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Acta 15, 172-178 (1976)

Thermodynamics Division, A.E.R.E. Harwell, Oxfordshire

Unsteady elastico-viscous flow in a rotaüng pipe
P. W. James
With 3 figures
(Received December t0, 1975)

I. Introduction but not the overall pattern of flow, results in

exact parallel with those of Thomas and V¢alters
Steady flows through stationary curved pipes
(14) for the Dean regime. Further work, both
and through rotating straight pipes are two
theoretical and experimental, has recently been
hydrodynamical regimes that have received
carried out on the rotating scheme by Gunn,
considerable attention in the literature, both
Mena and Walters (6). These authors work with
from the theoretical and experimental viewpoints.
a more widely applicable liquid model than
The theoretical analysis of the former problem
that used by Jones and Lewis, but their findings
was first undertaken by Dean (4,5). In his
confirm the similarity that exists between steady
analysis, for a purely viscous incompressible
flows in the Dean and Barua schemes.
liquid, Dean showed that the flow could be
It is not until recent times that attention has
characterized by a single parameter equal to
been focussed on unsteady flows in the above
the product of the square of a Reynolds number
Dean and Barua configurations. Lyne (12) and
and the ratio of radius of cross-section to radius
Zalosh and Nelson (17) have looked theoretically
of curvature. For small values of this parameter
at the problem of purely viscous incompressible
Dean showed that a secondary flow, comprising
flow in a stationary curved pipe under the
two cell patterns, is set up in the cross-section
influence of a periodic pressure gradient, of
of the pipe and has the effect of reducing the
zero mean. It was found that the secondary
volume flow rate produced by a given pressure
flow set up in the cross-section of the pipe
gradient. Dean's findings were amply verified
consists of a time independent part together
by the experimental work of White (16) and
with a part oscillating at twice the frequency
Adler (1).
of the applied pressure gradient. The most
Nearly thirty years after the publication of
striking feature to emerge from these analyses
Dean's work, Barua (2) looked at the problem
was that for high frequencies the direction of the
of steady flow of a purely viscous liquid in a
steady secondary streaming, in the region away
straight pipe of circular cross-section rotating
from the pipe wall, is opposite to what one
perpendicular to its length. For smaU values of would expect from a consideration of centrifugal
a Reynolds number based on the angular effects, being now directed towards the centre
velocity of the pipe, Barua showed that a
of curvature 1). Lyne (12) was able to verify
secondary flow is set up in the cross-section of
experimentally the prediction of secondary flow
the pipe, similar to that established by Dean
reversal and further experimental support has
in the stationary curved pipe regime. This
recently been given by Bertelsen (3).
secondary flow again has the effect of reducing The qualitatively similar effects found in both
the volume flow rate produced by a given pres- the Dean and Barua schemes under steady
sure gradient. conditions have prompted the author to examine
Jones and Lewis (9) have in the meantime whether or not this similarity carries over under
extended the analysis of Barua to cover a wider
class of liquids, namely elastico-viscous liquids t) James (7) has looked further at this problem to
of type B' (15). Their analysis shows that the ascertain the role of elasticity, and has established that
presence of elasticity can strongly influence the elasticity can have the effect of reducing the critical
volume flow rate pressure gradient relationship (high) frequency which onsets flow reversal.
James, Unsteady elastico-viscous flow in a rotating pipe 173

unsteady conditions. It is the purpose of the We define a stream function O(x, y, t) in the
present work to analyse the flow of an elastico- usual way by writing
viscous liquid of type B' through a straight pipe
of circular cross-section, rotating with constant
angular velocity perpendicular to its length, u = -~-y, v - (?x [2.3]
under the influence of a periodic pressure
The equations of motion and of state have
gradient. In particular the possibility of(elasticity
to be solved simultaneously for the variables ~, w
induced) flow reversal at high frequencies is
investigated. (and p") subject to the boundary conditions
t~, &/,
2. Mathematical formulation w = ax ay = 0 on f(x,y)=O, [2.4]

We first formulate the problem for a pipe of together with the requirement that these variables
arbitrary cross-section rotating with constant are finite throughout the region of flow.
angular velocity f2 about an axis perpendicular It is clear that p" can be written in the form
to its iength. For this purpose it is convenient
to re[er the motion to a Cartesian frame of p" - } (22(y 2 + z 2) ~-- --~Ô(t)Z -~ p'(x,y,t), [2.5]
reference O x y z rotating with angular velocity where p'(x, y, t) is determined by the equations
(O, 0,0), 0z being along the axis of the pipe of motion and /5(t) denotes a time-dependent
so that the pipe wall may be represented by gradient of stress along the pipe in excess of that
f ( x , y ) = 0. Referred to these coordinates the which maintains a rigid body motion (u = v =
physical components of the velocity vector w = 0). We take
v~(= u, v,w) and those of the partial stress
tensor 2), Pik, are taken to be functions of x,y [~(t) = Pe i"', [2.6] 3)
and t (the time), independent of z. The equations
where the constants P and n/21r denote the
of motion and of continuity then reduce to

