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Soap and Detergent Industry


The first soap

The earliest form of soap was created by a French chemist by the name of Michel
Eugène Chevreul and he made the first lump of soap in 1811, using fat, glycerin and fatty acids
as his ingredients. This is a formulation that is similar to the one that we use today, and while
earlier forms of “soap” existed, this version is the one that is used as a model for all modern

Earlier version of soap

If you wanted to look at a more antiquated version of the invention of soaps, you’d
need to go way back to the period of the Babylonians in 2800 BC. In this account of soaps, no
real purpose or use for them is given, but a later account from 1500 BC in Egyptian culture
shows that there was a soap like substance that they used for washing, but it formed a paste
instead of a hand held bar like the kind people use today.

How we got the name “soap”?

Soap actually comes from the name Mount Sapo, which is a fictional mountain in Italy,
where the ash on the mountain was known to have some cleaning properties. The Romans gave
soap this name, and used it in many of their infamous bath-homes. They too mirrored the soaps
used by Egyptians and were a paste made of mostly ashes and clay. Soaps began to develop and
got better, until the fall of the Roman Empire, which eradicated almost all development in
hygiene products like soaps. This continued until the period of the Renaissance, where interest
in soaps began again.

Soap is never actually "discovered" , but instead gradually evolved from crude mixtures of
alkaline and fatty materials.

Soap and Detergent Industry

• From the original short-chain compounds the development has progressed through
1920’s & long chain alcohol sulfates.

• Through alkyl-aryl long chain sulfonates


1950’s & • To branched chaincompounds


• The requirement of biodegradability become important and caused the return to

1960’s linear long chains, because only the linear chain can easily biodegraded

• The composition of detergent underwent rapid changes because of environmental

1960’s & considerations

• Soap was believed to be a mechanical mixture of fat and alkali; then Chevreul a French
1800’s chemist showed that soap formation was actually a chemical

Figure 1. Development of Soap

During the 1960’s and 1970’s, the composition of detergent underwent rapid
changes because of environmental considerations. Evidence indicates that phosphates from
detergents may contribute to the “eutrophication” of lakes. So the use of phosphates in
detergent was BANNED in some areas. Eutrophication is the ecosystem response to the
addition of artificial or natural substances, mainly phosphates, through detergents, fertilizers,
or sewage, to an aquatic system. Eutrophication is extremely costly to society and recovery
from eutrophication has been estimated to take a thousand years. One example is the "bloom"
or great increase of phytoplanktonin a water body as a response to increased levels of
nutrients. Negative environmental effects include hypoxia, the depletion of oxygen in the
water, which causes a reduction in specific fish and other animals.

Soap and Detergent Industry

Figure 2. Eutrophication of river

Raw materials shortages at World War I led Germans to develop “synthetic

soaps” or detergents. These were composed of short-chain alkyl naphthalene sulfonates, which
were good wetting agents but only fair in detergent action. This sparked the interest worldwide
in developing detergents, and new developments are continuing to the present time.

Domeier completed his research on the recovery of glycerin from saponification

mixtures in this period . Until Leblanc’s important discovery producing lower price sodium
carbonate from sodium chloride, the alkali required was obtained by the leaching of wood
ashes or from the evaporation of naturally occurring alkaline waters. (e.g. Nile river)


Soap & Detergent Differences

 Detergents are synthetic compounds that have been created through a chemical
process. The most widely-used detergent, sodium lauryl sulfate, is created by reacting
sulfuric acid with dodecanol (a fatty alcohol) adding a few other chemicals, heating it up,
adding more chemicals, and so forth. On average, there are about ten steps between the
original raw materials and the final detergent.

Soap and Detergent Industry

 Soaps on the other hand, are created by mixing a fat (usually a vegetable oil) with
caustic soda (like lye or potassium hydroxide). Soaps have been created like this for
hundreds (maybe thousands) of years. Detergents, on the other hand, have only been
around for a few decades.

