Pompei of the American Nationals gained possession of Transferred from Other
power to help hie brothers and charitable and cultural fields. nouncement made by the main League 3-0 today in an inter- the first place in the American Assemblies L'G 14 40
sisters in wartorn Europe. a work which through its far- office of the Ukrainian Nation­ COMMUNIST BLOC IS league match at the Ukrainian] Soccer League when they de- Transferred from Other
reaching effects attainel his­ al Association to the effect BREAINKG UP Sportsfteld in Astoria. j feated Eintracht of the Ger- Classes 21 4 25
"Bishop of Refugees"
torical significance and placed that the total membership as C6Id wind and occasional! man-American- League in ar.
After the war Archbishop our honorary Pastor at a lead­ of the beginning.of the month The 22nd Congress of the drizzle kepi the attendance to j mtcr-ldague match here Sun- Totals 385 266 651
Buchko stepped up his activi­ ing place in the history of the of October passed the 80,000 Communist Party of the So- S mere two or three hundred! day. The only score of the
ties on behalf of Ukrainian dis­ Ukrainian people and the U- mark. of which 26.000 belongj viet Union, which, according! devoted fans who cheered loud- [ game came early in the first Members Suspended 63 35 98
placed persons, refugees and krainian Catholic Church. Es­ to the juvenile department At to the boastful propaganda, iy ur tooted their horns every I half. Tony Galassini getting Transferred to O t h e r
war prisoners regardless of pecially, we underscore the full the same time it was announced was supposed to be a celebra- time the Ukrainians scored or the credit for this one. Assemblies 32 16 48
their religious beliefs. He help­ understanding of the attitude that in the month of Septem-' tion of victories and achieve- came (lose to the Baltimore Transferred to O t h e r
ed Ukrainian Catholics and U- of His Excellency as a Prince ber. 1951, UNA acquired 500 • ments of communism in the So- nets. The first score came in Classes 7 18 25
krainian Orthodox alike. He in­ of the Catholic Church, this new members. viet Union, the manifestation the final minutes of the first INTERNATIONAL SOCCER Transferred to Adults ... 4 4
cessantly pleaded for protec­ high moral power of the world, The hard work connected і of solidarity of the internation- half when inside right. Ted Members Died 54 — 54
MATCHES Cash Surrender 30 33 «3
tion and assistance to Ukrain­ to the Ukrainian Free Univer­ with this can .be appraised al communist movement and Purdon. broke away in the mid­
ian refugees; he defended.them sity. R has for us a great pro­ only by the persons that had j the political strength of the dle of the field and raced for MADRID. October 22. - Endowment Matured 52 18 70
against the forced repatriation phetic significance, especially something to do with the or-1.communist bloc, became an the goal outrunning the pursu­ Mighty Real Madrid's four- Fully Paid Insurance 58 23 81
to the Soviet Union. His in­ in these times which disregard ganizational part of this: arena of sharp differences ing defenders and scoring with point league lead was pared Reduced Paid Up Ins: 1 1
fluence upon Pope Pius XII was idealism and human dignity as achievement. Every one of the! which point out the crisis be- a beautiful shot from 16 yards down to two today following an Extended Insurance — —
great and beneficial. In 1946, well as all ethical values . . ." new members nays his dues j fore which the international QUt that went just under the away defeat while runner-up
Atletico de Madrid won its Totals 296 148 444
as a reward for his truly Chris­ This writer was present in and agrees to pay them communism finds itself, crossbar.
tian devotion to the suffering a Bavarian town, when the rep­ through his life time or for 20 J But now with the backing home match.
The Ukrainians played the The games were played in Inactive Members:
Ukrainians in Western Europe, resentatives of the Baltic peo­ years depending on the type of j of Red China, the tiny Albania, firet half against the wind but
the ninth round of Spain's first
the Holy See made him Apos­ ples welcomed Archbishop policy. It is true that the dues with only a quarter of a mil they managed to keep constant | division league championships Paid*Up 58 24 82
tolic Visitator for Ukrainian Buchko during one of his vis­ he pays are his best savings, lion population, is disputing