(au au
p ä 7 + UäTx + v
~~) amplitude and frequency respectively of the
excess axial gradient of Pzz over that which
maintains a rigid body motion.
Before proceeding we non-dimensionalize the
variables by means of the following substitu-
- ~x +--gT-x + ~y ' tions:

p -~- - 2wf2 - ~Q2y nt- u ~ _ x q_ 1) w =(vo/a)w, ( x , y , z ) = a ( x , y , z ) , ~ = Vo~,

' 1
[2.13 t = t/n, p' = (qo vo/a2)p ', P'ik = (qo vo/a2)pik,
c~p'__~' ~p;,
- ~?y +--&-fix + O y ' [2.73

where a is a characteristic length of the pipe

p --Õ-[--k-21)(2-O2z+u~x q- v
cross-section, r/0 = ~ N(z)dz (N(r) being the re-
@" . Op~~ Opy'~ laxation spectrum) and Vo = qo/P. No confusion
-- -~z +--~x + Oy ' should arise over the use of the same symbols
for dimensional and non-dimensional variables;
throughout the remainder of the analysis all
Ou 8v variables will be taken to be non-dimensional.
~--~-+ ~ = 0. [2.2]
After eliminating p' by cross-differentiation
we arrive at the following pair of equations for
Here p is the liquid density. flow in the cross-section and along the axis
of the pipe:
2) The partial stress tensor, P'ik, is defined in terms of
the stress tensor Pik, the metric tensor of the coordinate
system, 9~k, and an arbitrary isotropic pressure p", in 3) Real parts are to be understood whenever complex
the usual way, namely pik = --P"gik + P'~k. quantities are used to represent physical variables.
174 Rheologica Acta, Vol.'15, No. 3/4 (1976)

a n d V 2 is the usual two-dimensional Laplace

operator. The boundary conditions for eqs.
[2.8] and [2.9] are given by eq. [2.4].

3. Method of solution •ith associated boundary conditions

When R is zero, corresponding to flow in a
stationary pipe, we see from eq. [2.8] that a
solution with velocity distribution (O,O,w(x,y,t))
is possible provided

It has been established by Jones and Walters

(11) that this condition is automatically satisfied
for liquid B', the corresponding velocity and
partial stress distribution being of the form

In order to proceed, we assume (2) that R is

sufficiently small to justify expanding the relevant
dynamic and kinematic variables in power
series in R, and in what follows we work only It is important to notice that the form of the
to first order in R. The procedure by which the above solution to the unsteady rotating pipe
partial stresses are evaluated as functions of w problem is fundamentally different from that
and ~ is straightforward but involves rather to the unsteady (stationary) curved pipe problem
heavy algebra, and is not described here (for in that the streaming in the cross-section has
details, see (8)). We find that a solution for w
and 0 exists in the form 4) An overbar is used to denote complex conjugate.
James, Unsteady elastico-v&cous.17owin a rotating pipe 175

no steady component, whereas the secondary The abovc integrals can be evaluated explicitly
axial velocity does have a steady component. in terms of Bessel functions and infinite series
Thus it is seen that the qualitatively similar of hypergeometric functions, but the resulting
effects found in the Dean and Barua schemes expressions, although straight forward to evaluate
under steady conditions are not found under numerically, are not amenable to analytical
unsteady conditions of the type considered investigation and are not given here. (For
here, and this result is true o f b o t h purely viscous details see (8).)
and elastico-viscous liquids. In the next section we determine the effects of
elasticity on ws by focussing attention on a
4. Pipe of eircular cross-section particular relaxation spectrum N(z). Before
When the cross-section of the pipe is a circlc proceeding, however, it is instructive to note
of radius a, the solutions to eqs. [3.4], [3.5], that at low frequencies the following approximate
[3.6] and [3.7] are of the form expressions for #, Z, w~ and w~ may be obtained:

w{°'11 = ~,(r), ~,{~'1} = z(r) cosO, ~:(r) = 4 ( 1 - r z) + O(~2) ,

w{1,o} = wC{r)sinO, w{1'2) = wU(r)sinO,
z(r) = pr(1 - r2) 2
where r,O are (non-dimensional) polar coordi- 384 + 0(«2) '
nates defined by x = r cosO, y = r sinO, r = 1
representing the pipe wall. We find
w'(r) = w"(r) = T
T~ r(1 - r 2) {3(1 + 16m)
ip ( Jo(kr)~ [4.23 5)
ü,{r} = - 7 ~ J-õB~/' -- 3r2(1 + 16m)+ r 4} +O(0{4).
z ( r ) - 4~4Jo(k) ×