Difference in terms of reaction

Synthethic Detergents

Alkylbenzene + Oleum ----------> Alkylbenzene sulfonate

Tallow fatty alcohol + Oleum ----------> Fatty Alcohol Sulfate

Sulfonate + Sulfate + NaOH ----------> Sodium salts

Sodium salts + Builders, etc ----------> Detergents


Tallow + Hydrolysis (Splitting Fats) ----------> Tallow Fatty Acid

Tallow Fatty acid + NaOH ----------> Sodium salt of Fatty Acid

Salt of Fatty acid + Builder , etc. ----------> Soap

Difference In Action With Hard Water

 Soap + Hardwater:

Form insoluble compounds with the calcium and magnesium ions present in hard
water. These insoluble compounds precipitate out and reduce foaming and cleaning action.

Soap and Detergent Industry

 Detergent + Hard water:

May react with the hard water ions, but the resulting products are either soluble or
remain colloidally dispersed in the water

Main Groups Of Detergent

Anionic surfactants possess a negative charge on their hydrophilic end. This
charge helps the surfactant molecules to interact with both the fibers and soil particles, lifting
and suspending soils in “bubble-like” arrangements called micelles.
Cationics have positively charged ends, which makes them ideal in antistatic
formulas like fabric softeners .
Also, cationic surfactants have antimicrobial characteristics, and they are found in
hard-surface disinfectants and cleaners. Formulas containing cationic surfactants cannot be
mixed with those containing oppositely charged anionic surfactants. The molecules would
interact with each other, producing a gooey mess that drops out of solution.
When reading the ingredients list, look for the
words “chloride” or “bromide” (as in alkylbenzene ammonium chloride) to identify cationics.
Nonionic surfactants are also found in many cleaning products, including carpet
products. Nonionics have no charge on their hydrophilic end, which helps make them superior
oily soil emulsifiers.
Some nonionics are high foamers (like anionics), while others do not generate
much foam. Because of their lower foam profile and strong emulsifying potential, these
surfactants are the preferred choice when formulating extraction cleaners and pre sprays.

Soap and Detergent Industry

These unique molecules possess both a positive and a negative charge on their
hydrophilic end, giving them a net charge of zero.
Amphoteric surfactants have little utility on their own, but work extremely well in enhancing
the cleaning effect of both anionic and nonionic surfactants. They can serve as “coupling
agents,” which hold the surfactants, solvents and inorganic salt components of a formula
Amphoterics are usually named in some way to indicate that they are
amphoterics, as in amphoterge. Other examples of amphoterics are betaines and amine
Cleaning Process

Detergent molecules can aggregate in water into spherical clusters called Micelle. The
surfactants of both soap and synthetic detergents perform the primary cleaning and sudsing of the
washing action in the same way throught the reduction of surface tension.

 Thoroughly wetting the dirt and the surface of the article being washed of the soap or
detergent solution.
 Removing the dirt from the surface.
 Maintaining the dirt in stable solution or suspension (Detergency)

In wash water soaps or detergents increase the wetting ability of the water so that it can
more easily penetrate the fabrics and reach the soil. Soil removal begins. Each molecules of the
cleaning solution may be considered a long chain. One end of the chain is hydrophilic (water-
loving); the other is hydrophobic (water hating or soil loving). The soil loving ends of some of
these molecules are attracted to soil particles away from the fabric and into the water.

Soap and Detergent Industry

Figure 3. Soil removal process


Detergent molecules can aggregate in water into spherical clusters called


 The Hydrocarbon part of the molecules gather together on the inside of the micelle and
the polar groups are on the outside.
 Oil-soluble water insoluble compounds such as dyes, are often into the center of the
micelle attracted by the hydrocarbon group. This process is known as solubilization.

Soap and Detergent Industry

Figure 4. The Formation of a micelle

Detergent and soap have water attracting (hydrophilic) groups on one end of the
molecule and water-repelling (hydrophobic) groups on the other. These special properties used
in soil removal.

Figure 5. Soap and Detergent Molecule

Soap and Detergent Industry


Raw Materials




Figure 6. Raw materials in production of detergent

 Any compounds that affects (usually reduces) surface tension when dissolved in water
or water solutios, or which similarly affects interfacial tension between 2 liquids.
 Soap; is such a material, but the term is most frequently applied to organic derivatives
such as; sodium salts of high molecular weight alkyl sulfates or sulfonates.
 The surfactants of both soap and detergent perform the primary cleaning and sudsing
of the washing action in the same way the reduction of surface tension.