pressure on. the Baltimore team Real lost 1-0 to host Oviedo. Extended : 19 14 33
Catholics in Western Europe. itations. They queried him on but every one knows how hard not so much the leadership by
threatening their goals many Atletico de Madrid earned two
In that capacity, as "Bishop of all matters connected with it is to bring oneself to save no Khrushchev in de-Stalinization,
times. Pompei had two great points with a 1-0 win over San- Totals 77 38 115
Refugees," Archbishop Buchko their home countries and want­ matter how useful it may seem but rather his claim to be the
scoring opportunities* in this tander.
visited every Ukrainian ref­ ed to know in what way the and especially when there is only interpreter of Marxism
half but both were averted by * Members Died 2 — 2
ugee community in Western Apostolic See could help the lack of understanding for this and Leninism.
the Ukrainian goalie Alex Ho-
Europe. He became acquainted thousands upon thousands of type of savings in our com­ These differences came into lub. from dose range. The following international Cash Surrendered — —
with their lives, their troubles displaced persons who were munity. full view during the. world matches were played for the Reactivated 35 18 53
and their joys, and he was un­ threatened by constant re­ After the start of the sec­ world cup: Total 37 18 55
80.000 dues-paying members, Communist conference j of 81
stinting in his love and devo­ patriation and deportation to is our greatest strength which countries last year in Novem­ ond half the teams played West Germany 2, Greece 1 G r a n d T o t a l as of
tion. At the same time Arch­ the Soviet Union. Archbishop no one can deny. This type of ber and December where Al­ evenly and the first score of (World Cup preliminary at September, 1961 53.896 26,091 79.987
bishop Buchko became a verit­ Buchko assured them that both strength we have to keep bania's Hoxha dared to accuse (his half came when outside Augsburg, Germany). Hun­
able patron of Ukrainian cul­ he and the Holy See would do consolidating and building up Khrushchev of revisionism. right. Terry Mulvoy, sent a UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Inc.
gary 3. the Netherlands 3
ture and science. He provided everything possible to prevent fbw grounder toward the right
corner of the Baltimore net, a (World Cup preliminary at BALANCE SHEET AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1961
financial assistance to Ukrain­ a violation of human rights and
MORE ON THE STUDY DAYS defender wanted to intercept Budapest, Hungary), Israel "1.
ian scientists and Ukrainian individual freedoms. fcho shot but it deflected off his South Korea 1 (Friendly match ADULT DEPARTMENT
students; he supported Ukrain­ Archbishop Buchko was born foot and went in for a score at Tel Aviv). Sweden 2, Nor­ ASSETS
ian schools and institutions of on October 1, 1891, in the vil­
higher learning which con­ lage of Hermaniv near Lviv in
TOWARDS A BETTER FUTURE making it 2-0. way 0 (At Gotsborg, Sweden),
Poland 3, East Germany 1 (At Cash in Banks $ 536,131.70
tinue to cultivate Ukrainian Western Ukraine. He attended '' The third and final tallie of Wroclaw. Poland). Mortgage Loans 3.132,589.98
culture and science. A great the Academic gymnasium in "the game was scored again by According to The New York Bonds and Stocks 15.468.141.39
number of Ukrainian students Lviv and the Theological Sem­ Recently New York Univer- Ukrainian students. The crucial Purdon. Walter Czyzowycz re­ Times of October 1-і, the Kiev- Certificate Loans to Members 321,525.32
were sent by Archbishop Buch­ inary in Rome (1911-1915). sity was the host a t a most im­ question for the contemporary ceived a pass from a corner Dynamo, a strong contender Real Estate 369,080.83
ko to various universities in and in 1915 was ordained a portant event in the Ukrainian student is: should he • accept 'Rick and "passed it on t o Pur- for championship soccer crown Printing Plant & Equipment. . 22,543.79
Western Europe, Where they priest, | and. in 1922 he attained community. I am referring to the problems of the Ukrainian 'flon who w'rhf standing :
d e a r in in the Soviet Union, defeated)
succeeded1 in terminating their a doctorate in sacred theology. the Study Daye sponsored by student of the past and woMt: «v«it bf t h e Pompei net. He the Georgian Dynamo 1-0. The: Total Assets $19,850,013.01