[ {J3(k) - 3 J1(k)} {kJa(kr) - krJl{k)}

2Jl(k) - kJo(k) + kJ2{k)
These solutions reduce to those of Barua for
the purely viscous regime, corresponding to
m = 0 , and agree with those of Jones and
Lewis (9) for the steady elastico-viscous regime 6).
+ r{Jo(kr) - Jo(k) + J2(k) - J 2 ( k r } l ] , We therefore conclude that at low frequencies
[4.3] the flow pattern approaches that which would be
produced by a steady pressure gradient of the
where Jù denotes the Bessel function of the first same instantaneous value. The analyses of
kind of order n, and we define Im(k) < O. Barua and Jones and Lewis show that for the
From now on we shall be mainly concerned steady regime there is no possibility of a second-
with the steady component of secondary axial ary axial flow reversal, thus we conclude that
velocity wC(r), the solution for which may be flow reversal will not be a feature of the present
written unsteady regime at low frequencies. This con-
mz(r) d(v Il(r) I2(r) clusion is confirmed by the numerical caleu-
wC(r) = -- + r--
2r dr 2r 2 lations performed in the next section.
For high frequencies of oscillation a boundary
+ T- (11(1) - I2(1)). [4.4] layer analysis can also be carried out in order
to obtain simpler expressions for #, :Z and w~
Here 11 (r) and I2(r) are defined by
than those given here. This analysis, and the
1 r ) ~__~_ solutions thus obtained, is given in detail in
Il{r) =~-(1 - ( m - r h ) k Z ) ~ t Z ( t dt,
James(8), but is not included here since it
furnishes no simple criterion for the onset of
secondary axial flow reversal.
z o t dt

5) Jones and Walters(10) have examined the solution 0) The analysis of Jones and Lewis (9) contains a
given by eq. [4.2] in detail for liquid B', paying partic- slight algebraic error in that their solution correspond-
ular attention to its boundary layer nature at high ing to wC(w") should contain a term 16m instead of
frequency. 18m.
176 Rheologica Acta, VoL 15, No. 3/4 (1976)

5. Numerical illustration midway between the centre of the pipe (r = 0)

In this section, in order to make specific and the pipe wall (r = 1) and as A decreases
remarks about the nature of the steady com- this maximum value greatly increases (fig. 1).
ponent of secondary axial velocity ws, we focus Thus for the low frequency regime we see that
the steady 'drift' velocity of liquid along the
attention on the Oldroyd three-constant spec-
pipe may be expected to be far greater for some
trum (13, 15) for which simple prototype
elastico-viscous liquids than for purely viscous
( 1 + i2Aa2~ 2(1 - A) liquids 7).
Km = qo i ~_'/-'~~2 j and m 1 + i2Π2 ' The more interesting results are obtained
for the highly oscillatory regime for which Πis
[5.1] large. As can be seen from figs. 2 and 3, the
Here the dimensionless parameters 2 and A velocity ws changes rapidly in the region close
are defined in terms of the stress and strain to the wall (indicating the expected boundary
relaxation times, 21 and 2» by 2=21vo/a 2 layer nature of the flow) and there exist critical
and A =22/2t. The purely viscous liquid is values of A below which flow reversal takes
obtained by wfiting A = 1(22=).1) and, in
general, )-1 and 22 satisfy the inequality 3 -r °J~xf010
21 > 22 > 0.
The numerical results show that for a fixed
value of 2 the (ws, r) velocity profiles fall broadly
into two categories depending on whether «
is large or small. For small values of Πit is
found that ws increases to its maximum value
9 c05xi05



o.'e o:~ 0:6 WD.e\ »d,-



3 2

Fig. 2. (w~,r) velocity profiles for « = 10.0, 2 = 0.5.
(1)A=0.72, (2) A 0.7, (3) A=0.68, (4) A=0.65.
(p = 1.0)

0"2 0"14- O'b 0"8 1.Of 7) We stress that there is no net steady drifl of liquid
along the pipe since
Fig. 1. (wS,r) velocity' profiles for «=0.1, 2=0.5.
(I) A = 1.0, (2) A=0.75, (3) A=0.5, (4) A=0.25. w~l'°lrdrdO = O.
(p = 1.0) r=O 0~0
James, Unsteady elastico-viscous flow in a rotating pipe 177

•6oSxlO1~ straight pipe of circular cross-section has a

steady component when the applied pressure
gradient along the pipe is purely oscillatory.
6- This steady component, while producing no net
axial flow, results in a drift of liquid elements
along the pipe, being in opposite directions
/4- along either side of the central plane containing
the axis of the pipe and the axis of rotation. For
purely viscous liquids the direction of drift is
the same at all frequencies of oscillation, but
when elasticity is present flow reversal at high
frequencies can occur. Since the dominant
0.2 o.~. 0.6 0.6' 1-01r component of secondary axial velocity is steady
(at high frequencies) it should be possible to
-2 verify these predictions experimentally.