 Boost detergent power.

 They prevent redeposition of soil from the wash water on fabrics.


Soap and Detergent Industry

 sodium tripolyphosphates
 tetrasodium phosphate

During 1960'sthe growth of algae and eutrophication in lakes became linked to the
presence of phosphates in detergents. Several states restricted phosphate use so that
substitute had to be found the 1st compound suggested was nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), but was
declared carcinogen in 1970. but new research result have vindicated its safety in 1980.

 Corrosion inhibitor protect metal and washer parts, utensils, and dishes from action
of detergent and water.
 Anti-redeposition agents (Carboxylmethyl cellulose)
 Tarnish inhibitors, carry the work on the corrosion inhibitor and extend protection to
metals such as German silver.
 Fabric brighteners, are fluorescent dyes which makes fabrics look brighter because of
the ability to convert ultraviolet light to visible light.
 Antimicrobial agents, Carbanilides, Salicylanildes and Cationics.

Soap and Detergent Industry

Manufacturing Process of Detergent

Figure 7. Simplified continuous flowchart for the production of heavy-duty detergent

granules. (Procter & Gamble Co.)

 SULFONATION-SULFATION. The Alkylbenzene is introduced continuously into the

sulfonator with the requisite amount of Oleum, using the dominant bath principle to control
the heat of sulfonation conversion and maintain the temperature at about 55oC. Into the
sulfonated mixture is fed the tallow alcohol and more of the Oleum.

 All are pump through the sulfater, also operating on the dominant bath principle, to
maintain the temperature at 50-55oC, thus manufacturing a mixture of surfactantant slurry. The
surfactant slurry is conducted to storage.

Soap and Detergent Industry

 NEUTRALIZATION. The sulfonated sulfated products are neutralized with NaOH solution
under controlled temperature to maintain fluidity of the surfactant slurry. The surfactant slurry
is conducted to storage. The surfactant slurry, the sodium tripolyphosphate, and most of the
miscellaneous additives are introduced into the crutcher. A considerable amount of water
is removed, and the paste is thickened by the Tripolyphosphate hydration reaction.

Na5P3O10 + 6H2O  Na5P3O10 * 6H2O

Sodium tripolyphosphate Sodium tripolyphosphatehexahydrate

 The mixture is pumped to an upper story, where it is sprayed under high pressure into
the 24-m high spray tower, counter to hot air from furnace. Dried granules of acceptable shape
and size and suitable density are formed. the dried granules are transferred to an upper story
again by an air lift which cools them from 115oC and stabilizes the granules. The granules are
separated in a cyclone, screened, perfumed and packed.

Soap and Detergent Industry

Requisite amt. of Oleum

Dominant Bath Principle



Surfactant Storage
(Neutralize by NaOH Sol’n)

Upper Story

Sodium tripolyphosphate
Surfactant Slurry
Addititves Cyclone



Drop Tank &

High Pressure Pump

Spray Tower

Dried Granules

Figure 8. Schematic Diagram of Detergent Manufacturing

Soap and Detergent Industry


Soaps on the other hand, are created by mixing a fat (usually a vegetable oil) with
caustic soda (like Lye or Potassium hydroxide).

The Basic Chemical Reaction In Soap Manifacturing

3NaOH + (C17H35COO)3C3H5  3C17H35COONa + C3H5(OH)3

Caustic Soda Glyceryl Stearate Sodium Stearate Glycerin
Raw Materials

Tallow contains mixed glycerides obtained from the solid fat of cattle by steam
rendering. This solid fat is digested with steam; and tallow forms a layer above the water .

Grease are obtained from hogs and small domestic animals and importance source of
glycerides of fatty acids. They are refined by steam rendering or by solvent extraction and are
seldom used without being blended with other fats.
Soap from coconut oil is firm anfd lathers well. It contains large proportions of very
desirable glycerides of lauric and myristic acid
Inorganic chemicals such as caustic soda, salt, soda ash, and caustic potash, as well as
sodium silicate, sodium bicarbonate, and trisodium phosphate are added as builders.