studies and securing gainful Thirty-two years ago he was the Ukrainian Student Assso- within this limited framework Qfifoced the baH in making this game was watched by 65,000 LIABILITIES
professions. Wherever he went made a bishop and he was es­ ciation of New York. The se­ or should he grapple with'-the (Hit the best 'goal of the eame. fans.
he w ^ greeted and welcomed pecially privileged to serve ries of lectures and panels problems of his time forgettfmg New Mortuary Fund $18.905,062.47
Administration Fund 28,839.56
not only'by Ukrainians, but by under such prominent Ukrain­ probed into the problems of the past misunderstandings? »'•'• '•'•••
other refugee nationalities' a s ian churchmen, and now mar­ contemporary student. Two panelists, A. Bedrty -^-'
. Convention Fund 81,408.08
well. Ukrainian Catholics and tyrs for the, Ukrainian, Cath­ It was heartening to see euch TUSM and B! Hasiuk — 'ZA*<- Indigent Fund 314,462.06 "
Ukrainian Orthodox alike saw olic Church, as Metropolitan a large turnout of college KEVO took the first alt'erna^ National Fund '3,457.28
in him a Ukrainian patriot a n d Andrey Sheptysky. and Metror| freshmen, but the general at- tive. They differred, however, in f Old Mortuary Fund 49,291.05
leaded, whose heart and soul politan Joseph Slipy, and|tendance of Ukrainian students the interpretation. A. BfedWy'^ Reserve Fund ~ 22,926.32
were with them. He was.also Bishops Josaphat Kotsylovsky j was far from satisfactory. asserted that TUSM h a a n ' n o t ' r ;States and the Soviet! sidered Mr. Tankel owed it be- Orphans Fund 132,114.15
respected and revered by the and Gregory Khomyshyn. Contingency Fund 251,977.43
j Besides the usual nicities, so changed its ideology,' t h a t ' It \um<ju.. ,^'pic^i rarely agree on cause of his false statements,
German populace, as well as still subscribed to the teachings an\'tjbin£. .concurred in the At the same time, the. Soviet Old Age Home Fund 50,518.13
Archbishop Buchko was characteristic of Ukrainian
by representatives of the West­ named rector of the Little Sem- gatherings, there were several of Dontsov and to the pWlost ,00 lhal a resident of both government ordered all pack- Emergency Fund 9,956.48
ern governments in occupied inary in Lviv and in 1929 he things to be applauded phy of voluntarism. countries had bilked more than ages sent by him since May to
Germany. be returned to the United Total Liabilities $19,850,013.01
"Was made Titular Bishop of Rev. M. Soloviy. O.S.B.M., B. Hasiuk took a
Archbiehop Buchk.0 also iQadi and.Auxiliary £i*hop to began the first lecture oil the States for insufficient payment
purchased "a bdtfdlhfef foft & e MeKropofflan * Shep^yfBky. In topic: "Religion in the Life of of duty and shipping costs. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT
Shevchenko Scientific, Spciety^ -his-. .сарцфЦг ft/Я Auxiliary the Modern Student" by using Lithuania ASSETS
parts of the Soviet 8,000 Parcels Returned :
in Sarcellee, neaf'PaHs," wiiere Bishop' he developed extensive as an example a Ukrainian stu­ Cash in Banks $ 144,917.35 ,
Ukrainian scholars are able to activities in the field of arch- dent girl who arrived a t the Urjion. The amount of the Mortgage Loans 1.566,017.27
I. Isajiw — OBNOVA, took fraud was estimated by Dis- Mr. Tankel's license to ship Bonds
continue their scientific pur­ dioceaan administration, raised conclusion that religion was an 3,521,919.64
the second course. Realizing
suit. the religious level of the peo­ unnecessary myth and that on­ the problems of the ideological trict Attorney Frank S. Hogan packages was suspended on Certificate Loans to Members .. 61,706.21
One of the most important ple, activated the Ukrainian ly science can offer a solution federations he, therefore, took at more than $400.000.00 in- September 9, 1961, and revoked
attainments which is to be Catholic youth movement ("U- to her problems. Those of us a fresh approach to the whole volving up to 8.000 parcels. on October 11. About 8,000 Total Assets $ 5,294,560.47
credited to Archbishop Buchko krainian Catholic Youth for who are students can testify to problem of ideology and of ide- According to Mr. Hogan. packages were returned to the
is the change of terminology Christ"—1933, "Catholic Ac­ the erroneouseness of such a ological organizations. He put I^eonid Tankel. fifty-two, a na-[ United States with shipping LIABILITIES