-#. The author acknowledges the many helpful comments

throughout this analysis from Dr. J.R. Jones, De-
partment of Applied Mathematics, University College
of Swansea. The receipt of a maintenance award from
the Science Research Council is also gratefully ac-

An analysis is presented of incompressible flow in
a straight pipe of circular cross-section, rotating about
an axis perpendicular to its length, under the influence
of a periodic pressure gradient. It is shown that the
secondary axial velocity along the pipe is comprised
of a steady part and an unsteady part oscillating at
Fig. 3. (w~,r) velocity profiles for ~ = 15.0, 2 = 0.5. twice the frequency of the applied pressure gradient.
(1)A= 1.0, (2) A=0.75, (3) A=0.5, (4) A=0.25. Of particular interest is the steady component of
(p = 1.0) velocity for which it is shown that, at high frequencies,
a reversal of drift in certain regions can be induced.

place. For a given (large) value o f t , as A decreases,

the flow reversal occurs first at the pipe wall and ZusammenJassung
eventually extends into the core region. However Es wird eine Analyse der inkompressiblen Strömung
it is pointed out that there are no reversal in einem geraden Rohr mit rundem Querschnitt, das
effects exhibited for the value A = 1 and thus um eine senkrecht zu seiner Länge verlaufende Achse
such effects arise solely from the presence of rotiert, unter dem Einfluß eines periodischen Druck-
elasticity. gradienten gegeben. Dabei wird gezeigt, daß die sekun-
däre axiale Anströmungsgeschwindigkeit in der Röhre
The above results have been computed for aus einem stationären Anteil und aus einem nicht-
a fixed value of 2. When A is fixed and 2 varied stationären Anteil besteht. Der letztere oszilliert mit
it is found that there is no appreciable effect einer Frequenz, die doppelt so groß ist wie die des
on the high frequency (ws, r) velocity profiles, wirkenden Druckgradienten. Von besonderem In-
teresse ist der stationäre Anteil der Angströmge-
whereas for low frequencies the velocity profiles schwindigkeit, Für den gezeigt wird, daß bei hohen
are of the same general 'shape' as in fig. 1, but Frequenzen in gewissen Bereichen eine Umkehr der
the m a x i m u m value attained by ws for a given Strömungsrichtung herbeigeführt werden kann•
A( 4: 1) increases with increasing 2.
6. Concluding remarks 1) Adler, M., Z.Angew. Math. Mech. 14, 125 (1934).
2) Barua, S. N., Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 227, 133
It has been shown that the secondary axial (1954).
velocity induced by the slow rotation of a 3) Bertelsen. A. F., J. Fluid Mech. 70, 519 (1975).
178 Rheologica Acta, Vol. 15, No. 3/4 (1976)

4) Dean, W. R., Phil. Mag. 4, 208 (1927). 14) Thomas, R. H., K. Walters, J. Fluid Mech. 16,
5) Dean, W. R., Phil. Mag. 5, 673 (1928). 22,~ (1963}.
6) Gunn, R. W., B. Mena, K. Walters, Z. Angew. 15) Walters, K., in : M. Reiner, D. Abir (eds.), Second-
Math. Phys. 25, 591 (1974). order effects in elasticity, plasticity and fluid dynamics,
7) James, P. W., Rheol. Acta 14, 679 (1975). pp. 507-519 (New York 1964).
8) James, P. W., Ph. D., Thesis University of 16) White, C. M., Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 123, 645
Wales (1975). (1929).
9) Jones, J. R., M. K. Lewis, Rheol. Acta 7, 307 17) Zalosh, R. G., W. G. Nelson, J. Fluid Mech. 59,
(1968). 693 (1973).
1O) Jones, J. R., T. S. Walters, Rheol. Acta 6, 240
(1967). Author's address :
11) Jones, J. R., T. S. Walters, Rheol. Acta 6, 330
(1967). P. W. James
12) Lyne, W. H., J. Fluid Mech. 50, 13 (1970). Thermodynamics Division
13) Oldroyd, J. G., Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 200, 523 A. E. R. E. Harwell
(1950). Oxfordshire (England)

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