Manufacturing Process of Soap

This is the process in making soap. The word milled refers to the fact that, during
processing, the soap goes through several sets of heavy rolls or mills which mix and knead it. A
much more uniform product is obtained, and much direct labor is saved.

Soap and Detergent Industry

Figure 9. Making Soap in Milled Bars

As soap technology changed, continuous alkaline saponification was introduced.

Computer control allows an automated plant for continuous saponification by NaOH of oils and
fats to produce in 2 hours the same amount of soap (more than 300t /day) made in 2-5 days in
traditional batch method.

Soap and Detergent Industry


Chilling rolls







Figure 10. Schematic Diagram of Soap Manufacturing

Other Manufacturing Process of Soap

Soap requires two major raw materials: fat and alkali. The alkali most commonly used
today is sodium hydroxide. Potassium hydroxide can also be used. Potassium-based soap
creates a more water-soluble product than sodium-based soap, and so it is called "soft soap."
Soft soap, alone or in combination with sodium-based soap, is commonly used in shaving
Animal fat in the past was obtained directly from a slaughterhouse. Modern soap
makers use fat that has been processed into fatty acids. This eliminates many impurities, and it
produces as byproduct water instead of glycerin. Many vegetable fats, including olive oil, palm
kernel oil, and coconut oil, are also used in soap making.

Soap and Detergent Industry

Additives are used to enhance the color, texture, and scent of soap. Fragrances and
perfumes are added to the soap mixture to

Figure 11. The Kettle Process

The above illustrations show the kettle process of making soap. Cover the odor of dirt
and to leave behind a fresh-smelling scent. Abrasives to enhance the texture of soap include
talc, silica, and marble pumice (volcanic ash). Soap made without dye is a dull grey or brown
color, but modern manufacturers color soap to make it more enticing to the consumer.

The Manufacturing Process

The kettle method of making soap is still used today by small soap manufacturing
companies. This process takes from four to eleven days to complete, and the quality of each
batch is inconsistent due to the variety of oils used. Around 1940, engineers and scientists
developed a more efficient manufacturing process, called the continuous process. This
procedure is employed by large soap manufacturing companies all around the world today.
Exactly as the name states, in the continuous process soap is produced continuously, rather
than one batch at a time. Technicians have more control of the production in the continuous
process, and the steps are much quicker than in the kettle method—it takes only about six
hours to complete a batch of soap.

Soap and Detergent Industry

The Kettle Process


1 Fats and alkali are melted in a kettle, which is a steel tank that can stand three stories
high and hold several thousand pounds of material. Steam coils within the kettle heat the batch
and bring it to a boil. After boiling, the mass thickens as the fat reacts with the alkali, producing
soap and glycerin.


2 The soap and glycerin must now be separated. The mixture is treated with salt,
causing the soap to rise to the top and the glycerin to settle to the bottom. The glycerin is
extracted from the bottom of the kettle.


3 To remove the small amounts of fat that have not saponified, a strong caustic solution
is added to the kettle. This step in the process is called "strong change." The mass is brought to
a boil again, and the last of the fat turns to soap. The batch may be given another salt
treatment at this time, or the manufacturer may proceed to the next step.


4 The next step is called "pitching." The soap in the kettle is boiled again with added
water. The mass eventually separates into two layers. The top layer is called "neat soap," which
is about 70% soap and 30% water. The lower layer, called "nigre," contains most of the
impurities in the soap such as dirt and salt, as well as most of the water. The neat soap is taken
off the top. The soap is then cooled. The finishing process is the

Soap and Detergent Industry

Figure 12. The Continuous Process

Developed around 1940 and used by today's major soap-making companies, the above
illustrations show the continuous process of making soap.

The Continuous Process


1 The first step of the continuous process splits natural fat into fatty acids and glycerin.
The equipment used is a vertical stainless steel column with the diameter of a barrel called a
hydrolizer. It may be as tall as 80 feet (24 m). Pumps and meters attached to the column allow
precise measurements and control of the process. Molten fat is pumped into one end of the
column, while at the other end water at high temperature (266°F [130°C]) and pressure is
introduced. This splits the fat into its two components. The fatty acid and glycerin are pumped
out continuously as more fat and water enter. The fatty acids are then distilled for purification.