used for the Ukrainians by the tion," and the like). He took view in our universities. Father the problem* of ideology in the tive of Russia and now a nat- and duty charges totaling Juvenile Mortuary Fund $ 5,173,111.20
Vatican. Since last year the of­ part in all episcopal confer­ Soloviy further tried to show context of present ideas on this uralized citizen of the United $400.00.00. Mr. Tankel, accord- Juvenile Administration Fund .. 121,449.27
ficial designation of the U- ences as well as in many inter­ that there can be no conflict subject,"*tracing the history of .States, had accepted S6.736 ing to Mr. Hogan, paid return
krainians and their rite has national Catholic congresses. between religion and science the idea to the present. In the from 150 persons to pay ship- postage on 5,700 packages, but Total Liabilities $ 5,294,560.47
been .changed from "Ruthen- On the occasion of the 70th but as a matter of fact they course of his lecture he parti- ping! chajrges and duty on 2,300 are still in the post office.
ian" to Ukrainian in all official anniversary of his birth we supplement one another. packages sent to friends and COMBINED ASSETS O F UKRAINIAN NATIONAL
cularly referred to the classic The Tankel company had ASSOCIATION
documents of the Holy See. wish our Venerable Prelate relatives in the U.S.S.R. Leonid branch offices in 15 American
Martha Bohachevsky in her work in this field by Karl Man-
Mnohaya Lita, and we pray lecture entitled "Two Father­ heim, Ideology and Utopia. Tankel of Forbes Boulevard. cities where many residents Adult Department $19.850,013.01
Gets Honoris Causa Degree that God may give him Kastchester. N.Y., was arrest- had relatives in the U.S.S.R. Juvenile Department 5,294,560.47
lands," came to the conclusion What conclusions can we
In recognition of his prolific strength so t h a t he may con­ that she sees no problem here, draw from these Study Days? id and booked on a charge of Born in Russia, Mr. Tankel be-
activities and his incessant de­ tinue to exercise his paternal but, on the contrary, views this Krand larceny. came a naturalized U.S* citizen Total $25,144,573.48
votion to the Ukrainian Cath­ protection over his Ukrainian situation as a fruitful one. The It is becoming more and in 1946, and now has a $109-
olic Church and the Ukrainian brothers and sisters living in exposure of a student to two more evident that there is Six Companies Licensed ,000.00 house and drives a 1961
people in the free world, the the diaspora, and for the ul­ national heritages enriches and evolving a new angry genera- nir-conditioned Cadillac, ac-
Ukrainian Free University (he timate good of our people and expands the outlook of the stu­ tion of Ukrainian students. L. Tankel operated one of cording to Mr. Hogan.
was one of its principal cura­ the Church, for God and U- dent on the world. geared towards the future the six American companies
He was arraigned in Felony
tors) awarded him on March kraine. rather than the past. Lament that had a Soviet license to THIRD ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE
On the second day of the for the glory of the past. ship packages to the Soviet Court and held in $3.500.00 bail
Study Days there were two whether Tt be the glory of thel Union. The company, the Gen- for grand jury action. Sat. November 4th 1961
BOOKS MAKE IDEAL GIFTS. LOOK OVEK T H E SELEC­ panels. The first panel entitled Kievan State or the Zaporo- oral Parcel and Travel Com- » 8:30 P.M.
TION IN T H E " S V O B O D A " BOOK STORE. INQUIRIES "The Future of Ukrainian Stu zhian Sich, has been replaced pany. Inc.. 135 W. Mth Street, IVAN F R A N K f f S~?
dent Federations," although in­ with a hope for a better future.' handled 30.000 to 40.000 parcel
formative on the nature of a This does not mean that they shipments to the U.S.S.R. in
"M О S E S "
Dance Exhibitions
particular federation, did not are to forget the past. The past H»57, Mr. Hogan said, by WALDIMIR SEMFNYNA by
resolve in itself fhe problem of has to be studied in the light' According to Mr. Hogan, the
their future. From the discus­ of present problems. If we are Soviet government early this
With a biographical sketch of Junior and Senior
Gala Thanksgiving Week-end sion which followed it became to make progress we must be .war found that Mr. Tankel

NOVEMBER 23rd - 26th

evident that this problem of acquainted with the mistakes, was falsifying his reports on
by Stephen SHUMEYKO
Price 50 cents.
the representation of the U- of the past. For this endeavor shipping costs and duty, and ©
krainian student on the inter­ "SVOBODA" EDELWEISS — PASSAIC
AT only a scholarly approach will owed a large amount to the So- 83 Grand Street
national level, is complicated
Soyuzivka and not suitable for haphazard bear fruit.
t' : government. Since May, Jersey City 3, N. J.
Bavarian Folk Dancers
discussions. Member nanelists 1961 Harvest Moon Polka Champs.
Make it a real Thanksgiving holiday for the entire family,
were: F. Hanovsky — CESUS; ®
starting Thursday noon with a special Thanksgiving Day Dr. A. Osadchuk and W. Pry-
Music bv
Turkey Dinner in the finest New England tradition. Enjoy
the beautiful mountain scenery in all its magnificent
byla — SUSTA; J. Leshko was
the moderator.
autumn color, for three or four full days with superb
Ukrainian and American meala Hike along picturesque The real problem of the* U- DUNLEY HAT. SHOP UKRAINIAN NATIONAL HOME
mountain trails! Relax in the late afternone and evenings \ krainian student came to the 14 SAINT MARK'S PLACE NEW YORK CITY 216 Grand Street
fore in the last panel which (ICT 8-ма пул., між t-S Евеїпо) Cor. Driggs Avenue BROOKLYN, N.
before huge fireplaces filled with glowing logs! Tel.: EV 4-9120
Make your reservations early! dealt with the topic of "Co­ МАЄ НА СКЛАДІ Великий вибір ВЕЛЮРОВИХ КАПЕ­ DOOR PRIZE DONATION Я-50
operation Among the Ukrain­ ЛЮХІВ. Масмо також велнкиП йибір Імпортованих КА­
NAME: ПЕЛЮХІВ з Італії, найкращої мкоотн. В ріпних кольорах
ian Ideological Student Organ­
izations." It did not deal so І найновіших фасонів власної' ВИРОБУ та відомої мпрки КАПЕЛЮХИ — K N O X - Кож­
ADDRESS: ний капелюх гарантований. — Куплений у нас капелюх чистимо фабричною методою. Прн-
much with the problems of the
TIME OF ARRIVAL: — contemporary student as with гадусмо. що у нашому відділ: ЧОЛОВІЧОЇ ГАЛЯИТЕРП першої якости ріпнородні СО­
РОЧКИ,' 100% cotton, званої иаркН ' J A Y S ON", "а які дасмо 18 місяців ГАРАНТІЇ.
The Muse in Prison
the problems inherited from Eleven sketches of Ukrainian Poete killed by
Всі сорочки гараігговані в пранні. У великому виборі також: ДОЩОВИКИ, ПАРАСОЛІ, Ім­
TIME OF DEPARTURE: the preceding generations of портовані СВЕТЕРИ. КРАВАТКИ, СКАРИЕТКИ. ПАСКИ. ШАЛИКИ Й інші літні речі. in translation
Просимо зайти та переконати* ь про високу якість матеріялу та низьку фабричну ціну. by
Mail to: • Отворсно ЩОДЕННО до 8-ої веч.. в СУБОТИ до 9:00 • T A B SLAVUTYOH
U.N.A. ESTATE "SOYUZTVKA" (б Слухайте нашої радіопередачі кожної СУ BOTH на українській програмі Р. МАРІШОВИЧА Price $1.00
Foordmore Boad — Kerhonkson, N.Y. JOIN T H E U K R A I N I A N /5 та на українській програмі Петра МЕЛЬНИКА кожної НЕДІЛІ, в год. 9:00 вечора. Order from SVOBODA BOOKSTORE
Telephone: Kerhonkson 8641 N A T I O N A L ASSOCIATION 83 Grand Street J e w r y City S, N. 9.
••• ' .. IJfH, .. . л


Нікіта ХРУЩОВ, кровожадний кат України, Угорщини та багатьох інших поневолених комуно-московською
імперією народів, поповнив новий злочин народовбивства, експльодувавши 30-мегатонову атомову бомбу.
Сьогодні він експльодував її ще на своїй території, але завтра така сама бомба може розірватись над
нашими головами.
Совєтському диктаторові,ще не досить усіх тих гекатомбів жертв, що його молохові склали поневолені Ук­
раїна, Угорщина та інші народи; він хоче знищити світ, щоб запанувати на його руїнах!

Багато культурних і вільних народів уже збагнули цю смертельну загрозу від кровожадного большевизму
та з найбільшим обуренням засуджують підготову Москви до всесвітнього народовбивства. Але ще не перевелись
і такі, що цієї загрози не добачають.
І якщо їхнім сумлінням ще не потрясла експльозія народовбивчої совєтської бомби, то ми повинні їм до-
помогти пізнати ту страшну загрозу для людства.
Отже, піднесімо наш голос протесту і засуду нового народовбивчого акту червоної Москви та вимагаймо
•і ' • і. • і лі

акції рятунку, поки не запізно! •• :/:<

яке опісля оформиться в



' 'V,


Приходьте масово на Зібрання і Демонстрацію! Нехай український голос усьо­

му великому протесті буде такий голосний, як велині жертви є Українського Народу
• • • • • ' •

в б о р о т ь б і проти н а р о д о в б и в ч о г о большевизму!
До цього заклинає Вйс ваш Комітет Об'єднаних Америнансько-Унра;нсьних Ор-

ганізацій, Відділ Українського Конгресового Номітету, до цього закликає Вас кров ук­
раїнських мучеників і боротьба Унраїнського Народу за Волю і Незалежність! ••''•


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