Soap and Detergent Industry


2 The purified fatty acids are next mixed with a precise amount of alkali to form soap.
Other ingredients such as abrasives and fragrance are also mixed in. The hot liquid soap may be
then whipped to incorporate air.


3 The soap may be poured into molds and allowed to harden into a large slab. It may
also be cooled in a special freezer. The slab is cut into smaller pieces of bar size, which are then
stamped and wrapped. The entire continuous process, from splitting to finishing, can be
accomplished in several hours.


4 Most toiletry soap undergoes additional processing called milling. The milled bar
lathers up better and has a finer consistency than non-milled soap. The cooled soap is fed
through several sets of heavy rollers (mills), which crush and knead it. Perfumes can best be
incorporated at this time because their volatile oils do not evaporate in the cold mixture. After
the soap emerges from the mills, it is pressed into a smooth cylinder and extruded. The
extruded soap is cut into bar size, stamped and wrapped.


Glycerin is a very useful byproduct of soap manufacture. It is used to make hand lotion,
drugs, and nitroglycerin, the main component of explosives such as dynamite.


Glycerol (also called glycerine or glycerin) is a simple polyol (sugar alcohol) compound.
It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is widely used in pharmaceutical formulations.
Glycerol has three hydroxyl groups that are responsible for its solubility in water and

Soap and Detergent Industry

its hygroscopic nature. The glycerol backbone is central to all lipids known as triglycerides.
Glycerol is sweet-tasting and generally considered non-toxic.

Approximately 950,000 tons per year are produced in the United States and Europe;
350,000 tons of glycerol were produced per year in the United States alone from 2000–
2004. Production will increase as the EU directive 2003/30/EC is implemented, which requires
the replacement of 5.75% of petroleum fuels with biofuel across all Member States by 2010, as
glycerol is a byproduct in the production of biodiesel. It is projected that by the year 2020,
production will be six times more than demand.

Hydrolysis process description to produce fatty acid and co-product glycerol:

This technique is advance in controlling the separation process and high recovery of glycerol in
single process cycle.Zinc oxide catalyst is used during the hydrolysis step that takes place when
water along with high-pressure steam is made contact with counter flow of oil in a separating
column. 5 Mpa pressure and 250-260oC temperature are maintained in the column. Liquid-
liquid contact column is used for this operation, from its bottom the separated glycerol is
removed continuously and from top fatty acids is sent to vacuum dryer and separator. Zinc
oxide and saponified fatty material is removed by the vacuum separator and to improve it
quality in colour and smell. Bottom stream from hydrolizer contains 15-20% glycerine, ZnO and
partially saponified fats. Glycerin is purified by ion exchange and concentrated in triple effect
evaporator to produce yellow glycerol, it is used for industrial application. It is reacted with
activated carbon to obtain white USP grade glycerin with 99% concentration.

Chemical reaction in hydrolyser

(R-COO)3C3H5 + 3H2O ↔ 3R.COO.H + C3H5(OH)3

Tri-glyceride + water ↔ fatty acid + glycerine (sweet water)

Soap and Detergent Industry

Figure 13. Process flow Diagram of fatty acid and glycerol production from edible oil and fat

Soap and Detergent Industry

Who Invented Soap? (2014). Retrieved on October 23, 2014 from

Eutrophication. (2014). Retrieved on October 23, 2014 from

Micelle. (2014). Retrieved on October 23, 2014 from

Anionic, nonionic, cationic — what do they all mean? (2014). Retrieved on October 23,
2014 from

Glycerin. (2014). Retrieve last October 23, 2014 from

Continuous process to produce fatty acid and co-product glycerol from oils and fats
(2014). Retrieved on October 23,

Cavitch, Susan M. The Natural Soap Book: Making Herbal and Vegetable-Based
Soaps. Storey Communications, 1995.

Maine, Sandy. The Soap Book: Simple Herbal Recipes. Interweave Press, 1995.

Spitz, Luis, ed. Soap Technologies in the 1990s. American Oil Chemists Society, 1990.

Austin, George T. Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries. 5th Edition USA.


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